Update to 0.5

Bug #418974 reported by Ken VanDine
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
xsplash (Ubuntu)
Fix Released
Cody Russell

Bug Description

Binary package hint: xsplash

Latest upstream version

Changed in xsplash (Ubuntu):
assignee: nobody → Ken VanDine (ken-vandine)
status: New → In Progress
Revision history for this message
Ken VanDine (ken-vandine) wrote :
Revision history for this message
Daniel Holbach (dholbach) wrote :

The gdm Build-Depends is probably not right - you won't need the user on the Build machine.

Revision history for this message
Ken VanDine (ken-vandine) wrote :

Dropped the build depends for gdm, should be ready now.

Revision history for this message
Martin Pitt (pitti) wrote :

Please drop the postinst. It's brittle since it depends on gdm being configured already without an explicit depends (which we don't want). Now, you could create the system user if it isn't present, but a suid binary which other users can't run is still ugly.

The proper way to drop privileges is to call getpwnam(USER) and setuid(pw.pw_uid) at the start of your program, where USER is "gdm" or the ./configure option value from config.h.

Changed in xsplash (Ubuntu):
status: In Progress → Incomplete
Changed in xsplash (Ubuntu):
assignee: Ken VanDine (ken-vandine) → Cody Russell (bratsche)
Revision history for this message
Ken VanDine (ken-vandine) wrote :

OK, published 0.6 tarball with this fix. The packaging branch is at lp:~ubuntu-desktop/xsplash/ubuntu/

Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

This bug was fixed in the package xsplash - 0.6-0ubuntu1

xsplash (0.6-0ubuntu1) karmic; urgency=low

  [ Ken VanDine ]
  * New version (LP: #418974)
    - Don't set xsplash binary setuid gdm, use setuid in xsplash
    - Xsplash flickers and uses the gtk_color_scheme's window background
      color (LP: #416004)
    - Image size popping on login (LP: #411720)
    - xsplash crashed with signal 5 in g_type_create_instance() (LP: #412648)
    - Fixes for the non-compositing case
    - Added configure time argument to allow building with a user to run as
    - Added throbber and logo
    - Added command line arguments to set:
      * background image
      * logo image
      * throbber image
      * number of frames for the throbber
      * pingpong (reverse throbber)
  * debian/rules:
    - Added --with-user=gdm to configure

  [ Martin Pitt ]
  * debian/control: Fix Vcs-*.

 -- Ken VanDine <email address hidden> Wed, 26 Aug 2009 18:09:27 +0200

Changed in xsplash (Ubuntu):
status: Incomplete → Fix Released
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