Registered by Duane Hinnen

Save a list of installed applications, .config files, and other settings to a couchDB. Sync this DB to other computers with Ubuntu One. This application also helps you install those packages and .config files on your other computers.

Stipple loads its plugins depending on what applications you have installed. For instance it won't offer to sync your .emacs file if you do not have emacs installed. You select the options you would like then click 'Sync'. It syncs its DB using desktopcouch and Ubuntu One. On the receiving computer you do the exact same process but click 'Restore'. New plugins are easy to make and we are adding new ones all the time. As the destop teams OneConf becomes available we may drop the package sync plugin and concentrate on syncing user .config files, folders and other settings.

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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