Registered by lszyba1
DataHub is a tool that allows you to quickly find and create data mining programs that are able to crawl, parse, and load the data source into database or other types of useful forms.

Datahub is a tool that allows faster download/crawl, parse, load, and visualize of data. It achieves this by allowing you to divide each step into its own work folders. In each work folder you get a sample files that you can start coding.
Datahub is for people who found some interesting data source for them, they want to download it, parse it, load it into database, provide some documentation, and visualize it.
Datahub starts with a base default template and you fill in the blanks. Fill in a download_list.txt in crawl folder, fill in the parse code in parse folder, fill in the database structure and load code in load folder...

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