
Registered by Peter Levi

Ojo - a fast and pretty image viewer. [Pronounced 'oho']

Ojo's goals:

1. Ojo should start and show a single image as fast as possible - 90% of the time this is all that an image viewer is used for
2. It should look great
3. There should be some level of RAW support - most other image viewers don't have any
4. It must be convenient for photography work:
- It should be easy to quickly zoom-in to 100% to a certain part of the image.
- EXIF info display
- It should provide quick browsing and thumbnailing, grouping by date
- It should provide some simple but convenient Trash, Copy and Move functionality,

Ojo is based on these technologies: python, GTK and html/js/css with jQuery in an embedded WebKit

Project information

Ojo Developers
Peter Levi

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master series is the current focus of development.

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Version control system:
Programming languages:
python, html, javascript, css

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