diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/ABOUT-NLS empathy-3.3.92/ABOUT-NLS --- empathy-3.3.91/ABOUT-NLS 2012-03-06 14:52:48.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/ABOUT-NLS 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,1068 +0,0 @@ -1 Notes on the Free Translation Project -*************************************** - -Free software is going international! The Free Translation Project is -a way to get maintainers of free software, translators, and users all -together, so that free software will gradually become able to speak many -languages. A few packages already provide translations for their -messages. - - If you found this `ABOUT-NLS' file inside a distribution, you may -assume that the distributed package does use GNU `gettext' internally, -itself available at your nearest GNU archive site. But you do _not_ -need to install GNU `gettext' prior to configuring, installing or using -this package with messages translated. - - Installers will find here some useful hints. These notes also -explain how users should proceed for getting the programs to use the -available translations. They tell how people wanting to contribute and -work on translations can contact the appropriate team. - - When reporting bugs in the `intl/' directory or bugs which may be -related to internationalization, you should tell about the version of -`gettext' which is used. The information can be found in the -`intl/VERSION' file, in internationalized packages. - -1.1 Quick configuration advice -============================== - -If you want to exploit the full power of internationalization, you -should configure it using - - ./configure --with-included-gettext - -to force usage of internationalizing routines provided within this -package, despite the existence of internationalizing capabilities in the -operating system where this package is being installed. So far, only -the `gettext' implementation in the GNU C library version 2 provides as -many features (such as locale alias, message inheritance, automatic -charset conversion or plural form handling) as the implementation here. -It is also not possible to offer this additional functionality on top -of a `catgets' implementation. Future versions of GNU `gettext' will -very likely convey even more functionality. So it might be a good idea -to change to GNU `gettext' as soon as possible. - - So you need _not_ provide this option if you are using GNU libc 2 or -you have installed a recent copy of the GNU gettext package with the -included `libintl'. - -1.2 INSTALL Matters -=================== - -Some packages are "localizable" when properly installed; the programs -they contain can be made to speak your own native language. Most such -packages use GNU `gettext'. Other packages have their own ways to -internationalization, predating GNU `gettext'. - - By default, this package will be installed to allow translation of -messages. It will automatically detect whether the system already -provides the GNU `gettext' functions. If not, the included GNU -`gettext' library will be used. This library is wholly contained -within this package, usually in the `intl/' subdirectory, so prior -installation of the GNU `gettext' package is _not_ required. -Installers may use special options at configuration time for changing -the default behaviour. The commands: - - ./configure --with-included-gettext - ./configure --disable-nls - -will, respectively, bypass any pre-existing `gettext' to use the -internationalizing routines provided within this package, or else, -_totally_ disable translation of messages. - - When you already have GNU `gettext' installed on your system and run -configure without an option for your new package, `configure' will -probably detect the previously built and installed `libintl.a' file and -will decide to use this. This might not be desirable. You should use -the more recent version of the GNU `gettext' library. I.e. if the file -`intl/VERSION' shows that the library which comes with this package is -more recent, you should use - - ./configure --with-included-gettext - -to prevent auto-detection. - - The configuration process will not test for the `catgets' function -and therefore it will not be used. The reason is that even an -emulation of `gettext' on top of `catgets' could not provide all the -extensions of the GNU `gettext' library. - - Internationalized packages usually have many `po/LL.po' files, where -LL gives an ISO 639 two-letter code identifying the language. Unless -translations have been forbidden at `configure' time by using the -`--disable-nls' switch, all available translations are installed -together with the package. However, the environment variable `LINGUAS' -may be set, prior to configuration, to limit the installed set. -`LINGUAS' should then contain a space separated list of two-letter -codes, stating which languages are allowed. - -1.3 Using This Package -====================== - -As a user, if your language has been installed for this package, you -only have to set the `LANG' environment variable to the appropriate -`LL_CC' combination. If you happen to have the `LC_ALL' or some other -`LC_xxx' environment variables set, you should unset them before -setting `LANG', otherwise the setting of `LANG' will not have the -desired effect. Here `LL' is an ISO 639 two-letter language code, and -`CC' is an ISO 3166 two-letter country code. For example, let's -suppose that you speak German and live in Germany. At the shell -prompt, merely execute `setenv LANG de_DE' (in `csh'), -`export LANG; LANG=de_DE' (in `sh') or `export LANG=de_DE' (in `bash'). -This can be done from your `.login' or `.profile' file, once and for -all. - - You might think that the country code specification is redundant. -But in fact, some languages have dialects in different countries. For -example, `de_AT' is used for Austria, and `pt_BR' for Brazil. The -country code serves to distinguish the dialects. - - The locale naming convention of `LL_CC', with `LL' denoting the -language and `CC' denoting the country, is the one use on systems based -on GNU libc. On other systems, some variations of this scheme are -used, such as `LL' or `LL_CC.ENCODING'. You can get the list of -locales supported by your system for your language by running the -command `locale -a | grep '^LL''. - - Not all programs have translations for all languages. By default, an -English message is shown in place of a nonexistent translation. If you -understand other languages, you can set up a priority list of languages. -This is done through a different environment variable, called -`LANGUAGE'. GNU `gettext' gives preference to `LANGUAGE' over `LANG' -for the purpose of message handling, but you still need to have `LANG' -set to the primary language; this is required by other parts of the -system libraries. For example, some Swedish users who would rather -read translations in German than English for when Swedish is not -available, set `LANGUAGE' to `sv:de' while leaving `LANG' to `sv_SE'. - - Special advice for Norwegian users: The language code for Norwegian -bokma*l changed from `no' to `nb' recently (in 2003). During the -transition period, while some message catalogs for this language are -installed under `nb' and some older ones under `no', it's recommended -for Norwegian users to set `LANGUAGE' to `nb:no' so that both newer and -older translations are used. - - In the `LANGUAGE' environment variable, but not in the `LANG' -environment variable, `LL_CC' combinations can be abbreviated as `LL' -to denote the language's main dialect. For example, `de' is equivalent -to `de_DE' (German as spoken in Germany), and `pt' to `pt_PT' -(Portuguese as spoken in Portugal) in this context. - -1.4 Translating Teams -===================== - -For the Free Translation Project to be a success, we need interested -people who like their own language and write it well, and who are also -able to synergize with other translators speaking the same language. -Each translation team has its own mailing list. The up-to-date list of -teams can be found at the Free Translation Project's homepage, -`http://translationproject.org/', in the "Teams" area. - - If you'd like to volunteer to _work_ at translating messages, you -should become a member of the translating team for your own language. -The subscribing address is _not_ the same as the list itself, it has -`-request' appended. For example, speakers of Swedish can send a -message to `sv-request@li.org', having this message body: - - subscribe - - Keep in mind that team members are expected to participate -_actively_ in translations, or at solving translational difficulties, -rather than merely lurking around. If your team does not exist yet and -you want to start one, or if you are unsure about what to do or how to -get started, please write to `coordinator@translationproject.org' to -reach the coordinator for all translator teams. - - The English team is special. It works at improving and uniformizing -the terminology in use. Proven linguistic skills are praised more than -programming skills, here. - -1.5 Available Packages -====================== - -Languages are not equally supported in all packages. The following -matrix shows the current state of internationalization, as of November -2007. The matrix shows, in regard of each package, for which languages -PO files have been submitted to translation coordination, with a -translation percentage of at least 50%. - - Ready PO files af am ar az be bg bs ca cs cy da de el en en_GB eo - +----------------------------------------------------+ - Compendium | [] [] [] [] | - a2ps | [] [] [] [] [] | - aegis | () | - ant-phone | () | - anubis | [] | - ap-utils | | - aspell | [] [] [] [] [] | - bash | [] | - bfd | | - bibshelf | [] | - binutils | | - bison | [] [] | - bison-runtime | [] | - bluez-pin | [] [] [] [] [] | - cflow | [] | - clisp | [] [] [] | - console-tools | [] [] | - coreutils | [] [] [] [] | - cpio | | - cpplib | [] [] [] | - cryptonit | [] | - dialog | | - diffutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - doodle | [] | - e2fsprogs | [] [] | - enscript | [] [] [] [] | - fetchmail | [] [] () [] [] | - findutils | [] | - findutils_stable | [] [] [] | - flex | [] [] [] | - fslint | | - gas | | - gawk | [] [] [] | - gcal | [] | - gcc | [] | - gettext-examples | [] [] [] [] [] | - gettext-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] | - gettext-tools | [] [] | - gip | [] | - gliv | [] [] | - glunarclock | [] | - gmult | [] [] | - gnubiff | () | - gnucash | [] [] () () [] | - gnuedu | | - gnulib | [] | - gnunet | | - gnunet-gtk | | - gnutls | [] | - gpe-aerial | [] [] | - gpe-beam | [] [] | - gpe-calendar | | - gpe-clock | [] [] | - gpe-conf | [] [] | - gpe-contacts | | - gpe-edit | [] | - gpe-filemanager | | - gpe-go | [] | - gpe-login | [] [] | - gpe-ownerinfo | [] [] | - gpe-package | | - gpe-sketchbook | [] [] | - gpe-su | [] [] | - gpe-taskmanager | [] [] | - gpe-timesheet | [] | - gpe-today | [] [] | - gpe-todo | | - gphoto2 | [] [] [] [] | - gprof | [] [] | - gpsdrive | | - gramadoir | [] [] | - grep | [] [] | - gretl | () | - gsasl | | - gss | | - gst-plugins-bad | [] [] | - gst-plugins-base | [] [] | - gst-plugins-good | [] [] [] | - gst-plugins-ugly | [] [] | - gstreamer | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gtick | () | - gtkam | [] [] [] [] | - gtkorphan | [] [] | - gtkspell | [] [] [] [] | - gutenprint | [] | - hello | [] [] [] [] [] | - herrie | [] | - hylafax | | - idutils | [] [] | - indent | [] [] [] [] | - iso_15924 | | - iso_3166 | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - iso_3166_2 | | - iso_4217 | [] [] [] | - iso_639 | [] [] [] [] | - jpilot | [] | - jtag | | - jwhois | | - kbd | [] [] [] [] | - keytouch | [] [] | - keytouch-editor | [] | - keytouch-keyboa... | [] | - latrine | () | - ld | [] | - leafpad | [] [] [] [] [] | - libc | [] [] [] [] | - libexif | [] | - libextractor | [] | - libgpewidget | [] [] [] | - libgpg-error | [] | - libgphoto2 | [] [] | - libgphoto2_port | [] [] | - libgsasl | | - libiconv | [] [] | - libidn | [] [] [] | - lifelines | [] () | - lilypond | [] | - lingoteach | | - lprng | | - lynx | [] [] [] [] | - m4 | [] [] [] [] | - mailfromd | | - mailutils | [] | - make | [] [] | - man-db | [] [] [] | - minicom | [] [] [] | - nano | [] [] [] | - opcodes | [] | - parted | [] [] | - pilot-qof | | - popt | [] [] [] | - psmisc | [] | - pwdutils | | - qof | | - radius | [] | - recode | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - rpm | [] | - screem | | - scrollkeeper | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - sed | [] [] [] | - shared-mime-info | [] [] [] [] () [] [] [] | - sharutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - shishi | | - skencil | [] () | - solfege | | - soundtracker | [] [] | - sp | [] | - system-tools-ba... | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - tar | [] [] | - texinfo | [] [] [] | - tin | () () | - tuxpaint | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - unicode-han-tra... | | - unicode-transla... | | - util-linux | [] [] [] [] | - util-linux-ng | [] [] [] [] | - vorbis-tools | [] | - wastesedge | () | - wdiff | [] [] [] [] | - wget | [] [] [] | - xchat | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - xkeyboard-config | [] | - xpad | [] [] [] | - +----------------------------------------------------+ - af am ar az be bg bs ca cs cy da de el en en_GB eo - 6 0 2 1 8 26 2 40 48 2 56 88 15 1 15 18 - - es et eu fa fi fr ga gl gu he hi hr hu id is it - +--------------------------------------------------+ - Compendium | [] [] [] [] [] | - a2ps | [] [] [] () | - aegis | | - ant-phone | [] | - anubis | [] | - ap-utils | [] [] | - aspell | [] [] [] | - bash | [] | - bfd | [] [] | - bibshelf | [] [] [] | - binutils | [] [] [] | - bison | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - bison-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] | - bluez-pin | [] [] [] [] [] | - cflow | [] | - clisp | [] [] | - console-tools | | - coreutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - cpio | [] [] [] | - cpplib | [] [] | - cryptonit | [] | - dialog | [] [] [] | - diffutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - doodle | [] [] | - e2fsprogs | [] [] [] | - enscript | [] [] [] | - fetchmail | [] | - findutils | [] [] [] | - findutils_stable | [] [] [] [] | - flex | [] [] [] | - fslint | | - gas | [] [] | - gawk | [] [] [] [] () | - gcal | [] [] | - gcc | [] | - gettext-examples | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gettext-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gettext-tools | [] [] [] [] | - gip | [] [] [] [] | - gliv | () | - glunarclock | [] [] [] | - gmult | [] [] [] | - gnubiff | () () | - gnucash | () () () | - gnuedu | [] | - gnulib | [] [] [] | - gnunet | | - gnunet-gtk | | - gnutls | | - gpe-aerial | [] [] | - gpe-beam | [] [] | - gpe-calendar | | - gpe-clock | [] [] [] [] | - gpe-conf | [] | - gpe-contacts | [] [] | - gpe-edit | [] [] [] [] | - gpe-filemanager | [] | - gpe-go | [] [] [] | - gpe-login | [] [] [] | - gpe-ownerinfo | [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-package | [] | - gpe-sketchbook | [] [] | - gpe-su | [] [] [] [] | - gpe-taskmanager | [] [] [] | - gpe-timesheet | [] [] [] [] | - gpe-today | [] [] [] [] | - gpe-todo | [] | - gphoto2 | [] [] [] [] [] | - gprof | [] [] [] [] [] | - gpsdrive | [] | - gramadoir | [] [] | - grep | [] [] [] | - gretl | [] [] [] () | - gsasl | [] [] | - gss | [] [] | - gst-plugins-bad | [] [] [] [] | - gst-plugins-base | [] [] [] [] | - gst-plugins-good | [] [] [] [] [] | - gst-plugins-ugly | [] [] [] [] | - gstreamer | [] [] [] | - gtick | [] [] [] | - gtkam | [] [] [] [] | - gtkorphan | [] [] | - gtkspell | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gutenprint | [] | - hello | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - herrie | [] | - hylafax | | - idutils | [] [] [] [] [] | - indent | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - iso_15924 | [] | - iso_3166 | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - iso_3166_2 | [] | - iso_4217 | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - iso_639 | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - jpilot | [] [] | - jtag | [] | - jwhois | [] [] [] [] [] | - kbd | [] [] | - keytouch | [] [] [] | - keytouch-editor | [] | - keytouch-keyboa... | [] [] | - latrine | [] [] | - ld | [] [] [] [] | - leafpad | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - libc | [] [] [] [] [] | - libexif | [] | - libextractor | [] | - libgpewidget | [] [] [] [] [] | - libgpg-error | [] | - libgphoto2 | [] [] [] | - libgphoto2_port | [] [] | - libgsasl | [] [] | - libiconv | [] [] [] | - libidn | [] [] | - lifelines | () | - lilypond | [] [] [] | - lingoteach | [] [] [] | - lprng | | - lynx | [] [] [] | - m4 | [] [] [] [] | - mailfromd | | - mailutils | [] [] | - make | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - man-db | [] | - minicom | [] [] [] [] | - nano | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - opcodes | [] [] [] [] | - parted | [] [] [] | - pilot-qof | | - popt | [] [] [] [] | - psmisc | [] [] | - pwdutils | | - qof | [] | - radius | [] [] | - recode | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - rpm | [] [] | - screem | | - scrollkeeper | [] [] [] | - sed | [] [] [] [] [] | - shared-mime-info | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - sharutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - shishi | [] | - skencil | [] [] | - solfege | [] | - soundtracker | [] [] [] | - sp | [] | - system-tools-ba... | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - tar | [] [] [] [] [] | - texinfo | [] [] [] | - tin | [] () | - tuxpaint | [] [] | - unicode-han-tra... | | - unicode-transla... | [] [] | - util-linux | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - util-linux-ng | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - vorbis-tools | | - wastesedge | () | - wdiff | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - wget | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - xchat | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - xkeyboard-config | [] [] [] [] | - xpad | [] [] [] | - +--------------------------------------------------+ - es et eu fa fi fr ga gl gu he hi hr hu id is it - 85 22 14 2 48 101 61 12 2 8 2 6 53 29 1 52 - - ja ka ko ku ky lg lt lv mk mn ms mt nb ne nl nn - +--------------------------------------------------+ - Compendium | [] | - a2ps | () [] [] | - aegis | () | - ant-phone | [] | - anubis | [] [] [] | - ap-utils | [] | - aspell | [] [] | - bash | [] | - bfd | | - bibshelf | [] | - binutils | | - bison | [] [] [] | - bison-runtime | [] [] [] | - bluez-pin | [] [] [] | - cflow | | - clisp | [] | - console-tools | | - coreutils | [] | - cpio | [] | - cpplib | [] | - cryptonit | [] | - dialog | [] [] | - diffutils | [] [] [] | - doodle | | - e2fsprogs | [] | - enscript | [] | - fetchmail | [] [] | - findutils | [] | - findutils_stable | [] | - flex | [] [] | - fslint | | - gas | | - gawk | [] [] | - gcal | | - gcc | | - gettext-examples | [] [] [] | - gettext-runtime | [] [] [] | - gettext-tools | [] [] | - gip | [] [] | - gliv | [] | - glunarclock | [] [] | - gmult | [] [] [] | - gnubiff | | - gnucash | () () () | - gnuedu | | - gnulib | [] [] | - gnunet | | - gnunet-gtk | | - gnutls | [] | - gpe-aerial | [] | - gpe-beam | [] | - gpe-calendar | [] | - gpe-clock | [] [] [] | - gpe-conf | [] [] [] | - gpe-contacts | [] | - gpe-edit | [] [] [] | - gpe-filemanager | [] [] | - gpe-go | [] [] [] | - gpe-login | [] [] [] | - gpe-ownerinfo | [] [] | - gpe-package | [] [] | - gpe-sketchbook | [] [] | - gpe-su | [] [] [] | - gpe-taskmanager | [] [] [] [] | - gpe-timesheet | [] | - gpe-today | [] [] | - gpe-todo | [] | - gphoto2 | [] [] | - gprof | [] | - gpsdrive | [] | - gramadoir | () | - grep | [] [] | - gretl | | - gsasl | [] | - gss | | - gst-plugins-bad | [] | - gst-plugins-base | [] | - gst-plugins-good | [] | - gst-plugins-ugly | [] | - gstreamer | [] | - gtick | [] | - gtkam | [] [] | - gtkorphan | [] | - gtkspell | [] [] | - gutenprint | [] | - hello | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - herrie | [] | - hylafax | | - idutils | [] | - indent | [] [] | - iso_15924 | [] | - iso_3166 | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - iso_3166_2 | [] | - iso_4217 | [] [] [] | - iso_639 | [] [] [] [] | - jpilot | () () | - jtag | | - jwhois | [] | - kbd | [] | - keytouch | [] | - keytouch-editor | [] | - keytouch-keyboa... | | - latrine | [] | - ld | | - leafpad | [] [] | - libc | [] [] [] | - libexif | | - libextractor | | - libgpewidget | [] | - libgpg-error | | - libgphoto2 | [] | - libgphoto2_port | [] | - libgsasl | [] | - libiconv | [] | - libidn | [] [] | - lifelines | [] | - lilypond | [] | - lingoteach | [] | - lprng | | - lynx | [] [] | - m4 | [] [] | - mailfromd | | - mailutils | | - make | [] [] [] | - man-db | | - minicom | [] | - nano | [] [] [] | - opcodes | [] | - parted | [] [] | - pilot-qof | | - popt | [] [] [] | - psmisc | [] [] [] | - pwdutils | | - qof | | - radius | | - recode | [] | - rpm | [] [] | - screem | [] | - scrollkeeper | [] [] [] [] | - sed | [] [] | - shared-mime-info | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - sharutils | [] [] | - shishi | | - skencil | | - solfege | () () | - soundtracker | | - sp | () | - system-tools-ba... | [] [] [] [] | - tar | [] [] [] | - texinfo | [] [] | - tin | | - tuxpaint | () [] [] | - unicode-han-tra... | | - unicode-transla... | | - util-linux | [] [] | - util-linux-ng | [] [] | - vorbis-tools | | - wastesedge | [] | - wdiff | [] [] | - wget | [] [] | - xchat | [] [] [] [] | - xkeyboard-config | [] [] [] | - xpad | [] [] [] | - +--------------------------------------------------+ - ja ka ko ku ky lg lt lv mk mn ms mt nb ne nl nn - 51 2 25 3 2 0 6 0 2 2 20 0 11 1 103 6 - - or pa pl pt pt_BR rm ro ru rw sk sl sq sr sv ta - +--------------------------------------------------+ - Compendium | [] [] [] [] [] | - a2ps | () [] [] [] [] [] [] | - aegis | () () | - ant-phone | [] [] | - anubis | [] [] [] | - ap-utils | () | - aspell | [] [] [] | - bash | [] [] | - bfd | | - bibshelf | [] | - binutils | [] [] | - bison | [] [] [] [] [] | - bison-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] | - bluez-pin | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - cflow | [] | - clisp | [] | - console-tools | [] | - coreutils | [] [] [] [] | - cpio | [] [] [] | - cpplib | [] | - cryptonit | [] [] | - dialog | [] | - diffutils | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - doodle | [] [] | - e2fsprogs | [] [] | - enscript | [] [] [] [] [] | - fetchmail | [] [] [] | - findutils | [] [] [] | - findutils_stable | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - flex | [] [] [] [] [] | - fslint | [] | - gas | | - gawk | [] [] [] [] | - gcal | [] | - gcc | [] [] | - gettext-examples | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gettext-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gettext-tools | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gip | [] [] [] [] | - gliv | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - glunarclock | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gmult | [] [] [] [] | - gnubiff | () [] | - gnucash | () [] | - gnuedu | | - gnulib | [] [] [] | - gnunet | | - gnunet-gtk | [] | - gnutls | [] [] | - gpe-aerial | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-beam | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-calendar | [] [] [] [] | - gpe-clock | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-conf | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-contacts | [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-edit | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-filemanager | [] [] | - gpe-go | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-login | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-ownerinfo | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-package | [] [] | - gpe-sketchbook | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-su | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-taskmanager | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-timesheet | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-today | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gpe-todo | [] [] [] [] | - gphoto2 | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gprof | [] [] [] | - gpsdrive | [] [] | - gramadoir | [] [] | - grep | [] [] [] [] | - gretl | [] [] [] | - gsasl | [] [] [] | - gss | [] [] [] [] | - gst-plugins-bad | [] [] [] | - gst-plugins-base | [] [] | - gst-plugins-good | [] [] | - gst-plugins-ugly | [] [] [] | - gstreamer | [] [] [] [] | - gtick | [] | - gtkam | [] [] [] [] [] | - gtkorphan | [] | - gtkspell | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - gutenprint | [] | - hello | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - herrie | [] [] [] | - hylafax | | - idutils | [] [] [] [] [] | - indent | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - iso_15924 | | - iso_3166 | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - iso_3166_2 | | - iso_4217 | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - iso_639 | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - jpilot | | - jtag | [] | - jwhois | [] [] [] [] | - kbd | [] [] [] | - keytouch | [] | - keytouch-editor | [] | - keytouch-keyboa... | [] | - latrine | | - ld | [] | - leafpad | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - libc | [] [] [] [] | - libexif | [] [] | - libextractor | [] [] | - libgpewidget | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - libgpg-error | [] [] [] | - libgphoto2 | [] | - libgphoto2_port | [] [] [] | - libgsasl | [] [] [] [] | - libiconv | [] [] [] | - libidn | [] [] () | - lifelines | [] [] | - lilypond | | - lingoteach | [] | - lprng | [] | - lynx | [] [] [] | - m4 | [] [] [] [] [] | - mailfromd | [] | - mailutils | [] [] [] | - make | [] [] [] [] | - man-db | [] [] [] [] | - minicom | [] [] [] [] [] | - nano | [] [] [] [] | - opcodes | [] [] | - parted | [] | - pilot-qof | | - popt | [] [] [] [] | - psmisc | [] [] | - pwdutils | [] [] | - qof | [] [] | - radius | [] [] | - recode | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - rpm | [] [] [] [] | - screem | | - scrollkeeper | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - sed | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - shared-mime-info | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - sharutils | [] [] [] [] | - shishi | [] | - skencil | [] [] [] | - solfege | [] | - soundtracker | [] [] | - sp | | - system-tools-ba... | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - tar | [] [] [] [] | - texinfo | [] [] [] [] | - tin | () | - tuxpaint | [] [] [] [] [] [] | - unicode-han-tra... | | - unicode-transla... | | - util-linux | [] [] [] [] | - util-linux-ng | [] [] [] [] | - vorbis-tools | [] | - wastesedge | | - wdiff | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - wget | [] [] [] [] | - xchat | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | - xkeyboard-config | [] [] [] | - xpad | [] [] [] | - +--------------------------------------------------+ - or pa pl pt pt_BR rm ro ru rw sk sl sq sr sv ta - 0 5 77 31 53 4 58 72 3 45 46 9 45 122 3 - - tg th tk tr uk ven vi wa xh zh_CN zh_HK zh_TW zu - +---------------------------------------------------+ - Compendium | [] [] [] [] | 19 - a2ps | [] [] [] | 19 - aegis | [] | 1 - ant-phone | [] [] | 6 - anubis | [] [] [] | 11 - ap-utils | () [] | 4 - aspell | [] [] [] | 16 - bash | [] | 6 - bfd | | 2 - bibshelf | [] | 7 - binutils | [] [] [] [] | 9 - bison | [] [] [] [] | 20 - bison-runtime | [] [] [] [] | 18 - bluez-pin | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 28 - cflow | [] [] | 5 - clisp | | 9 - console-tools | [] [] | 5 - coreutils | [] [] [] | 18 - cpio | [] [] [] [] | 11 - cpplib | [] [] [] [] [] | 12 - cryptonit | [] | 6 - dialog | [] [] [] | 9 - diffutils | [] [] [] [] [] | 29 - doodle | [] | 6 - e2fsprogs | [] [] | 10 - enscript | [] [] [] | 16 - fetchmail | [] [] | 12 - findutils | [] [] [] | 11 - findutils_stable | [] [] [] [] | 18 - flex | [] [] | 15 - fslint | [] | 2 - gas | [] | 3 - gawk | [] [] [] | 16 - gcal | [] | 5 - gcc | [] [] [] | 7 - gettext-examples | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 29 - gettext-runtime | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 28 - gettext-tools | [] [] [] [] [] | 20 - gip | [] [] | 13 - gliv | [] [] | 11 - glunarclock | [] [] [] | 15 - gmult | [] [] [] [] | 16 - gnubiff | [] | 2 - gnucash | () [] | 5 - gnuedu | [] | 2 - gnulib | [] | 10 - gnunet | | 0 - gnunet-gtk | [] [] | 3 - gnutls | | 4 - gpe-aerial | [] [] | 14 - gpe-beam | [] [] | 14 - gpe-calendar | [] [] | 7 - gpe-clock | [] [] [] [] | 21 - gpe-conf | [] [] [] | 16 - gpe-contacts | [] [] | 10 - gpe-edit | [] [] [] [] [] | 22 - gpe-filemanager | [] [] | 7 - gpe-go | [] [] [] [] | 19 - gpe-login | [] [] [] [] [] | 21 - gpe-ownerinfo | [] [] [] [] | 21 - gpe-package | [] | 6 - gpe-sketchbook | [] [] | 16 - gpe-su | [] [] [] [] | 21 - gpe-taskmanager | [] [] [] [] | 21 - gpe-timesheet | [] [] [] [] | 18 - gpe-today | [] [] [] [] [] | 21 - gpe-todo | [] [] | 8 - gphoto2 | [] [] [] [] | 21 - gprof | [] [] | 13 - gpsdrive | [] | 5 - gramadoir | [] | 7 - grep | [] | 12 - gretl | | 6 - gsasl | [] [] [] | 9 - gss | [] | 7 - gst-plugins-bad | [] [] [] | 13 - gst-plugins-base | [] [] | 11 - gst-plugins-good | [] [] [] [] [] | 16 - gst-plugins-ugly | [] [] [] | 13 - gstreamer | [] [] [] | 18 - gtick | [] [] | 7 - gtkam | [] | 16 - gtkorphan | [] | 7 - gtkspell | [] [] [] [] [] [] | 27 - gutenprint | | 4 - hello | [] [] [] [] [] | 38 - herrie | [] [] | 8 - hylafax | | 0 - idutils | [] [] | 15 - indent | [] [] [] [] [] | 28 - iso_15924 | [] [] | 4 - iso_3166 | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | 54 - iso_3166_2 | [] [] | 4 - iso_4217 | [] [] [] [] [] | 24 - iso_639 | [] [] [] [] [] | 26 - jpilot | [] [] [] [] | 7 - jtag | [] | 3 - jwhois | [] [] [] | 13 - kbd | [] [] [] | 13 - keytouch | [] | 8 - keytouch-editor | [] | 5 - keytouch-keyboa... | [] | 5 - latrine | [] [] | 5 - ld | [] [] [] [] | 10 - leafpad | [] [] [] [] [] | 24 - libc | [] [] [] | 19 - libexif | [] | 5 - libextractor | [] | 5 - libgpewidget | [] [] [] | 20 - libgpg-error | [] | 6 - libgphoto2 | [] [] | 9 - libgphoto2_port | [] [] [] | 11 - libgsasl | [] | 8 - libiconv | [] [] | 11 - libidn | [] [] | 11 - lifelines | | 4 - lilypond | [] | 6 - lingoteach | [] | 6 - lprng | [] | 2 - lynx | [] [] [] | 15 - m4 | [] [] [] | 18 - mailfromd | [] [] | 3 - mailutils | [] [] | 8 - make | [] [] [] | 20 - man-db | [] | 9 - minicom | [] | 14 - nano | [] [] [] | 20 - opcodes | [] [] | 10 - parted | [] [] [] | 11 - pilot-qof | [] | 1 - popt | [] [] [] [] | 18 - psmisc | [] [] | 10 - pwdutils | [] | 3 - qof | [] | 4 - radius | [] [] | 7 - recode | [] [] [] | 25 - rpm | [] [] [] [] | 13 - screem | [] | 2 - scrollkeeper | [] [] [] [] | 26 - sed | [] [] [] [] | 23 - shared-mime-info | [] [] [] | 29 - sharutils | [] [] [] | 23 - shishi | [] | 3 - skencil | [] | 7 - solfege | [] | 3 - soundtracker | [] [] | 9 - sp | [] | 3 - system-tools-ba... | [] [] [] [] [] [] [] | 38 - tar | [] [] [] | 17 - texinfo | [] [] [] | 15 - tin | | 1 - tuxpaint | [] [] [] | 19 - unicode-han-tra... | | 0 - unicode-transla... | | 2 - util-linux | [] [] [] | 20 - util-linux-ng | [] [] [] | 20 - vorbis-tools | [] [] | 4 - wastesedge | | 1 - wdiff | [] [] | 23 - wget | [] [] [] | 20 - xchat | [] [] [] [] | 29 - xkeyboard-config | [] [] [] | 14 - xpad | [] [] [] | 15 - +---------------------------------------------------+ - 76 teams tg th tk tr uk ven vi wa xh zh_CN zh_HK zh_TW zu - 163 domains 0 3 1 74 51 0 143 21 1 57 7 45 0 2036 - - Some counters in the preceding matrix are higher than the number of -visible blocks let us expect. This is because a few extra PO files are -used for implementing regional variants of languages, or language -dialects. - - For a PO file in the matrix above to be effective, the package to -which it applies should also have been internationalized and -distributed as such by its maintainer. There might be an observable -lag between the mere existence a PO file and its wide availability in a -distribution. - - If November 2007 seems to be old, you may fetch a more recent copy -of this `ABOUT-NLS' file on most GNU archive sites. The most -up-to-date matrix with full percentage details can be found at -`http://translationproject.org/extra/matrix.html'. - -1.6 Using `gettext' in new packages -=================================== - -If you are writing a freely available program and want to -internationalize it you are welcome to use GNU `gettext' in your -package. Of course you have to respect the GNU Library General Public -License which covers the use of the GNU `gettext' library. This means -in particular that even non-free programs can use `libintl' as a shared -library, whereas only free software can use `libintl' as a static -library or use modified versions of `libintl'. - - Once the sources are changed appropriately and the setup can handle -the use of `gettext' the only thing missing are the translations. The -Free Translation Project is also available for packages which are not -developed inside the GNU project. Therefore the information given above -applies also for every other Free Software Project. Contact -`coordinator@translationproject.org' to make the `.pot' files available -to the translation teams. - diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/aclocal.m4 empathy-3.3.92/aclocal.m4 --- empathy-3.3.91/aclocal.m4 2012-03-06 15:29:59.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/aclocal.m4 2012-03-20 09:39:19.000000000 +0000 @@ -1198,6 +1198,39 @@ AC_SUBST([am__untar]) ]) # _AM_PROG_TAR +# nls.m4 serial 5 (gettext-0.18) +dnl Copyright (C) 1995-2003, 2005-2006, 2008-2010 Free Software Foundation, +dnl Inc. +dnl This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation +dnl gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, +dnl with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. +dnl +dnl This file can can be used in projects which are not available under +dnl the GNU General Public License or the GNU Library General Public +dnl License but which still want to provide support for the GNU gettext +dnl functionality. +dnl Please note that the actual code of the GNU gettext library is covered +dnl by the GNU Library General Public License, and the rest of the GNU +dnl gettext package package is covered by the GNU General Public License. +dnl They are *not* in the public domain. + +dnl Authors: +dnl Ulrich Drepper , 1995-2000. +dnl Bruno Haible , 2000-2003. + +AC_PREREQ([2.50]) + +AC_DEFUN([AM_NLS], +[ + AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether NLS is requested]) + dnl Default is enabled NLS + AC_ARG_ENABLE([nls], + [ --disable-nls do not use Native Language Support], + USE_NLS=$enableval, USE_NLS=yes) + AC_MSG_RESULT([$USE_NLS]) + AC_SUBST([USE_NLS]) +]) + # pkg.m4 - Macros to locate and utilise pkg-config. -*- Autoconf -*- # serial 1 (pkg-config-0.24) # @@ -1767,19 +1800,10 @@ m4_include([m4/as-compiler-flag.m4]) m4_include([m4/empathy-args.m4]) m4_include([m4/empathy-valgrind.m4]) -m4_include([m4/gettext.m4]) m4_include([m4/gsettings.m4]) -m4_include([m4/iconv.m4]) -m4_include([m4/intlmacosx.m4]) m4_include([m4/intltool.m4]) -m4_include([m4/lib-ld.m4]) -m4_include([m4/lib-link.m4]) -m4_include([m4/lib-prefix.m4]) m4_include([m4/libtool.m4]) m4_include([m4/ltoptions.m4]) m4_include([m4/ltsugar.m4]) m4_include([m4/ltversion.m4]) m4_include([m4/lt~obsolete.m4]) -m4_include([m4/nls.m4]) -m4_include([m4/po.m4]) -m4_include([m4/progtest.m4]) diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/ChangeLog empathy-3.3.92/ChangeLog --- empathy-3.3.91/ChangeLog 2012-03-06 15:30:27.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/ChangeLog 2012-03-20 09:39:47.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,3 +1,1496 @@ +commit 5fadaacef38fb75039bb201dc132f71b1ac41267 +Author: Guillaume Desmottes +Date: Tue Mar 20 10:38:51 2012 +0100 + + prepare 3.3.92 + + NEWS | 68 + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + configure.ac | 4 +- + 2 files changed, 70 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) + +commit 16fa66a69f9348696b8183d44bf54c459934e049 +Author: Guillaume Desmottes +Date: Tue Mar 20 10:31:23 2012 +0100 + + actually check the required clutter-gtk version + + configure.ac | 2 +- + 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-) + +commit ebc4ffcf20337b12648b83095303b64e2ab6f18a +Author: Guillaume Desmottes +Date: Tue Mar 20 10:30:31 2012 +0100 + + Depend on a specific version of clutter-gst + + Needed as we use the traditionnal gst construction API. + + configure.ac | 3 ++- + 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-) + +commit 66cea9232193f1cf17515f417d9bdd7e3b4fd10e +Author: Shankar Prasad +Date: Mon Mar 19 23:51:06 2012 +0530 + + Updated Kannada Translation + + po/kn.po | 23 ++++++++++++++++------- + 1 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) + +commit 211dad649a8528b1d78bdeba54fde9f77d3a4ae7 +Author: Shankar Prasad +Date: Mon Mar 19 18:34:28 2012 +0530 + + Updated Kannada Translation + + po/kn.po | 265 + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------------- + 1 files changed, 122 insertions(+), 143 deletions(-) + +commit 7ea4cf785df8bb2c357a8d888c7e65957448591b +Author: Praveen Arimbrathodiyil +Date: Mon Mar 19 17:27:50 2012 +0530 + + Malayalam translation updated by Sadiq and me + + po/ml.po | 5605 + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------ + 1 files changed, 3959 insertions(+), 1646 deletions(-) + +commit 726013aa7758b993c9f1452d6ab67f5dccabbf7e +Author: Shankar Prasad +Date: Mon Mar 19 11:48:00 2012 +0530 + + Updated Kannada Translation + + po/kn.po | 8 ++++---- + 1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) + +commit fc3bdb0ea14615f957fd32c921a390e20446e4d4 +Author: Shankar Prasad +Date: Mon Mar 19 01:14:28 2012 +0530 + + Updated Kannada Translation + + po/kn.po | 4750 + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------- + 1 files changed, 2799 insertions(+), 1951 deletions(-) + +commit f6fb907ad5ccbc8036dee9c43c978304d4e6c5eb +Author: Milo Casagrande +Date: Sun Mar 18 18:43:31 2012 +0100 + + [l10n] Updated Italian translation + + po/it.po | 227 + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------- + 1 files changed, 123 insertions(+), 104 deletions(-) + +commit cfc59e899ce3603ed2bd5bfcfaec70b531ad4f8b +Author: Alexander Shopov +Date: Sun Mar 18 19:11:30 2012 +0200 + + Updated Bulgarian translation + + po/bg.po | 267 + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------- + 1 files changed, 145 insertions(+), 122 deletions(-) + +commit 7e8c4ed165c17b6de36f1d840c24688024ee870b +Author: Aurimas Černius +Date: Sun Mar 18 17:12:02 2012 +0200 + + Updated Lithuanian translation + + po/lt.po | 3438 + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------- + 1 files changed, 1711 insertions(+), 1727 deletions(-) + +commit 9f292637de36778a1656e569b9c255b9db577629 +Author: Daniel Korostil +Date: Sun Mar 18 17:05:21 2012 +0200 + + Uploaded Ukranian + + po/uk.po | 324 + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------- + 1 files changed, 180 insertions(+), 144 deletions(-) + +commit 8d27b20e3dd818f88e51a3e7823c96aa6bbb8ff8 +Author: Marek Černocký +Date: Sun Mar 18 14:33:34 2012 +0100 + + Updated Czech translation + + po/cs.po | 3182 + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------- + 1 files changed, 1596 insertions(+), 1586 deletions(-) + +commit d9945826a187868bbf3072eabcf24d344b29ec8b +Author: Daniel Nylander +Date: Sun Mar 18 10:56:31 2012 +0100 + + Updated Swedish translation + + po/sv.po | 1062 + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------- + 1 files changed, 564 insertions(+), 498 deletions(-) + +commit ad1ab6b512ef38d392e05fd95438f516cf5a0e7f +Author: Mattias Põldaru +Date: Sun Mar 18 10:44:25 2012 +0200 + + [l10n] Updated Estonian translation + + po/et.po | 10 ++++++++-- + 1 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) + +commit 27efe11cd1f125b4f13f13bf0e08d6030e81852d +Author: Мирослав Николић +Date: Sat Mar 17 20:47:49 2012 +0100 + + Updated Serbian translation + + po/sr.po | 183 + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------- + po/sr@latin.po | 183 + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------- + 2 files changed, 194 insertions(+), 172 deletions(-) + +commit dd941fc9590e4d4ab2cfb80c69845fb4846142a1 +Author: Fran Diéguez +Date: Sat Mar 17 15:15:14 2012 +0100 + + Updated Galician translations + + po/gl.po | 162 + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------- + 1 files changed, 85 insertions(+), 77 deletions(-) + +commit 31974087ad5d3051b5855105c28c0d8126174439 +Author: Yuri Kozlov +Date: Sat Mar 17 13:03:08 2012 +0400 + + Updated Russian translation + + po/ru.po | 572 + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------- + 1 files changed, 303 insertions(+), 269 deletions(-) + +commit 57991594e6abe93d26ddfb9eff1e3c6a4e5edcc1 +Author: Carles Ferrando +Date: Sat Mar 17 00:18:10 2012 +0100 + + [l10n]Updated Catalan (Valencian) translation + + po/ca@valencia.po | 144 + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------- + 1 files changed, 76 insertions(+), 68 deletions(-) + +commit 87b430cfdc5854183d69dc0f63a9091e9ef0c616 +Author: Gil Forcada +Date: Sat Mar 17 00:18:02 2012 +0100 + + [l10n] Updated Catalan translation + + po/ca.po | 144 + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------- + 1 files changed, 76 insertions(+), 68 deletions(-) + +commit fd4cf1d6ba6fd53c2e1e159a8c5fe85fb091b7e0 +Author: Wouter Bolsterlee +Date: Fri Mar 16 22:57:51 2012 +0100 + + Updated Dutch translation + + po/nl.po | 25 +++++++++++-------------- + 1 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-) + +commit b3c655f10c39a6c48bf47d5cfa030280c811d557 +Author: Hannie Dumoleyn +Date: Fri Mar 16 22:54:01 2012 +0100 + + Updated Dutch translation + + po/nl.po | 3386 + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------ + 1 files changed, 1772 insertions(+), 1614 deletions(-) + +commit 0124b88b3b36092fffbb6f03fc7a57b4e736c801 +Author: Gabor Kelemen +Date: Fri Mar 16 16:12:32 2012 +0100 + + Updated Hungarian translation + + po/hu.po | 820 + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------- + 1 files changed, 410 insertions(+), 410 deletions(-) + +commit a95cdbaead3cb54c965d72d74553030ce50172a6 +Author: Piotr Drąg +Date: Fri Mar 16 15:27:12 2012 +0100 + + Updated Polish translation + + po/pl.po | 162 + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------- + 1 files changed, 85 insertions(+), 77 deletions(-) + +commit 0bd98e510c9197c16f957c527f5aa1260b92b139 +Author: Bruce Cowan +Date: Fri Mar 16 14:19:28 2012 +0000 + + Updated British English translation + + po/en_GB.po | 302 + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------- + 1 files changed, 168 insertions(+), 134 deletions(-) + +commit e09bb98026164813af1a6ce797d381da2dfda32c +Author: Nilamdyuti Goswami +Date: Fri Mar 16 19:33:19 2012 +0530 + + Assamese translation updated + + po/as.po | 167 + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------- + 1 files changed, 89 insertions(+), 78 deletions(-) + +commit dd3c8341b710192f6ab392baf1f7476af9222364 +Author: Matej Urbančič +Date: Fri Mar 16 14:58:22 2012 +0100 + + Updated Slovenian translation + + po/sl.po | 166 + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------- + 1 files changed, 87 insertions(+), 79 deletions(-) + +commit 9c920b354384865357088a49e8a749652e814085 +Author: Daniel Mustieles +Date: Fri Mar 16 14:14:13 2012 +0100 + + Updated Spanish translation + + po/es.po | 167 + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------- + 1 files changed, 89 insertions(+), 78 deletions(-) + +commit 9b093bcdc27390cd78fefc88bf436850a57bce47 +Author: Guillaume Desmottes +Date: Fri Mar 16 12:43:42 2012 +0100 + + Bump Gtk+ dep + + Needed for GTK_STYLE_CLASS_LINKED + + configure.ac | 6 +++--- + 1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) + +commit 7b12eea87d880aa47f7fac77c1a0c0c23cd91330 +Author: Emanuele Aina +Date: Wed Mar 14 17:00:10 2012 +0100 + + Fix crash on hangup with no video + + Insufficient refcount on priv->video_preview_sink caused segfaults + when accessing freed data. + + https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=672063 + + src/empathy-call-window.c | 9 +++++---- + 1 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) + +commit 0ff55aa0c6da02366bad86469d431b2b09963170 +Author: Guillaume Desmottes +Date: Fri Mar 16 11:44:50 2012 +0100 + + POTFILES.in: add empathy-calendar-button.c + + po/POTFILES.in | 1 + + 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) + +commit 1e03889e1c6994166f73e83d531103ed5f02ae55 +Author: Emanuele Aina +Date: Thu Mar 15 12:41:11 2012 +0100 + + Don't restart a call if one already in progress + + Fixes the crash when calling someone while being already in a call + with the same contact. + + https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=671931 + + src/empathy-call-window.c | 15 ++++++++++----- + 1 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) + +commit ee98d8feb897a7151542cc3998a7e73c86ef86a7 +Author: Guillaume Desmottes +Date: Wed Mar 14 12:17:18 2012 +0100 + + contact-widget: right align contact info fields + + https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=672037 + + libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c | 2 +- + libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui | 12 ++++++------ + 2 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) + +commit 98648871225823cf7ddc11a746185fe9007d6936 +Author: Guillaume Desmottes +Date: Wed Mar 14 11:57:12 2012 +0100 + + contact-widget: don't display the account when editing our info + + All these flags are making this code pretty messy. Hopefully we'll + move and + clean it when implementing the new design next cycle. + + https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=672036 + + libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c | 20 +++++++++++++++----- + libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.h | 1 + + libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui | 2 +- + src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c | 3 ++- + 4 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) + +commit ede1523b824fef2f72b8d60f4efdf78a4fc4a768 +Author: Guillaume Desmottes +Date: Wed Mar 14 10:56:49 2012 +0100 + + Don't display parameters if Parameters_Exact is not Set + + There is no point cluttering the UI with it as we don't allow user + to choose + which param he wants to set. + + https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=671983 + + libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c | 8 ++++++-- + libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c | 8 ++++++-- + libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.h | 3 ++- + libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c | 2 +- + 4 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) + +commit ee6ab13d16db6426e81d7eb00e5bb97cf1f89e2c +Author: Guillaume Desmottes +Date: Tue Mar 13 17:32:02 2012 +0100 + + contact-widget: use EmpathyCalendarButton + + https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=671981 + + libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c | 41 + +++++++++++++------------------ + 1 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-) + +commit f0154b61b01a8cfe1db948126d64508880116fa4 +Author: Guillaume Desmottes +Date: Tue Mar 13 16:08:00 2012 +0100 + + add EmpathyCalendarButton + + https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=671981 + + libempathy-gtk/Makefile.am | 2 + + libempathy-gtk/empathy-calendar-button.c | 273 + ++++++++++++++++++++++ + libempathy-gtk/empathy-calendar-button.h | 68 ++++++ + tests/interactive/.gitignore | 1 + + tests/interactive/Makefile.am | 4 +- + tests/interactive/test-empathy-calendar-button.c | 72 ++++++ + 6 files changed, 419 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-) + +commit 706a49f918e7ae2b0cd8acef45b7cde21f625571 +Author: Mattias Põldaru +Date: Fri Mar 16 09:57:15 2012 +0200 + + [l10n] Updated Estonian translation + + po/et.po | 26 ++++++++++++++++++-------- + 1 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) + +commit c15498269c22d28996edb42465e9f1e9fddd4da4 +Author: Carles Ferrando +Date: Thu Mar 15 23:40:36 2012 +0100 + + [l10n]Updated Catalan (Valencian) translation + + po/ca@valencia.po | 4149 + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------- + 1 files changed, 2193 insertions(+), 1956 deletions(-) + +commit 31c1fff166de7ecd48586327c8adbffc682f15e4 +Author: Gil Forcada +Date: Thu Mar 15 23:40:27 2012 +0100 + + [l10n]Updated Catalan translation + + po/ca.po | 4137 + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------- + 1 files changed, 2193 insertions(+), 1944 deletions(-) + +commit 1146d93912bb4374bf2b391e71584bcef1da3df6 +Author: Emanuele Aina +Date: Tue Mar 13 15:55:08 2012 +0100 + + Disconnect when a call is ENDED + + If for some unspecified reason a call go to the TP_CALL_STATE_ENDED + state, reinitialize the call window. + + https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=671931 + + src/empathy-call-window.c | 13 ++++++++----- + 1 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) + +commit f17b4a2962cdc74a3fc2e410b5885ae96e3ed4e4 +Author: Guillaume Desmottes +Date: Thu Mar 15 16:02:27 2012 +0100 + + reload the account widget when connection is (dis)connected + + https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=671035 + + src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c | 45 + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + 1 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) + +commit a3c10ee7b1801aa50293bf85bf845f5110005bf1 +Author: Guillaume Desmottes +Date: Thu Mar 15 16:03:20 2012 +0100 + + create_dialog_content: check if the TpConnection is still valid + + tp_connection_get_contacts_by_handle() will raise a warning if the + TpConnection has been invalidated. + + https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=671035 + + src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c | 3 ++- + 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-) + +commit 500ef8529e04b2e1606f35d9c0697ef96423a828 +Author: Guillaume Desmottes +Date: Thu Mar 15 14:55:39 2012 +0100 + + factor out account_is_selected() + + https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=671035 + + src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c | 43 + +++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------- + 1 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-) + +commit c8deddf06929e68ef34b6354aa10cf5c04dbd137 +Author: A S Alam +Date: Thu Mar 15 19:55:57 2012 +0530 + + update Punjabi Translation + + po/pa.po | 5926 + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------- + 1 files changed, 5224 insertions(+), 702 deletions(-) + +commit ea03eda8350a4245d2a04c76041e4c2d3e7efc29 +Author: Nilamdyuti Goswami +Date: Thu Mar 15 18:15:41 2012 +0530 + + Assamese translation updated + + po/as.po | 154 + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------- + 1 files changed, 83 insertions(+), 71 deletions(-) + +commit 95e7ebd8986b338167c76f51bf6f4b16d43f5123 +Author: Мирослав Николић +Date: Thu Mar 15 11:07:52 2012 +0100 + + Updated Serbian translation + + po/sr.po | 154 + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------- + po/sr@latin.po | 154 + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------- + 2 files changed, 166 insertions(+), 142 deletions(-) + +commit fa3199f694e274e3d9e33406699a78a62858a97b +Author: Guillaume Desmottes +Date: Thu Mar 15 10:38:00 2012 +0100 + + sanity-cleaning: set fallback-servers on Facebook accounts + + https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=672120 + + src/empathy-sanity-cleaning.c | 43 + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- + 1 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-) + +commit 94520441d0d22f6fc8361770f66c1a1ac27e011c +Author: Guillaume Desmottes +Date: Thu Mar 15 10:25:24 2012 +0100 + + Set chat.facebook.com:443 as fallback server + + Some nasty firewalls block the port 5222, Facebook servers allow + connection to + the port 443 as a fallback in this case. + + https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=672120 + + goa-mc-plugin/mcp-account-manager-goa.c | 2 ++ + libempathy-gtk/empathy-protocol-chooser.c | 6 ++++++ + 2 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) + +commit fe2da138c66af8521013de1c7f4aa97053b87456 +Author: Guillaume Desmottes +Date: Thu Mar 15 10:19:58 2012 +0100 + + goa plugin: set chat.facebook.com as 'server' param + + chat.facebook.com doesn't have a _xmpp-client._tcp SRV record. + + https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=672120 + + goa-mc-plugin/mcp-account-manager-goa.c | 1 + + 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) + +commit 5678b2eb5d18da99bc03bc4c57c93b726c164dc9 +Author: Guillaume Desmottes +Date: Thu Mar 15 08:52:19 2012 +0100 + + Free the GError in Geoclue callbacks + + libempathy-gtk/empathy-location-manager.c | 4 ++++ + 1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) + +commit d6edab79ba1b0f8037f6c42e92ef98b0cdaaa843 +Author: Guillaume Desmottes +Date: Wed Mar 14 15:42:05 2012 +0100 + + location-manager: use geoclue_master_client_create_address_async() + + https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=671994 + + libempathy-gtk/empathy-location-manager.c | 37 + ++++++++++++++++++---------- + 1 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-) + +commit 3c6503936ec6703ef4c421d4ef3f30d140c4e114 +Author: Guillaume Desmottes +Date: Wed Mar 14 15:42:05 2012 +0100 + + location-manager: use geoclue_master_client_create_position_async() + + https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=671994 + + libempathy-gtk/empathy-location-manager.c | 34 + +++++++++++++++++++--------- + 1 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-) + +commit 8eb401d562b29f195d68ca04e3dfbf8adc501846 +Author: Guillaume Desmottes +Date: Wed Mar 14 15:42:05 2012 +0100 + + location-manager: use geoclue_master_client_set_requirements_async() + + https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=671994 + + libempathy-gtk/empathy-location-manager.c | 71 + ++++++++++++++++++----------- + 1 files changed, 44 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-) + +commit 4bfb1d6bf59735b088e3daae5158203454fd23ba +Author: Guillaume Desmottes +Date: Wed Mar 14 15:42:05 2012 +0100 + + location-manager: use geoclue_master_create_client_async() + + https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=671994 + + libempathy-gtk/empathy-location-manager.c | 39 + ++++++++++++++++++++--------- + 1 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-) + +commit f2d951772c8d1d00b7159dc8942c7593c476f29b +Author: Guillaume Desmottes +Date: Wed Mar 14 15:41:41 2012 +0100 + + Bump geoclue dep + + We need 0.12 for the shiny new async API. + + https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=671994 + + configure.ac | 2 +- + 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-) + +commit ad01157648d24f0786bc6d5fcfe08e46916f4408 +Author: A S Alam +Date: Thu Mar 15 06:18:52 2012 +0530 + + update Punjabi Translation + + po/pa.po | 5861 + ++++++++------------------------------------------------------ + 1 files changed, 700 insertions(+), 5161 deletions(-) + +commit 29b80fa63b1f4a2a0418586bbbdada96f3913f3f +Author: Fran Diéguez +Date: Wed Mar 14 23:07:27 2012 +0100 + + Updated Galician translations + + po/gl.po | 198 + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------- + 1 files changed, 112 insertions(+), 86 deletions(-) + +commit 1d4e4c81844c1fc65de9c68bfa702bc937d3d757 +Author: Piotr Drąg +Date: Wed Mar 14 21:07:39 2012 +0100 + + Updated Polish translation + + po/pl.po | 60 + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------- + 1 files changed, 35 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-) + +commit a3bc06446bc5a93c6ad3b01516cb3e909aa59790 +Author: Daniel Mustieles +Date: Wed Mar 14 17:27:58 2012 +0100 + + Updated Spanish translation + + po/es.po | 154 + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------- + 1 files changed, 83 insertions(+), 71 deletions(-) + +commit 49bef087c18f60b0eeb2b188fec1b3503d548a98 +Author: Matej Urbančič +Date: Wed Mar 14 15:38:25 2012 +0100 + + Updated Slovenian translation + + po/sl.po | 156 + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------- + 1 files changed, 84 insertions(+), 72 deletions(-) + +commit df7155a95c3733054547a49701c684852522536a +Author: Kjartan Maraas +Date: Wed Mar 14 10:10:22 2012 +0100 + + Updated Norwegian bokmål translation + + po/nb.po | 117 + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------- + 1 files changed, 68 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-) + +commit c8576fca2f6b4100d4101e9cdb983a53079c9457 +Merge: bda7e5e e72f870 +Author: Guillaume Desmottes +Date: Wed Mar 14 10:04:54 2012 +0100 + + Merge remote-tracking branch 'em/trivia' + +commit bda7e5e1bed8c021630ec869caeea083deeb95ad +Merge: c236099 df99b53 +Author: Danielle Madeley +Date: Wed Mar 14 09:11:17 2012 +1100 + + Merge remote-tracking branch 'gulic/buttons-668464' + +commit c2360999002db462ce466277ab821ad075737db8 +Author: Milo Casagrande +Date: Tue Mar 13 21:47:12 2012 +0100 + + [l10n] Updated Italian translation + + po/it.po | 2796 + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------- + 1 files changed, 1527 insertions(+), 1269 deletions(-) + +commit 6cbad880f894748e6defa9c9b9eecc7087e34472 +Author: Rudolfs Mazurs +Date: Tue Mar 13 22:31:51 2012 +0200 + + Updated Latvian translation. + + po/lv.po | 3101 + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------- + 1 files changed, 1566 insertions(+), 1535 deletions(-) + +commit e72f870d393812797c1543d47b53611532284944 +Author: Emanuele Aina +Date: Tue Mar 13 16:57:27 2012 +0100 + + Fix GST_PLUGIN_LOADING_WHITELIST in HACKING + + Empathy *needs* the Farstream Gstreamer elements and also cutting + out gst-plugins-[bad|ugly] is not a good idea as they contain many + useful codecs. + + HACKING | 2 +- + 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-) + +commit ec81f8f8d2151d59cf686a72edd6fd132f2a0077 +Author: Piotr Drąg +Date: Tue Mar 13 15:36:22 2012 +0100 + + Updated Polish translation + + po/pl.po | 53 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ + 1 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-) + +commit 3a6dcf0a014a93d5881d8ae97b7bf86633ac36ce +Author: Mattias Põldaru +Date: Tue Mar 13 14:04:06 2012 +0200 + + [l10n] Updated Estonian translation + + po/et.po | 15 +++++++++++++-- + 1 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) + +commit f6539f8868bb40842ffe018662112e236b72fd24 +Merge: 8daec65 a1461f4 +Author: Guillaume Desmottes +Date: Tue Mar 13 11:31:50 2012 +0100 + + Merge remote-tracking branch 'em/trivia' + +commit a1461f4f6185a2a17f6e5e80924107fc9fc4bded +Author: Emanuele Aina +Date: Tue Mar 13 10:59:48 2012 +0100 + + Explain how to load custom GStreamer plugins + + HACKING | 11 +++++++++++ + 1 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) + +commit 8daec6589cf7dbd0be2c4f6548234d48d0f5b44a +Author: Guillaume Desmottes +Date: Mon Mar 12 15:23:30 2012 +0100 + + individual-menu: only use 'gnome-contacts' with individuals from Folks + + https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=671884 + + libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c | 20 +++++++++++++++++++- + 1 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-) + +commit 46c6f5229b55a9ce274fc9f420f30d217a946541 +Author: Guillaume Desmottes +Date: Mon Mar 12 15:28:58 2012 +0100 + + Revert "remove empathy-individual-information-dialog" + + This reverts commit 8c56829f3fa97640abf47ced7d39aa618fffe07f. + + https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=671884 + + libempathy-gtk/Makefile.am | 2 + + .../empathy-individual-information-dialog.c | 318 + ++++++++++++++++++++ + .../empathy-individual-information-dialog.h | 60 ++++ + po/POTFILES.in | 1 + + 4 files changed, 381 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) + +commit 6b4e3ef8409dd58d635d94bb3a2c462b93be1ef7 +Author: Мирослав Николић +Date: Tue Mar 13 08:44:46 2012 +0100 + + Updated Serbian translation + + po/sr.po | 273 + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------- + po/sr@latin.po | 273 + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------- + 2 files changed, 288 insertions(+), 258 deletions(-) + +commit df99b53de13a365945909d3f0cafda0b22aa1974 +Author: Jovanka Gulicoska +Date: Tue Mar 13 04:12:16 2012 +0100 + + Toolbar and Treeview merged + + libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui | 22 + +++++++++++++--------- + 1 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-) + +commit 21e022e89b42df19f71bfe48fd4aa641fee20bf6 +Author: Jovanka Gulicoska +Date: Wed Jan 25 04:42:02 2012 +0100 + + Remove size group from Blocked Contacts dialog + + libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui | 6 ------ + 1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) + +commit 3bb706a822811e9faef775d4e8fc9c0cc9c5d650 +Author: Jovanka Gulicoska +Date: Fri Jan 27 17:16:23 2012 +0100 + + Server field expanded + + libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c | 6 +++--- + 1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) + +commit 9f6c17e462e1c9d2c2833c1c863d7619997f5fc6 +Author: Djavan Fagundes +Date: Fri Mar 9 11:06:49 2012 -0300 + + Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation by Antonio Fernandes C. Neto + and myself + + po/pt_BR.po | 2548 + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------ + 1 files changed, 1264 insertions(+), 1284 deletions(-) + +commit 94c6c87586e1f9c495dc73f3df3144e28cef3dcd +Author: Alexander Shopov +Date: Mon Mar 12 20:26:08 2012 +0200 + + Updated Bulgarian translation + + po/bg.po | 312 + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------ + 1 files changed, 163 insertions(+), 149 deletions(-) + +commit b98c27f582b1e7b4c875407a79a7e442df27e74a +Author: Kjartan Maraas +Date: Mon Mar 12 18:26:21 2012 +0100 + + Updated Norwegian bokmål translation + + po/nb.po | 611 + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------ + 1 files changed, 320 insertions(+), 291 deletions(-) + +commit 0b6c6760f9470b80a919d1f6ff8d59af5a5b3f1b +Author: Piotr Drąg +Date: Mon Mar 12 17:04:43 2012 +0100 + + Updated Polish translation + + po/pl.po | 61 + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ + 1 files changed, 37 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-) + +commit 8ea14343d9ff802d5db7f9d082993da8a94df20f +Author: Piotr Drąg +Date: Mon Mar 12 17:00:18 2012 +0100 + + Updated POTFILES.in + + po/POTFILES.in | 1 - + 1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-) + +commit 6f1875780e1e1b62cdca1251e1dc32ec74a01886 +Author: Matej Urbančič +Date: Mon Mar 12 15:26:41 2012 +0100 + + Updated Slovenian translation + + po/sl.po | 48 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------- + 1 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-) + +commit 0528641e7369746002fa9aaf46307bb213e7bb9b +Author: Daniel Mustieles +Date: Mon Mar 12 14:17:45 2012 +0100 + + Updated Spanish translation + + po/es.po | 273 + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------- + 1 files changed, 144 insertions(+), 129 deletions(-) + +commit f09a916859988f6a45ec5fc21ef7534ebaf2a31c +Author: Guillaume Desmottes +Date: Mon Mar 12 13:52:38 2012 +0100 + + remove empathy-tp-contact-list + + libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c | 2 - + libempathy/Makefile.am | 2 - + libempathy/empathy-tp-contact-list.c | 1226 + ---------------------- + libempathy/empathy-tp-contact-list.h | 59 - + 4 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 1289 deletions(-) + +commit 19f191b4975baa7e284e2aca56abb9d123f4ef37 +Author: Guillaume Desmottes +Date: Mon Mar 12 13:52:06 2012 +0100 + + connection-managers: stop using tp_connection_manager_is_ready() + + It has been deprecated. + + libempathy/empathy-connection-managers.c | 2 +- + 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-) + +commit b0a1fc13b338363066e0ad257e214144be59a76a +Author: Nilamdyuti Goswami +Date: Mon Mar 12 18:15:29 2012 +0530 + + Assamese translation completed + + po/as.po | 366 + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------------- + 1 files changed, 162 insertions(+), 204 deletions(-) + +commit 889e9be8f513d2b8b7124b628013d7f3f0d5cdd4 +Author: Emanuele Aina +Date: Fri Mar 9 16:52:11 2012 +0100 + + Avoid clipping buttons in the call window + + Also try to set a transparent background on the GtkBin inside + GtkClutteActors, but for some reason it's not working here. + + https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=671718 + + src/empathy-call-window.c | 19 ++++++++----------- + 1 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-) + +commit 1413b47d30284825bc81ed606c458a5fa60f830f +Merge: afcd810 6fe60c8 +Author: Guillaume Desmottes +Date: Mon Mar 12 13:02:18 2012 +0100 + + Merge remote-tracking branch 'em/fix-highlight-roundedness-671720' + +commit afcd81098a2134d1421844ebf37a9ba90e1193bf +Author: Guillaume Desmottes +Date: Mon Mar 12 12:56:32 2012 +0100 + + early return if accounts_dialog_model_get_selected_settings() + returns NULL + + It can happen, typically if no account is currently selected. + + https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=671790 + + src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c | 4 ++++ + 1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) + +commit 6fe60c87090fe013d7b803eb82a3ddb9568eccb9 +Author: Emanuele Aina +Date: Fri Mar 9 08:58:16 2012 +0100 + + Match the preview highlight roundedness with the video + + https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=671720 + + src/empathy-call-window.c | 35 + +++++++++++++++++++---------------- + src/empathy-rounded-actor.c | 11 ++++------- + src/empathy-rounded-actor.h | 5 +---- + src/empathy-rounded-rectangle.c | 29 +++++++++++++++++------------ + src/empathy-rounded-rectangle.h | 5 +++-- + 5 files changed, 44 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-) + +commit 532a1f7c653866c50589d37fb20b13e1f71738cf +Author: Guillaume Desmottes +Date: Fri Mar 9 09:21:40 2012 +0100 + + rounded-rectangle: use the 'draw' signal + + Looks like that's the right way to do it since Clutter 1.8 + + https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=669673 + + configure.ac | 6 +++--- + src/empathy-rounded-rectangle.c | 29 ++++++++++++++++++++--------- + 2 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-) + +commit 48370f1bead25fff25e3694f4e87d0b33068fdb3 +Author: Guillaume Desmottes +Date: Wed Mar 7 11:04:18 2012 +0100 + + Make use of new Clutter macros to check API we are using + + https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=669673 + + configure.ac | 11 ++++++----- + 1 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) + +commit 75a991eddf0106916146c30756274bbbd03c5904 +Author: Gabor Kelemen +Date: Mon Mar 12 10:35:20 2012 +0100 + + Mark strings for + translation. https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=671875 + + libempathy/empathy-keyring.c | 8 +++++--- + po/POTFILES.in | 1 + + 2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) + +commit 460fd88a38686b49c374830e0c066dee452cec50 +Author: Guillaume Desmottes +Date: Mon Mar 12 11:05:40 2012 +0100 + + add missing config.h in tests + + tests/empathy-live-search-test.c | 2 ++ + tests/empathy-parser-test.c | 2 ++ + 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) + +commit 53b7ccf3705522992f3283e38caf12285f06d5d5 +Author: Guillaume Desmottes +Date: Mon Mar 12 11:05:15 2012 +0100 + + update help/.gitignore + + help/.gitignore | 3 ++- + 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-) + +commit 7a7dfce6fd9e46b3a33aff4639407e586fe80a23 +Author: Timo Jyrinki +Date: Mon Mar 12 10:56:45 2012 +0200 + + Finnish translation update from + http://l10n.laxstrom.name/wiki/Gnome_3.4 translation sprint + + po/fi.po | 4161 + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------------- + 1 files changed, 1883 insertions(+), 2278 deletions(-) + +commit 10f0454af05160f833d9dd8725bc52afc6d75619 +Author: Sjoerd Simons +Date: Mon Mar 12 09:39:34 2012 +0100 + + Revert dependency on champlain 0.14 to 0.12 + + As there is likely no 0.14 for gnome 3.4 and there isn't actually any + real change in 0.14 revert to checking for 0.12 + + configure.ac | 4 ++-- + 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) + +commit 96b027be0450a7e30173c45b44f81e62662fcf14 +Author: Sjoerd Simons +Date: Sun Mar 11 23:47:59 2012 +0100 + + Don't use both AM_GNU_GETTEXT and IT_PROG_INTLTOOL + + When using IT_PROG_INTLTOOL using the gettect automake macros isn't + necessary. To make matters worse, when mixing the marcos both try to + generate po/Makefile.in.in. Recent versions of intltool detect when + gettext won and bails when building. + + configure.ac | 3 --- + 1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) + +commit 8b88ebc132dc9c026d3beb377a20616c8ec81021 +Author: Rudolfs Mazurs +Date: Mon Mar 12 00:21:54 2012 +0200 + + Updated Latvian translation. + + po/lv.po | 198 + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------------- + 1 files changed, 92 insertions(+), 106 deletions(-) + +commit 6e8d8160c7995b390dbfbe28261261084df95154 +Author: Viesturs Ružāns +Date: Mon Mar 12 00:20:10 2012 +0200 + + Updated Latvian translation for help. + + help/lv/lv.po | 5135 + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------- + 1 files changed, 2679 insertions(+), 2456 deletions(-) + +commit 44c8e3aab4045961418bc626a00b013327918ea3 +Author: Viesturs Ružāns +Date: Mon Mar 12 00:02:46 2012 +0200 + + Added Latvian translation for help. + + help/Makefile.am | 2 +- + help/lv/lv.po | 3358 + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + 2 files changed, 3359 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-) + +commit 5c4cd0ce78ee384d1eadd092a536b62d028315bb +Author: Rudolfs Mazurs +Date: Sun Mar 11 23:58:31 2012 +0200 + + Updated Latvian translation. + + po/lv.po | 2240 + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------- + 1 files changed, 1254 insertions(+), 986 deletions(-) + +commit 45908411f226ad86c66549681fe4128b89c46550 +Author: Kristjan SCHMIDT +Date: Sun Mar 11 11:30:10 2012 +0100 + + Updated Esperanto translation + + po/eo.po | 3942 + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------- + 1 files changed, 1981 insertions(+), 1961 deletions(-) + +commit d8818a99a3e46a891da2bbe90c05039b732efb2b +Author: Мирослав Николић +Date: Sat Mar 10 23:07:01 2012 +0100 + + Updated Serbian translation + + po/sr.po | 766 + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------- + po/sr@latin.po | 766 + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------- + 2 files changed, 846 insertions(+), 686 deletions(-) + +commit 0a63acaf42e205aa2447f1aadb4d4d49b0de4f0d +Author: Piotr Drąg +Date: Sat Mar 10 18:29:11 2012 +0100 + + Updated Polish translation + + po/pl.po | 3825 + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------- + 1 files changed, 1909 insertions(+), 1916 deletions(-) + +commit d35a38e25484c452bc05d71d7ffd0f0b60b48715 +Author: Seong-ho Cho +Date: Sat Mar 10 16:50:46 2012 +0900 + + Updated Korean translation + + po/ko.po | 3738 + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------- + 1 files changed, 1860 insertions(+), 1878 deletions(-) + +commit ab869dcdf44d8c2f4f54884149d7dd71531b3028 +Author: Mattias Põldaru +Date: Fri Mar 9 18:18:11 2012 +0200 + + [l10n] Updated Estonian translation + + po/et.po | 17 ++++++++++++++--- + 1 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) + +commit 10990e3efb856060a6893a77d3b15790ca08f286 +Author: Bruce Cowan +Date: Fri Mar 9 13:44:36 2012 +0000 + + Updated British English translation + + po/en_GB.po | 4029 + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------- + 1 files changed, 2127 insertions(+), 1902 deletions(-) + +commit b6b101f9cc8a355b8df4d1e469840d1002207da7 +Author: Guillaume Desmottes +Date: Fri Mar 9 10:46:04 2012 +0100 + + individual-store-manager: always display individual's alias in + debug messages + + It's much more useful that just the ID. + + libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-store-manager.c | 18 + ++++++++++++------ + 1 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) + +commit 018480bfd25b57c8136e5b6825937e8051a2cded +Author: Guillaume Desmottes +Date: Fri Mar 9 10:37:14 2012 +0100 + + individual_personas_changed_cb: remove debug message + + The individual manager already sends the exact same debugging message. + + libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-store.c | 3 --- + 1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) + +commit 054ec3b5a0cd588a577d36a62be0aa251707aaa6 +Author: Guillaume Desmottes +Date: Fri Mar 9 10:34:16 2012 +0100 + + Don't flood logs when individials don't have avatars + + libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-store.c | 12 +++++++++--- + libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c | 4 ++-- + 2 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) + +commit 5127a611e09af16d0cf435e659d0448e2791c494 +Author: Guillaume Desmottes +Date: Fri Mar 9 10:23:51 2012 +0100 + + Remove flooding debug messages + + Those messages flood the debug window and never helped me finding + any bug. + + libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-store.c | 25 + ------------------------- + libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c | 2 -- + 2 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-) + +commit 1dc974bb9620f95d5c3c758f54a97f3c68263aee +Author: Guillaume Desmottes +Date: Wed Mar 7 15:59:17 2012 +0100 + + video-widget: don't set priv->sink_pad twice + + The first value was never used and overrided a few lines below. + + https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=670745 + + src/empathy-video-widget.c | 2 -- + 1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) + +commit 2ca7e0fd3e98e4813e2dba5090577759a66542fa +Author: Emanuele Aina +Date: Thu Mar 8 14:40:54 2012 +0100 + + Don't clip overflowing border when drawing rounded rectangles + + https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=671644 + + src/empathy-call-window.c | 2 +- + src/empathy-rounded-rectangle.c | 30 ++++++++++++++++++++++-------- + 2 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-) + +commit 06206fe711b721c6f33af4d4914c76cac540eda6 +Author: Andrej Žnidaršič +Date: Thu Mar 8 21:15:11 2012 +0100 + + Updated Slovenian translation + + help/sl/sl.po | 3564 + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------- + 1 files changed, 1829 insertions(+), 1735 deletions(-) + +commit 66fabbc19bc51155ca293ad560c8fecbc8addf14 +Author: Daniel Korostil +Date: Thu Mar 8 21:39:06 2012 +0200 + + Uploaded Ukranian + + po/uk.po | 3520 + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------ + 1 files changed, 1823 insertions(+), 1697 deletions(-) + +commit 33376e5075b4fb099dee8ec6bf4f7a1c81741b82 +Author: Nilamdyuti Goswami +Date: Thu Mar 8 18:54:40 2012 +0530 + + Assamese translation completed + + po/as.po | 4146 + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------- + 1 files changed, 2212 insertions(+), 1934 deletions(-) + +commit 66055e1a24adf38251805022bcf3509ccc5a757a +Author: Guillaume Desmottes +Date: Mon Apr 19 12:59:55 2010 +0200 + + empathy_gtk_init: add local copy of icons to the search path (#616159) + + libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c | 13 +++++++++++++ + 1 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) + +commit 80eac7fd3c665f7960f07f9a8aaddbff8f4f9467 +Author: Emanuele Aina +Date: Mon Apr 19 12:59:16 2010 +0200 + + "Build" a local copy of the icons to be used from sources + + https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=616159 + + data/.gitignore | 1 + + data/icons/Makefile.am | 30 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + data/icons/utils.mk | 11 +++++++++++ + 3 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) + +commit 4c1b102df95e07a4469bbfb38fbc8ef190458a79 +Author: Ihar Hrachyshka +Date: Wed Mar 7 23:27:09 2012 +0300 + + Updated Belarusian translation. + + po/be.po | 209 + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------- + 1 files changed, 110 insertions(+), 99 deletions(-) + +commit 9033309c2615aa476d201c045993537cc02f1433 +Author: Matej Urbančič +Date: Wed Mar 7 18:38:11 2012 +0100 + + Updated Slovenian translation + + po/sl.po | 816 + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------- + 1 files changed, 446 insertions(+), 370 deletions(-) + +commit 4950a02c1207ff975abc4540c572264446a90888 +Author: Yuri Myasoedov +Date: Wed Mar 7 18:21:36 2012 +0400 + + Updated Russian translation + + po/ru.po | 700 + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------- + 1 files changed, 388 insertions(+), 312 deletions(-) + +commit 593355dd0dda4f3aeceee12f5608bdff3682d392 +Author: Will Thompson +Date: Wed Mar 7 13:02:15 2012 +0000 + + MUC: make F9 toggle the contact list sidebar + + This is by analogy to F9 toggling the sidebar in Nautilus. + + https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=671547 + + src/empathy-chat-window.ui | 1 + + 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) + +commit 2820631e39f9c26b96b01422865c162cd2fc087f +Author: Fran Diéguez +Date: Wed Mar 7 12:52:15 2012 +0100 + + Updated Galician translations + + po/gl.po | 439 + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------ + 1 files changed, 226 insertions(+), 213 deletions(-) + +commit 74fcb7a804d072361051faaa884ef6071edea65a +Author: Guillaume Desmottes +Date: Wed Mar 7 11:04:18 2012 +0100 + + Make use of new GLib macros to check API we are using + + configure.ac | 10 ++++------ + libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c | 3 ++- + 2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-) + +commit 608d11794fbf61068c5b02954b4732f84c39449a +Author: Guillaume Desmottes +Date: Wed Mar 7 11:04:28 2012 +0100 + + add missing config.h includes + + libempathy/empathy-connection-managers.c | 1 + + libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c | 2 ++ + libempathy/empathy-presence-manager.c | 4 ++-- + libempathy/empathy-server-sasl-handler.c | 2 ++ + libempathy/empathy-server-tls-handler.c | 2 ++ + src/empathy-call-factory.c | 1 + + src/empathy-call-handler.c | 1 + + src/empathy-streamed-media-factory.c | 1 + + src/empathy-streamed-media-handler.c | 1 + + src/empathy-video-src.c | 1 + + 10 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) + +commit e96e1ffc1f42d3b9e1c8d79884eb679737c758d9 +Author: Daniel Mustieles +Date: Wed Mar 7 11:34:09 2012 +0100 + + Updated Spanish translation + + po/es.po | 772 + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------- + 1 files changed, 426 insertions(+), 346 deletions(-) + +commit 489447bafb230e4a2c11460377ec255ede27713e +Author: Inaki Larranaga Murgoitio +Date: Wed Mar 7 11:29:09 2012 +0100 + + Updated Basque language + + po/eu.po | 260 + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------ + 1 files changed, 135 insertions(+), 125 deletions(-) + +commit 75b8c79344484b3c16ec1a009ff7863f8535b850 +Author: Guillaume Desmottes +Date: Wed Mar 7 11:04:18 2012 +0100 + + Make use of new GTK+ macros to check API we are using + + configure.ac | 4 ++++ + 1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) + +commit cb5ec84a12bceba7c558fcc1c23570856ed0c4ee +Author: Guillaume Desmottes +Date: Wed Mar 7 11:04:28 2012 +0100 + + add missing config.h includes + + libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-chooser.c | 2 ++ + libempathy-gtk/empathy-share-my-desktop.c | 2 ++ + src/empathy-chat-manager.c | 2 ++ + src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c | 2 ++ + 4 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) + +commit a0e4dc265dc0917ec0cfc637a425327e12623dff +Author: Guillaume Desmottes +Date: Wed Mar 7 10:51:06 2012 +0100 + + stop using gtk_vscale_new_with_range() + + gtk_scale_new_with_range() has been introduced in GTK+ 3.0 so + we're good. + + src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c | 6 ++++-- + 1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) + +commit aa30262a8fb267ffc655f6a1a990a0be3367629e +Author: Gabor Kelemen +Date: Wed Mar 7 10:19:11 2012 +0100 + + Updated Hungarian translation + + po/hu.po | 4155 + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------- + 1 files changed, 2232 insertions(+), 1923 deletions(-) + +commit db7a43152a7e72f347fc2c43e00f21af0b362009 +Author: Gabor Kelemen +Date: Tue Mar 6 15:35:52 2012 +0100 + + Updated Hungarian help translation + + help/hu/hu.po | 5348 + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------- + 1 files changed, 2814 insertions(+), 2534 deletions(-) + +commit 1657e19e77ab528de69b2a31dcfb069cc92329b8 +Author: Alexander Shopov +Date: Wed Mar 7 07:11:28 2012 +0200 + + Updated Bulgarian translation + + po/bg.po | 703 + ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ + 1 files changed, 427 insertions(+), 276 deletions(-) + +commit edd67f53312b48cfec2e471cad911c88ae3a99a2 +Author: Fran Diéguez +Date: Tue Mar 6 22:01:25 2012 +0100 + + Updated Galician translations + + po/gl.po | 968 + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------- + 1 files changed, 516 insertions(+), 452 deletions(-) + +commit abc62610c0aba83f1f0d507f1322b85623b91c84 +Author: Guillaume Desmottes +Date: Tue Mar 6 16:38:43 2012 +0100 + + remove released flag + + configure.ac | 2 +- + 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-) + commit 9403397dda262e4ca17170537c33987ab305c127 Author: Guillaume Desmottes Date: Tue Mar 6 16:29:33 2012 +0100 @@ -2984,6 +4477,44 @@ libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c | 12 ++++++++---- 1 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) +commit 908b396bdccff3c3056a4616ae43b40d5dead990 +Author: Guillaume Desmottes +Date: Mon Jan 23 12:29:16 2012 +0100 + + IRC network dialog: use the use the right style for the buttons + + libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui | 119 + ++++++++++++++------------ + libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c | 11 +++ + 2 files changed, 77 insertions(+), 53 deletions(-) + +commit 65c7d23af61ed8f6980e8bba4cb8c94c67d75977 +Author: Guillaume Desmottes +Date: Mon Jan 23 12:05:18 2012 +0100 + + status preset dialog: use the right style for the remove button + + libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui | 5 +++-- + 1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) + +commit 353e5e8c9d40a98048cc5e2ac8c8c0af2577457c +Author: Guillaume Desmottes +Date: Mon Jan 23 12:05:18 2012 +0100 + + favorite chatrooms dialog: use the right style for the remove button + + src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui | 5 +++-- + 1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) + +commit aba616dfea6dde6e9f66a71a600d90553a04fe90 +Author: Guillaume Desmottes +Date: Mon Jan 23 12:05:18 2012 +0100 + + contact-blocking-dialog: use the right style for the remove button + + libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui | 7 ++++--- + 1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) + commit 140d5bcc021f83c8b5057c87764c72c60659c16a Author: Guillaume Desmottes Date: Fri Jan 20 15:31:43 2012 +0100 diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/config.h.in empathy-3.3.92/config.h.in --- empathy-3.3.91/config.h.in 2012-03-06 15:30:08.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/config.h.in 2012-03-20 09:39:28.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,7 +1,10 @@ /* config.h.in. Generated from configure.ac by autoheader. */ -/* Build with Clutter deprecated */ -#undef CLUTTER_DISABLE_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS +/* Prevent post 1.8 APIs */ +#undef CLUTTER_VERSION_MAX + +/* Ignore post 1.8 deprecations */ +#undef CLUTTER_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED /* Name of provider for accounts imported from GOA */ #undef EMPATHY_GOA_PROVIDER @@ -9,37 +12,30 @@ /* Enable debug code */ #undef ENABLE_DEBUG -/* Define to 1 if translation of program messages to the user's native - language is requested. */ -#undef ENABLE_NLS +/* Prevent post 3.4 APIs */ +#undef GDK_VERSION_MAX_REQUIRED + +/* Ignore post 3.4 deprecations */ +#undef GDK_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED /* Gettext package name */ #undef GETTEXT_PACKAGE -/* Build with GLib deprecated */ -#undef GLIB_DISABLE_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS +/* Prevent post 2.30 APIs */ +#undef GLIB_VERSION_MAX_REQUIRED + +/* Ignore post 2.30 deprecations */ +#undef GLIB_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED /* Define if you have call log support */ #undef HAVE_CALL_LOGS -/* Define to 1 if you have the MacOS X function CFLocaleCopyCurrent in the - CoreFoundation framework. */ -#undef HAVE_CFLOCALECOPYCURRENT - -/* Define to 1 if you have the MacOS X function CFPreferencesCopyAppValue in - the CoreFoundation framework. */ -#undef HAVE_CFPREFERENCESCOPYAPPVALUE - /* Define to 1 to enable cheese webcam support */ #undef HAVE_CHEESE /* Define if you have connman dependencies */ #undef HAVE_CONNMAN -/* Define if the GNU dcgettext() function is already present or preinstalled. - */ -#undef HAVE_DCGETTEXT - /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ #undef HAVE_DLFCN_H @@ -58,15 +54,9 @@ /* Define if you have geocode */ #undef HAVE_GEOCODE -/* Define if the GNU gettext() function is already present or preinstalled. */ -#undef HAVE_GETTEXT - /* Define to 1 to enable GNOME Online Accounts */ #undef HAVE_GOA -/* Define if you have the iconv() function and it works. */ -#undef HAVE_ICONV - /* Define to 1 if you have the header file. */ #undef HAVE_INTTYPES_H diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/config.rpath empathy-3.3.92/config.rpath --- empathy-3.3.91/config.rpath 2012-03-06 14:52:48.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/config.rpath 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,666 +0,0 @@ -#! /bin/sh -# Output a system dependent set of variables, describing how to set the -# run time search path of shared libraries in an executable. -# -# Copyright 1996-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -# Taken from GNU libtool, 2001 -# Originally by Gordon Matzigkeit , 1996 -# -# This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation gives -# unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, with or without -# modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. -# -# The first argument passed to this file is the canonical host specification, -# CPU_TYPE-MANUFACTURER-OPERATING_SYSTEM -# or -# CPU_TYPE-MANUFACTURER-KERNEL-OPERATING_SYSTEM -# The environment variables CC, GCC, LDFLAGS, LD, with_gnu_ld -# should be set by the caller. -# -# The set of defined variables is at the end of this script. - -# Known limitations: -# - On IRIX 6.5 with CC="cc", the run time search patch must not be longer -# than 256 bytes, otherwise the compiler driver will dump core. The only -# known workaround is to choose shorter directory names for the build -# directory and/or the installation directory. - -# All known linkers require a `.a' archive for static linking (except MSVC, -# which needs '.lib'). -libext=a -shrext=.so - -host="$1" -host_cpu=`echo "$host" | sed 's/^\([^-]*\)-\([^-]*\)-\(.*\)$/\1/'` -host_vendor=`echo "$host" | sed 's/^\([^-]*\)-\([^-]*\)-\(.*\)$/\2/'` -host_os=`echo "$host" | sed 's/^\([^-]*\)-\([^-]*\)-\(.*\)$/\3/'` - -# Code taken from libtool.m4's _LT_CC_BASENAME. - -for cc_temp in $CC""; do - case $cc_temp in - compile | *[\\/]compile | ccache | *[\\/]ccache ) ;; - distcc | *[\\/]distcc | purify | *[\\/]purify ) ;; - \-*) ;; - *) break;; - esac -done -cc_basename=`echo "$cc_temp" | sed -e 's%^.*/%%'` - -# Code taken from libtool.m4's AC_LIBTOOL_PROG_COMPILER_PIC. - -wl= -if test "$GCC" = yes; then - wl='-Wl,' -else - case "$host_os" in - aix*) - wl='-Wl,' - ;; - darwin*) - case $cc_basename in - xlc*) - wl='-Wl,' - ;; - esac - ;; - mingw* | cygwin* | pw32* | os2*) - ;; - hpux9* | hpux10* | hpux11*) - wl='-Wl,' - ;; - irix5* | irix6* | nonstopux*) - wl='-Wl,' - ;; - newsos6) - ;; - linux* | k*bsd*-gnu) - case $cc_basename in - icc* | ecc*) - wl='-Wl,' - ;; - pgcc | pgf77 | pgf90) - wl='-Wl,' - ;; - ccc*) - wl='-Wl,' - ;; - como) - wl='-lopt=' - ;; - *) - case `$CC -V 2>&1 | sed 5q` in - *Sun\ C*) - wl='-Wl,' - ;; - esac - ;; - esac - ;; - osf3* | osf4* | osf5*) - wl='-Wl,' - ;; - rdos*) - ;; - solaris*) - wl='-Wl,' - ;; - sunos4*) - wl='-Qoption ld ' - ;; - sysv4 | sysv4.2uw2* | sysv4.3*) - wl='-Wl,' - ;; - sysv4*MP*) - ;; - sysv5* | unixware* | sco3.2v5* | sco5v6* | OpenUNIX*) - wl='-Wl,' - ;; - unicos*) - wl='-Wl,' - ;; - uts4*) - ;; - esac -fi - -# Code taken from libtool.m4's AC_LIBTOOL_PROG_LD_SHLIBS. - -hardcode_libdir_flag_spec= -hardcode_libdir_separator= -hardcode_direct=no -hardcode_minus_L=no - -case "$host_os" in - cygwin* | mingw* | pw32*) - # FIXME: the MSVC++ port hasn't been tested in a loooong time - # When not using gcc, we currently assume that we are using - # Microsoft Visual C++. - if test "$GCC" != yes; then - with_gnu_ld=no - fi - ;; - interix*) - # we just hope/assume this is gcc and not c89 (= MSVC++) - with_gnu_ld=yes - ;; - openbsd*) - with_gnu_ld=no - ;; -esac - -ld_shlibs=yes -if test "$with_gnu_ld" = yes; then - # Set some defaults for GNU ld with shared library support. These - # are reset later if shared libraries are not supported. Putting them - # here allows them to be overridden if necessary. - # Unlike libtool, we use -rpath here, not --rpath, since the documented - # option of GNU ld is called -rpath, not --rpath. - hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}-rpath ${wl}$libdir' - case "$host_os" in - aix3* | aix4* | aix5*) - # On AIX/PPC, the GNU linker is very broken - if test "$host_cpu" != ia64; then - ld_shlibs=no - fi - ;; - amigaos*) - hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-L$libdir' - hardcode_minus_L=yes - # Samuel A. Falvo II reports - # that the semantics of dynamic libraries on AmigaOS, at least up - # to version 4, is to share data among multiple programs linked - # with the same dynamic library. Since this doesn't match the - # behavior of shared libraries on other platforms, we cannot use - # them. - ld_shlibs=no - ;; - beos*) - if $LD --help 2>&1 | grep ': supported targets:.* elf' > /dev/null; then - : - else - ld_shlibs=no - fi - ;; - cygwin* | mingw* | pw32*) - # hardcode_libdir_flag_spec is actually meaningless, as there is - # no search path for DLLs. - hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-L$libdir' - if $LD --help 2>&1 | grep 'auto-import' > /dev/null; then - : - else - ld_shlibs=no - fi - ;; - interix[3-9]*) - hardcode_direct=no - hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}-rpath,$libdir' - ;; - gnu* | linux* | k*bsd*-gnu) - if $LD --help 2>&1 | grep ': supported targets:.* elf' > /dev/null; then - : - else - ld_shlibs=no - fi - ;; - netbsd*) - ;; - solaris*) - if $LD -v 2>&1 | grep 'BFD 2\.8' > /dev/null; then - ld_shlibs=no - elif $LD --help 2>&1 | grep ': supported targets:.* elf' > /dev/null; then - : - else - ld_shlibs=no - fi - ;; - sysv5* | sco3.2v5* | sco5v6* | unixware* | OpenUNIX*) - case `$LD -v 2>&1` in - *\ [01].* | *\ 2.[0-9].* | *\ 2.1[0-5].*) - ld_shlibs=no - ;; - *) - if $LD --help 2>&1 | grep ': supported targets:.* elf' > /dev/null; then - hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='`test -z "$SCOABSPATH" && echo ${wl}-rpath,$libdir`' - else - ld_shlibs=no - fi - ;; - esac - ;; - sunos4*) - hardcode_direct=yes - ;; - *) - if $LD --help 2>&1 | grep ': supported targets:.* elf' > /dev/null; then - : - else - ld_shlibs=no - fi - ;; - esac - if test "$ld_shlibs" = no; then - hardcode_libdir_flag_spec= - fi -else - case "$host_os" in - aix3*) - # Note: this linker hardcodes the directories in LIBPATH if there - # are no directories specified by -L. - hardcode_minus_L=yes - if test "$GCC" = yes; then - # Neither direct hardcoding nor static linking is supported with a - # broken collect2. - hardcode_direct=unsupported - fi - ;; - aix4* | aix5*) - if test "$host_cpu" = ia64; then - # On IA64, the linker does run time linking by default, so we don't - # have to do anything special. - aix_use_runtimelinking=no - else - aix_use_runtimelinking=no - # Test if we are trying to use run time linking or normal - # AIX style linking. If -brtl is somewhere in LDFLAGS, we - # need to do runtime linking. - case $host_os in aix4.[23]|aix4.[23].*|aix5*) - for ld_flag in $LDFLAGS; do - if (test $ld_flag = "-brtl" || test $ld_flag = "-Wl,-brtl"); then - aix_use_runtimelinking=yes - break - fi - done - ;; - esac - fi - hardcode_direct=yes - hardcode_libdir_separator=':' - if test "$GCC" = yes; then - case $host_os in aix4.[012]|aix4.[012].*) - collect2name=`${CC} -print-prog-name=collect2` - if test -f "$collect2name" && \ - strings "$collect2name" | grep resolve_lib_name >/dev/null - then - # We have reworked collect2 - : - else - # We have old collect2 - hardcode_direct=unsupported - hardcode_minus_L=yes - hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-L$libdir' - hardcode_libdir_separator= - fi - ;; - esac - fi - # Begin _LT_AC_SYS_LIBPATH_AIX. - echo 'int main () { return 0; }' > conftest.c - ${CC} ${LDFLAGS} conftest.c -o conftest - aix_libpath=`dump -H conftest 2>/dev/null | sed -n -e '/Import File Strings/,/^$/ { /^0/ { s/^0 *\(.*\)$/\1/; p; } -}'` - if test -z "$aix_libpath"; then - aix_libpath=`dump -HX64 conftest 2>/dev/null | sed -n -e '/Import File Strings/,/^$/ { /^0/ { s/^0 *\(.*\)$/\1/; p; } -}'` - fi - if test -z "$aix_libpath"; then - aix_libpath="/usr/lib:/lib" - fi - rm -f conftest.c conftest - # End _LT_AC_SYS_LIBPATH_AIX. - if test "$aix_use_runtimelinking" = yes; then - hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}-blibpath:$libdir:'"$aix_libpath" - else - if test "$host_cpu" = ia64; then - hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}-R $libdir:/usr/lib:/lib' - else - hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}-blibpath:$libdir:'"$aix_libpath" - fi - fi - ;; - amigaos*) - hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-L$libdir' - hardcode_minus_L=yes - # see comment about different semantics on the GNU ld section - ld_shlibs=no - ;; - bsdi[45]*) - ;; - cygwin* | mingw* | pw32*) - # When not using gcc, we currently assume that we are using - # Microsoft Visual C++. - # hardcode_libdir_flag_spec is actually meaningless, as there is - # no search path for DLLs. - hardcode_libdir_flag_spec=' ' - libext=lib - ;; - darwin* | rhapsody*) - hardcode_direct=no - if test "$GCC" = yes ; then - : - else - case $cc_basename in - xlc*) - ;; - *) - ld_shlibs=no - ;; - esac - fi - ;; - dgux*) - hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-L$libdir' - ;; - freebsd1*) - ld_shlibs=no - ;; - freebsd2.2*) - hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-R$libdir' - hardcode_direct=yes - ;; - freebsd2*) - hardcode_direct=yes - hardcode_minus_L=yes - ;; - freebsd* | dragonfly*) - hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-R$libdir' - hardcode_direct=yes - ;; - hpux9*) - hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}+b ${wl}$libdir' - hardcode_libdir_separator=: - hardcode_direct=yes - # hardcode_minus_L: Not really in the search PATH, - # but as the default location of the library. - hardcode_minus_L=yes - ;; - hpux10*) - if test "$with_gnu_ld" = no; then - hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}+b ${wl}$libdir' - hardcode_libdir_separator=: - hardcode_direct=yes - # hardcode_minus_L: Not really in the search PATH, - # but as the default location of the library. - hardcode_minus_L=yes - fi - ;; - hpux11*) - if test "$with_gnu_ld" = no; then - hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}+b ${wl}$libdir' - hardcode_libdir_separator=: - case $host_cpu in - hppa*64*|ia64*) - hardcode_direct=no - ;; - *) - hardcode_direct=yes - # hardcode_minus_L: Not really in the search PATH, - # but as the default location of the library. - hardcode_minus_L=yes - ;; - esac - fi - ;; - irix5* | irix6* | nonstopux*) - hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}-rpath ${wl}$libdir' - hardcode_libdir_separator=: - ;; - netbsd*) - hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-R$libdir' - hardcode_direct=yes - ;; - newsos6) - hardcode_direct=yes - hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}-rpath ${wl}$libdir' - hardcode_libdir_separator=: - ;; - openbsd*) - if test -f /usr/libexec/ld.so; then - hardcode_direct=yes - if test -z "`echo __ELF__ | $CC -E - | grep __ELF__`" || test "$host_os-$host_cpu" = "openbsd2.8-powerpc"; then - hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}-rpath,$libdir' - else - case "$host_os" in - openbsd[01].* | openbsd2.[0-7] | openbsd2.[0-7].*) - hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-R$libdir' - ;; - *) - hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}-rpath,$libdir' - ;; - esac - fi - else - ld_shlibs=no - fi - ;; - os2*) - hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-L$libdir' - hardcode_minus_L=yes - ;; - osf3*) - hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}-rpath ${wl}$libdir' - hardcode_libdir_separator=: - ;; - osf4* | osf5*) - if test "$GCC" = yes; then - hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}-rpath ${wl}$libdir' - else - # Both cc and cxx compiler support -rpath directly - hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-rpath $libdir' - fi - hardcode_libdir_separator=: - ;; - solaris*) - hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-R$libdir' - ;; - sunos4*) - hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-L$libdir' - hardcode_direct=yes - hardcode_minus_L=yes - ;; - sysv4) - case $host_vendor in - sni) - hardcode_direct=yes # is this really true??? - ;; - siemens) - hardcode_direct=no - ;; - motorola) - hardcode_direct=no #Motorola manual says yes, but my tests say they lie - ;; - esac - ;; - sysv4.3*) - ;; - sysv4*MP*) - if test -d /usr/nec; then - ld_shlibs=yes - fi - ;; - sysv4*uw2* | sysv5OpenUNIX* | sysv5UnixWare7.[01].[10]* | unixware7* | sco3.2v5.0.[024]*) - ;; - sysv5* | sco3.2v5* | sco5v6*) - hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='`test -z "$SCOABSPATH" && echo ${wl}-R,$libdir`' - hardcode_libdir_separator=':' - ;; - uts4*) - hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-L$libdir' - ;; - *) - ld_shlibs=no - ;; - esac -fi - -# Check dynamic linker characteristics -# Code taken from libtool.m4's AC_LIBTOOL_SYS_DYNAMIC_LINKER. -# Unlike libtool.m4, here we don't care about _all_ names of the library, but -# only about the one the linker finds when passed -lNAME. This is the last -# element of library_names_spec in libtool.m4, or possibly two of them if the -# linker has special search rules. -library_names_spec= # the last element of library_names_spec in libtool.m4 -libname_spec='lib$name' -case "$host_os" in - aix3*) - library_names_spec='$libname.a' - ;; - aix4* | aix5*) - library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' - ;; - amigaos*) - library_names_spec='$libname.a' - ;; - beos*) - library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' - ;; - bsdi[45]*) - library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' - ;; - cygwin* | mingw* | pw32*) - shrext=.dll - library_names_spec='$libname.dll.a $libname.lib' - ;; - darwin* | rhapsody*) - shrext=.dylib - library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' - ;; - dgux*) - library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' - ;; - freebsd1*) - ;; - freebsd* | dragonfly*) - case "$host_os" in - freebsd[123]*) - library_names_spec='$libname$shrext$versuffix' ;; - *) - library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' ;; - esac - ;; - gnu*) - library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' - ;; - hpux9* | hpux10* | hpux11*) - case $host_cpu in - ia64*) - shrext=.so - ;; - hppa*64*) - shrext=.sl - ;; - *) - shrext=.sl - ;; - esac - library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' - ;; - interix[3-9]*) - library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' - ;; - irix5* | irix6* | nonstopux*) - library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' - case "$host_os" in - irix5* | nonstopux*) - libsuff= shlibsuff= - ;; - *) - case $LD in - *-32|*"-32 "|*-melf32bsmip|*"-melf32bsmip ") libsuff= shlibsuff= ;; - *-n32|*"-n32 "|*-melf32bmipn32|*"-melf32bmipn32 ") libsuff=32 shlibsuff=N32 ;; - *-64|*"-64 "|*-melf64bmip|*"-melf64bmip ") libsuff=64 shlibsuff=64 ;; - *) libsuff= shlibsuff= ;; - esac - ;; - esac - ;; - linux*oldld* | linux*aout* | linux*coff*) - ;; - linux* | k*bsd*-gnu) - library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' - ;; - knetbsd*-gnu) - library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' - ;; - netbsd*) - library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' - ;; - newsos6) - library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' - ;; - nto-qnx*) - library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' - ;; - openbsd*) - library_names_spec='$libname$shrext$versuffix' - ;; - os2*) - libname_spec='$name' - shrext=.dll - library_names_spec='$libname.a' - ;; - osf3* | osf4* | osf5*) - library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' - ;; - rdos*) - ;; - solaris*) - library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' - ;; - sunos4*) - library_names_spec='$libname$shrext$versuffix' - ;; - sysv4 | sysv4.3*) - library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' - ;; - sysv4*MP*) - library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' - ;; - sysv5* | sco3.2v5* | sco5v6* | unixware* | OpenUNIX* | sysv4*uw2*) - library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' - ;; - uts4*) - library_names_spec='$libname$shrext' - ;; -esac - -sed_quote_subst='s/\(["`$\\]\)/\\\1/g' -escaped_wl=`echo "X$wl" | sed -e 's/^X//' -e "$sed_quote_subst"` -shlibext=`echo "$shrext" | sed -e 's,^\.,,'` -escaped_libname_spec=`echo "X$libname_spec" | sed -e 's/^X//' -e "$sed_quote_subst"` -escaped_library_names_spec=`echo "X$library_names_spec" | sed -e 's/^X//' -e "$sed_quote_subst"` -escaped_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec=`echo "X$hardcode_libdir_flag_spec" | sed -e 's/^X//' -e "$sed_quote_subst"` - -LC_ALL=C sed -e 's/^\([a-zA-Z0-9_]*\)=/acl_cv_\1=/' <. # @@ -576,8 +576,8 @@ # Identity of this package. PACKAGE_NAME='Empathy' PACKAGE_TARNAME='empathy' -PACKAGE_VERSION='3.3.91' -PACKAGE_STRING='Empathy 3.3.91' +PACKAGE_VERSION='3.3.92' +PACKAGE_STRING='Empathy 3.3.92' PACKAGE_BUGREPORT='http://bugzilla.gnome.org/browse.cgi?product=empathy' PACKAGE_URL='https://live.gnome.org/Empathy' @@ -618,7 +618,6 @@ # include #endif" -gt_needs= ac_subst_vars='am__EXEEXT_FALSE am__EXEEXT_TRUE LTLIBOBJS @@ -674,18 +673,6 @@ CONNMAN_LIBS CONNMAN_CFLAGS GETTEXT_PACKAGE -POSUB -LTLIBINTL -LIBINTL -INTLLIBS -LTLIBICONV -LIBICONV -INTL_MACOSX_LIBS -XGETTEXT_EXTRA_OPTIONS -XGETTEXT_015 -GMSGFMT_015 -MSGFMT_015 -GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION DATADIRNAME ALL_LINGUAS INTLTOOL_PERL @@ -894,9 +881,6 @@ with_eds enable_debug enable_nls -enable_rpath -with_libiconv_prefix -with_libintl_prefix with_connectivity enable_gudev enable_spell @@ -1499,7 +1483,7 @@ # Omit some internal or obsolete options to make the list less imposing. # This message is too long to be a string in the A/UX 3.1 sh. cat <<_ACEOF -\`configure' configures Empathy 3.3.91 to adapt to many kinds of systems. +\`configure' configures Empathy 3.3.92 to adapt to many kinds of systems. Usage: $0 [OPTION]... [VAR=VALUE]... @@ -1573,7 +1557,7 @@ if test -n "$ac_init_help"; then case $ac_init_help in - short | recursive ) echo "Configuration of Empathy 3.3.91:";; + short | recursive ) echo "Configuration of Empathy 3.3.92:";; esac cat <<\_ACEOF @@ -1603,7 +1587,6 @@ build with call logs support --disable-debug compile without debug code --disable-nls do not use Native Language Support - --disable-rpath do not hardcode runtime library paths --enable-gudev=[no/yes/auto] build with gudev support --enable-spell=[no/yes/auto] @@ -1632,11 +1615,6 @@ --with-sysroot=DIR Search for dependent libraries within DIR (or the compiler's sysroot if not specified). --with-eds build with evolution-data-server support - --with-gnu-ld assume the C compiler uses GNU ld default=no - --with-libiconv-prefix[=DIR] search for libiconv in DIR/include and DIR/lib - --without-libiconv-prefix don't search for libiconv in includedir and libdir - --with-libintl-prefix[=DIR] search for libintl in DIR/include and DIR/lib - --without-libintl-prefix don't search for libintl in includedir and libdir --with-connectivity=[nm/connman/auto/no] build with connectivity support --with-cheese enable cheese webcam support @@ -1781,7 +1759,7 @@ test -n "$ac_init_help" && exit $ac_status if $ac_init_version; then cat <<\_ACEOF -Empathy configure 3.3.91 +Empathy configure 3.3.92 generated by GNU Autoconf 2.68 Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. @@ -2155,7 +2133,7 @@ This file contains any messages produced by compilers while running configure, to aid debugging if configure makes a mistake. -It was created by Empathy $as_me 3.3.91, which was +It was created by Empathy $as_me 3.3.92, which was generated by GNU Autoconf 2.68. Invocation command line was $ $0 $@ @@ -2435,7 +2413,6 @@ >$cache_file fi -gt_needs="$gt_needs " # Check that the precious variables saved in the cache have kept the same # value. ac_cache_corrupted=false @@ -2512,9 +2489,35 @@ # Hardp deps FOLKS_REQUIRED=0.6.6 -GLIB_REQUIRED=2.30.0 GNUTLS_REQUIRED=2.8.5 -GTK_REQUIRED=3.0.2 + +GLIB_REQUIRED=2.30.0 + +$as_echo "#define GLIB_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED GLIB_VERSION_2_30" >>confdefs.h + + +$as_echo "#define GLIB_VERSION_MAX_REQUIRED GLIB_VERSION_2_30" >>confdefs.h + + +GTK_REQUIRED=3.3.6 + +$as_echo "#define GDK_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED GDK_VERSION_3_4" >>confdefs.h + + +$as_echo "#define GDK_VERSION_MAX_REQUIRED GDK_VERSION_3_4" >>confdefs.h + + +CLUTTER_REQUIRED=1.8.0 + +$as_echo "#define CLUTTER_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED CLUTTER_VERSION_1_8" >>confdefs.h + + +$as_echo "#define CLUTTER_VERSION_MAX CLUTTER_VERSION_1_8" >>confdefs.h + + +CLUTTER_GTK_REQUIRED=0.90.3 +CLUTTER_GST_REQUIRED=1.5.2 + GSTREAMER_REQUIRED=0.10.32 KEYRING_REQUIRED=2.26.0 GCR_REQUIRED=2.91.4 @@ -2527,10 +2530,8 @@ GOA_REQUIRED=3.3.0 # Optional deps -CLUTTER_REQUIRED=1.7.14 -CLUTTER_GTK_REQUIRED=0.90.3 ENCHANT_REQUIRED=1.2.0 -GEOCLUE_REQUIRED=0.11 +GEOCLUE_REQUIRED=0.12 ISO_CODES_REQUIRED=0.35 NAUTILUS_SENDTO_REQUIRED=2.90.0 NETWORK_MANAGER_REQUIRED=0.7.0 @@ -2543,18 +2544,6 @@ #ifelse(empathy_released, 1, [], [enable_maintainer_mode="yes"]) #GNOME_MAINTAINER_MODE_DEFINES -# Disable GLib deprecation warnings for now; we don't want to bump the GLib dep -# and make things harder for contributiors without good reason. We'll re-enable -# those warnings later during the cycle (bgo #662662) - -$as_echo "#define GLIB_DISABLE_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS 1" >>confdefs.h - - -# FIXME: bgo #669673 - -$as_echo "#define CLUTTER_DISABLE_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS 1" >>confdefs.h - - ac_config_headers="$ac_config_headers config.h" @@ -3027,7 +3016,7 @@ # Define the identity of the package. PACKAGE='empathy' - VERSION='3.3.91' + VERSION='3.3.92' # Some tools Automake needs. @@ -14292,15 +14281,15 @@ farstream-0.1 telepathy-farstream >= \$TELEPATHY_FARSTREAM_REQUIRED clutter-1.0 >= \$CLUTTER_REQUIRED - clutter-gtk-1.0 - clutter-gst-1.0 + clutter-gtk-1.0 >= \$CLUTTER_GTK_REQUIRED + clutter-gst-1.0 >= \$CLUTTER_GST_REQUIRED \""; } >&5 ($PKG_CONFIG --exists --print-errors " farstream-0.1 telepathy-farstream >= $TELEPATHY_FARSTREAM_REQUIRED clutter-1.0 >= $CLUTTER_REQUIRED - clutter-gtk-1.0 - clutter-gst-1.0 + clutter-gtk-1.0 >= $CLUTTER_GTK_REQUIRED + clutter-gst-1.0 >= $CLUTTER_GST_REQUIRED ") 2>&5 ac_status=$? $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 @@ -14309,8 +14298,8 @@ farstream-0.1 telepathy-farstream >= $TELEPATHY_FARSTREAM_REQUIRED clutter-1.0 >= $CLUTTER_REQUIRED - clutter-gtk-1.0 - clutter-gst-1.0 + clutter-gtk-1.0 >= $CLUTTER_GTK_REQUIRED + clutter-gst-1.0 >= $CLUTTER_GST_REQUIRED " 2>/dev/null` else pkg_failed=yes @@ -14326,15 +14315,15 @@ farstream-0.1 telepathy-farstream >= \$TELEPATHY_FARSTREAM_REQUIRED clutter-1.0 >= \$CLUTTER_REQUIRED - clutter-gtk-1.0 - clutter-gst-1.0 + clutter-gtk-1.0 >= \$CLUTTER_GTK_REQUIRED + clutter-gst-1.0 >= \$CLUTTER_GST_REQUIRED \""; } >&5 ($PKG_CONFIG --exists --print-errors " farstream-0.1 telepathy-farstream >= $TELEPATHY_FARSTREAM_REQUIRED clutter-1.0 >= $CLUTTER_REQUIRED - clutter-gtk-1.0 - clutter-gst-1.0 + clutter-gtk-1.0 >= $CLUTTER_GTK_REQUIRED + clutter-gst-1.0 >= $CLUTTER_GST_REQUIRED ") 2>&5 ac_status=$? $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 @@ -14343,8 +14332,8 @@ farstream-0.1 telepathy-farstream >= $TELEPATHY_FARSTREAM_REQUIRED clutter-1.0 >= $CLUTTER_REQUIRED - clutter-gtk-1.0 - clutter-gst-1.0 + clutter-gtk-1.0 >= $CLUTTER_GTK_REQUIRED + clutter-gst-1.0 >= $CLUTTER_GST_REQUIRED " 2>/dev/null` else pkg_failed=yes @@ -14369,16 +14358,16 @@ farstream-0.1 telepathy-farstream >= $TELEPATHY_FARSTREAM_REQUIRED clutter-1.0 >= $CLUTTER_REQUIRED - clutter-gtk-1.0 - clutter-gst-1.0 + clutter-gtk-1.0 >= $CLUTTER_GTK_REQUIRED + clutter-gst-1.0 >= $CLUTTER_GST_REQUIRED " 2>&1` else EMPATHY_CALL_PKG_ERRORS=`$PKG_CONFIG --print-errors " farstream-0.1 telepathy-farstream >= $TELEPATHY_FARSTREAM_REQUIRED clutter-1.0 >= $CLUTTER_REQUIRED - clutter-gtk-1.0 - clutter-gst-1.0 + clutter-gtk-1.0 >= $CLUTTER_GTK_REQUIRED + clutter-gst-1.0 >= $CLUTTER_GST_REQUIRED " 2>&1` fi # Put the nasty error message in config.log where it belongs @@ -14388,8 +14377,8 @@ farstream-0.1 telepathy-farstream >= $TELEPATHY_FARSTREAM_REQUIRED clutter-1.0 >= $CLUTTER_REQUIRED - clutter-gtk-1.0 - clutter-gst-1.0 + clutter-gtk-1.0 >= $CLUTTER_GTK_REQUIRED + clutter-gst-1.0 >= $CLUTTER_GST_REQUIRED ) were not met: $EMPATHY_CALL_PKG_ERRORS @@ -15305,2018 +15294,127 @@ +GETTEXT_PACKAGE=empathy +cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF +#define GETTEXT_PACKAGE "$GETTEXT_PACKAGE" +_ACEOF - GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION=0.17 - - - - -# Prepare PATH_SEPARATOR. -# The user is always right. -if test "${PATH_SEPARATOR+set}" != set; then - echo "#! /bin/sh" >conf$$.sh - echo "exit 0" >>conf$$.sh - chmod +x conf$$.sh - if (PATH="/nonexistent;."; conf$$.sh) >/dev/null 2>&1; then - PATH_SEPARATOR=';' - else - PATH_SEPARATOR=: - fi - rm -f conf$$.sh -fi - -# Find out how to test for executable files. Don't use a zero-byte file, -# as systems may use methods other than mode bits to determine executability. -cat >conf$$.file <<_ASEOF -#! /bin/sh -exit 0 -_ASEOF -chmod +x conf$$.file -if test -x conf$$.file >/dev/null 2>&1; then - ac_executable_p="test -x" -else - ac_executable_p="test -f" -fi -rm -f conf$$.file - -# Extract the first word of "msgfmt", so it can be a program name with args. -set dummy msgfmt; ac_word=$2 -{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 -$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } -if ${ac_cv_path_MSGFMT+:} false; then : - $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 -else - case "$MSGFMT" in - [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*) - ac_cv_path_MSGFMT="$MSGFMT" # Let the user override the test with a path. - ;; - *) - ac_save_IFS="$IFS"; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR - for ac_dir in $PATH; do - IFS="$ac_save_IFS" - test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=. - for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do - if $ac_executable_p "$ac_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then - echo "$as_me: trying $ac_dir/$ac_word..." >&5 - if $ac_dir/$ac_word --statistics /dev/null >&5 2>&1 && - (if $ac_dir/$ac_word --statistics /dev/null 2>&1 >/dev/null | grep usage >/dev/null; then exit 1; else exit 0; fi); then - ac_cv_path_MSGFMT="$ac_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" - break 2 - fi - fi - done - done - IFS="$ac_save_IFS" - test -z "$ac_cv_path_MSGFMT" && ac_cv_path_MSGFMT=":" - ;; -esac -fi -MSGFMT="$ac_cv_path_MSGFMT" -if test "$MSGFMT" != ":"; then - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $MSGFMT" >&5 -$as_echo "$MSGFMT" >&6; } -else - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 -$as_echo "no" >&6; } -fi - # Extract the first word of "gmsgfmt", so it can be a program name with args. -set dummy gmsgfmt; ac_word=$2 -{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 -$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } -if ${ac_cv_path_GMSGFMT+:} false; then : - $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 -else - case $GMSGFMT in - [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*) - ac_cv_path_GMSGFMT="$GMSGFMT" # Let the user override the test with a path. - ;; - *) - as_save_IFS=$IFS; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR -for as_dir in $PATH -do - IFS=$as_save_IFS - test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=. - for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do - if { test -f "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" && $as_test_x "$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; }; then - ac_cv_path_GMSGFMT="$as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" - $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: found $as_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" >&5 - break 2 - fi -done - done -IFS=$as_save_IFS +# ----------------------------------------------------------- +# Connectivity integration +# ----------------------------------------------------------- - test -z "$ac_cv_path_GMSGFMT" && ac_cv_path_GMSGFMT="$MSGFMT" - ;; -esac -fi -GMSGFMT=$ac_cv_path_GMSGFMT -if test -n "$GMSGFMT"; then - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $GMSGFMT" >&5 -$as_echo "$GMSGFMT" >&6; } +# Check whether --with-connectivity was given. +if test "${with_connectivity+set}" = set; then : + withval=$with_connectivity; else - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 -$as_echo "no" >&6; } + with_connectivity=auto fi +if test "x$with_connectivity" = "xno"; then + have_nm=no + have_connman=no - case `$MSGFMT --version | sed 1q | sed -e 's,^[^0-9]*,,'` in - '' | 0.[0-9] | 0.[0-9].* | 0.1[0-4] | 0.1[0-4].*) MSGFMT_015=: ;; - *) MSGFMT_015=$MSGFMT ;; - esac - - case `$GMSGFMT --version | sed 1q | sed -e 's,^[^0-9]*,,'` in - '' | 0.[0-9] | 0.[0-9].* | 0.1[0-4] | 0.1[0-4].*) GMSGFMT_015=: ;; - *) GMSGFMT_015=$GMSGFMT ;; - esac - +elif test "x$with_connectivity" = "xconnman"; then + have_nm=no -# Prepare PATH_SEPARATOR. -# The user is always right. -if test "${PATH_SEPARATOR+set}" != set; then - echo "#! /bin/sh" >conf$$.sh - echo "exit 0" >>conf$$.sh - chmod +x conf$$.sh - if (PATH="/nonexistent;."; conf$$.sh) >/dev/null 2>&1; then - PATH_SEPARATOR=';' - else - PATH_SEPARATOR=: - fi - rm -f conf$$.sh -fi +pkg_failed=no +{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for CONNMAN" >&5 +$as_echo_n "checking for CONNMAN... " >&6; } -# Find out how to test for executable files. Don't use a zero-byte file, -# as systems may use methods other than mode bits to determine executability. -cat >conf$$.file <<_ASEOF -#! /bin/sh -exit 0 -_ASEOF -chmod +x conf$$.file -if test -x conf$$.file >/dev/null 2>&1; then - ac_executable_p="test -x" +if test -n "$CONNMAN_CFLAGS"; then + pkg_cv_CONNMAN_CFLAGS="$CONNMAN_CFLAGS" + elif test -n "$PKG_CONFIG"; then + if test -n "$PKG_CONFIG" && \ + { { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$PKG_CONFIG --exists --print-errors \" + dbus-glib-1 + \""; } >&5 + ($PKG_CONFIG --exists --print-errors " + dbus-glib-1 + ") 2>&5 + ac_status=$? + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 + test $ac_status = 0; }; then + pkg_cv_CONNMAN_CFLAGS=`$PKG_CONFIG --cflags " + dbus-glib-1 + " 2>/dev/null` else - ac_executable_p="test -f" + pkg_failed=yes fi -rm -f conf$$.file - -# Extract the first word of "xgettext", so it can be a program name with args. -set dummy xgettext; ac_word=$2 -{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 -$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } -if ${ac_cv_path_XGETTEXT+:} false; then : - $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 -else - case "$XGETTEXT" in - [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*) - ac_cv_path_XGETTEXT="$XGETTEXT" # Let the user override the test with a path. - ;; - *) - ac_save_IFS="$IFS"; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR - for ac_dir in $PATH; do - IFS="$ac_save_IFS" - test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=. - for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do - if $ac_executable_p "$ac_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then - echo "$as_me: trying $ac_dir/$ac_word..." >&5 - if $ac_dir/$ac_word --omit-header --copyright-holder= --msgid-bugs-address= /dev/null >&5 2>&1 && - (if $ac_dir/$ac_word --omit-header --copyright-holder= --msgid-bugs-address= /dev/null 2>&1 >/dev/null | grep usage >/dev/null; then exit 1; else exit 0; fi); then - ac_cv_path_XGETTEXT="$ac_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" - break 2 - fi - fi - done - done - IFS="$ac_save_IFS" - test -z "$ac_cv_path_XGETTEXT" && ac_cv_path_XGETTEXT=":" - ;; -esac + else + pkg_failed=untried fi -XGETTEXT="$ac_cv_path_XGETTEXT" -if test "$XGETTEXT" != ":"; then - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $XGETTEXT" >&5 -$as_echo "$XGETTEXT" >&6; } +if test -n "$CONNMAN_LIBS"; then + pkg_cv_CONNMAN_LIBS="$CONNMAN_LIBS" + elif test -n "$PKG_CONFIG"; then + if test -n "$PKG_CONFIG" && \ + { { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$PKG_CONFIG --exists --print-errors \" + dbus-glib-1 + \""; } >&5 + ($PKG_CONFIG --exists --print-errors " + dbus-glib-1 + ") 2>&5 + ac_status=$? + $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 + test $ac_status = 0; }; then + pkg_cv_CONNMAN_LIBS=`$PKG_CONFIG --libs " + dbus-glib-1 + " 2>/dev/null` else - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 -$as_echo "no" >&6; } + pkg_failed=yes +fi + else + pkg_failed=untried fi - - rm -f messages.po - - case `$XGETTEXT --version | sed 1q | sed -e 's,^[^0-9]*,,'` in - '' | 0.[0-9] | 0.[0-9].* | 0.1[0-4] | 0.1[0-4].*) XGETTEXT_015=: ;; - *) XGETTEXT_015=$XGETTEXT ;; - esac -# Prepare PATH_SEPARATOR. -# The user is always right. -if test "${PATH_SEPARATOR+set}" != set; then - echo "#! /bin/sh" >conf$$.sh - echo "exit 0" >>conf$$.sh - chmod +x conf$$.sh - if (PATH="/nonexistent;."; conf$$.sh) >/dev/null 2>&1; then - PATH_SEPARATOR=';' - else - PATH_SEPARATOR=: - fi - rm -f conf$$.sh -fi +if test $pkg_failed = yes; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 +$as_echo "no" >&6; } -# Find out how to test for executable files. Don't use a zero-byte file, -# as systems may use methods other than mode bits to determine executability. -cat >conf$$.file <<_ASEOF -#! /bin/sh -exit 0 -_ASEOF -chmod +x conf$$.file -if test -x conf$$.file >/dev/null 2>&1; then - ac_executable_p="test -x" +if $PKG_CONFIG --atleast-pkgconfig-version 0.20; then + _pkg_short_errors_supported=yes else - ac_executable_p="test -f" + _pkg_short_errors_supported=no fi -rm -f conf$$.file - -# Extract the first word of "msgmerge", so it can be a program name with args. -set dummy msgmerge; ac_word=$2 -{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for $ac_word" >&5 -$as_echo_n "checking for $ac_word... " >&6; } -if ${ac_cv_path_MSGMERGE+:} false; then : - $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 -else - case "$MSGMERGE" in - [\\/]* | ?:[\\/]*) - ac_cv_path_MSGMERGE="$MSGMERGE" # Let the user override the test with a path. - ;; - *) - ac_save_IFS="$IFS"; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR - for ac_dir in $PATH; do - IFS="$ac_save_IFS" - test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=. - for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do - if $ac_executable_p "$ac_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then - echo "$as_me: trying $ac_dir/$ac_word..." >&5 - if $ac_dir/$ac_word --update -q /dev/null /dev/null >&5 2>&1; then - ac_cv_path_MSGMERGE="$ac_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" - break 2 - fi + if test $_pkg_short_errors_supported = yes; then + CONNMAN_PKG_ERRORS=`$PKG_CONFIG --short-errors --print-errors " + dbus-glib-1 + " 2>&1` + else + CONNMAN_PKG_ERRORS=`$PKG_CONFIG --print-errors " + dbus-glib-1 + " 2>&1` fi - done - done - IFS="$ac_save_IFS" - test -z "$ac_cv_path_MSGMERGE" && ac_cv_path_MSGMERGE=":" - ;; -esac -fi -MSGMERGE="$ac_cv_path_MSGMERGE" -if test "$MSGMERGE" != ":"; then - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $MSGMERGE" >&5 -$as_echo "$MSGMERGE" >&6; } -else - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 + # Put the nasty error message in config.log where it belongs + echo "$CONNMAN_PKG_ERRORS" >&5 + + have_connman="no" +elif test $pkg_failed = untried; then + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 $as_echo "no" >&6; } + have_connman="no" +else + CONNMAN_CFLAGS=$pkg_cv_CONNMAN_CFLAGS + CONNMAN_LIBS=$pkg_cv_CONNMAN_LIBS + { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5 +$as_echo "yes" >&6; } + have_connman="yes" fi + if test "x$have_connman" = "xyes"; then - test -n "$localedir" || localedir='${datadir}/locale' +$as_echo "#define HAVE_CONNMAN 1" >>confdefs.h + fi - test -n "${XGETTEXT_EXTRA_OPTIONS+set}" || XGETTEXT_EXTRA_OPTIONS= - - - ac_config_commands="$ac_config_commands po-directories" - - - - if test "X$prefix" = "XNONE"; then - acl_final_prefix="$ac_default_prefix" - else - acl_final_prefix="$prefix" - fi - if test "X$exec_prefix" = "XNONE"; then - acl_final_exec_prefix='${prefix}' - else - acl_final_exec_prefix="$exec_prefix" - fi - acl_save_prefix="$prefix" - prefix="$acl_final_prefix" - eval acl_final_exec_prefix=\"$acl_final_exec_prefix\" - prefix="$acl_save_prefix" - - -# Check whether --with-gnu-ld was given. -if test "${with_gnu_ld+set}" = set; then : - withval=$with_gnu_ld; test "$withval" = no || with_gnu_ld=yes -else - with_gnu_ld=no -fi - -# Prepare PATH_SEPARATOR. -# The user is always right. -if test "${PATH_SEPARATOR+set}" != set; then - echo "#! /bin/sh" >conf$$.sh - echo "exit 0" >>conf$$.sh - chmod +x conf$$.sh - if (PATH="/nonexistent;."; conf$$.sh) >/dev/null 2>&1; then - PATH_SEPARATOR=';' - else - PATH_SEPARATOR=: - fi - rm -f conf$$.sh -fi -ac_prog=ld -if test "$GCC" = yes; then - # Check if gcc -print-prog-name=ld gives a path. - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for ld used by GCC" >&5 -$as_echo_n "checking for ld used by GCC... " >&6; } - case $host in - *-*-mingw*) - # gcc leaves a trailing carriage return which upsets mingw - ac_prog=`($CC -print-prog-name=ld) 2>&5 | tr -d '\015'` ;; - *) - ac_prog=`($CC -print-prog-name=ld) 2>&5` ;; - esac - case $ac_prog in - # Accept absolute paths. - [\\/]* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) - re_direlt='/[^/][^/]*/\.\./' - # Canonicalize the path of ld - ac_prog=`echo $ac_prog| sed 's%\\\\%/%g'` - while echo $ac_prog | grep "$re_direlt" > /dev/null 2>&1; do - ac_prog=`echo $ac_prog| sed "s%$re_direlt%/%"` - done - test -z "$LD" && LD="$ac_prog" - ;; - "") - # If it fails, then pretend we aren't using GCC. - ac_prog=ld - ;; - *) - # If it is relative, then search for the first ld in PATH. - with_gnu_ld=unknown - ;; - esac -elif test "$with_gnu_ld" = yes; then - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for GNU ld" >&5 -$as_echo_n "checking for GNU ld... " >&6; } -else - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for non-GNU ld" >&5 -$as_echo_n "checking for non-GNU ld... " >&6; } -fi -if ${acl_cv_path_LD+:} false; then : - $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 -else - if test -z "$LD"; then - IFS="${IFS= }"; ac_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS="${IFS}${PATH_SEPARATOR-:}" - for ac_dir in $PATH; do - test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=. - if test -f "$ac_dir/$ac_prog" || test -f "$ac_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exeext"; then - acl_cv_path_LD="$ac_dir/$ac_prog" - # Check to see if the program is GNU ld. I'd rather use --version, - # but apparently some GNU ld's only accept -v. - # Break only if it was the GNU/non-GNU ld that we prefer. - case `"$acl_cv_path_LD" -v 2>&1 < /dev/null` in - *GNU* | *'with BFD'*) - test "$with_gnu_ld" != no && break ;; - *) - test "$with_gnu_ld" != yes && break ;; - esac - fi - done - IFS="$ac_save_ifs" -else - acl_cv_path_LD="$LD" # Let the user override the test with a path. -fi -fi - -LD="$acl_cv_path_LD" -if test -n "$LD"; then - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $LD" >&5 -$as_echo "$LD" >&6; } -else - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 -$as_echo "no" >&6; } -fi -test -z "$LD" && as_fn_error $? "no acceptable ld found in \$PATH" "$LINENO" 5 -{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking if the linker ($LD) is GNU ld" >&5 -$as_echo_n "checking if the linker ($LD) is GNU ld... " >&6; } -if ${acl_cv_prog_gnu_ld+:} false; then : - $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 -else - # I'd rather use --version here, but apparently some GNU ld's only accept -v. -case `$LD -v 2>&1 &5 -$as_echo "$acl_cv_prog_gnu_ld" >&6; } -with_gnu_ld=$acl_cv_prog_gnu_ld - - - - - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for shared library run path origin" >&5 -$as_echo_n "checking for shared library run path origin... " >&6; } -if ${acl_cv_rpath+:} false; then : - $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 -else - - CC="$CC" GCC="$GCC" LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" LD="$LD" with_gnu_ld="$with_gnu_ld" \ - ${CONFIG_SHELL-/bin/sh} "$ac_aux_dir/config.rpath" "$host" > conftest.sh - . ./conftest.sh - rm -f ./conftest.sh - acl_cv_rpath=done - -fi -{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $acl_cv_rpath" >&5 -$as_echo "$acl_cv_rpath" >&6; } - wl="$acl_cv_wl" - acl_libext="$acl_cv_libext" - acl_shlibext="$acl_cv_shlibext" - acl_libname_spec="$acl_cv_libname_spec" - acl_library_names_spec="$acl_cv_library_names_spec" - acl_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec="$acl_cv_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec" - acl_hardcode_libdir_separator="$acl_cv_hardcode_libdir_separator" - acl_hardcode_direct="$acl_cv_hardcode_direct" - acl_hardcode_minus_L="$acl_cv_hardcode_minus_L" - # Check whether --enable-rpath was given. -if test "${enable_rpath+set}" = set; then : - enableval=$enable_rpath; : -else - enable_rpath=yes -fi - - - - acl_libdirstem=lib - searchpath=`(LC_ALL=C $CC -print-search-dirs) 2>/dev/null | sed -n -e 's,^libraries: ,,p' | sed -e 's,^=,,'` - if test -n "$searchpath"; then - acl_save_IFS="${IFS= }"; IFS=":" - for searchdir in $searchpath; do - if test -d "$searchdir"; then - case "$searchdir" in - */lib64/ | */lib64 ) acl_libdirstem=lib64 ;; - *) searchdir=`cd "$searchdir" && pwd` - case "$searchdir" in - */lib64 ) acl_libdirstem=lib64 ;; - esac ;; - esac - fi - done - IFS="$acl_save_IFS" - fi - - - - - - - - - - use_additional=yes - - acl_save_prefix="$prefix" - prefix="$acl_final_prefix" - acl_save_exec_prefix="$exec_prefix" - exec_prefix="$acl_final_exec_prefix" - - eval additional_includedir=\"$includedir\" - eval additional_libdir=\"$libdir\" - - exec_prefix="$acl_save_exec_prefix" - prefix="$acl_save_prefix" - - -# Check whether --with-libiconv-prefix was given. -if test "${with_libiconv_prefix+set}" = set; then : - withval=$with_libiconv_prefix; - if test "X$withval" = "Xno"; then - use_additional=no - else - if test "X$withval" = "X"; then - - acl_save_prefix="$prefix" - prefix="$acl_final_prefix" - acl_save_exec_prefix="$exec_prefix" - exec_prefix="$acl_final_exec_prefix" - - eval additional_includedir=\"$includedir\" - eval additional_libdir=\"$libdir\" - - exec_prefix="$acl_save_exec_prefix" - prefix="$acl_save_prefix" - - else - additional_includedir="$withval/include" - additional_libdir="$withval/$acl_libdirstem" - fi - fi - -fi - - LIBICONV= - LTLIBICONV= - INCICONV= - LIBICONV_PREFIX= - rpathdirs= - ltrpathdirs= - names_already_handled= - names_next_round='iconv ' - while test -n "$names_next_round"; do - names_this_round="$names_next_round" - names_next_round= - for name in $names_this_round; do - already_handled= - for n in $names_already_handled; do - if test "$n" = "$name"; then - already_handled=yes - break - fi - done - if test -z "$already_handled"; then - names_already_handled="$names_already_handled $name" - uppername=`echo "$name" | sed -e 'y|abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz./-|ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ___|'` - eval value=\"\$HAVE_LIB$uppername\" - if test -n "$value"; then - if test "$value" = yes; then - eval value=\"\$LIB$uppername\" - test -z "$value" || LIBICONV="${LIBICONV}${LIBICONV:+ }$value" - eval value=\"\$LTLIB$uppername\" - test -z "$value" || LTLIBICONV="${LTLIBICONV}${LTLIBICONV:+ }$value" - else - : - fi - else - found_dir= - found_la= - found_so= - found_a= - eval libname=\"$acl_libname_spec\" # typically: libname=lib$name - if test -n "$acl_shlibext"; then - shrext=".$acl_shlibext" # typically: shrext=.so - else - shrext= - fi - if test $use_additional = yes; then - dir="$additional_libdir" - if test -n "$acl_shlibext"; then - if test -f "$dir/$libname$shrext"; then - found_dir="$dir" - found_so="$dir/$libname$shrext" - else - if test "$acl_library_names_spec" = '$libname$shrext$versuffix'; then - ver=`(cd "$dir" && \ - for f in "$libname$shrext".*; do echo "$f"; done \ - | sed -e "s,^$libname$shrext\\\\.,," \ - | sort -t '.' -n -r -k1,1 -k2,2 -k3,3 -k4,4 -k5,5 \ - | sed 1q ) 2>/dev/null` - if test -n "$ver" && test -f "$dir/$libname$shrext.$ver"; then - found_dir="$dir" - found_so="$dir/$libname$shrext.$ver" - fi - else - eval library_names=\"$acl_library_names_spec\" - for f in $library_names; do - if test -f "$dir/$f"; then - found_dir="$dir" - found_so="$dir/$f" - break - fi - done - fi - fi - fi - if test "X$found_dir" = "X"; then - if test -f "$dir/$libname.$acl_libext"; then - found_dir="$dir" - found_a="$dir/$libname.$acl_libext" - fi - fi - if test "X$found_dir" != "X"; then - if test -f "$dir/$libname.la"; then - found_la="$dir/$libname.la" - fi - fi - fi - if test "X$found_dir" = "X"; then - for x in $LDFLAGS $LTLIBICONV; do - - acl_save_prefix="$prefix" - prefix="$acl_final_prefix" - acl_save_exec_prefix="$exec_prefix" - exec_prefix="$acl_final_exec_prefix" - eval x=\"$x\" - exec_prefix="$acl_save_exec_prefix" - prefix="$acl_save_prefix" - - case "$x" in - -L*) - dir=`echo "X$x" | sed -e 's/^X-L//'` - if test -n "$acl_shlibext"; then - if test -f "$dir/$libname$shrext"; then - found_dir="$dir" - found_so="$dir/$libname$shrext" - else - if test "$acl_library_names_spec" = '$libname$shrext$versuffix'; then - ver=`(cd "$dir" && \ - for f in "$libname$shrext".*; do echo "$f"; done \ - | sed -e "s,^$libname$shrext\\\\.,," \ - | sort -t '.' -n -r -k1,1 -k2,2 -k3,3 -k4,4 -k5,5 \ - | sed 1q ) 2>/dev/null` - if test -n "$ver" && test -f "$dir/$libname$shrext.$ver"; then - found_dir="$dir" - found_so="$dir/$libname$shrext.$ver" - fi - else - eval library_names=\"$acl_library_names_spec\" - for f in $library_names; do - if test -f "$dir/$f"; then - found_dir="$dir" - found_so="$dir/$f" - break - fi - done - fi - fi - fi - if test "X$found_dir" = "X"; then - if test -f "$dir/$libname.$acl_libext"; then - found_dir="$dir" - found_a="$dir/$libname.$acl_libext" - fi - fi - if test "X$found_dir" != "X"; then - if test -f "$dir/$libname.la"; then - found_la="$dir/$libname.la" - fi - fi - ;; - esac - if test "X$found_dir" != "X"; then - break - fi - done - fi - if test "X$found_dir" != "X"; then - LTLIBICONV="${LTLIBICONV}${LTLIBICONV:+ }-L$found_dir -l$name" - if test "X$found_so" != "X"; then - if test "$enable_rpath" = no || test "X$found_dir" = "X/usr/$acl_libdirstem"; then - LIBICONV="${LIBICONV}${LIBICONV:+ }$found_so" - else - haveit= - for x in $ltrpathdirs; do - if test "X$x" = "X$found_dir"; then - haveit=yes - break - fi - done - if test -z "$haveit"; then - ltrpathdirs="$ltrpathdirs $found_dir" - fi - if test "$acl_hardcode_direct" = yes; then - LIBICONV="${LIBICONV}${LIBICONV:+ }$found_so" - else - if test -n "$acl_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec" && test "$acl_hardcode_minus_L" = no; then - LIBICONV="${LIBICONV}${LIBICONV:+ }$found_so" - haveit= - for x in $rpathdirs; do - if test "X$x" = "X$found_dir"; then - haveit=yes - break - fi - done - if test -z "$haveit"; then - rpathdirs="$rpathdirs $found_dir" - fi - else - haveit= - for x in $LDFLAGS $LIBICONV; do - - acl_save_prefix="$prefix" - prefix="$acl_final_prefix" - acl_save_exec_prefix="$exec_prefix" - exec_prefix="$acl_final_exec_prefix" - eval x=\"$x\" - exec_prefix="$acl_save_exec_prefix" - prefix="$acl_save_prefix" - - if test "X$x" = "X-L$found_dir"; then - haveit=yes - break - fi - done - if test -z "$haveit"; then - LIBICONV="${LIBICONV}${LIBICONV:+ }-L$found_dir" - fi - if test "$acl_hardcode_minus_L" != no; then - LIBICONV="${LIBICONV}${LIBICONV:+ }$found_so" - else - LIBICONV="${LIBICONV}${LIBICONV:+ }-l$name" - fi - fi - fi - fi - else - if test "X$found_a" != "X"; then - LIBICONV="${LIBICONV}${LIBICONV:+ }$found_a" - else - LIBICONV="${LIBICONV}${LIBICONV:+ }-L$found_dir -l$name" - fi - fi - additional_includedir= - case "$found_dir" in - */$acl_libdirstem | */$acl_libdirstem/) - basedir=`echo "X$found_dir" | sed -e 's,^X,,' -e "s,/$acl_libdirstem/"'*$,,'` - LIBICONV_PREFIX="$basedir" - additional_includedir="$basedir/include" - ;; - esac - if test "X$additional_includedir" != "X"; then - if test "X$additional_includedir" != "X/usr/include"; then - haveit= - if test "X$additional_includedir" = "X/usr/local/include"; then - if test -n "$GCC"; then - case $host_os in - linux* | gnu* | k*bsd*-gnu) haveit=yes;; - esac - fi - fi - if test -z "$haveit"; then - for x in $CPPFLAGS $INCICONV; do - - acl_save_prefix="$prefix" - prefix="$acl_final_prefix" - acl_save_exec_prefix="$exec_prefix" - exec_prefix="$acl_final_exec_prefix" - eval x=\"$x\" - exec_prefix="$acl_save_exec_prefix" - prefix="$acl_save_prefix" - - if test "X$x" = "X-I$additional_includedir"; then - haveit=yes - break - fi - done - if test -z "$haveit"; then - if test -d "$additional_includedir"; then - INCICONV="${INCICONV}${INCICONV:+ }-I$additional_includedir" - fi - fi - fi - fi - fi - if test -n "$found_la"; then - save_libdir="$libdir" - case "$found_la" in - */* | *\\*) . "$found_la" ;; - *) . "./$found_la" ;; - esac - libdir="$save_libdir" - for dep in $dependency_libs; do - case "$dep" in - -L*) - additional_libdir=`echo "X$dep" | sed -e 's/^X-L//'` - if test "X$additional_libdir" != "X/usr/$acl_libdirstem"; then - haveit= - if test "X$additional_libdir" = "X/usr/local/$acl_libdirstem"; then - if test -n "$GCC"; then - case $host_os in - linux* | gnu* | k*bsd*-gnu) haveit=yes;; - esac - fi - fi - if test -z "$haveit"; then - haveit= - for x in $LDFLAGS $LIBICONV; do - - acl_save_prefix="$prefix" - prefix="$acl_final_prefix" - acl_save_exec_prefix="$exec_prefix" - exec_prefix="$acl_final_exec_prefix" - eval x=\"$x\" - exec_prefix="$acl_save_exec_prefix" - prefix="$acl_save_prefix" - - if test "X$x" = "X-L$additional_libdir"; then - haveit=yes - break - fi - done - if test -z "$haveit"; then - if test -d "$additional_libdir"; then - LIBICONV="${LIBICONV}${LIBICONV:+ }-L$additional_libdir" - fi - fi - haveit= - for x in $LDFLAGS $LTLIBICONV; do - - acl_save_prefix="$prefix" - prefix="$acl_final_prefix" - acl_save_exec_prefix="$exec_prefix" - exec_prefix="$acl_final_exec_prefix" - eval x=\"$x\" - exec_prefix="$acl_save_exec_prefix" - prefix="$acl_save_prefix" - - if test "X$x" = "X-L$additional_libdir"; then - haveit=yes - break - fi - done - if test -z "$haveit"; then - if test -d "$additional_libdir"; then - LTLIBICONV="${LTLIBICONV}${LTLIBICONV:+ }-L$additional_libdir" - fi - fi - fi - fi - ;; - -R*) - dir=`echo "X$dep" | sed -e 's/^X-R//'` - if test "$enable_rpath" != no; then - haveit= - for x in $rpathdirs; do - if test "X$x" = "X$dir"; then - haveit=yes - break - fi - done - if test -z "$haveit"; then - rpathdirs="$rpathdirs $dir" - fi - haveit= - for x in $ltrpathdirs; do - if test "X$x" = "X$dir"; then - haveit=yes - break - fi - done - if test -z "$haveit"; then - ltrpathdirs="$ltrpathdirs $dir" - fi - fi - ;; - -l*) - names_next_round="$names_next_round "`echo "X$dep" | sed -e 's/^X-l//'` - ;; - *.la) - names_next_round="$names_next_round "`echo "X$dep" | sed -e 's,^X.*/,,' -e 's,^lib,,' -e 's,\.la$,,'` - ;; - *) - LIBICONV="${LIBICONV}${LIBICONV:+ }$dep" - LTLIBICONV="${LTLIBICONV}${LTLIBICONV:+ }$dep" - ;; - esac - done - fi - else - LIBICONV="${LIBICONV}${LIBICONV:+ }-l$name" - LTLIBICONV="${LTLIBICONV}${LTLIBICONV:+ }-l$name" - fi - fi - fi - done - done - if test "X$rpathdirs" != "X"; then - if test -n "$acl_hardcode_libdir_separator"; then - alldirs= - for found_dir in $rpathdirs; do - alldirs="${alldirs}${alldirs:+$acl_hardcode_libdir_separator}$found_dir" - done - acl_save_libdir="$libdir" - libdir="$alldirs" - eval flag=\"$acl_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec\" - libdir="$acl_save_libdir" - LIBICONV="${LIBICONV}${LIBICONV:+ }$flag" - else - for found_dir in $rpathdirs; do - acl_save_libdir="$libdir" - libdir="$found_dir" - eval flag=\"$acl_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec\" - libdir="$acl_save_libdir" - LIBICONV="${LIBICONV}${LIBICONV:+ }$flag" - done - fi - fi - if test "X$ltrpathdirs" != "X"; then - for found_dir in $ltrpathdirs; do - LTLIBICONV="${LTLIBICONV}${LTLIBICONV:+ }-R$found_dir" - done - fi - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for CFPreferencesCopyAppValue" >&5 -$as_echo_n "checking for CFPreferencesCopyAppValue... " >&6; } -if ${gt_cv_func_CFPreferencesCopyAppValue+:} false; then : - $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 -else - gt_save_LIBS="$LIBS" - LIBS="$LIBS -Wl,-framework -Wl,CoreFoundation" - cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext -/* end confdefs.h. */ -#include -int -main () -{ -CFPreferencesCopyAppValue(NULL, NULL) - ; - return 0; -} -_ACEOF -if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"; then : - gt_cv_func_CFPreferencesCopyAppValue=yes -else - gt_cv_func_CFPreferencesCopyAppValue=no -fi -rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ - conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext - LIBS="$gt_save_LIBS" -fi -{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $gt_cv_func_CFPreferencesCopyAppValue" >&5 -$as_echo "$gt_cv_func_CFPreferencesCopyAppValue" >&6; } - if test $gt_cv_func_CFPreferencesCopyAppValue = yes; then - -$as_echo "#define HAVE_CFPREFERENCESCOPYAPPVALUE 1" >>confdefs.h - - fi - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for CFLocaleCopyCurrent" >&5 -$as_echo_n "checking for CFLocaleCopyCurrent... " >&6; } -if ${gt_cv_func_CFLocaleCopyCurrent+:} false; then : - $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 -else - gt_save_LIBS="$LIBS" - LIBS="$LIBS -Wl,-framework -Wl,CoreFoundation" - cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext -/* end confdefs.h. */ -#include -int -main () -{ -CFLocaleCopyCurrent(); - ; - return 0; -} -_ACEOF -if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"; then : - gt_cv_func_CFLocaleCopyCurrent=yes -else - gt_cv_func_CFLocaleCopyCurrent=no -fi -rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ - conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext - LIBS="$gt_save_LIBS" -fi -{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $gt_cv_func_CFLocaleCopyCurrent" >&5 -$as_echo "$gt_cv_func_CFLocaleCopyCurrent" >&6; } - if test $gt_cv_func_CFLocaleCopyCurrent = yes; then - -$as_echo "#define HAVE_CFLOCALECOPYCURRENT 1" >>confdefs.h - - fi - INTL_MACOSX_LIBS= - if test $gt_cv_func_CFPreferencesCopyAppValue = yes || test $gt_cv_func_CFLocaleCopyCurrent = yes; then - INTL_MACOSX_LIBS="-Wl,-framework -Wl,CoreFoundation" - fi - - - - - - - LIBINTL= - LTLIBINTL= - POSUB= - - case " $gt_needs " in - *" need-formatstring-macros "*) gt_api_version=3 ;; - *" need-ngettext "*) gt_api_version=2 ;; - *) gt_api_version=1 ;; - esac - gt_func_gnugettext_libc="gt_cv_func_gnugettext${gt_api_version}_libc" - gt_func_gnugettext_libintl="gt_cv_func_gnugettext${gt_api_version}_libintl" - - if test "$USE_NLS" = "yes"; then - gt_use_preinstalled_gnugettext=no - - - if test $gt_api_version -ge 3; then - gt_revision_test_code=' -#ifndef __GNU_GETTEXT_SUPPORTED_REVISION -#define __GNU_GETTEXT_SUPPORTED_REVISION(major) ((major) == 0 ? 0 : -1) -#endif -typedef int array [2 * (__GNU_GETTEXT_SUPPORTED_REVISION(0) >= 1) - 1]; -' - else - gt_revision_test_code= - fi - if test $gt_api_version -ge 2; then - gt_expression_test_code=' + * ngettext ("", "", 0)' - else - gt_expression_test_code= - fi - - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for GNU gettext in libc" >&5 -$as_echo_n "checking for GNU gettext in libc... " >&6; } -if eval \${$gt_func_gnugettext_libc+:} false; then : - $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 -else - cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext -/* end confdefs.h. */ -#include -$gt_revision_test_code -extern int _nl_msg_cat_cntr; -extern int *_nl_domain_bindings; -int -main () -{ -bindtextdomain ("", ""); -return * gettext ("")$gt_expression_test_code + _nl_msg_cat_cntr + *_nl_domain_bindings - ; - return 0; -} -_ACEOF -if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"; then : - eval "$gt_func_gnugettext_libc=yes" -else - eval "$gt_func_gnugettext_libc=no" -fi -rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ - conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext -fi -eval ac_res=\$$gt_func_gnugettext_libc - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_res" >&5 -$as_echo "$ac_res" >&6; } - - if { eval "gt_val=\$$gt_func_gnugettext_libc"; test "$gt_val" != "yes"; }; then - - - - - - am_save_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" - - for element in $INCICONV; do - haveit= - for x in $CPPFLAGS; do - - acl_save_prefix="$prefix" - prefix="$acl_final_prefix" - acl_save_exec_prefix="$exec_prefix" - exec_prefix="$acl_final_exec_prefix" - eval x=\"$x\" - exec_prefix="$acl_save_exec_prefix" - prefix="$acl_save_prefix" - - if test "X$x" = "X$element"; then - haveit=yes - break - fi - done - if test -z "$haveit"; then - CPPFLAGS="${CPPFLAGS}${CPPFLAGS:+ }$element" - fi - done - - - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for iconv" >&5 -$as_echo_n "checking for iconv... " >&6; } -if ${am_cv_func_iconv+:} false; then : - $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 -else - - am_cv_func_iconv="no, consider installing GNU libiconv" - am_cv_lib_iconv=no - cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext -/* end confdefs.h. */ -#include -#include -int -main () -{ -iconv_t cd = iconv_open("",""); - iconv(cd,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); - iconv_close(cd); - ; - return 0; -} -_ACEOF -if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"; then : - am_cv_func_iconv=yes -fi -rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ - conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext - if test "$am_cv_func_iconv" != yes; then - am_save_LIBS="$LIBS" - LIBS="$LIBS $LIBICONV" - cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext -/* end confdefs.h. */ -#include -#include -int -main () -{ -iconv_t cd = iconv_open("",""); - iconv(cd,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); - iconv_close(cd); - ; - return 0; -} -_ACEOF -if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"; then : - am_cv_lib_iconv=yes - am_cv_func_iconv=yes -fi -rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ - conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext - LIBS="$am_save_LIBS" - fi - -fi -{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $am_cv_func_iconv" >&5 -$as_echo "$am_cv_func_iconv" >&6; } - if test "$am_cv_func_iconv" = yes; then - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for working iconv" >&5 -$as_echo_n "checking for working iconv... " >&6; } -if ${am_cv_func_iconv_works+:} false; then : - $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 -else - - am_save_LIBS="$LIBS" - if test $am_cv_lib_iconv = yes; then - LIBS="$LIBS $LIBICONV" - fi - if test "$cross_compiling" = yes; then : - case "$host_os" in - aix* | hpux*) am_cv_func_iconv_works="guessing no" ;; - *) am_cv_func_iconv_works="guessing yes" ;; - esac -else - cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext -/* end confdefs.h. */ - -#include -#include -int main () -{ - /* Test against AIX 5.1 bug: Failures are not distinguishable from successful - returns. */ - { - iconv_t cd_utf8_to_88591 = iconv_open ("ISO8859-1", "UTF-8"); - if (cd_utf8_to_88591 != (iconv_t)(-1)) - { - static const char input[] = "\342\202\254"; /* EURO SIGN */ - char buf[10]; - const char *inptr = input; - size_t inbytesleft = strlen (input); - char *outptr = buf; - size_t outbytesleft = sizeof (buf); - size_t res = iconv (cd_utf8_to_88591, - (char **) &inptr, &inbytesleft, - &outptr, &outbytesleft); - if (res == 0) - return 1; - } - } -#if 0 /* This bug could be worked around by the caller. */ - /* Test against HP-UX 11.11 bug: Positive return value instead of 0. */ - { - iconv_t cd_88591_to_utf8 = iconv_open ("utf8", "iso88591"); - if (cd_88591_to_utf8 != (iconv_t)(-1)) - { - static const char input[] = "\304rger mit b\366sen B\374bchen ohne Augenma\337"; - char buf[50]; - const char *inptr = input; - size_t inbytesleft = strlen (input); - char *outptr = buf; - size_t outbytesleft = sizeof (buf); - size_t res = iconv (cd_88591_to_utf8, - (char **) &inptr, &inbytesleft, - &outptr, &outbytesleft); - if ((int)res > 0) - return 1; - } - } -#endif - /* Test against HP-UX 11.11 bug: No converter from EUC-JP to UTF-8 is - provided. */ - if (/* Try standardized names. */ - iconv_open ("UTF-8", "EUC-JP") == (iconv_t)(-1) - /* Try IRIX, OSF/1 names. */ - && iconv_open ("UTF-8", "eucJP") == (iconv_t)(-1) - /* Try AIX names. */ - && iconv_open ("UTF-8", "IBM-eucJP") == (iconv_t)(-1) - /* Try HP-UX names. */ - && iconv_open ("utf8", "eucJP") == (iconv_t)(-1)) - return 1; - return 0; -} -_ACEOF -if ac_fn_c_try_run "$LINENO"; then : - am_cv_func_iconv_works=yes -else - am_cv_func_iconv_works=no -fi -rm -f core *.core core.conftest.* gmon.out bb.out conftest$ac_exeext \ - conftest.$ac_objext conftest.beam conftest.$ac_ext -fi - - LIBS="$am_save_LIBS" - -fi -{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $am_cv_func_iconv_works" >&5 -$as_echo "$am_cv_func_iconv_works" >&6; } - case "$am_cv_func_iconv_works" in - *no) am_func_iconv=no am_cv_lib_iconv=no ;; - *) am_func_iconv=yes ;; - esac - else - am_func_iconv=no am_cv_lib_iconv=no - fi - if test "$am_func_iconv" = yes; then - -$as_echo "#define HAVE_ICONV 1" >>confdefs.h - - fi - if test "$am_cv_lib_iconv" = yes; then - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking how to link with libiconv" >&5 -$as_echo_n "checking how to link with libiconv... " >&6; } - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $LIBICONV" >&5 -$as_echo "$LIBICONV" >&6; } - else - CPPFLAGS="$am_save_CPPFLAGS" - LIBICONV= - LTLIBICONV= - fi - - - - - - - - - use_additional=yes - - acl_save_prefix="$prefix" - prefix="$acl_final_prefix" - acl_save_exec_prefix="$exec_prefix" - exec_prefix="$acl_final_exec_prefix" - - eval additional_includedir=\"$includedir\" - eval additional_libdir=\"$libdir\" - - exec_prefix="$acl_save_exec_prefix" - prefix="$acl_save_prefix" - - -# Check whether --with-libintl-prefix was given. -if test "${with_libintl_prefix+set}" = set; then : - withval=$with_libintl_prefix; - if test "X$withval" = "Xno"; then - use_additional=no - else - if test "X$withval" = "X"; then - - acl_save_prefix="$prefix" - prefix="$acl_final_prefix" - acl_save_exec_prefix="$exec_prefix" - exec_prefix="$acl_final_exec_prefix" - - eval additional_includedir=\"$includedir\" - eval additional_libdir=\"$libdir\" - - exec_prefix="$acl_save_exec_prefix" - prefix="$acl_save_prefix" - - else - additional_includedir="$withval/include" - additional_libdir="$withval/$acl_libdirstem" - fi - fi - -fi - - LIBINTL= - LTLIBINTL= - INCINTL= - LIBINTL_PREFIX= - rpathdirs= - ltrpathdirs= - names_already_handled= - names_next_round='intl ' - while test -n "$names_next_round"; do - names_this_round="$names_next_round" - names_next_round= - for name in $names_this_round; do - already_handled= - for n in $names_already_handled; do - if test "$n" = "$name"; then - already_handled=yes - break - fi - done - if test -z "$already_handled"; then - names_already_handled="$names_already_handled $name" - uppername=`echo "$name" | sed -e 'y|abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz./-|ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ___|'` - eval value=\"\$HAVE_LIB$uppername\" - if test -n "$value"; then - if test "$value" = yes; then - eval value=\"\$LIB$uppername\" - test -z "$value" || LIBINTL="${LIBINTL}${LIBINTL:+ }$value" - eval value=\"\$LTLIB$uppername\" - test -z "$value" || LTLIBINTL="${LTLIBINTL}${LTLIBINTL:+ }$value" - else - : - fi - else - found_dir= - found_la= - found_so= - found_a= - eval libname=\"$acl_libname_spec\" # typically: libname=lib$name - if test -n "$acl_shlibext"; then - shrext=".$acl_shlibext" # typically: shrext=.so - else - shrext= - fi - if test $use_additional = yes; then - dir="$additional_libdir" - if test -n "$acl_shlibext"; then - if test -f "$dir/$libname$shrext"; then - found_dir="$dir" - found_so="$dir/$libname$shrext" - else - if test "$acl_library_names_spec" = '$libname$shrext$versuffix'; then - ver=`(cd "$dir" && \ - for f in "$libname$shrext".*; do echo "$f"; done \ - | sed -e "s,^$libname$shrext\\\\.,," \ - | sort -t '.' -n -r -k1,1 -k2,2 -k3,3 -k4,4 -k5,5 \ - | sed 1q ) 2>/dev/null` - if test -n "$ver" && test -f "$dir/$libname$shrext.$ver"; then - found_dir="$dir" - found_so="$dir/$libname$shrext.$ver" - fi - else - eval library_names=\"$acl_library_names_spec\" - for f in $library_names; do - if test -f "$dir/$f"; then - found_dir="$dir" - found_so="$dir/$f" - break - fi - done - fi - fi - fi - if test "X$found_dir" = "X"; then - if test -f "$dir/$libname.$acl_libext"; then - found_dir="$dir" - found_a="$dir/$libname.$acl_libext" - fi - fi - if test "X$found_dir" != "X"; then - if test -f "$dir/$libname.la"; then - found_la="$dir/$libname.la" - fi - fi - fi - if test "X$found_dir" = "X"; then - for x in $LDFLAGS $LTLIBINTL; do - - acl_save_prefix="$prefix" - prefix="$acl_final_prefix" - acl_save_exec_prefix="$exec_prefix" - exec_prefix="$acl_final_exec_prefix" - eval x=\"$x\" - exec_prefix="$acl_save_exec_prefix" - prefix="$acl_save_prefix" - - case "$x" in - -L*) - dir=`echo "X$x" | sed -e 's/^X-L//'` - if test -n "$acl_shlibext"; then - if test -f "$dir/$libname$shrext"; then - found_dir="$dir" - found_so="$dir/$libname$shrext" - else - if test "$acl_library_names_spec" = '$libname$shrext$versuffix'; then - ver=`(cd "$dir" && \ - for f in "$libname$shrext".*; do echo "$f"; done \ - | sed -e "s,^$libname$shrext\\\\.,," \ - | sort -t '.' -n -r -k1,1 -k2,2 -k3,3 -k4,4 -k5,5 \ - | sed 1q ) 2>/dev/null` - if test -n "$ver" && test -f "$dir/$libname$shrext.$ver"; then - found_dir="$dir" - found_so="$dir/$libname$shrext.$ver" - fi - else - eval library_names=\"$acl_library_names_spec\" - for f in $library_names; do - if test -f "$dir/$f"; then - found_dir="$dir" - found_so="$dir/$f" - break - fi - done - fi - fi - fi - if test "X$found_dir" = "X"; then - if test -f "$dir/$libname.$acl_libext"; then - found_dir="$dir" - found_a="$dir/$libname.$acl_libext" - fi - fi - if test "X$found_dir" != "X"; then - if test -f "$dir/$libname.la"; then - found_la="$dir/$libname.la" - fi - fi - ;; - esac - if test "X$found_dir" != "X"; then - break - fi - done - fi - if test "X$found_dir" != "X"; then - LTLIBINTL="${LTLIBINTL}${LTLIBINTL:+ }-L$found_dir -l$name" - if test "X$found_so" != "X"; then - if test "$enable_rpath" = no || test "X$found_dir" = "X/usr/$acl_libdirstem"; then - LIBINTL="${LIBINTL}${LIBINTL:+ }$found_so" - else - haveit= - for x in $ltrpathdirs; do - if test "X$x" = "X$found_dir"; then - haveit=yes - break - fi - done - if test -z "$haveit"; then - ltrpathdirs="$ltrpathdirs $found_dir" - fi - if test "$acl_hardcode_direct" = yes; then - LIBINTL="${LIBINTL}${LIBINTL:+ }$found_so" - else - if test -n "$acl_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec" && test "$acl_hardcode_minus_L" = no; then - LIBINTL="${LIBINTL}${LIBINTL:+ }$found_so" - haveit= - for x in $rpathdirs; do - if test "X$x" = "X$found_dir"; then - haveit=yes - break - fi - done - if test -z "$haveit"; then - rpathdirs="$rpathdirs $found_dir" - fi - else - haveit= - for x in $LDFLAGS $LIBINTL; do - - acl_save_prefix="$prefix" - prefix="$acl_final_prefix" - acl_save_exec_prefix="$exec_prefix" - exec_prefix="$acl_final_exec_prefix" - eval x=\"$x\" - exec_prefix="$acl_save_exec_prefix" - prefix="$acl_save_prefix" - - if test "X$x" = "X-L$found_dir"; then - haveit=yes - break - fi - done - if test -z "$haveit"; then - LIBINTL="${LIBINTL}${LIBINTL:+ }-L$found_dir" - fi - if test "$acl_hardcode_minus_L" != no; then - LIBINTL="${LIBINTL}${LIBINTL:+ }$found_so" - else - LIBINTL="${LIBINTL}${LIBINTL:+ }-l$name" - fi - fi - fi - fi - else - if test "X$found_a" != "X"; then - LIBINTL="${LIBINTL}${LIBINTL:+ }$found_a" - else - LIBINTL="${LIBINTL}${LIBINTL:+ }-L$found_dir -l$name" - fi - fi - additional_includedir= - case "$found_dir" in - */$acl_libdirstem | */$acl_libdirstem/) - basedir=`echo "X$found_dir" | sed -e 's,^X,,' -e "s,/$acl_libdirstem/"'*$,,'` - LIBINTL_PREFIX="$basedir" - additional_includedir="$basedir/include" - ;; - esac - if test "X$additional_includedir" != "X"; then - if test "X$additional_includedir" != "X/usr/include"; then - haveit= - if test "X$additional_includedir" = "X/usr/local/include"; then - if test -n "$GCC"; then - case $host_os in - linux* | gnu* | k*bsd*-gnu) haveit=yes;; - esac - fi - fi - if test -z "$haveit"; then - for x in $CPPFLAGS $INCINTL; do - - acl_save_prefix="$prefix" - prefix="$acl_final_prefix" - acl_save_exec_prefix="$exec_prefix" - exec_prefix="$acl_final_exec_prefix" - eval x=\"$x\" - exec_prefix="$acl_save_exec_prefix" - prefix="$acl_save_prefix" - - if test "X$x" = "X-I$additional_includedir"; then - haveit=yes - break - fi - done - if test -z "$haveit"; then - if test -d "$additional_includedir"; then - INCINTL="${INCINTL}${INCINTL:+ }-I$additional_includedir" - fi - fi - fi - fi - fi - if test -n "$found_la"; then - save_libdir="$libdir" - case "$found_la" in - */* | *\\*) . "$found_la" ;; - *) . "./$found_la" ;; - esac - libdir="$save_libdir" - for dep in $dependency_libs; do - case "$dep" in - -L*) - additional_libdir=`echo "X$dep" | sed -e 's/^X-L//'` - if test "X$additional_libdir" != "X/usr/$acl_libdirstem"; then - haveit= - if test "X$additional_libdir" = "X/usr/local/$acl_libdirstem"; then - if test -n "$GCC"; then - case $host_os in - linux* | gnu* | k*bsd*-gnu) haveit=yes;; - esac - fi - fi - if test -z "$haveit"; then - haveit= - for x in $LDFLAGS $LIBINTL; do - - acl_save_prefix="$prefix" - prefix="$acl_final_prefix" - acl_save_exec_prefix="$exec_prefix" - exec_prefix="$acl_final_exec_prefix" - eval x=\"$x\" - exec_prefix="$acl_save_exec_prefix" - prefix="$acl_save_prefix" - - if test "X$x" = "X-L$additional_libdir"; then - haveit=yes - break - fi - done - if test -z "$haveit"; then - if test -d "$additional_libdir"; then - LIBINTL="${LIBINTL}${LIBINTL:+ }-L$additional_libdir" - fi - fi - haveit= - for x in $LDFLAGS $LTLIBINTL; do - - acl_save_prefix="$prefix" - prefix="$acl_final_prefix" - acl_save_exec_prefix="$exec_prefix" - exec_prefix="$acl_final_exec_prefix" - eval x=\"$x\" - exec_prefix="$acl_save_exec_prefix" - prefix="$acl_save_prefix" - - if test "X$x" = "X-L$additional_libdir"; then - haveit=yes - break - fi - done - if test -z "$haveit"; then - if test -d "$additional_libdir"; then - LTLIBINTL="${LTLIBINTL}${LTLIBINTL:+ }-L$additional_libdir" - fi - fi - fi - fi - ;; - -R*) - dir=`echo "X$dep" | sed -e 's/^X-R//'` - if test "$enable_rpath" != no; then - haveit= - for x in $rpathdirs; do - if test "X$x" = "X$dir"; then - haveit=yes - break - fi - done - if test -z "$haveit"; then - rpathdirs="$rpathdirs $dir" - fi - haveit= - for x in $ltrpathdirs; do - if test "X$x" = "X$dir"; then - haveit=yes - break - fi - done - if test -z "$haveit"; then - ltrpathdirs="$ltrpathdirs $dir" - fi - fi - ;; - -l*) - names_next_round="$names_next_round "`echo "X$dep" | sed -e 's/^X-l//'` - ;; - *.la) - names_next_round="$names_next_round "`echo "X$dep" | sed -e 's,^X.*/,,' -e 's,^lib,,' -e 's,\.la$,,'` - ;; - *) - LIBINTL="${LIBINTL}${LIBINTL:+ }$dep" - LTLIBINTL="${LTLIBINTL}${LTLIBINTL:+ }$dep" - ;; - esac - done - fi - else - LIBINTL="${LIBINTL}${LIBINTL:+ }-l$name" - LTLIBINTL="${LTLIBINTL}${LTLIBINTL:+ }-l$name" - fi - fi - fi - done - done - if test "X$rpathdirs" != "X"; then - if test -n "$acl_hardcode_libdir_separator"; then - alldirs= - for found_dir in $rpathdirs; do - alldirs="${alldirs}${alldirs:+$acl_hardcode_libdir_separator}$found_dir" - done - acl_save_libdir="$libdir" - libdir="$alldirs" - eval flag=\"$acl_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec\" - libdir="$acl_save_libdir" - LIBINTL="${LIBINTL}${LIBINTL:+ }$flag" - else - for found_dir in $rpathdirs; do - acl_save_libdir="$libdir" - libdir="$found_dir" - eval flag=\"$acl_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec\" - libdir="$acl_save_libdir" - LIBINTL="${LIBINTL}${LIBINTL:+ }$flag" - done - fi - fi - if test "X$ltrpathdirs" != "X"; then - for found_dir in $ltrpathdirs; do - LTLIBINTL="${LTLIBINTL}${LTLIBINTL:+ }-R$found_dir" - done - fi - - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for GNU gettext in libintl" >&5 -$as_echo_n "checking for GNU gettext in libintl... " >&6; } -if eval \${$gt_func_gnugettext_libintl+:} false; then : - $as_echo_n "(cached) " >&6 -else - gt_save_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" - CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS $INCINTL" - gt_save_LIBS="$LIBS" - LIBS="$LIBS $LIBINTL" - cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext -/* end confdefs.h. */ -#include -$gt_revision_test_code -extern int _nl_msg_cat_cntr; -extern -#ifdef __cplusplus -"C" -#endif -const char *_nl_expand_alias (const char *); -int -main () -{ -bindtextdomain ("", ""); -return * gettext ("")$gt_expression_test_code + _nl_msg_cat_cntr + *_nl_expand_alias ("") - ; - return 0; -} -_ACEOF -if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"; then : - eval "$gt_func_gnugettext_libintl=yes" -else - eval "$gt_func_gnugettext_libintl=no" -fi -rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ - conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext - if { eval "gt_val=\$$gt_func_gnugettext_libintl"; test "$gt_val" != yes; } && test -n "$LIBICONV"; then - LIBS="$LIBS $LIBICONV" - cat confdefs.h - <<_ACEOF >conftest.$ac_ext -/* end confdefs.h. */ -#include -$gt_revision_test_code -extern int _nl_msg_cat_cntr; -extern -#ifdef __cplusplus -"C" -#endif -const char *_nl_expand_alias (const char *); -int -main () -{ -bindtextdomain ("", ""); -return * gettext ("")$gt_expression_test_code + _nl_msg_cat_cntr + *_nl_expand_alias ("") - ; - return 0; -} -_ACEOF -if ac_fn_c_try_link "$LINENO"; then : - LIBINTL="$LIBINTL $LIBICONV" - LTLIBINTL="$LTLIBINTL $LTLIBICONV" - eval "$gt_func_gnugettext_libintl=yes" - -fi -rm -f core conftest.err conftest.$ac_objext \ - conftest$ac_exeext conftest.$ac_ext - fi - CPPFLAGS="$gt_save_CPPFLAGS" - LIBS="$gt_save_LIBS" -fi -eval ac_res=\$$gt_func_gnugettext_libintl - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $ac_res" >&5 -$as_echo "$ac_res" >&6; } - fi - - if { eval "gt_val=\$$gt_func_gnugettext_libc"; test "$gt_val" = "yes"; } \ - || { { eval "gt_val=\$$gt_func_gnugettext_libintl"; test "$gt_val" = "yes"; } \ - && test "$PACKAGE" != gettext-runtime \ - && test "$PACKAGE" != gettext-tools; }; then - gt_use_preinstalled_gnugettext=yes - else - LIBINTL= - LTLIBINTL= - INCINTL= - fi - - - - if test -n "$INTL_MACOSX_LIBS"; then - if test "$gt_use_preinstalled_gnugettext" = "yes" \ - || test "$nls_cv_use_gnu_gettext" = "yes"; then - LIBINTL="$LIBINTL $INTL_MACOSX_LIBS" - LTLIBINTL="$LTLIBINTL $INTL_MACOSX_LIBS" - fi - fi - - if test "$gt_use_preinstalled_gnugettext" = "yes" \ - || test "$nls_cv_use_gnu_gettext" = "yes"; then - -$as_echo "#define ENABLE_NLS 1" >>confdefs.h - - else - USE_NLS=no - fi - fi - - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking whether to use NLS" >&5 -$as_echo_n "checking whether to use NLS... " >&6; } - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $USE_NLS" >&5 -$as_echo "$USE_NLS" >&6; } - if test "$USE_NLS" = "yes"; then - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking where the gettext function comes from" >&5 -$as_echo_n "checking where the gettext function comes from... " >&6; } - if test "$gt_use_preinstalled_gnugettext" = "yes"; then - if { eval "gt_val=\$$gt_func_gnugettext_libintl"; test "$gt_val" = "yes"; }; then - gt_source="external libintl" - else - gt_source="libc" - fi - else - gt_source="included intl directory" - fi - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $gt_source" >&5 -$as_echo "$gt_source" >&6; } - fi - - if test "$USE_NLS" = "yes"; then - - if test "$gt_use_preinstalled_gnugettext" = "yes"; then - if { eval "gt_val=\$$gt_func_gnugettext_libintl"; test "$gt_val" = "yes"; }; then - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking how to link with libintl" >&5 -$as_echo_n "checking how to link with libintl... " >&6; } - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: $LIBINTL" >&5 -$as_echo "$LIBINTL" >&6; } - - for element in $INCINTL; do - haveit= - for x in $CPPFLAGS; do - - acl_save_prefix="$prefix" - prefix="$acl_final_prefix" - acl_save_exec_prefix="$exec_prefix" - exec_prefix="$acl_final_exec_prefix" - eval x=\"$x\" - exec_prefix="$acl_save_exec_prefix" - prefix="$acl_save_prefix" - - if test "X$x" = "X$element"; then - haveit=yes - break - fi - done - if test -z "$haveit"; then - CPPFLAGS="${CPPFLAGS}${CPPFLAGS:+ }$element" - fi - done - - fi - - -$as_echo "#define HAVE_GETTEXT 1" >>confdefs.h - - -$as_echo "#define HAVE_DCGETTEXT 1" >>confdefs.h - - fi - - POSUB=po - fi - - - - INTLLIBS="$LIBINTL" - - - - - - - -GETTEXT_PACKAGE=empathy - - -cat >>confdefs.h <<_ACEOF -#define GETTEXT_PACKAGE "$GETTEXT_PACKAGE" -_ACEOF - - -# ----------------------------------------------------------- -# Connectivity integration -# ----------------------------------------------------------- - -# Check whether --with-connectivity was given. -if test "${with_connectivity+set}" = set; then : - withval=$with_connectivity; -else - with_connectivity=auto -fi - - -if test "x$with_connectivity" = "xno"; then - have_nm=no - have_connman=no - -elif test "x$with_connectivity" = "xconnman"; then - have_nm=no - - -pkg_failed=no -{ $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: checking for CONNMAN" >&5 -$as_echo_n "checking for CONNMAN... " >&6; } - -if test -n "$CONNMAN_CFLAGS"; then - pkg_cv_CONNMAN_CFLAGS="$CONNMAN_CFLAGS" - elif test -n "$PKG_CONFIG"; then - if test -n "$PKG_CONFIG" && \ - { { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$PKG_CONFIG --exists --print-errors \" - dbus-glib-1 - \""; } >&5 - ($PKG_CONFIG --exists --print-errors " - dbus-glib-1 - ") 2>&5 - ac_status=$? - $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 - test $ac_status = 0; }; then - pkg_cv_CONNMAN_CFLAGS=`$PKG_CONFIG --cflags " - dbus-glib-1 - " 2>/dev/null` -else - pkg_failed=yes -fi - else - pkg_failed=untried -fi -if test -n "$CONNMAN_LIBS"; then - pkg_cv_CONNMAN_LIBS="$CONNMAN_LIBS" - elif test -n "$PKG_CONFIG"; then - if test -n "$PKG_CONFIG" && \ - { { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$PKG_CONFIG --exists --print-errors \" - dbus-glib-1 - \""; } >&5 - ($PKG_CONFIG --exists --print-errors " - dbus-glib-1 - ") 2>&5 - ac_status=$? - $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 - test $ac_status = 0; }; then - pkg_cv_CONNMAN_LIBS=`$PKG_CONFIG --libs " - dbus-glib-1 - " 2>/dev/null` -else - pkg_failed=yes -fi - else - pkg_failed=untried -fi - - - -if test $pkg_failed = yes; then - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 -$as_echo "no" >&6; } - -if $PKG_CONFIG --atleast-pkgconfig-version 0.20; then - _pkg_short_errors_supported=yes -else - _pkg_short_errors_supported=no -fi - if test $_pkg_short_errors_supported = yes; then - CONNMAN_PKG_ERRORS=`$PKG_CONFIG --short-errors --print-errors " - dbus-glib-1 - " 2>&1` - else - CONNMAN_PKG_ERRORS=`$PKG_CONFIG --print-errors " - dbus-glib-1 - " 2>&1` - fi - # Put the nasty error message in config.log where it belongs - echo "$CONNMAN_PKG_ERRORS" >&5 - - have_connman="no" -elif test $pkg_failed = untried; then - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: no" >&5 -$as_echo "no" >&6; } - have_connman="no" -else - CONNMAN_CFLAGS=$pkg_cv_CONNMAN_CFLAGS - CONNMAN_LIBS=$pkg_cv_CONNMAN_LIBS - { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: result: yes" >&5 -$as_echo "yes" >&6; } - have_connman="yes" -fi - - if test "x$have_connman" = "xyes"; then - -$as_echo "#define HAVE_CONNMAN 1" >>confdefs.h - - fi - -else - have_connman=no +else + have_connman=no pkg_failed=no @@ -17716,21 +15814,21 @@ if test -n "$PKG_CONFIG" && \ { { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$PKG_CONFIG --exists --print-errors \" clutter-gtk-1.0 - champlain-gtk-0.14 - champlain-0.14 >= \$CHAMPLAIN_REQUIRED + champlain-gtk-0.12 + champlain-0.12 >= \$CHAMPLAIN_REQUIRED \""; } >&5 ($PKG_CONFIG --exists --print-errors " clutter-gtk-1.0 - champlain-gtk-0.14 - champlain-0.14 >= $CHAMPLAIN_REQUIRED + champlain-gtk-0.12 + champlain-0.12 >= $CHAMPLAIN_REQUIRED ") 2>&5 ac_status=$? $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 test $ac_status = 0; }; then pkg_cv_LIBCHAMPLAIN_CFLAGS=`$PKG_CONFIG --cflags " clutter-gtk-1.0 - champlain-gtk-0.14 - champlain-0.14 >= $CHAMPLAIN_REQUIRED + champlain-gtk-0.12 + champlain-0.12 >= $CHAMPLAIN_REQUIRED " 2>/dev/null` else pkg_failed=yes @@ -17744,21 +15842,21 @@ if test -n "$PKG_CONFIG" && \ { { $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$PKG_CONFIG --exists --print-errors \" clutter-gtk-1.0 - champlain-gtk-0.14 - champlain-0.14 >= \$CHAMPLAIN_REQUIRED + champlain-gtk-0.12 + champlain-0.12 >= \$CHAMPLAIN_REQUIRED \""; } >&5 ($PKG_CONFIG --exists --print-errors " clutter-gtk-1.0 - champlain-gtk-0.14 - champlain-0.14 >= $CHAMPLAIN_REQUIRED + champlain-gtk-0.12 + champlain-0.12 >= $CHAMPLAIN_REQUIRED ") 2>&5 ac_status=$? $as_echo "$as_me:${as_lineno-$LINENO}: \$? = $ac_status" >&5 test $ac_status = 0; }; then pkg_cv_LIBCHAMPLAIN_LIBS=`$PKG_CONFIG --libs " clutter-gtk-1.0 - champlain-gtk-0.14 - champlain-0.14 >= $CHAMPLAIN_REQUIRED + champlain-gtk-0.12 + champlain-0.12 >= $CHAMPLAIN_REQUIRED " 2>/dev/null` else pkg_failed=yes @@ -17781,14 +15879,14 @@ if test $_pkg_short_errors_supported = yes; then LIBCHAMPLAIN_PKG_ERRORS=`$PKG_CONFIG --short-errors --print-errors " clutter-gtk-1.0 - champlain-gtk-0.14 - champlain-0.14 >= $CHAMPLAIN_REQUIRED + champlain-gtk-0.12 + champlain-0.12 >= $CHAMPLAIN_REQUIRED " 2>&1` else LIBCHAMPLAIN_PKG_ERRORS=`$PKG_CONFIG --print-errors " clutter-gtk-1.0 - champlain-gtk-0.14 - champlain-0.14 >= $CHAMPLAIN_REQUIRED + champlain-gtk-0.12 + champlain-0.12 >= $CHAMPLAIN_REQUIRED " 2>&1` fi # Put the nasty error message in config.log where it belongs @@ -19440,7 +17538,7 @@ # report actual input values of CONFIG_FILES etc. instead of their # values after options handling. ac_log=" -This file was extended by Empathy $as_me 3.3.91, which was +This file was extended by Empathy $as_me 3.3.92, which was generated by GNU Autoconf 2.68. Invocation command line was CONFIG_FILES = $CONFIG_FILES @@ -19507,7 +17605,7 @@ cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1 ac_cs_config="`$as_echo "$ac_configure_args" | sed 's/^ //; s/[\\""\`\$]/\\\\&/g'`" ac_cs_version="\\ -Empathy config.status 3.3.91 +Empathy config.status 3.3.92 configured by $0, generated by GNU Autoconf 2.68, with options \\"\$ac_cs_config\\" @@ -19904,13 +18002,6 @@ -# Capture the value of obsolete ALL_LINGUAS because we need it to compute - # POFILES, UPDATEPOFILES, DUMMYPOFILES, GMOFILES, CATALOGS. But hide it - # from automake < 1.5. - eval 'OBSOLETE_ALL_LINGUAS''="$ALL_LINGUAS"' - # Capture the value of LINGUAS because we need it to compute CATALOGS. - LINGUAS="${LINGUAS-%UNSET%}" - _ACEOF @@ -19923,7 +18014,6 @@ "config.h") CONFIG_HEADERS="$CONFIG_HEADERS config.h" ;; "depfiles") CONFIG_COMMANDS="$CONFIG_COMMANDS depfiles" ;; "libtool") CONFIG_COMMANDS="$CONFIG_COMMANDS libtool" ;; - "po-directories") CONFIG_COMMANDS="$CONFIG_COMMANDS po-directories" ;; "Makefile") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES Makefile" ;; "data/Makefile") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES data/Makefile" ;; "data/empathy.desktop.in") CONFIG_FILES="$CONFIG_FILES data/empathy.desktop.in" ;; @@ -21263,119 +19353,6 @@ chmod +x "$ofile" ;; - "po-directories":C) - for ac_file in $CONFIG_FILES; do - # Support "outfile[:infile[:infile...]]" - case "$ac_file" in - *:*) ac_file=`echo "$ac_file"|sed 's%:.*%%'` ;; - esac - # PO directories have a Makefile.in generated from Makefile.in.in. - case "$ac_file" in */Makefile.in) - # Adjust a relative srcdir. - ac_dir=`echo "$ac_file"|sed 's%/[^/][^/]*$%%'` - ac_dir_suffix="/`echo "$ac_dir"|sed 's%^\./%%'`" - ac_dots=`echo "$ac_dir_suffix"|sed 's%/[^/]*%../%g'` - # In autoconf-2.13 it is called $ac_given_srcdir. - # In autoconf-2.50 it is called $srcdir. - test -n "$ac_given_srcdir" || ac_given_srcdir="$srcdir" - case "$ac_given_srcdir" in - .) top_srcdir=`echo $ac_dots|sed 's%/$%%'` ;; - /*) top_srcdir="$ac_given_srcdir" ;; - *) top_srcdir="$ac_dots$ac_given_srcdir" ;; - esac - # Treat a directory as a PO directory if and only if it has a - # POTFILES.in file. This allows packages to have multiple PO - # directories under different names or in different locations. - if test -f "$ac_given_srcdir/$ac_dir/POTFILES.in"; then - rm -f "$ac_dir/POTFILES" - test -n "$as_me" && echo "$as_me: creating $ac_dir/POTFILES" || echo "creating $ac_dir/POTFILES" - cat "$ac_given_srcdir/$ac_dir/POTFILES.in" | sed -e "/^#/d" -e "/^[ ]*\$/d" -e "s,.*, $top_srcdir/& \\\\," | sed -e "\$s/\(.*\) \\\\/\1/" > "$ac_dir/POTFILES" - POMAKEFILEDEPS="POTFILES.in" - # ALL_LINGUAS, POFILES, UPDATEPOFILES, DUMMYPOFILES, GMOFILES depend - # on $ac_dir but don't depend on user-specified configuration - # parameters. - if test -f "$ac_given_srcdir/$ac_dir/LINGUAS"; then - # The LINGUAS file contains the set of available languages. - if test -n "$OBSOLETE_ALL_LINGUAS"; then - test -n "$as_me" && echo "$as_me: setting ALL_LINGUAS in configure.in is obsolete" || echo "setting ALL_LINGUAS in configure.in is obsolete" - fi - ALL_LINGUAS_=`sed -e "/^#/d" -e "s/#.*//" "$ac_given_srcdir/$ac_dir/LINGUAS"` - # Hide the ALL_LINGUAS assigment from automake < 1.5. - eval 'ALL_LINGUAS''=$ALL_LINGUAS_' - POMAKEFILEDEPS="$POMAKEFILEDEPS LINGUAS" - else - # The set of available languages was given in configure.in. - # Hide the ALL_LINGUAS assigment from automake < 1.5. - eval 'ALL_LINGUAS''=$OBSOLETE_ALL_LINGUAS' - fi - # Compute POFILES - # as $(foreach lang, $(ALL_LINGUAS), $(srcdir)/$(lang).po) - # Compute UPDATEPOFILES - # as $(foreach lang, $(ALL_LINGUAS), $(lang).po-update) - # Compute DUMMYPOFILES - # as $(foreach lang, $(ALL_LINGUAS), $(lang).nop) - # Compute GMOFILES - # as $(foreach lang, $(ALL_LINGUAS), $(srcdir)/$(lang).gmo) - case "$ac_given_srcdir" in - .) srcdirpre= ;; - *) srcdirpre='$(srcdir)/' ;; - esac - POFILES= - UPDATEPOFILES= - DUMMYPOFILES= - GMOFILES= - for lang in $ALL_LINGUAS; do - POFILES="$POFILES $srcdirpre$lang.po" - UPDATEPOFILES="$UPDATEPOFILES $lang.po-update" - DUMMYPOFILES="$DUMMYPOFILES $lang.nop" - GMOFILES="$GMOFILES $srcdirpre$lang.gmo" - done - # CATALOGS depends on both $ac_dir and the user's LINGUAS - # environment variable. - INST_LINGUAS= - if test -n "$ALL_LINGUAS"; then - for presentlang in $ALL_LINGUAS; do - useit=no - if test "%UNSET%" != "$LINGUAS"; then - desiredlanguages="$LINGUAS" - else - desiredlanguages="$ALL_LINGUAS" - fi - for desiredlang in $desiredlanguages; do - # Use the presentlang catalog if desiredlang is - # a. equal to presentlang, or - # b. a variant of presentlang (because in this case, - # presentlang can be used as a fallback for messages - # which are not translated in the desiredlang catalog). - case "$desiredlang" in - "$presentlang"*) useit=yes;; - esac - done - if test $useit = yes; then - INST_LINGUAS="$INST_LINGUAS $presentlang" - fi - done - fi - CATALOGS= - if test -n "$INST_LINGUAS"; then - for lang in $INST_LINGUAS; do - CATALOGS="$CATALOGS $lang.gmo" - done - fi - test -n "$as_me" && echo "$as_me: creating $ac_dir/Makefile" || echo "creating $ac_dir/Makefile" - sed -e "/^POTFILES =/r $ac_dir/POTFILES" -e "/^# Makevars/r $ac_given_srcdir/$ac_dir/Makevars" -e "s|@POFILES@|$POFILES|g" -e "s|@UPDATEPOFILES@|$UPDATEPOFILES|g" -e "s|@DUMMYPOFILES@|$DUMMYPOFILES|g" -e "s|@GMOFILES@|$GMOFILES|g" -e "s|@CATALOGS@|$CATALOGS|g" -e "s|@POMAKEFILEDEPS@|$POMAKEFILEDEPS|g" "$ac_dir/Makefile.in" > "$ac_dir/Makefile" - for f in "$ac_given_srcdir/$ac_dir"/Rules-*; do - if test -f "$f"; then - case "$f" in - *.orig | *.bak | *~) ;; - *) cat "$f" >> "$ac_dir/Makefile" ;; - esac - fi - done - fi - ;; - esac - done ;; "po/stamp-it":C) if ! grep "^# INTLTOOL_MAKEFILE$" "po/Makefile.in" > /dev/null ; then as_fn_error $? "po/Makefile.in.in was not created by intltoolize." "$LINENO" 5 diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/configure.ac empathy-3.3.92/configure.ac --- empathy-3.3.91/configure.ac 2012-03-06 15:29:45.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/configure.ac 2012-03-20 09:39:02.000000000 +0000 @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ m4_define([empathy_major_version], [3]) m4_define([empathy_minor_version], [3]) -m4_define([empathy_micro_version], [91]) +m4_define([empathy_micro_version], [92]) m4_define([empathy_nano_version], [0]) dnl Display the nano_version only if it's not '0' @@ -35,9 +35,23 @@ # Hardp deps FOLKS_REQUIRED=0.6.6 -GLIB_REQUIRED=2.30.0 GNUTLS_REQUIRED=2.8.5 -GTK_REQUIRED=3.0.2 + +GLIB_REQUIRED=2.30.0 +AC_DEFINE(GLIB_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED, GLIB_VERSION_2_30, [Ignore post 2.30 deprecations]) +AC_DEFINE(GLIB_VERSION_MAX_REQUIRED, GLIB_VERSION_2_30, [Prevent post 2.30 APIs]) + +GTK_REQUIRED=3.3.6 +AC_DEFINE(GDK_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED, GDK_VERSION_3_4, [Ignore post 3.4 deprecations]) +AC_DEFINE(GDK_VERSION_MAX_REQUIRED, GDK_VERSION_3_4, [Prevent post 3.4 APIs]) + +CLUTTER_REQUIRED=1.8.0 +AC_DEFINE(CLUTTER_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED, CLUTTER_VERSION_1_8, [Ignore post 1.8 deprecations]) +AC_DEFINE(CLUTTER_VERSION_MAX, CLUTTER_VERSION_1_8, [Prevent post 1.8 APIs]) + +CLUTTER_GTK_REQUIRED=0.90.3 +CLUTTER_GST_REQUIRED=1.5.2 + GSTREAMER_REQUIRED=0.10.32 KEYRING_REQUIRED=2.26.0 GCR_REQUIRED=2.91.4 @@ -50,10 +64,8 @@ GOA_REQUIRED=3.3.0 # Optional deps -CLUTTER_REQUIRED=1.7.14 -CLUTTER_GTK_REQUIRED=0.90.3 ENCHANT_REQUIRED=1.2.0 -GEOCLUE_REQUIRED=0.11 +GEOCLUE_REQUIRED=0.12 ISO_CODES_REQUIRED=0.35 NAUTILUS_SENDTO_REQUIRED=2.90.0 NETWORK_MANAGER_REQUIRED=0.7.0 @@ -66,14 +78,6 @@ #ifelse(empathy_released, 1, [], [enable_maintainer_mode="yes"]) #GNOME_MAINTAINER_MODE_DEFINES -# Disable GLib deprecation warnings for now; we don't want to bump the GLib dep -# and make things harder for contributiors without good reason. We'll re-enable -# those warnings later during the cycle (bgo #662662) -AC_DEFINE(GLIB_DISABLE_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS, 1, [Build with GLib deprecated]) - -# FIXME: bgo #669673 -AC_DEFINE(CLUTTER_DISABLE_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS, 1, [Build with Clutter deprecated]) - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([m4]) AC_CONFIG_HEADERS([config.h]) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([configure.ac]) @@ -202,8 +206,8 @@ farstream-0.1 telepathy-farstream >= $TELEPATHY_FARSTREAM_REQUIRED clutter-1.0 >= $CLUTTER_REQUIRED - clutter-gtk-1.0 - clutter-gst-1.0 + clutter-gtk-1.0 >= $CLUTTER_GTK_REQUIRED + clutter-gst-1.0 >= $CLUTTER_GST_REQUIRED ]) AC_DEFINE(EMPATHY_GOA_PROVIDER, "org.gnome.OnlineAccounts", @@ -291,9 +295,6 @@ # ----------------------------------------------------------- IT_PROG_INTLTOOL([0.40.0]) -AM_GNU_GETTEXT_VERSION([0.17]) -AM_GNU_GETTEXT([external]) - GETTEXT_PACKAGE=empathy AC_SUBST(GETTEXT_PACKAGE) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(GETTEXT_PACKAGE,"$GETTEXT_PACKAGE",[Gettext package name]) @@ -430,8 +431,8 @@ PKG_CHECK_MODULES(LIBCHAMPLAIN, [ clutter-gtk-1.0 - champlain-gtk-0.14 - champlain-0.14 >= $CHAMPLAIN_REQUIRED + champlain-gtk-0.12 + champlain-0.12 >= $CHAMPLAIN_REQUIRED ], have_libchamplain="yes", have_libchamplain="no") if test "x$have_libchamplain" = "xyes"; then diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/data/empathy-accounts.desktop empathy-3.3.92/data/empathy-accounts.desktop --- empathy-3.3.91/data/empathy-accounts.desktop 2012-03-06 15:30:28.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/data/empathy-accounts.desktop 2012-03-20 09:39:48.000000000 +0000 @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Name[fa]=حساب‌های پیام‌رسانی و VoIP Name[fi]=Viestintä ja VoIP-käyttäjätilit Name[fr]=Comptes de messagerie et VoIP -Name[gl]=Contas de mensaxaría e VoIP +Name[gl]=Contas de mensaxaría e Voz IP Name[gu]=મેસેજિંગ અને VoIP ખાતાઓ Name[he]=חשבונות התכתבות ו־VoIP Name[hi]=मैसेजिंग और VoIP खाता @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ Comment[fa]=مدیریت حساب‌های پیام‌رسانی و VoIP Comment[fi]=Hallitse viestimiä ja Internet-puheluiden (VoIP) käyttäjätilejä Comment[fr]=Gestion des comptes de messagerie et VoIP -Comment[gl]=Xestionar as contas de mensaxaría e VoIP +Comment[gl]=Xestionar as contas de mensaxaría e Voz IP Comment[gu]=મેસેજિંગ અને VoIP ખાતાઓને સંચાલિત કરો Comment[he]=ניהול חשבונות התכתבות ו־VoIP Comment[hu]=Üzenetküldő- és VoIP-fiókok kezelése @@ -138,4 +138,4 @@ X-GNOME-Bugzilla-Bugzilla=GNOME X-GNOME-Bugzilla-Product=empathy X-GNOME-Bugzilla-Component=General -X-GNOME-Bugzilla-Version=3.3.91 +X-GNOME-Bugzilla-Version=3.3.92 diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in empathy-3.3.92/data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in --- empathy-3.3.91/data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in 2012-03-06 15:30:07.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in 2012-03-20 09:39:27.000000000 +0000 @@ -11,4 +11,4 @@ X-GNOME-Bugzilla-Bugzilla=GNOME X-GNOME-Bugzilla-Product=empathy X-GNOME-Bugzilla-Component=General -X-GNOME-Bugzilla-Version=3.3.91 +X-GNOME-Bugzilla-Version=3.3.92 diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/data/empathy.desktop empathy-3.3.92/data/empathy.desktop --- empathy-3.3.91/data/empathy.desktop 2012-03-06 15:30:28.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/data/empathy.desktop 2012-03-20 09:39:48.000000000 +0000 @@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ Name[lt]=Empathy Name[lv]=Empathy Name[mk]=Empathy +Name[ml]=എമ്പതി Name[mr]=एम्पथि Name[ms]=Empathy Name[my]=အမ်ပသီ @@ -101,7 +102,7 @@ GenericName[fi]=pikaviestin GenericName[fr]=Client de messagerie instantanée GenericName[ga]=Cliant IM -GenericName[gl]=Cliente de MI +GenericName[gl]=Cliente de mensaxaría instantánea GenericName[gu]=IM ક્લાઇન્ટ GenericName[he]=לקוח מסרים מידיים GenericName[hi]=IM क्लाएंट @@ -116,6 +117,7 @@ GenericName[lt]=Tikralaikių pokalbių klientas GenericName[lv]=TZ klients GenericName[mk]=Клиент за инстант пораки +GenericName[ml]=ഐഎം ക്ലയന്റ് GenericName[mr]=IM क्लाएंट GenericName[my]=အိုင်အမ်ဆော့ဝဲ သုံးသူများ GenericName[nb]=Lynmeldingsklient @@ -170,7 +172,7 @@ X-GNOME-FullName[fi]=Empathy-pikaviestin X-GNOME-FullName[fr]=Messagerie Internet Empathy X-GNOME-FullName[ga]=Cur Teachtaireachtaí Meandaracha Empathy -X-GNOME-FullName[gl]=Mensaxaría na Internet Empathy +X-GNOME-FullName[gl]=Mensaxaría instantánea Empathy X-GNOME-FullName[gu]=Empathy ઇન્ટરનેટ મેસેજિંગ X-GNOME-FullName[he]=‏Empathy מסרים מידיים X-GNOME-FullName[hi]=एंपैथी इंटरनेट मैसेजिंग @@ -234,7 +236,7 @@ Comment[fa]=گپ در گوگل تاک، فیس بوک، ام‌اس‌ان، و بسیاری سرویس‌های دیگر گپ Comment[fi]=Keskustele käyttäen Google Talkia, Facebookia, MSN:ää ja monia muita palveluja Comment[fr]=Discuter sur Google Talk, Facebook, MSN et beaucoup d'autres services -Comment[gl]=Converse en Google Talk, Facebook, MSN e moitos máis servizos de conversa +Comment[gl]=Converse en Google Talk, Facebook, MSN e moitos máis servizos de chat Comment[gu]=Google Talk, Facebook, MSN અને ઘણી બીજી સંવાદ સેવાઓ પર વાર્તાલાપ Comment[he]=ניתן לשוחח דרך Google Talk,‏ Facebook,‏ MSN ושירותי שיחה רבים נוספים Comment[hu]=Csevegés Google Talk, Facebook, MSN és sok más szolgáltatáson @@ -246,6 +248,7 @@ Comment[lt]=Plepėkite naudodamiesi Google Talk, Facebook, MSN ir kitomis pokalbių paslaugomis Comment[lv]=Tērzē, izmantojot Google Talk, Facebook, MSN un daudzus citus tērzēšanas pakalpojumus Comment[mk]=Разговарајте на Google Talk, Facebook, MSN и многу други сервиси +Comment[ml]=ഗൂഗിള്‍ ടാക്ക്, ഫേസ്ബുക്ക്, എംഎസ്എന്‍ തുടങ്ങി നിരവധി സല്ലാപ സേവനങ്ങളുപയോഗിച്ചു് സല്ലപിയ്ക്കുക Comment[mr]=Google Talk, Facebook, MSN व इतर चॅट सर्व्हिसेसवर गप्पा करा Comment[my]=Google Talk, Facebook, MSN နှင့် အခြား စကားဝိုင်းဆော့ဝဲများ သုံးပါ။ Comment[nb]=Prat på Google Talk, Facebook, MSN og mange andre pratetjenester @@ -282,4 +285,4 @@ X-GNOME-Bugzilla-Bugzilla=GNOME X-GNOME-Bugzilla-Product=empathy X-GNOME-Bugzilla-Component=General -X-GNOME-Bugzilla-Version=3.3.91 +X-GNOME-Bugzilla-Version=3.3.92 diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/data/empathy.desktop.in empathy-3.3.92/data/empathy.desktop.in --- empathy-3.3.91/data/empathy.desktop.in 2012-03-06 15:30:07.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/data/empathy.desktop.in 2012-03-20 09:39:27.000000000 +0000 @@ -13,4 +13,4 @@ X-GNOME-Bugzilla-Bugzilla=GNOME X-GNOME-Bugzilla-Product=empathy X-GNOME-Bugzilla-Component=General -X-GNOME-Bugzilla-Version=3.3.91 +X-GNOME-Bugzilla-Version=3.3.92 diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/data/icons/Makefile.am empathy-3.3.92/data/icons/Makefile.am --- empathy-3.3.91/data/icons/Makefile.am 2012-02-17 14:00:26.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/data/icons/Makefile.am 2012-03-09 08:56:22.000000000 +0000 @@ -192,6 +192,8 @@ local-xmpp.svg \ $(NULL) +include $(srcdir)/utils.mk + ############################################################################### gtk_update_icon_cache = gtk-update-icon-cache -f -t @@ -252,3 +254,31 @@ install-data-local: install-icons update-icon-cache uninstall-local: uninstall-icons update-icon-cache + +# Local copy of the "installed" icon. This is used to be able to run empathy +# from source (see bgo #616159) +local_icons_dir = local-copy + +# Generate the lists of destination paths +public_icons_local_install_paths = $(foreach obj, $(public_icons), $(local_icons_dir)/$(subst _,/,$(call reorder,_,1 3 2 4,$(obj)))) +private_icons_local_install_paths = $(foreach obj, $(private_icons), $(local_icons_dir)/$(subst _,/,$(call reorder,_,1 3 2 4,$(obj)))) + +# For each destination path we'll need to compute back the original icon +# and create a rule that will ensure that the destination directory exists +# and then copy the original file +define icon_local_install_rule_template +$(local_icons_dir)/$$(subst _,/,$$(call reorder,_,1 3 2 4,$1)): $1 + $$(AM_V_GEN)mkdir -p $$(@D) + $$(AM_V_GEN)cp $$^ $$@ +endef + +# Instantiate the template above for each icon +$(foreach icon,$(public_icons),$(eval $(call icon_local_install_rule_template,$(icon)))) +$(foreach icon,$(private_icons),$(eval $(call icon_local_install_rule_template,$(icon)))) + +install-icons-src: $(public_icons_local_install_paths) $(private_icons_local_install_paths) + +all: install-icons-src + +clean-local: + -rm -rf $(local_icons_dir) diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/data/icons/Makefile.in empathy-3.3.92/data/icons/Makefile.in --- empathy-3.3.91/data/icons/Makefile.in 2012-03-06 15:30:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/data/icons/Makefile.in 2012-03-20 09:39:20.000000000 +0000 @@ -33,21 +33,17 @@ POST_UNINSTALL = : build_triplet = @build@ host_triplet = @host@ +DIST_COMMON = $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(srcdir)/Makefile.in \ + $(srcdir)/utils.mk subdir = data/icons -DIST_COMMON = $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(srcdir)/Makefile.in ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4 am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/m4/as-compiler-flag.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/m4/empathy-args.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/m4/empathy-valgrind.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/gettext.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/gsettings.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/iconv.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/intlmacosx.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/intltool.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/lib-ld.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/lib-link.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/lib-prefix.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/m4/gsettings.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/intltool.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/m4/libtool.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/ltoptions.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/m4/ltsugar.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/ltversion.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/lt~obsolete.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/nls.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/po.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/progtest.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/configure.ac + $(top_srcdir)/m4/lt~obsolete.m4 $(top_srcdir)/configure.ac am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \ $(ACLOCAL_M4) mkinstalldirs = $(install_sh) -d @@ -111,7 +107,6 @@ GEOCLUE_LIBS = @GEOCLUE_LIBS@ GEOCODE_CFLAGS = @GEOCODE_CFLAGS@ GEOCODE_LIBS = @GEOCODE_LIBS@ -GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION = @GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION@ GETTEXT_PACKAGE = @GETTEXT_PACKAGE@ GLIB_CFLAGS = @GLIB_CFLAGS@ GLIB_COMPILE_RESOURCES = @GLIB_COMPILE_RESOURCES@ @@ -120,7 +115,6 @@ GLIB_LIBS = @GLIB_LIBS@ GLIB_MKENUMS = @GLIB_MKENUMS@ GMSGFMT = @GMSGFMT@ -GMSGFMT_015 = @GMSGFMT_015@ GOA_CFLAGS = @GOA_CFLAGS@ GOA_LIBS = @GOA_LIBS@ GOBJECT_QUERY = @GOBJECT_QUERY@ @@ -132,27 +126,21 @@ INSTALL_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_PROGRAM@ INSTALL_SCRIPT = @INSTALL_SCRIPT@ INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM@ -INTLLIBS = @INTLLIBS@ INTLTOOL_EXTRACT = @INTLTOOL_EXTRACT@ INTLTOOL_MERGE = @INTLTOOL_MERGE@ INTLTOOL_PERL = @INTLTOOL_PERL@ INTLTOOL_UPDATE = @INTLTOOL_UPDATE@ -INTL_MACOSX_LIBS = @INTL_MACOSX_LIBS@ ITSTOOL = @ITSTOOL@ LD = @LD@ LDFLAGS = @LDFLAGS@ LIBCHAMPLAIN_CFLAGS = @LIBCHAMPLAIN_CFLAGS@ LIBCHAMPLAIN_LIBS = @LIBCHAMPLAIN_LIBS@ -LIBICONV = @LIBICONV@ -LIBINTL = @LIBINTL@ LIBM = @LIBM@ LIBOBJS = @LIBOBJS@ LIBS = @LIBS@ LIBTOOL = @LIBTOOL@ LIPO = @LIPO@ LN_S = @LN_S@ -LTLIBICONV = @LTLIBICONV@ -LTLIBINTL = @LTLIBINTL@ LTLIBOBJS = @LTLIBOBJS@ MAKEINFO = @MAKEINFO@ MANIFEST_TOOL = @MANIFEST_TOOL@ @@ -161,7 +149,6 @@ MISSION_CONTROL_PLUGINS_DIR = @MISSION_CONTROL_PLUGINS_DIR@ MKDIR_P = @MKDIR_P@ MSGFMT = @MSGFMT@ -MSGFMT_015 = @MSGFMT_015@ MSGMERGE = @MSGMERGE@ NETWORK_MANAGER_CFLAGS = @NETWORK_MANAGER_CFLAGS@ NETWORK_MANAGER_LIBS = @NETWORK_MANAGER_LIBS@ @@ -184,7 +171,6 @@ PKG_CONFIG = @PKG_CONFIG@ PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR = @PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR@ PKG_CONFIG_PATH = @PKG_CONFIG_PATH@ -POSUB = @POSUB@ PYTHON = @PYTHON@ PYTHON_EXEC_PREFIX = @PYTHON_EXEC_PREFIX@ PYTHON_PLATFORM = @PYTHON_PLATFORM@ @@ -203,8 +189,6 @@ VALGRIND_PATH = @VALGRIND_PATH@ VERSION = @VERSION@ XGETTEXT = @XGETTEXT@ -XGETTEXT_015 = @XGETTEXT_015@ -XGETTEXT_EXTRA_OPTIONS = @XGETTEXT_EXTRA_OPTIONS@ XMKMF = @XMKMF@ XMLLINT = @XMLLINT@ XSLTPROC = @XSLTPROC@ @@ -463,12 +447,24 @@ $(NULL) +# define a variable containing a single space +blank := +space := $(blank) $(blank) + ############################################################################### gtk_update_icon_cache = gtk-update-icon-cache -f -t + +# Local copy of the "installed" icon. This is used to be able to run empathy +# from source (see bgo #616159) +local_icons_dir = local-copy + +# Generate the lists of destination paths +public_icons_local_install_paths = $(foreach obj, $(public_icons), $(local_icons_dir)/$(subst _,/,$(call reorder,_,1 3 2 4,$(obj)))) +private_icons_local_install_paths = $(foreach obj, $(private_icons), $(local_icons_dir)/$(subst _,/,$(call reorder,_,1 3 2 4,$(obj)))) all: all-am .SUFFIXES: -$(srcdir)/Makefile.in: $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(am__configure_deps) +$(srcdir)/Makefile.in: $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(srcdir)/utils.mk $(am__configure_deps) @for dep in $?; do \ case '$(am__configure_deps)' in \ *$$dep*) \ @@ -572,7 +568,7 @@ @echo "it deletes files that may require special tools to rebuild." clean: clean-am -clean-am: clean-generic clean-libtool mostlyclean-am +clean-am: clean-generic clean-libtool clean-local mostlyclean-am distclean: distclean-am -rm -f Makefile @@ -639,17 +635,25 @@ .MAKE: install-am install-strip .PHONY: all all-am check check-am clean clean-generic clean-libtool \ - distclean distclean-generic distclean-libtool distdir dvi \ - dvi-am html html-am info info-am install install-am \ - install-data install-data-am install-data-local install-dvi \ - install-dvi-am install-exec install-exec-am install-html \ - install-html-am install-info install-info-am install-man \ - install-pdf install-pdf-am install-ps install-ps-am \ - install-strip installcheck installcheck-am installdirs \ - maintainer-clean maintainer-clean-generic mostlyclean \ - mostlyclean-generic mostlyclean-libtool pdf pdf-am ps ps-am \ - uninstall uninstall-am uninstall-local - + clean-local distclean distclean-generic distclean-libtool \ + distdir dvi dvi-am html html-am info info-am install \ + install-am install-data install-data-am install-data-local \ + install-dvi install-dvi-am install-exec install-exec-am \ + install-html install-html-am install-info install-info-am \ + install-man install-pdf install-pdf-am install-ps \ + install-ps-am install-strip installcheck installcheck-am \ + installdirs maintainer-clean maintainer-clean-generic \ + mostlyclean mostlyclean-generic mostlyclean-libtool pdf pdf-am \ + ps ps-am uninstall uninstall-am uninstall-local + +# split string $3 with $1 as separator and return the token in position $2 +define token +$(word $2, $(subst $1, ,$3)) +endef +# split string $3 with $1 as separator and reassemble it using the indexes in $2 +define reorder +$(subst $(space),$1,$(foreach i,$2,$(call token,$1,$i,$3))) +endef update-icon-cache: @-if test -z "$(DESTDIR)"; then \ @@ -708,6 +712,26 @@ uninstall-local: uninstall-icons update-icon-cache +# For each destination path we'll need to compute back the original icon +# and create a rule that will ensure that the destination directory exists +# and then copy the original file +define icon_local_install_rule_template +$(local_icons_dir)/$$(subst _,/,$$(call reorder,_,1 3 2 4,$1)): $1 + $$(AM_V_GEN)mkdir -p $$(@D) + $$(AM_V_GEN)cp $$^ $$@ +endef + +# Instantiate the template above for each icon +$(foreach icon,$(public_icons),$(eval $(call icon_local_install_rule_template,$(icon)))) +$(foreach icon,$(private_icons),$(eval $(call icon_local_install_rule_template,$(icon)))) + +install-icons-src: $(public_icons_local_install_paths) $(private_icons_local_install_paths) + +all: install-icons-src + +clean-local: + -rm -rf $(local_icons_dir) + # Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables. # Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded. .NOEXPORT: diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/data/icons/utils.mk empathy-3.3.92/data/icons/utils.mk --- empathy-3.3.91/data/icons/utils.mk 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/data/icons/utils.mk 2012-03-09 08:56:22.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +# define a variable containing a single space +blank := +space := $(blank) $(blank) +# split string $3 with $1 as separator and return the token in position $2 +define token +$(word $2, $(subst $1, ,$3)) +endef +# split string $3 with $1 as separator and reassemble it using the indexes in $2 +define reorder +$(subst $(space),$1,$(foreach i,$2,$(call token,$1,$i,$3))) +endef diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/data/Makefile.in empathy-3.3.92/data/Makefile.in --- empathy-3.3.91/data/Makefile.in 2012-03-06 15:30:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/data/Makefile.in 2012-03-20 09:39:20.000000000 +0000 @@ -48,15 +48,10 @@ am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/m4/as-compiler-flag.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/m4/empathy-args.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/m4/empathy-valgrind.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/gettext.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/gsettings.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/iconv.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/intlmacosx.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/intltool.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/lib-ld.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/lib-link.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/lib-prefix.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/m4/gsettings.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/intltool.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/m4/libtool.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/ltoptions.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/m4/ltsugar.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/ltversion.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/lt~obsolete.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/nls.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/po.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/progtest.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/configure.ac + $(top_srcdir)/m4/lt~obsolete.m4 $(top_srcdir)/configure.ac am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \ $(ACLOCAL_M4) mkinstalldirs = $(install_sh) -d @@ -186,7 +181,6 @@ GEOCLUE_LIBS = @GEOCLUE_LIBS@ GEOCODE_CFLAGS = @GEOCODE_CFLAGS@ GEOCODE_LIBS = @GEOCODE_LIBS@ -GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION = @GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION@ GETTEXT_PACKAGE = @GETTEXT_PACKAGE@ GLIB_CFLAGS = @GLIB_CFLAGS@ GLIB_COMPILE_RESOURCES = @GLIB_COMPILE_RESOURCES@ @@ -195,7 +189,6 @@ GLIB_LIBS = @GLIB_LIBS@ GLIB_MKENUMS = @GLIB_MKENUMS@ GMSGFMT = @GMSGFMT@ -GMSGFMT_015 = @GMSGFMT_015@ GOA_CFLAGS = @GOA_CFLAGS@ GOA_LIBS = @GOA_LIBS@ GOBJECT_QUERY = @GOBJECT_QUERY@ @@ -207,27 +200,21 @@ INSTALL_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_PROGRAM@ INSTALL_SCRIPT = @INSTALL_SCRIPT@ INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM@ -INTLLIBS = @INTLLIBS@ INTLTOOL_EXTRACT = @INTLTOOL_EXTRACT@ INTLTOOL_MERGE = @INTLTOOL_MERGE@ INTLTOOL_PERL = @INTLTOOL_PERL@ INTLTOOL_UPDATE = @INTLTOOL_UPDATE@ -INTL_MACOSX_LIBS = @INTL_MACOSX_LIBS@ ITSTOOL = @ITSTOOL@ LD = @LD@ LDFLAGS = @LDFLAGS@ LIBCHAMPLAIN_CFLAGS = @LIBCHAMPLAIN_CFLAGS@ LIBCHAMPLAIN_LIBS = @LIBCHAMPLAIN_LIBS@ -LIBICONV = @LIBICONV@ -LIBINTL = @LIBINTL@ LIBM = @LIBM@ LIBOBJS = @LIBOBJS@ LIBS = @LIBS@ LIBTOOL = @LIBTOOL@ LIPO = @LIPO@ LN_S = @LN_S@ -LTLIBICONV = @LTLIBICONV@ -LTLIBINTL = @LTLIBINTL@ LTLIBOBJS = @LTLIBOBJS@ MAKEINFO = @MAKEINFO@ MANIFEST_TOOL = @MANIFEST_TOOL@ @@ -236,7 +223,6 @@ MISSION_CONTROL_PLUGINS_DIR = @MISSION_CONTROL_PLUGINS_DIR@ MKDIR_P = @MKDIR_P@ MSGFMT = @MSGFMT@ -MSGFMT_015 = @MSGFMT_015@ MSGMERGE = @MSGMERGE@ NETWORK_MANAGER_CFLAGS = @NETWORK_MANAGER_CFLAGS@ NETWORK_MANAGER_LIBS = @NETWORK_MANAGER_LIBS@ @@ -259,7 +245,6 @@ PKG_CONFIG = @PKG_CONFIG@ PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR = @PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR@ PKG_CONFIG_PATH = @PKG_CONFIG_PATH@ -POSUB = @POSUB@ PYTHON = @PYTHON@ PYTHON_EXEC_PREFIX = @PYTHON_EXEC_PREFIX@ PYTHON_PLATFORM = @PYTHON_PLATFORM@ @@ -278,8 +263,6 @@ VALGRIND_PATH = @VALGRIND_PATH@ VERSION = @VERSION@ XGETTEXT = @XGETTEXT@ -XGETTEXT_015 = @XGETTEXT_015@ -XGETTEXT_EXTRA_OPTIONS = @XGETTEXT_EXTRA_OPTIONS@ XMKMF = @XMKMF@ XMLLINT = @XMLLINT@ XSLTPROC = @XSLTPROC@ diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/debian/changelog empathy-3.3.92/debian/changelog --- empathy-3.3.91/debian/changelog 2012-03-16 17:42:50.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/debian/changelog 2012-03-20 14:40:33.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,3 +1,32 @@ +empathy (3.3.92-0ubuntu1) precise; urgency=low + + * New upstream release + - Fixed: empathy-accounts crashed with SIGSEGV in + empathy_account_settings_get_account (LP: #951478) + - Fixed: Rendering artifacts in the call window + - Fixed: The video preview is not rounded the same way as its + highlight rectangle + - Fixed: Crash receiving a call on a already disconnected empathy + call window + - Fixed: Crash on hangup in audio-only video call + - Fixed: Should try to get icons from EMPATHY_SRCDIR + - Fixed: Accounts dialog doesn't update when account goes online + - Fixed: MUC: make F9 toggle the contact list sidebar + - Fixed: Border overflows not taken in account when drawing Clutter + actors in empathy-call + - Fixed: Untranslated strings in libempathy/empathy-keyring.c + - Fixed: Information display of group chat contacts and irc + contacts broken + - Fixed: Receiving Files via XMPP isn't working + - Fixed: Should replace the birthday calendar by a button + - Fixed: Hide stupid vCard field roles + - Fixed: Contact list only appears after several seconds + - Fixed: Remove account info + - Fixed: Right align contact info fields + - Fixed: Set chat.facebook.com:443 as fallback server + + -- Ken VanDine Tue, 20 Mar 2012 10:40:28 -0400 + empathy (3.3.91-0ubuntu3) precise; urgency=low * No change rebuild for libtelepathy-farstream2 diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/debian/control empathy-3.3.92/debian/control --- empathy-3.3.91/debian/control 2012-03-16 17:42:50.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/debian/control 2012-03-20 14:40:33.000000000 +0000 @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ rarian-compat, librarian-dev, libglib2.0-dev (>= 2.28), - libgtk-3-dev (>= 3.0.2), + libgtk-3-dev (>= 3.3.6), libtelepathy-glib-dev (>= 0.17.5), libtelepathy-logger-dev (>= 0.2.10), intltool, diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/extensions/Makefile.in empathy-3.3.92/extensions/Makefile.in --- empathy-3.3.91/extensions/Makefile.in 2012-03-06 15:30:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/extensions/Makefile.in 2012-03-20 09:39:20.000000000 +0000 @@ -40,15 +40,10 @@ am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/m4/as-compiler-flag.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/m4/empathy-args.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/m4/empathy-valgrind.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/gettext.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/gsettings.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/iconv.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/intlmacosx.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/intltool.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/lib-ld.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/lib-link.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/lib-prefix.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/m4/gsettings.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/intltool.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/m4/libtool.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/ltoptions.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/m4/ltsugar.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/ltversion.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/lt~obsolete.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/nls.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/po.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/progtest.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/configure.ac + $(top_srcdir)/m4/lt~obsolete.m4 $(top_srcdir)/configure.ac am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \ $(ACLOCAL_M4) mkinstalldirs = $(install_sh) -d @@ -144,7 +139,6 @@ GEOCLUE_LIBS = @GEOCLUE_LIBS@ GEOCODE_CFLAGS = @GEOCODE_CFLAGS@ GEOCODE_LIBS = @GEOCODE_LIBS@ -GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION = @GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION@ GETTEXT_PACKAGE = @GETTEXT_PACKAGE@ GLIB_CFLAGS = @GLIB_CFLAGS@ GLIB_COMPILE_RESOURCES = @GLIB_COMPILE_RESOURCES@ @@ -153,7 +147,6 @@ GLIB_LIBS = @GLIB_LIBS@ GLIB_MKENUMS = @GLIB_MKENUMS@ GMSGFMT = @GMSGFMT@ -GMSGFMT_015 = @GMSGFMT_015@ GOA_CFLAGS = @GOA_CFLAGS@ GOA_LIBS = @GOA_LIBS@ GOBJECT_QUERY = @GOBJECT_QUERY@ @@ -165,27 +158,21 @@ INSTALL_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_PROGRAM@ INSTALL_SCRIPT = @INSTALL_SCRIPT@ INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM@ -INTLLIBS = @INTLLIBS@ INTLTOOL_EXTRACT = @INTLTOOL_EXTRACT@ INTLTOOL_MERGE = @INTLTOOL_MERGE@ INTLTOOL_PERL = @INTLTOOL_PERL@ INTLTOOL_UPDATE = @INTLTOOL_UPDATE@ -INTL_MACOSX_LIBS = @INTL_MACOSX_LIBS@ ITSTOOL = @ITSTOOL@ LD = @LD@ LDFLAGS = @LDFLAGS@ LIBCHAMPLAIN_CFLAGS = @LIBCHAMPLAIN_CFLAGS@ LIBCHAMPLAIN_LIBS = @LIBCHAMPLAIN_LIBS@ -LIBICONV = @LIBICONV@ -LIBINTL = @LIBINTL@ LIBM = @LIBM@ LIBOBJS = @LIBOBJS@ LIBS = @LIBS@ LIBTOOL = @LIBTOOL@ LIPO = @LIPO@ LN_S = @LN_S@ -LTLIBICONV = @LTLIBICONV@ -LTLIBINTL = @LTLIBINTL@ LTLIBOBJS = @LTLIBOBJS@ MAKEINFO = @MAKEINFO@ MANIFEST_TOOL = @MANIFEST_TOOL@ @@ -194,7 +181,6 @@ MISSION_CONTROL_PLUGINS_DIR = @MISSION_CONTROL_PLUGINS_DIR@ MKDIR_P = @MKDIR_P@ MSGFMT = @MSGFMT@ -MSGFMT_015 = @MSGFMT_015@ MSGMERGE = @MSGMERGE@ NETWORK_MANAGER_CFLAGS = @NETWORK_MANAGER_CFLAGS@ NETWORK_MANAGER_LIBS = @NETWORK_MANAGER_LIBS@ @@ -217,7 +203,6 @@ PKG_CONFIG = @PKG_CONFIG@ PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR = @PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR@ PKG_CONFIG_PATH = @PKG_CONFIG_PATH@ -POSUB = @POSUB@ PYTHON = @PYTHON@ PYTHON_EXEC_PREFIX = @PYTHON_EXEC_PREFIX@ PYTHON_PLATFORM = @PYTHON_PLATFORM@ @@ -236,8 +221,6 @@ VALGRIND_PATH = @VALGRIND_PATH@ VERSION = @VERSION@ XGETTEXT = @XGETTEXT@ -XGETTEXT_015 = @XGETTEXT_015@ -XGETTEXT_EXTRA_OPTIONS = @XGETTEXT_EXTRA_OPTIONS@ XMKMF = @XMKMF@ XMLLINT = @XMLLINT@ XSLTPROC = @XSLTPROC@ diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/goa-mc-plugin/Makefile.in empathy-3.3.92/goa-mc-plugin/Makefile.in --- empathy-3.3.91/goa-mc-plugin/Makefile.in 2012-03-06 15:30:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/goa-mc-plugin/Makefile.in 2012-03-20 09:39:20.000000000 +0000 @@ -40,15 +40,10 @@ am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/m4/as-compiler-flag.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/m4/empathy-args.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/m4/empathy-valgrind.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/gettext.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/gsettings.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/iconv.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/intlmacosx.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/intltool.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/lib-ld.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/lib-link.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/lib-prefix.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/m4/gsettings.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/intltool.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/m4/libtool.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/ltoptions.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/m4/ltsugar.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/ltversion.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/lt~obsolete.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/nls.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/po.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/progtest.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/configure.ac + $(top_srcdir)/m4/lt~obsolete.m4 $(top_srcdir)/configure.ac am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \ $(ACLOCAL_M4) mkinstalldirs = $(install_sh) -d @@ -170,7 +165,6 @@ GEOCLUE_LIBS = @GEOCLUE_LIBS@ GEOCODE_CFLAGS = @GEOCODE_CFLAGS@ GEOCODE_LIBS = @GEOCODE_LIBS@ -GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION = @GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION@ GETTEXT_PACKAGE = @GETTEXT_PACKAGE@ GLIB_CFLAGS = @GLIB_CFLAGS@ GLIB_COMPILE_RESOURCES = @GLIB_COMPILE_RESOURCES@ @@ -179,7 +173,6 @@ GLIB_LIBS = @GLIB_LIBS@ GLIB_MKENUMS = @GLIB_MKENUMS@ GMSGFMT = @GMSGFMT@ -GMSGFMT_015 = @GMSGFMT_015@ GOA_CFLAGS = @GOA_CFLAGS@ GOA_LIBS = @GOA_LIBS@ GOBJECT_QUERY = @GOBJECT_QUERY@ @@ -191,27 +184,21 @@ INSTALL_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_PROGRAM@ INSTALL_SCRIPT = @INSTALL_SCRIPT@ INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM@ -INTLLIBS = @INTLLIBS@ INTLTOOL_EXTRACT = @INTLTOOL_EXTRACT@ INTLTOOL_MERGE = @INTLTOOL_MERGE@ INTLTOOL_PERL = @INTLTOOL_PERL@ INTLTOOL_UPDATE = @INTLTOOL_UPDATE@ -INTL_MACOSX_LIBS = @INTL_MACOSX_LIBS@ ITSTOOL = @ITSTOOL@ LD = @LD@ LDFLAGS = @LDFLAGS@ LIBCHAMPLAIN_CFLAGS = @LIBCHAMPLAIN_CFLAGS@ LIBCHAMPLAIN_LIBS = @LIBCHAMPLAIN_LIBS@ -LIBICONV = @LIBICONV@ -LIBINTL = @LIBINTL@ LIBM = @LIBM@ LIBOBJS = @LIBOBJS@ LIBS = @LIBS@ LIBTOOL = @LIBTOOL@ LIPO = @LIPO@ LN_S = @LN_S@ -LTLIBICONV = @LTLIBICONV@ -LTLIBINTL = @LTLIBINTL@ LTLIBOBJS = @LTLIBOBJS@ MAKEINFO = @MAKEINFO@ MANIFEST_TOOL = @MANIFEST_TOOL@ @@ -220,7 +207,6 @@ MISSION_CONTROL_PLUGINS_DIR = @MISSION_CONTROL_PLUGINS_DIR@ MKDIR_P = @MKDIR_P@ MSGFMT = @MSGFMT@ -MSGFMT_015 = @MSGFMT_015@ MSGMERGE = @MSGMERGE@ NETWORK_MANAGER_CFLAGS = @NETWORK_MANAGER_CFLAGS@ NETWORK_MANAGER_LIBS = @NETWORK_MANAGER_LIBS@ @@ -243,7 +229,6 @@ PKG_CONFIG = @PKG_CONFIG@ PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR = @PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR@ PKG_CONFIG_PATH = @PKG_CONFIG_PATH@ -POSUB = @POSUB@ PYTHON = @PYTHON@ PYTHON_EXEC_PREFIX = @PYTHON_EXEC_PREFIX@ PYTHON_PLATFORM = @PYTHON_PLATFORM@ @@ -262,8 +247,6 @@ VALGRIND_PATH = @VALGRIND_PATH@ VERSION = @VERSION@ XGETTEXT = @XGETTEXT@ -XGETTEXT_015 = @XGETTEXT_015@ -XGETTEXT_EXTRA_OPTIONS = @XGETTEXT_EXTRA_OPTIONS@ XMKMF = @XMKMF@ XMLLINT = @XMLLINT@ XSLTPROC = @XSLTPROC@ diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/goa-mc-plugin/mcp-account-manager-goa.c empathy-3.3.92/goa-mc-plugin/mcp-account-manager-goa.c --- empathy-3.3.91/goa-mc-plugin/mcp-account-manager-goa.c 2012-02-17 14:00:26.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/goa-mc-plugin/mcp-account-manager-goa.c 2012-03-16 09:30:32.000000000 +0000 @@ -135,7 +135,10 @@ PARAM ("Service", "facebook"); PARAM ("param-account", "chat.facebook.com"); + PARAM ("param-server", "chat.facebook.com"); PARAM ("param-require-encryption", "true"); + PARAM ("param-fallback-servers", + "chat.facebook.com:443"); } else if (!tp_strdiff (type, "windows_live")) { diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/account-irc.page empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/account-irc.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/account-irc.page 2012-03-06 14:59:07.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/account-irc.page 2012-03-12 13:28:12.000000000 +0000 @@ -24,6 +24,12 @@ --> + + + Kelemen Gábor + kelemeng at gnome dot hu + 2010, 2011, 2012 + IRC-fiók részletei @@ -36,15 +42,15 @@ - <gui>Network</gui> + <gui>Hálózat</gui>

Az IRC egy nyílt rendszer, amely lehetővé teszi független IRC-hálózatok futtatását. Az egyes hálózatok egyediek, és saját felhasználókkal és csevegőszobákkal rendelkeznek. Az Empathy a Hálózat legördülő listában felsorolja a legnépszerűbb hálózatokat. Ezen kívül továbbiakat is felvehet. Részletekért lásd a részt lentebb.

- <gui>Nickname</gui> + <gui>Becenév</gui>

Beceneve az Ön egyedi neve az IRC-hálózaton. A hálózaton csak egy személy rendelkezhet egy adott becenévvel. Ha az hibaüzenetet kapja, akkor módosítania kell becenevét.

- <gui>Password</gui> + <gui>Jelszó</gui>

Egyes kiszolgálók, különösen a magánhálózatokon lévők, jelszót igényelnek a csatlakozáshoz. Ha jogosult a hálózat használatára, akkor a hálózat rendszergazdái megadják a jelszót.

NickServ jelszavak @@ -52,11 +58,11 @@
- <gui>Real name</gui> + <gui>Valódi név</gui>

Beceneve mellett megadhatja valódi nevét is. Más felhasználók láthatják ezt az Ön információinak megjelenítésekor.

- <gui>Quit message</gui> + <gui>Kilépési üzenet</gui>

Amikor kilép, egy kilépési üzenet kerül elküldésre minden csevegőszobába, amelyben jelen van, és minden felhasználónak, akivel éppen társalog. Ebben a mezőben megadhat egy egyéni kilépési üzenetet.

@@ -67,7 +73,7 @@
- IRC Networks + IRC-hálózatok Hálózatok @@ -84,11 +90,11 @@ - <gui>Network</gui> + <gui>Hálózat</gui>

Ez a hálózat neve, ahogyan a hálózatok listájában meg szeretné jeleníteni.

- <gui>Charset</gui> + <gui>Karakterkészlet</gui>

Itt megadhatja a hálózaton általában használt karakterkódolást. A karakterkódolás a karakterek egy adott, számítógépen belüli tárolási módja. Számos karakterkódolás van, és az üzenetek megfelelő megjelenítéséhez ugyanazt a karakterkódolást kell használnia, mint a többi felhasználó.

+ + + Kelemen Gábor + kelemeng at gnome dot hu + 2010, 2011, 2012 + Jabber fiókok részletei @@ -34,19 +40,19 @@ - <gui>Encryption required (TLS/SSL)</gui> - <gui>Ignore SSL certificate errors</gui> + <gui>Titkosítás szükséges (TLS/SSL)</gui> + <gui>SSL-tanúsítványhibák figyelmen kívül hagyása</gui>

Amikor csak lehetséges, az Empathy és a Jabber kiszolgáló közötti kommunikáció titkosított. Ha a titkosított kommunikáció nem lehetséges, az üzenetek titkosítatlanul kerülhetnek elküldésre. Válassza ki a Titkosítás szükséges négyzetet a Jabber kiszolgálóval való kommunikáció megtiltásához az Empathynak, ha a titkosítás nem lehetséges.

Egyes Jabber kiszolgálók az adatokat érvénytelen, vagy ismeretlen hitelesítésszolgáltatóktól származó tanúsítványokkal titkosíthatják. Ha megbízik a kiszolgálóban, amelyhez csatlakozik, akkor kiválaszthatja az SSL-tanúsítványhibák figyelmen kívül hagyása négyzetet az érvénytelen tanúsítvánnyal történő titkosított kommunikáció engedélyezéséhez.

- <gui>Resource</gui> - <gui>Priority</gui> + <gui>Erőforrás</gui> + <gui>Prioritás</gui>

Ha több alkalmazással (például más számítógépekről) kapcsolódik egyidejűleg fiókjához, akkor beállíthat egy erőforrást ezek egyedi azonosításához. Alapértelmezésben az Empathy erőforrásként a Telepathy értéket használja.

Beállíthatja a prioritást annak megadásához, hogy melyik alkalmazás kapja partnereitől a bejövő üzeneteket. Az új üzenetek a legmagasabb prioritású alkalmazásnak kerülnek elküldésre.

- <gui>Override server settings</gui> + <gui>Kiszolgáló beállításainak felülbírálása</gui>

Az Empathy az alapértelmezett beállításokat használja a Jabber kiszolgálóhoz való kapcsolódáshoz a bejelentkezési azonosítója alapján. Egyes Jabber kiszolgálókhoz saját kezűleg kell egyéni kiszolgálóbeállításokat megadnia. Ezeket a beállításokat a Jabber szolgáltatója biztosítja.

diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/accounts-window.page empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/accounts-window.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/accounts-window.page 2012-03-06 14:59:07.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/accounts-window.page 2012-03-12 13:28:12.000000000 +0000 @@ -26,6 +26,12 @@ --> + + + Kelemen Gábor + kelemeng at gnome dot hu + 2010, 2011, 2012 + Fiókok ablak diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/add-account.page empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/add-account.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/add-account.page 2012-03-06 14:59:07.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/add-account.page 2012-03-12 13:28:12.000000000 +0000 @@ -33,6 +33,12 @@ --> + + + Kelemen Gábor + kelemeng at gnome dot hu + 2010, 2011, 2012 + Új fiók hozzáadása @@ -41,13 +47,10 @@ -

From the Contact List window, choose Edit - Accounts, or press F4.


A Partnerlista ablakban válassza a SzerkesztésFiókok menüpontot, vagy nyomja meg az F4 billentyűt.


- Click +. -


Nyomja meg a + gombot.

A Protokoll legördülő listából válassza ki a felvenni kívánt fiók típusát.

@@ -56,9 +59,7 @@

Ha még nincs regisztrált fiókja, válassza az Új fiók létrehozása a kiszolgálón lehetőséget. Ez a szolgáltatás nem érhető el minden fióktípushoz, és egyes szolgáltatók esetén lehet hogy nem működik. További információkért lásd az oldalt.


Enter the required information. For most accounts, you will only need - a login ID and a password. Some accounts may require additional information. - See for more information.


Adja meg a szükséges információkat. A legtöbb fiókhoz csak egy bejelentkezési azonosító és jelszó kell. Egyes fiókok további információkat igényelhetnek, lásd: .

Nyomja meg az Alkalmaz gombot.

diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/add-contact.page empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/add-contact.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/add-contact.page 2012-03-06 14:59:07.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/add-contact.page 2012-03-12 13:28:12.000000000 +0000 @@ -26,6 +26,12 @@ --> + + + Kelemen Gábor + kelemeng at gnome dot hu + 2010, 2011, 2012 + Egy személy felvétele a partnerlistájára diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/audio-call.page empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/audio-call.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/audio-call.page 2012-03-06 14:59:07.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/audio-call.page 2012-03-12 13:28:12.000000000 +0000 @@ -20,6 +20,12 @@

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0

+ + + Kelemen Gábor + kelemeng at gnome dot hu + 2010, 2011, 2012 + Hanghívás kezdeményezése @@ -38,11 +44,7 @@

- To turn an audio conversation into a video conversation, choose - Video - Video On. -


Hanghívás videohívássá változtatásához válassza a VideóVideó be menüpontot.

diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/audio-video.page empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/audio-video.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/audio-video.page 2012-03-06 14:59:07.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/audio-video.page 2012-03-12 13:28:12.000000000 +0000 @@ -25,6 +25,12 @@ --> + + + Kelemen Gábor + kelemeng at gnome dot hu + 2010, 2011, 2012 + Hang- és videotámogatás @@ -45,11 +51,7 @@ -

- - Icon for audio conversation - -


Hanghívások ikonja

A partner képes hanghívás fogadására.

@@ -57,11 +59,7 @@ -

- - Icon for video conversation - -


Videohívások ikonja

A partner képes videohívás fogadására.

diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/change-status.page empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/change-status.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/change-status.page 2012-03-06 14:59:07.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/change-status.page 2012-03-12 13:28:12.000000000 +0000 @@ -30,6 +30,12 @@ --> + + + Kelemen Gábor + kelemeng at gnome dot hu + 2010, 2011, 2012 + Módosítsa állapotát @@ -45,10 +51,7 @@ -

See for a list of the built-in statuses - and what they mean. You can also add - custom status messages to provide more information about your - availability to your contacts.


A beépített állapotok listájával és jelentésével kapcsolatban lásd az oldalt. Felvehet egyéni állapotüzeneteket további információk közléséhez partnereivel az elérhetőségéről.

Ha egy ideig nem használja a számítógépet, vagy a képernyővédő bekapcsol, az állapot automatikusan „Távol” lesz.

diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/create-account.page empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/create-account.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/create-account.page 2012-03-06 14:59:07.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/create-account.page 2012-03-12 13:28:12.000000000 +0000 @@ -27,6 +27,12 @@ --> + + + Kelemen Gábor + kelemeng at gnome dot hu + 2010, 2011, 2012 + Új fiók regisztrálása @@ -90,24 +96,16 @@ -

- AIM -




- ICQ -




- MSN -




- Yahoo! -



diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/disable-account.page empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/disable-account.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/disable-account.page 2012-03-06 14:59:07.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/disable-account.page 2012-03-12 13:28:12.000000000 +0000 @@ -33,6 +33,12 @@ --> + + + Kelemen Gábor + kelemeng at gnome dot hu + 2010, 2011, 2012 + Fiók letiltása @@ -41,19 +47,15 @@ -

From the Contact List window, choose Edit - Accounts, or press F4.


A Partnerlista ablakban válassza a SzerkesztésFiókok menüpontot, vagy nyomja meg az F4 billentyűt.

Az ablak bal oldalán lévő fióklistában válassza ki a letiltani kívánt fiókot.


On the right side of the window, switch it off. -


Az ablak jobb oldalán kapcsolja ki.


- To re-enable the account, switch it on. -


A fiók újraengedélyezéséhez kapcsolja be azt.

diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/favorite-rooms.page empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/favorite-rooms.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/favorite-rooms.page 2012-03-06 14:59:08.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/favorite-rooms.page 2012-03-12 13:28:12.000000000 +0000 @@ -23,6 +23,12 @@ --> + + + Kelemen Gábor + kelemeng at gnome dot hu + 2010, 2011, 2012 + Kedvenc szobák diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/geolocation-not-showing.page empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/geolocation-not-showing.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/geolocation-not-showing.page 2012-03-06 14:59:08.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/geolocation-not-showing.page 2012-03-12 13:28:12.000000000 +0000 @@ -23,6 +23,12 @@ --> + + + Kelemen Gábor + kelemeng at gnome dot hu + 2010, 2011, 2012 + A földrajzi hely nem kerül közzétételre diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/geolocation.page empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/geolocation.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/geolocation.page 2012-03-06 14:59:08.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/geolocation.page 2012-03-12 13:28:12.000000000 +0000 @@ -23,6 +23,12 @@ --> + + + Kelemen Gábor + kelemeng at gnome dot hu + 2010, 2011, 2012 + Földrajzi hely diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/geolocation-privacy.page empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/geolocation-privacy.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/geolocation-privacy.page 2012-03-06 14:59:08.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/geolocation-privacy.page 2012-03-12 13:28:12.000000000 +0000 @@ -23,6 +23,12 @@ --> + + + Kelemen Gábor + kelemeng at gnome dot hu + 2010, 2011, 2012 + Helymeghatározás és adatvédelem diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/geolocation-supported.page empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/geolocation-supported.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/geolocation-supported.page 2012-03-06 14:59:08.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/geolocation-supported.page 2012-03-12 13:28:12.000000000 +0000 @@ -22,6 +22,12 @@ --> + + + Kelemen Gábor + kelemeng at gnome dot hu + 2010, 2011, 2012 + Támogatott szolgáltatások diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/geolocation-turn.page empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/geolocation-turn.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/geolocation-turn.page 2012-03-06 14:59:08.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/geolocation-turn.page 2012-03-12 13:28:12.000000000 +0000 @@ -24,6 +24,12 @@ --> + + + Kelemen Gábor + kelemeng at gnome dot hu + 2010, 2011, 2012 + Helymeghatározás be- és kikapcsolása diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/geolocation-what-is.page empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/geolocation-what-is.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/geolocation-what-is.page 2012-03-06 14:59:08.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/geolocation-what-is.page 2012-03-12 13:28:12.000000000 +0000 @@ -24,6 +24,12 @@ --> + + + Kelemen Gábor + kelemeng at gnome dot hu + 2010, 2011, 2012 + Mi az a helymeghatározás diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/group-conversations.page empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/group-conversations.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/group-conversations.page 2012-03-06 14:59:08.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/group-conversations.page 2012-03-12 13:28:12.000000000 +0000 @@ -25,6 +25,12 @@ --> + + + Kelemen Gábor + kelemeng at gnome dot hu + 2010, 2011, 2012 + Csoportos társalgások diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/hide-contacts.page empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/hide-contacts.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/hide-contacts.page 2012-03-06 14:59:08.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/hide-contacts.page 2012-03-12 13:28:12.000000000 +0000 @@ -12,6 +12,12 @@

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0

+ + + Kelemen Gábor + kelemeng at gnome dot hu + 2010, 2011, 2012 + Kilépett partnerek elrejtése @@ -21,9 +27,7 @@ -

From the Contact List window, choose View - Offline Contacts, or press Ctrl - H.


A Partnerlista ablakban válassza a NézetKilépett partnerek menüpontot, vagy nyomja meg a CtrlH billentyűkombinációt.

A kilépett partnerek ismételt megjelenítéséhez ismételje meg a fenti eljárást.

diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/hu.po empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/hu.po --- empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/hu.po 2012-02-17 14:00:26.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/hu.po 2012-03-07 09:41:33.000000000 +0000 @@ -2,12 +2,12 @@ # Copyright (C) 2010, 2011. Free Software Foundation, Inc. # This file is distributed under the same license as the empathy package. # -# Gabor Kelemen , 2010, 2011. +# Gabor Kelemen , 2010, 2011, 2012. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: empathy-docs master\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-08 06:13+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-21 13:13+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-17 15:08+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-06 15:34+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Gabor Kelemen \n" "Language-Team: Magyar \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -16,1841 +16,1794 @@ "X-Generator: Lokalize 1.0\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" -#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you. -#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all. -#: C/video-call.page:38(None) C/audio-video.page:70(None) -#: C/audio-call.page:36(None) -msgid "@@image: 'figures/camera-web.png'; md5=8166b4372f25b78cbf5a64fe2eac2ce5" +#. Put one translator per line, in the form NAME , YEAR1, YEAR2 +#| msgid "translator-credits" +msgctxt "_" +msgid "translator-credits" +msgstr "Kelemen Gábor , 2010, 2011, 2012" + +#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When +#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to +#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to +#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. +#. +#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When +#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to +#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to +#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. +#: C/index.page:28(media) +#| msgid "" +#| "@@image: 'figures/empathy-logo.png'; md5=1afc419a644e90b16393807e35cb5cb2" +msgctxt "_" +msgid "" +"external ref='figures/empathy-logo.png' " +"md5='1afc419a644e90b16393807e35cb5cb2'" msgstr "" -"@@image: 'figures/camera-web.png'; md5=8166b4372f25b78cbf5a64fe2eac2ce5" +"external ref='figures/empathy-logo.png' " +"md5='1afc419a644e90b16393807e35cb5cb2'" -#: C/video-call.page:10(desc) -msgid "Start a video conversation with one of your contacts." -msgstr "Videobeszélgetés kezdése egyik partnerével." +#: C/index.page:7(info/title) +#| msgid "Empathy Internet Messenger" +msgctxt "link" +msgid "Empathy Internet Messenger" +msgstr "Empathy üzenetküldő" -#: C/video-call.page:21(name) C/status-icons.page:16(name) -#: C/share-desktop.page:14(name) C/set-custom-status.page:19(name) -#: C/send-file.page:21(name) C/salut-protocol.page:18(name) -#: C/remove-account.page:18(name) C/prob-conn-neterror.page:18(name) -#: C/prob-conn-name.page:17(name) C/prob-conn-auth.page:21(name) -#: C/prob-conn-acctdisabled.page:18(name) C/prev-conv.page:16(name) -#: C/link-contacts.page:15(name) C/irc-start-conversation.page:15(name) -#: C/irc-send-file.page:16(name) C/irc-nick-password.page:18(name) -#: C/irc-manage.page:20(name) C/irc-join-room.page:16(name) -#: C/irc-join-pwd.page:17(name) C/irc-commands.page:10(name) -#: C/introduction.page:13(name) C/index.page:19(name) -#: C/import-account.page:23(name) C/hide-contacts.page:11(name) -#: C/group-conversations.page:19(name) C/geolocation-what-is.page:18(name) -#: C/geolocation-turn.page:18(name) C/geolocation-supported.page:16(name) -#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:17(name) C/geolocation-not-showing.page:17(name) -#: C/geolocation.page:17(name) C/favorite-rooms.page:14(name) -#: C/disable-account.page:20(name) C/create-account.page:19(name) -#: C/audio-video.page:17(name) C/audio-call.page:19(name) -#: C/add-account.page:20(name) +#: C/index.page:8(info/title) +#| msgid "Empathy Internet Messenger" +msgctxt "text" +msgid "Empathy Internet Messenger" +msgstr "Empathy üzenetküldő" + +#: C/index.page:19(credit/name) C/add-account.page:21(credit/name) +#: C/audio-call.page:19(credit/name) C/audio-video.page:17(credit/name) +#: C/create-account.page:19(credit/name) +#: C/disable-account.page:21(credit/name) +#: C/favorite-rooms.page:14(credit/name) C/geolocation.page:17(credit/name) +#: C/geolocation-not-showing.page:17(credit/name) +#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:17(credit/name) +#: C/geolocation-supported.page:16(credit/name) +#: C/geolocation-turn.page:18(credit/name) +#: C/geolocation-what-is.page:18(credit/name) +#: C/group-conversations.page:19(credit/name) +#: C/hide-contacts.page:11(credit/name) C/import-account.page:23(credit/name) +#: C/introduction.page:13(credit/name) C/irc-commands.page:10(credit/name) +#: C/irc-join-pwd.page:17(credit/name) C/irc-join-room.page:16(credit/name) +#: C/irc-manage.page:19(credit/name) C/irc-nick-password.page:18(credit/name) +#: C/irc-send-file.page:16(credit/name) +#: C/irc-start-conversation.page:15(credit/name) +#: C/link-contacts.page:15(credit/name) C/prev-conv.page:17(credit/name) +#: C/prob-conn-acctdisabled.page:19(credit/name) +#: C/prob-conn-auth.page:21(credit/name) C/prob-conn-name.page:18(credit/name) +#: C/prob-conn-neterror.page:19(credit/name) +#: C/remove-account.page:19(credit/name) C/salut-protocol.page:18(credit/name) +#: C/send-file.page:21(credit/name) C/set-custom-status.page:19(credit/name) +#: C/share-desktop.page:14(credit/name) C/status-icons.page:16(credit/name) +#: C/video-call.page:22(credit/name) msgid "Milo Casagrande" msgstr "Milo Casagrande" -#: C/video-call.page:22(email) C/status-icons.page:17(email) -#: C/share-desktop.page:15(email) C/set-custom-status.page:20(email) -#: C/send-file.page:22(email) C/salut-protocol.page:19(email) -#: C/remove-account.page:19(email) C/prob-conn-neterror.page:19(email) -#: C/prob-conn-name.page:18(email) C/prob-conn-auth.page:22(email) -#: C/prob-conn-acctdisabled.page:19(email) C/prev-conv.page:17(email) -#: C/link-contacts.page:16(email) C/irc-start-conversation.page:16(email) -#: C/irc-send-file.page:17(email) C/irc-nick-password.page:19(email) -#: C/irc-manage.page:21(email) C/irc-join-room.page:17(email) -#: C/irc-join-pwd.page:18(email) C/irc-commands.page:11(email) -#: C/introduction.page:14(email) C/index.page:20(email) -#: C/import-account.page:24(email) C/hide-contacts.page:12(email) -#: C/group-conversations.page:20(email) C/geolocation-what-is.page:19(email) -#: C/geolocation-turn.page:19(email) C/geolocation-supported.page:17(email) -#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:18(email) -#: C/geolocation-not-showing.page:18(email) C/geolocation.page:18(email) -#: C/favorite-rooms.page:15(email) C/disable-account.page:21(email) -#: C/create-account.page:20(email) C/audio-video.page:18(email) -#: C/audio-call.page:20(email) C/add-account.page:21(email) -msgid "milo@ubuntu.com" -msgstr "milo@ubuntu.com" - -#: C/video-call.page:25(p) C/status-icons.page:24(p) -#: C/share-desktop.page:22(p) C/set-custom-status.page:23(p) -#: C/send-message.page:21(p) C/send-file.page:25(p) -#: C/salut-protocol.page:22(p) C/remove-account.page:22(p) -#: C/prob-conn.page:18(p) C/prob-conn-neterror.page:22(p) -#: C/prob-conn-name.page:21(p) C/prob-conn-auth.page:25(p) -#: C/prob-conn-acctdisabled.page:22(p) C/prev-conv.page:24(p) -#: C/link-contacts.page:19(p) C/irc-start-conversation.page:19(p) -#: C/irc-send-file.page:20(p) C/irc-nick-password.page:22(p) -#: C/irc-manage.page:24(p) C/irc-join-room.page:20(p) -#: C/irc-join-pwd.page:21(p) C/irc-commands.page:14(p) -#: C/introduction.page:17(p) C/index.page:23(p) C/import-account.page:31(p) -#: C/hide-contacts.page:15(p) C/group-conversations.page:23(p) -#: C/geolocation-what-is.page:22(p) C/geolocation-turn.page:22(p) -#: C/geolocation-supported.page:20(p) C/geolocation-privacy.page:21(p) -#: C/geolocation-not-showing.page:21(p) C/geolocation.page:21(p) -#: C/favorite-rooms.page:18(p) C/disable-account.page:28(p) -#: C/create-account.page:23(p) C/change-status.page:23(p) -#: C/audio-video.page:21(p) C/audio-call.page:23(p) C/add-contact.page:22(p) -#: C/add-account.page:28(p) C/accounts-window.page:22(p) -#: C/account-jabber.page:18(p) C/account-irc.page:20(p) +#: C/index.page:23(license/p) C/account-irc.page:20(license/p) +#: C/account-jabber.page:18(license/p) C/accounts-window.page:22(license/p) +#: C/add-account.page:29(license/p) C/add-contact.page:22(license/p) +#: C/audio-call.page:23(license/p) C/audio-video.page:21(license/p) +#: C/change-status.page:28(license/p) C/create-account.page:23(license/p) +#: C/disable-account.page:29(license/p) C/favorite-rooms.page:18(license/p) +#: C/geolocation.page:21(license/p) +#: C/geolocation-not-showing.page:21(license/p) +#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:21(license/p) +#: C/geolocation-supported.page:20(license/p) +#: C/geolocation-turn.page:22(license/p) +#: C/geolocation-what-is.page:22(license/p) +#: C/group-conversations.page:23(license/p) C/hide-contacts.page:15(license/p) +#: C/import-account.page:31(license/p) C/introduction.page:17(license/p) +#: C/irc-commands.page:14(license/p) C/irc-join-pwd.page:21(license/p) +#: C/irc-join-room.page:20(license/p) C/irc-manage.page:23(license/p) +#: C/irc-nick-password.page:22(license/p) C/irc-send-file.page:20(license/p) +#: C/irc-start-conversation.page:19(license/p) +#: C/link-contacts.page:19(license/p) C/prev-conv.page:25(license/p) +#: C/prob-conn-acctdisabled.page:23(license/p) +#: C/prob-conn-auth.page:25(license/p) C/prob-conn-name.page:22(license/p) +#: C/prob-conn-neterror.page:23(license/p) C/prob-conn.page:18(license/p) +#: C/remove-account.page:23(license/p) C/salut-protocol.page:22(license/p) +#: C/send-file.page:25(license/p) C/send-message.page:21(license/p) +#: C/set-custom-status.page:23(license/p) C/share-desktop.page:22(license/p) +#: C/status-icons.page:24(license/p) C/video-call.page:26(license/p) msgid "Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0" msgstr "Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0" -#: C/video-call.page:28(title) -msgid "Start a video conversation" -msgstr "Videobeszélgetés kezdése" - -#: C/video-call.page:30(p) +#: C/index.page:27(page/title) msgid "" -"If you have a webcam, you can call your contacts and have a video " -"conversation with them. This features only works with certain types of " -"accounts, and it requires the other person to have an application that " -"supports video calls." +" " +"Empathy Internet Messenger logo Empathy Internet Messenger" msgstr "" -"Ha rendelkezik webkamerával, akkor felhívhatja partnereit, és " -"videobeszélgetést folytathat velük. Ez a szolgáltatás csak bizonyos " -"fióktípusokkal működik, és a másik félnek is rendelkeznie kell a videohívást " -"támogató alkalmazással." +" " +"Empathy üzenetküldő logója Empathy üzenetküldő" -#: C/video-call.page:37(p) -msgid "" -"From the Contact List window, click the video call icon " -"next to the name of the contact you wish to call and choose Video Call." -msgstr "" -"A Partnerlista ablakban kattintson a videohívás ikonra a " -"felhívni kívánt partner neve mellett, és válassza a Videohívás menüpontot." +#: C/index.page:35(section/title) +msgid "Account Management" +msgstr "Fiókkezelés" -#: C/video-call.page:43(p) C/audio-call.page:42(p) -msgid "" -"A new window will open. When the connection is established, you will see " -"Connected at the bottom of the window, along with the total " -"conversation time." -msgstr "" -"Egy új ablak nyílik meg. A kapcsolat létrejöttekor az ablak alján a " -"Kapcsolódva felirat jelenik meg, a beszélgetés teljes idejével " -"együtt." +#: C/index.page:39(section/title) +msgid "Contact Management" +msgstr "Partnerkezelés" -#: C/video-call.page:48(p) C/audio-call.page:48(p) -msgid "To end the conversation, click on Hang up." -msgstr "" -"A beszélgetés befejezéséhez kattintson a Befejezés gombra." +#: C/index.page:43(section/title) +msgid "Text Conversations" +msgstr "Szöveges csevegések" -#: C/video-call.page:54(p) -msgid "" -"To turn a video conversation into an audio conversation, choose VideoVideo Off." -msgstr "" -"Videobeszélgetés hangbeszélgetéssé alakításához válassza a VideóVideó ki " -"menüpontot." +#: C/index.page:47(section/title) +msgid "Audio and Video Conversations" +msgstr "Hang- és videocsevegések" -#: C/video-call.page:60(title) -msgid "Start a video conversation with a meta-contact" -msgstr "Videobeszélgetés indítása metapartnerrel" +#: C/index.page:51(section/title) +msgid "Advanced Actions" +msgstr "Speciális műveletek" -#: C/video-call.page:63(p) C/send-message.page:53(p) C/audio-call.page:66(p) -msgid "" -"From the Contact List window, right-click on the meta-contact." -msgstr "" -"A Partnerlista ablakban kattintson a jobb egérgombbal a " -"metapartnerre." +#: C/index.page:55(section/title) C/irc-manage.page:57(section/title) +msgid "Common Problems" +msgstr "Gyakori problémák" -#: C/video-call.page:68(p) +#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When +#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to +#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to +#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. +#: C/account-irc.page:106(media) +#| msgid "@@image: 'figures/gtk-add.png'; md5=a856b499d8d4681b70b5ce6f25bc5c6d" +msgctxt "_" +msgid "" +"external ref='figures/gtk-add.png' md5='a856b499d8d4681b70b5ce6f25bc5c6d'" +msgstr "" +"external ref='figures/gtk-add.png' md5='a856b499d8d4681b70b5ce6f25bc5c6d'" + +#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When +#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to +#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to +#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. +#. +#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When +#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to +#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to +#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. +#. +#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When +#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to +#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to +#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. +#. +#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When +#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to +#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to +#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. +#: C/account-irc.page:109(media) C/prob-conn-auth.page:58(media) +#: C/prob-conn-name.page:44(media) C/prob-conn-neterror.page:59(media) +#| msgid "" +#| "@@image: 'figures/gtk-edit.png'; md5=4f21b451732817be0604fe3e2c8da98b" +msgctxt "_" msgid "" -"Select the contact you want to have the conversation, and from the menu " -"select Video Call." +"external ref='figures/gtk-edit.png' md5='4f21b451732817be0604fe3e2c8da98b'" msgstr "" -"Válassza ki a partnert, akivel beszélgetni szeretne, és a menüből válassza a " -"Videohívás lehetőséget." +"external ref='figures/gtk-edit.png' md5='4f21b451732817be0604fe3e2c8da98b'" -#: C/video-call.page:75(p) C/send-message.page:65(p) C/audio-call.page:78(p) +#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When +#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to +#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to +#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. +#: C/account-irc.page:112(media) +#| msgid "" +#| "@@image: 'figures/gtk-remove.png'; md5=215e3a325a3dd619874e35c30a018bb6" +msgctxt "_" msgid "" -"To recognize if a contact is a meta-contact, move your mouse on a " -"contact in the Contact List window, and stop over it for a " -"second: a small pop-up message will appear showing the number of the " -"contacts that form the meta-contact." +"external ref='figures/gtk-remove.png' md5='215e3a325a3dd619874e35c30a018bb6'" msgstr "" -"Annak eldöntéséhez, hogy egy partner metapartner-e, vigye " -"egérmutatóját a partnerre a Partnerlista ablakban, és a megjelenő " -"üzenet megadja a metapartnert alkotó partnerek számát." +"external ref='figures/gtk-remove.png' md5='215e3a325a3dd619874e35c30a018bb6'" -#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you. -#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all. -#: C/status-icons.page:39(None) -msgid "@@image: 'figures/available.png'; md5=2196b2f0ad4ce26fdb7b9d48e75d1947" -msgstr "@@image: 'figures/available.png'; md5=2196b2f0ad4ce26fdb7b9d48e75d1947" - -#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you. -#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all. -#: C/status-icons.page:45(None) -msgid "@@image: 'figures/busy.png'; md5=15eb2adff5faedf97b0cb9105d09410a" -msgstr "@@image: 'figures/busy.png'; md5=15eb2adff5faedf97b0cb9105d09410a" - -#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you. -#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all. -#: C/status-icons.page:53(None) -msgid "@@image: 'figures/away.png'; md5=9c504d6ffa0cf1a9cc8933d16e1bea33" -msgstr "@@image: 'figures/away.png'; md5=9c504d6ffa0cf1a9cc8933d16e1bea33" - -#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you. -#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all. -#: C/status-icons.page:62(None) C/status-icons.page:69(None) -msgid "@@image: 'figures/offline.png'; md5=c5b0c21181cbd6e13f8909243c0fa964" -msgstr "@@image: 'figures/offline.png'; md5=c5b0c21181cbd6e13f8909243c0fa964" - -#: C/status-icons.page:7(desc) -msgid "Understanding the various statuses and status icons." -msgstr "A különböző állapotok és állapotikonok ismertetése." +#: C/account-irc.page:8(info/desc) +msgid "Additional information necessary for connecting to IRC networks." +msgstr "IRC-hálózatokhoz való csatlakozáshoz szükséges további információk" -#: C/status-icons.page:20(name) C/salut-protocol.page:36(cite) -#: C/prev-conv.page:20(name) C/prev-conv.page:38(cite) -#: C/import-account.page:27(name) C/disable-account.page:24(name) -#: C/audio-video.page:109(cite) C/audio-video.page:117(cite) -#: C/add-account.page:24(name) C/accounts-window.page:18(name) -#: C/account-jabber.page:14(name) C/account-irc.page:16(name) +#: C/account-irc.page:16(credit/name) C/account-jabber.page:14(credit/name) +#: C/accounts-window.page:18(credit/name) C/add-account.page:25(credit/name) +#: C/disable-account.page:25(credit/name) +#: C/import-account.page:27(credit/name) C/prev-conv.page:21(credit/name) +#: C/status-icons.page:20(credit/name) msgid "Shaun McCance" msgstr "Shaun McCance" -#: C/status-icons.page:21(email) C/prev-conv.page:21(email) -#: C/import-account.page:28(email) C/disable-account.page:25(email) -#: C/add-account.page:25(email) C/accounts-window.page:19(email) -#: C/account-jabber.page:15(email) C/account-irc.page:17(email) -msgid "shaunm@gnome.org" -msgstr "shaunm@gnome.org" +#: C/account-irc.page:31(page/title) +msgid "IRC account details" +msgstr "IRC-fiók részletei" -#: C/status-icons.page:35(title) -msgid "Status Types and Icons" -msgstr "Állapottípusok és ikonok" +#: C/account-irc.page:33(page/p) +msgid "" +"IRC accounts require different information than many other types of " +"accounts. To create an IRC account, you must specify at least an IRC network " +"and a nickname. This page details the information you can provide for an IRC " +"account." +msgstr "" +"Az IRC-fiókok sok más fióktípustól eltérő információkat igényelnek. IRC-fiók " +"létrehozásához meg kell adnia legalább az IRC-hálózatot és egy becenevet. Ez " +"az oldal részletesen leírja az IRC-fiókhoz megadható információkat." -#: C/status-icons.page:39(media) -msgid "Available icon" -msgstr "Elérhető ikon" +#: C/account-irc.page:39(note/p) C/irc-manage.page:37(note/p) +msgid "" +"You must have the telepathy-idle package installed to use IRC in " +"Empathy." +msgstr "" +"Az IRC protokoll Empathyban való használatához telepíteni kell a " +"telepathy-idle csomagot." -#: C/status-icons.page:40(gui) -msgid "Available" -msgstr "Elérhető" +#: C/account-irc.page:45(item/title) C/account-irc.page:120(item/title) +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Hálózat" -#: C/status-icons.page:41(p) +#: C/account-irc.page:46(item/p) msgid "" -"Use the Available status when you are at your computer and able to " -"chat with your contacts. You can set a custom message for this status." +"IRC is an open system that allows people to run separate IRC networks. Each " +"network is distinct and has its own users and chat rooms. Empathy " +"lists the most popular networks in the Network drop-down list. " +"You can add additional networks. See below." msgstr "" -"Az Elérhető állapottal jelezheti, hogy a számítógépénél van, és " -"ráér partnereivel csevegni. Ehhez az állapothoz beállíthat egyéni üzenetet." - -#: C/status-icons.page:45(media) -msgid "Busy icon" -msgstr "Elfoglalt ikon" +"Az IRC egy nyílt rendszer, amely lehetővé teszi független IRC-hálózatok " +"futtatását. Az egyes hálózatok egyediek, és saját felhasználókkal és " +"csevegőszobákkal rendelkeznek. Az Empathy a Hálózat " +"legördülő listában felsorolja a legnépszerűbb hálózatokat. Ezen kívül " +"továbbiakat is felvehet. Részletekért lásd a " +"részt lentebb." -#: C/status-icons.page:46(gui) -msgid "Busy" -msgstr "Elfoglalt" +#: C/account-irc.page:53(item/title) +msgid "Nickname" +msgstr "Becenév" -#: C/status-icons.page:47(p) +#: C/account-irc.page:54(item/p) msgid "" -"Use the Busy status to let your contacts know that you don’t want " -"to chat right now. They can still contact you, for instance if they have " -"something urgent they need to discuss. By default, Empathy will " -"not use notification bubbles and sounds when you are busy. You can set a " -"custom message for this status." +"Your nickname is your unique name on the IRC network. Only one person on a " +"network may use a given nickname. If you get an error message that says " +" you will need to change " +"your nickname." msgstr "" -"Az Elfoglalt állapottal hozhatja partnerei tudomására, hogy éppen " -"nem szeretne csevegni velük. Ennek ellenére felvehetik Önnel a kapcsolatot, " -"ha valami igazán sürgős megbeszélnivalójuk van. Alapértelmezésben az " -"Empathy értesítési buborékokat és hangokat használ, ha Ön " -"elfoglalt. Ehhez az állapothoz beállíthat egyéni üzenetet." - -#: C/status-icons.page:53(media) -msgid "Away icon" -msgstr "Távol ikon" +"Beceneve az Ön egyedi neve az IRC-hálózaton. A hálózaton csak egy személy " +"rendelkezhet egy adott becenévvel. Ha az hibaüzenetet kapja, akkor módosítania kell becenevét." -#: C/status-icons.page:54(gui) -msgid "Away" -msgstr "Távol" +#: C/account-irc.page:60(item/title) +msgid "Password" +msgstr "Jelszó" -#: C/status-icons.page:55(p) +#: C/account-irc.page:61(item/p) msgid "" -"Use the Away status when you are going away from your computer. " -"Empathy automatically sets your status to Away if you do not use " -"your computer for a while, or if your screensaver is on. By default, " -"Empathy will not use notification bubbles and sounds when you are " -"away. You can set a custom message for this status." +"Some servers, particularly those on private networks, require a password to " +"connect. If you are authorized to use the network, the network " +"administrators should provide you with a password." msgstr "" -"A Távol állapotot akkor használja, ha eltávolodik számítógépétől. " -"Az Empathy automatikusan Távolra állítja állapotát, ha egy ideig " -"nem használja számítógépét, vagy a képernyővédő aktiválódik. " -"Alapértelmezésben az Empathy nem használ értesítő buborékokat és " -"hangokat, ha Ön távol van. Ehhez az állapothoz beállíthat egyéni üzenetet." - -#: C/status-icons.page:62(media) C/status-icons.page:69(media) -msgid "Offline icon" -msgstr "Kilépett ikon" +"Egyes kiszolgálók, különösen a magánhálózatokon lévők, jelszót igényelnek a " +"csatlakozáshoz. Ha jogosult a hálózat használatára, akkor a hálózat " +"rendszergazdái megadják a jelszót." -#: C/status-icons.page:63(gui) -msgid "Invisible" -msgstr "Láthatatlan" +#: C/account-irc.page:65(note/title) +msgid "NickServ Passwords" +msgstr "NickServ jelszavak" -#: C/status-icons.page:64(p) +#: C/account-irc.page:66(note/p) msgid "" -"When you set your status to Invisible, you will appear as offline " -"to your contacts. You will still be connected to your accounts, and you " -"still see your contacts’ statuses and start conversations with them." +"On some networks, nicknames can be registered using a service known as " +"NickServ. Empathy does not directly support nickname passwords. " +"On some networks, including the popular freenode network, server passwords " +"are automatically forwarded to NickServ, allowing you to set this field to " +"identify yourself with NickServ. See for " +"more details." msgstr "" -"Amikor állapotát Láthatatlanra állítja, partnerei számára " -"kilépettként jelenik meg. Fiókjaihoz ekkor is csatlakozni fog, láthatja " -"partnerei állapotát, és társalgásokat indíthat velük." +"Egyes hálózatokon a becenevek regisztrálhatók a NickServ néven ismert " +"szolgáltatással. Az Empathy közvetlenül nem támogatja a becenevek " +"jelszavait. Egyes hálózatokon, beleértve a népszerű FreeNode-ot, a " +"kiszolgálójelszavak automatikusan továbbításra kerülnek a NickServnek, így " +"ezen mező beállításával azonosíthatja magát a NickServ felé. További " +"részletekért lásd a oldalt." -#: C/status-icons.page:70(gui) -msgid "Offline" -msgstr "Kilépett" +#: C/account-irc.page:76(item/title) +#| msgid "Real name" +msgid "Real name" +msgstr "Valódi név" -#: C/status-icons.page:71(p) +#: C/account-irc.page:77(item/p) msgid "" -"Setting your status to Offline disconnects you from all of your " -"accounts." +"You can provide your real name in addition to your nickname. Other users " +"will be able to see this when they view your information." msgstr "" -"Állapotának Kilépettre állítása megszünteti kapcsolatát fiókjaihoz." +"Beceneve mellett megadhatja valódi nevét is. Más felhasználók láthatják ezt " +"az Ön információinak megjelenítésekor." -#: C/share-desktop.page:7(desc) -#| msgid "Share the desktop with your contacts." -msgid "Show your desktop to your contacts." -msgstr "Asztalának megmutatása partnereinek." +#: C/account-irc.page:81(item/title) +#| msgid "Select Edit Custom Message." +msgid "Quit message" +msgstr "Kilépési üzenet" -#: C/share-desktop.page:18(name) -msgid "Ekaterina Gerasimova" -msgstr "Ekaterina Gerasimova" +#: C/account-irc.page:82(item/p) +msgid "" +"When you go offline, a quit message is sent to all the chat rooms you’re in " +"and to all the users you’re having a private conversation with. Use this " +"field to provide a custom quit message." +msgstr "" +"Amikor kilép, egy kilépési üzenet kerül elküldésre minden csevegőszobába, " +"amelyben jelen van, és minden felhasználónak, akivel éppen társalog. Ebben a " +"mezőben megadhat egy egyéni kilépési üzenetet." -#: C/share-desktop.page:19(email) -msgid "kittykat3756@gmail.com" -msgstr "kittykat3756@gmail.com" +#: C/account-irc.page:94(info/title) +#| msgid "IRC Networks" +msgctxt "link" +msgid "IRC Networks" +msgstr "IRC-hálózatok" -#: C/share-desktop.page:33(title) -msgid "Share your desktop" -msgstr "Asztal megosztása" +#: C/account-irc.page:97(section/title) +msgid "Networks" +msgstr "Hálózatok" -#: C/share-desktop.page:35(p) -#| msgid "" -#| "It is possible, with some of your contacts, to share your desktop with " -#| "them, or to start using your contacts desktop. You can use this " -#| "functionality to show your desktop to your contacts, to ask for help or " -#| "to help your contacts resolve a problem." +#: C/account-irc.page:99(section/p) msgid "" -"It is possible to share your desktop with some of your contacts. You can use " -"this functionality to show your desktop to your contacts to, for example, " -"ask for help or help your contacts resolve a problem." +"Empathy includes a list of popular IRC networks. If you wish to " +"another IRC network, you can add it to the list. You can also modify " +"networks and remove them from the list." msgstr "" -"Egyes partnereivel megoszthatja asztalát, vagy elkezdheti használni az " -"övéket. Ezt a funkciót asztala partnereinek való megmutatására használhatja, " -"így például segítséget kérhet, vagy segíthet nekik megoldani egy problémát." +"Az Empathy tartalmazza a népszerű IRC-hálózatok listáját. Ha " +"másik IRC-hálózathoz szeretne csatlakozni, akkor hozzá kell adnia a " +"listához. A hálózatokat módosíthatja is, és a listából is eltávolíthatja " +"azokat." -#: C/share-desktop.page:42(p) +#: C/account-irc.page:104(item/p) msgid "" -"To be able to share your desktop, you need to have a VNC server, which has " -"support for the feature, installed on your system. Vino, the " -"GNOME VNC server, has the required support." +"To add a network to the list, click Add." msgstr "" -"Asztalának megosztásához rendszerére telepítve kell lennie egy " -"VNC-kiszolgálónak, amely támogatja ezt a szolgáltatást. A Vino, a " -"GNOME VNC-kiszolgálója tartalmazza a szükséges támogatást." - -#: C/share-desktop.page:51(p) -#| msgid "" -#| "From the Contact List window, perform one of the following:" -msgid "From the Contact List window, do one of the following:" -msgstr "A Partnerlista ablakban tegye a következők egyikét:" +"Hálózat listához adásához nyomja meg a Hozzáadás " +"gombot." -#: C/share-desktop.page:56(p) -#| msgid "" -#| "Select the contact you want to share your desktop with, and choose " -#| "EditContactShare my desktop." +#: C/account-irc.page:107(item/p) msgid "" -"Select the contact you want to share your desktop with and choose " -"EditContactShare My Desktop." +"To modify a network in the list, select the network and click Edit." msgstr "" -"Válassza ki a partnert, akivel meg szeretné osztani az asztalát, és válassza " -"a SzerkesztésPartnerAz asztalom " -"megosztása menüpontot." +"A módosításhoz válassza ki a hálózatot, és nyomja meg a Szerkesztés gombot." -#: C/share-desktop.page:63(p) -#| msgid "" -#| "Right-click on the name of the contact you want to share your desktop " -#| "with, and select Share my desktop." +#: C/account-irc.page:110(item/p) msgid "" -"Right-click on the name of the contact you want to share your desktop with " -"and select Share My Desktop." +"To remove a network from the list, select the network and click Remove." msgstr "" -"Kattintson a jobb egérgombbal a partner nevére, akivel meg szeretné osztani " -"az asztalát, és válassza Az asztalom megosztása menüpontot." +"Az eltávolításhoz válassza ki a hálózatot, és nyomja meg a z Eltávolítás gombot." -#: C/share-desktop.page:71(p) +#: C/account-irc.page:115(section/p) msgid "" -"An invitation to view your desktop will be sent to the contact you have " -"selected. To view your desktop, they will need to accept it." +"When adding or modifying a network, you can enter the following information:" msgstr "" -"A kiválasztott partner kap egy meghívást az asztala megjelenítésére. Az " -"asztal megjelenítéséhez ezt a partnernek el kell fogadnia." +"Hálózat hozzáadásakor vagy módosításakor a következő információkat adhatja " +"meg:" -#: C/share-desktop.page:77(p) +#: C/account-irc.page:121(item/p) msgid "" -"You can disconnect the contact from your computer using your desktop sharing " -"application." +"This is the name of the network as you want it to appear in the list of " +"networks." msgstr "" -"A partnerét az asztal megosztására használt alkalmazás segítségével " -"választhatja le a számítógépéről." +"Ez a hálózat neve, ahogyan a hálózatok listájában meg szeretné jeleníteni." -#: C/share-desktop.page:82(p) -#| msgid "" -#| "For more information about how to use the remote desktop viewer " -#| "application, refer to its help." -msgid "" -"For more information about how to use the remote desktop sharing " -"application, refer to its help." -msgstr "" -"A távoliasztal-megosztó alkalmazás használatával kapcsolatos további " -"információkért nézze meg annak súgóját." +#: C/account-irc.page:125(item/title) +#| msgid "Contact List window" +msgid "Charset" +msgstr "Karakterkészlet" -#: C/share-desktop.page:90(p) +#: C/account-irc.page:126(item/p) msgid "" -"When you share your desktop with someone else, it is possible to experience " -"system performance slowdown and low Internet speed." +"This specifies the character encoding that is typically used on this " +"network. A character encoding is a specific way of recording characters " +"internally in a computer. There are many character encodings, and you need " +"to use the same character encoding as other users to see their messages " +"correctly." msgstr "" -"Amikor megosztja asztalát, a rendszer teljesítményének romlását és az " -"internetkapcsolat lassulását tapasztalhatja." +"Itt megadhatja a hálózaton általában használt karakterkódolást. A " +"karakterkódolás a karakterek egy adott, számítógépen belüli tárolási módja. " +"Számos karakterkódolás van, és az üzenetek megfelelő megjelenítéséhez " +"ugyanazt a karakterkódolást kell használnia, mint a többi felhasználó." -#: C/share-desktop.page:96(p) -#| msgid "" -#| "Not all your contacts might be able to support this functionality. It is " -#| "necessary for them to have at least the 2.28 version of Empathy and a remote desktop viewer application installed in their system." +#: C/account-irc.page:135(item/p) msgid "" -"Some of your contacts may not be able to use this feature. It is necessary " -"for them to have version 2.28, or newer, of Empathy and a " -"compatible remote desktop viewer application installed in their system." +"By default, Empathy uses UTF-8, a modern character encoding that " +"can handle text from most of the world's languages. Another common encoding " +"for English and some other Western languages is ISO-8859-1." msgstr "" -"Egyes partnerek lehet, hogy nem tudják ezt a szolgáltatást használni. Ehhez " -"a " -"rendszerükre az Empathy és egy kompatibilis " -"távoliasztal-megjelenítő 2.28-as vagy újabb verziójának kell telepítve " -"lennie." - -#: C/set-custom-status.page:9(desc) -msgid "Add, edit or delete personal messages for your status." -msgstr "Személyes állapotüzenetek hozzáadása, szerkesztése vagy törlése." - -#: C/set-custom-status.page:15(name) -msgid "Jim Campbell" -msgstr "Jim Campbell" - -#: C/set-custom-status.page:16(email) -msgid "jwcampbell@gmail.com" -msgstr "jwcampbell@gmail.com" +"Alapértelmezésben az Empathy az UTF-8-at használja, ez a modern " +"karakterkódolás képes a világ sok nyelvének kezelésére, így a magyaréra is. " +"A magyar nyelv gyakori kódolása még az ISO-8859-2." -#: C/set-custom-status.page:34(title) -msgid "Set a custom message" -msgstr "Egyéni üzenet beállítása" +#: C/account-irc.page:141(item/title) +msgid "Servers" +msgstr "Kiszolgálók" -#: C/set-custom-status.page:36(p) +#: C/account-irc.page:142(item/p) msgid "" -"Sometimes you may want to set a custom message for your status, for example " -"to let people know that you will be unavailable for a certain period of time." +"An IRC network may have many servers you can connect to. When you are " +"connected to a server on a particular network, you can communicate with all " +"users on all other servers on that network. You can add and remove servers " +"for this network using the Add and Remove buttons." msgstr "" -"Egyes esetekben szüksége lehet egyéni állapotüzenet beállítására, például " -"közölni ismerőseivel, hogy egy ideig nem lesz elérhető." +"Az IRC-hálózat több kiszolgálóval rendelkezhet. Ha egy adott hálózat egy " +"kiszolgálójához csatlakozik, a hálózat többi kiszolgálójához csatlakozó " +"összes felhasználóval is képes kommunikálni. A hálózathoz a Hozzáadás gombbal vehet fel kiszolgálókat, és az Eltávolítás gombbal " +"törölheti azokat." -#: C/set-custom-status.page:40(p) +#: C/account-irc.page:147(item/p) msgid "" -"It is possible to set a custom message based on the different statuses " -"available." +"When a server is selected, click the field under Server or " +"Port to edit it. Alternatively, use the left and right arrow keys " +"to focus the field, and press the space bar to begin editing." msgstr "" -"A különböző elérhető állapotok alapján lehetőség van egyéni üzenet " -"beállítására." +"Amikor egy kiszolgáló ki van választva, kattintson a Kiszolgáló " +"vagy a Port alatti mezőre annak szerkesztéséhez. Ennek " +"alternatívájaként a balra és jobbra nyilakkal is átviheti a fókuszt a mezők " +"közt, és a szóköz megnyomásával szerkesztheti azokat." -#: C/set-custom-status.page:46(p) C/set-custom-status.page:82(p) +#: C/account-irc.page:151(item/p) msgid "" -"From the Contact List window, click on the drop-down list at the " -"top." +"Select the check box in the SSL column to encrypt all " +"communication with a server. Note that this does not prevent other users on " +"the network from seeing what you write on public chat rooms." msgstr "" -"A Partnerlista ablakban kattintson a felső legördülő listára." +"Jelölje be az SSL oszlop alatti jelölőnégyzetet a kiszolgálóval " +"történő összes kommunikáció titkosításához. Ne feledje, hogy ez nem " +"akadályoz meg senkit a hálózaton a nyilvános csevegőszobákba írt szavai " +"elolvasásában." -#: C/set-custom-status.page:52(p) -msgid "" -"Select the status you want to add a custom message to. You have to select " -"the one identified with the label Custom Message." -msgstr "" -"Állítsa be azt az állapotot, amelyhez az egyéni üzenetet meg kívánja adni. " -"Az Egyéni üzenet címkével jelöltet válassza." +#: C/account-jabber.page:7(info/desc) +msgid "Advanced options for Jabber and Google Talk accounts." +msgstr "Speciális beállítások Jabber és Google Talk fiókokhoz." -#: C/set-custom-status.page:58(p) -msgid "" -"Enter your custom message in the text box at the top of the window, and " -"press Enter to set the message." -msgstr "" -"Adja meg egyéni üzenetét az ablak tetején lévő szövegdobozba, és nyomja meg " -"az Enter billentyűt az üzenet beállításához." +#: C/account-jabber.page:29(page/title) +msgid "Jabber account details" +msgstr "Jabber fiókok részletei" -#: C/set-custom-status.page:64(p) +#: C/account-jabber.page:31(page/p) msgid "" -"If you want to set the custom message as a favorite, saving it in order to " -"use it again, click on the little star on the right of the text box where " -"you wrote your custom message." +"Most Jabber accounts will require only a login ID and a password to connect. " +"For some accounts or on certain types of networks, you may need to enter " +"additional information in the Advanced section. Normally, you " +"will not need to use the advanced options below. For general instructions on " +"adding an account, see ." msgstr "" -"Ha az egyéni üzenetet szeretné kedvencként beállítani, így elmentve az " -"ismételt felhasználáshoz, akkor kattintson az egyéni üzenetet tartalmazó " -"szövegdoboz jobb oldalán lévő csillagra." +"A legtöbb Jabber fiók csak bejelentkezési azonosítót és jelszót igényel a " +"csatlakozáshoz. Egyes fiókokhoz, vagy bizonyos hálózattípusokon további " +"információk megadására lehet szükség a Speciális szakaszban. " +"Általában nincs szükség a lentebbi speciális beállítások használatára. Fiók " +"hozzáadásával kapcsolatban lásd az oldalt." -#: C/set-custom-status.page:69(p) +#: C/account-jabber.page:39(note/p) msgid "" -"If you do not do it, the custom message will not be available the next time " -"you use Empathy. It will be saved only for the current session." +"Google Talk is a type of Jabber account. These instructions hold for Google " +"Talk accounts as well." msgstr "" -"Ha ezt nem teszi meg, akkor az egyéni üzenet nem lesz elérhető az " -"Empathy következő használatakor. Az üzenet alapértelmezésben csak " -"az aktuális munkamenetben marad meg." - -#: C/set-custom-status.page:78(title) -msgid "Edit, remove and add a custom message" -msgstr "Egyéni üzenet szerkesztése, eltávolítása és hozzáadása" - -#: C/set-custom-status.page:88(p) -msgid "Select Edit Custom Message." -msgstr "Válassza az Egyéni üzenetek szerkesztése lehetőséget." +"A Google Talk a Jabber fiókok egy fajtája. Ezek az utasítások Google Talk " +"fiókokra is érvényesek." -#: C/set-custom-status.page:95(p) -msgid "To edit a custom message:" -msgstr "Egyéni üzenet szerkesztéséhez:" +#: C/account-jabber.page:45(item/title) +#| msgid "Encryption required (TLS/SSL)" +msgid "Encryption required (TLS/SSL)" +msgstr "Titkosítás szükséges (TLS/SSL)" + +#: C/account-jabber.page:46(item/title) +#| msgid "Ignore SSL certificate errors" +msgid "Ignore SSL certificate errors" +msgstr "SSL-tanúsítványhibák figyelmen kívül hagyása" -#: C/set-custom-status.page:100(p) +#: C/account-jabber.page:47(item/p) msgid "" -"From the Saved Presets box, select the status message you want to " -"edit and double-click on it." -msgstr "" -"A Mentett érték dobozból válassza ki a szerkeszteni kívánt " -"állapotüzenetet, és kattintson rá duplán." - -#: C/set-custom-status.page:106(p) -msgid "Type the new custom message and press Enter to modify it." +"Whenever possible, communication between Empathy and the Jabber " +"server is encrypted. If encrypted communication is not possible, messages " +"may be sent unencrypted. Select Encryption required to prevent " +"Empathy from communicating with the Jabber server when encryption " +"is not possible." msgstr "" -"Írja be az új egyéni üzenetet, és nyomja meg az Enter billentyűt " -"a módosításához." - -#: C/set-custom-status.page:113(p) -msgid "To remove a custom message:" -msgstr "Egyéni üzenet eltávolításához:" +"Amikor csak lehetséges, az Empathy és a Jabber kiszolgáló közötti " +"kommunikáció titkosított. Ha a titkosított kommunikáció nem lehetséges, az " +"üzenetek titkosítatlanul kerülhetnek elküldésre. Válassza ki a " +"Titkosítás szükséges négyzetet a Jabber kiszolgálóval való " +"kommunikáció megtiltásához az Empathynak, ha a titkosítás nem " +"lehetséges." -#: C/set-custom-status.page:118(p) +#: C/account-jabber.page:52(item/p) msgid "" -"From the Saved Presets box, select the status message you want to " -"remove." +"Some Jabber servers may encrypt data using invalid certificates, or using " +"certificates from unknown authorities. If you trust the server you are " +"connecting to, you can select Ignore SSL certificate errors to " +"allow encrypted communication with invalid certificates." msgstr "" -"A Mentett érték dobozból válassza ki az eltávolítani kívánt " -"állapotüzenetet." +"Egyes Jabber kiszolgálók az adatokat érvénytelen, vagy ismeretlen " +"hitelesítésszolgáltatóktól származó tanúsítványokkal titkosíthatják. Ha " +"megbízik a kiszolgálóban, amelyhez csatlakozik, akkor kiválaszthatja az " +"SSL-tanúsítványhibák figyelmen kívül hagyása négyzetet az " +"érvénytelen tanúsítvánnyal történő titkosított kommunikáció engedélyezéséhez." -#: C/set-custom-status.page:124(p) -msgid "Click on the Remove button." -msgstr "Kattintson az Eltávolítás gombra." +#: C/account-jabber.page:59(item/title) +msgid "Resource" +msgstr "Erőforrás" + +#: C/account-jabber.page:60(item/title) +msgid "Priority" +msgstr "Prioritás" -#: C/set-custom-status.page:131(p) +#: C/account-jabber.page:61(item/p) msgid "" -"To add a new custom message, from the Add New Preset section:" +"If you have multiple applications (for instance, on separate computers) " +"connected to your account at the same time, you can set a resource to " +"uniquely identify each one. By default, Empathy will use " +"Telepathy as the resource." msgstr "" -"Egyéni üzenet hozzáadásához az Új érték hozzáadása szakaszban:" +"Ha több alkalmazással (például más számítógépekről) kapcsolódik egyidejűleg " +"fiókjához, akkor beállíthat egy erőforrást ezek egyedi azonosításához. " +"Alapértelmezésben az Empathy erőforrásként a Telepathy értéket használja." -#: C/set-custom-status.page:136(p) +#: C/account-jabber.page:65(item/p) msgid "" -"Click on the drop-down list to select the status you want to set a custom " -"message to." +"You can set the priority to specify which application should receive " +"incoming messages from your contacts. New messages will be sent to the " +"application with the highest priority." msgstr "" -"Kattintson a legördülő listára azon állapot kiválasztásához, amelyhez új " -"egyéni üzenetet kíván megadni." +"Beállíthatja a prioritást annak megadásához, hogy melyik alkalmazás kapja " +"partnereitől a bejövő üzeneteket. Az új üzenetek a legmagasabb prioritású " +"alkalmazásnak kerülnek elküldésre." -#: C/set-custom-status.page:142(p) -msgid "Click on the text box, and type the new custom message." -msgstr "Kattintson a szövegdobozba, és írja be az új egyéni üzenetet." +#: C/account-jabber.page:70(item/title) +#| msgid "Override server settings" +msgid "Override server settings" +msgstr "Kiszolgáló beállításainak felülbírálása" -#: C/set-custom-status.page:147(p) -msgid "Click on Add to add the new message to the presets ones." +#: C/account-jabber.page:71(item/p) +msgid "" +"Empathy will use default settings to connect to the Jabber server " +"based on your login ID. For some Jabber servers, you will need to enter " +"custom server settings manually. These settings should be provided for you " +"by your Jabber provider." msgstr "" -"Kattintson a Hozzáadás gombra az új üzenet felvételéhez a Mentett " -"értékek közé." +"Az Empathy az alapértelmezett beállításokat használja a Jabber " +"kiszolgálóhoz való kapcsolódáshoz a bejelentkezési azonosítója alapján. " +"Egyes Jabber kiszolgálókhoz saját kezűleg kell egyéni " +"kiszolgálóbeállításokat megadnia. Ezeket a beállításokat a Jabber " +"szolgáltatója biztosítja." -#: C/set-custom-status.page:156(p) -msgid "When finished, click on Close." -msgstr "Ha elkészült, kattintson a Bezárás gombra." +#: C/accounts-window.page:11(info/desc) +msgid "Add, modify, and delete accounts." +msgstr "Fiókok hozzáadása, módosítása és törlése." + +#: C/accounts-window.page:33(page/title) +msgid "Accounts Window" +msgstr "Fiókok ablak" -#: C/set-custom-status.page:163(p) +#: C/accounts-window.page:35(page/p) msgid "" -"When you edit or add a new custom message, it will not be set as the current " -"status message. You will need to select it from the Contact List " -"window." +"The Accounts window allows you to add, modify, and delete " +"accounts." msgstr "" -"Új egyéni üzenet szerkesztésekor vagy hozzáadásakor az nem kerül beállításra " -"aktuális állapotüzenetként. Ehhez ki kell választania azt a " -"Partnerlista ablakban." +"A Fiókok ablak lehetővé teszi fiókok hozzáadását, módosítását és " +"törlését." -#: C/send-message.page:8(desc) -msgid "Send a message to one of your contacts." -msgstr "Üzenet küldése egyik partnerének." +#: C/accounts-window.page:43(section/title) +msgid "Account Details" +msgstr "Fiók részletei" -#: C/send-message.page:17(name) C/send-file.page:17(name) -#: C/prob-conn.page:14(name) C/prob-conn-neterror.page:14(name) -#: C/prob-conn-auth.page:17(name) C/prob-conn-acctdisabled.page:14(name) -#: C/change-status.page:19(name) C/add-contact.page:18(name) -msgid "Phil Bull" -msgstr "Phil Bull" +#: C/accounts-window.page:44(section/p) +msgid "" +"For most types of accounts, you can simply enter a login ID and a password. " +"Certain accounts or account types, however, may require additional " +"information." +msgstr "" +"A legtöbb fióktípushoz csak a bejelentkezési azonosítót és a jelszót kell " +"megadnia. Bizonyos fiókok vagy fióktípusok azonban további információkat is " +"igényelhetnek." -#: C/send-message.page:18(email) C/send-file.page:18(email) -#: C/prob-conn.page:15(email) C/prob-conn-neterror.page:15(email) -#: C/prob-conn-auth.page:18(email) C/prob-conn-acctdisabled.page:15(email) -#: C/change-status.page:20(email) C/add-contact.page:19(email) -msgid "philbull@gmail.com" -msgstr "philbull@gmail.com" +#: C/add-account.page:9(info/desc) +msgid "Add a new account to Empathy." +msgstr "Új fiók felvétele az Empathyba." -#: C/send-message.page:32(title) -msgid "Send a message to someone" -msgstr "Üzenetek küldése" +#: C/add-account.page:40(page/title) +msgid "Add a new account" +msgstr "Új fiók hozzáadása" -#: C/send-message.page:36(p) +#: C/add-account.page:42(page/p) msgid "" -"From the Contact List window, double-click the name of the " -"contact that you want to have a conversation with." +"You can add instant messaging accounts from any supported service to " +"communicate with all of your contacts in Empathy. For some " +"account providers, these steps will also allow you to register for a new " +"account. For more details, see ." msgstr "" -"A Partnerlista ablakban kattintson duplán azon partner nevére, " -"akivel csevegni szeretne." +"Az Empathyba bármely támogatott szolgáltatás azonnaliüzenő-" +"fiókjait felveheti, hogy kommunikálhasson partnereivel. Egyes szolgáltatók " +"esetén ezekkel a lépésekkel egy új fiók regisztrálását is elvégezheti. " +"További részletekért lásd az oldalt." -#: C/send-message.page:42(p) +#: C/add-account.page:49(item/p) C/disable-account.page:49(item/p) +#: C/irc-nick-password.page:50(item/p) C/remove-account.page:43(item/p) +#| msgid "" +#| "From the Contact List window, choose EditAccounts, or press F4." msgid "" -"A new window will open. Type a message into the box at the bottom of the " -"window and press Enter to send it." +"From the Contact List window, choose Edit " +"Accounts, or press F4." msgstr "" -"Megnyílik egy új ablak. Írja be az üzenetet az ablak alján lévő " -"szövegmezőbe, és nyomja meg az Enter billentyűt az elküldéséhez." +"A Partnerlista ablakban válassza a SzerkesztésFiókok menüpontot, vagy nyomja meg az F4 " +"billentyűt." -#: C/send-message.page:50(title) -msgid "Send a message to a meta-contact" -msgstr "Üzenet küldése metapartnernek" +#: C/add-account.page:53(item/p) +#| msgid "Click Add." +msgid "Click +." +msgstr "Nyomja meg a + gombot." -#: C/send-message.page:58(p) +#: C/add-account.page:58(item/p) msgid "" -"Select the contact you want to have the conversation, and from the menu " -"select Chat." +"From the Protocol drop-down list, select the type of account you " +"wish to add." msgstr "" -"Válassza ki a partnert, akivel csevegni szeretne, és a menüből válassza a " -"Csevegés pontot." - -#: C/send-file.page:8(desc) -msgid "Send a file from your computer to one of your contacts." -msgstr "Fájl küldése a számítógépéről egy partnerének." - -#: C/send-file.page:36(title) -msgid "Send files" -msgstr "Fájlok küldése" - -#: C/send-file.page:40(p) C/favorite-rooms.page:66(p) -msgid "From the Contact List window, perform one of the following:" -msgstr "A Partnerlista ablakban hajtsa végre a következők egyikét:" +"A Protokoll legördülő listából válassza ki a felvenni kívánt fiók " +"típusát." -#: C/send-file.page:45(p) +#: C/add-account.page:62(item/p) msgid "" -"Right click on the contact you want to send a file to, and choose Send " -"file." +"If you do not already have a registered account, select Create a new " +"account on the server. This feature is not available for all account " +"types, and may not work with some account providers. See for more information." msgstr "" -"Kattintson a jobb egérgombbal a partnerre, akinek fájlt szeretne küldeni, és " -"válassza a Fájl küldése menüpontot." +"Ha még nincs regisztrált fiókja, válassza az Új fiók létrehozása a " +"kiszolgálón lehetőséget. Ez a szolgáltatás nem érhető el minden " +"fióktípushoz, és egyes szolgáltatók esetén lehet hogy nem működik. További " +"információkért lásd az oldalt." -#: C/send-file.page:50(p) +#: C/add-account.page:69(item/p) +#| msgid "" +#| "Enter the required information. For most accounts, you will only need a " +#| "login ID and a password. Some accounts may require additional " +#| "information. See for more " +#| "information." msgid "" -"Click on the contact you want to send a file, and choose EditContactSend file." +"Enter the required information. For most accounts, you will only need a " +"login ID and a password. Some accounts may require additional information. " +"See for more information." msgstr "" -"Kattintson a partnerre, akinek fájlt szeretne küldeni, majd válassza a " -"SzerkesztésPartnerFájl küldése menüpontot." +"Adja meg a szükséges információkat. A legtöbb fiókhoz csak egy " +"bejelentkezési azonosító és jelszó kell. Egyes fiókok további információkat " +"igényelhetnek, lásd: ." -#: C/send-file.page:58(p) -msgid "Select the file to send, and click on Send." +#: C/add-account.page:74(item/p) C/import-account.page:61(item/p) +#: C/irc-nick-password.page:63(item/p) +msgid "Click Apply." +msgstr "Nyomja meg az Alkalmaz gombot." + +#: C/add-account.page:81(note/p) +msgid "" +"To change the name that identifies the account in the Accounts " +"window, select the account from the list on the left and either click on the " +"name or press the space bar. Edit the account name and press Enter when you’re finished." msgstr "" -"Válassza ki az elküldeni kívánt fájlt, és kattintson a Küldés " -"gombra." +"A fiókot a Fiókok ablakban azonosító név módosításához válassza " +"ki a fiókot a bal oldali listából, és kattintson a nevére, vagy nyomja meg a " +"szóköz billentyűt. Módosítsa a fiók nevét, és nyomja meg az Enter " +"billentyűt ha befejezte." -#: C/send-file.page:63(p) -msgid "The File Transfers window will appear." -msgstr "Megjelenik a Fájlátvitelek ablak." +#: C/add-contact.page:9(info/desc) +msgid "Add someone to the contact list." +msgstr "A partnerlista bővítése." -#: C/send-file.page:66(p) -msgid "" -"Wait for your contact to accept the file transfer, or click Stop " -"to halt the transfer." +#: C/add-contact.page:18(credit/name) C/change-status.page:24(credit/name) +#: C/prob-conn-acctdisabled.page:15(credit/name) +#: C/prob-conn-auth.page:17(credit/name) +#: C/prob-conn-neterror.page:15(credit/name) C/prob-conn.page:14(credit/name) +#: C/send-file.page:17(credit/name) C/send-message.page:17(credit/name) +msgid "Phil Bull" +msgstr "Phil Bull" + +#: C/add-contact.page:33(page/title) +msgid "Add someone to your list of contacts" +msgstr "Egy személy felvétele a partnerlistájára" + +#: C/add-contact.page:37(item/p) +msgid "Choose ChatAdd Contact." msgstr "" -"Várjon, amíg partnere elfogadja a fájlátvitelt, vagy kattintson a " -"Leállítás gombra az átvitel leállításához." +"Válassza a CsevegésPartner felvétele " +"menüpontot." -#: C/send-file.page:72(p) +#: C/add-contact.page:40(item/p) msgid "" -"Once the transfer is finished, it is possible to close the File " -"Transfers window." +"From the Account drop-down list, select the account you wish to " +"use to connect to your contact. Your contact will need to be using the same " +"service as the account you select." msgstr "" -"Az átvitel befejeződése után bezárhatja a Fájlátvitelek ablakot." +"A Felhasználói fiók legördülő listából válassza ki a " +"csatlakozáshoz használandó fiókot. A partnerének az itt kiválasztott " +"fiókéval egyező szolgáltatást kell használnia." -#: C/send-file.page:80(p) +#: C/add-contact.page:45(item/p) msgid "" -"If you have multiple finished transfers listed in the window, click on " -"Clear to empty the list. This will only remove the files from the " -"list and will not delete them from your computer." +"In the Identifier field, enter your contact’s login ID, username, " +"screen name, or other appropriate identifier for the service type." msgstr "" -"Ha az ablakban több befejeződött átvitel is fel van sorolva, akkor " -"kattintson a Törlés gombra a lista kiürítéséhez. Ez a fájlokat " -"csak a listából törli, a számítógépéről nem." +"Az Azonosító mezőben adja meg partnere bejelentkezési " +"azonosítóját, felhasználónevét, becenevét, vagy a szolgáltatástípushoz " +"megfelelő egyéb azonosítóját." -#: C/send-file.page:87(p) +#: C/add-contact.page:49(item/p) msgid "" -"It is possible to send files only using the following services: Jabber, Google Talk and People Nearby." +"In the Alias field, type your contact’s name as you would like it " +"to appear in your contact list." msgstr "" -"Fájlok küldése csak a következő szolgáltatások használatával lehetséges: " -"Jabber, Google Talk és Közeli emberek." +"Az Álnév mezőben adja meg a partner nevét, ahogyan azt a " +"partnerlistában szeretné látni." + +#: C/add-contact.page:53(item/p) +msgid "Click Add to add the person to your list of contacts." +msgstr "" +"Kattintson a Hozzáadás gombra a személy felvételéhez a " +"partnerlistájára." -#: C/send-file.page:93(p) +#: C/add-contact.page:61(note/p) msgid "" -"In order to send a file to someone, you need to be connected to the " -"Internet, or to a local area network." +"To add a new person to your list of contacts, you need to be connected to " +"the Internet and to your account." msgstr "" -"Ahhoz, hogy valakinek fájlt tudjon küldeni, csatlakoznia kell az " -"internethez, vagy helyi hálózathoz." +"Új személy partnerlistára való felvételéhez csatlakoznia kell az internethez " +"és fiókjához." -#: C/salut-protocol.page:8(desc) -msgid "Understanding the People Nearby feature." -msgstr "A Közeli emberek szolgáltatás bemutatása." +#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When +#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to +#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to +#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. +#. +#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When +#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to +#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to +#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. +#. +#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When +#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to +#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to +#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. +#: C/audio-call.page:36(media) C/audio-video.page:70(media) +#: C/video-call.page:39(media) +#| msgid "" +#| "@@image: 'figures/camera-web.png'; md5=8166b4372f25b78cbf5a64fe2eac2ce5" +msgctxt "_" +msgid "" +"external ref='figures/camera-web.png' md5='8166b4372f25b78cbf5a64fe2eac2ce5'" +msgstr "" +"external ref='figures/camera-web.png' md5='8166b4372f25b78cbf5a64fe2eac2ce5'" -#: C/salut-protocol.page:33(title) -msgid "What is People Nearby?" -msgstr "Mi az a Közeli emberek?" +#: C/audio-call.page:9(info/desc) +msgid "Call your contacts over the Internet." +msgstr "Hívja fel partnereit az interneten." -#: C/salut-protocol.page:37(p) -msgid "I'd like to see this played up a bit more." -msgstr "I'd like to see this played up a bit more." +#: C/audio-call.page:27(page/title) +msgid "Start an audio conversation" +msgstr "Hanghívás kezdeményezése" -#: C/salut-protocol.page:40(p) +#: C/audio-call.page:29(page/p) msgid "" -"The People Nearby service is a serverless communication service: you do not " -"need to connect and authenticate to a central server in order to use it." +"You can call your contacts and have an audio conversation with them. This " +"features only works with certain types of accounts, and it requires the " +"other person to have an application that supports audio calls." msgstr "" -"A Közeli emberek egy kiszolgáló nélküli kommunikációs szolgáltatás: " -"használatához nincs szükség központi kiszolgálóhoz való csatlakozásra és " -"bejelentkezésre." +"Felhívhatja partnereit, és beszélgethet velük. Ez a szolgáltatás csak " +"bizonyos fióktípusokkal működik, és a másik személynek is a hanghívásokat " +"támogató alkalmazást kell használnia." -#: C/salut-protocol.page:45(p) +#: C/audio-call.page:34(item/p) msgid "" -"This kind of serverless messaging system is restricted to a local area " -"network and an active Internet connection is not necessary." +"From the Contact List window, click the video call icon " +"next to the name of the contact you wish to call and choose Audio Call." msgstr "" -"Ez a fajta kiszolgáló nélküli üzenetküldő rendszer a helyi hálózatra van " -"korlátozva, és használatához nincs szükség internetkapcsolatra." +"A Partnerlista ablakban kattintson a videohívás ikonra a " +"felhívni kívánt partner neve mellett, és válassza a Hanghívás lehetőséget." -#: C/salut-protocol.page:49(p) +#: C/audio-call.page:42(item/p) C/video-call.page:44(item/p) msgid "" -"The people that use this service inside the same local area network will be " -"auto-discovered, and it will be possible to send them messages and files as " -"with other services." +"A new window will open. When the connection is established, you will see " +"Connected at the bottom of the window, along with the total " +"conversation time." msgstr "" -"Az azonos helyi hálózaton ezt a szolgáltatást használó embereket a program " -"automatikusan megtalálja, és ugyanúgy küldhet nekik üzeneteket és fájlokat, " -"mint más szolgáltatások esetén." +"Egy új ablak nyílik meg. A kapcsolat létrejöttekor az ablak alján a " +"Kapcsolódva felirat jelenik meg, a beszélgetés teljes idejével " +"együtt." -#: C/salut-protocol.page:54(p) -msgid "" -"All the modern local area networks should be able to support this kind of " -"service." +#: C/audio-call.page:48(item/p) C/video-call.page:49(item/p) +msgid "To end the conversation, click on Hang up." msgstr "" -"Ezt a szolgáltatástípust minden korszerű helyi hálózatnak tudnia kell " -"támogatni." - -#: C/remove-account.page:8(desc) -msgid "Completely remove an account from Empathy." -msgstr "Fiók teljes eltávolítása az Empathyból." - -#: C/remove-account.page:33(title) -msgid "Remove an account" -msgstr "Fiók eltávolítása" +"A beszélgetés befejezéséhez kattintson a Befejezés gombra." -#: C/remove-account.page:35(p) +#: C/audio-call.page:55(note/p) +#| msgid "" +#| "To turn an audio conversation into a video conversation, choose " +#| "VideoVideo On." msgid "" -"You can completely remove an account from Empathy if you no " -"longer wish to use the account. If you wish to use the account in " -"Empathy again in the future, you will have to add your account " -"details again." +"To turn an audio conversation into a video conversation, choose Video Video On." msgstr "" -"Ha egy fiókot már nem kíván használni, teljesen eltávolíthatja azt az " -"Empathyból. Ha a fiókot később újra használni szeretné az " -"Empathyban, akkor újra meg kell adnia a fiók részleteit." +"Hanghívás videohívássá változtatásához válassza a VideóVideó be menüpontot." -#: C/remove-account.page:42(p) C/irc-nick-password.page:50(p) -#: C/disable-account.page:48(p) C/add-account.page:48(p) -msgid "" -"From the Contact List window, choose EditAccounts, or press F4." -msgstr "" -"A Partnerlista ablakban válassza a SzerkesztésFiókok menüpontot, vagy nyomja meg az F4 " -"billentyűt." +#: C/audio-call.page:63(section/title) +msgid "Start an audio conversation with a meta-contact" +msgstr "Hanghívás indítása metapartnerrel" -#: C/remove-account.page:46(p) +#: C/audio-call.page:66(item/p) C/send-message.page:53(item/p) +#: C/video-call.page:64(item/p) msgid "" -"Select the account you wish to remove from the accounts list on the left " -"side of the window." +"From the Contact List window, right-click on the meta-contact." msgstr "" -"Az ablak bal oldalán válassza ki a fióklistából eltávolítani kívánt fiókot." - -#: C/remove-account.page:50(p) -msgid "Click on Remove." -msgstr "Kattintson az Eltávolítás gombra." +"A Partnerlista ablakban kattintson a jobb egérgombbal a " +"metapartnerre." -#: C/remove-account.page:53(p) +#: C/audio-call.page:71(item/p) msgid "" -"A dialog will be shown asking for confirmation. Click the Remove " -"button to permanently remove the account." +"Select the contact you want to have the conversation, and from the menu " +"select Audio Call." msgstr "" -"Megjelenik egy megerősítést kérő ablak. Kattintson az Eltávolítás " -"gombra a fiók végleges eltávolításához." +"Válassza ki a felhívni kívánt partnert, majd a menüből a Hanghívás menüpontot." -#: C/remove-account.page:59(p) +#: C/audio-call.page:78(note/p) C/send-message.page:65(note/p) +#: C/video-call.page:76(note/p) msgid "" -"Even after removing an account, Empathy does not delete your " -"conversation history for that account." +"To recognize if a contact is a meta-contact, move your mouse on a " +"contact in the Contact List window, and stop over it for a " +"second: a small pop-up message will appear showing the number of the " +"contacts that form the meta-contact." msgstr "" -"Az Empathy még a fiók eltávolítása után sem törli a fiókhoz " -"tartozó csevegéselőzményeket." +"Annak eldöntéséhez, hogy egy partner metapartner-e, vigye " +"egérmutatóját a partnerre a Partnerlista ablakban, és a megjelenő " +"üzenet megadja a metapartnert alkotó partnerek számát." -#: C/prob-conn.page:7(desc) -msgid "Diagnose common problems connecting to an instant messaging service." +#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When +#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to +#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to +#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. +#: C/audio-video.page:58(media) +#| msgid "" +#| "@@image: 'figures/audio-input-microphone.png'; " +#| "md5=8d89026b66a263a3bc5b1f0665948567" +msgctxt "_" +msgid "" +"external ref='figures/audio-input-microphone.png' " +"md5='8d89026b66a263a3bc5b1f0665948567'" msgstr "" -"Üzenetküldő-szolgáltatásokhoz való kapcsolódás általános problémáinak " -"felismerése." +"external ref='figures/audio-input-microphone.png' " +"md5='8d89026b66a263a3bc5b1f0665948567'" -#: C/prob-conn.page:29(title) -msgid "Problems connecting to an instant messaging service" -msgstr "Azonnaliüzenet-küldő szolgáltatásokhoz kapcsolódás problémái" +#: C/audio-video.page:8(info/desc) +msgid "" +"Information on when it is possible to have an audio or video conversation." +msgstr "Információk arról, hogy mikor kezdhet hang- vagy videohívást." -#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you. -#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all. -#: C/prob-conn-neterror.page:58(None) C/prob-conn-name.page:43(None) -#: C/prob-conn-auth.page:58(None) C/account-irc.page:109(None) -msgid "@@image: 'figures/gtk-edit.png'; md5=4f21b451732817be0604fe3e2c8da98b" -msgstr "@@image: 'figures/gtk-edit.png'; md5=4f21b451732817be0604fe3e2c8da98b" +#: C/audio-video.page:32(page/title) +msgid "Audio and video support" +msgstr "Hang- és videotámogatás" -#: C/prob-conn-neterror.page:7(desc) +#: C/audio-video.page:34(page/p) msgid "" -"An error message which says “Network error” appears in the main " -"window." -msgstr "A főablakban a „Hálózati hiba” üzenet jelenik meg." +"You can only have audio and video conversation with contacts who are using " +"an application which also supports this feature. When your contacts support " +"audio or video conversations, you will see the following icons next to their " +"names in the contact list:" +msgstr "" +"Csak olyan partnerekkel folytathat hang- és videohívást, akik maguk is ezt a " +"szolgáltatást támogató klienst használnak. Ha a partner kliense támogatja a " +"hang- vagy videohívást, akkor a partnerlistában a neve mellett a következő " +"ikont láthatja:" -#: C/prob-conn-neterror.page:33(title) -msgid "I get a message that says “Network error”" -msgstr "A „Hálózati hiba” üzenetet kapom" +#: C/audio-video.page:43(td/p) +msgid "Icon" +msgstr "Ikon" -#: C/prob-conn-neterror.page:36(cite) -msgid "shaunm" -msgstr "shaunm" +#: C/audio-video.page:48(td/p) +msgid "Description" +msgstr "Leírás" -#: C/prob-conn-neterror.page:37(p) +#: C/audio-video.page:57(td/p) +#| msgid "" +#| "Click the edit icon in the error message." msgid "" -"Empathy no longer allows you to create an IRC account without a valid nick. " -"I've removed the guide link. Remove the text." +" Icon for audio conversation " msgstr "" -"Empathy no longer allows you to create an IRC account without a valid nick. " -"I've removed the guide link. Remove the text." +"Hanghívások ikonja" -#: C/prob-conn-neterror.page:41(p) +#: C/audio-video.page:64(td/p) +msgid "The contact is able to have an audio conversation." +msgstr "A partner képes hanghívás fogadására." + +#: C/audio-video.page:69(td/p) +#| msgid "" +#| "Click the edit icon in the error message." msgid "" -"This kind of error happens when Empathy cannot communicate with " -"the instant messaging service for some reason." +" " +"Icon for video conversation " msgstr "" -"Ez a hiba akkor következik be, ha az Empathy valamilyen okból nem " -"tud kommunikálni az azonnaliüzenő-szolgáltatással." +"" +"Videohívások ikonja" -#: C/prob-conn-neterror.page:45(p) -msgid "" -"Also, this kind of error happens when you try to use an IRC account without " -"setting a nickname." -msgstr "" -"Ez a hiba következik be akkor is, ha becenév megadása nélkül próbál IRC-" -"fiókot használni." +#: C/audio-video.page:76(td/p) +msgid "The contact is able to have a video conversation." +msgstr "A partner képes videohívás fogadására." -#: C/prob-conn-neterror.page:52(p) C/prob-conn-auth.page:45(p) -#: C/prob-conn-acctdisabled.page:43(p) +#: C/audio-video.page:83(note/p) msgid "" -"Make sure that you are connected to the Internet, or to a local area network." +"In order to have an audio conversation, you need to have a sound card that " +"is supported by your operating system, and a working microphone." msgstr "" -"Győződjön meg róla, hogy csatlakozik az internethez vagy helyi hálózathoz." +"Hanghíváshoz az operációs rendszer által támogatott hangkártyára, és működő " +"mikrofonra van szüksége." -#: C/prob-conn-neterror.page:57(p) C/prob-conn-name.page:42(p) -#: C/prob-conn-auth.page:57(p) +#: C/audio-video.page:87(note/p) msgid "" -"Click the edit icon in the error message." +"In order to have a video conversation, you need to have a webcam that is " +"supported by your operating system, and a working microphone." msgstr "" -"Kattintson a hibaüzenetben a Szerkesztés ikonra." +"Videohíváshoz az operációs rendszer által támogatott webkamerára, és működő " +"mikrofonra van szüksége." -#: C/prob-conn-neterror.page:65(p) C/prob-conn-acctdisabled.page:59(p) -msgid "" -"Check in the Advanced section that all the details are correct. " -"You should be able to find these details from the website of the messaging " -"service." -msgstr "" -"Ellenőrizze a Speciális szakaszban, hogy minden adat helyes-e. " -"Ezeket az adatokat az üzenetküldő szolgáltatás weboldalán találhatja meg." +#: C/audio-video.page:95(section/title) +msgid "Supported Account Types" +msgstr "Támogatott fióktípusok" -#: C/prob-conn-neterror.page:82(p) C/prob-conn-auth.page:68(p) +#: C/audio-video.page:97(section/p) msgid "" -"Deselect the Enabled, and then select it again to try to " -"reconnect to the service." +"You can only have audio and video conversations using accounts on certain " +"supported services. The following table lists whether audio and video is " +"supported for each type of account." msgstr "" -"Törölje az Engedélyezett jelölését, majd jelölje be újra a " -"szolgáltatáshoz való ismételt csatlakozás megpróbálásához." - -#: C/prob-conn-neterror.page:90(title) -msgid "Proxy support" -msgstr "Proxytámogatás" +"Csak bizonyos támogatott szolgáltatások fiókjainak használatakor van " +"lehetősége hang- és videohívásokra. A következő táblázat felsorolja, hogy a " +"hang és videó támogatott-e az egyes fióktípusokban." -#: C/prob-conn-neterror.page:91(p) +#: C/audio-video.page:102(note/p) msgid "" -"At the moment Empathy can not be configured to work with a proxy." +"Account types are provided by plugins. Your system may not have all of the " +"following types available, or it may have types not listed here. Updated " +"plugins may make audio or video conversations possible on account types that " +"are listed as unsupported here." msgstr "" -"Jelenleg az Empathy nem állítható be proxyval való használatra." +"A fióktípusokat bővítmények biztosítják. Rendszerén lehet, hogy a következő " +"típusok nem mindegyike érhető el, de rendelkezhet itt fel nem sorolt " +"típusokkal is. A frissített bővítmények lehetővé tehetik a hang- és " +"videohívásokat az itt nem támogatottként felsorolt fióktípusokkal." -#: C/prob-conn-name.page:9(title) -msgid "“Name in use”" -msgstr "„A név használatban”" +#: C/audio-video.page:128(td/p) +msgid "Service" +msgstr "Szolgáltatás" -#: C/prob-conn-name.page:10(desc) -msgid "" -"An error message which says “Name in use” appears in the main " -"window." -msgstr "A főablakban az „A név használatban” üzenet jelenik meg." +#: C/audio-video.page:129(td/p) +msgid "Audio" +msgstr "Hang" -#: C/prob-conn-name.page:32(title) -msgid "I get a message that says “Name in use”" -msgstr "Az „A név használatban” üzenetet kapom" +#: C/audio-video.page:130(td/p) +msgid "Video" +msgstr "Videó" -#: C/prob-conn-name.page:34(p) -msgid "" -"This kind of error happens when you try to connect to your IRC account and " -"you are using a nickname that is already being used by someone else on that " -"particular network." -msgstr "" -"Ez a hiba akkor következik be, ha az IRC-fiókjához próbál csatlakozni, és " -"olyan becenevet használ, amit az adott hálózaton már valaki más használ." +#: C/audio-video.page:135(td/p) +msgid "AIM" +msgstr "AIM" -#: C/prob-conn-name.page:50(p) -msgid "In the Nickname text box, type a new nickname." -msgstr "A Becenév szövegdobozban adjon meg egy új becenevet." +#: C/audio-video.page:136(td/p) C/audio-video.page:137(td/p) +#: C/audio-video.page:141(td/p) C/audio-video.page:142(td/p) +#: C/audio-video.page:146(td/p) C/audio-video.page:147(td/p) +#: C/audio-video.page:156(td/p) C/audio-video.page:157(td/p) +#: C/audio-video.page:161(td/p) C/audio-video.page:162(td/p) +#: C/audio-video.page:166(td/p) C/audio-video.page:167(td/p) +#: C/audio-video.page:181(td/p) C/audio-video.page:182(td/p) +#: C/audio-video.page:186(td/p) C/audio-video.page:187(td/p) +#: C/audio-video.page:191(td/p) C/audio-video.page:192(td/p) +#: C/audio-video.page:196(td/p) C/audio-video.page:197(td/p) +#: C/audio-video.page:201(td/p) C/audio-video.page:202(td/p) +#: C/audio-video.page:211(td/p) C/audio-video.page:212(td/p) +#: C/audio-video.page:216(td/p) C/audio-video.page:217(td/p) +msgid "No" +msgstr "Nem" -#: C/prob-conn-name.page:55(p) -msgid "" -"If you have registered that nickname within the network you are using, set " -"the password for that nickname. For more information, see ." -msgstr "" -"Ha regisztrálta a becenevet az éppen használt hálózaton, akkor adja meg a " -"jelszót az adott becenévhez. További információkért lásd a részt." +#: C/audio-video.page:140(td/p) +msgid "Facebook Chat" +msgstr "Facebook csevegés" -#: C/prob-conn-name.page:64(p) -msgid "" -"Deselect the Enabled check-box next to the name of your account, " -"and then select it again to try to reconnect to the service." -msgstr "" -"Törölje az Engedélyezett négyzet jelölését a fiók neve mellett, " -"majd jelölje be újra a szolgáltatáshoz való ismételt csatlakozás " -"megpróbálásához." +#: C/audio-video.page:145(td/p) +msgid "gadugadu" +msgstr "Gadu-Gadu" -#: C/prob-conn-auth.page:8(desc) -msgid "" -"An error message which says “Authentication failed” appears in " -"the main window." -msgstr "" -"A főablakban az „A hitelesítés meghiúsult” üzenet jelenik meg." +#: C/audio-video.page:150(td/p) +msgid "Google Talk" +msgstr "Google Talk" -#: C/prob-conn-auth.page:36(title) -msgid "I get a message that says “Authentication failed”" -msgstr "Az „A hitelesítés meghiúsult” üzenetet kapom" +#: C/audio-video.page:151(td/p) C/audio-video.page:152(td/p) +#: C/audio-video.page:171(td/p) C/audio-video.page:172(td/p) +#: C/audio-video.page:176(td/p) C/audio-video.page:177(td/p) +#: C/audio-video.page:206(td/p) C/audio-video.page:207(td/p) +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Igen" -#: C/prob-conn-auth.page:38(p) -msgid "" -"This kind of error happens when your instant messaging service is not " -"allowing you to connect because it does not recognize your username or " -"password for some reason." -msgstr "" -"Ez a hiba akkor következik be, ha az azonnaliüzenő-szolgáltatás nem " -"engedélyezi a csatlakozást, mert valamiért nem ismeri fel az Ön " -"felhasználónevét vagy jelszavát." +#: C/audio-video.page:155(td/p) +msgid "Groupwise" +msgstr "Groupwise" -#: C/prob-conn-auth.page:50(p) -msgid "" -"Make sure that you have registered an account with the service you are " -"trying to connect to. If you do not have an account, most services will not " -"allow you to connect." -msgstr "" -"Győződjön meg róla, hogy már regisztrált fiókot annál a szolgáltatásnál, " -"amelyhez csatlakozni próbál. Ha nincs fiókja, a legtöbb szolgáltatás nem " -"engedélyezi a csatlakozást." +#: C/audio-video.page:160(td/p) +msgid "ICQ" +msgstr "ICQ" -#: C/prob-conn-auth.page:63(p) C/prob-conn-acctdisabled.page:54(p) -msgid "" -"Type your username and password again to make sure that they are correct." -msgstr "" -"Írja be újra felhasználónevét és jelszavát, így ellenőrizve hogy nem gépelte " -"el azokat." +#: C/audio-video.page:165(td/p) C/create-account.page:107(section/title) +msgid "IRC" +msgstr "IRC" -#: C/prob-conn-acctdisabled.page:7(desc) -msgid "" -"The instant messaging account that you want to use is not enabled in the " -"list of accounts." -msgstr "" -"A használni kívánt azonnaliüzenő-fiókja nincs engedélyezve a fióklistában." +#: C/audio-video.page:170(td/p) C/create-account.page:60(section/title) +msgid "Jabber" +msgstr "Jabber" -#: C/prob-conn-acctdisabled.page:33(title) -msgid "My account is not enabled" -msgstr "A fiókom nincs engedélyezve" +#: C/audio-video.page:175(td/p) +msgid "MSN" +msgstr "MSN" -#: C/prob-conn-acctdisabled.page:35(p) -msgid "" -"If the instant messaging account that you want to use is not enabled in the " -"drop-down account list when you try to start a new conversation or join a " -"room, your account details may not be correct." -msgstr "" -"Ha a használni kívánt azonnaliüzenő-fiók nincs engedélyezve a legördülő " -"fióklistában, amikor új társalgást akar kezdeni vagy be akar lépni egy " -"csevegőszobába, akkor a fiók adatai hibásak lehetnek." +#: C/audio-video.page:180(td/p) +msgid "myspace" +msgstr "MySpace" -#: C/prob-conn-acctdisabled.page:48(p) -msgid "" -"Choose EditAccounts and select the " -"account that is not working." -msgstr "" -"Válassza a SzerkesztésFiókok " -"menüpontot, majd a nem működő fiókot." +#: C/audio-video.page:185(td/p) +msgid "qq" +msgstr "QQ" -#: C/prob-conn-acctdisabled.page:65(p) -msgid "" -"Check that the Enabled check-box is selected. " -"If it is not, select the check-box to enable the account." -msgstr "" -"Ellenőrizze, hogy az Engedélyezve " -"jelölőnégyzet be van-e jelölve. Ha nincs, akkor jelölje be a négyzetet a " -"fiók engedélyezéséhez." +#: C/audio-video.page:190(td/p) C/create-account.page:78(section/title) +msgid "People Nearby" +msgstr "Közeli emberek" -#: C/prev-conv.page:8(desc) -msgid "Browse or search your previous conversations." -msgstr "Böngéssze korábbi társalgásait, vagy keressen bennük." +#: C/audio-video.page:195(td/p) +msgid "sametime" +msgstr "Sametime" -#: C/prev-conv.page:35(title) -msgid "View previous conversations" -msgstr "Korábbi társalgások megjelenítése" +#: C/audio-video.page:200(td/p) +msgid "silc" +msgstr "Silc" -#: C/prev-conv.page:39(p) -msgid "" -"Highlighting text is quirky: #593733. If there's an actual highlighting going on, " -"independent of the selection (like in yellow or something), we can use the " -"term \"highlight\". Otherwise we need to use the term \"select\". Watch that " -"bug." -msgstr "" -"Highlighting text is quirky: #593733. If there's an actual highlighting going on, " -"independent of the selection (like in yellow or something), we can use the " -"term \"highlight\". Otherwise we need to use the term \"select\". Watch that " -"bug." +#: C/audio-video.page:205(td/p) C/create-account.page:89(section/title) +msgid "SIP" +msgstr "SIP" -#: C/prev-conv.page:46(p) -msgid "" -"Empathy automatically saves all your text conversations you have " -"with your contacts. You can search through all of " -"your previous conversations or browse previous " -"conversations by contact and date." -msgstr "" -"Az Empathy automatikusan menti az összes szöveges társalgását " -"partnereivel. Lehetősége van keresni az összes " -"korábbi társalgásában, vagy partner és dátum szerint böngészni a korábbi társalgásokat." +#: C/audio-video.page:210(td/p) +msgid "Yahoo!" +msgstr "Yahoo!" -#: C/prev-conv.page:54(p) -msgid "" -"You do not need to be connected to the Internet to view and search your " -"previous conversations." +#: C/audio-video.page:215(td/p) +msgid "zephyr" +msgstr "Zephyr" + +#: C/change-status.page:9(info/desc) +msgid "Change your status to advertise your availability to your contacts." msgstr "" -"A korábbi társalgások megjelenítéséhez és az azokban való kereséshez nem " -"kell az internethez kapcsolódni." +"Módosítsa állapotát elérhetőségének közzétételéhez a partnerei számára." -#: C/prev-conv.page:61(title) -msgid "Search previous conversations" -msgstr "Keresés korábbi társalgásokban" +#: C/change-status.page:39(page/title) +msgid "Change your status" +msgstr "Módosítsa állapotát" -#: C/prev-conv.page:63(p) +#: C/change-status.page:41(page/p) msgid "" -"You can perform a full-text search through all of your previous " -"conversations." -msgstr "Teljes szöveges keresést végezhet minden korábbi társalgásban." +"You can set your status to indicate your availability to your contacts. " +"Empathy allows you to select from a list of defined statuses." +msgstr "" +"Beállíthatja állapotát az elérhetőségének jelzéséhez partnerei felé. Az " +"Empathy lehetővé teszi a mentett állapotok listából való " +"kiválasztását." -#: C/prev-conv.page:67(p) C/prev-conv.page:96(p) +#: C/change-status.page:46(item/p) msgid "" -"From the Contact List window, choose ViewPrevious Conversations. Alternatively, press " -"F3." +"Click on the drop-down list at the top of the Contact List window." msgstr "" -"A Partnerlista ablakban válassza a NézetKorábbi társalgások menüpontot. Az F3 " -"billentyűt is megnyomhatja." +"Kattintson a Partnerlista ablak tetején lévő legördülő listára." -#: C/prev-conv.page:71(p) -msgid "Select the Search tab." -msgstr "Válassza a Keresés lapot." +#: C/change-status.page:51(item/p) +msgid "Select a status from the list." +msgstr "Válasszon egy állapotot a listából." -#: C/prev-conv.page:74(p) +#: C/change-status.page:57(page/p) +#| msgid "" +#| "See for a list of the built-in statuses and " +#| "what they mean. You can also add custom " +#| "status messages to provide more information about your " +#| "availability to your contacts." msgid "" -"In the For field, type the text you want to search for. Click " -"Find or press Enter." +"See for a list of the built-in statuses and " +"what they mean. You can also add custom " +"status messages to provide more information about your availability " +"to your contacts." msgstr "" -"Az Erre mezőbe írja be a keresendő szöveget. Nyomja meg a " -"Keresés gombot, vagy az Enter billentyűt." +"A beépített állapotok listájával és jelentésével kapcsolatban lásd az oldalt. Felvehet " +"egyéni állapotüzeneteket további információk közléséhez " +"partnereivel az elérhetőségéről." -#: C/prev-conv.page:78(p) +#: C/change-status.page:63(note/p) msgid "" -"Any conversations that matched your search terms will be shown in the list " -"below the search field. By default, conversations are ordered by date." +"If you do not use your computer for a while, or if the screensaver is on, " +"the status will be automatically set to Away." msgstr "" -"A keresőmező alatt megjelennek azok a társalgások, amelyekben megtalálható a " -"keresőkifejezés. A társalgások alapértelmezésben dátum szerint vannak " -"rendezve." +"Ha egy ideig nem használja a számítógépet, vagy a képernyővédő bekapcsol, az " +"állapot automatikusan „Távol” lesz." -#: C/prev-conv.page:82(p) -msgid "" -"Click on a conversation to view it. Empathy will select the text " -"in the conversation that matched your search terms." -msgstr "" -"Kattintson a társalgásra a megjelenítéséhez. Az Empathy kijelöli " -"a keresőkifejezésre illeszkedő részt a társalgás szövegében." +#: C/create-account.page:9(info/desc) +msgid "Register for an account with one of the supported messaging services." +msgstr "Fiók regisztrálása valamelyik támogatott üzenetküldő szolgáltatással." -#: C/prev-conv.page:89(title) -msgid "Browse previous conversations" -msgstr "Korábbi társalgások tallózása" +#: C/create-account.page:34(page/title) +msgid "Register for a new account" +msgstr "Új fiók regisztrálása" -#: C/prev-conv.page:91(p) +#: C/create-account.page:36(page/p) msgid "" -"You can browse your previous conversations with your contacts or in chat " -"rooms by date." +"Most account types require you to create an account with a account provider " +"before you can connect using instant messaging applications like " +"Empathy. With some account providers, you can use Empathy to register for a new account, using the same steps as you would to " +"add an account." msgstr "" -"A partnereivel vagy a csevegőszobákban folytatott korábbi társalgásokat " -"dátum szerint tallózhatja." - -#: C/prev-conv.page:100(p) -msgid "Select the Conversations tab." -msgstr "Válassza a Társalgások lapot." +"A legtöbb fióktípus megköveteli fiók létrehozását egy szolgáltatónál ahhoz, " +"hogy az Empathyhoz hasonló azonnaliüzenő alkalmazásokkal " +"csatlakozhatna. Egyes szolgáltatók esetén használhatja az Empathyt új fiók regisztrálására, a fiók " +"hozzáadásánál használt lépéseket követve." -#: C/prev-conv.page:103(p) +#: C/create-account.page:42(page/p) msgid "" -"Select an account from the drop-down list in the top left. A list of " -"contacts and chat room for that account will be shown below." +"This page provides information on creating a new account for various types " +"of accounts. Your account provider should give you a login ID and a " +"password, as well as any additional information you need to connect using " +"Empathy." msgstr "" -"Válassza ki a fiókot a bal felső legördülő listából. A fiókhoz tartozó " -"partnerek és csevegőszobák listája alul megjelenik." +"Ez az oldal új fiók létrehozásával kapcsolatos információkat biztosít " +"különböző fióktípusokhoz. A szolgáltatónak meg kell adnia a bejelentkezési " +"azonosítót és jelszót, valamint az Empathy használatával való " +"csatlakozáshoz esetleg szükséges további információkat." -#: C/prev-conv.page:107(p) -msgid "" -"Select a contact or chat room to view your previous conversations from. By " -"default the most recent conversation will be shown." -msgstr "" -"Válassza ki a partnert vagy csevegőszobát a korábbi társalgások " -"megjelenítéséhez. Alapértelmezésben a legújabb társalgás jelenik meg." +#: C/create-account.page:47(section/title) +msgid "Facebook" +msgstr "Facebook" -#: C/prev-conv.page:111(p) +#: C/create-account.page:48(section/p) msgid "" -"You can browse your conversations by date. Days on which you had a " -"conversation with the selected contact will be shown in bold text. Click a " -"date to select it. Click the arrows next to the month and year to browse " -"earlier dates." +"Facebook is one of the most-used social networks. It allows users to create " +"their own profile and to communicate with their friends." msgstr "" -"A társalgásokat dátum szerint böngészheti. Azok a napok, amelyeken a " -"kiválasztott partnerrel társalgást folytatott, félkövéren jelennek meg. " -"Kattintson a dátumra a kiválasztásához. Kattintson a hónap és az év melletti " -"nyilakra a korábbi dátumok böngészéséhez." +"A Facebook az egyik legtöbbet használt közösségi hálózat. Segítségével a " +"felhasználók saját profilt hozhatnak létre, és kommunikálhatnak barátaikkal." -#: C/prev-conv.page:117(p) +#: C/create-account.page:52(section/p) msgid "" -"You can search for text in the displayed conversation by typing into the " -"search field at the top. The matching text will be highlighted." +"To use Facebook to communicate with your friends, you will need to create a " +"new account from the website: www." +"facebook.com." msgstr "" -"A megjelenített társalgásban a felső keresőmezőbe gépelve kereshet szöveget. " -"Az illeszkedő szöveg kiemelésre kerül." +"A Facebook használatához a www." +"facebook.com weboldalon kell létrehoznia egy új fiókot." -#: C/prev-conv.page:121(p) +#: C/create-account.page:62(section/p) msgid "" -"You can quickly view the previous conversations with one of your contacts " -"from the Contact List window. Simply right click the contact and " -"choose View Previous Conversations. The Previous " -"Conversations window will open with that contact already selected." +"Jabber is an open instant messaging system. Like email, Jabber allows you to " +"choose your account provider and communicate with all other Jabber users, " +"regardless of their account provider." msgstr "" -"A Partnerlista ablakból gyorsan megjelenítheti az egyes " -"partnereivel folytatott korábbi társalgásait. Csak kattintson a jobb " -"egérgombbal a partnerre, és válassza a Korábbi társalgások " -"menüpontot. Megnyílik a Korábbi társalgások ablak, és az adott " -"partner lesz kiválasztva." - -#: C/link-contacts.page:11(desc) -msgid "Merge and separate different contacts into a single one." -msgstr "Különböző partnerek egyesítése és szétválasztása" - -#: C/link-contacts.page:25(title) -msgid "Combine and separate contacts" -msgstr "Partnerek egyesítése és szétválasztása" +"A Jabber egy nyílt azonnaliüzenő-rendszer. Az e-mailhez hasonlóan a Jabber " +"lehetővé teszi a szolgáltató megválasztását, és az összes Jabber " +"felhasználóval való kommunikációt a szolgáltatótól függetlenül." -#: C/link-contacts.page:26(p) +#: C/create-account.page:66(section/p) msgid "" -"If one, or more, of your contacts has multiple accounts with different " -"messaging services, you can combine these contacts into a single one." +"You will need to create a new account with a Jabber provider. There are many " +"free providers; one popular provider is Jabber.org." msgstr "" -"Ha egy partnere több fiókkal is rendelkezik különböző szolgáltatóknál, akkor " -"ezeket a partnerbejegyzéseket egyesítheti." +"Egy Jabber szolgáltatónál létre kell hoznia az új fiókot. Számos ingyenes " +"szolgáltató van, az egyik népszerű a Jabber.org." -#: C/link-contacts.page:30(p) +#: C/create-account.page:71(note/p) msgid "" -"The resulting contact is called a meta-contact: a contact composed " -"from different single contacts." +"If you use Google Mail or Google Talk, you already have a Jabber account. " +"Google Talk is a Jabber service. Simply use your Google Mail address and " +"password in Empathy to connect." msgstr "" -"Az eredményül kapott partnert metapartnernek hívjuk: ez egy több " -"önálló partnerbejegyzésből álló partner." +"Ha a Google Mail vagy a Google Talk szolgáltatást használja, akkor már van " +"Jabber fiókja. A Google Talk egy Jabber szolgáltatás. Google Mail címét és " +"jelszavát használhatja az Empathyban a kapcsolódáshoz." -#: C/link-contacts.page:34(p) +#: C/create-account.page:80(section/p) msgid "" -"If you have a Jane Smith contact that is using three different messaging " -"services like:" +"You do not need to create an account with a service provider to use this " +"feature. This service works whenever you are connected to a local network, " +"such as a wireless hotspot. It automatically finds all other users on the " +"network who are also using this service." msgstr "" -"Ha rendelkezik egy Kovács Erzsébet nevű partnerrel, aki három különböző " -"üzenetküldő szolgáltatást használ:" - -#: C/link-contacts.page:40(p) -msgid "janes@facebook" -msgstr "ekovacs@facebook" - -#: C/link-contacts.page:45(p) -msgid "jane.smith@gmail" -msgstr "erzsebet.kovacs@gmail" +"Ezen szolgáltatás használatához nem szükséges fiókot létrehoznia egy " +"szolgáltatónál. A szolgáltatás akkor működik, amikor helyi hálózathoz, " +"például vezeték nélküli hotspothoz kapcsolódik, és képes automatikusan " +"megtalálni a szolgáltatás többi felhasználóját az adott hálózaton." -#: C/link-contacts.page:50(p) -msgid "jane_smith@hotmail" -msgstr "erzsebet_kovacs@hotmail" +#: C/create-account.page:85(section/p) +msgid "For more information, see ." +msgstr "További információkért lásd a oldalt." -#: C/link-contacts.page:55(p) -msgid "You can combine these contacts into a single Jane Smith one." +#: C/create-account.page:91(section/p) +msgid "" +"SIP is an open system which allows users to have audio and video " +"conversations over the Internet. You need to create an account with a SIP " +"provider. You can communicate with all other SIP users, regardless of which " +"SIP provider they use." msgstr "" -"Ezeket a partnerbejegyzéseket egyetlen Kovács Erzsébet bejegyzéssé " -"egyesítheti." +"A SIP egy nyílt rendszer, amely lehetővé teszi felhasználóinak hang- és " +"videohívások bonyolítását az interneten. Létre kell hoznia egy fiókot egy " +"SIP-szolgáltatónál. Az összes SIP-felhasználóval kommunikálhat, függetlenül " +"az általuk használt szolgáltatótól." -#: C/link-contacts.page:60(title) -msgid "Combining contacts" -msgstr "Partnerek egyesítése" +#: C/create-account.page:97(note/p) +msgid "" +"Due to technical differences, the free Ekiga.net service does not currently work " +"with Empathy." +msgstr "" +"Technikai nehézségek miatt az ingyenes Ekiga.net szolgáltatás jelenleg nem működik " +"az Empathyval." -#: C/link-contacts.page:63(p) +#: C/create-account.page:102(section/p) msgid "" -"From the Contact List window, right-click one of the contact that " -"has different accounts, and select Link Contacts...." +"Some SIP providers allow you to call normal phones from your computer. " +"Generally, you will need to subscribe to a paid service for this feature." msgstr "" -"A Partnerlista ablakban kattintson a jobb egérgombbal a különböző " -"fiókokkal rendelkező partnerére, és válassza a Partnerek összekapcsolása… menüpontot." +"Egyes SIP-szolgáltatók lehetővé teszik normál telefonok hívását a " +"számítógépéről. Az ilyen szolgáltatásra általában elő kell fizetni." -#: C/link-contacts.page:70(p) +#: C/create-account.page:109(section/p) msgid "" -"From the left pane in the Link Contacts window, select the " -"contacts you want to combine." +"You do not need to register for an account to use IRC. Although you specify " +"a nickname when you add an IRC account to Empathy, this nickname " +"is only established each time you connect. If another user is using the " +"nickname, you will need to choose a new nickname." msgstr "" -"A Partnerek összekapcsolása ablak bal oldalán válassza ki az " -"egyesíteni kívánt partnereket." +"Az IRC használatához nem kell fiókot regisztrálni. Noha meg kell adnia egy " +"becenevet az IRC-fiók felvételekor az Empathyba, ez a becenév " +"csak az egyes csatlakozásokkor jön létre. Ha másik felhasználó használja a " +"becenevet, akkor újat kell választania." -#: C/link-contacts.page:76(p) -msgid "Click Link." -msgstr "Nyomja meg az Összekapcsolás gombot." +#: C/create-account.page:114(section/p) +msgid "" +"Some IRC networks use a service called NickServ to allow users to protect " +"their nicknames. See for more information." +msgstr "" +"Egyes IRC-hálózatok egy NickServ nevű szolgáltatást használnak, amely " +"lehetővé teszi felhasználóiknak beceneveik megvédését. További " +"információkért lásd a oldalt." -#: C/link-contacts.page:82(p) +#: C/create-account.page:117(section/p) msgid "" -"When a meta-contact has been created, the default contact that will be used " -"to have a conversation with when you double-click on it, is the contact with " -"the highest presence on-line." +"Some IRC servers are password protected. You will need to know the password " +"to connect to these servers. Generally, these are private IRC networks." msgstr "" -"Metapartner létrehozása esetén az alapértelmezett partner, amellyel dupla " -"kattintással társalgást kezdeményez, a leghosszabb online jelenléttel " -"rendelkező partnerbejegyzés lesz." +"Egyes IRC-kiszolgálók jelszóval védettek. Az ilyen kiszolgálókhoz " +"csatlakozáskor ismernie kell a jelszót. Ezek általában privát IRC-hálózatok." -#: C/link-contacts.page:91(title) -msgid "Separating contacts" -msgstr "Metapartnerek szétválasztása" +#: C/create-account.page:122(section/title) +msgid "Proprietary Services" +msgstr "Zárt szolgáltatások" -#: C/link-contacts.page:94(p) +#: C/create-account.page:124(section/p) msgid "" -"From the Contact List, right-click the contact to separate, and " -"select Link Contacts...." +"There are many proprietary instant messaging services that have been " +"developed by different companies or organizations. Empathy allows " +"you to connect to an existing account for most popular services. To create a " +"new account with one of these services, you will need to visit the service’s " +"web site and agree to its terms of use." msgstr "" -"A Partnerlistában kattintson a jobb egérgombbal a szétválasztani " -"kívánt metapartnerre, és válassza a Partnerek " -"összekapcsolása menüpontot." +"Számos zárt azonnaliüzenő-szolgáltatást fejlesztettek különböző cégek és " +"szervezetek. Az Empathy lehetővé teszi a kapcsolódást meglévő " +"fiókjával a legnépszerűbb szolgáltatásokhoz. Új fiók létrehozásához fel kell " +"keresnie a szolgáltató weboldalát, és el kell fogadnia a felhasználási " +"feltételeket." -#: C/link-contacts.page:100(p) -msgid "Click Unlink." -msgstr "Nyomja meg a Szétválasztás gombot." +#: C/create-account.page:132(item/p) +msgid "AIM" +msgstr "AIM" + +#: C/create-account.page:137(item/p) +msgid "ICQ" +msgstr "ICQ" + +#: C/create-account.page:142(item/p) +msgid "MSN" +msgstr "MSN" + +#: C/create-account.page:147(item/p) +msgid "Yahoo!" +msgstr "Yahoo!" -#: C/license.page:8(desc) -msgid "Legal information." -msgstr "Jogi információk." +#: C/disable-account.page:9(info/desc) +msgid "Prevent Empathy from automatically logging in to an account." +msgstr "" +"A fiókba való automatikus bejelentkezés megtiltása az Empathynak." -#: C/license.page:11(title) -msgid "License" -msgstr "Licenc" +#: C/disable-account.page:40(page/title) +msgid "Disable an account" +msgstr "Fiók letiltása" -#: C/license.page:12(p) +#: C/disable-account.page:42(page/p) msgid "" -"This work is distributed under a CreativeCommons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 " -"Unported license." +"You can disable an account to prevent Empathy from logging in to " +"it without removing the account entirely. You may wish to disable and re-" +"enable an account if you only want to be logged in to the account at certain " +"times, but you still want to use Empathy for other accounts." msgstr "" -"Ez a mű a CreativeCommons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported licenc " -"feltételei szerint terjeszthető." +"A fiókok letilthatók, ekkor az Empathy nem fog bejelentkezni, de " +"a fiók sem kerül eltávolításra. Bizonyos helyzetekben szükség lehet a fiók " +"letiltására és újraengedélyezésére, ha csak néha szeretne bejelentkezni a " +"fiókba, de más fiókokhoz továbbra is az Empathyt szeretné " +"használni." -#: C/license.page:20(p) -msgid "You are free:" -msgstr "Jogodban áll:" +#: C/disable-account.page:53(item/p) +msgid "" +"Select the account you wish to disable from the accounts list on the left " +"side of the window." +msgstr "" +"Az ablak bal oldalán lévő fióklistában válassza ki a letiltani kívánt fiókot." -#: C/license.page:25(em) -msgid "To share" -msgstr "Megosztani" +#: C/disable-account.page:57(item/p) +msgid "On the right side of the window, switch it off." +msgstr "Az ablak jobb oldalán kapcsolja ki." -#: C/license.page:26(p) -msgid "To copy, distribute and transmit the work." -msgstr "Másolni, terjeszteni és továbbítani a művet." +#: C/disable-account.page:62(page/p) +#| msgid "" +#| "To re-enable the account, simply select Enabled." +msgid "To re-enable the account, switch it on." +msgstr "A fiók újraengedélyezéséhez kapcsolja be azt." -#: C/license.page:29(em) -msgid "To remix" -msgstr "Feldolgozni" +#: C/favorite-rooms.page:10(info/desc) +msgid "Set, join and manage favorite rooms." +msgstr "Kedvenc szobák beállítása, kezelése és csatlakozás azokhoz." -#: C/license.page:30(p) -msgid "To adapt the work." -msgstr "Módosítani a művet." +#: C/favorite-rooms.page:29(page/title) +msgid "Favorite rooms" +msgstr "Kedvenc szobák" -#: C/license.page:33(p) -msgid "Under the following conditions:" -msgstr "A következő feltételek szerint:" +#: C/favorite-rooms.page:32(section/title) +msgid "Set a room as a favorite" +msgstr "Szoba beállítása kedvencként" -#: C/license.page:38(em) -msgid "Attribution" -msgstr "Nevezd meg!" +#: C/favorite-rooms.page:35(item/p) +msgid "Join a room." +msgstr "Csatlakozás szobához." -#: C/license.page:39(p) +#: C/favorite-rooms.page:40(item/p) msgid "" -"You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or " -"licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use " -"of the work)." +"See for more information on how to join an " +"IRC room." msgstr "" -"A szerző vagy a jogosult által meghatározott módon fel kell tüntetned a " -"műhöz kapcsolódó információkat (pl. a szerző nevét vagy álnevét, a Mű címét)." - -#: C/license.page:46(em) -msgid "Share Alike" -msgstr "Így add tovább!" +"IRC-szobához csatlakozással kapcsolatos további információkért lásd a oldalt." -#: C/license.page:47(p) +#: C/favorite-rooms.page:46(item/p) msgid "" -"If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the " -"resulting work only under the same, similar or a compatible license." +"See for more information on how to " +"start or join a group conversation." msgstr "" -"Ha megváltoztatod, átalakítod, feldolgozod ezt a művet, az így létrejött " -"alkotást csak a jelenlegivel megegyező licenc alatt terjesztheted." +"Csoportos társalgáshoz csatlakozással kapcsolatos további információkért " +"lásd a oldalt." -#: C/license.page:53(p) +#: C/favorite-rooms.page:54(item/p) msgid "" -"For the full text of the license, see the CreativeCommons website, or read the full Commons Deed." +"From the conversation window, choose ConversationFavorite Chat Room." msgstr "" -"A licenc teljes szövegéért lásd a CreativeCommons weboldalát, vagy a " -"teljes Commons " -"összefoglalót." +"A társalgás ablakban válassza a TársalgásKedvenc " +"csevegőszoba menüpontot." -#: C/irc-start-conversation.page:8(desc) -msgid "Start a conversation with an IRC contact." -msgstr "Társalgás kezdése IRC-partnerrel." +#: C/favorite-rooms.page:63(section/title) +msgid "Join favorite rooms" +msgstr "Belépés kedvenc szobákba" -#: C/irc-start-conversation.page:30(title) -msgid "Chat with somebody on IRC" -msgstr "Csevegjen IRC-n" +#: C/favorite-rooms.page:66(item/p) C/send-file.page:40(item/p) +msgid "From the Contact List window, perform one of the following:" +msgstr "A Partnerlista ablakban hajtsa végre a következők egyikét:" -#: C/irc-start-conversation.page:32(p) -msgid "" -"You can hold private conversations with other IRC users, outside of the " -"public IRC chat rooms. To start a conversation with another IRC user:" -msgstr "" -"Személyes társalgást folytathat más IRC-felhasználókkal a nyilvános IRC-" -"csevegőszobákon kívül. Társalgás kezdeményezéséhez egy másik IRC-" -"felhasználóval:" +#: C/favorite-rooms.page:71(item/p) +msgid "Press F5." +msgstr "Nyomja meg az F5 billentyűt." -#: C/irc-start-conversation.page:37(p) +#: C/favorite-rooms.page:76(item/p) msgid "" -"In the contact list for an IRC chat room, double click the name of the user " -"you want to chat with. Alternatively, right click the name of the user and " -"choose Chat." +"Choose RoomJoin Favorites, to join " +"all your favorite rooms." msgstr "" -"Egy IRC-csevegőszoba partnerlistájában kattintson duplán a felhasználó " -"nevére, akivel csevegni szeretne. Ezen kívül rákattinthat a jobb egérgombbal " -"is a felhasználó nevére, és kiválaszthatja a Csevegés menüpontot." +"Válassza a SzobaCsatlakozás a kedvencekhez menüpontot az összes kedvenc szobába való belépéshez." -#: C/irc-start-conversation.page:45(p) -msgid "" -"The IRC room contact list is not the same as Empathy contact " -"list. It contains a list of users in the IRC chat room you joined. Different " -"rooms can have different contacts listed." +#: C/favorite-rooms.page:82(item/p) +msgid "Choose Room, and select the favorite room you want to join." msgstr "" -"Az IRC-szoba partnerlistája nem azonos az Empathy " -"partnerlistájával. Ez az adott IRC-szoba felhasználóinak listáját " -"tartalmazza. A különböző szobákban különböző partnerek vannak felsorolva." +"Válassza a Szoba menüpontot, majd a kedvenc szobát, amelybe be " +"szeretne lépni." -#: C/irc-start-conversation.page:52(p) +#: C/favorite-rooms.page:90(note/p) msgid "" -"The IRC room contact list is usually on the right side of the IRC room " -"window. If you do not see it, choose ConversationShow Contact List." -msgstr "" -"Az IRC-szoba partnerlistája általában az IRC-szoba ablakának jobb oldalán " -"van. Ha nem látja, akkor válassza a TársalgásPartnerlista megjelenítése menüpontot." - -#: C/irc-send-file.page:9(desc) -msgid "Empathy does not currently support sending files using IRC." +"To join a favorite room, you need to be connected to the Internet and to " +"your account." msgstr "" -"Az Empathy jelenleg nem támogatja a fájlküldést IRC használatával." - -#: C/irc-send-file.page:31(title) -msgid "Send files over IRC" -msgstr "Fájlok küldése IRC használatával." - -#: C/irc-send-file.page:33(p) -msgid "It is not currently possible to send files using IRC." -msgstr "Jelenleg nem lehetséges a fájlok küldése IRC használatával." - -#: C/irc-nick-password.page:10(desc) -msgid "Protect your nickname to prevent other IRC users from using it." -msgstr "Védje meg becenevét, hogy más IRC-felhasználók ne használhassák azt." +"Kedvenc szobába való belépéshez csatlakozva kell lennie az internethez és " +"fiókjához." -#: C/irc-nick-password.page:33(title) -msgid "Use a nickname password on IRC" -msgstr "Jelszó használata IRC becenévhez" +#: C/favorite-rooms.page:98(section/title) +msgid "Manage favorite rooms" +msgstr "Kedvenc szobák kezelése" -#: C/irc-nick-password.page:35(p) +#: C/favorite-rooms.page:101(item/p) msgid "" -"On some IRC networks, you can register your nickname with a service called " -"NickServ. By sending special messages to NickServ, you can set your password " -"and identify yourself. Some IRC chat rooms may not allow you to join without " -"a registered nickname." +"From the Contact List window, choose RoomManage Favorites." msgstr "" -"Egyes IRC-hálózatokon lehetősége van becenevének regisztrálására a NickServ " -"nevű szolgáltatásnál. A NickServnek küldött speciális üzenetekkel " -"beállíthatja jelszavát, és azonosíthatja magát. Egyes IRC-csevegőszobák nem " -"engedik belépni regisztrált becenév nélkül." +"A Partnerlista ablakban válassza a SzobaKedvencek kezelése menüpontot." -#: C/irc-nick-password.page:40(p) +#: C/favorite-rooms.page:107(item/p) msgid "" -"Empathy does not currently support nickname registration. Some " -"IRC networks, however, will automatically forward a server password " -"to NickServ. On these networks, you can use the IRC password in " -"Empathy to identify yourself to NickServ. The popular freenode " -"network is known to have this feature." +"From the Account drop-down list, select the account you want to " +"manage the favorite rooms of." msgstr "" -"Az Empathy jelenleg nem támogatja a becenév regisztrálását. Egyes " -"IRC-hálózatok azonban automatikusan továbbítanak egy kiszolgálójelszót a NickServnek. Ezeken a hálózatokon az IRC-jelszavát az Empathy segítségével használhatja azonosításra a NickServ felé. A népszerű " -"FreeNode hálózat rendelkezik ezzel a szolgáltatással." - -#: C/irc-nick-password.page:46(p) -msgid "To set an IRC server password:" -msgstr "IRC-kiszolgálójelszó beállítása:" - -#: C/irc-nick-password.page:54(p) -msgid "Select the IRC account from the list on the left of the dialog." -msgstr "Válassza ki az IRC-fiókot az ablak bal oldalán lévő listából." +"A Felhasználói fiók legördülő listából válassza ki azt a fiókot, " +"amelynek kedvenc szobáit módosítani szeretné." -#: C/irc-nick-password.page:57(p) -msgid "" -"In the Password field, type the password you used to register " -"your nikcname." +#: C/favorite-rooms.page:111(item/p) +msgid "Select All to see all you favorite rooms." msgstr "" -"A Jelszó mezőben írja be a beceneve regisztrálásához használt " -"jelszót." +"Válassza az Összes lehetőséget az összes kedvenc szoba " +"megjelenítéséhez." -#: C/irc-nick-password.page:63(p) C/import-account.page:61(p) -msgid "Click Apply." -msgstr "Nyomja meg az Alkalmaz gombot." +#: C/favorite-rooms.page:116(item/p) +msgid "Select the favorite room you want to manage:" +msgstr "Válassza ki a kezelni kívánt kedvenc szobát:" -#: C/irc-nick-password.page:69(p) +#: C/favorite-rooms.page:121(item/p) msgid "" -"These instructions only allow you to use a password-protected nickname on " -"certain IRC networks. It is not currently possible to register an IRC " -"nickname or change your nickname password using Empathy." +"Select the Auto-Connect check-box in order to automatically join " +"that room when you connect to your account." msgstr "" -"Ezek az utasítások csak bizonyos IRC-hálózatokon teszik lehetővé jelszóval " -"védett becenév használatát. Jelenleg az Empathy használatával nem " -"lehet IRC-becenevet regisztrálni, vagy a becenév jelszavát módosítani." - -#: C/irc-manage.page:10(desc) -msgid "How to use IRC with Empathy." -msgstr "IRC használata az Empathyval." - -#: C/irc-manage.page:35(title) -msgid "Internet Relay Chat (IRC)" -msgstr "Interneten továbbított csevegés (IRC)" +"Jelölje be az Automatikus kapcsolódás négyzetet a szobába való " +"automatikus belépéshez a fiókjához kapcsolódáskor." -#: C/irc-manage.page:38(p) C/account-irc.page:39(p) -msgid "" -"You must have the telepathy-idle package installed to use IRC in " -"Empathy." +#: C/favorite-rooms.page:127(item/p) +msgid "Click on Remove to remove the room from your favorites." msgstr "" -"Az IRC protokoll Empathyban való használatához telepíteni kell a " -"telepathy-idle csomagot." +"Kattintson az Eltávolítás gombra a szoba eltávolításához " +"kedvencei közül." -#: C/irc-manage.page:42(link) -msgid "Install telepathy-idle" -msgstr "A telepathy-idle telepítése" +#: C/favorite-rooms.page:134(item/p) +msgid "When done, click Close." +msgstr "Ha befejezte, nyomja meg a Bezárás gombot." -#: C/irc-manage.page:49(title) -msgid "IRC Chat Rooms and Conversations" -msgstr "IRC-csevegőszobák és társalgások" +#: C/geolocation.page:8(info/desc) +msgid "Use and understand geolocation in Empathy." +msgstr "A helymeghatározás megismerése és használata az Empathyban." -#: C/irc-manage.page:51(title) -msgid "Chat Rooms and Conversations" -msgstr "Csevegőszobák és társalgások" +#: C/geolocation.page:32(page/title) +msgid "Geographical position" +msgstr "Földrajzi hely" -#: C/irc-manage.page:56(title) -msgid "Common IRC Problems" -msgstr "Gyakori IRC-problémák" +#: C/geolocation.page:35(section/title) +msgid "Geolocation" +msgstr "Helymeghatározás" -#: C/irc-manage.page:58(title) C/index.page:55(title) -msgid "Common Problems" -msgstr "Gyakori problémák" +#: C/geolocation.page:39(section/title) +msgid "Fix common problems" +msgstr "Gyakori problémák javítása" -#: C/irc-join-room.page:8(desc) -msgid "Join an IRC channel." -msgstr "Csatlakozás IRC-csatornához." +#: C/geolocation-not-showing.page:8(info/desc) +msgid "Empathy does not publish my geographical position." +msgstr "Az Empathy nem teszi közzé a földrajzi helyet." -#: C/irc-join-room.page:31(title) -msgid "Join an IRC chat room" -msgstr "Csatlakozás IRC-csevegőszobához" +#: C/geolocation-not-showing.page:32(page/title) +msgid "Geographical position not published" +msgstr "A földrajzi hely nem kerül közzétételre" -#: C/irc-join-room.page:33(p) +#: C/geolocation-not-showing.page:34(page/p) msgid "" -"You can join IRC chat rooms (also known as IRC channels) on any IRC network " -"you’re connected to. To connect to an IRC network, see and ." +"If your contacts cannot see your location, Empathy might not be " +"able to discover with a good margin of precision your geographical position." msgstr "" -"Az IRC-csevegőszobákba (IRC-csatornákra) bármely IRC-hálózaton beléphet, " -"amelyhez csatlakozva van. Az IRC-hálózatokhoz való csatlakozással " -"kapcsolatban lásd az és témákat." +"Ha partnerei nem látják földrajzi helyét, akkor az Empathy lehet, " +"hogy nem képes elégséges pontossággal meghatározni azt." -#: C/irc-join-room.page:39(p) C/group-conversations.page:58(p) -#: C/group-conversations.page:122(p) +#: C/geolocation-not-showing.page:38(page/p) msgid "" -"From the Contact List window, choose RoomJoin." +"In this case, your position will not be published, but you are still able to " +"see the location of your contacts." msgstr "" -"A Partnerlista ablakban válassza a SzobaCsatlakozás menüpontot." +"Ebben az esetben az Ön földrajzi helye nem kerül közzétételre, de partnerei " +"helyét továbbra is látni fogja." -#: C/irc-join-room.page:45(p) +#: C/geolocation-not-showing.page:42(page/p) msgid "" -"From the Account drop-down list, select the IRC account that " -"corresponds to the network you want to use." +"If you want to publish your geographical position, you can try to use an " +"external device such as a GPS." msgstr "" -"A Felhasználói fiók legördülő listában válassza ki a használni " -"kívánt hálózatnak megfelelő IRC-fiókot." +"Ha közzé szeretné tenni földrajzi helyét, akkor megpróbálhat külső eszközt, " +"például GPS-t használni." -#: C/irc-join-room.page:51(p) +#: C/geolocation-not-showing.page:48(note/p) msgid "" -"In the Room text box, type the name of the channel you want to " -"join. IRC channel names start with the hash character (#)." +"In order to publish your geographical location, your Jabber server needs to " +"support the Personal Eventing Protocal (PEP). A list of servers which support " +"PEP is maintained online. Google Talk does not support this feature " +"at this time." msgstr "" -"A Szoba szövegmezőbe írja be a csatorna nevét, amelyhez " -"csatlakozni kíván. Az IRC-csatornák neve a kettős kereszt karakterrel " -"(#) kezdődik." - -#: C/irc-join-room.page:57(p) -msgid "Click Join to enter the room." -msgstr "Nyomja meg a Csatlakozás gombot a szobába való belépéshez." +"Földrajzi helyének közzétételéhez az Ön által használt Jabber kiszolgálónak " +"támogatnia kell a PEP specifikációt. A PEP-et támogató kiszolgálók " +"listája online elérhető. A Google Talk jelenleg nem támogatja ezt a " +"szolgáltatást." -#: C/irc-join-room.page:64(p) -msgid "" -"To join multiple rooms, you need to repeat the steps above for each room." -msgstr "" -"Több szobához is csatlakozhat, minden szobához megismételve a fenti " -"lépéseket." +#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:8(info/desc) +msgid "What information are sent and to who." +msgstr "Milyen információk kerülnek elküldésre és kinek." -#: C/irc-join-pwd.page:9(desc) -msgid "Enter password-protected IRC chat rooms." -msgstr "Belépés jelszóval védett IRC-csevegőszobákba." +#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:32(page/title) +msgid "Geolocation Privacy" +msgstr "Helymeghatározás és adatvédelem" -#: C/irc-join-pwd.page:25(title) -msgid "Join a protected IRC chat room" -msgstr "Csatlakozás védett IRC-csevegőszobához" +#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:35(section/title) +msgid "What information is sent" +msgstr "Milyen információk kerülnek elküldésre" -#: C/irc-join-pwd.page:27(p) +#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:36(section/p) msgid "" -"On some IRC networks, private IRC rooms may be protected with a password. If " -"you know the password, use the following steps to join:" +"What is possible to send is: your country, region, locality, area, street, " +"building, floor, room, and postal code, longitude, latitude and altitude, " +"speed and bearing." msgstr "" -"Egyes IRC-hálózatokon a privát IRC-szobák jelszóval védettek lehetnek. Ha " -"ismeri a jelszót, akkor tegye a következőket a csatlakozáshoz:" +"A következők elküldése lehetséges: ország, régió, helység, terület, utca, " +"épület, emelet, szoba, irányítószám, hosszúság, szélesség, magasság, " +"sebesség és irány." -#: C/irc-join-pwd.page:33(p) -msgid "Join the room as normal." +#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:40(section/p) +msgid "" +"The accuracy and the quantity of information about your geographical " +"position are based on the software or on the infrastructure used to discover " +"your position." msgstr "" -"Csatlakozzon a szobához a szokásos módon." +"A földrajzi helyével kapcsolatos információk pontossága és mennyisége a " +"szoftveren, vagy a helymeghatározásra használt infrastruktúrán alapul." -#: C/irc-join-pwd.page:38(p) +#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:44(section/p) msgid "" -"Empathy will prompt you for a password. Enter the password for the IRC chat " -"room and click Join." +"Different kind of networks may have different accuracy settings, and may " +"send different information. The use of external devices such as GPS or " +"mobile phone will increase the accuracy of the information sent." msgstr "" -"Az Empathy bekéri a jelszót. Adja meg az IRC-csevegőszoba jelszavát, és " -"nyomja meg a Csatlakozás gombot." - -#: C/irc-commands.page:7(desc) -msgid "The supported IRC commands." -msgstr "A támogatott IRC-parancsok." - -#: C/irc-commands.page:18(title) -msgid "Supported IRC commands" -msgstr "Támogatott IRC-parancsok" +"A különböző hálózatok különböző pontossági beállításokkal rendelkezhetnek, " +"és különböző információkat küldhetnek. A külső eszközök, például GPS vagy " +"mobiltelefonok használata növeli az elküldött információk pontosságát." -#: C/irc-commands.page:19(p) +#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:49(section/p) msgid "" -"To see the list of the supported IRC commands, in a chat room type /" -"help and press Enter." +"When the privacy mode is enabled, nothing more precise than your city will " +"be sent, even if you are using an external device." msgstr "" -"A támogatott IRC-parancsok listájának megjelenítéséhez a csevegőszobában " -"írja be a /help utasítást, és nyomja meg az Enter " -"billentyűt." - -#: C/irc-commands.page:24(p) -msgid "All commands available have a small description on their usage." -msgstr "Minden elérhető parancshoz tartozik egy rövid használati utasítás." +"Az adatvédelmi módot bekapcsolva a városnál pontosabb információ nem kerül " +"elküldésre, még ha külső eszközt is használ." -#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you. -#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all. -#: C/introduction.page:41(None) -msgid "" -"@@image: 'figures/empathy-main-window.png'; " -"md5=54908dcb2588beddb15ef0968d2c2582" -msgstr "" -"@@image: 'figures/empathy-main-window.png'; " -"md5=54908dcb2588beddb15ef0968d2c2582" +#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:56(section/title) +msgid "Who can see the information sent" +msgstr "Ki láthatja az elküldött információkat" -#: C/introduction.page:9(desc) -msgid "Introduction to the Empathy instant messenger." -msgstr "Az Empathy üzenetküldő bemutatása." +#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:57(section/p) +msgid "Only your contacts can see your geographical position." +msgstr "Csak partnerei láthatják az Ön földrajzi helyzetét." -#: C/introduction.page:21(title) -msgid "Introduction" -msgstr "Bevezetés" +#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:63(section/title) +msgid "What is the privacy mode" +msgstr "Mi az adatvédelmi mód" -#: C/introduction.page:23(p) +#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:64(section/p) msgid "" -"Empathy is an instant messaging application for the GNOME " -"Desktop. It supports text messaging, voice & video calls, file " -"transfers, and all the most used messaging systems such as MSN and Google " -"Talk." +"The privacy mode, enabled by default, is a reduced accuracy mode that will " +"decrease the accuracy of the geographical position sent to your contacts." msgstr "" -"Az Empathy egy üzenetküldő alkalmazás a GNOME asztali " -"környezethez. Támogatja a szöveges üzenetküldést, hang- és videohívásokat, " -"fájlátvitelt és a legtöbbet használt üzenetküldő rendszereket, mint az MSN " -"és a Google Talk." +"Az alapértelmezésben engedélyezett adatvédelmi mód egy csökkentett " +"pontosságú mód, amely csökkenti a partnereinek küldött földrajzi hely " +"pontosságát." + +#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:71(section/title) +msgid "Privacy overview" +msgstr "Adatvédelem áttekintése" -#: C/introduction.page:28(p) +#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:72(section/p) msgid "" -"Empathy includes features that help you better collaborate while " -"at work, and that let you easily keep in touch with your friends." +"Overview of the various geolocation privacy settings in Empathy." msgstr "" -"Az Empathy szolgáltatásai segítik a jobb együttműködést " -"munkahelyén, és lehetővé teszik a kapcsolattartást barátaival." +"Az Empathy helymeghatározással kapcsolatos adatvédelmi " +"beállításainak áttekintése." + +#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:77(item/p) +msgid "Geolocation is not enabled by default." +msgstr "A helymeghatározás alapértelmezésben nincs bekapcsolva." -#: C/introduction.page:32(p) +#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:82(item/p) +msgid "Privacy mode is enabled by default." +msgstr "Az adatvédelmi mód alapértelmezésben be van kapcsolva." + +#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:87(item/p) msgid "" -"Using Empathy, you can group all the conversations in a single " -"window, have multiple windows for different kind of conversations, easily " -"search through your previous conversations, and share your desktop in just " -"two clicks." +"Privacy mode prevails even when using external and more precise devices." msgstr "" -"Az Empathy segítségével összes társalgását egyetlen ablakba " -"csoportosíthatja, több ablakban tarthatja a különböző társalgásokat, " -"egyszerűen kereshet a korábbi társalgásokban, és két kattintással " -"megoszthatja asztalát." +"Az adatvédelmi mód külső és pontosabb eszközök használata esetén is " +"bekapcsolva marad." -#: C/introduction.page:39(title) -msgid "Contact List window" -msgstr "Partnerlista ablak" +#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:92(item/p) +msgid "Only your contacts can see your position." +msgstr "Csak partnerei láthatják földrajzi helyét." -#: C/introduction.page:40(desc) -msgid "Empathy main window" -msgstr "Az Empathy főablaka" +#: C/geolocation-supported.page:7(info/desc) +msgid "Services that supports geolocation and compatibility." +msgstr "A helymeghatározást támogató szolgáltatások és kompatibilitás." -#: C/introduction.page:42(p) -msgid "Empathy main window." -msgstr "Az Empathy főablaka." +#: C/geolocation-supported.page:31(page/title) +msgid "Supported services" +msgstr "Támogatott szolgáltatások" -#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you. -#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all. -#: C/index.page:28(None) +#: C/geolocation-supported.page:33(page/p) msgid "" -"@@image: 'figures/empathy-logo.png'; md5=1afc419a644e90b16393807e35cb5cb2" +"The geolocation feature at the moment is compatible only with the Jabber " +"service. In order to use it, you and your contacts need to have a Jabber " +"account." msgstr "" -"@@image: 'figures/empathy-logo.png'; md5=1afc419a644e90b16393807e35cb5cb2" - -#: C/index.page:7(title) C/index.page:8(title) -msgid "Empathy Internet Messenger" -msgstr "Empathy üzenetküldő" +"Jelenleg a helymeghatározási szolgáltatás csak a Jabber szolgáltatással " +"kompatibilis. Használatához Önnek és partnereinek is Jabber fiókot kell " +"használniuk." -#: C/index.page:27(title) +#: C/geolocation-supported.page:39(note/p) msgid "" -" " -"Empathy Internet Messenger logo Empathy Internet Messenger" +"It is necessary that also the server you are using supports the geolocation " +"feature. Most of the Jabber servers support it. See your service website " +"documentation for more information." msgstr "" -" " -"Empathy üzenetküldő logója Empathy üzenetküldő" - -#: C/index.page:35(title) -msgid "Account Management" -msgstr "Fiókkezelés" - -#: C/index.page:39(title) -msgid "Contact Management" -msgstr "Partnerkezelés" - -#: C/index.page:43(title) -msgid "Text Conversations" -msgstr "Szöveges csevegések" +"Az Ön által használt kiszolgálónak is támogatnia kell a helymeghatározási " +"szolgáltatást. A legtöbb Jabber kiszolgáló támogatja. További információkért " +"nézze meg a szolgáltatás webhelyének dokumentációját." -#: C/index.page:47(title) -msgid "Audio and Video Conversations" -msgstr "Hang- és videocsevegések" +#: C/geolocation-supported.page:47(section/title) +msgid "Compatibility" +msgstr "Kompatibilitás" -#: C/index.page:51(title) -msgid "Advanced Actions" -msgstr "Speciális műveletek" +#: C/geolocation-supported.page:49(section/p) +msgid "" +"Empathy geolocation feature is not compatible with other " +"geographical position services such as Google Latitude, Yahoo " +"Fire Eagle or Brightkite." +msgstr "" +"Az Empathy helymeghatározási szolgáltatása nem kompatibilis más " +"helymeghatározási szolgáltatásokkal, mint például a Google Latitude, Yahoo Fire Eagle vagy Brightkite." -#: C/import-account.page:10(desc) -msgid "Import an account from another instant messaging application." -msgstr "Felhasználói fiók importálása másik azonnaliüzenő alkalmazásból." +#: C/geolocation-turn.page:9(info/desc) +msgid "How to activate and deactivate geolocation in Empathy." +msgstr "Helymeghatározás be- és kikapcsolása Empathyban." -#: C/import-account.page:19(name) -msgid "Peter Haslam" -msgstr "Peter Haslam" +#: C/geolocation-turn.page:33(page/title) +msgid "Activate/Deactivate geolocation" +msgstr "Helymeghatározás be- és kikapcsolása" -#: C/import-account.page:20(email) -msgid "peter.haslam@freenet.de" -msgstr "peter.haslam@freenet.de" +#: C/geolocation-turn.page:37(item/p) +msgid "Choose EditPreferences." +msgstr "" +"Válassza a SzerkesztésBeállítások " +"menüpontot." -#: C/import-account.page:42(title) -msgid "Import an existing account" -msgstr "Meglévő fiók importálása" +#: C/geolocation-turn.page:42(item/p) +msgid "Select the Location tab." +msgstr "Válassza a Hely lapot." -#: C/import-account.page:44(p) +#: C/geolocation-turn.page:47(item/p) msgid "" -"The first time you run Empathy, it will offer to import your " -"accounts from other instant messaging applications. Currently, the only " -"supported application is Pidgin." +"Select Publish location to my contacts to activate geolocation." msgstr "" -"Az Empathy első futtatásakor felajánlja felhasználói fiókjainak " -"importálását más azonnaliüzenő alkalmazásokból. Jelenleg az egyetlen " -"támogatott ilyen alkalmazás a Pidgin." +"Jelölje be a Hely közzététele a partnereimnek négyzetet a " +"helymeghatározás aktiválásához." -#: C/import-account.page:50(p) -msgid "" -"Run Empathy for the first time. An assistant will offer you a " -"number of options to create new accounts." -msgstr "" -"Az Empathy első futtatásakor egy asszisztens számos lehetőséget " -"kínál fel új felhasználói fiókok létrehozásához." +#: C/geolocation-turn.page:50(item/p) +msgid "To deactivate geolocation, deselect it." +msgstr "A helymeghatározás kikapcsolásához törölje a négyzetet." -#: C/import-account.page:54(p) +#: C/geolocation-turn.page:55(item/p) msgid "" -"Select Yes, import my account details from and click " -"Forward." -msgstr "" -"Válassza az Igen, fiókadatok importálása ebből: lehetőséget, és " -"nyomja meg a Tovább gombot." - -#: C/import-account.page:58(p) -msgid "Select the check box next to each account you wish to import." +"To increase the accuracy of your position, deselect Reduce location " +"accuracy." msgstr "" -"Válassza ki az egyes importálni kívánt fiókok melletti jelölőnégyzeteket." +"A földrajzi hely pontosságának növeléséhez törölje a Hely pontosságának " +"csökkentése négyzetet." -#: C/import-account.page:66(p) +#: C/geolocation-turn.page:61(item/p) msgid "" -"It is not currently possible to import accounts after you have completed the " -"first-run assistant." +"If you have an external device like a GPS or want to send a more accurate " +"position, select the appropriate option in the Location sources " +"section." msgstr "" -"Jelenleg nincs lehetőség fiókok importálására az első futtatáskor megjelenő " -"asszisztens bezárása után." +"Ha rendelkezik külső eszközzel, például GPS-szel, vagy pontosabb helyet " +"szeretne küldeni, akkor válassza ki a megfelelő lehetőséget a " +"Helyforrások szakaszban." -#: C/hide-contacts.page:8(desc) -msgid "Hide the offline contacts from your Contact List." -msgstr "A kilépett partnerek elrejtése a Partnerlistáról." +#: C/geolocation-what-is.page:9(info/desc) +msgid "Understanding geolocation." +msgstr "A helymeghatározás bemutatása." -#: C/hide-contacts.page:19(title) -msgid "Hide offline contacts" -msgstr "Kilépett partnerek elrejtése" +#: C/geolocation-what-is.page:33(page/title) +msgid "What is geolocation" +msgstr "Mi az a helymeghatározás" -#: C/hide-contacts.page:21(p) +#: C/geolocation-what-is.page:35(page/p) msgid "" -"Normally, Empathy shows all your contacts: those that are online, " -"with which you can have a conversation, and also those that are offline." +"Geolocation allows you to identify the real geographical location of a " +"computer or a device connected to the Internet." msgstr "" -"Általában az Empathy megjeleníti az összes partnert: az " -"elérhetőket, akikkel társalgást kezdhet, és a kilépetteket is." +"A helymeghatározás lehetővé teszi egy internetre csatlakozó számítógép vagy " +"eszköz valódi földrajzi helyét." -#: C/hide-contacts.page:25(p) -msgid "To hide the contacts that are offline:" -msgstr "A kilépett partnerek elrejtése:" +#: C/geolocation-what-is.page:37(page/p) +msgid "With geolocation in Empathy you can:" +msgstr "Az Empathy helymeghatározása segítségével:" + +#: C/geolocation-what-is.page:42(item/p) +msgid "Publish your geographical location to your contacts." +msgstr "Közzéteheti földrajzi helyét partnerei számára." + +#: C/geolocation-what-is.page:47(item/p) +msgid "See your contacts’ geographical location and quickly contact them." +msgstr "Láthatja partnerei földrajzi helyét." -#: C/hide-contacts.page:31(p) +#: C/geolocation-what-is.page:52(item/p) msgid "" -"From the Contact List window, choose ViewOffline Contacts, or press CtrlH." +"Set the accuracy of your location and the device used to discover your " +"location." msgstr "" -"A Partnerlista ablakban válassza a NézetKilépett partnerek menüpontot, vagy nyomja meg a " -"CtrlH billentyűkombinációt." +"Beállíthatja a földrajzi hely és a hely meghatározására használt eszköz " +"pontosságát." -#: C/hide-contacts.page:36(p) -msgid "To show the offline contacts again, repeat the same procedure above." +#: C/geolocation-what-is.page:60(note/p) +msgid "" +"In order to see your contacts’ geographical locations, they need to use a " +"service and an application that supports geolocation." msgstr "" -"A kilépett partnerek ismételt megjelenítéséhez ismételje meg a fenti " -"eljárást." +"A partnerei földrajzi helyének megjelenítéséhez partnereinek " +"helymeghatározást támogató szolgáltatást és alkalmazást kell használniuk." -#: C/group-conversations.page:8(desc) +#: C/group-conversations.page:8(info/desc) msgid "Start or join a group conversation with your contacts." msgstr "Csoportos társalgás indítása partnereivel, vagy csatlakozás egyhez" -#: C/group-conversations.page:34(title) +#: C/group-conversations.page:34(page/title) msgid "Group conversations" msgstr "Csoportos társalgások" -#: C/group-conversations.page:36(p) +#: C/group-conversations.page:36(page/p) msgid "" "Group conversations permits you to have text conversations with more than " "one contact at the same time." @@ -1858,7 +1811,7 @@ "A csoportos társalgások lehetővé teszik a szöveges társalgást egyszerre több " "partnerrel." -#: C/group-conversations.page:40(p) +#: C/group-conversations.page:40(page/p) msgid "" "To have a group conversation you need to have a registered account with " "either Jabber or Google Talk, or a People Nearby account." @@ -1866,7 +1819,7 @@ "Csoportos társalgáshoz regisztrált Jabber, Google Talk vagy Közeli emberek " "fiókkal kell rendelkeznie." -#: C/group-conversations.page:46(p) +#: C/group-conversations.page:46(note/p) msgid "" "You can have a group conversation only with the contacts that are using the " "same service as yours." @@ -1874,11 +1827,20 @@ "Csak az Ön által is használt szolgáltatást használó partnerekkel folytathat " "csoportos társalgást." -#: C/group-conversations.page:54(title) +#: C/group-conversations.page:54(section/title) msgid "Start a group conversation" msgstr "Csoportos társalgás indítása" -#: C/group-conversations.page:63(p) +#: C/group-conversations.page:58(item/p) +#: C/group-conversations.page:122(item/p) C/irc-join-room.page:39(item/p) +msgid "" +"From the Contact List window, choose RoomJoin." +msgstr "" +"A Partnerlista ablakban válassza a SzobaCsatlakozás menüpontot." + +#: C/group-conversations.page:63(item/p) msgid "" "From the Account drop-down list, select the account you want to " "use for the group conversation." @@ -1886,7 +1848,7 @@ "A Felhasználói fiók legördülő listában válassza ki a csoportos " "társalgáshoz használandó fiókot." -#: C/group-conversations.page:69(p) +#: C/group-conversations.page:69(item/p) msgid "" "In the Server text box, type the name of server in which the " "conversation will be hosted." @@ -1894,17 +1856,17 @@ "A Kiszolgáló szövegmezőbe írja be a kiszolgáló nevét, amelyen a " "társalgás helyet kap." -#: C/group-conversations.page:73(p) +#: C/group-conversations.page:73(item/p) msgid "Leave it empty if it will be on the current server." msgstr "Üresen hagyva az aktuális kiszolgáló lesz használatban." -#: C/group-conversations.page:78(p) +#: C/group-conversations.page:78(item/p) msgid "" "In the Room text box, type the name you want to give to the " "conversation." msgstr "A Szoba szövegmezőbe írja be a társalgásnak adandó nevet." -#: C/group-conversations.page:82(p) +#: C/group-conversations.page:82(note/p) msgid "" "This will be the name of the room you are going to have a conversation. This " "name will be publicly available for other people to join. It is not possible " @@ -1914,7 +1876,7 @@ "elérhető lesz mások számára, és szabadon csatlakozhatnak. Privát szoba " "létrehozása nem lehetséges." -#: C/group-conversations.page:90(p) +#: C/group-conversations.page:90(item/p) msgid "" "To invite other contacts to join the group conversation, from the " "Contact List window, select the contact you want to invite, and " @@ -1924,13 +1886,13 @@ "más partnerek meghívásához a csoportos társalgásba, és tegye a következők " "egyikét:" -#: C/group-conversations.page:97(p) +#: C/group-conversations.page:97(item/p) msgid "Right-click on the contact and choose Invite to chatroom." msgstr "" "Kattintson a jobb egérgombbal a partnerre, és válassza a Meghívás " "csevegőszobába menüpontot." -#: C/group-conversations.page:102(p) +#: C/group-conversations.page:102(item/p) msgid "" "Choose EditContactInvite to chatroom." @@ -1938,7 +1900,7 @@ "Válassza a SzerkesztésPartnerMeghívás " "csevegőszobába menüpontot." -#: C/group-conversations.page:107(p) +#: C/group-conversations.page:107(item/p) msgid "" "If you have more than one group conversation open, select the one you want " "to invite your contacts." @@ -1946,21 +1908,21 @@ "Ha több csoportos társalgás is meg van nyitva, akkor válassza ki azt, " "amelyikbe meg szeretné hívni partnereit." -#: C/group-conversations.page:118(title) +#: C/group-conversations.page:118(section/title) msgid "Join a group conversation" msgstr "Csatlakozás csoportos társalgáshoz" -#: C/group-conversations.page:128(p) +#: C/group-conversations.page:128(item/p) msgid "Expand the Room List section to see all the existing rooms." msgstr "" "Nyissa ki a Szobalista fejezetet az összes létező szoba " "megjelenítéséhez." -#: C/group-conversations.page:133(p) +#: C/group-conversations.page:133(item/p) msgid "Double-click on the name of a room to join it." msgstr "Kattintson duplán a szoba nevére a belépéshez." -#: C/group-conversations.page:139(p) +#: C/group-conversations.page:139(section/p) msgid "" "It is not possible to join all existing rooms. Some of the rooms might " "require a password, or might be invitation only. Empathy does not " @@ -1970,1491 +1932,1809 @@ "kérhetnek, vagy csak meghívással lehetnek láthatók. Az Empathy " "nem támogatja az ilyen szobákat." -#: C/geolocation-what-is.page:9(desc) -msgid "Understanding geolocation." -msgstr "A helymeghatározás bemutatása." +#: C/hide-contacts.page:8(info/desc) +msgid "Hide the offline contacts from your Contact List." +msgstr "A kilépett partnerek elrejtése a Partnerlistáról." -#: C/geolocation-what-is.page:33(title) -msgid "What is geolocation" -msgstr "Mi az a helymeghatározás" +#: C/hide-contacts.page:19(page/title) +msgid "Hide offline contacts" +msgstr "Kilépett partnerek elrejtése" -#: C/geolocation-what-is.page:35(p) +#: C/hide-contacts.page:21(page/p) msgid "" -"Geolocation allows you to identify the real geographical location of a " -"computer or a device connected to the Internet." +"Normally, Empathy shows all your contacts: those that are online, " +"with which you can have a conversation, and also those that are offline." msgstr "" -"A helymeghatározás lehetővé teszi egy internetre csatlakozó számítógép vagy " -"eszköz valódi földrajzi helyét." - -#: C/geolocation-what-is.page:37(p) -msgid "With geolocation in Empathy you can:" -msgstr "Az Empathy helymeghatározása segítségével:" - -#: C/geolocation-what-is.page:42(p) -msgid "Publish your geographical location to your contacts." -msgstr "Közzéteheti földrajzi helyét partnerei számára." +"Általában az Empathy megjeleníti az összes partnert: az " +"elérhetőket, akikkel társalgást kezdhet, és a kilépetteket is." -#: C/geolocation-what-is.page:47(p) -msgid "See your contacts’ geographical location and quickly contact them." -msgstr "Láthatja partnerei földrajzi helyét." +#: C/hide-contacts.page:25(page/p) +msgid "To hide the contacts that are offline:" +msgstr "A kilépett partnerek elrejtése:" -#: C/geolocation-what-is.page:52(p) -msgid "" -"Set the accuracy of your location and the device used to discover your " -"location." +#: C/hide-contacts.page:31(item/p) +#| msgid "" +#| "From the Contact List window, choose ViewOffline Contacts, or press CtrlH." +msgid "" +"From the Contact List window, choose View " +"Offline Contacts, or press Ctrl " +"H." msgstr "" -"Beállíthatja a földrajzi hely és a hely meghatározására használt eszköz " -"pontosságát." +"A Partnerlista ablakban válassza a NézetKilépett partnerek menüpontot, vagy nyomja meg a " +"CtrlH billentyűkombinációt." -#: C/geolocation-what-is.page:60(p) -msgid "" -"In order to see your contacts’ geographical locations, they need to use a " -"service and an application that supports geolocation." +#: C/hide-contacts.page:36(item/p) +msgid "To show the offline contacts again, repeat the same procedure above." msgstr "" -"A partnerei földrajzi helyének megjelenítéséhez partnereinek " -"helymeghatározást támogató szolgáltatást és alkalmazást kell használniuk." - -#: C/geolocation-turn.page:9(desc) -msgid "How to activate and deactivate geolocation in Empathy." -msgstr "Helymeghatározás be- és kikapcsolása Empathyban." +"A kilépett partnerek ismételt megjelenítéséhez ismételje meg a fenti " +"eljárást." -#: C/geolocation-turn.page:33(title) -msgid "Activate/Deactivate geolocation" -msgstr "Helymeghatározás be- és kikapcsolása" +#: C/import-account.page:10(info/desc) +msgid "Import an account from another instant messaging application." +msgstr "Felhasználói fiók importálása másik azonnaliüzenő alkalmazásból." -#: C/geolocation-turn.page:37(p) -msgid "Choose EditPreferences." -msgstr "" -"Válassza a SzerkesztésBeállítások " -"menüpontot." +#: C/import-account.page:19(credit/name) +msgid "Peter Haslam" +msgstr "Peter Haslam" -#: C/geolocation-turn.page:42(p) -msgid "Select the Location tab." -msgstr "Válassza a Hely lapot." +#: C/import-account.page:42(page/title) +msgid "Import an existing account" +msgstr "Meglévő fiók importálása" -#: C/geolocation-turn.page:47(p) +#: C/import-account.page:44(page/p) msgid "" -"Select Publish location to my contacts to activate geolocation." +"The first time you run Empathy, it will offer to import your " +"accounts from other instant messaging applications. Currently, the only " +"supported application is Pidgin." msgstr "" -"Jelölje be a Hely közzététele a partnereimnek négyzetet a " -"helymeghatározás aktiválásához." - -#: C/geolocation-turn.page:50(p) -msgid "To deactivate geolocation, deselect it." -msgstr "A helymeghatározás kikapcsolásához törölje a négyzetet." +"Az Empathy első futtatásakor felajánlja felhasználói fiókjainak " +"importálását más azonnaliüzenő alkalmazásokból. Jelenleg az egyetlen " +"támogatott ilyen alkalmazás a Pidgin." -#: C/geolocation-turn.page:55(p) +#: C/import-account.page:50(item/p) msgid "" -"To increase the accuracy of your position, deselect Reduce location " -"accuracy." +"Run Empathy for the first time. An assistant will offer you a " +"number of options to create new accounts." msgstr "" -"A földrajzi hely pontosságának növeléséhez törölje a Hely pontosságának " -"csökkentése négyzetet." +"Az Empathy első futtatásakor egy asszisztens számos lehetőséget " +"kínál fel új felhasználói fiókok létrehozásához." -#: C/geolocation-turn.page:61(p) +#: C/import-account.page:54(item/p) msgid "" -"If you have an external device like a GPS or want to send a more accurate " -"position, select the appropriate option in the Location sources " -"section." +"Select Yes, import my account details from and click " +"Forward." msgstr "" -"Ha rendelkezik külső eszközzel, például GPS-szel, vagy pontosabb helyet " -"szeretne küldeni, akkor válassza ki a megfelelő lehetőséget a " -"Helyforrások szakaszban." - -#: C/geolocation-supported.page:7(desc) -msgid "Services that supports geolocation and compatibility." -msgstr "A helymeghatározást támogató szolgáltatások és kompatibilitás." - -#: C/geolocation-supported.page:31(title) -msgid "Supported services" -msgstr "Támogatott szolgáltatások" +"Válassza az Igen, fiókadatok importálása ebből: lehetőséget, és " +"nyomja meg a Tovább gombot." -#: C/geolocation-supported.page:33(p) -msgid "" -"The geolocation feature at the moment is compatible only with the Jabber " -"service. In order to use it, you and your contacts need to have a Jabber " -"account." +#: C/import-account.page:58(item/p) +msgid "Select the check box next to each account you wish to import." msgstr "" -"Jelenleg a helymeghatározási szolgáltatás csak a Jabber szolgáltatással " -"kompatibilis. Használatához Önnek és partnereinek is Jabber fiókot kell " -"használniuk." +"Válassza ki az egyes importálni kívánt fiókok melletti jelölőnégyzeteket." -#: C/geolocation-supported.page:39(p) +#: C/import-account.page:66(note/p) msgid "" -"It is necessary that also the server you are using supports the geolocation " -"feature. Most of the Jabber servers support it. See your service website " -"documentation for more information." +"It is not currently possible to import accounts after you have completed the " +"first-run assistant." msgstr "" -"Az Ön által használt kiszolgálónak is támogatnia kell a helymeghatározási " -"szolgáltatást. A legtöbb Jabber kiszolgáló támogatja. További információkért " -"nézze meg a szolgáltatás webhelyének dokumentációját." - -#: C/geolocation-supported.page:47(title) -msgid "Compatibility" -msgstr "Kompatibilitás" +"Jelenleg nincs lehetőség fiókok importálására az első futtatáskor megjelenő " +"asszisztens bezárása után." -#: C/geolocation-supported.page:49(p) +#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When +#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to +#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to +#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. +#: C/introduction.page:41(media) +#| msgid "" +#| "@@image: 'figures/empathy-main-window.png'; " +#| "md5=54908dcb2588beddb15ef0968d2c2582" +msgctxt "_" msgid "" -"Empathy geolocation feature is not compatible with other " -"geographical position services such as Google Latitude, Yahoo " -"Fire Eagle or Brightkite." +"external ref='figures/empathy-main-window.png' " +"md5='54908dcb2588beddb15ef0968d2c2582'" msgstr "" -"Az Empathy helymeghatározási szolgáltatása nem kompatibilis más " -"helymeghatározási szolgáltatásokkal, mint például a Google Latitude, Yahoo Fire Eagle vagy Brightkite." +"external ref='figures/empathy-main-window.png' " +"md5='54908dcb2588beddb15ef0968d2c2582'" -#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:8(desc) -msgid "What information are sent and to who." -msgstr "Milyen információk kerülnek elküldésre és kinek." - -#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:32(title) -msgid "Geolocation Privacy" -msgstr "Helymeghatározás és adatvédelem" +#: C/introduction.page:9(info/desc) +msgid "Introduction to the Empathy instant messenger." +msgstr "Az Empathy üzenetküldő bemutatása." -#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:35(title) -msgid "What information is sent" -msgstr "Milyen információk kerülnek elküldésre" +#: C/introduction.page:21(page/title) +msgid "Introduction" +msgstr "Bevezetés" -#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:36(p) +#: C/introduction.page:23(page/p) msgid "" -"What is possible to send is: your country, region, locality, area, street, " -"building, floor, room, and postal code, longitude, latitude and altitude, " -"speed and bearing." +"Empathy is an instant messaging application for the GNOME " +"Desktop. It supports text messaging, voice & video calls, file " +"transfers, and all the most used messaging systems such as MSN and Google " +"Talk." msgstr "" -"A következők elküldése lehetséges: ország, régió, helység, terület, utca, " -"épület, emelet, szoba, irányítószám, hosszúság, szélesség, magasság, " -"sebesség és irány." +"Az Empathy egy üzenetküldő alkalmazás a GNOME asztali " +"környezethez. Támogatja a szöveges üzenetküldést, hang- és videohívásokat, " +"fájlátvitelt és a legtöbbet használt üzenetküldő rendszereket, mint az MSN " +"és a Google Talk." -#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:40(p) +#: C/introduction.page:28(page/p) msgid "" -"The accuracy and the quantity of information about your geographical " -"position are based on the software or on the infrastructure used to discover " -"your position." +"Empathy includes features that help you better collaborate while " +"at work, and that let you easily keep in touch with your friends." msgstr "" -"A földrajzi helyével kapcsolatos információk pontossága és mennyisége a " -"szoftveren, vagy a helymeghatározásra használt infrastruktúrán alapul." +"Az Empathy szolgáltatásai segítik a jobb együttműködést " +"munkahelyén, és lehetővé teszik a kapcsolattartást barátaival." -#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:44(p) +#: C/introduction.page:32(page/p) msgid "" -"Different kind of networks may have different accuracy settings, and may " -"send different information. The use of external devices such as GPS or " -"mobile phone will increase the accuracy of the information sent." +"Using Empathy, you can group all the conversations in a single " +"window, have multiple windows for different kind of conversations, easily " +"search through your previous conversations, and share your desktop in just " +"two clicks." msgstr "" -"A különböző hálózatok különböző pontossági beállításokkal rendelkezhetnek, " -"és különböző információkat küldhetnek. A külső eszközök, például GPS vagy " -"mobiltelefonok használata növeli az elküldött információk pontosságát." +"Az Empathy segítségével összes társalgását egyetlen ablakba " +"csoportosíthatja, több ablakban tarthatja a különböző társalgásokat, " +"egyszerűen kereshet a korábbi társalgásokban, és két kattintással " +"megoszthatja asztalát." -#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:49(p) -msgid "" -"When the privacy mode is enabled, nothing more precise than your city will " -"be sent, even if you are using an external device." -msgstr "" -"Az adatvédelmi módot bekapcsolva a városnál pontosabb információ nem kerül " -"elküldésre, még ha külső eszközt is használ." +#: C/introduction.page:39(figure/title) +msgid "Contact List window" +msgstr "Partnerlista ablak" -#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:56(title) -msgid "Who can see the information sent" -msgstr "Ki láthatja az elküldött információkat" +#: C/introduction.page:40(figure/desc) +msgid "Empathy main window" +msgstr "Az Empathy főablaka" -#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:57(p) -msgid "Only your contacts can see your geographical position." -msgstr "Csak partnerei láthatják az Ön földrajzi helyzetét." +#: C/introduction.page:42(media/p) +msgid "Empathy main window." +msgstr "Az Empathy főablaka." -#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:63(title) -msgid "What is the privacy mode" -msgstr "Mi az adatvédelmi mód" +#: C/irc-commands.page:7(info/desc) +msgid "The supported IRC commands." +msgstr "A támogatott IRC-parancsok." -#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:64(p) +#: C/irc-commands.page:18(page/title) +msgid "Supported IRC commands" +msgstr "Támogatott IRC-parancsok" + +#: C/irc-commands.page:19(page/p) msgid "" -"The privacy mode, enabled by default, is a reduced accuracy mode that will " -"decrease the accuracy of the geographical position sent to your contacts." +"To see the list of the supported IRC commands, in a chat room type /" +"help and press Enter." msgstr "" -"Az alapértelmezésben engedélyezett adatvédelmi mód egy csökkentett " -"pontosságú mód, amely csökkenti a partnereinek küldött földrajzi hely " -"pontosságát." +"A támogatott IRC-parancsok listájának megjelenítéséhez a csevegőszobában " +"írja be a /help utasítást, és nyomja meg az Enter " +"billentyűt." -#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:71(title) -msgid "Privacy overview" -msgstr "Adatvédelem áttekintése" +#: C/irc-commands.page:24(note/p) +msgid "All commands available have a small description on their usage." +msgstr "Minden elérhető parancshoz tartozik egy rövid használati utasítás." + +#: C/irc-join-pwd.page:9(info/desc) +msgid "Enter password-protected IRC chat rooms." +msgstr "Belépés jelszóval védett IRC-csevegőszobákba." -#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:72(p) +#: C/irc-join-pwd.page:25(page/title) +msgid "Join a protected IRC chat room" +msgstr "Csatlakozás védett IRC-csevegőszobához" + +#: C/irc-join-pwd.page:27(page/p) msgid "" -"Overview of the various geolocation privacy settings in Empathy." +"On some IRC networks, private IRC rooms may be protected with a password. If " +"you know the password, use the following steps to join:" msgstr "" -"Az Empathy helymeghatározással kapcsolatos adatvédelmi " -"beállításainak áttekintése." - -#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:77(p) -msgid "Geolocation is not enabled by default." -msgstr "A helymeghatározás alapértelmezésben nincs bekapcsolva." +"Egyes IRC-hálózatokon a privát IRC-szobák jelszóval védettek lehetnek. Ha " +"ismeri a jelszót, akkor tegye a következőket a csatlakozáshoz:" -#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:82(p) -msgid "Privacy mode is enabled by default." -msgstr "Az adatvédelmi mód alapértelmezésben be van kapcsolva." +#: C/irc-join-pwd.page:33(item/p) +msgid "Join the room as normal." +msgstr "" +"Csatlakozzon a szobához a szokásos módon." -#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:87(p) +#: C/irc-join-pwd.page:38(item/p) msgid "" -"Privacy mode prevails even when using external and more precise devices." +"Empathy will prompt you for a password. Enter the password for the IRC chat " +"room and click Join." msgstr "" -"Az adatvédelmi mód külső és pontosabb eszközök használata esetén is " -"bekapcsolva marad." - -#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:92(p) -msgid "Only your contacts can see your position." -msgstr "Csak partnerei láthatják földrajzi helyét." +"Az Empathy bekéri a jelszót. Adja meg az IRC-csevegőszoba jelszavát, és " +"nyomja meg a Csatlakozás gombot." -#: C/geolocation-not-showing.page:8(desc) -msgid "Empathy does not publish my geographical position." -msgstr "Az Empathy nem teszi közzé a földrajzi helyet." +#: C/irc-join-room.page:8(info/desc) +msgid "Join an IRC channel." +msgstr "Csatlakozás IRC-csatornához." -#: C/geolocation-not-showing.page:32(title) -msgid "Geographical position not published" -msgstr "A földrajzi hely nem kerül közzétételre" +#: C/irc-join-room.page:31(page/title) +msgid "Join an IRC chat room" +msgstr "Csatlakozás IRC-csevegőszobához" -#: C/geolocation-not-showing.page:34(p) +#: C/irc-join-room.page:33(page/p) msgid "" -"If your contacts cannot see your location, Empathy might not be " -"able to discover with a good margin of precision your geographical position." +"You can join IRC chat rooms (also known as IRC channels) on any IRC network " +"you’re connected to. To connect to an IRC network, see and ." msgstr "" -"Ha partnerei nem látják földrajzi helyét, akkor az Empathy lehet, " -"hogy nem képes elégséges pontossággal meghatározni azt." +"Az IRC-csevegőszobákba (IRC-csatornákra) bármely IRC-hálózaton beléphet, " +"amelyhez csatlakozva van. Az IRC-hálózatokhoz való csatlakozással " +"kapcsolatban lásd az és témákat." -#: C/geolocation-not-showing.page:38(p) +#: C/irc-join-room.page:45(item/p) msgid "" -"In this case, your position will not be published, but you are still able to " -"see the location of your contacts." +"From the Account drop-down list, select the IRC account that " +"corresponds to the network you want to use." msgstr "" -"Ebben az esetben az Ön földrajzi helye nem kerül közzétételre, de partnerei " -"helyét továbbra is látni fogja." +"A Felhasználói fiók legördülő listában válassza ki a használni " +"kívánt hálózatnak megfelelő IRC-fiókot." -#: C/geolocation-not-showing.page:42(p) +#: C/irc-join-room.page:51(item/p) msgid "" -"If you want to publish your geographical position, you can try to use an " -"external device such as a GPS." +"In the Room text box, type the name of the channel you want to " +"join. IRC channel names start with the hash character (#)." msgstr "" -"Ha közzé szeretné tenni földrajzi helyét, akkor megpróbálhat külső eszközt, " -"például GPS-t használni." +"A Szoba szövegmezőbe írja be a csatorna nevét, amelyhez " +"csatlakozni kíván. Az IRC-csatornák neve a kettős kereszt karakterrel " +"(#) kezdődik." -#: C/geolocation-not-showing.page:48(p) +#: C/irc-join-room.page:57(item/p) +msgid "Click Join to enter the room." +msgstr "Nyomja meg a Csatlakozás gombot a szobába való belépéshez." + +#: C/irc-join-room.page:64(note/p) msgid "" -"In order to publish your geographical location, your Jabber server needs to " -"support the Personal Eventing Protocal (PEP). A list of servers which support " -"PEP is maintained online. Google Talk does not support this feature " -"at this time." +"To join multiple rooms, you need to repeat the steps above for each room." msgstr "" -"Földrajzi helyének közzétételéhez az Ön által használt Jabber kiszolgálónak " -"támogatnia kell a PEP specifikációt. A PEP-et támogató kiszolgálók " -"listája online elérhető. A Google Talk jelenleg nem támogatja ezt a " -"szolgáltatást." +"Több szobához is csatlakozhat, minden szobához megismételve a fenti " +"lépéseket." -#: C/geolocation.page:8(desc) -msgid "Use and understand geolocation in Empathy." -msgstr "A helymeghatározás megismerése és használata az Empathyban." +#: C/irc-manage.page:9(info/desc) +msgid "How to use IRC with Empathy." +msgstr "IRC használata az Empathyval." -#: C/geolocation.page:32(title) -msgid "Geographical position" -msgstr "Földrajzi hely" +#: C/irc-manage.page:34(page/title) +msgid "Internet Relay Chat (IRC)" +msgstr "Interneten továbbított csevegés (IRC)" -#: C/geolocation.page:35(title) -msgid "Geolocation" -msgstr "Helymeghatározás" +#: C/irc-manage.page:41(when/p) +msgid "" +"Install telepathy-idle" +msgstr "" +"A " +"telepathy-idle telepítése" -#: C/geolocation.page:39(title) -msgid "Fix common problems" -msgstr "Gyakori problémák javítása" +#: C/irc-manage.page:48(info/title) +#| msgid "IRC Chat Rooms and Conversations" +msgctxt "link" +msgid "IRC Chat Rooms and Conversations" +msgstr "IRC-csevegőszobák és társalgások" -#: C/favorite-rooms.page:10(desc) -msgid "Set, join and manage favorite rooms." -msgstr "Kedvenc szobák beállítása, kezelése és csatlakozás azokhoz." +#: C/irc-manage.page:50(section/title) +msgid "Chat Rooms and Conversations" +msgstr "Csevegőszobák és társalgások" -#: C/favorite-rooms.page:29(title) -msgid "Favorite rooms" -msgstr "Kedvenc szobák" +#: C/irc-manage.page:55(info/title) +#| msgid "Common IRC Problems" +msgctxt "link" +msgid "Common IRC Problems" +msgstr "Gyakori IRC-problémák" -#: C/favorite-rooms.page:32(title) -msgid "Set a room as a favorite" -msgstr "Szoba beállítása kedvencként" +#: C/irc-nick-password.page:10(info/desc) +msgid "Protect your nickname to prevent other IRC users from using it." +msgstr "Védje meg becenevét, hogy más IRC-felhasználók ne használhassák azt." -#: C/favorite-rooms.page:35(p) -msgid "Join a room." -msgstr "Csatlakozás szobához." +#: C/irc-nick-password.page:33(page/title) +msgid "Use a nickname password on IRC" +msgstr "Jelszó használata IRC becenévhez" -#: C/favorite-rooms.page:40(p) +#: C/irc-nick-password.page:35(page/p) msgid "" -"See for more information on how to join an " -"IRC room." +"On some IRC networks, you can register your nickname with a service called " +"NickServ. By sending special messages to NickServ, you can set your password " +"and identify yourself. Some IRC chat rooms may not allow you to join without " +"a registered nickname." msgstr "" -"IRC-szobához csatlakozással kapcsolatos további információkért lásd a oldalt." +"Egyes IRC-hálózatokon lehetősége van becenevének regisztrálására a NickServ " +"nevű szolgáltatásnál. A NickServnek küldött speciális üzenetekkel " +"beállíthatja jelszavát, és azonosíthatja magát. Egyes IRC-csevegőszobák nem " +"engedik belépni regisztrált becenév nélkül." -#: C/favorite-rooms.page:46(p) +#: C/irc-nick-password.page:40(page/p) msgid "" -"See for more information on how to " -"start or join a group conversation." +"Empathy does not currently support nickname registration. Some " +"IRC networks, however, will automatically forward a server password " +"to NickServ. On these networks, you can use the IRC password in " +"Empathy to identify yourself to NickServ. The popular freenode " +"network is known to have this feature." msgstr "" -"Csoportos társalgáshoz csatlakozással kapcsolatos további információkért " -"lásd a oldalt." +"Az Empathy jelenleg nem támogatja a becenév regisztrálását. Egyes " +"IRC-hálózatok azonban automatikusan továbbítanak egy kiszolgálójelszót a NickServnek. Ezeken a hálózatokon az IRC-jelszavát az Empathy segítségével használhatja azonosításra a NickServ felé. A népszerű " +"FreeNode hálózat rendelkezik ezzel a szolgáltatással." -#: C/favorite-rooms.page:54(p) -msgid "" -"From the conversation window, choose ConversationFavorite Chat Room." -msgstr "" -"A társalgás ablakban válassza a TársalgásKedvenc " -"csevegőszoba menüpontot." +#: C/irc-nick-password.page:46(page/p) +msgid "To set an IRC server password:" +msgstr "IRC-kiszolgálójelszó beállítása:" -#: C/favorite-rooms.page:63(title) -msgid "Join favorite rooms" -msgstr "Belépés kedvenc szobákba" +#: C/irc-nick-password.page:54(item/p) +msgid "Select the IRC account from the list on the left of the dialog." +msgstr "Válassza ki az IRC-fiókot az ablak bal oldalán lévő listából." -#: C/favorite-rooms.page:71(p) -msgid "Press F5." -msgstr "Nyomja meg az F5 billentyűt." +#: C/irc-nick-password.page:57(item/p) +msgid "" +"In the Password field, type the password you used to register " +"your nikcname." +msgstr "" +"A Jelszó mezőben írja be a beceneve regisztrálásához használt " +"jelszót." -#: C/favorite-rooms.page:76(p) +#: C/irc-nick-password.page:69(note/p) msgid "" -"Choose RoomJoin Favorites, to join " -"all your favorite rooms." +"These instructions only allow you to use a password-protected nickname on " +"certain IRC networks. It is not currently possible to register an IRC " +"nickname or change your nickname password using Empathy." msgstr "" -"Válassza a SzobaCsatlakozás a kedvencekhez menüpontot az összes kedvenc szobába való belépéshez." +"Ezek az utasítások csak bizonyos IRC-hálózatokon teszik lehetővé jelszóval " +"védett becenév használatát. Jelenleg az Empathy használatával nem " +"lehet IRC-becenevet regisztrálni, vagy a becenév jelszavát módosítani." -#: C/favorite-rooms.page:82(p) -msgid "Choose Room, and select the favorite room you want to join." +#: C/irc-send-file.page:9(info/desc) +msgid "Empathy does not currently support sending files using IRC." msgstr "" -"Válassza a Szoba menüpontot, majd a kedvenc szobát, amelybe be " -"szeretne lépni." +"Az Empathy jelenleg nem támogatja a fájlküldést IRC használatával." + +#: C/irc-send-file.page:31(page/title) +msgid "Send files over IRC" +msgstr "Fájlok küldése IRC használatával." + +#: C/irc-send-file.page:33(page/p) +msgid "It is not currently possible to send files using IRC." +msgstr "Jelenleg nem lehetséges a fájlok küldése IRC használatával." + +#: C/irc-start-conversation.page:8(info/desc) +msgid "Start a conversation with an IRC contact." +msgstr "Társalgás kezdése IRC-partnerrel." + +#: C/irc-start-conversation.page:30(page/title) +msgid "Chat with somebody on IRC" +msgstr "Csevegjen IRC-n" -#: C/favorite-rooms.page:90(p) +#: C/irc-start-conversation.page:32(page/p) msgid "" -"To join a favorite room, you need to be connected to the Internet and to " -"your account." +"You can hold private conversations with other IRC users, outside of the " +"public IRC chat rooms. To start a conversation with another IRC user:" msgstr "" -"Kedvenc szobába való belépéshez csatlakozva kell lennie az internethez és " -"fiókjához." - -#: C/favorite-rooms.page:98(title) -msgid "Manage favorite rooms" -msgstr "Kedvenc szobák kezelése" +"Személyes társalgást folytathat más IRC-felhasználókkal a nyilvános IRC-" +"csevegőszobákon kívül. Társalgás kezdeményezéséhez egy másik IRC-" +"felhasználóval:" -#: C/favorite-rooms.page:101(p) +#: C/irc-start-conversation.page:37(item/p) msgid "" -"From the Contact List window, choose RoomManage Favorites." +"In the contact list for an IRC chat room, double click the name of the user " +"you want to chat with. Alternatively, right click the name of the user and " +"choose Chat." msgstr "" -"A Partnerlista ablakban válassza a SzobaKedvencek kezelése menüpontot." +"Egy IRC-csevegőszoba partnerlistájában kattintson duplán a felhasználó " +"nevére, akivel csevegni szeretne. Ezen kívül rákattinthat a jobb egérgombbal " +"is a felhasználó nevére, és kiválaszthatja a Csevegés menüpontot." -#: C/favorite-rooms.page:107(p) +#: C/irc-start-conversation.page:45(item/p) msgid "" -"From the Account drop-down list, select the account you want to " -"manage the favorite rooms of." +"The IRC room contact list is not the same as Empathy contact " +"list. It contains a list of users in the IRC chat room you joined. Different " +"rooms can have different contacts listed." msgstr "" -"A Felhasználói fiók legördülő listából válassza ki azt a fiókot, " -"amelynek kedvenc szobáit módosítani szeretné." +"Az IRC-szoba partnerlistája nem azonos az Empathy " +"partnerlistájával. Ez az adott IRC-szoba felhasználóinak listáját " +"tartalmazza. A különböző szobákban különböző partnerek vannak felsorolva." -#: C/favorite-rooms.page:111(p) -msgid "Select All to see all you favorite rooms." +#: C/irc-start-conversation.page:52(item/p) +msgid "" +"The IRC room contact list is usually on the right side of the IRC room " +"window. If you do not see it, choose ConversationShow Contact List." msgstr "" -"Válassza az Összes lehetőséget az összes kedvenc szoba " -"megjelenítéséhez." +"Az IRC-szoba partnerlistája általában az IRC-szoba ablakának jobb oldalán " +"van. Ha nem látja, akkor válassza a TársalgásPartnerlista megjelenítése menüpontot." -#: C/favorite-rooms.page:116(p) -msgid "Select the favorite room you want to manage:" -msgstr "Válassza ki a kezelni kívánt kedvenc szobát:" +#: C/license.page:8(info/desc) +msgid "Legal information." +msgstr "Jogi információk." + +#: C/license.page:11(page/title) +msgid "License" +msgstr "Licenc" -#: C/favorite-rooms.page:121(p) +#: C/license.page:12(page/p) msgid "" -"Select the Auto-Connect check-box in order to automatically join " -"that room when you connect to your account." +"This work is distributed under a CreativeCommons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 " +"Unported license." msgstr "" -"Jelölje be az Automatikus kapcsolódás négyzetet a szobába való " -"automatikus belépéshez a fiókjához kapcsolódáskor." +"Ez a mű a CreativeCommons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported licenc " +"feltételei szerint terjeszthető." -#: C/favorite-rooms.page:127(p) -msgid "Click on Remove to remove the room from your favorites." -msgstr "" -"Kattintson az Eltávolítás gombra a szoba eltávolításához " -"kedvencei közül." +#: C/license.page:20(page/p) +msgid "You are free:" +msgstr "Jogodban áll:" -#: C/favorite-rooms.page:134(p) -msgid "When done, click Close." -msgstr "Ha befejezte, nyomja meg a Bezárás gombot." +#: C/license.page:25(item/title) +#| msgid "To share" +msgid "To share" +msgstr "Megosztani" -#: C/disable-account.page:9(desc) -msgid "Prevent Empathy from automatically logging in to an account." -msgstr "" -"A fiókba való automatikus bejelentkezés megtiltása az Empathynak." +#: C/license.page:26(item/p) +msgid "To copy, distribute and transmit the work." +msgstr "Másolni, terjeszteni és továbbítani a művet." -#: C/disable-account.page:39(title) -msgid "Disable an account" -msgstr "Fiók letiltása" +#: C/license.page:29(item/title) +#| msgid "To remix" +msgid "To remix" +msgstr "Feldolgozni" -#: C/disable-account.page:41(p) -msgid "" -"You can disable an account to prevent Empathy from logging in to " -"it without removing the account entirely. You may wish to disable and re-" -"enable an account if you only want to be logged in to the account at certain " -"times, but you still want to use Empathy for other accounts." -msgstr "" -"A fiókok letilthatók, ekkor az Empathy nem fog bejelentkezni, de " -"a fiók sem kerül eltávolításra. Bizonyos helyzetekben szükség lehet a fiók " -"letiltására és újraengedélyezésére, ha csak néha szeretne bejelentkezni a " -"fiókba, de más fiókokhoz továbbra is az Empathyt szeretné " -"használni." +#: C/license.page:30(item/p) +msgid "To adapt the work." +msgstr "Módosítani a művet." + +#: C/license.page:33(page/p) +msgid "Under the following conditions:" +msgstr "A következő feltételek szerint:" + +#: C/license.page:38(item/title) +#| msgid "Attribution" +msgid "Attribution" +msgstr "Nevezd meg!" -#: C/disable-account.page:52(p) +#: C/license.page:39(item/p) msgid "" -"Select the account you wish to disable from the accounts list on the left " -"side of the window." +"You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or " +"licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use " +"of the work)." msgstr "" -"Az ablak bal oldalán lévő fióklistában válassza ki a letiltani kívánt fiókot." +"A szerző vagy a jogosult által meghatározott módon fel kell tüntetned a " +"műhöz kapcsolódó információkat (pl. a szerző nevét vagy álnevét, a Mű címét)." -#: C/disable-account.page:56(p) +#: C/license.page:46(item/title) +#| msgid "Share Alike" +msgid "Share Alike" +msgstr "Így add tovább!" + +#: C/license.page:47(item/p) msgid "" -"Deselect Enabled on the right side of the " -"window." +"If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the " +"resulting work only under the same, similar or a compatible license." msgstr "" -"Törölje az Engedélyezve négyzetet az ablak " -"jobb oldalán." +"Ha megváltoztatod, átalakítod, feldolgozod ezt a művet, az így létrejött " +"alkotást csak a jelenlegivel megegyező licenc alatt terjesztheted." -#: C/disable-account.page:62(p) +#: C/license.page:53(page/p) msgid "" -"To re-enable the account, simply select Enabled." +"For the full text of the license, see the CreativeCommons website, or read the full Commons Deed." msgstr "" -"Fiók újraengedélyezéséhez csak válassza ki az Engedélyezve négyzetet." +"A licenc teljes szövegéért lásd a CreativeCommons weboldalát, vagy a " +"teljes Commons " +"összefoglalót." -#: C/create-account.page:9(desc) -msgid "Register for an account with one of the supported messaging services." -msgstr "Fiók regisztrálása valamelyik támogatott üzenetküldő szolgáltatással." +#: C/link-contacts.page:11(info/desc) +msgid "Merge and separate different contacts into a single one." +msgstr "Különböző partnerek egyesítése és szétválasztása" -#: C/create-account.page:34(title) -msgid "Register for a new account" -msgstr "Új fiók regisztrálása" +#: C/link-contacts.page:25(page/title) +msgid "Combine and separate contacts" +msgstr "Partnerek egyesítése és szétválasztása" -#: C/create-account.page:36(p) +#: C/link-contacts.page:26(page/p) msgid "" -"Most account types require you to create an account with a account provider " -"before you can connect using instant messaging applications like " -"Empathy. With some account providers, you can use Empathy to register for a new account, using the same steps as you would to " -"add an account." +"If one, or more, of your contacts has multiple accounts with different " +"messaging services, you can combine these contacts into a single one." msgstr "" -"A legtöbb fióktípus megköveteli fiók létrehozását egy szolgáltatónál ahhoz, " -"hogy az Empathyhoz hasonló azonnaliüzenő alkalmazásokkal " -"csatlakozhatna. Egyes szolgáltatók esetén használhatja az Empathyt új fiók regisztrálására, a fiók " -"hozzáadásánál használt lépéseket követve." +"Ha egy partnere több fiókkal is rendelkezik különböző szolgáltatóknál, akkor " +"ezeket a partnerbejegyzéseket egyesítheti." -#: C/create-account.page:42(p) +#: C/link-contacts.page:30(page/p) msgid "" -"This page provides information on creating a new account for various types " -"of accounts. Your account provider should give you a login ID and a " -"password, as well as any additional information you need to connect using " -"Empathy." +"The resulting contact is called a meta-contact: a contact composed " +"from different single contacts." msgstr "" -"Ez az oldal új fiók létrehozásával kapcsolatos információkat biztosít " -"különböző fióktípusokhoz. A szolgáltatónak meg kell adnia a bejelentkezési " -"azonosítót és jelszót, valamint az Empathy használatával való " -"csatlakozáshoz esetleg szükséges további információkat." - -#: C/create-account.page:47(title) -msgid "Facebook" -msgstr "Facebook" +"Az eredményül kapott partnert metapartnernek hívjuk: ez egy több " +"önálló partnerbejegyzésből álló partner." -#: C/create-account.page:48(p) +#: C/link-contacts.page:34(page/p) msgid "" -"Facebook is one of the most-used social networks. It allows users to create " -"their own profile and to communicate with their friends." +"If you have a Jane Smith contact that is using three different messaging " +"services like:" msgstr "" -"A Facebook az egyik legtöbbet használt közösségi hálózat. Segítségével a " -"felhasználók saját profilt hozhatnak létre, és kommunikálhatnak barátaikkal." +"Ha rendelkezik egy Kovács Erzsébet nevű partnerrel, aki három különböző " +"üzenetküldő szolgáltatást használ:" -#: C/create-account.page:52(p) -msgid "" -"To use Facebook to communicate with your friends, you will need to create a " -"new account from the website: www." -"facebook.com." +#: C/link-contacts.page:40(item/p) +msgid "janes@facebook" +msgstr "ekovacs@facebook" + +#: C/link-contacts.page:45(item/p) +msgid "jane.smith@gmail" +msgstr "erzsebet.kovacs@gmail" + +#: C/link-contacts.page:50(item/p) +msgid "jane_smith@hotmail" +msgstr "erzsebet_kovacs@hotmail" + +#: C/link-contacts.page:55(page/p) +msgid "You can combine these contacts into a single Jane Smith one." msgstr "" -"A Facebook használatához a www." -"facebook.com weboldalon kell létrehoznia egy új fiókot." +"Ezeket a partnerbejegyzéseket egyetlen Kovács Erzsébet bejegyzéssé " +"egyesítheti." -#: C/create-account.page:60(title) C/audio-video.page:170(p) -msgid "Jabber" -msgstr "Jabber" +#: C/link-contacts.page:60(section/title) +msgid "Combining contacts" +msgstr "Partnerek egyesítése" -#: C/create-account.page:62(p) +#: C/link-contacts.page:63(item/p) msgid "" -"Jabber is an open instant messaging system. Like email, Jabber allows you to " -"choose your account provider and communicate with all other Jabber users, " -"regardless of their account provider." +"From the Contact List window, right-click one of the contact that " +"has different accounts, and select Link Contacts...." msgstr "" -"A Jabber egy nyílt azonnaliüzenő-rendszer. Az e-mailhez hasonlóan a Jabber " -"lehetővé teszi a szolgáltató megválasztását, és az összes Jabber " -"felhasználóval való kommunikációt a szolgáltatótól függetlenül." +"A Partnerlista ablakban kattintson a jobb egérgombbal a különböző " +"fiókokkal rendelkező partnerére, és válassza a Partnerek összekapcsolása… menüpontot." -#: C/create-account.page:66(p) +#: C/link-contacts.page:70(item/p) msgid "" -"You will need to create a new account with a Jabber provider. There are many " -"free providers; one popular provider is Jabber.org." +"From the left pane in the Link Contacts window, select the " +"contacts you want to combine." msgstr "" -"Egy Jabber szolgáltatónál létre kell hoznia az új fiókot. Számos ingyenes " -"szolgáltató van, az egyik népszerű a Jabber.org." +"A Partnerek összekapcsolása ablak bal oldalán válassza ki az " +"egyesíteni kívánt partnereket." + +#: C/link-contacts.page:76(item/p) +msgid "Click Link." +msgstr "Nyomja meg az Összekapcsolás gombot." -#: C/create-account.page:71(p) +#: C/link-contacts.page:82(note/p) msgid "" -"If you use Google Mail or Google Talk, you already have a Jabber account. " -"Google Talk is a Jabber service. Simply use your Google Mail address and " -"password in Empathy to connect." +"When a meta-contact has been created, the default contact that will be used " +"to have a conversation with when you double-click on it, is the contact with " +"the highest presence on-line." msgstr "" -"Ha a Google Mail vagy a Google Talk szolgáltatást használja, akkor már van " -"Jabber fiókja. A Google Talk egy Jabber szolgáltatás. Google Mail címét és " -"jelszavát használhatja az Empathyban a kapcsolódáshoz." +"Metapartner létrehozása esetén az alapértelmezett partner, amellyel dupla " +"kattintással társalgást kezdeményez, a leghosszabb online jelenléttel " +"rendelkező partnerbejegyzés lesz." -#: C/create-account.page:78(title) C/audio-video.page:190(p) -msgid "People Nearby" -msgstr "Közeli emberek" +#: C/link-contacts.page:91(section/title) +msgid "Separating contacts" +msgstr "Metapartnerek szétválasztása" -#: C/create-account.page:80(p) +#: C/link-contacts.page:94(item/p) msgid "" -"You do not need to create an account with a service provider to use this " -"feature. This service works whenever you are connected to a local network, " -"such as a wireless hotspot. It automatically finds all other users on the " -"network who are also using this service." +"From the Contact List, right-click the contact to separate, and " +"select Link Contacts...." msgstr "" -"Ezen szolgáltatás használatához nem szükséges fiókot létrehoznia egy " -"szolgáltatónál. A szolgáltatás akkor működik, amikor helyi hálózathoz, " -"például vezeték nélküli hotspothoz kapcsolódik, és képes automatikusan " -"megtalálni a szolgáltatás többi felhasználóját az adott hálózaton." +"A Partnerlistában kattintson a jobb egérgombbal a szétválasztani " +"kívánt metapartnerre, és válassza a Partnerek " +"összekapcsolása menüpontot." -#: C/create-account.page:85(p) -msgid "For more information, see ." -msgstr "További információkért lásd a oldalt." +#: C/link-contacts.page:100(item/p) +msgid "Click Unlink." +msgstr "Nyomja meg a Szétválasztás gombot." -#: C/create-account.page:89(title) C/audio-video.page:205(p) -msgid "SIP" -msgstr "SIP" +#: C/prev-conv.page:8(info/desc) +msgid "Browse or search your previous conversations." +msgstr "Böngéssze korábbi társalgásait, vagy keressen bennük." -#: C/create-account.page:91(p) -msgid "" -"SIP is an open system which allows users to have audio and video " -"conversations over the Internet. You need to create an account with a SIP " -"provider. You can communicate with all other SIP users, regardless of which " -"SIP provider they use." -msgstr "" -"A SIP egy nyílt rendszer, amely lehetővé teszi felhasználóinak hang- és " -"videohívások bonyolítását az interneten. Létre kell hoznia egy fiókot egy " -"SIP-szolgáltatónál. Az összes SIP-felhasználóval kommunikálhat, függetlenül " -"az általuk használt szolgáltatótól." +#: C/prev-conv.page:36(page/title) +msgid "View previous conversations" +msgstr "Korábbi társalgások megjelenítése" -#: C/create-account.page:97(p) +#: C/prev-conv.page:38(page/p) msgid "" -"Due to technical differences, the free Ekiga.net service does not currently work " -"with Empathy." +"Empathy automatically saves all your text conversations you have " +"with your contacts. You can search through all of " +"your previous conversations or browse previous " +"conversations by contact and date." msgstr "" -"Technikai nehézségek miatt az ingyenes Ekiga.net szolgáltatás jelenleg nem működik " -"az Empathyval." +"Az Empathy automatikusan menti az összes szöveges társalgását " +"partnereivel. Lehetősége van keresni az összes " +"korábbi társalgásában, vagy partner és dátum szerint böngészni a korábbi társalgásokat." -#: C/create-account.page:102(p) +#: C/prev-conv.page:46(note/p) msgid "" -"Some SIP providers allow you to call normal phones from your computer. " -"Generally, you will need to subscribe to a paid service for this feature." +"You do not need to be connected to the Internet to view and search your " +"previous conversations." msgstr "" -"Egyes SIP-szolgáltatók lehetővé teszik normál telefonok hívását a " -"számítógépéről. Az ilyen szolgáltatásra általában elő kell fizetni." +"A korábbi társalgások megjelenítéséhez és az azokban való kereséshez nem " +"kell az internethez kapcsolódni." -#: C/create-account.page:107(title) C/audio-video.page:165(p) -msgid "IRC" -msgstr "IRC" +#: C/prev-conv.page:53(section/title) +msgid "Search previous conversations" +msgstr "Keresés korábbi társalgásokban" -#: C/create-account.page:109(p) +#: C/prev-conv.page:55(section/p) msgid "" -"You do not need to register for an account to use IRC. Although you specify " -"a nickname when you add an IRC account to Empathy, this nickname " -"is only established each time you connect. If another user is using the " -"nickname, you will need to choose a new nickname." -msgstr "" -"Az IRC használatához nem kell fiókot regisztrálni. Noha meg kell adnia egy " -"becenevet az IRC-fiók felvételekor az Empathyba, ez a becenév " -"csak az egyes csatlakozásokkor jön létre. Ha másik felhasználó használja a " -"becenevet, akkor újat kell választania." +"You can perform a full-text search through all of your previous " +"conversations." +msgstr "Teljes szöveges keresést végezhet minden korábbi társalgásban." -#: C/create-account.page:114(p) -msgid "" -"Some IRC networks use a service called NickServ to allow users to protect " -"their nicknames. See for more information." +#: C/prev-conv.page:59(item/p) C/prev-conv.page:87(item/p) +#| msgid "" +#| "From the Contact List window, choose ViewPrevious Conversations. Alternatively, press " +#| "F3." +msgid "" +"From the Contact List window, choose View " +"Previous Conversations. Alternatively, press F3." msgstr "" -"Egyes IRC-hálózatok egy NickServ nevű szolgáltatást használnak, amely " -"lehetővé teszi felhasználóiknak beceneveik megvédését. További " -"információkért lásd a oldalt." +"A Partnerlista ablakban válassza a NézetKorábbi társalgások menüpontot. Az F3 " +"billentyűt is megnyomhatja." -#: C/create-account.page:117(p) +#: C/prev-conv.page:63(item/p) +#| msgid "" +#| "Select an account from the drop-down list in the top left. A list of " +#| "contacts and chat room for that account will be shown below." msgid "" -"Some IRC servers are password protected. You will need to know the password " -"to connect to these servers. Generally, these are private IRC networks." +"Select an account from the drop-down list in the top. A list of contacts and " +"chat room for that account will be shown below." msgstr "" -"Egyes IRC-kiszolgálók jelszóval védettek. Az ilyen kiszolgálókhoz " -"csatlakozáskor ismernie kell a jelszót. Ezek általában privát IRC-hálózatok." +"Válassza ki a fiókot a felső legördülő listából. A fiókhoz tartozó " +"partnerek és csevegőszobák listája alul megjelenik." -#: C/create-account.page:122(title) -msgid "Proprietary Services" -msgstr "Zárt szolgáltatások" +#: C/prev-conv.page:67(item/p) +msgid "" +"Type the text you want to search for in the Search text field." +msgstr "A Keresés mezőbe írja be a keresendő szöveget." -#: C/create-account.page:124(p) +#: C/prev-conv.page:71(item/p) +#| msgid "" +#| "Any conversations that matched your search terms will be shown in the " +#| "list below the search field. By default, conversations are ordered by " +#| "date." msgid "" -"There are many proprietary instant messaging services that have been " -"developed by different companies or organizations. Empathy allows " -"you to connect to an existing account for most popular services. To create a " -"new account with one of these services, you will need to visit the service’s " -"web site and agree to its terms of use." +"Any conversations that matched your search terms will be shown. By default, " +"conversations are ordered by date." msgstr "" -"Számos zárt azonnaliüzenő-szolgáltatást fejlesztettek különböző cégek és " -"szervezetek. Az Empathy lehetővé teszi a kapcsolódást meglévő " -"fiókjával a legnépszerűbb szolgáltatásokhoz. Új fiók létrehozásához fel kell " -"keresnie a szolgáltató weboldalát, és el kell fogadnia a felhasználási " -"feltételeket." +"Megjelennek azok a társalgások, amelyekben megtalálható a " +"keresőkifejezés. A társalgások alapértelmezésben dátum szerint vannak " +"rendezve." -#: C/create-account.page:133(link) C/audio-video.page:135(p) -msgid "AIM" -msgstr "AIM" +#: C/prev-conv.page:80(section/title) +msgid "Browse previous conversations" +msgstr "Korábbi társalgások tallózása" -#: C/create-account.page:138(link) C/audio-video.page:160(p) -msgid "ICQ" -msgstr "ICQ" +#: C/prev-conv.page:82(section/p) +msgid "" +"You can browse your previous conversations with your contacts or in chat " +"rooms by date." +msgstr "" +"A partnereivel vagy a csevegőszobákban folytatott korábbi társalgásokat " +"dátum szerint tallózhatja." -#: C/create-account.page:143(link) C/audio-video.page:175(p) -msgid "MSN" -msgstr "MSN" +#: C/prev-conv.page:91(item/p) +msgid "" +"Select an account from the drop-down list in the top left. A list of " +"contacts and chat room for that account will be shown below." +msgstr "" +"Válassza ki a fiókot a bal felső legördülő listából. A fiókhoz tartozó " +"partnerek és csevegőszobák listája alul megjelenik." -#: C/create-account.page:148(link) C/audio-video.page:210(p) -msgid "Yahoo!" -msgstr "Yahoo!" +#: C/prev-conv.page:95(item/p) +msgid "" +"Select a contact or chat room to view your previous conversations from. By " +"default the most recent conversation will be shown." +msgstr "" +"Válassza ki a partnert vagy csevegőszobát a korábbi társalgások " +"megjelenítéséhez. Alapértelmezésben a legújabb társalgás jelenik meg." -#: C/change-status.page:9(desc) -msgid "Change your status to advertise your availability to your contacts." +#: C/prev-conv.page:99(item/p) +msgid "" +"You can browse your conversations by date. Days on which you had a " +"conversation with the selected contact will be shown in bold text. Click a " +"date to select it. Click the arrows next to the month and year to browse " +"earlier dates." msgstr "" -"Módosítsa állapotát elérhetőségének közzétételéhez a partnerei számára." +"A társalgásokat dátum szerint böngészheti. Azok a napok, amelyeken a " +"kiválasztott partnerrel társalgást folytatott, félkövéren jelennek meg. " +"Kattintson a dátumra a kiválasztásához. Kattintson a hónap és az év melletti " +"nyilakra a korábbi dátumok böngészéséhez." -#: C/change-status.page:34(title) -msgid "Change your status" -msgstr "Módosítsa állapotát" +#: C/prev-conv.page:105(section/p) +#| msgid "" +#| "You can search for text in the displayed conversation by typing into the " +#| "search field at the top. The matching text will be highlighted." +msgid "" +"You can search for text in the conversations by typing into the search field " +"at the top. The matching conversations will be showed." +msgstr "" +"A társalgásokban a felső keresőmezőbe gépelve kereshet szöveget. Ezután az " +"illeszkedő társalgások megjelennek." -#: C/change-status.page:36(p) +#: C/prev-conv.page:111(note/p) +#| msgid "" +#| "You can quickly view the previous conversations with one of your contacts " +#| "from the Contact List window. Simply right click the contact " +#| "and choose View Previous Conversations. The Previous " +#| "Conversations window will open with that contact already selected." msgid "" -"You can set your status to indicate your availability to your contacts. " -"Empathy allows you to select from a list of defined statuses." +"You can quickly view the previous conversations with one of your contacts " +"from the Contact List window. Simply right click the contact and " +"choose Previous Conversations. The Previous Conversations window will open with that contact already selected." msgstr "" -"Beállíthatja állapotát az elérhetőségének jelzéséhez partnerei felé. Az " -"Empathy lehetővé teszi a mentett állapotok listából való " -"kiválasztását." +"A Partnerlista ablakból gyorsan megjelenítheti az egyes " +"partnereivel folytatott korábbi társalgásait. Csak kattintson a jobb " +"egérgombbal a partnerre, és válassza a Korábbi társalgások " +"menüpontot. Megnyílik a Korábbi társalgások ablak, és az adott " +"partner lesz kiválasztva." -#: C/change-status.page:41(p) +#: C/prob-conn-acctdisabled.page:7(info/desc) msgid "" -"Click on the drop-down list at the top of the Contact List window." +"The instant messaging account that you want to use is not enabled in the " +"list of accounts." msgstr "" -"Kattintson a Partnerlista ablak tetején lévő legördülő listára." +"A használni kívánt azonnaliüzenő-fiókja nincs engedélyezve a fióklistában." -#: C/change-status.page:46(p) -msgid "Select a status from the list." -msgstr "Válasszon egy állapotot a listából." +#: C/prob-conn-acctdisabled.page:34(page/title) +msgid "My account is not enabled" +msgstr "A fiókom nincs engedélyezve" -#: C/change-status.page:52(p) +#: C/prob-conn-acctdisabled.page:36(page/p) msgid "" -"See for a list of the built-in statuses and " -"what they mean. You can also add custom " -"status messages to provide more information about your availability " -"to your contacts." +"If the instant messaging account that you want to use is not enabled in the " +"drop-down account list when you try to start a new conversation or join a " +"room, your account details may not be correct." msgstr "" -"A beépített állapotok listájával és jelentésével kapcsolatban lásd az oldalt. Felvehet egyéni állapotüzeneteket további információk közléséhez " -"partnereivel az elérhetőségéről." +"Ha a használni kívánt azonnaliüzenő-fiók nincs engedélyezve a legördülő " +"fióklistában, amikor új társalgást akar kezdeni vagy be akar lépni egy " +"csevegőszobába, akkor a fiók adatai hibásak lehetnek." -#: C/change-status.page:58(p) +#: C/prob-conn-acctdisabled.page:44(item/p) C/prob-conn-auth.page:45(item/p) +#: C/prob-conn-neterror.page:53(item/p) msgid "" -"If you do not use your computer for a while, or if the screensaver is on, " -"the status will be automatically set to Away." +"Make sure that you are connected to the Internet, or to a local area network." msgstr "" -"Ha egy ideig nem használja a számítógépet, vagy a képernyővédő bekapcsol, az " -"állapot automatikusan „Távol” lesz." +"Győződjön meg róla, hogy csatlakozik az internethez vagy helyi hálózathoz." -#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you. -#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all. -#: C/audio-video.page:58(None) +#: C/prob-conn-acctdisabled.page:49(item/p) msgid "" -"@@image: 'figures/audio-input-microphone.png'; " -"md5=8d89026b66a263a3bc5b1f0665948567" +"Choose EditAccounts and select the " +"account that is not working." msgstr "" -"@@image: 'figures/audio-input-microphone.png'; " -"md5=8d89026b66a263a3bc5b1f0665948567" +"Válassza a SzerkesztésFiókok " +"menüpontot, majd a nem működő fiókot." -#: C/audio-video.page:8(desc) +#: C/prob-conn-acctdisabled.page:55(item/p) C/prob-conn-auth.page:63(item/p) msgid "" -"Information on when it is possible to have an audio or video conversation." -msgstr "Információk arról, hogy mikor kezdhet hang- vagy videohívást." - -#: C/audio-video.page:32(title) -msgid "Audio and video support" -msgstr "Hang- és videotámogatás" +"Type your username and password again to make sure that they are correct." +msgstr "" +"Írja be újra felhasználónevét és jelszavát, így ellenőrizve hogy nem gépelte " +"el azokat." -#: C/audio-video.page:34(p) +#: C/prob-conn-acctdisabled.page:60(item/p) +#: C/prob-conn-neterror.page:64(item/p) msgid "" -"You can only have audio and video conversation with contacts who are using " -"an application which also supports this feature. When your contacts support " -"audio or video conversations, you will see the following icons next to their " -"names in the contact list:" +"Check in the Advanced section that all the details are correct. " +"You should be able to find these details from the website of the messaging " +"service." msgstr "" -"Csak olyan partnerekkel folytathat hang- és videohívást, akik maguk is ezt a " -"szolgáltatást támogató klienst használnak. Ha a partner kliense támogatja a " -"hang- vagy videohívást, akkor a partnerlistában a neve mellett a következő " -"ikont láthatja:" - -#: C/audio-video.page:43(p) -msgid "Icon" -msgstr "Ikon" - -#: C/audio-video.page:48(p) -msgid "Description" -msgstr "Leírás" - -#: C/audio-video.page:58(media) -msgid "Icon for audio conversation" -msgstr "Hanghívások ikonja" +"Ellenőrizze a Speciális szakaszban, hogy minden adat helyes-e. " +"Ezeket az adatokat az üzenetküldő szolgáltatás weboldalán találhatja meg." -#: C/audio-video.page:64(p) -msgid "The contact is able to have an audio conversation." -msgstr "A partner képes hanghívás fogadására." +#: C/prob-conn-acctdisabled.page:66(item/p) +msgid "Check that the account is switched on." +msgstr "Ellenőrizze, hogy a fiók be van-e kapcsolva." -#: C/audio-video.page:70(media) -msgid "Icon for video conversation" -msgstr "Videohívások ikonja" +#: C/prob-conn-auth.page:8(info/desc) +msgid "" +"An error message which says “Authentication failed” appears in " +"the main window." +msgstr "" +"A főablakban az „A hitelesítés meghiúsult” üzenet jelenik meg." -#: C/audio-video.page:76(p) -msgid "The contact is able to have a video conversation." -msgstr "A partner képes videohívás fogadására." +#: C/prob-conn-auth.page:36(page/title) +msgid "I get a message that says “Authentication failed”" +msgstr "Az „A hitelesítés meghiúsult” üzenetet kapom" -#: C/audio-video.page:83(p) +#: C/prob-conn-auth.page:38(page/p) msgid "" -"In order to have an audio conversation, you need to have a sound card that " -"is supported by your operating system, and a working microphone." +"This kind of error happens when your instant messaging service is not " +"allowing you to connect because it does not recognize your username or " +"password for some reason." msgstr "" -"Hanghíváshoz az operációs rendszer által támogatott hangkártyára, és működő " -"mikrofonra van szüksége." +"Ez a hiba akkor következik be, ha az azonnaliüzenő-szolgáltatás nem " +"engedélyezi a csatlakozást, mert valamiért nem ismeri fel az Ön " +"felhasználónevét vagy jelszavát." -#: C/audio-video.page:87(p) +#: C/prob-conn-auth.page:50(item/p) msgid "" -"In order to have a video conversation, you need to have a webcam that is " -"supported by your operating system, and a working microphone." +"Make sure that you have registered an account with the service you are " +"trying to connect to. If you do not have an account, most services will not " +"allow you to connect." msgstr "" -"Videohíváshoz az operációs rendszer által támogatott webkamerára, és működő " -"mikrofonra van szüksége." - -#: C/audio-video.page:95(title) -msgid "Supported Account Types" -msgstr "Támogatott fióktípusok" +"Győződjön meg róla, hogy már regisztrált fiókot annál a szolgáltatásnál, " +"amelyhez csatlakozni próbál. Ha nincs fiókja, a legtöbb szolgáltatás nem " +"engedélyezi a csatlakozást." -#: C/audio-video.page:97(p) +#: C/prob-conn-auth.page:57(item/p) C/prob-conn-name.page:43(item/p) +#: C/prob-conn-neterror.page:58(item/p) msgid "" -"You can only have audio and video conversations using accounts on certain " -"supported services. The following table lists whether audio and video is " -"supported for each type of account." +"Click the edit icon in the error message." msgstr "" -"Csak bizonyos támogatott szolgáltatások fiókjainak használatakor van " -"lehetősége hang- és videohívásokra. A következő táblázat felsorolja, hogy a " -"hang és videó támogatott-e az egyes fióktípusokban." +"Kattintson a hibaüzenetben a Szerkesztés ikonra." -#: C/audio-video.page:102(p) +#: C/prob-conn-auth.page:68(item/p) msgid "" -"Account types are provided by plugins. Your system may not have all of the " -"following types available, or it may have types not listed here. Updated " -"plugins may make audio or video conversations possible on account types that " -"are listed as unsupported here." +"Deselect the Enabled, and then select it again to try to " +"reconnect to the service." msgstr "" -"A fióktípusokat bővítmények biztosítják. Rendszerén lehet, hogy a következő " -"típusok nem mindegyike érhető el, de rendelkezhet itt fel nem sorolt " -"típusokkal is. A frissített bővítmények lehetővé tehetik a hang- és " -"videohívásokat az itt nem támogatottként felsorolt fióktípusokkal." +"Törölje az Engedélyezett jelölését, majd jelölje be újra a " +"szolgáltatáshoz való ismételt csatlakozás megpróbálásához." -#: C/audio-video.page:110(p) -msgid "" -"I'd like to do tables like this using nothing for No and ✔ for Yes, but we " -"need to look at the accessibility impact. I've asked the " -"accessibility team for input." -msgstr "" -"I'd like to do tables like this using nothing for No and ✔ for Yes, but we " -"need to look at the accessibility impact. I've asked the " -"accessibility team for input." - -#: C/audio-video.page:118(p) -msgid "" -"There's recent work on telepathy-butterfly and papyon to support audio and " -"video for MSN. It might be released in time for 2.28, but since it doesn't " -"follow the Gnome release schedule, I can't be sure. If it looks like it's " -"going to ship, let's mark it Yes." -msgstr "" -"There's recent work on telepathy-butterfly and papyon to support audio and " -"video for MSN. It might be released in time for 2.28, but since it doesn't " -"follow the Gnome release schedule, I can't be sure. If it looks like it's " -"going to ship, let's mark it Yes." +#: C/prob-conn-name.page:9(info/title) +#| msgid "“Name in use”" +msgctxt "link:error-msg" +msgid "“Name in use”" +msgstr "„A név használatban”" -#: C/audio-video.page:128(p) -msgid "Service" -msgstr "Szolgáltatás" +#: C/prob-conn-name.page:10(info/desc) +msgid "" +"An error message which says “Name in use” appears in the main " +"window." +msgstr "A főablakban az „A név használatban” üzenet jelenik meg." -#: C/audio-video.page:129(p) -msgid "Audio" -msgstr "Hang" +#: C/prob-conn-name.page:33(page/title) +msgid "I get a message that says “Name in use”" +msgstr "Az „A név használatban” üzenetet kapom" -#: C/audio-video.page:130(p) -msgid "Video" -msgstr "Videó" +#: C/prob-conn-name.page:35(page/p) +msgid "" +"This kind of error happens when you try to connect to your IRC account and " +"you are using a nickname that is already being used by someone else on that " +"particular network." +msgstr "" +"Ez a hiba akkor következik be, ha az IRC-fiókjához próbál csatlakozni, és " +"olyan becenevet használ, amit az adott hálózaton már valaki más használ." -#: C/audio-video.page:136(p) C/audio-video.page:137(p) -#: C/audio-video.page:141(p) C/audio-video.page:142(p) -#: C/audio-video.page:146(p) C/audio-video.page:147(p) -#: C/audio-video.page:156(p) C/audio-video.page:157(p) -#: C/audio-video.page:161(p) C/audio-video.page:162(p) -#: C/audio-video.page:166(p) C/audio-video.page:167(p) -#: C/audio-video.page:181(p) C/audio-video.page:182(p) -#: C/audio-video.page:186(p) C/audio-video.page:187(p) -#: C/audio-video.page:191(p) C/audio-video.page:192(p) -#: C/audio-video.page:196(p) C/audio-video.page:197(p) -#: C/audio-video.page:201(p) C/audio-video.page:202(p) -#: C/audio-video.page:211(p) C/audio-video.page:212(p) -#: C/audio-video.page:216(p) C/audio-video.page:217(p) -msgid "No" -msgstr "Nem" +#: C/prob-conn-name.page:51(item/p) +msgid "In the Nickname text box, type a new nickname." +msgstr "A Becenév szövegdobozban adjon meg egy új becenevet." -#: C/audio-video.page:140(p) -msgid "Facebook Chat" -msgstr "Facebook csevegés" +#: C/prob-conn-name.page:56(item/p) +msgid "" +"If you have registered that nickname within the network you are using, set " +"the password for that nickname. For more information, see ." +msgstr "" +"Ha regisztrálta a becenevet az éppen használt hálózaton, akkor adja meg a " +"jelszót az adott becenévhez. További információkért lásd a részt." -#: C/audio-video.page:145(p) -msgid "gadugadu" -msgstr "Gadu-Gadu" +#: C/prob-conn-name.page:65(item/p) C/prob-conn-neterror.page:79(item/p) +#| msgid "" +#| "Deselect the Enabled, and then select it again to try to " +#| "reconnect to the service." +msgid "" +"Switch the account off, and then switch it on to try to reconnect to the " +"service." +msgstr "" +"Kapcsolja ki, majd újra be a fiókot a szolgáltatáshoz való ismételt " +"csatlakozás megpróbálásához." -#: C/audio-video.page:150(p) -msgid "Google Talk" -msgstr "Google Talk" +#: C/prob-conn-neterror.page:7(info/desc) +msgid "" +"An error message which says “Network error” appears in the main " +"window." +msgstr "A főablakban a „Hálózati hiba” üzenet jelenik meg." -#: C/audio-video.page:151(p) C/audio-video.page:152(p) -#: C/audio-video.page:171(p) C/audio-video.page:172(p) -#: C/audio-video.page:176(p) C/audio-video.page:177(p) -#: C/audio-video.page:206(p) C/audio-video.page:207(p) -msgid "Yes" -msgstr "Igen" +#: C/prob-conn-neterror.page:34(page/title) +msgid "I get a message that says “Network error”" +msgstr "A „Hálózati hiba” üzenetet kapom" -#: C/audio-video.page:155(p) -msgid "Groupwise" -msgstr "Groupwise" +#: C/prob-conn-neterror.page:42(page/p) +msgid "" +"This kind of error happens when Empathy cannot communicate with " +"the instant messaging service for some reason." +msgstr "" +"Ez a hiba akkor következik be, ha az Empathy valamilyen okból nem " +"tud kommunikálni az azonnaliüzenő-szolgáltatással." -#: C/audio-video.page:180(p) -msgid "myspace" -msgstr "MySpace" +#: C/prob-conn-neterror.page:46(page/p) +msgid "" +"Also, this kind of error happens when you try to use an IRC account without " +"setting a nickname." +msgstr "" +"Ez a hiba következik be akkor is, ha becenév megadása nélkül próbál IRC-" +"fiókot használni." -#: C/audio-video.page:185(p) -msgid "qq" -msgstr "QQ" +#: C/prob-conn-neterror.page:87(section/title) +msgid "Proxy support" +msgstr "Proxytámogatás" -#: C/audio-video.page:195(p) -msgid "sametime" -msgstr "Sametime" +#: C/prob-conn-neterror.page:88(section/p) +msgid "" +"At the moment Empathy can not be configured to work with a proxy." +msgstr "" +"Jelenleg az Empathy nem állítható be proxyval való használatra." -#: C/audio-video.page:200(p) -msgid "silc" -msgstr "Silc" +#: C/prob-conn.page:7(info/desc) +msgid "Diagnose common problems connecting to an instant messaging service." +msgstr "" +"Üzenetküldő-szolgáltatásokhoz való kapcsolódás általános problémáinak " +"felismerése." -#: C/audio-video.page:215(p) -msgid "zephyr" -msgstr "Zephyr" +#: C/prob-conn.page:29(page/title) +msgid "Problems connecting to an instant messaging service" +msgstr "Azonnaliüzenet-küldő szolgáltatásokhoz kapcsolódás problémái" -#: C/audio-call.page:9(desc) -msgid "Call your contacts over the Internet." -msgstr "Hívja fel partnereit az interneten." +#: C/remove-account.page:8(info/desc) +msgid "Completely remove an account from Empathy." +msgstr "Fiók teljes eltávolítása az Empathyból." -#: C/audio-call.page:27(title) -msgid "Start an audio conversation" -msgstr "Hanghívás kezdeményezése" +#: C/remove-account.page:34(page/title) +msgid "Remove an account" +msgstr "Fiók eltávolítása" -#: C/audio-call.page:29(p) +#: C/remove-account.page:36(page/p) msgid "" -"You can call your contacts and have an audio conversation with them. This " -"features only works with certain types of accounts, and it requires the " -"other person to have an application that supports audio calls." +"You can completely remove an account from Empathy if you no " +"longer wish to use the account. If you wish to use the account in " +"Empathy again in the future, you will have to add your account " +"details again." msgstr "" -"Felhívhatja partnereit, és beszélgethet velük. Ez a szolgáltatás csak " -"bizonyos fióktípusokkal működik, és a másik személynek is a hanghívásokat " -"támogató alkalmazást kell használnia." +"Ha egy fiókot már nem kíván használni, teljesen eltávolíthatja azt az " +"Empathyból. Ha a fiókot később újra használni szeretné az " +"Empathyban, akkor újra meg kell adnia a fiók részleteit." -#: C/audio-call.page:34(p) +#: C/remove-account.page:47(item/p) msgid "" -"From the Contact List window, click the video call icon " -"next to the name of the contact you wish to call and choose Audio Call." +"Select the account you wish to remove from the accounts list on the left " +"side of the window." msgstr "" -"A Partnerlista ablakban kattintson a videohívás ikonra a " -"felhívni kívánt partner neve mellett, és válassza a Hanghívás lehetőséget." +"Az ablak bal oldalán válassza ki a fióklistából eltávolítani kívánt fiókot." + +#: C/remove-account.page:51(item/p) +#| msgid "Click Add." +msgid "Click -." +msgstr "Nyomja meg a - gombot." -#: C/audio-call.page:55(p) +#: C/remove-account.page:54(item/p) msgid "" -"To turn an audio conversation into a video conversation, choose VideoVideo On." +"A dialog will be shown asking for confirmation. Click the Remove " +"button to permanently remove the account." msgstr "" -"Hanghívás videohívássá változtatásához válassza a VideóVideó be menüpontot." - -#: C/audio-call.page:63(title) -msgid "Start an audio conversation with a meta-contact" -msgstr "Hanghívás indítása metapartnerrel" +"Megjelenik egy megerősítést kérő ablak. Kattintson az Eltávolítás " +"gombra a fiók végleges eltávolításához." -#: C/audio-call.page:71(p) +#: C/remove-account.page:60(note/p) msgid "" -"Select the contact you want to have the conversation, and from the menu " -"select Audio Call." +"Even after removing an account, Empathy does not delete your " +"conversation history for that account." msgstr "" -"Válassza ki a felhívni kívánt partnert, majd a menüből a Hanghívás menüpontot." +"Az Empathy még a fiók eltávolítása után sem törli a fiókhoz " +"tartozó csevegéselőzményeket." -#: C/add-contact.page:9(desc) -msgid "Add someone to the contact list." -msgstr "A partnerlista bővítése." +#: C/salut-protocol.page:8(info/desc) +msgid "Understanding the People Nearby feature." +msgstr "A Közeli emberek szolgáltatás bemutatása." -#: C/add-contact.page:33(title) -msgid "Add someone to your list of contacts" -msgstr "Egy személy felvétele a partnerlistájára" +#: C/salut-protocol.page:33(page/title) +msgid "What is People Nearby?" +msgstr "Mi az a Közeli emberek?" -#: C/add-contact.page:37(p) -msgid "Choose ChatAdd Contact." +#: C/salut-protocol.page:40(page/p) +msgid "" +"The People Nearby service is a serverless communication service: you do not " +"need to connect and authenticate to a central server in order to use it." msgstr "" -"Válassza a CsevegésPartner felvétele " -"menüpontot." +"A Közeli emberek egy kiszolgáló nélküli kommunikációs szolgáltatás: " +"használatához nincs szükség központi kiszolgálóhoz való csatlakozásra és " +"bejelentkezésre." -#: C/add-contact.page:40(p) +#: C/salut-protocol.page:45(page/p) msgid "" -"From the Account drop-down list, select the account you wish to " -"use to connect to your contact. Your contact will need to be using the same " -"service as the account you select." +"This kind of serverless messaging system is restricted to a local area " +"network and an active Internet connection is not necessary." msgstr "" -"A Felhasználói fiók legördülő listából válassza ki a " -"csatlakozáshoz használandó fiókot. A partnerének az itt kiválasztott " -"fiókéval egyező szolgáltatást kell használnia." +"Ez a fajta kiszolgáló nélküli üzenetküldő rendszer a helyi hálózatra van " +"korlátozva, és használatához nincs szükség internetkapcsolatra." -#: C/add-contact.page:45(p) +#: C/salut-protocol.page:49(page/p) msgid "" -"In the Identifier field, enter your contact’s login ID, username, " -"screen name, or other appropriate identifier for the service type." +"The people that use this service inside the same local area network will be " +"auto-discovered, and it will be possible to send them messages and files as " +"with other services." msgstr "" -"Az Azonosító mezőben adja meg partnere bejelentkezési " -"azonosítóját, felhasználónevét, becenevét, vagy a szolgáltatástípushoz " -"megfelelő egyéb azonosítóját." +"Az azonos helyi hálózaton ezt a szolgáltatást használó embereket a program " +"automatikusan megtalálja, és ugyanúgy küldhet nekik üzeneteket és fájlokat, " +"mint más szolgáltatások esetén." -#: C/add-contact.page:49(p) +#: C/salut-protocol.page:54(page/p) msgid "" -"In the Alias field, type your contact’s name as you would like it " -"to appear in your contact list." +"All the modern local area networks should be able to support this kind of " +"service." msgstr "" -"Az Álnév mezőben adja meg a partner nevét, ahogyan azt a " -"partnerlistában szeretné látni." +"Ezt a szolgáltatástípust minden korszerű helyi hálózatnak tudnia kell " +"támogatni." -#: C/add-contact.page:53(p) -msgid "Click Add to add the person to your list of contacts." +#: C/send-file.page:8(info/desc) +msgid "Send a file from your computer to one of your contacts." +msgstr "Fájl küldése a számítógépéről egy partnerének." + +#: C/send-file.page:36(page/title) +msgid "Send files" +msgstr "Fájlok küldése" + +#: C/send-file.page:45(item/p) +msgid "" +"Right click on the contact you want to send a file to, and choose Send " +"file." msgstr "" -"Kattintson a Hozzáadás gombra a személy felvételéhez a " -"partnerlistájára." +"Kattintson a jobb egérgombbal a partnerre, akinek fájlt szeretne küldeni, és " +"válassza a Fájl küldése menüpontot." -#: C/add-contact.page:61(p) +#: C/send-file.page:50(item/p) +#| msgid "" +#| "Click on the contact you want to send a file, and choose " +#| "EditContactSend file." msgid "" -"To add a new person to your list of contacts, you need to be connected to " -"the Internet and to your account." +"Click on the contact you want to send a file, and choose Edit ContactSend file." msgstr "" -"Új személy partnerlistára való felvételéhez csatlakoznia kell az internethez " -"és fiókjához." +"Kattintson a partnerre, akinek fájlt szeretne küldeni, majd válassza a " +"SzerkesztésPartnerFájl küldése menüpontot." -#: C/add-account.page:9(desc) -msgid "Add a new account to Empathy." -msgstr "Új fiók felvétele az Empathyba." +#: C/send-file.page:58(item/p) +msgid "Select the file to send, and click on Send." +msgstr "" +"Válassza ki az elküldeni kívánt fájlt, és kattintson a Küldés " +"gombra." -#: C/add-account.page:39(title) -msgid "Add a new account" -msgstr "Új fiók hozzáadása" +#: C/send-file.page:63(item/p) +msgid "The File Transfers window will appear." +msgstr "Megjelenik a Fájlátvitelek ablak." -#: C/add-account.page:41(p) +#: C/send-file.page:66(item/p) msgid "" -"You can add instant messaging accounts from any supported service to " -"communicate with all of your contacts in Empathy. For some " -"account providers, these steps will also allow you to register for a new " -"account. For more details, see ." +"Wait for your contact to accept the file transfer, or click Stop " +"to halt the transfer." msgstr "" -"Az Empathyba bármely támogatott szolgáltatás azonnaliüzenő-" -"fiókjait felveheti, hogy kommunikálhasson partnereivel. Egyes szolgáltatók " -"esetén ezekkel a lépésekkel egy új fiók regisztrálását is elvégezheti. " -"További részletekért lásd az oldalt." - -#: C/add-account.page:52(p) -msgid "Click Add." -msgstr "Nyomja meg a Hozzáadás gombot." +"Várjon, amíg partnere elfogadja a fájlátvitelt, vagy kattintson a " +"Leállítás gombra az átvitel leállításához." -#: C/add-account.page:57(p) +#: C/send-file.page:72(item/p) msgid "" -"From the Protocol drop-down list, select the type of account you " -"wish to add." +"Once the transfer is finished, it is possible to close the File " +"Transfers window." msgstr "" -"A Protokoll legördülő listából válassza ki a felvenni kívánt fiók " -"típusát." +"Az átvitel befejeződése után bezárhatja a Fájlátvitelek ablakot." -#: C/add-account.page:61(p) +#: C/send-file.page:80(note/p) msgid "" -"If you do not already have a registered account, select Create a new " -"account on the server. This feature is not available for all account " -"types, and may not work with some account providers. See for more information." +"If you have multiple finished transfers listed in the window, click on " +"Clear to empty the list. This will only remove the files from the " +"list and will not delete them from your computer." msgstr "" -"Ha még nincs regisztrált fiókja, válassza az Új fiók létrehozása a " -"kiszolgálón lehetőséget. Ez a szolgáltatás nem érhető el minden " -"fióktípushoz, és egyes szolgáltatók esetén lehet hogy nem működik. További " -"információkért lásd az oldalt." +"Ha az ablakban több befejeződött átvitel is fel van sorolva, akkor " +"kattintson a Törlés gombra a lista kiürítéséhez. Ez a fájlokat " +"csak a listából törli, a számítógépéről nem." -#: C/add-account.page:66(p) +#: C/send-file.page:87(note/p) msgid "" -"Enter the required information. For most accounts, you will only need a " -"login ID and a password. Some accounts may require additional information. " -"See for more information." +"It is possible to send files only using the following services: Jabber, Google Talk and People Nearby." msgstr "" -"Adja meg a szükséges információkat. A legtöbb fiókhoz csak egy " -"bejelentkezési azonosító és jelszó kell. Egyes fiókok további információkat " -"igényelhetnek, lásd: ." - -#: C/add-account.page:71(p) -msgid "Click Log in." -msgstr "Nyomja meg a Bejelentkezés gombot." +"Fájlok küldése csak a következő szolgáltatások használatával lehetséges: " +"Jabber, Google Talk és Közeli emberek." -#: C/add-account.page:78(p) +#: C/send-file.page:93(note/p) msgid "" -"To change the name that identifies the account in the Accounts " -"window, select the account from the list on the left and either click on the " -"name or press the space bar. Edit the account name and press Enter when you’re finished." +"In order to send a file to someone, you need to be connected to the " +"Internet, or to a local area network." msgstr "" -"A fiókot a Fiókok ablakban azonosító név módosításához válassza " -"ki a fiókot a bal oldali listából, és kattintson a nevére, vagy nyomja meg a " -"szóköz billentyűt. Módosítsa a fiók nevét, és nyomja meg az Enter " -"billentyűt ha befejezte." +"Ahhoz, hogy valakinek fájlt tudjon küldeni, csatlakoznia kell az " +"internethez, vagy helyi hálózathoz." -#: C/accounts-window.page:11(desc) -msgid "Add, modify, and delete accounts." -msgstr "Fiókok hozzáadása, módosítása és törlése." +#: C/send-message.page:8(info/desc) +msgid "Send a message to one of your contacts." +msgstr "Üzenet küldése egyik partnerének." -#: C/accounts-window.page:33(title) -msgid "Accounts Window" -msgstr "Fiókok ablak" +#: C/send-message.page:32(page/title) +msgid "Send a message to someone" +msgstr "Üzenetek küldése" -#: C/accounts-window.page:35(p) +#: C/send-message.page:36(item/p) msgid "" -"The Accounts window allows you to add, modify, and delete " -"accounts." +"From the Contact List window, double-click the name of the " +"contact that you want to have a conversation with." msgstr "" -"A Fiókok ablak lehetővé teszi fiókok hozzáadását, módosítását és " -"törlését." +"A Partnerlista ablakban kattintson duplán azon partner nevére, " +"akivel csevegni szeretne." -#: C/accounts-window.page:43(title) -msgid "Account Details" -msgstr "Fiók részletei" +#: C/send-message.page:42(item/p) +msgid "" +"A new window will open. Type a message into the box at the bottom of the " +"window and press Enter to send it." +msgstr "" +"Megnyílik egy új ablak. Írja be az üzenetet az ablak alján lévő " +"szövegmezőbe, és nyomja meg az Enter billentyűt az elküldéséhez." + +#: C/send-message.page:50(section/title) +msgid "Send a message to a meta-contact" +msgstr "Üzenet küldése metapartnernek" -#: C/accounts-window.page:44(p) +#: C/send-message.page:58(item/p) msgid "" -"For most types of accounts, you can simply enter a login ID and a password. " -"Certain accounts or account types, however, may require additional " -"information." +"Select the contact you want to have the conversation, and from the menu " +"select Chat." msgstr "" -"A legtöbb fióktípushoz csak a bejelentkezési azonosítót és a jelszót kell " -"megadnia. Bizonyos fiókok vagy fióktípusok azonban további információkat is " -"igényelhetnek." +"Válassza ki a partnert, akivel csevegni szeretne, és a menüből válassza a " +"Csevegés pontot." -#: C/account-jabber.page:7(desc) -msgid "Advanced options for Jabber and Google Talk accounts." -msgstr "Speciális beállítások Jabber és Google Talk fiókokhoz." +#: C/set-custom-status.page:9(info/desc) +msgid "Add, edit or delete personal messages for your status." +msgstr "Személyes állapotüzenetek hozzáadása, szerkesztése vagy törlése." -#: C/account-jabber.page:29(title) -msgid "Jabber account details" -msgstr "Jabber fiókok részletei" +#: C/set-custom-status.page:15(credit/name) +msgid "Jim Campbell" +msgstr "Jim Campbell" -#: C/account-jabber.page:31(p) +#: C/set-custom-status.page:34(page/title) +msgid "Set a custom message" +msgstr "Egyéni üzenet beállítása" + +#: C/set-custom-status.page:36(page/p) msgid "" -"Most Jabber accounts will require only a login ID and a password to connect. " -"For some accounts or on certain types of networks, you may need to enter " -"additional information in the Advanced section. Normally, you " -"will not need to use the advanced options below. For general instructions on " -"adding an account, see ." +"Sometimes you may want to set a custom message for your status, for example " +"to let people know that you will be unavailable for a certain period of time." msgstr "" -"A legtöbb Jabber fiók csak bejelentkezési azonosítót és jelszót igényel a " -"csatlakozáshoz. Egyes fiókokhoz, vagy bizonyos hálózattípusokon további " -"információk megadására lehet szükség a Speciális szakaszban. " -"Általában nincs szükség a lentebbi speciális beállítások használatára. Fiók " -"hozzáadásával kapcsolatban lásd az oldalt." +"Egyes esetekben szüksége lehet egyéni állapotüzenet beállítására, például " +"közölni ismerőseivel, hogy egy ideig nem lesz elérhető." -#: C/account-jabber.page:39(p) +#: C/set-custom-status.page:40(page/p) msgid "" -"Google Talk is a type of Jabber account. These instructions hold for Google " -"Talk accounts as well." +"It is possible to set a custom message based on the different statuses " +"available." msgstr "" -"A Google Talk a Jabber fiókok egy fajtája. Ezek az utasítások Google Talk " -"fiókokra is érvényesek." - -#: C/account-jabber.page:45(gui) -msgid "Encryption required (TLS/SSL)" -msgstr "Titkosítás szükséges (TLS/SSL)" - -#: C/account-jabber.page:46(gui) -msgid "Ignore SSL certificate errors" -msgstr "SSL-tanúsítványhibák figyelmen kívül hagyása" +"A különböző elérhető állapotok alapján lehetőség van egyéni üzenet " +"beállítására." -#: C/account-jabber.page:47(p) +#: C/set-custom-status.page:46(item/p) C/set-custom-status.page:82(item/p) msgid "" -"Whenever possible, communication between Empathy and the Jabber " -"server is encrypted. If encrypted communication is not possible, messages " -"may be sent unencrypted. Select Encryption required to prevent " -"Empathy from communicating with the Jabber server when encryption " -"is not possible." +"From the Contact List window, click on the drop-down list at the " +"top." msgstr "" -"Amikor csak lehetséges, az Empathy és a Jabber kiszolgáló közötti " -"kommunikáció titkosított. Ha a titkosított kommunikáció nem lehetséges, az " -"üzenetek titkosítatlanul kerülhetnek elküldésre. Válassza ki a " -"Titkosítás szükséges négyzetet a Jabber kiszolgálóval való " -"kommunikáció megtiltásához az Empathynak, ha a titkosítás nem " -"lehetséges." +"A Partnerlista ablakban kattintson a felső legördülő listára." -#: C/account-jabber.page:52(p) +#: C/set-custom-status.page:52(item/p) msgid "" -"Some Jabber servers may encrypt data using invalid certificates, or using " -"certificates from unknown authorities. If you trust the server you are " -"connecting to, you can select Ignore SSL certificate errors to " -"allow encrypted communication with invalid certificates." +"Select the status you want to add a custom message to. You have to select " +"the one identified with the label Custom Message." msgstr "" -"Egyes Jabber kiszolgálók az adatokat érvénytelen, vagy ismeretlen " -"hitelesítésszolgáltatóktól származó tanúsítványokkal titkosíthatják. Ha " -"megbízik a kiszolgálóban, amelyhez csatlakozik, akkor kiválaszthatja az " -"SSL-tanúsítványhibák figyelmen kívül hagyása négyzetet az " -"érvénytelen tanúsítvánnyal történő titkosított kommunikáció engedélyezéséhez." - -#: C/account-jabber.page:59(gui) -msgid "Resource" -msgstr "Erőforrás" - -#: C/account-jabber.page:60(gui) -msgid "Priority" -msgstr "Prioritás" +"Állítsa be azt az állapotot, amelyhez az egyéni üzenetet meg kívánja adni. " +"Az Egyéni üzenet címkével jelöltet válassza." -#: C/account-jabber.page:61(p) +#: C/set-custom-status.page:58(item/p) msgid "" -"If you have multiple applications (for instance, on separate computers) " -"connected to your account at the same time, you can set a resource to " -"uniquely identify each one. By default, Empathy will use " -"Telepathy as the resource." +"Enter your custom message in the text box at the top of the window, and " +"press Enter to set the message." msgstr "" -"Ha több alkalmazással (például más számítógépekről) kapcsolódik egyidejűleg " -"fiókjához, akkor beállíthat egy erőforrást ezek egyedi azonosításához. " -"Alapértelmezésben az Empathy erőforrásként a Telepathy értéket használja." +"Adja meg egyéni üzenetét az ablak tetején lévő szövegdobozba, és nyomja meg " +"az Enter billentyűt az üzenet beállításához." -#: C/account-jabber.page:65(p) +#: C/set-custom-status.page:64(item/p) +#| msgid "" +#| "If you want to set the custom message as a favorite, saving it in order " +#| "to use it again, click on the little star on the right of the text box " +#| "where you wrote your custom message." msgid "" -"You can set the priority to specify which application should receive " -"incoming messages from your contacts. New messages will be sent to the " -"application with the highest priority." +"If you want to set the custom message as a favorite, saving it in order to " +"use it again, click on the little heart on the right of the text box where " +"you wrote your custom message." msgstr "" -"Beállíthatja a prioritást annak megadásához, hogy melyik alkalmazás kapja " -"partnereitől a bejövő üzeneteket. Az új üzenetek a legmagasabb prioritású " -"alkalmazásnak kerülnek elküldésre." - -#: C/account-jabber.page:70(gui) -msgid "Override server settings" -msgstr "Kiszolgáló beállításainak felülbírálása" +"Ha az egyéni üzenetet szeretné kedvencként beállítani, így elmentve az " +"ismételt felhasználáshoz, akkor kattintson az egyéni üzenetet tartalmazó " +"szövegdoboz jobb oldalán lévő kis szívre." -#: C/account-jabber.page:71(p) +#: C/set-custom-status.page:69(item/p) msgid "" -"Empathy will use default settings to connect to the Jabber server " -"based on your login ID. For some Jabber servers, you will need to enter " -"custom server settings manually. These settings should be provided for you " -"by your Jabber provider." +"If you do not do it, the custom message will not be available the next time " +"you use Empathy. It will be saved only for the current session." msgstr "" -"Az Empathy az alapértelmezett beállításokat használja a Jabber " -"kiszolgálóhoz való kapcsolódáshoz a bejelentkezési azonosítója alapján. " -"Egyes Jabber kiszolgálókhoz saját kezűleg kell egyéni " -"kiszolgálóbeállításokat megadnia. Ezeket a beállításokat a Jabber " -"szolgáltatója biztosítja." +"Ha ezt nem teszi meg, akkor az egyéni üzenet nem lesz elérhető az " +"Empathy következő használatakor. Az üzenet alapértelmezésben csak " +"az aktuális munkamenetben marad meg." -#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you. -#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all. -#: C/account-irc.page:106(None) -msgid "@@image: 'figures/gtk-add.png'; md5=a856b499d8d4681b70b5ce6f25bc5c6d" -msgstr "@@image: 'figures/gtk-add.png'; md5=a856b499d8d4681b70b5ce6f25bc5c6d" - -#. When image changes, this message will be marked fuzzy or untranslated for you. -#. It doesn't matter what you translate it to: it's not used at all. -#: C/account-irc.page:112(None) -msgid "@@image: 'figures/gtk-remove.png'; md5=215e3a325a3dd619874e35c30a018bb6" -msgstr "" -"@@image: 'figures/gtk-remove.png'; md5=215e3a325a3dd619874e35c30a018bb6" +#: C/set-custom-status.page:78(section/title) +#| msgid "To remove a custom message:" +msgid "Edit and remove a custom message" +msgstr "Egyéni üzenet szerkesztése és eltávolítása" -#: C/account-irc.page:8(desc) -msgid "Additional information necessary for connecting to IRC networks." -msgstr "IRC-hálózatokhoz való csatlakozáshoz szükséges további információk" +#: C/set-custom-status.page:88(item/p) +msgid "Select Edit Custom Message." +msgstr "Válassza az Egyéni üzenetek szerkesztése lehetőséget." -#: C/account-irc.page:31(title) -msgid "IRC account details" -msgstr "IRC-fiók részletei" +#: C/set-custom-status.page:95(item/p) +msgid "To edit a custom message:" +msgstr "Egyéni üzenet szerkesztéséhez:" -#: C/account-irc.page:33(p) +#: C/set-custom-status.page:100(item/p) msgid "" -"IRC accounts require different information than many other types of " -"accounts. To create an IRC account, you must specify at least an IRC network " -"and a nickname. This page details the information you can provide for an IRC " -"account." +"From the Saved Presets box, select the status message you want to " +"edit and double-click on it." msgstr "" -"Az IRC-fiókok sok más fióktípustól eltérő információkat igényelnek. IRC-fiók " -"létrehozásához meg kell adnia legalább az IRC-hálózatot és egy becenevet. Ez " -"az oldal részletesen leírja az IRC-fiókhoz megadható információkat." +"A Mentett érték dobozból válassza ki a szerkeszteni kívánt " +"állapotüzenetet, és kattintson rá duplán." + +#: C/set-custom-status.page:106(item/p) +msgid "Type the new custom message and press Enter to modify it." +msgstr "" +"Írja be az új egyéni üzenetet, és nyomja meg az Enter billentyűt " +"a módosításához." -#: C/account-irc.page:45(gui) C/account-irc.page:120(gui) -msgid "Network" -msgstr "Hálózat" +#: C/set-custom-status.page:113(item/p) +msgid "To remove a custom message:" +msgstr "Egyéni üzenet eltávolításához:" -#: C/account-irc.page:46(p) +#: C/set-custom-status.page:118(item/p) msgid "" -"IRC is an open system that allows people to run separate IRC networks. Each " -"network is distinct and has its own users and chat rooms. Empathy " -"lists the most popular networks in the Network drop-down list. " -"You can add additional networks. See below." +"From the Saved Presets box, select the status message you want to " +"remove." msgstr "" -"Az IRC egy nyílt rendszer, amely lehetővé teszi független IRC-hálózatok " -"futtatását. Az egyes hálózatok egyediek, és saját felhasználókkal és " -"csevegőszobákkal rendelkeznek. Az Empathy a Hálózat " -"legördülő listában felsorolja a legnépszerűbb hálózatokat. Ezen kívül " -"továbbiakat is felvehet. Részletekért lásd a " -"részt lentebb." +"A Mentett érték dobozból válassza ki az eltávolítani kívánt " +"állapotüzenetet." + +#: C/set-custom-status.page:124(item/p) +msgid "Click on the Remove button." +msgstr "Kattintson az Eltávolítás gombra." -#: C/account-irc.page:53(gui) -msgid "Nickname" -msgstr "Becenév" +#: C/set-custom-status.page:133(item/p) +msgid "When finished, click on Close." +msgstr "Ha elkészült, kattintson a Bezárás gombra." -#: C/account-irc.page:54(p) +#: C/set-custom-status.page:140(note/p) +#| msgid "" +#| "When you edit or add a new custom message, it will not be set as the " +#| "current status message. You will need to select it from the Contact " +#| "List window." msgid "" -"Your nickname is your unique name on the IRC network. Only one person on a " -"network may use a given nickname. If you get an error message that says " -" you will need to change " -"your nickname." +"When you edit a custom message, it will not be set as the current status " +"message. You will need to select it from the Contact List window." msgstr "" -"Beceneve az Ön egyedi neve az IRC-hálózaton. A hálózaton csak egy személy " -"rendelkezhet egy adott becenévvel. Ha az hibaüzenetet kapja, akkor módosítania kell becenevét." +"Egyéni üzenet szerkesztésekor az nem kerül beállításra " +"aktuális állapotüzenetként. Ehhez ki kell választania azt a " +"Partnerlista ablakban." -#: C/account-irc.page:60(gui) -msgid "Password" -msgstr "Jelszó" +#: C/share-desktop.page:7(info/desc) +msgid "Show your desktop to your contacts." +msgstr "Asztalának megmutatása partnereinek." -#: C/account-irc.page:61(p) +#: C/share-desktop.page:18(credit/name) +msgid "Ekaterina Gerasimova" +msgstr "Ekaterina Gerasimova" + +#: C/share-desktop.page:33(page/title) +msgid "Share your desktop" +msgstr "Asztal megosztása" + +#: C/share-desktop.page:35(page/p) msgid "" -"Some servers, particularly those on private networks, require a password to " -"connect. If you are authorized to use the network, the network " -"administrators should provide you with a password." +"It is possible to share your desktop with some of your contacts. You can use " +"this functionality to show your desktop to your contacts to, for example, " +"ask for help or help your contacts resolve a problem." msgstr "" -"Egyes kiszolgálók, különösen a magánhálózatokon lévők, jelszót igényelnek a " -"csatlakozáshoz. Ha jogosult a hálózat használatára, akkor a hálózat " -"rendszergazdái megadják a jelszót." +"Egyes partnereivel megoszthatja asztalát, vagy elkezdheti használni az " +"övéket. Ezt a funkciót asztala partnereinek való megmutatására használhatja, " +"így például segítséget kérhet, vagy segíthet nekik megoldani egy problémát." -#: C/account-irc.page:65(title) -msgid "NickServ Passwords" -msgstr "NickServ jelszavak" +#: C/share-desktop.page:42(note/p) +msgid "" +"To be able to share your desktop, you need to have a VNC server, which has " +"support for the feature, installed on your system. Vino, the " +"GNOME VNC server, has the required support." +msgstr "" +"Asztalának megosztásához rendszerére telepítve kell lennie egy VNC-" +"kiszolgálónak, amely támogatja ezt a szolgáltatást. A Vino, a " +"GNOME VNC-kiszolgálója tartalmazza a szükséges támogatást." + +#: C/share-desktop.page:51(item/p) +msgid "From the Contact List window, do one of the following:" +msgstr "A Partnerlista ablakban tegye a következők egyikét:" -#: C/account-irc.page:66(p) +#: C/share-desktop.page:56(item/p) +#| msgid "" +#| "Select the contact you want to share your desktop with and choose " +#| "EditContactShare My Desktop." msgid "" -"On some networks, nicknames can be registered using a service known as " -"NickServ. Empathy does not directly support nickname passwords. " -"On some networks, including the popular freenode network, server passwords " -"are automatically forwarded to NickServ, allowing you to set this field to " -"identify yourself with NickServ. See for " -"more details." +"Select the contact you want to share your desktop with and choose " +"EditContact Share My Desktop." msgstr "" -"Egyes hálózatokon a becenevek regisztrálhatók a NickServ néven ismert " -"szolgáltatással. Az Empathy közvetlenül nem támogatja a becenevek " -"jelszavait. Egyes hálózatokon, beleértve a népszerű FreeNode-ot, a " -"kiszolgálójelszavak automatikusan továbbításra kerülnek a NickServnek, így " -"ezen mező beállításával azonosíthatja magát a NickServ felé. További " -"részletekért lásd a oldalt." +"Válassza ki a partnert, akivel meg szeretné osztani az asztalát, és válassza " +"a SzerkesztésPartnerAz asztalom " +"megosztása menüpontot." -#: C/account-irc.page:76(gui) -msgid "Real name" -msgstr "Valódi név" +#: C/share-desktop.page:63(item/p) +msgid "" +"Right-click on the name of the contact you want to share your desktop with " +"and select Share My Desktop." +msgstr "" +"Kattintson a jobb egérgombbal a partner nevére, akivel meg szeretné osztani " +"az asztalát, és válassza Az asztalom megosztása menüpontot." -#: C/account-irc.page:77(p) +#: C/share-desktop.page:71(item/p) msgid "" -"You can provide your real name in addition to your nickname. Other users " -"will be able to see this when they view your information." +"An invitation to view your desktop will be sent to the contact you have " +"selected. To view your desktop, they will need to accept it." msgstr "" -"Beceneve mellett megadhatja valódi nevét is. Más felhasználók láthatják ezt " -"az Ön információinak megjelenítésekor." +"A kiválasztott partner kap egy meghívást az asztala megjelenítésére. Az " +"asztal megjelenítéséhez ezt a partnernek el kell fogadnia." -#: C/account-irc.page:81(gui) -msgid "Quit message" -msgstr "Kilépési üzenet" +#: C/share-desktop.page:77(item/p) +msgid "" +"You can disconnect the contact from your computer using your desktop sharing " +"application." +msgstr "" +"A partnerét az asztal megosztására használt alkalmazás segítségével " +"választhatja le a számítógépéről." -#: C/account-irc.page:82(p) +#: C/share-desktop.page:82(note/p) msgid "" -"When you go offline, a quit message is sent to all the chat rooms you’re in " -"and to all the users you’re having a private conversation with. Use this " -"field to provide a custom quit message." +"For more information about how to use the remote desktop sharing " +"application, refer to its help." msgstr "" -"Amikor kilép, egy kilépési üzenet kerül elküldésre minden csevegőszobába, " -"amelyben jelen van, és minden felhasználónak, akivel éppen társalog. Ebben a " -"mezőben megadhat egy egyéni kilépési üzenetet." +"A távoliasztal-megosztó alkalmazás használatával kapcsolatos további " +"információkért nézze meg annak súgóját." -#: C/account-irc.page:94(title) -msgid "IRC Networks" -msgstr "IRC-hálózatok" +#: C/share-desktop.page:90(page/p) +msgid "" +"When you share your desktop with someone else, it is possible to experience " +"system performance slowdown and low Internet speed." +msgstr "" +"Amikor megosztja asztalát, a rendszer teljesítményének romlását és az " +"internetkapcsolat lassulását tapasztalhatja." -#: C/account-irc.page:97(title) -msgid "Networks" -msgstr "Hálózatok" +#: C/share-desktop.page:96(note/p) +msgid "" +"Some of your contacts may not be able to use this feature. It is necessary " +"for them to have version 2.28, or newer, of Empathy and a " +"compatible remote desktop viewer application installed in their system." +msgstr "" +"Egyes partnerek lehet, hogy nem tudják ezt a szolgáltatást használni. Ehhez " +"a rendszerükre az Empathy és egy kompatibilis távoliasztal-" +"megjelenítő 2.28-as vagy újabb verziójának kell telepítve lennie." -#: C/account-irc.page:99(p) +#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When +#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to +#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to +#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. +#: C/status-icons.page:39(media) +#| msgid "" +#| "@@image: 'figures/available.png'; md5=2196b2f0ad4ce26fdb7b9d48e75d1947" +msgctxt "_" msgid "" -"Empathy includes a list of popular IRC networks. If you wish to " -"another IRC network, you can add it to the list. You can also modify " -"networks and remove them from the list." +"external ref='figures/available.png' md5='2196b2f0ad4ce26fdb7b9d48e75d1947'" msgstr "" -"Az Empathy tartalmazza a népszerű IRC-hálózatok listáját. Ha " -"másik IRC-hálózathoz szeretne csatlakozni, akkor hozzá kell adnia a " -"listához. A hálózatokat módosíthatja is, és a listából is eltávolíthatja " -"azokat." +"external ref='figures/available.png' md5='2196b2f0ad4ce26fdb7b9d48e75d1947'" -#: C/account-irc.page:104(p) +#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When +#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to +#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to +#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. +#: C/status-icons.page:45(media) +#| msgid "@@image: 'figures/busy.png'; md5=15eb2adff5faedf97b0cb9105d09410a" +msgctxt "_" +msgid "external ref='figures/busy.png' md5='15eb2adff5faedf97b0cb9105d09410a'" +msgstr "external ref='figures/busy.png' md5='15eb2adff5faedf97b0cb9105d09410a'" + +#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When +#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to +#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to +#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. +#: C/status-icons.page:53(media) +#| msgid "@@image: 'figures/away.png'; md5=9c504d6ffa0cf1a9cc8933d16e1bea33" +msgctxt "_" +msgid "external ref='figures/away.png' md5='9c504d6ffa0cf1a9cc8933d16e1bea33'" +msgstr "external ref='figures/away.png' md5='9c504d6ffa0cf1a9cc8933d16e1bea33'" + +#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When +#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to +#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to +#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. +#. +#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When +#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to +#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to +#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. +#: C/status-icons.page:62(media) C/status-icons.page:69(media) +#| msgid "@@image: 'figures/offline.png'; md5=c5b0c21181cbd6e13f8909243c0fa964" +msgctxt "_" msgid "" -"To add a network to the list, click Add." +"external ref='figures/offline.png' md5='c5b0c21181cbd6e13f8909243c0fa964'" msgstr "" -"Hálózat listához adásához nyomja meg a Hozzáadás " -"gombot." +"external ref='figures/offline.png' md5='c5b0c21181cbd6e13f8909243c0fa964'" + +#: C/status-icons.page:7(info/desc) +msgid "Understanding the various statuses and status icons." +msgstr "A különböző állapotok és állapotikonok ismertetése." -#: C/account-irc.page:107(p) +#: C/status-icons.page:35(page/title) +msgid "Status Types and Icons" +msgstr "Állapottípusok és ikonok" + +#: C/status-icons.page:39(item/title) +#| msgid "" +#| "Click the edit icon in the error message." msgid "" -"To modify a network in the list, select the network and click Edit." +"Available icon Available" msgstr "" -"A módosításhoz válassza ki a hálózatot, és nyomja meg a Szerkesztés gombot." +"" +"Elérhető ikon Elérhető" -#: C/account-irc.page:110(p) +#: C/status-icons.page:41(item/p) msgid "" -"To remove a network from the list, select the network and click Remove." +"Use the Available status when you are at your computer and able to " +"chat with your contacts. You can set a custom message for this status." msgstr "" -"Az eltávolításhoz válassza ki a hálózatot, és nyomja meg a z Eltávolítás gombot." +"Az Elérhető állapottal jelezheti, hogy a számítógépénél van, és " +"ráér partnereivel csevegni. Ehhez az állapothoz beállíthat egyéni üzenetet." -#: C/account-irc.page:115(p) +#: C/status-icons.page:45(item/title) +#| msgid "" +#| "Click the edit icon in the error message." msgid "" -"When adding or modifying a network, you can enter the following information:" +"Busy icon Busy" msgstr "" -"Hálózat hozzáadásakor vagy módosításakor a következő információkat adhatja " -"meg:" +"Elfoglalt " +"ikon Elfoglalt" -#: C/account-irc.page:121(p) +#: C/status-icons.page:47(item/p) msgid "" -"This is the name of the network as you want it to appear in the list of " -"networks." +"Use the Busy status to let your contacts know that you don’t want " +"to chat right now. They can still contact you, for instance if they have " +"something urgent they need to discuss. By default, Empathy will " +"not use notification bubbles and sounds when you are busy. You can set a " +"custom message for this status." msgstr "" -"Ez a hálózat neve, ahogyan a hálózatok listájában meg szeretné jeleníteni." +"Az Elfoglalt állapottal hozhatja partnerei tudomására, hogy éppen " +"nem szeretne csevegni velük. Ennek ellenére felvehetik Önnel a kapcsolatot, " +"ha valami igazán sürgős megbeszélnivalójuk van. Alapértelmezésben az " +"Empathy értesítési buborékokat és hangokat használ, ha Ön " +"elfoglalt. Ehhez az állapothoz beállíthat egyéni üzenetet." -#: C/account-irc.page:125(gui) -msgid "Charset" -msgstr "Karakterkészlet" +#: C/status-icons.page:53(item/title) +#| msgid "" +#| "Click the edit icon in the error message." +msgid "" +"Away icon Away" +msgstr "" +"Távol " +"ikon Távol" -#: C/account-irc.page:126(p) +#: C/status-icons.page:55(item/p) msgid "" -"This specifies the character encoding that is typically used on this " -"network. A character encoding is a specific way of recording characters " -"internally in a computer. There are many character encodings, and you need " -"to use the same character encoding as other users to see their messages " -"correctly." +"Use the Away status when you are going away from your computer. " +"Empathy automatically sets your status to Away if you do not use " +"your computer for a while, or if your screensaver is on. By default, " +"Empathy will not use notification bubbles and sounds when you are " +"away. You can set a custom message for this status." msgstr "" -"Itt megadhatja a hálózaton általában használt karakterkódolást. A " -"karakterkódolás a karakterek egy adott, számítógépen belüli tárolási módja. " -"Számos karakterkódolás van, és az üzenetek megfelelő megjelenítéséhez " -"ugyanazt a karakterkódolást kell használnia, mint a többi felhasználó." +"A Távol állapotot akkor használja, ha eltávolodik számítógépétől. " +"Az Empathy automatikusan Távolra állítja állapotát, ha egy ideig " +"nem használja számítógépét, vagy a képernyővédő aktiválódik. " +"Alapértelmezésben az Empathy nem használ értesítő buborékokat és " +"hangokat, ha Ön távol van. Ehhez az állapothoz beállíthat egyéni üzenetet." -#. Translators: Recommend character encodings that are common -#. for your language. -#: C/account-irc.page:135(p) +#: C/status-icons.page:62(item/title) +#| msgid "" +#| "Click the edit icon in the error message." msgid "" -"By default, Empathy uses UTF-8, a modern character encoding that " -"can handle text from most of the world's languages. Another common encoding " -"for English and some other Western languages is ISO-8859-1." +"Offline " +"icon Invisible" msgstr "" -"Alapértelmezésben az Empathy az UTF-8-at használja, ez a modern " -"karakterkódolás képes a világ sok nyelvének kezelésére, így a magyaréra is. " -"A magyar nyelv gyakori kódolása még az ISO-8859-2." +"" +"Láthatatlan ikon Láthatatlan" -#: C/account-irc.page:141(gui) -msgid "Servers" -msgstr "Kiszolgálók" +#: C/status-icons.page:64(item/p) +msgid "" +"When you set your status to Invisible, you will appear as offline " +"to your contacts. You will still be connected to your accounts, and you " +"still see your contacts’ statuses and start conversations with them." +msgstr "" +"Amikor állapotát Láthatatlanra állítja, partnerei számára " +"kilépettként jelenik meg. Fiókjaihoz ekkor is csatlakozni fog, láthatja " +"partnerei állapotát, és társalgásokat indíthat velük." -#: C/account-irc.page:142(p) +#: C/status-icons.page:69(item/title) +#| msgid "" +#| "Click the edit icon in the error message." msgid "" -"An IRC network may have many servers you can connect to. When you are " -"connected to a server on a particular network, you can communicate with all " -"users on all other servers on that network. You can add and remove servers " -"for this network using the Add and Remove buttons." +"Offline " +"icon Offline" msgstr "" -"Az IRC-hálózat több kiszolgálóval rendelkezhet. Ha egy adott hálózat egy " -"kiszolgálójához csatlakozik, a hálózat többi kiszolgálójához csatlakozó " -"összes felhasználóval is képes kommunikálni. A hálózathoz a Hozzáadás gombbal vehet fel kiszolgálókat, és az Eltávolítás gombbal " -"törölheti azokat." +"" +"Kilépett ikon Kilépett" -#: C/account-irc.page:147(p) +#: C/status-icons.page:71(item/p) msgid "" -"When a server is selected, click the field under Server or " -"Port to edit it. Alternatively, use the left and right arrow keys " -"to focus the field, and press the space bar to begin editing." +"Setting your status to Offline disconnects you from all of your " +"accounts." msgstr "" -"Amikor egy kiszolgáló ki van választva, kattintson a Kiszolgáló " -"vagy a Port alatti mezőre annak szerkesztéséhez. Ennek " -"alternatívájaként a balra és jobbra nyilakkal is átviheti a fókuszt a mezők " -"közt, és a szóköz megnyomásával szerkesztheti azokat." +"Állapotának Kilépettre állítása megszünteti kapcsolatát fiókjaihoz." + +#: C/video-call.page:10(info/desc) +msgid "Start a video conversation with one of your contacts." +msgstr "Videobeszélgetés kezdése egyik partnerével." + +#: C/video-call.page:29(page/title) +msgid "Start a video conversation" +msgstr "Videobeszélgetés kezdése" -#: C/account-irc.page:151(p) +#: C/video-call.page:31(page/p) +#| msgid "" +#| "If you have a webcam, you can call your contacts and have a video " +#| "conversation with them. This features only works with certain types of " +#| "accounts, and it requires the other person to have an application that " +#| "supports video calls." msgid "" -"Select the check box in the SSL column to encrypt all " -"communication with a server. Note that this does not prevent other users on " -"the network from seeing what you write on public chat rooms." +"If you have a webcam, you can call your contacts and have a video " +"conversation with them. This feature only works with certain types of " +"accounts, and it requires the other person to have an application that " +"supports video calls." msgstr "" -"Jelölje be az SSL oszlop alatti jelölőnégyzetet a kiszolgálóval " -"történő összes kommunikáció titkosításához. Ne feledje, hogy ez nem " -"akadályoz meg senkit a hálózaton a nyilvános csevegőszobákba írt szavai " -"elolvasásában." +"Ha rendelkezik webkamerával, akkor felhívhatja partnereit, és " +"videobeszélgetést folytathat velük. Ez a szolgáltatás csak bizonyos " +"fióktípusokkal működik, és a másik félnek is rendelkeznie kell a videohívást " +"támogató alkalmazással." -#. Put one translator per line, in the form of NAME , YEAR1, YEAR2 -#: C/index.page:0(None) -msgid "translator-credits" -msgstr "Kelemen Gábor " +#: C/video-call.page:38(item/p) +msgid "" +"From the Contact List window, click the video call icon " +"next to the name of the contact you wish to call and choose Video Call." +msgstr "" +"A Partnerlista ablakban kattintson a videohívás ikonra a " +"felhívni kívánt partner neve mellett, és válassza a Videohívás menüpontot." + +#: C/video-call.page:55(note/p) +msgid "" +"To turn a video conversation into an audio conversation, choose VideoVideo Off." +msgstr "" +"Videobeszélgetés hangbeszélgetéssé alakításához válassza a VideóVideó ki " +"menüpontot." + +#: C/video-call.page:61(section/title) +msgid "Start a video conversation with a meta-contact" +msgstr "Videobeszélgetés indítása metapartnerrel" + +#: C/video-call.page:69(item/p) +msgid "" +"Select the contact you want to have the conversation, and from the menu " +"select Video Call." +msgstr "" +"Válassza ki a partnert, akivel beszélgetni szeretne, és a menüből válassza a " +"Videohívás lehetőséget." + +#~ msgid "milo@ubuntu.com" +#~ msgstr "milo@ubuntu.com" + +#~ msgid "shaunm@gnome.org" +#~ msgstr "shaunm@gnome.org" + +#~ msgid "Available icon" +#~ msgstr "Elérhető ikon" + +#~ msgid "Available" +#~ msgstr "Elérhető" + +#~ msgid "Busy icon" +#~ msgstr "Elfoglalt ikon" + +#~ msgid "Busy" +#~ msgstr "Elfoglalt" + +#~ msgid "Away icon" +#~ msgstr "Távol ikon" + +#~ msgid "Away" +#~ msgstr "Távol" + +#~ msgid "Offline icon" +#~ msgstr "Kilépett ikon" + +#~ msgid "Invisible" +#~ msgstr "Láthatatlan" + +#~ msgid "Offline" +#~ msgstr "Kilépett" + +#~ msgid "kittykat3756@gmail.com" +#~ msgstr "kittykat3756@gmail.com" + +#~ msgid "jwcampbell@gmail.com" +#~ msgstr "jwcampbell@gmail.com" + +#~ msgid "Edit, remove and add a custom message" +#~ msgstr "Egyéni üzenet szerkesztése, eltávolítása és hozzáadása" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "To add a new custom message, from the Add New Preset section:" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Egyéni üzenet hozzáadásához az Új érték hozzáadása szakaszban:" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Click on the drop-down list to select the status you want to set a custom " +#~ "message to." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Kattintson a legördülő listára azon állapot kiválasztásához, amelyhez új " +#~ "egyéni üzenetet kíván megadni." + +#~ msgid "Click on the text box, and type the new custom message." +#~ msgstr "Kattintson a szövegdobozba, és írja be az új egyéni üzenetet." + +#~ msgid "Click on Add to add the new message to the presets ones." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Kattintson a Hozzáadás gombra az új üzenet felvételéhez a " +#~ "Mentett értékek közé." + +#~ msgid "philbull@gmail.com" +#~ msgstr "philbull@gmail.com" + +#~ msgid "I'd like to see this played up a bit more." +#~ msgstr "I'd like to see this played up a bit more." + +#~ msgid "Click on Remove." +#~ msgstr "Kattintson az Eltávolítás gombra." + +#~ msgid "shaunm" +#~ msgstr "shaunm" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Empathy no longer allows you to create an IRC account without a valid " +#~ "nick. I've removed the guide link. Remove the text." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Empathy no longer allows you to create an IRC account without a valid " +#~ "nick. I've removed the guide link. Remove the text." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Deselect the Enabled check-box next to the name of your " +#~ "account, and then select it again to try to reconnect to the service." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Törölje az Engedélyezett négyzet jelölését a fiók neve " +#~ "mellett, majd jelölje be újra a szolgáltatáshoz való ismételt csatlakozás " +#~ "megpróbálásához." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Check that the Enabled check-box is " +#~ "selected. If it is not, select the check-box to enable the account." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Ellenőrizze, hogy az Engedélyezve " +#~ "jelölőnégyzet be van-e jelölve. Ha nincs, akkor jelölje be a négyzetet a " +#~ "fiók engedélyezéséhez." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Highlighting text is quirky: #593733. If there's an actual " +#~ "highlighting going on, independent of the selection (like in yellow or " +#~ "something), we can use the term \"highlight\". Otherwise we need to use " +#~ "the term \"select\". Watch that bug." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Highlighting text is quirky: #593733. If there's an actual " +#~ "highlighting going on, independent of the selection (like in yellow or " +#~ "something), we can use the term \"highlight\". Otherwise we need to use " +#~ "the term \"select\". Watch that bug." + +#~ msgid "Select the Search tab." +#~ msgstr "Válassza a Keresés lapot." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "In the For field, type the text you want to search for. Click " +#~ "Find or press Enter." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Az Erre mezőbe írja be a keresendő szöveget. Nyomja meg a " +#~ "Keresés gombot, vagy az Enter billentyűt." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Click on a conversation to view it. Empathy will select the " +#~ "text in the conversation that matched your search terms." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Kattintson a társalgásra a megjelenítéséhez. Az Empathy " +#~ "kijelöli a keresőkifejezésre illeszkedő részt a társalgás szövegében." + +#~ msgid "Select the Conversations tab." +#~ msgstr "Válassza a Társalgások lapot." + +#~ msgid "Install telepathy-idle" +#~ msgstr "A telepathy-idle telepítése" + +#~ msgid "peter.haslam@freenet.de" +#~ msgstr "peter.haslam@freenet.de" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Deselect Enabled on the right side of the " +#~ "window." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Törölje az Engedélyezve négyzetet az ablak " +#~ "jobb oldalán." + +#~ msgid "Icon for audio conversation" +#~ msgstr "Hanghívások ikonja" + +#~ msgid "Icon for video conversation" +#~ msgstr "Videohívások ikonja" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "I'd like to do tables like this using nothing for No and ✔ for Yes, but " +#~ "we need to look at the accessibility impact. I've asked the accessibility team for input." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "I'd like to do tables like this using nothing for No and ✔ for Yes, but " +#~ "we need to look at the accessibility impact. I've asked the accessibility team for input." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "There's recent work on telepathy-butterfly and papyon to support audio " +#~ "and video for MSN. It might be released in time for 2.28, but since it " +#~ "doesn't follow the Gnome release schedule, I can't be sure. If it looks " +#~ "like it's going to ship, let's mark it Yes." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "There's recent work on telepathy-butterfly and papyon to support audio " +#~ "and video for MSN. It might be released in time for 2.28, but since it " +#~ "doesn't follow the Gnome release schedule, I can't be sure. If it looks " +#~ "like it's going to ship, let's mark it Yes." + +#~ msgid "Click Log in." +#~ msgstr "Nyomja meg a Bejelentkezés gombot." + +#~ msgid "Resource" +#~ msgstr "Erőforrás" + +#~ msgid "Priority" +#~ msgstr "Prioritás" + +#~ msgid "Network" +#~ msgstr "Hálózat" + +#~ msgid "Nickname" +#~ msgstr "Becenév" + +#~ msgid "Password" +#~ msgstr "Jelszó" + +#~ msgid "Quit message" +#~ msgstr "Kilépési üzenet" + +#~ msgid "Charset" +#~ msgstr "Karakterkészlet" + +#~ msgid "Servers" +#~ msgstr "Kiszolgálók" #~ msgid "" #~ "In order to be able to share your desktop or to remotely use your " diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/import-account.page empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/import-account.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/import-account.page 2012-03-06 14:59:08.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/import-account.page 2012-03-12 13:28:12.000000000 +0000 @@ -35,6 +35,12 @@ --> + + + Kelemen Gábor + kelemeng at gnome dot hu + 2010, 2011, 2012 + Meglévő fiók importálása diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/index.page empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/index.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/index.page 2012-03-06 14:59:08.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/index.page 2012-03-12 13:28:12.000000000 +0000 @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ - Empathy Internet Messenger - Empathy Internet Messenger + Empathy üzenetküldő + Empathy üzenetküldő @@ -20,6 +20,12 @@

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0

+ + + Kelemen Gábor + kelemeng at gnome dot hu + 2010, 2011, 2012 +
<media type="image" mime="image/png" src="figures/empathy-logo.png"> Empathy üzenetküldő logója </media> Empathy üzenetküldő diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/introduction.page empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/introduction.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/introduction.page 2012-03-06 14:59:08.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/introduction.page 2012-03-12 13:28:12.000000000 +0000 @@ -13,6 +13,12 @@

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0

+ + + Kelemen Gábor + kelemeng at gnome dot hu + 2010, 2011, 2012 + Bevezetés diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/irc-commands.page empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/irc-commands.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/irc-commands.page 2012-03-06 14:59:08.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/irc-commands.page 2012-03-12 13:28:12.000000000 +0000 @@ -12,6 +12,12 @@

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0

+ + + Kelemen Gábor + kelemeng at gnome dot hu + 2010, 2011, 2012 + Támogatott IRC-parancsok diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/irc-join-pwd.page empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/irc-join-pwd.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/irc-join-pwd.page 2012-03-06 14:59:08.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/irc-join-pwd.page 2012-03-12 13:28:12.000000000 +0000 @@ -18,6 +18,12 @@

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0

+ + + Kelemen Gábor + kelemeng at gnome dot hu + 2010, 2011, 2012 + Csatlakozás védett IRC-csevegőszobához diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/irc-join-room.page empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/irc-join-room.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/irc-join-room.page 2012-03-06 14:59:08.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/irc-join-room.page 2012-03-12 13:28:13.000000000 +0000 @@ -24,6 +24,12 @@ --> + + + Kelemen Gábor + kelemeng at gnome dot hu + 2010, 2011, 2012 + Csatlakozás IRC-csevegőszobához diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/irc-manage.page empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/irc-manage.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/irc-manage.page 2012-03-06 14:59:08.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/irc-manage.page 2012-03-12 13:28:13.000000000 +0000 @@ -26,6 +26,12 @@ --> + + + Kelemen Gábor + kelemeng at gnome dot hu + 2010, 2011, 2012 + Interneten továbbított csevegés (IRC) @@ -34,21 +40,21 @@

Az IRC protokoll Empathyban való használatához telepíteni kell a telepathy-idle csomagot.


Install telepathy-idle


A telepathy-idle telepítése

- IRC Chat Rooms and Conversations + IRC-csevegőszobák és társalgások Csevegőszobák és társalgások
- Common IRC Problems + Gyakori IRC-problémák Gyakori problémák
diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/irc-nick-password.page empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/irc-nick-password.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/irc-nick-password.page 2012-03-06 14:59:08.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/irc-nick-password.page 2012-03-12 13:28:13.000000000 +0000 @@ -26,6 +26,12 @@ --> + + + Kelemen Gábor + kelemeng at gnome dot hu + 2010, 2011, 2012 + Jelszó használata IRC becenévhez @@ -38,8 +44,7 @@ -

From the Contact List window, choose Edit - Accounts, or press F4.


A Partnerlista ablakban válassza a SzerkesztésFiókok menüpontot, vagy nyomja meg az F4 billentyűt.

Válassza ki az IRC-fiókot az ablak bal oldalán lévő listából.

diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/irc-send-file.page empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/irc-send-file.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/irc-send-file.page 2012-03-06 14:59:08.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/irc-send-file.page 2012-03-12 13:28:13.000000000 +0000 @@ -24,6 +24,12 @@ --> + + + Kelemen Gábor + kelemeng at gnome dot hu + 2010, 2011, 2012 + Fájlok küldése IRC használatával. diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/irc-start-conversation.page empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/irc-start-conversation.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/irc-start-conversation.page 2012-03-06 14:59:08.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/irc-start-conversation.page 2012-03-12 13:28:13.000000000 +0000 @@ -23,6 +23,12 @@ --> + + + Kelemen Gábor + kelemeng at gnome dot hu + 2010, 2011, 2012 + Csevegjen IRC-n diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/license.page empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/license.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/license.page 2012-03-06 14:59:08.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/license.page 2012-03-12 13:28:13.000000000 +0000 @@ -5,6 +5,12 @@ Jogi információk. + + + Kelemen Gábor + kelemeng at gnome dot hu + 2010, 2011, 2012 + Licenc @@ -12,22 +18,22 @@

Jogodban áll:

- <em>To share</em> + <em>Megosztani</em>

Másolni, terjeszteni és továbbítani a művet.

- <em>To remix</em> + <em>Feldolgozni</em>

Módosítani a művet.

A következő feltételek szerint:

- <em>Attribution</em> + <em>Nevezd meg!</em>

A szerző vagy a jogosult által meghatározott módon fel kell tüntetned a műhöz kapcsolódó információkat (pl. a szerző nevét vagy álnevét, a Mű címét).

- <em>Share Alike</em> + <em>Így add tovább!</em>

Ha megváltoztatod, átalakítod, feldolgozod ezt a művet, az így létrejött alkotást csak a jelenlegivel megegyező licenc alatt terjesztheted.

diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/link-contacts.page empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/link-contacts.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/link-contacts.page 2012-03-06 14:59:08.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/link-contacts.page 2012-03-12 13:28:13.000000000 +0000 @@ -16,6 +16,12 @@

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0

+ + + Kelemen Gábor + kelemeng at gnome dot hu + 2010, 2011, 2012 + Partnerek egyesítése és szétválasztása diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/prev-conv.page empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/prev-conv.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/prev-conv.page 2012-03-06 14:59:08.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/prev-conv.page 2012-03-12 13:28:13.000000000 +0000 @@ -29,6 +29,12 @@ --> + + + Kelemen Gábor + kelemeng at gnome dot hu + 2010, 2011, 2012 + Korábbi társalgások megjelenítése @@ -46,22 +52,16 @@ -

From the Contact List window, choose View - Previous Conversations. Alternatively, press F3.


A Partnerlista ablakban válassza a NézetKorábbi társalgások menüpontot. Az F3 billentyűt is megnyomhatja.


Select an account from the drop-down list in the top. A list of - contacts and chat room for that account will be shown below.


Válassza ki a fiókot a felső legördülő listából. A fiókhoz tartozó partnerek és csevegőszobák listája alul megjelenik.


Type the text you want to search for in the Search text field. -


A Keresés mezőbe írja be a keresendő szöveget.


- Any conversations that matched your search terms will be shown. By - default, conversations are ordered by date. -


Megjelennek azok a társalgások, amelyekben megtalálható a keresőkifejezés. A társalgások alapértelmezésben dátum szerint vannak rendezve.

@@ -73,8 +73,7 @@ -

From the Contact List window, choose View - Previous Conversations. Alternatively, press F3.


A Partnerlista ablakban válassza a NézetKorábbi társalgások menüpontot. Az F3 billentyűt is megnyomhatja.

Válassza ki a fiókot a bal felső legördülő listából. A fiókhoz tartozó partnerek és csevegőszobák listája alul megjelenik.

@@ -87,16 +86,10 @@

- You can search for text in the conversations by typing into the - search field at the top. The matching conversations will be showed. -


A társalgásokban a felső keresőmezőbe gépelve kereshet szöveget. Ezután az illeszkedő társalgások megjelennek.


You can quickly view the previous conversations with one of your contacts - from the Contact List window. Simply right click the contact and - choose Previous Conversations. The Previous - Conversations window will open with that contact already selected.


A Partnerlista ablakból gyorsan megjelenítheti az egyes partnereivel folytatott korábbi társalgásait. Csak kattintson a jobb egérgombbal a partnerre, és válassza a Korábbi társalgások menüpontot. Megnyílik a Korábbi társalgások ablak, és az adott partner lesz kiválasztva.

diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/prob-conn-acctdisabled.page empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/prob-conn-acctdisabled.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/prob-conn-acctdisabled.page 2012-03-06 14:59:08.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/prob-conn-acctdisabled.page 2012-03-12 13:28:13.000000000 +0000 @@ -25,6 +25,12 @@ --> + + + Kelemen Gábor + kelemeng at gnome dot hu + 2010, 2011, 2012 + A fiókom nincs engedélyezve @@ -45,9 +51,7 @@

Ellenőrizze a Speciális szakaszban, hogy minden adat helyes-e. Ezeket az adatokat az üzenetküldő szolgáltatás weboldalán találhatja meg.


- Check that the account is switched on. -


Ellenőrizze, hogy a fiók be van-e kapcsolva.

diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/prob-conn-auth.page empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/prob-conn-auth.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/prob-conn-auth.page 2012-03-06 14:59:08.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/prob-conn-auth.page 2012-03-12 13:28:13.000000000 +0000 @@ -27,6 +27,12 @@ --> + + + Kelemen Gábor + kelemeng at gnome dot hu + 2010, 2011, 2012 + Az „A hitelesítés meghiúsult” üzenetet kapom diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/prob-conn-name.page empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/prob-conn-name.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/prob-conn-name.page 2012-03-06 14:59:08.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/prob-conn-name.page 2012-03-12 13:28:13.000000000 +0000 @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ - “Name in use” + „A név használatban” A főablakban az „A név használatban” üzenet jelenik meg. @@ -25,6 +25,12 @@ --> + + + Kelemen Gábor + kelemeng at gnome dot hu + 2010, 2011, 2012 + Az „A név használatban” üzenetet kapom @@ -46,10 +52,7 @@ -

- Switch the account off, and then switch it on to try to reconnect to the - service. -


Kapcsolja ki, majd újra be a fiókot a szolgáltatáshoz való ismételt csatlakozás megpróbálásához.

diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/prob-conn-neterror.page empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/prob-conn-neterror.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/prob-conn-neterror.page 2012-03-06 14:59:08.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/prob-conn-neterror.page 2012-03-12 13:28:13.000000000 +0000 @@ -26,6 +26,12 @@ --> + + + Kelemen Gábor + kelemeng at gnome dot hu + 2010, 2011, 2012 + A „Hálózati hiba” üzenetet kapom @@ -58,10 +64,7 @@ --> -

- Switch the account off, and then switch it on to try to reconnect to the - service. -


Kapcsolja ki, majd újra be a fiókot a szolgáltatáshoz való ismételt csatlakozás megpróbálásához.

diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/prob-conn.page empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/prob-conn.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/prob-conn.page 2012-03-06 14:59:08.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/prob-conn.page 2012-03-12 13:28:13.000000000 +0000 @@ -21,6 +21,12 @@ --> + + + Kelemen Gábor + kelemeng at gnome dot hu + 2010, 2011, 2012 + Azonnaliüzenet-küldő szolgáltatásokhoz kapcsolódás problémái diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/remove-account.page empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/remove-account.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/remove-account.page 2012-03-06 14:59:08.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/remove-account.page 2012-03-12 13:28:13.000000000 +0000 @@ -27,6 +27,12 @@ --> + + + Kelemen Gábor + kelemeng at gnome dot hu + 2010, 2011, 2012 + Fiók eltávolítása @@ -35,14 +41,13 @@ -

From the Contact List window, choose Edit - Accounts, or press F4.


A Partnerlista ablakban válassza a SzerkesztésFiókok menüpontot, vagy nyomja meg az F4 billentyűt.

Az ablak bal oldalán válassza ki a fióklistából eltávolítani kívánt fiókot.


Click -.


Nyomja meg a - gombot.

Megjelenik egy megerősítést kérő ablak. Kattintson az Eltávolítás gombra a fiók végleges eltávolításához.

diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/salut-protocol.page empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/salut-protocol.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/salut-protocol.page 2012-03-06 14:59:08.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/salut-protocol.page 2012-03-12 13:28:13.000000000 +0000 @@ -24,6 +24,12 @@ --> + + + Kelemen Gábor + kelemeng at gnome dot hu + 2010, 2011, 2012 + Mi az a Közeli emberek? diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/send-file.page empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/send-file.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/send-file.page 2012-03-06 14:59:08.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/send-file.page 2012-03-12 13:28:13.000000000 +0000 @@ -29,6 +29,12 @@ --> + + + Kelemen Gábor + kelemeng at gnome dot hu + 2010, 2011, 2012 + Fájlok küldése @@ -41,10 +47,7 @@

Kattintson a jobb egérgombbal a partnerre, akinek fájlt szeretne küldeni, és válassza a Fájl küldése menüpontot.


- Click on the contact you want to send a file, and choose Edit - ContactSend file. -


Kattintson a partnerre, akinek fájlt szeretne küldeni, majd válassza a SzerkesztésPartnerFájl küldése menüpontot.

diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/send-message.page empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/send-message.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/send-message.page 2012-03-06 14:59:08.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/send-message.page 2012-03-12 13:28:13.000000000 +0000 @@ -25,6 +25,12 @@ --> + + + Kelemen Gábor + kelemeng at gnome dot hu + 2010, 2011, 2012 + Üzenetek küldése diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/set-custom-status.page empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/set-custom-status.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/set-custom-status.page 2012-03-06 14:59:08.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/set-custom-status.page 2012-03-12 13:28:13.000000000 +0000 @@ -26,6 +26,12 @@ --> + + + Kelemen Gábor + kelemeng at gnome dot hu + 2010, 2011, 2012 + Egyéni üzenet beállítása @@ -44,18 +50,14 @@

Adja meg egyéni üzenetét az ablak tetején lévő szövegdobozba, és nyomja meg az Enter billentyűt az üzenet beállításához.


- If you want to set the custom message as a favorite, saving it in order to use it - again, click on the little heart on the right of the text box where you wrote your - custom message. -


Ha az egyéni üzenetet szeretné kedvencként beállítani, így elmentve az ismételt felhasználáshoz, akkor kattintson az egyéni üzenetet tartalmazó szövegdoboz jobb oldalán lévő kis szívre.

Ha ezt nem teszi meg, akkor az egyéni üzenet nem lesz elérhető az Empathy következő használatakor. Az üzenet alapértelmezésben csak az aktuális munkamenetben marad meg.

- Edit and remove a custom message + Egyéni üzenet szerkesztése és eltávolítása @@ -96,10 +98,7 @@ -

- When you edit a custom message, it will not be set as the current - status message. You will need to select it from the Contact List window. -


Egyéni üzenet szerkesztésekor az nem kerül beállításra aktuális állapotüzenetként. Ehhez ki kell választania azt a Partnerlista ablakban.

diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/share-desktop.page empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/share-desktop.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/share-desktop.page 2012-03-06 14:59:08.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/share-desktop.page 2012-03-12 13:28:13.000000000 +0000 @@ -25,6 +25,12 @@ --> + + + Kelemen Gábor + kelemeng at gnome dot hu + 2010, 2011, 2012 + Asztal megosztása @@ -40,11 +46,7 @@

A Partnerlista ablakban tegye a következők egyikét:


- Select the contact you want to share your desktop with and choose - EditContact - Share My Desktop. -


Válassza ki a partnert, akivel meg szeretné osztani az asztalát, és válassza a SzerkesztésPartnerAz asztalom megosztása menüpontot.

Kattintson a jobb egérgombbal a partner nevére, akivel meg szeretné osztani az asztalát, és válassza Az asztalom megosztása menüpontot.

diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/status-icons.page empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/status-icons.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/status-icons.page 2012-03-06 14:59:08.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/status-icons.page 2012-03-12 13:28:13.000000000 +0000 @@ -28,34 +28,35 @@ --> + + + Kelemen Gábor + kelemeng at gnome dot hu + 2010, 2011, 2012 + Állapottípusok és ikonok - <media type="image" mime="image/png" src="figures/available.png">Available icon</media> - <gui>Available</gui> + <media type="image" mime="image/png" src="figures/available.png">Elérhető ikon</media> <gui>Elérhető</gui>

Az Elérhető állapottal jelezheti, hogy a számítógépénél van, és ráér partnereivel csevegni. Ehhez az állapothoz beállíthat egyéni üzenetet.

- <media type="image" mime="image/png" src="figures/busy.png">Busy icon</media> - <gui>Busy</gui> + <media type="image" mime="image/png" src="figures/busy.png">Elfoglalt ikon</media> <gui>Elfoglalt</gui>

Az Elfoglalt állapottal hozhatja partnerei tudomására, hogy éppen nem szeretne csevegni velük. Ennek ellenére felvehetik Önnel a kapcsolatot, ha valami igazán sürgős megbeszélnivalójuk van. Alapértelmezésben az Empathy értesítési buborékokat és hangokat használ, ha Ön elfoglalt. Ehhez az állapothoz beállíthat egyéni üzenetet.

- <media type="image" mime="image/png" src="figures/away.png">Away icon</media> - <gui>Away</gui> + <media type="image" mime="image/png" src="figures/away.png">Távol ikon</media> <gui>Távol</gui>

A Távol állapotot akkor használja, ha eltávolodik számítógépétől. Az Empathy automatikusan Távolra állítja állapotát, ha egy ideig nem használja számítógépét, vagy a képernyővédő aktiválódik. Alapértelmezésben az Empathy nem használ értesítő buborékokat és hangokat, ha Ön távol van. Ehhez az állapothoz beállíthat egyéni üzenetet.

- <media type="image" mime="image/png" src="figures/offline.png">Offline icon</media> - <gui>Invisible</gui> + <media type="image" mime="image/png" src="figures/offline.png">Láthatatlan ikon</media> <gui>Láthatatlan</gui>

Amikor állapotát Láthatatlanra állítja, partnerei számára kilépettként jelenik meg. Fiókjaihoz ekkor is csatlakozni fog, láthatja partnerei állapotát, és társalgásokat indíthat velük.

- <media type="image" mime="image/png" src="figures/offline.png">Offline icon</media> - <gui>Offline</gui> + <media type="image" mime="image/png" src="figures/offline.png">Kilépett ikon</media> <gui>Kilépett</gui>

Állapotának Kilépettre állítása megszünteti kapcsolatát fiókjaihoz.

diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/video-call.page empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/video-call.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/hu/video-call.page 2012-03-06 14:59:08.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/hu/video-call.page 2012-03-12 13:28:13.000000000 +0000 @@ -21,13 +21,16 @@

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0

+ + + Kelemen Gábor + kelemeng at gnome dot hu + 2010, 2011, 2012 + Videobeszélgetés kezdése -

If you have a webcam, you can call your contacts and have a video - conversation with them. This feature only works with certain types of - accounts, and it requires the other person to have an application that - supports video calls.


Ha rendelkezik webkamerával, akkor felhívhatja partnereit, és videobeszélgetést folytathat velük. Ez a szolgáltatás csak bizonyos fióktípusokkal működik, és a másik félnek is rendelkeznie kell a videohívást támogató alkalmazással.

diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/account-irc.page empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/account-irc.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/account-irc.page 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/account-irc.page 2012-03-12 13:28:10.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ + + + + + + Papildu informācija, lai pieslēgtos IRC tīkliem. + + + + + + Shaun McCance + shaunm@gnome.org + + +

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0 licence.

+ +
+ + IRC konta informācija + +

IRC konti pieprasa cita veida informāciju, nekā vairāki citi kontu tipi. Lai izveidotu IRC kontu, tev vajag norādīt vismaz IRC tīklu un savu iesauku. Šī lapa detalizētāk parāda informāciju, kuru vari sniegt IRC kontam.

+ + +

Tev ir jāuzinstalē telepathy-idle paka, lai izmantotu IRC kopā ar Empathy.

+ + + + <gui>Tīkls</gui> +

IRC ir atvērta sistēma, kura ļauj cilvēkiem reizē darbināt vairākus IRC tīklus. Katrs tīkls ir atšķirīgs un tam ir katram savi lietotāji un tērzēšanas istabas. Empathy norādīs pašus populārākos tīklus, Tīkls sarakstā. Tu vari pievienot papildus tīklu, lasi vairāk - .

+ + <gui>Iesauka</gui> +

Tava iesauka ir unikāls vārds IRC tīklā. Tikai viena persona tīklā var izmantot vienu iesauku. Ja saņemsi kļūdas paziņojumu, kurš saka , tev vajadzēs nomainīt iesauku.

+ + <gui>Parole</gui> +

Daži serveri, lielākoties privātajos tīklos, pieprasa paroli, lai pieslēgtos. Ja tev ir pilnvarojums konkrētā tīkla izmantošanai, administratoram vajadzētu tev iedot paroli.

+ + NickServ paroles +

Dažos serveros iesaukas var reģistrēt, izmantojot pakalpojumu NickServ. Empathy tiešā veidā neatbalsta iesauku paroles. Dažos tīklos, tajā skaitā arī populārajā freenode tīklā, serveru paroles tiek automātiski pārvirzītas uz NickServ, ļaujot tev uzstādīt sevis atpazīšanu ar NickServ. Lasi , lai uzzinātu vairāk.

+ + <gui>Īstais vārds</gui> +

Papildus iesaukai, tu vari norādīt arī savu īsto vārdu. Citi lietotāji to varēs redzēt, skatoties tavu profila informāciju.

+ + <gui>Iziešanas ziņojums</gui> +

Kad tu izej nesaistē, iziešanas ziņa tiks nosūtīta visām sarakstes istabām, kurās tu esi, kā arī visiem lietotājiem, ar kuriem tev ir privāta saruna. Izmanto šo lauku, lai norādītu sevis izvēlētu iziešanas ziņu.

+ + + +
+ + IRC tīkli + + + Tīkli + +

Empathy iekļauj sarakstu ar populāriem IRC tīkliem. Ja vēlies redzēt kādu citu tīklu, iekļauj to sarakstā. Tu vari arī rediģēt un izņemt tīklus no saraksta.

+ + +

Lai pievienotu tīklu sarakstam, spied uz Pievienot.


Lai rediģētu tīklu no saraksta, izvēlies to un spied uz Rediģēt.


Lai izņemtu kādu tīklu no saraksta, izvēlies to un spied uz Izņemt.

+ +

Pievienojot vai rediģējot kādu tīklu, tu vari ievadīt sekojošo informāciju:

+ + + + <gui>Tīkls</gui> +

Šis ir vārds, ar kuru tīkls tiks parādīts sarakstā.

+ + <gui>Rakstzīmju kopa</gui> +

Šis norāda rakstzīmju kodējumu, kurš tiek izmantots uz konkrētā tīkla. Rakstzīmju kodējums ir specifisks veids rakstzīmju ierakstīšanai datorā. Ir vairāki rakstzīmju kodējuma veidi un tev vajag izmantot tādu pašu kodējumu, kā citiem lietotājiem, lai varētu redzēt viņu ziņojumus pareizi.

+ +

Pēc noklusējuma, Empathy izmanto UTF-8, modernu rakstzīmju kodējumu, kurš var apstrādāt lielāko daļu pasaules valodu tekstus. Vēl viens sastopams kodējums angļu un dažām rietumu valodām ir ISO-8859-1.

+ + <gui>Serveri</gui> +

Vienā IRC tīklā var būs daudzi serveri, kuriem tu vari pieslēgties. Kad esi pieslēdzies serverim konkrētā tīklā, tu vari sazināties ar visiem lietotājiem visos pārējos serveros, tajā pašā tīklā. Tu vari pievienot vai noņemt serverus no konkrētā tīkla, izmantojot Pievienot un Izņemt pogas.


Kad ir izvēlēts serveris, nospied uz lauciņa zem Serveris vai Ports, lai to rediģētu. Vēl viens variants ir izmantot kreiso vai labo virziena taustiņu, lai fokusētos uz lauciņa, un nospiest atstarpes taustiņu, lai sāktu rediģēt.


Izvēlies lauciņu zem SSL kolonnas, lai šifrētu visu komunikāciju ar serveri. Piezīme: tas neattur citus lietotājus tīklā redzēt to, ko tu raksti publiskajās tērzēšanas istabās.

diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/account-jabber.page empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/account-jabber.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/account-jabber.page 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/account-jabber.page 2012-03-12 13:28:10.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ + + + + + Paplašinātas iespējas Jabber un Google Talk kontiem. + + + + + Shaun McCance + shaunm@gnome.org + + +

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0 licence.

+ +
+ + Jabber konta informācija + +

Vairums Jabber kontu pieprasīs tikai lietotāja ID un paroli lai pieslēgtos. Dažiem kontiem, vai atrodoties dažādos tīklos, tev var tikt pieprasīts ievadīt papildu informāciju Paplašināti sadaļā. Parasti tev nevajadzēs izmantot paplašinātās iespējas, kas minētas zemāk. Vispārīgām instrukcijām kontu pievienošanā, skaties .

+ + +

Google Talk ir Jabber tipa konts. Šīs instrukcijas der arī Google Talk kontiem.

+ + + + <gui>Vajadzīga šifrēšana (TLS/SSL)</gui> + <gui>Ignorēt SSL sertifikāta kļūdas</gui> +

Kad vien tas ir iespējams, saziņa caur Empathy un Jabber serveriem ir šifrēta. Ja šifrēta saruna nav iespējama, ziņas var tikt nosūtītas nešifrētā veidā. Izvēlies Šifrēšana pieprasīta, lai aizliegtu Empathy lietotnei sazināties ar Jabber serveri, kad šifrēšana nav iespējama.


Daži Jabber serveri var iešifrēt datus, izmantojot nederīgus sertifikātus, vai izmantojot sertifikātus no neatpazīstamiem veidotājiem. Ja tu uzticies serverim, kuram pieslēdzies, vari izvēlēties Ignorēt SSL sertifikāta kļūdas, lai atļautu iešifrētu saziņu, izmantojot nederīgus sertifikātus.

+ + <gui>Resurss</gui> + <gui>Prioritāte</gui> +

Ja ar tavu kontu ir savienojušās vairākas lietotnes reizē (piemēram, uz atsevišķiem datoriem), tu vari iestatīt kādu no resursiem, kurš unikāli identificēs katru pieslēgto lietotni. Pēc noklusējuma Empathy izmantos Telepathy kā resursu.


Tu vari uzstādīt prioritātes, kuras noteiks, kurai lietotnei vajadzētu saņemt ziņas no kontaktiem. Jaunas ziņas tiks nosūtītas uz lietotni ar augstāko uzstādīto prioritāti.

+ + <gui>Aizstāt servera iestatījumus</gui> +

Empathy izmantos noklusētos iestatījumus, lai savienotos ar Jabber serveri, balstītus uz tavu lietotāja ID. Dažiem Jabber serveriem, serveru iestatījumus tev vajadzēs ievadīt pašam. Ar šiem iestatījumiem tevi vajadzētu nodrošināt tavam Jabber pakalpojumu sniedzējam.

+ +
diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/accounts-window.page empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/accounts-window.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/accounts-window.page 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/accounts-window.page 2012-03-12 13:28:10.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ + + + + + + + + + Pievieno, modificē un dzēs kontus. + + + + + Shaun McCance + shaunm@gnome.org + + +

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0 licence.

+ +
+ + Kontu logs + +

Kontu logs ļauj pievienot, modificēt un izdzēst kontus.

+ +
+ + + + + Konta informācija +

Vairumam kontu tipu, tu vari vienkārši ievadīt lietotāja ID un paroli. Savukārt daži konti vai kontu tipi var pieprasīt papildu informāciju.

+ +
diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/add-account.page empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/add-account.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/add-account.page 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/add-account.page 2012-03-12 13:28:10.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ + + + + + + + Pievienot jaunu kontu Empathy lietotnei. + + + + + + + + + + Milo Casagrande + milo@ubuntu.com + + + Shaun McCance + shaunm@gnome.org + + +

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0 licence.

+ +
+ + Pievienot jaunu kontu + +

Tu vari pievienot TZ kontus no jebkura atbalstītā servisa, lai sazinātos ar visiem saviem kontaktiem Empathy lietotne. Dažiem kontu sniedzējiem šie soļi ļaus piereģistrēt jaunu kontu. Plašākai informācijai, lasi .

+ + + +

Kontaktu saraksta logā izvēlies Rediģēt Konti, vai nospied F4.

+ +

Spied +.

+ +

Protokola sarakstā, izvēlies konta tipu, kuru vēlies pievienot.

+ +

Ja tev vēl nav izveidots konts, izvēlies Izveidot jaunu kontu uz šī servera. Šī iespēja nav pieejama visiem kontu tipiem un var nedarboties ar dažiem kontu sniedzējiem. Plašākai informācijai, lasi .

+ +

Ievadi vajadzīgo informāciju. Vairumam kontu vajag norādīt tikai lietotāja ID un paroli. Dažiem kontiem vajag norādīt papildu informāciju. Skati , lai uzzinātu vairāk.

+ +

Spied Pielietot.

+ + +

Lai nomainītu vārdu, kurš identificē kontu, Kontu logā, izvēlies kontu no saraksta kreisajā pusē un vai nu nospied uz vārda, vai nospied atstarpes taustiņu. Rediģē konta vārdu un spied Enter, kad esi pabeidzis.

diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/add-contact.page empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/add-contact.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/add-contact.page 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/add-contact.page 2012-03-12 13:28:10.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ + + + + + + + Pievieno kādu kontaktu sarakstam. + + + + + + + Phil Bull + philbull@gmail.com + + +

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0 licence.

+ +
+ + Pievienot7 kādu savam kontaktu sarakstam + + + +

Izvēlies TērzēšanaPievienot kontaktu.

+ +

Kontu sarakstā izvēlies kontu, kuru izmantosi, lai savienotos ar savu kontaktu. Tavam kontaktam vajadzēs izmantot to pašu servisu, kuru izmanto tu.

+ +

Identifikators lauciņā, ievadi sava kontakta lietotāja ID, lietotājvārdu, ekrāna vārdu vai kādu citu servisam pieejamu identifikatoru.

+ +

Pseidonīms lauciņā, ieraksti to vārdu, ar kuru vēlies attēlot kontaktu savā sarakstā.

+ +

Spied uz Pievienot, lai pievienotu personu kontaktu sarakstam.

+ + +

Lai pievienotu jaunu personu kontaktu sarakstam, ir jābūt savienotam ar internetu un savu kontu.

+ +
diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/audio-call.page empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/audio-call.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/audio-call.page 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/audio-call.page 2012-03-12 13:28:10.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ + + + + + + + Zvani saviem kontaktiem caur internetu. + + + + + + + + Milo Casagrande + milo@ubuntu.com + + +

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0 licence.

+ + Sākt audio saziņu + +

Tu vari zvanīt saviem kontaktiem un uzturēt audio saziņu ar tiem. Šī iespēja strādā tikai ar noteiktiem kontu tipiem un pieprasa, lai tavam sarunas biedram arī būtu lietotne, kas atbalsta audio zvanus.

+ + +

Kontaktu saraksta logā nospied uz video zvans ikonas pie kontakta vārda, ar kuru tu vēlies sazināties, un izvēlies Audio zvans.

+ +

Atvērsies jauns logs. Kad savienojums būs nodrošināts, būs redzams uzraksts Savienotsloga apakšā, kopā ar sarunas ilgumu.

+ +

Lai sarunu beigtu, spied uz Nolikt klausuli.

+ + +

Lai audio zvanu pārvērstu video zvanā, izvēlies VideoIeslēgt video.

+ +
+ Sākt audio saziņu ar meta-kontaktu + + +

No Kontaktu saraksts loga, ar labo peles klikšķi spied uz meta-kontakta.

+ +

Izvēlies kontaktu, ar kuru vēlies sazināties un no izvēlnes paņem Audio zvans.

+ +

Lai atpazītu vai konkrēts kontakts ir meta-kontakts, tad Kontaktu saraksts logā pavirzi pelītes kursoru virs kontakta vārda un atstāj to tajā vietā uz pāris sekundēm, pēc šīm pāris sekundēm, neliela uzlecoša ziņa parādīsies un parādīs kontaktu skaitu, kurš veido meta-kontaktu.

+ +
diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/audio-video.page empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/audio-video.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/audio-video.page 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/audio-video.page 2012-03-12 13:28:10.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,196 @@ + + + + + + Informācija par to, kad ir iespējama audio vai video saziņa. + + + + + + + Milo Casagrande + milo@ubuntu.com + + +

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0 licence.

+ +
+ + Audio un video atbalsts + +

Audio on video sarunas ir iespējamas tikai starp kontaktiem, kuri izmanto lietotni, kura atbalsta šo iespēju. Ja tavi kontakti ir pieejami audio vai video zvanam, pie viņu vārdiem kontaktu sarakstā jūs redzēsiet sekojošas ikonas:

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +





Ikona audio sarunai


Šis kontakts ir pieejams audio sarunai.


Ikona video sarunai


Šis kontakts ir pieejams video sarunai.

+ + +

Lai varētu sazināties caur audio, tev ir vajadzīga skaņas karte, kuru savukārt atbalsta tava operetētājsistēma, kā arī ir nepieciešams arī mikrofons.


Lai varētu sazināties caur video, tev ir vajadzīga tīmekļa kamera, kuru atbalsta tava operētājsistēma, kā arī strādājošs mikrofons.

+ +
+ + Atbalstītie kontu veidi + +

Video un audio sarunas ir pieejamas, izmantojot kontus, kuri ir piesaistīti konkrētam, atbalstītam servisam. Sekojošā tabula norāda vai audio un video saziņa ir pieejama katram kontu tipam:

+ + +

Kontu tipus nodrošina spraudņi. Tavai sistēmai varētu nebūt pieejami visi šeit uzskaitītie tipi, vai arī tev var būt tādi tipi, kuri nav uzskaitīti šeit. Atjaunināti spraudņi var padarīt audi un video saziņu iespējamu starp kontu tipiem, kuri ir uzskaitīti kā neatbalstīti.

+ + + Shaun McCance +

I'd like to do tables like this using nothing for No and ✔ for Yes, but + we need to look at the accessibility impact. I've + asked + the accessibility team for input.

+ + + Shaun McCance +

There's recent work on telepathy-butterfly and papyon to support + audio and video for MSN. It might be released in time for 2.28, but + since it doesn't follow the Gnome release schedule, I can't be sure. + If it looks like it's going to ship, let's mark it Yes.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +





Facebook tērzēšana


Google Talk








People Nearby (cilvēki tuvumā)






+ +
+ +
diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/change-status.page empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/change-status.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/change-status.page 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/change-status.page 2012-03-12 13:28:10.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ + + + + + + + Maini savu statusu, lai paziņotu savu pieejamību kontaktiem. + + + + + + + + + Phil Bull + philbull@gmail.com + + +

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0 licence.

+ +
+ + Mainīt savu statusu + +

Tu vari iestatīt savu statusu, lai paziņotu par savu pieejamību kontaktiem. Empathy ļauj tev izvēlēties kādu statusu no iepriekš sagatavota saraksta.

+ + + +

Nospied uz izkrītošā saraksta Kontaktu saraksta loga augšā.

+ +

Izvēlies statusu no saraksta.

+ +

Skati , lai uzzinātu vairāk par iebūvētajiem statusiem un ko tie nozīmē. Tu vari arī pievienot statusa ziņojumus, lai saviem kontaktiem nodotu vairāk informācijas par savu pieejamību.

+ + +

Ja kādu laiku neizmanto datoru, vai ja ir ieslēgts ekrānsaudzētājs, tavs statuss automātiski nomainīsies uz "Prom".

+ +
diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/create-account.page empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/create-account.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/create-account.page 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/create-account.page 2012-03-12 13:28:10.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ + + + + + + + Reģistrē kontu izmantojot vienu no atbalstītajiem ziņojumu servisiem. + + + + + + + + Milo Casagrande + milo@ubuntu.com + + +

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0 licence.

+ +
+ + Reģistrēt jaunu kontu + +

Vairums kontu tipu pieprasa tos reģistrēt pie konta sniedzēja, pirms tu tos vari sākt izmantot TZ lietotnēs, kā Empathy. Pie dažiem kontu sniedzējiem vari izmantot Empathy lietotni, lai reģistrētu jaunu kontu, izmantojot tos pašus soļus, kurus tu izmantotu, lai pievienotu kontu.

+ +

Šī lapa sniedz informāciju par to, kā izveidot jaunu kontu, dažādiem kontu veidiem. Konta sniedzējam vajadzētu nodrošināt ar konta ID un paroli, kā arī ar papildus informāciju, kura ir nepieciešama Empathy izmantošanai.

+ +
+ Facebook +

Facebook ir viens no visplašāk izmantotajiem sociālajiem tīkliem. Tas ļauj lietotājiem izveidot pašiem savu profilu un sazināties ar saviem draugiem.


Lai izmantotu Facebook, tev būs jāizveido jauns konts viņu mājaslapā: www.facebook.com.

+ +
+ Jabber + +

Jabber ir atvērta tiešo ziņojumu sistēma. Tā pat kā epasts, Jabber ļauj tev izvēlēties tavu konta sniedzēju un sazināties ar citiem Jabber lietotājiem, neatkarīgi no viņu konta sniedzēja.

+ +

Tev vajadzēs izveidot jaunu profilu, izmantojot Jabber pakalpojumu sniedzēju. Ir vairāki bezmaksas pakalpojumu sniedzēji; viens no populārākajiem ir Jabber.org.

+ + +

Ja izmanto Google Mail vai Google Talk, tev jau ir Jabber konts! Google Talk ir Jabber pakalpojums. Vienkārši izmanto savu Google Mail adresi un paroli Empathy lietotnē, lai savienotos.

+ +
+ People Nearby (cilvēki tuvumā) + +

Tev nevajag izveidot kontu ar pakalpojumu sniedzēju, lai izmantotu šo pakalpojumu. Šis pakalpojums strādā jebkad, kad vien tu esi pieslēdzies lokālajam tīklam, piemēram bezvadu pieejas punktam (WiFi). Tas automātiski atradīs visus lietotājus tajā pašā tīklā, kuri izmanto šo servisu.

+ +

Lai uzzinātu vairāk, skaties .

+ +
+ SIP + +

SIP ir atvērta sistēma, kura ļauj lietotājiem sazināties audio un video veidā caur internetu. Tam ir jāizveido konts, izmantojot SIP pakalpojumu sniedzēju. Tu vari sazināties ar jebkuru SIP lietotāju, neatkarīgi no tā, kādu SIP pakalpojumu sniedzēju viņš/-a izmanto.

+ + +

Sakarā ar tehniskām atšķirībām, bezmaksas pieejamais Ekiga.net pakalpojums nav savienojams ar Empathy.

+ +

Daži SIP pakalpojumu sniedzēji ļauj tev zvanīt uz parastajiem telefoniem no tava datora. Lai šo pakalpojumu izmantotu, tev vajadzēs lietot maksas pakalpojumu.

+ +
+ IRC + +

Tev nevajag reģistrēt kontu, lai izmantotu IRC. Tomēr tu vari norādīt sev tīkamu lietotājvārdu, kad pievieno IRC kontu Empathy lietotnei. Šis lietotājvārds tiek izveidots tikai katru reizi, kamēr tu esi pieslēdzies. Ja kāds cits jau izmanto tavu lietotājvārdu, tev nāksies izvēlēties kādu citu.

+ +

Daži IRC kanāli izmanto pakalpojumu, sauktu par NickServ, lai ļautu lietotājiem aizsargāt viņu lietotājvārdus. Lasi , lai uzzinātu vairāk.

+ +

Daži IRC serveri ir aizsargāti ar paroli. Lai pieslēgtos šiem serveriem, tev vajadzēs paroli. Pārsvarā šādi serveri ir privātie IRC tīkli.

+ +
+ Īpašnieka servisi + +

Pastāv vairāki īpašnieka TZ servisi kurus ir izstrādājušas dažādas kompānijas vai organizācijas. Empathy ļauj tev savienoties ar jau esošu kontu vairumam populārāko servisu. Lai izveidotu jaunu kontu ar kādu no šiem servisiem, tev vajadzēs apmeklēt attiecīgā servisa mājaslapu un piekrist tās lietošanas noteikumiem.

+ + + +


+ +


+ +


+ +


+ +
diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/disable-account.page empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/disable-account.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/disable-account.page 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/disable-account.page 2012-03-12 13:28:10.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ + + + + + + + Aizliedz Empathy lietotnei automātiski ieiet kontā. + + + + + + + + + + Milo Casagrande + milo@ubuntu.com + + + Shaun McCance + shaunm@gnome.org + + +

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0 licence.

+ +
+ + Deaktivēt kontu + +

Tu vari deaktivēt kontu, lai liegtu Empathy lietotnei ar to ierakstīties, neizdzēšot kontu pavisam. Tu vari deaktivēt un atkal aktivēt kontu, ja tajā vēlies ieiet tikai noteiktos brīžos, bet vēlies izmantot Empathy citiem kontiem.

+ + + +

Kontaktu saraksta logā izvēlies Rediģēt Konti, vai nospied F4.

+ +

Izvēlies kontu, kuru vēlies atslēgt, no kontu saraksta kreisajā loga pusē.

+ +

Loga labajā pusē izslēdz ārā.

+ +

Lai atkārtoti aktivētu kontu, ieslēdz.

diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/favorite-rooms.page empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/favorite-rooms.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/favorite-rooms.page 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/favorite-rooms.page 2012-03-12 13:28:10.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ + + + + + + + + + Uzstādi, pievienojies un pārvaldi iecienītās istabas. + + + + Milo Casagrande + milo@ubuntu.com + + +

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0 licence.

+ +
+ + Iecienītās istabas + +
+ Uzstādi istabu kā iecienīto + + +

Pievienojies istabai.

+ + +

Skaties , lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas par to, kā piekļūt IRC istabām.

+ +

Skaties , lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas par to, kā sākt vai pievienoties grupu sarunām.

+ +

No sarunas loga izvēlies SarunaIecienītā tērzēšanas istaba

+ +
+ Pievienoties iecienītajām istabām. + + +

Kontaktu saraksta logā izpildi vienu no sekojošajā:

+ + +

Nospied F5.

+ +

Izvēlies IstabaPievienoties iecienītajām, lai pievienotos visām iecienītajām istabām.

+ +

Izvēlies Istaba, un izvēlies iecienīto istabu, kurai vēlies pievienoties.

+ +

Lai pievienotos kādai no iecienītajām istabām, tev ir jābūt interneta savienojumam un savam profilam.

+ +
+ Pārvaldīt iecienītās istabas + + +

No Kontaktu saraksta loga, izvēlies IstabaPārvaldīt iecienītās.

+ +

No Konts saraksta, izvēlies kontu, kura iecienītās istabas vēlies pārvaldīt.


Izvēlies Viss, lai redzētu visas iecienītās istabas.

+ +

Izvēlies iecienīto istabu, kuru vēlies pārvaldīt:

+ + +

Izvēlies Automātiski savienoties opciju, lai automātiski pievienotos šai istabai, kolīdz esi savienojies ar savu kontu.

+ +

Nospied uz Izņemt, lai izņemtu attiecīgo istabu no iecienīto istabu saraksta.

+ +

Kad esi pabeidzis darāmo, spied Aizvērt.

+ +
diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/geolocation-not-showing.page empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/geolocation-not-showing.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/geolocation-not-showing.page 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/geolocation-not-showing.page 2012-03-12 13:28:10.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ + + + + + + Empathy nepublicē tavu ģeogrāfisko atrašanās vietu. + + + + + Milo Casagrande + milo@ubuntu.com + + +

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0 licence.

+ +
+ + Ģeogrāfiskā atrašanās vieta netiek publicēta + +

Ja tavi kontakti neredz tavu atrašanās vietu, Empathy, iespējams, nav to spējusi noteikt ar labu precizitāti.


Šajā gadījumā tava atrašanās vieta netiek publicēta, taču tu vēl jo projām var redzēt savu kontaktu atrašanās vietas.


Ja tu vēlies publicēt šo atrašanās vietu, izmēģini izmantot kādu ārējo ierīci, piemēram GPS.

+ + +

Lai varētu publicēt savu ģeogrāfisko atrašanās vietu, tavam Jabber serverim ir jāatbalsta "Personal Eventing Protocal (PEP)". Saraksts ar serveriem, kuri atbalsta PEP, ir pieejams tiešsaistē. Google Talk pagaidām šo funkciju neatbalsta.

+ +
diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/geolocation.page empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/geolocation.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/geolocation.page 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/geolocation.page 2012-03-12 13:28:10.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ + + + + + + Izmanto un saproti ģeogrāfisko atrašanās vietu Empathy lietotnē. + + + + + Milo Casagrande + milo@ubuntu.com + + +

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0 licence.

+ +
+ + Ģeogrāfiskais novietojums + +
+ Ģeografiskā atrašanās vieta +
+ +
+ Salabot visbiežāk sastopamās problēmas +
+ +
diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/geolocation-privacy.page empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/geolocation-privacy.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/geolocation-privacy.page 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/geolocation-privacy.page 2012-03-12 13:28:10.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ + + + + + + Kāda un kam informācija tiek nosūtīta. + + + + + Milo Casagrande + milo@ubuntu.com + + +

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0 licence.

+ +
+ + Ģeogrāfiskās atrašanās vietas privātums + +
+ Kāda informācija tiek nosūtīta +

Nosūtīt ir iespējams: tavu valsti, reģionu, apvidu, rajonu, ielu, ēku, stāvu, dzīvokli, pasta indeksu, garuma, platuma un augstuma grādus, ātrumu un azimutu.


Precizitāte un daudzums, kurš tiks noteikts par tavu atrašanās vietu ir atkarīgs no programmatūras vai infrastruktūras, kura tiek izmantota, lai to noteiktu.


Dažādiem savienojumu veidiem var būt atšķirīgi precizitātes iestatījumi un var sūtīt dažādu informāciju. Noteikšanas precizitātes uzlabosies, izmantojot ārējās ierīces, piemēram, GPS vai mobilo tālruni.


Ja ir aktivēts privātuma režīms, nekas vairāk par pašreizējo pilsētu netiks nosūtīts, pat ja izmanto kādu ārējo ierīci.

+ +
+ Kas var redzēt nosūtīto informāciju +

Tikai tavi kontakti var redzēt tavu ģeogrāfisko atrašanās vietu,

+ +
+ Kas ir privātuma režīms +

Privātuma režīms, kurš ir noklusētais iestatījums, ir tas pats, kas samazināts precizitātes noteikšanas režīms, kurš samazina precizitāti tavas atrašanās vietas noteikšanā.

+ +
+ Privātuma pārskats +

Pārskats dažādiem ģeogrāfiskās atrašanās vietas privātuma iestatījumiem Empathy> lietotnē.

+ + +

Ģeogrāfiskās atrašanās vietas noteikšana nav aktivēta pēc noklusējuma.

+ +

Privātuma režīms ir aktivēts pēc noklusējuma.

+ +

Privātuma režīms paliek aktivēts arī tad, ja izmanto kādu ārējo ierīci.

+ +

Tikai tavi kontakti redz tavu atrašanās vietu.

+ +
diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/geolocation-supported.page empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/geolocation-supported.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/geolocation-supported.page 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/geolocation-supported.page 2012-03-12 13:28:10.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ + + + + + Servisi, kuri atbalsta ģeogrāfiskās atrašanās vietu un to savietojamība. + + + + + Milo Casagrande + milo@ubuntu.com + + +

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0 licence.

+ +
+ + Atbalstītie servisi + +

Ģeogrāfiskās atrašanās vietas iespēja uz doto brīdi ir saderīga tikai ar Jabber servisu. Lai to izmantotu, tev, kā arī taviem kontaktiem, ir jābūt Jabber kontam.

+ + +

Arī serverim, kuru tu lieto, jāatbalsta ģeogrāfiskās atrašanās vietas noteikšanas pakalpojums. Lielākā daļa no Jabber serveriem to atbalsta. Lasi sava servisa tīmekļa vietnes dokumentāciju, lai uzzinātu vairāk.

+ +
+ Savietojamība + +

Empathy ģeogrāfiskās atrašanās vietas pakalpojums nav saderīgs ar citiem šī pakalpojuma servisiem, piemēram Google Latitude, Yahoo Fire Eagle vai Brightkite.

+ +
+ +
diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/geolocation-turn.page empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/geolocation-turn.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/geolocation-turn.page 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/geolocation-turn.page 2012-03-12 13:28:10.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ + + + + + + + Kā aktivizēt vai deaktivizēt atrašanās vietas noteikšanu Empathy lietotnē. + + + + + Milo Casagrande + milo@ubuntu.com + + +

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0 licence.

+ +
+ + Aktivizēt/deaktivizēt ģeogrāfiskās atrašanās vietas noteikšanu + + + +

Izvēlies RediģētIestatījumi.

+ +

Izvēlies Vieta cilni.

+ +

Izvēlies Parādīt kontaktiem atrašanās vietu, lai aktivizētu ģeogrāfiskās atrašanās vietas pakalpojumu.


Lai to deaktivizētu, noņem tās izvēli.

+ +

Lai uzlabotu atrašanās vietas precizitāti, noņem izvēli Samazināt atrašanās vietas precizitāti.

+ +

Ja tev ir papildu ierīce, piemēram, GPS, vai ja vēlies sūtīt vēl precīzāku atrašanās vietu, izvēlies tam piemēroto opciju Vietas avoti sadaļā.

+ +
diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/geolocation-what-is.page empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/geolocation-what-is.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/geolocation-what-is.page 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/geolocation-what-is.page 2012-03-12 13:28:10.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ + + + + + + + Ģeogrāfiskās atrašanās vietas izpratne. + + + + + Milo Casagrande + milo@ubuntu.com + + +

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0 licence.

+ +
+ + Kas ir ģeogrāfiskā atrašanās vieta + +

Ģeogrāfiskā atrašanās vieta ļauj tev identificēt esošo ģeogrāfisko atrašanās vietu kādai ierīcei vai datoram, kurš ir savienots ar internetu.


Ar ģeogrāfiskās atrašanās vietu Empathy lietotnē tu vari:

+ + +

Paust zināmu savu atrašanās vietu saviem kontaktiem.

+ +

Uzzināt savu kontaktu atrašanās vietu un ātri sazināties ar tiem.

+ +

Iestatīt savas atrašanās vietas precizitāti, kā arī iestatīt noteikšanas precizitāti ierīcei, kura nosaka tavu atrašanās vietu.

+ + +

Lai redzētu savu kontaktu atrašanās vietas, viņiem ir jāizmantoservisu un lietotni, kas atbalsta ģeogrāfiskās atrašanās vietas noteikšanu.

+ +
diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/group-conversations.page empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/group-conversations.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/group-conversations.page 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/group-conversations.page 2012-03-12 13:28:10.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ + + + + + + Sāc vai pievienojies grupas sarunai ar saviem kontaktiem. + + + + + + + Milo Casagrande + milo@ubuntu.com + + +

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0 licence.

+ +
+ + Sarunas grupā + +

Grupu sarunas ļauj tev sarakstīties ar vairāk nekā vienu kontaktu vienlaicīgi.


Lai varētu izmantot grupu sarunas, tev ir nepieciešams vai nu Jabber, vai Google Talk, vai People Nearby konts.

+ + +

Grupu sarunas ir iespējamas tikai starp kontaktiem, kuri izmanto tādu pašu pakalpojumu, kā tu.

+ +
+ + Sākt grupu sarunu + + + +

No Kontaktu saraksta loga, izvēlies IstabaPievienoties.

+ +

No Konts saraksta izvēlies kontu, kuru vēlies izmantot grupas sarunā.

+ +

Serveris teksta lauciņā ieraksti tā servera nosaukumu, kurā norisināsies saruna.


Atstāj lauciņu tukšu, ja sarakste notiks esošajā serverī.

+ +

Istaba teksta laukā ieraksti sev tīkamo sarunas nosaukumu.

+ +

Šis būs nosaukums istabai, kurā notiks sarakste. Šo nosaukumu redzēs jebkurš lietotājs un jebkurš varēs pievienoties. Izveidot privātu sarakstes istabu nevar.

+ +

Lai uzaicinātu kontaktus pievienoties sarunai, no Kontaktu saraksta loga izvēlies kontaktu, kuru vēlies uzaicināt un veic vienu no sekojošajām darbībām:

+ + +

Ar labo peles pogu spied uz kontakta un izvēlies Uzaicināt uz tērzēšanas istabu.

+ +

Izvēlies RediģētKontaktsUzaicināt uz tērzēšanas istabu.


Ja tev ir atvērta vairāk nekā viena grupu sarakste, izvēlies to, uz kuru vēlies uzaicināt savus kontaktus.

+ +
+ +
+ + Pievienoties grupas sarunai + + + +

No Kontaktu saraksta loga, izvēlies IstabaPievienoties.

+ +

Izvērs Istabu saraksta nodalījumu, lai redzētu visas pieejamās istabas.

+ +

Veic dubultklikšķi uz istabas nosaukuma, kurai vēlies pievienoties.

+ +

Visām istabām var nebūt iespējams pievienoties. Atsevišķas istabas var pieprasīt paroli, vai var būt iespējamas tikai ar ielūgumiem. Empathy šāda veida istabas neatbalsta.

+ + + +
+ +
diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/hide-contacts.page empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/hide-contacts.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/hide-contacts.page 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/hide-contacts.page 2012-03-12 13:28:10.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ + + + + + + Paslēpt nesaistē esošos kontaktus no Kontaktu saraksta. + + + Milo Casagrande + milo@ubuntu.com + + +

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0 licence.

+ + Paslēpt nesaistē esošos kontaktus + +

Parasti Empathy parāda visus tavus kontaktus: tos, kuri ir tiešsaistē un ar kuriem tu vari sazināties, kā arī tos, kuri ir nesaistē.


Lai paslēptu kontaktus, kuri ir nesaistē:

+ + + +

No Kontaktu saraksta loga izvēlies SkatsNesaistes kontakti, vai spied Ctrl H.

+ +

Lai atkal rādītu nesaistē esošos kontaktus, atkārto iepriekšējo darbību.

+ +
diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/import-account.page empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/import-account.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/import-account.page 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/import-account.page 2012-03-12 13:28:10.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ + + + + + + + + Importēt kontu no kādas citas tūlītējās tērzēšanas lietotnes. + + + + + + + Peter Haslam + peter.haslam@freenet.de + + + Milo Casagrande + milo@ubuntu.com + + + Shaun McCance + shaunm@gnome.org + + +

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0 licence.

+ +
+ + Importēt esošu kontu + +

Pirmajā Empathy palaišanas reizē, jums piedāvās importēt kontus no citām tūlītējās tērzēšanas lietotnēm. Pagaidām vienīgā atbalstītā lietotne ir Pidgin.

+ + + +

Palaist Empathy pirmo reizi. Palīgs jums piedāvās vairākas izvēles konta izveidošanai.

+ +

Izvēlies Jā, importēt konta informāciju no un spied Turpināt

+ +

Atzīmē katru kontu, kuru vēlies importēt.

+ +

Spied Pielietot.

+ + +

Pagaidām nevar importēt kontus pēc tam, kad esi pabeidzis pirmās palaišanas palīgu.

+ +
diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/index.page empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/index.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/index.page 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/index.page 2012-03-12 13:28:11.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ + + + + + Empathy Interneta ziņotājs + Empathy Interneta ziņotājs + + + + + + + + + Milo Casagrande + milo@ubuntu.com + + +

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0 licence.

+ + <media type="image" mime="image/png" src="figures/empathy-logo.png"> Empathy Interneta ziņotāja logo </media> Empathy Interneta ziņotājs + +
+ Kontu pārvaldnieks +
+ +
+ Kontaktu pārvaldnieks +
+ +
+ Teksta sarunas +
+ +
+ Audio un video sarunas +
+ +
+ Darbības lietpratējiem +
+ +
+ Biežākās problēmas +
+ +
diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/introduction.page empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/introduction.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/introduction.page 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/introduction.page 2012-03-12 13:28:11.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ + + + + + + + + Ievads Empathy tūlītējās ziņojumapmaiņas lietotnē. + + Milo Casagrande + milo@ubuntu.com + + +

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0 licence.

+ + Ievads + +

Empathy ir tūlītējās ziņojumapmaiņas lietotne, izveidota GNOME darbvirsmai. Tā atbalsta teksta ziņojumus, balss un video zvanus, failu sūtīšanu un visas visbiežāk izmantotās ziņojumu sistēmas, piemēram MSN un Google Talk.


Empathy sevī ietver iespējas, kas palīdz labāk sadarboties darba vidē un kuras palīdz vieglāk sazināties ar draugiem.


Izmantojot Empathy, tu vari sagrupēt visas notiekošās sarakstes vienā logā, vari arī katrai sarakstei atvēlēt savu logu, vienkārši meklēt cauri visām sarakstēm un dalīties ar savu darbvirsmu ar tikai diviem klikšķiem!

+ +
+ <gui>Kontaktu saraksta</gui> logs + Empathy galvenais logs + +

Empathy galvenais logs.

+ +
diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/irc-commands.page empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/irc-commands.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/irc-commands.page 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/irc-commands.page 2012-03-12 13:28:11.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ + + + + + + Atbalstītās IRC komandas. + + + Milo Casagrande + milo@ubuntu.com + + +

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0 licence.

+ + Atbalstītās IRC komandas +

Lai redzētu sarakstu ar atbalstītajām IRC komandām, tērzēšanas istabā ieraksti /help un nospied Enter.

+ +

Visām pieejamajām komandām ir neliels to lietošanas paskaidrojums.

diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/irc-join-pwd.page empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/irc-join-pwd.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/irc-join-pwd.page 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/irc-join-pwd.page 2012-03-12 13:28:11.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ + + + + + + + Ieej ar paroli aizsargātās IRC tērzēšanas istabās. + + + + + + Milo Casagrande + milo@ubuntu.com + + +

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0 licence.

+ + Pievienoties aizsargātai IRC saziņas istabai + +

Dažos IRC tīklos, privātās IRC istabas var būt aizsargātas ar paroli. Ja tu zini šo paroli, izpildi sekojošos soļus lai pievienotos:

+ + +

Pievienojies istabai kā tu to parasti darītu.

+ +

Empathy tev pieprasīs paroli. Ievadi IRC istabas paroli un spied Pievienoties.

+ +
diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/irc-join-room.page empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/irc-join-room.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/irc-join-room.page 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/irc-join-room.page 2012-03-12 13:28:11.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ + + + + + + Pievienojies IRC kanālam. + + + + + + Milo Casagrande + milo@ubuntu.com + + +

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0 licence.

+ +
+ + Pievienoties IRC tērzēšanas istabai. + +

Tu vari pievienoties IRC tērzēšanas istabām (zināmām kā IRC kanāliem) jebkurā IRC tīklā, kuram esi pieslēdzies. Lai pieslēgtos IRC tīklam, lasi un .

+ + + +

No Kontaktu saraksta loga, izvēlies IstabaPievienoties.

+ +

Konts izkrītošajā izvēlnē izvēlies IRC kontu, kurš atbilst tīklam, kuru vēlies izmantot.

+ +

Istaba teksta laukumā, ieraksti kanāla nosaukumu, kuram vēlies pievienoties. IRC kanālu nosaukumi sākas ar restītes zīmi (#).

+ +

Spied Pievienoties, lai pievienotos istabai.

+ + +

Lai pievienotos vairākām istabām vienlaicīgi, tev nāksies atkārtot šos soļus katrai istabai.

diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/irc-manage.page empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/irc-manage.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/irc-manage.page 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/irc-manage.page 2012-03-12 13:28:11.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ + + + + + + Kā izmantot IRC kopā ar Empathy. + + + + + + + + Milo Casagrande + milo@ubuntu.com + + +

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0 licence.

+ +
+ + Internet Relay Chat (IRC) + + +

Tev ir jāuzinstalē telepathy-idle paka, lai izmantotu IRC kopā ar Empathy.

+ + +

Instalēt telepathy-idle

+ +
+ + IRC tērzēšanas istabas un sarunas + + Tērzēšanas istabas un sarunas +
+ +
+ + Biežākās IRC problēmas + + Biežākās problēmas +
+ +
diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/irc-nick-password.page empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/irc-nick-password.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/irc-nick-password.page 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/irc-nick-password.page 2012-03-12 13:28:11.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ + + + + + + + + Aizsargā savu segvārdu, lai neļautu citiem IRC lietotājiem to izmantot. + + + + + + Milo Casagrande + milo@ubuntu.com + + +

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0 licence.

+ +
+ + Izmantot segvārda paroli IRC tīklā + +

Dažos IRC tīklos, tu vari reģistrēt savu segvārdu, izmantojot servisu, sauktu par NickServ. Sūtot īpašas komandas NickServ, tu vari iestatīt paroli un identificēt sevi. Dažas IRC istabas var tev neatļaut pieslēgties, nereģistrējot segvārdu.

+ +

Empathy pašlaik neatbalsta segvārdu reģistrāciju. Daži IRC tīkli automātiski nosūtīs servera paroli uz NickServ. Šajos tīklos tu vari izmantot IRC paroli, Empathy lietotnē, lai identificētu sevi NickServ servisā. Populārajam freenode tīklam ir šī funkcija.

+ +

Lai iestatītu IRC paroli:

+ + + +

Kontaktu saraksta logā izvēlies Rediģēt Konti, vai nospied F4.

+ +

Izvēlies IRC kontu no saraksta, kreisajā loga pusē.

+ +

Parole laukā, raksti paroli, kuru izmantoji, lai reģistrētu segvārdu.

+ +

Spied Pielietot.

+ + + +

Šīs instrukcijas ļauj tev izmantot ar paroli aizsargātu iesauku noteiktos IRC tīklos. Uz doto brīdi nav iespējams reģistrēt IRC iesauku, vai to mainīt, izmantojot Empathy.

diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/irc-send-file.page empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/irc-send-file.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/irc-send-file.page 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/irc-send-file.page 2012-03-12 13:28:11.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ + + + + + + + Empathy pašlaik neatbalsta failu sūtīšanu caur IRC. + + + + + Milo Casagrande + milo@ubuntu.com + + +

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0 licence.

+ +
+ + Sūti failus caur IRC + +

Pagaidām nav iespējams sūtīt failus, izmantojot IRC.

+ +
diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/irc-start-conversation.page empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/irc-start-conversation.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/irc-start-conversation.page 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/irc-start-conversation.page 2012-03-12 13:28:11.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ + + + + + + Sākt sarunu ar IRC kontaktu. + + + + + Milo Casagrande + milo@ubuntu.com + + +

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0 licence.

+ +
+ + Sarakstīties ar kādu IRC lietotāju + +

Tu vari uzturēt privātas sarunas ar citiem IRC lietotājiem, ārpus publiskajām IRC istabām. Lai sāktu sarunu ar kādu IRC lietotāju:

+ + + +

IRC sarakstes istabas dalībnieku sarakstā veic dubultklikšķi uz tā lietotāja segvārda, ar kuru vēlies sazināties. Kā arī var veikt labo peles klikšķi un izvēlēties Tērzēt.

+ + + +

IRC istabu dalībnieku saraksts nav tas pats, kas Empathy kontaktu saraksts. Tas satur sarakstu ar lietotājiem, kuri atrodas tajā pašā istabā, kurā jūs. Dažādās istabās būs dažādi kontakti.

+ +

IRC istabu kontaktu saraksts parasti atrodas istabas loga labajā pusē. Ja tu to neredzi, izvēlies SarunaRādīt kontaktu sarakstu.

+ +
diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/license.page empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/license.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/license.page 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/license.page 2012-03-12 13:28:11.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ + + + + + + + Juridiskā informācija. + + + License +

Šis darbs tiek izplatīts balstoties uz CreativeCommons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 neportēto licenci.


Tu drīksti:

+ + + <em>Izplatīt</em> +

Kopēt, izplatīt un pārraidīt šo darbu.

+ + <em>Pārveidot</em> +



Zem sekojošajiem noteikumiem:

+ + + <em>Attiecinājums</em> +

Tev ir obligāti jāattiecina darbs veidā, kurš to ir norādījis autors vai licencētājs (bet ne tādā veidā veidā, kas liktu noprast, ka tie atbalsta tevi vai tava darba izmantošanu).

+ + <em>Share Alike</em> +

Ja tu pamaini, pārveido šo darbu, tu to drīksti izplatīt tikai zem šādas pašas vai savietojamas licences.


Lai iegūtu pilnu licences tekstu, skaties CreativeCommons mājaslapā, vai izlasi pilnu aktu.

diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/link-contacts.page empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/link-contacts.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/link-contacts.page 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/link-contacts.page 2012-03-12 13:28:11.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ + + + + + + + + + Apvieno un sadali dažādus kontaktus, vienā veselā. + + + + Milo Casagrande + milo@ubuntu.com + + +

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0 licence.

+ + Apvienot un sadalīt kontaktus +

Ja vienam vai vairākiem kontaktiem ir vairāki konti ar dažādiem tērzēšanas servisiem, tu vari apvienot šos kontaktus vienā.


Iegūtais kontakts tiek saukts par meta-kontaktu: kontakts, savienots no vairākiem atsevišķiem kontaktiem.


Ja tev ir Ilzes Priedes kontakts, kurš izmanto trīs dažādus ziņojumu servisus, piemēram:

+ + +


+ +


+ +



Tu vari apvienot šos kontaktus vienā vienīgā Ilzes Priedes kontaktā.

+ +
+ Kontaktu apvienošana + + +

No Kontaktu saraksta loga, spiež labo peles pogu uz kontakta ar dažādiem kontiem un izvēlies Saistīt kontaktus....

+ +

No kreisā paneļa, Saistīt kontaktus logā, izvēlies kontaktus, kurus vēlies apvienot.

+ +

Spied uz Saistīt.

+ +

Kad ir izveidots meta-kontakts, noklusētais kontakts, kurš tiks izmantots, lai sazinātos, kad uz tā veic dubultklikšķi, būs kontakts ar augstāko klātbūtnes laiku.

+ +
+ Kontaktu atdalīšana + + +

Kontaktu saraksts logā spiež labo peles pogu uz kontakta, kuru vēlies atdalīt un izvēlies Saistīt kontaktus....

+ +

Spied uz Atsaistīt.

diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/lv.po empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/lv.po --- empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/lv.po 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/lv.po 2012-03-12 09:58:52.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,3581 @@ +# Latvian translation for empathy. +# Copyright (C) 2012 empathy's COPYRIGHT HOLDER +# This file is distributed under the same license as the empathy package. +# +# Viesturs Ružāns 2011. +# Rūdolfs Mazurs , 2012. +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: empathy master\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-11 22:03+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-12 00:17+0200\n" +"Last-Translator: Rūdolfs Mazurs \n" +"Language-Team: Latvian \n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n != 0 ? 1 : " +"2);\n" +"Language: lv\n" +"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.2\n" + +#. Put one translator per line, in the form NAME , YEAR1, YEAR2 +#| msgid "translator-credits" +msgctxt "_" +msgid "translator-credits" +msgstr "" +"Viesturs Ružāns 2011\n" +"Rūdolfs Mazurs " + +#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When +#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to +#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to +#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. +#. +#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When +#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to +#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to +#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. +#: C/index.page:28(media) +#| msgid "" +#| "@@image: 'figures/empathy-logo.png'; md5=1afc419a644e90b16393807e35cb5cb2" +msgctxt "_" +msgid "" +"external ref='figures/empathy-logo.png' " +"md5='1afc419a644e90b16393807e35cb5cb2'" +msgstr "" +"external ref='figures/empathy-logo.png' " +"md5='1afc419a644e90b16393807e35cb5cb2'" + +#: C/index.page:7(info/title) +#| msgid "Empathy Internet Messenger" +msgctxt "link" +msgid "Empathy Internet Messenger" +msgstr "Empathy Interneta ziņotājs" + +#: C/index.page:8(info/title) +#| msgid "Empathy Internet Messenger" +msgctxt "text" +msgid "Empathy Internet Messenger" +msgstr "Empathy Interneta ziņotājs" + +#: C/index.page:19(credit/name) C/add-account.page:21(credit/name) +#: C/audio-call.page:19(credit/name) C/audio-video.page:17(credit/name) +#: C/create-account.page:19(credit/name) +#: C/disable-account.page:21(credit/name) +#: C/favorite-rooms.page:14(credit/name) C/geolocation.page:17(credit/name) +#: C/geolocation-not-showing.page:17(credit/name) +#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:17(credit/name) +#: C/geolocation-supported.page:16(credit/name) +#: C/geolocation-turn.page:18(credit/name) +#: C/geolocation-what-is.page:18(credit/name) +#: C/group-conversations.page:19(credit/name) +#: C/hide-contacts.page:11(credit/name) C/import-account.page:23(credit/name) +#: C/introduction.page:13(credit/name) C/irc-commands.page:10(credit/name) +#: C/irc-join-pwd.page:17(credit/name) C/irc-join-room.page:16(credit/name) +#: C/irc-manage.page:19(credit/name) C/irc-nick-password.page:18(credit/name) +#: C/irc-send-file.page:16(credit/name) +#: C/irc-start-conversation.page:15(credit/name) +#: C/link-contacts.page:15(credit/name) C/prev-conv.page:17(credit/name) +#: C/prob-conn-acctdisabled.page:19(credit/name) +#: C/prob-conn-auth.page:21(credit/name) C/prob-conn-name.page:18(credit/name) +#: C/prob-conn-neterror.page:19(credit/name) +#: C/remove-account.page:19(credit/name) C/salut-protocol.page:18(credit/name) +#: C/send-file.page:21(credit/name) C/set-custom-status.page:19(credit/name) +#: C/share-desktop.page:14(credit/name) C/status-icons.page:16(credit/name) +#: C/video-call.page:22(credit/name) +msgid "Milo Casagrande" +msgstr "Milo Casagrande" + +#: C/index.page:23(license/p) C/account-irc.page:20(license/p) +#: C/account-jabber.page:18(license/p) C/accounts-window.page:22(license/p) +#: C/add-account.page:29(license/p) C/add-contact.page:22(license/p) +#: C/audio-call.page:23(license/p) C/audio-video.page:21(license/p) +#: C/change-status.page:28(license/p) C/create-account.page:23(license/p) +#: C/disable-account.page:29(license/p) C/favorite-rooms.page:18(license/p) +#: C/geolocation.page:21(license/p) +#: C/geolocation-not-showing.page:21(license/p) +#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:21(license/p) +#: C/geolocation-supported.page:20(license/p) +#: C/geolocation-turn.page:22(license/p) +#: C/geolocation-what-is.page:22(license/p) +#: C/group-conversations.page:23(license/p) C/hide-contacts.page:15(license/p) +#: C/import-account.page:31(license/p) C/introduction.page:17(license/p) +#: C/irc-commands.page:14(license/p) C/irc-join-pwd.page:21(license/p) +#: C/irc-join-room.page:20(license/p) C/irc-manage.page:23(license/p) +#: C/irc-nick-password.page:22(license/p) C/irc-send-file.page:20(license/p) +#: C/irc-start-conversation.page:19(license/p) +#: C/link-contacts.page:19(license/p) C/prev-conv.page:25(license/p) +#: C/prob-conn-acctdisabled.page:23(license/p) +#: C/prob-conn-auth.page:25(license/p) C/prob-conn-name.page:22(license/p) +#: C/prob-conn-neterror.page:23(license/p) C/prob-conn.page:18(license/p) +#: C/remove-account.page:23(license/p) C/salut-protocol.page:22(license/p) +#: C/send-file.page:25(license/p) C/send-message.page:21(license/p) +#: C/set-custom-status.page:23(license/p) C/share-desktop.page:22(license/p) +#: C/status-icons.page:24(license/p) C/video-call.page:26(license/p) +msgid "Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0" +msgstr "Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0 licence." + +#: C/index.page:27(page/title) +msgid "" +" " +"Empathy Internet Messenger logo Empathy Internet Messenger" +msgstr "" +" " +"Empathy Interneta ziņotāja logo Empathy Interneta ziņotājs" + +#: C/index.page:35(section/title) +msgid "Account Management" +msgstr "Kontu pārvaldnieks" + +#: C/index.page:39(section/title) +msgid "Contact Management" +msgstr "Kontaktu pārvaldnieks" + +#: C/index.page:43(section/title) +msgid "Text Conversations" +msgstr "Teksta sarunas" + +#: C/index.page:47(section/title) +msgid "Audio and Video Conversations" +msgstr "Audio un video sarunas" + +#: C/index.page:51(section/title) +msgid "Advanced Actions" +msgstr "Darbības lietpratējiem" + +#: C/index.page:55(section/title) C/irc-manage.page:57(section/title) +msgid "Common Problems" +msgstr "Biežākās problēmas" + +#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When +#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to +#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to +#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. +#: C/account-irc.page:106(media) +#| msgid "@@image: 'figures/gtk-add.png'; md5=a856b499d8d4681b70b5ce6f25bc5c6d" +msgctxt "_" +msgid "" +"external ref='figures/gtk-add.png' md5='a856b499d8d4681b70b5ce6f25bc5c6d'" +msgstr "" +"external ref='figures/gtk-add.png' md5='a856b499d8d4681b70b5ce6f25bc5c6d'" + +#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When +#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to +#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to +#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. +#. +#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When +#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to +#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to +#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. +#. +#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When +#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to +#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to +#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. +#. +#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When +#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to +#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to +#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. +#: C/account-irc.page:109(media) C/prob-conn-auth.page:58(media) +#: C/prob-conn-name.page:44(media) C/prob-conn-neterror.page:59(media) +#| msgid "" +#| "@@image: 'figures/gtk-edit.png'; md5=4f21b451732817be0604fe3e2c8da98b" +msgctxt "_" +msgid "" +"external ref='figures/gtk-edit.png' md5='4f21b451732817be0604fe3e2c8da98b'" +msgstr "" +"external ref='figures/gtk-edit.png' md5='4f21b451732817be0604fe3e2c8da98b'" + +#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When +#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to +#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to +#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. +#: C/account-irc.page:112(media) +#| msgid "" +#| "@@image: 'figures/gtk-remove.png'; md5=215e3a325a3dd619874e35c30a018bb6" +msgctxt "_" +msgid "" +"external ref='figures/gtk-remove.png' md5='215e3a325a3dd619874e35c30a018bb6'" +msgstr "" +"external ref='figures/gtk-remove.png' md5='215e3a325a3dd619874e35c30a018bb6'" + +#: C/account-irc.page:8(info/desc) +msgid "Additional information necessary for connecting to IRC networks." +msgstr "Papildu informācija, lai pieslēgtos IRC tīkliem." + +#: C/account-irc.page:16(credit/name) C/account-jabber.page:14(credit/name) +#: C/accounts-window.page:18(credit/name) C/add-account.page:25(credit/name) +#: C/disable-account.page:25(credit/name) +#: C/import-account.page:27(credit/name) C/prev-conv.page:21(credit/name) +#: C/status-icons.page:20(credit/name) +msgid "Shaun McCance" +msgstr "Shaun McCance" + +#: C/account-irc.page:31(page/title) +msgid "IRC account details" +msgstr "IRC konta informācija" + +#: C/account-irc.page:33(page/p) +msgid "" +"IRC accounts require different information than many other types of " +"accounts. To create an IRC account, you must specify at least an IRC network " +"and a nickname. This page details the information you can provide for an IRC " +"account." +msgstr "" +"IRC konti pieprasa cita veida informāciju, nekā vairāki citi kontu tipi. Lai " +"izveidotu IRC kontu, tev vajag norādīt vismaz IRC tīklu un savu iesauku. Šī " +"lapa detalizētāk parāda informāciju, kuru vari sniegt IRC kontam." + +#: C/account-irc.page:39(note/p) C/irc-manage.page:37(note/p) +msgid "" +"You must have the telepathy-idle package installed to use IRC in " +"Empathy." +msgstr "" +"Tev ir jāuzinstalē telepathy-idle paka, lai izmantotu IRC kopā ar " +"Empathy." + +#: C/account-irc.page:45(item/title) C/account-irc.page:120(item/title) +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Tīkls" + +#: C/account-irc.page:46(item/p) +msgid "" +"IRC is an open system that allows people to run separate IRC networks. Each " +"network is distinct and has its own users and chat rooms. Empathy " +"lists the most popular networks in the Network drop-down list. " +"You can add additional networks. See below." +msgstr "" +"IRC ir atvērta sistēma, kura ļauj cilvēkiem reizē darbināt vairākus IRC " +"tīklus. Katrs tīkls ir atšķirīgs un tam ir katram savi lietotāji un " +"tērzēšanas istabas. Empathy norādīs pašus populārākos tīklus, " +"Tīkls sarakstā. Tu vari pievienot papildus tīklu, lasi vairāk - " +"." + +#: C/account-irc.page:53(item/title) +msgid "Nickname" +msgstr "Iesauka" + +#: C/account-irc.page:54(item/p) +msgid "" +"Your nickname is your unique name on the IRC network. Only one person on a " +"network may use a given nickname. If you get an error message that says " +" you will need to change " +"your nickname." +msgstr "" +"Tava iesauka ir unikāls vārds IRC tīklā. Tikai viena persona tīklā var " +"izmantot vienu iesauku. Ja saņemsi kļūdas paziņojumu, kurš saka , tev vajadzēs nomainīt iesauku." + +#: C/account-irc.page:60(item/title) +msgid "Password" +msgstr "Parole" + +#: C/account-irc.page:61(item/p) +msgid "" +"Some servers, particularly those on private networks, require a password to " +"connect. If you are authorized to use the network, the network " +"administrators should provide you with a password." +msgstr "" +"Daži serveri, lielākoties privātajos tīklos, pieprasa paroli, lai " +"pieslēgtos. Ja tev ir pilnvarojums konkrētā tīkla izmantošanai, " +"administratoram vajadzētu tev iedot paroli." + +#: C/account-irc.page:65(note/title) +msgid "NickServ Passwords" +msgstr "NickServ paroles" + +#: C/account-irc.page:66(note/p) +msgid "" +"On some networks, nicknames can be registered using a service known as " +"NickServ. Empathy does not directly support nickname passwords. " +"On some networks, including the popular freenode network, server passwords " +"are automatically forwarded to NickServ, allowing you to set this field to " +"identify yourself with NickServ. See for " +"more details." +msgstr "" +"Dažos serveros iesaukas var reģistrēt, izmantojot pakalpojumu NickServ. " +"Empathy tiešā veidā neatbalsta iesauku paroles. Dažos tīklos, " +"tajā skaitā arī populārajā freenode tīklā, serveru paroles tiek automātiski " +"pārvirzītas uz NickServ, ļaujot tev uzstādīt sevis atpazīšanu ar NickServ. " +"Lasi , lai uzzinātu vairāk." + +#: C/account-irc.page:76(item/title) +#| msgid "Real name" +msgid "Real name" +msgstr "Īstais vārds" + +#: C/account-irc.page:77(item/p) +msgid "" +"You can provide your real name in addition to your nickname. Other users " +"will be able to see this when they view your information." +msgstr "" +"Papildus iesaukai, tu vari norādīt arī savu īsto vārdu. Citi lietotāji to " +"varēs redzēt, skatoties tavu profila informāciju." + +#: C/account-irc.page:81(item/title) +#| msgid "Select Edit Custom Message." +msgid "Quit message" +msgstr "Iziešanas ziņojums" + +#: C/account-irc.page:82(item/p) +msgid "" +"When you go offline, a quit message is sent to all the chat rooms you’re in " +"and to all the users you’re having a private conversation with. Use this " +"field to provide a custom quit message." +msgstr "" +"Kad tu izej nesaistē, iziešanas ziņa tiks nosūtīta visām sarakstes istabām, " +"kurās tu esi, kā arī visiem lietotājiem, ar kuriem tev ir privāta saruna. " +"Izmanto šo lauku, lai norādītu sevis izvēlētu iziešanas ziņu." + +#: C/account-irc.page:94(info/title) +#| msgid "IRC Networks" +msgctxt "link" +msgid "IRC Networks" +msgstr "IRC tīkli" + +#: C/account-irc.page:97(section/title) +msgid "Networks" +msgstr "Tīkli" + +#: C/account-irc.page:99(section/p) +msgid "" +"Empathy includes a list of popular IRC networks. If you wish to " +"another IRC network, you can add it to the list. You can also modify " +"networks and remove them from the list." +msgstr "" +"Empathy iekļauj sarakstu ar populāriem IRC tīkliem. Ja vēlies " +"redzēt kādu citu tīklu, iekļauj to sarakstā. Tu vari arī rediģēt un izņemt " +"tīklus no saraksta." + +#: C/account-irc.page:104(item/p) +msgid "" +"To add a network to the list, click Add." +msgstr "" +"Lai pievienotu tīklu sarakstam, spied uz Pievienot." + +#: C/account-irc.page:107(item/p) +msgid "" +"To modify a network in the list, select the network and click Edit." +msgstr "" +"Lai rediģētu tīklu no saraksta, izvēlies to un spied uz Rediģēt." + +#: C/account-irc.page:110(item/p) +msgid "" +"To remove a network from the list, select the network and click Remove." +msgstr "" +"Lai izņemtu kādu tīklu no saraksta, izvēlies to un spied uz Izņemt." + +#: C/account-irc.page:115(section/p) +msgid "" +"When adding or modifying a network, you can enter the following information:" +msgstr "" +"Pievienojot vai rediģējot kādu tīklu, tu vari ievadīt sekojošo informāciju:" + +#: C/account-irc.page:121(item/p) +msgid "" +"This is the name of the network as you want it to appear in the list of " +"networks." +msgstr "Šis ir vārds, ar kuru tīkls tiks parādīts sarakstā." + +#: C/account-irc.page:125(item/title) +#| msgid "Contact List window" +msgid "Charset" +msgstr "Rakstzīmju kopa" + +#: C/account-irc.page:126(item/p) +msgid "" +"This specifies the character encoding that is typically used on this " +"network. A character encoding is a specific way of recording characters " +"internally in a computer. There are many character encodings, and you need " +"to use the same character encoding as other users to see their messages " +"correctly." +msgstr "" +"Šis norāda rakstzīmju kodējumu, kurš tiek izmantots uz konkrētā tīkla. " +"Rakstzīmju kodējums ir specifisks veids rakstzīmju ierakstīšanai datorā. Ir " +"vairāki rakstzīmju kodējuma veidi un tev vajag izmantot tādu pašu kodējumu, " +"kā citiem lietotājiem, lai varētu redzēt viņu ziņojumus pareizi." + +#: C/account-irc.page:135(item/p) +msgid "" +"By default, Empathy uses UTF-8, a modern character encoding that " +"can handle text from most of the world's languages. Another common encoding " +"for English and some other Western languages is ISO-8859-1." +msgstr "" +"Pēc noklusējuma, Empathy izmanto UTF-8, modernu rakstzīmju " +"kodējumu, kurš var apstrādāt lielāko daļu pasaules valodu tekstus. Vēl viens " +"sastopams kodējums angļu un dažām rietumu valodām ir ISO-8859-1." + +#: C/account-irc.page:141(item/title) +msgid "Servers" +msgstr "Serveri" + +#: C/account-irc.page:142(item/p) +msgid "" +"An IRC network may have many servers you can connect to. When you are " +"connected to a server on a particular network, you can communicate with all " +"users on all other servers on that network. You can add and remove servers " +"for this network using the Add and Remove buttons." +msgstr "" +"Vienā IRC tīklā var būs daudzi serveri, kuriem tu vari pieslēgties. Kad esi " +"pieslēdzies serverim konkrētā tīklā, tu vari sazināties ar visiem " +"lietotājiem visos pārējos serveros, tajā pašā tīklā. Tu vari pievienot vai " +"noņemt serverus no konkrētā tīkla, izmantojot Pievienot un " +"Izņemt pogas." + +#: C/account-irc.page:147(item/p) +msgid "" +"When a server is selected, click the field under Server or " +"Port to edit it. Alternatively, use the left and right arrow keys " +"to focus the field, and press the space bar to begin editing." +msgstr "" +"Kad ir izvēlēts serveris, nospied uz lauciņa zem Serveris vai " +"Ports, lai to rediģētu. Vēl viens variants ir izmantot kreiso vai " +"labo virziena taustiņu, lai fokusētos uz lauciņa, un nospiest atstarpes " +"taustiņu, lai sāktu rediģēt." + +#: C/account-irc.page:151(item/p) +msgid "" +"Select the check box in the SSL column to encrypt all " +"communication with a server. Note that this does not prevent other users on " +"the network from seeing what you write on public chat rooms." +msgstr "" +"Izvēlies lauciņu zem SSL kolonnas, lai šifrētu visu komunikāciju " +"ar serveri. Piezīme: tas neattur citus lietotājus tīklā redzēt to, ko tu " +"raksti publiskajās tērzēšanas istabās." + +#: C/account-jabber.page:7(info/desc) +msgid "Advanced options for Jabber and Google Talk accounts." +msgstr "Paplašinātas iespējas Jabber un Google Talk kontiem." + +#: C/account-jabber.page:29(page/title) +msgid "Jabber account details" +msgstr "Jabber konta informācija" + +#: C/account-jabber.page:31(page/p) +msgid "" +"Most Jabber accounts will require only a login ID and a password to connect. " +"For some accounts or on certain types of networks, you may need to enter " +"additional information in the Advanced section. Normally, you " +"will not need to use the advanced options below. For general instructions on " +"adding an account, see ." +msgstr "" +"Vairums Jabber kontu pieprasīs tikai lietotāja ID un paroli lai pieslēgtos. " +"Dažiem kontiem, vai atrodoties dažādos tīklos, tev var tikt pieprasīts " +"ievadīt papildu informāciju Paplašināti sadaļā. Parasti tev " +"nevajadzēs izmantot paplašinātās iespējas, kas minētas zemāk. Vispārīgām " +"instrukcijām kontu pievienošanā, skaties ." + +#: C/account-jabber.page:39(note/p) +msgid "" +"Google Talk is a type of Jabber account. These instructions hold for Google " +"Talk accounts as well." +msgstr "" +"Google Talk ir Jabber tipa konts. Šīs instrukcijas der arī Google Talk " +"kontiem." + +#: C/account-jabber.page:45(item/title) +#| msgid "Encryption required (TLS/SSL)" +msgid "Encryption required (TLS/SSL)" +msgstr "Vajadzīga šifrēšana (TLS/SSL)" + +#: C/account-jabber.page:46(item/title) +#| msgid "Ignore SSL certificate errors" +msgid "Ignore SSL certificate errors" +msgstr "Ignorēt SSL sertifikāta kļūdas" + +#: C/account-jabber.page:47(item/p) +msgid "" +"Whenever possible, communication between Empathy and the Jabber " +"server is encrypted. If encrypted communication is not possible, messages " +"may be sent unencrypted. Select Encryption required to prevent " +"Empathy from communicating with the Jabber server when encryption " +"is not possible." +msgstr "" +"Kad vien tas ir iespējams, saziņa caur Empathy un Jabber " +"serveriem ir šifrēta. Ja šifrēta saruna nav iespējama, ziņas var tikt " +"nosūtītas nešifrētā veidā. Izvēlies Šifrēšana pieprasīta, lai " +"aizliegtu Empathy lietotnei sazināties ar Jabber serveri, kad " +"šifrēšana nav iespējama." + +#: C/account-jabber.page:52(item/p) +msgid "" +"Some Jabber servers may encrypt data using invalid certificates, or using " +"certificates from unknown authorities. If you trust the server you are " +"connecting to, you can select Ignore SSL certificate errors to " +"allow encrypted communication with invalid certificates." +msgstr "" +"Daži Jabber serveri var iešifrēt datus, izmantojot nederīgus sertifikātus, " +"vai izmantojot sertifikātus no neatpazīstamiem veidotājiem. Ja tu uzticies " +"serverim, kuram pieslēdzies, vari izvēlēties Ignorēt SSL sertifikāta " +"kļūdas, lai atļautu iešifrētu saziņu, izmantojot nederīgus " +"sertifikātus." + +#: C/account-jabber.page:59(item/title) +msgid "Resource" +msgstr "Resurss" + +#: C/account-jabber.page:60(item/title) +msgid "Priority" +msgstr "Prioritāte" + +#: C/account-jabber.page:61(item/p) +msgid "" +"If you have multiple applications (for instance, on separate computers) " +"connected to your account at the same time, you can set a resource to " +"uniquely identify each one. By default, Empathy will use " +"Telepathy as the resource." +msgstr "" +"Ja ar tavu kontu ir savienojušās vairākas lietotnes reizē (piemēram, uz " +"atsevišķiem datoriem), tu vari iestatīt kādu no resursiem, kurš unikāli " +"identificēs katru pieslēgto lietotni. Pēc noklusējuma Empathy " +"izmantos Telepathy kā resursu." + +#: C/account-jabber.page:65(item/p) +msgid "" +"You can set the priority to specify which application should receive " +"incoming messages from your contacts. New messages will be sent to the " +"application with the highest priority." +msgstr "" +"Tu vari uzstādīt prioritātes, kuras noteiks, kurai lietotnei vajadzētu " +"saņemt ziņas no kontaktiem. Jaunas ziņas tiks nosūtītas uz lietotni ar " +"augstāko uzstādīto prioritāti." + +#: C/account-jabber.page:70(item/title) +#| msgid "Override server settings" +msgid "Override server settings" +msgstr "Aizstāt servera iestatījumus" + +#: C/account-jabber.page:71(item/p) +msgid "" +"Empathy will use default settings to connect to the Jabber server " +"based on your login ID. For some Jabber servers, you will need to enter " +"custom server settings manually. These settings should be provided for you " +"by your Jabber provider." +msgstr "" +"Empathy izmantos noklusētos iestatījumus, lai savienotos ar " +"Jabber serveri, balstītus uz tavu lietotāja ID. Dažiem Jabber serveriem, " +"serveru iestatījumus tev vajadzēs ievadīt pašam. Ar šiem iestatījumiem tevi " +"vajadzētu nodrošināt tavam Jabber pakalpojumu sniedzējam." + +#: C/accounts-window.page:11(info/desc) +msgid "Add, modify, and delete accounts." +msgstr "Pievieno, modificē un dzēs kontus." + +#: C/accounts-window.page:33(page/title) +msgid "Accounts Window" +msgstr "Kontu logs" + +#: C/accounts-window.page:35(page/p) +msgid "" +"The Accounts window allows you to add, modify, and delete " +"accounts." +msgstr "Kontu logs ļauj pievienot, modificēt un izdzēst kontus." + +#: C/accounts-window.page:43(section/title) +msgid "Account Details" +msgstr "Konta informācija" + +#: C/accounts-window.page:44(section/p) +msgid "" +"For most types of accounts, you can simply enter a login ID and a password. " +"Certain accounts or account types, however, may require additional " +"information." +msgstr "" +"Vairumam kontu tipu, tu vari vienkārši ievadīt lietotāja ID un paroli. " +"Savukārt daži konti vai kontu tipi var pieprasīt papildu informāciju." + +#: C/add-account.page:9(info/desc) +msgid "Add a new account to Empathy." +msgstr "Pievienot jaunu kontu Empathy lietotnei." + +#: C/add-account.page:40(page/title) +msgid "Add a new account" +msgstr "Pievienot jaunu kontu" + +#: C/add-account.page:42(page/p) +msgid "" +"You can add instant messaging accounts from any supported service to " +"communicate with all of your contacts in Empathy. For some " +"account providers, these steps will also allow you to register for a new " +"account. For more details, see ." +msgstr "" +"Tu vari pievienot TZ kontus no jebkura atbalstītā servisa, lai sazinātos ar " +"visiem saviem kontaktiem Empathy lietotne. Dažiem kontu " +"sniedzējiem šie soļi ļaus piereģistrēt jaunu kontu. Plašākai informācijai, " +"lasi ." + +#: C/add-account.page:49(item/p) C/disable-account.page:49(item/p) +#: C/irc-nick-password.page:50(item/p) C/remove-account.page:43(item/p) +#| msgid "" +#| "From the Contact List window, choose EditAccounts, or press F4." +msgid "" +"From the Contact List window, choose Edit " +"Accounts, or press F4." +msgstr "" +"Kontaktu saraksta logā izvēlies Rediģēt " +"Konti, vai nospied F4." + +#: C/add-account.page:53(item/p) +msgid "Click +." +msgstr "Spied +." + +#: C/add-account.page:58(item/p) +msgid "" +"From the Protocol drop-down list, select the type of account you " +"wish to add." +msgstr "" +"Protokola sarakstā, izvēlies konta tipu, kuru vēlies pievienot." + +#: C/add-account.page:62(item/p) +msgid "" +"If you do not already have a registered account, select Create a new " +"account on the server. This feature is not available for all account " +"types, and may not work with some account providers. See for more information." +msgstr "" +"Ja tev vēl nav izveidots konts, izvēlies Izveidot jaunu kontu uz šī " +"servera. Šī iespēja nav pieejama visiem kontu tipiem un var " +"nedarboties ar dažiem kontu sniedzējiem. Plašākai informācijai, lasi ." + +#: C/add-account.page:69(item/p) +msgid "" +"Enter the required information. For most accounts, you will only need a " +"login ID and a password. Some accounts may require additional information. " +"See for more information." +msgstr "" +"Ievadi vajadzīgo informāciju. Vairumam kontu vajag norādīt tikai lietotāja " +"ID un paroli. Dažiem kontiem vajag norādīt papildu informāciju. Skati , lai uzzinātu vairāk." + +#: C/add-account.page:74(item/p) C/import-account.page:61(item/p) +#: C/irc-nick-password.page:63(item/p) +msgid "Click Apply." +msgstr "Spied Pielietot." + +#: C/add-account.page:81(note/p) +msgid "" +"To change the name that identifies the account in the Accounts " +"window, select the account from the list on the left and either click on the " +"name or press the space bar. Edit the account name and press Enter when you’re finished." +msgstr "" +"Lai nomainītu vārdu, kurš identificē kontu, Kontu logā, izvēlies " +"kontu no saraksta kreisajā pusē un vai nu nospied uz vārda, vai nospied " +"atstarpes taustiņu. Rediģē konta vārdu un spied Enter, kad esi " +"pabeidzis." + +#: C/add-contact.page:9(info/desc) +msgid "Add someone to the contact list." +msgstr "Pievieno kādu kontaktu sarakstam." + +#: C/add-contact.page:18(credit/name) C/change-status.page:24(credit/name) +#: C/prob-conn-acctdisabled.page:15(credit/name) +#: C/prob-conn-auth.page:17(credit/name) +#: C/prob-conn-neterror.page:15(credit/name) C/prob-conn.page:14(credit/name) +#: C/send-file.page:17(credit/name) C/send-message.page:17(credit/name) +msgid "Phil Bull" +msgstr "Phil Bull" + +#: C/add-contact.page:33(page/title) +msgid "Add someone to your list of contacts" +msgstr "Pievienot7 kādu savam kontaktu sarakstam" + +#: C/add-contact.page:37(item/p) +msgid "Choose ChatAdd Contact." +msgstr "" +"Izvēlies TērzēšanaPievienot kontaktu." + +#: C/add-contact.page:40(item/p) +msgid "" +"From the Account drop-down list, select the account you wish to " +"use to connect to your contact. Your contact will need to be using the same " +"service as the account you select." +msgstr "" +"Kontu sarakstā izvēlies kontu, kuru izmantosi, lai savienotos ar " +"savu kontaktu. Tavam kontaktam vajadzēs izmantot to pašu servisu, kuru " +"izmanto tu." + +#: C/add-contact.page:45(item/p) +msgid "" +"In the Identifier field, enter your contact’s login ID, username, " +"screen name, or other appropriate identifier for the service type." +msgstr "" +"Identifikators lauciņā, ievadi sava kontakta lietotāja ID, " +"lietotājvārdu, ekrāna vārdu vai kādu citu servisam pieejamu identifikatoru." + +#: C/add-contact.page:49(item/p) +msgid "" +"In the Alias field, type your contact’s name as you would like it " +"to appear in your contact list." +msgstr "" +"Pseidonīms lauciņā, ieraksti to vārdu, ar kuru vēlies attēlot " +"kontaktu savā sarakstā." + +#: C/add-contact.page:53(item/p) +msgid "Click Add to add the person to your list of contacts." +msgstr "" +"Spied uz Pievienot, lai pievienotu personu kontaktu sarakstam." + +#: C/add-contact.page:61(note/p) +msgid "" +"To add a new person to your list of contacts, you need to be connected to " +"the Internet and to your account." +msgstr "" +"Lai pievienotu jaunu personu kontaktu sarakstam, ir jābūt savienotam ar " +"internetu un savu kontu." + +#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When +#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to +#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to +#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. +#. +#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When +#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to +#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to +#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. +#. +#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When +#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to +#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to +#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. +#: C/audio-call.page:36(media) C/audio-video.page:70(media) +#: C/video-call.page:39(media) +#| msgid "" +#| "@@image: 'figures/camera-web.png'; md5=8166b4372f25b78cbf5a64fe2eac2ce5" +msgctxt "_" +msgid "" +"external ref='figures/camera-web.png' md5='8166b4372f25b78cbf5a64fe2eac2ce5'" +msgstr "" +"external ref='figures/camera-web.png' md5='8166b4372f25b78cbf5a64fe2eac2ce5'" + +#: C/audio-call.page:9(info/desc) +msgid "Call your contacts over the Internet." +msgstr "Zvani saviem kontaktiem caur internetu." + +#: C/audio-call.page:27(page/title) +msgid "Start an audio conversation" +msgstr "Sākt audio saziņu" + +#: C/audio-call.page:29(page/p) +msgid "" +"You can call your contacts and have an audio conversation with them. This " +"features only works with certain types of accounts, and it requires the " +"other person to have an application that supports audio calls." +msgstr "" +"Tu vari zvanīt saviem kontaktiem un uzturēt audio saziņu ar tiem. Šī iespēja " +"strādā tikai ar noteiktiem kontu tipiem un pieprasa, lai tavam sarunas " +"biedram arī būtu lietotne, kas atbalsta audio zvanus." + +#: C/audio-call.page:34(item/p) +msgid "" +"From the Contact List window, click the video call icon " +"next to the name of the contact you wish to call and choose Audio Call." +msgstr "" +"Kontaktu saraksta logā nospied uz video zvans ikonas pie " +"kontakta vārda, ar kuru tu vēlies sazināties, un izvēlies Audio zvans." + +#: C/audio-call.page:42(item/p) C/video-call.page:44(item/p) +msgid "" +"A new window will open. When the connection is established, you will see " +"Connected at the bottom of the window, along with the total " +"conversation time." +msgstr "" +"Atvērsies jauns logs. Kad savienojums būs nodrošināts, būs redzams uzraksts " +"Savienotsloga apakšā, kopā ar sarunas ilgumu." + +#: C/audio-call.page:48(item/p) C/video-call.page:49(item/p) +msgid "To end the conversation, click on Hang up." +msgstr "" +"Lai sarunu beigtu, spied uz Nolikt klausuli." + +#: C/audio-call.page:55(note/p) +#| msgid "" +#| "To turn an audio conversation into a video conversation, choose " +#| "VideoVideo On." +msgid "" +"To turn an audio conversation into a video conversation, choose Video Video On." +msgstr "" +"Lai audio zvanu pārvērstu video zvanā, izvēlies VideoIeslēgt video." + +#: C/audio-call.page:63(section/title) +msgid "Start an audio conversation with a meta-contact" +msgstr "Sākt audio saziņu ar meta-kontaktu" + +#: C/audio-call.page:66(item/p) C/send-message.page:53(item/p) +#: C/video-call.page:64(item/p) +msgid "" +"From the Contact List window, right-click on the meta-contact." +msgstr "" +"No Kontaktu saraksts loga, ar labo peles klikšķi spied uz meta-" +"kontakta." + +#: C/audio-call.page:71(item/p) +msgid "" +"Select the contact you want to have the conversation, and from the menu " +"select Audio Call." +msgstr "" +"Izvēlies kontaktu, ar kuru vēlies sazināties un no izvēlnes paņem Audio zvans." + +#: C/audio-call.page:78(note/p) C/send-message.page:65(note/p) +#: C/video-call.page:76(note/p) +msgid "" +"To recognize if a contact is a meta-contact, move your mouse on a " +"contact in the Contact List window, and stop over it for a " +"second: a small pop-up message will appear showing the number of the " +"contacts that form the meta-contact." +msgstr "" +"Lai atpazītu vai konkrēts kontakts ir meta-kontakts, tad Kontaktu " +"saraksts logā pavirzi pelītes kursoru virs kontakta vārda un atstāj to " +"tajā vietā uz pāris sekundēm, pēc šīm pāris sekundēm, neliela uzlecoša ziņa " +"parādīsies un parādīs kontaktu skaitu, kurš veido meta-kontaktu." + +#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When +#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to +#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to +#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. +#: C/audio-video.page:58(media) +#| msgid "" +#| "@@image: 'figures/audio-input-microphone.png'; " +#| "md5=8d89026b66a263a3bc5b1f0665948567" +msgctxt "_" +msgid "" +"external ref='figures/audio-input-microphone.png' " +"md5='8d89026b66a263a3bc5b1f0665948567'" +msgstr "" +"external ref='figures/audio-input-microphone.png' " +"md5='8d89026b66a263a3bc5b1f0665948567'" + +#: C/audio-video.page:8(info/desc) +msgid "" +"Information on when it is possible to have an audio or video conversation." +msgstr "Informācija par to, kad ir iespējama audio vai video saziņa." + +#: C/audio-video.page:32(page/title) +msgid "Audio and video support" +msgstr "Audio un video atbalsts" + +#: C/audio-video.page:34(page/p) +msgid "" +"You can only have audio and video conversation with contacts who are using " +"an application which also supports this feature. When your contacts support " +"audio or video conversations, you will see the following icons next to their " +"names in the contact list:" +msgstr "" +"Audio on video sarunas ir iespējamas tikai starp kontaktiem, kuri izmanto " +"lietotni, kura atbalsta šo iespēju. Ja tavi kontakti ir pieejami audio vai " +"video zvanam, pie viņu vārdiem kontaktu sarakstā jūs redzēsiet sekojošas " +"ikonas:" + +#: C/audio-video.page:43(td/p) +msgid "Icon" +msgstr "Ikona" + +#: C/audio-video.page:48(td/p) +msgid "Description" +msgstr "Apraksts" + +#: C/audio-video.page:57(td/p) +#| msgid "" +#| "Click the edit icon in the error message." +msgid "" +" Icon for audio conversation " +msgstr "" +" Ikona audio sarunai " + +#: C/audio-video.page:64(td/p) +msgid "The contact is able to have an audio conversation." +msgstr "Šis kontakts ir pieejams audio sarunai." + +#: C/audio-video.page:69(td/p) +#| msgid "" +#| "Click the edit icon in the error message." +msgid "" +" " +"Icon for video conversation " +msgstr "" +" " +"Ikona video sarunai " + +#: C/audio-video.page:76(td/p) +msgid "The contact is able to have a video conversation." +msgstr "Šis kontakts ir pieejams video sarunai." + +#: C/audio-video.page:83(note/p) +msgid "" +"In order to have an audio conversation, you need to have a sound card that " +"is supported by your operating system, and a working microphone." +msgstr "" +"Lai varētu sazināties caur audio, tev ir vajadzīga skaņas karte, kuru " +"savukārt atbalsta tava operetētājsistēma, kā arī ir nepieciešams arī " +"mikrofons." + +#: C/audio-video.page:87(note/p) +msgid "" +"In order to have a video conversation, you need to have a webcam that is " +"supported by your operating system, and a working microphone." +msgstr "" +"Lai varētu sazināties caur video, tev ir vajadzīga tīmekļa kamera, kuru " +"atbalsta tava operētājsistēma, kā arī strādājošs mikrofons." + +#: C/audio-video.page:95(section/title) +msgid "Supported Account Types" +msgstr "Atbalstītie kontu veidi" + +#: C/audio-video.page:97(section/p) +msgid "" +"You can only have audio and video conversations using accounts on certain " +"supported services. The following table lists whether audio and video is " +"supported for each type of account." +msgstr "" +"Video un audio sarunas ir pieejamas, izmantojot kontus, kuri ir piesaistīti " +"konkrētam, atbalstītam servisam. Sekojošā tabula norāda vai audio un video " +"saziņa ir pieejama katram kontu tipam: " + +#: C/audio-video.page:102(note/p) +msgid "" +"Account types are provided by plugins. Your system may not have all of the " +"following types available, or it may have types not listed here. Updated " +"plugins may make audio or video conversations possible on account types that " +"are listed as unsupported here." +msgstr "" +"Kontu tipus nodrošina spraudņi. Tavai sistēmai varētu nebūt pieejami visi " +"šeit uzskaitītie tipi, vai arī tev var būt tādi tipi, kuri nav uzskaitīti " +"šeit. Atjaunināti spraudņi var padarīt audi un video saziņu iespējamu starp " +"kontu tipiem, kuri ir uzskaitīti kā neatbalstīti." + +#: C/audio-video.page:128(td/p) +msgid "Service" +msgstr "Serviss" + +#: C/audio-video.page:129(td/p) +msgid "Audio" +msgstr "Audio" + +#: C/audio-video.page:130(td/p) +msgid "Video" +msgstr "Video " + +#: C/audio-video.page:135(td/p) +msgid "AIM" +msgstr "AIM" + +#: C/audio-video.page:136(td/p) C/audio-video.page:137(td/p) +#: C/audio-video.page:141(td/p) C/audio-video.page:142(td/p) +#: C/audio-video.page:146(td/p) C/audio-video.page:147(td/p) +#: C/audio-video.page:156(td/p) C/audio-video.page:157(td/p) +#: C/audio-video.page:161(td/p) C/audio-video.page:162(td/p) +#: C/audio-video.page:166(td/p) C/audio-video.page:167(td/p) +#: C/audio-video.page:181(td/p) C/audio-video.page:182(td/p) +#: C/audio-video.page:186(td/p) C/audio-video.page:187(td/p) +#: C/audio-video.page:191(td/p) C/audio-video.page:192(td/p) +#: C/audio-video.page:196(td/p) C/audio-video.page:197(td/p) +#: C/audio-video.page:201(td/p) C/audio-video.page:202(td/p) +#: C/audio-video.page:211(td/p) C/audio-video.page:212(td/p) +#: C/audio-video.page:216(td/p) C/audio-video.page:217(td/p) +msgid "No" +msgstr "Nē" + +#: C/audio-video.page:140(td/p) +msgid "Facebook Chat" +msgstr "Facebook tērzēšana" + +#: C/audio-video.page:145(td/p) +msgid "gadugadu" +msgstr "gadugadu" + +#: C/audio-video.page:150(td/p) +msgid "Google Talk" +msgstr "Google Talk" + +#: C/audio-video.page:151(td/p) C/audio-video.page:152(td/p) +#: C/audio-video.page:171(td/p) C/audio-video.page:172(td/p) +#: C/audio-video.page:176(td/p) C/audio-video.page:177(td/p) +#: C/audio-video.page:206(td/p) C/audio-video.page:207(td/p) +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Jā" + +#: C/audio-video.page:155(td/p) +msgid "Groupwise" +msgstr "Groupwise" + +#: C/audio-video.page:160(td/p) +msgid "ICQ" +msgstr "ICQ" + +#: C/audio-video.page:165(td/p) C/create-account.page:107(section/title) +msgid "IRC" +msgstr "IRC" + +#: C/audio-video.page:170(td/p) C/create-account.page:60(section/title) +msgid "Jabber" +msgstr "Jabber" + +#: C/audio-video.page:175(td/p) +msgid "MSN" +msgstr "MSN" + +#: C/audio-video.page:180(td/p) +msgid "myspace" +msgstr "myspace" + +#: C/audio-video.page:185(td/p) +msgid "qq" +msgstr "qq" + +#: C/audio-video.page:190(td/p) C/create-account.page:78(section/title) +msgid "People Nearby" +msgstr "People Nearby (cilvēki tuvumā)" + +#: C/audio-video.page:195(td/p) +msgid "sametime" +msgstr "sametime" + +#: C/audio-video.page:200(td/p) +msgid "silc" +msgstr "silc" + +#: C/audio-video.page:205(td/p) C/create-account.page:89(section/title) +msgid "SIP" +msgstr "SIP" + +#: C/audio-video.page:210(td/p) +msgid "Yahoo!" +msgstr "Yahoo!" + +#: C/audio-video.page:215(td/p) +msgid "zephyr" +msgstr "zephyr" + +#: C/change-status.page:9(info/desc) +msgid "Change your status to advertise your availability to your contacts." +msgstr "Maini savu statusu, lai paziņotu savu pieejamību kontaktiem." + +#: C/change-status.page:39(page/title) +msgid "Change your status" +msgstr "Mainīt savu statusu" + +#: C/change-status.page:41(page/p) +msgid "" +"You can set your status to indicate your availability to your contacts. " +"Empathy allows you to select from a list of defined statuses." +msgstr "" +"Tu vari iestatīt savu statusu, lai paziņotu par savu pieejamību kontaktiem. " +"Empathy ļauj tev izvēlēties kādu statusu no iepriekš sagatavota " +"saraksta." + +#: C/change-status.page:46(item/p) +msgid "" +"Click on the drop-down list at the top of the Contact List window." +msgstr "Nospied uz izkrītošā saraksta Kontaktu saraksta loga augšā." + +#: C/change-status.page:51(item/p) +msgid "Select a status from the list." +msgstr "Izvēlies statusu no saraksta." + +#: C/change-status.page:57(page/p) +msgid "" +"See for a list of the built-in statuses and " +"what they mean. You can also add custom " +"status messages to provide more information about your availability " +"to your contacts." +msgstr "" +"Skati , lai uzzinātu vairāk par iebūvētajiem " +"statusiem un ko tie nozīmē. Tu vari arī pievienot statusa ziņojumus, lai saviem kontaktiem nodotu vairāk " +"informācijas par savu pieejamību." + +#: C/change-status.page:63(note/p) +msgid "" +"If you do not use your computer for a while, or if the screensaver is on, " +"the status will be automatically set to Away." +msgstr "" +"Ja kādu laiku neizmanto datoru, vai ja ir ieslēgts ekrānsaudzētājs, tavs " +"statuss automātiski nomainīsies uz \"Prom\"." + +#: C/create-account.page:9(info/desc) +msgid "Register for an account with one of the supported messaging services." +msgstr "Reģistrē kontu izmantojot vienu no atbalstītajiem ziņojumu servisiem. " + +#: C/create-account.page:34(page/title) +msgid "Register for a new account" +msgstr "Reģistrēt jaunu kontu" + +#: C/create-account.page:36(page/p) +msgid "" +"Most account types require you to create an account with a account provider " +"before you can connect using instant messaging applications like " +"Empathy. With some account providers, you can use Empathy to register for a new account, using the same steps as you would to " +"add an account." +msgstr "" +"Vairums kontu tipu pieprasa tos reģistrēt pie konta sniedzēja, pirms tu tos " +"vari sākt izmantot TZ lietotnēs, kā Empathy. Pie dažiem kontu " +"sniedzējiem vari izmantot Empathy lietotni, lai reģistrētu jaunu " +"kontu, izmantojot tos pašus soļus, kurus tu izmantotu, lai pievienotu kontu." + +#: C/create-account.page:42(page/p) +msgid "" +"This page provides information on creating a new account for various types " +"of accounts. Your account provider should give you a login ID and a " +"password, as well as any additional information you need to connect using " +"Empathy." +msgstr "" +"Šī lapa sniedz informāciju par to, kā izveidot jaunu kontu, dažādiem kontu " +"veidiem. Konta sniedzējam vajadzētu nodrošināt ar konta ID un paroli, kā arī " +"ar papildus informāciju, kura ir nepieciešama Empathy " +"izmantošanai." + +#: C/create-account.page:47(section/title) +msgid "Facebook" +msgstr "Facebook" + +#: C/create-account.page:48(section/p) +msgid "" +"Facebook is one of the most-used social networks. It allows users to create " +"their own profile and to communicate with their friends." +msgstr "" +"Facebook ir viens no visplašāk izmantotajiem sociālajiem tīkliem. Tas ļauj " +"lietotājiem izveidot pašiem savu profilu un sazināties ar saviem draugiem." + +#: C/create-account.page:52(section/p) +msgid "" +"To use Facebook to communicate with your friends, you will need to create a " +"new account from the website: www." +"facebook.com." +msgstr "" +"Lai izmantotu Facebook, tev būs jāizveido jauns konts viņu mājaslapā: www.facebook.com." + +#: C/create-account.page:62(section/p) +msgid "" +"Jabber is an open instant messaging system. Like email, Jabber allows you to " +"choose your account provider and communicate with all other Jabber users, " +"regardless of their account provider." +msgstr "" +"Jabber ir atvērta tiešo ziņojumu sistēma. Tā pat kā epasts, Jabber ļauj tev " +"izvēlēties tavu konta sniedzēju un sazināties ar citiem Jabber lietotājiem, " +"neatkarīgi no viņu konta sniedzēja." + +#: C/create-account.page:66(section/p) +msgid "" +"You will need to create a new account with a Jabber provider. There are many " +"free providers; one popular provider is Jabber.org." +msgstr "" +"Tev vajadzēs izveidot jaunu profilu, izmantojot Jabber pakalpojumu " +"sniedzēju. Ir vairāki bezmaksas pakalpojumu sniedzēji; viens no " +"populārākajiem ir Jabber.org." + +#: C/create-account.page:71(note/p) +msgid "" +"If you use Google Mail or Google Talk, you already have a Jabber account. " +"Google Talk is a Jabber service. Simply use your Google Mail address and " +"password in Empathy to connect." +msgstr "" +"Ja izmanto Google Mail vai Google Talk, tev jau ir Jabber konts! Google Talk " +"ir Jabber pakalpojums. Vienkārši izmanto savu Google Mail adresi un paroli " +"Empathy lietotnē, lai savienotos." + +#: C/create-account.page:80(section/p) +msgid "" +"You do not need to create an account with a service provider to use this " +"feature. This service works whenever you are connected to a local network, " +"such as a wireless hotspot. It automatically finds all other users on the " +"network who are also using this service." +msgstr "" +"Tev nevajag izveidot kontu ar pakalpojumu sniedzēju, lai izmantotu šo " +"pakalpojumu. Šis pakalpojums strādā jebkad, kad vien tu esi pieslēdzies " +"lokālajam tīklam, piemēram bezvadu pieejas punktam (WiFi). Tas automātiski " +"atradīs visus lietotājus tajā pašā tīklā, kuri izmanto šo servisu." + +#: C/create-account.page:85(section/p) +msgid "For more information, see ." +msgstr "Lai uzzinātu vairāk, skaties ." + +#: C/create-account.page:91(section/p) +msgid "" +"SIP is an open system which allows users to have audio and video " +"conversations over the Internet. You need to create an account with a SIP " +"provider. You can communicate with all other SIP users, regardless of which " +"SIP provider they use." +msgstr "" +"SIP ir atvērta sistēma, kura ļauj lietotājiem sazināties audio un video " +"veidā caur internetu. Tam ir jāizveido konts, izmantojot SIP pakalpojumu " +"sniedzēju. Tu vari sazināties ar jebkuru SIP lietotāju, neatkarīgi no tā, " +"kādu SIP pakalpojumu sniedzēju viņš/-a izmanto." + +#: C/create-account.page:97(note/p) +msgid "" +"Due to technical differences, the free Ekiga.net service does not currently work " +"with Empathy." +msgstr "" +"Sakarā ar tehniskām atšķirībām, bezmaksas pieejamais Ekiga.net pakalpojums nav " +"savienojams ar Empathy." + +#: C/create-account.page:102(section/p) +msgid "" +"Some SIP providers allow you to call normal phones from your computer. " +"Generally, you will need to subscribe to a paid service for this feature." +msgstr "" +"Daži SIP pakalpojumu sniedzēji ļauj tev zvanīt uz parastajiem telefoniem no " +"tava datora. Lai šo pakalpojumu izmantotu, tev vajadzēs lietot maksas " +"pakalpojumu." + +#: C/create-account.page:109(section/p) +msgid "" +"You do not need to register for an account to use IRC. Although you specify " +"a nickname when you add an IRC account to Empathy, this nickname " +"is only established each time you connect. If another user is using the " +"nickname, you will need to choose a new nickname." +msgstr "" +"Tev nevajag reģistrēt kontu, lai izmantotu IRC. Tomēr tu vari norādīt sev " +"tīkamu lietotājvārdu, kad pievieno IRC kontu Empathy lietotnei. " +"Šis lietotājvārds tiek izveidots tikai katru reizi, kamēr tu esi " +"pieslēdzies. Ja kāds cits jau izmanto tavu lietotājvārdu, tev nāksies " +"izvēlēties kādu citu." + +#: C/create-account.page:114(section/p) +msgid "" +"Some IRC networks use a service called NickServ to allow users to protect " +"their nicknames. See for more information." +msgstr "" +"Daži IRC kanāli izmanto pakalpojumu, sauktu par NickServ, lai ļautu " +"lietotājiem aizsargāt viņu lietotājvārdus. Lasi , lai uzzinātu vairāk." + +#: C/create-account.page:117(section/p) +msgid "" +"Some IRC servers are password protected. You will need to know the password " +"to connect to these servers. Generally, these are private IRC networks." +msgstr "" +"Daži IRC serveri ir aizsargāti ar paroli. Lai pieslēgtos šiem serveriem, tev " +"vajadzēs paroli. Pārsvarā šādi serveri ir privātie IRC tīkli." + +#: C/create-account.page:122(section/title) +msgid "Proprietary Services" +msgstr "Īpašnieka servisi" + +#: C/create-account.page:124(section/p) +msgid "" +"There are many proprietary instant messaging services that have been " +"developed by different companies or organizations. Empathy allows " +"you to connect to an existing account for most popular services. To create a " +"new account with one of these services, you will need to visit the service’s " +"web site and agree to its terms of use." +msgstr "" +"Pastāv vairāki īpašnieka TZ servisi kurus ir izstrādājušas dažādas " +"kompānijas vai organizācijas. Empathy ļauj tev savienoties ar jau " +"esošu kontu vairumam populārāko servisu. Lai izveidotu jaunu kontu ar kādu " +"no šiem servisiem, tev vajadzēs apmeklēt attiecīgā servisa mājaslapu un " +"piekrist tās lietošanas noteikumiem." + +#: C/create-account.page:132(item/p) +msgid "AIM" +msgstr "AIM" + +#: C/create-account.page:137(item/p) +msgid "ICQ" +msgstr "ICQ" + +#: C/create-account.page:142(item/p) +msgid "MSN" +msgstr "MSN" + +#: C/create-account.page:147(item/p) +msgid "Yahoo!" +msgstr "Yahoo!" + +#: C/disable-account.page:9(info/desc) +msgid "Prevent Empathy from automatically logging in to an account." +msgstr "Aizliedz Empathy lietotnei automātiski ieiet kontā." + +#: C/disable-account.page:40(page/title) +msgid "Disable an account" +msgstr "Deaktivēt kontu" + +#: C/disable-account.page:42(page/p) +msgid "" +"You can disable an account to prevent Empathy from logging in to " +"it without removing the account entirely. You may wish to disable and re-" +"enable an account if you only want to be logged in to the account at certain " +"times, but you still want to use Empathy for other accounts." +msgstr "" +"Tu vari deaktivēt kontu, lai liegtu Empathy lietotnei ar to " +"ierakstīties, neizdzēšot kontu pavisam. Tu vari deaktivēt un atkal aktivēt " +"kontu, ja tajā vēlies ieiet tikai noteiktos brīžos, bet vēlies izmantot " +"Empathy citiem kontiem." + +#: C/disable-account.page:53(item/p) +msgid "" +"Select the account you wish to disable from the accounts list on the left " +"side of the window." +msgstr "" +"Izvēlies kontu, kuru vēlies atslēgt, no kontu saraksta kreisajā loga pusē." + +#: C/disable-account.page:57(item/p) +msgid "On the right side of the window, switch it off." +msgstr "Loga labajā pusē izslēdz ārā." + +#: C/disable-account.page:62(page/p) +msgid "To re-enable the account, switch it on." +msgstr "Lai atkārtoti aktivētu kontu, ieslēdz." + +#: C/favorite-rooms.page:10(info/desc) +msgid "Set, join and manage favorite rooms." +msgstr "Uzstādi, pievienojies un pārvaldi iecienītās istabas." + +#: C/favorite-rooms.page:29(page/title) +msgid "Favorite rooms" +msgstr "Iecienītās istabas" + +#: C/favorite-rooms.page:32(section/title) +msgid "Set a room as a favorite" +msgstr "Uzstādi istabu kā iecienīto" + +#: C/favorite-rooms.page:35(item/p) +msgid "Join a room." +msgstr "Pievienojies istabai." + +#: C/favorite-rooms.page:40(item/p) +msgid "" +"See for more information on how to join an " +"IRC room." +msgstr "" +"Skaties , lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas par " +"to, kā piekļūt IRC istabām." + +#: C/favorite-rooms.page:46(item/p) +msgid "" +"See for more information on how to " +"start or join a group conversation." +msgstr "" +"Skaties , lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas " +"par to, kā sākt vai pievienoties grupu sarunām." + +#: C/favorite-rooms.page:54(item/p) +msgid "" +"From the conversation window, choose ConversationFavorite Chat Room." +msgstr "" +"No sarunas loga izvēlies SarunaIecienītā tērzēšanas " +"istaba" + +#: C/favorite-rooms.page:63(section/title) +msgid "Join favorite rooms" +msgstr "Pievienoties iecienītajām istabām." + +#: C/favorite-rooms.page:66(item/p) C/send-file.page:40(item/p) +msgid "From the Contact List window, perform one of the following:" +msgstr "Kontaktu saraksta logā izpildi vienu no sekojošajā:" + +#: C/favorite-rooms.page:71(item/p) +msgid "Press F5." +msgstr "Nospied F5." + +#: C/favorite-rooms.page:76(item/p) +msgid "" +"Choose RoomJoin Favorites, to join " +"all your favorite rooms." +msgstr "" +"Izvēlies IstabaPievienoties iecienītajām, lai pievienotos visām iecienītajām istabām." + +#: C/favorite-rooms.page:82(item/p) +msgid "Choose Room, and select the favorite room you want to join." +msgstr "" +"Izvēlies Istaba, un izvēlies iecienīto istabu, kurai vēlies " +"pievienoties." + +#: C/favorite-rooms.page:90(note/p) +msgid "" +"To join a favorite room, you need to be connected to the Internet and to " +"your account." +msgstr "" +"Lai pievienotos kādai no iecienītajām istabām, tev ir jābūt interneta " +"savienojumam un savam profilam." + +#: C/favorite-rooms.page:98(section/title) +msgid "Manage favorite rooms" +msgstr "Pārvaldīt iecienītās istabas" + +#: C/favorite-rooms.page:101(item/p) +msgid "" +"From the Contact List window, choose RoomManage Favorites." +msgstr "" +"No Kontaktu saraksta loga, izvēlies IstabaPārvaldīt iecienītās." + +#: C/favorite-rooms.page:107(item/p) +msgid "" +"From the Account drop-down list, select the account you want to " +"manage the favorite rooms of." +msgstr "" +"No Konts saraksta, izvēlies kontu, kura iecienītās istabas vēlies " +"pārvaldīt." + +#: C/favorite-rooms.page:111(item/p) +msgid "Select All to see all you favorite rooms." +msgstr "Izvēlies Viss, lai redzētu visas iecienītās istabas." + +#: C/favorite-rooms.page:116(item/p) +msgid "Select the favorite room you want to manage:" +msgstr "Izvēlies iecienīto istabu, kuru vēlies pārvaldīt:" + +#: C/favorite-rooms.page:121(item/p) +msgid "" +"Select the Auto-Connect check-box in order to automatically join " +"that room when you connect to your account." +msgstr "" +"Izvēlies Automātiski savienoties opciju, lai automātiski " +"pievienotos šai istabai, kolīdz esi savienojies ar savu kontu." + +#: C/favorite-rooms.page:127(item/p) +msgid "Click on Remove to remove the room from your favorites." +msgstr "" +"Nospied uz Izņemt, lai izņemtu attiecīgo istabu no iecienīto " +"istabu saraksta." + +#: C/favorite-rooms.page:134(item/p) +msgid "When done, click Close." +msgstr "Kad esi pabeidzis darāmo, spied Aizvērt." + +#: C/geolocation.page:8(info/desc) +msgid "Use and understand geolocation in Empathy." +msgstr "" +"Izmanto un saproti ģeogrāfisko atrašanās vietu Empathy lietotnē." + +#: C/geolocation.page:32(page/title) +msgid "Geographical position" +msgstr "Ģeogrāfiskais novietojums" + +#: C/geolocation.page:35(section/title) +msgid "Geolocation" +msgstr "Ģeografiskā atrašanās vieta" + +#: C/geolocation.page:39(section/title) +msgid "Fix common problems" +msgstr "Salabot visbiežāk sastopamās problēmas" + +#: C/geolocation-not-showing.page:8(info/desc) +msgid "Empathy does not publish my geographical position." +msgstr "Empathy nepublicē tavu ģeogrāfisko atrašanās vietu." + +#: C/geolocation-not-showing.page:32(page/title) +msgid "Geographical position not published" +msgstr "Ģeogrāfiskā atrašanās vieta netiek publicēta" + +#: C/geolocation-not-showing.page:34(page/p) +msgid "" +"If your contacts cannot see your location, Empathy might not be " +"able to discover with a good margin of precision your geographical position." +msgstr "" +"Ja tavi kontakti neredz tavu atrašanās vietu, Empathy, iespējams, " +"nav to spējusi noteikt ar labu precizitāti." + +#: C/geolocation-not-showing.page:38(page/p) +msgid "" +"In this case, your position will not be published, but you are still able to " +"see the location of your contacts." +msgstr "" +"Šajā gadījumā tava atrašanās vieta netiek publicēta, taču tu vēl jo projām " +"var redzēt savu kontaktu atrašanās vietas." + +#: C/geolocation-not-showing.page:42(page/p) +msgid "" +"If you want to publish your geographical position, you can try to use an " +"external device such as a GPS." +msgstr "" +"Ja tu vēlies publicēt šo atrašanās vietu, izmēģini izmantot kādu ārējo " +"ierīci, piemēram GPS." + +#: C/geolocation-not-showing.page:48(note/p) +msgid "" +"In order to publish your geographical location, your Jabber server needs to " +"support the Personal Eventing Protocal (PEP). A list of servers which support " +"PEP is maintained online. Google Talk does not support this feature " +"at this time." +msgstr "" +"Lai varētu publicēt savu ģeogrāfisko atrašanās vietu, tavam Jabber serverim " +"ir jāatbalsta \"Personal Eventing Protocal (PEP)\". Saraksts ar serveriem, kuri " +"atbalsta PEP, ir pieejams tiešsaistē. Google Talk pagaidām šo " +"funkciju neatbalsta." + +#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:8(info/desc) +msgid "What information are sent and to who." +msgstr "Kāda un kam informācija tiek nosūtīta." + +#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:32(page/title) +msgid "Geolocation Privacy" +msgstr "Ģeogrāfiskās atrašanās vietas privātums" + +#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:35(section/title) +msgid "What information is sent" +msgstr "Kāda informācija tiek nosūtīta" + +#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:36(section/p) +msgid "" +"What is possible to send is: your country, region, locality, area, street, " +"building, floor, room, and postal code, longitude, latitude and altitude, " +"speed and bearing." +msgstr "" +"Nosūtīt ir iespējams: tavu valsti, reģionu, apvidu, rajonu, ielu, ēku, " +"stāvu, dzīvokli, pasta indeksu, garuma, platuma un augstuma grādus, ātrumu " +"un azimutu." + +#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:40(section/p) +msgid "" +"The accuracy and the quantity of information about your geographical " +"position are based on the software or on the infrastructure used to discover " +"your position." +msgstr "" +"Precizitāte un daudzums, kurš tiks noteikts par tavu atrašanās vietu ir " +"atkarīgs no programmatūras vai infrastruktūras, kura tiek izmantota, lai to " +"noteiktu." + +#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:44(section/p) +msgid "" +"Different kind of networks may have different accuracy settings, and may " +"send different information. The use of external devices such as GPS or " +"mobile phone will increase the accuracy of the information sent." +msgstr "" +"Dažādiem savienojumu veidiem var būt atšķirīgi precizitātes iestatījumi un " +"var sūtīt dažādu informāciju. Noteikšanas precizitātes uzlabosies, " +"izmantojot ārējās ierīces, piemēram, GPS vai mobilo tālruni." + +#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:49(section/p) +msgid "" +"When the privacy mode is enabled, nothing more precise than your city will " +"be sent, even if you are using an external device." +msgstr "" +"Ja ir aktivēts privātuma režīms, nekas vairāk par pašreizējo pilsētu netiks " +"nosūtīts, pat ja izmanto kādu ārējo ierīci." + +#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:56(section/title) +msgid "Who can see the information sent" +msgstr "Kas var redzēt nosūtīto informāciju" + +#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:57(section/p) +msgid "Only your contacts can see your geographical position." +msgstr "Tikai tavi kontakti var redzēt tavu ģeogrāfisko atrašanās vietu," + +#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:63(section/title) +msgid "What is the privacy mode" +msgstr "Kas ir privātuma režīms" + +#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:64(section/p) +msgid "" +"The privacy mode, enabled by default, is a reduced accuracy mode that will " +"decrease the accuracy of the geographical position sent to your contacts." +msgstr "" +"Privātuma režīms, kurš ir noklusētais iestatījums, ir tas pats, kas " +"samazināts precizitātes noteikšanas režīms, kurš samazina precizitāti tavas " +"atrašanās vietas noteikšanā." + +#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:71(section/title) +msgid "Privacy overview" +msgstr "Privātuma pārskats" + +#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:72(section/p) +msgid "" +"Overview of the various geolocation privacy settings in Empathy." +msgstr "" +"Pārskats dažādiem ģeogrāfiskās atrašanās vietas privātuma iestatījumiem " +"Empathy> lietotnē." + +#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:77(item/p) +msgid "Geolocation is not enabled by default." +msgstr "Ģeogrāfiskās atrašanās vietas noteikšana nav aktivēta pēc noklusējuma." + +#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:82(item/p) +msgid "Privacy mode is enabled by default." +msgstr "Privātuma režīms ir aktivēts pēc noklusējuma." + +#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:87(item/p) +msgid "" +"Privacy mode prevails even when using external and more precise devices." +msgstr "" +"Privātuma režīms paliek aktivēts arī tad, ja izmanto kādu ārējo ierīci." + +#: C/geolocation-privacy.page:92(item/p) +msgid "Only your contacts can see your position." +msgstr "Tikai tavi kontakti redz tavu atrašanās vietu." + +#: C/geolocation-supported.page:7(info/desc) +msgid "Services that supports geolocation and compatibility." +msgstr "" +"Servisi, kuri atbalsta ģeogrāfiskās atrašanās vietu un to savietojamība." + +#: C/geolocation-supported.page:31(page/title) +msgid "Supported services" +msgstr "Atbalstītie servisi" + +#: C/geolocation-supported.page:33(page/p) +msgid "" +"The geolocation feature at the moment is compatible only with the Jabber " +"service. In order to use it, you and your contacts need to have a Jabber " +"account." +msgstr "" +"Ģeogrāfiskās atrašanās vietas iespēja uz doto brīdi ir saderīga tikai ar " +"Jabber servisu. Lai to izmantotu, tev, kā arī taviem kontaktiem, ir jābūt " +"Jabber kontam." + +#: C/geolocation-supported.page:39(note/p) +msgid "" +"It is necessary that also the server you are using supports the geolocation " +"feature. Most of the Jabber servers support it. See your service website " +"documentation for more information." +msgstr "" +"Arī serverim, kuru tu lieto, jāatbalsta ģeogrāfiskās atrašanās vietas " +"noteikšanas pakalpojums. Lielākā daļa no Jabber serveriem to atbalsta. Lasi " +"sava servisa tīmekļa vietnes dokumentāciju, lai uzzinātu vairāk." + +#: C/geolocation-supported.page:47(section/title) +msgid "Compatibility" +msgstr "Savietojamība" + +#: C/geolocation-supported.page:49(section/p) +msgid "" +"Empathy geolocation feature is not compatible with other " +"geographical position services such as Google Latitude, Yahoo " +"Fire Eagle or Brightkite." +msgstr "" +"Empathy ģeogrāfiskās atrašanās vietas pakalpojums nav saderīgs ar " +"citiem šī pakalpojuma servisiem, piemēram Google Latitude, " +"Yahoo Fire Eagle vai Brightkite." + +#: C/geolocation-turn.page:9(info/desc) +msgid "How to activate and deactivate geolocation in Empathy." +msgstr "" +"Kā aktivizēt vai deaktivizēt atrašanās vietas noteikšanu Empathy " +"lietotnē." + +#: C/geolocation-turn.page:33(page/title) +msgid "Activate/Deactivate geolocation" +msgstr "Aktivizēt/deaktivizēt ģeogrāfiskās atrašanās vietas noteikšanu" + +#: C/geolocation-turn.page:37(item/p) +msgid "Choose EditPreferences." +msgstr "Izvēlies RediģētIestatījumi." + +#: C/geolocation-turn.page:42(item/p) +msgid "Select the Location tab." +msgstr "Izvēlies Vieta cilni." + +#: C/geolocation-turn.page:47(item/p) +msgid "" +"Select Publish location to my contacts to activate geolocation." +msgstr "" +"Izvēlies Parādīt kontaktiem atrašanās vietu, lai aktivizētu " +"ģeogrāfiskās atrašanās vietas pakalpojumu." + +#: C/geolocation-turn.page:50(item/p) +msgid "To deactivate geolocation, deselect it." +msgstr "Lai to deaktivizētu, noņem tās izvēli." + +#: C/geolocation-turn.page:55(item/p) +msgid "" +"To increase the accuracy of your position, deselect Reduce location " +"accuracy." +msgstr "" +"Lai uzlabotu atrašanās vietas precizitāti, noņem izvēli Samazināt " +"atrašanās vietas precizitāti." + +#: C/geolocation-turn.page:61(item/p) +msgid "" +"If you have an external device like a GPS or want to send a more accurate " +"position, select the appropriate option in the Location sources " +"section." +msgstr "" +"Ja tev ir papildu ierīce, piemēram, GPS, vai ja vēlies sūtīt vēl precīzāku " +"atrašanās vietu, izvēlies tam piemēroto opciju Vietas avoti " +"sadaļā." + +#: C/geolocation-what-is.page:9(info/desc) +msgid "Understanding geolocation." +msgstr "Ģeogrāfiskās atrašanās vietas izpratne." + +#: C/geolocation-what-is.page:33(page/title) +msgid "What is geolocation" +msgstr "Kas ir ģeogrāfiskā atrašanās vieta" + +#: C/geolocation-what-is.page:35(page/p) +msgid "" +"Geolocation allows you to identify the real geographical location of a " +"computer or a device connected to the Internet." +msgstr "" +"Ģeogrāfiskā atrašanās vieta ļauj tev identificēt esošo ģeogrāfisko atrašanās " +"vietu kādai ierīcei vai datoram, kurš ir savienots ar internetu." + +#: C/geolocation-what-is.page:37(page/p) +msgid "With geolocation in Empathy you can:" +msgstr "Ar ģeogrāfiskās atrašanās vietu Empathy lietotnē tu vari:" + +#: C/geolocation-what-is.page:42(item/p) +msgid "Publish your geographical location to your contacts." +msgstr "Paust zināmu savu atrašanās vietu saviem kontaktiem. " + +#: C/geolocation-what-is.page:47(item/p) +msgid "See your contacts’ geographical location and quickly contact them." +msgstr "Uzzināt savu kontaktu atrašanās vietu un ātri sazināties ar tiem." + +#: C/geolocation-what-is.page:52(item/p) +msgid "" +"Set the accuracy of your location and the device used to discover your " +"location." +msgstr "" +"Iestatīt savas atrašanās vietas precizitāti, kā arī iestatīt noteikšanas " +"precizitāti ierīcei, kura nosaka tavu atrašanās vietu." + +#: C/geolocation-what-is.page:60(note/p) +msgid "" +"In order to see your contacts’ geographical locations, they need to use a " +"service and an application that supports geolocation." +msgstr "" +"Lai redzētu savu kontaktu atrašanās vietas, viņiem ir jāizmantoservisu un " +"lietotni, kas atbalsta ģeogrāfiskās atrašanās vietas noteikšanu." + +#: C/group-conversations.page:8(info/desc) +msgid "Start or join a group conversation with your contacts." +msgstr "Sāc vai pievienojies grupas sarunai ar saviem kontaktiem." + +#: C/group-conversations.page:34(page/title) +msgid "Group conversations" +msgstr "Sarunas grupā" + +#: C/group-conversations.page:36(page/p) +msgid "" +"Group conversations permits you to have text conversations with more than " +"one contact at the same time." +msgstr "" +"Grupu sarunas ļauj tev sarakstīties ar vairāk nekā vienu kontaktu " +"vienlaicīgi." + +#: C/group-conversations.page:40(page/p) +msgid "" +"To have a group conversation you need to have a registered account with " +"either Jabber or Google Talk, or a People Nearby account." +msgstr "" +"Lai varētu izmantot grupu sarunas, tev ir nepieciešams vai nu Jabber, vai " +"Google Talk, vai People Nearby konts." + +#: C/group-conversations.page:46(note/p) +msgid "" +"You can have a group conversation only with the contacts that are using the " +"same service as yours." +msgstr "" +"Grupu sarunas ir iespējamas tikai starp kontaktiem, kuri izmanto tādu pašu " +"pakalpojumu, kā tu." + +#: C/group-conversations.page:54(section/title) +msgid "Start a group conversation" +msgstr "Sākt grupu sarunu" + +#: C/group-conversations.page:58(item/p) +#: C/group-conversations.page:122(item/p) C/irc-join-room.page:39(item/p) +msgid "" +"From the Contact List window, choose RoomJoin." +msgstr "" +"No Kontaktu saraksta loga, izvēlies IstabaPievienoties." + +#: C/group-conversations.page:63(item/p) +msgid "" +"From the Account drop-down list, select the account you want to " +"use for the group conversation." +msgstr "" +"No Konts saraksta izvēlies kontu, kuru vēlies izmantot grupas " +"sarunā." + +#: C/group-conversations.page:69(item/p) +msgid "" +"In the Server text box, type the name of server in which the " +"conversation will be hosted." +msgstr "" +"Serveris teksta lauciņā ieraksti tā servera nosaukumu, kurā " +"norisināsies saruna." + +#: C/group-conversations.page:73(item/p) +msgid "Leave it empty if it will be on the current server." +msgstr "Atstāj lauciņu tukšu, ja sarakste notiks esošajā serverī." + +#: C/group-conversations.page:78(item/p) +msgid "" +"In the Room text box, type the name you want to give to the " +"conversation." +msgstr "Istaba teksta laukā ieraksti sev tīkamo sarunas nosaukumu." + +#: C/group-conversations.page:82(note/p) +msgid "" +"This will be the name of the room you are going to have a conversation. This " +"name will be publicly available for other people to join. It is not possible " +"to create a private room." +msgstr "" +"Šis būs nosaukums istabai, kurā notiks sarakste. Šo nosaukumu redzēs jebkurš " +"lietotājs un jebkurš varēs pievienoties. Izveidot privātu sarakstes istabu " +"nevar." + +#: C/group-conversations.page:90(item/p) +msgid "" +"To invite other contacts to join the group conversation, from the " +"Contact List window, select the contact you want to invite, and " +"perform one of the following:" +msgstr "" +"Lai uzaicinātu kontaktus pievienoties sarunai, no Kontaktu saraksta loga izvēlies kontaktu, kuru vēlies uzaicināt un veic vienu no " +"sekojošajām darbībām:" + +#: C/group-conversations.page:97(item/p) +msgid "Right-click on the contact and choose Invite to chatroom." +msgstr "" +"Ar labo peles pogu spied uz kontakta un izvēlies Uzaicināt uz " +"tērzēšanas istabu." + +#: C/group-conversations.page:102(item/p) +msgid "" +"Choose EditContactInvite to chatroom." +msgstr "" +"Izvēlies RediģētKontaktsUzaicināt uz " +"tērzēšanas istabu." + +#: C/group-conversations.page:107(item/p) +msgid "" +"If you have more than one group conversation open, select the one you want " +"to invite your contacts." +msgstr "" +"Ja tev ir atvērta vairāk nekā viena grupu sarakste, izvēlies to, uz kuru " +"vēlies uzaicināt savus kontaktus." + +#: C/group-conversations.page:118(section/title) +msgid "Join a group conversation" +msgstr "Pievienoties grupas sarunai" + +#: C/group-conversations.page:128(item/p) +msgid "Expand the Room List section to see all the existing rooms." +msgstr "" +"Izvērs Istabu saraksta nodalījumu, lai redzētu visas pieejamās " +"istabas." + +#: C/group-conversations.page:133(item/p) +msgid "Double-click on the name of a room to join it." +msgstr "Veic dubultklikšķi uz istabas nosaukuma, kurai vēlies pievienoties." + +#: C/group-conversations.page:139(section/p) +msgid "" +"It is not possible to join all existing rooms. Some of the rooms might " +"require a password, or might be invitation only. Empathy does not " +"support these kind of rooms." +msgstr "" +"Visām istabām var nebūt iespējams pievienoties. Atsevišķas istabas var " +"pieprasīt paroli, vai var būt iespējamas tikai ar ielūgumiem. Empathy šāda veida istabas neatbalsta." + +#: C/hide-contacts.page:8(info/desc) +msgid "Hide the offline contacts from your Contact List." +msgstr "Paslēpt nesaistē esošos kontaktus no Kontaktu saraksta." + +#: C/hide-contacts.page:19(page/title) +msgid "Hide offline contacts" +msgstr "Paslēpt nesaistē esošos kontaktus" + +#: C/hide-contacts.page:21(page/p) +msgid "" +"Normally, Empathy shows all your contacts: those that are online, " +"with which you can have a conversation, and also those that are offline." +msgstr "" +"Parasti Empathy parāda visus tavus kontaktus: tos, kuri ir " +"tiešsaistē un ar kuriem tu vari sazināties, kā arī tos, kuri ir nesaistē." + +#: C/hide-contacts.page:25(page/p) +msgid "To hide the contacts that are offline:" +msgstr "Lai paslēptu kontaktus, kuri ir nesaistē:" + +#: C/hide-contacts.page:31(item/p) +#| msgid "" +#| "From the Contact List window, choose ViewOffline Contacts, or press CtrlH." +msgid "" +"From the Contact List window, choose View " +"Offline Contacts, or press Ctrl " +"H." +msgstr "" +"No Kontaktu saraksta loga izvēlies Skats" +"Nesaistes kontakti, vai spied Ctrl " +"H." + +#: C/hide-contacts.page:36(item/p) +msgid "To show the offline contacts again, repeat the same procedure above." +msgstr "" +"Lai atkal rādītu nesaistē esošos kontaktus, atkārto iepriekšējo darbību." + +#: C/import-account.page:10(info/desc) +msgid "Import an account from another instant messaging application." +msgstr "Importēt kontu no kādas citas tūlītējās tērzēšanas lietotnes." + +#: C/import-account.page:19(credit/name) +msgid "Peter Haslam" +msgstr "Peter Haslam" + +#: C/import-account.page:42(page/title) +msgid "Import an existing account" +msgstr "Importēt esošu kontu " + +#: C/import-account.page:44(page/p) +msgid "" +"The first time you run Empathy, it will offer to import your " +"accounts from other instant messaging applications. Currently, the only " +"supported application is Pidgin." +msgstr "" +"Pirmajā Empathy palaišanas reizē, jums piedāvās importēt kontus " +"no citām tūlītējās tērzēšanas lietotnēm. Pagaidām vienīgā atbalstītā " +"lietotne ir Pidgin." + +#: C/import-account.page:50(item/p) +msgid "" +"Run Empathy for the first time. An assistant will offer you a " +"number of options to create new accounts." +msgstr "" +"Palaist Empathy pirmo reizi. Palīgs jums piedāvās vairākas " +"izvēles konta izveidošanai." + +#: C/import-account.page:54(item/p) +msgid "" +"Select Yes, import my account details from and click " +"Forward." +msgstr "" +"Izvēlies Jā, importēt konta informāciju no un spied " +"Turpināt" + +#: C/import-account.page:58(item/p) +msgid "Select the check box next to each account you wish to import." +msgstr "Atzīmē katru kontu, kuru vēlies importēt." + +#: C/import-account.page:66(note/p) +msgid "" +"It is not currently possible to import accounts after you have completed the " +"first-run assistant." +msgstr "" +"Pagaidām nevar importēt kontus pēc tam, kad esi pabeidzis pirmās palaišanas " +"palīgu." + +#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When +#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to +#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to +#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. +#: C/introduction.page:41(media) +#| msgid "" +#| "@@image: 'figures/empathy-main-window.png'; " +#| "md5=54908dcb2588beddb15ef0968d2c2582" +msgctxt "_" +msgid "" +"external ref='figures/empathy-main-window.png' " +"md5='54908dcb2588beddb15ef0968d2c2582'" +msgstr "" +"external ref='figures/empathy-main-window.png' " +"md5='54908dcb2588beddb15ef0968d2c2582'" + +#: C/introduction.page:9(info/desc) +msgid "Introduction to the Empathy instant messenger." +msgstr "Ievads Empathy tūlītējās ziņojumapmaiņas lietotnē." + +#: C/introduction.page:21(page/title) +msgid "Introduction" +msgstr "Ievads" + +#: C/introduction.page:23(page/p) +msgid "" +"Empathy is an instant messaging application for the GNOME " +"Desktop. It supports text messaging, voice & video calls, file " +"transfers, and all the most used messaging systems such as MSN and Google " +"Talk." +msgstr "" +"Empathy ir tūlītējās ziņojumapmaiņas lietotne, izveidota GNOME " +"darbvirsmai. Tā atbalsta teksta ziņojumus, balss un video zvanus, failu " +"sūtīšanu un visas visbiežāk izmantotās ziņojumu sistēmas, piemēram MSN un " +"Google Talk." + +#: C/introduction.page:28(page/p) +msgid "" +"Empathy includes features that help you better collaborate while " +"at work, and that let you easily keep in touch with your friends." +msgstr "" +"Empathy sevī ietver iespējas, kas palīdz labāk sadarboties darba " +"vidē un kuras palīdz vieglāk sazināties ar draugiem." + +#: C/introduction.page:32(page/p) +msgid "" +"Using Empathy, you can group all the conversations in a single " +"window, have multiple windows for different kind of conversations, easily " +"search through your previous conversations, and share your desktop in just " +"two clicks." +msgstr "" +"Izmantojot Empathy, tu vari sagrupēt visas notiekošās sarakstes " +"vienā logā, vari arī katrai sarakstei atvēlēt savu logu, vienkārši meklēt " +"cauri visām sarakstēm un dalīties ar savu darbvirsmu ar tikai diviem " +"klikšķiem!" + +#: C/introduction.page:39(figure/title) +msgid "Contact List window" +msgstr "Kontaktu saraksta logs" + +#: C/introduction.page:40(figure/desc) +msgid "Empathy main window" +msgstr "Empathy galvenais logs" + +#: C/introduction.page:42(media/p) +msgid "Empathy main window." +msgstr "Empathy galvenais logs." + +#: C/irc-commands.page:7(info/desc) +msgid "The supported IRC commands." +msgstr "Atbalstītās IRC komandas." + +#: C/irc-commands.page:18(page/title) +msgid "Supported IRC commands" +msgstr "Atbalstītās IRC komandas" + +#: C/irc-commands.page:19(page/p) +msgid "" +"To see the list of the supported IRC commands, in a chat room type /" +"help and press Enter." +msgstr "" +"Lai redzētu sarakstu ar atbalstītajām IRC komandām, tērzēšanas istabā " +"ieraksti /help un nospied Enter." + +#: C/irc-commands.page:24(note/p) +msgid "All commands available have a small description on their usage." +msgstr "Visām pieejamajām komandām ir neliels to lietošanas paskaidrojums." + +#: C/irc-join-pwd.page:9(info/desc) +msgid "Enter password-protected IRC chat rooms." +msgstr "Ieej ar paroli aizsargātās IRC tērzēšanas istabās." + +#: C/irc-join-pwd.page:25(page/title) +msgid "Join a protected IRC chat room" +msgstr "Pievienoties aizsargātai IRC saziņas istabai" + +#: C/irc-join-pwd.page:27(page/p) +msgid "" +"On some IRC networks, private IRC rooms may be protected with a password. If " +"you know the password, use the following steps to join:" +msgstr "" +"Dažos IRC tīklos, privātās IRC istabas var būt aizsargātas ar paroli. Ja tu " +"zini šo paroli, izpildi sekojošos soļus lai pievienotos:" + +#: C/irc-join-pwd.page:33(item/p) +msgid "Join the room as normal." +msgstr "" +"Pievienojies istabai kā tu to parasti " +"darītu." + +#: C/irc-join-pwd.page:38(item/p) +msgid "" +"Empathy will prompt you for a password. Enter the password for the IRC chat " +"room and click Join." +msgstr "" +"Empathy tev pieprasīs paroli. Ievadi IRC istabas paroli un spied Pievienoties." + +#: C/irc-join-room.page:8(info/desc) +msgid "Join an IRC channel." +msgstr "Pievienojies IRC kanālam." + +#: C/irc-join-room.page:31(page/title) +msgid "Join an IRC chat room" +msgstr "Pievienoties IRC tērzēšanas istabai." + +#: C/irc-join-room.page:33(page/p) +msgid "" +"You can join IRC chat rooms (also known as IRC channels) on any IRC network " +"you’re connected to. To connect to an IRC network, see and ." +msgstr "" +"Tu vari pievienoties IRC tērzēšanas istabām (zināmām kā IRC kanāliem) " +"jebkurā IRC tīklā, kuram esi pieslēdzies. Lai pieslēgtos IRC tīklam, lasi " +" un ." + +#: C/irc-join-room.page:45(item/p) +msgid "" +"From the Account drop-down list, select the IRC account that " +"corresponds to the network you want to use." +msgstr "" +"Konts izkrītošajā izvēlnē izvēlies IRC kontu, kurš atbilst " +"tīklam, kuru vēlies izmantot." + +#: C/irc-join-room.page:51(item/p) +msgid "" +"In the Room text box, type the name of the channel you want to " +"join. IRC channel names start with the hash character (#)." +msgstr "" +"Istaba teksta laukumā, ieraksti kanāla nosaukumu, kuram vēlies " +"pievienoties. IRC kanālu nosaukumi sākas ar restītes zīmi (#)." + +#: C/irc-join-room.page:57(item/p) +msgid "Click Join to enter the room." +msgstr "Spied Pievienoties, lai pievienotos istabai." + +#: C/irc-join-room.page:64(note/p) +msgid "" +"To join multiple rooms, you need to repeat the steps above for each room." +msgstr "" +"Lai pievienotos vairākām istabām vienlaicīgi, tev nāksies atkārtot šos soļus " +"katrai istabai." + +#: C/irc-manage.page:9(info/desc) +msgid "How to use IRC with Empathy." +msgstr "Kā izmantot IRC kopā ar Empathy." + +#: C/irc-manage.page:34(page/title) +msgid "Internet Relay Chat (IRC)" +msgstr "Internet Relay Chat (IRC)" + +#: C/irc-manage.page:41(when/p) +msgid "" +"Install telepathy-idle" +msgstr "" +"Instalēt telepathy-idle" + +#: C/irc-manage.page:48(info/title) +#| msgid "IRC Chat Rooms and Conversations" +msgctxt "link" +msgid "IRC Chat Rooms and Conversations" +msgstr "IRC tērzēšanas istabas un sarunas" + +#: C/irc-manage.page:50(section/title) +msgid "Chat Rooms and Conversations" +msgstr "Tērzēšanas istabas un sarunas" + +#: C/irc-manage.page:55(info/title) +#| msgid "Common IRC Problems" +msgctxt "link" +msgid "Common IRC Problems" +msgstr "Biežākās IRC problēmas" + +#: C/irc-nick-password.page:10(info/desc) +msgid "Protect your nickname to prevent other IRC users from using it." +msgstr "" +"Aizsargā savu segvārdu, lai neļautu citiem IRC lietotājiem to izmantot." + +#: C/irc-nick-password.page:33(page/title) +msgid "Use a nickname password on IRC" +msgstr "Izmantot segvārda paroli IRC tīklā" + +#: C/irc-nick-password.page:35(page/p) +msgid "" +"On some IRC networks, you can register your nickname with a service called " +"NickServ. By sending special messages to NickServ, you can set your password " +"and identify yourself. Some IRC chat rooms may not allow you to join without " +"a registered nickname." +msgstr "" +"Dažos IRC tīklos, tu vari reģistrēt savu segvārdu, izmantojot servisu, " +"sauktu par NickServ. Sūtot īpašas komandas NickServ, tu vari iestatīt paroli " +"un identificēt sevi. Dažas IRC istabas var tev neatļaut pieslēgties, " +"nereģistrējot segvārdu." + +#: C/irc-nick-password.page:40(page/p) +msgid "" +"Empathy does not currently support nickname registration. Some " +"IRC networks, however, will automatically forward a server password " +"to NickServ. On these networks, you can use the IRC password in " +"Empathy to identify yourself to NickServ. The popular freenode " +"network is known to have this feature." +msgstr "" +"Empathy pašlaik neatbalsta segvārdu reģistrāciju. Daži IRC tīkli " +"automātiski nosūtīs servera paroli uz NickServ. Šajos tīklos tu " +"vari izmantot IRC paroli, Empathy lietotnē, lai identificētu sevi " +"NickServ servisā. Populārajam freenode tīklam ir šī funkcija." + +#: C/irc-nick-password.page:46(page/p) +msgid "To set an IRC server password:" +msgstr "Lai iestatītu IRC paroli:" + +#: C/irc-nick-password.page:54(item/p) +msgid "Select the IRC account from the list on the left of the dialog." +msgstr "Izvēlies IRC kontu no saraksta, kreisajā loga pusē." + +#: C/irc-nick-password.page:57(item/p) +msgid "" +"In the Password field, type the password you used to register " +"your nikcname." +msgstr "" +"Parole laukā, raksti paroli, kuru izmantoji, lai reģistrētu " +"segvārdu." + +#: C/irc-nick-password.page:69(note/p) +msgid "" +"These instructions only allow you to use a password-protected nickname on " +"certain IRC networks. It is not currently possible to register an IRC " +"nickname or change your nickname password using Empathy." +msgstr "" +"Šīs instrukcijas ļauj tev izmantot ar paroli aizsargātu iesauku noteiktos " +"IRC tīklos. Uz doto brīdi nav iespējams reģistrēt IRC iesauku, vai to " +"mainīt, izmantojot Empathy." + +#: C/irc-send-file.page:9(info/desc) +msgid "Empathy does not currently support sending files using IRC." +msgstr "Empathy pašlaik neatbalsta failu sūtīšanu caur IRC." + +#: C/irc-send-file.page:31(page/title) +msgid "Send files over IRC" +msgstr "Sūti failus caur IRC" + +#: C/irc-send-file.page:33(page/p) +msgid "It is not currently possible to send files using IRC." +msgstr "Pagaidām nav iespējams sūtīt failus, izmantojot IRC." + +#: C/irc-start-conversation.page:8(info/desc) +msgid "Start a conversation with an IRC contact." +msgstr "Sākt sarunu ar IRC kontaktu." + +#: C/irc-start-conversation.page:30(page/title) +msgid "Chat with somebody on IRC" +msgstr "Sarakstīties ar kādu IRC lietotāju" + +#: C/irc-start-conversation.page:32(page/p) +msgid "" +"You can hold private conversations with other IRC users, outside of the " +"public IRC chat rooms. To start a conversation with another IRC user:" +msgstr "" +"Tu vari uzturēt privātas sarunas ar citiem IRC lietotājiem, ārpus " +"publiskajām IRC istabām. Lai sāktu sarunu ar kādu IRC lietotāju:" + +#: C/irc-start-conversation.page:37(item/p) +msgid "" +"In the contact list for an IRC chat room, double click the name of the user " +"you want to chat with. Alternatively, right click the name of the user and " +"choose Chat." +msgstr "" +"IRC sarakstes istabas dalībnieku sarakstā veic dubultklikšķi uz tā lietotāja " +"segvārda, ar kuru vēlies sazināties. Kā arī var veikt labo peles klikšķi un " +"izvēlēties Tērzēt." + +#: C/irc-start-conversation.page:45(item/p) +msgid "" +"The IRC room contact list is not the same as Empathy contact " +"list. It contains a list of users in the IRC chat room you joined. Different " +"rooms can have different contacts listed." +msgstr "" +"IRC istabu dalībnieku saraksts nav tas pats, kas Empathy kontaktu " +"saraksts. Tas satur sarakstu ar lietotājiem, kuri atrodas tajā pašā istabā, " +"kurā jūs. Dažādās istabās būs dažādi kontakti." + +#: C/irc-start-conversation.page:52(item/p) +msgid "" +"The IRC room contact list is usually on the right side of the IRC room " +"window. If you do not see it, choose ConversationShow Contact List." +msgstr "" +"IRC istabu kontaktu saraksts parasti atrodas istabas loga labajā pusē. Ja tu " +"to neredzi, izvēlies SarunaRādīt kontaktu sarakstu." + +#: C/license.page:8(info/desc) +msgid "Legal information." +msgstr "Juridiskā informācija." + +#: C/license.page:11(page/title) +msgid "License" +msgstr "License" + +#: C/license.page:12(page/p) +msgid "" +"This work is distributed under a CreativeCommons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 " +"Unported license." +msgstr "" +"Šis darbs tiek izplatīts balstoties uz CreativeCommons Attribution-Share " +"Alike 3.0 neportēto licenci." + +#: C/license.page:20(page/p) +msgid "You are free:" +msgstr "Tu drīksti:" + +#: C/license.page:25(item/title) +#| msgid "To share" +msgid "To share" +msgstr "Izplatīt" + +#: C/license.page:26(item/p) +msgid "To copy, distribute and transmit the work." +msgstr "Kopēt, izplatīt un pārraidīt šo darbu." + +#: C/license.page:29(item/title) +#| msgid "To remix" +msgid "To remix" +msgstr "Pārveidot" + +#: C/license.page:30(item/p) +msgid "To adapt the work." +msgstr "Piemērot." + +#: C/license.page:33(page/p) +msgid "Under the following conditions:" +msgstr "Zem sekojošajiem noteikumiem:" + +#: C/license.page:38(item/title) +#| msgid "Attribution" +msgid "Attribution" +msgstr "Attiecinājums" + +#: C/license.page:39(item/p) +msgid "" +"You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or " +"licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use " +"of the work)." +msgstr "" +"Tev ir obligāti jāattiecina darbs veidā, kurš to ir norādījis autors vai " +"licencētājs (bet ne tādā veidā veidā, kas liktu noprast, ka tie atbalsta " +"tevi vai tava darba izmantošanu)." + +#: C/license.page:46(item/title) +#| msgid "Share Alike" +msgid "Share Alike" +msgstr "Share Alike" + +#: C/license.page:47(item/p) +msgid "" +"If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the " +"resulting work only under the same, similar or a compatible license." +msgstr "" +"Ja tu pamaini, pārveido šo darbu, tu to drīksti izplatīt tikai zem šādas " +"pašas vai savietojamas licences." + +#: C/license.page:53(page/p) +msgid "" +"For the full text of the license, see the CreativeCommons website, or read the full Commons Deed." +msgstr "" +"Lai iegūtu pilnu licences tekstu, skaties CreativeCommons " +"mājaslapā, vai izlasi pilnu aktu." + +#: C/link-contacts.page:11(info/desc) +msgid "Merge and separate different contacts into a single one." +msgstr "Apvieno un sadali dažādus kontaktus, vienā veselā." + +#: C/link-contacts.page:25(page/title) +msgid "Combine and separate contacts" +msgstr "Apvienot un sadalīt kontaktus" + +#: C/link-contacts.page:26(page/p) +msgid "" +"If one, or more, of your contacts has multiple accounts with different " +"messaging services, you can combine these contacts into a single one." +msgstr "" +"Ja vienam vai vairākiem kontaktiem ir vairāki konti ar dažādiem tērzēšanas " +"servisiem, tu vari apvienot šos kontaktus vienā." + +#: C/link-contacts.page:30(page/p) +msgid "" +"The resulting contact is called a meta-contact: a contact composed " +"from different single contacts." +msgstr "" +"Iegūtais kontakts tiek saukts par meta-kontaktu: kontakts, " +"savienots no vairākiem atsevišķiem kontaktiem." + +#: C/link-contacts.page:34(page/p) +msgid "" +"If you have a Jane Smith contact that is using three different messaging " +"services like:" +msgstr "" +"Ja tev ir Ilzes Priedes kontakts, kurš izmanto trīs dažādus ziņojumu " +"servisus, piemēram:" + +#: C/link-contacts.page:40(item/p) +msgid "janes@facebook" +msgstr "ilze@facebook" + +#: C/link-contacts.page:45(item/p) +msgid "jane.smith@gmail" +msgstr "ilze.priede@gmail" + +#: C/link-contacts.page:50(item/p) +msgid "jane_smith@hotmail" +msgstr "ilze_priede@hotmail" + +#: C/link-contacts.page:55(page/p) +msgid "You can combine these contacts into a single Jane Smith one." +msgstr "Tu vari apvienot šos kontaktus vienā vienīgā Ilzes Priedes kontaktā." + +#: C/link-contacts.page:60(section/title) +msgid "Combining contacts" +msgstr "Kontaktu apvienošana" + +#: C/link-contacts.page:63(item/p) +msgid "" +"From the Contact List window, right-click one of the contact that " +"has different accounts, and select Link Contacts...." +msgstr "" +"No Kontaktu saraksta loga, spiež labo peles pogu uz kontakta ar " +"dažādiem kontiem un izvēlies Saistīt kontaktus...." + +#: C/link-contacts.page:70(item/p) +msgid "" +"From the left pane in the Link Contacts window, select the " +"contacts you want to combine." +msgstr "" +"No kreisā paneļa, Saistīt kontaktus logā, izvēlies kontaktus, " +"kurus vēlies apvienot." + +#: C/link-contacts.page:76(item/p) +msgid "Click Link." +msgstr "Spied uz Saistīt." + +#: C/link-contacts.page:82(note/p) +msgid "" +"When a meta-contact has been created, the default contact that will be used " +"to have a conversation with when you double-click on it, is the contact with " +"the highest presence on-line." +msgstr "" +"Kad ir izveidots meta-kontakts, noklusētais kontakts, kurš tiks izmantots, " +"lai sazinātos, kad uz tā veic dubultklikšķi, būs kontakts ar augstāko " +"klātbūtnes laiku." + +#: C/link-contacts.page:91(section/title) +msgid "Separating contacts" +msgstr "Kontaktu atdalīšana" + +#: C/link-contacts.page:94(item/p) +msgid "" +"From the Contact List, right-click the contact to separate, and " +"select Link Contacts...." +msgstr "" +"Kontaktu saraksts logā spiež labo peles pogu uz kontakta, kuru " +"vēlies atdalīt un izvēlies Saistīt kontaktus...." + +#: C/link-contacts.page:100(item/p) +msgid "Click Unlink." +msgstr "Spied uz Atsaistīt." + +#: C/prev-conv.page:8(info/desc) +msgid "Browse or search your previous conversations." +msgstr "Pārlūko vai meklē savās iepriekšējās sarunās." + +#: C/prev-conv.page:36(page/title) +msgid "View previous conversations" +msgstr "Skatīt iepriekšējās sarunas" + +#: C/prev-conv.page:38(page/p) +msgid "" +"Empathy automatically saves all your text conversations you have " +"with your contacts. You can search through all of " +"your previous conversations or browse previous " +"conversations by contact and date." +msgstr "" +"Empathy automātiski saglabā visas teksta sarunas, kuras notiek " +"starp kontaktiem. Tu vari meklēt caur visām savām " +"iepriekšējām sarunām vai skatīt iepriekšējās " +"sarunas, šķirojot tās pēc kontakta un datuma." + +#: C/prev-conv.page:46(note/p) +msgid "" +"You do not need to be connected to the Internet to view and search your " +"previous conversations." +msgstr "" +"Nav vajadzīgs savienojums ar internetu, lai skatītos un meklētu iepriekšējās " +"sarunas." + +#: C/prev-conv.page:53(section/title) +msgid "Search previous conversations" +msgstr "Meklēt iepriekšējās sarunas" + +#: C/prev-conv.page:55(section/p) +msgid "" +"You can perform a full-text search through all of your previous " +"conversations." +msgstr "" +"Tu vari veikt pilnu teksta meklēšanu caur visām savām iepriekšējām sarunām." + +#: C/prev-conv.page:59(item/p) C/prev-conv.page:87(item/p) +#| msgid "" +#| "From the Contact List window, choose ViewPrevious Conversations. Alternatively, press " +#| "F3." +msgid "" +"From the Contact List window, choose View " +"Previous Conversations. Alternatively, press F3." +msgstr "" +"No Kontaktu saraksts loga, izvēlies Skats " +"Iepriekšējās sarunas, vai arī, spied F3" + +#: C/prev-conv.page:63(item/p) +msgid "" +"Select an account from the drop-down list in the top. A list of contacts and " +"chat room for that account will be shown below." +msgstr "" +"Izvēlies kontu no saraksta augšpusē. Saraksts ar kontaktiem un tērzēšanas " +"istabām konkrētajam kontam tiks parādīts zemāk." + +#: C/prev-conv.page:67(item/p) +msgid "" +"Type the text you want to search for in the Search text field." +msgstr "Teksta laukā Meklēt ievadi tekstu, ko vēlies atrast." + +#: C/prev-conv.page:71(item/p) +msgid "" +"Any conversations that matched your search terms will be shown. By default, " +"conversations are ordered by date." +msgstr "" +"Tiks rādīta katras saruna, kas atbilst meklētajam tekstam. Pēc noklusējuma " +"sarunas ir kārtotas pēc datuma." + +#: C/prev-conv.page:80(section/title) +msgid "Browse previous conversations" +msgstr "Skatīt iepriekšējās sarunas" + +#: C/prev-conv.page:82(section/p) +msgid "" +"You can browse your previous conversations with your contacts or in chat " +"rooms by date." +msgstr "" +"Iepriekšējās sarunas ar saviem kontaktiem vai tērzēšanas istabām var " +"pārlūkot pēc datuma." + +#: C/prev-conv.page:91(item/p) +msgid "" +"Select an account from the drop-down list in the top left. A list of " +"contacts and chat room for that account will be shown below." +msgstr "" +"Izvēlies kontu no izkrītošās izvēlnes augšā kreisajā pusē. Saraksts ar " +"kontaktiem un tērzēšanas istabām konkrētajam kontam tiks parādīts zemāk." + +#: C/prev-conv.page:95(item/p) +msgid "" +"Select a contact or chat room to view your previous conversations from. By " +"default the most recent conversation will be shown." +msgstr "" +"Izvēlies kontaktu vai tērzēšanas istabu, kuru iepriekšējās sarunas vēlies " +"skatīties. Pēc noklusējuma, lielākā daļa pēdējo sarunu tiks parādītas." + +#: C/prev-conv.page:99(item/p) +msgid "" +"You can browse your conversations by date. Days on which you had a " +"conversation with the selected contact will be shown in bold text. Click a " +"date to select it. Click the arrows next to the month and year to browse " +"earlier dates." +msgstr "" +"Savas sarunas vari skatīties, šķirojot pēc datumiem. Dienas, kurās tev ir " +"bijusi kāda saruna ar izvēlēto kontaktu, tiks iezīmētas treknrakstā. Spied " +"uz datuma, lai to izvēlētos. Spied uz bultiņām pie mēneša un gada, lai " +"skatītu agrākus datumus." + +#: C/prev-conv.page:105(section/p) +msgid "" +"You can search for text in the conversations by typing into the search field " +"at the top. The matching conversations will be showed." +msgstr "" +"Meklēt teksta sarunās var, rakstot meklēšanas lauciņā augšpusē. Tiks rādītas " +"atbilstošās sarunas." + +#: C/prev-conv.page:111(note/p) +msgid "" +"You can quickly view the previous conversations with one of your contacts " +"from the Contact List window. Simply right click the contact and " +"choose Previous Conversations. The Previous Conversations window will open with that contact already selected." +msgstr "" +"Iepriekšējās sarunas ar kādu no kontaktiem var ātri apskatīt no " +"Kontaktu saraksts loga. Spied labo peles pogu uz kontakta un " +"izvēlies Iepriekšējās sarunas. Atvērsies Iepriekšējās " +"sarunas logs ar sarunām ar izvēlēto kontaktu." + +#: C/prob-conn-acctdisabled.page:7(info/desc) +msgid "" +"The instant messaging account that you want to use is not enabled in the " +"list of accounts." +msgstr "Tērzēšanas konts, ko vēlies izmantot, nav aktivēts kontaktu sarakstā." + +#: C/prob-conn-acctdisabled.page:34(page/title) +msgid "My account is not enabled" +msgstr "Mans konts nav aktivēts" + +#: C/prob-conn-acctdisabled.page:36(page/p) +msgid "" +"If the instant messaging account that you want to use is not enabled in the " +"drop-down account list when you try to start a new conversation or join a " +"room, your account details may not be correct." +msgstr "" +"Ja tērzēšanas konts, ko vēlies izmantot, nav aktivēts kontu sarakstā, " +"mēģinot sākt jaunu sarunu vai pievienojoties kādai istabai, tad informācija " +"par tavu kontu varētu būt nepareiza." + +#: C/prob-conn-acctdisabled.page:44(item/p) C/prob-conn-auth.page:45(item/p) +#: C/prob-conn-neterror.page:53(item/p) +msgid "" +"Make sure that you are connected to the Internet, or to a local area network." +msgstr "Pārliecinies, ka ir savienojums ar internetu vai ar lokālo tīklu." + +#: C/prob-conn-acctdisabled.page:49(item/p) +msgid "" +"Choose EditAccounts and select the " +"account that is not working." +msgstr "" +"Izvēlies RediģētKonti un izvēlies " +"kontu, kurš nestrādā." + +#: C/prob-conn-acctdisabled.page:55(item/p) C/prob-conn-auth.page:63(item/p) +msgid "" +"Type your username and password again to make sure that they are correct." +msgstr "Pārliecinies, ka lietotājvārdu un paroli esi ievadījis pareizi." + +#: C/prob-conn-acctdisabled.page:60(item/p) +#: C/prob-conn-neterror.page:64(item/p) +msgid "" +"Check in the Advanced section that all the details are correct. " +"You should be able to find these details from the website of the messaging " +"service." +msgstr "" +"Pārbaudi, ka visa informācija, Paplašināti sadaļā ir pareiza. Tev " +"vajadzētu atrast šo informāciju mājaslapā, kuras ziņojumu servisu izmanto." + +#: C/prob-conn-acctdisabled.page:66(item/p) +msgid "Check that the account is switched on." +msgstr "Pārliecinies, ka konts ir ieslēgts." + +#: C/prob-conn-auth.page:8(info/desc) +msgid "" +"An error message which says “Authentication failed” appears in " +"the main window." +msgstr "" +"Kļūdas paziņojums, ka “Autentifikācija neizdevās” parādās " +"galvenajā logā." + +#: C/prob-conn-auth.page:36(page/title) +msgid "I get a message that says “Authentication failed”" +msgstr "Es saņemu paziņojumu, ka \"Autentifikācija neizdevās\"" + +#: C/prob-conn-auth.page:38(page/p) +msgid "" +"This kind of error happens when your instant messaging service is not " +"allowing you to connect because it does not recognize your username or " +"password for some reason." +msgstr "" +"Šis kļūdas tips notiek tad, kad tavs tērzēšanas serviss neatļauj " +"savienoties, jo neatpazīst tavu lietotājvārdu vai paroli kāda iemesla dēļ." + +#: C/prob-conn-auth.page:50(item/p) +msgid "" +"Make sure that you have registered an account with the service you are " +"trying to connect to. If you do not have an account, most services will not " +"allow you to connect." +msgstr "" +"Pārliecinies, ka servisam, kuram mēģini pieslēgties, ir izveidots konts. Ja " +"tev nav izveidots konts, vairums servisu neatļaus tev ar tiem savienoties." + +#: C/prob-conn-auth.page:57(item/p) C/prob-conn-name.page:43(item/p) +#: C/prob-conn-neterror.page:58(item/p) +msgid "" +"Click the edit icon in the error message." +msgstr "" +"Nospied uz rediģēt ikonas, kļūdas paziņojumā." + +#: C/prob-conn-auth.page:68(item/p) +msgid "" +"Deselect the Enabled, and then select it again to try to " +"reconnect to the service." +msgstr "" +"Atslēdz opciju Aktivēts un tad ieslēdz to vēlreiz, lai mēģinātu " +"atkal savienoties ar servisu." + +#: C/prob-conn-name.page:9(info/title) +#| msgid "“Name in use”" +msgctxt "link:error-msg" +msgid "“Name in use”" +msgstr "\"Vārds jau ir aizņemts\"" + +#: C/prob-conn-name.page:10(info/desc) +msgid "" +"An error message which says “Name in use” appears in the main " +"window." +msgstr "" +"Kļūdas paziņojums, kurš norāda \"Vārds jau ir aizņemts\" parādās " +"galvenajā logā." + +#: C/prob-conn-name.page:33(page/title) +msgid "I get a message that says “Name in use”" +msgstr "Es saņemu paziņojumu, ka \"Vārds jau ir aizņemts\"" + +#: C/prob-conn-name.page:35(page/p) +msgid "" +"This kind of error happens when you try to connect to your IRC account and " +"you are using a nickname that is already being used by someone else on that " +"particular network." +msgstr "" +"Šī kļūda notiek, kad tu mēģini savienoties ar savu IRC kontu un tu izmanto " +"segvārdu kuru ir aizņēmis kāds cits dotajā tīklā." + +#: C/prob-conn-name.page:51(item/p) +msgid "In the Nickname text box, type a new nickname." +msgstr "Iesauka teksta laukā, ieraksti jaunu segvārdu." + +#: C/prob-conn-name.page:56(item/p) +msgid "" +"If you have registered that nickname within the network you are using, set " +"the password for that nickname. For more information, see ." +msgstr "" +"Ja esi reģistrējis segvārdu konkrētajā tīklā, kuru izmanto, uzliec tam " +"paroli. Lai uzzinātu vairāk, lasi ." + +#: C/prob-conn-name.page:65(item/p) C/prob-conn-neterror.page:79(item/p) +msgid "" +"Switch the account off, and then switch it on to try to reconnect to the " +"service." +msgstr "" +"Izslēdz kontu un pēc tam atkal to ieslēdz, lai mēģinātu atkal savienoties ar " +"servisu." + +#: C/prob-conn-neterror.page:7(info/desc) +msgid "" +"An error message which says “Network error” appears in the main " +"window." +msgstr "" +"Kļūdas paziņojums, kurš saka “Tīkla kļūda” parādās galvenajā logā." + +#: C/prob-conn-neterror.page:34(page/title) +msgid "I get a message that says “Network error”" +msgstr "Es saņemu \"Tīkla kļūda” ziņojumu" + +#: C/prob-conn-neterror.page:42(page/p) +msgid "" +"This kind of error happens when Empathy cannot communicate with " +"the instant messaging service for some reason." +msgstr "" +"Šāda kļūda notiek tad, kad Empathy nevar sazināties ar TZ " +"serveri, kāda iemesla dēļ." + +#: C/prob-conn-neterror.page:46(page/p) +msgid "" +"Also, this kind of error happens when you try to use an IRC account without " +"setting a nickname." +msgstr "" +"Kā arī, šī kļūda notiek tad, kad mēģini izmantot IRC kontu bez segvārda " +"iestatīšanas." + +#: C/prob-conn-neterror.page:87(section/title) +msgid "Proxy support" +msgstr "Starpniekserveru atbalsts" + +#: C/prob-conn-neterror.page:88(section/p) +msgid "" +"At the moment Empathy can not be configured to work with a proxy." +msgstr "" +"Šobrīd Empathy nevar nokonfigurēt tā, lai tas strādātu caur " +"starpniekserveri." + +#: C/prob-conn.page:7(info/desc) +msgid "Diagnose common problems connecting to an instant messaging service." +msgstr "" +"Identificē biežākās problēmas, kas rodas, savienojoties ar kādu TZ servisu." + +#: C/prob-conn.page:29(page/title) +msgid "Problems connecting to an instant messaging service" +msgstr "Problēmas, savienojoties ar TZ servisu" + +#: C/remove-account.page:8(info/desc) +msgid "Completely remove an account from Empathy." +msgstr "Izņem kontu no Empathy pilnībā." + +#: C/remove-account.page:34(page/title) +msgid "Remove an account" +msgstr "Izņemt kontu" + +#: C/remove-account.page:36(page/p) +msgid "" +"You can completely remove an account from Empathy if you no " +"longer wish to use the account. If you wish to use the account in " +"Empathy again in the future, you will have to add your account " +"details again." +msgstr "" +"Ja vairāk nevēlies izmantot savu kontu, to var pilnībā izņemt no " +"Empathy lietotnes. Ja vēlēsies izmantot savu kontu atkārtoti, tev " +"vajadzēs atkal ievadīt visu informāciju." + +#: C/remove-account.page:47(item/p) +msgid "" +"Select the account you wish to remove from the accounts list on the left " +"side of the window." +msgstr "" +"Izvēlies kontu, ko vēlies izņemt, no kontu saraksta kreisajā loga pusē." + +#: C/remove-account.page:51(item/p) +msgid "Click -." +msgstr "Spied -." + +#: C/remove-account.page:54(item/p) +msgid "" +"A dialog will be shown asking for confirmation. Click the Remove " +"button to permanently remove the account." +msgstr "" +"Parādīsies logs, kurā tev prasīs apstiprinājumu. Spied Izņemt " +"pogu, lai pilnībā izņemtu savu kontu." + +#: C/remove-account.page:60(note/p) +msgid "" +"Even after removing an account, Empathy does not delete your " +"conversation history for that account." +msgstr "" +"Pat pēc konta izņemšanas Empathy nedzēsīs tavu sarunu vēsturi." + +#: C/salut-protocol.page:8(info/desc) +msgid "Understanding the People Nearby feature." +msgstr "People Nearby pakalpojuma saprašana." + +#: C/salut-protocol.page:33(page/title) +msgid "What is People Nearby?" +msgstr "Kas ir People Nearby?" + +#: C/salut-protocol.page:40(page/p) +msgid "" +"The People Nearby service is a serverless communication service: you do not " +"need to connect and authenticate to a central server in order to use it." +msgstr "" +"People Nearby serviss ir bez-servera komunikācijas serviss: tev nevajag " +"savienoties un autentificēties ar centrālo serveri, lai to izmantotu." + +#: C/salut-protocol.page:45(page/p) +msgid "" +"This kind of serverless messaging system is restricted to a local area " +"network and an active Internet connection is not necessary." +msgstr "" +"Šāds saziņas veids ir iespējams tikai lokālajā tīklā un tam nav nepieciešams " +"aktīvs interneta savienojums." + +#: C/salut-protocol.page:49(page/p) +msgid "" +"The people that use this service inside the same local area network will be " +"auto-discovered, and it will be possible to send them messages and files as " +"with other services." +msgstr "" +"Cilvēki, kuri izmanto šo servisu vienā lokālajā tīklā automātiski tiks " +"parādīti, un tiem varēsi nosūtīt ziņas un failus tieši tā pat, kā izmantojot " +"citus servisus." + +#: C/salut-protocol.page:54(page/p) +msgid "" +"All the modern local area networks should be able to support this kind of " +"service." +msgstr "" +"Visiem modernajiem lokālajiem tīkliem būtu jābūt spējīgiem atbalstīt šādu " +"servisu." + +#: C/send-file.page:8(info/desc) +msgid "Send a file from your computer to one of your contacts." +msgstr "Nosūti failu no sava datora kādam kontaktam." + +#: C/send-file.page:36(page/title) +msgid "Send files" +msgstr "Sūtīt failus" + +#: C/send-file.page:45(item/p) +msgid "" +"Right click on the contact you want to send a file to, and choose Send " +"file." +msgstr "" +"Veic labo peles klikšķi uz kontakta, kuram vēlies sūtīt failu un izvēlies " +"Sūtīt failu." + +#: C/send-file.page:50(item/p) +#| msgid "" +#| "Click on the contact you want to send a file, and choose " +#| "EditContactSend file." +msgid "" +"Click on the contact you want to send a file, and choose Edit ContactSend file." +msgstr "" +"Spied uz kontakta, kuram vēlies sūtīt failu un izvēlies Rediģēt " +"KontaktsSūtīt failu." + +#: C/send-file.page:58(item/p) +msgid "Select the file to send, and click on Send." +msgstr "Izvēlies failu, kuru vēlies sūtīt, un spied uz Sūtīt." + +#: C/send-file.page:63(item/p) +msgid "The File Transfers window will appear." +msgstr "Parādīsies Failu pārsūtījumu logs." + +#: C/send-file.page:66(item/p) +msgid "" +"Wait for your contact to accept the file transfer, or click Stop " +"to halt the transfer." +msgstr "" +"Gaidi, kamēr tavs kontakts pieņems faila sūtījumu, vai nospied Apturēt, lai apstādinātu sūtīšanu." + +#: C/send-file.page:72(item/p) +msgid "" +"Once the transfer is finished, it is possible to close the File " +"Transfers window." +msgstr "" +"Kolīdz pārsūtīšana ir pabeigta, var aizvērt Failu pārsūtījumi " +"logu." + +#: C/send-file.page:80(note/p) +msgid "" +"If you have multiple finished transfers listed in the window, click on " +"Clear to empty the list. This will only remove the files from the " +"list and will not delete them from your computer." +msgstr "" +"Ja sarakstā ir vairāki pabeigti sūtījumi, spied uz Attīrīt, lai " +"nodzēstu sarakstu. Tas tikai izdzēsīs failus no saraksta, bet ne no tava " +"datora." + +#: C/send-file.page:87(note/p) +msgid "" +"It is possible to send files only using the following services: Jabber, Google Talk and People Nearby." +msgstr "" +"Failus var sūtīt, izmantojot tikai sekojošos servisus: Jabber, " +"Google Talk un People Nearby." + +#: C/send-file.page:93(note/p) +msgid "" +"In order to send a file to someone, you need to be connected to the " +"Internet, or to a local area network." +msgstr "" +"lai kādam nosūtītu failu, ir jābūt savienojumam ar internetu vai ar lokālo " +"tīklu." + +#: C/send-message.page:8(info/desc) +msgid "Send a message to one of your contacts." +msgstr "Sūti ziņu kādam no saviem kontaktiem." + +#: C/send-message.page:32(page/title) +msgid "Send a message to someone" +msgstr "Sūtīt kādam ziņu" + +#: C/send-message.page:36(item/p) +msgid "" +"From the Contact List window, double-click the name of the " +"contact that you want to have a conversation with." +msgstr "" +"No Kontaktu saraksta loga, veic dubultklikšķi uz kontakta vārda, " +"ar ko vēlies sākt sarunu." + +#: C/send-message.page:42(item/p) +msgid "" +"A new window will open. Type a message into the box at the bottom of the " +"window and press Enter to send it." +msgstr "" +"Atvērsies jauns logs. Ieraksti ziņojumu teksta laukumā, loga lejasdaļā un " +"nospied Enter, lai to nosūtītu." + +#: C/send-message.page:50(section/title) +msgid "Send a message to a meta-contact" +msgstr "Nosūtīt ziņu meta-kontaktam" + +#: C/send-message.page:58(item/p) +msgid "" +"Select the contact you want to have the conversation, and from the menu " +"select Chat." +msgstr "" +"Izvēlies kontaktu, ar kuru vēlies uzsākt sarunu un no izvēlnē izvēlies Tērzēt." + +#: C/set-custom-status.page:9(info/desc) +msgid "Add, edit or delete personal messages for your status." +msgstr "Pievieno, rediģē vai dzēs personīgās ziņas no sava statusa." + +#: C/set-custom-status.page:15(credit/name) +msgid "Jim Campbell" +msgstr "Jim Campbell" + +#: C/set-custom-status.page:34(page/title) +msgid "Set a custom message" +msgstr "Iestatīt pielāgotu ziņojumu" + +#: C/set-custom-status.page:36(page/p) +msgid "" +"Sometimes you may want to set a custom message for your status, for example " +"to let people know that you will be unavailable for a certain period of time." +msgstr "" +"Dažādos gadījumos varētu vēlēties iestatīt pielāgotu ziņojumu savam " +"statusam, piemēram paust kontaktiem zināmu to, ka kādu laiku nebūsi pieejams." + +#: C/set-custom-status.page:40(page/p) +msgid "" +"It is possible to set a custom message based on the different statuses " +"available." +msgstr "" +"Pielāgotu ziņojumu var iestatīt atkarībā no dažādajiem pieejamajiem " +"statusiem." + +#: C/set-custom-status.page:46(item/p) C/set-custom-status.page:82(item/p) +msgid "" +"From the Contact List window, click on the drop-down list at the " +"top." +msgstr "" +"No Kontaktu saraksts loga, izvēlies krītošo izvēlni, kura ir " +"augšpusē." + +#: C/set-custom-status.page:52(item/p) +msgid "" +"Select the status you want to add a custom message to. You have to select " +"the one identified with the label Custom Message." +msgstr "" +"Izvēlies statusu, kuram vēlies iestatīt pielāgotu ziņojumu. Tev vajag " +"izvēlēties to, kurš ir apzīmēts kā Pielāgots ziņojums." + +#: C/set-custom-status.page:58(item/p) +msgid "" +"Enter your custom message in the text box at the top of the window, and " +"press Enter to set the message." +msgstr "" +"Ievadi savu pielāgoto ziņojumu teksta laukā, loga augšpusē un nospied " +"taustiņu Enter, lai šo ziņojumu iestatītu." + +#: C/set-custom-status.page:64(item/p) +msgid "" +"If you want to set the custom message as a favorite, saving it in order to " +"use it again, click on the little heart on the right of the text box where " +"you wrote your custom message." +msgstr "" +"Ja vēlies saglabāt pielāgoto ziņojumu, lai to izmantotu atkal vēlāk, spied " +"uz mazo sirsniņu pa labi no teksta lauka, kurā ievadījāt pielāgoto ziņojumu." + +#: C/set-custom-status.page:69(item/p) +msgid "" +"If you do not do it, the custom message will not be available the next time " +"you use Empathy. It will be saved only for the current session." +msgstr "" +"Ja to neizdarīsi, pielāgotais ziņojums nebūs pieejams, nākamreiz atverot " +"Empathy. Tas tiks saglabāts tikai šajā sesijā." + +#: C/set-custom-status.page:78(section/title) +msgid "Edit and remove a custom message" +msgstr "Rediģēt un izņemt pielāgotu ziņojumu" + +#: C/set-custom-status.page:88(item/p) +msgid "Select Edit Custom Message." +msgstr "Izvēlies Labot pielāgotos ziņojumus." + +#: C/set-custom-status.page:95(item/p) +msgid "To edit a custom message:" +msgstr "Lai labotu pielāgoto ziņojumu:" + +#: C/set-custom-status.page:100(item/p) +msgid "" +"From the Saved Presets box, select the status message you want to " +"edit and double-click on it." +msgstr "" +"No Saglabātie iepriekšnoteiktie kastes, izvēlies statusa " +"ziņojumu, kuru vēlies labot, un veic uz tā dubultklikšķi." + +#: C/set-custom-status.page:106(item/p) +msgid "Type the new custom message and press Enter to modify it." +msgstr "" +"Ievadi jaunu pielāgoto ziņojumu un nospied Enter, lai to mainītu." + +#: C/set-custom-status.page:113(item/p) +msgid "To remove a custom message:" +msgstr "Lai izņemtu pielāgoto ziņojumu:" + +#: C/set-custom-status.page:118(item/p) +msgid "" +"From the Saved Presets box, select the status message you want to " +"remove." +msgstr "" +"No Saglabātie iepriekšnoteiktie kastes, izvēlies statusa " +"ziņojumu, kuru vēlies izņemt." + +#: C/set-custom-status.page:124(item/p) +msgid "Click on the Remove button." +msgstr "Nospied uz Izņemt pogas." + +#: C/set-custom-status.page:133(item/p) +msgid "When finished, click on Close." +msgstr "Kad esi pabeidzis, spied uz Aizvērt." + +#: C/set-custom-status.page:140(note/p) +msgid "" +"When you edit a custom message, it will not be set as the current status " +"message. You will need to select it from the Contact List window." +msgstr "" +"Rediģējot pielāgotu ziņojumu, tas netiks iestatīts kā pašreizējā statusa " +"ziņojums. Tas jāizvēlas no Kontaktu saraksta loga." + +#: C/share-desktop.page:7(info/desc) +msgid "Show your desktop to your contacts." +msgstr "Parādi savu darbvirsmu saviem kontaktiem." + +#: C/share-desktop.page:18(credit/name) +msgid "Ekaterina Gerasimova" +msgstr "Ekaterina Gerasimova" + +#: C/share-desktop.page:33(page/title) +msgid "Share your desktop" +msgstr "Dalīties ar savu darbvirsmu" + +#: C/share-desktop.page:35(page/p) +msgid "" +"It is possible to share your desktop with some of your contacts. You can use " +"this functionality to show your desktop to your contacts to, for example, " +"ask for help or help your contacts resolve a problem." +msgstr "" +"Savu darbvirsmu var koplietot ar dažiem no saviem kontaktiem. Tu vari " +"izmantot šo funkciju, lai parādītu savu darbvirsmu kontaktiem, piemēram, lai " +"paprasītu palīdzību kādā problēmā." + +#: C/share-desktop.page:42(note/p) +msgid "" +"To be able to share your desktop, you need to have a VNC server, which has " +"support for the feature, installed on your system. Vino, the " +"GNOME VNC server, has the required support." +msgstr "" +"Lai varētu dalīties ar darbvirsmu, šajā sistēmā jābūt uzinstalētam VNC " +"serverim, kurš atbalsta šo pakalpojumu. Vino — GNOME veidotajam " +"VNC serverim — ir šādas atbalsts." + +#: C/share-desktop.page:51(item/p) +msgid "From the Contact List window, do one of the following:" +msgstr "Kontaktu saraksts logā veic vienu no sekojošajām darbībām:" + +#: C/share-desktop.page:56(item/p) +#| msgid "" +#| "Select the contact you want to share your desktop with and choose " +#| "EditContactShare My Desktop." +msgid "" +"Select the contact you want to share your desktop with and choose " +"EditContact Share My Desktop." +msgstr "" +"Izvēlies kontaktu ar kuru vēlies dalīt savu darbvirsmu un izvēlies <" +"gui>RediģētKontaktsDalīties ar darbvirsmu." + +#: C/share-desktop.page:63(item/p) +msgid "" +"Right-click on the name of the contact you want to share your desktop with " +"and select Share My Desktop." +msgstr "" +"Ar labo peles klikšķi nospied uz kontakta, ar kur vēlies dalīt darbvirsmu un " +"izvēlies Dalīties ar darbvirsmu." + +#: C/share-desktop.page:71(item/p) +msgid "" +"An invitation to view your desktop will be sent to the contact you have " +"selected. To view your desktop, they will need to accept it." +msgstr "" +"Ielūgums skatīties tavu darbvirsmu tiks nosūtīts izvēlētajam kontaktam. Lai " +"varētu skatīties tavu darbvirsmu, kontaktam vajadzēs pieņemt ielūgumu." + +#: C/share-desktop.page:77(item/p) +msgid "" +"You can disconnect the contact from your computer using your desktop sharing " +"application." +msgstr "" +"Tu vari atvienot kontaktu no savas darbvirsmas, izmantojot savu darbvirsmas " +"koplietošanas lietotni." + +#: C/share-desktop.page:82(note/p) +msgid "" +"For more information about how to use the remote desktop sharing " +"application, refer to its help." +msgstr "" +"Lai uzzinātu vairāk, kā izmantot darbvirsmas koplietošanas lietotnes, lasiet " +"to dokumentāciju." + +#: C/share-desktop.page:90(page/p) +msgid "" +"When you share your desktop with someone else, it is possible to experience " +"system performance slowdown and low Internet speed." +msgstr "" +"Daloties ar savu darbvirsmu, ir iespējama sistēmas palēnināšanās un zemāks " +"interneta ātrums." + +#: C/share-desktop.page:96(note/p) +msgid "" +"Some of your contacts may not be able to use this feature. It is necessary " +"for them to have version 2.28, or newer, of Empathy and a " +"compatible remote desktop viewer application installed in their system." +msgstr "" +"Dažiem no taviem kontaktiem var nebūt iespējas izmantot šo pakalpojumu. Viņu " +"Empathy versijai ir jābūt vismaz 2.28. un savietojama darbvirsmas " +"koplietošanas/skatīšanas lietotne." + +#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When +#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to +#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to +#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. +#: C/status-icons.page:39(media) +#| msgid "" +#| "@@image: 'figures/available.png'; md5=2196b2f0ad4ce26fdb7b9d48e75d1947" +msgctxt "_" +msgid "" +"external ref='figures/available.png' md5='2196b2f0ad4ce26fdb7b9d48e75d1947'" +msgstr "" +"external ref='figures/available.png' md5='2196b2f0ad4ce26fdb7b9d48e75d1947'" + +#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When +#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to +#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to +#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. +#: C/status-icons.page:45(media) +#| msgid "@@image: 'figures/busy.png'; md5=15eb2adff5faedf97b0cb9105d09410a" +msgctxt "_" +msgid "external ref='figures/busy.png' md5='15eb2adff5faedf97b0cb9105d09410a'" +msgstr "external ref='figures/busy.png' md5='15eb2adff5faedf97b0cb9105d09410a'" + +#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When +#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to +#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to +#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. +#: C/status-icons.page:53(media) +#| msgid "@@image: 'figures/away.png'; md5=9c504d6ffa0cf1a9cc8933d16e1bea33" +msgctxt "_" +msgid "external ref='figures/away.png' md5='9c504d6ffa0cf1a9cc8933d16e1bea33'" +msgstr "external ref='figures/away.png' md5='9c504d6ffa0cf1a9cc8933d16e1bea33'" + +#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When +#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to +#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to +#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. +#. +#. This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When +#. the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to +#. update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to +#. whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file. +#: C/status-icons.page:62(media) C/status-icons.page:69(media) +#| msgid "@@image: 'figures/offline.png'; md5=c5b0c21181cbd6e13f8909243c0fa964" +msgctxt "_" +msgid "" +"external ref='figures/offline.png' md5='c5b0c21181cbd6e13f8909243c0fa964'" +msgstr "" +"external ref='figures/offline.png' md5='c5b0c21181cbd6e13f8909243c0fa964'" + +#: C/status-icons.page:7(info/desc) +msgid "Understanding the various statuses and status icons." +msgstr "Dažādo statusu un statusu ikonu izprašana." + +#: C/status-icons.page:35(page/title) +msgid "Status Types and Icons" +msgstr "Statusu tipi un ikonas" + +#: C/status-icons.page:39(item/title) +#| msgid "" +#| "Click the edit icon in the error message." +msgid "" +"Available icon Available" +msgstr "" +"\"Pieejams\" ikona Pieejams" + +#: C/status-icons.page:41(item/p) +msgid "" +"Use the Available status when you are at your computer and able to " +"chat with your contacts. You can set a custom message for this status." +msgstr "" +"Izmanto Pieejams statusu kad atrodies pie sava datora un esi " +"spējīgs sazināties ar kontaktiem. Šim statusam var iestatīt paša izvēlētu " +"ziņojumu." + +#: C/status-icons.page:45(item/title) +#| msgid "" +#| "Click the edit icon in the error message." +msgid "" +"Busy icon Busy" +msgstr "" +"" +"\"Aizņemts\" ikona Aizņemts" + +#: C/status-icons.page:47(item/p) +msgid "" +"Use the Busy status to let your contacts know that you don’t want " +"to chat right now. They can still contact you, for instance if they have " +"something urgent they need to discuss. By default, Empathy will " +"not use notification bubbles and sounds when you are busy. You can set a " +"custom message for this status." +msgstr "" +"Izmanto Aizņemts statusu, lai darītu saviem kontaktiem zināmu, ka " +"nevēlies pašlaik sazināties. Viņi joprojām var ar tevi sazināties, piemēram, " +"ja ir jāpasaka kas steidzams. Pēc noklusējuma, Empathy neizmantos " +"paziņojumu burbuļus un skaņas, kad ir uzlikts šis statuss. Šim statusam vari " +"iestatīt paša izvēlētu ziņojumu." + +#: C/status-icons.page:53(item/title) +#| msgid "" +#| "Click the edit icon in the error message." +msgid "" +"Away icon Away" +msgstr "" +"\"Prom\" " +"ikona Prom" + +#: C/status-icons.page:55(item/p) +msgid "" +"Use the Away status when you are going away from your computer. " +"Empathy automatically sets your status to Away if you do not use " +"your computer for a while, or if your screensaver is on. By default, " +"Empathy will not use notification bubbles and sounds when you are " +"away. You can set a custom message for this status." +msgstr "" +"Izmanto Prom statusu, kad dodies prom no datora. Empathy " +"automātiski jums uzliks šo statusu, ja kādu laiku nebūsi izmantojis datoru, " +"vai, ja ekrānsaudzētājs būs aktīvs. Pēc noklusējuma, Empathy " +"neizmantos paziņojumu burbuļus un skaņas, kad ir uzlikts šis statuss. Šim " +"statusam var uzstādīt paša izvēlētu ziņojumu." + +#: C/status-icons.page:62(item/title) +#| msgid "" +#| "Click the edit icon in the error message." +msgid "" +"Offline " +"icon Invisible" +msgstr "" +"" +"\"Nesaistē\" " +"ikona Neredzams" + +#: C/status-icons.page:64(item/p) +msgid "" +"When you set your status to Invisible, you will appear as offline " +"to your contacts. You will still be connected to your accounts, and you " +"still see your contacts’ statuses and start conversations with them." +msgstr "" +"Kad statuss ir Neredzams, tavi kontakti redzēs, ka esi nesaistē." +"Tajā pat laikā tu vēl joprojām būsi savienots ar visiem kontiem, un tu " +"varēsi redzēt savu kontaktu statusus, kā arī ar viņiem sazināties." + +#: C/status-icons.page:69(item/title) +#| msgid "" +#| "Click the edit icon in the error message." +msgid "" +"Offline " +"icon Offline" +msgstr "" +"" +"\"Nesaistē\" " +"ikona Nesaistē" + +#: C/status-icons.page:71(item/p) +msgid "" +"Setting your status to Offline disconnects you from all of your " +"accounts." +msgstr "" +"Savu konta statusu iestatīšana uz Nesaistē, atvieno tevi no visiem " +"taviem kontiem." + +#: C/video-call.page:10(info/desc) +msgid "Start a video conversation with one of your contacts." +msgstr "Sākt video sarunu ar vienu no kontaktiem." + +#: C/video-call.page:29(page/title) +msgid "Start a video conversation" +msgstr "Sākt video sarunu" + +#: C/video-call.page:31(page/p) +msgid "" +"If you have a webcam, you can call your contacts and have a video " +"conversation with them. This feature only works with certain types of " +"accounts, and it requires the other person to have an application that " +"supports video calls." +msgstr "" +"Ja tev ir tīmekļa kamera, tu vari sazvanīt savus kontaktus un veikt video " +"sarunas ar tiem. Šī iespēja darbojas tikai ar noteikta veida kontiem un " +"otram sarunas dalībniekam jābūt lietotnei, kas atbalsta video zvanus." + +#: C/video-call.page:38(item/p) +msgid "" +"From the Contact List window, click the video call icon " +"next to the name of the contact you wish to call and choose Video Call." +msgstr "" +"Kontaktu saraksta logā spied uz video zvans ikonas " +"pretī kontakta vārdam, kuram vēlies zvanīt un izvēlies Video zvans." + +#: C/video-call.page:55(note/p) +msgid "" +"To turn a video conversation into an audio conversation, choose VideoVideo Off." +msgstr "" +"Lai pārvērstu video zvanu par audio sarunu, izvēlies VideoIzslēgt video." + +#: C/video-call.page:61(section/title) +msgid "Start a video conversation with a meta-contact" +msgstr "Sākt video sarunu ar meta-kontaktu" + +#: C/video-call.page:69(item/p) +msgid "" +"Select the contact you want to have the conversation, and from the menu " +"select Video Call." +msgstr "" +"Izvēlies kontaktu, ar kuru vēlies sazināties un izvēlnē izvēlies Video zvans." + +#~ msgid "milo@ubuntu.com" +#~ msgstr "milo@ubuntu.com" + +#~ msgid "shaunm@gnome.org" +#~ msgstr "shaunm@gnome.org" + +#~ msgid "Available icon" +#~ msgstr "'Pieejams' ikona" + +#~ msgid "Available" +#~ msgstr "Pieejams" + +#~ msgid "Busy icon" +#~ msgstr "'Aizņemts' ikona" + +#~ msgid "Busy" +#~ msgstr "Aizņemts" + +#~ msgid "Away icon" +#~ msgstr "'Prom' ikona" + +#~ msgid "Away" +#~ msgstr "Prom" + +#~ msgid "Offline icon" +#~ msgstr "'Nesaistē' ikona" + +#~ msgid "Invisible" +#~ msgstr "Neredzams" + +#~ msgid "Offline" +#~ msgstr "Nesaistē" + +#~ msgid "kittykat3756@gmail.com" +#~ msgstr "kittykat3756@gmail.com" + +#~ msgid "jwcampbell@gmail.com" +#~ msgstr "jwcampbell@gmail.com" + +#~ msgid "philbull@gmail.com" +#~ msgstr "philbull@gmail.com" + +#~ msgid "I'd like to see this played up a bit more." +#~ msgstr "Es gribētu redzēt šeit vairāk informācijas." + +#~ msgid "shaunm" +#~ msgstr "shaunm" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Empathy no longer allows you to create an IRC account without a valid " +#~ "nick. I've removed the guide link. Remove the text." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Empathy vairāk neatļauj izveidot IRC kontu bez derīga segvārda. Esmu " +#~ "izņēmis pamācības saiti. Izņemiet tekstu." + +#~ msgid "Install telepathy-idle" +#~ msgstr "Instalēt telepathy-idle" + +#~ msgid "peter.haslam@freenet.de" +#~ msgstr "peter.haslam@freenet.de" + +#~ msgid "Icon for audio conversation" +#~ msgstr "Ikona audio sarunai" + +#~ msgid "Icon for video conversation" +#~ msgstr "Ikona video sarunai" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "" +#~ "I'd like to do tables like this using nothing for No and ✔ for Yes, but " +#~ "we need to look at the accessibility impact. I've asked the accessibility team for input." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Es vēlētos veidot šāda veida tabulas, neizmantojot neko Nē vietā un ✔ Jā " +#~ "vietā, taču mums jāņem vērā, ka tas var ieteikmēt pieejamību. Es esmu " +#~ "pajautājis pieejamības komandai par so gadījumu." + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "" +#~ "There's recent work on telepathy-butterfly and papyon to support audio " +#~ "and video for MSN. It might be released in time for 2.28, but since it " +#~ "doesn't follow the Gnome release schedule, I can't be sure. If it looks " +#~ "like it's going to ship, let's mark it Yes." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Pēdējā laikā tiek strādāts pie telepathy-butterfy un papyon, lai tie " +#~ "atbalstītu audio saziņu, un pie MSN, lai tas atbalstītu video saziņu. Šis " +#~ "darbs varētu tikt pabeigts laikā, lai palaistu to kopā ar 2.28 versiju, " +#~ "taču tā, kā tas neseko Gnome palaišanas grafikiem, es neesmu par to " +#~ "pārliecināts. Ja tas izskatās, ka būs gatavs, atzīmēsim to kā Jā." + +#~ msgid "Resource" +#~ msgstr "Resurss" + +#~ msgid "Priority" +#~ msgstr "Prioritāte" + +#~ msgid "Network" +#~ msgstr "Tīkls" + +#~ msgid "Nickname" +#~ msgstr "Iesauka" + +#~ msgid "Password" +#~ msgstr "Parole" + +#~ msgid "Quit message" +#~ msgstr "Iziešanas ziņa" + +#~ msgid "Charset" +#~ msgstr "Rakstzīmju kopa" + +#~ msgid "Servers" +#~ msgstr "Serveri" diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/prev-conv.page empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/prev-conv.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/prev-conv.page 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/prev-conv.page 2012-03-12 13:28:11.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ + + + + + + Pārlūko vai meklē savās iepriekšējās sarunās. + + + + + + + Milo Casagrande + milo@ubuntu.com + + + Shaun McCance + shaunm@gnome.org + + +

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0 licence.

+ +
+ + Skatīt iepriekšējās sarunas + +

Empathy automātiski saglabā visas teksta sarunas, kuras notiek starp kontaktiem. Tu vari meklēt caur visām savām iepriekšējām sarunām vai skatīt iepriekšējās sarunas, šķirojot tās pēc kontakta un datuma.

+ + +

Nav vajadzīgs savienojums ar internetu, lai skatītos un meklētu iepriekšējās sarunas.

+ + + +
+ Skatīt iepriekšējās sarunas + +

Iepriekšējās sarunas ar saviem kontaktiem vai tērzēšanas istabām var pārlūkot pēc datuma.

+ + + +

No Kontaktu saraksts loga, izvēlies Skats Iepriekšējās sarunas, vai arī, spied F3

+ +

Izvēlies kontu no izkrītošās izvēlnes augšā kreisajā pusē. Saraksts ar kontaktiem un tērzēšanas istabām konkrētajam kontam tiks parādīts zemāk.

+ +

Izvēlies kontaktu vai tērzēšanas istabu, kuru iepriekšējās sarunas vēlies skatīties. Pēc noklusējuma, lielākā daļa pēdējo sarunu tiks parādītas.

+ +

Savas sarunas vari skatīties, šķirojot pēc datumiem. Dienas, kurās tev ir bijusi kāda saruna ar izvēlēto kontaktu, tiks iezīmētas treknrakstā. Spied uz datuma, lai to izvēlētos. Spied uz bultiņām pie mēneša un gada, lai skatītu agrākus datumus.

+ +

Meklēt teksta sarunās var, rakstot meklēšanas lauciņā augšpusē. Tiks rādītas atbilstošās sarunas.

+ + +

Iepriekšējās sarunas ar kādu no kontaktiem var ātri apskatīt no Kontaktu saraksts loga. Spied labo peles pogu uz kontakta un izvēlies Iepriekšējās sarunas. Atvērsies Iepriekšējās sarunas logs ar sarunām ar izvēlēto kontaktu.

+ +
diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/prob-conn-acctdisabled.page empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/prob-conn-acctdisabled.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/prob-conn-acctdisabled.page 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/prob-conn-acctdisabled.page 2012-03-12 13:28:11.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ + + + + + + Tērzēšanas konts, ko vēlies izmantot, nav aktivēts kontaktu sarakstā. + + + + + Phil Bull + philbull@gmail.com + + + Milo Casagrande + milo@ubuntu.com + + +

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0 licence.

+ +
+ + Mans konts nav aktivēts + +

Ja tērzēšanas konts, ko vēlies izmantot, nav aktivēts kontu sarakstā, mēģinot sākt jaunu sarunu vai pievienojoties kādai istabai, tad informācija par tavu kontu varētu būt nepareiza.

+ + + +

Pārliecinies, ka ir savienojums ar internetu vai ar lokālo tīklu.

+ +

Izvēlies RediģētKonti un izvēlies kontu, kurš nestrādā.

+ +

Pārliecinies, ka lietotājvārdu un paroli esi ievadījis pareizi.

+ +

Pārbaudi, ka visa informācija, Paplašināti sadaļā ir pareiza. Tev vajadzētu atrast šo informāciju mājaslapā, kuras ziņojumu servisu izmanto.

+ +

Pārliecinies, ka konts ir ieslēgts.

+ +
diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/prob-conn-auth.page empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/prob-conn-auth.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/prob-conn-auth.page 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/prob-conn-auth.page 2012-03-12 13:28:11.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ + + + + + + + Kļūdas paziņojums, ka “Autentifikācija neizdevās” parādās galvenajā logā. + + + + + + Phil Bull + philbull@gmail.com + + + Milo Casagrande + milo@ubuntu.com + + +

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0 licence.

+ +
+ + Es saņemu paziņojumu, ka "Autentifikācija neizdevās" + +

Šis kļūdas tips notiek tad, kad tavs tērzēšanas serviss neatļauj savienoties, jo neatpazīst tavu lietotājvārdu vai paroli kāda iemesla dēļ.

+ + + +

Pārliecinies, ka ir savienojums ar internetu vai ar lokālo tīklu.

+ +

Pārliecinies, ka servisam, kuram mēģini pieslēgties, ir izveidots konts. Ja tev nav izveidots konts, vairums servisu neatļaus tev ar tiem savienoties.

+ +

Nospied uz rediģēt ikonas, kļūdas paziņojumā.

+ +

Pārliecinies, ka lietotājvārdu un paroli esi ievadījis pareizi.

+ +

Atslēdz opciju Aktivēts un tad ieslēdz to vēlreiz, lai mēģinātu atkal savienoties ar servisu.

diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/prob-conn-name.page empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/prob-conn-name.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/prob-conn-name.page 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/prob-conn-name.page 2012-03-12 13:28:11.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ + + + + + + + + "Vārds jau ir aizņemts" + Kļūdas paziņojums, kurš norāda "Vārds jau ir aizņemts" parādās galvenajā logā. + + + + + + Milo Casagrande + milo@ubuntu.com + + +

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0 licence.

+ +
+ + Es saņemu paziņojumu, ka "Vārds jau ir aizņemts" + +

Šī kļūda notiek, kad tu mēģini savienoties ar savu IRC kontu un tu izmanto segvārdu kuru ir aizņēmis kāds cits dotajā tīklā.

+ + + +

Nospied uz rediģēt ikonas, kļūdas paziņojumā.

+ + + +

Iesauka teksta laukā, ieraksti jaunu segvārdu.

+ +

Ja esi reģistrējis segvārdu konkrētajā tīklā, kuru izmanto, uzliec tam paroli. Lai uzzinātu vairāk, lasi .

+ +

Izslēdz kontu un pēc tam atkal to ieslēdz, lai mēģinātu atkal savienoties ar servisu.

+ +
diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/prob-conn-neterror.page empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/prob-conn-neterror.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/prob-conn-neterror.page 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/prob-conn-neterror.page 2012-03-12 13:28:11.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ + + + + + + Kļūdas paziņojums, kurš saka “Tīkla kļūda” parādās galvenajā logā. + + + + + + Phil Bull + philbull@gmail.com + + + Milo Casagrande + milo@ubuntu.com + + +

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0 licence.

+ +
+ + Es saņemu "Tīkla kļūda” ziņojumu + + + shaunm +

Empathy no longer allows you to create an IRC account without a valid + nick. I've removed the guide link. Remove the text.

+ +

Šāda kļūda notiek tad, kad Empathy nevar sazināties ar TZ serveri, kāda iemesla dēļ.


Kā arī, šī kļūda notiek tad, kad mēģini izmantot IRC kontu bez segvārda iestatīšanas.

+ + + +

Pārliecinies, ka ir savienojums ar internetu vai ar lokālo tīklu.

+ +

Nospied uz rediģēt ikonas, kļūdas paziņojumā.

+ +

Pārbaudi, ka visa informācija, Paplašināti sadaļā ir pareiza. Tev vajadzētu atrast šo informāciju mājaslapā, kuras ziņojumu servisu izmanto.

+ +
+ +

Izslēdz kontu un pēc tam atkal to ieslēdz, lai mēģinātu atkal savienoties ar servisu.

+ +
+ Starpniekserveru atbalsts +

Šobrīd Empathy nevar nokonfigurēt tā, lai tas strādātu caur starpniekserveri.

+ +
diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/prob-conn.page empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/prob-conn.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/prob-conn.page 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/prob-conn.page 2012-03-12 13:28:11.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ + + + + + + Identificē biežākās problēmas, kas rodas, savienojoties ar kādu TZ servisu. + + + + + Phil Bull + philbull@gmail.com + + +

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0 licence.

+ +
+ + Problēmas, savienojoties ar TZ servisu + +
diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/remove-account.page empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/remove-account.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/remove-account.page 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/remove-account.page 2012-03-12 13:28:11.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ + + + + + + Izņem kontu no Empathy pilnībā. + + + + + + + + + Milo Casagrande + milo@ubuntu.com + + +

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0 licence.

+ +
+ + Izņemt kontu + +

Ja vairāk nevēlies izmantot savu kontu, to var pilnībā izņemt no Empathy lietotnes. Ja vēlēsies izmantot savu kontu atkārtoti, tev vajadzēs atkal ievadīt visu informāciju.

+ + + +

Kontaktu saraksta logā izvēlies Rediģēt Konti, vai nospied F4.

+ +

Izvēlies kontu, ko vēlies izņemt, no kontu saraksta kreisajā loga pusē.

+ +

Spied -.

+ +

Parādīsies logs, kurā tev prasīs apstiprinājumu. Spied Izņemt pogu, lai pilnībā izņemtu savu kontu.

+ + +

Pat pēc konta izņemšanas Empathy nedzēsīs tavu sarunu vēsturi.

diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/salut-protocol.page empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/salut-protocol.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/salut-protocol.page 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/salut-protocol.page 2012-03-12 13:28:11.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ + + + + + + People Nearby pakalpojuma saprašana. + + + + + + Milo Casagrande + milo@ubuntu.com + + +

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0 licence.

+ +
+ + Kas ir People Nearby? + + + Shaun McCance +

I'd like to see this played up a bit more.

+ +

People Nearby serviss ir bez-servera komunikācijas serviss: tev nevajag savienoties un autentificēties ar centrālo serveri, lai to izmantotu.


Šāds saziņas veids ir iespējams tikai lokālajā tīklā un tam nav nepieciešams aktīvs interneta savienojums.


Cilvēki, kuri izmanto šo servisu vienā lokālajā tīklā automātiski tiks parādīti, un tiem varēsi nosūtīt ziņas un failus tieši tā pat, kā izmantojot citus servisus.


Visiem modernajiem lokālajiem tīkliem būtu jābūt spējīgiem atbalstīt šādu servisu.

diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/send-file.page empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/send-file.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/send-file.page 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/send-file.page 2012-03-12 13:28:11.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ + + + + + + Nosūti failu no sava datora kādam kontaktam. + + + + + + + Phil Bull + philbull@gmail.com + + + Milo Casagrande + milo@ubuntu.com + + +

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0 licence.

+ +
+ + Sūtīt failus + + + +

Kontaktu saraksta logā izpildi vienu no sekojošajā:

+ + +

Veic labo peles klikšķi uz kontakta, kuram vēlies sūtīt failu un izvēlies Sūtīt failu.

+ +

Spied uz kontakta, kuram vēlies sūtīt failu un izvēlies Rediģēt KontaktsSūtīt failu.

+ +

Izvēlies failu, kuru vēlies sūtīt, un spied uz Sūtīt.

+ +

Parādīsies Failu pārsūtījumu logs.


Gaidi, kamēr tavs kontakts pieņems faila sūtījumu, vai nospied Apturēt, lai apstādinātu sūtīšanu.

+ +

Kolīdz pārsūtīšana ir pabeigta, var aizvērt Failu pārsūtījumi logu.

+ + +

Ja sarakstā ir vairāki pabeigti sūtījumi, spied uz Attīrīt, lai nodzēstu sarakstu. Tas tikai izdzēsīs failus no saraksta, bet ne no tava datora.

+ +

Failus var sūtīt, izmantojot tikai sekojošos servisus: Jabber, Google Talk un People Nearby.

+ +

lai kādam nosūtītu failu, ir jābūt savienojumam ar internetu vai ar lokālo tīklu.

+ +
diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/send-message.page empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/send-message.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/send-message.page 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/send-message.page 2012-03-12 13:28:11.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ + + + + + + Sūti ziņu kādam no saviem kontaktiem. + + + + + + + Phil Bull + philbull@gmail.com + + +

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0 licence.

+ +
+ + Sūtīt kādam ziņu + + + +

No Kontaktu saraksta loga, veic dubultklikšķi uz kontakta vārda, ar ko vēlies sākt sarunu.

+ +

Atvērsies jauns logs. Ieraksti ziņojumu teksta laukumā, loga lejasdaļā un nospied Enter, lai to nosūtītu.

+ +
+ Nosūtīt ziņu meta-kontaktam + + +

No Kontaktu saraksts loga, ar labo peles klikšķi spied uz meta-kontakta.

+ +

Izvēlies kontaktu, ar kuru vēlies uzsākt sarunu un no izvēlnē izvēlies Tērzēt.

+ +

Lai atpazītu vai konkrēts kontakts ir meta-kontakts, tad Kontaktu saraksts logā pavirzi pelītes kursoru virs kontakta vārda un atstāj to tajā vietā uz pāris sekundēm, pēc šīm pāris sekundēm, neliela uzlecoša ziņa parādīsies un parādīs kontaktu skaitu, kurš veido meta-kontaktu.

+ +
diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/set-custom-status.page empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/set-custom-status.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/set-custom-status.page 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/set-custom-status.page 2012-03-12 13:28:11.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ + + + + + + + + Pievieno, rediģē vai dzēs personīgās ziņas no sava statusa. + + + + Jim Campbell + jwcampbell@gmail.com + + + Milo Casagrande + milo@ubuntu.com + + +

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0 licence.

+ +
+ + Iestatīt pielāgotu ziņojumu + +

Dažādos gadījumos varētu vēlēties iestatīt pielāgotu ziņojumu savam statusam, piemēram paust kontaktiem zināmu to, ka kādu laiku nebūsi pieejams.


Pielāgotu ziņojumu var iestatīt atkarībā no dažādajiem pieejamajiem statusiem.

+ + + +

No Kontaktu saraksts loga, izvēlies krītošo izvēlni, kura ir augšpusē.

+ +

Izvēlies statusu, kuram vēlies iestatīt pielāgotu ziņojumu. Tev vajag izvēlēties to, kurš ir apzīmēts kā Pielāgots ziņojums.

+ +

Ievadi savu pielāgoto ziņojumu teksta laukā, loga augšpusē un nospied taustiņu Enter, lai šo ziņojumu iestatītu.

+ +

Ja vēlies saglabāt pielāgoto ziņojumu, lai to izmantotu atkal vēlāk, spied uz mazo sirsniņu pa labi no teksta lauka, kurā ievadījāt pielāgoto ziņojumu.


Ja to neizdarīsi, pielāgotais ziņojums nebūs pieejams, nākamreiz atverot Empathy. Tas tiks saglabāts tikai šajā sesijā.

+ +
+ + Rediģēt un izņemt pielāgotu ziņojumu + + + +

No Kontaktu saraksts loga, izvēlies krītošo izvēlni, kura ir augšpusē.

+ +

Izvēlies Labot pielāgotos ziņojumus.

+ + + +

Lai labotu pielāgoto ziņojumu:

+ + +

No Saglabātie iepriekšnoteiktie kastes, izvēlies statusa ziņojumu, kuru vēlies labot, un veic uz tā dubultklikšķi.

+ +

Ievadi jaunu pielāgoto ziņojumu un nospied Enter, lai to mainītu.

+ +

Lai izņemtu pielāgoto ziņojumu:

+ + +

No Saglabātie iepriekšnoteiktie kastes, izvēlies statusa ziņojumu, kuru vēlies izņemt.

+ +

Nospied uz Izņemt pogas.

+ +

Kad esi pabeidzis, spied uz Aizvērt.

+ + +

Rediģējot pielāgotu ziņojumu, tas netiks iestatīts kā pašreizējā statusa ziņojums. Tas jāizvēlas no Kontaktu saraksta loga.

+ +
+ +
diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/share-desktop.page empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/share-desktop.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/share-desktop.page 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/share-desktop.page 2012-03-12 13:28:11.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ + + + + + + Parādi savu darbvirsmu saviem kontaktiem. + + + + + Milo Casagrande + milo@ubuntu.com + + + Ekaterina Gerasimova + kittykat3756@gmail.com + + +

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0 licence.

+ +
+ + Dalīties ar savu darbvirsmu + +

Savu darbvirsmu var koplietot ar dažiem no saviem kontaktiem. Tu vari izmantot šo funkciju, lai parādītu savu darbvirsmu kontaktiem, piemēram, lai paprasītu palīdzību kādā problēmā.

+ + +

Lai varētu dalīties ar darbvirsmu, šajā sistēmā jābūt uzinstalētam VNC serverim, kurš atbalsta šo pakalpojumu. Vino — GNOME veidotajam VNC serverim — ir šādas atbalsts.

+ + + +

Kontaktu saraksts logā veic vienu no sekojošajām darbībām:

+ + +

Izvēlies kontaktu ar kuru vēlies dalīt savu darbvirsmu un izvēlies RediģētKontaktsDalīties ar darbvirsmu.

+ +

Ar labo peles klikšķi nospied uz kontakta, ar kur vēlies dalīt darbvirsmu un izvēlies Dalīties ar darbvirsmu.

+ +

Ielūgums skatīties tavu darbvirsmu tiks nosūtīts izvēlētajam kontaktam. Lai varētu skatīties tavu darbvirsmu, kontaktam vajadzēs pieņemt ielūgumu.

+ +

Tu vari atvienot kontaktu no savas darbvirsmas, izmantojot savu darbvirsmas koplietošanas lietotni.

+ +

Lai uzzinātu vairāk, kā izmantot darbvirsmas koplietošanas lietotnes, lasiet to dokumentāciju.

+ +

Daloties ar savu darbvirsmu, ir iespējama sistēmas palēnināšanās un zemāks interneta ātrums.

+ + +

Dažiem no taviem kontaktiem var nebūt iespējas izmantot šo pakalpojumu. Viņu Empathy versijai ir jābūt vismaz 2.28. un savietojama darbvirsmas koplietošanas/skatīšanas lietotne.

+ +
diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/status-icons.page empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/status-icons.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/status-icons.page 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/status-icons.page 2012-03-12 13:28:11.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ + + + + + Dažādo statusu un statusu ikonu izprašana. + + + + + + + Milo Casagrande + milo@ubuntu.com + + + Shaun McCance + shaunm@gnome.org + + +

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0 licence.

+ +
+ + Statusu tipi un ikonas + + + + <media type="image" mime="image/png" src="figures/available.png">"Pieejams" ikona</media> <gui>Pieejams</gui> +

Izmanto Pieejams statusu kad atrodies pie sava datora un esi spējīgs sazināties ar kontaktiem. Šim statusam var iestatīt paša izvēlētu ziņojumu.

+ + <media type="image" mime="image/png" src="figures/busy.png">"Aizņemts" ikona</media> <gui>Aizņemts</gui> +

Izmanto Aizņemts statusu, lai darītu saviem kontaktiem zināmu, ka nevēlies pašlaik sazināties. Viņi joprojām var ar tevi sazināties, piemēram, ja ir jāpasaka kas steidzams. Pēc noklusējuma, Empathy neizmantos paziņojumu burbuļus un skaņas, kad ir uzlikts šis statuss. Šim statusam vari iestatīt paša izvēlētu ziņojumu.

+ + <media type="image" mime="image/png" src="figures/away.png">"Prom" ikona</media> <gui>Prom</gui> +

Izmanto Prom statusu, kad dodies prom no datora. Empathy automātiski jums uzliks šo statusu, ja kādu laiku nebūsi izmantojis datoru, vai, ja ekrānsaudzētājs būs aktīvs. Pēc noklusējuma, Empathy neizmantos paziņojumu burbuļus un skaņas, kad ir uzlikts šis statuss. Šim statusam var uzstādīt paša izvēlētu ziņojumu.

+ + <media type="image" mime="image/png" src="figures/offline.png">"Nesaistē" ikona</media> <gui>Neredzams</gui> +

Kad statuss ir Neredzams, tavi kontakti redzēs, ka esi nesaistē.Tajā pat laikā tu vēl joprojām būsi savienots ar visiem kontiem, un tu varēsi redzēt savu kontaktu statusus, kā arī ar viņiem sazināties.

+ + <media type="image" mime="image/png" src="figures/offline.png">"Nesaistē" ikona</media> <gui>Nesaistē</gui> +

Savu konta statusu iestatīšana uz Nesaistē, atvieno tevi no visiem taviem kontiem.

+ +
diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/video-call.page empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/video-call.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/lv/video-call.page 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/lv/video-call.page 2012-03-12 13:28:11.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ + + + + + + + + Sākt video sarunu ar vienu no kontaktiem. + + + + + + + + Milo Casagrande + milo@ubuntu.com + + +

Creative Commons Share Alike 3.0 licence.

+ Sākt video sarunu + +

Ja tev ir tīmekļa kamera, tu vari sazvanīt savus kontaktus un veikt video sarunas ar tiem. Šī iespēja darbojas tikai ar noteikta veida kontiem un otram sarunas dalībniekam jābūt lietotnei, kas atbalsta video zvanus.

+ + + +

Kontaktu saraksta logā spied uz video zvans ikonas pretī kontakta vārdam, kuram vēlies zvanīt un izvēlies Video zvans.

+ +

Atvērsies jauns logs. Kad savienojums būs nodrošināts, būs redzams uzraksts Savienotsloga apakšā, kopā ar sarunas ilgumu.

+ +

Lai sarunu beigtu, spied uz Nolikt klausuli.

+ +

Lai pārvērstu video zvanu par audio sarunu, izvēlies VideoIzslēgt video.

+ Sākt video sarunu ar meta-kontaktu + + +

No Kontaktu saraksts loga, ar labo peles klikšķi spied uz meta-kontakta.

+ +

Izvēlies kontaktu, ar kuru vēlies sazināties un izvēlnē izvēlies Video zvans.

+ +

Lai atpazītu vai konkrēts kontakts ir meta-kontakts, tad Kontaktu saraksts logā pavirzi pelītes kursoru virs kontakta vārda un atstāj to tajā vietā uz pāris sekundēm, pēc šīm pāris sekundēm, neliela uzlecoša ziņa parādīsies un parādīs kontaktu skaitu, kurš veido meta-kontaktu.

diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/Makefile.am empathy-3.3.92/help/Makefile.am --- empathy-3.3.91/help/Makefile.am 2012-02-23 15:21:32.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/Makefile.am 2012-03-12 09:58:52.000000000 +0000 @@ -61,4 +61,4 @@ status-icons.page \ video-call.page -HELP_LINGUAS = ca cs de el en_GB es eu fi fr gl hu it pl ru sl sv zh_CN +HELP_LINGUAS = ca cs de el en_GB es eu fi fr gl hu lv it pl ru sl sv zh_CN diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/Makefile.in empathy-3.3.92/help/Makefile.in --- empathy-3.3.91/help/Makefile.in 2012-03-06 15:30:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/Makefile.in 2012-03-20 09:39:21.000000000 +0000 @@ -39,15 +39,10 @@ am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/m4/as-compiler-flag.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/m4/empathy-args.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/m4/empathy-valgrind.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/gettext.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/gsettings.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/iconv.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/intlmacosx.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/intltool.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/lib-ld.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/lib-link.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/lib-prefix.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/m4/gsettings.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/intltool.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/m4/libtool.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/ltoptions.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/m4/ltsugar.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/ltversion.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/lt~obsolete.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/nls.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/po.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/progtest.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/configure.ac + $(top_srcdir)/m4/lt~obsolete.m4 $(top_srcdir)/configure.ac am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \ $(ACLOCAL_M4) mkinstalldirs = $(install_sh) -d @@ -111,7 +106,6 @@ GEOCLUE_LIBS = @GEOCLUE_LIBS@ GEOCODE_CFLAGS = @GEOCODE_CFLAGS@ GEOCODE_LIBS = @GEOCODE_LIBS@ -GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION = @GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION@ GETTEXT_PACKAGE = @GETTEXT_PACKAGE@ GLIB_CFLAGS = @GLIB_CFLAGS@ GLIB_COMPILE_RESOURCES = @GLIB_COMPILE_RESOURCES@ @@ -120,7 +114,6 @@ GLIB_LIBS = @GLIB_LIBS@ GLIB_MKENUMS = @GLIB_MKENUMS@ GMSGFMT = @GMSGFMT@ -GMSGFMT_015 = @GMSGFMT_015@ GOA_CFLAGS = @GOA_CFLAGS@ GOA_LIBS = @GOA_LIBS@ GOBJECT_QUERY = @GOBJECT_QUERY@ @@ -132,27 +125,21 @@ INSTALL_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_PROGRAM@ INSTALL_SCRIPT = @INSTALL_SCRIPT@ INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM@ -INTLLIBS = @INTLLIBS@ INTLTOOL_EXTRACT = @INTLTOOL_EXTRACT@ INTLTOOL_MERGE = @INTLTOOL_MERGE@ INTLTOOL_PERL = @INTLTOOL_PERL@ INTLTOOL_UPDATE = @INTLTOOL_UPDATE@ -INTL_MACOSX_LIBS = @INTL_MACOSX_LIBS@ ITSTOOL = @ITSTOOL@ LD = @LD@ LDFLAGS = @LDFLAGS@ LIBCHAMPLAIN_CFLAGS = @LIBCHAMPLAIN_CFLAGS@ LIBCHAMPLAIN_LIBS = @LIBCHAMPLAIN_LIBS@ -LIBICONV = @LIBICONV@ -LIBINTL = @LIBINTL@ LIBM = @LIBM@ LIBOBJS = @LIBOBJS@ LIBS = @LIBS@ LIBTOOL = @LIBTOOL@ LIPO = @LIPO@ LN_S = @LN_S@ -LTLIBICONV = @LTLIBICONV@ -LTLIBINTL = @LTLIBINTL@ LTLIBOBJS = @LTLIBOBJS@ MAKEINFO = @MAKEINFO@ MANIFEST_TOOL = @MANIFEST_TOOL@ @@ -161,7 +148,6 @@ MISSION_CONTROL_PLUGINS_DIR = @MISSION_CONTROL_PLUGINS_DIR@ MKDIR_P = @MKDIR_P@ MSGFMT = @MSGFMT@ -MSGFMT_015 = @MSGFMT_015@ MSGMERGE = @MSGMERGE@ NETWORK_MANAGER_CFLAGS = @NETWORK_MANAGER_CFLAGS@ NETWORK_MANAGER_LIBS = @NETWORK_MANAGER_LIBS@ @@ -184,7 +170,6 @@ PKG_CONFIG = @PKG_CONFIG@ PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR = @PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR@ PKG_CONFIG_PATH = @PKG_CONFIG_PATH@ -POSUB = @POSUB@ PYTHON = @PYTHON@ PYTHON_EXEC_PREFIX = @PYTHON_EXEC_PREFIX@ PYTHON_PLATFORM = @PYTHON_PLATFORM@ @@ -203,8 +188,6 @@ VALGRIND_PATH = @VALGRIND_PATH@ VERSION = @VERSION@ XGETTEXT = @XGETTEXT@ -XGETTEXT_015 = @XGETTEXT_015@ -XGETTEXT_EXTRA_OPTIONS = @XGETTEXT_EXTRA_OPTIONS@ XMKMF = @XMKMF@ XMLLINT = @XMLLINT@ XSLTPROC = @XSLTPROC@ @@ -330,7 +313,7 @@ status-icons.page \ video-call.page -HELP_LINGUAS = ca cs de el en_GB es eu fi fr gl hu it pl ru sl sv zh_CN +HELP_LINGUAS = ca cs de el en_GB es eu fi fr gl hu lv it pl ru sl sv zh_CN all: all-am .SUFFIXES: diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/help/sl/account-irc.page empathy-3.3.92/help/sl/account-irc.page --- empathy-3.3.91/help/sl/account-irc.page 2012-03-06 14:59:02.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/help/sl/account-irc.page 2012-03-12 13:28:06.000000000 +0000 @@ -36,15 +36,15 @@ - <gui>Network</gui> + <gui>Omrežje</gui>

IRC je odprt sistem, ki ljudem omogoča poganjanje ločenih omrežij IRC. Vsako omrežje je ločeno in ima svoje uporabnike in klepetalnice. Empathy v spustnemu seznamu Omrežje vsebuje najbolj priljubljena omrežja. Dodate lahko dodatna omrežja. Oglejte si spodaj.

- <gui>Nickname</gui> + <gui>Vzdevek</gui>

Vaš vzdevek je vaše edinstveno ime na omrežju IRC. Le ena oseba na omrežju lahko uporablja dani vzdevek. V primeru da dobite sporočilo napake boste morali spremeniti svoj vzdevek.

- <gui>Password</gui> + <gui>Geslo</gui>

Nekateri strežniki, še posebno tisti na zasebnih omrežjih zahtevajo geslo za povezavo. V primeru da ste overjeni za uporabo omrežja, vam bodo skrbniki omrežja priskrbeli geslo.

Gelsa NickServ @@ -52,11 +52,11 @@
- <gui>Real name</gui> + <gui>Pravo ime</gui>

Poleg vašega vzdevka lahko navedete tudi svoje pravo ime. Ostali uporabniki ga bodo lahko videli, ko si ogledajo vaše podrobnosti.

- <gui>Quit message</gui> + <gui>Sporočilo končanja</gui>

Ko prekinete povezavo, je sporočilo končanja poslano vsem klepetalnicam, v katerih ste in vsem uporabnikom s katerimi imate zasebni pogovor. Uporabite to polje za sporočilo končanja po meri.

@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
- IRC Networks + Omrežja IRC Omrežja @@ -84,11 +84,11 @@ - <gui>Network</gui> + <gui>Omrežje</gui>

To je ime omrežja, ki se bo pojavilo v seznamu omrežij.

- <gui>Charset</gui> + <gui>Znakovni nabor</gui>

To navede znakovno kodiranje, ki je običajno uporabljano na temu omrežju. Znakovno kodiranje je določen način notranjega zapisovanja znakov v računalniku. Obstaja več znakovnih kodiranj. Za pravilen ogled sporočil drugih uporabnikov morate uporabljati isto znakovno kodiranje kot oni.

install in $(datadir) -dnl Catalog extension: .mo after installation, .gmo in source tree -dnl 2) GNU gettext has been found in the system's C library. -dnl Catalog format: GNU --> install in $(datadir) -dnl Catalog extension: .mo after installation, .gmo in source tree -dnl 3) No internationalization, always use English msgid. -dnl Catalog format: none -dnl Catalog extension: none -dnl If INTLSYMBOL is 'external', only cases 2 and 3 can occur. -dnl The use of .gmo is historical (it was needed to avoid overwriting the -dnl GNU format catalogs when building on a platform with an X/Open gettext), -dnl but we keep it in order not to force irrelevant filename changes on the -dnl maintainers. -dnl -AC_DEFUN([AM_GNU_GETTEXT], -[ - dnl Argument checking. - ifelse([$1], [], , [ifelse([$1], [external], , [ifelse([$1], [no-libtool], , [ifelse([$1], [use-libtool], , - [errprint([ERROR: invalid first argument to AM_GNU_GETTEXT -])])])])]) - ifelse([$2], [], , [ifelse([$2], [need-ngettext], , [ifelse([$2], [need-formatstring-macros], , - [errprint([ERROR: invalid second argument to AM_GNU_GETTEXT -])])])]) - define([gt_included_intl], - ifelse([$1], [external], - ifdef([AM_GNU_GETTEXT_][INTL_SUBDIR], [yes], [no]), - [yes])) - define([gt_libtool_suffix_prefix], ifelse([$1], [use-libtool], [l], [])) - gt_NEEDS_INIT - AM_GNU_GETTEXT_NEED([$2]) - - AC_REQUIRE([AM_PO_SUBDIRS])dnl - ifelse(gt_included_intl, yes, [ - AC_REQUIRE([AM_INTL_SUBDIR])dnl - ]) - - dnl Prerequisites of AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS_BODY. - AC_REQUIRE([AC_LIB_PREPARE_PREFIX]) - AC_REQUIRE([AC_LIB_RPATH]) - - dnl Sometimes libintl requires libiconv, so first search for libiconv. - dnl Ideally we would do this search only after the - dnl if test "$USE_NLS" = "yes"; then - dnl if { eval "gt_val=\$$gt_func_gnugettext_libc"; test "$gt_val" != "yes"; }; then - dnl tests. But if configure.in invokes AM_ICONV after AM_GNU_GETTEXT - dnl the configure script would need to contain the same shell code - dnl again, outside any 'if'. There are two solutions: - dnl - Invoke AM_ICONV_LINKFLAGS_BODY here, outside any 'if'. - dnl - Control the expansions in more detail using AC_PROVIDE_IFELSE. - dnl Since AC_PROVIDE_IFELSE is only in autoconf >= 2.52 and not - dnl documented, we avoid it. - ifelse(gt_included_intl, yes, , [ - AC_REQUIRE([AM_ICONV_LINKFLAGS_BODY]) - ]) - - dnl Sometimes, on MacOS X, libintl requires linking with CoreFoundation. - gt_INTL_MACOSX - - dnl Set USE_NLS. - AC_REQUIRE([AM_NLS]) - - ifelse(gt_included_intl, yes, [ - BUILD_INCLUDED_LIBINTL=no - USE_INCLUDED_LIBINTL=no - ]) - LIBINTL= - LTLIBINTL= - POSUB= - - dnl Add a version number to the cache macros. - case " $gt_needs " in - *" need-formatstring-macros "*) gt_api_version=3 ;; - *" need-ngettext "*) gt_api_version=2 ;; - *) gt_api_version=1 ;; - esac - gt_func_gnugettext_libc="gt_cv_func_gnugettext${gt_api_version}_libc" - gt_func_gnugettext_libintl="gt_cv_func_gnugettext${gt_api_version}_libintl" - - dnl If we use NLS figure out what method - if test "$USE_NLS" = "yes"; then - gt_use_preinstalled_gnugettext=no - ifelse(gt_included_intl, yes, [ - AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether included gettext is requested]) - AC_ARG_WITH(included-gettext, - [ --with-included-gettext use the GNU gettext library included here], - nls_cv_force_use_gnu_gettext=$withval, - nls_cv_force_use_gnu_gettext=no) - AC_MSG_RESULT($nls_cv_force_use_gnu_gettext) - - nls_cv_use_gnu_gettext="$nls_cv_force_use_gnu_gettext" - if test "$nls_cv_force_use_gnu_gettext" != "yes"; then - ]) - dnl User does not insist on using GNU NLS library. Figure out what - dnl to use. If GNU gettext is available we use this. Else we have - dnl to fall back to GNU NLS library. - - if test $gt_api_version -ge 3; then - gt_revision_test_code=' -#ifndef __GNU_GETTEXT_SUPPORTED_REVISION -#define __GNU_GETTEXT_SUPPORTED_REVISION(major) ((major) == 0 ? 0 : -1) -#endif -changequote(,)dnl -typedef int array [2 * (__GNU_GETTEXT_SUPPORTED_REVISION(0) >= 1) - 1]; -changequote([,])dnl -' - else - gt_revision_test_code= - fi - if test $gt_api_version -ge 2; then - gt_expression_test_code=' + * ngettext ("", "", 0)' - else - gt_expression_test_code= - fi - - AC_CACHE_CHECK([for GNU gettext in libc], [$gt_func_gnugettext_libc], - [AC_TRY_LINK([#include -$gt_revision_test_code -extern int _nl_msg_cat_cntr; -extern int *_nl_domain_bindings;], - [bindtextdomain ("", ""); -return * gettext ("")$gt_expression_test_code + _nl_msg_cat_cntr + *_nl_domain_bindings], - [eval "$gt_func_gnugettext_libc=yes"], - [eval "$gt_func_gnugettext_libc=no"])]) - - if { eval "gt_val=\$$gt_func_gnugettext_libc"; test "$gt_val" != "yes"; }; then - dnl Sometimes libintl requires libiconv, so first search for libiconv. - ifelse(gt_included_intl, yes, , [ - AM_ICONV_LINK - ]) - dnl Search for libintl and define LIBINTL, LTLIBINTL and INCINTL - dnl accordingly. Don't use AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS_BODY([intl],[iconv]) - dnl because that would add "-liconv" to LIBINTL and LTLIBINTL - dnl even if libiconv doesn't exist. - AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS_BODY([intl]) - AC_CACHE_CHECK([for GNU gettext in libintl], - [$gt_func_gnugettext_libintl], - [gt_save_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" - CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS $INCINTL" - gt_save_LIBS="$LIBS" - LIBS="$LIBS $LIBINTL" - dnl Now see whether libintl exists and does not depend on libiconv. - AC_TRY_LINK([#include -$gt_revision_test_code -extern int _nl_msg_cat_cntr; -extern -#ifdef __cplusplus -"C" -#endif -const char *_nl_expand_alias (const char *);], - [bindtextdomain ("", ""); -return * gettext ("")$gt_expression_test_code + _nl_msg_cat_cntr + *_nl_expand_alias ("")], - [eval "$gt_func_gnugettext_libintl=yes"], - [eval "$gt_func_gnugettext_libintl=no"]) - dnl Now see whether libintl exists and depends on libiconv. - if { eval "gt_val=\$$gt_func_gnugettext_libintl"; test "$gt_val" != yes; } && test -n "$LIBICONV"; then - LIBS="$LIBS $LIBICONV" - AC_TRY_LINK([#include -$gt_revision_test_code -extern int _nl_msg_cat_cntr; -extern -#ifdef __cplusplus -"C" -#endif -const char *_nl_expand_alias (const char *);], - [bindtextdomain ("", ""); -return * gettext ("")$gt_expression_test_code + _nl_msg_cat_cntr + *_nl_expand_alias ("")], - [LIBINTL="$LIBINTL $LIBICONV" - LTLIBINTL="$LTLIBINTL $LTLIBICONV" - eval "$gt_func_gnugettext_libintl=yes" - ]) - fi - CPPFLAGS="$gt_save_CPPFLAGS" - LIBS="$gt_save_LIBS"]) - fi - - dnl If an already present or preinstalled GNU gettext() is found, - dnl use it. But if this macro is used in GNU gettext, and GNU - dnl gettext is already preinstalled in libintl, we update this - dnl libintl. (Cf. the install rule in intl/Makefile.in.) - if { eval "gt_val=\$$gt_func_gnugettext_libc"; test "$gt_val" = "yes"; } \ - || { { eval "gt_val=\$$gt_func_gnugettext_libintl"; test "$gt_val" = "yes"; } \ - && test "$PACKAGE" != gettext-runtime \ - && test "$PACKAGE" != gettext-tools; }; then - gt_use_preinstalled_gnugettext=yes - else - dnl Reset the values set by searching for libintl. - LIBINTL= - LTLIBINTL= - INCINTL= - fi - - ifelse(gt_included_intl, yes, [ - if test "$gt_use_preinstalled_gnugettext" != "yes"; then - dnl GNU gettext is not found in the C library. - dnl Fall back on included GNU gettext library. - nls_cv_use_gnu_gettext=yes - fi - fi - - if test "$nls_cv_use_gnu_gettext" = "yes"; then - dnl Mark actions used to generate GNU NLS library. - BUILD_INCLUDED_LIBINTL=yes - USE_INCLUDED_LIBINTL=yes - LIBINTL="ifelse([$3],[],\${top_builddir}/intl,[$3])/libintl.[]gt_libtool_suffix_prefix[]a $LIBICONV $LIBTHREAD" - LTLIBINTL="ifelse([$3],[],\${top_builddir}/intl,[$3])/libintl.[]gt_libtool_suffix_prefix[]a $LTLIBICONV $LTLIBTHREAD" - LIBS=`echo " $LIBS " | sed -e 's/ -lintl / /' -e 's/^ //' -e 's/ $//'` - fi - - CATOBJEXT= - if test "$gt_use_preinstalled_gnugettext" = "yes" \ - || test "$nls_cv_use_gnu_gettext" = "yes"; then - dnl Mark actions to use GNU gettext tools. - CATOBJEXT=.gmo - fi - ]) - - if test -n "$INTL_MACOSX_LIBS"; then - if test "$gt_use_preinstalled_gnugettext" = "yes" \ - || test "$nls_cv_use_gnu_gettext" = "yes"; then - dnl Some extra flags are needed during linking. - LIBINTL="$LIBINTL $INTL_MACOSX_LIBS" - LTLIBINTL="$LTLIBINTL $INTL_MACOSX_LIBS" - fi - fi - - if test "$gt_use_preinstalled_gnugettext" = "yes" \ - || test "$nls_cv_use_gnu_gettext" = "yes"; then - AC_DEFINE(ENABLE_NLS, 1, - [Define to 1 if translation of program messages to the user's native language - is requested.]) - else - USE_NLS=no - fi - fi - - AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to use NLS]) - AC_MSG_RESULT([$USE_NLS]) - if test "$USE_NLS" = "yes"; then - AC_MSG_CHECKING([where the gettext function comes from]) - if test "$gt_use_preinstalled_gnugettext" = "yes"; then - if { eval "gt_val=\$$gt_func_gnugettext_libintl"; test "$gt_val" = "yes"; }; then - gt_source="external libintl" - else - gt_source="libc" - fi - else - gt_source="included intl directory" - fi - AC_MSG_RESULT([$gt_source]) - fi - - if test "$USE_NLS" = "yes"; then - - if test "$gt_use_preinstalled_gnugettext" = "yes"; then - if { eval "gt_val=\$$gt_func_gnugettext_libintl"; test "$gt_val" = "yes"; }; then - AC_MSG_CHECKING([how to link with libintl]) - AC_MSG_RESULT([$LIBINTL]) - AC_LIB_APPENDTOVAR([CPPFLAGS], [$INCINTL]) - fi - - dnl For backward compatibility. Some packages may be using this. - AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GETTEXT, 1, - [Define if the GNU gettext() function is already present or preinstalled.]) - AC_DEFINE(HAVE_DCGETTEXT, 1, - [Define if the GNU dcgettext() function is already present or preinstalled.]) - fi - - dnl We need to process the po/ directory. - POSUB=po - fi - - ifelse(gt_included_intl, yes, [ - dnl If this is used in GNU gettext we have to set BUILD_INCLUDED_LIBINTL - dnl to 'yes' because some of the testsuite requires it. - if test "$PACKAGE" = gettext-runtime || test "$PACKAGE" = gettext-tools; then - BUILD_INCLUDED_LIBINTL=yes - fi - - dnl Make all variables we use known to autoconf. - AC_SUBST(BUILD_INCLUDED_LIBINTL) - AC_SUBST(USE_INCLUDED_LIBINTL) - AC_SUBST(CATOBJEXT) - - dnl For backward compatibility. Some configure.ins may be using this. - nls_cv_header_intl= - nls_cv_header_libgt= - - dnl For backward compatibility. Some Makefiles may be using this. - DATADIRNAME=share - AC_SUBST(DATADIRNAME) - - dnl For backward compatibility. Some Makefiles may be using this. - INSTOBJEXT=.mo - AC_SUBST(INSTOBJEXT) - - dnl For backward compatibility. Some Makefiles may be using this. - GENCAT=gencat - AC_SUBST(GENCAT) - - dnl For backward compatibility. Some Makefiles may be using this. - INTLOBJS= - if test "$USE_INCLUDED_LIBINTL" = yes; then - INTLOBJS="\$(GETTOBJS)" - fi - AC_SUBST(INTLOBJS) - - dnl Enable libtool support if the surrounding package wishes it. - INTL_LIBTOOL_SUFFIX_PREFIX=gt_libtool_suffix_prefix - AC_SUBST(INTL_LIBTOOL_SUFFIX_PREFIX) - ]) - - dnl For backward compatibility. Some Makefiles may be using this. - INTLLIBS="$LIBINTL" - AC_SUBST(INTLLIBS) - - dnl Make all documented variables known to autoconf. - AC_SUBST(LIBINTL) - AC_SUBST(LTLIBINTL) - AC_SUBST(POSUB) -]) - - -dnl gt_NEEDS_INIT ensures that the gt_needs variable is initialized. -m4_define([gt_NEEDS_INIT], -[ - m4_divert_text([DEFAULTS], [gt_needs=]) - m4_define([gt_NEEDS_INIT], []) -]) - - -dnl Usage: AM_GNU_GETTEXT_NEED([NEEDSYMBOL]) -AC_DEFUN([AM_GNU_GETTEXT_NEED], -[ - m4_divert_text([INIT_PREPARE], [gt_needs="$gt_needs $1"]) -]) - - -dnl Usage: AM_GNU_GETTEXT_VERSION([gettext-version]) -AC_DEFUN([AM_GNU_GETTEXT_VERSION], []) diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/m4/iconv.m4 empathy-3.3.92/m4/iconv.m4 --- empathy-3.3.91/m4/iconv.m4 2012-03-06 14:52:48.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/m4/iconv.m4 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,180 +0,0 @@ -# iconv.m4 serial AM6 (gettext-0.17) -dnl Copyright (C) 2000-2002, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -dnl This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation -dnl gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, -dnl with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. - -dnl From Bruno Haible. - -AC_DEFUN([AM_ICONV_LINKFLAGS_BODY], -[ - dnl Prerequisites of AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS_BODY. - AC_REQUIRE([AC_LIB_PREPARE_PREFIX]) - AC_REQUIRE([AC_LIB_RPATH]) - - dnl Search for libiconv and define LIBICONV, LTLIBICONV and INCICONV - dnl accordingly. - AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS_BODY([iconv]) -]) - -AC_DEFUN([AM_ICONV_LINK], -[ - dnl Some systems have iconv in libc, some have it in libiconv (OSF/1 and - dnl those with the standalone portable GNU libiconv installed). - AC_REQUIRE([AC_CANONICAL_HOST]) dnl for cross-compiles - - dnl Search for libiconv and define LIBICONV, LTLIBICONV and INCICONV - dnl accordingly. - AC_REQUIRE([AM_ICONV_LINKFLAGS_BODY]) - - dnl Add $INCICONV to CPPFLAGS before performing the following checks, - dnl because if the user has installed libiconv and not disabled its use - dnl via --without-libiconv-prefix, he wants to use it. The first - dnl AC_TRY_LINK will then fail, the second AC_TRY_LINK will succeed. - am_save_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" - AC_LIB_APPENDTOVAR([CPPFLAGS], [$INCICONV]) - - AC_CACHE_CHECK([for iconv], am_cv_func_iconv, [ - am_cv_func_iconv="no, consider installing GNU libiconv" - am_cv_lib_iconv=no - AC_TRY_LINK([#include -#include ], - [iconv_t cd = iconv_open("",""); - iconv(cd,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); - iconv_close(cd);], - am_cv_func_iconv=yes) - if test "$am_cv_func_iconv" != yes; then - am_save_LIBS="$LIBS" - LIBS="$LIBS $LIBICONV" - AC_TRY_LINK([#include -#include ], - [iconv_t cd = iconv_open("",""); - iconv(cd,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); - iconv_close(cd);], - am_cv_lib_iconv=yes - am_cv_func_iconv=yes) - LIBS="$am_save_LIBS" - fi - ]) - if test "$am_cv_func_iconv" = yes; then - AC_CACHE_CHECK([for working iconv], am_cv_func_iconv_works, [ - dnl This tests against bugs in AIX 5.1 and HP-UX 11.11. - am_save_LIBS="$LIBS" - if test $am_cv_lib_iconv = yes; then - LIBS="$LIBS $LIBICONV" - fi - AC_TRY_RUN([ -#include -#include -int main () -{ - /* Test against AIX 5.1 bug: Failures are not distinguishable from successful - returns. */ - { - iconv_t cd_utf8_to_88591 = iconv_open ("ISO8859-1", "UTF-8"); - if (cd_utf8_to_88591 != (iconv_t)(-1)) - { - static const char input[] = "\342\202\254"; /* EURO SIGN */ - char buf[10]; - const char *inptr = input; - size_t inbytesleft = strlen (input); - char *outptr = buf; - size_t outbytesleft = sizeof (buf); - size_t res = iconv (cd_utf8_to_88591, - (char **) &inptr, &inbytesleft, - &outptr, &outbytesleft); - if (res == 0) - return 1; - } - } -#if 0 /* This bug could be worked around by the caller. */ - /* Test against HP-UX 11.11 bug: Positive return value instead of 0. */ - { - iconv_t cd_88591_to_utf8 = iconv_open ("utf8", "iso88591"); - if (cd_88591_to_utf8 != (iconv_t)(-1)) - { - static const char input[] = "\304rger mit b\366sen B\374bchen ohne Augenma\337"; - char buf[50]; - const char *inptr = input; - size_t inbytesleft = strlen (input); - char *outptr = buf; - size_t outbytesleft = sizeof (buf); - size_t res = iconv (cd_88591_to_utf8, - (char **) &inptr, &inbytesleft, - &outptr, &outbytesleft); - if ((int)res > 0) - return 1; - } - } -#endif - /* Test against HP-UX 11.11 bug: No converter from EUC-JP to UTF-8 is - provided. */ - if (/* Try standardized names. */ - iconv_open ("UTF-8", "EUC-JP") == (iconv_t)(-1) - /* Try IRIX, OSF/1 names. */ - && iconv_open ("UTF-8", "eucJP") == (iconv_t)(-1) - /* Try AIX names. */ - && iconv_open ("UTF-8", "IBM-eucJP") == (iconv_t)(-1) - /* Try HP-UX names. */ - && iconv_open ("utf8", "eucJP") == (iconv_t)(-1)) - return 1; - return 0; -}], [am_cv_func_iconv_works=yes], [am_cv_func_iconv_works=no], - [case "$host_os" in - aix* | hpux*) am_cv_func_iconv_works="guessing no" ;; - *) am_cv_func_iconv_works="guessing yes" ;; - esac]) - LIBS="$am_save_LIBS" - ]) - case "$am_cv_func_iconv_works" in - *no) am_func_iconv=no am_cv_lib_iconv=no ;; - *) am_func_iconv=yes ;; - esac - else - am_func_iconv=no am_cv_lib_iconv=no - fi - if test "$am_func_iconv" = yes; then - AC_DEFINE(HAVE_ICONV, 1, - [Define if you have the iconv() function and it works.]) - fi - if test "$am_cv_lib_iconv" = yes; then - AC_MSG_CHECKING([how to link with libiconv]) - AC_MSG_RESULT([$LIBICONV]) - else - dnl If $LIBICONV didn't lead to a usable library, we don't need $INCICONV - dnl either. - CPPFLAGS="$am_save_CPPFLAGS" - LIBICONV= - LTLIBICONV= - fi - AC_SUBST(LIBICONV) - AC_SUBST(LTLIBICONV) -]) - -AC_DEFUN([AM_ICONV], -[ - AM_ICONV_LINK - if test "$am_cv_func_iconv" = yes; then - AC_MSG_CHECKING([for iconv declaration]) - AC_CACHE_VAL(am_cv_proto_iconv, [ - AC_TRY_COMPILE([ -#include -#include -extern -#ifdef __cplusplus -"C" -#endif -#if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus) -size_t iconv (iconv_t cd, char * *inbuf, size_t *inbytesleft, char * *outbuf, size_t *outbytesleft); -#else -size_t iconv(); -#endif -], [], am_cv_proto_iconv_arg1="", am_cv_proto_iconv_arg1="const") - am_cv_proto_iconv="extern size_t iconv (iconv_t cd, $am_cv_proto_iconv_arg1 char * *inbuf, size_t *inbytesleft, char * *outbuf, size_t *outbytesleft);"]) - am_cv_proto_iconv=`echo "[$]am_cv_proto_iconv" | tr -s ' ' | sed -e 's/( /(/'` - AC_MSG_RESULT([$]{ac_t:- - }[$]am_cv_proto_iconv) - AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(ICONV_CONST, $am_cv_proto_iconv_arg1, - [Define as const if the declaration of iconv() needs const.]) - fi -]) diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/m4/intlmacosx.m4 empathy-3.3.92/m4/intlmacosx.m4 --- empathy-3.3.91/m4/intlmacosx.m4 2012-03-06 14:52:48.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/m4/intlmacosx.m4 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,51 +0,0 @@ -# intlmacosx.m4 serial 1 (gettext-0.17) -dnl Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -dnl This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation -dnl gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, -dnl with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. -dnl -dnl This file can can be used in projects which are not available under -dnl the GNU General Public License or the GNU Library General Public -dnl License but which still want to provide support for the GNU gettext -dnl functionality. -dnl Please note that the actual code of the GNU gettext library is covered -dnl by the GNU Library General Public License, and the rest of the GNU -dnl gettext package package is covered by the GNU General Public License. -dnl They are *not* in the public domain. - -dnl Checks for special options needed on MacOS X. -dnl Defines INTL_MACOSX_LIBS. -AC_DEFUN([gt_INTL_MACOSX], -[ - dnl Check for API introduced in MacOS X 10.2. - AC_CACHE_CHECK([for CFPreferencesCopyAppValue], - gt_cv_func_CFPreferencesCopyAppValue, - [gt_save_LIBS="$LIBS" - LIBS="$LIBS -Wl,-framework -Wl,CoreFoundation" - AC_TRY_LINK([#include ], - [CFPreferencesCopyAppValue(NULL, NULL)], - [gt_cv_func_CFPreferencesCopyAppValue=yes], - [gt_cv_func_CFPreferencesCopyAppValue=no]) - LIBS="$gt_save_LIBS"]) - if test $gt_cv_func_CFPreferencesCopyAppValue = yes; then - AC_DEFINE([HAVE_CFPREFERENCESCOPYAPPVALUE], 1, - [Define to 1 if you have the MacOS X function CFPreferencesCopyAppValue in the CoreFoundation framework.]) - fi - dnl Check for API introduced in MacOS X 10.3. - AC_CACHE_CHECK([for CFLocaleCopyCurrent], gt_cv_func_CFLocaleCopyCurrent, - [gt_save_LIBS="$LIBS" - LIBS="$LIBS -Wl,-framework -Wl,CoreFoundation" - AC_TRY_LINK([#include ], [CFLocaleCopyCurrent();], - [gt_cv_func_CFLocaleCopyCurrent=yes], - [gt_cv_func_CFLocaleCopyCurrent=no]) - LIBS="$gt_save_LIBS"]) - if test $gt_cv_func_CFLocaleCopyCurrent = yes; then - AC_DEFINE([HAVE_CFLOCALECOPYCURRENT], 1, - [Define to 1 if you have the MacOS X function CFLocaleCopyCurrent in the CoreFoundation framework.]) - fi - INTL_MACOSX_LIBS= - if test $gt_cv_func_CFPreferencesCopyAppValue = yes || test $gt_cv_func_CFLocaleCopyCurrent = yes; then - INTL_MACOSX_LIBS="-Wl,-framework -Wl,CoreFoundation" - fi - AC_SUBST([INTL_MACOSX_LIBS]) -]) diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/m4/lib-ld.m4 empathy-3.3.92/m4/lib-ld.m4 --- empathy-3.3.91/m4/lib-ld.m4 2012-03-06 14:52:48.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/m4/lib-ld.m4 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,110 +0,0 @@ -# lib-ld.m4 serial 3 (gettext-0.13) -dnl Copyright (C) 1996-2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -dnl This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation -dnl gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, -dnl with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. - -dnl Subroutines of libtool.m4, -dnl with replacements s/AC_/AC_LIB/ and s/lt_cv/acl_cv/ to avoid collision -dnl with libtool.m4. - -dnl From libtool-1.4. Sets the variable with_gnu_ld to yes or no. -AC_DEFUN([AC_LIB_PROG_LD_GNU], -[AC_CACHE_CHECK([if the linker ($LD) is GNU ld], acl_cv_prog_gnu_ld, -[# I'd rather use --version here, but apparently some GNU ld's only accept -v. -case `$LD -v 2>&1 conf$$.sh - echo "exit 0" >>conf$$.sh - chmod +x conf$$.sh - if (PATH="/nonexistent;."; conf$$.sh) >/dev/null 2>&1; then - PATH_SEPARATOR=';' - else - PATH_SEPARATOR=: - fi - rm -f conf$$.sh -fi -ac_prog=ld -if test "$GCC" = yes; then - # Check if gcc -print-prog-name=ld gives a path. - AC_MSG_CHECKING([for ld used by GCC]) - case $host in - *-*-mingw*) - # gcc leaves a trailing carriage return which upsets mingw - ac_prog=`($CC -print-prog-name=ld) 2>&5 | tr -d '\015'` ;; - *) - ac_prog=`($CC -print-prog-name=ld) 2>&5` ;; - esac - case $ac_prog in - # Accept absolute paths. - [[\\/]* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*)] - [re_direlt='/[^/][^/]*/\.\./'] - # Canonicalize the path of ld - ac_prog=`echo $ac_prog| sed 's%\\\\%/%g'` - while echo $ac_prog | grep "$re_direlt" > /dev/null 2>&1; do - ac_prog=`echo $ac_prog| sed "s%$re_direlt%/%"` - done - test -z "$LD" && LD="$ac_prog" - ;; - "") - # If it fails, then pretend we aren't using GCC. - ac_prog=ld - ;; - *) - # If it is relative, then search for the first ld in PATH. - with_gnu_ld=unknown - ;; - esac -elif test "$with_gnu_ld" = yes; then - AC_MSG_CHECKING([for GNU ld]) -else - AC_MSG_CHECKING([for non-GNU ld]) -fi -AC_CACHE_VAL(acl_cv_path_LD, -[if test -z "$LD"; then - IFS="${IFS= }"; ac_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS="${IFS}${PATH_SEPARATOR-:}" - for ac_dir in $PATH; do - test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=. - if test -f "$ac_dir/$ac_prog" || test -f "$ac_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exeext"; then - acl_cv_path_LD="$ac_dir/$ac_prog" - # Check to see if the program is GNU ld. I'd rather use --version, - # but apparently some GNU ld's only accept -v. - # Break only if it was the GNU/non-GNU ld that we prefer. - case `"$acl_cv_path_LD" -v 2>&1 < /dev/null` in - *GNU* | *'with BFD'*) - test "$with_gnu_ld" != no && break ;; - *) - test "$with_gnu_ld" != yes && break ;; - esac - fi - done - IFS="$ac_save_ifs" -else - acl_cv_path_LD="$LD" # Let the user override the test with a path. -fi]) -LD="$acl_cv_path_LD" -if test -n "$LD"; then - AC_MSG_RESULT($LD) -else - AC_MSG_RESULT(no) -fi -test -z "$LD" && AC_MSG_ERROR([no acceptable ld found in \$PATH]) -AC_LIB_PROG_LD_GNU -]) diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/m4/lib-link.m4 empathy-3.3.92/m4/lib-link.m4 --- empathy-3.3.91/m4/lib-link.m4 2012-03-06 14:52:48.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/m4/lib-link.m4 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,709 +0,0 @@ -# lib-link.m4 serial 13 (gettext-0.17) -dnl Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -dnl This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation -dnl gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, -dnl with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. - -dnl From Bruno Haible. - -AC_PREREQ(2.54) - -dnl AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS(name [, dependencies]) searches for libname and -dnl the libraries corresponding to explicit and implicit dependencies. -dnl Sets and AC_SUBSTs the LIB${NAME} and LTLIB${NAME} variables and -dnl augments the CPPFLAGS variable. -dnl Sets and AC_SUBSTs the LIB${NAME}_PREFIX variable to nonempty if libname -dnl was found in ${LIB${NAME}_PREFIX}/$acl_libdirstem. -AC_DEFUN([AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS], -[ - AC_REQUIRE([AC_LIB_PREPARE_PREFIX]) - AC_REQUIRE([AC_LIB_RPATH]) - define([Name],[translit([$1],[./-], [___])]) - define([NAME],[translit([$1],[abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz./-], - [ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ___])]) - AC_CACHE_CHECK([how to link with lib[]$1], [ac_cv_lib[]Name[]_libs], [ - AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS_BODY([$1], [$2]) - ac_cv_lib[]Name[]_libs="$LIB[]NAME" - ac_cv_lib[]Name[]_ltlibs="$LTLIB[]NAME" - ac_cv_lib[]Name[]_cppflags="$INC[]NAME" - ac_cv_lib[]Name[]_prefix="$LIB[]NAME[]_PREFIX" - ]) - LIB[]NAME="$ac_cv_lib[]Name[]_libs" - LTLIB[]NAME="$ac_cv_lib[]Name[]_ltlibs" - INC[]NAME="$ac_cv_lib[]Name[]_cppflags" - LIB[]NAME[]_PREFIX="$ac_cv_lib[]Name[]_prefix" - AC_LIB_APPENDTOVAR([CPPFLAGS], [$INC]NAME) - AC_SUBST([LIB]NAME) - AC_SUBST([LTLIB]NAME) - AC_SUBST([LIB]NAME[_PREFIX]) - dnl Also set HAVE_LIB[]NAME so that AC_LIB_HAVE_LINKFLAGS can reuse the - dnl results of this search when this library appears as a dependency. - HAVE_LIB[]NAME=yes - undefine([Name]) - undefine([NAME]) -]) - -dnl AC_LIB_HAVE_LINKFLAGS(name, dependencies, includes, testcode) -dnl searches for libname and the libraries corresponding to explicit and -dnl implicit dependencies, together with the specified include files and -dnl the ability to compile and link the specified testcode. If found, it -dnl sets and AC_SUBSTs HAVE_LIB${NAME}=yes and the LIB${NAME} and -dnl LTLIB${NAME} variables and augments the CPPFLAGS variable, and -dnl #defines HAVE_LIB${NAME} to 1. Otherwise, it sets and AC_SUBSTs -dnl HAVE_LIB${NAME}=no and LIB${NAME} and LTLIB${NAME} to empty. -dnl Sets and AC_SUBSTs the LIB${NAME}_PREFIX variable to nonempty if libname -dnl was found in ${LIB${NAME}_PREFIX}/$acl_libdirstem. -AC_DEFUN([AC_LIB_HAVE_LINKFLAGS], -[ - AC_REQUIRE([AC_LIB_PREPARE_PREFIX]) - AC_REQUIRE([AC_LIB_RPATH]) - define([Name],[translit([$1],[./-], [___])]) - define([NAME],[translit([$1],[abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz./-], - [ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ___])]) - - dnl Search for lib[]Name and define LIB[]NAME, LTLIB[]NAME and INC[]NAME - dnl accordingly. - AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS_BODY([$1], [$2]) - - dnl Add $INC[]NAME to CPPFLAGS before performing the following checks, - dnl because if the user has installed lib[]Name and not disabled its use - dnl via --without-lib[]Name-prefix, he wants to use it. - ac_save_CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" - AC_LIB_APPENDTOVAR([CPPFLAGS], [$INC]NAME) - - AC_CACHE_CHECK([for lib[]$1], [ac_cv_lib[]Name], [ - ac_save_LIBS="$LIBS" - LIBS="$LIBS $LIB[]NAME" - AC_TRY_LINK([$3], [$4], [ac_cv_lib[]Name=yes], [ac_cv_lib[]Name=no]) - LIBS="$ac_save_LIBS" - ]) - if test "$ac_cv_lib[]Name" = yes; then - HAVE_LIB[]NAME=yes - AC_DEFINE([HAVE_LIB]NAME, 1, [Define if you have the $1 library.]) - AC_MSG_CHECKING([how to link with lib[]$1]) - AC_MSG_RESULT([$LIB[]NAME]) - else - HAVE_LIB[]NAME=no - dnl If $LIB[]NAME didn't lead to a usable library, we don't need - dnl $INC[]NAME either. - CPPFLAGS="$ac_save_CPPFLAGS" - LIB[]NAME= - LTLIB[]NAME= - LIB[]NAME[]_PREFIX= - fi - AC_SUBST([HAVE_LIB]NAME) - AC_SUBST([LIB]NAME) - AC_SUBST([LTLIB]NAME) - AC_SUBST([LIB]NAME[_PREFIX]) - undefine([Name]) - undefine([NAME]) -]) - -dnl Determine the platform dependent parameters needed to use rpath: -dnl acl_libext, -dnl acl_shlibext, -dnl acl_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec, -dnl acl_hardcode_libdir_separator, -dnl acl_hardcode_direct, -dnl acl_hardcode_minus_L. -AC_DEFUN([AC_LIB_RPATH], -[ - dnl Tell automake >= 1.10 to complain if config.rpath is missing. - m4_ifdef([AC_REQUIRE_AUX_FILE], [AC_REQUIRE_AUX_FILE([config.rpath])]) - AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_CC]) dnl we use $CC, $GCC, $LDFLAGS - AC_REQUIRE([AC_LIB_PROG_LD]) dnl we use $LD, $with_gnu_ld - AC_REQUIRE([AC_CANONICAL_HOST]) dnl we use $host - AC_REQUIRE([AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR_DEFAULT]) dnl we use $ac_aux_dir - AC_CACHE_CHECK([for shared library run path origin], acl_cv_rpath, [ - CC="$CC" GCC="$GCC" LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" LD="$LD" with_gnu_ld="$with_gnu_ld" \ - ${CONFIG_SHELL-/bin/sh} "$ac_aux_dir/config.rpath" "$host" > conftest.sh - . ./conftest.sh - rm -f ./conftest.sh - acl_cv_rpath=done - ]) - wl="$acl_cv_wl" - acl_libext="$acl_cv_libext" - acl_shlibext="$acl_cv_shlibext" - acl_libname_spec="$acl_cv_libname_spec" - acl_library_names_spec="$acl_cv_library_names_spec" - acl_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec="$acl_cv_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec" - acl_hardcode_libdir_separator="$acl_cv_hardcode_libdir_separator" - acl_hardcode_direct="$acl_cv_hardcode_direct" - acl_hardcode_minus_L="$acl_cv_hardcode_minus_L" - dnl Determine whether the user wants rpath handling at all. - AC_ARG_ENABLE(rpath, - [ --disable-rpath do not hardcode runtime library paths], - :, enable_rpath=yes) -]) - -dnl AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS_BODY(name [, dependencies]) searches for libname and -dnl the libraries corresponding to explicit and implicit dependencies. -dnl Sets the LIB${NAME}, LTLIB${NAME} and INC${NAME} variables. -dnl Also, sets the LIB${NAME}_PREFIX variable to nonempty if libname was found -dnl in ${LIB${NAME}_PREFIX}/$acl_libdirstem. -AC_DEFUN([AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS_BODY], -[ - AC_REQUIRE([AC_LIB_PREPARE_MULTILIB]) - define([NAME],[translit([$1],[abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz./-], - [ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ___])]) - dnl Autoconf >= 2.61 supports dots in --with options. - define([N_A_M_E],[m4_if(m4_version_compare(m4_defn([m4_PACKAGE_VERSION]),[2.61]),[-1],[translit([$1],[.],[_])],[$1])]) - dnl By default, look in $includedir and $libdir. - use_additional=yes - AC_LIB_WITH_FINAL_PREFIX([ - eval additional_includedir=\"$includedir\" - eval additional_libdir=\"$libdir\" - ]) - AC_LIB_ARG_WITH([lib]N_A_M_E[-prefix], -[ --with-lib]N_A_M_E[-prefix[=DIR] search for lib$1 in DIR/include and DIR/lib - --without-lib]N_A_M_E[-prefix don't search for lib$1 in includedir and libdir], -[ - if test "X$withval" = "Xno"; then - use_additional=no - else - if test "X$withval" = "X"; then - AC_LIB_WITH_FINAL_PREFIX([ - eval additional_includedir=\"$includedir\" - eval additional_libdir=\"$libdir\" - ]) - else - additional_includedir="$withval/include" - additional_libdir="$withval/$acl_libdirstem" - fi - fi -]) - dnl Search the library and its dependencies in $additional_libdir and - dnl $LDFLAGS. Using breadth-first-seach. - LIB[]NAME= - LTLIB[]NAME= - INC[]NAME= - LIB[]NAME[]_PREFIX= - rpathdirs= - ltrpathdirs= - names_already_handled= - names_next_round='$1 $2' - while test -n "$names_next_round"; do - names_this_round="$names_next_round" - names_next_round= - for name in $names_this_round; do - already_handled= - for n in $names_already_handled; do - if test "$n" = "$name"; then - already_handled=yes - break - fi - done - if test -z "$already_handled"; then - names_already_handled="$names_already_handled $name" - dnl See if it was already located by an earlier AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS - dnl or AC_LIB_HAVE_LINKFLAGS call. - uppername=`echo "$name" | sed -e 'y|abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz./-|ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ___|'` - eval value=\"\$HAVE_LIB$uppername\" - if test -n "$value"; then - if test "$value" = yes; then - eval value=\"\$LIB$uppername\" - test -z "$value" || LIB[]NAME="${LIB[]NAME}${LIB[]NAME:+ }$value" - eval value=\"\$LTLIB$uppername\" - test -z "$value" || LTLIB[]NAME="${LTLIB[]NAME}${LTLIB[]NAME:+ }$value" - else - dnl An earlier call to AC_LIB_HAVE_LINKFLAGS has determined - dnl that this library doesn't exist. So just drop it. - : - fi - else - dnl Search the library lib$name in $additional_libdir and $LDFLAGS - dnl and the already constructed $LIBNAME/$LTLIBNAME. - found_dir= - found_la= - found_so= - found_a= - eval libname=\"$acl_libname_spec\" # typically: libname=lib$name - if test -n "$acl_shlibext"; then - shrext=".$acl_shlibext" # typically: shrext=.so - else - shrext= - fi - if test $use_additional = yes; then - dir="$additional_libdir" - dnl The same code as in the loop below: - dnl First look for a shared library. - if test -n "$acl_shlibext"; then - if test -f "$dir/$libname$shrext"; then - found_dir="$dir" - found_so="$dir/$libname$shrext" - else - if test "$acl_library_names_spec" = '$libname$shrext$versuffix'; then - ver=`(cd "$dir" && \ - for f in "$libname$shrext".*; do echo "$f"; done \ - | sed -e "s,^$libname$shrext\\\\.,," \ - | sort -t '.' -n -r -k1,1 -k2,2 -k3,3 -k4,4 -k5,5 \ - | sed 1q ) 2>/dev/null` - if test -n "$ver" && test -f "$dir/$libname$shrext.$ver"; then - found_dir="$dir" - found_so="$dir/$libname$shrext.$ver" - fi - else - eval library_names=\"$acl_library_names_spec\" - for f in $library_names; do - if test -f "$dir/$f"; then - found_dir="$dir" - found_so="$dir/$f" - break - fi - done - fi - fi - fi - dnl Then look for a static library. - if test "X$found_dir" = "X"; then - if test -f "$dir/$libname.$acl_libext"; then - found_dir="$dir" - found_a="$dir/$libname.$acl_libext" - fi - fi - if test "X$found_dir" != "X"; then - if test -f "$dir/$libname.la"; then - found_la="$dir/$libname.la" - fi - fi - fi - if test "X$found_dir" = "X"; then - for x in $LDFLAGS $LTLIB[]NAME; do - AC_LIB_WITH_FINAL_PREFIX([eval x=\"$x\"]) - case "$x" in - -L*) - dir=`echo "X$x" | sed -e 's/^X-L//'` - dnl First look for a shared library. - if test -n "$acl_shlibext"; then - if test -f "$dir/$libname$shrext"; then - found_dir="$dir" - found_so="$dir/$libname$shrext" - else - if test "$acl_library_names_spec" = '$libname$shrext$versuffix'; then - ver=`(cd "$dir" && \ - for f in "$libname$shrext".*; do echo "$f"; done \ - | sed -e "s,^$libname$shrext\\\\.,," \ - | sort -t '.' -n -r -k1,1 -k2,2 -k3,3 -k4,4 -k5,5 \ - | sed 1q ) 2>/dev/null` - if test -n "$ver" && test -f "$dir/$libname$shrext.$ver"; then - found_dir="$dir" - found_so="$dir/$libname$shrext.$ver" - fi - else - eval library_names=\"$acl_library_names_spec\" - for f in $library_names; do - if test -f "$dir/$f"; then - found_dir="$dir" - found_so="$dir/$f" - break - fi - done - fi - fi - fi - dnl Then look for a static library. - if test "X$found_dir" = "X"; then - if test -f "$dir/$libname.$acl_libext"; then - found_dir="$dir" - found_a="$dir/$libname.$acl_libext" - fi - fi - if test "X$found_dir" != "X"; then - if test -f "$dir/$libname.la"; then - found_la="$dir/$libname.la" - fi - fi - ;; - esac - if test "X$found_dir" != "X"; then - break - fi - done - fi - if test "X$found_dir" != "X"; then - dnl Found the library. - LTLIB[]NAME="${LTLIB[]NAME}${LTLIB[]NAME:+ }-L$found_dir -l$name" - if test "X$found_so" != "X"; then - dnl Linking with a shared library. We attempt to hardcode its - dnl directory into the executable's runpath, unless it's the - dnl standard /usr/lib. - if test "$enable_rpath" = no || test "X$found_dir" = "X/usr/$acl_libdirstem"; then - dnl No hardcoding is needed. - LIB[]NAME="${LIB[]NAME}${LIB[]NAME:+ }$found_so" - else - dnl Use an explicit option to hardcode DIR into the resulting - dnl binary. - dnl Potentially add DIR to ltrpathdirs. - dnl The ltrpathdirs will be appended to $LTLIBNAME at the end. - haveit= - for x in $ltrpathdirs; do - if test "X$x" = "X$found_dir"; then - haveit=yes - break - fi - done - if test -z "$haveit"; then - ltrpathdirs="$ltrpathdirs $found_dir" - fi - dnl The hardcoding into $LIBNAME is system dependent. - if test "$acl_hardcode_direct" = yes; then - dnl Using DIR/libNAME.so during linking hardcodes DIR into the - dnl resulting binary. - LIB[]NAME="${LIB[]NAME}${LIB[]NAME:+ }$found_so" - else - if test -n "$acl_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec" && test "$acl_hardcode_minus_L" = no; then - dnl Use an explicit option to hardcode DIR into the resulting - dnl binary. - LIB[]NAME="${LIB[]NAME}${LIB[]NAME:+ }$found_so" - dnl Potentially add DIR to rpathdirs. - dnl The rpathdirs will be appended to $LIBNAME at the end. - haveit= - for x in $rpathdirs; do - if test "X$x" = "X$found_dir"; then - haveit=yes - break - fi - done - if test -z "$haveit"; then - rpathdirs="$rpathdirs $found_dir" - fi - else - dnl Rely on "-L$found_dir". - dnl But don't add it if it's already contained in the LDFLAGS - dnl or the already constructed $LIBNAME - haveit= - for x in $LDFLAGS $LIB[]NAME; do - AC_LIB_WITH_FINAL_PREFIX([eval x=\"$x\"]) - if test "X$x" = "X-L$found_dir"; then - haveit=yes - break - fi - done - if test -z "$haveit"; then - LIB[]NAME="${LIB[]NAME}${LIB[]NAME:+ }-L$found_dir" - fi - if test "$acl_hardcode_minus_L" != no; then - dnl FIXME: Not sure whether we should use - dnl "-L$found_dir -l$name" or "-L$found_dir $found_so" - dnl here. - LIB[]NAME="${LIB[]NAME}${LIB[]NAME:+ }$found_so" - else - dnl We cannot use $acl_hardcode_runpath_var and LD_RUN_PATH - dnl here, because this doesn't fit in flags passed to the - dnl compiler. So give up. No hardcoding. This affects only - dnl very old systems. - dnl FIXME: Not sure whether we should use - dnl "-L$found_dir -l$name" or "-L$found_dir $found_so" - dnl here. - LIB[]NAME="${LIB[]NAME}${LIB[]NAME:+ }-l$name" - fi - fi - fi - fi - else - if test "X$found_a" != "X"; then - dnl Linking with a static library. - LIB[]NAME="${LIB[]NAME}${LIB[]NAME:+ }$found_a" - else - dnl We shouldn't come here, but anyway it's good to have a - dnl fallback. - LIB[]NAME="${LIB[]NAME}${LIB[]NAME:+ }-L$found_dir -l$name" - fi - fi - dnl Assume the include files are nearby. - additional_includedir= - case "$found_dir" in - */$acl_libdirstem | */$acl_libdirstem/) - basedir=`echo "X$found_dir" | sed -e 's,^X,,' -e "s,/$acl_libdirstem/"'*$,,'` - LIB[]NAME[]_PREFIX="$basedir" - additional_includedir="$basedir/include" - ;; - esac - if test "X$additional_includedir" != "X"; then - dnl Potentially add $additional_includedir to $INCNAME. - dnl But don't add it - dnl 1. if it's the standard /usr/include, - dnl 2. if it's /usr/local/include and we are using GCC on Linux, - dnl 3. if it's already present in $CPPFLAGS or the already - dnl constructed $INCNAME, - dnl 4. if it doesn't exist as a directory. - if test "X$additional_includedir" != "X/usr/include"; then - haveit= - if test "X$additional_includedir" = "X/usr/local/include"; then - if test -n "$GCC"; then - case $host_os in - linux* | gnu* | k*bsd*-gnu) haveit=yes;; - esac - fi - fi - if test -z "$haveit"; then - for x in $CPPFLAGS $INC[]NAME; do - AC_LIB_WITH_FINAL_PREFIX([eval x=\"$x\"]) - if test "X$x" = "X-I$additional_includedir"; then - haveit=yes - break - fi - done - if test -z "$haveit"; then - if test -d "$additional_includedir"; then - dnl Really add $additional_includedir to $INCNAME. - INC[]NAME="${INC[]NAME}${INC[]NAME:+ }-I$additional_includedir" - fi - fi - fi - fi - fi - dnl Look for dependencies. - if test -n "$found_la"; then - dnl Read the .la file. It defines the variables - dnl dlname, library_names, old_library, dependency_libs, current, - dnl age, revision, installed, dlopen, dlpreopen, libdir. - save_libdir="$libdir" - case "$found_la" in - */* | *\\*) . "$found_la" ;; - *) . "./$found_la" ;; - esac - libdir="$save_libdir" - dnl We use only dependency_libs. - for dep in $dependency_libs; do - case "$dep" in - -L*) - additional_libdir=`echo "X$dep" | sed -e 's/^X-L//'` - dnl Potentially add $additional_libdir to $LIBNAME and $LTLIBNAME. - dnl But don't add it - dnl 1. if it's the standard /usr/lib, - dnl 2. if it's /usr/local/lib and we are using GCC on Linux, - dnl 3. if it's already present in $LDFLAGS or the already - dnl constructed $LIBNAME, - dnl 4. if it doesn't exist as a directory. - if test "X$additional_libdir" != "X/usr/$acl_libdirstem"; then - haveit= - if test "X$additional_libdir" = "X/usr/local/$acl_libdirstem"; then - if test -n "$GCC"; then - case $host_os in - linux* | gnu* | k*bsd*-gnu) haveit=yes;; - esac - fi - fi - if test -z "$haveit"; then - haveit= - for x in $LDFLAGS $LIB[]NAME; do - AC_LIB_WITH_FINAL_PREFIX([eval x=\"$x\"]) - if test "X$x" = "X-L$additional_libdir"; then - haveit=yes - break - fi - done - if test -z "$haveit"; then - if test -d "$additional_libdir"; then - dnl Really add $additional_libdir to $LIBNAME. - LIB[]NAME="${LIB[]NAME}${LIB[]NAME:+ }-L$additional_libdir" - fi - fi - haveit= - for x in $LDFLAGS $LTLIB[]NAME; do - AC_LIB_WITH_FINAL_PREFIX([eval x=\"$x\"]) - if test "X$x" = "X-L$additional_libdir"; then - haveit=yes - break - fi - done - if test -z "$haveit"; then - if test -d "$additional_libdir"; then - dnl Really add $additional_libdir to $LTLIBNAME. - LTLIB[]NAME="${LTLIB[]NAME}${LTLIB[]NAME:+ }-L$additional_libdir" - fi - fi - fi - fi - ;; - -R*) - dir=`echo "X$dep" | sed -e 's/^X-R//'` - if test "$enable_rpath" != no; then - dnl Potentially add DIR to rpathdirs. - dnl The rpathdirs will be appended to $LIBNAME at the end. - haveit= - for x in $rpathdirs; do - if test "X$x" = "X$dir"; then - haveit=yes - break - fi - done - if test -z "$haveit"; then - rpathdirs="$rpathdirs $dir" - fi - dnl Potentially add DIR to ltrpathdirs. - dnl The ltrpathdirs will be appended to $LTLIBNAME at the end. - haveit= - for x in $ltrpathdirs; do - if test "X$x" = "X$dir"; then - haveit=yes - break - fi - done - if test -z "$haveit"; then - ltrpathdirs="$ltrpathdirs $dir" - fi - fi - ;; - -l*) - dnl Handle this in the next round. - names_next_round="$names_next_round "`echo "X$dep" | sed -e 's/^X-l//'` - ;; - *.la) - dnl Handle this in the next round. Throw away the .la's - dnl directory; it is already contained in a preceding -L - dnl option. - names_next_round="$names_next_round "`echo "X$dep" | sed -e 's,^X.*/,,' -e 's,^lib,,' -e 's,\.la$,,'` - ;; - *) - dnl Most likely an immediate library name. - LIB[]NAME="${LIB[]NAME}${LIB[]NAME:+ }$dep" - LTLIB[]NAME="${LTLIB[]NAME}${LTLIB[]NAME:+ }$dep" - ;; - esac - done - fi - else - dnl Didn't find the library; assume it is in the system directories - dnl known to the linker and runtime loader. (All the system - dnl directories known to the linker should also be known to the - dnl runtime loader, otherwise the system is severely misconfigured.) - LIB[]NAME="${LIB[]NAME}${LIB[]NAME:+ }-l$name" - LTLIB[]NAME="${LTLIB[]NAME}${LTLIB[]NAME:+ }-l$name" - fi - fi - fi - done - done - if test "X$rpathdirs" != "X"; then - if test -n "$acl_hardcode_libdir_separator"; then - dnl Weird platform: only the last -rpath option counts, the user must - dnl pass all path elements in one option. We can arrange that for a - dnl single library, but not when more than one $LIBNAMEs are used. - alldirs= - for found_dir in $rpathdirs; do - alldirs="${alldirs}${alldirs:+$acl_hardcode_libdir_separator}$found_dir" - done - dnl Note: acl_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec uses $libdir and $wl. - acl_save_libdir="$libdir" - libdir="$alldirs" - eval flag=\"$acl_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec\" - libdir="$acl_save_libdir" - LIB[]NAME="${LIB[]NAME}${LIB[]NAME:+ }$flag" - else - dnl The -rpath options are cumulative. - for found_dir in $rpathdirs; do - acl_save_libdir="$libdir" - libdir="$found_dir" - eval flag=\"$acl_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec\" - libdir="$acl_save_libdir" - LIB[]NAME="${LIB[]NAME}${LIB[]NAME:+ }$flag" - done - fi - fi - if test "X$ltrpathdirs" != "X"; then - dnl When using libtool, the option that works for both libraries and - dnl executables is -R. The -R options are cumulative. - for found_dir in $ltrpathdirs; do - LTLIB[]NAME="${LTLIB[]NAME}${LTLIB[]NAME:+ }-R$found_dir" - done - fi -]) - -dnl AC_LIB_APPENDTOVAR(VAR, CONTENTS) appends the elements of CONTENTS to VAR, -dnl unless already present in VAR. -dnl Works only for CPPFLAGS, not for LIB* variables because that sometimes -dnl contains two or three consecutive elements that belong together. -AC_DEFUN([AC_LIB_APPENDTOVAR], -[ - for element in [$2]; do - haveit= - for x in $[$1]; do - AC_LIB_WITH_FINAL_PREFIX([eval x=\"$x\"]) - if test "X$x" = "X$element"; then - haveit=yes - break - fi - done - if test -z "$haveit"; then - [$1]="${[$1]}${[$1]:+ }$element" - fi - done -]) - -dnl For those cases where a variable contains several -L and -l options -dnl referring to unknown libraries and directories, this macro determines the -dnl necessary additional linker options for the runtime path. -dnl AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS_FROM_LIBS([LDADDVAR], [LIBSVALUE], [USE-LIBTOOL]) -dnl sets LDADDVAR to linker options needed together with LIBSVALUE. -dnl If USE-LIBTOOL evaluates to non-empty, linking with libtool is assumed, -dnl otherwise linking without libtool is assumed. -AC_DEFUN([AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS_FROM_LIBS], -[ - AC_REQUIRE([AC_LIB_RPATH]) - AC_REQUIRE([AC_LIB_PREPARE_MULTILIB]) - $1= - if test "$enable_rpath" != no; then - if test -n "$acl_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec" && test "$acl_hardcode_minus_L" = no; then - dnl Use an explicit option to hardcode directories into the resulting - dnl binary. - rpathdirs= - next= - for opt in $2; do - if test -n "$next"; then - dir="$next" - dnl No need to hardcode the standard /usr/lib. - if test "X$dir" != "X/usr/$acl_libdirstem"; then - rpathdirs="$rpathdirs $dir" - fi - next= - else - case $opt in - -L) next=yes ;; - -L*) dir=`echo "X$opt" | sed -e 's,^X-L,,'` - dnl No need to hardcode the standard /usr/lib. - if test "X$dir" != "X/usr/$acl_libdirstem"; then - rpathdirs="$rpathdirs $dir" - fi - next= ;; - *) next= ;; - esac - fi - done - if test "X$rpathdirs" != "X"; then - if test -n ""$3""; then - dnl libtool is used for linking. Use -R options. - for dir in $rpathdirs; do - $1="${$1}${$1:+ }-R$dir" - done - else - dnl The linker is used for linking directly. - if test -n "$acl_hardcode_libdir_separator"; then - dnl Weird platform: only the last -rpath option counts, the user - dnl must pass all path elements in one option. - alldirs= - for dir in $rpathdirs; do - alldirs="${alldirs}${alldirs:+$acl_hardcode_libdir_separator}$dir" - done - acl_save_libdir="$libdir" - libdir="$alldirs" - eval flag=\"$acl_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec\" - libdir="$acl_save_libdir" - $1="$flag" - else - dnl The -rpath options are cumulative. - for dir in $rpathdirs; do - acl_save_libdir="$libdir" - libdir="$dir" - eval flag=\"$acl_hardcode_libdir_flag_spec\" - libdir="$acl_save_libdir" - $1="${$1}${$1:+ }$flag" - done - fi - fi - fi - fi - fi - AC_SUBST([$1]) -]) diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/m4/lib-prefix.m4 empathy-3.3.92/m4/lib-prefix.m4 --- empathy-3.3.91/m4/lib-prefix.m4 2012-03-06 14:52:48.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/m4/lib-prefix.m4 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,185 +0,0 @@ -# lib-prefix.m4 serial 5 (gettext-0.15) -dnl Copyright (C) 2001-2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -dnl This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation -dnl gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, -dnl with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. - -dnl From Bruno Haible. - -dnl AC_LIB_ARG_WITH is synonymous to AC_ARG_WITH in autoconf-2.13, and -dnl similar to AC_ARG_WITH in autoconf 2.52...2.57 except that is doesn't -dnl require excessive bracketing. -ifdef([AC_HELP_STRING], -[AC_DEFUN([AC_LIB_ARG_WITH], [AC_ARG_WITH([$1],[[$2]],[$3],[$4])])], -[AC_DEFUN([AC_][LIB_ARG_WITH], [AC_ARG_WITH([$1],[$2],[$3],[$4])])]) - -dnl AC_LIB_PREFIX adds to the CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS the flags that are needed -dnl to access previously installed libraries. The basic assumption is that -dnl a user will want packages to use other packages he previously installed -dnl with the same --prefix option. -dnl This macro is not needed if only AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS is used to locate -dnl libraries, but is otherwise very convenient. -AC_DEFUN([AC_LIB_PREFIX], -[ - AC_BEFORE([$0], [AC_LIB_LINKFLAGS]) - AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_CC]) - AC_REQUIRE([AC_CANONICAL_HOST]) - AC_REQUIRE([AC_LIB_PREPARE_MULTILIB]) - AC_REQUIRE([AC_LIB_PREPARE_PREFIX]) - dnl By default, look in $includedir and $libdir. - use_additional=yes - AC_LIB_WITH_FINAL_PREFIX([ - eval additional_includedir=\"$includedir\" - eval additional_libdir=\"$libdir\" - ]) - AC_LIB_ARG_WITH([lib-prefix], -[ --with-lib-prefix[=DIR] search for libraries in DIR/include and DIR/lib - --without-lib-prefix don't search for libraries in includedir and libdir], -[ - if test "X$withval" = "Xno"; then - use_additional=no - else - if test "X$withval" = "X"; then - AC_LIB_WITH_FINAL_PREFIX([ - eval additional_includedir=\"$includedir\" - eval additional_libdir=\"$libdir\" - ]) - else - additional_includedir="$withval/include" - additional_libdir="$withval/$acl_libdirstem" - fi - fi -]) - if test $use_additional = yes; then - dnl Potentially add $additional_includedir to $CPPFLAGS. - dnl But don't add it - dnl 1. if it's the standard /usr/include, - dnl 2. if it's already present in $CPPFLAGS, - dnl 3. if it's /usr/local/include and we are using GCC on Linux, - dnl 4. if it doesn't exist as a directory. - if test "X$additional_includedir" != "X/usr/include"; then - haveit= - for x in $CPPFLAGS; do - AC_LIB_WITH_FINAL_PREFIX([eval x=\"$x\"]) - if test "X$x" = "X-I$additional_includedir"; then - haveit=yes - break - fi - done - if test -z "$haveit"; then - if test "X$additional_includedir" = "X/usr/local/include"; then - if test -n "$GCC"; then - case $host_os in - linux* | gnu* | k*bsd*-gnu) haveit=yes;; - esac - fi - fi - if test -z "$haveit"; then - if test -d "$additional_includedir"; then - dnl Really add $additional_includedir to $CPPFLAGS. - CPPFLAGS="${CPPFLAGS}${CPPFLAGS:+ }-I$additional_includedir" - fi - fi - fi - fi - dnl Potentially add $additional_libdir to $LDFLAGS. - dnl But don't add it - dnl 1. if it's the standard /usr/lib, - dnl 2. if it's already present in $LDFLAGS, - dnl 3. if it's /usr/local/lib and we are using GCC on Linux, - dnl 4. if it doesn't exist as a directory. - if test "X$additional_libdir" != "X/usr/$acl_libdirstem"; then - haveit= - for x in $LDFLAGS; do - AC_LIB_WITH_FINAL_PREFIX([eval x=\"$x\"]) - if test "X$x" = "X-L$additional_libdir"; then - haveit=yes - break - fi - done - if test -z "$haveit"; then - if test "X$additional_libdir" = "X/usr/local/$acl_libdirstem"; then - if test -n "$GCC"; then - case $host_os in - linux*) haveit=yes;; - esac - fi - fi - if test -z "$haveit"; then - if test -d "$additional_libdir"; then - dnl Really add $additional_libdir to $LDFLAGS. - LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}${LDFLAGS:+ }-L$additional_libdir" - fi - fi - fi - fi - fi -]) - -dnl AC_LIB_PREPARE_PREFIX creates variables acl_final_prefix, -dnl acl_final_exec_prefix, containing the values to which $prefix and -dnl $exec_prefix will expand at the end of the configure script. -AC_DEFUN([AC_LIB_PREPARE_PREFIX], -[ - dnl Unfortunately, prefix and exec_prefix get only finally determined - dnl at the end of configure. - if test "X$prefix" = "XNONE"; then - acl_final_prefix="$ac_default_prefix" - else - acl_final_prefix="$prefix" - fi - if test "X$exec_prefix" = "XNONE"; then - acl_final_exec_prefix='${prefix}' - else - acl_final_exec_prefix="$exec_prefix" - fi - acl_save_prefix="$prefix" - prefix="$acl_final_prefix" - eval acl_final_exec_prefix=\"$acl_final_exec_prefix\" - prefix="$acl_save_prefix" -]) - -dnl AC_LIB_WITH_FINAL_PREFIX([statement]) evaluates statement, with the -dnl variables prefix and exec_prefix bound to the values they will have -dnl at the end of the configure script. -AC_DEFUN([AC_LIB_WITH_FINAL_PREFIX], -[ - acl_save_prefix="$prefix" - prefix="$acl_final_prefix" - acl_save_exec_prefix="$exec_prefix" - exec_prefix="$acl_final_exec_prefix" - $1 - exec_prefix="$acl_save_exec_prefix" - prefix="$acl_save_prefix" -]) - -dnl AC_LIB_PREPARE_MULTILIB creates a variable acl_libdirstem, containing -dnl the basename of the libdir, either "lib" or "lib64". -AC_DEFUN([AC_LIB_PREPARE_MULTILIB], -[ - dnl There is no formal standard regarding lib and lib64. The current - dnl practice is that on a system supporting 32-bit and 64-bit instruction - dnl sets or ABIs, 64-bit libraries go under $prefix/lib64 and 32-bit - dnl libraries go under $prefix/lib. We determine the compiler's default - dnl mode by looking at the compiler's library search path. If at least - dnl of its elements ends in /lib64 or points to a directory whose absolute - dnl pathname ends in /lib64, we assume a 64-bit ABI. Otherwise we use the - dnl default, namely "lib". - acl_libdirstem=lib - searchpath=`(LC_ALL=C $CC -print-search-dirs) 2>/dev/null | sed -n -e 's,^libraries: ,,p' | sed -e 's,^=,,'` - if test -n "$searchpath"; then - acl_save_IFS="${IFS= }"; IFS=":" - for searchdir in $searchpath; do - if test -d "$searchdir"; then - case "$searchdir" in - */lib64/ | */lib64 ) acl_libdirstem=lib64 ;; - *) searchdir=`cd "$searchdir" && pwd` - case "$searchdir" in - */lib64 ) acl_libdirstem=lib64 ;; - esac ;; - esac - fi - done - IFS="$acl_save_IFS" - fi -]) diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/m4/nls.m4 empathy-3.3.92/m4/nls.m4 --- empathy-3.3.91/m4/nls.m4 2012-03-06 14:52:48.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/m4/nls.m4 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,31 +0,0 @@ -# nls.m4 serial 3 (gettext-0.15) -dnl Copyright (C) 1995-2003, 2005-2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -dnl This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation -dnl gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, -dnl with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. -dnl -dnl This file can can be used in projects which are not available under -dnl the GNU General Public License or the GNU Library General Public -dnl License but which still want to provide support for the GNU gettext -dnl functionality. -dnl Please note that the actual code of the GNU gettext library is covered -dnl by the GNU Library General Public License, and the rest of the GNU -dnl gettext package package is covered by the GNU General Public License. -dnl They are *not* in the public domain. - -dnl Authors: -dnl Ulrich Drepper , 1995-2000. -dnl Bruno Haible , 2000-2003. - -AC_PREREQ(2.50) - -AC_DEFUN([AM_NLS], -[ - AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether NLS is requested]) - dnl Default is enabled NLS - AC_ARG_ENABLE(nls, - [ --disable-nls do not use Native Language Support], - USE_NLS=$enableval, USE_NLS=yes) - AC_MSG_RESULT($USE_NLS) - AC_SUBST(USE_NLS) -]) diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/m4/po.m4 empathy-3.3.92/m4/po.m4 --- empathy-3.3.91/m4/po.m4 2012-03-06 14:52:48.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/m4/po.m4 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,449 +0,0 @@ -# po.m4 serial 15 (gettext-0.17) -dnl Copyright (C) 1995-2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -dnl This file is free software; the Free Software Foundation -dnl gives unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, -dnl with or without modifications, as long as this notice is preserved. -dnl -dnl This file can can be used in projects which are not available under -dnl the GNU General Public License or the GNU Library General Public -dnl License but which still want to provide support for the GNU gettext -dnl functionality. -dnl Please note that the actual code of the GNU gettext library is covered -dnl by the GNU Library General Public License, and the rest of the GNU -dnl gettext package package is covered by the GNU General Public License. -dnl They are *not* in the public domain. - -dnl Authors: -dnl Ulrich Drepper , 1995-2000. -dnl Bruno Haible , 2000-2003. - -AC_PREREQ(2.50) - -dnl Checks for all prerequisites of the po subdirectory. -AC_DEFUN([AM_PO_SUBDIRS], -[ - AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_MAKE_SET])dnl - AC_REQUIRE([AC_PROG_INSTALL])dnl - AC_REQUIRE([AM_PROG_MKDIR_P])dnl defined by automake - AC_REQUIRE([AM_NLS])dnl - - dnl Release version of the gettext macros. This is used to ensure that - dnl the gettext macros and po/Makefile.in.in are in sync. - AC_SUBST([GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION], [0.17]) - - dnl Perform the following tests also if --disable-nls has been given, - dnl because they are needed for "make dist" to work. - - dnl Search for GNU msgfmt in the PATH. - dnl The first test excludes Solaris msgfmt and early GNU msgfmt versions. - dnl The second test excludes FreeBSD msgfmt. - AM_PATH_PROG_WITH_TEST(MSGFMT, msgfmt, - [$ac_dir/$ac_word --statistics /dev/null >&]AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD[ 2>&1 && - (if $ac_dir/$ac_word --statistics /dev/null 2>&1 >/dev/null | grep usage >/dev/null; then exit 1; else exit 0; fi)], - :) - AC_PATH_PROG(GMSGFMT, gmsgfmt, $MSGFMT) - - dnl Test whether it is GNU msgfmt >= 0.15. -changequote(,)dnl - case `$MSGFMT --version | sed 1q | sed -e 's,^[^0-9]*,,'` in - '' | 0.[0-9] | 0.[0-9].* | 0.1[0-4] | 0.1[0-4].*) MSGFMT_015=: ;; - *) MSGFMT_015=$MSGFMT ;; - esac -changequote([,])dnl - AC_SUBST([MSGFMT_015]) -changequote(,)dnl - case `$GMSGFMT --version | sed 1q | sed -e 's,^[^0-9]*,,'` in - '' | 0.[0-9] | 0.[0-9].* | 0.1[0-4] | 0.1[0-4].*) GMSGFMT_015=: ;; - *) GMSGFMT_015=$GMSGFMT ;; - esac -changequote([,])dnl - AC_SUBST([GMSGFMT_015]) - - dnl Search for GNU xgettext 0.12 or newer in the PATH. - dnl The first test excludes Solaris xgettext and early GNU xgettext versions. - dnl The second test excludes FreeBSD xgettext. - AM_PATH_PROG_WITH_TEST(XGETTEXT, xgettext, - [$ac_dir/$ac_word --omit-header --copyright-holder= --msgid-bugs-address= /dev/null >&]AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD[ 2>&1 && - (if $ac_dir/$ac_word --omit-header --copyright-holder= --msgid-bugs-address= /dev/null 2>&1 >/dev/null | grep usage >/dev/null; then exit 1; else exit 0; fi)], - :) - dnl Remove leftover from FreeBSD xgettext call. - rm -f messages.po - - dnl Test whether it is GNU xgettext >= 0.15. -changequote(,)dnl - case `$XGETTEXT --version | sed 1q | sed -e 's,^[^0-9]*,,'` in - '' | 0.[0-9] | 0.[0-9].* | 0.1[0-4] | 0.1[0-4].*) XGETTEXT_015=: ;; - *) XGETTEXT_015=$XGETTEXT ;; - esac -changequote([,])dnl - AC_SUBST([XGETTEXT_015]) - - dnl Search for GNU msgmerge 0.11 or newer in the PATH. - AM_PATH_PROG_WITH_TEST(MSGMERGE, msgmerge, - [$ac_dir/$ac_word --update -q /dev/null /dev/null >&]AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD[ 2>&1], :) - - dnl Installation directories. - dnl Autoconf >= 2.60 defines localedir. For older versions of autoconf, we - dnl have to define it here, so that it can be used in po/Makefile. - test -n "$localedir" || localedir='${datadir}/locale' - AC_SUBST([localedir]) - - dnl Support for AM_XGETTEXT_OPTION. - test -n "${XGETTEXT_EXTRA_OPTIONS+set}" || XGETTEXT_EXTRA_OPTIONS= - AC_SUBST([XGETTEXT_EXTRA_OPTIONS]) - - AC_CONFIG_COMMANDS([po-directories], [[ - for ac_file in $CONFIG_FILES; do - # Support "outfile[:infile[:infile...]]" - case "$ac_file" in - *:*) ac_file=`echo "$ac_file"|sed 's%:.*%%'` ;; - esac - # PO directories have a Makefile.in generated from Makefile.in.in. - case "$ac_file" in */Makefile.in) - # Adjust a relative srcdir. - ac_dir=`echo "$ac_file"|sed 's%/[^/][^/]*$%%'` - ac_dir_suffix="/`echo "$ac_dir"|sed 's%^\./%%'`" - ac_dots=`echo "$ac_dir_suffix"|sed 's%/[^/]*%../%g'` - # In autoconf-2.13 it is called $ac_given_srcdir. - # In autoconf-2.50 it is called $srcdir. - test -n "$ac_given_srcdir" || ac_given_srcdir="$srcdir" - case "$ac_given_srcdir" in - .) top_srcdir=`echo $ac_dots|sed 's%/$%%'` ;; - /*) top_srcdir="$ac_given_srcdir" ;; - *) top_srcdir="$ac_dots$ac_given_srcdir" ;; - esac - # Treat a directory as a PO directory if and only if it has a - # POTFILES.in file. This allows packages to have multiple PO - # directories under different names or in different locations. - if test -f "$ac_given_srcdir/$ac_dir/POTFILES.in"; then - rm -f "$ac_dir/POTFILES" - test -n "$as_me" && echo "$as_me: creating $ac_dir/POTFILES" || echo "creating $ac_dir/POTFILES" - cat "$ac_given_srcdir/$ac_dir/POTFILES.in" | sed -e "/^#/d" -e "/^[ ]*\$/d" -e "s,.*, $top_srcdir/& \\\\," | sed -e "\$s/\(.*\) \\\\/\1/" > "$ac_dir/POTFILES" - POMAKEFILEDEPS="POTFILES.in" - # ALL_LINGUAS, POFILES, UPDATEPOFILES, DUMMYPOFILES, GMOFILES depend - # on $ac_dir but don't depend on user-specified configuration - # parameters. - if test -f "$ac_given_srcdir/$ac_dir/LINGUAS"; then - # The LINGUAS file contains the set of available languages. - if test -n "$OBSOLETE_ALL_LINGUAS"; then - test -n "$as_me" && echo "$as_me: setting ALL_LINGUAS in configure.in is obsolete" || echo "setting ALL_LINGUAS in configure.in is obsolete" - fi - ALL_LINGUAS_=`sed -e "/^#/d" -e "s/#.*//" "$ac_given_srcdir/$ac_dir/LINGUAS"` - # Hide the ALL_LINGUAS assigment from automake < 1.5. - eval 'ALL_LINGUAS''=$ALL_LINGUAS_' - POMAKEFILEDEPS="$POMAKEFILEDEPS LINGUAS" - else - # The set of available languages was given in configure.in. - # Hide the ALL_LINGUAS assigment from automake < 1.5. - eval 'ALL_LINGUAS''=$OBSOLETE_ALL_LINGUAS' - fi - # Compute POFILES - # as $(foreach lang, $(ALL_LINGUAS), $(srcdir)/$(lang).po) - # Compute UPDATEPOFILES - # as $(foreach lang, $(ALL_LINGUAS), $(lang).po-update) - # Compute DUMMYPOFILES - # as $(foreach lang, $(ALL_LINGUAS), $(lang).nop) - # Compute GMOFILES - # as $(foreach lang, $(ALL_LINGUAS), $(srcdir)/$(lang).gmo) - case "$ac_given_srcdir" in - .) srcdirpre= ;; - *) srcdirpre='$(srcdir)/' ;; - esac - POFILES= - UPDATEPOFILES= - DUMMYPOFILES= - GMOFILES= - for lang in $ALL_LINGUAS; do - POFILES="$POFILES $srcdirpre$lang.po" - UPDATEPOFILES="$UPDATEPOFILES $lang.po-update" - DUMMYPOFILES="$DUMMYPOFILES $lang.nop" - GMOFILES="$GMOFILES $srcdirpre$lang.gmo" - done - # CATALOGS depends on both $ac_dir and the user's LINGUAS - # environment variable. - INST_LINGUAS= - if test -n "$ALL_LINGUAS"; then - for presentlang in $ALL_LINGUAS; do - useit=no - if test "%UNSET%" != "$LINGUAS"; then - desiredlanguages="$LINGUAS" - else - desiredlanguages="$ALL_LINGUAS" - fi - for desiredlang in $desiredlanguages; do - # Use the presentlang catalog if desiredlang is - # a. equal to presentlang, or - # b. a variant of presentlang (because in this case, - # presentlang can be used as a fallback for messages - # which are not translated in the desiredlang catalog). - case "$desiredlang" in - "$presentlang"*) useit=yes;; - esac - done - if test $useit = yes; then - INST_LINGUAS="$INST_LINGUAS $presentlang" - fi - done - fi - CATALOGS= - if test -n "$INST_LINGUAS"; then - for lang in $INST_LINGUAS; do - CATALOGS="$CATALOGS $lang.gmo" - done - fi - test -n "$as_me" && echo "$as_me: creating $ac_dir/Makefile" || echo "creating $ac_dir/Makefile" - sed -e "/^POTFILES =/r $ac_dir/POTFILES" -e "/^# Makevars/r $ac_given_srcdir/$ac_dir/Makevars" -e "s|@POFILES@|$POFILES|g" -e "s|@UPDATEPOFILES@|$UPDATEPOFILES|g" -e "s|@DUMMYPOFILES@|$DUMMYPOFILES|g" -e "s|@GMOFILES@|$GMOFILES|g" -e "s|@CATALOGS@|$CATALOGS|g" -e "s|@POMAKEFILEDEPS@|$POMAKEFILEDEPS|g" "$ac_dir/Makefile.in" > "$ac_dir/Makefile" - for f in "$ac_given_srcdir/$ac_dir"/Rules-*; do - if test -f "$f"; then - case "$f" in - *.orig | *.bak | *~) ;; - *) cat "$f" >> "$ac_dir/Makefile" ;; - esac - fi - done - fi - ;; - esac - done]], - [# Capture the value of obsolete ALL_LINGUAS because we need it to compute - # POFILES, UPDATEPOFILES, DUMMYPOFILES, GMOFILES, CATALOGS. But hide it - # from automake < 1.5. - eval 'OBSOLETE_ALL_LINGUAS''="$ALL_LINGUAS"' - # Capture the value of LINGUAS because we need it to compute CATALOGS. - LINGUAS="${LINGUAS-%UNSET%}" - ]) -]) - -dnl Postprocesses a Makefile in a directory containing PO files. -AC_DEFUN([AM_POSTPROCESS_PO_MAKEFILE], -[ - # When this code is run, in config.status, two variables have already been - # set: - # - OBSOLETE_ALL_LINGUAS is the value of LINGUAS set in configure.in, - # - LINGUAS is the value of the environment variable LINGUAS at configure - # time. - -changequote(,)dnl - # Adjust a relative srcdir. - ac_dir=`echo "$ac_file"|sed 's%/[^/][^/]*$%%'` - ac_dir_suffix="/`echo "$ac_dir"|sed 's%^\./%%'`" - ac_dots=`echo "$ac_dir_suffix"|sed 's%/[^/]*%../%g'` - # In autoconf-2.13 it is called $ac_given_srcdir. - # In autoconf-2.50 it is called $srcdir. - test -n "$ac_given_srcdir" || ac_given_srcdir="$srcdir" - case "$ac_given_srcdir" in - .) top_srcdir=`echo $ac_dots|sed 's%/$%%'` ;; - /*) top_srcdir="$ac_given_srcdir" ;; - *) top_srcdir="$ac_dots$ac_given_srcdir" ;; - esac - - # Find a way to echo strings without interpreting backslash. - if test "X`(echo '\t') 2>/dev/null`" = 'X\t'; then - gt_echo='echo' - else - if test "X`(printf '%s\n' '\t') 2>/dev/null`" = 'X\t'; then - gt_echo='printf %s\n' - else - echo_func () { - cat < "$ac_file.tmp" - if grep -l '@TCLCATALOGS@' "$ac_file" > /dev/null; then - # Add dependencies that cannot be formulated as a simple suffix rule. - for lang in $ALL_LINGUAS; do - frobbedlang=`echo $lang | sed -e 's/\..*$//' -e 'y/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz/'` - cat >> "$ac_file.tmp" < /dev/null; then - # Add dependencies that cannot be formulated as a simple suffix rule. - for lang in $ALL_LINGUAS; do - frobbedlang=`echo $lang | sed -e 's/_/-/g' -e 's/^sr-CS/sr-SP/' -e 's/@latin$/-Latn/' -e 's/@cyrillic$/-Cyrl/' -e 's/^sr-SP$/sr-SP-Latn/' -e 's/^uz-UZ$/uz-UZ-Latn/'` - cat >> "$ac_file.tmp" <> "$ac_file.tmp" <, 1996. - -AC_PREREQ(2.50) - -# Search path for a program which passes the given test. - -dnl AM_PATH_PROG_WITH_TEST(VARIABLE, PROG-TO-CHECK-FOR, -dnl TEST-PERFORMED-ON-FOUND_PROGRAM [, VALUE-IF-NOT-FOUND [, PATH]]) -AC_DEFUN([AM_PATH_PROG_WITH_TEST], -[ -# Prepare PATH_SEPARATOR. -# The user is always right. -if test "${PATH_SEPARATOR+set}" != set; then - echo "#! /bin/sh" >conf$$.sh - echo "exit 0" >>conf$$.sh - chmod +x conf$$.sh - if (PATH="/nonexistent;."; conf$$.sh) >/dev/null 2>&1; then - PATH_SEPARATOR=';' - else - PATH_SEPARATOR=: - fi - rm -f conf$$.sh -fi - -# Find out how to test for executable files. Don't use a zero-byte file, -# as systems may use methods other than mode bits to determine executability. -cat >conf$$.file <<_ASEOF -#! /bin/sh -exit 0 -_ASEOF -chmod +x conf$$.file -if test -x conf$$.file >/dev/null 2>&1; then - ac_executable_p="test -x" -else - ac_executable_p="test -f" -fi -rm -f conf$$.file - -# Extract the first word of "$2", so it can be a program name with args. -set dummy $2; ac_word=[$]2 -AC_MSG_CHECKING([for $ac_word]) -AC_CACHE_VAL(ac_cv_path_$1, -[case "[$]$1" in - [[\\/]]* | ?:[[\\/]]*) - ac_cv_path_$1="[$]$1" # Let the user override the test with a path. - ;; - *) - ac_save_IFS="$IFS"; IFS=$PATH_SEPARATOR - for ac_dir in ifelse([$5], , $PATH, [$5]); do - IFS="$ac_save_IFS" - test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=. - for ac_exec_ext in '' $ac_executable_extensions; do - if $ac_executable_p "$ac_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext"; then - echo "$as_me: trying $ac_dir/$ac_word..." >&AS_MESSAGE_LOG_FD - if [$3]; then - ac_cv_path_$1="$ac_dir/$ac_word$ac_exec_ext" - break 2 - fi - fi - done - done - IFS="$ac_save_IFS" -dnl If no 4th arg is given, leave the cache variable unset, -dnl so AC_PATH_PROGS will keep looking. -ifelse([$4], , , [ test -z "[$]ac_cv_path_$1" && ac_cv_path_$1="$4" -])dnl - ;; -esac])dnl -$1="$ac_cv_path_$1" -if test ifelse([$4], , [-n "[$]$1"], ["[$]$1" != "$4"]); then - AC_MSG_RESULT([$]$1) -else - AC_MSG_RESULT(no) -fi -AC_SUBST($1)dnl -]) diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/Makefile.in empathy-3.3.92/Makefile.in --- empathy-3.3.91/Makefile.in 2012-03-06 15:30:01.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/Makefile.in 2012-03-20 09:39:21.000000000 +0000 @@ -38,22 +38,17 @@ subdir = . DIST_COMMON = README $(am__configure_deps) $(srcdir)/Makefile.am \ $(srcdir)/Makefile.in $(srcdir)/config.h.in \ - $(top_srcdir)/configure ABOUT-NLS AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog \ - INSTALL NEWS TODO config.guess config.rpath config.sub depcomp \ - install-sh ltmain.sh missing + $(top_srcdir)/configure AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog INSTALL NEWS \ + TODO config.guess config.sub depcomp install-sh ltmain.sh \ + missing ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4 am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/m4/as-compiler-flag.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/m4/empathy-args.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/m4/empathy-valgrind.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/gettext.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/gsettings.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/iconv.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/intlmacosx.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/intltool.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/lib-ld.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/lib-link.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/lib-prefix.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/m4/gsettings.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/intltool.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/m4/libtool.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/ltoptions.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/m4/ltsugar.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/ltversion.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/lt~obsolete.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/nls.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/po.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/progtest.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/configure.ac + $(top_srcdir)/m4/lt~obsolete.m4 $(top_srcdir)/configure.ac am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \ $(ACLOCAL_M4) am__CONFIG_DISTCLEAN_FILES = config.status config.cache config.log \ @@ -167,7 +162,6 @@ GEOCLUE_LIBS = @GEOCLUE_LIBS@ GEOCODE_CFLAGS = @GEOCODE_CFLAGS@ GEOCODE_LIBS = @GEOCODE_LIBS@ -GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION = @GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION@ GETTEXT_PACKAGE = @GETTEXT_PACKAGE@ GLIB_CFLAGS = @GLIB_CFLAGS@ GLIB_COMPILE_RESOURCES = @GLIB_COMPILE_RESOURCES@ @@ -176,7 +170,6 @@ GLIB_LIBS = @GLIB_LIBS@ GLIB_MKENUMS = @GLIB_MKENUMS@ GMSGFMT = @GMSGFMT@ -GMSGFMT_015 = @GMSGFMT_015@ GOA_CFLAGS = @GOA_CFLAGS@ GOA_LIBS = @GOA_LIBS@ GOBJECT_QUERY = @GOBJECT_QUERY@ @@ -188,27 +181,21 @@ INSTALL_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_PROGRAM@ INSTALL_SCRIPT = @INSTALL_SCRIPT@ INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM@ -INTLLIBS = @INTLLIBS@ INTLTOOL_EXTRACT = @INTLTOOL_EXTRACT@ INTLTOOL_MERGE = @INTLTOOL_MERGE@ INTLTOOL_PERL = @INTLTOOL_PERL@ INTLTOOL_UPDATE = @INTLTOOL_UPDATE@ -INTL_MACOSX_LIBS = @INTL_MACOSX_LIBS@ ITSTOOL = @ITSTOOL@ LD = @LD@ LDFLAGS = @LDFLAGS@ LIBCHAMPLAIN_CFLAGS = @LIBCHAMPLAIN_CFLAGS@ LIBCHAMPLAIN_LIBS = @LIBCHAMPLAIN_LIBS@ -LIBICONV = @LIBICONV@ -LIBINTL = @LIBINTL@ LIBM = @LIBM@ LIBOBJS = @LIBOBJS@ LIBS = @LIBS@ LIBTOOL = @LIBTOOL@ LIPO = @LIPO@ LN_S = @LN_S@ -LTLIBICONV = @LTLIBICONV@ -LTLIBINTL = @LTLIBINTL@ LTLIBOBJS = @LTLIBOBJS@ MAKEINFO = @MAKEINFO@ MANIFEST_TOOL = @MANIFEST_TOOL@ @@ -217,7 +204,6 @@ MISSION_CONTROL_PLUGINS_DIR = @MISSION_CONTROL_PLUGINS_DIR@ MKDIR_P = @MKDIR_P@ MSGFMT = @MSGFMT@ -MSGFMT_015 = @MSGFMT_015@ MSGMERGE = @MSGMERGE@ NETWORK_MANAGER_CFLAGS = @NETWORK_MANAGER_CFLAGS@ NETWORK_MANAGER_LIBS = @NETWORK_MANAGER_LIBS@ @@ -240,7 +226,6 @@ PKG_CONFIG = @PKG_CONFIG@ PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR = @PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR@ PKG_CONFIG_PATH = @PKG_CONFIG_PATH@ -POSUB = @POSUB@ PYTHON = @PYTHON@ PYTHON_EXEC_PREFIX = @PYTHON_EXEC_PREFIX@ PYTHON_PLATFORM = @PYTHON_PLATFORM@ @@ -259,8 +244,6 @@ VALGRIND_PATH = @VALGRIND_PATH@ VERSION = @VERSION@ XGETTEXT = @XGETTEXT@ -XGETTEXT_015 = @XGETTEXT_015@ -XGETTEXT_EXTRA_OPTIONS = @XGETTEXT_EXTRA_OPTIONS@ XMKMF = @XMKMF@ XMLLINT = @XMLLINT@ XSLTPROC = @XSLTPROC@ diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/nautilus-sendto-plugin/Makefile.in empathy-3.3.92/nautilus-sendto-plugin/Makefile.in --- empathy-3.3.91/nautilus-sendto-plugin/Makefile.in 2012-03-06 15:30:01.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/nautilus-sendto-plugin/Makefile.in 2012-03-20 09:39:21.000000000 +0000 @@ -40,15 +40,10 @@ am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/m4/as-compiler-flag.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/m4/empathy-args.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/m4/empathy-valgrind.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/gettext.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/gsettings.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/iconv.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/intlmacosx.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/intltool.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/lib-ld.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/lib-link.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/lib-prefix.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/m4/gsettings.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/intltool.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/m4/libtool.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/ltoptions.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/m4/ltsugar.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/ltversion.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/lt~obsolete.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/nls.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/po.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/progtest.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/configure.ac + $(top_srcdir)/m4/lt~obsolete.m4 $(top_srcdir)/configure.ac am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \ $(ACLOCAL_M4) mkinstalldirs = $(install_sh) -d @@ -169,7 +164,6 @@ GEOCLUE_LIBS = @GEOCLUE_LIBS@ GEOCODE_CFLAGS = @GEOCODE_CFLAGS@ GEOCODE_LIBS = @GEOCODE_LIBS@ -GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION = @GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION@ GETTEXT_PACKAGE = @GETTEXT_PACKAGE@ GLIB_CFLAGS = @GLIB_CFLAGS@ GLIB_COMPILE_RESOURCES = @GLIB_COMPILE_RESOURCES@ @@ -178,7 +172,6 @@ GLIB_LIBS = @GLIB_LIBS@ GLIB_MKENUMS = @GLIB_MKENUMS@ GMSGFMT = @GMSGFMT@ -GMSGFMT_015 = @GMSGFMT_015@ GOA_CFLAGS = @GOA_CFLAGS@ GOA_LIBS = @GOA_LIBS@ GOBJECT_QUERY = @GOBJECT_QUERY@ @@ -190,27 +183,21 @@ INSTALL_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_PROGRAM@ INSTALL_SCRIPT = @INSTALL_SCRIPT@ INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM@ -INTLLIBS = @INTLLIBS@ INTLTOOL_EXTRACT = @INTLTOOL_EXTRACT@ INTLTOOL_MERGE = @INTLTOOL_MERGE@ INTLTOOL_PERL = @INTLTOOL_PERL@ INTLTOOL_UPDATE = @INTLTOOL_UPDATE@ -INTL_MACOSX_LIBS = @INTL_MACOSX_LIBS@ ITSTOOL = @ITSTOOL@ LD = @LD@ LDFLAGS = @LDFLAGS@ LIBCHAMPLAIN_CFLAGS = @LIBCHAMPLAIN_CFLAGS@ LIBCHAMPLAIN_LIBS = @LIBCHAMPLAIN_LIBS@ -LIBICONV = @LIBICONV@ -LIBINTL = @LIBINTL@ LIBM = @LIBM@ LIBOBJS = @LIBOBJS@ LIBS = @LIBS@ LIBTOOL = @LIBTOOL@ LIPO = @LIPO@ LN_S = @LN_S@ -LTLIBICONV = @LTLIBICONV@ -LTLIBINTL = @LTLIBINTL@ LTLIBOBJS = @LTLIBOBJS@ MAKEINFO = @MAKEINFO@ MANIFEST_TOOL = @MANIFEST_TOOL@ @@ -219,7 +206,6 @@ MISSION_CONTROL_PLUGINS_DIR = @MISSION_CONTROL_PLUGINS_DIR@ MKDIR_P = @MKDIR_P@ MSGFMT = @MSGFMT@ -MSGFMT_015 = @MSGFMT_015@ MSGMERGE = @MSGMERGE@ NETWORK_MANAGER_CFLAGS = @NETWORK_MANAGER_CFLAGS@ NETWORK_MANAGER_LIBS = @NETWORK_MANAGER_LIBS@ @@ -242,7 +228,6 @@ PKG_CONFIG = @PKG_CONFIG@ PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR = @PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR@ PKG_CONFIG_PATH = @PKG_CONFIG_PATH@ -POSUB = @POSUB@ PYTHON = @PYTHON@ PYTHON_EXEC_PREFIX = @PYTHON_EXEC_PREFIX@ PYTHON_PLATFORM = @PYTHON_PLATFORM@ @@ -261,8 +246,6 @@ VALGRIND_PATH = @VALGRIND_PATH@ VERSION = @VERSION@ XGETTEXT = @XGETTEXT@ -XGETTEXT_015 = @XGETTEXT_015@ -XGETTEXT_EXTRA_OPTIONS = @XGETTEXT_EXTRA_OPTIONS@ XMKMF = @XMKMF@ XMLLINT = @XMLLINT@ XSLTPROC = @XSLTPROC@ diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/NEWS empathy-3.3.92/NEWS --- empathy-3.3.91/NEWS 2012-03-06 15:29:45.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/NEWS 2012-03-20 09:39:02.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,3 +1,71 @@ +NEW in 3.3.92 (20/03/2012) +============= + +Dependencies: + • GTK+ ≥ 3.3.6 + • clutter-gst ≥ 1.5.2 + • clutter-gtk ≥ 0.90.3 + • geoclue ≥ 0.12 (optional) + • champlain-0.12 (optional) + +Bugs fixed: + - Fixed #671718, Rendering artifacts in the call window (Emanuele Aina) + - Fixed #671720, The video preview is not rounded the same way as its highlight rectangle (Emanuele Aina) + - Fixed #671931, Crash receiving a call on a already disconnected empathy call window (Emanuele Aina) + - Fixed #672063, Crash on hangup in audio-only video call (Emanuele Aina) + - Fixed #616159, Should try to get icons from EMPATHY_SRCDIR (Emanuele Aina) + - Fixed #671035, Accounts dialog doesn't update when account goes online (Guillaume Desmottes) + - Fixed #671547, MUC: make F9 toggle the contact list sidebar (Will Thompson) + - Fixed #671644, Border overflows not taken in account when drawing Clutter actors in empathy-call (Emanuele Aina) + - Fixed #671790, empathy-accounts crashed with SIGSEGV in empathy_account_settings_get_account() (Guillaume Desmottes) + - Fixed #671875, Untranslated strings in libempathy/empathy-keyring.c (Gabor Kelemen) + - Fixed #671884, Information display of group chat contacts and irc contacts broken (Guillaume Desmottes) + - Fixed #671914, Receiving Files via XMPP isn't working + - Fixed #671981, Should replace the birthday calendar by a button (Guillaume Desmottes) + - Fixed #671983, Hide stupid vCard field roles (Guillaume Desmottes) + - Fixed #671994, Contact list only appears after several seconds (Guillaume Desmottes) + - Fixed #672036, Remove account info (Guillaume Desmottes) + - Fixed #672037, Right align contact info fields (Guillaume Desmottes) + - Fixed #672120, Set chat.facebook.com:443 as fallback server (Guillaume Desmottes) + +Translations: + - Updated as Translation (Nilamdyuti Goswami) + - Updated be Translation (Ihar Hrachyshka) + - Updated bg Translation (Alexander Shopov) + - Updated ca Translation (Gil Forcada) + - Updated ca@valencia Translation (Carles Ferrando) + - Updated cs Translation (Marek Černocký) + - Updated en_GB Translation (Bruce Cowan) + - Updated eo Translation (Kristjan SCHMIDT) + - Updated es Translation (Daniel Mustieles) + - Updated et Translation (Mattias Põldaru) + - Updated eu Translation (Inaki Larranaga Murgoitio) + - Updated fi Translation (Timo Jyrinki) + - Updated gl Translation (Fran Diéguez) + - Updated hu Translation (Gabor Kelemen) + - Updated it Translation (Milo Casagrande) + - Updated kn Translation (Shankar Prasad) + - Updated ko Translation (Seong-ho Cho) + - Updated lt Translation (Aurimas Černius) + - Updated lv Translation (Rudolfs Mazurs) + - Updated ml Translation (Praveen Arimbrathodiyil) + - Updated nb Translation (Kjartan Maraas) + - Updated nl Translation (Wouter Bolsterlee, Hannie Dumoleyn) + - Updated pa Translation (A S Alam) + - Updated pl Translation (Piotr Drąg) + - Updated pt_BR Translation (Djavan Fagundes) + - Updated ru Translation (Yuri Kozlov, Yuri Myasoedov) + - Updated sl Translation (Matej Urbančič) + - Updated sr@latin Translation (Мирослав Николић) + - Updated sr Translation (Мирослав Николић) + - Updated sv Translation (Daniel Nylander) + - Updated uk Translation (Daniel Korostil) + +Documentation translations: + - Updated hu Documentation translation (Gabor Kelemen) + - Updated lv Documentation translation (Viesturs Ružāns) + - Updated sl Documentation translation (Andrej Žnidaršič) + NEW in 3.3.91 (06/03/2012) ============= diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/po/as.po empathy-3.3.92/po/as.po --- empathy-3.3.91/po/as.po 2012-02-17 14:00:26.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/po/as.po 2012-03-19 09:12:31.000000000 +0000 @@ -2,14 +2,14 @@ # Copyright (C) 2009 empathy's COPYRIGHT HOLDER # This file is distributed under the same license as the empathy package. # -# Nilamdyuti Goswami , 2011. +# Nilamdyuti Goswami , 2011, 2012. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: empathy gnome-2-28\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?" -"product=empathy&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=General\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-19 19:10+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-15 19:40+0530\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug." +"cgi?product=empathy&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=General\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-16 10:47+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-16 19:32+0530\n" "Last-Translator: Nilamdyuti Goswami \n" "Language-Team: as_IN \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -19,670 +19,679 @@ "X-Generator: Lokalize 1.0\n" #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:1 -msgid "Chat on Google Talk, Facebook, MSN and many other chat services" -msgstr "Google Talk, Facebook, MSN আৰু বহুতো অন্য চেট সেৱাসমূহত চেট কৰক" - -#: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:2 msgid "Empathy" msgstr "Empathy" +#: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:2 +msgid "IM Client" +msgstr "IM গ্ৰাহক" + #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:3 msgid "Empathy Internet Messaging" msgstr "Empathy ইন্টাৰনেট বাৰ্তাকৰণ" #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:4 -msgid "IM Client" -msgstr "IM গ্ৰাহক" +msgid "Chat on Google Talk, Facebook, MSN and many other chat services" +msgstr "Google Talk, Facebook, MSN আৰু বহুতো অন্য চেট সেৱাসমূহত চেট কৰক" + +#. Tweak the dialog +#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2512 +msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts" +msgstr "বাৰ্তা আৰু VoIP একাওন্টসমূহ" + +#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:2 +msgid "Manage Messaging and VoIP accounts" +msgstr "বাৰ্তা আৰু VoIP একাওন্টসমূহ ব্যৱস্থাপনা কৰক" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:1 -msgid "Always open a separate chat window for new chats." -msgstr "নতুন চেটৰ বাবে সদায়ে পৃথক চেট উইন্ডো খোলা হ'ব।" +msgid "Connection managers should be used" +msgstr "সংযোগ ব্যৱস্থাপকসমূহ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰক" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:2 -msgid "Call volume" -msgstr "কল ভলিউম" +msgid "" +"Whether connectivity managers should be used to automatically disconnect/" +"reconnect." +msgstr "" +"স্বচালিতভাৱে বিচ্ছিন্ন/পুনৰসংযোগ কৰিবলে সংযোগ ব্যৱস্থাপকসমূহক ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিব লাগে নে।" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:3 -msgid "Call volume, as a percentage." -msgstr "কল ভলিউম, এটা শতাংশ হিচাপে।" +msgid "Empathy should auto-connect on startup" +msgstr "আৰম্ভ সময়ত Empathy দ্বাৰা স্বচালিতভাৱে সংযোগ স্থাপন কৰক" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:4 -msgid "Camera device" -msgstr "কেমেৰা ডিভাইচ" +msgid "Whether Empathy should automatically log into your accounts on startup." +msgstr "Empathy -এ আৰম্ভণিত আপোনাৰ একাওন্টসমূহত স্বচালিতভাৱে লগিন কৰিব লাগে নে।" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:5 -msgid "Camera position" -msgstr "কেমেৰা অৱস্থান" +msgid "Empathy should auto-away when idle" +msgstr "Empathy অলস অৱস্থাত স্বচালিতভাৱে-আতৰত হব লাগিব" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:6 -msgid "" -"Character to add after nickname when using nick completion (tab) in group " -"chat." -msgstr "" -"দলৰ সৈতে চেট কৰা সময়ত উপনাম সম্পূৰ্ণ (টেব) ব্যৱহাৰ কৰোতে উপনামৰ পিছত যোগ কৰিব " -"লগিয়া আখৰ।" +msgid "Whether Empathy should go into away mode automatically if the user is idle." +msgstr "ব্যৱহাৰকাৰী অলস থাকিলে Empathy -এ স্বচালিতভাৱে আতৰ অৱস্থাত যাব লাগে নে।" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:7 -msgid "Chat window theme" -msgstr "চেট উইন্ডোৰ থীম" +msgid "Empathy default download folder" +msgstr "Empathy ৰ অবিকল্পিত ডাউনল'ড ফোল্ডাৰ" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:8 -msgid "Chat window theme variant" -msgstr "চেট উইন্ডো থীম অপৰ" +msgid "The default folder to save file transfers in." +msgstr "স্থানান্তৰ কৰা সামগ্ৰী সংৰক্ষণৰ বাবে চিহ্নিত ফোল্ডাৰ।" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:9 -msgid "" -"Comma-separated list of spell checker languages to use (e.g. \"en, fr, nl\")." -msgstr "" -"ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিবলে বানান নিৰীক্ষক ভাষাসমূহৰ কমা-পৃথকিত তালিকা (যেনে \"en, fr, nl\")।" +msgid "Magic number used to check if sanity cleaning tasks should be run" +msgstr "স্থিৰ পৰিষ্কাৰ কাৰ্য্যসমূহ চলোৱা হবনে নীৰিক্ষণ কৰিবলে ব্যৱহৃত জাদু সংখ্যা" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:10 -msgid "Compact contact list" -msgstr "পৰিচিত ব্যক্তিৰ তালিকা সংকোচিত কৰক" +msgid "" +"empathy-sanity-cleaning.c uses this number to check if the cleaning tasks " +"should be executed or not. Users should not change this key manually." +msgstr "" +"empathy-sanity-cleaning.c এই নম্বৰক পৰিষ্কাৰ কৰা কাৰ্য্যসমূহ এক্সিকিউট কৰা হবনে " +"নীৰিক্ষণ কৰিবলে ব্যৱহাৰ কৰে। ব্যৱহাৰকাৰীসমূহে এই চাবিক হস্তচালিতভাৱে সলনি কৰিব " +"নালাগে।" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:11 -msgid "Connection managers should be used" -msgstr "সংযোগ ব্যৱস্থাপকসমূহ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰক" +msgid "Show offline contacts" +msgstr "অফ-লাইন অৱস্থাত থকা পৰিচিত ব্যক্তিৰ তালিকা প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰক" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:12 -msgid "Contact list sort criterion" -msgstr "পৰিচয় তালিকা সজোৱা নিয়ম" +msgid "Whether to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." +msgstr "পৰিচয় তালিকাত অফলাইন থকা পৰিচয়সমূহ দেখুৱা হব নে।" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:13 -msgid "Default camera device to use in video calls, e.g. /dev/video0." -msgstr "" -"ভিডিঅ' কলসমূহত ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিব লগিয়া অবিকল্পিত কেমেৰা ডিভাইচ, যেনে /dev/video0।" +msgid "Show avatars" +msgstr "অৱতাৰৰ ছবি প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰক" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:14 -msgid "Default directory to select an avatar image from" -msgstr "ব্যৱহাৰকাৰীৰ অৱতাৰ আখৰকৰ্তা ছবি নিৰ্ধাৰণৰ বাবে ব্যৱহৃত অবিকল্পিত পঞ্জিকা" +msgid "Whether to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat windows." +msgstr "পৰিচয় তালিকা আৰু চেট উইন্ডোসমূহত পৰিচয়সমূহৰ বাবে অৱতাৰসমূহ দেখুৱা হব নে।" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:15 -msgid "Disable popup notifications when away" -msgstr "আতৰত থাকিলে প'প-আপ সূচনাবাৰ্তা নিষ্ক্ৰিয় কৰক" +msgid "Show protocols" +msgstr "প্ৰটোকলসমূহ দেখুৱাওক" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:16 -msgid "Disable sounds when away" -msgstr "আতৰত থাকিলে শব্দ নিষ্ক্ৰিয় কৰক" +msgid "Whether to show protocols for contacts in the contact list." +msgstr "পৰিচয় তালিকাৰ পৰিচয়সমূহৰ বাবে প্ৰটোকলসমূহ দেখুৱা হব নে।" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:17 -msgid "Display incoming events in the status area" -msgstr "অৱস্থা স্থানত আগ'ত ঘটনাসমূহ প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰক" +msgid "Show Balance in contact list" +msgstr "অৱশিষ্ট পৰিচয় তালিকাত দেখুৱাওক" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:18 -msgid "" -"Display incoming events in the status area. If false, present them to the " -"user immediately." -msgstr "" -"অৱস্থা স্থানত আগ'ত ঘটনাসমূহ প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰক। যদি ভুল, সিহতক ব্যৱহাৰকাৰীলে তৎক্ষনাত " -"প্ৰেৰণ কৰক।" +msgid "Whether to show account balances in the contact list." +msgstr "একাওন্ট অৱশিষ্টসমূহ পৰিচয় তালিকাত দেখুৱা হব নে।" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:19 -msgid "Echo cancellation support" -msgstr "প্ৰতিধ্বনি বাতিল সমৰ্থন" +msgid "Compact contact list" +msgstr "পৰিচিত ব্যক্তিৰ তালিকা সংকোচিত কৰক" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:20 -msgid "Empathy can publish the user's location" -msgstr "Empathy দ্বাৰা ব্যৱহাৰকাৰীৰ ভৌগলিক অৱস্থান প্ৰকাশ কৰা সম্ভৱ হ'ব" +msgid "Whether to show the contact list in compact mode." +msgstr "পৰিচয় তালিকাক সংকোচিত অৱস্থাত দেখুৱা হব নে।" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:21 -msgid "Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location" -msgstr "GPS সহযোগে Empathy দ্বাৰা ভৌগলিক অৱস্থান গণনা কৰা সম্ভৱ হ'ব" +msgid "Hide main window" +msgstr "প্ৰধান উইন্ডো লুকুৱা হ'ব" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:22 -msgid "Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location" -msgstr "চেলুলাৰ নেটৱাৰ্ক সহযোগে Empathy দ্বাৰা ভৌগলিক অৱস্থান গণনা কৰা সম্ভৱ হ'ব" +msgid "Hide the main window." +msgstr "প্ৰধান উইন্ডো লুকুৱা হ'ব।" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:23 -msgid "Empathy can use the network to guess the location" -msgstr "নেটৱাৰ্ক সহযোগে Empathy দ্বাৰা ভৌগলিক অৱস্থান গণনা কৰা সম্ভৱ হ'ব" +msgid "Default directory to select an avatar image from" +msgstr "ব্যৱহাৰকাৰীৰ অৱতাৰ আখৰকৰ্তা ছবি নিৰ্ধাৰণৰ বাবে ব্যৱহৃত অবিকল্পিত পঞ্জিকা" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:24 -msgid "Empathy default download folder" -msgstr "Empathy ৰ অবিকল্পিত ডাউনল'ড ফোল্ডাৰ" +msgid "The last directory that an avatar image was chosen from." +msgstr "সৰ্বশেষ অৱতাৰৰ বাবে ব্যৱহৃত ছবি যি পঞ্জিকাৰ পৰা নিৰ্বাচন কৰা হৈছে।" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:25 -msgid "Empathy has migrated butterfly logs" -msgstr "Empathy -এ বাটাৰফ্লাই লগসমূহ প্ৰব্ৰজন কৰিছে" +msgid "Open new chats in separate windows" +msgstr "নতুন চেট আৰম্ভ হ'লে পৃথক উইন্ডোত প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰক" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:26 -msgid "Empathy should auto-away when idle" -msgstr "Empathy অলস অৱস্থাত স্বচালিতভাৱে-আতৰত হব লাগিব" +msgid "Always open a separate chat window for new chats." +msgstr "নতুন চেটৰ বাবে সদায়ে পৃথক চেট উইন্ডো খোলা হ'ব।" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:27 -msgid "Empathy should auto-connect on startup" -msgstr "আৰম্ভ সময়ত Empathy দ্বাৰা স্বচালিতভাৱে সংযোগ স্থাপন কৰক" +msgid "Display incoming events in the status area" +msgstr "অৱস্থা স্থানত আগ'ত ঘটনাসমূহ প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰক" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:28 -msgid "Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy" -msgstr "Empathy দ্বাৰা ভৌগলিক অৱস্থানৰ নিৰ্ভুলতাৰ পৰিমাণ হ্ৰাস" +msgid "" +"Display incoming events in the status area. If false, present them to the " +"user immediately." +msgstr "" +"অৱস্থা স্থানত আগ'ত ঘটনাসমূহ প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰক। যদি ভুল, সিহতক ব্যৱহাৰকাৰীলে তৎক্ষনাত " +"প্ৰেৰণ কৰক।" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:29 -msgid "Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon" -msgstr "চেটৰ উইন্ডোৰ আইকন ৰূপে Empathy দ্বাৰা পৰিচয়ৰ অৱতাৰ প্ৰয়োগ কৰক" +msgid "The position for the chat window side pane" +msgstr "চেট উইন্ডো কাষ পেইনৰ অৱস্থান" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:30 -msgid "Enable WebKit Developer Tools" -msgstr "WebKit উন্নয়নক সঁজুলিৰ ব্যৱহাৰ সামৰ্থবান কৰক" +msgid "The stored position (in pixels) of the chat window side pane." +msgstr "চেট উইন্ডো কাষ পেইনৰ সংৰক্ষিত অৱস্থান (পিক্সেলসমূহত)।" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:31 -msgid "Enable popup notifications for new messages" -msgstr "নতুন বাৰ্তাৰ বাবে প'প-আপ সূচনাবাৰ্তা সামৰ্থবান কৰক" +msgid "Show contact groups" +msgstr "পৰিচয় দলসমূহ দেখুৱাওক" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:32 -msgid "Enable spell checker" -msgstr "বানান পৰীক্ষণ সামৰ্থবান কৰক" +msgid "Whether to show groups in the contact list." +msgstr "পৰিচয় তালিকাত দলসমূহ দেখুৱা হব নে।" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:33 -msgid "Hide main window" -msgstr "প্ৰধান উইন্ডো লুকুৱা হ'ব" +msgid "Contact list sort criterion" +msgstr "পৰিচয় তালিকা সজোৱা নিয়ম" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:34 -msgid "Hide the main window." -msgstr "প্ৰধান উইন্ডো লুকুৱা হ'ব।" +msgid "" +"Which criterion to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to sort by " +"the contact's state with the value \"state\". A value of \"name\" will sort " +"the contact list by name." +msgstr "" +"পৰিচয় তালিকা সজাওতে কোনটো নিয়ম ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হব। অবিকল্পিত হল পৰিচয়ৰ অৱস্থাৰে " +"সজোৱা \"state\" মানৰ সৈতে। \"name\" ৰ মানে পৰিচয় তালিকাক নামৰে সজাব।" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:35 -msgid "Nick completed character" -msgstr "নাম সম্পূৰ্ণকৰণৰ আখৰ" +msgid "Use notification sounds" +msgstr "সূচনামূলক শব্দ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰক" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:36 -msgid "Open new chats in separate windows" -msgstr "নতুন চেট আৰম্ভ হ'লে পৃথক উইন্ডোত প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰক" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of events." +msgstr "ঘটনাসমূহ অধিসূচনা দিবলে এটা শব্দ বজোৱা হব নে।" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:37 -msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use" -msgstr "ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিবলে Adium থীমৰ পথ" +msgid "Disable sounds when away" +msgstr "আতৰত থাকিলে শব্দ নিষ্ক্ৰিয় কৰক" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:38 -msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use if the theme used for chat is Adium." -msgstr "" -"যদি চেটৰ বাবে ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা থীম Adium হয় তেন্তে ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিব লগিয়া Adium থীমৰ পথ।" +msgid "Whether to play sound notifications when away or busy." +msgstr "আতৰত বা ব্যস্ত থাকোতে শব্দ অধিসূচনাসমূহ বজোৱা হব নে।" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:39 msgid "Play a sound for incoming messages" msgstr "নতুন বাৰ্তা প্ৰাপ্ত হ'লে শব্দ বজাওক" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:40 -msgid "Play a sound for new conversations" -msgstr "নতুন চেটৰ বাবে শব্দ বজাওক" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of incoming messages." +msgstr "আগ'ত বাৰ্তাসমূহৰ বিষয়ে অধিসূচনা দিবলে এটা শব্দ বজোৱা হব নে।" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:41 msgid "Play a sound for outgoing messages" msgstr "নতুন বাৰ্তা পঠিওৱা হ'লে শব্দ বজাওক" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:42 -msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs in" -msgstr "পৰিচিত ব্যক্তি লগিন কৰিলে শব্দ বজাওক" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of outgoing messages." +msgstr "বাহিৰগামি বাৰ্তাসমূহৰ অধিসূচনা দিবলে এটা শব্দ বজোৱা হব নে।" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:43 -msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs out" -msgstr "পৰিচিত ব্যক্তি প্ৰস্থান কৰিলে শব্দ বজাওক" +msgid "Play a sound for new conversations" +msgstr "নতুন চেটৰ বাবে শব্দ বজাওক" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:44 -msgid "Play a sound when we log in" -msgstr "নিজেই লগিন কৰিলে শব্দ বজাওক" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of new conversations." +msgstr "নতুন কথোপকথনসমূহৰ বিষয়ে অধিসূচনা দিবলে এটা শব্দ বজোৱা হব নে।" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:45 -msgid "Play a sound when we log out" -msgstr "নিজেই প্ৰস্থান কৰিলে শব্দ বজাওক" +msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs in" +msgstr "পৰিচিত ব্যক্তি লগিন কৰিলে শব্দ বজাওক" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:46 -msgid "Pop up notifications if the chat isn't focused" -msgstr "অধিসূচনাসমূহ পপ আপ কৰিব যদি চেট মনোনিবেষিত নহয়" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging into the network." +msgstr "নেটৱাৰ্কত লগিন কৰা পৰিচয়সমূহ অধিসূচনা কৰিবলে এটা শব্দ বজোৱা হব নে।" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:47 -msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs in" -msgstr "যেতিয়া এজন পৰিচয় লগিন কৰে অধিসূচনাসমূহ পপ-আপ কৰিব " +msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs out" +msgstr "পৰিচিত ব্যক্তি প্ৰস্থান কৰিলে শব্দ বজাওক" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:48 -msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs out" -msgstr "যেতিয়া এজন পৰিচয় লগআউট কৰে অধিসূচনাসমূহ পপ আপ কৰিব" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging out of the network." +msgstr "নেটৱাৰ্কৰ পৰা লগ আউট কৰা পৰিচয়সমূহ অধিসূচনা কৰিবলে এটা শব্দ বজোৱা হব নে।" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:49 -msgid "Position the camera preview should be during a call." -msgstr "এটা কলৰ সময়ত কেমেৰা পূৰ্বদৰ্শন যি অৱস্থাত থাকিব লাগিব।" +msgid "Play a sound when we log in" +msgstr "নিজেই লগিন কৰিলে শব্দ বজাওক" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:50 -msgid "Show Balance in contact list" -msgstr "অৱশিষ্ট পৰিচয় তালিকাত দেখুৱাওক" +msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging into a network." +msgstr "এটা নেটৱাৰ্কত লগিন কৰোতে এটা শব্দ বজোৱা হব নে।" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:51 -msgid "Show avatars" -msgstr "অৱতাৰৰ ছবি প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰক" +msgid "Play a sound when we log out" +msgstr "নিজেই প্ৰস্থান কৰিলে শব্দ বজাওক" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:52 -msgid "Show contact list in rooms" -msgstr "ৰুমত ব্যক্তিৰ তালিকা প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰক" +msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging out of a network." +msgstr "এটা নেটৱাৰ্কৰ পৰা লগ আউট কৰোতে এটা শব্দ বজোৱা হব নে।" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:53 -msgid "Show hint about closing the main window" -msgstr "প্ৰধান উইন্ডো বন্ধ কৰাৰ বাবে ইঙ্গিত প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰক" +msgid "Enable popup notifications for new messages" +msgstr "নতুন বাৰ্তাৰ বাবে প'প-আপ সূচনাবাৰ্তা সামৰ্থবান কৰক" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:54 -msgid "Show offline contacts" -msgstr "অফ-লাইন অৱস্থাত থকা পৰিচিত ব্যক্তিৰ তালিকা প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰক" +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message." +msgstr "এটা নতুন বাৰ্তা গ্ৰহণ কৰোতে এটা পপআপ অধিসূচনা দেখুৱা হব নে।" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:55 -msgid "Show protocols" -msgstr "প্ৰটোকলসমূহ দেখুৱাওক" +msgid "Disable popup notifications when away" +msgstr "আতৰত থাকিলে প'প-আপ সূচনাবাৰ্তা নিষ্ক্ৰিয় কৰক" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:56 -msgid "Spell checking languages" -msgstr "ভাষাৰ বাবে বানান পৰীক্ষণ" +msgid "Whether to show popup notifications when away or busy." +msgstr "আতৰত বা ব্যস্ত থাকোতে পপ আপ অধিসূচনাসমূহ দেখুৱা হব নে।" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:57 -msgid "The default folder to save file transfers in." -msgstr "স্থানান্তৰ কৰা সামগ্ৰী সংৰক্ষণৰ বাবে চিহ্নিত ফোল্ডাৰ।" +msgid "Pop up notifications if the chat isn't focused" +msgstr "অধিসূচনাসমূহ পপ আপ কৰিব যদি চেট মনোনিবেষিত নহয়" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:58 -msgid "The last directory that an avatar image was chosen from." -msgstr "সৰ্বশেষ অৱতাৰৰ বাবে ব্যৱহৃত ছবি যি পঞ্জিকাৰ পৰা নিৰ্বাচন কৰা হৈছে।" +msgid "" +"Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message even if " +"the chat is already opened, but not focused." +msgstr "" +"এটা নতুন বাৰ্তা গ্ৰহণ কৰোতে চেট ইতিমধ্যে খোলা থাকিলেও, কিন্তু মনোনিবেষিত নহয় এটা " +"পপআপ অধিসূচনা দেখুৱা হব নে। " #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:59 -msgid "The position for the chat window side pane" -msgstr "চেট উইন্ডো কাষ পেইনৰ অৱস্থান" +msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs in" +msgstr "যেতিয়া এজন পৰিচয় লগিন কৰে অধিসূচনাসমূহ পপ-আপ কৰিব " #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:60 -msgid "The stored position (in pixels) of the chat window side pane." -msgstr "চেট উইন্ডো কাষ পেইনৰ সংৰক্ষিত অৱস্থান (পিক্সেলসমূহত)।" +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes online." +msgstr "এজন পৰিচয় অনলাইন হওতে এটা পপআপ অধিসূচনা দেখাব লাগে নে।" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:61 -msgid "The theme that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." -msgstr "চেটৰ উইন্ডোত কথোপকথন প্ৰদৰ্শনৰ বাবে ব্যৱহৃত থীম।" +msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs out" +msgstr "যেতিয়া এজন পৰিচয় লগআউট কৰে অধিসূচনাসমূহ পপ আপ কৰিব" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:62 -msgid "" -"The theme variant that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." -msgstr "চেট উইন্ডোত কথোপকথনৰ প্ৰদৰ্শনৰ বাবে ব্যৱহৃত থীম অপৰ" +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes offline." +msgstr "এজন পৰিচয় অফলাইন হওতে এটা পপআপ অধিসূচনা দেখাব লাগে নে।" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:63 msgid "Use graphical smileys" msgstr "গ্ৰাফিকেল স্মাইলি ব্যৱহাৰ কৰক" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:64 -msgid "Use notification sounds" -msgstr "সূচনামূলক শব্দ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰক" +msgid "Whether to convert smileys into graphical images in conversations." +msgstr "স্মাইলিসমূহক কথোপকথনৰ সময়ত গ্ৰাফীয় ছবিসমূহলে পৰিৱৰ্তন কৰা হব নে।" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:65 -msgid "Use theme for chat rooms" -msgstr "চেট ৰুমৰ বাবে থীম প্ৰয়োগ কৰক" +msgid "Show contact list in rooms" +msgstr "ৰুমত ব্যক্তিৰ তালিকা প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰক" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:66 -msgid "Whether Empathy can publish the user's location to their contacts." -msgstr "Empathy -এ ব্যৱহাৰকাৰীৰ অৱস্থান সিহতৰ পৰিচয়সমূহলে প্ৰকাশ কৰিব পাৰিব নে।" +msgid "Whether to show the contact list in chat rooms." +msgstr "চেট ৰুমসমূহত পৰিচয় তালিকা দেখুৱা হব নে।" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:67 -msgid "Whether Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location." -msgstr "Empathy -এ অৱস্থান ঠাওৰ কৰিবলে GPS ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিব পাৰিব নে।" +msgid "Chat window theme" +msgstr "চেট উইন্ডোৰ থীম" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:68 -msgid "Whether Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location." -msgstr "Empathy -এ অৱস্থান ঠাওৰ কৰিবলে চেলুলাৰ নেটৱাৰ্ক ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিব পাৰিব নে।" +msgid "The theme that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." +msgstr "চেটৰ উইন্ডোত কথোপকথন প্ৰদৰ্শনৰ বাবে ব্যৱহৃত থীম।" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:69 -msgid "Whether Empathy can use the network to guess the location." -msgstr "Empathy -এ অৱস্থান ঠাওৰ কৰিবলে নেটৱাৰ্ক ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিব পাৰিব নে।" +msgid "Chat window theme variant" +msgstr "চেট উইন্ডো থীম অপৰ" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:70 -msgid "Whether Empathy has migrated butterfly logs." -msgstr "Empathy -এ বাটাফ্লাই লগসমূহ প্ৰব্ৰজন কৰিছে নে।" +msgid "The theme variant that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." +msgstr "চেট উইন্ডোত কথোপকথনৰ প্ৰদৰ্শনৰ বাবে ব্যৱহৃত থীম অপৰ" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:71 -msgid "Whether Empathy should automatically log into your accounts on startup." -msgstr "Empathy -এ আৰম্ভণিত আপোনাৰ একাওন্টসমূহত স্বচালিতভাৱে লগিন কৰিব লাগে নে।" +msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use" +msgstr "ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিবলে Adium থীমৰ পথ" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:72 -msgid "" -"Whether Empathy should go into away mode automatically if the user is idle." -msgstr "ব্যৱহাৰকাৰী অলস থাকিলে Empathy -এ স্বচালিতভাৱে আতৰ অৱস্থাত যাব লাগে নে।" +msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use if the theme used for chat is Adium." +msgstr "" +"যদি চেটৰ বাবে ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা থীম Adium হয় তেন্তে ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিব লগিয়া Adium থীমৰ পথ।" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:73 -msgid "" -"Whether Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy for privacy reasons." -msgstr "Empathy -এ গোপনীয়তা কাৰণসমূহৰ বাবে অৱস্থানৰ সঠিকতা কমাব লাগে নে।" +msgid "Enable WebKit Developer Tools" +msgstr "WebKit উন্নয়নক সঁজুলিৰ ব্যৱহাৰ সামৰ্থবান কৰক" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:74 -msgid "" -"Whether Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon." -msgstr "Empathy -এ পৰিচয়ৰ অৱতাৰক চেট উইন্ডোৰ আইকন হিচাপে ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিব লাগে নে।" +msgid "Whether WebKit developer tools, such as the Web Inspector, should be enabled." +msgstr "WebKit উন্নয়নক সঁজুলি যেনে Web Inspector সামৰ্থবান কৰক নে নাই।" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:75 -msgid "" -"Whether WebKit developer tools, such as the Web Inspector, should be enabled." -msgstr "WebKit উন্নয়নক সঁজুলি যেনে Web Inspector সামৰ্থবান কৰক নে নাই।" +msgid "Inform other users when you are typing to them" +msgstr "অন্য ব্যৱহাৰকাৰীসমূহক জনাব যেতিয়া আপুনি সিহতলে লিখি আছে" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:76 msgid "" -"Whether connectivity managers should be used to automatically disconnect/" -"reconnect." +"Whether to send the 'composing' or 'paused' chat states. Does not currently " +"affect the 'gone' state." msgstr "" -"স্বচালিতভাৱে বিচ্ছিন্ন/পুনৰসংযোগ কৰিবলে সংযোগ ব্যৱস্থাপকসমূহক ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিব লাগে নে।" +"'composing' অথবা 'paused' চেট অৱস্থাসমূহ পঠোৱা হব নে। 'gone' অৱস্থাৰ উপৰত প্ৰভাৱ " +"নেপেলায়।" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:77 -msgid "" -"Whether to check words typed against the languages you want to check with." -msgstr "" -"আপুনি নিৰীক্ষণ কৰিব বিচৰা ভাষাসমূহৰ কাষত টাইপ কৰা শব্দসমূহ নিৰীক্ষণ কৰা হব নে।" +msgid "Use theme for chat rooms" +msgstr "চেট ৰুমৰ বাবে থীম প্ৰয়োগ কৰক" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:78 -msgid "Whether to convert smileys into graphical images in conversations." -msgstr "স্মাইলিসমূহক কথোপকথনৰ সময়ত গ্ৰাফীয় ছবিসমূহলে পৰিৱৰ্তন কৰা হব নে।" +msgid "Whether to use the theme for chat rooms." +msgstr "চেট ৰুমসমূহৰ বাবে থীম ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হব নে।" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:79 -msgid "Whether to enable Pulseaudio's echo cancellation filter." -msgstr "Pulseaudio -ৰ প্ৰতিধ্বনি বাতিল কৰা পৰিস্ৰাৱন সামৰ্থবান কৰিব লাগে নে।" +msgid "Spell checking languages" +msgstr "ভাষাৰ বাবে বানান পৰীক্ষণ" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:80 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging into the network." -msgstr "নেটৱাৰ্কত লগিন কৰা পৰিচয়সমূহ অধিসূচনা কৰিবলে এটা শব্দ বজোৱা হব নে।" +msgid "Comma-separated list of spell checker languages to use (e.g. \"en, fr, nl\")." +msgstr "" +"ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিবলে বানান নিৰীক্ষক ভাষাসমূহৰ কমা-পৃথকিত তালিকা (যেনে \"en, fr, nl\")।" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:81 -msgid "" -"Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging out of the network." -msgstr "নেটৱাৰ্কৰ পৰা লগ আউট কৰা পৰিচয়সমূহ অধিসূচনা কৰিবলে এটা শব্দ বজোৱা হব নে।" +msgid "Enable spell checker" +msgstr "বানান পৰীক্ষণ সামৰ্থবান কৰক" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:82 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of events." -msgstr "ঘটনাসমূহ অধিসূচনা দিবলে এটা শব্দ বজোৱা হব নে।" +msgid "Whether to check words typed against the languages you want to check with." +msgstr "আপুনি নীৰিক্ষণ কৰিব বিচৰা ভাষাসমূহৰ কাষত টাইপ কৰা শব্দসমূহ নীৰিক্ষণ কৰা হব নে।" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:83 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of incoming messages." -msgstr "আগ'ত বাৰ্তাসমূহৰ বিষয়ে অধিসূচনা দিবলে এটা শব্দ বজোৱা হব নে।" +msgid "Nick completed character" +msgstr "নাম সম্পূৰ্ণকৰণৰ আখৰ" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:84 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of new conversations." -msgstr "নতুন কথোপকথনসমূহৰ বিষয়ে অধিসূচনা দিবলে এটা শব্দ বজোৱা হব নে।" +msgid "" +"Character to add after nickname when using nick completion (tab) in group " +"chat." +msgstr "" +"দলৰ সৈতে চেট কৰা সময়ত উপনাম সম্পূৰ্ণ (টেব) ব্যৱহাৰ কৰোতে উপনামৰ পিছত যোগ কৰিব " +"লগিয়া আখৰ।" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:85 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of outgoing messages." -msgstr "বাহিৰগামি বাৰ্তাসমূহৰ অধিসূচনা দিবলে এটা শব্দ বজোৱা হব নে।" +msgid "Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon" +msgstr "চেটৰ উইন্ডোৰ আইকন ৰূপে Empathy দ্বাৰা পৰিচয়ৰ অৱতাৰ প্ৰয়োগ কৰক" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:86 -msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging into a network." -msgstr "এটা নেটৱাৰ্কত লগিন কৰোতে এটা শব্দ বজোৱা হব নে।" +msgid "Whether Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon." +msgstr "Empathy -এ পৰিচয়ৰ অৱতাৰক চেট উইন্ডোৰ আইকন হিচাপে ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিব লাগে নে।" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:87 -msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging out of a network." -msgstr "এটা নেটৱাৰ্কৰ পৰা লগ আউট কৰোতে এটা শব্দ বজোৱা হব নে।" +msgid "Last account selected in Join Room dialog" +msgstr "সৰ্বশেষ একাওন্টত ৰুম অংশগ্ৰহণ ডাইলগ নিৰ্বাচিত" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:88 -msgid "Whether to play sound notifications when away or busy." -msgstr "আতৰত বা ব্যস্ত থাকোতে শব্দ অধিসূচনাসমূহ বজোৱা হব নে।" +msgid "D-Bus object path of the last account selected to join a room." +msgstr "এটা ৰুমত অংশগ্ৰহণ কৰিবলে নিৰ্বাচিত সৰ্বশেষ একাওন্টৰ D-Bus অবজেক্ট পথ।" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:89 -msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes offline." -msgstr "এজন পৰিচয় অফলাইন হওতে এটা পপআপ অধিসূচনা দেখাব লাগে নে।" +msgid "Camera device" +msgstr "কেমেৰা ডিভাইচ" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:90 -msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes online." -msgstr "এজন পৰিচয় অনলাইন হওতে এটা পপআপ অধিসূচনা দেখাব লাগে নে।" +msgid "Default camera device to use in video calls, e.g. /dev/video0." +msgstr "ভিডিঅ' কলসমূহত ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিব লগিয়া অবিকল্পিত কেমেৰা ডিভাইচ, যেনে /dev/video0।" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:91 -msgid "" -"Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message even if " -"the chat is already opened, but not focused." -msgstr "" -"এটা নতুন বাৰ্তা গ্ৰহণ কৰোতে চেট ইতিমধ্যে খোলা থাকিলেও, কিন্তু মনোনিবেষিত নহয় এটা " -"পপআপ অধিসূচনা দেখুৱা হব নে। " +msgid "Camera position" +msgstr "কেমেৰা অৱস্থান" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:92 -msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message." -msgstr "এটা নতুন বাৰ্তা গ্ৰহণ কৰোতে এটা পপআপ অধিসূচনা দেখুৱা হব নে।" +msgid "Position the camera preview should be during a call." +msgstr "এটা কলৰ সময়ত কেমেৰা পূৰ্বদৰ্শন যি অৱস্থাত থাকিব লাগিব।" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:93 -msgid "Whether to show account balances in the contact list." -msgstr "একাওন্ট অৱশিষ্টসমূহ পৰিচয় তালিকাত দেখুৱা হব নে।" +msgid "Echo cancellation support" +msgstr "প্ৰতিধ্বনি বাতিল সমৰ্থন" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:94 -msgid "" -"Whether to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat windows." -msgstr "পৰিচয় তালিকা আৰু চেট উইন্ডোসমূহত পৰিচয়সমূহৰ বাবে অৱতাৰসমূহ দেখুৱা হব নে।" +msgid "Whether to enable Pulseaudio's echo cancellation filter." +msgstr "Pulseaudio ৰ প্ৰতিধ্বনি বাতিল কৰা পৰিস্ৰাৱন সামৰ্থবান কৰিব লাগে নে।" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:95 -msgid "Whether to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." -msgstr "পৰিচয় তালিকাত অফলাইন থকা পৰিচয়সমূহ দেখুৱা হব নে।" +msgid "Show hint about closing the main window" +msgstr "প্ৰধান উইন্ডো বন্ধ কৰাৰ বাবে ইঙ্গিত প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰক" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:96 -msgid "Whether to show popup notifications when away or busy." -msgstr "আতৰত বা ব্যস্ত থাকোতে পপ আপ অধিসূচনাসমূহ দেখুৱা হব নে।" +msgid "" +"Whether to show the message dialog about closing the main window with the " +"'x' button in the title bar." +msgstr "" +"মূখ্য উইন্ডোক শীৰ্ষক বাৰৰ 'x' বুটামৰ সৈতে বন্ধ কৰাৰ বাৰ্তা ডাইলগক দেখুৱা হব নে।" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:97 -msgid "Whether to show protocols for contacts in the contact list." -msgstr "পৰিচয় তালিকাৰ পৰিচয়সমূহৰ বাবে প্ৰটোকলসমূহ দেখুৱা হব নে।" +msgid "Empathy can publish the user's location" +msgstr "Empathy দ্বাৰা ব্যৱহাৰকাৰীৰ ভৌগলিক অৱস্থান প্ৰকাশ কৰা সম্ভৱ হ'ব" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:98 -msgid "Whether to show the contact list in chat rooms." -msgstr "চেট ৰুমসমূহত পৰিচয় তালিকা দেখুৱা হব নে।" +msgid "Whether Empathy can publish the user's location to their contacts." +msgstr "Empathy -এ ব্যৱহাৰকাৰীৰ অৱস্থান সিহতৰ পৰিচয়সমূহলে প্ৰকাশ কৰিব পাৰিব নে।" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:99 -msgid "Whether to show the contact list in compact mode." -msgstr "পৰিচয় তালিকাক সংকোচিত অৱস্থাত দেখুৱা হব নে।" +msgid "Empathy can use the network to guess the location" +msgstr "নেটৱাৰ্ক সহযোগে Empathy দ্বাৰা ভৌগলিক অৱস্থান গণনা কৰা সম্ভৱ হ'ব" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:100 -msgid "" -"Whether to show the message dialog about closing the main window with the " -"'x' button in the title bar." -msgstr "" -"মূখ্য উইন্ডোক শীৰ্ষক বাৰৰ 'x' বুটামৰ সৈতে বন্ধ কৰাৰ বাৰ্তা ডাইলগক দেখুৱা হব নে।" +msgid "Whether Empathy can use the network to guess the location." +msgstr "Empathy -এ অৱস্থান ঠাওৰ কৰিবলে নেটৱাৰ্ক ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিব পাৰিব নে।" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:101 -msgid "Whether to use the theme for chat rooms." -msgstr "চেট ৰুমসমূহৰ বাবে থীম ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হব নে।" +msgid "Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location" +msgstr "চেলুলাৰ নেটৱাৰ্ক সহযোগে Empathy দ্বাৰা ভৌগলিক অৱস্থান গণনা কৰা সম্ভৱ হ'ব" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:102 -msgid "" -"Which criterion to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to sort by " -"the contact's name with the value \"name\". A value of \"state\" will sort " -"the contact list by state." -msgstr "" -"পৰিচয় তালিকা সজাওতে কোনটো নিয়ম ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হব। অবিকল্পিত হল পৰিচয়ৰ নামৰে সজোৱা " -"\"নাম\" মানৰ সৈতে। \"state\" -ৰ মানে পৰিচয় তালিকাক অৱস্থাৰে সজাব।" +msgid "Whether Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location." +msgstr "Empathy -এ অৱস্থান ঠাওৰ কৰিবলে চেলুলাৰ নেটৱাৰ্ক ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিব পাৰিব নে।" -#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:1 -msgid "Manage Messaging and VoIP accounts" -msgstr "বাৰ্তা আৰু VoIP একাওন্টসমূহ ব্যৱস্থাপনা কৰক" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:103 +msgid "Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location" +msgstr "GPS সহযোগে Empathy দ্বাৰা ভৌগলিক অৱস্থান গণনা কৰা সম্ভৱ হ'ব" -#. Tweak the dialog -#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:2 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2324 -msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts" -msgstr "বাৰ্তা আৰু VoIP একাওন্টসমূহ" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:104 +msgid "Whether Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location." +msgstr "Empathy -এ অৱস্থান ঠাওৰ কৰিবলে GPS ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিব পাৰিব নে।" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:105 +msgid "Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy" +msgstr "Empathy দ্বাৰা ভৌগলিক অৱস্থানৰ নিৰ্ভুলতাৰ পৰিমাণ হ্ৰাস" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:106 +msgid "Whether Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy for privacy reasons." +msgstr "Empathy -এ গোপনীয়তা কাৰণসমূহৰ বাবে অৱস্থানৰ সঠিকতা কমাব লাগে নে।" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:738 +msgid "No reason was specified" +msgstr "কোনো কাৰণ উল্লিখিত নহয়" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:741 +msgid "The change in state was requested" +msgstr "অৱস্থাৰ পৰিবৰ্তন অনুৰোধ কৰা হৈছে" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:744 +msgid "You canceled the file transfer" +msgstr "নথিপত্ৰ স্থানান্তৰৰ কাম আপুনি বাতিল কৰিছে" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:747 +msgid "The other participant canceled the file transfer" +msgstr "নথিপত্ৰ স্থানান্তৰৰ কাম অন্য ব্যৱহাৰকাৰী বাতিল কৰিছে" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:750 +msgid "Error while trying to transfer the file" +msgstr "নথিপত্ৰ স্থানান্তৰ কৰিবলৈ সমস্যা" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:753 +msgid "The other participant is unable to transfer the file" +msgstr "অন্য ব্যৱহাৰকাৰী নথিপত্ৰ স্থানান্তৰ কৰিবলৈ সক্ষম নহয়" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:756 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:313 +msgid "Unknown reason" +msgstr "অজ্ঞাত কাৰণ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:825 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:919 msgid "File transfer completed, but the file was corrupted" msgstr "নথিপত্ৰ স্থানান্তৰ সম্পূৰ্ণ হল, কিন্তু নথিপত্ৰ ক্ষতিগ্ৰস্থ আছিল" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1111 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1205 msgid "File transfer not supported by remote contact" msgstr "দূৰবৰ্তী পৰিচয় দ্বাৰা নথিপত্ৰ স্থানান্তৰ সমৰ্থিত নহয়" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1167 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1261 msgid "The selected file is not a regular file" msgstr "নিৰ্বাচিত নথিপত্ৰ এটা স্বাভাবিক নথিপত্ৰ নহয়" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1176 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1270 msgid "The selected file is empty" msgstr "নিৰ্বাচিত নথিপত্ৰ ৰিক্ত" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-message.c:415 ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:131 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-message.c:415 ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:129 #, c-format msgid "Missed call from %s" -msgstr "%s -ৰ পৰা মিচ কল" +msgstr "%s ৰ পৰা মিচ কল" #. Translators: this is an outgoing call, e.g. 'Called Alice' #: ../libempathy/empathy-message.c:419 #, c-format msgid "Called %s" -msgstr "%s -ক কল কৰা হৈছিল" +msgstr "%s ক কল কৰা হৈছিল" #: ../libempathy/empathy-message.c:422 #, c-format msgid "Call from %s" -msgstr "%s -ৰ পৰা কল" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:268 -msgid "Socket type not supported" -msgstr "ছ'কেটৰ ধৰন সমৰ্থিত নহয়" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:387 -msgid "No reason was specified" -msgstr "কোনো কাৰণ উল্লিখিত নহয়" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:390 -msgid "The change in state was requested" -msgstr "অৱস্থাৰ পৰিবৰ্তন অনুৰোধ কৰা হৈছে" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:393 -msgid "You canceled the file transfer" -msgstr "নথিপত্ৰ স্থানান্তৰৰ কাম আপুনি বাতিল কৰিছে" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:396 -msgid "The other participant canceled the file transfer" -msgstr "নথিপত্ৰ স্থানান্তৰৰ কাম অন্য ব্যৱহাৰকাৰী বাতিল কৰিছে" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:399 -msgid "Error while trying to transfer the file" -msgstr "নথিপত্ৰ স্থানান্তৰ কৰিবলৈ সমস্যা" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:402 -msgid "The other participant is unable to transfer the file" -msgstr "অন্য ব্যৱহাৰকাৰী নথিপত্ৰ স্থানান্তৰ কৰিবলৈ সক্ষম নহয়" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:405 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:312 -msgid "Unknown reason" -msgstr "অজ্ঞাত কাৰণ" +msgstr "%s ৰ পৰা কল" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:232 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:233 msgid "Available" msgstr "উপস্থিত" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:234 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:235 msgid "Busy" msgstr "ব্যস্ত" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:237 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:238 msgid "Away" msgstr "আতৰত" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:239 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:240 msgid "Invisible" msgstr "অদৃশ্য" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:241 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:242 msgid "Offline" msgstr "অফ-লাইন" #. translators: presence type is unknown -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:244 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:245 msgctxt "presence" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "অজ্ঞাত" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:284 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:285 msgid "No reason specified" msgstr "কোনো কাৰণ ধাৰ্য্য কৰা হোৱা নাই" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:286 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:342 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:287 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:343 msgid "Status is set to offline" msgstr "অৱস্থা অফলাইনলে সংহতি কৰা হৈছে" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:288 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:322 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:49 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:289 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:323 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:47 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:81 msgid "Network error" msgstr "নেটৱাৰ্ক ত্ৰুটি" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:290 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:324 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:291 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:325 msgid "Authentication failed" msgstr "প্ৰমাণীকৰণ ব্যৰ্থ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:292 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:326 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:293 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:327 msgid "Encryption error" msgstr "এনক্ৰিপছন ত্ৰুটি" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:294 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:295 msgid "Name in use" msgstr "নাম বৰ্তমানে ব্যৱহৃত হৈছে" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:296 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:328 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:297 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:329 msgid "Certificate not provided" msgstr "প্ৰমাণপত্ৰ উপলব্ধ কৰা নহয়" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:298 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:330 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:299 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:331 msgid "Certificate untrusted" msgstr "প্ৰমাণপত্ৰ বিশ্বস্ত নহয়" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:300 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:332 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:301 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:333 msgid "Certificate expired" msgstr "প্ৰমাণপত্ৰৰ সময়সীমা উত্তীৰ্ণ হৈছে" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:302 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:334 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:303 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:335 msgid "Certificate not activated" msgstr "প্ৰমাণপত্ৰ সক্ৰিয় কৰা নহয়" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:304 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:336 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:305 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:337 msgid "Certificate hostname mismatch" msgstr "প্ৰমাণপত্ৰৰ হস্টনাম লৈ অমিল" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:306 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:338 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:307 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:339 msgid "Certificate fingerprint mismatch" msgstr "প্ৰমাণপত্ৰৰ ফিনঙ্গাৰপ্ৰিন্ট লৈ অমিল" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:308 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:340 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:309 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:341 msgid "Certificate self-signed" msgstr "স্বয়ং স্বাক্ষৰিত প্ৰমাণপত্ৰ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:310 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:311 msgid "Certificate error" msgstr "প্ৰমাণপত্ৰ ত্ৰুটি" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:344 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:345 msgid "Encryption is not available" msgstr "ইনক্ৰিপষণ উপলব্ধ নহয়" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:346 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:347 msgid "Certificate is invalid" msgstr "প্ৰমাণপত্ৰ অবৈধ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:348 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:349 msgid "Connection has been refused" msgstr "সংযোগ নাকচ কৰা হৈছে" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:350 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:351 msgid "Connection can't be established" msgstr "সংযোগ স্থাপন কৰিব নোৱাৰি" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:352 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:353 msgid "Connection has been lost" msgstr "সংযোগ হেৰাইছে" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:354 -msgid "This resource is already connected to the server" -msgstr "সম্পদ ইতিমধ্যে চাৰ্ভাৰৰ সৈতে সংযোগিত" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:355 +msgid "This account is already connected to the server" +msgstr "এই একাওন্ট ইতিমধ্যে চাৰ্ভাৰৰ সৈতে সংযোগিত" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:356 -msgid "" -"Connection has been replaced by a new connection using the same resource" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:357 +msgid "Connection has been replaced by a new connection using the same resource" msgstr "সংযোগক একে সম্পদ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰি এটা নতুন সংযোগৰে প্ৰতিস্থাপন কৰা হৈছে" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:359 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:360 msgid "The account already exists on the server" msgstr "একাওন্ট ইতিমধ্যে চাৰ্ভাৰত উপস্থিত" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:361 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:362 msgid "Server is currently too busy to handle the connection" msgstr "চাৰ্ভাৰ সংযোগ ব্যৱস্থাপনা কৰিবলে বৰ্তমানে অতি ব্যস্ত" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:363 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:364 msgid "Certificate has been revoked" msgstr "প্ৰমাণপত্ৰ প্ৰত্যাহাৰ কৰা হৈছে" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:365 -msgid "" -"Certificate uses an insecure cipher algorithm or is cryptographically weak" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:366 +msgid "Certificate uses an insecure cipher algorithm or is cryptographically weak" msgstr "" "প্ৰমাণপত্ৰয় এটা অসুৰক্ষিত চিফাৰ এলগৰিথম ব্যৱহাৰ কৰে অথবা ক্ৰিপ্টোগ্ৰাফিয়ভাৱে দুৰ্বল" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:368 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:369 msgid "" "The length of the server certificate, or the depth of the server certificate " "chain, exceed the limits imposed by the cryptography library" @@ -690,283 +699,276 @@ "চাৰ্ভাৰ প্ৰমাণপত্ৰৰ দৈৰ্ঘ, অথবা চাৰ্ভাৰ প্ৰমাণপত্ৰ শৃংখলৰ গভীৰতা, ক্ৰিপ্টোগ্ৰাফী " "লাইব্ৰেৰীয়ে প্ৰণয়ন কৰা সীমাসমূহত অতিক্ৰম কৰে" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:529 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-store.h:73 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:373 +msgid "Your software is too old" +msgstr "আপোনাৰ চফ্টৱেৰ অতি পুৰনি" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:375 +msgid "Internal error" +msgstr "অভ্যন্তৰীক ত্ৰুটি" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:534 msgid "People Nearby" msgstr "ওচৰৰ ব্যক্তিৰ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:534 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:539 msgid "Yahoo! Japan" msgstr "Yahoo! Japan" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:563 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:568 msgid "Google Talk" msgstr "Google Talk" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:564 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:569 msgid "Facebook Chat" msgstr "Facebook Chat" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:88 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:90 #, c-format msgid "%d second ago" msgid_plural "%d seconds ago" msgstr[0] "%d ছেকেণ্ড আগতে" msgstr[1] "%d ছেকেণ্ড আগতে" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:93 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:96 #, c-format msgid "%d minute ago" msgid_plural "%d minutes ago" msgstr[0] "%d মিনিট আগতে" msgstr[1] "%d মিনিট আগতে" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:98 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:102 #, c-format msgid "%d hour ago" msgid_plural "%d hours ago" msgstr[0] "%d ঘন্টা আগতে" msgstr[1] "%d ঘন্টা আগতে" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:103 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:108 #, c-format msgid "%d day ago" msgid_plural "%d days ago" msgstr[0] "%d দিন আগতে" msgstr[1] "%d দিন আগতে" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:108 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:114 #, c-format msgid "%d week ago" msgid_plural "%d weeks ago" msgstr[0] "%d সপ্তাহ আগতে" msgstr[1] "%d সপ্তাহ আগতে" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:113 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:120 #, c-format msgid "%d month ago" msgid_plural "%d months ago" msgstr[0] "%d মাহ আগতে" msgstr[1] "%d মাহ আগতে" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:136 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:142 msgid "in the future" msgstr "ভবিষ্যতে" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-chooser.c:540 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:75 +msgid "Password not found" +msgstr "পাছৱাৰ্ড পোৱা নগল" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:218 +#, c-format +msgid "IM account password for %s (%s)" +msgstr "%s (%s) ৰ বাবে IM একাওন্ট পাছৱাৰ্ড" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:253 +#, c-format +msgid "Password for chatroom '%s' on account %s (%s)" +msgstr "একাওন্ট %s (%s) ত চেটৰুম '%s' ৰ বাবে পাছৱাৰ্ড" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-chooser.c:692 msgid "All accounts" msgstr "সকলো একাওন্ট" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:694 -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:321 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:682 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:336 msgid "Account" msgstr "একাওন্ট" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:695 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:683 msgid "Password" msgstr "পাছৱাৰ্ড" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:696 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:507 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:684 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:511 msgid "Server" msgstr "চাৰ্ভাৰ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:697 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:522 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:685 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:529 msgid "Port" msgstr "পোৰ্ট" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:769 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:826 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:765 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:817 #, c-format msgid "%s:" msgstr "%s:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1192 -msgid "My Web Accounts" -msgstr "মোৰ ৱেব একাওন্টসমূহ" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1208 -#, c-format -msgid "The account %s is edited via %s." -msgstr "একাওন্ট %s -ক %s -ৰে সম্পাদন কৰা হৈছে।" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1214 -#, c-format -msgid "The account %s cannot be edited in Empathy." -msgstr "একাওন্ট %s -ক Empathy -ত সম্পাদন কৰিব নোৱাৰি।" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1233 -msgid "Launch My Web Accounts" -msgstr "মোৰ ৱেব একাওন্টসমূহ লঞ্চ কৰক" - -#. general handler -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1241 -#, c-format -msgid "Edit %s" -msgstr "%s সম্পাদনা কৰক" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1591 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1398 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:14 msgid "Username:" msgstr "ব্যৱহাৰকাৰীৰ নাম:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1909 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1710 msgid "A_pply" msgstr "প্ৰয়োগ কৰক (_p)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1939 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1739 msgid "L_og in" msgstr "লগিন কৰক (_o)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2013 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1812 msgid "This account already exists on the server" msgstr "এই একাওন্ট ইতিমধ্যে চাৰ্ভাৰত অস্তিত্ববান" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2016 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1816 msgid "Create a new account on the server" msgstr "চাৰ্ভাৰত এটা নতুন একাওন্ট সৃষ্টি কৰক" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2208 -msgid "Ca_ncel" -msgstr "বাতিল কৰক (_n)" - #. To translators: The first parameter is the login id and the #. * second one is the network. The resulting string will be something #. * like: "MyUserName on freenode". #. * You should reverse the order of these arguments if the #. * server should come before the login id in your locale. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2486 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2241 #, c-format msgid "%1$s on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s %2$s ত" #. To translators: The parameter is the protocol name. The resulting #. * string will be something like: "Jabber Account" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2512 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2267 #, c-format msgid "%s Account" msgstr "%s একাওন্ট" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2516 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2271 msgid "New account" msgstr "নতুন একাওন্ট" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:1 -msgid "Example: MyScreenName" -msgstr "উদাহৰণ: মোৰপৰ্দানাম" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:14 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:1 +msgid "Pass_word:" +msgstr "পাছৱাৰ্ড: (_w)" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-generic.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:2 -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "উন্নত বিকল্প" +msgid "Screen _Name:" +msgstr "পৰ্দাত ব্যৱহৃত নাম: (_N)" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:3 +msgid "Example: MyScreenName" +msgstr "উদাহৰণ: মোৰপৰ্দানাম" + +#. remember password ticky box +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:4 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:4 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:5 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:12 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:4 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:13 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:5 -msgid "Pass_word:" -msgstr "পাছৱাৰ্ড: (_w)" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-base-password-dialog.c:261 +msgid "Remember password" +msgstr "পাছৱাৰ্ড মনত ৰাখক" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:5 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:5 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:10 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:20 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:5 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:16 -msgid "Remember Password" -msgstr "পাছৱাৰ্ড মনত ৰাখক" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Port:" +msgstr "পোৰ্ট: (_P)" -#. remember password ticky box -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:6 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:6 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:7 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:21 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:17 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-password-dialog.c:311 -msgid "Remember password" -msgstr "পাছৱাৰ্ড মনত ৰাখক" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:6 -msgid "Screen _Name:" -msgstr "পৰ্দাত ব্যৱহৃত নাম: (_N)" +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Server:" +msgstr "চাৰ্ভাৰ: (_S)" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:7 -msgid "What is your AIM password?" -msgstr "আপোনাৰ AIM পাছৱাৰ্ড কি ?" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-generic.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:15 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:23 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:21 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:9 +msgid "Advanced" +msgstr "উন্নত বিকল্প" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your AIM screen name?" msgstr "আপোনাৰ AIM একাওন্টৰ ব্যৱহাৰকাৰীৰ-নাম কি ?" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:10 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:26 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:10 -msgid "_Port:" -msgstr "পোৰ্ট: (_P)" +msgid "What is your AIM password?" +msgstr "আপোনাৰ AIM পাছৱাৰ্ড কি ?" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:10 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:10 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:11 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:27 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:7 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:10 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:9 -msgid "_Server:" -msgstr "চাৰ্ভাৰ: (_S)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:1 -msgid "Example: username" -msgstr "উদাহৰণ: ব্যৱহাৰকাৰীনাম" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:24 +msgid "Remember Password" +msgstr "পাছৱাৰ্ড মনত ৰাখক" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:2 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:13 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:2 msgid "Login I_D:" msgstr "লগিন ID: (_D)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:3 +msgid "Example: username" +msgstr "উদাহৰণ: ব্যৱহাৰকাৰীনাম" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your GroupWise User ID?" msgstr "আপোনাৰ GroupWise ব্যৱহাৰকাৰীৰ ID কি ?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your GroupWise password?" msgstr "আপোনাৰ GroupWise পাছৱাৰ্ড কি ?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:2 +msgid "ICQ _UIN:" +msgstr "ICQ _UIN:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:3 msgid "Example: 123456789" msgstr "উদাহৰণ: 123456789" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:7 msgid "Ch_aracter set:" msgstr "আখৰ সংহতি (_a):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:4 -msgid "ICQ _UIN:" -msgstr "ICQ _UIN:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your ICQ UIN?" msgstr "আপোনাৰ ICQ UIN কি ?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:9 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:10 msgid "What is your ICQ password?" msgstr "ICQ পাছৱাৰ্ড কি ?" @@ -1003,11 +1005,44 @@ msgid "None" msgstr "কোনো নহয়" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:1 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "নেটৱাৰ্ক" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:2 +msgid "Network:" +msgstr "নেটৱাৰ্ক:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:3 msgid "Character set:" msgstr "আখৰ সংহতি:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:1 +msgid "Add…" +msgstr "যোগ কৰক…" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:3 +msgid "Remove" +msgstr "আতৰাওক" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:6 +msgid "Up" +msgstr "উপৰ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:7 +msgid "Down" +msgstr "তল" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:8 +msgid "Servers" +msgstr "চাৰ্ভাৰসমূহ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:9 msgid "" "Most IRC servers don't need a password, so if you're not sure, don't enter a " "password." @@ -1015,72 +1050,36 @@ "সৰহভাগ IRC চাৰ্ভাৰসমূহৰ এটা পাছৱাৰ্ডৰ প্ৰয়োজন নহয়, সেয়েহে যদি আপুনি নিশ্চিত নহয়, " "এটা পাছৱাৰ্ড নসোমাব।" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:4 -msgid "Network" -msgstr "নেটৱাৰ্ক" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 -msgid "Network:" -msgstr "নেটৱাৰ্ক:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:6 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 msgid "Nickname:" msgstr "উপনাম:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 msgid "Password:" msgstr "পাছৱাৰ্ড:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:12 msgid "Quit message:" msgstr "প্ৰস্থানসময়ত প্ৰদৰ্শিত বাৰ্তা:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:9 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 msgid "Real name:" msgstr "প্ৰকৃত নাম:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 -msgid "Servers" -msgstr "চাৰ্ভাৰসমূহ" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:16 +msgid "Which IRC network?" +msgstr "কোন IRC নেটৱাৰ্ক?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:12 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:17 msgid "What is your IRC nickname?" msgstr "আপোনাৰ IRC উপনাম কি?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 -msgid "Which IRC network?" -msgstr "কোন IRC নেটৱাৰ্ক?" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:1 -msgid "Example: user@gmail.com" -msgstr "উদাহৰণ: user@gmail.com" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:2 -msgid "Example: user@jabber.org" -msgstr "উদাহৰণ: user@jabber.org" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:4 -msgid "Encr_yption required (TLS/SSL)" -msgstr "ইনক্ৰিপষণৰ প্ৰয়োজন (TLS/SSL) (_y)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:5 -msgid "I_gnore SSL certificate errors" -msgstr "SSL প্ৰমাণপত্ৰ ত্ৰুটিসমূহ উপেক্ষা কৰক (_g)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:7 -msgid "Override server settings" -msgstr "চাৰ্ভাৰৰ বৈশিষ্ট্য উপেক্ষা কৰক" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:9 -msgid "Priori_ty:" -msgstr "গুৰুত্ব (_t):" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:12 -msgid "Reso_urce:" -msgstr "সম্পদ: (_u)" +msgid "What is your Facebook username?" +msgstr "আপোনাৰ Facebook ব্যৱহাৰকাৰীনাম কি?" #. This string is not wrapped in the dialog so you may have to add some '\n' to make it look nice. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:14 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:3 msgid "" "This is your username, not your normal Facebook login.\n" "If you are facebook.com/badger, enter badger.\n" @@ -1092,179 +1091,203 @@ "যদি আপোনাৰ এটা Facebook ব্যৱহাৰকাৰীনাম নাই এটা বাছইবলে এই পৃষ্ঠা ব্যৱহাৰ কৰক।" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:17 -msgid "Use old SS_L" -msgstr "পুৰনি SSL ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হ'ব (_L)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:18 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:6 msgid "What is your Facebook password?" msgstr "আপোনাৰ Facebook পাছৱাৰ্ড কি?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:19 -msgid "What is your Facebook username?" -msgstr "আপোনাৰ Facebook ব্যৱহাৰকাৰীনাম কি?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:20 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your Google ID?" msgstr "আপোনাৰ Google ID কি ?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:21 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:9 +msgid "Example: user@gmail.com" +msgstr "উদাহৰণ: user@gmail.com" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:10 msgid "What is your Google password?" msgstr "আপোনাৰ Google পাছৱাৰ্ড কি ?" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:11 +msgid "Example: user@jabber.org" +msgstr "উদাহৰণ: user@jabber.org" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:15 +msgid "I_gnore SSL certificate errors" +msgstr "SSL প্ৰমাণপত্ৰ ত্ৰুটিসমূহ উপেক্ষা কৰক (_g)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:16 +msgid "Priori_ty:" +msgstr "গুৰুত্ব (_t):" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:17 +msgid "Reso_urce:" +msgstr "সম্পদ: (_u)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:18 +msgid "Encr_yption required (TLS/SSL)" +msgstr "ইনক্ৰিপষণৰ প্ৰয়োজন (TLS/SSL) (_y)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:19 +msgid "Use old SS_L" +msgstr "পুৰনি SSL ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হ'ব (_L)" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:22 +msgid "Override server settings" +msgstr "চাৰ্ভাৰৰ বৈশিষ্ট্য উপেক্ষা কৰক" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:24 msgid "What is your Jabber ID?" msgstr "আপোনাৰ Jabber ID কি ?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:23 -msgid "What is your Jabber password?" -msgstr "আপোনাৰ Jabber পাছৱাৰ্ড কি ?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:24 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:25 msgid "What is your desired Jabber ID?" msgstr "আপোনাৰ পছন্দৰ Jabber ID কি ?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:25 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:26 +msgid "What is your Jabber password?" +msgstr "আপোনাৰ Jabber পাছৱাৰ্ড কি ?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:27 msgid "What is your desired Jabber password?" msgstr "আপোনাৰ পছন্দৰ Jabber পাছৱাৰ্ড কি ?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:3 msgid "Example: user@hotmail.com" msgstr "উদাহৰণ: user@hotmail.com" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your Windows Live ID?" msgstr "আপোনাৰ Windows Live ID কি ?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your Windows Live password?" msgstr "আপোনাৰ Windows Live পাছৱাৰ্ড কি ?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:2 -msgid "E-_mail address:" -msgstr "ই-মেইল ঠিকনা (_m):" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:1 msgid "Nic_kname:" msgstr "উপনাম (_k):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Last Name:" +msgstr "পদবি: (_L)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:3 msgid "_First Name:" msgstr "নাম: (_F)" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Published Name:" +msgstr "প্ৰকাশিত নাম: (_P)" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:5 msgid "_Jabber ID:" msgstr "_Jabber ID:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:6 -msgid "_Last Name:" -msgstr "পদবি: (_L)" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:6 +msgid "E-_mail address:" +msgstr "ই-মেইল ঠিকনা (_m):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:7 -msgid "_Published Name:" -msgstr "প্ৰকাশিত নাম: (_P)" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Username:" +msgstr "ব্যৱহাৰকাৰীৰ নাম: (_U)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:3 msgid "Example: user@my.sip.server" msgstr "উদাহৰণ: user@my.sip.server" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:3 -msgid "Authentication username:" -msgstr "প্ৰমাণীকৰণ ব্যৱহাৰকাৰীনাম:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:4 -msgid "Discover Binding" -msgstr "বান্ধনী খোজ কৰক" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:5 -msgid "Discover the STUN server automatically" -msgstr "STUN চাৰ্ভাৰ স্বচালিতভাৱে খোজ কৰক" +msgid "Use this account to call _landlines and mobile phones" +msgstr "এই একাওন্টক লেন্ডলাইন আৰু মবাইল ফোনসমূহ কল কৰিবলে ব্যৱহাৰ কৰক" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:6 -msgid "Ignore TLS Errors" -msgstr "TLS ত্ৰুটিসমূহ উপেক্ষা কৰক" +msgid "NAT Traversal Options" +msgstr "NAT ভ্ৰমণ বিকল্পসমূহ" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:7 -msgid "Interval (seconds)" -msgstr "অন্তৰাল (ছেকেণ্ডসমূহ)" +msgid "Proxy Options" +msgstr "প্ৰক্সি বিকল্পসমূহ" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:8 -msgid "Keep-Alive Options" -msgstr "জীৱন্ত-ৰাখক বিকল্পসমূহ" +msgid "Miscellaneous Options" +msgstr "বহু বিকল্পসমূহ" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:9 -msgid "Loose Routing" -msgstr "ঢিলা ৰুটিং" +msgid "STUN Server:" +msgstr "STUN চাৰ্ভাৰ:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:10 -msgid "Mechanism:" -msgstr "পদ্ধতি:" +msgid "Discover the STUN server automatically" +msgstr "STUN চাৰ্ভাৰ স্বচালিতভাৱে খোজ কৰক" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:11 -msgid "Miscellaneous Options" -msgstr "বহু বিকল্পসমূহ" +msgid "Discover Binding" +msgstr "বান্ধনী খোজ কৰক" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:12 -msgid "NAT Traversal Options" -msgstr "NAT ভ্ৰমণ বিকল্পসমূহ" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:114 +msgid "Server:" +msgstr "চাৰ্ভাৰ:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:13 +msgid "Keep-Alive Options" +msgstr "জীৱন্ত-ৰাখক বিকল্পসমূহ" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:14 -msgid "Port:" -msgstr "পোৰ্ট:" +msgid "Mechanism:" +msgstr "পদ্ধতি:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:15 -msgid "Proxy Options" -msgstr "প্ৰক্সি বিকল্পসমূহ" +msgid "Interval (seconds)" +msgstr "অন্তৰাল (ছেকেণ্ডসমূহ)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:16 +msgid "Authentication username:" +msgstr "প্ৰমাণীকৰণ ব্যৱহাৰকাৰীনাম:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:17 +msgid "Transport:" +msgstr "পৰিৱহন:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:18 -msgid "STUN Server:" -msgstr "STUN চাৰ্ভাৰ:" +msgid "Loose Routing" +msgstr "ঢিলা ৰুটিং" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:19 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:347 -msgid "Server:" -msgstr "চাৰ্ভাৰ:" +msgid "Ignore TLS Errors" +msgstr "TLS ত্ৰুটিসমূহ উপেক্ষা কৰক" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:20 -msgid "Transport:" -msgstr "পৰিৱহন:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:21 -msgid "Use this account to call _landlines and mobile phones" -msgstr "এই একাওন্টক লেন্ডলাইন আৰু মবাইল ফোনসমূহ কল কৰিবলে ব্যৱহাৰ কৰক" +msgid "Port:" +msgstr "পোৰ্ট:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:22 -msgid "What is your SIP account password?" -msgstr "আপোনাৰ SIP একাওন্টৰ পাছৱাৰ্ড কি ?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:23 msgid "What is your SIP login ID?" msgstr "আপোনাৰ SIP লগিন ID কি ?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:24 -msgid "_Username:" -msgstr "ব্যৱহাৰকাৰীৰ নাম: (_U)" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:23 +msgid "What is your SIP account password?" +msgstr "আপোনাৰ SIP একাওন্টৰ পাছৱাৰ্ড কি ?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:2 +msgid "Yahoo! I_D:" +msgstr "Yahoo! ID (_D):" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:5 msgid "I_gnore conference and chat room invitations" msgstr "কনফাৰেঞ্চ আৰু চেট ৰুম নিমন্ত্ৰণসমূহ উপেক্ষা কৰক (_g)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Room List locale:" +msgstr "ৰুম তালিকাৰ স্থানীয়: (_R)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:10 msgid "What is your Yahoo! ID?" msgstr "আপোনাৰ Yahoo! ID কি ?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:11 msgid "What is your Yahoo! password?" msgstr "আপোনাৰ Yahoo! পাছৱাৰ্ড কি ?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:9 -msgid "Yahoo! I_D:" -msgstr "Yahoo! ID (_D):" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:11 -msgid "_Room List locale:" -msgstr "ৰুম তালিকাৰ স্থানীয়: (_R)" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:471 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:556 msgid "Couldn't convert image" @@ -1302,211 +1325,228 @@ msgid "Click to enlarge" msgstr "ডাঙৰ মাপত প্ৰদৰ্শনৰ বাবে ক্লিক কৰক" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:44 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:42 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:60 msgid "There was an error starting the call" msgstr "কল আৰম্ভ কৰোতে এটা ত্ৰুটি হৈছিল" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:51 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:49 msgid "The specified contact doesn't support calls" msgstr "ধাৰ্য্য কৰা পৰিচয়ে কলসমূহৰ সমৰ্থন নকৰে" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:53 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:51 msgid "The specified contact is offline" msgstr "ধাৰ্য্য কৰা পৰিচয় অফলাইন" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:55 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:53 msgid "The specified contact is not valid" msgstr "ধাৰ্য্য কৰা পৰিচয় বৈধ নহয়" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:57 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:55 msgid "Emergency calls are not supported on this protocol" msgstr "এই প্ৰটোকলত আপাতকালীন কলসমূহ সমৰ্থিত নহয়" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:704 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:57 +msgid "You don't have enough credit in order to place this call" +msgstr "আপোনাৰ এই কল উপস্থাপন কৰিবলে পৰ্যাপ্ত দেন নাই" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:729 msgid "Failed to open private chat" msgstr "ব্যক্তিগত চেট খোলিবলে ব্যৰ্থ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:765 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:787 msgid "Topic not supported on this conversation" msgstr "বিষয় এই কথোপকথনত সমৰ্থিত নহয়" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:771 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:793 msgid "You are not allowed to change the topic" msgstr "আপোনাৰ এই বিষয় সলনি কৰাৰ অনুমতি নাই" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:975 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:992 #, c-format msgid "“%s” is not a valid contact ID" msgstr "“%s” এটা বৈধ পৰিচয় ID নহয়" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1060 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1087 msgid "/clear: clear all messages from the current conversation" msgstr "/clear: বৰ্তমান কথোপকথনৰ পৰা সকলো বাৰ্তা পৰিষ্কাৰ কৰক" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1063 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1090 msgid "/topic : set the topic of the current conversation" msgstr "/topic : বৰ্তমান কথোপকথনৰ বিষয় সংহতি কৰক" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1066 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1093 msgid "/join : join a new chat room" msgstr "/join : এটা নতুন চেট ৰুমত যোগদান কৰক" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1069 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1096 msgid "/j : join a new chat room" msgstr "/j : এটা নতুন চেট ৰুমত যোগদান কৰক" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1073 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1100 msgid "" "/part [] []: leave the chat room, by default the " "current one" msgstr "/part [] []: চেট ৰুম এৰক, অবিকল্পিতভাৱে বৰ্তমানটো" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1077 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1104 msgid "/query []: open a private chat" msgstr "/query []: এটা ব্যক্তিগত চেট খোলক" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1080 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1107 msgid "/msg : open a private chat" msgstr "/msg : এটা ব্যক্তিগত চেট খোলক" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1083 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1110 msgid "/nick : change your nickname on the current server" msgstr "/nick : বৰ্তমান চাৰ্ভাৰত আপোনাৰ উপনাম সলনি কৰক" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1086 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1113 msgid "/me : send an ACTION message to the current conversation" msgstr "/me : বৰ্তমান কথোপকথনলে ACTION বাৰ্তা পঠাওক" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1089 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1116 msgid "" "/say : send to the current conversation. This is used to " "send a message starting with a '/'. For example: \"/say /join is used to " "join a new chat room\"" msgstr "" "/say : বৰ্তমান কথোপকথনলে পঠাওক। ইয়াক এটা '/' -ৰে আৰম্ভ " -"হোৱা বাৰ্তা পঠাবলে ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হয়। উদাহৰণস্বৰূপ: \"/say /join -ক এটা নতুন চেট " -"ৰুমলে যোগদান কৰিবলে ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হয়\"" +"হোৱা বাৰ্তা পঠাবলে ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হয়। উদাহৰণস্বৰূপ: \"/say /join ক এটা নতুন চেট ৰুমলে " +"যোগদান কৰিবলে ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হয়\"" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1094 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1121 msgid "/whois : display information about a contact" msgstr "/whois : এজন পৰিচয়ৰ বিষয়ে তথ্য প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰে" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1097 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1124 msgid "" "/help []: show all supported commands. If is defined, " "show its usage." msgstr "" -"/help []: সকলো সমৰ্থিত কমান্ড দেখুৱাওক। যদি -ৰ বিৱৰণ দিয়া " +"/help []: সকলো সমৰ্থিত কমান্ড দেখুৱাওক। যদি ৰ বিৱৰণ দিয়া " "আছে, ইয়াৰ ব্যৱহাৰ দেখুৱাওক।" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1114 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1143 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s" msgstr "ব্যৱহাৰ: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1159 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1188 msgid "Unknown command" msgstr "অজ্ঞাত কমান্ড" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1285 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1314 msgid "Unknown command; see /help for the available commands" msgstr "অজ্ঞাত কমান্ড; উপলব্ধ কমান্ডসমূহৰ বাবে /help চাওক" -#. translators: error used when user doesn't have enough credit on his -#. * account to send the message. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1455 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1565 msgid "insufficient balance to send message" msgstr "বাৰ্তা পঠাবলে অপৰ্যাপ্ত মেমৰি আছে" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1457 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1569 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1583 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1646 +#, c-format +msgid "Error sending message '%s': %s" +msgstr "'%s' বাৰ্তা পঠিয়াবলৈ সমস্যা: %s" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1571 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1588 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1650 +#, c-format +msgid "Error sending message: %s" +msgstr "বাৰ্তা পঠাবলে ত্ৰুটি: %s" + +#. translators: error used when user doesn't have enough credit on his +#. * account to send the message. +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1577 +#, c-format +msgid "insufficient balance to send message. Top up." +msgstr "বাৰ্তা পঠাবলে অপৰ্যাপ্ত বেলেঞ্চ। টপ আপ।" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1617 msgid "not capable" msgstr "ক্ষমতাবান নহয়" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1464 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1624 msgid "offline" msgstr "অফ-লাইন" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1467 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1627 msgid "invalid contact" msgstr "পৰিচিত ব্যক্তিৰ তথ্য বৈধ নহয়" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1470 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1630 msgid "permission denied" msgstr "অনুমতি প্ৰদান কৰা নহয়" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1473 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1633 msgid "too long message" msgstr "বাৰ্তা অত্যাধিক দীঘল" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1476 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1636 msgid "not implemented" msgstr "প্ৰয়োগ কৰা নহয়" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1480 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1640 msgid "unknown" msgstr "অজ্ঞাত" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1486 -#, c-format -msgid "Error sending message '%s': %s" -msgstr "'%s' বাৰ্তা পঠিয়াবলৈ সমস্যা: %s" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1490 -#, c-format -msgid "Error sending message: %s" -msgstr "বাৰ্তা পঠাবলে ত্ৰুটি: %s" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1551 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:761 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1707 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:920 msgid "Topic:" msgstr "বিষয়:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1563 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1722 #, c-format msgid "Topic set to: %s" msgstr "নিৰ্ধাৰিত বিষয়: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1565 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1724 +#, c-format +msgid "Topic set by %s to: %s" +msgstr "বিষয় %s দ্বাৰা সংহত: %s" + +#. No need to display this 'event' is no topic can be defined anyway +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1729 msgid "No topic defined" msgstr "বিষয় নিৰ্ধাৰিত নহয়" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2074 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2245 msgid "(No Suggestions)" msgstr "(প্ৰস্তাবিত তথ্য অনুপস্থিত)" #. translators: %s is the selected word -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2142 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2313 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to Dictionary" -msgstr "'%s' -ক শব্দকোষলে যোগ কৰক" +msgstr "'%s' ক শব্দকোষলে যোগ কৰক" #. translators: first %s is the selected word, #. * second %s is the language name of the target dictionary -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2179 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2350 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to %s Dictionary" -msgstr "'%s' -ক %s শব্দকোষলে যোগ কৰক" +msgstr "'%s' ক %s শব্দকোষলে যোগ কৰক" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2249 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2420 msgid "Insert Smiley" msgstr "স্মাইলি আখৰ অন্তৰ্ভুক্ত কৰক" #. send button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2267 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1839 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2438 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1880 msgid "_Send" msgstr "পঠিয়াই দিয়ক (_S)" #. Spelling suggestions -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2321 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2495 msgid "_Spelling Suggestions" msgstr "প্ৰস্তাবিত বানান (_S)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2410 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2584 msgid "Failed to retrieve recent logs" msgstr "শেহতীয়া লগসমূহ উদ্ধাৰ কৰোতে ব্যৰ্থ হল" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2547 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2723 #, c-format msgid "%s has disconnected" msgstr "%s ৰ সৈতে সংযোগ বিচ্ছিন্ন কৰা হৈছে" @@ -1514,12 +1554,12 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the kicked should come before the kicker in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2554 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2730 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was kicked by %2$s" msgstr "%1$s ক %2$s দ্বাৰা বিতাড়ন কৰা হৈছে" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2557 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2733 #, c-format msgid "%s was kicked" msgstr "%s ক বিতাড়ন কৰা হৈছে" @@ -1527,17 +1567,17 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the banned should come before the banner in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2565 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2741 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was banned by %2$s" msgstr "%1$s ক %2$s দ্বাৰা প্ৰতিৰোধ কৰা হৈছে" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2568 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2744 #, c-format msgid "%s was banned" msgstr "%s ক প্ৰতিৰোধ কৰা হৈছে" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2572 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2748 #, c-format msgid "%s has left the room" msgstr "%s ৰুমৰ পৰা ওলাই গৈছে" @@ -1547,17 +1587,17 @@ #. * given by the user living the room. If this poses a problem, #. * please let us know. :-) #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2581 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2757 #, c-format msgid " (%s)" msgstr " (%s)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2606 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2782 #, c-format msgid "%s has joined the room" msgstr "%s ৰুমত আহিছে" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2631 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2807 #, c-format msgid "%s is now known as %s" msgstr "%s এতিয়া %s হিচাপে জনাজাত" @@ -1565,90 +1605,90 @@ #. We don't know if the incoming call has been accepted or not, so we #. * assume it hasn't and if it has, we'll set the proper status when #. * we get the new handler. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2784 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1894 -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1240 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1432 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1482 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2527 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2994 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1888 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1279 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1502 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1552 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2590 msgid "Disconnected" msgstr "বিচ্ছিন্ন" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3428 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3658 msgid "Would you like to store this password?" msgstr "আপুনি এই পাছৱাৰ্ড সংৰক্ষণ কৰিব বিচাৰে নে?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3434 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3664 msgid "Remember" msgstr "মনত ৰাখক" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3444 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3674 msgid "Not now" msgstr "এতিয়া নহয়" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3488 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3718 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-bad-password-dialog.c:142 msgid "Retry" msgstr "পুনৰ চেষ্টা কৰক" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3492 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3722 msgid "Wrong password; please try again:" msgstr "ভুল পাছৱাৰ্ড। অনুগ্ৰহ কৰি পুনৰ চেষ্টা কৰক।:" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3622 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3852 msgid "This room is protected by a password:" msgstr "এই ৰুম এটা পাছৱাৰ্ডৰে সুৰক্ষিত:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3649 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3879 msgid "Join" msgstr "যোগদান কৰক" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3851 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1261 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4071 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1300 msgid "Connected" msgstr "সংযুক্ত" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3906 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4126 msgid "Conversation" msgstr "চেট" #. Translators: this string is a something like #. * "Escher Cat (SMS)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3911 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4131 #, c-format msgid "%s (SMS)" msgstr "%s (SMS)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:424 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:262 msgid "Unknown or invalid identifier" msgstr "অজ্ঞাত অথবা অবৈধ চিনাক্তক" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:426 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:264 msgid "Contact blocking temporarily unavailable" msgstr "পৰিচয় প্ৰতিৰোধ কৰা অস্থায়ীভাৱে উপলব্ধ নহয়" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:428 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:266 msgid "Contact blocking unavailable" msgstr "পৰিচয় প্ৰতিৰোধ কৰা উপলব্ধ নহয়" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:430 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:268 msgid "Permission Denied" msgstr "অনুমতি নাকচ কৰা হৈছে" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:434 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:272 msgid "Could not block contact" msgstr "পৰিচয় প্ৰতিৰোধ কৰিব নোৱাৰি" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:774 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:610 msgid "Edit Blocked Contacts" msgstr "প্ৰতিৰোধ কৰা পৰিচয়সমূহ সম্পাদনা কৰক" #. Account and Identifier #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:512 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1489 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-selector-dialog.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:506 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1474 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:7 msgid "Account:" msgstr "একাওন্ট" @@ -1656,466 +1696,364 @@ msgid "Blocked Contacts" msgstr "প্ৰতিৰোধ কৰা পৰিচয়সমূহ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:5 -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Remove" -msgstr "আতৰাওক" - #. Copy Link Address menu item -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:320 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:322 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-webkit-utils.c:277 msgid "_Copy Link Address" msgstr "লিঙ্ক দ্বাৰা চিহ্নিত ঠিকনা নকল কৰক (_C)" #. Open Link menu item -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:327 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:329 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-webkit-utils.c:284 msgid "_Open Link" msgstr "সংযোগ খোলক (_O)" #. Translators: timestamp displayed between conversations in #. * chat windows (strftime format string) -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:415 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:417 msgid "%A %B %d %Y" msgstr "%A %B %d %Y" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:299 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-edit-dialog.c:247 -msgid "Edit Contact Information" -msgstr "যোগাযোগ তথ্য পৰিবৰ্তন কৰক" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:350 -msgid "Personal Information" -msgstr "ব্যক্তিগত তথ্য" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:459 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:119 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:326 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:118 msgid "New Contact" msgstr "নতুন পৰিচয়" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:533 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:200 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:395 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:197 #, c-format msgid "Block %s?" msgstr "%s প্ৰতিৰোধ কৰিবনে?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:538 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:255 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:400 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:252 #, c-format msgid "Are you sure you want to block '%s' from contacting you again?" msgstr "" -"আপুনি নিশ্চিত নে আপুনি '%s' -ক আপোনাৰ লগত যোগাযোগ কৰাৰ পৰা প্ৰতিৰোধ কৰিব বিচাৰে?" +"আপুনি নিশ্চিত নে আপুনি '%s' ক আপোনাৰ লগত যোগাযোগ কৰাৰ পৰা প্ৰতিৰোধ কৰিব বিচাৰে?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:543 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:277 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:405 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:274 msgid "_Block" msgstr "প্ৰতিৰোধ কৰক (_B)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:559 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:286 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:423 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:283 msgid "_Report this contact as abusive" msgid_plural "_Report these contacts as abusive" msgstr[0] "এই পৰিচয় নিন্দুক হিচাপে সংবাদন কৰক (_R)" msgstr[1] "এই পৰিচয়সমূহক নিন্দুক হিচাপে সংবাদন কৰক (_R)" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:1 -msgid "Decide _Later" -msgstr "পিছত নিৰ্ধাৰণ কৰা হ'ব (_L)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:2 msgid "Subscription Request" msgstr "স্বাক্ষৰণৰ অনুৰোধ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:2 msgid "_Block User" msgstr "ব্যৱহাৰকাৰীক প্ৰতিৰোধ কৰক (_B)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-store.h:71 -msgid "Ungrouped" -msgstr "দলীয় নহয়" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-store.h:72 -msgid "Favorite People" -msgstr "পছন্দৰ মানুহ" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:1986 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2376 -#, c-format -msgid "Do you really want to remove the group '%s'?" -msgstr "'%s' নামৰ দল নিশ্চিতৰূপে আঁতৰাবলৈ ইচ্ছুক নে ?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:1988 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2379 -msgid "Removing group" -msgstr "দল আঁতৰুৱা হৈছে" - -#. Remove -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2037 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2114 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2434 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2637 -msgid "_Remove" -msgstr "আঁতৰাওক (_R)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2067 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2501 -#, c-format -msgid "Do you really want to remove the contact '%s'?" -msgstr "আপুনি নিশ্চিতৰূপে '%s' ক পৰিচিত তালিকাৰ পৰা আঁতৰাবলৈ ইচ্ছুক নে ?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2069 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2522 -msgid "Removing contact" -msgstr "পৰিচিত ব্যক্তিক আঁতৰুৱা হৈছে" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:220 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:14 -msgid "_Add Contact…" -msgstr "পৰিচয় যোগ কৰক (_A)…" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:300 -msgid "_Block Contact" -msgstr "পৰিচয় প্ৰতিৰোধ কৰক (_B)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:329 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:758 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:16 -msgid "_Chat" -msgstr "চেট (_C)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:361 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:849 -msgctxt "menu item" -msgid "_Audio Call" -msgstr "অডিঅ' কল (_A)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:394 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:894 -msgctxt "menu item" -msgid "_Video Call" -msgstr "ভিডিঅ' কল (_V)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:440 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:947 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:27 -msgid "_Previous Conversations" -msgstr "পূৰ্ববৰ্তী কথোপকথনসমূহ (_P)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:462 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:988 -msgid "Send File" -msgstr "নথিপত্ৰ পঠিয়াওক" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:485 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1030 -msgid "Share My Desktop" -msgstr "মোৰ ডেস্কটপ অংশীদাৰী কৰক" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:525 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1886 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1065 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1372 -msgid "Favorite" -msgstr "পছন্দৰ" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:554 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1093 -msgid "Infor_mation" -msgstr "তথ্য (_m)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:600 -msgctxt "Edit contact (contextual menu)" -msgid "_Edit" -msgstr "সম্পাদনা কৰক (_E)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:654 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1284 -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:1011 -msgid "Inviting you to this room" -msgstr "আপোনাক এই ৰুমলৈ আমন্ত্ৰণ জনোৱা হৈছে" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:685 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1330 -msgid "_Invite to Chat Room" -msgstr "চেট ৰুমলৈ আমন্ত্ৰণ কৰক (_I)" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:3 +msgid "Decide _Later" +msgstr "পিছত নিৰ্ধাৰণ কৰা হ'ব (_L)" #. Title -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:505 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:499 msgid "Search contacts" msgstr "পৰিচয়সমূহ বিচাৰক" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:535 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:529 msgid "Search: " msgstr "সন্ধান কৰক: " -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:593 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:587 msgid "_Add Contact" msgstr "পৰিচয় যোগ কৰক (_A)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:611 -msgid "No contacts found" -msgstr "কোনো পৰিচয় পোৱা নগল" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:627 -msgid "Your message introducing yourself:" -msgstr "আপোনাৰ পৰিচয় দিয়া বাৰ্তা:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:635 -msgid "Please let me see when you're online. Thanks!" -msgstr "অনুগ্ৰহ কৰি যেতিয়া আপুনি অনলাইন থাকে মোক চাব দিব। ধন্যবাদ!" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-selector.c:129 -msgid "Select a contact" -msgstr "এটা পৰিচয় নিৰ্বাচন কৰক" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:336 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:153 -msgid "Full name:" -msgstr "সম্পূৰ্ণ নাম:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:337 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:154 -msgid "Phone number:" -msgstr "ফোন নম্বৰ:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:338 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:155 -msgid "E-mail address:" -msgstr "ই-মেইল ঠিকনা:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:339 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:156 -msgid "Website:" -msgstr "ৱেবছাইট:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:340 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:157 -msgid "Birthday:" -msgstr "জন্মদিন:" - -#. Note to translators: this is the caption for a string of the form "5 -#. * minutes ago", and refers to the time since the contact last interacted -#. * with their IM client. -#. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:346 -msgid "Last seen:" -msgstr "শেষ দেখা হৈছিল:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:605 +msgid "No contacts found" +msgstr "কোনো পৰিচয় পোৱা নগল" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:348 -msgid "Connected from:" -msgstr "পৰা সংযুক্ত:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:621 +msgid "Your message introducing yourself:" +msgstr "আপোনাৰ পৰিচয় দিয়া বাৰ্তা:" -#. FIXME: once Idle implements SimplePresence using this information, we can -#. * and should bin this. -#. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:353 -msgid "Away message:" -msgstr "আতৰত বাৰ্তা:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:629 +msgid "Please let me see when you're online. Thanks!" +msgstr "অনুগ্ৰহ কৰি যেতিয়া আপুনি অনলাইন থাকে মোক চাব দিব। ধন্যবাদ!" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:606 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:567 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:304 msgid "Channels:" msgstr "চেনেলসমূহ:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:897 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:469 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:747 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:455 msgid "Country ISO Code:" msgstr "দেশৰ ISO কোড:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:899 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:471 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:749 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:457 msgid "Country:" msgstr "দেশ:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:901 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:473 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:751 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:459 msgid "State:" msgstr "ৰাজ্য:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:903 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:475 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:753 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:461 msgid "City:" msgstr "নগৰ:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:905 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:477 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:755 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:463 msgid "Area:" msgstr "অঞ্চল:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:907 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:479 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:757 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:465 msgid "Postal Code:" msgstr "পোস্টেল কোড:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:909 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:481 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:759 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:467 msgid "Street:" msgstr "ৰাস্তা:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:911 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:483 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:761 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:469 msgid "Building:" msgstr "বিল্ডিং:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:913 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:485 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:763 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:471 msgid "Floor:" msgstr "তল:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:915 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:487 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:765 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:473 msgid "Room:" msgstr "ঘৰ:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:917 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:489 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:767 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:475 msgid "Text:" msgstr "লিখনী:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:919 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:491 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:769 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:477 msgid "Description:" msgstr "বিৱৰণ:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:921 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:493 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:771 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:479 msgid "URI:" msgstr "URI:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:923 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:495 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:773 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:481 msgid "Accuracy Level:" msgstr "যথাৰ্থতাৰ মাত্ৰা:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:925 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:497 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:775 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:483 msgid "Error:" msgstr "ত্ৰুটি:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:927 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:499 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:777 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:485 msgid "Vertical Error (meters):" msgstr "উলম্ব দিশৰ ত্ৰুটি (মিটাৰ):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:929 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:501 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:779 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:487 msgid "Horizontal Error (meters):" msgstr "অনুভূমিক দিশৰ ত্ৰুটি (মিটাৰ):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:931 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:503 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:781 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:489 msgid "Speed:" msgstr "গতি:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:933 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:505 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:783 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:491 msgid "Bearing:" msgstr "বিয়েৰিং:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:935 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:507 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:785 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:493 msgid "Climb Speed:" msgstr "আৰোহণৰ গতি:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:937 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:509 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:787 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:495 msgid "Last Updated on:" msgstr "সৰ্বশেষ উন্নয়নৰ তাৰিখ:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:939 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:511 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:789 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:497 msgid "Longitude:" msgstr "দ্ৰাঘিমাংশ:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:941 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:513 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:791 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:499 msgid "Latitude:" msgstr "অক্ষাংশ:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:943 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:515 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:793 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:501 msgid "Altitude:" msgstr "উচ্চতা:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:996 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1011 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:607 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:622 -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:17 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:846 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:861 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:593 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:608 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:35 msgid "Location" msgstr "অৱস্থান" #. translators: format is "Location, $date" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1013 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:624 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:863 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:610 #, c-format msgid "%s, %s" msgstr "%s, %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1065 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:673 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:915 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:659 msgid "%B %e, %Y at %R UTC" msgstr "%B %e, %Y %R UTC ত" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1147 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:915 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:997 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:900 msgid "Save Avatar" msgstr "অৱতাৰৰ ছবি সংৰক্ষণ কৰক" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1203 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:973 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1053 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:958 msgid "Unable to save avatar" msgstr "অৱতাৰৰ ছবি সংৰক্ষণ কৰিবলৈ ব্যৰ্থ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:1 -msgid "Location at (date)\t" -msgstr "অৱস্থান (date) ত\t" - -#. Alias -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1308 -msgid "Alias:" -msgstr "উপনাম:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:4 -msgid "Client Information" -msgstr "গ্ৰাহক তথ্য" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:5 -msgid "Client:" -msgstr "গ্ৰাহক:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1444 +msgid "Personal Details" +msgstr "ব্যক্তিগত বিৱৰণসমূহ" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1447 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:2 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:3 msgid "Contact Details" msgstr "যোগাযোগ বিবৰণ" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:104 +msgid "Full name" +msgstr "সম্পূৰ্ণ নাম" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:105 +msgid "Phone number" +msgstr "ফোন নম্বৰ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:106 +msgid "E-mail address" +msgstr "ই-মেইল ঠিকনা" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:107 +msgid "Website" +msgstr "ৱেবছাইট" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:108 +msgid "Birthday" +msgstr "জন্মদিন" + +#. Note to translators: this is the caption for a string of the form "5 +#. * minutes ago", and refers to the time since the contact last interacted +#. * with their IM client. +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:113 +msgid "Last seen:" +msgstr "শেষ দেখা হৈছিল:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:115 +msgid "Connected from:" +msgstr "পৰা সংযুক্ত:" + +#. FIXME: once Idle implements SimplePresence using this information, we can +#. * and should bin this. +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:119 +msgid "Away message:" +msgstr "আতৰত বাৰ্তা:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:132 +msgid "work" +msgstr "কৰ্ম" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:133 +msgid "home" +msgstr "ঘৰ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:134 +msgid "mobile" +msgstr "মবাইল" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:135 +msgid "voice" +msgstr "মাত" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:136 +msgid "preferred" +msgstr "পছন্দৰ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:137 +msgid "postal" +msgstr "ডাক সম্বন্ধীয়" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:138 +msgid "parcel" +msgstr "পাৰ্চেল" + #. Identifier to connect to Instant Messaging network #. Translators: Identifier to connect to Instant Messaging network -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:8 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1517 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1502 msgid "Identifier:" msgstr "চিনাক্তআখৰ:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:3 +#. Alias +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1293 +msgid "Alias:" +msgstr "উপনাম:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:5 +msgid "Location at (date)\t" +msgstr "অৱস্থান (date) ত\t" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:4 msgid "Information requested…" msgstr "তথ্য অনুৰোধ কৰা হৈছে…" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:10 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:8 +msgid "Client Information" +msgstr "গ্ৰাহক তথ্য" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:9 msgid "OS:" msgstr "OS:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:10 msgid "Version:" msgstr "সংস্কৰণ:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:333 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:11 +msgid "Client:" +msgstr "গ্ৰাহক:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:331 msgid "Groups" msgstr "দলসমূহ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:345 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:343 msgid "" "Select the groups you want this contact to appear in. Note that you can " "select more than one group or no groups." @@ -2123,105 +2061,175 @@ "দলসমূহ যত আপুনি এই পৰিচয় উপস্থিত থকাটো বিচাৰে নিৰ্বাচন কৰক। মনব কৰিব যে আপুনি " "এটাতকে বেছি দল অথবা কোনো দল নহয় নিৰ্বাচন কৰিব পাৰিব। " -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:364 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:362 msgid "_Add Group" msgstr "দল যোগ কৰক (_A)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:399 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:397 msgctxt "verb in a column header displaying group names" msgid "Select" msgstr "নিৰ্বাচন কৰক" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:409 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1807 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:407 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1970 msgid "Group" msgstr "দল" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:260 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:257 msgid "The following identity will be blocked:" msgid_plural "The following identities will be blocked:" msgstr[0] "নিম্নলিখিত পৰিচয় প্ৰতিৰোধ কৰা হব:" msgstr[1] "নিম্নলিখিত পৰিচয়সমূহ প্ৰতিৰোধ কৰা হব:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:267 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:264 msgid "The following identity can not be blocked:" msgid_plural "The following identities can not be blocked:" msgstr[0] "নিম্নলিখিত পৰিচয় প্ৰতিৰোধ কৰিব নোৱাৰি:" msgstr[1] "নিম্নলিখিত পৰিচয়সমূহ প্ৰতিৰোধ কৰিব নোৱাৰি:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-edit-dialog.c:247 +msgid "Edit Contact Information" +msgstr "যোগাযোগ তথ্য পৰিবৰ্তন কৰক" + #. Translators: the heading at the top of the Information dialogue #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-information-dialog.c:288 msgid "Linked Contacts" msgstr "সংযুক্ত পৰিচয়সমূহ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-linker.c:370 -msgid "Select contacts to link" -msgstr "সংযোগ কৰিবলে পৰিচয়সমূহ বাছক" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-linker.c:444 -msgid "New contact preview" -msgstr "নতুন পৰিচয় পূৰ্বদৰ্শন" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-linker.c:488 -msgid "Contacts selected in the list on the left will be linked together." -msgstr "বাওফালে থকা তালিকাত নিৰ্বাচন কৰা পৰিচয়সমূহ একেলগে সংযুক্ত কৰা হব।" - #. Translators: this is used in the context menu for a contact. The first #. * parameter is a contact ID (e.g. foo@jabber.org) and the second is one #. * of the user's account IDs (e.g. me@hotmail.com). -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:145 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:173 #, c-format msgid "%s (%s)" msgstr "%s (%s)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:309 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:345 msgid "Select account to use to place the call" msgstr "কল স্থাপনা কৰিবলে ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিব লগিয়া একাওন্ট বাছক" #. translators: Call is a noun. This string is used in the window #. * title -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:313 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:2 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1299 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:349 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1290 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:18 msgid "Call" msgstr "কল" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:378 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:414 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "মবাইল" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:380 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:416 msgid "Work" msgstr "কৰ্ম" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:382 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:418 msgid "HOME" msgstr "HOME" -#. add an SMS button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:804 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:215 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:659 +msgid "_Block Contact" +msgstr "পৰিচয় প্ৰতিৰোধ কৰক (_B)" + +#. add chat button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1018 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:319 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Chat" +msgstr "চেট (_C)" + +#. add SMS button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1053 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:313 msgid "_SMS" msgstr "SMS (_S)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1142 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1086 +msgctxt "menu item" +msgid "_Audio Call" +msgstr "অডিঅ' কল (_A)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1119 +msgctxt "menu item" +msgid "_Video Call" +msgstr "ভিডিঅ' কল (_V)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1160 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Previous Conversations" +msgstr "পূৰ্ববৰ্তী কথোপকথনসমূহ (_P)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1189 +msgid "Send File" +msgstr "নথিপত্ৰ পঠিয়াওক" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1219 +msgid "Share My Desktop" +msgstr "মোৰ ডেস্কটপ অংশীদাৰী কৰক" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1245 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1357 +msgid "Favorite" +msgstr "পছন্দৰ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1264 +msgid "gnome-contacts not installed" +msgstr "gnome-contacts ইনস্টল নাই" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1267 +msgid "Please install gnome-contacts to access contacts details." +msgstr "পৰিচয় বিৱৰণসমূহ অভিগম কৰিবলে অনুগ্ৰহ কৰি gnome-contacts ইনস্টল কৰক।" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1398 +msgid "Infor_mation" +msgstr "তথ্য (_m)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1447 msgctxt "Edit individual (contextual menu)" msgid "_Edit" msgstr "সম্পাদনা কৰক (_E)" -#. Translators: this is a verb meaning "to connect two contacts together -#. * to form a meta-contact". -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1168 -msgctxt "Link individual (contextual menu)" -msgid "_Link Contacts…" -msgstr "পৰিচয়সমূহ সংযোগ কৰক (_L)…" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1564 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:1192 +msgid "Inviting you to this room" +msgstr "আপোনাক এই ৰুমলৈ আমন্ত্ৰণ জনোৱা হৈছে" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1610 +msgid "_Invite to Chat Room" +msgstr "চেট ৰুমলৈ আমন্ত্ৰণ কৰক (_I)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1806 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:5 +msgid "_Add Contact…" +msgstr "পৰিচয় যোগ কৰক (_A)…" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2341 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2304 msgid "Delete and _Block" msgstr "মচি পেলাওক আৰু প্ৰতিৰোধ কৰক (_B)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2510 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2339 +#, c-format +msgid "Do you really want to remove the group '%s'?" +msgstr "'%s' নামৰ দল নিশ্চিতৰূপে আঁতৰাবলৈ ইচ্ছুক নে ?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2342 +msgid "Removing group" +msgstr "দল আঁতৰুৱা হৈছে" + +#. Remove +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2397 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2601 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "আঁতৰাওক (_R)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2474 +#, c-format +msgid "Do you really want to remove the contact '%s'?" +msgstr "আপুনি নিশ্চিতৰূপে '%s' ক পৰিচিত তালিকাৰ পৰা আঁতৰাবলৈ ইচ্ছুক নে ?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2483 #, c-format msgid "" "Do you really want to remove the linked contact '%s'? Note that this will " @@ -2230,7 +2238,11 @@ "আপুনি সঁচাকে সংযুক্ত পৰিচয় '%s' আতৰাব বিচাৰে নে? মন কৰিব যে ই সকলো পৰিচয় যি এই " "সংযুক্ত পৰিচয় বনায় আতৰাই পেলাব।" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1656 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2495 +msgid "Removing contact" +msgstr "পৰিচিত ব্যক্তিক আঁতৰুৱা হৈছে" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1641 #, c-format msgid "Linked contact containing %u contact" msgid_plural "Linked contacts containing %u contacts" @@ -2239,25 +2251,25 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:1 msgid "Location at (date)" -msgstr "অৱস্থান (date) -ত" +msgstr "অৱস্থান (date) ত" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:2 msgid "Online from a phone or mobile device" msgstr "এটা ফোন বা মবাইল ডিভাইচৰ পৰা অনলাইন" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:332 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:335 msgid "New Network" msgstr "নতুন নেটৱাৰ্ক" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:527 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:530 msgid "Choose an IRC network" msgstr "এটা IRC নেটৱাৰ্ক বাছক" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:584 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:587 msgid "Reset _Networks List" msgstr "নেটৱাৰ্কসমূহৰ তালিকা পুনৰ সংহতি কৰক (_N)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:588 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:591 msgctxt "verb displayed on a button to select an IRC network" msgid "Select" msgstr "নিৰ্বাচন কৰক" @@ -2266,258 +2278,261 @@ msgid "new server" msgstr "নতুন চাৰ্ভাৰ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:535 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:539 msgid "SSL" msgstr "SSL" -#. Translators: this is the title of the linking dialogue (reached by -#. * right-clicking on a contact and selecting "Link…"). "Link" in this title -#. * is a verb. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:115 -msgid "Link Contacts" -msgstr "পৰিচয়সমূহ সংযুক্ত কৰক" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:120 -msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" -msgid "_Unlink…" -msgstr "অসংযুক্ত কৰক (_U)…" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:121 -msgid "" -"Completely split the displayed linked contacts into the separate contacts." -msgstr "প্ৰদৰ্শিত সংযুক্ত পৰিচয়সমূহক পৃথক পৰিচয়সমূহত সম্পূৰ্ণভাৱে বিভাজন কৰক।" - -#. Add button -#. Translators: this is an action button in the linking dialogue. "Link" is -#. * used here as a verb meaning "to connect two contacts to form a -#. * meta-contact". -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:136 -msgid "_Link" -msgstr "সংযুক্ত কৰক (_L)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:183 -#, c-format -msgid "Unlink linked contacts '%s'?" -msgstr "সংযুক্ত পৰিচয়সমূহ '%s' অসংযুক্ত কৰিব নে?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:186 -msgid "" -"Are you sure you want to unlink these linked contacts? This will completely " -"split the linked contacts into separate contacts." -msgstr "" -"আপুনি নিশ্চিত নে আপুনি এই সংযুক্ত পৰিচয়সমূহ অসংযুক্ত কৰিব বিচাৰে? ই সংযুক্ত পৰিচয়সমূহক " -"সম্পূৰ্ণভাৱে পৃথক পৰিচয়সমূহত বিভাজন কৰিব।" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:190 -msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" -msgid "_Unlink" -msgstr "অসংযুক্ত কৰক (_U)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:634 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:620 msgid "History" msgstr "ইতিহাস" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:689 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:675 msgid "Show" msgstr "দেখুৱাওক" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:711 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:697 msgid "Search" msgstr "অনুসন্ধান" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1159 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1148 #, c-format msgid "Chat in %s" -msgstr "%s -ত চেট কৰক" +msgstr "%s ত চেট কৰক" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1161 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1150 #, c-format msgid "Chat with %s" -msgstr "%s -ৰ সৈতে চেট কৰক" +msgstr "%s ৰ সৈতে চেট কৰক" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1211 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1358 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1200 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1347 msgctxt "A date with the time" msgid "%A, %e %B %Y %X" msgstr "%A, %e %B %Y %X" #. Translators: this is an emote: '* Danielle waves' -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1300 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1289 #, c-format msgid "* %s %s" msgstr "* %s %s" #. Translators: this is a message: 'Danielle: hello' #. * The string in bold is the sender's name -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1306 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1295 #, c-format msgid "%s: %s" msgstr "%s: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1382 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1371 #, c-format msgid "%s second" msgid_plural "%s seconds" msgstr[0] "%s ছেকেণ্ড" msgstr[1] "%s ছেকেণ্ড" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1389 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1378 #, c-format msgid "%s minute" msgid_plural "%s minutes" msgstr[0] "%s মিনিট" msgstr[1] "%s মিনিট" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1397 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1386 #, c-format msgid "Call took %s, ended at %s" -msgstr "কলে %s ললে, %s -ত সমাপ্ত হল" +msgstr "কলে %s ললে, %s ত সমাপ্ত হল" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1729 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1720 msgid "Today" msgstr "আজি" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1733 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1724 msgid "Yesterday" msgstr "যোৱাকালী" #. Translators: A date such as '23 May 2010' (strftime format) -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1748 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1739 msgid "%e %B %Y" msgstr "%e %B %Y" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1829 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3444 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1827 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3487 msgid "Anytime" msgstr "যেতিয়া তেতিয়া" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1916 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2372 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2400 msgid "Anyone" msgstr "যোনে-তোনে" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2685 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2713 msgid "Who" msgstr "কোন" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2889 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2922 msgid "When" msgstr "কেতিয়া" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3005 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3038 msgid "Anything" msgstr "যিকোনো বস্তু" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3007 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3040 msgid "Text chats" msgstr "লিখনী চেটসমূহ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3009 -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3042 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:25 msgid "Calls" msgstr "কলসমূহ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3014 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3047 msgid "Incoming calls" msgstr "আগ'ত কলসমূহ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3015 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3048 msgid "Outgoing calls" msgstr "বাহিৰগামি কলসমূহ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3016 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3049 msgid "Missed calls" msgstr "মিচ কলসমূহ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3038 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3071 msgid "What" msgstr "কি" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3747 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3780 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete all logs of previous conversations?" msgstr "আপুনি নিশ্চিত নে আপুনি পূৰ্বৱৰ্তী কথোপকথনৰ সকলো লগ মচি পেলাব বিচাৰে?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3751 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3784 msgid "Clear All" msgstr "সকলো পৰিষ্কাৰ কৰক" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3758 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3791 msgid "Delete from:" msgstr "পৰা মচি পেলাওক:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:1 -msgid "Loading..." -msgstr "ল'ড কৰা হৈ আছে..." +msgid "_File" +msgstr "নথিপত্ৰ (_F)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:3 -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Chat" -msgstr "চেট" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:2 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:9 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:12 +msgid "_Edit" +msgstr "সম্পাদনা (_E)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:3 msgid "Delete All History..." msgstr "সকলো ইতিহাস মচি পেলাওক..." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:4 msgid "Profile" msgstr "আলেখ্য" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:6 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:22 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:20 -msgid "Video" -msgstr "ভিডিঅ'" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:5 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:19 +msgid "Chat" +msgstr "চেট" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:7 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:28 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:12 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:20 -msgid "_Edit" -msgstr "সম্পাদনা (_E)" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:26 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:19 +msgid "Video" +msgstr "ভিডিঅ'" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:8 -msgid "_File" -msgstr "নথিপত্ৰ (_F)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:9 msgid "page 2" msgstr "পৃষ্ঠা ২" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-selector-dialog.ui.h:2 -msgid "Contact ID:" -msgstr "পৰিচয়ৰ ID:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:9 +msgid "Loading..." +msgstr "ল'ড কৰা হৈ আছে..." -#. add chat button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:225 -msgid "C_hat" -msgstr "চেট (_h)" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:83 +msgid "The contact is offline" +msgstr "পৰিচয় অফলাইন" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:85 +msgid "The specified contact is either invalid or unknown" +msgstr "ধাৰ্য্য কৰা পৰিচয় হয় অবৈধ অথবা অজ্ঞাত" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:87 +msgid "The contact does not support this kind of conversation" +msgstr "পৰিচয় এই ধৰণৰ কথোপকথন সমৰ্থন নকৰে" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:89 +msgid "The requested functionality is not implemented for this protocol" +msgstr "অনুৰোধ কৰা কাৰ্য্যকৰীতা এই প্ৰটোকলৰ বাবে প্ৰণয়ন কৰা হোৱা নাই" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:95 +msgid "Could not start a conversation with the given contact" +msgstr "প্ৰদান কৰা পৰিচয়ৰ সৈতে এটা কথোকথন আৰম্ভ কৰিব নোৱাৰি" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:97 +msgid "You are banned from this channel" +msgstr "আপোনাক এই চেনেলৰ পৰা বহিষ্কাৰ কৰা হৈছে" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:99 +msgid "This channel is full" +msgstr "এই চেনেল পূৰ্ণ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:101 +msgid "You must be invited to join this channel" +msgstr "আপুনি এই চেনেল অংশগ্ৰহণ কৰিবলে আমন্ত্ৰণ জনাব লাগিব" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:103 +msgid "Can't proceed while disconnected" +msgstr "বিচ্ছিন্নিত অৱস্থাত আগবাঢ়িব নোৱাৰি" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:105 +msgid "Permission denied" +msgstr "অনুমতি নাকচ কৰা হৈছে" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:111 +msgid "There was an error starting the conversation" +msgstr "কথোপকথন আৰম্ভ কৰোতে এটা ত্ৰুটি হৈছিল" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:290 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:200 +msgid "Enter a contact identifier or phone number:" +msgstr "হয় এটা পৰিচয় চিনাক্তক অথবা ফোন নম্বৰ:" #. Tweak the dialog -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:244 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:333 msgid "New Conversation" msgstr "নতুন কথোপকথন " -#. add video toggle -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:204 -msgid "Send _Video" -msgstr "ভিডিঅ' পঠাওক (_V)" +#. add video button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:223 +msgid "_Video Call" +msgstr "ভিডিঅ' কল (_V)" -#. add chat button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:215 -msgid "C_all" -msgstr "কল (_a)" +#. add audio button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:233 +msgid "_Audio Call" +msgstr "অডিঅ' কল (_A)" #. Tweak the dialog -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:225 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:243 msgid "New Call" msgstr "নতুন কল" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-password-dialog.c:274 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-bad-password-dialog.c:130 +#, c-format +msgid "Authentification failed for account %s" +msgstr "একাওন্ট %s ৰ বাবে প্ৰমাণীকৰণ ব্যৰ্থ হল" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-base-password-dialog.c:224 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-password-dialog.c:134 #, c-format msgid "" "Enter your password for account\n" "%s" msgstr "" -"একাওন্ট %s -ৰ বাবে\n" +"একাওন্ট %s ৰ বাবে\n" "আপোনাৰ পাছৱাৰ্ড সোমাওক" #. COL_STATUS_TEXT @@ -2548,12 +2563,8 @@ msgid "Set status" msgstr "অৱস্থা নিৰ্ধাৰণ কৰক" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:943 -msgid "Set your presence and current status" -msgstr "আপোনাৰ উপস্থিতি আৰু বৰ্তমান অৱস্থাৰ তথ্য নিৰ্ধাৰণ কৰক" - #. Custom messages -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:1131 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:1135 msgid "Custom messages…" msgstr "স্বনিৰ্বাচিত বাৰ্তাসমূহ…" @@ -2561,7 +2572,7 @@ #. To translator: %s is the name of the protocol, such as "Google Talk" or #. * "Yahoo!" #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-protocol-chooser.c:584 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-protocol-chooser.c:588 #, c-format msgid "New %s account" msgstr "নতুন %s একাওন্ট" @@ -2571,20 +2582,20 @@ msgstr "সন্ধান কৰক:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:2 -msgid "Mat_ch case" -msgstr "ফলা মিল খোৱাওক (_c)" +msgid "_Previous" +msgstr "পূৰ্ববৰ্তী (_P)" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:3 -msgid "Phrase not found" -msgstr "বাক্যাংশ পোৱা নগল" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:4 msgid "_Next" msgstr "পৰবৰ্তী (_N)" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:4 +msgid "Mat_ch case" +msgstr "ফলা মিল খোৱাওক (_c)" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:5 -msgid "_Previous" -msgstr "পূৰ্ববৰ্তী (_P)" +msgid "Phrase not found" +msgstr "বাক্যাংশ পোৱা নগল" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-sound-manager.c:51 msgid "Received an instant message" @@ -2630,12 +2641,12 @@ msgid "Edit Custom Messages" msgstr "স্বনিৰ্বাচিত বাৰ্তা সম্পাদনা" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1036 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1051 #, c-format msgid "Message edited at %s" -msgstr "বাৰ্তা %s -ত সম্পাদনা কৰা হৈছে" +msgstr "বাৰ্তা %s ত সম্পাদনা কৰা হৈছে" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1726 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1757 msgid "Normal" msgstr "স্বাভাৱিক" @@ -2684,8 +2695,7 @@ msgstr "প্ৰমাণপত্ৰ স্ব-স্বাক্ষৰীত।" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:177 -msgid "" -"The certificate has been revoked by the issuing Certification Authority." +msgid "The certificate has been revoked by the issuing Certification Authority." msgstr "প্ৰমাণপত্ৰক প্ৰেৰণকাৰী প্ৰমাণপত্ৰ কতৃপক্ষ দ্বাৰা প্ৰত্যাহাৰ কৰা হৈছে।" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:181 @@ -2711,34 +2721,38 @@ msgstr "প্ৰমাণপত্ৰ হস্টনাম: %s" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:281 -msgid "Continue" -msgstr "চলাই থাকক" +msgid "C_ontinue" +msgstr "চলাই থাকক (_o)" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:287 +msgid "Untrusted connection" +msgstr "ভৰষাহিন সংযোগ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:288 msgid "This connection is untrusted. Would you like to continue anyway?" msgstr "এই সংযোগ ভৰষা কৰিব নোৱাৰি। আপুনি তথাপিও আগবাঢ়িব বিচাৰে নে?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:297 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:298 msgid "Remember this choice for future connections" msgstr "এই পছন্দক ভৱিষ্যত সংযোগসমূহৰ বাবে মনত ৰাখিব" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:303 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:304 msgid "Certificate Details" msgstr "প্ৰমাণপত্ৰ বিৱৰণসমূহ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1735 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1754 msgid "Unable to open URI" msgstr "URI খুলিবলৈ ব্যৰ্থ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1831 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1872 msgid "Select a file" msgstr "এটা নথিপত্ৰ নিৰ্বাচন কৰক" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1903 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1947 msgid "Insufficient free space to save file" msgstr "নথিপত্ৰ সংৰক্ষণ কৰিবলে অপৰ্যাপ্ত ৰিক্ত স্থান" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1911 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1955 #, c-format msgid "" "%s of free space are required to save this file, but only %s is available. " @@ -2747,10 +2761,10 @@ "এই নথিপত্ৰ সাঁচিবলে %s ৰিক্ত স্থানৰ প্ৰয়োজন, কিন্তু কেৱল %s উপলব্ধ। অনুগ্ৰহ কৰি অন্য " "অৱস্থান বাছক।" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1955 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1999 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file from %s" -msgstr "%s -ৰ পৰা আগ'ত নথিপত্ৰ" +msgstr "%s ৰ পৰা আগ'ত নথিপত্ৰ" #: ../libempathy-gtk/totem-subtitle-encoding.c:158 msgid "Current Locale" @@ -2919,39 +2933,43 @@ msgid "Vietnamese" msgstr "ভিয়েতনামিছ" -#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:108 -msgid "The selected contact cannot receive files." -msgstr "নিৰ্বাচিত পৰিচয়ে নথিপত্ৰসমূহ গ্ৰহণ কৰিব নোৱাৰে।" - -#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:114 -msgid "The selected contact is offline." -msgstr "নিৰ্বাচিত পৰিচয় অফলাইন।" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-calendar-button.c:66 +#| msgctxt "verb in a column header displaying group names" +#| msgid "Select" +msgid "Select..." +msgstr "বাছক..." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-calendar-button.c:154 +#| msgctxt "verb in a column header displaying group names" +#| msgid "Select" +msgid "_Select" +msgstr "বাছক (_S)" -#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:169 +#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:202 msgid "No error message" msgstr "কোনো ত্ৰুটি বাৰ্তা নাই" -#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:242 +#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:275 msgid "Instant Message (Empathy)" msgstr "তৎক্ষনাত বাৰ্তা (Empathy)" -#: ../src/empathy.c:431 +#: ../src/empathy.c:435 msgid "Don't connect on startup" msgstr "প্ৰাৰম্ভে সংযোগ স্থাপন কৰা নহব" -#: ../src/empathy.c:435 +#: ../src/empathy.c:439 msgid "Don't display the contact list or any other dialogs on startup" msgstr "আৰম্ভণিত পৰিচয় তালিকা বা অন্য কোনো ডাইলগ প্ৰদৰ্শন নকৰিব" -#: ../src/empathy.c:450 +#: ../src/empathy.c:454 msgid "- Empathy IM Client" msgstr "- Empathy IM গ্ৰাহক" -#: ../src/empathy.c:637 +#: ../src/empathy.c:641 msgid "Error contacting the Account Manager" msgstr "একাওন্ট ব্যৱস্থাপকৰ সৈতে সংযোগ কৰোতে ত্ৰুটি" -#: ../src/empathy.c:639 +#: ../src/empathy.c:643 #, c-format msgid "" "There was an error while trying to connect to the Telepathy Account Manager. " @@ -2970,10 +2988,9 @@ "Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later " "version." msgstr "" -"Empathy এটা বিনামুলিয়া চফ্টওৱেৰ; আপুনি Free Software Foundation -ৰ দ্বাৰা " -"প্ৰকাশিত GNU General Public License -ৰ চুক্তিসমূহৰ অন্তৰ্গত ইয়াক পুনৰ বিলাব পাৰিব " -"অথবা সলনি কৰিব পাৰিব; হৈতো লাইচেঞ্চৰ সংস্কৰণ ২, অথবা (আপুনাৰ বিকল্পত) যিকোনো " -"পৰৱৰ্তী সংস্কৰণ।" +"Empathy এটা বিনামুলিয়া চফ্টওৱেৰ; আপুনি Free Software Foundation ৰ দ্বাৰা প্ৰকাশিত " +"GNU General Public License ৰ চুক্তিসমূহৰ অন্তৰ্গত ইয়াক পুনৰ বিলাব পাৰিব অথবা সলনি " +"কৰিব পাৰিব; হৈতো লাইচেঞ্চৰ সংস্কৰণ ২, অথবা (আপুনাৰ বিকল্পত) যিকোনো পৰৱৰ্তী সংস্কৰণ।" #: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:85 msgid "" @@ -2992,237 +3009,97 @@ "Empathy; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin " "Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-130159 USA" msgstr "" -"আপুনি হৈতো ইতিমধ্যে এই প্ৰগ্ৰামৰ সৈতে GNU General Public License -ৰ কপি এটা " +"আপুনি হৈতো ইতিমধ্যে এই প্ৰগ্ৰামৰ সৈতে GNU General Public License ৰ কপি এটা " "পাইছে। যদি নহয়, Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth " -"Floor, Boston, MA 02110-130159 USA -লে লিখক" +"Floor, Boston, MA 02110-130159 USA লে লিখক" -#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:107 +#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:109 msgid "An Instant Messaging client for GNOME" msgstr "GNOME ৰ সৈতে ব্যৱহাৰযোগ্য তৎক্ষনাত বাৰ্তাকৰণ ক্লাএন্ট" -#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:113 +#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:115 msgid "translator-credits" msgstr "" "অমিতাক্ষ ফুকন (aphukan@fedoraproject.org), নীলমদ্যুতি গোস্বামী (ngoswami@redhat." "com)" -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:167 -msgid "There was an error while importing the accounts." -msgstr "একাওন্টসমূহ ইমপোৰ্ট কৰোতে এটা ত্ৰুটি হৈছিল।" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:170 -msgid "There was an error while parsing the account details." -msgstr "একাওন্ট বিৱৰণসমূহ বিশ্লেষণ কৰোতে এটা ত্ৰুটি হৈছিল।" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:173 -msgid "There was an error while creating the account." -msgstr "একাওন্ট সৃষ্টি কৰোতে এটা ত্ৰুটি হৈছিল।" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:175 -msgid "There was an error." -msgstr "এটা ত্ৰুটি হৈছিল।" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:179 -#, c-format -msgid "The error message was: %s" -msgstr "ত্ৰুটি বাৰ্তা আছিল: %s" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:183 -msgid "" -"You can either go back and try to enter your accounts' details again or quit " -"this assistant and add accounts later from the Edit menu." -msgstr "" -"আপুনি হয় উভতি যাব পাৰে আৰু আপোনাৰ একাওন্ট বিৱৰনসমূহ পুনৰ সোমোৱাৰ চেষ্টা কৰিব পাৰে " -"অথবা এই সহায়ক প্ৰস্থান কৰক আৰু একাওন্টসমূহ পিছত সম্পাদনা মেনুৰ পৰা যোগ কৰক।" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:220 -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1271 -msgid "An error occurred" -msgstr "এটা ত্ৰুটি দেখা দিছে" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:467 -msgid "What kind of chat account do you have?" -msgstr "চেটৰ কি ধৰনৰ একাওন্ট উপস্থিত আছে?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:473 -msgid "Do you have any other chat accounts you want to set up?" -msgstr "প্ৰস্তুত কৰাৰ উদ্দেশ্যে অন্য কোনো চেটৰ একাওন্ট উপস্থিত আছে নেকি ?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:479 -msgid "Enter your account details" -msgstr "আপোনাৰ একাওন্টৰ বিবৰণ ইয়াত লিখক" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:484 -msgid "What kind of chat account do you want to create?" -msgstr "কি ধৰনৰ চেটৰ একাওন্ট আপুনি নিৰ্মাণ কৰিবলৈ ইচ্ছুক ?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:490 -msgid "Do you want to create other chat accounts?" -msgstr "চেটৰ অন্য একাওন্ট নিৰ্মাণ কৰিবলৈ ইচ্ছুক নেকি?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:497 -msgid "Enter the details for the new account" -msgstr "নতুন একাওন্টৰ বিৱৰণ লিখক" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:612 -msgid "" -"With Empathy you can chat with people online nearby and with friends and " -"colleagues who use Google Talk, AIM, Windows Live and many other chat " -"programs. With a microphone or a webcam you can also have audio or video " -"calls." -msgstr "" -"Empathy -ৰ সৈতে আপুনি কাষৰীয়া মানুহ আৰু বন্ধুসকল আৰু সহকৰ্মীসকল যোনে Google Talk, " -"AIM, Windows Live আৰু অন্য বহতো চেট প্ৰগ্ৰামসমূহ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰে সিহতৰ লগত অনলাইন চেট " -"কৰিব পাৰিব। এটা মাক্ৰোফোন অথবা এটা ৱেবকেমৰ সৈতে আপুনি অডিঅ' অথবা ভিডিঅ' কলসমূহ " -"কৰিব পাৰিব।" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:629 -msgid "Do you have an account you've been using with another chat program?" -msgstr "" -"অন্য কোনো চেটৰ প্ৰোগ্ৰামৰ সৈতে ব্যৱহৃত হৈছে এনে কোনো একাওন্ট কি বৰ্তমানে উপস্থিত আছে?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:652 -msgid "Yes, import my account details from " -msgstr "হয়, চিহ্নিত স্থানৰ পৰা মোৰ একাওন্টৰ তথ্য ইমপোৰ্ট কৰা হ'ব " - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:673 -msgid "Yes, I'll enter my account details now" -msgstr "হয়, মোৰ একাওন্টৰ তথ্য মই এতিয়ায় লিখিবলৈ ইচ্ছুক" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:695 -msgid "No, I want a new account" -msgstr "নহয়, মই নতুন একাওন্ট প্ৰাপ্ত কৰিবলৈ ইচ্ছুক" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:705 -msgid "No, I just want to see people online nearby for now" -msgstr "নহয়, বৰ্তমানে মই অকল ওচৰৰ ব্যক্তিৰ তথ্য চাবলৈ ইচ্ছুক" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:726 -msgid "Select the accounts you want to import:" -msgstr "ইমপোৰ্ট কৰাৰ উদ্দেশ্যে একাওন্ট নিৰ্বাচন কৰক:" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:813 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:555 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:556 -msgid "Yes" -msgstr "হয়" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:820 -msgid "No, that's all for now" -msgstr "নহয়, এতিয়াৰ কাৰণে এইয়াই" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1085 -msgid "" -"Empathy can automatically discover and chat with the people connected on the " -"same network as you. If you want to use this feature, please check that the " -"details below are correct. You can easily change these details later or " -"disable this feature by using the 'Accounts' dialog" -msgstr "" -"Empathy -এ আপুনি থকা নেটৱাৰ্কত সংযুক্ত থকা মানুহবোৰক স্বচালিতভাৱে খোজ কৰি চেট কৰিব " -"পাৰে। যদি আপুনি এই বৈশিষ্ট ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিব বিচাৰে, অনুগ্ৰহ কৰি তলত থকা বিৱৰণসমূহ সঠিক " -"আছে নে নিৰীক্ষণ কৰক। আপুনি সহজতে এই বিৱৰণসমূহ পিছত সলনি কৰিব পাৰিব বা এই বৈশিষ্ট " -"'Accounts' ডাইলগ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰি অসামৰ্থবান কৰিব পাৰিব" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1091 -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1147 -msgid "Edit->Accounts" -msgstr "সম্পাদনা কৰক -> একাওন্টসমূহ" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1107 -msgid "I do _not want to enable this feature for now" -msgstr "মই এই বৈশিষ্ট এতিয়ায় সামৰ্থবান কৰিব নিবিচাৰো (_n)" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1143 -msgid "" -"You won't be able to chat with people connected to your local network, as " -"telepathy-salut is not installed. If you want to enable this feature, please " -"install the telepathy-salut package and create a People Nearby account from " -"the Accounts dialog" -msgstr "" -"আপুনি আপোনাৰ স্থানীয় নেটৱাৰ্কত সংযুক্ত মানুহবোৰৰ লগত চেট কৰিব নোৱাৰিব কাৰণ, " -"telepathy-salut ইনস্টল নাই। যদি আপুনি এই বৈশিষ্ট সামৰ্থবান কৰিব বিচাৰে, অনুগ্ৰহ " -"কৰি telepathy-salut পেকেইজ ইনস্টল কৰক আৰএ একাওন্টসমূহ ডাইলগৰ পৰা এটা কাষৰীয়া " -"মানুহবোৰ একাওন্ট সৃষ্টি কৰক" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1149 -msgid "telepathy-salut not installed" -msgstr "telepathy-salut ইনস্টল নাই" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1195 -msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts Assistant" -msgstr "বাৰ্তা আৰু VoIP একাওন্টসমূহ সহায়ক" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1229 -msgid "Welcome to Empathy" -msgstr "Empathy লৈ স্বাগতম" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1238 -msgid "Import your existing accounts" -msgstr "আপোনাৰ উপস্থিত একাওন্ট ইমপোৰ্ট কৰক" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1256 -msgid "Please enter personal details" -msgstr "অনুগ্ৰহ কৰি ব্যক্তিগত বিৱৰণসমূহ সোমাওক" - #. The primary text of the dialog shown to the user when he is about to lose #. * unsaved changes -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:64 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:72 #, c-format msgid "There are unsaved modifications to your %s account." msgstr "আপোনাৰ %s একাওন্টত অসংৰক্ষীত পৰিৱৰ্তনসমূহ আছে।" #. The primary text of the dialog shown to the user when he is about to lose #. * an unsaved new account -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:68 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:76 msgid "Your new account has not been saved yet." msgstr "আপোনাৰ নতুন একাওন্ট এতিয়াও সংৰক্ষণ কৰা হোৱা নাই" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:345 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:754 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1216 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:381 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:759 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1289 msgid "Connecting…" msgstr "সংযোগ কৰা হৈ আছে…" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:386 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:422 #, c-format msgid "Offline — %s" msgstr "অফলাইন— %s" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:398 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:434 #, c-format msgid "Disconnected — %s" msgstr "বিচ্ছিন্নিত — %s" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:409 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:445 msgid "Offline — No Network Connection" msgstr "অফলাইন — কোনো নেটৱাৰ্ক সংযোগ নাই" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:416 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:452 msgid "Unknown Status" msgstr "অজ্ঞাত অৱস্থা" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:428 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:469 +msgid "" +"This account has been disabled because it relies on an old, unsupported " +"backend. Please install telepathy-haze and restart your session to migrate " +"the account." +msgstr "" +"এই একাওন্ট অসামৰ্থবান কৰা হৈছে কাৰণ ই এটা পুৰনি, অসমৰ্থিত বেকএণ্ডৰ উপৰত নিৰ্ভৰশীল। " +"আপোনাৰ একাওন্ট প্ৰব্ৰজন কৰিবলে অনুগ্ৰহ কৰি telepathy-haze ইনস্টল কৰক আৰু আপোনাৰ " +"অধিবেশন পুনৰাম্ভ কৰক।" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:479 msgid "Offline — Account Disabled" msgstr "অফলাইন — একাওন্ট অসামৰ্থবান" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:831 -msgid "" -"You are about to create a new account, which will discard\n" -"your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" -msgstr "" -"আপুনি এটা নতুন একাওন্ট সৃষ্টি কৰিব লৈছে, যাৰ ফলত আপোনাৰ পৰিৱৰ্তনসমূহ\n" -"আতৰোৱা হব। আপুনি নিশ্চিত নে আপুনি আগবাঢ়িব বিচাৰে?" +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:585 +msgid "Edit Connection Parameters" +msgstr "সংযোগ প্ৰাচলসমূহ সম্পাদন কৰক" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:750 +msgid "Failed to retrieve your personal information from the server." +msgstr "চাৰ্ভাৰৰ পৰা আপোনাৰ ব্যক্তিগত তথ্য উদ্ধাৰ কৰিবলে ব্যৰ্থ।" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:756 +msgid "Go online to edit your personal information." +msgstr "আপোনাৰ ব্যক্তিগত তথ্য সম্পাদন কৰিবলে অনলাইন যাওক।" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:843 +msgid "_Edit Connection Parameters..." +msgstr "সংযোগ প্ৰাচলসমূহ সম্পাদন কৰক (_E)..." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1192 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1339 #, c-format msgid "Do you want to remove %s from your computer?" -msgstr "আপুনি %s -ক আপোনাৰ কমপিউটাৰৰ পৰা আতৰাব বিচাৰে নে?" +msgstr "আপুনি %s ক আপোনাৰ কমপিউটাৰৰ পৰা আতৰাব বিচাৰে নে?" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1196 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1343 msgid "This will not remove your account on the server." msgstr "ই চাৰ্ভাৰত আপোনাৰ একাওন্টক আতৰাই নিদিয়ে।" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1432 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1579 msgid "" "You are about to select another account, which will discard\n" "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" @@ -3231,15 +3108,23 @@ "আতৰোৱা হব। আপুনি নিশ্চিত নে আপুনি আগবাঢ়িব বিচাৰে?" #. Menu items: to enabled/disable the account -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1643 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1755 msgid "_Enable" msgstr "সামৰ্থবান কৰক (_E)" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1644 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1756 msgid "_Disable" msgstr "অসামৰ্থবান কৰক (_D)" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2154 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2184 +msgid "_Skip" +msgstr "বাদ দিয়ক (_S)" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2188 +msgid "_Connect" +msgstr "সংযোগ কৰক (_C)" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2365 msgid "" "You are about to close the window, which will discard\n" "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" @@ -3247,23 +3132,15 @@ "আপুনি এটা উইন্ডো বন্ধ কৰিব লৈছে, যাৰ ফলত আপোনাৰ কৰা পৰিৱৰ্তনসমূহ\n" "আতৰোৱা হব। আপুনি নিশ্চিত নে আপুনি আগবাঢ়িব বিচাৰে?" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:1 -msgid "Add…" -msgstr "যোগ কৰক…" - -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 -msgid "Loading account information" -msgstr "একাওন্ট তথ্য ল'ড কৰা হৈ আছে" - #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:3 -msgid "No protocol installed" -msgstr "কোনো প্ৰটোকল সংস্থাপন কৰা নহয়" +msgid "_Import…" +msgstr "ইমপোৰ্ট কৰক (_I)..." #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:4 -msgid "Protocol:" -msgstr "প্ৰটোকল:" +msgid "Loading account information" +msgstr "একাওন্ট তথ্য ল'ড কৰা হৈ আছে" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:5 msgid "" "To add a new account, you first have to install a backend for each protocol " "you want to use." @@ -3271,148 +3148,132 @@ "নতুন একাওন্ট যোগ কৰাৰ বাবে, প্ৰথমে ব্যৱহাৰযোগ্য প্ৰতি প্ৰটোকলৰ বাবে এটা বেক লৈন্ড " "সংস্থাপন কৰা আৱশ্যক।" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:7 -msgid "_Import…" -msgstr "ইমপোৰ্ট কৰক (_I)..." +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:6 +msgid "No protocol backends installed" +msgstr "কোনো প্ৰটোকল বেকএণ্ড ইনস্টল নাই" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:249 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:288 msgid " - Empathy authentication client" msgstr " - Empathy প্ৰমাণীকৰণ ক্লাএন্ট" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:265 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:304 msgid "Empathy authentication client" msgstr "Empathy প্ৰমাণীকৰণ ক্লাএন্ট" -#: ../src/empathy-auto-salut-account-helper.c:83 -msgid "People nearby" -msgstr "ওচৰৰ ব্যক্তিৰ" - -#: ../src/empathy-av.c:118 ../src/empathy-call.c:192 +#: ../src/empathy-av.c:118 ../src/empathy-call.c:201 msgid "- Empathy Audio/Video Client" msgstr "- Empathy অডিঅ'/ভিডিঅ' ক্লাএন্ট" -#: ../src/empathy-av.c:134 ../src/empathy-call.c:217 +#: ../src/empathy-av.c:134 ../src/empathy-call.c:223 msgid "Empathy Audio/Video Client" msgstr "Empathy অডিঅ'/ভিডিঅ' ক্লাএন্ট" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:431 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:434 msgid "Contrast" msgstr "বৈপৰিত্য" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:434 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:437 msgid "Brightness" msgstr "উজ্জ্বলতা" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:437 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:440 msgid "Gamma" msgstr "গামা" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:542 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:547 msgid "Volume" msgstr "ধ্বনি" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1110 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1099 msgid "_Sidebar" msgstr "কাষ-বাৰ (_S)" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1130 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1119 msgid "Audio input" msgstr "অডিঅ' ইনপুট" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1134 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1123 msgid "Video input" msgstr "ভিডিঅ' ইনপুট" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1140 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1131 msgid "Dialpad" msgstr "ডায়েল-পেড" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1151 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1142 msgid "Details" msgstr "বিৱৰণসমূহ" #. translators: Call is a noun and %s is the contact name. This string #. * is used in the window title -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1220 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1825 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1211 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1889 #, c-format msgid "Call with %s" msgstr "%s ৰ সৈতে কল" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1453 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2069 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1444 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2133 msgid "The IP address as seen by the machine" msgstr "মেচিনে দেখা দৰে IP ঠিকনা" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1455 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2071 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1446 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2135 msgid "The IP address as seen by a server on the Internet" msgstr "ইন্টাৰনেটত এটা চাৰ্ভাৰে দেখা দৰে IP ঠিকনা" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1457 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2073 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1448 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2137 msgid "The IP address of the peer as seen by the other side" msgstr "অন্য কাষে দেখা ধৰণে সমনীয়াৰ IP ঠিকনা" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1459 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2075 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1450 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2139 msgid "The IP address of a relay server" msgstr "এটা প্ৰেৰণ চাৰ্ভাৰৰ IP ঠিকনা" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1461 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2077 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1452 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2141 msgid "The IP address of the multicast group" msgstr "মাল্টিকাস্ট দলৰ IP ঠিকনা" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1837 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1840 #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1843 -msgctxt "encoding video codec" -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "অজ্ঞাত" - #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1846 -msgctxt "encoding audio codec" -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "অজ্ঞাত" - -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1849 -msgctxt "decoding video codec" -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "অজ্ঞাত" - -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1852 -msgctxt "decoding audio codec" +msgctxt "codec" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "অজ্ঞাত" #. Translators: number of minutes:seconds the caller has been connected -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2144 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2138 #, c-format msgid "Connected — %d:%02dm" msgstr "সংযোগেৰ অবকাল — %d:%02dm" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2205 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2846 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2199 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2992 msgid "Technical Details" msgstr "কাৰিকৰী বিৱৰণসমূহ" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2243 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2884 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2237 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3031 #, c-format msgid "" "%s's software does not understand any of the audio formats supported by your " "computer" -msgstr "%s -ৰ চফ্টৱেৰে আপোনাৰ কমপিউটাৰে সমৰ্থন কৰা কোনো অডিঅ' বিন্যাস বুজি নাপায়" +msgstr "%s ৰ চফ্টৱেৰে আপোনাৰ কমপিউটাৰে সমৰ্থন কৰা কোনো অডিঅ' বিন্যাস বুজি নাপায়" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2248 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2889 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2242 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3036 #, c-format msgid "" "%s's software does not understand any of the video formats supported by your " "computer" -msgstr "%s -ৰ চফ্টৱেৰে আপোনাৰ কমপিউটাৰে সমৰ্থন কৰা কোনো ভিডিঅ' বিন্যাস বুজি নাপায়" +msgstr "%s ৰ চফ্টৱেৰে আপোনাৰ কমপিউটাৰে সমৰ্থন কৰা কোনো ভিডিঅ' বিন্যাস বুজি নাপায়" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2254 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2895 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2248 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3042 #, c-format msgid "" "Can't establish a connection to %s. One of you might be on a network that " @@ -3421,25 +3282,23 @@ "%s লে এটা সংযোগ স্থাপন কৰিব নোৱাৰে। আপোনা লোকৰ এজন হয়তো এনে নেটৱাৰ্কত আছে যি " "প্ৰত্যক্ষ সংযোগসমূহৰ অনুমতি নিদিয়ে।" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2260 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2901 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2254 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3048 msgid "There was a failure on the network" msgstr "নেটৱাৰ্কত এটা ব্যৰ্থতা হৈছিল" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2264 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2905 -msgid "" -"The audio formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2258 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3052 +msgid "The audio formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" msgstr "এই কলৰ বাবে প্ৰয়োজনীয় অডিঅ' বিন্যাসসমূহ আপোনাৰ কমপিউটাৰত ইনস্টল নাই" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2267 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2908 -msgid "" -"The video formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2261 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3055 +msgid "The video formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" msgstr "এই কলৰ বাবে ভিডিঅ' বিন্যাসসমূহ আপোনাৰ কমপিউটাৰত ইনস্টল নাই" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2277 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2920 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2271 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3067 #, c-format msgid "" "Something unexpected happened in a Telepathy component. Please এই বাগ " "সংবাদন কৰক আৰু সহায় মেনুৰ 'ডিবাগ' উইন্ডোৰ পৰা সংগ্ৰহ কৰা লগসমূহ এটাচ কৰক।" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2285 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2929 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2279 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3076 msgid "There was a failure in the call engine" msgstr "কল ইঞ্জীনত এটা ব্যৰ্থতা হৈছিল" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2288 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2932 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2282 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3079 msgid "The end of the stream was reached" msgstr "স্ট্ৰিমৰ অন্ত পোৱা গল" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2328 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2972 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2322 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3119 msgid "Can't establish audio stream" msgstr "অডিঅ' স্ট্ৰিম স্থাপনা কৰিব নোৱাৰি" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2338 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2982 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2332 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3129 msgid "Can't establish video stream" msgstr "ভিডিঅ' স্ট্ৰিম স্থাপনা কৰিব নোৱাৰি" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:1 ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:1 #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:1 -msgid "Audio" -msgstr "অডিঅ'" +msgid "_Call" +msgstr "কল (_C)" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:3 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:5 -msgid "Decoding Codec:" -msgstr "কডেক ডিক'ড কৰা হৈ আছে:" +msgid "_Microphone" +msgstr "মাক্ৰোফোন (_M)" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:4 -msgid "Disable camera" -msgstr "কেমেৰা অসামৰ্থবান কৰক" +msgid "_Camera" +msgstr "কেমেৰা (_C)" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:5 -msgid "Display the dialpad" -msgstr "ডায়েলপেড প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰক" +msgid "_Settings" +msgstr "সংহতিসমূহ (_S)" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:6 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:9 -msgid "Encoding Codec:" -msgstr "কডেক এনক'ড কৰা হৈ আছে:" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:8 +msgid "_View" +msgstr "প্ৰদৰ্শন (_V)" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:7 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:10 -msgid "Hang up" -msgstr "বিচ্ছিন্ন কৰক" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:7 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:27 +msgid "_Help" +msgstr "সহায় (_H)" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:8 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:11 -msgid "Hang up current call" -msgstr "বৰ্তমান কল হেঙআপ কৰক" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:8 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:18 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:28 +msgid "_Contents" +msgstr "সূচী (_C)" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:9 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:12 -msgid "Local Candidate:" -msgstr "স্থানীয় প্ৰাৰ্থী:" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:29 +msgid "_Debug" +msgstr "ডিবাগ কৰক (_D)" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:10 -msgid "Maximise me" -msgstr "মোক ডাঙৰ কৰক" +msgid "Swap camera" +msgstr "কেমেৰা স্বাপ কৰক" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:11 msgid "Minimise me" msgstr "মোক সৰু কৰক" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:12 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:15 -msgid "Remote Candidate:" -msgstr "দূৰৱৰ্তী প্ৰাৰ্থী:" +msgid "Maximise me" +msgstr "মোক ডাঙৰ কৰক" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:13 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:16 -msgid "Send Audio" -msgstr "অডিঅ' পঠিয়াওক" +msgid "Disable camera" +msgstr "কেমেৰা অসামৰ্থবান কৰক" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:14 -msgid "Send Video" -msgstr "ভিডিঅ' পঠাওক" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:2 +msgid "Hang up" +msgstr "বিচ্ছিন্ন কৰক" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:15 -msgid "Show dialpad" -msgstr "ডায়েলপেড দেখুৱাওক" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:9 +msgid "Hang up current call" +msgstr "বৰ্তমান কল হেঙআপ কৰক" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "Video call" +msgstr "ভিডিঅ' কল " + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:17 msgid "Start a video call" msgstr "এটা ভিডিঅ' কল আৰম্ভ কৰক" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:19 msgid "Start an audio call" msgstr "এটা অডিঅ' কল আৰম্ভ কৰক" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:18 -msgid "Swap camera" -msgstr "কেমেৰা স্বাপ কৰক" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:19 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:17 -msgid "Toggle audio transmission" -msgstr "অডিঅ' সৰবৰাহ অদল বদল কৰক" - #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:20 -msgid "Toggle video transmission" -msgstr "ভিডিঅ' সৰবৰাহ অদল বদল কৰক" +msgid "Show dialpad" +msgstr "ডায়েলপেড দেখুৱাওক" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:21 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:18 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2476 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2477 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2478 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2479 -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "অজ্ঞাত" +msgid "Display the dialpad" +msgstr "ডায়েলপেড প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰক" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:22 +msgid "Send Video" +msgstr "ভিডিঅ' পঠাওক" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:23 -msgid "Video call" -msgstr "ভিডিঅ' কল " +msgid "Toggle video transmission" +msgstr "ভিডিঅ' সৰবৰাহ অদল বদল কৰক" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:24 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:24 -msgid "_Call" -msgstr "কল (_C)" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:11 +msgid "Send Audio" +msgstr "অডিঅ' পঠিয়াওক" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:25 -msgid "_Camera" -msgstr "কেমেৰা (_C)" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:26 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:9 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:18 -msgid "_Contents" -msgstr "সূচী (_C)" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:12 +msgid "Toggle audio transmission" +msgstr "অডিঅ' সৰবৰাহ অদল বদল কৰক" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:27 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:19 -msgid "_Debug" -msgstr "ডিবাগ কৰক (_D)" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:20 +msgid "Encoding Codec:" +msgstr "কডেক এনক'ড কৰা হৈ আছে:" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:29 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:14 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:22 -msgid "_Help" -msgstr "সহায় (_H)" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:28 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:21 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2542 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2543 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2544 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2545 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "অজ্ঞাত" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:29 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:22 +msgid "Decoding Codec:" +msgstr "কডেক ডিক'ড কৰা হৈ আছে:" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:30 -msgid "_Microphone" -msgstr "মাক্ৰোফোন (_M)" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:23 +msgid "Remote Candidate:" +msgstr "দূৰৱৰ্তী প্ৰাৰ্থী:" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:31 -msgid "_Settings" -msgstr "সংহতিসমূহ (_S)" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:24 +msgid "Local Candidate:" +msgstr "স্থানীয় প্ৰাৰ্থী:" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:32 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:30 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:32 ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:24 #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:25 -msgid "_View" -msgstr "প্ৰদৰ্শন (_V)" +msgid "Audio" +msgstr "অডিঅ'" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:289 +msgid "Close this window?" +msgstr "এই উইন্ডো বন্ধ কৰিব নে?" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:294 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Closing this window will leave %s. You will not receive any further messages " +"until you rejoin it." +msgstr "" +"এই উইন্ডো বন্ধ কৰিলে %s অৱশিষ্ট থাকিব। আপুনি ইয়াক পুনৰ অংশগ্ৰহণ নকৰিলে ততোধিক " +"বাৰ্তাসমূহ নাপাব।" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:305 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Closing this window will leave a chat room. You will not receive any further " +"messages until you rejoin it." +msgid_plural "" +"Closing this window will leave %u chat rooms. You will not receive any " +"further messages until you rejoin them." +msgstr[0] "" +"এই উইন্ডো বন্ধ কৰিলে এটা চেট ৰুম বাদ দিয়া হব। আপুনি ইয়াক পুনৰ অংশগ্ৰহণ নকৰা লৈকে " +"কোনো ততোধিক বাৰ্তা নাপাব।" +msgstr[1] "" +"এই উইন্ডো বন্ধ কৰিলে %u চেট ৰুমসমূহ বাদ দিয়া হব। আপুনি ইহতক পুনৰ অংশগ্ৰহণ নকৰা লৈকে " +"কোনো ততোধিক বাৰ্তা নাপাব।" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:314 +#, c-format +msgid "Leave %s?" +msgstr "%s এৰিব নে?" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:315 +msgid "" +"You will not receive any further messages from this chat room until you " +"rejoin it." +msgstr "আপুনি এই চেট ৰুম পুনৰঅংশগ্ৰহণ নকৰালৈকে কোনো ততোধিক বাৰ্তা নাপাব।" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:334 +msgid "Close window" +msgstr "উইন্ডো বন্ধ কৰক" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:481 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:501 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:334 +msgid "Leave room" +msgstr "ৰুম এৰি দিওক" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:640 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:660 #, c-format msgid "%s (%d unread)" msgid_plural "%s (%d unread)" msgstr[0] "%s (%d পঢ়া হোৱা নাই)" msgstr[1] "%s (%d পঢ়া হোৱা নাই)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:493 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:652 #, c-format msgid "%s (and %u other)" msgid_plural "%s (and %u others)" msgstr[0] "%s (আৰু %u অন্য)" msgstr[1] "%s (আৰু %u অন্য)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:509 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:668 #, c-format msgid "%s (%d unread from others)" msgid_plural "%s (%d unread from others)" msgstr[0] "%s (%d অন্যৰ পৰা পঢ়া হোৱা নাই)" msgstr[1] "%s (%d অন্যৰ পৰা পঢ়া হোৱা নাই)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:518 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:677 #, c-format msgid "%s (%d unread from all)" msgid_plural "%s (%d unread from all)" msgstr[0] "%s (%d সকলোৰ পৰা পঢ়া হোৱা নাই)" msgstr[1] "%s (%d সকলোৰ পৰা পঢ়া হোৱা নাই)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:733 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:892 msgid "SMS:" msgstr "SMS:" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:743 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:902 #, c-format msgid "Sending %d message" msgid_plural "Sending %d messages" msgstr[0] "%d বাৰ্তা পঠোৱা হৈ আছে" msgstr[1] "%d বাৰ্তাসমূহ পঠোৱা হৈ আছে" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:765 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:924 msgid "Typing a message." msgstr "বাৰ্তা লিখা হৈছে।" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:1 -msgid "C_lear" -msgstr "আঁতৰাওক (_l)" +msgid "_Conversation" +msgstr "কথোপকথন (_C)" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:2 -msgid "C_ontact" -msgstr "পৰিচয় (_o)" +msgid "C_lear" +msgstr "আঁতৰাওক (_l)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:3 msgid "Insert _Smiley" msgstr "স্মাইলি যোগ কৰক (_S)" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Favorite Chat Room" +msgstr "জনপ্ৰিয় চেট ৰুম (_F)" + #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:5 -msgid "Invite _Participant…" -msgstr "প্ৰতিযোগীক আমন্ত্ৰণ দিয়ক (_P)…" +msgid "Notify for All Messages" +msgstr "সকলো বাৰ্তাৰ বাবে অধিসূচনা দিয়ক" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:6 -msgid "Move Tab _Left" -msgstr "টেব বাওঁফালে নিয়ক (_L)" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:6 ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Show Contact List" +msgstr "পৰিচিত ব্যক্তিৰ তালিকা প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰা হ'ব (_S)" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:7 -msgid "Move Tab _Right" -msgstr "টেব সোঁফালে নিয়ক (_R)" +msgid "Invite _Participant…" +msgstr "প্ৰতিযোগীক আমন্ত্ৰণ দিয়ক (_P)…" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:8 -msgid "Notify for All Messages" -msgstr "সকলো বাৰ্তাৰ বাবে অধিসূচনা দিয়ক" +msgid "C_ontact" +msgstr "পৰিচয় (_o)" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:10 -msgid "_Conversation" -msgstr "কথোপকথন (_C)" +msgid "_Tabs" +msgstr "টেব (_T)" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:11 -msgid "_Detach Tab" -msgstr "টেব বিচ্ছিন্ন কৰক (_D)" - -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:13 -msgid "_Favorite Chat Room" -msgstr "জনপ্ৰিয় চেট ৰুম (_F)" +msgid "_Previous Tab" +msgstr "পূৰ্ববৰ্তী টেব (_P)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:15 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:12 msgid "_Next Tab" msgstr "পৰবৰ্তী টেব (_N)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:16 -msgid "_Previous Tab" -msgstr "পূৰ্ববৰ্তী টেব (_P)" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:13 +msgid "_Undo Close Tab" +msgstr "টেব বন্ধ বাতিল কৰক (_U)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:17 ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:5 -msgid "_Show Contact List" -msgstr "পৰিচিত ব্যক্তিৰ তালিকা প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰা হ'ব (_S)" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:14 +msgid "Move Tab _Left" +msgstr "টেব বাওঁফালে নিয়ক (_L)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:18 -msgid "_Tabs" -msgstr "টেব (_T)" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:15 +msgid "Move Tab _Right" +msgstr "টেব সোঁফালে নিয়ক (_R)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:19 -msgid "_Undo Close Tab" -msgstr "টেব বন্ধ বাতিল কৰক (_U)" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "_Detach Tab" +msgstr "টেব বিচ্ছিন্ন কৰক (_D)" #: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.c:251 msgid "Name" @@ -3718,100 +3624,100 @@ msgid "Auto-Connect" msgstr "স্বয়ংক্ৰিয়-সংযোগ" -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:1 msgid "Manage Favorite Rooms" msgstr "পছন্দৰ ৰুম পৰিচয়লনা কৰক" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:521 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 msgid "Incoming video call" msgstr "আগ'ত ভিডিঅ' কল" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:521 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1449 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1519 msgid "Incoming call" msgstr "আগমনকৰ্তা কল" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:525 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:526 #, c-format msgid "%s is video calling you. Do you want to answer?" msgstr "%s -এ আপোনাক ভিডিঅ' কল কৰি আছে। আপুনি উত্তৰ দিব বিচাৰে নে?" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:526 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:527 #, c-format msgid "%s is calling you. Do you want to answer?" msgstr "%s -এ আপোনাক কল কৰি আছে। আপুনি উত্তৰ দিব বিচাৰে নে?" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:529 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:730 -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:763 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1455 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:530 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "Incoming call from %s" msgstr "%sৰ পৰা আগমনকৰ্তা কল" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:554 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:555 msgid "_Reject" msgstr "প্ৰত্যাখ্যান কৰক (_R)" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:562 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:570 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:563 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 msgid "_Answer" msgstr "উত্তৰ দিয়ক (_A)" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:570 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 msgid "_Answer with video" msgstr "ভিডিঅ'ৰ সৈতে উত্তৰ দিয়ক (_A)" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:730 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:763 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1455 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "Incoming video call from %s" -msgstr "%s -ৰ পৰা আগ'ত ভিডিঅ' কল" +msgstr "%s ৰ পৰা আগ'ত ভিডিঅ' কল" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:836 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:837 msgid "Room invitation" msgstr "ৰুমৰ আমন্ত্ৰণ" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:838 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:839 #, c-format msgid "Invitation to join %s" -msgstr "%s -ত যোগদান দিবলে আমন্ত্ৰণ" +msgstr "%s ত যোগদান দিবলে আমন্ত্ৰণ" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:845 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:846 #, c-format msgid "%s is inviting you to join %s" msgstr "%s এ আপোনাক %s লৈ আমন্ত্ৰণ জনাইছে" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:853 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:854 msgid "_Decline" msgstr "প্ৰত্যাখ্যান কৰক (_D)" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:858 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:7 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:859 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:2 msgid "_Join" msgstr "যোগ কৰক (_J)" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:885 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:886 #, c-format msgid "%s invited you to join %s" msgstr "%s এ আপোনাক %s লৈ আমন্ত্ৰণ জনাইছে" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:891 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:892 #, c-format msgid "You have been invited to join %s" -msgstr "আপোনাক %s -ত যোগদান দিবলে আমন্ত্ৰণ জনোৱা হৈছে" +msgstr "আপোনাক %s ত যোগদান দিবলে আমন্ত্ৰণ জনোৱা হৈছে" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:942 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:943 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file transfer from %s" msgstr "%s দ্বাৰা প্ৰৰিত নথিপত্ৰ আগত" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1134 ../src/empathy-main-window.c:375 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1146 ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:374 msgid "Password required" msgstr "পাছৱাৰ্ডৰ প্ৰয়োজন" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1190 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1216 #, c-format msgid "%s would like permission to see when you are online" msgstr "আপুনি কেতিয়া অনলাইন আছে চাবলে %s -এ অনুমতি বিচাৰিব" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1194 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1222 #, c-format msgid "" "\n" @@ -3821,105 +3727,105 @@ "বাৰ্তা: %s" #. Translators: time left, when it is more than one hour -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:100 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:99 #, c-format msgid "%u:%02u.%02u" msgstr "%u:%02u.%02u" #. Translators: time left, when is is less than one hour -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:103 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:102 #, c-format msgid "%02u.%02u" msgstr "%02u.%02u" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:179 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:178 msgctxt "file transfer percent" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "অজ্ঞাত" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:274 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:273 #, c-format msgid "%s of %s at %s/s" msgstr "%s, %s ৰ %s/s ত" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:275 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:274 #, c-format msgid "%s of %s" msgstr "%s, মুঠ %s ৰ" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:306 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:305 #, c-format msgid "Receiving \"%s\" from %s" msgstr "\"%s\" প্ৰাপ্ত কৰা হৈছে, %sৰ পৰা" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:309 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:308 #, c-format msgid "Sending \"%s\" to %s" msgstr "\"%s\" পঠিওৱা হৈছে, %s ক" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s #. * is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:339 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:338 #, c-format msgid "Error receiving \"%s\" from %s" msgstr "\"%s\" প্ৰাপ্ত কৰিবলৈ সমস্যা, %sৰ পৰা আগত" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:342 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:341 msgid "Error receiving a file" msgstr "নথিপত্ৰ প্ৰাপ্ত কৰিবলৈ সমস্যা" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:347 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:346 #, c-format msgid "Error sending \"%s\" to %s" msgstr "\"%s\" ক %s লৈ পঠিয়াবলৈ ব্যৰ্থ" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:350 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:349 msgid "Error sending a file" msgstr "নথিপত্ৰ পঠিয়াবলৈ সমস্যা" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s #. * is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:489 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:488 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" received from %s" msgstr "\"%s\" প্ৰাপ্ত হৈছে, %sৰ পৰা" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s #. * is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:494 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:493 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" sent to %s" msgstr "\"%s\" প্ৰৰিত হৈছে, %s ক" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:497 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:496 msgid "File transfer completed" msgstr "নথিপত্ৰ স্থানান্তৰ সম্পূৰ্ণ হৈছে" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:616 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:780 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:615 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:779 msgid "Waiting for the other participant's response" msgstr "অন্য ব্যৱহাৰকাৰীৰ প্ৰতিক্ৰিয়াৰ অপেক্ষা কৰা হৈছে" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:642 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:680 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:641 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:679 #, c-format msgid "Checking integrity of \"%s\"" msgstr "\"%s\" ৰ অখণ্ডতা পৰীক্ষা কৰা হৈছে" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:645 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:683 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:644 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:682 #, c-format msgid "Hashing \"%s\"" msgstr "\"%s\" হেশ্ব কৰা হৈছে" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1026 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1025 msgid "%" msgstr "%" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1038 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1037 msgid "File" msgstr "নথিপত্ৰ" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1060 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1059 msgid "Remaining" msgstr "অবশিষ্ট" @@ -3931,179 +3837,209 @@ msgid "Remove completed, canceled and failed file transfers from the list" msgstr "সমাপ্ত, বাতিল আৰু বিফল নথিপত্ৰ স্থানান্তৰৰ তথ্য এই তালিকাৰ পৰা আঁতৰুৱা হ'ব" -#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:84 +#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:76 +msgid "_Import" +msgstr "ইমপোৰ্ট কৰক (_I)" + +#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:88 msgid "" "No accounts to import could be found. Empathy currently only supports " "importing accounts from Pidgin." msgstr "" -"ইমপোৰ্ট কৰিবলে কোনো একাওন্ট পোৱা নগল। Empathy -এ বৰ্তমানে কেৱল Pidgin -ৰ পৰা " +"ইমপোৰ্ট কৰিবলে কোনো একাওন্ট পোৱা নগল। Empathy -এ বৰ্তমানে কেৱল Pidgin ৰ পৰা " "একাওন্টসমূহ ইমপোৰ্ট কৰা সমৰ্থন কৰে।" -#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:199 +#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:209 msgid "Import Accounts" msgstr "একাওন্ট ইমপোৰ্ট কৰক" #. Translators: this is the header of a treeview column -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:301 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:316 msgid "Import" msgstr "ইমপোৰ্ট" -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:310 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:325 msgid "Protocol" msgstr "প্ৰটোকল" -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:334 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:349 msgid "Source" msgstr "উৎস" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:392 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:391 msgid "Provide Password" msgstr "পাছৱাৰ্ড প্ৰদান কৰক" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:398 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:397 msgid "Disconnect" msgstr "বিচ্ছিন্ন কৰক" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:622 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:657 +msgid "You need to setup an account to see contacts here." +msgstr "আপুনি ইয়াত পৰিচয়সমূহ চাবলে এটা একাওন্ট সংস্থাপন কৰিব লাগিব।" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:673 msgid "No match found" msgstr "কোনো মিল পোৱা নগল" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:777 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:783 +#, c-format +msgid "Sorry, %s accounts can’t be used until your %s software is updated." +msgstr "" +"ক্ষমা কৰিব, %s একাওন্টসমূহ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিব নোৱাৰি যেতিয়ালৈকে %s চফ্টৱেৰ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা " +"নহয়।" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:849 +msgid "Update software..." +msgstr "চফ্টৱেৰ আপডেইট কৰক..." + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:855 ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:972 +msgid "Close" +msgstr "বন্ধ কৰক" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:960 msgid "Reconnect" msgstr "পুনৰ সংযোগ কৰক" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:783 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:966 msgid "Edit Account" msgstr "একাওন্ট সম্পাদন কৰক" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:789 -msgid "Close" -msgstr "বন্ধ কৰক" - #. Translators: this string will be something like: -#. * Top up My Account ($1.23)..." -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:928 +#. * Top up My Account ($1.23)..." +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1110 #, c-format msgid "Top up %s (%s)..." msgstr "টপ আপ %s (%s)..." -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:975 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1156 msgid "Top up account credit" msgstr "টপ আপ একাওন্ট দেনা" #. top up button -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1046 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1228 msgid "Top Up..." msgstr "টপ আপ..." -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1789 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1952 msgid "Contact" msgstr "পৰিচিত ব্যক্তি" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:2121 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2150 +msgid "You need to enable one of your accounts to see contacts here." +msgstr "আপুনি পৰিচয়সমূহ ইয়াত চাবলে আপোনাৰ একাওন্টসমূহৰ এটা সামৰ্থবান কৰিব লাগিব।" + +#. translators: argument is an account name +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2158 +#, c-format +msgid "You need to enable %s to see contacts here." +msgstr "আপুনি পৰিচয়সমূহ ইয়াত চাবলে %s সামৰ্থবান কৰিব লাগিব।" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2460 msgid "Contact List" msgstr "পৰিচিত ব্যক্তিৰ তালিকা" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:1 -msgid "Contacts on a _Map" -msgstr "মানচিত্ৰত পৰিচয়ৰ তথ্য (_M)" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.ui.h:1 +msgid "Account settings" +msgstr "একাওন্ট সংহতিসমূহ" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:2 -msgid "Credit Balance" -msgstr "দেনা অৱশিষ্ট" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:2 +msgid "_New Conversation…" +msgstr "নতুন কথোপকথন (_N)…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:3 -msgid "Find in Contact _List" -msgstr "পৰিচয় তালিকাত সন্ধান কৰক (_L)" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:3 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:3 +msgid "New _Call…" +msgstr "নতুন কল (_C)…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:4 -msgid "Join _Favorites" -msgstr "জনপ্ৰিয়সমূহত যোগ দিন (_F)" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Search for Contacts…" +msgstr "পৰিচয়সমূহৰ বাবে সন্ধান কৰক (_S)…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:5 -msgid "Manage Favorites" -msgstr "জনপ্ৰিয় মান পৰিচয়লনা" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:7 +msgid "_File Transfers" +msgstr "নথিপত্ৰ স্থানান্তৰসমূহ (_F)" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:6 -msgid "N_ormal Size" -msgstr "স্বাভাবিক মাপ (_o)" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Offline Contacts" +msgstr "অফ-লাইন পৰিচয় (_O)" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:7 ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:1 -msgid "New _Call…" -msgstr "নতুন কল (_C)…" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:9 +msgid "Show P_rotocols" +msgstr "প্ৰটোকলসমূহ দেখুৱাওক" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:8 -msgid "Normal Size With _Avatars" -msgstr "অৱতাৰ সহযোগে স্বাভাবিক মাপ (_A)" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:10 +msgid "Credit Balance" +msgstr "দেনা অৱশিষ্ট" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:11 +msgid "Contacts on a _Map" +msgstr "মানচিত্ৰত পৰিচয়ৰ তথ্য (_M)" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:13 +msgid "_Accounts" +msgstr "একাওন্টসমূহ (_A)" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:9 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:14 +msgid "_Blocked Contacts" +msgstr "প্ৰতিৰোধিত পৰিচয়সমূহ (_B)" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:15 msgid "P_references" msgstr "পছন্দসমূহ (_r)" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:10 -msgid "Show P_rotocols" -msgstr "প্ৰটোকলসমূহ দেখুৱাওক" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:16 +msgid "Find in Contact _List" +msgstr "পৰিচয় তালিকাত সন্ধান কৰক (_L)" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:11 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:18 msgid "Sort by _Name" msgstr "নাম অনুযায়ী সজাওক (_N)" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:12 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:19 msgid "Sort by _Status" msgstr "অৱস্থা অনুযায়ী সজাওক (_S)" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:13 -msgid "_Accounts" -msgstr "একাওন্টসমূহ (_A)" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:20 +msgid "Normal Size With _Avatars" +msgstr "অৱতাৰ সহযোগে স্বাভাবিক মাপ (_A)" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:15 -msgid "_Blocked Contacts" -msgstr "প্ৰতিৰোধিত পৰিচয়সমূহ (_B)" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:21 +msgid "N_ormal Size" +msgstr "স্বাভাবিক মাপ (_o)" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:22 msgid "_Compact Size" msgstr "সংকুচিত মাপ (_C)" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:21 -msgid "_File Transfers" -msgstr "নথিপত্ৰ স্থানান্তৰসমূহ (_F)" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:23 +msgid "_Room" +msgstr "ৰুম (_R)" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:23 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:24 msgid "_Join…" msgstr "যোগদান কৰক (_J)…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:24 -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:3 -msgid "_New Conversation…" -msgstr "নতুন কথোপকথন (_N)…" - -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:25 -msgid "_Offline Contacts" -msgstr "অফ-লাইন পৰিচয় (_O)" - -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:26 -msgid "_Personal Information" -msgstr "ব্যক্তিগত তথ্য (_P)" - -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:28 -msgid "_Room" -msgstr "ৰুম (_R)" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:25 +msgid "Join _Favorites" +msgstr "জনপ্ৰিয়সমূহত যোগ দিন (_F)" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:29 -msgid "_Search for Contacts…" -msgstr "পৰিচয়সমূহৰ বাবে সন্ধান কৰক (_S)…" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:26 +msgid "Manage Favorites" +msgstr "জনপ্ৰিয় মান পৰিচয়লনা" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:337 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:369 msgid "Chat Room" msgstr "চেট ৰুম" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:353 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:385 msgid "Members" msgstr "সদস্যবৃন্দ" #. Translators: Room/Join's roomlist tooltip. Parameters are a channel name, #. yes/no, yes/no and a number. -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:553 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:637 #, c-format msgid "" "%s\n" @@ -4116,31 +4052,39 @@ "পাছৱাৰ্ডৰ প্ৰয়োজন: %s\n" "সদস্যসমূহ: %s" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:555 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:556 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:639 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:640 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "হয়" + +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:639 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:640 msgid "No" msgstr "নহয়" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:584 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:668 msgid "Could not start room listing" msgstr "ৰুমৰ তালিকা নিৰ্মাণ কৰিবলৈ ব্যৰ্থ" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:594 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:678 msgid "Could not stop room listing" msgstr "ৰুমৰ তালিকা নিৰ্মাণ বন্ধ কৰিবলৈ ব্যৰ্থ" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:2 -msgid "Couldn't load room list" -msgstr "ৰুমৰ তালিকা ল'ড কৰিবলৈ ব্যৰ্থ" +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:1 +msgid "Join Room" +msgstr "ৰুমত যোগ দিয়ক" #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:3 -msgid "" -"Enter the room name to join here or click on one or more rooms in the list." +msgid "Enter the room name to join here or click on one or more rooms in the list." msgstr "" "ইয়াত যোগদান কৰিবলে ৰুমৰ নাম সোমাওক অথবা তালিকাত থকা এটা বা অধিক ৰুমসমূহত ক্লিক " "কৰক।" #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Room:" +msgstr "ৰুম: (_R)" + +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:5 msgid "" "Enter the server which hosts the room, or leave it empty if the room is on " "the current account's server" @@ -4148,178 +4092,194 @@ "ৰুমক হস্ট কৰা চাৰ্ভাৰ সোমাওক, অথবা ইয়াক ৰিক্ত এৰক যদি ৰুম বৰ্তমান একাওন্টৰ চাৰ্ভাৰত " "আছে" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:5 -msgid "Join Room" -msgstr "ৰুমত যোগ দিয়ক" +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:8 +msgid "Couldn't load room list" +msgstr "ৰুমৰ তালিকা ল'ড কৰিবলৈ ব্যৰ্থ" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:9 msgid "Room List" msgstr "ৰুমৰ তালিকা" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:8 -msgid "_Room:" -msgstr "ৰুম: (_R)" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:169 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:166 msgid "Message received" msgstr "প্ৰাপ্ত বাৰ্তা" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:170 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:167 msgid "Message sent" msgstr "বাৰ্তা পঠিওৱা হৈছে" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:171 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:168 msgid "New conversation" msgstr "নতুন কথোপকথন" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:172 -msgid "Contact goes online" -msgstr "পৰিচয় অন-লাইন আহিছে" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:169 +msgid "Contact comes online" +msgstr "পৰিচয় অন-লাইন আহে" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:173 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:170 msgid "Contact goes offline" msgstr "পৰিচয় অফ-লাইন হৈছে" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:174 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:171 msgid "Account connected" msgstr "একাওন্ট সংযুক্ত কৰা হৈছে" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:175 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:172 msgid "Account disconnected" msgstr "একাওন্টৰ সৈতে সংযোগ বিচ্ছিন্ন কৰা হৈছে" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:484 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:475 msgid "Language" msgstr "ভাষা" #. translators: Contact name for the chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:734 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:726 msgid "Juliet" msgstr "জুলিয়েট" #. translators: Contact name for the chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:741 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:733 msgid "Romeo" msgstr "ৰোমিও" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:747 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:739 msgid "O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?" msgstr "অ ৰোমিও, ৰোমিও, তুমি ক'ত আছা ৰোমিও?" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:750 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:743 msgid "Deny thy father and refuse thy name;" msgstr "তোমাৰ দেউতাক অস্বীকাৰ কৰা আৰু তোমাৰ নামক মানি নলবা;" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:753 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:746 msgid "Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love" msgstr "অথবা যদি এনে নকৰা, মোৰ প্ৰেমৰ প্ৰতিজ্ঞা লোৱা" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:756 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:749 msgid "And I'll no longer be a Capulet." msgstr "আৰু মই আৰু Capulet হৈ নাথাকিম।" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:759 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:752 msgid "Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?" msgstr "মই আৰু শুনিম, নে ইয়াত কিবা কম?" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:762 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:755 msgid "Juliet has disconnected" msgstr "জুলিয়েট -এ সংযোগ বিচ্ছিন্নিত কৰিছে" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:1166 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:1159 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "পছন্দ" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:1 +msgid "Show _smileys as images" +msgstr "ছবি ৰূপে স্মাইলি প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰা হ'ব (_s)" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:2 +msgid "Show contact _list in rooms" +msgstr "ৰুমত পৰিচিত ব্যক্তিৰ তালিকা প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰা হ'ব (_l)" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:3 msgid "Appearance" msgstr "চেহেৰা ছবি" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:3 -msgid "Behavior" -msgstr "আচৰণ" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:4 +msgid "Start chats in:" +msgstr "চেট আৰম্ভ কৰিব:" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:5 -msgid "Chat Th_eme:" -msgstr "চেটৰ থীম: (_e)" +msgid "new ta_bs" +msgstr "নতুন টেবসমূহ (_b)" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:6 -msgid "Disable notifications when _away or busy" -msgstr "অনুপস্থিত অথবা ব্যস্ত থাকিলে সূচনাপ্ৰদানৰ ব্যৱস্থা নিষ্ক্ৰিয় কৰা হ'ব (_a)" +msgid "new _windows" +msgstr "নতুন উইন্ডোসমূহ (_w)" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:7 -msgid "Disable sounds when _away or busy" -msgstr "অনুপস্থিত অথবা ব্যস্ত থাকিলে শব্দ নিষ্ক্ৰিয় কৰা হ'ব (_a)" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:8 msgid "Display incoming events in the notification area" msgstr "আগ'ত ঘটনাসমূহক অধিসূচনা স্থানত প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰক" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Automatically connect on startup" +msgstr "আৰম্ভত স্বচালিতভাৱে সংযোগ কৰক (_A)" + #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:9 -msgid "" -"Echo cancellation helps to make your voice sound clearer to the other " -"person, but may cause problems on some computers. If you or the other person " -"hear strange noises or glitches during calls, try turning echo cancellation " -"off and restarting the call." -msgstr "" -"প্ৰতিধ্বনি বাতিল কৰায় আপোনাৰ কন্ঠক অন্য ব্যক্তিয়ে স্পষ্ট শুনিবলে সহায় কৰে, কিন্তু " -"কিছুমান কমপিউটাৰত সমস্যা সৃষ্টি কৰিব পাৰে। যদি আপুনি অথবা অন্য মানুহজনে কলৰ সমূয়ত " -"অদ্ভুত শব্দ বা খেৰখেৰনি শুনে, প্ৰতিধ্বনি বাতিল কৰা বন্ধ কৰি কল পুনৰাম্ভ কৰি চাওক।" +msgid "Log conversations" +msgstr "লগ কথোপকথনসমূহ" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:10 -msgid "Enable notifications when a contact comes online" -msgstr "পৰিচিত ব্যক্তি অন-লাইন আহিলে সূচনাপ্ৰদানৰ ব্যৱস্থা সামৰ্থবান কৰক" +msgid "Behavior" +msgstr "আচৰণ" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:11 -msgid "Enable notifications when a contact goes offline" -msgstr "পৰিচিত ব্যক্তি অফ-লাইন হ'লে সূচনাপ্ৰদানৰ ব্যৱস্থা সামৰ্থবান কৰক" +msgid "General" +msgstr "সাধাৰণ" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:12 -msgid "Enable notifications when the _chat is not focused" -msgstr "চেট মনোনিবেশিত নথকাত অধিসূচনাসমূহ সামৰ্থবান কৰক (_c)" +msgid "_Enable bubble notifications" +msgstr "বাবল দ্বাৰা সূচনাপ্ৰদান সামৰ্থবান কৰক (_E)" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:13 -msgid "Enable spell checking for languages:" -msgstr "চিহ্নিত ভাষাসমূহৰ বাবে বানান পৰীক্ষণ সামৰ্থবান কৰক:" +msgid "Disable notifications when _away or busy" +msgstr "অনুপস্থিত অথবা ব্যস্ত থাকিলে সূচনাপ্ৰদানৰ ব্যৱস্থা নিষ্ক্ৰিয় কৰা হ'ব (_a)" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:14 -msgid "General" -msgstr "সাধাৰণ" +msgid "Enable notifications when the _chat is not focused" +msgstr "চেট মনোনিবেশিত নথকাত অধিসূচনাসমূহ সামৰ্থবান কৰক (_c)" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:15 -msgid "Input level:" -msgstr "ইনপুট স্তৰ:" +msgid "Enable notifications when a contact comes online" +msgstr "পৰিচিত ব্যক্তি অন-লাইন আহিলে সূচনাপ্ৰদানৰ ব্যৱস্থা সামৰ্থবান কৰক" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:16 -msgid "Input volume:" -msgstr "ইনপুট ভলিউম:" +msgid "Enable notifications when a contact goes offline" +msgstr "পৰিচিত ব্যক্তি অফ-লাইন হ'লে সূচনাপ্ৰদানৰ ব্যৱস্থা সামৰ্থবান কৰক" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:17 +msgid "Notifications" +msgstr "সূচনাবাৰ্তা" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:18 -msgid "Location sources:" -msgstr "অৱস্থান উৎসসমূহ:" +msgid "_Enable sound notifications" +msgstr "শব্দ দ্বাৰা সূচনাপ্ৰদান সামৰ্থবান কৰক (_E)" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:19 -msgid "Log conversations" -msgstr "লগ কথোপকথনসমূহ" +msgid "Disable sounds when _away or busy" +msgstr "অনুপস্থিত অথবা ব্যস্ত থাকিলে শব্দ নিষ্ক্ৰিয় কৰা হ'ব (_a)" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:20 -msgid "Notifications" -msgstr "সূচনাবাৰ্তা" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:21 msgid "Play sound for events" msgstr "বিভিন্ন ঘটনাৰ বাবে শব্দ বজাওক" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:22 -msgid "Privacy" -msgstr "গোপনীয়তা" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:21 +msgid "Sounds" +msgstr "শব্দ" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:22 +msgid "Use _echo cancellation to improve call quality" +msgstr "কলৰ গুণ উন্নত কৰিবলে প্ৰতিধ্বনি বাতিল ব্যৱহাৰ কৰক (_e)" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:23 +msgid "" +"Echo cancellation helps to make your voice sound clearer to the other " +"person, but may cause problems on some computers. If you or the other person " +"hear strange noises or glitches during calls, try turning echo cancellation " +"off and restarting the call." +msgstr "" +"প্ৰতিধ্বনি বাতিল কৰায় আপোনাৰ কন্ঠক অন্য ব্যক্তিয়ে স্পষ্ট শুনিবলে সহায় কৰে, কিন্তু " +"কিছুমান কমপিউটাৰত সমস্যা সৃষ্টি কৰিব পাৰে। যদি আপুনি অথবা অন্য মানুহজনে কলৰ সমূয়ত " +"অদ্ভুত শব্দ বা খেৰখেৰনি শুনে, প্ৰতিধ্বনি বাতিল কৰা বন্ধ কৰি কল পুনৰাম্ভ কৰি চাওক।" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:26 +msgid "_Publish location to my contacts" +msgstr "পৰিচিত ব্যক্তিৰ অৱস্থান প্ৰকাশ কৰা হ'ব (_P)" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:23 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:27 msgid "" "Reduced location accuracy means that nothing more precise than your city, " "state and country will be published. GPS coordinates will be accurate to 1 " @@ -4328,324 +4288,623 @@ "কমোৱা অৱস্থান সঠিকতায় বুজায় যে আপোনাৰ শহৰ, ৰাজ্য আৰু দেশৰ বাহিৰে আৰু একো প্ৰকাশ " "কৰা নহব। GPS অক্ষসমূহ ই দশমিক লৈকে সঠিক হব।" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:24 -msgid "Show _smileys as images" -msgstr "ছবি ৰূপে স্মাইলি প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰা হ'ব (_s)" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:25 -msgid "Show contact _list in rooms" -msgstr "ৰুমত পৰিচিত ব্যক্তিৰ তালিকা প্ৰদৰ্শন কৰা হ'ব (_l)" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:26 -msgid "Sounds" -msgstr "শব্দ" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:27 -msgid "Spell Checking" -msgstr "বানান পৰীক্ষণ" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:28 -msgid "" -"The list of languages reflects only the languages for which you have a " -"dictionary installed." -msgstr "" -"ভাষাসমূহৰ তালিকায় কেৱল সেই ভাষাসমূহ যাৰ বাবে আপোনাৰ এটা শব্দকোষ ইনস্টল আছে " -"সেইসমূহ প্ৰতিফলন কৰে।" - +#. To translators: The longitude and latitude are rounded to closest 0,1 degrees, so for example 146,2345° is rounded to round(146,2345*10)/10 = 146,2 degrees. #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:29 -msgid "Themes" -msgstr "থীমসমূহ" +msgid "_Reduce location accuracy" +msgstr "অৱস্থান সঠিকতা কম কৰক (_R)" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:30 -msgid "Variant:" -msgstr "অপৰ:" +msgid "Privacy" +msgstr "গোপনীয়তা" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:31 -msgid "_Automatically connect on startup" -msgstr "আৰম্ভত স্বচালিতভাৱে সংযোগ কৰক (_A)" +msgid "_GPS" +msgstr "GPS (_G)" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:32 msgid "_Cellphone" msgstr "চেলফোন (_C)" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:33 -msgid "_Enable bubble notifications" -msgstr "বাবল দ্বাৰা সূচনাপ্ৰদান সামৰ্থবান কৰক (_E)" +msgid "_Network (IP, Wi-Fi)" +msgstr "নেটৱাৰ্ক (IP, Wi-Fi) (_N)" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:34 -msgid "_Enable sound notifications" -msgstr "শব্দ দ্বাৰা সূচনাপ্ৰদান সামৰ্থবান কৰক (_E)" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:35 -msgid "_GPS" -msgstr "GPS (_G)" +msgid "Location sources:" +msgstr "অৱস্থান উৎসসমূহ:" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:36 -msgid "_Network (IP, Wi-Fi)" -msgstr "নেটৱাৰ্ক (IP, Wi-Fi) (_N)" +msgid "" +"The list of languages reflects only the languages for which you have a " +"dictionary installed." +msgstr "" +"ভাষাসমূহৰ তালিকায় কেৱল সেই ভাষাসমূহ যাৰ বাবে আপোনাৰ এটা শব্দকোষ ইনস্টল আছে " +"সেইসমূহ প্ৰতিফলন কৰে।" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:37 -msgid "_Open new chats in separate windows" -msgstr "নতুন চেটসমূহ পৃথক উইন্ডোত খোলা হ'ব (_O)" +msgid "Enable spell checking for languages:" +msgstr "চিহ্নিত ভাষাসমূহৰ বাবে বানান পৰীক্ষণ সামৰ্থবান কৰক:" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:38 -msgid "_Publish location to my contacts" -msgstr "পৰিচিত ব্যক্তিৰ অৱস্থান প্ৰকাশ কৰা হ'ব (_P)" +msgid "Spell Checking" +msgstr "বানান পৰীক্ষণ" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:39 +msgid "Chat Th_eme:" +msgstr "চেটৰ থীম: (_e)" -#. To translators: The longitude and latitude are rounded to closest 0,1 degrees, so for example 146,2345° is rounded to round(146,2345*10)/10 = 146,2 degrees. #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:40 -msgid "_Reduce location accuracy" -msgstr "অৱস্থান সঠিকতা কম কৰক (_R)" +msgid "Variant:" +msgstr "অপৰ:" -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:41 +msgid "Themes" +msgstr "থীমসমূহ" + +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:4 msgid "Status" msgstr "অৱস্থা" -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:5 msgid "_Quit" msgstr "প্ৰস্থান (_Q)" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:2 -msgid "Call the contact again" -msgstr "পৰিচয়ক আকো কল কৰক" - #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Camera Off" -msgstr "কেমেৰা বন্ধ কৰক" +msgid "Redial" +msgstr "পুনঃ ডায়েল কৰক" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:4 -msgid "Camera On" -msgstr "কেমেৰা অন কৰক" +msgid "V_ideo" +msgstr "ভিডিঅ' (_i)" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:5 +msgid "Video Off" +msgstr "ভিডিঅ' বন্ধ কৰক" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:6 -msgid "Disable camera and stop sending video" -msgstr "কেমেৰা অসামৰ্থবান কৰক আৰু ভিডিঅ' পঠোৱা বন্ধ কৰক" +msgid "Video Preview" +msgstr "ভিডিঅ' পূৰ্বদৰ্শন কৰক" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:7 -msgid "Enable camera and send video" -msgstr "কেমেৰা সামৰ্থবান কৰক আৰু ভিডিঅ' পঠাওক" +msgid "Video On" +msgstr "ভিডিঅ' অন কৰক" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:8 -msgid "Enable camera but don't send video" -msgstr "কেমেৰা সামৰ্থবান কৰক কিন্তু ভিডিঅ' নপঠাব" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:10 +msgid "Call the contact again" +msgstr "পৰিচয়ক আকো কল কৰক" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:13 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "পূৰ্বদৰ্শন কৰক" +msgid "Camera Off" +msgstr "কেমেৰা বন্ধ কৰক" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:14 -msgid "Redial" -msgstr "পুনঃ ডায়েল কৰক" +msgid "Disable camera and stop sending video" +msgstr "কেমেৰা অসামৰ্থবান কৰক আৰু ভিডিঅ' পঠোৱা বন্ধ কৰক" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:19 -msgid "V_ideo" -msgstr "ভিডিঅ' (_i)" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:15 +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "পূৰ্বদৰ্শন কৰক" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:21 -msgid "Video Off" -msgstr "ভিডিঅ' বন্ধ কৰক" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "Enable camera but don't send video" +msgstr "কেমেৰা সামৰ্থবান কৰক কিন্তু ভিডিঅ' নপঠাব" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:22 -msgid "Video On" -msgstr "ভিডিঅ' অন কৰক" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:17 +msgid "Camera On" +msgstr "কেমেৰা অন কৰক" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:23 -msgid "Video Preview" -msgstr "ভিডিঅ' পূৰ্বদৰ্শন কৰক" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:18 +msgid "Enable camera and send video" +msgstr "কেমেৰা সামৰ্থবান কৰক আৰু ভিডিঅ' পঠাওক" -#: ../src/empathy-map-view.c:448 +#: ../src/empathy-map-view.c:471 msgid "Contact Map View" msgstr "Map View ৰ সৈতে সংযোগ স্থাপন কৰক" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1228 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1607 msgid "Save" msgstr "সংৰক্ষণ" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1435 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1667 +msgid "Pastebin link" +msgstr "পেইস্টবিন সংযোগ" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1676 +msgid "Pastebin response" +msgstr "পেইস্টবিন প্ৰতিক্ৰিয়া" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1680 +#, c-format +msgid "%s" +msgstr "%s" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1683 +msgid "Data too large for a single paste. Please save logs to file." +msgstr "তথ্য এটা পেইস্টৰ বাবে অতি ডাঙৰ। অনুগ্ৰহ কৰি লগসমূহ নথিপত্ৰত সংৰক্ষণ কৰক।" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1912 msgid "Debug Window" msgstr "ডিবাগ উইন্ডো" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1517 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1970 +msgid "Send to pastebin" +msgstr "পেইস্টবিনলে পঠাওক" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2009 msgid "Pause" msgstr "স্থগিত কৰক" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1529 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2021 msgid "Level " msgstr "স্তৰ " -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1549 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2040 msgid "Debug" msgstr "ডিবাগ" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1555 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2045 msgid "Info" msgstr "তথ্য" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1561 ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1610 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2050 ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2096 msgid "Message" msgstr "বাৰ্তা" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1567 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2055 msgid "Warning" msgstr "সতৰ্কবাৰ্তা" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1573 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2060 msgid "Critical" msgstr "গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1579 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2065 msgid "Error" msgstr "ত্ৰুটি" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1598 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2084 msgid "Time" msgstr "সময়" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1601 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2087 msgid "Domain" msgstr "ডোমেইন" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1603 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2089 msgid "Category" msgstr "শ্ৰেণী" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1605 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2091 msgid "Level" msgstr "স্তৰ" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1642 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2114 msgid "" "The selected connection manager does not support the remote debugging " "extension." msgstr "নিৰ্বাচিত সংযোগ ব্যৱস্থাপকে দূৰৱৰ্তী ডিবাগিং সম্প্ৰসাৰন সমৰ্থন নকৰে।" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:179 -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:205 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:202 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:230 msgid "Invite Participant" msgstr "অংশগ্ৰহণকাৰীক আমন্ত্ৰণ জনাওক" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:180 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:203 msgid "Choose a contact to invite into the conversation:" msgstr "কথোপকথনলে আমন্ত্ৰণ জনাবলে এটা পৰিচয় বাছক" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:201 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:226 msgid "Invite" msgstr "আমন্ত্ৰণ জনাওক" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:183 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:180 msgid "Don't display any dialogs; do any work (eg, importing) and exit" msgstr "" "কোনো ডাইলগ প্ৰদৰ্শন নকৰিব; যিকোনো কাম কৰক (উদাহৰনস্বৰূপ, ইমপোৰ্ট কৰা) আৰু প্ৰস্থান " "কৰক" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:187 -msgid "" -"Don't display any dialogs unless there are only \"People Nearby\" accounts" +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:184 +msgid "Don't display any dialogs unless there are only \"People Nearby\" accounts" msgstr "কোনো ডাইলগ প্ৰদৰ্শন নকৰিব যেতিয়ালৈকে সিহত \"কাষৰীয়া মানুহ\"একাওন্টসমূহ নহয়" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:191 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:188 msgid "Initially select given account (eg, gabble/jabber/foo_40example_2eorg0)" msgstr "" "আৰম্ভণিত প্ৰদান কৰা একাওন্ট (উদাহৰনস্বৰূপ, gabble/jabber/foo_40example_2eorg0) " "নিৰ্বাচন কৰক" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:193 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:190 msgid "" msgstr "" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:198 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:195 msgid "- Empathy Accounts" msgstr "- Empathy একাওন্টসমূহ" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:237 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:231 msgid "Empathy Accounts" msgstr "Empathy একাওন্টসমূহ" -#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:70 +#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:69 msgid "Show a particular service" msgstr "এটা বিশেষ সেৱা দেখুৱাওক" -#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:75 +#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:74 msgid "- Empathy Debugger" msgstr "- Empathy ডিবাগাৰ" -#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:114 +#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:113 msgid "Empathy Debugger" msgstr "Empathy ডিবাগাৰ" -#: ../src/empathy-chat.c:107 +#: ../src/empathy-chat.c:109 msgid "- Empathy Chat Client" msgstr "- Empathy চেট ক্লাএন্ট" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:203 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:189 msgid "Respond" msgstr "প্ৰতিক্ৰিয়া" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:217 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1459 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:203 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1529 msgid "Reject" msgstr "নাকচ কৰক" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:222 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:227 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1460 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:208 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1530 msgid "Answer" msgstr "উত্তৰ" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:227 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 msgid "Answer with video" msgstr "ভিডিঅ'ৰ সৈতে উত্তৰ দিয়ক" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:235 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:245 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:221 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:231 msgid "Decline" msgstr "নাকচ কৰক" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:239 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:250 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:225 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:236 msgid "Accept" msgstr "গ্ৰহন কৰক" #. translators: the 'Provide' button is displayed in a notification #. * bubble when Empathy is asking for an account password; clicking on it #. * brings the password popup. -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:260 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:246 msgid "Provide" msgstr "প্ৰদান কৰক" -#: ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:134 +#: ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:132 #, c-format msgid "%s just tried to call you, but you were in another call." msgstr "%s - এইমাত্ৰ আপোনাক কল কৰাৰ চেষ্টা কৰিছিল, কিন্তু আপুনি অন্য এটা কলত আছিল।" #. Translators: this is an "Info" label. It should be as short #. * as possible. -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1088 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1111 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1140 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1162 msgid "i" msgstr "i" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2775 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2888 msgid "On hold" msgstr "হল্ডত আছে" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2778 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2891 msgid "Mute" msgstr "মিউট" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2780 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2893 msgid "Duration" msgstr "অবধি" #. Translators: 'status - minutes:seconds' the caller has been connected -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2783 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2896 #, c-format msgid "%s — %d:%02dm" msgstr "%s — %d:%02dm" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3166 +#, c-format +msgid "Your current balance is %s." +msgstr "আপোনাৰ বৰ্তমান বেলেঞ্চ হল %s।" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3170 +msgid "Sorry, you don’t have enough credit for that call." +msgstr "ক্ষমা কৰিব, আপোনাৰ সেই কলৰ বাবে পৰ্যাপ্ত দেন নাই।" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3172 +msgid "Top Up" +msgstr "টপ আপ" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.c:243 msgid "_Match case" msgstr "ফলা মিলাওক (_M)" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-account-dialog.c:144 +msgid "What kind of chat account do you have?" +msgstr "চেটৰ কি ধৰনৰ একাওন্ট উপস্থিত আছে?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-account-dialog.c:166 +msgid "Adding new account" +msgstr "নতুন একাওন্ট যোগ কৰা" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:77 +msgid "People nearby" +msgstr "ওচৰৰ ব্যক্তিৰ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:150 +msgid "" +"Empathy can automatically discover and chat with the people connected on the " +"same network as you. If you want to use this feature, please check that the " +"details below are correct." +msgstr "" +"Empathy -এ আপুনি থকা নেটৱাৰ্কত সংযুক্ত থকা মানুহবোৰক স্বচালিতভাৱে খোজ কৰি চেট কৰিব " +"পাৰে। যদি আপুনি এই বৈশিষ্ট ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিব বিচাৰে, অনুগ্ৰহ কৰি তলত থকা বিৱৰণসমূহ সঠিক " +"আছে নে নীৰিক্ষণ কৰক।" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:183 +msgid "" +"You can change these details later or disable this feature by choosing Edit → Accounts in the Contact List." +msgstr "" +"আপুনি এই বিৱৰণসমূহ পিছত সলনি অথবা এই বৈশিষ্ট অসামৰ্থবান কৰিব পাৰিব পৰিচয় তালিকাত " +"সম্পাদন → একাওন্টসমূহ নিৰ্বাচন কৰি।" + +#~ msgid "Call volume" +#~ msgstr "কল ভলিউম" + +#~ msgid "Call volume, as a percentage." +#~ msgstr "কল ভলিউম, এটা শতাংশ হিচাপে।" + +#~ msgid "Empathy has migrated butterfly logs" +#~ msgstr "Empathy -এ বাটাৰফ্লাই লগসমূহ প্ৰব্ৰজন কৰিছে" + +#~ msgid "Whether Empathy has migrated butterfly logs." +#~ msgstr "Empathy -এ বাটাফ্লাই লগসমূহ প্ৰব্ৰজন কৰিছে নে।" + +#~ msgid "Socket type not supported" +#~ msgstr "ছ'কেটৰ ধৰন সমৰ্থিত নহয়" + +#~ msgid "My Web Accounts" +#~ msgstr "মোৰ ৱেব একাওন্টসমূহ" + +#~ msgid "The account %s is edited via %s." +#~ msgstr "একাওন্ট %s ক %s -ৰে সম্পাদন কৰা হৈছে।" + +#~ msgid "The account %s cannot be edited in Empathy." +#~ msgstr "একাওন্ট %s ক Empathy ত সম্পাদন কৰিব নোৱাৰি।" + +#~ msgid "Launch My Web Accounts" +#~ msgstr "মোৰ ৱেব একাওন্টসমূহ লঞ্চ কৰক" + +#~ msgid "Edit %s" +#~ msgstr "%s সম্পাদনা কৰক" + +#~ msgid "Ca_ncel" +#~ msgstr "বাতিল কৰক (_n)" + +#~ msgid "Personal Information" +#~ msgstr "ব্যক্তিগত তথ্য" + +#~ msgid "Ungrouped" +#~ msgstr "দলীয় নহয়" + +#~ msgid "Favorite People" +#~ msgstr "পছন্দৰ মানুহ" + +#~ msgctxt "Edit contact (contextual menu)" +#~ msgid "_Edit" +#~ msgstr "সম্পাদনা কৰক (_E)" + +#~ msgid "Select a contact" +#~ msgstr "এটা পৰিচয় নিৰ্বাচন কৰক" + +#~ msgid "Select contacts to link" +#~ msgstr "সংযোগ কৰিবলে পৰিচয়সমূহ বাছক" + +#~ msgid "New contact preview" +#~ msgstr "নতুন পৰিচয় পূৰ্বদৰ্শন" + +#~ msgid "Contacts selected in the list on the left will be linked together." +#~ msgstr "বাওফালে থকা তালিকাত নিৰ্বাচন কৰা পৰিচয়সমূহ একেলগে সংযুক্ত কৰা হব।" + +#~ msgctxt "Link individual (contextual menu)" +#~ msgid "_Link Contacts…" +#~ msgstr "পৰিচয়সমূহ সংযোগ কৰক (_L)…" + +#~ msgid "Link Contacts" +#~ msgstr "পৰিচয়সমূহ সংযুক্ত কৰক" + +#~ msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" +#~ msgid "_Unlink…" +#~ msgstr "অসংযুক্ত কৰক (_U)…" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Completely split the displayed linked contacts into the separate contacts." +#~ msgstr "প্ৰদৰ্শিত সংযুক্ত পৰিচয়সমূহক পৃথক পৰিচয়সমূহত সম্পূৰ্ণভাৱে বিভাজন কৰক।" + +#~ msgid "_Link" +#~ msgstr "সংযুক্ত কৰক (_L)" + +#~ msgid "Unlink linked contacts '%s'?" +#~ msgstr "সংযুক্ত পৰিচয়সমূহ '%s' অসংযুক্ত কৰিব নে?" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Are you sure you want to unlink these linked contacts? This will " +#~ "completely split the linked contacts into separate contacts." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "আপুনি নিশ্চিত নে আপুনি এই সংযুক্ত পৰিচয়সমূহ অসংযুক্ত কৰিব বিচাৰে? ই সংযুক্ত " +#~ "পৰিচয়সমূহক সম্পূৰ্ণভাৱে পৃথক পৰিচয়সমূহত বিভাজন কৰিব।" + +#~ msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" +#~ msgid "_Unlink" +#~ msgstr "অসংযুক্ত কৰক (_U)" + +#~ msgid "Contact ID:" +#~ msgstr "পৰিচয়ৰ ID:" + +#~ msgid "C_hat" +#~ msgstr "চেট (_h)" + +#~ msgid "Send _Video" +#~ msgstr "ভিডিঅ' পঠাওক (_V)" + +#~ msgid "C_all" +#~ msgstr "কল (_a)" + +#~ msgid "Set your presence and current status" +#~ msgstr "আপোনাৰ উপস্থিতি আৰু বৰ্তমান অৱস্থাৰ তথ্য নিৰ্ধাৰণ কৰক" + +#~ msgid "The selected contact cannot receive files." +#~ msgstr "নিৰ্বাচিত পৰিচয়ে নথিপত্ৰসমূহ গ্ৰহণ কৰিব নোৱাৰে।" + +#~ msgid "The selected contact is offline." +#~ msgstr "নিৰ্বাচিত পৰিচয় অফলাইন।" + +#~ msgid "There was an error while importing the accounts." +#~ msgstr "একাওন্টসমূহ ইমপোৰ্ট কৰোতে এটা ত্ৰুটি হৈছিল।" + +#~ msgid "There was an error while parsing the account details." +#~ msgstr "একাওন্ট বিৱৰণসমূহ বিশ্লেষণ কৰোতে এটা ত্ৰুটি হৈছিল।" + +#~ msgid "There was an error while creating the account." +#~ msgstr "একাওন্ট সৃষ্টি কৰোতে এটা ত্ৰুটি হৈছিল।" + +#~ msgid "There was an error." +#~ msgstr "এটা ত্ৰুটি হৈছিল।" + +#~ msgid "The error message was: %s" +#~ msgstr "ত্ৰুটি বাৰ্তা আছিল: %s" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "You can either go back and try to enter your accounts' details again or " +#~ "quit this assistant and add accounts later from the Edit menu." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "আপুনি হয় উভতি যাব পাৰে আৰু আপোনাৰ একাওন্ট বিৱৰনসমূহ পুনৰ সোমোৱাৰ চেষ্টা কৰিব " +#~ "পাৰে অথবা এই সহায়ক প্ৰস্থান কৰক আৰু একাওন্টসমূহ পিছত সম্পাদনা মেনুৰ পৰা যোগ কৰক।" + +#~ msgid "An error occurred" +#~ msgstr "এটা ত্ৰুটি দেখা দিছে" + +#~ msgid "Do you have any other chat accounts you want to set up?" +#~ msgstr "প্ৰস্তুত কৰাৰ উদ্দেশ্যে অন্য কোনো চেটৰ একাওন্ট উপস্থিত আছে নেকি ?" + +#~ msgid "Enter your account details" +#~ msgstr "আপোনাৰ একাওন্টৰ বিবৰণ ইয়াত লিখক" + +#~ msgid "What kind of chat account do you want to create?" +#~ msgstr "কি ধৰনৰ চেটৰ একাওন্ট আপুনি নিৰ্মাণ কৰিবলৈ ইচ্ছুক ?" + +#~ msgid "Do you want to create other chat accounts?" +#~ msgstr "চেটৰ অন্য একাওন্ট নিৰ্মাণ কৰিবলৈ ইচ্ছুক নেকি?" + +#~ msgid "Enter the details for the new account" +#~ msgstr "নতুন একাওন্টৰ বিৱৰণ লিখক" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "With Empathy you can chat with people online nearby and with friends and " +#~ "colleagues who use Google Talk, AIM, Windows Live and many other chat " +#~ "programs. With a microphone or a webcam you can also have audio or video " +#~ "calls." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Empathy ৰ সৈতে আপুনি কাষৰীয়া মানুহ আৰু বন্ধুসকল আৰু সহকৰ্মীসকল যোনে Google Talk, " +#~ "AIM, Windows Live আৰু অন্য বহতো চেট প্ৰগ্ৰামসমূহ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰে সিহতৰ লগত অনলাইন " +#~ "চেট কৰিব পাৰিব। এটা মাক্ৰোফোন অথবা এটা ৱেবকেমৰ সৈতে আপুনি অডিঅ' অথবা ভিডিঅ' " +#~ "কলসমূহ কৰিব পাৰিব।" + +#~ msgid "Do you have an account you've been using with another chat program?" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "অন্য কোনো চেটৰ প্ৰোগ্ৰামৰ সৈতে ব্যৱহৃত হৈছে এনে কোনো একাওন্ট কি বৰ্তমানে উপস্থিত " +#~ "আছে?" + +#~ msgid "Yes, import my account details from " +#~ msgstr "হয়, চিহ্নিত স্থানৰ পৰা মোৰ একাওন্টৰ তথ্য ইমপোৰ্ট কৰা হ'ব " + +#~ msgid "Yes, I'll enter my account details now" +#~ msgstr "হয়, মোৰ একাওন্টৰ তথ্য মই এতিয়ায় লিখিবলৈ ইচ্ছুক" + +#~ msgid "No, I want a new account" +#~ msgstr "নহয়, মই নতুন একাওন্ট প্ৰাপ্ত কৰিবলৈ ইচ্ছুক" + +#~ msgid "No, I just want to see people online nearby for now" +#~ msgstr "নহয়, বৰ্তমানে মই অকল ওচৰৰ ব্যক্তিৰ তথ্য চাবলৈ ইচ্ছুক" + +#~ msgid "Select the accounts you want to import:" +#~ msgstr "ইমপোৰ্ট কৰাৰ উদ্দেশ্যে একাওন্ট নিৰ্বাচন কৰক:" + +#~ msgid "No, that's all for now" +#~ msgstr "নহয়, এতিয়াৰ কাৰণে এইয়াই" + +#~ msgid "Edit->Accounts" +#~ msgstr "সম্পাদনা কৰক -> একাওন্টসমূহ" + +#~ msgid "I do _not want to enable this feature for now" +#~ msgstr "মই এই বৈশিষ্ট এতিয়ায় সামৰ্থবান কৰিব নিবিচাৰো (_n)" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "You won't be able to chat with people connected to your local network, as " +#~ "telepathy-salut is not installed. If you want to enable this feature, " +#~ "please install the telepathy-salut package and create a People Nearby " +#~ "account from the Accounts dialog" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "আপুনি আপোনাৰ স্থানীয় নেটৱাৰ্কত সংযুক্ত মানুহবোৰৰ লগত চেট কৰিব নোৱাৰিব কাৰণ, " +#~ "telepathy-salut ইনস্টল নাই। যদি আপুনি এই বৈশিষ্ট সামৰ্থবান কৰিব বিচাৰে, অনুগ্ৰহ " +#~ "কৰি telepathy-salut পেকেইজ ইনস্টল কৰক আৰএ একাওন্টসমূহ ডাইলগৰ পৰা এটা কাষৰীয়া " +#~ "মানুহবোৰ একাওন্ট সৃষ্টি কৰক" + +#~ msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts Assistant" +#~ msgstr "বাৰ্তা আৰু VoIP একাওন্টসমূহ সহায়ক" + +#~ msgid "Welcome to Empathy" +#~ msgstr "Empathy লৈ স্বাগতম" + +#~ msgid "Import your existing accounts" +#~ msgstr "আপোনাৰ উপস্থিত একাওন্ট ইমপোৰ্ট কৰক" + +#~ msgid "Please enter personal details" +#~ msgstr "অনুগ্ৰহ কৰি ব্যক্তিগত বিৱৰণসমূহ সোমাওক" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "You are about to create a new account, which will discard\n" +#~ "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "আপুনি এটা নতুন একাওন্ট সৃষ্টি কৰিব লৈছে, যাৰ ফলত আপোনাৰ পৰিৱৰ্তনসমূহ\n" +#~ "আতৰোৱা হব। আপুনি নিশ্চিত নে আপুনি আগবাঢ়িব বিচাৰে?" + +#~ msgid "Protocol:" +#~ msgstr "প্ৰটোকল:" + +#~ msgctxt "encoding video codec" +#~ msgid "Unknown" +#~ msgstr "অজ্ঞাত" + +#~ msgctxt "encoding audio codec" +#~ msgid "Unknown" +#~ msgstr "অজ্ঞাত" + +#~ msgctxt "decoding video codec" +#~ msgid "Unknown" +#~ msgstr "অজ্ঞাত" + +#~ msgctxt "decoding audio codec" +#~ msgid "Unknown" +#~ msgstr "অজ্ঞাত" + +#~ msgid "_Personal Information" +#~ msgstr "ব্যক্তিগত তথ্য (_P)" + +#~ msgid "Input level:" +#~ msgstr "ইনপুট স্তৰ:" + +#~ msgid "Input volume:" +#~ msgstr "ইনপুট ভলিউম:" + +#~ msgid "_Open new chats in separate windows" +#~ msgstr "নতুন চেটসমূহ পৃথক উইন্ডোত খোলা হ'ব (_O)" + #~ msgid "Send and receive messages" #~ msgstr "বাৰ্তা পঠিয়াওক আৰু পাওক" @@ -4716,7 +4975,7 @@ #~ msgstr "পূৰ্ববৰ্তী চেট" #~ msgid "_For:" -#~ msgstr "-ৰ কাৰণে: (_F)" +#~ msgstr "ৰ কাৰণে: (_F)" #~ msgid "Edit Custom Messages..." #~ msgstr "স্বনিৰ্বাচিত বাৰ্তা সম্পাদনা..." diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/po/be.po empathy-3.3.92/po/be.po --- empathy-3.3.91/po/be.po 2012-03-05 10:30:26.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/po/be.po 2012-03-09 08:56:22.000000000 +0000 @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ "Project-Id-Version: empathy.master\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?" "product=empathy&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=General\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-02 10:35+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-04 10:59+0300\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-06 15:16+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-07 23:11+0300\n" "Last-Translator: Kasia Bondarava \n" "Language-Team: Belarusian \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -85,75 +85,86 @@ msgstr "Прадвызначаная папка для захавання атрыманых файлаў." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:9 +msgid "Magic number used to check if sanity cleaning tasks should be run" +msgstr "Магічны лік, які ўжываецца для праверкі, ці трэба запускаць задачы ачысткі." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:10 +msgid "" +"empathy-sanity-cleaning.c uses this number to check if the cleaning tasks " +"should be executed or not. Users should not change this key manually." +msgstr "" +"empathy-sanity-cleaning.c выкарыстоўвае гэты лік для праверкі, ці трэба запускасць задачы ачысткі. Карыстальнікам не варта ўручную змяняць значэнне гэтага ключа." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:11 msgid "Show offline contacts" msgstr "Паказваць пазасеткавыя кантакты" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:10 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:12 msgid "Whether to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." msgstr "Ці трэба паказваць пазасеткавыя кантакты ў спісе кантактаў." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:11 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:13 msgid "Show avatars" msgstr "Паказваць аватары" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:12 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:14 msgid "" "Whether to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat windows." msgstr "Ці трэба паказваць аватары ў спісе кантактаў і вокнах чату." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:13 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:15 msgid "Show protocols" msgstr "Паказваць інфармацыю аб пратаколе" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:14 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:16 msgid "Whether to show protocols for contacts in the contact list." msgstr "Ці трэба паказваць інфармацыю аб пратаколе ў спісе кантактаў." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:15 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:17 msgid "Show Balance in contact list" msgstr "Паказваць баланс рахунку у спісе кантактаў" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:16 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:18 msgid "Whether to show account balances in the contact list." msgstr "Ці трэба паказваць баланс контаў у спісе кантактаў." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:17 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:19 msgid "Compact contact list" msgstr "Кампактны спіс кантактаў" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:18 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:20 msgid "Whether to show the contact list in compact mode." msgstr "Ці трэба паказваць спіс кантактаў у кампактным рэжыме." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:19 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:21 msgid "Hide main window" msgstr "Схаваць галоўнае акно" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:20 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:22 msgid "Hide the main window." msgstr "Схаваць галоўнае акно." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:21 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:23 msgid "Default directory to select an avatar image from" msgstr "Прадвызначаны каталог для выбару аватар" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:22 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:24 msgid "The last directory that an avatar image was chosen from." msgstr "Апошні каталог, з якога была выбрана аватара." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:23 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:25 msgid "Open new chats in separate windows" msgstr "Адкрываць новыя чаты ў асобных вокнах" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:24 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:26 msgid "Always open a separate chat window for new chats." msgstr "Заўсёды адкрываць новае акно для новага чату." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:25 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:27 msgid "Display incoming events in the status area" msgstr "Паказваць уваходныя падзеі ў абшары стану" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:26 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:28 msgid "" "Display incoming events in the status area. If false, present them to the " "user immediately." @@ -161,27 +172,27 @@ "Паказваць уваходныя падзеі ў абшары стану. Калі выключана, адразу паказваць " "іх карыстальніку." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:27 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:29 msgid "The position for the chat window side pane" msgstr "Размяшчэнне бакавога абшару ў акне чату" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:28 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:30 msgid "The stored position (in pixels) of the chat window side pane." msgstr "Захаванае размяшчэнне бакавога абшару ў акне чату (у пікселах)." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:29 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:31 msgid "Show contact groups" msgstr "Паказваць групы кантактаў" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:30 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:32 msgid "Whether to show groups in the contact list." msgstr "Ці трэба паказваць групы ў спісе кантактаў." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:31 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:33 msgid "Contact list sort criterion" msgstr "Крытэрый сартавання спіса кантактаў" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:32 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:34 msgid "" "Which criterion to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to sort by " "the contact's state with the value \"state\". A value of \"name\" will sort " @@ -191,102 +202,102 @@ "паводле стану кантактаў - уключаюцца значэннем \"state\". Значэнне \"name\" " "уключыць сартаванне паводле імёнаў кантактаў." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:33 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:35 msgid "Use notification sounds" msgstr "Агучваць апавяшчэнні" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:34 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:36 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of events." msgstr "Ці трэба агучваць падзеі." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:35 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:37 msgid "Disable sounds when away" msgstr "Не ўжываць гукавыя сігналы ў рэжыме адсутнасці" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:36 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:38 msgid "Whether to play sound notifications when away or busy." msgstr "Ці трэба ўжываць гукавыя сігналы ў рэжыме адсутнасці ці занятасці." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:37 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:39 msgid "Play a sound for incoming messages" msgstr "Агучваць уваходныя паведамленні" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:38 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:40 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of incoming messages." msgstr "Ці трэба агучваць уваходныя паведамленні." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:39 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:41 msgid "Play a sound for outgoing messages" msgstr "Агучваць выхадныя паведамленні" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:40 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:42 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of outgoing messages." msgstr "Ці трэба агучваць выхадныя паведамленні." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:41 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:43 msgid "Play a sound for new conversations" msgstr "Агучваць з'яўленне новых размоў" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:42 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:44 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of new conversations." msgstr "Ці трэба агучваць з'яўленне новых размоў." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:43 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:45 msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs in" msgstr "Агучваць уваход кантакта ў сетку" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:44 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:46 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging into the network." msgstr "Ці трэба агучваць уваход кантактаў у сетку." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:45 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:47 msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs out" msgstr "Агучваць выхад кантакта з сеткі" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:46 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:48 msgid "" "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging out of the network." msgstr "Ці трэба агучваць выхад кантактаў з сеткі." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:47 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:49 msgid "Play a sound when we log in" msgstr "Агучваць злучэнне з сеткай" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:48 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:50 msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging into a network." msgstr "Ці трэба агучваць злучэнне з сеткай." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:49 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:51 msgid "Play a sound when we log out" msgstr "Агучваць адлучэнне ад сеткі" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:50 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:52 msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging out of a network." msgstr "Ці трэба агучваць адлучэнне ад сеткі." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:51 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:53 msgid "Enable popup notifications for new messages" msgstr "Ужываць выплыўныя апавяшчэнні для новых паведамленняў" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:52 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:54 msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message." msgstr "" "Ці трэба паказваць выплыўныя апавяшчэнні пры атрыманні новага паведамлення." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:53 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:55 msgid "Disable popup notifications when away" msgstr "Не паказваць выплыўныя апавяшчэнні ў рэжыме адсутнасці" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:54 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:56 msgid "Whether to show popup notifications when away or busy." msgstr "" "Ці трэба паказваць выплыўныя апавяшчэнні ў рэжыме адсутнасці ці занятасці." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:55 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:57 msgid "Pop up notifications if the chat isn't focused" msgstr "Ужываць выплыўныя апавяшчэнні, калі чат не мае фокусу" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:56 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:58 msgid "" "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message even if " "the chat is already opened, but not focused." @@ -294,80 +305,80 @@ "Ці трэба паказваць выплыўныя апавяшчэнні пры атрыманні новага паведамлення, " "нават калі акно чату ўжо адкрыта, хоць і не мае фокусу." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:57 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:59 msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs in" msgstr "Ужываць выплыўныя апавяшчэнні для ўваходу кантакта ў сетку" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:58 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:60 msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes online." msgstr "" "Ці трэба паказваць выплыўныя апавяшчэнні пры ўваходзе кантакта ў сетку." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:59 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:61 msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs out" msgstr "Ужываць выплыўныя апавяшчэнні для выхаду кантакта з сеткі" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:60 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:62 msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes offline." msgstr "Ці трэба паказваць выплыўныя апавяшчэнні пры выхадзе кантакта з сеткі." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:61 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:63 msgid "Use graphical smileys" msgstr "Ужываць графічныя смайлікі" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:62 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:64 msgid "Whether to convert smileys into graphical images in conversations." msgstr "Ці трэба пераўтвараць смайлікі ў графічныя выявы ў тэксце размоў." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:63 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:65 msgid "Show contact list in rooms" msgstr "Паказваць спіс кантактаў у пакоях" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:64 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:66 msgid "Whether to show the contact list in chat rooms." msgstr "Ці трэба паказваць спіс кантактаў у пакоях чату." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:65 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:67 msgid "Chat window theme" msgstr "Матыў акна чату" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:66 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:68 msgid "The theme that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." msgstr "Матыў афармлення размоў у вокнах чату." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:67 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:69 msgid "Chat window theme variant" msgstr "Адмена матыва акна чату" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:68 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:70 msgid "" "The theme variant that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." msgstr "Адмена матыва афармлення размоў у вокнах чату." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:69 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:71 msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use" msgstr "Сцежка да патрэбнага матыва Adium" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:70 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:72 msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use if the theme used for chat is Adium." msgstr "Сцежка да патрэбнага матыва Adium, калі для чату ўжыты матыў Adium." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:71 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:73 msgid "Enable WebKit Developer Tools" msgstr "Уключыць прылады распрацоўшчыка WebKit" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:72 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:74 msgid "" "Whether WebKit developer tools, such as the Web Inspector, should be enabled." msgstr "" "Ці трэба ўключыць прылады распрацоўшчыка WebKit (напрыклад, Web Inspector)." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:73 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:75 msgid "Inform other users when you are typing to them" msgstr "" "Паведамляць іншым карыстальнікам аб тым, што вы пішаце для іх паведамленне" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:74 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:76 msgid "" "Whether to send the 'composing' or 'paused' chat states. Does not currently " "affect the 'gone' state." @@ -375,40 +386,40 @@ "Ці трэба пасылаць апавяшчэнні аб стане чату тыпу \"пішу\" ці \"перастаў " "пісаць\". Пакуль што не ўплывае на стан адсутнасці." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:75 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:77 msgid "Use theme for chat rooms" msgstr "Ужываць матыў для пакояў чату" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:76 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:78 msgid "Whether to use the theme for chat rooms." msgstr "Ці трэба ўжываць гэты матыў для пакояў чату." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:77 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:79 msgid "Spell checking languages" msgstr "Мовы для праверкі арфаграфіі" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:78 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:80 msgid "" "Comma-separated list of spell checker languages to use (e.g. \"en, fr, nl\")." msgstr "" "Спіс моў для праверкі арфаграфіі, падзеленых коскамі (напрыклад, \"en, be, ru" "\")." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:79 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:81 msgid "Enable spell checker" msgstr "Правяраць арфаграфію" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:80 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:82 msgid "" "Whether to check words typed against the languages you want to check with." msgstr "" "Ці трэба правяраць арфаграфію напісаных слоў па спісе магчымых моў тэксту." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:81 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:83 msgid "Nick completed character" msgstr "Знак пасля дапоўненай мянушкі" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:82 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:84 msgid "" "Character to add after nickname when using nick completion (tab) in group " "chat." @@ -416,56 +427,56 @@ "Знак, які трэба ўстаўляць пасля мянушкі пры яе дапаўненні клавішай Тab у " "групавым чаце." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:83 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:85 msgid "Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon" msgstr "Empathy мусіць выкарыстоўваць аватару кантакта як значок для акна чату" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:84 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:86 msgid "" "Whether Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon." msgstr "Ці мусіць Empathy выкарыстоўваць аватару кантакта як значок акна чату." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:85 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:87 msgid "Last account selected in Join Room dialog" msgstr "Апошні конт, выбраны ў дыялогу ўваходу ў пакой" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:86 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:88 msgid "D-Bus object path of the last account selected to join a room." msgstr "" "Сцежка аб'екта D-Bus, звязанага з апошнім контам, абраным для ўваходу ў " "пакой." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:87 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:89 msgid "Camera device" msgstr "Прыстасаванне відэакамеры" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:88 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:90 msgid "Default camera device to use in video calls, e.g. /dev/video0." msgstr "" "Прадвызначанае прыстасаванне відэакамеры для відэаразмоў, напрыклад \"/dev/" "video0\"." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:89 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:91 msgid "Camera position" msgstr "Размяшчэнне відэакамеры" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:90 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:92 msgid "Position the camera preview should be during a call." msgstr "Размяшчэнне карцінкі з відэакамеры падчас званка." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:91 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:93 msgid "Echo cancellation support" msgstr "Падтрымка фільтрацыі рэха" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:92 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:94 msgid "Whether to enable Pulseaudio's echo cancellation filter." msgstr "Ці трэба ўключыць фільтрацыю рэха Pulseaudio." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:93 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:95 msgid "Show hint about closing the main window" msgstr "Паказваць падказку пры закрыцці галоўнага акна" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:94 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:96 msgid "" "Whether to show the message dialog about closing the main window with the " "'x' button in the title bar." @@ -473,46 +484,46 @@ "Ці трэба паказваць дыялогавае акенца пры закрыцці галоўнага акна з дапамогай " "кнопкі \"x\" у загалоўнай стужцы." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:95 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:97 msgid "Empathy can publish the user's location" msgstr "Empathy можа публікаваць месцазнаходжанне карыстальніка" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:96 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:98 msgid "Whether Empathy can publish the user's location to their contacts." msgstr "" "Ці можа Empathy паведамляць аб месцазнаходжанні карыстальніка яго кантактам." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:97 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:99 msgid "Empathy can use the network to guess the location" msgstr "Empathy можа выкарыстоўваць сетку для вызначэння месцазнаходжання" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:98 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:100 msgid "Whether Empathy can use the network to guess the location." msgstr "Ці можа Empathy выкарыстоўваць сетку для вызначэння месцазнаходжання." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:99 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:101 msgid "Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location" msgstr "" "Empathy можа выкарыстоўваць сотавую сетку для вызначэння месцазнаходжання" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:100 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:102 msgid "Whether Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location." msgstr "" "Ці можа Empathy выкарыстоўваць сотавую сетку для вызначэння месцазнаходжання." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:101 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:103 msgid "Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location" msgstr "Empathy можа выкарыстоўваць GPS для вызначэння месцазнаходжання" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:102 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:104 msgid "Whether Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location." msgstr "Ці можа Empathy выкарыстоўваць GPS для вызначэння месцазнаходжання." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:103 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:105 msgid "Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy" msgstr "Empathy мусіць пагаршаць дакладнасць месцазнаходжання" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:104 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:106 msgid "" "Whether Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy for privacy reasons." msgstr "" @@ -3153,11 +3164,11 @@ msgid "No protocol backends installed" msgstr "Модулі для працы з пратаколамі не ўсталяваныя" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:286 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:288 msgid " - Empathy authentication client" msgstr "- ідэнтыфікацыйны кліент Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:302 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:304 msgid "Empathy authentication client" msgstr "Ідэнтыфікацыйны кліент Empathy" diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/po/bg.po empathy-3.3.92/po/bg.po --- empathy-3.3.91/po/bg.po 2012-02-23 10:07:42.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/po/bg.po 2012-03-19 09:12:31.000000000 +0000 @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: empathy master\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-23 07:32+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-23 07:32+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-18 19:11+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-18 19:11+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Alexander Shopov \n" "Language-Team: Bulgarian \n" "Language: bg\n" @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ #. Tweak the dialog #: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2450 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2512 msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts" msgstr "Съобщения и телефония" @@ -91,79 +91,94 @@ msgstr "Стандартната папка, в която да се запазват получените файлове." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:9 +msgid "Magic number used to check if sanity cleaning tasks should be run" +msgstr "" +"Магическо число дали да се изпълнят задачите по изчистване на настройките до " +"нормално положение" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:10 +msgid "" +"empathy-sanity-cleaning.c uses this number to check if the cleaning tasks " +"should be executed or not. Users should not change this key manually." +msgstr "" +"empathy-sanity-cleaning.c използва това число, за да реши дали да се " +"изпълнят задачите по изчистване на настройките до нормално положение. " +"Потребителите не трябва да променят този ключ ръчно." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:11 msgid "Show offline contacts" msgstr "Показване на контактите, които не са в мрежата" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:10 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:12 msgid "Whether to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." msgstr "" "Дали контактите, които в момента не са включени да се показват в списъка." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:11 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:13 msgid "Show avatars" msgstr "Показване на аватари" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:12 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:14 msgid "" "Whether to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat windows." msgstr "" "Дали да се показват аватари в списъците за контакти и прозорците за " "разговори." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:13 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:15 msgid "Show protocols" msgstr "Показване на протокола" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:14 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:16 msgid "Whether to show protocols for contacts in the contact list." msgstr "Дали да се показват протоколите в списъците за контакти." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:15 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:17 msgid "Show Balance in contact list" msgstr "Показване на кредита в списъка с контакти" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:16 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:18 msgid "Whether to show account balances in the contact list." msgstr "" "Дали да се показва оставащият кредит на регистрацията в списъка за контакти." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:17 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:19 msgid "Compact contact list" msgstr "Стегнат списък с контакти" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:18 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:20 msgid "Whether to show the contact list in compact mode." msgstr "Дали да се ползва стегнат изглед за списъка с контактите." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:19 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:21 msgid "Hide main window" msgstr "Скриване на основния прозорец" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:20 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:22 msgid "Hide the main window." msgstr "Скриване на основния прозорец." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:21 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:23 msgid "Default directory to select an avatar image from" msgstr "Стандартна папка, в която да се търсят изображения за аватари" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:22 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:24 msgid "The last directory that an avatar image was chosen from." msgstr "Последната папка, от която е взето изображение за аватар." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:23 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:25 msgid "Open new chats in separate windows" msgstr "Отваряне на разговорите в отделни прозорци" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:24 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:26 msgid "Always open a separate chat window for new chats." msgstr "Новите разговори да се отварят в отделни прозорци." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:25 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:27 msgid "Display incoming events in the status area" msgstr "Показване на входящи събития в областта за състоянието" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:26 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:28 msgid "" "Display incoming events in the status area. If false, present them to the " "user immediately." @@ -171,29 +186,29 @@ "Показване на входящите събития в областта за състоянието. Ако е лъжа, " "събитията се представят незабавно на потребителя." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:27 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:29 msgid "The position for the chat window side pane" msgstr "Разположение на страничната лента в прозореца за разговори" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:28 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:30 msgid "The stored position (in pixels) of the chat window side pane." msgstr "" "Запомненото разположение (в пиксели) на страничната лента в прозореца за " "разговори." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:29 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:31 msgid "Show contact groups" msgstr "Показване на групите с контакти" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:30 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:32 msgid "Whether to show groups in the contact list." msgstr "Дали да се показват групите в списъка за контакти." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:31 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:33 msgid "Contact list sort criterion" msgstr "Критерий за подредбата на списъка с контактите" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:32 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:34 msgid "" "Which criterion to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to sort by " "the contact's state with the value \"state\". A value of \"name\" will sort " @@ -203,102 +218,102 @@ "Стандартната стойност е „state“ — подреждане по състояние. Стойност „name“ " "сменя на подредба по име." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:33 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:35 msgid "Use notification sounds" msgstr "Известяване със звуци" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:34 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:36 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of events." msgstr "Дали събитията да се известяват със звук." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:35 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:37 msgid "Disable sounds when away" msgstr "Без звуци звуци в състояние „Отсъстващ“" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:36 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:38 msgid "Whether to play sound notifications when away or busy." msgstr "Дали в състояние „Зает“ или „Отсъстващ“ да се известява със звук." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:37 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:39 msgid "Play a sound for incoming messages" msgstr "Известяване със звук при пристигане на съобщение" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:38 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:40 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of incoming messages." msgstr "Дали пристигането на съобщения да се известява със звук." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:39 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:41 msgid "Play a sound for outgoing messages" msgstr "Известяване със звук при изпращане на съобщение" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:40 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:42 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of outgoing messages." msgstr "Дали изпращането на съобщения да се известява със звук." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:41 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:43 msgid "Play a sound for new conversations" msgstr "Известяване със звук при нов разговор" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:42 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:44 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of new conversations." msgstr "Дали новите разговори да се известяват със звук." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:43 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:45 msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs in" msgstr "Известяване със звук при влизане на контакт в мрежата" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:44 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:46 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging into the network." msgstr "Дали влизането на контакти в мрежата да се известява със звук." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:45 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:47 msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs out" msgstr "Известяване със звук при излизане на контакт от мрежата" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:46 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:48 msgid "" "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging out of the network." msgstr "Дали излизането на контакти от мрежата да се известява със звук." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:47 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:49 msgid "Play a sound when we log in" msgstr "Известяване със звук при влизането ви в мрежата" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:48 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:50 msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging into a network." msgstr "Дали влизането ви в мрежата да се известява със звук." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:49 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:51 msgid "Play a sound when we log out" msgstr "Известяване със звук при излизането ви от мрежата" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:50 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:52 msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging out of a network." msgstr "Дали излизането ви от мрежата да се известява със звук." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:51 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:53 msgid "Enable popup notifications for new messages" msgstr "Известяване с изскачащи прозорци при нови съобщения" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:52 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:54 msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message." msgstr "" "Дали получаването на ново съобщение да се известява с изскачащи прозорци." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:53 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:55 msgid "Disable popup notifications when away" msgstr "Без известяване с изскачащи прозорци в състояние „Отсъстващ“" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:54 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:56 msgid "Whether to show popup notifications when away or busy." msgstr "" "Дали в състояние „Зает“ или „Отсъстващ“ да се известява с изскачащи прозорци." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:55 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:57 msgid "Pop up notifications if the chat isn't focused" msgstr "Известяване с изскачащи прозорци, когато разговорът не е на фокус" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:56 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:58 msgid "" "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message even if " "the chat is already opened, but not focused." @@ -306,83 +321,83 @@ "Дали получаването на ново съобщение, когато отвореният прозорец за разговори " "не е на фокус, да се известява с изскачащи прозорци." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:57 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:59 msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs in" msgstr "Известяване с изскачащи прозорци, когато контакт влезе в мрежата" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:58 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:60 msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes online." msgstr "" "Дали влизането на контакт в мрежата да се известява с изскачащи прозорци." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:59 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:61 msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs out" msgstr "Известяване с изскачащи прозорци, когато контакт излезе извън мрежата" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:60 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:62 msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes offline." msgstr "" "Дали излизането на контакт извън мрежата да се известява с изскачащи " "прозорци." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:61 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:63 msgid "Use graphical smileys" msgstr "Изображения за емотикони" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:62 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:64 msgid "Whether to convert smileys into graphical images in conversations." msgstr "Дали емотиконите да се преобразуват от ASCII в картинки." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:63 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:65 msgid "Show contact list in rooms" msgstr "Показване на списъка с контакти в стаите" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:64 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:66 msgid "Whether to show the contact list in chat rooms." msgstr "Дали списъкът с контакти да се показва в стаите за разговори." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:65 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:67 msgid "Chat window theme" msgstr "Графична тема за прозореца за разговори" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:66 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:68 msgid "The theme that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." msgstr "Графичната тема за прозорците за разговори." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:67 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:69 msgid "Chat window theme variant" msgstr "Графична тема за прозореца за разговори" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:68 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:70 msgid "" "The theme variant that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." msgstr "Графичната тема за прозорците за разговори." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:69 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:71 msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use" msgstr "Път до темата на Adium, която да се ползва" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:70 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:72 msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use if the theme used for chat is Adium." msgstr "" "Път до темата на Adium, която да се ползва, ако темата за разговори е Adium." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:71 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:73 msgid "Enable WebKit Developer Tools" msgstr "Включване на инструментите за разработка на WebKit" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:72 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:74 msgid "" "Whether WebKit developer tools, such as the Web Inspector, should be enabled." msgstr "" "Дали инструментите към WebKit за разработка (напр. уеб инспекторът) да се " "включат." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:73 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:75 msgid "Inform other users when you are typing to them" msgstr "Информиране на другите участници, че им пишете" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:74 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:76 msgid "" "Whether to send the 'composing' or 'paused' chat states. Does not currently " "affect the 'gone' state." @@ -390,41 +405,41 @@ "Дали да се изпращат състояния „Пишещ“ или „Спрял“. За момента те не се " "пращат, когато основното състояние е „Отсъстващ“." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:75 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:77 msgid "Use theme for chat rooms" msgstr "Графична тема за прозорците за разговори" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:76 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:78 msgid "Whether to use the theme for chat rooms." msgstr "Дали да се ползва графична тема за стаите за разговори." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:77 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:79 msgid "Spell checking languages" msgstr "Езици с проверка на правописа" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:78 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:80 msgid "" "Comma-separated list of spell checker languages to use (e.g. \"en, fr, nl\")." msgstr "" "Списък от двубуквените съкращения на езиците с проверка за правопис " "разделени със запетая (напр. „bg, en, ru“)." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:79 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:81 msgid "Enable spell checker" msgstr "Да се ползва проверка на правописа" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:80 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:82 msgid "" "Whether to check words typed against the languages you want to check with." msgstr "" "Дали да се прави проверка на правописа на въведения текст спрямо избраните " "езици." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:81 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:83 msgid "Nick completed character" msgstr "Знак за дописване на псевдоними" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:82 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:84 msgid "" "Character to add after nickname when using nick completion (tab) in group " "chat." @@ -432,57 +447,57 @@ "Знак, който да се добави след псевдонима при ползване на дописване на " "псевдоними (с табулатор) в прозореца за групови разговори." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:83 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:85 msgid "Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon" msgstr "Иконата на прозореца за разговори да е аватарът на контакта" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:84 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:86 msgid "" "Whether Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon." msgstr "" "Дали Empathy да ползва аватара на контакта за икона на прозореца за " "разговори." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:85 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:87 msgid "Last account selected in Join Room dialog" msgstr "Последната регистрация използвана в прозореца „Влизане в стая“" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:86 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:88 msgid "D-Bus object path of the last account selected to join a room." msgstr "" "Път до обекта в D-Bus на последната регистрация, използвана за влизане в " "стая." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:87 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:89 msgid "Camera device" msgstr "Уеб камера" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:88 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:90 msgid "Default camera device to use in video calls, e.g. /dev/video0." msgstr "Стандартна уеб камера за видео разговори, например /dev/video0." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:89 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:91 msgid "Camera position" msgstr "Позиция на камерата" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:90 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:92 msgid "Position the camera preview should be during a call." msgstr "" "Позиционирането на изображението от камерата да става по време на разговор." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:91 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:93 msgid "Echo cancellation support" msgstr "Премахване на ехо" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:92 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:94 msgid "Whether to enable Pulseaudio's echo cancellation filter." msgstr "Дали да се използва филтърът за премахване на шумове в Pulseaudio." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:93 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:95 msgid "Show hint about closing the main window" msgstr "Подсказване за затварянето на основния прозорец" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:94 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:96 msgid "" "Whether to show the message dialog about closing the main window with the " "'x' button in the title bar." @@ -490,95 +505,95 @@ "Дали да се показва съобщение за затварянето на основния прозорец при " "натискане на бутона „×“ в заглавната лента." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:95 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:97 msgid "Empathy can publish the user's location" msgstr "Empathy може да публикува местоположението на потребителя" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:96 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:98 msgid "Whether Empathy can publish the user's location to their contacts." msgstr "" "Дали Empathy да публикува местоположението на потребителя към контактите." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:97 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:99 msgid "Empathy can use the network to guess the location" msgstr "Empathy може да ползва мрежата, за да отгатне местоположението" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:98 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:100 msgid "Whether Empathy can use the network to guess the location." msgstr "Дали Empathy да използва мрежата за изчисляване на местоположението." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:99 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:101 msgid "Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location" msgstr "" "Empathy може да използва мобилна телефонна мрежа, за да отгатне " "местоположението" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:100 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:102 msgid "Whether Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location." msgstr "" "Дали Empathy да използва мрежа за мобилни телефони за изчисляване на " "местоположението." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:101 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:103 msgid "Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location" msgstr "Empathy може да ползва GPS, за да отгатне местоположението" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:102 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:104 msgid "Whether Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location." msgstr "Дали Empathy да използва GPS за изчисляване на местоположението." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:103 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:105 msgid "Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy" msgstr "Намаляване на точността на местоположението" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:104 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:106 msgid "" "Whether Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy for privacy reasons." msgstr "" "Дали Empathy да намалява точността на местоположението, за да защитава " "личните данни." -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:736 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:738 msgid "No reason was specified" msgstr "Не е указана причина" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:739 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:741 msgid "The change in state was requested" msgstr "Заявена бе промяна в състоянието" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:742 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:744 msgid "You canceled the file transfer" msgstr "Преустановихте прехвърлянето на файл" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:745 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:747 msgid "The other participant canceled the file transfer" msgstr "Отсрещната страна преустанови прехвърлянето на файл" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:748 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:750 msgid "Error while trying to transfer the file" msgstr "Грешка по време на прехвърлянето на файл" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:751 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:753 msgid "The other participant is unable to transfer the file" msgstr "Отсрещната страна не може да прехвърля файл" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:754 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:313 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:756 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:313 msgid "Unknown reason" msgstr "Неизвестна причина" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:917 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:919 msgid "File transfer completed, but the file was corrupted" msgstr "Прехвърлянето на файл завърши, но файлът е повреден" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1203 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1205 msgid "File transfer not supported by remote contact" msgstr "Отдалеченият контакт не поддържа прехвърляне на файлове" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1259 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1261 msgid "The selected file is not a regular file" msgstr "Избраният файл не е обикновен файл" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1268 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1270 msgid "The selected file is empty" msgstr "Избраният файл е празен" @@ -810,6 +825,20 @@ msgid "in the future" msgstr "в бъдеще" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:75 +msgid "Password not found" +msgstr "Паролата не е открита" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:218 +#, c-format +msgid "IM account password for %s (%s)" +msgstr "Парола за %s (%s)" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:253 +#, c-format +msgid "Password for chatroom '%s' on account %s (%s)" +msgstr "Парола за стая за разговор „%s“ на регистрацията %s (%s)" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-chooser.c:692 msgid "All accounts" msgstr "Всички регистрации" @@ -824,12 +853,12 @@ msgstr "Парола" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:684 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:507 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:511 msgid "Server" msgstr "Сървър" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:685 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:522 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:529 msgid "Port" msgstr "Порт" @@ -840,7 +869,7 @@ msgstr "%s:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1398 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:14 msgid "Username:" msgstr "Потребителско име:" @@ -933,7 +962,7 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-generic.ui.h:1 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:7 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:8 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:15 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:23 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:7 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:7 @@ -1045,10 +1074,31 @@ msgstr "Кодиране:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:1 +msgid "Add…" +msgstr "Добавяне…" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:3 +msgid "Remove" +msgstr "Изтриване" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:6 +msgid "Up" +msgstr "Нагоре" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:7 +msgid "Down" +msgstr "Надолу" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:8 msgid "Servers" msgstr "Сървъри" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:9 msgid "" "Most IRC servers don't need a password, so if you're not sure, don't enter a " "password." @@ -1056,27 +1106,27 @@ "Повечето IRC сървъри нямат нужда от парола, така че ако не сте сигурни, не " "въвеждайте парола." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:6 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 msgid "Nickname:" msgstr "Псевдоним:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 msgid "Password:" msgstr "Парола:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:12 msgid "Quit message:" msgstr "Съобщение при напускане:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:9 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 msgid "Real name:" msgstr "Истинско име:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:12 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:16 msgid "Which IRC network?" msgstr "Коя мрежа за IRC?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:17 msgid "What is your IRC nickname?" msgstr "Какво е името ви в мрежата за IRC?" @@ -1362,42 +1412,42 @@ msgid "You don't have enough credit in order to place this call" msgstr "Нямате достатъчно кредит, за да извършите това обаждане" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:728 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:729 msgid "Failed to open private chat" msgstr "Неуспешно започване на личен разговор" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:786 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:787 msgid "Topic not supported on this conversation" msgstr "В този разговор не се поддържа тема" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:792 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:793 msgid "You are not allowed to change the topic" msgstr "Нямате право да смените темата" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:991 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:992 #, c-format msgid "“%s” is not a valid contact ID" msgstr "„%s“ не е правилно име на контакт" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1086 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1087 msgid "/clear: clear all messages from the current conversation" msgstr "/clear: изчистване на всички съобщения в текущия разговор" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1089 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1090 msgid "/topic : set the topic of the current conversation" msgstr "/topic <тема>: задаване на темата на текущия разговор" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1092 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1093 msgid "/join : join a new chat room" msgstr "" "/join <идентификатор на стая за разговор>: влизане в нова стая за разговор" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1095 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1096 msgid "/j : join a new chat room" msgstr "" "/j <идентификатор на стая за разговор>: влизане в нова стая за разговор" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1099 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1100 msgid "" "/part [] []: leave the chat room, by default the " "current one" @@ -1405,26 +1455,26 @@ "/part [<идентификатор на стая за разговор>] [<причина>]: напускане на стая, " "по подразбиране текущата" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1103 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1104 msgid "/query []: open a private chat" msgstr "" "/query <идентификатор на контакт> [<съобщение>]: започване на личен разговор" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1106 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1107 msgid "/msg : open a private chat" msgstr "" "/msg <идентификатор на контакт> <съобщение>: започване на личен разговор" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1109 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1110 msgid "/nick : change your nickname on the current server" msgstr "/nick <прякор>: смяна на прякора ви за текущия сървър" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1112 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1113 msgid "/me : send an ACTION message to the current conversation" msgstr "" "/me <съобщение>: изпращане на съобщение „за действие“ в текущия разговор" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1115 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1116 msgid "" "/say : send to the current conversation. This is used to " "send a message starting with a '/'. For example: \"/say /join is used to " @@ -1434,11 +1484,11 @@ "при съобщения започващи с „/“. Напр.: „/say /join се използва за влизане в " "нова стая за разговор“" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1120 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1121 msgid "/whois : display information about a contact" msgstr "/whois <контакт>: показва информация за контакта" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1123 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1124 msgid "" "/help []: show all supported commands. If is defined, " "show its usage." @@ -1446,128 +1496,128 @@ "/help [<команда>]: показване на всички поддържани команди. Ако има такава " "<команда>, се показва нейната употреба." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1142 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1143 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s" msgstr "Употреба: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1187 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1188 msgid "Unknown command" msgstr "Неизвестна команда" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1313 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1314 msgid "Unknown command; see /help for the available commands" msgstr "" "Неизвестна команда. Пробвайте с „/help“ — ще се изведат поддържаните команди" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1564 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1565 msgid "insufficient balance to send message" msgstr "недостатъчен кредит за изпращане на съобщението" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1568 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1582 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1645 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1569 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1583 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1646 #, c-format msgid "Error sending message '%s': %s" msgstr "Грешка при изпращането на съобщението „%s“: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1570 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1587 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1649 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1571 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1588 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1650 #, c-format msgid "Error sending message: %s" msgstr "Грешка при изпращането на съобщението: %s" #. translators: error used when user doesn't have enough credit on his #. * account to send the message. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1576 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1577 #, c-format msgid "insufficient balance to send message. Top up." msgstr "" "недостатъчен кредит за изпращане на съобщението. Захранване." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1616 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1617 msgid "not capable" msgstr "липсва такава възможност" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1623 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1624 msgid "offline" msgstr "изключен" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1626 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1627 msgid "invalid contact" msgstr "грешен контакт" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1629 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1630 msgid "permission denied" msgstr "липсват права" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1632 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1633 msgid "too long message" msgstr "прекалено дълго съобщение" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1635 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1636 msgid "not implemented" msgstr "не е реализирано" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1639 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1640 msgid "unknown" msgstr "неизвестна грешка" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1706 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:920 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1707 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:920 msgid "Topic:" msgstr "Тема:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1721 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1722 #, c-format msgid "Topic set to: %s" msgstr "Темата вече е: „%s“" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1723 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1724 #, c-format msgid "Topic set by %s to: %s" msgstr "%s смени темата на „%s“" #. No need to display this 'event' is no topic can be defined anyway -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1728 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1729 msgid "No topic defined" msgstr "Не е зададена тема" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2244 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2245 msgid "(No Suggestions)" msgstr "(няма предложения)" #. translators: %s is the selected word -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2312 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2313 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to Dictionary" msgstr "Добавяне на „%s“ към речник" #. translators: first %s is the selected word, #. * second %s is the language name of the target dictionary -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2349 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2350 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to %s Dictionary" msgstr "Добавяне на „%s“ към речника %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2419 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2420 msgid "Insert Smiley" msgstr "Вмъкване на емотикон" #. send button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2437 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1867 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2438 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1880 msgid "_Send" msgstr "_Изпращане" #. Spelling suggestions -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2494 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2495 msgid "_Spelling Suggestions" msgstr "_Предложения за правопис" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2583 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2584 msgid "Failed to retrieve recent logs" msgstr "Неуспех при получаването на предишните разговори" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2722 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2723 #, c-format msgid "%s has disconnected" msgstr "%s прекъсна връзката" @@ -1575,12 +1625,12 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the kicked should come before the kicker in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2729 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2730 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was kicked by %2$s" msgstr "%1$s бе изритан от %2$s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2732 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2733 #, c-format msgid "%s was kicked" msgstr "%s бе изритан" @@ -1588,17 +1638,17 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the banned should come before the banner in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2740 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2741 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was banned by %2$s" msgstr "%1$s бе поставен под възбрана от %2$s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2743 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2744 #, c-format msgid "%s was banned" msgstr "%s бе поставен под възбрана" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2747 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2748 #, c-format msgid "%s has left the room" msgstr "%s излезе от стаята" @@ -1608,17 +1658,17 @@ #. * given by the user living the room. If this poses a problem, #. * please let us know. :-) #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2756 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2757 #, c-format msgid " (%s)" msgstr " (%s)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2781 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2782 #, c-format msgid "%s has joined the room" msgstr "%s влезе в стаята" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2806 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2807 #, c-format msgid "%s is now known as %s" msgstr "%s в момента е познат като %s" @@ -1626,79 +1676,80 @@ #. We don't know if the incoming call has been accepted or not, so we #. * assume it hasn't and if it has, we'll set the proper status when #. * we get the new handler. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2993 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1197 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1502 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1552 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2588 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2994 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1888 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1279 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1502 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1552 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2590 msgid "Disconnected" msgstr "Изключен" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3657 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3658 msgid "Would you like to store this password?" msgstr "Искате ли паролата да се запомни?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3663 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3664 msgid "Remember" msgstr "Запомняне" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3673 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3674 msgid "Not now" msgstr "Не сега" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3717 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3718 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-bad-password-dialog.c:142 msgid "Retry" msgstr "Нов опит" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3721 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3722 msgid "Wrong password; please try again:" msgstr "Паролата е грешна, пробвайте отново:" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3851 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3852 msgid "This room is protected by a password:" msgstr "Стаята изисква парола:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3878 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3879 msgid "Join" msgstr "Влизане" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4070 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1218 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4071 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1300 msgid "Connected" msgstr "Свързан" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4125 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4126 msgid "Conversation" msgstr "Разговор" #. Translators: this string is a something like #. * "Escher Cat (SMS)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4130 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4131 #, c-format msgid "%s (SMS)" msgstr "%s (SMS)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:264 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:262 msgid "Unknown or invalid identifier" msgstr "Непознат или неправилен идентификатор" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:266 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:264 msgid "Contact blocking temporarily unavailable" msgstr "Блокирането на контакт временно е недостъпно" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:268 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:266 msgid "Contact blocking unavailable" msgstr "Блокирането на контакт е недостъпно" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:270 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:268 msgid "Permission Denied" msgstr "Достъпът е отказан" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:274 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:272 msgid "Could not block contact" msgstr "Контактът не може да се блокира" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:612 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:610 msgid "Edit Blocked Contacts" msgstr "Редактиране на блокирани контакти" @@ -1716,13 +1767,6 @@ msgid "Blocked Contacts" msgstr "Блокирани контакти" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Remove" -msgstr "Изтриване" - #. Copy Link Address menu item #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:322 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-webkit-utils.c:277 @@ -1809,97 +1853,97 @@ "Позволете ми да виждам когато сте на линия. Благодаря!\n" "Please let me see when you're online. Thanks!" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:569 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:567 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:304 msgid "Channels:" msgstr "Канали:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:749 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:747 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:455 msgid "Country ISO Code:" msgstr "Код на държавата по ISO:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:751 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:749 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:457 msgid "Country:" msgstr "Държава:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:753 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:751 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:459 msgid "State:" msgstr "Щат:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:755 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:753 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:461 msgid "City:" msgstr "Град:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:757 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:755 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:463 msgid "Area:" msgstr "Област:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:759 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:757 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:465 msgid "Postal Code:" msgstr "Пощенски код:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:761 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:759 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:467 msgid "Street:" msgstr "Улица:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:763 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:761 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:469 msgid "Building:" msgstr "Сграда:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:765 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:763 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:471 msgid "Floor:" msgstr "Етаж:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:767 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:765 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:473 msgid "Room:" msgstr "Стая:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:769 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:767 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:475 msgid "Text:" msgstr "Текст:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:771 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:769 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:477 msgid "Description:" msgstr "Описание:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:773 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:771 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:479 msgid "URI:" msgstr "Адрес в Интернет:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:775 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:773 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:481 msgid "Accuracy Level:" msgstr "Ниво на точност:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:777 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:775 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:483 msgid "Error:" msgstr "Грешка:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:779 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:777 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:485 msgid "Vertical Error (meters):" msgstr "Вертикална грешка (метри):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:781 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:779 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:487 msgid "Horizontal Error (meters):" msgstr "Хоризонтална грешка (метри):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:783 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:781 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:489 msgid "Speed:" msgstr "Скорост:" @@ -1908,38 +1952,38 @@ # дадената позиция. От друга страна, пеленг може би е прекалено тясно # терминологично в сферата на морската/въздушната навигация. # Пеленг става -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:785 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:783 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:491 msgid "Bearing:" msgstr "Пеленг:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:787 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:785 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:493 msgid "Climb Speed:" msgstr "Скорост на изкачване:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:789 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:787 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:495 msgid "Last Updated on:" msgstr "Последно обновяване на:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:791 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:789 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:497 msgid "Longitude:" msgstr "Дължина:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:793 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:791 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:499 msgid "Latitude:" msgstr "Широчина:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:795 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:793 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:501 msgid "Altitude:" msgstr "Височина:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:848 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:863 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:846 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:861 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:593 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:608 #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:35 @@ -1947,32 +1991,32 @@ msgstr "Местоположение" #. translators: format is "Location, $date" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:865 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:863 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:610 #, c-format msgid "%s, %s" msgstr "%s, %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:917 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:915 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:659 msgid "%B %e, %Y at %R UTC" msgstr "%e %B, %Y в %R UTC" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:999 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:997 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:900 msgid "Save Avatar" msgstr "Запазване на аватар" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1055 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1053 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:958 msgid "Unable to save avatar" msgstr "Неуспех при запазването на аватар" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1446 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1444 msgid "Personal Details" msgstr "Лични данни" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1449 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1447 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:6 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:3 msgid "Contact Details" @@ -2123,138 +2167,146 @@ msgid "Edit Contact Information" msgstr "Редактиране на данните за контакта" +#. Translators: the heading at the top of the Information dialogue +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-information-dialog.c:288 +msgid "Linked Contacts" +msgstr "Събирателни контакти" + #. Translators: this is used in the context menu for a contact. The first #. * parameter is a contact ID (e.g. foo@jabber.org) and the second is one #. * of the user's account IDs (e.g. me@hotmail.com). -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:172 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:173 #, c-format msgid "%s (%s)" msgstr "%s (%s)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:344 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:345 msgid "Select account to use to place the call" msgstr "Изберете регистрация за провеждане на разговора" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:348 +#. translators: Call is a noun. This string is used in the window +#. * title +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:349 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1290 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:18 msgid "Call" msgstr "Разговор" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:413 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:414 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Мобилен" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:415 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:416 msgid "Work" msgstr "Зает" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:417 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:418 msgid "HOME" msgstr "НАЧАЛО" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:658 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:659 msgid "_Block Contact" msgstr "_Блокиране на контакта" #. add chat button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1017 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1018 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:319 #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:1 msgid "_Chat" msgstr "_Разговор" #. add SMS button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1052 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1053 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:313 msgid "_SMS" msgstr "_SMS" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1085 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1086 msgctxt "menu item" msgid "_Audio Call" msgstr "_Аудио разговор" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1118 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1119 msgctxt "menu item" msgid "_Video Call" msgstr "_Видео разговор" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1159 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1160 #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:4 msgid "_Previous Conversations" msgstr "_Предишни разговори" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1188 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1189 msgid "Send File" msgstr "Изпращане на файл" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1218 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1219 msgid "Share My Desktop" msgstr "Споделяне на работното място" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1244 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1245 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1357 msgid "Favorite" msgstr "Любимо" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1263 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1264 msgid "gnome-contacts not installed" msgstr "Пакетът gnome-contacts не е инсталиран" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1266 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1267 msgid "Please install gnome-contacts to access contacts details." msgstr "" "Инсталирайте пакета „gnome-contacts“, за да достъпите данните на контакта." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1380 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1398 msgid "Infor_mation" msgstr "_Данни за контакта" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1429 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1447 msgctxt "Edit individual (contextual menu)" msgid "_Edit" msgstr "_Промяна" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1546 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1564 #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:1192 msgid "Inviting you to this room" msgstr "Получена е покана за тази стая" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1592 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1610 msgid "_Invite to Chat Room" msgstr "Изпращане на _покана за стаята" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1788 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1806 #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:5 msgid "_Add Contact…" msgstr "_Добавяне на контакт…" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2306 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2304 msgid "Delete and _Block" msgstr "Изтриване и _блокиране" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2341 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2339 #, c-format msgid "Do you really want to remove the group '%s'?" msgstr "Сигурни ли сте, че искате да изтриете групата „%s“?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2344 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2342 msgid "Removing group" msgstr "Изтриване на група" #. Remove -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2399 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2603 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2397 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2601 msgid "_Remove" msgstr "_Изтриване" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2476 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2474 #, c-format msgid "Do you really want to remove the contact '%s'?" msgstr "Сигурни ли сте, че искате да изтриете контакта „%s“?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2485 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2483 #, c-format msgid "" "Do you really want to remove the linked contact '%s'? Note that this will " @@ -2263,7 +2315,7 @@ "Наистина ли искате да изтриете събирателния контакт „%s“? Всички контакти, " "които имат връзка с него, ще бъдат също изтрити." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2497 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2495 msgid "Removing contact" msgstr "Изтриване на контакт" @@ -2303,7 +2355,7 @@ msgid "new server" msgstr "нов сървър" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:535 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:539 msgid "SSL" msgstr "SSL" @@ -2464,6 +2516,7 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:7 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:26 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:19 msgid "Video" msgstr "Видео" @@ -2766,19 +2819,19 @@ msgid "Certificate Details" msgstr "Информация за сертификата" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1741 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1754 msgid "Unable to open URI" msgstr "Адресът не може да бъде отворен" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1859 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1872 msgid "Select a file" msgstr "Избор на файл" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1934 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1947 msgid "Insufficient free space to save file" msgstr "Недостатъчно свободно място за запазване на файла" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1942 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1955 #, c-format msgid "" "%s of free space are required to save this file, but only %s is available. " @@ -2787,7 +2840,7 @@ "За запазването на файла са необходими %s, но свободни са едва %s. Изберете " "друго местоположение." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1986 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1999 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file from %s" msgstr "Входящ файл от %s" @@ -2959,6 +3012,14 @@ msgid "Vietnamese" msgstr "виетнамски" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-calendar-button.c:66 +msgid "Select..." +msgstr "Избор…" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-calendar-button.c:154 +msgid "_Select" +msgstr "_Избор" + #: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:202 msgid "No error message" msgstr "Липсва съобщение за грешка" @@ -3059,30 +3120,32 @@ msgid "Your new account has not been saved yet." msgstr "Регистрацията ви все още не е запазена." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:370 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1289 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:381 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:759 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1289 msgid "Connecting…" msgstr "Свързване…" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:411 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:422 #, c-format msgid "Offline — %s" msgstr "Извън мрежата — %s" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:423 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:434 #, c-format msgid "Disconnected — %s" msgstr "Изключен — %s" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:434 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:445 msgid "Offline — No Network Connection" msgstr "Извън мрежата — липсва връзка" # FIXME: термини за offine и disconnected -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:441 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:452 msgid "Unknown Status" msgstr "Неизвестно състояние" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:458 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:469 msgid "" "This account has been disabled because it relies on an old, unsupported " "backend. Please install telepathy-haze and restart your session to migrate " @@ -3092,36 +3155,36 @@ "Инсталирайте пакета „telepathy-haze“ и рестартирайте програмата, за да " "мигрирате рeгистрацията." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:468 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:479 msgid "Offline — Account Disabled" msgstr "Извън мрежата — регистрацията е изключена" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:572 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:585 msgid "Edit Connection Parameters" msgstr "Редактиране на настройките на връзката" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:735 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:750 msgid "Failed to retrieve your personal information from the server." msgstr "Личните ви данни не могат да бъдат изтеглени от сървъра." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:741 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:756 msgid "Go online to edit your personal information." msgstr "Влезте в мрежата, за да редактирате личните си данни." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:826 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:843 msgid "_Edit Connection Parameters..." msgstr "_Редактиране на настройките на връзката…" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1322 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1339 #, c-format msgid "Do you want to remove %s from your computer?" msgstr "Сигурни ли сте, че искате да изтриете регистрацията „%s“?" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1326 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1343 msgid "This will not remove your account on the server." msgstr "Това няма да изтрие регистрацията ви от сървъра." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1562 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1579 msgid "" "You are about to select another account, which will discard\n" "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" @@ -3130,23 +3193,23 @@ "промените ви. Искате ли да продължите?" #. Menu items: to enabled/disable the account -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1738 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1755 msgid "_Enable" msgstr "_Включване" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1739 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1756 msgid "_Disable" msgstr "_Изключване" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2122 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2184 msgid "_Skip" msgstr "_Прескачане" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2126 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2188 msgid "_Connect" msgstr "_Свързване" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2303 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2365 msgid "" "You are about to close the window, which will discard\n" "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" @@ -3154,10 +3217,6 @@ "На път сте да затворите прозореца, което ще анулира\n" "промените ви. Искате ли да продължите?" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:1 -msgid "Add…" -msgstr "Добавяне…" - #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:3 msgid "_Import…" msgstr "_Внасяне…" @@ -3178,15 +3237,195 @@ msgid "No protocol backends installed" msgstr "Не са инсталирани модулите за поддръжка на този протокол" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:286 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:288 msgid " - Empathy authentication client" msgstr " — идентифициране с Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:302 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:304 msgid "Empathy authentication client" msgstr "Идентифициране с Empathy" +#: ../src/empathy-av.c:118 ../src/empathy-call.c:201 +msgid "- Empathy Audio/Video Client" +msgstr " — телефонна/видео връзка с Empathy" + +#: ../src/empathy-av.c:134 ../src/empathy-call.c:223 +msgid "Empathy Audio/Video Client" +msgstr "Телефонна/видео връзка с Empathy" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:434 +msgid "Contrast" +msgstr "Контраст" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:437 +msgid "Brightness" +msgstr "Яркост" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:440 +msgid "Gamma" +msgstr "Гама" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:547 +msgid "Volume" +msgstr "Сила на звука" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1099 +msgid "_Sidebar" +msgstr "_Странична лента" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1119 +msgid "Audio input" +msgstr "Входящ звук" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1123 +msgid "Video input" +msgstr "Входящо видео" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1131 +msgid "Dialpad" +msgstr "Циферблат" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1142 +msgid "Details" +msgstr "Подробна информация" + +#. translators: Call is a noun and %s is the contact name. This string +#. * is used in the window title +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1211 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1889 +#, c-format +msgid "Call with %s" +msgstr "Разговор с %s" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1444 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2133 +msgid "The IP address as seen by the machine" +msgstr "Местен адрес, както се вижда оттук" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1446 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2135 +msgid "The IP address as seen by a server on the Internet" +msgstr "Местен адрес, както се вижда от сървър в Интернет" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1448 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2137 +msgid "The IP address of the peer as seen by the other side" +msgstr "Адрес на отсрещната страна, както се вижда оттам" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1450 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2139 +msgid "The IP address of a relay server" +msgstr "Адрес на препредаващия сървър" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1452 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2141 +msgid "The IP address of the multicast group" +msgstr "Адрес на групата за разпръскване (multicast)" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1837 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1840 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1843 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1846 +msgctxt "codec" +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Неизвестен" + +#. Translators: number of minutes:seconds the caller has been connected +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2138 +#, c-format +msgid "Connected — %d:%02dm" +msgstr "Връзка от %d:%02dм" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2199 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2992 +msgid "Technical Details" +msgstr "Технически данни" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2237 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3031 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"%s's software does not understand any of the audio formats supported by your " +"computer" +msgstr "" +"Софтуерът на %s не поддържа никой от аудио форматите, поддържани на вашия " +"компютър" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2242 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3036 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"%s's software does not understand any of the video formats supported by your " +"computer" +msgstr "" +"Софтуерът на %s не поддържа никой от видео форматите, поддържани на вашия " +"компютър" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2248 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3042 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Can't establish a connection to %s. One of you might be on a network that " +"does not allow direct connections." +msgstr "" +"Не може да се осъществи връзка с %s, чиято мрежа, вероятно, не поддържа " +"преки връзки." + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2254 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3048 +msgid "There was a failure on the network" +msgstr "Мрежова грешка" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2258 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3052 +msgid "" +"The audio formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" +msgstr "" +"Програмите за аудио форматите, изисквани за този разговор, не са инсталирани " +"на компютъра ви" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2261 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3055 +msgid "" +"The video formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" +msgstr "" +"Програмите за видео форматите, изисквани за този разговор, не са инсталирани " +"на компютъра ви" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2271 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3067 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Something unexpected happened in a Telepathy component. Please report this bug and attach logs gathered from the 'Debug' window in " +"the Help menu." +msgstr "" +"Случи се нещо неочаквано в компонент на Telepathy. Молим, докладвайте този проблем и прикачете журналните файлове указани в " +"прозореца „Изчистване на грешки“ от менюто „Помощ“." + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2279 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3076 +msgid "There was a failure in the call engine" +msgstr "Грешка в модула за разговори" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2282 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3079 +msgid "The end of the stream was reached" +msgstr "Достигнат е краят на потока" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2322 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3119 +msgid "Can't establish audio stream" +msgstr "Потокът на аудио връзката не може да бъде осъществен" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2332 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3129 +msgid "Can't establish video stream" +msgstr "Потокът на видео връзката не може да бъде осъществен" + #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:1 msgid "_Call" msgstr "_Разговор" @@ -3204,6 +3443,7 @@ #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:6 #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:8 msgid "_View" msgstr "_Преглед" @@ -3239,10 +3479,12 @@ msgstr "Спиране на камерата" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:14 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:2 msgid "Hang up" msgstr "Затваряне" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:15 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:9 msgid "Hang up current call" msgstr "Затваряне на текущия разговор" @@ -3275,36 +3517,44 @@ msgstr "Превключване на пращането на видео" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:24 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:11 msgid "Send Audio" msgstr "Изпращане на аудио" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:25 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:12 msgid "Toggle audio transmission" msgstr "Превключване на пращането на аудио" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:27 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:20 msgid "Encoding Codec:" msgstr "Кодиращ модул:" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:28 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2540 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2541 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2542 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2543 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:28 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:21 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2542 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2543 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2544 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2545 msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Неизвестно" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:29 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:22 msgid "Decoding Codec:" msgstr "Декодиращ модул:" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:30 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:23 msgid "Remote Candidate:" msgstr "Отдалечен кандидат:" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:31 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:24 msgid "Local Candidate:" msgstr "Местен кандидат:" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:32 ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:24 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:25 msgid "Audio" msgstr "Звук" @@ -3476,95 +3726,96 @@ msgid "Manage Favorite Rooms" msgstr "Управление на стаите в отметките" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:511 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 msgid "Incoming video call" msgstr "Входящ видео разговор" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:511 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1519 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1519 msgid "Incoming call" msgstr "Входящ разговор" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:515 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:526 #, c-format msgid "%s is video calling you. Do you want to answer?" msgstr "%s ви търси с видео, искате ли да отговорите?" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:516 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:527 #, c-format msgid "%s is calling you. Do you want to answer?" msgstr "%s ви търси, искате ли да отговорите?" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:519 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:720 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:530 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "Incoming call from %s" msgstr "Входящ разговор от %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:544 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:555 msgid "_Reject" msgstr "От_казване" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:552 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:560 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:563 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 msgid "_Answer" msgstr "_Отговаряне" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:560 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 msgid "_Answer with video" msgstr "_Отговор с видео" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:720 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "Incoming video call from %s" msgstr "Входящ видео разговор от %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:778 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:837 msgid "Room invitation" msgstr "Покана за стая" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:780 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:839 #, c-format msgid "Invitation to join %s" msgstr "Покана за влизане в %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:787 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:846 #, c-format msgid "%s is inviting you to join %s" msgstr "%s ви кани да влезете в %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:795 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:854 msgid "_Decline" msgstr "_Отказване" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:800 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:859 #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:2 msgid "_Join" msgstr "_Влизане" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:827 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:886 #, c-format msgid "%s invited you to join %s" msgstr "%s ви кани да се влезете в %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:833 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:892 #, c-format msgid "You have been invited to join %s" msgstr "Канят ви да влезете в %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:884 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:943 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file transfer from %s" msgstr "Входящ файл от %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1064 ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:374 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1146 ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:374 msgid "Password required" msgstr "Парола" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1134 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1216 #, c-format msgid "%s would like permission to see when you are online" msgstr "%s иска разрешение да вижда дали сте в мрежата" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1140 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1222 #, c-format msgid "" "\n" @@ -4209,90 +4460,138 @@ msgid "_Quit" msgstr "_Спиране на програмата" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:3 +msgid "Redial" +msgstr "Преизбиране" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:4 +msgid "V_ideo" +msgstr "_Видео" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:5 +msgid "Video Off" +msgstr "Без видео" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:6 +msgid "Video Preview" +msgstr "Преглед на видеото" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:7 +msgid "Video On" +msgstr "С видео" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:10 +msgid "Call the contact again" +msgstr "Пренабиране на контакта" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:13 +msgid "Camera Off" +msgstr "Изключване на камерата" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:14 +msgid "Disable camera and stop sending video" +msgstr "Изключване на камерата и спиране на изпращането на видео" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:15 +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "Преглед" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "Enable camera but don't send video" +msgstr "Включване на камерата без изпращане на видео" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:17 +msgid "Camera On" +msgstr "Включване на камерата" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:18 +msgid "Enable camera and send video" +msgstr "Включване на камерата и изпращане на видео" + #: ../src/empathy-map-view.c:471 msgid "Contact Map View" msgstr "Карта с контактите" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1598 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1607 msgid "Save" msgstr "Запазване" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1658 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1667 msgid "Pastebin link" msgstr "Връзка към сайта за поставяне" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1667 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1676 msgid "Pastebin response" msgstr "Отговор на сайта за поставяне" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1671 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1680 #, c-format msgid "%s" msgstr "%s" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1674 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1683 msgid "Data too large for a single paste. Please save logs to file." msgstr "" "Данните са прекалено големи за еднократно поставяне. Запазете журнала във " "файл." -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1903 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1912 msgid "Debug Window" msgstr "Прозорец за изчистване на грешки" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1961 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1970 msgid "Send to pastebin" msgstr "Изпращане към сайта за поставяне" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2000 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2009 msgid "Pause" msgstr "Пауза" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2012 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2021 msgid "Level " msgstr "Ниво" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2031 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2040 msgid "Debug" msgstr "Подробност" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2036 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2045 msgid "Info" msgstr "Информация" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2041 ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2087 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2050 ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2096 msgid "Message" msgstr "Съобщение" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2046 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2055 msgid "Warning" msgstr "Предупреждение" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2051 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2060 msgid "Critical" msgstr "Критична" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2056 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2065 msgid "Error" msgstr "Грешка" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2075 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2084 msgid "Time" msgstr "Време" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2078 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2087 msgid "Domain" msgstr "Област" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2080 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2089 msgid "Category" msgstr "Категория" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2082 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2091 msgid "Level" msgstr "Ниво" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2105 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2114 msgid "" "The selected connection manager does not support the remote debugging " "extension." @@ -4300,16 +4599,16 @@ "Избраната програма за управление на връзките не поддържа разширението за " "отдалечено изчистване на грешки." -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:200 -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:228 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:202 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:230 msgid "Invite Participant" msgstr "Поканване на участник" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:201 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:203 msgid "Choose a contact to invite into the conversation:" msgstr "Избор на контакт, за поканване в разговора:" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:224 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:226 msgid "Invite" msgstr "Покана" @@ -4359,39 +4658,39 @@ msgid "- Empathy Chat Client" msgstr "— моментни съобщения с Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:187 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:189 msgid "Respond" msgstr "Отговаряне" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:196 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:203 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1529 msgid "Reject" msgstr "Отхвърляне" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:201 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:206 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:208 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1530 msgid "Answer" msgstr "Отговор" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:206 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 msgid "Answer with video" msgstr "Отговор с видео" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:214 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:224 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:221 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:231 msgid "Decline" msgstr "Отклоняване" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:218 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:229 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:225 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:236 msgid "Accept" msgstr "Приемане" #. translators: the 'Provide' button is displayed in a notification #. * bubble when Empathy is asking for an account password; clicking on it #. * brings the password popup. -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:239 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:246 msgid "Provide" msgstr "Въвеждане" @@ -4402,152 +4701,41 @@ #. Translators: this is an "Info" label. It should be as short #. * as possible. -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1136 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1159 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1140 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1162 msgid "i" msgstr "инф." -#. translators: Call is a noun and %s is the contact name. This string -#. * is used in the window title -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1889 -#, c-format -msgid "Call with %s" -msgstr "Разговор с %s" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2133 -msgid "The IP address as seen by the machine" -msgstr "Местен адрес, както се вижда оттук" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2135 -msgid "The IP address as seen by a server on the Internet" -msgstr "Местен адрес, както се вижда от сървър в Интернет" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2137 -msgid "The IP address of the peer as seen by the other side" -msgstr "Адрес на отсрещната страна, както се вижда оттам" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2139 -msgid "The IP address of a relay server" -msgstr "Адрес на препредаващия сървър" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2141 -msgid "The IP address of the multicast group" -msgstr "Адрес на групата за разпръскване (multicast)" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2886 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2888 msgid "On hold" msgstr "Задържане" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2889 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2891 msgid "Mute" msgstr "Без звук" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2891 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2893 msgid "Duration" msgstr "Времетраене" #. Translators: 'status - minutes:seconds' the caller has been connected -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2894 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2896 #, c-format msgid "%s — %d:%02dm" msgstr "%s — %d:%02dм" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2990 -msgid "Technical Details" -msgstr "Технически данни" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3029 -#, c-format -msgid "" -"%s's software does not understand any of the audio formats supported by your " -"computer" -msgstr "" -"Софтуерът на %s не поддържа никой от аудио форматите, поддържани на вашия " -"компютър" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3034 -#, c-format -msgid "" -"%s's software does not understand any of the video formats supported by your " -"computer" -msgstr "" -"Софтуерът на %s не поддържа никой от видео форматите, поддържани на вашия " -"компютър" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3040 -#, c-format -msgid "" -"Can't establish a connection to %s. One of you might be on a network that " -"does not allow direct connections." -msgstr "" -"Не може да се осъществи връзка с %s, чиято мрежа, вероятно, не поддържа " -"преки връзки." - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3046 -msgid "There was a failure on the network" -msgstr "Мрежова грешка" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3050 -msgid "" -"The audio formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" -msgstr "" -"Програмите за аудио форматите, изисквани за този разговор, не са инсталирани " -"на компютъра ви" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3053 -msgid "" -"The video formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" -msgstr "" -"Програмите за видео форматите, изисквани за този разговор, не са инсталирани " -"на компютъра ви" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3065 -#, c-format -msgid "" -"Something unexpected happened in a Telepathy component. Please report this bug and attach logs gathered from the 'Debug' window in " -"the Help menu." -msgstr "" -"Случи се нещо неочаквано в компонент на Telepathy. Молим, докладвайте този проблем и прикачете журналните файлове указани в " -"прозореца „Изчистване на грешки“ от менюто „Помощ“." - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3074 -msgid "There was a failure in the call engine" -msgstr "Грешка в модула за разговори" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3077 -msgid "The end of the stream was reached" -msgstr "Достигнат е краят на потока" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3117 -msgid "Can't establish audio stream" -msgstr "Потокът на аудио връзката не може да бъде осъществен" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3127 -msgid "Can't establish video stream" -msgstr "Потокът на видео връзката не може да бъде осъществен" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3164 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3166 #, c-format msgid "Your current balance is %s." msgstr "Текущият ви баланс е %s." -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3168 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3170 msgid "Sorry, you don’t have enough credit for that call." msgstr "Нямате достатъчно кредит, за да извършите това обаждане." -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3170 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3172 msgid "Top Up" msgstr "Захранване" -#: ../src/empathy-call.c:201 -msgid "- Empathy Audio/Video Client" -msgstr " — телефонна/видео връзка с Empathy" - -#: ../src/empathy-call.c:223 -msgid "Empathy Audio/Video Client" -msgstr "Телефонна/видео връзка с Empathy" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.c:243 msgid "_Match case" msgstr "Зачита_не на главни/малки" diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/po/ca.po empathy-3.3.92/po/ca.po --- empathy-3.3.91/po/ca.po 2012-02-17 14:00:26.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/po/ca.po 2012-03-19 09:12:31.000000000 +0000 @@ -2,16 +2,16 @@ # Copyright © 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # This file is distributed under the same licence as the gossip package. # Jordi Mallach , 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007. -# Gil Forcada , 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. +# Gil Forcada , 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012. # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: empathy\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-25 23:21+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-25 21:46+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-17 00:05+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-17 00:05+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Gil Forcada \n" -"Language-Team: Catalan \n" +"Language-Team: català; valencià \n" "Language: ca\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -19,535 +19,589 @@ "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:1 -msgid "Chat on Google Talk, Facebook, MSN and many other chat services" -msgstr "" -"Conversa a través del Google Talk, el Facebook, el MSN i molts altres " -"serveis de xat" - -#: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:2 msgid "Empathy" msgstr "Empathy" +#: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:2 +msgid "IM Client" +msgstr "Client de missatgeria instantània" + #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:3 msgid "Empathy Internet Messaging" msgstr "Missatgeria d'Internet Empathy" #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:4 -msgid "IM Client" -msgstr "Client de missatgeria instantània" +msgid "Chat on Google Talk, Facebook, MSN and many other chat services" +msgstr "" +"Conversa a través del Google Talk, el Facebook, el MSN i molts altres " +"serveis de xat" + +#. Tweak the dialog +#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2512 +msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts" +msgstr "Comptes de missatgeria i VoIP" + +#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:2 +msgid "Manage Messaging and VoIP accounts" +msgstr "Gestiona els comptes de missatgeria i VoIP" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:1 -msgid "Always open a separate chat window for new chats." -msgstr "Obre sempre una finestra de xat separada per a xats nous." +msgid "Connection managers should be used" +msgstr "S'haurien d'utilitzar gestors de connexions" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:2 -msgid "Call volume" -msgstr "Volum de la trucada" +msgid "" +"Whether connectivity managers should be used to automatically disconnect/" +"reconnect." +msgstr "" +"Si s'ha d'utilitzar el gestor de connexions per desconnectar/tornar a " +"connectar automàticament." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:3 -msgid "Call volume, as a percentage." -msgstr "Volum de la trucada, en percentatge." +msgid "Empathy should auto-connect on startup" +msgstr "Fes que l'Empathy es connecti automàticament en iniciar-se" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:4 -msgid "Camera device" -msgstr "Dispositiu de la càmera" +msgid "Whether Empathy should automatically log into your accounts on startup." +msgstr "Si l'Empathy ha d'entrar en els comptes automàticament en iniciar-se." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:5 -msgid "Camera position" -msgstr "Posició de la càmera" +msgid "Empathy should auto-away when idle" +msgstr "Fes que l'Empathy canviï automàticament a absent quan estigui inactiu" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:6 msgid "" -"Character to add after nickname when using nick completion (tab) in group " -"chat." +"Whether Empathy should go into away mode automatically if the user is idle." msgstr "" -"Caràcter que s'afegirà després del sobrenom quan s'utilitzi la compleció de " -"sobrenom (tabulació) en els xats de grup." +"Si l'Empathy ha de canviar automàticament al mode absent quan l'usuari està " +"inactiu." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:7 -msgid "Chat window theme" -msgstr "Tema de la finestra de xat" +msgid "Empathy default download folder" +msgstr "Carpeta predeterminada de les baixades de l'Empathy" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:8 -msgid "Chat window theme variant" -msgstr "Variant del tema de la finestra de xat" +msgid "The default folder to save file transfers in." +msgstr "La carpeta predeterminada on es desaran els fitxers transferits." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:9 -msgid "" -"Comma-separated list of spell checker languages to use (e.g. \"en, fr, nl\")." -msgstr "" -"Llista separada per comes de les llengües del verificador ortogràfic a " -"utilitzar (p. ex. «ca, en, es, fr»)." +msgid "Magic number used to check if sanity cleaning tasks should be run" +msgstr "Número màgic per comprovar si s'han d'executar les tasques de neteja" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:10 -msgid "Compact contact list" -msgstr "Llista de contactes compacta" +msgid "" +"empathy-sanity-cleaning.c uses this number to check if the cleaning tasks " +"should be executed or not. Users should not change this key manually." +msgstr "" +"L'empathy-sanity-cleaning.c utilitza aquest número per comprovar si s'han " +"d'executar les tasques de neteja. Els usuaris no haurien de canviar aquesta " +"clau manualment." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:11 -msgid "Connection managers should be used" -msgstr "S'haurien d'utilitzar gestors de connexions" +msgid "Show offline contacts" +msgstr "Mostra els contactes fora de línia" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:12 -msgid "Contact list sort criterion" -msgstr "Criteri d'ordenació de la llista de contactes" +msgid "Whether to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." +msgstr "" +"Si s'han de mostrar els contactes que estan fora de línia a la llista de " +"contactes." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:13 -msgid "Default camera device to use in video calls, e.g. /dev/video0." -msgstr "" -"Dispositiu de càmera per defecte a utilitzar en les trucades de vídeo, per " -"exemple /dev/video0." +msgid "Show avatars" +msgstr "Mostra els avatars" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:14 -msgid "Default directory to select an avatar image from" -msgstr "El directori predeterminat des d'on seleccionar una imatge d'avatar" +msgid "" +"Whether to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat windows." +msgstr "" +"Si s'han de mostrar els avatars per als contactes a la llista de contactes i " +"les finestres de xat." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:15 -msgid "Disable popup notifications when away" -msgstr "Inhabilita les notificacions quan s'estigui absent" +msgid "Show protocols" +msgstr "Mostra els protocols" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:16 -msgid "Disable sounds when away" -msgstr "Inhabilita els sons quan s'estigui absent" +msgid "Whether to show protocols for contacts in the contact list." +msgstr "" +"Si s'han de mostrar els protocols dels contactes a la llista de contactes." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:17 -msgid "Display incoming events in the status area" -msgstr "Mostra els esdeveniments d'entrada en l'àrea d'estat" +msgid "Show Balance in contact list" +msgstr "Mostra el saldo a la llista de contactes" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:18 -msgid "" -"Display incoming events in the status area. If false, present them to the " -"user immediately." -msgstr "" -"Mostra els esdeveniments d'entrada en l'àrea d'estat. Si és «false» (fals) " -"mostra'ls immediatament a l'usuari." +msgid "Whether to show account balances in the contact list." +msgstr "Si s'han de mostrar els saldos dels comptes a la llista de contactes." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:19 -msgid "Echo cancellation support" -msgstr "Utilitza la cancel·lació de l'eco" +msgid "Compact contact list" +msgstr "Llista de contactes compacta" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:20 -msgid "Empathy can publish the user's location" -msgstr "L'Empathy pot publicar la ubicació de l'usuari" +msgid "Whether to show the contact list in compact mode." +msgstr "Si s'ha de mostrar la llista de contactes en mode compacte." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:21 -msgid "Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location" -msgstr "L'Empathy pot utilitzar el GPS per determinar la ubicació" +msgid "Hide main window" +msgstr "Oculta la finestra principal" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:22 -msgid "Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location" -msgstr "" -"L'Empathy pot utilitzar la xarxa de telefonia mòbil per determinar la " -"ubicació" +msgid "Hide the main window." +msgstr "Oculta la finestra principal." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:23 -msgid "Empathy can use the network to guess the location" -msgstr "L'Empathy pot utilitzar la xarxa per determinar la ubicació" +msgid "Default directory to select an avatar image from" +msgstr "El directori predeterminat des d'on seleccionar una imatge d'avatar" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:24 -msgid "Empathy default download folder" -msgstr "Carpeta predeterminada de les baixades de l'Empathy" +msgid "The last directory that an avatar image was chosen from." +msgstr "L'últim directori des d'on es va seleccionar una imatge d'avatar." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:25 -msgid "Empathy has migrated butterfly logs" -msgstr "L'Empathy ha migrat dels registres de la Butterfly" +msgid "Open new chats in separate windows" +msgstr "Obre les finestres de xat noves en finestres separades" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:26 -msgid "Empathy should auto-away when idle" -msgstr "Fes que l'Empathy canviï automàticament a absent quan estigui inactiu" +msgid "Always open a separate chat window for new chats." +msgstr "Obre sempre una finestra de xat separada per a xats nous." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:27 -msgid "Empathy should auto-connect on startup" -msgstr "Fes que l'Empathy es connecti automàticament en iniciar-se" +msgid "Display incoming events in the status area" +msgstr "Mostra els esdeveniments d'entrada en l'àrea d'estat" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:28 -msgid "Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy" -msgstr "L'Empathy hauria de reduir la precisió de la ubicació" +msgid "" +"Display incoming events in the status area. If false, present them to the " +"user immediately." +msgstr "" +"Mostra els esdeveniments d'entrada en l'àrea d'estat. Si és «false» (fals) " +"mostra'ls immediatament a l'usuari." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:29 -msgid "Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon" -msgstr "" -"Fes que l'Empathy utilitzi l'avatar del contacte com a icona de la finestra " -"de xat" +msgid "The position for the chat window side pane" +msgstr "La posició per la subfinestra lateral de la finestra de xat" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:30 -msgid "Enable WebKit Developer Tools" -msgstr "Habilita les eines de desenvolupador del WebKit" +msgid "The stored position (in pixels) of the chat window side pane." +msgstr "" +"La posició emmagatzemada (en píxels) de la subfinestra lateral de la " +"finestra de xat." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:31 -msgid "Enable popup notifications for new messages" -msgstr "Habilita les notificacions per als missatges nous" +msgid "Show contact groups" +msgstr "Mostra els grups de contactes" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:32 -msgid "Enable spell checker" -msgstr "Habilita el verificador ortogràfic" +msgid "Whether to show groups in the contact list." +msgstr "Si s'han de mostrar els grups a la llista de contactes." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:33 -msgid "Hide main window" -msgstr "Oculta la finestra principal" +msgid "Contact list sort criterion" +msgstr "Criteri d'ordenació de la llista de contactes" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:34 -msgid "Hide the main window." -msgstr "Oculta la finestra principal." +msgid "" +"Which criterion to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to sort by " +"the contact's state with the value \"state\". A value of \"name\" will sort " +"the contact list by name." +msgstr "" +"Quin criteri s'ha de fer servir quan s'ordeni la llista de contactes. Per " +"defecte s'ordena per l'estat del contacte amb el valor «state» (estat). Un " +"valor «name» (nom) ordenarà la llista de contactes per nom." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:35 -msgid "Nick completed character" -msgstr "Caràcter de compleció de sobrenom" +msgid "Use notification sounds" +msgstr "Utilitza sons de notificació" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:36 -msgid "Open new chats in separate windows" -msgstr "Obre les finestres de xat noves en finestres separades" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of events." +msgstr "Si s'ha de reproduir un so per notificar esdeveniments." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:37 -msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use" -msgstr "Camí al tema Adium a utilitzar" +msgid "Disable sounds when away" +msgstr "Inhabilita els sons quan s'estigui absent" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:38 -msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use if the theme used for chat is Adium." +msgid "Whether to play sound notifications when away or busy." msgstr "" -"Camí al tema Adium a utilitzar si el tema utilitzat per al xat és l'Adium." +"Si s'han de reproduir notificacions de so quan s'estigui absent o ocupat." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:39 msgid "Play a sound for incoming messages" msgstr "Reprodueix un so quan arribin missatges" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:40 -msgid "Play a sound for new conversations" -msgstr "Reprodueix un so per a les converses noves" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of incoming messages." +msgstr "Si s'ha de reproduir un so quan arribin missatges." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:41 msgid "Play a sound for outgoing messages" msgstr "Reprodueix un so per als missatges de sortida" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:42 -msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs in" -msgstr "Reprodueix un so quan entri algun contacte" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of outgoing messages." +msgstr "Si s'ha de reproduir un so quan s'enviïn missatges." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:43 -msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs out" -msgstr "Reprodueix un so quan surti algun contacte" +msgid "Play a sound for new conversations" +msgstr "Reprodueix un so per a les converses noves" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:44 -msgid "Play a sound when we log in" -msgstr "Reprodueix un so en entrar" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of new conversations." +msgstr "Si s'ha de reproduir un so quan s'iniciïn converses noves." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:45 -msgid "Play a sound when we log out" -msgstr "Reprodueix un so en sortir" +msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs in" +msgstr "Reprodueix un so quan entri algun contacte" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:46 -msgid "Pop up notifications if the chat isn't focused" -msgstr "Mostra notificacions si el xat no és la finestra activa" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging into the network." +msgstr "" +"Si s'ha de reproduir un so per notificar que els contactes entren a la xarxa." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:47 -msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs in" -msgstr "Mostra notificacions si entra un contacte" +msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs out" +msgstr "Reprodueix un so quan surti algun contacte" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:48 -msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs out" -msgstr "Mostra notificacions si surt un contacte" +msgid "" +"Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging out of the network." +msgstr "" +"Si s'ha de reproduir un so per notificar que els contactes surten de la " +"xarxa." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:49 -msgid "Position the camera preview should be during a call." -msgstr "" -"Posició on s'hauria de mostrar la previsualització de la càmera durant una " -"trucada." +msgid "Play a sound when we log in" +msgstr "Reprodueix un so en entrar" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:50 -msgid "Show Balance in contact list" -msgstr "Mostra el saldo a la llista de contactes" +msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging into a network." +msgstr "Si s'ha de reproduir un so quan s'entri a una xarxa." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:51 -msgid "Show avatars" -msgstr "Mostra els avatars" +msgid "Play a sound when we log out" +msgstr "Reprodueix un so en sortir" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:52 -msgid "Show contact list in rooms" -msgstr "Mostra la llista de contactes a les sales" +msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging out of a network." +msgstr "Si s'ha de reproduir un so quan se surti d'una xarxa." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:53 -msgid "Show hint about closing the main window" -msgstr "Mostra un consell sobre el tancament de la finestra principal" +msgid "Enable popup notifications for new messages" +msgstr "Habilita les notificacions per als missatges nous" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:54 -msgid "Show offline contacts" -msgstr "Mostra els contactes fora de línia" +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message." +msgstr "" +"Si s'ha de mostrar una notificació emergent quan es rebin missatges nous." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:55 -msgid "Show protocols" -msgstr "Mostra els protocols" +msgid "Disable popup notifications when away" +msgstr "Inhabilita les notificacions quan s'estigui absent" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:56 -msgid "Spell checking languages" -msgstr "Llengües per a la verificació ortogràfica" +msgid "Whether to show popup notifications when away or busy." +msgstr "" +"Si s'han de mostrar notificacions emergents quan s'estigui absent o ocupat." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:57 -msgid "The default folder to save file transfers in." -msgstr "La carpeta predeterminada on es desaran els fitxers transferits." +msgid "Pop up notifications if the chat isn't focused" +msgstr "Mostra notificacions si el xat no és la finestra activa" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:58 -msgid "The last directory that an avatar image was chosen from." -msgstr "L'últim directori des d'on es va seleccionar una imatge d'avatar." +msgid "" +"Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message even if " +"the chat is already opened, but not focused." +msgstr "" +"Si s'han de mostrar notificacions emergents quan es rebi un esdeveniment de " +"missatge nou i el xat ja estigui obert però no tingui el focus." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:59 -msgid "The position for the chat window side pane" -msgstr "La posició per la subfinestra lateral de la finestra de xat" +msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs in" +msgstr "Mostra notificacions si entra un contacte" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:60 -msgid "The stored position (in pixels) of the chat window side pane." +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes online." msgstr "" -"La posició emmagatzemada (en píxels) de la subfinestra lateral de la " -"finestra de xat." +"Si s'ha de mostrar una notificació emergent quan es connecti un contacte." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:61 -msgid "The theme that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." -msgstr "El tema que s'utilitza per mostrar la conversa a les finestres de xat." +msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs out" +msgstr "Mostra notificacions si surt un contacte" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:62 -msgid "" -"The theme variant that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes offline." msgstr "" -"La variant del tema que s'utilitza per mostrar la conversa a les finestres " -"de xat." +"Si s'ha de mostrar una notificació emergent quan es desconnecti un contacte." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:63 msgid "Use graphical smileys" msgstr "Utilitza emoticones gràfiques" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:64 -msgid "Use notification sounds" -msgstr "Utilitza sons de notificació" +msgid "Whether to convert smileys into graphical images in conversations." +msgstr "" +"Si s'han de convertir les emoticones a imatges gràfiques a les converses." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:65 -msgid "Use theme for chat rooms" -msgstr "Utilitza el tema per a les sales de xat" +msgid "Show contact list in rooms" +msgstr "Mostra la llista de contactes a les sales" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:66 -msgid "Whether Empathy can publish the user's location to their contacts." -msgstr "" -"Si l'Empathy ha de publicar la ubicació de l'usuari als seus contactes." +msgid "Whether to show the contact list in chat rooms." +msgstr "Si s'ha de mostrar la llista de contactes a les sales de xat." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:67 -msgid "Whether Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location." -msgstr "Si l'Empathy ha d'utilitzar el GPS per determinar la ubicació." +msgid "Chat window theme" +msgstr "Tema de la finestra de xat" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:68 -msgid "Whether Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location." -msgstr "" -"Si l'Empathy ha d'utilitzar la xarxa de mòbils per determinar la ubicació." +msgid "The theme that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." +msgstr "El tema que s'utilitza per mostrar la conversa a les finestres de xat." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:69 -msgid "Whether Empathy can use the network to guess the location." -msgstr "Si l'Empathy ha d'utilitzar la xarxa per determinar la ubicació." +msgid "Chat window theme variant" +msgstr "Variant del tema de la finestra de xat" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:70 -msgid "Whether Empathy has migrated butterfly logs." -msgstr "Si l'Empathy ha migrat els registres de la Butterfly." +msgid "" +"The theme variant that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." +msgstr "" +"La variant del tema que s'utilitza per mostrar la conversa a les finestres " +"de xat." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:71 -msgid "Whether Empathy should automatically log into your accounts on startup." -msgstr "Si l'Empathy ha d'entrar en els comptes automàticament en iniciar-se." +msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use" +msgstr "Camí al tema Adium a utilitzar" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:72 -msgid "" -"Whether Empathy should go into away mode automatically if the user is idle." +msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use if the theme used for chat is Adium." msgstr "" -"Si l'Empathy ha de canviar automàticament al mode absent quan l'usuari està " -"inactiu." +"Camí al tema Adium a utilitzar si el tema utilitzat per al xat és l'Adium." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:73 -msgid "" -"Whether Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy for privacy reasons." -msgstr "" -"Si l'Empathy ha de reduir la precisió de la ubicació per motius de privadesa." +msgid "Enable WebKit Developer Tools" +msgstr "Habilita les eines de desenvolupador del WebKit" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:74 msgid "" -"Whether Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon." -msgstr "" -"Si l'Empathy ha d'utilitzar l'avatar del contacte com a icona de la finestra " -"de xat." - -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:75 -msgid "" "Whether WebKit developer tools, such as the Web Inspector, should be enabled." msgstr "" "Si s'han d'habilitar les eines de desenvolupament del WebKit, com ara " "l'inspector web." +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:75 +msgid "Inform other users when you are typing to them" +msgstr "Informa als usuaris quan els hi estigueu escrivint" + #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:76 msgid "" -"Whether connectivity managers should be used to automatically disconnect/" -"reconnect." +"Whether to send the 'composing' or 'paused' chat states. Does not currently " +"affect the 'gone' state." msgstr "" -"Si s'ha d'utilitzar el gestor de connexions per desconnectar/tornar a " -"connectar automàticament." +"Si s'han d'enviar els estats de xat «escrivint» o «en pausa». No afecta a " +"l'estat de «desaparegut»." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:77 -msgid "" -"Whether to check words typed against the languages you want to check with." -msgstr "" -"Si s'han de verificar les paraules introduïdes comparant-les amb les " -"llengües triades per a la verificació ortogràfica." +msgid "Use theme for chat rooms" +msgstr "Utilitza el tema per a les sales de xat" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:78 -msgid "Whether to convert smileys into graphical images in conversations." -msgstr "" -"Si s'han de convertir les emoticones a imatges gràfiques a les converses." +msgid "Whether to use the theme for chat rooms." +msgstr "Si s'ha d'utilitzar el tema per a les sales de xat." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:79 -msgid "Whether to enable Pulseaudio's echo cancellation filter." -msgstr "" -"Si s'hauria d'habilitar el filtre de cancel·lació de l'eco del Pulseaudio." +msgid "Spell checking languages" +msgstr "Llengües per a la verificació ortogràfica" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:80 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging into the network." +msgid "" +"Comma-separated list of spell checker languages to use (e.g. \"en, fr, nl\")." msgstr "" -"Si s'ha de reproduir un so per notificar que els contactes entren a la xarxa." +"Llista separada per comes de les llengües del verificador ortogràfic a " +"utilitzar (p. ex. «ca, en, es, fr»)." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:81 -msgid "" -"Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging out of the network." -msgstr "" -"Si s'ha de reproduir un so per notificar que els contactes surten de la " -"xarxa." +msgid "Enable spell checker" +msgstr "Habilita el verificador ortogràfic" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:82 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of events." -msgstr "Si s'ha de reproduir un so per notificar esdeveniments." +msgid "" +"Whether to check words typed against the languages you want to check with." +msgstr "" +"Si s'han de verificar les paraules introduïdes comparant-les amb les " +"llengües triades per a la verificació ortogràfica." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:83 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of incoming messages." -msgstr "Si s'ha de reproduir un so quan arribin missatges." +msgid "Nick completed character" +msgstr "Caràcter de compleció de sobrenom" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:84 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of new conversations." -msgstr "Si s'ha de reproduir un so quan s'iniciïn converses noves." +msgid "" +"Character to add after nickname when using nick completion (tab) in group " +"chat." +msgstr "" +"Caràcter que s'afegirà després del sobrenom quan s'utilitzi la compleció de " +"sobrenom (tabulació) en els xats de grup." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:85 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of outgoing messages." -msgstr "Si s'ha de reproduir un so quan s'enviïn missatges." +msgid "Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon" +msgstr "" +"Fes que l'Empathy utilitzi l'avatar del contacte com a icona de la finestra " +"de xat" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:86 -msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging into a network." -msgstr "Si s'ha de reproduir un so quan s'entri a una xarxa." +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:86 +msgid "" +"Whether Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon." +msgstr "" +"Si l'Empathy ha d'utilitzar l'avatar del contacte com a icona de la finestra " +"de xat." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:87 -msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging out of a network." -msgstr "Si s'ha de reproduir un so quan se surti d'una xarxa." +msgid "Last account selected in Join Room dialog" +msgstr "Últim compte seleccionat en el diàleg d'unir-se a una sala" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:88 -msgid "Whether to play sound notifications when away or busy." +msgid "D-Bus object path of the last account selected to join a room." msgstr "" -"Si s'han de reproduir notificacions de so quan s'estigui absent o ocupat." +"El camí a l'objecte de D-Bus de l'últim compte seleccionat per unir-se a una " +"sala." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:89 -msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes offline." -msgstr "" -"Si s'ha de mostrar una notificació emergent quan es desconnecti un contacte." +msgid "Camera device" +msgstr "Dispositiu de la càmera" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:90 -msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes online." +msgid "Default camera device to use in video calls, e.g. /dev/video0." msgstr "" -"Si s'ha de mostrar una notificació emergent quan es connecti un contacte." +"Dispositiu de càmera per defecte a utilitzar en les trucades de vídeo, per " +"exemple /dev/video0." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:91 -msgid "" -"Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message even if " -"the chat is already opened, but not focused." -msgstr "" -"Si s'han de mostrar notificacions emergents quan es rebi un esdeveniment de " -"missatge nou i el xat ja estigui obert però no tingui el focus." +msgid "Camera position" +msgstr "Posició de la càmera" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:92 -msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message." +msgid "Position the camera preview should be during a call." msgstr "" -"Si s'ha de mostrar una notificació emergent quan es rebin missatges nous." +"Posició on s'hauria de mostrar la previsualització de la càmera durant una " +"trucada." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:93 -msgid "Whether to show account balances in the contact list." -msgstr "Si s'han de mostrar els saldos dels comptes a la llista de contactes." +msgid "Echo cancellation support" +msgstr "Utilitza la cancel·lació de l'eco" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:94 -msgid "" -"Whether to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat windows." +msgid "Whether to enable Pulseaudio's echo cancellation filter." msgstr "" -"Si s'han de mostrar els avatars per als contactes a la llista de contactes i " -"les finestres de xat." +"Si s'hauria d'habilitar el filtre de cancel·lació de l'eco del Pulseaudio." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:95 -msgid "Whether to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." -msgstr "" -"Si s'han de mostrar els contactes que estan fora de línia a la llista de " -"contactes." +msgid "Show hint about closing the main window" +msgstr "Mostra un consell sobre el tancament de la finestra principal" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:96 -msgid "Whether to show popup notifications when away or busy." +msgid "" +"Whether to show the message dialog about closing the main window with the " +"'x' button in the title bar." msgstr "" -"Si s'han de mostrar notificacions emergents quan s'estigui absent o ocupat." +"Si s'ha de mostrar el diàleg de missatge sobre el tancament de la finestra " +"principal amb el botó «x» de la barra de títol." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:97 -msgid "Whether to show protocols for contacts in the contact list." -msgstr "" -"Si s'han de mostrar els protocols dels contactes a la llista de contactes." +msgid "Empathy can publish the user's location" +msgstr "L'Empathy pot publicar la ubicació de l'usuari" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:98 -msgid "Whether to show the contact list in chat rooms." -msgstr "Si s'ha de mostrar la llista de contactes a les sales de xat." +msgid "Whether Empathy can publish the user's location to their contacts." +msgstr "" +"Si l'Empathy ha de publicar la ubicació de l'usuari als seus contactes." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:99 -msgid "Whether to show the contact list in compact mode." -msgstr "Si s'ha de mostrar la llista de contactes en mode compacte." +msgid "Empathy can use the network to guess the location" +msgstr "L'Empathy pot utilitzar la xarxa per determinar la ubicació" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:100 -msgid "" -"Whether to show the message dialog about closing the main window with the " -"'x' button in the title bar." -msgstr "" -"Si s'ha de mostrar el diàleg de missatge sobre el tancament de la finestra " -"principal amb el botó «x» de la barra de títol." +msgid "Whether Empathy can use the network to guess the location." +msgstr "Si l'Empathy ha d'utilitzar la xarxa per determinar la ubicació." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:101 -msgid "Whether to use the theme for chat rooms." -msgstr "Si s'ha d'utilitzar el tema per a les sales de xat." +msgid "Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location" +msgstr "" +"L'Empathy pot utilitzar la xarxa de telefonia mòbil per determinar la " +"ubicació" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:102 +msgid "Whether Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location." +msgstr "" +"Si l'Empathy ha d'utilitzar la xarxa de mòbils per determinar la ubicació." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:103 +msgid "Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location" +msgstr "L'Empathy pot utilitzar el GPS per determinar la ubicació" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:104 +msgid "Whether Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location." +msgstr "Si l'Empathy ha d'utilitzar el GPS per determinar la ubicació." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:105 +msgid "Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy" +msgstr "L'Empathy hauria de reduir la precisió de la ubicació" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:106 msgid "" -"Which criterion to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to sort by " -"the contact's name with the value \"name\". A value of \"state\" will sort " -"the contact list by state." +"Whether Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy for privacy reasons." msgstr "" -"Quin criteri s'ha de fer servir quan s'ordeni la llista de contactes. De " -"manera predeterminada s'ordena pel nom del contacte amb el valor " -"«name» (nom). Un valor «state» (estat) ordenarà la llista de contactes per " -"estat." +"Si l'Empathy ha de reduir la precisió de la ubicació per motius de privadesa." -#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:1 -msgid "Manage Messaging and VoIP accounts" -msgstr "Gestiona els comptes de missatgeria i VoIP" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:738 +msgid "No reason was specified" +msgstr "No s'ha especificat el motiu" -#. Tweak the dialog -#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:2 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2324 -msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts" -msgstr "Comptes de missatgeria i VoIP" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:741 +msgid "The change in state was requested" +msgstr "S'ha demanat el canvi d'estat" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:744 +msgid "You canceled the file transfer" +msgstr "Heu cancel·lat la transferència del fitxer" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:747 +msgid "The other participant canceled the file transfer" +msgstr "L'interlocutor ha cancel·lat la transferència del fitxer" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:750 +msgid "Error while trying to transfer the file" +msgstr "S'ha produït un error en enviar el fitxer" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:825 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:753 +msgid "The other participant is unable to transfer the file" +msgstr "L'interlocutor no pot enviar el fitxer" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:756 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:313 +msgid "Unknown reason" +msgstr "Motiu desconegut" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:919 msgid "File transfer completed, but the file was corrupted" msgstr "S'ha completat la transferència però el fitxer és malmès" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1111 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1205 msgid "File transfer not supported by remote contact" msgstr "El contacte remot no admet la transferència de fitxers" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1167 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1261 msgid "The selected file is not a regular file" msgstr "El fitxer seleccionat no és un fitxer normal" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1176 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1270 msgid "The selected file is empty" msgstr "El fitxer seleccionat és buit" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-message.c:415 ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:131 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-message.c:415 ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:129 #, c-format msgid "Missed call from %s" msgstr "Us ha trucat %s però no hi éreu" @@ -563,172 +617,141 @@ msgid "Call from %s" msgstr "Trucada des de %s" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:268 -msgid "Socket type not supported" -msgstr "No està implementat aquest tipus de sòcol" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:387 -msgid "No reason was specified" -msgstr "No s'ha especificat el motiu" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:390 -msgid "The change in state was requested" -msgstr "S'ha demanat el canvi d'estat" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:393 -msgid "You canceled the file transfer" -msgstr "Heu cancel·lat la transferència del fitxer" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:396 -msgid "The other participant canceled the file transfer" -msgstr "L'interlocutor ha cancel·lat la transferència del fitxer" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:399 -msgid "Error while trying to transfer the file" -msgstr "S'ha produït un error en enviar el fitxer" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:402 -msgid "The other participant is unable to transfer the file" -msgstr "L'interlocutor no pot enviar el fitxer" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:405 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:312 -msgid "Unknown reason" -msgstr "Motiu desconegut" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:232 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:233 msgid "Available" msgstr "Disponible" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:234 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:235 msgid "Busy" msgstr "Ocupat" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:237 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:238 msgid "Away" msgstr "Absent" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:239 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:240 msgid "Invisible" msgstr "Invisible" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:241 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:242 msgid "Offline" msgstr "Fora de línia" #. translators: presence type is unknown -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:244 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:245 msgctxt "presence" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Desconegut" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:284 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:285 msgid "No reason specified" msgstr "No s'ha especificat el motiu" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:286 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:342 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:287 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:343 msgid "Status is set to offline" msgstr "S'ha establert l'estat a desconnectat" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:288 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:322 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:49 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:289 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:323 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:47 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:81 msgid "Network error" msgstr "Error de la xarxa" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:290 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:324 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:291 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:325 msgid "Authentication failed" msgstr "Ha fallat l'autenticació" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:292 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:326 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:293 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:327 msgid "Encryption error" msgstr "Error de xifratge" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:294 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:295 msgid "Name in use" msgstr "Nom ja utilitzat" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:296 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:328 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:297 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:329 msgid "Certificate not provided" msgstr "No s'ha proporcionat el certificat" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:298 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:330 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:299 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:331 msgid "Certificate untrusted" msgstr "El certificat no és de confiança" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:300 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:332 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:301 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:333 msgid "Certificate expired" msgstr "El certificat ha vençut" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:302 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:334 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:303 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:335 msgid "Certificate not activated" msgstr "El certificat no està activat" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:304 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:336 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:305 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:337 msgid "Certificate hostname mismatch" msgstr "No coincideix el nom de la màquina del certificat" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:306 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:338 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:307 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:339 msgid "Certificate fingerprint mismatch" msgstr "No coincideix l'empremta digital del certificat" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:308 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:340 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:309 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:341 msgid "Certificate self-signed" msgstr "Certificat signat per un mateix" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:310 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:311 msgid "Certificate error" msgstr "Error en el certificat" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:344 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:345 msgid "Encryption is not available" msgstr "L'encriptació no està disponible" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:346 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:347 msgid "Certificate is invalid" msgstr "El certificat no és vàlid" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:348 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:349 msgid "Connection has been refused" msgstr "S'ha rebutjat la connexió" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:350 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:351 msgid "Connection can't be established" msgstr "No es pot establir la connexió" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:352 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:353 msgid "Connection has been lost" msgstr "S'ha perdut la connexió" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:354 -msgid "This resource is already connected to the server" -msgstr "Aquest recurs ja està connectat al servidor" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:355 +msgid "This account is already connected to the server" +msgstr "Aquest compte ja està connectat al servidor" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:356 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:357 msgid "" "Connection has been replaced by a new connection using the same resource" msgstr "" "S'ha reemplaçat la connexió per una altra de nova fent servir el mateix " "recurs" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:359 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:360 msgid "The account already exists on the server" msgstr "Ja existeix aquest compte al servidor" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:361 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:362 msgid "Server is currently too busy to handle the connection" msgstr "El servidor està massa ocupat per gestionar la connexió" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:363 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:364 msgid "Certificate has been revoked" msgstr "S'ha revocat el certificat" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:365 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:366 msgid "" "Certificate uses an insecure cipher algorithm or is cryptographically weak" msgstr "" "El certificat utilitza un algorisme criptògraf no segur o la seva fortalesa " "criptogràfica és feble" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:368 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:369 msgid "" "The length of the server certificate, or the depth of the server certificate " "chain, exceed the limits imposed by the cryptography library" @@ -736,283 +759,276 @@ "La llargada del certificat del servidor o la profunditat de la cadena de " "certificació excedeix els límits de la biblioteca criptogràfica" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:529 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-store.h:73 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:373 +msgid "Your software is too old" +msgstr "El programari és massa vell" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:375 +msgid "Internal error" +msgstr "Error intern" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:534 msgid "People Nearby" msgstr "Gent propera" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:534 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:539 msgid "Yahoo! Japan" msgstr "Yahoo! del Japó" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:563 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:568 msgid "Google Talk" msgstr "Google Talk" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:564 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:569 msgid "Facebook Chat" msgstr "Xat del Facebook" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:88 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:90 #, c-format msgid "%d second ago" msgid_plural "%d seconds ago" msgstr[0] "fa %d segon" msgstr[1] "fa %d segons" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:93 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:96 #, c-format msgid "%d minute ago" msgid_plural "%d minutes ago" msgstr[0] "fa %d minut" msgstr[1] "fa %d minuts" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:98 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:102 #, c-format msgid "%d hour ago" msgid_plural "%d hours ago" msgstr[0] "fa %d hora" msgstr[1] "fa %d hores" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:103 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:108 #, c-format msgid "%d day ago" msgid_plural "%d days ago" msgstr[0] "fa %d dia" msgstr[1] "fa %d dies" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:108 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:114 #, c-format msgid "%d week ago" msgid_plural "%d weeks ago" msgstr[0] "fa %d setmana" msgstr[1] "fa %d setmanes" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:113 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:120 #, c-format msgid "%d month ago" msgid_plural "%d months ago" msgstr[0] "fa %d mes" msgstr[1] "fa %d mesos" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:136 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:142 msgid "in the future" msgstr "en el futur" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-chooser.c:540 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:75 +msgid "Password not found" +msgstr "No s'ha trobat la contrasenya" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:218 +#, c-format +msgid "IM account password for %s (%s)" +msgstr "Contrasenya pel compte de missatgeria instantània %s (%s)" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:253 +#, c-format +msgid "Password for chatroom '%s' on account %s (%s)" +msgstr "Contrasenya per la sala de xat «%s» del compte %s (%s)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-chooser.c:692 msgid "All accounts" msgstr "Tots els comptes" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:694 -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:321 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:682 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:336 msgid "Account" msgstr "Compte" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:695 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:683 msgid "Password" msgstr "Contrasenya" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:696 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:507 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:684 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:511 msgid "Server" msgstr "Servidor" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:697 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:522 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:685 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:529 msgid "Port" msgstr "Port" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:769 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:826 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:765 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:817 #, c-format msgid "%s:" msgstr "%s:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1192 -msgid "My Web Accounts" -msgstr "Els comptes web" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1208 -#, c-format -msgid "The account %s is edited via %s." -msgstr "S'està editant el compte %s a través de %s." - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1214 -#, c-format -msgid "The account %s cannot be edited in Empathy." -msgstr "No es pot editar el compte %s a través de l'Empathy." - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1233 -msgid "Launch My Web Accounts" -msgstr "Inicia els comptes web" - -#. general handler -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1241 -#, c-format -msgid "Edit %s" -msgstr "Edita %s" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1591 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1398 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:14 msgid "Username:" msgstr "Nom d'usuari:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1909 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1710 msgid "A_pply" msgstr "_Aplica" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1939 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1739 msgid "L_og in" msgstr "_Entra" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2013 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1812 msgid "This account already exists on the server" msgstr "Ja existeix aquest compte al servidor" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2016 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1816 msgid "Create a new account on the server" msgstr "Crea un compte nou al servidor" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2208 -msgid "Ca_ncel" -msgstr "Ca_ncel·la" - #. To translators: The first parameter is the login id and the #. * second one is the network. The resulting string will be something #. * like: "MyUserName on freenode". #. * You should reverse the order of these arguments if the #. * server should come before the login id in your locale. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2486 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2241 #, c-format msgid "%1$s on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s a %2$s" #. To translators: The parameter is the protocol name. The resulting #. * string will be something like: "Jabber Account" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2512 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2267 #, c-format msgid "%s Account" msgstr "Compte %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2516 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2271 msgid "New account" msgstr "Compte nou" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:1 -msgid "Example: MyScreenName" -msgstr "Exemple: ElMeuNomPúblic" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:14 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:1 +msgid "Pass_word:" +msgstr "Con_trasenya:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-generic.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:2 -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "Avançat" +msgid "Screen _Name:" +msgstr "_Nom públic:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:3 +msgid "Example: MyScreenName" +msgstr "Exemple: ElMeuNomPúblic" + +#. remember password ticky box +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:4 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:4 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:5 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:12 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:4 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:13 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:5 -msgid "Pass_word:" -msgstr "Con_trasenya:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-base-password-dialog.c:261 +msgid "Remember password" +msgstr "Recorda la contrasenya" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:5 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:5 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:10 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:20 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:5 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:16 -msgid "Remember Password" -msgstr "Recorda la contrasenya?" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Port:" +msgstr "_Port:" -#. remember password ticky box -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:6 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:6 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:7 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:21 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:17 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-password-dialog.c:311 -msgid "Remember password" -msgstr "Recorda la contrasenya" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:6 -msgid "Screen _Name:" -msgstr "_Nom públic:" +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Server:" +msgstr "_Servidor:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:7 -msgid "What is your AIM password?" -msgstr "Quina és la vostra contrasenya de l'AIM?" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-generic.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:15 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:23 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:21 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:9 +msgid "Advanced" +msgstr "Avançat" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your AIM screen name?" msgstr "Quin és el vostre nom públic de l'AIM?" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:10 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:26 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:10 -msgid "_Port:" -msgstr "_Port:" +msgid "What is your AIM password?" +msgstr "Quina és la vostra contrasenya de l'AIM?" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:10 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:10 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:11 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:27 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:7 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:10 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:9 -msgid "_Server:" -msgstr "_Servidor:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:1 -msgid "Example: username" -msgstr "Exemple: nomusuari" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:24 +msgid "Remember Password" +msgstr "Recorda la contrasenya?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:2 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:13 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:2 msgid "Login I_D:" msgstr "I_D d'entrada:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:3 +msgid "Example: username" +msgstr "Exemple: nomusuari" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your GroupWise User ID?" msgstr "Quin és el vostre identificador d'usuari del GroupWise?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your GroupWise password?" msgstr "Quina és la vostra contrasenya del GroupWise?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:2 +msgid "ICQ _UIN:" +msgstr "_UIN de l'ICQ:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:3 msgid "Example: 123456789" msgstr "Exemple: 123456789" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:7 msgid "Ch_aracter set:" msgstr "_Joc de caràcters:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:4 -msgid "ICQ _UIN:" -msgstr "_UIN de l'ICQ:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your ICQ UIN?" msgstr "Quin és el vostre UIN de l'ICQ?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:9 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:10 msgid "What is your ICQ password?" msgstr "Quina és la vostra contrasenya de l'ICQ?" @@ -1049,11 +1065,44 @@ msgid "None" msgstr "Cap" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:1 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Xarxa" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:2 +msgid "Network:" +msgstr "Xarxa:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:3 msgid "Character set:" msgstr "Joc de caràcters:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:1 +msgid "Add…" +msgstr "Afegeix…" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:3 +msgid "Remove" +msgstr "Suprimeix" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:6 +msgid "Up" +msgstr "Amunt" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:7 +msgid "Down" +msgstr "Avall" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:8 +msgid "Servers" +msgstr "Servidors" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:9 msgid "" "Most IRC servers don't need a password, so if you're not sure, don't enter a " "password." @@ -1061,72 +1110,36 @@ "La majoria de servidors d'IRC no necessiten contrasenya, si no n'esteu " "segurs no introduïu cap contrasenya." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:4 -msgid "Network" -msgstr "Xarxa" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 -msgid "Network:" -msgstr "Xarxa:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:6 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 msgid "Nickname:" msgstr "Sobrenom:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 msgid "Password:" msgstr "Contrasenya:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:12 msgid "Quit message:" msgstr "Missatge de desconnexió:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:9 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 msgid "Real name:" msgstr "Nom real:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 -msgid "Servers" -msgstr "Servidors" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:16 +msgid "Which IRC network?" +msgstr "Quina xarxa d'IRC?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:12 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:17 msgid "What is your IRC nickname?" msgstr "Quin és el vostre sobrenom a l'IRC?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 -msgid "Which IRC network?" -msgstr "Quina xarxa d'IRC?" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:1 -msgid "Example: user@gmail.com" -msgstr "Exemple: usuari@gmail.com" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:2 -msgid "Example: user@jabber.org" -msgstr "Exemple: usuari@jabber.org" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:4 -msgid "Encr_yption required (TLS/SSL)" -msgstr "_Es requereix encriptació (TLS/SSL)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:5 -msgid "I_gnore SSL certificate errors" -msgstr "_Ignora els errors del certificat SSL" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:7 -msgid "Override server settings" -msgstr "Sobreescriu els paràmetres del servidor" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:9 -msgid "Priori_ty:" -msgstr "Pri_oritat:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:12 -msgid "Reso_urce:" -msgstr "Rec_urs:" +msgid "What is your Facebook username?" +msgstr "Quin és el vostre nom d'usuari del Facebook?" #. This string is not wrapped in the dialog so you may have to add some '\n' to make it look nice. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:14 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:3 msgid "" "This is your username, not your normal Facebook login.\n" "If you are facebook.com/badger, enter badger.\n" @@ -1138,179 +1151,203 @@ "Utilitzeu aquesta pàgina " "per seleccionar un nom d'usuari del Facebook si no en teniu." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:17 -msgid "Use old SS_L" -msgstr "Utilitza l'SS_L antic" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:18 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:6 msgid "What is your Facebook password?" msgstr "Quina és la vostra contrasenya del Facebook?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:19 -msgid "What is your Facebook username?" -msgstr "Quin és el vostre nom d'usuari del Facebook?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:20 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your Google ID?" msgstr "Quin és el vostre identificador del Google?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:21 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:9 +msgid "Example: user@gmail.com" +msgstr "Exemple: usuari@gmail.com" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:10 msgid "What is your Google password?" msgstr "Quina és la vostra contrasenya del Google?" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:11 +msgid "Example: user@jabber.org" +msgstr "Exemple: usuari@jabber.org" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:15 +msgid "I_gnore SSL certificate errors" +msgstr "_Ignora els errors del certificat SSL" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:16 +msgid "Priori_ty:" +msgstr "Pri_oritat:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:17 +msgid "Reso_urce:" +msgstr "Rec_urs:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:18 +msgid "Encr_yption required (TLS/SSL)" +msgstr "_Es requereix encriptació (TLS/SSL)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:19 +msgid "Use old SS_L" +msgstr "Utilitza l'SS_L antic" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:22 +msgid "Override server settings" +msgstr "Sobreescriu els paràmetres del servidor" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:24 msgid "What is your Jabber ID?" msgstr "Quin és el vostre identificador del Jabber?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:23 -msgid "What is your Jabber password?" -msgstr "Quina és la vostra contrasenya del Jabber?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:24 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:25 msgid "What is your desired Jabber ID?" msgstr "Quin identificador del Jabber voleu?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:25 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:26 +msgid "What is your Jabber password?" +msgstr "Quina és la vostra contrasenya del Jabber?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:27 msgid "What is your desired Jabber password?" msgstr "Quina contrasenya preferiu per al Jabber?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:3 msgid "Example: user@hotmail.com" msgstr "Exemple: usuari@hotmail.com" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your Windows Live ID?" msgstr "Quin és el vostre identificador del Windows Live?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your Windows Live password?" msgstr "Quina és la vostra contrasenya del Windows Live?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:2 -msgid "E-_mail address:" -msgstr "_Adreça electrònica:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:1 msgid "Nic_kname:" msgstr "_Sobrenom:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Last Name:" +msgstr "Co_gnoms:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:3 msgid "_First Name:" msgstr "_Nom:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Published Name:" +msgstr "Nom _públic:" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:5 msgid "_Jabber ID:" msgstr "_Jabber ID:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:6 -msgid "_Last Name:" -msgstr "Co_gnoms:" +msgid "E-_mail address:" +msgstr "_Adreça electrònica:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:7 -msgid "_Published Name:" -msgstr "Nom _públic:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Username:" +msgstr "N_om d'usuari:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:3 msgid "Example: user@my.sip.server" msgstr "Exemple: usuari@el.meu.servidor.sip" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:3 -msgid "Authentication username:" -msgstr "Nom d'usuari per l'autenticació:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:5 +msgid "Use this account to call _landlines and mobile phones" +msgstr "Utilitza aquest compte per fer trucades a _fixes i a mòbils" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:4 -msgid "Discover Binding" -msgstr "Descobreix la vinculació" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:6 +msgid "NAT Traversal Options" +msgstr "Opcions del travessament del NAT" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:7 +msgid "Proxy Options" +msgstr "Opcions del servidor intermediari" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:8 +msgid "Miscellaneous Options" +msgstr "Opcions diverses" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:9 +msgid "STUN Server:" +msgstr "Servidor STUN:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:10 msgid "Discover the STUN server automatically" msgstr "Descobreix automàticament el servidor STUN" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:6 -msgid "Ignore TLS Errors" -msgstr "Ignora els errors de la TLS" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:11 +msgid "Discover Binding" +msgstr "Descobreix la vinculació" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:7 -msgid "Interval (seconds)" -msgstr "Interval (segons)" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:12 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:114 +msgid "Server:" +msgstr "Servidor:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:13 msgid "Keep-Alive Options" msgstr "Opcions del manteniment de la connexió oberta" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:9 -msgid "Loose Routing" -msgstr "Encaminament flexible" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:10 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:14 msgid "Mechanism:" msgstr "Mecanisme:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:11 -msgid "Miscellaneous Options" -msgstr "Opcions diverses" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:12 -msgid "NAT Traversal Options" -msgstr "Opcions del travessament del NAT" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:15 +msgid "Interval (seconds)" +msgstr "Interval (segons)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:14 -msgid "Port:" -msgstr "Port:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:16 +msgid "Authentication username:" +msgstr "Nom d'usuari per l'autenticació:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:15 -msgid "Proxy Options" -msgstr "Opcions del servidor intermediari" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:17 +msgid "Transport:" +msgstr "Transport:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:18 -msgid "STUN Server:" -msgstr "Servidor STUN:" +msgid "Loose Routing" +msgstr "Encaminament flexible" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:19 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:347 -msgid "Server:" -msgstr "Servidor:" +msgid "Ignore TLS Errors" +msgstr "Ignora els errors de la TLS" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:20 -msgid "Transport:" -msgstr "Transport:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:21 -msgid "Use this account to call _landlines and mobile phones" -msgstr "Utilitza aquest compte per fer trucades a _fixes i a mòbils" +msgid "Port:" +msgstr "Port:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:22 -msgid "What is your SIP account password?" -msgstr "Quina és la vostra contrasenya del compte de SIP?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:23 msgid "What is your SIP login ID?" msgstr "Quin és el vostre identificador d'entrada de SIP?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:24 -msgid "_Username:" -msgstr "N_om d'usuari:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:23 +msgid "What is your SIP account password?" +msgstr "Quina és la vostra contrasenya del compte de SIP?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:2 +msgid "Yahoo! I_D:" +msgstr "I_D del Yahoo!:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:5 msgid "I_gnore conference and chat room invitations" msgstr "_Ignora les invitacions de conferència i de sala de xat" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Room List locale:" +msgstr "_Localització de la llista de la sala:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:10 msgid "What is your Yahoo! ID?" msgstr "Quin és el vostre identificador del Yahoo!?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:11 msgid "What is your Yahoo! password?" msgstr "Quina és la vostra contrasenya del Yahoo!?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:9 -msgid "Yahoo! I_D:" -msgstr "I_D del Yahoo!:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:11 -msgid "_Room List locale:" -msgstr "_Localització de la llista de la sala:" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:471 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:556 msgid "Couldn't convert image" @@ -1348,61 +1385,65 @@ msgid "Click to enlarge" msgstr "Feu clic per fer-la més gran" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:44 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:42 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:60 msgid "There was an error starting the call" msgstr "S'ha produït un error en iniciar la trucada" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:51 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:49 msgid "The specified contact doesn't support calls" msgstr "El contacte que heu seleccionat no permet trucades" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:53 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:51 msgid "The specified contact is offline" msgstr "El contacte seleccionat està fora de línia" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:55 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:53 msgid "The specified contact is not valid" msgstr "El contacte seleccionat no és vàlid" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:57 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:55 msgid "Emergency calls are not supported on this protocol" msgstr "Aquest protocol no permet fer trucades d'emergència" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:704 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:57 +msgid "You don't have enough credit in order to place this call" +msgstr "No teniu prou saldo per fer aquesta trucada" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:729 msgid "Failed to open private chat" msgstr "No s'ha pogut obrir un xat privat" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:765 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:787 msgid "Topic not supported on this conversation" msgstr "No es pot establir el tema en aquesta conversa" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:771 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:793 msgid "You are not allowed to change the topic" msgstr "No podeu canviar el tema" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:975 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:992 #, c-format msgid "“%s” is not a valid contact ID" msgstr "«%s» no és un identificador de contacte vàlid" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1060 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1087 msgid "/clear: clear all messages from the current conversation" msgstr "/clear: neteja tots els missatges de la conversa actual" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1063 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1090 msgid "/topic : set the topic of the current conversation" msgstr "/topic : estableix el tema de la conversa actual" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1066 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1093 msgid "/join : join a new chat room" msgstr "/join : entra a una sala de xat nova" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1069 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1096 msgid "/j : join a new chat room" msgstr "/j : entra a una sala de xat nova" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1073 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1100 msgid "" "/part [] []: leave the chat room, by default the " "current one" @@ -1410,23 +1451,23 @@ "/part [] []: sortiu de la sala de " "xat, si no s'indica el contrari, l'actual" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1077 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1104 msgid "/query []: open a private chat" msgstr "/query [missatge]: obre un xat privat" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1080 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1107 msgid "/msg : open a private chat" msgstr "/msg : obre un xat privat" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1083 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1110 msgid "/nick : change your nickname on the current server" msgstr "/nick : canvieu el vostre sobrenom en el servidor actual" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1086 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1113 msgid "/me : send an ACTION message to the current conversation" msgstr "/me : envia un missatge d'ACCIÓ a la conversa actual" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1089 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1116 msgid "" "/say : send to the current conversation. This is used to " "send a message starting with a '/'. For example: \"/say /join is used to " @@ -1436,12 +1477,12 @@ "enviar un missatge que comenci per «/». Per exemple: «/say /join s'utilitza " "per entrar a una sala de xat nova»" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1094 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1121 msgid "/whois : display information about a contact" msgstr "" "/whois : mostra informació sobre el contacte" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1097 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1124 msgid "" "/help []: show all supported commands. If is defined, " "show its usage." @@ -1449,113 +1490,127 @@ "/help []: mostra totes les ordres possibles. Si s'indica una " "es mostra com s'ha d'utilitzar." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1114 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1143 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s" msgstr "Forma d'ús: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1159 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1188 msgid "Unknown command" msgstr "Ordre desconeguda" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1285 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1314 msgid "Unknown command; see /help for the available commands" msgstr "Ordre desconeguda, vegeu /help per a la llista d'ordres disponibles" -#. translators: error used when user doesn't have enough credit on his -#. * account to send the message. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1455 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1565 msgid "insufficient balance to send message" msgstr "no hi ha prou saldo per enviar el missatge" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1457 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1569 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1583 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1646 +#, c-format +msgid "Error sending message '%s': %s" +msgstr "S'ha produït un error en enviar el missatge «%s»: %s" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1571 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1588 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1650 +#, c-format +msgid "Error sending message: %s" +msgstr "S'ha produït un error en enviar el missatge: %s" + +#. translators: error used when user doesn't have enough credit on his +#. * account to send the message. +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1577 +#, c-format +msgid "insufficient balance to send message. Top up." +msgstr "" +"no hi ha prou saldo per enviar el missatge. Recarrega." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1617 msgid "not capable" msgstr "no es pot realitzar" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1464 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1624 msgid "offline" msgstr "desconnectat" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1467 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1627 msgid "invalid contact" msgstr "contacte no vàlid" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1470 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1630 msgid "permission denied" msgstr "s'ha denegat el permís" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1473 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1633 msgid "too long message" msgstr "el missatge és massa llarg" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1476 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1636 msgid "not implemented" msgstr "no implementat" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1480 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1640 msgid "unknown" msgstr "desconegut" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1486 -#, c-format -msgid "Error sending message '%s': %s" -msgstr "S'ha produït un error en enviar el missatge «%s»: %s" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1490 -#, c-format -msgid "Error sending message: %s" -msgstr "S'ha produït un error en enviar el missatge: %s" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1551 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:761 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1707 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:920 msgid "Topic:" msgstr "Tema:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1563 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1722 #, c-format msgid "Topic set to: %s" msgstr "Tema establert a: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1565 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1724 +#, c-format +msgid "Topic set by %s to: %s" +msgstr "Tema establert per %s a: %s" + +#. No need to display this 'event' is no topic can be defined anyway +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1729 msgid "No topic defined" msgstr "No s'ha definit cap tema" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2074 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2245 msgid "(No Suggestions)" msgstr "(Cap suggeriment)" #. translators: %s is the selected word -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2142 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2313 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to Dictionary" msgstr "Afegeix «%s» al diccionari" #. translators: first %s is the selected word, #. * second %s is the language name of the target dictionary -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2179 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2350 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to %s Dictionary" msgstr "Afegeix «%s» al diccionari %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2249 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2420 msgid "Insert Smiley" msgstr "Insereix una emoticona" #. send button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2267 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1839 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2438 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1880 msgid "_Send" msgstr "_Envia" #. Spelling suggestions -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2321 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2495 msgid "_Spelling Suggestions" msgstr "_Suggeriments d'ortografia" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2410 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2584 msgid "Failed to retrieve recent logs" msgstr "No s'han pogut recuperar els registres recents" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2547 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2723 #, c-format msgid "%s has disconnected" msgstr "En/na %s s'ha desconnectat" @@ -1563,12 +1618,12 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the kicked should come before the kicker in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2554 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2730 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was kicked by %2$s" msgstr "En/na %2$s ha expulsat en/na %1$s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2557 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2733 #, c-format msgid "%s was kicked" msgstr "S'ha expulsat en/na %s" @@ -1576,17 +1631,17 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the banned should come before the banner in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2565 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2741 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was banned by %2$s" msgstr "En/na %2$s ha bandejat en/na %1$s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2568 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2744 #, c-format msgid "%s was banned" msgstr "s'ha bandejat en/na %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2572 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2748 #, c-format msgid "%s has left the room" msgstr "En/na %s ha sortit de la sala" @@ -1596,17 +1651,17 @@ #. * given by the user living the room. If this poses a problem, #. * please let us know. :-) #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2581 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2757 #, c-format msgid " (%s)" msgstr " (%s)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2606 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2782 #, c-format msgid "%s has joined the room" msgstr "En/na %s ha entrat a la sala" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2631 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2807 #, c-format msgid "%s is now known as %s" msgstr "En/na %s ara es diu %s" @@ -1614,90 +1669,90 @@ #. We don't know if the incoming call has been accepted or not, so we #. * assume it hasn't and if it has, we'll set the proper status when #. * we get the new handler. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2784 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1894 -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1240 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1432 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1482 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2527 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2994 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1888 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1279 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1502 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1552 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2590 msgid "Disconnected" msgstr "Fora de línia" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3428 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3658 msgid "Would you like to store this password?" msgstr "Voleu emmagatzemar aquesta contrasenya?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3434 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3664 msgid "Remember" msgstr "Recorda-la" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3444 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3674 msgid "Not now" msgstr "Ara no" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3488 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3718 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-bad-password-dialog.c:142 msgid "Retry" msgstr "Torna-ho a intentar" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3492 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3722 msgid "Wrong password; please try again:" msgstr "Contrasenya errònia, torneu-ho a intentar:" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3622 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3852 msgid "This room is protected by a password:" msgstr "Aquesta sala és protegida per una contrasenya:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3649 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3879 msgid "Join" msgstr "Uneix-m'hi" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3851 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1261 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4071 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1300 msgid "Connected" msgstr "Connectat" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3906 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4126 msgid "Conversation" msgstr "Conversa" #. Translators: this string is a something like #. * "Escher Cat (SMS)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3911 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4131 #, c-format msgid "%s (SMS)" msgstr "%s (SMS)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:424 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:262 msgid "Unknown or invalid identifier" msgstr "Identificador desconegut o no vàlid" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:426 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:264 msgid "Contact blocking temporarily unavailable" msgstr "No està disponible, temporalment, el blocatge de contactes" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:428 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:266 msgid "Contact blocking unavailable" msgstr "No es poden blocar contactes" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:430 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:268 msgid "Permission Denied" msgstr "S'ha denegat el permís" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:434 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:272 msgid "Could not block contact" msgstr "No s'ha pogut blocar el contacte" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:774 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:610 msgid "Edit Blocked Contacts" msgstr "Editeu els contactes blocats" #. Account and Identifier #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:512 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1489 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-selector-dialog.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:506 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1474 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:7 msgid "Account:" msgstr "Compte:" @@ -1705,465 +1760,363 @@ msgid "Blocked Contacts" msgstr "Contactes blocats" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:5 -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Remove" -msgstr "Suprimeix" - #. Copy Link Address menu item -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:320 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:322 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-webkit-utils.c:277 msgid "_Copy Link Address" msgstr "_Copia l'adreça de l'enllaç" #. Open Link menu item -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:327 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:329 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-webkit-utils.c:284 msgid "_Open Link" msgstr "_Obre l'enllaç" #. Translators: timestamp displayed between conversations in #. * chat windows (strftime format string) -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:415 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:417 msgid "%A %B %d %Y" msgstr "%A %B %d %Y" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:299 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-edit-dialog.c:247 -msgid "Edit Contact Information" -msgstr "Edita la informació del contacte" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:350 -msgid "Personal Information" -msgstr "Informació personal" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:459 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:119 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:326 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:118 msgid "New Contact" msgstr "Contacte nou" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:533 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:200 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:395 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:197 #, c-format msgid "Block %s?" msgstr "Voleu blocar %s?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:538 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:255 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:400 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:252 #, c-format msgid "Are you sure you want to block '%s' from contacting you again?" msgstr "Segur que voleu blocar «%s» perquè no us contacti més?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:543 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:277 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:405 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:274 msgid "_Block" msgstr "_Bloca" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:559 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:286 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:423 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:283 msgid "_Report this contact as abusive" msgid_plural "_Report these contacts as abusive" msgstr[0] "_Informa que aquest contacte es comporta incorrectament" msgstr[1] "_Informa que aquests contactes es comporten incorrectament" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:1 -msgid "Decide _Later" -msgstr "Ho _decidiré més tard" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:2 msgid "Subscription Request" msgstr "Sol·licitud de subscripció" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:2 msgid "_Block User" msgstr "_Bloca l'usuari" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-store.h:71 -msgid "Ungrouped" -msgstr "Sense grup" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-store.h:72 -msgid "Favorite People" -msgstr "Persones preferides" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:1986 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2376 -#, c-format -msgid "Do you really want to remove the group '%s'?" -msgstr "Segur que voleu suprimir el grup «%s»?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:1988 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2379 -msgid "Removing group" -msgstr "S'està suprimint el grup" - -#. Remove -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2037 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2114 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2434 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2637 -msgid "_Remove" -msgstr "_Suprimeix" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2067 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2501 -#, c-format -msgid "Do you really want to remove the contact '%s'?" -msgstr "Segur que voleu suprimir el contacte «%s»?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2069 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2522 -msgid "Removing contact" -msgstr "Suprimeix el contacte" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:220 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:14 -msgid "_Add Contact…" -msgstr "_Afegeix un contacte…" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:300 -msgid "_Block Contact" -msgstr "_Bloca el contacte" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:329 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:758 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:16 -msgid "_Chat" -msgstr "_Xat" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:361 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:849 -msgctxt "menu item" -msgid "_Audio Call" -msgstr "Trucada de _veu" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:394 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:894 -msgctxt "menu item" -msgid "_Video Call" -msgstr "_Trucada de vídeo" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:440 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:947 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:27 -msgid "_Previous Conversations" -msgstr "Converses _anteriors" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:462 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:988 -msgid "Send File" -msgstr "Envia un fitxer" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:485 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1030 -msgid "Share My Desktop" -msgstr "Comparteix el meu escriptori" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:525 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1886 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1065 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1372 -msgid "Favorite" -msgstr "Preferit" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:554 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1093 -msgid "Infor_mation" -msgstr "Infor_mació" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:600 -msgctxt "Edit contact (contextual menu)" -msgid "_Edit" -msgstr "_Edita" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:654 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1284 -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:1011 -msgid "Inviting you to this room" -msgstr "Se us està convidant a aquesta sala" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:685 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1330 -msgid "_Invite to Chat Room" -msgstr "_Convida a la sala de xat" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:3 +msgid "Decide _Later" +msgstr "Ho _decidiré més tard" #. Title -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:505 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:499 msgid "Search contacts" msgstr "Cerca de contactes" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:535 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:529 msgid "Search: " msgstr "Cerca: " -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:593 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:587 msgid "_Add Contact" msgstr "_Afegeix un contacte" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:611 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:605 msgid "No contacts found" msgstr "No s'ha trobat cap contacte" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:627 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:621 msgid "Your message introducing yourself:" msgstr "El vostre missatge d'introducció:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:635 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:629 msgid "Please let me see when you're online. Thanks!" msgstr "Permeta'm veure quan estàs en línia. Gràcies." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-selector.c:129 -msgid "Select a contact" -msgstr "Seleccioneu un contacte" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:336 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:153 -msgid "Full name:" -msgstr "Nom complet:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:337 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:154 -msgid "Phone number:" -msgstr "Número de telèfon:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:338 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:155 -msgid "E-mail address:" -msgstr "Adreça electrònica:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:339 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:156 -msgid "Website:" -msgstr "Lloc web:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:340 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:157 -msgid "Birthday:" -msgstr "Aniversari:" - -#. Note to translators: this is the caption for a string of the form "5 -#. * minutes ago", and refers to the time since the contact last interacted -#. * with their IM client. -#. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:346 -msgid "Last seen:" -msgstr "Vist per últim cop:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:348 -msgid "Connected from:" -msgstr "Connectat des de:" - -#. FIXME: once Idle implements SimplePresence using this information, we can -#. * and should bin this. -#. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:353 -msgid "Away message:" -msgstr "Missatge d'absència:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:606 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:567 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:304 msgid "Channels:" msgstr "Canals:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:897 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:469 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:747 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:455 msgid "Country ISO Code:" msgstr "Codi ISO del país:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:899 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:471 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:749 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:457 msgid "Country:" msgstr "País:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:901 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:473 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:751 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:459 msgid "State:" msgstr "Estat:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:903 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:475 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:753 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:461 msgid "City:" msgstr "Ciutat:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:905 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:477 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:755 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:463 msgid "Area:" msgstr "Àrea:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:907 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:479 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:757 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:465 msgid "Postal Code:" msgstr "Codi postal:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:909 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:481 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:759 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:467 msgid "Street:" msgstr "Carrer:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:911 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:483 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:761 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:469 msgid "Building:" msgstr "Edifici:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:913 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:485 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:763 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:471 msgid "Floor:" msgstr "Planta:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:915 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:487 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:765 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:473 msgid "Room:" msgstr "Habitació:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:917 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:489 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:767 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:475 msgid "Text:" msgstr "Text:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:919 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:491 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:769 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:477 msgid "Description:" msgstr "Descripció:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:921 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:493 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:771 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:479 msgid "URI:" msgstr "URI:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:923 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:495 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:773 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:481 msgid "Accuracy Level:" msgstr "Nivell de precisió:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:925 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:497 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:775 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:483 msgid "Error:" msgstr "Error:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:927 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:499 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:777 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:485 msgid "Vertical Error (meters):" msgstr "Error vertical (metres):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:929 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:501 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:779 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:487 msgid "Horizontal Error (meters):" msgstr "Error horitzontal (metres):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:931 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:503 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:781 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:489 msgid "Speed:" msgstr "Velocitat:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:933 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:505 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:783 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:491 msgid "Bearing:" msgstr "Direcció:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:935 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:507 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:785 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:493 msgid "Climb Speed:" msgstr "Velocitat de pujada:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:937 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:509 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:787 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:495 msgid "Last Updated on:" msgstr "Última actualització a:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:939 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:511 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:789 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:497 msgid "Longitude:" msgstr "Longitud:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:941 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:513 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:791 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:499 msgid "Latitude:" msgstr "Latitud:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:943 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:515 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:793 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:501 msgid "Altitude:" msgstr "Altitud:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:996 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1011 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:607 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:622 -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:17 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:846 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:861 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:593 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:608 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:35 msgid "Location" msgstr "Ubicació" #. translators: format is "Location, $date" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1013 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:624 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:863 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:610 #, c-format msgid "%s, %s" msgstr "%s el %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1065 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:673 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:915 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:659 msgid "%B %e, %Y at %R UTC" msgstr "%e de %B de %Y a les %R UTC" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1147 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:915 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:997 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:900 msgid "Save Avatar" msgstr "Desa l'avatar" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1203 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:973 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1053 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:958 msgid "Unable to save avatar" msgstr "No s'ha pogut desar l'avatar" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:1 -msgid "Location at (date)\t" -msgstr "Ubicació a (data)\t" - -#. Alias -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1308 -msgid "Alias:" -msgstr "Àlies:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:4 -msgid "Client Information" -msgstr "Informació del client" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:5 -msgid "Client:" -msgstr "Client:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1444 +msgid "Personal Details" +msgstr "Dades personals" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1447 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:2 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:3 msgid "Contact Details" msgstr "Detalls del contacte" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:104 +msgid "Full name" +msgstr "Nom complet" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:105 +msgid "Phone number" +msgstr "Número de telèfon" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:106 +msgid "E-mail address" +msgstr "Adreça electrònica" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:107 +msgid "Website" +msgstr "Lloc web" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:108 +msgid "Birthday" +msgstr "Aniversari" + +#. Note to translators: this is the caption for a string of the form "5 +#. * minutes ago", and refers to the time since the contact last interacted +#. * with their IM client. +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:113 +msgid "Last seen:" +msgstr "Vist per últim cop:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:115 +msgid "Connected from:" +msgstr "Connectat des de:" + +#. FIXME: once Idle implements SimplePresence using this information, we can +#. * and should bin this. +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:119 +msgid "Away message:" +msgstr "Missatge d'absència:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:132 +msgid "work" +msgstr "feina" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:133 +msgid "home" +msgstr "casa" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:134 +msgid "mobile" +msgstr "mòbil" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:135 +msgid "voice" +msgstr "veu" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:136 +msgid "preferred" +msgstr "preferit" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:137 +msgid "postal" +msgstr "codi postal" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:138 +msgid "parcel" +msgstr "parcel·la" + #. Identifier to connect to Instant Messaging network #. Translators: Identifier to connect to Instant Messaging network -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:8 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1517 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1502 msgid "Identifier:" msgstr "Identificador:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:3 +#. Alias +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1293 +msgid "Alias:" +msgstr "Àlies:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:5 +msgid "Location at (date)\t" +msgstr "Ubicació a (data)\t" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:4 msgid "Information requested…" msgstr "S'ha demanat la informació…" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:10 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:8 +msgid "Client Information" +msgstr "Informació del client" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:9 msgid "OS:" msgstr "SO:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:10 msgid "Version:" msgstr "Versió:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:333 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:11 +msgid "Client:" +msgstr "Client:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:331 msgid "Groups" msgstr "Grups" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:345 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:343 msgid "" "Select the groups you want this contact to appear in. Note that you can " "select more than one group or no groups." @@ -2171,105 +2124,176 @@ "Seleccioneu els grups en els quals voleu que hi hagi aquest contacte. Podeu " "seleccionar-ne més d'un o bé cap." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:364 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:362 msgid "_Add Group" msgstr "_Afegeix un grup" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:399 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:397 msgctxt "verb in a column header displaying group names" msgid "Select" msgstr "Seleccioneu" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:409 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1807 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:407 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1970 msgid "Group" msgstr "Grup" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:260 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:257 msgid "The following identity will be blocked:" msgid_plural "The following identities will be blocked:" msgstr[0] "Es blocarà la identitat següent:" msgstr[1] "Es blocaran les identitats següents:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:267 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:264 msgid "The following identity can not be blocked:" msgid_plural "The following identities can not be blocked:" msgstr[0] "No es pot blocar la identitat següent:" msgstr[1] "No es poden blocar les identitats següents:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-edit-dialog.c:247 +msgid "Edit Contact Information" +msgstr "Edita la informació del contacte" + #. Translators: the heading at the top of the Information dialogue #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-information-dialog.c:288 msgid "Linked Contacts" msgstr "Metacontactes" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-linker.c:370 -msgid "Select contacts to link" -msgstr "Seleccioneu els contactes a enllaçar" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-linker.c:444 -msgid "New contact preview" -msgstr "Previsualització del contacte nou" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-linker.c:488 -msgid "Contacts selected in the list on the left will be linked together." -msgstr "S'enllaçaran els contactes seleccionats a la llista de l'esquerra." - #. Translators: this is used in the context menu for a contact. The first #. * parameter is a contact ID (e.g. foo@jabber.org) and the second is one #. * of the user's account IDs (e.g. me@hotmail.com). -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:145 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:173 #, c-format msgid "%s (%s)" msgstr "%s (%s)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:309 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:345 msgid "Select account to use to place the call" msgstr "Seleccioneu el compte amb el que voleu fer la trucada" #. translators: Call is a noun. This string is used in the window #. * title -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:313 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:2 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1299 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:349 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1290 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:18 msgid "Call" msgstr "Trucada" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:378 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:414 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Mòbil" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:380 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:416 msgid "Work" msgstr "Feina" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:382 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:418 msgid "HOME" msgstr "Casa" -#. add an SMS button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:804 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:215 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:659 +msgid "_Block Contact" +msgstr "_Bloca el contacte" + +#. add chat button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1018 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:319 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Chat" +msgstr "_Xat" + +#. add SMS button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1053 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:313 msgid "_SMS" msgstr "_SMS" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1142 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1086 +msgctxt "menu item" +msgid "_Audio Call" +msgstr "Trucada de _veu" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1119 +msgctxt "menu item" +msgid "_Video Call" +msgstr "_Trucada de vídeo" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1160 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Previous Conversations" +msgstr "Converses _anteriors" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1189 +msgid "Send File" +msgstr "Envia un fitxer" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1219 +msgid "Share My Desktop" +msgstr "Comparteix el meu escriptori" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1245 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1357 +msgid "Favorite" +msgstr "Preferit" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1264 +msgid "gnome-contacts not installed" +msgstr "El Contactes del GNOME no està instal·lat" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1267 +msgid "Please install gnome-contacts to access contacts details." +msgstr "" +"Instal·leu el Contactes del GNOME per accedir a les dades dels contactes." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1398 +msgid "Infor_mation" +msgstr "Infor_mació" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1447 msgctxt "Edit individual (contextual menu)" msgid "_Edit" msgstr "_Edita" -#. Translators: this is a verb meaning "to connect two contacts together -#. * to form a meta-contact". -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1168 -msgctxt "Link individual (contextual menu)" -msgid "_Link Contacts…" -msgstr "_Enllaça els contactes…" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1564 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:1192 +msgid "Inviting you to this room" +msgstr "Se us està convidant a aquesta sala" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1610 +msgid "_Invite to Chat Room" +msgstr "_Convida a la sala de xat" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1806 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:5 +msgid "_Add Contact…" +msgstr "_Afegeix un contacte…" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2341 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2304 msgid "Delete and _Block" msgstr "Suprimeix i _bloca" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2510 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2339 +#, c-format +msgid "Do you really want to remove the group '%s'?" +msgstr "Segur que voleu suprimir el grup «%s»?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2342 +msgid "Removing group" +msgstr "S'està suprimint el grup" + +#. Remove +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2397 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2601 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_Suprimeix" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2474 +#, c-format +msgid "Do you really want to remove the contact '%s'?" +msgstr "Segur que voleu suprimir el contacte «%s»?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2483 #, c-format msgid "" "Do you really want to remove the linked contact '%s'? Note that this will " @@ -2278,7 +2302,11 @@ "Segur que voleu suprimir el metacontacte «%s»? Tingueu en compte que es " "suprimiran tots els contactes que formen aquest metacontacte." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1656 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2495 +msgid "Removing contact" +msgstr "Suprimeix el contacte" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1641 #, c-format msgid "Linked contact containing %u contact" msgid_plural "Linked contacts containing %u contacts" @@ -2289,23 +2317,23 @@ msgid "Location at (date)" msgstr "Ubicació a (data)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:2 msgid "Online from a phone or mobile device" msgstr "En línia des d'un telèfon o dispositiu mòbil" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:332 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:335 msgid "New Network" msgstr "Xarxa nova" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:527 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:530 msgid "Choose an IRC network" msgstr "Seleccioneu una xarxa d'IRC" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:584 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:587 msgid "Reset _Networks List" msgstr "Reinicia la llista de _xarxes" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:588 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:591 msgctxt "verb displayed on a button to select an IRC network" msgid "Select" msgstr "Selecciona" @@ -2314,254 +2342,256 @@ msgid "new server" msgstr "servidor nou" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:535 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:539 msgid "SSL" msgstr "SSL" -#. Translators: this is the title of the linking dialogue (reached by -#. * right-clicking on a contact and selecting "Link…"). "Link" in this title -#. * is a verb. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:115 -msgid "Link Contacts" -msgstr "Enllaceu contactes" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:120 -msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" -msgid "_Unlink…" -msgstr "_Desenllaça…" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:121 -msgid "" -"Completely split the displayed linked contacts into the separate contacts." -msgstr "" -"Separa completament el metacontacte que es mostra en contactes diferents." - -#. Add button -#. Translators: this is an action button in the linking dialogue. "Link" is -#. * used here as a verb meaning "to connect two contacts to form a -#. * meta-contact". -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:136 -msgid "_Link" -msgstr "_Enllaça" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:183 -#, c-format -msgid "Unlink linked contacts '%s'?" -msgstr "Voleu desenllaçar el metacontacte «%s»?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:186 -msgid "" -"Are you sure you want to unlink these linked contacts? This will completely " -"split the linked contacts into separate contacts." -msgstr "" -"Segur que voleu desenllaçar aquest metacontacte? Si ho feu separareu " -"completament el metacontacte en contactes diferents." - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:190 -msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" -msgid "_Unlink" -msgstr "_Desenllaça" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:634 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:620 msgid "History" msgstr "Historial" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:689 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:675 msgid "Show" msgstr "Mostra" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:711 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:697 msgid "Search" msgstr "Cerca" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1159 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1148 #, c-format msgid "Chat in %s" msgstr "Xat a %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1161 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1150 #, c-format msgid "Chat with %s" msgstr "Xat amb %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1211 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1358 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1200 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1347 msgctxt "A date with the time" msgid "%A, %e %B %Y %X" msgstr "%A %e de %B de %Y a les %X" #. Translators: this is an emote: '* Danielle waves' -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1300 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1289 #, c-format msgid "* %s %s" msgstr "* %s %s" #. Translators: this is a message: 'Danielle: hello' #. * The string in bold is the sender's name -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1306 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1295 #, c-format msgid "%s: %s" msgstr "%s: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1382 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1371 #, c-format msgid "%s second" msgid_plural "%s seconds" msgstr[0] "%s segon" msgstr[1] "%s segons" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1389 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1378 #, c-format msgid "%s minute" msgid_plural "%s minutes" msgstr[0] "%s minut" msgstr[1] "%s minuts" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1397 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1386 #, c-format msgid "Call took %s, ended at %s" msgstr "La trucada va durar %s i es va acabar a les %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1729 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1720 msgid "Today" msgstr "Avui" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1733 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1724 msgid "Yesterday" msgstr "Ahir" #. Translators: A date such as '23 May 2010' (strftime format) -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1748 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1739 msgid "%e %B %Y" msgstr "%e de %B de %Y" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1829 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3444 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1827 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3487 msgid "Anytime" msgstr "En qualsevol moment" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1916 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2372 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2400 msgid "Anyone" msgstr "Qualsevol" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2685 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2713 msgid "Who" msgstr "Qui" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2889 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2922 msgid "When" msgstr "Quan" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3005 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3038 msgid "Anything" msgstr "El que sigui" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3007 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3040 msgid "Text chats" msgstr "Xats de text" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3009 -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3042 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:25 msgid "Calls" msgstr "Trucades" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3014 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3047 msgid "Incoming calls" msgstr "Trucades entrants" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3015 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3048 msgid "Outgoing calls" msgstr "Trucades de sortida" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3016 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3049 msgid "Missed calls" msgstr "Trucades perdudes" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3038 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3071 msgid "What" msgstr "Què" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3747 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3780 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete all logs of previous conversations?" msgstr "" "Segur que voleu suprimir tots els registres de les converses anteriors?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3751 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3784 msgid "Clear All" msgstr "Neteja-ho tot" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3758 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3791 msgid "Delete from:" msgstr "Suprimeix a partir de:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:1 -msgid "Loading..." -msgstr "S'està carregant..." +msgid "_File" +msgstr "_Fitxer" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:3 -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Chat" -msgstr "Xat" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:2 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:9 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:12 +msgid "_Edit" +msgstr "_Edita" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:3 msgid "Delete All History..." msgstr "Suprimeix tot l'historial..." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:4 msgid "Profile" msgstr "Perfil" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:6 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:22 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:20 -msgid "Video" -msgstr "Vídeo" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:5 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:19 +msgid "Chat" +msgstr "Xat" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:7 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:28 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:12 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:20 -msgid "_Edit" -msgstr "_Edita" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:26 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:19 +msgid "Video" +msgstr "Vídeo" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:8 -msgid "_File" -msgstr "_Fitxer" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:9 msgid "page 2" msgstr "pàgina 2" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-selector-dialog.ui.h:2 -msgid "Contact ID:" -msgstr "ID del contacte:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:9 +msgid "Loading..." +msgstr "S'està carregant..." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:83 +msgid "The contact is offline" +msgstr "El contacte està fora de línia" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:85 +msgid "The specified contact is either invalid or unknown" +msgstr "El contacte especificat o no és vàlid o es desconeix" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:87 +msgid "The contact does not support this kind of conversation" +msgstr "El contacte no pot establir aquest tipus de conversa" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:89 +msgid "The requested functionality is not implemented for this protocol" +msgstr "La funcionalitat sol·licitada no està disponible per aquest protocol" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:95 +msgid "Could not start a conversation with the given contact" +msgstr "No s'ha pogut iniciar una conversa amb aquest contacte" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:97 +msgid "You are banned from this channel" +msgstr "Heu estat bandejats d'aquesta sala de xat" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:99 +msgid "This channel is full" +msgstr "El canal està ple" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:101 +msgid "You must be invited to join this channel" +msgstr "Us han de convidar per entrar en aquest canal" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:103 +msgid "Can't proceed while disconnected" +msgstr "No es pot procedir mentre s'estigui desconnectat" -#. add chat button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:225 -msgid "C_hat" -msgstr "_Xat" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:105 +msgid "Permission denied" +msgstr "S'ha denegat el permís" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:111 +msgid "There was an error starting the conversation" +msgstr "S'ha produït un error en iniciar la conversa" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:290 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:200 +msgid "Enter a contact identifier or phone number:" +msgstr "Introduïu l'identificador del contacte o un número de telèfon:" #. Tweak the dialog -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:244 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:333 msgid "New Conversation" msgstr "Conversa nova" -#. add video toggle -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:204 -msgid "Send _Video" -msgstr "Envia _vídeo" +#. add video button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:223 +msgid "_Video Call" +msgstr "_Trucada de vídeo" -#. add chat button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:215 -msgid "C_all" -msgstr "_Trucada" +#. add audio button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:233 +msgid "_Audio Call" +msgstr "Trucada de _veu" #. Tweak the dialog -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:225 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:243 msgid "New Call" msgstr "Trucada nova" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-password-dialog.c:274 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-bad-password-dialog.c:130 +#, c-format +msgid "Authentification failed for account %s" +msgstr "Ha fallat l'autenticació del compte %s" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-base-password-dialog.c:224 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-password-dialog.c:134 #, c-format msgid "" "Enter your password for account\n" @@ -2598,12 +2628,8 @@ msgid "Set status" msgstr "Estableix l'estat" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:943 -msgid "Set your presence and current status" -msgstr "Establiu la presència i l'estat actual" - #. Custom messages -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:1131 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:1135 msgid "Custom messages…" msgstr "Missatges personalitzats…" @@ -2611,7 +2637,7 @@ #. To translator: %s is the name of the protocol, such as "Google Talk" or #. * "Yahoo!" #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-protocol-chooser.c:584 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-protocol-chooser.c:588 #, c-format msgid "New %s account" msgstr "Compte de %s nou" @@ -2621,20 +2647,20 @@ msgstr "Cerca:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:2 -msgid "Mat_ch case" -msgstr "_Coincidència de majúscules i minúscules" +msgid "_Previous" +msgstr "_Anterior" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:3 -msgid "Phrase not found" -msgstr "No s'ha trobat la frase" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:4 msgid "_Next" msgstr "Següe_nt" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:4 +msgid "Mat_ch case" +msgstr "_Coincidència de majúscules i minúscules" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:5 -msgid "_Previous" -msgstr "_Anterior" +msgid "Phrase not found" +msgstr "No s'ha trobat la frase" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-sound-manager.c:51 msgid "Received an instant message" @@ -2680,12 +2706,12 @@ msgid "Edit Custom Messages" msgstr "Edita els missatges personalitzats" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1036 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1051 #, c-format msgid "Message edited at %s" msgstr "S'ha editat el missatge a les %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1726 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1757 msgid "Normal" msgstr "Normal" @@ -2764,34 +2790,38 @@ msgstr "Nom de l'ordinador del certificat: %s" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:281 -msgid "Continue" -msgstr "Continua" +msgid "C_ontinue" +msgstr "_Continua" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:287 +msgid "Untrusted connection" +msgstr "Connexió no confiable" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:288 msgid "This connection is untrusted. Would you like to continue anyway?" msgstr "No es pot confiar en aquesta connexió. Tot i això, voleu continuar?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:297 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:298 msgid "Remember this choice for future connections" msgstr "Recorda aquesta decisió per a connexions futures" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:303 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:304 msgid "Certificate Details" msgstr "Dades del certificat" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1735 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1754 msgid "Unable to open URI" msgstr "No s'ha pogut obrir l'URI" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1831 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1872 msgid "Select a file" msgstr "Seleccioneu un fitxer" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1903 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1947 msgid "Insufficient free space to save file" msgstr "No hi ha prou espai lliure per desar el fitxer" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1911 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1955 #, c-format msgid "" "%s of free space are required to save this file, but only %s is available. " @@ -2800,7 +2830,7 @@ "Es necessita %s d'espai lliure per desar el fitxer, però només hi ha %s." "Seleccioneu una altra ubicació." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1955 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1999 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file from %s" msgstr "%s us envia un fitxer" @@ -2972,39 +3002,39 @@ msgid "Vietnamese" msgstr "Vietnamita" -#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:108 -msgid "The selected contact cannot receive files." -msgstr "El contacte seleccionat no pot rebre fitxers." - -#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:114 -msgid "The selected contact is offline." -msgstr "El contacte seleccionat està desconnectat." +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-calendar-button.c:66 +msgid "Select..." +msgstr "Seleccioneu..." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-calendar-button.c:154 +msgid "_Select" +msgstr "_Selecciona" -#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:169 +#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:202 msgid "No error message" msgstr "No hi ha missatge d'error" -#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:242 +#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:275 msgid "Instant Message (Empathy)" msgstr "Missatgeria instantània (Empathy)" -#: ../src/empathy.c:431 +#: ../src/empathy.c:435 msgid "Don't connect on startup" msgstr "No connectis en iniciar" -#: ../src/empathy.c:435 +#: ../src/empathy.c:439 msgid "Don't display the contact list or any other dialogs on startup" msgstr "No mostris la llista de contactes ni cap altre diàleg en iniciar" -#: ../src/empathy.c:450 +#: ../src/empathy.c:454 msgid "- Empathy IM Client" msgstr "- Client de missatgeria instantània Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy.c:637 +#: ../src/empathy.c:641 msgid "Error contacting the Account Manager" msgstr "S'ha produït un error en contactar amb el gestor de comptes" -#: ../src/empathy.c:639 +#: ../src/empathy.c:643 #, c-format msgid "" "There was an error while trying to connect to the Telepathy Account Manager. " @@ -3050,238 +3080,95 @@ "Hauríeu d'haver rebut una còpia de la Llicència Pública General GNU " "juntament amb l'Empathy; en cas contrari, escriviu a la Free Software " "Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-130159 " -"USA" - -#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:107 -msgid "An Instant Messaging client for GNOME" -msgstr "Un client de missatgeria instantània per al GNOME" - -#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:113 -msgid "translator-credits" -msgstr "" -"Jordi Mallach \n" -"Gil Forcada " - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:167 -msgid "There was an error while importing the accounts." -msgstr "S'ha produït un error en la importació dels comptes." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:170 -msgid "There was an error while parsing the account details." -msgstr "S'ha produït un error en analitzar les dades del compte." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:173 -msgid "There was an error while creating the account." -msgstr "S'ha produït un error en la creació del compte." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:175 -msgid "There was an error." -msgstr "S'ha produït un error." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:179 -#, c-format -msgid "The error message was: %s" -msgstr "El missatge d'error fou: %s" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:183 -msgid "" -"You can either go back and try to enter your accounts' details again or quit " -"this assistant and add accounts later from the Edit menu." -msgstr "" -"Podeu tornar enrere i tornar a entrar les dades del vostre compte un altre " -"cop o sortir de l'auxiliar i afegir els comptes més tard des del menú Edita." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:220 -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1271 -msgid "An error occurred" -msgstr "S'ha produït un error" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:467 -msgid "What kind of chat account do you have?" -msgstr "Quin tipus de compte de xat teniu?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:473 -msgid "Do you have any other chat accounts you want to set up?" -msgstr "Teniu altres comptes de xat que vulgueu configurar?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:479 -msgid "Enter your account details" -msgstr "Introduïu les dades del compte" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:484 -msgid "What kind of chat account do you want to create?" -msgstr "Quin tipus de compte de xat voleu crear?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:490 -msgid "Do you want to create other chat accounts?" -msgstr "Voleu crear altres comptes de xat?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:497 -msgid "Enter the details for the new account" -msgstr "Introduïu les dades del compte nou" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:612 -msgid "" -"With Empathy you can chat with people online nearby and with friends and " -"colleagues who use Google Talk, AIM, Windows Live and many other chat " -"programs. With a microphone or a webcam you can also have audio or video " -"calls." -msgstr "" -"Amb l'Empathy podeu parlar en línia amb persones que estiguin a prop així " -"com també amb amics que utilitzin el Google Talk, l'AIM, el Windows Live i " -"molts altres tipus de programes de xat. També podreu fer trucades de veu o " -"vídeo si teniu un micròfon o una càmera web." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:629 -msgid "Do you have an account you've been using with another chat program?" -msgstr "" -"Teniu algun compte que hàgiu utilitzat amb algun altre programa de xat?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:652 -msgid "Yes, import my account details from " -msgstr "Sí, importa les dades dels comptes de " - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:673 -msgid "Yes, I'll enter my account details now" -msgstr "Sí, ara introduiré les dades dels comptes" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:695 -msgid "No, I want a new account" -msgstr "No, vull crear un compte nou" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:705 -msgid "No, I just want to see people online nearby for now" -msgstr "" -"No, per ara només vull veure les persones que estan connectades per aquí a " -"prop" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:726 -msgid "Select the accounts you want to import:" -msgstr "Seleccioneu els comptes que voleu importar:" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:813 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:555 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:556 -msgid "Yes" -msgstr "Sí" +"USA" -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:820 -msgid "No, that's all for now" -msgstr "No, això és tot per ara" +#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:109 +msgid "An Instant Messaging client for GNOME" +msgstr "Un client de missatgeria instantània per al GNOME" -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1085 -msgid "" -"Empathy can automatically discover and chat with the people connected on the " -"same network as you. If you want to use this feature, please check that the " -"details below are correct. You can easily change these details later or " -"disable this feature by using the 'Accounts' dialog" +#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:115 +msgid "translator-credits" msgstr "" -"L'Empathy pot descobrir i conversar automàticament amb les persones que " -"estiguin connectades a la mateixa xarxa. Si voleu utilitzar aquesta funció " -"comproveu que les dades d'aquí a sota siguin correctes. Podeu canviar-les " -"fàcilment més endavant o inhabilitar aquesta funció des del diàleg de " -"«Comptes»." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1091 -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1147 -msgid "Edit->Accounts" -msgstr "Edita->Comptes" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1107 -msgid "I do _not want to enable this feature for now" -msgstr "_No vull habilitar aquesta funció per ara" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1143 -msgid "" -"You won't be able to chat with people connected to your local network, as " -"telepathy-salut is not installed. If you want to enable this feature, please " -"install the telepathy-salut package and create a People Nearby account from " -"the Accounts dialog" -msgstr "" -"No podreu xatejar amb les persones que estiguin connectades a la xarxa local " -"en que estigueu ja que el telepathy-salut no és instal·lat. Si voleu " -"habilitar aquesta funció, instal·leu el paquet telepathy-salut i creeu un " -"compte de «Gent propera» en el diàleg de Comptes." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1149 -msgid "telepathy-salut not installed" -msgstr "La telepathy-salut no està instal·lada" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1195 -msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts Assistant" -msgstr "Auxiliar per als comptes de missatgeria i VoIP" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1229 -msgid "Welcome to Empathy" -msgstr "Us donem la benvinguda a l'Empathy" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1238 -msgid "Import your existing accounts" -msgstr "Importeu els vostres comptes existents" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1256 -msgid "Please enter personal details" -msgstr "Introduïu les dades personals" +"Jordi Mallach \n" +"Gil Forcada " #. The primary text of the dialog shown to the user when he is about to lose #. * unsaved changes -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:64 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:72 #, c-format msgid "There are unsaved modifications to your %s account." msgstr "Hi ha modificacions no desades en el compte %s." #. The primary text of the dialog shown to the user when he is about to lose #. * an unsaved new account -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:68 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:76 msgid "Your new account has not been saved yet." msgstr "Encara no heu desat el vostre compte nou." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:345 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:754 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1216 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:381 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:759 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1289 msgid "Connecting…" msgstr "S'està connectant…" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:386 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:422 #, c-format msgid "Offline — %s" msgstr "Fora de línia — %s" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:398 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:434 #, c-format msgid "Disconnected — %s" msgstr "Fora de línia — %s" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:409 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:445 msgid "Offline — No Network Connection" msgstr "Fora de línia — No hi ha connexió de xarxa" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:416 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:452 msgid "Unknown Status" msgstr "Estat desconegut" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:428 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:469 +msgid "" +"This account has been disabled because it relies on an old, unsupported " +"backend. Please install telepathy-haze and restart your session to migrate " +"the account." +msgstr "" +"S'ha inhabilitat el compte degut a que depen d'un rerefons vell que s'ha " +"discontinuat. Instal·leu el telepathy-haze i reinicieu la sessió per migrar " +"el compte." + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:479 msgid "Offline — Account Disabled" msgstr "Fora de línia — Compte inhabilitat" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:831 -msgid "" -"You are about to create a new account, which will discard\n" -"your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" -msgstr "" -"Esteu a punt de crear un compte nou i perdreu els canvis\n" -"fets fins ara. Segur que voleu continuar?" +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:585 +msgid "Edit Connection Parameters" +msgstr "Edició dels paràmetres de la connexió" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:750 +msgid "Failed to retrieve your personal information from the server." +msgstr "No s'ha pogut recuperar la vostra informació personal del servidor." + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:756 +msgid "Go online to edit your personal information." +msgstr "Us heu de connectar per editar la informació personal." + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:843 +msgid "_Edit Connection Parameters..." +msgstr "_Edita els paràmetres de la connexió..." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1192 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1339 #, c-format msgid "Do you want to remove %s from your computer?" msgstr "Voleu suprimir %s de l'ordinador?" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1196 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1343 msgid "This will not remove your account on the server." msgstr "Amb això no se suprimirà el vostre compte del servidor." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1432 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1579 msgid "" "You are about to select another account, which will discard\n" "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" @@ -3290,15 +3177,23 @@ "canvis fets fins ara. Segur que voleu continuar?" #. Menu items: to enabled/disable the account -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1643 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1755 msgid "_Enable" msgstr "_Habilita" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1644 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1756 msgid "_Disable" msgstr "_Inhabilita" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2154 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2184 +msgid "_Skip" +msgstr "_Omet" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2188 +msgid "_Connect" +msgstr "_Connecta" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2365 msgid "" "You are about to close the window, which will discard\n" "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" @@ -3306,23 +3201,15 @@ "Esteu a punt de tancar la finestra i perdreu els canvis\n" "fets fins ara. Segur que voleu continuar?" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:1 -msgid "Add…" -msgstr "Afegeix…" - -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 -msgid "Loading account information" -msgstr "S'està carregant la informació del contacte" - #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:3 -msgid "No protocol installed" -msgstr "No hi ha cap protocol instal·lat" +msgid "_Import…" +msgstr "_Importa…" #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:4 -msgid "Protocol:" -msgstr "Protocol:" +msgid "Loading account information" +msgstr "S'està carregant la informació del contacte" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:5 msgid "" "To add a new account, you first have to install a backend for each protocol " "you want to use." @@ -3330,132 +3217,116 @@ "Per afegir un compte nou, primer heu d'instal·lar el rerefons de cada " "protocol que vulgueu utilitzar." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:7 -msgid "_Import…" -msgstr "_Importa…" +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:6 +msgid "No protocol backends installed" +msgstr "No hi ha cap protocol de rerefons instal·lat" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:249 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:288 msgid " - Empathy authentication client" msgstr " - Client d'autenticació de l'Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:265 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:304 msgid "Empathy authentication client" msgstr "Client d'autenticació de l'Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-auto-salut-account-helper.c:83 -msgid "People nearby" -msgstr "Gent propera" - -#: ../src/empathy-av.c:118 ../src/empathy-call.c:192 +#: ../src/empathy-av.c:118 ../src/empathy-call.c:201 msgid "- Empathy Audio/Video Client" msgstr "- Client d'àudio/vídeo de l'Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-av.c:134 ../src/empathy-call.c:217 +#: ../src/empathy-av.c:134 ../src/empathy-call.c:223 msgid "Empathy Audio/Video Client" msgstr "Client d'àudio/vídeo de l'Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:431 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:434 msgid "Contrast" msgstr "Contrast" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:434 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:437 msgid "Brightness" msgstr "Brillantor" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:437 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:440 msgid "Gamma" msgstr "Gamma" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:542 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:547 msgid "Volume" msgstr "Volum" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1110 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1099 msgid "_Sidebar" msgstr "Barra _lateral" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1130 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1119 msgid "Audio input" msgstr "Entrada d'àudio" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1134 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1123 msgid "Video input" msgstr "Entrada de vídeo" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1140 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1131 msgid "Dialpad" msgstr "Marcador" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1151 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1142 msgid "Details" msgstr "Dades" #. translators: Call is a noun and %s is the contact name. This string #. * is used in the window title -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1220 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1825 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1211 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1889 #, c-format msgid "Call with %s" msgstr "Trucada amb %s" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1453 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2069 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1444 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2133 msgid "The IP address as seen by the machine" msgstr "L'adreça IP des del punt de vista de la màquina" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1455 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2071 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1446 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2135 msgid "The IP address as seen by a server on the Internet" msgstr "L'adreça IP des del punt de vista d'un servidor d'Internet" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1457 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2073 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1448 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2137 msgid "The IP address of the peer as seen by the other side" msgstr "L'adreça IP d'un igual vist per l'altre l'igual" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1459 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2075 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1450 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2139 msgid "The IP address of a relay server" msgstr "L'adreça IP d'un servidor de repetició" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1461 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2077 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1452 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2141 msgid "The IP address of the multicast group" msgstr "L'adreça IP del grup de multidestinació" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1837 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1840 #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1843 -msgctxt "encoding video codec" -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Desconegut" - #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1846 -msgctxt "encoding audio codec" -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Desconegut" - -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1849 -msgctxt "decoding video codec" -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Desconegut" - -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1852 -msgctxt "decoding audio codec" +msgctxt "codec" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Desconegut" #. Translators: number of minutes:seconds the caller has been connected -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2144 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2138 #, c-format msgid "Connected — %d:%02dm" msgstr "Connectat -- %d:%02dm" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2205 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2846 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2199 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2992 msgid "Technical Details" msgstr "Detalls tècnics" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2243 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2884 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2237 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3031 #, c-format msgid "" "%s's software does not understand any of the audio formats supported by your " @@ -3464,8 +3335,8 @@ "El programari d'en/na %s no té cap format d'àudio dels que teniu en el " "vostre ordinador" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2248 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2889 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2242 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3036 #, c-format msgid "" "%s's software does not understand any of the video formats supported by your " @@ -3474,8 +3345,8 @@ "El programari d'en/na %s no té cap format de vídeo dels que teniu en el " "vostre ordinador" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2254 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2895 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2248 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3042 #, c-format msgid "" "Can't establish a connection to %s. One of you might be on a network that " @@ -3484,29 +3355,29 @@ "No s'ha pogut connectar amb en/na %s. Algú dels dos deu estar en una xarxa " "que no permet connexions directes." -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2260 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2901 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2254 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3048 msgid "There was a failure on the network" msgstr "Hi ha hagut una fallada en la xarxa" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2264 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2905 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2258 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3052 msgid "" "The audio formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" msgstr "" "Els formats d'àudio necessaris per a aquesta trucada no estan instal·lats en " "aquest ordinador" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2267 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2908 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2261 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3055 msgid "" "The video formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" msgstr "" "Els formats de vídeo necessaris per a aquesta trucada no estan instal·lats " "en aquest ordinador" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2277 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2920 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2271 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3067 #, c-format msgid "" "Something unexpected happened in a Telepathy component. Please Informeu d'aquesta errada i adjunteu-hi els registres recollits a la " "finestra «Depuració» del menú Ajuda." -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2285 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2929 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2279 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3076 msgid "There was a failure in the call engine" msgstr "Hi ha hagut una fallada en el motor de trucada" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2288 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2932 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2282 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3079 msgid "The end of the stream was reached" msgstr "S'ha arribat al final del flux" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2328 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2972 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2322 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3119 msgid "Can't establish audio stream" msgstr "No s'ha pogut establir el flux d'àudio" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2338 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2982 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2332 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3129 msgid "Can't establish video stream" msgstr "No s'ha pogut establir el flux de vídeo" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:1 ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:1 #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:1 -msgid "Audio" -msgstr "Àudio" +msgid "_Call" +msgstr "Tru_ca" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:3 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:5 -msgid "Decoding Codec:" -msgstr "Còdec de descodificació:" +msgid "_Microphone" +msgstr "_Micròfon" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:4 -msgid "Disable camera" -msgstr "Inhabilita la càmera" +msgid "_Camera" +msgstr "_Càmera" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:5 -msgid "Display the dialpad" -msgstr "Mostra el marcador" +msgid "_Settings" +msgstr "_Paràmetres" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:6 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:9 -msgid "Encoding Codec:" -msgstr "Còdec de codificació:" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:8 +msgid "_View" +msgstr "_Visualitza" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:7 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:10 -msgid "Hang up" -msgstr "Penja" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:7 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:27 +msgid "_Help" +msgstr "A_juda" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:8 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:11 -msgid "Hang up current call" -msgstr "Penja la trucada actual" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:8 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:18 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:28 +msgid "_Contents" +msgstr "_Continguts" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:9 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:12 -msgid "Local Candidate:" -msgstr "Candidat local:" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:29 +msgid "_Debug" +msgstr "_Depura" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:10 -msgid "Maximise me" -msgstr "Maximitza'm" +msgid "Swap camera" +msgstr "Canvia la càmera" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:11 msgid "Minimise me" msgstr "Minimitza'm" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:12 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:15 -msgid "Remote Candidate:" -msgstr "Candidat remot:" +msgid "Maximise me" +msgstr "Maximitza'm" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:13 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:16 -msgid "Send Audio" -msgstr "Envia àudio" +msgid "Disable camera" +msgstr "Inhabilita la càmera" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:14 -msgid "Send Video" -msgstr "Envia vídeo" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:2 +msgid "Hang up" +msgstr "Penja" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:15 -msgid "Show dialpad" -msgstr "Mostra el marcador" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:9 +msgid "Hang up current call" +msgstr "Penja la trucada actual" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "Video call" +msgstr "Trucada de vídeo" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:17 msgid "Start a video call" msgstr "Inicia una trucada de vídeo" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:19 msgid "Start an audio call" msgstr "Inicia una trucada d'àudio" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:18 -msgid "Swap camera" -msgstr "Canvia la càmera" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:19 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:17 -msgid "Toggle audio transmission" -msgstr "Commuta la transmissió d'àudio" - #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:20 -msgid "Toggle video transmission" -msgstr "Commuta la transmissió de vídeo" +msgid "Show dialpad" +msgstr "Mostra el marcador" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:21 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:18 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2476 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2477 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2478 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2479 -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Desconegut" +msgid "Display the dialpad" +msgstr "Mostra el marcador" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:22 +msgid "Send Video" +msgstr "Envia vídeo" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:23 -msgid "Video call" -msgstr "Trucada de vídeo" +msgid "Toggle video transmission" +msgstr "Commuta la transmissió de vídeo" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:24 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:24 -msgid "_Call" -msgstr "Tru_ca" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:11 +msgid "Send Audio" +msgstr "Envia àudio" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:25 -msgid "_Camera" -msgstr "_Càmera" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:26 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:9 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:18 -msgid "_Contents" -msgstr "_Continguts" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:12 +msgid "Toggle audio transmission" +msgstr "Commuta la transmissió d'àudio" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:27 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:19 -msgid "_Debug" -msgstr "_Depura" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:20 +msgid "Encoding Codec:" +msgstr "Còdec de codificació:" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:29 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:14 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:22 -msgid "_Help" -msgstr "A_juda" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:28 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:21 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2542 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2543 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2544 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2545 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Desconegut" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:29 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:22 +msgid "Decoding Codec:" +msgstr "Còdec de descodificació:" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:30 -msgid "_Microphone" -msgstr "_Micròfon" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:23 +msgid "Remote Candidate:" +msgstr "Candidat remot:" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:31 -msgid "_Settings" -msgstr "_Paràmetres" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:24 +msgid "Local Candidate:" +msgstr "Candidat local:" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:32 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:30 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:32 ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:24 #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:25 -msgid "_View" -msgstr "_Visualitza" +msgid "Audio" +msgstr "Àudio" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:481 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:501 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:289 +msgid "Close this window?" +msgstr "Voleu tancar aquesta finestra?" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:294 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Closing this window will leave %s. You will not receive any further messages " +"until you rejoin it." +msgstr "" +"Si tanqueu la finestra sortireu de %s. No rebreu cap més missatge fins que " +"no hi torneu a entrar." + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:305 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Closing this window will leave a chat room. You will not receive any further " +"messages until you rejoin it." +msgid_plural "" +"Closing this window will leave %u chat rooms. You will not receive any " +"further messages until you rejoin them." +msgstr[0] "" +"Si tanqueu la finestra sortireu d'una sala de xat. No rebreu més missatges " +"fins que no hi torneu a entrar." +msgstr[1] "" +"Si tanqueu la finestra sortireu de %u sales de xat. No rebreu més missatges " +"fins que no hi torneu a entrar." + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:314 +#, c-format +msgid "Leave %s?" +msgstr "Voleu sortir de %s?" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:315 +msgid "" +"You will not receive any further messages from this chat room until you " +"rejoin it." +msgstr "" +"No rebreu cap més missatge d'aquesta sala de xat fins que no hi torneu a " +"entrar-hi." + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:334 +msgid "Close window" +msgstr "Tanca la finestra" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:334 +msgid "Leave room" +msgstr "Surt de la sala" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:640 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:660 #, c-format msgid "%s (%d unread)" msgid_plural "%s (%d unread)" msgstr[0] "%s (%d sense llegir)" msgstr[1] "%s (%d sense llegir)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:493 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:652 #, c-format msgid "%s (and %u other)" msgid_plural "%s (and %u others)" msgstr[0] "%s (i %u altre)" msgstr[1] "%s (i %u altres)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:509 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:668 #, c-format msgid "%s (%d unread from others)" msgid_plural "%s (%d unread from others)" msgstr[0] "%s (%d sense llegir d'altres)" msgstr[1] "%s (%d sense llegir d'altres)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:518 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:677 #, c-format msgid "%s (%d unread from all)" msgid_plural "%s (%d unread from all)" msgstr[0] "%s (%d sense llegir de tots)" msgstr[1] "%s (%d sense llegir de tots)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:733 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:892 msgid "SMS:" msgstr "SMS:" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:743 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:902 #, c-format msgid "Sending %d message" msgid_plural "Sending %d messages" msgstr[0] "S'està enviant %d missatge" msgstr[1] "S'estan enviant %d missatges" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:765 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:924 msgid "Typing a message." msgstr "S'està escrivint un missatge." #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:1 -msgid "C_lear" -msgstr "_Neteja" +msgid "_Conversation" +msgstr "_Conversa" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:2 -msgid "C_ontact" -msgstr "C_ontacte" +msgid "C_lear" +msgstr "_Neteja" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:3 msgid "Insert _Smiley" msgstr "Insereix una e_moticona" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Favorite Chat Room" +msgstr "Sala de xat _preferida" + #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:5 -msgid "Invite _Participant…" -msgstr "Convida un _participant…" +msgid "Notify for All Messages" +msgstr "Notifica tots els missatges" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:6 -msgid "Move Tab _Left" -msgstr "Mou la pestanya a l'_esquerra" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:6 ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Show Contact List" +msgstr "_Mostra la llista de contactes" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:7 -msgid "Move Tab _Right" -msgstr "Mou la pestanya a la d_reta" +msgid "Invite _Participant…" +msgstr "Convida un _participant…" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:8 -msgid "Notify for All Messages" -msgstr "Notifica tots els missatges" +msgid "C_ontact" +msgstr "C_ontacte" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:10 -msgid "_Conversation" -msgstr "_Conversa" +msgid "_Tabs" +msgstr "Pes_tanyes" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:11 -msgid "_Detach Tab" -msgstr "D_esenganxa la pestanya" - -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:13 -msgid "_Favorite Chat Room" -msgstr "Sala de xat _preferida" - -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:15 -msgid "_Next Tab" -msgstr "Pestanya següe_nt" - -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:16 msgid "_Previous Tab" msgstr "_Pestanya anterior" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:17 ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:5 -msgid "_Show Contact List" -msgstr "_Mostra la llista de contactes" - -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:18 -msgid "_Tabs" -msgstr "Pes_tanyes" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:12 +msgid "_Next Tab" +msgstr "Pestanya següe_nt" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:19 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:13 msgid "_Undo Close Tab" msgstr "_Desfés el tancament de la pestanya" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:14 +msgid "Move Tab _Left" +msgstr "Mou la pestanya a l'_esquerra" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:15 +msgid "Move Tab _Right" +msgstr "Mou la pestanya a la d_reta" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "_Detach Tab" +msgstr "D_esenganxa la pestanya" + #: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.c:251 msgid "Name" msgstr "Nom" @@ -3786,100 +3706,100 @@ msgid "Auto-Connect" msgstr "Connecta automàticament" -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:1 msgid "Manage Favorite Rooms" msgstr "Gestiona les sales preferides" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:521 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 msgid "Incoming video call" msgstr "Trucada de vídeo entrant" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:521 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1449 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1519 msgid "Incoming call" msgstr "Trucada entrant" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:525 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:526 #, c-format msgid "%s is video calling you. Do you want to answer?" msgstr "En/na %s us està trucant per videoconferència, voleu contestar?" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:526 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:527 #, c-format msgid "%s is calling you. Do you want to answer?" msgstr "En/na %s us està trucant, voleu contestar?" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:529 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:730 -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:763 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1455 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:530 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "Incoming call from %s" msgstr "Trucada entrant d'en/na %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:554 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:555 msgid "_Reject" msgstr "_Refusa" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:562 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:570 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:563 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 msgid "_Answer" msgstr "_Contesta" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:570 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 msgid "_Answer with video" msgstr "_Contesta amb vídeo" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:730 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:763 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1455 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "Incoming video call from %s" msgstr "Trucada de videoconferència d'en/na %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:836 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:837 msgid "Room invitation" msgstr "Invitació a la sala" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:838 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:839 #, c-format msgid "Invitation to join %s" msgstr "Us han convidat a entrar a %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:845 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:846 #, c-format msgid "%s is inviting you to join %s" msgstr "En/na %s us convida a entrar a %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:853 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:854 msgid "_Decline" msgstr "_Declina" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:858 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:7 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:859 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:2 msgid "_Join" msgstr "_Uneix-m'hi" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:885 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:886 #, c-format msgid "%s invited you to join %s" msgstr "En/na %s us ha convidat a entrar a %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:891 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:892 #, c-format msgid "You have been invited to join %s" msgstr "Us han convidat a entrar a %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:942 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:943 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file transfer from %s" msgstr "Transferència de fitxers entrant d'en/na %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1134 ../src/empathy-main-window.c:375 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1146 ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:374 msgid "Password required" msgstr "Cal la contrasenya" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1190 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1216 #, c-format msgid "%s would like permission to see when you are online" msgstr "%s vol poder saber quan esteu en línia" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1194 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1222 #, c-format msgid "" "\n" @@ -3889,105 +3809,105 @@ "Missatge: %s" #. Translators: time left, when it is more than one hour -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:100 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:99 #, c-format msgid "%u:%02u.%02u" msgstr "%u:%02u.%02u" #. Translators: time left, when is is less than one hour -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:103 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:102 #, c-format msgid "%02u.%02u" msgstr "%02u.%02u" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:179 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:178 msgctxt "file transfer percent" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Desconegut" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:274 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:273 #, c-format msgid "%s of %s at %s/s" msgstr "%s de %s a %s/s" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:275 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:274 #, c-format msgid "%s of %s" msgstr "%s de %s" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:306 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:305 #, c-format msgid "Receiving \"%s\" from %s" msgstr "S'està rebent «%s» d'en/na %s" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:309 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:308 #, c-format msgid "Sending \"%s\" to %s" msgstr "S'està enviant «%s» a en/na %s" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s #. * is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:339 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:338 #, c-format msgid "Error receiving \"%s\" from %s" msgstr "S'ha produït un error en rebre «%s» d'en/na %s" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:342 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:341 msgid "Error receiving a file" msgstr "S'ha produït un error en rebre el fitxer" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:347 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:346 #, c-format msgid "Error sending \"%s\" to %s" msgstr "S'ha produït un error en enviar «%s» a en/na %s" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:350 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:349 msgid "Error sending a file" msgstr "S'ha produït un error en enviar el fitxer" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s #. * is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:489 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:488 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" received from %s" msgstr "S'ha rebut «%s» d'en/na %s" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s #. * is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:494 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:493 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" sent to %s" msgstr "S'ha enviat «%s» a en/na %s" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:497 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:496 msgid "File transfer completed" msgstr "S'ha completat la transferència" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:616 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:780 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:615 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:779 msgid "Waiting for the other participant's response" msgstr "S'està esperant que l'interlocutor respongui" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:642 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:680 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:641 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:679 #, c-format msgid "Checking integrity of \"%s\"" msgstr "S'està comprovant la integritat de «%s»" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:645 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:683 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:644 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:682 #, c-format msgid "Hashing \"%s\"" msgstr "S'està fent el resum de «%s»" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1026 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1025 msgid "%" msgstr "%" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1038 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1037 msgid "File" msgstr "Fitxer" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1060 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1059 msgid "Remaining" msgstr "Restant" @@ -4001,7 +3921,11 @@ "Treu de la llista les transferències de fitxers completades, cancel·lades i " "fallades" -#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:84 +#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:76 +msgid "_Import" +msgstr "_Importa" + +#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:88 msgid "" "No accounts to import could be found. Empathy currently only supports " "importing accounts from Pidgin." @@ -4009,171 +3933,197 @@ "No s'han trobat comptes per importar. L'Empathy de moment només pot importar " "comptes del Pidgin." -#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:199 +#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:209 msgid "Import Accounts" msgstr "Importa els comptes" #. Translators: this is the header of a treeview column -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:301 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:316 msgid "Import" msgstr "Importa" -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:310 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:325 msgid "Protocol" msgstr "Protocol" -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:334 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:349 msgid "Source" msgstr "Font" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:392 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:391 msgid "Provide Password" msgstr "Introduïu la contrasenya" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:398 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:397 msgid "Disconnect" msgstr "Desconnecta" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:622 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:657 +msgid "You need to setup an account to see contacts here." +msgstr "Heu de configurar un compte per veure'n els contactes aquí." + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:673 msgid "No match found" msgstr "No s'ha trobat cap coincidència" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:777 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:783 +#, c-format +msgid "Sorry, %s accounts can’t be used until your %s software is updated." +msgstr "" +"No podeu utilitzar els comptes de %s fins que no actualitzeu el programari " +"de %s." + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:849 +msgid "Update software..." +msgstr "Actualitza el programari..." + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:855 ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:972 +msgid "Close" +msgstr "Tanca" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:960 msgid "Reconnect" msgstr "Torna a connectar" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:783 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:966 msgid "Edit Account" msgstr "Edita el compte" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:789 -msgid "Close" -msgstr "Tanca" - #. Translators: this string will be something like: -#. * Top up My Account ($1.23)..." -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:928 +#. * Top up My Account ($1.23)..." +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1110 #, c-format msgid "Top up %s (%s)..." msgstr "Recarrega %s (%s)..." -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:975 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1156 msgid "Top up account credit" msgstr "Recarrega el saldo del compte" #. top up button -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1046 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1228 msgid "Top Up..." msgstr "Recarrega..." -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1789 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1952 msgid "Contact" msgstr "Contacte" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:2121 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2150 +msgid "You need to enable one of your accounts to see contacts here." +msgstr "Heu d'habilitar com a mínim un compte per veure contactes aquí." + +#. translators: argument is an account name +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2158 +#, c-format +msgid "You need to enable %s to see contacts here." +msgstr "Heu d'habilitar %s per veure contactes aquí." + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2460 msgid "Contact List" msgstr "Llista de contactes" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:1 -msgid "Contacts on a _Map" -msgstr "Contactes en el _mapa" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.ui.h:1 +msgid "Account settings" +msgstr "Paràmetres del compte" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:2 -msgid "Credit Balance" -msgstr "Saldo disponible" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:2 +msgid "_New Conversation…" +msgstr "Conversa _nova…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:3 -msgid "Find in Contact _List" -msgstr "Cerca a la _llista de contactes" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:3 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:3 +msgid "New _Call…" +msgstr "_Trucada nova…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:4 -msgid "Join _Favorites" -msgstr "Uneix-te als _preferits" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Search for Contacts…" +msgstr "_Cerca contactes…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:5 -msgid "Manage Favorites" -msgstr "Gestiona les preferides" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:7 +msgid "_File Transfers" +msgstr "Transferències de _fitxers" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:6 -msgid "N_ormal Size" -msgstr "Mida _normal" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Offline Contacts" +msgstr "Contactes _desconnectats" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:7 ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:1 -msgid "New _Call…" -msgstr "_Trucada nova…" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:9 +msgid "Show P_rotocols" +msgstr "Mostra els _protocols" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:8 -msgid "Normal Size With _Avatars" -msgstr "Mida normal amb els _avatars" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:10 +msgid "Credit Balance" +msgstr "Saldo disponible" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:11 +msgid "Contacts on a _Map" +msgstr "Contactes en el _mapa" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:13 +msgid "_Accounts" +msgstr "_Comptes" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:14 +msgid "_Blocked Contacts" +msgstr "Contactes _blocats" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:9 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:15 msgid "P_references" msgstr "P_referències" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:10 -msgid "Show P_rotocols" -msgstr "Mostra els _protocols" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:16 +msgid "Find in Contact _List" +msgstr "Cerca a la _llista de contactes" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:11 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:18 msgid "Sort by _Name" msgstr "Ordena per _nom" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:12 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:19 msgid "Sort by _Status" msgstr "Ordena per es_tat" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:13 -msgid "_Accounts" -msgstr "_Comptes" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:20 +msgid "Normal Size With _Avatars" +msgstr "Mida normal amb els _avatars" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:15 -msgid "_Blocked Contacts" -msgstr "Contactes _blocats" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:21 +msgid "N_ormal Size" +msgstr "Mida _normal" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:22 msgid "_Compact Size" msgstr "Mida _compacta" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:21 -msgid "_File Transfers" -msgstr "Transferències de _fitxers" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:23 +msgid "_Room" +msgstr "_Sala" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:23 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:24 msgid "_Join…" msgstr "_Uneix-m'hi…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:24 -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:3 -msgid "_New Conversation…" -msgstr "Conversa _nova…" - -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:25 -msgid "_Offline Contacts" -msgstr "Contactes _desconnectats" - -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:26 -msgid "_Personal Information" -msgstr "Informació _personal" - -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:28 -msgid "_Room" -msgstr "_Sala" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:25 +msgid "Join _Favorites" +msgstr "Uneix-te als _preferits" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:29 -msgid "_Search for Contacts…" -msgstr "_Cerca contactes…" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:26 +msgid "Manage Favorites" +msgstr "Gestiona les preferides" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:337 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:369 msgid "Chat Room" msgstr "Sala de xat" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:353 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:385 msgid "Members" msgstr "Membres" #. Translators: Room/Join's roomlist tooltip. Parameters are a channel name, #. yes/no, yes/no and a number. -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:553 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:637 #, c-format msgid "" "%s\n" @@ -4186,22 +4136,27 @@ "Cal contrasenya: %s\n" "Membres: %s" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:555 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:556 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:639 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:640 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Sí" + +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:639 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:640 msgid "No" msgstr "No" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:584 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:668 msgid "Could not start room listing" msgstr "No s'ha pogut iniciar el llistat de sales" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:594 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:678 msgid "Could not stop room listing" msgstr "No s'ha pogut aturar el llistat de sales" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:2 -msgid "Couldn't load room list" -msgstr "No s'ha pogut carregar el llistat de sales" +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:1 +msgid "Join Room" +msgstr "Entra a la sala" #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:3 msgid "" @@ -4211,6 +4166,10 @@ "sales de la llista." #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Room:" +msgstr "Sa_la:" + +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:5 msgid "" "Enter the server which hosts the room, or leave it empty if the room is on " "the current account's server" @@ -4218,374 +4177,397 @@ "Introduïu el servidor que hostatja la sala, o deixeu-lo en blanc si la sala " "és en el servidor del compte actual" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:5 -msgid "Join Room" -msgstr "Entra a la sala" +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:8 +msgid "Couldn't load room list" +msgstr "No s'ha pogut carregar el llistat de sales" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:9 msgid "Room List" msgstr "Llista de sales" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:8 -msgid "_Room:" -msgstr "Sa_la:" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:169 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:166 msgid "Message received" msgstr "Missatge rebut" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:170 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:167 msgid "Message sent" msgstr "Missatge enviat" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:171 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:168 msgid "New conversation" msgstr "Conversa nova" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:172 -msgid "Contact goes online" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:169 +msgid "Contact comes online" msgstr "El contacte s'ha connectat" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:173 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:170 msgid "Contact goes offline" msgstr "El contacte s'ha desconnectat" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:174 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:171 msgid "Account connected" msgstr "Compte connectat" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:175 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:172 msgid "Account disconnected" msgstr "Compte desconnectat" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:484 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:475 msgid "Language" msgstr "Llengua" #. translators: Contact name for the chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:734 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:726 msgid "Juliet" msgstr "Julieta" #. translators: Contact name for the chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:741 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:733 msgid "Romeo" msgstr "Romeu" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:747 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:739 msgid "O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?" msgstr "O Romeu, Romeu! Per què ets tu Romeu?" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:750 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:743 msgid "Deny thy father and refuse thy name;" msgstr "Nega el teu pare i rebutja el teu nom." #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:753 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:746 msgid "Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love" msgstr "O, si no vols, jura'm el teu amor" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:756 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:749 msgid "And I'll no longer be a Capulet." msgstr "I deixaré jo de ser una Capulet." #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:759 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:752 msgid "Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?" msgstr "L'escolto més estona, o li responc?" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:762 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:755 msgid "Juliet has disconnected" msgstr "La Julieta s'ha desconnectat" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:1166 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:1159 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Preferències" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:1 +msgid "Show _smileys as images" +msgstr "Mo_stra les emoticones com a imatges" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:2 +msgid "Show contact _list in rooms" +msgstr "Mostra la _llista de contactes a les sales" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:3 msgid "Appearance" msgstr "Aparença" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:3 -msgid "Behavior" -msgstr "Comportament" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:4 +msgid "Start chats in:" +msgstr "Inicia un xat amb:" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:5 -msgid "Chat Th_eme:" -msgstr "T_ema de xat:" +msgid "new ta_bs" +msgstr "_pestanyes noves" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:6 -msgid "Disable notifications when _away or busy" -msgstr "Inhabilita les notificacions quan s'estigui _absent o ocupat" +msgid "new _windows" +msgstr "_finestres noves" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:7 -msgid "Disable sounds when _away or busy" -msgstr "Inhabilita els sons quan s'estigui _absent o ocupat" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:8 msgid "Display incoming events in the notification area" msgstr "Mostra els esdeveniments d'entrada a l'àrea de notificació" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Automatically connect on startup" +msgstr "_Connecta automàticament en iniciar" + #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:9 -msgid "" -"Echo cancellation helps to make your voice sound clearer to the other " -"person, but may cause problems on some computers. If you or the other person " -"hear strange noises or glitches during calls, try turning echo cancellation " -"off and restarting the call." -msgstr "" -"La cancel·lació de l'eco permet que l'altra persona senti la vostra veu " -"millor, però pot no funcionar bé en alguns ordinadors. Si sentiu o senten " -"alguns sorolls estranys o petits talls, proveu a desactivar la cancel·lació " -"de l'eco i tornar a trucar." +msgid "Log conversations" +msgstr "Enregistra les converses" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:10 -msgid "Enable notifications when a contact comes online" -msgstr "Habilita les notificacions quan es connecti un contacte" +msgid "Behavior" +msgstr "Comportament" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:11 -msgid "Enable notifications when a contact goes offline" -msgstr "Habilita les notificacions quan es desconnecti un contacte" +msgid "General" +msgstr "General" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:12 -msgid "Enable notifications when the _chat is not focused" -msgstr "Habilita les notificacions quan el _xat no tingui el focus" +msgid "_Enable bubble notifications" +msgstr "_Habilita les notificacions" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:13 -msgid "Enable spell checking for languages:" -msgstr "Habilita la verificació ortogràfica per a les llengües:" +msgid "Disable notifications when _away or busy" +msgstr "Inhabilita les notificacions quan s'estigui _absent o ocupat" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:14 -msgid "General" -msgstr "General" +msgid "Enable notifications when the _chat is not focused" +msgstr "Habilita les notificacions quan el _xat no tingui el focus" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:15 -msgid "Input level:" -msgstr "Nivell d'entrada:" +msgid "Enable notifications when a contact comes online" +msgstr "Habilita les notificacions quan es connecti un contacte" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:16 -msgid "Input volume:" -msgstr "Volum d'entrada:" +msgid "Enable notifications when a contact goes offline" +msgstr "Habilita les notificacions quan es desconnecti un contacte" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:17 +msgid "Notifications" +msgstr "Notificacions" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:18 -msgid "Location sources:" -msgstr "Fonts d'ubicació:" +msgid "_Enable sound notifications" +msgstr "_Habilita les notificacions de so" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:19 -msgid "Log conversations" -msgstr "Enregistra les converses" +msgid "Disable sounds when _away or busy" +msgstr "Inhabilita els sons quan s'estigui _absent o ocupat" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:20 -msgid "Notifications" -msgstr "Notificacions" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:21 msgid "Play sound for events" msgstr "Reprodueix un so per als esdeveniments" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:21 +msgid "Sounds" +msgstr "Sons" + #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:22 -msgid "Privacy" -msgstr "Privadesa" +msgid "Use _echo cancellation to improve call quality" +msgstr "" +"Utilitzeu la cancel·lació de l'_eco per millorar la qualitat de la trucada" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:23 msgid "" -"Reduced location accuracy means that nothing more precise than your city, " -"state and country will be published. GPS coordinates will be accurate to 1 " -"decimal place." +"Echo cancellation helps to make your voice sound clearer to the other " +"person, but may cause problems on some computers. If you or the other person " +"hear strange noises or glitches during calls, try turning echo cancellation " +"off and restarting the call." msgstr "" -"La reducció de la precisió de la ubicació significa que no es publicarà res " -"més precís que la ciutat, el país o l'estat. Les coordenades del GPS es " -"truncaran a una posició decimal." - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:24 -msgid "Show _smileys as images" -msgstr "Mo_stra les emoticones com a imatges" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:25 -msgid "Show contact _list in rooms" -msgstr "Mostra la _llista de contactes a les sales" +"La cancel·lació de l'eco permet que l'altra persona senti la vostra veu " +"millor, però pot no funcionar bé en alguns ordinadors. Si sentiu o senten " +"alguns sorolls estranys o petits talls, proveu a desactivar la cancel·lació " +"de l'eco i tornar a trucar." #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:26 -msgid "Sounds" -msgstr "Sons" +msgid "_Publish location to my contacts" +msgstr "_Publica la ubicació per als meus contactes" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:27 -msgid "Spell Checking" -msgstr "Verificació ortogràfica" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:28 msgid "" -"The list of languages reflects only the languages for which you have a " -"dictionary installed." +"Reduced location accuracy means that nothing more precise than your city, " +"state and country will be published. GPS coordinates will be accurate to 1 " +"decimal place." msgstr "" -"La llista de llengües només mostrarà les llengües per a les quals tingueu un " -"diccionari instal·lat." +"La reducció de la precisió de la ubicació significa que no es publicarà res " +"més precís que la ciutat, el país o l'estat. Les coordenades del GPS es " +"truncaran a una posició decimal." +#. To translators: The longitude and latitude are rounded to closest 0,1 degrees, so for example 146,2345° is rounded to round(146,2345*10)/10 = 146,2 degrees. #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:29 -msgid "Themes" -msgstr "Temes" +msgid "_Reduce location accuracy" +msgstr "_Redueix la precisió de la ubicació" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:30 -msgid "Variant:" -msgstr "Variant:" +msgid "Privacy" +msgstr "Privadesa" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:31 -msgid "_Automatically connect on startup" -msgstr "_Connecta automàticament en iniciar" +msgid "_GPS" +msgstr "_GPS" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:32 msgid "_Cellphone" msgstr "_Telèfon mòbil" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:33 -msgid "_Enable bubble notifications" -msgstr "_Habilita les notificacions" +msgid "_Network (IP, Wi-Fi)" +msgstr "_Xarxa (IP, Wi-Fi)" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:34 -msgid "_Enable sound notifications" -msgstr "_Habilita les notificacions de so" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:35 -msgid "_GPS" -msgstr "_GPS" +msgid "Location sources:" +msgstr "Fonts d'ubicació:" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:36 -msgid "_Network (IP, Wi-Fi)" -msgstr "_Xarxa (IP, Wi-Fi)" +msgid "" +"The list of languages reflects only the languages for which you have a " +"dictionary installed." +msgstr "" +"La llista de llengües només mostrarà les llengües per a les quals tingueu un " +"diccionari instal·lat." #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:37 -msgid "_Open new chats in separate windows" -msgstr "_Obre xats nous en finestres separades" +msgid "Enable spell checking for languages:" +msgstr "Habilita la verificació ortogràfica per a les llengües:" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:38 -msgid "_Publish location to my contacts" -msgstr "_Publica la ubicació per als meus contactes" +msgid "Spell Checking" +msgstr "Verificació ortogràfica" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:39 +msgid "Chat Th_eme:" +msgstr "T_ema de xat:" -#. To translators: The longitude and latitude are rounded to closest 0,1 degrees, so for example 146,2345° is rounded to round(146,2345*10)/10 = 146,2 degrees. #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:40 -msgid "_Reduce location accuracy" -msgstr "_Redueix la precisió de la ubicació" +msgid "Variant:" +msgstr "Variant:" -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:41 +msgid "Themes" +msgstr "Temes" + +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:4 msgid "Status" msgstr "Estat" -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:5 msgid "_Quit" msgstr "_Surt" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:2 -msgid "Call the contact again" -msgstr "Torna a trucar al contacte" - #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Camera Off" -msgstr "Càmera apagada" +msgid "Redial" +msgstr "Torna a trucar" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:4 -msgid "Camera On" -msgstr "Càmera engegada" +msgid "V_ideo" +msgstr "V_ídeo" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:5 +msgid "Video Off" +msgstr "Apaga el vídeo" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:6 -msgid "Disable camera and stop sending video" -msgstr "Inhabilita la càmera i atura l'enviament de vídeo" +msgid "Video Preview" +msgstr "Previsualització de vídeo" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:7 -msgid "Enable camera and send video" -msgstr "Habilita la càmera i envia senyal de vídeo" +msgid "Video On" +msgstr "Activa el vídeo" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:8 -msgid "Enable camera but don't send video" -msgstr "Habilita la càmera però no enviïs senyal de vídeo" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:10 +msgid "Call the contact again" +msgstr "Torna a trucar al contacte" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:13 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Previsualització" +msgid "Camera Off" +msgstr "Càmera apagada" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:14 -msgid "Redial" -msgstr "Torna a trucar" +msgid "Disable camera and stop sending video" +msgstr "Inhabilita la càmera i atura l'enviament de vídeo" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:19 -msgid "V_ideo" -msgstr "V_ídeo" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:15 +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "Previsualització" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:21 -msgid "Video Off" -msgstr "Apaga el vídeo" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "Enable camera but don't send video" +msgstr "Habilita la càmera però no enviïs senyal de vídeo" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:22 -msgid "Video On" -msgstr "Activa el vídeo" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:17 +msgid "Camera On" +msgstr "Càmera engegada" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:23 -msgid "Video Preview" -msgstr "Previsualització de vídeo" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:18 +msgid "Enable camera and send video" +msgstr "Habilita la càmera i envia senyal de vídeo" -#: ../src/empathy-map-view.c:448 +#: ../src/empathy-map-view.c:471 msgid "Contact Map View" msgstr "Visualització de contactes en el mapa" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1228 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1607 msgid "Save" msgstr "Desa" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1435 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1667 +msgid "Pastebin link" +msgstr "Enllaç al Pastebin" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1676 +msgid "Pastebin response" +msgstr "Resposta del Pastebin" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1680 +#, c-format +msgid "%s" +msgstr "%s" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1683 +msgid "Data too large for a single paste. Please save logs to file." +msgstr "" +"Hi ha massa dades per un sol Pastebin. Deseu els registres a un fitxer." + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1912 msgid "Debug Window" msgstr "Finestra de depuració" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1517 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1970 +msgid "Send to pastebin" +msgstr "Envia-ho a Pastebin" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2009 msgid "Pause" msgstr "Fes una pausa" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1529 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2021 msgid "Level " msgstr "Nivell " -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1549 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2040 msgid "Debug" msgstr "Depura" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1555 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2045 msgid "Info" msgstr "Informació" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1561 ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1610 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2050 ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2096 msgid "Message" msgstr "Missatge" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1567 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2055 msgid "Warning" msgstr "Avís" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1573 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2060 msgid "Critical" msgstr "Crític" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1579 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2065 msgid "Error" msgstr "Error" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1598 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2084 msgid "Time" msgstr "Hora" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1601 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2087 msgid "Domain" msgstr "Domini" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1603 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2089 msgid "Category" msgstr "Categoria" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1605 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2091 msgid "Level" msgstr "Nivell" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1642 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2114 msgid "" "The selected connection manager does not support the remote debugging " "extension." @@ -4593,131 +4575,430 @@ "El gestor de connexions seleccionat no permet utilitzar l'extensió de " "depuració remota." -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:179 -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:205 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:202 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:230 msgid "Invite Participant" msgstr "Convida un participant" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:180 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:203 msgid "Choose a contact to invite into the conversation:" msgstr "Seleccioneu un contacte per convidar-lo a la conversa:" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:201 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:226 msgid "Invite" msgstr "Convida" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:183 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:180 msgid "Don't display any dialogs; do any work (eg, importing) and exit" msgstr "No mostris cap diàleg, realitza la tasca (p .ex. importar) i surt" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:187 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:184 msgid "" "Don't display any dialogs unless there are only \"People Nearby\" accounts" msgstr "" "No mostris cap diàleg si no es que només hi ha comptes de «Gent propera»" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:191 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:188 msgid "Initially select given account (eg, gabble/jabber/foo_40example_2eorg0)" msgstr "" "Selecciona inicialment el compte especificat (p .ex. gabble/jabber/exemple)" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:193 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:190 msgid "" msgstr "" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:198 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:195 msgid "- Empathy Accounts" msgstr "- Comptes de l'Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:237 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:231 msgid "Empathy Accounts" msgstr "Comptes de l'Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:70 +#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:69 msgid "Show a particular service" msgstr "Mostra un servei en concret" -#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:75 +#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:74 msgid "- Empathy Debugger" msgstr "- Depurador de l'Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:114 +#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:113 msgid "Empathy Debugger" msgstr "Depurador de l'Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-chat.c:107 +#: ../src/empathy-chat.c:109 msgid "- Empathy Chat Client" msgstr "- Client de xat Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:203 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:189 msgid "Respond" msgstr "Respon" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:217 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1459 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:203 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1529 msgid "Reject" msgstr "Rebutja" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:222 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:227 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1460 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:208 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1530 msgid "Answer" msgstr "Contesta" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:227 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 msgid "Answer with video" msgstr "Contesta amb vídeo" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:235 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:245 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:221 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:231 msgid "Decline" msgstr "Declina" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:239 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:250 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:225 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:236 msgid "Accept" msgstr "Accepta" #. translators: the 'Provide' button is displayed in a notification #. * bubble when Empathy is asking for an account password; clicking on it #. * brings the password popup. -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:260 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:246 msgid "Provide" msgstr "Proporciona" -#: ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:134 +#: ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:132 #, c-format msgid "%s just tried to call you, but you were in another call." msgstr "%s us ha intentat trucar però estàveu en una altra conversa." #. Translators: this is an "Info" label. It should be as short #. * as possible. -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1088 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1111 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1140 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1162 msgid "i" msgstr "i" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2775 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2888 msgid "On hold" msgstr "En espera" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2778 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2891 msgid "Mute" msgstr "Silenci" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2780 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2893 msgid "Duration" msgstr "Durada" #. Translators: 'status - minutes:seconds' the caller has been connected -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2783 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2896 #, c-format msgid "%s — %d:%02dm" msgstr "%s — %d:%02dm" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3166 +#, c-format +msgid "Your current balance is %s." +msgstr "El saldo actual és de %s." + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3170 +msgid "Sorry, you don’t have enough credit for that call." +msgstr "No teniu prou saldo per fer aquesta trucada." + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3172 +msgid "Top Up" +msgstr "Recarrega" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.c:243 msgid "_Match case" msgstr "Coincidència de _majúscules i minúscules" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-account-dialog.c:144 +msgid "What kind of chat account do you have?" +msgstr "Quin tipus de compte de xat teniu?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-account-dialog.c:166 +msgid "Adding new account" +msgstr "Addició d'un compte nou" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:77 +msgid "People nearby" +msgstr "Gent propera" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:150 +msgid "" +"Empathy can automatically discover and chat with the people connected on the " +"same network as you. If you want to use this feature, please check that the " +"details below are correct." +msgstr "" +"L'Empathy pot descobrir i conversar automàticament amb les persones que " +"estiguin connectades a la mateixa xarxa. Si voleu utilitzar aquesta funció " +"comproveu que les dades d'aquí a sota siguin correctes." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:183 +msgid "" +"You can change these details later or disable this feature by choosing Edit → Accounts in the Contact List." +msgstr "" +"Podeu canviar-les fàcilment més endavant o inhabilitar aquesta funció si " +"seleccioneu Edita → Comptes a la llista de " +"contactes." + +#~ msgid "Call volume" +#~ msgstr "Volum de la trucada" + +#~ msgid "Call volume, as a percentage." +#~ msgstr "Volum de la trucada, en percentatge." + +#~ msgid "Empathy has migrated butterfly logs" +#~ msgstr "L'Empathy ha migrat dels registres de la Butterfly" + +#~ msgid "Whether Empathy has migrated butterfly logs." +#~ msgstr "Si l'Empathy ha migrat els registres de la Butterfly." + +#~ msgid "Socket type not supported" +#~ msgstr "No està implementat aquest tipus de sòcol" + +#~ msgid "My Web Accounts" +#~ msgstr "Els comptes web" + +#~ msgid "The account %s is edited via %s." +#~ msgstr "S'està editant el compte %s a través de %s." + +#~ msgid "The account %s cannot be edited in Empathy." +#~ msgstr "No es pot editar el compte %s a través de l'Empathy." + +#~ msgid "Launch My Web Accounts" +#~ msgstr "Inicia els comptes web" + +#~ msgid "Edit %s" +#~ msgstr "Edita %s" + +#~ msgid "Ca_ncel" +#~ msgstr "Ca_ncel·la" + +#~ msgid "Personal Information" +#~ msgstr "Informació personal" + +#~ msgid "Ungrouped" +#~ msgstr "Sense grup" + +#~ msgid "Favorite People" +#~ msgstr "Persones preferides" + +#~ msgctxt "Edit contact (contextual menu)" +#~ msgid "_Edit" +#~ msgstr "_Edita" + +#~ msgid "Select a contact" +#~ msgstr "Seleccioneu un contacte" + +#~ msgid "Select contacts to link" +#~ msgstr "Seleccioneu els contactes a enllaçar" + +#~ msgid "New contact preview" +#~ msgstr "Previsualització del contacte nou" + +#~ msgid "Contacts selected in the list on the left will be linked together." +#~ msgstr "S'enllaçaran els contactes seleccionats a la llista de l'esquerra." + +#~ msgctxt "Link individual (contextual menu)" +#~ msgid "_Link Contacts…" +#~ msgstr "_Enllaça els contactes…" + +#~ msgid "Link Contacts" +#~ msgstr "Enllaceu contactes" + +#~ msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" +#~ msgid "_Unlink…" +#~ msgstr "_Desenllaça…" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Completely split the displayed linked contacts into the separate contacts." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Separa completament el metacontacte que es mostra en contactes diferents." + +#~ msgid "_Link" +#~ msgstr "_Enllaça" + +#~ msgid "Unlink linked contacts '%s'?" +#~ msgstr "Voleu desenllaçar el metacontacte «%s»?" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Are you sure you want to unlink these linked contacts? This will " +#~ "completely split the linked contacts into separate contacts." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Segur que voleu desenllaçar aquest metacontacte? Si ho feu separareu " +#~ "completament el metacontacte en contactes diferents." + +#~ msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" +#~ msgid "_Unlink" +#~ msgstr "_Desenllaça" + +#~ msgid "Contact ID:" +#~ msgstr "ID del contacte:" + +#~ msgid "C_hat" +#~ msgstr "_Xat" + +#~ msgid "Send _Video" +#~ msgstr "Envia _vídeo" + +#~ msgid "C_all" +#~ msgstr "_Trucada" + +#~ msgid "Set your presence and current status" +#~ msgstr "Establiu la presència i l'estat actual" + +#~ msgid "The selected contact cannot receive files." +#~ msgstr "El contacte seleccionat no pot rebre fitxers." + +#~ msgid "The selected contact is offline." +#~ msgstr "El contacte seleccionat està desconnectat." + +#~ msgid "There was an error while importing the accounts." +#~ msgstr "S'ha produït un error en la importació dels comptes." + +#~ msgid "There was an error while parsing the account details." +#~ msgstr "S'ha produït un error en analitzar les dades del compte." + +#~ msgid "There was an error while creating the account." +#~ msgstr "S'ha produït un error en la creació del compte." + +#~ msgid "There was an error." +#~ msgstr "S'ha produït un error." + +#~ msgid "The error message was: %s" +#~ msgstr "El missatge d'error fou: %s" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "You can either go back and try to enter your accounts' details again or " +#~ "quit this assistant and add accounts later from the Edit menu." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Podeu tornar enrere i tornar a entrar les dades del vostre compte un " +#~ "altre cop o sortir de l'auxiliar i afegir els comptes més tard des del " +#~ "menú Edita." + +#~ msgid "An error occurred" +#~ msgstr "S'ha produït un error" + +#~ msgid "Do you have any other chat accounts you want to set up?" +#~ msgstr "Teniu altres comptes de xat que vulgueu configurar?" + +#~ msgid "Enter your account details" +#~ msgstr "Introduïu les dades del compte" + +#~ msgid "What kind of chat account do you want to create?" +#~ msgstr "Quin tipus de compte de xat voleu crear?" + +#~ msgid "Do you want to create other chat accounts?" +#~ msgstr "Voleu crear altres comptes de xat?" + +#~ msgid "Enter the details for the new account" +#~ msgstr "Introduïu les dades del compte nou" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "With Empathy you can chat with people online nearby and with friends and " +#~ "colleagues who use Google Talk, AIM, Windows Live and many other chat " +#~ "programs. With a microphone or a webcam you can also have audio or video " +#~ "calls." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Amb l'Empathy podeu parlar en línia amb persones que estiguin a prop així " +#~ "com també amb amics que utilitzin el Google Talk, l'AIM, el Windows Live " +#~ "i molts altres tipus de programes de xat. També podreu fer trucades de " +#~ "veu o vídeo si teniu un micròfon o una càmera web." + +#~ msgid "Do you have an account you've been using with another chat program?" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Teniu algun compte que hàgiu utilitzat amb algun altre programa de xat?" + +#~ msgid "Yes, import my account details from " +#~ msgstr "Sí, importa les dades dels comptes de " + +#~ msgid "Yes, I'll enter my account details now" +#~ msgstr "Sí, ara introduiré les dades dels comptes" + +#~ msgid "No, I want a new account" +#~ msgstr "No, vull crear un compte nou" + +#~ msgid "No, I just want to see people online nearby for now" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "No, per ara només vull veure les persones que estan connectades per aquí " +#~ "a prop" + +#~ msgid "Select the accounts you want to import:" +#~ msgstr "Seleccioneu els comptes que voleu importar:" + +#~ msgid "No, that's all for now" +#~ msgstr "No, això és tot per ara" + +#~ msgid "Edit->Accounts" +#~ msgstr "Edita->Comptes" + +#~ msgid "I do _not want to enable this feature for now" +#~ msgstr "_No vull habilitar aquesta funció per ara" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "You won't be able to chat with people connected to your local network, as " +#~ "telepathy-salut is not installed. If you want to enable this feature, " +#~ "please install the telepathy-salut package and create a People Nearby " +#~ "account from the Accounts dialog" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "No podreu xatejar amb les persones que estiguin connectades a la xarxa " +#~ "local en que estigueu ja que el telepathy-salut no és instal·lat. Si " +#~ "voleu habilitar aquesta funció, instal·leu el paquet telepathy-salut i " +#~ "creeu un compte de «Gent propera» en el diàleg de Comptes." + +#~ msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts Assistant" +#~ msgstr "Auxiliar per als comptes de missatgeria i VoIP" + +#~ msgid "Welcome to Empathy" +#~ msgstr "Us donem la benvinguda a l'Empathy" + +#~ msgid "Import your existing accounts" +#~ msgstr "Importeu els vostres comptes existents" + +#~ msgid "Please enter personal details" +#~ msgstr "Introduïu les dades personals" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "You are about to create a new account, which will discard\n" +#~ "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Esteu a punt de crear un compte nou i perdreu els canvis\n" +#~ "fets fins ara. Segur que voleu continuar?" + +#~ msgid "Protocol:" +#~ msgstr "Protocol:" + +#~ msgctxt "encoding video codec" +#~ msgid "Unknown" +#~ msgstr "Desconegut" + +#~ msgctxt "encoding audio codec" +#~ msgid "Unknown" +#~ msgstr "Desconegut" + +#~ msgctxt "decoding video codec" +#~ msgid "Unknown" +#~ msgstr "Desconegut" + +#~ msgctxt "decoding audio codec" +#~ msgid "Unknown" +#~ msgstr "Desconegut" + +#~ msgid "_Personal Information" +#~ msgstr "Informació _personal" + +#~ msgid "Input level:" +#~ msgstr "Nivell d'entrada:" + +#~ msgid "Input volume:" +#~ msgstr "Volum d'entrada:" + +#~ msgid "_Open new chats in separate windows" +#~ msgstr "_Obre xats nous en finestres separades" + #~ msgid "Find Next" #~ msgstr "Cerca el següent" @@ -5329,9 +5610,6 @@ #~ msgid "generic account settings" #~ msgstr "paràmetres genèrics de compte" -#~ msgid "ICQ account settings" -#~ msgstr "paràmetres del compte ICQ" - #~ msgid "irc account settings" #~ msgstr "paràmetres del compte IRC" @@ -5386,9 +5664,6 @@ #~ msgid "View previous conversations with this contact" #~ msgstr "Visualitza les converses anteriors amb aquest contacte" -#~ msgid "Start a voice or video conversation with this contact" -#~ msgstr "Inicia una conversa de veu o vídeo amb aquest contacte" - #~ msgid "Enter the new topic you want to set for this room:" #~ msgstr "Introduïu el tema nou que voleu establir per a aquesta sala:" @@ -5473,9 +5748,6 @@ #~ "La sala de xat a la qual heu intentat unir-vos requereix una contrasenya. " #~ "No heu introduït una contrasenya, o aquesta era incorrecta." -#~ msgid "You have been banned from this chatroom." -#~ msgstr "Heu estat bandejats d'aquesta sala de xat." - #~ msgid "The conference room you tried to join could not be found." #~ msgstr "" #~ "No s'ha trobat la sala de conferències a la qual heu intentat unir-vos." @@ -5889,9 +6161,6 @@ #~ msgid "Languages" #~ msgstr "Llengües" -#~ msgid "Personal Details" -#~ msgstr "Detalls personals" - #~ msgid "Status" #~ msgstr "Estat" @@ -6011,9 +6280,6 @@ #~ msgid "_Birthday:" #~ msgstr "Ani_versari:" -#~ msgid "_Connect" -#~ msgstr "_Connecta" - #~ msgid "_Deny" #~ msgstr "_Denega" @@ -6149,9 +6415,6 @@ #~ msgid "Add a contact" #~ msgstr "Afegeix un contacte" -#~ msgid "Connection Details" -#~ msgstr "Detalls de la connexió" - #~ msgid "Enter the port used in the connection for this account" #~ msgstr "Introduïu el port utilitzat en la connexió per a aquest compte" @@ -6371,9 +6634,6 @@ #~ msgid "Gossip, Instant Messaging Client" #~ msgstr "Gossip, un client de missatgeria instantània" -#~ msgid "Close this chat window" -#~ msgstr "Tanca aquesta finestra de xat" - #~ msgid "Requested Information" #~ msgstr "Informació sol·licitada" @@ -6852,9 +7112,6 @@ #~ msgid "Spell Checking" #~ msgstr "Correció ortogràfica" -#~ msgid "Add Another Account" -#~ msgstr "Afegeix un altre compte" - #~ msgid "Configure Transports" #~ msgstr "Configura els transports" diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/po/ca@valencia.po empathy-3.3.92/po/ca@valencia.po --- empathy-3.3.91/po/ca@valencia.po 2012-02-17 14:00:26.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/po/ca@valencia.po 2012-03-19 09:12:31.000000000 +0000 @@ -2,16 +2,16 @@ # Copyright © 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # This file is distributed under the same licence as the gossip package. # Jordi Mallach , 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007. -# Gil Forcada , 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. +# Gil Forcada , 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012. # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: empathy\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-26 14:34+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-25 21:46+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-17 00:18+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-17 00:05+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Gil Forcada \n" -"Language-Team: Catalan \n" +"Language-Team: català; valencià \n" "Language: ca-XV\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -19,535 +19,589 @@ "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:1 -msgid "Chat on Google Talk, Facebook, MSN and many other chat services" -msgstr "" -"Conversa a través del Google Talk, el Facebook, el MSN i molts altres " -"serveis de xat" - -#: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:2 msgid "Empathy" msgstr "Empathy" +#: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:2 +msgid "IM Client" +msgstr "Client de missatgeria instantània" + #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:3 msgid "Empathy Internet Messaging" msgstr "Missatgeria d'Internet Empathy" #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:4 -msgid "IM Client" -msgstr "Client de missatgeria instantània" +msgid "Chat on Google Talk, Facebook, MSN and many other chat services" +msgstr "" +"Conversa a través del Google Talk, el Facebook, el MSN i molts altres " +"serveis de xat" + +#. Tweak the dialog +#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2512 +msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts" +msgstr "Comptes de missatgeria i VoIP" + +#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:2 +msgid "Manage Messaging and VoIP accounts" +msgstr "Gestiona els comptes de missatgeria i VoIP" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:1 -msgid "Always open a separate chat window for new chats." -msgstr "Obri sempre una finestra de xat separada per a xats nous." +msgid "Connection managers should be used" +msgstr "S'haurien d'utilitzar gestors de connexions" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:2 -msgid "Call volume" -msgstr "Volum de la trucada" +msgid "" +"Whether connectivity managers should be used to automatically disconnect/" +"reconnect." +msgstr "" +"Si s'ha d'utilitzar el gestor de connexions per desconnectar/tornar a " +"connectar automàticament." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:3 -msgid "Call volume, as a percentage." -msgstr "Volum de la trucada, en percentatge." +msgid "Empathy should auto-connect on startup" +msgstr "Fes que l'Empathy es connecte automàticament en iniciar-se" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:4 -msgid "Camera device" -msgstr "Dispositiu de la càmera" +msgid "Whether Empathy should automatically log into your accounts on startup." +msgstr "Si l'Empathy ha d'entrar en els comptes automàticament en iniciar-se." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:5 -msgid "Camera position" -msgstr "Posició de la càmera" +msgid "Empathy should auto-away when idle" +msgstr "Fes que l'Empathy canvie automàticament a absent quan estiga inactiu" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:6 msgid "" -"Character to add after nickname when using nick completion (tab) in group " -"chat." +"Whether Empathy should go into away mode automatically if the user is idle." msgstr "" -"Caràcter que s'afegirà després del sobrenom quan s'utilitze la compleció de " -"sobrenom (tabulació) en els xats de grup." +"Si l'Empathy ha de canviar automàticament al mode absent quan l'usuari està " +"inactiu." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:7 -msgid "Chat window theme" -msgstr "Tema de la finestra de xat" +msgid "Empathy default download folder" +msgstr "Carpeta predeterminada de les baixades de l'Empathy" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:8 -msgid "Chat window theme variant" -msgstr "Variant del tema de la finestra de xat" +msgid "The default folder to save file transfers in." +msgstr "La carpeta predeterminada on s'alçaran els fitxers transferits." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:9 -msgid "" -"Comma-separated list of spell checker languages to use (e.g. \"en, fr, nl\")." -msgstr "" -"Llista separada per comes de les llengües del verificador ortogràfic a " -"utilitzar (p. ex. «ca, en, es, fr»)." +msgid "Magic number used to check if sanity cleaning tasks should be run" +msgstr "Número màgic per comprovar si s'han d'executar les tasques de neteja" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:10 -msgid "Compact contact list" -msgstr "Llista de contactes compacta" +msgid "" +"empathy-sanity-cleaning.c uses this number to check if the cleaning tasks " +"should be executed or not. Users should not change this key manually." +msgstr "" +"L'empathy-sanity-cleaning.c utilitza este número per comprovar si s'han " +"d'executar les tasques de neteja. Els usuaris no haurien de canviar esta " +"clau manualment." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:11 -msgid "Connection managers should be used" -msgstr "S'haurien d'utilitzar gestors de connexions" +msgid "Show offline contacts" +msgstr "Mostra els contactes fora de línia" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:12 -msgid "Contact list sort criterion" -msgstr "Criteri d'ordenació de la llista de contactes" +msgid "Whether to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." +msgstr "" +"Si s'han de mostrar els contactes que estan fora de línia a la llista de " +"contactes." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:13 -msgid "D-Bus object path of the last account selected to join a room." -msgstr "" +msgid "Show avatars" +msgstr "Mostra els avatars" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:14 -msgid "Default camera device to use in video calls, e.g. /dev/video0." +msgid "" +"Whether to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat windows." msgstr "" -"Dispositiu de càmera per defecte a utilitzar en les trucades de vídeo, per " -"exemple /dev/video0." +"Si s'han de mostrar els avatars per als contactes a la llista de contactes i " +"les finestres de xat." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:15 -msgid "Default directory to select an avatar image from" -msgstr "El directori predeterminat des d'on seleccionar una imatge d'avatar" +msgid "Show protocols" +msgstr "Mostra els protocols" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:16 -msgid "Disable popup notifications when away" -msgstr "Inhabilita les notificacions quan s'estiga absent" +msgid "Whether to show protocols for contacts in the contact list." +msgstr "" +"Si s'han de mostrar els protocols dels contactes a la llista de contactes." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:17 -msgid "Disable sounds when away" -msgstr "Inhabilita els sons quan s'estiga absent" +msgid "Show Balance in contact list" +msgstr "Mostra el saldo a la llista de contactes" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:18 -msgid "Display incoming events in the status area" -msgstr "Mostra els esdeveniments d'entrada en l'àrea d'estat" +msgid "Whether to show account balances in the contact list." +msgstr "Si s'han de mostrar els saldos dels comptes a la llista de contactes." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:19 -msgid "" -"Display incoming events in the status area. If false, present them to the " -"user immediately." -msgstr "" -"Mostra els esdeveniments d'entrada en l'àrea d'estat. Si és «false» (fals) " -"mostra'ls immediatament a l'usuari." +msgid "Compact contact list" +msgstr "Llista de contactes compacta" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:20 -msgid "Echo cancellation support" -msgstr "Utilitza la cancel·lació de l'eco" +msgid "Whether to show the contact list in compact mode." +msgstr "Si s'ha de mostrar la llista de contactes en mode compacte." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:21 -msgid "Empathy can publish the user's location" -msgstr "L'Empathy pot publicar la ubicació de l'usuari" +msgid "Hide main window" +msgstr "Oculta la finestra principal" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:22 -msgid "Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location" -msgstr "L'Empathy pot utilitzar el GPS per determinar la ubicació" +msgid "Hide the main window." +msgstr "Oculta la finestra principal." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:23 -msgid "Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location" -msgstr "" -"L'Empathy pot utilitzar la xarxa de telefonia mòbil per determinar la " -"ubicació" +msgid "Default directory to select an avatar image from" +msgstr "El directori predeterminat des d'on seleccionar una imatge d'avatar" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:24 -msgid "Empathy can use the network to guess the location" -msgstr "L'Empathy pot utilitzar la xarxa per determinar la ubicació" +msgid "The last directory that an avatar image was chosen from." +msgstr "L'últim directori des d'on es va seleccionar una imatge d'avatar." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:25 -msgid "Empathy default download folder" -msgstr "Carpeta predeterminada de les baixades de l'Empathy" +msgid "Open new chats in separate windows" +msgstr "Obri les finestres de xat noves en finestres separades" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:26 -msgid "Empathy should auto-away when idle" -msgstr "Fes que l'Empathy canvie automàticament a absent quan estiga inactiu" +msgid "Always open a separate chat window for new chats." +msgstr "Obri sempre una finestra de xat separada per a xats nous." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:27 -msgid "Empathy should auto-connect on startup" -msgstr "Fes que l'Empathy es connecte automàticament en iniciar-se" +msgid "Display incoming events in the status area" +msgstr "Mostra els esdeveniments d'entrada en l'àrea d'estat" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:28 -msgid "Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy" -msgstr "L'Empathy hauria de reduir la precisió de la ubicació" +msgid "" +"Display incoming events in the status area. If false, present them to the " +"user immediately." +msgstr "" +"Mostra els esdeveniments d'entrada en l'àrea d'estat. Si és «false» (fals) " +"mostra'ls immediatament a l'usuari." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:29 -msgid "Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon" -msgstr "" -"Fes que l'Empathy utilitze l'avatar del contacte com a icona de la finestra " -"de xat" +msgid "The position for the chat window side pane" +msgstr "La posició per la subfinestra lateral de la finestra de xat" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:30 -msgid "Enable WebKit Developer Tools" -msgstr "Habilita les eines de desenvolupador del WebKit" +msgid "The stored position (in pixels) of the chat window side pane." +msgstr "" +"La posició emmagatzemada (en píxels) de la subfinestra lateral de la " +"finestra de xat." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:31 -msgid "Enable popup notifications for new messages" -msgstr "Habilita les notificacions per als missatges nous" +msgid "Show contact groups" +msgstr "Mostra els grups de contactes" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:32 -msgid "Enable spell checker" -msgstr "Habilita el verificador ortogràfic" +msgid "Whether to show groups in the contact list." +msgstr "Si s'han de mostrar els grups a la llista de contactes." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:33 -msgid "Hide main window" -msgstr "Oculta la finestra principal" +msgid "Contact list sort criterion" +msgstr "Criteri d'ordenació de la llista de contactes" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:34 -msgid "Hide the main window." -msgstr "Oculta la finestra principal." +msgid "" +"Which criterion to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to sort by " +"the contact's state with the value \"state\". A value of \"name\" will sort " +"the contact list by name." +msgstr "" +"Quin criteri s'ha de fer servir quan s'ordeni la llista de contactes. Per " +"defecte s'ordena per l'estat del contacte amb el valor «state» (estat). Un " +"valor «name» (nom) ordenarà la llista de contactes per nom." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:35 -msgid "Last account selected in Join Room dialog" -msgstr "" +msgid "Use notification sounds" +msgstr "Utilitza sons de notificació" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:36 -msgid "Nick completed character" -msgstr "Caràcter de compleció de sobrenom" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of events." +msgstr "Si s'ha de reproduir un so per notificar esdeveniments." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:37 -msgid "Open new chats in separate windows" -msgstr "Obri les finestres de xat noves en finestres separades" +msgid "Disable sounds when away" +msgstr "Inhabilita els sons quan s'estiga absent" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:38 -msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use" -msgstr "Camí al tema Adium a utilitzar" - -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:39 -msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use if the theme used for chat is Adium." +msgid "Whether to play sound notifications when away or busy." msgstr "" -"Camí al tema Adium a utilitzar si el tema utilitzat per al xat és l'Adium." +"Si s'han de reproduir notificacions de so quan s'estiga absent o ocupat." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:40 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:39 msgid "Play a sound for incoming messages" msgstr "Reprodueix un so quan arriben missatges" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:41 -msgid "Play a sound for new conversations" -msgstr "Reprodueix un so per a les converses noves" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:40 +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of incoming messages." +msgstr "Si s'ha de reproduir un so quan arriben missatges." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:42 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:41 msgid "Play a sound for outgoing messages" msgstr "Reprodueix un so per als missatges d'eixida" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:42 +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of outgoing messages." +msgstr "Si s'ha de reproduir un so quan s'envien missatges." + #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:43 -msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs in" -msgstr "Reprodueix un so quan entri algun contacte" +msgid "Play a sound for new conversations" +msgstr "Reprodueix un so per a les converses noves" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:44 -msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs out" -msgstr "Reprodueix un so quan isca algun contacte" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of new conversations." +msgstr "Si s'ha de reproduir un so quan s'inicien converses noves." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:45 -msgid "Play a sound when we log in" -msgstr "Reprodueix un so en entrar" +msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs in" +msgstr "Reprodueix un so quan entri algun contacte" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:46 -msgid "Play a sound when we log out" -msgstr "Reprodueix un so en eixir" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging into the network." +msgstr "" +"Si s'ha de reproduir un so per notificar que els contactes entren a la xarxa." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:47 -msgid "Pop up notifications if the chat isn't focused" -msgstr "Mostra notificacions si el xat no és la finestra activa" +msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs out" +msgstr "Reprodueix un so quan isca algun contacte" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:48 -msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs in" -msgstr "Mostra notificacions si entra un contacte" +msgid "" +"Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging out of the network." +msgstr "" +"Si s'ha de reproduir un so per notificar que els contactes surten de la " +"xarxa." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:49 -msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs out" -msgstr "Mostra notificacions si ix un contacte" +msgid "Play a sound when we log in" +msgstr "Reprodueix un so en entrar" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:50 -msgid "Position the camera preview should be during a call." -msgstr "" -"Posició on s'hauria de mostrar la previsualització de la càmera durant una " -"trucada." +msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging into a network." +msgstr "Si s'ha de reproduir un so quan s'entri a una xarxa." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:51 -msgid "Show Balance in contact list" -msgstr "Mostra el saldo a la llista de contactes" +msgid "Play a sound when we log out" +msgstr "Reprodueix un so en eixir" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:52 -msgid "Show avatars" -msgstr "Mostra els avatars" +msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging out of a network." +msgstr "Si s'ha de reproduir un so quan se isca d'una xarxa." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:53 -msgid "Show contact list in rooms" -msgstr "Mostra la llista de contactes a les sales" +msgid "Enable popup notifications for new messages" +msgstr "Habilita les notificacions per als missatges nous" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:54 -msgid "Show hint about closing the main window" -msgstr "Mostra un consell sobre el tancament de la finestra principal" +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message." +msgstr "" +"Si s'ha de mostrar una notificació emergent quan es rebenn missatges nous." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:55 -msgid "Show offline contacts" -msgstr "Mostra els contactes fora de línia" +msgid "Disable popup notifications when away" +msgstr "Inhabilita les notificacions quan s'estiga absent" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:56 -msgid "Show protocols" -msgstr "Mostra els protocols" +msgid "Whether to show popup notifications when away or busy." +msgstr "" +"Si s'han de mostrar notificacions emergents quan s'estiga absent o ocupat." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:57 -msgid "Spell checking languages" -msgstr "Llengües per a la verificació ortogràfica" +msgid "Pop up notifications if the chat isn't focused" +msgstr "Mostra notificacions si el xat no és la finestra activa" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:58 -msgid "The default folder to save file transfers in." -msgstr "La carpeta predeterminada on s'alçaran els fitxers transferits." +msgid "" +"Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message even if " +"the chat is already opened, but not focused." +msgstr "" +"Si s'han de mostrar notificacions emergents quan es reba un esdeveniment de " +"missatge nou i el xat ja estiga obert però no tinga el focus." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:59 -msgid "The last directory that an avatar image was chosen from." -msgstr "L'últim directori des d'on es va seleccionar una imatge d'avatar." +msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs in" +msgstr "Mostra notificacions si entra un contacte" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:60 -msgid "The position for the chat window side pane" -msgstr "La posició per la subfinestra lateral de la finestra de xat" +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes online." +msgstr "" +"Si s'ha de mostrar una notificació emergent quan es connecte un contacte." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:61 -msgid "The stored position (in pixels) of the chat window side pane." -msgstr "" -"La posició emmagatzemada (en píxels) de la subfinestra lateral de la " -"finestra de xat." +msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs out" +msgstr "Mostra notificacions si ix un contacte" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:62 -msgid "The theme that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." -msgstr "El tema que s'utilitza per mostrar la conversa a les finestres de xat." - -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:63 -msgid "" -"The theme variant that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes offline." msgstr "" -"La variant del tema que s'utilitza per mostrar la conversa a les finestres " -"de xat." +"Si s'ha de mostrar una notificació emergent quan es desconnecte un contacte." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:64 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:63 msgid "Use graphical smileys" msgstr "Utilitza emoticones gràfiques" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:64 +msgid "Whether to convert smileys into graphical images in conversations." +msgstr "" +"Si s'han de convertir les emoticones a imatges gràfiques a les converses." + #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:65 -msgid "Use notification sounds" -msgstr "Utilitza sons de notificació" +msgid "Show contact list in rooms" +msgstr "Mostra la llista de contactes a les sales" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:66 -msgid "Use theme for chat rooms" -msgstr "Utilitza el tema per a les sales de xat" +msgid "Whether to show the contact list in chat rooms." +msgstr "Si s'ha de mostrar la llista de contactes a les sales de xat." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:67 -msgid "Whether Empathy can publish the user's location to their contacts." -msgstr "" -"Si l'Empathy ha de publicar la ubicació de l'usuari als seus contactes." +msgid "Chat window theme" +msgstr "Tema de la finestra de xat" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:68 -msgid "Whether Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location." -msgstr "Si l'Empathy ha d'utilitzar el GPS per determinar la ubicació." +msgid "The theme that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." +msgstr "El tema que s'utilitza per mostrar la conversa a les finestres de xat." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:69 -msgid "Whether Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location." -msgstr "" -"Si l'Empathy ha d'utilitzar la xarxa de mòbils per determinar la ubicació." +msgid "Chat window theme variant" +msgstr "Variant del tema de la finestra de xat" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:70 -msgid "Whether Empathy can use the network to guess the location." -msgstr "Si l'Empathy ha d'utilitzar la xarxa per determinar la ubicació." +msgid "" +"The theme variant that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." +msgstr "" +"La variant del tema que s'utilitza per mostrar la conversa a les finestres " +"de xat." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:71 -msgid "Whether Empathy should automatically log into your accounts on startup." -msgstr "Si l'Empathy ha d'entrar en els comptes automàticament en iniciar-se." +msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use" +msgstr "Camí al tema Adium a utilitzar" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:72 -msgid "" -"Whether Empathy should go into away mode automatically if the user is idle." +msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use if the theme used for chat is Adium." msgstr "" -"Si l'Empathy ha de canviar automàticament al mode absent quan l'usuari està " -"inactiu." +"Camí al tema Adium a utilitzar si el tema utilitzat per al xat és l'Adium." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:73 -msgid "" -"Whether Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy for privacy reasons." -msgstr "" -"Si l'Empathy ha de reduir la precisió de la ubicació per motius de privadesa." +msgid "Enable WebKit Developer Tools" +msgstr "Habilita les eines de desenvolupador del WebKit" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:74 msgid "" -"Whether Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon." -msgstr "" -"Si l'Empathy ha d'utilitzar l'avatar del contacte com a icona de la finestra " -"de xat." - -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:75 -msgid "" "Whether WebKit developer tools, such as the Web Inspector, should be enabled." msgstr "" "Si s'han d'habilitar les eines de desenvolupament del WebKit, com ara " "l'inspector web." +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:75 +msgid "Inform other users when you are typing to them" +msgstr "Informa als usuaris quan els hi estigueu escrivint" + #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:76 msgid "" -"Whether connectivity managers should be used to automatically disconnect/" -"reconnect." +"Whether to send the 'composing' or 'paused' chat states. Does not currently " +"affect the 'gone' state." msgstr "" -"Si s'ha d'utilitzar el gestor de connexions per desconnectar/tornar a " -"connectar automàticament." +"Si s'han d'enviar els estats de xat «escrivint» o «en pausa». No afecta a " +"l'estat de «desaparegut»." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:77 -msgid "" -"Whether to check words typed against the languages you want to check with." -msgstr "" -"Si s'han de verificar les paraules introduïdes comparant-les amb les " -"llengües triades per a la verificació ortogràfica." +msgid "Use theme for chat rooms" +msgstr "Utilitza el tema per a les sales de xat" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:78 -msgid "Whether to convert smileys into graphical images in conversations." -msgstr "" -"Si s'han de convertir les emoticones a imatges gràfiques a les converses." +msgid "Whether to use the theme for chat rooms." +msgstr "Si s'ha d'utilitzar el tema per a les sales de xat." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:79 -msgid "Whether to enable Pulseaudio's echo cancellation filter." -msgstr "" -"Si s'hauria d'habilitar el filtre de cancel·lació de l'eco del Pulseaudio." +msgid "Spell checking languages" +msgstr "Llengües per a la verificació ortogràfica" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:80 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging into the network." +msgid "" +"Comma-separated list of spell checker languages to use (e.g. \"en, fr, nl\")." msgstr "" -"Si s'ha de reproduir un so per notificar que els contactes entren a la xarxa." +"Llista separada per comes de les llengües del verificador ortogràfic a " +"utilitzar (p. ex. «ca, en, es, fr»)." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:81 -msgid "" -"Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging out of the network." -msgstr "" -"Si s'ha de reproduir un so per notificar que els contactes surten de la " -"xarxa." +msgid "Enable spell checker" +msgstr "Habilita el verificador ortogràfic" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:82 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of events." -msgstr "Si s'ha de reproduir un so per notificar esdeveniments." +msgid "" +"Whether to check words typed against the languages you want to check with." +msgstr "" +"Si s'han de verificar les paraules introduïdes comparant-les amb les " +"llengües triades per a la verificació ortogràfica." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:83 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of incoming messages." -msgstr "Si s'ha de reproduir un so quan arriben missatges." +msgid "Nick completed character" +msgstr "Caràcter de compleció de sobrenom" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:84 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of new conversations." -msgstr "Si s'ha de reproduir un so quan s'inicien converses noves." +msgid "" +"Character to add after nickname when using nick completion (tab) in group " +"chat." +msgstr "" +"Caràcter que s'afegirà després del sobrenom quan s'utilitze la compleció de " +"sobrenom (tabulació) en els xats de grup." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:85 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of outgoing messages." -msgstr "Si s'ha de reproduir un so quan s'envien missatges." +msgid "Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon" +msgstr "" +"Fes que l'Empathy utilitze l'avatar del contacte com a icona de la finestra " +"de xat" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:86 -msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging into a network." -msgstr "Si s'ha de reproduir un so quan s'entri a una xarxa." +msgid "" +"Whether Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon." +msgstr "" +"Si l'Empathy ha d'utilitzar l'avatar del contacte com a icona de la finestra " +"de xat." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:87 -msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging out of a network." -msgstr "Si s'ha de reproduir un so quan se isca d'una xarxa." +msgid "Last account selected in Join Room dialog" +msgstr "Últim compte seleccionat en el diàleg d'unir-se a una sala" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:88 -msgid "Whether to play sound notifications when away or busy." +msgid "D-Bus object path of the last account selected to join a room." msgstr "" -"Si s'han de reproduir notificacions de so quan s'estiga absent o ocupat." +"El camí a l'objecte de D-Bus de l'últim compte seleccionat per unir-se a una " +"sala." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:89 -msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes offline." -msgstr "" -"Si s'ha de mostrar una notificació emergent quan es desconnecte un contacte." +msgid "Camera device" +msgstr "Dispositiu de la càmera" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:90 -msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes online." +msgid "Default camera device to use in video calls, e.g. /dev/video0." msgstr "" -"Si s'ha de mostrar una notificació emergent quan es connecte un contacte." +"Dispositiu de càmera per defecte a utilitzar en les trucades de vídeo, per " +"exemple /dev/video0." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:91 -msgid "" -"Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message even if " -"the chat is already opened, but not focused." -msgstr "" -"Si s'han de mostrar notificacions emergents quan es reba un esdeveniment de " -"missatge nou i el xat ja estiga obert però no tinga el focus." +msgid "Camera position" +msgstr "Posició de la càmera" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:92 -msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message." +msgid "Position the camera preview should be during a call." msgstr "" -"Si s'ha de mostrar una notificació emergent quan es rebenn missatges nous." +"Posició on s'hauria de mostrar la previsualització de la càmera durant una " +"trucada." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:93 -msgid "Whether to show account balances in the contact list." -msgstr "Si s'han de mostrar els saldos dels comptes a la llista de contactes." +msgid "Echo cancellation support" +msgstr "Utilitza la cancel·lació de l'eco" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:94 -msgid "" -"Whether to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat windows." +msgid "Whether to enable Pulseaudio's echo cancellation filter." msgstr "" -"Si s'han de mostrar els avatars per als contactes a la llista de contactes i " -"les finestres de xat." +"Si s'hauria d'habilitar el filtre de cancel·lació de l'eco del Pulseaudio." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:95 -msgid "Whether to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." -msgstr "" -"Si s'han de mostrar els contactes que estan fora de línia a la llista de " -"contactes." +msgid "Show hint about closing the main window" +msgstr "Mostra un consell sobre el tancament de la finestra principal" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:96 -msgid "Whether to show popup notifications when away or busy." +msgid "" +"Whether to show the message dialog about closing the main window with the " +"'x' button in the title bar." msgstr "" -"Si s'han de mostrar notificacions emergents quan s'estiga absent o ocupat." +"Si s'ha de mostrar el diàleg de missatge sobre el tancament de la finestra " +"principal amb el botó «x» de la barra de títol." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:97 -msgid "Whether to show protocols for contacts in the contact list." -msgstr "" -"Si s'han de mostrar els protocols dels contactes a la llista de contactes." +msgid "Empathy can publish the user's location" +msgstr "L'Empathy pot publicar la ubicació de l'usuari" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:98 -msgid "Whether to show the contact list in chat rooms." -msgstr "Si s'ha de mostrar la llista de contactes a les sales de xat." +msgid "Whether Empathy can publish the user's location to their contacts." +msgstr "" +"Si l'Empathy ha de publicar la ubicació de l'usuari als seus contactes." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:99 -msgid "Whether to show the contact list in compact mode." -msgstr "Si s'ha de mostrar la llista de contactes en mode compacte." +msgid "Empathy can use the network to guess the location" +msgstr "L'Empathy pot utilitzar la xarxa per determinar la ubicació" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:100 -msgid "" -"Whether to show the message dialog about closing the main window with the " -"'x' button in the title bar." -msgstr "" -"Si s'ha de mostrar el diàleg de missatge sobre el tancament de la finestra " -"principal amb el botó «x» de la barra de títol." +msgid "Whether Empathy can use the network to guess the location." +msgstr "Si l'Empathy ha d'utilitzar la xarxa per determinar la ubicació." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:101 -msgid "Whether to use the theme for chat rooms." -msgstr "Si s'ha d'utilitzar el tema per a les sales de xat." +msgid "Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location" +msgstr "" +"L'Empathy pot utilitzar la xarxa de telefonia mòbil per determinar la " +"ubicació" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:102 +msgid "Whether Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location." +msgstr "" +"Si l'Empathy ha d'utilitzar la xarxa de mòbils per determinar la ubicació." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:103 +msgid "Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location" +msgstr "L'Empathy pot utilitzar el GPS per determinar la ubicació" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:104 +msgid "Whether Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location." +msgstr "Si l'Empathy ha d'utilitzar el GPS per determinar la ubicació." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:105 +msgid "Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy" +msgstr "L'Empathy hauria de reduir la precisió de la ubicació" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:106 msgid "" -"Which criterion to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to sort by " -"the contact's name with the value \"name\". A value of \"state\" will sort " -"the contact list by state." +"Whether Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy for privacy reasons." msgstr "" -"Quin criteri s'ha de fer servir quan s'ordeni la llista de contactes. De " -"manera predeterminada s'ordena pel nom del contacte amb el valor " -"«name» (nom). Un valor «state» (estat) ordenarà la llista de contactes per " -"estat." +"Si l'Empathy ha de reduir la precisió de la ubicació per motius de privadesa." -#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:1 -msgid "Manage Messaging and VoIP accounts" -msgstr "Gestiona els comptes de missatgeria i VoIP" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:738 +msgid "No reason was specified" +msgstr "No s'ha especificat el motiu" -#. Tweak the dialog -#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:2 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2324 -msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts" -msgstr "Comptes de missatgeria i VoIP" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:741 +msgid "The change in state was requested" +msgstr "S'ha demanat el canvi d'estat" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:744 +msgid "You canceled the file transfer" +msgstr "Heu cancel·lat la transferència del fitxer" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:825 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:747 +msgid "The other participant canceled the file transfer" +msgstr "L'interlocutor ha cancel·lat la transferència del fitxer" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:750 +msgid "Error while trying to transfer the file" +msgstr "S'ha produït un error en enviar el fitxer" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:753 +msgid "The other participant is unable to transfer the file" +msgstr "L'interlocutor no pot enviar el fitxer" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:756 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:313 +msgid "Unknown reason" +msgstr "Motiu desconegut" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:919 msgid "File transfer completed, but the file was corrupted" msgstr "S'ha completat la transferència però el fitxer és malmés" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1111 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1205 msgid "File transfer not supported by remote contact" msgstr "El contacte remot no admet la transferència de fitxers" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1167 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1261 msgid "The selected file is not a regular file" msgstr "El fitxer seleccionat no és un fitxer normal" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1176 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1270 msgid "The selected file is empty" msgstr "El fitxer seleccionat és buit" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-message.c:415 ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:131 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-message.c:415 ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:129 #, c-format msgid "Missed call from %s" msgstr "Vos ha trucat %s però no hi éreu" @@ -563,172 +617,141 @@ msgid "Call from %s" msgstr "Trucada des de %s" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:268 -msgid "Socket type not supported" -msgstr "No està implementat este tipus de sòcol" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:387 -msgid "No reason was specified" -msgstr "No s'ha especificat el motiu" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:390 -msgid "The change in state was requested" -msgstr "S'ha demanat el canvi d'estat" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:393 -msgid "You canceled the file transfer" -msgstr "Heu cancel·lat la transferència del fitxer" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:396 -msgid "The other participant canceled the file transfer" -msgstr "L'interlocutor ha cancel·lat la transferència del fitxer" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:399 -msgid "Error while trying to transfer the file" -msgstr "S'ha produït un error en enviar el fitxer" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:402 -msgid "The other participant is unable to transfer the file" -msgstr "L'interlocutor no pot enviar el fitxer" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:405 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:312 -msgid "Unknown reason" -msgstr "Motiu desconegut" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:232 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:233 msgid "Available" msgstr "Disponible" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:234 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:235 msgid "Busy" msgstr "Ocupat" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:237 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:238 msgid "Away" msgstr "Absent" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:239 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:240 msgid "Invisible" msgstr "Invisible" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:241 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:242 msgid "Offline" msgstr "Fora de línia" #. translators: presence type is unknown -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:244 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:245 msgctxt "presence" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Desconegut" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:284 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:285 msgid "No reason specified" msgstr "No s'ha especificat el motiu" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:286 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:342 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:287 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:343 msgid "Status is set to offline" msgstr "S'ha establit l'estat a desconnectat" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:288 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:322 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:49 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:289 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:323 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:47 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:81 msgid "Network error" msgstr "Error de la xarxa" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:290 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:324 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:291 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:325 msgid "Authentication failed" msgstr "Ha fallat l'autenticació" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:292 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:326 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:293 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:327 msgid "Encryption error" msgstr "Error de xifratge" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:294 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:295 msgid "Name in use" msgstr "Nom ja utilitzat" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:296 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:328 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:297 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:329 msgid "Certificate not provided" msgstr "No s'ha proporcionat el certificat" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:298 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:330 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:299 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:331 msgid "Certificate untrusted" msgstr "El certificat no és de confiança" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:300 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:332 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:301 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:333 msgid "Certificate expired" msgstr "El certificat ha vençut" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:302 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:334 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:303 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:335 msgid "Certificate not activated" msgstr "El certificat no està activat" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:304 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:336 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:305 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:337 msgid "Certificate hostname mismatch" msgstr "No coincideix el nom de la màquina del certificat" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:306 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:338 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:307 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:339 msgid "Certificate fingerprint mismatch" msgstr "No coincideix l'empremta digital del certificat" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:308 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:340 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:309 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:341 msgid "Certificate self-signed" msgstr "Certificat signat per un mateix" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:310 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:311 msgid "Certificate error" msgstr "Error en el certificat" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:344 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:345 msgid "Encryption is not available" msgstr "L'encriptació no està disponible" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:346 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:347 msgid "Certificate is invalid" msgstr "El certificat no és vàlid" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:348 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:349 msgid "Connection has been refused" msgstr "S'ha rebutjat la connexió" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:350 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:351 msgid "Connection can't be established" msgstr "No es pot establir la connexió" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:352 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:353 msgid "Connection has been lost" msgstr "S'ha perdut la connexió" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:354 -msgid "This resource is already connected to the server" -msgstr "Este recurs ja està connectat al servidor" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:355 +msgid "This account is already connected to the server" +msgstr "Este compte ja està connectat al servidor" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:356 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:357 msgid "" "Connection has been replaced by a new connection using the same resource" msgstr "" "S'ha reemplaçat la connexió per una altra de nova fent servir el mateix " "recurs" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:359 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:360 msgid "The account already exists on the server" msgstr "Ja existeix este compte al servidor" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:361 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:362 msgid "Server is currently too busy to handle the connection" msgstr "El servidor està massa ocupat per gestionar la connexió" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:363 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:364 msgid "Certificate has been revoked" msgstr "S'ha revocat el certificat" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:365 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:366 msgid "" "Certificate uses an insecure cipher algorithm or is cryptographically weak" msgstr "" "El certificat utilitza un algorisme criptògraf no segur o la seua fortalesa " "criptogràfica és feble" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:368 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:369 msgid "" "The length of the server certificate, or the depth of the server certificate " "chain, exceed the limits imposed by the cryptography library" @@ -736,283 +759,276 @@ "La llargada del certificat del servidor o la profunditat de la cadena de " "certificació excedeix els límits de la biblioteca criptogràfica" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:529 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-store.h:73 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:373 +msgid "Your software is too old" +msgstr "El programari és massa vell" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:375 +msgid "Internal error" +msgstr "Error intern" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:534 msgid "People Nearby" msgstr "Gent propera" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:534 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:539 msgid "Yahoo! Japan" msgstr "Yahoo! del Japó" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:563 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:568 msgid "Google Talk" msgstr "Google Talk" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:564 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:569 msgid "Facebook Chat" msgstr "Xat del Facebook" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:88 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:90 #, c-format msgid "%d second ago" msgid_plural "%d seconds ago" msgstr[0] "fa %d segon" msgstr[1] "fa %d segons" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:93 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:96 #, c-format msgid "%d minute ago" msgid_plural "%d minutes ago" msgstr[0] "fa %d minut" msgstr[1] "fa %d minuts" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:98 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:102 #, c-format msgid "%d hour ago" msgid_plural "%d hours ago" msgstr[0] "fa %d hora" msgstr[1] "fa %d hores" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:103 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:108 #, c-format msgid "%d day ago" msgid_plural "%d days ago" msgstr[0] "fa %d dia" msgstr[1] "fa %d dies" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:108 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:114 #, c-format msgid "%d week ago" msgid_plural "%d weeks ago" msgstr[0] "fa %d setmana" msgstr[1] "fa %d setmanes" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:113 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:120 #, c-format msgid "%d month ago" msgid_plural "%d months ago" msgstr[0] "fa %d mes" msgstr[1] "fa %d mesos" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:136 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:142 msgid "in the future" msgstr "en el futur" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-chooser.c:540 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:75 +msgid "Password not found" +msgstr "No s'ha trobat la contrasenya" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:218 +#, c-format +msgid "IM account password for %s (%s)" +msgstr "Contrasenya pel compte de missatgeria instantània %s (%s)" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:253 +#, c-format +msgid "Password for chatroom '%s' on account %s (%s)" +msgstr "Contrasenya per la sala de xat «%s» del compte %s (%s)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-chooser.c:692 msgid "All accounts" msgstr "Tots els comptes" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:694 -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:321 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:682 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:336 msgid "Account" msgstr "Compte" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:695 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:683 msgid "Password" msgstr "Contrasenya" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:696 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:507 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:684 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:511 msgid "Server" msgstr "Servidor" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:697 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:522 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:685 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:529 msgid "Port" msgstr "Port" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:769 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:826 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:765 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:817 #, c-format msgid "%s:" msgstr "%s:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1192 -msgid "My Web Accounts" -msgstr "Els comptes web" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1208 -#, c-format -msgid "The account %s is edited via %s." -msgstr "S'està editant el compte %s a través de %s." - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1214 -#, c-format -msgid "The account %s cannot be edited in Empathy." -msgstr "No es pot editar el compte %s a través de l'Empathy." - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1233 -msgid "Launch My Web Accounts" -msgstr "Inicia els comptes web" - -#. general handler -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1241 -#, c-format -msgid "Edit %s" -msgstr "Edita %s" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1591 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1398 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:14 msgid "Username:" msgstr "Nom d'usuari:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1909 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1710 msgid "A_pply" msgstr "_Aplica" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1939 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1739 msgid "L_og in" msgstr "_Entra" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2013 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1812 msgid "This account already exists on the server" msgstr "Ja existeix este compte al servidor" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2016 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1816 msgid "Create a new account on the server" msgstr "Crea un compte nou al servidor" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2208 -msgid "Ca_ncel" -msgstr "Ca_ncel·la" - #. To translators: The first parameter is the login id and the #. * second one is the network. The resulting string will be something #. * like: "MyUserName on freenode". #. * You should reverse the order of these arguments if the #. * server should come before the login id in your locale. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2486 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2241 #, c-format msgid "%1$s on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s a %2$s" #. To translators: The parameter is the protocol name. The resulting #. * string will be something like: "Jabber Account" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2512 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2267 #, c-format msgid "%s Account" msgstr "Compte %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2516 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2271 msgid "New account" msgstr "Compte nou" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:1 -msgid "Example: MyScreenName" -msgstr "Exemple: ElMeuNomPúblic" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:14 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:1 +msgid "Pass_word:" +msgstr "Con_trasenya:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-generic.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:2 -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "Avançat" +msgid "Screen _Name:" +msgstr "_Nom públic:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:3 +msgid "Example: MyScreenName" +msgstr "Exemple: ElMeuNomPúblic" + +#. remember password ticky box +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:4 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:4 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:5 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:12 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:4 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:13 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:5 -msgid "Pass_word:" -msgstr "Con_trasenya:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-base-password-dialog.c:261 +msgid "Remember password" +msgstr "Recorda la contrasenya" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:5 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:5 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:10 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:20 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:5 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:16 -msgid "Remember Password" -msgstr "Recorda la contrasenya?" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Port:" +msgstr "_Port:" -#. remember password ticky box -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:6 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:6 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:7 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:21 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:17 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-password-dialog.c:311 -msgid "Remember password" -msgstr "Recorda la contrasenya" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:6 -msgid "Screen _Name:" -msgstr "_Nom públic:" +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Server:" +msgstr "_Servidor:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:7 -msgid "What is your AIM password?" -msgstr "Quina és la vostra contrasenya de l'AIM?" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-generic.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:15 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:23 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:21 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:9 +msgid "Advanced" +msgstr "Avançat" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your AIM screen name?" msgstr "Quin és el vostre nom públic de l'AIM?" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:10 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:26 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:10 -msgid "_Port:" -msgstr "_Port:" +msgid "What is your AIM password?" +msgstr "Quina és la vostra contrasenya de l'AIM?" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:10 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:10 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:11 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:27 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:7 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:10 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:9 -msgid "_Server:" -msgstr "_Servidor:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:1 -msgid "Example: username" -msgstr "Exemple: nomusuari" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:24 +msgid "Remember Password" +msgstr "Recorda la contrasenya?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:2 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:13 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:2 msgid "Login I_D:" msgstr "I_D d'entrada:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:3 +msgid "Example: username" +msgstr "Exemple: nomusuari" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your GroupWise User ID?" msgstr "Quin és el vostre identificador d'usuari del GroupWise?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your GroupWise password?" msgstr "Quina és la vostra contrasenya del GroupWise?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:2 +msgid "ICQ _UIN:" +msgstr "_UIN de l'ICQ:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:3 msgid "Example: 123456789" msgstr "Exemple: 123456789" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:7 msgid "Ch_aracter set:" msgstr "_Joc de caràcters:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:4 -msgid "ICQ _UIN:" -msgstr "_UIN de l'ICQ:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your ICQ UIN?" msgstr "Quin és el vostre UIN de l'ICQ?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:9 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:10 msgid "What is your ICQ password?" msgstr "Quina és la vostra contrasenya de l'ICQ?" @@ -1049,11 +1065,44 @@ msgid "None" msgstr "Cap" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:1 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Xarxa" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:2 +msgid "Network:" +msgstr "Xarxa:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:3 msgid "Character set:" msgstr "Joc de caràcters:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:1 +msgid "Add…" +msgstr "Afig…" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:3 +msgid "Remove" +msgstr "Suprimeix" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:6 +msgid "Up" +msgstr "Amunt" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:7 +msgid "Down" +msgstr "Avall" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:8 +msgid "Servers" +msgstr "Servidors" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:9 msgid "" "Most IRC servers don't need a password, so if you're not sure, don't enter a " "password." @@ -1061,72 +1110,36 @@ "La majoria de servidors d'IRC no necessiten contrasenya, si no n'esteu " "segurs no introduïu cap contrasenya." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:4 -msgid "Network" -msgstr "Xarxa" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 -msgid "Network:" -msgstr "Xarxa:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:6 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 msgid "Nickname:" msgstr "Sobrenom:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 msgid "Password:" msgstr "Contrasenya:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:12 msgid "Quit message:" msgstr "Missatge de desconnexió:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:9 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 msgid "Real name:" msgstr "Nom real:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 -msgid "Servers" -msgstr "Servidors" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:16 +msgid "Which IRC network?" +msgstr "Quina xarxa d'IRC?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:12 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:17 msgid "What is your IRC nickname?" msgstr "Quin és el vostre sobrenom a l'IRC?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 -msgid "Which IRC network?" -msgstr "Quina xarxa d'IRC?" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:1 -msgid "Example: user@gmail.com" -msgstr "Exemple: usuari@gmail.com" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:2 -msgid "Example: user@jabber.org" -msgstr "Exemple: usuari@jabber.org" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:4 -msgid "Encr_yption required (TLS/SSL)" -msgstr "_Es requereix encriptació (TLS/SSL)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:5 -msgid "I_gnore SSL certificate errors" -msgstr "_Ignora els errors del certificat SSL" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:7 -msgid "Override server settings" -msgstr "Sobreescriu els paràmetres del servidor" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:9 -msgid "Priori_ty:" -msgstr "Pri_oritat:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:12 -msgid "Reso_urce:" -msgstr "Rec_urs:" +msgid "What is your Facebook username?" +msgstr "Quin és el vostre nom d'usuari del Facebook?" #. This string is not wrapped in the dialog so you may have to add some '\n' to make it look nice. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:14 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:3 msgid "" "This is your username, not your normal Facebook login.\n" "If you are facebook.com/badger, enter badger.\n" @@ -1138,179 +1151,203 @@ "Utilitzeu esta pàgina per " "seleccionar un nom d'usuari del Facebook si no en teniu." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:17 -msgid "Use old SS_L" -msgstr "Utilitza l'SS_L antic" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:18 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:6 msgid "What is your Facebook password?" msgstr "Quina és la vostra contrasenya del Facebook?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:19 -msgid "What is your Facebook username?" -msgstr "Quin és el vostre nom d'usuari del Facebook?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:20 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your Google ID?" msgstr "Quin és el vostre identificador del Google?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:21 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:9 +msgid "Example: user@gmail.com" +msgstr "Exemple: usuari@gmail.com" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:10 msgid "What is your Google password?" msgstr "Quina és la vostra contrasenya del Google?" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:11 +msgid "Example: user@jabber.org" +msgstr "Exemple: usuari@jabber.org" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:15 +msgid "I_gnore SSL certificate errors" +msgstr "_Ignora els errors del certificat SSL" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:16 +msgid "Priori_ty:" +msgstr "Pri_oritat:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:17 +msgid "Reso_urce:" +msgstr "Rec_urs:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:18 +msgid "Encr_yption required (TLS/SSL)" +msgstr "_Es requereix encriptació (TLS/SSL)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:19 +msgid "Use old SS_L" +msgstr "Utilitza l'SS_L antic" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:22 +msgid "Override server settings" +msgstr "Sobreescriu els paràmetres del servidor" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:24 msgid "What is your Jabber ID?" msgstr "Quin és el vostre identificador del Jabber?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:23 -msgid "What is your Jabber password?" -msgstr "Quina és la vostra contrasenya del Jabber?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:24 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:25 msgid "What is your desired Jabber ID?" msgstr "Quin identificador del Jabber voleu?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:25 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:26 +msgid "What is your Jabber password?" +msgstr "Quina és la vostra contrasenya del Jabber?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:27 msgid "What is your desired Jabber password?" msgstr "Quina contrasenya preferiu per al Jabber?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:3 msgid "Example: user@hotmail.com" msgstr "Exemple: usuari@hotmail.com" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your Windows Live ID?" msgstr "Quin és el vostre identificador del Windows Live?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your Windows Live password?" msgstr "Quina és la vostra contrasenya del Windows Live?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:2 -msgid "E-_mail address:" -msgstr "_Adreça electrònica:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:1 msgid "Nic_kname:" msgstr "_Sobrenom:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Last Name:" +msgstr "Co_gnoms:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:3 msgid "_First Name:" msgstr "_Nom:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Published Name:" +msgstr "Nom _públic:" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:5 msgid "_Jabber ID:" msgstr "_Jabber ID:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:6 -msgid "_Last Name:" -msgstr "Co_gnoms:" +msgid "E-_mail address:" +msgstr "_Adreça electrònica:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:7 -msgid "_Published Name:" -msgstr "Nom _públic:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Username:" +msgstr "N_om d'usuari:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:3 msgid "Example: user@my.sip.server" msgstr "Exemple: usuari@el.meu.servidor.sip" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:3 -msgid "Authentication username:" -msgstr "Nom d'usuari per l'autenticació:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:4 -msgid "Discover Binding" -msgstr "Descobreix la vinculació" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:5 -msgid "Discover the STUN server automatically" -msgstr "Descobreix automàticament el servidor STUN" +msgid "Use this account to call _landlines and mobile phones" +msgstr "Utilitza este compte per fer trucades a _fixes i a mòbils" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:6 -msgid "Ignore TLS Errors" -msgstr "Ignora els errors de la TLS" +msgid "NAT Traversal Options" +msgstr "Opcions del travessament del NAT" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:7 -msgid "Interval (seconds)" -msgstr "Interval (segons)" +msgid "Proxy Options" +msgstr "Opcions del servidor intermediari" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:8 -msgid "Keep-Alive Options" -msgstr "Opcions del manteniment de la connexió oberta" +msgid "Miscellaneous Options" +msgstr "Opcions diverses" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:9 -msgid "Loose Routing" -msgstr "Encaminament flexible" +msgid "STUN Server:" +msgstr "Servidor STUN:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:10 -msgid "Mechanism:" -msgstr "Mecanisme:" +msgid "Discover the STUN server automatically" +msgstr "Descobreix automàticament el servidor STUN" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:11 -msgid "Miscellaneous Options" -msgstr "Opcions diverses" +msgid "Discover Binding" +msgstr "Descobreix la vinculació" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:12 -msgid "NAT Traversal Options" -msgstr "Opcions del travessament del NAT" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:114 +msgid "Server:" +msgstr "Servidor:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:13 +msgid "Keep-Alive Options" +msgstr "Opcions del manteniment de la connexió oberta" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:14 -msgid "Port:" -msgstr "Port:" +msgid "Mechanism:" +msgstr "Mecanisme:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:15 -msgid "Proxy Options" -msgstr "Opcions del servidor intermediari" +msgid "Interval (seconds)" +msgstr "Interval (segons)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:16 +msgid "Authentication username:" +msgstr "Nom d'usuari per l'autenticació:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:17 +msgid "Transport:" +msgstr "Transport:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:18 -msgid "STUN Server:" -msgstr "Servidor STUN:" +msgid "Loose Routing" +msgstr "Encaminament flexible" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:19 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:347 -msgid "Server:" -msgstr "Servidor:" +msgid "Ignore TLS Errors" +msgstr "Ignora els errors de la TLS" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:20 -msgid "Transport:" -msgstr "Transport:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:21 -msgid "Use this account to call _landlines and mobile phones" -msgstr "Utilitza este compte per fer trucades a _fixes i a mòbils" +msgid "Port:" +msgstr "Port:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:22 -msgid "What is your SIP account password?" -msgstr "Quina és la vostra contrasenya del compte de SIP?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:23 msgid "What is your SIP login ID?" msgstr "Quin és el vostre identificador d'entrada de SIP?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:24 -msgid "_Username:" -msgstr "N_om d'usuari:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:23 +msgid "What is your SIP account password?" +msgstr "Quina és la vostra contrasenya del compte de SIP?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:2 +msgid "Yahoo! I_D:" +msgstr "I_D del Yahoo!:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:5 msgid "I_gnore conference and chat room invitations" msgstr "_Ignora les invitacions de conferència i de sala de xat" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Room List locale:" +msgstr "_Localització de la llista de la sala:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:10 msgid "What is your Yahoo! ID?" msgstr "Quin és el vostre identificador del Yahoo!?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:11 msgid "What is your Yahoo! password?" msgstr "Quina és la vostra contrasenya del Yahoo!?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:9 -msgid "Yahoo! I_D:" -msgstr "I_D del Yahoo!:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:11 -msgid "_Room List locale:" -msgstr "_Localització de la llista de la sala:" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:471 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:556 msgid "Couldn't convert image" @@ -1348,61 +1385,65 @@ msgid "Click to enlarge" msgstr "Feu clic per fer-la més gran" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:44 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:42 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:60 msgid "There was an error starting the call" msgstr "S'ha produït un error en iniciar la trucada" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:51 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:49 msgid "The specified contact doesn't support calls" msgstr "El contacte que heu seleccionat no permet trucades" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:53 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:51 msgid "The specified contact is offline" msgstr "El contacte seleccionat està fora de línia" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:55 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:53 msgid "The specified contact is not valid" msgstr "El contacte seleccionat no és vàlid" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:57 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:55 msgid "Emergency calls are not supported on this protocol" msgstr "Este protocol no permet fer trucades d'emergència" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:705 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:57 +msgid "You don't have enough credit in order to place this call" +msgstr "No teniu prou saldo per fer esta trucada" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:729 msgid "Failed to open private chat" msgstr "No s'ha pogut obrir un xat privat" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:766 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:787 msgid "Topic not supported on this conversation" msgstr "No es pot establir el tema en esta conversa" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:772 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:793 msgid "You are not allowed to change the topic" msgstr "No podeu canviar el tema" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:976 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:992 #, c-format msgid "“%s” is not a valid contact ID" msgstr "«%s» no és un identificador de contacte vàlid" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1071 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1087 msgid "/clear: clear all messages from the current conversation" msgstr "/clear: neteja tots els missatges de la conversa actual" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1074 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1090 msgid "/topic : set the topic of the current conversation" msgstr "/topic : estableix el tema de la conversa actual" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1077 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1093 msgid "/join : join a new chat room" msgstr "/join : entra a una sala de xat nova" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1080 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1096 msgid "/j : join a new chat room" msgstr "/j : entra a una sala de xat nova" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1084 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1100 msgid "" "/part [] []: leave the chat room, by default the " "current one" @@ -1410,23 +1451,23 @@ "/part [] []: eixiu de la sala de " "xat, si no s'indica el contrari, l'actual" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1088 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1104 msgid "/query []: open a private chat" msgstr "/query [missatge]: obri un xat privat" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1091 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1107 msgid "/msg : open a private chat" msgstr "/msg : obri un xat privat" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1094 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1110 msgid "/nick : change your nickname on the current server" msgstr "/nick : canvieu el vostre sobrenom en el servidor actual" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1097 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1113 msgid "/me : send an ACTION message to the current conversation" msgstr "/me : envia un missatge d'ACCIÓ a la conversa actual" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1100 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1116 msgid "" "/say : send to the current conversation. This is used to " "send a message starting with a '/'. For example: \"/say /join is used to " @@ -1436,12 +1477,12 @@ "enviar un missatge que comence per «/». Per exemple: «/say /join s'utilitza " "per entrar a una sala de xat nova»" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1105 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1121 msgid "/whois : display information about a contact" msgstr "" "/whois : mostra informació sobre el contacte" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1108 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1124 msgid "" "/help []: show all supported commands. If is defined, " "show its usage." @@ -1449,113 +1490,127 @@ "/help []: mostra totes les ordes possibles. Si s'indica una es " "mostra com s'ha d'utilitzar." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1127 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1143 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s" msgstr "Forma d'ús: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1172 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1188 msgid "Unknown command" msgstr "Orde desconeguda" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1298 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1314 msgid "Unknown command; see /help for the available commands" msgstr "Orde desconeguda, vegeu /help per a la llista d'ordes disponibles" -#. translators: error used when user doesn't have enough credit on his -#. * account to send the message. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1468 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1565 msgid "insufficient balance to send message" msgstr "no hi ha prou saldo per enviar el missatge" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1470 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1569 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1583 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1646 +#, c-format +msgid "Error sending message '%s': %s" +msgstr "S'ha produït un error en enviar el missatge «%s»: %s" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1571 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1588 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1650 +#, c-format +msgid "Error sending message: %s" +msgstr "S'ha produït un error en enviar el missatge: %s" + +#. translators: error used when user doesn't have enough credit on his +#. * account to send the message. +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1577 +#, c-format +msgid "insufficient balance to send message. Top up." +msgstr "" +"no hi ha prou saldo per enviar el missatge. Recarrega." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1617 msgid "not capable" msgstr "no es pot realitzar" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1477 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1624 msgid "offline" msgstr "desconnectat" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1480 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1627 msgid "invalid contact" msgstr "contacte no vàlid" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1483 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1630 msgid "permission denied" msgstr "s'ha denegat el permís" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1486 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1633 msgid "too long message" msgstr "el missatge és massa llarg" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1489 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1636 msgid "not implemented" msgstr "no implementat" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1493 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1640 msgid "unknown" msgstr "desconegut" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1499 -#, c-format -msgid "Error sending message '%s': %s" -msgstr "S'ha produït un error en enviar el missatge «%s»: %s" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1503 -#, c-format -msgid "Error sending message: %s" -msgstr "S'ha produït un error en enviar el missatge: %s" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1564 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:761 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1707 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:920 msgid "Topic:" msgstr "Tema:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1576 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1722 #, c-format msgid "Topic set to: %s" msgstr "Tema establit a: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1578 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1724 +#, c-format +msgid "Topic set by %s to: %s" +msgstr "Tema establit per %s a: %s" + +#. No need to display this 'event' is no topic can be defined anyway +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1729 msgid "No topic defined" msgstr "No s'ha definit cap tema" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2087 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2245 msgid "(No Suggestions)" msgstr "(Cap suggeriment)" #. translators: %s is the selected word -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2155 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2313 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to Dictionary" msgstr "Afig «%s» al diccionari" #. translators: first %s is the selected word, #. * second %s is the language name of the target dictionary -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2192 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2350 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to %s Dictionary" msgstr "Afig «%s» al diccionari %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2262 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2420 msgid "Insert Smiley" msgstr "Insereix una emoticona" #. send button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2280 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1839 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2438 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1880 msgid "_Send" msgstr "_Envia" #. Spelling suggestions -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2334 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2495 msgid "_Spelling Suggestions" msgstr "_Suggeriments d'ortografia" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2423 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2584 msgid "Failed to retrieve recent logs" msgstr "No s'han pogut recuperar els registres recents" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2560 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2723 #, c-format msgid "%s has disconnected" msgstr "En/na %s s'ha desconnectat" @@ -1563,12 +1618,12 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the kicked should come before the kicker in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2567 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2730 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was kicked by %2$s" msgstr "En/na %2$s ha expulsat en/na %1$s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2570 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2733 #, c-format msgid "%s was kicked" msgstr "S'ha expulsat en/na %s" @@ -1576,17 +1631,17 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the banned should come before the banner in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2578 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2741 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was banned by %2$s" msgstr "En/na %2$s ha bandejat en/na %1$s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2581 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2744 #, c-format msgid "%s was banned" msgstr "s'ha bandejat en/na %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2585 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2748 #, c-format msgid "%s has left the room" msgstr "En/na %s ha eixit de la sala" @@ -1596,17 +1651,17 @@ #. * given by the user living the room. If this poses a problem, #. * please let us know. :-) #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2594 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2757 #, c-format msgid " (%s)" msgstr " (%s)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2619 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2782 #, c-format msgid "%s has joined the room" msgstr "En/na %s ha entrat a la sala" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2644 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2807 #, c-format msgid "%s is now known as %s" msgstr "En/na %s ara es diu %s" @@ -1614,90 +1669,90 @@ #. We don't know if the incoming call has been accepted or not, so we #. * assume it hasn't and if it has, we'll set the proper status when #. * we get the new handler. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2797 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1894 -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1240 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1546 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1596 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2641 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2994 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1888 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1279 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1502 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1552 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2590 msgid "Disconnected" msgstr "Fora de línia" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3441 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3658 msgid "Would you like to store this password?" msgstr "Voleu emmagatzemar esta contrasenya?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3447 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3664 msgid "Remember" msgstr "Recorda-la" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3457 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3674 msgid "Not now" msgstr "Ara no" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3501 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3718 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-bad-password-dialog.c:142 msgid "Retry" msgstr "Torna-ho a intentar" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3505 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3722 msgid "Wrong password; please try again:" msgstr "Contrasenya errònia, torneu-ho a intentar:" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3635 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3852 msgid "This room is protected by a password:" msgstr "Esta sala és protegida per una contrasenya:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3662 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3879 msgid "Join" msgstr "Uneix-m'hi" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3864 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1261 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4071 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1300 msgid "Connected" msgstr "Connectat" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3919 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4126 msgid "Conversation" msgstr "Conversa" #. Translators: this string is a something like #. * "Escher Cat (SMS)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3924 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4131 #, c-format msgid "%s (SMS)" msgstr "%s (SMS)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:424 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:262 msgid "Unknown or invalid identifier" msgstr "Identificador desconegut o no vàlid" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:426 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:264 msgid "Contact blocking temporarily unavailable" msgstr "No està disponible, temporalment, el blocatge de contactes" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:428 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:266 msgid "Contact blocking unavailable" msgstr "No es poden blocar contactes" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:430 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:268 msgid "Permission Denied" msgstr "S'ha denegat el permís" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:434 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:272 msgid "Could not block contact" msgstr "No s'ha pogut blocar el contacte" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:774 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:610 msgid "Edit Blocked Contacts" msgstr "Editeu els contactes blocats" #. Account and Identifier #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:512 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1489 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-selector-dialog.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:506 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1474 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:7 msgid "Account:" msgstr "Compte:" @@ -1705,465 +1760,363 @@ msgid "Blocked Contacts" msgstr "Contactes blocats" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:5 -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Remove" -msgstr "Suprimeix" - #. Copy Link Address menu item -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:320 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:322 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-webkit-utils.c:277 msgid "_Copy Link Address" msgstr "_Copia l'adreça de l'enllaç" #. Open Link menu item -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:327 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:329 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-webkit-utils.c:284 msgid "_Open Link" msgstr "_Obri l'enllaç" #. Translators: timestamp displayed between conversations in #. * chat windows (strftime format string) -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:415 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:417 msgid "%A %B %d %Y" msgstr "%A %B %d %Y" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:299 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-edit-dialog.c:247 -msgid "Edit Contact Information" -msgstr "Edita la informació del contacte" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:350 -msgid "Personal Information" -msgstr "Informació personal" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:459 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:119 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:326 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:118 msgid "New Contact" msgstr "Contacte nou" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:533 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:200 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:395 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:197 #, c-format msgid "Block %s?" msgstr "Voleu blocar %s?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:538 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:255 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:400 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:252 #, c-format msgid "Are you sure you want to block '%s' from contacting you again?" msgstr "Segur que voleu blocar «%s» perquè no vos contacti més?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:543 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:277 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:405 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:274 msgid "_Block" msgstr "_Bloca" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:559 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:286 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:423 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:283 msgid "_Report this contact as abusive" msgid_plural "_Report these contacts as abusive" msgstr[0] "_Informa que este contacte es comporta incorrectament" msgstr[1] "_Informa que estos contactes es comporten incorrectament" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:1 -msgid "Decide _Later" -msgstr "Ho _decidiré més tard" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:2 msgid "Subscription Request" msgstr "Sol·licitud de subscripció" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:2 msgid "_Block User" msgstr "_Bloca l'usuari" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-store.h:71 -msgid "Ungrouped" -msgstr "Sense grup" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-store.h:72 -msgid "Favorite People" -msgstr "Persones preferides" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:1986 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2376 -#, c-format -msgid "Do you really want to remove the group '%s'?" -msgstr "Segur que voleu suprimir el grup «%s»?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:1988 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2379 -msgid "Removing group" -msgstr "S'està suprimint el grup" - -#. Remove -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2037 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2114 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2434 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2637 -msgid "_Remove" -msgstr "_Suprimeix" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2067 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2501 -#, c-format -msgid "Do you really want to remove the contact '%s'?" -msgstr "Segur que voleu suprimir el contacte «%s»?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2069 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2522 -msgid "Removing contact" -msgstr "Suprimeix el contacte" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:220 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:14 -msgid "_Add Contact…" -msgstr "_Afig un contacte…" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:300 -msgid "_Block Contact" -msgstr "_Bloca el contacte" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:329 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:758 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:16 -msgid "_Chat" -msgstr "_Xat" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:361 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:849 -msgctxt "menu item" -msgid "_Audio Call" -msgstr "Trucada de _veu" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:394 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:894 -msgctxt "menu item" -msgid "_Video Call" -msgstr "_Trucada de vídeo" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:440 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:947 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:27 -msgid "_Previous Conversations" -msgstr "Converses _anteriors" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:462 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:988 -msgid "Send File" -msgstr "Envia un fitxer" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:485 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1030 -msgid "Share My Desktop" -msgstr "Comparteix el meu escriptori" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:525 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1887 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1065 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1372 -msgid "Favorite" -msgstr "Preferit" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:554 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1093 -msgid "Infor_mation" -msgstr "Infor_mació" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:600 -msgctxt "Edit contact (contextual menu)" -msgid "_Edit" -msgstr "_Edita" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:654 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1284 -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:1011 -msgid "Inviting you to this room" -msgstr "Se vos està convidant a esta sala" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:685 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1330 -msgid "_Invite to Chat Room" -msgstr "_Convida a la sala de xat" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:3 +msgid "Decide _Later" +msgstr "Ho _decidiré més tard" #. Title -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:505 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:499 msgid "Search contacts" msgstr "Cerca de contactes" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:535 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:529 msgid "Search: " msgstr "Cerca: " -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:593 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:587 msgid "_Add Contact" msgstr "_Afig un contacte" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:611 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:605 msgid "No contacts found" msgstr "No s'ha trobat cap contacte" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:627 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:621 msgid "Your message introducing yourself:" msgstr "El vostre missatge d'introducció:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:635 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:629 msgid "Please let me see when you're online. Thanks!" msgstr "Permeta'm veure quan estàs en línia. Gràcies." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-selector.c:129 -msgid "Select a contact" -msgstr "Seleccioneu un contacte" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:336 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:153 -msgid "Full name:" -msgstr "Nom complet:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:337 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:154 -msgid "Phone number:" -msgstr "Número de telèfon:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:338 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:155 -msgid "E-mail address:" -msgstr "Adreça electrònica:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:339 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:156 -msgid "Website:" -msgstr "Lloc web:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:340 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:157 -msgid "Birthday:" -msgstr "Aniversari:" - -#. Note to translators: this is the caption for a string of the form "5 -#. * minutes ago", and refers to the time since the contact last interacted -#. * with their IM client. -#. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:346 -msgid "Last seen:" -msgstr "Vist per últim cop:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:348 -msgid "Connected from:" -msgstr "Connectat des de:" - -#. FIXME: once Idle implements SimplePresence using this information, we can -#. * and should bin this. -#. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:353 -msgid "Away message:" -msgstr "Missatge d'absència:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:606 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:567 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:304 msgid "Channels:" msgstr "Canals:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:897 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:469 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:747 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:455 msgid "Country ISO Code:" msgstr "Codi ISO del país:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:899 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:471 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:749 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:457 msgid "Country:" msgstr "País:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:901 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:473 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:751 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:459 msgid "State:" msgstr "Estat:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:903 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:475 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:753 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:461 msgid "City:" msgstr "Ciutat:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:905 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:477 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:755 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:463 msgid "Area:" msgstr "Àrea:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:907 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:479 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:757 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:465 msgid "Postal Code:" msgstr "Codi postal:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:909 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:481 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:759 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:467 msgid "Street:" msgstr "Carrer:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:911 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:483 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:761 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:469 msgid "Building:" msgstr "Edifici:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:913 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:485 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:763 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:471 msgid "Floor:" msgstr "Planta:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:915 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:487 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:765 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:473 msgid "Room:" msgstr "Habitació:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:917 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:489 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:767 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:475 msgid "Text:" msgstr "Text:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:919 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:491 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:769 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:477 msgid "Description:" msgstr "Descripció:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:921 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:493 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:771 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:479 msgid "URI:" msgstr "URI:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:923 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:495 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:773 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:481 msgid "Accuracy Level:" msgstr "Nivell de precisió:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:925 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:497 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:775 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:483 msgid "Error:" msgstr "Error:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:927 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:499 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:777 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:485 msgid "Vertical Error (meters):" msgstr "Error vertical (metres):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:929 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:501 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:779 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:487 msgid "Horizontal Error (meters):" msgstr "Error horitzontal (metres):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:931 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:503 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:781 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:489 msgid "Speed:" msgstr "Velocitat:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:933 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:505 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:783 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:491 msgid "Bearing:" msgstr "Direcció:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:935 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:507 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:785 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:493 msgid "Climb Speed:" msgstr "Velocitat de pujada:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:937 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:509 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:787 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:495 msgid "Last Updated on:" msgstr "Última actualització a:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:939 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:511 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:789 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:497 msgid "Longitude:" msgstr "Longitud:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:941 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:513 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:791 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:499 msgid "Latitude:" msgstr "Latitud:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:943 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:515 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:793 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:501 msgid "Altitude:" msgstr "Altitud:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:996 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1011 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:607 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:622 -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:17 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:846 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:861 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:593 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:608 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:35 msgid "Location" msgstr "Ubicació" #. translators: format is "Location, $date" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1013 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:624 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:863 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:610 #, c-format msgid "%s, %s" msgstr "%s el %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1065 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:673 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:915 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:659 msgid "%B %e, %Y at %R UTC" msgstr "%e de %B de %Y a les %R UTC" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1147 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:915 -msgid "Save Avatar" -msgstr "Alça l'avatar" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1203 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:973 -msgid "Unable to save avatar" -msgstr "No s'ha pogut alçar l'avatar" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:1 -msgid "Location at (date)\t" -msgstr "Ubicació a (data)\t" - -#. Alias -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1308 -msgid "Alias:" -msgstr "Àlies:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:997 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:900 +msgid "Save Avatar" +msgstr "Alça l'avatar" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:4 -msgid "Client Information" -msgstr "Informació del client" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1053 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:958 +msgid "Unable to save avatar" +msgstr "No s'ha pogut alçar l'avatar" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:5 -msgid "Client:" -msgstr "Client:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1444 +msgid "Personal Details" +msgstr "Dades personals" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1447 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:2 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:3 msgid "Contact Details" msgstr "Detalls del contacte" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:104 +msgid "Full name" +msgstr "Nom complet" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:105 +msgid "Phone number" +msgstr "Número de telèfon" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:106 +msgid "E-mail address" +msgstr "Adreça electrònica" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:107 +msgid "Website" +msgstr "Lloc web" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:108 +msgid "Birthday" +msgstr "Aniversari" + +#. Note to translators: this is the caption for a string of the form "5 +#. * minutes ago", and refers to the time since the contact last interacted +#. * with their IM client. +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:113 +msgid "Last seen:" +msgstr "Vist per últim cop:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:115 +msgid "Connected from:" +msgstr "Connectat des de:" + +#. FIXME: once Idle implements SimplePresence using this information, we can +#. * and should bin this. +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:119 +msgid "Away message:" +msgstr "Missatge d'absència:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:132 +msgid "work" +msgstr "faena" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:133 +msgid "home" +msgstr "casa" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:134 +msgid "mobile" +msgstr "mòbil" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:135 +msgid "voice" +msgstr "veu" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:136 +msgid "preferred" +msgstr "preferit" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:137 +msgid "postal" +msgstr "codi postal" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:138 +msgid "parcel" +msgstr "parcel·la" + #. Identifier to connect to Instant Messaging network #. Translators: Identifier to connect to Instant Messaging network -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:8 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1517 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1502 msgid "Identifier:" msgstr "Identificador:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:3 +#. Alias +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1293 +msgid "Alias:" +msgstr "Àlies:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:5 +msgid "Location at (date)\t" +msgstr "Ubicació a (data)\t" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:4 msgid "Information requested…" msgstr "S'ha demanat la informació…" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:10 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:8 +msgid "Client Information" +msgstr "Informació del client" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:9 msgid "OS:" msgstr "SO:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:10 msgid "Version:" msgstr "Versió:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:333 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:11 +msgid "Client:" +msgstr "Client:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:331 msgid "Groups" msgstr "Grups" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:345 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:343 msgid "" "Select the groups you want this contact to appear in. Note that you can " "select more than one group or no groups." @@ -2171,105 +2124,176 @@ "Seleccioneu els grups en els quals voleu que hi haja este contacte. Podeu " "seleccionar-ne més d'un o bé cap." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:364 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:362 msgid "_Add Group" msgstr "_Afig un grup" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:399 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:397 msgctxt "verb in a column header displaying group names" msgid "Select" msgstr "Seleccioneu" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:409 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1833 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:407 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1970 msgid "Group" msgstr "Grup" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:260 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:257 msgid "The following identity will be blocked:" msgid_plural "The following identities will be blocked:" msgstr[0] "Es blocarà la identitat següent:" msgstr[1] "Es blocaran les identitats següents:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:267 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:264 msgid "The following identity can not be blocked:" msgid_plural "The following identities can not be blocked:" msgstr[0] "No es pot blocar la identitat següent:" msgstr[1] "No es poden blocar les identitats següents:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-edit-dialog.c:247 +msgid "Edit Contact Information" +msgstr "Edita la informació del contacte" + #. Translators: the heading at the top of the Information dialogue #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-information-dialog.c:288 msgid "Linked Contacts" msgstr "Metacontactes" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-linker.c:370 -msgid "Select contacts to link" -msgstr "Seleccioneu els contactes a enllaçar" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-linker.c:444 -msgid "New contact preview" -msgstr "Previsualització del contacte nou" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-linker.c:488 -msgid "Contacts selected in the list on the left will be linked together." -msgstr "S'enllaçaran els contactes seleccionats a la llista de l'esquerra." - #. Translators: this is used in the context menu for a contact. The first #. * parameter is a contact ID (e.g. foo@jabber.org) and the second is one #. * of the user's account IDs (e.g. me@hotmail.com). -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:145 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:173 #, c-format msgid "%s (%s)" msgstr "%s (%s)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:309 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:345 msgid "Select account to use to place the call" msgstr "Seleccioneu el compte amb el que voleu fer la trucada" #. translators: Call is a noun. This string is used in the window #. * title -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:313 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:2 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1299 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:349 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1290 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:18 msgid "Call" msgstr "Trucada" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:378 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:414 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Mòbil" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:380 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:416 msgid "Work" msgstr "Faena" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:382 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:418 msgid "HOME" msgstr "Casa" -#. add an SMS button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:804 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:215 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:659 +msgid "_Block Contact" +msgstr "_Bloca el contacte" + +#. add chat button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1018 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:319 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Chat" +msgstr "_Xat" + +#. add SMS button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1053 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:313 msgid "_SMS" msgstr "_SMS" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1142 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1086 +msgctxt "menu item" +msgid "_Audio Call" +msgstr "Trucada de _veu" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1119 +msgctxt "menu item" +msgid "_Video Call" +msgstr "_Trucada de vídeo" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1160 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Previous Conversations" +msgstr "Converses _anteriors" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1189 +msgid "Send File" +msgstr "Envia un fitxer" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1219 +msgid "Share My Desktop" +msgstr "Comparteix el meu escriptori" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1245 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1357 +msgid "Favorite" +msgstr "Preferit" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1264 +msgid "gnome-contacts not installed" +msgstr "El Contactes del GNOME no està instal·lat" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1267 +msgid "Please install gnome-contacts to access contacts details." +msgstr "" +"Instal·leu el Contactes del GNOME per accedir a les dades dels contactes." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1398 +msgid "Infor_mation" +msgstr "Infor_mació" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1447 msgctxt "Edit individual (contextual menu)" msgid "_Edit" msgstr "_Edita" -#. Translators: this is a verb meaning "to connect two contacts together -#. * to form a meta-contact". -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1168 -msgctxt "Link individual (contextual menu)" -msgid "_Link Contacts…" -msgstr "_Enllaça els contactes…" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1564 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:1192 +msgid "Inviting you to this room" +msgstr "Se vos està convidant a esta sala" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1610 +msgid "_Invite to Chat Room" +msgstr "_Convida a la sala de xat" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1806 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:5 +msgid "_Add Contact…" +msgstr "_Afig un contacte…" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2341 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2304 msgid "Delete and _Block" msgstr "Suprimeix i _bloca" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2510 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2339 +#, c-format +msgid "Do you really want to remove the group '%s'?" +msgstr "Segur que voleu suprimir el grup «%s»?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2342 +msgid "Removing group" +msgstr "S'està suprimint el grup" + +#. Remove +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2397 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2601 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_Suprimeix" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2474 +#, c-format +msgid "Do you really want to remove the contact '%s'?" +msgstr "Segur que voleu suprimir el contacte «%s»?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2483 #, c-format msgid "" "Do you really want to remove the linked contact '%s'? Note that this will " @@ -2278,7 +2302,11 @@ "Segur que voleu suprimir el metacontacte «%s»? Tingueu en compte que es " "suprimiran tots els contactes que formen este metacontacte." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1656 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2495 +msgid "Removing contact" +msgstr "Suprimeix el contacte" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1641 #, c-format msgid "Linked contact containing %u contact" msgid_plural "Linked contacts containing %u contacts" @@ -2289,23 +2317,23 @@ msgid "Location at (date)" msgstr "Ubicació a (data)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:2 msgid "Online from a phone or mobile device" msgstr "En línia des d'un telèfon o dispositiu mòbil" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:332 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:335 msgid "New Network" msgstr "Xarxa nova" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:527 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:530 msgid "Choose an IRC network" msgstr "Seleccioneu una xarxa d'IRC" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:584 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:587 msgid "Reset _Networks List" msgstr "Reinicia la llista de _xarxes" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:588 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:591 msgctxt "verb displayed on a button to select an IRC network" msgid "Select" msgstr "Selecciona" @@ -2314,254 +2342,256 @@ msgid "new server" msgstr "servidor nou" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:535 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:539 msgid "SSL" msgstr "SSL" -#. Translators: this is the title of the linking dialogue (reached by -#. * right-clicking on a contact and selecting "Link…"). "Link" in this title -#. * is a verb. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:115 -msgid "Link Contacts" -msgstr "Enllaceu contactes" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:120 -msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" -msgid "_Unlink…" -msgstr "_Desenllaça…" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:121 -msgid "" -"Completely split the displayed linked contacts into the separate contacts." -msgstr "" -"Separa completament el metacontacte que es mostra en contactes diferents." - -#. Add button -#. Translators: this is an action button in the linking dialogue. "Link" is -#. * used here as a verb meaning "to connect two contacts to form a -#. * meta-contact". -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:136 -msgid "_Link" -msgstr "_Enllaça" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:183 -#, c-format -msgid "Unlink linked contacts '%s'?" -msgstr "Voleu desenllaçar el metacontacte «%s»?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:186 -msgid "" -"Are you sure you want to unlink these linked contacts? This will completely " -"split the linked contacts into separate contacts." -msgstr "" -"Segur que voleu desenllaçar este metacontacte? Si ho feu separareu " -"completament el metacontacte en contactes diferents." - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:190 -msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" -msgid "_Unlink" -msgstr "_Desenllaça" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:634 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:620 msgid "History" msgstr "Historial" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:689 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:675 msgid "Show" msgstr "Mostra" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:711 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:697 msgid "Search" msgstr "Cerca" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1159 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1148 #, c-format msgid "Chat in %s" msgstr "Xat a %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1161 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1150 #, c-format msgid "Chat with %s" msgstr "Xat amb %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1211 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1358 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1200 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1347 msgctxt "A date with the time" msgid "%A, %e %B %Y %X" msgstr "%A %e de %B de %Y a les %X" #. Translators: this is an emote: '* Danielle waves' -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1300 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1289 #, c-format msgid "* %s %s" msgstr "* %s %s" #. Translators: this is a message: 'Danielle: hello' #. * The string in bold is the sender's name -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1306 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1295 #, c-format msgid "%s: %s" msgstr "%s: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1382 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1371 #, c-format msgid "%s second" msgid_plural "%s seconds" msgstr[0] "%s segon" msgstr[1] "%s segons" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1389 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1378 #, c-format msgid "%s minute" msgid_plural "%s minutes" msgstr[0] "%s minut" msgstr[1] "%s minuts" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1397 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1386 #, c-format msgid "Call took %s, ended at %s" msgstr "La trucada va durar %s i es va acabar a les %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1729 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1720 msgid "Today" msgstr "Hui" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1733 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1724 msgid "Yesterday" msgstr "Ahir" #. Translators: A date such as '23 May 2010' (strftime format) -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1748 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1739 msgid "%e %B %Y" msgstr "%e de %B de %Y" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1829 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3444 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1827 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3487 msgid "Anytime" msgstr "En qualsevol moment" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1916 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2372 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2400 msgid "Anyone" msgstr "Qualsevol" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2685 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2713 msgid "Who" msgstr "Qui" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2889 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2922 msgid "When" msgstr "Quan" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3005 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3038 msgid "Anything" msgstr "El que siga" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3007 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3040 msgid "Text chats" msgstr "Xats de text" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3009 -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3042 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:25 msgid "Calls" msgstr "Trucades" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3014 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3047 msgid "Incoming calls" msgstr "Trucades entrants" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3015 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3048 msgid "Outgoing calls" msgstr "Trucades d'eixida" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3016 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3049 msgid "Missed calls" msgstr "Trucades perdudes" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3038 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3071 msgid "What" msgstr "Què" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3747 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3780 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete all logs of previous conversations?" msgstr "" "Segur que voleu suprimir tots els registres de les converses anteriors?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3751 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3784 msgid "Clear All" msgstr "Neteja-ho tot" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3758 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3791 msgid "Delete from:" msgstr "Suprimeix a partir de:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:1 -msgid "Loading..." -msgstr "S'està carregant..." +msgid "_File" +msgstr "_Fitxer" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:3 -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Chat" -msgstr "Xat" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:2 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:9 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:12 +msgid "_Edit" +msgstr "_Edita" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:3 msgid "Delete All History..." msgstr "Suprimeix tot l'historial..." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:4 msgid "Profile" msgstr "Perfil" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:6 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:22 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:20 -msgid "Video" -msgstr "Vídeo" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:5 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:19 +msgid "Chat" +msgstr "Xat" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:7 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:28 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:12 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:20 -msgid "_Edit" -msgstr "_Edita" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:26 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:19 +msgid "Video" +msgstr "Vídeo" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:8 -msgid "_File" -msgstr "_Fitxer" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:9 msgid "page 2" msgstr "pàgina 2" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-selector-dialog.ui.h:2 -msgid "Contact ID:" -msgstr "ID del contacte:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:9 +msgid "Loading..." +msgstr "S'està carregant..." -#. add chat button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:225 -msgid "C_hat" -msgstr "_Xat" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:83 +msgid "The contact is offline" +msgstr "El contacte està fora de línia" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:85 +msgid "The specified contact is either invalid or unknown" +msgstr "El contacte especificat o no és vàlid o es desconeix" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:87 +msgid "The contact does not support this kind of conversation" +msgstr "El contacte no pot establir este tipus de conversa" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:89 +msgid "The requested functionality is not implemented for this protocol" +msgstr "La funcionalitat sol·licitada no està disponible per este protocol" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:95 +msgid "Could not start a conversation with the given contact" +msgstr "No s'ha pogut iniciar una conversa amb este contacte" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:97 +msgid "You are banned from this channel" +msgstr "Heu estat bandejats d'esta sala de xat" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:99 +msgid "This channel is full" +msgstr "El canal està ple" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:101 +msgid "You must be invited to join this channel" +msgstr "Vos han de convidar per entrar en este canal" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:103 +msgid "Can't proceed while disconnected" +msgstr "No es pot procedir mentre s'estiga desconnectat" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:105 +msgid "Permission denied" +msgstr "S'ha denegat el permís" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:111 +msgid "There was an error starting the conversation" +msgstr "S'ha produït un error en iniciar la conversa" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:290 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:200 +msgid "Enter a contact identifier or phone number:" +msgstr "Introduïu l'identificador del contacte o un número de telèfon:" #. Tweak the dialog -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:244 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:333 msgid "New Conversation" msgstr "Conversa nova" -#. add video toggle -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:204 -msgid "Send _Video" -msgstr "Envia _vídeo" +#. add video button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:223 +msgid "_Video Call" +msgstr "_Trucada de vídeo" -#. add chat button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:215 -msgid "C_all" -msgstr "_Trucada" +#. add audio button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:233 +msgid "_Audio Call" +msgstr "Trucada de _veu" #. Tweak the dialog -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:225 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:243 msgid "New Call" msgstr "Trucada nova" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-password-dialog.c:274 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-bad-password-dialog.c:130 +#, c-format +msgid "Authentification failed for account %s" +msgstr "Ha fallat l'autenticació del compte %s" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-base-password-dialog.c:224 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-password-dialog.c:134 #, c-format msgid "" "Enter your password for account\n" @@ -2598,12 +2628,8 @@ msgid "Set status" msgstr "Estableix l'estat" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:943 -msgid "Set your presence and current status" -msgstr "Establiu la presència i l'estat actual" - #. Custom messages -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:1131 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:1135 msgid "Custom messages…" msgstr "Missatges personalitzats…" @@ -2611,7 +2637,7 @@ #. To translator: %s is the name of the protocol, such as "Google Talk" or #. * "Yahoo!" #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-protocol-chooser.c:584 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-protocol-chooser.c:588 #, c-format msgid "New %s account" msgstr "Compte de %s nou" @@ -2621,20 +2647,20 @@ msgstr "Cerca:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:2 -msgid "Mat_ch case" -msgstr "_Coincidència de majúscules i minúscules" +msgid "_Previous" +msgstr "_Anterior" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:3 -msgid "Phrase not found" -msgstr "No s'ha trobat la frase" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:4 msgid "_Next" msgstr "Següe_nt" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:4 +msgid "Mat_ch case" +msgstr "_Coincidència de majúscules i minúscules" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:5 -msgid "_Previous" -msgstr "_Anterior" +msgid "Phrase not found" +msgstr "No s'ha trobat la frase" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-sound-manager.c:51 msgid "Received an instant message" @@ -2680,12 +2706,12 @@ msgid "Edit Custom Messages" msgstr "Edita els missatges personalitzats" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1036 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1051 #, c-format msgid "Message edited at %s" msgstr "S'ha editat el missatge a les %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1740 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1757 msgid "Normal" msgstr "Normal" @@ -2764,34 +2790,38 @@ msgstr "Nom de l'ordinador del certificat: %s" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:281 -msgid "Continue" -msgstr "Continua" +msgid "C_ontinue" +msgstr "_Continua" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:287 +msgid "Untrusted connection" +msgstr "Connexió no confiable" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:288 msgid "This connection is untrusted. Would you like to continue anyway?" msgstr "No es pot confiar en esta connexió. Tot i això, voleu continuar?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:297 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:298 msgid "Remember this choice for future connections" msgstr "Recorda esta decisió per a connexions futures" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:303 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:304 msgid "Certificate Details" msgstr "Dades del certificat" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1735 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1754 msgid "Unable to open URI" msgstr "No s'ha pogut obrir l'URI" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1831 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1872 msgid "Select a file" msgstr "Seleccioneu un fitxer" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1903 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1947 msgid "Insufficient free space to save file" msgstr "No hi ha prou espai lliure per alçar el fitxer" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1911 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1955 #, c-format msgid "" "%s of free space are required to save this file, but only %s is available. " @@ -2800,7 +2830,7 @@ "Es necessita %s d'espai lliure per alçar el fitxer, però només hi ha %s." "Seleccioneu una altra ubicació." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1955 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1999 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file from %s" msgstr "%s vos envia un fitxer" @@ -2972,39 +3002,39 @@ msgid "Vietnamese" msgstr "Vietnamita" -#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:108 -msgid "The selected contact cannot receive files." -msgstr "El contacte seleccionat no pot rebre fitxers." - -#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:114 -msgid "The selected contact is offline." -msgstr "El contacte seleccionat està desconnectat." +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-calendar-button.c:66 +msgid "Select..." +msgstr "Seleccioneu..." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-calendar-button.c:154 +msgid "_Select" +msgstr "_Selecciona" -#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:169 +#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:202 msgid "No error message" msgstr "No hi ha missatge d'error" -#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:242 +#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:275 msgid "Instant Message (Empathy)" msgstr "Missatgeria instantània (Empathy)" -#: ../src/empathy.c:434 +#: ../src/empathy.c:435 msgid "Don't connect on startup" msgstr "No connectes en iniciar" -#: ../src/empathy.c:438 +#: ../src/empathy.c:439 msgid "Don't display the contact list or any other dialogs on startup" msgstr "No mostres la llista de contactes ni cap altre diàleg en iniciar" -#: ../src/empathy.c:453 +#: ../src/empathy.c:454 msgid "- Empathy IM Client" msgstr "- Client de missatgeria instantània Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy.c:640 +#: ../src/empathy.c:641 msgid "Error contacting the Account Manager" msgstr "S'ha produït un error en contactar amb el gestor de comptes" -#: ../src/empathy.c:642 +#: ../src/empathy.c:643 #, c-format msgid "" "There was an error while trying to connect to the Telepathy Account Manager. " @@ -3041,246 +3071,104 @@ "PER UN PROPÒSIT PARTICULAR. Vegeu la Llicència Pública General GNU per " "obtindre'n més detalls." -#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:89 -msgid "" -"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with " -"Empathy; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin " -"Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-130159 USA" -msgstr "" -"Hauríeu d'haver rebut una còpia de la Llicència Pública General GNU " -"juntament amb l'Empathy; en cas contrari, escriviu a la Free Software " -"Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-130159 " -"USA" - -#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:107 -msgid "An Instant Messaging client for GNOME" -msgstr "Un client de missatgeria instantània per al GNOME" - -#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:113 -msgid "translator-credits" -msgstr "" -"Jordi Mallach \n" -"Gil Forcada " - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:167 -msgid "There was an error while importing the accounts." -msgstr "S'ha produït un error en la importació dels comptes." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:170 -msgid "There was an error while parsing the account details." -msgstr "S'ha produït un error en analitzar les dades del compte." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:173 -msgid "There was an error while creating the account." -msgstr "S'ha produït un error en la creació del compte." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:175 -msgid "There was an error." -msgstr "S'ha produït un error." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:179 -#, c-format -msgid "The error message was: %s" -msgstr "El missatge d'error fou: %s" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:183 -msgid "" -"You can either go back and try to enter your accounts' details again or quit " -"this assistant and add accounts later from the Edit menu." -msgstr "" -"Podeu tornar arrere i tornar a entrar les dades del vostre compte un altre " -"cop o eixir de l'auxiliar i afegir els comptes més tard des del menú Edita." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:220 -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1271 -msgid "An error occurred" -msgstr "S'ha produït un error" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:467 -msgid "What kind of chat account do you have?" -msgstr "Quin tipus de compte de xat teniu?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:473 -msgid "Do you have any other chat accounts you want to set up?" -msgstr "Teniu altres comptes de xat que vulgueu configurar?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:479 -msgid "Enter your account details" -msgstr "Introduïu les dades del compte" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:484 -msgid "What kind of chat account do you want to create?" -msgstr "Quin tipus de compte de xat voleu crear?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:490 -msgid "Do you want to create other chat accounts?" -msgstr "Voleu crear altres comptes de xat?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:497 -msgid "Enter the details for the new account" -msgstr "Introduïu les dades del compte nou" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:612 -msgid "" -"With Empathy you can chat with people online nearby and with friends and " -"colleagues who use Google Talk, AIM, Windows Live and many other chat " -"programs. With a microphone or a webcam you can also have audio or video " -"calls." -msgstr "" -"Amb l'Empathy podeu parlar en línia amb persones que estiguen a prop així " -"com també amb amics que utilitzen el Google Talk, l'AIM, el Windows Live i " -"molts altres tipus de programes de xat. També podreu fer trucades de veu o " -"vídeo si teniu un micròfon o una càmera web." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:629 -msgid "Do you have an account you've been using with another chat program?" -msgstr "" -"Teniu algun compte que hàgeu utilitzat amb algun altre programa de xat?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:652 -msgid "Yes, import my account details from " -msgstr "Sí, importa les dades dels comptes de " - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:673 -msgid "Yes, I'll enter my account details now" -msgstr "Sí, ara introduiré les dades dels comptes" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:695 -msgid "No, I want a new account" -msgstr "No, vull crear un compte nou" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:705 -msgid "No, I just want to see people online nearby for now" +#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:89 +msgid "" +"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with " +"Empathy; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin " +"Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-130159 USA" msgstr "" -"No, per ara només vull veure les persones que estan connectades per ací a " -"prop" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:726 -msgid "Select the accounts you want to import:" -msgstr "Seleccioneu els comptes que voleu importar:" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:813 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:625 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:626 -msgid "Yes" -msgstr "Sí" +"Hauríeu d'haver rebut una còpia de la Llicència Pública General GNU " +"juntament amb l'Empathy; en cas contrari, escriviu a la Free Software " +"Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-130159 " +"USA" -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:820 -msgid "No, that's all for now" -msgstr "No, això és tot per ara" +#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:109 +msgid "An Instant Messaging client for GNOME" +msgstr "Un client de missatgeria instantània per al GNOME" -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1085 -msgid "" -"Empathy can automatically discover and chat with the people connected on the " -"same network as you. If you want to use this feature, please check that the " -"details below are correct. You can easily change these details later or " -"disable this feature by using the 'Accounts' dialog" +#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:115 +msgid "translator-credits" msgstr "" -"L'Empathy pot descobrir i conversar automàticament amb les persones que " -"estiguen connectades a la mateixa xarxa. Si voleu utilitzar esta funció " -"comproveu que les dades d'ací a sota siguen correctes. Podeu canviar-les " -"fàcilment més avant o inhabilitar esta funció des del diàleg de «Comptes»." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1091 -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1147 -msgid "Edit->Accounts" -msgstr "Edita->Comptes" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1107 -msgid "I do _not want to enable this feature for now" -msgstr "_No vull habilitar esta funció per ara" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1143 -msgid "" -"You won't be able to chat with people connected to your local network, as " -"telepathy-salut is not installed. If you want to enable this feature, please " -"install the telepathy-salut package and create a People Nearby account from " -"the Accounts dialog" -msgstr "" -"No podreu xatejar amb les persones que estiguen connectades a la xarxa local " -"en que estigueu ja que el telepathy-salut no és instal·lat. Si voleu " -"habilitar esta funció, instal·leu el paquet telepathy-salut i creeu un " -"compte de «Gent propera» en el diàleg de Comptes." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1149 -msgid "telepathy-salut not installed" -msgstr "La telepathy-salut no està instal·lada" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1195 -msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts Assistant" -msgstr "Auxiliar per als comptes de missatgeria i VoIP" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1229 -msgid "Welcome to Empathy" -msgstr "Vos donem la benvinguda a l'Empathy" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1238 -msgid "Import your existing accounts" -msgstr "Importeu els vostres comptes existents" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1256 -msgid "Please enter personal details" -msgstr "Introduïu les dades personals" +"Jordi Mallach \n" +"Gil Forcada " #. The primary text of the dialog shown to the user when he is about to lose #. * unsaved changes -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:64 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:72 #, c-format msgid "There are unsaved modifications to your %s account." msgstr "Hi ha modificacions no alçades en el compte %s." #. The primary text of the dialog shown to the user when he is about to lose #. * an unsaved new account -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:68 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:76 msgid "Your new account has not been saved yet." msgstr "Encara no heu alçat el vostre compte nou." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:345 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:754 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1330 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:381 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:759 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1289 msgid "Connecting…" msgstr "S'està connectant…" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:386 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:422 #, c-format msgid "Offline — %s" msgstr "Fora de línia — %s" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:398 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:434 #, c-format msgid "Disconnected — %s" msgstr "Fora de línia — %s" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:409 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:445 msgid "Offline — No Network Connection" msgstr "Fora de línia — No hi ha connexió de xarxa" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:416 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:452 msgid "Unknown Status" msgstr "Estat desconegut" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:428 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:469 +msgid "" +"This account has been disabled because it relies on an old, unsupported " +"backend. Please install telepathy-haze and restart your session to migrate " +"the account." +msgstr "" +"S'ha inhabilitat el compte degut a que depen d'un rerefons vell que s'ha " +"discontinuat. Instal·leu el telepathy-haze i reinicieu la sessió per migrar " +"el compte." + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:479 msgid "Offline — Account Disabled" msgstr "Fora de línia — Compte inhabilitat" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:831 -msgid "" -"You are about to create a new account, which will discard\n" -"your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" -msgstr "" -"Esteu a punt de crear un compte nou i perdreu els canvis\n" -"fets fins ara. Segur que voleu continuar?" +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:585 +msgid "Edit Connection Parameters" +msgstr "Edició dels paràmetres de la connexió" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:750 +msgid "Failed to retrieve your personal information from the server." +msgstr "No s'ha pogut recuperar la vostra informació personal del servidor." + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:756 +msgid "Go online to edit your personal information." +msgstr "Vos heu de connectar per editar la informació personal." + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:843 +msgid "_Edit Connection Parameters..." +msgstr "_Edita els paràmetres de la connexió..." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1192 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1339 #, c-format msgid "Do you want to remove %s from your computer?" msgstr "Voleu suprimir %s de l'ordinador?" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1196 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1343 msgid "This will not remove your account on the server." msgstr "Amb això no se suprimirà el vostre compte del servidor." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1432 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1579 msgid "" "You are about to select another account, which will discard\n" "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" @@ -3289,15 +3177,23 @@ "canvis fets fins ara. Segur que voleu continuar?" #. Menu items: to enabled/disable the account -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1643 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1755 msgid "_Enable" msgstr "_Habilita" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1644 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1756 msgid "_Disable" msgstr "_Inhabilita" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2154 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2184 +msgid "_Skip" +msgstr "_Omet" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2188 +msgid "_Connect" +msgstr "_Connecta" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2365 msgid "" "You are about to close the window, which will discard\n" "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" @@ -3305,23 +3201,15 @@ "Esteu a punt de tancar la finestra i perdreu els canvis\n" "fets fins ara. Segur que voleu continuar?" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:1 -msgid "Add…" -msgstr "Afig…" - -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 -msgid "Loading account information" -msgstr "S'està carregant la informació del contacte" - #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:3 -msgid "No protocol installed" -msgstr "No hi ha cap protocol instal·lat" +msgid "_Import…" +msgstr "_Importa…" #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:4 -msgid "Protocol:" -msgstr "Protocol:" +msgid "Loading account information" +msgstr "S'està carregant la informació del contacte" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:5 msgid "" "To add a new account, you first have to install a backend for each protocol " "you want to use." @@ -3329,121 +3217,116 @@ "Per afegir un compte nou, primer heu d'instal·lar el rerefons de cada " "protocol que vulgueu utilitzar." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:7 -msgid "_Import…" -msgstr "_Importa…" +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:6 +msgid "No protocol backends installed" +msgstr "No hi ha cap protocol de rerefons instal·lat" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:249 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:288 msgid " - Empathy authentication client" msgstr " - Client d'autenticació de l'Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:265 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:304 msgid "Empathy authentication client" msgstr "Client d'autenticació de l'Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-auto-salut-account-helper.c:83 -msgid "People nearby" -msgstr "Gent propera" - -#: ../src/empathy-av.c:118 ../src/empathy-call.c:192 +#: ../src/empathy-av.c:118 ../src/empathy-call.c:201 msgid "- Empathy Audio/Video Client" msgstr "- Client d'àudio/vídeo de l'Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-av.c:134 ../src/empathy-call.c:217 +#: ../src/empathy-av.c:134 ../src/empathy-call.c:223 msgid "Empathy Audio/Video Client" msgstr "Client d'àudio/vídeo de l'Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:431 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:434 msgid "Contrast" msgstr "Contrast" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:434 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:437 msgid "Brightness" msgstr "Brillantor" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:437 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:440 msgid "Gamma" msgstr "Gamma" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:542 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:547 msgid "Volume" msgstr "Volum" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1110 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1099 msgid "_Sidebar" msgstr "Barra _lateral" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1130 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1119 msgid "Audio input" msgstr "Entrada d'àudio" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1134 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1123 msgid "Video input" msgstr "Entrada de vídeo" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1140 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1131 msgid "Dialpad" msgstr "Marcador" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1151 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1142 msgid "Details" msgstr "Dades" #. translators: Call is a noun and %s is the contact name. This string #. * is used in the window title -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1220 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1939 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1211 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1889 #, c-format msgid "Call with %s" msgstr "Trucada amb %s" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1453 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2183 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1444 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2133 msgid "The IP address as seen by the machine" msgstr "L'adreça IP des del punt de vista de la màquina" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1455 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2185 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1446 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2135 msgid "The IP address as seen by a server on the Internet" msgstr "L'adreça IP des del punt de vista d'un servidor d'Internet" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1457 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2187 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1448 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2137 msgid "The IP address of the peer as seen by the other side" msgstr "L'adreça IP d'un igual vist per l'altre l'igual" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1459 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2189 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1450 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2139 msgid "The IP address of a relay server" msgstr "L'adreça IP d'un servidor de repetició" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1461 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2191 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1452 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2141 msgid "The IP address of the multicast group" msgstr "L'adreça IP del grup de multidestinació" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1837 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1840 #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1843 #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1846 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1849 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1852 -#, fuzzy msgctxt "codec" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Desconegut" #. Translators: number of minutes:seconds the caller has been connected -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2144 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2138 #, c-format msgid "Connected — %d:%02dm" msgstr "Connectat -- %d:%02dm" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2205 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2960 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2199 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2992 msgid "Technical Details" msgstr "Detalls tècnics" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2243 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2998 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2237 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3031 #, c-format msgid "" "%s's software does not understand any of the audio formats supported by your " @@ -3452,8 +3335,8 @@ "El programari d'en/na %s no té cap format d'àudio dels que teniu en el " "vostre ordinador" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2248 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3003 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2242 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3036 #, c-format msgid "" "%s's software does not understand any of the video formats supported by your " @@ -3462,8 +3345,8 @@ "El programari d'en/na %s no té cap format de vídeo dels que teniu en el " "vostre ordinador" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2254 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3009 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2248 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3042 #, c-format msgid "" "Can't establish a connection to %s. One of you might be on a network that " @@ -3472,29 +3355,29 @@ "No s'ha pogut connectar amb en/na %s. Algú dels dos deu estar en una xarxa " "que no permet connexions directes." -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2260 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3015 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2254 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3048 msgid "There was a failure on the network" msgstr "Hi ha hagut una fallada en la xarxa" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2264 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3019 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2258 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3052 msgid "" "The audio formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" msgstr "" "Els formats d'àudio necessaris per a esta trucada no estan instal·lats en " "este ordinador" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2267 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3022 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2261 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3055 msgid "" "The video formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" msgstr "" "Els formats de vídeo necessaris per a esta trucada no estan instal·lats en " "este ordinador" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2277 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3034 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2271 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3067 #, c-format msgid "" "Something unexpected happened in a Telepathy component. Please Informeu d'esta errada i adjunteu-hi els registres recollits a la " "finestra «Depuració» del menú Ajuda." -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2285 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3043 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2279 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3076 msgid "There was a failure in the call engine" msgstr "Hi ha hagut una fallada en el motor de trucada" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2288 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3046 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2282 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3079 msgid "The end of the stream was reached" msgstr "S'ha arribat al final del flux" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2328 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3086 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2322 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3119 msgid "Can't establish audio stream" msgstr "No s'ha pogut establir el flux d'àudio" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2338 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3096 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2332 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3129 msgid "Can't establish video stream" msgstr "No s'ha pogut establir el flux de vídeo" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:1 ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:1 #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:1 -msgid "Audio" -msgstr "Àudio" +msgid "_Call" +msgstr "Tru_ca" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:3 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:5 -msgid "Decoding Codec:" -msgstr "Còdec de descodificació:" +msgid "_Microphone" +msgstr "_Micròfon" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:4 -msgid "Disable camera" -msgstr "Inhabilita la càmera" +msgid "_Camera" +msgstr "_Càmera" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:5 -msgid "Display the dialpad" -msgstr "Mostra el marcador" +msgid "_Settings" +msgstr "_Paràmetres" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:6 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:9 -msgid "Encoding Codec:" -msgstr "Còdec de codificació:" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:8 +msgid "_View" +msgstr "_Visualitza" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:7 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:10 -msgid "Hang up" -msgstr "Penja" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:7 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:27 +msgid "_Help" +msgstr "A_juda" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:8 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:11 -msgid "Hang up current call" -msgstr "Penja la trucada actual" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:8 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:18 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:28 +msgid "_Contents" +msgstr "_Continguts" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:9 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:12 -msgid "Local Candidate:" -msgstr "Candidat local:" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:29 +msgid "_Debug" +msgstr "_Depura" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:10 -msgid "Maximise me" -msgstr "Maximitza'm" +msgid "Swap camera" +msgstr "Canvia la càmera" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:11 msgid "Minimise me" msgstr "Minimitza'm" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:12 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:15 -msgid "Remote Candidate:" -msgstr "Candidat remot:" +msgid "Maximise me" +msgstr "Maximitza'm" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:13 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:16 -msgid "Send Audio" -msgstr "Envia àudio" +msgid "Disable camera" +msgstr "Inhabilita la càmera" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:14 -msgid "Send Video" -msgstr "Envia vídeo" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:2 +msgid "Hang up" +msgstr "Penja" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:15 -msgid "Show dialpad" -msgstr "Mostra el marcador" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:9 +msgid "Hang up current call" +msgstr "Penja la trucada actual" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "Video call" +msgstr "Trucada de vídeo" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:17 msgid "Start a video call" msgstr "Inicia una trucada de vídeo" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:19 msgid "Start an audio call" msgstr "Inicia una trucada d'àudio" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:18 -msgid "Swap camera" -msgstr "Canvia la càmera" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:19 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:17 -msgid "Toggle audio transmission" -msgstr "Commuta la transmissió d'àudio" - #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:20 -msgid "Toggle video transmission" -msgstr "Commuta la transmissió de vídeo" +msgid "Show dialpad" +msgstr "Mostra el marcador" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:21 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:18 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2590 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2591 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2592 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2593 -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Desconegut" +msgid "Display the dialpad" +msgstr "Mostra el marcador" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:22 +msgid "Send Video" +msgstr "Envia vídeo" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:23 -msgid "Video call" -msgstr "Trucada de vídeo" +msgid "Toggle video transmission" +msgstr "Commuta la transmissió de vídeo" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:24 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:24 -msgid "_Call" -msgstr "Tru_ca" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:11 +msgid "Send Audio" +msgstr "Envia àudio" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:25 -msgid "_Camera" -msgstr "_Càmera" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:26 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:9 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:18 -msgid "_Contents" -msgstr "_Continguts" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:12 +msgid "Toggle audio transmission" +msgstr "Commuta la transmissió d'àudio" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:27 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:19 -msgid "_Debug" -msgstr "_Depura" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:20 +msgid "Encoding Codec:" +msgstr "Còdec de codificació:" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:29 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:14 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:22 -msgid "_Help" -msgstr "A_juda" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:28 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:21 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2542 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2543 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2544 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2545 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Desconegut" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:29 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:22 +msgid "Decoding Codec:" +msgstr "Còdec de descodificació:" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:30 -msgid "_Microphone" -msgstr "_Micròfon" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:23 +msgid "Remote Candidate:" +msgstr "Candidat remot:" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:31 -msgid "_Settings" -msgstr "_Paràmetres" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:24 +msgid "Local Candidate:" +msgstr "Candidat local:" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:32 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:30 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:32 ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:24 #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:25 -msgid "_View" -msgstr "_Visualitza" +msgid "Audio" +msgstr "Àudio" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:289 +msgid "Close this window?" +msgstr "Voleu tancar esta finestra?" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:294 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Closing this window will leave %s. You will not receive any further messages " +"until you rejoin it." +msgstr "" +"Si tanqueu la finestra eixireu de %s. No rebreu cap més missatge fins que no " +"hi torneu a entrar." + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:305 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Closing this window will leave a chat room. You will not receive any further " +"messages until you rejoin it." +msgid_plural "" +"Closing this window will leave %u chat rooms. You will not receive any " +"further messages until you rejoin them." +msgstr[0] "" +"Si tanqueu la finestra eixireu d'una sala de xat. No rebreu més missatges " +"fins que no hi torneu a entrar." +msgstr[1] "" +"Si tanqueu la finestra eixireu de %u sales de xat. No rebreu més missatges " +"fins que no hi torneu a entrar." + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:314 +#, c-format +msgid "Leave %s?" +msgstr "Voleu eixir de %s?" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:315 +msgid "" +"You will not receive any further messages from this chat room until you " +"rejoin it." +msgstr "" +"No rebreu cap més missatge d'esta sala de xat fins que no hi torneu a entrar-" +"hi." + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:334 +msgid "Close window" +msgstr "Tanca la finestra" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:334 +msgid "Leave room" +msgstr "Ix de la sala" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:481 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:501 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:640 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:660 #, c-format msgid "%s (%d unread)" msgid_plural "%s (%d unread)" msgstr[0] "%s (%d sense llegir)" msgstr[1] "%s (%d sense llegir)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:493 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:652 #, c-format msgid "%s (and %u other)" msgid_plural "%s (and %u others)" msgstr[0] "%s (i %u altre)" msgstr[1] "%s (i %u altres)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:509 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:668 #, c-format msgid "%s (%d unread from others)" msgid_plural "%s (%d unread from others)" msgstr[0] "%s (%d sense llegir d'altres)" msgstr[1] "%s (%d sense llegir d'altres)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:518 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:677 #, c-format msgid "%s (%d unread from all)" msgid_plural "%s (%d unread from all)" msgstr[0] "%s (%d sense llegir de tots)" msgstr[1] "%s (%d sense llegir de tots)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:733 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:892 msgid "SMS:" msgstr "SMS:" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:743 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:902 #, c-format msgid "Sending %d message" msgid_plural "Sending %d messages" msgstr[0] "S'està enviant %d missatge" msgstr[1] "S'estan enviant %d missatges" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:765 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:924 msgid "Typing a message." msgstr "S'està escrivint un missatge." #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:1 -msgid "C_lear" -msgstr "_Neteja" +msgid "_Conversation" +msgstr "_Conversa" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:2 -msgid "C_ontact" -msgstr "C_ontacte" +msgid "C_lear" +msgstr "_Neteja" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:3 msgid "Insert _Smiley" msgstr "Insereix una e_moticona" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:5 -msgid "Invite _Participant…" -msgstr "Convida un _participant…" - -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:6 -msgid "Move Tab _Left" -msgstr "Mou la pestanya a l'_esquerra" - -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:7 -msgid "Move Tab _Right" -msgstr "Mou la pestanya a la d_reta" - -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:8 -msgid "Notify for All Messages" -msgstr "Notifica tots els missatges" - -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:10 -msgid "_Conversation" -msgstr "_Conversa" - -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:11 -msgid "_Detach Tab" -msgstr "D_esenganxa la pestanya" - -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:13 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:4 msgid "_Favorite Chat Room" msgstr "Sala de xat _preferida" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:15 -msgid "_Next Tab" -msgstr "Pestanya següe_nt" - -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:16 -msgid "_Previous Tab" -msgstr "_Pestanya anterior" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:5 +msgid "Notify for All Messages" +msgstr "Notifica tots els missatges" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:17 ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:5 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:6 ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:1 msgid "_Show Contact List" msgstr "_Mostra la llista de contactes" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:18 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:7 +msgid "Invite _Participant…" +msgstr "Convida un _participant…" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:8 +msgid "C_ontact" +msgstr "C_ontacte" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:10 msgid "_Tabs" msgstr "Pes_tanyes" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:19 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:11 +msgid "_Previous Tab" +msgstr "_Pestanya anterior" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:12 +msgid "_Next Tab" +msgstr "Pestanya següe_nt" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:13 msgid "_Undo Close Tab" msgstr "_Desfés el tancament de la pestanya" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:14 +msgid "Move Tab _Left" +msgstr "Mou la pestanya a l'_esquerra" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:15 +msgid "Move Tab _Right" +msgstr "Mou la pestanya a la d_reta" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "_Detach Tab" +msgstr "D_esenganxa la pestanya" + #: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.c:251 msgid "Name" msgstr "Nom" @@ -3774,100 +3706,100 @@ msgid "Auto-Connect" msgstr "Connecta automàticament" -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:1 msgid "Manage Favorite Rooms" msgstr "Gestiona les sales preferides" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:521 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 msgid "Incoming video call" msgstr "Trucada de vídeo entrant" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:521 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1563 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1519 msgid "Incoming call" msgstr "Trucada entrant" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:525 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:526 #, c-format msgid "%s is video calling you. Do you want to answer?" msgstr "En/na %s vos està trucant per videoconferència, voleu contestar?" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:526 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:527 #, c-format msgid "%s is calling you. Do you want to answer?" msgstr "En/na %s vos està trucant, voleu contestar?" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:529 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:730 -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:763 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1569 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:530 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "Incoming call from %s" msgstr "Trucada entrant d'en/na %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:554 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:555 msgid "_Reject" msgstr "_Refusa" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:562 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:570 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:563 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 msgid "_Answer" msgstr "_Contesta" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:570 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 msgid "_Answer with video" msgstr "_Contesta amb vídeo" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:730 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:763 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1569 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "Incoming video call from %s" msgstr "Trucada de videoconferència d'en/na %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:836 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:837 msgid "Room invitation" msgstr "Invitació a la sala" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:838 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:839 #, c-format msgid "Invitation to join %s" msgstr "Vos han convidat a entrar a %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:845 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:846 #, c-format msgid "%s is inviting you to join %s" msgstr "En/na %s vos convida a entrar a %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:853 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:854 msgid "_Decline" msgstr "_Declina" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:858 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:7 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:859 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:2 msgid "_Join" msgstr "_Uneix-m'hi" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:885 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:886 #, c-format msgid "%s invited you to join %s" msgstr "En/na %s vos ha convidat a entrar a %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:891 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:892 #, c-format msgid "You have been invited to join %s" msgstr "Vos han convidat a entrar a %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:942 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:943 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file transfer from %s" msgstr "Transferència de fitxers entrant d'en/na %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1134 ../src/empathy-main-window.c:378 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1146 ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:374 msgid "Password required" msgstr "Cal la contrasenya" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1190 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1216 #, c-format msgid "%s would like permission to see when you are online" msgstr "%s vol poder saber quan esteu en línia" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1194 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1222 #, c-format msgid "" "\n" @@ -3877,105 +3809,105 @@ "Missatge: %s" #. Translators: time left, when it is more than one hour -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:100 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:99 #, c-format msgid "%u:%02u.%02u" msgstr "%u:%02u.%02u" #. Translators: time left, when is is less than one hour -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:103 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:102 #, c-format msgid "%02u.%02u" msgstr "%02u.%02u" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:179 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:178 msgctxt "file transfer percent" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Desconegut" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:274 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:273 #, c-format msgid "%s of %s at %s/s" msgstr "%s de %s a %s/s" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:275 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:274 #, c-format msgid "%s of %s" msgstr "%s de %s" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:306 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:305 #, c-format msgid "Receiving \"%s\" from %s" msgstr "S'està rebent «%s» d'en/na %s" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:309 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:308 #, c-format msgid "Sending \"%s\" to %s" msgstr "S'està enviant «%s» a en/na %s" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s #. * is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:339 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:338 #, c-format msgid "Error receiving \"%s\" from %s" msgstr "S'ha produït un error en rebre «%s» d'en/na %s" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:342 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:341 msgid "Error receiving a file" msgstr "S'ha produït un error en rebre el fitxer" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:347 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:346 #, c-format msgid "Error sending \"%s\" to %s" msgstr "S'ha produït un error en enviar «%s» a en/na %s" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:350 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:349 msgid "Error sending a file" msgstr "S'ha produït un error en enviar el fitxer" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s #. * is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:489 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:488 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" received from %s" msgstr "S'ha rebut «%s» d'en/na %s" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s #. * is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:494 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:493 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" sent to %s" msgstr "S'ha enviat «%s» a en/na %s" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:497 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:496 msgid "File transfer completed" msgstr "S'ha completat la transferència" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:616 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:780 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:615 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:779 msgid "Waiting for the other participant's response" msgstr "S'està esperant que l'interlocutor respongui" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:642 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:680 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:641 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:679 #, c-format msgid "Checking integrity of \"%s\"" msgstr "S'està comprovant la integritat de «%s»" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:645 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:683 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:644 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:682 #, c-format msgid "Hashing \"%s\"" msgstr "S'està fent el resum de «%s»" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1026 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1025 msgid "%" msgstr "%" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1038 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1037 msgid "File" msgstr "Fitxer" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1060 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1059 msgid "Remaining" msgstr "Restant" @@ -3986,10 +3918,14 @@ #: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.ui.h:2 msgid "Remove completed, canceled and failed file transfers from the list" msgstr "" -"Treu de la llista les transferències de fitxers completades, cancel·lades i " +"Trau de la llista les transferències de fitxers completades, cancel·lades i " "fallades" -#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:84 +#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:76 +msgid "_Import" +msgstr "_Importa" + +#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:88 msgid "" "No accounts to import could be found. Empathy currently only supports " "importing accounts from Pidgin." @@ -3997,159 +3933,185 @@ "No s'han trobat comptes per importar. L'Empathy de moment només pot importar " "comptes del Pidgin." -#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:199 +#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:209 msgid "Import Accounts" msgstr "Importa els comptes" #. Translators: this is the header of a treeview column -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:301 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:316 msgid "Import" msgstr "Importa" -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:310 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:325 msgid "Protocol" msgstr "Protocol" -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:334 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:349 msgid "Source" msgstr "Font" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:395 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:391 msgid "Provide Password" msgstr "Introduïu la contrasenya" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:401 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:397 msgid "Disconnect" msgstr "Desconnecta" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:642 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:657 +msgid "You need to setup an account to see contacts here." +msgstr "Heu de configurar un compte per veure'n els contactes ací." + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:673 msgid "No match found" msgstr "No s'ha trobat cap coincidència" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:803 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:783 +#, c-format +msgid "Sorry, %s accounts can’t be used until your %s software is updated." +msgstr "" +"No podeu utilitzar els comptes de %s fins que no actualitzeu el programari " +"de %s." + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:849 +msgid "Update software..." +msgstr "Actualitza el programari..." + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:855 ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:972 +msgid "Close" +msgstr "Tanca" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:960 msgid "Reconnect" msgstr "Torna a connectar" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:809 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:966 msgid "Edit Account" msgstr "Edita el compte" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:815 -msgid "Close" -msgstr "Tanca" - #. Translators: this string will be something like: -#. * Top up My Account ($1.23)..." -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:954 +#. * Top up My Account ($1.23)..." +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1110 #, c-format msgid "Top up %s (%s)..." msgstr "Recarrega %s (%s)..." -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1001 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1156 msgid "Top up account credit" msgstr "Recarrega el saldo del compte" #. top up button -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1072 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1228 msgid "Top Up..." msgstr "Recarrega..." -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1815 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1952 msgid "Contact" msgstr "Contacte" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:2190 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2150 +msgid "You need to enable one of your accounts to see contacts here." +msgstr "Heu d'habilitar com a mínim un compte per veure contactes ací." + +#. translators: argument is an account name +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2158 +#, c-format +msgid "You need to enable %s to see contacts here." +msgstr "Heu d'habilitar %s per veure contactes ací." + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2460 msgid "Contact List" msgstr "Llista de contactes" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:1 -msgid "Contacts on a _Map" -msgstr "Contactes en el _mapa" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.ui.h:1 +msgid "Account settings" +msgstr "Paràmetres del compte" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:2 -msgid "Credit Balance" -msgstr "Saldo disponible" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:2 +msgid "_New Conversation…" +msgstr "Conversa _nova…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:3 -msgid "Find in Contact _List" -msgstr "Cerca a la _llista de contactes" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:3 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:3 +msgid "New _Call…" +msgstr "_Trucada nova…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:4 -msgid "Join _Favorites" -msgstr "Uneix-te als _preferits" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Search for Contacts…" +msgstr "_Cerca contactes…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:5 -msgid "Manage Favorites" -msgstr "Gestiona les preferides" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:7 +msgid "_File Transfers" +msgstr "Transferències de _fitxers" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:6 -msgid "N_ormal Size" -msgstr "Mida _normal" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Offline Contacts" +msgstr "Contactes _desconnectats" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:7 ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:1 -msgid "New _Call…" -msgstr "_Trucada nova…" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:9 +msgid "Show P_rotocols" +msgstr "Mostra els _protocols" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:8 -msgid "Normal Size With _Avatars" -msgstr "Mida normal amb els _avatars" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:10 +msgid "Credit Balance" +msgstr "Saldo disponible" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:11 +msgid "Contacts on a _Map" +msgstr "Contactes en el _mapa" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:9 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:13 +msgid "_Accounts" +msgstr "_Comptes" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:14 +msgid "_Blocked Contacts" +msgstr "Contactes _blocats" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:15 msgid "P_references" msgstr "P_referències" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:10 -msgid "Show P_rotocols" -msgstr "Mostra els _protocols" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:16 +msgid "Find in Contact _List" +msgstr "Cerca a la _llista de contactes" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:11 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:18 msgid "Sort by _Name" msgstr "Ordena per _nom" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:12 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:19 msgid "Sort by _Status" msgstr "Ordena per es_tat" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:13 -msgid "_Accounts" -msgstr "_Comptes" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:20 +msgid "Normal Size With _Avatars" +msgstr "Mida normal amb els _avatars" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:15 -msgid "_Blocked Contacts" -msgstr "Contactes _blocats" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:21 +msgid "N_ormal Size" +msgstr "Mida _normal" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:22 msgid "_Compact Size" msgstr "Mida _compacta" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:21 -msgid "_File Transfers" -msgstr "Transferències de _fitxers" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:23 +msgid "_Room" +msgstr "_Sala" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:23 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:24 msgid "_Join…" msgstr "_Uneix-m'hi…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:24 -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:3 -msgid "_New Conversation…" -msgstr "Conversa _nova…" - -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:25 -msgid "_Offline Contacts" -msgstr "Contactes _desconnectats" - -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:26 -msgid "_Personal Information" -msgstr "Informació _personal" - -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:28 -msgid "_Room" -msgstr "_Sala" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:25 +msgid "Join _Favorites" +msgstr "Uneix-te als _preferits" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:29 -msgid "_Search for Contacts…" -msgstr "_Cerca contactes…" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:26 +msgid "Manage Favorites" +msgstr "Gestiona les preferides" #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:369 msgid "Chat Room" @@ -4161,7 +4123,7 @@ #. Translators: Room/Join's roomlist tooltip. Parameters are a channel name, #. yes/no, yes/no and a number. -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:623 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:637 #, c-format msgid "" "%s\n" @@ -4174,22 +4136,27 @@ "Cal contrasenya: %s\n" "Membres: %s" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:625 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:626 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:639 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:640 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Sí" + +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:639 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:640 msgid "No" msgstr "No" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:654 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:668 msgid "Could not start room listing" msgstr "No s'ha pogut iniciar el llistat de sales" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:664 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:678 msgid "Could not stop room listing" -msgstr "No s'ha pogut aturar el llistat de sales" +msgstr "No s'ha pogut parar el llistat de sales" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:2 -msgid "Couldn't load room list" -msgstr "No s'ha pogut carregar el llistat de sales" +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:1 +msgid "Join Room" +msgstr "Entra a la sala" #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:3 msgid "" @@ -4199,6 +4166,10 @@ "sales de la llista." #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Room:" +msgstr "Sa_la:" + +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:5 msgid "" "Enter the server which hosts the room, or leave it empty if the room is on " "the current account's server" @@ -4206,180 +4177,197 @@ "Introduïu el servidor que hostatja la sala, o deixeu-lo en blanc si la sala " "és en el servidor del compte actual" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:5 -msgid "Join Room" -msgstr "Entra a la sala" +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:8 +msgid "Couldn't load room list" +msgstr "No s'ha pogut carregar el llistat de sales" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:9 msgid "Room List" msgstr "Llista de sales" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:8 -msgid "_Room:" -msgstr "Sa_la:" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:169 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:166 msgid "Message received" msgstr "Missatge rebut" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:170 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:167 msgid "Message sent" msgstr "Missatge enviat" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:171 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:168 msgid "New conversation" msgstr "Conversa nova" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:172 -msgid "Contact goes online" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:169 +msgid "Contact comes online" msgstr "El contacte s'ha connectat" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:173 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:170 msgid "Contact goes offline" msgstr "El contacte s'ha desconnectat" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:174 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:171 msgid "Account connected" msgstr "Compte connectat" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:175 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:172 msgid "Account disconnected" msgstr "Compte desconnectat" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:484 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:475 msgid "Language" msgstr "Llengua" #. translators: Contact name for the chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:734 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:726 msgid "Juliet" msgstr "Julieta" #. translators: Contact name for the chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:741 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:733 msgid "Romeo" msgstr "Romeu" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:747 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:739 msgid "O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?" msgstr "O Romeu, Romeu! Per què ets tu Romeu?" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:750 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:743 msgid "Deny thy father and refuse thy name;" msgstr "Nega el teu pare i rebutja el teu nom." #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:753 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:746 msgid "Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love" msgstr "O, si no vols, jura'm el teu amor" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:756 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:749 msgid "And I'll no longer be a Capulet." msgstr "I deixaré jo de ser una Capulet." #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:759 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:752 msgid "Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?" msgstr "L'escolto més estona, o li responc?" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:762 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:755 msgid "Juliet has disconnected" msgstr "La Julieta s'ha desconnectat" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:1166 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:1159 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Preferències" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:1 +msgid "Show _smileys as images" +msgstr "Mo_stra les emoticones com a imatges" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:2 +msgid "Show contact _list in rooms" +msgstr "Mostra la _llista de contactes a les sales" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:3 msgid "Appearance" msgstr "Aparença" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:3 -msgid "Behavior" -msgstr "Comportament" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:4 +msgid "Start chats in:" +msgstr "Inicia un xat amb:" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:5 -msgid "Chat Th_eme:" -msgstr "T_ema de xat:" +msgid "new ta_bs" +msgstr "_pestanyes noves" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:6 -msgid "Disable notifications when _away or busy" -msgstr "Inhabilita les notificacions quan s'estiga _absent o ocupat" +msgid "new _windows" +msgstr "_finestres noves" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:7 -msgid "Disable sounds when _away or busy" -msgstr "Inhabilita els sons quan s'estiga _absent o ocupat" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:8 msgid "Display incoming events in the notification area" msgstr "Mostra els esdeveniments d'entrada a l'àrea de notificació" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Automatically connect on startup" +msgstr "_Connecta automàticament en iniciar" + #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:9 -msgid "" -"Echo cancellation helps to make your voice sound clearer to the other " -"person, but may cause problems on some computers. If you or the other person " -"hear strange noises or glitches during calls, try turning echo cancellation " -"off and restarting the call." -msgstr "" -"La cancel·lació de l'eco permet que l'altra persona senti la vostra veu " -"millor, però pot no funcionar bé en alguns ordinadors. Si sentiu o senten " -"alguns sorolls estranys o petits talls, proveu a desactivar la cancel·lació " -"de l'eco i tornar a trucar." +msgid "Log conversations" +msgstr "Enregistra les converses" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:10 -msgid "Enable notifications when a contact comes online" -msgstr "Habilita les notificacions quan es connecte un contacte" +msgid "Behavior" +msgstr "Comportament" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:11 -msgid "Enable notifications when a contact goes offline" -msgstr "Habilita les notificacions quan es desconnecte un contacte" +msgid "General" +msgstr "General" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:12 -msgid "Enable notifications when the _chat is not focused" -msgstr "Habilita les notificacions quan el _xat no tinga el focus" +msgid "_Enable bubble notifications" +msgstr "_Habilita les notificacions" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:13 -msgid "Enable spell checking for languages:" -msgstr "Habilita la verificació ortogràfica per a les llengües:" +msgid "Disable notifications when _away or busy" +msgstr "Inhabilita les notificacions quan s'estiga _absent o ocupat" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:14 -msgid "General" -msgstr "General" +msgid "Enable notifications when the _chat is not focused" +msgstr "Habilita les notificacions quan el _xat no tinga el focus" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:15 -msgid "Input level:" -msgstr "Nivell d'entrada:" +msgid "Enable notifications when a contact comes online" +msgstr "Habilita les notificacions quan es connecte un contacte" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:16 -msgid "Input volume:" -msgstr "Volum d'entrada:" +msgid "Enable notifications when a contact goes offline" +msgstr "Habilita les notificacions quan es desconnecte un contacte" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:17 +msgid "Notifications" +msgstr "Notificacions" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:18 -msgid "Location sources:" -msgstr "Fonts d'ubicació:" +msgid "_Enable sound notifications" +msgstr "_Habilita les notificacions de so" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:19 -msgid "Log conversations" -msgstr "Enregistra les converses" +msgid "Disable sounds when _away or busy" +msgstr "Inhabilita els sons quan s'estiga _absent o ocupat" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:20 -msgid "Notifications" -msgstr "Notificacions" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:21 msgid "Play sound for events" msgstr "Reprodueix un so per als esdeveniments" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:21 +msgid "Sounds" +msgstr "Sons" + #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:22 -msgid "Privacy" -msgstr "Privadesa" +msgid "Use _echo cancellation to improve call quality" +msgstr "" +"Utilitzeu la cancel·lació de l'_eco per millorar la qualitat de la trucada" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:23 msgid "" +"Echo cancellation helps to make your voice sound clearer to the other " +"person, but may cause problems on some computers. If you or the other person " +"hear strange noises or glitches during calls, try turning echo cancellation " +"off and restarting the call." +msgstr "" +"La cancel·lació de l'eco permet que l'altra persona senti la vostra veu " +"millor, però pot no funcionar bé en alguns ordinadors. Si sentiu o senten " +"alguns sorolls estranys o petits talls, proveu a desactivar la cancel·lació " +"de l'eco i tornar a trucar." + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:26 +msgid "_Publish location to my contacts" +msgstr "_Publica la ubicació per als meus contactes" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:27 +msgid "" "Reduced location accuracy means that nothing more precise than your city, " "state and country will be published. GPS coordinates will be accurate to 1 " "decimal place." @@ -4388,192 +4376,198 @@ "més precís que la ciutat, el país o l'estat. Les coordenades del GPS es " "truncaran a una posició decimal." -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:24 -msgid "Show _smileys as images" -msgstr "Mo_stra les emoticones com a imatges" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:25 -msgid "Show contact _list in rooms" -msgstr "Mostra la _llista de contactes a les sales" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:26 -msgid "Sounds" -msgstr "Sons" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:27 -msgid "Spell Checking" -msgstr "Verificació ortogràfica" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:28 -msgid "" -"The list of languages reflects only the languages for which you have a " -"dictionary installed." -msgstr "" -"La llista de llengües només mostrarà les llengües per a les quals tingueu un " -"diccionari instal·lat." - +#. To translators: The longitude and latitude are rounded to closest 0,1 degrees, so for example 146,2345° is rounded to round(146,2345*10)/10 = 146,2 degrees. #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:29 -msgid "Themes" -msgstr "Temes" +msgid "_Reduce location accuracy" +msgstr "_Redueix la precisió de la ubicació" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:30 -msgid "Variant:" -msgstr "Variant:" +msgid "Privacy" +msgstr "Privadesa" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:31 -msgid "_Automatically connect on startup" -msgstr "_Connecta automàticament en iniciar" +msgid "_GPS" +msgstr "_GPS" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:32 msgid "_Cellphone" msgstr "_Telèfon mòbil" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:33 -msgid "_Enable bubble notifications" -msgstr "_Habilita les notificacions" +msgid "_Network (IP, Wi-Fi)" +msgstr "_Xarxa (IP, Wi-Fi)" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:34 -msgid "_Enable sound notifications" -msgstr "_Habilita les notificacions de so" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:35 -msgid "_GPS" -msgstr "_GPS" +msgid "Location sources:" +msgstr "Fonts d'ubicació:" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:36 -msgid "_Network (IP, Wi-Fi)" -msgstr "_Xarxa (IP, Wi-Fi)" +msgid "" +"The list of languages reflects only the languages for which you have a " +"dictionary installed." +msgstr "" +"La llista de llengües només mostrarà les llengües per a les quals tingueu un " +"diccionari instal·lat." #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:37 -msgid "_Open new chats in separate windows" -msgstr "_Obri xats nous en finestres separades" +msgid "Enable spell checking for languages:" +msgstr "Habilita la verificació ortogràfica per a les llengües:" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:38 -msgid "_Publish location to my contacts" -msgstr "_Publica la ubicació per als meus contactes" +msgid "Spell Checking" +msgstr "Verificació ortogràfica" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:39 +msgid "Chat Th_eme:" +msgstr "T_ema de xat:" -#. To translators: The longitude and latitude are rounded to closest 0,1 degrees, so for example 146,2345° is rounded to round(146,2345*10)/10 = 146,2 degrees. #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:40 -msgid "_Reduce location accuracy" -msgstr "_Redueix la precisió de la ubicació" +msgid "Variant:" +msgstr "Variant:" -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:41 +msgid "Themes" +msgstr "Temes" + +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:4 msgid "Status" msgstr "Estat" -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:5 msgid "_Quit" msgstr "I_x" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:2 -msgid "Call the contact again" -msgstr "Torna a trucar al contacte" - #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Camera Off" -msgstr "Càmera apagada" +msgid "Redial" +msgstr "Torna a trucar" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:4 -msgid "Camera On" -msgstr "Càmera engegada" +msgid "V_ideo" +msgstr "V_ídeo" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:5 +msgid "Video Off" +msgstr "Apaga el vídeo" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:6 -msgid "Disable camera and stop sending video" -msgstr "Inhabilita la càmera i atura l'enviament de vídeo" +msgid "Video Preview" +msgstr "Previsualització de vídeo" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:7 -msgid "Enable camera and send video" -msgstr "Habilita la càmera i envia senyal de vídeo" +msgid "Video On" +msgstr "Activa el vídeo" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:8 -msgid "Enable camera but don't send video" -msgstr "Habilita la càmera però no envies senyal de vídeo" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:10 +msgid "Call the contact again" +msgstr "Torna a trucar al contacte" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:13 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Previsualització" +msgid "Camera Off" +msgstr "Càmera apagada" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:14 -msgid "Redial" -msgstr "Torna a trucar" +msgid "Disable camera and stop sending video" +msgstr "Inhabilita la càmera i para l'enviament de vídeo" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:19 -msgid "V_ideo" -msgstr "V_ídeo" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:15 +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "Previsualització" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:21 -msgid "Video Off" -msgstr "El vídeo està apagat" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "Enable camera but don't send video" +msgstr "Habilita la càmera però no envies senyal de vídeo" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:22 -msgid "Video On" -msgstr "El vídeo està engegat" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:17 +msgid "Camera On" +msgstr "Càmera engegada" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:23 -msgid "Video Preview" -msgstr "Previsualització de vídeo" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:18 +msgid "Enable camera and send video" +msgstr "Habilita la càmera i envia senyal de vídeo" -#: ../src/empathy-map-view.c:448 +#: ../src/empathy-map-view.c:471 msgid "Contact Map View" msgstr "Visualització de contactes en el mapa" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1228 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1607 msgid "Save" msgstr "Alça" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1435 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1667 +msgid "Pastebin link" +msgstr "Enllaç al Pastebin" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1676 +msgid "Pastebin response" +msgstr "Resposta del Pastebin" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1680 +#, c-format +msgid "%s" +msgstr "%s" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1683 +msgid "Data too large for a single paste. Please save logs to file." +msgstr "" +"Hi ha massa dades per un sol Pastebin. Alceu els registres a un fitxer." + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1912 msgid "Debug Window" msgstr "Finestra de depuració" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1517 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1970 +msgid "Send to pastebin" +msgstr "Envia-ho a Pastebin" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2009 msgid "Pause" msgstr "Fes una pausa" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1529 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2021 msgid "Level " msgstr "Nivell " -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1549 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2040 msgid "Debug" msgstr "Depura" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1555 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2045 msgid "Info" msgstr "Informació" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1561 ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1610 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2050 ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2096 msgid "Message" msgstr "Missatge" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1567 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2055 msgid "Warning" msgstr "Avís" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1573 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2060 msgid "Critical" msgstr "Crític" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1579 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2065 msgid "Error" msgstr "Error" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1598 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2084 msgid "Time" msgstr "Hora" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1601 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2087 msgid "Domain" msgstr "Domini" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1603 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2089 msgid "Category" msgstr "Categoria" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1605 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2091 msgid "Level" msgstr "Nivell" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1642 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2114 msgid "" "The selected connection manager does not support the remote debugging " "extension." @@ -4581,142 +4575,402 @@ "El gestor de connexions seleccionat no permet utilitzar l'extensió de " "depuració remota." -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:179 -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:205 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:202 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:230 msgid "Invite Participant" msgstr "Convida un participant" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:180 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:203 msgid "Choose a contact to invite into the conversation:" msgstr "Seleccioneu un contacte per convidar-lo a la conversa:" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:201 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:226 msgid "Invite" msgstr "Convida" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:184 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:180 msgid "Don't display any dialogs; do any work (eg, importing) and exit" msgstr "No mostres cap diàleg, realitza la tasca (p .ex. importar) i ix" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:188 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:184 msgid "" "Don't display any dialogs unless there are only \"People Nearby\" accounts" msgstr "" "No mostres cap diàleg si no es que només hi ha comptes de «Gent propera»" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:192 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:188 msgid "Initially select given account (eg, gabble/jabber/foo_40example_2eorg0)" msgstr "" "Selecciona inicialment el compte especificat (p .ex. gabble/jabber/exemple)" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:194 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:190 msgid "" msgstr "" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:197 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Show account assistant" -msgstr "Mostra el diàleg dels comptes" - -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:203 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:195 msgid "- Empathy Accounts" msgstr "- Comptes de l'Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:242 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:231 msgid "Empathy Accounts" msgstr "Comptes de l'Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:70 +#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:69 msgid "Show a particular service" msgstr "Mostra un servei en concret" -#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:75 +#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:74 msgid "- Empathy Debugger" msgstr "- Depurador de l'Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:114 +#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:113 msgid "Empathy Debugger" msgstr "Depurador de l'Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-chat.c:107 +#: ../src/empathy-chat.c:109 msgid "- Empathy Chat Client" msgstr "- Client de xat Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:203 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:189 msgid "Respond" msgstr "Respon" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:217 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1573 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:203 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1529 msgid "Reject" msgstr "Rebutja" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:222 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:227 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1574 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:208 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1530 msgid "Answer" msgstr "Contesta" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:227 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 msgid "Answer with video" msgstr "Contesta amb vídeo" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:235 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:245 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:221 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:231 msgid "Decline" msgstr "Declina" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:239 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:250 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:225 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:236 msgid "Accept" msgstr "Accepta" #. translators: the 'Provide' button is displayed in a notification #. * bubble when Empathy is asking for an account password; clicking on it #. * brings the password popup. -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:260 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:246 msgid "Provide" msgstr "Proporciona" -#: ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:134 +#: ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:132 #, c-format msgid "%s just tried to call you, but you were in another call." msgstr "%s vos ha intentat trucar però estàveu en una altra conversa." #. Translators: this is an "Info" label. It should be as short #. * as possible. -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1183 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1206 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1140 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1162 msgid "i" msgstr "i" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2889 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2888 msgid "On hold" msgstr "En espera" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2892 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2891 msgid "Mute" msgstr "Silenci" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2894 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2893 msgid "Duration" msgstr "Durada" #. Translators: 'status - minutes:seconds' the caller has been connected -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2897 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2896 #, c-format msgid "%s — %d:%02dm" msgstr "%s — %d:%02dm" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3166 +#, c-format +msgid "Your current balance is %s." +msgstr "El saldo actual és de %s." + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3170 +msgid "Sorry, you don’t have enough credit for that call." +msgstr "No teniu prou saldo per fer esta trucada." + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3172 +msgid "Top Up" +msgstr "Recarrega" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.c:243 msgid "_Match case" msgstr "Coincidència de _majúscules i minúscules" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-account-dialog.c:144 +msgid "What kind of chat account do you have?" +msgstr "Quin tipus de compte de xat teniu?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-account-dialog.c:166 +msgid "Adding new account" +msgstr "Addició d'un compte nou" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:77 +msgid "People nearby" +msgstr "Gent propera" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:150 +msgid "" +"Empathy can automatically discover and chat with the people connected on the " +"same network as you. If you want to use this feature, please check that the " +"details below are correct." +msgstr "" +"L'Empathy pot descobrir i conversar automàticament amb les persones que " +"estiguen connectades a la mateixa xarxa. Si voleu utilitzar esta funció " +"comproveu que les dades d'ací a sota siguen correctes." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:183 +msgid "" +"You can change these details later or disable this feature by choosing Edit → Accounts in the Contact List." +msgstr "" +"Podeu canviar-les fàcilment més avant o inhabilitar esta funció si " +"seleccioneu Edita → Comptes a la llista de " +"contactes." + +#~ msgid "Call volume" +#~ msgstr "Volum de la trucada" + +#~ msgid "Call volume, as a percentage." +#~ msgstr "Volum de la trucada, en percentatge." + #~ msgid "Empathy has migrated butterfly logs" #~ msgstr "L'Empathy ha migrat dels registres de la Butterfly" #~ msgid "Whether Empathy has migrated butterfly logs." #~ msgstr "Si l'Empathy ha migrat els registres de la Butterfly." +#~ msgid "Socket type not supported" +#~ msgstr "No està implementat aquest tipus de sòcol" + +#~ msgid "My Web Accounts" +#~ msgstr "Els comptes web" + +#~ msgid "The account %s is edited via %s." +#~ msgstr "S'està editant el compte %s a través de %s." + +#~ msgid "The account %s cannot be edited in Empathy." +#~ msgstr "No es pot editar el compte %s a través de l'Empathy." + +#~ msgid "Launch My Web Accounts" +#~ msgstr "Inicia els comptes web" + +#~ msgid "Edit %s" +#~ msgstr "Edita %s" + +#~ msgid "Ca_ncel" +#~ msgstr "Ca_ncel·la" + +#~ msgid "Personal Information" +#~ msgstr "Informació personal" + +#~ msgid "Ungrouped" +#~ msgstr "Sense grup" + +#~ msgid "Favorite People" +#~ msgstr "Persones preferides" + +#~ msgctxt "Edit contact (contextual menu)" +#~ msgid "_Edit" +#~ msgstr "_Edita" + +#~ msgid "Select a contact" +#~ msgstr "Seleccioneu un contacte" + +#~ msgid "Select contacts to link" +#~ msgstr "Seleccioneu els contactes a enllaçar" + +#~ msgid "New contact preview" +#~ msgstr "Previsualització del contacte nou" + +#~ msgid "Contacts selected in the list on the left will be linked together." +#~ msgstr "S'enllaçaran els contactes seleccionats a la llista de l'esquerra." + +#~ msgctxt "Link individual (contextual menu)" +#~ msgid "_Link Contacts…" +#~ msgstr "_Enllaça els contactes…" + +#~ msgid "Link Contacts" +#~ msgstr "Enllaceu contactes" + +#~ msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" +#~ msgid "_Unlink…" +#~ msgstr "_Desenllaça…" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Completely split the displayed linked contacts into the separate contacts." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Separa completament el metacontacte que es mostra en contactes diferents." + +#~ msgid "_Link" +#~ msgstr "_Enllaça" + +#~ msgid "Unlink linked contacts '%s'?" +#~ msgstr "Voleu desenllaçar el metacontacte «%s»?" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Are you sure you want to unlink these linked contacts? This will " +#~ "completely split the linked contacts into separate contacts." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Segur que voleu desenllaçar aquest metacontacte? Si ho feu separareu " +#~ "completament el metacontacte en contactes diferents." + +#~ msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" +#~ msgid "_Unlink" +#~ msgstr "_Desenllaça" + +#~ msgid "Contact ID:" +#~ msgstr "ID del contacte:" + +#~ msgid "C_hat" +#~ msgstr "_Xat" + +#~ msgid "Send _Video" +#~ msgstr "Envia _vídeo" + +#~ msgid "C_all" +#~ msgstr "_Trucada" + +#~ msgid "Set your presence and current status" +#~ msgstr "Establiu la presència i l'estat actual" + +#~ msgid "The selected contact cannot receive files." +#~ msgstr "El contacte seleccionat no pot rebre fitxers." + +#~ msgid "The selected contact is offline." +#~ msgstr "El contacte seleccionat està desconnectat." + +#~ msgid "There was an error while importing the accounts." +#~ msgstr "S'ha produït un error en la importació dels comptes." + +#~ msgid "There was an error while parsing the account details." +#~ msgstr "S'ha produït un error en analitzar les dades del compte." + +#~ msgid "There was an error while creating the account." +#~ msgstr "S'ha produït un error en la creació del compte." + +#~ msgid "There was an error." +#~ msgstr "S'ha produït un error." + +#~ msgid "The error message was: %s" +#~ msgstr "El missatge d'error fou: %s" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "You can either go back and try to enter your accounts' details again or " +#~ "quit this assistant and add accounts later from the Edit menu." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Podeu tornar enrere i tornar a entrar les dades del vostre compte un " +#~ "altre cop o sortir de l'auxiliar i afegir els comptes més tard des del " +#~ "menú Edita." + +#~ msgid "An error occurred" +#~ msgstr "S'ha produït un error" + +#~ msgid "Do you have any other chat accounts you want to set up?" +#~ msgstr "Teniu altres comptes de xat que vulgueu configurar?" + +#~ msgid "Enter your account details" +#~ msgstr "Introduïu les dades del compte" + +#~ msgid "What kind of chat account do you want to create?" +#~ msgstr "Quin tipus de compte de xat voleu crear?" + +#~ msgid "Do you want to create other chat accounts?" +#~ msgstr "Voleu crear altres comptes de xat?" + +#~ msgid "Enter the details for the new account" +#~ msgstr "Introduïu les dades del compte nou" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "With Empathy you can chat with people online nearby and with friends and " +#~ "colleagues who use Google Talk, AIM, Windows Live and many other chat " +#~ "programs. With a microphone or a webcam you can also have audio or video " +#~ "calls." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Amb l'Empathy podeu parlar en línia amb persones que estiguin a prop així " +#~ "com també amb amics que utilitzin el Google Talk, l'AIM, el Windows Live " +#~ "i molts altres tipus de programes de xat. També podreu fer trucades de " +#~ "veu o vídeo si teniu un micròfon o una càmera web." + +#~ msgid "Do you have an account you've been using with another chat program?" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Teniu algun compte que hàgiu utilitzat amb algun altre programa de xat?" + +#~ msgid "Yes, import my account details from " +#~ msgstr "Sí, importa les dades dels comptes de " + +#~ msgid "Yes, I'll enter my account details now" +#~ msgstr "Sí, ara introduiré les dades dels comptes" + +#~ msgid "No, I want a new account" +#~ msgstr "No, vull crear un compte nou" + +#~ msgid "No, I just want to see people online nearby for now" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "No, per ara només vull veure les persones que estan connectades per aquí " +#~ "a prop" + +#~ msgid "Select the accounts you want to import:" +#~ msgstr "Seleccioneu els comptes que voleu importar:" + +#~ msgid "No, that's all for now" +#~ msgstr "No, això és tot per ara" + +#~ msgid "Edit->Accounts" +#~ msgstr "Edita->Comptes" + +#~ msgid "I do _not want to enable this feature for now" +#~ msgstr "_No vull habilitar aquesta funció per ara" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "You won't be able to chat with people connected to your local network, as " +#~ "telepathy-salut is not installed. If you want to enable this feature, " +#~ "please install the telepathy-salut package and create a People Nearby " +#~ "account from the Accounts dialog" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "No podreu xatejar amb les persones que estiguin connectades a la xarxa " +#~ "local en que estigueu ja que el telepathy-salut no és instal·lat. Si " +#~ "voleu habilitar aquesta funció, instal·leu el paquet telepathy-salut i " +#~ "creeu un compte de «Gent propera» en el diàleg de Comptes." + +#~ msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts Assistant" +#~ msgstr "Auxiliar per als comptes de missatgeria i VoIP" + +#~ msgid "Welcome to Empathy" +#~ msgstr "Us donem la benvinguda a l'Empathy" + +#~ msgid "Import your existing accounts" +#~ msgstr "Importeu els vostres comptes existents" + +#~ msgid "Please enter personal details" +#~ msgstr "Introduïu les dades personals" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "You are about to create a new account, which will discard\n" +#~ "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Esteu a punt de crear un compte nou i perdreu els canvis\n" +#~ "fets fins ara. Segur que voleu continuar?" + +#~ msgid "Protocol:" +#~ msgstr "Protocol:" + #~ msgctxt "encoding video codec" #~ msgid "Unknown" #~ msgstr "Desconegut" @@ -4733,6 +4987,18 @@ #~ msgid "Unknown" #~ msgstr "Desconegut" +#~ msgid "_Personal Information" +#~ msgstr "Informació _personal" + +#~ msgid "Input level:" +#~ msgstr "Nivell d'entrada:" + +#~ msgid "Input volume:" +#~ msgstr "Volum d'entrada:" + +#~ msgid "_Open new chats in separate windows" +#~ msgstr "_Obre xats nous en finestres separades" + #~ msgid "Find Next" #~ msgstr "Cerca el següent" @@ -4885,6 +5151,9 @@ #~ msgstr "" #~ "Si s'ha creat el compte del Salut en la primera execució de l'Empathy." +#~ msgid "Show the accounts dialog" +#~ msgstr "Mostra el diàleg dels comptes" + #~ msgid "Can't set an empty display name" #~ msgstr "No es pot establir un nom públic buit" @@ -5341,9 +5610,6 @@ #~ msgid "generic account settings" #~ msgstr "paràmetres genèrics de compte" -#~ msgid "ICQ account settings" -#~ msgstr "paràmetres del compte ICQ" - #~ msgid "irc account settings" #~ msgstr "paràmetres del compte IRC" @@ -5398,9 +5664,6 @@ #~ msgid "View previous conversations with this contact" #~ msgstr "Visualitza les converses anteriors amb aquest contacte" -#~ msgid "Start a voice or video conversation with this contact" -#~ msgstr "Inicia una conversa de veu o vídeo amb aquest contacte" - #~ msgid "Enter the new topic you want to set for this room:" #~ msgstr "Introduïu el tema nou que voleu establir per a aquesta sala:" @@ -5485,9 +5748,6 @@ #~ "La sala de xat a la qual heu intentat unir-vos requereix una contrasenya. " #~ "No heu introduït una contrasenya, o aquesta era incorrecta." -#~ msgid "You have been banned from this chatroom." -#~ msgstr "Heu estat bandejats d'aquesta sala de xat." - #~ msgid "The conference room you tried to join could not be found." #~ msgstr "" #~ "No s'ha trobat la sala de conferències a la qual heu intentat unir-vos." @@ -5901,9 +6161,6 @@ #~ msgid "Languages" #~ msgstr "Llengües" -#~ msgid "Personal Details" -#~ msgstr "Detalls personals" - #~ msgid "Status" #~ msgstr "Estat" @@ -6023,9 +6280,6 @@ #~ msgid "_Birthday:" #~ msgstr "Ani_versari:" -#~ msgid "_Connect" -#~ msgstr "_Connecta" - #~ msgid "_Deny" #~ msgstr "_Denega" @@ -6161,9 +6415,6 @@ #~ msgid "Add a contact" #~ msgstr "Afegeix un contacte" -#~ msgid "Connection Details" -#~ msgstr "Detalls de la connexió" - #~ msgid "Enter the port used in the connection for this account" #~ msgstr "Introduïu el port utilitzat en la connexió per a aquest compte" @@ -6383,9 +6634,6 @@ #~ msgid "Gossip, Instant Messaging Client" #~ msgstr "Gossip, un client de missatgeria instantània" -#~ msgid "Close this chat window" -#~ msgstr "Tanca aquesta finestra de xat" - #~ msgid "Requested Information" #~ msgstr "Informació sol·licitada" @@ -6864,9 +7112,6 @@ #~ msgid "Spell Checking" #~ msgstr "Correció ortogràfica" -#~ msgid "Add Another Account" -#~ msgstr "Afegeix un altre compte" - #~ msgid "Configure Transports" #~ msgstr "Configura els transports" diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/po/cs.po empathy-3.3.92/po/cs.po --- empathy-3.3.91/po/cs.po 2012-02-20 12:40:30.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/po/cs.po 2012-03-19 09:12:31.000000000 +0000 @@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ "Project-Id-Version: empathy\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?" "product=empathy&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=General\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-09 11:44+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-19 22:18+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-16 10:47+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-18 14:08+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Marek Černocký \n" "Language-Team: Czech \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -31,456 +31,472 @@ "X-Generator: Lokalize 1.2\n" #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:1 -msgid "Chat on Google Talk, Facebook, MSN and many other chat services" -msgstr "Diskutovat na serverech Google Talk, Facebook, MSN a mnoha dalších" - -#: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:2 msgid "Empathy" msgstr "Empathy" +#: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:2 +msgid "IM Client" +msgstr "Komunikátor" + #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:3 msgid "Empathy Internet Messaging" msgstr "Internetový komunikátor Empathy" #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:4 -msgid "IM Client" -msgstr "Komunikátor" +msgid "Chat on Google Talk, Facebook, MSN and many other chat services" +msgstr "Diskutovat na serverech Google Talk, Facebook, MSN a mnoha dalších" + +#. Tweak the dialog +#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2512 +msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts" +msgstr "Účty IM a VoIP" + +#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:2 +msgid "Manage Messaging and VoIP accounts" +msgstr "Spravovat účty IM a VoIP" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:1 -msgid "Always open a separate chat window for new chats." -msgstr "Pro nové konverzace vždy otevírat oddělená okna." +msgid "Connection managers should be used" +msgstr "Měli byste používat správce připojení" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:2 -msgid "Camera device" -msgstr "Zařízení kamery" +msgid "" +"Whether connectivity managers should be used to automatically disconnect/" +"reconnect." +msgstr "" +"Jestli má být používán správce připojení k automatickému připojování a " +"odpojování." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:3 -msgid "Camera position" -msgstr "Poloha kamery" +msgid "Empathy should auto-connect on startup" +msgstr "Automaticky připojovat Empathy po spuštění" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:4 -msgid "" -"Character to add after nickname when using nick completion (tab) in group " -"chat." -msgstr "" -"Znak, který má být přidán za přezdívku při použití doplňování přezdívek " -"(tabulátorem) ve skupinové konverzaci." +msgid "Whether Empathy should automatically log into your accounts on startup." +msgstr "Jestli se má Empathy po spuštění automaticky připojovat k vašim účtům." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:5 -msgid "Chat window theme" -msgstr "Motiv okna konverzace" +msgid "Empathy should auto-away when idle" +msgstr "Empathy by měl při nečinnosti automaticky nastavit na nepřítomen" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:6 -msgid "Chat window theme variant" -msgstr "Varianta motivu okna konverzace" - -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:7 msgid "" -"Comma-separated list of spell checker languages to use (e.g. \"en, fr, nl\")." +"Whether Empathy should go into away mode automatically if the user is idle." msgstr "" -"Čárkami oddělený seznam jazyků používaných ke kontrole pravopisu (např. „en, " -"fr, nl“)." +"Zda by měla aplikace Empathy při nečinnosti uživatele přepínat na stav " +"nepřítomen" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:7 +msgid "Empathy default download folder" +msgstr "Výchozí adresář pro stahování aplikace Empathy" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:8 -msgid "Compact contact list" -msgstr "Kompaktní seznam kontaktů" +msgid "The default folder to save file transfers in." +msgstr "Výchozí adresář pro ukládání přenášených souborů." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:9 -msgid "Connection managers should be used" -msgstr "Měli byste používat správce připojení" +msgid "Magic number used to check if sanity cleaning tasks should be run" +msgstr "" +"Magické číslo, které se má použít ke kontrole, když má být spuštěno " +"pročištění" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:10 -msgid "Contact list sort criterion" -msgstr "Kritérium pro řazení seznamu kontaktů" +msgid "" +"empathy-sanity-cleaning.c uses this number to check if the cleaning tasks " +"should be executed or not. Users should not change this key manually." +msgstr "" +"empathy-sanity-cleaning.c používá toto číslo ke kontrole, zda se má spustit " +"čistící úloha nebo ne. Uživatelé nemohou toto číslo ručně měnit." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:11 -msgid "D-Bus object path of the last account selected to join a room." -msgstr "" -"Cesta objektu D-Bus pro účet, který byl vybrán jako poslední pro vstup do " -"místnosti." +msgid "Show offline contacts" +msgstr "Zobrazovat odpojené kontakty" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:12 -msgid "Default camera device to use in video calls, e.g. /dev/video0." -msgstr "" -"Výchozí zařízení kamery, které se má používat pro videohovory, např. /dev/" -"video0." +msgid "Whether to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." +msgstr "Zda v seznamu kontaktů zobrazovat odpojené kontakty." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:13 -msgid "Default directory to select an avatar image from" -msgstr "Výchozí adresář pro výběr obrázku avataru" +msgid "Show avatars" +msgstr "Zobrazovat avatary" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:14 -msgid "Disable popup notifications when away" -msgstr "Zakázat vyskakující upozornění v případě mé nepřítomnosti" +msgid "" +"Whether to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat windows." +msgstr "" +"Zda zobrazovat avatary kontaktů v seznamu kontaktů a oknech s konverzacemi." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:15 -msgid "Disable sounds when away" -msgstr "Zakázat zvuky v případě mé nepřítomnosti" +msgid "Show protocols" +msgstr "Zobrazovat protokoly" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:16 -msgid "Display incoming events in the status area" -msgstr "Zobrazovat příchozí události ve stavové oblasti" +msgid "Whether to show protocols for contacts in the contact list." +msgstr "Jestli zobrazovat protokoly kontaktů v seznamu kontaktů." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:17 -msgid "" -"Display incoming events in the status area. If false, present them to the " -"user immediately." -msgstr "" -"Zobrazovat příchozí události ve stavové oblasti. Když je něco špatně, tak se " -"to uživatel ihned dozví." +msgid "Show Balance in contact list" +msgstr "Zobrazovat zůstatek kreditu v seznamu kontaktů" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:18 -msgid "Echo cancellation support" -msgstr "Podpora potlačení ozvěny" +msgid "Whether to show account balances in the contact list." +msgstr "Jestli zobrazovat zůstatek kreditu v seznamu kontaktů." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:19 -msgid "Empathy can publish the user's location" -msgstr "Empathy může zveřejnit polohu uživatele" +msgid "Compact contact list" +msgstr "Kompaktní seznam kontaktů" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:20 -msgid "Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location" -msgstr "Empathy se může pokusit určit vaši polohu pomocí GPS" +msgid "Whether to show the contact list in compact mode." +msgstr "Jestli zobrazovat seznam kontaktů v kompaktním režimu." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:21 -msgid "Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location" -msgstr "Empathy se může pokusit určit vaši polohu pomocí mobilní sítě" +msgid "Hide main window" +msgstr "Skrýt hlavní okno" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:22 -msgid "Empathy can use the network to guess the location" -msgstr "Empathy se může pokusit určit vaši polohu pomocí sítě" +msgid "Hide the main window." +msgstr "Skrýt hlavní okno." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:23 -msgid "Empathy default download folder" -msgstr "Výchozí adresář pro stahování aplikace Empathy" +msgid "Default directory to select an avatar image from" +msgstr "Výchozí adresář pro výběr obrázku avataru" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:24 -msgid "Empathy should auto-away when idle" -msgstr "Empathy by měl při nečinnosti automaticky nastavit na nepřítomen" +msgid "The last directory that an avatar image was chosen from." +msgstr "Poslední adresář, ze kterého byl vybrán obrázek avataru." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:25 -msgid "Empathy should auto-connect on startup" -msgstr "Automaticky připojovat Empathy po spuštění" +msgid "Open new chats in separate windows" +msgstr "Otevírat nové konverzace v oddělených oknech" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:26 -msgid "Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy" -msgstr "Přesnost plohy by měla být omezena" +msgid "Always open a separate chat window for new chats." +msgstr "Pro nové konverzace vždy otevírat oddělená okna." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:27 -msgid "Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon" -msgstr "Používat avatar kontaktu jako ikonku okna konverzace" +msgid "Display incoming events in the status area" +msgstr "Zobrazovat příchozí události ve stavové oblasti" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:28 -msgid "Enable WebKit Developer Tools" -msgstr "Povolit vývojové nástroje pro WebKit" +msgid "" +"Display incoming events in the status area. If false, present them to the " +"user immediately." +msgstr "" +"Zobrazovat příchozí události ve stavové oblasti. Když je něco špatně, tak se " +"to uživatel ihned dozví." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:29 -msgid "Enable popup notifications for new messages" -msgstr "Povolit vyskakující upozornění na nové zprávy" +msgid "The position for the chat window side pane" +msgstr "Poloha pro postranní panel okna s konverzací" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:30 -msgid "Enable spell checker" -msgstr "Povolit kontrolu pravopisu" +msgid "The stored position (in pixels) of the chat window side pane." +msgstr "Uložená poloha (v pixelech) postranního panelu okna s konverzací" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:31 -msgid "Hide main window" -msgstr "Skrýt hlavní okno" +msgid "Show contact groups" +msgstr "Zobrazovat skupiny kontaktů" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:32 -msgid "Hide the main window." -msgstr "Skrýt hlavní okno." +msgid "Whether to show groups in the contact list." +msgstr "Zda zobrazovat skupiny kontaktů v seznamu kontaktů." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:33 -msgid "Last account selected in Join Room dialog" -msgstr "Poslední účet vybraný v dialogovém okně pro vstup do místnosti" +msgid "Contact list sort criterion" +msgstr "Kritérium pro řazení seznamu kontaktů" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:34 -msgid "Nick completed character" -msgstr "Znak doplňování přezdívek" +msgid "" +"Which criterion to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to sort by " +"the contact's state with the value \"state\". A value of \"name\" will sort " +"the contact list by name." +msgstr "" +"Jaké kritérium používat pro řazení seznamu kontaktů. Jako výchozí je použito " +"řazení dle stavu kontaktu s hodnotou „state“. Hodnota „name“ řadí seznam " +"kontaktů dle jména." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:35 -msgid "Open new chats in separate windows" -msgstr "Otevírat nové konverzace v oddělených oknech" +msgid "Use notification sounds" +msgstr "Používat zvuková upozornění" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:36 -msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use" -msgstr "Cesta k požadovanému motivu Adium" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of events." +msgstr "Jestli přehrávat zvuky jako upozornění na události." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:37 -msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use if the theme used for chat is Adium." -msgstr "" -"Cesta k motivu Adium, který bude v případě, že Adium používáte, vybrán." +msgid "Disable sounds when away" +msgstr "Zakázat zvuky v případě mé nepřítomnosti" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:38 -msgid "Play a sound for incoming messages" -msgstr "Přehrávat zvuk pro příchozí zprávy" +msgid "Whether to play sound notifications when away or busy." +msgstr "" +"Zda přehrávat zvuková upozornění v případě mé nepřítomnosti nebo " +"zaneprázdněnosti." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:39 -msgid "Play a sound for new conversations" -msgstr "Přehrát zvuk při nové konverzaci" +msgid "Play a sound for incoming messages" +msgstr "Přehrávat zvuk pro příchozí zprávy" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:40 -msgid "Play a sound for outgoing messages" -msgstr "Přehrávat zvuk pro odchozí zprávy" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of incoming messages." +msgstr "Jestli přehrávat zvuk jako upozornění na příchozí zprávy." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:41 -msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs in" -msgstr "Přehrávat zvuk, když se kontakt přihlásí" +msgid "Play a sound for outgoing messages" +msgstr "Přehrávat zvuk pro odchozí zprávy" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:42 -msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs out" -msgstr "Přehrát zvuk, pokud se kontakt odhlásí" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of outgoing messages." +msgstr "Jestli přehrávat zvuk jako upozornění na odchozí zprávy." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:43 -msgid "Play a sound when we log in" -msgstr "Přehrávat zvuk, když se přihlásím" +msgid "Play a sound for new conversations" +msgstr "Přehrát zvuk při nové konverzaci" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:44 -msgid "Play a sound when we log out" -msgstr "Přehrávat zvuk, když se odhlásím" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of new conversations." +msgstr "Jestli přehrávat zvuk jako upozornění na novou konverzaci." -# is chat different than conversation? #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:45 -msgid "Pop up notifications if the chat isn't focused" -msgstr "Vyskakující upozornění, pokud není vybrána konverzace" +msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs in" +msgstr "Přehrávat zvuk, když se kontakt přihlásí" -# is chat different than conversation? #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:46 -msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs in" -msgstr "Vyskakující upozornění při přihlášení kontaktu" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging into the network." +msgstr "" +"Jestli přehrávat zvuky jako upozornění na přihlašování kontaktu k síti." -# is chat different than conversation? #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:47 -msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs out" -msgstr "Vyskakující upozornění při odhlášení kontaktu" +msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs out" +msgstr "Přehrát zvuk, pokud se kontakt odhlásí" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:48 -msgid "Position the camera preview should be during a call." -msgstr "Poloha náhledové kamery, jak by měla být během hovoru." +msgid "" +"Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging out of the network." +msgstr "" +"Jestli přehrávat zvuky jako upozornění na odhlašování kontaktu od sítě." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:49 -msgid "Show Balance in contact list" -msgstr "Zobrazovat zůstatek kreditu v seznamu kontaktů" +msgid "Play a sound when we log in" +msgstr "Přehrávat zvuk, když se přihlásím" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:50 -msgid "Show avatars" -msgstr "Zobrazovat avatary" +msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging into a network." +msgstr "Jestli přehrávat zvuk, když se přihlašuji do sítě." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:51 -msgid "Show contact list in rooms" -msgstr "Zobrazit seznam kontaktů v diskuzních místnostech" +msgid "Play a sound when we log out" +msgstr "Přehrávat zvuk, když se odhlásím" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:52 -msgid "Show hint about closing the main window" -msgstr "Zobrazovat nápovědu, pokud se chystáte zavřít hlavní okno" +msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging out of a network." +msgstr "Zda přehrávat zvuk, když se odhlašuji ze sítě." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:53 -msgid "Show offline contacts" -msgstr "Zobrazovat odpojené kontakty" +msgid "Enable popup notifications for new messages" +msgstr "Povolit vyskakující upozornění na nové zprávy" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:54 -msgid "Show protocols" -msgstr "Zobrazovat protokoly" +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message." +msgstr "Zdali zobrazovat vyskakující upozornění při přijetí nové zprávy." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:55 -msgid "Spell checking languages" -msgstr "Jazyky s kontrolovaným pravopisem" +msgid "Disable popup notifications when away" +msgstr "Zakázat vyskakující upozornění v případě mé nepřítomnosti" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:56 -msgid "The default folder to save file transfers in." -msgstr "Výchozí adresář pro ukládání přenášených souborů." +msgid "Whether to show popup notifications when away or busy." +msgstr "" +"Zda zobrazovat vyskakující upozornění v případě mé nepřítomnosti nebo " +"zaneprázdněnosti." +# is chat different than conversation? #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:57 -msgid "The last directory that an avatar image was chosen from." -msgstr "Poslední adresář, ze kterého byl vybrán obrázek avataru." +msgid "Pop up notifications if the chat isn't focused" +msgstr "Vyskakující upozornění, pokud není vybrána konverzace" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:58 -msgid "The position for the chat window side pane" -msgstr "Poloha pro postranní panel okna s konverzací" +msgid "" +"Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message even if " +"the chat is already opened, but not focused." +msgstr "" +"Zdali zobrazovat vyskakující upozornění na novou zprávu, i když konverzace " +"byla již otevřena, ale není vybrána." +# is chat different than conversation? #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:59 -msgid "The stored position (in pixels) of the chat window side pane." -msgstr "Uložená poloha (v pixelech) postranního panelu okna s konverzací" +msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs in" +msgstr "Vyskakující upozornění při přihlášení kontaktu" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:60 -msgid "The theme that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." -msgstr "Motiv, který je používán pro zobrazení konverzací v oknech konverzací." +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes online." +msgstr "Jestli zobrazovat vyskakující upozornění při přihlášení kontaktu." +# is chat different than conversation? #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:61 -msgid "" -"The theme variant that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." -msgstr "Motiv, který je používán pro zobrazení konverzací v oknech konverzací." +msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs out" +msgstr "Vyskakující upozornění při odhlášení kontaktu" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:62 -msgid "Use graphical smileys" -msgstr "Používat grafické smajlíky" +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes offline." +msgstr "Jestli zobrazovat vyskakující upozornění při odpojení uživatele." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:63 -msgid "Use notification sounds" -msgstr "Používat zvuková upozornění" +msgid "Use graphical smileys" +msgstr "Používat grafické smajlíky" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:64 -msgid "Use theme for chat rooms" -msgstr "Používat motiv pro diskuzní místnosti" +msgid "Whether to convert smileys into graphical images in conversations." +msgstr "Jestli v konverzacích převádět smajlíky na obrázky." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:65 -msgid "Whether Empathy can publish the user's location to their contacts." -msgstr "Jestli může Empathy zveřejňovat kontaktům vaši polohu." +msgid "Show contact list in rooms" +msgstr "Zobrazit seznam kontaktů v diskuzních místnostech" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:66 -msgid "Whether Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location." -msgstr "Jestli může Empathy používat GPS k určení polohy." +msgid "Whether to show the contact list in chat rooms." +msgstr "Jestli zobrazovat seznam kontaktů v diskuzních místnostech." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:67 -msgid "Whether Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location." -msgstr "Jestli může Empathy použít mobilní síť k určení polohy." +msgid "Chat window theme" +msgstr "Motiv okna konverzace" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:68 -msgid "Whether Empathy can use the network to guess the location." -msgstr "Zda může Empathy použít sít k určení polohy." +msgid "The theme that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." +msgstr "Motiv, který je používán pro zobrazení konverzací v oknech konverzací." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:69 -msgid "Whether Empathy should automatically log into your accounts on startup." -msgstr "Jestli se má Empathy po spuštění automaticky připojovat k vašim účtům." +msgid "Chat window theme variant" +msgstr "Varianta motivu okna konverzace" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:70 msgid "" -"Whether Empathy should go into away mode automatically if the user is idle." -msgstr "" -"Zda by měla aplikace Empathy při nečinnosti uživatele přepínat na stav " -"nepřítomen" +"The theme variant that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." +msgstr "Motiv, který je používán pro zobrazení konverzací v oknech konverzací." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:71 -msgid "" -"Whether Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy for privacy reasons." -msgstr "" -"Jestli má Empathy omezit přesnost polohy pro lepší ochranu vašeho soukromí." +msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use" +msgstr "Cesta k požadovanému motivu Adium" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:72 -msgid "" -"Whether Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon." -msgstr "Zda má Empathy používat avatar kontaktu jako ikonu okna s konverzací." +msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use if the theme used for chat is Adium." +msgstr "" +"Cesta k motivu Adium, který bude v případě, že Adium používáte, vybrán." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:73 -msgid "" -"Whether WebKit developer tools, such as the Web Inspector, should be enabled." -msgstr "" -"Zda mají být povoleny vývojové nástroje pro Webkit, například Web Inspektor." +msgid "Enable WebKit Developer Tools" +msgstr "Povolit vývojové nástroje pro WebKit" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:74 msgid "" -"Whether connectivity managers should be used to automatically disconnect/" -"reconnect." +"Whether WebKit developer tools, such as the Web Inspector, should be enabled." msgstr "" -"Jestli má být používán správce připojení k automatickému připojování a " -"odpojování." +"Zda mají být povoleny vývojové nástroje pro Webkit, například Web Inspektor." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:75 -msgid "" -"Whether to check words typed against the languages you want to check with." -msgstr "Jestli u zadávaných slov kontrolovat pravopis." +msgid "Inform other users when you are typing to them" +msgstr "Informovat ostatní uživatele, když jim píšete" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:76 -msgid "Whether to convert smileys into graphical images in conversations." -msgstr "Jestli v konverzacích převádět smajlíky na obrázky." +msgid "" +"Whether to send the 'composing' or 'paused' chat states. Does not currently " +"affect the 'gone' state." +msgstr "" +"Zda posílat stavy diskuze „sestavuje“ (composing) nebo " +"„pozastaveno“ (paused). V současnosti nemá vliv na stav „odešel“ (gone)." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:77 -msgid "Whether to enable Pulseaudio's echo cancellation filter." -msgstr "Zda zapnout filtr Pulseaudio pro potlačení ozvěny." +msgid "Use theme for chat rooms" +msgstr "Používat motiv pro diskuzní místnosti" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:78 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging into the network." -msgstr "" -"Jestli přehrávat zvuky jako upozornění na přihlašování kontaktu k síti." +msgid "Whether to use the theme for chat rooms." +msgstr "Zda používat motiv pro diskuzní místnosti." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:79 -msgid "" -"Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging out of the network." -msgstr "" -"Jestli přehrávat zvuky jako upozornění na odhlašování kontaktu od sítě." +msgid "Spell checking languages" +msgstr "Jazyky s kontrolovaným pravopisem" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:80 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of events." -msgstr "Jestli přehrávat zvuky jako upozornění na události." +msgid "" +"Comma-separated list of spell checker languages to use (e.g. \"en, fr, nl\")." +msgstr "" +"Čárkami oddělený seznam jazyků používaných ke kontrole pravopisu (např. „en, " +"fr, nl“)." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:81 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of incoming messages." -msgstr "Jestli přehrávat zvuk jako upozornění na příchozí zprávy." +msgid "Enable spell checker" +msgstr "Povolit kontrolu pravopisu" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:82 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of new conversations." -msgstr "Jestli přehrávat zvuk jako upozornění na novou konverzaci." +msgid "" +"Whether to check words typed against the languages you want to check with." +msgstr "Jestli u zadávaných slov kontrolovat pravopis." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:83 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of outgoing messages." -msgstr "Jestli přehrávat zvuk jako upozornění na odchozí zprávy." +msgid "Nick completed character" +msgstr "Znak doplňování přezdívek" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:84 -msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging into a network." -msgstr "Jestli přehrávat zvuk, když se přihlašuji do sítě." +msgid "" +"Character to add after nickname when using nick completion (tab) in group " +"chat." +msgstr "" +"Znak, který má být přidán za přezdívku při použití doplňování přezdívek " +"(tabulátorem) ve skupinové konverzaci." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:85 -msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging out of a network." -msgstr "Zda přehrávat zvuk, když se odhlašuji ze sítě." +msgid "Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon" +msgstr "Používat avatar kontaktu jako ikonku okna konverzace" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:86 -msgid "Whether to play sound notifications when away or busy." -msgstr "" -"Zda přehrávat zvuková upozornění v případě mé nepřítomnosti nebo " -"zaneprázdněnosti." +msgid "" +"Whether Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon." +msgstr "Zda má Empathy používat avatar kontaktu jako ikonu okna s konverzací." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:87 -msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes offline." -msgstr "Jestli zobrazovat vyskakující upozornění při odpojení uživatele." +msgid "Last account selected in Join Room dialog" +msgstr "Poslední účet vybraný v dialogovém okně pro vstup do místnosti" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:88 -msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes online." -msgstr "Jestli zobrazovat vyskakující upozornění při přihlášení kontaktu." +msgid "D-Bus object path of the last account selected to join a room." +msgstr "" +"Cesta objektu D-Bus pro účet, který byl vybrán jako poslední pro vstup do " +"místnosti." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:89 -msgid "" -"Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message even if " -"the chat is already opened, but not focused." -msgstr "" -"Zdali zobrazovat vyskakující upozornění na novou zprávu, i když konverzace " -"byla již otevřena, ale není vybrána." +msgid "Camera device" +msgstr "Zařízení kamery" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:90 -msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message." -msgstr "Zdali zobrazovat vyskakující upozornění při přijetí nové zprávy." +msgid "Default camera device to use in video calls, e.g. /dev/video0." +msgstr "" +"Výchozí zařízení kamery, které se má používat pro videohovory, např. /dev/" +"video0." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:91 -msgid "Whether to show account balances in the contact list." -msgstr "Jestli zobrazovat zůstatek kreditu v seznamu kontaktů." +msgid "Camera position" +msgstr "Poloha kamery" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:92 -msgid "" -"Whether to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat windows." -msgstr "" -"Zda zobrazovat avatary kontaktů v seznamu kontaktů a oknech s konverzacemi." +msgid "Position the camera preview should be during a call." +msgstr "Poloha náhledové kamery, jak by měla být během hovoru." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:93 -msgid "Whether to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." -msgstr "Zda v seznamu kontaktů zobrazovat odpojené kontakty." +msgid "Echo cancellation support" +msgstr "Podpora potlačení ozvěny" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:94 -msgid "Whether to show popup notifications when away or busy." -msgstr "" -"Zda zobrazovat vyskakující upozornění v případě mé nepřítomnosti nebo " -"zaneprázdněnosti." +msgid "Whether to enable Pulseaudio's echo cancellation filter." +msgstr "Zda zapnout filtr Pulseaudio pro potlačení ozvěny." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:95 -msgid "Whether to show protocols for contacts in the contact list." -msgstr "Jestli zobrazovat protokoly kontaktů v seznamu kontaktů." +msgid "Show hint about closing the main window" +msgstr "Zobrazovat nápovědu, pokud se chystáte zavřít hlavní okno" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:96 -msgid "Whether to show the contact list in chat rooms." -msgstr "Jestli zobrazovat seznam kontaktů v diskuzních místnostech." - -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:97 -msgid "Whether to show the contact list in compact mode." -msgstr "Jestli zobrazovat seznam kontaktů v kompaktním režimu." - -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:98 msgid "" "Whether to show the message dialog about closing the main window with the " "'x' button in the title bar." @@ -488,75 +504,93 @@ "Zda zobrazovat varování při uzavírání hlavního okna prostřednictvím tlačítka " "„x“ (křížek) v záhlaví okna." +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:97 +msgid "Empathy can publish the user's location" +msgstr "Empathy může zveřejnit polohu uživatele" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:98 +msgid "Whether Empathy can publish the user's location to their contacts." +msgstr "Jestli může Empathy zveřejňovat kontaktům vaši polohu." + #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:99 -msgid "Whether to use the theme for chat rooms." -msgstr "Zda používat motiv pro diskuzní místnosti." +msgid "Empathy can use the network to guess the location" +msgstr "Empathy se může pokusit určit vaši polohu pomocí sítě" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:100 -msgid "" -"Which criterion to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to sort by " -"the contact's name with the value \"name\". A value of \"state\" will sort " -"the contact list by state." -msgstr "" -"Jaké kritérium používat pro řazení seznamu kontaktů? Jako výchozí je použito " -"řazení dle jména s hodnotou „jméno“. Hodnota „stav“ řadí seznam kontaktů dle " -"stavu." +msgid "Whether Empathy can use the network to guess the location." +msgstr "Zda může Empathy použít sít k určení polohy." -#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:1 -msgid "Manage Messaging and VoIP accounts" -msgstr "Spravovat účty IM a VoIP" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:101 +msgid "Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location" +msgstr "Empathy se může pokusit určit vaši polohu pomocí mobilní sítě" -#. Tweak the dialog -#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:2 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2406 -msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts" -msgstr "Účty IM a VoIP" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:102 +msgid "Whether Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location." +msgstr "Jestli může Empathy použít mobilní síť k určení polohy." -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:736 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:103 +msgid "Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location" +msgstr "Empathy se může pokusit určit vaši polohu pomocí GPS" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:104 +msgid "Whether Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location." +msgstr "Jestli může Empathy používat GPS k určení polohy." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:105 +msgid "Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy" +msgstr "Přesnost plohy by měla být omezena" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:106 +msgid "" +"Whether Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy for privacy reasons." +msgstr "" +"Jestli má Empathy omezit přesnost polohy pro lepší ochranu vašeho soukromí." + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:738 msgid "No reason was specified" msgstr "Nebyl udán žádný důvod" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:739 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:741 msgid "The change in state was requested" msgstr "Byla vyžádána změna stavu" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:742 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:744 msgid "You canceled the file transfer" msgstr "Zrušili jste přenos souboru" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:745 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:747 msgid "The other participant canceled the file transfer" msgstr "Protistrana zrušila přenos souboru" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:748 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:750 msgid "Error while trying to transfer the file" msgstr "Chyba při pokusu o odeslání souboru" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:751 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:753 msgid "The other participant is unable to transfer the file" msgstr "Protistrana není schopna přenosu souborů" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:754 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:311 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:756 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:313 msgid "Unknown reason" msgstr "Neznámý důvod" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:917 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:919 msgid "File transfer completed, but the file was corrupted" msgstr "Přenos souboru byl dokončen, ale soubor byl poškozen" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1203 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1205 msgid "File transfer not supported by remote contact" msgstr "Přenos souborů není podporován vzdálenou stranou" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1259 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1261 msgid "The selected file is not a regular file" msgstr "Vybraný soubor není běžným souborem" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1268 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1270 msgid "The selected file is empty" msgstr "Vybraný soubor je prázdný" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-message.c:415 ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:131 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-message.c:415 ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:129 #, c-format msgid "Missed call from %s" msgstr "Zmeškaný hovor od kontaktu %s" @@ -572,139 +606,139 @@ msgid "Call from %s" msgstr "Příchozí hovor od kontaktu %s" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:231 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:233 msgid "Available" msgstr "Přítomen" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:233 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:235 msgid "Busy" msgstr "Zaneprázdněn" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:236 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:238 msgid "Away" msgstr "Nepřítomen" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:238 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:240 msgid "Invisible" msgstr "Neviditelný" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:240 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:242 msgid "Offline" msgstr "Odpojen" #. translators: presence type is unknown -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:243 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:245 msgctxt "presence" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Neznámo" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:283 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:285 msgid "No reason specified" msgstr "Neudán žádný důvod" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:285 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:341 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:287 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:343 msgid "Status is set to offline" msgstr "Stav nastaven na „Odhlášen“" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:287 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:321 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:49 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:289 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:323 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:47 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:81 msgid "Network error" msgstr "Chyba sítě" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:289 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:323 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:291 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:325 msgid "Authentication failed" msgstr "Autentizace selhala" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:291 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:325 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:293 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:327 msgid "Encryption error" msgstr "Chyba šifrování" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:293 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:295 msgid "Name in use" msgstr "Jméno používáno" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:295 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:327 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:297 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:329 msgid "Certificate not provided" msgstr "Certifikát nebyl poskytnut" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:297 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:329 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:299 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:331 msgid "Certificate untrusted" msgstr "Nedůvěryhodný certifikát" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:299 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:331 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:301 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:333 msgid "Certificate expired" msgstr "Platnost certifikátu vypršela" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:301 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:333 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:303 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:335 msgid "Certificate not activated" msgstr "Certifikát není aktivován" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:303 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:335 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:305 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:337 msgid "Certificate hostname mismatch" msgstr "Certifikát názvu počítače nesouhlasí" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:305 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:337 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:307 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:339 msgid "Certificate fingerprint mismatch" msgstr "Certifikát otisku prstu nesouhlasí" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:307 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:339 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:309 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:341 msgid "Certificate self-signed" msgstr "Certifikát je podepsán sám sebou" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:309 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:311 msgid "Certificate error" msgstr "Chyba certifikátu" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:343 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:345 msgid "Encryption is not available" msgstr "Šifrování není dostupné" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:345 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:347 msgid "Certificate is invalid" msgstr "Certifikát je neplatný" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:347 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:349 msgid "Connection has been refused" msgstr "Spojení bylo odmítnuto" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:349 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:351 msgid "Connection can't be established" msgstr "Spojení nemohlo být navázáno" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:351 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:353 msgid "Connection has been lost" msgstr "Spojení bylo ztraceno" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:353 -msgid "This resource is already connected to the server" -msgstr "Zdroj je již připojen k serveru" - #: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:355 +msgid "This account is already connected to the server" +msgstr "Tento účet je již připojen k serveru" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:357 msgid "" "Connection has been replaced by a new connection using the same resource" msgstr "Spojení bylo nahrazeno novým spojením, které používá stejný zdroj" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:358 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:360 msgid "The account already exists on the server" msgstr "Takový účet již na serveru existuje" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:360 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:362 msgid "Server is currently too busy to handle the connection" msgstr "Server je právě příliš zaneprázdněn na to, aby obsloužil spojení" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:362 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:364 msgid "Certificate has been revoked" msgstr "Certifikát byl odvolán" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:364 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:366 msgid "" "Certificate uses an insecure cipher algorithm or is cryptographically weak" msgstr "" "Certifikát používá nepříliš bezpečný šifrovací algoritmus nebo je z " "kryptografického hlediska slabý" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:367 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:369 msgid "" "The length of the server certificate, or the depth of the server certificate " "chain, exceed the limits imposed by the cryptography library" @@ -712,27 +746,31 @@ "Délka certifikátu serveru nebo délka zřetězených certifikátů serveru " "přesáhla omezení dané kryptografickou knihovnou" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:371 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:373 msgid "Your software is too old" msgstr "Váš software je příliš zastaralý" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:530 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:375 +msgid "Internal error" +msgstr "Interní chyba" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:534 msgid "People Nearby" msgstr "Lidé v okolí" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:535 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:539 msgid "Yahoo! Japan" msgstr "Yahoo! Japan" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:564 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:568 msgid "Google Talk" msgstr "Google Talk" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:565 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:569 msgid "Facebook Chat" msgstr "Facebook Chat" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:88 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:90 #, c-format msgid "%d second ago" msgid_plural "%d seconds ago" @@ -740,7 +778,7 @@ msgstr[1] "před %d sekundami" msgstr[2] "před %d sekundami" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:93 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:96 #, c-format msgid "%d minute ago" msgid_plural "%d minutes ago" @@ -748,7 +786,7 @@ msgstr[1] "před %d minutami" msgstr[2] "před %d minutami" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:98 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:102 #, c-format msgid "%d hour ago" msgid_plural "%d hours ago" @@ -756,7 +794,7 @@ msgstr[1] "před %d hodinami" msgstr[2] "před %d hodinami" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:103 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:108 #, c-format msgid "%d day ago" msgid_plural "%d days ago" @@ -764,7 +802,7 @@ msgstr[1] "před %d dny" msgstr[2] "před %d dny" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:108 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:114 #, c-format msgid "%d week ago" msgid_plural "%d weeks ago" @@ -772,7 +810,7 @@ msgstr[1] "před %d týdny" msgstr[2] "před %d týdny" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:113 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:120 #, c-format msgid "%d month ago" msgid_plural "%d months ago" @@ -780,16 +818,30 @@ msgstr[1] "před %d měsíci" msgstr[2] "před %d měsíci" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:136 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:142 msgid "in the future" msgstr "v budoucnosti" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-chooser.c:688 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:75 +msgid "Password not found" +msgstr "Heslo nenalezeno" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:218 +#, c-format +msgid "IM account password for %s (%s)" +msgstr "Heslo účtu rychlé komunikace pro %s (%s)" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:253 +#, c-format +msgid "Password for chatroom '%s' on account %s (%s)" +msgstr "Heslo pro diskuzní místnost „%s“ u účtu %s (%s)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-chooser.c:692 msgid "All accounts" msgstr "Všechny účty" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:682 -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:335 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:336 msgid "Account" msgstr "Účet" @@ -798,39 +850,39 @@ msgstr "Heslo" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:684 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:507 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:511 msgid "Server" msgstr "Server" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:685 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:522 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:529 msgid "Port" msgstr "Port" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:763 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:815 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:765 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:817 #, c-format msgid "%s:" msgstr "%s:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1396 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1398 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:14 msgid "Username:" msgstr "Uživatelské jméno:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1708 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1710 msgid "A_pply" msgstr "_Použít" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1737 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1739 msgid "L_og in" msgstr "Přip_ojit" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1810 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1812 msgid "This account already exists on the server" msgstr "Takový účet již existuje" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1814 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1816 msgid "Create a new account on the server" msgstr "Vytvořit nový účet na serveru" @@ -839,137 +891,137 @@ #. * like: "MyUserName on freenode". #. * You should reverse the order of these arguments if the #. * server should come before the login id in your locale. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2239 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2241 #, c-format msgid "%1$s on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s na %2$s" #. To translators: The parameter is the protocol name. The resulting #. * string will be something like: "Jabber Account" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2265 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2267 #, c-format msgid "%s Account" msgstr "Účet služby %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2269 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2271 msgid "New account" msgstr "Nový účet" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:1 -msgid "Example: MyScreenName" -msgstr "Například: MojeZobrazovanéJméno" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:14 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:1 +msgid "Pass_word:" +msgstr "_Heslo:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-generic.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:2 -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "Pokročilé" +msgid "Screen _Name:" +msgstr "Zobrazené jmé_no:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:4 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:5 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:8 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:4 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:13 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:5 -msgid "Pass_word:" -msgstr "_Heslo:" +msgid "Example: MyScreenName" +msgstr "Například: MojeZobrazovanéJméno" +#. remember password ticky box #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:12 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-base-password-dialog.c:261 +msgid "Remember password" +msgstr "Zapamatovat heslo" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:5 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:5 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:10 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:20 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:5 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:16 -msgid "Remember Password" -msgstr "Zapamatovat heslo" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Port:" +msgstr "_Port:" -#. remember password ticky box -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:6 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:6 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:7 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:21 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:17 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-base-password-dialog.c:261 -msgid "Remember password" -msgstr "Zapamatovat heslo" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:6 -msgid "Screen _Name:" -msgstr "Zobrazené jmé_no:" +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Server:" +msgstr "_Server:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:7 -msgid "What is your AIM password?" -msgstr "Jaké je vaše heslo k AIM?" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-generic.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:15 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:23 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:21 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:9 +msgid "Advanced" +msgstr "Pokročilé" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your AIM screen name?" msgstr "Jaké je vaše zobrazované jméno v AIM?" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:10 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:26 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:10 -msgid "_Port:" -msgstr "_Port:" +msgid "What is your AIM password?" +msgstr "Jaké je vaše heslo k AIM?" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:10 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:10 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:11 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:27 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:7 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:10 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:9 -msgid "_Server:" -msgstr "_Server:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:1 -msgid "Example: username" -msgstr "Například: uzivatelskejmeno" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:24 +msgid "Remember Password" +msgstr "Zapamatovat heslo" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:2 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:13 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:2 msgid "Login I_D:" msgstr "Přihlašovací I_D:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:3 +msgid "Example: username" +msgstr "Například: uzivatelskejmeno" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your GroupWise User ID?" msgstr "Jaké je vaše uživatelské GroupWise ID?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your GroupWise password?" msgstr "Jaké je vaše heslo ke GroupWise?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:2 +msgid "ICQ _UIN:" +msgstr "Čí_slo ICQ:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:3 msgid "Example: 123456789" msgstr "Například: 123456789" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:7 msgid "Ch_aracter set:" msgstr "Zn_aková sada:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:4 -msgid "ICQ _UIN:" -msgstr "Čí_slo ICQ:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your ICQ UIN?" msgstr "Jaké je váš UIN pro ICQ?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:9 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:10 msgid "What is your ICQ password?" msgstr "Jaké je vaše heslo k ICQ?" @@ -1006,11 +1058,44 @@ msgid "None" msgstr "Žádný" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:1 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Síť" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:2 +msgid "Network:" +msgstr "Síť:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:3 msgid "Character set:" msgstr "Znaková sada:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:1 +msgid "Add…" +msgstr "Přidat…" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:3 +msgid "Remove" +msgstr "Odstranit" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:6 +msgid "Up" +msgstr "Nahoru" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:7 +msgid "Down" +msgstr "Dolů" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:8 +msgid "Servers" +msgstr "Servery" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:9 msgid "" "Most IRC servers don't need a password, so if you're not sure, don't enter a " "password." @@ -1018,72 +1103,36 @@ "Většina serverů IRC heslo nepotřebuje, takže pokud si nejste jisti, žádné " "heslo nezadávejte." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:4 -msgid "Network" -msgstr "Síť" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 -msgid "Network:" -msgstr "Síť:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:6 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 msgid "Nickname:" msgstr "Přezdívka:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 msgid "Password:" msgstr "Heslo:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:12 msgid "Quit message:" msgstr "Zpráva loučení:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:9 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 msgid "Real name:" msgstr "Pravé jméno:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 -msgid "Servers" -msgstr "Servery" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:16 +msgid "Which IRC network?" +msgstr "Kterou síť IRC?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:12 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:17 msgid "What is your IRC nickname?" msgstr "Jaká je vaše přezdívka v IRC?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 -msgid "Which IRC network?" -msgstr "Kterou síť IRC?" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:1 -msgid "Example: user@gmail.com" -msgstr "Například: uzivatel@gmail.com" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:2 -msgid "Example: user@jabber.org" -msgstr "Například: uzivatel@jabber.org" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:4 -msgid "Encr_yption required (TLS/SSL)" -msgstr "Požadováno ši_frování (TLS/SSL)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:5 -msgid "I_gnore SSL certificate errors" -msgstr "I_gnorovat chyby certifikátu SSL" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:7 -msgid "Override server settings" -msgstr "Přepsat nastavení serveru" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:9 -msgid "Priori_ty:" -msgstr "Priori_ta:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:12 -msgid "Reso_urce:" -msgstr "Z_droj:" +msgid "What is your Facebook username?" +msgstr "Jaké je vaše uživatelské jméno pro Facebook?" #. This string is not wrapped in the dialog so you may have to add some '\n' to make it look nice. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:14 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:3 msgid "" "This is your username, not your normal Facebook login.\n" "If you are facebook.com/badger, enter badger.\n" @@ -1096,179 +1145,203 @@ "Použijte tento odkaz pro " "výběr uživatelského jména, pokud žádné ještě nemáte." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:17 -msgid "Use old SS_L" -msgstr "Použít staré SS_L" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:18 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:6 msgid "What is your Facebook password?" msgstr "Jaké je vaše heslo k Facebooku?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:19 -msgid "What is your Facebook username?" -msgstr "Jaké je vaše uživatelské jméno pro Facebook?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:20 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your Google ID?" msgstr "Jaké je vaše Google ID?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:21 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:9 +msgid "Example: user@gmail.com" +msgstr "Například: uzivatel@gmail.com" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:10 msgid "What is your Google password?" msgstr "Jaké je vaše heslo pro Google?" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:11 +msgid "Example: user@jabber.org" +msgstr "Například: uzivatel@jabber.org" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:15 +msgid "I_gnore SSL certificate errors" +msgstr "I_gnorovat chyby certifikátu SSL" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:16 +msgid "Priori_ty:" +msgstr "Priori_ta:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:17 +msgid "Reso_urce:" +msgstr "Z_droj:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:18 +msgid "Encr_yption required (TLS/SSL)" +msgstr "Požadováno ši_frování (TLS/SSL)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:19 +msgid "Use old SS_L" +msgstr "Použít staré SS_L" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:22 +msgid "Override server settings" +msgstr "Přepsat nastavení serveru" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:24 msgid "What is your Jabber ID?" msgstr "Jaké je vaše Jabber ID?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:23 -msgid "What is your Jabber password?" -msgstr "Jaké je vaše heslo ke službě Jabber?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:24 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:25 msgid "What is your desired Jabber ID?" msgstr "Jaké Jabber ID chcete?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:25 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:26 +msgid "What is your Jabber password?" +msgstr "Jaké je vaše heslo ke službě Jabber?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:27 msgid "What is your desired Jabber password?" msgstr "Jaké chcete heslo pro Jabber?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:3 msgid "Example: user@hotmail.com" msgstr "Například: uzivatel@hotmail.com" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your Windows Live ID?" msgstr "Jaké je ID pro Windows Live?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:8 -msgid "What is your Windows Live password?" -msgstr "Jaké je vaše heslo k Windows Live?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:2 -msgid "E-_mail address:" -msgstr "E-_mailová adresa:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:9 +msgid "What is your Windows Live password?" +msgstr "Jaké je vaše heslo k Windows Live?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:1 msgid "Nic_kname:" msgstr "_Přezdívka:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Last Name:" +msgstr "_Příjmení:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:3 msgid "_First Name:" msgstr "_Jméno:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Published Name:" +msgstr "_Publikované jméno:" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:5 msgid "_Jabber ID:" msgstr "ID _Jabberu:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:6 -msgid "_Last Name:" -msgstr "_Příjmení:" +msgid "E-_mail address:" +msgstr "E-_mailová adresa:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:7 -msgid "_Published Name:" -msgstr "_Publikované jméno:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Username:" +msgstr "_Uživatelské jméno:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:3 msgid "Example: user@my.sip.server" msgstr "Například: uzivatel@muj.sip.server" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:3 -msgid "Authentication username:" -msgstr "Uživatelské jméno pro autentizaci:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:4 -msgid "Discover Binding" -msgstr "Vyhledat vázání" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:5 -msgid "Discover the STUN server automatically" -msgstr "Automaticky najít server STUN" +msgid "Use this account to call _landlines and mobile phones" +msgstr "Používat tento účet pro volání na pevné _linky a mobilní telefony" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:6 -msgid "Ignore TLS Errors" -msgstr "Nedbat chyb TLS" +msgid "NAT Traversal Options" +msgstr "Volby NAT průchodů" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:7 -msgid "Interval (seconds)" -msgstr "Interval (v sekundách)" +msgid "Proxy Options" +msgstr "Nastavení proxy" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:8 -msgid "Keep-Alive Options" -msgstr "Volby (udržovat spojení)" +msgid "Miscellaneous Options" +msgstr "Růžné volby" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:9 -msgid "Loose Routing" -msgstr "Volné směrování" +msgid "STUN Server:" +msgstr "Server STUN:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:10 -msgid "Mechanism:" -msgstr "Mechanismus:" +msgid "Discover the STUN server automatically" +msgstr "Automaticky najít server STUN" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:11 -msgid "Miscellaneous Options" -msgstr "Růžné volby" +msgid "Discover Binding" +msgstr "Vyhledat vázání" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:12 -msgid "NAT Traversal Options" -msgstr "Volby NAT průchodů" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:114 +msgid "Server:" +msgstr "Server:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:13 +msgid "Keep-Alive Options" +msgstr "Volby (udržovat spojení)" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:14 -msgid "Port:" -msgstr "Port:" +msgid "Mechanism:" +msgstr "Mechanismus:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:15 -msgid "Proxy Options" -msgstr "Nastavení proxy" +msgid "Interval (seconds)" +msgstr "Interval (v sekundách)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:16 +msgid "Authentication username:" +msgstr "Uživatelské jméno pro autentizaci:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:17 +msgid "Transport:" +msgstr "Přenos:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:18 -msgid "STUN Server:" -msgstr "Server STUN:" +msgid "Loose Routing" +msgstr "Volné směrování" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:19 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:114 -msgid "Server:" -msgstr "Server:" +msgid "Ignore TLS Errors" +msgstr "Nedbat chyb TLS" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:20 -msgid "Transport:" -msgstr "Přenos:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:21 -msgid "Use this account to call _landlines and mobile phones" -msgstr "Používat tento účet pro volání na pevné _linky a mobilní telefony" +msgid "Port:" +msgstr "Port:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:22 -msgid "What is your SIP account password?" -msgstr "Jaké je heslo k vašemu účtu SIP?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:23 msgid "What is your SIP login ID?" msgstr "Jaké je vaše přihlašovací ID pro SIP?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:24 -msgid "_Username:" -msgstr "_Uživatelské jméno:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:23 +msgid "What is your SIP account password?" +msgstr "Jaké je heslo k vašemu účtu SIP?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:2 +msgid "Yahoo! I_D:" +msgstr "Yahoo! I_D:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:5 msgid "I_gnore conference and chat room invitations" msgstr "I_gnorovat pozvání do konferencí a diskuzních místností" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Room List locale:" +msgstr "Ná_rodní prostředí seznamu místností:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:10 msgid "What is your Yahoo! ID?" msgstr "Jaké je vaše Yahoo! ID?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:11 msgid "What is your Yahoo! password?" msgstr "Jaké je vaše heslo k Yahoo?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:9 -msgid "Yahoo! I_D:" -msgstr "Yahoo! I_D:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:11 -msgid "_Room List locale:" -msgstr "Ná_rodní prostředí seznamu místností:" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:471 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:556 msgid "Couldn't convert image" @@ -1306,65 +1379,65 @@ msgid "Click to enlarge" msgstr "Kliknutím zvětšíte" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:44 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:62 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:42 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:60 msgid "There was an error starting the call" msgstr "Nepodařilo se navázat spojení" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:51 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:49 msgid "The specified contact doesn't support calls" msgstr "Tento kontakt nepodporuje volání" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:53 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:51 msgid "The specified contact is offline" msgstr "Vybraný kontakt je odpojen" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:55 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:53 msgid "The specified contact is not valid" msgstr "Vybraný kontakt není platný" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:57 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:55 msgid "Emergency calls are not supported on this protocol" msgstr "Tento protokol nepodporuje tísňová volání" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:59 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:57 msgid "You don't have enough credit in order to place this call" msgstr "Nemáte dostatečný kredit k provedení tohoto volání" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:705 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:729 msgid "Failed to open private chat" msgstr "Nepovedlo se otevřít soukromou konverzaci" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:763 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:787 msgid "Topic not supported on this conversation" msgstr "Tato konverzace toto téma nepodporuje" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:769 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:793 msgid "You are not allowed to change the topic" msgstr "Nemáte oprávnění potřebná pro změnu tématu" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:970 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:992 #, c-format msgid "“%s” is not a valid contact ID" msgstr "„%s“ není platné ID kontaktu" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1065 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1087 msgid "/clear: clear all messages from the current conversation" msgstr "/clear: vymazat všechny zprávy z této konverzace" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1068 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1090 msgid "/topic : set the topic of the current conversation" msgstr "/topic : nastavit téma aktuální konverzace" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1071 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1093 msgid "/join : join a new chat room" msgstr "/join : vstoupit do nové místnosti" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1074 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1096 msgid "/j : join a new chat room" msgstr "/j : vstoupit do nové místnosti" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1078 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1100 msgid "" "/part [] []: leave the chat room, by default the " "current one" @@ -1372,23 +1445,23 @@ "/part [] []: opustit místnost, bez udání tu právě " "aktuální" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1082 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1104 msgid "/query []: open a private chat" msgstr "/query []: otevřít novou soukromou konverzaci" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1085 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1107 msgid "/msg : open a private chat" msgstr "/msg : otevřít novou soukromou konverzaci" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1088 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1110 msgid "/nick : change your nickname on the current server" msgstr "/nick : změnit svoji přezdívku na aktuálním serveru" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1091 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1113 msgid "/me : send an ACTION message to the current conversation" msgstr "/me : zaslat zprávu AKCE do aktuální konverzace" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1094 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1116 msgid "" "/say : send to the current conversation. This is used to " "send a message starting with a '/'. For example: \"/say /join is used to " @@ -1398,11 +1471,11 @@ "posílání zpráv začínajících s „/“. Například: „/say /join je použito pro " "připojení do místnosti“" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1099 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1121 msgid "/whois : display information about a contact" msgstr "/whois : zobrazit informace o kontaktu" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1102 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1124 msgid "" "/help []: show all supported commands. If is defined, " "show its usage." @@ -1410,120 +1483,126 @@ "/help []: vypsat seznam podporovaných příkazů. Pokud je zadán " ", vypsat jeho použití." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1121 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1143 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s" msgstr "Použití: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1166 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1188 msgid "Unknown command" msgstr "Neznámý příkaz" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1292 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1314 msgid "Unknown command; see /help for the available commands" msgstr "Neznámý příkaz, pro výpis dostupných příkazů použijte /help" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1456 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1565 msgid "insufficient balance to send message" msgstr "Nemáte dostatečný kredit k poslání zprávy" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1460 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1474 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1537 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1569 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1583 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1646 #, c-format msgid "Error sending message '%s': %s" msgstr "Chyba při odesílání zprávy „%s“: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1462 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1479 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1541 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1571 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1588 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1650 #, c-format msgid "Error sending message: %s" msgstr "Chyba při odesílání zprávy: %s" #. translators: error used when user doesn't have enough credit on his #. * account to send the message. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1468 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1577 #, c-format msgid "insufficient balance to send message. Top up." msgstr "nedostatečný zůstatek k zaslání zprávy. Dobít.." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1508 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1617 msgid "not capable" msgstr "není k dispozici" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1515 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1624 msgid "offline" msgstr "odpojen" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1518 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1627 msgid "invalid contact" msgstr "neplatný kontakt" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1521 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1630 msgid "permission denied" msgstr "oprávnění odepřeno" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1524 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1633 msgid "too long message" msgstr "příliš dlouhá zpráva" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1527 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1636 msgid "not implemented" msgstr "neimplementováno" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1531 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1640 msgid "unknown" msgstr "neznámý" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1598 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:761 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1707 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:920 msgid "Topic:" msgstr "Téma:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1610 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1722 #, c-format msgid "Topic set to: %s" msgstr "Nastavit téma na: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1612 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1724 +#, c-format +msgid "Topic set by %s to: %s" +msgstr "Téma nastavil %s na: %s" + +#. No need to display this 'event' is no topic can be defined anyway +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1729 msgid "No topic defined" msgstr "Nestanoveno žádné téma" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2125 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2245 msgid "(No Suggestions)" msgstr "(Žádné návrhy)" #. translators: %s is the selected word -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2193 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2313 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to Dictionary" msgstr "Přidat „%s“ do slovníku" #. translators: first %s is the selected word, #. * second %s is the language name of the target dictionary -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2230 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2350 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to %s Dictionary" msgstr "Přidat „%s“ do slovníku %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2300 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2420 msgid "Insert Smiley" msgstr "Vložit smajlíka" #. send button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2318 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1868 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2438 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1880 msgid "_Send" msgstr "_Odeslat" #. Spelling suggestions -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2375 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2495 msgid "_Spelling Suggestions" msgstr "Návrhy pravopi_sných oprav" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2464 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2584 msgid "Failed to retrieve recent logs" msgstr "Nepovedlo se získat záznam nedávné historie" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2601 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2723 #, c-format msgid "%s has disconnected" msgstr "%s se odpojil" @@ -1531,12 +1610,12 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the kicked should come before the kicker in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2608 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2730 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was kicked by %2$s" msgstr "%1$s byl vyhozen uživatelem %2$s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2611 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2733 #, c-format msgid "%s was kicked" msgstr "%s byl vyhozen" @@ -1544,17 +1623,17 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the banned should come before the banner in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2619 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2741 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was banned by %2$s" msgstr "%1$s byl zakázán uživatelem %2$s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2622 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2744 #, c-format msgid "%s was banned" msgstr "%s byl zakázán" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2626 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2748 #, c-format msgid "%s has left the room" msgstr "%s opustil místnost" @@ -1564,17 +1643,17 @@ #. * given by the user living the room. If this poses a problem, #. * please let us know. :-) #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2635 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2757 #, c-format msgid " (%s)" msgstr " (%s)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2660 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2782 #, c-format msgid "%s has joined the room" msgstr "%s se připojil do místnosti" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2685 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2807 #, c-format msgid "%s is now known as %s" msgstr "%s je teď znám jako %s" @@ -1582,90 +1661,90 @@ #. We don't know if the incoming call has been accepted or not, so we #. * assume it hasn't and if it has, we'll set the proper status when #. * we get the new handler. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2846 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1889 -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1280 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1538 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1588 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2631 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2994 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1888 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1279 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1502 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1552 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2590 msgid "Disconnected" msgstr "Odpojen" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3492 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3658 msgid "Would you like to store this password?" msgstr "Přejete si uchovat toto heslo?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3498 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3664 msgid "Remember" msgstr "Zapamatovat" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3508 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3674 msgid "Not now" msgstr "Nyní ne" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3552 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3718 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-bad-password-dialog.c:142 msgid "Retry" msgstr "Opakovat" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3556 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3722 msgid "Wrong password; please try again:" msgstr "Špatné heslo, zkuste to prosím znovu:" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3686 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3852 msgid "This room is protected by a password:" msgstr "Tato místnost je chráněna heslem:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3713 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3879 msgid "Join" msgstr "Připojit" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3901 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1301 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4071 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1300 msgid "Connected" msgstr "Připojen" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3956 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4126 msgid "Conversation" msgstr "Konverzace" #. Translators: this string is a something like #. * "Escher Cat (SMS)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3961 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4131 #, c-format msgid "%s (SMS)" msgstr "%s (SMS)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:264 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:262 msgid "Unknown or invalid identifier" msgstr "Neznámý nebo neplatný identifikátor" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:266 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:264 msgid "Contact blocking temporarily unavailable" msgstr "Blokování kontaktů není dočasně k dispozici" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:268 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:266 msgid "Contact blocking unavailable" msgstr "Blokování kontaktů není k dispozici" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:270 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:268 msgid "Permission Denied" msgstr "Oprávnění odepřeno" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:274 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:272 msgid "Could not block contact" msgstr "Nelze blokovat kontakt" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:612 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:610 msgid "Edit Blocked Contacts" msgstr "Upravit blokované kontakty" #. Account and Identifier #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:1 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:506 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:2 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:1 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1474 -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:7 msgid "Account:" msgstr "Účet:" @@ -1673,13 +1752,6 @@ msgid "Blocked Contacts" msgstr "Blokované kontakty" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:5 -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Remove" -msgstr "Odstranit" - #. Copy Link Address menu item #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:322 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-webkit-utils.c:277 @@ -1698,33 +1770,29 @@ msgid "%A %B %d %Y" msgstr "%A, %e. %B %Y" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:278 -msgid "Personal Information" -msgstr "Osobní informace" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:379 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:326 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:118 msgid "New Contact" msgstr "Nový kontakt" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:448 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:395 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:197 #, c-format msgid "Block %s?" msgstr "Blokovat %s?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:453 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:400 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:252 #, c-format msgid "Are you sure you want to block '%s' from contacting you again?" msgstr "Opravdu chcete blokovat „%s“, aby vás znovu nekontaktoval?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:458 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:405 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:274 msgid "_Block" msgstr "_Blokovat" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:476 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:423 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:283 msgid "_Report this contact as abusive" msgid_plural "_Report these contacts as abusive" @@ -1733,17 +1801,17 @@ msgstr[2] "Na_hlásit tyto kontakty jako obtěžující" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:1 -msgid "Decide _Later" -msgstr "_Rozhodnout se později" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:2 msgid "Subscription Request" msgstr "Požadavek na přihlášení" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:2 msgid "_Block User" msgstr "_Blokovat uživatele" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:3 +msgid "Decide _Later" +msgstr "_Rozhodnout se později" + #. Title #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:499 msgid "Search contacts" @@ -1769,161 +1837,171 @@ msgid "Please let me see when you're online. Thanks!" msgstr "Dejte mi prosím vědět, až budete připojen. Děkuji!" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:569 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:567 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:304 msgid "Channels:" msgstr "Kanály:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:749 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:747 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:455 msgid "Country ISO Code:" msgstr "Kód země ISO:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:751 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:749 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:457 msgid "Country:" msgstr "Země:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:753 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:751 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:459 msgid "State:" msgstr "Kraj:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:755 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:753 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:461 msgid "City:" msgstr "Město:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:757 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:755 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:463 msgid "Area:" msgstr "Oblast:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:759 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:757 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:465 msgid "Postal Code:" msgstr "PSČ:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:761 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:759 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:467 msgid "Street:" msgstr "Ulice:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:763 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:761 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:469 msgid "Building:" msgstr "Budova:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:765 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:763 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:471 msgid "Floor:" msgstr "Podlaží:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:767 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:765 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:473 msgid "Room:" msgstr "Místnost:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:769 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:767 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:475 msgid "Text:" msgstr "Text:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:771 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:769 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:477 msgid "Description:" msgstr "Popis:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:773 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:771 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:479 msgid "URI:" msgstr "URI:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:775 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:773 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:481 msgid "Accuracy Level:" msgstr "Úroveň přesnosti:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:777 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:775 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:483 msgid "Error:" msgstr "Chyba:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:779 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:777 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:485 msgid "Vertical Error (meters):" msgstr "Vertikální chyba (v metrech):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:781 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:779 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:487 msgid "Horizontal Error (meters):" msgstr "Horizontální chyba (v metrech):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:783 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:781 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:489 msgid "Speed:" msgstr "Rychlost:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:785 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:783 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:491 msgid "Bearing:" msgstr "Azimut:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:787 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:785 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:493 msgid "Climb Speed:" msgstr "Rychlost stoupání:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:789 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:787 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:495 msgid "Last Updated on:" msgstr "Poslední aktualizace:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:791 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:789 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:497 msgid "Longitude:" msgstr "Zeměpisná délka:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:793 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:791 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:499 msgid "Latitude:" msgstr "Zeměpisná šířka:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:795 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:793 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:501 msgid "Altitude:" msgstr "Nadmořská výška:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:848 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:863 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:846 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:861 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:593 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:608 -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:15 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:35 msgid "Location" msgstr "Poloha" #. translators: format is "Location, $date" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:865 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:863 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:610 #, c-format msgid "%s, %s" msgstr "%s, %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:917 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:915 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:659 msgid "%B %e, %Y at %R UTC" msgstr "%B %e, %Y v %R UTC" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:999 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:997 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:900 msgid "Save Avatar" msgstr "Uložit avatar" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1055 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1053 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:958 msgid "Unable to save avatar" msgstr "Nelze uložit avatar" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1444 +msgid "Personal Details" +msgstr "Osobní údaje" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1447 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:6 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:3 +msgid "Contact Details" +msgstr "Údaje kontaktu" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:104 msgid "Full name" msgstr "Celé jméno" @@ -1987,56 +2065,51 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:138 msgid "parcel" -msgstr "doručovací" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:1 -msgid "Location at (date)\t" -msgstr "Poloha (dne)\t" - -#. Alias -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1293 -msgid "Alias:" -msgstr "Alias:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:4 -msgid "Client Information" -msgstr "Informace o klientovi" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:5 -msgid "Client:" -msgstr "Klient:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:2 -msgid "Contact Details" -msgstr "Podrobnosti o kontaktu" +msgstr "doručovací" #. Identifier to connect to Instant Messaging network #. Translators: Identifier to connect to Instant Messaging network -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:3 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1502 msgid "Identifier:" msgstr "Identifikátor:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:3 +#. Alias +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1293 +msgid "Alias:" +msgstr "Alias:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:5 +msgid "Location at (date)\t" +msgstr "Poloha (dne)\t" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:4 msgid "Information requested…" msgstr "Jsou požadovány informace…" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:10 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:8 +msgid "Client Information" +msgstr "Informace o klientovi" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:9 msgid "OS:" msgstr "OS:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:10 msgid "Version:" msgstr "Verze:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:333 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:11 +msgid "Client:" +msgstr "Klient:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:331 msgid "Groups" msgstr "Skupiny" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:345 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:343 msgid "" "Select the groups you want this contact to appear in. Note that you can " "select more than one group or no groups." @@ -2044,17 +2117,17 @@ "Vyberte skupiny, do kterých má kontakt patřit. Můžete vybrat více než jednu " "skupinu, ale také nevybrat žádnou skupinu." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:364 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:362 msgid "_Add Group" msgstr "_Přidat skupinu" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:399 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:397 msgctxt "verb in a column header displaying group names" msgid "Select" msgstr "Vybrat" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:409 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1949 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:407 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1970 msgid "Group" msgstr "Skupina" @@ -2081,151 +2154,142 @@ msgid "Linked Contacts" msgstr "Pospojované kontakty" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-linker.c:372 -msgid "Select contacts to link" -msgstr "Vyberte kontakty, které se mají pospojovat" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-linker.c:447 -msgid "New contact preview" -msgstr "Náhled nového kontaktu" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-linker.c:491 -msgid "Contacts selected in the list on the left will be linked together." -msgstr "Kontakty vybrané v seznamu na levé straně budou pospojovány dohromady." - #. Translators: this is used in the context menu for a contact. The first #. * parameter is a contact ID (e.g. foo@jabber.org) and the second is one #. * of the user's account IDs (e.g. me@hotmail.com). -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:181 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:173 #, c-format msgid "%s (%s)" msgstr "%s (%s)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:363 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:345 msgid "Select account to use to place the call" msgstr "Výběr účtu pro umístění volání" #. translators: Call is a noun. This string is used in the window #. * title -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:367 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:2 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1288 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:349 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1290 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:18 msgid "Call" msgstr "Hovor" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:432 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:414 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Mobilní" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:434 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:416 msgid "Work" msgstr "Pracovní" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:436 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:418 msgid "HOME" msgstr "Soukromý" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:677 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:659 msgid "_Block Contact" msgstr "_Blokovat kontakt" #. add chat button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1055 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1018 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:319 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:16 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:1 msgid "_Chat" msgstr "_Diskuze" #. add SMS button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1090 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1053 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:313 msgid "_SMS" msgstr "_SMS" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1123 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1086 msgctxt "menu item" msgid "_Audio Call" msgstr "_Audiohovor" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1156 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1119 msgctxt "menu item" msgid "_Video Call" msgstr "_Videohovor" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1197 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:27 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1160 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:4 msgid "_Previous Conversations" msgstr "_Předchozí konverzace" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1226 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1189 msgid "Send File" msgstr "Odeslat soubor" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1256 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1219 msgid "Share My Desktop" msgstr "Sdílet moji plochu" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1282 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1245 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1357 msgid "Favorite" msgstr "Oblíbený" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1310 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1264 +msgid "gnome-contacts not installed" +msgstr "Kontakty Gnome (gnome-contacts) nejsou nainstalovány" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1267 +msgid "Please install gnome-contacts to access contacts details." +msgstr "" +"Nainstalujte si prosím aplikaci Kontakty Gnome (gnome-contacts), abyste měli " +"přístup k údajům kontaktů." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1398 msgid "Infor_mation" msgstr "Infor_mace" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1359 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1447 msgctxt "Edit individual (contextual menu)" msgid "_Edit" msgstr "_Upravit" -#. Translators: this is a verb meaning "to connect two contacts together -#. * to form a meta-contact". -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1385 -msgctxt "Link individual (contextual menu)" -msgid "_Link Contacts…" -msgstr "Po_spojovat kontakty…" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1501 -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:1011 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1564 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:1192 msgid "Inviting you to this room" msgstr "Pozvání do místnosti" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1547 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1610 msgid "_Invite to Chat Room" msgstr "Pozvat do diskuzní místnost_i" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1743 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:14 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1806 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:5 msgid "_Add Contact…" msgstr "_Přidat kontakt…" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2355 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2304 msgid "Delete and _Block" msgstr "Smazat a _blokovat" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2390 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2339 #, c-format msgid "Do you really want to remove the group '%s'?" msgstr "Opravdu chcete odstranit skupinu „%s“?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2393 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2342 msgid "Removing group" msgstr "Skupina se odstraňuje" #. Remove -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2448 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2665 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2397 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2601 msgid "_Remove" msgstr "_Odstranit" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2525 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2474 #, c-format msgid "Do you really want to remove the contact '%s'?" msgstr "Opravdu chcete odstranit kontakt „%s“?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2534 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2483 #, c-format msgid "" "Do you really want to remove the linked contact '%s'? Note that this will " @@ -2234,7 +2298,7 @@ "Opravdu chcete odstranit pospojovaný kontakt „%s“? Uvědomte si, že tím se " "odstraní všechny kontakty, které tento pospojovaný kontakt tvoří." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2546 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2495 msgid "Removing contact" msgstr "Kontakt se odstraňuje" @@ -2250,23 +2314,23 @@ msgid "Location at (date)" msgstr "Poloha (dne)\t" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:2 msgid "Online from a phone or mobile device" msgstr "On-line z telefonu nebo mobilního zařízení" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:332 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:335 msgid "New Network" msgstr "Nová síť" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:527 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:530 msgid "Choose an IRC network" msgstr "Výběr sítě IRC" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:584 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:587 msgid "Reset _Networks List" msgstr "Vymazat sez_nam sítí" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:588 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:591 msgctxt "verb displayed on a button to select an IRC network" msgid "Select" msgstr "Vybrat" @@ -2275,95 +2339,52 @@ msgid "new server" msgstr "nový server" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:535 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:539 msgid "SSL" msgstr "SSL" -#. Translators: this is the title of the linking dialogue (reached by -#. * right-clicking on a contact and selecting "Link…"). "Link" in this title -#. * is a verb. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:115 -msgid "Link Contacts" -msgstr "Pospojovat kontakty" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:120 -msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" -msgid "_Unlink…" -msgstr "_Rozpojit…" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:121 -msgid "" -"Completely split the displayed linked contacts into the separate contacts." -msgstr "Úplně rozdělit zobrazený pospojovaný kontakt na jednotlivé kontakty." - -#. Add button -#. Translators: this is an action button in the linking dialogue. "Link" is -#. * used here as a verb meaning "to connect two contacts to form a -#. * meta-contact". -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:136 -msgid "_Link" -msgstr "Pospo_jovat" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:183 -#, c-format -msgid "Unlink linked contacts '%s'?" -msgstr "Rozpojit pospojovaný kontakt „%s“?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:186 -msgid "" -"Are you sure you want to unlink these linked contacts? This will completely " -"split the linked contacts into separate contacts." -msgstr "" -"Opravdu chcete rozpojit tento pospojovaný takt? Tím se pospojovaný kontakt " -"rozdělí na jednotlivé kontakty, které obsahuje." - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:190 -msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" -msgid "_Unlink" -msgstr "_Rozpojit" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:622 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:620 msgid "History" msgstr "Historie" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:677 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:675 msgid "Show" msgstr "Zobrazit" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:699 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:697 msgid "Search" msgstr "Hledat" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1150 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1148 #, c-format msgid "Chat in %s" msgstr "Konverzace v místnosti %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1152 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1150 #, c-format msgid "Chat with %s" msgstr "Konverzace s kontaktem %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1202 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1349 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1200 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1347 msgctxt "A date with the time" msgid "%A, %e %B %Y %X" msgstr "%A, %e. %B %Y, %X" #. Translators: this is an emote: '* Danielle waves' -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1291 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1289 #, c-format msgid "* %s %s" msgstr "* %s %s" #. Translators: this is a message: 'Danielle: hello' #. * The string in bold is the sender's name -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1297 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1295 #, c-format msgid "%s: %s" msgstr "%s: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1373 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1371 #, c-format msgid "%s second" msgid_plural "%s seconds" @@ -2371,7 +2392,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%s sekundy" msgstr[2] "%s sekund" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1380 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1378 #, c-format msgid "%s minute" msgid_plural "%s minutes" @@ -2379,120 +2400,120 @@ msgstr[1] "%s minuty" msgstr[2] "%s minut" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1388 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1386 #, c-format msgid "Call took %s, ended at %s" msgstr "Hovor trval %s, skončil %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1722 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1720 msgid "Today" msgstr "Dnes" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1726 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1724 msgid "Yesterday" msgstr "Včera" #. Translators: A date such as '23 May 2010' (strftime format) -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1741 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1739 msgid "%e %B %Y" msgstr "%e. %B %Y" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1829 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3489 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1827 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3487 msgid "Anytime" msgstr "Kdykoli" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1918 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2402 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1916 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2400 msgid "Anyone" msgstr "Kdokoli" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2715 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2713 msgid "Who" msgstr "Kdo" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2924 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2922 msgid "When" msgstr "Kdy" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3040 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3038 msgid "Anything" msgstr "Cokoli" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3042 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3040 msgid "Text chats" msgstr "Konverzace" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3044 -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3042 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:25 msgid "Calls" msgstr "Hovory" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3049 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3047 msgid "Incoming calls" msgstr "Příchozí hovory" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3050 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3048 msgid "Outgoing calls" msgstr "Odchozí hovory" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3051 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3049 msgid "Missed calls" msgstr "Zmeškané hovory" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3073 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3071 msgid "What" msgstr "Co" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3782 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3780 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete all logs of previous conversations?" msgstr "Opravdu chcete vymazat všechny předchozí konverzace?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3786 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3784 msgid "Clear All" msgstr "Vymazat vše" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3793 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3791 msgid "Delete from:" msgstr "Smazat z:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:1 -msgid "Loading..." -msgstr "Načítá se…" +msgid "_File" +msgstr "_Soubor" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:3 -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Chat" -msgstr "Diskuze" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:2 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:9 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:12 +msgid "_Edit" +msgstr "_Upravit" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:3 msgid "Delete All History..." msgstr "Vymazat historii" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:4 msgid "Profile" msgstr "Profil" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:6 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:22 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:20 -msgid "Video" -msgstr "Video" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:5 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:19 +msgid "Chat" +msgstr "Diskuze" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:7 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:28 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:12 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:20 -msgid "_Edit" -msgstr "_Upravit" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:26 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:19 +msgid "Video" +msgstr "Video" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:8 -msgid "_File" -msgstr "_Soubor" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:9 msgid "page 2" msgstr "strana 2" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:9 +msgid "Loading..." +msgstr "Načítá se…" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:83 msgid "The contact is offline" msgstr "Kontakt je odpojen" @@ -2538,7 +2559,7 @@ msgstr "Při spouštění konverzace došlo k chybě" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:290 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:202 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:200 msgid "Enter a contact identifier or phone number:" msgstr "Zadejte identifikátor kontaktu nebo telefonní číslo:" @@ -2548,17 +2569,17 @@ msgstr "Nová konverzace" #. add video button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:225 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:223 msgid "_Video Call" msgstr "_Videohovor" #. add audio button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:235 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:233 msgid "_Audio Call" msgstr "Hl_asový hovor" #. Tweak the dialog -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:245 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:243 msgid "New Call" msgstr "Nový hovor" @@ -2614,7 +2635,7 @@ #. To translator: %s is the name of the protocol, such as "Google Talk" or #. * "Yahoo!" #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-protocol-chooser.c:584 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-protocol-chooser.c:588 #, c-format msgid "New %s account" msgstr "Nový účet %s" @@ -2624,20 +2645,20 @@ msgstr "Najít:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:2 -msgid "Mat_ch case" -msgstr "Rozlišovat v_elikost písmen" +msgid "_Previous" +msgstr "_Předchozí" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:3 -msgid "Phrase not found" -msgstr "Fráze nenalezena" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:4 msgid "_Next" msgstr "_Následující" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:4 +msgid "Mat_ch case" +msgstr "Rozlišovat v_elikost písmen" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:5 -msgid "_Previous" -msgstr "_Předchozí" +msgid "Phrase not found" +msgstr "Fráze nenalezena" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-sound-manager.c:51 msgid "Received an instant message" @@ -2683,12 +2704,12 @@ msgid "Edit Custom Messages" msgstr "Upravit vlastní zprávy" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1047 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1051 #, c-format msgid "Message edited at %s" msgstr "Zpráva upravena %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1752 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1757 msgid "Normal" msgstr "Normální" @@ -2764,34 +2785,38 @@ msgstr "Název počítače v certifikátu: %s" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:281 -msgid "Continue" -msgstr "Pokračovat" +msgid "C_ontinue" +msgstr "P_okračovat" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:287 +msgid "Untrusted connection" +msgstr "Nedůvěryhodné připojení" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:288 msgid "This connection is untrusted. Would you like to continue anyway?" msgstr "Toto spojení je nedůvěryhodné. Přejete si pokračovat dále?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:297 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:298 msgid "Remember this choice for future connections" msgstr "Zapamatovat tuto volbu pro budoucí připojení" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:303 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:304 msgid "Certificate Details" msgstr "Podrobnosti certifikátu" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1742 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1754 msgid "Unable to open URI" msgstr "Nelze otevřít URI" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1860 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1872 msgid "Select a file" msgstr "Vybrat soubor" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1935 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1947 msgid "Insufficient free space to save file" msgstr "Nedostatek volného místa pro uložení souboru" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1943 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1955 #, c-format msgid "" "%s of free space are required to save this file, but only %s is available. " @@ -2800,7 +2825,7 @@ "Pro uložení tohoto souboru je zapotřebí %s volného místa, ale k dispozici je " "jen %s. Zvolte prosím jiné umístění." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1987 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1999 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file from %s" msgstr "Příchozí soubor od %s" @@ -2972,6 +2997,14 @@ msgid "Vietnamese" msgstr "vietnamské" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-calendar-button.c:66 +msgid "Select..." +msgstr "Vybrat…" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-calendar-button.c:154 +msgid "_Select" +msgstr "_Vybrat" + #: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:202 msgid "No error message" msgstr "Není dostupné chybové hlášení" @@ -2980,23 +3013,23 @@ msgid "Instant Message (Empathy)" msgstr "Rychlá zpráva (Empathy)" -#: ../src/empathy.c:437 +#: ../src/empathy.c:435 msgid "Don't connect on startup" msgstr "Nepřipojovat se po spuštění" -#: ../src/empathy.c:441 +#: ../src/empathy.c:439 msgid "Don't display the contact list or any other dialogs on startup" msgstr "Nezobrazovat seznam kontaktů nebo žádné jiné dialogy po spuštění" -#: ../src/empathy.c:456 +#: ../src/empathy.c:454 msgid "- Empathy IM Client" msgstr "– komunikátor Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy.c:643 +#: ../src/empathy.c:641 msgid "Error contacting the Account Manager" msgstr "Chyba při kontaktování správce účtu" -#: ../src/empathy.c:645 +#: ../src/empathy.c:643 #, c-format msgid "" "There was an error while trying to connect to the Telepathy Account Manager. " @@ -3058,231 +3091,83 @@ "Jiri Eischmann \n" "Marek Černocký " -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:167 -msgid "There was an error while importing the accounts." -msgstr "Během importu kontaktů nastala chyba." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:170 -msgid "There was an error while parsing the account details." -msgstr "Při analýze podrobností o účtu nastala chyba." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:173 -msgid "There was an error while creating the account." -msgstr "Při vytváření účtu nastala chyba." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:175 -msgid "There was an error." -msgstr "Došlo k chybě." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:179 -#, c-format -msgid "The error message was: %s" -msgstr "Chybová zpráva byla: %s" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:183 -msgid "" -"You can either go back and try to enter your accounts' details again or quit " -"this assistant and add accounts later from the Edit menu." -msgstr "" -"Můžete se vrátit a zkusit zadat podrobnosti účtu znovu, nebo můžete průvodce " -"ukončit a k přidat účet později prostřednictvím nabídky „Upravit“." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:220 -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1274 -msgid "An error occurred" -msgstr "Došlo k chybě" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:469 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-account-dialog.c:144 -msgid "What kind of chat account do you have?" -msgstr "Jaký typ účtu chcete vytvořit?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:475 -msgid "Do you have any other chat accounts you want to set up?" -msgstr "Chcete založit ještě další účty?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:481 -msgid "Enter your account details" -msgstr "Zadejte podrobnosti svého účtu" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:486 -msgid "What kind of chat account do you want to create?" -msgstr "Jaký typ účtu chcete vytvořit?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:492 -msgid "Do you want to create other chat accounts?" -msgstr "Chcete vytvořit další účty?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:499 -msgid "Enter the details for the new account" -msgstr "Zadejte podrobnosti nového účtu" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:614 -msgid "" -"With Empathy you can chat with people online nearby and with friends and " -"colleagues who use Google Talk, AIM, Windows Live and many other chat " -"programs. With a microphone or a webcam you can also have audio or video " -"calls." -msgstr "" -"Pomocí programu Empathy si můžete povídat s lidmi v okolí i lidmi a " -"spolupracovníky, kteří používají Google Talk, AIM, Windows Live a mnoho " -"dalších komunikátorů. Pokud máte mikrofon a webovou kameru můžete se " -"navzájem vidět a hovořit spolu." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:631 -msgid "Do you have an account you've been using with another chat program?" -msgstr "Máte účet, který jste používali v jiném komunikátoru?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:655 -msgid "Yes, import my account details from " -msgstr "Ano, chci importovat účty z programu " - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:676 -msgid "Yes, I'll enter my account details now" -msgstr "Ano, zadám údaje svého účtu" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:698 -msgid "No, I want a new account" -msgstr "Ne, chci vytvořit nový účet" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:708 -msgid "No, I just want to see people online nearby for now" -msgstr "Ne, momentálně chci vidět pouze lidi v sousedství" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:729 -msgid "Select the accounts you want to import:" -msgstr "Vyberte účty, které mají být importovány:" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:816 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:631 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:632 -msgid "Yes" -msgstr "Ano" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:823 -msgid "No, that's all for now" -msgstr "Ne, prozatím je to vše" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1088 -msgid "" -"Empathy can automatically discover and chat with the people connected on the " -"same network as you. If you want to use this feature, please check that the " -"details below are correct. You can easily change these details later or " -"disable this feature by using the 'Accounts' dialog" -msgstr "" -"Empathy umí automaticky najít a komunikovat s lidmi připojenými do stejné " -"sítě jako vy. Pokud chcete použít tuto funkci, zkontrolujte, že níže uvedené " -"údaje jsou správné. Toto můžete kdykoli snadno změnit později, nebo tuto " -"funkci vypnout v dialogu účtů." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1094 -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1150 -msgid "Edit->Accounts" -msgstr "Upravit -> Účty" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1110 -msgid "I do _not want to enable this feature for now" -msgstr "_Ne, pro teď nechci tuto funkci povolit" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1146 -msgid "" -"You won't be able to chat with people connected to your local network, as " -"telepathy-salut is not installed. If you want to enable this feature, please " -"install the telepathy-salut package and create a People Nearby account from " -"the Accounts dialog" -msgstr "" -"Protože nemáte nainstalován telepathy-salut, nebudete schopni komunikovat s " -"lidmi připojenými do stejné LAN sítě jako vy. Pokud chcete tuto funkci " -"využívat, musíte mít nainstalován telepathy-salut a povolit funkci „Lidé v " -"okolí“ v dialogovém okně účtů." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1152 -msgid "telepathy-salut not installed" -msgstr "telepathy-salut není nainstalován" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1198 -msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts Assistant" -msgstr "Průvodce Účty IM a VoIP" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1232 -msgid "Welcome to Empathy" -msgstr "Vítejte v Empathy" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1241 -msgid "Import your existing accounts" -msgstr "Importovat existující účty" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1259 -msgid "Please enter personal details" -msgstr "Vložte prosím informace o své osobě" - #. The primary text of the dialog shown to the user when he is about to lose #. * unsaved changes -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:69 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:72 #, c-format msgid "There are unsaved modifications to your %s account." msgstr "V účtu %s máte neuložené změny." #. The primary text of the dialog shown to the user when he is about to lose #. * an unsaved new account -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:73 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:76 msgid "Your new account has not been saved yet." msgstr "Váš nový účet ještě není uložen." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:352 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:757 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1325 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:381 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:759 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1289 msgid "Connecting…" msgstr "Probíhá připojování…" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:393 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:422 #, c-format msgid "Offline — %s" msgstr "Odpojen — %s" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:405 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:434 #, c-format msgid "Disconnected — %s" msgstr "Odpojen — %s" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:416 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:445 msgid "Offline — No Network Connection" msgstr "Offline — Není k dispozici síť" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:423 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:452 msgid "Unknown Status" msgstr "Neznámý stav" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:435 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:469 +msgid "" +"This account has been disabled because it relies on an old, unsupported " +"backend. Please install telepathy-haze and restart your session to migrate " +"the account." +msgstr "" +"Tento účet byl zakázán, protože závisí na staré, již nepodporované, výkonné " +"části. Nainstalujte prosím telepathy-haze a restartujte své sezení, účet se " +"převede." + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:479 msgid "Offline — Account Disabled" msgstr "Offline — Účet zakázán" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:538 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:585 msgid "Edit Connection Parameters" msgstr "Úprava parametrů připojení" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:701 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:750 msgid "Failed to retrieve your personal information from the server." msgstr "Selhalo získání vašich osobních informací ze serveru" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:707 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:756 msgid "Go online to edit your personal information." msgstr "Jít upravovat své osobní informace on-line" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:792 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:843 msgid "_Edit Connection Parameters..." msgstr "Upravit param_etry připojení…" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1293 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1339 #, c-format msgid "Do you want to remove %s from your computer?" msgstr "Opravdu chcete odstranit z vašeho počítače „%s“?" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1297 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1343 msgid "This will not remove your account on the server." msgstr "Toto neodstraní váš účet na serveru." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1533 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1579 msgid "" "You are about to select another account, which will discard\n" "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" @@ -3291,15 +3176,23 @@ "provedené změny. Jste si jisti, že chcete pokračovat?" #. Menu items: to enabled/disable the account -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1744 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1755 msgid "_Enable" msgstr "_Povolit" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1745 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1756 msgid "_Disable" msgstr "_Zakázat" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2255 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2184 +msgid "_Skip" +msgstr "Pře_skočit" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2188 +msgid "_Connect" +msgstr "_Připojit" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2365 msgid "" "You are about to close the window, which will discard\n" "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" @@ -3307,23 +3200,15 @@ "Chystáte se zavřít okno, čímž zrušíte\n" "provedené změny. Jste si jisti, že chcete pokračovat?" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:1 -msgid "Add…" -msgstr "Přidat…" - -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 -msgid "Loading account information" -msgstr "Načítají se informace o účtu" - #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:3 -msgid "No protocol installed" -msgstr "Nenainstalován žádný protokol" +msgid "_Import…" +msgstr "_Import…" #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:4 -msgid "Protocol:" -msgstr "Protokol:" +msgid "Loading account information" +msgstr "Načítají se informace o účtu" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:5 msgid "" "To add a new account, you first have to install a backend for each protocol " "you want to use." @@ -3331,120 +3216,116 @@ "Chcete-li přidat nový účet, musíte nejdříve nainstalovat podpůrnou vrstvu " "každého protokolu, který chcete používat." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:7 -msgid "_Import…" -msgstr "_Import…" +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:6 +msgid "No protocol backends installed" +msgstr "Pro tento protokol není nainstalována žádná výkonná část" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:286 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:288 msgid " - Empathy authentication client" msgstr "– klient Empathy pro ověření totožnosti" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:302 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:304 msgid "Empathy authentication client" msgstr "Klient Empathy pro ověření totožnosti" -#: ../src/empathy-auto-salut-account-helper.c:83 -msgid "People nearby" -msgstr "Lidé v okolí" - -#: ../src/empathy-av.c:118 ../src/empathy-call.c:193 +#: ../src/empathy-av.c:118 ../src/empathy-call.c:201 msgid "- Empathy Audio/Video Client" msgstr "– audio/videoklient Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-av.c:134 ../src/empathy-call.c:218 +#: ../src/empathy-av.c:134 ../src/empathy-call.c:223 msgid "Empathy Audio/Video Client" msgstr "Audio/videoklient Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:433 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:434 msgid "Contrast" msgstr "Kontrast" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:436 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:437 msgid "Brightness" msgstr "Jas" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:439 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:440 msgid "Gamma" msgstr "Gamma" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:545 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:547 msgid "Volume" msgstr "Hlasitost" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1097 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1099 msgid "_Sidebar" msgstr "Po_straní lišta" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1117 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1119 msgid "Audio input" msgstr "Vstup zvuku" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1121 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1123 msgid "Video input" msgstr "Vstup videa" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1129 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1131 msgid "Dialpad" msgstr "Tlačítka vytáčení" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1140 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1142 msgid "Details" msgstr "Podrobnosti" #. translators: Call is a noun and %s is the contact name. This string #. * is used in the window title -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1209 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1927 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1211 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1889 #, c-format msgid "Call with %s" msgstr "Hovor s %s" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1442 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2171 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1444 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2133 msgid "The IP address as seen by the machine" msgstr "Adresa IP, jak ji vidí počítač" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1444 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2173 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1446 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2135 msgid "The IP address as seen by a server on the Internet" msgstr "Adresa IP, jak ji vidí server v Internetu" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1446 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2175 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1448 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2137 msgid "The IP address of the peer as seen by the other side" msgstr "Adresa IP vzájemného spojení, jak ji vidí druhá strana" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1448 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2177 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1450 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2139 msgid "The IP address of a relay server" msgstr "Adresa IP přenosového serveru" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1450 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2179 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1452 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2141 msgid "The IP address of the multicast group" msgstr "Adresa IP vysílací skupiny" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1838 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1841 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1844 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1847 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1837 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1840 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1843 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1846 msgctxt "codec" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Neznámý" #. Translators: number of minutes:seconds the caller has been connected -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2139 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2138 #, c-format msgid "Connected — %d:%02dm" msgstr "Připojeno — %d:%02dm" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2200 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3033 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2199 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2992 msgid "Technical Details" msgstr "Technické podrobnosti" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2238 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3072 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2237 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3031 #, c-format msgid "" "%s's software does not understand any of the audio formats supported by your " @@ -3453,8 +3334,8 @@ "Software používaný kontaktem „%s“ nerozumí žádnému z formátů zvuku, který je " "podporován na vašem počítači" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2243 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3077 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2242 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3036 #, c-format msgid "" "%s's software does not understand any of the video formats supported by your " @@ -3463,8 +3344,8 @@ "Software používaný kontaktem „%s“ nerozumí žádnému z formátů videa, který je " "podporován na vašem počítači" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2249 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3083 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2248 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3042 #, c-format msgid "" "Can't establish a connection to %s. One of you might be on a network that " @@ -3473,29 +3354,29 @@ "Nelze navázat spojení s %s. Někdo z vás není nejspíš v síti, která podporuje " "přímá spojení." -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2255 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3089 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2254 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3048 msgid "There was a failure on the network" msgstr "Někde na síti došlo k selhání" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2259 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3093 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2258 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3052 msgid "" "The audio formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" msgstr "" "Nemáte nainstalovánu podporu žádného z formátů zvuku potřebného pro tento " "hovor" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2262 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3096 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2261 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3055 msgid "" "The video formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" msgstr "" "Nemáte nainstalovánu podporu žádného z formátů videa potřebného pro tento " "hovor" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2272 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3108 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2271 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3067 #, c-format msgid "" "Something unexpected happened in a Telepathy component. Please a přiložte chybové zprávy získané z odlaďovacího okna " "v nabídce „Nápověda“." -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2280 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3117 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2279 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3076 msgid "There was a failure in the call engine" msgstr "Selhala funkce pro volání" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2283 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3120 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2282 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3079 msgid "The end of the stream was reached" msgstr "Byl dosažen konec proudu" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2323 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3160 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2322 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3119 msgid "Can't establish audio stream" msgstr "Nelze navázat spojení pro přenos zvuku" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2333 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3170 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2332 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3129 msgid "Can't establish video stream" msgstr "Nelze navázat spojení pro přenos obrazu" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:1 ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:1 #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:1 -msgid "Audio" -msgstr "Zvuk" +msgid "_Call" +msgstr "_Hovor" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:3 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:5 -msgid "Decoding Codec:" -msgstr "Kodek pro dekódování:" +msgid "_Microphone" +msgstr "_Mikrofon" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:4 -msgid "Disable camera" -msgstr "Zakázat videokameru" +msgid "_Camera" +msgstr "_Kamera" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:5 -msgid "Display the dialpad" -msgstr "Zobrazit číselník" +msgid "_Settings" +msgstr "Na_stavení" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:6 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:9 -msgid "Encoding Codec:" -msgstr "Kodek pro kódování:" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:8 +msgid "_View" +msgstr "_Zobrazit" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:7 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:10 -msgid "Hang up" -msgstr "Zavěsit" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:7 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:27 +msgid "_Help" +msgstr "_Nápověda" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:8 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:11 -msgid "Hang up current call" -msgstr "Zavěsit současný hovor" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:8 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:18 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:28 +msgid "_Contents" +msgstr "_Obsah" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:9 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:12 -msgid "Local Candidate:" -msgstr "Místní účastník:" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:29 +msgid "_Debug" +msgstr "La_dit" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:10 -msgid "Maximise me" -msgstr "Maximalizovat" +msgid "Swap camera" +msgstr "Prohodit kamery" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:11 msgid "Minimise me" msgstr "Minimalizovat" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:12 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:15 -msgid "Remote Candidate:" -msgstr "Vzdálený účastník:" +msgid "Maximise me" +msgstr "Maximalizovat" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:13 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:16 -msgid "Send Audio" -msgstr "Vysílat zvuk" +msgid "Disable camera" +msgstr "Zakázat videokameru" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:14 -msgid "Send Video" -msgstr "Vysílat obraz" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:2 +msgid "Hang up" +msgstr "Zavěsit" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:15 -msgid "Show dialpad" -msgstr "Zobrazit číselník" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:9 +msgid "Hang up current call" +msgstr "Zavěsit současný hovor" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "Video call" +msgstr "Videohovor" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:17 msgid "Start a video call" msgstr "Začít videohovor" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:19 msgid "Start an audio call" msgstr "Začít hovor" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:18 -msgid "Swap camera" -msgstr "Prohodit kamery" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:20 +msgid "Show dialpad" +msgstr "Zobrazit číselník" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:21 +msgid "Display the dialpad" +msgstr "Zobrazit číselník" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:22 +msgid "Send Video" +msgstr "Vysílat obraz" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:23 +msgid "Toggle video transmission" +msgstr "Přepnout vysílání obrazu" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:24 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:11 +msgid "Send Audio" +msgstr "Vysílat zvuk" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:19 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:25 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:12 msgid "Toggle audio transmission" msgstr "Přepnout přenos zvuku" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:20 -msgid "Toggle video transmission" -msgstr "Přepnout vysílání obrazu" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:27 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:20 +msgid "Encoding Codec:" +msgstr "Kodek pro kódování:" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:21 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:18 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2580 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2581 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2582 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2583 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:28 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:21 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2542 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2543 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2544 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2545 msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Neznámo" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:23 -msgid "Video call" -msgstr "Videohovor" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:29 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:22 +msgid "Decoding Codec:" +msgstr "Kodek pro dekódování:" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:24 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:30 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:23 +msgid "Remote Candidate:" +msgstr "Vzdálený účastník:" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:31 #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:24 -msgid "_Call" -msgstr "_Hovor" +msgid "Local Candidate:" +msgstr "Místní účastník:" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:25 -msgid "_Camera" -msgstr "_Kamera" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:32 ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:24 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:25 +msgid "Audio" +msgstr "Zvuk" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:26 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:9 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:18 -msgid "_Contents" -msgstr "_Obsah" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:289 +msgid "Close this window?" +msgstr "Zavřít toto okno?" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:27 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:19 -msgid "_Debug" -msgstr "La_dit" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:294 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Closing this window will leave %s. You will not receive any further messages " +"until you rejoin it." +msgstr "" +"Zavřením tohoto okna opustíte „%s“. Nebudete již přijímat žádné nové zprávy, " +"dokud se znovu nepřipojíte." -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:29 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:14 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:22 -msgid "_Help" -msgstr "_Nápověda" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:305 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Closing this window will leave a chat room. You will not receive any further " +"messages until you rejoin it." +msgid_plural "" +"Closing this window will leave %u chat rooms. You will not receive any " +"further messages until you rejoin them." +msgstr[0] "" +"Zavřením tohoto okna opustíte diskuzní místnost. Nebudete již přijímat žádné " +"nové zprávy, dokud se znovu nepřipojíte." +msgstr[1] "" +"Zavřením tohoto okna opustíte %u diskuzní místnosti. Nebudete již přijímat " +"žádné nové zprávy, dokud se znovu nepřipojíte." +msgstr[2] "" +"Zavřením tohoto okna opustíte %u diskuzních místností. Nebudete již přijímat " +"žádné nové zprávy, dokud se znovu nepřipojíte." -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:30 -msgid "_Microphone" -msgstr "_Mikrofon" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:314 +#, c-format +msgid "Leave %s?" +msgstr "Opustit místnost %s?" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:31 -msgid "_Settings" -msgstr "Na_stavení" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:315 +msgid "" +"You will not receive any further messages from this chat room until you " +"rejoin it." +msgstr "" +"Nebudete již přijímat žádné nové zprávy z této diskuzní místnosti, dokud se " +"znovu nepřipojíte." -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:32 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:30 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:25 -msgid "_View" -msgstr "_Zobrazit" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:334 +msgid "Close window" +msgstr "Zavřít okno" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:334 +msgid "Leave room" +msgstr "Opustit místnost" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:481 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:501 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:640 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:660 #, c-format msgid "%s (%d unread)" msgid_plural "%s (%d unread)" @@ -3668,7 +3601,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%s (%d nepřečtené)" msgstr[2] "%s (%d nepřečtených)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:493 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:652 #, c-format msgid "%s (and %u other)" msgid_plural "%s (and %u others)" @@ -3676,7 +3609,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%s (a %u další)" msgstr[2] "%s (a %u dalších)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:509 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:668 #, c-format msgid "%s (%d unread from others)" msgid_plural "%s (%d unread from others)" @@ -3684,7 +3617,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%s (%d nepřečtené od ostatních)" msgstr[2] "%s (%d nepřečtených od ostatních)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:518 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:677 #, c-format msgid "%s (%d unread from all)" msgid_plural "%s (%d unread from all)" @@ -3692,11 +3625,11 @@ msgstr[1] "%s (%d nepřečtené ode všech)" msgstr[2] "%s (%d nepřečtených ode všech)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:733 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:892 msgid "SMS:" msgstr "SMS:" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:743 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:902 #, c-format msgid "Sending %d message" msgid_plural "Sending %d messages" @@ -3704,69 +3637,69 @@ msgstr[1] "Odesílají se %d zprávy" msgstr[2] "Odesílá se %d zpráv" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:765 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:924 msgid "Typing a message." msgstr "Píše zprávu." #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:1 -msgid "C_lear" -msgstr "_Vymazat" +msgid "_Conversation" +msgstr "_Konverzace" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:2 -msgid "C_ontact" -msgstr "K_ontakt" +msgid "C_lear" +msgstr "_Vymazat" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:3 msgid "Insert _Smiley" msgstr "Vložit _smajlíka" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Favorite Chat Room" +msgstr "_Oblíbená diskuzní místnost" + #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:5 -msgid "Invite _Participant…" -msgstr "_Pozvat účastníka…" +msgid "Notify for All Messages" +msgstr "Upozorňovat na všechny zprávy" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:6 -msgid "Move Tab _Left" -msgstr "Posunout kartu do_leva" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:6 ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Show Contact List" +msgstr "_Zobrazit seznam kontaktů" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:7 -msgid "Move Tab _Right" -msgstr "Posunout kartu do_prava" +msgid "Invite _Participant…" +msgstr "_Pozvat účastníka…" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:8 -msgid "Notify for All Messages" -msgstr "Upozorňovat na všechny zprávy" +msgid "C_ontact" +msgstr "K_ontakt" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:10 -msgid "_Conversation" -msgstr "_Konverzace" +msgid "_Tabs" +msgstr "_Karty" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:11 -msgid "_Detach Tab" -msgstr "_Oddělit kartu" - -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:13 -msgid "_Favorite Chat Room" -msgstr "_Oblíbená diskuzní místnost" +msgid "_Previous Tab" +msgstr "_Předchozí karta" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:15 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:12 msgid "_Next Tab" msgstr "_Následující karta" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:16 -msgid "_Previous Tab" -msgstr "_Předchozí karta" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:13 +msgid "_Undo Close Tab" +msgstr "_Znovu otevřít zavřenou záložku" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:17 ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:5 -msgid "_Show Contact List" -msgstr "_Zobrazit seznam kontaktů" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:14 +msgid "Move Tab _Left" +msgstr "Posunout kartu do_leva" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:18 -msgid "_Tabs" -msgstr "_Karty" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:15 +msgid "Move Tab _Right" +msgstr "Posunout kartu do_prava" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:19 -msgid "_Undo Close Tab" -msgstr "_Znovu otevřít zavřenou záložku" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "_Detach Tab" +msgstr "_Oddělit kartu" #: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.c:251 msgid "Name" @@ -3780,100 +3713,100 @@ msgid "Auto-Connect" msgstr "Automaticky připojit" -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:1 msgid "Manage Favorite Rooms" msgstr "Spravovat oblíbené místnosti" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:523 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 msgid "Incoming video call" msgstr "Příchozí videohovor" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:523 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1555 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1519 msgid "Incoming call" msgstr "Příchozí hovor" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:527 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:526 #, c-format msgid "%s is video calling you. Do you want to answer?" msgstr "Volá vám %s, chcete to zvednout?" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:528 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:527 #, c-format msgid "%s is calling you. Do you want to answer?" msgstr "Volá vám %s, chcete to zvednout?" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:531 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:732 -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:765 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1561 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:530 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "Incoming call from %s" msgstr "Příchozí hovor od %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:556 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:555 msgid "_Reject" msgstr "O_dmítnout" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:564 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:572 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:563 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 msgid "_Answer" msgstr "_Zvednout" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:572 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 msgid "_Answer with video" msgstr "_Videohovor" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:732 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:765 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1561 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "Incoming video call from %s" msgstr "Příchozí videohovor od %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:838 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:837 msgid "Room invitation" msgstr "Pozvání do místnosti" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:840 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:839 #, c-format msgid "Invitation to join %s" msgstr "Pozvánka na připojení %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:847 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:846 #, c-format msgid "%s is inviting you to join %s" msgstr "%s vás zve do %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:855 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:854 msgid "_Decline" msgstr "O_dmítnout" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:860 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:7 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:859 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:2 msgid "_Join" msgstr "Připo_jit" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:887 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:886 #, c-format msgid "%s invited you to join %s" msgstr "%s vás pozval do %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:893 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:892 #, c-format msgid "You have been invited to join %s" msgstr "Byli jste pozváni do %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:944 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:943 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file transfer from %s" msgstr "Příchozí přenos souboru od %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1147 ../src/empathy-main-window.c:375 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1146 ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:374 msgid "Password required" msgstr "Požadováno heslo" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1217 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1216 #, c-format msgid "%s would like permission to see when you are online" msgstr "%s by chtěl oprávnění vidět, když jste dostupný" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1223 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1222 #, c-format msgid "" "\n" @@ -3993,7 +3926,11 @@ msgid "Remove completed, canceled and failed file transfers from the list" msgstr "Odstranit ze seznamu dokončené, zrušené a nepovedené přenosy" -#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:84 +#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:76 +msgid "_Import" +msgstr "_Importovat" + +#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:88 msgid "" "No accounts to import could be found. Empathy currently only supports " "importing accounts from Pidgin." @@ -4001,169 +3938,184 @@ "Nenalezeny žádné účty, které by bylo možno importovat. V současnosti " "podporuje aplikace Empathy import účtů pouze z klienta Pidgin." -#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:199 +#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:209 msgid "Import Accounts" msgstr "Import účtů" #. Translators: this is the header of a treeview column -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:315 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:316 msgid "Import" msgstr "Import" -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:324 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:325 msgid "Protocol" msgstr "Protokol" -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:348 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:349 msgid "Source" msgstr "Zdroj" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:392 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:391 msgid "Provide Password" msgstr "Poskytnout heslo" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:398 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:397 msgid "Disconnect" msgstr "Odpojit" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:635 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:657 +msgid "You need to setup an account to see contacts here." +msgstr "Abyste zde viděli kontakty, je nejdříve zapotřebí nastavit účet." + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:673 msgid "No match found" msgstr "Nic nenalezeno" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:743 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:783 #, c-format msgid "Sorry, %s accounts can’t be used until your %s software is updated." msgstr "" "Účet %s nemůže být bohužel použit, dokud nebude váš software %s aktualizován." -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:811 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:849 msgid "Update software..." msgstr "Aktualizovat software…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:817 ../src/empathy-main-window.c:938 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:855 ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:972 msgid "Close" msgstr "Zavřít" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:926 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:960 msgid "Reconnect" msgstr "Znovu připojit" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:932 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:966 msgid "Edit Account" msgstr "Upravit účet" #. Translators: this string will be something like: -#. * Top up My Account ($1.23)..." -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1071 +#. * Top up My Account ($1.23)..." +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1110 #, c-format msgid "Top up %s (%s)..." msgstr "Dobít kredit %s (%s)…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1118 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1156 msgid "Top up account credit" msgstr "Dobít kredit účtu" #. top up button -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1189 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1228 msgid "Top Up..." msgstr "Dobít kredit…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1931 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1952 msgid "Contact" msgstr "Kontakt" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:2306 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2150 +msgid "You need to enable one of your accounts to see contacts here." +msgstr "Abyste zde viděli kontakty, musíte povolit některý ze svých účtů." + +#. translators: argument is an account name +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2158 +#, c-format +msgid "You need to enable %s to see contacts here." +msgstr "Abyste zde viděli kontakty, musíte povolit účet %s." + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2460 msgid "Contact List" msgstr "Seznam kontaktů" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:1 -msgid "Contacts on a _Map" -msgstr "Kontakty na _mapě" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.ui.h:1 +msgid "Account settings" +msgstr "Nastavení účtu" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:2 -msgid "Credit Balance" -msgstr "Zůstatek kreditu" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:2 +msgid "_New Conversation…" +msgstr "_Nová konverzace…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:3 -msgid "Find in Contact _List" -msgstr "Najít v seznamu _kontaktů" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:3 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:3 +msgid "New _Call…" +msgstr "Nový _hovor…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:4 -msgid "Join _Favorites" -msgstr "Připojit se do _oblíbených" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Search for Contacts…" +msgstr "_Hledat kontakty…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:5 -msgid "Manage Favorites" -msgstr "Spravovat oblíbené" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:7 +msgid "_File Transfers" +msgstr "Přenosy _souborů" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:6 -msgid "N_ormal Size" -msgstr "N_ormální velikost" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Offline Contacts" +msgstr "_Odpojené kontakty" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:7 ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:1 -msgid "New _Call…" -msgstr "Nový _hovor…" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:9 +msgid "Show P_rotocols" +msgstr "Vypsat p_rotokoly" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:8 -msgid "Normal Size With _Avatars" -msgstr "Normální velikost, s _avatary" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:10 +msgid "Credit Balance" +msgstr "Zůstatek kreditu" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:11 +msgid "Contacts on a _Map" +msgstr "Kontakty na _mapě" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:13 +msgid "_Accounts" +msgstr "Úč_ty" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:14 +msgid "_Blocked Contacts" +msgstr "_Blokované kontakty" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:9 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:15 msgid "P_references" msgstr "_Nastavení" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:10 -msgid "Show P_rotocols" -msgstr "Vypsat p_rotokoly" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:16 +msgid "Find in Contact _List" +msgstr "Najít v seznamu _kontaktů" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:11 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:18 msgid "Sort by _Name" msgstr "Řadit podle jmé_na" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:12 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:19 msgid "Sort by _Status" msgstr "Řadit podle s_tavu" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:13 -msgid "_Accounts" -msgstr "Úč_ty" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:20 +msgid "Normal Size With _Avatars" +msgstr "Normální velikost, s _avatary" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:15 -msgid "_Blocked Contacts" -msgstr "_Blokované kontakty" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:21 +msgid "N_ormal Size" +msgstr "N_ormální velikost" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:22 msgid "_Compact Size" msgstr "_Kompaktní velikost" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:21 -msgid "_File Transfers" -msgstr "Přenosy _souborů" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:23 +msgid "_Room" +msgstr "_Místnost" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:23 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:24 msgid "_Join…" msgstr "Připo_jit…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:24 -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:3 -msgid "_New Conversation…" -msgstr "_Nová konverzace…" - -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:25 -msgid "_Offline Contacts" -msgstr "_Odpojené kontakty" - -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:26 -msgid "_Personal Information" -msgstr "_O mně" - -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:28 -msgid "_Room" -msgstr "_Místnost" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:25 +msgid "Join _Favorites" +msgstr "Připojit se do _oblíbených" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:29 -msgid "_Search for Contacts…" -msgstr "_Hledat kontakty…" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:26 +msgid "Manage Favorites" +msgstr "Spravovat oblíbené" #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:369 msgid "Chat Room" @@ -4175,7 +4127,7 @@ #. Translators: Room/Join's roomlist tooltip. Parameters are a channel name, #. yes/no, yes/no and a number. -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:629 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:637 #, c-format msgid "" "%s\n" @@ -4188,22 +4140,27 @@ "Je vyžadováno heslo: %s\n" "Členové: %s" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:631 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:632 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:639 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:640 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Ano" + +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:639 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:640 msgid "No" msgstr "Ne" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:660 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:668 msgid "Could not start room listing" msgstr "Nelze začít s výpisem místností" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:670 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:678 msgid "Could not stop room listing" msgstr "Nelze skončit s výpisem místností" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:2 -msgid "Couldn't load room list" -msgstr "Nelze načíst seznam místností" +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:1 +msgid "Join Room" +msgstr "Vstoupit do místnosti" #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:3 msgid "" @@ -4213,6 +4170,10 @@ "jednu nebo více místností v seznamu." #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Room:" +msgstr "_Místnost:" + +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:5 msgid "" "Enter the server which hosts the room, or leave it empty if the room is on " "the current account's server" @@ -4220,18 +4181,14 @@ "Zadejte server, který hostuje místnost, nebo ponechte políčko prázdné, pokud " "se místnost nachází na serveru aktuálního účtu" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:5 -msgid "Join Room" -msgstr "Vstoupit do místnosti" +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:8 +msgid "Couldn't load room list" +msgstr "Nelze načíst seznam místností" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:9 msgid "Room List" msgstr "Seznam místností" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:8 -msgid "_Room:" -msgstr "_Místnost:" - #: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:166 msgid "Message received" msgstr "Zpráva přijata" @@ -4245,7 +4202,7 @@ msgstr "Nová konverzace" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:169 -msgid "Contact goes online" +msgid "Contact comes online" msgstr "Kontakt se připojil" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:170 @@ -4265,372 +4222,398 @@ msgstr "Jazyk" #. translators: Contact name for the chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:725 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:726 msgid "Juliet" msgstr "Julie" #. translators: Contact name for the chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:732 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:733 msgid "Romeo" msgstr "Romeo" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:738 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:739 msgid "O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?" msgstr "Ach Romeo, Romeo! Proč jsi Romeo?" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:741 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:743 msgid "Deny thy father and refuse thy name;" msgstr "Své jméno zapři, odřekni se otce," #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:744 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:746 msgid "Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love" msgstr "anebo, nechceš-li, zasvěť se mně," #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:747 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:749 msgid "And I'll no longer be a Capulet." msgstr "a přestanu být Kapuletová." #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:750 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:752 msgid "Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?" msgstr "Mám ještě poslouchat? Či odpovím?" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:753 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:755 msgid "Juliet has disconnected" msgstr "Julie se odpojila" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:1157 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:1159 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Nastavení" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:1 +msgid "Show _smileys as images" +msgstr "Zobrazovat _smajlíky jako obrázky" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:2 +msgid "Show contact _list in rooms" +msgstr "_Zobrazit seznam kontaktů v místnostech" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:3 msgid "Appearance" msgstr "Vzhled" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:3 -msgid "Behavior" -msgstr "Chování" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:4 +msgid "Start chats in:" +msgstr "Začít diskuzi v:" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:5 -msgid "Chat Th_eme:" -msgstr "Vzhl_ed diskuze:" +msgid "new ta_bs" +msgstr "nové kar_ty" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:6 -msgid "Disable notifications when _away or busy" -msgstr "" -"Nezobrazovat upozornění v případě mé nepřítomnosti nebo z_aneprázdněnosti" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:7 -msgid "Disable sounds when _away or busy" -msgstr "Vypnout zvuky v případě mé nepřítomnosti nebo z_aneprázdněnosti" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:6 +msgid "new _windows" +msgstr "nová _okna" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:8 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:7 msgid "Display incoming events in the notification area" msgstr "Zobrazovat příchozí události v oznamovací oblasti" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Automatically connect on startup" +msgstr "Připojovat se _automaticky po spuštění " + #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:9 -msgid "" -"Echo cancellation helps to make your voice sound clearer to the other " -"person, but may cause problems on some computers. If you or the other person " -"hear strange noises or glitches during calls, try turning echo cancellation " -"off and restarting the call." -msgstr "" -"Potlačení ozvěny pomáhá, aby váš hlas zněl protější osobě čistěji, ale na " -"některých počítačích to může způsobovat problémy. Pokud vy nebo protější " -"osoba slyšíte během hovoru podivné zvuky nebo závady, zkuste potlačení " -"ozvěny vypnout a hovor začít znovu." +msgid "Log conversations" +msgstr "Zaznamenávat konverzace" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:10 -msgid "Enable notifications when a contact comes online" -msgstr "Upozornit při připojení uživatele" +msgid "Behavior" +msgstr "Chování" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:11 -msgid "Enable notifications when a contact goes offline" -msgstr "Upozornit při odpojení uživatele" +msgid "General" +msgstr "Všeobecné" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:12 -msgid "Enable notifications when the _chat is not focused" -msgstr "Povolit upozornění, pokud disku_ze není vybrána" +msgid "_Enable bubble notifications" +msgstr "P_ovolit bublinová upozornění" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:13 -msgid "Enable spell checking for languages:" -msgstr "Povolit kontrolu pravopisu pro jazyky:" +msgid "Disable notifications when _away or busy" +msgstr "" +"Nezobrazovat upozornění v případě mé nepřítomnosti nebo z_aneprázdněnosti" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:14 -msgid "General" -msgstr "Všeobecné" +msgid "Enable notifications when the _chat is not focused" +msgstr "Povolit upozornění, pokud disku_ze není vybrána" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:15 +msgid "Enable notifications when a contact comes online" +msgstr "Upozornit při připojení uživatele" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:16 -msgid "Location sources:" -msgstr "Zdroje polohy:" +msgid "Enable notifications when a contact goes offline" +msgstr "Upozornit při odpojení uživatele" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:17 -msgid "Log conversations" -msgstr "Zaznamenávat konverzace" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:18 msgid "Notifications" msgstr "Upozornění" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:18 +msgid "_Enable sound notifications" +msgstr "_Povolit zvuková upozornění" + #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:19 -msgid "Play sound for events" -msgstr "Přehrávat zvuky při událostech" +msgid "Disable sounds when _away or busy" +msgstr "Vypnout zvuky v případě mé nepřítomnosti nebo z_aneprázdněnosti" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:20 -msgid "Privacy" -msgstr "Soukromí" +msgid "Play sound for events" +msgstr "Přehrávat zvuky při událostech" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:21 -msgid "" -"Reduced location accuracy means that nothing more precise than your city, " -"state and country will be published. GPS coordinates will be accurate to 1 " -"decimal place." -msgstr "" -"Při omezené přesnosti polohy bude zobrazen pouze stát, kraj a město. " -"Souřadnice GPS budou zaokrouhleny na 1 desetinné místo." - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:22 -msgid "Show _smileys as images" -msgstr "Zobrazovat _smajlíky jako obrázky" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:23 -msgid "Show contact _list in rooms" -msgstr "_Zobrazit seznam kontaktů v místnostech" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:24 msgid "Sounds" msgstr "Zvuky" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:25 -msgid "Spell Checking" -msgstr "Kontrola pravopisu" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:22 +msgid "Use _echo cancellation to improve call quality" +msgstr "Použít potlač_ení ozvěny ke zvýšení kvality volání" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:26 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:23 msgid "" -"The list of languages reflects only the languages for which you have a " -"dictionary installed." +"Echo cancellation helps to make your voice sound clearer to the other " +"person, but may cause problems on some computers. If you or the other person " +"hear strange noises or glitches during calls, try turning echo cancellation " +"off and restarting the call." msgstr "" -"Seznam jazyků obsahuje pouze jazyky, pro které máte nainstalovány slovníky." +"Potlačení ozvěny pomáhá, aby váš hlas zněl protější osobě čistěji, ale na " +"některých počítačích to může způsobovat problémy. Pokud vy nebo protější " +"osoba slyšíte během hovoru podivné zvuky nebo závady, zkuste potlačení " +"ozvěny vypnout a hovor začít znovu." -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:27 -msgid "Themes" -msgstr "Motivy" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:26 +msgid "_Publish location to my contacts" +msgstr "Zveřejnit _kontaktům polohu" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:28 -msgid "Use _echo cancellation to improve call quality" -msgstr "Použít potlač_ení ozvěny ke zvýšení kvality volání" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:27 +msgid "" +"Reduced location accuracy means that nothing more precise than your city, " +"state and country will be published. GPS coordinates will be accurate to 1 " +"decimal place." +msgstr "" +"Při omezené přesnosti polohy bude zobrazen pouze stát, kraj a město. " +"Souřadnice GPS budou zaokrouhleny na 1 desetinné místo." +#. To translators: The longitude and latitude are rounded to closest 0,1 degrees, so for example 146,2345° is rounded to round(146,2345*10)/10 = 146,2 degrees. #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:29 -msgid "Variant:" -msgstr "Varianta:" +msgid "_Reduce location accuracy" +msgstr "O_mezit přesnost polohy" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:30 -msgid "_Automatically connect on startup" -msgstr "Připojovat se _automaticky po spuštění " +msgid "Privacy" +msgstr "Soukromí" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:31 -msgid "_Cellphone" -msgstr "_Mobil" +msgid "_GPS" +msgstr "_GPS" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:32 -msgid "_Enable bubble notifications" -msgstr "P_ovolit bublinová upozornění" +msgid "_Cellphone" +msgstr "_Mobil" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:33 -msgid "_Enable sound notifications" -msgstr "_Povolit zvuková upozornění" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:34 -msgid "_GPS" -msgstr "_GPS" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:35 msgid "_Network (IP, Wi-Fi)" msgstr "_Síť (IP, Wi-Fi)" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:34 +msgid "Location sources:" +msgstr "Zdroje polohy:" + #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:36 -msgid "_Open new chats in separate windows" -msgstr "_Otevírat nové diskuze v oddělených oknech" +msgid "" +"The list of languages reflects only the languages for which you have a " +"dictionary installed." +msgstr "" +"Seznam jazyků obsahuje pouze jazyky, pro které máte nainstalovány slovníky." #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:37 -msgid "_Publish location to my contacts" -msgstr "Zveřejnit _kontaktům polohu" +msgid "Enable spell checking for languages:" +msgstr "Povolit kontrolu pravopisu pro jazyky:" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:38 +msgid "Spell Checking" +msgstr "Kontrola pravopisu" -#. To translators: The longitude and latitude are rounded to closest 0,1 degrees, so for example 146,2345° is rounded to round(146,2345*10)/10 = 146,2 degrees. #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:39 -msgid "_Reduce location accuracy" -msgstr "O_mezit přesnost polohy" +msgid "Chat Th_eme:" +msgstr "Vzhl_ed diskuze:" -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:40 +msgid "Variant:" +msgstr "Varianta:" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:41 +msgid "Themes" +msgstr "Motivy" + +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:4 msgid "Status" msgstr "Stav" -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:5 msgid "_Quit" msgstr "U_končit" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:2 -msgid "Call the contact again" -msgstr "Znovu zavolat" - #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Camera Off" -msgstr "Kamera vypnuta" +msgid "Redial" +msgstr "Vytočit znovu" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:4 -msgid "Camera On" -msgstr "Kamera zapnuta" +msgid "V_ideo" +msgstr "V_ideo" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:5 +msgid "Video Off" +msgstr "Video zakázáno" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:6 -msgid "Disable camera and stop sending video" -msgstr "Vypnout kameru a přestat vysílat obraz" +msgid "Video Preview" +msgstr "Náhled videa" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:7 -msgid "Enable camera and send video" -msgstr "Zapnout kameru a povolit vysílání obrazu" +msgid "Video On" +msgstr "Video povoleno" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:8 -msgid "Enable camera but don't send video" -msgstr "Zapnout kameru ale nepovolovat vysílání obrazu" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:10 +msgid "Call the contact again" +msgstr "Znovu zavolat" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:13 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Náhled" +msgid "Camera Off" +msgstr "Kamera vypnuta" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:14 -msgid "Redial" -msgstr "Vytočit znovu" +msgid "Disable camera and stop sending video" +msgstr "Vypnout kameru a přestat vysílat obraz" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:19 -msgid "V_ideo" -msgstr "V_ideo" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:15 +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "Náhled" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:21 -msgid "Video Off" -msgstr "Video zakázáno" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "Enable camera but don't send video" +msgstr "Zapnout kameru ale nepovolovat vysílání obrazu" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:22 -msgid "Video On" -msgstr "Video povoleno" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:17 +msgid "Camera On" +msgstr "Kamera zapnuta" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:23 -msgid "Video Preview" -msgstr "Náhled videa" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:18 +msgid "Enable camera and send video" +msgstr "Zapnout kameru a povolit vysílání obrazu" #: ../src/empathy-map-view.c:471 msgid "Contact Map View" msgstr "Zobrazení kontaktů na mapě" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1228 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1607 msgid "Save" msgstr "Uložit" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1435 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1667 +msgid "Pastebin link" +msgstr "Odkaz na Pastebin" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1676 +msgid "Pastebin response" +msgstr "Odpověď z Pastebin" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1680 +#, c-format +msgid "%s" +msgstr "%s" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1683 +msgid "Data too large for a single paste. Please save logs to file." +msgstr "" +"Data jsou příliš rozsáhlá na jediné vložení. Uložte prosím záznam do souboru." + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1912 msgid "Debug Window" msgstr "Ladící okno" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1517 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1970 +msgid "Send to pastebin" +msgstr "Odeslat na Pastebin" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2009 msgid "Pause" msgstr "Pozastavit" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1529 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2021 msgid "Level " msgstr "Úroveň " -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1549 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2040 msgid "Debug" msgstr "Ladění" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1555 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2045 msgid "Info" msgstr "Informace" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1561 ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1610 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2050 ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2096 msgid "Message" msgstr "Zpráva" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1567 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2055 msgid "Warning" msgstr "Varování" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1573 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2060 msgid "Critical" msgstr "Kritické" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1579 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2065 msgid "Error" msgstr "Chyba" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1598 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2084 msgid "Time" msgstr "Čas" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1601 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2087 msgid "Domain" msgstr "Doména" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1603 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2089 msgid "Category" msgstr "Kategorie" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1605 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2091 msgid "Level" msgstr "Úroveň" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1642 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2114 msgid "" "The selected connection manager does not support the remote debugging " "extension." msgstr "Vybraný správce připojení nepodporuje rozšíření pro vzdálené ladění." -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:200 -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:228 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:202 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:230 msgid "Invite Participant" msgstr "Přizvat účastníka" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:201 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:203 msgid "Choose a contact to invite into the conversation:" msgstr "Zvolte kontakt, který chcete přizvat do konverzace: " -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:224 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:226 msgid "Invite" msgstr "Pozvat" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:183 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:180 msgid "Don't display any dialogs; do any work (eg, importing) and exit" msgstr "" "Nezobrazovat žádné dialogy; jednoduše provést úlohu (např. import) a skončit" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:187 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:184 msgid "" "Don't display any dialogs unless there are only \"People Nearby\" accounts" msgstr "" "Nezobrazovat žádná dialogová okna, existují-li účty jiného typu než „Lidé v " "okolí“" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:191 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:188 msgid "Initially select given account (eg, gabble/jabber/foo_40example_2eorg0)" msgstr "" "Ze začátku vybrat zadaný účet (např. gabble/jabber/foo_40example_2eorg0)" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:193 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:190 msgid "" msgstr "" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:196 -msgid "Show account assistant" -msgstr "Zobrazit průvodce účtem" - -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:202 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:195 msgid "- Empathy Accounts" msgstr "– Účty Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:238 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:231 msgid "Empathy Accounts" msgstr "Účty Empathy" @@ -4646,85 +4629,85 @@ msgid "Empathy Debugger" msgstr "Ladění Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-chat.c:107 +#: ../src/empathy-chat.c:109 msgid "- Empathy Chat Client" msgstr "– komunikační klient Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:190 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:189 msgid "Respond" msgstr "Odpovědět" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:204 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1565 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:203 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1529 msgid "Reject" msgstr "Odmítnout" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:209 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:214 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1566 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:208 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1530 msgid "Answer" msgstr "Zvednout" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:214 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 msgid "Answer with video" msgstr "Videohovor" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:222 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:232 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:221 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:231 msgid "Decline" msgstr "Odmítnout" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:226 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:237 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:225 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:236 msgid "Accept" msgstr "Přijmout" #. translators: the 'Provide' button is displayed in a notification #. * bubble when Empathy is asking for an account password; clicking on it #. * brings the password popup. -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:247 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:246 msgid "Provide" msgstr "Poskytnout" -#: ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:134 +#: ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:132 #, c-format msgid "%s just tried to call you, but you were in another call." msgstr "%s vám právě zkouší volat, ale vy máte jiný hovor." #. Translators: this is an "Info" label. It should be as short #. * as possible. -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1172 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1195 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1140 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1162 msgid "i" msgstr "i" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2929 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2888 msgid "On hold" msgstr "Čeká na lince" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2932 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2891 msgid "Mute" msgstr "Ztišit" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2934 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2893 msgid "Duration" msgstr "Doba" #. Translators: 'status - minutes:seconds' the caller has been connected -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2937 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2896 #, c-format msgid "%s — %d:%02dm" msgstr "%s — %d:%02dm" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3207 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3166 #, c-format msgid "Your current balance is %s." msgstr "Váš aktuální zůstatek je %s." -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3211 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3170 msgid "Sorry, you don’t have enough credit for that call." msgstr "Pro toto volání nemáte bohužel dostatečný kredit." -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3213 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3172 msgid "Top Up" msgstr "Dobití kreditu" @@ -4732,6 +4715,33 @@ msgid "_Match case" msgstr "Rozlišovat velikost _znaků" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-account-dialog.c:144 +msgid "What kind of chat account do you have?" +msgstr "Jaký typ účtu chcete vytvořit?" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-account-dialog.c:166 msgid "Adding new account" msgstr "Přidávání nového účtu" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:77 +msgid "People nearby" +msgstr "Lidé v okolí" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:150 +msgid "" +"Empathy can automatically discover and chat with the people connected on the " +"same network as you. If you want to use this feature, please check that the " +"details below are correct." +msgstr "" +"Empathy umí automaticky najít lidi připojené do stejné sítě jako vy a " +"komunikovat s nimi. Pokud chcete použít tuto funkci, zkontrolujte, že níže " +"uvedené údaje jsou správné. Kdykoliv později to můžete snadno změnit nebo " +"tuto funkci vypnout v dialogovém okně účtů." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:183 +msgid "" +"You can change these details later or disable this feature by choosing Edit → Accounts in the Contact List." +msgstr "" +"Tyto údaje můžete změnit později nebo tuto funkci zakázat pomocí Upravit → Účty v seznamu kontaktů." diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/po/en_GB.po empathy-3.3.92/po/en_GB.po --- empathy-3.3.91/po/en_GB.po 2012-02-17 14:00:26.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/po/en_GB.po 2012-03-19 09:12:31.000000000 +0000 @@ -2,14 +2,14 @@ # Copyright (C) 2006 Empathy's COPYRIGHT HOLDER # This file is distributed under the same licence as the empathy package. # David Lodge , 2007, 2009. -# Bruce Cowan , 2009, 2010, 2011. +# Bruce Cowan , 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012. # Philip Withnall , 2009, 2010. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: empathy\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-16 14:46+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-10-16 14:47+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-16 14:18+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-16 14:19+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Bruce Cowan \n" "Language-Team: British English \n" "Language: en_GB\n" @@ -17,506 +17,558 @@ "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" -"X-Generator: Virtaal 0.7.1-rc1\n" +"X-Generator: Virtaal 0.7.1\n" #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:1 -msgid "Chat on Google Talk, Facebook, MSN and many other chat services" -msgstr "Chat on Google Talk, Facebook, MSN and many other chat services" - -#: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:2 msgid "Empathy" msgstr "Empathy" +#: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:2 +msgid "IM Client" +msgstr "IM Client" + #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:3 msgid "Empathy Internet Messaging" msgstr "Empathy Internet Messaging" #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:4 -msgid "IM Client" -msgstr "IM Client" +msgid "Chat on Google Talk, Facebook, MSN and many other chat services" +msgstr "Chat on Google Talk, Facebook, MSN and many other chat services" + +#. Tweak the dialog +#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2512 +msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts" +msgstr "Messaging and VoIP Accounts" + +#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:2 +msgid "Manage Messaging and VoIP accounts" +msgstr "Manage Messaging and VoIP accounts" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:1 -msgid "Always open a separate chat window for new chats." -msgstr "Always open a separate chat window for new chats." +msgid "Connection managers should be used" +msgstr "Connection managers should be used" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:2 -msgid "Call volume" -msgstr "Call volume" +msgid "" +"Whether connectivity managers should be used to automatically disconnect/" +"reconnect." +msgstr "" +"Whether connectivity managers should be used to automatically disconnect/" +"reconnect." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:3 -msgid "Call volume, as a percentage." -msgstr "Call volume, as a percentage." +msgid "Empathy should auto-connect on startup" +msgstr "Empathy should auto-connect on startup" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:4 -msgid "Camera device" -msgstr "Camera device" +msgid "Whether Empathy should automatically log into your accounts on startup." +msgstr "" +"Whether Empathy should automatically log into your accounts on startup." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:5 -msgid "Camera position" -msgstr "Camera position" +msgid "Empathy should auto-away when idle" +msgstr "Empathy should auto-away when idle" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:6 msgid "" -"Character to add after nickname when using nick completion (tab) in group " -"chat." +"Whether Empathy should go into away mode automatically if the user is idle." msgstr "" -"Character to add after nickname when using nick completion (tab) in group " -"chat." +"Whether Empathy should go into away mode automatically if the user is idle." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:7 -msgid "Chat window theme" -msgstr "Chat window theme" +msgid "Empathy default download folder" +msgstr "Empathy default download folder" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:8 -msgid "Chat window theme variant" -msgstr "Chat window theme variant" +msgid "The default folder to save file transfers in." +msgstr "The default folder to save file transfers in." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:9 -msgid "" -"Comma-separated list of spell checker languages to use (e.g. \"en, fr, nl\")." -msgstr "" -"Comma-separated list of spell checker languages to use (e.g. \"en, fr, nl\")." +msgid "Magic number used to check if sanity cleaning tasks should be run" +msgstr "Magic number used to check if sanity cleaning tasks should be run" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:10 -msgid "Compact contact list" -msgstr "Compact contact list" +msgid "" +"empathy-sanity-cleaning.c uses this number to check if the cleaning tasks " +"should be executed or not. Users should not change this key manually." +msgstr "" +"empathy-sanity-cleaning.c uses this number to check if the cleaning tasks " +"should be executed or not. Users should not change this key manually." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:11 -msgid "Connection managers should be used" -msgstr "Connection managers should be used" +msgid "Show offline contacts" +msgstr "Show offline contacts" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:12 -msgid "Contact list sort criterion" -msgstr "Contact list sort criterion" +msgid "Whether to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." +msgstr "Whether to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:13 -msgid "Default camera device to use in video calls, e.g. /dev/video0." -msgstr "Default camera device to use in video calls, e.g. /dev/video0." +msgid "Show avatars" +msgstr "Show avatars" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:14 -msgid "Default directory to select an avatar image from" -msgstr "Default directory to select an avatar image from" +msgid "" +"Whether to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat windows." +msgstr "" +"Whether to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat windows." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:15 -msgid "Disable popup notifications when away" -msgstr "Disable popup notifications when away" +msgid "Show protocols" +msgstr "Show protocols" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:16 -msgid "Disable sounds when away" -msgstr "Disable sounds when away" +msgid "Whether to show protocols for contacts in the contact list." +msgstr "Whether to show protocols for contacts in the contact list." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:17 -msgid "Display incoming events in the status area" -msgstr "Display incoming events in the status area" +msgid "Show Balance in contact list" +msgstr "Show Balance in contact list" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:18 -msgid "" -"Display incoming events in the status area. If false, present them to the " -"user immediately." -msgstr "" -"Display incoming events in the status area. If false, present them to the " -"user immediately." +msgid "Whether to show account balances in the contact list." +msgstr "Whether to show account balances in the contact list." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:19 -msgid "Echo cancellation support" -msgstr "Echo cancellation support" +msgid "Compact contact list" +msgstr "Compact contact list" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:20 -msgid "Empathy can publish the user's location" -msgstr "Empathy can publish the user's location" +msgid "Whether to show the contact list in compact mode." +msgstr "Whether to show the contact list in compact mode." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:21 -msgid "Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location" -msgstr "Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location" +msgid "Hide main window" +msgstr "Hide main window" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:22 -msgid "Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location" -msgstr "Empathy can use the mobile phone network to guess the location" +msgid "Hide the main window." +msgstr "Hide the main window." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:23 -msgid "Empathy can use the network to guess the location" -msgstr "Empathy can use the network to guess the location" +msgid "Default directory to select an avatar image from" +msgstr "Default directory to select an avatar image from" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:24 -msgid "Empathy default download folder" -msgstr "Empathy default download folder" +msgid "The last directory that an avatar image was chosen from." +msgstr "The last directory that an avatar image was chosen from." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:25 -msgid "Empathy has migrated butterfly logs" -msgstr "Empathy has migrated butterfly logs" +msgid "Open new chats in separate windows" +msgstr "Open new chats in separate windows" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:26 -msgid "Empathy should auto-away when idle" -msgstr "Empathy should auto-away when idle" +msgid "Always open a separate chat window for new chats." +msgstr "Always open a separate chat window for new chats." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:27 -msgid "Empathy should auto-connect on startup" -msgstr "Empathy should auto-connect on startup" +msgid "Display incoming events in the status area" +msgstr "Display incoming events in the status area" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:28 -msgid "Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy" -msgstr "Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy" +msgid "" +"Display incoming events in the status area. If false, present them to the " +"user immediately." +msgstr "" +"Display incoming events in the status area. If false, present them to the " +"user immediately." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:29 -msgid "Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon" -msgstr "Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon" +msgid "The position for the chat window side pane" +msgstr "The position for the chat window side pane" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:30 -msgid "Enable WebKit Developer Tools" -msgstr "Enable WebKit Developer Tools" +msgid "The stored position (in pixels) of the chat window side pane." +msgstr "The stored position (in pixels) of the chat window side pane." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:31 -msgid "Enable popup notifications for new messages" -msgstr "Enable popup notifications for new messages" +msgid "Show contact groups" +msgstr "Show contact groups" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:32 -msgid "Enable spell checker" -msgstr "Enable spell checker" +msgid "Whether to show groups in the contact list." +msgstr "Whether to show groups in the contact list." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:33 -msgid "Hide main window" -msgstr "Hide main window" +msgid "Contact list sort criterion" +msgstr "Contact list sort criterion" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:34 -msgid "Hide the main window." -msgstr "Hide the main window." +msgid "" +"Which criterion to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to sort by " +"the contact's state with the value \"state\". A value of \"name\" will sort " +"the contact list by name." +msgstr "" +"Which criterion to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to sort by " +"the contact's state with the value \"state\". A value of \"name\" will sort " +"the contact list by name." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:35 -msgid "Nick completed character" -msgstr "Nick completed character" +msgid "Use notification sounds" +msgstr "Use notification sounds" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:36 -msgid "Open new chats in separate windows" -msgstr "Open new chats in separate windows" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of events." +msgstr "Whether to play a sound to notify of events." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:37 -msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use" -msgstr "Path of the Adium theme to use" +msgid "Disable sounds when away" +msgstr "Disable sounds when away" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:38 -msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use if the theme used for chat is Adium." -msgstr "Path of the Adium theme to use if the theme used for chat is Adium." +msgid "Whether to play sound notifications when away or busy." +msgstr "Whether to play sound notifications when away or busy." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:39 msgid "Play a sound for incoming messages" msgstr "Play a sound for incoming messages" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:40 -msgid "Play a sound for new conversations" -msgstr "Play a sound for new conversations" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of incoming messages." +msgstr "Whether to play a sound to notify of incoming messages." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:41 msgid "Play a sound for outgoing messages" msgstr "Play a sound for outgoing messages" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:42 -msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs in" -msgstr "Play a sound when a contact logs in" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of outgoing messages." +msgstr "Whether to play a sound to notify of outgoing messages." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:43 -msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs out" -msgstr "Play a sound when a contact logs out" +msgid "Play a sound for new conversations" +msgstr "Play a sound for new conversations" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:44 -msgid "Play a sound when we log in" -msgstr "Play a sound when we log in" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of new conversations." +msgstr "Whether to play a sound to notify of new conversations." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:45 -msgid "Play a sound when we log out" -msgstr "Play a sound when we log out" +msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs in" +msgstr "Play a sound when a contact logs in" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:46 -msgid "Pop up notifications if the chat isn't focused" -msgstr "Pop up notifications if the chat isn't focused" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging into the network." +msgstr "" +"Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging into the network." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:47 -msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs in" -msgstr "Pop up notifications when a contact logs in" +msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs out" +msgstr "Play a sound when a contact logs out" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:48 -msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs out" -msgstr "Pop up notifications when a contact logs out" +msgid "" +"Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging out of the network." +msgstr "" +"Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging out of the network." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:49 -msgid "Position the camera preview should be during a call." -msgstr "Position the camera preview should be during a call." +msgid "Play a sound when we log in" +msgstr "Play a sound when we log in" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:50 -msgid "Show Balance in contact list" -msgstr "Show Balance in contact list" +msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging into a network." +msgstr "Whether to play a sound when logging into a network." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:51 -msgid "Show avatars" -msgstr "Show avatars" +msgid "Play a sound when we log out" +msgstr "Play a sound when we log out" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:52 -msgid "Show contact list in rooms" -msgstr "Show contact list in rooms" +msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging out of a network." +msgstr "Whether to play a sound when logging out of a network." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:53 -msgid "Show hint about closing the main window" -msgstr "Show hint about closing the main window" +msgid "Enable popup notifications for new messages" +msgstr "Enable popup notifications for new messages" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:54 -msgid "Show offline contacts" -msgstr "Show offline contacts" +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message." +msgstr "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:55 -msgid "Show protocols" -msgstr "Show protocols" +msgid "Disable popup notifications when away" +msgstr "Disable popup notifications when away" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:56 -msgid "Spell checking languages" -msgstr "Spell checking languages" +msgid "Whether to show popup notifications when away or busy." +msgstr "Whether to show popup notifications when away or busy." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:57 -msgid "The default folder to save file transfers in." -msgstr "The default folder to save file transfers in." +msgid "Pop up notifications if the chat isn't focused" +msgstr "Pop up notifications if the chat isn't focused" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:58 -msgid "The last directory that an avatar image was chosen from." -msgstr "The last directory that an avatar image was chosen from." +msgid "" +"Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message even if " +"the chat is already opened, but not focused." +msgstr "" +"Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message even if " +"the chat is already opened, but not focused." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:59 -msgid "The position for the chat window side pane" -msgstr "The position for the chat window side pane" +msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs in" +msgstr "Pop up notifications when a contact logs in" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:60 -msgid "The stored position (in pixels) of the chat window side pane." -msgstr "The stored position (in pixels) of the chat window side pane." +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes online." +msgstr "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes online." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:61 -msgid "The theme that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." -msgstr "The theme that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." +msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs out" +msgstr "Pop up notifications when a contact logs out" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:62 -msgid "" -"The theme variant that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." -msgstr "" -"The theme variant that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes offline." +msgstr "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes offline." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:63 msgid "Use graphical smileys" msgstr "Use graphical smileys" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:64 -msgid "Use notification sounds" -msgstr "Use notification sounds" +msgid "Whether to convert smileys into graphical images in conversations." +msgstr "Whether to convert smileys into graphical images in conversations." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:65 -msgid "Use theme for chat rooms" -msgstr "Use theme for chat rooms" +msgid "Show contact list in rooms" +msgstr "Show contact list in rooms" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:66 -msgid "Whether Empathy can publish the user's location to their contacts." -msgstr "Whether Empathy can publish the user's location to their contacts." +msgid "Whether to show the contact list in chat rooms." +msgstr "Whether to show the contact list in chat rooms." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:67 -msgid "Whether Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location." -msgstr "Whether Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location." +msgid "Chat window theme" +msgstr "Chat window theme" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:68 -msgid "Whether Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location." -msgstr "" -"Whether Empathy can use the mobile phone network to guess the location." +msgid "The theme that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." +msgstr "The theme that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:69 -msgid "Whether Empathy can use the network to guess the location." -msgstr "Whether Empathy can use the network to guess the location." +msgid "Chat window theme variant" +msgstr "Chat window theme variant" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:70 -msgid "Whether Empathy has migrated butterfly logs." -msgstr "Whether Empathy has migrated butterfly logs." +msgid "" +"The theme variant that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." +msgstr "" +"The theme variant that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:71 -msgid "Whether Empathy should automatically log into your accounts on startup." -msgstr "" -"Whether Empathy should automatically log into your accounts on startup." +msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use" +msgstr "Path of the Adium theme to use" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:72 -msgid "" -"Whether Empathy should go into away mode automatically if the user is idle." -msgstr "" -"Whether Empathy should go into away mode automatically if the user is idle." +msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use if the theme used for chat is Adium." +msgstr "Path of the Adium theme to use if the theme used for chat is Adium." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:73 -msgid "" -"Whether Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy for privacy reasons." -msgstr "" -"Whether Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy for privacy reasons." +msgid "Enable WebKit Developer Tools" +msgstr "Enable WebKit Developer Tools" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:74 msgid "" -"Whether Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon." -msgstr "" -"Whether Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon." - -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:75 -msgid "" "Whether WebKit developer tools, such as the Web Inspector, should be enabled." msgstr "" "Whether WebKit developer tools, such as the Web Inspector, should be enabled." +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:75 +msgid "Inform other users when you are typing to them" +msgstr "Inform other users when you are typing to them" + #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:76 msgid "" -"Whether connectivity managers should be used to automatically disconnect/" -"reconnect." +"Whether to send the 'composing' or 'paused' chat states. Does not currently " +"affect the 'gone' state." msgstr "" -"Whether connectivity managers should be used to automatically disconnect/" -"reconnect." +"Whether to send the 'composing' or 'paused' chat states. Does not currently " +"affect the 'gone' state." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:77 -msgid "" -"Whether to check words typed against the languages you want to check with." -msgstr "" -"Whether to check words typed against the languages you want to check with." +msgid "Use theme for chat rooms" +msgstr "Use theme for chat rooms" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:78 -msgid "Whether to convert smileys into graphical images in conversations." -msgstr "Whether to convert smileys into graphical images in conversations." +msgid "Whether to use the theme for chat rooms." +msgstr "Whether to use the theme for chat rooms." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:79 -msgid "Whether to enable Pulseaudio's echo cancellation filter." -msgstr "Whether to enable Pulseaudio's echo cancellation filter." +msgid "Spell checking languages" +msgstr "Spell checking languages" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:80 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging into the network." +msgid "" +"Comma-separated list of spell checker languages to use (e.g. \"en, fr, nl\")." msgstr "" -"Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging into the network." +"Comma-separated list of spell checker languages to use (e.g. \"en, fr, nl\")." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:81 -msgid "" -"Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging out of the network." -msgstr "" -"Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging out of the network." +msgid "Enable spell checker" +msgstr "Enable spell checker" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:82 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of events." -msgstr "Whether to play a sound to notify of events." +msgid "" +"Whether to check words typed against the languages you want to check with." +msgstr "" +"Whether to check words typed against the languages you want to check with." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:83 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of incoming messages." -msgstr "Whether to play a sound to notify of incoming messages." +msgid "Nick completed character" +msgstr "Nick completed character" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:84 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of new conversations." -msgstr "Whether to play a sound to notify of new conversations." +msgid "" +"Character to add after nickname when using nick completion (tab) in group " +"chat." +msgstr "" +"Character to add after nickname when using nick completion (tab) in group " +"chat." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:85 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of outgoing messages." -msgstr "Whether to play a sound to notify of outgoing messages." +msgid "Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon" +msgstr "Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:86 -msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging into a network." -msgstr "Whether to play a sound when logging into a network." +msgid "" +"Whether Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon." +msgstr "" +"Whether Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:87 -msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging out of a network." -msgstr "Whether to play a sound when logging out of a network." +msgid "Last account selected in Join Room dialog" +msgstr "Last account selected in Join Room dialogue" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:88 -msgid "Whether to play sound notifications when away or busy." -msgstr "Whether to play sound notifications when away or busy." +msgid "D-Bus object path of the last account selected to join a room." +msgstr "D-Bus object path of the last account selected to join a room." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:89 -msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes offline." -msgstr "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes offline." +msgid "Camera device" +msgstr "Camera device" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:90 -msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes online." -msgstr "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes online." +msgid "Default camera device to use in video calls, e.g. /dev/video0." +msgstr "Default camera device to use in video calls, e.g. /dev/video0." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:91 -msgid "" -"Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message even if " -"the chat is already opened, but not focused." -msgstr "" -"Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message even if " -"the chat is already opened, but not focused." +msgid "Camera position" +msgstr "Camera position" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:92 -msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message." -msgstr "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message." +msgid "Position the camera preview should be during a call." +msgstr "Position the camera preview should be during a call." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:93 -msgid "Whether to show account balances in the contact list." -msgstr "Whether to show account balances in the contact list." +msgid "Echo cancellation support" +msgstr "Echo cancellation support" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:94 -msgid "" -"Whether to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat windows." -msgstr "" -"Whether to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat windows." +msgid "Whether to enable Pulseaudio's echo cancellation filter." +msgstr "Whether to enable Pulseaudio's echo cancellation filter." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:95 -msgid "Whether to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." -msgstr "Whether to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." +msgid "Show hint about closing the main window" +msgstr "Show hint about closing the main window" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:96 -msgid "Whether to show popup notifications when away or busy." -msgstr "Whether to show popup notifications when away or busy." +msgid "" +"Whether to show the message dialog about closing the main window with the " +"'x' button in the title bar." +msgstr "" +"Whether to show the message dialogue about closing the main window with the " +"'x' button in the title bar." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:97 -msgid "Whether to show protocols for contacts in the contact list." -msgstr "Whether to show protocols for contacts in the contact list." +msgid "Empathy can publish the user's location" +msgstr "Empathy can publish the user's location" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:98 -msgid "Whether to show the contact list in chat rooms." -msgstr "Whether to show the contact list in chat rooms." +msgid "Whether Empathy can publish the user's location to their contacts." +msgstr "Whether Empathy can publish the user's location to their contacts." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:99 -msgid "Whether to show the contact list in compact mode." -msgstr "Whether to show the contact list in compact mode." +msgid "Empathy can use the network to guess the location" +msgstr "Empathy can use the network to guess the location" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:100 -msgid "" -"Whether to show the message dialog about closing the main window with the " -"'x' button in the title bar." -msgstr "" -"Whether to show the message dialogue about closing the main window with the " -"'x' button in the title bar." +msgid "Whether Empathy can use the network to guess the location." +msgstr "Whether Empathy can use the network to guess the location." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:101 -msgid "Whether to use the theme for chat rooms." -msgstr "Whether to use the theme for chat rooms." +msgid "Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location" +msgstr "Empathy can use the mobile phone network to guess the location" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:102 +msgid "Whether Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location." +msgstr "" +"Whether Empathy can use the mobile phone network to guess the location." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:103 +msgid "Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location" +msgstr "Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:104 +msgid "Whether Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location." +msgstr "Whether Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:105 +msgid "Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy" +msgstr "Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:106 msgid "" -"Which criterion to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to sort by " -"the contact's name with the value \"name\". A value of \"state\" will sort " -"the contact list by state." +"Whether Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy for privacy reasons." msgstr "" -"Which criterion to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to sort by " -"the contact's name with the value \"name\". A value of \"state\" will sort " -"the contact list by state." +"Whether Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy for privacy reasons." -#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:1 -msgid "Manage Messaging and VoIP accounts" -msgstr "Manage Messaging and VoIP accounts" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:738 +msgid "No reason was specified" +msgstr "No reason was specified" -#. Tweak the dialog -#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:2 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2324 -msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts" -msgstr "Messaging and VoIP Accounts" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:741 +msgid "The change in state was requested" +msgstr "The change in state was requested" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:744 +msgid "You canceled the file transfer" +msgstr "You cancelled the file transfer" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:747 +msgid "The other participant canceled the file transfer" +msgstr "The other participant cancelled the file transfer" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:750 +msgid "Error while trying to transfer the file" +msgstr "Error while trying to transfer the file" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:825 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:753 +msgid "The other participant is unable to transfer the file" +msgstr "The other participant is unable to transfer the file" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:756 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:313 +msgid "Unknown reason" +msgstr "Unknown reason" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:919 msgid "File transfer completed, but the file was corrupted" msgstr "File transfer completed, but the file was corrupted" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1111 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1205 msgid "File transfer not supported by remote contact" msgstr "File transfer not supported by remote contact" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1167 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1261 msgid "The selected file is not a regular file" msgstr "The selected file is not a regular file" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1176 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1270 msgid "The selected file is empty" msgstr "The selected file is empty" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-message.c:415 ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:131 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-message.c:415 ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:129 #, c-format msgid "Missed call from %s" msgstr "Missed call from %s" @@ -532,170 +584,139 @@ msgid "Call from %s" msgstr "Call from %s" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:268 -msgid "Socket type not supported" -msgstr "Socket type not supported" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:387 -msgid "No reason was specified" -msgstr "No reason was specified" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:390 -msgid "The change in state was requested" -msgstr "The change in state was requested" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:393 -msgid "You canceled the file transfer" -msgstr "You cancelled the file transfer" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:396 -msgid "The other participant canceled the file transfer" -msgstr "The other participant cancelled the file transfer" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:399 -msgid "Error while trying to transfer the file" -msgstr "Error while trying to transfer the file" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:402 -msgid "The other participant is unable to transfer the file" -msgstr "The other participant is unable to transfer the file" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:405 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:312 -msgid "Unknown reason" -msgstr "Unknown reason" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:232 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:233 msgid "Available" msgstr "Available" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:234 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:235 msgid "Busy" msgstr "Busy" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:237 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:238 msgid "Away" msgstr "Away" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:239 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:240 msgid "Invisible" msgstr "Invisible" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:241 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:242 msgid "Offline" msgstr "Offline" #. translators: presence type is unknown -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:244 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:245 msgctxt "presence" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Unknown" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:284 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:285 msgid "No reason specified" msgstr "No reason specified" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:286 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:342 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:287 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:343 msgid "Status is set to offline" msgstr "Status is set to offline" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:288 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:322 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:49 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:289 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:323 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:47 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:81 msgid "Network error" msgstr "Network error" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:290 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:324 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:291 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:325 msgid "Authentication failed" msgstr "Authentication failed" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:292 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:326 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:293 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:327 msgid "Encryption error" msgstr "Encryption error" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:294 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:295 msgid "Name in use" msgstr "Name in use" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:296 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:328 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:297 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:329 msgid "Certificate not provided" msgstr "Certificate not provided" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:298 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:330 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:299 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:331 msgid "Certificate untrusted" msgstr "Certificate untrusted" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:300 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:332 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:301 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:333 msgid "Certificate expired" msgstr "Certificate expired" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:302 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:334 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:303 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:335 msgid "Certificate not activated" msgstr "Certificate not activated" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:304 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:336 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:305 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:337 msgid "Certificate hostname mismatch" msgstr "Certificate hostname mismatch" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:306 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:338 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:307 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:339 msgid "Certificate fingerprint mismatch" msgstr "Certificate fingerprint mismatch" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:308 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:340 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:309 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:341 msgid "Certificate self-signed" msgstr "Certificate self-signed" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:310 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:311 msgid "Certificate error" msgstr "Certificate error" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:344 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:345 msgid "Encryption is not available" msgstr "Encryption is not available" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:346 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:347 msgid "Certificate is invalid" msgstr "Certificate is invalid" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:348 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:349 msgid "Connection has been refused" msgstr "Connection has been refused" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:350 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:351 msgid "Connection can't be established" msgstr "Connection can't be established" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:352 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:353 msgid "Connection has been lost" msgstr "Connection has been lost" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:354 -msgid "This resource is already connected to the server" -msgstr "This resource is already connected to the server" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:355 +msgid "This account is already connected to the server" +msgstr "This account is already connected to the server" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:356 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:357 msgid "" "Connection has been replaced by a new connection using the same resource" msgstr "" "Connection has been replaced by a new connection using the same resource" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:359 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:360 msgid "The account already exists on the server" msgstr "The account already exists on the server" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:361 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:362 msgid "Server is currently too busy to handle the connection" msgstr "Server is currently too busy to handle the connection" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:363 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:364 msgid "Certificate has been revoked" msgstr "Certificate has been revoked" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:365 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:366 msgid "" "Certificate uses an insecure cipher algorithm or is cryptographically weak" msgstr "" "Certificate uses an insecure cypher algorithm or is cryptographically weak" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:368 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:369 msgid "" "The length of the server certificate, or the depth of the server certificate " "chain, exceed the limits imposed by the cryptography library" @@ -703,283 +724,276 @@ "The length of the server certificate, or the depth of the server certificate " "chain, exceed the limits imposed by the cryptography library" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:529 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-store.h:73 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:373 +msgid "Your software is too old" +msgstr "Your software is too old" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:375 +msgid "Internal error" +msgstr "Internal error" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:534 msgid "People Nearby" msgstr "People Nearby" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:534 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:539 msgid "Yahoo! Japan" msgstr "Yahoo! Japan" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:563 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:568 msgid "Google Talk" msgstr "Google Talk" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:564 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:569 msgid "Facebook Chat" msgstr "Facebook Chat" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:88 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:90 #, c-format msgid "%d second ago" msgid_plural "%d seconds ago" msgstr[0] "%d second ago" msgstr[1] "%d seconds ago" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:93 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:96 #, c-format msgid "%d minute ago" msgid_plural "%d minutes ago" msgstr[0] "%d minute ago" msgstr[1] "%d minutes ago" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:98 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:102 #, c-format msgid "%d hour ago" msgid_plural "%d hours ago" msgstr[0] "%d hour ago" msgstr[1] "%d hours ago" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:103 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:108 #, c-format msgid "%d day ago" msgid_plural "%d days ago" msgstr[0] "%d day ago" msgstr[1] "%d days ago" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:108 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:114 #, c-format msgid "%d week ago" msgid_plural "%d weeks ago" msgstr[0] "%d week ago" msgstr[1] "%d weeks ago" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:113 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:120 #, c-format msgid "%d month ago" msgid_plural "%d months ago" msgstr[0] "%d month ago" msgstr[1] "%d months ago" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:136 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:142 msgid "in the future" msgstr "in the future" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-chooser.c:540 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:75 +msgid "Password not found" +msgstr "Password not found" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:218 +#, c-format +msgid "IM account password for %s (%s)" +msgstr "IM account password for %s (%s)" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:253 +#, c-format +msgid "Password for chatroom '%s' on account %s (%s)" +msgstr "Password for chatroom '%s' on account %s (%s)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-chooser.c:692 msgid "All accounts" msgstr "All accounts" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:694 -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:321 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:682 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:336 msgid "Account" msgstr "Account" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:695 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:683 msgid "Password" msgstr "Password" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:696 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:507 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:684 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:511 msgid "Server" msgstr "Server" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:697 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:522 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:685 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:529 msgid "Port" msgstr "Port" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:769 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:826 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:765 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:817 #, c-format msgid "%s:" msgstr "%s:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1192 -msgid "My Web Accounts" -msgstr "My Web Accounts" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1209 -#, c-format -msgid "The account %s is edited via %s." -msgstr "The account %s is edited via %s." - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1215 -#, c-format -msgid "The account %s cannot be edited in Empathy." -msgstr "The account %s cannot be edited in Empathy." - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1234 -msgid "Launch My Web Accounts" -msgstr "Launch My Web Accounts" - -#. general handler -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1242 -#, c-format -msgid "Edit %s" -msgstr "Edit %s" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1592 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1398 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:14 msgid "Username:" msgstr "Username:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1910 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1710 msgid "A_pply" msgstr "A_pply" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1940 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1739 msgid "L_og in" msgstr "L_og in" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2014 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1812 msgid "This account already exists on the server" msgstr "This account already exists on the server" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2017 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1816 msgid "Create a new account on the server" msgstr "Create a new account on the server" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2209 -msgid "Ca_ncel" -msgstr "Ca_ncel" - #. To translators: The first parameter is the login id and the #. * second one is the network. The resulting string will be something #. * like: "MyUserName on freenode". #. * You should reverse the order of these arguments if the #. * server should come before the login id in your locale. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2487 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2241 #, c-format msgid "%1$s on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s on %2$s" #. To translators: The parameter is the protocol name. The resulting #. * string will be something like: "Jabber Account" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2513 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2267 #, c-format msgid "%s Account" msgstr "%s Account" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2517 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2271 msgid "New account" msgstr "New account" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:1 -msgid "Example: MyScreenName" -msgstr "Example: MyScreenName" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:14 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:1 +msgid "Pass_word:" +msgstr "Pass_word:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-generic.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:2 -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "Advanced" +msgid "Screen _Name:" +msgstr "Screen _Name:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:3 +msgid "Example: MyScreenName" +msgstr "Example: MyScreenName" + +#. remember password ticky box +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:4 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:4 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:5 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:12 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:4 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:13 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:5 -msgid "Pass_word:" -msgstr "Pass_word:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-base-password-dialog.c:261 +msgid "Remember password" +msgstr "Remember password" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:5 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:5 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:10 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:20 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:5 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:16 -msgid "Remember Password" -msgstr "Remember Password" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Port:" +msgstr "_Port:" -#. remember password ticky box -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:6 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:6 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:7 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:11 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:17 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-password-dialog.c:311 -msgid "Remember password" -msgstr "Remember password" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:6 -msgid "Screen _Name:" -msgstr "Screen _Name:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:21 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Server:" +msgstr "_Server:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:7 -msgid "What is your AIM password?" -msgstr "What is your AIM password?" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-generic.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:15 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:23 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:21 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:9 +msgid "Advanced" +msgstr "Advanced" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your AIM screen name?" msgstr "What is your AIM screen name?" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:10 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:26 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:10 -msgid "_Port:" -msgstr "_Port:" +msgid "What is your AIM password?" +msgstr "What is your AIM password?" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:10 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:10 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:11 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:27 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:7 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:10 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:9 -msgid "_Server:" -msgstr "_Server:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:1 -msgid "Example: username" -msgstr "Example: username" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:24 +msgid "Remember Password" +msgstr "Remember Password" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:2 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:13 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:2 msgid "Login I_D:" msgstr "Login I_D:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:3 +msgid "Example: username" +msgstr "Example: username" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your GroupWise User ID?" msgstr "What is your GroupWise User ID?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your GroupWise password?" msgstr "What is your GroupWise password?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:2 +msgid "ICQ _UIN:" +msgstr "ICQ _UIN:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:3 msgid "Example: 123456789" msgstr "Example: 123456789" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:7 msgid "Ch_aracter set:" msgstr "Ch_aracter set:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:4 -msgid "ICQ _UIN:" -msgstr "ICQ _UIN:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your ICQ UIN?" msgstr "What is your ICQ UIN?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:9 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:10 msgid "What is your ICQ password?" msgstr "What is your ICQ password?" @@ -1016,11 +1030,44 @@ msgid "None" msgstr "None" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:1 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Network" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:2 +msgid "Network:" +msgstr "Network:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:3 msgid "Character set:" msgstr "Character set:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:1 +msgid "Add…" +msgstr "Add…" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:3 +msgid "Remove" +msgstr "Remove" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:6 +msgid "Up" +msgstr "Up" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:7 +msgid "Down" +msgstr "Down" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:8 +msgid "Servers" +msgstr "Servers" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:9 msgid "" "Most IRC servers don't need a password, so if you're not sure, don't enter a " "password." @@ -1028,72 +1075,36 @@ "Most IRC servers don't need a password, so if you're not sure, don't enter a " "password." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:4 -msgid "Network" -msgstr "Network" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 -msgid "Network:" -msgstr "Network:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:6 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 msgid "Nickname:" msgstr "Nickname:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 msgid "Password:" msgstr "Password:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:12 msgid "Quit message:" msgstr "Quit message:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:9 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 msgid "Real name:" msgstr "Real name:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 -msgid "Servers" -msgstr "Servers" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:16 +msgid "Which IRC network?" +msgstr "Which IRC network?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:12 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:17 msgid "What is your IRC nickname?" msgstr "What is your IRC nickname?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 -msgid "Which IRC network?" -msgstr "Which IRC network?" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:1 -msgid "Example: user@gmail.com" -msgstr "Example: user@gmail.com" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:2 -msgid "Example: user@jabber.org" -msgstr "Example: user@jabber.org" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:4 -msgid "Encr_yption required (TLS/SSL)" -msgstr "Encr_yption required (TLS/SSL)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:5 -msgid "I_gnore SSL certificate errors" -msgstr "I_gnore SSL certificate errors" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:7 -msgid "Override server settings" -msgstr "Override server settings" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:9 -msgid "Priori_ty:" -msgstr "Priori_ty:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:12 -msgid "Reso_urce:" -msgstr "Reso_urce:" +msgid "What is your Facebook username?" +msgstr "What is your Facebook username?" #. This string is not wrapped in the dialog so you may have to add some '\n' to make it look nice. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:14 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:3 msgid "" "This is your username, not your normal Facebook login.\n" "If you are facebook.com/badger, enter badger.\n" @@ -1105,179 +1116,203 @@ "Use this page to choose a " "Facebook username if you don't have one." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:17 -msgid "Use old SS_L" -msgstr "Use old SS_L" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:18 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:6 msgid "What is your Facebook password?" msgstr "What is your Facebook password?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:19 -msgid "What is your Facebook username?" -msgstr "What is your Facebook username?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:20 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your Google ID?" msgstr "What is your Google ID?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:21 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:9 +msgid "Example: user@gmail.com" +msgstr "Example: user@gmail.com" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:10 msgid "What is your Google password?" msgstr "What is your Google password?" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:11 +msgid "Example: user@jabber.org" +msgstr "Example: user@jabber.org" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:15 +msgid "I_gnore SSL certificate errors" +msgstr "I_gnore SSL certificate errors" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:16 +msgid "Priori_ty:" +msgstr "Priori_ty:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:17 +msgid "Reso_urce:" +msgstr "Reso_urce:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:18 +msgid "Encr_yption required (TLS/SSL)" +msgstr "Encr_yption required (TLS/SSL)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:19 +msgid "Use old SS_L" +msgstr "Use old SS_L" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:22 +msgid "Override server settings" +msgstr "Override server settings" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:24 msgid "What is your Jabber ID?" msgstr "What is your Jabber ID?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:23 -msgid "What is your Jabber password?" -msgstr "What is your Jabber password?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:24 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:25 msgid "What is your desired Jabber ID?" msgstr "What is your desired Jabber ID?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:25 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:26 +msgid "What is your Jabber password?" +msgstr "What is your Jabber password?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:27 msgid "What is your desired Jabber password?" msgstr "What is your desired Jabber password?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:3 msgid "Example: user@hotmail.com" msgstr "Example: user@hotmail.com" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your Windows Live ID?" msgstr "What is your Windows Live ID?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your Windows Live password?" msgstr "What is your Windows Live password?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:2 -msgid "E-_mail address:" -msgstr "E-_mail address:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:1 msgid "Nic_kname:" msgstr "Nic_kname:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Last Name:" +msgstr "_Last Name:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:3 msgid "_First Name:" msgstr "_First Name:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Published Name:" +msgstr "_Published Name:" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:5 msgid "_Jabber ID:" msgstr "_Jabber ID:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:6 -msgid "_Last Name:" -msgstr "_Last Name:" +msgid "E-_mail address:" +msgstr "E-_mail address:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:7 -msgid "_Published Name:" -msgstr "_Published Name:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Username:" +msgstr "_Username:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:3 msgid "Example: user@my.sip.server" msgstr "Example: user@my.sip.server" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:3 -msgid "Authentication username:" -msgstr "Authentication username:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:4 -msgid "Discover Binding" -msgstr "Discover Binding" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:5 -msgid "Discover the STUN server automatically" -msgstr "Discover the STUN server automatically" +msgid "Use this account to call _landlines and mobile phones" +msgstr "Use this account to call _landlines and mobile phones" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:6 -msgid "Ignore TLS Errors" -msgstr "Ignore TLS Errors" +msgid "NAT Traversal Options" +msgstr "NAT Traversal Options" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:7 -msgid "Interval (seconds)" -msgstr "Interval (seconds)" +msgid "Proxy Options" +msgstr "Proxy Options" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:8 -msgid "Keep-Alive Options" -msgstr "Keep-Alive Options" +msgid "Miscellaneous Options" +msgstr "Miscellaneous Options" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:9 -msgid "Loose Routing" -msgstr "Loose Routeing" +msgid "STUN Server:" +msgstr "STUN Server:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:10 -msgid "Mechanism:" -msgstr "Mechanism:" +msgid "Discover the STUN server automatically" +msgstr "Discover the STUN server automatically" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:11 -msgid "Miscellaneous Options" -msgstr "Miscellaneous Options" +msgid "Discover Binding" +msgstr "Discover Binding" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:12 -msgid "NAT Traversal Options" -msgstr "NAT Traversal Options" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:114 +msgid "Server:" +msgstr "Server:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:13 +msgid "Keep-Alive Options" +msgstr "Keep-Alive Options" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:14 -msgid "Port:" -msgstr "Port:" +msgid "Mechanism:" +msgstr "Mechanism:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:15 -msgid "Proxy Options" -msgstr "Proxy Options" +msgid "Interval (seconds)" +msgstr "Interval (seconds)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:16 +msgid "Authentication username:" +msgstr "Authentication username:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:17 +msgid "Transport:" +msgstr "Transport:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:18 -msgid "STUN Server:" -msgstr "STUN Server:" +msgid "Loose Routing" +msgstr "Loose Routeing" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:19 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:347 -msgid "Server:" -msgstr "Server:" +msgid "Ignore TLS Errors" +msgstr "Ignore TLS Errors" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:20 -msgid "Transport:" -msgstr "Transport:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:21 -msgid "Use this account to call _landlines and mobile phones" -msgstr "Use this account to call _landlines and mobile phones" +msgid "Port:" +msgstr "Port:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:22 -msgid "What is your SIP account password?" -msgstr "What is your SIP account password?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:23 msgid "What is your SIP login ID?" msgstr "What is your SIP login ID?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:24 -msgid "_Username:" -msgstr "_Username:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:23 +msgid "What is your SIP account password?" +msgstr "What is your SIP account password?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:2 +msgid "Yahoo! I_D:" +msgstr "Yahoo! I_D:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:5 msgid "I_gnore conference and chat room invitations" msgstr "I_gnore conference and chat room invitations" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Room List locale:" +msgstr "_Room List locale:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:10 msgid "What is your Yahoo! ID?" msgstr "What is your Yahoo! ID?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:11 msgid "What is your Yahoo! password?" msgstr "What is your Yahoo! password?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:9 -msgid "Yahoo! I_D:" -msgstr "Yahoo! I_D:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:11 -msgid "_Room List locale:" -msgstr "_Room List locale:" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:471 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:556 msgid "Couldn't convert image" @@ -1315,61 +1350,65 @@ msgid "Click to enlarge" msgstr "Click to enlarge" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:44 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:42 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:60 msgid "There was an error starting the call" msgstr "There was an error starting the call" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:51 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:49 msgid "The specified contact doesn't support calls" msgstr "The specified contact doesn't support calls" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:53 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:51 msgid "The specified contact is offline" msgstr "The specified contact is offline" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:55 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:53 msgid "The specified contact is not valid" msgstr "The specified contact is not valid" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:57 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:55 msgid "Emergency calls are not supported on this protocol" msgstr "Emergency calls are not supported on this protocol" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:704 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:57 +msgid "You don't have enough credit in order to place this call" +msgstr "You don't have enough credit in order to place this call" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:729 msgid "Failed to open private chat" msgstr "Failed to open private chat" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:762 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:787 msgid "Topic not supported on this conversation" msgstr "Topic not supported on this conversation" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:768 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:793 msgid "You are not allowed to change the topic" msgstr "You are not allowed to change the topic" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:969 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:992 #, c-format msgid "“%s” is not a valid contact ID" msgstr "“%s” is not a valid contact ID" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1054 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1087 msgid "/clear: clear all messages from the current conversation" msgstr "/clear: clear all messages from the current conversation" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1057 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1090 msgid "/topic : set the topic of the current conversation" msgstr "/topic : set the topic of the current conversation" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1060 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1093 msgid "/join : join a new chat room" msgstr "/join : join a new chat room" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1063 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1096 msgid "/j : join a new chat room" msgstr "/j : join a new chat room" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1067 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1100 msgid "" "/part [] []: leave the chat room, by default the " "current one" @@ -1377,23 +1416,23 @@ "/part [] []: leave the chat room, by default the " "current one" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1071 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1104 msgid "/query []: open a private chat" msgstr "/query []: open a private chat" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1074 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1107 msgid "/msg : open a private chat" msgstr "/msg : open a private chat" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1077 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1110 msgid "/nick : change your nickname on the current server" msgstr "/nick : change your nickname on the current server" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1080 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1113 msgid "/me : send an ACTION message to the current conversation" msgstr "/me : send an ACTION message to the current conversation" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1083 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1116 msgid "" "/say : send to the current conversation. This is used to " "send a message starting with a '/'. For example: \"/say /join is used to " @@ -1403,11 +1442,11 @@ "send a message starting with a '/'. For example: \"/say /join is used to " "join a new chat room\"" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1088 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1121 msgid "/whois : display information about a contact" msgstr "/whois : display information about a contact" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1091 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1124 msgid "" "/help []: show all supported commands. If is defined, " "show its usage." @@ -1415,113 +1454,126 @@ "/help []: show all supported commands. If is defined, " "show its usage." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1108 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1143 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s" msgstr "Usage: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1153 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1188 msgid "Unknown command" msgstr "Unknown command" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1279 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1314 msgid "Unknown command; see /help for the available commands" msgstr "Unknown command; see /help for the available commands" -#. translators: error used when user doesn't have enough credit on his -#. * account to send the message. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1449 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1565 msgid "insufficient balance to send message" msgstr "insufficient balance to send message" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1451 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1569 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1583 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1646 +#, c-format +msgid "Error sending message '%s': %s" +msgstr "Error sending message '%s': %s" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1571 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1588 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1650 +#, c-format +msgid "Error sending message: %s" +msgstr "Error sending message: %s" + +#. translators: error used when user doesn't have enough credit on his +#. * account to send the message. +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1577 +#, c-format +msgid "insufficient balance to send message. Top up." +msgstr "insufficient balance to send message. Top up." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1617 msgid "not capable" msgstr "not capable" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1458 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1624 msgid "offline" msgstr "offline" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1461 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1627 msgid "invalid contact" msgstr "invalid contact" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1464 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1630 msgid "permission denied" msgstr "permission denied" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1467 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1633 msgid "too long message" msgstr "too long message" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1470 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1636 msgid "not implemented" msgstr "not implemented" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1474 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1640 msgid "unknown" msgstr "unknown" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1480 -#, c-format -msgid "Error sending message '%s': %s" -msgstr "Error sending message '%s': %s" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1484 -#, c-format -msgid "Error sending message: %s" -msgstr "Error sending message: %s" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1541 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:761 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1707 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:920 msgid "Topic:" msgstr "Topic:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1553 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1722 #, c-format msgid "Topic set to: %s" msgstr "Topic set to: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1555 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1724 +#, c-format +msgid "Topic set by %s to: %s" +msgstr "Topic set by %s to: %s" + +#. No need to display this 'event' is no topic can be defined anyway +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1729 msgid "No topic defined" msgstr "No topic defined" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2068 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2245 msgid "(No Suggestions)" msgstr "(No Suggestions)" #. translators: %s is the selected word -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2136 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2313 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to Dictionary" msgstr "Add '%s' to Dictionary" #. translators: first %s is the selected word, #. * second %s is the language name of the target dictionary -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2173 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2350 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to %s Dictionary" msgstr "Add '%s' to %s Dictionary" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2243 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2420 msgid "Insert Smiley" msgstr "Insert Smiley" #. send button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2261 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1839 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2438 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1880 msgid "_Send" msgstr "_Send" #. Spelling suggestions -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2315 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2495 msgid "_Spelling Suggestions" msgstr "_Spelling Suggestions" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2404 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2584 msgid "Failed to retrieve recent logs" msgstr "Failed to retrieve recent logs" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2541 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2723 #, c-format msgid "%s has disconnected" msgstr "%s has disconnected" @@ -1529,12 +1581,12 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the kicked should come before the kicker in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2548 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2730 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was kicked by %2$s" msgstr "%1$s was kicked by %2$s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2551 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2733 #, c-format msgid "%s was kicked" msgstr "%s was kicked" @@ -1542,17 +1594,17 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the banned should come before the banner in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2559 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2741 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was banned by %2$s" msgstr "%1$s was banned by %2$s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2562 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2744 #, c-format msgid "%s was banned" msgstr "%s was banned" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2566 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2748 #, c-format msgid "%s has left the room" msgstr "%s has left the room" @@ -1562,17 +1614,17 @@ #. * given by the user living the room. If this poses a problem, #. * please let us know. :-) #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2575 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2757 #, c-format msgid " (%s)" msgstr " (%s)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2600 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2782 #, c-format msgid "%s has joined the room" msgstr "%s has joined the room" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2625 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2807 #, c-format msgid "%s is now known as %s" msgstr "%s is now known as %s" @@ -1580,90 +1632,90 @@ #. We don't know if the incoming call has been accepted or not, so we #. * assume it hasn't and if it has, we'll set the proper status when #. * we get the new handler. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2778 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1894 -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1240 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1432 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1482 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2527 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2994 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1888 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1279 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1502 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1552 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2590 msgid "Disconnected" msgstr "Disconnected" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3424 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3658 msgid "Would you like to store this password?" msgstr "Would you like to store this password?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3430 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3664 msgid "Remember" msgstr "Remember" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3440 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3674 msgid "Not now" msgstr "Not now" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3484 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3718 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-bad-password-dialog.c:142 msgid "Retry" msgstr "Retry" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3488 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3722 msgid "Wrong password; please try again:" msgstr "Wrong password; please try again:" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3618 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3852 msgid "This room is protected by a password:" msgstr "This room is protected by a password:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3645 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3879 msgid "Join" msgstr "Join" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3833 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1261 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4071 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1300 msgid "Connected" msgstr "Connected" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3888 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4126 msgid "Conversation" msgstr "Conversation" #. Translators: this string is a something like #. * "Escher Cat (SMS)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3893 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4131 #, c-format msgid "%s (SMS)" msgstr "%s (SMS)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:424 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:262 msgid "Unknown or invalid identifier" msgstr "Unknown or invalid identifier" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:426 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:264 msgid "Contact blocking temporarily unavailable" msgstr "Contact blocking temporarily unavailable" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:428 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:266 msgid "Contact blocking unavailable" msgstr "Contact blocking unavailable" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:430 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:268 msgid "Permission Denied" msgstr "Permission Denied" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:434 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:272 msgid "Could not block contact" msgstr "Could not block contact" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:774 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:610 msgid "Edit Blocked Contacts" msgstr "Edit Blocked Contacts" #. Account and Identifier #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:512 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1489 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-selector-dialog.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:506 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1474 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:7 msgid "Account:" msgstr "Account:" @@ -1671,465 +1723,363 @@ msgid "Blocked Contacts" msgstr "Blocked Contacts" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:5 -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Remove" -msgstr "Remove" - #. Copy Link Address menu item -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:320 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:322 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-webkit-utils.c:277 msgid "_Copy Link Address" msgstr "_Copy Link Address" #. Open Link menu item -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:327 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:329 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-webkit-utils.c:284 msgid "_Open Link" msgstr "_Open Link" #. Translators: timestamp displayed between conversations in #. * chat windows (strftime format string) -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:415 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:417 msgid "%A %B %d %Y" msgstr "%A %d %B %Y" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:299 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-edit-dialog.c:247 -msgid "Edit Contact Information" -msgstr "Edit Contact Information" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:350 -msgid "Personal Information" -msgstr "Personal Information" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:459 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:119 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:326 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:118 msgid "New Contact" msgstr "New Contact" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:533 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:200 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:395 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:197 #, c-format msgid "Block %s?" msgstr "Block %s?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:538 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:255 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:400 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:252 #, c-format msgid "Are you sure you want to block '%s' from contacting you again?" msgstr "Are you sure you want to block '%s' from contacting you again?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:543 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:277 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:405 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:274 msgid "_Block" msgstr "_Block" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:559 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:286 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:423 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:283 msgid "_Report this contact as abusive" msgid_plural "_Report these contacts as abusive" msgstr[0] "_Report this contact as abusive" msgstr[1] "_Report these contacts as abusive" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:1 -msgid "Decide _Later" -msgstr "Decide _Later" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:2 msgid "Subscription Request" msgstr "Subscription Request" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:2 msgid "_Block User" msgstr "_Block User" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-store.h:71 -msgid "Ungrouped" -msgstr "Ungrouped" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-store.h:72 -msgid "Favorite People" -msgstr "Favourite People" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:1986 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2376 -#, c-format -msgid "Do you really want to remove the group '%s'?" -msgstr "Do you really want to remove the group '%s'?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:1988 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2379 -msgid "Removing group" -msgstr "Removing group" - -#. Remove -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2037 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2114 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2434 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2637 -msgid "_Remove" -msgstr "_Remove" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2067 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2501 -#, c-format -msgid "Do you really want to remove the contact '%s'?" -msgstr "Do you really want to remove the contact '%s'?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2069 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2522 -msgid "Removing contact" -msgstr "Removing contact" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:220 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:14 -msgid "_Add Contact…" -msgstr "_Add Contact…" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:300 -msgid "_Block Contact" -msgstr "_Block Contact" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:329 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:758 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:16 -msgid "_Chat" -msgstr "_Chat" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:361 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:849 -msgctxt "menu item" -msgid "_Audio Call" -msgstr "_Audio Call" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:394 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:894 -msgctxt "menu item" -msgid "_Video Call" -msgstr "_Video Call" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:440 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:947 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:27 -msgid "_Previous Conversations" -msgstr "_Previous Conversations" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:462 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:988 -msgid "Send File" -msgstr "Send File" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:485 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1030 -msgid "Share My Desktop" -msgstr "Share My Desktop" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:525 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1887 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1065 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1372 -msgid "Favorite" -msgstr "Favourite" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:554 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1093 -msgid "Infor_mation" -msgstr "Infor_mation" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:600 -msgctxt "Edit contact (contextual menu)" -msgid "_Edit" -msgstr "_Edit" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:654 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1284 -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:1011 -msgid "Inviting you to this room" -msgstr "Inviting you to this room" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:685 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1330 -msgid "_Invite to Chat Room" -msgstr "_Invite to Chat Room" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:3 +msgid "Decide _Later" +msgstr "Decide _Later" #. Title -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:505 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:499 msgid "Search contacts" msgstr "Search contacts" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:535 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:529 msgid "Search: " msgstr "Search: " -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:593 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:587 msgid "_Add Contact" msgstr "_Add Contact" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:611 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:605 msgid "No contacts found" msgstr "No contacts found" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:627 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:621 msgid "Your message introducing yourself:" msgstr "Your message introducing yourself:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:635 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:629 msgid "Please let me see when you're online. Thanks!" msgstr "Please let me see when you're online. Thanks!" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-selector.c:129 -msgid "Select a contact" -msgstr "Select a contact" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:336 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:153 -msgid "Full name:" -msgstr "Full name:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:337 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:154 -msgid "Phone number:" -msgstr "Phone number:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:338 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:155 -msgid "E-mail address:" -msgstr "E-mail address:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:339 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:156 -msgid "Website:" -msgstr "Website:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:340 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:157 -msgid "Birthday:" -msgstr "Birthday:" - -#. Note to translators: this is the caption for a string of the form "5 -#. * minutes ago", and refers to the time since the contact last interacted -#. * with their IM client. -#. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:346 -msgid "Last seen:" -msgstr "Last seen:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:348 -msgid "Connected from:" -msgstr "Connected from:" - -#. FIXME: once Idle implements SimplePresence using this information, we can -#. * and should bin this. -#. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:353 -msgid "Away message:" -msgstr "Away message:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:606 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:567 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:304 msgid "Channels:" msgstr "Channels:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:897 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:469 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:747 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:455 msgid "Country ISO Code:" msgstr "Country ISO Code:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:899 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:471 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:749 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:457 msgid "Country:" msgstr "Country:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:901 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:473 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:751 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:459 msgid "State:" msgstr "County:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:903 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:475 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:753 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:461 msgid "City:" msgstr "City:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:905 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:477 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:755 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:463 msgid "Area:" msgstr "Area:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:907 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:479 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:757 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:465 msgid "Postal Code:" msgstr "Postal Code:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:909 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:481 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:759 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:467 msgid "Street:" msgstr "Street:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:911 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:483 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:761 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:469 msgid "Building:" msgstr "Building:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:913 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:485 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:763 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:471 msgid "Floor:" msgstr "Floor:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:915 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:487 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:765 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:473 msgid "Room:" msgstr "Room:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:917 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:489 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:767 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:475 msgid "Text:" msgstr "Text:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:919 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:491 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:769 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:477 msgid "Description:" msgstr "Description:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:921 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:493 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:771 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:479 msgid "URI:" msgstr "URI:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:923 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:495 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:773 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:481 msgid "Accuracy Level:" msgstr "Accuracy Level:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:925 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:497 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:775 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:483 msgid "Error:" msgstr "Error:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:927 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:499 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:777 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:485 msgid "Vertical Error (meters):" msgstr "Vertical Error (metres):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:929 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:501 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:779 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:487 msgid "Horizontal Error (meters):" msgstr "Horizontal Error (metres):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:931 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:503 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:781 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:489 msgid "Speed:" msgstr "Speed:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:933 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:505 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:783 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:491 msgid "Bearing:" msgstr "Bearing:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:935 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:507 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:785 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:493 msgid "Climb Speed:" msgstr "Climb Speed:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:937 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:509 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:787 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:495 msgid "Last Updated on:" msgstr "Last Updated on:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:939 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:511 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:789 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:497 msgid "Longitude:" msgstr "Longitude:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:941 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:513 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:791 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:499 msgid "Latitude:" msgstr "Latitude:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:943 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:515 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:793 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:501 msgid "Altitude:" msgstr "Altitude:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:996 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1011 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:607 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:622 -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:17 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:846 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:861 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:593 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:608 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:35 msgid "Location" msgstr "Location" #. translators: format is "Location, $date" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1013 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:624 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:863 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:610 #, c-format msgid "%s, %s" msgstr "%s, %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1065 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:673 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:915 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:659 msgid "%B %e, %Y at %R UTC" msgstr "%e %B, %Y at %R UTC" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1147 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:915 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:997 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:900 msgid "Save Avatar" msgstr "Save Avatar" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1203 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:973 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1053 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:958 msgid "Unable to save avatar" msgstr "Unable to save avatar" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:1 -msgid "Location at (date)\t" -msgstr "Location at (date)\t" - -#. Alias -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1308 -msgid "Alias:" -msgstr "Alias:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:4 -msgid "Client Information" -msgstr "Client Information" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:5 -msgid "Client:" -msgstr "Client:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1444 +msgid "Personal Details" +msgstr "Personal Details" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1447 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:2 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:3 msgid "Contact Details" msgstr "Contact Details" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:104 +msgid "Full name" +msgstr "Full name" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:105 +msgid "Phone number" +msgstr "Phone number" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:106 +msgid "E-mail address" +msgstr "E-mail address" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:107 +msgid "Website" +msgstr "Website" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:108 +msgid "Birthday" +msgstr "Birthday" + +#. Note to translators: this is the caption for a string of the form "5 +#. * minutes ago", and refers to the time since the contact last interacted +#. * with their IM client. +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:113 +msgid "Last seen:" +msgstr "Last seen:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:115 +msgid "Connected from:" +msgstr "Connected from:" + +#. FIXME: once Idle implements SimplePresence using this information, we can +#. * and should bin this. +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:119 +msgid "Away message:" +msgstr "Away message:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:132 +msgid "work" +msgstr "work" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:133 +msgid "home" +msgstr "home" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:134 +msgid "mobile" +msgstr "mobile" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:135 +msgid "voice" +msgstr "voice" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:136 +msgid "preferred" +msgstr "preferred" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:137 +msgid "postal" +msgstr "postal" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:138 +msgid "parcel" +msgstr "parcel" + #. Identifier to connect to Instant Messaging network #. Translators: Identifier to connect to Instant Messaging network -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:8 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1517 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1502 msgid "Identifier:" msgstr "Identifier:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:3 +#. Alias +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1293 +msgid "Alias:" +msgstr "Alias:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:5 +msgid "Location at (date)\t" +msgstr "Location at (date)\t" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:4 msgid "Information requested…" msgstr "Information requested…" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:10 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:8 +msgid "Client Information" +msgstr "Client Information" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:9 msgid "OS:" msgstr "OS:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:10 msgid "Version:" msgstr "Version:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:333 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:11 +msgid "Client:" +msgstr "Client:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:331 msgid "Groups" msgstr "Groups" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:345 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:343 msgid "" "Select the groups you want this contact to appear in. Note that you can " "select more than one group or no groups." @@ -2137,105 +2087,175 @@ "Select the groups you want this contact to appear in. Note that you can " "select more than one group or no groups." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:364 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:362 msgid "_Add Group" msgstr "_Add Group" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:399 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:397 msgctxt "verb in a column header displaying group names" msgid "Select" msgstr "Select" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:409 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1807 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:407 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1970 msgid "Group" msgstr "Group" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:260 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:257 msgid "The following identity will be blocked:" msgid_plural "The following identities will be blocked:" msgstr[0] "The following identity will be blocked:" msgstr[1] "The following identities will be blocked:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:267 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:264 msgid "The following identity can not be blocked:" msgid_plural "The following identities can not be blocked:" msgstr[0] "The following identity can not be blocked:" msgstr[1] "The following identities can not be blocked:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-edit-dialog.c:247 +msgid "Edit Contact Information" +msgstr "Edit Contact Information" + #. Translators: the heading at the top of the Information dialogue #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-information-dialog.c:288 msgid "Linked Contacts" msgstr "Linked Contacts" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-linker.c:370 -msgid "Select contacts to link" -msgstr "Select contacts to link" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-linker.c:444 -msgid "New contact preview" -msgstr "New contact preview" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-linker.c:488 -msgid "Contacts selected in the list on the left will be linked together." -msgstr "Contacts selected in the list on the left will be linked together." - #. Translators: this is used in the context menu for a contact. The first #. * parameter is a contact ID (e.g. foo@jabber.org) and the second is one #. * of the user's account IDs (e.g. me@hotmail.com). -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:145 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:173 #, c-format msgid "%s (%s)" msgstr "%s (%s)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:309 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:345 msgid "Select account to use to place the call" msgstr "Select account to use to place the call" #. translators: Call is a noun. This string is used in the window #. * title -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:313 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:2 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1299 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:349 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1290 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:18 msgid "Call" msgstr "Call" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:378 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:414 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Mobile" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:380 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:416 msgid "Work" msgstr "Work" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:382 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:418 msgid "HOME" msgstr "HOME" -#. add an SMS button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:804 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:215 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:659 +msgid "_Block Contact" +msgstr "_Block Contact" + +#. add chat button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1018 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:319 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Chat" +msgstr "_Chat" + +#. add SMS button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1053 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:313 msgid "_SMS" msgstr "_SMS" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1142 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1086 +msgctxt "menu item" +msgid "_Audio Call" +msgstr "_Audio Call" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1119 +msgctxt "menu item" +msgid "_Video Call" +msgstr "_Video Call" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1160 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Previous Conversations" +msgstr "_Previous Conversations" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1189 +msgid "Send File" +msgstr "Send File" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1219 +msgid "Share My Desktop" +msgstr "Share My Desktop" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1245 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1357 +msgid "Favorite" +msgstr "Favourite" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1264 +msgid "gnome-contacts not installed" +msgstr "gnome-contacts not installed" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1267 +msgid "Please install gnome-contacts to access contacts details." +msgstr "Please install gnome-contacts to access contacts details." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1398 +msgid "Infor_mation" +msgstr "Infor_mation" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1447 msgctxt "Edit individual (contextual menu)" msgid "_Edit" msgstr "_Edit" -#. Translators: this is a verb meaning "to connect two contacts together -#. * to form a meta-contact". -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1168 -msgctxt "Link individual (contextual menu)" -msgid "_Link Contacts…" -msgstr "_Link Contacts…" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1564 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:1192 +msgid "Inviting you to this room" +msgstr "Inviting you to this room" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1610 +msgid "_Invite to Chat Room" +msgstr "_Invite to Chat Room" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1806 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:5 +msgid "_Add Contact…" +msgstr "_Add Contact…" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2341 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2304 msgid "Delete and _Block" msgstr "Delete and _Block" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2510 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2339 +#, c-format +msgid "Do you really want to remove the group '%s'?" +msgstr "Do you really want to remove the group '%s'?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2342 +msgid "Removing group" +msgstr "Removing group" + +#. Remove +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2397 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2601 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_Remove" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2474 +#, c-format +msgid "Do you really want to remove the contact '%s'?" +msgstr "Do you really want to remove the contact '%s'?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2483 #, c-format msgid "" "Do you really want to remove the linked contact '%s'? Note that this will " @@ -2244,7 +2264,11 @@ "Do you really want to remove the linked contact '%s'? Note that this will " "remove all the contacts which make up this linked contact." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1656 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2495 +msgid "Removing contact" +msgstr "Removing contact" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1641 #, c-format msgid "Linked contact containing %u contact" msgid_plural "Linked contacts containing %u contacts" @@ -2255,23 +2279,23 @@ msgid "Location at (date)" msgstr "Location at (date)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:2 msgid "Online from a phone or mobile device" msgstr "Online from a phone or mobile device" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:332 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:335 msgid "New Network" msgstr "New Network" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:527 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:530 msgid "Choose an IRC network" msgstr "Choose an IRC network" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:584 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:587 msgid "Reset _Networks List" msgstr "Reset _Networks List" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:588 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:591 msgctxt "verb displayed on a button to select an IRC network" msgid "Select" msgstr "Select" @@ -2280,253 +2304,255 @@ msgid "new server" msgstr "new server" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:535 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:539 msgid "SSL" msgstr "SSL" -#. Translators: this is the title of the linking dialogue (reached by -#. * right-clicking on a contact and selecting "Link…"). "Link" in this title -#. * is a verb. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:115 -msgid "Link Contacts" -msgstr "Link Contacts" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:120 -msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" -msgid "_Unlink…" -msgstr "_Unlink…" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:121 -msgid "" -"Completely split the displayed linked contacts into the separate contacts." -msgstr "" -"Completely split the displayed linked contacts into the separate contacts." - -#. Add button -#. Translators: this is an action button in the linking dialogue. "Link" is -#. * used here as a verb meaning "to connect two contacts to form a -#. * meta-contact". -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:136 -msgid "_Link" -msgstr "_Link" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:183 -#, c-format -msgid "Unlink linked contacts '%s'?" -msgstr "Unlink linked contacts '%s'?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:186 -msgid "" -"Are you sure you want to unlink these linked contacts? This will completely " -"split the linked contacts into separate contacts." -msgstr "" -"Are you sure you want to unlink these linked contacts? This will completely " -"split the linked contacts into separate contacts." - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:190 -msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" -msgid "_Unlink" -msgstr "_Unlink" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:634 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:620 msgid "History" msgstr "History" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:689 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:675 msgid "Show" msgstr "Show" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:711 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:697 msgid "Search" msgstr "Search" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1159 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1148 #, c-format msgid "Chat in %s" msgstr "Chat in %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1161 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1150 #, c-format msgid "Chat with %s" msgstr "Chat with %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1211 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1358 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1200 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1347 msgctxt "A date with the time" msgid "%A, %e %B %Y %X" msgstr "%A, %e %B %Y %X" #. Translators: this is an emote: '* Danielle waves' -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1300 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1289 #, c-format msgid "* %s %s" msgstr "* %s %s" #. Translators: this is a message: 'Danielle: hello' #. * The string in bold is the sender's name -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1306 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1295 #, c-format msgid "%s: %s" msgstr "%s: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1382 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1371 #, c-format msgid "%s second" msgid_plural "%s seconds" msgstr[0] "%s second" msgstr[1] "%s seconds" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1389 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1378 #, c-format msgid "%s minute" msgid_plural "%s minutes" msgstr[0] "%s minute" msgstr[1] "%s minutes" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1397 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1386 #, c-format msgid "Call took %s, ended at %s" msgstr "Call took %s, ended at %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1729 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1720 msgid "Today" msgstr "Today" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1733 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1724 msgid "Yesterday" msgstr "Yesterday" #. Translators: A date such as '23 May 2010' (strftime format) -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1748 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1739 msgid "%e %B %Y" msgstr "%e %B %Y" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1829 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3444 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1827 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3487 msgid "Anytime" msgstr "Anytime" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1916 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2372 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2400 msgid "Anyone" msgstr "Anyone" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2685 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2713 msgid "Who" msgstr "Who" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2889 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2922 msgid "When" msgstr "When" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3005 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3038 msgid "Anything" msgstr "Anything" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3007 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3040 msgid "Text chats" msgstr "Text chats" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3009 -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3042 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:25 msgid "Calls" msgstr "Calls" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3014 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3047 msgid "Incoming calls" msgstr "Incoming calls" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3015 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3048 msgid "Outgoing calls" msgstr "Outgoing calls" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3016 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3049 msgid "Missed calls" msgstr "Missed calls" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3038 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3071 msgid "What" msgstr "What" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3747 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3780 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete all logs of previous conversations?" msgstr "Are you sure you want to delete all logs of previous conversations?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3751 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3784 msgid "Clear All" msgstr "Clear All" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3758 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3791 msgid "Delete from:" msgstr "Delete from:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:1 -msgid "Loading..." -msgstr "Loading…" +msgid "_File" +msgstr "_File" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:3 -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Chat" -msgstr "Chat" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:2 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:9 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:12 +msgid "_Edit" +msgstr "_Edit" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:3 msgid "Delete All History..." msgstr "Delete All History…" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:4 msgid "Profile" msgstr "Profile" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:6 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:22 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:20 -msgid "Video" -msgstr "Video" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:5 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:19 +msgid "Chat" +msgstr "Chat" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:7 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:28 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:12 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:20 -msgid "_Edit" -msgstr "_Edit" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:26 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:19 +msgid "Video" +msgstr "Video" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:8 -msgid "_File" -msgstr "_File" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:9 msgid "page 2" msgstr "page 2" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-selector-dialog.ui.h:2 -msgid "Contact ID:" -msgstr "Contact ID:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:9 +msgid "Loading..." +msgstr "Loading…" -#. add chat button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:225 -msgid "C_hat" -msgstr "C_hat" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:83 +msgid "The contact is offline" +msgstr "The contact is offline" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:85 +msgid "The specified contact is either invalid or unknown" +msgstr "The specified contact is either invalid or unknown" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:87 +msgid "The contact does not support this kind of conversation" +msgstr "The contact does not support this kind of conversation" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:89 +msgid "The requested functionality is not implemented for this protocol" +msgstr "The requested functionality is not implemented for this protocol" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:95 +msgid "Could not start a conversation with the given contact" +msgstr "Could not start a conversation with the given contact" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:97 +msgid "You are banned from this channel" +msgstr "You are banned from this channel" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:99 +msgid "This channel is full" +msgstr "This channel is full" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:101 +msgid "You must be invited to join this channel" +msgstr "You must be invited to join this channel" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:103 +msgid "Can't proceed while disconnected" +msgstr "Can't proceed while disconnected" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:105 +msgid "Permission denied" +msgstr "Permission denied" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:111 +msgid "There was an error starting the conversation" +msgstr "There was an error starting the conversation" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:290 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:200 +msgid "Enter a contact identifier or phone number:" +msgstr "Enter a contact identifier or phone number:" #. Tweak the dialog -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:244 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:333 msgid "New Conversation" msgstr "New Conversation" -#. add video toggle -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:204 -msgid "Send _Video" -msgstr "Send _Video" +#. add video button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:223 +msgid "_Video Call" +msgstr "_Video Call" -#. add chat button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:215 -msgid "C_all" -msgstr "C_all" +#. add audio button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:233 +msgid "_Audio Call" +msgstr "_Audio Call" #. Tweak the dialog -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:225 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:243 msgid "New Call" msgstr "New Call" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-password-dialog.c:274 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-bad-password-dialog.c:130 +#, c-format +msgid "Authentification failed for account %s" +msgstr "Authentication failed for account %s" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-base-password-dialog.c:224 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-password-dialog.c:134 #, c-format msgid "" "Enter your password for account\n" @@ -2563,12 +2589,8 @@ msgid "Set status" msgstr "Set status" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:943 -msgid "Set your presence and current status" -msgstr "Set your presence and current status" - #. Custom messages -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:1131 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:1135 msgid "Custom messages…" msgstr "Custom messages…" @@ -2576,7 +2598,7 @@ #. To translator: %s is the name of the protocol, such as "Google Talk" or #. * "Yahoo!" #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-protocol-chooser.c:584 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-protocol-chooser.c:588 #, c-format msgid "New %s account" msgstr "New %s account" @@ -2586,20 +2608,20 @@ msgstr "Find:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:2 -msgid "Mat_ch case" -msgstr "Mat_ch case" +msgid "_Previous" +msgstr "_Previous" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:3 -msgid "Phrase not found" -msgstr "Phrase not found" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:4 msgid "_Next" msgstr "_Next" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:4 +msgid "Mat_ch case" +msgstr "Mat_ch case" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:5 -msgid "_Previous" -msgstr "_Previous" +msgid "Phrase not found" +msgstr "Phrase not found" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-sound-manager.c:51 msgid "Received an instant message" @@ -2645,12 +2667,12 @@ msgid "Edit Custom Messages" msgstr "Edit Custom Messages" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1036 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1051 #, c-format msgid "Message edited at %s" msgstr "Message edited at %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1726 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1757 msgid "Normal" msgstr "Normal" @@ -2728,34 +2750,38 @@ msgstr "Certificate hostname: %s" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:281 -msgid "Continue" -msgstr "Continue" +msgid "C_ontinue" +msgstr "C_ontinue" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:287 +msgid "Untrusted connection" +msgstr "Untrusted connection" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:288 msgid "This connection is untrusted. Would you like to continue anyway?" msgstr "This connection is untrusted. Would you like to continue anyway?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:297 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:298 msgid "Remember this choice for future connections" msgstr "Remember this choice for future connections" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:303 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:304 msgid "Certificate Details" msgstr "Certificate Details" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1735 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1754 msgid "Unable to open URI" msgstr "Unable to open URI" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1831 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1872 msgid "Select a file" msgstr "Select a file" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1903 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1947 msgid "Insufficient free space to save file" msgstr "Insufficient free space to save file" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1911 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1955 #, c-format msgid "" "%s of free space are required to save this file, but only %s is available. " @@ -2764,7 +2790,7 @@ "%s of free space are required to save this file, but only %s is available. " "Please choose another location." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1955 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1999 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file from %s" msgstr "Incoming file from %s" @@ -2936,39 +2962,39 @@ msgid "Vietnamese" msgstr "Vietnamese" -#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:108 -msgid "The selected contact cannot receive files." -msgstr "The selected contact cannot receive files." - -#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:114 -msgid "The selected contact is offline." -msgstr "The selected contact is offline." +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-calendar-button.c:66 +msgid "Select..." +msgstr "Select…" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-calendar-button.c:154 +msgid "_Select" +msgstr "_Select" -#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:169 +#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:202 msgid "No error message" msgstr "No error message" -#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:242 +#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:275 msgid "Instant Message (Empathy)" msgstr "Instant Message (Empathy)" -#: ../src/empathy.c:431 +#: ../src/empathy.c:435 msgid "Don't connect on startup" msgstr "Don't connect on startup" -#: ../src/empathy.c:435 +#: ../src/empathy.c:439 msgid "Don't display the contact list or any other dialogs on startup" msgstr "Don't display the contact list or any other dialogues on startup" -#: ../src/empathy.c:450 +#: ../src/empathy.c:454 msgid "- Empathy IM Client" msgstr "- Empathy IM Client" -#: ../src/empathy.c:637 +#: ../src/empathy.c:641 msgid "Error contacting the Account Manager" msgstr "Error contacting the Account Manager" -#: ../src/empathy.c:639 +#: ../src/empathy.c:643 #, c-format msgid "" "There was an error while trying to connect to the Telepathy Account Manager. " @@ -3015,233 +3041,94 @@ "Empathy; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin " "Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-130159 USA" -#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:107 -msgid "An Instant Messaging client for GNOME" -msgstr "An Instant Messaging client for GNOME" - -#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:113 -msgid "translator-credits" -msgstr "" -"David Lodge \n" -"Philip Withnall \n" -"Bruce Cowan " - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:167 -msgid "There was an error while importing the accounts." -msgstr "There was an error while importing the accounts." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:170 -msgid "There was an error while parsing the account details." -msgstr "There was an error while parsing the account details." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:173 -msgid "There was an error while creating the account." -msgstr "There was an error while creating the account." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:175 -msgid "There was an error." -msgstr "There was an error." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:179 -#, c-format -msgid "The error message was: %s" -msgstr "The error message was: %s" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:183 -msgid "" -"You can either go back and try to enter your accounts' details again or quit " -"this assistant and add accounts later from the Edit menu." -msgstr "" -"You can either go back and try to enter your accounts' details again or quit " -"this assistant and add accounts later from the Edit menu." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:220 -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1271 -msgid "An error occurred" -msgstr "An error occurred" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:467 -msgid "What kind of chat account do you have?" -msgstr "What kind of chat account do you have?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:473 -msgid "Do you have any other chat accounts you want to set up?" -msgstr "Do you have any other chat accounts you want to set up?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:479 -msgid "Enter your account details" -msgstr "Enter your account details" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:484 -msgid "What kind of chat account do you want to create?" -msgstr "What kind of chat account do you want to create?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:490 -msgid "Do you want to create other chat accounts?" -msgstr "Do you want to create other chat accounts?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:497 -msgid "Enter the details for the new account" -msgstr "Enter the details for the new account" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:612 -msgid "" -"With Empathy you can chat with people online nearby and with friends and " -"colleagues who use Google Talk, AIM, Windows Live and many other chat " -"programs. With a microphone or a webcam you can also have audio or video " -"calls." -msgstr "" -"With Empathy you can chat with people online nearby and with friends and " -"colleagues who use Google Talk, AIM, Windows Live and many other chat " -"programs. With a microphone or a webcam you can also have audio or video " -"calls." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:629 -msgid "Do you have an account you've been using with another chat program?" -msgstr "Do you have an account you've been using with another chat program?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:652 -msgid "Yes, import my account details from " -msgstr "Yes, import my account details from " - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:673 -msgid "Yes, I'll enter my account details now" -msgstr "Yes, I'll enter my account details now" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:695 -msgid "No, I want a new account" -msgstr "No, I want a new account" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:705 -msgid "No, I just want to see people online nearby for now" -msgstr "No, I just want to see people online nearby for now" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:726 -msgid "Select the accounts you want to import:" -msgstr "Select the accounts you want to import:" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:813 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:555 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:556 -msgid "Yes" -msgstr "Yes" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:820 -msgid "No, that's all for now" -msgstr "No, that's all for now" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1085 -msgid "" -"Empathy can automatically discover and chat with the people connected on the " -"same network as you. If you want to use this feature, please check that the " -"details below are correct. You can easily change these details later or " -"disable this feature by using the 'Accounts' dialog" -msgstr "" -"Empathy can automatically discover and chat with the people connected on the " -"same network as you. If you want to use this feature, please check that the " -"details below are correct. You can easily change these details later or " -"disable this feature by using the 'Accounts' dialogue" +#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:109 +msgid "An Instant Messaging client for GNOME" +msgstr "An Instant Messaging client for GNOME" -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1091 -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1147 -msgid "Edit->Accounts" -msgstr "Edit->Accounts" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1107 -msgid "I do _not want to enable this feature for now" -msgstr "I do _not want to enable this feature for now" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1143 -msgid "" -"You won't be able to chat with people connected to your local network, as " -"telepathy-salut is not installed. If you want to enable this feature, please " -"install the telepathy-salut package and create a People Nearby account from " -"the Accounts dialog" -msgstr "" -"You won't be able to chat with people connected to your local network, as " -"telepathy-salut is not installed. If you want to enable this feature, please " -"install the telepathy-salut package and create a People Nearby account from " -"the Accounts dialogue" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1149 -msgid "telepathy-salut not installed" -msgstr "telepathy-salut not installed" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1195 -msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts Assistant" -msgstr "Messaging and VoIP Accounts Assistant" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1229 -msgid "Welcome to Empathy" -msgstr "Welcome to Empathy" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1238 -msgid "Import your existing accounts" -msgstr "Import your existing accounts" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1256 -msgid "Please enter personal details" -msgstr "Please enter personal details" +#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:115 +msgid "translator-credits" +msgstr "" +"David Lodge \n" +"Philip Withnall \n" +"Bruce Cowan " #. The primary text of the dialog shown to the user when he is about to lose #. * unsaved changes -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:64 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:72 #, c-format msgid "There are unsaved modifications to your %s account." msgstr "There are unsaved modifications to your %s account." #. The primary text of the dialog shown to the user when he is about to lose #. * an unsaved new account -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:68 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:76 msgid "Your new account has not been saved yet." msgstr "Your new account has not been saved yet." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:345 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:754 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1216 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:381 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:759 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1289 msgid "Connecting…" msgstr "Connecting…" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:386 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:422 #, c-format msgid "Offline — %s" msgstr "Offline — %s" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:398 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:434 #, c-format msgid "Disconnected — %s" msgstr "Disconnected — %s" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:409 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:445 msgid "Offline — No Network Connection" msgstr "Offline — No Network Connection" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:416 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:452 msgid "Unknown Status" msgstr "Unknown Status" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:428 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:469 +msgid "" +"This account has been disabled because it relies on an old, unsupported " +"backend. Please install telepathy-haze and restart your session to migrate " +"the account." +msgstr "" +"This account has been disabled because it relies on an old, unsupported " +"backend. Please install telepathy-haze and restart your session to migrate " +"the account." + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:479 msgid "Offline — Account Disabled" msgstr "Offline — Account Disabled" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:831 -msgid "" -"You are about to create a new account, which will discard\n" -"your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" -msgstr "" -"You are about to create a new account, which will discard\n" -"your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:585 +msgid "Edit Connection Parameters" +msgstr "Edit Connection Parameters" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:750 +msgid "Failed to retrieve your personal information from the server." +msgstr "Failed to retrieve your personal information from the server." + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:756 +msgid "Go online to edit your personal information." +msgstr "Go online to edit your personal information." + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:843 +msgid "_Edit Connection Parameters..." +msgstr "_Edit Connection Parameters…" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1192 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1339 #, c-format msgid "Do you want to remove %s from your computer?" msgstr "Do you want to remove %s from your computer?" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1196 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1343 msgid "This will not remove your account on the server." msgstr "This will not remove your account on the server." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1432 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1579 msgid "" "You are about to select another account, which will discard\n" "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" @@ -3250,15 +3137,23 @@ "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" #. Menu items: to enabled/disable the account -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1643 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1755 msgid "_Enable" msgstr "_Enable" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1644 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1756 msgid "_Disable" msgstr "_Disable" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2154 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2184 +msgid "_Skip" +msgstr "_Skip" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2188 +msgid "_Connect" +msgstr "_Connect" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2365 msgid "" "You are about to close the window, which will discard\n" "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" @@ -3266,23 +3161,15 @@ "You are about to close the window, which will discard\n" "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:1 -msgid "Add…" -msgstr "Add…" - -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 -msgid "Loading account information" -msgstr "Loading account information" - #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:3 -msgid "No protocol installed" -msgstr "No protocol installed" +msgid "_Import…" +msgstr "_Import…" #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:4 -msgid "Protocol:" -msgstr "Protocol:" +msgid "Loading account information" +msgstr "Loading account information" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:5 msgid "" "To add a new account, you first have to install a backend for each protocol " "you want to use." @@ -3290,132 +3177,116 @@ "To add a new account, you first have to install a backend for each protocol " "you want to use." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:7 -msgid "_Import…" -msgstr "_Import…" +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:6 +msgid "No protocol backends installed" +msgstr "No protocol backends installed" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:249 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:288 msgid " - Empathy authentication client" msgstr " - Empathy authentication client" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:265 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:304 msgid "Empathy authentication client" msgstr "Empathy authentication client" -#: ../src/empathy-auto-salut-account-helper.c:83 -msgid "People nearby" -msgstr "People nearby" - -#: ../src/empathy-av.c:118 ../src/empathy-call.c:192 +#: ../src/empathy-av.c:118 ../src/empathy-call.c:201 msgid "- Empathy Audio/Video Client" msgstr "- Empathy Audio/Video Client" -#: ../src/empathy-av.c:134 ../src/empathy-call.c:217 +#: ../src/empathy-av.c:134 ../src/empathy-call.c:223 msgid "Empathy Audio/Video Client" msgstr "Empathy Audio/Video Client" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:431 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:434 msgid "Contrast" msgstr "Contrast" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:434 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:437 msgid "Brightness" msgstr "Brightness" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:437 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:440 msgid "Gamma" msgstr "Gamma" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:542 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:547 msgid "Volume" msgstr "Volume" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1110 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1099 msgid "_Sidebar" msgstr "_Sidebar" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1130 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1119 msgid "Audio input" msgstr "Audio input" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1134 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1123 msgid "Video input" msgstr "Video input" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1140 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1131 msgid "Dialpad" msgstr "Dialpad" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1151 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1142 msgid "Details" msgstr "Details" #. translators: Call is a noun and %s is the contact name. This string #. * is used in the window title -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1220 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1825 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1211 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1889 #, c-format msgid "Call with %s" msgstr "Call with %s" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1453 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2069 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1444 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2133 msgid "The IP address as seen by the machine" msgstr "The IP address as seen by the machine" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1455 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2071 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1446 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2135 msgid "The IP address as seen by a server on the Internet" msgstr "The IP address as seen by a server on the Internet" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1457 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2073 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1448 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2137 msgid "The IP address of the peer as seen by the other side" msgstr "The IP address of the peer as seen by the other side" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1459 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2075 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1450 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2139 msgid "The IP address of a relay server" msgstr "The IP address of a relay server" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1461 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2077 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1452 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2141 msgid "The IP address of the multicast group" msgstr "The IP address of the multicast group" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1837 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1840 #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1843 -msgctxt "encoding video codec" -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Unknown" - #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1846 -msgctxt "encoding audio codec" -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Unknown" - -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1849 -msgctxt "decoding video codec" -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Unknown" - -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1852 -msgctxt "decoding audio codec" +msgctxt "codec" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Unknown" #. Translators: number of minutes:seconds the caller has been connected -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2144 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2138 #, c-format msgid "Connected — %d:%02dm" msgstr "Connected — %d:%02dm" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2205 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2846 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2199 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2992 msgid "Technical Details" msgstr "Technical Details" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2243 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2884 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2237 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3031 #, c-format msgid "" "%s's software does not understand any of the audio formats supported by your " @@ -3424,8 +3295,8 @@ "%s's software does not understand any of the audio formats supported by your " "computer" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2248 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2889 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2242 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3036 #, c-format msgid "" "%s's software does not understand any of the video formats supported by your " @@ -3434,8 +3305,8 @@ "%s's software does not understand any of the video formats supported by your " "computer" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2254 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2895 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2248 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3042 #, c-format msgid "" "Can't establish a connection to %s. One of you might be on a network that " @@ -3444,27 +3315,27 @@ "Can't establish a connection to %s. One of you might be on a network that " "does not allow direct connections." -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2260 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2901 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2254 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3048 msgid "There was a failure on the network" msgstr "There was a failure on the network" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2264 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2905 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2258 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3052 msgid "" "The audio formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" msgstr "" "The audio formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2267 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2908 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2261 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3055 msgid "" "The video formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" msgstr "" "The video formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2277 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2920 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2271 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3067 #, c-format msgid "" "Something unexpected happened in a Telepathy component. Please report this bug and attach logs gathered from the 'Debug' window in " "the Help menu." -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2285 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2929 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2279 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3076 msgid "There was a failure in the call engine" msgstr "There was a failure in the call engine" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2288 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2932 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2282 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3079 msgid "The end of the stream was reached" msgstr "The end of the stream was reached" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2328 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2972 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2322 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3119 msgid "Can't establish audio stream" msgstr "Can't establish audio stream" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2338 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2982 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2332 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3129 msgid "Can't establish video stream" msgstr "Can't establish video stream" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:1 ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:1 #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:1 -msgid "Audio" -msgstr "Audio" +msgid "_Call" +msgstr "_Call" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:3 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:5 -msgid "Decoding Codec:" -msgstr "Decoding Codec:" +msgid "_Microphone" +msgstr "_Microphone" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:4 -msgid "Disable camera" -msgstr "Disable camera" +msgid "_Camera" +msgstr "_Camera" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:5 -msgid "Display the dialpad" -msgstr "Display the dialpad" +msgid "_Settings" +msgstr "_Settings" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:6 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:9 -msgid "Encoding Codec:" -msgstr "Encoding Codec:" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:8 +msgid "_View" +msgstr "_View" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:7 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:10 -msgid "Hang up" -msgstr "Hang up" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:7 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:27 +msgid "_Help" +msgstr "_Help" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:8 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:11 -msgid "Hang up current call" -msgstr "Hang up current call" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:8 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:18 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:28 +msgid "_Contents" +msgstr "_Contents" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:9 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:12 -msgid "Local Candidate:" -msgstr "Local Candidate:" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:29 +msgid "_Debug" +msgstr "_Debug" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:10 -msgid "Maximise me" -msgstr "Maximise me" +msgid "Swap camera" +msgstr "Swap camera" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:11 msgid "Minimise me" msgstr "Minimise me" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:12 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:15 -msgid "Remote Candidate:" -msgstr "Remote Candidate:" +msgid "Maximise me" +msgstr "Maximise me" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:13 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:16 -msgid "Send Audio" -msgstr "Send Audio" +msgid "Disable camera" +msgstr "Disable camera" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:14 -msgid "Send Video" -msgstr "Send Video" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:2 +msgid "Hang up" +msgstr "Hang up" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:15 -msgid "Show dialpad" -msgstr "Show dialpad" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:9 +msgid "Hang up current call" +msgstr "Hang up current call" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "Video call" +msgstr "Video call" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:17 msgid "Start a video call" msgstr "Start a video call" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:19 msgid "Start an audio call" msgstr "Start an audio call" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:18 -msgid "Swap camera" -msgstr "Swap camera" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:19 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:17 -msgid "Toggle audio transmission" -msgstr "Toggle audio transmission" - #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:20 -msgid "Toggle video transmission" -msgstr "Toggle video transmission" +msgid "Show dialpad" +msgstr "Show dialpad" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:21 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:18 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2476 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2477 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2478 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2479 -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Unknown" +msgid "Display the dialpad" +msgstr "Display the dialpad" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:22 +msgid "Send Video" +msgstr "Send Video" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:23 -msgid "Video call" -msgstr "Video call" +msgid "Toggle video transmission" +msgstr "Toggle video transmission" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:24 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:24 -msgid "_Call" -msgstr "_Call" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:11 +msgid "Send Audio" +msgstr "Send Audio" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:25 -msgid "_Camera" -msgstr "_Camera" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:26 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:9 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:18 -msgid "_Contents" -msgstr "_Contents" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:12 +msgid "Toggle audio transmission" +msgstr "Toggle audio transmission" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:27 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:19 -msgid "_Debug" -msgstr "_Debug" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:20 +msgid "Encoding Codec:" +msgstr "Encoding Codec:" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:29 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:14 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:22 -msgid "_Help" -msgstr "_Help" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:28 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:21 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2542 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2543 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2544 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2545 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Unknown" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:29 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:22 +msgid "Decoding Codec:" +msgstr "Decoding Codec:" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:30 -msgid "_Microphone" -msgstr "_Microphone" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:23 +msgid "Remote Candidate:" +msgstr "Remote Candidate:" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:31 -msgid "_Settings" -msgstr "_Settings" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:24 +msgid "Local Candidate:" +msgstr "Local Candidate:" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:32 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:30 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:32 ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:24 #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:25 -msgid "_View" -msgstr "_View" +msgid "Audio" +msgstr "Audio" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:289 +msgid "Close this window?" +msgstr "Close this window?" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:294 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Closing this window will leave %s. You will not receive any further messages " +"until you rejoin it." +msgstr "" +"Closing this window will leave %s. You will not receive any further messages " +"until you rejoin it." + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:305 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Closing this window will leave a chat room. You will not receive any further " +"messages until you rejoin it." +msgid_plural "" +"Closing this window will leave %u chat rooms. You will not receive any " +"further messages until you rejoin them." +msgstr[0] "" +"Closing this window will leave a chat room. You will not receive any further " +"messages until you rejoin it." +msgstr[1] "" +"Closing this window will leave %u chat rooms. You will not receive any " +"further messages until you rejoin them." + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:314 +#, c-format +msgid "Leave %s?" +msgstr "Leave %s?" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:315 +msgid "" +"You will not receive any further messages from this chat room until you " +"rejoin it." +msgstr "" +"You will not receive any further messages from this chat room until you " +"rejoin it." + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:334 +msgid "Close window" +msgstr "Close window" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:481 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:501 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:334 +msgid "Leave room" +msgstr "Leave room" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:640 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:660 #, c-format msgid "%s (%d unread)" msgid_plural "%s (%d unread)" msgstr[0] "%s (%d unread)" msgstr[1] "%s (%d unread)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:493 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:652 #, c-format msgid "%s (and %u other)" msgid_plural "%s (and %u others)" msgstr[0] "%s (and %u other)" msgstr[1] "%s (and %u others)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:509 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:668 #, c-format msgid "%s (%d unread from others)" msgid_plural "%s (%d unread from others)" msgstr[0] "%s (%d unread from others)" msgstr[1] "%s (%d unread from others)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:518 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:677 #, c-format msgid "%s (%d unread from all)" msgid_plural "%s (%d unread from all)" msgstr[0] "%s (%d unread from all)" msgstr[1] "%s (%d unread from all)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:733 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:892 msgid "SMS:" msgstr "SMS:" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:743 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:902 #, c-format msgid "Sending %d message" msgid_plural "Sending %d messages" msgstr[0] "Sending %d message" msgstr[1] "Sending %d messages" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:765 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:924 msgid "Typing a message." msgstr "Typing a message." #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:1 -msgid "C_lear" -msgstr "C_lear" +msgid "_Conversation" +msgstr "_Conversation" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:2 -msgid "C_ontact" -msgstr "C_ontact" +msgid "C_lear" +msgstr "C_lear" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:3 msgid "Insert _Smiley" msgstr "Insert _Smiley" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:5 -msgid "Invite _Participant…" -msgstr "Invite _Participant…" - -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:6 -msgid "Move Tab _Left" -msgstr "Move Tab _Left" - -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:7 -msgid "Move Tab _Right" -msgstr "Move Tab _Right" - -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:8 -msgid "Notify for All Messages" -msgstr "Notify for All Messages" - -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:10 -msgid "_Conversation" -msgstr "_Conversation" - -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:11 -msgid "_Detach Tab" -msgstr "_Detach Tab" - -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:13 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:4 msgid "_Favorite Chat Room" msgstr "_Favourite Chat Room" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:15 -msgid "_Next Tab" -msgstr "_Next Tab" - -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:16 -msgid "_Previous Tab" -msgstr "_Previous Tab" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:5 +msgid "Notify for All Messages" +msgstr "Notify for All Messages" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:17 ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:5 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:6 ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:1 msgid "_Show Contact List" msgstr "_Show Contact List" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:18 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:7 +msgid "Invite _Participant…" +msgstr "Invite _Participant…" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:8 +msgid "C_ontact" +msgstr "C_ontact" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:10 msgid "_Tabs" msgstr "_Tabs" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:19 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:11 +msgid "_Previous Tab" +msgstr "_Previous Tab" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:12 +msgid "_Next Tab" +msgstr "_Next Tab" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:13 msgid "_Undo Close Tab" msgstr "_Undo Close Tab" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:14 +msgid "Move Tab _Left" +msgstr "Move Tab _Left" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:15 +msgid "Move Tab _Right" +msgstr "Move Tab _Right" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "_Detach Tab" +msgstr "_Detach Tab" + #: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.c:251 msgid "Name" msgstr "Name" @@ -3744,100 +3664,100 @@ msgid "Auto-Connect" msgstr "Auto-Connect" -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:1 msgid "Manage Favorite Rooms" msgstr "Manage Favourite Rooms" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:521 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 msgid "Incoming video call" msgstr "Incoming video call" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:521 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1449 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1519 msgid "Incoming call" msgstr "Incoming call" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:525 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:526 #, c-format msgid "%s is video calling you. Do you want to answer?" msgstr "%s is video calling you. Do you want to answer?" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:526 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:527 #, c-format msgid "%s is calling you. Do you want to answer?" msgstr "%s is calling you. Do you want to answer?" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:529 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:730 -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:763 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1455 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:530 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "Incoming call from %s" msgstr "Incoming call from %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:554 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:555 msgid "_Reject" msgstr "_Reject" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:562 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:570 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:563 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 msgid "_Answer" msgstr "_Answer" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:570 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 msgid "_Answer with video" msgstr "_Answer with video" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:730 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:763 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1455 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "Incoming video call from %s" msgstr "Incoming video call from %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:836 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:837 msgid "Room invitation" msgstr "Room invitation" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:838 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:839 #, c-format msgid "Invitation to join %s" msgstr "Invitation to join %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:845 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:846 #, c-format msgid "%s is inviting you to join %s" msgstr "%s is inviting you to join %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:853 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:854 msgid "_Decline" msgstr "_Decline" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:858 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:7 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:859 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:2 msgid "_Join" msgstr "_Join" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:885 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:886 #, c-format msgid "%s invited you to join %s" msgstr "%s invited you to join %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:891 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:892 #, c-format msgid "You have been invited to join %s" msgstr "You have been invited to join %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:942 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:943 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file transfer from %s" msgstr "Incoming file transfer from %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1134 ../src/empathy-main-window.c:375 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1146 ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:374 msgid "Password required" msgstr "Password required" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1190 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1216 #, c-format msgid "%s would like permission to see when you are online" msgstr "%s would like permission to see when you are online" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1194 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1222 #, c-format msgid "" "\n" @@ -3847,105 +3767,105 @@ "Message: %s" #. Translators: time left, when it is more than one hour -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:100 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:99 #, c-format msgid "%u:%02u.%02u" msgstr "%u:%02u.%02u" #. Translators: time left, when is is less than one hour -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:103 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:102 #, c-format msgid "%02u.%02u" msgstr "%02u.%02u" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:179 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:178 msgctxt "file transfer percent" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Unknown" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:274 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:273 #, c-format msgid "%s of %s at %s/s" msgstr "%s of %s at %s/s" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:275 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:274 #, c-format msgid "%s of %s" msgstr "%s of %s" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:306 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:305 #, c-format msgid "Receiving \"%s\" from %s" msgstr "Receiving \"%s\" from %s" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:309 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:308 #, c-format msgid "Sending \"%s\" to %s" msgstr "Sending \"%s\" to %s" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s #. * is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:339 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:338 #, c-format msgid "Error receiving \"%s\" from %s" msgstr "Error receiving \"%s\" from %s" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:342 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:341 msgid "Error receiving a file" msgstr "Error receiving a file" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:347 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:346 #, c-format msgid "Error sending \"%s\" to %s" msgstr "Error sending \"%s\" to %s" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:350 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:349 msgid "Error sending a file" msgstr "Error sending a file" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s #. * is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:489 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:488 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" received from %s" msgstr "\"%s\" received from %s" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s #. * is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:494 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:493 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" sent to %s" msgstr "\"%s\" sent to %s" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:497 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:496 msgid "File transfer completed" msgstr "File transfer completed" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:616 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:780 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:615 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:779 msgid "Waiting for the other participant's response" msgstr "Waiting for the other participant's response" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:642 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:680 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:641 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:679 #, c-format msgid "Checking integrity of \"%s\"" msgstr "Checking integrity of \"%s\"" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:645 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:683 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:644 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:682 #, c-format msgid "Hashing \"%s\"" msgstr "Hashing \"%s\"" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1026 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1025 msgid "%" msgstr "%" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1038 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1037 msgid "File" msgstr "File" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1060 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1059 msgid "Remaining" msgstr "Remaining" @@ -3957,7 +3877,11 @@ msgid "Remove completed, canceled and failed file transfers from the list" msgstr "Remove completed, cancelled and failed file transfers from the list" -#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:84 +#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:76 +msgid "_Import" +msgstr "_Import" + +#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:88 msgid "" "No accounts to import could be found. Empathy currently only supports " "importing accounts from Pidgin." @@ -3965,171 +3889,195 @@ "No accounts to import could be found. Empathy currently only supports " "importing accounts from Pidgin." -#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:199 +#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:209 msgid "Import Accounts" msgstr "Import Accounts" #. Translators: this is the header of a treeview column -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:301 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:316 msgid "Import" msgstr "Import" -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:310 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:325 msgid "Protocol" msgstr "Protocol" -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:334 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:349 msgid "Source" msgstr "Source" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:392 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:391 msgid "Provide Password" msgstr "Provide Password" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:398 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:397 msgid "Disconnect" msgstr "Disconnect" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:622 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:657 +msgid "You need to setup an account to see contacts here." +msgstr "You need to setup an account to see contacts here." + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:673 msgid "No match found" msgstr "No match found" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:777 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:783 +#, c-format +msgid "Sorry, %s accounts can’t be used until your %s software is updated." +msgstr "Sorry, %s accounts can’t be used until your %s software is updated." + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:849 +msgid "Update software..." +msgstr "Update software…" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:855 ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:972 +msgid "Close" +msgstr "Close" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:960 msgid "Reconnect" msgstr "Reconnect" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:783 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:966 msgid "Edit Account" msgstr "Edit Account" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:789 -msgid "Close" -msgstr "Close" - #. Translators: this string will be something like: -#. * Top up My Account ($1.23)..." -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:928 +#. * Top up My Account ($1.23)..." +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1110 #, c-format msgid "Top up %s (%s)..." msgstr "Top up %s (%s)…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:975 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1156 msgid "Top up account credit" msgstr "Top up account credit" #. top up button -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1046 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1228 msgid "Top Up..." msgstr "Top Up…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1789 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1952 msgid "Contact" msgstr "Contact" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:2121 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2150 +msgid "You need to enable one of your accounts to see contacts here." +msgstr "You need to enable one of your accounts to see contacts here." + +#. translators: argument is an account name +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2158 +#, c-format +msgid "You need to enable %s to see contacts here." +msgstr "You need to enable %s to see contacts here." + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2460 msgid "Contact List" msgstr "Contact List" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:1 -msgid "Contacts on a _Map" -msgstr "Contacts on a _Map" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.ui.h:1 +msgid "Account settings" +msgstr "Account settings" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:2 -msgid "Credit Balance" -msgstr "Credit Balance" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:2 +msgid "_New Conversation…" +msgstr "_New Conversation…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:3 -msgid "Find in Contact _List" -msgstr "Find in Contact _List" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:3 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:3 +msgid "New _Call…" +msgstr "New _Call…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:4 -msgid "Join _Favorites" -msgstr "Join _Favourites" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Search for Contacts…" +msgstr "_Search for Contacts…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:5 -msgid "Manage Favorites" -msgstr "Manage Favourites" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:7 +msgid "_File Transfers" +msgstr "_File Transfers" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:6 -msgid "N_ormal Size" -msgstr "N_ormal Size" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Offline Contacts" +msgstr "_Offline Contacts" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:7 ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:1 -msgid "New _Call…" -msgstr "New _Call…" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:9 +msgid "Show P_rotocols" +msgstr "Show P_rotocols" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:8 -msgid "Normal Size With _Avatars" -msgstr "Normal Size With _Avatars" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:10 +msgid "Credit Balance" +msgstr "Credit Balance" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:11 +msgid "Contacts on a _Map" +msgstr "Contacts on a _Map" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:13 +msgid "_Accounts" +msgstr "_Accounts" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:14 +msgid "_Blocked Contacts" +msgstr "_Blocked Contacts" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:9 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:15 msgid "P_references" msgstr "P_references" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:10 -msgid "Show P_rotocols" -msgstr "Show P_rotocols" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:16 +msgid "Find in Contact _List" +msgstr "Find in Contact _List" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:11 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:18 msgid "Sort by _Name" msgstr "Sort by _Name" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:12 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:19 msgid "Sort by _Status" msgstr "Sort by _Status" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:13 -msgid "_Accounts" -msgstr "_Accounts" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:20 +msgid "Normal Size With _Avatars" +msgstr "Normal Size With _Avatars" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:15 -msgid "_Blocked Contacts" -msgstr "_Blocked Contacts" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:21 +msgid "N_ormal Size" +msgstr "N_ormal Size" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:22 msgid "_Compact Size" msgstr "_Compact Size" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:21 -msgid "_File Transfers" -msgstr "_File Transfers" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:23 +msgid "_Room" +msgstr "_Room" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:23 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:24 msgid "_Join…" msgstr "_Join…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:24 -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:3 -msgid "_New Conversation…" -msgstr "_New Conversation…" - -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:25 -msgid "_Offline Contacts" -msgstr "_Offline Contacts" - -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:26 -msgid "_Personal Information" -msgstr "_Personal Information" - -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:28 -msgid "_Room" -msgstr "_Room" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:25 +msgid "Join _Favorites" +msgstr "Join _Favourites" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:29 -msgid "_Search for Contacts…" -msgstr "_Search for Contacts…" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:26 +msgid "Manage Favorites" +msgstr "Manage Favourites" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:337 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:369 msgid "Chat Room" msgstr "Chat Room" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:353 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:385 msgid "Members" msgstr "Members" #. Translators: Room/Join's roomlist tooltip. Parameters are a channel name, #. yes/no, yes/no and a number. -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:553 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:637 #, c-format msgid "" "%s\n" @@ -4142,22 +4090,27 @@ "Password required: %s\n" "Members: %s" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:555 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:556 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:639 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:640 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Yes" + +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:639 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:640 msgid "No" msgstr "No" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:584 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:668 msgid "Could not start room listing" msgstr "Could not start room listing" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:594 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:678 msgid "Could not stop room listing" msgstr "Could not stop room listing" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:2 -msgid "Couldn't load room list" -msgstr "Couldn't load room list" +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:1 +msgid "Join Room" +msgstr "Join Room" #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:3 msgid "" @@ -4166,6 +4119,10 @@ "Enter the room name to join here or click on one or more rooms in the list." #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Room:" +msgstr "_Room:" + +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:5 msgid "" "Enter the server which hosts the room, or leave it empty if the room is on " "the current account's server" @@ -4173,378 +4130,395 @@ "Enter the server which hosts the room, or leave it empty if the room is on " "the current account's server" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:5 -msgid "Join Room" -msgstr "Join Room" +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:8 +msgid "Couldn't load room list" +msgstr "Couldn't load room list" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:9 msgid "Room List" msgstr "Room List" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:8 -msgid "_Room:" -msgstr "_Room:" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:169 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:166 msgid "Message received" msgstr "Message received" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:170 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:167 msgid "Message sent" msgstr "Message sent" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:171 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:168 msgid "New conversation" msgstr "New conversation" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:172 -msgid "Contact goes online" -msgstr "Contact goes online" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:169 +msgid "Contact comes online" +msgstr "Contact comes online" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:173 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:170 msgid "Contact goes offline" msgstr "Contact goes offline" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:174 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:171 msgid "Account connected" msgstr "Account connected" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:175 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:172 msgid "Account disconnected" msgstr "Account disconnected" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:484 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:475 msgid "Language" msgstr "Language" #. translators: Contact name for the chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:734 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:726 msgid "Juliet" msgstr "Juliet" #. translators: Contact name for the chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:741 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:733 msgid "Romeo" msgstr "Romeo" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:747 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:739 msgid "O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?" msgstr "O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:750 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:743 msgid "Deny thy father and refuse thy name;" msgstr "Deny thy father and refuse thy name;" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:753 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:746 msgid "Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love" msgstr "Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:756 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:749 msgid "And I'll no longer be a Capulet." msgstr "And I'll no longer be a Capulet." #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:759 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:752 msgid "Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?" msgstr "Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:762 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:755 msgid "Juliet has disconnected" msgstr "Juliet has disconnected" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:1175 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:1159 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Preferences" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:1 +msgid "Show _smileys as images" +msgstr "Show _smileys as images" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:2 +msgid "Show contact _list in rooms" +msgstr "Show contact _list in rooms" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:3 msgid "Appearance" msgstr "Appearance" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:3 -msgid "Behavior" -msgstr "Behaviour" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:4 +msgid "Start chats in:" +msgstr "Start chats in:" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:5 -msgid "Chat Th_eme:" -msgstr "Chat Th_eme:" +msgid "new ta_bs" +msgstr "new ta_bs" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:6 -msgid "Disable notifications when _away or busy" -msgstr "Disable notifications when _away or busy" +msgid "new _windows" +msgstr "new _windows" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:7 -msgid "Disable sounds when _away or busy" -msgstr "Disable sounds when _away or busy" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:8 msgid "Display incoming events in the notification area" msgstr "Display incoming events in the notification area" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Automatically connect on startup" +msgstr "_Automatically connect on startup" + #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:9 -msgid "" -"Echo cancellation helps to make your voice sound clearer to the other " -"person, but may cause problems on some computers. If you or the other person " -"hear strange noises or glitches during calls, try turning echo cancellation " -"off and restarting the call." -msgstr "" -"Echo cancellation helps to make your voice sound clearer to the other " -"person, but may cause problems on some computers. If you or the other person " -"hear strange noises or glitches during calls, try turning echo cancellation " -"off and restarting the call." +msgid "Log conversations" +msgstr "Log conversations" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:10 -msgid "Enable notifications when a contact comes online" -msgstr "Enable notifications when a contact comes online" +msgid "Behavior" +msgstr "Behaviour" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:11 -msgid "Enable notifications when a contact goes offline" -msgstr "Enable notifications when a contact goes offline" +msgid "General" +msgstr "General" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:12 -msgid "Enable notifications when the _chat is not focused" -msgstr "Enable notifications when the _chat is not focused" +msgid "_Enable bubble notifications" +msgstr "_Enable bubble notifications" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:13 -msgid "Enable spell checking for languages:" -msgstr "Enable spell checking for languages:" +msgid "Disable notifications when _away or busy" +msgstr "Disable notifications when _away or busy" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:14 -msgid "General" -msgstr "General" +msgid "Enable notifications when the _chat is not focused" +msgstr "Enable notifications when the _chat is not focused" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:15 -msgid "Input level:" -msgstr "Input level:" +msgid "Enable notifications when a contact comes online" +msgstr "Enable notifications when a contact comes online" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:16 -msgid "Input volume:" -msgstr "Input volume:" +msgid "Enable notifications when a contact goes offline" +msgstr "Enable notifications when a contact goes offline" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:17 +msgid "Notifications" +msgstr "Notifications" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:18 -msgid "Location sources:" -msgstr "Location sources:" +msgid "_Enable sound notifications" +msgstr "_Enable sound notifications" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:19 -msgid "Log conversations" -msgstr "Log conversations" +msgid "Disable sounds when _away or busy" +msgstr "Disable sounds when _away or busy" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:20 -msgid "Notifications" -msgstr "Notifications" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:21 msgid "Play sound for events" msgstr "Play sound for events" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:21 +msgid "Sounds" +msgstr "Sounds" + #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:22 -msgid "Privacy" -msgstr "Privacy" +msgid "Use _echo cancellation to improve call quality" +msgstr "Use _echo cancellation to improve call quality" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:23 msgid "" -"Reduced location accuracy means that nothing more precise than your city, " -"state and country will be published. GPS coordinates will be accurate to 1 " -"decimal place." +"Echo cancellation helps to make your voice sound clearer to the other " +"person, but may cause problems on some computers. If you or the other person " +"hear strange noises or glitches during calls, try turning echo cancellation " +"off and restarting the call." msgstr "" -"Reduced location accuracy means that nothing more precise than your city, " -"county and country will be published. GPS coordinates will be accurate to 1 " -"decimal place." - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:24 -msgid "Show _smileys as images" -msgstr "Show _smileys as images" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:25 -msgid "Show contact _list in rooms" -msgstr "Show contact _list in rooms" +"Echo cancellation helps to make your voice sound clearer to the other " +"person, but may cause problems on some computers. If you or the other person " +"hear strange noises or glitches during calls, try turning echo cancellation " +"off and restarting the call." #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:26 -msgid "Sounds" -msgstr "Sounds" +msgid "_Publish location to my contacts" +msgstr "_Publish location to my contacts" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:27 -msgid "Spell Checking" -msgstr "Spell Checking" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:28 msgid "" -"The list of languages reflects only the languages for which you have a " -"dictionary installed." +"Reduced location accuracy means that nothing more precise than your city, " +"state and country will be published. GPS coordinates will be accurate to 1 " +"decimal place." msgstr "" -"The list of languages reflects only the languages for which you have a " -"dictionary installed." +"Reduced location accuracy means that nothing more precise than your city, " +"county and country will be published. GPS coordinates will be accurate to 1 " +"decimal place." +#. To translators: The longitude and latitude are rounded to closest 0,1 degrees, so for example 146,2345° is rounded to round(146,2345*10)/10 = 146,2 degrees. #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:29 -msgid "Themes" -msgstr "Themes" +msgid "_Reduce location accuracy" +msgstr "_Reduce location accuracy" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:30 -msgid "Use _echo cancellation to improve call quality" -msgstr "Use _echo cancellation to improve call quality" +msgid "Privacy" +msgstr "Privacy" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:31 -msgid "Variant:" -msgstr "Variant:" +msgid "_GPS" +msgstr "_GPS" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:32 -msgid "_Automatically connect on startup" -msgstr "_Automatically connect on startup" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:33 msgid "_Cellphone" msgstr "_Mobile phone" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:34 -msgid "_Enable bubble notifications" -msgstr "_Enable bubble notifications" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:33 +msgid "_Network (IP, Wi-Fi)" +msgstr "_Network (IP, Wi-Fi)" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:35 -msgid "_Enable sound notifications" -msgstr "_Enable sound notifications" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:34 +msgid "Location sources:" +msgstr "Location sources:" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:36 -msgid "_GPS" -msgstr "_GPS" +msgid "" +"The list of languages reflects only the languages for which you have a " +"dictionary installed." +msgstr "" +"The list of languages reflects only the languages for which you have a " +"dictionary installed." #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:37 -msgid "_Network (IP, Wi-Fi)" -msgstr "_Network (IP, Wi-Fi)" +msgid "Enable spell checking for languages:" +msgstr "Enable spell checking for languages:" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:38 -msgid "_Open new chats in separate windows" -msgstr "_Open new chats in separate windows" +msgid "Spell Checking" +msgstr "Spell Checking" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:39 -msgid "_Publish location to my contacts" -msgstr "_Publish location to my contacts" +msgid "Chat Th_eme:" +msgstr "Chat Th_eme:" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:40 +msgid "Variant:" +msgstr "Variant:" -#. To translators: The longitude and latitude are rounded to closest 0,1 degrees, so for example 146,2345° is rounded to round(146,2345*10)/10 = 146,2 degrees. #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:41 -msgid "_Reduce location accuracy" -msgstr "_Reduce location accuracy" +msgid "Themes" +msgstr "Themes" -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:4 msgid "Status" msgstr "Status" -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:5 msgid "_Quit" msgstr "_Quit" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:2 -msgid "Call the contact again" -msgstr "Call the contact again" - #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Camera Off" -msgstr "Camera Off" +msgid "Redial" +msgstr "Redial" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:4 -msgid "Camera On" -msgstr "Camera On" +msgid "V_ideo" +msgstr "V_ideo" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:5 +msgid "Video Off" +msgstr "Video Off" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:6 -msgid "Disable camera and stop sending video" -msgstr "Disable camera and stop sending video" +msgid "Video Preview" +msgstr "Video Preview" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:7 -msgid "Enable camera and send video" -msgstr "Enable camera and send video" +msgid "Video On" +msgstr "Video On" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:8 -msgid "Enable camera but don't send video" -msgstr "Enable camera but don't send video" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:10 +msgid "Call the contact again" +msgstr "Call the contact again" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:13 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Preview" +msgid "Camera Off" +msgstr "Camera Off" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:14 -msgid "Redial" -msgstr "Redial" +msgid "Disable camera and stop sending video" +msgstr "Disable camera and stop sending video" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:19 -msgid "V_ideo" -msgstr "V_ideo" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:15 +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "Preview" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:21 -msgid "Video Off" -msgstr "Video Off" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "Enable camera but don't send video" +msgstr "Enable camera but don't send video" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:22 -msgid "Video On" -msgstr "Video On" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:17 +msgid "Camera On" +msgstr "Camera On" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:23 -msgid "Video Preview" -msgstr "Video Preview" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:18 +msgid "Enable camera and send video" +msgstr "Enable camera and send video" -#: ../src/empathy-map-view.c:448 +#: ../src/empathy-map-view.c:471 msgid "Contact Map View" msgstr "Contact Map View" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1228 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1607 msgid "Save" msgstr "Save" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1435 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1667 +msgid "Pastebin link" +msgstr "Pastebin link" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1676 +msgid "Pastebin response" +msgstr "Pastebin response" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1680 +#, c-format +msgid "%s" +msgstr "%s" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1683 +msgid "Data too large for a single paste. Please save logs to file." +msgstr "Data too large for a single paste. Please save logs to file." + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1912 msgid "Debug Window" msgstr "Debug Window" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1517 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1970 +msgid "Send to pastebin" +msgstr "Send to pastebin" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2009 msgid "Pause" msgstr "Pause" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1529 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2021 msgid "Level " msgstr "Level " -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1549 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2040 msgid "Debug" msgstr "Debug" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1555 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2045 msgid "Info" msgstr "Info" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1561 ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1610 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2050 ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2096 msgid "Message" msgstr "Message" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1567 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2055 msgid "Warning" msgstr "Warning" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1573 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2060 msgid "Critical" msgstr "Critical" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1579 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2065 msgid "Error" msgstr "Error" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1598 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2084 msgid "Time" msgstr "Time" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1601 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2087 msgid "Domain" msgstr "Domain" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1603 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2089 msgid "Category" msgstr "Category" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1605 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2091 msgid "Level" msgstr "Level" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1642 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2114 msgid "" "The selected connection manager does not support the remote debugging " "extension." @@ -4552,131 +4526,425 @@ "The selected connection manager does not support the remote debugging " "extension." -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:179 -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:205 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:202 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:230 msgid "Invite Participant" msgstr "Invite Participant" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:180 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:203 msgid "Choose a contact to invite into the conversation:" msgstr "Choose a contact to invite into the conversation:" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:201 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:226 msgid "Invite" msgstr "Invite" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:183 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:180 msgid "Don't display any dialogs; do any work (eg, importing) and exit" msgstr "Don't display any dialogues; do any work (eg, importing) and exit" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:187 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:184 msgid "" "Don't display any dialogs unless there are only \"People Nearby\" accounts" msgstr "" "Don't display any dialogues unless there are only \"People Nearby\" accounts" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:191 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:188 msgid "Initially select given account (eg, gabble/jabber/foo_40example_2eorg0)" msgstr "" "Initially select given account (eg, gabble/jabber/foo_40example_2eorg0)" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:193 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:190 msgid "" msgstr "" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:198 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:195 msgid "- Empathy Accounts" msgstr "- Empathy Accounts" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:237 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:231 msgid "Empathy Accounts" msgstr "Empathy Accounts" -#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:70 +#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:69 msgid "Show a particular service" msgstr "Show a particular service" -#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:75 +#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:74 msgid "- Empathy Debugger" msgstr "- Empathy Debugger" -#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:114 +#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:113 msgid "Empathy Debugger" msgstr "Empathy Debugger" -#: ../src/empathy-chat.c:107 +#: ../src/empathy-chat.c:109 msgid "- Empathy Chat Client" msgstr "- Empathy Chat Client" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:203 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:189 msgid "Respond" msgstr "Respond" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:217 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1459 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:203 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1529 msgid "Reject" msgstr "Reject" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:222 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:227 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1460 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:208 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1530 msgid "Answer" msgstr "Answer" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:227 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 msgid "Answer with video" msgstr "Answer with video" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:235 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:245 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:221 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:231 msgid "Decline" msgstr "Decline" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:239 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:250 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:225 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:236 msgid "Accept" msgstr "Accept" #. translators: the 'Provide' button is displayed in a notification #. * bubble when Empathy is asking for an account password; clicking on it #. * brings the password popup. -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:260 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:246 msgid "Provide" msgstr "Provide" -#: ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:134 +#: ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:132 #, c-format msgid "%s just tried to call you, but you were in another call." msgstr "%s just tried to call you, but you were in another call." #. Translators: this is an "Info" label. It should be as short #. * as possible. -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1088 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1111 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1140 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1162 msgid "i" msgstr "i" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2775 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2888 msgid "On hold" msgstr "On hold" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2778 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2891 msgid "Mute" msgstr "Mute" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2780 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2893 msgid "Duration" msgstr "Duration" #. Translators: 'status - minutes:seconds' the caller has been connected -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2783 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2896 #, c-format msgid "%s — %d:%02dm" msgstr "%s — %d:%02dm" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3166 +#, c-format +msgid "Your current balance is %s." +msgstr "Your current balance is %s." + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3170 +msgid "Sorry, you don’t have enough credit for that call." +msgstr "Sorry, you don’t have enough credit for that call." + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3172 +msgid "Top Up" +msgstr "Top Up" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.c:243 msgid "_Match case" msgstr "_Match case" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-account-dialog.c:144 +msgid "What kind of chat account do you have?" +msgstr "What kind of chat account do you have?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-account-dialog.c:166 +msgid "Adding new account" +msgstr "Adding new account" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:77 +msgid "People nearby" +msgstr "People nearby" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:150 +msgid "" +"Empathy can automatically discover and chat with the people connected on the " +"same network as you. If you want to use this feature, please check that the " +"details below are correct." +msgstr "" +"Empathy can automatically discover and chat with the people connected on the " +"same network as you. If you want to use this feature, please check that the " +"details below are correct." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:183 +msgid "" +"You can change these details later or disable this feature by choosing Edit → Accounts in the Contact List." +msgstr "" +"You can change these details later or disable this feature by choosing Edit → Accounts in the Contact List." + +#~ msgid "Call volume" +#~ msgstr "Call volume" + +#~ msgid "Call volume, as a percentage." +#~ msgstr "Call volume, as a percentage." + +#~ msgid "Empathy has migrated butterfly logs" +#~ msgstr "Empathy has migrated butterfly logs" + +#~ msgid "Whether Empathy has migrated butterfly logs." +#~ msgstr "Whether Empathy has migrated butterfly logs." + +#~ msgid "Socket type not supported" +#~ msgstr "Socket type not supported" + +#~ msgid "My Web Accounts" +#~ msgstr "My Web Accounts" + +#~ msgid "The account %s is edited via %s." +#~ msgstr "The account %s is edited via %s." + +#~ msgid "The account %s cannot be edited in Empathy." +#~ msgstr "The account %s cannot be edited in Empathy." + +#~ msgid "Launch My Web Accounts" +#~ msgstr "Launch My Web Accounts" + +#~ msgid "Edit %s" +#~ msgstr "Edit %s" + +#~ msgid "Ca_ncel" +#~ msgstr "Ca_ncel" + +#~ msgid "Personal Information" +#~ msgstr "Personal Information" + +#~ msgid "Ungrouped" +#~ msgstr "Ungrouped" + +#~ msgid "Favorite People" +#~ msgstr "Favourite People" + +#~ msgctxt "Edit contact (contextual menu)" +#~ msgid "_Edit" +#~ msgstr "_Edit" + +#~ msgid "Select a contact" +#~ msgstr "Select a contact" + +#~ msgid "Select contacts to link" +#~ msgstr "Select contacts to link" + +#~ msgid "New contact preview" +#~ msgstr "New contact preview" + +#~ msgid "Contacts selected in the list on the left will be linked together." +#~ msgstr "Contacts selected in the list on the left will be linked together." + +#~ msgctxt "Link individual (contextual menu)" +#~ msgid "_Link Contacts…" +#~ msgstr "_Link Contacts…" + +#~ msgid "Link Contacts" +#~ msgstr "Link Contacts" + +#~ msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" +#~ msgid "_Unlink…" +#~ msgstr "_Unlink…" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Completely split the displayed linked contacts into the separate contacts." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Completely split the displayed linked contacts into the separate contacts." + +#~ msgid "_Link" +#~ msgstr "_Link" + +#~ msgid "Unlink linked contacts '%s'?" +#~ msgstr "Unlink linked contacts '%s'?" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Are you sure you want to unlink these linked contacts? This will " +#~ "completely split the linked contacts into separate contacts." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Are you sure you want to unlink these linked contacts? This will " +#~ "completely split the linked contacts into separate contacts." + +#~ msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" +#~ msgid "_Unlink" +#~ msgstr "_Unlink" + +#~ msgid "Contact ID:" +#~ msgstr "Contact ID:" + +#~ msgid "C_hat" +#~ msgstr "C_hat" + +#~ msgid "Send _Video" +#~ msgstr "Send _Video" + +#~ msgid "C_all" +#~ msgstr "C_all" + +#~ msgid "Set your presence and current status" +#~ msgstr "Set your presence and current status" + +#~ msgid "The selected contact cannot receive files." +#~ msgstr "The selected contact cannot receive files." + +#~ msgid "The selected contact is offline." +#~ msgstr "The selected contact is offline." + +#~ msgid "There was an error while importing the accounts." +#~ msgstr "There was an error while importing the accounts." + +#~ msgid "There was an error while parsing the account details." +#~ msgstr "There was an error while parsing the account details." + +#~ msgid "There was an error while creating the account." +#~ msgstr "There was an error while creating the account." + +#~ msgid "There was an error." +#~ msgstr "There was an error." + +#~ msgid "The error message was: %s" +#~ msgstr "The error message was: %s" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "You can either go back and try to enter your accounts' details again or " +#~ "quit this assistant and add accounts later from the Edit menu." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "You can either go back and try to enter your accounts' details again or " +#~ "quit this assistant and add accounts later from the Edit menu." + +#~ msgid "An error occurred" +#~ msgstr "An error occurred" + +#~ msgid "Do you have any other chat accounts you want to set up?" +#~ msgstr "Do you have any other chat accounts you want to set up?" + +#~ msgid "Enter your account details" +#~ msgstr "Enter your account details" + +#~ msgid "What kind of chat account do you want to create?" +#~ msgstr "What kind of chat account do you want to create?" + +#~ msgid "Do you want to create other chat accounts?" +#~ msgstr "Do you want to create other chat accounts?" + +#~ msgid "Enter the details for the new account" +#~ msgstr "Enter the details for the new account" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "With Empathy you can chat with people online nearby and with friends and " +#~ "colleagues who use Google Talk, AIM, Windows Live and many other chat " +#~ "programs. With a microphone or a webcam you can also have audio or video " +#~ "calls." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "With Empathy you can chat with people online nearby and with friends and " +#~ "colleagues who use Google Talk, AIM, Windows Live and many other chat " +#~ "programs. With a microphone or a webcam you can also have audio or video " +#~ "calls." + +#~ msgid "Do you have an account you've been using with another chat program?" +#~ msgstr "Do you have an account you've been using with another chat program?" + +#~ msgid "Yes, import my account details from " +#~ msgstr "Yes, import my account details from " + +#~ msgid "Yes, I'll enter my account details now" +#~ msgstr "Yes, I'll enter my account details now" + +#~ msgid "No, I want a new account" +#~ msgstr "No, I want a new account" + +#~ msgid "No, I just want to see people online nearby for now" +#~ msgstr "No, I just want to see people online nearby for now" + +#~ msgid "Select the accounts you want to import:" +#~ msgstr "Select the accounts you want to import:" + +#~ msgid "No, that's all for now" +#~ msgstr "No, that's all for now" + +#~ msgid "Edit->Accounts" +#~ msgstr "Edit->Accounts" + +#~ msgid "I do _not want to enable this feature for now" +#~ msgstr "I do _not want to enable this feature for now" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "You won't be able to chat with people connected to your local network, as " +#~ "telepathy-salut is not installed. If you want to enable this feature, " +#~ "please install the telepathy-salut package and create a People Nearby " +#~ "account from the Accounts dialog" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "You won't be able to chat with people connected to your local network, as " +#~ "telepathy-salut is not installed. If you want to enable this feature, " +#~ "please install the telepathy-salut package and create a People Nearby " +#~ "account from the Accounts dialogue" + +#~ msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts Assistant" +#~ msgstr "Messaging and VoIP Accounts Assistant" + +#~ msgid "Welcome to Empathy" +#~ msgstr "Welcome to Empathy" + +#~ msgid "Import your existing accounts" +#~ msgstr "Import your existing accounts" + +#~ msgid "Please enter personal details" +#~ msgstr "Please enter personal details" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "You are about to create a new account, which will discard\n" +#~ "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "You are about to create a new account, which will discard\n" +#~ "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" + +#~ msgid "Protocol:" +#~ msgstr "Protocol:" + +#~ msgctxt "encoding video codec" +#~ msgid "Unknown" +#~ msgstr "Unknown" + +#~ msgctxt "encoding audio codec" +#~ msgid "Unknown" +#~ msgstr "Unknown" + +#~ msgctxt "decoding video codec" +#~ msgid "Unknown" +#~ msgstr "Unknown" + +#~ msgctxt "decoding audio codec" +#~ msgid "Unknown" +#~ msgstr "Unknown" + +#~ msgid "_Personal Information" +#~ msgstr "_Personal Information" + +#~ msgid "Input level:" +#~ msgstr "Input level:" + +#~ msgid "Input volume:" +#~ msgstr "Input volume:" + +#~ msgid "_Open new chats in separate windows" +#~ msgstr "_Open new chats in separate windows" + #~ msgid "All" #~ msgstr "All" @@ -4851,9 +5119,6 @@ #~ msgid "Hidden" #~ msgstr "Hidden" -#~ msgid "User requested disconnect" -#~ msgstr "User requested disconnect" - #~ msgid "_Add Contact..." #~ msgstr "_Add Contact…" @@ -5278,9 +5543,6 @@ #~ msgid "View previous conversations with this contact" #~ msgstr "View previous conversations with this contact" -#~ msgid "Start a voice or video conversation with this contact" -#~ msgstr "Start a voice or video conversation with this contact" - #~ msgid "Invalid handle" #~ msgstr "Invalid handle" @@ -5326,9 +5588,6 @@ #~ msgid "_Use for chat rooms" #~ msgstr "_Use for chat rooms" -#~ msgid "ICQ account settings" -#~ msgstr "ICQ account settings" - #~ msgid "irc account settings" #~ msgstr "irc account settings" diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/po/eo.po empathy-3.3.92/po/eo.po --- empathy-3.3.91/po/eo.po 2012-02-17 14:00:26.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/po/eo.po 2012-03-12 09:58:52.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,553 +1,573 @@ # Esperanto translation for Empathy. -# Copyright (C) 2004-2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# Copyright (C) 2004-2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # This file is distributed under the same license as the Empathy package. # # Brient HESS , 2004. # Aisano, Eliovir, ISHII Eiju, Javier Lancha, Kvantumo, Lucas LARSON, Michael MORONI, Petr Adam DOHNÁLEK, Robert BOGENSCHNEIDER, Serge LEBLANC, Shane D, Yamiharu. # Neil ROBERTS < >, 2011. -# Kristjan SCHMIDT , 2010, 2011. +# Kristjan SCHMIDT , 2010, 2011, 2012. # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: empathy master\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?" "product=empathy&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=General\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-04 18:19+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-10-09 07:59+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-10 22:08+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-11 11:26+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Kristjan SCHMIDT \n" -"Language-Team: Esperanto \n" +"Language-Team: Esperanto \n" +"Language: eo\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Language: eo\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n" +"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2012-03-10 23:48+0000\n" +"X-Generator: Launchpad (build 14914)\n" "X-DamnedLies-Scope: partial\n" -"X-Generator: Launchpad (build 13037)\n" -"X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2011-05-14 18:39+0000\n" #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:1 -msgid "Chat on Google Talk, Facebook, MSN and many other chat services" -msgstr "Retbabilo per Google Talk, Vizaĝlibro, MSN kaj multaj aliaj servoj" - -#: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:2 msgid "Empathy" msgstr "Empatio" +#: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:2 +msgid "IM Client" +msgstr "Tujmesaĝilo" + #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:3 msgid "Empathy Internet Messaging" msgstr "Empatio ret-mesaĝado" #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:4 -msgid "IM Client" -msgstr "Tujmesaĝilo" +msgid "Chat on Google Talk, Facebook, MSN and many other chat services" +msgstr "Retbabilo per Google Talk, Vizaĝlibro, MSN kaj multaj aliaj servoj" + +#. Tweak the dialog +#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2450 +msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts" +msgstr "Babilaj kaj VoIP-kontoj" + +#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:2 +msgid "Manage Messaging and VoIP accounts" +msgstr "Administri babilaj kaj VoIP-kontojn" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:1 -msgid "Always open a separate chat window for new chats." -msgstr "Ĉiam malfermi apartan babil-fenestron por novaj babiladoj." +msgid "Connection managers should be used" +msgstr "Konekto-administrilo estu uzata" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:2 -#| msgid "Call from %s" -msgid "Call volume" -msgstr "Voko-laŭteco" +msgid "" +"Whether connectivity managers should be used to automatically disconnect/" +"reconnect." +msgstr "Ĉu uzi konekteco-administoloj por aŭtomate malkonekti/rekonekti?" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:3 -msgid "Call volume, as a percentage." -msgstr "" +msgid "Empathy should auto-connect on startup" +msgstr "Aŭtomata konekto dum la startigo de Empatio" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:4 -#| msgid "Camera On" -msgid "Camera device" -msgstr "Filmila aparato" +msgid "Whether Empathy should automatically log into your accounts on startup." +msgstr "Ĉu Empatio aŭtomate konektiĝu al via kontoj dum startigo?" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:5 -#| msgid "Camera On" -msgid "Camera position" -msgstr "Filmila pazicio" +msgid "Empathy should auto-away when idle" +msgstr "Kaŝi Empation aŭtomate kiam senokupe" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:6 msgid "" -"Character to add after nickname when using nick completion (tab) in group " -"chat." +"Whether Empathy should go into away mode automatically if the user is idle." msgstr "" -"Signo uzenda post kromnomo dum uzado de plenumig-klavo (Tab) en grupbabilejo." +"Ĉu Empatio aŭtomate ŝanĝo al forestanta reĝimo se la uzanto estas neokupite?" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:7 -msgid "Chat window theme" -msgstr "Babil-fenestra etoso" +msgid "Empathy default download folder" +msgstr "Defaŭlta elŝutujo de Empatio" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:8 -msgid "Chat window theme variant" -msgstr "Variaĵo de babil-fenestra etoso" +msgid "The default folder to save file transfers in." +msgstr "La defaŭlta dosierujo por konservi ricevitajn dosierojn." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:9 -msgid "" -"Comma-separated list of spell checker languages to use (e.g. \"en, fr, nl\")." +msgid "Magic number used to check if sanity cleaning tasks should be run" msgstr "" -"Listo disigita per komoj, kun uzendaj lingvoj por la kontrolilo (ekz. \"eo, " -"fr, nl\")." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:10 -msgid "Compact contact list" -msgstr "Kompakta listo de kontaktuloj" +msgid "" +"empathy-sanity-cleaning.c uses this number to check if the cleaning tasks " +"should be executed or not. Users should not change this key manually." +msgstr "" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:11 -msgid "Connection managers should be used" -msgstr "Konekto-administrilo estu uzata" +msgid "Show offline contacts" +msgstr "Montri malkonektitulojn" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:12 -msgid "Contact list sort criterion" -msgstr "Kontaktlista ordigkriterio" +msgid "Whether to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." +msgstr "Ĉu montri nekonektatajn kontaktoj en la kontaktaro?" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:13 -msgid "Default camera device to use in video calls, e.g. /dev/video0." -msgstr "" +msgid "Show avatars" +msgstr "Montri uzantobildojn" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:14 -msgid "Default directory to select an avatar image from" -msgstr "Defaŭlta dosierujo por elekto de uzantobildo" +msgid "" +"Whether to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat windows." +msgstr "" +"Ĉu montri uzantobildojn por kontaktoj en la kontaktaro kaj la " +"babilejfenestroj?" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:15 -msgid "Disable popup notifications when away" -msgstr "Elŝalti ŝprucfenestro-sciigojn dum foresto" +msgid "Show protocols" +msgstr "Montri protokolojn" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:16 -msgid "Disable sounds when away" -msgstr "Malaktivigi sonon kiam fora" +msgid "Whether to show protocols for contacts in the contact list." +msgstr "Ĉu montri protokolojn de kontaktoj en la kontaktaro?" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:17 -msgid "Display incoming events in the status area" -msgstr "Montri envenantajn eventojn en la statusa areo" +msgid "Show Balance in contact list" +msgstr "Montri bilancon en la kontaktaro" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:18 -msgid "" -"Display incoming events in the status area. If false, present them to the " -"user immediately." -msgstr "" -"Montri envenantajn eventojn en la statusa areo. Se negativa, prezenti ilin " -"al la uzanto tuj." +msgid "Whether to show account balances in the contact list." +msgstr "Ĉu montri la konto-bilancon en la kontaktaro?" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:19 -msgid "Echo cancellation support" -msgstr "" +msgid "Compact contact list" +msgstr "Kompakta listo de kontaktuloj" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:20 -msgid "Empathy can publish the user's location" -msgstr "Empatio povas publikigi la lokon de la uzanto" +msgid "Whether to show the contact list in compact mode." +msgstr "Ĉu montri la kontaktaron en kompakta reĝimo?" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:21 -msgid "Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location" -msgstr "Empatio rajtas uzi la GPS-on por diveni la lokon" +msgid "Hide main window" +msgstr "Kaŝi ĉeffenestron" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:22 -msgid "Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location" -msgstr "" -"Empatio rajtas uzi la reton de la portebla telefono por diveni la lokon" +msgid "Hide the main window." +msgstr "Kaŝi la ĉefan fenestron." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:23 -msgid "Empathy can use the network to guess the location" -msgstr "Empatio rajtas uzi la reton por diveni la lokon" +msgid "Default directory to select an avatar image from" +msgstr "Defaŭlta dosierujo por elekto de uzantobildo" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:24 -msgid "Empathy default download folder" -msgstr "Defaŭlta elŝutujo de Empatio" +msgid "The last directory that an avatar image was chosen from." +msgstr "La lasta dosierujo el kie estis elektita uzantobildon." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:25 -msgid "Empathy has migrated butterfly logs" -msgstr "Empatio translokis papiliajn spurojn" +msgid "Open new chats in separate windows" +msgstr "Malfermi novajn babilejojn en apartaj fenestroj" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:26 -msgid "Empathy should auto-away when idle" -msgstr "Kaŝi Empation aŭtomate kiam senokupe" +msgid "Always open a separate chat window for new chats." +msgstr "Ĉiam malfermi apartan babil-fenestron por novaj babiladoj." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:27 -msgid "Empathy should auto-connect on startup" -msgstr "Aŭtomata konekto dum la startigo de Empatio" +msgid "Display incoming events in the status area" +msgstr "Montri envenantajn eventojn en la statusa areo" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:28 -msgid "Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy" -msgstr "Empatio devas redukti la precizon pri la loko" +msgid "" +"Display incoming events in the status area. If false, present them to the " +"user immediately." +msgstr "" +"Montri envenantajn eventojn en la statusa areo. Se negativa, prezenti ilin " +"al la uzanto tuj." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:29 -msgid "Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon" -msgstr "" -"Empatio devas uzi la uzantobildon de la kontaktulo kiel piktogramo de la " -"babilo-fenestro" +msgid "The position for the chat window side pane" +msgstr "La loko por la flanka babilfenestro" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:30 -msgid "Enable WebKit Developer Tools" -msgstr "Enŝalti evoluigantilojn de WebKit" +msgid "The stored position (in pixels) of the chat window side pane." +msgstr "La memorigita loko (en bilderoj) de la flanka panelo de la babilejo." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:31 -msgid "Enable popup notifications for new messages" -msgstr "Enŝalti ŝprucfenestro-sciigojn pri novaj mesaĝoj" +msgid "Show contact groups" +msgstr "Montri kontakt-grupojn" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:32 -msgid "Enable spell checker" -msgstr "Enŝalti literumadan kontrolilon" +msgid "Whether to show groups in the contact list." +msgstr "Ĉu montri grupojn en la kontaktaro?" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:33 -msgid "Hide main window" -msgstr "Kaŝi ĉeffenestron" +msgid "Contact list sort criterion" +msgstr "Kontaktlista ordigkriterio" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:34 -msgid "Hide the main window." -msgstr "Kaŝi la ĉefan fenestron." +msgid "" +"Which criterion to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to sort by " +"the contact's state with the value \"state\". A value of \"name\" will sort " +"the contact list by name." +msgstr "" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:35 -msgid "Nick completed character" -msgstr "" +msgid "Use notification sounds" +msgstr "Uzi atentig-sonojn" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:36 -msgid "Open new chats in separate windows" -msgstr "Malfermi novajn babilejojn en apartaj fenestroj" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of events." +msgstr "Ĉu ludi sonon por sciigi pri eventoj?" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:37 -msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use" -msgstr "Pado de la uzenda etoso por Adium" +msgid "Disable sounds when away" +msgstr "Malaktivigi sonon kiam fora" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:38 -msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use if the theme used for chat is Adium." -msgstr "" -"Vojo de la uzenda etoso por Adium se la etoso de la babilejo estas Adium." +msgid "Whether to play sound notifications when away or busy." +msgstr "Ĉu ludi sonajn sciigojn kiam oni estas for aŭ okupiĝata?" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:39 msgid "Play a sound for incoming messages" msgstr "Ludi sonon pro alvenintaj mesaĝoj" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:40 -msgid "Play a sound for new conversations" -msgstr "Ludi sonon pro novaj babiloj" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of incoming messages." +msgstr "Ĉu ludi sonon por averti pro alvenintaj mesaĝoj?" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:41 msgid "Play a sound for outgoing messages" msgstr "Ludi sonon pro elirantaj mesaĝoj" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:42 -msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs in" -msgstr "Ludi sonon kiam kontaktulo ensalutas" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of outgoing messages." +msgstr "Ĉu ludi sonon por averti pro elirantaj mesaĝoj?" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:43 -msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs out" -msgstr "Ludi sonon kiam kontaktulo elsalutas" +msgid "Play a sound for new conversations" +msgstr "Ludi sonon pro novaj babiloj" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:44 -msgid "Play a sound when we log in" -msgstr "Ludi sonon kiam ni ensalutas" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of new conversations." +msgstr "Ĉu ludi sonon por averti pro novaj konversacioj?" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:45 -msgid "Play a sound when we log out" -msgstr "Ludi sonon kiam ni elsalutas" +msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs in" +msgstr "Ludi sonon kiam kontaktulo ensalutas" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:46 -msgid "Pop up notifications if the chat isn't focused" -msgstr "Ŝprucfenestri sciigojn se la babilejo ne estas fokusite" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging into the network." +msgstr "Ĉu ludi sonon por sciigi pri kontaktoj kiuj ensalutas en reto?" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:47 -msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs in" -msgstr "Ŝprucfenestri sciigojn kiam kontaktulo ensalutas" +msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs out" +msgstr "Ludi sonon kiam kontaktulo elsalutas" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:48 -msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs out" -msgstr "Ŝprucfenestri sciigojn kiam kontaktulo elsalutas" +msgid "" +"Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging out of the network." +msgstr "Ĉu ludi sonon por sciigi pri kontaktoj kiuj elsalutas de reto?" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:49 -msgid "Position the camera preview should be during a call." -msgstr "" +msgid "Play a sound when we log in" +msgstr "Ludi sonon kiam ni ensalutas" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:50 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Show offline contacts" -msgid "Show Balance in contact list" -msgstr "Montri malkonektitulojn" +msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging into a network." +msgstr "Ĉu ludi sonon dum ensaluto en nova reto?" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:51 -msgid "Show avatars" -msgstr "Montri avatarojn" +msgid "Play a sound when we log out" +msgstr "Ludi sonon kiam ni elsalutas" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:52 -msgid "Show contact list in rooms" -msgstr "Montri kontakto-liston per ĉambroj" +msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging out of a network." +msgstr "Ĉu ludi sonon dum elsaluto de reto?" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:53 -msgid "Show hint about closing the main window" -msgstr "Montri konsileton pri fermado de la ĉefa fenestro" +msgid "Enable popup notifications for new messages" +msgstr "Enŝalti ŝprucfenestrajn sciigojn pri novaj mesaĝoj" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:54 -msgid "Show offline contacts" -msgstr "Montri malkonektitulojn" +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message." +msgstr "Ĉu montri ŝprucfenestrajn sciigojn pri ricevo de novaj mesaĝoj?" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:55 -msgid "Show protocols" -msgstr "Montri protokolojn" +msgid "Disable popup notifications when away" +msgstr "Elŝalti ŝprucfenestro-sciigojn dum foresto" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:56 -msgid "Spell checking languages" -msgstr "Literum-kontrolataj lingvoj" +msgid "Whether to show popup notifications when away or busy." +msgstr "Ĉu montri ŝprucfenestrajn sciigojn kiam oni estas for aŭ okupiĝatas?" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:57 -msgid "The default folder to save file transfers in." -msgstr "La defaŭlta dosierujo por konservi ricevitajn dosierojn." +msgid "Pop up notifications if the chat isn't focused" +msgstr "Ŝprucfenestri sciigojn se la babilejo ne estas fokusite" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:58 -msgid "The last directory that an avatar image was chosen from." -msgstr "La lasta dosierujo el kie estis elektita avataron." +msgid "" +"Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message even if " +"the chat is already opened, but not focused." +msgstr "" +"Ĉu montri ŝprucfenestrajn sciigojn kiam novaj mesaĝoj alvenas eĉ se la " +"babilejo jam estas malfermita, sed ne havas la fokuson?" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:59 -msgid "The position for the chat window side pane" -msgstr "La loko por la flanka babilfenestro" +msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs in" +msgstr "Ŝprucfenestri sciigojn kiam kontaktulo ensalutas" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:60 -msgid "The stored position (in pixels) of the chat window side pane." -msgstr "La memorigita loko (en bilderoj) de la flanka panelo de la babilejo." +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes online." +msgstr "Ĉu montri ŝprucfenestrajn sciigojn kiam kontakto ekkonektas?" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:61 -msgid "The theme that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." -msgstr "" -"La etoso, kiu estas uzata por montri la babilon en la babilejfenestroj." +msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs out" +msgstr "Ŝprucfenestri sciigoj kiam kontaktulo elsalutas" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:62 -msgid "" -"The theme variant that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." -msgstr "" -"La variaĵo de etoso, kiu estas uzata por montri la babilon en la " -"babilejfenestroj." +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes offline." +msgstr "Ĉu montri ŝprucfenestrajn sciigojn kiam kontakto malkonektas?" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:63 msgid "Use graphical smileys" msgstr "Uzi grafikajn mienetojn" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:64 -msgid "Use notification sounds" -msgstr "Uzi atentig-sonojn" +msgid "Whether to convert smileys into graphical images in conversations." +msgstr "Ĉu konverti miensimbolojn al grafikaj bildoj en konversacioj?" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:65 -msgid "Use theme for chat rooms" -msgstr "Uzi etoson por la babilo-ĉambroj" +msgid "Show contact list in rooms" +msgstr "Montri kontakto-liston per ĉambroj" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:66 -msgid "Whether Empathy can publish the user's location to their contacts." -msgstr "" -"Ĉu Empatio rajtas publikigi la pozicion de la uzanto al ties kontaktuloj?" +msgid "Whether to show the contact list in chat rooms." +msgstr "Ĉu montri kontaktaron en babilejoj?" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:67 -msgid "Whether Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location." -msgstr "Ĉu Empatio rajtas uzi la GPS-on por diveni la pozicion?" +msgid "Chat window theme" +msgstr "Babil-fenestra etoso" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:68 -msgid "Whether Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location." +msgid "The theme that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." msgstr "" -"Ĉu Empatio rajtas uzi la reton de la portebla telefono por diveni la " -"pozicion?" +"La etoso, kiu estas uzata por montri la babilon en la babilejfenestroj." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:69 -msgid "Whether Empathy can use the network to guess the location." -msgstr "Ĉu Empatio rajtas uzi la reton por diveni la pozicion?" +msgid "Chat window theme variant" +msgstr "Variaĵo de babil-fenestra etoso" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:70 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Empathy has migrated butterfly logs" -msgid "Whether Empathy has migrated butterfly logs." -msgstr "Empatio translokis papiliajn spurojn" +msgid "" +"The theme variant that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." +msgstr "" +"La variaĵo de etoso, kiu estas uzata por montri la babilon en la " +"babilejfenestroj." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:71 -msgid "Whether Empathy should automatically log into your accounts on startup." -msgstr "Ĉu Empatio aŭtomate konektiĝu al via kontoj dum startigo?" +msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use" +msgstr "Pado de la uzenda etoso por Adium" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:72 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "" -#| "Whether Empathy should automatically log into your accounts on startup." -msgid "" -"Whether Empathy should go into away mode automatically if the user is idle." -msgstr "Ĉu Empatio aŭtomate konektiĝu al via kontoj dum startigo?" +msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use if the theme used for chat is Adium." +msgstr "" +"Vojo de la uzenda etoso por Adium se la etoso de la babilejo estas Adium." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:73 -msgid "" -"Whether Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy for privacy reasons." -msgstr "Ĉu Empatio reduktu la precizon de la loko pro privatec-kialoj?" +msgid "Enable WebKit Developer Tools" +msgstr "Enŝalti evoluigantilojn de WebKit" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:74 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon" msgid "" -"Whether Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon." +"Whether WebKit developer tools, such as the Web Inspector, should be enabled." msgstr "" -"Empatio devas uzi la uzantobildon de la kontaktulo kiel piktogramo de la " -"babilo-fenestro" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:75 -msgid "" -"Whether WebKit developer tools, such as the Web Inspector, should be enabled." -msgstr "" +msgid "Inform other users when you are typing to them" +msgstr "Informi aliajn uzantojn kiam vi skribas al ili" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:76 msgid "" -"Whether connectivity managers should be used to automatically disconnect/" -"reconnect." +"Whether to send the 'composing' or 'paused' chat states. Does not currently " +"affect the 'gone' state." msgstr "" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:77 -msgid "" -"Whether to check words typed against the languages you want to check with." -msgstr "" +msgid "Use theme for chat rooms" +msgstr "Uzi etoson por la babilo-ĉambroj" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:78 -msgid "Whether to convert smileys into graphical images in conversations." -msgstr "Ĉu konverti miensimbolojn al grafikaj bildoj en konversacioj?" +msgid "Whether to use the theme for chat rooms." +msgstr "Ĉu uzi la etoson por babilejoj?" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:79 -msgid "Whether to enable Pulseaudio's echo cancellation filter." -msgstr "" +msgid "Spell checking languages" +msgstr "Literum-kontrolataj lingvoj" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:80 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging into the network." +msgid "" +"Comma-separated list of spell checker languages to use (e.g. \"en, fr, nl\")." msgstr "" +"Listo disigita per komoj, kun uzendaj lingvoj por la kontrolilo (ekz. \"eo, " +"fr, nl\")." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:81 -msgid "" -"Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging out of the network." -msgstr "" +msgid "Enable spell checker" +msgstr "Enŝalti literumadan kontrolilon" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:82 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of events." +msgid "" +"Whether to check words typed against the languages you want to check with." msgstr "" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:83 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Play a sound for incoming messages" -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of incoming messages." -msgstr "Ludi sonon pro alvenintaj mesaĝoj" +msgid "Nick completed character" +msgstr "" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:84 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Play a sound for new conversations" -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of new conversations." -msgstr "Ludi sonon pro novaj babiloj" +msgid "" +"Character to add after nickname when using nick completion (tab) in group " +"chat." +msgstr "" +"Signo uzenda post kromnomo dum uzado de plenumig-klavo (Tab) en grupbabilejo." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:85 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Play a sound for outgoing messages" -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of outgoing messages." -msgstr "Ludi sonon pro elirantaj mesaĝoj" +msgid "Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon" +msgstr "" +"Empatio devas uzi la uzantobildon de la kontaktulo kiel piktogramo de la " +"babilo-fenestro" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:86 -msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging into a network." +msgid "" +"Whether Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon." msgstr "" +"Ĉu Empatio uzu la uzantobildon de la kontaktulo kiel piktogramo de la babilo-" +"fenestro?" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:87 -msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging out of a network." +msgid "Last account selected in Join Room dialog" msgstr "" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:88 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Disable notifications when _away or busy" -msgid "Whether to play sound notifications when away or busy." -msgstr "Malŝalti sciigojn kiam oni foras aŭ okupiĝas" +msgid "D-Bus object path of the last account selected to join a room." +msgstr "" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:89 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Enable notifications when a contact goes offline" -msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes offline." -msgstr "Ŝalti sciigojn kian kontakto malkonektas" +msgid "Camera device" +msgstr "Filmila aparato" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:90 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Enable notifications when a contact comes online" -msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes online." -msgstr "Ŝalti sciigojn kiam kontakto konektas" +msgid "Default camera device to use in video calls, e.g. /dev/video0." +msgstr "Defaŭlta kamera-aparato por uzi dum video-vokoj, ekz. /dev/video0." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:91 -msgid "" -"Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message even if " -"the chat is already opened, but not focused." -msgstr "" +msgid "Camera position" +msgstr "Filmila pazicio" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:92 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Enable popup notifications for new messages" -msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message." -msgstr "Enŝalti ŝprucfenestro-sciigojn pri novaj mesaĝoj" +msgid "Position the camera preview should be during a call." +msgstr "Posicio de la kameraa antaŭrigardo dum voko." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:93 -msgid "Whether to show account balances in the contact list." -msgstr "" +msgid "Echo cancellation support" +msgstr "Eĥo-nuligada supteno" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:94 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "The theme that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." -msgid "" -"Whether to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat windows." -msgstr "" -"La etoso, kiu estas uzata por montri la babilon en la babilejfenestroj." +msgid "Whether to enable Pulseaudio's echo cancellation filter." +msgstr "Ĉu enŝalti la eĥo-nuligadan filtrilon de Pulseaudio?" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:95 -msgid "Whether to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." -msgstr "" +msgid "Show hint about closing the main window" +msgstr "Montri konsileton pri fermado de la ĉefa fenestro" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:96 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Disable notifications when _away or busy" -msgid "Whether to show popup notifications when away or busy." -msgstr "Malŝalti sciigojn kiam oni foras aŭ okupiĝas" +msgid "" +"Whether to show the message dialog about closing the main window with the " +"'x' button in the title bar." +msgstr "" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:97 -msgid "Whether to show protocols for contacts in the contact list." -msgstr "" +msgid "Empathy can publish the user's location" +msgstr "Empatio povas publikigi la lokon de la uzanto" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:98 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Whether to use the theme for chat rooms." -msgid "Whether to show the contact list in chat rooms." -msgstr "Ĉu uzi la etoson por babilejoj?" +msgid "Whether Empathy can publish the user's location to their contacts." +msgstr "" +"Ĉu Empatio rajtas publikigi la pozicion de la uzanto al ties kontaktuloj?" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:99 -msgid "Whether to show the contact list in compact mode." +msgid "Empathy can use the network to guess the location" +msgstr "Empatio rajtas uzi la reton por diveni la lokon" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:100 +msgid "Whether Empathy can use the network to guess the location." +msgstr "Ĉu Empatio rajtas uzi la reton por diveni la pozicion?" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:101 +msgid "Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location" msgstr "" +"Empatio rajtas uzi la reton de la portebla telefono por diveni la lokon" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:102 +msgid "Whether Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location." +msgstr "" +"Ĉu Empatio rajtas uzi la reton de la portebla telefono por diveni la " +"pozicion?" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:103 +msgid "Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location" +msgstr "Empatio rajtas uzi la GPS-on por diveni la lokon" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:104 +msgid "Whether Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location." +msgstr "Ĉu Empatio rajtas uzi la GPS-on por diveni la pozicion?" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:105 +msgid "Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy" +msgstr "Empatio devas redukti la precizon pri la loko" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:106 +msgid "" +"Whether Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy for privacy reasons." +msgstr "Ĉu Empatio reduktu la precizecon de la loko pro privatec-kialoj?" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:738 +msgid "No reason was specified" +msgstr "Neniu kialo estis indikita" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:100 -msgid "" -"Whether to show the message dialog about closing the main window with the " -"'x' button in the title bar." -msgstr "" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:741 +msgid "The change in state was requested" +msgstr "La ŝanĝo de la stato estis petite" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:101 -msgid "Whether to use the theme for chat rooms." -msgstr "Ĉu uzi la etoson por babilejoj?" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:744 +msgid "You canceled the file transfer" +msgstr "Vi ĉesis la dosiertransigon" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:102 -msgid "" -"Which criterion to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to sort by " -"the contact's name with the value \"name\". A value of \"state\" will sort " -"the contact list by state." -msgstr "" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:747 +msgid "The other participant canceled the file transfer" +msgstr "La alia partoprenanto ĉesis la dosiertransigon" -#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:1 -msgid "Manage Messaging and VoIP accounts" -msgstr "Administri babilaj kaj VoIP-kontojn" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:750 +msgid "Error while trying to transfer the file" +msgstr "Eraro dum provi transigi la dosieron" -#. Tweak the dialog -#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:2 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2324 -msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts" -msgstr "Babilaj kaj VoIP-kontoj" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:753 +msgid "The other participant is unable to transfer the file" +msgstr "La alia partoprenanto ne povas transigi la dosieron" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:756 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:313 +msgid "Unknown reason" +msgstr "Nekonata kialo" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:825 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:919 msgid "File transfer completed, but the file was corrupted" msgstr "La ŝutado de la dosiero finiĝis, sed la dosiero estis difektita" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1111 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1205 msgid "File transfer not supported by remote contact" msgstr "Ŝutado de dosieroj ne estas subtenata de la fora kontakto" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1167 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1261 msgid "The selected file is not a regular file" msgstr "La elektita dosiero ne estas regula" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1176 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1270 msgid "The selected file is empty" msgstr "La elektita dosiero estas malplena" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-message.c:415 ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:131 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-message.c:415 ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:129 #, c-format msgid "Missed call from %s" msgstr "Maltrafita voko de %s" @@ -563,169 +583,138 @@ msgid "Call from %s" msgstr "Voko de %s" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:268 -msgid "Socket type not supported" -msgstr "Ingotipo estas nesubtenata" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:387 -msgid "No reason was specified" -msgstr "Neniu kialo estis indikita" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:390 -msgid "The change in state was requested" -msgstr "La ŝanĝo de la stato estis petite" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:393 -msgid "You canceled the file transfer" -msgstr "Vi ĉesis la dosiertransigon" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:396 -msgid "The other participant canceled the file transfer" -msgstr "La alia partoprenanto ĉesis la dosiertransigon" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:399 -msgid "Error while trying to transfer the file" -msgstr "Eraro dum provi transigi la dosieron" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:402 -msgid "The other participant is unable to transfer the file" -msgstr "La alia partoprenanto ne povas transigi la dosieron" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:405 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:312 -msgid "Unknown reason" -msgstr "Nekonata kialo" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:232 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:233 msgid "Available" -msgstr "Disponebla" +msgstr "Disponeble" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:234 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:235 msgid "Busy" msgstr "Okupite" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:237 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:238 msgid "Away" msgstr "For" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:239 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:240 msgid "Invisible" msgstr "Nevideble" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:241 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:242 msgid "Offline" -msgstr "Malkonektite" +msgstr "Nekonektite" #. translators: presence type is unknown -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:244 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:245 msgctxt "presence" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Nekonate" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:284 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:285 msgid "No reason specified" msgstr "Neniu kialo indikita" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:286 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:342 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:287 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:343 msgid "Status is set to offline" msgstr "Stato estas agortite al nekonektite" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:288 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:322 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:49 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:289 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:323 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:47 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:81 msgid "Network error" msgstr "Reta eraro" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:290 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:324 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:291 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:325 msgid "Authentication failed" msgstr "Aŭtentokontrolo fiaskis" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:292 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:326 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:293 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:327 msgid "Encryption error" msgstr "Ĉifrad-eraro" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:294 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:295 msgid "Name in use" msgstr "Jam uzata nomo" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:296 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:328 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:297 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:329 msgid "Certificate not provided" msgstr "Neniu prezentigita atestilo" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:298 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:330 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:299 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:331 msgid "Certificate untrusted" msgstr "Atestilo nekonfida" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:300 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:332 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:301 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:333 msgid "Certificate expired" msgstr "Atestilo eksvalidiĝis" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:302 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:334 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:303 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:335 msgid "Certificate not activated" msgstr "Ne aktivigita atestilo" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:304 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:336 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:305 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:337 msgid "Certificate hostname mismatch" msgstr "Atestogastnomo malkongruas" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:306 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:338 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:307 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:339 msgid "Certificate fingerprint mismatch" msgstr "Atestilo-fingrospuro malkongruas" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:308 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:340 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:309 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:341 msgid "Certificate self-signed" msgstr "Memkreita atestilo" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:310 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:311 msgid "Certificate error" msgstr "Atestil-eraro" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:344 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:345 msgid "Encryption is not available" msgstr "Ĉifrado ne estas diponebla" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:346 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:347 msgid "Certificate is invalid" msgstr "Atestilo estas nevalide" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:348 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:349 msgid "Connection has been refused" msgstr "Konekto estas rifuzite" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:350 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:351 msgid "Connection can't be established" msgstr "Ne eblas starigi la konekton" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:352 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:353 msgid "Connection has been lost" msgstr "Perdis konekton" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:354 -msgid "This resource is already connected to the server" -msgstr "Ĉi tiu rimedo jam konektiĝis al la servilo" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:355 +msgid "This account is already connected to the server" +msgstr "Tiu konto jam estas konektite al la servilo" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:356 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:357 msgid "" "Connection has been replaced by a new connection using the same resource" msgstr "La konekto anstataŭiĝis per nova konekto uzanta la saman rimedon" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:359 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:360 msgid "The account already exists on the server" msgstr "La konto jam ekzistas sur la servilo" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:361 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:362 msgid "Server is currently too busy to handle the connection" msgstr "La servilo tro okupiĝas por trakti la konekton" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:363 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:364 msgid "Certificate has been revoked" msgstr "La atestilo senvalidiĝis" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:365 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:366 msgid "" "Certificate uses an insecure cipher algorithm or is cryptographically weak" msgstr "" "La atestilo uzas nesekuran ĉifralgoritmon aŭ estas kriptografie malforta" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:368 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:369 msgid "" "The length of the server certificate, or the depth of the server certificate " "chain, exceed the limits imposed by the cryptography library" @@ -733,283 +722,262 @@ "La longeco de la atestilo de la servilo, aŭ la profundeco de la ĉeno de la " "atestilo, superas la limojn faratajn de la kriptografia biblioteko" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:529 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-store.h:73 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:373 +msgid "Your software is too old" +msgstr "Via programaro estas tro maljuna" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:375 +msgid "Internal error" +msgstr "Interna eraro" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:534 msgid "People Nearby" msgstr "Proksimaj homoj" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:534 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:539 msgid "Yahoo! Japan" msgstr "Japana Yahoo!" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:563 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:568 msgid "Google Talk" msgstr "Google Talk" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:564 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:569 msgid "Facebook Chat" msgstr "Facebook-babilejo" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:88 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:90 #, c-format msgid "%d second ago" msgid_plural "%d seconds ago" msgstr[0] "Antaŭ %d sekundo" msgstr[1] "Antaŭ %d sekundoj" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:93 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:96 #, c-format msgid "%d minute ago" msgid_plural "%d minutes ago" msgstr[0] "Antaŭ %d minuto" msgstr[1] "Antaŭ %d minutoj" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:98 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:102 #, c-format msgid "%d hour ago" msgid_plural "%d hours ago" msgstr[0] "Antaŭ %d horo" msgstr[1] "Antaŭ %d horoj" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:103 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:108 #, c-format msgid "%d day ago" msgid_plural "%d days ago" msgstr[0] "Antaŭ %d tago" msgstr[1] "Antaŭ %d tagoj" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:108 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:114 #, c-format msgid "%d week ago" msgid_plural "%d weeks ago" msgstr[0] "Antaŭ %d semajno" msgstr[1] "Antaŭ %d semajnoj" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:113 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:120 #, c-format msgid "%d month ago" msgid_plural "%d months ago" msgstr[0] "Antaŭ %d monato" msgstr[1] "Antaŭ %d monatoj" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:136 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:142 msgid "in the future" msgstr "en la estonteco" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-chooser.c:540 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-chooser.c:692 msgid "All accounts" msgstr "Ĉiuj kontoj" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:694 -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:321 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:682 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:336 msgid "Account" msgstr "Konto" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:695 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:683 msgid "Password" msgstr "Pasvorto" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:696 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:684 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:507 msgid "Server" msgstr "Servilo" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:697 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:685 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:522 msgid "Port" msgstr "Pordo" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:769 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:826 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:765 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:817 #, c-format msgid "%s:" msgstr "%s:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1192 -msgid "My Web Accounts" -msgstr "Miaj surretaj _kontoj" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1209 -#, c-format -msgid "The account %s is edited via %s." -msgstr "La konto %s redaktiĝas per %s." - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1215 -#, c-format -msgid "The account %s cannot be edited in Empathy." -msgstr "Ne eblas redakti la konton %s per Empatio." - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1234 -msgid "Launch My Web Accounts" -msgstr "Lanĉi miajn surretajn kontojn" - -#. general handler -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1242 -#, c-format -msgid "Edit %s" -msgstr "Redakti %s" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1592 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1398 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 msgid "Username:" msgstr "Uzantonomo:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1910 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1710 msgid "A_pply" msgstr "A_pliki" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1940 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1739 msgid "L_og in" msgstr "E_nsaluti" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2014 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1812 msgid "This account already exists on the server" msgstr "Tiu konto jam ekzistas sur la servilo" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2017 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1816 msgid "Create a new account on the server" msgstr "Krei novan konton sur la servilo" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2209 -msgid "Ca_ncel" -msgstr "_Nuligi" - #. To translators: The first parameter is the login id and the #. * second one is the network. The resulting string will be something #. * like: "MyUserName on freenode". #. * You should reverse the order of these arguments if the #. * server should come before the login id in your locale. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2487 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2241 #, c-format msgid "%1$s on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s ĉe %2$s" #. To translators: The parameter is the protocol name. The resulting #. * string will be something like: "Jabber Account" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2513 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2267 #, c-format msgid "%s Account" msgstr "%s Konto" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2517 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2271 msgid "New account" msgstr "Nova konto" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:1 -msgid "Example: MyScreenName" -msgstr "Ekzemplo: MiaNomo" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:14 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:1 +msgid "Pass_word:" +msgstr "Pas_vorto:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-generic.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:2 -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "Altnivele" +msgid "Screen _Name:" +msgstr "Ekran_nomo:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:3 +msgid "Example: MyScreenName" +msgstr "Ekzemplo: MiaNomo" + +#. remember password ticky box +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:4 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:4 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:5 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:12 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:4 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:13 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:5 -msgid "Pass_word:" -msgstr "Pas_vorto:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-base-password-dialog.c:261 +msgid "Remember password" +msgstr "Memori pasvorton" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:5 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:5 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:10 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:20 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:5 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:16 -msgid "Remember Password" -msgstr "Memori la pasvorton" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Port:" +msgstr "_Pordo:" -#. remember password ticky box -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:6 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:6 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:7 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:21 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:17 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-password-dialog.c:311 -msgid "Remember password" -msgstr "Memori pasvorton" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:6 -msgid "Screen _Name:" -msgstr "Ekran_nomo:" +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Server:" +msgstr "_Servilo:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:7 -msgid "What is your AIM password?" -msgstr "Kio estas via AIM-pasvorto?" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-generic.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:23 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:21 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:9 +msgid "Advanced" +msgstr "Altnivele" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your AIM screen name?" msgstr "Kio estas via AIM-nomo?" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:10 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:26 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:10 -msgid "_Port:" -msgstr "_Pordo:" +msgid "What is your AIM password?" +msgstr "Kio estas via AIM-pasvorto?" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:10 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:10 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:11 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:27 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:7 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:10 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:9 -msgid "_Server:" -msgstr "_Servilo:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:1 -msgid "Example: username" -msgstr "Ekzemplo: uzantonomo" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:24 +msgid "Remember Password" +msgstr "Memori la pasvorton" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:2 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:13 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:2 msgid "Login I_D:" msgstr "Ensalut-I_D:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:3 +msgid "Example: username" +msgstr "Ekzemplo: uzantonomo" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your GroupWise User ID?" msgstr "Kio estas via uzantidentigilo ĉe GroupWise?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your GroupWise password?" msgstr "Kio estas via pasvorto ĉe GroupWise?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:2 +msgid "ICQ _UIN:" +msgstr "_UIN ĉe ICQ:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:3 msgid "Example: 123456789" msgstr "Ekzemplo: 123456789" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:7 msgid "Ch_aracter set:" msgstr "Sign_a agordo:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:4 -msgid "ICQ _UIN:" -msgstr "_UIN ĉe ICQ:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your ICQ UIN?" msgstr "Kio estas via UIN ĉe ICQ?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:9 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:10 msgid "What is your ICQ password?" msgstr "Kio estas via ICQ-pasvorto?" @@ -1046,11 +1014,23 @@ msgid "None" msgstr "Neniu" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:1 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Reto" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:2 +msgid "Network:" +msgstr "Reto:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:3 msgid "Character set:" msgstr "Signa agordo:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:4 +msgid "Servers" +msgstr "Serviloj" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 msgid "" "Most IRC servers don't need a password, so if you're not sure, don't enter a " "password." @@ -1058,14 +1038,6 @@ "Plej multaj el la serviloj de IRC ne bezonas pasvorton, do se vi ne certas, " "ne enmetu pasvorton." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:4 -msgid "Network" -msgstr "Reto" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 -msgid "Network:" -msgstr "Reto:" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:6 msgid "Nickname:" msgstr "Kromnomo:" @@ -1082,48 +1054,20 @@ msgid "Real name:" msgstr "Reala nomo:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 -msgid "Servers" -msgstr "Serviloj" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:12 -msgid "What is your IRC nickname?" -msgstr "Kio estas via kromnomon ĉe IRC?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 msgid "Which IRC network?" msgstr "Kiu IRC-reto?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:1 -msgid "Example: user@gmail.com" -msgstr "Ekzemplo: uzanto@gmail.com" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:2 -msgid "Example: user@jabber.org" -msgstr "Ekzemplo: uzanto@jabber.org" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:4 -msgid "Encr_yption required (TLS/SSL)" -msgstr "Ĉ_ifrado nepras (TLS/SSL)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:5 -msgid "I_gnore SSL certificate errors" -msgstr "I_gnori erarojn de atestiloj de SSL" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:7 -msgid "Override server settings" -msgstr "Superskribi agordojn de la servilo" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:9 -msgid "Priori_ty:" -msgstr "Priori_tato:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:12 -msgid "Reso_urce:" -msgstr "Ris_urco:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 +msgid "What is your IRC nickname?" +msgstr "Kio estas via kromnomon ĉe IRC?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:1 +msgid "What is your Facebook username?" +msgstr "Kio estas via uzantonomo ĉe Facebook?" #. This string is not wrapped in the dialog so you may have to add some '\n' to make it look nice. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:14 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:3 msgid "" "This is your username, not your normal Facebook login.\n" "If you are facebook.com/badger, enter badger.\n" @@ -1133,181 +1077,205 @@ "Ĉi tio estas via uzantonomo, ne via kutima ensaluto ĉe Facebook.\n" "Se vi nomiĝas facebook.com/zizelo, enmetu zizelo.\n" "Uzu ĉi tiu paĝo por " -"elekti uzantnomon ĉe Facebook se vi ne jam havas." - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:17 -msgid "Use old SS_L" -msgstr "Uzi malnovan SS_L" +"elekti uzantonomon ĉe Facebook se vi ne jam havas." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:18 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:6 msgid "What is your Facebook password?" msgstr "Kio estas via pasvorto ĉe Facebook?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:19 -msgid "What is your Facebook username?" -msgstr "Kio estas via uzantnomo ĉe Facebook?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:20 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your Google ID?" msgstr "Kio estas via identigilo ĉe Google?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:21 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:9 +msgid "Example: user@gmail.com" +msgstr "Ekzemplo: uzanto@gmail.com" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:10 msgid "What is your Google password?" msgstr "Kio estas via pasvorto ĉe Google?" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:11 +msgid "Example: user@jabber.org" +msgstr "Ekzemplo: uzanto@jabber.org" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:15 +msgid "I_gnore SSL certificate errors" +msgstr "I_gnori erarojn de atestiloj de SSL" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:16 +msgid "Priori_ty:" +msgstr "Priori_tato:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:17 +msgid "Reso_urce:" +msgstr "Ris_urco:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:18 +msgid "Encr_yption required (TLS/SSL)" +msgstr "Ĉ_ifrado nepras (TLS/SSL)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:19 +msgid "Use old SS_L" +msgstr "Uzi malnovan SS_L" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:22 +msgid "Override server settings" +msgstr "Superskribi agordojn de la servilo" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:24 msgid "What is your Jabber ID?" msgstr "Kio estas via identigilo ĉe Jabber?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:23 -msgid "What is your Jabber password?" -msgstr "Kio estas via pasvorto ĉe Jabber?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:24 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:25 msgid "What is your desired Jabber ID?" msgstr "Kiun identigilon vi deziras ĉe Jabber?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:25 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:26 +msgid "What is your Jabber password?" +msgstr "Kio estas via pasvorto ĉe Jabber?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:27 msgid "What is your desired Jabber password?" msgstr "Kiun pasvorton vi deziras ĉe Jabber?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:3 msgid "Example: user@hotmail.com" msgstr "Ekzemplo: uzanto@hotmail.com" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your Windows Live ID?" msgstr "Kio estas via identigilo ĉe Windows Live?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your Windows Live password?" msgstr "Kio estas via pasvorto ĉe Windows Live?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:2 -msgid "E-_mail address:" -msgstr "Ret_poŝtadreso:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:1 msgid "Nic_kname:" msgstr "_Kromnomo:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Last Name:" +msgstr "_Familia nomo:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:3 msgid "_First Name:" msgstr "_Persona nomo:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Published Name:" +msgstr "_Montrata nomo:" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:5 msgid "_Jabber ID:" msgstr "_Jabber-ID:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:6 -msgid "_Last Name:" -msgstr "_Familia nomo:" +msgid "E-_mail address:" +msgstr "Ret_poŝtadreso:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:7 -msgid "_Published Name:" -msgstr "_Montrata nomo:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Username:" +msgstr "_Uzantonomo:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:3 msgid "Example: user@my.sip.server" msgstr "Ekzemplo: uzanto@my.sip.server" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:3 -msgid "Authentication username:" -msgstr "Aŭtentig-uzantonomo:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:4 -msgid "Discover Binding" -msgstr "Eltrovi bindaĵon" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:5 -msgid "Discover the STUN server automatically" -msgstr "Eltrovi la servilon de STUN aŭtomate" +msgid "Use this account to call _landlines and mobile phones" +msgstr "Uzi ĉi tiun konton por voki _fiskajn kaj poŝajn telefonojn" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:6 -msgid "Ignore TLS Errors" -msgstr "Ignori erarojn de TLS" +msgid "NAT Traversal Options" +msgstr "Agordoj por transiro de NAT" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:7 -msgid "Interval (seconds)" -msgstr "Intervalo (sekundoj)" +msgid "Proxy Options" +msgstr "Prokuril-agordoj" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:8 -msgid "Keep-Alive Options" -msgstr "Agordoj de vivodaŭrigo" +msgid "Miscellaneous Options" +msgstr "Diversaj agordoj" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:9 -msgid "Loose Routing" -msgstr "Malstrikta enkursigo" +msgid "STUN Server:" +msgstr "STUN-servilo:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:10 -msgid "Mechanism:" -msgstr "Mekanismo:" +msgid "Discover the STUN server automatically" +msgstr "Eltrovi la servilon de STUN aŭtomate" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:11 -msgid "Miscellaneous Options" -msgstr "Diversaj agordoj" +msgid "Discover Binding" +msgstr "Eltrovi bindaĵon" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:12 -msgid "NAT Traversal Options" -msgstr "Agordoj por transiro de NAT" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:114 +msgid "Server:" +msgstr "Servilo:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:13 +msgid "Keep-Alive Options" +msgstr "Agordoj de vivodaŭrigo" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:14 -msgid "Port:" -msgstr "Pordo:" +msgid "Mechanism:" +msgstr "Mekanismo:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:15 -msgid "Proxy Options" -msgstr "Prokuril-agordoj" +msgid "Interval (seconds)" +msgstr "Intervalo (sekundoj)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:16 +msgid "Authentication username:" +msgstr "Aŭtentig-uzantonomo:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:17 +msgid "Transport:" +msgstr "Transporto:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:18 -msgid "STUN Server:" -msgstr "STUN-servilo:" +msgid "Loose Routing" +msgstr "Malstrikta enkursigo" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:19 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:347 -msgid "Server:" -msgstr "Servilo:" +msgid "Ignore TLS Errors" +msgstr "Ignori erarojn de TLS" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:20 -msgid "Transport:" -msgstr "Transporto:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:21 -msgid "Use this account to call _landlines and mobile phones" -msgstr "Uzi ĉi tiun konton por voki _fiskajn kaj poŝajn telefonojn" +msgid "Port:" +msgstr "Pordo:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:22 -msgid "What is your SIP account password?" -msgstr "Kio estas via pasvorto por via konto de SIP?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:23 msgid "What is your SIP login ID?" msgstr "Kio estas via ensalut-identigilo de SIP?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:24 -msgid "_Username:" -msgstr "_Uzantonomo:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:23 +msgid "What is your SIP account password?" +msgstr "Kio estas via pasvorto por via konto de SIP?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:2 +msgid "Yahoo! I_D:" +msgstr "Yahoo!-I_D:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:5 msgid "I_gnore conference and chat room invitations" msgstr "I_gnori konferencajn kaj babilejajn invitojn" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Room List locale:" +msgstr "_Lokaĵaro por la ĉambrolisto:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:10 msgid "What is your Yahoo! ID?" msgstr "Kio estas via identigilo ĉe Yahoo! ?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:11 msgid "What is your Yahoo! password?" msgstr "Kio estas via pasvorto ĉe Yahoo! ?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:9 -msgid "Yahoo! I_D:" -msgstr "Yahoo!-I_D:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:11 -msgid "_Room List locale:" -msgstr "_Lokaĵaro por la ĉambrolisto:" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:471 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:556 msgid "Couldn't convert image" @@ -1323,7 +1291,7 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:939 msgid "Select Your Avatar Image" -msgstr "Elekti bildon por via avataro" +msgstr "Elekti bildon por via uzantobildo" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:947 msgid "Take a picture..." @@ -1345,61 +1313,65 @@ msgid "Click to enlarge" msgstr "Klaku por pligrandigi" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:44 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:42 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:60 msgid "There was an error starting the call" msgstr "Okazis eraro dum komenci la vokon" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:51 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:49 msgid "The specified contact doesn't support calls" msgstr "La indikita kontakto ne subtenas vokojn" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:53 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:51 msgid "The specified contact is offline" msgstr "La indikita kontakto estas malkonektita" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:55 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:53 msgid "The specified contact is not valid" msgstr "La indikita atestilo nevalidas" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:57 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:55 msgid "Emergency calls are not supported on this protocol" msgstr "Krizajn vokojn ne subtenas ĉi tiu protokolo" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:704 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:57 +msgid "You don't have enough credit in order to place this call" +msgstr "Via kredito ne sufiĉas por fari tiun vokon" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:729 msgid "Failed to open private chat" msgstr "Malsukcesis malfermi privatan babilejon" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:765 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:787 msgid "Topic not supported on this conversation" msgstr "Ĉi tiu konversacio ne subtenas temojn" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:771 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:793 msgid "You are not allowed to change the topic" msgstr "Vi ne rajtas ŝanĝi la temon" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:975 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:992 #, c-format msgid "“%s” is not a valid contact ID" msgstr "“%s” ne estas valida identigo de kontakto" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1060 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1087 msgid "/clear: clear all messages from the current conversation" msgstr "/clear: Vakigi ĉiujn mesaĝojn el la aktuala konversacio" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1063 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1090 msgid "/topic : set the topic of the current conversation" msgstr "/topic : Ŝangi la temon de la aktuala konversacio" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1066 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1093 msgid "/join : join a new chat room" msgstr "/join : eniri novan babilo-ĉambron" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1069 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1096 msgid "/j : join a new chat room" msgstr "/j : eniri novan babilo-ĉambron" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1073 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1100 msgid "" "/part [] []: leave the chat room, by default the " "current one" @@ -1407,24 +1379,24 @@ "/part [] []: forlasi la babil-ĉambron, defaŭlte " "la aktualan" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1077 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1104 msgid "/query []: open a private chat" msgstr "/query []: malfermi privatan babilon" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1080 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1107 msgid "/msg : open a private chat" msgstr "/msg : malfermi privatan babilon" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1083 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1110 msgid "/nick : change your nickname on the current server" msgstr "/nick : Ŝanĝi vian kromnomon ĉe la aktuala servilo" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1086 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1113 msgid "/me : send an ACTION message to the current conversation" msgstr "" "/me : sendi mesaĝon de “ACTION” (ago) al la aktuala konversacio" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1089 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1116 msgid "" "/say : send to the current conversation. This is used to " "send a message starting with a '/'. For example: \"/say /join is used to " @@ -1434,11 +1406,11 @@ "tion por sendi mesaĝon kiu komencas per ‘/’. Ekzemple: “/say /join uziĝas " "por eniri ĉambrojn”" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1094 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1121 msgid "/whois : display information about a contact" msgstr "/whois : montri informon pri kontakto" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1097 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1124 msgid "" "/help []: show all supported commands. If is defined, " "show its usage." @@ -1446,113 +1418,127 @@ "/help []: montri ĉiujn subtenatajn komandojn. Se estas " "difinita, montri ĝian uzon." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1114 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1143 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s" msgstr "Uzo: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1159 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1188 msgid "Unknown command" msgstr "Nekonata komando" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1285 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1314 msgid "Unknown command; see /help for the available commands" msgstr "Nekonata komando; vidu /help por la uzeblaj komandoj" -#. translators: error used when user doesn't have enough credit on his -#. * account to send the message. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1455 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1565 msgid "insufficient balance to send message" msgstr "kredito ne sufiĉas por sendi la mesaĝon" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1457 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1569 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1583 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1646 +#, c-format +msgid "Error sending message '%s': %s" +msgstr "Eraris sendi mesaĝon ‘%s’: %s" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1571 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1588 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1650 +#, c-format +msgid "Error sending message: %s" +msgstr "Eraro dum sendo de mesaĝo: %s" + +#. translators: error used when user doesn't have enough credit on his +#. * account to send the message. +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1577 +#, c-format +msgid "insufficient balance to send message. Top up." +msgstr "" +"bilanco ne sufiĉas por sendi la mesaĝon. Plenumi konton." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1617 msgid "not capable" msgstr "ne kapablas" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1464 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1624 msgid "offline" msgstr "nekonektite" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1467 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1627 msgid "invalid contact" msgstr "nevalida kontakto" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1470 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1630 msgid "permission denied" msgstr "aliro malpermesita" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1473 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1633 msgid "too long message" msgstr "tro longa mesaĝo" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1476 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1636 msgid "not implemented" msgstr "ne realigite" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1480 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1640 msgid "unknown" msgstr "nekonate" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1486 -#, c-format -msgid "Error sending message '%s': %s" -msgstr "Eraris sendi mesaĝon ‘%s’: %s" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1490 -#, c-format -msgid "Error sending message: %s" -msgstr "Eraro dum sendo de mesaĝo: %s" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1551 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:761 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1707 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:920 msgid "Topic:" msgstr "Temo:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1563 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1722 #, c-format msgid "Topic set to: %s" msgstr "La temo ŝanĝiĝis al: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1565 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1724 +#, c-format +msgid "Topic set by %s to: %s" +msgstr "La temo ŝanĝiĝis de %s al: %s" + +#. No need to display this 'event' is no topic can be defined anyway +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1729 msgid "No topic defined" msgstr "Neniu temo estas definita" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2074 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2245 msgid "(No Suggestions)" msgstr "(Neniuj proponoj)" #. translators: %s is the selected word -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2142 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2313 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to Dictionary" msgstr "Aldoni '%s' al vortaro" #. translators: first %s is the selected word, #. * second %s is the language name of the target dictionary -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2179 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2350 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to %s Dictionary" msgstr "Aldoni '%s' al %s vortaro" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2249 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2420 msgid "Insert Smiley" msgstr "Enmeti miensimbolon" #. send button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2267 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1839 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2438 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1880 msgid "_Send" msgstr "_Sendi" #. Spelling suggestions -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2321 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2495 msgid "_Spelling Suggestions" msgstr "_Literumadaj proponoj" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2410 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2584 msgid "Failed to retrieve recent logs" msgstr "Malsukcesis akiri la ĵusajn protokolojn" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2547 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2723 #, c-format msgid "%s has disconnected" msgstr "%s malkonektiĝis" @@ -1560,12 +1546,12 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the kicked should come before the kicker in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2554 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2730 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was kicked by %2$s" msgstr "%1$s estas forpelita de %2$s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2557 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2733 #, c-format msgid "%s was kicked" msgstr "%s estas forpelita" @@ -1573,17 +1559,17 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the banned should come before the banner in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2565 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2741 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was banned by %2$s" msgstr "%1$s estas ekzilita de %2$s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2568 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2744 #, c-format msgid "%s was banned" msgstr "%s estas ekzilita" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2572 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2748 #, c-format msgid "%s has left the room" msgstr "%s forlasis la ĉambron" @@ -1593,17 +1579,17 @@ #. * given by the user living the room. If this poses a problem, #. * please let us know. :-) #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2581 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2757 #, c-format msgid " (%s)" msgstr " (%s)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2606 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2782 #, c-format msgid "%s has joined the room" msgstr "%s aliĝis la ĉambron" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2631 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2807 #, c-format msgid "%s is now known as %s" msgstr "%s nun estas konata kiel %s" @@ -1611,90 +1597,90 @@ #. We don't know if the incoming call has been accepted or not, so we #. * assume it hasn't and if it has, we'll set the proper status when #. * we get the new handler. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2784 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1894 -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1240 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1432 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1482 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2527 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2994 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1888 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1279 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1502 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1552 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2585 msgid "Disconnected" msgstr "Malkonektite" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3428 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3658 msgid "Would you like to store this password?" msgstr "Ĉu vi volas konservi ĉi tiun pasvorton?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3434 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3664 msgid "Remember" msgstr "Memorigi" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3444 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3674 msgid "Not now" msgstr "Ne nun" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3488 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3718 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-bad-password-dialog.c:142 msgid "Retry" msgstr "Reprovi" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3492 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3722 msgid "Wrong password; please try again:" msgstr "Malĝusta pasvorto; bonvolu reprovi:" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3622 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3852 msgid "This room is protected by a password:" msgstr "Pasvorto gardas ĉi tiun ĉambron:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3649 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3879 msgid "Join" msgstr "Aliĝi" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3851 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1261 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4071 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1300 msgid "Connected" msgstr "Konektite" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3906 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4126 msgid "Conversation" msgstr "Konversacio" #. Translators: this string is a something like #. * "Escher Cat (SMS)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3911 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4131 #, c-format msgid "%s (SMS)" msgstr "%s (SMS)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:424 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:264 msgid "Unknown or invalid identifier" msgstr "Nekonata aŭ nevalida identigilo" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:426 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:266 msgid "Contact blocking temporarily unavailable" msgstr "Kontaktblokado portempe ne eblas" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:428 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:268 msgid "Contact blocking unavailable" msgstr "Kontaktblokado ne eblas" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:430 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:270 msgid "Permission Denied" msgstr "Aliro malpermesita" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:434 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:274 msgid "Could not block contact" msgstr "Malsukcesis bloki kontakton" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:774 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:612 msgid "Edit Blocked Contacts" msgstr "Redakti blokitajn kontaktojn" #. Account and Identifier #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:512 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1489 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-selector-dialog.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:506 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1474 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:7 msgid "Account:" msgstr "Konto:" @@ -1704,464 +1690,369 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:3 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:5 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 #: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:3 msgid "Remove" msgstr "Forigi" #. Copy Link Address menu item -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:320 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:322 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-webkit-utils.c:277 msgid "_Copy Link Address" msgstr "_Kopii la ligiladreson" #. Open Link menu item -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:327 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:329 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-webkit-utils.c:284 msgid "_Open Link" msgstr "Malfermi la ligil_on" #. Translators: timestamp displayed between conversations in #. * chat windows (strftime format string) -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:415 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:417 msgid "%A %B %d %Y" -msgstr "%A %B %d %Y" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:299 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-edit-dialog.c:247 -msgid "Edit Contact Information" -msgstr "Redakti kontakto-informojn" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:350 -msgid "Personal Information" -msgstr "Personaj informoj" +msgstr "%A %B %d %Y" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:459 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:119 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:326 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:118 msgid "New Contact" msgstr "Nova kontakto" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:533 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:200 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:395 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:197 #, c-format msgid "Block %s?" msgstr "Ĉu bloki na %s?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:538 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:255 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:400 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:252 #, c-format msgid "Are you sure you want to block '%s' from contacting you again?" msgstr "Ĉu vi certas ke vi volas bloki ‘%s’ de kontakti vin plu?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:543 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:277 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:405 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:274 msgid "_Block" msgstr "_Bloki" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:559 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:286 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:423 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:283 msgid "_Report this contact as abusive" msgid_plural "_Report these contacts as abusive" msgstr[0] "_Raporti ĉi tiun kontakton kiel mistraktema" msgstr[1] "_Raporti ĉi tiujn kontaktojn kiel mistraktemaj" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:1 -msgid "Decide _Later" -msgstr "Decidi _poste" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:2 msgid "Subscription Request" msgstr "Abonpeto" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:2 msgid "_Block User" msgstr "_Bloki uzanton" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-store.h:71 -msgid "Ungrouped" -msgstr "Negrupite" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-store.h:72 -msgid "Favorite People" -msgstr "Legosignitaj homoj" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:1986 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2376 -#, c-format -msgid "Do you really want to remove the group '%s'?" -msgstr "Ĉu vi vere volas forigi la grupon ‘%s’?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:1988 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2379 -msgid "Removing group" -msgstr "Forigi grupon" - -#. Remove -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2037 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2114 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2434 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2637 -msgid "_Remove" -msgstr "Fo_rigi" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2067 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2501 -#, c-format -msgid "Do you really want to remove the contact '%s'?" -msgstr "Ĉu vi vere volas forigi la kontakton ‘%s’?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2069 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2522 -msgid "Removing contact" -msgstr "Forigi kontakton" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:220 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:14 -msgid "_Add Contact…" -msgstr "_Aldoni kontakton…" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:300 -msgid "_Block Contact" -msgstr "_Bloki kontakton" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:329 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:758 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:16 -msgid "_Chat" -msgstr "_Babilejo" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:361 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:849 -msgctxt "menu item" -msgid "_Audio Call" -msgstr "_Sonalvoko" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:394 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:894 -msgctxt "menu item" -msgid "_Video Call" -msgstr "_Videoalvoko" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:440 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:947 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:27 -msgid "_Previous Conversations" -msgstr "_Antaŭaj konversacioj" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:462 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:988 -msgid "Send File" -msgstr "Sendi dosieron" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:485 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1030 -msgid "Share My Desktop" -msgstr "Komunigi mian labortabelon" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:525 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1887 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1065 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1372 -msgid "Favorite" -msgstr "Librosigno" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:554 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1093 -msgid "Infor_mation" -msgstr "Infor_mo" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:600 -msgctxt "Edit contact (contextual menu)" -msgid "_Edit" -msgstr "R_edakti" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:654 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1284 -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:1011 -msgid "Inviting you to this room" -msgstr "Invitas vin al tiu ĉi ĉambro" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:685 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1330 -msgid "_Invite to Chat Room" -msgstr "_Inviti al babil-ĉambro" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:3 +msgid "Decide _Later" +msgstr "Decidi _poste" #. Title -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:505 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:499 msgid "Search contacts" msgstr "Serĉi kontaktojn" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:535 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:529 msgid "Search: " msgstr "Serĉi: " -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:593 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:587 msgid "_Add Contact" msgstr "_Aldoni kontakton" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:611 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:605 msgid "No contacts found" msgstr "Ne trovis kontaktojn" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:627 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:621 msgid "Your message introducing yourself:" msgstr "Via mesaĝo por enkonduki vin:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:635 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:629 msgid "Please let me see when you're online. Thanks!" msgstr "Bonvolu permesi min vidi kiam vi konektas. Dankon!" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-selector.c:129 -msgid "Select a contact" -msgstr "Elekti kontakton" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:336 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:153 -msgid "Full name:" -msgstr "Tuta nomo:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:337 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:154 -msgid "Phone number:" -msgstr "Telefonnumero:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:338 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:155 -msgid "E-mail address:" -msgstr "Retpoŝtadreso:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:339 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:156 -msgid "Website:" -msgstr "Retpaĝaro:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:340 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:157 -msgid "Birthday:" -msgstr "Naskiĝtago:" - -#. Note to translators: this is the caption for a string of the form "5 -#. * minutes ago", and refers to the time since the contact last interacted -#. * with their IM client. -#. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:346 -msgid "Last seen:" -msgstr "Lasta vido:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:348 -msgid "Connected from:" -msgstr "Konektite de:" - -#. FIXME: once Idle implements SimplePresence using this information, we can -#. * and should bin this. -#. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:353 -msgid "Away message:" -msgstr "Foresto-mesaĝo:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:606 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:569 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:304 msgid "Channels:" msgstr "Kanaloj:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:897 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:469 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:749 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:455 msgid "Country ISO Code:" msgstr "Landkodo de ISO:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:899 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:471 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:751 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:457 msgid "Country:" msgstr "Lando:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:901 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:473 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:753 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:459 msgid "State:" msgstr "Ŝtato:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:903 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:475 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:755 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:461 msgid "City:" msgstr "Urbo:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:905 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:477 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:757 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:463 msgid "Area:" msgstr "Areo:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:907 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:479 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:759 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:465 msgid "Postal Code:" msgstr "Poŝtkodo:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:909 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:481 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:761 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:467 msgid "Street:" msgstr "Strato:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:911 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:483 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:763 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:469 msgid "Building:" msgstr "Konstruaĵo:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:913 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:485 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:765 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:471 msgid "Floor:" msgstr "Etaĝo:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:915 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:487 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:767 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:473 msgid "Room:" msgstr "Ĉambro:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:917 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:489 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:769 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:475 msgid "Text:" msgstr "Teksto:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:919 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:491 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:771 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:477 msgid "Description:" msgstr "Priskribo:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:921 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:493 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:773 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:479 msgid "URI:" msgstr "URI:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:923 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:495 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:775 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:481 msgid "Accuracy Level:" msgstr "Nivelo de precizo:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:925 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:497 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:777 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:483 msgid "Error:" msgstr "Eraro:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:927 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:499 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:779 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:485 msgid "Vertical Error (meters):" msgstr "Vertikala eraro (metroj):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:929 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:501 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:781 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:487 msgid "Horizontal Error (meters):" msgstr "Horizontala eraro (metroj):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:931 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:503 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:783 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:489 msgid "Speed:" msgstr "Rapido:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:933 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:505 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:785 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:491 msgid "Bearing:" msgstr "Direkto:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:935 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:507 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:787 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:493 msgid "Climb Speed:" msgstr "Rapideco de altiĝo:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:937 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:509 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:789 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:495 msgid "Last Updated on:" msgstr "Laste aktualigita je:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:939 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:511 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:791 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:497 msgid "Longitude:" msgstr "Longitudo:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:941 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:513 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:793 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:499 msgid "Latitude:" msgstr "Latitudo:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:943 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:515 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:795 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:501 msgid "Altitude:" msgstr "Altitudo:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:996 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1011 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:607 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:622 -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:17 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:848 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:863 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:593 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:608 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:35 msgid "Location" msgstr "Loko" #. translators: format is "Location, $date" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1013 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:624 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:865 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:610 #, c-format msgid "%s, %s" msgstr "%s, %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1065 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:673 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:917 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:659 msgid "%B %e, %Y at %R UTC" msgstr "%ea de %B, %Y je %R UTC" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1147 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:915 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:999 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:900 msgid "Save Avatar" -msgstr "Konservi la avataron" +msgstr "Konservi la uzantobildon" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1203 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:973 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1055 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:958 msgid "Unable to save avatar" -msgstr "Malsukcesis konservi la avataron" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:1 -msgid "Location at (date)\t" -msgstr "Pozicio je (dato)\t" +msgstr "Malsukcesis konservi la uzantobildon" -#. Alias -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1308 -msgid "Alias:" -msgstr "Kromnomo:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:4 -msgid "Client Information" -msgstr "Klientaj informoj" - -# babililo = chat-tool -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:5 -msgid "Client:" -msgstr "Kliento:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1446 +msgid "Personal Details" +msgstr "Personaj detaloj" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1449 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:2 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:3 msgid "Contact Details" msgstr "Kontaktdetaloj" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:104 +msgid "Full name" +msgstr "Tuta nomo" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:105 +msgid "Phone number" +msgstr "Telefonnumero" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:106 +msgid "E-mail address" +msgstr "Retpoŝtadreso" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:107 +msgid "Website" +msgstr "Retejo" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:108 +msgid "Birthday" +msgstr "Naskiĝtago" + +#. Note to translators: this is the caption for a string of the form "5 +#. * minutes ago", and refers to the time since the contact last interacted +#. * with their IM client. +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:113 +msgid "Last seen:" +msgstr "Lasta vido:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:115 +msgid "Connected from:" +msgstr "Konektite de:" + +#. FIXME: once Idle implements SimplePresence using this information, we can +#. * and should bin this. +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:119 +msgid "Away message:" +msgstr "Foresto-mesaĝo:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:132 +msgid "work" +msgstr "laboro" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:133 +msgid "home" +msgstr "hejmo" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:134 +msgid "mobile" +msgstr "poŝtelefono" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:135 +msgid "voice" +msgstr "voĉo" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:136 +msgid "preferred" +msgstr "preferate" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:137 +msgid "postal" +msgstr "" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:138 +msgid "parcel" +msgstr "parcelo" + #. Identifier to connect to Instant Messaging network #. Translators: Identifier to connect to Instant Messaging network -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:8 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1517 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1502 msgid "Identifier:" msgstr "Identigilo:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:3 +#. Alias +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1293 +msgid "Alias:" +msgstr "Kromnomo:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:5 +msgid "Location at (date)\t" +msgstr "Pozicio je (dato)\t" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:4 msgid "Information requested…" msgstr "Informoj petitaj…" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:10 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:8 +msgid "Client Information" +msgstr "Klientaj informoj" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:9 msgid "OS:" msgstr "Mastruma sistemo:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:10 msgid "Version:" msgstr "Versio:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:333 +# babililo = chat-tool +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:11 +msgid "Client:" +msgstr "Kliento:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:331 msgid "Groups" msgstr "Grupoj" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:345 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:343 msgid "" "Select the groups you want this contact to appear in. Note that you can " "select more than one group or no groups." @@ -2169,105 +2060,171 @@ "Elektu la grupojn en kiuj vi volas ke ĉi tiu kontakto aperos. Rimarku ke oni " "povas elekti pli ol unu grupo aŭ neniom grupoj." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:364 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:362 msgid "_Add Group" msgstr "_Aldoni grupon" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:399 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:397 msgctxt "verb in a column header displaying group names" msgid "Select" msgstr "Elekti" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:409 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1807 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:407 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1970 msgid "Group" msgstr "Grupo" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:260 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:257 msgid "The following identity will be blocked:" msgid_plural "The following identities will be blocked:" msgstr[0] "La jena idento blokiĝos:" msgstr[1] "La jenaj identoj blokiĝos:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:267 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:264 msgid "The following identity can not be blocked:" msgid_plural "The following identities can not be blocked:" msgstr[0] "Ne eblas bloki la jena idento:" msgstr[1] "Ne eblas bloki la jenaj identoj:" -#. Translators: the heading at the top of the Information dialogue -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-information-dialog.c:288 -msgid "Linked Contacts" -msgstr "Ligitaj kontaktoj" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-linker.c:370 -msgid "Select contacts to link" -msgstr "Elekti kontaktojn por ligi" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-linker.c:444 -msgid "New contact preview" -msgstr "Antaŭrigardo de nova kontakto" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-linker.c:488 -msgid "Contacts selected in the list on the left will be linked together." -msgstr "Kontaktoj elektitaj en la maldekstra listo kunligiĝos." +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-edit-dialog.c:247 +msgid "Edit Contact Information" +msgstr "Redakti kontakto-informojn" #. Translators: this is used in the context menu for a contact. The first #. * parameter is a contact ID (e.g. foo@jabber.org) and the second is one #. * of the user's account IDs (e.g. me@hotmail.com). -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:145 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:172 #, c-format msgid "%s (%s)" msgstr "%s (%s)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:309 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:344 msgid "Select account to use to place the call" msgstr "Elekti konton kiun uziĝos por voki" #. translators: Call is a noun. This string is used in the window #. * title -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:313 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:2 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1299 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:348 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1290 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:18 msgid "Call" msgstr "Voko" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:378 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:413 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Poŝtelefono" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:380 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:415 msgid "Work" msgstr "Laboro" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:382 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:417 msgid "HOME" msgstr "Hejmo" -#. add an SMS button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:804 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:215 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:658 +msgid "_Block Contact" +msgstr "_Bloki kontakton" + +#. add chat button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1017 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:319 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Chat" +msgstr "_Babilejo" + +#. add SMS button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1052 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:313 msgid "_SMS" msgstr "_SMS" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1142 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1085 +msgctxt "menu item" +msgid "_Audio Call" +msgstr "_Sonalvoko" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1118 +msgctxt "menu item" +msgid "_Video Call" +msgstr "_Videoalvoko" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1159 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Previous Conversations" +msgstr "_Antaŭaj konversacioj" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1188 +msgid "Send File" +msgstr "Sendi dosieron" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1218 +msgid "Share My Desktop" +msgstr "Komunigi mian labortabelon" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1244 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1357 +msgid "Favorite" +msgstr "Librosigno" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1263 +msgid "gnome-contacts not installed" +msgstr "gnome-contacts ne estas instalite" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1266 +msgid "Please install gnome-contacts to access contacts details." +msgstr "" +"Bonvole instalu la pakaĵon \"gnome-contacts\" por aliri kontakt-detalojn." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1380 +msgid "Infor_mation" +msgstr "Infor_mo" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1429 msgctxt "Edit individual (contextual menu)" msgid "_Edit" msgstr "R_edakti" -#. Translators: this is a verb meaning "to connect two contacts together -#. * to form a meta-contact". -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1168 -msgctxt "Link individual (contextual menu)" -msgid "_Link Contacts…" -msgstr "_Ligi kontaktojn…" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1546 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:1192 +msgid "Inviting you to this room" +msgstr "Invitas vin al tiu ĉi ĉambro" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1592 +msgid "_Invite to Chat Room" +msgstr "_Inviti al babil-ĉambro" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1788 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:5 +msgid "_Add Contact…" +msgstr "_Aldoni kontakton…" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2341 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2304 msgid "Delete and _Block" msgstr "Forviŝi kaj _bloki" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2510 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2339 +#, c-format +msgid "Do you really want to remove the group '%s'?" +msgstr "Ĉu vi vere volas forigi la grupon ‘%s’?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2342 +msgid "Removing group" +msgstr "Forigi grupon" + +#. Remove +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2397 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2601 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "Fo_rigi" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2474 +#, c-format +msgid "Do you really want to remove the contact '%s'?" +msgstr "Ĉu vi vere volas forigi la kontakton ‘%s’?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2483 #, c-format msgid "" "Do you really want to remove the linked contact '%s'? Note that this will " @@ -2276,7 +2233,11 @@ "Ĉu vere vi volas forigi la ligitan kontakton ‘%s’? Rimarku ke tio forigos " "ĉiujn kontaktojn kiuj ligiĝas al ĉi tiu kontakto." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1656 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2495 +msgid "Removing contact" +msgstr "Forigi kontakton" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1641 #, c-format msgid "Linked contact containing %u contact" msgid_plural "Linked contacts containing %u contacts" @@ -2287,23 +2248,23 @@ msgid "Location at (date)" msgstr "Pozicio je (dato)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:2 msgid "Online from a phone or mobile device" msgstr "Konektita per telefono aŭ portebla aparato" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:332 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:335 msgid "New Network" msgstr "Nova reto" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:527 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:530 msgid "Choose an IRC network" msgstr "Elekti IRC-reton" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:584 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:587 msgid "Reset _Networks List" msgstr "Redefaŭltigi la liston" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:588 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:591 msgctxt "verb displayed on a button to select an IRC network" msgid "Select" msgstr "Elekti" @@ -2316,249 +2277,252 @@ msgid "SSL" msgstr "SSL" -#. Translators: this is the title of the linking dialogue (reached by -#. * right-clicking on a contact and selecting "Link…"). "Link" in this title -#. * is a verb. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:115 -msgid "Link Contacts" -msgstr "Ligi kontaktojn" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:120 -msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" -msgid "_Unlink…" -msgstr "_Malligi…" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:121 -msgid "" -"Completely split the displayed linked contacts into the separate contacts." -msgstr "Tute dividi la montratajn ligitajn kontaktojn al apartaj kontaktoj" - -#. Add button -#. Translators: this is an action button in the linking dialogue. "Link" is -#. * used here as a verb meaning "to connect two contacts to form a -#. * meta-contact". -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:136 -msgid "_Link" -msgstr "_Ligi" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:183 -#, c-format -msgid "Unlink linked contacts '%s'?" -msgstr "Ĉu malligi la ligitajn kontaktojn ‘%s’?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:186 -msgid "" -"Are you sure you want to unlink these linked contacts? This will completely " -"split the linked contacts into separate contacts." -msgstr "" -"Ĉu vi certas ke vi volas malligi ĉi tiujn ligitajn kontaktojn? Tio tute " -"dividos la ligitajn kontaktojn al apartaj kontaktoj." - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:190 -msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" -msgid "_Unlink" -msgstr "_Malligi" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:634 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:620 msgid "History" msgstr "Historio" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:689 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:675 msgid "Show" msgstr "Montri" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:711 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:697 msgid "Search" msgstr "Serĉi" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1159 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1148 #, c-format msgid "Chat in %s" msgstr "Babili en %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1161 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1150 #, c-format msgid "Chat with %s" msgstr "Babili kun %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1211 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1358 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1200 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1347 msgctxt "A date with the time" msgid "%A, %e %B %Y %X" msgstr "%A, %e %B %Y %X" #. Translators: this is an emote: '* Danielle waves' -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1300 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1289 #, c-format msgid "* %s %s" msgstr "* %s %s" #. Translators: this is a message: 'Danielle: hello' #. * The string in bold is the sender's name -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1306 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1295 #, c-format msgid "%s: %s" msgstr "%s: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1382 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1371 #, c-format msgid "%s second" msgid_plural "%s seconds" msgstr[0] "%s sekundo" msgstr[1] "%s sekundoj" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1389 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1378 #, c-format msgid "%s minute" msgid_plural "%s minutes" msgstr[0] "%s minuto" msgstr[1] "%s minutoj" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1397 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1386 #, c-format msgid "Call took %s, ended at %s" msgstr "Voko daŭris %s, finiĝis je %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1729 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1720 msgid "Today" msgstr "Hodiaŭ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1733 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1724 msgid "Yesterday" msgstr "Hieraŭ" #. Translators: A date such as '23 May 2010' (strftime format) -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1748 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1739 msgid "%e %B %Y" msgstr "%e %B %Y" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1829 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3444 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1827 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3487 msgid "Anytime" msgstr "Iam ajn" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1916 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2372 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2400 msgid "Anyone" msgstr "Iu ajn" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2685 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2713 msgid "Who" msgstr "Kiu" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2889 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2922 msgid "When" msgstr "Kiam" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3005 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3038 msgid "Anything" msgstr "Io ajn" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3007 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3040 msgid "Text chats" msgstr "Tekstaj babiloj" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3009 -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3042 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:25 msgid "Calls" msgstr "Vokoj" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3014 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3047 msgid "Incoming calls" msgstr "Venantaj vokoj" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3015 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3048 msgid "Outgoing calls" msgstr "Elirantaj vokoj" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3016 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3049 msgid "Missed calls" msgstr "Maltrafitaj vokoj" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3038 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3071 msgid "What" msgstr "Kio" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3747 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3780 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete all logs of previous conversations?" msgstr "" "Ĉu vi certas ke vi volas forviŝi ĉiujn protokolojn de antaŭaj konversacioj?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3751 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3784 msgid "Clear All" msgstr "Vakigi ĉion" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3758 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3791 msgid "Delete from:" msgstr "Forigi de:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:1 -msgid "Loading..." -msgstr "Ŝargante…" +msgid "_File" +msgstr "_Dosiero" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:3 -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Chat" -msgstr "Babilejo" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:2 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:9 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:12 +msgid "_Edit" +msgstr "R_edakti" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:3 msgid "Delete All History..." msgstr "Forigi la tutan historion..." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:4 msgid "Profile" msgstr "Profilo" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:6 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:22 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:20 -msgid "Video" -msgstr "Video" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:5 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:19 +msgid "Chat" +msgstr "Babilejo" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:7 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:28 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:12 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:20 -msgid "_Edit" -msgstr "R_edakti" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:26 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:19 +msgid "Video" +msgstr "Video" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:8 -msgid "_File" -msgstr "_Dosiero" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:9 msgid "page 2" msgstr "paĝo 2" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-selector-dialog.ui.h:2 -msgid "Contact ID:" -msgstr "Kontakt-ID:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:9 +msgid "Loading..." +msgstr "Ŝargante…" -#. add chat button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:225 -msgid "C_hat" -msgstr "_Babilo" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:83 +msgid "The contact is offline" +msgstr "La kontakto estas nekonetite" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:85 +msgid "The specified contact is either invalid or unknown" +msgstr "La indikita kontakto estas aŭ nevalida aŭ nekonata" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:87 +msgid "The contact does not support this kind of conversation" +msgstr "La kontakto ne subtenas tiun specon de konversacio" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:89 +msgid "The requested functionality is not implemented for this protocol" +msgstr "La petita trajto ne estas realigita por tiu protokolo." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:95 +msgid "Could not start a conversation with the given contact" +msgstr "Ne eblas komenci konversacion kun la donata kontakto" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:97 +msgid "You are banned from this channel" +msgstr "Vi estas ekzilita de tiu kanalo" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:99 +msgid "This channel is full" +msgstr "La kanalo estas plena" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:101 +msgid "You must be invited to join this channel" +msgstr "Vi estu invitita por aliĝi al tiu kanalo" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:103 +msgid "Can't proceed while disconnected" +msgstr "Ne eblas procedi dum nekonekto" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:105 +msgid "Permission denied" +msgstr "Permeso rifuzita" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:111 +msgid "There was an error starting the conversation" +msgstr "Okazis eraro dum komenco de konversacio" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:290 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:200 +msgid "Enter a contact identifier or phone number:" +msgstr "Enigu la identililon aŭ la telefonnumeron de la kontakto:" #. Tweak the dialog -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:244 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:333 msgid "New Conversation" msgstr "Nova konversacio" -#. add video toggle -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:204 -msgid "Send _Video" -msgstr "Sendi _videon" +#. add video button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:223 +msgid "_Video Call" +msgstr "_Videoalvoko" -#. add chat button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:215 -msgid "C_all" -msgstr "_Voki" +#. add audio button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:233 +msgid "_Audio Call" +msgstr "_Sonalvoko" #. Tweak the dialog -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:225 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:243 msgid "New Call" msgstr "Nova voko" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-password-dialog.c:274 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-bad-password-dialog.c:130 +#, c-format +msgid "Authentification failed for account %s" +msgstr "Aŭtentokontrolo fiaskis je la konto %s" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-base-password-dialog.c:224 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-password-dialog.c:134 #, c-format msgid "" "Enter your password for account\n" @@ -2595,12 +2559,8 @@ msgid "Set status" msgstr "Agordi staton" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:943 -msgid "Set your presence and current status" -msgstr "Aktualigi vian ĉeestecon kaj staton" - #. Custom messages -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:1131 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:1135 msgid "Custom messages…" msgstr "Kutimaj mesaĝoj…" @@ -2608,7 +2568,7 @@ #. To translator: %s is the name of the protocol, such as "Google Talk" or #. * "Yahoo!" #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-protocol-chooser.c:584 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-protocol-chooser.c:588 #, c-format msgid "New %s account" msgstr "Nova %s konto" @@ -2618,20 +2578,20 @@ msgstr "Serĉi:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:2 -msgid "Mat_ch case" -msgstr "Uskleca _kongruo" +msgid "_Previous" +msgstr "_Antaŭa" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:3 -msgid "Phrase not found" -msgstr "Frazo ne trovita" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:4 msgid "_Next" msgstr "_Sekva" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:4 +msgid "Mat_ch case" +msgstr "Uskleca _kongruo" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:5 -msgid "_Previous" -msgstr "_Antaŭa" +msgid "Phrase not found" +msgstr "Frazo ne trovita" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-sound-manager.c:51 msgid "Received an instant message" @@ -2677,12 +2637,12 @@ msgid "Edit Custom Messages" msgstr "Redakti kutimajn mesaĝojn" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1036 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1051 #, c-format msgid "Message edited at %s" msgstr "Mesaĝo redaktiĝis je %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1726 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1757 msgid "Normal" msgstr "Normale" @@ -2759,34 +2719,38 @@ msgstr "Nomo en la atestilo: %s" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:281 -msgid "Continue" -msgstr "Daŭrigi" +msgid "C_ontinue" +msgstr "_Daŭrigi" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:287 +msgid "Untrusted connection" +msgstr "Nefidanta konekto" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:288 msgid "This connection is untrusted. Would you like to continue anyway?" msgstr "Ĉi tiu konekto ne konfidas. Ĉu vi volus konekti malgraŭ tio?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:297 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:298 msgid "Remember this choice for future connections" msgstr "Memori ĉi tiun elekton por estontaj konektoj" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:303 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:304 msgid "Certificate Details" msgstr "Detaloj de la atestilo" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1735 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1754 msgid "Unable to open URI" msgstr "Malsukcesis malfermi la URIon" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1831 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1872 msgid "Select a file" msgstr "Elekti dosieron" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1903 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1947 msgid "Insufficient free space to save file" msgstr "Mankas sufiĉa spaco por konservi la dosieron" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1911 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1955 #, c-format msgid "" "%s of free space are required to save this file, but only %s is available. " @@ -2795,7 +2759,7 @@ "%s da libera spaco necesas por konservi ĉi tiun dosieron, sed nur %s " "disponeblas. Bonvolu elekti alian lokon." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1955 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1999 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file from %s" msgstr "Venanta dosiero de %s" @@ -2830,7 +2794,7 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/totem-subtitle-encoding.c:187 #: ../libempathy-gtk/totem-subtitle-encoding.c:189 msgid "Central European" -msgstr "Mezeŭropa" +msgstr "Mezeŭrope" #: ../libempathy-gtk/totem-subtitle-encoding.c:192 #: ../libempathy-gtk/totem-subtitle-encoding.c:194 @@ -2967,39 +2931,31 @@ msgid "Vietnamese" msgstr "Vjetnama" -#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:108 -msgid "The selected contact cannot receive files." -msgstr "La elektita kontakto ne povas ricevi dosierojn." - -#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:114 -msgid "The selected contact is offline." -msgstr "La elektita kontakto estas senkonektita." - -#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:169 +#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:202 msgid "No error message" msgstr "Neniu erarmesaĝo" -#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:242 +#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:275 msgid "Instant Message (Empathy)" msgstr "Tujmesaĝo (Empatio)" -#: ../src/empathy.c:431 +#: ../src/empathy.c:435 msgid "Don't connect on startup" msgstr "Ne konekti dum lanĉo" -#: ../src/empathy.c:435 +#: ../src/empathy.c:439 msgid "Don't display the contact list or any other dialogs on startup" msgstr "Ne montri la kontaktliston aŭ iun alian dialogon dum lanĉo" -#: ../src/empathy.c:450 +#: ../src/empathy.c:454 msgid "- Empathy IM Client" msgstr "- Tujmesaĝilo 'Empatio'" -#: ../src/empathy.c:637 +#: ../src/empathy.c:641 msgid "Error contacting the Account Manager" msgstr "Eraro dum kontakti la mastrumilon de kontoj" -#: ../src/empathy.c:639 +#: ../src/empathy.c:643 #, c-format msgid "" "There was an error while trying to connect to the Telepathy Account Manager. " @@ -3032,7 +2988,7 @@ "details." msgstr "" "Empatio estas distribuata kun la espero ke ĝi estas utila, sed SEN IU " -"GARANTIO; eĉ sen implicita garantio de NEGOCEBLO aŭ TAŬGECO POR SPECIFA " +"GARANTIO; eĉ sen implicita garantio de NEGOCEBLO aŭ TAŬGECO POR SPECIFA " "CELO. Vidu la Ĝeneralan Publikan Permesilon de GNU por pli da detaloj." #: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:89 @@ -3043,18 +2999,19 @@ msgstr "" "Vi devintus ricevi kopion de la Ĝenerala Publika Permesilo de GNU kun " "Empatio; se ne, skribu al Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin " -"Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA" +"Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-130159 USA" -#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:107 +#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:109 msgid "An Instant Messaging client for GNOME" msgstr "Tujmesaĝilo por GNOME" -#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:113 +#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:115 msgid "translator-credits" msgstr "" "Launchpad Contributions:\n" " Aisano https://launchpad.net/~info-ais-sanmarino\n" " Brient Hess https://launchpad.net/~brient\n" +" Diego Souza https://launchpad.net/~diegosouza-br-deactivatedaccount\n" " Eliovir https://launchpad.net/~eliovir\n" " ISHII Eiju https://launchpad.net/~lumidina\n" " Javier Lancha https://launchpad.net/~javierlancha\n" @@ -3062,230 +3019,90 @@ " Kvantumo https://launchpad.net/~ordnascrazy\n" " Lucas Larson https://launchpad.net/~lucaslarson\n" " Michael Moroni https://launchpad.net/~airon90\n" -" Petr Adam Dohnálek https://launchpad.net/~dohnp5a1\n" +" Patrick (Petriko) Oudejans https://launchpad.net/~patrickoudejans\n" +" Petrus Adamus https://launchpad.net/~dohnp5a1\n" " Robert BOGENSCHNEIDER https://launchpad.net/~robog\n" " Serge Leblanc https://launchpad.net/~serge-leblanc\n" +" Serge Leblanc https://launchpad.net/~serge-leblanc-wanadoo\n" " Shane D https://launchpad.net/~dimensional\n" " Yamiharu https://launchpad.net/~yamiharu84\n" "GNOME Contributions:\n" " Neil ROBERTS" -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:167 -msgid "There was an error while importing the accounts." -msgstr "Eraro okazis dum importi la kontojn." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:170 -msgid "There was an error while parsing the account details." -msgstr "Eraro okazis dum sintakse analizi la detalojn de la konto." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:173 -msgid "There was an error while creating the account." -msgstr "Eraro okazis dum krei la konton." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:175 -msgid "There was an error." -msgstr "Okazis eraro." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:179 -#, c-format -msgid "The error message was: %s" -msgstr "La erarmesaĝo estis: %s" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:183 -msgid "" -"You can either go back and try to enter your accounts' details again or quit " -"this assistant and add accounts later from the Edit menu." -msgstr "" -"Vi povas aŭ iri reen kaj reprovi enmeti la detalojn de via konto aŭ eliri el " -"ĉi tiu asistanto kaj aldoni kontojn poste per la menuo ‘Redakti’." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:220 -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1271 -msgid "An error occurred" -msgstr "Eraro aperis" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:467 -msgid "What kind of chat account do you have?" -msgstr "Kian babilkonton vi havas?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:473 -msgid "Do you have any other chat accounts you want to set up?" -msgstr "Ĉu vi havas aliajn babilkontojn kiujn vi volas agordi?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:479 -msgid "Enter your account details" -msgstr "Enmetu la detalojn de via konto" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:484 -msgid "What kind of chat account do you want to create?" -msgstr "Kian babilkonton vi volas krei?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:490 -msgid "Do you want to create other chat accounts?" -msgstr "Ĉu vi volas krei aliajn babilkontojn?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:497 -msgid "Enter the details for the new account" -msgstr "Enmetu la detalojn de la nova konto" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:612 -msgid "" -"With Empathy you can chat with people online nearby and with friends and " -"colleagues who use Google Talk, AIM, Windows Live and many other chat " -"programs. With a microphone or a webcam you can also have audio or video " -"calls." -msgstr "" -"Per Empatio oni povas babili kun homoj konektitaj proksime kaj kun amikoj " -"kaj kolegoj kiu uzas Google Talk, AIM, Windows Live kaj multajn aliajn " -"babilaplikaĵojn. Per mikrofono aŭ retkamerao oni povas babili ankaŭ sone aŭ " -"videe." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:629 -msgid "Do you have an account you've been using with another chat program?" -msgstr "Ĉu vi havas konton kiun vi uzas en alia babilaplikaĵo?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:652 -msgid "Yes, import my account details from " -msgstr "Jes, enportu la detalojn de mia konto el " - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:673 -msgid "Yes, I'll enter my account details now" -msgstr "Jes, mi enmetos la detalojn de mia konto nun" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:695 -msgid "No, I want a new account" -msgstr "Ne, mi volas novan konton" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:705 -msgid "No, I just want to see people online nearby for now" -msgstr "Ne, mi nur volas vidi homojn kiuj estas konektitaj proksime dumtempe" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:726 -msgid "Select the accounts you want to import:" -msgstr "Elektu la kontojn kiujn vi volas importi:" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:813 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:555 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:556 -msgid "Yes" -msgstr "Jes" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:820 -msgid "No, that's all for now" -msgstr "Ne, tio sufiĉas nun" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1085 -msgid "" -"Empathy can automatically discover and chat with the people connected on the " -"same network as you. If you want to use this feature, please check that the " -"details below are correct. You can easily change these details later or " -"disable this feature by using the 'Accounts' dialog" -msgstr "" -"Empatio povas aŭtomate eltrovi la homojn kiu konektis al la sama reto kiel " -"vi kaj babili kun ili. Se vi volas uzi ĉi tiun trajton, bonvolu kontroli ĉu " -"la jenaj detaloj ĝustas. Oni povas facile ŝanĝi ĉi tiujn detalojn poste aŭ " -"elŝalti ĉi tiun trajton per uzi la dialogon de ‘Kontoj’." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1091 -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1147 -msgid "Edit->Accounts" -msgstr "Redakti->Kontoj" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1107 -msgid "I do _not want to enable this feature for now" -msgstr "Mi _ne volas enŝalti ĉi tiun trajton nun" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1143 -msgid "" -"You won't be able to chat with people connected to your local network, as " -"telepathy-salut is not installed. If you want to enable this feature, please " -"install the telepathy-salut package and create a People Nearby account from " -"the Accounts dialog" -msgstr "" -"Vi ne povos babili kun homoj konektitaj al via proksima reto, ĉar telepathy-" -"salut ne instaliĝis. Se vi volas enŝalti ĉi tiun trajton, bonvolu instali la " -"pakaĵon ‘telepathy-salut’ kaj krei konton de proksimaj homoj per la dialogo " -"de kontoj." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1149 -msgid "telepathy-salut not installed" -msgstr "telepathy-salut ne instaliĝis" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1195 -msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts Assistant" -msgstr "Asistanto por kontoj de mesaĝado kaj VoIP" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1229 -msgid "Welcome to Empathy" -msgstr "Bonvenon al Empatio" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1238 -msgid "Import your existing accounts" -msgstr "Importi viajn ekzistajn kontojn" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1256 -msgid "Please enter personal details" -msgstr "Bonvolu enmeti viajn personajn detalojn" - #. The primary text of the dialog shown to the user when he is about to lose #. * unsaved changes -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:64 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:72 #, c-format msgid "There are unsaved modifications to your %s account." msgstr "Estas nekonservitaj ŝanĝoj al via konto ‘%s’." #. The primary text of the dialog shown to the user when he is about to lose #. * an unsaved new account -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:68 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:76 msgid "Your new account has not been saved yet." msgstr "Via nova konto ankoraŭ ne konserviĝis." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:345 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:754 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1216 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:370 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:759 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1289 msgid "Connecting…" msgstr "Konektante…" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:386 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:411 #, c-format msgid "Offline — %s" msgstr "Nekonektite — %s" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:398 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:423 #, c-format msgid "Disconnected — %s" msgstr "Nekonektite — %s" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:409 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:434 msgid "Offline — No Network Connection" msgstr "Nekonektite — Neniu retkonekto" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:416 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:441 msgid "Unknown Status" msgstr "Nekonata stato" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:428 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:458 +msgid "" +"This account has been disabled because it relies on an old, unsupported " +"backend. Please install telepathy-haze and restart your session to migrate " +"the account." +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:468 msgid "Offline — Account Disabled" msgstr "Nekonektite — Konto estas elŝaltite" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:831 -msgid "" -"You are about to create a new account, which will discard\n" -"your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:572 +msgid "Edit Connection Parameters" +msgstr "Redakti konekto-parametrojn" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:735 +msgid "Failed to retrieve your personal information from the server." msgstr "" -"Vi estas kreonta novan konton kiu forviŝos\n" -"vian ŝanĝojn. Ĉu vi certas ke vi volas daŭri?" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1192 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:741 +msgid "Go online to edit your personal information." +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:826 +msgid "_Edit Connection Parameters..." +msgstr "R_edakti konekto-parametrojn..." + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1322 #, c-format msgid "Do you want to remove %s from your computer?" msgstr "Ĉu vi volas forigi %s de la komputilo?" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1196 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1326 msgid "This will not remove your account on the server." msgstr "Ĉi tio ne forigos vian konton ĉe la servilo." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1432 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1562 msgid "" "You are about to select another account, which will discard\n" "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" @@ -3294,15 +3111,23 @@ "viajn ŝanĝojn. Ĉu vi certas ke vi volas daŭri?" #. Menu items: to enabled/disable the account -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1643 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1738 msgid "_Enable" msgstr "E_nŝalti" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1644 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1739 msgid "_Disable" msgstr "E_lŝalti" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2154 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2122 +msgid "_Skip" +msgstr "Preterpa_si" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2126 +msgid "_Connect" +msgstr "_Konekti" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2303 msgid "" "You are about to close the window, which will discard\n" "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" @@ -3314,19 +3139,15 @@ msgid "Add…" msgstr "Aldoni…" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 -msgid "Loading account information" -msgstr "Ŝargi kontoinformojn" - #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:3 -msgid "No protocol installed" -msgstr "Neniu protokolo estas instalita" +msgid "_Import…" +msgstr "E_nporti…" #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:4 -msgid "Protocol:" -msgstr "Protokolo:" +msgid "Loading account information" +msgstr "Ŝargi kontoinformojn" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:5 msgid "" "To add a new account, you first have to install a backend for each protocol " "you want to use." @@ -3334,132 +3155,116 @@ "Por aldoni novan konton, oni unue devas instali modulon por ĉiu protokolo " "kiun oni volas uzi." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:7 -msgid "_Import…" -msgstr "_Importi…" +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:6 +msgid "No protocol backends installed" +msgstr "Neniu protokolo-internaĵo estas instalita" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:249 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:288 msgid " - Empathy authentication client" -msgstr "- Aŭtentkontrola kliento de Empathy" +msgstr " - Aŭtentkontrola kliento de Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:265 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:304 msgid "Empathy authentication client" msgstr "Aŭtentkontrola kliento de Empatio" -#: ../src/empathy-auto-salut-account-helper.c:83 -msgid "People nearby" -msgstr "Proksimaj homoj" - -#: ../src/empathy-av.c:118 ../src/empathy-call.c:192 +#: ../src/empathy-av.c:118 ../src/empathy-call.c:201 msgid "- Empathy Audio/Video Client" msgstr "- Sona/videa kliento de Empatio" -#: ../src/empathy-av.c:134 ../src/empathy-call.c:217 +#: ../src/empathy-av.c:134 ../src/empathy-call.c:223 msgid "Empathy Audio/Video Client" msgstr "Sona/videa kliento de Empatio" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:431 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:434 msgid "Contrast" msgstr "Kontrasto" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:434 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:437 msgid "Brightness" msgstr "Heleco" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:437 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:440 msgid "Gamma" msgstr "Gamo" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:542 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:547 msgid "Volume" msgstr "Laŭteco" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1110 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1099 msgid "_Sidebar" msgstr "_Flanka breto" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1130 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1119 msgid "Audio input" msgstr "Sonenigo" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1134 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1123 msgid "Video input" msgstr "Videoenigo" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1140 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1131 msgid "Dialpad" msgstr "Ciferplato" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1151 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1142 msgid "Details" msgstr "Detaloj" #. translators: Call is a noun and %s is the contact name. This string #. * is used in the window title -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1220 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1825 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1211 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1889 #, c-format msgid "Call with %s" msgstr "Voko kun %s" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1453 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2069 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1444 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2133 msgid "The IP address as seen by the machine" msgstr "La IP-adreso vidata de la maŝino" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1455 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2071 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1446 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2135 msgid "The IP address as seen by a server on the Internet" msgstr "La IP-adreso vidata de servilo ĉe la Interreto" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1457 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2073 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1448 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2137 msgid "The IP address of the peer as seen by the other side" msgstr "La IP-adreso de la kliento vidata de la alia flanko" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1459 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2075 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1450 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2139 msgid "The IP address of a relay server" msgstr "La IP-adreso de relajsa servilo" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1461 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2077 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1452 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2141 msgid "The IP address of the multicast group" msgstr "La IP-adreso de la plurelsendgroupo" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1837 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1840 #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1843 -msgctxt "encoding video codec" -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Nekonate" - #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1846 -msgctxt "encoding audio codec" -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Nekonate" - -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1849 -msgctxt "decoding video codec" -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Nekonate" - -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1852 -msgctxt "decoding audio codec" +msgctxt "codec" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Nekonate" #. Translators: number of minutes:seconds the caller has been connected -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2144 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2138 #, c-format msgid "Connected — %d:%02dm" msgstr "Konektite — %d:%02dm" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2205 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2846 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2199 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2987 msgid "Technical Details" msgstr "Teknikaj detaloj" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2243 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2884 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2237 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3026 #, c-format msgid "" "%s's software does not understand any of the audio formats supported by your " @@ -3467,8 +3272,8 @@ msgstr "" "La programaro de %s komprenas neniun sonformon subtenata per via komputilo" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2248 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2889 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2242 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3031 #, c-format msgid "" "%s's software does not understand any of the video formats supported by your " @@ -3476,8 +3281,8 @@ msgstr "" "La programaro de %s komprenas neniun videformon subtenata per via komputilo" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2254 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2895 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2248 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3037 #, c-format msgid "" "Can't establish a connection to %s. One of you might be on a network that " @@ -3486,25 +3291,25 @@ "Ne eblas sukcese konekti al %s. Eble unu el vi uzas reton kiu ne permesas " "rektajn konektojn." -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2260 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2901 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2254 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3043 msgid "There was a failure on the network" msgstr "Okazis paneo je la reto" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2264 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2905 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2258 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3047 msgid "" "The audio formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" msgstr "La necesasj sonformoj por ĉi tiu voko ne instaliĝis ĉe via komputilo" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2267 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2908 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2261 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3050 msgid "" "The video formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" msgstr "La necesaj videoformoj por ĉi tiu voko ne instaliĝis ĉe via komputilo" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2277 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2920 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2271 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3062 #, c-format msgid "" "Something unexpected happened in a Telepathy component. Please kaj afiŝi la protokolojn kiujn oni povas kolekti per la " "sencimig-fenestro en la helpmenuo." -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2285 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2929 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2279 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3071 msgid "There was a failure in the call engine" msgstr "Eraro okazis en la vokmodulo" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2288 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2932 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2282 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3074 msgid "The end of the stream was reached" msgstr "La fino de la fluo atingiĝis" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2328 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2972 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2322 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3114 msgid "Can't establish audio stream" msgstr "Ne eblas starigi la sonfluon" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2338 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2982 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2332 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3124 msgid "Can't establish video stream" msgstr "Ne eblas starigi la videfluon" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:1 ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:1 #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:1 -msgid "Audio" -msgstr "Sono" +msgid "_Call" +msgstr "_Voko" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:3 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:5 -msgid "Decoding Codec:" -msgstr "Malkodanta kodeko:" +msgid "_Microphone" +msgstr "_Mikrofono" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:4 -msgid "Disable camera" -msgstr "Elŝalti la kamaraon" +msgid "_Camera" +msgstr "_Filmilo" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:5 -msgid "Display the dialpad" -msgstr "Montri la ciferplaton" +msgid "_Settings" +msgstr "_Agordoj" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:6 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:9 -msgid "Encoding Codec:" -msgstr "Kodanta kodeko:" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:8 +msgid "_View" +msgstr "_Vido" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:7 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:10 -msgid "Hang up" -msgstr "Fini vokon" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:7 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:27 +msgid "_Help" +msgstr "_Helpo" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:8 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:11 -msgid "Hang up current call" -msgstr "Fini la aktualan vokon" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:8 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:18 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:28 +msgid "_Contents" +msgstr "_Enhavoj" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:9 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:12 -msgid "Local Candidate:" -msgstr "Loka kandidato:" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:29 +msgid "_Debug" +msgstr "_Sencimigo" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:10 -msgid "Maximise me" -msgstr "Maksimumigi min" +msgid "Swap camera" +msgstr "Interŝanĝi filmilojn" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:11 msgid "Minimise me" msgstr "Minimumigi min" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:12 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:15 -msgid "Remote Candidate:" -msgstr "Fora kandidato:" +msgid "Maximise me" +msgstr "Maksimumigi min" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:13 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:16 -msgid "Send Audio" -msgstr "Sendi sonon" +msgid "Disable camera" +msgstr "Elŝalti la kamaraon" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:14 -msgid "Send Video" -msgstr "Sendi videon" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:2 +msgid "Hang up" +msgstr "Fini vokon" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:15 -msgid "Show dialpad" -msgstr "Montri la ciferplaton" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:9 +msgid "Hang up current call" +msgstr "Fini la aktualan vokon" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "Video call" +msgstr "_Videoalvoko" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:17 msgid "Start a video call" msgstr "Komenci videvokon" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:19 msgid "Start an audio call" msgstr "Komenci sonvokon" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:18 -msgid "Swap camera" -msgstr "Interŝanĝi filmilojn" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:20 +msgid "Show dialpad" +msgstr "Montri la ciferplaton" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:19 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:17 -msgid "Toggle audio transmission" -msgstr "Baskuligi la sonan transsendon" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:21 +msgid "Display the dialpad" +msgstr "Montri la ciferplaton" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:20 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:22 +msgid "Send Video" +msgstr "Sendi videon" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:23 msgid "Toggle video transmission" msgstr "Baskuligi la videan transsendon" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:21 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:18 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2476 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2477 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2478 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2479 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:24 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:11 +msgid "Send Audio" +msgstr "Sendi sonon" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:25 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:12 +msgid "Toggle audio transmission" +msgstr "Baskuligi la sonan transsendon" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:27 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:20 +msgid "Encoding Codec:" +msgstr "Kodanta kodeko:" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:28 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:21 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2537 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2538 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2539 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2540 msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Nekonate" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:23 -msgid "Video call" -msgstr "_Videoalvoko" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:29 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:22 +msgid "Decoding Codec:" +msgstr "Malkodanta kodeko:" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:30 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:23 +msgid "Remote Candidate:" +msgstr "Fora kandidato:" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:24 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:31 #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:24 -msgid "_Call" -msgstr "_Voko" +msgid "Local Candidate:" +msgstr "Loka kandidato:" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:25 -msgid "_Camera" -msgstr "_Filmilo" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:32 ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:24 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:25 +msgid "Audio" +msgstr "Sono" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:26 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:9 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:18 -msgid "_Contents" -msgstr "_Enhavoj" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:289 +msgid "Close this window?" +msgstr "Ĉu fermi la fenestron?" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:27 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:19 -msgid "_Debug" -msgstr "_Sencimigo" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:294 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Closing this window will leave %s. You will not receive any further messages " +"until you rejoin it." +msgstr "" +"Fermante tiun fenstron vi forlasas na %s. Vi ne ricevos iun venontan mesaĝon " +"ĝis vi realiĝis al ĝi." -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:29 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:14 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:22 -msgid "_Help" -msgstr "_Helpo" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:305 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Closing this window will leave a chat room. You will not receive any further " +"messages until you rejoin it." +msgid_plural "" +"Closing this window will leave %u chat rooms. You will not receive any " +"further messages until you rejoin them." +msgstr[0] "" +"Fermante tiun fenstron vi forlasas babilejon. Vi ne ricevos iun venontan " +"mesaĝon ĝis vi realiĝis al ĝi." +msgstr[1] "" +"Fermante tiun fenstron vi forlasas %u babilejojn. Vi ne ricevos iun venontan " +"mesaĝon ĝis vi realiĝis al ĝi." -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:30 -msgid "_Microphone" -msgstr "_Mikrofono" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:314 +#, c-format +msgid "Leave %s?" +msgstr "Ĉu forlasi na %s?" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:31 -msgid "_Settings" -msgstr "_Agordoj" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:315 +msgid "" +"You will not receive any further messages from this chat room until you " +"rejoin it." +msgstr "" +"Vi ne ricevos iun venontan mesaĝon de tiu babilejo ĝis vi realiĝis al ĝi." -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:32 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:30 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:25 -msgid "_View" -msgstr "_Vido" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:334 +msgid "Close window" +msgstr "Fermi la fenestron" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:334 +msgid "Leave room" +msgstr "Forlasi ĉambron" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:481 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:501 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:640 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:660 #, c-format msgid "%s (%d unread)" msgid_plural "%s (%d unread)" msgstr[0] "%s (%d nelegite)" msgstr[1] "%s (%d nelegite)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:493 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:652 #, c-format msgid "%s (and %u other)" msgid_plural "%s (and %u others)" msgstr[0] "%s (kaj %u alia)" msgstr[1] "%s (kaj %u aliaj)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:509 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:668 #, c-format msgid "%s (%d unread from others)" msgid_plural "%s (%d unread from others)" msgstr[0] "%s (%d nelegita de aliaj)" msgstr[1] "%s (%d nelegitaj de aliaj)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:518 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:677 #, c-format msgid "%s (%d unread from all)" msgid_plural "%s (%d unread from all)" msgstr[0] "%s (%d nelegita de ĉiuj)" msgstr[1] "%s (%d nelegitaj de ĉiuj)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:733 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:892 msgid "SMS:" msgstr "SMS:" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:743 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:902 #, c-format msgid "Sending %d message" msgid_plural "Sending %d messages" msgstr[0] "Sendante %d mesaĝon" msgstr[1] "Sendante %d mesaĝojn" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:765 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:924 msgid "Typing a message." msgstr "Skribante mesaĝon." #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:1 -msgid "C_lear" -msgstr "_Vakigi" +msgid "_Conversation" +msgstr "_Konversacio" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:2 -msgid "C_ontact" -msgstr "K_ontakto" +msgid "C_lear" +msgstr "_Vakigi" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:3 msgid "Insert _Smiley" msgstr "Aldoni _miensimbolon" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Favorite Chat Room" +msgstr "_Librosignita babilĉambro" + #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:5 -msgid "Invite _Participant…" -msgstr "Inviti _partoprenanton…" +msgid "Notify for All Messages" +msgstr "Atentigi pri ciuj mesaĝoj" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:6 -msgid "Move Tab _Left" -msgstr "Movi la langeton _maldekstren" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:6 ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Show Contact List" +msgstr "_Montri kontaktliston" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:7 -msgid "Move Tab _Right" -msgstr "Movi la langeton _dekstren" +msgid "Invite _Participant…" +msgstr "Inviti _partoprenanton…" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:8 -msgid "Notify for All Messages" -msgstr "Atentigi pri ciuj mesaĝoj" +msgid "C_ontact" +msgstr "K_ontakto" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:10 -msgid "_Conversation" -msgstr "_Konversacio" +msgid "_Tabs" +msgstr "_Langetoj" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:11 -msgid "_Detach Tab" -msgstr "_Malligi langeton" - -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:13 -msgid "_Favorite Chat Room" -msgstr "_Librosignita babilĉambro" - -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:15 -msgid "_Next Tab" -msgstr "_Sekva langeto" - -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:16 msgid "_Previous Tab" msgstr "_Antaŭa langeto" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:17 ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:5 -msgid "_Show Contact List" -msgstr "_Montri kontaktliston" - -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:18 -msgid "_Tabs" -msgstr "_Langetoj" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:12 +msgid "_Next Tab" +msgstr "Sekva la_ngeto" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:19 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:13 msgid "_Undo Close Tab" msgstr "_Malfari fermon de langeto" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:14 +msgid "Move Tab _Left" +msgstr "Movi langeton ma_ldekstren" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:15 +msgid "Move Tab _Right" +msgstr "Movi langeton maldekst_ren" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "_Detach Tab" +msgstr "_Malligi langeton" + #: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.c:251 msgid "Name" msgstr "Nomo" @@ -3784,100 +3637,100 @@ msgid "Auto-Connect" msgstr "Aŭtomata konekto" -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:1 msgid "Manage Favorite Rooms" msgstr "Administri librosignitajn ĉambrojn" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:521 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 msgid "Incoming video call" -msgstr "Venanta videotelefon-voko" +msgstr "Venanta video-voko" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:521 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1449 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1519 msgid "Incoming call" msgstr "Venanta telefonvoko" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:525 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:526 #, c-format msgid "%s is video calling you. Do you want to answer?" msgstr "%s vokas vin videe. Ĉu vi volas respondi?" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:526 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:527 #, c-format msgid "%s is calling you. Do you want to answer?" msgstr "%s vokas vin. Ĉu vi volas respondi?" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:529 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:730 -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:763 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1455 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:530 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "Incoming call from %s" msgstr "Venanta voko de %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:554 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:555 msgid "_Reject" msgstr "_Rifuzi" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:562 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:570 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:563 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 msgid "_Answer" msgstr "_Respondo" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:570 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 msgid "_Answer with video" msgstr "_Respondi per video" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:730 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:763 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1455 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "Incoming video call from %s" msgstr "Venenta videvoko de %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:836 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:837 msgid "Room invitation" msgstr "Ĉambrinviton" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:838 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:839 #, c-format msgid "Invitation to join %s" msgstr "Inviton por aliĝi al %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:845 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:846 #, c-format msgid "%s is inviting you to join %s" msgstr "%s invitas vin por aliĝi al %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:853 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:854 msgid "_Decline" msgstr "_Malakcepti" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:858 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:7 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:859 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:2 msgid "_Join" msgstr "_Aliĝi" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:885 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:886 #, c-format msgid "%s invited you to join %s" msgstr "%s invitis vin por aliĝi al %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:891 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:892 #, c-format msgid "You have been invited to join %s" msgstr "Vi invitiĝis por aliĝi al %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:942 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:943 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file transfer from %s" msgstr "Venanta dosiertransigo de %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1134 ../src/empathy-main-window.c:375 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1146 ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:374 msgid "Password required" msgstr "Pasvorto bezonatas" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1190 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1216 #, c-format msgid "%s would like permission to see when you are online" msgstr "%s volus permeson por scii kiam vi konektas" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1194 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1222 #, c-format msgid "" "\n" @@ -3887,105 +3740,105 @@ "Mesaĝo: %s" #. Translators: time left, when it is more than one hour -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:100 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:99 #, c-format msgid "%u:%02u.%02u" msgstr "%u:%02u.%02u" #. Translators: time left, when is is less than one hour -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:103 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:102 #, c-format msgid "%02u.%02u" msgstr "%02u.%02u" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:179 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:178 msgctxt "file transfer percent" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Nekonate" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:274 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:273 #, c-format msgid "%s of %s at %s/s" msgstr "%s de %s ĉe %s/s" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:275 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:274 #, c-format msgid "%s of %s" msgstr "%s de %s" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:306 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:305 #, c-format msgid "Receiving \"%s\" from %s" msgstr "Ricevante \"%s\" de %s" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:309 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:308 #, c-format msgid "Sending \"%s\" to %s" msgstr "Sendante \"%s\" al %s" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s #. * is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:339 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:338 #, c-format msgid "Error receiving \"%s\" from %s" msgstr "Eraro okazis dum ricevi “%s” de %s" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:342 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:341 msgid "Error receiving a file" msgstr "Eraro okazis dum ricevi dosieron" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:347 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:346 #, c-format msgid "Error sending \"%s\" to %s" msgstr "Eraro okazis dum sendi “%s” al %s" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:350 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:349 msgid "Error sending a file" msgstr "Eraro okazis dum sendi dosieron" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s #. * is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:489 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:488 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" received from %s" msgstr "“%s” riceviĝis de %s" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s #. * is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:494 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:493 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" sent to %s" msgstr "“%s” sendiĝis al %s" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:497 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:496 msgid "File transfer completed" msgstr "Dosiertransigo finiĝis" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:616 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:780 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:615 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:779 msgid "Waiting for the other participant's response" msgstr "Atendante respondon de la alia partoprenanto" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:642 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:680 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:641 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:679 #, c-format msgid "Checking integrity of \"%s\"" msgstr "Kontrolante la integrecon de “%s”" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:645 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:683 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:644 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:682 #, c-format msgid "Hashing \"%s\"" msgstr "Haketante “%s”" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1026 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1025 msgid "%" msgstr "%" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1038 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1037 msgid "File" msgstr "Dosiero" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1060 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1059 msgid "Remaining" msgstr "Restante" @@ -3997,7 +3850,11 @@ msgid "Remove completed, canceled and failed file transfers from the list" msgstr "Forigi kompletajn, nuligitajn kaj fuŝajn dosiertransigojn el la listo" -#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:84 +#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:76 +msgid "_Import" +msgstr "E_nporti" + +#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:88 msgid "" "No accounts to import could be found. Empathy currently only supports " "importing accounts from Pidgin." @@ -4005,171 +3862,196 @@ "Neniuj importeblaj kontoj troviĝis. Empatio aktuale subtenas importi kontojn " "de nur Pidgin." -#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:199 +#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:209 msgid "Import Accounts" msgstr "Enporti kontojn" #. Translators: this is the header of a treeview column -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:301 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:316 msgid "Import" msgstr "Enporti" -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:310 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:325 msgid "Protocol" msgstr "Protokolo" -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:334 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:349 msgid "Source" msgstr "Fonto" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:392 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:391 msgid "Provide Password" msgstr "Provizi pasvorton" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:398 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:397 msgid "Disconnect" msgstr "Malkonekti" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:622 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:657 +msgid "You need to setup an account to see contacts here." +msgstr "Vi agordu konton por vidi kontaktojn ĉi tie." + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:673 msgid "No match found" msgstr "Neniu kongruaĵo troviĝis" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:777 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:783 +#, c-format +msgid "Sorry, %s accounts can’t be used until your %s software is updated." +msgstr "" +"Pardonu, %s kontoj ne povas uzataj ĝis via programaro %s estas ĝisdatigita." + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:849 +msgid "Update software..." +msgstr "Ĝisdatigi programaron..." + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:855 ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:972 +msgid "Close" +msgstr "Fermi" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:960 msgid "Reconnect" msgstr "Rekonekti" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:783 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:966 msgid "Edit Account" msgstr "Redakti konton" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:789 -msgid "Close" -msgstr "Fermi" - #. Translators: this string will be something like: -#. * Top up My Account ($1.23)..." -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:928 +#. * Top up My Account ($1.23)..." +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1110 #, c-format msgid "Top up %s (%s)..." -msgstr "Plenumi la konton %s (%s)…" +msgstr "Plenumi la konton %s (%s)..." -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:975 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1156 msgid "Top up account credit" msgstr "Plenumi krediton en konto" #. top up button -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1046 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1228 msgid "Top Up..." -msgstr "Plenumi konton…" +msgstr "Plenumi konton..." -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1789 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1952 msgid "Contact" msgstr "Kontakto" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:2121 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2150 +msgid "You need to enable one of your accounts to see contacts here." +msgstr "Vi enŝaltu unu de viaj kontoj por vidi kontaktojn ĉi tie." + +#. translators: argument is an account name +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2158 +#, c-format +msgid "You need to enable %s to see contacts here." +msgstr "Vi enŝaltu na %s por vidi kontaktojn ĉi tie." + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2460 msgid "Contact List" msgstr "Kontaktlisto" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:1 -msgid "Contacts on a _Map" -msgstr "Kontaktoj sur _mapo" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.ui.h:1 +msgid "Account settings" +msgstr "Konto-agordoj" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:2 -msgid "Credit Balance" -msgstr "Bilanco de konto" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:2 +msgid "_New Conversation…" +msgstr "_Nova konversacio…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:3 -msgid "Find in Contact _List" -msgstr "Serĉi en kontakt_listo" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:3 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:3 +msgid "New _Call…" +msgstr "Nova _voko…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:4 -msgid "Join _Favorites" -msgstr "Aliĝi al librosignitajn ĉambrojn" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Search for Contacts…" +msgstr "_Serĉi kontaktojn…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:5 -msgid "Manage Favorites" -msgstr "Administri librosignitajn ĉambrojn" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:7 +msgid "_File Transfers" +msgstr "_Dosiertransigoj" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:6 -msgid "N_ormal Size" -msgstr "N_ormala grandeco" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Offline Contacts" +msgstr "_Nekonektaj kontaktoj" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:7 ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:1 -msgid "New _Call…" -msgstr "Nova _voko…" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:9 +msgid "Show P_rotocols" +msgstr "Montri p_rotokolojn" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:8 -msgid "Normal Size With _Avatars" -msgstr "Normala grandeco kun _avataroj" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:10 +msgid "Credit Balance" +msgstr "Bilanco de konto" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:11 +msgid "Contacts on a _Map" +msgstr "Kontaktoj sur _mapo" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:13 +msgid "_Accounts" +msgstr "_Kontoj" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:14 +msgid "_Blocked Contacts" +msgstr "_Blokitaj kontaktoj" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:9 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:15 msgid "P_references" msgstr "Ago_rdoj" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:10 -msgid "Show P_rotocols" -msgstr "Montri p_rotokolojn" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:16 +msgid "Find in Contact _List" +msgstr "Serĉi en kontakt_listo" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:11 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:18 msgid "Sort by _Name" msgstr "Ordigi laŭ _nomo" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:12 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:19 msgid "Sort by _Status" msgstr "Ordigi laŭ _stato" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:13 -msgid "_Accounts" -msgstr "_Kontoj" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:20 +msgid "Normal Size With _Avatars" +msgstr "Normala grando kun _uzantobildoj" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:15 -msgid "_Blocked Contacts" -msgstr "_Blokitaj kontoj" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:21 +msgid "N_ormal Size" +msgstr "N_ormala grando" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:22 msgid "_Compact Size" -msgstr "_Kompakta grandeco" +msgstr "_Kompakta grando" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:21 -msgid "_File Transfers" -msgstr "_Dosiertransigoj" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:23 +msgid "_Room" +msgstr "Ĉamb_ro" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:23 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:24 msgid "_Join…" msgstr "_Aliĝi…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:24 -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:3 -msgid "_New Conversation…" -msgstr "_Nova konversacio…" - -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:25 -msgid "_Offline Contacts" -msgstr "_Nekonektaj kontaktoj" - -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:26 -msgid "_Personal Information" -msgstr "_Personaj informoj" - -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:28 -msgid "_Room" -msgstr "Ĉamb_ro" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:25 +msgid "Join _Favorites" +msgstr "Aliĝi al librosignitajn ĉambrojn" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:29 -msgid "_Search for Contacts…" -msgstr "_Serĉi kontaktojn…" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:26 +msgid "Manage Favorites" +msgstr "Administri librosignitajn ĉambrojn" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:337 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:369 msgid "Chat Room" msgstr "Babilĉambro" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:353 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:385 msgid "Members" msgstr "Membroj" #. Translators: Room/Join's roomlist tooltip. Parameters are a channel name, #. yes/no, yes/no and a number. -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:553 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:637 #, c-format msgid "" "%s\n" @@ -4182,22 +4064,27 @@ "Pasvorto bezonata: %s\n" "Membroj: %s" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:555 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:556 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:639 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:640 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Jes" + +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:639 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:640 msgid "No" msgstr "Ne" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:584 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:668 msgid "Could not start room listing" msgstr "Ne eblas komenci listi la ĉambrojn" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:594 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:678 msgid "Could not stop room listing" msgstr "Ne eblis ĉesi listi la ĉambrojn" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:2 -msgid "Couldn't load room list" -msgstr "Ne eblis ŝargi ĉambroliston" +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:1 +msgid "Join Room" +msgstr "Aliĝi al ĉambro" #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:3 msgid "" @@ -4207,6 +4094,10 @@ "ĉambroj en la liston." #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Room:" +msgstr "Ĉamb_ro:" + +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:5 msgid "" "Enter the server which hosts the room, or leave it empty if the room is on " "the current account's server" @@ -4214,374 +4105,397 @@ "Enmetu la servilon kiu gastigas la ĉambron, aŭ lasu ĝin malplena se la " "ĉambro estas ĉe la servilo de la aktuala konto" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:5 -msgid "Join Room" -msgstr "Aliĝi al ĉambro" +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:8 +msgid "Couldn't load room list" +msgstr "Ne eblis ŝargi ĉambroliston" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:9 msgid "Room List" msgstr "Ĉambrolisto" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:8 -msgid "_Room:" -msgstr "Ĉamb_ro:" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:169 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:166 msgid "Message received" msgstr "Ricevis mesaĝon" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:170 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:167 msgid "Message sent" msgstr "Sendis mesaĝon" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:171 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:168 msgid "New conversation" msgstr "Nova konversacio" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:172 -msgid "Contact goes online" -msgstr "Kontakto malkonektas" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:169 +msgid "Contact comes online" +msgstr "Kontakto konektas" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:173 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:170 msgid "Contact goes offline" msgstr "Kontakto konektas" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:174 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:171 msgid "Account connected" msgstr "Konto konektis" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:175 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:172 msgid "Account disconnected" msgstr "Konto malkonektis" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:484 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:475 msgid "Language" msgstr "Lingvo" #. translators: Contact name for the chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:734 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:726 msgid "Juliet" msgstr "Julieta" #. translators: Contact name for the chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:741 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:733 msgid "Romeo" msgstr "Romeo" # Traduko de Remeo kaj Julieta venas de: # http://donh.best.vwh.net/Esperanto/Literaturo/Revuoj/np/np5602/romeo_julieta.html #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:747 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:739 msgid "O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?" msgstr "Romeo! Kial estas vi Romeo?" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:750 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:743 msgid "Deny thy father and refuse thy name;" msgstr "La patron neu kaj la nomon ĵetu" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:753 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:746 msgid "Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love" msgstr "Aŭ, se ne tio, ĵuru vin nur mia," #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:756 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:749 msgid "And I'll no longer be a Capulet." msgstr "kaj mi ne estos Kapuleto plu!" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:759 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:752 msgid "Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?" msgstr "Ĉu plu aŭskulti, aŭ jam nun paroli?" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:762 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:755 msgid "Juliet has disconnected" -msgstr "Juliet malkonektis" +msgstr "Juliet nekonektiĝis" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:1166 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:1159 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Agordoj" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:1 +msgid "Show _smileys as images" +msgstr "Montri _miensimbolojn kiel bildoj" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:2 +msgid "Show contact _list in rooms" +msgstr "Montri la kontakt_liston en ĉambroj" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:3 msgid "Appearance" msgstr "Aspekto" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:3 -msgid "Behavior" -msgstr "Konduto" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:4 +msgid "Start chats in:" +msgstr "Komenci babilejojn en:" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:5 -msgid "Chat Th_eme:" -msgstr "Babileja _etoso:" +msgid "new ta_bs" +msgstr "novaj _langetoj" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:6 -msgid "Disable notifications when _away or busy" -msgstr "Elŝalti sciigojn kiam oni foras aŭ okupiĝas" +msgid "new _windows" +msgstr "novaj _fenestroj" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:7 -msgid "Disable sounds when _away or busy" -msgstr "Elŝalti sonojn kiam oni for_as aŭ okupiĝas" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:8 -msgid "Display incoming events in the notification area" -msgstr "Montri venantajn mesaĝojn en la sciiga areo" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:9 -msgid "" -"Echo cancellation helps to make your voice sound clearer to the other " -"person, but may cause problems on some computers. If you or the other person " -"hear strange noises or glitches during calls, try turning echo cancellation " -"off and restarting the call." -msgstr "" -"Eĥo-nuligado plibonigas la klarecon de via voĉo al la alia babilanto, sed ĝi " -"povas kaŭzi problemojn ĉe kelkaj komputiloj. Se vi aŭ la alia babilanto " -"aŭdas strangajn bruojn aŭ eraretojn dum vokoj, provu elŝalti la eĥo-" -"nuligadon kaj rekomencu la vokon. " +msgid "Display incoming events in the notification area" +msgstr "Montri venantajn mesaĝojn en la sciiga areo" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Automatically connect on startup" +msgstr "_Aŭtomate konekti je la lanĉo" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:9 +msgid "Log conversations" +msgstr "Protokoli konversaciojn" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:10 -msgid "Enable notifications when a contact comes online" -msgstr "Enŝalti sciigojn kiam kontakto konektas" +msgid "Behavior" +msgstr "Konduto" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:11 -msgid "Enable notifications when a contact goes offline" -msgstr "Enŝalti sciigojn kian kontakto malkonektas" +msgid "General" +msgstr "Ĝenerale" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:12 -msgid "Enable notifications when the _chat is not focused" -msgstr "Enŝalti sciigojn kiam la _babilo ne estas fokusita" +msgid "_Enable bubble notifications" +msgstr "Ŝ_alti vezikajn atentigojn" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:13 -msgid "Enable spell checking for languages:" -msgstr "Enŝalti literumkontrolon por la lingvoj:" +msgid "Disable notifications when _away or busy" +msgstr "Elŝalti sciigojn kiam oni foras aŭ okupiĝas" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:14 -msgid "General" -msgstr "Ĝenerale" +msgid "Enable notifications when the _chat is not focused" +msgstr "Enŝalti sciigojn kiam la _babilo ne estas fokusita" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:15 -msgid "Input level:" -msgstr "Nivelo de enigo:" +msgid "Enable notifications when a contact comes online" +msgstr "Enŝalti sciigojn kiam kontakto konektas" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:16 -msgid "Input volume:" -msgstr "Laŭteco de enigo:" +msgid "Enable notifications when a contact goes offline" +msgstr "Enŝalti sciigojn kian kontakto malkonektas" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:17 +msgid "Notifications" +msgstr "Atentigoj" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:18 -msgid "Location sources:" -msgstr "Lokfontoj:" +msgid "_Enable sound notifications" +msgstr "Aktivigi sonajn at_entigojn" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:19 -msgid "Log conversations" -msgstr "Protokoli konversaciojn" +msgid "Disable sounds when _away or busy" +msgstr "Elŝalti sonojn kiam oni for_as aŭ okupiĝas" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:20 -msgid "Notifications" -msgstr "Atentigoj" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:21 msgid "Play sound for events" msgstr "Ludi sonojn por eventoj" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:21 +msgid "Sounds" +msgstr "Sonoj" + #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:22 -msgid "Privacy" -msgstr "Privateco" +msgid "Use _echo cancellation to improve call quality" +msgstr "Uzi eĥo-nuligadon por plibonigi vokkvaliton" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:23 msgid "" -"Reduced location accuracy means that nothing more precise than your city, " -"state and country will be published. GPS coordinates will be accurate to 1 " -"decimal place." +"Echo cancellation helps to make your voice sound clearer to the other " +"person, but may cause problems on some computers. If you or the other person " +"hear strange noises or glitches during calls, try turning echo cancellation " +"off and restarting the call." msgstr "" -"Kiam la precizo de la loko reduktiĝas, nenio pli preciza ol la urbo, ŝtato " -"kaj lando publikiĝos. Koordinatoj de GPS precizos je nur 1 decimalo." - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:24 -msgid "Show _smileys as images" -msgstr "Montri _miensimbolojn kiel bildoj" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:25 -msgid "Show contact _list in rooms" -msgstr "Montri la kontakt_liston en ĉambroj" +"Eĥo-nuligado plibonigas la klarecon de via voĉo al la alia babilanto, sed ĝi " +"povas kaŭzi problemojn ĉe kelkaj komputiloj. Se vi aŭ la alia babilanto " +"aŭdas strangajn bruojn aŭ eraretojn dum vokoj, provu elŝalti la eĥo-" +"nuligadon kaj rekomencu la vokon." #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:26 -msgid "Sounds" -msgstr "Sonoj" +msgid "_Publish location to my contacts" +msgstr "_Publikigi mian lokon al miaj kontaktoj" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:27 -msgid "Spell Checking" -msgstr "Literumkontrolo" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:28 msgid "" -"The list of languages reflects only the languages for which you have a " -"dictionary installed." +"Reduced location accuracy means that nothing more precise than your city, " +"state and country will be published. GPS coordinates will be accurate to 1 " +"decimal place." msgstr "" -"La listo de lingvoj enhavas nur la lingvojn por kiuj vortaro instaliĝis." +"Kiam la precizo de la loko reduktiĝas, nenio pli preciza ol la urbo, ŝtato " +"kaj lando publikiĝos. Koordinatoj de GPS precizos je nur 1 decimalo." +#. To translators: The longitude and latitude are rounded to closest 0,1 degrees, so for example 146,2345° is rounded to round(146,2345*10)/10 = 146,2 degrees. #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:29 -msgid "Themes" -msgstr "Etosoj" +msgid "_Reduce location accuracy" +msgstr "_Redukti la precizon de la loko" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:30 -msgid "Variant:" -msgstr "Variaĵo:" +msgid "Privacy" +msgstr "Privateco" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:31 -msgid "_Automatically connect on startup" -msgstr "_Aŭtomate konekti je la lanĉo" +msgid "_GPS" +msgstr "_GPS" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:32 msgid "_Cellphone" msgstr "_Poŝtelefono" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:33 -msgid "_Enable bubble notifications" -msgstr "Ŝ_alti vezikajn atentigojn" +msgid "_Network (IP, Wi-Fi)" +msgstr "_Reto (IP, Sendrata)" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:34 -msgid "_Enable sound notifications" -msgstr "Aktivigi sonajn at_entigojn" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:35 -msgid "_GPS" -msgstr "_GPS" +msgid "Location sources:" +msgstr "Lokfontoj:" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:36 -msgid "_Network (IP, Wi-Fi)" -msgstr "_Reto (IP, Sendrata)" +msgid "" +"The list of languages reflects only the languages for which you have a " +"dictionary installed." +msgstr "" +"La listo de lingvoj enhavas nur la lingvojn por kiuj vortaro instaliĝis." #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:37 -msgid "_Open new chats in separate windows" -msgstr "Malfermi n_ovajn babilojn en propraj fenestroj" +msgid "Enable spell checking for languages:" +msgstr "Enŝalti literumkontrolon por la lingvoj:" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:38 -msgid "_Publish location to my contacts" -msgstr "_Publikigi mian lokon al miaj kontaktoj" +msgid "Spell Checking" +msgstr "Literumkontrolo" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:39 +msgid "Chat Th_eme:" +msgstr "Babileja _etoso:" -#. To translators: The longitude and latitude are rounded to closest 0,1 degrees, so for example 146,2345° is rounded to round(146,2345*10)/10 = 146,2 degrees. #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:40 -msgid "_Reduce location accuracy" -msgstr "_Redukti la precizon de la loko" +msgid "Variant:" +msgstr "Variaĵo:" -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:41 +msgid "Themes" +msgstr "Etosoj" + +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:4 msgid "Status" msgstr "Stato" -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:5 msgid "_Quit" msgstr "Ĉ_esi" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:2 -msgid "Call the contact again" -msgstr "Voki la kontakton denove" - #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Camera Off" -msgstr "Filmilo elŝaltita" +msgid "Redial" +msgstr "Revoki" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:4 -msgid "Camera On" -msgstr "Filmilo enŝaltita" +msgid "V_ideo" +msgstr "V_ideo" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:5 +msgid "Video Off" +msgstr "Video elŝaltita" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:6 -msgid "Disable camera and stop sending video" -msgstr "Elŝalti la filmilon kaj ĉesi elsendi videon" +msgid "Video Preview" +msgstr "Videa antaŭvido" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:7 -msgid "Enable camera and send video" -msgstr "Enŝalti la filmilon kaj elsendi videon" +msgid "Video On" +msgstr "Video enŝaltita" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:8 -msgid "Enable camera but don't send video" -msgstr "Enŝalti la filmilon sed ne elsendi videon" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:10 +msgid "Call the contact again" +msgstr "Voki la kontakton denove" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:13 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Antaŭrigardo" +msgid "Camera Off" +msgstr "Filmilo elŝaltita" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:14 -msgid "Redial" -msgstr "Revoki" +msgid "Disable camera and stop sending video" +msgstr "Elŝalti la filmilon kaj ĉesi elsendi videon" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:19 -msgid "V_ideo" -msgstr "V_ideo" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:15 +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "Antaŭrigardo" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:21 -msgid "Video Off" -msgstr "Video elŝaltita" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "Enable camera but don't send video" +msgstr "Enŝalti la filmilon sed ne elsendi videon" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:22 -msgid "Video On" -msgstr "Video enŝaltita" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:17 +msgid "Camera On" +msgstr "Filmilo enŝaltita" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:23 -msgid "Video Preview" -msgstr "Videa antaŭvido" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:18 +msgid "Enable camera and send video" +msgstr "Enŝalti la filmilon kaj elsendi videon" -#: ../src/empathy-map-view.c:448 +#: ../src/empathy-map-view.c:471 msgid "Contact Map View" msgstr "Vido de la mapo de kontakoj" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1228 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1607 msgid "Save" msgstr "Konservi" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1435 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1667 +msgid "Pastebin link" +msgstr "Ligilo al Pastebin" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1676 +msgid "Pastebin response" +msgstr "Repondo de Pastebin" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1680 +#, c-format +msgid "%s" +msgstr "%s" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1683 +msgid "Data too large for a single paste. Please save logs to file." +msgstr "" +"Datumoj estas tro granda por unuopa enmeto. Bonvole konservi protokolon al " +"dosiero." + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1912 msgid "Debug Window" msgstr "Sencimig-fenestro" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1517 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1970 +msgid "Send to pastebin" +msgstr "Sendi al Pastebin" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2009 msgid "Pause" msgstr "Paŭzo" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1529 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2021 msgid "Level " msgstr "Nivelo " -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1549 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2040 msgid "Debug" msgstr "Sencimigo" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1555 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2045 msgid "Info" msgstr "Informo" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1561 ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1610 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2050 ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2096 msgid "Message" msgstr "Mesaĝo" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1567 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2055 msgid "Warning" msgstr "Averto" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1573 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2060 msgid "Critical" msgstr "Kritike" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1579 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2065 msgid "Error" msgstr "Eraro" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1598 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2084 msgid "Time" msgstr "Tempo" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1601 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2087 msgid "Domain" msgstr "Retregiono" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1603 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2089 msgid "Category" msgstr "Kategorio" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1605 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2091 msgid "Level" msgstr "Nivelo" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1642 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2114 msgid "" "The selected connection manager does not support the remote debugging " "extension." @@ -4589,179 +4503,285 @@ "La elektita kontaktadministrilo ne subtenas la kromprogramon de fora " "sencimigo." -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:179 -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:205 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:202 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:230 msgid "Invite Participant" msgstr "Inviti partoprenonton" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:180 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:203 msgid "Choose a contact to invite into the conversation:" msgstr "Elektu kontakton por inviti al la konversacio:" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:201 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:226 msgid "Invite" msgstr "Inviti" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:183 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:180 msgid "Don't display any dialogs; do any work (eg, importing) and exit" msgstr "Montri neniun dialogojn; fari laboron (ekz. importado) kaj eliri" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:187 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:184 msgid "" "Don't display any dialogs unless there are only \"People Nearby\" accounts" msgstr "" "Ne montri iun ajn dialogojn krom se estas nur kontoj de “proksima homoj”" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:191 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:188 msgid "Initially select given account (eg, gabble/jabber/foo_40example_2eorg0)" msgstr "" "Unue elekti la indikitan konton (ekz. gabble/jabber/foo_40ekzemplo_2eorg0)" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:193 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:190 msgid "" msgstr "" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:198 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:195 msgid "- Empathy Accounts" msgstr "- Empatio-kontoj" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:237 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:231 msgid "Empathy Accounts" msgstr "Empatio-kontoj" -#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:70 +#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:69 msgid "Show a particular service" msgstr "Montri specifan servon" -#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:75 +#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:74 msgid "- Empathy Debugger" msgstr "- Empatio-sencimigilo" -#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:114 +#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:113 msgid "Empathy Debugger" msgstr "Empatio-sencimigilo" -#: ../src/empathy-chat.c:107 +#: ../src/empathy-chat.c:109 msgid "- Empathy Chat Client" -msgstr "- Babililo 'Empatio'" +msgstr "- Babilkliento Empatio" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:203 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:189 msgid "Respond" msgstr "Respondo" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:217 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1459 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:203 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1529 msgid "Reject" msgstr "Rifuzi" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:222 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:227 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1460 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:208 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1530 msgid "Answer" msgstr "Respondo" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:227 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 msgid "Answer with video" msgstr "Respondi per video" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:235 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:245 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:221 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:231 msgid "Decline" msgstr "Malakcepti" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:239 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:250 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:225 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:236 msgid "Accept" msgstr "Akcepti" #. translators: the 'Provide' button is displayed in a notification #. * bubble when Empathy is asking for an account password; clicking on it #. * brings the password popup. -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:260 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:246 msgid "Provide" msgstr "Provizi" -#: ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:134 +#: ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:132 #, c-format msgid "%s just tried to call you, but you were in another call." msgstr "%s ĵus provis voki vin, sed vi jam estis en alia voko." #. Translators: this is an "Info" label. It should be as short #. * as possible. -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1088 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1111 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1136 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1159 msgid "i" msgstr "i" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2775 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2883 msgid "On hold" msgstr "Atendanta" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2778 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2886 msgid "Mute" msgstr "Silentigi" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2780 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2888 msgid "Duration" msgstr "Daŭro" #. Translators: 'status - minutes:seconds' the caller has been connected -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2783 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2891 #, c-format msgid "%s — %d:%02dm" msgstr "%s — %d:%02dm" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3161 +#, c-format +msgid "Your current balance is %s." +msgstr "Via aktuala bilanco estas %s." + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3165 +msgid "Sorry, you don’t have enough credit for that call." +msgstr "Pardonu, via kredito ne sufiĉas por tiu voko." + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3167 +msgid "Top Up" +msgstr "Plenumi konton" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.c:243 msgid "_Match case" msgstr "_Uskleca kongruo" -#~ msgid "All" -#~ msgstr "Ĉiuj" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-account-dialog.c:144 +msgid "What kind of chat account do you have?" +msgstr "Kian babilkonton vi havas?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-account-dialog.c:166 +msgid "Adding new account" +msgstr "Aldono de nova konto" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:77 +msgid "People nearby" +msgstr "Proksimaj homoj" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:150 +msgid "" +"Empathy can automatically discover and chat with the people connected on the " +"same network as you. If you want to use this feature, please check that the " +"details below are correct." +msgstr "" +"Empatio povas aŭtomate eltrovi la homojn kiu konektis al la sama reto kiel " +"vi kaj babili kun ili. Se vi volas uzi ĉi tiun trajton, bonvolu kontroli ĉu " +"la jenaj detaloj ĝustas." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:183 +msgid "" +"You can change these details later or disable this feature by choosing Edit → Accounts in the Contact List." +msgstr "" +"Vi povas facile ŝanĝi tiujn detalojn poste aŭ elŝalti tiun trajton per " +"elekti Redakti → Kontoj en la kontaktaro." + +#~ msgid "_Accept" +#~ msgstr "_Akcepti" -#~ msgid "Date" -#~ msgstr "Dato" +#~ msgid "Personal Information" +#~ msgstr "Personaj informoj" -#~ msgid "Conversations" -#~ msgstr "Konversacioj" +#~ msgctxt "Edit contact (contextual menu)" +#~ msgid "_Edit" +#~ msgstr "R_edakti" -#~ msgid "Find Next" -#~ msgstr "Trovi la sekvan" +#~ msgid "Birthday:" +#~ msgstr "Naskiĝtago:" -#~ msgid "Find Previous" -#~ msgstr "Trovi la antaŭan" +#~ msgid "Full name:" +#~ msgstr "Tuta nomo:" -#~ msgid "_For:" -#~ msgstr "_Por:" +#~ msgid "C_hat" +#~ msgstr "_Babilo" -#~ msgid "Save _New Status Message" -#~ msgstr "Redakti kutimajn mesaĝoj" +#~ msgid "_Personal Information" +#~ msgstr "_Personaj informoj" -#~ msgid "Saved Status Messages" -#~ msgstr "Konservitaj stat-mesaĝoj" +#~ msgid "Edit->Accounts" +#~ msgstr "Redakti->Kontoj" -#~ msgid "Show and edit accounts" -#~ msgstr "Montri kaj redakti kontojn" +#~ msgid "E-mail address:" +#~ msgstr "Retpoŝtadreso:" -#~ msgid "Empathy has asked about importing accounts" -#~ msgstr "Empatio demandis pri importi kontojn" +#~ msgid "Phone number:" +#~ msgstr "Telefonnumero:" -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Whether Empathy has asked about importing accounts from other programs." -#~ msgstr "Ĉu Empatio demandu pri enporto de kontoj de aliaj progamoj?" +#~ msgid "Continue" +#~ msgstr "Daŭrigi" -#~ msgid "Your software is too old" -#~ msgstr "Via programaro estas tro maljuna" +#~ msgid "The error message was: %s" +#~ msgstr "La erarmesaĝo estis: %s" -#~ msgid "_Accept" -#~ msgstr "_Akcepti" +#~ msgid "An error occurred" +#~ msgstr "Eraro aperis" + +#~ msgid "There was an error." +#~ msgstr "Okazis eraro." + +#~ msgid "No, that's all for now" +#~ msgstr "Ne, tio sufiĉas nun" + +#~ msgid "No, I want a new account" +#~ msgstr "Ne, mi volas novan konton" + +#~ msgid "Protocol:" +#~ msgstr "Protokolo:" + +#~ msgid "No protocol installed" +#~ msgstr "Neniu protokolo estas instalita" + +#~ msgid "Empathy has migrated butterfly logs" +#~ msgstr "Empatio translokis papiliajn spurojn" + +#~ msgid "Website:" +#~ msgstr "Retpaĝaro:" + +#~ msgid "Select a contact" +#~ msgstr "Elekti kontakton" + +#~ msgid "_Link" +#~ msgstr "_Ligi" + +#~ msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" +#~ msgid "_Unlink" +#~ msgstr "_Malligi" + +#~ msgid "C_all" +#~ msgstr "_Voki" + +#~ msgid "Welcome to Empathy" +#~ msgstr "Bonvenon al Empatio" + +#~ msgid "Ca_ncel" +#~ msgstr "_Nuligi" + +#~ msgid "Ungrouped" +#~ msgstr "Negrupite" + +#~ msgid "Socket type not supported" +#~ msgstr "Ingotipo estas nesubtenata" + +#~ msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" +#~ msgid "_Unlink…" +#~ msgstr "_Malligi…" + +#~ msgid "Contact ID:" +#~ msgstr "Kontakt-ID:" + +#~ msgid "Send _Video" +#~ msgstr "Sendi _videon" + +#~ msgctxt "encoding video codec" +#~ msgid "Unknown" +#~ msgstr "Nekonate" -#~ msgid "Update software..." -#~ msgstr "Ĝisdatigi programaron..." +#~ msgctxt "encoding audio codec" +#~ msgid "Unknown" +#~ msgstr "Nekonate" -#~ msgid "Context" -#~ msgstr "Kunteksto" +#~ msgctxt "decoding video codec" +#~ msgid "Unknown" +#~ msgstr "Nekonate" -#~ msgid "%s is now offline." -#~ msgstr "%s estas nun nekonektite." +#~ msgctxt "decoding audio codec" +#~ msgid "Unknown" +#~ msgstr "Nekonate" -#~ msgid "%s is now online." -#~ msgstr "%s estas nun konektite." +#~ msgid "_Open new chats in separate windows" +#~ msgstr "Malfermi n_ovajn babilojn en propraj fenestroj" diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/po/es.po empathy-3.3.92/po/es.po --- empathy-3.3.91/po/es.po 2012-02-22 08:17:52.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/po/es.po 2012-03-19 09:12:31.000000000 +0000 @@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ "Project-Id-Version: empathy.master\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?" "product=empathy&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=General\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-21 15:03+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-21 17:57+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-16 10:47+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-16 14:13+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Daniel Mustieles \n" "Language-Team: Español \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ #. Tweak the dialog #: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2450 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2512 msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts" msgstr "Cuentas de mensajería y Voz IP" @@ -87,81 +87,95 @@ msgstr "La carpeta predeterminada donde guardar los archivos transferidos." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:9 +msgid "Magic number used to check if sanity cleaning tasks should be run" +msgstr "" +"Número mágico usado para comprobar si se deben ejecutar tareas de limpieza" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:10 +msgid "" +"empathy-sanity-cleaning.c uses this number to check if the cleaning tasks " +"should be executed or not. Users should not change this key manually." +msgstr "" +"empathy-sanity-cleaning.c usa este número para comprobar si se deben " +"ejecutar o no las tareas de limpieza. Los usuarios no deben cambiar esta " +"clave manualmente." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:11 msgid "Show offline contacts" msgstr "Mostrar contactos no conectados" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:10 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:12 msgid "Whether to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." msgstr "" "Indica si se debe mostrar los contactos que están desconectados en la lista " "de contactos." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:11 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:13 msgid "Show avatars" msgstr "Mostrar avatares" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:12 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:14 msgid "" "Whether to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat windows." msgstr "" "Indica si se deben mostrar los avatares para los contactos en la lista de " "contactos y ventanas de chat." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:13 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:15 msgid "Show protocols" msgstr "Mostrar protocolos" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:14 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:16 msgid "Whether to show protocols for contacts in the contact list." msgstr "" "Indica si se deben mostrar los protocolos para los contactos en la lista de " "contactos." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:15 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:17 msgid "Show Balance in contact list" msgstr "Mostrar crédito en la lista de contactos" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:16 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:18 msgid "Whether to show account balances in the contact list." msgstr "Indica si se debe mostrar el crédito en la lista de contactos." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:17 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:19 msgid "Compact contact list" msgstr "Lista compacta de contactos" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:18 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:20 msgid "Whether to show the contact list in compact mode." msgstr "Indica si se debe mostrar la lista de contactos en modo compacto." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:19 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:21 msgid "Hide main window" msgstr "Ocultar la ventana principal" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:20 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:22 msgid "Hide the main window." msgstr "Ocultar la ventana principal." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:21 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:23 msgid "Default directory to select an avatar image from" msgstr "Carpeta predeterminada para seleccionar un avatar" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:22 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:24 msgid "The last directory that an avatar image was chosen from." msgstr "Última carpeta de la que se eligió un avatar." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:23 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:25 msgid "Open new chats in separate windows" msgstr "Abrir chats nuevos en ventanas separadas" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:24 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:26 msgid "Always open a separate chat window for new chats." msgstr "Siempre abrir una ventana de chat separada para chats nuevos." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:25 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:27 msgid "Display incoming events in the status area" msgstr "Mostrar los eventos entrantes en el área de estado" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:26 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:28 msgid "" "Display incoming events in the status area. If false, present them to the " "user immediately." @@ -169,29 +183,29 @@ "Mostrar los eventos entrantes en el área de estado. Si es falso presentarlos " "directamente al usuario." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:27 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:29 msgid "The position for the chat window side pane" msgstr "La posición para el panel lateral de la ventana de charla" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:28 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:30 msgid "The stored position (in pixels) of the chat window side pane." msgstr "" "La posición almacenada (en píxeles) del panel lateral de la ventana de " "charla." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:29 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:31 msgid "Show contact groups" msgstr "Mostrar grupos de contactos" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:30 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:32 msgid "Whether to show groups in the contact list." msgstr "Indica si se deben mostrar los grupos en la lista de contactos." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:31 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:33 msgid "Contact list sort criterion" msgstr "Criterio de ordenación de la lista de contactos" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:32 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:34 msgid "" "Which criterion to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to sort by " "the contact's state with the value \"state\". A value of \"name\" will sort " @@ -201,114 +215,114 @@ "ordenar por el estado del contacto con el valor «state» (estado). Un valor " "«nombre» (nombre) ordenará la lista por el nombre." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:33 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:35 msgid "Use notification sounds" msgstr "Usar sonidos de notificación" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:34 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:36 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of events." msgstr "Indica si se debe reproducir un sonido para notificar eventos." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:35 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:37 msgid "Disable sounds when away" msgstr "Desactivar los sonidos al ausentarse" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:36 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:38 msgid "Whether to play sound notifications when away or busy." msgstr "" "Indica si se deben reproducir sonidos de notificaciones cuando se esté " "ausente u ocupado." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:37 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:39 msgid "Play a sound for incoming messages" msgstr "Reproducir un sonido cuando lleguen mensajes" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:38 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:40 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of incoming messages." msgstr "" "Indica si se debe reproducir un sonido para notificar mensajes entrantes." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:39 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:41 msgid "Play a sound for outgoing messages" msgstr "Reproducir un sonido al enviar mensajes" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:40 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:42 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of outgoing messages." msgstr "" "Indica si se debe reproducir un sonido para notificar mensajes salientes." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:41 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:43 msgid "Play a sound for new conversations" msgstr "Reproducir un sonido para conversaciones nuevas" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:42 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:44 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of new conversations." msgstr "" "Indica si se debe reproducir un sonido para notificar conversaciones nuevas." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:43 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:45 msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs in" msgstr "Reproducir un sonido cuando un contacto inicie sesión" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:44 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:46 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging into the network." msgstr "" "Indica si se debe reproducir un sonido para notificar los inicios de sesión " "de los contactos en la red." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:45 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:47 msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs out" msgstr "Reproducir un sonido cuando un contacto finalice su sesión" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:46 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:48 msgid "" "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging out of the network." msgstr "" "Indica si se debe reproducir un sonido para notificar las finalizaciones de " "sesión de los contactos en la red." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:47 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:49 msgid "Play a sound when we log in" msgstr "Reproducir un sonido cuando inicio sesión" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:48 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:50 msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging into a network." msgstr "Indica si se debe reproducir un sonido al iniciar sesión en una red." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:49 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:51 msgid "Play a sound when we log out" msgstr "Reproducir un sonido al finalizar una sesión" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:50 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:52 msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging out of a network." msgstr "Indica si se debe reproducir un sonido al finalizar sesión en una red." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:51 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:53 msgid "Enable popup notifications for new messages" msgstr "Activar notificaciones emergentes para mensajes nuevos" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:52 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:54 msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message." msgstr "" "Indica si se deben mostrar notificaciones emergentes al recibir un mensaje " "nuevo." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:53 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:55 msgid "Disable popup notifications when away" msgstr "Desactivar las notificaciones emergentes al estar ausente" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:54 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:56 msgid "Whether to show popup notifications when away or busy." msgstr "" "Indica si se deben mostrar las notificaciones emergentes cuando se esté " "ausente u ocupado." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:55 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:57 msgid "Pop up notifications if the chat isn't focused" msgstr "" "Mostrar notificaciones emergentes si la ventana de chat no tiene el foco" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:56 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:58 msgid "" "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message even if " "the chat is already opened, but not focused." @@ -316,88 +330,88 @@ "Indica si de deben mostrar notificaciones emergentes al recibir un mensaje " "nuevo incluso si la ventana de chat ya está abierta pero no tiene el foco." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:57 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:59 msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs in" msgstr "Mostrar notificaciones emergentes cuando un contacto se conecta" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:58 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:60 msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes online." msgstr "" "Indica si se deben mostrar las notificaciones emergentes cuando un contacto " "se conecta." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:59 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:61 msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs out" msgstr "Mostrar notificaciones emergentes cuando un contacto se desconecta" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:60 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:62 msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes offline." msgstr "" "Indica si se deben mostrar las notificaciones emergentes cuando un contacto " "se desconecta." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:61 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:63 msgid "Use graphical smileys" msgstr "Usar emoticonos gráficos" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:62 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:64 msgid "Whether to convert smileys into graphical images in conversations." msgstr "" "Indica si se deben convertir los emoticonos en imágenes gráficas en las " "conversaciones." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:63 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:65 msgid "Show contact list in rooms" msgstr "Mostrar lista de contactos en salas" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:64 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:66 msgid "Whether to show the contact list in chat rooms." msgstr "Indica si se debe mostrar la lista de contactos en salas de chat." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:65 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:67 msgid "Chat window theme" msgstr "Tema de la ventana de charla" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:66 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:68 msgid "The theme that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." msgstr "" "El tema que se usará para mostrar la conversación en las ventanas de chat." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:67 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:69 msgid "Chat window theme variant" msgstr "Variante del tema de la ventana de charla" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:68 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:70 msgid "" "The theme variant that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." msgstr "" "La variante del tema que se usará para mostrar la conversación en las " "ventanas de chat." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:69 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:71 msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use" msgstr "Ruta del tema Adium que usar" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:70 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:72 msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use if the theme used for chat is Adium." msgstr "Ruta al tema Adium que usar si el tema usado para el chat es Adium." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:71 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:73 msgid "Enable WebKit Developer Tools" msgstr "Activar las herramientas de desarrollo de WebKit" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:72 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:74 msgid "" "Whether WebKit developer tools, such as the Web Inspector, should be enabled." msgstr "" "Indica si las herramientas de desarrollo de WebKit, tales como el Inspector " "web, den activarse." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:73 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:75 msgid "Inform other users when you are typing to them" msgstr "Informar a otros usuarios de cuándo les esta escribiendo" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:74 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:76 msgid "" "Whether to send the 'composing' or 'paused' chat states. Does not currently " "affect the 'gone' state." @@ -405,41 +419,41 @@ "Indica si enviar los estados de chat «escribiendo» o «en pausa». No afecta al " "estado «ausente»." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:75 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:77 msgid "Use theme for chat rooms" msgstr "Usar tema para salas de chat" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:76 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:78 msgid "Whether to use the theme for chat rooms." msgstr "Indica si se debe usar el tema para salas de chat." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:77 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:79 msgid "Spell checking languages" msgstr "Idiomas para revisión ortográfica" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:78 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:80 msgid "" "Comma-separated list of spell checker languages to use (e.g. \"en, fr, nl\")." msgstr "" "Lista separada por comas de idiomas que se usarán en la revisión ortográfica " "(ej. «es, en, fr»)." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:79 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:81 msgid "Enable spell checker" msgstr "Activar revisor ortográfico" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:80 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:82 msgid "" "Whether to check words typed against the languages you want to check with." msgstr "" "Indica si se deben revisar las palabras tecleadas con respecto a los idiomas " "con los que quiere comprobarlo." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:81 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:83 msgid "Nick completed character" msgstr "Carácter de completado de apodo" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:82 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:84 msgid "" "Character to add after nickname when using nick completion (tab) in group " "chat." @@ -447,60 +461,60 @@ "Carácter que añadir después del apodo cuando se usa el completado de apodos " "(tab) en salas de chat." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:83 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:85 msgid "Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon" msgstr "" "Empathy debería usar el avatar del contacto como icono de la ventana de chat" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:84 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:86 msgid "" "Whether Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon." msgstr "" "Indica si Empathy debería usar el avatar del contacto como el icono de la " "ventana de chat." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:85 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:87 msgid "Last account selected in Join Room dialog" msgstr "Última cuenta seleccionada en el diálogo Unirse a sala" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:86 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:88 msgid "D-Bus object path of the last account selected to join a room." msgstr "" "Ruta del objeto D-Bus de la última cuenta seleccionada para unirse a una " "sala." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:87 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:89 msgid "Camera device" msgstr "Dispositivo de cámara" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:88 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:90 msgid "Default camera device to use in video calls, e.g. /dev/video0." msgstr "" "El dispositivo de cámara predeterminado que usar en las llamadas de vídeo, " "ej. /dev/video0." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:89 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:91 msgid "Camera position" msgstr "Posición de la cámara" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:90 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:92 msgid "Position the camera preview should be during a call." msgstr "Posición donde estar la vista previa de la cámara durante una llamada." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:91 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:93 msgid "Echo cancellation support" msgstr "Soporte de cancelación de eco" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:92 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:94 msgid "Whether to enable Pulseaudio's echo cancellation filter." msgstr "" "Indica si se debe activar la el filtro de cancelación de eco de Pulseaudio." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:93 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:95 msgid "Show hint about closing the main window" msgstr "Mostrar consejo sobre cómo cerrar la ventana principal" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:94 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:96 msgid "" "Whether to show the message dialog about closing the main window with the " "'x' button in the title bar." @@ -508,93 +522,93 @@ "Indica si se debe mostrar un mensaje de diálogo sobre cómo cerrar la ventana " "principal con el botón «x» en la barra de título." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:95 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:97 msgid "Empathy can publish the user's location" msgstr "Empathy puede publicar la ubicación del usuario" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:96 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:98 msgid "Whether Empathy can publish the user's location to their contacts." msgstr "" "Indica si Empathy puede publicar la ubicación del usuario a sus contactos." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:97 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:99 msgid "Empathy can use the network to guess the location" msgstr "Empathy puede usar la red para deducir la ubicación" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:98 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:100 msgid "Whether Empathy can use the network to guess the location." msgstr "Indica si Empathy puede usar la red para deducir la ubicación." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:99 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:101 msgid "Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location" msgstr "Empathy puede usar la red telefónica móvil para deducir la ubicación" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:100 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:102 msgid "Whether Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location." msgstr "" "Indica si Empathy puede usar la red telefónica móvil para deducir la " "ubicación." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:101 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:103 msgid "Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location" msgstr "Empathy puede usar el GPS para deducir la ubicación" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:102 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:104 msgid "Whether Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location." msgstr "Indica si Empathy puede usar el GPS para deducir la ubicación." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:103 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:105 msgid "Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy" msgstr "Empathy debería reducir la precisión de la ubicación" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:104 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:106 msgid "" "Whether Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy for privacy reasons." msgstr "" "Indica si Empathy debería reducir la precisión de la ubicación por motivos " "de privacidad." -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:736 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:738 msgid "No reason was specified" msgstr "No se especificó ninguna razón" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:739 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:741 msgid "The change in state was requested" msgstr "Se requirió un cambio en el estado" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:742 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:744 msgid "You canceled the file transfer" msgstr "Canceló la transferencia del archivo" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:745 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:747 msgid "The other participant canceled the file transfer" msgstr "El otro participante canceló la transferencia del archivo" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:748 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:750 msgid "Error while trying to transfer the file" msgstr "Error la intentar transferir el archivo" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:751 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:753 msgid "The other participant is unable to transfer the file" msgstr "El otro participante no puede transferir el archivo" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:754 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:313 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:756 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:313 msgid "Unknown reason" msgstr "Razón desconocida" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:917 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:919 msgid "File transfer completed, but the file was corrupted" msgstr "Se completó la transferencia de archivo pero el archivo está corrupto" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1203 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1205 msgid "File transfer not supported by remote contact" msgstr "El contacto remoto no soporta la transferencia de archivos" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1259 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1261 msgid "The selected file is not a regular file" msgstr "El archivo seleccionado no es un archivo regular" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1268 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1270 msgid "The selected file is empty" msgstr "El archivo seleccionado está vacío" @@ -827,6 +841,20 @@ msgid "in the future" msgstr "en el futuro" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:75 +msgid "Password not found" +msgstr "No se encontró la contraseña" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:218 +#, c-format +msgid "IM account password for %s (%s)" +msgstr "Contraseña de la cuenta IM para %s (%s)" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:253 +#, c-format +msgid "Password for chatroom '%s' on account %s (%s)" +msgstr "Contraseña para la sala de chat «%s» en la cuenta %s (%s)" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-chooser.c:692 msgid "All accounts" msgstr "Todas las cuentas" @@ -841,12 +869,12 @@ msgstr "Contraseña" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:684 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:507 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:511 msgid "Server" msgstr "Servidor" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:685 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:522 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:529 msgid "Port" msgstr "Puerto" @@ -857,7 +885,7 @@ msgstr "%s:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1398 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:14 msgid "Username:" msgstr "Nombre de usuario:" @@ -950,7 +978,7 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-generic.ui.h:1 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:7 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:8 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:15 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:23 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:7 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:7 @@ -1062,10 +1090,31 @@ msgstr "Conjunto de caracteres:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:1 +msgid "Add…" +msgstr "Añadir…" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:3 +msgid "Remove" +msgstr "Quitar" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:6 +msgid "Up" +msgstr "Subir" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:7 +msgid "Down" +msgstr "Abajo" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:8 msgid "Servers" msgstr "Servidores" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:9 msgid "" "Most IRC servers don't need a password, so if you're not sure, don't enter a " "password." @@ -1073,27 +1122,27 @@ "La mayoría de los servidores IRC no necesitan una contraseña, de tal forma " "que si no está seguro, no introduzca una contraseña." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:6 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 msgid "Nickname:" msgstr "Apodo:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 msgid "Password:" msgstr "Contraseña:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:12 msgid "Quit message:" msgstr "Mensaje de salida:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:9 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 msgid "Real name:" msgstr "Nombre real:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:12 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:16 msgid "Which IRC network?" msgstr "¿Qué red de IRC?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:17 msgid "What is your IRC nickname?" msgstr "¿Cuál es su apodo del IRC?" @@ -1373,40 +1422,40 @@ msgid "You don't have enough credit in order to place this call" msgstr "No tiene crédito suficiente para hacer esta llamada" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:728 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:729 msgid "Failed to open private chat" msgstr "Falló al abrir el chat privado" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:786 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:787 msgid "Topic not supported on this conversation" msgstr "El tema no está soportado en esta conversación" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:792 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:793 msgid "You are not allowed to change the topic" msgstr "No le está permitido cambiar el tema" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:991 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:992 #, c-format msgid "“%s” is not a valid contact ID" msgstr "%s no es un identificador de contacto válido" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1086 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1087 msgid "/clear: clear all messages from the current conversation" msgstr "/clear: limpiar todos los mensajes de la conversación actual" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1089 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1090 msgid "/topic : set the topic of the current conversation" msgstr "/topic : establecer el tema para la conversación actual" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1092 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1093 msgid "/join : join a new chat room" msgstr "/join : unirse a una sala de chat nueva" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1095 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1096 msgid "/j : join a new chat room" msgstr "/j : unirse a una sala de chat nueva" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1099 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1100 msgid "" "/part [] []: leave the chat room, by default the " "current one" @@ -1414,23 +1463,23 @@ "/part [] []: abandonar la sala de chat, la " "actual de manera predeterminada" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1103 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1104 msgid "/query []: open a private chat" msgstr "/query []: abrir un chat privado" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1106 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1107 msgid "/msg : open a private chat" msgstr "/msg : abrir un chat privado" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1109 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1110 msgid "/nick : change your nickname on the current server" msgstr "/nick : cambiar su apodo en el servidor actual" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1112 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1113 msgid "/me : send an ACTION message to the current conversation" msgstr "/me : enviar un mensaje de ACCIÓN a la conversación actual" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1115 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1116 msgid "" "/say : send to the current conversation. This is used to " "send a message starting with a '/'. For example: \"/say /join is used to " @@ -1440,11 +1489,11 @@ "para enviar un mensaje comenzando por una «/». Por ejemplo: «/say /join se usa " "para unirse a una sala de chat nueva»" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1120 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1121 msgid "/whois : display information about a contact" msgstr "/whois : mostrar información sobre un contacto" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1123 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1124 msgid "" "/help []: show all supported commands. If is defined, " "show its usage." @@ -1452,128 +1501,128 @@ "/help []: mostrar todos los comandos soportados. Si está " "definido, muestra su uso." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1142 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1143 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s" msgstr "Uso: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1187 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1188 msgid "Unknown command" msgstr "Comando desconocido" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1313 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1314 msgid "Unknown command; see /help for the available commands" msgstr "Comando desconocido; consulte /help para ver los comandos disponibles" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1564 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1565 msgid "insufficient balance to send message" msgstr "no tiene balance suficiente para enviar el mensaje" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1568 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1582 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1645 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1569 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1583 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1646 #, c-format msgid "Error sending message '%s': %s" msgstr "Error al enviar el mensaje «%s»: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1570 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1587 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1649 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1571 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1588 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1650 #, c-format msgid "Error sending message: %s" msgstr "Error al enviar el mensaje: %s" #. translators: error used when user doesn't have enough credit on his #. * account to send the message. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1576 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1577 #, c-format msgid "insufficient balance to send message. Top up." msgstr "" "no tiene balance suficiente para enviar el mensaje. Recargar." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1616 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1617 msgid "not capable" msgstr "no es posible" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1623 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1624 msgid "offline" msgstr "desconectado" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1626 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1627 msgid "invalid contact" msgstr "contacto no válido" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1629 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1630 msgid "permission denied" msgstr "permiso denegado" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1632 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1633 msgid "too long message" msgstr "mensaje demasiado largo" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1635 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1636 msgid "not implemented" msgstr "no implementado" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1639 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1640 msgid "unknown" msgstr "desconocido" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1706 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:920 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1707 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:920 msgid "Topic:" msgstr "Tema:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1721 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1722 #, c-format msgid "Topic set to: %s" msgstr "El tema se ha establecido a: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1723 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1724 #, c-format msgid "Topic set by %s to: %s" msgstr "Tema establecido por %s a: %s" #. No need to display this 'event' is no topic can be defined anyway -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1728 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1729 msgid "No topic defined" msgstr "No se ha definido el tema" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2244 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2245 msgid "(No Suggestions)" msgstr "(Sin sugerencias)" #. translators: %s is the selected word -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2312 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2313 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to Dictionary" msgstr "Añadir «%s» al diccionario" #. translators: first %s is the selected word, #. * second %s is the language name of the target dictionary -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2349 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2350 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to %s Dictionary" msgstr "Añadir «%s» al diccionario de «%s»" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2419 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2420 msgid "Insert Smiley" msgstr "Insertar emoticono" #. send button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2437 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1867 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2438 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1880 msgid "_Send" msgstr "E_nviar" #. Spelling suggestions -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2494 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2495 msgid "_Spelling Suggestions" msgstr "_Sugerencias ortográficas" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2583 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2584 msgid "Failed to retrieve recent logs" msgstr "Falló al recibir los registros recientes" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2722 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2723 #, c-format msgid "%s has disconnected" msgstr "%s se ha desconectado" @@ -1581,12 +1630,12 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the kicked should come before the kicker in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2729 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2730 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was kicked by %2$s" msgstr "%2$s expulsó a %1$s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2732 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2733 #, c-format msgid "%s was kicked" msgstr "%s fue expulsado" @@ -1594,17 +1643,17 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the banned should come before the banner in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2740 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2741 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was banned by %2$s" msgstr "%2$s vetó a %1$s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2743 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2744 #, c-format msgid "%s was banned" msgstr "%s fue vetado" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2747 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2748 #, c-format msgid "%s has left the room" msgstr "%s ha dejado la sala" @@ -1614,17 +1663,17 @@ #. * given by the user living the room. If this poses a problem, #. * please let us know. :-) #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2756 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2757 #, c-format msgid " (%s)" msgstr " (%s)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2781 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2782 #, c-format msgid "%s has joined the room" msgstr "%s ha entrado en la sala" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2806 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2807 #, c-format msgid "%s is now known as %s" msgstr "Ahora %s se llama %s" @@ -1632,79 +1681,80 @@ #. We don't know if the incoming call has been accepted or not, so we #. * assume it hasn't and if it has, we'll set the proper status when #. * we get the new handler. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2993 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1197 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1502 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1552 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2588 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2994 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1888 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1279 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1502 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1552 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2590 msgid "Disconnected" msgstr "Desconectado" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3657 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3658 msgid "Would you like to store this password?" msgstr "¿Quiere guardar esta contraseña?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3663 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3664 msgid "Remember" msgstr "Recordar" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3673 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3674 msgid "Not now" msgstr "Ahora no" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3717 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3718 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-bad-password-dialog.c:142 msgid "Retry" msgstr "Volver a intentarlo" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3721 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3722 msgid "Wrong password; please try again:" msgstr "Contraseña incorrecta; inténtelo de nuevo:" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3851 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3852 msgid "This room is protected by a password:" msgstr "Esta sala está protegida por contraseña:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3878 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3879 msgid "Join" msgstr "Unirse" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4070 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1218 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4071 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1300 msgid "Connected" msgstr "Conectado" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4125 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4126 msgid "Conversation" msgstr "Conversación" #. Translators: this string is a something like #. * "Escher Cat (SMS)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4130 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4131 #, c-format msgid "%s (SMS)" msgstr "%s (SMS)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:264 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:262 msgid "Unknown or invalid identifier" msgstr "Identificador desconocido o no válido" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:266 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:264 msgid "Contact blocking temporarily unavailable" msgstr "Bloqueo de contactos no disponible temporalmente" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:268 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:266 msgid "Contact blocking unavailable" msgstr "Bloqueo de contactos no disponible" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:270 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:268 msgid "Permission Denied" msgstr "Permiso denegado" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:274 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:272 msgid "Could not block contact" msgstr "No se pudo bloquear el contacto" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:612 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:610 msgid "Edit Blocked Contacts" msgstr "Editar contactos bloqueados" @@ -1722,13 +1772,6 @@ msgid "Blocked Contacts" msgstr "Contactos bloqueados" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Remove" -msgstr "Quitar" - #. Copy Link Address menu item #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:322 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-webkit-utils.c:277 @@ -1814,133 +1857,133 @@ msgid "Please let me see when you're online. Thanks!" msgstr "Permítame ver cuando está en línea. Gracias." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:569 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:567 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:304 msgid "Channels:" msgstr "Canales:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:749 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:747 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:455 msgid "Country ISO Code:" msgstr "Código ISO de país:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:751 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:749 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:457 msgid "Country:" msgstr "País:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:753 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:751 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:459 msgid "State:" msgstr "Estado:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:755 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:753 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:461 msgid "City:" msgstr "Ciudad:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:757 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:755 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:463 msgid "Area:" msgstr "Área:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:759 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:757 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:465 msgid "Postal Code:" msgstr "Código postal:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:761 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:759 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:467 msgid "Street:" msgstr "Calle:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:763 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:761 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:469 msgid "Building:" msgstr "Edificio:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:765 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:763 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:471 msgid "Floor:" msgstr "Planta:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:767 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:765 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:473 msgid "Room:" msgstr "Habitación:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:769 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:767 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:475 msgid "Text:" msgstr "Texto:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:771 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:769 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:477 msgid "Description:" msgstr "Descripción:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:773 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:771 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:479 msgid "URI:" msgstr "URI:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:775 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:773 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:481 msgid "Accuracy Level:" msgstr "Nivel de precisión:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:777 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:775 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:483 msgid "Error:" msgstr "Error:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:779 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:777 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:485 msgid "Vertical Error (meters):" msgstr "Error vertical (metros):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:781 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:779 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:487 msgid "Horizontal Error (meters):" msgstr "Error horizontal (metros):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:783 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:781 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:489 msgid "Speed:" msgstr "Velocidad:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:785 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:783 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:491 msgid "Bearing:" msgstr "Retardo:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:787 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:785 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:493 msgid "Climb Speed:" msgstr "Velocidad de ascenso:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:789 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:787 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:495 msgid "Last Updated on:" msgstr "Actualizado por última vez:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:791 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:789 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:497 msgid "Longitude:" msgstr "Longitud_" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:793 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:791 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:499 msgid "Latitude:" msgstr "Latitud:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:795 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:793 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:501 msgid "Altitude:" msgstr "Altitud:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:848 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:863 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:846 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:861 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:593 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:608 #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:35 @@ -1948,32 +1991,32 @@ msgstr "Ubicación geográfica" #. translators: format is "Location, $date" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:865 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:863 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:610 #, c-format msgid "%s, %s" msgstr "%s, %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:917 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:915 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:659 msgid "%B %e, %Y at %R UTC" msgstr "%e de %B de %Y a las %R UTC" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:999 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:997 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:900 msgid "Save Avatar" msgstr "Guardar avatar" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1055 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1053 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:958 msgid "Unable to save avatar" msgstr "No se pudo guardar el avatar" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1446 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1444 msgid "Personal Details" msgstr "Detalles personales" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1449 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1447 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:6 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:3 msgid "Contact Details" @@ -2124,137 +2167,145 @@ msgid "Edit Contact Information" msgstr "Editar información del contacto" +#. Translators: the heading at the top of the Information dialogue +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-information-dialog.c:288 +msgid "Linked Contacts" +msgstr "Contactos enlazados" + #. Translators: this is used in the context menu for a contact. The first #. * parameter is a contact ID (e.g. foo@jabber.org) and the second is one #. * of the user's account IDs (e.g. me@hotmail.com). -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:172 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:173 #, c-format msgid "%s (%s)" msgstr "%s (%s)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:344 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:345 msgid "Select account to use to place the call" msgstr "Seleccionar la cuenta que usar para realizar la llamada" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:348 +#. translators: Call is a noun. This string is used in the window +#. * title +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:349 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1290 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:18 msgid "Call" msgstr "Llamar" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:413 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:414 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Móvil" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:415 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:416 msgid "Work" msgstr "Trabajo" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:417 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:418 msgid "HOME" msgstr "Casa" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:658 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:659 msgid "_Block Contact" msgstr "_Bloquear contacto" #. add chat button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1017 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1018 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:319 #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:1 msgid "_Chat" msgstr "_Chat" #. add SMS button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1052 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1053 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:313 msgid "_SMS" msgstr "_SMS" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1085 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1086 msgctxt "menu item" msgid "_Audio Call" msgstr "Llamada de vo_z" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1118 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1119 msgctxt "menu item" msgid "_Video Call" msgstr "Llamada de _vídeo" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1159 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1160 #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:4 msgid "_Previous Conversations" msgstr "Conversaciones an_teriores" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1188 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1189 msgid "Send File" msgstr "Enviar archivo" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1218 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1219 msgid "Share My Desktop" msgstr "Compartir mi escritorio" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1244 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1245 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1357 msgid "Favorite" msgstr "Favorita" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1263 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1264 msgid "gnome-contacts not installed" msgstr "gnome-contacts no está instalado" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1266 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1267 msgid "Please install gnome-contacts to access contacts details." msgstr "Instale gnome-contacts para acceder a los detalles de los contactos." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1380 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1398 msgid "Infor_mation" msgstr "Infor_mación" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1429 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1447 msgctxt "Edit individual (contextual menu)" msgid "_Edit" msgstr "_Editar" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1546 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1564 #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:1192 msgid "Inviting you to this room" msgstr "Invitándolo a esta sala" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1592 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1610 msgid "_Invite to Chat Room" msgstr "_Invitar a sala de chat" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1788 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1806 #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:5 msgid "_Add Contact…" msgstr "_Añadir contacto…" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2306 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2304 msgid "Delete and _Block" msgstr "Eliminar y _bloquear" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2341 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2339 #, c-format msgid "Do you really want to remove the group '%s'?" msgstr "¿Realmente quiere quitar el grupo «%s»?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2344 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2342 msgid "Removing group" msgstr "Quitando grupo" #. Remove -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2399 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2603 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2397 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2601 msgid "_Remove" msgstr "_Quitar" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2476 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2474 #, c-format msgid "Do you really want to remove the contact '%s'?" msgstr "¿Realmente quiere quitar el contacto «%s»?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2485 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2483 #, c-format msgid "" "Do you really want to remove the linked contact '%s'? Note that this will " @@ -2263,7 +2314,7 @@ "¿Realmente quiere quitar el contacto enlazado «%s»? Tenga en cuenta que esto " "quitará todos los contactos que componen este contacto enlazado." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2497 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2495 msgid "Removing contact" msgstr "Quitando el contacto" @@ -2303,7 +2354,7 @@ msgid "new server" msgstr "servidor nuevo" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:535 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:539 msgid "SSL" msgstr "SSL" @@ -2466,6 +2517,7 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:7 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:26 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:19 msgid "Video" msgstr "Vídeo" @@ -2770,19 +2822,19 @@ msgid "Certificate Details" msgstr "Detalles del certificado" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1741 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1754 msgid "Unable to open URI" msgstr "No se pudo abrir el URI" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1859 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1872 msgid "Select a file" msgstr "Seleccionar un archivo" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1934 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1947 msgid "Insufficient free space to save file" msgstr "No hay espacio suficiente para guardar el archivo" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1942 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1955 #, c-format msgid "" "%s of free space are required to save this file, but only %s is available. " @@ -2791,7 +2843,7 @@ "Se requiere %s de espacio libre para guardar este archivo, pero sólo hay %s " "disponible. Elija otra ubicación." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1986 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1999 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file from %s" msgstr "Archivo entrante de %s" @@ -2963,6 +3015,18 @@ msgid "Vietnamese" msgstr "Vietnamita" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-calendar-button.c:66 +#| msgctxt "verb in a column header displaying group names" +#| msgid "Select" +msgid "Select..." +msgstr "Seleccionar…" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-calendar-button.c:154 +#| msgctxt "verb in a column header displaying group names" +#| msgid "Select" +msgid "_Select" +msgstr "_Seleccionar" + #: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:202 msgid "No error message" msgstr "Sin mensaje de eeror" @@ -3057,29 +3121,31 @@ msgid "Your new account has not been saved yet." msgstr "Aún no se ha guardado su cuenta nueva." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:370 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1289 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:381 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:759 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1289 msgid "Connecting…" msgstr "Conectando…" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:411 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:422 #, c-format msgid "Offline — %s" msgstr "Desconectado: %s" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:423 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:434 #, c-format msgid "Disconnected — %s" msgstr "Desconectado: %s" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:434 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:445 msgid "Offline — No Network Connection" msgstr "Desconectado: sin conexión de red" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:441 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:452 msgid "Unknown Status" msgstr "Estado desconocido" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:458 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:469 msgid "" "This account has been disabled because it relies on an old, unsupported " "backend. Please install telepathy-haze and restart your session to migrate " @@ -3089,36 +3155,36 @@ "soportado. Instale telepathy-haze y reinicie la sesión para migrar esta " "cuenta." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:468 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:479 msgid "Offline — Account Disabled" msgstr "Desconectado: cuenta desactivada" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:572 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:585 msgid "Edit Connection Parameters" msgstr "Editar los parámetros de la conexión" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:735 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:750 msgid "Failed to retrieve your personal information from the server." msgstr "Falló al recuperar su información personal del servidor." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:741 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:756 msgid "Go online to edit your personal information." msgstr "Conéctese para editar su información personal." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:826 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:843 msgid "_Edit Connection Parameters..." msgstr "_Editar los parámetros de la conexión…" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1322 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1339 #, c-format msgid "Do you want to remove %s from your computer?" msgstr "¿Quiere quitar %s de su equipo?" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1326 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1343 msgid "This will not remove your account on the server." msgstr "Esto no quitará su cuenta del servidor." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1562 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1579 msgid "" "You are about to select another account, which will discard\n" "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" @@ -3127,23 +3193,23 @@ "¿Seguro que quiere continuar?" #. Menu items: to enabled/disable the account -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1738 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1755 msgid "_Enable" msgstr "_Activar" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1739 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1756 msgid "_Disable" msgstr "_Desactivar" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2122 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2184 msgid "_Skip" msgstr "_Omitir" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2126 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2188 msgid "_Connect" msgstr "_Conectar" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2303 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2365 msgid "" "You are about to close the window, which will discard\n" "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" @@ -3151,10 +3217,6 @@ "Va a cerrar la ventana lo que descartará sus cambios.\n" "¿Seguro que quiere continuar?" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:1 -msgid "Add…" -msgstr "Añadir…" - #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:3 msgid "_Import…" msgstr "_Importar…" @@ -3175,15 +3237,195 @@ msgid "No protocol backends installed" msgstr "No hay «backends» de protocolos instalados" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:286 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:288 msgid " - Empathy authentication client" msgstr ": Cliente de autenticación de Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:302 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:304 msgid "Empathy authentication client" msgstr "Cliente de autenticación de Empathy" +#: ../src/empathy-av.c:118 ../src/empathy-call.c:201 +msgid "- Empathy Audio/Video Client" +msgstr ": Cliente de sonido/vídeo Empathy" + +#: ../src/empathy-av.c:134 ../src/empathy-call.c:223 +msgid "Empathy Audio/Video Client" +msgstr "Cliente de sonido/vídeo Empathy" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:434 +msgid "Contrast" +msgstr "Contraste" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:437 +msgid "Brightness" +msgstr "Brillo" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:440 +msgid "Gamma" +msgstr "Gamma" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:547 +msgid "Volume" +msgstr "Volumen" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1099 +msgid "_Sidebar" +msgstr "Barra _lateral" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1119 +msgid "Audio input" +msgstr "Entrada de voz" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1123 +msgid "Video input" +msgstr "Entrada de vídeo" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1131 +msgid "Dialpad" +msgstr "Teclado de llamada" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1142 +msgid "Details" +msgstr "Detalles" + +#. translators: Call is a noun and %s is the contact name. This string +#. * is used in the window title +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1211 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1889 +#, c-format +msgid "Call with %s" +msgstr "Llamada con %s" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1444 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2133 +msgid "The IP address as seen by the machine" +msgstr "La dirección IP como la ve la máquina" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1446 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2135 +msgid "The IP address as seen by a server on the Internet" +msgstr "La dirección IP como la ve el servidor de Internet" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1448 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2137 +msgid "The IP address of the peer as seen by the other side" +msgstr "La dirección IP del par como la ve la otra parte" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1450 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2139 +msgid "The IP address of a relay server" +msgstr "La dirección IP de un servidor de desvío" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1452 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2141 +msgid "The IP address of the multicast group" +msgstr "La dirección IP del grupo multicast" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1837 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1840 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1843 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1846 +msgctxt "codec" +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Desconocido" + +#. Translators: number of minutes:seconds the caller has been connected +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2138 +#, c-format +msgid "Connected — %d:%02dm" +msgstr "Conectado — %d:%02dm" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2199 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2992 +msgid "Technical Details" +msgstr "Detalles técnicos" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2237 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3031 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"%s's software does not understand any of the audio formats supported by your " +"computer" +msgstr "" +"El software de «%s» no entiende ninguno de los formatos de vídeo soportados " +"por su equipo" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2242 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3036 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"%s's software does not understand any of the video formats supported by your " +"computer" +msgstr "" +"El software de «%s» no entiende ninguno de los formatos de vídeo soportados " +"por su equipo" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2248 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3042 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Can't establish a connection to %s. One of you might be on a network that " +"does not allow direct connections." +msgstr "" +"No se puede establecer una conexión con %s. Uno de los dos puede estar en " +"una red que no acepta conexiones directas." + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2254 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3048 +msgid "There was a failure on the network" +msgstr "Hubo un fallo en la red" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2258 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3052 +msgid "" +"The audio formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" +msgstr "" +"No están instalados en su equipo los formatos de sonido necesarios para esta " +"llamada" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2261 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3055 +msgid "" +"The video formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" +msgstr "" +"No están instalados en su equipo los formatos de vídeo necesarios para esta " +"llamada" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2271 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3067 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Something unexpected happened in a Telepathy component. Please report this bug and attach logs gathered from the 'Debug' window in " +"the Help menu." +msgstr "" +"Sucedió algo inesperado en un componente de Telepathy. Informe de este error y añada los registros obtenidos de la ventana " +"de «Depuración» en el menú de Ayuda." + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2279 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3076 +msgid "There was a failure in the call engine" +msgstr "Hubo un fallo en el motor de llamadas" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2282 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3079 +msgid "The end of the stream was reached" +msgstr "Se llegó al final del flujo" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2322 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3119 +msgid "Can't establish audio stream" +msgstr "No se puede establecer el flujo de voz" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2332 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3129 +msgid "Can't establish video stream" +msgstr "No se puede establecer el flujo de vídeo" + #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:1 msgid "_Call" msgstr "_Llamar" @@ -3201,6 +3443,7 @@ #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:6 #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:8 msgid "_View" msgstr "_Ver" @@ -3236,10 +3479,12 @@ msgstr "Desactivar cámara" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:14 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:2 msgid "Hang up" msgstr "Colgar" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:15 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:9 msgid "Hang up current call" msgstr "Colgar la llamada actual" @@ -3272,36 +3517,44 @@ msgstr "Conmutar la transmisión de vídeo" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:24 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:11 msgid "Send Audio" msgstr "Enviar voz" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:25 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:12 msgid "Toggle audio transmission" msgstr "Conmutar la transmisión de voz" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:27 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:20 msgid "Encoding Codec:" msgstr "Códec de codificación:" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:28 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2540 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2541 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2542 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2543 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:28 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:21 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2542 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2543 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2544 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2545 msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Desconocido" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:29 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:22 msgid "Decoding Codec:" msgstr "Códec de decodificación:" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:30 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:23 msgid "Remote Candidate:" msgstr "Candidato remoto:" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:31 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:24 msgid "Local Candidate:" msgstr "Candidato local:" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:32 ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:24 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:25 msgid "Audio" msgstr "Sonido" @@ -3471,95 +3724,96 @@ msgid "Manage Favorite Rooms" msgstr "Gestionar salas favoritas" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:511 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 msgid "Incoming video call" msgstr "Llamada de vídeo entrante" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:511 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1519 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1519 msgid "Incoming call" msgstr "Llamada entrante" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:515 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:526 #, c-format msgid "%s is video calling you. Do you want to answer?" msgstr "%s le está llamando con vídeo. ¿Quiere responder?" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:516 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:527 #, c-format msgid "%s is calling you. Do you want to answer?" msgstr "%s le está llamando. ¿Quiere responder?" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:519 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:720 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:530 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "Incoming call from %s" msgstr "Llamada entrante de %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:544 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:555 msgid "_Reject" msgstr "_Rechazar" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:552 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:560 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:563 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 msgid "_Answer" msgstr "Re_spuesta" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:560 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 msgid "_Answer with video" msgstr "_Responder con vídeo" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:720 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "Incoming video call from %s" msgstr "Llamada de vídeo entrante de %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:778 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:837 msgid "Room invitation" msgstr "Invitación a una sala" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:780 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:839 #, c-format msgid "Invitation to join %s" msgstr "Invitación para unirse a %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:787 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:846 #, c-format msgid "%s is inviting you to join %s" msgstr "%s le está invitando a unirse a %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:795 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:854 msgid "_Decline" msgstr "_Rechazar" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:800 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:859 #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:2 msgid "_Join" msgstr "_Unirse" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:827 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:886 #, c-format msgid "%s invited you to join %s" msgstr "%s le ha invitado a unirse a %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:833 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:892 #, c-format msgid "You have been invited to join %s" msgstr "Le han invitado a unirse a %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:884 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:943 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file transfer from %s" msgstr "Transferencia de archivo entrante de %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1064 ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:374 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1146 ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:374 msgid "Password required" msgstr "Se requiere una contraseña" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1134 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1216 #, c-format msgid "%s would like permission to see when you are online" msgstr "%s quiere permiso para ver cuándo está en línea" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1140 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1222 #, c-format msgid "" "\n" @@ -4196,90 +4450,138 @@ msgid "_Quit" msgstr "_Salir" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:3 +msgid "Redial" +msgstr "Volver a llamar" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:4 +msgid "V_ideo" +msgstr "Ví_deo" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:5 +msgid "Video Off" +msgstr "Vídeo apagado" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:6 +msgid "Video Preview" +msgstr "Vista preliminar del vídeo" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:7 +msgid "Video On" +msgstr "Vídeo encendido" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:10 +msgid "Call the contact again" +msgstr "Llamar de nuevo al contacto" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:13 +msgid "Camera Off" +msgstr "Cámara apagada" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:14 +msgid "Disable camera and stop sending video" +msgstr "Desactivar la cámara y dejar de enviar vídeo" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:15 +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "Vista previa" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "Enable camera but don't send video" +msgstr "Activar la cámara pero no enviar vídeo" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:17 +msgid "Camera On" +msgstr "Cámara encendida" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:18 +msgid "Enable camera and send video" +msgstr "Activar la cámara y enviar vídeo" + #: ../src/empathy-map-view.c:471 msgid "Contact Map View" msgstr "Vista del mapa de contactos" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1598 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1607 msgid "Save" msgstr "Guardar" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1658 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1667 msgid "Pastebin link" msgstr "Enlace a pastebin" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1667 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1676 msgid "Pastebin response" msgstr "Respuesta de pastebin" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1671 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1680 #, c-format msgid "%s" msgstr "%s" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1674 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1683 msgid "Data too large for a single paste. Please save logs to file." msgstr "" "Datos demasiado largos para un pegado sencillo. Guarde el registro en un " "archivo." -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1903 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1912 msgid "Debug Window" msgstr "Depurar ventana" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1961 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1970 msgid "Send to pastebin" msgstr "Enviar a pastebin" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2000 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2009 msgid "Pause" msgstr "Pausar" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2012 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2021 msgid "Level " msgstr "Nivel " -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2031 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2040 msgid "Debug" msgstr "Depurar" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2036 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2045 msgid "Info" msgstr "Información" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2041 ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2087 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2050 ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2096 msgid "Message" msgstr "Mensaje" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2046 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2055 msgid "Warning" msgstr "Advertencia" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2051 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2060 msgid "Critical" msgstr "Crítico" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2056 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2065 msgid "Error" msgstr "Error" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2075 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2084 msgid "Time" msgstr "Hora" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2078 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2087 msgid "Domain" msgstr "Dominio" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2080 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2089 msgid "Category" msgstr "Categoría" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2082 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2091 msgid "Level" msgstr "Nivel" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2105 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2114 msgid "" "The selected connection manager does not support the remote debugging " "extension." @@ -4287,16 +4589,16 @@ "El gestor de conexiones seleccionado no soporta la extensión de depuración " "remota." -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:200 -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:228 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:202 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:230 msgid "Invite Participant" msgstr "Invitar participante" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:201 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:203 msgid "Choose a contact to invite into the conversation:" msgstr "Elegir un contacto para invitar a la conversación:" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:224 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:226 msgid "Invite" msgstr "Invitar" @@ -4344,39 +4646,39 @@ msgid "- Empathy Chat Client" msgstr ": Cliente de chat Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:187 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:189 msgid "Respond" msgstr "Respuesta" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:196 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:203 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1529 msgid "Reject" msgstr "Rechazar" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:201 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:206 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:208 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1530 msgid "Answer" msgstr "Responder" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:206 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 msgid "Answer with video" msgstr "Responder con vídeo" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:214 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:224 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:221 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:231 msgid "Decline" msgstr "Rechazar" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:218 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:229 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:225 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:236 msgid "Accept" msgstr "Aceptar" #. translators: the 'Provide' button is displayed in a notification #. * bubble when Empathy is asking for an account password; clicking on it #. * brings the password popup. -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:239 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:246 msgid "Provide" msgstr "Proporcionar" @@ -4387,152 +4689,41 @@ #. Translators: this is an "Info" label. It should be as short #. * as possible. -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1136 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1159 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1140 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1162 msgid "i" msgstr "Información" -#. translators: Call is a noun and %s is the contact name. This string -#. * is used in the window title -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1889 -#, c-format -msgid "Call with %s" -msgstr "Llamada con %s" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2133 -msgid "The IP address as seen by the machine" -msgstr "La dirección IP como la ve la máquina" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2135 -msgid "The IP address as seen by a server on the Internet" -msgstr "La dirección IP como la ve el servidor de Internet" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2137 -msgid "The IP address of the peer as seen by the other side" -msgstr "La dirección IP del par como la ve la otra parte" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2139 -msgid "The IP address of a relay server" -msgstr "La dirección IP de un servidor de desvío" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2141 -msgid "The IP address of the multicast group" -msgstr "La dirección IP del grupo multicast" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2886 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2888 msgid "On hold" msgstr "En espera" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2889 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2891 msgid "Mute" msgstr "Silenciar" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2891 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2893 msgid "Duration" msgstr "Duración" #. Translators: 'status - minutes:seconds' the caller has been connected -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2894 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2896 #, c-format msgid "%s — %d:%02dm" msgstr "%s: %d:%02dm" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2990 -msgid "Technical Details" -msgstr "Detalles técnicos" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3029 -#, c-format -msgid "" -"%s's software does not understand any of the audio formats supported by your " -"computer" -msgstr "" -"El software de «%s» no entiende ninguno de los formatos de vídeo soportados " -"por su equipo" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3034 -#, c-format -msgid "" -"%s's software does not understand any of the video formats supported by your " -"computer" -msgstr "" -"El software de «%s» no entiende ninguno de los formatos de vídeo soportados " -"por su equipo" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3040 -#, c-format -msgid "" -"Can't establish a connection to %s. One of you might be on a network that " -"does not allow direct connections." -msgstr "" -"No se puede establecer una conexión con %s. Uno de los dos puede estar en " -"una red que no acepta conexiones directas." - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3046 -msgid "There was a failure on the network" -msgstr "Hubo un fallo en la red" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3050 -msgid "" -"The audio formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" -msgstr "" -"No están instalados en su equipo los formatos de sonido necesarios para esta " -"llamada" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3053 -msgid "" -"The video formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" -msgstr "" -"No están instalados en su equipo los formatos de vídeo necesarios para esta " -"llamada" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3065 -#, c-format -msgid "" -"Something unexpected happened in a Telepathy component. Please report this bug and attach logs gathered from the 'Debug' window in " -"the Help menu." -msgstr "" -"Sucedió algo inesperado en un componente de Telepathy. Informe de este error y añada los registros obtenidos de la ventana " -"de «Depuración» en el menú de Ayuda." - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3074 -msgid "There was a failure in the call engine" -msgstr "Hubo un fallo en el motor de llamadas" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3077 -msgid "The end of the stream was reached" -msgstr "Se llegó al final del flujo" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3117 -msgid "Can't establish audio stream" -msgstr "No se puede establecer el flujo de voz" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3127 -msgid "Can't establish video stream" -msgstr "No se puede establecer el flujo de vídeo" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3164 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3166 #, c-format msgid "Your current balance is %s." msgstr "su balance actual es %s." -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3168 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3170 msgid "Sorry, you don’t have enough credit for that call." msgstr "No tiene crédito suficiente para hacer esta llamada." -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3170 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3172 msgid "Top Up" msgstr "Recargar" -#: ../src/empathy-call.c:201 -msgid "- Empathy Audio/Video Client" -msgstr ": Cliente de sonido/vídeo Empathy" - -#: ../src/empathy-call.c:224 -msgid "Empathy Audio/Video Client" -msgstr "Cliente de sonido/vídeo Empathy" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.c:243 msgid "_Match case" msgstr "_Coincidir con capitalización" @@ -4568,76 +4759,6 @@ "característica eligiendo Editar → Cuentas en " "la lista de contactos." -#~ msgid "Contrast" -#~ msgstr "Contraste" - -#~ msgid "Brightness" -#~ msgstr "Brillo" - -#~ msgid "Gamma" -#~ msgstr "Gamma" - -#~ msgid "Volume" -#~ msgstr "Volumen" - -#~ msgid "_Sidebar" -#~ msgstr "Barra _lateral" - -#~ msgid "Audio input" -#~ msgstr "Entrada de voz" - -#~ msgid "Video input" -#~ msgstr "Entrada de vídeo" - -#~ msgid "Dialpad" -#~ msgstr "Teclado de llamada" - -#~ msgid "Details" -#~ msgstr "Detalles" - -#~ msgctxt "codec" -#~ msgid "Unknown" -#~ msgstr "Desconocido" - -#~ msgid "Connected — %d:%02dm" -#~ msgstr "Conectado — %d:%02dm" - -#~ msgid "Redial" -#~ msgstr "Volver a llamar" - -#~ msgid "V_ideo" -#~ msgstr "Ví_deo" - -#~ msgid "Video Off" -#~ msgstr "Vídeo apagado" - -#~ msgid "Video Preview" -#~ msgstr "Vista preliminar del vídeo" - -#~ msgid "Video On" -#~ msgstr "Vídeo encendido" - -#~ msgid "Call the contact again" -#~ msgstr "Llamar de nuevo al contacto" - -#~ msgid "Camera Off" -#~ msgstr "Cámara apagada" - -#~ msgid "Disable camera and stop sending video" -#~ msgstr "Desactivar la cámara y dejar de enviar vídeo" - -#~ msgid "Preview" -#~ msgstr "Vista previa" - -#~ msgid "Enable camera but don't send video" -#~ msgstr "Activar la cámara pero no enviar vídeo" - -#~ msgid "Camera On" -#~ msgstr "Cámara encendida" - -#~ msgid "Enable camera and send video" -#~ msgstr "Activar la cámara y enviar vídeo" - #~ msgid "There was an error while importing the accounts." #~ msgstr "Hubo un error al importar las cuentas." @@ -4793,9 +4914,6 @@ #~ msgid "_Unlink" #~ msgstr "_Desenlazar" -#~ msgid "Linked Contacts" -#~ msgstr "Contactos enlazados" - #~ msgid "_Open new chats in separate windows" #~ msgstr "_Abrir charlas nuevas en ventanas separadas" diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/po/et.po empathy-3.3.92/po/et.po --- empathy-3.3.91/po/et.po 2012-03-02 12:03:58.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/po/et.po 2012-03-19 09:12:31.000000000 +0000 @@ -11,14 +11,14 @@ "Project-Id-Version: empathy MASTER\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?" "product=empathy&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=General\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-02 10:53+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-02 13:04+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-17 14:16+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-17 16:33+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Mattias Põldaru \n" "Language-Team: Estonian <>\n" "Language: et\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bits\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\n" "X-Poedit-Language: Estonian\n" "X-Poedit-Country: ESTONIA\n" @@ -74,6 +74,17 @@ msgid "The default folder to save file transfers in." msgstr "Vaikimisi kataloog, kuhu salvestada vastuvõetud failid." +msgid "Magic number used to check if sanity cleaning tasks should be run" +msgstr "Maagiline number, mis näitab, kas andmeid tuleks korrastada" + +msgid "" +"empathy-sanity-cleaning.c uses this number to check if the cleaning tasks " +"should be executed or not. Users should not change this key manually." +msgstr "" +"empathy-sanity-cleaning.c kasutab seda numbrit, et veenduda, kas " +"puhastusülesanded tuleks käivitada või mitte. Kasutajad ei peaks seda " +"väärtust käsitsi muutma." + msgid "Show offline contacts" msgstr "Ühendamata sõpru näidatakse" @@ -607,6 +618,17 @@ msgid "in the future" msgstr "tulevikus" +msgid "Password not found" +msgstr "Parooli ei leitud" + +#, c-format +msgid "IM account password for %s (%s)" +msgstr "%s suhtluskonto parool (%s)" + +#, c-format +msgid "Password for chatroom '%s' on account %s (%s)" +msgstr "Jututoa '%s' parool kontol %s (%s)" + msgid "All accounts" msgstr "Kõik kontod" @@ -751,6 +773,18 @@ msgid "Character set:" msgstr "Kooditabel:" +msgid "Add…" +msgstr "Lisa…" + +msgid "Remove" +msgstr "Eemalda" + +msgid "Up" +msgstr "Üles" + +msgid "Down" +msgstr "Alla" + msgid "Servers" msgstr "Serverid" @@ -1254,9 +1288,6 @@ msgid "Blocked Contacts" msgstr "Blokitud kontaktid" -msgid "Remove" -msgstr "Eemalda" - #. Copy Link Address menu item msgid "_Copy Link Address" msgstr "_Kopeeri lingi aadress" @@ -1527,6 +1558,10 @@ msgid "Edit Contact Information" msgstr "Kontakti andmete redigeerimine" +#. Translators: the heading at the top of the Information dialogue +msgid "Linked Contacts" +msgstr "Lingitud kontaktid" + #. Translators: this is used in the context menu for a contact. The first #. * parameter is a contact ID (e.g. foo@jabber.org) and the second is one #. * of the user's account IDs (e.g. me@hotmail.com). @@ -2123,6 +2158,12 @@ msgid "Vietnamese" msgstr "Vietnami" +msgid "Select..." +msgstr "Vali..." + +msgid "_Select" +msgstr "_Vali" + msgid "No error message" msgstr "Veateade puudub" @@ -2277,9 +2318,6 @@ "Sa oled akent sulgemas ja see tühistab tehtud muudatused\n" "Kas sa soovid seda teha?" -msgid "Add…" -msgstr "Lisa…" - msgid "_Import…" msgstr "_Impordi…" diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/po/eu.po empathy-3.3.92/po/eu.po --- empathy-3.3.91/po/eu.po 2012-03-05 10:30:26.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/po/eu.po 2012-03-07 10:38:46.000000000 +0000 @@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: eu\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-03 17:32+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-03 18:45+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-07 11:23+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-07 11:29+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio \n" -"Language-Team: American English \n" +"Language-Team: American English \n" "Language: \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -203,186 +203,190 @@ msgstr "'Elkartu gelara' elkarrizketa-koadroan hautatutako azken kontua" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:35 +msgid "Magic number used to check if sanity cleaning tasks should be run" +msgstr "Zenbaki magikoa garbiketako atazak exekutatu behar diren begiratzeko" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:36 msgid "Nick completed character" msgstr "Goitizena osatzeko karakterea" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:36 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:37 msgid "Open new chats in separate windows" msgstr "Ireki berriketa berriak beste leihoetan" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:37 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:38 msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use" msgstr "Bide-izena Adium gaia erabiltzeko" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:38 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:39 msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use if the theme used for chat is Adium." msgstr "" "Bide-izena Adium gaia erabiltzeko (berriketan erabiliko den gaia Adium bada)." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:39 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:40 msgid "Play a sound for incoming messages" msgstr "Jo soinua mezuak iristean" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:40 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:41 msgid "Play a sound for new conversations" msgstr "Jo soinua solasaldi berrietan" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:41 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:42 msgid "Play a sound for outgoing messages" msgstr "Jo soinua mezuak bidaltzean" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:42 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:43 msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs in" msgstr "Jo soinua kontaktu batek saioa hastean" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:43 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:44 msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs out" msgstr "Jo soinua kontaktu batek saioa amaitzean" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:44 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:45 msgid "Play a sound when we log in" msgstr "Jo soinua zuk saioa hastean" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:45 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:46 msgid "Play a sound when we log out" msgstr "Jo soinua zuk saioa amaitzean" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:46 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:47 msgid "Pop up notifications if the chat isn't focused" msgstr "Jakinarazpen-leihoa berriketak ez badu fokua" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:47 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:48 msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs in" msgstr "Jakinarazpen-leihoa kontaktu bat konektatzen denean" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:48 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:49 msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs out" msgstr "Jakinarazpen-leihoa kontaktu bat deskonektatzen denean" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:49 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:50 msgid "Position the camera preview should be during a call." msgstr "Kameraren aurrebista zein posiziotan egongo den deian zehar" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:50 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:51 msgid "Show Balance in contact list" msgstr "Erakutsi balantzea kontaktuen zerrendan" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:51 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:52 msgid "Show avatars" msgstr "Erakutsi avatar-ak" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:52 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:53 msgid "Show contact groups" msgstr "Erakutsi kontaktuen taldeak" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:53 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:54 msgid "Show contact list in rooms" msgstr "Erakutsi kontaktu-zerrenda geletan" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:54 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:55 msgid "Show hint about closing the main window" msgstr "Erakutsi leiho nagusia nola ixten den buruzko argibidea" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:55 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:56 msgid "Show offline contacts" msgstr "Erakutsi konektatu gabeko kontaktuak" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:56 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:57 msgid "Show protocols" msgstr "Erakutsi protokoloak" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:57 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:58 msgid "Spell checking languages" msgstr "Hizkuntzen zuzentzailea" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:58 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:59 msgid "The default folder to save file transfers in." msgstr "Karpeta lehenetsia transferitutako fitxategiak gordetzeko." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:59 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:60 msgid "The last directory that an avatar image was chosen from." msgstr "Azken direktorioa, Avatar baten irudia aukeratu dena." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:60 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:61 msgid "The position for the chat window side pane" msgstr "Berriketako leihoaren alboko panelaren posizioa" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:61 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:62 msgid "The stored position (in pixels) of the chat window side pane." msgstr "Berriketako leihoaren alboko panelaren gordetako posizioa (pixeletan)." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:62 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:63 msgid "The theme that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." msgstr "Gaia solasaldian bistaratzeko (berriketako leihoan)." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:63 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:64 msgid "" "The theme variant that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." msgstr "Gai aldakorra solasaldian bistaratzeko (berriketako leihoetan)." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:64 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:65 msgid "Use graphical smileys" msgstr "Erabili aurpegierak" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:65 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:66 msgid "Use notification sounds" msgstr "Erabili jakinarazpen-soinuak" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:66 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:67 msgid "Use theme for chat rooms" msgstr "Erabili gaia berriketa-gelan" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:67 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:68 msgid "Whether Empathy can publish the user's location to their contacts." msgstr "" "Empathy-k erabiltzailearen kokalekua bere kontaktuei erakutsiko dien edo ez." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:68 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:69 msgid "Whether Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location." msgstr "Empathy-k kokalekua asmatzeko GPSa erabiliko duen edo ez." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:69 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:70 msgid "Whether Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location." msgstr "Empathy-k kokalekua asmatzeko mugikorren sarea erabiliko duen edo ez." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:70 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:71 msgid "Whether Empathy can use the network to guess the location." msgstr "Empathy-k kokalekua asmatzeko sarea erabiliko duen edo ez." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:71 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:72 msgid "Whether Empathy should automatically log into your accounts on startup." msgstr "" "Empathy abiatzean zure kontuetan saioa automatikoki hasi behar den ala ez." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:72 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:73 msgid "" "Whether Empathy should go into away mode automatically if the user is idle." msgstr "" "Empathy-k 'kanpoan' moduan automatikoki jarriko den erabiltzailea inaktibo " "dagoenean." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:73 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:74 msgid "" "Whether Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy for privacy reasons." msgstr "" "Arrazoi pribatuak direla eta Empathy-k kokalekuaren zehaztasuna gutxiagotuko " "duen edo ez." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:74 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:75 msgid "" "Whether Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon." msgstr "" "Empathy-k berriketako leihoetan kontaktuen avatarrak ikono gisa erakutsi edo " "ez adierazten du." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:75 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:76 msgid "" "Whether WebKit developer tools, such as the Web Inspector, should be enabled." msgstr "" "Webkit garatzeko tresnak, 'Web Inspector' bezalakoak, gaitu behar diren edo " "ez." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:76 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:77 msgid "" "Whether connectivity managers should be used to automatically disconnect/" "reconnect." @@ -390,86 +394,86 @@ "Automatikoki deskonektatzeko/birkonektatzeko sare-kudeatzailea erabili behar " "den edo ez adierazten du." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:77 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:78 msgid "" "Whether to check words typed against the languages you want to check with." msgstr "" "Idatzitako hitzen zuzenketa ortografikoa landu edo ez (nahi dituzun " "hizkuntzetan)." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:78 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:79 msgid "Whether to convert smileys into graphical images in conversations." msgstr "" "Solasaldietan aurpegierak irudi grafikoetara bihurtuko diren ala ez " "adierazten du." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:79 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:80 msgid "Whether to enable Pulseaudio's echo cancellation filter." msgstr "" "Pulseaudio-ren oihartzuna ezeztatzeko iragazkia gaitu edo ez adierazten du." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:80 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:81 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging into the network." msgstr "" "Kontaktuen sareko saio-hasierak jakinarazteko soinua joko duen ala ez " "adierazten du." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:81 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:82 msgid "" "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging out of the network." msgstr "" "Kontaktuen sareko saio-amaierak jakinarazteko soinua joko duen ala ez " "adierazten du." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:82 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:83 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of events." msgstr "Gertaerak jakinarazteko soinua joko duen ala ez adierazten du." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:83 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:84 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of incoming messages." msgstr "Sarrerako mezuak jakinarazteko soinua joko duen ala ez adierazten du." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:84 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:85 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of new conversations." msgstr "Solasaldi berriak jakinarazteko soinua joko duen ala ez adierazten du." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:85 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:86 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of outgoing messages." msgstr "Irteerako mezuak jakinarazteko soinua joko duen ala ez adierazten du." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:86 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:87 msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging into a network." msgstr "Sarean saioa hastean soinua joko duen ala ez adierazten du." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:87 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:88 msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging out of a network." msgstr "Sareko saioa amaitzean soinua joko duen ala ez adierazten du." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:88 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:89 msgid "Whether to play sound notifications when away or busy." msgstr "Kanpoan edo lanpetuta zaudenean soinua joko duen ala ez adierazten du." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:89 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:90 msgid "" "Whether to send the 'composing' or 'paused' chat states. Does not currently " "affect the 'gone' state." msgstr "" -"berriketako 'konposatzen' edo 'pausatuta' egoerak bidaliko diren edo ez. " -"Ez dio 'joanda' egoerari eragiten." +"berriketako 'konposatzen' edo 'pausatuta' egoerak bidaliko diren edo ez. Ez " +"dio 'joanda' egoerari eragiten." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:90 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:91 msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes offline." msgstr "" "Kontaktu bat lineaz kanpo jartzean (deskonektatzean) jakinarazpen-leihoa " "erakutsiko duen edo ez." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:91 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:92 msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes online." msgstr "" "Kontaktu bat linean jartzean (konektatzean) jakinarazpen-leihoa erakutsiko " "duen edo ez." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:92 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:93 msgid "" "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message even if " "the chat is already opened, but not focused." @@ -478,55 +482,55 @@ "adierazten du (nahiz eta berriketa jadanik irekita, baina fokurik gabe, " "egon)." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:93 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:94 msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message." msgstr "" "Mezu berri bat jasotzean jakinarazpen-leihoa erakutsiko den ala ez " "adierazten du." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:94 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:95 msgid "Whether to show account balances in the contact list." msgstr "" "Kontaktuen zerrendan kontuaren balantzea erakutsi edo ez adierazten du." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:95 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:96 msgid "" "Whether to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat windows." msgstr "" "Kontaktu-zerrendan eta berriketako leihoetan kontaktuen avatarrak erakutsi " "ala ez adierazten du." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:96 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:97 msgid "Whether to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." msgstr "" "Kontaktu-zerrendan deskonektatuak dauden kontaktuak erakutsiko dituen ala ez " "adierazten du." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:97 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:98 msgid "Whether to show groups in the contact list." msgstr "Taldeak kontaktuen zerrendan erakutsiko diren edo ez." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:98 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:99 msgid "Whether to show popup notifications when away or busy." msgstr "" "Kanpoan edo lanpetuta zaudenean jakinarazpen-leihoa erakutsiko den ala ez " "adierazten du." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:99 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:100 msgid "Whether to show protocols for contacts in the contact list." msgstr "" "Kontaktu-zerrendan eta berriketako leihoetan kontaktuen protokoloak erakutsi " "edo ez adierazten du." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:100 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:101 msgid "Whether to show the contact list in chat rooms." msgstr "Kontaktu-zerrenda berriketa geletan erakutsi edo ez adierazten du." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:101 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:102 msgid "Whether to show the contact list in compact mode." msgstr "Kontaktu-zerrenda trinkotuta erakutsi edo ez adierazten du." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:102 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:103 msgid "" "Whether to show the message dialog about closing the main window with the " "'x' button in the title bar." @@ -534,11 +538,11 @@ "Leiho nagusia titulu-barrako 'x' botoiarekin ixteari buruzko elkarrizketa-" "koadroa erakutsi ala ez adierazten du." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:103 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:104 msgid "Whether to use the theme for chat rooms." msgstr "Berriketa-geletan gaia erabili edo ez adierazten du." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:104 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:105 msgid "" "Which criterion to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to sort by " "the contact's state with the value \"state\". A value of \"name\" will sort " @@ -546,8 +550,16 @@ msgstr "" "Zein irizpide erabiliko den kontaktu-zerrenda ordenatzean. Lehenetsia " "kontaktuen egoeren arabera ordenatzea da \"state\" (egoera) balioarekin. " -"\"name" -"\" (izena) balioak kontaktu-zerrenda izenaren arabera ordenatuko du." +"\"name\" (izena) balioak kontaktu-zerrenda izenaren arabera ordenatuko du." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:106 +msgid "" +"empathy-sanity-cleaning.c uses this number to check if the cleaning tasks " +"should be executed or not. Users should not change this key manually." +msgstr "" +"'empathy-sanity-cleaning.c'-k zenbaki hau erabiltzen du " +"garbiketako atazak exekutatu behar diren edo ez begiratzeko. " +"Ez da komeni erabiltzaileek gako hau eskuz aldatzea." #: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:736 msgid "No reason was specified" @@ -1481,8 +1493,8 @@ #, c-format msgid "insufficient balance to send message. Top up." msgstr "" -"ez dago nahikoa balantzerik mezua bidaltzeko. Berriro kargatu<" -"/a>." +"ez dago nahikoa balantzerik mezua bidaltzeko. Berriro kargatu." #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1616 msgid "not capable" @@ -1627,7 +1639,7 @@ #. * assume it hasn't and if it has, we'll set the proper status when #. * we get the new handler. #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2993 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1886 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1888 #: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1279 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1502 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1552 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2585 msgid "Disconnected" @@ -2136,7 +2148,7 @@ #. * title #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:348 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:2 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1288 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1290 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:2 msgid "Call" msgstr "Deitu" @@ -3058,7 +3070,7 @@ msgstr "Zure kontu berria oraindik gorde gabe dago." #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:370 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:757 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:759 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1289 msgid "Connecting…" msgstr "Konektatzen..." @@ -3177,11 +3189,11 @@ msgid "_Import…" msgstr "_Inportatu..." -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:286 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:288 msgid " - Empathy authentication client" msgstr " - Empathy-ren autentifikazio-bezeroa" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:302 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:304 msgid "Empathy authentication client" msgstr "Empathy-ren autentifikazio-bezeroa" @@ -3193,95 +3205,95 @@ msgid "Empathy Audio/Video Client" msgstr "Empathy-ren audio/bideo bezeroa" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:433 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:434 msgid "Contrast" msgstr "Kontrastea" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:436 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:437 msgid "Brightness" msgstr "Distira" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:439 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:440 msgid "Gamma" msgstr "Gamma" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:545 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:547 msgid "Volume" msgstr "Bolumena" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1097 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1099 msgid "_Sidebar" msgstr "_Albo-barra" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1117 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1119 msgid "Audio input" msgstr "Audio-sarrera" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1121 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1123 msgid "Video input" msgstr "Bideo-sarrera" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1129 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1131 msgid "Dialpad" msgstr "Dei-teklatua" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1140 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1142 msgid "Details" msgstr "Xehetasunak" #. translators: Call is a noun and %s is the contact name. This string #. * is used in the window title -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1209 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1211 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1889 #, c-format msgid "Call with %s" msgstr "Deitu honekin: %s" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1442 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1444 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2133 msgid "The IP address as seen by the machine" msgstr "Makinak IP helbidea ikusi du" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1444 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1446 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2135 msgid "The IP address as seen by a server on the Internet" msgstr "IP helbidea interneteko zerbitzari batek ikusi du" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1446 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1448 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2137 msgid "The IP address of the peer as seen by the other side" msgstr "Parekoaren IP helbidea bestaldean ikusi da" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1448 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1450 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2139 msgid "The IP address of a relay server" msgstr "Transmisioko ('relay') zerbitzariaren IP helbidea" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1450 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1452 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2141 msgid "The IP address of the multicast group" msgstr "Multidifusioko taldearen IP helbidea" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1835 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1838 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1841 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1844 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1837 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1840 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1843 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1846 msgctxt "codec" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Ezezaguna" #. Translators: number of minutes:seconds the caller has been connected -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2136 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2138 #, c-format msgid "Connected — %d:%02dm" msgstr "Konektatuta — %d:%02dm" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2197 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2199 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2987 msgid "Technical Details" msgstr "Xehetasun teknikoak" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2235 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2237 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3026 #, c-format msgid "" @@ -3291,7 +3303,7 @@ "%s(r)en softwareak ez du ulertzen zure ordenagailuak onartzen dituen audio-" "formatuak" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2240 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2242 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3031 #, c-format msgid "" @@ -3301,7 +3313,7 @@ "%s(r)en softwareak ez du ulertzen zure ordenagailuak onartzen dituen bideo-" "formatuak" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2246 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2248 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3037 #, c-format msgid "" @@ -3311,12 +3323,12 @@ "Ezin da konexiorik ezarri %s(r)ekin. Zuetako bat zuzeneko konexioak " "baimentzen ez dituen sare batean dago." -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2252 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2254 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3043 msgid "There was a failure on the network" msgstr "Hutsegite bat egon da sarean" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2256 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2258 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3047 msgid "" "The audio formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" @@ -3324,7 +3336,7 @@ "Dei hau egiteko beharrezkoak diren audio-formatuak instalatu gabe daude " "ordenagailuan" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2259 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2261 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3050 msgid "" "The video formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" @@ -3332,7 +3344,7 @@ "Dei hau egiteko beharrezkoak diren bideo-formatuak instalatu gabe daude " "ordenagailuan" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2269 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2271 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3062 #, c-format msgid "" @@ -3344,22 +3356,22 @@ "genizuke akats honen berri emango bazenu eta Laguntza " "menuko 'Araztu' leihotik eskuratutako erregistroak erantsiko bazenio." -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2277 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2279 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3071 msgid "There was a failure in the call engine" msgstr "Hutsegite bat gertatu da deiaren motorrean" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2280 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2282 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3074 msgid "The end of the stream was reached" msgstr "Korrontearen amaierara iritsi da" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2320 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2322 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3114 msgid "Can't establish audio stream" msgstr "Ezin da audioaren korrontea ezarri" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2330 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2332 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3124 msgid "Can't establish video stream" msgstr "Ezin da bideoaren korrontea ezarri" @@ -3508,8 +3520,8 @@ "Closing this window will leave %s. You will not receive any further messages " "until you rejoin it." msgstr "" -"Leiho hau ixtean %s utziko da. Ez duzu mezu gehiago jasoko berriro " -"elkartu arte." +"Leiho hau ixtean %s utziko da. Ez duzu mezu gehiago jasoko berriro elkartu " +"arte." #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:305 #, c-format @@ -3521,12 +3533,10 @@ "further messages until you rejoin them." msgstr[0] "" "Leiho hau ixtean berriketa-gela utziko da. Ez duzu mezu gehiago jasoko " -"berriro " -"elkartu arte." +"berriro elkartu arte." msgstr[1] "" "Leiho hau ixtean %u berriketa-gela utziko dira. Ez duzu mezu gehiago jasoko " -"haietara " -"berriro elkartu arte." +"haietara berriro elkartu arte." #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:314 #, c-format @@ -4526,16 +4536,16 @@ msgstr "" "Hautatutako konexio-kudeatzaileak ez du urruneko arazketa-hedapenik onartzen." -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:200 -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:228 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:202 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:230 msgid "Invite Participant" msgstr "Gonbidatu partaidea" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:201 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:203 msgid "Choose a contact to invite into the conversation:" msgstr "Aukeratu kontaktua solasaldira gonbidatzeko:" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:224 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:226 msgid "Invite" msgstr "Gonbidatu" diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/po/fi.po empathy-3.3.92/po/fi.po --- empathy-3.3.91/po/fi.po 2012-02-02 12:37:13.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/po/fi.po 2012-03-12 10:04:59.000000000 +0000 @@ -9,518 +9,516 @@ # Timo Jyrinki https://launchpad.net/~timo-jyrinki # Tommi Saira https://launchpad.net/~tommisaira # Ville-Pekka Vainio , 2010. +# Gnome 2012-03 Finnish translation sprint participants: +# Jiri Grönroos +# Niklas Laxström +# Timo Jyrinki msgid "" msgstr "" +"" "Project-Id-Version: empathy\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-08 13:41+0300\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-08 13:41+0300\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=empathy&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=General\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-02 10:35+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-12 08:36:45+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Timo Jyrinki \n" "Language-Team: Finnish \n" -"Language: fi\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" +"Language: fi\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +"X-POT-Import-Date: 2012-03-05 15:05:34+0000\n" +"X-Generator: MediaWiki 1.20alpha (r113129); Translate 2012-03-02\n" #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:1 -msgid "Chat on Google Talk, Facebook, MSN and many other chat services" -msgstr "" -"Keskustele käyttäen Google Talkia, Facebookia, MSN:ää ja monia muita " -"palveluja" - -#: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:2 msgid "Empathy" msgstr "Empathy" +#: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:2 +msgid "IM Client" +msgstr "pikaviestin" + #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:3 msgid "Empathy Internet Messaging" msgstr "Empathy-pikaviestin" #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:4 -msgid "IM Client" -msgstr "pikaviestin" +msgid "Chat on Google Talk, Facebook, MSN and many other chat services" +msgstr "Keskustele käyttäen Google Talkia, Facebookia, MSN:ää ja monia muita palveluja" + +#. Tweak the dialog +#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2450 +msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts" +msgstr "Viestintä ja VoIP-käyttäjätilit" + +#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:2 +msgid "Manage Messaging and VoIP accounts" +msgstr "Hallitse viestimiä ja Internet-puheluiden (VoIP) käyttäjätilejä" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:1 -msgid "Always open a separate chat window for new chats." -msgstr "Avaa aina uusi ikkuna uusille keskusteluille." +msgid "Connection managers should be used" +msgstr "Yhteyden hallintaohjelmia tulisi käyttää" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:2 -msgid "Call volume" -msgstr "Puhelun äänenvoimakkuus" +msgid "Whether connectivity managers should be used to automatically disconnect/reconnect." +msgstr "Käyttääkö Empathy yhteyksienhallintaa verkkoyhteyksien automaattiseen luomiseen ja katkaisuun." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:3 -msgid "Call volume, as a percentage." -msgstr "Puhelun äänenvoimakkuus prosentteina." +msgid "Empathy should auto-connect on startup" +msgstr "Empathy yrittää yhdistää automaattisesti käynnistettäessä" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:4 -msgid "Camera device" -msgstr "Kamera" +msgid "Whether Empathy should automatically log into your accounts on startup." +msgstr "Kirjautuuko Empathy tileillesi automaattisesti käynnistymisensä yhteydessä." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:5 -msgid "Camera position" -msgstr "Kameran sijainti" +msgid "Empathy should auto-away when idle" +msgstr "Empathyn tulisi merkitä automaattisesti poissaolevaksi, mikäli konetta ei käytetä" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:6 -msgid "" -"Character to add after nickname when using nick completion (tab) in group " -"chat." -msgstr "" -"Lempinimen jälkeen lisättävä merkki, kun käytetään lempinimen täydennystä " -"(sarkain) ryhmäkeskustelussa." +msgid "Whether Empathy should go into away mode automatically if the user is idle." +msgstr "Tulisiko Empathyn merkitä käyttäjä automaattisesti poissaolevaksi, mikäli konetta ei käytetä." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:7 -msgid "Chat window theme" -msgstr "Keskusteluikkunan teema" +msgid "Empathy default download folder" +msgstr "Empathyn noutojen oletuskansio" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:8 -msgid "Chat window theme variant" -msgstr "Keskusteluikkunan teemamuunnos" +msgid "The default folder to save file transfers in." +msgstr "Oletuskansio, johon siirretyt tiedostot tallennetaan." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:9 -msgid "" -"Comma-separated list of spell checker languages to use (e.g. \"en, fr, nl\")." -msgstr "" -"Pilkuilla eroteltu lista oikeinkirjoituksen tarkistusohjelman käyttämistä " -"kielistä (esim. \"fi, en, fr\")." +msgid "Show offline contacts" +msgstr "Näytä linjoilta poissa olevat tuttavat" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:10 -msgid "Compact contact list" -msgstr "Pienikokoinen tuttavaluettelo" +msgid "Whether to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." +msgstr "Näytetäänkö poissa linjoilta olevat tuttavat tuttavaluettelossa." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:11 -msgid "Connection managers should be used" -msgstr "Yhteyden hallintaohjelmia tulisi käyttää" +msgid "Show avatars" +msgstr "Näytä avatar-kuvat" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:12 -msgid "Contact list sort criterion" -msgstr "Tuttavaluettelon lajitteluperuste" +msgid "Whether to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat windows." +msgstr "Näytetäänkö tuttavien avatar-kuvakkeet tuttavaluettelossa ja keskusteluikkunoissa." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:13 -msgid "Default camera device to use in video calls, e.g. /dev/video0." -msgstr "Oletuskamera videopuheluihin, esim. /dev/video0" +msgid "Show protocols" +msgstr "Näytä protokollat" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:14 -msgid "Default directory to select an avatar image from" -msgstr "Oletushakemisto, josta avatar-kuvat haetaan" +msgid "Whether to show protocols for contacts in the contact list." +msgstr "Näytetäänkö tuttavien yhteyskäytännöt tuttavaluettelossa." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:15 -msgid "Disable popup notifications when away" -msgstr "Älä näytä ponnahdusikkunoita poissaollessa" +msgid "Show Balance in contact list" +msgstr "Näytä saldo yhteystietoluettelossa" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:16 -msgid "Disable sounds when away" -msgstr "Älä soita ääniä poissaollessa" +msgid "Whether to show account balances in the contact list." +msgstr "Haluatko näyttää tilien saldot yhteystietoluettelossa." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:17 -msgid "Display incoming events in the status area" -msgstr "Näytä ajankohtaiset tapahtumat tilarivillä" +msgid "Compact contact list" +msgstr "Pienikokoinen tuttavaluettelo" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:18 -msgid "" -"Display incoming events in the status area. If false, present them to the " -"user immediately." -msgstr "" -"Näytä ajankohtaiset tapahtumat tilarivillä. Mikäli epätosi, näytä ne " -"käyttäjälle välittömästi." +msgid "Whether to show the contact list in compact mode." +msgstr "Näytetäänkö tuttavaluettelo pienoiskokoa käytettäessä." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:19 -msgid "Echo cancellation support" -msgstr "Kaiun poiston tuki" +msgid "Hide main window" +msgstr "Piilota pääikkuna" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:20 -msgid "Empathy can publish the user's location" -msgstr "Empathy voi julkaista käyttäjän sijainnin" +msgid "Hide the main window." +msgstr "Piilota pääikkuna." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:21 -msgid "Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location" -msgstr "Empathy voi käyttää GPS:ää paikantamaan sijainnin" +msgid "Default directory to select an avatar image from" +msgstr "Oletushakemisto, josta avatar-kuvat haetaan" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:22 -msgid "Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location" -msgstr "Empathy voi käyttää matkapuhelinverkkoa paikantamaan sijainnin" +msgid "The last directory that an avatar image was chosen from." +msgstr "Viimeisin hakemisto, josta avatar-kuva oli valittu." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:23 -msgid "Empathy can use the network to guess the location" -msgstr "Empathy voi käyttää verkkoa paikantamaan sijainnin" +msgid "Open new chats in separate windows" +msgstr "Avaa uusi ikkuna uusille keskusteluille" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:24 -msgid "Empathy default download folder" -msgstr "Empathyn noutojen oletuskansio" +msgid "Always open a separate chat window for new chats." +msgstr "Avaa aina uusi ikkuna uusille keskusteluille." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:25 -msgid "Empathy has migrated butterfly logs" -msgstr "Empathy on siirtänyt butterfly:n lokit" +msgid "Display incoming events in the status area" +msgstr "Näytä ajankohtaiset tapahtumat tilarivillä" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:26 -msgid "Empathy should auto-away when idle" -msgstr "" -"Empathyn tulisi merkitä automaattisesti poissaolevaksi, mikäli konetta ei " -"käytetä" +msgid "Display incoming events in the status area. If false, present them to the user immediately." +msgstr "Näytä ajankohtaiset tapahtumat tilarivillä. Mikäli epätosi, näytä ne käyttäjälle välittömästi." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:27 -msgid "Empathy should auto-connect on startup" -msgstr "Empathy yrittää yhdistää automaattisesti käynnistettäessä" +msgid "The position for the chat window side pane" +msgstr "Keskusteluikkunan sivupaneelin sijainti" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:28 -msgid "Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy" -msgstr "Empathyn pitää heikentää sijainnin tarkkuutta" +msgid "The stored position (in pixels) of the chat window side pane." +msgstr "Keskusteluikkunan sivupaneelin tallennettu sijainti (pikseleinä)." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:29 -msgid "Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon" -msgstr "Empathy yrittää käyttää tuttavan avatarta keskusteluikkunan kuvakkeena" +msgid "Show contact groups" +msgstr "Näytä yhteyshenkilöryhmät" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:30 -msgid "Enable WebKit Developer Tools" -msgstr "Käytä WebKit-kehittäjän työkaluja" +#, fuzzy +msgid "Whether to show groups in the contact list." +msgstr "Näytetäänkö tuttavien yhteyskäytännöt tuttavaluettelossa." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:31 -msgid "Enable popup notifications for new messages" -msgstr "Näytä ponnahdusikkuna uusille viesteille" +msgid "Contact list sort criterion" +msgstr "Tuttavaluettelon lajitteluperuste" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:32 -msgid "Enable spell checker" -msgstr "Käytä oikeinkirjoituksen tarkistusta" +#, fuzzy +msgid "Which criterion to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to sort by the contact's state with the value \"state\". A value of \"name\" will sort the contact list by name." +msgstr "Kuinka tuttavaluettelo järjestetään. Oletusarvolla \"name\" järjestelyperusteena on tuttavan nimi. Arvolla \"state\" luettelo järjestetään tuttavien tilan perusteella." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:33 -msgid "Hide main window" -msgstr "Piilota pääikkuna" +msgid "Use notification sounds" +msgstr "Käytä merkkiääniä" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:34 -msgid "Hide the main window." -msgstr "Piilota pääikkuna." +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of events." +msgstr "Ilmoitetaanko tapahtumista merkkiäänin." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:35 -msgid "Nick completed character" -msgstr "Lempinimen täydennysmerkki" +msgid "Disable sounds when away" +msgstr "Älä soita ääniä poissaollessa" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:36 -msgid "Open new chats in separate windows" -msgstr "Avaa uusi ikkuna uusille keskusteluille" +msgid "Whether to play sound notifications when away or busy." +msgstr "Ilmoitetaanko tapahtumista merkkiäänin varattuna tai poissa oltaessa." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:37 -msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use" -msgstr "Käytettävän Adium-teeman sijainti" +msgid "Play a sound for incoming messages" +msgstr "Soita merkkiääni saapuville viesteille" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:38 -msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use if the theme used for chat is Adium." -msgstr "Adium-teeman sijainti Adiumia keskustelun teemana käytettäessä." +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of incoming messages." +msgstr "Ilmoitetaanko saapuvista viesteistä merkkiäänellä." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:39 -msgid "Play a sound for incoming messages" -msgstr "Soita merkkiääni saapuville viesteille" +msgid "Play a sound for outgoing messages" +msgstr "Soita merkkiääni lähetettäville viesteille" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:40 -msgid "Play a sound for new conversations" -msgstr "Soita merkkiääni uusista keskusteluista" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of outgoing messages." +msgstr "Ilmoitetaanko lähtevistä viesteistä merkkiäänellä." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:41 -msgid "Play a sound for outgoing messages" -msgstr "Soita merkkiääni lähetettäville viesteille" +msgid "Play a sound for new conversations" +msgstr "Soita merkkiääni uusista keskusteluista" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:42 -msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs in" -msgstr "Soita merkkiääni tuttavan kirjautuessa sisään" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of new conversations." +msgstr "Ilmoitetaanko uusista keskusteluista merkkiäänellä." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:43 -msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs out" -msgstr "Soita merkkiääni tuttavan kirjautuessa ulos" +msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs in" +msgstr "Soita merkkiääni tuttavan kirjautuessa sisään" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:44 -msgid "Play a sound when we log in" -msgstr "Soita merkkiääni kirjauduttaessa sisään" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging into the network." +msgstr "Ilmoitetaanko tuttavien sisäänkirjautumisesta merkkiäänellä." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:45 -msgid "Play a sound when we log out" -msgstr "Soita merkkiääni kirjauduttaessa ulos" +msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs out" +msgstr "Soita merkkiääni tuttavan kirjautuessa ulos" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:46 -msgid "Pop up notifications if the chat isn't focused" -msgstr "Ponnahdusilmoitus kohdistamattomasta keskustelusta" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging out of the network." +msgstr "Ilmoitetaanko tuttavien uloskirjautumisesta merkkiäänellä." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:47 -msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs in" -msgstr "Ponnahdusilmoitus tuttavan kirjautuessa sisään" +msgid "Play a sound when we log in" +msgstr "Soita merkkiääni kirjauduttaessa sisään" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:48 -msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs out" -msgstr "Ponnahdusilmoitus tuttavan kirjautuessa ulos" +msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging into a network." +msgstr "Ilmoitetaanko verkkoon kirjautumisesta merkkiäänellä." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:49 -msgid "Position the camera preview should be during a call." -msgstr "" +msgid "Play a sound when we log out" +msgstr "Soita merkkiääni kirjauduttaessa ulos" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:50 -msgid "Show Balance in contact list" -msgstr "" +msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging out of a network." +msgstr "Ilmoitetaanko verkosta uloskirjautumisesta merkkiäänellä." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:51 -msgid "Show avatars" -msgstr "Näytä avatar-kuvat" +msgid "Enable popup notifications for new messages" +msgstr "Näytä ponnahdusikkuna uusille viesteille" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:52 -msgid "Show contact list in rooms" -msgstr "Näytä tuttavaluettelo huoneissa" +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message." +msgstr "Näytetäänkö uudesta viestistä ponnahdusilmoitus." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:53 -msgid "Show hint about closing the main window" -msgstr "Näytä vihje pääikkunan sulkemisesta" +msgid "Disable popup notifications when away" +msgstr "Älä näytä ponnahdusikkunoita poissaollessa" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:54 -msgid "Show offline contacts" -msgstr "Näytä linjoilta poissa olevat tuttavat" +msgid "Whether to show popup notifications when away or busy." +msgstr "Näytetäänkö ponnahdusilmoituksia varattuna tai poissa oltaessa." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:55 -msgid "Show protocols" -msgstr "Näytä protokollat" +msgid "Pop up notifications if the chat isn't focused" +msgstr "Ponnahdusilmoitus kohdistamattomasta keskustelusta" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:56 -msgid "Spell checking languages" -msgstr "Kielentarkastuksessa käytetyt kielet" +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message even if the chat is already opened, but not focused." +msgstr "Näytetäänkö avatussa, kohdistamattomassa keskustelussa saapuneesta uudesta viestistä ponnahdusilmoitus." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:57 -msgid "The default folder to save file transfers in." -msgstr "Oletuskansio, johon siirretyt tiedostot tallennetaan." +msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs in" +msgstr "Ponnahdusilmoitus tuttavan kirjautuessa sisään" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:58 -msgid "The last directory that an avatar image was chosen from." -msgstr "Viimeisin hakemisto, josta avatar-kuva oli valittu." +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes online." +msgstr "Näytetäänkö ponnahdusilmoitus tuttavan sisäänkirjautumisesta." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:59 -msgid "The position for the chat window side pane" -msgstr "Keskusteluikkunan sivupaneelin sijainti" +msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs out" +msgstr "Ponnahdusilmoitus tuttavan kirjautuessa ulos" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:60 -msgid "The stored position (in pixels) of the chat window side pane." -msgstr "Keskusteluikkunan sivupaneelin tallennettu sijainti (pikseleinä)." +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes offline." +msgstr "Näytetäänkö ponnahdusilmoitus tuttavan uloskirjautumisesta." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:61 -msgid "The theme that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." -msgstr "Keskusteluikkunoissa käytettävä teema." +msgid "Use graphical smileys" +msgstr "Käytä hymiökuvakkeita" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:62 -msgid "" -"The theme variant that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." -msgstr "" -"Teemamuunnos jota käytetään näyttämään keskustelu keskusteluikkunoissa." +msgid "Whether to convert smileys into graphical images in conversations." +msgstr "Näytetäänkö keskusteluiden hymiöt hymiökuvakkeina." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:63 -msgid "Use graphical smileys" -msgstr "Käytä hymiökuvakkeita" +msgid "Show contact list in rooms" +msgstr "Näytä tuttavaluettelo huoneissa" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:64 -msgid "Use notification sounds" -msgstr "Käytä merkkiääniä" +msgid "Whether to show the contact list in chat rooms." +msgstr "Näytetäänkö tuttavaluettelo keskusteluhuoneissa." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:65 -msgid "Use theme for chat rooms" -msgstr "Käytä teemaa keskusteluhuoneille" +msgid "Chat window theme" +msgstr "Keskusteluikkunan teema" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:66 -msgid "Whether Empathy can publish the user's location to their contacts." -msgstr "Saako Empathy paljastaa käyttäjän sijainnin tuttaville." +msgid "The theme that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." +msgstr "Keskusteluikkunoissa käytettävä teema." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:67 -msgid "Whether Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location." -msgstr "Saako Empathy käyttää GPS:ää sijainnin arvaamiseen." +msgid "Chat window theme variant" +msgstr "Keskusteluikkunan teemamuunnos" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:68 -msgid "Whether Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location." -msgstr "Saako Empathy käyttää matkapuhelinverkkoa sijainnin arvaamiseen." +msgid "The theme variant that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." +msgstr "Teemamuunnos jota käytetään näyttämään keskustelu keskusteluikkunoissa." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:69 -msgid "Whether Empathy can use the network to guess the location." -msgstr "Saako Empathy käyttää verkkoa sijainnin arvaamiseen." +msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use" +msgstr "Käytettävän Adium-teeman sijainti" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:70 -msgid "Whether Empathy has migrated butterfly logs." -msgstr "Onko Empathy siirtänyt butterfly-lokit." +msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use if the theme used for chat is Adium." +msgstr "Adium-teeman sijainti Adiumia keskustelun teemana käytettäessä." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:71 -msgid "Whether Empathy should automatically log into your accounts on startup." -msgstr "" -"Kirjautuuko Empathy tileillesi automaattisesti käynnistymisensä yhteydessä." +msgid "Enable WebKit Developer Tools" +msgstr "Käytä WebKit-kehittäjän työkaluja" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:72 -msgid "" -"Whether Empathy should go into away mode automatically if the user is idle." -msgstr "" -"Tulisiko Empathyn merkitä käyttäjä automaattisesti poissaolevaksi, mikäli " -"konetta ei käytetä." +msgid "Whether WebKit developer tools, such as the Web Inspector, should be enabled." +msgstr "Otetaanko WebKit-kehittäjän työkalut, kuten Web-tutkain, käyttöön." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:73 -msgid "" -"Whether Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy for privacy reasons." -msgstr "" -"Alentaako Empathy sijaintitiedon tarkkuutta yksityisyyden suojaamiseksi." +msgid "Inform other users when you are typing to them" +msgstr "Salli muiden käyttäjien nähdä, että kirjoitat viestiä heille" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:74 -msgid "" -"Whether Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon." +msgid "Whether to send the 'composing' or 'paused' chat states. Does not currently affect the 'gone' state." msgstr "" -"Käyttääkö Empathy tuttavan avatar-kuvaketta keskusteluikkunan kuvakkeena." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:75 -msgid "" -"Whether WebKit developer tools, such as the Web Inspector, should be enabled." -msgstr "Otetaanko WebKit-kehittäjän työkalut, kuten Web-tutkain, käyttöön." +msgid "Use theme for chat rooms" +msgstr "Käytä teemaa keskusteluhuoneille" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:76 -msgid "" -"Whether connectivity managers should be used to automatically disconnect/" -"reconnect." -msgstr "" -"Käyttääkö Empathy yhteyksienhallintaa verkkoyhteyksien automaattiseen " -"luomiseen ja katkaisuun." +msgid "Whether to use the theme for chat rooms." +msgstr "Käytetäänkö teemaa keskusteluhuoneissa." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:77 -msgid "" -"Whether to check words typed against the languages you want to check with." -msgstr "Tarkistetaanko kirjoitetut sanat oikolukukielellä." +msgid "Spell checking languages" +msgstr "Kielentarkastuksessa käytetyt kielet" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:78 -msgid "Whether to convert smileys into graphical images in conversations." -msgstr "Näytetäänkö keskusteluiden hymiöt hymiökuvakkeina." +msgid "Comma-separated list of spell checker languages to use (e.g. \"en, fr, nl\")." +msgstr "Pilkuilla eroteltu lista oikeinkirjoituksen tarkistusohjelman käyttämistä kielistä (esim. \"fi, en, fr\")." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:79 -msgid "Whether to enable Pulseaudio's echo cancellation filter." -msgstr "" +msgid "Enable spell checker" +msgstr "Käytä oikeinkirjoituksen tarkistusta" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:80 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging into the network." -msgstr "Ilmoitetaanko tuttavien sisäänkirjautumisesta merkkiäänellä." +msgid "Whether to check words typed against the languages you want to check with." +msgstr "Tarkistetaanko kirjoitetut sanat oikolukukielellä." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:81 -msgid "" -"Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging out of the network." -msgstr "Ilmoitetaanko tuttavien uloskirjautumisesta merkkiäänellä." +msgid "Nick completed character" +msgstr "Lempinimen täydennysmerkki" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:82 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of events." -msgstr "Ilmoitetaanko tapahtumista merkkiäänin." +msgid "Character to add after nickname when using nick completion (tab) in group chat." +msgstr "Lempinimen jälkeen lisättävä merkki, kun käytetään lempinimen täydennystä (sarkain) ryhmäkeskustelussa." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:83 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of incoming messages." -msgstr "Ilmoitetaanko saapuvista viesteistä merkkiäänellä." +msgid "Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon" +msgstr "Empathy yrittää käyttää tuttavan avatarta keskusteluikkunan kuvakkeena" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:84 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of new conversations." -msgstr "Ilmoitetaanko uusista keskusteluista merkkiäänellä." +msgid "Whether Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon." +msgstr "Käyttääkö Empathy tuttavan avatar-kuvaketta keskusteluikkunan kuvakkeena." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:85 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of outgoing messages." -msgstr "Ilmoitetaanko lähtevistä viesteistä merkkiäänellä." +msgid "Last account selected in Join Room dialog" +msgstr "" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:86 -msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging into a network." -msgstr "Ilmoitetaanko verkkoon kirjautumisesta merkkiäänellä." +msgid "D-Bus object path of the last account selected to join a room." +msgstr "" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:87 -msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging out of a network." -msgstr "Ilmoitetaanko verkosta uloskirjautumisesta merkkiäänellä." +msgid "Camera device" +msgstr "Kamera" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:88 -msgid "Whether to play sound notifications when away or busy." -msgstr "Ilmoitetaanko tapahtumista merkkiäänin varattuna tai poissa oltaessa." +msgid "Default camera device to use in video calls, e.g. /dev/video0." +msgstr "Oletuskamera videopuheluihin, esim. /dev/video0" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:89 -msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes offline." -msgstr "Näytetäänkö ponnahdusilmoitus tuttavan uloskirjautumisesta." +msgid "Camera position" +msgstr "Kameran sijainti" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:90 -msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes online." -msgstr "Näytetäänkö ponnahdusilmoitus tuttavan sisäänkirjautumisesta." +msgid "Position the camera preview should be during a call." +msgstr "" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:91 -msgid "" -"Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message even if " -"the chat is already opened, but not focused." -msgstr "" -"Näytetäänkö avatussa, kohdistamattomassa keskustelussa saapuneesta uudesta " -"viestistä ponnahdusilmoitus." +msgid "Echo cancellation support" +msgstr "Kaiun poiston tuki" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:92 -msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message." -msgstr "Näytetäänkö uudesta viestistä ponnahdusilmoitus." +msgid "Whether to enable Pulseaudio's echo cancellation filter." +msgstr "Käytetäänkö Pulseaudion suodatinta kaiun poistamiseksi." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:93 -msgid "Whether to show account balances in the contact list." -msgstr "" +msgid "Show hint about closing the main window" +msgstr "Näytä vihje pääikkunan sulkemisesta" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:94 -msgid "" -"Whether to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat windows." -msgstr "" -"Näytetäänkö tuttavien avatar-kuvakkeet tuttavaluettelossa ja " -"keskusteluikkunoissa." +msgid "Whether to show the message dialog about closing the main window with the 'x' button in the title bar." +msgstr "Pyydetäänkö pääikkunan sulkemisesta vahvistusta." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:95 -msgid "Whether to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." -msgstr "Näytetäänkö poissa linjoilta olevat tuttavat tuttavaluettelossa." +msgid "Empathy can publish the user's location" +msgstr "Empathy voi julkaista käyttäjän sijainnin" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:96 -msgid "Whether to show popup notifications when away or busy." -msgstr "Näytetäänkö ponnahdusilmoituksia varattuna tai poissa oltaessa." +msgid "Whether Empathy can publish the user's location to their contacts." +msgstr "Saako Empathy paljastaa käyttäjän sijainnin tuttaville." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:97 -msgid "Whether to show protocols for contacts in the contact list." -msgstr "Näytetäänkö tuttavien yhteyskäytännöt tuttavaluettelossa." +msgid "Empathy can use the network to guess the location" +msgstr "Empathy voi käyttää verkkoa paikantamaan sijainnin" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:98 -msgid "Whether to show the contact list in chat rooms." -msgstr "Näytetäänkö tuttavaluettelo keskusteluhuoneissa." +msgid "Whether Empathy can use the network to guess the location." +msgstr "Saako Empathy käyttää verkkoa sijainnin arvaamiseen." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:99 -msgid "Whether to show the contact list in compact mode." -msgstr "Näytetäänkö tuttavaluettelo pienoiskokoa käytettäessä." +msgid "Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location" +msgstr "Empathy voi käyttää matkapuhelinverkkoa paikantamaan sijainnin" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:100 -msgid "" -"Whether to show the message dialog about closing the main window with the " -"'x' button in the title bar." -msgstr "Pyydetäänkö pääikkunan sulkemisesta vahvistusta." +msgid "Whether Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location." +msgstr "Saako Empathy käyttää matkapuhelinverkkoa sijainnin arvaamiseen." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:101 -msgid "Whether to use the theme for chat rooms." -msgstr "Käytetäänkö teemaa keskusteluhuoneissa." +msgid "Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location" +msgstr "Empathy voi käyttää GPS:ää paikantamaan sijainnin" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:102 -msgid "" -"Which criterion to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to sort by " -"the contact's name with the value \"name\". A value of \"state\" will sort " -"the contact list by state." -msgstr "" -"Kuinka tuttavaluettelo järjestetään. Oletusarvolla \"name\" " -"järjestelyperusteena on tuttavan nimi. Arvolla \"state\" luettelo " -"järjestetään tuttavien tilan perusteella." +msgid "Whether Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location." +msgstr "Saako Empathy käyttää GPS:ää sijainnin arvaamiseen." -#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:1 -msgid "Manage Messaging and VoIP accounts" -msgstr "Hallitse viestimiä ja Internet-puheluiden (VoIP) käyttäjätilejä" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:103 +msgid "Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy" +msgstr "Empathyn pitää heikentää sijainnin tarkkuutta" -#. Tweak the dialog -#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:2 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2324 -msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts" -msgstr "Viestintä ja VoIP-käyttäjätilit" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:104 +msgid "Whether Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy for privacy reasons." +msgstr "Alentaako Empathy sijaintitiedon tarkkuutta yksityisyyden suojaamiseksi." + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:736 +msgid "No reason was specified" +msgstr "Syytä ei annettu" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:739 +msgid "The change in state was requested" +msgstr "Pyydettiin tilan muutosta" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:742 +msgid "You canceled the file transfer" +msgstr "Keskeytit tiedostonsiirron" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:745 +msgid "The other participant canceled the file transfer" +msgstr "Toinen osapuoli katkaisi tiedostonsiirron" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:748 +msgid "Error while trying to transfer the file" +msgstr "Virhe yritettäessä siirtää tiedostoa" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:751 +msgid "The other participant is unable to transfer the file" +msgstr "Toinen osapuoli ei voi siirtää tiedostoa" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:825 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:754 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:313 +msgid "Unknown reason" +msgstr "Tuntematon syy" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:917 msgid "File transfer completed, but the file was corrupted" msgstr "Tiedostonsiirto valmistui, mutta tiedosto oli viallinen" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1111 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1203 msgid "File transfer not supported by remote contact" msgstr "Etäyhteys ei tue tiedostonsiirtoa" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1167 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1259 msgid "The selected file is not a regular file" msgstr "Valittu tiedosto ei ole tavanomainen tiedosto" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1176 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1268 msgid "The selected file is empty" msgstr "Valittu tiedosto on tyhjä" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-message.c:415 ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:131 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-message.c:415 ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:129 #, c-format msgid "Missed call from %s" msgstr "Vastaamaton puhelu käyttäjältä %s" @@ -536,452 +534,394 @@ msgid "Call from %s" msgstr "Puhelu käyttäjältä %s" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:268 -msgid "Socket type not supported" -msgstr "Pistoketyyppi ei ole tuettu" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:387 -msgid "No reason was specified" -msgstr "Syytä ei annettu" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:390 -msgid "The change in state was requested" -msgstr "Pyydettiin tilan muutosta" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:393 -msgid "You canceled the file transfer" -msgstr "Keskeytit tiedostonsiirron" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:396 -msgid "The other participant canceled the file transfer" -msgstr "Toinen osapuoli katkaisi tiedostonsiirron" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:399 -msgid "Error while trying to transfer the file" -msgstr "Virhe yritettäessä siirtää tiedostoa" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:402 -msgid "The other participant is unable to transfer the file" -msgstr "Toinen osapuoli ei voi siirtää tiedostoa" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:405 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:302 -msgid "Unknown reason" -msgstr "Tuntematon syy" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:222 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:233 msgid "Available" msgstr "Tavoitettavissa" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:224 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:235 msgid "Busy" msgstr "Varattu" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:227 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:238 msgid "Away" msgstr "Poissa" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:229 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:240 msgid "Invisible" msgstr "Näkymätön" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:231 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:242 msgid "Offline" msgstr "Poissa linjoilta" #. translators: presence type is unknown -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:234 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:245 msgctxt "presence" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Tuntematon" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:274 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:285 msgid "No reason specified" msgstr "Erittelemätön syy" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:276 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:332 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:287 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:343 msgid "Status is set to offline" msgstr "Tila on nyt ”Poissa linjoilta”" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:278 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:312 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:49 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:289 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:323 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:47 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:81 msgid "Network error" msgstr "Verkkovirhe" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:280 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:314 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:291 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:325 msgid "Authentication failed" msgstr "Todennus epäonnistui" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:282 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:316 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:293 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:327 msgid "Encryption error" msgstr "Salausvirhe" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:284 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:295 msgid "Name in use" msgstr "Nimi on käytössä" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:286 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:318 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:297 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:329 msgid "Certificate not provided" msgstr "Varmennetta ei ole annettu" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:288 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:320 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:299 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:331 msgid "Certificate untrusted" msgstr "Varmenne ei ole luotettu" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:290 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:322 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:301 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:333 msgid "Certificate expired" msgstr "Varmenne on vanhentunut" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:292 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:324 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:303 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:335 msgid "Certificate not activated" msgstr "Varmenne ei ole vielä aktivoitu" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:294 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:326 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:305 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:337 msgid "Certificate hostname mismatch" msgstr "Varmenteen verkkonimi ei täsmää" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:296 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:328 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:307 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:339 msgid "Certificate fingerprint mismatch" msgstr "Varmenteen sormenjälki ei täsmää" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:298 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:330 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:309 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:341 msgid "Certificate self-signed" msgstr "Itseallekirjoitettu varmenne" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:300 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:311 msgid "Certificate error" msgstr "Varmennevirhe" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:334 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:345 msgid "Encryption is not available" msgstr "Salausta ei ole käytettävissä" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:336 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:347 msgid "Certificate is invalid" msgstr "Varmenne ei ole kelvollinen" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:338 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:349 msgid "Connection has been refused" msgstr "Yhteys hylättiin" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:340 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:351 msgid "Connection can't be established" msgstr "Yhteyttä ei voi muodostaa" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:342 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:353 msgid "Connection has been lost" msgstr "Yhteys katkesi" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:344 -msgid "This resource is already connected to the server" -msgstr "Tämä resurssi on jo yhdistetty palvelimelle" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:355 +msgid "This account is already connected to the server" +msgstr "Tämä tili on jo yhteydessä palvelimeen" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:346 -msgid "" -"Connection has been replaced by a new connection using the same resource" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:357 +msgid "Connection has been replaced by a new connection using the same resource" msgstr "Yhteys on korvattu samaa resurssia käyttävällä uudella yhteydellä" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:349 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:360 msgid "The account already exists on the server" msgstr "Tili on jo olemassa palvelimella" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:351 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:362 msgid "Server is currently too busy to handle the connection" msgstr "Palvelin on liian kiireinen käsitelläkseen tätä yhteyttä" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:353 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:364 msgid "Certificate has been revoked" msgstr "Varmenne on kumottu" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:355 -msgid "" -"Certificate uses an insecure cipher algorithm or is cryptographically weak" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:366 +msgid "Certificate uses an insecure cipher algorithm or is cryptographically weak" msgstr "Varmenne käyttää heikkoa salausmenetelmää" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:358 -msgid "" -"The length of the server certificate, or the depth of the server certificate " -"chain, exceed the limits imposed by the cryptography library" -msgstr "" -"Palvelinsertifikaatin pituus tai palvelinsertifikaattiketjun pituus ovat " -"suurempia kuin salauskirjasto sallii" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:369 +msgid "The length of the server certificate, or the depth of the server certificate chain, exceed the limits imposed by the cryptography library" +msgstr "Palvelinsertifikaatin pituus tai palvelinsertifikaattiketjun pituus ovat suurempia kuin salauskirjasto sallii" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:373 +msgid "Your software is too old" +msgstr "Sovelluksesi on liian vanha" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:375 +msgid "Internal error" +msgstr "Sisäinen virhe" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:519 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-store.h:73 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:534 msgid "People Nearby" msgstr "Lähellä olevat ihmiset" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:524 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:539 msgid "Yahoo! Japan" msgstr "Yahoo! Japan" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:553 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:568 msgid "Google Talk" msgstr "Google Talk" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:554 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:569 msgid "Facebook Chat" msgstr "Facebook-keskustelu" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:88 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:90 #, c-format msgid "%d second ago" msgid_plural "%d seconds ago" msgstr[0] "%d sekunti sitten" msgstr[1] "%d sekuntia sitten" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:93 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:96 #, c-format msgid "%d minute ago" msgid_plural "%d minutes ago" msgstr[0] "%d minuutti sitten" msgstr[1] "%d minuuttia sitten" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:98 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:102 #, c-format msgid "%d hour ago" msgid_plural "%d hours ago" msgstr[0] "%d tunti sitten" msgstr[1] "%d tuntia sitten" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:103 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:108 #, c-format msgid "%d day ago" msgid_plural "%d days ago" msgstr[0] "%d päivä sitten" msgstr[1] "%d päivää sitten" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:108 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:114 #, c-format msgid "%d week ago" msgid_plural "%d weeks ago" msgstr[0] "%d viikko sitten" msgstr[1] "%d viikkoa sitten" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:113 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:120 #, c-format msgid "%d month ago" msgid_plural "%d months ago" msgstr[0] "%d kuukausi sitten" msgstr[1] "%d kuukautta sitten" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:136 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:142 msgid "in the future" msgstr "tulevaisuudessa" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-chooser.c:539 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-chooser.c:692 msgid "All accounts" msgstr "Kaikki tilit" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:694 -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:321 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:682 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:336 msgid "Account" msgstr "Käyttäjätili" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:695 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:683 msgid "Password" msgstr "Salasana" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:696 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:684 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:507 msgid "Server" msgstr "Palvelin" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:697 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:685 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:522 msgid "Port" msgstr "Portti" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:769 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:826 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:765 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:817 #, c-format msgid "%s:" msgstr "%s:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1192 -msgid "My Web Accounts" -msgstr "Omat WWW-tilit" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1208 -#, c-format -msgid "The account %s is edited via %s." -msgstr "" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1214 -#, c-format -msgid "The account %s cannot be edited in Empathy." -msgstr "Käyttäjätiliä %s ei voi muokata Empathyssä." - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1233 -msgid "Launch My Web Accounts" -msgstr "Käynnistä Web-tilit" - -#. general handler -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1241 -#, c-format -msgid "Edit %s" -msgstr "Muokkaa %s" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1591 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1398 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 msgid "Username:" msgstr "Käyttäjänimi:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1909 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1710 msgid "A_pply" msgstr "_Toteuta" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1939 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1739 msgid "L_og in" msgstr "_Kirjaudu sisään" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2013 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1812 msgid "This account already exists on the server" msgstr "Tämä tili on jo olemassa palvelimella" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2016 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1816 msgid "Create a new account on the server" msgstr "Luo uusi tili palvelimelle" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2208 -msgid "Ca_ncel" -msgstr "_Peru" - #. To translators: The first parameter is the login id and the #. * second one is the network. The resulting string will be something #. * like: "MyUserName on freenode". #. * You should reverse the order of these arguments if the #. * server should come before the login id in your locale. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2486 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2241 #, c-format msgid "%1$s on %2$s" msgstr "%s palvelimella %s" #. To translators: The parameter is the protocol name. The resulting #. * string will be something like: "Jabber Account" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2512 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2267 #, c-format msgid "%s Account" msgstr "%s-tili" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2516 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2271 msgid "New account" msgstr "Uusi tili" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:1 -msgid "Example: MyScreenName" -msgstr "Esimerkki: Nimimerkkini" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:14 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:1 +msgid "Pass_word:" +msgstr "S_alasana:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-generic.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:2 -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "Lisäasetukset" +msgid "Screen _Name:" +msgstr "Näyttö_nimi:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:3 +msgid "Example: MyScreenName" +msgstr "Esimerkki: Nimimerkkini" + +#. remember password ticky box +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:4 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:4 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:5 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:12 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:4 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:13 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:5 -msgid "Pass_word:" -msgstr "S_alasana:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-base-password-dialog.c:261 +msgid "Remember password" +msgstr "Muista salasana" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:5 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:5 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:10 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:20 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:5 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:16 -msgid "Remember Password" -msgstr "Muista salasana" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Port:" +msgstr "_Portti:" -#. remember password ticky box -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:6 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:6 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:7 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:21 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:17 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-password-dialog.c:311 -msgid "Remember password" -msgstr "Muista salasana" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:6 -msgid "Screen _Name:" -msgstr "Näyttö_nimi:" +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Server:" +msgstr "Pal_velin:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:7 -msgid "What is your AIM password?" -msgstr "Mikä on AIM-salasanasi?" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-generic.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:23 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:21 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:9 +msgid "Advanced" +msgstr "Lisäasetukset" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your AIM screen name?" msgstr "Mikä on AIM-näyttönimesi?" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:10 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:26 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:10 -msgid "_Port:" -msgstr "_Portti:" +msgid "What is your AIM password?" +msgstr "Mikä on AIM-salasanasi?" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:10 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:10 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:11 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:27 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:7 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:10 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:9 -msgid "_Server:" -msgstr "Pal_velin:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:1 -msgid "Example: username" -msgstr "Esimerkki: käyttäjänimi" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:24 +msgid "Remember Password" +msgstr "Muista salasana" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:2 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:13 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:2 msgid "Login I_D:" msgstr "_Käyttäjätunnus:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:3 +msgid "Example: username" +msgstr "Esimerkki: käyttäjänimi" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your GroupWise User ID?" msgstr "Mikä on GroupWise-käyttäjätunnuksesi?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your GroupWise password?" msgstr "Mikä on GroupWise-salasanasi?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:2 +msgid "ICQ _UIN:" +msgstr "ICQ _UIN:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:3 msgid "Example: 123456789" msgstr "Esimerkki: 123456789" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:7 msgid "Ch_aracter set:" msgstr "_Merkkikartta:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:4 -msgid "ICQ _UIN:" -msgstr "ICQ _UIN:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your ICQ UIN?" msgstr "Mikä on ICQ UIN -tunnuksesi?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:9 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:10 msgid "What is your ICQ password?" msgstr "Mikä on ICQ-salasanasi?" @@ -1018,25 +958,25 @@ msgid "None" msgstr "Ei mitään" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:1 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Verkko" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:2 -msgid "Character set:" -msgstr "Merkkikartta:" +msgid "Network:" +msgstr "Verkko:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:3 -msgid "" -"Most IRC servers don't need a password, so if you're not sure, don't enter a " -"password." -msgstr "" -"Useimmat IRC-palvelimet eivät tarvitse salasanaa, joten jos et ole varma, " -"älä syötä salasanaa." +msgid "Character set:" +msgstr "Merkkikartta:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:4 -msgid "Network" -msgstr "Verkko" +msgid "Servers" +msgstr "Palvelimet" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 -msgid "Network:" -msgstr "Verkko:" +msgid "Most IRC servers don't need a password, so if you're not sure, don't enter a password." +msgstr "Useimmat IRC-palvelimet eivät tarvitse salasanaa, joten jos et ole varma, älä syötä salasanaa." #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:6 msgid "Nickname:" @@ -1054,265 +994,250 @@ msgid "Real name:" msgstr "Oikea nimi:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 -msgid "Servers" -msgstr "Palvelimet" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:12 -msgid "What is your IRC nickname?" -msgstr "Mikä on IRC-nimimerkkisi?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 msgid "Which IRC network?" msgstr "Mikä IRC-verkko?" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 +msgid "What is your IRC nickname?" +msgstr "Mikä on IRC-nimimerkkisi?" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:1 +msgid "What is your Facebook username?" +msgstr "Mikä on Facebook-käyttäjänimesi?" + +#. This string is not wrapped in the dialog so you may have to add some '\n' to make it look nice. +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:3 +msgid "This is your username, not your normal Facebook login.\nIf you are facebook.com/badger, enter badger.\nUse this page to choose a Facebook username if you don't have one." +msgstr "Kyseessä on käyttäjänimi, ei normaalisti Facebook-kirjautumiseen käytettävä sähköpostiosoite.\nJos käyttäjänimesi on esimerkiksi facebook.com/tunnus, kirjoita tunnus.\nJos et ole vielä luonut Facebook-käyttäjänimeä, voit luoda sellaisen tällä sivulla." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:6 +msgid "What is your Facebook password?" +msgstr "Mikä on Facebook-salasanasi?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:8 +msgid "What is your Google ID?" +msgstr "Mikä on Google-tunnuksesi?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:9 msgid "Example: user@gmail.com" msgstr "Esimerkki: nimi@gmail.com" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:2 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:10 +msgid "What is your Google password?" +msgstr "Mikä on Google-salasanasi?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:11 msgid "Example: user@jabber.org" msgstr "Esimerkki: nimi@jabber.org" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:4 -msgid "Encr_yption required (TLS/SSL)" -msgstr "Salaus vaa_ditaan (TLS/SSL)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:15 msgid "I_gnore SSL certificate errors" msgstr "_Älä huomioi SSL-varmenteiden virheitä" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:7 -msgid "Override server settings" -msgstr "Ohita palvelimen asetukset" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:9 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:16 msgid "Priori_ty:" msgstr "_Prioriteetti:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:12 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:17 msgid "Reso_urce:" msgstr "Res_urssi:" -#. This string is not wrapped in the dialog so you may have to add some '\n' to make it look nice. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:14 -msgid "" -"This is your username, not your normal Facebook login.\n" -"If you are facebook.com/badger, enter badger.\n" -"Use this page to choose a " -"Facebook username if you don't have one." -msgstr "" -"Kyseessä on käyttäjänimi, ei normaalisti Facebook-kirjautumiseen käytettävä " -"sähköpostiosoite.\n" -"Jos käyttäjänimesi on esimerkiksi facebook.com/tunnus, kirjoita " -"tunnus.\n" -"Jos et ole vielä luonut Facebook-käyttäjänimeä, voit luoda sellaisen tällä sivulla." - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:17 -msgid "Use old SS_L" -msgstr "Käytä vanhaa SS_L-porttia" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:18 -msgid "What is your Facebook password?" -msgstr "Mikä on Facebook-salasanasi?" +msgid "Encr_yption required (TLS/SSL)" +msgstr "Salaus vaa_ditaan (TLS/SSL)" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:19 -msgid "What is your Facebook username?" -msgstr "Mikä on Facebook-käyttäjänimesi?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:20 -msgid "What is your Google ID?" -msgstr "Mikä on Google-tunnuksesi?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:21 -msgid "What is your Google password?" -msgstr "Mikä on Google-salasanasi?" +msgid "Use old SS_L" +msgstr "Käytä vanhaa SS_L-porttia" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:22 +msgid "Override server settings" +msgstr "Ohita palvelimen asetukset" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:24 msgid "What is your Jabber ID?" msgstr "Mikä on Jabber-tunnuksesi?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:23 -msgid "What is your Jabber password?" -msgstr "Mikä on Jabber-salasanasi?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:24 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:25 msgid "What is your desired Jabber ID?" msgstr "Mikä on haluamasi Jabber-tunnus?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:25 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:26 +msgid "What is your Jabber password?" +msgstr "Mikä on Jabber-salasanasi?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:27 msgid "What is your desired Jabber password?" msgstr "Mikä on haluamasi Jabber-salasana?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:3 msgid "Example: user@hotmail.com" msgstr "Esimerkki: tunnus@hotmail.com" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your Windows Live ID?" msgstr "Mikä on Windows Live -tunnuksesi?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your Windows Live password?" msgstr "Mikä on Windows Live -salasanasi?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:2 -msgid "E-_mail address:" -msgstr "Sähköposti_osoite:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:1 msgid "Nic_kname:" msgstr "Ni_mimerkki:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Last Name:" +msgstr "_Sukunimi:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:3 msgid "_First Name:" msgstr "_Etunimi:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Published Name:" +msgstr "_Julkaistu nimi:" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:5 msgid "_Jabber ID:" msgstr "_Jabber-tunniste:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:6 -msgid "_Last Name:" -msgstr "_Sukunimi:" +msgid "E-_mail address:" +msgstr "Sähköposti_osoite:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:7 -msgid "_Published Name:" -msgstr "_Julkaistu nimi:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Username:" +msgstr "_Käyttäjänimi:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:3 msgid "Example: user@my.sip.server" msgstr "Esimerkki: käyttäjä@sip-palvelimen.osoite" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:3 -msgid "Authentication username:" -msgstr "Tunnistautumisen käyttäjänimi:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:4 -msgid "Discover Binding" -msgstr "Löydä Sidonta" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:5 -msgid "Discover the STUN server automatically" -msgstr "Havaitse STUN-palvelin automaattisesti" +msgid "Use this account to call _landlines and mobile phones" +msgstr "" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:6 -msgid "Ignore TLS Errors" -msgstr "Sivuuta TLS-virheet" +msgid "NAT Traversal Options" +msgstr "NAT-läpäisyn (NAT-T) asetukset" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:7 -msgid "Interval (seconds)" -msgstr "Aikaväli (sekunneissa)" +msgid "Proxy Options" +msgstr "Välipalvelinvalinnat" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:8 -msgid "Keep-Alive Options" -msgstr "Käynnissä pitävät valinnat" +msgid "Miscellaneous Options" +msgstr "Muut valinnat" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:9 -msgid "Loose Routing" -msgstr "Löyhä reititys" +msgid "STUN Server:" +msgstr "STUN-palvelin:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:10 -msgid "Mechanism:" -msgstr "Mekanismi:" +msgid "Discover the STUN server automatically" +msgstr "Havaitse STUN-palvelin automaattisesti" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:11 -msgid "Miscellaneous Options" -msgstr "Muut valinnat" +msgid "Discover Binding" +msgstr "Löydä Sidonta" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:12 -msgid "NAT Traversal Options" -msgstr "NAT-läpäisyn (NAT-T) asetukset" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:114 +msgid "Server:" +msgstr "Palvelin:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:13 +msgid "Keep-Alive Options" +msgstr "Käynnissä pitävät valinnat" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:14 -msgid "Port:" -msgstr "Portti:" +msgid "Mechanism:" +msgstr "Mekanismi:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:15 -msgid "Proxy Options" -msgstr "Välipalvelinvalinnat" +msgid "Interval (seconds)" +msgstr "Aikaväli (sekunneissa)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:16 +msgid "Authentication username:" +msgstr "Tunnistautumisen käyttäjänimi:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:17 +msgid "Transport:" +msgstr "Siirto:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:18 -msgid "STUN Server:" -msgstr "STUN-palvelin:" +msgid "Loose Routing" +msgstr "Löyhä reititys" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:19 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:347 -msgid "Server:" -msgstr "Palvelin:" +msgid "Ignore TLS Errors" +msgstr "Sivuuta TLS-virheet" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:20 -msgid "Transport:" -msgstr "Siirto:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:21 -msgid "Use this account to call _landlines and mobile phones" -msgstr "" +msgid "Port:" +msgstr "Portti:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:22 -msgid "What is your SIP account password?" -msgstr "Mikä on SIP-tilisi salasana?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:23 msgid "What is your SIP login ID?" msgstr "Mikä on SIP-tilisi käyttäjätunnus?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:24 -msgid "_Username:" -msgstr "_Käyttäjänimi:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:23 +msgid "What is your SIP account password?" +msgstr "Mikä on SIP-tilisi salasana?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:2 +msgid "Yahoo! I_D:" +msgstr "Yahoo!-_tunnus:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:5 msgid "I_gnore conference and chat room invitations" msgstr "_Älä huomioi konferenssi- ja keskusteluhuonekutsuja" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Room List locale:" +msgstr "_Huoneluettelon maa-asetusto:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:10 msgid "What is your Yahoo! ID?" msgstr "Mikä on Yahoo! -tunnuksesi?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:11 msgid "What is your Yahoo! password?" msgstr "Mikä on Yahoo! -salasanasi?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:9 -msgid "Yahoo! I_D:" -msgstr "Yahoo!-_tunnus:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:11 -msgid "_Room List locale:" -msgstr "_Huoneluettelon maa-asetusto:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:470 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:555 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:471 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:556 msgid "Couldn't convert image" msgstr "Kuvaa ei voitu muuntaa" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:471 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:472 msgid "None of the accepted image formats are supported on your system" -msgstr "" -"Järjestelmässäsi ei ole tukea yhdellekään hyväksytylle kuvatiedostomuodolle" +msgstr "Järjestelmässäsi ei ole tukea yhdellekään hyväksytylle kuvatiedostomuodolle" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:818 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:819 msgid "Couldn't save picture to file" msgstr "" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:934 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:939 msgid "Select Your Avatar Image" msgstr "Valitse avatar-kuvasi" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:938 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:947 msgid "Take a picture..." msgstr "Ota kuva..." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:941 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:960 msgid "No Image" msgstr "Ei kuvaa" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:1001 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:1017 msgid "Images" msgstr "Kuvat" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:1005 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:1021 msgid "All Files" msgstr "Kaikki tiedostot" @@ -1320,242 +1245,245 @@ msgid "Click to enlarge" msgstr "Suurenna napsauttamalla" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:44 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:42 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:60 msgid "There was an error starting the call" msgstr "Puhelun aloittamisessa tapahtui virhe" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:51 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:49 msgid "The specified contact doesn't support calls" msgstr "Valittu yhteystieto ei tue puheluja" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:53 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:51 msgid "The specified contact is offline" msgstr "Valittu yhteystieto on poissa linjoilta" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:55 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:53 msgid "The specified contact is not valid" msgstr "Valittu yhteystieto on virheellinen" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:57 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:55 msgid "Emergency calls are not supported on this protocol" msgstr "Tämä protokolla ei tue hätäpuheluita" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:702 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:57 +msgid "You don't have enough credit in order to place this call" +msgstr "" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:728 msgid "Failed to open private chat" msgstr "Yksityiskeskustelun avaaminen epäonnistui" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:763 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:786 msgid "Topic not supported on this conversation" msgstr "Aihe ei ole tuettu tässä keskustelussa" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:769 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:792 msgid "You are not allowed to change the topic" msgstr "Sinulla ei ole oikeutta muuttaa aihetta" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:973 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:991 #, c-format msgid "“%s” is not a valid contact ID" msgstr "" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1030 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1086 msgid "/clear: clear all messages from the current conversation" msgstr "/clear: pyyhi kaikki nykyisen keskustelun viestit pois näkyvistä" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1033 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1089 msgid "/topic : set the topic of the current conversation" msgstr "/topic : aseta nykyisen keskustelun aihe" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1036 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1092 msgid "/join : join a new chat room" msgstr "/join : liity kanavalle" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1039 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1095 msgid "/j : join a new chat room" msgstr "/j : liity kanavalle" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1043 -msgid "" -"/part [] []: leave the chat room, by default the " -"current one" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1099 +msgid "/part [] []: leave the chat room, by default the current one" msgstr "" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1047 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1103 msgid "/query []: open a private chat" msgstr "/query []: avaa yksityiskeskustelu" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1050 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1106 msgid "/msg : open a private chat" msgstr "/msg : avaa yksityiskeskustelu" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1053 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1109 msgid "/nick : change your nickname on the current server" msgstr "/nick : vaihda nimeä nykyisellä palvelimella" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1056 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1112 msgid "/me : send an ACTION message to the current conversation" msgstr "/me : lähetä TOIMINTO viesti tämänhetkiseen keskusteluun" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1059 -msgid "" -"/say : send to the current conversation. This is used to " -"send a message starting with a '/'. For example: \"/say /join is used to " -"join a new chat room\"" -msgstr "" -"/say : lähettää sisällön kokonaisuudessaan keskusteluun. " -"Tätä toimintoa käytetään kun viestin halutaan alkavan merkillä \"/\", " -"esimerkiksi: \"/say /join komentoa käytetään kanavalle liittymiseen\"" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1115 +msgid "/say : send to the current conversation. This is used to send a message starting with a '/'. For example: \"/say /join is used to join a new chat room\"" +msgstr "/say : lähettää sisällön kokonaisuudessaan keskusteluun. Tätä toimintoa käytetään kun viestin halutaan alkavan merkillä \"/\", esimerkiksi: \"/say /join komentoa käytetään kanavalle liittymiseen\"" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1064 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1120 msgid "/whois : display information about a contact" msgstr "" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1067 -msgid "" -"/help []: show all supported commands. If is defined, " -"show its usage." -msgstr "" -"/help []: näyttää kaikki tuetut komennot. Jos on " -"määritetty, näytä sen ohje." +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1123 +msgid "/help []: show all supported commands. If is defined, show its usage." +msgstr "/help []: näyttää kaikki tuetut komennot. Jos on määritetty, näytä sen ohje." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1077 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1142 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s" msgstr "Käyttö: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1116 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1187 msgid "Unknown command" msgstr "Tuntematon komento" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1242 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1313 msgid "Unknown command; see /help for the available commands" msgstr "Tuntematon komento; kirjoita /help nähdäksesi käytössä olevat komennot" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1564 +msgid "insufficient balance to send message" +msgstr "" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1568 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1582 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1645 +#, c-format +msgid "Error sending message '%s': %s" +msgstr "Virhe lähetettäessä viestiä \"%s\": %s" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1570 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1587 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1649 +#, c-format +msgid "Error sending message: %s" +msgstr "Virhe viestiä lähettäessä: %s" + #. translators: error used when user doesn't have enough credit on his #. * account to send the message. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1412 -msgid "insufficient balance to send message" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1576 +#, c-format +msgid "insufficient balance to send message. Top up." msgstr "" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1414 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1616 msgid "not capable" msgstr "" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1421 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1623 msgid "offline" msgstr "poissa linjoilta" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1424 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1626 msgid "invalid contact" msgstr "virheellinen tuttava" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1427 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1629 msgid "permission denied" msgstr "lupa evätty" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1430 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1632 msgid "too long message" msgstr "liian pitkä viesti" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1433 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1635 msgid "not implemented" msgstr "ei toteutettu" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1437 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1639 msgid "unknown" msgstr "tuntematon" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1443 -#, c-format -msgid "Error sending message '%s': %s" -msgstr "Virhe lähetettäessä viestiä \"%s\": %s" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1447 -#, c-format -msgid "Error sending message: %s" -msgstr "Virhe viestiä lähettäessä: %s" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1508 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:761 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1706 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:920 msgid "Topic:" msgstr "Aihe:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1520 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1721 #, c-format msgid "Topic set to: %s" msgstr "Aihe asetettu: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1522 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1723 +#, c-format +msgid "Topic set by %s to: %s" +msgstr "%s asetti aiheeksi: %s" + +#. No need to display this 'event' is no topic can be defined anyway +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1728 msgid "No topic defined" msgstr "Aihetta ei ole annettu" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2031 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2244 msgid "(No Suggestions)" msgstr "(Ei ehdotuksia)" #. translators: %s is the selected word -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2099 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2312 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to Dictionary" msgstr "Lisää ”%s” sanakirjaan" #. translators: first %s is the selected word, #. * second %s is the language name of the target dictionary -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2136 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2349 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to %s Dictionary" msgstr "Lisää ”%s” kielen %s sanakirjaan" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2206 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2419 msgid "Insert Smiley" msgstr "Lisää hymiö" #. send button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2224 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1839 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2437 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1867 msgid "_Send" msgstr "_Lähetä" #. Spelling suggestions -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2278 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2494 msgid "_Spelling Suggestions" msgstr "_Kielentarkistuksen ehdotukset" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2367 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2583 msgid "Failed to retrieve recent logs" msgstr "Viimeisimpien lokien nouto epäonnistui" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2504 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2722 #, c-format msgid "%s has disconnected" msgstr "%s katkaisi" #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the kicked should come before the kicker in your locale. -#. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2511 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2729 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was kicked by %2$s" msgstr "%2$s potkaisi henkilön %1$s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2514 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2732 #, c-format msgid "%s was kicked" msgstr "%s potkaistiin" #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the banned should come before the banner in your locale. -#. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2522 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2740 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was banned by %2$s" msgstr "%2$s esti henkilön %1$s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2525 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2743 #, c-format msgid "%s was banned" msgstr "%s estettiin" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2529 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2747 #, c-format msgid "%s has left the room" msgstr "%s on poistunut huoneesta" @@ -1564,105 +1492,108 @@ #. * notifications like "foo has left the room", with the message #. * given by the user living the room. If this poses a problem, #. * please let us know. :-) -#. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2538 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2756 #, c-format msgid " (%s)" msgstr " (%s)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2563 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2781 #, c-format msgid "%s has joined the room" msgstr "%s on saapunut huoneeseen" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2588 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2806 #, c-format msgid "%s is now known as %s" msgstr "%s vaihtoi nimekseen %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2727 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1894 -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1240 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2355 +#. We don't know if the incoming call has been accepted or not, so we +#. * assume it hasn't and if it has, we'll set the proper status when +#. * we get the new handler. +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2993 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1886 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1279 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1502 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1552 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2585 msgid "Disconnected" msgstr "Ei yhteyttä" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3374 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3657 msgid "Would you like to store this password?" msgstr "Haluaisitteko tallentaa tämän salasanan?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3380 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3663 msgid "Remember" msgstr "Muista" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3390 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3673 msgid "Not now" msgstr "Ei nyt" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3434 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3717 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-bad-password-dialog.c:142 msgid "Retry" msgstr "Yritä uudelleen" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3438 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3721 msgid "Wrong password; please try again:" msgstr "Väärä salasana, yritä uudelleen:" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3568 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3851 msgid "This room is protected by a password:" msgstr "Huone on salasanasuojattu:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3595 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3878 msgid "Join" msgstr "Liity" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3797 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1261 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4070 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1300 msgid "Connected" msgstr "Yhdistetty" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3852 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4125 msgid "Conversation" msgstr "Keskustelu" #. Translators: this string is a something like #. * "Escher Cat (SMS)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3857 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4130 #, c-format msgid "%s (SMS)" msgstr "%s (SMS)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:424 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:264 msgid "Unknown or invalid identifier" msgstr "Tuntematon tai virheellinen tunniste" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:426 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:266 msgid "Contact blocking temporarily unavailable" msgstr "Yhteyshenkilöiden esto tilapäisesti poissa" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:428 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:268 msgid "Contact blocking unavailable" msgstr "Yhteyshenkilöiden esto poissa" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:430 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:270 msgid "Permission Denied" msgstr "Pääsy evätty" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:434 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:274 msgid "Could not block contact" msgstr "Yhteystietoa ei voitu estää" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:774 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:612 msgid "Edit Blocked Contacts" msgstr "Muokkaa estettyjä yhteystietoja" #. Account and Identifier #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:512 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1485 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-selector-dialog.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:506 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1474 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:7 msgid "Account:" msgstr "Käyttäjätili:" @@ -1672,578 +1603,548 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:3 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:5 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 #: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:3 msgid "Remove" msgstr "Poista" #. Copy Link Address menu item -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:320 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:322 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-webkit-utils.c:277 msgid "_Copy Link Address" msgstr "_Kopioi linkin osoite" #. Open Link menu item -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:327 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:329 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-webkit-utils.c:284 msgid "_Open Link" msgstr "_Avaa linkki" #. Translators: timestamp displayed between conversations in #. * chat windows (strftime format string) -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:415 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:417 msgid "%A %B %d %Y" msgstr "%A %d. %Bta %Y" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:299 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-edit-dialog.c:247 -msgid "Edit Contact Information" -msgstr "Muokkaa tuttavan tietoja" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:350 -msgid "Personal Information" -msgstr "Henkilökohtaiset tiedot" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:459 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:119 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:326 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:118 msgid "New Contact" msgstr "Uusi tuttava" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:533 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:200 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:395 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:197 #, c-format msgid "Block %s?" msgstr "Estetäänkö %s?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:538 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:255 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:400 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:252 #, c-format msgid "Are you sure you want to block '%s' from contacting you again?" msgstr "Oletko varma käyttäjän '%s' estämisestä?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:543 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:277 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:405 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:274 msgid "_Block" msgstr "_Estä" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:559 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:286 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:423 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:283 msgid "_Report this contact as abusive" msgid_plural "_Report these contacts as abusive" msgstr[0] "_Raportoi tämä yhteyshenkilö loukkaavana" msgstr[1] "_Raportoi nämä yhteyshenkilöt loukkaavina" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:1 -msgid "Decide _Later" -msgstr "_Päätä myöhemmin" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:2 -msgid "Subscription Request" -msgstr "Liittymispyyntö" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:3 -msgid "_Block User" -msgstr "Es_tä käyttäjä" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-store.h:71 -msgid "Ungrouped" -msgstr "Ryhmittelemättömät" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-store.h:72 -msgid "Favorite People" -msgstr "Suosikkihenkilöt" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:1986 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2376 -#, c-format -msgid "Do you really want to remove the group '%s'?" -msgstr "Haluatko varmasti poistaa ryhmän \"%s\"?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:1988 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2379 -msgid "Removing group" -msgstr "Poistetaan ryhmää" - -#. Remove -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2037 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2114 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2434 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2637 -msgid "_Remove" -msgstr "_Poista" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2067 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2501 -#, c-format -msgid "Do you really want to remove the contact '%s'?" -msgstr "Haluatko varmasti poistaa tuttavan \"%s\" yhteystiedot?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2069 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2522 -msgid "Removing contact" -msgstr "Poistetaan tuttava" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:220 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:14 -msgid "_Add Contact…" -msgstr "_Lisää tuttava…" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:300 -msgid "_Block Contact" -msgstr "Es_tä yhteystieto" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:329 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:758 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:16 -msgid "_Chat" -msgstr "_Keskustele" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:361 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:849 -msgctxt "menu item" -msgid "_Audio Call" -msgstr "_Äänipuhelu" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:394 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:894 -msgctxt "menu item" -msgid "_Video Call" -msgstr "_Videopuhelu" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:440 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:947 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:27 -msgid "_Previous Conversations" -msgstr "_Aiemmat keskustelut" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:462 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:988 -msgid "Send File" -msgstr "Lähetä tiedosto" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:485 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1030 -msgid "Share My Desktop" -msgstr "Jaa työpöytäni" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:525 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1886 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1065 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1373 -msgid "Favorite" -msgstr "Suosikki" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:554 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1093 -msgid "Infor_mation" -msgstr "_Tietoja" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:600 -msgctxt "Edit contact (contextual menu)" -msgid "_Edit" -msgstr "_Muokkaa" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:654 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1283 -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:1011 -msgid "Inviting you to this room" -msgstr "Kutsuu sinut tähän keskusteluhuoneeseen" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:1 +msgid "Subscription Request" +msgstr "Liittymispyyntö" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:685 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1329 -msgid "_Invite to Chat Room" -msgstr "_Kutsu keskusteluhuoneeseen" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Block User" +msgstr "Es_tä käyttäjä" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:3 +msgid "Decide _Later" +msgstr "_Päätä myöhemmin" #. Title -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:505 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:499 msgid "Search contacts" msgstr "Etsi yhteystietoja" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:535 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:529 msgid "Search: " msgstr "Etsi: " -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:593 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:587 msgid "_Add Contact" msgstr "_Lisää yhteystieto" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:611 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:605 msgid "No contacts found" msgstr "Yhteystietoa ei löytynyt" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:627 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:621 msgid "Your message introducing yourself:" msgstr "" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:635 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:629 msgid "Please let me see when you're online. Thanks!" -msgstr "" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-selector.c:129 -msgid "Select a contact" -msgstr "Valitse tuttava" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:336 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:153 -msgid "Full name:" -msgstr "Koko nimi:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:337 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:154 -msgid "Phone number:" -msgstr "Puhelinnumero:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:338 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:155 -msgid "E-mail address:" -msgstr "Sähköpostiosoite:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:339 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:156 -msgid "Website:" -msgstr "Kotisivu:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:340 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:157 -msgid "Birthday:" -msgstr "Syntymäpäivä:" +msgstr "Salli minun nähdä, milloin olet verkossa. Kiitos!" -#. Note to translators: this is the caption for a string of the form "5 -#. * minutes ago", and refers to the time since the contact last interacted -#. * with their IM client. -#. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:346 -msgid "Last seen:" -msgstr "Viimeksi nähty:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:348 -msgid "Connected from:" -msgstr "Yhdisti kohteesta:" - -#. FIXME: once Idle implements SimplePresence using this information, we can -#. * and should bin this. -#. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:353 -msgid "Away message:" -msgstr "Poissaoloviesti:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:606 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:569 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:304 msgid "Channels:" msgstr "Kanavat:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:897 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:469 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:749 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:455 msgid "Country ISO Code:" msgstr "Maan ISO-tunnus:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:899 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:471 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:751 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:457 msgid "Country:" msgstr "Maa:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:901 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:473 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:753 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:459 msgid "State:" msgstr "Osavaltio:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:903 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:475 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:755 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:461 msgid "City:" msgstr "Kaupunki:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:905 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:477 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:757 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:463 msgid "Area:" msgstr "Alue:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:907 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:479 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:759 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:465 msgid "Postal Code:" msgstr "Postinumero:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:909 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:481 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:761 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:467 msgid "Street:" msgstr "Katu:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:911 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:483 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:763 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:469 msgid "Building:" msgstr "Rakennus:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:913 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:485 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:765 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:471 msgid "Floor:" msgstr "Kerros:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:915 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:487 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:767 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:473 msgid "Room:" msgstr "Huone:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:917 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:489 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:769 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:475 msgid "Text:" msgstr "Teksti:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:919 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:491 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:771 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:477 msgid "Description:" msgstr "Kuvaus:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:921 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:493 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:773 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:479 msgid "URI:" msgstr "URI:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:923 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:495 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:775 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:481 msgid "Accuracy Level:" msgstr "Tarkkuustaso:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:925 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:497 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:777 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:483 msgid "Error:" msgstr "Virhe:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:927 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:499 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:779 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:485 msgid "Vertical Error (meters):" msgstr "Vertikaalinen virhe (metriä):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:929 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:501 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:781 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:487 msgid "Horizontal Error (meters):" msgstr "Horisontaalinen virhe (metriä):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:931 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:503 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:783 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:489 msgid "Speed:" msgstr "Nopeus:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:933 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:505 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:785 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:491 msgid "Bearing:" msgstr "Suuntima:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:935 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:507 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:787 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:493 msgid "Climb Speed:" msgstr "Kiipeämisvauhti:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:937 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:509 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:789 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:495 msgid "Last Updated on:" msgstr "Viimeksi päivitetty:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:939 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:511 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:791 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:497 msgid "Longitude:" msgstr "Pituuspiiri:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:941 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:513 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:793 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:499 msgid "Latitude:" msgstr "Leveyspiiri:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:943 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:515 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:795 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:501 msgid "Altitude:" msgstr "Korkeus:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:996 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1011 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:607 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:622 -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:16 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:848 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:863 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:593 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:608 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:35 msgid "Location" msgstr "Sijainti" #. translators: format is "Location, $date" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1013 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:624 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:865 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:610 #, c-format msgid "%s, %s" msgstr "%s, %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1065 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:673 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:917 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:659 msgid "%B %e, %Y at %R UTC" msgstr "%e. %Bta %Y klo %R UTC" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1147 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:915 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:999 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:900 msgid "Save Avatar" msgstr "Tallenna vastaus" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1203 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:973 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1055 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:958 msgid "Unable to save avatar" msgstr "Avataria ei voitu tallentaa" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:1 -msgid "Location at (date)\t" -msgstr "Sijainti hetkellä (pvm)\t" - -#. Alias -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1308 -msgid "Alias:" -msgstr "Nimimerkki:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:4 -msgid "Client Information" -msgstr "Asiakastiedot" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:5 -msgid "Client:" -msgstr "Asiakasohjelma:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1446 +msgid "Personal Details" +msgstr "Henkilökohtaiset tiedot:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1449 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:2 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:3 msgid "Contact Details" msgstr "Tuttavan tiedot" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:104 +msgid "Full name" +msgstr "Koko nimi" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:105 +msgid "Phone number" +msgstr "Puhelinnumero" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:106 +msgid "E-mail address" +msgstr "Sähköpostiosoite" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:107 +msgid "Website" +msgstr "WWW-sivusto" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:108 +msgid "Birthday" +msgstr "Syntymäpäivä" + +#. Note to translators: this is the caption for a string of the form "5 +#. * minutes ago", and refers to the time since the contact last interacted +#. * with their IM client. +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:113 +msgid "Last seen:" +msgstr "Viimeksi nähty:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:115 +msgid "Connected from:" +msgstr "Yhdisti kohteesta:" + +#. FIXME: once Idle implements SimplePresence using this information, we can +#. * and should bin this. +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:119 +msgid "Away message:" +msgstr "Poissaoloviesti:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:132 +msgid "work" +msgstr "työ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:133 +msgid "home" +msgstr "koti" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:134 +msgid "mobile" +msgstr "matkapuhelin" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:135 +msgid "voice" +msgstr "ääni" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:136 +msgid "preferred" +msgstr "ensisijainen" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:137 +msgid "postal" +msgstr "postiosoite" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:138 +#, fuzzy +msgid "parcel" +msgstr "Ulkoasu" + #. Identifier to connect to Instant Messaging network #. Translators: Identifier to connect to Instant Messaging network -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:8 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1515 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1502 msgid "Identifier:" msgstr "Tunniste:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:3 +#. Alias +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1293 +msgid "Alias:" +msgstr "Nimimerkki:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:5 +msgid "Location at (date) " +msgstr "Sijainti hetkellä (pvm) " + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:4 msgid "Information requested…" msgstr "Pyydetään tietoja…" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:10 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:8 +msgid "Client Information" +msgstr "Asiakastiedot" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:9 msgid "OS:" msgstr "Käyttöjärjestelmä:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:10 msgid "Version:" msgstr "Versio:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:333 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:11 +msgid "Client:" +msgstr "Asiakasohjelma:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:331 msgid "Groups" msgstr "Ryhmät" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:345 -msgid "" -"Select the groups you want this contact to appear in. Note that you can " -"select more than one group or no groups." -msgstr "" -"Valitse ryhmät, joissa haluat tämän tuttavan näkyvän. Huomaa että voit " -"valita useita ryhmiä tai olla valitsematta yhtään ryhmää." +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:343 +msgid "Select the groups you want this contact to appear in. Note that you can select more than one group or no groups." +msgstr "Valitse ryhmät, joissa haluat tämän tuttavan näkyvän. Huomaa että voit valita useita ryhmiä tai olla valitsematta yhtään ryhmää." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:364 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:362 msgid "_Add Group" msgstr "_Lisää ryhmä" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:399 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:397 msgctxt "verb in a column header displaying group names" msgid "Select" msgstr "Valitse" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:409 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1807 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:407 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1970 msgid "Group" msgstr "Ryhmä" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:260 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:257 +#, invalid-plural msgid "The following identity will be blocked:" msgid_plural "The following identities will be blocked:" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:267 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:264 +#, invalid-plural msgid "The following identity can not be blocked:" msgid_plural "The following identities can not be blocked:" msgstr[0] "" msgstr[1] "" -#. Translators: the heading at the top of the Information dialogue -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-information-dialog.c:288 -msgid "Linked Contacts" -msgstr "Linkitetyt yhteystiedot" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-linker.c:370 -msgid "Select contacts to link" -msgstr "Valitse linkitettävät yhteystiedot" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-linker.c:444 -msgid "New contact preview" -msgstr "Uuden yhteystiedon esikatselu" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-linker.c:488 -msgid "Contacts selected in the list on the left will be linked together." -msgstr "" -"Vasemmanpuoleisesta luettelosta valitut yhteystiedot linkitetään yhteen." +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-edit-dialog.c:247 +msgid "Edit Contact Information" +msgstr "Muokkaa tuttavan tietoja" #. Translators: this is used in the context menu for a contact. The first #. * parameter is a contact ID (e.g. foo@jabber.org) and the second is one #. * of the user's account IDs (e.g. me@hotmail.com). -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:145 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:172 #, c-format msgid "%s (%s)" msgstr "%s (%s)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:309 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:344 msgid "Select account to use to place the call" msgstr "Valitse soittoon käytettävä tili" #. translators: Call is a noun. This string is used in the window #. * title -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:313 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:2 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1299 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:348 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1288 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:18 msgid "Call" msgstr "Soita" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:378 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:413 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Matkapuhelin" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:380 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:415 msgid "Work" msgstr "Työ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:382 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:417 msgid "HOME" msgstr "Koti" -#. add an SMS button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:804 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:215 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:658 +msgid "_Block Contact" +msgstr "Es_tä yhteystieto" + +#. add chat button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1017 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:319 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Chat" +msgstr "_Keskustele" + +#. add SMS button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1052 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:313 msgid "_SMS" msgstr "_SMS" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1141 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1085 +msgctxt "menu item" +msgid "_Audio Call" +msgstr "_Äänipuhelu" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1118 +msgctxt "menu item" +msgid "_Video Call" +msgstr "_Videopuhelu" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1159 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Previous Conversations" +msgstr "_Aiemmat keskustelut" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1188 +msgid "Send File" +msgstr "Lähetä tiedosto" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1218 +msgid "Share My Desktop" +msgstr "Jaa työpöytäni" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1244 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1357 +msgid "Favorite" +msgstr "Suosikki" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1263 +msgid "gnome-contacts not installed" +msgstr "Pakettia gnome-contacts ei ole asennettu" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1266 +msgid "Please install gnome-contacts to access contacts details." +msgstr "" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1380 +msgid "Infor_mation" +msgstr "_Tietoja" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1429 msgctxt "Edit individual (contextual menu)" msgid "_Edit" msgstr "_Muokkaa" -#. Translators: this is a verb meaning "to connect two contacts together -#. * to form a meta-contact". -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1167 -msgctxt "Link individual (contextual menu)" -msgid "_Link Contacts…" -msgstr "_Linkitä yhteystiedot…" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1546 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:1192 +msgid "Inviting you to this room" +msgstr "Kutsuu sinut tähän keskusteluhuoneeseen" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2341 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1592 +msgid "_Invite to Chat Room" +msgstr "_Kutsu keskusteluhuoneeseen" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1788 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:5 +msgid "_Add Contact…" +msgstr "_Lisää tuttava…" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2306 msgid "Delete and _Block" msgstr "Poista ja _estä" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2510 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2341 #, c-format -msgid "" -"Do you really want to remove the linked contact '%s'? Note that this will " -"remove all the contacts which make up this linked contact." -msgstr "" +msgid "Do you really want to remove the group '%s'?" +msgstr "Haluatko varmasti poistaa ryhmän \"%s\"?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2344 +msgid "Removing group" +msgstr "Poistetaan ryhmää" + +#. Remove +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2399 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2603 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_Poista" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2476 +#, c-format +msgid "Do you really want to remove the contact '%s'?" +msgstr "Haluatko varmasti poistaa tuttavan \"%s\" yhteystiedot?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1662 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2485 #, c-format +msgid "Do you really want to remove the linked contact '%s'? Note that this will remove all the contacts which make up this linked contact." +msgstr "" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2497 +msgid "Removing contact" +msgstr "Poistetaan tuttava" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1641 +#, c-format, invalid-plural msgid "Linked contact containing %u contact" msgid_plural "Linked contacts containing %u contacts" msgstr[0] "" @@ -2253,23 +2154,23 @@ msgid "Location at (date)" msgstr "Sijainti hetkellä (pvm)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:2 msgid "Online from a phone or mobile device" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Linjoilla puhelimesta tai mobiililaitteesta" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:332 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:335 msgid "New Network" msgstr "Uusi verkko" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:527 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:530 msgid "Choose an IRC network" msgstr "Valitse IRC-verkko" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:584 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:587 msgid "Reset _Networks List" msgstr "" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:588 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:591 msgctxt "verb displayed on a button to select an IRC network" msgid "Select" msgstr "Valitse" @@ -2282,247 +2183,259 @@ msgid "SSL" msgstr "SSL" -#. Translators: this is the title of the linking dialogue (reached by -#. * right-clicking on a contact and selecting "Link…"). "Link" in this title -#. * is a verb. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:115 -msgid "Link Contacts" -msgstr "Linkitä yhteystiedot" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:120 -msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" -msgid "_Unlink…" -msgstr "_Poista linkitys…" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:121 -msgid "" -"Completely split the displayed linked contacts into the separate contacts." -msgstr "" - -#. Add button -#. Translators: this is an action button in the linking dialogue. "Link" is -#. * used here as a verb meaning "to connect two contacts to form a -#. * meta-contact". -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:136 -msgid "_Link" -msgstr "_Linkitä" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:183 -#, c-format -msgid "Unlink linked contacts '%s'?" -msgstr "" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:186 -msgid "" -"Are you sure you want to unlink these linked contacts? This will completely " -"split the linked contacts into separate contacts." -msgstr "" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:190 -msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" -msgid "_Unlink" -msgstr "_Poista linkitys" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:633 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:620 msgid "History" msgstr "Historia" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:688 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:675 msgid "Show" msgstr "Näytä" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:710 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:697 msgid "Search" msgstr "Etsi" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1158 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1148 #, c-format msgid "Chat in %s" msgstr "" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1160 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1150 #, c-format msgid "Chat with %s" msgstr "Keskustele käyttäjän %s kanssa" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1210 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1357 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1200 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1347 msgctxt "A date with the time" msgid "%A, %e %B %Y %X" msgstr "" #. Translators: this is an emote: '* Danielle waves' -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1299 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1289 #, c-format msgid "* %s %s" msgstr "* %s %s" #. Translators: this is a message: 'Danielle: hello' #. * The string in bold is the sender's name -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1305 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1295 #, c-format msgid "%s: %s" msgstr "%s: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1376 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1371 +#, c-format +msgid "%s second" +msgid_plural "%s seconds" +msgstr[0] "%s sekunti" +msgstr[1] "%s sekuntia" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1378 -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1026 -msgid "%" -msgstr "%" +#, c-format +msgid "%s minute" +msgid_plural "%s minutes" +msgstr[0] "%s minuutti" +msgstr[1] "%s minuuttia" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1385 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1386 #, c-format msgid "Call took %s, ended at %s" msgstr "Puhelun kesto %s, puhelu päättyi %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1717 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1720 msgid "Today" msgstr "Tänään" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1721 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1724 msgid "Yesterday" msgstr "Eilen" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1737 -msgctxt "" -"A date such as '23 May 2010', %e is the day, %B the month and %Y the year" +#. Translators: A date such as '23 May 2010' (strftime format) +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1739 +#, fuzzy msgid "%e %B %Y" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%A %d. %Bta %Y" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1818 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3399 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1827 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3487 msgid "Anytime" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Milloin tahansa" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1898 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2328 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1916 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2400 msgid "Anyone" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Kuka tahansa" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2640 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2713 msgid "Who" msgstr "Kuka" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2844 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2922 msgid "When" msgstr "Milloin" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2960 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3038 msgid "Anything" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Mitä tahansa" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2962 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3040 msgid "Text chats" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tekstikeskustelut" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2964 -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3042 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:25 msgid "Calls" msgstr "Puhelut" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2969 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3047 msgid "Incoming calls" msgstr "Saapuneet puhelut" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2970 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3048 msgid "Outgoing calls" msgstr "Soitetut puhelut" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2971 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3049 msgid "Missed calls" msgstr "Vastaamattomat puhelut" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2993 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3071 msgid "What" msgstr "Mitä" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3702 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3780 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete all logs of previous conversations?" -msgstr "" -"Haluatko varmasti poistaa kaikki aikaisempien keskusteluiden historiatiedot?" +msgstr "Haluatko varmasti poistaa kaikki aikaisempien keskusteluiden historiatiedot?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3706 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3784 msgid "Clear All" msgstr "Tyhjennä kaikki" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3713 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3791 msgid "Delete from:" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Poista kohteesta:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:1 +msgid "_File" +msgstr "_Tiedosto" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:2 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:9 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:12 +msgid "_Edit" +msgstr "_Muokkaa" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:3 +msgid "Delete All History..." +msgstr "Poista kaikki historia..." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:4 +msgid "Profile" +msgstr "Profiili" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:5 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:19 +msgid "Chat" +msgstr "Keskustelu" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:7 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:26 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:19 +msgid "Video" +msgstr "Video" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:8 +msgid "page 2" +msgstr "sivu 2" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:9 msgid "Loading..." msgstr "Ladataan..." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:3 -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Chat" -msgstr "Keskustelu" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:83 +msgid "The contact is offline" +msgstr "Yhteystieto ei ole linjoilla" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:85 +msgid "The specified contact is either invalid or unknown" +msgstr "Valittu yhteystieto on joko virheellinen tai tuntematon" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:87 +#, fuzzy +msgid "The contact does not support this kind of conversation" +msgstr "Aihe ei ole tuettu tässä keskustelussa" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:4 -msgid "Delete All History..." -msgstr "Poista kaikki historia..." +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:89 +msgid "The requested functionality is not implemented for this protocol" +msgstr "" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:5 -msgid "Profile" -msgstr "Profiili" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:95 +msgid "Could not start a conversation with the given contact" +msgstr "" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:6 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:22 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:20 -msgid "Video" -msgstr "Video" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:97 +msgid "You are banned from this channel" +msgstr "Sinulla on porttikielto tälle kanavalle" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:7 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:28 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:12 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:20 -msgid "_Edit" -msgstr "_Muokkaa" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:99 +msgid "This channel is full" +msgstr "Kanava on täynnä" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:8 -msgid "_File" -msgstr "_Tiedosto" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:101 +msgid "You must be invited to join this channel" +msgstr "Kanavalle voi liittyä vain kutsusta" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:9 -msgid "page 2" -msgstr "sivu 2" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:103 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Can't proceed while disconnected" +msgstr "Yhteys tuttavaan katkaistu" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-selector-dialog.ui.h:2 -msgid "Contact ID:" -msgstr "Tuttavan tunniste:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:105 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Permission denied" +msgstr "lupa evätty" -#. add chat button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:225 -msgid "C_hat" -msgstr "_Keskustele" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:111 +#, fuzzy +msgid "There was an error starting the conversation" +msgstr "Puhelun aloittamisessa tapahtui virhe" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:290 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:200 +msgid "Enter a contact identifier or phone number:" +msgstr "" #. Tweak the dialog -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:244 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:333 msgid "New Conversation" msgstr "Uusi keskustelu" -#. add video toggle -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:204 -msgid "Send _Video" -msgstr "Lähetä _videota" +#. add video button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:223 +msgid "_Video Call" +msgstr "_Videopuhelu" -#. add chat button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:215 -msgid "C_all" -msgstr "_Soita" +#. add audio button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:233 +msgid "_Audio Call" +msgstr "_Äänipuhelu" #. Tweak the dialog -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:225 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:243 msgid "New Call" msgstr "Uusi puhelu" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-password-dialog.c:274 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-bad-password-dialog.c:130 +#, c-format, fuzzy +msgid "Authentification failed for account %s" +msgstr "Todennus epäonnistui" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-base-password-dialog.c:224 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-password-dialog.c:134 #, c-format -msgid "" -"Enter your password for account\n" -"%s" -msgstr "" -"Anna salasana tilille\n" -"%s" +msgid "Enter your password for account\n%s" +msgstr "Anna salasana tilille\n%s" #. COL_STATUS_TEXT #. COL_STATE_ICON_NAME @@ -2552,20 +2465,15 @@ msgid "Set status" msgstr "Aseta tila" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:943 -msgid "Set your presence and current status" -msgstr "Aseta läsnäolosi ja nykyinen tilasi" - #. Custom messages -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:1131 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:1135 msgid "Custom messages…" msgstr "Omat viestit…" #. Create account #. To translator: %s is the name of the protocol, such as "Google Talk" or #. * "Yahoo!" -#. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-protocol-chooser.c:584 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-protocol-chooser.c:588 #, c-format msgid "New %s account" msgstr "Uusi %s-tili" @@ -2575,20 +2483,20 @@ msgstr "Etsi:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:2 -msgid "Mat_ch case" -msgstr "" +msgid "_Previous" +msgstr "_Edellinen" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:3 -msgid "Phrase not found" -msgstr "Lausetta ei löydy" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:4 msgid "_Next" msgstr "_Seuraava" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:4 +msgid "Mat_ch case" +msgstr "_Huomioi kirjainkoko" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:5 -msgid "_Previous" -msgstr "" +msgid "Phrase not found" +msgstr "Lausetta ei löydy" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-sound-manager.c:51 msgid "Received an instant message" @@ -2634,14 +2542,14 @@ msgid "Edit Custom Messages" msgstr "Muokkaa itse määriteltyjä viestejä" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1030 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1051 #, c-format msgid "Message edited at %s" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Viestiä muokattu %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1720 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1757 msgid "Normal" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tavallinen" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-manager.c:70 msgid "Classic" @@ -2677,7 +2585,7 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:167 msgid "The certificate does not have the expected fingerprint." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Varmenteella ei ole odotettua sormenjälkeä." #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:170 msgid "The hostname verified by the certificate doesn't match the server name." @@ -2688,13 +2596,12 @@ msgstr "Varmenne on allekirjoitettu itse." #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:177 -msgid "" -"The certificate has been revoked by the issuing Certification Authority." +msgid "The certificate has been revoked by the issuing Certification Authority." msgstr "" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:181 msgid "The certificate is cryptographically weak." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Varmenne on kryptografisesti heikko." #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:184 msgid "The certificate length exceeds verifiable limits." @@ -2702,7 +2609,7 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:188 msgid "The certificate is malformed." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Varmenne on muodostettu väärin." #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:206 #, c-format @@ -2715,43 +2622,43 @@ msgstr "Varmenteen ilmoittama isäntänimi: %s" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:281 -msgid "Continue" -msgstr "Jatka" +msgid "C_ontinue" +msgstr "J_atka" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:287 +msgid "Untrusted connection" +msgstr "" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:288 msgid "This connection is untrusted. Would you like to continue anyway?" msgstr "Yhteys ei ole luotettava. Haluatko kuitenkin jatkaa?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:297 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:298 msgid "Remember this choice for future connections" msgstr "Muista tämä valinta tulevia yhteyksiä varten" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:303 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:304 msgid "Certificate Details" msgstr "Varmenteen tiedot" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1735 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1741 msgid "Unable to open URI" msgstr "URI:a ei voi avata" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1831 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1859 msgid "Select a file" msgstr "Valitse tiedosto" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1903 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1934 msgid "Insufficient free space to save file" msgstr "Tiedoston tallennukseen ei ole riittävästi tilaa" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1911 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1942 #, c-format -msgid "" -"%s of free space are required to save this file, but only %s is available. " -"Please choose another location." -msgstr "" -"Tiedoston tallennukseen vaaditaan tilaa vähintään %s, mutta vain %s on " -"saatavilla. Valitse toinen tallennussijainti." +msgid "%s of free space are required to save this file, but only %s is available. Please choose another location." +msgstr "Tiedoston tallennukseen vaaditaan tilaa vähintään %s, mutta vain %s on saatavilla. Valitse toinen tallennussijainti." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1955 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1986 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file from %s" msgstr "Saapuva tiedosto käyttäjältä %s" @@ -2923,830 +2830,602 @@ msgid "Vietnamese" msgstr "vietnam" -#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:108 -msgid "The selected contact cannot receive files." -msgstr "Valittu tuttava ei voi vastaanottaa tiedostoja." - -#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:114 -msgid "The selected contact is offline." -msgstr "Valittu tuttava on poissa linjoilta." - -#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:169 +#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:202 msgid "No error message" msgstr "Ei virheilmoitusta" -#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:242 +#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:275 msgid "Instant Message (Empathy)" msgstr "Pikaviesti (Empathy)" -#: ../src/empathy.c:431 +#: ../src/empathy.c:435 msgid "Don't connect on startup" msgstr "Älä yhdistä käynnistettäessä" -#: ../src/empathy.c:435 +#: ../src/empathy.c:439 msgid "Don't display the contact list or any other dialogs on startup" msgstr "Älä näytä tuttavalistaa tai muita dialogeja käynnistyksessä" -#: ../src/empathy.c:450 +#: ../src/empathy.c:454 msgid "- Empathy IM Client" msgstr "- Empathy-pikaviestin" -#: ../src/empathy.c:637 +#: ../src/empathy.c:641 msgid "Error contacting the Account Manager" msgstr "Virhe yhdistettäessä tilienhallintaan" -#: ../src/empathy.c:639 +#: ../src/empathy.c:643 #, c-format -msgid "" -"There was an error while trying to connect to the Telepathy Account Manager. " -"The error was:\n" -"\n" -"%s" -msgstr "" -"Yhdistettäessä Empathyn tilienhallintaan tapahtui virhe:\n" -"\n" -"%s" +msgid "There was an error while trying to connect to the Telepathy Account Manager. The error was:\n\n%s" +msgstr "Yhdistettäessä Empathyn tilienhallintaan tapahtui virhe:\n\n%s" #: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:81 -msgid "" -"Empathy is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the " -"terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software " -"Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later " -"version." -msgstr "" -"Empathy on vapaa ohjelma; sitä on sallittu levittää edelleen ja muuttaa GNU " -"yleisen lisenssin (GPL lisenssin) ehtojen mukaan sellaisina kuin Free " -"Software Foundation on ne julkaissut; joko lisenssin version 2, tai " -"(valinnan mukaan) minkä tahansa myöhemmän version mukaisesti." +msgid "Empathy is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version." +msgstr "Empathy on vapaa ohjelma; sitä on sallittu levittää edelleen ja muuttaa GNU yleisen lisenssin (GPL lisenssin) ehtojen mukaan sellaisina kuin Free Software Foundation on ne julkaissut; joko lisenssin version 2, tai (valinnan mukaan) minkä tahansa myöhemmän version mukaisesti." #: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:85 -msgid "" -"Empathy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY " -"WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS " -"FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more " -"details." -msgstr "" -"Empathyä levitetään siinä toivossa, että se olisi hyödyllinen, mutta ilman " -"mitään takuuta; ilman edes hiljaista takuuta kaupallisesti hyväksyttävästä " -"laadusta tai soveltuvuudesta tiettyyn tarkoitukseen. Katso GPL lisenssistä " -"lisää yksityiskohtia." +msgid "Empathy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details." +msgstr "Empathyä levitetään siinä toivossa, että se olisi hyödyllinen, mutta ilman mitään takuuta; ilman edes hiljaista takuuta kaupallisesti hyväksyttävästä laadusta tai soveltuvuudesta tiettyyn tarkoitukseen. Katso GPL lisenssistä lisää yksityiskohtia." #: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:89 -msgid "" -"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with " -"Empathy; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin " -"Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-130159 USA" -msgstr "" -"Empathyn mukana pitäisi tulla kopio GPL-lisenssistä; jos näin ei ole, " -"kirjoita osoitteeseen Free Software Foundation Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth " -"Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA." +msgid "You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Empathy; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-130159 USA" +msgstr "Empathyn mukana pitäisi tulla kopio GPL-lisenssistä; jos näin ei ole, kirjoita osoitteeseen Free Software Foundation Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA." -#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:107 +#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:109 msgid "An Instant Messaging client for GNOME" msgstr "Gnomen pikaviestiohjelma" -#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:113 +#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:115 msgid "translator-credits" -msgstr "" -"Samuli Seppänen ja Henna Nykänen, 2006.\n" -"Ilkka Tuohela, 2006-2009.\n" -"Tommi Vainikainen, 2009.\n" -"Ville-Pekka Vainio, 2010.\n" -"\n" -"http://www.gnome.fi/\n" -"\n" -"Launchpad Contributions:\n" -" Antti Kajander https://launchpad.net/~antti-kajander\n" -" Christian Hellberg https://launchpad.net/~christian-hellberg\n" -" Elias Julkunen https://launchpad.net/~eliasj\n" -" Heikki Kulhia https://launchpad.net/~hessuk\n" -" Heikki Mäntysaari https://launchpad.net/~heikki-mantysaari\n" -" Ilari Oras https://launchpad.net/~ilarioras\n" -" Ilkka Tuohela https://launchpad.net/~hile\n" -" Ilkka Tuohela https://launchpad.net/~hile-utu\n" -" Jammi Vesterinen https://launchpad.net/~jmov\n" -" Jani Uusitalo https://launchpad.net/~uusijani\n" -" Jere Sokka https://launchpad.net/~jerry-sokka\n" -" Jiri Grönroos https://launchpad.net/~jiri-gronroos\n" -" Joonas Pajuniva https://launchpad.net/~joonas-pajuniva\n" -" Jussi Aalto https://launchpad.net/~jtaalto-deactivatedaccount\n" -" Kristian Kurki https://launchpad.net/~kristian-kurki\n" -" Matti Karnaattu https://launchpad.net/~mattikarnaattu\n" -" Mika Suomalainen https://launchpad.net/~mkaysi\n" -" Mikko Nissinen https://launchpad.net/~mikko\n" -" Miko-Matias Grönvall https://launchpad.net/~matias-gronvall\n" -" Ncl8 https://launchpad.net/~crofle\n" -" Timo Jyrinki https://launchpad.net/~timo-jyrinki\n" -" Tomi Juntunen https://launchpad.net/~tojuntu\n" -" Tommi Saira https://launchpad.net/~tommisaira\n" -" Tommi Vainikainen https://launchpad.net/~thv\n" -" Ville-Pekka Vainio https://launchpad.net/~vpvainio\n" -" papukaija https://launchpad.net/~papukaija" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:167 -msgid "There was an error while importing the accounts." -msgstr "Tilien tuonnin aikana tapahtui virhe." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:170 -msgid "There was an error while parsing the account details." -msgstr "Virhe jäsennettäessä käyttäjätilien asetuksia." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:173 -msgid "There was an error while creating the account." -msgstr "Tiliä luodessa tapahtui virhe." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:175 -msgid "There was an error." -msgstr "Tapahtui virhe." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:179 -#, c-format -msgid "The error message was: %s" -msgstr "Virheilmoitus: %s" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:183 -msgid "" -"You can either go back and try to enter your accounts' details again or quit " -"this assistant and add accounts later from the Edit menu." -msgstr "" -"Voit joko mennä takaisin ja syöttää tilien tiedot uudestaan, tai lopettaa " -"tämän apulaisen ja lisätä tilit myöhemmin Muokkaa-valikosta." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:220 -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1271 -msgid "An error occurred" -msgstr "Tapahtui virhe" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:467 -msgid "What kind of chat account do you have?" -msgstr "Minkä tyyppinen pikaviestintili sinulla on?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:473 -msgid "Do you have any other chat accounts you want to set up?" -msgstr "Onko sinulla muita tilejä, jotka haluaisit määritellä?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:479 -msgid "Enter your account details" -msgstr "Syötä tilisi tiedot" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:484 -msgid "What kind of chat account do you want to create?" -msgstr "Minkä tyyppisen pikaviestintilin haluat luoda?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:490 -msgid "Do you want to create other chat accounts?" -msgstr "Haluatko luoda muita pikaviestintilejä?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:497 -msgid "Enter the details for the new account" -msgstr "Syötä uuden käyttäjätilin tiedot" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:612 -msgid "" -"With Empathy you can chat with people online nearby and with friends and " -"colleagues who use Google Talk, AIM, Windows Live and many other chat " -"programs. With a microphone or a webcam you can also have audio or video " -"calls." -msgstr "" -"Keskustele Empathyn avulla verkossa olevien tuttujen kanssa, joilla on " -"esimerkiksi Google Talk, AIM, Windows Live tai muu pikaviestintili käytössä. " -"Mikrofonin ja web-kameran avulla voit myös soittaa ääni- tai videopuheluita." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:629 -msgid "Do you have an account you've been using with another chat program?" -msgstr "" -"Onko sinulla käyttäjätili, jota olet käyttänyt toisessa pikaviestimessä?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:652 -msgid "Yes, import my account details from " -msgstr "Kyllä, tuo tilitiedot ohjelmasta " - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:673 -msgid "Yes, I'll enter my account details now" -msgstr "Kyllä, syötän tilitietoni nyt" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:695 -msgid "No, I want a new account" -msgstr "Ei, haluan uuden käyttäjätilin" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:705 -msgid "No, I just want to see people online nearby for now" -msgstr "Ei, haluan vain nähdä samassa lähiverkossa linjoilla olevat henkilöt" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:726 -msgid "Select the accounts you want to import:" -msgstr "Valitse tilit, jotka haluat tuoda:" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:813 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:555 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:556 -msgid "Yes" -msgstr "Kyllä" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:820 -msgid "No, that's all for now" -msgstr "Ei, tässä oli kaikki" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1085 -msgid "" -"Empathy can automatically discover and chat with the people connected on the " -"same network as you. If you want to use this feature, please check that the " -"details below are correct. You can easily change these details later or " -"disable this feature by using the 'Accounts' dialog" -msgstr "" -"Empathy voi automaattisesti löytää ja keskustella kanssasi samaan verkkoon " -"yhdistettyjen ihmisten kanssa. Jos haluat käyttää tätä toimintoa, tarkista " -"että alla olevat yksityiskohdat pitävät paikkansa. Voit helposti muuttaa " -"näitä yksityiskohtia myöhemmin tai estää tämän toiminnon käyttämällä ”Tilit”-" -"valintaikkunaa." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1091 -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1147 -msgid "Edit->Accounts" -msgstr "Muokkaa->Tilit" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1107 -msgid "I do _not want to enable this feature for now" -msgstr "En _halua käyttää tätä ominaisuutta juuri nyt" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1143 -msgid "" -"You won't be able to chat with people connected to your local network, as " -"telepathy-salut is not installed. If you want to enable this feature, please " -"install the telepathy-salut package and create a People Nearby account from " -"the Accounts dialog" -msgstr "" -"Et voi keskustella paikalliseen verkkoon liittyneiden ihmisten kanssa sillä " -"telepathy-salut ei ole asennettu. Jos haluat ottaa tämän ominaisuuden " -"käyttöön, asenna telepathy-salut paketti ja luo läheiset ihmiset -tili Tilit-" -"ikkunassa." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1149 -msgid "telepathy-salut not installed" -msgstr "pakettia telepathy-salut ei ole asennettu" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1195 -msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts Assistant" -msgstr "Viestintä- ja VoIP-käyttäjätilien apulainen" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1229 -msgid "Welcome to Empathy" -msgstr "Tervetuloa Empathyyn" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1238 -msgid "Import your existing accounts" -msgstr "Tuo olemassa olevat käyttäjätilit" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1256 -msgid "Please enter personal details" -msgstr "Syötä henkilökohtaiset tiedot" +msgstr "Samuli Seppänen ja Henna Nykänen, 2006.\nIlkka Tuohela, 2006-2009.\nTommi Vainikainen, 2009.\nVille-Pekka Vainio, 2010.\n\nhttp://www.gnome.fi/\n\nLaunchpad Contributions:\n Antti Kajander https://launchpad.net/~antti-kajander\n Christian Hellberg https://launchpad.net/~christian-hellberg\n Elias Julkunen https://launchpad.net/~eliasj\n Heikki Kulhia https://launchpad.net/~hessuk\n Heikki Mäntysaari https://launchpad.net/~heikki-mantysaari\n Ilari Oras https://launchpad.net/~ilarioras\n Ilkka Tuohela https://launchpad.net/~hile\n Ilkka Tuohela https://launchpad.net/~hile-utu\n Jammi Vesterinen https://launchpad.net/~jmov\n Jani Uusitalo https://launchpad.net/~uusijani\n Jere Sokka https://launchpad.net/~jerry-sokka\n Jiri Grönroos https://launchpad.net/~jiri-gronroos\n Joonas Pajuniva https://launchpad.net/~joonas-pajuniva\n Jussi Aalto https://launchpad.net/~jtaalto-deactivatedaccount\n Kristian Kurki https://launchpad.net/~kristian-kurki\n Matti Karnaattu https://launchpad.net/~mattikarnaattu\n Mika Suomalainen https://launchpad.net/~mkaysi\n Mikko Nissinen https://launchpad.net/~mikko\n Miko-Matias Grönvall https://launchpad.net/~matias-gronvall\n Ncl8 https://launchpad.net/~crofle\n Timo Jyrinki https://launchpad.net/~timo-jyrinki\n Tomi Juntunen https://launchpad.net/~tojuntu\n Tommi Saira https://launchpad.net/~tommisaira\n Tommi Vainikainen https://launchpad.net/~thv\n Ville-Pekka Vainio https://launchpad.net/~vpvainio\n papukaija https://launchpad.net/~papukaija" #. The primary text of the dialog shown to the user when he is about to lose #. * unsaved changes -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:64 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:72 #, c-format msgid "There are unsaved modifications to your %s account." msgstr "Tilille %s tehtyjä muutoksia ei ole tallennettu." #. The primary text of the dialog shown to the user when he is about to lose #. * an unsaved new account -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:68 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:76 msgid "Your new account has not been saved yet." msgstr "Uutta tiliäsi ei ole vielä tallennettu." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:345 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:754 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1164 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:370 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:757 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1289 msgid "Connecting…" msgstr "Yhdistetään…" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:386 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:411 #, c-format msgid "Offline — %s" msgstr "Poissa linjoilta — %s" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:398 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:423 #, c-format msgid "Disconnected — %s" msgstr "Yhteys katkaistu — %s" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:409 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:434 msgid "Offline — No Network Connection" msgstr "Poissa linjoilta — Ei verkkoyhteyttä" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:416 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:441 msgid "Unknown Status" msgstr "Tuntematon tila" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:428 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:458 +msgid "This account has been disabled because it relies on an old, unsupported backend. Please install telepathy-haze and restart your session to migrate the account." +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:468 msgid "Offline — Account Disabled" msgstr "Poissa linjoilta — Tili ei ole käytettävissä" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:831 -msgid "" -"You are about to create a new account, which will discard\n" -"your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:572 +msgid "Edit Connection Parameters" +msgstr "Muokkaa yhteyden asetuksia" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:735 +msgid "Failed to retrieve your personal information from the server." +msgstr "Henkilökohtaisten tietojesi nouto palvelimelta epäonnistui." + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:741 +msgid "Go online to edit your personal information." msgstr "" -"Olet luomassa uutta käyttäjätiliä. Uuden tilin luonti hylkää\n" -"tehdyt muutokset. Haluatko varmasti jatkaa?" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1192 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:826 +msgid "_Edit Connection Parameters..." +msgstr "_Muokkaa yhteyden asetuksia..." + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1322 #, c-format msgid "Do you want to remove %s from your computer?" msgstr "Haluatko poistaa tilin ”%s” tietokoneeltasi?" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1196 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1326 msgid "This will not remove your account on the server." msgstr "Tämä ei poista tiliäsi palvelimelta." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1432 -msgid "" -"You are about to select another account, which will discard\n" -"your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" -msgstr "" -"Olet vaihtamassa käyttäjätiliä. Tilin vaihtamineen hylkää\n" -"tehdyt muutokset. Haluatko varmasti jatkaa?" +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1562 +msgid "You are about to select another account, which will discard\nyour changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" +msgstr "Olet vaihtamassa käyttäjätiliä. Tilin vaihtamineen hylkää\ntehdyt muutokset. Haluatko varmasti jatkaa?" #. Menu items: to enabled/disable the account -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1643 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1738 msgid "_Enable" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ota _käyttöön" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1644 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1739 msgid "_Disable" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ota _pois käytöstä" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2154 -msgid "" -"You are about to close the window, which will discard\n" -"your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" -msgstr "" -"Olet sulkemassa ikkunan. Ikkunan sulkeminen hylkää\n" -"tehdyt muutokset. Haluatko varmasti jatkaa?" +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2122 +msgid "_Skip" +msgstr "O_hita" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2126 +msgid "_Connect" +msgstr "_Yhdistä" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2303 +msgid "You are about to close the window, which will discard\nyour changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" +msgstr "Olet sulkemassa ikkunan. Ikkunan sulkeminen hylkää\ntehdyt muutokset. Haluatko varmasti jatkaa?" #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:1 msgid "Add…" msgstr "Lisää..." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 -msgid "Loading account information" -msgstr "Ladataan tilin tietoja" - #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:3 -msgid "No protocol installed" -msgstr "Protokollaa ei ole asennettu" +msgid "_Import…" +msgstr "_Tuo…" #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:4 -msgid "Protocol:" -msgstr "Yhteyskäytäntö:" +msgid "Loading account information" +msgstr "Ladataan tilin tietoja" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:6 -msgid "" -"To add a new account, you first have to install a backend for each protocol " -"you want to use." -msgstr "" -"Ennen kuin voit lisätä tilin, sinun täytyy asentaa kullekin käytettävälle " -"protokollalle tarvittava taustajärjestelmä." +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:5 +msgid "To add a new account, you first have to install a backend for each protocol you want to use." +msgstr "Ennen kuin voit lisätä tilin, sinun täytyy asentaa kullekin käytettävälle protokollalle tarvittava taustajärjestelmä." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:7 -msgid "_Import…" -msgstr "_Tuo…" +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:6 +msgid "No protocol backends installed" +msgstr "Yhteyskäytäntötaustaosia ei asennettu" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:249 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:286 msgid " - Empathy authentication client" msgstr " - Empathyn tunnistautumisasiakas" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:265 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:302 msgid "Empathy authentication client" msgstr "Empathyn tunnistautumisasiakas" -#: ../src/empathy-auto-salut-account-helper.c:83 -msgid "People nearby" -msgstr "Lähellä olevat ihmiset" - -#: ../src/empathy-av.c:118 ../src/empathy-call.c:127 +#: ../src/empathy-av.c:118 ../src/empathy-call.c:201 msgid "- Empathy Audio/Video Client" msgstr "- Empathyn audio/video-asiakas" -#: ../src/empathy-av.c:134 ../src/empathy-call.c:152 +#: ../src/empathy-av.c:134 ../src/empathy-call.c:223 msgid "Empathy Audio/Video Client" msgstr "Empathyn audio/video-asiakas" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:431 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:433 msgid "Contrast" msgstr "Kontrasti" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:434 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:436 msgid "Brightness" msgstr "Kirkkaus" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:437 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:439 msgid "Gamma" msgstr "Gamma" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:542 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:545 msgid "Volume" msgstr "Äänenvoimakkuus" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1110 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1097 msgid "_Sidebar" msgstr "_Sivupalkki" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1130 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1117 msgid "Audio input" msgstr "Äänisyöte" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1134 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1121 msgid "Video input" msgstr "Videosyöte" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1140 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1129 msgid "Dialpad" msgstr "Valintalevy" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1151 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1140 msgid "Details" msgstr "Tiedot" #. translators: Call is a noun and %s is the contact name. This string #. * is used in the window title -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1220 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1672 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1209 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1889 #, c-format msgid "Call with %s" msgstr "Soita tuttavalle %s" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1453 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1916 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1442 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2133 msgid "The IP address as seen by the machine" msgstr "Tämän koneen näkemä IP-osoite" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1455 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1918 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1444 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2135 msgid "The IP address as seen by a server on the Internet" msgstr "Internetissä olevan palvelimen näkemä IP-osoite" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1457 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1920 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1446 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2137 msgid "The IP address of the peer as seen by the other side" msgstr "Vertaisen IP-osoite toiselta puolen nähtynä" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1459 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1922 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1448 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2139 msgid "The IP address of a relay server" msgstr "Välityspalvelimen IP-osoite" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1461 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1924 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1450 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2141 msgid "The IP address of the multicast group" msgstr "Ryhmälähetysryhmän IP-osoite" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1843 -msgctxt "encoding video codec" -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Tuntematon" - -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1846 -msgctxt "encoding audio codec" -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Tuntematon" - -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1849 -msgctxt "decoding video codec" -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Tuntematon" - -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1852 -msgctxt "decoding audio codec" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1835 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1838 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1841 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1844 +msgctxt "codec" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Tuntematon" #. Translators: number of minutes:seconds the caller has been connected -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2144 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2136 #, c-format msgid "Connected — %d:%02dm" msgstr "Yhdistetty -- %d:%02d min" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2205 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2674 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2197 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2987 msgid "Technical Details" msgstr "Tekniset tiedot" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2243 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2712 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2235 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3026 #, c-format -msgid "" -"%s's software does not understand any of the audio formats supported by your " -"computer" +msgid "%s's software does not understand any of the audio formats supported by your computer" msgstr "%s:n ohjelmisto ei ymmärrä mitään äänimuotoja mitä tietokoneesi tukee" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2248 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2717 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2240 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3031 #, c-format -msgid "" -"%s's software does not understand any of the video formats supported by your " -"computer" +msgid "%s's software does not understand any of the video formats supported by your computer" msgstr "%s:n ohjelmisto ei ymmärrä mitään videomuotoja mitä tietokoneesi tukee" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2254 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2723 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2246 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3037 #, c-format -msgid "" -"Can't establish a connection to %s. One of you might be on a network that " -"does not allow direct connections." -msgstr "" -"Yhteyttä ei voi muodostaa kohteeseen %s. Yksi teistä voi ehkä olla verkossa, " -"joka ei salli suoria yhteyksiä." +msgid "Can't establish a connection to %s. One of you might be on a network that does not allow direct connections." +msgstr "Yhteyttä ei voi muodostaa kohteeseen %s. Yksi teistä voi ehkä olla verkossa, joka ei salli suoria yhteyksiä." -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2260 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2729 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2252 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3043 msgid "There was a failure on the network" msgstr "Verkkoyhteydessä tapahtui virhe" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2264 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2733 -msgid "" -"The audio formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" -msgstr "" -"Tähän puheluun vaadittavia äänitiedostomuotoja ei ole asennettu tälle " -"tietokoneelle" - -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2267 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2736 -msgid "" -"The video formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" -msgstr "" -"Tähän puheluun vaadittavia videotiedostomuotoja ei ole asennettu tälle " -"tietokoneelle" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2256 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3047 +msgid "The audio formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" +msgstr "Tähän puheluun vaadittavia äänitiedostomuotoja ei ole asennettu tälle tietokoneelle" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2259 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3050 +msgid "The video formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" +msgstr "Tähän puheluun vaadittavia videotiedostomuotoja ei ole asennettu tälle tietokoneelle" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2277 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2748 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2269 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3062 #, c-format -msgid "" -"Something unexpected happened in a Telepathy component. Please report this bug and attach logs gathered from the 'Debug' window in " -"the Help menu." -msgstr "" -"Telepathy-komponentin kanssa tapahtui jotain odottamatonta. Ole hyvä ja raportoi tämä ohjelmavirhe sekä liitä 'Vianjäljitys'-" -"ikkunasta kerätyt lokit \"Apua\"-valikosta." +msgid "Something unexpected happened in a Telepathy component. Please report this bug and attach logs gathered from the 'Debug' window in the Help menu." +msgstr "Telepathy-komponentin kanssa tapahtui jotain odottamatonta. Ole hyvä ja raportoi tämä ohjelmavirhe sekä liitä 'Vianjäljitys'-ikkunasta kerätyt lokit \"Apua\"-valikosta." -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2285 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2757 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2277 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3071 msgid "There was a failure in the call engine" msgstr "Virhe soitettaessa" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2288 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2760 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2280 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3074 msgid "The end of the stream was reached" msgstr "Virran loppu saavutettiin" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2328 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2800 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2320 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3114 msgid "Can't establish audio stream" msgstr "Ääniyhteyden muodostus ei onnistunut" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2338 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2810 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2330 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3124 msgid "Can't establish video stream" msgstr "Videoyhteyden muodostus ei onnistunut" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:1 ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:1 #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:1 -msgid "Audio" -msgstr "Ääni" +msgid "_Call" +msgstr "_Soita" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:3 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:5 -msgid "Decoding Codec:" -msgstr "Purkamiskoodekki:" +msgid "_Microphone" +msgstr "_Mikrofoni" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:4 -msgid "Disable camera" -msgstr "" +msgid "_Camera" +msgstr "_Kamera" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:5 -msgid "Display the dialpad" -msgstr "" +msgid "_Settings" +msgstr "A_setukset" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:6 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:9 -msgid "Encoding Codec:" -msgstr "Pakkauskoodekki:" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:8 +msgid "_View" +msgstr "_Näytä" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:7 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:10 -msgid "Hang up" -msgstr "Katkaise" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:7 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:27 +msgid "_Help" +msgstr "O_hje" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:8 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:11 -msgid "Hang up current call" -msgstr "Lopeta nykyinen puhelu" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:8 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:18 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:28 +msgid "_Contents" +msgstr "_Sisältö" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:9 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:12 -msgid "Local Candidate:" -msgstr "Paikallisehdokas:" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:29 +msgid "_Debug" +msgstr "_Vianetsintä" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:10 -msgid "Maximise me" -msgstr "" +msgid "Swap camera" +msgstr "Vaihda kamera" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:11 msgid "Minimise me" msgstr "" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:12 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:15 -msgid "Remote Candidate:" -msgstr "Etäehdokas:" +msgid "Maximise me" +msgstr "" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:13 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:16 -msgid "Send Audio" -msgstr "Lähetä ääntä" +msgid "Disable camera" +msgstr "Ota kamera pois käytöstä" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:14 -msgid "Send Video" -msgstr "Lähetä video" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:2 +msgid "Hang up" +msgstr "Katkaise" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:15 -msgid "Show dialpad" -msgstr "" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:9 +msgid "Hang up current call" +msgstr "Lopeta nykyinen puhelu" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "Video call" +msgstr "Videopuhelu" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:17 msgid "Start a video call" msgstr "Aloita videopuhelu" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:19 msgid "Start an audio call" msgstr "Aloita äänipuhelu" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:18 -msgid "Swap camera" -msgstr "Vaihda kamera" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:20 +msgid "Show dialpad" +msgstr "Näytä numeronäppäimet" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:19 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:21 +msgid "Display the dialpad" +msgstr "Näytä numeronäppäimistö" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:22 +msgid "Send Video" +msgstr "Lähetä video" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:23 +msgid "Toggle video transmission" +msgstr "Kytke videon lähetys päälle tai pois" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:24 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:11 +msgid "Send Audio" +msgstr "Lähetä ääntä" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:25 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:12 msgid "Toggle audio transmission" msgstr "Äänen lähetys päälle/pois" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:20 -msgid "Toggle video transmission" -msgstr "" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:27 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:20 +msgid "Encoding Codec:" +msgstr "Pakkauskoodekki:" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:21 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:18 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2307 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2308 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2309 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2310 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:28 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:21 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2537 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2538 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2539 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2540 msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Tuntematon" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:23 -msgid "Video call" -msgstr "Videopuhelu" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:29 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:22 +msgid "Decoding Codec:" +msgstr "Purkamiskoodekki:" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:24 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:30 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:23 +msgid "Remote Candidate:" +msgstr "Etäehdokas:" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:31 #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:24 -msgid "_Call" -msgstr "_Soita" +msgid "Local Candidate:" +msgstr "Paikallisehdokas:" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:25 -msgid "_Camera" -msgstr "" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:32 ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:24 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:25 +msgid "Audio" +msgstr "Ääni" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:26 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:9 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:18 -msgid "_Contents" -msgstr "_Sisältö" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:289 +msgid "Close this window?" +msgstr "Suljetaanko tämä ikkuna?" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:27 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:19 -msgid "_Debug" -msgstr "_Vianetsintä" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:294 +#, c-format +msgid "Closing this window will leave %s. You will not receive any further messages until you rejoin it." +msgstr "" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:29 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:14 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:22 -msgid "_Help" -msgstr "O_hje" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:305 +#, c-format, invalid-plural +msgid "Closing this window will leave a chat room. You will not receive any further messages until you rejoin it." +msgid_plural "Closing this window will leave %u chat rooms. You will not receive any further messages until you rejoin them." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:30 -msgid "_Microphone" -msgstr "" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:314 +#, c-format +msgid "Leave %s?" +msgstr "Poistutaanko huoneesta %s?" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:31 -msgid "_Settings" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:315 +msgid "You will not receive any further messages from this chat room until you rejoin it." msgstr "" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:32 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:30 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:25 -msgid "_View" -msgstr "_Näytä" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:334 +msgid "Close window" +msgstr "Sulje ikkuna" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:481 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:501 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:334 +msgid "Leave room" +msgstr "Poistu huoneesta" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:640 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:660 #, c-format msgid "%s (%d unread)" msgid_plural "%s (%d unread)" msgstr[0] "%s (%d lukematon)" msgstr[1] "%s (%d lukematonta)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:493 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:652 #, c-format msgid "%s (and %u other)" msgid_plural "%s (and %u others)" msgstr[0] "%s (ja %u muu)" msgstr[1] "%s (ja %u muuta)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:509 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:668 #, c-format msgid "%s (%d unread from others)" msgid_plural "%s (%d unread from others)" msgstr[0] "%s (%d lukematon muilta)" msgstr[1] "%s (%d lukematonta muilta)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:518 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:677 #, c-format msgid "%s (%d unread from all)" msgid_plural "%s (%d unread from all)" msgstr[0] "%s (%d lukematon kaikilta)" msgstr[1] "%s (%d lukematonta kaikilta)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:733 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:892 msgid "SMS:" msgstr "SMS:" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:743 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:902 #, c-format msgid "Sending %d message" msgid_plural "Sending %d messages" -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[0] "Lähetetään %d viesti" +msgstr[1] "Lähetetään %d viestiä" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:765 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:924 msgid "Typing a message." msgstr "Kirjoittaa viestiä." #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:1 -msgid "C_lear" -msgstr "_Tyhjennä" +msgid "_Conversation" +msgstr "_Keskustelu" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:2 -msgid "C_ontact" -msgstr "T_uttava" +msgid "C_lear" +msgstr "_Tyhjennä" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:3 msgid "Insert _Smiley" msgstr "Lisää _hymiö" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Favorite Chat Room" +msgstr "_Suosikkikeskusteluhuone" + #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:5 -msgid "Invite _Participant…" -msgstr "Kutsu _osallistuja…" +msgid "Notify for All Messages" +msgstr "Ilmoita kaikista viesteistä" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:6 -msgid "Move Tab _Left" -msgstr "Siirrä välilehti _vasemmalle" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:6 ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Show Contact List" +msgstr "_Näytä tuttavaluettelo" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:7 -msgid "Move Tab _Right" -msgstr "Siirrä välilehti _oikealle" +msgid "Invite _Participant…" +msgstr "Kutsu _osallistuja…" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:8 -msgid "Notify for All Messages" -msgstr "Ilmoita kaikista viesteistä" +msgid "C_ontact" +msgstr "T_uttava" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:10 -msgid "_Conversation" -msgstr "_Keskustelu" +msgid "_Tabs" +msgstr "V_älilehdet" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:11 -msgid "_Detach Tab" -msgstr "_Irrota välilehti" - -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:13 -msgid "_Favorite Chat Room" -msgstr "_Suosikkikeskusteluhuone" +msgid "_Previous Tab" +msgstr "_Edellinen välilehti" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:15 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:12 msgid "_Next Tab" msgstr "_Seuraava välilehti" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:16 -msgid "_Previous Tab" -msgstr "_Edellinen välilehti" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:13 +msgid "_Undo Close Tab" +msgstr "_Kumoa Sulje välilehti" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:17 ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:5 -msgid "_Show Contact List" -msgstr "_Näytä tuttavaluettelo" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:14 +msgid "Move Tab _Left" +msgstr "Siirrä välilehti _vasemmalle" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:18 -msgid "_Tabs" -msgstr "V_älilehdet" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:15 +msgid "Move Tab _Right" +msgstr "Siirrä välilehti _oikealle" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:19 -msgid "_Undo Close Tab" -msgstr "_Kumoa Sulje välilehti" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "_Detach Tab" +msgstr "_Irrota välilehti" #: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.c:251 msgid "Name" @@ -3760,203 +3439,204 @@ msgid "Auto-Connect" msgstr "Yhdistä automaattisesti" -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:1 msgid "Manage Favorite Rooms" msgstr "Hallitse suosikkihuoneita" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:521 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 msgid "Incoming video call" msgstr "Saapuva videopuhelu" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:521 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1519 msgid "Incoming call" msgstr "Saapuva puhelu" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:525 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:526 #, c-format msgid "%s is video calling you. Do you want to answer?" msgstr "%s soittaa videopuhelun sinulle. Haluatko vastata?" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:526 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:527 #, c-format msgid "%s is calling you. Do you want to answer?" msgstr "%s soittaa sinulle. Haluatko vastata?" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:529 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:730 -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:763 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:530 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "Incoming call from %s" msgstr "Puhelu käyttäjältä %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:554 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:555 msgid "_Reject" msgstr "_Hylkää" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:562 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:570 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:563 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 msgid "_Answer" msgstr "_Vastaa" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:570 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 msgid "_Answer with video" msgstr "_Vastaa käyttäen videota" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:730 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:763 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "Incoming video call from %s" msgstr "Saapuva videopuhelu taholta %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:836 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:837 msgid "Room invitation" msgstr "Kutsu huoneeseen" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:838 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:839 #, c-format msgid "Invitation to join %s" msgstr "Kutsu liittyä kohteeseen %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:845 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:846 #, c-format msgid "%s is inviting you to join %s" msgstr "%s kutsui sinut liittymään kohteeseen %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:853 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:854 msgid "_Decline" msgstr "_Kieltäydy" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:858 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:7 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:859 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:2 msgid "_Join" msgstr "_Liity" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:885 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:886 #, c-format msgid "%s invited you to join %s" msgstr "%s kutsui sinut liittymään kohteeseen %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:891 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:892 #, c-format msgid "You have been invited to join %s" msgstr "Sinut on kutsuttu liittymään kohteeseen %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:942 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:943 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file transfer from %s" msgstr "Saapuva tiedostonsiirto tuttavalta %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1134 ../src/empathy-main-window.c:375 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1146 ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:374 msgid "Password required" msgstr "Salasana vaaditaan" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1190 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1216 #, c-format msgid "%s would like permission to see when you are online" -msgstr "" +msgstr "%s haluaa luvan nähdä, milloin olet linjoilla" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1194 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1222 #, c-format -msgid "" -"\n" -"Message: %s" -msgstr "" -"\n" -"Viesti: %s" +msgid "\nMessage: %s" +msgstr "\nViesti: %s" #. Translators: time left, when it is more than one hour -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:100 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:99 #, c-format msgid "%u:%02u.%02u" msgstr "%u:%02u.%02u" #. Translators: time left, when is is less than one hour -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:103 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:102 #, c-format msgid "%02u.%02u" msgstr "%02u.%02u" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:179 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:178 msgctxt "file transfer percent" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Tuntematon" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:274 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:273 #, c-format msgid "%s of %s at %s/s" msgstr "%s / %s nopeudella %s/s" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:275 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:274 #, c-format msgid "%s of %s" msgstr "%s / %s" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:306 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:305 #, c-format msgid "Receiving \"%s\" from %s" msgstr "Vastaanotetaan \"%s\" tuttavalta %s" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:309 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:308 #, c-format msgid "Sending \"%s\" to %s" msgstr "Lähetetään \"%s\" tuttavalle %s" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s #. * is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:339 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:338 #, c-format msgid "Error receiving \"%s\" from %s" msgstr "Virhe vastaanotettaessa \"%s\" tuttavalta %s" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:342 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:341 msgid "Error receiving a file" msgstr "Virhe vastaanotettaessa tiedostoa" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:347 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:346 #, c-format msgid "Error sending \"%s\" to %s" msgstr "Virhe lähetettäessä \"%s\" tuttavalle %s" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:350 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:349 msgid "Error sending a file" msgstr "Virhe lähetettäessä tiedostoa" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s #. * is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:489 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:488 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" received from %s" msgstr "\"%s\" vastaanotettu tuttavalta %s" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s #. * is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:494 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:493 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" sent to %s" msgstr "\"%s\" lähetetty tuttavalle %s" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:497 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:496 msgid "File transfer completed" msgstr "Tiedostonsiirto valmistui" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:616 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:780 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:615 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:779 msgid "Waiting for the other participant's response" msgstr "Odotetaan toisen osallistujan vastausta" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:642 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:680 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:641 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:679 #, c-format msgid "Checking integrity of \"%s\"" msgstr "Tarkistetaan tiedoston ”%s” eheyttä" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:645 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:683 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:644 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:682 #, c-format msgid "Hashing \"%s\"" msgstr "Lasketaan tiivistettä tiedostolle ”%s”" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1038 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1025 +msgid "%" +msgstr "%" + +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1037 msgid "File" msgstr "Tiedosto" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1060 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1059 msgid "Remaining" msgstr "Jäljellä" @@ -3968,842 +3648,767 @@ msgid "Remove completed, canceled and failed file transfers from the list" msgstr "Poista valmiit, perutut ja epäonnistuneet tiedostonsiirrot luettelosta" -#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:84 -msgid "" -"No accounts to import could be found. Empathy currently only supports " -"importing accounts from Pidgin." -msgstr "" -"Tuotavia tilejä ei löytynyt. Empathy osaa tällä hetkellä tuoda tilejä " -"ainoastaan Pidginistä." +#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:76 +msgid "_Import" +msgstr "_Tuo" + +#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:88 +msgid "No accounts to import could be found. Empathy currently only supports importing accounts from Pidgin." +msgstr "Tuotavia tilejä ei löytynyt. Empathy osaa tällä hetkellä tuoda tilejä ainoastaan Pidginistä." -#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:199 +#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:209 msgid "Import Accounts" msgstr "Tuo tilejä" #. Translators: this is the header of a treeview column -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:301 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:316 msgid "Import" msgstr "Tuo" -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:310 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:325 msgid "Protocol" msgstr "Protokolla" -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:334 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:349 msgid "Source" msgstr "Lähde" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:392 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:391 msgid "Provide Password" msgstr "Anna salasana" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:398 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:397 msgid "Disconnect" msgstr "Katkaise yhteys" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:622 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:657 +msgid "You need to setup an account to see contacts here." +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:673 msgid "No match found" msgstr "Vastinetta ei löytynyt" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:777 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:783 +#, c-format +msgid "Sorry, %s accounts can’t be used until your %s software is updated." +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:849 +msgid "Update software..." +msgstr "Päivitä sovellus..." + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:855 ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:972 +msgid "Close" +msgstr "Sulje" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:960 msgid "Reconnect" msgstr "Yhdistä uudelleen" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:783 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:966 msgid "Edit Account" msgstr "Muokkaa tiliä" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:789 -msgid "Close" -msgstr "Sulje" - #. Translators: this string will be something like: -#. * Top up My Account ($1.23)..." -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:928 +#. * Top up My Account ($1.23)..." +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1110 #, c-format msgid "Top up %s (%s)..." msgstr "" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:975 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1156 msgid "Top up account credit" msgstr "" #. top up button -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1046 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1228 msgid "Top Up..." msgstr "" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1789 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1952 msgid "Contact" msgstr "Tuttava" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:2119 -msgid "Contact List" -msgstr "Tuttavaluettelo" - -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:1 -msgid "Contacts on a _Map" -msgstr "Tuttavat _kartalla" - -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:2 -msgid "Credit Balance" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2150 +msgid "You need to enable one of your accounts to see contacts here." msgstr "" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:3 -msgid "Find in Contact _List" -msgstr "Etsi _tuttavaluettelosta" +#. translators: argument is an account name +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2158 +#, c-format +msgid "You need to enable %s to see contacts here." +msgstr "" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:4 -msgid "Join _Favorites" -msgstr "Liity _suosikkeihin" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2460 +msgid "Contact List" +msgstr "Tuttavaluettelo" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:5 -msgid "Manage Favorites" -msgstr "Hallitse suosikkeja" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.ui.h:1 +msgid "Account settings" +msgstr "Tilin asetukset" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:6 -msgid "N_ormal Size" -msgstr "_Normaali koko" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:2 +msgid "_New Conversation…" +msgstr "_Uusi keskustelu…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:7 ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:3 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:3 msgid "New _Call…" msgstr "Uusi _puhelu…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:8 -msgid "Normal Size With _Avatars" -msgstr "Normaali koko _avatarien kera" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Search for Contacts…" +msgstr "Etsi _yhteystietoja..." -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:9 -msgid "P_references" -msgstr "_Asetukset" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:7 +msgid "_File Transfers" +msgstr "_Tiedostosiirrot" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:10 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Offline Contacts" +msgstr "_Poissa linjoilta olevat tuttavat" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:9 msgid "Show P_rotocols" msgstr "Näytä p_rotokollat" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:11 -msgid "Sort by _Name" -msgstr "Lajittele _nimen mukaan" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:10 +msgid "Credit Balance" +msgstr "Saldo" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:12 -msgid "Sort by _Status" -msgstr "Lajittele _tilan mukaan" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:11 +msgid "Contacts on a _Map" +msgstr "Tuttavat _kartalla" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:13 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:13 msgid "_Accounts" msgstr "_Käyttäjätilit" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:15 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:14 msgid "_Blocked Contacts" msgstr "_Estetyt yhteystiedot" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:17 -msgid "_Compact Size" -msgstr "_Tiivis koko" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:15 +msgid "P_references" +msgstr "_Asetukset" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:21 -msgid "_File Transfers" -msgstr "_Tiedostosiirrot" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:16 +msgid "Find in Contact _List" +msgstr "Etsi _tuttavaluettelosta" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:23 -msgid "_Join…" -msgstr "_Liity…" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:18 +msgid "Sort by _Name" +msgstr "Lajittele _nimen mukaan" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:24 -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:3 -msgid "_New Conversation…" -msgstr "_Uusi keskustelu…" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:19 +msgid "Sort by _Status" +msgstr "Lajittele _tilan mukaan" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:25 -msgid "_Offline Contacts" -msgstr "_Poissa linjoilta olevat tuttavat" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:20 +msgid "Normal Size With _Avatars" +msgstr "Normaali koko _avatarien kera" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:21 +msgid "N_ormal Size" +msgstr "_Normaali koko" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:26 -msgid "_Personal Information" -msgstr "_Henkilötiedot" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:22 +msgid "_Compact Size" +msgstr "_Tiivis koko" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:28 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:23 msgid "_Room" msgstr "_Huone" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:29 -msgid "_Search for Contacts…" -msgstr "Etsi _yhteystietoja..." +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:24 +msgid "_Join…" +msgstr "_Liity…" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:25 +msgid "Join _Favorites" +msgstr "Liity _suosikkeihin" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:26 +msgid "Manage Favorites" +msgstr "Hallitse suosikkeja" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:337 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:369 msgid "Chat Room" msgstr "Keskusteluhuone" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:353 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:385 msgid "Members" msgstr "Jäsenet" #. Translators: Room/Join's roomlist tooltip. Parameters are a channel name, #. yes/no, yes/no and a number. -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:553 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:637 #, c-format -msgid "" -"%s\n" -"Invite required: %s\n" -"Password required: %s\n" -"Members: %s" -msgstr "" -"%s\n" -"Vaaditaan kutsu: %s\n" -"Vaaditaan salasana: %s\n" -"Jäseniä: %s" +msgid "%s\nInvite required: %s\nPassword required: %s\nMembers: %s" +msgstr "%s\nVaaditaan kutsu: %s\nVaaditaan salasana: %s\nJäseniä: %s" + +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:639 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:640 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Kyllä" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:555 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:556 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:639 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:640 msgid "No" msgstr "Ei" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:584 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:668 msgid "Could not start room listing" msgstr "Ei voitu aloittaa huoneluettelointia" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:594 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:678 msgid "Could not stop room listing" msgstr "Ei voitu lopettaa huoneluettelointia" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:2 -msgid "Couldn't load room list" -msgstr "Ei voitu ladata huoneluetteloa" +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:1 +msgid "Join Room" +msgstr "Liity huoneeseen" #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:3 -msgid "" -"Enter the room name to join here or click on one or more rooms in the list." -msgstr "" -"Anna liityttävän huoneen nimi tai napsauta yhtä tai useampaa huonetta " -"luettelosta." +msgid "Enter the room name to join here or click on one or more rooms in the list." +msgstr "Anna liityttävän huoneen nimi tai napsauta yhtä tai useampaa huonetta luettelosta." #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:4 -msgid "" -"Enter the server which hosts the room, or leave it empty if the room is on " -"the current account's server" -msgstr "" -"Anna palvelin, jolta huone löytyy, tai jätä tyhjäksi jos huone on tilin " -"nykyisellä palvelimella" +msgid "_Room:" +msgstr "_Keskusteluhuone:" #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:5 -msgid "Join Room" -msgstr "Liity huoneeseen" +msgid "Enter the server which hosts the room, or leave it empty if the room is on the current account's server" +msgstr "Anna palvelin, jolta huone löytyy, tai jätä tyhjäksi jos huone on tilin nykyisellä palvelimella" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:8 +msgid "Couldn't load room list" +msgstr "Ei voitu ladata huoneluetteloa" + +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:9 msgid "Room List" msgstr "Huoneluettelo" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:8 -msgid "_Room:" -msgstr "_Keskusteluhuone:" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:169 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:166 msgid "Message received" msgstr "Viesti vastaanotettu" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:170 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:167 msgid "Message sent" msgstr "Viesti lähetetty" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:171 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:168 msgid "New conversation" msgstr "Uusi keskustelu" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:172 -msgid "Contact goes online" -msgstr "Tuttava saapui linjoille" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:169 +msgid "Contact comes online" +msgstr "Tuttava saapuu linjoille" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:173 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:170 msgid "Contact goes offline" msgstr "Tuttava poistui linjoilta" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:174 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:171 msgid "Account connected" msgstr "Tili yhdistetty" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:175 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:172 msgid "Account disconnected" msgstr "Tilin yhteys katkaistu" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:484 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:475 msgid "Language" msgstr "Kieli" #. translators: Contact name for the chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:734 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:726 msgid "Juliet" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Julia" #. translators: Contact name for the chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:741 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:733 msgid "Romeo" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Romeo" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:747 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:739 msgid "O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Romeo, Romeo. missä olet Romeo?" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:750 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:743 msgid "Deny thy father and refuse thy name;" msgstr "" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:753 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:746 msgid "Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love" msgstr "" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:756 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:749 msgid "And I'll no longer be a Capulet." msgstr "" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:759 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:752 msgid "Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?" msgstr "" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:762 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:755 msgid "Juliet has disconnected" msgstr "" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:1166 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:1159 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Asetukset" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:1 +msgid "Show _smileys as images" +msgstr "Näytä _hymiöt hymiökuvakkeina" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:2 +msgid "Show contact _list in rooms" +msgstr "Näytä tuttava_luettelo huoneissa" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:3 msgid "Appearance" msgstr "Ulkoasu" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:3 -msgid "Behavior" -msgstr "Käytös" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:4 +msgid "Start chats in:" +msgstr "Avaa keskustelut:" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:5 -msgid "Chat Th_eme:" -msgstr "Keskustelun _teema:" +msgid "new ta_bs" +msgstr "uu_siin välilehtiin" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:6 -msgid "Disable notifications when _away or busy" -msgstr "Poista huomautukset käytöstä oltaessa _poissa tai kiireinen" +msgid "new _windows" +msgstr "uusiin _ikkunoihin" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:7 -msgid "Disable sounds when _away or busy" -msgstr "Poista äänet käytöstä oltaessa _poissa tai kiireinen" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:8 msgid "Display incoming events in the notification area" msgstr "Näytä tulevat tapahtumat tilarivillä" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Automatically connect on startup" +msgstr "_Yhdistä automaattisesti käynnistyksen yhteydessä" + #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:9 -msgid "Enable notifications when a contact comes online" -msgstr "Näytä ponnahdusikkuna, kun tuttava tulee linjoille" +msgid "Log conversations" +msgstr "Tallenna keskustelut lokitiedostoon" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:10 -msgid "Enable notifications when a contact goes offline" -msgstr "Näytä ponnahdusikkuna, kun tuttava lähtee linjoilta" +msgid "Behavior" +msgstr "Käytös" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:11 -msgid "Enable notifications when the _chat is not focused" -msgstr "Näytä huomautuksia, kun _keskustelu ei ole kohdistettu" +msgid "General" +msgstr "Yleinen" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:12 -msgid "Enable spell checking for languages:" -msgstr "Käytä kielentarkistusta kielille:" +msgid "_Enable bubble notifications" +msgstr "_Käytä ponnahdusikkunahuomautuksia" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:13 -msgid "General" -msgstr "Yleinen" +msgid "Disable notifications when _away or busy" +msgstr "Poista huomautukset käytöstä oltaessa _poissa tai kiireinen" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:14 -msgid "Input level" -msgstr "" +msgid "Enable notifications when the _chat is not focused" +msgstr "Näytä huomautuksia, kun _keskustelu ei ole kohdistettu" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:15 -msgid "Input volume" -msgstr "" +msgid "Enable notifications when a contact comes online" +msgstr "Näytä ponnahdusikkuna, kun tuttava tulee linjoille" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:16 +msgid "Enable notifications when a contact goes offline" +msgstr "Näytä ponnahdusikkuna, kun tuttava lähtee linjoilta" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:17 -msgid "Location sources:" -msgstr "Sijainti:" +msgid "Notifications" +msgstr "Huomautukset" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:18 -msgid "Log conversations" -msgstr "Tallenna keskustelut lokitiedostoon" +msgid "_Enable sound notifications" +msgstr "_Käytä merkkiääniä" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:19 -msgid "Notifications" -msgstr "Huomautukset" +msgid "Disable sounds when _away or busy" +msgstr "Poista äänet käytöstä oltaessa _poissa tai kiireinen" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:20 msgid "Play sound for events" msgstr "Soita ääniä tapahtumille" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:21 -msgid "Privacy" -msgstr "Yksityisyys" +msgid "Sounds" +msgstr "Äänet" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:22 -msgid "" -"Reduced location accuracy means that nothing more precise than your city, " -"state and country will be published. GPS coordinates will be accurate to 1 " -"decimal place." -msgstr "" -"Heikennetty sijaintitiedon tarkkuus tarkoittaa, että ainoastaan kaupunkisi " -"ja maasi julkaistaan. GPS-koordinaattien tarkkuus on yksi desimaali." +msgid "Use _echo cancellation to improve call quality" +msgstr "Käytä _kaiunpoistoa puhelun laadun parantamiseksi" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:23 -msgid "Show _smileys as images" -msgstr "Näytä _hymiöt hymiökuvakkeina" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:24 -msgid "Show contact _list in rooms" -msgstr "Näytä tuttava_luettelo huoneissa" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:25 -msgid "Sounds" -msgstr "Äänet" +msgid "Echo cancellation helps to make your voice sound clearer to the other person, but may cause problems on some computers. If you or the other person hear strange noises or glitches during calls, try turning echo cancellation off and restarting the call." +msgstr "Kaiun poisto tekee äänestäsi selkeämmän vastapuolen päässä, mutta siitä saattaa seurata ongelmia joillain tietokoneilla. Jos vastapuoli kuulee outoja ääniä puhelun aikana, kokeile poistaa kaiun poisto käytöstä ja soittaa puhelu uudelleen." #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:26 -msgid "Spell Checking" -msgstr "Kielentarkastus" +msgid "_Publish location to my contacts" +msgstr "_Julkaise sijainti tuttavilleni" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:27 -msgid "" -"The list of languages reflects only the languages for which you have a " -"dictionary installed." -msgstr "" -"Luettelo kielistä sisältää ainoastaan ne kielet, joille tietokoneessasi on " -"asennettu sanakirja." - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:28 -msgid "Themes" -msgstr "Teemat" +msgid "Reduced location accuracy means that nothing more precise than your city, state and country will be published. GPS coordinates will be accurate to 1 decimal place." +msgstr "Heikennetty sijaintitiedon tarkkuus tarkoittaa, että ainoastaan kaupunkisi ja maasi julkaistaan. GPS-koordinaattien tarkkuus on yksi desimaali." +#. To translators: The longitude and latitude are rounded to closest 0,1 degrees, so for example 146,2345° is rounded to round(146,2345*10)/10 = 146,2 degrees. #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:29 -msgid "Variant:" -msgstr "Muunnelma:" +msgid "_Reduce location accuracy" +msgstr "_Heikennä sijaintitiedon tarkkuutta" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:30 -msgid "_Automatically connect on startup" -msgstr "_Yhdistä automaattisesti käynnistyksen yhteydessä" +msgid "Privacy" +msgstr "Yksityisyys" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:31 -msgid "_Cellphone" -msgstr "_Matkapuhelin" +msgid "_GPS" +msgstr "_GPS" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:32 -msgid "_Enable bubble notifications" -msgstr "_Käytä ponnahdusikkunahuomautuksia" +msgid "_Cellphone" +msgstr "_Matkapuhelin" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:33 -msgid "_Enable sound notifications" -msgstr "_Käytä merkkiääniä" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:34 -msgid "_GPS" -msgstr "_GPS" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:35 msgid "_Network (IP, Wi-Fi)" msgstr "_Verkko (IP, Wi-Fi)" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:34 +msgid "Location sources:" +msgstr "Sijainti:" + #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:36 -msgid "_Open new chats in separate windows" -msgstr "_Avaa uusi ikkuna uusille keskusteluille" +msgid "The list of languages reflects only the languages for which you have a dictionary installed." +msgstr "Luettelo kielistä sisältää ainoastaan ne kielet, joille tietokoneessasi on asennettu sanakirja." #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:37 -msgid "_Publish location to my contacts" -msgstr "_Julkaise sijainti tuttavilleni" +msgid "Enable spell checking for languages:" +msgstr "Käytä kielentarkistusta kielille:" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:38 +msgid "Spell Checking" +msgstr "Kielentarkastus" -#. To translators: The longitude and latitude are rounded to closest 0,1 degrees, so for example 146,2345° is rounded to round(146,2345*10)/10 = 146,2 degrees. #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:39 -msgid "_Reduce location accuracy" -msgstr "_Heikennä sijaintitiedon tarkkuutta" +msgid "Chat Th_eme:" +msgstr "Keskustelun _teema:" -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:40 +msgid "Variant:" +msgstr "Muunnelma:" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:41 +msgid "Themes" +msgstr "Teemat" + +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:4 msgid "Status" msgstr "Tila" -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:5 msgid "_Quit" msgstr "_Lopeta" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:2 -msgid "Call the contact again" -msgstr "Soita tuttavalle uudelleen" - #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Camera Off" -msgstr "Kamera pois" +msgid "Redial" +msgstr "Yhdistä uudelleen" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:4 -msgid "Camera On" -msgstr "Kamera päällä" +msgid "V_ideo" +msgstr "V_ideo" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:5 +msgid "Video Off" +msgstr "Video pois" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:6 -msgid "Disable camera and stop sending video" -msgstr "Kytke kamera poista käytöstä ja lopeta videokuvan lähetys" +msgid "Video Preview" +msgstr "Videon esikatselu" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:7 -msgid "Enable camera and send video" -msgstr "Ota kamera käyttöön ja lähetä videokuvaa" +msgid "Video On" +msgstr "Video päällä" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:8 -msgid "Enable camera but don't send video" -msgstr "Ota kamera käyttöön, mutta älä lähetä videokuvaa" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:10 +msgid "Call the contact again" +msgstr "Soita tuttavalle uudelleen" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:13 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Esikatselu" +msgid "Camera Off" +msgstr "Kamera pois" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:14 -msgid "Redial" -msgstr "Yhdistä uudelleen" +msgid "Disable camera and stop sending video" +msgstr "Kytke kamera poista käytöstä ja lopeta videokuvan lähetys" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:19 -msgid "V_ideo" -msgstr "V_ideo" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:15 +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "Esikatselu" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:21 -msgid "Video Off" -msgstr "Video pois" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "Enable camera but don't send video" +msgstr "Ota kamera käyttöön, mutta älä lähetä videokuvaa" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:22 -msgid "Video On" -msgstr "Video päällä" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:17 +msgid "Camera On" +msgstr "Kamera päällä" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:23 -msgid "Video Preview" -msgstr "Videon esikatselu" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:18 +msgid "Enable camera and send video" +msgstr "Ota kamera käyttöön ja lähetä videokuvaa" -#: ../src/empathy-map-view.c:448 +#: ../src/empathy-map-view.c:471 msgid "Contact Map View" msgstr "Tuttavien karttanäkymä" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1228 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1607 msgid "Save" msgstr "Tallenna" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1435 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1667 +msgid "Pastebin link" +msgstr "Pastebin-linkki" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1676 +msgid "Pastebin response" +msgstr "Pastebin-vastaus" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1680 +#, c-format +msgid "%s" +msgstr "%s" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1683 +msgid "Data too large for a single paste. Please save logs to file." +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1912 msgid "Debug Window" msgstr "Vianetsintäikkuna" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1517 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1970 +msgid "Send to pastebin" +msgstr "Lähetä pastebin-palveluun" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2009 msgid "Pause" msgstr "Pysäytä" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1529 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2021 msgid "Level " msgstr "Taso " -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1549 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2040 msgid "Debug" msgstr "Virheenjäljitys" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1555 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2045 msgid "Info" msgstr "Tietoa" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1561 ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1610 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2050 ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2096 msgid "Message" msgstr "Viesti" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1567 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2055 msgid "Warning" msgstr "Varoitus" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1573 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2060 msgid "Critical" msgstr "Kriittinen" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1579 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2065 msgid "Error" msgstr "Virhe" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1598 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2084 msgid "Time" msgstr "Aika" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1601 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2087 msgid "Domain" msgstr "Alue" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1603 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2089 msgid "Category" msgstr "Luokka" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1605 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2091 msgid "Level" msgstr "Taso" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1642 -msgid "" -"The selected connection manager does not support the remote debugging " -"extension." +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2114 +msgid "The selected connection manager does not support the remote debugging extension." msgstr "Valittu yhteyshallinta ei tue etävianetsintälaajennusta." -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:205 -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:231 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:200 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:228 msgid "Invite Participant" msgstr "Kutsu osanottaja" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:206 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:201 msgid "Choose a contact to invite into the conversation:" msgstr "Valitse keskusteluun kutsuttava tuttava:" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:227 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:224 msgid "Invite" msgstr "Kutsu" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:183 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:180 msgid "Don't display any dialogs; do any work (eg, importing) and exit" -msgstr "" -"Älä näytä mitään valintaikkunoita; tee mitä tahansa työtä (esim. tuonti) ja " -"poistu" +msgstr "Älä näytä mitään valintaikkunoita; tee mitä tahansa työtä (esim. tuonti) ja poistu" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:187 -msgid "" -"Don't display any dialogs unless there are only \"People Nearby\" accounts" +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:184 +msgid "Don't display any dialogs unless there are only \"People Nearby\" accounts" msgstr "" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:191 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:188 msgid "Initially select given account (eg, gabble/jabber/foo_40example_2eorg0)" msgstr "Valitse tili alussa (esim. gabble/jabber/foo_40example_2eorg0)" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:193 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:190 msgid "" msgstr "" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:198 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:195 msgid "- Empathy Accounts" msgstr "- Empathy-tilit" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:237 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:231 msgid "Empathy Accounts" msgstr "Empathy-tilit" -#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:70 +#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:69 msgid "Show a particular service" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Näytä tietty palvelu" -#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:75 +#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:74 msgid "- Empathy Debugger" msgstr "" -#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:114 +#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:113 msgid "Empathy Debugger" msgstr "Empathyn virheenjäljitin" -#: ../src/empathy-chat.c:107 +#: ../src/empathy-chat.c:109 msgid "- Empathy Chat Client" msgstr "- Empathy-keskusteluasiakas" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:203 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:189 msgid "Respond" msgstr "Vastaa" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:217 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:203 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1529 msgid "Reject" msgstr "Hylkää" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:222 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:227 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:208 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1530 msgid "Answer" msgstr "Vastaa" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:227 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 msgid "Answer with video" msgstr "Vastaa videon kanssa" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:235 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:245 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:221 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:231 msgid "Decline" msgstr "Kieltäydy" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:239 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:250 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:225 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:236 msgid "Accept" msgstr "Hyväksy" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:260 +#. translators: the 'Provide' button is displayed in a notification +#. * bubble when Empathy is asking for an account password; clicking on it +#. * brings the password popup. +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:246 msgid "Provide" msgstr "" -#: ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:134 +#: ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:132 #, c-format msgid "%s just tried to call you, but you were in another call." -msgstr "" -"%s yritti juuri soittaa sinulle, mutta sinulla oli toinen puhelu kesken." +msgstr "%s yritti juuri soittaa sinulle, mutta sinulla oli toinen puhelu kesken." #. Translators: this is an "Info" label. It should be as short #. * as possible. -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1036 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1059 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1136 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1159 msgid "i" msgstr "" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2603 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2883 msgid "On hold" msgstr "Pidossa" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2606 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2886 msgid "Mute" msgstr "Vaimenna" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2608 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2888 msgid "Duration" msgstr "Kesto" #. Translators: 'status - minutes:seconds' the caller has been connected -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2611 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2891 #, c-format msgid "%s — %d:%02dm" msgstr "" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.c:243 -msgid "_Match case" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3161 +#, c-format +msgid "Your current balance is %s." msgstr "" -#~ msgid "%s is sending you a file. Do you want to accept it?" -#~ msgstr "%s haluaa lähettää sinulle tiedoston. Haluatko vastaanottaa sen?" - -#~ msgid "_Accept" -#~ msgstr "_Hyväksy" - -#~ msgid "Empathy has asked about importing accounts" -#~ msgstr "Empathy on kysynyt tilien tuonnista" - -#~ msgid "All" -#~ msgstr "Kaikki" - -#~ msgid "Select" -#~ msgstr "Valitse" - -#~ msgid "Date" -#~ msgstr "Päivämäärä" - -#~ msgid "Conversations" -#~ msgstr "Keskustelut" - -#~ msgid "Previous Conversations" -#~ msgstr "Aikaisemmat keskustelut" - -#~ msgid "_For:" -#~ msgstr "_Ajalta:" - -#~ msgid "Show and edit accounts" -#~ msgstr "Näytä ja muokkaa tilejä" - -#~ msgid "The hash of the received file and the sent one do not match" -#~ msgstr "Vastaanotetun ja lähetetyn tiedoston tiiviste ei täsmää" - -#~ msgid "Enter Custom Message" -#~ msgstr "Syötä itse määritelty viesti" - -#~ msgid "Add _New Preset" -#~ msgstr "Lisää _uusi esitieto" - -#~ msgid "Saved Presets" -#~ msgstr "Tallennetut esitiedot" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Whether Empathy has asked about importing accounts from other programs." -#~ msgstr "Onko Empathy tiedustellut tilien tuomisesta." - -#~ msgid "Show incoming messages in the messaging menu" -#~ msgstr "Näytä saapuvat viestit viestivalikossa" - -#~ msgid "Match case" -#~ msgstr "Huomioi kirjainkoko" - -#~ msgid "_Add…" -#~ msgstr "_Lisää…" - -#~ msgid "Find Next" -#~ msgstr "Etsi seuraava" - -#~ msgid "Find Previous" -#~ msgstr "Etsi edellinen" - -#~ msgid "The certificate has expired" -#~ msgstr "Varmenne on vanhentunut" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "The certificate has been revoked by the issuing Certification Authority" -#~ msgstr "Varmenne on peruutettu varmenteen myöntäjän toimesta" - -#~ msgid "The certificate hasn't yet been activated" -#~ msgstr "Varmennetta ei ole vielä aktivoitu" - -#~ msgid "The certificate is self-signed" -#~ msgstr "Varmenne on itsetehty" - -#~ msgid "The certificate is malformed" -#~ msgstr "Varmenne on muodostettu väärin" - -#~ msgid "The identity provided by the chat server cannot be verified.\n" -#~ msgstr "Keskustelupalvelimen antamaa tunnistetta ei voida varmistaa.\n" - -#~ msgid "The certificate is cryptographically weak" -#~ msgstr "Varmenteen salausmenetelmä on heikko" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "The hostname verified by the certificate doesn't match the server name" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Varmenteessa ilmoitettu isäntänimi ei täsmää palvelimen nimen kanssa" - -#~ msgid "The certificate length exceeds verifiable limits" -#~ msgstr "Varmenteen pituus ylittää sallitut rajat" - -#~ msgid "_Enabled" -#~ msgstr "_Käytössä" - -#~ msgid "Meta-contact containing %u contact" -#~ msgid_plural "Meta-contact containing %u contacts" -#~ msgstr[0] "Metayhteystieto, joka sisältää %u yhteystiedon" -#~ msgstr[1] "Metayhteystieto, joka sisältää %u yhteystietoa" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Completely split the displayed meta-contact into the contacts it contains." -#~ msgstr "Jaa näytettävä metayhteystieto sen sisältämiin yhteystietoihin." - -#~ msgid "Unlink meta-contact '%s'?" -#~ msgstr "Poistetaanko metayhteystiedon ”%s” linkitys?" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "Are you sure you want to unlink this meta-contact? This will completely " -#~ "split the meta-contact into the contacts it contains." -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Haluatko varmasti poistaa tämän metayhteystiedon linkityksen? " -#~ "Metayhteystieto jaetaan sen sisältämiin yhteystietoihin." - -#~ msgid "The certificate is not signed by a Certification Authority" -#~ msgstr "Varmennetta ei ole virallisesti allekirjoitettu" - -#~ msgid "The certificate does not have the expected fingerprint" -#~ msgstr "Varmenteessa ei ole odotettua sormenjälkeä" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3165 +msgid "Sorry, you don’t have enough credit for that call." +msgstr "" -#~ msgid "Don't display any dialogs if there are any non-Salut accounts" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Älä näytä mitään valintaikkunoita, paitsi jos käytössä on vain ”Lähellä " -#~ "olevat ihmiset” -tilejä" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3167 +msgid "Top Up" +msgstr "" -#~ msgid "Are you sure you want to remove '%s' from your contacts?" -#~ msgstr "Haluatko varmasti poistaa kohteen '%s' yhteystiedoistasi?" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.c:243 +msgid "_Match case" +msgstr "_Huomioi kirjainkoko" -#~ msgid "Your software is too old" -#~ msgstr "Sovelluksesi on liian vanha" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-account-dialog.c:144 +msgid "What kind of chat account do you have?" +msgstr "Minkä tyyppinen pikaviestintili sinulla on?" -#~ msgid "Update software..." -#~ msgstr "Päivitä sovellus..." +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-account-dialog.c:166 +msgid "Adding new account" +msgstr "Lisätään uutta tiliä" -#~ msgid "Unavailable" -#~ msgstr "Ei käytettävissä" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:77 +msgid "People nearby" +msgstr "Lähellä olevat ihmiset" -#~ msgid "Off" -#~ msgstr "Kiinni" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:150 +msgid "Empathy can automatically discover and chat with the people connected on the same network as you. If you want to use this feature, please check that the details below are correct." +msgstr "Empathy voi automaattisesti löytää ja keskustella kanssasi samaan verkkoon yhdistettyjen ihmisten kanssa. Jos haluat käyttää tätä toimintoa, tarkista että alla olevat tiedot ovat oikein." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:183 +msgid "You can change these details later or disable this feature by choosing Edit → Accounts in the Contact List." +msgstr "Voit muuttaa näitä tietoja myöhemmin tai poistaa tämän ominaisuuden käytöstä valitsemalla tuttavaluettelossa Muokkaa → Käyttäjätilit." -#~ msgid "On" -#~ msgstr "Päällä" diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/po/gl.po empathy-3.3.92/po/gl.po --- empathy-3.3.91/po/gl.po 2012-02-23 10:07:42.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/po/gl.po 2012-03-19 09:12:31.000000000 +0000 @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: empathy-master-po-gl-57278_.merged\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-23 10:27+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-23 10:28+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-17 15:14+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-17 15:15+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Fran Dieguez \n" "Language-Team: Galician \n" "Language: gl\n" @@ -30,26 +30,25 @@ #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:2 msgid "IM Client" -msgstr "Cliente de MI" +msgstr "Cliente de mensaxaría instantánea" #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:3 msgid "Empathy Internet Messaging" -msgstr "Mensaxaría na Internet Empathy" +msgstr "Mensaxaría instantánea Empathy" #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:4 msgid "Chat on Google Talk, Facebook, MSN and many other chat services" -msgstr "" -"Converse en Google Talk, Facebook, MSN e moitos máis servizos de conversa" +msgstr "Converse en Google Talk, Facebook, MSN e moitos máis servizos de chat" #. Tweak the dialog #: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2450 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2512 msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts" -msgstr "Contas de mensaxaría e VoIP" +msgstr "Contas de mensaxaría e Voz IP" #: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:2 msgid "Manage Messaging and VoIP accounts" -msgstr "Xestionar as contas de mensaxaría e VoIP" +msgstr "Xestionar as contas de mensaxaría e Voz IP" # rever #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:1 @@ -62,33 +61,33 @@ "Whether connectivity managers should be used to automatically disconnect/" "reconnect." msgstr "" -"Indica se deberían usarse xestores de conectividade para conectarse ou " -"desconectarse automaticamente ou non." +"Indica se se deberían usar xestores de conectividade para desconectarse/" +"reconectarse automaticamente ou non." # rever #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:3 msgid "Empathy should auto-connect on startup" -msgstr "O Empathy debería conectarse automaticamente ao inicio" +msgstr "Empathy debería autoconectarse ao inicio" # rever #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:4 msgid "Whether Empathy should automatically log into your accounts on startup." msgstr "" -"Indica se o Empathy debería iniciar a sesión nas súas contas automaticamente " -"ao inicio ou non." +"Indica se Empathy debería iniciar a sesión nas súas contas automaticamente " +"ao inicio." # rever #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:5 msgid "Empathy should auto-away when idle" -msgstr "O Empathy debería pórse automaticamente en ausente ao estar inactivo" +msgstr "Empathy debería mostrar ausencia ao estar inactivo" # rever #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:6 msgid "" "Whether Empathy should go into away mode automatically if the user is idle." msgstr "" -"Indica se o Empathy debería pórse no estado de ausente se o usuario está " -"inactivo." +"Indica se o Empathy debería entrar en modo de ausencia automaticamente se o " +"usuario está inactivo." # rever #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:7 @@ -98,100 +97,112 @@ # rever #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:8 msgid "The default folder to save file transfers in." +msgstr "O cartafol predeterminado no que gardar os ficheiros transferidos." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:9 +msgid "Magic number used to check if sanity cleaning tasks should be run" +msgstr "" +"Número máxico usado para comprobar se se deben executar as tarefas de limpeza" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:10 +msgid "" +"empathy-sanity-cleaning.c uses this number to check if the cleaning tasks " +"should be executed or not. Users should not change this key manually." msgstr "" -"O cartafol predeterminado en que gardar as transferencias de ficheiros." +"empathy-sanity-cleanin.c usa este número para comprobar se se deben executar " +"as tarefas de limpeza. Os usuarios non deben cambiar esta chave manualmente." # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:9 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:11 msgid "Show offline contacts" -msgstr "Mostrar os contactos desconectados" +msgstr "Mostrar contactos desconectados" # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:10 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:12 msgid "Whether to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." msgstr "" -"Indica se mostrar ou non os contactos que están desconectados na lista de " +"Indica se se debe mostrar os contactos que están desconectados na lista de " "contactos." # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:11 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:13 msgid "Show avatars" -msgstr "Mostrar os avatares" +msgstr "Mostrar avatares" # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:12 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:14 msgid "" "Whether to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat windows." msgstr "" -"Indica se mostrar ou non os avatares dos contactos da lista de contactos e " +"Indica se se deben mostrar os avatares dos contactos na lista de contactos e " "das xanelas de conversa." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:13 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:15 msgid "Show protocols" -msgstr "Mostrar os protocolos" +msgstr "Mostrar protocolos" # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:14 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:16 msgid "Whether to show protocols for contacts in the contact list." msgstr "" -"Indica se mostrar ou non os protocolos para os contacto na lista de " +"Indica se se deben mostrar os protocolos para os contactos na lista de " "contactos." # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:15 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:17 msgid "Show Balance in contact list" -msgstr "Mostrar o balance na lista de contactos" +msgstr "Mostrar crédito na lista de contactos" # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:16 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:18 msgid "Whether to show account balances in the contact list." -msgstr "Indica se mostrar ou non os balances na lista de contactos." +msgstr "Indica se se debe mostrar o crédito na lista de contactos." # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:17 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:19 msgid "Compact contact list" -msgstr "Lista de contactos compacta" +msgstr "Lista compacta de contactos" # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:18 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:20 msgid "Whether to show the contact list in compact mode." -msgstr "Indica se mostrar ou non a lista de contactos no modo compacto." +msgstr "Indica se se debe mostrar a lista de contactos en modo compacto." # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:19 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:21 msgid "Hide main window" -msgstr "Agochar a xanela principal" +msgstr "Ocultar a xanela principal" # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:20 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:22 msgid "Hide the main window." -msgstr "Agochar a xanela principal." +msgstr "Ocultar a xanela principal." # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:21 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:23 msgid "Default directory to select an avatar image from" -msgstr "O cartafol predeterminado desde o que seleccionar unha imaxe de avatar" +msgstr "Cartafol predeterminado para seleccionar un avatar" # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:22 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:24 msgid "The last directory that an avatar image was chosen from." -msgstr "O último cartafol desde onde foi escollida unha imaxe de avatar." +msgstr "Último cartafol do que escolleu unha imaxe de avatar." # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:23 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:25 msgid "Open new chats in separate windows" msgstr "Abrir as novas conversas en xanelas separadas" # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:24 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:26 msgid "Always open a separate chat window for new chats." -msgstr "Abrir sempre unha xanela de conversa á parte para as conversas novas." +msgstr "Abrir sempre unha xanela de conversa separada para as conversas novas." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:25 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:27 msgid "Display incoming events in the status area" -msgstr "Mostrar os eventos de entrada na área de estado" +msgstr "Mostrar os eventos entrantes na área de estado" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:26 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:28 msgid "" "Display incoming events in the status area. If false, present them to the " "user immediately." @@ -199,170 +210,169 @@ "Mostrar os eventos entrantes na área de estado. Se é falso mostrarllos " "directamente ao usuario." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:27 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:29 msgid "The position for the chat window side pane" msgstr "A posición do panel lateral da xanela de conversa" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:28 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:30 msgid "The stored position (in pixels) of the chat window side pane." msgstr "" "A posición almacenada (en píxeles) do panel lateral da xanela de conversa." # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:29 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:31 msgid "Show contact groups" -msgstr "Mostrar os grupos de contactos" +msgstr "Mostrar grupos de contactos" # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:30 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:32 msgid "Whether to show groups in the contact list." -msgstr "Indica se mostrar ou non os grupos na lista de contactos." +msgstr "Indica se se deben mostrar os grupos na lista de contactos." # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:31 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:33 msgid "Contact list sort criterion" msgstr "Criterio de ordenación da lista de contactos" # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:32 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:34 msgid "" "Which criterion to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to sort by " "the contact's state with the value \"state\". A value of \"name\" will sort " "the contact list by name." msgstr "" -"Que criterio usar ao ordenar a lista de contactos. O predeterminado é usar a " -"ordenación polo estado co valor \"state\" (estado). Un valor de \"name" -"\" (nome) ordenará a lista de contactos polo nome." +"Que criterio usar ao ordenar a lista de contactos. O predeterminado é " +"ordenar polo estado do contacto co valor «state» (estado). Un valor " +"«name» (nome) ordenará a lista de contactos polo nome." # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:33 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:35 msgid "Use notification sounds" msgstr "Usar sons de notificación" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:34 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:36 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of events." -msgstr "Indica se reproducir ou non un son para notificar os eventos." +msgstr "Indica se se debe reproducir un son para notificar os eventos." # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:35 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:37 msgid "Disable sounds when away" -msgstr "Desactivar os sons cando se está ausente" +msgstr "Desactivar os sons ao ausentarse" # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:36 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:38 msgid "Whether to play sound notifications when away or busy." msgstr "" -"Indica se reproducir ou non un son para notificar cando se está ocupado ou " +"Indica se se debe reproducir un son para notificar cando se está ocupado ou " "ausente." # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:37 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:39 msgid "Play a sound for incoming messages" -msgstr "Reproducir un son para as mensaxes entrantes" +msgstr "Reproducir un son cando cheguen mensaxes" # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:38 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:40 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of incoming messages." -msgstr "" -"Indica se reproducir ou non un son para notificar as mensaxes entrantes." +msgstr "Indica se se debe reproducir un son para notificar mensaxes entrantes." # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:39 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:41 msgid "Play a sound for outgoing messages" -msgstr "Reproducir un son para as mensaxes saíntes" +msgstr "Reproducir un son ao enviar mensaxes" # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:40 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:42 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of outgoing messages." -msgstr "Indica se reproducir ou non un son para notificar as mensaxes saíntes." +msgstr "" +"Indica se se debe reproducir un son para notificar as mensaxes saíntes." # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:41 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:43 msgid "Play a sound for new conversations" msgstr "Reproducir un son para as conversas novas" # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:42 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:44 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of new conversations." -msgstr "Indica se reproducir ou non un son para notificar as conversas novas." +msgstr "Indica se se debe reproducir un son para notificar as conversas novas." # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:43 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:45 msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs in" -msgstr "Reproducir un son cando un contacto inicia unha sesión" +msgstr "Reproducir un son cando un contacto inicie sesión" # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:44 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:46 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging into the network." msgstr "" -"Indica se reproducir ou non un son para notificar que os contactos inician " -"unha sesión na rede." +"Indica se se debe reproducir un son para notificar os inicio de sesión dos " +"contactos na rede." # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:45 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:47 msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs out" msgstr "Reproducir un son cando un contacto saia da sesión" # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:46 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:48 msgid "" "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging out of the network." msgstr "" -"Indica se reproducir ou non un son para notificar que os contactos terminan " +"Indica se se debe reproducir un son para notificar que os contactos terminan " "unha sesión na rede." # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:47 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:49 msgid "Play a sound when we log in" -msgstr "Reproducir un son cando iniciamos a sesión" +msgstr "Reproducir un son cando inicio sesión" # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:48 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:50 msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging into a network." -msgstr "" -"Indica se reproducir ou non un son cando se inicia unha sesión na rede." +msgstr "Indica se se debe reproducir un son cando se inicia sesión na rede." # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:49 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:51 msgid "Play a sound when we log out" -msgstr "Reproducir un son cando saímos da sesión" +msgstr "Reproducir un son cando ao saír da sesión" # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:50 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:52 msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging out of a network." -msgstr "Indica se reproducir ou non un son cando se sae da sesión na rede." +msgstr "Indica se se debe reproducir un son cando se sae da sesión na rede." # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:51 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:53 msgid "Enable popup notifications for new messages" msgstr "Activar as notificacións emerxentes para as mensaxes novas" # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:52 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:54 msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message." msgstr "" "Indica se mostrar ou non unha notificación emerxente cando se reciba unha " "mensaxe nova." # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:53 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:55 msgid "Disable popup notifications when away" msgstr "Desactivar as notificacións emerxentes cando se está ausente" # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:54 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:56 msgid "Whether to show popup notifications when away or busy." msgstr "" "Indica se mostrar ou non as notificacións emerxentes cando se está ausente " "ou ocupado." # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:55 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:57 msgid "Pop up notifications if the chat isn't focused" msgstr "Facer emerxer unha notificación cando a conversa non está enfocada" # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:56 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:58 msgid "" "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message even if " "the chat is already opened, but not focused." @@ -371,98 +381,98 @@ "mensaxe nova, aínda cando a conversa xa estea aberta mais non estea enfocada." # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:57 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:59 msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs in" msgstr "Facer emerxer unha notificación cando un contacto entra" # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:58 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:60 msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes online." msgstr "" "Indica se mostrar ou non unha notificación emerxente cando un contacto está " "conectado." # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:59 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:61 msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs out" msgstr "Facer emerxer unha notificación cando un contacto sae" # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:60 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:62 msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes offline." msgstr "" "Indica se mostrar ou non unha notificación emerxente cando un contacto está " "desconectado." # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:61 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:63 msgid "Use graphical smileys" msgstr "Usar emoticonas gráficas" # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:62 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:64 msgid "Whether to convert smileys into graphical images in conversations." msgstr "" "Indica se converter ou non as emoticonas en imaxes gráficas nas conversas." # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:63 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:65 msgid "Show contact list in rooms" msgstr "Mostrar a lista de contactos nas salas" # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:64 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:66 msgid "Whether to show the contact list in chat rooms." msgstr "Indica se mostrar ou non a lista de contactos nas salas de conversa." # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:65 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:67 msgid "Chat window theme" msgstr "Tema da xanela de conversa" # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:66 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:68 msgid "The theme that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." msgstr "O tema usado para mostrar as conversa nas xanelas de conversa." # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:67 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:69 msgid "Chat window theme variant" msgstr "Variante do tema da xanela de charla" # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:68 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:70 msgid "" "The theme variant that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." msgstr "" "A variante do tema que se usará para mostrar a conversa nas xanelas de chat." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:69 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:71 msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use" msgstr "Ruta do tema de Adium para usar" # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:70 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:72 msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use if the theme used for chat is Adium." msgstr "" "Ruta do tema de Adium para usar se o tema usado para o chat é de Adium." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:71 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:73 msgid "Enable WebKit Developer Tools" msgstr "Activar as ferramentas de desenvolvedor WebKit" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:72 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:74 msgid "" "Whether WebKit developer tools, such as the Web Inspector, should be enabled." msgstr "" "Indica se as ferramentas de desenvolvedor WebKit, tales como Web Inspector, " "deberían ser activadas." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:73 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:75 msgid "Inform other users when you are typing to them" msgstr "Informar a outros usuarios cando vostede está escribindo" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:74 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:76 msgid "" "Whether to send the 'composing' or 'paused' chat states. Does not currently " "affect the 'gone' state." @@ -471,22 +481,22 @@ "afecta realmente ao estado «ausente»." # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:75 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:77 msgid "Use theme for chat rooms" msgstr "Usar un tema para as salas de conversa" # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:76 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:78 msgid "Whether to use the theme for chat rooms." msgstr "Indica se usar ou non o tema para as salas de conversa." # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:77 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:79 msgid "Spell checking languages" msgstr "Idiomas para a corrección ortográfica" # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:78 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:80 msgid "" "Comma-separated list of spell checker languages to use (e.g. \"en, fr, nl\")." msgstr "" @@ -494,12 +504,12 @@ "ex., «gl, pt, en»)." # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:79 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:81 msgid "Enable spell checker" msgstr "Activar a verificación ortográfica" # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:80 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:82 msgid "" "Whether to check words typed against the languages you want to check with." msgstr "" @@ -507,12 +517,12 @@ "as quere verificar." # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:81 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:83 msgid "Nick completed character" msgstr "Carácter de completado de alcume" # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:82 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:84 msgid "" "Character to add after nickname when using nick completion (tab) in group " "chat." @@ -521,63 +531,63 @@ "alcume (tabulador) nunha conversa de grupo." # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:83 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:85 msgid "Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon" msgstr "" "O Empathy debería usar o avatar do contacto como a icona da xanela de " "conversa" # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:84 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:86 msgid "" "Whether Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon." msgstr "" "Indica se o Empathy debería usar o avatar dos contactos como a icona da " "xanela da conversa ou non." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:85 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:87 msgid "Last account selected in Join Room dialog" msgstr "Última conta seleccionada no diálogo Unirse á sala" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:86 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:88 msgid "D-Bus object path of the last account selected to join a room." msgstr "" "Ruta do obxecto D-Bus da última conta seleccionada para unirse a unha sala." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:87 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:89 msgid "Camera device" msgstr "Dispositivo da cámara" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:88 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:90 msgid "Default camera device to use in video calls, e.g. /dev/video0." msgstr "" "Dispositivo de cámara predeterminado para usar nas chamadas de vídeo, p.ex. /" "dev/video0." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:89 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:91 msgid "Camera position" msgstr "Posición da cámara" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:90 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:92 msgid "Position the camera preview should be during a call." msgstr "" "Posición onde debe estar a vista previa da cámara durante unha chamada." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:91 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:93 msgid "Echo cancellation support" msgstr "Compatibilidade de cancelación de eco" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:92 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:94 msgid "Whether to enable Pulseaudio's echo cancellation filter." msgstr "Indica se activar o filtro de cancelación de eco de Pulseaudio." # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:93 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:95 msgid "Show hint about closing the main window" msgstr "Mostrar unha indicación sobre pechar a xanela principal" # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:94 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:96 msgid "" "Whether to show the message dialog about closing the main window with the " "'x' button in the title bar." @@ -585,55 +595,55 @@ "Indica se mostrar ou non o diálogo de mensaxe sobre pechar a xanela " "principal co botón 'x' da barra de título." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:95 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:97 msgid "Empathy can publish the user's location" msgstr "Empathy pode publicar a localización dos usuarios" # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:96 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:98 msgid "Whether Empathy can publish the user's location to their contacts." msgstr "" "Indica se o Empathy pode ou non publicar a localización do usuario aos seus " "contactos." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:97 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:99 msgid "Empathy can use the network to guess the location" msgstr "Empathy pode usar a rede para adiviñar a localización" # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:98 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:100 msgid "Whether Empathy can use the network to guess the location." msgstr "" "Indica se o Empathy pode ou non usar a rede para adiviñar a localización." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:99 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:101 msgid "Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location" msgstr "Empathy pode usar a rede de móbiles para seguir a localización" # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:100 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:102 msgid "Whether Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location." msgstr "" "Indica se o Empathy pode ou non usar a rede de telefonía móbil para adiviñar " "a localización." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:101 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:103 msgid "Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location" msgstr "Empathy pode usar o GPS para seguir a localización" # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:102 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:104 msgid "Whether Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location." msgstr "" "Indica se o Empathy pode usar ou non o GPS para adiviñar a localización." # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:103 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:105 msgid "Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy" msgstr "O Empathy debería reducir a precisión da localización" # rever -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:104 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:106 msgid "" "Whether Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy for privacy reasons." msgstr "" @@ -641,53 +651,53 @@ "motivos de privacidade." # rever -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:736 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:738 msgid "No reason was specified" msgstr "Non se especificou un motivo" # rever -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:739 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:741 msgid "The change in state was requested" msgstr "Foi solicitado o cambio de estado" # rever -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:742 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:744 msgid "You canceled the file transfer" msgstr "Vostede cancelou a transferencia de ficheiros" # rever -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:745 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:747 msgid "The other participant canceled the file transfer" msgstr "O outro participante cancelou a transferencia de ficheiros" # rever -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:748 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:750 msgid "Error while trying to transfer the file" msgstr "Produciuse un erro ao tentar transferir o ficheiro" # rever -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:751 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:753 msgid "The other participant is unable to transfer the file" msgstr "O outro participante non pode transferir o ficheiro" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:754 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:313 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:756 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:313 msgid "Unknown reason" msgstr "Motivo descoñecido" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:917 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:919 msgid "File transfer completed, but the file was corrupted" msgstr "" "Completouse a transferencia de ficheiro pero o ficheiro está corrompido" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1203 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1205 msgid "File transfer not supported by remote contact" -msgstr "A transferencia de ficheiro non é permitida polo contacto remoto" +msgstr "O contacto remoto non admite a tranferencia de ficheiros" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1259 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1261 msgid "The selected file is not a regular file" msgstr "O ficheiro seleccionado non é un ficheiro regular" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1268 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1270 msgid "The selected file is empty" msgstr "O ficheiro seleccionado está baleiro" @@ -766,16 +776,16 @@ # rever #: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:297 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:329 msgid "Certificate not provided" -msgstr "Non se proporcionou o certificado" +msgstr "Non se forneceu o certificado" #: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:299 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:331 msgid "Certificate untrusted" -msgstr "Certificado non fiábel" +msgstr "Certificado sen confianza" # rever #: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:301 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:333 msgid "Certificate expired" -msgstr "O certificado caducou" +msgstr "O certificado expirou" # rever #: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:303 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:335 @@ -800,7 +810,7 @@ # rever #: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:311 msgid "Certificate error" -msgstr "Erro de certificado" +msgstr "Erro do certificado" #: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:345 msgid "Encryption is not available" @@ -834,7 +844,7 @@ msgid "" "Connection has been replaced by a new connection using the same resource" msgstr "" -"A conexión foi substituída por unha nova conexión empregando o mesmo recurso" +"A conexión foi substituída por unha conexión nova empregando o mesmo recurso" #: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:360 msgid "The account already exists on the server" @@ -842,12 +852,13 @@ #: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:362 msgid "Server is currently too busy to handle the connection" -msgstr "Nestes intres o servidor está moi ocupado para xesionar a conexión" +msgstr "" +"Nestes intres o servidor está demasiado ocupado para xestionar a conexión" # rever #: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:364 msgid "Certificate has been revoked" -msgstr "O certificado foi revocado" +msgstr "O certificado foi revogado" #: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:366 msgid "" @@ -863,7 +874,7 @@ msgstr "" "A lonxitude do certificado do servidor ou a profundidade da cadea do " "certificado do servidor excede os límites impostos pola biblioteca de " -"criptografía." +"criptografía" #: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:373 msgid "Your software is too old" @@ -876,7 +887,7 @@ # rever #: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:534 msgid "People Nearby" -msgstr "Persoas próximas" +msgstr "Xente cerca" # rever #: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:539 @@ -895,51 +906,65 @@ #, c-format msgid "%d second ago" msgid_plural "%d seconds ago" -msgstr[0] "Hai %d segundo" -msgstr[1] "Hai %d segundos" +msgstr[0] "hai %d segundo" +msgstr[1] "hai %d segundos" #: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:96 #, c-format msgid "%d minute ago" msgid_plural "%d minutes ago" -msgstr[0] "Hai %d minuto" -msgstr[1] "Hai %d minutos" +msgstr[0] "hai %d minuto" +msgstr[1] "hai %d minutos" #: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:102 #, c-format msgid "%d hour ago" msgid_plural "%d hours ago" -msgstr[0] "Hai %d hora" -msgstr[1] "Hai %d horas" +msgstr[0] "hai %d hora" +msgstr[1] "hai %d horas" #: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:108 #, c-format msgid "%d day ago" msgid_plural "%d days ago" -msgstr[0] "Hai %d día" -msgstr[1] "Hai %d días" +msgstr[0] "hai %d día" +msgstr[1] "hai %d días" #: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:114 #, c-format msgid "%d week ago" msgid_plural "%d weeks ago" -msgstr[0] "Hai %d semana" -msgstr[1] "Hai %d semanas" +msgstr[0] "hai %d semana" +msgstr[1] "hai %d semanas" #: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:120 #, c-format msgid "%d month ago" msgid_plural "%d months ago" -msgstr[0] "Hai %d mes" -msgstr[1] "Hai %d meses" +msgstr[0] "hai %d mes" +msgstr[1] "hai %d meses" #: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:142 msgid "in the future" msgstr "no futuro" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:75 +msgid "Password not found" +msgstr "Contrasinal non atopado" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:218 +#, c-format +msgid "IM account password for %s (%s)" +msgstr "Contrasinal da conta de mensaxaría para %s (%s)" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:253 +#, c-format +msgid "Password for chatroom '%s' on account %s (%s)" +msgstr "Contrasinal para a sala de conversa «%s» na conta %s (%s)" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-chooser.c:692 msgid "All accounts" -msgstr "Tódalas contas" +msgstr "Todas as contas" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:682 #: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:336 @@ -951,12 +976,12 @@ msgstr "Contrasinal" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:684 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:507 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:511 msgid "Server" msgstr "Servidor" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:685 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:522 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:529 msgid "Port" msgstr "Porto" @@ -967,17 +992,17 @@ msgstr "%s:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1398 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:14 msgid "Username:" -msgstr "Nome de _usuario:" +msgstr "Nome de usuario:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1710 msgid "A_pply" -msgstr "A_plicar" +msgstr "_Aplicar" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1739 msgid "L_og in" -msgstr "Iniciar sesi_ón" +msgstr "Iniciar _sesión" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1812 msgid "This account already exists on the server" @@ -1039,7 +1064,7 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:4 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-base-password-dialog.c:261 msgid "Remember password" -msgstr "Lembrar o contrasinal" +msgstr "Lembrar contrasinal" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:5 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:5 @@ -1063,14 +1088,14 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-generic.ui.h:1 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:7 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:8 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:15 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:23 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:7 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:7 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:21 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:9 msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "Avanzado" +msgstr "Avanzadas" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your AIM screen name?" @@ -1099,7 +1124,7 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:3 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:3 msgid "Example: username" -msgstr "Exemplo: nomeusuario" +msgstr "Exemplo: usuario" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your GroupWise User ID?" @@ -1152,7 +1177,7 @@ #. * best to keep the English version. #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.c:244 msgid "Register" -msgstr "Rexistrar" +msgstr "Rexistrador" #. translators: this string is very specific to SIP's internal; maybe #. * best to keep the English version. @@ -1176,11 +1201,33 @@ msgid "Character set:" msgstr "Codificación de caracteres:" +# rever #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:1 +msgid "Add…" +msgstr "Engadir…" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:3 +msgid "Remove" +msgstr "Eliminar" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:6 +msgid "Up" +msgstr "Arriba" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:7 +msgid "Down" +msgstr "Abaixo" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:8 msgid "Servers" msgstr "Servidores" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:9 msgid "" "Most IRC servers don't need a password, so if you're not sure, don't enter a " "password." @@ -1188,28 +1235,28 @@ "A maioría dos servidores IRC non precisan contrasinal, polo que se non está " "seguro non escriba un contrasinal." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:6 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 msgid "Nickname:" msgstr "Alcume:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 msgid "Password:" msgstr "Contrasinal:" # rever -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:12 msgid "Quit message:" msgstr "Mensaxe de saída:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:9 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 msgid "Real name:" msgstr "Nome real:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:12 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:16 msgid "Which IRC network?" msgstr "Que rede IRC?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:17 msgid "What is your IRC nickname?" msgstr "Cal é o seu alcume de IRC?" @@ -1240,7 +1287,7 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:9 msgid "Example: user@gmail.com" -msgstr "Examplo: usuario@gmail.com" +msgstr "Exemplo: usuario@gmail.com" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:10 msgid "What is your Google password?" @@ -1253,7 +1300,7 @@ # rever #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:15 msgid "I_gnore SSL certificate errors" -msgstr "I_gnorar os erros do certificado SSL" +msgstr "I_gnorar os erros de certificados SSL" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:16 msgid "Priori_ty:" @@ -1266,17 +1313,17 @@ # rever #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:18 msgid "Encr_yption required (TLS/SSL)" -msgstr "Requírese o c_ifrado (TLS/SSL)" +msgstr "Require c_ifrado (TLS/SSL)" # rever #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:19 msgid "Use old SS_L" -msgstr "Usar o SS_L antigo" +msgstr "Usar SS_L antigo" # rever #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:22 msgid "Override server settings" -msgstr "Ignorar as configuracións do servidor" +msgstr "Sobrescribir os axustes do servidor" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:24 msgid "What is your Jabber ID?" @@ -1284,7 +1331,7 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:25 msgid "What is your desired Jabber ID?" -msgstr "Cal é o ID de Jabber que desexa?" +msgstr "Cal é o ID de usuario que quere para Jabber?" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:26 msgid "What is your Jabber password?" @@ -1292,7 +1339,7 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:27 msgid "What is your desired Jabber password?" -msgstr "Cal é o contrasinal de Jabber que desexa?" +msgstr "Cal é o contrasinal que desexa para Jabber?" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:3 msgid "Example: user@hotmail.com" @@ -1300,11 +1347,11 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your Windows Live ID?" -msgstr "Cal é o seu contrasinal para Windows Live?" +msgstr "Cal é o seu ID de Windows Live?" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your Windows Live password?" -msgstr "Cal é o seu contrasinal para Windows Live?" +msgstr "Cal é o seu contrasinal de Windows Live?" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:1 msgid "Nic_kname:" @@ -1325,7 +1372,7 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:5 msgid "_Jabber ID:" -msgstr "ID para _Jabber:" +msgstr "ID de _Jabber:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:6 msgid "E-_mail address:" @@ -1337,15 +1384,15 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:3 msgid "Example: user@my.sip.server" -msgstr "Exemplo: usuaruio@meu.servidor.sip" +msgstr "Exemplo: usuario@meu.servidor.sip" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:5 msgid "Use this account to call _landlines and mobile phones" -msgstr "Usar esta conta para chamar a teléfonos _fixos e móbiles" +msgstr "Usar esta conta para chamar a te_léfonos fixos e móbiles" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:6 msgid "NAT Traversal Options" -msgstr "Opcións do NAT transversal" +msgstr "Opcións de NAT transversal" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:7 msgid "Proxy Options" @@ -1375,7 +1422,7 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:13 msgid "Keep-Alive Options" -msgstr "Opcións de Keep-Alive" +msgstr "Opcións de «Keep-Alive»" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:14 msgid "Mechanism:" @@ -1395,11 +1442,11 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:18 msgid "Loose Routing" -msgstr "Enrutado aberto" +msgstr "Enrutado impreciso" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:19 msgid "Ignore TLS Errors" -msgstr "Ignorar os erros TLS" +msgstr "Ignorar erros TLS" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:20 msgid "Port:" @@ -1421,7 +1468,7 @@ # rever #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:5 msgid "I_gnore conference and chat room invitations" -msgstr "I_gnorar os convites para conferencias e salas de conversa" +msgstr "I_gnorar convites a conferencias e salas de conversa" # rever #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:6 @@ -1434,7 +1481,7 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:11 msgid "What is your Yahoo! password?" -msgstr "Cal é o seu contrasinal para Yahoo?" +msgstr "Cal é o seu contrasinal de Yahoo!?" # rever #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:471 @@ -1458,7 +1505,7 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:947 msgid "Take a picture..." -msgstr "Obter unha foto..." +msgstr "Tomar unha foto…" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:960 msgid "No Image" @@ -1504,213 +1551,213 @@ msgid "You don't have enough credit in order to place this call" msgstr "Non ten crédito dabondo para facer esta chamada" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:728 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:729 msgid "Failed to open private chat" msgstr "Produciuse un fallo ao abrir un chat privado" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:786 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:787 msgid "Topic not supported on this conversation" -msgstr "Ese asunto non se admite nesta conversación" +msgstr "O asunto non é ocmpatíbel nesta conversa" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:792 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:793 msgid "You are not allowed to change the topic" msgstr "Non se lle permite cambiar o asunto" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:991 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:992 #, c-format msgid "“%s” is not a valid contact ID" msgstr "«%s» non é un ID de contacto válido" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1086 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1087 msgid "/clear: clear all messages from the current conversation" msgstr "/clear, limpa todas as mensaxes da conversa actual" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1089 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1090 msgid "/topic : set the topic of the current conversation" msgstr "/topic , estabelece o asunto da conversa actual" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1092 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1093 msgid "/join : join a new chat room" msgstr "/join , unirse a unha nova sala de conversa" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1095 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1096 msgid "/j : join a new chat room" msgstr "/j , unirse a unha nova sala de conversa" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1099 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1100 msgid "" "/part [] []: leave the chat room, by default the " "current one" msgstr "" -"/part [] []: abandonar a sala de char, por omisión a " -"actual" +"/part [] []: abandonar a sala de char, por " +"omisión a actual" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1103 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1104 msgid "/query []: open a private chat" -msgstr "/query [], abre unha conversa privada" +msgstr "/query [], abre unha conversa privada" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1106 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1107 msgid "/msg : open a private chat" -msgstr "/msg , abre unha conversa privada" +msgstr "/msg , abre unha conversa privada" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1109 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1110 msgid "/nick : change your nickname on the current server" -msgstr "/nick , cambia o seu nome de usuario no servidor actual" +msgstr "/nick , cambia o seu nome de usuario no servidor actual" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1112 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1113 msgid "/me : send an ACTION message to the current conversation" -msgstr "/me , envía unha mensaxe ACTION á conversa actual" +msgstr "/me , envía unha mensaxe ACTION á conversa actual" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1115 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1116 msgid "" "/say : send to the current conversation. This is used to " "send a message starting with a '/'. For example: \"/say /join is used to " "join a new chat room\"" msgstr "" -"/say , enviar á conversa actual. Isto úsase para enviar " +"/say , enviar á conversa actual. Isto úsase para enviar " "unha mensaxe que comeza cunha '/'. Por exemplo: \"/say /join úsase para " "unirse a unha nova sala de conversa\"" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1120 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1121 msgid "/whois : display information about a contact" msgstr "/whois : mostra información sobre un contacto" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1123 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1124 msgid "" "/help []: show all supported commands. If is defined, " "show its usage." msgstr "" -"/help [], mostra todas as ordes admitidas. Se está " -"definida, mostra o seu uso." +"/help [], mostra todas as ordes admitidas. Se está definida, " +"mostra o seu uso." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1142 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1143 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s" msgstr "Uso: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1187 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1188 msgid "Unknown command" msgstr "Orde descoñecida" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1313 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1314 msgid "Unknown command; see /help for the available commands" msgstr "Orde descoñecida, vexa /help para obter as ordes dispoñíbeis" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1564 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1565 msgid "insufficient balance to send message" msgstr "non ten balance suficiente para enviar a mensaxe" # rever -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1568 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1582 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1645 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1569 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1583 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1646 #, c-format msgid "Error sending message '%s': %s" msgstr "Produciuse un erro ao enviar a mensaxe '%s': %s" # rever -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1570 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1587 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1649 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1571 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1588 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1650 #, c-format msgid "Error sending message: %s" msgstr "Produciuse un erro ao enviar a mensaxe: %s" #. translators: error used when user doesn't have enough credit on his #. * account to send the message. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1576 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1577 #, c-format msgid "insufficient balance to send message. Top up." msgstr "" "non ten balance dabondo para enviar a mensaxe Recargar." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1616 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1617 msgid "not capable" msgstr "non é posíbel" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1623 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1624 msgid "offline" msgstr "desconectado" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1626 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1627 msgid "invalid contact" -msgstr "contacto incorrecto" +msgstr "contacto non válido" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1629 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1630 msgid "permission denied" msgstr "permiso denegado" # rever -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1632 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1633 msgid "too long message" -msgstr "a mensaxe é demasiado longa" +msgstr "mensaxe é demasiado longa" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1635 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1636 msgid "not implemented" msgstr "non implementado" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1639 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1640 msgid "unknown" msgstr "descoñecido" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1706 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:920 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1707 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:920 msgid "Topic:" msgstr "Asunto:" # rever -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1721 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1722 #, c-format msgid "Topic set to: %s" msgstr "Cambiouse o asunto a: %s" # rever -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1723 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1724 #, c-format msgid "Topic set by %s to: %s" msgstr "Tema estabelecido por %s a: %s" # rever #. No need to display this 'event' is no topic can be defined anyway -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1728 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1729 msgid "No topic defined" -msgstr "Non se definiu un asunto" +msgstr "Non se definiu o asunto" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2244 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2245 msgid "(No Suggestions)" msgstr "(Sen suxestións)" #. translators: %s is the selected word -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2312 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2313 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to Dictionary" msgstr "Engadir «%s» ao dicionario" #. translators: first %s is the selected word, #. * second %s is the language name of the target dictionary -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2349 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2350 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to %s Dictionary" msgstr "Engadir «%s» ao dicionario de %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2419 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2420 msgid "Insert Smiley" msgstr "Inserir unha emoticona" #. send button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2437 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1867 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2438 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1880 msgid "_Send" msgstr "_Enviar" #. Spelling suggestions -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2494 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2495 msgid "_Spelling Suggestions" msgstr "Suxestións de _ortografía" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2583 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2584 msgid "Failed to retrieve recent logs" msgstr "Produciuse un fallo ao obter os rexistros recentes" # rever -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2722 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2723 #, c-format msgid "%s has disconnected" msgstr "%s desconectou" @@ -1718,12 +1765,12 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the kicked should come before the kicker in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2729 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2730 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was kicked by %2$s" msgstr "%1$s foi expulsado por %2$s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2732 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2733 #, c-format msgid "%s was kicked" msgstr "%s foi expulsado" @@ -1731,17 +1778,17 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the banned should come before the banner in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2740 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2741 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was banned by %2$s" msgstr "%1$s foi vetado por %2$s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2743 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2744 #, c-format msgid "%s was banned" msgstr "%s foi excluído" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2747 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2748 #, c-format msgid "%s has left the room" msgstr "%s deixou a sala" @@ -1751,18 +1798,18 @@ #. * given by the user living the room. If this poses a problem, #. * please let us know. :-) #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2756 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2757 #, c-format msgid " (%s)" msgstr " (%s)" # rever -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2781 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2782 #, c-format msgid "%s has joined the room" msgstr "%s uniuse á sala" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2806 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2807 #, c-format msgid "%s is now known as %s" msgstr "%s agora é coñecido como %s" @@ -1770,80 +1817,81 @@ #. We don't know if the incoming call has been accepted or not, so we #. * assume it hasn't and if it has, we'll set the proper status when #. * we get the new handler. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2993 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1197 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1502 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1552 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2588 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2994 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1888 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1279 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1502 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1552 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2590 msgid "Disconnected" msgstr "Desconectado" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3657 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3658 msgid "Would you like to store this password?" msgstr "Desexa gardar este contrasinal?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3663 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3664 msgid "Remember" msgstr "Lembrar" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3673 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3674 msgid "Not now" msgstr "Agora non" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3717 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3718 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-bad-password-dialog.c:142 msgid "Retry" msgstr "Reintentar" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3721 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3722 msgid "Wrong password; please try again:" msgstr "O contrasinal é incorrecto, ténteo de novo:" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3851 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3852 msgid "This room is protected by a password:" msgstr "Esta sala está protexida por un contrasinal:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3878 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3879 msgid "Join" msgstr "Unirse" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4070 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1218 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4071 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1300 msgid "Connected" msgstr "Conectado" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4125 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4126 msgid "Conversation" msgstr "Conversa" #. Translators: this string is a something like #. * "Escher Cat (SMS)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4130 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4131 #, c-format msgid "%s (SMS)" msgstr "%s (SMS)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:264 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:262 msgid "Unknown or invalid identifier" msgstr "Identificador descoñecido ou non válido" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:266 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:264 msgid "Contact blocking temporarily unavailable" msgstr "Bloqueo de contactos non dispoñíbel temporalmente" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:268 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:266 msgid "Contact blocking unavailable" msgstr "Bloqueo de contactos non dispoñíbel" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:270 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:268 msgid "Permission Denied" msgstr "Permiso denegado" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:274 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:272 msgid "Could not block contact" msgstr "Non foi posíbel bloquear o contacto" # rever -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:612 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:610 msgid "Edit Blocked Contacts" msgstr "Editar os contactos bloqueados" @@ -1862,13 +1910,6 @@ msgid "Blocked Contacts" msgstr "Contactos bloqueados" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Remove" -msgstr "Eliminar" - #. Copy Link Address menu item #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:322 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-webkit-utils.c:277 @@ -1959,134 +2000,134 @@ msgid "Please let me see when you're online. Thanks!" msgstr "Permítame ver cando está en liña. Grazas." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:569 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:567 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:304 msgid "Channels:" msgstr "Canles:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:749 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:747 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:455 msgid "Country ISO Code:" msgstr "Código ISO de país:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:751 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:749 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:457 msgid "Country:" msgstr "País:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:753 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:751 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:459 msgid "State:" msgstr "Rexión:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:755 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:753 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:461 msgid "City:" msgstr "Cidade:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:757 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:755 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:463 msgid "Area:" msgstr "Área:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:759 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:757 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:465 msgid "Postal Code:" msgstr "Código postal:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:761 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:759 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:467 msgid "Street:" msgstr "Rúa:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:763 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:761 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:469 msgid "Building:" msgstr "Edificio:" # rever -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:765 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:763 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:471 msgid "Floor:" msgstr "_Andar:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:767 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:765 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:473 msgid "Room:" msgstr "Sala:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:769 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:767 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:475 msgid "Text:" msgstr "Texto:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:771 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:769 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:477 msgid "Description:" msgstr "Descrición:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:773 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:771 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:479 msgid "URI:" msgstr "URI:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:775 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:773 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:481 msgid "Accuracy Level:" msgstr "Nivel de precisión:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:777 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:775 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:483 msgid "Error:" msgstr "Erro:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:779 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:777 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:485 msgid "Vertical Error (meters):" msgstr "Erro vertical (metros):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:781 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:779 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:487 msgid "Horizontal Error (meters):" msgstr "Erro horizontal (metros):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:783 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:781 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:489 msgid "Speed:" msgstr "Velocidade:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:785 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:783 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:491 msgid "Bearing:" msgstr "Orientación:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:787 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:785 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:493 msgid "Climb Speed:" msgstr "Velocidade de incremento:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:789 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:787 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:495 msgid "Last Updated on:" msgstr "Última actualización:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:791 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:789 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:497 msgid "Longitude:" msgstr "Lonxitude:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:793 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:791 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:499 msgid "Latitude:" msgstr "Latitude:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:795 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:793 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:501 msgid "Altitude:" msgstr "Altitude:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:848 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:863 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:846 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:861 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:593 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:608 #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:35 @@ -2094,36 +2135,36 @@ msgstr "Localización" #. translators: format is "Location, $date" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:865 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:863 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:610 #, c-format msgid "%s, %s" msgstr "%s, %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:917 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:915 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:659 msgid "%B %e, %Y at %R UTC" msgstr "%B %e, %Y de %R UTC" # rever -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:999 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:997 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:900 msgid "Save Avatar" msgstr "Gardar o avatar" # rever -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1055 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1053 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:958 msgid "Unable to save avatar" msgstr "Non foi posíbel gardar o avatar" # rever -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1446 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1444 msgid "Personal Details" msgstr "Detalles persoais" # rever -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1449 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1447 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:6 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:3 msgid "Contact Details" @@ -2277,147 +2318,156 @@ msgid "Edit Contact Information" msgstr "Editar a información de contacto" +# rever +#. Translators: the heading at the top of the Information dialogue +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-information-dialog.c:288 +msgid "Linked Contacts" +msgstr "Contactos ligados" + #. Translators: this is used in the context menu for a contact. The first #. * parameter is a contact ID (e.g. foo@jabber.org) and the second is one #. * of the user's account IDs (e.g. me@hotmail.com). -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:172 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:173 #, c-format msgid "%s (%s)" msgstr "%s (%s)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:344 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:345 msgid "Select account to use to place the call" msgstr "Seleccione a conta a usar para realizar a chamada" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:348 +#. translators: Call is a noun. This string is used in the window +#. * title +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:349 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1290 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:18 msgid "Call" msgstr "Chamar" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:413 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:414 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Móbil" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:415 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:416 msgid "Work" msgstr "Traballo" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:417 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:418 msgid "HOME" msgstr "Casa" # rever -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:658 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:659 msgid "_Block Contact" msgstr "_Bloquear contacto" #. add chat button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1017 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1018 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:319 #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:1 msgid "_Chat" msgstr "_Conversa" #. add SMS button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1052 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1053 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:313 msgid "_SMS" msgstr "_SMS" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1085 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1086 msgctxt "menu item" msgid "_Audio Call" msgstr "_Audiochamada" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1118 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1119 msgctxt "menu item" msgid "_Video Call" msgstr "_Videochamada" # rever -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1159 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1160 #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:4 msgid "_Previous Conversations" msgstr "Conversas _previas" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1188 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1189 msgid "Send File" msgstr "Enviar ficheiro" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1218 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1219 msgid "Share My Desktop" msgstr "Compartir o meu escritorio" # rever -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1244 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1245 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1357 msgid "Favorite" msgstr "Favorito" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1263 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1264 msgid "gnome-contacts not installed" msgstr "gnome-contacts non está instalado" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1266 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1267 msgid "Please install gnome-contacts to access contacts details." msgstr "" "Instale o programa gnome-contacts para acceder aos detalles dos contactos" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1380 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1398 msgid "Infor_mation" msgstr "Infor_mación" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1429 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1447 msgctxt "Edit individual (contextual menu)" msgid "_Edit" msgstr "_Editar" # rever -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1546 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1564 #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:1192 msgid "Inviting you to this room" msgstr "Invítao a vostede a esta sala" # rever -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1592 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1610 msgid "_Invite to Chat Room" msgstr "Conv_idar a sala de conversa" # rever -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1788 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1806 #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:5 msgid "_Add Contact…" msgstr "Eng_adir un contacto…" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2306 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2304 msgid "Delete and _Block" msgstr "Eliminar e _bloquear" # rever -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2341 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2339 #, c-format msgid "Do you really want to remove the group '%s'?" msgstr "Está seguro de que quere eliminar o grupo '%s'?" # rever -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2344 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2342 msgid "Removing group" msgstr "Eliminando o grupo" #. Remove -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2399 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2603 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2397 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2601 msgid "_Remove" msgstr "_Eliminar" # rever -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2476 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2474 #, c-format msgid "Do you really want to remove the contact '%s'?" msgstr "Está seguro de quere eliminar o contacto '%s'?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2485 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2483 #, c-format msgid "" "Do you really want to remove the linked contact '%s'? Note that this will " @@ -2426,7 +2476,7 @@ "Desexa eliminar o contacto ligado %s? Teña en conta que eliminaranse tamén " "todos os contactos que forman este contacto ligado." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2497 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2495 msgid "Removing contact" msgstr "Eliminando o contacto" @@ -2467,7 +2517,7 @@ msgid "new server" msgstr "servidor novo" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:535 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:539 msgid "SSL" msgstr "SSL" @@ -2630,6 +2680,7 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:7 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:26 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:19 msgid "Video" msgstr "V_ídeo" @@ -2865,7 +2916,7 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-manager.c:72 msgid "Clean" -msgstr "Limpo" +msgstr "Limpar" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-manager.c:73 msgid "Blue" @@ -2955,19 +3006,19 @@ msgid "Certificate Details" msgstr "Detalles do certificado" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1741 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1754 msgid "Unable to open URI" msgstr "Non foi posíbel abrir o URI" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1859 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1872 msgid "Select a file" msgstr "Seleccione un ficheiro" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1934 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1947 msgid "Insufficient free space to save file" msgstr "Non hai espazo suficiente para gardar o ficheiro" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1942 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1955 #, c-format msgid "" "%s of free space are required to save this file, but only %s is available. " @@ -2976,7 +3027,7 @@ "Requírense %s de espazo libre para gardar este ficheiro, pero só hai %s " "dispoñíbeis. Elixa outra localización." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1986 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1999 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file from %s" msgstr "Ficheiro entrante de %s" @@ -3148,6 +3199,14 @@ msgid "Vietnamese" msgstr "Vietnamita" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-calendar-button.c:66 +msgid "Select..." +msgstr "Seleccionar…" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-calendar-button.c:154 +msgid "_Select" +msgstr "_Seleccionar" + # rever #: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:202 msgid "No error message" @@ -3254,29 +3313,31 @@ msgid "Your new account has not been saved yet." msgstr "A súa nova conta aínda non foi gardada." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:370 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1289 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:381 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:759 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1289 msgid "Connecting…" msgstr "Conectando…" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:411 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:422 #, c-format msgid "Offline — %s" msgstr "Desconectado — %s" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:423 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:434 #, c-format msgid "Disconnected — %s" msgstr "Desconectado — %s" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:434 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:445 msgid "Offline — No Network Connection" msgstr "Desconectado — Sen conexión de rede" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:441 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:452 msgid "Unknown Status" msgstr "Estado descoñecido" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:458 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:469 msgid "" "This account has been disabled because it relies on an old, unsupported " "backend. Please install telepathy-haze and restart your session to migrate " @@ -3285,39 +3346,39 @@ "Esta conta desactivouse porque básease nun «backend» non compatíbel. Instale " "telepathy-haze e reinicie a sesión para migrar esta conta." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:468 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:479 msgid "Offline — Account Disabled" msgstr "Desconectado — Conta desactivada" # rever -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:572 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:585 msgid "Edit Connection Parameters" msgstr "Editar os parámetros da conexión" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:735 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:750 msgid "Failed to retrieve your personal information from the server." msgstr "Produciuse un fallo ao recuperar a súa información persoal do servidor" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:741 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:756 msgid "Go online to edit your personal information." msgstr "Conéctese para editar a súa información persoal" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:826 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:843 msgid "_Edit Connection Parameters..." msgstr "_Editar os parámetros da conexión…" # rever -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1322 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1339 #, c-format msgid "Do you want to remove %s from your computer?" msgstr "Está seguro de que quere eliminar o grupo '%s' do seu computador?" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1326 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1343 msgid "This will not remove your account on the server." msgstr "Isto non eliminará a súa conta no servidor." # rever -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1562 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1579 msgid "" "You are about to select another account, which will discard\n" "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" @@ -3326,24 +3387,24 @@ "Está seguro de que quere proceder?" #. Menu items: to enabled/disable the account -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1738 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1755 msgid "_Enable" msgstr "_Activar" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1739 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1756 msgid "_Disable" msgstr "_Desactivar" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2122 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2184 msgid "_Skip" msgstr "_Omitir" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2126 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2188 msgid "_Connect" msgstr "_Conectar" # rever -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2303 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2365 msgid "" "You are about to close the window, which will discard\n" "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" @@ -3351,11 +3412,6 @@ "Vai cerrar a xanela, e descartaranse os cambios que realizou.\n" "Está seguro de que quere proceder?" -# rever -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:1 -msgid "Add…" -msgstr "Engadir…" - #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:3 msgid "_Import…" msgstr "_Importar…" @@ -3370,8 +3426,8 @@ "To add a new account, you first have to install a backend for each protocol " "you want to use." msgstr "" -"Para engadir unha conta nova primeiro ten que instalar unha infraestrutura " -"para cada protocolo que quere usar." +"Para engadir unha conta nova primeiro ten que instalar unha «backend» para " +"cada protocolo que quere usar." # rever #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:6 @@ -3379,15 +3435,197 @@ msgstr "Non hai «backends» de protocolos instalados" # rever -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:286 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:288 msgid " - Empathy authentication client" msgstr "- Cliente de autenticación Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:302 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:304 msgid "Empathy authentication client" msgstr "Cliente de autenticación Empathy" +# rever +#: ../src/empathy-av.c:118 ../src/empathy-call.c:201 +msgid "- Empathy Audio/Video Client" +msgstr "- Cliente de voz/vídeo Empathy" + +#: ../src/empathy-av.c:134 ../src/empathy-call.c:223 +msgid "Empathy Audio/Video Client" +msgstr "Cliente de voz/vídeo Empathy" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:434 +msgid "Contrast" +msgstr "Contraste" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:437 +msgid "Brightness" +msgstr "Brillo" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:440 +msgid "Gamma" +msgstr "Gamma" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:547 +msgid "Volume" +msgstr "Volume" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1099 +msgid "_Sidebar" +msgstr "Barra _lateral" + +# rever +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1119 +msgid "Audio input" +msgstr "Entrada de voz" + +# rever +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1123 +msgid "Video input" +msgstr "Entrada de vídeo" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1131 +msgid "Dialpad" +msgstr "Teclado de chamada" + +# rever +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1142 +msgid "Details" +msgstr "Detalles" + +#. translators: Call is a noun and %s is the contact name. This string +#. * is used in the window title +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1211 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1889 +#, c-format +msgid "Call with %s" +msgstr "Chamada con %s" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1444 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2133 +msgid "The IP address as seen by the machine" +msgstr "O enderezo IP como é visto polo computador" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1446 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2135 +msgid "The IP address as seen by a server on the Internet" +msgstr "O enderezo IP como é visto por un servidor na Internet" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1448 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2137 +msgid "The IP address of the peer as seen by the other side" +msgstr "O enderezo IP do par como é visto pola outra parte" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1450 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2139 +msgid "The IP address of a relay server" +msgstr "O enderezo IP dun servidor de desvío" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1452 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2141 +msgid "The IP address of the multicast group" +msgstr "O enderezo IP do grupo multicast" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1837 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1840 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1843 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1846 +msgctxt "codec" +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Descoñecido" + +# rever +#. Translators: number of minutes:seconds the caller has been connected +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2138 +#, c-format +msgid "Connected — %d:%02dm" +msgstr "Conectado — %d:%02dm" + +# rever +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2199 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2992 +msgid "Technical Details" +msgstr "Detalles técnicos" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2237 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3031 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"%s's software does not understand any of the audio formats supported by your " +"computer" +msgstr "" +"O software de %s non entende algúns dos formatos de video admitidos polo seu " +"computador" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2242 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3036 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"%s's software does not understand any of the video formats supported by your " +"computer" +msgstr "" +"O software de %s non entende algúns dos formatos de vídeo admitidos polo seu " +"computador" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2248 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3042 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Can't establish a connection to %s. One of you might be on a network that " +"does not allow direct connections." +msgstr "" +"Non é posíbel estabelecer unha conexión a %s. Un deles pode estar nunha rede " +"que non permite conexións directas." + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2254 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3048 +msgid "There was a failure on the network" +msgstr "Produciuse un fallo na rede" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2258 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3052 +msgid "" +"The audio formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" +msgstr "Non ten instalados os formatos de audio necesarios neste computador" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2261 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3055 +msgid "" +"The video formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" +msgstr "Non ten instalados os formatos de vídeo necesarios neste computador" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2271 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3067 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Something unexpected happened in a Telepathy component. Please report this bug and attach logs gathered from the 'Debug' window in " +"the Help menu." +msgstr "" +"Produciuse un fallo non esperado no compoñente Telepathy. Informe de este erro e anexe os rexistros que pode ollar na xanela " +"«Depuración» no menú Axuda." + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2279 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3076 +msgid "There was a failure in the call engine" +msgstr "Produciuse un fallo ao chamar ao motor" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2282 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3079 +msgid "The end of the stream was reached" +msgstr "Chegouse ao final do fluxo" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2322 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3119 +msgid "Can't establish audio stream" +msgstr "Non é posíbel estabelecer un fluxo de audio" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2332 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3129 +msgid "Can't establish video stream" +msgstr "Non é posíbel estabelecer un fluxo de vídeo" + #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:1 msgid "_Call" msgstr "_Chamar" @@ -3401,10 +3639,11 @@ #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:5 msgid "_Settings" -msgstr "_Configuracións" +msgstr "_Preferencias" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:6 #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:8 msgid "_View" msgstr "_Ver" @@ -3416,16 +3655,16 @@ #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:8 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:18 #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:28 msgid "_Contents" -msgstr "_Contidos" +msgstr "_Índice" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:9 #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:29 msgid "_Debug" -msgstr "_Depuración" +msgstr "_Depurar" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:10 msgid "Swap camera" -msgstr "Trocar cámara" +msgstr "Intercambiar cámara" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:11 msgid "Minimise me" @@ -3440,10 +3679,12 @@ msgstr "Desactivar cámara" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:14 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:2 msgid "Hang up" msgstr "Colgar" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:15 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:9 msgid "Hang up current call" msgstr "Colgar chamada actual" @@ -3453,19 +3694,19 @@ #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:17 msgid "Start a video call" -msgstr "Iniciar vídeochamada" +msgstr "Iniciar unha videochamada" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:19 msgid "Start an audio call" -msgstr "Iniciar chamada de son" +msgstr "Iniciar unha chamada de voz" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:20 msgid "Show dialpad" -msgstr "Mostrar marcador" +msgstr "Mostrar teclado de chamada" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:21 msgid "Display the dialpad" -msgstr "Desactivar o marcador" +msgstr "Mostrar o teclado de chamada" # rever #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:22 @@ -3478,38 +3719,46 @@ # rever #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:24 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:11 msgid "Send Audio" -msgstr "Enviar audio" +msgstr "Enviar voz" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:25 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:12 msgid "Toggle audio transmission" msgstr "Activar/desactivar transmisión de audio" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:27 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:20 msgid "Encoding Codec:" msgstr "Códec de codificación:" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:28 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2540 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2541 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2542 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2543 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:28 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:21 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2542 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2543 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2544 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2545 msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Descoñecido" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:29 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:22 msgid "Decoding Codec:" msgstr "Códec de decodificación:" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:30 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:23 msgid "Remote Candidate:" msgstr "Candidato remoto:" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:31 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:24 msgid "Local Candidate:" msgstr "Candidato local:" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:32 ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:24 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:25 msgid "Audio" -msgstr "Auto" +msgstr "Son" # rever #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:289 @@ -3563,8 +3812,8 @@ #, c-format msgid "%s (%d unread)" msgid_plural "%s (%d unread)" -msgstr[0] "%s (%d non lido)" -msgstr[1] "%s (%d non lidos)" +msgstr[0] "%s (%d sen ler)" +msgstr[1] "%s (%d sen ler)" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:652 #, c-format @@ -3577,15 +3826,15 @@ #, c-format msgid "%s (%d unread from others)" msgid_plural "%s (%d unread from others)" -msgstr[0] "%s (%d non lido de outros)" -msgstr[1] "%s (%d non lidos de outros)" +msgstr[0] "%s (%d sen ler de outros)" +msgstr[1] "%s (%d sen ler de outros)" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:677 #, c-format msgid "%s (%d unread from all)" msgid_plural "%s (%d unread from all)" -msgstr[0] "%s (%d non lido de todos)" -msgstr[1] "%s (%d non lidos de todos)" +msgstr[0] "%s (%d sen ler de todos)" +msgstr[1] "%s (%d sen ler de todos)" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:892 msgid "SMS:" @@ -3610,11 +3859,11 @@ #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:2 msgid "C_lear" -msgstr "_Limpo" +msgstr "_Limpar" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:3 msgid "Insert _Smiley" -msgstr "Inse_rir unha emoticona" +msgstr "Inse_rir emoticona" # rever #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:4 @@ -3624,16 +3873,16 @@ # rever #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:5 msgid "Notify for All Messages" -msgstr "Notificar todas as mensaxes" +msgstr "Notificar para todas as mensaxes" # rever #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:6 ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:1 msgid "_Show Contact List" -msgstr "Mo_strar a lista de contactos" +msgstr "Mo_strar lista de contactos" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:7 msgid "Invite _Participant…" -msgstr "Invitar _participante…" +msgstr "Convidar _participante…" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:8 msgid "C_ontact" @@ -3654,19 +3903,19 @@ #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:13 msgid "_Undo Close Tab" -msgstr "_Desfacer o peche da lapela" +msgstr "_Desfacer pechar lapela" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:14 msgid "Move Tab _Left" -msgstr "Mover a lapela á _esquerda" +msgstr "Mover lapela á _esquerda" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:15 msgid "Move Tab _Right" -msgstr "Mover a lapela á _dereita" +msgstr "Mover lapela á _dereita" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:16 msgid "_Detach Tab" -msgstr "Des_prender lapela" +msgstr "_Desacoplar lapela" #: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.c:251 msgid "Name" @@ -3679,113 +3928,114 @@ # rever #: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.c:277 msgid "Auto-Connect" -msgstr "Conectar automaticamente" +msgstr "Autoconectar" # rever #: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:1 msgid "Manage Favorite Rooms" -msgstr "Xestionar as salas preferidas" +msgstr "Xestionar as salas favoritas" # rever -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:511 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 msgid "Incoming video call" msgstr "Chamada de vídeo entrante" # rever -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:511 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1519 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1519 msgid "Incoming call" msgstr "Chamada entrante" # rever -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:515 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:526 #, c-format msgid "%s is video calling you. Do you want to answer?" -msgstr "%s solicítalle unha videochamada. Desexa responderlle?" +msgstr "%s está chamándoo con vídeo. Desexa responderlle?" # rever -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:516 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:527 #, c-format msgid "%s is calling you. Do you want to answer?" -msgstr "%s estao chamando. Quérelle responder?" +msgstr "%s estao chamando. Quere responder?" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:519 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:720 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:530 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "Incoming call from %s" msgstr "Chamada entrante de %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:544 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:555 msgid "_Reject" msgstr "_Rexeitar" # rever -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:552 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:560 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:563 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 msgid "_Answer" msgstr "_Responder" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:560 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 msgid "_Answer with video" msgstr "_Responder con vídeo" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:720 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "Incoming video call from %s" msgstr "Videochamada entrante de %s" # rever -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:778 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:837 msgid "Room invitation" -msgstr "Convite para unha sala" +msgstr "Convite a unha sala" # rever -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:780 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:839 #, c-format msgid "Invitation to join %s" -msgstr "Invitación a unirse a %s" +msgstr "Convite para unirse a %s" # rever -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:787 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:846 #, c-format msgid "%s is inviting you to join %s" -msgstr "%s estao convidando a unirse a %s" +msgstr "%s está convidándoo a unirse a %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:795 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:854 msgid "_Decline" -msgstr "_Declinar" +msgstr "_Rexeitar" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:800 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:859 #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:2 msgid "_Join" msgstr "_Unirse" # rever -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:827 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:886 #, c-format msgid "%s invited you to join %s" msgstr "%s convidouno a unirse a %s" # rever -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:833 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:892 #, c-format msgid "You have been invited to join %s" msgstr "Vostede foi convidado a unirse a %s" # rever -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:884 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:943 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file transfer from %s" msgstr "Transferencia de ficheiro entrante de %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1064 ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:374 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1146 ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:374 msgid "Password required" msgstr "Requírese o contrasinal" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1134 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1216 #, c-format msgid "%s would like permission to see when you are online" msgstr "%s solicita permiso para ver cando vostede está dispoñíbel" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1140 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1222 #, c-format msgid "" "\n" @@ -3866,7 +4116,7 @@ #: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:488 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" received from %s" -msgstr "recibiuse «%s» de %s" +msgstr "«%s» recibido de %s" # rever #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s @@ -3874,7 +4124,7 @@ #: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:493 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" sent to %s" -msgstr "enviado «%s» a %s" +msgstr "«%s» enviado a %s" #: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:496 msgid "File transfer completed" @@ -3888,12 +4138,12 @@ #: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:641 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:679 #, c-format msgid "Checking integrity of \"%s\"" -msgstr "Verificando a integridade de «%s»" +msgstr "Comprobando a integridade de «%s»" #: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:644 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:682 #, c-format msgid "Hashing \"%s\"" -msgstr "Aplicando o hash «%s»" +msgstr "Obtendo o «hash» de «%s»" #: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1025 msgid "%" @@ -4049,11 +4299,11 @@ # rever #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:8 msgid "_Offline Contacts" -msgstr "Mostrar os contactos _desconectados" +msgstr "Contactos _desconectados" #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:9 msgid "Show P_rotocols" -msgstr "Mostrar os p_rotocolos" +msgstr "Mostrar p_rotocolos" #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:10 msgid "Credit Balance" @@ -4061,7 +4311,7 @@ #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:11 msgid "Contacts on a _Map" -msgstr "Contactos no mapa" +msgstr "Contactos no _mapa" #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:13 msgid "_Accounts" @@ -4113,11 +4363,11 @@ # rever #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:25 msgid "Join _Favorites" -msgstr "Unirse a pre_feridos" +msgstr "Unirse a _favoritas" #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:26 msgid "Manage Favorites" -msgstr "Xestionar as preferidas" +msgstr "Xestionar favoritas" # rever #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:369 @@ -4139,8 +4389,8 @@ "Members: %s" msgstr "" "%s\n" -"Convite requirido: %s\n" -"Contrasinal requirido: %s\n" +"Requírese convite: %s\n" +"Requírese contrasinal: %s\n" "Membros: %s" #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:639 @@ -4193,7 +4443,7 @@ # rever #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:9 msgid "Room List" -msgstr "Lista de _salas" +msgstr "Lista de salas" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:166 msgid "Message received" @@ -4244,7 +4494,7 @@ #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview #: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:739 msgid "O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?" -msgstr "Oh, Romeo, Romeo!, ¿onde estás que non te vexo?" +msgstr "Oh, Romeu, Romeu!, ¿onde estás que non te vexo?" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview #: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:743 @@ -4259,7 +4509,7 @@ #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview #: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:749 msgid "And I'll no longer be a Capulet." -msgstr "Y deixarei eu de ser unha Capuleto." +msgstr "E deixarei eu de ser un Capuleto." #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview #: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:752 @@ -4284,7 +4534,7 @@ # rever #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:2 msgid "Show contact _list in rooms" -msgstr "Mostrar a _lista de contactos nas salas" +msgstr "Mostrar _lista de contactos en salas" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:3 msgid "Appearance" @@ -4304,12 +4554,12 @@ #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:7 msgid "Display incoming events in the notification area" -msgstr "Mostrar os eventos de entrada na área de notificación" +msgstr "Mostrar os eventos entrantes na área de notificación" # rever #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:8 msgid "_Automatically connect on startup" -msgstr "_Conectar automaticamente ao iniciar" +msgstr "_Conectar automaticamente ao inicio" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:9 msgid "Log conversations" @@ -4326,27 +4576,27 @@ # rever #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:12 msgid "_Enable bubble notifications" -msgstr "_Activar as burbullas de notificación" +msgstr "_Activar notificacións de burbulla" # rever #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:13 msgid "Disable notifications when _away or busy" -msgstr "Desactivar as notificacións cando se estea _ausente ou ocupado" +msgstr "Desactivar notificacións ao estar _ausente ou ocupado" # rever #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:14 msgid "Enable notifications when the _chat is not focused" -msgstr "Activar as notificacións cando a _conversa non está enfocada" +msgstr "Activar notificacións cando a _conversa non teña o foco" # rever #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:15 msgid "Enable notifications when a contact comes online" -msgstr "Activar as notificacións cando un contacto está conectado" +msgstr "Activar notificacións cando un contacto se conecta" # rever #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:16 msgid "Enable notifications when a contact goes offline" -msgstr "Activar as notificacións cando un contacto está desconectado" +msgstr "Activar notificacións cando un contacto se desconecta" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:17 msgid "Notifications" @@ -4355,7 +4605,7 @@ # rever #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:18 msgid "_Enable sound notifications" -msgstr "_Activar as notificacións de son" +msgstr "_Activar notificacións de son" # rever #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:19 @@ -4397,14 +4647,14 @@ "state and country will be published. GPS coordinates will be accurate to 1 " "decimal place." msgstr "" -"Unha reducida precisión de localización significa que nada máis preciso que " -"a súa cidade, rexión e país serán publicados. As coordenadas GPS serán " +"Unha reducida precisión de localización significa que non se publicará nada " +"máis preciso que a súa cidade, rexión e país. As coordenadas GPS serán " "aproximadas a 1 valor decimal." #. To translators: The longitude and latitude are rounded to closest 0,1 degrees, so for example 146,2345° is rounded to round(146,2345*10)/10 = 146,2 degrees. #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:29 msgid "_Reduce location accuracy" -msgstr "_Reducir a precisión de localización" +msgstr "_Reducir a precisión da localización" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:30 msgid "Privacy" @@ -4421,7 +4671,7 @@ #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:33 msgid "_Network (IP, Wi-Fi)" -msgstr "_Rede (IP, Wifi)" +msgstr "_Rede (IP, Wi-Fi)" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:34 msgid "Location sources:" @@ -4448,7 +4698,7 @@ # rever #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:39 msgid "Chat Th_eme:" -msgstr "T_ema da conversa:" +msgstr "T_ema do chat:" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:40 msgid "Variant:" @@ -4466,124 +4716,175 @@ msgid "_Quit" msgstr "_Saír" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:3 +msgid "Redial" +msgstr "Remarcar" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:4 +msgid "V_ideo" +msgstr "V_ídeo" + +# rever +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:5 +msgid "Video Off" +msgstr "Vídeo desactivado" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:6 +msgid "Video Preview" +msgstr "Previsualizar vídeo" + +# rever +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:7 +msgid "Video On" +msgstr "Vídeo activado" + +# rever +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:10 +msgid "Call the contact again" +msgstr "Chamar ao contacto de novo" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:13 +msgid "Camera Off" +msgstr "Cámara desactivada" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:14 +msgid "Disable camera and stop sending video" +msgstr "Desactivar cámara e deter o envío do vídeo" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:15 +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "Previsualizar" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "Enable camera but don't send video" +msgstr "Activar cámara pero non enviar o vídeo" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:17 +msgid "Camera On" +msgstr "Cámara activada" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:18 +msgid "Enable camera and send video" +msgstr "Activar cámara e enviar o vídeo" + #: ../src/empathy-map-view.c:471 msgid "Contact Map View" msgstr "Vista de mapa de contactos" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1598 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1607 msgid "Save" msgstr "Gardar" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1658 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1667 msgid "Pastebin link" msgstr "Ligazón a pastebin" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1667 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1676 msgid "Pastebin response" msgstr "Resposta de pastebin" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1671 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1680 #, c-format msgid "%s" msgstr "%s" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1674 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1683 msgid "Data too large for a single paste. Please save logs to file." msgstr "" "Datos demasiado longos para un pegado sinxelo. Garde o rexistro nun ficheiro." -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1903 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1912 msgid "Debug Window" msgstr "Depurar xanela" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1961 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1970 msgid "Send to pastebin" msgstr "Enviar a pastebin" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2000 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2009 msgid "Pause" msgstr "Pausa" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2012 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2021 msgid "Level " msgstr "Nivel" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2031 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2040 msgid "Debug" msgstr "Depuración" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2036 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2045 msgid "Info" msgstr "Información" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2041 ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2087 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2050 ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2096 msgid "Message" msgstr "Mensaxe" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2046 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2055 msgid "Warning" msgstr "Aviso" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2051 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2060 msgid "Critical" msgstr "Crítico" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2056 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2065 msgid "Error" msgstr "Erro" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2075 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2084 msgid "Time" -msgstr "Tempo" +msgstr "Hora" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2078 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2087 msgid "Domain" msgstr "Dominio" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2080 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2089 msgid "Category" msgstr "Categoría" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2082 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2091 msgid "Level" msgstr "Nivel" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2105 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2114 msgid "" "The selected connection manager does not support the remote debugging " "extension." msgstr "" -"O xestor de conexión seleccionado non é compatíbel coa extensión de " +"O xestor de conexións seleccionado non é compatíbel coa extensión de " "depuración remota." -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:200 -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:228 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:202 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:230 msgid "Invite Participant" -msgstr "Invitar participante" +msgstr "Convidar participante" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:201 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:203 msgid "Choose a contact to invite into the conversation:" -msgstr "Seleccione o contacto que quere invitar á conversa:" +msgstr "Seleccione un contacto para convidalo á conversa:" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:224 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:226 msgid "Invite" -msgstr "Invitar" +msgstr "Convidar" #: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:180 msgid "Don't display any dialogs; do any work (eg, importing) and exit" -msgstr "Non mostra ningún diálogo, fai algún traballo (p.ex. importar) e sae" +msgstr "" +"Non mostra ningún diálogo, realizar calquera traballo (p.ex. importar) e sair" #: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:184 msgid "" "Don't display any dialogs unless there are only \"People Nearby\" accounts" msgstr "" -"Non mostrar ningún diálogo a non ser que só existan contas «Persoas próximas»" +"Non mostrar ningún diálogo a non ser que só existan contas «Xente cerca»" #: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:188 msgid "Initially select given account (eg, gabble/jabber/foo_40example_2eorg0)" msgstr "" -"Conta fornecida seleccionada inicialmente (p.ex. gabble/jabber/" -"foo_40exemplo_2eorg0)" +"Conta fornecida inicialmente seleccionada (p.ex. gabble/jabber/exemplo)" #: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:190 msgid "" @@ -4616,40 +4917,40 @@ msgid "- Empathy Chat Client" msgstr "- Cliente de conversa Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:187 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:189 msgid "Respond" msgstr "Responder" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:196 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:203 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1529 msgid "Reject" msgstr "Rexeitar" # rever -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:201 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:206 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:208 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1530 msgid "Answer" msgstr "Responder" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:206 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 msgid "Answer with video" msgstr "Responder con vídeo" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:214 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:224 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:221 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:231 msgid "Decline" -msgstr "Declinar" +msgstr "Rexeitar" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:218 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:229 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:225 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:236 msgid "Accept" msgstr "Aceptar" #. translators: the 'Provide' button is displayed in a notification #. * bubble when Empathy is asking for an account password; clicking on it #. * brings the password popup. -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:239 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:246 msgid "Provide" msgstr "Fornecer" @@ -4660,158 +4961,49 @@ #. Translators: this is an "Info" label. It should be as short #. * as possible. -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1136 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1159 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1140 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1162 msgid "i" -msgstr "i" - -#. translators: Call is a noun and %s is the contact name. This string -#. * is used in the window title -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1889 -#, c-format -msgid "Call with %s" -msgstr "Chamar con %s" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2133 -msgid "The IP address as seen by the machine" -msgstr "O enderezo IP como é visto polo computador" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2135 -msgid "The IP address as seen by a server on the Internet" -msgstr "O enderezo IP como é visto por un servidor na Internet" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2137 -msgid "The IP address of the peer as seen by the other side" -msgstr "O enderezo IP do par como é visto pola outra parte" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2139 -msgid "The IP address of a relay server" -msgstr "O enderezo IP dun servidor de desvío" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2141 -msgid "The IP address of the multicast group" -msgstr "O enderezo IP do grupo multicast" +msgstr "Información" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2886 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2888 msgid "On hold" msgstr "En espera" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2889 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2891 msgid "Mute" msgstr "Silenciar" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2891 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2893 msgid "Duration" msgstr "Duración" # rever #. Translators: 'status - minutes:seconds' the caller has been connected -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2894 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2896 #, c-format msgid "%s — %d:%02dm" msgstr "%s — %d:%02dm" -# rever -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2990 -msgid "Technical Details" -msgstr "Detalles técnicos" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3029 -#, c-format -msgid "" -"%s's software does not understand any of the audio formats supported by your " -"computer" -msgstr "" -"O software de %s non entende algúns dos formatos de video admitidos polo seu " -"computador" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3034 -#, c-format -msgid "" -"%s's software does not understand any of the video formats supported by your " -"computer" -msgstr "" -"O software de %s non entende algúns dos formatos de vídeo admitidos polo seu " -"computador" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3040 -#, c-format -msgid "" -"Can't establish a connection to %s. One of you might be on a network that " -"does not allow direct connections." -msgstr "" -"Non é posíbel estabelecer unha conexión a %s. Un deles pode estar nunha rede " -"que non permite conexións directas." - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3046 -msgid "There was a failure on the network" -msgstr "Produciuse un fallo na rede" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3050 -msgid "" -"The audio formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" -msgstr "Non ten instalados os formatos de audio necesarios neste computador" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3053 -msgid "" -"The video formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" -msgstr "Non ten instalados os formatos de vídeo necesarios neste computador" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3065 -#, c-format -msgid "" -"Something unexpected happened in a Telepathy component. Please report this bug and attach logs gathered from the 'Debug' window in " -"the Help menu." -msgstr "" -"Produciuse un fallo non esperado no compoñente Telepathy. Informe de este erro e anexe os rexistros que pode ollar na " -"xanela «Depurar» no menú Axuda." - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3074 -msgid "There was a failure in the call engine" -msgstr "Produciuse un fallo ao chamar ao motor" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3077 -msgid "The end of the stream was reached" -msgstr "Chegouse ao final do fluxo" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3117 -msgid "Can't establish audio stream" -msgstr "Non é posíbel estabelecer un fluxo de audio" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3127 -msgid "Can't establish video stream" -msgstr "Non é posíbel estabelecer un fluxo de vídeo" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3164 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3166 #, c-format msgid "Your current balance is %s." -msgstr "O seu balance actual é %s." +msgstr "O seu crédito actual é %s." -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3168 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3170 msgid "Sorry, you don’t have enough credit for that call." msgstr "Non ten crédito dabondo para facer esta chamada." -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3170 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3172 msgid "Top Up" msgstr "Recargar" -# rever -#: ../src/empathy-call.c:201 -msgid "- Empathy Audio/Video Client" -msgstr "- Cliente de son/vídeo Empathy" - -#: ../src/empathy-call.c:223 -msgid "Empathy Audio/Video Client" -msgstr "Cliente de son/vídeo Empathy" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.c:243 msgid "_Match case" msgstr "_Coincidir con capitalización" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-account-dialog.c:144 msgid "What kind of chat account do you have?" -msgstr "Que clase de conta de chat ten?" +msgstr "Que tipo de conta ten?" # rever #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-account-dialog.c:166 @@ -4821,7 +5013,7 @@ # rever #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:77 msgid "People nearby" -msgstr "Persoas próximas" +msgstr "Xente cerca" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:150 msgid "" @@ -4838,86 +5030,9 @@ "You can change these details later or disable this feature by choosing Edit → Accounts in the Contact List." msgstr "" -"Vostede pode cambiar de forma sinxela eses detalles máis tarde ou desactivar " -"esta característica usando o diálogo Editar → Contas desde a Lista de contactos." - -#~ msgid "Contrast" -#~ msgstr "Contraste" - -#~ msgid "Brightness" -#~ msgstr "Brillo" - -#~ msgid "Gamma" -#~ msgstr "Gamma" - -#~ msgid "Volume" -#~ msgstr "Volume" - -#~ msgid "_Sidebar" -#~ msgstr "Barra _lateral" - -# rever -#~ msgid "Audio input" -#~ msgstr "Entrada de audio" - -# rever -#~ msgid "Video input" -#~ msgstr "Entrada de vídeo" - -#~ msgid "Dialpad" -#~ msgstr "Marcador" - -# rever -#~ msgid "Details" -#~ msgstr "Detalles do contacto" - -#~ msgctxt "codec" -#~ msgid "Unknown" -#~ msgstr "Descoñecido" - -# rever -#~ msgid "Connected — %d:%02dm" -#~ msgstr "Conectado — %d:%02dm" - -#~ msgid "Redial" -#~ msgstr "Remarcación" - -#~ msgid "V_ideo" -#~ msgstr "V_ídeo" - -# rever -#~ msgid "Video Off" -#~ msgstr "Vídeo desactivado" - -#~ msgid "Video Preview" -#~ msgstr "Previsualizar o vídeo" - -# rever -#~ msgid "Video On" -#~ msgstr "Vídeo activado" - -# rever -#~ msgid "Call the contact again" -#~ msgstr "Chamar ao contacto de novo" - -#~ msgid "Camera Off" -#~ msgstr "Cámara desactivada" - -#~ msgid "Disable camera and stop sending video" -#~ msgstr "Desactivar cámara e deter o envío do vídeo" - -#~ msgid "Preview" -#~ msgstr "Previsualizar" - -#~ msgid "Enable camera but don't send video" -#~ msgstr "Activar cámara pero non enviar o vídeo" - -#~ msgid "Camera On" -#~ msgstr "Cámara activada" - -#~ msgid "Enable camera and send video" -#~ msgstr "Activar cámara e enviar o vídeo" +"Pode cambiar de forma sinxela eses detalles máis tarde ou desactivar esta " +"característica usando o diálogo Editar → Contas na Lista de contactos." # rever #~ msgid "There was an error while importing the accounts." @@ -5037,10 +5152,6 @@ #~ msgstr "Mostrar o asistente de contas" # rever -#~ msgid "Linked Contacts" -#~ msgstr "Contactos ligados" - -# rever #~ msgid "Select contacts to link" #~ msgstr "Seleccione os contactos a ligar" diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/po/hu.po empathy-3.3.92/po/hu.po --- empathy-3.3.91/po/hu.po 2012-02-17 14:00:26.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/po/hu.po 2012-03-19 09:12:31.000000000 +0000 @@ -7,502 +7,574 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: empathy master\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-14 20:14+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-09 12:41+0100\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug." +"cgi?product=empathy&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=General\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-16 10:47+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-16 15:46+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Gabor Kelemen \n" -"Language-Team: Hungarian \n" -"Language: \n" +"Language-Team: Magyar \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n" +"Language: \n" +"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.0\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:1 -msgid "Chat on Google Talk, Facebook, MSN and many other chat services" -msgstr "Csevegés Google Talk, Facebook, MSN és sok más szolgáltatáson" - -#: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:2 msgid "Empathy" msgstr "Empathy" +#: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:2 +msgid "IM Client" +msgstr "Üzenetküldő-kliens" + #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:3 msgid "Empathy Internet Messaging" msgstr "Empathy üzenetküldő" #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:4 -msgid "IM Client" -msgstr "Üzenetküldő-kliens" +msgid "Chat on Google Talk, Facebook, MSN and many other chat services" +msgstr "Csevegés Google Talk, Facebook, MSN és sok más szolgáltatáson" + +#. Tweak the dialog +#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2512 +msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts" +msgstr "Üzenetküldő- és VoIP-fiókok" + +#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:2 +msgid "Manage Messaging and VoIP accounts" +msgstr "Üzenetküldő- és VoIP-fiókok kezelése" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:1 -msgid "Always open a separate chat window for new chats." -msgstr "Mindig külön ablakot nyisson az új csevegéseknek." +msgid "Connection managers should be used" +msgstr "Használandó kapcsolatkezelők" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:2 -msgid "Call volume" -msgstr "Hívás hangereje" +msgid "" +"Whether connectivity managers should be used to automatically disconnect/" +"reconnect." +msgstr "" +"Használandók-e kapcsolatkezelők az automatikus bontáshoz/újracsatlakozáshoz." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:3 -msgid "Call volume, as a percentage." -msgstr "Hívás hangereje százalékban." +msgid "Empathy should auto-connect on startup" +msgstr "Az Empathy automatikusan csatlakozzon-e induláskor?" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:4 -msgid "Camera device" -msgstr "Kameraeszköz" +msgid "Whether Empathy should automatically log into your accounts on startup." +msgstr "Az Empathy automatikusan bejelentkezzen-e a fiókjaiba induláskor." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:5 -msgid "Camera position" -msgstr "Kamerapozíció" +msgid "Empathy should auto-away when idle" +msgstr "Az Empathy automatikusan távol módba váltson-e üresjáratban?" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:6 msgid "" -"Character to add after nickname when using nick completion (tab) in group " -"chat." +"Whether Empathy should go into away mode automatically if the user is idle." msgstr "" -"Becenévhez fűzendő karakter becenév-kiegészítés (tab) használatakor " -"csoportos csevegésben." +"Az Empathy automatikusan távol módba váltson-e, ha a felhasználó tétlen." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:7 -msgid "Chat window theme" -msgstr "Csevegőablak témája" +msgid "Empathy default download folder" +msgstr "Az Empathy alapértelmezett letöltési mappája" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:8 -msgid "Chat window theme variant" -msgstr "Csevegőablak témájának változata" +msgid "The default folder to save file transfers in." +msgstr "Alapértelmezett mappa átvitt fájlok mentéséhez." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:9 -msgid "Comma-separated list of spell checker languages to use (e.g. \"en, fr, nl\")." +msgid "Magic number used to check if sanity cleaning tasks should be run" msgstr "" -"A helyesírás-ellenőrző által használandó nyelvek vesszővel elválasztott " -"listája (például: „en, fr, hu”)." +"A karbantartási feladatok futtatásának szükségességének ellenőrzéséhez " +"használt bűvös szám" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:10 -msgid "Compact contact list" -msgstr "Tömör partnerlista" +msgid "" +"empathy-sanity-cleaning.c uses this number to check if the cleaning tasks " +"should be executed or not. Users should not change this key manually." +msgstr "" +"A karbantartási feladatok végrehajtandók-e. Felhasználók ezt a kulcsot " +"inkább ne módosítsák." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:11 -msgid "Connection managers should be used" -msgstr "Használandó kapcsolatkezelők" +msgid "Show offline contacts" +msgstr "Kilépett partnerek megjelenítése" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:12 -msgid "Contact list sort criterion" -msgstr "Partnerlista rendezési feltétele" +msgid "Whether to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." +msgstr "Kilépett partnerek megjelenítése a partnerlistában." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:13 -msgid "Default camera device to use in video calls, e.g. /dev/video0." -msgstr "" -"A videohívásokban használandó alapértelmezett kameraeszköz, például /dev/" -"video0." +msgid "Show avatars" +msgstr "Avatarok megjelenítése" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:14 -msgid "Default directory to select an avatar image from" -msgstr "Alapértelmezett könyvtár avatar kép kiválasztásához" +msgid "" +"Whether to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat windows." +msgstr "" +"Megjelenjenek-e az avatarok a partnerekhez a partnerlistában és " +"csevegőablakokban." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:15 -msgid "Disable popup notifications when away" -msgstr "Felugró értesítések tiltása ha nincs itt" +msgid "Show protocols" +msgstr "Protokollok megjelenítése" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:16 -msgid "Disable sounds when away" -msgstr "Hangok tiltása ha nincs itt" +msgid "Whether to show protocols for contacts in the contact list." +msgstr "" +"Megjelenjenek-e az avatarok a partnerekhez a partnerlistában és " +"csevegőablakokban." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:17 -msgid "Display incoming events in the status area" -msgstr "Bejövő események megjelenítése az állapotterületen" +msgid "Show Balance in contact list" +msgstr "Egyenleg megjelenítése a partnerlistában" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:18 -msgid "" -"Display incoming events in the status area. If false, present them to the " -"user immediately." -msgstr "" -"Bejövő események megjelenítése az állapotterületen. Ha hamis, akkor azonnal " -"megjeleníti ezeket a felhasználónak." +msgid "Whether to show account balances in the contact list." +msgstr "Megjelenjenek-e a fiókegyenlegek a partnerlistában." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:19 -msgid "Echo cancellation support" -msgstr "Visszhang-csillapítás támogatása" +msgid "Compact contact list" +msgstr "Tömör partnerlista" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:20 -msgid "Empathy can publish the user's location" -msgstr "Az Empathy közzéteheti a felhasználó helyét" +msgid "Whether to show the contact list in compact mode." +msgstr "Megjelenjen-e a partnerlista tömör módban." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:21 -msgid "Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location" -msgstr "Az Empathy használhatja a GPS-t a hely meghatározására" +msgid "Hide main window" +msgstr "Főablak elrejtése" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:22 -msgid "Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location" -msgstr "Az Empathy használhatja mobilhálózatot a hely meghatározására" +msgid "Hide the main window." +msgstr "A főablak elrejtése." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:23 -msgid "Empathy can use the network to guess the location" -msgstr "Az Empathy használhatja a hálózatot a hely meghatározására" +msgid "Default directory to select an avatar image from" +msgstr "Alapértelmezett könyvtár avatar kép kiválasztásához" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:24 -msgid "Empathy default download folder" -msgstr "Az Empathy alapértelmezett letöltési mappája" +msgid "The last directory that an avatar image was chosen from." +msgstr "Az utolsó könyvtár, amelyből egy avatar kép kiválasztásra került." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:25 -msgid "Empathy has migrated butterfly logs" -msgstr "Az Empathy átköltöztette az MSN-naplókat" +msgid "Open new chats in separate windows" +msgstr "Új csevegések megnyitása külön ablakokban" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:26 -msgid "Empathy should auto-away when idle" -msgstr "Az Empathy automatikusan távol módba váltson-e üresjáratban?" +msgid "Always open a separate chat window for new chats." +msgstr "Mindig külön ablakot nyisson az új csevegéseknek." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:27 -msgid "Empathy should auto-connect on startup" -msgstr "Az Empathy automatikusan csatlakozzon-e induláskor?" +msgid "Display incoming events in the status area" +msgstr "Bejövő események megjelenítése az állapotterületen" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:28 -msgid "Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy" -msgstr "Az Empathy csökkentse-e a hely pontosságát?" +msgid "" +"Display incoming events in the status area. If false, present them to the " +"user immediately." +msgstr "" +"Bejövő események megjelenítése az állapotterületen. Ha hamis, akkor azonnal " +"megjeleníti ezeket a felhasználónak." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:29 -msgid "Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon" -msgstr "Az Empathy a partner avatarját használja-e a csevegésablak ikonjaként" +msgid "The position for the chat window side pane" +msgstr "A csevegőablak oldalsávjának pozíciója" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:30 -msgid "Enable WebKit Developer Tools" -msgstr "WebKit fejlesztőeszközök engedélyezése" +msgid "The stored position (in pixels) of the chat window side pane." +msgstr "A csevegőablak oldalsávjának tárolt pozíciója képpontban." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:31 -msgid "Enable popup notifications for new messages" -msgstr "Felugró értesítések engedélyezése új üzenetekre" +msgid "Show contact groups" +msgstr "Partnercsoportok megjelenítése" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:32 -msgid "Enable spell checker" -msgstr "Helyesírás-ellenőrző engedélyezése" +msgid "Whether to show groups in the contact list." +msgstr "Megjelenjenek-e a csoportok a partnerlistában." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:33 -msgid "Hide main window" -msgstr "Főablak elrejtése" +msgid "Contact list sort criterion" +msgstr "Partnerlista rendezési feltétele" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:34 -msgid "Hide the main window." -msgstr "A főablak elrejtése." +msgid "" +"Which criterion to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to sort by " +"the contact's state with the value \"state\". A value of \"name\" will sort " +"the contact list by name." +msgstr "" +"A partnerlista rendezéséhez használandó feltétel A lehetséges értékek: " +"„name” (név szerint) és „state” (állapot szerint, ez az alapértelmezett)." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:35 -msgid "Nick completed character" -msgstr "Kiegészített becenevet jelző karakter" +msgid "Use notification sounds" +msgstr "Értesítő hangok használata" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:36 -msgid "Open new chats in separate windows" -msgstr "Új csevegések megnyitása külön ablakokban" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of events." +msgstr "Lejátsszon-e hangot az eseményekre figyelmeztetésként." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:37 -msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use" -msgstr "A használandó Adium téma útvonala" +msgid "Disable sounds when away" +msgstr "Hangok tiltása ha nincs itt" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:38 -msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use if the theme used for chat is Adium." -msgstr "A használandó Adium téma útvonala, ha a csevegéshez használ téma Adium." +msgid "Whether to play sound notifications when away or busy." +msgstr "Lejátsszon-e hangos értesítéseket, ha Ön távol van vagy elfoglalt." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:39 msgid "Play a sound for incoming messages" msgstr "Hang lejátszása érkező üzenetekhez" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:40 -msgid "Play a sound for new conversations" -msgstr "Hang lejátszása új társalgásokhoz" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of incoming messages." +msgstr "Lejátsszon-e hangot bejövő üzenetekre figyelmeztetésként." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:41 msgid "Play a sound for outgoing messages" msgstr "Hang lejátszása kimenő üzenetekhez" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:42 -msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs in" -msgstr "Hang lejátszása partner bejelentkezésekor" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of outgoing messages." +msgstr "Lejátsszon-e hangot kimenő üzenetekre figyelmeztetésként." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:43 -msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs out" -msgstr "Hang lejátszása partner kijelentkezésekor" +msgid "Play a sound for new conversations" +msgstr "Hang lejátszása új társalgásokhoz" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:44 -msgid "Play a sound when we log in" -msgstr "Hang lejátszása bejelentkezéskor" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of new conversations." +msgstr "Lejátsszon-e hangot új társalgásokra figyelmeztetésként." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:45 -msgid "Play a sound when we log out" -msgstr "Hang lejátszása kijelentkezéskor" +msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs in" +msgstr "Hang lejátszása partner bejelentkezésekor" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:46 -msgid "Pop up notifications if the chat isn't focused" -msgstr "Felugró értesítések megjelenítése, ha a csevegés nincs fókuszban" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging into the network." +msgstr "" +"Lejátsszon-e hangos értesítéseket, ha a partnerek bejelentkeznek a hálózatra." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:47 -msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs in" -msgstr "Felugró értesítések megjelenítése, ha egy partner bejelentkezik" +msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs out" +msgstr "Hang lejátszása partner kijelentkezésekor" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:48 -msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs out" -msgstr "Felugró értesítések megjelenítése, ha egy partner kijelentkezik" +msgid "" +"Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging out of the network." +msgstr "" +"Lejátsszon-e hangos értesítéseket, ha a partnerek kijelentkeznek a " +"hálózatból?" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:49 -msgid "Position the camera preview should be during a call." -msgstr "A kamera-előnézet helye a hívás során." +msgid "Play a sound when we log in" +msgstr "Hang lejátszása bejelentkezéskor" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:50 -msgid "Show Balance in contact list" -msgstr "Egyenleg megjelenítése a partnerlistában" +msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging into a network." +msgstr "Lejátsszon-e hangot a hálózatba bejelentkezéskor." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:51 -msgid "Show avatars" -msgstr "Avatarok megjelenítése" +msgid "Play a sound when we log out" +msgstr "Hang lejátszása kijelentkezéskor" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:52 -msgid "Show contact list in rooms" -msgstr "Partnerlista megjelenítése szobákban" +msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging out of a network." +msgstr "Lejátsszon-e hangot a hálózatból kijelentkezéskor." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:53 -msgid "Show hint about closing the main window" -msgstr "Tanács megjelenítése a főablak bezárásakor" +msgid "Enable popup notifications for new messages" +msgstr "Felugró értesítések engedélyezése új üzenetekre" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:54 -msgid "Show offline contacts" -msgstr "Kilépett partnerek megjelenítése" +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message." +msgstr "Megjelenjenek-e felugró értesítések új üzenet érkezésekor." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:55 -msgid "Show protocols" -msgstr "Protokollok megjelenítése" +msgid "Disable popup notifications when away" +msgstr "Felugró értesítések tiltása ha nincs itt" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:56 -msgid "Spell checking languages" -msgstr "Helyesírás-ellenőrző nyelvei" +msgid "Whether to show popup notifications when away or busy." +msgstr "Megjelenjenek-e felugró értesítések, ha Ön távol van vagy elfoglalt." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:57 -msgid "The default folder to save file transfers in." -msgstr "Alapértelmezett mappa átvitt fájlok mentéséhez." +msgid "Pop up notifications if the chat isn't focused" +msgstr "Felugró értesítések megjelenítése, ha a csevegés nincs fókuszban" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:58 -msgid "The last directory that an avatar image was chosen from." -msgstr "Az utolsó könyvtár, amelyből egy avatar kép kiválasztásra került." +msgid "" +"Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message even if " +"the chat is already opened, but not focused." +msgstr "" +"Megjelenjenek-e felugró értesítések új üzenet érkezésekor akkor is, ha a " +"csevegés meg van nyitva, de nincs fókuszban." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:59 -msgid "The position for the chat window side pane" -msgstr "A csevegőablak oldalsávjának pozíciója" +msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs in" +msgstr "Felugró értesítések megjelenítése, ha egy partner bejelentkezik" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:60 -msgid "The stored position (in pixels) of the chat window side pane." -msgstr "A csevegőablak oldalsávjának tárolt pozíciója képpontban." +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes online." +msgstr "" +"Megjelenjenek-e felugró értesítések, ha egy partner elérhető állapotúvá " +"válik." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:61 -msgid "The theme that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." -msgstr "A társalgás megjelenítésére használt téma a csevegőablakokban." +msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs out" +msgstr "Felugró értesítések megjelenítése, ha egy partner kijelentkezik" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:62 -msgid "The theme variant that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." -msgstr "A társalgás megjelenítésére használt témaváltozat a csevegőablakokban." +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes offline." +msgstr "" +"Megjelenjenek-e felugró értesítések, ha egy partner távol állapotúvá válik." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:63 msgid "Use graphical smileys" msgstr "Grafikus hangulatjelek használata" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:64 -msgid "Use notification sounds" -msgstr "Értesítő hangok használata" +msgid "Whether to convert smileys into graphical images in conversations." +msgstr "Hangulatjelek képekké alakítása társalgások közben." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:65 -msgid "Use theme for chat rooms" -msgstr "Téma használata a csevegőszobákhoz" +msgid "Show contact list in rooms" +msgstr "Partnerlista megjelenítése szobákban" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:66 -msgid "Whether Empathy can publish the user's location to their contacts." -msgstr "Az Empathy közzéteheti-e a felhasználó helyét a partnereinek." +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:66 +msgid "Whether to show the contact list in chat rooms." +msgstr "Megjelenjen-e a partnerlista csevegőszobákban." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:67 -msgid "Whether Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location." -msgstr "Az Empathy használhatja-e a GPS-t a hely meghatározására." +msgid "Chat window theme" +msgstr "Csevegőablak témája" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:68 -msgid "Whether Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location." -msgstr "Az Empathy használhatja-e a mobilhálózatot a hely meghatározására." +msgid "The theme that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." +msgstr "A társalgás megjelenítésére használt téma a csevegőablakokban." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:69 -msgid "Whether Empathy can use the network to guess the location." -msgstr "Az Empathy használhatja-e a hálózatot a hely meghatározására." +msgid "Chat window theme variant" +msgstr "Csevegőablak témájának változata" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:70 -msgid "Whether Empathy has migrated butterfly logs." -msgstr "Az Empathy átköltöztette-e az MSN naplókat." +msgid "" +"The theme variant that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." +msgstr "A társalgás megjelenítésére használt témaváltozat a csevegőablakokban." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:71 -msgid "Whether Empathy should automatically log into your accounts on startup." -msgstr "Az Empathy automatikusan bejelentkezzen-e a fiókjaiba induláskor." +msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use" +msgstr "A használandó Adium téma útvonala" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:72 -msgid "Whether Empathy should go into away mode automatically if the user is idle." -msgstr "Az Empathy automatikusan távol módba váltson-e, ha a felhasználó tétlen." +msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use if the theme used for chat is Adium." +msgstr "" +"A használandó Adium téma útvonala, ha a csevegéshez használ téma Adium." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:73 -msgid "Whether Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy for privacy reasons." -msgstr "Az Empathy csökkentse-e adatvédelmi okokból a hely pontosságát." +msgid "Enable WebKit Developer Tools" +msgstr "WebKit fejlesztőeszközök engedélyezése" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:74 -msgid "Whether Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon." -msgstr "Az Empathy a partner avatarját használja-e a csevegésablak ikonjaként." +msgid "" +"Whether WebKit developer tools, such as the Web Inspector, should be enabled." +msgstr "" +"A WebKit fejlesztői eszközök, például a Web Inspector engedélyezve legyen-e." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:75 -msgid "Whether WebKit developer tools, such as the Web Inspector, should be enabled." -msgstr "A WebKit fejlesztői eszközök, például a Web Inspector engedélyezve legyen-e." +msgid "Inform other users when you are typing to them" +msgstr "Felhasználók értesítése arról, hogy gépel nekik" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:76 msgid "" -"Whether connectivity managers should be used to automatically disconnect/" -"reconnect." -msgstr "Használandók-e kapcsolatkezelők az automatikus bontáshoz/újracsatlakozáshoz." +"Whether to send the 'composing' or 'paused' chat states. Does not currently " +"affect the 'gone' state." +msgstr "" +"A „gépelés” vagy „szünet” csevegésállapotok küldése. Jelenleg nem " +"befolyásolja a „távol” állapotot." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:77 -msgid "Whether to check words typed against the languages you want to check with." -msgstr "Ellenőrzendők-e a beírt szavak az ellenőrizni kívánt nyelveken." +msgid "Use theme for chat rooms" +msgstr "Téma használata a csevegőszobákhoz" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:78 -msgid "Whether to convert smileys into graphical images in conversations." -msgstr "Hangulatjelek képekké alakítása társalgások közben." +msgid "Whether to use the theme for chat rooms." +msgstr "Használandó-e téma a csevegőszobákhoz." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:79 -msgid "Whether to enable Pulseaudio's echo cancellation filter." -msgstr "Engedélyezendő-e a Pulseaudio visszhang-csillapítási szűrője." +msgid "Spell checking languages" +msgstr "Helyesírás-ellenőrző nyelvei" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:80 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging into the network." -msgstr "Lejátsszon-e hangos értesítéseket, ha a partnerek bejelentkeznek a hálózatra." +msgid "" +"Comma-separated list of spell checker languages to use (e.g. \"en, fr, nl\")." +msgstr "" +"A helyesírás-ellenőrző által használandó nyelvek vesszővel elválasztott " +"listája (például: „en, fr, hu”)." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:81 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging out of the network." -msgstr "" -"Lejátsszon-e hangos értesítéseket, ha a partnerek kijelentkeznek a " -"hálózatból?" +msgid "Enable spell checker" +msgstr "Helyesírás-ellenőrző engedélyezése" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:82 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of events." -msgstr "Lejátsszon-e hangot az eseményekre figyelmeztetésként." +msgid "" +"Whether to check words typed against the languages you want to check with." +msgstr "Ellenőrzendők-e a beírt szavak az ellenőrizni kívánt nyelveken." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:83 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of incoming messages." -msgstr "Lejátsszon-e hangot bejövő üzenetekre figyelmeztetésként." +msgid "Nick completed character" +msgstr "Kiegészített becenevet jelző karakter" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:84 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of new conversations." -msgstr "Lejátsszon-e hangot új társalgásokra figyelmeztetésként." +msgid "" +"Character to add after nickname when using nick completion (tab) in group " +"chat." +msgstr "" +"Becenévhez fűzendő karakter becenév-kiegészítés (tab) használatakor " +"csoportos csevegésben." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:85 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of outgoing messages." -msgstr "Lejátsszon-e hangot kimenő üzenetekre figyelmeztetésként." +msgid "Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon" +msgstr "Az Empathy a partner avatarját használja-e a csevegésablak ikonjaként" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:86 -msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging into a network." -msgstr "Lejátsszon-e hangot a hálózatba bejelentkezéskor." +msgid "" +"Whether Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon." +msgstr "Az Empathy a partner avatarját használja-e a csevegésablak ikonjaként." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:87 -msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging out of a network." -msgstr "Lejátsszon-e hangot a hálózatból kijelentkezéskor." +msgid "Last account selected in Join Room dialog" +msgstr "A csatlakozás szobához ablakban utoljára kiválasztott fiók" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:88 -msgid "Whether to play sound notifications when away or busy." -msgstr "Lejátsszon-e hangos értesítéseket, ha Ön távol van vagy elfoglalt." +msgid "D-Bus object path of the last account selected to join a room." +msgstr "" +"A szobához csatlakozáshoz utoljára kiválasztott fiók D-Bus objektumútvonala." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:89 -msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes offline." -msgstr "Megjelenjenek-e felugró értesítések, ha egy partner távol állapotúvá válik." +msgid "Camera device" +msgstr "Kameraeszköz" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:90 -msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes online." +msgid "Default camera device to use in video calls, e.g. /dev/video0." msgstr "" -"Megjelenjenek-e felugró értesítések, ha egy partner elérhető állapotúvá " -"válik." +"A videohívásokban használandó alapértelmezett kameraeszköz, például /dev/" +"video0." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:91 -msgid "" -"Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message even if " -"the chat is already opened, but not focused." -msgstr "" -"Megjelenjenek-e felugró értesítések új üzenet érkezésekor akkor is, ha a " -"csevegés meg van nyitva, de nincs fókuszban." +msgid "Camera position" +msgstr "Kamerapozíció" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:92 -msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message." -msgstr "Megjelenjenek-e felugró értesítések új üzenet érkezésekor." +msgid "Position the camera preview should be during a call." +msgstr "A kamera-előnézet helye a hívás során." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:93 -msgid "Whether to show account balances in the contact list." -msgstr "Megjelenjenek-e a fiókegyenlegek a partnerlistában." +msgid "Echo cancellation support" +msgstr "Visszhang-csillapítás támogatása" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:94 -msgid "Whether to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat windows." -msgstr "" -"Megjelenjenek-e az avatarok a partnerekhez a partnerlistában és " -"csevegőablakokban." +msgid "Whether to enable Pulseaudio's echo cancellation filter." +msgstr "Engedélyezendő-e a Pulseaudio visszhang-csillapítási szűrője." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:95 -msgid "Whether to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." -msgstr "Kilépett partnerek megjelenítése a partnerlistában." +msgid "Show hint about closing the main window" +msgstr "Tanács megjelenítése a főablak bezárásakor" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:96 -msgid "Whether to show popup notifications when away or busy." -msgstr "Megjelenjenek-e felugró értesítések, ha Ön távol van vagy elfoglalt." +msgid "" +"Whether to show the message dialog about closing the main window with the " +"'x' button in the title bar." +msgstr "" +"Megjelenjen-e párbeszédablak a főablak bezárásakor a címsor X gombjával." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:97 -msgid "Whether to show protocols for contacts in the contact list." -msgstr "" -"Megjelenjenek-e az avatarok a partnerekhez a partnerlistában és " -"csevegőablakokban." +msgid "Empathy can publish the user's location" +msgstr "Az Empathy közzéteheti a felhasználó helyét" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:98 -msgid "Whether to show the contact list in chat rooms." -msgstr "Megjelenjen-e a partnerlista csevegőszobákban." +msgid "Whether Empathy can publish the user's location to their contacts." +msgstr "Az Empathy közzéteheti-e a felhasználó helyét a partnereinek." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:99 -msgid "Whether to show the contact list in compact mode." -msgstr "Megjelenjen-e a partnerlista tömör módban." +msgid "Empathy can use the network to guess the location" +msgstr "Az Empathy használhatja a hálózatot a hely meghatározására" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:100 -msgid "" -"Whether to show the message dialog about closing the main window with the " -"'x' button in the title bar." -msgstr "Megjelenjen-e párbeszédablak a főablak bezárásakor a címsor X gombjával." +msgid "Whether Empathy can use the network to guess the location." +msgstr "Az Empathy használhatja-e a hálózatot a hely meghatározására." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:101 -msgid "Whether to use the theme for chat rooms." -msgstr "Használandó-e téma a csevegőszobákhoz." +msgid "Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location" +msgstr "Az Empathy használhatja mobilhálózatot a hely meghatározására" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:102 +msgid "Whether Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location." +msgstr "Az Empathy használhatja-e a mobilhálózatot a hely meghatározására." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:103 +msgid "Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location" +msgstr "Az Empathy használhatja a GPS-t a hely meghatározására" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:104 +msgid "Whether Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location." +msgstr "Az Empathy használhatja-e a GPS-t a hely meghatározására." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:105 +msgid "Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy" +msgstr "Az Empathy csökkentse-e a hely pontosságát?" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:106 msgid "" -"Which criterion to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to sort by " -"the contact's name with the value \"name\". A value of \"state\" will sort " -"the contact list by state." -msgstr "" -"A partnerlista rendezéséhez használandó feltétel. A lehetséges értékek: " -"„name” (név szerint, ez az alapértelmezett) és „state” (állapot szerint)." +"Whether Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy for privacy reasons." +msgstr "Az Empathy csökkentse-e adatvédelmi okokból a hely pontosságát." -#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:1 -msgid "Manage Messaging and VoIP accounts" -msgstr "Üzenetküldő- és VoIP-fiókok kezelése" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:738 +msgid "No reason was specified" +msgstr "Nincs megadva ok" -#. Tweak the dialog -#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:2 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2324 -msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts" -msgstr "Üzenetküldő- és VoIP-fiókok" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:741 +msgid "The change in state was requested" +msgstr "Állapotváltozás kérve" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:744 +msgid "You canceled the file transfer" +msgstr "Megszakította a fájlátvitelt" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:747 +msgid "The other participant canceled the file transfer" +msgstr "A partner megszakította a fájlátvitelt" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:750 +msgid "Error while trying to transfer the file" +msgstr "Hiba a fájl átvitelekor" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:753 +msgid "The other participant is unable to transfer the file" +msgstr "A partner nem képes a fájl átvitelére" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:756 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:313 +msgid "Unknown reason" +msgstr "Ismeretlen ok" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:825 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:919 msgid "File transfer completed, but the file was corrupted" msgstr "A fájlátvitel befejeződött, de a fájl megsérült" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1111 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1205 msgid "File transfer not supported by remote contact" msgstr "A távoli partner nem támogatja a fájlátvitelt" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1167 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1261 msgid "The selected file is not a regular file" msgstr "A kiválasztott fájl nem szabályos fájl" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1176 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1270 msgid "The selected file is empty" msgstr "A kiválasztott fájl üres" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-message.c:415 ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:131 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-message.c:415 ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:129 #, c-format msgid "Missed call from %s" msgstr "Nem fogadott hívás ettől: %s" @@ -518,168 +590,140 @@ msgid "Call from %s" msgstr "Hívás tőle: %s" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:268 -msgid "Socket type not supported" -msgstr "A foglalattípus nem támogatott" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:387 -msgid "No reason was specified" -msgstr "Nincs megadva ok" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:390 -msgid "The change in state was requested" -msgstr "Állapotváltozás kérve" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:393 -msgid "You canceled the file transfer" -msgstr "Megszakította a fájlátvitelt" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:396 -msgid "The other participant canceled the file transfer" -msgstr "A partner megszakította a fájlátvitelt" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:399 -msgid "Error while trying to transfer the file" -msgstr "Hiba a fájl átvitelekor" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:402 -msgid "The other participant is unable to transfer the file" -msgstr "A partner nem képes a fájl átvitelére" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:405 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:312 -msgid "Unknown reason" -msgstr "Ismeretlen ok" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:232 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:233 msgid "Available" msgstr "Elérhető" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:234 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:235 msgid "Busy" msgstr "Elfoglalt" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:237 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:238 msgid "Away" msgstr "Távol" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:239 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:240 msgid "Invisible" msgstr "Láthatatlan" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:241 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:242 msgid "Offline" msgstr "Kilépett" #. translators: presence type is unknown -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:244 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:245 msgctxt "presence" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Ismeretlen" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:284 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:285 msgid "No reason specified" msgstr "Nincs megadva ok" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:286 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:342 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:287 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:343 msgid "Status is set to offline" msgstr "Az állapot beállítva kilépettre" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:288 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:322 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:49 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:289 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:323 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:47 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:81 msgid "Network error" msgstr "Hálózati hiba" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:290 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:324 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:291 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:325 msgid "Authentication failed" msgstr "A hitelesítés meghiúsult" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:292 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:326 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:293 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:327 msgid "Encryption error" msgstr "Titkosítási hiba" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:294 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:295 msgid "Name in use" msgstr "A név használatban" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:296 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:328 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:297 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:329 msgid "Certificate not provided" msgstr "Nincs megadva tanúsítvány" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:298 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:330 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:299 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:331 msgid "Certificate untrusted" msgstr "A tanúsítvány nem megbízható" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:300 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:332 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:301 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:333 msgid "Certificate expired" msgstr "A tanúsítvány lejárt" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:302 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:334 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:303 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:335 msgid "Certificate not activated" msgstr "A tanúsítvány nincs aktiválva" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:304 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:336 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:305 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:337 msgid "Certificate hostname mismatch" msgstr "A tanúsítvány gépneve eltér" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:306 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:338 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:307 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:339 msgid "Certificate fingerprint mismatch" msgstr "A tanúsítvány ujjlenyomata eltér" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:308 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:340 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:309 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:341 msgid "Certificate self-signed" msgstr "A tanúsítvány önaláírt" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:310 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:311 msgid "Certificate error" msgstr "Tanúsítványhiba" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:344 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:345 msgid "Encryption is not available" msgstr "A titkosítás nem érhető el" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:346 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:347 msgid "Certificate is invalid" msgstr "A tanúsítvány érvénytelen" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:348 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:349 msgid "Connection has been refused" msgstr "A kapcsolat visszautasítva" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:350 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:351 msgid "Connection can't be established" msgstr "A kapcsolat nem hozható létre" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:352 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:353 msgid "Connection has been lost" msgstr "A kapcsolat elveszett" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:354 -msgid "This resource is already connected to the server" -msgstr "Ez az erőforrás már kapcsolódik a kiszolgálóhoz" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:356 -msgid "Connection has been replaced by a new connection using the same resource" -msgstr "A kapcsolatot leváltotta egy új, ugyanazt az erőforrást használó kapcsolat" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:355 +msgid "This account is already connected to the server" +msgstr "Ez a fiók már kapcsolódik a kiszolgálóhoz" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:357 +msgid "" +"Connection has been replaced by a new connection using the same resource" +msgstr "" +"A kapcsolatot leváltotta egy új, ugyanazt az erőforrást használó kapcsolat" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:359 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:360 msgid "The account already exists on the server" msgstr "A fiók már létezik a kiszolgálón" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:361 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:362 msgid "Server is currently too busy to handle the connection" msgstr "A kiszolgáló pillanatnyilag túl elfoglalt a kapcsolat kezeléséhez" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:363 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:364 msgid "Certificate has been revoked" msgstr "A tanúsítvány visszavonva" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:365 -msgid "Certificate uses an insecure cipher algorithm or is cryptographically weak" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:366 +msgid "" +"Certificate uses an insecure cipher algorithm or is cryptographically weak" msgstr "" "A tanúsítvány nem biztonságos titkosító algoritmust használ, vagy " "titkosításilag gyenge" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:368 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:369 msgid "" "The length of the server certificate, or the depth of the server certificate " "chain, exceed the limits imposed by the cryptography library" @@ -687,283 +731,277 @@ "A kiszolgáló tanúsítványának hossza, vagy a kiszolgáló tanúsítványláncának " "mélysége túllépi a titkosítási programkönyvtár korlátozásait" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:529 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-store.h:73 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:373 +msgid "Your software is too old" +msgstr "A szoftver túl régi" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:375 +msgid "Internal error" +msgstr "Belső hiba" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:534 msgid "People Nearby" msgstr "Közeli emberek" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:534 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:539 msgid "Yahoo! Japan" msgstr "Yahoo! Japan" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:563 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:568 msgid "Google Talk" msgstr "Google Talk" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:564 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:569 msgid "Facebook Chat" msgstr "Facebook csevegés" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:88 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:90 #, c-format msgid "%d second ago" msgid_plural "%d seconds ago" msgstr[0] "%d másodperce" msgstr[1] "%d másodperce" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:93 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:96 #, c-format msgid "%d minute ago" msgid_plural "%d minutes ago" msgstr[0] "%d perce" msgstr[1] "%d perce" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:98 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:102 #, c-format msgid "%d hour ago" msgid_plural "%d hours ago" msgstr[0] "%d órája" msgstr[1] "%d órája" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:103 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:108 #, c-format msgid "%d day ago" msgid_plural "%d days ago" msgstr[0] "%d napja" msgstr[1] "%d napja" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:108 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:114 #, c-format msgid "%d week ago" msgid_plural "%d weeks ago" msgstr[0] "%d hete" msgstr[1] "%d hete" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:113 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:120 #, c-format msgid "%d month ago" msgid_plural "%d months ago" msgstr[0] "%d hónapja" msgstr[1] "%d hónapja" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:136 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:142 msgid "in the future" msgstr "a jövőben" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-chooser.c:540 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:75 +#| msgid "Phrase not found" +msgid "Password not found" +msgstr "A jelszó nem található" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:218 +#, c-format +msgid "IM account password for %s (%s)" +msgstr "Azonnaliüzenő fiók jelszava ehhez: %s (%s)" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:253 +#, c-format +msgid "Password for chatroom '%s' on account %s (%s)" +msgstr "„%s” csevegőszoba jelszava ezen fiókhoz: %s (%s)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-chooser.c:692 msgid "All accounts" msgstr "Minden fiók" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:694 -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:321 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:682 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:336 msgid "Account" msgstr "Fiók" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:695 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:683 msgid "Password" msgstr "Jelszó" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:696 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:507 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:684 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:511 msgid "Server" msgstr "Kiszolgáló" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:697 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:522 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:685 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:529 msgid "Port" msgstr "Port" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:769 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:826 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:765 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:817 #, c-format msgid "%s:" msgstr "%s:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1192 -msgid "My Web Accounts" -msgstr "Webes fiókjaim" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1209 -#, c-format -msgid "The account %s is edited via %s." -msgstr "A(z) %s fiók szerkesztésre kerül a(z) %s használatával." - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1215 -#, c-format -msgid "The account %s cannot be edited in Empathy." -msgstr "A(z) %s fiókot nem lehet szerkeszteni az Empathyban." - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1234 -msgid "Launch My Web Accounts" -msgstr "A webes fiókjaim elindítása" - -#. general handler -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1242 -#, c-format -msgid "Edit %s" -msgstr "%s szerkesztése" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1592 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1398 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:14 msgid "Username:" msgstr "Felhasználónév:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1910 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1710 msgid "A_pply" msgstr "_Alkalmazás" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1940 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1739 msgid "L_og in" msgstr "Bejele_ntkezés" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2014 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1812 msgid "This account already exists on the server" msgstr "Ez a fiók már létezik a kiszolgálón" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2017 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1816 msgid "Create a new account on the server" msgstr "Új fiók létrehozása a kiszolgálón" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2209 -msgid "Ca_ncel" -msgstr "Mé_gse" - #. To translators: The first parameter is the login id and the #. * second one is the network. The resulting string will be something #. * like: "MyUserName on freenode". #. * You should reverse the order of these arguments if the #. * server should come before the login id in your locale. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2487 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2241 #, c-format msgid "%1$s on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s ezen: %2$s" #. To translators: The parameter is the protocol name. The resulting #. * string will be something like: "Jabber Account" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2513 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2267 #, c-format msgid "%s Account" msgstr "%s fiók" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2517 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2271 msgid "New account" msgstr "Új fiók" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:1 -msgid "Example: MyScreenName" -msgstr "Például: Sajátnevem" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-generic.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:2 -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "Speciális" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:14 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:1 +msgid "Pass_word:" +msgstr "_Jelszó:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:2 +msgid "Screen _Name:" +msgstr "Megjelenő _név:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:3 +msgid "Example: MyScreenName" +msgstr "Például: Sajátnevem" + +#. remember password ticky box +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:4 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:4 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:5 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:12 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:4 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:13 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:5 -msgid "Pass_word:" -msgstr "_Jelszó:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-base-password-dialog.c:261 +msgid "Remember password" +msgstr "Jelszó megjegyzése" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:5 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:5 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:10 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:20 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:5 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:16 -msgid "Remember Password" -msgstr "Jelszó megjegyzése" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Port:" +msgstr "_Port:" -#. remember password ticky box -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:6 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:6 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:7 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:21 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:17 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-password-dialog.c:311 -msgid "Remember password" -msgstr "Jelszó megjegyzése" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:6 -msgid "Screen _Name:" -msgstr "Megjelenő _név:" +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Server:" +msgstr "_Kiszolgáló:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:7 -msgid "What is your AIM password?" -msgstr "Mi az Ön AIM jelszava?" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-generic.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:15 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:23 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:21 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:9 +msgid "Advanced" +msgstr "Speciális" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your AIM screen name?" msgstr "Mi az Ön AIM neve?" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:10 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:26 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:10 -msgid "_Port:" -msgstr "_Port:" +msgid "What is your AIM password?" +msgstr "Mi az Ön AIM jelszava?" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:10 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:10 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:11 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:27 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:7 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:10 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:9 -msgid "_Server:" -msgstr "_Kiszolgáló:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:1 -msgid "Example: username" -msgstr "Például: felhasználónév" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:24 +msgid "Remember Password" +msgstr "Jelszó megjegyzése" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:2 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:13 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:2 msgid "Login I_D:" msgstr "Bejelentkezési a_zonosító:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:3 +msgid "Example: username" +msgstr "Például: felhasználónév" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your GroupWise User ID?" msgstr "Mi az Ön GroupWise felhasználói azonosítója?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your GroupWise password?" msgstr "Mi az Ön GroupWise jelszava?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:2 +msgid "ICQ _UIN:" +msgstr "ICQ _UIN:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:3 msgid "Example: 123456789" msgstr "Például: 123456789" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:7 msgid "Ch_aracter set:" msgstr "_Karakterkészlet:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:4 -msgid "ICQ _UIN:" -msgstr "ICQ _UIN:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your ICQ UIN?" msgstr "Mi az Ön ICQ UIN-ja?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:9 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:10 msgid "What is your ICQ password?" msgstr "Mi az Ön ICQ jelszava?" @@ -1000,11 +1038,45 @@ msgid "None" msgstr "Nincs" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:1 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Hálózat" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:2 +msgid "Network:" +msgstr "Hálózat:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:3 msgid "Character set:" msgstr "Karakterkészlet:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:1 +msgid "Add…" +msgstr "Hozzáadás…" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:3 +msgid "Remove" +msgstr "Eltávolítás" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:6 +msgid "Up" +msgstr "Fel" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:7 +#| msgid "Domain" +msgid "Down" +msgstr "Le" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:8 +msgid "Servers" +msgstr "Kiszolgálók" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:9 msgid "" "Most IRC servers don't need a password, so if you're not sure, don't enter a " "password." @@ -1012,72 +1084,36 @@ "A legtöbb IRC-kiszolgáló nem kér jelszót, ha bizonytalan, akkor ne írjon be " "jelszót." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:4 -msgid "Network" -msgstr "Hálózat" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 -msgid "Network:" -msgstr "Hálózat:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:6 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 msgid "Nickname:" msgstr "Becenév:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 msgid "Password:" msgstr "Jelszó:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:12 msgid "Quit message:" msgstr "Kilépési üzenet:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:9 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 msgid "Real name:" msgstr "Valódi név:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 -msgid "Servers" -msgstr "Kiszolgálók" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:16 +msgid "Which IRC network?" +msgstr "Melyik IRC-hálózat?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:12 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:17 msgid "What is your IRC nickname?" msgstr "Mi az Ön IRC beceneve?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 -msgid "Which IRC network?" -msgstr "Melyik IRC-hálózat?" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:1 -msgid "Example: user@gmail.com" -msgstr "Például: felhasznalo@gmail.com" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:2 -msgid "Example: user@jabber.org" -msgstr "Például: felhasznalo@jabber.hu" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:4 -msgid "Encr_yption required (TLS/SSL)" -msgstr "_Titkosítás szükséges (TLS/SSL)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:5 -msgid "I_gnore SSL certificate errors" -msgstr "SSL-tanúsítvány_hibák figyelmen kívül hagyása" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:7 -msgid "Override server settings" -msgstr "Kiszolgáló beállításainak felülbírálása" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:9 -msgid "Priori_ty:" -msgstr "_Prioritás:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:12 -msgid "Reso_urce:" -msgstr "_Erőforrás:" +msgid "What is your Facebook username?" +msgstr "Mi az Ön Facebook felhasználóneve?" #. This string is not wrapped in the dialog so you may have to add some '\n' to make it look nice. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:14 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:3 msgid "" "This is your username, not your normal Facebook login.\n" "If you are facebook.com/badger, enter badger.\n" @@ -1090,179 +1126,203 @@ "Ha még nincs Facebook felhasználóneve, ezen az oldalon választhat." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:17 -msgid "Use old SS_L" -msgstr "Régi SS_L használata" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:18 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:6 msgid "What is your Facebook password?" msgstr "Mi az Ön Facebook jelszava?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:19 -msgid "What is your Facebook username?" -msgstr "Mi az Ön Facebook felhasználóneve?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:20 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your Google ID?" msgstr "Mi az Ön Google azonosítója?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:21 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:9 +msgid "Example: user@gmail.com" +msgstr "Például: felhasznalo@gmail.com" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:10 msgid "What is your Google password?" msgstr "Mi az Ön Google jelszava?" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:11 +msgid "Example: user@jabber.org" +msgstr "Például: felhasznalo@jabber.hu" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:15 +msgid "I_gnore SSL certificate errors" +msgstr "SSL-tanúsítvány_hibák figyelmen kívül hagyása" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:16 +msgid "Priori_ty:" +msgstr "_Prioritás:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:17 +msgid "Reso_urce:" +msgstr "_Erőforrás:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:18 +msgid "Encr_yption required (TLS/SSL)" +msgstr "_Titkosítás szükséges (TLS/SSL)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:19 +msgid "Use old SS_L" +msgstr "Régi SS_L használata" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:22 +msgid "Override server settings" +msgstr "Kiszolgáló beállításainak felülbírálása" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:24 msgid "What is your Jabber ID?" msgstr "Mi az Ön Jabber azonosítója?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:23 -msgid "What is your Jabber password?" -msgstr "Mi az Ön Jabber jelszava?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:24 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:25 msgid "What is your desired Jabber ID?" msgstr "Adja meg a kívánt Jabber azonosítót" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:25 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:26 +msgid "What is your Jabber password?" +msgstr "Mi az Ön Jabber jelszava?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:27 msgid "What is your desired Jabber password?" msgstr "Adja meg a kívánt Jabber jelszót" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:3 msgid "Example: user@hotmail.com" msgstr "Például: felhasznalo@hotmail.com" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your Windows Live ID?" msgstr "Mi az Ön Windows Live azonosítója?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your Windows Live password?" msgstr "Mi az Ön Windows Live jelszava?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:2 -msgid "E-_mail address:" -msgstr "_E-mail cím:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:1 msgid "Nic_kname:" msgstr "Be_cenév:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Last Name:" +msgstr "_Vezetéknév:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:3 msgid "_First Name:" msgstr "_Utónév:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Published Name:" +msgstr "_Közzétett név:" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:5 msgid "_Jabber ID:" msgstr "_Jabber azonosító:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:6 -msgid "_Last Name:" -msgstr "_Vezetéknév:" +msgid "E-_mail address:" +msgstr "_E-mail cím:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:7 -msgid "_Published Name:" -msgstr "_Közzétett név:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Username:" +msgstr "_Felhasználónév:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:3 msgid "Example: user@my.sip.server" msgstr "Például: felhasznalo@sajat.sip.kiszolgalo" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:3 -msgid "Authentication username:" -msgstr "Hitelesítési felhasználónév:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:4 -msgid "Discover Binding" -msgstr "Kapcsolat feltérképezése" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:5 -msgid "Discover the STUN server automatically" -msgstr "A STUN-kiszolgáló automatikus feltérképezése" +msgid "Use this account to call _landlines and mobile phones" +msgstr "Ezen fiók használata _vezetékes és mobil telefonok hívására" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:6 -msgid "Ignore TLS Errors" -msgstr "TLS-hibák figyelmen kívül hagyása" +msgid "NAT Traversal Options" +msgstr "NAT-bejárás beállításai" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:7 -msgid "Interval (seconds)" -msgstr "Időköz (másodperc)" +msgid "Proxy Options" +msgstr "Proxy beállításai" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:8 -msgid "Keep-Alive Options" -msgstr "Kapcsolatfenntartás beállításai" +msgid "Miscellaneous Options" +msgstr "Egyéb beállítások" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:9 -msgid "Loose Routing" -msgstr "Laza útválasztás" +msgid "STUN Server:" +msgstr "STUN kiszolgáló:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:10 -msgid "Mechanism:" -msgstr "Mechanizmus:" +msgid "Discover the STUN server automatically" +msgstr "A STUN-kiszolgáló automatikus feltérképezése" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:11 -msgid "Miscellaneous Options" -msgstr "Egyéb beállítások" +msgid "Discover Binding" +msgstr "Kapcsolat feltérképezése" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:12 -msgid "NAT Traversal Options" -msgstr "NAT-bejárás beállításai" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:114 +msgid "Server:" +msgstr "Kiszolgáló:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:13 +msgid "Keep-Alive Options" +msgstr "Kapcsolatfenntartás beállításai" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:14 -msgid "Port:" -msgstr "Port:" +msgid "Mechanism:" +msgstr "Mechanizmus:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:15 -msgid "Proxy Options" -msgstr "Proxy beállításai" +msgid "Interval (seconds)" +msgstr "Időköz (másodperc)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:16 +msgid "Authentication username:" +msgstr "Hitelesítési felhasználónév:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:17 +msgid "Transport:" +msgstr "Szállítás:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:18 -msgid "STUN Server:" -msgstr "STUN kiszolgáló:" +msgid "Loose Routing" +msgstr "Laza útválasztás" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:19 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:347 -msgid "Server:" -msgstr "Kiszolgáló:" +msgid "Ignore TLS Errors" +msgstr "TLS-hibák figyelmen kívül hagyása" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:20 -msgid "Transport:" -msgstr "Szállítás:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:21 -msgid "Use this account to call _landlines and mobile phones" -msgstr "Ezen fiók használata _vezetékes és mobil telefonok hívására" +msgid "Port:" +msgstr "Port:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:22 -msgid "What is your SIP account password?" -msgstr "Mi az Ön SIP fiókjának jelszava?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:23 msgid "What is your SIP login ID?" msgstr "Mi az Ön SIP felhasználói azonosítója?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:24 -msgid "_Username:" -msgstr "_Felhasználónév:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:23 +msgid "What is your SIP account password?" +msgstr "Mi az Ön SIP fiókjának jelszava?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:2 +msgid "Yahoo! I_D:" +msgstr "Yahoo! a_zonosító:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:5 msgid "I_gnore conference and chat room invitations" msgstr "Konferencia- és csevegőszoba-meghívások _figyelmen kívül hagyása" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Room List locale:" +msgstr "Sz_obalista területi beállítása:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:10 msgid "What is your Yahoo! ID?" msgstr "Mi az Ön Yahoo! azonosítója?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:11 msgid "What is your Yahoo! password?" msgstr "Mi az Ön Yahoo! jelszava?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:9 -msgid "Yahoo! I_D:" -msgstr "Yahoo! a_zonosító:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:11 -msgid "_Room List locale:" -msgstr "Sz_obalista területi beállítása:" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:471 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:556 msgid "Couldn't convert image" @@ -1300,61 +1360,65 @@ msgid "Click to enlarge" msgstr "Kattintson ide a nagyításhoz" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:44 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:42 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:60 msgid "There was an error starting the call" msgstr "Hiba történt a hívás indításakor" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:51 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:49 msgid "The specified contact doesn't support calls" msgstr "A megadott partner nem támogatja a hívásokat" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:53 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:51 msgid "The specified contact is offline" msgstr "A kiválasztott partner kilépett" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:55 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:53 msgid "The specified contact is not valid" msgstr "A kiválasztott partner nem érvényes" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:57 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:55 msgid "Emergency calls are not supported on this protocol" msgstr "A vészhívások nem támogatottak ezzel a protokollal" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:704 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:57 +msgid "You don't have enough credit in order to place this call" +msgstr "Nincs elég kreditje a hívás végrehajtásához" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:729 msgid "Failed to open private chat" msgstr "Nem sikerült privát csevegést nyitni" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:762 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:787 msgid "Topic not supported on this conversation" msgstr "A téma nem támogatott ebben a csevegésben" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:768 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:793 msgid "You are not allowed to change the topic" msgstr "A téma megváltoztatása nem engedélyezett" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:969 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:992 #, c-format msgid "“%s” is not a valid contact ID" msgstr "A(z) „%s” nem érvényes partnerazonosító" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1054 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1087 msgid "/clear: clear all messages from the current conversation" msgstr "/clear: az aktuális társalgás összes üzenetének törlése" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1057 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1090 msgid "/topic : set the topic of the current conversation" msgstr "/topic : az aktuális társalgás témájának beállítása" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1060 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1093 msgid "/join : join a new chat room" msgstr "/join : csatlakozás új csevegőszobához" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1063 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1096 msgid "/j : join a new chat room" msgstr "/j : csatlakozás új csevegőszobához" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1067 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1100 msgid "" "/part [] []: leave the chat room, by default the " "current one" @@ -1362,23 +1426,23 @@ "/part [] []: csevegőszoba elhagyása, " "alapértelmezés a jelenlegi" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1071 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1104 msgid "/query []: open a private chat" msgstr "/query [<üzenet>]: privát csevegés megnyitása" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1074 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1107 msgid "/msg : open a private chat" msgstr "/msg <üzenet>: privát csevegés megnyitása" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1077 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1110 msgid "/nick : change your nickname on the current server" msgstr "/nick : becenév módosítása a jelenlegi kiszolgálón" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1080 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1113 msgid "/me : send an ACTION message to the current conversation" msgstr "/me <üzenet>: tevékenység üzenet küldése az aktuális társalgásba" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1083 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1116 msgid "" "/say : send to the current conversation. This is used to " "send a message starting with a '/'. For example: \"/say /join is used to " @@ -1388,11 +1452,11 @@ "jellel kezdődő üzenetek küldésére használatos. Például: „/say /join " "#csevegőszoba, így léphet be új csevegőszobába”" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1088 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1121 msgid "/whois : display information about a contact" msgstr "/whois : információk megjelenítése egy partnerről" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1091 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1124 msgid "" "/help []: show all supported commands. If is defined, " "show its usage." @@ -1400,113 +1464,127 @@ "/help []: minden támogatott parancs megjelenítése. Ha a " "meg van adva, akkor annak használatát jeleníti meg." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1108 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1143 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s" msgstr "Használat: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1153 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1188 msgid "Unknown command" msgstr "Ismeretlen parancs" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1279 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1314 msgid "Unknown command; see /help for the available commands" msgstr "Ismeretlen parancs, lásd a /help kimenetét az elérhető parancsokért" -#. translators: error used when user doesn't have enough credit on his -#. * account to send the message. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1449 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1565 msgid "insufficient balance to send message" msgstr "Az egyenleg nem elég az üzenet elküldéséhez" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1451 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1569 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1583 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1646 +#, c-format +msgid "Error sending message '%s': %s" +msgstr "hiba a(z) „%s” üzenet elküldésekor: %s" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1571 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1588 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1650 +#, c-format +msgid "Error sending message: %s" +msgstr "Hiba az üzenet elküldésekor: %s" + +#. translators: error used when user doesn't have enough credit on his +#. * account to send the message. +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1577 +#, c-format +msgid "insufficient balance to send message. Top up." +msgstr "" +"Az egyenleg nem elég az üzenet elküldéséhez. Feltöltés." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1617 msgid "not capable" msgstr "nem lehetséges" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1458 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1624 msgid "offline" msgstr "kilépett" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1461 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1627 msgid "invalid contact" msgstr "érvénytelen partner" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1464 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1630 msgid "permission denied" msgstr "hozzáférés megtagadva" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1467 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1633 msgid "too long message" msgstr "túl hosszú üzenet" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1470 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1636 msgid "not implemented" msgstr "nincs megvalósítva" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1474 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1640 msgid "unknown" msgstr "ismeretlen" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1480 -#, c-format -msgid "Error sending message '%s': %s" -msgstr "hiba a(z) „%s” üzenet elküldésekor: %s" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1484 -#, c-format -msgid "Error sending message: %s" -msgstr "Hiba az üzenet elküldésekor: %s" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1541 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:761 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1707 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:920 msgid "Topic:" msgstr "Téma:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1553 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1722 #, c-format msgid "Topic set to: %s" msgstr "Téma beállítva: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1555 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1724 +#, c-format +msgid "Topic set by %s to: %s" +msgstr "%s beállította a témát erre: %s" + +#. No need to display this 'event' is no topic can be defined anyway +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1729 msgid "No topic defined" msgstr "Nincs megadva témakör" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2068 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2245 msgid "(No Suggestions)" msgstr "(Nincs javaslat)" #. translators: %s is the selected word -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2136 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2313 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to Dictionary" msgstr "„%s” hozzáadása a szótárhoz" #. translators: first %s is the selected word, #. * second %s is the language name of the target dictionary -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2173 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2350 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to %s Dictionary" msgstr "„%s” hozzáadása a(z) %s szótárhoz" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2243 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2420 msgid "Insert Smiley" msgstr "Hangulatjel beszúrása" #. send button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2261 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1839 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2438 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1880 msgid "_Send" msgstr "_Küldés" #. Spelling suggestions -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2315 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2495 msgid "_Spelling Suggestions" msgstr "_Helyesírási javaslatok" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2404 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2584 msgid "Failed to retrieve recent logs" msgstr "Nem sikerült lekérni a legutóbbi naplókat" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2541 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2723 #, c-format msgid "%s has disconnected" msgstr "%s kilépett" @@ -1514,12 +1592,12 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the kicked should come before the kicker in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2548 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2730 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was kicked by %2$s" msgstr "%2$s kirúgta a következőt: %1$s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2551 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2733 #, c-format msgid "%s was kicked" msgstr "%s kirúgva" @@ -1527,17 +1605,17 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the banned should come before the banner in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2559 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2741 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was banned by %2$s" msgstr "%2$s kitiltotta a következőt: %1$s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2562 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2744 #, c-format msgid "%s was banned" msgstr "%s kitiltva" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2566 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2748 #, c-format msgid "%s has left the room" msgstr "%s elhagyta a szobát" @@ -1547,17 +1625,17 @@ #. * given by the user living the room. If this poses a problem, #. * please let us know. :-) #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2575 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2757 #, c-format msgid " (%s)" msgstr " (%s)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2600 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2782 #, c-format msgid "%s has joined the room" msgstr "%s belépett a szobába" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2625 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2807 #, c-format msgid "%s is now known as %s" msgstr "%s mostantól %s néven ismert" @@ -1565,90 +1643,90 @@ #. We don't know if the incoming call has been accepted or not, so we #. * assume it hasn't and if it has, we'll set the proper status when #. * we get the new handler. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2778 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1894 -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1240 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1432 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1482 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2527 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2994 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1888 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1279 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1502 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1552 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2590 msgid "Disconnected" msgstr "Kapcsolat bontva" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3424 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3658 msgid "Would you like to store this password?" msgstr "Szeretné tárolni ezt a jelszót?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3430 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3664 msgid "Remember" msgstr "Megjegyzés" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3440 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3674 msgid "Not now" msgstr "Most nem" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3484 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3718 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-bad-password-dialog.c:142 msgid "Retry" msgstr "Újra" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3488 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3722 msgid "Wrong password; please try again:" msgstr "Hibás jelszó, próbálja újra:" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3618 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3852 msgid "This room is protected by a password:" msgstr "Ezt a szobát jelszó védi:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3645 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3879 msgid "Join" msgstr "Csatlakozás" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3833 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1261 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4071 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1300 msgid "Connected" msgstr "Kapcsolódva" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3888 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4126 msgid "Conversation" msgstr "Társalgás" #. Translators: this string is a something like #. * "Escher Cat (SMS)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3893 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4131 #, c-format msgid "%s (SMS)" msgstr "%s (SMS)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:424 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:262 msgid "Unknown or invalid identifier" msgstr "Ismeretlen vagy érvénytelen azonosító" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:426 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:264 msgid "Contact blocking temporarily unavailable" msgstr "A partnerblokkolás ideiglenesen nem érhető el" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:428 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:266 msgid "Contact blocking unavailable" msgstr "A partnerblokkolás nem érhető el" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:430 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:268 msgid "Permission Denied" msgstr "Hozzáférés megtagadva" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:434 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:272 msgid "Could not block contact" msgstr "A partner nem blokkolható" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:774 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:610 msgid "Edit Blocked Contacts" msgstr "Blokkolt partnerek szerkesztése" #. Account and Identifier #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:512 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1489 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-selector-dialog.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:506 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1474 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:7 msgid "Account:" msgstr "Felhasználói fiók:" @@ -1656,465 +1734,363 @@ msgid "Blocked Contacts" msgstr "Blokkolt partnerek" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:5 -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Remove" -msgstr "Eltávolítás" - #. Copy Link Address menu item -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:320 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:322 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-webkit-utils.c:277 msgid "_Copy Link Address" msgstr "Hivatkozás cí_mének másolása" #. Open Link menu item -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:327 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:329 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-webkit-utils.c:284 msgid "_Open Link" msgstr "_Hivatkozás megnyitása" #. Translators: timestamp displayed between conversations in #. * chat windows (strftime format string) -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:415 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:417 msgid "%A %B %d %Y" msgstr "%Y. %B %e %A" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:299 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-edit-dialog.c:247 -msgid "Edit Contact Information" -msgstr "Partnerinformációk szerkesztése" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:350 -msgid "Personal Information" -msgstr "Személyes információk" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:459 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:119 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:326 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:118 msgid "New Contact" msgstr "Új partner" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:533 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:200 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:395 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:197 #, c-format msgid "Block %s?" msgstr "Blokkolja őt: %s?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:538 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:255 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:400 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:252 #, c-format msgid "Are you sure you want to block '%s' from contacting you again?" msgstr "Biztosan nem szeretné, hogy „%s” újra felvegye Önnel a kapcsolatot?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:543 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:277 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:405 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:274 msgid "_Block" msgstr "_Blokkolás" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:559 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:286 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:423 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:283 msgid "_Report this contact as abusive" msgid_plural "_Report these contacts as abusive" msgstr[0] "_Partner jelentése visszaélőként" msgstr[1] "_Partnerek jelentése visszaélőként" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:1 -msgid "Decide _Later" -msgstr "_Döntés később" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:2 msgid "Subscription Request" msgstr "Feliratkozási kérés" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:3 -msgid "_Block User" -msgstr "_Felhasználó blokkolása" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-store.h:71 -msgid "Ungrouped" -msgstr "Csoportosítatlan" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-store.h:72 -msgid "Favorite People" -msgstr "Kedvenc partnerek" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:1986 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2376 -#, c-format -msgid "Do you really want to remove the group '%s'?" -msgstr "Valóban el kívánja távolítani a(z) „%s” csoportot?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:1988 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2379 -msgid "Removing group" -msgstr "Csoport eltávolítása" - -#. Remove -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2037 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2114 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2434 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2637 -msgid "_Remove" -msgstr "_Eltávolítás" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2067 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2501 -#, c-format -msgid "Do you really want to remove the contact '%s'?" -msgstr "Valóban el kívánja távolítani „%s” partnert?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2069 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2522 -msgid "Removing contact" -msgstr "Partner eltávolítása" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:220 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:14 -msgid "_Add Contact…" -msgstr "Partner _felvétele…" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:300 -msgid "_Block Contact" -msgstr "Partner _blokkolása" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:329 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:758 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:16 -msgid "_Chat" -msgstr "_Csevegés" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:361 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:849 -msgctxt "menu item" -msgid "_Audio Call" -msgstr "_Hanghívás" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:394 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:894 -msgctxt "menu item" -msgid "_Video Call" -msgstr "_Videohívás" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:440 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:947 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:27 -msgid "_Previous Conversations" -msgstr "K_orábbi társalgások" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:462 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:988 -msgid "Send File" -msgstr "Fájl küldése" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:485 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1030 -msgid "Share My Desktop" -msgstr "Az asztalom megosztása" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:525 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1887 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1065 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1372 -msgid "Favorite" -msgstr "Kedvenc" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:554 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1093 -msgid "Infor_mation" -msgstr "_Információk" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:600 -msgctxt "Edit contact (contextual menu)" -msgid "_Edit" -msgstr "S_zerkesztés" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:654 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1284 -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:1011 -msgid "Inviting you to this room" -msgstr "Meghívás ebbe a szobába" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:685 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1330 -msgid "_Invite to Chat Room" -msgstr "Meg_hívás csevegőszobába" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Block User" +msgstr "_Felhasználó blokkolása" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:3 +msgid "Decide _Later" +msgstr "_Döntés később" #. Title -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:505 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:499 msgid "Search contacts" msgstr "Partnerek keresése" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:535 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:529 msgid "Search: " msgstr "Keresés: " -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:593 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:587 msgid "_Add Contact" msgstr "Partner _felvétele" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:611 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:605 msgid "No contacts found" msgstr "Nem található partner" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:627 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:621 msgid "Your message introducing yourself:" msgstr "A bemutatkozó üzenete:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:635 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:629 msgid "Please let me see when you're online. Thanks!" msgstr "Kérem engedélyezze, hogy láthassam az állapotát. Köszönöm!" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-selector.c:129 -msgid "Select a contact" -msgstr "Válasszon partnert" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:336 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:153 -msgid "Full name:" -msgstr "Teljes név:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:337 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:154 -msgid "Phone number:" -msgstr "Telefonszám:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:338 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:155 -msgid "E-mail address:" -msgstr "E-mail cím:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:339 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:156 -msgid "Website:" -msgstr "Weboldal:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:340 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:157 -msgid "Birthday:" -msgstr "Születésnap:" - -#. Note to translators: this is the caption for a string of the form "5 -#. * minutes ago", and refers to the time since the contact last interacted -#. * with their IM client. -#. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:346 -msgid "Last seen:" -msgstr "Utoljára látszott:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:348 -msgid "Connected from:" -msgstr "Kapcsolódva innen:" - -#. FIXME: once Idle implements SimplePresence using this information, we can -#. * and should bin this. -#. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:353 -msgid "Away message:" -msgstr "Távol üzenet:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:606 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:567 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:304 msgid "Channels:" msgstr "Csatornák:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:897 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:469 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:747 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:455 msgid "Country ISO Code:" msgstr "Ország ISO kódja:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:899 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:471 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:749 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:457 msgid "Country:" msgstr "Ország:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:901 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:473 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:751 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:459 msgid "State:" msgstr "Állapot:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:903 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:475 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:753 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:461 msgid "City:" msgstr "Város:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:905 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:477 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:755 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:463 msgid "Area:" msgstr "Terület:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:907 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:479 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:757 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:465 msgid "Postal Code:" msgstr "Irányítószám:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:909 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:481 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:759 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:467 msgid "Street:" msgstr "Utca:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:911 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:483 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:761 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:469 msgid "Building:" msgstr "Épület:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:913 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:485 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:763 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:471 msgid "Floor:" msgstr "Emelet:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:915 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:487 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:765 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:473 msgid "Room:" msgstr "Szoba:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:917 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:489 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:767 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:475 msgid "Text:" msgstr "Szöveg:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:919 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:491 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:769 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:477 msgid "Description:" msgstr "Leírás:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:921 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:493 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:771 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:479 msgid "URI:" msgstr "URI:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:923 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:495 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:773 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:481 msgid "Accuracy Level:" msgstr "Pontossági szint:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:925 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:497 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:775 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:483 msgid "Error:" msgstr "Hiba:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:927 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:499 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:777 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:485 msgid "Vertical Error (meters):" msgstr "Függőleges hiba (méter):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:929 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:501 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:779 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:487 msgid "Horizontal Error (meters):" msgstr "Vízszintes hiba (méter):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:931 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:503 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:781 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:489 msgid "Speed:" msgstr "Sebesség:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:933 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:505 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:783 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:491 msgid "Bearing:" msgstr "Irány:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:935 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:507 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:785 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:493 msgid "Climb Speed:" msgstr "Emelkedési sebesség:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:937 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:509 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:787 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:495 msgid "Last Updated on:" msgstr "Utolsó frissítés:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:939 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:511 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:789 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:497 msgid "Longitude:" msgstr "Hosszúság:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:941 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:513 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:791 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:499 msgid "Latitude:" msgstr "Szélesség:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:943 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:515 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:793 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:501 msgid "Altitude:" msgstr "Magasság:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:996 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1011 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:607 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:622 -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:17 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:846 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:861 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:593 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:608 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:35 msgid "Location" msgstr "Hely" #. translators: format is "Location, $date" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1013 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:624 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:863 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:610 #, c-format msgid "%s, %s" msgstr "%s, %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1065 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:673 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:915 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:659 msgid "%B %e, %Y at %R UTC" msgstr "%Y. %B %e, %R UTC" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1147 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:915 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:997 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:900 msgid "Save Avatar" msgstr "Avatar mentése" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1203 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:973 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1053 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:958 msgid "Unable to save avatar" msgstr "Az avatar nem menthető" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:1 -msgid "Location at (date)\t" -msgstr "Hely az időpontban\t" - -#. Alias -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1308 -msgid "Alias:" -msgstr "Álnév:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:4 -msgid "Client Information" -msgstr "Kliensinformációk" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:5 -msgid "Client:" -msgstr "Kliens:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1444 +msgid "Personal Details" +msgstr "Személyes adatok" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1447 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:2 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:3 msgid "Contact Details" msgstr "Partner részletei" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:104 +msgid "Full name" +msgstr "Teljes név" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:105 +msgid "Phone number" +msgstr "Telefonszám" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:106 +msgid "E-mail address" +msgstr "E-mail cím" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:107 +msgid "Website" +msgstr "Weboldal" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:108 +msgid "Birthday" +msgstr "Születésnap" + +#. Note to translators: this is the caption for a string of the form "5 +#. * minutes ago", and refers to the time since the contact last interacted +#. * with their IM client. +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:113 +msgid "Last seen:" +msgstr "Utoljára látszott:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:115 +msgid "Connected from:" +msgstr "Kapcsolódva innen:" + +#. FIXME: once Idle implements SimplePresence using this information, we can +#. * and should bin this. +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:119 +msgid "Away message:" +msgstr "Távol üzenet:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:132 +msgid "work" +msgstr "munkahelyi" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:133 +msgid "home" +msgstr "otthoni" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:134 +msgid "mobile" +msgstr "mobil" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:135 +msgid "voice" +msgstr "hang" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:136 +msgid "preferred" +msgstr "előnyben részesített" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:137 +msgid "postal" +msgstr "postai " + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:138 +msgid "parcel" +msgstr "postafiók" + #. Identifier to connect to Instant Messaging network #. Translators: Identifier to connect to Instant Messaging network -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:8 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1517 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1502 msgid "Identifier:" msgstr "Azonosító:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:3 +#. Alias +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1293 +msgid "Alias:" +msgstr "Álnév:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:5 +msgid "Location at (date)\t" +msgstr "Hely az időpontban\t" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:4 msgid "Information requested…" msgstr "Információk lekérve…" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:10 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:8 +msgid "Client Information" +msgstr "Kliensinformációk" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:9 msgid "OS:" msgstr "OS:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:10 msgid "Version:" msgstr "Verzió:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:333 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:11 +msgid "Client:" +msgstr "Kliens:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:331 msgid "Groups" msgstr "Csoportok" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:345 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:343 msgid "" "Select the groups you want this contact to appear in. Note that you can " "select more than one group or no groups." @@ -2122,105 +2098,175 @@ "Válassza ki azokat a csoportokat, amelyekben a partner megjelenjen, " "kiválaszthat nulla vagy több csoportot is." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:364 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:362 msgid "_Add Group" msgstr "Csoport _hozzáadása" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:399 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:397 msgctxt "verb in a column header displaying group names" msgid "Select" msgstr "Kijelölés" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:409 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1807 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:407 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1970 msgid "Group" msgstr "Csoport" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:260 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:257 msgid "The following identity will be blocked:" msgid_plural "The following identities will be blocked:" msgstr[0] "A következő azonosító blokkolva lesz:" msgstr[1] "A következő azonosítók blokkolva lesznek:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:267 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:264 msgid "The following identity can not be blocked:" msgid_plural "The following identities can not be blocked:" msgstr[0] "A következő azonosító nem blokkolható:" msgstr[1] "A következő azonosítók nem blokkolhatók:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-edit-dialog.c:247 +msgid "Edit Contact Information" +msgstr "Partnerinformációk szerkesztése" + #. Translators: the heading at the top of the Information dialogue #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-information-dialog.c:288 msgid "Linked Contacts" msgstr "Összekapcsolt partnerek" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-linker.c:370 -msgid "Select contacts to link" -msgstr "Válasszon összekapcsolandó partnereket" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-linker.c:444 -msgid "New contact preview" -msgstr "Új partner előnézete" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-linker.c:488 -msgid "Contacts selected in the list on the left will be linked together." -msgstr "A bal oldali listában kiválasztott partnerek össze lesznek kapcsolva." - #. Translators: this is used in the context menu for a contact. The first #. * parameter is a contact ID (e.g. foo@jabber.org) and the second is one #. * of the user's account IDs (e.g. me@hotmail.com). -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:145 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:173 #, c-format msgid "%s (%s)" msgstr "%s (%s)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:309 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:345 msgid "Select account to use to place the call" msgstr "Válassza ki a fiókot a hívás indításához" #. translators: Call is a noun. This string is used in the window #. * title -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:313 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:2 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1299 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:349 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1290 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:18 msgid "Call" msgstr "Hívás" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:378 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:414 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Mobil" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:380 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:416 msgid "Work" msgstr "Munkahelyi" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:382 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:418 msgid "HOME" msgstr "OTTHONI" -#. add an SMS button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:804 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:215 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:659 +msgid "_Block Contact" +msgstr "Partner _blokkolása" + +#. add chat button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1018 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:319 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Chat" +msgstr "_Csevegés" + +#. add SMS button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1053 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:313 msgid "_SMS" msgstr "_SMS" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1142 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1086 +msgctxt "menu item" +msgid "_Audio Call" +msgstr "_Hanghívás" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1119 +msgctxt "menu item" +msgid "_Video Call" +msgstr "_Videohívás" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1160 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Previous Conversations" +msgstr "K_orábbi társalgások" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1189 +msgid "Send File" +msgstr "Fájl küldése" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1219 +msgid "Share My Desktop" +msgstr "Az asztalom megosztása" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1245 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1357 +msgid "Favorite" +msgstr "Kedvenc" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1264 +msgid "gnome-contacts not installed" +msgstr "A gnome-contacts nincs telepítve" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1267 +msgid "Please install gnome-contacts to access contacts details." +msgstr "A partneradatok eléréséhez telepítse a gnome-contacts alkalmazást." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1398 +msgid "Infor_mation" +msgstr "_Információk" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1447 msgctxt "Edit individual (contextual menu)" msgid "_Edit" msgstr "S_zerkesztés" -#. Translators: this is a verb meaning "to connect two contacts together -#. * to form a meta-contact". -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1168 -msgctxt "Link individual (contextual menu)" -msgid "_Link Contacts…" -msgstr "_Partnerek összekapcsolása…" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1564 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:1192 +msgid "Inviting you to this room" +msgstr "Meghívás ebbe a szobába" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1610 +msgid "_Invite to Chat Room" +msgstr "Meg_hívás csevegőszobába" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1806 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:5 +msgid "_Add Contact…" +msgstr "Partner _felvétele…" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2341 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2304 msgid "Delete and _Block" msgstr "_Törlés és blokkolás" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2510 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2339 +#, c-format +msgid "Do you really want to remove the group '%s'?" +msgstr "Valóban el kívánja távolítani a(z) „%s” csoportot?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2342 +msgid "Removing group" +msgstr "Csoport eltávolítása" + +#. Remove +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2397 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2601 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_Eltávolítás" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2474 +#, c-format +msgid "Do you really want to remove the contact '%s'?" +msgstr "Valóban el kívánja távolítani „%s” partnert?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2483 #, c-format msgid "" "Do you really want to remove the linked contact '%s'? Note that this will " @@ -2229,7 +2275,11 @@ "Valóban el akarja távolítani a(z) %s gyűjtőpartnert? Ne feledje, hogy ez " "minden partnert eltávolít, amelyek ezt a gyűjtőpartnert alkotják." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1656 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2495 +msgid "Removing contact" +msgstr "Partner eltávolítása" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1641 #, c-format msgid "Linked contact containing %u contact" msgid_plural "Linked contacts containing %u contacts" @@ -2240,23 +2290,23 @@ msgid "Location at (date)" msgstr "Hely az időpontban" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:2 msgid "Online from a phone or mobile device" msgstr "Telefonról vagy mobil eszközről lépett be" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:332 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:335 msgid "New Network" msgstr "Új hálózat" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:527 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:530 msgid "Choose an IRC network" msgstr "Válasszon IRC-hálózatot" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:584 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:587 msgid "Reset _Networks List" msgstr "_Hálózatok listájának visszaállítása" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:588 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:591 msgctxt "verb displayed on a button to select an IRC network" msgid "Select" msgstr "Kijelölés" @@ -2265,251 +2315,255 @@ msgid "new server" msgstr "új kiszolgáló" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:535 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:539 msgid "SSL" msgstr "SSL" -#. Translators: this is the title of the linking dialogue (reached by -#. * right-clicking on a contact and selecting "Link…"). "Link" in this title -#. * is a verb. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:115 -msgid "Link Contacts" -msgstr "Partnerek összekapcsolása" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:120 -msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" -msgid "_Unlink…" -msgstr "S_zétválasztás…" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:121 -msgid "Completely split the displayed linked contacts into the separate contacts." -msgstr "A megjelenített gyűjtőpartner szétvágása az azt alkotó partnerekké." - -#. Add button -#. Translators: this is an action button in the linking dialogue. "Link" is -#. * used here as a verb meaning "to connect two contacts to form a -#. * meta-contact". -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:136 -msgid "_Link" -msgstr "Összekap_csolás" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:183 -#, c-format -msgid "Unlink linked contacts '%s'?" -msgstr "Szétválasztja a(z) „%s” gyűjtőpartnert?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:186 -msgid "" -"Are you sure you want to unlink these linked contacts? This will completely " -"split the linked contacts into separate contacts." -msgstr "" -"Biztos, hogy szétválasztja ezt a gyűjtőpartnert? Ez a gyűjtőpartnert " -"véglegesen az azt alkotó partnerekké választja szét." - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:190 -msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" -msgid "_Unlink" -msgstr "S_zétválasztás" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:634 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:620 msgid "History" msgstr "Előzmények" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:689 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:675 msgid "Show" msgstr "Megjelenítés" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:711 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:697 msgid "Search" msgstr "Keresés" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1159 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1148 #, c-format msgid "Chat in %s" msgstr "Csevegés itt: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1161 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1150 #, c-format msgid "Chat with %s" msgstr "Csevegés vele: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1211 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1358 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1200 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1347 msgctxt "A date with the time" msgid "%A, %e %B %Y %X" msgstr "%Y. %B %e %A, %X" #. Translators: this is an emote: '* Danielle waves' -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1300 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1289 #, c-format msgid "* %s %s" msgstr "* %s %s" #. Translators: this is a message: 'Danielle: hello' #. * The string in bold is the sender's name -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1306 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1295 #, c-format msgid "%s: %s" msgstr "%s: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1382 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1371 #, c-format msgid "%s second" msgid_plural "%s seconds" msgstr[0] "%s másodperc" msgstr[1] "%s másodperc" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1389 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1378 #, c-format msgid "%s minute" msgid_plural "%s minutes" msgstr[0] "%s perc" msgstr[1] "%s perc" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1397 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1386 #, c-format msgid "Call took %s, ended at %s" msgstr "Hívás hossza: %s, befejezve: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1729 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1720 msgid "Today" msgstr "Ma" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1733 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1724 msgid "Yesterday" msgstr "Tegnap" #. Translators: A date such as '23 May 2010' (strftime format) -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1748 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1739 msgid "%e %B %Y" msgstr "%Y. %B %e" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1829 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3444 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1827 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3487 msgid "Anytime" msgstr "Bármikor" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1916 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2372 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2400 msgid "Anyone" msgstr "Bárki" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2685 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2713 msgid "Who" msgstr "Ki" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2889 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2922 msgid "When" msgstr "Mikor" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3005 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3038 msgid "Anything" msgstr "Bármi" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3007 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3040 msgid "Text chats" msgstr "Szöveges csevegések" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3009 -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3042 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:25 msgid "Calls" msgstr "Hívások" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3014 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3047 msgid "Incoming calls" msgstr "Bejövő hívások" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3015 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3048 msgid "Outgoing calls" msgstr "Kimenő hívások" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3016 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3049 msgid "Missed calls" msgstr "Nem fogadott hívások" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3038 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3071 msgid "What" msgstr "Mi" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3747 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3780 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete all logs of previous conversations?" msgstr "Biztosan törölni szeretné a korábbi társalgások minden naplóját?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3751 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3784 msgid "Clear All" msgstr "Összes törlése" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3758 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3791 msgid "Delete from:" msgstr "Törlés innen:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:1 -msgid "Loading..." -msgstr "Betöltés…" +msgid "_File" +msgstr "_Fájl" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:3 -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Chat" -msgstr "Csevegés" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:2 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:9 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:12 +msgid "_Edit" +msgstr "S_zerkesztés" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:3 msgid "Delete All History..." msgstr "Minden előzmény törlése…" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:4 msgid "Profile" msgstr "Profil" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:6 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:22 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:20 -msgid "Video" -msgstr "Videó" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:5 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:19 +msgid "Chat" +msgstr "Csevegés" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:7 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:28 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:12 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:20 -msgid "_Edit" -msgstr "S_zerkesztés" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:26 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:19 +msgid "Video" +msgstr "Videó" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:8 -msgid "_File" -msgstr "_Fájl" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:9 msgid "page 2" msgstr "2. oldal" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-selector-dialog.ui.h:2 -msgid "Contact ID:" -msgstr "Partnerazonosító:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:9 +msgid "Loading..." +msgstr "Betöltés…" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:83 +msgid "The contact is offline" +msgstr "A partner kilépett" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:85 +msgid "The specified contact is either invalid or unknown" +msgstr "A kiválasztott partner nem érvényes vagy ismeretlen" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:87 +msgid "The contact does not support this kind of conversation" +msgstr "A partner nem támogatja ezt a fajta csevegést" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:89 +msgid "The requested functionality is not implemented for this protocol" +msgstr "A kért funkció nincs megvalósítva ehhez a protokollhoz" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:95 +msgid "Could not start a conversation with the given contact" +msgstr "Nem kezdhető társalgás a kiválasztott partnerrel" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:97 +msgid "You are banned from this channel" +msgstr "Kitiltották erről a csatornáról" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:99 +msgid "This channel is full" +msgstr "A csatorna tele van" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:101 +msgid "You must be invited to join this channel" +msgstr "Ehhez a csatornához csak meghívással csatlakozhat" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:103 +msgid "Can't proceed while disconnected" +msgstr "Ez nem folytatható, amíg kilépett állapotban van" -#. add chat button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:225 -msgid "C_hat" -msgstr "Cse_vegés" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:105 +msgid "Permission denied" +msgstr "Hozzáférés megtagadva" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:111 +msgid "There was an error starting the conversation" +msgstr "Hiba történt a társalgás indításakor" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:290 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:200 +msgid "Enter a contact identifier or phone number:" +msgstr "Adjon meg egy partnerazonosítót vagy telefonszámot:" #. Tweak the dialog -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:244 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:333 msgid "New Conversation" msgstr "Új társalgás" -#. add video toggle -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:204 -msgid "Send _Video" -msgstr "_Videó küldése" +#. add video button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:223 +msgid "_Video Call" +msgstr "_Videohívás" -#. add chat button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:215 -msgid "C_all" -msgstr "_Hívás" +#. add audio button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:233 +msgid "_Audio Call" +msgstr "_Hanghívás" #. Tweak the dialog -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:225 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:243 msgid "New Call" msgstr "Új hívás" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-password-dialog.c:274 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-bad-password-dialog.c:130 +#, c-format +msgid "Authentification failed for account %s" +msgstr "A hitelesítés meghiúsult a(z) %s fiókhoz" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-base-password-dialog.c:224 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-password-dialog.c:134 #, c-format msgid "" "Enter your password for account\n" @@ -2546,12 +2600,8 @@ msgid "Set status" msgstr "Állapot beállítása" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:943 -msgid "Set your presence and current status" -msgstr "Jelenlét és aktuális állapot megadása" - #. Custom messages -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:1131 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:1135 msgid "Custom messages…" msgstr "Egyéni üzenetek…" @@ -2559,7 +2609,7 @@ #. To translator: %s is the name of the protocol, such as "Google Talk" or #. * "Yahoo!" #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-protocol-chooser.c:584 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-protocol-chooser.c:588 #, c-format msgid "New %s account" msgstr "Új %s fiók" @@ -2569,20 +2619,20 @@ msgstr "Keresés:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:2 -msgid "Mat_ch case" -msgstr "Kis- és _nagybetűk" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:3 -msgid "Phrase not found" -msgstr "A kifejezés nem található" +msgid "_Previous" +msgstr "_Előző" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:3 msgid "_Next" msgstr "_Következő" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:4 +msgid "Mat_ch case" +msgstr "Kis- és _nagybetűk" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:5 -msgid "_Previous" -msgstr "_Előző" +msgid "Phrase not found" +msgstr "A kifejezés nem található" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-sound-manager.c:51 msgid "Received an instant message" @@ -2628,12 +2678,12 @@ msgid "Edit Custom Messages" msgstr "Egyéni üzenetek szerkesztése" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1036 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1051 #, c-format msgid "Message edited at %s" msgstr "Üzenet szerkesztve ekkor: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1726 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1757 msgid "Normal" msgstr "Normál" @@ -2675,14 +2725,16 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:170 msgid "The hostname verified by the certificate doesn't match the server name." -msgstr "A tanúsítvány által ellenőrzött gépnév nem egyezik a kiszolgáló nevével." +msgstr "" +"A tanúsítvány által ellenőrzött gépnév nem egyezik a kiszolgáló nevével." #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:174 msgid "The certificate is self-signed." msgstr "A tanúsítvány önaláírt." #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:177 -msgid "The certificate has been revoked by the issuing Certification Authority." +msgid "" +"The certificate has been revoked by the issuing Certification Authority." msgstr "A tanúsítványt visszavonta a kibocsátó hitelesítésszolgáltató." #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:181 @@ -2708,34 +2760,38 @@ msgstr "A tanúsítvány gépneve: %s" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:281 -msgid "Continue" -msgstr "Folytatás" +msgid "C_ontinue" +msgstr "_Folytatás" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:287 +msgid "Untrusted connection" +msgstr "Nem megbízható kapcsolat" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:288 msgid "This connection is untrusted. Would you like to continue anyway?" msgstr "A kapcsolat nem megbízható, mindenképp folytatja?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:297 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:298 msgid "Remember this choice for future connections" msgstr "Emlékezzen a válaszra a jövőbeli kapcsolatokhoz" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:303 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:304 msgid "Certificate Details" msgstr "Tanúsítvány részletei" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1735 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1754 msgid "Unable to open URI" msgstr "Az URI nem nyitható meg" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1831 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1872 msgid "Select a file" msgstr "Válasszon ki egy fájlt" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1903 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1947 msgid "Insufficient free space to save file" msgstr "Nincs elég szabad hely a fájl mentéséhez" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1911 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1955 #, c-format msgid "" "%s of free space are required to save this file, but only %s is available. " @@ -2744,7 +2800,7 @@ "%s szabad hely szükséges a fájl mentéséhez, de csak %s érhető el. Válasszon " "másik helyet." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1955 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1999 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file from %s" msgstr "Bejövő fájl %s partnertől" @@ -2916,39 +2972,43 @@ msgid "Vietnamese" msgstr "Vietnami" -#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:108 -msgid "The selected contact cannot receive files." -msgstr "A kiválasztott partner nem képes fájlok fogadására." - -#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:114 -msgid "The selected contact is offline." -msgstr "A kiválasztott partner kilépett." +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-calendar-button.c:66 +#| msgctxt "verb in a column header displaying group names" +#| msgid "Select" +msgid "Select..." +msgstr "Válasszon…" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-calendar-button.c:154 +#| msgctxt "verb in a column header displaying group names" +#| msgid "Select" +msgid "_Select" +msgstr "_Válasszon" -#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:169 +#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:202 msgid "No error message" msgstr "Nincs hibaüzenet" -#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:242 +#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:275 msgid "Instant Message (Empathy)" msgstr "Azonnali üzenet (Empathy)" -#: ../src/empathy.c:431 +#: ../src/empathy.c:435 msgid "Don't connect on startup" msgstr "Ne kapcsolódjon indításkor" -#: ../src/empathy.c:435 +#: ../src/empathy.c:439 msgid "Don't display the contact list or any other dialogs on startup" msgstr "Ne jelenjen meg a partnerlista vagy más ablak indításkor" -#: ../src/empathy.c:450 +#: ../src/empathy.c:454 msgid "- Empathy IM Client" msgstr "– Empathy üzenetküldő-kliens" -#: ../src/empathy.c:637 +#: ../src/empathy.c:641 msgid "Error contacting the Account Manager" msgstr "Hiba a fiókkezelő elérésekor" -#: ../src/empathy.c:639 +#: ../src/empathy.c:643 #, c-format msgid "" "There was an error while trying to connect to the Telepathy Account Manager. " @@ -2994,234 +3054,93 @@ "nem kapta meg, írjon a Free Software Foundation Inc.-nek. Levélcímük: 51 " "Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-130159 USA" -#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:107 +#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:109 msgid "An Instant Messaging client for GNOME" msgstr "A GNOME üzenetküldő-kliense" -#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:113 +#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:115 msgid "translator-credits" msgstr "" "Kelemen Gábor \n" "Meskó Balázs " -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:167 -msgid "There was an error while importing the accounts." -msgstr "Hiba történt a fiókok importálásakor." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:170 -msgid "There was an error while parsing the account details." -msgstr "Hiba történt a fiókrészletek feldolgozásakor." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:173 -msgid "There was an error while creating the account." -msgstr "Hiba történt a fiók létrehozásakor." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:175 -msgid "There was an error." -msgstr "Hiba történt." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:179 -#, c-format -msgid "The error message was: %s" -msgstr "A hibaüzenet: %s" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:183 -msgid "" -"You can either go back and try to enter your accounts' details again or quit " -"this assistant and add accounts later from the Edit menu." -msgstr "" -"Visszaléphet és megpróbálhatja újra megadni a fiókja részleteit, vagy " -"kiléphet ebből az asszisztensből és később a Szerkesztés menüből vehet fel " -"fiókokat." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:220 -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1271 -msgid "An error occurred" -msgstr "Hiba történt" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:467 -msgid "What kind of chat account do you have?" -msgstr "Milyen típusú csevegőfiókja van?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:473 -msgid "Do you have any other chat accounts you want to set up?" -msgstr "Van más fiókja, amit be szeretne állítani?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:479 -msgid "Enter your account details" -msgstr "Adja meg fiókjának adatait" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:484 -msgid "What kind of chat account do you want to create?" -msgstr "Milyen típusú csevegőfiókot szeretne létrehozni?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:490 -msgid "Do you want to create other chat accounts?" -msgstr "Szeretne létrehozni más csevegőfiókokat?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:497 -msgid "Enter the details for the new account" -msgstr "Adja meg az új fiók részleteit" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:612 -msgid "" -"With Empathy you can chat with people online nearby and with friends and " -"colleagues who use Google Talk, AIM, Windows Live and many other chat " -"programs. With a microphone or a webcam you can also have audio or video " -"calls." -msgstr "" -"Az Empathy segítségével cseveghet a közelében elérhető emberekkel, valamint " -"a Google Talkot, AIM-ot, MSN-t és sok más csevegőprogramot használó " -"barátaival és kollégáival. Ha rendelkezik mikrofonnal és webkamerával, akkor " -"hang- és videohívásokat is bonyolíthat." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:629 -msgid "Do you have an account you've been using with another chat program?" -msgstr "Rendelkezik más csevegőprogramokban már használt fiókkal?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:652 -msgid "Yes, import my account details from " -msgstr "Igen, fiókadatok importálása ebből: " - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:673 -msgid "Yes, I'll enter my account details now" -msgstr "Igen, megadom a fiókom adatait" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:695 -msgid "No, I want a new account" -msgstr "Nem, új fiókot szeretnék készíteni" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:705 -msgid "No, I just want to see people online nearby for now" -msgstr "Nem, csak a környezetemben épp elérhető embereket szeretném látni" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:726 -msgid "Select the accounts you want to import:" -msgstr "Válassza ki az importálandó fiókot:" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:813 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:555 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:556 -msgid "Yes" -msgstr "Igen" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:820 -msgid "No, that's all for now" -msgstr "Nem, most csak ennyit akartam" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1085 -msgid "" -"Empathy can automatically discover and chat with the people connected on the " -"same network as you. If you want to use this feature, please check that the " -"details below are correct. You can easily change these details later or " -"disable this feature by using the 'Accounts' dialog" -msgstr "" -"Az Empathy képes automatikusan feltérképezni az Önével azonos hálózatra " -"csatlakozó felhasználókat, és csevegni velük. Ha használni szeretné ezt a " -"szolgáltatást, akkor ellenőrizze a lenti részletek helyességét. Ezeket " -"később is egyszerűen módosíthatja, vagy letilthatja a „Fiókok” ablak " -"segítségével." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1091 -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1147 -msgid "Edit->Accounts" -msgstr "Szerkesztés → Fiókok" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1107 -msgid "I do _not want to enable this feature for now" -msgstr "_Egyelőre nem engedélyezem ezt a szolgáltatást" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1143 -msgid "" -"You won't be able to chat with people connected to your local network, as " -"telepathy-salut is not installed. If you want to enable this feature, please " -"install the telepathy-salut package and create a People Nearby account from " -"the Accounts dialog" -msgstr "" -"Nem lesz képes a helyi hálózatára csatlakozó személyekkel csevegni, mert " -"nincs telepítve a telepathy-salut. Ha be szeretné kapcsolni ezt a " -"szolgáltatást, akkor telepítse a telepathy-salut csomagot, és hozzon létre " -"egy Közeli emberek fiókot a Fiókok ablakban." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1149 -msgid "telepathy-salut not installed" -msgstr "A telepathy-salut nincs telepítve" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1195 -msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts Assistant" -msgstr "Üzenetküldő- és VoIP-fiók varázsló" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1229 -msgid "Welcome to Empathy" -msgstr "Üdvözöljük az Empathyban" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1238 -msgid "Import your existing accounts" -msgstr "Meglévő fiókok importálása" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1256 -msgid "Please enter personal details" -msgstr "Adja meg személyes adatait" - #. The primary text of the dialog shown to the user when he is about to lose #. * unsaved changes -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:64 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:72 #, c-format msgid "There are unsaved modifications to your %s account." msgstr "Az Ön %s fiókjának módosításai nincsenek elmentve." #. The primary text of the dialog shown to the user when he is about to lose #. * an unsaved new account -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:68 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:76 msgid "Your new account has not been saved yet." msgstr "Új fiókja még nincs elmentve." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:345 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:754 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1216 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:381 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:759 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1289 msgid "Connecting…" msgstr "Kapcsolódás…" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:386 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:422 #, c-format msgid "Offline — %s" msgstr "Kilépett – %s" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:398 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:434 #, c-format msgid "Disconnected — %s" msgstr "Kapcsolat bontva – %s" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:409 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:445 msgid "Offline — No Network Connection" msgstr "Kilépett – Nincs hálózati kapcsolat" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:416 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:452 msgid "Unknown Status" msgstr "Ismeretlen állapot" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:428 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:469 +msgid "" +"This account has been disabled because it relies on an old, unsupported " +"backend. Please install telepathy-haze and restart your session to migrate " +"the account." +msgstr "" +"A fiók letiltva, mert egy régi, nem támogatott háttérprogramot használ. " +"Telepítse a telepathy-haze csomagot, és indítsa újra a munkamenetet a fiók " +"átköltöztetéséhez." + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:479 msgid "Offline — Account Disabled" msgstr "Kilépett – Fiók letiltva" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:831 -msgid "" -"You are about to create a new account, which will discard\n" -"your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" -msgstr "" -"Új fiók létrehozására készül, ezzel törölni fogja a módosításokat.\n" -"Biztosan folytatni akarja?" +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:585 +msgid "Edit Connection Parameters" +msgstr "Kapcsolatparaméterek szerkesztése" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:750 +msgid "Failed to retrieve your personal information from the server." +msgstr "A személyes adatainak lekérése meghiúsult a kiszolgálóról." + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:756 +msgid "Go online to edit your personal information." +msgstr "Személyes információnak szerkesztése online." + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:843 +msgid "_Edit Connection Parameters..." +msgstr "_Kapcsolatparaméterek szerkesztése…" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1192 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1339 #, c-format msgid "Do you want to remove %s from your computer?" msgstr "Valóban el kívánja távolítani a(z) %s fiókot a számítógépről?" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1196 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1343 msgid "This will not remove your account on the server." msgstr "Ez nem távolítja el a kiszolgálón lévő fiókot." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1432 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1579 msgid "" "You are about to select another account, which will discard\n" "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" @@ -3230,15 +3149,23 @@ "Biztosan folytatni akarja?" #. Menu items: to enabled/disable the account -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1643 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1755 msgid "_Enable" msgstr "_Engedélyezés" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1644 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1756 msgid "_Disable" msgstr "_Letiltás" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2154 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2184 +msgid "_Skip" +msgstr "_Kihagyás" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2188 +msgid "_Connect" +msgstr "Kapcs_olódás" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2365 msgid "" "You are about to close the window, which will discard\n" "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" @@ -3246,23 +3173,15 @@ "Az ablak bezárására készül, ezzel törölni fogja a módosításokat.\n" "Biztosan folytatni akarja?" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:1 -msgid "Add…" -msgstr "Hozzáadás…" - -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 -msgid "Loading account information" -msgstr "Fiókinformációk betöltése" - #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:3 -msgid "No protocol installed" -msgstr "Nincs telepítve protokoll" +msgid "_Import…" +msgstr "_Importálás…" #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:4 -msgid "Protocol:" -msgstr "Protokoll:" +msgid "Loading account information" +msgstr "Fiókinformációk betöltése" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:5 msgid "" "To add a new account, you first have to install a backend for each protocol " "you want to use." @@ -3270,132 +3189,116 @@ "Új fiók létrehozásához először telepítenie kell egy háttérprogramot minden " "használandó protokollhoz." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:7 -msgid "_Import…" -msgstr "_Importálás…" +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:6 +msgid "No protocol backends installed" +msgstr "Nincsenek telepítve protokoll-háttérprogramok" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:249 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:288 msgid " - Empathy authentication client" msgstr " – Empathy hitelesítési kliens" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:265 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:304 msgid "Empathy authentication client" msgstr "Empathy hitelesítési kliens" -#: ../src/empathy-auto-salut-account-helper.c:83 -msgid "People nearby" -msgstr "Közeli emberek" - -#: ../src/empathy-av.c:118 ../src/empathy-call.c:192 +#: ../src/empathy-av.c:118 ../src/empathy-call.c:201 msgid "- Empathy Audio/Video Client" msgstr "– Empathy hang/videó kliens" -#: ../src/empathy-av.c:134 ../src/empathy-call.c:217 +#: ../src/empathy-av.c:134 ../src/empathy-call.c:223 msgid "Empathy Audio/Video Client" msgstr "Empathy hang/videó kliens" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:431 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:434 msgid "Contrast" msgstr "Kontraszt" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:434 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:437 msgid "Brightness" msgstr "Fényerő" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:437 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:440 msgid "Gamma" msgstr "Gamma" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:542 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:547 msgid "Volume" msgstr "Hangerő" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1110 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1099 msgid "_Sidebar" msgstr "_Oldalsáv" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1130 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1119 msgid "Audio input" msgstr "Hangbemenet" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1134 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1123 msgid "Video input" msgstr "Videobemenet" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1140 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1131 msgid "Dialpad" msgstr "Tárcsázókészülék" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1151 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1142 msgid "Details" msgstr "Részletek" #. translators: Call is a noun and %s is the contact name. This string #. * is used in the window title -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1220 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1825 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1211 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1889 #, c-format msgid "Call with %s" msgstr "%s hívása" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1453 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2069 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1444 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2133 msgid "The IP address as seen by the machine" msgstr "A gép által látott IP-cím" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1455 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2071 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1446 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2135 msgid "The IP address as seen by a server on the Internet" msgstr "Az interneten lévő kiszolgáló által látott IP-cím" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1457 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2073 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1448 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2137 msgid "The IP address of the peer as seen by the other side" msgstr "A partner másik oldal által látott IP-címe" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1459 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2075 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1450 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2139 msgid "The IP address of a relay server" msgstr "Közvetítő kiszolgáló IP-címe" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1461 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2077 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1452 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2141 msgid "The IP address of the multicast group" msgstr "Üzenetszórási csoport IP-címe" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1837 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1840 #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1843 -msgctxt "encoding video codec" -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Ismeretlen" - #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1846 -msgctxt "encoding audio codec" -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Ismeretlen" - -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1849 -msgctxt "decoding video codec" -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Ismeretlen" - -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1852 -msgctxt "decoding audio codec" +msgctxt "codec" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Ismeretlen" #. Translators: number of minutes:seconds the caller has been connected -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2144 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2138 #, c-format msgid "Connected — %d:%02dm" msgstr "Kapcsolódva – %d.%02dp" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2205 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2846 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2199 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2992 msgid "Technical Details" msgstr "Technikai részletek" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2243 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2884 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2237 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3031 #, c-format msgid "" "%s's software does not understand any of the audio formats supported by your " @@ -3404,8 +3307,8 @@ "%s szoftvere nem érti az Ön számítógépe által támogatott egyik " "hangformátumot sem" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2248 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2889 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2242 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3036 #, c-format msgid "" "%s's software does not understand any of the video formats supported by your " @@ -3414,8 +3317,8 @@ "%s szoftvere nem érti az Ön számítógépe által támogatott egyik " "videoformátumot sem" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2254 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2895 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2248 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3042 #, c-format msgid "" "Can't establish a connection to %s. One of you might be on a network that " @@ -3424,23 +3327,26 @@ "Nem hozható létre kapcsolat %s partnerhez. Lehet, hogy egyikük közvetlen " "kapcsolatot nem engedélyező hálózatot használ." -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2260 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2901 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2254 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3048 msgid "There was a failure on the network" msgstr "Hálózati hiba történt" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2264 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2905 -msgid "The audio formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2258 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3052 +msgid "" +"The audio formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" msgstr "A híváshoz szükséges hangformátumok nincsenek telepítve a számítógépre" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2267 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2908 -msgid "The video formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" -msgstr "A híváshoz szükséges videoformátumok nincsenek telepítve a számítógépre" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2261 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3055 +msgid "" +"The video formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" +msgstr "" +"A híváshoz szükséges videoformátumok nincsenek telepítve a számítógépre" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2277 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2920 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2271 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3067 #, c-format msgid "" "Something unexpected happened in a Telepathy component. Please , és csatolja a Súgó menü „Hibakeresés” ablakából elérhető " "naplókat." -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2285 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2929 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2279 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3076 msgid "There was a failure in the call engine" msgstr "Hiba történt a hívási alrendszerben" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2288 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2932 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2282 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3079 msgid "The end of the stream was reached" msgstr "A folyam vége elérve" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2328 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2972 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2322 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3119 msgid "Can't establish audio stream" msgstr "Nem hozható létre a hangfolyam" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2338 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2982 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2332 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3129 msgid "Can't establish video stream" msgstr "Nem hozható létre a videofolyam" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:1 ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:1 #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:1 -msgid "Audio" -msgstr "Hang" +msgid "_Call" +msgstr "_Hívás" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:3 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:5 -msgid "Decoding Codec:" -msgstr "Dekódoló kodek:" +msgid "_Microphone" +msgstr "_Mikrofon" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:4 -msgid "Disable camera" -msgstr "Kamera letiltása" +msgid "_Camera" +msgstr "_Kamera" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:5 -msgid "Display the dialpad" -msgstr "Tárcsázókészülék megjelenítése" +msgid "_Settings" +msgstr "_Beállítások" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:6 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:9 -msgid "Encoding Codec:" -msgstr "Kódoló kodek:" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:8 +msgid "_View" +msgstr "_Nézet" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:7 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:10 -msgid "Hang up" -msgstr "Befejezés" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:7 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:27 +msgid "_Help" +msgstr "_Súgó" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:8 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:11 -msgid "Hang up current call" -msgstr "Aktuális hívás befejezése" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:8 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:18 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:28 +msgid "_Contents" +msgstr "_Tartalom" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:9 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:12 -msgid "Local Candidate:" -msgstr "Helyi jelölt:" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:29 +msgid "_Debug" +msgstr "_Hibakeresés" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:10 -msgid "Maximise me" -msgstr "Maximalizálás" +msgid "Swap camera" +msgstr "Kamera cseréje" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:11 msgid "Minimise me" msgstr "Minimalizálás" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:12 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:15 -msgid "Remote Candidate:" -msgstr "Távoli jelölt:" +msgid "Maximise me" +msgstr "Maximalizálás" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:13 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:16 -msgid "Send Audio" -msgstr "Hang küldése" +msgid "Disable camera" +msgstr "Kamera letiltása" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:14 -msgid "Send Video" -msgstr "Videó küldése" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:2 +msgid "Hang up" +msgstr "Befejezés" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:15 -msgid "Show dialpad" -msgstr "Tárcsázókészülék" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:9 +msgid "Hang up current call" +msgstr "Aktuális hívás befejezése" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "Video call" +msgstr "Videohívás" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:17 msgid "Start a video call" msgstr "Videohívás indítása" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:19 msgid "Start an audio call" msgstr "Hanghívás indítása" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:18 -msgid "Swap camera" -msgstr "Kamera cseréje" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:19 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:17 -msgid "Toggle audio transmission" -msgstr "Hangátvitel be/ki" - #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:20 -msgid "Toggle video transmission" -msgstr "Videoátvitel be/ki" +msgid "Show dialpad" +msgstr "Tárcsázókészülék" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:21 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:18 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2476 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2477 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2478 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2479 -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Ismeretlen" +msgid "Display the dialpad" +msgstr "Tárcsázókészülék megjelenítése" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:22 +msgid "Send Video" +msgstr "Videó küldése" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:23 -msgid "Video call" -msgstr "Videohívás" +msgid "Toggle video transmission" +msgstr "Videoátvitel be/ki" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:24 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:24 -msgid "_Call" -msgstr "_Hívás" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:11 +msgid "Send Audio" +msgstr "Hang küldése" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:25 -msgid "_Camera" -msgstr "_Kamera" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:26 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:9 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:18 -msgid "_Contents" -msgstr "_Tartalom" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:12 +msgid "Toggle audio transmission" +msgstr "Hangátvitel be/ki" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:27 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:19 -msgid "_Debug" -msgstr "_Hibakeresés" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:20 +msgid "Encoding Codec:" +msgstr "Kódoló kodek:" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:29 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:14 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:22 -msgid "_Help" -msgstr "_Súgó" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:28 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:21 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2542 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2543 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2544 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2545 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Ismeretlen" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:29 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:22 +msgid "Decoding Codec:" +msgstr "Dekódoló kodek:" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:30 -msgid "_Microphone" -msgstr "_Mikrofon" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:23 +msgid "Remote Candidate:" +msgstr "Távoli jelölt:" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:31 -msgid "_Settings" -msgstr "_Beállítások" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:24 +msgid "Local Candidate:" +msgstr "Helyi jelölt:" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:32 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:30 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:32 ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:24 #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:25 -msgid "_View" -msgstr "_Nézet" +msgid "Audio" +msgstr "Hang" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:481 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:501 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:289 +msgid "Close this window?" +msgstr "Bezárja ezt az ablakot?" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:294 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Closing this window will leave %s. You will not receive any further messages " +"until you rejoin it." +msgstr "" +"Az ablak bezárásával elhagyja ezt: %s. Az újracsatlakozásig nem fog további " +"üzeneteket kapni." + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:305 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Closing this window will leave a chat room. You will not receive any further " +"messages until you rejoin it." +msgid_plural "" +"Closing this window will leave %u chat rooms. You will not receive any " +"further messages until you rejoin them." +msgstr[0] "" +"Az ablak bezárásával elhagyja a csevegőszobát. Az újracsatlakozásig nem fog " +"további üzeneteket kapni." +msgstr[1] "" +"Az ablak bezárásával elhagy %u csevegőszobát. Az újracsatlakozásig nem fog " +"további üzeneteket kapni." + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:314 +#, c-format +msgid "Leave %s?" +msgstr "Elhagyja ezt: %s?" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:315 +msgid "" +"You will not receive any further messages from this chat room until you " +"rejoin it." +msgstr "" +"Az újracsatlakozásig nem fog további üzeneteket kapni ebből a " +"csevegőszobából." + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:334 +msgid "Close window" +msgstr "Ablak bezárása" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:334 +msgid "Leave room" +msgstr "Szoba elhagyása" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:640 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:660 #, c-format msgid "%s (%d unread)" msgid_plural "%s (%d unread)" msgstr[0] "%s (%d olvasatlan)" msgstr[1] "%s (%d olvasatlan)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:493 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:652 #, c-format msgid "%s (and %u other)" msgid_plural "%s (and %u others)" msgstr[0] "%s (és %u egyéb)" msgstr[1] "%s (és %u egyéb)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:509 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:668 #, c-format msgid "%s (%d unread from others)" msgid_plural "%s (%d unread from others)" msgstr[0] "%s (%d olvasatlan másoktól)" msgstr[1] "%s (%d olvasatlan másoktól)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:518 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:677 #, c-format msgid "%s (%d unread from all)" msgid_plural "%s (%d unread from all)" msgstr[0] "%s (%d olvasatlan mindenkitől)" msgstr[1] "%s (%d olvasatlan mindenkitől)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:733 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:892 msgid "SMS:" msgstr "SMS:" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:743 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:902 #, c-format msgid "Sending %d message" msgid_plural "Sending %d messages" msgstr[0] "%d üzenet küldése" msgstr[1] "%d üzenet küldése" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:765 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:924 msgid "Typing a message." msgstr "Üzenet írása." #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:1 -msgid "C_lear" -msgstr "_Törlés" +msgid "_Conversation" +msgstr "_Társalgás" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:2 -msgid "C_ontact" -msgstr "_Partner" +msgid "C_lear" +msgstr "_Törlés" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:3 msgid "Insert _Smiley" msgstr "Ha_ngulatjel beszúrása" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Favorite Chat Room" +msgstr "_Kedvenc csevegőszoba" + #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:5 -msgid "Invite _Participant…" -msgstr "_Résztvevő meghívása…" +msgid "Notify for All Messages" +msgstr "Értesítés az összes hibaüzenetről" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:6 -msgid "Move Tab _Left" -msgstr "Lap _balra" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:6 ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Show Contact List" +msgstr "Partnerlista m_utatása" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:7 -msgid "Move Tab _Right" -msgstr "Lap j_obbra" +msgid "Invite _Participant…" +msgstr "_Résztvevő meghívása…" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:8 -msgid "Notify for All Messages" -msgstr "Értesítés az összes hibaüzenetről" +msgid "C_ontact" +msgstr "_Partner" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:10 -msgid "_Conversation" -msgstr "_Társalgás" +msgid "_Tabs" +msgstr "_Lapok" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:11 -msgid "_Detach Tab" -msgstr "_Lap leválasztása" - -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:13 -msgid "_Favorite Chat Room" -msgstr "_Kedvenc csevegőszoba" +msgid "_Previous Tab" +msgstr "_Előző lap" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:15 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:12 msgid "_Next Tab" msgstr "_Következő lap" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:16 -msgid "_Previous Tab" -msgstr "_Előző lap" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:13 +msgid "_Undo Close Tab" +msgstr "Lapbezárás _visszavonása" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:17 ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:5 -msgid "_Show Contact List" -msgstr "Partnerlista m_utatása" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:14 +msgid "Move Tab _Left" +msgstr "Lap _balra" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:18 -msgid "_Tabs" -msgstr "_Lapok" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:15 +msgid "Move Tab _Right" +msgstr "Lap j_obbra" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:19 -msgid "_Undo Close Tab" -msgstr "Lapbezárás _visszavonása" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "_Detach Tab" +msgstr "_Lap leválasztása" #: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.c:251 msgid "Name" @@ -3720,100 +3675,100 @@ msgid "Auto-Connect" msgstr "Automatikus kapcsolódás" -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:1 msgid "Manage Favorite Rooms" msgstr "Kedvenc szobák kezelése" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:521 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 msgid "Incoming video call" msgstr "Bejövő videohívás" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:521 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1449 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1519 msgid "Incoming call" msgstr "Bejövő hívás" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:525 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:526 #, c-format msgid "%s is video calling you. Do you want to answer?" msgstr "%s videón hívja, válaszol?" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:526 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:527 #, c-format msgid "%s is calling you. Do you want to answer?" msgstr "%s hívja, válaszol?" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:529 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:730 -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:763 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1455 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:530 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "Incoming call from %s" msgstr "Bejövő hívás %s partnertől" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:554 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:555 msgid "_Reject" msgstr "_Elutasítás" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:562 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:570 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:563 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 msgid "_Answer" msgstr "_Válasz" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:570 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 msgid "_Answer with video" msgstr "_Válasz videóval" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:730 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:763 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1455 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "Incoming video call from %s" msgstr "Bejövő videohívás %s partnertől" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:836 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:837 msgid "Room invitation" msgstr "Szobameghívás" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:838 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:839 #, c-format msgid "Invitation to join %s" msgstr "Meghívás a csatlakozásra ehhez: %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:845 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:846 #, c-format msgid "%s is inviting you to join %s" msgstr "%s kéri, hogy csatlakozzon ehhez: %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:853 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:854 msgid "_Decline" msgstr "_Elutasítás" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:858 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:7 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:859 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:2 msgid "_Join" msgstr "_Csatlakozás" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:885 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:886 #, c-format msgid "%s invited you to join %s" msgstr "%s megkérte, hogy csatlakozzon ehhez: %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:891 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:892 #, c-format msgid "You have been invited to join %s" msgstr "Megkérték, hogy csatlakozzon ehhez: %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:942 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:943 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file transfer from %s" msgstr "Bejövő fájlátvitel %s partnertől" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1134 ../src/empathy-main-window.c:375 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1146 ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:374 msgid "Password required" msgstr "Jelszó szükséges" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1190 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1216 #, c-format msgid "%s would like permission to see when you are online" msgstr "%s engedélyt kér, hogy láthassa az Ön elérhető állapotát" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1194 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1222 #, c-format msgid "" "\n" @@ -3823,105 +3778,105 @@ "Üzenet: %s" #. Translators: time left, when it is more than one hour -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:100 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:99 #, c-format msgid "%u:%02u.%02u" msgstr "%u:%02u.%02u" #. Translators: time left, when is is less than one hour -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:103 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:102 #, c-format msgid "%02u.%02u" msgstr "%02u.%02u" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:179 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:178 msgctxt "file transfer percent" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Ismeretlen" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:274 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:273 #, c-format msgid "%s of %s at %s/s" msgstr "%s, összesen %s; %s/s" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:275 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:274 #, c-format msgid "%s of %s" msgstr "%s / %s" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:306 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:305 #, c-format msgid "Receiving \"%s\" from %s" msgstr "„%s” fogadása %s partnertől" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:309 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:308 #, c-format msgid "Sending \"%s\" to %s" msgstr "„%s” küldése %s partnernek" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s #. * is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:339 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:338 #, c-format msgid "Error receiving \"%s\" from %s" msgstr "Hiba „%s” fogadásakor %s partnertől" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:342 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:341 msgid "Error receiving a file" msgstr "Hiba a fájl fogadásakor" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:347 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:346 #, c-format msgid "Error sending \"%s\" to %s" msgstr "Hiba „%s” küldésekor %s partnernek" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:350 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:349 msgid "Error sending a file" msgstr "Hiba a fájl küldésekor" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s #. * is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:489 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:488 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" received from %s" msgstr "„%s” érkezett %s partnertől" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s #. * is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:494 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:493 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" sent to %s" msgstr "„%s” elküldve %s partnernek" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:497 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:496 msgid "File transfer completed" msgstr "A fájlátvitel befejeződött" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:616 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:780 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:615 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:779 msgid "Waiting for the other participant's response" msgstr "Várakozás a partner válaszára" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:642 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:680 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:641 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:679 #, c-format msgid "Checking integrity of \"%s\"" msgstr "„%s” integritásának ellenőrzése" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:645 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:683 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:644 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:682 #, c-format msgid "Hashing \"%s\"" msgstr "„%s” ellenőrzése" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1026 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1025 msgid "%" msgstr "%" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1038 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1037 msgid "File" msgstr "Fájl" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1060 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1059 msgid "Remaining" msgstr "Hátralévő" @@ -3931,9 +3886,14 @@ #: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.ui.h:2 msgid "Remove completed, canceled and failed file transfers from the list" -msgstr "Befejezett, megszakított és meghiúsult átvitelek eltávolítása a listából" +msgstr "" +"Befejezett, megszakított és meghiúsult átvitelek eltávolítása a listából" -#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:84 +#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:76 +msgid "_Import" +msgstr "_Importálás" + +#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:88 msgid "" "No accounts to import could be found. Empathy currently only supports " "importing accounts from Pidgin." @@ -3941,171 +3901,196 @@ "Nem találhatók importálható fiókok. Az Empathy jelenleg csak a Pidginből " "támogatja a fiókok importálását." -#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:199 +#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:209 msgid "Import Accounts" msgstr "Fiókok importálása" #. Translators: this is the header of a treeview column -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:301 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:316 msgid "Import" msgstr "Importálás" -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:310 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:325 msgid "Protocol" msgstr "Protokoll" -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:334 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:349 msgid "Source" msgstr "Forrás" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:392 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:391 msgid "Provide Password" msgstr "Adja meg a jelszót" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:398 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:397 msgid "Disconnect" msgstr "Leválasztás" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:622 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:657 +msgid "You need to setup an account to see contacts here." +msgstr "Be kell állítani egy fiókot, hogy itt partnereket láthasson." + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:673 msgid "No match found" msgstr "Nincs találat" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:777 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:783 +#, c-format +msgid "Sorry, %s accounts can’t be used until your %s software is updated." +msgstr "" +"Elnézést, a(z) %s fiókok nem használhatók a(z) %s szoftver frissítéséig." + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:849 +msgid "Update software..." +msgstr "Szoftver frissítése…" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:855 ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:972 +msgid "Close" +msgstr "Bezárás" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:960 msgid "Reconnect" msgstr "Újracsatlakozás" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:783 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:966 msgid "Edit Account" msgstr "Fiók szerkesztése" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:789 -msgid "Close" -msgstr "Bezárás" - #. Translators: this string will be something like: -#. * Top up My Account ($1.23)..." -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:928 +#. * Top up My Account ($1.23)..." +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1110 #, c-format msgid "Top up %s (%s)..." msgstr "%s feltöltése (%s)…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:975 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1156 msgid "Top up account credit" msgstr "Fiókegyenleg feltöltése" #. top up button -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1046 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1228 msgid "Top Up..." msgstr "Feltöltés…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1789 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1952 msgid "Contact" msgstr "Partner" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:2121 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2150 +msgid "You need to enable one of your accounts to see contacts here." +msgstr "Engedélyezni kell az egyik fiókját, hogy itt partnereket láthasson." + +#. translators: argument is an account name +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2158 +#, c-format +msgid "You need to enable %s to see contacts here." +msgstr "Engedélyezni kell ezt: %s, hogy itt partnereket láthasson." + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2460 msgid "Contact List" msgstr "Partnerlista" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:1 -msgid "Contacts on a _Map" -msgstr "_Partnerek térképen" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.ui.h:1 +msgid "Account settings" +msgstr "Fiókbeállítások" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:2 -msgid "Credit Balance" -msgstr "Egyenleg" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:2 +msgid "_New Conversation…" +msgstr "Új _társalgás…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:3 -msgid "Find in Contact _List" -msgstr "_Keresés a partnerlistában" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:3 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:3 +msgid "New _Call…" +msgstr "Új _hívás…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:4 -msgid "Join _Favorites" -msgstr "_Csatlakozás a kedvencekhez" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Search for Contacts…" +msgstr "Partnerek _keresése…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:5 -msgid "Manage Favorites" -msgstr "Kedvencek kezelése" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:7 +msgid "_File Transfers" +msgstr "_Fájlátvitelek" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:6 -msgid "N_ormal Size" -msgstr "N_ormál méret" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Offline Contacts" +msgstr "Kilé_pett partnerek" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:7 ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:1 -msgid "New _Call…" -msgstr "Új _hívás…" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:9 +msgid "Show P_rotocols" +msgstr "_Protokollok megjelenítése" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:8 -msgid "Normal Size With _Avatars" -msgstr "Normál méret _avatarokkal" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:10 +msgid "Credit Balance" +msgstr "Egyenleg" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:11 +msgid "Contacts on a _Map" +msgstr "_Partnerek térképen" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:13 +msgid "_Accounts" +msgstr "_Fiókok" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:14 +msgid "_Blocked Contacts" +msgstr "Bl_okkolt partnerek" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:9 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:15 msgid "P_references" msgstr "B_eállítások" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:10 -msgid "Show P_rotocols" -msgstr "_Protokollok megjelenítése" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:16 +msgid "Find in Contact _List" +msgstr "_Keresés a partnerlistában" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:11 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:18 msgid "Sort by _Name" msgstr "Rendezés _név szerint" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:12 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:19 msgid "Sort by _Status" msgstr "Rendezés álla_pot szerint" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:13 -msgid "_Accounts" -msgstr "_Fiókok" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:20 +msgid "Normal Size With _Avatars" +msgstr "Normál méret _avatarokkal" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:15 -msgid "_Blocked Contacts" -msgstr "Bl_okkolt partnerek" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:21 +msgid "N_ormal Size" +msgstr "N_ormál méret" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:22 msgid "_Compact Size" msgstr "_Tömör méret" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:21 -msgid "_File Transfers" -msgstr "_Fájlátvitelek" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:23 +msgid "_Room" +msgstr "Sz_oba" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:23 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:24 msgid "_Join…" msgstr "_Csatlakozás…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:24 -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:3 -msgid "_New Conversation…" -msgstr "Új _társalgás…" - -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:25 -msgid "_Offline Contacts" -msgstr "Kilé_pett partnerek" - -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:26 -msgid "_Personal Information" -msgstr "S_zemélyes információk" - -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:28 -msgid "_Room" -msgstr "Sz_oba" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:25 +msgid "Join _Favorites" +msgstr "_Csatlakozás a kedvencekhez" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:29 -msgid "_Search for Contacts…" -msgstr "Partnerek _keresése…" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:26 +msgid "Manage Favorites" +msgstr "Kedvencek kezelése" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:337 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:369 msgid "Chat Room" msgstr "Csevegőszoba" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:353 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:385 msgid "Members" msgstr "Tagok" #. Translators: Room/Join's roomlist tooltip. Parameters are a channel name, #. yes/no, yes/no and a number. -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:553 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:637 #, c-format msgid "" "%s\n" @@ -4118,30 +4103,40 @@ "Jelszó szükséges: %s\n" "Tagok: %s" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:555 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:556 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:639 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:640 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Igen" + +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:639 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:640 msgid "No" msgstr "Nem" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:584 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:668 msgid "Could not start room listing" msgstr "Nem indítható a szobalistázás" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:594 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:678 msgid "Could not stop room listing" msgstr "Nem állítható le a szobalistázás" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:2 -msgid "Couldn't load room list" -msgstr "Nem tölthető be a szobalista" +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:1 +msgid "Join Room" +msgstr "Csatlakozás a szobához" #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:3 -msgid "Enter the room name to join here or click on one or more rooms in the list." +msgid "" +"Enter the room name to join here or click on one or more rooms in the list." msgstr "" "Itt adja meg a szoba nevét a csatlakozáshoz, vagy kattintson néhány, a " "listán látható szobára." #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Room:" +msgstr "Sz_oba:" + +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:5 msgid "" "Enter the server which hosts the room, or leave it empty if the room is on " "the current account's server" @@ -4149,379 +4144,396 @@ "Adja meg a szobát üzemeltető kiszolgáló nevét, vagy hagyja üresen ha a szoba " "a jelenlegi fiókéval egyező kiszolgálón van" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:5 -msgid "Join Room" -msgstr "Csatlakozás a szobához" +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:8 +msgid "Couldn't load room list" +msgstr "Nem tölthető be a szobalista" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:9 msgid "Room List" msgstr "Szobalista" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:8 -msgid "_Room:" -msgstr "Sz_oba:" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:169 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:166 msgid "Message received" msgstr "Üzenet érkezett" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:170 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:167 msgid "Message sent" msgstr "Üzenet elküldve" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:171 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:168 msgid "New conversation" msgstr "Új társalgás" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:172 -msgid "Contact goes online" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:169 +msgid "Contact comes online" msgstr "Partner belép" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:173 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:170 msgid "Contact goes offline" msgstr "Partner kilép" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:174 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:171 msgid "Account connected" msgstr "Fiók kapcsolódott" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:175 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:172 msgid "Account disconnected" msgstr "Fiók kapcsolata bontva" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:484 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:475 msgid "Language" msgstr "Nyelv" #. translators: Contact name for the chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:734 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:726 msgid "Juliet" msgstr "Júlia" #. translators: Contact name for the chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:741 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:733 msgid "Romeo" msgstr "Romeo" # http://mek.oszk.hu/00400/00492/00492.htm #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:747 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:739 msgid "O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?" msgstr "Ó, Romeo, mért vagy te Romeo?" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:750 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:743 msgid "Deny thy father and refuse thy name;" msgstr "Tagadd meg az atyád, neved hajítsd el," #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:753 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:746 msgid "Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love" msgstr "S ha nem teszed meg, esküdj édesemmé" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:756 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:749 msgid "And I'll no longer be a Capulet." msgstr "És nem leszek Capulet én se többé." #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:759 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:752 msgid "Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?" msgstr "Hallgassak-e vagy szóljak-e neki?" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:762 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:755 msgid "Juliet has disconnected" msgstr "Júlia kilépett" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:1175 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:1159 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Beállítások" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:1 +msgid "Show _smileys as images" +msgstr "_Hangulatjelek képekké alakítása" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:2 +msgid "Show contact _list in rooms" +msgstr "Partnerlista m_utatása szobákban" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:3 msgid "Appearance" msgstr "Megjelenés" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:3 -msgid "Behavior" -msgstr "Viselkedés" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:4 +msgid "Start chats in:" +msgstr "Csevegések indítása itt:" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:5 -msgid "Chat Th_eme:" -msgstr "Csevegés té_mája:" +msgid "new ta_bs" +msgstr "új lap_ok" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:6 -msgid "Disable notifications when _away or busy" -msgstr "É_rtesítések tiltása, ha távol vagy elfoglalt vagyok" +msgid "new _windows" +msgstr "új _ablakok" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:7 -msgid "Disable sounds when _away or busy" -msgstr "Hangok tiltása, ha _távol vagy elfoglalt vagyok" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:8 msgid "Display incoming events in the notification area" msgstr "Bejövő események megjelenítése az értesítési területen" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Automatically connect on startup" +msgstr "A_utomatikus kapcsolódás indításkor" + #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:9 -msgid "" -"Echo cancellation helps to make your voice sound clearer to the other " -"person, but may cause problems on some computers. If you or the other person " -"hear strange noises or glitches during calls, try turning echo cancellation " -"off and restarting the call." -msgstr "" -"A visszhang-csillapítás segítségével hangja tisztábban fog hallatszani a másik " -"félnél, de egyes számítógépeken problémákat okozhat. Ha Ön vagy a hívott " -"partner fura zajokat vagy hanghibákat hall a hívás során, akkor próbálja meg " -"kikapcsolni a visszhang-csillapítást, és újraindítani a hívást." +msgid "Log conversations" +msgstr "Társalgások naplózása" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:10 -msgid "Enable notifications when a contact comes online" -msgstr "Értesítések engedélyezése, ha a partnerek elérhetővé válnak" +msgid "Behavior" +msgstr "Viselkedés" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:11 -msgid "Enable notifications when a contact goes offline" -msgstr "Értesítések engedélyezése, ha a partnerek elérhetetlenné válnak" +msgid "General" +msgstr "Általános" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:12 -msgid "Enable notifications when the _chat is not focused" -msgstr "Értesítések engedélyezése, ha a cse_vegés nincs fókuszban" +msgid "_Enable bubble notifications" +msgstr "B_uborékértesítések engedélyezése" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:13 -msgid "Enable spell checking for languages:" -msgstr "Helyesírás-ellenőrzés ezen nyelveken:" +msgid "Disable notifications when _away or busy" +msgstr "É_rtesítések tiltása, ha távol vagy elfoglalt vagyok" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:14 -msgid "General" -msgstr "Általános" +msgid "Enable notifications when the _chat is not focused" +msgstr "Értesítések engedélyezése, ha a cse_vegés nincs fókuszban" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:15 -msgid "Input level:" -msgstr "Bemeneti szint:" +msgid "Enable notifications when a contact comes online" +msgstr "Értesítések engedélyezése, ha a partnerek elérhetővé válnak" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:16 -msgid "Input volume:" -msgstr "Bemeneti hangerő:" +msgid "Enable notifications when a contact goes offline" +msgstr "Értesítések engedélyezése, ha a partnerek elérhetetlenné válnak" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:17 +msgid "Notifications" +msgstr "Értesítések" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:18 -msgid "Location sources:" -msgstr "Helyforrások:" +msgid "_Enable sound notifications" +msgstr "H_angos értesítések engedélyezése" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:19 -msgid "Log conversations" -msgstr "Társalgások naplózása" +msgid "Disable sounds when _away or busy" +msgstr "Hangok tiltása, ha _távol vagy elfoglalt vagyok" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:20 -msgid "Notifications" -msgstr "Értesítések" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:21 msgid "Play sound for events" msgstr "Hang lejátszása eseményekhez" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:21 +msgid "Sounds" +msgstr "Hangok" + #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:22 -msgid "Privacy" -msgstr "Adatvédelem" +msgid "Use _echo cancellation to improve call quality" +msgstr "Hívásminőség javítása _visszhangcsillapítás használatával" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:23 msgid "" -"Reduced location accuracy means that nothing more precise than your city, " -"state and country will be published. GPS coordinates will be accurate to 1 " -"decimal place." +"Echo cancellation helps to make your voice sound clearer to the other " +"person, but may cause problems on some computers. If you or the other person " +"hear strange noises or glitches during calls, try turning echo cancellation " +"off and restarting the call." msgstr "" -"A hely pontosságának csökkentése azt jelenti, hogy a tartózkodási helyéről " -"csak a város, megye és ország lesz közzétéve. A GPS koordináták 1 decimális " -"hely pontosságúak lesznek." - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:24 -msgid "Show _smileys as images" -msgstr "_Hangulatjelek képekké alakítása" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:25 -msgid "Show contact _list in rooms" -msgstr "Partnerlista m_utatása szobákban" +"A visszhang-csillapítás segítségével hangja tisztábban fog hallatszani a " +"másik félnél, de egyes számítógépeken problémákat okozhat. Ha Ön vagy a " +"hívott partner fura zajokat vagy hanghibákat hall a hívás során, akkor " +"próbálja meg kikapcsolni a visszhang-csillapítást, és újraindítani a hívást." #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:26 -msgid "Sounds" -msgstr "Hangok" +msgid "_Publish location to my contacts" +msgstr "_Hely közzététele a partnereimnek" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:27 -msgid "Spell Checking" -msgstr "Helyesírás-ellenőrzés" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:28 msgid "" -"The list of languages reflects only the languages for which you have a " -"dictionary installed." +"Reduced location accuracy means that nothing more precise than your city, " +"state and country will be published. GPS coordinates will be accurate to 1 " +"decimal place." msgstr "" -"Ezen az oldalon csak azok a nyelvek vannak felsorolva, amelyekhez telepítve " -"van szótár." +"A hely pontosságának csökkentése azt jelenti, hogy a tartózkodási helyéről " +"csak a város, megye és ország lesz közzétéve. A GPS koordináták 1 decimális " +"hely pontosságúak lesznek." +#. To translators: The longitude and latitude are rounded to closest 0,1 degrees, so for example 146,2345° is rounded to round(146,2345*10)/10 = 146,2 degrees. #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:29 -msgid "Themes" -msgstr "Témák" +msgid "_Reduce location accuracy" +msgstr "Hely pontosságának _csökkentése" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:30 -msgid "Use _echo cancellation to improve call quality" -msgstr "Hívásminőség javítása _visszhangcsillapítás használatával" +msgid "Privacy" +msgstr "Adatvédelem" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:31 -msgid "Variant:" -msgstr "Változat:" +msgid "_GPS" +msgstr "_GPS" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:32 -msgid "_Automatically connect on startup" -msgstr "A_utomatikus kapcsolódás indításkor" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:33 msgid "_Cellphone" msgstr "_Mobiltelefon" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:34 -msgid "_Enable bubble notifications" -msgstr "B_uborékértesítések engedélyezése" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:33 +msgid "_Network (IP, Wi-Fi)" +msgstr "_Hálózat (IP, Wi-Fi)" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:35 -msgid "_Enable sound notifications" -msgstr "H_angos értesítések engedélyezése" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:34 +msgid "Location sources:" +msgstr "Helyforrások:" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:36 -msgid "_GPS" -msgstr "_GPS" +msgid "" +"The list of languages reflects only the languages for which you have a " +"dictionary installed." +msgstr "" +"Ezen az oldalon csak azok a nyelvek vannak felsorolva, amelyekhez telepítve " +"van szótár." #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:37 -msgid "_Network (IP, Wi-Fi)" -msgstr "_Hálózat (IP, Wi-Fi)" +msgid "Enable spell checking for languages:" +msgstr "Helyesírás-ellenőrzés ezen nyelveken:" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:38 -msgid "_Open new chats in separate windows" -msgstr "Új csevegések megnyitása _külön ablakokban" +msgid "Spell Checking" +msgstr "Helyesírás-ellenőrzés" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:39 -msgid "_Publish location to my contacts" -msgstr "_Hely közzététele a partnereimnek" +msgid "Chat Th_eme:" +msgstr "Csevegés té_mája:" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:40 +msgid "Variant:" +msgstr "Változat:" -#. To translators: The longitude and latitude are rounded to closest 0,1 degrees, so for example 146,2345° is rounded to round(146,2345*10)/10 = 146,2 degrees. #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:41 -msgid "_Reduce location accuracy" -msgstr "Hely pontosságának _csökkentése" +msgid "Themes" +msgstr "Témák" -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:4 msgid "Status" msgstr "Állapot" -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:5 msgid "_Quit" msgstr "_Kilépés" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:2 -msgid "Call the contact again" -msgstr "Partner újrahívása" - #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Camera Off" -msgstr "Kamera ki" +msgid "Redial" +msgstr "Újratárcsázás" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:4 -msgid "Camera On" -msgstr "Kamera be" +msgid "V_ideo" +msgstr "Vi_deó" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:5 +msgid "Video Off" +msgstr "Videó ki" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:6 -msgid "Disable camera and stop sending video" -msgstr "Kamera kikapcsolása és a képküldés leállítása" +msgid "Video Preview" +msgstr "Videoelőnézet" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:7 -msgid "Enable camera and send video" -msgstr "Kamera bekapcsolása és kép küldése" +msgid "Video On" +msgstr "Videó be" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:8 -msgid "Enable camera but don't send video" -msgstr "Kamera bekapcsolása, de ne küldjön képet" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:10 +msgid "Call the contact again" +msgstr "Partner újrahívása" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:13 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Előnézet" +msgid "Camera Off" +msgstr "Kamera ki" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:14 -msgid "Redial" -msgstr "Újratárcsázás" +msgid "Disable camera and stop sending video" +msgstr "Kamera kikapcsolása és a képküldés leállítása" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:19 -msgid "V_ideo" -msgstr "Vi_deó" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:15 +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "Előnézet" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:21 -msgid "Video Off" -msgstr "Videó ki" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "Enable camera but don't send video" +msgstr "Kamera bekapcsolása, de ne küldjön képet" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:22 -msgid "Video On" -msgstr "Videó be" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:17 +msgid "Camera On" +msgstr "Kamera be" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:23 -msgid "Video Preview" -msgstr "Videoelőnézet" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:18 +msgid "Enable camera and send video" +msgstr "Kamera bekapcsolása és kép küldése" -#: ../src/empathy-map-view.c:448 +#: ../src/empathy-map-view.c:471 msgid "Contact Map View" msgstr "Partner térképnézete" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1228 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1607 msgid "Save" msgstr "Mentés" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1435 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1667 +msgid "Pastebin link" +msgstr "Pastebin hivatkozás" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1676 +msgid "Pastebin response" +msgstr "Pastebin válasz" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1680 +#, c-format +msgid "%s" +msgstr "%s" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1683 +msgid "Data too large for a single paste. Please save logs to file." +msgstr "Túl nagy egyetlen beillesztéshez. Mentse a naplókat fájlba." + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1912 msgid "Debug Window" msgstr "Hibakeresési ablak" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1517 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1970 +msgid "Send to pastebin" +msgstr "Küldés pastebinbe" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2009 msgid "Pause" msgstr "Szünet" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1529 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2021 msgid "Level " msgstr "Szint " -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1549 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2040 msgid "Debug" msgstr "Hibakeresés" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1555 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2045 msgid "Info" msgstr "Információ" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1561 ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1610 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2050 ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2096 msgid "Message" msgstr "Üzenet" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1567 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2055 msgid "Warning" msgstr "Figyelmeztetés" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1573 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2060 msgid "Critical" msgstr "Kritikus" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1579 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2065 msgid "Error" msgstr "Hiba" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1598 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2084 msgid "Time" msgstr "Idő" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1601 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2087 msgid "Domain" msgstr "Tartomány" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1603 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2089 msgid "Category" msgstr "Kategória" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1605 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2091 msgid "Level" msgstr "Szint" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1642 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2114 msgid "" "The selected connection manager does not support the remote debugging " "extension." @@ -4529,127 +4541,424 @@ "A kiválasztott kapcsolatkezelő nem támogatja a távoli hibakeresési " "kiterjesztést." -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:179 -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:205 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:202 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:230 msgid "Invite Participant" msgstr "Résztvevő meghívása" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:180 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:203 msgid "Choose a contact to invite into the conversation:" msgstr "Válassza ki a társalgásba meghívandó partnert:" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:201 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:226 msgid "Invite" msgstr "Meghívás" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:183 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:180 msgid "Don't display any dialogs; do any work (eg, importing) and exit" msgstr "" "Ne jelenítsen meg párbeszédeket, a feladatok (például importálás) végén " "lépjen ki" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:187 -msgid "Don't display any dialogs unless there are only \"People Nearby\" accounts" -msgstr "Ne jelenítsen meg ablakokat, kivéve ha csak „Közeli emberek” fiókok vannak" +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:184 +msgid "" +"Don't display any dialogs unless there are only \"People Nearby\" accounts" +msgstr "" +"Ne jelenítsen meg ablakokat, kivéve ha csak „Közeli emberek” fiókok vannak" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:191 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:188 msgid "Initially select given account (eg, gabble/jabber/foo_40example_2eorg0)" -msgstr "A megadott fiók kiválasztása (például: gabble/jabber/foo_40example_2eorg0)" +msgstr "" +"A megadott fiók kiválasztása (például: gabble/jabber/foo_40example_2eorg0)" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:193 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:190 msgid "" msgstr "" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:198 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:195 msgid "- Empathy Accounts" msgstr "– Empathy fiókkezelő" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:237 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:231 msgid "Empathy Accounts" msgstr "Empathy fiókkezelő" -#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:70 +#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:69 msgid "Show a particular service" msgstr "Adott szolgáltatás megjelenítése" -#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:75 +#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:74 msgid "- Empathy Debugger" msgstr "– Empathy hibakereső" -#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:114 +#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:113 msgid "Empathy Debugger" msgstr "Empathy hibakereső" -#: ../src/empathy-chat.c:107 +#: ../src/empathy-chat.c:109 msgid "- Empathy Chat Client" msgstr "– Empathy üzenetküldő-kliens" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:203 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:189 msgid "Respond" msgstr "Válasz" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:217 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1459 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:203 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1529 msgid "Reject" msgstr "Visszautasítás" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:222 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:227 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1460 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:208 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1530 msgid "Answer" msgstr "Válasz" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:227 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 msgid "Answer with video" msgstr "Válasz videóval" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:235 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:245 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:221 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:231 msgid "Decline" msgstr "Visszalépés" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:239 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:250 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:225 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:236 msgid "Accept" msgstr "Elfogadás" #. translators: the 'Provide' button is displayed in a notification #. * bubble when Empathy is asking for an account password; clicking on it #. * brings the password popup. -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:260 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:246 msgid "Provide" msgstr "Megadás" -#: ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:134 +#: ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:132 #, c-format msgid "%s just tried to call you, but you were in another call." msgstr "%s megpróbálta felhívni, de Ön egy másik beszélgetést folytatott." #. Translators: this is an "Info" label. It should be as short #. * as possible. -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1088 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1111 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1140 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1162 msgid "i" msgstr "i" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2775 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2888 msgid "On hold" msgstr "Várakoztatás" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2778 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2891 msgid "Mute" msgstr "Némítás" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2780 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2893 msgid "Duration" msgstr "Időtartam" #. Translators: 'status - minutes:seconds' the caller has been connected -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2783 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2896 #, c-format msgid "%s — %d:%02dm" msgstr "%s – %d.%02dp" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3166 +#, c-format +msgid "Your current balance is %s." +msgstr "Jelenlegi egyenlege: %s." + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3170 +msgid "Sorry, you don’t have enough credit for that call." +msgstr "Elnézést, nincs elég kreditje ehhez a híváshoz." + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3172 +msgid "Top Up" +msgstr "Feltöltés" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.c:243 msgid "_Match case" msgstr "Kis- és _nagybetű" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-account-dialog.c:144 +msgid "What kind of chat account do you have?" +msgstr "Milyen típusú csevegőfiókja van?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-account-dialog.c:166 +msgid "Adding new account" +msgstr "Új fiók hozzáadása" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:77 +msgid "People nearby" +msgstr "Közeli emberek" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:150 +msgid "" +"Empathy can automatically discover and chat with the people connected on the " +"same network as you. If you want to use this feature, please check that the " +"details below are correct." +msgstr "" +"Az Empathy képes automatikusan feltérképezni az Önével azonos hálózatra " +"csatlakozó felhasználókat, és csevegni velük. Ha használni szeretné ezt a " +"szolgáltatást, akkor ellenőrizze a lenti részletek helyességét." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:183 +msgid "" +"You can change these details later or disable this feature by choosing Edit → Accounts in the Contact List." +msgstr "" +"Ezeket az adatokat később is módosíthatja, vagy letilthatja a szolgáltatást " +"a Szerkesztés → Fiókok segítségével." + +#~ msgid "Call volume" +#~ msgstr "Hívás hangereje" + +#~ msgid "Call volume, as a percentage." +#~ msgstr "Hívás hangereje százalékban." + +#~ msgid "Empathy has migrated butterfly logs" +#~ msgstr "Az Empathy átköltöztette az MSN-naplókat" + +#~ msgid "Whether Empathy has migrated butterfly logs." +#~ msgstr "Az Empathy átköltöztette-e az MSN naplókat." + +#~ msgid "Socket type not supported" +#~ msgstr "A foglalattípus nem támogatott" + +#~ msgid "My Web Accounts" +#~ msgstr "Webes fiókjaim" + +#~ msgid "The account %s is edited via %s." +#~ msgstr "A(z) %s fiók szerkesztésre kerül a(z) %s használatával." + +#~ msgid "The account %s cannot be edited in Empathy." +#~ msgstr "A(z) %s fiókot nem lehet szerkeszteni az Empathyban." + +#~ msgid "Launch My Web Accounts" +#~ msgstr "A webes fiókjaim elindítása" + +#~ msgid "Edit %s" +#~ msgstr "%s szerkesztése" + +#~ msgid "Ca_ncel" +#~ msgstr "Mé_gse" + +#~ msgid "Personal Information" +#~ msgstr "Személyes információk" + +#~ msgid "Ungrouped" +#~ msgstr "Csoportosítatlan" + +#~ msgid "Favorite People" +#~ msgstr "Kedvenc partnerek" + +#~ msgctxt "Edit contact (contextual menu)" +#~ msgid "_Edit" +#~ msgstr "S_zerkesztés" + +#~ msgid "Select a contact" +#~ msgstr "Válasszon partnert" + +#~ msgid "Select contacts to link" +#~ msgstr "Válasszon összekapcsolandó partnereket" + +#~ msgid "New contact preview" +#~ msgstr "Új partner előnézete" + +#~ msgid "Contacts selected in the list on the left will be linked together." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "A bal oldali listában kiválasztott partnerek össze lesznek kapcsolva." + +#~ msgctxt "Link individual (contextual menu)" +#~ msgid "_Link Contacts…" +#~ msgstr "_Partnerek összekapcsolása…" + +#~ msgid "Link Contacts" +#~ msgstr "Partnerek összekapcsolása" + +#~ msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" +#~ msgid "_Unlink…" +#~ msgstr "S_zétválasztás…" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Completely split the displayed linked contacts into the separate contacts." +#~ msgstr "A megjelenített gyűjtőpartner szétvágása az azt alkotó partnerekké." + +#~ msgid "_Link" +#~ msgstr "Összekap_csolás" + +#~ msgid "Unlink linked contacts '%s'?" +#~ msgstr "Szétválasztja a(z) „%s” gyűjtőpartnert?" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Are you sure you want to unlink these linked contacts? This will " +#~ "completely split the linked contacts into separate contacts." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Biztos, hogy szétválasztja ezt a gyűjtőpartnert? Ez a gyűjtőpartnert " +#~ "véglegesen az azt alkotó partnerekké választja szét." + +#~ msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" +#~ msgid "_Unlink" +#~ msgstr "S_zétválasztás" + +#~ msgid "Contact ID:" +#~ msgstr "Partnerazonosító:" + +#~ msgid "C_hat" +#~ msgstr "Cse_vegés" + +#~ msgid "Send _Video" +#~ msgstr "_Videó küldése" + +#~ msgid "C_all" +#~ msgstr "_Hívás" + +#~ msgid "Set your presence and current status" +#~ msgstr "Jelenlét és aktuális állapot megadása" + +#~ msgid "The selected contact cannot receive files." +#~ msgstr "A kiválasztott partner nem képes fájlok fogadására." + +#~ msgid "The selected contact is offline." +#~ msgstr "A kiválasztott partner kilépett." + +#~ msgid "There was an error while importing the accounts." +#~ msgstr "Hiba történt a fiókok importálásakor." + +#~ msgid "There was an error while parsing the account details." +#~ msgstr "Hiba történt a fiókrészletek feldolgozásakor." + +#~ msgid "There was an error while creating the account." +#~ msgstr "Hiba történt a fiók létrehozásakor." + +#~ msgid "There was an error." +#~ msgstr "Hiba történt." + +#~ msgid "The error message was: %s" +#~ msgstr "A hibaüzenet: %s" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "You can either go back and try to enter your accounts' details again or " +#~ "quit this assistant and add accounts later from the Edit menu." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Visszaléphet és megpróbálhatja újra megadni a fiókja részleteit, vagy " +#~ "kiléphet ebből az asszisztensből és később a Szerkesztés menüből vehet " +#~ "fel fiókokat." + +#~ msgid "An error occurred" +#~ msgstr "Hiba történt" + +#~ msgid "Do you have any other chat accounts you want to set up?" +#~ msgstr "Van más fiókja, amit be szeretne állítani?" + +#~ msgid "Enter your account details" +#~ msgstr "Adja meg fiókjának adatait" + +#~ msgid "What kind of chat account do you want to create?" +#~ msgstr "Milyen típusú csevegőfiókot szeretne létrehozni?" + +#~ msgid "Do you want to create other chat accounts?" +#~ msgstr "Szeretne létrehozni más csevegőfiókokat?" + +#~ msgid "Enter the details for the new account" +#~ msgstr "Adja meg az új fiók részleteit" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "With Empathy you can chat with people online nearby and with friends and " +#~ "colleagues who use Google Talk, AIM, Windows Live and many other chat " +#~ "programs. With a microphone or a webcam you can also have audio or video " +#~ "calls." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Az Empathy segítségével cseveghet a közelében elérhető emberekkel, " +#~ "valamint a Google Talkot, AIM-ot, MSN-t és sok más csevegőprogramot " +#~ "használó barátaival és kollégáival. Ha rendelkezik mikrofonnal és " +#~ "webkamerával, akkor hang- és videohívásokat is bonyolíthat." + +#~ msgid "Do you have an account you've been using with another chat program?" +#~ msgstr "Rendelkezik más csevegőprogramokban már használt fiókkal?" + +#~ msgid "Yes, import my account details from " +#~ msgstr "Igen, fiókadatok importálása ebből: " + +#~ msgid "Yes, I'll enter my account details now" +#~ msgstr "Igen, megadom a fiókom adatait" + +#~ msgid "No, I want a new account" +#~ msgstr "Nem, új fiókot szeretnék készíteni" + +#~ msgid "No, I just want to see people online nearby for now" +#~ msgstr "Nem, csak a környezetemben épp elérhető embereket szeretném látni" + +#~ msgid "Select the accounts you want to import:" +#~ msgstr "Válassza ki az importálandó fiókot:" + +#~ msgid "No, that's all for now" +#~ msgstr "Nem, most csak ennyit akartam" + +#~ msgid "Edit->Accounts" +#~ msgstr "Szerkesztés → Fiókok" + +#~ msgid "I do _not want to enable this feature for now" +#~ msgstr "_Egyelőre nem engedélyezem ezt a szolgáltatást" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "You won't be able to chat with people connected to your local network, as " +#~ "telepathy-salut is not installed. If you want to enable this feature, " +#~ "please install the telepathy-salut package and create a People Nearby " +#~ "account from the Accounts dialog" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Nem lesz képes a helyi hálózatára csatlakozó személyekkel csevegni, mert " +#~ "nincs telepítve a telepathy-salut. Ha be szeretné kapcsolni ezt a " +#~ "szolgáltatást, akkor telepítse a telepathy-salut csomagot, és hozzon " +#~ "létre egy Közeli emberek fiókot a Fiókok ablakban." + +#~ msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts Assistant" +#~ msgstr "Üzenetküldő- és VoIP-fiók varázsló" + +#~ msgid "Welcome to Empathy" +#~ msgstr "Üdvözöljük az Empathyban" + +#~ msgid "Import your existing accounts" +#~ msgstr "Meglévő fiókok importálása" + +#~ msgid "Please enter personal details" +#~ msgstr "Adja meg személyes adatait" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "You are about to create a new account, which will discard\n" +#~ "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Új fiók létrehozására készül, ezzel törölni fogja a módosításokat.\n" +#~ "Biztosan folytatni akarja?" + +#~ msgid "Protocol:" +#~ msgstr "Protokoll:" + +#~ msgctxt "encoding video codec" +#~ msgid "Unknown" +#~ msgstr "Ismeretlen" + +#~ msgctxt "encoding audio codec" +#~ msgid "Unknown" +#~ msgstr "Ismeretlen" + +#~ msgctxt "decoding video codec" +#~ msgid "Unknown" +#~ msgstr "Ismeretlen" + +#~ msgctxt "decoding audio codec" +#~ msgid "Unknown" +#~ msgstr "Ismeretlen" + +#~ msgid "_Personal Information" +#~ msgstr "S_zemélyes információk" + +#~ msgid "Input level:" +#~ msgstr "Bemeneti szint:" + +#~ msgid "Input volume:" +#~ msgstr "Bemeneti hangerő:" + +#~ msgid "_Open new chats in separate windows" +#~ msgstr "Új csevegések megnyitása _külön ablakokban" diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/po/it.po empathy-3.3.92/po/it.po --- empathy-3.3.91/po/it.po 2012-02-17 14:00:26.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/po/it.po 2012-03-19 09:12:31.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,24 +1,23 @@ # Italian translation for Empaty -# Copyright (C) 2003-2010, 2011 The Free Software Foundation, Inc. +# Copyright (C) 2003-2010, 2011, 2012 The Free Software Foundation, Inc. # This file is distributed under the same license as the Empaty package. # Fabio Bonelli , 2003 # Michele Baldessari , 2003 -# Milo Casagrande , 2007-2010, 2011. # Luca Ferretti , 2011. +# Milo Casagrande , 2007-2010, 2011, 2012. # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Empathy\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?" -"product=empathy&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=General\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-14 17:48+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-10-17 10:11+0200\n" -"Last-Translator: Luca Ferretti \n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-18 18:43+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-18 18:43+0100\n" +"Last-Translator: Milo Casagrande \n" "Language-Team: Italian \n" +"Language: it\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Language: it\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8-bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\n" #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:1 @@ -38,27 +37,29 @@ msgid "IM Client" msgstr "Messaggistica istantanea" +#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:1 +msgid "Manage Messaging and VoIP accounts" +msgstr "Gestisce account di messaggistica e VoIP" + +#. Tweak the dialog +#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2512 +msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts" +msgstr "Account di messaggistica e VoIP" + #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:1 msgid "Always open a separate chat window for new chats." msgstr "Apre sempre in una finestra separata le nuove conversazioni." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:2 -msgid "Call volume" -msgstr "Volume chiamata" - -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:3 -msgid "Call volume, as a percentage." -msgstr "Volume della chiamata in percentuale." - -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:4 msgid "Camera device" msgstr "Device della videocamera" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:5 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:3 msgid "Camera position" msgstr "Posizione della videocamera" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:6 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:4 msgid "" "Character to add after nickname when using nick completion (tab) in group " "chat." @@ -66,55 +67,61 @@ "Il carattere da usare dopo il soprannome quando viene usato il completamento " "del soprannome nelle conversazioni di gruppo." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:7 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:5 msgid "Chat window theme" msgstr "Tema finestra di conversazione" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:8 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:6 msgid "Chat window theme variant" msgstr "Variante del tema della finestra di conversazione" # (ndt) non metto fr neanche dopo morto! :D -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:9 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:7 msgid "" "Comma-separated list of spell checker languages to use (e.g. \"en, fr, nl\")." msgstr "" "Elenco dizionari per il controllo ortografico, separare gli elementi con " "virgole (es. \"it, en, nl\")." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:10 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:8 msgid "Compact contact list" msgstr "Elenco contatti compatto" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:11 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:9 msgid "Connection managers should be used" msgstr "Indica se deve essere usato il gestore delle connessioni" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:12 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:10 msgid "Contact list sort criterion" msgstr "Criterio di ordinamento dell'elenco contatti" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:13 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:11 +msgid "D-Bus object path of the last account selected to join a room." +msgstr "" +"Percorso oggetto D-Bus dell'ultimo account selezionato per entrere in una " +"stanza." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:12 msgid "Default camera device to use in video calls, e.g. /dev/video0." msgstr "Device della videocamera predefinito da usare, come /dev/video0." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:14 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:13 msgid "Default directory to select an avatar image from" msgstr "Directory predefinita da cui selezionare un'immagine per l'avatar" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:15 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:14 msgid "Disable popup notifications when away" msgstr "Disabilita le notifiche quando assenti" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:16 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:15 msgid "Disable sounds when away" msgstr "Disabilita i suoni quando assenti" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:17 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:16 msgid "Display incoming events in the status area" msgstr "Visualizza gli eventi in arrivo nell'area di stato" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:18 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:17 msgid "" "Display incoming events in the status area. If false, present them to the " "user immediately." @@ -122,280 +129,289 @@ "Visualizza gli eventi in arrivo nell'area di stato. Se FALSO, li mostra " "direttamente all'utente." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:19 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:18 msgid "Echo cancellation support" msgstr "Supporto soppressione dell'eco" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:20 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:19 msgid "Empathy can publish the user's location" msgstr "" "Indica se il programma può pubblicare la posizione geografica dell'utente" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:21 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:20 msgid "Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location" msgstr "" "Indica se il programma può utilizzare il GPS per ipotizzare la posizione " "geografica" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:22 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:21 msgid "Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location" msgstr "" "Indica se il programma può utilizzare la rete dei telefoni cellulari per " "ipotizzare la posizione geografica" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:23 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:22 msgid "Empathy can use the network to guess the location" msgstr "" "Indica se il programma può utilizzare la rete per ipotizzare la posizione " "geografica" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:24 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:23 msgid "Empathy default download folder" msgstr "Cartella predefinita per gli scaricamenti" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:25 -msgid "Empathy has migrated butterfly logs" -msgstr "" -"Indica se il programma ha eseguito la migrazione dei registri di butterfly" - -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:26 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:24 msgid "Empathy should auto-away when idle" msgstr "" "Indica se il programma deve impostare automaticamente lo stato di assenza " "quando inattivo" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:27 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:25 msgid "Empathy should auto-connect on startup" msgstr "Indica se il programma deve connettersi automaticamente all'avvio" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:28 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:26 msgid "Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy" msgstr "" "Indica se il programma deve ridurre la precisione della posizione geografica" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:29 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:27 msgid "Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon" msgstr "" "Indica se il programma deve usare l'immagine del contatto come icona della " "finestra della conversazione" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:30 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:28 msgid "Enable WebKit Developer Tools" msgstr "Abilita gli strumenti per sviluppatori di WebKit" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:31 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:29 msgid "Enable popup notifications for new messages" msgstr "Abilita le notifiche per i nuovi messaggi" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:32 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:30 msgid "Enable spell checker" msgstr "Abilita il correttore ortografico" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:33 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:31 msgid "Hide main window" msgstr "Nasconde la finestra principale" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:34 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:32 msgid "Hide the main window." msgstr "Nasconde la finestra principale." +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:33 +msgid "Inform other users when you are typing to them" +msgstr "Informa gli altri utenti quando si sta digitando" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:34 +msgid "Last account selected in Join Room dialog" +msgstr "L'ultimo account selezionato nella finestra \"Entra nella stanza\"" + #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:35 +msgid "Magic number used to check if sanity cleaning tasks should be run" +msgstr "" +"Numero magico utilizzato per la verifica sull'esecuzione dell'attività di " +"puluzia" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:36 msgid "Nick completed character" msgstr "Carattere soprannome completato" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:36 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:37 msgid "Open new chats in separate windows" msgstr "Apre nuove conversazioni in finestre separate" # (ndt) messo con la maiuscola, dovrebbe essere con la maiuscola il nome originale -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:37 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:38 msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use" msgstr "Percorso al tema di Adium da usare" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:38 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:39 msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use if the theme used for chat is Adium." msgstr "" "Il percorso al tema di Adium da usare se il tema scelto per la conversazione " "è Adium." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:39 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:40 msgid "Play a sound for incoming messages" msgstr "Emette un suono all'arrivo dei messaggi" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:40 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:41 msgid "Play a sound for new conversations" msgstr "Emette un suono per le nuove conversazioni" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:41 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:42 msgid "Play a sound for outgoing messages" msgstr "Emette un suono all'invio dei messaggi" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:42 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:43 msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs in" msgstr "Emette un suono quando un contatto si collega" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:43 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:44 msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs out" msgstr "Emette un suono quando un contatto si scollega" # (ndt) per cercare di renderla impersonale -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:44 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:45 msgid "Play a sound when we log in" msgstr "Emette un suono quando l'utente locale si collega" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:45 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:46 msgid "Play a sound when we log out" msgstr "Emette un suono quando l'utente locale si scollega" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:46 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:47 msgid "Pop up notifications if the chat isn't focused" msgstr "Notifica se la conversazione non ha il focus" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:47 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:48 msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs in" msgstr "Notifica quando un contatto si collega" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:48 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:49 msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs out" msgstr "Notifica quando un contatto si scollega" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:49 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:50 msgid "Position the camera preview should be during a call." msgstr "La posizione dell'anteprima della videocamera durante una chiamata." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:50 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:51 msgid "Show Balance in contact list" msgstr "Mostra il saldo nell'elenco contatti" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:51 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:52 msgid "Show avatars" msgstr "Mostra gli avatar" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:52 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:53 +msgid "Show contact groups" +msgstr "Mostra i gruppi dei contatti" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:54 msgid "Show contact list in rooms" msgstr "Mostra l'elenco contatti nelle stanze di conversazione" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:53 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:55 msgid "Show hint about closing the main window" msgstr "Mostra suggerimento riguardo la chiusura della finestra principale" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:54 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:56 msgid "Show offline contacts" msgstr "Mostra contatti fuori rete" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:55 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:57 msgid "Show protocols" msgstr "Mostra i protocolli" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:56 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:58 msgid "Spell checking languages" msgstr "Lingue controllo ortografico" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:57 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:59 msgid "The default folder to save file transfers in." msgstr "La cartella predefinita in cui salvare i file ricevuti." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:58 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:60 msgid "The last directory that an avatar image was chosen from." msgstr "L'ultima directory da cui è stata scelta un'immagine per l'avatar." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:59 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:61 msgid "The position for the chat window side pane" msgstr "La posizione del riquadro laterale della finestra di conversazione" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:60 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:62 msgid "The stored position (in pixels) of the chat window side pane." msgstr "" "Lo posizione (in pixel) salvata del riquadro laterale della finestra di " "conversazione." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:61 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:63 msgid "The theme that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." msgstr "" "Il tema usato per mostrare le conversazioni nelle finestre di conversazione." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:62 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:64 msgid "" "The theme variant that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." msgstr "" "La variante del tema usato per mostrare le conversazioni nelle finestre di " "conversazione." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:63 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:65 msgid "Use graphical smileys" msgstr "Utilizza faccine grafiche" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:64 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:66 msgid "Use notification sounds" msgstr "Utilizza suoni per le notifiche" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:65 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:67 msgid "Use theme for chat rooms" msgstr "Utilizza un tema per le stanze di conversazione" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:66 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:68 msgid "Whether Empathy can publish the user's location to their contacts." msgstr "" "Indica se il programma può pubblicare o meno la propria posizione geografica " "agli altri contatti." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:67 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:69 msgid "Whether Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location." msgstr "" "Indica se il programma può usare o meno il GPS per ipotizzare la posizione " "geografica." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:68 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:70 msgid "Whether Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location." msgstr "" "Indica se il programma può usare o meno la rete dei telefoni cellulari per " "ipotizzare la posizione geografica." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:69 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:71 msgid "Whether Empathy can use the network to guess the location." msgstr "" "Indica se il programma può usare o meno la rete per ipotizzare la posizione " "geografica." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:70 -msgid "Whether Empathy has migrated butterfly logs." -msgstr "Indica se il programma ha migrato o meno i registri di butterfly." - -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:71 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:72 msgid "Whether Empathy should automatically log into your accounts on startup." msgstr "" "Indica se il programma deve collegarsi o meno automaticamente agli account " "all'avvio." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:72 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:73 msgid "" "Whether Empathy should go into away mode automatically if the user is idle." msgstr "" "Indica se il programma deve impostare o meno automaticamente lo stato di " "assenza se l'utente è inattivo." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:73 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:74 msgid "" "Whether Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy for privacy reasons." msgstr "" "Indica se il programma deve ridurre o meno la precisione della posizione " "geografica per motivi di privacy." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:74 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:75 msgid "" "Whether Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon." msgstr "" "Indica se il programma deve usare o meno l'immagine del contatto come icona " "della finestra della conversazione." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:75 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:76 msgid "" "Whether WebKit developer tools, such as the Web Inspector, should be enabled." msgstr "" "Indica se gli strumenti per sviluppatori di WebKit, come \"Ispettore web\", " "debbano essere abilitati." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:76 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:77 msgid "" "Whether connectivity managers should be used to automatically disconnect/" "reconnect." @@ -403,76 +419,84 @@ "Indica se deve essere usato o meno il gestore della connessione per " "disconnettersi/connettersi automaticamente." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:77 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:78 msgid "" "Whether to check words typed against the languages you want to check with." msgstr "" "Indica se verificare o meno le parole digitate con le lingue selezionate." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:78 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:79 msgid "Whether to convert smileys into graphical images in conversations." msgstr "" "Indica se convertire o meno le faccine in immagini grafiche durante le " "conversazioni." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:79 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:80 msgid "Whether to enable Pulseaudio's echo cancellation filter." msgstr "" "Indica se abilitare o meno il filtro di soppressione dell'eco di Pulseaudio." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:80 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:81 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging into the network." msgstr "" "Indica se emettere o meno un suono quando i contatti si collegano alla rete." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:81 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:82 msgid "" "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging out of the network." msgstr "" "Indica se emettere o meno un suono quando i contatti si scollegano dalla " "rete." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:82 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:83 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of events." msgstr "Indica se emettere o meno un suono per segnalare gli eventi." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:83 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:84 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of incoming messages." msgstr "Indica se emettere o meno un suono all'arrivo dei messaggi." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:84 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:85 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of new conversations." msgstr "Indica se emettere o meno un suono per le nuove conversazioni." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:85 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:86 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of outgoing messages." msgstr "Indica se emettere o meno un suono per l'invio dei messaggi." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:86 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:87 msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging into a network." msgstr "Indica se emettere o meno un suono quando ci si collega in una rete." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:87 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:88 msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging out of a network." msgstr "Indica se emettere o meno un suono quando ci si scollega da una rete." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:88 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:89 msgid "Whether to play sound notifications when away or busy." msgstr "" "Indica se emettere o meno notifiche sonore quando si è assenti o non " "disponibili." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:89 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:90 +msgid "" +"Whether to send the 'composing' or 'paused' chat states. Does not currently " +"affect the 'gone' state." +msgstr "" +"Indica se inviare gli stati \"composing\" o \"paused\" nella conversazione. " +"Non modifica lo stato \"gone\"." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:91 msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes offline." msgstr "" "Indica se mostrare o meno una notifica quando un contatto va fuori rete." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:90 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:92 msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes online." msgstr "" "Indica se mostrare o meno una notifica quando un contatto entra in rete." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:91 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:93 msgid "" "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message even if " "the chat is already opened, but not focused." @@ -480,47 +504,51 @@ "Indica se mostrare o meno una notifica quando si riceve un nuovo messaggio " "anche se la finestra di conversazione è già aperta, ma non ha il focus." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:92 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:94 msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message." msgstr "" "Indica se mostrare o meno una notifica quando si riceve un nuovo messaggio." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:93 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:95 msgid "Whether to show account balances in the contact list." msgstr "Indica se mostrare o meno il saldo dell'account nell'elenco contatti." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:94 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:96 msgid "" "Whether to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat windows." msgstr "" "Indica se mostrare o meno le immagini dei contatti nell'elenco contatti e " "nelle finestre di conversazione." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:95 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:97 msgid "Whether to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." msgstr "" "Indica se mostrare o meno i contatti fuori rete nell'elenco dei contatti." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:96 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:98 +msgid "Whether to show groups in the contact list." +msgstr "Indica se mostrare o meno i gruppi nell'elenco contatti." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:99 msgid "Whether to show popup notifications when away or busy." msgstr "" "Indica se mostrare o meno notifiche quando si è assenti o non disponibili." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:97 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:100 msgid "Whether to show protocols for contacts in the contact list." msgstr "" "Indica se mostrare o meno i protocolli per i contatti nell'elenco contatti." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:98 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:101 msgid "Whether to show the contact list in chat rooms." msgstr "" "Indica se mostrare o meno l'elenco contatti nelle stanze di conversazione." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:99 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:102 msgid "Whether to show the contact list in compact mode." msgstr "Indica se mostrare o meno l'elenco contatti in modalità compatta." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:100 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:103 msgid "" "Whether to show the message dialog about closing the main window with the " "'x' button in the title bar." @@ -528,47 +556,74 @@ "Indica se mostrare o meno un dialogo riguardo la chiusura della finestra " "principale con il pulsante \"x\" nella barra del titolo." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:101 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:104 msgid "Whether to use the theme for chat rooms." msgstr "Indica se usare o meno un tema per le stanze di conversazione." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:102 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:105 msgid "" "Which criterion to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to sort by " -"the contact's name with the value \"name\". A value of \"state\" will sort " -"the contact list by state." +"the contact's state with the value \"state\". A value of \"name\" will sort " +"the contact list by name." msgstr "" "Indica quale criterio usare per l'ordinamento dell'elenco contatti. " -"L'ordinamento predefinito è quello secondo il nome del contatto con il " -"valore \"name\". Il valore \"state\" ordina in base allo stato del contatto." +"L'ordinamento predefinito è quello secondo lo stato del contatto con un " +"valore di \"state\". Il valore \"name\" ordina in base al nome." -#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:1 -msgid "Manage Messaging and VoIP accounts" -msgstr "Gestisce account di messaggistica e VoIP" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:106 +msgid "" +"empathy-sanity-cleaning.c uses this number to check if the cleaning tasks " +"should be executed or not. Users should not change this key manually." +msgstr "" +"empathy-sanity-cleaning.c utilizza questo numero per controllare se " +"l'attività di pulizia deve essere eseguita o meno. Questa chiave non " +"dovrebbe essere modificata." -#. Tweak the dialog -#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:2 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2324 -msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts" -msgstr "Account di messaggistica e VoIP" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:738 +msgid "No reason was specified" +msgstr "Nessun motivo specificato" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:741 +msgid "The change in state was requested" +msgstr "È stata richiesta la modifica dello stato" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:744 +msgid "You canceled the file transfer" +msgstr "È stato annullato il trasferimento del file" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:747 +msgid "The other participant canceled the file transfer" +msgstr "L'altro utente ha annullato il trasferimento del file" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:825 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:750 +msgid "Error while trying to transfer the file" +msgstr "Errore nel tentativo di trasferire il file" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:753 +msgid "The other participant is unable to transfer the file" +msgstr "L'altro utente non è in grado di trasferire il file" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:756 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:313 +msgid "Unknown reason" +msgstr "Motivo sconosciuto" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:919 msgid "File transfer completed, but the file was corrupted" msgstr "Trasferimento file completato, ma il file era danneggiato" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1111 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1205 msgid "File transfer not supported by remote contact" msgstr "Il trasferimento di file non è supportato dal contatto remoto" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1167 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1261 msgid "The selected file is not a regular file" msgstr "Il file selezionato non è un file regolare" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1176 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1270 msgid "The selected file is empty" msgstr "Il file selezionato è vuoto" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-message.c:415 ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:131 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-message.c:415 ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:129 #, c-format msgid "Missed call from %s" msgstr "Chiamata persa da %s" @@ -585,172 +640,141 @@ msgid "Call from %s" msgstr "Chiamata da %s" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:268 -msgid "Socket type not supported" -msgstr "Tipo di socket non supportato" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:387 -msgid "No reason was specified" -msgstr "Nessun motivo specificato" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:390 -msgid "The change in state was requested" -msgstr "È stata richiesta la modifica dello stato" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:393 -msgid "You canceled the file transfer" -msgstr "È stato annullato il trasferimento del file" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:396 -msgid "The other participant canceled the file transfer" -msgstr "L'altro utente ha annullato il trasferimento del file" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:399 -msgid "Error while trying to transfer the file" -msgstr "Errore nel tentativo di trasferire il file" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:402 -msgid "The other participant is unable to transfer the file" -msgstr "L'altro utente non è in grado di trasferire il file" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:405 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:312 -msgid "Unknown reason" -msgstr "Motivo sconosciuto" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:232 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:233 msgid "Available" msgstr "Disponibile" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:234 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:235 msgid "Busy" msgstr "Non disponibile" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:237 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:238 msgid "Away" msgstr "Assente" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:239 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:240 msgid "Invisible" msgstr "Invisibile" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:241 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:242 msgid "Offline" msgstr "Fuori rete" #. translators: presence type is unknown -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:244 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:245 msgctxt "presence" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Sconosciuto" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:284 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:285 msgid "No reason specified" msgstr "Nessun motivo specificato" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:286 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:342 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:287 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:343 msgid "Status is set to offline" msgstr "Lo stato è impostato a «Fuori rete»" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:288 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:322 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:49 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:289 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:323 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:47 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:81 msgid "Network error" msgstr "Errore di rete" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:290 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:324 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:291 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:325 msgid "Authentication failed" msgstr "Autenticazione non riuscita" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:292 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:326 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:293 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:327 msgid "Encryption error" msgstr "Errore di cifratura" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:294 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:295 msgid "Name in use" msgstr "Nome in uso" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:296 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:328 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:297 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:329 msgid "Certificate not provided" msgstr "Certificato non fornito" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:298 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:330 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:299 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:331 msgid "Certificate untrusted" msgstr "Certificato non fidato" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:300 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:332 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:301 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:333 msgid "Certificate expired" msgstr "Certificato scaduto" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:302 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:334 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:303 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:335 msgid "Certificate not activated" msgstr "Certificato non attivato" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:304 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:336 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:305 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:337 msgid "Certificate hostname mismatch" msgstr "Corrispondenza errata nel nome host del certificato" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:306 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:338 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:307 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:339 msgid "Certificate fingerprint mismatch" msgstr "Corrispondenza errata nell'impronta del certificato" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:308 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:340 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:309 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:341 msgid "Certificate self-signed" msgstr "Certificato auto-firmato" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:310 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:311 msgid "Certificate error" msgstr "Errore nel certificato" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:344 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:345 msgid "Encryption is not available" msgstr "La cifratura non è disponibile" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:346 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:347 msgid "Certificate is invalid" msgstr "Il certificato non è valido" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:348 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:349 msgid "Connection has been refused" msgstr "La connessione è stata rifiutata" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:350 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:351 msgid "Connection can't be established" msgstr "La connessione non può essere stabilita" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:352 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:353 msgid "Connection has been lost" msgstr "La connessione è stata persa" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:354 -msgid "This resource is already connected to the server" -msgstr "Questa risorsa è già collegata al server" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:355 +msgid "This account is already connected to the server" +msgstr "Questo account è già collegato al server" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:356 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:357 msgid "" "Connection has been replaced by a new connection using the same resource" msgstr "" "La connessione è stata sostituita con una nuova che sfrutta la stessa risorsa" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:359 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:360 msgid "The account already exists on the server" msgstr "L'account esiste già sul server" # (ndt) rivedere too busy -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:361 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:362 msgid "Server is currently too busy to handle the connection" msgstr "Il server è troppo carico per gestire la connessione" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:363 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:364 msgid "Certificate has been revoked" msgstr "Il certificato è stato revocato" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:365 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:366 msgid "" "Certificate uses an insecure cipher algorithm or is cryptographically weak" msgstr "" "Il cifrario utilizzato dall'algoritmo del certificato non è sicuro o ha una " "cifratura debole" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:368 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:369 msgid "" "The length of the server certificate, or the depth of the server certificate " "chain, exceed the limits imposed by the cryptography library" @@ -758,156 +782,148 @@ "La lunghezza del certificato o la profondità della catena del certificato " "del server supera i limiti imposti dalla libreria di cifratura" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:529 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-store.h:73 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:373 +msgid "Your software is too old" +msgstr "Il software in uso è troppo datato" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:375 +msgid "Internal error" +msgstr "Errore interno" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:534 msgid "People Nearby" msgstr "Persone nelle vicinanze" # (ndt) opzione -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:534 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:539 msgid "Yahoo! Japan" msgstr "Yahoo! Giappone" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:563 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:568 msgid "Google Talk" msgstr "Google Talk" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:564 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:569 msgid "Facebook Chat" msgstr "Chat di Facebook" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:88 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:90 #, c-format msgid "%d second ago" msgid_plural "%d seconds ago" msgstr[0] "%d secondo fa" msgstr[1] "%d secondi fa" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:93 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:96 #, c-format msgid "%d minute ago" msgid_plural "%d minutes ago" msgstr[0] "%d minuto fa" msgstr[1] "%d minuti fa" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:98 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:102 #, c-format msgid "%d hour ago" msgid_plural "%d hours ago" msgstr[0] "%d ora fa" msgstr[1] "%d ore fa" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:103 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:108 #, c-format msgid "%d day ago" msgid_plural "%d days ago" msgstr[0] "%d giorno fa" msgstr[1] "%d giorni fa" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:108 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:114 #, c-format msgid "%d week ago" msgid_plural "%d weeks ago" msgstr[0] "%d settimana fa" msgstr[1] "%d settimane fa" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:113 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:120 #, c-format msgid "%d month ago" msgid_plural "%d months ago" msgstr[0] "%d mese fa" msgstr[1] "%d mesi fa" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:136 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:142 msgid "in the future" msgstr "nel futuro" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-chooser.c:540 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:75 +msgid "Password not found" +msgstr "Password non trovata" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:218 +#, c-format +msgid "IM account password for %s (%s)" +msgstr "Password account messaggistica per %s (%s)" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:253 +#, c-format +msgid "Password for chatroom '%s' on account %s (%s)" +msgstr "Password per la stanza «%s» sull'account %s (%s)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-chooser.c:692 msgid "All accounts" msgstr "Tutti gli account" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:694 -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:321 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:682 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:336 msgid "Account" msgstr "Account" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:695 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:683 msgid "Password" msgstr "Password" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:696 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:507 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:684 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:511 msgid "Server" msgstr "Server" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:697 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:522 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:685 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:529 msgid "Port" msgstr "Porta" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:769 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:826 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:765 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:817 #, c-format msgid "%s:" msgstr "%s:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1192 -msgid "My Web Accounts" -msgstr "Account online" - -# (ndt) idee su dove/cosa sia My Web Accounts? -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1209 -#, c-format -msgid "The account %s is edited via %s." -msgstr "L'account %s viene modificato attraverso «%s»." - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1215 -#, c-format -msgid "The account %s cannot be edited in Empathy." -msgstr "L'account %s non può essere modificato utilizzando il programma." - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1234 -msgid "Launch My Web Accounts" -msgstr "Lancia «Account online»" - -#. general handler -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1242 -#, c-format -msgid "Edit %s" -msgstr "Modifica %s" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1592 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1398 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:15 msgid "Username:" msgstr "Nome utente:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1910 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1710 msgid "A_pply" msgstr "A_pplica" # (ndt) pulsante -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1940 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1739 msgid "L_og in" msgstr "Acce_di" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2014 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1812 msgid "This account already exists on the server" msgstr "Questo account esiste già sul server" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2017 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1816 msgid "Create a new account on the server" msgstr "Creare un nuovo account sul server" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2209 -msgid "Ca_ncel" -msgstr "A_nnulla" - #. To translators: The first parameter is the login id and the #. * second one is the network. The resulting string will be something #. * like: "MyUserName on freenode". #. * You should reverse the order of these arguments if the #. * server should come before the login id in your locale. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2487 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2241 #, c-format msgid "%1$s on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s su %2$s" @@ -915,12 +931,12 @@ # (ndt) il %s pare sia il protocollo #. To translators: The parameter is the protocol name. The resulting #. * string will be something like: "Jabber Account" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2513 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2267 #, c-format msgid "%s Account" msgstr "Account %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2517 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2271 msgid "New account" msgstr "Nuovo account" @@ -933,7 +949,7 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-generic.ui.h:1 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:2 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:2 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:3 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:2 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:1 @@ -969,7 +985,7 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:6 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:17 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-password-dialog.c:311 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-base-password-dialog.c:261 msgid "Remember password" msgstr "Ricordare la password" @@ -1077,11 +1093,20 @@ msgid "None" msgstr "Nessuno" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:2 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:1 +msgid "Add…" +msgstr "Aggiungi..." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:3 msgid "Character set:" msgstr "Codifica caratteri:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:4 +msgid "Down" +msgstr "Giù" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 msgid "" "Most IRC servers don't need a password, so if you're not sure, don't enter a " "password." @@ -1089,39 +1114,51 @@ "La maggior parte dei server IRC non necessita di una password. Se in dubbio, " "non inserirne alcuna." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:6 msgid "Network" msgstr "Rete" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:7 msgid "Network:" msgstr "Rete:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:6 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:8 msgid "Nickname:" msgstr "Soprannome:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:9 msgid "Password:" msgstr "Password:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 msgid "Quit message:" msgstr "Messaggio di uscita:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:9 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 msgid "Real name:" msgstr "Nome reale:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:12 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:3 +msgid "Remove" +msgstr "Rimuovi" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 msgid "Servers" msgstr "Server" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:12 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:14 +msgid "Up" +msgstr "Su" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:16 msgid "What is your IRC nickname?" msgstr "Qual è il soprannome IRC?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:17 msgid "Which IRC network?" msgstr "Quale rete IRC?" @@ -1305,7 +1342,7 @@ msgstr "Server STUN:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:19 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:347 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:114 msgid "Server:" msgstr "Server:" @@ -1388,61 +1425,65 @@ msgid "Click to enlarge" msgstr "Clic per ingrandire" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:44 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:42 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:60 msgid "There was an error starting the call" msgstr "Si è verificato un errore nell'iniziare la chiamata" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:51 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:49 msgid "The specified contact doesn't support calls" msgstr "Il contatto specificato non supporta le chiamate" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:53 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:51 msgid "The specified contact is offline" msgstr "Il contatto specificato è fuori rete" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:55 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:53 msgid "The specified contact is not valid" msgstr "Il contatto specificato non è valido" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:57 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:55 msgid "Emergency calls are not supported on this protocol" msgstr "Le chiamate di emergenza non sono supportate su questo protocollo" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:704 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:57 +msgid "You don't have enough credit in order to place this call" +msgstr "Non si dispone di credito sufficiente per effettuare questa chiamata" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:729 msgid "Failed to open private chat" msgstr "Apertura della conversazione privata non riuscita" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:762 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:787 msgid "Topic not supported on this conversation" msgstr "Argomento non supportato in questa conversazione" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:768 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:793 msgid "You are not allowed to change the topic" msgstr "Non si è autorizzati a modificare l'argomento" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:969 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:992 #, c-format msgid "“%s” is not a valid contact ID" msgstr "«%s» non è un ID di contatto valido" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1054 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1087 msgid "/clear: clear all messages from the current conversation" msgstr "/clear: pulisce tutti i messaggi dalla conversazione attuale" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1057 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1090 msgid "/topic : set the topic of the current conversation" msgstr "/topic : imposta l'argomento per la conversazione attuale" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1060 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1093 msgid "/join : join a new chat room" msgstr "/join : entra in una nuova stanza" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1063 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1096 msgid "/j : join a new chat room" msgstr "/j : entra in una nuova stanza" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1067 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1100 msgid "" "/part [] []: leave the chat room, by default the " "current one" @@ -1450,23 +1491,23 @@ "/part [] []: esce dalla stanza, in modo predefinito " "quella attuale" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1071 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1104 msgid "/query []: open a private chat" msgstr "/query []: apre una conversazione privata" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1074 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1107 msgid "/msg : open a private chat" msgstr "/msg : apre una conversazione privata" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1077 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1110 msgid "/nick : change your nickname on the current server" msgstr "/nick : modifica il proprio soprannome sul server attuale" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1080 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1113 msgid "/me : send an ACTION message to the current conversation" msgstr "/me : invia un messaggio ACTION alla conversazione attuale" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1083 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1116 msgid "" "/say : send to the current conversation. This is used to " "send a message starting with a '/'. For example: \"/say /join is used to " @@ -1476,11 +1517,11 @@ "inviare un messaggio che inizia con «/». Per esempio: \"/say /join è usato " "per entrare in una nuova stanza\"" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1088 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1121 msgid "/whois : display information about a contact" msgstr "/whois : visualizza informazioni riguardo un contatto" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1091 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1124 msgid "" "/help []: show all supported commands. If is defined, " "show its usage." @@ -1488,114 +1529,127 @@ "/help []: mostra tutti i comandi supportati. Se è " "definito, ne mostra l'uso." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1108 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1143 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s" msgstr "Uso: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1153 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1188 msgid "Unknown command" msgstr "Comando sconosciuto" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1279 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1314 msgid "Unknown command; see /help for the available commands" msgstr "Comando sconosciuto. Provare /help per i comandi disponibili." -#. translators: error used when user doesn't have enough credit on his -#. * account to send the message. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1449 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1565 msgid "insufficient balance to send message" msgstr "saldo non sufficiente per inviare messaggi" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1451 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1569 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1583 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1646 +#, c-format +msgid "Error sending message '%s': %s" +msgstr "Errore nell'inviare il messaggio «%s»: %s" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1571 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1588 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1650 +#, c-format +msgid "Error sending message: %s" +msgstr "Errore nell'inviare il messaggio: %s" + +#. translators: error used when user doesn't have enough credit on his +#. * account to send the message. +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1577 +#, c-format +msgid "insufficient balance to send message. Top up." +msgstr "Saldo non sufficiente per inviare messaggi. Ricarica." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1617 msgid "not capable" msgstr "non possibile" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1458 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1624 msgid "offline" msgstr "fuori rete" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1461 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1627 msgid "invalid contact" msgstr "contatto non valido" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1464 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1630 msgid "permission denied" msgstr "permesso negato" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1467 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1633 msgid "too long message" msgstr "messaggio troppo lungo" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1470 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1636 msgid "not implemented" msgstr "non implementato" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1474 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1640 msgid "unknown" msgstr "sconosciuto" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1480 -#, c-format -msgid "Error sending message '%s': %s" -msgstr "Errore nell'inviare il messaggio «%s»: %s" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1484 -#, c-format -msgid "Error sending message: %s" -msgstr "Errore nell'inviare il messaggio: %s" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1541 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:761 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1707 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:920 msgid "Topic:" msgstr "Argomento:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1553 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1722 #, c-format msgid "Topic set to: %s" msgstr "Argomento impostato a: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1555 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1724 +#, c-format +msgid "Topic set by %s to: %s" +msgstr "Argomento impostato a «%2$s» da %1$s" + +#. No need to display this 'event' is no topic can be defined anyway +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1729 msgid "No topic defined" msgstr "Nessun argomento definito" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2068 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2245 msgid "(No Suggestions)" msgstr "(Nessun suggerimento)" #. translators: %s is the selected word -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2136 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2313 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to Dictionary" msgstr "Aggiungi «%s» al dizionario" #. translators: first %s is the selected word, #. * second %s is the language name of the target dictionary -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2173 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2350 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to %s Dictionary" msgstr "Aggiungi «%s» al dizionario %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2243 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2420 msgid "Insert Smiley" msgstr "Inserisci faccina" #. send button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2261 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1839 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2438 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1880 msgid "_Send" msgstr "_Invia" #. Spelling suggestions -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2315 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2495 msgid "_Spelling Suggestions" msgstr "_Suggerimenti ortografici" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2404 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2584 msgid "Failed to retrieve recent logs" msgstr "Recupero dei registri recenti non riuscito" # (ndt) messa così per renderla asessuale -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2541 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2723 #, c-format msgid "%s has disconnected" msgstr "L'utente %s si è disconnesso" @@ -1603,13 +1657,13 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the kicked should come before the kicker in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2548 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2730 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was kicked by %2$s" msgstr "%2$s ha espulso %1$s" # (ndt) messa così per renderla asessuale -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2551 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2733 #, c-format msgid "%s was kicked" msgstr "L'utente %s è stato espulso" @@ -1617,19 +1671,19 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the banned should come before the banner in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2559 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2741 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was banned by %2$s" msgstr "%2$s ha bandito %1$s" # (ndt) messa così per renderla asessuale -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2562 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2744 #, c-format msgid "%s was banned" msgstr "L'utente %s è stato bandito" # (ndt) messa così per renderla asessuale -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2566 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2748 #, c-format msgid "%s has left the room" msgstr "L'utente %s ha lasciato la stanza" @@ -1639,19 +1693,19 @@ #. * given by the user living the room. If this poses a problem, #. * please let us know. :-) #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2575 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2757 #, c-format msgid " (%s)" msgstr " (%s)" # (ndt) per renderla "asessuale" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2600 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2782 #, c-format msgid "%s has joined the room" msgstr "L'utente %s è entrato nella stanza" # (ndt) per cercare di stare "asessuali" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2625 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2807 #, c-format msgid "%s is now known as %s" msgstr "L'utente %s è ora conosciuto come %s" @@ -1660,91 +1714,91 @@ #. We don't know if the incoming call has been accepted or not, so we #. * assume it hasn't and if it has, we'll set the proper status when #. * we get the new handler. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2778 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1894 -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1240 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1432 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1482 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2527 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2994 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1888 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1279 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1502 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1552 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2590 msgid "Disconnected" msgstr "Disconnessi" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3424 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3658 msgid "Would you like to store this password?" msgstr "Salvare questa password?" # (ndt) pulsante -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3430 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3664 msgid "Remember" msgstr "Ricorda" # (ndt) pulsante -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3440 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3674 msgid "Not now" msgstr "Non ora" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3484 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3718 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-bad-password-dialog.c:142 msgid "Retry" msgstr "Riprova" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3488 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3722 msgid "Wrong password; please try again:" msgstr "Password errata. Provare nuovamente:" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3618 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3852 msgid "This room is protected by a password:" msgstr "Questa stanza è protetta da una password:" # (ndt) pulsante -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3645 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3879 msgid "Join" msgstr "Entra" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3833 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1261 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4071 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1300 msgid "Connected" msgstr "Connessi" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3888 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4126 msgid "Conversation" msgstr "Conversazione" #. Translators: this string is a something like #. * "Escher Cat (SMS)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3893 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4131 #, c-format msgid "%s (SMS)" msgstr "%s (SMS)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:424 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:262 msgid "Unknown or invalid identifier" msgstr "Identificatore sconosciuto o non valido" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:426 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:264 msgid "Contact blocking temporarily unavailable" msgstr "Blocco del contatto momentaneamente non disponibile" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:428 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:266 msgid "Contact blocking unavailable" msgstr "Blocco del contatto non disponibile" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:430 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:268 msgid "Permission Denied" msgstr "Permesso negato" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:434 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:272 msgid "Could not block contact" msgstr "Impossibile bloccare il contatto" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:774 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:610 msgid "Edit Blocked Contacts" msgstr "Modifica contatti bloccati" #. Account and Identifier #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:512 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:506 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1489 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-selector-dialog.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1474 #: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:1 #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:1 msgid "Account:" @@ -1754,21 +1808,14 @@ msgid "Blocked Contacts" msgstr "Contatti bloccati" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:5 -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Remove" -msgstr "Rimuovi" - #. Copy Link Address menu item -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:320 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:322 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-webkit-utils.c:277 msgid "_Copy Link Address" msgstr "_Copia indirizzo collegamento" #. Open Link menu item -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:327 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:329 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-webkit-utils.c:284 msgid "_Open Link" msgstr "Apri c_ollegamento" @@ -1776,409 +1823,314 @@ # (ndt) domenica 01 ottobre 2007 #. Translators: timestamp displayed between conversations in #. * chat windows (strftime format string) -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:415 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:417 msgid "%A %B %d %Y" msgstr "%A %d %B %Y" -# (ndt) titolo dialogo -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:299 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-edit-dialog.c:247 -msgid "Edit Contact Information" -msgstr "Modifica informazioni contatto" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:350 -msgid "Personal Information" -msgstr "Informazioni personali" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:459 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:119 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:326 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:118 msgid "New Contact" msgstr "Nuovo contatto" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:533 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:200 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:395 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:197 #, c-format msgid "Block %s?" msgstr "Bloccare %s?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:538 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:255 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:400 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:252 #, c-format msgid "Are you sure you want to block '%s' from contacting you again?" -msgstr "Bloccare veramente «%s»? " - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:543 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:277 -msgid "_Block" -msgstr "_Blocca" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:559 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:286 -msgid "_Report this contact as abusive" -msgid_plural "_Report these contacts as abusive" -msgstr[0] "_Segnalare abuso da questo contatto" -msgstr[1] "_Segnalare abuso da questi contatti" - -# (ndt) pulsante -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:1 -msgid "Decide _Later" -msgstr "_Decidi successivamente" - -# (ndt) titolo dialogo -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:2 -msgid "Subscription Request" -msgstr "Richiesta di approvazione" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:3 -msgid "_Block User" -msgstr "_Blocca utente" - -# (ndt) inteso come "contatti" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-store.h:71 -msgid "Ungrouped" -msgstr "Non raggruppati" - -# (ndt) inteso come "contatti" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-store.h:72 -msgid "Favorite People" -msgstr "Preferiti" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:1986 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2376 -#, c-format -msgid "Do you really want to remove the group '%s'?" -msgstr "Rimuovere veramente il gruppo «%s»?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:1988 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2379 -msgid "Removing group" -msgstr "Rimozione gruppo" - -#. Remove -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2037 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2114 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2434 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2637 -msgid "_Remove" -msgstr "_Rimuovi" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2067 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2501 -#, c-format -msgid "Do you really want to remove the contact '%s'?" -msgstr "Rimuovere veramente il contatto «%s»?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2069 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2522 -msgid "Removing contact" -msgstr "Rimozione contatto" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:220 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:14 -msgid "_Add Contact…" -msgstr "A_ggiungi contatto..." - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:300 -msgid "_Block Contact" -msgstr "_Blocca contatto" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:329 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:758 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:16 -msgid "_Chat" -msgstr "_Conversazione" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:361 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:849 -msgctxt "menu item" -msgid "_Audio Call" -msgstr "Chiamata _audio" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:394 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:894 -msgctxt "menu item" -msgid "_Video Call" -msgstr "Chiamata _video" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:440 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:947 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:27 -msgid "_Previous Conversations" -msgstr "Conversazioni _precedenti" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:462 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:988 -msgid "Send File" -msgstr "Invia file" - -# (ndt) voce di menù -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:485 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1030 -msgid "Share My Desktop" -msgstr "Condividi desktop" - -# (ndt) dovrebbe essere relativo a un contatto -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:525 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1887 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1065 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1372 -msgid "Favorite" -msgstr "Preferito" +msgstr "Bloccare veramente «%s»? " -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:554 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1093 -msgid "Infor_mation" -msgstr "Informa_zioni" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:405 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:274 +msgid "_Block" +msgstr "_Blocca" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:600 -msgctxt "Edit contact (contextual menu)" -msgid "_Edit" -msgstr "_Modifica" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:423 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:283 +msgid "_Report this contact as abusive" +msgid_plural "_Report these contacts as abusive" +msgstr[0] "_Segnalare abuso da questo contatto" +msgstr[1] "_Segnalare abuso da questi contatti" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:654 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1284 -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:1011 -msgid "Inviting you to this room" -msgstr "Invito per questa stanza" +# (ndt) pulsante +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:1 +msgid "Decide _Later" +msgstr "_Decidi successivamente" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:685 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1330 -msgid "_Invite to Chat Room" -msgstr "_Invita nella stanza" +# (ndt) titolo dialogo +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:2 +msgid "Subscription Request" +msgstr "Richiesta di approvazione" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:3 +msgid "_Block User" +msgstr "_Blocca utente" #. Title -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:505 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:499 msgid "Search contacts" msgstr "Cerca contatti" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:535 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:529 msgid "Search: " msgstr "Cerca:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:593 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:587 msgid "_Add Contact" msgstr "A_ggiungi contatto..." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:611 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:605 msgid "No contacts found" msgstr "Nessun contatto trovato" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:627 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:621 msgid "Your message introducing yourself:" msgstr "Un messaggio di presentazione:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:635 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:629 msgid "Please let me see when you're online. Thanks!" msgstr "Vorrei poter vedere quando sei online! Grazie!" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-selector.c:129 -msgid "Select a contact" -msgstr "Seleziona un contatto" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:336 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:153 -msgid "Full name:" -msgstr "Nome completo:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:337 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:154 -msgid "Phone number:" -msgstr "Numero di telefono:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:338 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:155 -msgid "E-mail address:" -msgstr "Indirizzo email:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:339 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:156 -msgid "Website:" -msgstr "Sito web:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:340 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:157 -msgid "Birthday:" -msgstr "Compleanno:" - -# (ndt) o "Ultimo avvistamento" :-) -#. Note to translators: this is the caption for a string of the form "5 -#. * minutes ago", and refers to the time since the contact last interacted -#. * with their IM client. -#. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:346 -msgid "Last seen:" -msgstr "Ultima attività:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:348 -msgid "Connected from:" -msgstr "Connessione da:" - -# (ndt) usato lo stesso di xchat-gnome -#. FIXME: once Idle implements SimplePresence using this information, we can -#. * and should bin this. -#. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:353 -msgid "Away message:" -msgstr "Messaggio di assenza:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:606 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:567 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:304 msgid "Channels:" msgstr "Canali:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:897 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:469 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:747 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:455 msgid "Country ISO Code:" msgstr "Codice ISO del paese:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:899 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:471 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:749 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:457 msgid "Country:" msgstr "Paese:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:901 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:473 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:751 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:459 msgid "State:" msgstr "Stato:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:903 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:475 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:753 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:461 msgid "City:" msgstr "Città:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:905 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:477 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:755 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:463 msgid "Area:" msgstr "Area:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:907 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:479 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:757 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:465 msgid "Postal Code:" msgstr "Codice postale:" # (ndt) nome di una colonna -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:909 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:481 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:759 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:467 msgid "Street:" msgstr "Via:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:911 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:483 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:761 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:469 msgid "Building:" msgstr "Edificio:" # (ndt) questo è prima di una casella di testo # in cui inserire il criterio di ricerca -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:913 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:485 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:763 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:471 msgid "Floor:" msgstr "Piano:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:915 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:487 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:765 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:473 msgid "Room:" msgstr "Stanza:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:917 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:489 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:767 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:475 msgid "Text:" msgstr "Testo:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:919 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:491 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:769 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:477 msgid "Description:" msgstr "Descrizione:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:921 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:493 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:771 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:479 msgid "URI:" msgstr "URI:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:923 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:495 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:773 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:481 msgid "Accuracy Level:" msgstr "Livello di precisione:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:925 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:497 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:775 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:483 msgid "Error:" msgstr "Errore:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:927 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:499 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:777 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:485 msgid "Vertical Error (meters):" msgstr "Errore verticale (metri):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:929 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:501 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:779 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:487 msgid "Horizontal Error (meters):" msgstr "Errore orizzontale (metri):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:931 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:503 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:781 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:489 msgid "Speed:" msgstr "Velocità:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:933 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:505 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:783 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:491 msgid "Bearing:" msgstr "Orientamento:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:935 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:507 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:785 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:493 msgid "Climb Speed:" msgstr "Velocità di salita:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:937 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:509 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:787 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:495 msgid "Last Updated on:" msgstr "Ultimo aggiornamento:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:939 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:511 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:789 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:497 msgid "Longitude:" msgstr "Longitudine:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:941 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:513 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:791 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:499 msgid "Latitude:" msgstr "Latitudine:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:943 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:515 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:793 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:501 msgid "Altitude:" msgstr "Altitudine:" # (ndt) nome della scheda -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:996 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1011 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:607 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:622 -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:17 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:846 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:861 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:593 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:608 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:15 msgid "Location" msgstr "Posizione geografica" #. translators: format is "Location, $date" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1013 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:624 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:863 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:610 #, c-format msgid "%s, %s" msgstr "%s, il giorno %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1065 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:673 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:915 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:659 msgid "%B %e, %Y at %R UTC" msgstr "%-d %B %Y alle %H.%M UTC" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1147 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:915 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:997 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:900 msgid "Save Avatar" msgstr "Salva immagine" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1203 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:973 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1053 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:958 msgid "Unable to save avatar" msgstr "Impossibile salvare l'immagine" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1444 +msgid "Personal Details" +msgstr "Dettagli personali" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1447 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:6 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:2 +msgid "Contact Details" +msgstr "Dettagli contatto" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:104 +msgid "Full name" +msgstr "Nome completo" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:105 +msgid "Phone number" +msgstr "Numero di telefono" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:106 +msgid "E-mail address" +msgstr "Indirizzo email" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:107 +msgid "Website" +msgstr "Sito web" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:108 +msgid "Birthday" +msgstr "Compleanno" + +# (ndt) o "Ultimo avvistamento" :-) +#. Note to translators: this is the caption for a string of the form "5 +#. * minutes ago", and refers to the time since the contact last interacted +#. * with their IM client. +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:113 +msgid "Last seen:" +msgstr "Ultima attività:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:115 +msgid "Connected from:" +msgstr "Connessione da:" + +# (ndt) usato lo stesso di xchat-gnome +#. FIXME: once Idle implements SimplePresence using this information, we can +#. * and should bin this. +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:119 +msgid "Away message:" +msgstr "Messaggio di assenza:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:132 +msgid "work" +msgstr "lavoro" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:133 +msgid "home" +msgstr "casa" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:134 +msgid "mobile" +msgstr "cellulare" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:135 +msgid "voice" +msgstr "voce" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:136 +msgid "preferred" +msgstr "preferito" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:137 +msgid "postal" +msgstr "postale" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:138 +msgid "parcel" +msgstr "parcel" + # (ndt) messo 'alla data' per problemi con le date che iniziano con 8 e 11 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:1 msgid "Location at (date)\t" @@ -2186,7 +2138,7 @@ #. Alias #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1308 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1293 msgid "Alias:" msgstr "Pseudonimo:" @@ -2198,15 +2150,10 @@ msgid "Client:" msgstr "Client:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:2 -msgid "Contact Details" -msgstr "Dettagli contatto" - #. Identifier to connect to Instant Messaging network #. Translators: Identifier to connect to Instant Messaging network #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:8 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1517 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1502 msgid "Identifier:" msgstr "Identificatore:" @@ -2224,11 +2171,11 @@ msgid "Version:" msgstr "Versione:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:333 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:331 msgid "Groups" msgstr "Gruppi" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:345 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:343 msgid "" "Select the groups you want this contact to appear in. Note that you can " "select more than one group or no groups." @@ -2237,108 +2184,181 @@ "selezionarne più di uno oppure nessuno." # (ndt) pulsante -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:364 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:362 msgid "_Add Group" msgstr "A_ggiungi gruppo" # (ndt) nome di una colonna -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:399 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:397 msgctxt "verb in a column header displaying group names" msgid "Select" msgstr "Selezione" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:409 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1807 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:407 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1970 msgid "Group" msgstr "Gruppo" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:260 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:257 msgid "The following identity will be blocked:" msgid_plural "The following identities will be blocked:" msgstr[0] "La seguente identità verrà bloccata:" msgstr[1] "Le seguenti identità verranno bloccate:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:267 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:264 msgid "The following identity can not be blocked:" msgid_plural "The following identities can not be blocked:" msgstr[0] "La seguente identità non può essere bloccata:" msgstr[1] "Le seguenti identità non possono essere bloccate:" +# (ndt) titolo dialogo +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-edit-dialog.c:247 +msgid "Edit Contact Information" +msgstr "Modifica informazioni contatto" + #. Translators: the heading at the top of the Information dialogue #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-information-dialog.c:288 msgid "Linked Contacts" msgstr "Contatti uniti" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-linker.c:370 -msgid "Select contacts to link" -msgstr "Selezionare i contatti da unire" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-linker.c:444 -msgid "New contact preview" -msgstr "Anteprima nuovo contatto" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-linker.c:488 -msgid "Contacts selected in the list on the left will be linked together." -msgstr "I contatti selezionati nell'elenco a sinistra verranno uniti." - #. Translators: this is used in the context menu for a contact. The first #. * parameter is a contact ID (e.g. foo@jabber.org) and the second is one #. * of the user's account IDs (e.g. me@hotmail.com). -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:145 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:173 #, c-format msgid "%s (%s)" msgstr "%s (%s)" # (ndt) è un titolo... -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:309 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:345 msgid "Select account to use to place the call" msgstr "Selezione account per la chiamata" # (ndt) è il titolo del dialogo #. translators: Call is a noun. This string is used in the window #. * title -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:313 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:349 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:2 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1299 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1290 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:2 msgid "Call" msgstr "Chiamata" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:378 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:414 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Cellulare" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:380 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:416 msgid "Work" msgstr "Lavoro" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:382 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:418 msgid "HOME" msgstr "Casa" -#. add an SMS button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:804 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:215 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:659 +msgid "_Block Contact" +msgstr "_Blocca contatto" + +#. add chat button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1018 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:319 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:16 +msgid "_Chat" +msgstr "_Conversazione" + +#. add SMS button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1053 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:313 msgid "_SMS" msgstr "_SMS" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1142 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1086 +msgctxt "menu item" +msgid "_Audio Call" +msgstr "Chiamata _audio" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1119 +msgctxt "menu item" +msgid "_Video Call" +msgstr "Chiamata _video" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1160 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:26 +msgid "_Previous Conversations" +msgstr "Conversazioni _precedenti" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1189 +msgid "Send File" +msgstr "Invia file" + +# (ndt) voce di menù +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1219 +msgid "Share My Desktop" +msgstr "Condividi desktop" + +# (ndt) dovrebbe essere relativo a un contatto +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1245 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1357 +msgid "Favorite" +msgstr "Preferito" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1264 +msgid "gnome-contacts not installed" +msgstr "Il software «gnome-contacts» non è installato" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1267 +msgid "Please install gnome-contacts to access contacts details." +msgstr "Installare «gnome-contacts» per accedere ai dettagli dei contatti." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1398 +msgid "Infor_mation" +msgstr "Informa_zioni" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1447 msgctxt "Edit individual (contextual menu)" msgid "_Edit" msgstr "_Modifica" -#. Translators: this is a verb meaning "to connect two contacts together -#. * to form a meta-contact". -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1168 -msgctxt "Link individual (contextual menu)" -msgid "_Link Contacts…" -msgstr "_Unisci contatti..." +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1564 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:1192 +msgid "Inviting you to this room" +msgstr "Invito per questa stanza" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1610 +msgid "_Invite to Chat Room" +msgstr "_Invita nella stanza" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1806 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:14 +msgid "_Add Contact…" +msgstr "A_ggiungi contatto..." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2341 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2304 msgid "Delete and _Block" msgstr "Elimina e _blocca" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2510 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2339 +#, c-format +msgid "Do you really want to remove the group '%s'?" +msgstr "Rimuovere veramente il gruppo «%s»?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2342 +msgid "Removing group" +msgstr "Rimozione gruppo" + +#. Remove +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2397 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2601 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_Rimuovi" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2474 +#, c-format +msgid "Do you really want to remove the contact '%s'?" +msgstr "Rimuovere veramente il contatto «%s»?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2483 #, c-format msgid "" "Do you really want to remove the linked contact '%s'? Note that this will " @@ -2347,8 +2367,12 @@ "Rimuovere veramente il contatto unificato «%s»? Questa azione rimuoverà " "tutti i contatti di cui è composto." +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2495 +msgid "Removing contact" +msgstr "Rimozione contatto" + # (ndt) rivedere meta-contact, trovare idee migliori... -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1656 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1641 #, c-format msgid "Linked contact containing %u contact" msgid_plural "Linked contacts containing %u contacts" @@ -2364,20 +2388,20 @@ msgid "Online from a phone or mobile device" msgstr "In rete da un telefono o dispositivo portatile" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:332 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:335 msgid "New Network" msgstr "Nuova rete" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:527 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:530 msgid "Choose an IRC network" msgstr "Scegliere una rete IRC" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:584 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:587 msgid "Reset _Networks List" msgstr "Ripristina ele_nco reti" # -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:588 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:591 msgctxt "verb displayed on a button to select an IRC network" msgid "Select" msgstr "Seleziona" @@ -2386,187 +2410,143 @@ msgid "new server" msgstr "nuovo server" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:535 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:539 msgid "SSL" msgstr "SSL" -#. Translators: this is the title of the linking dialogue (reached by -#. * right-clicking on a contact and selecting "Link…"). "Link" in this title -#. * is a verb. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:115 -msgid "Link Contacts" -msgstr "Unisci contatti" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:120 -msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" -msgid "_Unlink…" -msgstr "_Dividi..." - -# (ndt) suggerimento, tolto il punto -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:121 -msgid "" -"Completely split the displayed linked contacts into the separate contacts." -msgstr "Divide il contatto unificato visualizzato nei singoli contatti" - -#. Add button -#. Translators: this is an action button in the linking dialogue. "Link" is -#. * used here as a verb meaning "to connect two contacts to form a -#. * meta-contact". -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:136 -msgid "_Link" -msgstr "_Unisci" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:183 -#, c-format -msgid "Unlink linked contacts '%s'?" -msgstr "Dividere il contatto unificato «%s»?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:186 -msgid "" -"Are you sure you want to unlink these linked contacts? This will completely " -"split the linked contacts into separate contacts." -msgstr "" -"Dividere veramente questo contatto unificato? In questo modo verrà diviso " -"nei singoli contatti di cui è composto." - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:190 -msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" -msgid "_Unlink" -msgstr "_Dividi" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:634 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:620 msgid "History" msgstr "Cronologia" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:689 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:675 msgid "Show" msgstr "Mostra" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:711 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:697 msgid "Search" msgstr "Cerca" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1159 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1148 #, c-format msgid "Chat in %s" msgstr "Conversazione in %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1161 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1150 #, c-format msgid "Chat with %s" msgstr "Conversazione con %s" # (ndt) domenica 01 ottobre 2007 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1211 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1358 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1200 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1347 msgctxt "A date with the time" msgid "%A, %e %B %Y %X" msgstr "%A %d %B %Y %X" #. Translators: this is an emote: '* Danielle waves' -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1300 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1289 #, c-format msgid "* %s %s" msgstr "* %s %s" #. Translators: this is a message: 'Danielle: hello' #. * The string in bold is the sender's name -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1306 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1295 #, c-format msgid "%s: %s" msgstr "%s: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1382 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1371 #, c-format msgid "%s second" msgid_plural "%s seconds" msgstr[0] "%s secondo" msgstr[1] "%s secondi" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1389 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1378 #, c-format msgid "%s minute" msgid_plural "%s minutes" msgstr[0] "%s minuto" msgstr[1] "%s minuti" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1397 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1386 #, c-format msgid "Call took %s, ended at %s" msgstr "Durata della chiamata: %s. Terminata alle: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1729 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1720 msgid "Today" msgstr "Oggi" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1733 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1724 msgid "Yesterday" msgstr "Ieri" # (ndt) domenica 01 ottobre 2007 #. Translators: A date such as '23 May 2010' (strftime format) -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1748 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1739 msgid "%e %B %Y" msgstr "%d %B %Y" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1829 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3444 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1827 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3487 msgid "Anytime" msgstr "Qualsiasi ora" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1916 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2372 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2400 msgid "Anyone" msgstr "Chiunque" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2685 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2713 msgid "Who" msgstr "Chi" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2889 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2922 msgid "When" msgstr "Quando" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3005 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3038 msgid "Anything" msgstr "Qualsiasi cosa" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3007 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3040 msgid "Text chats" msgstr "Testo conversazioni" # (ndt) è il titolo del dialogo -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3009 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3042 #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:4 msgid "Calls" msgstr "Chiamate" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3014 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3047 msgid "Incoming calls" msgstr "Chiamate in arrivo" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3015 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3048 msgid "Outgoing calls" msgstr "Chiamate in uscita" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3016 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3049 msgid "Missed calls" msgstr "Chiamate perse" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3038 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3071 msgid "What" msgstr "Cosa" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3747 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3780 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete all logs of previous conversations?" msgstr "" "Eliminare veramente tutte le registrazioni delle conversazioni precedenti?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3751 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3784 msgid "Clear All" msgstr "Elimina tutto" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3758 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3791 msgid "Delete from:" msgstr "Elimina da:" @@ -2595,7 +2575,7 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:7 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:28 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:12 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:20 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:20 msgid "_Edit" msgstr "_Modifica" @@ -2607,37 +2587,84 @@ msgid "page 2" msgstr "page 2" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-selector-dialog.ui.h:2 -msgid "Contact ID:" -msgstr "ID contatto:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:83 +msgid "The contact is offline" +msgstr "Il contatto è fuori rete" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:85 +msgid "The specified contact is either invalid or unknown" +msgstr "Il contatto specificato non è valido o non è conosciuto" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:87 +msgid "The contact does not support this kind of conversation" +msgstr "Il contatto non supporta questo tipo di conversazione" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:89 +msgid "The requested functionality is not implemented for this protocol" +msgstr "La funzionalità richiesta non è implementata per questo protocollo" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:95 +msgid "Could not start a conversation with the given contact" +msgstr "Impossibile iniziare una conversazione con il contatto fornito" + +# (ndt) messa così per renderle asessuale +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:97 +msgid "You are banned from this channel" +msgstr "Impossibile accedere a questo canale (ban)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:99 +msgid "This channel is full" +msgstr "Questo canale è pieno" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:101 +msgid "You must be invited to join this channel" +msgstr "È necessario essere invitati per entrare in questo canale" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:103 +msgid "Can't proceed while disconnected" +msgstr "Impossibile continuare quando fuori rete" -#. add chat button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:225 -msgid "C_hat" -msgstr "_Conversazione" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:105 +msgid "Permission denied" +msgstr "Permesso negato" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:111 +msgid "There was an error starting the conversation" +msgstr "Si è verificato un errore nell'iniziare la conversazione" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:290 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:200 +msgid "Enter a contact identifier or phone number:" +msgstr "Inserire un identificatore di contatto o un numero di telefono:" #. Tweak the dialog -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:244 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:333 msgid "New Conversation" msgstr "Nuova conversazione" -#. add video toggle -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:204 -msgid "Send _Video" -msgstr "Invia _video" +#. add video button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:223 +msgid "_Video Call" +msgstr "Chiamata _video" -#. add chat button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:215 -msgid "C_all" -msgstr "C_hiama" +#. add audio button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:233 +msgid "_Audio Call" +msgstr "Chiamata _audio" # (ndt) è il titolo del dialogo #. Tweak the dialog -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:225 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:243 msgid "New Call" msgstr "Nuova chiamata" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-password-dialog.c:274 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-bad-password-dialog.c:130 +#, c-format +msgid "Authentification failed for account %s" +msgstr "Autenticazione non riuscita per l'account %s" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-base-password-dialog.c:224 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-password-dialog.c:134 #, c-format msgid "" "Enter your password for account\n" @@ -2675,13 +2702,8 @@ msgid "Set status" msgstr "Imposta lo stato" -# (ndt) come c'è scritto nel codice: this string sucks -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:943 -msgid "Set your presence and current status" -msgstr "Imposta la presenza e lo stato" - #. Custom messages -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:1131 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:1135 msgid "Custom messages…" msgstr "Messaggi personalizzati..." @@ -2689,7 +2711,7 @@ #. To translator: %s is the name of the protocol, such as "Google Talk" or #. * "Yahoo!" #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-protocol-chooser.c:584 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-protocol-chooser.c:588 #, c-format msgid "New %s account" msgstr "Nuovo account %s" @@ -2760,12 +2782,12 @@ msgstr "Modifica messaggi personalizzati" # (ndt) quello che c'è dopo è un timestamp, che ovviamente non è localizzabile... -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1036 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1051 #, c-format msgid "Message edited at %s" msgstr "Messaggio modificato alle %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1726 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1757 msgid "Normal" msgstr "Normale" @@ -2845,35 +2867,39 @@ msgstr "Nome host del certificato: %s" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:281 -msgid "Continue" -msgstr "Continua" +msgid "C_ontinue" +msgstr "C_ontinua" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:287 +msgid "Untrusted connection" +msgstr "Connessione non sicura" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:288 msgid "This connection is untrusted. Would you like to continue anyway?" msgstr "Questa connessione non è sicura. Continuare in ogni caso?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:297 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:298 msgid "Remember this choice for future connections" msgstr "Ricordare per le successive connessioni" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:303 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:304 msgid "Certificate Details" msgstr "Dettagli certificato" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1735 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1754 msgid "Unable to open URI" msgstr "Impossibile aprire l'URI" # (ndt) titolo -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1831 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1872 msgid "Select a file" msgstr "Seleziona un file" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1903 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1947 msgid "Insufficient free space to save file" msgstr "Spazio insufficiente per salvare il file" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1911 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1955 #, c-format msgid "" "%s of free space are required to save this file, but only %s is available. " @@ -2882,7 +2908,7 @@ "%s di spazio libero sono richiesti per salvare questo file, ma sono " "disponibili solamente %s. Scegliere un'altra posizione." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1955 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1999 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file from %s" msgstr "File in arrivo da parte di %s" @@ -3055,41 +3081,42 @@ msgid "Vietnamese" msgstr "Vietnamita" -#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:108 -msgid "The selected contact cannot receive files." -msgstr "Il contatto selezionato non può ricevere file." - -#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:114 -msgid "The selected contact is offline." -msgstr "Il contatto selezionato è fuori rete." +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-calendar-button.c:66 +msgid "Select..." +msgstr "Seleziona..." -#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:169 +# (ndt) nome di una colonna +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-calendar-button.c:154 +msgid "_Select" +msgstr "_Seleziona" + +#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:202 msgid "No error message" msgstr "Nessun messaggio di errore" -#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:242 +#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:275 msgid "Instant Message (Empathy)" msgstr "Messaggio istantaneo (Empathy)" # (ndt) opzione -#: ../src/empathy.c:431 +#: ../src/empathy.c:435 msgid "Don't connect on startup" msgstr "Non connettere all'avvio" # (ndt) opzione -#: ../src/empathy.c:435 +#: ../src/empathy.c:439 msgid "Don't display the contact list or any other dialogs on startup" msgstr "Non mostrare l'elenco contatti o qualsiasi altro dialogo all'avvio" -#: ../src/empathy.c:450 +#: ../src/empathy.c:454 msgid "- Empathy IM Client" msgstr "- Messaggistica istantanea Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy.c:637 +#: ../src/empathy.c:641 msgid "Error contacting the Account Manager" msgstr "Errore nel contattare il gestore di account" -#: ../src/empathy.c:639 +#: ../src/empathy.c:643 #, c-format msgid "" "There was an error while trying to connect to the Telepathy Account Manager. " @@ -3131,249 +3158,100 @@ "Empathy; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin " "Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-130159 USA" msgstr "" -"Una copia della GNU General Public License dovrebbe essere stata fornita con " -"questo programma. In caso contrario scrivere a: Free Software Foundation, " -"Inc. 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1301, USA" - -#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:107 -msgid "An Instant Messaging client for GNOME" -msgstr "Un client di messaggistica istantanea per GNOME" - -#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:113 -msgid "translator-credits" -msgstr "" -"Milo Casagrande \n" -"Michele Baldessari\n" -"Fabio Bonelli" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:167 -msgid "There was an error while importing the accounts." -msgstr "Si è verificato un errore durante l'importazione degli account." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:170 -msgid "There was an error while parsing the account details." -msgstr "" -"Si è verificato un errore durante l'analisi dei dettagli degli account." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:173 -msgid "There was an error while creating the account." -msgstr "Si è verificato un errore durante la creazione dell'account." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:175 -msgid "There was an error." -msgstr "Si è verificato un errore." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:179 -#, c-format -msgid "The error message was: %s" -msgstr "Il messaggio di errore è stato: %s" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:183 -msgid "" -"You can either go back and try to enter your accounts' details again or quit " -"this assistant and add accounts later from the Edit menu." -msgstr "" -"È possibile tornare indietro e provare a inserire i dettagli degli account " -"nuovamente oppure chiudere questo assistente e aggiungere gli account in un " -"secondo momento dal menù «Modifica»." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:220 -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1271 -msgid "An error occurred" -msgstr "Si è verificato un errore" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:467 -msgid "What kind of chat account do you have?" -msgstr "Che tipo di account è disponibile?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:473 -msgid "Do you have any other chat accounts you want to set up?" -msgstr "Sono disponibili altri account da configurare?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:479 -msgid "Enter your account details" -msgstr "Inserire i dettagli dell'account" - -# (ndt) tolto chat volutamente -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:484 -msgid "What kind of chat account do you want to create?" -msgstr "Che tipo di account creare?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:490 -msgid "Do you want to create other chat accounts?" -msgstr "Creare altri account?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:497 -msgid "Enter the details for the new account" -msgstr "Inserire i dettagli del nuovo account" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:612 -msgid "" -"With Empathy you can chat with people online nearby and with friends and " -"colleagues who use Google Talk, AIM, Windows Live and many other chat " -"programs. With a microphone or a webcam you can also have audio or video " -"calls." -msgstr "" -"Con Empathy è possibile conversare con le persone che ci circondano, con " -"amici e colleghi che usano Google Talk, AIM, Windows Live e molti altri " -"programmi di messaggistica. Con un microfono o una videocamera è anche " -"possibile effettuare chiamate audio o video." - -# (ndt) non so perché si ostinano a usare chat... -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:629 -msgid "Do you have an account you've been using with another chat program?" -msgstr "" -"È disponibile un account usato con un altro programma di messaggistica?" - -# (ndt) dopo di questa c'è un elenco a discesa... -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:652 -msgid "Yes, import my account details from " -msgstr "Sì, importare gli account da " - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:673 -msgid "Yes, I'll enter my account details now" -msgstr "Sì, inserire i dettagli dell'account ora" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:695 -msgid "No, I want a new account" -msgstr "No, creare un nuovo account" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:705 -msgid "No, I just want to see people online nearby for now" -msgstr "No, visualizzare solo le persone nelle vicinanze" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:726 -msgid "Select the accounts you want to import:" -msgstr "Selezionare gli account da importare:" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:813 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:555 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:556 -msgid "Yes" -msgstr "Sì" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:820 -msgid "No, that's all for now" -msgstr "No, per ora è tutto" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1085 -msgid "" -"Empathy can automatically discover and chat with the people connected on the " -"same network as you. If you want to use this feature, please check that the " -"details below are correct. You can easily change these details later or " -"disable this feature by using the 'Accounts' dialog" -msgstr "" -"È possibile scoprire e avere conversazioni automaticamente con le persone " -"collegate sulla stessa rete in cui ci si trova. Per utilizzare questa " -"caratteristica, assicurarsi che i dettagli sottostanti siano corretti. È " -"comunque possibile modificare in seguito questi dettagli o disabilitare " -"questa funzionalità attraverso il dialogo «Account»." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1091 -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1147 -msgid "Edit->Accounts" -msgstr "Modifica → Account" +"Una copia della GNU General Public License dovrebbe essere stata fornita con " +"questo programma. In caso contrario scrivere a: Free Software Foundation, " +"Inc. 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1301, USA" -# (ndt) checkbutton -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1107 -msgid "I do _not want to enable this feature for now" -msgstr "No_n abilitare ora questa funzionalità" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1143 -msgid "" -"You won't be able to chat with people connected to your local network, as " -"telepathy-salut is not installed. If you want to enable this feature, please " -"install the telepathy-salut package and create a People Nearby account from " -"the Accounts dialog" -msgstr "" -"Non è possibile avere conversazioni con le persone collegate alla stessa " -"rete locale poiché il pacchetto «telepathy-salut» non è installato. Per " -"abilitare questa funzionalità, installare il pacchetto «telepathy-salut» e " -"creare un account «Persone nelle vicinanze» attraverso il dialogo «Account»." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1149 -msgid "telepathy-salut not installed" -msgstr "Il pacchetto «telepathy-salut» non è installato" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1195 -msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts Assistant" -msgstr "Assistente per account di messaggistica e VoIP" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1229 -msgid "Welcome to Empathy" -msgstr "Benvenuti in Empathy" +#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:109 +msgid "An Instant Messaging client for GNOME" +msgstr "Un client di messaggistica istantanea per GNOME" -# (ndt) titolo dialogo assistente -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1238 -msgid "Import your existing accounts" -msgstr "Importazione account" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1256 -msgid "Please enter personal details" -msgstr "Inserire i dettagli personali" +#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:115 +msgid "translator-credits" +msgstr "" +"Milo Casagrande \n" +"Michele Baldessari\n" +"Fabio Bonelli" #. The primary text of the dialog shown to the user when he is about to lose #. * unsaved changes -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:64 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:72 #, c-format msgid "There are unsaved modifications to your %s account." msgstr "Sono presenti delle modifiche non salvate per l'account %s." #. The primary text of the dialog shown to the user when he is about to lose #. * an unsaved new account -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:68 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:76 msgid "Your new account has not been saved yet." msgstr "Il nuovo account non è ancora stato salvato." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:345 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:754 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1216 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:381 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:759 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1289 msgid "Connecting…" msgstr "Connessione..." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:386 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:422 #, c-format msgid "Offline — %s" msgstr "Fuori rete — %s" # (ndt) plurale per comprendere uomini e donne -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:398 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:434 #, c-format msgid "Disconnected — %s" msgstr "Disconnessi — %s" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:409 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:445 msgid "Offline — No Network Connection" msgstr "Fuori rete — Nessuna connessione di rete" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:416 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:452 msgid "Unknown Status" msgstr "Stato sconosciuto" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:428 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:469 +msgid "" +"This account has been disabled because it relies on an old, unsupported " +"backend. Please install telepathy-haze and restart your session to migrate " +"the account." +msgstr "" +"Questo account è stato disabilitato poiché utiliza un backend datato e non " +"supportato. Installare «telepathy-haze» e riavviare la sessione o migrare " +"l'account." + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:479 msgid "Offline — Account Disabled" msgstr "Fuori rete — Account disabilitato" -# (ndt) messo scartate perché il pulsante nella finestra è "Scarta" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:831 -msgid "" -"You are about to create a new account, which will discard\n" -"your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" -msgstr "" -"Sta per essere creato un nuovo account e le modifiche\n" -"effettuate verranno scartate. Procedere veramente?" +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:585 +msgid "Edit Connection Parameters" +msgstr "Modifica parametri connessione" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:750 +msgid "Failed to retrieve your personal information from the server." +msgstr "Impossibile recuperare le informazioni personali dal server." + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:756 +msgid "Go online to edit your personal information." +msgstr "Andare in rete per modificare le informazioni personali." + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:843 +msgid "_Edit Connection Parameters..." +msgstr "_Modifica parametri connessione..." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1192 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1339 #, c-format msgid "Do you want to remove %s from your computer?" msgstr "Rimuovere «%s» dal computer?" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1196 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1343 msgid "This will not remove your account on the server." msgstr "Questo non rimuoverà l'account dal server." # (ndt) messo scartate perché il pulsante nella finestra è "Scarta" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1432 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1579 msgid "" "You are about to select another account, which will discard\n" "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" @@ -3382,16 +3260,24 @@ "effettuate verranno scartate. Procedere veramente?" #. Menu items: to enabled/disable the account -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1643 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1755 msgid "_Enable" msgstr "_Abilita" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1644 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1756 msgid "_Disable" msgstr "_Disabilita" +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2184 +msgid "_Skip" +msgstr "_Salta" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2188 +msgid "_Connect" +msgstr "_Connetti" + # (ndt) messo scartate perché il pulsante nella finestra è "Scarta" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2154 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2365 msgid "" "You are about to close the window, which will discard\n" "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" @@ -3399,24 +3285,16 @@ "Sta per essere chiusa la finestra e le modifiche\n" "effettuate verranno scartate. Procedere veramente?" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:1 -msgid "Add…" -msgstr "Aggiungi..." - #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 msgid "Loading account information" msgstr "Caricamento informazioni account" #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:3 -msgid "No protocol installed" +msgid "No protocol backends installed" msgstr "Nessun protocollo installato" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:4 -msgid "Protocol:" -msgstr "Protocollo:" - # FIXME: backend, ci vuole di meglio -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:5 msgid "" "To add a new account, you first have to install a backend for each protocol " "you want to use." @@ -3424,134 +3302,118 @@ "Per aggiungere un nuovo account è necessario installare un backend per ogni " "protocollo da usare." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:7 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:6 msgid "_Import…" msgstr "_Importa..." -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:249 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:288 msgid " - Empathy authentication client" msgstr " - Client autenticazione Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:265 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:304 msgid "Empathy authentication client" msgstr "Client autenticazione Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-auto-salut-account-helper.c:83 -msgid "People nearby" -msgstr "Persone nelle vicinanze" - -#: ../src/empathy-av.c:118 ../src/empathy-call.c:192 +#: ../src/empathy-av.c:118 ../src/empathy-call.c:201 msgid "- Empathy Audio/Video Client" msgstr "- Client audio/video Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-av.c:134 ../src/empathy-call.c:217 +#: ../src/empathy-av.c:134 ../src/empathy-call.c:223 msgid "Empathy Audio/Video Client" msgstr "Client audio/video Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:431 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:434 msgid "Contrast" msgstr "Contrasto" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:434 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:437 msgid "Brightness" msgstr "Luminosità" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:437 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:440 msgid "Gamma" msgstr "Gamma" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:542 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:547 msgid "Volume" msgstr "Volume" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1110 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1099 msgid "_Sidebar" msgstr "_Barra laterale" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1130 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1119 msgid "Audio input" msgstr "Ingresso audio" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1134 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1123 msgid "Video input" msgstr "Ingresso video" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1140 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1131 msgid "Dialpad" msgstr "Tastierino" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1151 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1142 msgid "Details" msgstr "Dettagli" # (ndt) quello che c'è dopo è il nome del contatto #. translators: Call is a noun and %s is the contact name. This string #. * is used in the window title -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1220 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1825 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1211 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1889 #, c-format msgid "Call with %s" msgstr "Chiamata con %s" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1453 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2069 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1444 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2133 msgid "The IP address as seen by the machine" msgstr "L'indirizzo IP visto dal computer" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1455 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2071 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1446 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2135 msgid "The IP address as seen by a server on the Internet" msgstr "L'indirizzo IP visto da un server su Internet" # (ndt) il lato oscuro... questa è interessante e da rivedere -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1457 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2073 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1448 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2137 msgid "The IP address of the peer as seen by the other side" msgstr "L'indirizzo IP del nodo visto dall'altro lato" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1459 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2075 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1450 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2139 msgid "The IP address of a relay server" msgstr "L'indirizzo IP di un relay server" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1461 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2077 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1452 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2141 msgid "The IP address of the multicast group" msgstr "L'indirizzo IP del gruppo multicast" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1837 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1840 #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1843 -msgctxt "encoding video codec" -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Sconosciuto" - #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1846 -msgctxt "encoding audio codec" -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Sconosciuto" - -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1849 -msgctxt "decoding video codec" -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Sconosciuto" - -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1852 -msgctxt "decoding audio codec" +msgctxt "codec" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Sconosciuto" #. Translators: number of minutes:seconds the caller has been connected -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2144 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2138 #, c-format msgid "Connected — %d:%02dm" msgstr "Connessi — %d.%02dm" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2205 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2846 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2199 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2992 msgid "Technical Details" msgstr "Dettagli tecnici" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2243 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2884 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2237 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3031 #, c-format msgid "" "%s's software does not understand any of the audio formats supported by your " @@ -3560,8 +3422,8 @@ "Il programma di %s non è in grado di comprendere alcuno dei formati audio " "supportati da questo computer" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2248 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2889 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2242 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3036 #, c-format msgid "" "%s's software does not understand any of the video formats supported by your " @@ -3570,8 +3432,8 @@ "Il programma di %s non è in grado di comprendere alcuno dei formati video " "supportati da questo computer" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2254 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2895 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2248 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3042 #, c-format msgid "" "Can't establish a connection to %s. One of you might be on a network that " @@ -3580,27 +3442,27 @@ "Impossibile stabilire una connessione con %s. Si potrebbe essere collegati a " "una rete che non supporta connessioni dirette." -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2260 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2901 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2254 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3048 msgid "There was a failure on the network" msgstr "Si è verificato un problema sulla rete" # (ndt) eliminato volutamente il riferimento a computer -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2264 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2905 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2258 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3052 msgid "" "The audio formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" msgstr "I formati audio necessari per eseguire la chiamata non sono installati" # (ndt) eliminato volutamente il riferimento a computer -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2267 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2908 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2261 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3055 msgid "" "The video formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" msgstr "I formati video necessari per eseguire la chiamata non sono installati" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2277 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2920 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2271 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3067 #, c-format msgid "" "Something unexpected happened in a Telepathy component. Please Segnalare un problema e allegare le informazioni raccolte " "attraverso l'azione «Debug» presente nel menù «Aiuto»." -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2285 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2929 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2279 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3076 msgid "There was a failure in the call engine" msgstr "Si è verificato un problema nel motore delle chiamate" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2288 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2932 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2282 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3079 msgid "The end of the stream was reached" msgstr "Raggiunta la fine del flusso" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2328 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2972 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2322 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3119 msgid "Can't establish audio stream" msgstr "Impossibile stabilire il flusso audio" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2338 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2982 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2332 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3129 msgid "Can't establish video stream" msgstr "Impossibile stabilire il flusso video" @@ -3723,8 +3585,8 @@ #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:21 #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:18 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2476 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2477 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2478 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2479 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2542 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2543 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2544 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2545 msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Sconosciuto" @@ -3743,17 +3605,17 @@ msgstr "Video_camera" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:26 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:9 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:18 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:18 msgid "_Contents" msgstr "_Sommario" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:27 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:19 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:19 msgid "_Debug" msgstr "_Debug" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:29 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:14 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:22 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:22 msgid "_Help" msgstr "A_iuto" @@ -3766,51 +3628,98 @@ msgstr "Imposta_zioni" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:32 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:30 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:29 #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:25 msgid "_View" msgstr "_Visualizza" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:481 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:501 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:289 +msgid "Close this window?" +msgstr "Chiudere la finestra?" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:294 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Closing this window will leave %s. You will not receive any further messages " +"until you rejoin it." +msgstr "" +"Chiudendo questa finestra, il canale %s verrà abbandonato. Per ricevere " +"nuovi messaggi, entrare nuovamente nel canale." + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:305 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Closing this window will leave a chat room. You will not receive any further " +"messages until you rejoin it." +msgid_plural "" +"Closing this window will leave %u chat rooms. You will not receive any " +"further messages until you rejoin them." +msgstr[0] "" +"Chiudendo questa finestra verrà abbandonata una stanza di conversazione. Per " +"ricevere nuovi messaggi, entrare nuovamente nella stanza." +msgstr[1] "" +"Chiudendo questa finestra verranno abbandonate %u stanze di conversazione. " +"Per ricevere nuovi messaggi, entrare nuovamente nelle stanze." + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:314 +#, c-format +msgid "Leave %s?" +msgstr "Uscire da %s?" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:315 +msgid "" +"You will not receive any further messages from this chat room until you " +"rejoin it." +msgstr "Per ricevere nuovi messaggi, entrare nuovamente nella stanza." + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:334 +msgid "Close window" +msgstr "Chiudi finestra" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:334 +msgid "Leave room" +msgstr "Lascia stanza" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:640 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:660 #, c-format msgid "%s (%d unread)" msgid_plural "%s (%d unread)" msgstr[0] "%s (%d non letto)" msgstr[1] "%s (%d non letti)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:493 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:652 #, c-format msgid "%s (and %u other)" msgid_plural "%s (and %u others)" msgstr[0] "%s (e %u altro)" msgstr[1] "%s (e %u altri)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:509 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:668 #, c-format msgid "%s (%d unread from others)" msgid_plural "%s (%d unread from others)" msgstr[0] "%s (%d non letto da altri)" msgstr[1] "%s (%d non letti da altri)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:518 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:677 #, c-format msgid "%s (%d unread from all)" msgid_plural "%s (%d unread from all)" msgstr[0] "%s (%d non letto da tutti)" msgstr[1] "%s (%d non letti da tutti)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:733 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:892 msgid "SMS:" msgstr "SMS:" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:743 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:902 #, c-format msgid "Sending %d message" msgid_plural "Sending %d messages" msgstr[0] "Invio di %d messaggio in corso" msgstr[1] "Invio di %d messaggi in corso" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:765 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:924 msgid "Typing a message." msgstr "Scrittura messaggio." @@ -3893,98 +3802,98 @@ msgid "Manage Favorite Rooms" msgstr "Gestione stanze preferite" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:521 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 msgid "Incoming video call" msgstr "Chiamata video in arrivo" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:521 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1449 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1519 msgid "Incoming call" msgstr "Chiamata in arrivo" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:525 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:526 #, c-format msgid "%s is video calling you. Do you want to answer?" msgstr "%s sta video-chiamando, rispondere?" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:526 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:527 #, c-format msgid "%s is calling you. Do you want to answer?" msgstr "%s sta chiamando, rispondere?" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:529 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:730 -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:763 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1455 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:530 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "Incoming call from %s" msgstr "Chiamata in arrivo da %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:554 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:555 msgid "_Reject" msgstr "Ri_fiuta" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:562 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:570 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:563 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 msgid "_Answer" msgstr "_Rispondi" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:570 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 msgid "_Answer with video" msgstr "Rispondi con _video" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:730 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:763 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1455 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "Incoming video call from %s" msgstr "Chiamata video in arrivo da %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:836 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:837 msgid "Room invitation" msgstr "Invito in una stanza" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:838 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:839 #, c-format msgid "Invitation to join %s" msgstr "Invito per entrare in %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:845 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:846 #, c-format msgid "%s is inviting you to join %s" msgstr "%s sta inviando un invito per entrare in %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:853 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:854 msgid "_Decline" msgstr "_Rifiuta" # (ndt) pulsante -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:858 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:859 #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:7 msgid "_Join" msgstr "_Entra" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:885 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:886 #, c-format msgid "%s invited you to join %s" msgstr "C'è un invito per entrare in %2$s da parte di %1$s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:891 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:892 #, c-format msgid "You have been invited to join %s" msgstr "C'è un invito per entrare in %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:942 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:943 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file transfer from %s" msgstr "Trasferimento file in arrivo da %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1134 ../src/empathy-main-window.c:375 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1146 ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:374 msgid "Password required" msgstr "Password richiesta" # (ndt) so che non è impersonale... ma non mi viene niente di buono che sia impersonale... -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1190 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1216 #, c-format msgid "%s would like permission to see when you are online" msgstr "%s vorrebbe poter visualizzare la tua presenza in rete" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1194 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1222 #, c-format msgid "" "\n" @@ -3994,105 +3903,105 @@ "Messaggio: %s" #. Translators: time left, when it is more than one hour -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:100 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:99 #, c-format msgid "%u:%02u.%02u" msgstr "%u.%02u.%02u" #. Translators: time left, when is is less than one hour -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:103 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:102 #, c-format msgid "%02u.%02u" msgstr "%02u.%02u" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:179 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:178 msgctxt "file transfer percent" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Sconosciuta" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:274 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:273 #, c-format msgid "%s of %s at %s/s" msgstr "%s di %s a %s/s" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:275 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:274 #, c-format msgid "%s of %s" msgstr "%s di %s" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:306 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:305 #, c-format msgid "Receiving \"%s\" from %s" msgstr "Ricezione del file «%s» da %s" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:309 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:308 #, c-format msgid "Sending \"%s\" to %s" msgstr "Invio del file «%s» a %s" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s #. * is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:339 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:338 #, c-format msgid "Error receiving \"%s\" from %s" msgstr "Errore nel ricevere il file «%s» da %s" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:342 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:341 msgid "Error receiving a file" msgstr "Errore nel ricevere un file" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:347 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:346 #, c-format msgid "Error sending \"%s\" to %s" msgstr "Errore nell'inviare il file «%s» a %s" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:350 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:349 msgid "Error sending a file" msgstr "Errore nell'inviare un file" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s #. * is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:489 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:488 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" received from %s" msgstr "File «%s» ricevuto da %s" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s #. * is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:494 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:493 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" sent to %s" msgstr "File «%s» inviato a %s" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:497 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:496 msgid "File transfer completed" msgstr "Trasferimento file completato" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:616 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:780 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:615 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:779 msgid "Waiting for the other participant's response" msgstr "Attesa della risposta dell'altro utente" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:642 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:680 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:641 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:679 #, c-format msgid "Checking integrity of \"%s\"" msgstr "Verifica dell'integrità del file «%s»" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:645 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:683 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:644 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:682 #, c-format msgid "Hashing \"%s\"" msgstr "Calcolo codice di controllo di «%s»" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1026 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1025 msgid "%" msgstr "%" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1038 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1037 msgid "File" msgstr "File" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1060 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1059 msgid "Remaining" msgstr "Restante" @@ -4107,7 +4016,12 @@ "Rimuove dall'elenco i trasferimenti di file completati, annullati e non " "riusciti" -#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:84 +# (ndt) nome di una colonna +#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:76 +msgid "_Import" +msgstr "_Importa" + +#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:88 msgid "" "No accounts to import could be found. Empathy currently only supports " "importing accounts from Pidgin." @@ -4116,185 +4030,212 @@ "importare gli account solamente da Pidgin." # (ndt) titolo -#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:199 +#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:209 msgid "Import Accounts" msgstr "Importa account" # (ndt) nome di una colonna #. Translators: this is the header of a treeview column -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:301 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:316 msgid "Import" msgstr "Importa" -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:310 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:325 msgid "Protocol" msgstr "Protocollo" -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:334 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:349 msgid "Source" msgstr "Sorgente" # (ndt) pare tooltip... mah... -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:392 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:391 msgid "Provide Password" msgstr "Fornisce password" # (ndt) tooltip -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:398 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:397 msgid "Disconnect" msgstr "Disconnette" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:622 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:657 +msgid "You need to setup an account to see contacts here." +msgstr "È necessario configurare un account per poter visualizzare i contatti." + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:673 msgid "No match found" msgstr "Nessun risultato" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:783 +#, c-format +msgid "Sorry, %s accounts can’t be used until your %s software is updated." +msgstr "" +"L'account «%s» non può essere utilizzato fino all'aggiornamento del software " +"«%s»." + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:849 +msgid "Update software..." +msgstr "Aggiorna software..." + +# (ndt) suggerimento +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:855 ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:972 +msgid "Close" +msgstr "Chiude" + # (ndt) suggerimento -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:777 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:960 msgid "Reconnect" msgstr "Riconnette" # (ndt) suggerimento -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:783 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:966 msgid "Edit Account" msgstr "Modifica account" -# (ndt) suggerimento -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:789 -msgid "Close" -msgstr "Chiude" - #. Translators: this string will be something like: -#. * Top up My Account ($1.23)..." -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:928 +#. * Top up My Account ($1.23)..." +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1110 #, c-format msgid "Top up %s (%s)..." msgstr "Ricarica di %s (%s)..." -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:975 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1156 msgid "Top up account credit" msgstr "Ricarica account" #. top up button -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1046 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1228 msgid "Top Up..." msgstr "Ricarica..." -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1789 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1952 msgid "Contact" msgstr "Contatto" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:2121 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2150 +msgid "You need to enable one of your accounts to see contacts here." +msgstr "" +"È necessario abilitare uno degli account per poter visualizzare i contatti." + +#. translators: argument is an account name +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2158 +#, c-format +msgid "You need to enable %s to see contacts here." +msgstr "È necessario abilitare «%s» per poter visualizzare i contatti." + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2460 msgid "Contact List" msgstr "Elenco contatti" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.ui.h:1 +msgid "Account settings" +msgstr "Impostazioni account" + # (ndt) è una voce del menù visualizza -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:1 msgid "Contacts on a _Map" msgstr "Contatti sulla _mappa" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:2 msgid "Credit Balance" msgstr "Saldo crediti" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:3 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:3 msgid "Find in Contact _List" msgstr "Trova in E_lenco contatti" # (ndt) voce di menù, stanze -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:4 msgid "Join _Favorites" msgstr "Entra nelle pre_ferite" # (ndt) stanze -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:5 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:5 msgid "Manage Favorites" msgstr "Gestisci preferite" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:6 msgid "N_ormal Size" msgstr "Dimensione nor_male" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:7 ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:7 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:1 msgid "New _Call…" msgstr "Nuova c_hiamata..." -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:8 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:8 msgid "Normal Size With _Avatars" msgstr "Dimensione normale con imm_agini" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:9 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:9 msgid "P_references" msgstr "Preferen_ze" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:10 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:10 msgid "Show P_rotocols" msgstr "Mostrare p_rotocolli" # (ndt) opzione - pulsante radio -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:11 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:11 msgid "Sort by _Name" msgstr "Ordinare per _nome" # (ndt) opzione - pulsante radio -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:12 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:12 msgid "Sort by _Status" msgstr "Ordinare per s_tato" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:13 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:13 msgid "_Accounts" msgstr "_Account" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:15 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:15 msgid "_Blocked Contacts" msgstr "Contatti _bloccati" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:17 msgid "_Compact Size" msgstr "_Dimensione ridotta" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:21 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:21 msgid "_File Transfers" msgstr "Trasferimenti _file" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:23 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:23 msgid "_Join…" msgstr "_Entra..." -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:24 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:24 #: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:3 msgid "_New Conversation…" msgstr "_Nuova conversazione..." -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:25 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:25 msgid "_Offline Contacts" msgstr "C_ontatti fuori rete" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:26 -msgid "_Personal Information" -msgstr "Informazioni _personali" - # (ndt) voce di menù per accedere alle opzioni relative ai canali IRC -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:28 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:27 msgid "_Room" msgstr "St_anza" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:29 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:28 msgid "_Search for Contacts…" msgstr "_Cerca contatti..." # (ndt) pare il titolo di una colonna -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:337 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:369 msgid "Chat Room" msgstr "Stanza" # (ndt) titolo scheda -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:353 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:385 msgid "Members" msgstr "Membri" #. Translators: Room/Join's roomlist tooltip. Parameters are a channel name, #. yes/no, yes/no and a number. -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:553 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:637 #, c-format msgid "" "%s\n" @@ -4307,16 +4248,21 @@ "Password richiesta: %s\n" "Membri: %s" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:555 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:556 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:639 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:640 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Sì" + +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:639 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:640 msgid "No" msgstr "No" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:584 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:668 msgid "Could not start room listing" msgstr "Impossibile recuperare l'elenco delle stanze" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:594 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:678 msgid "Could not stop room listing" msgstr "Impossibile bloccare il recupero dell'elenco delle stanze" @@ -4353,79 +4299,79 @@ # (ndt) quelli che seguono sono # messaggi di eventi a cui associare un suono -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:169 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:166 msgid "Message received" msgstr "Messaggio ricevuto" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:170 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:167 msgid "Message sent" msgstr "Messaggio inviato" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:171 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:168 msgid "New conversation" msgstr "Nuova conversazione" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:172 -msgid "Contact goes online" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:169 +msgid "Contact comes online" msgstr "Il contatto entra in rete" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:173 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:170 msgid "Contact goes offline" msgstr "Il contatto va fuori rete" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:174 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:171 msgid "Account connected" msgstr "Account connesso" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:175 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:172 msgid "Account disconnected" msgstr "Account disconnesso" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:484 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:475 msgid "Language" msgstr "Lingua" #. translators: Contact name for the chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:734 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:726 msgid "Juliet" msgstr "Giulietta" #. translators: Contact name for the chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:741 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:733 msgid "Romeo" msgstr "Romeo" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:747 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:739 msgid "O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?" msgstr "O Romeo, Romeo, perché sei tu Romeo?" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:750 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:743 msgid "Deny thy father and refuse thy name;" msgstr "Rinnega tuo padre e rifiuta il tuo nome;" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:753 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:746 msgid "Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love" msgstr "o, se non vuoi, legati solo in giuramento all'amor mio" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:756 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:749 msgid "And I'll no longer be a Capulet." msgstr "e io non sarò più una Capuleti." #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:759 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:752 msgid "Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?" msgstr "Starò ancora ad ascoltare, o rispondo a questo che ha detto?" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:762 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:755 msgid "Juliet has disconnected" msgstr "L'utente Giulietta si è disconnesso" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:1175 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:1159 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Preferenze" @@ -4489,37 +4435,29 @@ msgid "General" msgstr "Generale" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:15 -msgid "Input level:" -msgstr "Livello di ingresso:" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:16 -msgid "Input volume:" -msgstr "Volume di ingresso:" - # (ndt) nome di una sezione -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:18 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:16 msgid "Location sources:" msgstr "Sorgenti per la posizione:" # (ndt) opzione -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:19 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:17 msgid "Log conversations" msgstr "Registrare le conversazioni" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:20 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:18 msgid "Notifications" msgstr "Notifiche" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:21 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:19 msgid "Play sound for events" msgstr "Riprodurre un suono per gli eventi" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:22 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:20 msgid "Privacy" msgstr "Privacy" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:23 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:21 msgid "" "Reduced location accuracy means that nothing more precise than your city, " "state and country will be published. GPS coordinates will be accurate to 1 " @@ -4530,26 +4468,30 @@ "precisione delle coordinate GPS sarà di una posizione decimale." # (ndt) opzione -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:24 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:22 msgid "Show _smileys as images" msgstr "Mostrare le faccin_e come immagini" # (ndt) opzione -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:25 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:23 msgid "Show contact _list in rooms" msgstr "Mostrare l'e_lenco contatti nelle stanze" # (ndt) titolo scheda -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:26 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:24 msgid "Sounds" msgstr "Suoni" # (ndt) titolo scheda -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:27 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:25 msgid "Spell Checking" msgstr "Controllo ortografico" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:28 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:26 +msgid "Start chats in:" +msgstr "Avvia conversazioni in:" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:27 msgid "" "The list of languages reflects only the languages for which you have a " "dictionary installed." @@ -4558,61 +4500,64 @@ "installato." # (ndt) titolo scheda -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:29 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:28 msgid "Themes" msgstr "Temi" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:30 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:29 msgid "Use _echo cancellation to improve call quality" msgstr "" "Usare la soppressione dell'_eco per migliorare la qualità della chiamata" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:31 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:30 msgid "Variant:" msgstr "Variante:" # (ndt) opzione -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:32 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:31 msgid "_Automatically connect on startup" msgstr "C_onnettere automaticamente all'avvio" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:33 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:32 msgid "_Cellphone" msgstr "C_ellulare" # (ndt) opzione -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:34 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:33 msgid "_Enable bubble notifications" msgstr "Abilitar_e le notifiche visive" # (ndt) opzione -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:35 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:34 msgid "_Enable sound notifications" msgstr "Abilitar_e le notifiche sonore" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:36 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:35 msgid "_GPS" msgstr "_GPS" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:37 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:36 msgid "_Network (IP, Wi-Fi)" msgstr "_Rete (IP, WiFi)" # (ndt) opzione -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:38 -msgid "_Open new chats in separate windows" -msgstr "A_prire finestre separate per le nuove conversazioni" - -# (ndt) opzione -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:39 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:37 msgid "_Publish location to my contacts" msgstr "_Pubblicare la posizione geografica ai propri contatti" #. To translators: The longitude and latitude are rounded to closest 0,1 degrees, so for example 146,2345° is rounded to round(146,2345*10)/10 = 146,2 degrees. -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:41 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:39 msgid "_Reduce location accuracy" msgstr "_Ridurre la precisione della posizione geografica" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:40 +msgid "new _windows" +msgstr "nuove _finestre" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:41 +msgid "new ta_bs" +msgstr "nuove _schede" + #: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:2 msgid "Status" msgstr "Stato" @@ -4674,67 +4619,88 @@ msgstr "Anteprima" # (ndt) questo è il titolo della finestra che mostra la mappa... molto libera -#: ../src/empathy-map-view.c:448 +#: ../src/empathy-map-view.c:471 msgid "Contact Map View" msgstr "Mappa posizioni dei contatti" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1228 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1607 msgid "Save" msgstr "Salva" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1435 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1667 +msgid "Pastebin link" +msgstr "Collegamento Pastebin" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1676 +msgid "Pastebin response" +msgstr "Risposta Pastebin" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1680 +#, c-format +msgid "%s" +msgstr "%s" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1683 +msgid "Data too large for a single paste. Please save logs to file." +msgstr "Troppi dati per una singola operazione. Salvare i registri su file." + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1912 msgid "Debug Window" msgstr "Finestra di debug" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1517 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1970 +msgid "Send to pastebin" +msgstr "Invia a Pastebin" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2009 msgid "Pause" msgstr "Pausa" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1529 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2021 msgid "Level " msgstr "Livello " -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1549 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2040 msgid "Debug" msgstr "Debug" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1555 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2045 msgid "Info" msgstr "Informazioni" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1561 ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1610 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2050 ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2096 msgid "Message" msgstr "Messaggio" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1567 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2055 msgid "Warning" msgstr "Avviso" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1573 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2060 msgid "Critical" msgstr "Critico" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1579 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2065 msgid "Error" msgstr "Errore" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1598 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2084 msgid "Time" msgstr "Orario" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1601 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2087 msgid "Domain" msgstr "Dominio" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1603 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2089 msgid "Category" msgstr "Categoria" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1605 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2091 msgid "Level" msgstr "Livello" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1642 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2114 msgid "" "The selected connection manager does not support the remote debugging " "extension." @@ -4742,26 +4708,26 @@ "Il gestore di connessione selezionato non sembra supportare l'estensione per " "il debug remoto." -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:179 -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:205 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:202 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:230 msgid "Invite Participant" msgstr "Invita partecipante" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:180 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:203 msgid "Choose a contact to invite into the conversation:" msgstr "Scegliere un contatto da invitare nella conversazione:" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:201 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:226 msgid "Invite" msgstr "Invita" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:183 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:180 msgid "Don't display any dialogs; do any work (eg, importing) and exit" msgstr "" "Non visualizza alcun dialogo, esegue qualsiasi operazione (come " "l'importazione) ed esce" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:187 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:184 msgid "" "Don't display any dialogs unless there are only \"People Nearby\" accounts" msgstr "" @@ -4769,104 +4735,415 @@ "vicinanze\"" # (ndt) spero che una cosa così non si veda mai... -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:191 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:188 msgid "Initially select given account (eg, gabble/jabber/foo_40example_2eorg0)" msgstr "" "Seleziona l'account fornito (per esempio gabble/jabber/foo_40example_2eorg0)" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:193 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:190 msgid "" msgstr "" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:198 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:195 msgid "- Empathy Accounts" msgstr "- Account Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:237 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:231 msgid "Empathy Accounts" msgstr "Account Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:70 +#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:69 msgid "Show a particular service" msgstr "Mostra un servizio particolare" -#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:75 +#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:74 msgid "- Empathy Debugger" msgstr "- Debugger Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:114 +#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:113 msgid "Empathy Debugger" msgstr "Debugger Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-chat.c:107 +#: ../src/empathy-chat.c:109 msgid "- Empathy Chat Client" msgstr "- Client chat Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:203 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:189 msgid "Respond" msgstr "Rispondi" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:217 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1459 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:203 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1529 msgid "Reject" msgstr "Rifiuta" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:222 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:227 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1460 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:208 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1530 msgid "Answer" msgstr "Rispondi" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:227 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 msgid "Answer with video" msgstr "Rispondi con video" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:235 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:245 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:221 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:231 msgid "Decline" msgstr "Declina" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:239 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:250 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:225 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:236 msgid "Accept" msgstr "Accetta" #. translators: the 'Provide' button is displayed in a notification #. * bubble when Empathy is asking for an account password; clicking on it #. * brings the password popup. -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:260 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:246 msgid "Provide" msgstr "Fornisce" -#: ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:134 +#: ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:132 #, c-format msgid "%s just tried to call you, but you were in another call." msgstr "%s ha appena cercato di chiamare, ma era in corso un'altra chiamata." #. Translators: this is an "Info" label. It should be as short #. * as possible. -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1088 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1111 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1140 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1162 msgid "i" msgstr "i" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2775 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2888 msgid "On hold" msgstr "In attesa" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2778 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2891 msgid "Mute" msgstr "Muto" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2780 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2893 msgid "Duration" msgstr "Durata" #. Translators: 'status - minutes:seconds' the caller has been connected -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2783 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2896 #, c-format msgid "%s — %d:%02dm" msgstr "%s — %d.%02dm" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3166 +#, c-format +msgid "Your current balance is %s." +msgstr "Il saldo attuale è di %s." + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3170 +msgid "Sorry, you don’t have enough credit for that call." +msgstr "Saldo non sufficiente per effettuare la chiamata." + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3172 +msgid "Top Up" +msgstr "Ricarica" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.c:243 msgid "_Match case" msgstr "_Maiuscole/minuscole" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-account-dialog.c:144 +msgid "What kind of chat account do you have?" +msgstr "Che tipo di account è disponibile?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-account-dialog.c:166 +msgid "Adding new account" +msgstr "Aggiunta nuovo account" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:77 +msgid "People nearby" +msgstr "Persone nelle vicinanze" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:150 +msgid "" +"Empathy can automatically discover and chat with the people connected on the " +"same network as you. If you want to use this feature, please check that the " +"details below are correct." +msgstr "" +"È possibile scoprire e avere conversazioni automaticamente con le persone " +"collegate sulla stessa rete in cui ci si trova. Per utilizzare questa " +"funzionalità, assicurarsi che i dettagli sottostanti siano corretti." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:183 +msgid "" +"You can change these details later or disable this feature by choosing Edit → Accounts in the Contact List." +msgstr "" +"La modifica dei dettagli può essere effettuata anche in un secondo momento o " +"è possibile disabilitare questa funzionalità scegliendo Modifica → Account dall'elenco dei contatti." + +#~ msgid "Call volume" +#~ msgstr "Volume chiamata" + +#~ msgid "Call volume, as a percentage." +#~ msgstr "Volume della chiamata in percentuale." + +#~ msgid "Empathy has migrated butterfly logs" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Indica se il programma ha eseguito la migrazione dei registri di butterfly" + +#~ msgid "Whether Empathy has migrated butterfly logs." +#~ msgstr "Indica se il programma ha migrato o meno i registri di butterfly." + +#~ msgid "Socket type not supported" +#~ msgstr "Tipo di socket non supportato" + +#~ msgid "My Web Accounts" +#~ msgstr "Account online" + +# (ndt) idee su dove/cosa sia My Web Accounts? +#~ msgid "The account %s is edited via %s." +#~ msgstr "L'account %s viene modificato attraverso «%s»." + +#~ msgid "The account %s cannot be edited in Empathy." +#~ msgstr "L'account %s non può essere modificato utilizzando il programma." + +#~ msgid "Launch My Web Accounts" +#~ msgstr "Lancia «Account online»" + +#~ msgid "Edit %s" +#~ msgstr "Modifica %s" + +#~ msgid "Ca_ncel" +#~ msgstr "A_nnulla" + +#~ msgid "Personal Information" +#~ msgstr "Informazioni personali" + +# (ndt) inteso come "contatti" +#~ msgid "Ungrouped" +#~ msgstr "Non raggruppati" + +# (ndt) inteso come "contatti" +#~ msgid "Favorite People" +#~ msgstr "Preferiti" + +#~ msgctxt "Edit contact (contextual menu)" +#~ msgid "_Edit" +#~ msgstr "_Modifica" + +#~ msgid "Select a contact" +#~ msgstr "Seleziona un contatto" + +#~ msgid "Select contacts to link" +#~ msgstr "Selezionare i contatti da unire" + +#~ msgid "New contact preview" +#~ msgstr "Anteprima nuovo contatto" + +#~ msgid "Contacts selected in the list on the left will be linked together." +#~ msgstr "I contatti selezionati nell'elenco a sinistra verranno uniti." + +#~ msgctxt "Link individual (contextual menu)" +#~ msgid "_Link Contacts…" +#~ msgstr "_Unisci contatti..." + +#~ msgid "Link Contacts" +#~ msgstr "Unisci contatti" + +#~ msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" +#~ msgid "_Unlink…" +#~ msgstr "_Dividi..." + +# (ndt) suggerimento, tolto il punto +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Completely split the displayed linked contacts into the separate contacts." +#~ msgstr "Divide il contatto unificato visualizzato nei singoli contatti" + +#~ msgid "_Link" +#~ msgstr "_Unisci" + +#~ msgid "Unlink linked contacts '%s'?" +#~ msgstr "Dividere il contatto unificato «%s»?" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Are you sure you want to unlink these linked contacts? This will " +#~ "completely split the linked contacts into separate contacts." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Dividere veramente questo contatto unificato? In questo modo verrà diviso " +#~ "nei singoli contatti di cui è composto." + +#~ msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" +#~ msgid "_Unlink" +#~ msgstr "_Dividi" + +#~ msgid "Contact ID:" +#~ msgstr "ID contatto:" + +#~ msgid "C_hat" +#~ msgstr "_Conversazione" + +#~ msgid "Send _Video" +#~ msgstr "Invia _video" + +#~ msgid "C_all" +#~ msgstr "C_hiama" + +# (ndt) come c'è scritto nel codice: this string sucks +#~ msgid "Set your presence and current status" +#~ msgstr "Imposta la presenza e lo stato" + +#~ msgid "The selected contact cannot receive files." +#~ msgstr "Il contatto selezionato non può ricevere file." + +#~ msgid "The selected contact is offline." +#~ msgstr "Il contatto selezionato è fuori rete." + +#~ msgid "There was an error while importing the accounts." +#~ msgstr "Si è verificato un errore durante l'importazione degli account." + +#~ msgid "There was an error while parsing the account details." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Si è verificato un errore durante l'analisi dei dettagli degli account." + +#~ msgid "There was an error while creating the account." +#~ msgstr "Si è verificato un errore durante la creazione dell'account." + +#~ msgid "There was an error." +#~ msgstr "Si è verificato un errore." + +#~ msgid "The error message was: %s" +#~ msgstr "Il messaggio di errore è stato: %s" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "You can either go back and try to enter your accounts' details again or " +#~ "quit this assistant and add accounts later from the Edit menu." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "È possibile tornare indietro e provare a inserire i dettagli degli " +#~ "account nuovamente oppure chiudere questo assistente e aggiungere gli " +#~ "account in un secondo momento dal menù «Modifica»." + +#~ msgid "An error occurred" +#~ msgstr "Si è verificato un errore" + +#~ msgid "Do you have any other chat accounts you want to set up?" +#~ msgstr "Sono disponibili altri account da configurare?" + +#~ msgid "Enter your account details" +#~ msgstr "Inserire i dettagli dell'account" + +# (ndt) tolto chat volutamente +#~ msgid "What kind of chat account do you want to create?" +#~ msgstr "Che tipo di account creare?" + +#~ msgid "Do you want to create other chat accounts?" +#~ msgstr "Creare altri account?" + +#~ msgid "Enter the details for the new account" +#~ msgstr "Inserire i dettagli del nuovo account" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "With Empathy you can chat with people online nearby and with friends and " +#~ "colleagues who use Google Talk, AIM, Windows Live and many other chat " +#~ "programs. With a microphone or a webcam you can also have audio or video " +#~ "calls." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Con Empathy è possibile conversare con le persone che ci circondano, con " +#~ "amici e colleghi che usano Google Talk, AIM, Windows Live e molti altri " +#~ "programmi di messaggistica. Con un microfono o una videocamera è anche " +#~ "possibile effettuare chiamate audio o video." + +# (ndt) non so perché si ostinano a usare chat... +#~ msgid "Do you have an account you've been using with another chat program?" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "È disponibile un account usato con un altro programma di messaggistica?" + +# (ndt) dopo di questa c'è un elenco a discesa... +#~ msgid "Yes, import my account details from " +#~ msgstr "Sì, importare gli account da " + +#~ msgid "Yes, I'll enter my account details now" +#~ msgstr "Sì, inserire i dettagli dell'account ora" + +#~ msgid "No, I want a new account" +#~ msgstr "No, creare un nuovo account" + +#~ msgid "No, I just want to see people online nearby for now" +#~ msgstr "No, visualizzare solo le persone nelle vicinanze" + +#~ msgid "Select the accounts you want to import:" +#~ msgstr "Selezionare gli account da importare:" + +#~ msgid "No, that's all for now" +#~ msgstr "No, per ora è tutto" + +#~ msgid "Edit->Accounts" +#~ msgstr "Modifica → Account" + +# (ndt) checkbutton +#~ msgid "I do _not want to enable this feature for now" +#~ msgstr "No_n abilitare ora questa funzionalità" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "You won't be able to chat with people connected to your local network, as " +#~ "telepathy-salut is not installed. If you want to enable this feature, " +#~ "please install the telepathy-salut package and create a People Nearby " +#~ "account from the Accounts dialog" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Non è possibile avere conversazioni con le persone collegate alla stessa " +#~ "rete locale poiché il pacchetto «telepathy-salut» non è installato. Per " +#~ "abilitare questa funzionalità, installare il pacchetto «telepathy-salut» " +#~ "e creare un account «Persone nelle vicinanze» attraverso il dialogo " +#~ "«Account»." + +#~ msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts Assistant" +#~ msgstr "Assistente per account di messaggistica e VoIP" + +#~ msgid "Welcome to Empathy" +#~ msgstr "Benvenuti in Empathy" + +# (ndt) titolo dialogo assistente +#~ msgid "Import your existing accounts" +#~ msgstr "Importazione account" + +#~ msgid "Please enter personal details" +#~ msgstr "Inserire i dettagli personali" + +# (ndt) messo scartate perché il pulsante nella finestra è "Scarta" +#~ msgid "" +#~ "You are about to create a new account, which will discard\n" +#~ "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Sta per essere creato un nuovo account e le modifiche\n" +#~ "effettuate verranno scartate. Procedere veramente?" + +#~ msgid "Protocol:" +#~ msgstr "Protocollo:" + +#~ msgctxt "encoding video codec" +#~ msgid "Unknown" +#~ msgstr "Sconosciuto" + +#~ msgctxt "encoding audio codec" +#~ msgid "Unknown" +#~ msgstr "Sconosciuto" + +#~ msgctxt "decoding video codec" +#~ msgid "Unknown" +#~ msgstr "Sconosciuto" + +#~ msgctxt "decoding audio codec" +#~ msgid "Unknown" +#~ msgstr "Sconosciuto" + +#~ msgid "_Personal Information" +#~ msgstr "Informazioni _personali" + +#~ msgid "Input level:" +#~ msgstr "Livello di ingresso:" + +#~ msgid "Input volume:" +#~ msgstr "Volume di ingresso:" + +# (ndt) opzione +#~ msgid "_Open new chats in separate windows" +#~ msgstr "A_prire finestre separate per le nuove conversazioni" diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/po/kn.po empathy-3.3.92/po/kn.po --- empathy-3.3.91/po/kn.po 2011-09-22 14:16:13.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/po/kn.po 2012-03-20 09:30:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -2,1126 +2,1150 @@ # Copyright (C) YEAR THE PACKAGE'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER # This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package. # -# Shankar Prasad , 2008, 2009, 2011. +# Shankar Prasad , 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: empathy.master.kn\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug." -"cgi?product=empathy&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=general\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-03-14 01:59+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-03-21 16:12+0530\n" -"Last-Translator: Shankar Prasad \n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?" +"product=empathy&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=General\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-16 10:47+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-19 21:16+0530\n" +"Last-Translator: s\n" "Language-Team: Kannada \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.1\n" +"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.2\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" +"Language: kn\n" #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:1 -msgid "Chat on Google Talk, Facebook, MSN and many other chat services" -msgstr "Google Talk, Facebook, MSN ಹಾಗು ಇತರೆ ಚಾಟ್‌ ಸೇವೆಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಚಾಟ್ ಮಾಡಿ" - -#: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:2 msgid "Empathy" msgstr "Empathy" +#: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:2 +msgid "IM Client" +msgstr "IM ಕ್ಲೈಂಟ್" + #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:3 msgid "Empathy Internet Messaging" msgstr "Empathy ಇಂಟರ್ನೆಟ್ ಮೆಸೇಜಿಂಗ್" #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:4 -msgid "IM Client" -msgstr "IM ಕ್ಲೈಂಟ್" +msgid "Chat on Google Talk, Facebook, MSN and many other chat services" +msgstr "Google Talk, Facebook, MSN ಹಾಗು ಇತರೆ ಚಾಟ್‌ ಸೇವೆಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಚಾಟ್ ಮಾಡಿ" + +#. Tweak the dialog +#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2512 +msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts" +msgstr "ಮೆಸೇಜಿಂಗ್ ಹಾಗು VoIP ಖಾತೆಗಳು" + +#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:2 +msgid "Manage Messaging and VoIP accounts" +msgstr "ಮೆಸೇಜಿಂಗ್ ಹಾಗು VoIP ಖಾತೆಗಳನ್ನು ನಿರ್ವಹಿಸಿ" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:1 -msgid "Always open a separate chat window for new chats." -msgstr "ಹೊಸ ಚಾಟ್‌ಗಳಿಗಾಗಿ ಪ್ರತಿ ಬಾರಿಯೂ ಒಂದು ಪ್ರತ್ಯೇಕ ಚಾಟ್‌ ವಿಂಡೋ ಅನ್ನು ತೆರೆ." +msgid "Connection managers should be used" +msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವ್ಯವಸ್ಥಾಪಕಗಳನ್ನು ಅನ್ನು ಬಳಸಬೇಕು" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:2 msgid "" -"Character to add after nickname when using nick completion (tab) in group " -"chat." +"Whether connectivity managers should be used to automatically disconnect/" +"reconnect." msgstr "" -"ಗುಂಪಿನ ಚಾಟ್‌ನಲ್ಲಿ ಅಡ್ಡ ಹೆಸರಿನ ಪೂರ್ಣಗೊಳಿಕೆಯನ್ನು(ಟ್ಯಾಬ್) ಬಳಸುವಾಗ ಅಡ್ಡ ಹೆಸರಿನ ನಂತರ " -"ಸೇರಿಸಬೇಕಿರುವ ಅಕ್ಷರ." +"ತಾನಾಗಿಯೆ ಸಂಪರ್ಕವನ್ನು ಕಲ್ಪಿಸಲು/ಕಡಿದು ಹಾಕಲು ನೆಟ್‌ವರ್ಕ್ ಮ್ಯಾನೇಜರುಗಳನ್ನು ಬಳಸಬೇಕೆ " +"ಅಥವ " +"ಬೇಡವೆ." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:3 -msgid "Chat window theme" -msgstr "ಚಾಟ್ ವಿಂಡೊ ಪರಿಸರವಿನ್ಯಾಸ" +msgid "Empathy should auto-connect on startup" +msgstr "ಆರಂಭಗೊಂಡಾಗ Empathyಯು ತಾನಾಗಿಯೆ ಸಂಪರ್ಕಿತಗೊಳ್ಳಬೇಕು" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:4 -#| msgid "" -#| "Comma separated list of spell checker languages to use (e.g. en, fr, nl)." -msgid "Comma-separated list of spell checker languages to use (e.g. \"en, fr, nl\")." +msgid "Whether Empathy should automatically log into your accounts on startup." msgstr "" -"ಬಳಕೆಗಾಗಿ ವಿರಾಮ ಚಿಹ್ನೆಗಳನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿರುವ ಕಾಗುಣಿತ ಪರೀಕ್ಷಕ ಭಾಷೆಗಳ ಪಟ್ಟಿ (ಉದಾ. \"en\", " -"\"fr\", " -"\"nl\")." +"Empathyಯು ಆರಂಭಗೊಂಡಾಗ ಅದು ತಾನಾಗಿಯೆ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಖಾತೆಗಳಿಗೆ ಲಾಗಿನ್ ಆಗಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:5 -msgid "Compact contact list" -msgstr "ಚಿಕ್ಕದಾದ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸಗಳ ಪಟ್ಟಿ" +msgid "Empathy should auto-away when idle" +msgstr "ಜಡವಾಗಿದ್ದಾಗಿ Empathyಯು ತಾನಾಗಿಯೆ ಹೊರಗಿದ್ದಾರೆ ಎಂದು ತೋರಿಸಬೇಕೆ" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:6 -msgid "Connection managers should be used" -msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವ್ಯವಸ್ಥಾಪಕಗಳನ್ನು ಅನ್ನು ಬಳಸಬೇಕು" +msgid "" +"Whether Empathy should go into away mode automatically if the user is idle." +msgstr "" +"ಬಳಕೆದಾರರು ಜಡವಾಗಿದ್ದಲ್ಲಿ Empathyಯು ಹೋರ ಹೋದ ಸ್ಥಿತಿಯನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:7 -#| msgid "Contact list sort criterium" -msgid "Contact list sort criterion" -msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸದ ವಿಂಗಡಣಾ ಮಾನದಂಡ" +msgid "Empathy default download folder" +msgstr "Empathy ಪೂರ್ವನಿಯೋಜಿತ ಡೌನ್‌ಲೋಡ್ ಕಡತಕೋಶ" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:8 -msgid "Default directory to select an avatar image from" -msgstr "ಒಂದು ಅವತಾರದ ಚಿತ್ರಗಳನ್ನು ಆರಿಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳಬೇಕಿರುವ ಡೀಫಾಲ್ಟ್ ಕಡತಕೋಶ" +msgid "The default folder to save file transfers in." +msgstr "ವರ್ಗಾಯಿಸಲಾದ ಕಡತಗಳನ್ನು ಉಳಿಸುವ ಪೂರ್ವನಿಯೋಜಿತ ಕಡತಕೋಶ." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:9 -msgid "Disable popup notifications when away" -msgstr "ಹೊರಗೆ ಹೋಗಿದ್ದಾಗ ಪುಟಿಕೆಯ ಸೂಚನೆಗಳನ್ನು ನಿಷ್ಕ್ರಿಯಗೊಳಿಸು" +msgid "Magic number used to check if sanity cleaning tasks should be run" +msgstr "" +"ಸ್ವಚ್ಛಗೊಳಿಕೆ ಕಾರ್ಯಗಳನ್ನು ನಡೆಸಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ ಎಂದು ಪರಿಶೀಲಿಸಲು ಅಗತ್ಯವಿರುವ " +"ಮಾಂತ್ರಿಕ ಸಂಖ್ಯೆ" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:10 -msgid "Disable sounds when away" -msgstr "ಹೊರಗೆ ಹೋಗಿದ್ದಾಗ ಶಬ್ದಗಳನ್ನು ಸಕ್ರಿಯಗೊಳಿಸು" +msgid "" +"empathy-sanity-cleaning.c uses this number to check if the cleaning tasks " +"should be executed or not. Users should not change this key manually." +msgstr "" +"ಸ್ವಚ್ಛಗೊಳಿಕೆ ಕಾರ್ಯಗಳನ್ನು ಕಾರ್ಯಗತಗೊಳಿಸಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ ಎನ್ನುವುದನ್ನು ಪರಿಶೀಲಿಸಲು " +"empathy-sanity-cleaning.c ಎನ್ನುವುದು ಈ ಸಂಖ್ಯೆಯನ್ನು ಬಳಸುತ್ತದೆ. ಬಳಕೆದಾರರು ಈ " +"ಕೀಲಿಯನ್ನು ಕೈಯಾರೆ ಬದಲಾಯಿಸಬಾರದು." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:11 -msgid "Display incoming events in the status area" -msgstr "ಒಳಬರುವ ಘಟನೆಗಳನ್ನು ಸ್ಥಿತಿ ಸ್ಥಳದಲ್ಲಿ ತೋರಿಸುತ್ತದೆ" +msgid "Show offline contacts" +msgstr "ಆಫ್‌ಲೈನ್ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸಗಳನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸು" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:12 -msgid "" -"Display incoming events in the status area. If false, present them to the " -"user immediately." +msgid "Whether to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." msgstr "" -"ಒಳಬರುವ ಘಟನೆಗಳನ್ನು ಸ್ಥಿತಿ ಸ್ಥಳದಲ್ಲಿ ತೋರಿಸುತ್ತದೆ. false ಆಗಿದ್ದರೆ ಬಳಕೆದಾರರಿಗೆ ಆ ಕೂಡಲೆ " -"ಒದಗಿಸುತ್ತದೆ." +"ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸ ಪಟ್ಟಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ಆಫ್‌ಲೈನ್‌ನಲ್ಲಿರುವ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸಗಳನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ " +"ಬೇಡವೆ." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:13 -msgid "Empathy can publish the user's location" -msgstr "Empathyಯು ಬಳಕೆದಾರರು ಇರುವ ಸ್ಥಳವನ್ನು ಪ್ರಕಟಿಸುತ್ತದೆ" +msgid "Show avatars" +msgstr "ಅವತಾರಗಳನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸು" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:14 -msgid "Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location" -msgstr "ಸ್ಥಳವನ್ನು ಊಹಿಸಲು Empathy ಯು GPS ಅನ್ನು ಬಳಸುತ್ತದೆ" +msgid "" +"Whether to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat windows." +msgstr "" +"ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸ ಪಟ್ಟಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ಹಾಗು ಚಾಟ್‌ ವಿಂಡೋದಲ್ಲಿರುವ ಸಂಪರ್ಕಗಳಿಗಾಗಿ ಅವತಾರವನ್ನು " +"ತೋರಿಸಬೇಕೆ " +"ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:15 -msgid "Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location" -msgstr "ಸ್ಥಳವನ್ನು ಊಹಿಸಲು Empathy ಯು ಸೆಲ್ಯುಲಾರ್ ಜಾಲಬಂಧವನ್ನೂ ಸಹ ಬಳಸಬಲ್ಲದು" +msgid "Show protocols" +msgstr "ಪ್ರೊಟೋಕಾಲ್‌ಗಳನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸು" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:16 -msgid "Empathy can use the network to guess the location" -msgstr "ಸ್ಥಳವನ್ನು ಊಹಿಸಲು Empathy ಯು ಜಾಲಬಂಧವನ್ನೂ ಸಹ ಬಳಸಬಲ್ಲದು" +msgid "Whether to show protocols for contacts in the contact list." +msgstr "" +"ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸ ಪಟ್ಟಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ಸಂಪರ್ಕಗಳಿಗಾಗಿನ ಪ್ರೊಟೊಕಾಲ್ ಅನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:17 -msgid "Empathy default download folder" -msgstr "Empathy ಪೂರ್ವನಿಯೋಜಿತ ಡೌನ್‌ಲೋಡ್ ಕಡತಕೋಶ" +#| msgid "Show offline contacts" +msgid "Show Balance in contact list" +msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸದ ಪಟ್ಟಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ಉಳಿದಿರುವುದನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸು" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:18 -msgid "Empathy has migrated butterfly logs" -msgstr "Empathy ಯು ಬಟರ್ಫ್ಲೈ ದಾಖಲೆಗಳನ್ನು ವರ್ಗಾಯಿಸಿದೆ" +#| msgid "Whether to show protocols for contacts in the contact list." +msgid "Whether to show account balances in the contact list." +msgstr "" +"ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸದ ಪಟ್ಟಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ಮಿಕ್ಕುಳಿದಿರುವ ಸಂಪರ್ಕಗಳನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:19 -#| msgid "Empathy should auto-connect on startup" -msgid "Empathy should auto-away when idle" -msgstr "ಜಡವಾಗಿದ್ದಾಗಿ Empathyಯು ತಾನಾಗಿಯೆ ಹೊರಗಿದ್ದಾರೆ ಎಂದು ತೋರಿಸಬೇಕೆ" +msgid "Compact contact list" +msgstr "ಚಿಕ್ಕದಾದ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸಗಳ ಪಟ್ಟಿ" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:20 -msgid "Empathy should auto-connect on startup" -msgstr "ಆರಂಭಗೊಂಡಾಗ Empathyಯು ತಾನಾಗಿಯೆ ಸಂಪರ್ಕಿತಗೊಳ್ಳಬೇಕು" +msgid "Whether to show the contact list in compact mode." +msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸಗಳ ಪಟ್ಟಿಯನ್ನು ಸಂಕ್ಷಿಪ್ತ ರೂಪದಲ್ಲಿ ತೋರಿಸಬೇಕೆ ಬೇಡವೆ." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:21 -msgid "Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy" -msgstr "Empathyಯು ಸ್ಥಳದ ನಿಖರತೆಯನ್ನು ಕಡಿಮೆ ಮಾಡಬೇಕು" +msgid "Hide main window" +msgstr "ಮುಖ್ಯ ವಿಂಡೋವನ್ನು ಅಡಗಿಸು" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:22 -msgid "Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon" -msgstr "Empathyಯು ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸದ ಅವತಾರವನ್ನು ಚಾಟ್‌ ವಿಂಡೋ ಚಿಹ್ನೆಯಾಗಿ ಬಳಸಬೇಕು" +msgid "Hide the main window." +msgstr "ಮುಖ್ಯ ವಿಂಡೋವನ್ನು ಅಡಗಿಸು." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:23 -msgid "Enable WebKit Developer Tools" -msgstr "WebKit ವಿಕಸನಾ ಉಪಕರಣಗಳನ್ನು ಶಕ್ತಗೊಳಿಸಿ" +msgid "Default directory to select an avatar image from" +msgstr "ಒಂದು ಅವತಾರದ ಚಿತ್ರಗಳನ್ನು ಆರಿಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳಬೇಕಿರುವ ಡೀಫಾಲ್ಟ್ ಕಡತಕೋಶ" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:24 -msgid "Enable popup notifications for new messages" -msgstr "ಹೊಸ ಸಂದೇಶಗಳಿಗಾಗಿ ಪುಟಿಕೆ ಸೂಚನೆಗಗಳನ್ನು ಶಕ್ತಗೊಳಿಸು" +msgid "The last directory that an avatar image was chosen from." +msgstr "ಕೊನೆಯ ಬಾರಿಗೆ ಅವತಾರ ಚಿತ್ರಗಳನ್ನು ಆರಿಸಲಾದ ಕಡತಕೋಶ." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:25 -msgid "Enable spell checker" -msgstr "ಕಾಗುಣಿತ ಪರೀಕ್ಷಕವನ್ನು ಶಕ್ತಗೊಳಿಸು" +msgid "Open new chats in separate windows" +msgstr "ಹೊಸ ಚಾಟ್‌ಗಳನ್ನು ಪ್ರತ್ಯೇಕ ವಿಂಡೋಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ತೆರೆ" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:26 -msgid "Hide main window" -msgstr "ಮುಖ್ಯ ವಿಂಡೋವನ್ನು ಅಡಗಿಸು" +msgid "Always open a separate chat window for new chats." +msgstr "ಹೊಸ ಚಾಟ್‌ಗಳಿಗಾಗಿ ಪ್ರತಿ ಬಾರಿಯೂ ಒಂದು ಪ್ರತ್ಯೇಕ ಚಾಟ್‌ ವಿಂಡೋ ಅನ್ನು ತೆರೆ." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:27 -msgid "Hide the main window." -msgstr "ಮುಖ್ಯ ವಿಂಡೋವನ್ನು ಅಡಗಿಸು." +msgid "Display incoming events in the status area" +msgstr "ಒಳಬರುವ ಘಟನೆಗಳನ್ನು ಸ್ಥಿತಿ ಸ್ಥಳದಲ್ಲಿ ತೋರಿಸುತ್ತದೆ" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:28 -msgid "Nick completed character" -msgstr "ಉಪನಾಮ ಪೂರ್ಣಗೊಳಿಸಲಾದ ಅಕ್ಷರ" +msgid "" +"Display incoming events in the status area. If false, present them to the " +"user immediately." +msgstr "" +"ಒಳಬರುವ ಘಟನೆಗಳನ್ನು ಸ್ಥಿತಿ ಸ್ಥಳದಲ್ಲಿ ತೋರಿಸುತ್ತದೆ. false ಆಗಿದ್ದರೆ ಬಳಕೆದಾರರಿಗೆ ಆ " +"ಕೂಡಲೆ " +"ಒದಗಿಸುತ್ತದೆ." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:29 -msgid "Open new chats in separate windows" -msgstr "ಹೊಸ ಚಾಟ್‌ಗಳನ್ನು ಪ್ರತ್ಯೇಕ ವಿಂಡೋಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ತೆರೆ" +msgid "The position for the chat window side pane" +msgstr "ಚಾಟ್ ವಿಂಡೊದ ಬದಿಯ ಫಲಕಕ್ಕಾಗಿನ ಸ್ಥಳ" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:30 -#| msgid "Path of the adium theme to use" -msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use" -msgstr "ಬಳಸಬೇಕಿರುವ ಆಡಿಯಮ್ ಪರಿಸರ ವಿನ್ಯಾಸದ ಮಾರ್ಗ" +msgid "The stored position (in pixels) of the chat window side pane." +msgstr "ಚಾಟ್ ವಿಂಡೊದ ಬದಿ ಫಲಕದ ಶೇಖರಿಸಿಡಲಾದ ಸ್ಥಳ (ಪಿಕ್ಸೆಲ್‌ಗಳಲ್ಲಿ)." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:31 -#| msgid "Path of the adium theme to use if the theme used for chat is adium." -msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use if the theme used for chat is Adium." -msgstr "" -"ಚಾಟ್‌ನಲ್ಲಿ ಬಳಸಲಾಗಿರುವ ಪರಿಸರವಿನ್ಯಾಸವು ಆಡಿಯಮ್ ಆಗಿದ್ದರೆ, ಬಳಸಬೇಕಿರುವ ಆಡಿಯಮ್ ಪರಿಸರ " -"ವಿನ್ಯಾಸದ ಮಾರ್ಗ." +#| msgid "Show contact list in rooms" +msgid "Show contact groups" +msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕವಿಳಾಸಗಳ ಗುಂಪುಗಳನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸು" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:32 -msgid "Play a sound for incoming messages" -msgstr "ಸಂದೇಶಗಳು ಬಂದಾಗ ಶಬ್ಧವನ್ನು ಮಾಡು" +#| msgid "Whether to show protocols for contacts in the contact list." +msgid "Whether to show groups in the contact list." +msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸ ಪಟ್ಟಿಯಲ್ಲಿನ ಗುಂಪುಗಳನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:33 -msgid "Play a sound for new conversations" -msgstr "ಹೊಸ ಸಂಭಾಷಣೆಗಳಿಗಾಗಿ ಶಬ್ಧವನ್ನು ಮಾಡು" +msgid "Contact list sort criterion" +msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸದ ವಿಂಗಡಣಾ ಮಾನದಂಡ" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:34 -msgid "Play a sound for outgoing messages" -msgstr "ಹೊರ ಹೋಗುವ ಸಂದೇಶಗಳಿಗಾಗಿ ಶಬ್ಧವನ್ನು ಮಾಡು" +#| msgid "" +#| "Which criterion to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to sort " +#| "by the contact's name with the value \"name\". A value of \"state\" will " +#| "sort the contact list by state." +msgid "" +"Which criterion to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to sort by " +"the contact's state with the value \"state\". A value of \"name\" will sort " +"the contact list by name." +msgstr "" +"ಸಂಪರ್ಕಗಳ ಪಟ್ಟಿಯನ್ನು ಯಾವ ಆಧಾರದಮೇಲೆ ವಿಂಗಡಿಸಬೇಕು \"state\" ಮೌಲ್ಯದೊಂದಿಗೆ " +"ಸಂಪರ್ಕವಿಳಾದ " +"ಸ್ಥಿತಿಯ ಆಧಾರದ ಮೇಲೆ ವಿಂಗಡಿಸುವುದು ಪೂರ್ವನಿಯೋಜಿತವಾಗಿರುತ್ತದೆ. \"state\" ಮೌಲ್ಯವು " +"ಸಂಪರ್ಕವಿಳಾಸದ ಪಟ್ಟಿಯ ಹೆಸರಿನ ಆಧಾರದ ಮೇಲೆ ಅದನ್ನು ವಿಂಗಡಿಸುತ್ತದೆ." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:35 -msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs in" -msgstr "ಸಂದೇಶಗಳು ಬಂದಾಗ ಶಬ್ಧವನ್ನು ಮಾಡು" +msgid "Use notification sounds" +msgstr "ಸೂಚನಾ ಶಬ್ಧಗಳನ್ನು ಬಳಸು" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:36 -msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs out" -msgstr "ಒಂದು ಸಂಪರ್ಕವು ನಿರ್ಗಮಿಸಿದಾಗ ಶಬ್ಧವನ್ನು ಮಾಡು" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of events." +msgstr "ಕಾರ್ಯಕ್ರಮಗಳಿಗಾಗಿನ ಸೂಚನೆಗಾಗಿ ಶಬ್ಧವನ್ನು ಮಾಡಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:37 -msgid "Play a sound when we log in" -msgstr "ನಾವು ಪ್ರವೇಶಿಸಿದಾಗ ಶಬ್ಧವನ್ನು ಮಾಡು" +msgid "Disable sounds when away" +msgstr "ಹೊರಗೆ ಹೋಗಿದ್ದಾಗ ಶಬ್ದಗಳನ್ನು ಸಕ್ರಿಯಗೊಳಿಸು" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:38 -msgid "Play a sound when we log out" -msgstr "ನಾವು ನಿರ್ಗಮಿಸಿದಾಗ ಶಬ್ಧವನ್ನು ಮಾಡು" +msgid "Whether to play sound notifications when away or busy." +msgstr "ನೀವು ಹೊರಗಡೆ ಹೋದಾಗ ಶಬ್ಧದ ಮೂಲಕ ಸೂಚನೆಯನ್ನು ನೀಡಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:39 -#| msgid "Popup notifications if the chat isn't focused" -msgid "Pop up notifications if the chat isn't focused" -msgstr "ಚಾಟ್‌ನ ಮೇಲೆ ಗಮನವನ್ನು ಕೇಂದ್ರೀಕರಿಸದೆ ಇದ್ದಲ್ಲಿ ಪುಟಿಕೆ ಸೂಚನೆ" +msgid "Play a sound for incoming messages" +msgstr "ಸಂದೇಶಗಳು ಬಂದಾಗ ಶಬ್ಧವನ್ನು ಮಾಡು" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:40 -#| msgid "Popup notifications when a contact sign in" -msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs in" -msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸವು ಒಳಗೆ ಪ್ರವೇಶಿಸಿದಾಗ ಪುಟಿಕೆ ಸೂಚನೆ" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of incoming messages." +msgstr "ಒಳಬರುವ ಸಂದೇಶಗಳಿಗಾಗಿ ಶಬ್ಧ ಮಾಡಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:41 -#| msgid "Popup notifications when a contact sign out" -msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs out" -msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸವು ಹೊರಗೆ ನಿರ್ಗಮಿಸಿದಾಗ ಪುಟಿಕೆ ಸೂಚನೆ" +msgid "Play a sound for outgoing messages" +msgstr "ಹೊರ ಹೋಗುವ ಸಂದೇಶಗಳಿಗಾಗಿ ಶಬ್ಧವನ್ನು ಮಾಡು" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:42 -msgid "Show avatars" -msgstr "ಅವತಾರಗಳನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸು" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of outgoing messages." +msgstr "ಹೊರಹೋಗುವ ಸಂದೇಶಗಳಿಗಾಗಿ ಶಬ್ಧ ಮಾಡಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:43 -msgid "Show contact list in rooms" -msgstr "ರೂಮುಗಳಲ್ಲಿನ ವಿಳಾಸಗಳ ಪಟ್ಟಿಯನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸು(_S)" +msgid "Play a sound for new conversations" +msgstr "ಹೊಸ ಸಂಭಾಷಣೆಗಳಿಗಾಗಿ ಶಬ್ಧವನ್ನು ಮಾಡು" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:44 -msgid "Show hint about closing the main window" -msgstr "ಮುಖ್ಯ ವಿಂಡೋವನ್ನು ಮುಚ್ಚುವಾಗ ಸೂಚನೆಯನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸು" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of new conversations." +msgstr "ಹೊಸ ಸಂಭಾಷಣೆಗಳನ್ನು ಸೂಚಿಸಲು ಶಬ್ಧ ಮಾಡಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:45 -msgid "Show offline contacts" -msgstr "ಆಫ್‌ಲೈನ್ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸಗಳನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸು" +msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs in" +msgstr "ಸಂದೇಶಗಳು ಬಂದಾಗ ಶಬ್ಧವನ್ನು ಮಾಡು" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:46 -#| msgid "Protocol" -msgid "Show protocols" -msgstr "ಪ್ರೊಟೋಕಾಲ್‌ಗಳನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸು" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging into the network." +msgstr "ಜಾಲಬಂಧಕ್ಕೆ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸಗಳು ಪ್ರವೇಶಿಸಿದಾಗ ಶಬ್ಧವನ್ನು ಮಾಡಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:47 -msgid "Spell checking languages" -msgstr "ಕಾಗುಣಿತ ಪರೀಕ್ಷೆಯ ಭಾಷೆಗಳು" +msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs out" +msgstr "ಒಂದು ಸಂಪರ್ಕವು ನಿರ್ಗಮಿಸಿದಾಗ ಶಬ್ಧವನ್ನು ಮಾಡು" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:48 -msgid "The default folder to save file transfers in." -msgstr "ವರ್ಗಾಯಿಸಲಾದ ಕಡತಗಳನ್ನು ಉಳಿಸುವ ಪೂರ್ವನಿಯೋಜಿತ ಕಡತಕೋಶ." +msgid "" +"Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging out of the network." +msgstr "ಜಾಲಬಂಧದಿಂದ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸಗಳು ನಿರ್ಗಮಿಸಿದಾಗ ಶಬ್ಧವನ್ನು ಮಾಡಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:49 -msgid "The last directory that an avatar image was chosen from." -msgstr "ಕೊನೆಯ ಬಾರಿಗೆ ಅವತಾರ ಚಿತ್ರಗಳನ್ನು ಆರಿಸಲಾದ ಕಡತಕೋಶ." +msgid "Play a sound when we log in" +msgstr "ನಾವು ಪ್ರವೇಶಿಸಿದಾಗ ಶಬ್ಧವನ್ನು ಮಾಡು" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:50 -msgid "The position for the chat window side pane" -msgstr "ಚಾಟ್ ವಿಂಡೊದ ಬದಿಯ ಫಲಕಕ್ಕಾಗಿನ ಸ್ಥಳ" +msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging into a network." +msgstr "ಜಾಲಬಂಧದೊಳಕ್ಕೆ ಪ್ರವೇಶಿಸಿದಾಗ ಶಬ್ಧವನ್ನು ಮಾಡಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:51 -msgid "The stored position (in pixels) of the chat window side pane." -msgstr "ಚಾಟ್ ವಿಂಡೊದ ಬದಿ ಫಲಕದ ಶೇಖರಿಸಿಡಲಾದ ಸ್ಥಳ (ಪಿಕ್ಸೆಲ್‌ಗಳಲ್ಲಿ)." +msgid "Play a sound when we log out" +msgstr "ನಾವು ನಿರ್ಗಮಿಸಿದಾಗ ಶಬ್ಧವನ್ನು ಮಾಡು" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:52 -msgid "The theme that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." -msgstr "ಚಾಟ್‌ ವಿಂಡೋಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಸಂಭಾಷಣೆಗಳನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸಲು ಬಳಸಬೇಕಿರುವ ಪರಿಸರವಿನ್ಯಾಸ." +msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging out of a network." +msgstr "ಜಾಲಬಂಧದಿಂದ ನಿರ್ಗಮಿಸಿದಾಗ ಶಬ್ಧವನ್ನು ಮಾಡಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:53 -msgid "Use graphical smileys" -msgstr "ಚಿತ್ರಾತ್ಮಕ(ಗ್ರಾಫಿಕಲ್) ಸ್ಮೈಲಿಗಳನ್ನು ಬಳಸು" +msgid "Enable popup notifications for new messages" +msgstr "ಹೊಸ ಸಂದೇಶಗಳಿಗಾಗಿ ಪುಟಿಕೆ ಸೂಚನೆಗಗಳನ್ನು ಶಕ್ತಗೊಳಿಸು" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:54 -msgid "Use notification sounds" -msgstr "ಸೂಚನಾ ಶಬ್ಧಗಳನ್ನು ಬಳಸು" +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message." +msgstr "ಒಂದು ಸಂದೇಶವನ್ನು ಪಡೆದುಕೊಂಡಾಗ ಒಂದು ಪುಟಿಕೆಯನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:55 -msgid "Use theme for chat rooms" -msgstr "ಚಾಟ್‌ ರೂಮ್‌ಗಳಿಗೆ ಪರಿಸರವಿನ್ಯಾಸ‌ವನ್ನು ಬಳಸು" +msgid "Disable popup notifications when away" +msgstr "ಹೊರಗೆ ಹೋಗಿದ್ದಾಗ ಪುಟಿಕೆಯ ಸೂಚನೆಗಳನ್ನು ನಿಷ್ಕ್ರಿಯಗೊಳಿಸು" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:56 -#| msgid "" -#| "Whether or not Empathy can publish the user's location to his contacts." -msgid "Whether Empathy can publish the user's location to their contacts." -msgstr "Empathy ಯು ತನ್ನ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸಗಳಿಗೆ ಬಳಕೆದಾರರ ಸ್ಥಳವನ್ನು ಪ್ರಕಟಿಸಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." +msgid "Whether to show popup notifications when away or busy." +msgstr "" +"ನೀವು ಹೊರಗಡೆ ಹೋದಾಗ ಅಥವ ಕಾರ್ಯನಿರತವಾಗಿದ್ದಾಗ ಪುಟಿಕೆ ಸೂಚನೆಗಳನ್ನು ನೀಡಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:57 -#| msgid "Whether or not Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location." -msgid "Whether Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location." -msgstr "ಸ್ಥಳವನ್ನು ಊಹಿಸಲು Empathyಯು GPS ಅನ್ನು ಬಳಸಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." +msgid "Pop up notifications if the chat isn't focused" +msgstr "ಚಾಟ್‌ನ ಮೇಲೆ ಗಮನವನ್ನು ಕೇಂದ್ರೀಕರಿಸದೆ ಇದ್ದಲ್ಲಿ ಪುಟಿಕೆ ಸೂಚನೆ" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:58 -#| msgid "" -#| "Whether or not Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location." -msgid "Whether Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location." -msgstr "ಸ್ಥಳವನ್ನು ಊಹಿಸಲು Empathyಯು ಸೆಲ್ಯುಲಾರ್ ಜಾಲಬಂಧವನ್ನು ಬಳಸಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." +msgid "" +"Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message even if " +"the chat is already opened, but not focused." +msgstr "" +"ಚಾಟನ್ನು ಈಗಾಗಲೆ ತೆರೆಯಲಾಗಿದ್ದು ಆದರೆ ಅದರತ್ತ ಗಮನವಿರದೆ ಇದ್ದಾಗ, ಒಂದು ಸಂದೇಶವು " +"ಬಂದಲ್ಲಿ " +"ಪುಟಿಕೆಯನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:59 -#| msgid "Whether or not Empathy can use the network to guess the location." -msgid "Whether Empathy can use the network to guess the location." -msgstr "ಸ್ಥಳವನ್ನು ಊಹಿಸಲು Empathyಯು ಜಾಲಬಂಧವನ್ನು ಬಳಸಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." +msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs in" +msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸವು ಒಳಗೆ ಪ್ರವೇಶಿಸಿದಾಗ ಪುಟಿಕೆ ಸೂಚನೆ" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:60 -msgid "Whether Empathy has migrated butterfly logs." -msgstr "Empathy ಯು ಬಟರ್ಫ್ಲೈ ದಾಖಲೆಗಳನ್ನು ವರ್ಗಾಯಿಸಿದೆಯೆ ಅಥವ ಇಲ್ಲವೆ." +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes online." +msgstr "" +"ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸವು ಆನ್‌ಲೈನ್‌ಗೆ ಮರಳಿದಾಗ ಪುಟಿಕೆ ಸೂಚನೆಗಳನ್ನು ನೀಡಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:61 -#| msgid "" -#| "Whether or not Empathy should automatically log in to your accounts on " -#| "startup." -msgid "Whether Empathy should automatically log into your accounts on startup." -msgstr "Empathyಯು ಆರಂಭಗೊಂಡಾಗ ಅದು ತಾನಾಗಿಯೆ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಖಾತೆಗಳಿಗೆ ಲಾಗಿನ್ ಆಗಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." +msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs out" +msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸವು ಹೊರಗೆ ನಿರ್ಗಮಿಸಿದಾಗ ಪುಟಿಕೆ ಸೂಚನೆ" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:62 -#| msgid "" -#| "Whether or not Empathy should automatically log in to your accounts on " -#| "startup." -msgid "Whether Empathy should go into away mode automatically if the user is idle." -msgstr "ಬಳಕೆದಾರರು ಜಡವಾಗಿದ್ದಲ್ಲಿ Empathyಯು ಹೋರ ಹೋದ ಸ್ಥಿತಿಯನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes offline." +msgstr "" +"ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸವು ಆಫ್‌ಲೈನ್‌ಗೆ ತೆರಳಿದಾಗ ಪುಟಿಕೆ ಸೂಚನೆಗಳನ್ನು ನೀಡಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:63 -#| msgid "" -#| "Whether or not Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy for privacy " -#| "reasons." -msgid "Whether Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy for privacy reasons." -msgstr "ಖಾಸಗಿ ಕಾರಣಗಳಿಗಾಗಿ ಸ್ಥಳದ ನಿಖರತೆಯನ್ನು Empathyಯು ಕಡಿಮೆ ಮಾಡಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." +msgid "Use graphical smileys" +msgstr "ಚಿತ್ರಾತ್ಮಕ(ಗ್ರಾಫಿಕಲ್) ಸ್ಮೈಲಿಗಳನ್ನು ಬಳಸು" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:64 -#| msgid "" -#| "Whether or not Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat " -#| "window icon." -msgid "Whether Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon." -msgstr "Empathyಯು ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸದ ಅವತಾರವನ್ನು ಚಾಟ್‌ ವಿಂಡೋ ಚಿಹ್ನೆಯಾಗಿ ಬಳಸಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." +msgid "Whether to convert smileys into graphical images in conversations." +msgstr "" +"ಸಂಭಾಷಣೆಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಸ್ಮೈಲಿಗಳನ್ನು ಗ್ರಾಫಿಕಲ್ ಚಿತ್ರಗಳನ್ನಾಗಿ ಮಾರ್ಪಡಿಸಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:65 -msgid "Whether WebKit developer tools, such as the Web Inspector, should be enabled." -msgstr "ವೆಬ್ ಇನ್‌ಸ್ಪೆಕ್ಟರಿನಂತಹ WebKit ವಿಕಸನಾ ಉಪಕರಣಗಳನ್ನು ಶಕ್ತಗೊಳಿಸಬೇಕೆ." +msgid "Show contact list in rooms" +msgstr "ರೂಮುಗಳಲ್ಲಿನ ವಿಳಾಸಗಳ ಪಟ್ಟಿಯನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸು(_S)" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:66 -#| msgid "" -#| "Whether or not connectivity managers should be used to automatically " -#| "disconnect/reconnect." -msgid "" -"Whether connectivity managers should be used to automatically disconnect/" -"reconnect." -msgstr "" -"ತಾನಾಗಿಯೆ ಸಂಪರ್ಕವನ್ನು ಕಲ್ಪಿಸಲು/ಕಡಿದು ಹಾಕಲು ನೆಟ್‌ವರ್ಕ್ ಮ್ಯಾನೇಜರುಗಳನ್ನು ಬಳಸಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ " -"ಬೇಡವೆ." +msgid "Whether to show the contact list in chat rooms." +msgstr "ಚಾಟ್‌ ರೂಮ್‌ಗಳಲ್ಲಿನ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸಗಳ ಪಟ್ಟಿಯನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸಬೇಕೆ ಬೇಡವೆ." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:67 -#| msgid "" -#| "Whether or not to check words typed against the languages you want to " -#| "check with." -msgid "Whether to check words typed against the languages you want to check with." -msgstr "ನೀವು ಪರಿಶೀಲಿಸಲು ಬಯಸುವ ಭಾಷೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಬರೆದ ಪದಗಳನ್ನು ಪರಿಶೀಲಿಸಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." +msgid "Chat window theme" +msgstr "ಚಾಟ್ ವಿಂಡೊ ಪರಿಸರವಿನ್ಯಾಸ" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:68 -#| msgid "" -#| "Whether or not to convert smileys into graphical images in conversations." -msgid "Whether to convert smileys into graphical images in conversations." -msgstr "ಸಂಭಾಷಣೆಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಸ್ಮೈಲಿಗಳನ್ನು ಗ್ರಾಫಿಕಲ್ ಚಿತ್ರಗಳನ್ನಾಗಿ ಮಾರ್ಪಡಿಸಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." +msgid "The theme that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." +msgstr "ಚಾಟ್‌ ವಿಂಡೋಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಸಂಭಾಷಣೆಗಳನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸಲು ಬಳಸಬೇಕಿರುವ ಪರಿಸರವಿನ್ಯಾಸ." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:69 -#| msgid "" -#| "Whether or not to play a sound to notify for contacts logging in the " -#| "network." -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging into the network." -msgstr "ಜಾಲಬಂಧಕ್ಕೆ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸಗಳು ಪ್ರವೇಶಿಸಿದಾಗ ಶಬ್ಧವನ್ನು ಮಾಡಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." +#| msgid "Chat window theme" +msgid "Chat window theme variant" +msgstr "ಚಾಟ್ ವಿಂಡೊ ಪರಿಸರವಿನ್ಯಾಸದ ಬಗೆ" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:70 -#| msgid "" -#| "Whether or not to play a sound to notify for contacts logging off the " -#| "network." -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging out of the network." -msgstr "ಜಾಲಬಂಧದಿಂದ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸಗಳು ನಿರ್ಗಮಿಸಿದಾಗ ಶಬ್ಧವನ್ನು ಮಾಡಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." +#| msgid "The theme that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." +msgid "" +"The theme variant that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." +msgstr "ಚಾಟ್‌ ವಿಂಡೋಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಸಂಭಾಷಣೆಗಳನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸಲು ಬಳಸಬೇಕಿರುವ ಪರಿಸರವಿನ್ಯಾಸದ ಬಗೆ." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:71 -#| msgid "Whether or not to play a sound to notify for events." -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of events." -msgstr "ಕಾರ್ಯಕ್ರಮಗಳಿಗಾಗಿನ ಸೂಚನೆಗಾಗಿ ಶಬ್ಧವನ್ನು ಮಾಡಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." +msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use" +msgstr "ಬಳಸಬೇಕಿರುವ ಆಡಿಯಮ್ ಪರಿಸರ ವಿನ್ಯಾಸದ ಮಾರ್ಗ" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:72 -#| msgid "Whether or not to play a sound to notify for incoming messages." -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of incoming messages." -msgstr "ಒಳಬರುವ ಸಂದೇಶಗಳಿಗಾಗಿ ಶಬ್ಧ ಮಾಡಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." +msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use if the theme used for chat is Adium." +msgstr "" +"ಚಾಟ್‌ನಲ್ಲಿ ಬಳಸಲಾಗಿರುವ ಪರಿಸರವಿನ್ಯಾಸವು ಆಡಿಯಮ್ ಆಗಿದ್ದರೆ, ಬಳಸಬೇಕಿರುವ ಆಡಿಯಮ್ ಪರಿಸರ " +"ವಿನ್ಯಾಸದ ಮಾರ್ಗ." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:73 -#| msgid "Whether or not to play a sound to notify for new conversations." -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of new conversations." -msgstr "ಹೊಸ ಸಂಭಾಷಣೆಗಳನ್ನು ಸೂಚಿಸಲು ಶಬ್ಧ ಮಾಡಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." +msgid "Enable WebKit Developer Tools" +msgstr "WebKit ವಿಕಸನಾ ಉಪಕರಣಗಳನ್ನು ಶಕ್ತಗೊಳಿಸಿ" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:74 -#| msgid "Whether or not to play a sound to notify for outgoing messages." -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of outgoing messages." -msgstr "ಹೊರಹೋಗುವ ಸಂದೇಶಗಳಿಗಾಗಿ ಶಬ್ಧ ಮಾಡಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." +msgid "" +"Whether WebKit developer tools, such as the Web Inspector, should be enabled." +msgstr "ವೆಬ್ ಇನ್‌ಸ್ಪೆಕ್ಟರಿನಂತಹ WebKit ವಿಕಸನಾ ಉಪಕರಣಗಳನ್ನು ಶಕ್ತಗೊಳಿಸಬೇಕೆ." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:75 -#| msgid "Whether or not to play a sound when logging in a network." -msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging into a network." -msgstr "ಜಾಲಬಂಧದೊಳಕ್ಕೆ ಪ್ರವೇಶಿಸಿದಾಗ ಶಬ್ಧವನ್ನು ಮಾಡಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." +msgid "Inform other users when you are typing to them" +msgstr "ಬೇರೆ ಬಳಕೆದಾರರಿಗಾಗಿ ನೀವು ಟೈಪಿಸುವಾಗ ಅವರಿಗೆ ತಿಳಿಸು" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:76 -#| msgid "Whether or not to play a sound when logging off a network." -msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging out of a network." -msgstr "ಜಾಲಬಂಧದಿಂದ ನಿರ್ಗಮಿಸಿದಾಗ ಶಬ್ಧವನ್ನು ಮಾಡಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." +msgid "" +"Whether to send the 'composing' or 'paused' chat states. Does not currently " +"affect the 'gone' state." +msgstr "" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:77 -#| msgid "Whether or not to play sound notifications when away or busy." -msgid "Whether to play sound notifications when away or busy." -msgstr "ನೀವು ಹೊರಗಡೆ ಹೋದಾಗ ಶಬ್ಧದ ಮೂಲಕ ಸೂಚನೆಯನ್ನು ನೀಡಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." +msgid "Use theme for chat rooms" +msgstr "ಚಾಟ್‌ ರೂಮ್‌ಗಳಿಗೆ ಪರಿಸರವಿನ್ಯಾಸ‌ವನ್ನು ಬಳಸು" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:78 -#| msgid "" -#| "Whether or not to show a popup notification when a contact goes offline." -msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes offline." -msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸವು ಆಫ್‌ಲೈನ್‌ಗೆ ತೆರಳಿದಾಗ ಪುಟಿಕೆ ಸೂಚನೆಗಳನ್ನು ನೀಡಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." +msgid "Whether to use the theme for chat rooms." +msgstr "ಚಾಟ್‌ ರೂಮ್‌ಗಳಿಗೆ ಪರಿಸರವಿನ್ಯಾಸವನ್ನು ಬಳಸಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:79 -#| msgid "" -#| "Whether or not to show a popup notification when a contact goes online." -msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes online." -msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸವು ಆನ್‌ಲೈನ್‌ಗೆ ಮರಳಿದಾಗ ಪುಟಿಕೆ ಸೂಚನೆಗಳನ್ನು ನೀಡಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." +msgid "Spell checking languages" +msgstr "ಕಾಗುಣಿತ ಪರೀಕ್ಷೆಯ ಭಾಷೆಗಳು" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:80 -#| msgid "" -#| "Whether or not to show a popup notification when receiving a new message " -#| "even if the chat is already opened, but not focused." msgid "" -"Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message even if " -"the chat is already opened, but not focused." +"Comma-separated list of spell checker languages to use (e.g. \"en, fr, nl\")." msgstr "" -"ಚಾಟನ್ನು ಈಗಾಗಲೆ ತೆರೆಯಲಾಗಿದ್ದು ಆದರೆ ಅದರತ್ತ ಗಮನವಿರದೆ ಇದ್ದಾಗ, ಒಂದು ಸಂದೇಶವು ಬಂದಲ್ಲಿ " -"ಪುಟಿಕೆಯನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." +"ಬಳಕೆಗಾಗಿ ವಿರಾಮ ಚಿಹ್ನೆಗಳನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿರುವ ಕಾಗುಣಿತ ಪರೀಕ್ಷಕ ಭಾಷೆಗಳ ಪಟ್ಟಿ (ಉದಾ. " +"\"en\", " +"\"fr\", \"nl\")." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:81 -#| msgid "" -#| "Whether or not to show a popup notification when receiving a new message." -msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message." -msgstr "ಒಂದು ಸಂದೇಶವನ್ನು ಪಡೆದುಕೊಂಡಾಗ ಒಂದು ಪುಟಿಕೆಯನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." +msgid "Enable spell checker" +msgstr "ಕಾಗುಣಿತ ಪರೀಕ್ಷಕವನ್ನು ಶಕ್ತಗೊಳಿಸು" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:82 -#| msgid "" -#| "Whether or not to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat " -#| "windows." -msgid "Whether to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat windows." -msgstr "" -"ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸ ಪಟ್ಟಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ಹಾಗು ಚಾಟ್‌ ವಿಂಡೋದಲ್ಲಿರುವ ಸಂಪರ್ಕಗಳಿಗಾಗಿ ಅವತಾರವನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸಬೇಕೆ " -"ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." +msgid "" +"Whether to check words typed against the languages you want to check with." +msgstr "ನೀವು ಪರಿಶೀಲಿಸಲು ಬಯಸುವ ಭಾಷೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಬರೆದ ಪದಗಳನ್ನು ಪರಿಶೀಲಿಸಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:83 -#| msgid "" -#| "Whether or not to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." -msgid "Whether to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." -msgstr "" -"ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸ ಪಟ್ಟಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ಆಫ್‌ಲೈನ್‌ನಲ್ಲಿರುವ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸಗಳನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." +msgid "Nick completed character" +msgstr "ಉಪನಾಮ ಪೂರ್ಣಗೊಳಿಸಲಾದ ಅಕ್ಷರ" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:84 -#| msgid "Whether or not to show popup notifications when away or busy." -msgid "Whether to show popup notifications when away or busy." +msgid "" +"Character to add after nickname when using nick completion (tab) in group " +"chat." msgstr "" -"ನೀವು ಹೊರಗಡೆ ಹೋದಾಗ ಅಥವ ಕಾರ್ಯನಿರತವಾಗಿದ್ದಾಗ ಪುಟಿಕೆ ಸೂಚನೆಗಳನ್ನು ನೀಡಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." +"ಗುಂಪಿನ ಚಾಟ್‌ನಲ್ಲಿ ಅಡ್ಡ ಹೆಸರಿನ ಪೂರ್ಣಗೊಳಿಕೆಯನ್ನು(ಟ್ಯಾಬ್) ಬಳಸುವಾಗ ಅಡ್ಡ ಹೆಸರಿನ " +"ನಂತರ " +"ಸೇರಿಸಬೇಕಿರುವ ಅಕ್ಷರ." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:85 -#| msgid "" -#| "Whether or not to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat " -#| "windows." -msgid "Whether to show protocols for contacts in the contact list." -msgstr "" -"ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸ ಪಟ್ಟಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ಸಂಪರ್ಕಗಳಿಗಾಗಿನ ಪ್ರೊಟೊಕಾಲ್ ಅನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸಬೇಕೆ " -"ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." +msgid "Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon" +msgstr "Empathyಯು ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸದ ಅವತಾರವನ್ನು ಚಾಟ್‌ ವಿಂಡೋ ಚಿಹ್ನೆಯಾಗಿ ಬಳಸಬೇಕು" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:86 -#| msgid "Whether or not to show the contact list in chat rooms." -msgid "Whether to show the contact list in chat rooms." -msgstr "ಚಾಟ್‌ ರೂಮ್‌ಗಳಲ್ಲಿನ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸಗಳ ಪಟ್ಟಿಯನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸಬೇಕೆ ಬೇಡವೆ." +msgid "" +"Whether Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon." +msgstr "" +"Empathyಯು ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸದ ಅವತಾರವನ್ನು ಚಾಟ್‌ ವಿಂಡೋ ಚಿಹ್ನೆಯಾಗಿ ಬಳಸಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:87 -#| msgid "Whether to show the contact list in compact mode or not." -msgid "Whether to show the contact list in compact mode." -msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸಗಳ ಪಟ್ಟಿಯನ್ನು ಸಂಕ್ಷಿಪ್ತ ರೂಪದಲ್ಲಿ ತೋರಿಸಬೇಕೆ ಬೇಡವೆ." +msgid "Last account selected in Join Room dialog" +msgstr "ರೂಮ್‌ಗೆ ಸೇರ್ಪಡೆಗೊಳ್ಳು ಎನ್ನುವ ಸಂವಾದ ಚೌಕದಲ್ಲಿ ಕೊನೆಯ ಬಾರಿ ಆರಿಸಲಾದ ಖಾತೆ" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:88 -#| msgid "" -#| "Whether or not to show the message dialog about closing the main window " -#| "with the 'x' button in the title bar." +msgid "D-Bus object path of the last account selected to join a room." +msgstr "ರೂಮ್‌ಗೆ ಸೇರ್ಪಡೆಗೊಳ್ಳುವಾಗ ಕೊನೆಯ ಬಾರಿಗೆ ಆರಿಸಲಾದ ಖಾತೆಯ D-ಬಸ್ ವಸ್ತು ಮಾರ್ಗ." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:89 +#| msgid "Camera On" +msgid "Camera device" +msgstr "ಕ್ಯಾಮೆರಾ ಸಾಧನ" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:90 +msgid "Default camera device to use in video calls, e.g. /dev/video0." +msgstr "" +"ವೀಡಿಯೊ ಕರೆಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಬಳಸಬೇಕಿರುವ ಪೂರ್ವನಿಯೋಜಿತ ಕ್ಯಾಮೆರಾ ಸಾಧನ, ಉದಾ. /dev/video0." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:91 +#| msgid "Camera On" +msgid "Camera position" +msgstr "ಕ್ಯಾಮೆರಾದ ಸ್ಥಾನ" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:92 +msgid "Position the camera preview should be during a call." +msgstr "ಕರೆಯ ಸಮಯದಲ್ಲಿ ಕ್ಯಾಮರಾ ಮುನ್ನೋಟವು ಇರಬೇಕಿರುವ ಸ್ಥಳ." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:93 +msgid "Echo cancellation support" +msgstr "ಪ್ರತಿಧ್ವನಿ ನಿರ್ಮೂಲನಾ ಬೆಂಬಲ" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:94 +msgid "Whether to enable Pulseaudio's echo cancellation filter." +msgstr "Pulseaudio ದ ಪ್ರತಿಧ್ವನಿ ನಿರ್ಮೂಲನಾ ಶೋಧಕವನ್ನು ಸಕ್ರಿಯಗೊಳಿಸಬೇಕೆ." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:95 +msgid "Show hint about closing the main window" +msgstr "ಮುಖ್ಯ ವಿಂಡೋವನ್ನು ಮುಚ್ಚುವಾಗ ಸೂಚನೆಯನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸು" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:96 msgid "" "Whether to show the message dialog about closing the main window with the " "'x' button in the title bar." msgstr "" -"ಶೀರ್ಷಿಕೆ ಪಟ್ಟಿಯಲ್ಲಿನ 'x' ಗುಂಡಿಯೊಂದಿಗೆ ಪ್ರಮುಖ ವಿಂಡೊವನ್ನು ಮುಚ್ಚುವ ಸಂದೇಶ ಸಂವಾದವನ್ನು " +"ಶೀರ್ಷಿಕೆ ಪಟ್ಟಿಯಲ್ಲಿನ 'x' ಗುಂಡಿಯೊಂದಿಗೆ ಪ್ರಮುಖ ವಿಂಡೊವನ್ನು ಮುಚ್ಚುವ ಸಂದೇಶ " +"ಸಂವಾದವನ್ನು " "ತೋರಿಸಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:89 -#| msgid "Whether to use the theme for chat rooms or not." -msgid "Whether to use the theme for chat rooms." -msgstr "ಚಾಟ್‌ ರೂಮ್‌ಗಳಿಗೆ ಪರಿಸರವಿನ್ಯಾಸವನ್ನು ಬಳಸಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:97 +msgid "Empathy can publish the user's location" +msgstr "Empathyಯು ಬಳಕೆದಾರರು ಇರುವ ಸ್ಥಳವನ್ನು ಪ್ರಕಟಿಸುತ್ತದೆ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:90 -#| msgid "" -#| "Which criterium to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to use " -#| "sort by the contact's name with the value \"name\". A value of \"state\" " -#| "will sort the contact list by state." -msgid "" -"Which criterion to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to sort by " -"the contact's name with the value \"name\". A value of \"state\" will sort " -"the contact list by state." +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:98 +msgid "Whether Empathy can publish the user's location to their contacts." msgstr "" -"ಸಂಪರ್ಕಗಳ ಪಟ್ಟಿಯನ್ನು ಯಾವ ಆಧಾರದಮೇಲೆ ವಿಂಗಡಿಸಬೇಕು. \"name\" ಮೌಲ್ಯದೊಂದಿಗೆ ಸಂಪರ್ಕವಿಳಾದ " -"ಹೆಸರಿನ ಆಧಾರದ ಮೇಲೆ ವಿಂಗಡಿಸುವುದು ಪೂರ್ವನಿಯೋಜಿತವಾಗಿರುತ್ತದೆ. \"state\" ಮೌಲ್ಯವು " -"ಸಂಪರ್ಕವಿಳಾಸದ ಪಟ್ಟಿಯ ಸ್ಥಿತಿಯ ಆಧಾರದ ಮೇಲೆ ಅದನ್ನು ವಿಂಗಡಿಸುತ್ತದೆ." +"Empathy ಯು ತನ್ನ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸಗಳಿಗೆ ಬಳಕೆದಾರರ ಸ್ಥಳವನ್ನು ಪ್ರಕಟಿಸಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." -#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:1 -msgid "Manage Messaging and VoIP accounts" -msgstr "ಮೆಸೇಜಿಂಗ್ ಹಾಗು VoIP ಖಾತೆಗಳನ್ನು ನಿರ್ವಹಿಸಿ" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:99 +msgid "Empathy can use the network to guess the location" +msgstr "ಸ್ಥಳವನ್ನು ಊಹಿಸಲು Empathy ಯು ಜಾಲಬಂಧವನ್ನೂ ಸಹ ಬಳಸಬಲ್ಲದು" -#. Tweak the dialog -#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:2 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2242 -msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts" -msgstr "ಮೆಸೇಜಿಂಗ್ ಹಾಗು VoIP ಖಾತೆಗಳು" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:100 +msgid "Whether Empathy can use the network to guess the location." +msgstr "ಸ್ಥಳವನ್ನು ಊಹಿಸಲು Empathyಯು ಜಾಲಬಂಧವನ್ನು ಬಳಸಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:825 -#| msgid "File transfer completed" -msgid "File transfer completed, but the file was corrupted" -msgstr "ಕಡತದ ವರ್ಗಾವಣೆ ಪೂರ್ಣಗೊಂಡಿದೆ, ಆದರೆ ಕಡತವು ಹಾಳಾಗಿದೆ" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:101 +msgid "Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location" +msgstr "ಸ್ಥಳವನ್ನು ಊಹಿಸಲು Empathy ಯು ಸೆಲ್ಯುಲಾರ್ ಜಾಲಬಂಧವನ್ನೂ ಸಹ ಬಳಸಬಲ್ಲದು" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1116 -msgid "File transfer not supported by remote contact" -msgstr "ದೂರಸ್ಥ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸಕ್ಕೆ ಕಡತವನ್ನು ವರ್ಗಾಯಿಸಲು ಬೆಂಬಲವಿಲ್ಲ" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:102 +msgid "Whether Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location." +msgstr "ಸ್ಥಳವನ್ನು ಊಹಿಸಲು Empathyಯು ಸೆಲ್ಯುಲಾರ್ ಜಾಲಬಂಧವನ್ನು ಬಳಸಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1172 -msgid "The selected file is not a regular file" -msgstr "ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಿದ ಕಡತವು ಒಂದು ಮಾನ್ಯವಾದ ಕಡತವಾಗಿಲ್ಲ" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:103 +msgid "Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location" +msgstr "ಸ್ಥಳವನ್ನು ಊಹಿಸಲು Empathy ಯು GPS ಅನ್ನು ಬಳಸುತ್ತದೆ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1181 -msgid "The selected file is empty" -msgstr "ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಲಾದ ಕಡತವು ಖಾಲಿ ಇದೆ" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:104 +msgid "Whether Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location." +msgstr "ಸ್ಥಳವನ್ನು ಊಹಿಸಲು Empathyಯು GPS ಅನ್ನು ಬಳಸಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:105 +msgid "Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy" +msgstr "Empathyಯು ಸ್ಥಳದ ನಿಖರತೆಯನ್ನು ಕಡಿಮೆ ಮಾಡಬೇಕು" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:268 -msgid "Socket type not supported" -msgstr "ಸಾಕೆಟ್‌ನ ಬಗೆಗೆ ಬೆಂಬಲವಿಲ್ಲ" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:106 +msgid "" +"Whether Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy for privacy reasons." +msgstr "ಖಾಸಗಿ ಕಾರಣಗಳಿಗಾಗಿ ಸ್ಥಳದ ನಿಖರತೆಯನ್ನು Empathyಯು ಕಡಿಮೆ ಮಾಡಬೇಕೆ ಅಥವ ಬೇಡವೆ." -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:387 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:738 msgid "No reason was specified" msgstr "ಯಾವ ಕಾರಣವನ್ನೂ ಸೂಚಿಸಲಾಗಿಲ್ಲ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:390 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:741 msgid "The change in state was requested" msgstr "ಸ್ಥಿತಿಯ ಬದಲಾವಣೆಗೆ ಮನವಿ ಸಲ್ಲಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:393 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:744 msgid "You canceled the file transfer" msgstr "ಕಡತದ ವರ್ಗಾವಣೆಯನ್ನು ನೀವು ರದ್ದು ಮಾಡಿದ್ದೀರಿ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:396 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:747 msgid "The other participant canceled the file transfer" msgstr "ಕಡತದ ವರ್ಗಾವಣೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಭಾಗಿಯಾಗಿದ ಇನ್ನೊಬ್ಬ ಅದನ್ನು ರದ್ದು ಮಾಡಿದ್ದಾರೆ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:399 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:750 msgid "Error while trying to transfer the file" msgstr "ಕಡತವನ್ನು ವರ್ಗಾಯಿಸುವಾಗ ದೋಷ ಉಂಟಾಗಿದೆ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:402 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:753 msgid "The other participant is unable to transfer the file" msgstr "ಭಾಗಿಯಾದ ಇನ್ನೊಬ್ಬ ವ್ಯಕ್ತಿಯು ಕಡತವನ್ನು ವರ್ಗಾಯಿಸುವಲ್ಲಿ ವಿಫಲಗೊಂಡಿದ್ದಾರೆ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:405 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:383 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:756 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:313 msgid "Unknown reason" msgstr "ಅಜ್ಞಾತ ಕಾರಣ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:305 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:919 +msgid "File transfer completed, but the file was corrupted" +msgstr "ಕಡತದ ವರ್ಗಾವಣೆ ಪೂರ್ಣಗೊಂಡಿದೆ, ಆದರೆ ಕಡತವು ಹಾಳಾಗಿದೆ" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1205 +msgid "File transfer not supported by remote contact" +msgstr "ದೂರಸ್ಥ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸಕ್ಕೆ ಕಡತವನ್ನು ವರ್ಗಾಯಿಸಲು ಬೆಂಬಲವಿಲ್ಲ" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1261 +msgid "The selected file is not a regular file" +msgstr "ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಿದ ಕಡತವು ಒಂದು ಮಾನ್ಯವಾದ ಕಡತವಾಗಿಲ್ಲ" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1270 +msgid "The selected file is empty" +msgstr "ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಲಾದ ಕಡತವು ಖಾಲಿ ಇದೆ" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-message.c:415 ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:129 +#, c-format +msgid "Missed call from %s" +msgstr "%s ಇಂದ ಬಂದ ಕರೆಯ ತಪ್ಪಿ ಹೋಗಿದೆ" + +#. Translators: this is an outgoing call, e.g. 'Called Alice' +#: ../libempathy/empathy-message.c:419 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Call with %s" +msgid "Called %s" +msgstr "%s ರವರು ಕರೆ ಮಾಡಿದ್ದಾರೆ" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-message.c:422 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Missed call from %s" +msgid "Call from %s" +msgstr "%s ಇಂದ ಕರೆ ಬಂದಿದೆ" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:233 msgid "Available" msgstr "ಲಭ್ಯ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:307 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:235 msgid "Busy" msgstr "ಬ್ಯುಸಿ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:310 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:238 msgid "Away" msgstr "ಹೊರಗೆ ಹೋಗಿದ್ದೇನೆ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:312 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:240 msgid "Invisible" msgstr "ಅಗೋಚರ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:314 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:242 msgid "Offline" msgstr "ಆಫ್‌ಲೈನ್" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:316 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1897 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1898 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1899 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1900 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:18 -#| msgctxt "file transfer percent" +#. translators: presence type is unknown +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:245 #| msgid "Unknown" +msgctxt "presence" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "ಗೊತ್ತಿಲ್ಲದ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:355 -#| msgid "No reason was specified" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:285 msgid "No reason specified" msgstr "ಯಾವ ಕಾರಣವನ್ನೂ ಸೂಚಿಸಲಾಗಿಲ್ಲ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:357 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:413 -#| msgid "%s is now offline." +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:287 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:343 msgid "Status is set to offline" msgstr "ಸ್ಥಿತಿಯನ್ನು ಆಫ್‌ಲೈನ್‌ ಎಂದು ಸೂಚಿಸಿದ್ದಾರೆ." -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:359 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:393 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:289 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:323 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:47 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:81 msgid "Network error" msgstr "ಜಾಲಬಂಧದ ದೋಷ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:361 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:395 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:291 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:325 msgid "Authentication failed" msgstr "ದೃಢೀಕರಣವು ವಿಫಲಗೊಂಡಿದೆ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:363 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:397 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:293 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:327 msgid "Encryption error" msgstr "ಎನ್‌ಕ್ರಿಪ್ಶನ್‌ ದೋಷ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:365 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:295 msgid "Name in use" msgstr "ಹೆಸರು ಬಳಕೆಯಲ್ಲಿದೆ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:367 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:399 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:297 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:329 msgid "Certificate not provided" msgstr "ಪ್ರಮಾಣಪತ್ರವನ್ನು ಒದಗಿಸಲಾಗಿಲ್ಲ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:369 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:401 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:299 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:331 msgid "Certificate untrusted" msgstr "ಪ್ರಮಾಣಪತ್ರವನ್ನು ನಂಬಲಾಗಿಲ್ಲ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:371 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:403 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:301 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:333 msgid "Certificate expired" msgstr "ಪ್ರಮಾಣಪತ್ರದ ಕಾಲಾವಧಿ ತೀರಿದೆ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:373 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:405 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:303 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:335 msgid "Certificate not activated" msgstr "ಪ್ರಮಾಣಪತ್ರವು ಸಕ್ರಿಯಗೊಂಡಿಲ್ಲ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:375 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:407 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:305 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:337 msgid "Certificate hostname mismatch" msgstr "ಪ್ರಮಾಣಪತ್ರದ ಅತಿಥೇಯದ ಹೆಸರು ತಾಳೆಯಾಗುತ್ತಿಲ್ಲ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:377 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:409 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:307 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:339 msgid "Certificate fingerprint mismatch" msgstr "ಪ್ರಮಾಣಪತ್ರದ ಫಿಂಗರ್‌ಪ್ರಿಂಟ್ ತಾಳೆಯಾಗುತ್ತಿಲ್ಲ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:379 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:411 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:309 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:341 msgid "Certificate self-signed" msgstr "ಪ್ರಮಾಣಪತ್ರವು ಸ್ವತಃ ಸೈನ್ ಮಾಡಲ್ಪಟ್ಟಿದೆ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:381 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:311 msgid "Certificate error" msgstr "ಪ್ರಮಾಣಪತ್ರ ದೋಷ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:415 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:345 msgid "Encryption is not available" msgstr "ಗೂಢಲಿಪೀಕರಣ ಲಭ್ಯವಿಲ್ಲ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:417 -#| msgid "Certificate not activated" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:347 msgid "Certificate is invalid" msgstr "ಪ್ರಮಾಣಪತ್ರವು ಅಮಾನ್ಯವಾಗಿದೆ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:419 -#| msgid "Connection managers should be used" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:349 msgid "Connection has been refused" msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕವನ್ನು ನಿರಾಕರಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:421 -#| msgid "Connection managers should be used" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:351 msgid "Connection can't be established" msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕವನ್ನು ಸಾಧಿಸಲಾಗಿಲ್ಲ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:423 -#| msgid "Connection managers should be used" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:353 msgid "Connection has been lost" msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕವು ಕಡಿದು ಹೋಗಿದೆ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:425 -msgid "This resource is already connected to the server" -msgstr "ಈ ಸಂಪನ್ಮೂಲವನ್ನು ಈಗಾಗಲೆ ಪರಿಚಾರಕದೊಂದಿಗೆ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ಜೋಡಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:427 -msgid "Connection has been replaced by a new connection using the same resource" -msgstr "ಒಂದು ಹೊಸ ಸಂಪರ್ಕದಿಂದ ಈ ಸಂಪರ್ಕವನ್ನು ಇದೇ ಸಂಪನ್ಮೂಲವನ್ನು ಬಳಸಿಕೊಂಡು ಬದಲಾಯಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:355 +#| msgid "This resource is already connected to the server" +msgid "This account is already connected to the server" +msgstr "ಈ ಖಾತೆಯು ಈಗಾಗಲೆ ಪರಿಚಾರಕದೊಂದಿಗೆ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ಜೋಡಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:357 +msgid "" +"Connection has been replaced by a new connection using the same resource" +msgstr "" +"ಒಂದು ಹೊಸ ಸಂಪರ್ಕದಿಂದ ಈ ಸಂಪರ್ಕವನ್ನು ಇದೇ ಸಂಪನ್ಮೂಲವನ್ನು ಬಳಸಿಕೊಂಡು ಬದಲಾಯಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:430 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:360 msgid "The account already exists on the server" msgstr "ಖಾತೆಯು ಈಗಾಗಲೆ ಪರಿಚಾರಕದಲ್ಲಿ ಅಸ್ತಿತ್ವದಲ್ಲಿದೆ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:432 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:362 msgid "Server is currently too busy to handle the connection" msgstr "ಪರಿಚಾರಕಕ್ಕೆ ಬಿಡುವಿಲ್ಲದ ಕಾರಣ ಸಂಪರ್ಕವನ್ನು ನಿಭಾಯಿಸಲಾಗುತ್ತಿಲ್ಲ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:434 -#| msgid "Certificate not provided" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:364 msgid "Certificate has been revoked" msgstr "ಪ್ರಮಾಣಪತ್ರವನ್ನು ಹಿಂದಕ್ಕೆ ತೆಗೆದುಕೊಳ್ಳಲಾಗಿದೆ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:436 -msgid "Certificate uses an insecure cipher algorithm or is cryptographically weak" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:366 +msgid "" +"Certificate uses an insecure cipher algorithm or is cryptographically weak" msgstr "" "ಪ್ರಮಾಣಪತ್ರವು ಅಸುರಕ್ಷಿತವಾದ ಸಿಫರ್ ಅಲ್ಗಾರಿತಮ್ ಅನ್ನು ಬಳಸುತ್ತದೆ ಅಥವ ದುರ್ಬಲ " -"ಗೂಢಲಿಪೀಕರಣವನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿದೆ" +"ಗೂಢಲಿಪೀಕರಣವನ್ನು " +"ಹೊಂದಿದೆ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:439 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:369 msgid "" "The length of the server certificate, or the depth of the server certificate " "chain, exceed the limits imposed by the cryptography library" msgstr "" "ಪರಿಚಾರಕ ಪ್ರಮಾಣಪತ್ರದ ಉದ್ದ ಅಥವ ಪರಿಚಾರಕ ಪ್ರಮಾಣಪತ್ರ ಸರಣಿಯ ಆಳವು ಕ್ರಿಪ್ಟೋಗ್ರಫಿ " -"ಲೈಬ್ರರಿಯಿಂದ ನಿಗದಿ ಪಡಿಸಲಾದ ಮಿತಿಗಳನ್ನು ಮೀರಿದೆ." +"ಲೈಬ್ರರಿಯಿಂದ " +"ನಿಗದಿ ಪಡಿಸಲಾದ ಮಿತಿಗಳನ್ನು ಮೀರಿದೆ." -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:602 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-store.h:73 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:373 +msgid "Your software is too old" +msgstr "ನಿಮ್ಮ ತಂತ್ರಾಂಶವು ಬಹಳ ಹಳೆಯದಾಗಿದೆ" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:375 +#| msgid "Interval (seconds)" +msgid "Internal error" +msgstr "ಆಂತರಿಕ ತಪ್ಪು" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:534 msgid "People Nearby" msgstr "ಹತ್ತಿರದ ಜನರು" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:607 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:539 msgid "Yahoo! Japan" msgstr "Yahoo! Japan ಅನ್ನು ಬಳಸು" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:636 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:568 msgid "Google Talk" msgstr "Google Talk" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:637 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:569 msgid "Facebook Chat" msgstr "Facebook ಚಾಟ್" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:137 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:90 #, c-format msgid "%d second ago" msgid_plural "%d seconds ago" msgstr[0] "%d ಸೆಕೆಂಡಿನ ಹಿಂದೆ" msgstr[1] "%d ಸೆಕೆಂಡಿನ ಹಿಂದೆ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:142 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:96 #, c-format msgid "%d minute ago" msgid_plural "%d minutes ago" msgstr[0] "%d ನಿಮಿಷದ ಹಿಂದೆ" msgstr[1] "%d ನಿಮಿಷದ ಹಿಂದೆ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:147 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:102 #, c-format msgid "%d hour ago" msgid_plural "%d hours ago" msgstr[0] "%d ಗಂಟೆಯ ಹಿಂದೆ" msgstr[1] "%d ಗಂಟೆಯ ಹಿಂದೆ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:152 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:108 #, c-format msgid "%d day ago" msgid_plural "%d days ago" msgstr[0] "%d ದಿನದ ಹಿಂದೆ" msgstr[1] "%d ದಿನದ ಹಿಂದೆ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:157 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:114 #, c-format msgid "%d week ago" msgid_plural "%d weeks ago" msgstr[0] "%d ವಾರದ ಹಿಂದೆ" msgstr[1] "%d ವಾರದ ಹಿಂದೆ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:162 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:120 #, c-format msgid "%d month ago" msgid_plural "%d months ago" msgstr[0] "%d ತಿಂಗಳ ಹಿಂದೆ" msgstr[1] "%d ತಿಂಗಳ ಹಿಂದೆ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:167 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:142 msgid "in the future" msgstr "ಭವಿಷ್ಟದಲ್ಲಿ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-chooser.c:501 -msgid "All" -msgstr "ಎಲ್ಲಾ" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:679 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:647 -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:321 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:75 +#| msgid "Phrase not found" +msgid "Password not found" +msgstr "ಗುಪ್ತಪದವು ಕಂಡುಬಂದಿಲ್ಲ" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:218 +#, c-format +msgid "IM account password for %s (%s)" +msgstr "%s (%s) ಗಾಗಿನ IM ಗುಪ್ತಪದ" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:253 +#, c-format +msgid "Password for chatroom '%s' on account %s (%s)" +msgstr "'%s' ಚಾಟ್‌ರೂಮ್‌ಗಾಗಿನ %s ಖಾತೆಯ ಗುಪ್ತಪದ (%s)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-chooser.c:692 +#| msgid "Accounts" +msgid "All accounts" +msgstr "ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಖಾತೆಗಳು" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:682 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:336 msgid "Account" msgstr "ಖಾತೆ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:680 -#| msgid "Password:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:683 msgid "Password" msgstr "ಗುಪ್ತಪದ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:681 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:507 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:684 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:511 msgid "Server" msgstr "ಪರಿಚಾರಕ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:682 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:522 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:685 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:529 msgid "Port" msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕಸ್ಥಾನ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:754 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:811 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:765 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:817 #, c-format msgid "%s:" msgstr "%s:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1163 -#, c-format -msgid "The account %s is edited via My Web Accounts." -msgstr "%s ಎಂಬ ಖಾತೆಯನ್ನು ನನ್ನ ಜಾಲ ಖಾತೆಗಳು ಎನ್ನುವುದರ ಮೂಲಕ ಸಂಪಾದಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ." - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1169 -#, c-format -msgid "The account %s cannot be edited in Empathy." -msgstr "%s ಖಾತೆಯನ್ನು Empathy ಯಲ್ಲಿ ಸಂಪಾದಿಸಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಿರುವುದಿಲ್ಲ." - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1189 -msgid "Launch My Web Accounts" -msgstr "ನನ್ನ ಜಾಲ ಖಾತೆಗಳನ್ನು ಆರಂಭಿಸು" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1527 -#| msgid "_Username:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1398 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:14 msgid "Username:" msgstr "ಬಳಕೆದಾರಹೆಸರು:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1894 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1710 msgid "A_pply" msgstr "ಅನ್ವಯಿಸು (_p)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1924 -#| msgid "_Join" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1739 msgid "L_og in" msgstr "ಪ್ರವೇಶಿಸು (_o)" -#. Account and Identifier -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1990 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:515 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1479 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-selector-dialog.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:1 -msgid "Account:" -msgstr "ಖಾತೆ:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2001 -#| msgid "Enabled" -msgid "_Enabled" -msgstr "ಶಕ್ತಗೊಳಿಸಲಾದ (_E)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2066 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1812 msgid "This account already exists on the server" msgstr "ಈ ಖಾತೆಯು ಈಗಾಗಲೆ ಪರಿಚಾರಕದಲ್ಲಿ ಅಸ್ತಿತ್ವದಲ್ಲಿದೆ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2069 -#| msgid "_Create a new account" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1816 msgid "Create a new account on the server" msgstr "ಪರಿಚಾರಕದಲ್ಲಿ ಒಂದು ಹೊಸ ಖಾತೆಯನ್ನು ರಚಿಸಿ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2261 -msgid "Ca_ncel" -msgstr "ರದ್ದುಗೊಳಿಸು (_n)" - #. To translators: The first parameter is the login id and the #. * second one is the network. The resulting string will be something #. * like: "MyUserName on freenode". #. * You should reverse the order of these arguments if the #. * server should come before the login id in your locale. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2558 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2241 #, c-format msgid "%1$s on %2$s" msgstr "%2$s ನಲ್ಲಿ %1$s" #. To translators: The parameter is the protocol name. The resulting #. * string will be something like: "Jabber Account" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2584 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2267 #, c-format msgid "%s Account" msgstr "%s ಖಾತೆ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2588 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2271 msgid "New account" msgstr "ಹೊಸ ಖಾತೆ" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:1 -#| msgid "Example: MyScreenName" -msgid "Example: MyScreenName" -msgstr "ಉದಾಹರಣೆಗೆ: MyScreenName" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:14 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:1 +msgid "Pass_word:" +msgstr "ಗುಪ್ತಪದ(_w):" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-generic.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:2 -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "ಸುಧಾರಿತ" +msgid "Screen _Name:" +msgstr "ತೆರೆಯ ಹೆಸರು (_N):" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:3 +msgid "Example: MyScreenName" +msgstr "ಉದಾಹರಣೆಗೆ: MyScreenName" + +#. remember password ticky box +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:4 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:4 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:5 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:12 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:4 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:12 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:5 -msgid "Pass_word:" -msgstr "ಗುಪ್ತಪದ(_w):" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-base-password-dialog.c:261 +msgid "Remember password" +msgstr "ಗುಪ್ತಪದವನ್ನು ನೆನಪಿಟ್ಟುಕೊ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:5 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:5 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:10 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:20 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:5 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:15 -#| msgid "Password:" -msgid "Remember Password" -msgstr "ಗುಪ್ತಪದವನ್ನು ನೆನಪಿಟ್ಟುಕೊ" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Port:" +msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕಸ್ಥಾನ (_P):" -#. remember password ticky box -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:6 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:6 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:7 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:21 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:16 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-password-dialog.c:311 -msgid "Remember password" -msgstr "ಗುಪ್ತಪದವನ್ನು ನೆನಪಿಟ್ಟುಕೊ" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:6 -msgid "Screen _Name:" -msgstr "ತೆರೆಯ ಹೆಸರು (_N):" +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Server:" +msgstr "ಪರಿಚಾರಕ (_S):" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:7 -msgid "What is your AIM password?" -msgstr "ನಿಮ್ಮ AIM ಗುಪ್ತಪದವೇನು?" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-generic.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:15 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:23 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:21 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:9 +msgid "Advanced" +msgstr "ಸುಧಾರಿತ" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your AIM screen name?" msgstr "ನಿಮ್ಮ AIM ತೆರೆಯ ಹೆಸರೇನು?" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:10 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:26 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:10 -msgid "_Port:" -msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕಸ್ಥಾನ (_P):" +msgid "What is your AIM password?" +msgstr "ನಿಮ್ಮ AIM ಗುಪ್ತಪದವೇನು?" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:10 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:10 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:11 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:27 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:7 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:10 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:9 -msgid "_Server:" -msgstr "ಪರಿಚಾರಕ (_S):" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:1 -#| msgid "Example: username" -msgid "Example: username" -msgstr "ಉದಾಹರಣೆಗೆ: username" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:24 +msgid "Remember Password" +msgstr "ಗುಪ್ತಪದವನ್ನು ನೆನಪಿಟ್ಟುಕೊ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:2 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:13 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:2 msgid "Login I_D:" msgstr "ಲಾಗಿನ್ ಐಡಿ(_D):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:3 +msgid "Example: username" +msgstr "ಉದಾಹರಣೆಗೆ: username" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your GroupWise User ID?" msgstr "ನಿಮ್ಮ GroupWise ಬಳಕೆದಾರ ID ಏನು?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your GroupWise password?" msgstr "ನಿಮ್ಮ GroupWise ಗುಪ್ತಪದವೇನು?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:1 -#| msgid "Example: 123456789" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:2 +msgid "ICQ _UIN:" +msgstr "ICQ _UIN:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:3 msgid "Example: 123456789" msgstr "ಉದಾಹರಣೆಗೆ: 123456789" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:3 -#| msgid "Charset:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:7 msgid "Ch_aracter set:" msgstr "ಕ್ಯಾರ್‌ಕ್ಟರ್ ಸೆಟ್ (_a):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:4 -msgid "ICQ _UIN:" -msgstr "ICQ _UIN:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your ICQ UIN?" msgstr "ನಿಮ್ಮ ICQ UIN ಏನು?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:9 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:10 msgid "What is your ICQ password?" msgstr "ICQ ಗುಪ್ತಪದವೇನು?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.c:183 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.c:216 -#| msgid "_About" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.c:206 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.c:239 msgid "Auto" msgstr "ಸ್ವಯಂಚಾಲಿತ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.c:186 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.c:209 msgid "UDP" msgstr "UDP" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.c:189 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.c:212 msgid "TCP" msgstr "TCP" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.c:192 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.c:215 msgid "TLS" msgstr "TLS" #. translators: this string is very specific to SIP's internal; maybe #. * best to keep the English version. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.c:221 -#| msgid "Western" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.c:244 msgid "Register" msgstr "ನೋಂದಾಯಿಸು" #. translators: this string is very specific to SIP's internal; maybe #. * best to keep the English version. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.c:226 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.c:249 msgid "Options" msgstr "ಆಯ್ಕೆಗಳು" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.c:229 -#| msgid "No" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.c:252 msgid "None" msgstr "ಯಾವುದೂ ಇಲ್ಲ" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:1 -#| msgid "Charset:" -msgid "Character set:" -msgstr "ಕ್ಯಾರ್‌ಕ್ಟರ್ ಸೆಟ್:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:2 msgid "Network" msgstr "ಜಾಲಬಂಧ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:2 msgid "Network:" msgstr "ಜಾಲಬಂಧ:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:3 +msgid "Character set:" +msgstr "ಕ್ಯಾರ್‌ಕ್ಟರ್ ಸೆಟ್:" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:4 -msgid "Nickname:" -msgstr "ಅಡ್ಡಹೆಸರು:" +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:1 +#| msgid "_Add…" +msgid "Add…" +msgstr "ಸೇರಿಸು…" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 -msgid "Password:" -msgstr "ಗುಪ್ತಪದ:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:3 +#| msgid "_Remove" +msgid "Remove" +msgstr "ತೆಗೆದು ಹಾಕು" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:6 -msgid "Quit message:" -msgstr "ಸಂದೇಶವನ್ನು ಬಿಟ್ಟುಬಿಡು:" +msgid "Up" +msgstr "ಚಾಲಿತ" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:7 -msgid "Real name:" -msgstr "ನಿಜವಾದ ಹೆಸರು:" +#| msgid "Domain" +msgid "Down" +msgstr "ಸ್ಥಗಿತ" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:8 msgid "Servers" msgstr "ಪರಿಚಾರಕಗಳು" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:9 -#| msgid "What is your AIM screen name?" -msgid "What is your IRC nickname?" -msgstr "ನಿಮ್ಮ IRC ಹೆಸರೇನು?" +msgid "" +"Most IRC servers don't need a password, so if you're not sure, don't enter a " +"password." +msgstr "" +"ಹೆಚ್ಚಿನ IRC ಪೂರೈಕೆಗಣಕಗಳಿಗೆ ಗುಪ್ತಪದದ ಅಗತ್ಯವಿರುವುದಿಲ್ಲ, ನಿಮಗೆ ಖಾತ್ರಿ ಇರದೆ " +"ಇದ್ದಲ್ಲಿ, ಗುಪ್ತಪದವನ್ನು ದಾಖಲಿಸಬೇಡಿ." #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 -msgid "Which IRC network?" -msgstr "ಯಾವ IRC ಜಾಲಬಂಧ?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:1 -#| msgid "Example: user@gmail.com" -msgid "Example: user@gmail.com" -msgstr "ಉದಾಹರಣೆ: user@gmail.com" +msgid "Nickname:" +msgstr "ಅಡ್ಡಹೆಸರು:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:2 -#| msgid "Example: user@jabber.org" -msgid "Example: user@jabber.org" -msgstr "ಉದಾಹರಣೆಗೆ: user@jabber.org" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 +msgid "Password:" +msgstr "ಗುಪ್ತಪದ:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:4 -#| msgid "_Encryption required (TLS/SSL)" -msgid "Encr_yption required (TLS/SSL)" -msgstr "ಗೂಢಲಿಪೀಕರಣದ ಅಗತ್ಯವಿದೆ (TLS/SSL) (_y)" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:12 +msgid "Quit message:" +msgstr "ಸಂದೇಶವನ್ನು ಬಿಟ್ಟುಬಿಡು:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:5 -#| msgid "_Ignore SSL certificate errors" -msgid "I_gnore SSL certificate errors" -msgstr "SSL ಪ್ರಮಾಣಪತ್ರ ದೋಷಗಳನ್ನು ಕಡೆಗಣಿಸು (_I)" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 +msgid "Real name:" +msgstr "ನಿಜವಾದ ಹೆಸರು:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:7 -msgid "Override server settings" -msgstr "ಪರಿಚಾರಕದ ಸಂಯೋಜನೆಗಳನ್ನು ಅತಿಕ್ರಮಿಸು" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:16 +msgid "Which IRC network?" +msgstr "ಯಾವ IRC ಜಾಲಬಂಧ?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:9 -#| msgid "Pri_ority:" -msgid "Priori_ty:" -msgstr "ಆದ್ಯತೆ (_t):" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:17 +msgid "What is your IRC nickname?" +msgstr "ನಿಮ್ಮ IRC ಹೆಸರೇನು?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:12 -msgid "Reso_urce:" -msgstr "ಸಂಪನ್ಮೂಲ(_u):" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:1 +msgid "What is your Facebook username?" +msgstr "ನಿಮ್ಮ Facebook ಬಳಕೆದಾರ ಹೆಸರೇನು?" #. This string is not wrapped in the dialog so you may have to add some '\n' to make it look nice. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:14 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:3 msgid "" "This is your username, not your normal Facebook login.\n" "If you are facebook.com/badger, enter badger.\n" @@ -1130,209 +1154,238 @@ msgstr "" "ಇದು ನಿಮ್ಮ ಬಳಕೆದಾರ ಪದವೆ ಹೊರತು ನಿಮ್ಮ Facebook ಲಾಗಿನ್ ಅಲ್ಲ.\n" "ನೀವು facebook.com/badger ಆಗಿದ್ದಲ್ಲಿ, badger ಅನ್ನು ದಾಖಲಿಸಿ.\n" -"ನೀವು ಒಂದು Facebook ಬಳಕೆದಾರ ಪದವನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿರದೇ ಇದ್ದಲ್ಲಿ ಈ ಪುಟವನ್ನು ಬಳಸಿ." +"ನೀವು ಒಂದು Facebook ಬಳಕೆದಾರ ಪದವನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿರದೇ ಇದ್ದಲ್ಲಿ ಈ ಪುಟವನ್ನು ಬಳಸಿ." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:17 -msgid "Use old SS_L" -msgstr "ಹಳೆಯ SS_L ಅನ್ನು ಬಳಸು" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:18 -#| msgid "What is your Yahoo! password?" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:6 msgid "What is your Facebook password?" msgstr "ನಿಮ್ಮ Facebook ಗುಪ್ತಪದವೇನು?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:19 -#| msgid "What is your Windows Live user name?" -msgid "What is your Facebook username?" -msgstr "ನಿಮ್ಮ Facebook ಬಳಕೆದಾರ ಹೆಸರೇನು?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:20 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your Google ID?" msgstr "ನಿಮ್ಮ Google ID ಏನು?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:21 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:9 +msgid "Example: user@gmail.com" +msgstr "ಉದಾಹರಣೆ: user@gmail.com" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:10 msgid "What is your Google password?" msgstr "ನಿಮ್ಮ Google ಗುಪ್ತಪದವೇನು?" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:11 +msgid "Example: user@jabber.org" +msgstr "ಉದಾಹರಣೆಗೆ: user@jabber.org" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:15 +msgid "I_gnore SSL certificate errors" +msgstr "SSL ಪ್ರಮಾಣಪತ್ರ ದೋಷಗಳನ್ನು ಕಡೆಗಣಿಸು (_I)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:16 +msgid "Priori_ty:" +msgstr "ಆದ್ಯತೆ (_t):" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:17 +msgid "Reso_urce:" +msgstr "ಸಂಪನ್ಮೂಲ(_u):" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:18 +msgid "Encr_yption required (TLS/SSL)" +msgstr "ಗೂಢಲಿಪೀಕರಣದ ಅಗತ್ಯವಿದೆ (TLS/SSL) (_y)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:19 +msgid "Use old SS_L" +msgstr "ಹಳೆಯ SS_L ಅನ್ನು ಬಳಸು" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:22 +msgid "Override server settings" +msgstr "ಪರಿಚಾರಕದ ಸಂಯೋಜನೆಗಳನ್ನು ಅತಿಕ್ರಮಿಸು" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:24 msgid "What is your Jabber ID?" msgstr "ನಿಮ್ಮ Jabber ID ಏನು?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:23 -msgid "What is your Jabber password?" -msgstr "ನಿಮ್ಮ Jabber ಗುಪ್ತಪದವೇನು?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:24 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:25 msgid "What is your desired Jabber ID?" msgstr "ನೀವು ಬಯಸುವ Jabber ID ಏನು?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:25 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:26 +msgid "What is your Jabber password?" +msgstr "ನಿಮ್ಮ Jabber ಗುಪ್ತಪದವೇನು?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:27 msgid "What is your desired Jabber password?" msgstr "ನೀವು ಬಯಸುವ Jabber ಗುಪ್ತಪದವೇನು?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:1 -#| msgid "Example: user@hotmail.com" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:3 msgid "Example: user@hotmail.com" msgstr "ಉದಾಹರಣೆಗೆ: user@hotmail.com" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:7 -#| msgid "What is your Windows Live password?" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your Windows Live ID?" msgstr "ನಿಮ್ಮ Windows Live ID ಗುಪ್ತಪದವೇನು?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your Windows Live password?" msgstr "ನಿಮ್ಮ Windows Live ಗುಪ್ತಪದವೇನು?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:2 -msgid "E-_mail address:" -msgstr "ಇಮೈಲ್ ವಿಳಾಸ (_m):" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:3 -#| msgid "Nickname:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:1 msgid "Nic_kname:" msgstr "ಅಡ್ಡಹೆಸರು (_k):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Last Name:" +msgstr "ಕೊನೆಯ ಹೆಸರು (_L):" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:3 msgid "_First Name:" msgstr "ಮೊದಲ ಹೆಸರು (_F):" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Published Name:" +msgstr "ಪ್ರಕಟಿಸಲಾದ ಹೆಸರು (_P):" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:5 msgid "_Jabber ID:" msgstr "ಜಬ್ಬಾರ್ ಐಡಿ (_J):" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:6 -msgid "_Last Name:" -msgstr "ಕೊನೆಯ ಹೆಸರು (_L):" +msgid "E-_mail address:" +msgstr "ಇಮೈಲ್ ವಿಳಾಸ (_m):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:7 -msgid "_Published Name:" -msgstr "ಪ್ರಕಟಿಸಲಾದ ಹೆಸರು (_P):" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Username:" +msgstr "ಬಳಕೆದಾರ ಹೆಸರು(_U):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:1 -#| msgid "Example: user@my.sip.server" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:3 msgid "Example: user@my.sip.server" msgstr "ಉದಾಹರಣೆಗೆ: user@my.sip.server" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:3 -#| msgid "Authentication failed" -msgid "Authentication username:" -msgstr "ದೃಢೀಕರಣ ಬಳಕೆದಾರಹೆಸರು:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:4 -#| msgid "Discover STUN" -msgid "Discover Binding" -msgstr "ಬೈಂಡಿಂಗ್ ಅನ್ನು ಪತ್ತೆ ಮಾಡು" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:5 -msgid "Discover the STUN server automatically" -msgstr "ಸ್ವಯಂಚಾಲಿತವಾಗಿ STUN ಪರಿಚಾರಕವನ್ನು ಪತ್ತೆ ಮಾಡು" +msgid "Use this account to call _landlines and mobile phones" +msgstr "" +"ಲ್ಯಾಂಡ್‌ಲೈನ್‌ಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ಮೊಬೈಲು ಫೋನುಗಳಿಗೆ ಕರೆ ಮಾಡಲು ಈ ಖಾತೆಯನ್ನು ಬಳಸು (_l)" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:6 -msgid "Interval (seconds)" -msgstr "ಕಾಲಾವಧಿ (ಸೆಕೆಂಡುಗಳು)" +msgid "NAT Traversal Options" +msgstr "NAT ಟ್ರಾವರ್ಸಲ್ ಆಯ್ಕೆಗಳು" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:7 -msgid "Keep-Alive Options" -msgstr "ಜೀವಂತವಾಗಿರಿಸುವ ಆಯ್ಕೆಗಳು" +msgid "Proxy Options" +msgstr "ಪ್ರಾಕ್ಸಿ ಆಯ್ಕೆಗಳು" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:8 -msgid "Loose Routing" -msgstr "ಸಡಿಲ ರೌಟಿಂಗ್" +msgid "Miscellaneous Options" +msgstr "ಇತರೆ ಆಯ್ಕೆಗಳು" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:9 -msgid "Mechanism:" -msgstr "ವ್ಯವಸ್ಥೆ:" +msgid "STUN Server:" +msgstr "STUN ಪರಿಚಾರಕ:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:10 -msgid "Miscellaneous Options" -msgstr "ಇತರೆ ಆಯ್ಕೆಗಳು" +msgid "Discover the STUN server automatically" +msgstr "ಸ್ವಯಂಚಾಲಿತವಾಗಿ STUN ಪರಿಚಾರಕವನ್ನು ಪತ್ತೆ ಮಾಡು" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:11 -msgid "NAT Traversal Options" -msgstr "NAT ಟ್ರಾವರ್ಸಲ್ ಆಯ್ಕೆಗಳು" +msgid "Discover Binding" +msgstr "ಬೈಂಡಿಂಗ್ ಅನ್ನು ಪತ್ತೆ ಮಾಡು" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:12 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:114 +msgid "Server:" +msgstr "ಪರಿಚಾರಕ:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:13 -#| msgid "_Port:" -msgid "Port:" -msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕಸ್ಥಾನ:" +msgid "Keep-Alive Options" +msgstr "ಜೀವಂತವಾಗಿರಿಸುವ ಆಯ್ಕೆಗಳು" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:14 -msgid "Proxy Options" -msgstr "ಪ್ರಾಕ್ಸಿ ಆಯ್ಕೆಗಳು" +msgid "Mechanism:" +msgstr "ವ್ಯವಸ್ಥೆ:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:15 +msgid "Interval (seconds)" +msgstr "ಕಾಲಾವಧಿ (ಸೆಕೆಂಡುಗಳು)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:16 +msgid "Authentication username:" +msgstr "ದೃಢೀಕರಣ ಬಳಕೆದಾರಹೆಸರು:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:17 -msgid "STUN Server:" -msgstr "STUN ಪರಿಚಾರಕ:" +msgid "Transport:" +msgstr "ವರ್ಗಾವಣೆ:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:18 -#| msgid "_Server:" -msgid "Server:" -msgstr "ಪರಿಚಾರಕ:" +msgid "Loose Routing" +msgstr "ಸಡಿಲ ರೌಟಿಂಗ್" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:19 -#| msgid "STUN port:" -msgid "Transport:" -msgstr "ವರ್ಗಾವಣೆ:" +msgid "Ignore TLS Errors" +msgstr "TLS ದೋಷಗಳನ್ನು ಕಡೆಗಣಿಸು" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:20 -msgid "What is your SIP account password?" -msgstr "ನಿಮ್ಮ SIP ಖಾತೆ ಗುಪ್ತಪದವೇನು?" +msgid "Port:" +msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕಸ್ಥಾನ:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:21 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:22 msgid "What is your SIP login ID?" msgstr "ನಿಮ್ಮ SIP ಪ್ರವೇಶ ID ಏನು?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:22 -msgid "_Username:" -msgstr "ಬಳಕೆದಾರ ಹೆಸರು(_U):" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:23 +msgid "What is your SIP account password?" +msgstr "ನಿಮ್ಮ SIP ಖಾತೆ ಗುಪ್ತಪದವೇನು?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:2 +msgid "Yahoo! I_D:" +msgstr "Yahoo! I_D:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:4 -#| msgid "_Ignore conference and chatroom invitations" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:5 msgid "I_gnore conference and chat room invitations" msgstr "ಕಾನ್ಫರೆನ್ಸ್ ಹಾಗು ಚಾಟ್‌ ರೂಮ್ ಆಹ್ವಾನಗಳನ್ನು ಕಡೆಗಣಿಸು (_g)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Room List locale:" +msgstr "ರೂಮ್‌ಗಳ ಪಟ್ಟಿ ಲೊಕ್ಯಾಲ್(_R):" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:10 msgid "What is your Yahoo! ID?" msgstr "ನಿಮ್ಮ Yahoo! ID ಏನು?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:11 msgid "What is your Yahoo! password?" msgstr "ನಿಮ್ಮ Yahoo! ಗುಪ್ತಪದವೇನು?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:9 -#| msgid "Yahoo I_D:" -msgid "Yahoo! I_D:" -msgstr "Yahoo! I_D:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:11 -msgid "_Room List locale:" -msgstr "ರೂಮ್‌ಗಳ ಪಟ್ಟಿ ಲೊಕ್ಯಾಲ್(_R):" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:448 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:524 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:471 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:556 msgid "Couldn't convert image" msgstr "ಚಿತ್ರವನ್ನು ಮಾರ್ಪಡಿಸಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗಿಲ್ಲ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:449 -#| msgid "None of the accepted image formats is supported on your system" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:472 msgid "None of the accepted image formats are supported on your system" msgstr "ಅಂಗೀಕರಿಸಲಾದ ಯಾವುದೆ ಚಿತ್ರ ವಿನ್ಯಾಸಗಳನ್ನಯ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಗಣಕವು ಬೆಂಬಲಿಸುವುದಿಲ್ಲ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:936 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:819 +#| msgid "Couldn't convert image" +msgid "Couldn't save picture to file" +msgstr "ಚಿತ್ರವನ್ನು ಕಡತಕ್ಕೆ ಉಳಿಸಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗಿಲ್ಲ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:939 msgid "Select Your Avatar Image" msgstr "ನಿಮ್ಮ ಅವತಾರ ಚಿತ್ರವನ್ನು ಆರಿಸಿ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:939 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:947 +msgid "Take a picture..." +msgstr "ಚಿತ್ರವನ್ನು ತೆಗೆದುಕೊ..." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:960 msgid "No Image" msgstr "ಯಾವುದೆ ಚಿತ್ರವಿಲ್ಲ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:1001 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:1017 msgid "Images" msgstr "ಚಿತ್ರಗಳು" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:1005 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:1021 msgid "All Files" msgstr "ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಕಡತಗಳು" @@ -1340,36 +1393,70 @@ msgid "Click to enlarge" msgstr "ಹಿರಿದಾಗಿಸಲು ಕ್ಲಿಕ್ ಮಾಡಿ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:655 -#| msgid "Failed to reconnect this chat" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:42 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:60 +#| msgid "There was an error while creating the account." +msgid "There was an error starting the call" +msgstr "ಕರೆಯನ್ನು ಆರಂಭಿಸುವಾಗ ಒಂದು ದೋಷವು ಎದುರಾಗಿದೆ." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:49 +msgid "The specified contact doesn't support calls" +msgstr "ಸೂಚಿಸಲಾದ ಸಂಪರ್ಕವು ಕರೆಗಳನ್ನು ಬೆಂಬಲಿಸುವುದಿಲ್ಲ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:51 +#| msgid "The selected contact is offline." +msgid "The specified contact is offline" +msgstr "ಸೂಚಿಲಾದ ಸಂಪರ್ಕವಿಳಾಸವು ಆಫ್‌ಲೈನಿನಲ್ಲಿದೆ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:53 +#| msgid "The selected contact is offline." +msgid "The specified contact is not valid" +msgstr "ಸೂಚಿಸಲಾದ ಸಂಪರ್ಕವಿಳಾಸವು ಅಮಾನ್ಯವಾಗಿದೆ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:55 +#| msgid "Topic not supported on this conversation" +msgid "Emergency calls are not supported on this protocol" +msgstr "ಈ ಪ್ರೊಟೊಕಾಲ್‌ನಲ್ಲಿ ತುರ್ತು ಕರೆಗಳಿಗೆ ಬೆಂಬಲವಿಲ್ಲ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:57 +msgid "You don't have enough credit in order to place this call" +msgstr "ಈ ಕರೆಯನ್ನು ಇರಿಸಲು ನೀವು ಸಾಕಷ್ಟು ಕ್ರೆಡಿಟ್ ಅನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿಲ್ಲ." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:729 msgid "Failed to open private chat" msgstr "ಖಾಸಗಿ ಚಾಟ್ ಅನ್ನು ತೆರೆಯುವಲ್ಲಿ ವಿಫಲಗೊಂಡಿದೆ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:720 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:787 msgid "Topic not supported on this conversation" msgstr "ಈ ಸಂಭಾಷಣೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ವಿಷಯಕ್ಕೆ ಬೆಂಬಲವಿಲ್ಲ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:726 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:793 msgid "You are not allowed to change the topic" msgstr "ವಿಷಯವನ್ನು ಬದಲಾಯಿಸಲು ನಿಮಗೆ ಅನುಮತಿ ಇಲ್ಲ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:909 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:992 +#, c-format +#| msgid "invalid contact" +msgid "“%s” is not a valid contact ID" +msgstr "\"%s\" ಎನ್ನುವುದು ಮಾನ್ಯವಾದ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸ ID ಅಲ್ಲ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1087 msgid "/clear: clear all messages from the current conversation" msgstr "/clear: ಪ್ರಸಕ್ತ ಸಂಭಾಷಣೆಯಲ್ಲಿನ ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಸಂದೇಶಗಳನ್ನು ಅಳಿಸಿ ಹಾಕುತ್ತದೆ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:912 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1090 msgid "/topic : set the topic of the current conversation" msgstr "/topic : ಪ್ರಸಕ್ತ ಸಂಭಾಷಣೆಯನ್ನು ವಿಷಯವನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿಸುತ್ತದೆ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:915 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1093 msgid "/join : join a new chat room" msgstr "/join : ಒಂದು ಹೊಸ ಚಾಟ್ ರೂಮ್ ಅನ್ನು ಸೇರಿ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:918 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1096 msgid "/j : join a new chat room" msgstr "/j : ಒಂದು ಹೊಸ ಚಾಟ್ ರೂಮ್ ಅನ್ನು ಸೇರಿ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:923 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1100 msgid "" "/part [] []: leave the chat room, by default the " "current one" @@ -1377,137 +1464,169 @@ "/part [] []: ಚಾಟ್‌ ರೂಮ್‌ನಿಂದ ನಿರ್ಗಮಿಸಿ, ಈಗಿರುವುದಕ್ಕೆ " "ಪೂರ್ವನಿಯೋಜಿತವಾಗಿರುತ್ತದೆ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:928 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1104 msgid "/query []: open a private chat" msgstr "/query []: ಒಂದು ಖಾಸಗಿ ಚಾಟ್ ಅನ್ನು ತೆರೆ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:931 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1107 msgid "/msg : open a private chat" msgstr "/msg : ಒಂದು ಖಾಸಗಿ ಚಾಟ್ ಅನ್ನು ತೆರೆ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:934 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1110 msgid "/nick : change your nickname on the current server" msgstr "/nick : ಪ್ರಸಕ್ತ ಪರಿಚಾರಕದಲ್ಲಿ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಅಡ್ಡಹೆಸರನ್ನು ಬದಲಾಯಿಸಿ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:937 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1113 msgid "/me : send an ACTION message to the current conversation" msgstr "/me : ಪ್ರಸಕ್ತ ಸಂಭಾಷಣೆಗೆ ಒಂದು ACTION ಸಂದೇಶವನ್ನು ಕಳುಹಿಸಿ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:940 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1116 msgid "" "/say : send to the current conversation. This is used to " "send a message starting with a '/'. For example: \"/say /join is used to " "join a new chat room\"" msgstr "" -"/say : ಪ್ರಸಕ್ತ ಸಂಭಾಷಣೆಗೆ ಅನ್ನು ಕಳುಹಿಸು. ಇದನ್ನು '/' ಎಂಬುದರೊಂದಿಗೆ " -"ಸಂದೇಶವನ್ನು ಕಳುಹಿಸಲು ಬಳಸಲಾಗುತ್ತದೆ. ಉದಾಹರಣೆಗೆ: \"/say ಹೊಸ ಚಾಟ್‌ ರೂಮಿನಲ್ಲಿ " -"ಸೇರ್ಪಡೆಗೊಳ್ಳಲು /join ಅನ್ನು ಬಳಸಲಾಗುತ್ತದೆ\"" +"/say : ಪ್ರಸಕ್ತ ಸಂಭಾಷಣೆಗೆ ಅನ್ನು ಕಳುಹಿಸು. ಇದನ್ನು '/' " +"ಎಂಬುದರೊಂದಿಗೆ ಸಂದೇಶವನ್ನು ಕಳುಹಿಸಲು ಬಳಸಲಾಗುತ್ತದೆ. ಉದಾಹರಣೆಗೆ: \"/say ಹೊಸ ಚಾಟ್‌ " +"ರೂಮಿನಲ್ಲಿ ಸೇರ್ಪಡೆಗೊಳ್ಳಲು /join ಅನ್ನು ಬಳಸಲಾಗುತ್ತದೆ\"" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1121 +msgid "/whois : display information about a contact" +msgstr "/whois : ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸದ ಕುರಿತಾದ ಪ್ರದರ್ಶನ ಮಾಹಿತಿ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:945 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1124 msgid "" "/help []: show all supported commands. If is defined, " "show its usage." msgstr "" -"/help []: ಬೆಂಬಲಿಸಲಾಗುವ ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಆಜ್ಞೆಗಳನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸಲಾಗುತ್ತದೆ. ಅನ್ನು " -"ಸೂಚಿಸಲಾಗಿದ್ದರೆ, " -"ಅದರ ಬಳಕೆಯನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸುತ್ತದೆ." +"/help []: ಬೆಂಬಲಿಸಲಾಗುವ ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಆಜ್ಞೆಗಳನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸಲಾಗುತ್ತದೆ. " +"ಅನ್ನು " +"ಸೂಚಿಸಲಾಗಿದ್ದರೆ, ಅದರ ಬಳಕೆಯನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸುತ್ತದೆ." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:955 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1143 #, c-format -#| msgid "" -#| "\n" -#| "Message: %s" msgid "Usage: %s" msgstr "ಬಳಕೆ: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:997 -#| msgid "Unknown reason" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1188 msgid "Unknown command" msgstr "ಗೊತ್ತಿರದ ಆಜ್ಞೆ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1123 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1314 msgid "Unknown command; see /help for the available commands" msgstr "ಗೊತ್ತಿರದ ಆಜ್ಞೆ; ಲಭ್ಯವಿರುವ ಆಜ್ಞೆಗಳಿಗಾಗಿ /help ಅನ್ನು ನೋಡಿ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1263 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1565 +#| msgid "Insufficient free space to save file" +msgid "insufficient balance to send message" +msgstr "ಸಂದೇಶವನ್ನು ಕಳುಹಿಸಲು ಸಾಕಷ್ಟು ಖಾಲಿ ಬ್ಯಾಲೆನ್ಸ್‍ ಇಲ್ಲ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1569 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1583 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1646 +#, c-format +msgid "Error sending message '%s': %s" +msgstr "'%s' ಸಂದೇಶವನ್ನು ಕಳುಹಿಸುವಲ್ಲಿ ದೋಷ ಉಂಟಾಗಿದೆ: %s" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1571 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1588 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1650 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Error sending message '%s': %s" +msgid "Error sending message: %s" +msgstr "ಸಂದೇಶವನ್ನು ಕಳುಹಿಸುವಲ್ಲಿ ದೋಷ ಉಂಟಾಗಿದೆ: %s" + +#. translators: error used when user doesn't have enough credit on his +#. * account to send the message. +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1577 +#, c-format +msgid "insufficient balance to send message. Top up." +msgstr "" +"ಸಂದೇಶವನ್ನು ಕಳುಹಿಸಲು ಸಾಕಷ್ಟು ಖಾಲಿ ಬ್ಯಾಲೆನ್ಸ್‍ ಇಲ್ಲ. ಟಾಪ್ ಅಪ್." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1617 +msgid "not capable" +msgstr "ಸಮರ್ಥವಾಗಿಲ್ಲ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1624 msgid "offline" msgstr "ಆಫ್‌ಲೈನ್" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1266 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1627 msgid "invalid contact" msgstr "ಅಮಾನ್ಯವಾದ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1269 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1630 msgid "permission denied" msgstr "ಅನುಮತಿಯು ನಿರಾಕರಿಸಲ್ಪಟ್ಟಿದೆ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1272 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1633 msgid "too long message" msgstr "ಬಹಳ ಉದ್ದವಾದ ಸಂದೇಶ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1275 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1636 msgid "not implemented" msgstr "ಅನ್ವಯಿಸಲಾಗಿಲ್ಲ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1279 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1640 msgid "unknown" msgstr "ಅಜ್ಞಾತ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1283 -#, c-format -msgid "Error sending message '%s': %s" -msgstr "'%s' ಸಂದೇಶವನ್ನು ಕಳುಹಿಸುವಲ್ಲಿ ದೋಷ ಉಂಟಾಗಿದೆ: %s" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1344 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:707 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1707 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:920 msgid "Topic:" msgstr "ವಿಷಯ:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1356 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1722 #, c-format msgid "Topic set to: %s" msgstr "ವಿಷಯವನ್ನು ಹೀಗೆ ಹೊಂದಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1358 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1724 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Topic set to: %s" +msgid "Topic set by %s to: %s" +msgstr "ವಿಷಯವನ್ನು %s ಗೆ ಹೊಂದಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ: %s" + +#. No need to display this 'event' is no topic can be defined anyway +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1729 msgid "No topic defined" msgstr "ಯಾವುದೆ ವಿಷಯವನ್ನು ಸೂಚಿಸಲಾಗಿಲ್ಲ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1857 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2245 msgid "(No Suggestions)" msgstr "(ಯಾವುದೆ ಸಲಹೆಗಳಿಲ್ಲ)" #. translators: %s is the selected word -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1925 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2313 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to Dictionary" msgstr "'%s' ಅನ್ನು ಶಬ್ಧಕೋಶಕ್ಕೆ ಸೇರಿಸಿ" #. translators: first %s is the selected word, #. * second %s is the language name of the target dictionary -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1962 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2350 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to %s Dictionary" msgstr "'%s' ಅನ್ನು '%s' ಶಬ್ಧಕೋಶಕ್ಕೆ ಸೇರಿಸಿ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2021 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2420 msgid "Insert Smiley" msgstr "ಸ್ಮೈಲಿಯನ್ನು ತೂರಿಸಿ" #. send button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2039 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1810 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2438 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1880 msgid "_Send" msgstr "ಕಳುಹಿಸು(_S)" #. Spelling suggestions -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2074 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2495 msgid "_Spelling Suggestions" msgstr "ಕಾಗುಣಿತ ಸಲಹೆಗಳು(_S)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2163 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2584 msgid "Failed to retrieve recent logs" msgstr "ಇತ್ತೀಚಿನ ದಾಖಲೆಗಳನ್ನು ಪಡೆಯಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗಿಲ್ಲ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2274 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2723 #, c-format msgid "%s has disconnected" msgstr "%s ದೊಂದಿಗಿನ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ಕಡಿದು ಹೋಗಿದೆ" @@ -1515,12 +1634,12 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the kicked should come before the kicker in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2281 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2730 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was kicked by %2$s" msgstr "%2$s ಯವರು %1$s ಅನ್ನು ಒದ್ದೋಡಿಸಿದ್ದಾರೆ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2284 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2733 #, c-format msgid "%s was kicked" msgstr "%s ಅನ್ನು ಒದ್ದೋಡಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ" @@ -1528,17 +1647,17 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the banned should come before the banner in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2292 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2741 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was banned by %2$s" msgstr "%2$s ಯವರು %1$s ಅನ್ನು ನಿರ್ಬಂಧಿಸಿದ್ದಾರೆ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2295 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2744 #, c-format msgid "%s was banned" msgstr "%s ಅನ್ನು ನಿರ್ಬಂಧಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2299 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2748 #, c-format msgid "%s has left the room" msgstr "%s ರೂಮ್‌ನಿಂದ ಹೊರನೆಡೆದಿದ್ದಾರೆ" @@ -1548,599 +1667,688 @@ #. * given by the user living the room. If this poses a problem, #. * please let us know. :-) #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2308 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2757 #, c-format msgid " (%s)" msgstr " (%s)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2333 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2782 #, c-format msgid "%s has joined the room" msgstr "%s ರೂಮ್‌ಗೆ ಸೇರ್ಪಡೆಯಾಗಿದ್ದಾರೆ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2358 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2807 #, c-format -#| msgid "%s is now online." msgid "%s is now known as %s" msgstr "%s ಈಗ %s ಆಗಿದ್ದಾರೆ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2497 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1942 -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1122 +#. We don't know if the incoming call has been accepted or not, so we +#. * assume it hasn't and if it has, we'll set the proper status when +#. * we get the new handler. +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2994 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1888 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1279 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1502 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1552 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2590 msgid "Disconnected" msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ಕಡಿದು ಹೋಗಿದೆ" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3127 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3658 msgid "Would you like to store this password?" msgstr "ನೀವು ಈ ಗುಪ್ತಪದವನ್ನು ಶೇಖರಿಸಿಡಲು ಬಯಸುತ್ತೀರೆ?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3133 -#| msgid "Members" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3664 msgid "Remember" msgstr "ನೆನಪಿಟ್ಟುಕೊ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3143 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3674 msgid "Not now" msgstr "ಈಗ ಬೇಡ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3187 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3718 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-bad-password-dialog.c:142 msgid "Retry" msgstr "ಮರಳಿ ಪ್ರಯತ್ನಿಸು" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3191 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3722 msgid "Wrong password; please try again:" msgstr "ಗುಪ್ತಪದ ತಪ್ಪಾಗಿದೆ; ಇನ್ನೊಮ್ಮೆ ಪ್ರಯತ್ನಿಸು:" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3308 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3852 msgid "This room is protected by a password:" msgstr "ಈ ರೂಮ್ ಅನ್ನು ಗುಪ್ತಪದವನ್ನು ಬಳಸಿಕೊಂಡು ಸಂರಕ್ಷಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3335 -#| msgid "_Join" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3879 msgid "Join" msgstr "ಸೇರ್ಪಡೆಯಾಗು" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3505 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1144 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4071 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1300 msgid "Connected" msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕಿತಗೊಂಡಿದೆ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3558 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:654 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4126 msgid "Conversation" msgstr "ಸಂಭಾಷಣೆ" +#. Translators: this string is a something like +#. * "Escher Cat (SMS)" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4131 +#, c-format +#| msgid "%s (%s)" +msgid "%s (SMS)" +msgstr "%s (SMS)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:262 +msgid "Unknown or invalid identifier" +msgstr "ಅಜ್ಞಾತವಾದ ಅಥವ ಅಮಾನ್ಯವಾದ ಐಡೆಂಟಿಫಯರ್" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:264 +msgid "Contact blocking temporarily unavailable" +msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸವನ್ನು ನಿರ್ಬಂಧಿಸುವುದು ತಾತ್ಕಾಲಿಕವಾಗಿ ಅಲಭ್ಯವಾಗಿದೆ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:266 +msgid "Contact blocking unavailable" +msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸವನ್ನು ನಿರ್ಬಂಧಿಸುವುದು ಅಲಭ್ಯವಾಗಿದೆ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:268 +#| msgid "permission denied" +msgid "Permission Denied" +msgstr "ಅನುಮತಿಯನ್ನು ನಿರಾಕರಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:272 +msgid "Could not block contact" +msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸವನ್ನು ನಿರ್ಬಂಧಿಸಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗಿಲ್ಲ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:610 +#| msgid "_Blocked Contacts" +msgid "Edit Blocked Contacts" +msgstr "ನಿರ್ಬಂಧಿಸಲಾದ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸಗಳನ್ನು ಸಂಪಾದಿಸಿ" + +#. Account and Identifier +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:506 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1474 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:7 +msgid "Account:" +msgstr "ಖಾತೆ:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:2 +#| msgid "_Blocked Contacts" +msgid "Blocked Contacts" +msgstr "ನಿರ್ಬಂಧಿಸಲಾದ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸಗಳು" + #. Copy Link Address menu item -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:320 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:794 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:322 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-webkit-utils.c:277 msgid "_Copy Link Address" msgstr "ಕೊಂಡಿ ವಿಳಾಸವನ್ನು ಕಾಪಿ ಮಾಡು(_C)" #. Open Link menu item -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:327 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:801 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:329 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-webkit-utils.c:284 msgid "_Open Link" msgstr "ಕೊಂಡಿಯನ್ನು ತೆರೆ(_O)" #. Translators: timestamp displayed between conversations in #. * chat windows (strftime format string) -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:420 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:417 msgid "%A %B %d %Y" msgstr "%A %B %d %Y" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:299 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-edit-dialog.c:247 -msgid "Edit Contact Information" -msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ಮಾಹಿತಿಯನ್ನು ಸಂಪಾದಿಸು" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:350 -msgid "Personal Information" -msgstr "ವೈಯಕ್ತಿಕ ಮಾಹಿತಿ" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:459 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:119 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:326 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:118 msgid "New Contact" msgstr "ಹೊಸ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:532 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:198 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:395 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:197 #, c-format msgid "Block %s?" msgstr "%s ಅನ್ನು ನಿರ್ಬಂಧಿಸಬೇಕೆ?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:537 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:239 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:400 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:252 #, c-format msgid "Are you sure you want to block '%s' from contacting you again?" msgstr "'%s' ರವರು ನಿಮ್ಮನ್ನು ಮತ್ತೊಮ್ಮೆ ಸಂಪರ್ಕಿಸದಂತೆ ನಿರ್ಬಂಧಿಸಲು ಖಚಿತವೆ?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:542 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:261 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:405 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:274 msgid "_Block" msgstr "ನಿರ್ಬಂಧಿಸು (_B)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:552 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:270 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:423 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:283 msgid "_Report this contact as abusive" msgid_plural "_Report these contacts as abusive" msgstr[0] "ಈ ಸಂಪರ್ಕವಿಳಾಸವು ದುರ್ಬಳಕೆ ಎಂದು ವರದಿ ಮಾಡು (_R)" msgstr[1] "ಈ ಸಂಪರ್ಕವಿಳಾಸಗಳು ದುರ್ಬಳಕೆ ಎಂದು ವರದಿ ಮಾಡು (_R)" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:1 -msgid "Decide _Later" -msgstr "ನಂತರ ನಿರ್ಧರಿಸು(_L)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:2 msgid "Subscription Request" msgstr "ಚಂದಾದಾರನಾಗುವ ಅಗತ್ಯವಿದೆ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:2 msgid "_Block User" msgstr "ಬಳಕೆದಾರನನ್ನು ನಿರ್ಬಂಧಿಸು (_B)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-store.h:71 -msgid "Ungrouped" -msgstr "ಚದುರಿಸಲಾದ" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-store.h:72 -#| msgid "_Favorite Chatroom" -msgid "Favorite People" -msgstr "ಅಚ್ಚುಮೆಚ್ಚಿನ ವ್ಯಕ್ತಿಗಳು" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2012 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2316 -#, c-format -msgid "Do you really want to remove the group '%s'?" -msgstr "ನೀವು '%s' ಸಮೂಹವನ್ನು ನಿಜವಾಗಲೂ ತೆಗೆದು ಹಾಕಲು ಬಯಸುತ್ತೀರಿ?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2014 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2319 -msgid "Removing group" -msgstr "ಸಮೂಹವನ್ನು ತೆಗೆಯಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ" - -#. Remove -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2063 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2140 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2374 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2541 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:7 -msgid "_Remove" -msgstr "ತೆಗೆದು ಹಾಕು(_R)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2093 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2427 -#, c-format -msgid "Do you really want to remove the contact '%s'?" -msgstr "ನೀವು '%s' ಸಂಪರ್ಕವನ್ನು ನಿಜವಾಗಲೂ ತೆಗೆದು ಹಾಕಲು ಬಯಸುತ್ತೀರಿ?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2095 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2446 -msgid "Removing contact" -msgstr "ವಿಳಾಸವನ್ನು ತೆಗೆದು ಹಾಕಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:219 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:13 -#| msgid "_Add Contact..." -msgid "_Add Contact…" -msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕವನ್ನು ಸೇರಿಸು (_A)..." - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:296 -#| msgid "_Contact" -msgid "_Block Contact" -msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕವನ್ನು ನಿರ್ಬಂಧಿಸು (_C)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:325 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:517 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:15 -msgid "_Chat" -msgstr "ಚಾಟ್ ಮಾಡು (_C)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:356 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:560 -msgctxt "menu item" -msgid "_Audio Call" -msgstr "ಆಡಿಯೊ ಕರೆ (_A)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:387 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:602 -msgctxt "menu item" -msgid "_Video Call" -msgstr "ವೀಡಿಯೊ ಕರೆ (_V)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:433 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:645 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:26 -msgid "_Previous Conversations" -msgstr "ಈ ಹಿಂದಿನ ಸಂಭಾಷಣೆಗಳು (_P)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:455 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:686 -#| msgid "Send file" -msgid "Send File" -msgstr "ಕಡತವನ್ನು ಕಳುಹಿಸು" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:478 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:728 -#| msgid "Share my desktop" -msgid "Share My Desktop" -msgstr "ನನ್ನ ಗಣಕತೆರೆಯನ್ನು ಹಂಚಿಕೊ" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:518 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1762 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:762 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1370 -#| msgid "Join _Favorites" -msgid "Favorite" -msgstr "ಅಚ್ಚುಮೆಚ್ಚಿನವುಗಳು" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:547 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:789 -msgid "Infor_mation" -msgstr "ಮಾಹಿತಿ (_m)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:593 -#| msgid "_Edit" -msgctxt "Edit contact (contextual menu)" -msgid "_Edit" -msgstr "ಸಂಪಾದನೆ (_E)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:647 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:970 -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:919 -#| msgid "Inviting to this room" -msgid "Inviting you to this room" -msgstr "ನಿಮ್ಮನ್ನು ಈ ರೂಮಿಗೆ ಆಹ್ವಾನಿಸಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:678 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1017 -#| msgid "_Invite to chatroom" -msgid "_Invite to Chat Room" -msgstr "ಚಾಟ್‌ ರೂಮಿಗೆ ಆಹ್ವಾನಿಸು (_I)" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:3 +msgid "Decide _Later" +msgstr "ನಂತರ ನಿರ್ಧರಿಸು(_L)" #. Title -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:508 -#| msgid "Select a contact" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:499 msgid "Search contacts" msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕವನ್ನು ಹುಡುಕು" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:538 -#| msgid "Search" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:529 msgid "Search: " msgstr "ಹುಡುಕು: " -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:596 -#| msgid "_Add Contact..." +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:587 msgid "_Add Contact" msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸವನ್ನು ಸೇರಿಸು (_A)..." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:614 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:605 msgid "No contacts found" msgstr "ಯಾವುದೆ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸಗಳು ಕಂಡುಬಂದಿಲ್ಲ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-selector.c:129 -msgid "Select a contact" -msgstr "ಒಂದು ಸಂಪರ್ಕವನ್ನು ಆರಿಸು" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:295 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:153 -#| msgid "Fullname:" -msgid "Full name:" -msgstr "ಸಂಪೂರ್ಣ ಹೆಸರು:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:296 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:154 -msgid "Phone number:" -msgstr "ದೂರವಾಣಿಯ ಸಂಖ್ಯೆ:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:297 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:155 -msgid "E-mail address:" -msgstr "ಇಮೈಲ್ ವಿಳಾಸ:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:298 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:156 -#| msgid "Web site:" -msgid "Website:" -msgstr "ಜಾಲತಾಣ:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:299 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:157 -msgid "Birthday:" -msgstr "ಹುಟ್ಟಿದ ದಿನ:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:621 +msgid "Your message introducing yourself:" +msgstr "ನಿಮ್ಮನ್ನು ಸ್ವತಃ ಪರಿಚಯಿಸುವ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಸಂದೇಶ." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:629 +msgid "Please let me see when you're online. Thanks!" +msgstr "ನೀವು ಯಾವಾಗ ಆನ್‌ಲೈನ್‌ನಲ್ಲಿ ಇರುತ್ತೀರಿ ಎಂದು ನನಗೆ ತಿಳಿಸಿ. ಧನ್ಯವಾದಗಳು!" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:567 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:304 +#| msgid "Ca_ncel" +msgid "Channels:" +msgstr "ಚಾನಲ್ಲುಗಳು:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:762 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:487 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:747 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:455 msgid "Country ISO Code:" msgstr "ದೇಶದ ISO ಸಂಕೇತ:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:764 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:489 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:749 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:457 msgid "Country:" msgstr "ದೇಶ:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:766 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:491 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:751 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:459 msgid "State:" msgstr "ರಾಜ್ಯ:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:768 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:493 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:753 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:461 msgid "City:" msgstr "ಊರು:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:770 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:495 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:755 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:463 msgid "Area:" msgstr "ಪ್ರದೇಶ:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:772 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:497 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:757 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:465 msgid "Postal Code:" msgstr "ಪೋಸ್ಟಲ್ ಕೋಡ್:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:774 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:499 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:759 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:467 msgid "Street:" msgstr "ರಸ್ತೆ:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:776 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:501 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:761 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:469 msgid "Building:" msgstr "ಕಟ್ಟಡ:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:778 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:503 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:763 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:471 msgid "Floor:" msgstr "ಮಹಡಿ:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:780 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:505 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:765 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:473 msgid "Room:" msgstr "ರೂಮ್:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:782 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:507 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:767 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:475 msgid "Text:" msgstr "ಪಠ್ಯ:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:784 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:509 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:769 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:477 msgid "Description:" msgstr "ವಿವರಣೆ:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:786 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:511 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:771 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:479 msgid "URI:" msgstr "URI:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:788 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:513 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:773 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:481 msgid "Accuracy Level:" msgstr "ನಿಖರತೆಯ ಮಟ್ಟ:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:790 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:515 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:775 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:483 msgid "Error:" msgstr "ದೋಷ:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:792 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:517 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:777 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:485 msgid "Vertical Error (meters):" msgstr "ಲಂಬ ದೋಷ (ಮೀಟರುಗಳಲ್ಲಿ):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:794 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:519 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:779 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:487 msgid "Horizontal Error (meters):" msgstr "ಅಡ್ಡ ದೋಷ (ಮೀಟರುಗಳಲ್ಲಿ):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:796 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:521 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:781 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:489 msgid "Speed:" msgstr "ವೇಗ:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:798 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:523 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:783 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:491 msgid "Bearing:" msgstr "ಬಿಯರಿಂಗ್:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:800 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:525 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:785 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:493 msgid "Climb Speed:" msgstr "ಹತ್ತುವ ವೇಗ:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:802 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:527 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:787 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:495 msgid "Last Updated on:" msgstr "ಕೊನೆಯ ಬಾರಿಗೆ ಅಪ್‌ಡೇಟ್ ಮಾಡಿದ್ದು:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:804 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:529 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:789 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:497 msgid "Longitude:" msgstr "ರೇಖಾಂಶ:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:806 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:531 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:791 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:499 msgid "Latitude:" msgstr "ಅಕ್ಷಾಂಶ:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:808 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:533 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:793 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:501 msgid "Altitude:" msgstr "ಎತ್ತರ(ಸಮುದ್ರ ಮಟ್ಟದಿಂದ):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:871 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:888 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:615 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:632 -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:12 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:846 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:861 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:593 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:608 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:35 msgid "Location" msgstr "ಸ್ಥಳ" #. translators: format is "Location, $date" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:890 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:634 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:863 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:610 #, c-format -#| msgid "%s of %s" msgid "%s, %s" msgstr "%s, %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:942 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:683 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:915 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:659 msgid "%B %e, %Y at %R UTC" msgstr "%B %e, %Y at %R UTC" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1024 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:918 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:997 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:900 msgid "Save Avatar" msgstr "ಅವತಾರವನ್ನು ಉಳಿಸು" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1080 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:976 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1053 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:958 msgid "Unable to save avatar" msgstr "ಅವತಾರವನ್ನು ಉಳಿಸಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗಿಲ್ಲ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:1 -msgid "Location at (date)\t" -msgstr "ಈ ಸಮಯದ ಸ್ಥಳ (ದಿನಾಂಕ)\t" - -#. Alias -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1305 -msgid "Alias:" -msgstr "ಅಲಿಯಾಸ್:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:4 -msgid "Client Information" -msgstr "ಕ್ಲೈಂಟ್‌ ಮಾಹಿತಿ" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:5 -msgid "Client:" -msgstr "ಕ್ಲೈಂಟ್:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1444 +#| msgid "Technical Details" +msgid "Personal Details" +msgstr "ವೈಯಕ್ತಿಕ ವಿವರಗಳು" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1447 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:2 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:3 msgid "Contact Details" msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕದ ವಿವರಗಳು" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:104 +#| msgid "Full name:" +msgid "Full name" +msgstr "ಸಂಪೂರ್ಣ ಹೆಸರು" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:105 +#| msgid "Phone number:" +msgid "Phone number" +msgstr "ದೂರವಾಣಿಯ ಸಂಖ್ಯೆ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:106 +#| msgid "E-mail address:" +msgid "E-mail address" +msgstr "ಇಮೈಲ್ ವಿಳಾಸ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:107 +#| msgid "Website:" +msgid "Website" +msgstr "ಜಾಲತಾಣ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:108 +#| msgid "Birthday:" +msgid "Birthday" +msgstr "ಹುಟ್ಟಿದ ದಿನ" + +#. Note to translators: this is the caption for a string of the form "5 +#. * minutes ago", and refers to the time since the contact last interacted +#. * with their IM client. +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:113 +#| msgid "_Last Name:" +msgid "Last seen:" +msgstr "ಕೊನೆ ಬಾರಿಗೆ ಕಾಣಿಸಿಕೊಂಡಿದ್ದು:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:115 +#| msgid "Connected" +msgid "Connected from:" +msgstr "ಇದರಿಂದ ಸಂಪರ್ಕಿತಗೊಂಡಿದೆ:" + +#. FIXME: once Idle implements SimplePresence using this information, we can +#. * and should bin this. +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:119 +#| msgid "Quit message:" +msgid "Away message:" +msgstr "ಇಲ್ಲಿಲ್ಲ ಎನ್ನುವ ಸಂದೇಶ:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:132 +#| msgid "Network" +msgid "work" +msgstr "ಕೆಲಸ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:133 +#| msgid "Volume" +msgid "home" +msgstr "ಮನೆ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:134 +#| msgid "File" +msgid "mobile" +msgstr "ಮೊಬೈಲ್" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:135 +#| msgid "Favorite" +msgid "voice" +msgstr "ಧ್ವನಿ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:136 +#| msgid "Preferences" +msgid "preferred" +msgstr "ಐಚ್ಛಿಕ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:137 +msgid "postal" +msgstr "ಪೋಸ್ಟಲ್" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:138 +#| msgid "Appearance" +msgid "parcel" +msgstr "ಪಾರ್ಸೆಲ್" + #. Identifier to connect to Instant Messaging network #. Translators: Identifier to connect to Instant Messaging network -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:8 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1509 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1502 msgid "Identifier:" msgstr "ಐಡೆಂಟಿಫೈರ್:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:3 -#| msgid "Information requested..." +#. Alias +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1293 +msgid "Alias:" +msgstr "ಅಲಿಯಾಸ್:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:5 +msgid "Location at (date)\t" +msgstr "ಈ ಸಮಯದ ಸ್ಥಳ (ದಿನಾಂಕ)\t" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:4 msgid "Information requested…" msgstr "ಮಾಹಿತಿಗಾಗಿ ಮನವಿ..." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:10 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:8 +msgid "Client Information" +msgstr "ಕ್ಲೈಂಟ್‌ ಮಾಹಿತಿ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:9 msgid "OS:" msgstr "OS:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:10 msgid "Version:" msgstr "ಆವೃತ್ತಿ:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:332 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:11 +msgid "Client:" +msgstr "ಕ್ಲೈಂಟ್:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:331 msgid "Groups" msgstr "ಸಮೂಹಗಳು" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:344 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:343 msgid "" "Select the groups you want this contact to appear in. Note that you can " "select more than one group or no groups." msgstr "" -"ಯಾವ ಸಮೂಹದಲ್ಲಿ ಈ ಸಂಪರ್ಕವಿಳಾಸವು ಕಾಣಿಸಕೊಳ್ಳಬೇಕು ಎನ್ನುವುದನ್ನು ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಿ. ಒಂದೆ ಬಾರಿಗೆ " +"ಯಾವ ಸಮೂಹದಲ್ಲಿ ಈ ಸಂಪರ್ಕವಿಳಾಸವು ಕಾಣಿಸಕೊಳ್ಳಬೇಕು ಎನ್ನುವುದನ್ನು ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಿ. ಒಂದೆ " +"ಬಾರಿಗೆ " "ಒಂದಕ್ಕಿಂತ ಹೆಚ್ಚಿನ ಸಮೂಹವನ್ನು ಆರಿಸಬಹುದು ಅಥವ ಯಾವುದೆ ಸಮೂಹವನ್ನು ಆರಿಸದೆಯೂ ಇರಬಹುದು " "ಎನ್ನುವುದನ್ನು ನೆನಪಿಡಿ." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:363 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:362 msgid "_Add Group" msgstr "ಸಮೂಹವನ್ನು ಸೇರಿಸು(_A)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:398 -#| msgid "Select" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:397 msgctxt "verb in a column header displaying group names" msgid "Select" msgstr "ಆರಿಸು" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:408 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1436 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:407 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1970 msgid "Group" msgstr "ಸಮೂಹ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:244 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:257 msgid "The following identity will be blocked:" msgid_plural "The following identities will be blocked:" msgstr[0] "ಈ ಕೆಳಗಿನ ಗುರುತನ್ನು ನಿರ್ಬಂಧಿಸಲಾಗುತ್ತದೆ:" msgstr[1] "ಈ ಕೆಳಗಿನ ಗುರುತುಗಳನ್ನು ನಿರ್ಬಂಧಿಸಲಾಗುತ್ತದೆ:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:251 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:264 msgid "The following identity can not be blocked:" msgid_plural "The following identities can not be blocked:" msgstr[0] "ಈ ಕೆಳಗಿನ ಗುರುತನ್ನು ನಿರ್ಬಂಧಿಸಲಾಗುವುದಿಲ್ಲ:" msgstr[1] "ಈ ಕೆಳಗಿನ ಗುರುತುಗಳನ್ನು ನಿರ್ಬಂಧಿಸಲಾಗುವುದಿಲ್ಲ" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-edit-dialog.c:247 +msgid "Edit Contact Information" +msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ಮಾಹಿತಿಯನ್ನು ಸಂಪಾದಿಸು" + #. Translators: the heading at the top of the Information dialogue -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-information-dialog.c:281 -#| msgid "_Offline Contacts" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-information-dialog.c:288 msgid "Linked Contacts" msgstr "ಜೋಡಿಸಲಾದ ಸಂಪರ್ಕವಿಳಾಸಗಳು" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-linker.c:354 -#| msgid "Select a contact" -msgid "Select contacts to link" -msgstr "ಜೋಡಿಸಲು ಸಂಪರ್ಕಗಳನ್ನು ಆರಿಸಿ" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-linker.c:428 -#| msgid "New Contact" -msgid "New contact preview" -msgstr "ಹೊಸ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ಅವಲೋಕನ" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-linker.c:472 -msgid "Contacts selected in the list on the left will be linked together." -msgstr "ಪಟ್ಟಿಯಿಂದ ಆರಿಸಲಾದ ಸಂಪರ್ಕಗಳನ್ನು ಪರಸ್ಪರ ಜೋಡಿಸಲಾಗುವುದು." +#. Translators: this is used in the context menu for a contact. The first +#. * parameter is a contact ID (e.g. foo@jabber.org) and the second is one +#. * of the user's account IDs (e.g. me@hotmail.com). +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:173 +#, c-format +msgid "%s (%s)" +msgstr "%s (%s)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:345 +msgid "Select account to use to place the call" +msgstr "ಕರೆಯನ್ನು ಮಾಡಲು ಖಾತೆಯನ್ನು ಆರಿಸಿ" + +#. translators: Call is a noun. This string is used in the window +#. * title +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:349 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1290 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:18 +msgid "Call" +msgstr "ಕರೆ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:414 +#| msgid "File" +msgid "Mobile" +msgstr "ಮೊಬೈಲ್" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:416 +msgid "Work" +msgstr "ಕೆಲಸ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:418 +msgid "HOME" +msgstr "HOME" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:659 +msgid "_Block Contact" +msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕವನ್ನು ನಿರ್ಬಂಧಿಸು (_C)" + +#. add chat button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1018 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:319 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Chat" +msgstr "ಚಾಟ್ ಮಾಡು (_C)" + +#. add SMS button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1053 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:313 +msgid "_SMS" +msgstr "_SMS" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1086 +msgctxt "menu item" +msgid "_Audio Call" +msgstr "ಆಡಿಯೊ ಕರೆ (_A)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1119 +msgctxt "menu item" +msgid "_Video Call" +msgstr "ವೀಡಿಯೊ ಕರೆ (_V)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1160 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Previous Conversations" +msgstr "ಈ ಹಿಂದಿನ ಸಂಭಾಷಣೆಗಳು (_P)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1189 +msgid "Send File" +msgstr "ಕಡತವನ್ನು ಕಳುಹಿಸು" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1219 +msgid "Share My Desktop" +msgstr "ನನ್ನ ಗಣಕತೆರೆಯನ್ನು ಹಂಚಿಕೊ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1245 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1357 +msgid "Favorite" +msgstr "ಅಚ್ಚುಮೆಚ್ಚಿನವುಗಳು" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1264 +#| msgid "telepathy-salut not installed" +msgid "gnome-contacts not installed" +msgstr "gnome-contacts ಅನ್ನು ಅನುಸ್ಥಾಪಿಸಲಾಗಿಲ್ಲ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1267 +msgid "Please install gnome-contacts to access contacts details." +msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸಗಳನ್ನು ಪಡೆದುಕೊಳ್ಳಲು gnome-contacts ಅನ್ನು ಅನುಸ್ಥಾಪಿಸಿ." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1398 +msgid "Infor_mation" +msgstr "ಮಾಹಿತಿ (_m)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1447 +msgctxt "Edit individual (contextual menu)" +msgid "_Edit" +msgstr "ಸಂಪಾದನೆ (_E)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1564 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:1192 +msgid "Inviting you to this room" +msgstr "ನಿಮ್ಮನ್ನು ಈ ರೂಮಿಗೆ ಆಹ್ವಾನಿಸಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1610 +msgid "_Invite to Chat Room" +msgstr "ಚಾಟ್‌ ರೂಮಿಗೆ ಆಹ್ವಾನಿಸು (_I)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1806 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:5 +msgid "_Add Contact…" +msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕವನ್ನು ಸೇರಿಸು (_A)..." -#. Translators: this is used in the context menu for a contact. The first -#. * parameter is a contact ID (e.g. foo@jabber.org) and the second is one -#. * of the user's account IDs (e.g. me@hotmail.com). -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:131 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2304 +#| msgid "Delete and Block" +msgid "Delete and _Block" +msgstr "ಅಳಿಸು ಹಾಗು ನಿರ್ಬಂಧಿಸು (_B)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2339 #, c-format -#| msgid " (%s)" -msgid "%s (%s)" -msgstr "%s (%s)" +msgid "Do you really want to remove the group '%s'?" +msgstr "ನೀವು '%s' ಸಮೂಹವನ್ನು ನಿಜವಾಗಲೂ ತೆಗೆದು ಹಾಕಲು ಬಯಸುತ್ತೀರಿ?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:837 -#| msgid "_Edit" -msgctxt "Edit individual (contextual menu)" -msgid "_Edit" -msgstr "ಸಂಪಾದನೆ (_E)" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2342 +msgid "Removing group" +msgstr "ಸಮೂಹವನ್ನು ತೆಗೆಯಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ" -#. Translators: this is a verb meaning "to connect two contacts together -#. * to form a meta-contact". -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:863 -#| msgid "_Offline Contacts" -msgctxt "Link individual (contextual menu)" -msgid "_Link Contacts…" -msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸಗಳನ್ನು ಜೋಡಿಸು (_L)..." - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2287 -msgid "Delete and Block" -msgstr "ಅಳಿಸು ಹಾಗು ನಿರ್ಬಂಧಿಸು" +#. Remove +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2397 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2601 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "ತೆಗೆದು ಹಾಕು(_R)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2474 +#, c-format +msgid "Do you really want to remove the contact '%s'?" +msgstr "ನೀವು '%s' ಸಂಪರ್ಕವನ್ನು ನಿಜವಾಗಲೂ ತೆಗೆದು ಹಾಕಲು ಬಯಸುತ್ತೀರಿ?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2435 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2483 #, c-format msgid "" "Do you really want to remove the linked contact '%s'? Note that this will " "remove all the contacts which make up this linked contact." msgstr "" -"ನೀವು ಕೊಂಡಿ ಜೋಡಿಸಲಾದ ' %s' ಎಂಬ ಸಂಪರ್ಕವನ್ನು ಖಂಡಿತವಾಗಿಯೂ ತೆಗೆದು ಹಾಕಲು ಬಯಸುತ್ತೀರೆ? ಇದು " -"ಈ ಕೊಂಡಿ ಜೋಡಿಸಲಾದ ಸಂಪರ್ಕಕ್ಕೆ ಸಂಬಂಧಿಸಿದ ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸಗಳನ್ನು ತೆಗೆದು ಹಾಕುತ್ತದೆ." +"ನೀವು ಕೊಂಡಿ ಜೋಡಿಸಲಾದ ' %s' ಎಂಬ ಸಂಪರ್ಕವನ್ನು ಖಂಡಿತವಾಗಿಯೂ ತೆಗೆದು ಹಾಕಲು " +"ಬಯಸುತ್ತೀರೆ? " +"ಇದು ಈ ಕೊಂಡಿ ಜೋಡಿಸಲಾದ ಸಂಪರ್ಕಕ್ಕೆ ಸಂಬಂಧಿಸಿದ ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸಗಳನ್ನು ತೆಗೆದು " +"ಹಾಕುತ್ತದೆ." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2495 +msgid "Removing contact" +msgstr "ವಿಳಾಸವನ್ನು ತೆಗೆದು ಹಾಕಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1650 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1641 #, c-format msgid "Linked contact containing %u contact" msgid_plural "Linked contacts containing %u contacts" @@ -2148,28 +2356,26 @@ msgstr[1] "ಕೊಂಡಿ ಜೋಡಿಸಲಾದ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸಗಳು %u ಸಂಪರ್ಕಗಳನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿವೆ" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:1 -#| msgid "Location at (date)\t" msgid "Location at (date)" msgstr "ಸ್ಥಳ (ದಿನಾಂಕ)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:2 msgid "Online from a phone or mobile device" msgstr "ದೂರವಾಣಿ ಅಥವ ಮೊಬೈಲ್ ಸಾಧನದಿಂದ ಆನ್‌ಲೈನಲ್ಲಿದ್ದಾರೆ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:332 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:335 msgid "New Network" msgstr "ಹೊಸ ಜಾಲಬಂಧ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:527 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:530 msgid "Choose an IRC network" msgstr "ಒಂದು IRC ಜಾಲವನ್ನು ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಿ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:584 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:587 msgid "Reset _Networks List" msgstr "ಜಾಲಬಂಧಗಳ ಪಟ್ಟಿಯನ್ನು ಮರಳಿ ಹೊಂದಿಸು (_N)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:588 -#| msgid "Select" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:591 msgctxt "verb displayed on a button to select an IRC network" msgid "Select" msgstr "ಆರಿಸು" @@ -2178,122 +2384,285 @@ msgid "new server" msgstr "ಹೊಸ ಪರಿಚಾರಕ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:535 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:539 msgid "SSL" msgstr "SSL" -#. Translators: this is the title of the linking dialogue (reached by -#. * right-clicking on a contact and selecting "Link…"). "Link" in this title -#. * is a verb. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:115 -#| msgid "_Offline Contacts" -msgid "Link Contacts" -msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸಗಳನ್ನು ಜೋಡಿಸು" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:120 -msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" -msgid "_Unlink…" -msgstr "ಕೊಂಡಿ ತೆಗೆ (_U)…" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:121 -msgid "Completely split the displayed linked contacts into the separate contacts." -msgstr "ತೋರಿಸಲಾದ ಕೊಂಡಿ ಜೋಡಿಸಲಾದ ಸಂಪರ್ಕಗಳನ್ನು ಪ್ರತ್ಯೇಕ ಸಂಪರ್ಕಗಳಾಗಿ ವಿಂಗಡಿಸು" - -#. Add button -#. Translators: this is an action button in the linking dialogue. "Link" is -#. * used here as a verb meaning "to connect two contacts to form a -#. * meta-contact". -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:136 -#| msgid "_Open Link" -msgid "_Link" -msgstr "ಕೊಂಡಿ ಜೋಡಿಸು (_L)" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:620 +msgid "History" +msgstr "ಇತಿಹಾಸ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:675 +msgid "Show" +msgstr "ತೋರಿಸು" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:697 +msgid "Search" +msgstr "ಹುಡುಕು" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1148 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Call with %s" +msgid "Chat in %s" +msgstr "%s ನಲ್ಲಿ ಚಾಟ್ ಮಾಡು" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:183 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1150 #, c-format -#| msgid "invalid contact" -msgid "Unlink linked contacts '%s'?" -msgstr "'%s' ಸಂಪರ್ಕಗಳ ಕೊಂಡಿಯನ್ನು ತೆಗೆದುಹಾಕಬೇಕೆ?" +#| msgid "Call with %s" +msgid "Chat with %s" +msgstr "%s ರವರೊಂದಿಗೆ ಚಾಟ್ ಮಾಡು" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:186 -msgid "" -"Are you sure you want to unlink these linked contacts? This will completely " -"split the linked contacts into separate contacts." -msgstr "" -"ನೀವು ಕೊಂಡಿ ಜೋಡಿಸಲಾದ ಈ ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಸಂಪರ್ಕಗಳ ಕೊಂಡಿಯನ್ನು ತೆಗೆದು ಹಾಕಲು ಬಯಸುತ್ತೀರೆ? ಇದರಿಂದಾಗಿ " -"ಈ ಕೊಂಡಿ ಜೋಡಿಸಲಾದ ಸಂಪರ್ಕಕ್ಕೆ ಸಂಬಂಧಿಸಿದ ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸಗಳನ್ನು ಪ್ರತ್ಯೇಕವಾದ " -"ಸಂಪರ್ಕಗಳಾಗಿ ವಿಂಗಡಿಸುತ್ತದೆ." +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1200 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1347 +#| msgid "%A %B %d %Y" +msgctxt "A date with the time" +msgid "%A, %e %B %Y %X" +msgstr "%A, %e %B %Y %X" + +#. Translators: this is an emote: '* Danielle waves' +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1289 +#, c-format +msgid "* %s %s" +msgstr "* %s %s" + +#. Translators: this is a message: 'Danielle: hello' +#. * The string in bold is the sender's name +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1295 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: %s" +msgstr "%s: %s" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1371 +#, c-format +#| msgid "%d second ago" +#| msgid_plural "%d seconds ago" +msgid "%s second" +msgid_plural "%s seconds" +msgstr[0] "%s ಸೆಕೆಂಡು" +msgstr[1] "%s ಸೆಕೆಂಡುಗಳು" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1378 +#, c-format +#| msgid "%d minute ago" +#| msgid_plural "%d minutes ago" +msgid "%s minute" +msgid_plural "%s minutes" +msgstr[0] "%s ನಿಮಿಷ" +msgstr[1] "%s ನಿಮಿಷಗಳು" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1386 +#, c-format +msgid "Call took %s, ended at %s" +msgstr "%s ಗೆ ಕರೆಯನ್ನು ಸ್ವೀಕರಿಸಲಾಯ್ತು, %s ಗೆ ಅಂತ್ಯಗೊಳಿಸಲಾಯ್ತು" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1720 +msgid "Today" +msgstr "ಇಂದು" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:190 -msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" -msgid "_Unlink" -msgstr "ಕೊಂಡಿ ತೆಗೆ (_U)" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1724 +#| msgid "Western" +msgid "Yesterday" +msgstr "ನಿನ್ನೆ" + +#. Translators: A date such as '23 May 2010' (strftime format) +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1739 +#| msgid "%A %B %d %Y" +msgid "%e %B %Y" +msgstr "%e %B %Y" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1827 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3487 +msgid "Anytime" +msgstr "ಯಾವಾಗ ಬೇಕಿದ್ದರೂ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1916 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2400 +#| msgid "None" +msgid "Anyone" +msgstr "ಯಾರಾದರೂ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2713 +msgid "Who" +msgstr "ಯಾರು" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2922 +msgid "When" +msgstr "ಎಲ್ಲಿ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3038 +msgid "Anything" +msgstr "ಯಾವುದಾದರೂ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3040 +#| msgid "Set status" +msgid "Text chats" +msgstr "ಪಠ್ಯ ಚಾಟ್" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3042 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:25 +#| msgid "Call" +msgid "Calls" +msgstr "ಕರೆಗಳು" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:664 -msgid "Date" -msgstr "ದಿನಾಂಕ" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3047 +#| msgid "Incoming call" +msgid "Incoming calls" +msgstr "ಬರುತ್ತಿರುವ ಕರೆಗಳು" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3048 +#| msgid "Outgoing voice call" +msgid "Outgoing calls" +msgstr "ಹೊರಹೋಗುವ ಕರೆಗಳು" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3049 +#| msgid "Missed call from %s" +msgid "Missed calls" +msgstr "ತಪ್ಪಿ ಹೋದ ಕರೆಗಳು" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3071 +#| msgid "Chat" +msgid "What" +msgstr "ಏನು" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3780 +#| msgid "Are you sure you want to block '%s' from contacting you again?" +msgid "Are you sure you want to delete all logs of previous conversations?" +msgstr "ಹಿಂದಿನ ಸಂಭಾಷಣೆಯ ಎಲ್ಲಾ ದಿನಚರಿಗಳನ್ನು ಅಳಿಸಲು ನೀವು ಖಚಿತವೆ?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3784 +#| msgid "C_lear" +msgid "Clear All" +msgstr "ಎಲ್ಲವನ್ನೂ ಅಳಿಸು" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3791 +msgid "Delete from:" +msgstr "ಇಲ್ಲಿಂದ ಅಳಿಸು:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:1 +#| msgid "File" +msgid "_File" +msgstr "ಕಡತ (_F)" -#. Tab Label #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:2 -msgid "Conversations" -msgstr "ಸಂಭಾಷಣೆಗಳು" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:2 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:9 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:12 +msgid "_Edit" +msgstr "ಸಂಪಾದಿಸು(_E)" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:1 -msgid "Find Next" -msgstr "ಮುಂದಕ್ಕೆ ಹುಡುಕು" +msgid "Delete All History..." +msgstr "ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಇತಿಹಾಸವನ್ನು ಅಳಿಸು..." #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:4 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:2 -#| msgid "_Previous Tab" -msgid "Find Previous" -msgstr "ಹಿಂದಿಕ್ಕೆ ಹುಡುಕು" +msgid "Profile" +msgstr "ಪ್ರೊಫೈಲ್" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:5 -msgid "Previous Conversations" -msgstr "ಈ ಹಿಂದಿನ ಸಂಭಾಷಣೆಗಳು" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:19 +msgid "Chat" +msgstr "ಚಾಟ್" -#. Tab Label #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:7 -msgid "Search" -msgstr "ಹುಡುಕು" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:26 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:19 +msgid "Video" +msgstr "ವೀಡಿಯೋ" -#. Searching *for* something -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:9 -msgid "_For:" -msgstr "ಇವರಿಗಾಗಿ(_F):" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:8 +msgid "page 2" +msgstr "ಪುಟ 2" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-selector-dialog.ui.h:2 -msgid "Contact ID:" -msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ಐಡಿ:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:9 +msgid "Loading..." +msgstr "ಲೋಡ್ ಆಗುತ್ತಿದೆ..." -#. add chat button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:171 -msgid "C_hat" -msgstr "ಚಾಟ್ ಮಾಡು(_h)" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:83 +#| msgid "The selected contact is offline." +msgid "The contact is offline" +msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕವಿಳಾಸವು ಆಫ್‌ಲೈನಿನಲ್ಲಿದೆ." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:85 +msgid "The specified contact is either invalid or unknown" +msgstr "ಸೂಚಿಲಾದ ಸಂಪರ್ಕವಿಳಾಸವು ಅಮಾನ್ಯವಾಗಿದೆ ಅಥವ ಅಜ್ಞಾತವಾಗಿದೆ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:87 +#| msgid "Topic not supported on this conversation" +msgid "The contact does not support this kind of conversation" +msgstr "ಈ ಬಗೆಯ ಸಂಭಾಷಣೆಯನ್ನು ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸವು ಬೆಂಬಲಿಸುವುದಿಲ್ಲ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:89 +msgid "The requested functionality is not implemented for this protocol" +msgstr "ಮನವಿ ಸಲ್ಲಿಸಲಾದ ಸವಲತ್ತನ್ನು ಈ ಪ್ರೊಟೊಕಾಲ್‌ನಲ್ಲಿ ಅಳವಡಿಸಲಾಗಿಲ್ಲ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:95 +msgid "Could not start a conversation with the given contact" +msgstr "ನೀಡಲಾದ ಸಂಪರ್ಕವಿಳಾಸದೊಂದಿಗೆ ಸಂಭಾಷಣೆಯನ್ನು ಆರಂಭಿಸಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗಿಲ್ಲ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:97 +msgid "You are banned from this channel" +msgstr "ನಿಮ್ಮನ್ನು ಈ ಚಾನಲ್‌ನಿಂದ ನಿರ್ಬಂಧಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:99 +msgid "This channel is full" +msgstr "ಈ ಚಾನಲ್‌ ಭರ್ತಿಯಾಗಿದೆ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:101 +#| msgid "You have been invited to join %s" +msgid "You must be invited to join this channel" +msgstr "ಈ ಚಾನಲ್‌ಗೆ ಸೇರುವಂತೆ ನಿಮ್ಮನ್ನು ಆಹ್ವಾನಿಸಿರಬೇಕು" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:103 +#| msgid "Contact disconnected" +msgid "Can't proceed while disconnected" +msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ಕಡಿದು ಹೋಗಿದ್ದಾಗ ಮುಂದುವರೆಯಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಿಲ್ಲ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:105 +#| msgid "permission denied" +msgid "Permission denied" +msgstr "ಅನುಮತಿಯನ್ನು ನಿರಾಕರಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:111 +#| msgid "There was an error while creating the account." +msgid "There was an error starting the conversation" +msgstr "ಸಂಭಾಷಣೆಯನ್ನು ಆರಂಭಿಸುವಾಗ ಒಂದು ದೋಷವು ಎದುರಾಗಿದೆ." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:290 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:200 +msgid "Enter a contact identifier or phone number:" +msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸದ ಗುರುತು ಅಥವ ದೂರವಾಣಿ ಸಂಖ್ಯೆಯನ್ನು ದಾಖಲಿಸಿ:" #. Tweak the dialog -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:181 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:333 msgid "New Conversation" msgstr "ಹೊಸ ಸಂಭಾಷಣೆ" -#. add video toggle -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:252 -#| msgid "Send video" -msgid "Send _Video" -msgstr "ವಿಡಿಯೋ ಅನ್ನು ಕಳುಹಿಸು (_V)" +#. add video button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:223 +#| msgctxt "menu item" +#| msgid "_Video Call" +msgid "_Video Call" +msgstr "ವೀಡಿಯೊ ಕರೆ (_V)" -#. add chat button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:260 -msgid "C_all" -msgstr "ಕರೆ ಮಾಡು(_a)" +#. add audio button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:233 +#| msgctxt "menu item" +#| msgid "_Audio Call" +msgid "_Audio Call" +msgstr "ಆಡಿಯೊ ಕರೆ (_A)" #. Tweak the dialog -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:270 -#| msgid "Call" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:243 msgid "New Call" msgstr "ಹೊಸ ಕರೆ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-password-dialog.c:274 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-bad-password-dialog.c:130 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Authentication failed" +msgid "Authentification failed for account %s" +msgstr "%s ಎಂಬ ಖಾತೆಗಾಗಿನ ದೃಢೀಕರಣವು ವಿಫಲಗೊಂಡಿದೆ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-base-password-dialog.c:224 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-password-dialog.c:134 #, c-format msgid "" "Enter your password for account\n" @@ -2308,37 +2677,30 @@ #. COL_DISPLAY_MARKUP #. COL_STATUS_CUSTOMISABLE #. COL_TYPE -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:170 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:206 -#| msgid "Custom Message..." +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:167 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:203 msgid "Custom Message…" msgstr "ಇಚ್ಛೆಯ ಸಂದೇಶ..." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:223 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:225 -#| msgid "Edit Custom Messages" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:220 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:222 msgid "Edit Custom Messages…" msgstr "ಕಸ್ಟಮ್ ಸಂದೇಶಗಳನ್ನು ಸಂಪಾದಿಸಿ..." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:348 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:345 msgid "Click to remove this status as a favorite" msgstr "ಅಚ್ಚುಮೆಚ್ಚಿನ ಸ್ಥಿತಿ ಎಂದು ಗುರುತುಹಾಕಲಾದ ಇದನ್ನು ತೆಗೆದು ಹಾಕಲು ಕ್ಲಿಕ್ ಮಾಡಿ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:357 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:354 msgid "Click to make this status a favorite" msgstr "ಈ ಸ್ಥಿತಿಯನ್ನು ಅಚ್ಚುಮೆಚ್ಚಿನದು ಎಂದು ಗುರುತು ಹಾಕಲು ಕ್ಲಿಕ್ ಮಾಡಿ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:391 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:388 msgid "Set status" msgstr "ಸ್ಥಿತಿಯನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿಸಿ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:948 -msgid "Set your presence and current status" -msgstr "ನಿಮ್ಮ ಇರುವಿಕೆ ಹಾಗು ಪ್ರಸಕ್ತ ಸ್ಥಿತಿಯನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿಸಿ" - #. Custom messages -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:1136 -#| msgid "Custom messages..." +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:1135 msgid "Custom messages…" msgstr "ಇಚ್ಛೆಯ ಸಂದೇಶಗಳು..." @@ -2346,19 +2708,29 @@ #. To translator: %s is the name of the protocol, such as "Google Talk" or #. * "Yahoo!" #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-protocol-chooser.c:584 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-protocol-chooser.c:588 #, c-format msgid "New %s account" msgstr "ಹೊಸ %s ಖಾತೆ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:3 -#| msgid "Hindi" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:1 msgid "Find:" msgstr "ಹುಡುಕು:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:2 +#| msgid "_Previous Tab" +msgid "_Previous" +msgstr "ಹಿಂದಿನ (_P)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:3 +#| msgid "_Next Tab" +msgid "_Next" +msgstr "ಮುಂದಿನ (_N)" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:4 -msgid "Match case" -msgstr "ಕೇಸ್ ಅನ್ನು ತಾಳೆ ಮಾಡು" +#| msgid "Match case" +msgid "Mat_ch case" +msgstr "ಕೇಸ್ ಅನ್ನು ತಾಳೆ ಮಾಡು (_c)" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:5 msgid "Phrase not found" @@ -2404,36 +2776,34 @@ msgid "Voice call ended" msgstr "ಧ್ವನಿ ಕರೆ ಪೂರ್ಣಗೊಂಡಿದೆ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.c:364 -msgid "Enter Custom Message" -msgstr "ಕಸ್ಟಮ್ ಸಂದೇಶವನ್ನು ನಮೂದಿಸಿ" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.c:523 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.c:296 msgid "Edit Custom Messages" msgstr "ಕಸ್ಟಮ್ ಸಂದೇಶಗಳನ್ನು ಸಂಪಾದಿಸಿ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:1 -msgid "Save _New Status Message" -msgstr "ಹೊಸ ಸ್ಥಿತಿ ಸಂದೇಶವನ್ನು ಉಳಿಸು (_N)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:2 -#| msgid "Edit Custom Messages" -msgid "Saved Status Messages" -msgstr "ಉಳಿಸಲಾದ ಸ್ಥಿತಿ ಸಂದೇಶಗಳು" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1051 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Message received" +msgid "Message edited at %s" +msgstr "ಸಂದೇಶವನ್ನು %s ಗೆ ಬದಲಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1757 +#| msgid "N_ormal Size" +msgid "Normal" +msgstr "ಸಾಮಾನ್ಯ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-manager.c:67 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-manager.c:70 msgid "Classic" msgstr "ಕ್ಲಾಸಿಕ್" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-manager.c:68 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-manager.c:71 msgid "Simple" msgstr "ಸರಳ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-manager.c:69 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-manager.c:72 msgid "Clean" msgstr "ಸ್ವಚ್ಛಗೊಳಿಸು" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-manager.c:70 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-manager.c:73 msgid "Blue" msgstr "ಬ್ಲೂ" @@ -2446,12 +2816,10 @@ msgstr "ಪ್ರಮಾಣಪತ್ರವನ್ನು ಪ್ರಮಾಣಪತ್ರ ಅಥಾರಿಟಿಯಿಂದ ಸಹಿ ಮಾಡಲಾಗಿಲ್ಲ." #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:161 -#| msgid "Certificate expired" msgid "The certificate has expired." msgstr "ಪ್ರಮಾಣಪತ್ರದ ಕಾಲಾವಧಿ ತೀರಿದೆ." #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:164 -#| msgid "Certificate not activated" msgid "The certificate hasn't yet been activated." msgstr "ಪ್ರಮಾಣಪತ್ರವು ಇನ್ನೂ ಸಹ ಸಕ್ರಿಯಗೊಂಡಿಲ್ಲ." @@ -2461,15 +2829,16 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:170 msgid "The hostname verified by the certificate doesn't match the server name." -msgstr "ಪ್ರಮಾಣಪತ್ರದಿಂದ ಪರಿಶೀಲಿಸಲಾದ ಆತಿಥೇಯಹೆಸರು ಪರಿಚಾರಕದ ಹೆಸರಿನೊಂದಿಗೆ ತಾಳೆಯಾಗುತ್ತಿಲ್ಲ." +msgstr "" +"ಪ್ರಮಾಣಪತ್ರದಿಂದ ಪರಿಶೀಲಿಸಲಾದ ಆತಿಥೇಯಹೆಸರು ಪರಿಚಾರಕದ ಹೆಸರಿನೊಂದಿಗೆ ತಾಳೆಯಾಗುತ್ತಿಲ್ಲ." #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:174 -#| msgid "Certificate self-signed" msgid "The certificate is self-signed." msgstr "ಪ್ರಮಾಣಪತ್ರವು ಸ್ವತಃ ಸೈನ್ ಮಾಡಲ್ಪಟ್ಟಿದೆ." #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:177 -msgid "The certificate has been revoked by the issuing Certification Authority." +msgid "" +"The certificate has been revoked by the issuing Certification Authority." msgstr "ಪ್ರಮಾಣಪತ್ರವನ್ನು ಒದಗಿಸುವ ಅಥಾರಿಟಿಯಿಂದ ಪ್ರಮಾಣಪತ್ರವನ್ನು ರದ್ದುಗೊಳಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ." #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:181 @@ -2481,64 +2850,64 @@ msgstr "ಪ್ರಮಾಣಪತ್ರದ ಉದ್ದವು ಪರಿಶೀಲನೆಯ ಮಿತಿಯನ್ನೂ ಮೀರಿದೆ." #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:188 -#| msgid "Certificate expired" msgid "The certificate is malformed." msgstr "ಪ್ರಮಾಣಪತ್ರವು ತಪ್ಪಾಗಿದೆ." #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:206 #, c-format -#| msgid "Certificate hostname mismatch" msgid "Expected hostname: %s" msgstr "ನಿರೀಕ್ಷಿತ ಅತಿಥೇಯದ ಹೆಸರು: %s" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:209 #, c-format -#| msgid "Certificate hostname mismatch" msgid "Certificate hostname: %s" msgstr "ಪ್ರಮಾಣಪತ್ರದ ಅತಿಥೇಯ ಹೆಸರು: %s" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:281 -#| msgid "Context" -msgid "Continue" -msgstr "ಮುಂದುವರೆ" +#| msgid "Continue" +msgid "C_ontinue" +msgstr "ಮುಂದುವರೆ (_o)" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:287 +msgid "Untrusted connection" +msgstr "ನಂಬಲಾಗದೆ ಇರುವ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:288 msgid "This connection is untrusted. Would you like to continue anyway?" msgstr "ಈ ಸಂಪರ್ಕವು ನಂಬಿಕೆಗೆ ಅರ್ಹವಾಗಿಲ್ಲ. ನೀವು ಮುಂದುವರೆಯಲು ಬಯಸುವಿರಾ?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:297 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:298 msgid "Remember this choice for future connections" msgstr "ಭವಿಷ್ಯದ ಸಂಪರ್ಕಗಳಿಗಾಗಿ ಈ ಆಯ್ಕೆಯನ್ನು ನೆನಪಿಟ್ಟುಕೊ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:303 -#| msgid "Certificate expired" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:304 msgid "Certificate Details" msgstr "ಪ್ರಮಾಣಪತ್ರದ ವಿವರಗಳು" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1707 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1754 msgid "Unable to open URI" msgstr "ಯುಆರ್ಐ ಅನ್ನು ತೆರೆಯಲಾಗಿಲ್ಲ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1802 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1872 msgid "Select a file" msgstr "ಒಂದು ಕಡತವನ್ನು ಆರಿಸು" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1874 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1947 msgid "Insufficient free space to save file" msgstr "ಕಡತವನ್ನು ಉಳಿಸಲು ಸಾಕಷ್ಟು ಖಾಲಿ ಸ್ಥಳಗಳಿಲ್ಲ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1882 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1955 #, c-format msgid "" "%s of free space are required to save this file, but only %s is available. " "Please choose another location." msgstr "" -"ಈ ಕಡತವನ್ನು ಉಳಿಸಲು %s ನಷ್ಟು ಮುಕ್ತ ಸ್ಥಳದ ಅಗತ್ಯವಿದೆ, ಆದರೆ ಕೇವಲ %s ನಷ್ಟು ಮಾತ್ರ ಲಭ್ಯವಿದೆ." +"ಈ ಕಡತವನ್ನು ಉಳಿಸಲು %s ನಷ್ಟು ಮುಕ್ತ ಸ್ಥಳದ ಅಗತ್ಯವಿದೆ, ಆದರೆ ಕೇವಲ %s ನಷ್ಟು ಮಾತ್ರ " +"ಲಭ್ಯವಿದೆ." "ದಯವಿಟ್ಟು ಬೇರೊಂದು ಸ್ಥಳವನ್ನು ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಿ." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1926 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1999 #, c-format -#| msgid "Incoming call from %s" msgid "Incoming file from %s" msgstr "%s ಇಂದ ಕಡತವು ಬರುತ್ತಿದೆ" @@ -2709,43 +3078,43 @@ msgid "Vietnamese" msgstr "ವಿಯಟ್ನಾಮೀಸ್" -#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:108 -#| msgid "The selected file is not a regular file" -msgid "The selected contact cannot receive files." -msgstr "ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಿದ ಸಂಪರ್ಕವಿಳಾಸವು ಕಡತವನ್ನು ಸ್ವೀಕರಿಸಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಿಲ್ಲ." - -#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:114 -#| msgid "The selected file is empty" -msgid "The selected contact is offline." -msgstr "ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಲಾದ ಸಂಪರ್ಕವಿಳಾಸವು ಆಫ್‌ಲೈನಿನಲ್ಲಿದೆ." +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-calendar-button.c:66 +#| msgctxt "verb in a column header displaying group names" +#| msgid "Select" +msgid "Select..." +msgstr "ಆರಿಸು..." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-calendar-button.c:154 +#| msgctxt "verb in a column header displaying group names" +#| msgid "Select" +msgid "_Select" +msgstr "ಆರಿಸು (_S)" -#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:169 -#| msgid "too long message" +#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:202 msgid "No error message" msgstr "ಯಾವುದೆ ದೋಷ ಸಂದೇಶವಿಲ್ಲ" -#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:242 +#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:275 msgid "Instant Message (Empathy)" msgstr "ಇನ್‌ಸ್ಟಂಟ್ ಮೆಸೇಜ್ (Empathy)" -#: ../src/empathy.c:308 +#: ../src/empathy.c:435 msgid "Don't connect on startup" msgstr "ಆರಂಭಗೊಂಡಾಗ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ಕಲ್ಪಿಸಬೇಡ" -#: ../src/empathy.c:312 -#| msgid "Don't show the contact list on startup" +#: ../src/empathy.c:439 msgid "Don't display the contact list or any other dialogs on startup" msgstr "ಆರಂಭಗೊಂಡಾಗ ಸಂಪರ್ಕಗಳ ಪಟ್ಟಿಯನ್ನು ಅಥವ ಇತರೆ ಯಾವುದೆ ಸಂವಾದ ಚೌಕವನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸಬೇಡ" -#: ../src/empathy.c:320 +#: ../src/empathy.c:454 msgid "- Empathy IM Client" msgstr "- Empathy IM ಕ್ಲೈಂಟ್" -#: ../src/empathy.c:499 +#: ../src/empathy.c:641 msgid "Error contacting the Account Manager" msgstr "ಖಾತೆಯ ವ್ಯವಸ್ಥಾಪಕನನ್ನು ಸಂಪರ್ಕಿಸುವಲ್ಲಿ ದೋಷ ಉಂಟಾಗಿದೆ" -#: ../src/empathy.c:501 +#: ../src/empathy.c:643 #, c-format msgid "" "There was an error while trying to connect to the Telepathy Account Manager. " @@ -2753,8 +3122,8 @@ "\n" "%s" msgstr "" -"ಟೆಲಿಪತಿ ಖಾತೆಯ ವ್ಯವಸ್ಥಾಪಕನೊಂದಿಗೆ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ಸಾಧಿಸುವಾಗ ಒಂದು ದೋಷ ಉಂಟಾಗಿದೆ. " -"ದೋಷವು ಈ ರೀತಿಯಲ್ಲಿದೆ:\n" +"ಟೆಲಿಪತಿ ಖಾತೆಯ ವ್ಯವಸ್ಥಾಪಕನೊಂದಿಗೆ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ಸಾಧಿಸುವಾಗ ಒಂದು ದೋಷ ಉಂಟಾಗಿದೆ. ದೋಷವು ಈ " +"ರೀತಿಯಲ್ಲಿದೆ:\n" "\n" "%s" @@ -2792,244 +3161,92 @@ "Empathy; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin " "Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-130159 USA" -#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:107 +#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:109 msgid "An Instant Messaging client for GNOME" msgstr "GNOME ನಲ್ಲಿನ ಒಂದು ತಕ್ಷಣ ಸಂದೇಶ ಕಳುಹಿಸುವ ಕ್ಲೈಂಟ್" -#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:113 +#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:115 msgid "translator-credits" msgstr "ಶಂಕರ್ ಪ್ರಸಾದ್ " -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:167 -#| msgid "There has been an error while importing the accounts." -msgid "There was an error while importing the accounts." -msgstr "ಖಾತೆಗಳನ್ನು ಆಮದು ಮಾಡಿಕೊಳ್ಳುವಾಗ ಒಂದು ದೋಷವು ಎದುರಾಗಿದೆ." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:170 -#| msgid "There has been an error while parsing the account details." -msgid "There was an error while parsing the account details." -msgstr "ಖಾತೆಯ ವಿವರಗಳನ್ನು ಪಾರ್ಸ್ ಮಾಡುವಾಗ ಒಂದು ದೋಷವು ಎದುರಾಗಿದೆ." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:173 -#| msgid "There has been an error while creating the account." -msgid "There was an error while creating the account." -msgstr "ಖಾತೆಯನ್ನು ರಚಿಸುವಾಗ ಒಂದು ದೋಷವು ಎದುರಾಗಿದೆ." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:175 -#| msgid "There has been an error." -msgid "There was an error." -msgstr "ಒಂದು ದೋಷವು ಎದುರಾಗಿದೆ." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:179 -#, c-format -#| msgid "Error sending message '%s': %s" -msgid "The error message was: %s" -msgstr "ದೋಷ ಸಂದೇಶವು ಹೀಗಿದೆ: %s" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:183 -msgid "" -"You can either go back and try to enter your accounts' details again or quit " -"this assistant and add accounts later from the Edit menu." -msgstr "" -"ನೀವು ಹಿಂದೆ ಹೋಗಿ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಖಾತೆಗಳ ವಿವರಗಳನ್ನು ದಾಖಲಿಸಬಹುದು ಅಥವ ಈ ಸಹಾಯಕನಿಂದ ನಿರ್ಗಮಿಸಿ " -"ನಂತರ ಸಂಪಾದನೆ ಮೆನುವಿನಲ್ಲಿ ಹೋಗಿ ಖಾತೆಗಳನ್ನು ಸೇರಿಸಬಹುದು." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:220 -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1268 -msgid "An error occurred" -msgstr "ಒಂದು ದೋಷ ಎದುರಾಗಿದೆ" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:467 -msgid "What kind of chat account do you have?" -msgstr "ಯಾವ ಬಗೆಯ ಚಾಟ್ ಖಾತೆಯನ್ನು ನೀವು ಹೊಂದಿದ್ದೀರಿ?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:473 -msgid "Do you have any other chat accounts you want to set up?" -msgstr "ನೀವು ಸಿದ್ಧಪಡಿಸಲು ಬಯಸುವ ಬೇರಾವುದೆ ಖಾತೆಯನ್ನು ನೀವು ಹೊಂದಿದ್ದೀರೆ?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:479 -msgid "Enter your account details" -msgstr "ನಿಮ್ಮ ಖಾತೆಯ ಮಾಹಿತಿಯನ್ನು ನಮೂದಿಸಿ" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:484 -msgid "What kind of chat account do you want to create?" -msgstr "ನೀವು ಯಾವ ಬಗೆಯ ಚಾಟ್ ಖಾತೆಯನ್ನು ರಚಿಸಲು ಬಯಸುತ್ತೀರಿ?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:490 -msgid "Do you want to create other chat accounts?" -msgstr "ನೀವು ಇನ್ನೊಂದು ಚಾಟ್ ಖಾತೆಗಳನ್ನು ಬಯಸುತ್ತೀರೆ?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:497 -msgid "Enter the details for the new account" -msgstr "ಹೊಸ ಖಾತೆಗಾಗಿ ವಿವರಗಳನ್ನು ದಾಖಲಿಸಿ" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:612 -msgid "" -"With Empathy you can chat with people online nearby and with friends and " -"colleagues who use Google Talk, AIM, Windows Live and many other chat " -"programs. With a microphone or a webcam you can also have audio or video " -"calls." -msgstr "" -"Empathy ಯನ್ನು ಬಳಸಿಕೊಂಡು ನೀವು ಆನ್‌ಲೈನಿನಲ್ಲಿರುವ ಹತ್ತಿರದ ಜನರು ಹಾಗು Google Talk, AIM, " -"Windows Live ಹಾಗು ಇನ್ನಿತರೆ ಚಾಟ್ ಪ್ರೊಗ್ರಾಮ್ ಅನ್ನು ಬಳಸುವ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಸ್ನೇಹಿತರು ಮತ್ತು " -"ಸಹೋದ್ಯೋಗಿಗಳೊಡನೆ ಚಾಟ್‌ ಮಾಡಬಹುದು. ಒಂದು ಮೈಕ್ರೊಫೋನ್ ಅಥವ ಒಂದು ವೆಬ್‌ಕ್ಯಾಮ್ ಇದ್ದಲ್ಲಿ ನೀವು " -"ಆಡಿಯೊ ಅಥವ ವೀಡಿಯೊ ಕರೆಗಳನ್ನೂ ಸಹ ಮಾಡಬಹುದು." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:629 -msgid "Do you have an account you've been using with another chat program?" -msgstr "ನೀವು ಬೇರೊಂದು ಚಾಟ್ ಪ್ರೊಗ್ರಾಮ್‌ನಲ್ಲಿ ಬಳಸುತ್ತಿರುವ ಒಂದು ಖಾತೆಯು ನಿಮ್ಮಲ್ಲಿ ಇದೆಯೆ?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:652 -msgid "Yes, import my account details from " -msgstr "ಹೌದು, ನನ್ನ ಖಾತೆಯ ವಿವರಗಳನ್ನು ಇಲ್ಲಿಂದ ಆಮದು ಮಾಡಿಕೊ" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:673 -msgid "Yes, I'll enter my account details now" -msgstr "ಹೌದು, ನಾನು ನನ್ನ ಖಾತೆಯ ವಿವರಗಳನ್ನು ನಮೂದಿಸುತ್ತೇನೆ" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:695 -msgid "No, I want a new account" -msgstr "ಇಲ್ಲ, ನಾನು ಒಂದು ಹೊಸ ಖಾತೆಯನ್ನು ನಿರ್ಮಿಸಲು ಬಯಸುತ್ತೇನೆ" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:705 -msgid "No, I just want to see people online nearby for now" -msgstr "ಇಲ್ಲ, ನಾನು ಕೇವಲ ಈಗ ಆನ್‌ಲೈನಿನಲ್ಲಿರುವ ಹತ್ತಿರದ ಜನರನ್ನು ನೋಡಲು ಬಯಸುತ್ತೇನೆ" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:726 -msgid "Select the accounts you want to import:" -msgstr "ನೀವು ಆಮದು ಮಾಡಿಕೊಳ್ಳಲು ಬಯಸುವ ಖಾತೆಗಳನ್ನು ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಿ:" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:810 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:562 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:563 -msgid "Yes" -msgstr "ಹೌದು" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:817 -msgid "No, that's all for now" -msgstr "ಇಲ್ಲ, ಈಗ ಅಷ್ಟೆ ಸಾಕು" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1082 -msgid "" -"Empathy can automatically discover and chat with the people connected on the " -"same network as you. If you want to use this feature, please check that the " -"details below are correct. You can easily change these details later or " -"disable this feature by using the 'Accounts' dialog" -msgstr "" -"Empathy ಯು ನೀವು ಇರುವ ಜಾಲಬಂಧದಲ್ಲಿ ಸಂಪರ್ಕಿತಗೊಂಡಿರುವ ವ್ಯಕ್ತಿಗಳನ್ನು ತಾನಾಗಿಯೆ ಪತ್ತೆ " -"ಮಾಡುತ್ತದೆ ಹಾಗು ನೀವು ಅವರೊಂದಿಗೆ ಚಾಟ್ ಮಾಡಲು ಅನುವು ಮಾಡಿಕೊಡುತ್ತದೆ. ನೀವು ಈ ಸವಲತ್ತನ್ನು " -"ಬಳಸಲು ಬಯಸಿದಲ್ಲಿ, ಈ ಕೆಳಗಿನ ವಿವರಗಳು ಸರಿ ಇವೆಯೆ ಎಂದು ಪರಿಶೀಲಿಸಿ. ನೀವು ಈ ವಿವರಗಳನ್ನು " -"ನಂತರವೂ ಸಹ ಸುಲಭವಾಗಿ ಬದಲಾಯಿಸಬಹುದಾಗಿರುತ್ತದೆ ಅಥವ 'ಖಾತೆಗಳು' ಸಂವಾದಚೌಕವನ್ನು ಬಳಸಿಕೊಂಡು ಈ " -"ಸವಲತ್ತನ್ನು ಅಶಕ್ತಗೊಳಿಸಬಹುದಾಗಿರುತ್ತದೆ." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1088 -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1144 -#| msgid "_Edit account" -msgid "Edit->Accounts" -msgstr "ಸಂಪಾದನೆ->ಖಾತೆಗಳು" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1104 -#| msgid "No, I just want to see people online nearby for now" -msgid "I do _not want to enable this feature for now" -msgstr "ಇಲ್ಲ, ನಾನು ಈಗ ಈ ಸವಲತ್ತನ್ನು ಶಕ್ತಗೊಳಿಸಲು ಬಯಸುವುದಿಲ್ಲ (_n)" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1140 -msgid "" -"You won't be able to chat with people connected to your local network, as " -"telepathy-salut is not installed. If you want to enable this feature, please " -"install the telepathy-salut package and create a People Nearby account from " -"the Accounts dialog" -msgstr "" -"telepathy-salut ಅನ್ನು ಅನುಸ್ಥಾಪಿಸಿರದೆ ಕಾರಣ ನೀವು ನಿಮ್ಮ ಸ್ಥಳೀಯ ಜಾಲಬಂಧದೊಂದಿಗೆ " -"ಸಂಪರ್ಕಿತಗೊಂಡಿರುವ ಜನರೊಂದಿಗೆ ಚಾಟ್ ಮಾಡಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಿರುವುದಿಲ್ಲ. ಈ ಸವಲತ್ತನ್ನು ನೀವು " -"ಶಕ್ತಗೊಳಿಸಲು ಬಯಸಿದಲ್ಲಿ, ದಯವಿಟ್ಟು telepathy-salut ಪ್ಯಾಕೇಜನ್ನು ಅನುಸ್ಥಾಪಿಸಿ ನಂತರ " -"ಖಾತೆಗಳು ಸಂವಾದ ಚೌಕದಿಂದ ಹತ್ತಿರದ ವ್ಯಕ್ತಿಗಳು ಎನ್ನುವ ಖಾತೆಯೊಂದನ್ನು ರಚಿಸಿ" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1146 -msgid "telepathy-salut not installed" -msgstr "telepathy-salut ಅನ್ನು ಅನುಸ್ಥಾಪಿಸಲಾಗಿಲ್ಲ" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1192 -msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts Assistant" -msgstr "ಮೆಸೇಜಿಂಗ್ ಹಾಗು VoIP ಖಾತೆಗಳ ಸಹಾಯಕ" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1226 -msgid "Welcome to Empathy" -msgstr "Empathy ಗೆ ಸುಸ್ವಾಗತ" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1235 -msgid "Import your existing accounts" -msgstr "ಈಗಿರುವ ಖಾತೆಗಳನ್ನು ಆಮದು ಮಾಡಿಕೊಳ್ಳಿ" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1253 -msgid "Please enter personal details" -msgstr "ದಯವಿಟ್ಟು ಖಾಸಗಿ ವಿವರಗಳನ್ನು ದಾಖಲಿಸಿ" - #. The primary text of the dialog shown to the user when he is about to lose #. * unsaved changes -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:64 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:72 #, c-format -#| msgid "There are unsaved modification regarding your %s account." msgid "There are unsaved modifications to your %s account." msgstr "ನಿಮ್ಮ %s ಖಾತೆಗೆ ಮಾಡಲಾದ ಮಾರ್ಪಾಡುಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಕೆಲವನ್ನು ಇನ್ನೂ ಉಳಿಸಲಾಗಿಲ್ಲ." #. The primary text of the dialog shown to the user when he is about to lose #. * an unsaved new account -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:68 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:76 msgid "Your new account has not been saved yet." msgstr "ನಿಮ್ಮ ಖಾತೆಯನ್ನು ಇನ್ನೂ ಸಹ ಉಳಿಸಲಾಗಿಲ್ಲ." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:286 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:809 -#| msgid "Connecting..." +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:381 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:759 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1289 msgid "Connecting…" msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ಹೊಂದಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ..." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:327 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:422 #, c-format -#| msgid "Offline" msgid "Offline — %s" msgstr "ಆಫ್‌ಲೈನ್ — %s" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:339 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:434 #, c-format -#| msgid "Disconnected" msgid "Disconnected — %s" msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ಕಡಿದು ಹೋಗಿದೆ — %s" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:350 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:445 msgid "Offline — No Network Connection" msgstr "ಆಫ್‌ಲೈನ್‌ — ಯಾವುದೆ ಜಾಲಬಂಧ ಸಂಪರ್ಕವಿಲ್ಲ" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:357 -#| msgid "Unknown reason" +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:452 msgid "Unknown Status" msgstr "ಅಜ್ಞಾತ ಸ್ಥಿತಿ" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:369 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:469 +msgid "" +"This account has been disabled because it relies on an old, unsupported " +"backend. Please install telepathy-haze and restart your session to migrate " +"the account." +msgstr "" +"ಈ ಖಾತೆಯು ಹಳೆಯದಾದ, ಬೆಂಬಲವಿರದ ಬ್ಯಾಕೆಂಡನ್ನು ನಂಬಿಕೊಂಡಿರುವ ಕಾರಣದಿಂದ ಅದನ್ನು " +"ಅಶಕ್ತಗೊಳಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ. ದಯವಿಟ್ಟು telepathy-haze ಅನ್ನು ಅನುಸ್ಥಾಪಿಸಿ ನಂತರ ಖಾತೆಯನ್ನು " +"ವರ್ಗಾವಣೆ ಮಾಡಲು ಅಧಿವೇಶನವನ್ನು ಮರಳಿ ಆರಂಭಿಸಿ." + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:479 msgid "Offline — Account Disabled" msgstr "ಆಪ್‌ಲೈನ್ — ಖಾತೆಯನ್ನು ಅಶಕ್ತಗೊಂಡಿದೆ" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:772 -msgid "" -"You are about to create a new account, which will discard\n" -"your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" -msgstr "" -"ನೀವು ಒಂದು ಹೊಸ ಖಾತೆಯನ್ನು ರಚಿಸಲಿದ್ದೀರಿ, ಇದು ನೀವು ಮಾಡಿದ ಬದಲಾವಣೆಗಳನ್ನು " -"ಬಿಟ್ಟುಬಿಡುತ್ತದೆ!\n" -"ನೀವು ಖಚಿತವಾಗಿಯೂ ಮುಂದುವರೆಲು ಬಯಸುತ್ತೀರೆ?" +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:585 +#| msgid "Connection has been refused" +msgid "Edit Connection Parameters" +msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕದ ನಿಯತಾಂಕಗಳನ್ನು ಸಂಪಾದಿಸಿ" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:750 +msgid "Failed to retrieve your personal information from the server." +msgstr "ನಿಮ್ಮ ವೈಯಕ್ತಿಕ ಮಾಹಿತಿಯನ್ನು ಹಿಂದಕ್ಕೆ ಪಡೆಯುವಲ್ಲಿ ವಿಫಲಗೊಂಡಿದೆ." + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:756 +msgid "Go online to edit your personal information." +msgstr "ನಿಮ್ಮ ವೈಯಕ್ತಿಕ ಮಾಹಿತಿಯನ್ನು ಸಂಪಾದಿಸಲು ಆನ್‌ಲೈನಿಗೆ ತೆರಳಿ." + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:843 +msgid "_Edit Connection Parameters..." +msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕದ ನಿಯತಾಂಕಗಳನ್ನು ಸಂಪಾದಿಸು (_E)..." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1133 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1339 #, c-format -#| msgid "Do you really want to remove the group '%s'?" msgid "Do you want to remove %s from your computer?" msgstr "ನೀವು '%s' ಅನ್ನು ಗಣಕದಿಂದ ನಿಜವಾಗಲೂ ತೆಗೆದು ಹಾಕಲು ಬಯಸುತ್ತೀರಿ?" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1137 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1343 msgid "This will not remove your account on the server." msgstr "ಇದು ಪರಿಚಾರಕದಿಂದ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಖಾತೆಯನ್ನು ತೆಗೆದು ಹಾಕುವುದಿಲ್ಲ" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1375 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1579 msgid "" "You are about to select another account, which will discard\n" "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" @@ -3039,16 +3256,24 @@ "ನೀವು ಖಚಿತವಾಗಿಯೂ ಮುಂದುವರೆಲು ಬಯಸುತ್ತೀರೆ?" #. Menu items: to enabled/disable the account -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1571 -#| msgid "Enabled" +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1755 msgid "_Enable" msgstr "ಶಕ್ತಗೊಳಿಸು (_E)" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1572 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1756 msgid "_Disable" msgstr "ಅಶಕ್ತಗೊಳಿಸು (_D)" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2086 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2184 +msgid "_Skip" +msgstr "ಕಡೆಗಣಿಸು (_S)" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2188 +#| msgid "Connected" +msgid "_Connect" +msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕಸಾಧಿಸು (_C)" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2365 msgid "" "You are about to close the window, which will discard\n" "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" @@ -3056,21 +3281,15 @@ "ನೀವು ವಿಂಡೊವನ್ನು ಮುಚ್ಚಲಿದ್ದೀರಿ, ಇದು ನೀವು ಮಾಡಿದ ಬದಲಾವಣೆಗಳನ್ನು ಬಿಟ್ಟುಬಿಡುತ್ತದೆ!\n" "ನೀವು ಖಚಿತವಾಗಿಯೂ ಮುಂದುವರೆಲು ಬಯಸುತ್ತೀರೆ?" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:1 -#| msgid "Edit Contact Information" -msgid "Loading account information" -msgstr "ಖಾತೆ ಮಾಹಿತಿಯನ್ನು ಲೋಡ್ ಮಾಡು" - -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 -msgid "No protocol installed" -msgstr "ಯಾವುದೆ ಪ್ರೊಟೋಕಾಲನ್ನು ಅನುಸ್ಥಾಪಿಸಲಾಗಿಲ್ಲ" - #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:3 -#| msgid "Protocol" -msgid "Protocol:" -msgstr "ಪ್ರೊಟೋಕಾಲ್:" +msgid "_Import…" +msgstr "ಆಮದು (_I)..." #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:4 +msgid "Loading account information" +msgstr "ಖಾತೆ ಮಾಹಿತಿಯನ್ನು ಲೋಡ್ ಮಾಡು" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:5 msgid "" "To add a new account, you first have to install a backend for each protocol " "you want to use." @@ -3078,121 +3297,118 @@ "ಒಂದು ಹೊಸ ಖಾತೆಯನ್ನು ಸೇರಿಸಲು, ಮೊದಲು ನೀವು ಬಳಸಲು ಬಯಸುವ ಪ್ರತಿ ಪ್ರೋಟೋಕಾಲ್‌ಗೂ ಒಂದು " "ಬ್ಯಾಕ್ಎಂಡ್‌ ಅನ್ನು ಅನುಸ್ಥಾಪಿಸಬೇಕು." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:5 -msgid "_Add…" -msgstr "ಸೇರಿಸು (_A)…" - #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:6 -#| msgid "Import" -msgid "_Import…" -msgstr "ಆಮದು (_I)..." +#| msgid "No protocol installed" +msgid "No protocol backends installed" +msgstr "ಯಾವುದೆ ಪ್ರೊಟೋಕಾಲ್‌ ಬ್ಯಾಕೆಂಡುಗಳನ್ನು ಅನುಸ್ಥಾಪಿಸಲಾಗಿಲ್ಲ" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:243 -#| msgid "- Empathy IM Client" +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:288 msgid " - Empathy authentication client" msgstr " - Empathy ದೃಢೀಕರಣ ಕ್ಲೈಂಟ್" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:259 -#| msgid "Authentication failed" +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:304 msgid "Empathy authentication client" msgstr "Empathy ದೃಢೀಕರಣ ಕ್ಲೈಂಟ್" -#: ../src/empathy-auto-salut-account-helper.c:83 -msgid "People nearby" -msgstr "ಹತ್ತಿರದ ಜನರು" - -#: ../src/empathy-av.c:118 -#| msgid "- Empathy IM Client" +#: ../src/empathy-av.c:118 ../src/empathy-call.c:201 msgid "- Empathy Audio/Video Client" msgstr "- Empathy ಆಡಿಯೊ/ವೀಡಿಯೊ ಕ್ಲೈಂಟ್" -#: ../src/empathy-av.c:134 -#| msgid "Empathy IM Client" +#: ../src/empathy-av.c:134 ../src/empathy-call.c:223 msgid "Empathy Audio/Video Client" msgstr "Empathy ಆಡಿಯೊ/ವೀಡಿಯೊ ಕ್ಲೈಂಟ್" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:479 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:434 msgid "Contrast" msgstr "ವೈದೃಶ್ಯ" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:482 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:437 msgid "Brightness" msgstr "ಪ್ರಕಾಶ" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:485 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:440 msgid "Gamma" msgstr "ಗಾಮಾ" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:590 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:547 msgid "Volume" msgstr "ಧ್ವನಿಯ ಪ್ರಮಾಣ" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1165 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1099 msgid "_Sidebar" msgstr "ಬದಿಯ ಪಟ್ಟಿ(_S)" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1185 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1119 msgid "Audio input" msgstr "ಆಡಿಯೋ ಇನ್‌ಪುಟ್" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1189 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1123 msgid "Video input" msgstr "ವೀಡಿಯೋ ಇನ್‌ಪುಟ್" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1193 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1131 msgid "Dialpad" msgstr "ಡಯಲ್‍ಪ್ಯಾಡ್" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1198 -#| msgid "Contact Details" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1142 msgid "Details" msgstr "ವಿವರಗಳು" #. translators: Call is a noun and %s is the contact name. This string #. * is used in the window title -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1267 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1211 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1889 #, c-format msgid "Call with %s" msgstr "%s ರವರೊಂದಿಗೆ ಕರೆ ಮಾಡು" -#. translators: Call is a noun. This string is used in the window -#. * title -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1346 -msgid "Call" -msgstr "ಕರೆ" - -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1500 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1444 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2133 msgid "The IP address as seen by the machine" msgstr "ಗಣಕಕ್ಕೆ ಕಾಣಿಸುವ IP ವಿಳಾಸ" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1502 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1446 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2135 msgid "The IP address as seen by a server on the Internet" msgstr "ಅಂತರಜಾಲದಲ್ಲಿನ ಒಂದು ಪರಿಚಾರಕದಿಂದ ನೋಡಿದಾಗ ಕಾಣಿಸುವ IP ವಿಳಾಸ" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1504 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1448 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2137 msgid "The IP address of the peer as seen by the other side" msgstr "ಇನ್ನೊಂದು ಬದಿಯಿಂದ ನೋಡಿದಾಗ ಕಾಣಿಸುವ ಪೀರ್ IP ವಿಳಾಸ" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1506 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1450 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2139 msgid "The IP address of a relay server" msgstr "ರಿಲೆ ಪರಿಚಾರಕದ IP ವಿಳಾಸ" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1508 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1452 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2141 msgid "The IP address of the multicast group" msgstr "ಮಲ್ಟಿಕ್ಯಾಸ್ಟ್‍ ಗುಂಪಿನ IP ವಿಳಾಸ" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1837 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1840 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1843 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1846 +#| msgid "Unknown" +msgctxt "codec" +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "ಗೊತ್ತಿಲ್ಲದ" + #. Translators: number of minutes:seconds the caller has been connected -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2259 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2138 #, c-format msgid "Connected — %d:%02dm" msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕಿತಗೊಂಡಿದೆ — %d:%02dm" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2320 -#| msgid "Contact Details" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2199 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2992 msgid "Technical Details" msgstr "ತಾಂತ್ರಿಕ ವಿವರಗಳು" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2358 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2237 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3031 #, c-format msgid "" "%s's software does not understand any of the audio formats supported by your " @@ -3201,7 +3417,8 @@ "%s ತಂತ್ರಾಂಶವು ನಿಮ್ಮ ಗಣಕದಿಂದ ಬೆಂಬಲಿಸಲಾಗುವ ಯಾವುದೆ ಆಡಿಯೊ ತಂತ್ರಾಂಶವನ್ನು ಅರ್ಥ " "ಮಾಡಿಕೊಳ್ಳುವುದಿಲ್ಲ" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2363 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2242 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3036 #, c-format msgid "" "%s's software does not understand any of the video formats supported by your " @@ -3210,7 +3427,8 @@ "%s ತಂತ್ರಾಂಶವು ನಿಮ್ಮ ಗಣಕದಿಂದ ಬೆಂಬಲಿಸಲಾಗುವ ಯಾವುದೆ ವೀಡಿಯೊ ತಂತ್ರಾಂಶವನ್ನು ಅರ್ಥ " "ಮಾಡಿಕೊಳ್ಳುವುದಿಲ್ಲ" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2369 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2248 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3042 #, c-format msgid "" "Can't establish a connection to %s. One of you might be on a network that " @@ -3219,368 +3437,465 @@ "%s ದೊಂದಿಗೆ ಸಂಪರ್ಕವನ್ನು ಸಾಧಿಸಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗಿಲ್ಲ. ಬಹುಷಃ ನಿಮ್ಮಲ್ಲಿ ಒಬ್ಬರು, ನೇರವಾದ " "ಸಂಪರ್ಕಗಳಿಗೆ ಅನುಮತಿ ನೀಡದೆ ಇರುವ ಜಾಲಬಂಧದಲ್ಲಿ ಇದ್ದೀರ ಎಂದು ತೋರುತ್ತಿದೆ." -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2375 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2254 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3048 msgid "There was a failure on the network" msgstr "ಜಾಲಬಂಧದಲ್ಲಿ ಒಂದು ವಿಫಲತೆ ಎದುರಾಗಿದೆ" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2379 -msgid "The audio formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" -msgstr "ಈ ಕರೆಗಾಗಿ ಅಗತ್ಯವಿರುವ ಆಡಿಯೊ ಫಾರ್ಮ್ಯಾಟ್‌ಗಳನ್ನು ನಿಮ್ಮ ಗಣಕದಲ್ಲಿ ಅನುಸ್ಥಾಪಿಸಲಾಗಿಲ್ಲ" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2258 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3052 +msgid "" +"The audio formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" +msgstr "" +"ಈ ಕರೆಗಾಗಿ ಅಗತ್ಯವಿರುವ ಆಡಿಯೊ ಫಾರ್ಮ್ಯಾಟ್‌ಗಳನ್ನು ನಿಮ್ಮ ಗಣಕದಲ್ಲಿ ಅನುಸ್ಥಾಪಿಸಲಾಗಿಲ್ಲ" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2382 -msgid "The video formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2261 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3055 +msgid "" +"The video formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" msgstr "" "ಈ ಕರೆಗಾಗಿ ಅಗತ್ಯವಿರುವ ವೀಡಿಯೊ ಫಾರ್ಮ್ಯಾಟ್‌ಗಳನ್ನು ನಿಮ್ಮ ಗಣಕದಲ್ಲಿ ಅನುಸ್ಥಾಪಿಸಲಾಗಿಲ್ಲ" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2392 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2271 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3067 #, c-format msgid "" "Something unexpected happened in a Telepathy component. Please report this bug and attach logs gathered from the 'Debug' window in " "the Help menu." msgstr "" -"ಟೆಲಿಪತಿಯ ಘಟಕದಲ್ಲಿ ಏನೋ ಅನಿರೀಕ್ಷಿತವಾದ ಘಟನೆಯು ಸಂಭವಿಸಿದೆ. ದಯವಿಟ್ಟು ಈ ದೋಷವನ್ನು ವರದಿ ಮಾಡಿ ಹಾಗು ನೆರವು ಎಂಬ ಮೆನುವಿನಲ್ಲಿರುವ \"ದೋಷನಿವಾರಣೆ\" ವಿಂಡೋದಲ್ಲಿ " +"ಟೆಲಿಪತಿಯ ಘಟಕದಲ್ಲಿ ಏನೋ ಅನಿರೀಕ್ಷಿತವಾದ ಘಟನೆಯು ಸಂಭವಿಸಿದೆ. ದಯವಿಟ್ಟು " +"ಈ " +"ದೋಷವನ್ನು ವರದಿ ಮಾಡಿ ಹಾಗು ನೆರವು ಎಂಬ ಮೆನುವಿನಲ್ಲಿರುವ \"ದೋಷನಿವಾರಣೆ\" " +"ವಿಂಡೋದಲ್ಲಿ " "ಸಂಗ್ರಹಿಸಲಾದ ದಾಖಲೆಗಳನ್ನು ಲಗತ್ತಿಸಿ." -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2400 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2279 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3076 msgid "There was a failure in the call engine" msgstr "ಕರೆಯ ಎಂಜಿನ್‌ನಲ್ಲಿ ಒಂದು ವಿಫಲತೆ ಇದೆ" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2403 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2282 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3079 msgid "The end of the stream was reached" msgstr "ಸ್ಟ್ರೀಮ್‌ನ ಕೊನೆಗೆ ತಲುಪಿದೆ" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2443 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2322 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3119 msgid "Can't establish audio stream" msgstr "ಆಡಿಯೊ ಸ್ಟ್ರೀಮ್ ಅನ್ನು ಆರಂಭಿಸಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗಿಲ್ಲ" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2453 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2332 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3129 msgid "Can't establish video stream" msgstr "ವೀಡಿಯೊ ಸ್ಟ್ರೀಮ್ ಅನ್ನು ಆರಂಭಿಸಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗಿಲ್ಲ" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:1 -#| msgid "Send Audio" -msgid "Audio" -msgstr "ಆಡಿಯೋ" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:2 -#| msgid "Compact contact list" -msgid "Call the contact again" -msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕಕ್ಕೆ ಇನ್ನೊಮ್ಮೆ ಕರೆ ಮಾಡು" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Call" +msgstr "ಕರೆ ಮಾಡು(_C)" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Camera Off" -msgstr "ಕ್ಯಾಮೆರಾ ಚಾಲನೆಯಲ್ಲಿಲ್ಲ" +msgid "_Microphone" +msgstr "ಮೈಕ್ರೊಫೋನ್ (_M)" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:4 -msgid "Camera On" -msgstr "ಕ್ಯಾಮೆರಾ ಚಾಲನೆಯಲ್ಲಿದೆ" +#| msgid "Camera On" +msgid "_Camera" +msgstr "ಕ್ಯಾಮೆರಾ (_C)" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:5 -msgid "Decoding Codec:" -msgstr "ಡೀಕೋಡಿಂಗ್ ಕೋಡೆಕ್:" +#| msgid "Geoclue Settings" +msgid "_Settings" +msgstr "ಸಿದ್ಧತೆಗಳು (_S)" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:6 -msgid "Disable camera and stop sending video" -msgstr "ಕ್ಯಾಮರಾವನ್ನು ಅಶಕ್ತಗೊಳಿಸು ಹಾಗು ವೀಡಿಯೊವನ್ನು ಕಳುಹಿಸುವುದನ್ನು ನಿಲ್ಲಿಸು" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:8 +msgid "_View" +msgstr "ನೋಟ(_V)" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:7 -msgid "Enable camera and send video" -msgstr "ಕ್ಯಾಮರಾವನ್ನು ಶಕ್ತಗೊಳಿಸು ಹಾಗು ವೀಡಿಯೊವನ್ನು ಕಳುಹಿಸು" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:7 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:27 +msgid "_Help" +msgstr "ನೆರವು(_H)" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:8 -msgid "Enable camera but don't send video" -msgstr "ಕ್ಯಾಮರಾವನ್ನು ಶಕ್ತಗೊಳಿಸು ಆದರೆ ವೀಡಿಯೊವನ್ನು ಕಳುಹಿಸಬೇಡ" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:8 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:18 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:28 +msgid "_Contents" +msgstr "ಒಳ ವಿಷಯಗಳು(_C)" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:9 -msgid "Encoding Codec:" -msgstr "ಎನ್ಕೋಡಿಂಗ್ ಕೋಡೆಕ್:" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:29 +msgid "_Debug" +msgstr "ದೋಷ ನಿವಾರಣೆ(_Debug)" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:10 -msgid "Hang up" -msgstr "ಹ್ಯಾಂಗ್ ಮಾಡು" +msgid "Swap camera" +msgstr "ಕ್ಯಾಮೆರವನ್ನು ಅದಲುಬದಲು ಮಾಡಿ" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:11 -msgid "Hang up current call" -msgstr "ಪ್ರಸಕ್ತ ಕರೆಯನ್ನು ಕೊಂಚ ಸಮಯ ತಡೆಹಿಡಿ" +msgid "Minimise me" +msgstr "ನನ್ನನ್ನು ಚಿಕ್ಕದಾಗಿಸು" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:12 -msgid "Local Candidate:" -msgstr "ಸ್ಥಳೀಯ ಅಬ್ಯರ್ಥಿ:" +msgid "Maximise me" +msgstr "ನನ್ನನ್ನು ದೊಡ್ಡದಾಗಿಸು" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:13 -#| msgid "Video preview" -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "ಮುನ್ನೋಟ" +#| msgid "_Disable" +msgid "Disable camera" +msgstr "ಕ್ಯಾಮರಾವನ್ನು ಅಶಕ್ತಗೊಳಿಸು" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:14 -msgid "Redial" -msgstr "ಮರಳಿ ಡಯಲ್ ಮಾಡು" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:2 +msgid "Hang up" +msgstr "ಹ್ಯಾಂಗ್ ಮಾಡು" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:15 -msgid "Remote Candidate:" -msgstr "ದೂರಸ್ಥ ಅಬ್ಯರ್ಥಿ:" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:9 +msgid "Hang up current call" +msgstr "ಪ್ರಸಕ್ತ ಕರೆಯನ್ನು ಕೊಂಚ ಸಮಯ ತಡೆಹಿಡಿ" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:16 -msgid "Send Audio" -msgstr "ಆಡಿಯೋ ಅನ್ನು ಕಳುಹಿಸು" +#| msgctxt "menu item" +#| msgid "_Video Call" +msgid "Video call" +msgstr "ವೀಡಿಯೊ ಕರೆ" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:17 -msgid "Toggle audio transmission" -msgstr "ಆಡಿಯೊ ವರ್ಗಾವಣೆಯನ್ನು ಟಾಗಲ್ ಮಾಡು" +msgid "Start a video call" +msgstr "ವೀಡಿಯೊ ಕರೆಯನ್ನು ಆರಂಭಿಸು" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:19 -msgid "V_ideo" -msgstr "ವೀಡಿಯೋ (_i)" +msgid "Start an audio call" +msgstr "ಆಡಿಯೊ ಕರೆಯನ್ನು ಆರಂಭಿಸು" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:20 -#| msgid "Video input" -msgid "Video" -msgstr "ವೀಡಿಯೋ" +#| msgid "Dialpad" +msgid "Show dialpad" +msgstr "ಡಯಲ್‍ಪ್ಯಾಡನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸು" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:21 -#| msgid "Video input" -msgid "Video Off" -msgstr "ವೀಡಿಯೋ ಆಫ್‌" +msgid "Display the dialpad" +msgstr "ಡಯಲ್ಪ್ಯಾಡ್ ಅನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸು" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:22 -#| msgid "Video input" -msgid "Video On" -msgstr "ವೀಡಿಯೋ ಆನ್‌" +#| msgid "Send _Video" +msgid "Send Video" +msgstr "ವಿಡಿಯೋವನ್ನು ಕಳುಹಿಸು" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:23 -#| msgid "Video preview" -msgid "Video Preview" -msgstr "ವೀಡಿಯೊ ಮುನ್ನೋಟ" +#| msgid "Toggle audio transmission" +msgid "Toggle video transmission" +msgstr "ವಿಡಿಯೊ ವರ್ಗಾವಣೆಯನ್ನು ಟಾಗಲ್ ಮಾಡು" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:24 -msgid "_Call" -msgstr "ಕರೆ ಮಾಡು(_C)" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:11 +msgid "Send Audio" +msgstr "ಆಡಿಯೋ ಅನ್ನು ಕಳುಹಿಸು" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:25 ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:29 -msgid "_View" -msgstr "ನೋಟ(_V)" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:25 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:12 +msgid "Toggle audio transmission" +msgstr "ಆಡಿಯೊ ವರ್ಗಾವಣೆಯನ್ನು ಟಾಗಲ್ ಮಾಡು" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:27 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:20 +msgid "Encoding Codec:" +msgstr "ಎನ್ಕೋಡಿಂಗ್ ಕೋಡೆಕ್:" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:28 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:21 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2542 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2543 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2544 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2545 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "ಗೊತ್ತಿಲ್ಲದ" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:29 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:22 +msgid "Decoding Codec:" +msgstr "ಡೀಕೋಡಿಂಗ್ ಕೋಡೆಕ್:" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:30 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:23 +msgid "Remote Candidate:" +msgstr "ದೂರಸ್ಥ ಅಬ್ಯರ್ಥಿ:" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:31 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:24 +msgid "Local Candidate:" +msgstr "ಸ್ಥಳೀಯ ಅಬ್ಯರ್ಥಿ:" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:32 ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:24 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:25 +msgid "Audio" +msgstr "ಆಡಿಯೋ" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:289 +#| msgid "Hide the main window." +msgid "Close this window?" +msgstr "ಈ ವಿಂಡೋವನ್ನು ಮುಚ್ಚಬೇಕೆ?" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:294 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Closing this window will leave %s. You will not receive any further messages " +"until you rejoin it." +msgstr "" +"ಈ ಕಿಟಕಿಯನ್ನು ಮುಚ್ಚುವುದರಿಂದ ನೀವು %s ಇಂದ ನಿರ್ಗಮಿಸಿದಂತಾಗುತ್ತದೆ. ಅದನ್ನು ಮರಳಿ " +"ಸೇರುವವರೆಗೆ ನಿಮಗೆ ಯಾವುದೆ ಸಂದೇಶಗಳು ದೊರೆಯುವುದಿಲ್ಲ." + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:305 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Closing this window will leave a chat room. You will not receive any further " +"messages until you rejoin it." +msgid_plural "" +"Closing this window will leave %u chat rooms. You will not receive any " +"further messages until you rejoin them." +msgstr[0] "" +"ಈ ಕಿಟಕಿಯನ್ನು ಮುಚ್ಚುವುದರಿಂದ ನೀವು ಚಾಟ್‌ ಕೋಣೆಯಿಂದ ನಿರ್ಗಮಿಸಿದಂತಾಗುತ್ತದೆ. ಅದನ್ನು " +"ಮರಳಿ ಸೇರುವವರೆಗೆ ನಿಮಗೆ ಯಾವುದೆ ಸಂದೇಶಗಳು ದೊರೆಯುವುದಿಲ್ಲ." +msgstr[1] "" +"ಈ ಕಿಟಕಿಯನ್ನು ಮುಚ್ಚುವುದರಿಂದ ನೀವು %u ಚಾಟ್‌ ಕೋಣೆಗಳಿಂದ ನಿರ್ಗಮಿಸಿದಂತಾಗುತ್ತದೆ. " +"ಅದನ್ನು ಮರಳಿ ಸೇರುವವರೆಗೆ ನಿಮಗೆ ಯಾವುದೆ ಸಂದೇಶಗಳು ದೊರೆಯುವುದಿಲ್ಲ." + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:314 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Level " +msgid "Leave %s?" +msgstr "%s ಇಂದ ನಿರ್ಗಮಿಸಬೇಕೆ?" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:315 +msgid "" +"You will not receive any further messages from this chat room until you " +"rejoin it." +msgstr "" +"ಈ ಚಾಟ್‌ ಕೋಣೆಗೆ ನೀವು ಮರಳಿ ಸೇರುವವರೆಗೆ ನಿಮಗೆ ಇದರಿಂದ ಯಾವುದೆ ಸಂದೇಶಗಳು " +"ದೊರೆಯುವುದಿಲ್ಲ." + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:334 +msgid "Close window" +msgstr "ಕಿಟಕಿಯನ್ನು ಮುಚ್ಚು" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:334 +#| msgid "Level " +msgid "Leave room" +msgstr "ಕೋಣೆಯಿಂದ ನಿರ್ಗಮಿಸು" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:472 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:492 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:640 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:660 #, c-format msgid "%s (%d unread)" msgid_plural "%s (%d unread)" msgstr[0] "%s (ಓದದೆ ಇರುವ %d)" msgstr[1] "%s (ಓದದೆ ಇರುವ %d)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:484 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:652 #, c-format msgid "%s (and %u other)" msgid_plural "%s (and %u others)" msgstr[0] "%s (ಹಾಗು %u ಇತರರು)" msgstr[1] "%s (ಹಾಗು %u ಇತರರು)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:500 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:668 #, c-format msgid "%s (%d unread from others)" msgid_plural "%s (%d unread from others)" msgstr[0] "%s (ಬೇರೆಯವರಿಂದ ಓದಲಾದ %d )" msgstr[1] "%s (ಬೇರೆಯವರಿಂದ ಓದಲಾದ %d )" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:509 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:677 #, c-format msgid "%s (%d unread from all)" msgid_plural "%s (%d unread from all)" msgstr[0] "%s (ಎಲ್ಲರಿಂದಲೂ ಓದದೆ ಇರುವ %d)" msgstr[1] "%s (ಎಲ್ಲರಿಂದಲೂ ಓದದೆ ಇರುವ %d)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:711 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:892 +msgid "SMS:" +msgstr "SMS:" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:902 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Typing a message." +msgid "Sending %d message" +msgid_plural "Sending %d messages" +msgstr[0] "%d ಸಂದೇಶವನ್ನು ಕಳುಹಿಸಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ" +msgstr[1] "%d ಸಂದೇಶಗಳನ್ನು ಕಳುಹಿಸಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:924 msgid "Typing a message." msgstr "ಒಂದು ಸಂದೇಶವನ್ನು ನಮೂದಿಸಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ." #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:1 -msgid "C_lear" -msgstr "ಅಳಿಸು(_l)" +msgid "_Conversation" +msgstr "ಸಂಭಾಷಣೆ(_C)" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:2 -#| msgid "Contact" -msgid "C_ontact" -msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸ (_o)" +msgid "C_lear" +msgstr "ಅಳಿಸು(_l)" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Chat" -msgstr "ಚಾಟ್" - -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:4 msgid "Insert _Smiley" msgstr "ಸ್ಮೈಲಿಯನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸು(_S)" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Favorite Chat Room" +msgstr "ಅಚ್ಚುಮೆಚ್ಚಿನ ಚಾಟ್‌ರೂಮ್ (_F)" + #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:5 -msgid "Invite _Participant…" -msgstr "ಪಾಲ್ಗೊಳ್ಳುವವರನ್ನು ಆಹ್ವಾನಿಸು (_P)…" +msgid "Notify for All Messages" +msgstr "ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಸಂದೇಶಗಳಿಗಾಗಿ ಸೂಚಿಸು" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:6 -msgid "Move Tab _Left" -msgstr "ಹಾಳೆಯನ್ನು ಎಡಕ್ಕೆ ಜರುಗಿಸು(_L)" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:6 ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Show Contact List" +msgstr "ವಿಳಾಸಗಳ ಪಟ್ಟಿಯನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸು(_S)" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:7 -msgid "Move Tab _Right" -msgstr "ಹಾಳೆಯನ್ನು ಬಲಕ್ಕೆ ಜರುಗಿಸು(_R)" +msgid "Invite _Participant…" +msgstr "ಪಾಲ್ಗೊಳ್ಳುವವರನ್ನು ಆಹ್ವಾನಿಸು (_P)…" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:8 -msgid "Notify for All Messages" -msgstr "ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಸಂದೇಶಗಳಿಗಾಗಿ ಸೂಚಿಸು" - -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:9 ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:17 -msgid "_Contents" -msgstr "ಒಳ ವಿಷಯಗಳು(_C)" +msgid "C_ontact" +msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸ (_o)" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:10 -msgid "_Conversation" -msgstr "ಸಂಭಾಷಣೆ(_C)" +msgid "_Tabs" +msgstr "ಟ್ಯಾಬ್‌ಗಳು(_T)" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:11 -msgid "_Detach Tab" -msgstr "ಹಾಳೆಯನ್ನು ಕಿತ್ತುಹಾಕು (_D)" +msgid "_Previous Tab" +msgstr "ಹಿಂದಿನ ಟ್ಯಾಬ್(_P)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:12 ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:19 -msgid "_Edit" -msgstr "ಸಂಪಾದಿಸು(_E)" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:12 +msgid "_Next Tab" +msgstr "ಮುಂದಿನ ಟ್ಯಾಬ್(_P)" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:13 -#| msgid "_Favorite Chatroom" -msgid "_Favorite Chat Room" -msgstr "ಅಚ್ಚುಮೆಚ್ಚಿನ ಚಾಟ್‌ರೂಮ್ (_F)" +msgid "_Undo Close Tab" +msgstr "ಹಾಳೆಯನ್ನು ಮರಳಿ ಕಾಣಿಸು (_U)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:14 ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:21 -msgid "_Help" -msgstr "ನೆರವು(_H)" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:14 +msgid "Move Tab _Left" +msgstr "ಹಾಳೆಯನ್ನು ಎಡಕ್ಕೆ ಜರುಗಿಸು(_L)" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:15 -msgid "_Next Tab" -msgstr "ಮುಂದಿನ ಟ್ಯಾಬ್(_P)" +msgid "Move Tab _Right" +msgstr "ಹಾಳೆಯನ್ನು ಬಲಕ್ಕೆ ಜರುಗಿಸು(_R)" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:16 -msgid "_Previous Tab" -msgstr "ಹಿಂದಿನ ಟ್ಯಾಬ್(_P)" - -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:17 ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:5 -msgid "_Show Contact List" -msgstr "ವಿಳಾಸಗಳ ಪಟ್ಟಿಯನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸು(_S)" - -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:18 -msgid "_Tabs" -msgstr "ಟ್ಯಾಬ್‌ಗಳು(_T)" - -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:19 -msgid "_Undo Close Tab" -msgstr "ಹಾಳೆಯನ್ನು ಮರಳಿ ಕಾಣಿಸು (_U)" +msgid "_Detach Tab" +msgstr "ಹಾಳೆಯನ್ನು ಕಿತ್ತುಹಾಕು (_D)" -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.c:241 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.c:251 msgid "Name" msgstr "ಹೆಸರು" -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.c:259 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.c:269 msgid "Room" msgstr "ರೂಮ್" -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.c:267 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.c:277 msgid "Auto-Connect" msgstr "ತಾನಾಗಿಯೆ ಸಂಪರ್ಕಹೊಂದು" -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:1 msgid "Manage Favorite Rooms" msgstr "ನಿಮ್ಮ ಅಚ್ಚುಮೆಚ್ಚಿನ ರೂಮ್‌ಗಳನ್ನಿ ವ್ಯವಸ್ಥಾಪಿಸಿ" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:507 -#| msgid "Incoming voice call" +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 msgid "Incoming video call" msgstr "ಬರುತ್ತಿರುವ ವೀಡಿಯೊ ಕರೆ" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:507 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1519 msgid "Incoming call" msgstr "ಬರುತ್ತಿರುವ ಕರೆ" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:511 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:526 #, c-format -#| msgid "%s is calling you, do you want to answer?" msgid "%s is video calling you. Do you want to answer?" msgstr "%s ನಿಮಗೆ ವೀಡಿಯೊ ಕರೆ ಮಾಡುತ್ತಿದ್ದಾರೆ, ನೀವು ಉತ್ತರಿಸಲು ಬಯಸುತ್ತೀರೆ?" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:512 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:527 #, c-format -#| msgid "%s is calling you, do you want to answer?" msgid "%s is calling you. Do you want to answer?" msgstr "%s ನಿಮಗೆ ಕರೆ ಮಾಡುತ್ತಿದ್ದಾರೆ, ನೀವು ಉತ್ತರಿಸಲು ಬಯಸುತ್ತೀರೆ?" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:515 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:660 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:530 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "Incoming call from %s" msgstr "%s ಇಂದ ಕರೆ ಬರುತ್ತಿದೆ" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:540 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:555 msgid "_Reject" msgstr "ತಿರಸ್ಕರಿಸು(_R)" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:546 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:563 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 msgid "_Answer" -msgstr "ಉತ್ತರ(_A)" +msgstr "ಉತ್ತರ (_A)" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:660 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 +msgid "_Answer with video" +msgstr "ವೀಡಿಯೊದೊಂದಿಗೆ ಉತ್ತರಿಸು (_A)" + +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 #, c-format -#| msgid "Incoming call from %s" msgid "Incoming video call from %s" msgstr "%s ಇಂದ ಬರುತ್ತಿರುವ ವೀಡಿಯೊ ಕರೆ" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:737 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:837 msgid "Room invitation" msgstr "ರೂಮಿನ ಆಹ್ವಾನ" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:739 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:839 #, c-format -#| msgid "%s invited you to join %s" msgid "Invitation to join %s" msgstr "%s ಅನ್ನು ಸೇರಲು ಆಹ್ವಾನ" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:746 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:846 #, c-format msgid "%s is inviting you to join %s" msgstr "%s ನಿಮ್ಮನ್ನು %s ಗೆ ಸೇರುವಂತೆ ಆಹ್ವಾನಿಸುತ್ತಿದ್ದಾರೆ" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:754 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:854 msgid "_Decline" msgstr "ತಿರಸ್ಕರಿಸು(_D)" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:759 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:7 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:859 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:2 msgid "_Join" msgstr "ಸೇರ್ಪಡೆಯಾಗು(_J)" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:786 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:886 #, c-format msgid "%s invited you to join %s" msgstr "%s ನಿಮ್ಮನ್ನು %s ಗೆ ಸೇರುವಂತೆ ಆಹ್ವಾನಿಸಿದ್ದಾರೆ" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:792 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:892 #, c-format -#| msgid "%s invited you to join %s" msgid "You have been invited to join %s" msgstr "%s ಗೆ ಸೇರುವಂತೆ ನಿಮ್ಮನ್ನು ಆಹ್ವಾನಿಸಿಲಾಗಿದೆ" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:843 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:943 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file transfer from %s" msgstr "%s ಇಂದ ಕಡತದ ವರ್ಗಾವಣೆ" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1013 ../src/empathy-main-window.c:370 -#| msgid "Password:" +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1146 ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:374 msgid "Password required" msgstr "ಗುಪ್ತಪದದ ಅಗತ್ಯವಿದೆ:" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1069 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1216 #, c-format msgid "%s would like permission to see when you are online" msgstr "" "ನೀವು ಯಾವಾಗ ಆನ್‌ಲೈನ್‌ನಲ್ಲಿ ಇರುತ್ತೀರಿ ಎಂದು ತಿಳಿಯಲು %s ರವರು ನಿಮ್ಮ ಅನುಮತಿಯನ್ನು " "ಕೋರಿದ್ದಾರೆ" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1073 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1222 #, c-format msgid "" "\n" @@ -3666,7 +3981,7 @@ msgid "File transfer completed" msgstr "ಕಡತದ ವರ್ಗಾವಣೆ ಪೂರ್ಣಗೊಂಡಿದೆ" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:615 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:782 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:615 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:779 msgid "Waiting for the other participant's response" msgstr "ಭಾಗಿಯಾದ ಇತರರ ಪ್ರತ್ಯುತ್ತರಕ್ಕಾಗಿ ಕಾಯಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ" @@ -3680,15 +3995,15 @@ msgid "Hashing \"%s\"" msgstr "\"%s\" ಅನ್ನು ಹ್ಯಾಶ್ ಮಾಡಲಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1016 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1025 msgid "%" msgstr "%" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1028 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1037 msgid "File" msgstr "ಕಡತ" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1050 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1059 msgid "Remaining" msgstr "ಬಾಕಿಇರುವ" @@ -3701,7 +4016,12 @@ msgstr "" "ಪೂರ್ಣಗೊಂಡ, ರದ್ದುಗೊಳಿಸಲಾದ ಹಾಗು ವಿಫಲಗೊಂಡ ಕಡತವರ್ಗಾವಣೆಗಳನ್ನು ಪಟ್ಟಿಯಿಂದ ತೆಗೆದು ಹಾಕು" -#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:84 +#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:76 +#| msgid "Import" +msgid "_Import" +msgstr "ಆಮದು (_I)" + +#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:88 msgid "" "No accounts to import could be found. Empathy currently only supports " "importing accounts from Pidgin." @@ -3709,180 +4029,201 @@ "ಆಮದು ಮಾಡಲು ಯಾವುದೆ ಖಾತೆಯು ದೊರೆತಿಲ್ಲ. Empathy ಯು ಪ್ರಸಕ್ತ ಕೇವಲ Pidgin ಇಂದ ಮಾತ್ರ " "ಖಾತೆಗಳನ್ನು ಆಮದು ಮಾಡಬಲ್ಲದು." -#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:199 +#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:209 msgid "Import Accounts" msgstr "ಖಾತೆಗಳನ್ನು ಆಮದು ಮಾಡಿಕೊಳ್ಳಿ" #. Translators: this is the header of a treeview column -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:301 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:316 msgid "Import" msgstr "ಆಮದು" -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:310 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:325 msgid "Protocol" msgstr "ಪ್ರೊಟೋಕಾಲ್" -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:334 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:349 msgid "Source" msgstr "ಮೂಲ" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:387 -#| msgid "Password:" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:391 msgid "Provide Password" msgstr "ಗುಪ್ತಪದವನ್ನು ಒದಗಿಸಿ" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:393 -#| msgid "Disconnected" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:397 msgid "Disconnect" msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ಕಡಿದು ಹಾಕು" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:533 -#| msgid "No topic defined" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:657 +msgid "You need to setup an account to see contacts here." +msgstr "" +"ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸಗಳು ಇಲ್ಲಿ ಕಾಣಿಸಬೇಕೆಂದರೆ ನೀವು ಒಂದು ಖಾತೆಯನ್ನು ಸಿದ್ಧಗೊಳಿಸಬೇಕು." + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:673 msgid "No match found" msgstr "ಯಾವುದೂ ತಾಳೆಯಾಗುತ್ತಿಲ್ಲ" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:688 -#| msgid "Disconnected" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:783 +#, c-format +msgid "Sorry, %s accounts can’t be used until your %s software is updated." +msgstr "" +"ಕ್ಷಮಿಸಿ,%s ಖಾತೆಯನ್ನು %s ತಂತ್ರಾಂಶವು ಅಪ್‌ಡೇಟ್ ಆಗುವವರೆಗೆ ಬಳಸಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಿರುವುದಿಲ್ಲ." + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:849 +msgid "Update software..." +msgstr "ತಂತ್ರಾಂಶವನ್ನು ಅಪ್‌ಡೇಟ್ ಮಾಡು..." + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:855 ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:972 +msgid "Close" +msgstr "ಸ್ವಚ್ಛಗೊಳಿಸು" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:960 msgid "Reconnect" msgstr "ಮರಳಿ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ಜೋಡಿಸು" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:694 -#| msgid "_Edit account" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:966 msgid "Edit Account" msgstr "ಖಾತೆಯನ್ನು ಸಂಪಾದಿಸು" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:700 -#| msgid "Clean" -msgid "Close" -msgstr "ಸ್ವಚ್ಛಗೊಳಿಸು" +#. Translators: this string will be something like: +#. * Top up My Account ($1.23)..." +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1110 +#, c-format +msgid "Top up %s (%s)..." +msgstr "%s ಟಾಪ್ ಅಪ್ (%s)..." + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1156 +#| msgid "Salut account is created" +msgid "Top up account credit" +msgstr "ಖಾತೆಯ ಕ್ರೆಡಿಟ್ ಅನ್ನು ಟಾಪ್ ಅಪ್ ಮಾಡಿ" + +#. top up button +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1228 +msgid "Top Up..." +msgstr "ಟಾಪ್ ಅಪ್..." -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1418 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1952 msgid "Contact" msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸ" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1765 -msgid "Contact List" -msgstr "ವಿಳಾಸ ಪಟ್ಟಿ" - -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1881 -msgid "Show and edit accounts" -msgstr "ಖಾತೆಗಳನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸು ಸಂಪಾದಿಸು" - -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:1 -msgid "Contacts on a _Map" -msgstr "ಒಂದು ನಕ್ಷೆಯಲ್ಲಿನ ಸಂಪರ್ಕವಿಳಾಸಗಳು(_M)" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2150 +msgid "You need to enable one of your accounts to see contacts here." +msgstr "" +"ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸಗಳು ಇಲ್ಲಿ ಕಾಣಿಸಬೇಕೆಂದರೆ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಒಂದು ಖಾತೆಯನ್ನು ಸಕ್ರಿಯಗೊಳಿಸಬೇಕು." -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:2 -#| msgid "Contact List" -msgid "Find in Contact _List" -msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕವಿಳಾಸ ಪಟ್ಟಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ಹುಡುಕು (_L)" +#. translators: argument is an account name +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2158 +#, c-format +msgid "You need to enable %s to see contacts here." +msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸಗಳು ಇಲ್ಲಿ ಕಾಣಿಸಬೇಕೆಂದರೆ %s ಅನ್ನು ಸಕ್ರಿಯಗೊಳಿಸಬೇಕು." -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Join _Favorites" -msgstr "ಅಚ್ಚುಮೆಚ್ಚಿನವುಗಳಿಗೆ ಸೇರು(_F)" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2460 +msgid "Contact List" +msgstr "ವಿಳಾಸ ಪಟ್ಟಿ" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:4 -msgid "Manage Favorites" -msgstr "ಅಚ್ಚುಮೆಚ್ಚಿನವುಗಳನ್ನು ವ್ಯವಸ್ಥಾಪಿಸಿ" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.ui.h:1 +#| msgid "Accounts" +msgid "Account settings" +msgstr "ಖಾತೆಯ ಸಿದ್ಧತೆಗಳು" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:5 -msgid "N_ormal Size" -msgstr "ಸಾಮಾನ್ಯ ಗಾತ್ರ(_o)" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:2 +msgid "_New Conversation…" +msgstr "ಹೊಸ ಸಂಭಾಷಣೆ (_N)..." -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:6 ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:3 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:3 msgid "New _Call…" msgstr "ಹೊಸ ಕರೆ (_C)…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:7 -msgid "Normal Size With _Avatars" -msgstr "ಅವತಾರಗಳ ಸಾಮಾನ್ಯ ಗಾತ್ರ(_A)" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Search for Contacts…" +msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕಗಳಿಗಾಗಿ ಹುಡುಕು (_S)..." -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:8 -#| msgid "Preferences" -msgid "P_references" -msgstr "ಆದ್ಯತೆಗಳು (_r)" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:7 +msgid "_File Transfers" +msgstr "ಕಡತದ ವರ್ಗಾವಣೆಗಳು(_F)" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Offline Contacts" +msgstr "ಆಫ್‌ಲೈನ್ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸಗಳು(_O)" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:9 -#| msgid "Protocol" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:9 msgid "Show P_rotocols" msgstr "ಪ್ರೊಟೋಕಾಲ್‌ಗಳನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸು (_r)" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:10 -msgid "Sort by _Name" -msgstr "ಹೆಸರಿನ ಆಧಾರದಲ್ಲಿ ವಿಂಗಡಿಸು(_N)" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:10 +msgid "Credit Balance" +msgstr "ಬಾಕಿ ಇರುವ ಕ್ರೆಡಿಟ್" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:11 -msgid "Sort by _Status" -msgstr "ಸ್ಥಿತಿಯ ಆಧಾರದಲ್ಲಿ ವಿಂಗಡಿಸು(_S)" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:11 +msgid "Contacts on a _Map" +msgstr "ಒಂದು ನಕ್ಷೆಯಲ್ಲಿನ ಸಂಪರ್ಕವಿಳಾಸಗಳು(_M)" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:12 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:13 msgid "_Accounts" msgstr "ಖಾತೆಗಳು(_A)" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:14 -#| msgid "_Offline Contacts" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:14 msgid "_Blocked Contacts" msgstr "ನಿರ್ಬಂಧಿಸಲಾದ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸಗಳು (_B)" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:16 -msgid "_Compact Size" -msgstr "ಸಾಂದ್ರ ಗಾತ್ರ(_C)" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:15 +msgid "P_references" +msgstr "ಆದ್ಯತೆಗಳು (_r)" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:18 -msgid "_Debug" -msgstr "ದೋಷ ನಿವಾರಣೆ(_Debug)" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:16 +msgid "Find in Contact _List" +msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕವಿಳಾಸ ಪಟ್ಟಿಯಲ್ಲಿ ಹುಡುಕು (_L)" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:20 -msgid "_File Transfers" -msgstr "ಕಡತದ ವರ್ಗಾವಣೆಗಳು(_F)" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:18 +msgid "Sort by _Name" +msgstr "ಹೆಸರಿನ ಆಧಾರದಲ್ಲಿ ವಿಂಗಡಿಸು(_N)" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:22 -#| msgid "_Join" -msgid "_Join…" -msgstr "ಸೇರ್ಪಡೆಯಾಗು (_J)..." +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:19 +msgid "Sort by _Status" +msgstr "ಸ್ಥಿತಿಯ ಆಧಾರದಲ್ಲಿ ವಿಂಗಡಿಸು(_S)" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:23 ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:3 -#| msgid "New Conversation" -msgid "_New Conversation…" -msgstr "ಹೊಸ ಸಂಭಾಷಣೆ (_N)..." +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:20 +msgid "Normal Size With _Avatars" +msgstr "ಅವತಾರಗಳ ಸಾಮಾನ್ಯ ಗಾತ್ರ(_A)" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:24 -msgid "_Offline Contacts" -msgstr "ಆಫ್‌ಲೈನ್ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸಗಳು(_O)" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:21 +msgid "N_ormal Size" +msgstr "ಸಾಮಾನ್ಯ ಗಾತ್ರ(_o)" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:25 -msgid "_Personal Information" -msgstr "ವೈಯಕ್ತಿಕ ಮಾಹಿತಿ(_P)" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:22 +msgid "_Compact Size" +msgstr "ಸಾಂದ್ರ ಗಾತ್ರ(_C)" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:27 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:23 msgid "_Room" msgstr "ರೂಮ್(_R)" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:28 -#| msgid "_Show Contact List" -msgid "_Search for Contacts…" -msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕಗಳಿಗಾಗಿ ಹುಡುಕು (_S)..." +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:24 +msgid "_Join…" +msgstr "ಸೇರ್ಪಡೆಯಾಗು (_J)..." + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:25 +msgid "Join _Favorites" +msgstr "ಅಚ್ಚುಮೆಚ್ಚಿನವುಗಳಿಗೆ ಸೇರು(_F)" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:337 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:26 +msgid "Manage Favorites" +msgstr "ಅಚ್ಚುಮೆಚ್ಚಿನವುಗಳನ್ನು ವ್ಯವಸ್ಥಾಪಿಸಿ" + +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:369 msgid "Chat Room" msgstr "ಚಾಟ್ ರೂಮ್‌" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:353 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:385 msgid "Members" msgstr "ಸದಸ್ಯರು" #. Translators: Room/Join's roomlist tooltip. Parameters are a channel name, #. yes/no, yes/no and a number. -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:560 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:637 #, c-format -#| msgctxt "" -#| "Room/Join's roomlist tooltip. Parametersare a channel name, yes/no, yes/" -#| "no and a number." -#| msgid "" -#| "%s\n" -#| "Invite required: %s\n" -#| "Password required: %s\n" -#| "Members: %s" msgid "" "%s\n" "Invite required: %s\n" @@ -3894,29 +4235,39 @@ "ಗುಪ್ತಪದದ ಅಗತ್ಯವಿದೆ: %s\n" "ಸದಸ್ಯರು: %s" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:562 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:563 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:639 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:640 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "ಹೌದು" + +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:639 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:640 msgid "No" msgstr "ಇಲ್ಲ" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:591 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:668 msgid "Could not start room listing" msgstr "ರೂಮ್ ಪಟ್ಟಿಯನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸುವುದನ್ನು ಆರಂಭಿಸಲಾಗಿಲ್ಲ" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:601 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:678 msgid "Could not stop room listing" msgstr "ರೂಮ್ ಪಟ್ಟಿಯನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸುವುದನ್ನು ನಿಲ್ಲಿಸಲಾಗಿಲ್ಲ" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:2 -msgid "Couldn't load room list" -msgstr "ರೂಮ್‌ಗಳ ಪಟ್ಟಿಯನ್ನು ಲೋಡ್ ಮಾಡಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗಿಲ್ಲ" +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:1 +msgid "Join Room" +msgstr "ರೂಮ್ ಅನ್ನು ಸೇರಿ" #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:3 -msgid "Enter the room name to join here or click on one or more rooms in the list." +msgid "" +"Enter the room name to join here or click on one or more rooms in the list." msgstr "" "ಇಲ್ಲಿ ಸೇರಲು ರೂಮ್‌ನ ಹೆಸರನ್ನು ನಮೂದಿಸಿ ಅಥವ ಪಟ್ಟಿಯಿಂದ ಒಂದು ಅಥವ ಹೆಚ್ಚಿನದನ್ನು ಆರಿಸಿ." #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Room:" +msgstr "ರೂಮ್(_R):" + +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:5 msgid "" "Enter the server which hosts the room, or leave it empty if the room is on " "the current account's server" @@ -3924,358 +4275,852 @@ "ರೂಮ್ ಅನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿರುವ ಪರಿಚಾರಕವನ್ನು ನಮೂದಿಸಿ, ಅಥವ ರೂಮ್‌ ಈಗಿನ ಖಾತೆಯು ಇರುವ " "ಪರಿಚಾರಕದಲ್ಲಿದ್ದರೆ ಅದನ್ನು ಖಾಲಿ ಬಿಡಿ" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:5 -msgid "Join Room" -msgstr "ರೂಮ್ ಅನ್ನು ಸೇರಿ" +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:8 +msgid "Couldn't load room list" +msgstr "ರೂಮ್‌ಗಳ ಪಟ್ಟಿಯನ್ನು ಲೋಡ್ ಮಾಡಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗಿಲ್ಲ" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:9 msgid "Room List" msgstr "ರೂಮ್‌ಗಳ ಪಟ್ಟಿ" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:8 -msgid "_Room:" -msgstr "ರೂಮ್(_R):" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:139 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:166 msgid "Message received" msgstr "ಸಂದೇಶವನ್ನು ಸ್ವೀಕರಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:140 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:167 msgid "Message sent" msgstr "ಸಂದೇಶವನ್ನು ಕಳುಹಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:141 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:168 msgid "New conversation" msgstr "ಹೊಸ ಸಂಭಾಷಣೆ" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:142 -msgid "Contact goes online" -msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕವು ಆನ್‌ಲೈನಿಗೆ ತೆರಳಿದ್ದಾರೆ" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:169 +#| msgid "Contact goes online" +msgid "Contact comes online" +msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕವು ಆನ್‌ಲೈನಿಗೆ ಬಂದಾಗ" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:143 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:170 msgid "Contact goes offline" msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕವು ಆಫ್‌ಲೈನಿಗೆ ತೆರಳಿದ್ದಾರೆ" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:144 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:171 msgid "Account connected" msgstr "ಖಾತೆಯೊಂದಿಗೆ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ಜೋಡಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:145 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:172 msgid "Account disconnected" msgstr "ಖಾತೆಯ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ಕಡಿದು ಹೋಗಿದೆ" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:446 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:475 msgid "Language" msgstr "ಭಾಷೆ" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:875 +#. translators: Contact name for the chat theme preview +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:726 +#| msgid "Client:" +msgid "Juliet" +msgstr "ಜ್ಯೂಲಿಯೆಟ್" + +#. translators: Contact name for the chat theme preview +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:733 +#| msgid "Room" +msgid "Romeo" +msgstr "ರೋಮಿಯೊ" + +#. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:739 +msgid "O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:743 +msgid "Deny thy father and refuse thy name;" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:746 +msgid "Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:749 +msgid "And I'll no longer be a Capulet." +msgstr "" + +#. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:752 +msgid "Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:755 +#| msgid "%s has disconnected" +msgid "Juliet has disconnected" +msgstr "ಜ್ಯೂಲಿಯಟ್‌ನೊಂದಿಗಿನ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ಕಡಿದು ಹೋಗಿದೆ" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:1159 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "ಆದ್ಯತೆಗಳು" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:1 -msgid "Appearance" -msgstr "ಗೋಚರಿಕೆ" +msgid "Show _smileys as images" +msgstr "ಸ್ಮೈಲಿಗಳನ್ನು ಚಿತ್ರಗಳಾಗಿ ತೋರಿಸು(_s)" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:2 -msgid "Behavior" -msgstr "ವರ್ತನೆ" +msgid "Show contact _list in rooms" +msgstr "ರೂಮ್‌ಗಳಲ್ಲಿನ ವಿಳಾಸಗಳ ಪಟ್ಟಿಯನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸು(_l)" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:3 -msgid "Chat Th_eme:" -msgstr "ಚಾಟ್‌ ಪರಿಸರವಿನ್ಯಾಸ‌(_e):" +msgid "Appearance" +msgstr "ಗೋಚರಿಕೆ" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:4 -msgid "Disable notifications when _away or busy" -msgstr "ಹೊರಗೆ ಹೋಗಿದ್ದಾಗ ಅಥವ ಕಾರ್ಯನಿರತವಾಗಿದ್ದಾಗ ಸೂಚನೆಗಳನ್ನು ನಿಷ್ಕ್ರಿಯಗೊಳಿಸು(_a)" +msgid "Start chats in:" +msgstr "ಚಾಟ್‌ಗಳನ್ನು ಇಲ್ಲಿ ಆರಂಭಿಸಿ:" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:5 -msgid "Disable sounds when _away or busy" -msgstr "ಹೊರಗೆ ಹೋಗಿದ್ದಾಗ ಅಥವ ಕಾರ್ಯನಿರತವಾಗಿದ್ದಾಗ ಶಬ್ದಗಳನ್ನು ನಿಷ್ಕ್ರಿಯಗೊಳಿಸು(_a)" +msgid "new ta_bs" +msgstr "ಹೊಸ ಪುಟಗಳು (_b)" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:6 -msgid "Display incoming events in the notification area" -msgstr "ಒಳಬರುವ ಘಟನೆಗಳನ್ನು ಸೂಚನಾ ಸ್ಥಳದಲ್ಲಿ ತೋರಿಸು" +msgid "new _windows" +msgstr "ಹೊಸ ಕಿಟಕಿಗಳು (_w)" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:7 -msgid "Enable notifications when a contact comes online" -msgstr "ಒಂದು ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸವು ಆನ್‌ಲೈನ್ ಇದ್ದಲ್ಲಿ ಸೂಚನೆಗಳನ್ನು ನೀಡುವಿಕೆಯನ್ನು ಶಕ್ತಗೊಳಿಸು" +msgid "Display incoming events in the notification area" +msgstr "ಒಳಬರುವ ಘಟನೆಗಳನ್ನು ಸೂಚನಾ ಸ್ಥಳದಲ್ಲಿ ತೋರಿಸು" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:8 -msgid "Enable notifications when a contact goes offline" -msgstr "ಒಂದು ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸವು ಆಫ್‌ಲೈನ್ ಇದ್ದಲ್ಲಿ ಸೂಚನೆಗಳನ್ನು ನೀಡುವಿಕೆಯನ್ನು ಶಕ್ತಗೊಳಿಸು" +msgid "_Automatically connect on startup" +msgstr "ಆರಂಭಗೊಂಡಾಗ ತಾನಾಗಿಯೆ ಸಂಪರ್ಕಹೊಂದು (_A) " #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:9 -msgid "Enable notifications when the _chat is not focused" -msgstr "ಚಾಟ್‌ನ ಮೇಲೆ ಗಮನವನ್ನು ಕೇಂದ್ರೀಕರಿಸದೆ ಇದ್ದಲ್ಲಿ ಸೂಚನೆಯನ್ನು ಶಕ್ತಗೊಳಿಸು(_c)" +msgid "Log conversations" +msgstr "ಸಂಭಾಷಣೆಗಳ ದಾಖಲೆ ಇರಿಸಿಕೊ" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:10 -msgid "Enable spell checking for languages:" -msgstr "ಈ ಭಾಷೆಗಳಿಗಾಗಿ ಕಾಗುಣಿತ ಪರೀಕ್ಷೆಯನ್ನು ಶಕ್ತಗೊಳಿಸು:" +msgid "Behavior" +msgstr "ವರ್ತನೆ" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:11 msgid "General" msgstr "ಸಾಮಾನ್ಯ" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:12 +msgid "_Enable bubble notifications" +msgstr "ಗುಳ್ಳೆಯ ಸೂಚನೆಗಳನ್ನು ಸಕ್ರಿಯಗೊಳಿಸು(_E)" + #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:13 -#| msgid "Location" -msgid "Location sources:" -msgstr "ಸ್ಥಳದ ಮೂಲಗಳು:" +msgid "Disable notifications when _away or busy" +msgstr "ಹೊರಗೆ ಹೋಗಿದ್ದಾಗ ಅಥವ ಕಾರ್ಯನಿರತವಾಗಿದ್ದಾಗ ಸೂಚನೆಗಳನ್ನು ನಿಷ್ಕ್ರಿಯಗೊಳಿಸು(_a)" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:14 -#| msgid "Conversations" -msgid "Log conversations" -msgstr "ಸಂಭಾಷಣೆಗಳ ದಾಖಲೆ ಇರಿಸಿಕೊ" +msgid "Enable notifications when the _chat is not focused" +msgstr "ಚಾಟ್‌ನ ಮೇಲೆ ಗಮನವನ್ನು ಕೇಂದ್ರೀಕರಿಸದೆ ಇದ್ದಲ್ಲಿ ಸೂಚನೆಯನ್ನು ಶಕ್ತಗೊಳಿಸು(_c)" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:15 -msgid "Notifications" -msgstr "ಸೂಚನೆಗಳು" +msgid "Enable notifications when a contact comes online" +msgstr "" +"ಒಂದು ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸವು ಆನ್‌ಲೈನ್ ಇದ್ದಲ್ಲಿ ಸೂಚನೆಗಳನ್ನು ನೀಡುವಿಕೆಯನ್ನು ಶಕ್ತಗೊಳಿಸು" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:16 -msgid "Play sound for events" -msgstr "ಘಟನೆಗಳಿಗಾಗಿ ಶಬ್ಧವನ್ನು ಮಾಡು" +msgid "Enable notifications when a contact goes offline" +msgstr "" +"ಒಂದು ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸವು ಆಫ್‌ಲೈನ್ ಇದ್ದಲ್ಲಿ ಸೂಚನೆಗಳನ್ನು ನೀಡುವಿಕೆಯನ್ನು ಶಕ್ತಗೊಳಿಸು" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:17 -msgid "Privacy" -msgstr "ಗೌಪ್ಯತೆ" +msgid "Notifications" +msgstr "ಸೂಚನೆಗಳು" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:18 -msgid "" -"Reduced location accuracy means that nothing more precise than your city, " -"state and country will be published. GPS coordinates will be accurate to 1 " -"decimal place." -msgstr "" -"ಸ್ಥಳದ ಕಡಿಮೆ ನಿಖರತೆ ಎಂದರೆ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಊರು, ರಾಜ್ಯ ಹಾಗು ದೇಶವನ್ನು ಹೊರತುಪಡಿಸಿ ಬೇರೆ ಏನನ್ನೂ " -"ಪ್ರಕಟಿಸುವುದಿಲ್ಲ. GPS ಅಕ್ಷಾಂಶಗಳು ಒಂದು ದಶಾಂಶ ಸ್ಥಳದವರೆಗೆ ನಿಖರವಾಗಿರುತ್ತದೆ." +msgid "_Enable sound notifications" +msgstr "ಶಬ್ಧದ ಸೂಚನೆಗಳನ್ನು ಸಕ್ರಿಯಗೊಳಿಸು(_E)" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:19 -msgid "Show _smileys as images" -msgstr "ಸ್ಮೈಲಿಗಳನ್ನು ಚಿತ್ರಗಳಾಗಿ ತೋರಿಸು(_s)" +msgid "Disable sounds when _away or busy" +msgstr "ಹೊರಗೆ ಹೋಗಿದ್ದಾಗ ಅಥವ ಕಾರ್ಯನಿರತವಾಗಿದ್ದಾಗ ಶಬ್ದಗಳನ್ನು ನಿಷ್ಕ್ರಿಯಗೊಳಿಸು(_a)" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:20 -msgid "Show contact _list in rooms" -msgstr "ರೂಮ್‌ಗಳಲ್ಲಿನ ವಿಳಾಸಗಳ ಪಟ್ಟಿಯನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸು(_l)" +msgid "Play sound for events" +msgstr "ಘಟನೆಗಳಿಗಾಗಿ ಶಬ್ಧವನ್ನು ಮಾಡು" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:21 msgid "Sounds" msgstr "ಧ್ವನಿಗಳು" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:22 -msgid "Spell Checking" -msgstr "ಕಾಗುಣಿತ ಪರೀಕ್ಷೆ" +msgid "Use _echo cancellation to improve call quality" +msgstr "ಕರೆಯ ಗುಣಮಟ್ಟವನ್ನು ಉತ್ತಮಗೊಳಿಸಲು ಪ್ರತಿಧ್ವನಿ ನಿರ್ಮೂಲನೆಯನ್ನು ಬಳಸಿ" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:23 msgid "" -"The list of languages reflects only the languages for which you have a " -"dictionary installed." +"Echo cancellation helps to make your voice sound clearer to the other " +"person, but may cause problems on some computers. If you or the other person " +"hear strange noises or glitches during calls, try turning echo cancellation " +"off and restarting the call." msgstr "" -"ನಿಮ್ಮಲ್ಲಿ ಯಾವ ಭಾಷೆಯ ಶಬ್ಧಕೋಶವು ಅನುಸ್ಥಾಪಿತಗೊಂಡಿದೆಯೋ ಆ ಭಾಷೆಗಳು ಮಾತ್ರ ಪಟ್ಟಿಯಲ್ಲಿ " -"ಕಾಣಿಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳುತ್ತದೆ." - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:24 -msgid "Themes" -msgstr "ಪರಿಸರವಿನ್ಯಾಸಗಳು" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:25 -#| msgid "Automatically _connect on startup " -msgid "_Automatically connect on startup" -msgstr "ಆರಂಭಗೊಂಡಾಗ ತಾನಾಗಿಯೆ ಸಂಪರ್ಕಹೊಂದು (_A) " #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:26 -#| msgid "Megaphone" -msgid "_Cellphone" -msgstr "ಸೆಲ್‌ಫೋನ್ (_C)" +msgid "_Publish location to my contacts" +msgstr "ನನ್ನ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸಗಳು ಇರುವ ಸ್ಥಳವನ್ನು ಪ್ರಕಟಿಸು(_P)" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:27 -msgid "_Enable bubble notifications" -msgstr "ಗುಳ್ಳೆಯ ಸೂಚನೆಗಳನ್ನು ಸಕ್ರಿಯಗೊಳಿಸು(_E)" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:28 -msgid "_Enable sound notifications" -msgstr "ಶಬ್ಧದ ಸೂಚನೆಗಳನ್ನು ಸಕ್ರಿಯಗೊಳಿಸು(_E)" +msgid "" +"Reduced location accuracy means that nothing more precise than your city, " +"state and country will be published. GPS coordinates will be accurate to 1 " +"decimal place." +msgstr "" +"ಸ್ಥಳದ ಕಡಿಮೆ ನಿಖರತೆ ಎಂದರೆ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಊರು, ರಾಜ್ಯ ಹಾಗು ದೇಶವನ್ನು ಹೊರತುಪಡಿಸಿ ಬೇರೆ " +"ಏನನ್ನೂ " +"ಪ್ರಕಟಿಸುವುದಿಲ್ಲ. GPS ಅಕ್ಷಾಂಶಗಳು ಒಂದು ದಶಾಂಶ ಸ್ಥಳದವರೆಗೆ ನಿಖರವಾಗಿರುತ್ತದೆ." +#. To translators: The longitude and latitude are rounded to closest 0,1 degrees, so for example 146,2345° is rounded to round(146,2345*10)/10 = 146,2 degrees. #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:29 -msgid "_GPS" -msgstr "_GPS" +msgid "_Reduce location accuracy" +msgstr "ಸ್ಥಳೀಯ ನಿಖರತೆಯನ್ನು ಕಡಿಮೆ ಮಾಡು(_R)" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:30 -msgid "_Network (IP, Wi-Fi)" -msgstr "ಜಾಲಬಂಧ (_IP, Wi-Fi)" +msgid "Privacy" +msgstr "ಗೌಪ್ಯತೆ" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:31 -msgid "_Open new chats in separate windows" -msgstr "ಹೊಸ ಚಾಟ್‌ಗಳನ್ನು ಪ್ರತ್ಯೇಕ ವಿಂಡೋಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ತೆರೆ (_O)" +msgid "_GPS" +msgstr "_GPS" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:32 -msgid "_Publish location to my contacts" -msgstr "ನನ್ನ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸಗಳು ಇರುವ ಸ್ಥಳವನ್ನು ಪ್ರಕಟಿಸು(_P)" +msgid "_Cellphone" +msgstr "ಸೆಲ್‌ಫೋನ್ (_C)" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:33 +msgid "_Network (IP, Wi-Fi)" +msgstr "ಜಾಲಬಂಧ (_IP, Wi-Fi)" -#. To translators: The longitude and latitude are rounded to closest 0,1 degrees, so for example 146,2345° is rounded to round(146,2345*10)/10 = 146,2 degrees. #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:34 -msgid "_Reduce location accuracy" -msgstr "ಸ್ಥಳೀಯ ನಿಖರತೆಯನ್ನು ಕಡಿಮೆ ಮಾಡು(_R)" +msgid "Location sources:" +msgstr "ಸ್ಥಳದ ಮೂಲಗಳು:" -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:36 +msgid "" +"The list of languages reflects only the languages for which you have a " +"dictionary installed." +msgstr "" +"ನಿಮ್ಮಲ್ಲಿ ಯಾವ ಭಾಷೆಯ ಶಬ್ಧಕೋಶವು ಅನುಸ್ಥಾಪಿತಗೊಂಡಿದೆಯೋ ಆ ಭಾಷೆಗಳು ಮಾತ್ರ ಪಟ್ಟಿಯಲ್ಲಿ " +"ಕಾಣಿಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳುತ್ತದೆ." + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:37 +msgid "Enable spell checking for languages:" +msgstr "ಈ ಭಾಷೆಗಳಿಗಾಗಿ ಕಾಗುಣಿತ ಪರೀಕ್ಷೆಯನ್ನು ಶಕ್ತಗೊಳಿಸು:" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:38 +msgid "Spell Checking" +msgstr "ಕಾಗುಣಿತ ಪರೀಕ್ಷೆ" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:39 +msgid "Chat Th_eme:" +msgstr "ಚಾಟ್‌ ಪರಿಸರವಿನ್ಯಾಸ‌(_e):" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:40 +#| msgid "Bearing:" +msgid "Variant:" +msgstr "ಬಗೆ:" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:41 +msgid "Themes" +msgstr "ಪರಿಸರವಿನ್ಯಾಸಗಳು" + +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:4 msgid "Status" msgstr "ಸ್ಥಿತಿ" -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:5 msgid "_Quit" msgstr "ಹೊರನೆಡೆ(_Q)" -#: ../src/empathy-map-view.c:442 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:3 +msgid "Redial" +msgstr "ಮರಳಿ ಡಯಲ್ ಮಾಡು" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:4 +msgid "V_ideo" +msgstr "ವೀಡಿಯೋ (_i)" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:5 +msgid "Video Off" +msgstr "ವೀಡಿಯೋ ಆಫ್‌" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:6 +msgid "Video Preview" +msgstr "ವೀಡಿಯೊ ಮುನ್ನೋಟ" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:7 +msgid "Video On" +msgstr "ವೀಡಿಯೋ ಆನ್‌" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:10 +msgid "Call the contact again" +msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕಕ್ಕೆ ಇನ್ನೊಮ್ಮೆ ಕರೆ ಮಾಡು" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:13 +msgid "Camera Off" +msgstr "ಕ್ಯಾಮೆರಾ ಚಾಲನೆಯಲ್ಲಿಲ್ಲ" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:14 +msgid "Disable camera and stop sending video" +msgstr "ಕ್ಯಾಮರಾವನ್ನು ಅಶಕ್ತಗೊಳಿಸು ಹಾಗು ವೀಡಿಯೊವನ್ನು ಕಳುಹಿಸುವುದನ್ನು ನಿಲ್ಲಿಸು" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:15 +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "ಮುನ್ನೋಟ" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "Enable camera but don't send video" +msgstr "ಕ್ಯಾಮರಾವನ್ನು ಶಕ್ತಗೊಳಿಸು ಆದರೆ ವೀಡಿಯೊವನ್ನು ಕಳುಹಿಸಬೇಡ" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:17 +msgid "Camera On" +msgstr "ಕ್ಯಾಮೆರಾ ಚಾಲನೆಯಲ್ಲಿದೆ" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:18 +msgid "Enable camera and send video" +msgstr "ಕ್ಯಾಮರಾವನ್ನು ಶಕ್ತಗೊಳಿಸು ಹಾಗು ವೀಡಿಯೊವನ್ನು ಕಳುಹಿಸು" + +#: ../src/empathy-map-view.c:471 msgid "Contact Map View" msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸ ನಕ್ಷೆ ನೋಟ" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1218 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1607 msgid "Save" msgstr "ಉಳಿಸು" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1394 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1667 +msgid "Pastebin link" +msgstr "ಪೇಸ್ಟ್‍ಬಿನ್ ಕೊಂಡಿ" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1676 +msgid "Pastebin response" +msgstr "ಪೇಸ್ಟ್‍ಬಿನ್ ಪ್ರತಿಕ್ರಿಯೆ" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1680 +#, c-format +#| msgid "%s:" +msgid "%s" +msgstr "%s" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1683 +msgid "Data too large for a single paste. Please save logs to file." +msgstr "" +"ಒಂದೇ ಬಾರಿ ಅಂಟಿಸಲು ದತ್ತಾಂಶವು ಬಹಳ ದೊಡ್ಡದಾಗಿದೆ. ದಯವಿಟ್ಟು ದಿನಚರಿಗಳನ್ನು ಕಡತಕ್ಕೆ " +"ಉಳಿಸಿ." + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1912 msgid "Debug Window" msgstr "ದೋಷ ನಿವಾರಣಾ ವಿಂಡೊ" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1476 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1970 +msgid "Send to pastebin" +msgstr "ಪೇಸ್ಟ್‍ಬಿನ್‌ಗೆ ಕಳುಹಿಸು" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2009 msgid "Pause" msgstr "ವಿರಮಿಸು" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1488 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2021 msgid "Level " msgstr "ಸ್ತರ" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1508 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2040 msgid "Debug" msgstr "ದೋಷನಿವಾರಣೆ" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1514 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2045 msgid "Info" msgstr "ಮಾಹಿತಿ" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1520 ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1569 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2050 ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2096 msgid "Message" msgstr "ಸಂದೇಶ" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1526 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2055 msgid "Warning" msgstr "ಎಚ್ಚರಿಕೆ" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1532 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2060 msgid "Critical" msgstr "ಸಂದಿಗ್ಧ" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1538 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2065 msgid "Error" msgstr "ದೋಷ" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1557 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2084 msgid "Time" msgstr "ಸಮಯ" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1560 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2087 msgid "Domain" msgstr "ಡೊಮೈನ್" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1562 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2089 msgid "Category" msgstr "ವರ್ಗ" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1564 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2091 msgid "Level" msgstr "ಸ್ತರ" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1601 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2114 msgid "" "The selected connection manager does not support the remote debugging " "extension." -msgstr "ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಲಾದ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವ್ಯವಸ್ಥಾಪಕವು ದೋಷ ನಿವಾರಣಾ ವಿಸ್ತರಣೆಯನ್ನು ಬೆಂಬಲಿಸುವುದಿಲ್ಲ." +msgstr "" +"ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಲಾದ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವ್ಯವಸ್ಥಾಪಕವು ದೋಷ ನಿವಾರಣಾ ವಿಸ್ತರಣೆಯನ್ನು ಬೆಂಬಲಿಸುವುದಿಲ್ಲ." -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:34 -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:48 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:202 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:230 msgid "Invite Participant" msgstr "ಪಾಲ್ಗೊಳ್ಳುವವರನ್ನು ಆಮಂತ್ರಿಸಿ" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:35 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:203 msgid "Choose a contact to invite into the conversation:" msgstr "ಸಂಭಾಷಣೆಗೆ ಆಹ್ವಾನಿಸಲು ಒಂದು ಸಂಪರ್ಕವಿಳಾಸವನ್ನು ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಿ:" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:45 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:226 msgid "Invite" msgstr "ಆಹ್ವಾನ" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:183 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:180 msgid "Don't display any dialogs; do any work (eg, importing) and exit" -msgstr "ಯಾವುದೆ ಸಂವಾದ ಚೌಕಗಳನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸಬೇಡ; ಏನಾದರು ಕೆಲಸ ಮಾಡು (ಉದಾ, ಆಮದು) ನಂತರ ನಿರ್ಗಮಿಸು" +msgstr "" +"ಯಾವುದೆ ಸಂವಾದ ಚೌಕಗಳನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸಬೇಡ; ಏನಾದರು ಕೆಲಸ ಮಾಡು (ಉದಾ, ಆಮದು) ನಂತರ ನಿರ್ಗಮಿಸು" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:187 -msgid "Don't display any dialogs unless there are only \"People Nearby\" accounts" +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:184 +msgid "" +"Don't display any dialogs unless there are only \"People Nearby\" accounts" msgstr "" "\"ಹತ್ತಿರದ ವ್ಯಕ್ತಿಗಳು\" ಖಾತೆಗಳು ಮಾತ್ರ ಇರದ ಹೊರತು ಯಾವುದೆ ಸಂವಾದ ಚೌಕಗಳನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸಬೇಡ" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:191 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:188 msgid "Initially select given account (eg, gabble/jabber/foo_40example_2eorg0)" -msgstr "ಆರಂಭದಲ್ಲಿ ಒದಗಿಸಲಾದ ಖಾತೆಯನ್ನು (ಉದಾ, gabble/jabber/foo_40example_2eorg0)" +msgstr "" +"ಆರಂಭದಲ್ಲಿ ಒದಗಿಸಲಾದ ಖಾತೆಯನ್ನು (ಉದಾ, gabble/jabber/foo_40example_2eorg0)" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:193 -#| msgid "account" +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:190 msgid "" msgstr "" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:198 -#| msgid "Import Accounts" +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:195 msgid "- Empathy Accounts" msgstr "- Empathy ಖಾತೆಗಳು" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:237 -#| msgid "Import Accounts" +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:231 msgid "Empathy Accounts" msgstr "Empathy ಖಾತೆಗಳು" -#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:66 -#| msgid "Empathy" +#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:69 +msgid "Show a particular service" +msgstr "ನಿರ್ದಿಷ್ಟ ಸೇವೆಯನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸು" + +#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:74 +#| msgid "Empathy Debugger" +msgid "- Empathy Debugger" +msgstr " - Empathy ದೋಷನಿವಾರಕ" + +#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:113 msgid "Empathy Debugger" msgstr "Empathy ದೋಷನಿವಾರಕ" -#: ../src/empathy-chat.c:107 -#| msgid "- Empathy IM Client" +#: ../src/empathy-chat.c:109 msgid "- Empathy Chat Client" msgstr "- Empathy ಚಾಟ್ ಕ್ಲೈಂಟ್" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:184 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:189 msgid "Respond" msgstr "ಪ್ರತಿಕ್ರಿಯಿಸು" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:190 -#| msgid "_Reject" +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:203 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1529 msgid "Reject" msgstr "ತಿರಸ್ಕರಿಸು" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:194 -#| msgid "_Answer" +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:208 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1530 msgid "Answer" msgstr "ನಿಮ್ಮ ಹೆಸರು" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:201 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:211 -#| msgid "_Decline" +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 +msgid "Answer with video" +msgstr "ವಿಡಿಯೊದೊಂದಿಗೆ ಉತ್ತರಿಸು" + +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:221 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:231 msgid "Decline" msgstr "ತಿರಸ್ಕರಿಸು" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:205 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:216 -#| msgid "Account" +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:225 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:236 msgid "Accept" msgstr "ಅಂಗೀಕರಿಸು" -#: ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:130 -#, c-format -#| msgid "Incoming call from %s" -msgid "Missed call from %s" -msgstr "%s ಇಂದ ಬಂದ ಕರೆಯ ತಪ್ಪಿ ಹೋಗಿದೆ" +#. translators: the 'Provide' button is displayed in a notification +#. * bubble when Empathy is asking for an account password; clicking on it +#. * brings the password popup. +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:246 +#| msgid "Preview" +msgid "Provide" +msgstr "ಒದಗಿಸು" -#: ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:133 +#: ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:132 #, c-format msgid "%s just tried to call you, but you were in another call." msgstr "" -"%s ನಿಮಗೆ ಕರೆ ಮಾಡಲು ಪ್ರಯತ್ನಿಸಿದರು, ಆದರೆ ನೀವು ಬೇರೆ ಒಂದು ಕರೆಗೆ ಉತ್ತರಿಸುತ್ತಿದ್ದೀರಿ." +"%s ನಿಮಗೆ ಕರೆ ಮಾಡಲು ಪ್ರಯತ್ನಿಸಿದರು, ಆದರೆ ನೀವು ಬೇರೆ ಒಂದು ಕರೆಗೆ " +"ಉತ್ತರಿಸುತ್ತಿದ್ದೀರಿ." + +#. Translators: this is an "Info" label. It should be as short +#. * as possible. +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1140 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1162 +msgid "i" +msgstr "i" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2888 +msgid "On hold" +msgstr "ತಡೆಹಿಡಿಯಲಾಗಿದೆ" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2891 +msgid "Mute" +msgstr "ಮೂಕ" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2893 +#| msgid "Location" +msgid "Duration" +msgstr "ಕಾಲಾವಧಿ" + +#. Translators: 'status - minutes:seconds' the caller has been connected +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2896 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Connected — %d:%02dm" +msgid "%s — %d:%02dm" +msgstr "%s — %d:%02dm" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3166 +#, c-format +msgid "Your current balance is %s." +msgstr "ನಿಮ್ಮ ಪ್ರಸಕ್ತ ಬ್ಯಾಲೆನ್ಸ್‍ %s." + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3170 +msgid "Sorry, you don’t have enough credit for that call." +msgstr "ಈ ಕರೆಗಾಗಿ ನೀವು ಸಾಕಷ್ಟು ಕ್ರೆಡಿಟ್ ಅನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿಲ್ಲ." + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3172 +msgid "Top Up" +msgstr "ಟಾಪ್ ಅಪ್" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.c:243 +#| msgid "Match case" +msgid "_Match case" +msgstr "ಕೇಸ್ ಅನ್ನು ತಾಳೆ ಮಾಡು (_M)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-account-dialog.c:144 +msgid "What kind of chat account do you have?" +msgstr "ಯಾವ ಬಗೆಯ ಚಾಟ್ ಖಾತೆಯನ್ನು ನೀವು ಹೊಂದಿದ್ದೀರಿ?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-account-dialog.c:166 +#| msgid "New account" +msgid "Adding new account" +msgstr "ಹೊಸ ಖಾತೆಯನ್ನು ಸೇರಿಸುವಿಕೆ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:77 +msgid "People nearby" +msgstr "ಹತ್ತಿರದ ಜನರು" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:150 +#| msgid "" +#| "Empathy can automatically discover and chat with the people connected on " +#| "the same network as you. If you want to use this feature, please check " +#| "that the details below are correct. You can easily change these details " +#| "later or disable this feature by using the 'Accounts' dialog" +msgid "" +"Empathy can automatically discover and chat with the people connected on the " +"same network as you. If you want to use this feature, please check that the " +"details below are correct." +msgstr "" +"Empathy ಯು ನೀವು ಇರುವ ಜಾಲಬಂಧದಲ್ಲಿ ಸಂಪರ್ಕಿತಗೊಂಡಿರುವ ವ್ಯಕ್ತಿಗಳನ್ನು ತಾನಾಗಿಯೆ " +"ಪತ್ತೆ " +"ಮಾಡುತ್ತದೆ ಹಾಗು ನೀವು ಅವರೊಂದಿಗೆ ಚಾಟ್ ಮಾಡಲು ಅನುವು ಮಾಡಿಕೊಡುತ್ತದೆ. ನೀವು ಈ " +"ಸವಲತ್ತನ್ನು " +"ಬಳಸಲು ಬಯಸಿದಲ್ಲಿ, ಈ ಕೆಳಗಿನ ವಿವರಗಳು ಸರಿ ಇವೆಯೆ ಎಂದು ಪರಿಶೀಲಿಸಿ." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:183 +msgid "" +"You can change these details later or disable this feature by choosing Edit → Accounts in the Contact List." +msgstr "" +"ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸದಲ್ಲಿನ ಸಂಪಾದನೆ → ಖಾತೆಗಳು ಅನ್ನು " +"ಆರಿಸುವ ಮೂಲಕ ನೀವು ಈ ವಿವರಗಳನ್ನು ನಂತರ ಬದಲಾಯಿಸಬಹುದು ಅಥವ ಈ ಸವಲತ್ತನ್ನು " +"ನಿಷ್ಕ್ರಿಯಗೊಳಿಸಬಹುದು." + +#~ msgid "Empathy has migrated butterfly logs" +#~ msgstr "Empathy ಯು ಬಟರ್ಫ್ಲೈ ದಾಖಲೆಗಳನ್ನು ವರ್ಗಾಯಿಸಿದೆ" + +#~ msgid "Whether Empathy has migrated butterfly logs." +#~ msgstr "Empathy ಯು ಬಟರ್ಫ್ಲೈ ದಾಖಲೆಗಳನ್ನು ವರ್ಗಾಯಿಸಿದೆಯೆ ಅಥವ ಇಲ್ಲವೆ." + +#~ msgid "Socket type not supported" +#~ msgstr "ಸಾಕೆಟ್‌ನ ಬಗೆಗೆ ಬೆಂಬಲವಿಲ್ಲ" + +#~ msgid "All" +#~ msgstr "ಎಲ್ಲಾ" + +#~ msgid "The account %s is edited via My Web Accounts." +#~ msgstr "%s ಎಂಬ ಖಾತೆಯನ್ನು ನನ್ನ ಜಾಲ ಖಾತೆಗಳು ಎನ್ನುವುದರ ಮೂಲಕ ಸಂಪಾದಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ." + +#~ msgid "The account %s cannot be edited in Empathy." +#~ msgstr "%s ಖಾತೆಯನ್ನು Empathy ಯಲ್ಲಿ ಸಂಪಾದಿಸಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಿರುವುದಿಲ್ಲ." + +#~ msgid "Launch My Web Accounts" +#~ msgstr "ನನ್ನ ಜಾಲ ಖಾತೆಗಳನ್ನು ಆರಂಭಿಸು" + +#~| msgid "Enabled" +#~ msgid "_Enabled" +#~ msgstr "ಶಕ್ತಗೊಳಿಸಲಾದ (_E)" + +#~ msgid "Personal Information" +#~ msgstr "ವೈಯಕ್ತಿಕ ಮಾಹಿತಿ" + +#~ msgid "Ungrouped" +#~ msgstr "ಚದುರಿಸಲಾದ" + +#~| msgid "_Favorite Chatroom" +#~ msgid "Favorite People" +#~ msgstr "ಅಚ್ಚುಮೆಚ್ಚಿನ ವ್ಯಕ್ತಿಗಳು" + +#~| msgid "_Edit" +#~ msgctxt "Edit contact (contextual menu)" +#~ msgid "_Edit" +#~ msgstr "ಸಂಪಾದನೆ (_E)" + +#~ msgid "Select a contact" +#~ msgstr "ಒಂದು ಸಂಪರ್ಕವನ್ನು ಆರಿಸು" + +#~| msgid "Select a contact" +#~ msgid "Select contacts to link" +#~ msgstr "ಜೋಡಿಸಲು ಸಂಪರ್ಕಗಳನ್ನು ಆರಿಸಿ" + +#~| msgid "New Contact" +#~ msgid "New contact preview" +#~ msgstr "ಹೊಸ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ಅವಲೋಕನ" + +#~ msgid "Contacts selected in the list on the left will be linked together." +#~ msgstr "ಪಟ್ಟಿಯಿಂದ ಆರಿಸಲಾದ ಸಂಪರ್ಕಗಳನ್ನು ಪರಸ್ಪರ ಜೋಡಿಸಲಾಗುವುದು." + +#~| msgid "_Offline Contacts" +#~ msgctxt "Link individual (contextual menu)" +#~ msgid "_Link Contacts…" +#~ msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸಗಳನ್ನು ಜೋಡಿಸು (_L)..." + +#~| msgid "_Offline Contacts" +#~ msgid "Link Contacts" +#~ msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸಗಳನ್ನು ಜೋಡಿಸು" + +#~ msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" +#~ msgid "_Unlink…" +#~ msgstr "ಕೊಂಡಿ ತೆಗೆ (_U)…" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Completely split the displayed linked contacts into the separate contacts." +#~ msgstr "ತೋರಿಸಲಾದ ಕೊಂಡಿ ಜೋಡಿಸಲಾದ ಸಂಪರ್ಕಗಳನ್ನು ಪ್ರತ್ಯೇಕ ಸಂಪರ್ಕಗಳಾಗಿ ವಿಂಗಡಿಸು" + +#~| msgid "_Open Link" +#~ msgid "_Link" +#~ msgstr "ಕೊಂಡಿ ಜೋಡಿಸು (_L)" + +#~| msgid "invalid contact" +#~ msgid "Unlink linked contacts '%s'?" +#~ msgstr "'%s' ಸಂಪರ್ಕಗಳ ಕೊಂಡಿಯನ್ನು ತೆಗೆದುಹಾಕಬೇಕೆ?" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Are you sure you want to unlink these linked contacts? This will " +#~ "completely split the linked contacts into separate contacts." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "ನೀವು ಕೊಂಡಿ ಜೋಡಿಸಲಾದ ಈ ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಸಂಪರ್ಕಗಳ ಕೊಂಡಿಯನ್ನು ತೆಗೆದು ಹಾಕಲು ಬಯಸುತ್ತೀರೆ? " +#~ "ಇದರಿಂದಾಗಿ ಈ ಕೊಂಡಿ ಜೋಡಿಸಲಾದ ಸಂಪರ್ಕಕ್ಕೆ ಸಂಬಂಧಿಸಿದ ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ವಿಳಾಸಗಳನ್ನು " +#~ "ಪ್ರತ್ಯೇಕವಾದ ಸಂಪರ್ಕಗಳಾಗಿ ವಿಂಗಡಿಸುತ್ತದೆ." + +#~ msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" +#~ msgid "_Unlink" +#~ msgstr "ಕೊಂಡಿ ತೆಗೆ (_U)" + +#~ msgid "Date" +#~ msgstr "ದಿನಾಂಕ" + +#~ msgid "Conversations" +#~ msgstr "ಸಂಭಾಷಣೆಗಳು" + +#~ msgid "Find Next" +#~ msgstr "ಮುಂದಕ್ಕೆ ಹುಡುಕು" + +#~| msgid "_Previous Tab" +#~ msgid "Find Previous" +#~ msgstr "ಹಿಂದಿಕ್ಕೆ ಹುಡುಕು" + +#~ msgid "Previous Conversations" +#~ msgstr "ಈ ಹಿಂದಿನ ಸಂಭಾಷಣೆಗಳು" + +#~ msgid "_For:" +#~ msgstr "ಇವರಿಗಾಗಿ(_F):" + +#~ msgid "Contact ID:" +#~ msgstr "ಸಂಪರ್ಕ ಐಡಿ:" + +#~ msgid "C_hat" +#~ msgstr "ಚಾಟ್ ಮಾಡು(_h)" + +#~ msgid "C_all" +#~ msgstr "ಕರೆ ಮಾಡು(_a)" + +#~ msgid "Set your presence and current status" +#~ msgstr "ನಿಮ್ಮ ಇರುವಿಕೆ ಹಾಗು ಪ್ರಸಕ್ತ ಸ್ಥಿತಿಯನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿಸಿ" + +#~ msgid "Enter Custom Message" +#~ msgstr "ಕಸ್ಟಮ್ ಸಂದೇಶವನ್ನು ನಮೂದಿಸಿ" + +#~ msgid "Save _New Status Message" +#~ msgstr "ಹೊಸ ಸ್ಥಿತಿ ಸಂದೇಶವನ್ನು ಉಳಿಸು (_N)" + +#~| msgid "Edit Custom Messages" +#~ msgid "Saved Status Messages" +#~ msgstr "ಉಳಿಸಲಾದ ಸ್ಥಿತಿ ಸಂದೇಶಗಳು" + +#~| msgid "The selected file is not a regular file" +#~ msgid "The selected contact cannot receive files." +#~ msgstr "ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಿದ ಸಂಪರ್ಕವಿಳಾಸವು ಕಡತವನ್ನು ಸ್ವೀಕರಿಸಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಿಲ್ಲ." + +#~| msgid "There has been an error while importing the accounts." +#~ msgid "There was an error while importing the accounts." +#~ msgstr "ಖಾತೆಗಳನ್ನು ಆಮದು ಮಾಡಿಕೊಳ್ಳುವಾಗ ಒಂದು ದೋಷವು ಎದುರಾಗಿದೆ." + +#~| msgid "There has been an error while parsing the account details." +#~ msgid "There was an error while parsing the account details." +#~ msgstr "ಖಾತೆಯ ವಿವರಗಳನ್ನು ಪಾರ್ಸ್ ಮಾಡುವಾಗ ಒಂದು ದೋಷವು ಎದುರಾಗಿದೆ." + +#~| msgid "There has been an error." +#~ msgid "There was an error." +#~ msgstr "ಒಂದು ದೋಷವು ಎದುರಾಗಿದೆ." + +#~| msgid "Error sending message '%s': %s" +#~ msgid "The error message was: %s" +#~ msgstr "ದೋಷ ಸಂದೇಶವು ಹೀಗಿದೆ: %s" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "You can either go back and try to enter your accounts' details again or " +#~ "quit this assistant and add accounts later from the Edit menu." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "ನೀವು ಹಿಂದೆ ಹೋಗಿ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಖಾತೆಗಳ ವಿವರಗಳನ್ನು ದಾಖಲಿಸಬಹುದು ಅಥವ ಈ ಸಹಾಯಕನಿಂದ " +#~ "ನಿರ್ಗಮಿಸಿ ನಂತರ ಸಂಪಾದನೆ ಮೆನುವಿನಲ್ಲಿ ಹೋಗಿ ಖಾತೆಗಳನ್ನು ಸೇರಿಸಬಹುದು." + +#~ msgid "An error occurred" +#~ msgstr "ಒಂದು ದೋಷ ಎದುರಾಗಿದೆ" + +#~ msgid "Do you have any other chat accounts you want to set up?" +#~ msgstr "ನೀವು ಸಿದ್ಧಪಡಿಸಲು ಬಯಸುವ ಬೇರಾವುದೆ ಖಾತೆಯನ್ನು ನೀವು ಹೊಂದಿದ್ದೀರೆ?" + +#~ msgid "Enter your account details" +#~ msgstr "ನಿಮ್ಮ ಖಾತೆಯ ಮಾಹಿತಿಯನ್ನು ನಮೂದಿಸಿ" + +#~ msgid "What kind of chat account do you want to create?" +#~ msgstr "ನೀವು ಯಾವ ಬಗೆಯ ಚಾಟ್ ಖಾತೆಯನ್ನು ರಚಿಸಲು ಬಯಸುತ್ತೀರಿ?" + +#~ msgid "Do you want to create other chat accounts?" +#~ msgstr "ನೀವು ಇನ್ನೊಂದು ಚಾಟ್ ಖಾತೆಗಳನ್ನು ಬಯಸುತ್ತೀರೆ?" + +#~ msgid "Enter the details for the new account" +#~ msgstr "ಹೊಸ ಖಾತೆಗಾಗಿ ವಿವರಗಳನ್ನು ದಾಖಲಿಸಿ" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "With Empathy you can chat with people online nearby and with friends and " +#~ "colleagues who use Google Talk, AIM, Windows Live and many other chat " +#~ "programs. With a microphone or a webcam you can also have audio or video " +#~ "calls." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Empathy ಯನ್ನು ಬಳಸಿಕೊಂಡು ನೀವು ಆನ್‌ಲೈನಿನಲ್ಲಿರುವ ಹತ್ತಿರದ ಜನರು ಹಾಗು Google Talk, " +#~ "AIM, Windows Live ಹಾಗು ಇನ್ನಿತರೆ ಚಾಟ್ ಪ್ರೊಗ್ರಾಮ್ ಅನ್ನು ಬಳಸುವ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಸ್ನೇಹಿತರು ಮತ್ತು " +#~ "ಸಹೋದ್ಯೋಗಿಗಳೊಡನೆ ಚಾಟ್‌ ಮಾಡಬಹುದು. ಒಂದು ಮೈಕ್ರೊಫೋನ್ ಅಥವ ಒಂದು ವೆಬ್‌ಕ್ಯಾಮ್ ಇದ್ದಲ್ಲಿ ನೀವು " +#~ "ಆಡಿಯೊ ಅಥವ ವೀಡಿಯೊ ಕರೆಗಳನ್ನೂ ಸಹ ಮಾಡಬಹುದು." + +#~ msgid "Do you have an account you've been using with another chat program?" +#~ msgstr "ನೀವು ಬೇರೊಂದು ಚಾಟ್ ಪ್ರೊಗ್ರಾಮ್‌ನಲ್ಲಿ ಬಳಸುತ್ತಿರುವ ಒಂದು ಖಾತೆಯು ನಿಮ್ಮಲ್ಲಿ ಇದೆಯೆ?" + +#~ msgid "Yes, import my account details from " +#~ msgstr "ಹೌದು, ನನ್ನ ಖಾತೆಯ ವಿವರಗಳನ್ನು ಇಲ್ಲಿಂದ ಆಮದು ಮಾಡಿಕೊ" + +#~ msgid "Yes, I'll enter my account details now" +#~ msgstr "ಹೌದು, ನಾನು ನನ್ನ ಖಾತೆಯ ವಿವರಗಳನ್ನು ನಮೂದಿಸುತ್ತೇನೆ" + +#~ msgid "No, I want a new account" +#~ msgstr "ಇಲ್ಲ, ನಾನು ಒಂದು ಹೊಸ ಖಾತೆಯನ್ನು ನಿರ್ಮಿಸಲು ಬಯಸುತ್ತೇನೆ" + +#~ msgid "No, I just want to see people online nearby for now" +#~ msgstr "ಇಲ್ಲ, ನಾನು ಕೇವಲ ಈಗ ಆನ್‌ಲೈನಿನಲ್ಲಿರುವ ಹತ್ತಿರದ ಜನರನ್ನು ನೋಡಲು ಬಯಸುತ್ತೇನೆ" + +#~ msgid "Select the accounts you want to import:" +#~ msgstr "ನೀವು ಆಮದು ಮಾಡಿಕೊಳ್ಳಲು ಬಯಸುವ ಖಾತೆಗಳನ್ನು ಆಯ್ಕೆ ಮಾಡಿ:" + +#~ msgid "No, that's all for now" +#~ msgstr "ಇಲ್ಲ, ಈಗ ಅಷ್ಟೆ ಸಾಕು" + +#~| msgid "_Edit account" +#~ msgid "Edit->Accounts" +#~ msgstr "ಸಂಪಾದನೆ->ಖಾತೆಗಳು" + +#~| msgid "No, I just want to see people online nearby for now" +#~ msgid "I do _not want to enable this feature for now" +#~ msgstr "ಇಲ್ಲ, ನಾನು ಈಗ ಈ ಸವಲತ್ತನ್ನು ಶಕ್ತಗೊಳಿಸಲು ಬಯಸುವುದಿಲ್ಲ (_n)" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "You won't be able to chat with people connected to your local network, as " +#~ "telepathy-salut is not installed. If you want to enable this feature, " +#~ "please install the telepathy-salut package and create a People Nearby " +#~ "account from the Accounts dialog" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "telepathy-salut ಅನ್ನು ಅನುಸ್ಥಾಪಿಸಿರದೆ ಕಾರಣ ನೀವು ನಿಮ್ಮ ಸ್ಥಳೀಯ ಜಾಲಬಂಧದೊಂದಿಗೆ " +#~ "ಸಂಪರ್ಕಿತಗೊಂಡಿರುವ ಜನರೊಂದಿಗೆ ಚಾಟ್ ಮಾಡಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಿರುವುದಿಲ್ಲ. ಈ ಸವಲತ್ತನ್ನು ನೀವು " +#~ "ಶಕ್ತಗೊಳಿಸಲು ಬಯಸಿದಲ್ಲಿ, ದಯವಿಟ್ಟು telepathy-salut ಪ್ಯಾಕೇಜನ್ನು ಅನುಸ್ಥಾಪಿಸಿ ನಂತರ " +#~ "ಖಾತೆಗಳು ಸಂವಾದ ಚೌಕದಿಂದ ಹತ್ತಿರದ ವ್ಯಕ್ತಿಗಳು ಎನ್ನುವ ಖಾತೆಯೊಂದನ್ನು ರಚಿಸಿ" + +#~ msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts Assistant" +#~ msgstr "ಮೆಸೇಜಿಂಗ್ ಹಾಗು VoIP ಖಾತೆಗಳ ಸಹಾಯಕ" + +#~ msgid "Welcome to Empathy" +#~ msgstr "Empathy ಗೆ ಸುಸ್ವಾಗತ" + +#~ msgid "Import your existing accounts" +#~ msgstr "ಈಗಿರುವ ಖಾತೆಗಳನ್ನು ಆಮದು ಮಾಡಿಕೊಳ್ಳಿ" + +#~ msgid "Please enter personal details" +#~ msgstr "ದಯವಿಟ್ಟು ಖಾಸಗಿ ವಿವರಗಳನ್ನು ದಾಖಲಿಸಿ" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "You are about to create a new account, which will discard\n" +#~ "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "ನೀವು ಒಂದು ಹೊಸ ಖಾತೆಯನ್ನು ರಚಿಸಲಿದ್ದೀರಿ, ಇದು ನೀವು ಮಾಡಿದ ಬದಲಾವಣೆಗಳನ್ನು " +#~ "ಬಿಟ್ಟುಬಿಡುತ್ತದೆ!\n" +#~ "ನೀವು ಖಚಿತವಾಗಿಯೂ ಮುಂದುವರೆಲು ಬಯಸುತ್ತೀರೆ?" + +#~| msgid "Protocol" +#~ msgid "Protocol:" +#~ msgstr "ಪ್ರೊಟೋಕಾಲ್:" + +#~ msgid "Show and edit accounts" +#~ msgstr "ಖಾತೆಗಳನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸು ಸಂಪಾದಿಸು" + +#~ msgid "_Personal Information" +#~ msgstr "ವೈಯಕ್ತಿಕ ಮಾಹಿತಿ(_P)" + +#~ msgid "_Open new chats in separate windows" +#~ msgstr "ಹೊಸ ಚಾಟ್‌ಗಳನ್ನು ಪ್ರತ್ಯೇಕ ವಿಂಡೋಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ತೆರೆ (_O)" #~ msgid "Send and receive messages" #~ msgstr "ಸಂದೇಶಗಳನ್ನು ಕಳುಹಿಸಿ ಹಾಗು ಪಡೆದುಕೊಳ್ಳಿ" @@ -4289,9 +5134,6 @@ #~ msgid "MC 4 accounts have been imported." #~ msgstr "MC 4 ಖಾತೆಗಳನ್ನು ಆಮದು ಮಾಡಿಕೊಳ್ಳಲಾಗಿದೆ." -#~ msgid "Salut account is created" -#~ msgstr "Salut ಖಾತೆಯನ್ನು ರಚಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ" - #~ msgid "" #~ "Whether or not Empathy has asked about importing accounts from other " #~ "programs." @@ -4410,9 +5252,6 @@ #~ "ನಂತರದ ಸಮಯದಲ್ಲಿ ನೀವು ಖಾತೆಯನ್ನು ಹಿಂದಕ್ಕೆ ಸೇರಿಸಲು ಬಯಸಿದಲ್ಲಿ, ಅವುಗಳು ಇನ್ನೂ ಸಹ " #~ "ಲಭ್ಯವಿರುತ್ತದೆ." -#~ msgid "Accounts" -#~ msgstr "ಖಾತೆಗಳು" - #~ msgid "Add new" #~ msgstr "ಹೊಸತನ್ನು ತೋರಿಸು" @@ -4464,9 +5303,6 @@ #~ msgid "Allow _network usage" #~ msgstr "ಜಾಲಬಂಧದ ಬಳಕೆಯನ್ನು ಅನುಮತಿಸು(_n)" -#~ msgid "Geoclue Settings" -#~ msgstr "ಜಿಯೊಕ್ಲೂ ಸಿದ್ಧತೆಗಳು" - #~ msgid "Unable to start application for service %s: %s" #~ msgstr "%s ಸೇವೆಗಾಗಿ ಅನ್ವಯವನ್ನು ಆರಂಭಿಸಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗಿಲ್ಲ: %s" diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/po/ko.po empathy-3.3.92/po/ko.po --- empathy-3.3.91/po/ko.po 2012-02-17 14:00:26.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/po/ko.po 2012-03-12 09:58:53.000000000 +0000 @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ # This file is distributed under the same license as the empathy package. # # Changwoo Ryu , 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011. +# Seong-ho Cho , 2012. # # 새로 번역하시는 분은 아래 "translator-credits"에 추가하세요. # @@ -33,9 +34,9 @@ "Project-Id-Version: empathy\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?" "product=empathy&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=General\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-14 17:48+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-10-17 03:03+0900\n" -"Last-Translator: Changwoo Ryu \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-09 09:48+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-10 16:50+0900\n" +"Last-Translator: Seong-ho Cho \n" "Language-Team: GNOME Korea \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -44,487 +45,539 @@ "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:1 -msgid "Chat on Google Talk, Facebook, MSN and many other chat services" -msgstr "구글 토크, 페이스북, MSN 및 기타 대화 서비스에서 대화" - -#: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:2 msgid "Empathy" msgstr "엠퍼시" +# IM은 메신저라고 번역 +#: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:2 +msgid "IM Client" +msgstr "메신저 클라이언트" + #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:3 msgid "Empathy Internet Messaging" msgstr "엠퍼시 인터넷 메신저" -# IM은 메신저라고 번역 #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:4 -msgid "IM Client" -msgstr "메신저 클라이언트" +msgid "Chat on Google Talk, Facebook, MSN and many other chat services" +msgstr "구글 토크, 페이스북, MSN 및 기타 대화 서비스에서 대화" + +#. Tweak the dialog +#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2450 +msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts" +msgstr "메신저 및 VoIP 계정" + +#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:2 +msgid "Manage Messaging and VoIP accounts" +msgstr "메신저 및 VoIP 계정 관리" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:1 -msgid "Always open a separate chat window for new chats." -msgstr "새로운 대화는 항상 별도의 대화 표시창에 엽니다." +msgid "Connection managers should be used" +msgstr "연결 관리자를 사용합니다" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:2 -msgid "Call volume" -msgstr "통화 볼륨" +msgid "" +"Whether connectivity managers should be used to automatically disconnect/" +"reconnect." +msgstr "연결 관리자를 이용해 연결을 자동으로 끊고 다시 연결할 지 여부." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:3 -msgid "Call volume, as a percentage." -msgstr "통화 볼륨, 퍼센트 값." +msgid "Empathy should auto-connect on startup" +msgstr "엠퍼시 시작할 때 자동 연결" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:4 -msgid "Camera device" -msgstr "카메라 장치" +msgid "Whether Empathy should automatically log into your accounts on startup." +msgstr "엠퍼시가 시작할 때 계정에 자동 로그인할지 여부." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:5 -msgid "Camera position" -msgstr "카메라 위치" +msgid "Empathy should auto-away when idle" +msgstr "엠퍼시에서 입력이 없으면 자리 비움" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:6 msgid "" -"Character to add after nickname when using nick completion (tab) in group " -"chat." -msgstr "그룹 대화에서 자동 완성을 (Tab 키) 사용할 경우 대화명 뒤에 붙일 문자." +"Whether Empathy should go into away mode automatically if the user is idle." +msgstr "사용자 입력이 없을 때 엠퍼시가 자리 비움 모드로 전환할지 여부." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:7 -msgid "Chat window theme" -msgstr "대화 표시창 테마" +msgid "Empathy default download folder" +msgstr "엠퍼시 기본 다운로드 폴더" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:8 -msgid "Chat window theme variant" -msgstr "대화 표시창 테마 변종" +msgid "The default folder to save file transfers in." +msgstr "전송 받은 파일을 저장할 기본 폴더." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:9 -msgid "" -"Comma-separated list of spell checker languages to use (e.g. \"en, fr, nl\")." -msgstr "" -"맞춤법 검사에서 사용할 언어의 목록, 쉼표로 구분 (예를 들어 \"en, fr, nl\")." +msgid "Magic number used to check if sanity cleaning tasks should be run" +msgstr "매직 넘버는 완전 소거 작업을 실행해야 하는지를 점검할 때 사용합니다" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:10 -msgid "Compact contact list" -msgstr "간략한 연락처 목록" +msgid "" +"empathy-sanity-cleaning.c uses this number to check if the cleaning tasks " +"should be executed or not. Users should not change this key manually." +msgstr "" +"empathy-sanity-cleaning.c 는 소거 작업을 실행해야 하는지를 검사하기 위해 이 " +"숫자를 사용합니다. 사용자가 이 키를 직접 바꾸지 않는 것이 좋습니다." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:11 -msgid "Connection managers should be used" -msgstr "연결 관리자를 사용합니다" +msgid "Show offline contacts" +msgstr "연결 중지 상태 연락처 표시" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:12 -msgid "Contact list sort criterion" -msgstr "연락처 목록 정렬 기준" +msgid "Whether to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." +msgstr "연락처 목록에 연결 중지 상태의 연락처를 표시할지 여부." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:13 -msgid "Default camera device to use in video calls, e.g. /dev/video0." -msgstr "영상 통화에 사용할 기본 카메라 장치, 예를 들어 /dev/video0." +msgid "Show avatars" +msgstr "아바타 표시" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:14 -msgid "Default directory to select an avatar image from" -msgstr "아바타 그림을 선택할 기본 디렉터리" +msgid "" +"Whether to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat windows." +msgstr "연락처 목록과 대화 표시창에 연락처의 아바타를 표시할지 여부." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:15 -msgid "Disable popup notifications when away" -msgstr "자리 비움일 때 팝업 알림 사용하지 않기" +msgid "Show protocols" +msgstr "프로토콜 표시" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:16 -msgid "Disable sounds when away" -msgstr "자리 비움일 때 소리 사용하지 않기" +msgid "Whether to show protocols for contacts in the contact list." +msgstr "연락처 목록에 연락처의 프로토콜을 표시할지 여부." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:17 -msgid "Display incoming events in the status area" -msgstr "상태 영역에 새로 들어온 이벤트 표시" +msgid "Show Balance in contact list" +msgstr "연락처 목록에 잔액 표시" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:18 -msgid "" -"Display incoming events in the status area. If false, present them to the " -"user immediately." -msgstr "" -"상태 영역에 새로 들어온 이벤트를 표시합니다. 거짓이면 사용자에게 즉시 이벤트" -"를 알립니다." +msgid "Whether to show account balances in the contact list." +msgstr "연락처 목록에 계정 잔액을 표시할지 여부." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:19 -msgid "Echo cancellation support" -msgstr "음향 반향 제거 기능" +msgid "Compact contact list" +msgstr "간략한 연락처 목록" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:20 -msgid "Empathy can publish the user's location" -msgstr "사용자의 위치를 공개할 수 있습니다" +msgid "Whether to show the contact list in compact mode." +msgstr "연락처 목록을 간략하게 표시할지 여부." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:21 -msgid "Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location" -msgstr "GPS를 이용해 위치를 파악할 수 있습니다" +msgid "Hide main window" +msgstr "메인 창 감추기" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:22 -msgid "Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location" -msgstr "휴대전화 네트워크를 사용해 위치를 파악할 수 있습니다" +msgid "Hide the main window." +msgstr "메인 창을 감춥니다." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:23 -msgid "Empathy can use the network to guess the location" -msgstr "네트워크를 사용해 위치를 파악할 수 있습니다" +msgid "Default directory to select an avatar image from" +msgstr "아바타 그림을 선택할 기본 디렉터리" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:24 -msgid "Empathy default download folder" -msgstr "엠퍼시 기본 다운로드 폴더" +msgid "The last directory that an avatar image was chosen from." +msgstr "최근에 아바타 그림을 선택한 디렉터리." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:25 -msgid "Empathy has migrated butterfly logs" -msgstr "엠퍼시에서 버터플라이 기록을 가져옴" +msgid "Open new chats in separate windows" +msgstr "새로운 대화는 별도 창에 열기" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:26 -msgid "Empathy should auto-away when idle" -msgstr "엠퍼시에서 입력이 없으면 자리 비움" +msgid "Always open a separate chat window for new chats." +msgstr "새로운 대화는 항상 별도의 대화 표시창에 엽니다." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:27 -msgid "Empathy should auto-connect on startup" -msgstr "엠퍼시 시작할 때 자동 연결" +msgid "Display incoming events in the status area" +msgstr "상태 영역에 새로 들어온 이벤트 표시" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:28 -msgid "Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy" -msgstr "위치를 부정확하게 만듭니다" +msgid "" +"Display incoming events in the status area. If false, present them to the " +"user immediately." +msgstr "" +"상태 영역에 새로 들어온 이벤트를 표시합니다. 거짓이면 사용자에게 즉시 이벤트" +"를 알립니다." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:29 -msgid "Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon" -msgstr "엠퍼시 대화 표시창의 아이콘으로 연락처의 아바타 사용" +msgid "The position for the chat window side pane" +msgstr "대화 가장자리 창의 위치" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:30 -msgid "Enable WebKit Developer Tools" -msgstr "웹키트 개발 도구 사용" +msgid "The stored position (in pixels) of the chat window side pane." +msgstr "대화 가장자리 창의 저장한 위치 (픽셀 단위)." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:31 -msgid "Enable popup notifications for new messages" -msgstr "새 메시지에 팝업 알림 사용" +msgid "Show contact groups" +msgstr "연락처 그룹 보이기" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:32 -msgid "Enable spell checker" -msgstr "맞춤법 검사 사용" +msgid "Whether to show groups in the contact list." +msgstr "연락처 목록에 그룹을 보일지에 대한 여부입니다." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:33 -msgid "Hide main window" -msgstr "메인 창 감추기" +msgid "Contact list sort criterion" +msgstr "연락처 목록 정렬 기준" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:34 -msgid "Hide the main window." -msgstr "메인 창을 감춥니다." +msgid "" +"Which criterion to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to sort by " +"the contact's state with the value \"state\". A value of \"name\" will sort " +"the contact list by name." +msgstr "" +"연락처 목록을 정렬할 때 사용할 기준입니다. 기본값은 \"상태\" 값에 따른 연락처" +"의 상태순으로 정렬합니다. \"name\"이라고 하면 이름순으로 정렬합니다." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:35 -msgid "Nick completed character" -msgstr "대화명 완성 문자" +msgid "Use notification sounds" +msgstr "알리는 소리 사용" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:36 -msgid "Open new chats in separate windows" -msgstr "새로운 대화는 별도 창에 열기" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of events." +msgstr "이벤트를 알릴 때 소리를 낼지 여부." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:37 -msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use" -msgstr "사용할 에이디엄 테마의 경로" +msgid "Disable sounds when away" +msgstr "자리 비움일 때 소리 사용하지 않기" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:38 -msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use if the theme used for chat is Adium." -msgstr "사용할 에이디엄 테마의 경로, 대화에 사용할 테마가 아디움일 경우." +msgid "Whether to play sound notifications when away or busy." +msgstr "자리 비움이거나 다른 용무 중일 때 알림 소리를 낼지 여부." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:39 msgid "Play a sound for incoming messages" msgstr "메시지를 받으면 소리 내기" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:40 -msgid "Play a sound for new conversations" -msgstr "새 대화 내용이 있으면 소리 내기" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of incoming messages." +msgstr "메시지를 받으면 소리를 낼지 여부." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:41 msgid "Play a sound for outgoing messages" msgstr "메시지를 보내면 소리 내기" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:42 -msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs in" -msgstr "연락처의 누군가가 로그인하면 소리 내기" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of outgoing messages." +msgstr "메시지를 보내면 소리를 낼지 여부." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:43 -msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs out" -msgstr "연락처의 누군가가 로그아웃하면 소리 내기" +msgid "Play a sound for new conversations" +msgstr "새 대화 내용이 있으면 소리 내기" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:44 -msgid "Play a sound when we log in" -msgstr "로그인하면 소리 내기" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of new conversations." +msgstr "새 대화 내용이 있으면 소리를 낼지 여부." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:45 -msgid "Play a sound when we log out" -msgstr "로그아웃하면 소리 내기" +msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs in" +msgstr "연락처의 누군가가 로그인하면 소리 내기" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:46 -msgid "Pop up notifications if the chat isn't focused" -msgstr "대화에 포커스가 없으면 팝업 알림" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging into the network." +msgstr "연락처의 누군가가 네트워크에 로그인할 때 알림 소리를 낼지 여부." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:47 -msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs in" -msgstr "연락처에 있는 사람이 들어오면 팝업 알림" +msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs out" +msgstr "연락처의 누군가가 로그아웃하면 소리 내기" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:48 -msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs out" -msgstr "연락처에 있는 사람이 나가면 팝업 알림" +msgid "" +"Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging out of the network." +msgstr "연락처의 누군가가 네트워크에서 로그아웃할 때 알림 소리를 낼지 여부." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:49 -msgid "Position the camera preview should be during a call." -msgstr "통화 중에 카메라 미리 보기의 위치." +msgid "Play a sound when we log in" +msgstr "로그인하면 소리 내기" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:50 -msgid "Show Balance in contact list" -msgstr "연락처 목록에 잔액 표시" +msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging into a network." +msgstr "네트워크에 로그인할 때 소리를 낼지 여부." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:51 -msgid "Show avatars" -msgstr "아바타 표시" +msgid "Play a sound when we log out" +msgstr "로그아웃하면 소리 내기" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:52 -msgid "Show contact list in rooms" -msgstr "방에 연락처 목록 표시" +msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging out of a network." +msgstr "네트워크에서 로그아웃할 때 소리를 낼지 여부." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:53 -msgid "Show hint about closing the main window" -msgstr "메인 창을 닫을 때 안내를 표시합니다." +msgid "Enable popup notifications for new messages" +msgstr "새 메시지에 팝업 알림 사용" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:54 -msgid "Show offline contacts" -msgstr "연결 중지 상태 연락처 표시" +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message." +msgstr "새 메시지를 받았을 때 팝업 알림 창을 표시할지 여부." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:55 -msgid "Show protocols" -msgstr "프로토콜 표시" +msgid "Disable popup notifications when away" +msgstr "자리 비움일 때 팝업 알림 사용하지 않기" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:56 -msgid "Spell checking languages" -msgstr "맞춤법 검사 언어" +msgid "Whether to show popup notifications when away or busy." +msgstr "자리 비움이거나 다른 용무 중일 때 팝업 알림 창을 표시할지 여부." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:57 -msgid "The default folder to save file transfers in." -msgstr "전송 받은 파일을 저장할 기본 폴더." +msgid "Pop up notifications if the chat isn't focused" +msgstr "대화에 포커스가 없으면 팝업 알림" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:58 -msgid "The last directory that an avatar image was chosen from." -msgstr "최근에 아바타 그림을 선택한 디렉터리." +msgid "" +"Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message even if " +"the chat is already opened, but not focused." +msgstr "" +"대화를 열었지만 포커스가 없을 경우에도 새 메시지를 받았을 때 팝업 알림 창을 " +"표시할지 여부." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:59 -msgid "The position for the chat window side pane" -msgstr "대화 가장자리 창의 위치" +msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs in" +msgstr "연락처에 있는 사람이 들어오면 팝업 알림" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:60 -msgid "The stored position (in pixels) of the chat window side pane." -msgstr "대화 가장자리 창의 저장한 위치 (픽셀 단위)." +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes online." +msgstr "연락처의 사람이 연결하면 팝업 알림 창을 표시할지 여부." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:61 -msgid "The theme that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." -msgstr "대화 표시창에서 대화 내용을 표시하는데 사용하는 테마." +msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs out" +msgstr "연락처에 있는 사람이 나가면 팝업 알림" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:62 -msgid "" -"The theme variant that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." -msgstr "대화 표시창에서 대화 내용을 표시하는데 사용하는 테마 변종." +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes offline." +msgstr "연락처의 사람이 연결이 끊어지면 팝업 알림 창을 표시할지 여부." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:63 msgid "Use graphical smileys" msgstr "그래픽 이모티콘 사용" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:64 -msgid "Use notification sounds" -msgstr "알리는 소리 사용" +msgid "Whether to convert smileys into graphical images in conversations." +msgstr "대화 내용에 있는 이모티콘을 그림으로 바꿔 표시할지 여부." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:65 -msgid "Use theme for chat rooms" -msgstr "대화방에 테마 사용" +msgid "Show contact list in rooms" +msgstr "방에 연락처 목록 표시" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:66 -msgid "Whether Empathy can publish the user's location to their contacts." -msgstr "사용자의 위치를 연락처에 있는 사람들에게 공개할지 여부." +msgid "Whether to show the contact list in chat rooms." +msgstr "대화방에 연락처 목록을 표시할지 여부." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:67 -msgid "Whether Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location." -msgstr "GPS를 이용해 위치를 파악할지 여부." +msgid "Chat window theme" +msgstr "대화 표시창 테마" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:68 -msgid "Whether Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location." -msgstr "휴대전화 네트워크를 이용해 위치를 파악할지 여부." +msgid "The theme that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." +msgstr "대화 표시창에서 대화 내용을 표시하는데 사용하는 테마." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:69 -msgid "Whether Empathy can use the network to guess the location." -msgstr "네트워크를 이용해 위치를 파악할지 여부." +msgid "Chat window theme variant" +msgstr "대화 표시창 테마 변종" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:70 -msgid "Whether Empathy has migrated butterfly logs." -msgstr "엠퍼시에서 버터플라이 기록을 가져왔는지 여부." +msgid "" +"The theme variant that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." +msgstr "대화 표시창에서 대화 내용을 표시하는데 사용하는 테마 변종." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:71 -msgid "Whether Empathy should automatically log into your accounts on startup." -msgstr "엠퍼시가 시작할 때 계정에 자동 로그인할지 여부." +msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use" +msgstr "사용할 에이디엄 테마의 경로" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:72 -msgid "" -"Whether Empathy should go into away mode automatically if the user is idle." -msgstr "사용자 입력이 없을 때 엠퍼시가 자리 비움 모드로 전환할지 여부." +msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use if the theme used for chat is Adium." +msgstr "사용할 에이디엄 테마의 경로, 대화에 사용할 테마가 아디움일 경우." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:73 -msgid "" -"Whether Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy for privacy reasons." -msgstr "개인 정보 보호를 위해 위치를 부정확하게 만들지 여부." +msgid "Enable WebKit Developer Tools" +msgstr "웹키트 개발 도구 사용" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:74 msgid "" -"Whether Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon." -msgstr "엠퍼시의 대화 표시창 아이콘으로 연락처의 아바타를 사용할지 여부." - -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:75 -msgid "" "Whether WebKit developer tools, such as the Web Inspector, should be enabled." msgstr "웹키트 개발 툴을 (Web Inspector 따위) 사용할지 여부." +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:75 +msgid "Inform other users when you are typing to them" +msgstr "다른 사용자에게 내용을 전달하려면 알려주십시오" + #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:76 msgid "" -"Whether connectivity managers should be used to automatically disconnect/" -"reconnect." -msgstr "연결 관리자를 이용해 연결을 자동으로 끊고 다시 연결할 지 여부." +"Whether to send the 'composing' or 'paused' chat states. Does not currently " +"affect the 'gone' state." +msgstr "" +"'작성중' 또는 '멈춤' 대화상태를 보낼지에 대한 여부입니다. 현재 '보냄' 상태에 " +"대해서는 영향을 주지 않습니다." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:77 -msgid "" -"Whether to check words typed against the languages you want to check with." -msgstr "설정한 언어에 따라 입력하는 중에 단어의 맞춤법을 검사할지 여부." +msgid "Use theme for chat rooms" +msgstr "대화방에 테마 사용" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:78 -msgid "Whether to convert smileys into graphical images in conversations." -msgstr "대화 내용에 있는 이모티콘을 그림으로 바꿔 표시할지 여부." +msgid "Whether to use the theme for chat rooms." +msgstr "대화방에 테마를 사용할지 여부." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:79 -msgid "Whether to enable Pulseaudio's echo cancellation filter." -msgstr "펄스오디오의 음향 반향 제거 기능 사용 여부." +msgid "Spell checking languages" +msgstr "맞춤법 검사 언어" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:80 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging into the network." -msgstr "연락처의 누군가가 네트워크에 로그인할 때 알림 소리를 낼지 여부." +msgid "" +"Comma-separated list of spell checker languages to use (e.g. \"en, fr, nl\")." +msgstr "" +"맞춤법 검사에서 사용할 언어의 목록, 쉼표로 구분 (예를 들어 \"en, fr, nl\")." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:81 -msgid "" -"Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging out of the network." -msgstr "연락처의 누군가가 네트워크에서 로그아웃할 때 알림 소리를 낼지 여부." +msgid "Enable spell checker" +msgstr "맞춤법 검사 사용" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:82 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of events." -msgstr "이벤트를 알릴 때 소리를 낼지 여부." +msgid "" +"Whether to check words typed against the languages you want to check with." +msgstr "설정한 언어에 따라 입력하는 중에 단어의 맞춤법을 검사할지 여부." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:83 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of incoming messages." -msgstr "메시지를 받으면 소리를 낼지 여부." +msgid "Nick completed character" +msgstr "대화명 완성 문자" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:84 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of new conversations." -msgstr "새 대화 내용이 있으면 소리를 낼지 여부." +msgid "" +"Character to add after nickname when using nick completion (tab) in group " +"chat." +msgstr "그룹 대화에서 자동 완성을 (Tab 키) 사용할 경우 대화명 뒤에 붙일 문자." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:85 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of outgoing messages." -msgstr "메시지를 보내면 소리를 낼지 여부." +msgid "Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon" +msgstr "엠퍼시 대화 표시창의 아이콘으로 연락처의 아바타 사용" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:86 -msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging into a network." -msgstr "네트워크에 로그인할 때 소리를 낼지 여부." +msgid "" +"Whether Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon." +msgstr "엠퍼시의 대화 표시창 아이콘으로 연락처의 아바타를 사용할지 여부." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:87 -msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging out of a network." -msgstr "네트워크에서 로그아웃할 때 소리를 낼지 여부." +msgid "Last account selected in Join Room dialog" +msgstr "방 참여 대화상자에서 선택한 최근 계정" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:88 -msgid "Whether to play sound notifications when away or busy." -msgstr "자리 비움이거나 다른 용무 중일 때 알림 소리를 낼지 여부." +msgid "D-Bus object path of the last account selected to join a room." +msgstr "방에 참여하기 위헤 선택한 최근 계정의 D-Bus 객체 경로입니다." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:89 -msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes offline." -msgstr "연락처의 사람이 연결이 끊어지면 팝업 알림 창을 표시할지 여부." +msgid "Camera device" +msgstr "카메라 장치" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:90 -msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes online." -msgstr "연락처의 사람이 연결하면 팝업 알림 창을 표시할지 여부." +msgid "Default camera device to use in video calls, e.g. /dev/video0." +msgstr "영상 통화에 사용할 기본 카메라 장치, 예를 들어 /dev/video0." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:91 -msgid "" -"Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message even if " -"the chat is already opened, but not focused." -msgstr "" -"대화를 열었지만 포커스가 없을 경우에도 새 메시지를 받았을 때 팝업 알림 창을 " -"표시할지 여부." +msgid "Camera position" +msgstr "카메라 위치" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:92 -msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message." -msgstr "새 메시지를 받았을 때 팝업 알림 창을 표시할지 여부." +msgid "Position the camera preview should be during a call." +msgstr "통화 중에 카메라 미리 보기의 위치." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:93 -msgid "Whether to show account balances in the contact list." -msgstr "연락처 목록에 계정 잔액을 표시할지 여부." +msgid "Echo cancellation support" +msgstr "음향 반향 제거 기능" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:94 -msgid "" -"Whether to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat windows." -msgstr "연락처 목록과 대화 표시창에 연락처의 아바타를 표시할지 여부." +msgid "Whether to enable Pulseaudio's echo cancellation filter." +msgstr "펄스오디오의 음향 반향 제거 기능 사용 여부." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:95 -msgid "Whether to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." -msgstr "연락처 목록에 연결 중지 상태의 연락처를 표시할지 여부." +msgid "Show hint about closing the main window" +msgstr "메인 창을 닫을 때 안내를 표시합니다." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:96 -msgid "Whether to show popup notifications when away or busy." -msgstr "자리 비움이거나 다른 용무 중일 때 팝업 알림 창을 표시할지 여부." +msgid "" +"Whether to show the message dialog about closing the main window with the " +"'x' button in the title bar." +msgstr "" +"제목 표시줄의 'x' 단추로 메인 창을 닫을 때 알림 대화 창을 표시할지 여부." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:97 -msgid "Whether to show protocols for contacts in the contact list." -msgstr "연락처 목록에 연락처의 프로토콜을 표시할지 여부." +msgid "Empathy can publish the user's location" +msgstr "사용자의 위치를 공개할 수 있습니다" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:98 -msgid "Whether to show the contact list in chat rooms." -msgstr "대화방에 연락처 목록을 표시할지 여부." +msgid "Whether Empathy can publish the user's location to their contacts." +msgstr "사용자의 위치를 연락처에 있는 사람들에게 공개할지 여부." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:99 -msgid "Whether to show the contact list in compact mode." -msgstr "연락처 목록을 간략하게 표시할지 여부." +msgid "Empathy can use the network to guess the location" +msgstr "네트워크를 사용해 위치를 파악할 수 있습니다" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:100 +msgid "Whether Empathy can use the network to guess the location." +msgstr "네트워크를 이용해 위치를 파악할지 여부." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:101 +msgid "Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location" +msgstr "휴대전화 네트워크를 사용해 위치를 파악할 수 있습니다" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:102 +msgid "Whether Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location." +msgstr "휴대전화 네트워크를 이용해 위치를 파악할지 여부." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:103 +msgid "Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location" +msgstr "GPS를 이용해 위치를 파악할 수 있습니다" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:104 +msgid "Whether Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location." +msgstr "GPS를 이용해 위치를 파악할지 여부." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:105 +msgid "Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy" +msgstr "위치를 부정확하게 만듭니다" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:106 +msgid "" +"Whether Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy for privacy reasons." +msgstr "개인 정보 보호를 위해 위치를 부정확하게 만들지 여부." + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:738 +msgid "No reason was specified" +msgstr "이유를 지정하지 않았습니다" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:100 -msgid "" -"Whether to show the message dialog about closing the main window with the " -"'x' button in the title bar." -msgstr "" -"제목 표시줄의 'x' 단추로 메인 창을 닫을 때 알림 대화 창을 표시할지 여부." +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:741 +msgid "The change in state was requested" +msgstr "상태 바꾸기를 요청했습니다" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:101 -msgid "Whether to use the theme for chat rooms." -msgstr "대화방에 테마를 사용할지 여부." +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:744 +msgid "You canceled the file transfer" +msgstr "파일 전송을 취소했습니다" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:102 -msgid "" -"Which criterion to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to sort by " -"the contact's name with the value \"name\". A value of \"state\" will sort " -"the contact list by state." -msgstr "" -"연락처 목록을 정렬할 때 사용할 기준. 기본값은 \"name\"으로 연락처의 이름에 따" -"라 정렬합니다. \"state\"라고 하면 상태에 따라 정렬합니다." +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:747 +msgid "The other participant canceled the file transfer" +msgstr "상대가 파일 전송을 취소했습니다" -#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:1 -msgid "Manage Messaging and VoIP accounts" -msgstr "메신저 및 VoIP 계정 관리" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:750 +msgid "Error while trying to transfer the file" +msgstr "파일을 전송하는 중에 오류가 발생했습니다" -#. Tweak the dialog -#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:2 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2324 -msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts" -msgstr "메신저 및 VoIP 계정" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:753 +msgid "The other participant is unable to transfer the file" +msgstr "상대가 파일을 전송할 수 없습니다" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:756 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:313 +msgid "Unknown reason" +msgstr "알 수 없는 이유" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:825 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:919 msgid "File transfer completed, but the file was corrupted" msgstr "파일 전송 완료되었지만, 파일이 손상되어 있습니다" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1111 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1205 msgid "File transfer not supported by remote contact" msgstr "원격 상대 측에서 파일 전송을 지원하지 않습니다" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1167 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1261 msgid "The selected file is not a regular file" msgstr "선택한 파일은 일반 파일이 아닙니다" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1176 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1270 msgid "The selected file is empty" msgstr "선택한 파일이 빈 파일입니다" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-message.c:415 ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:131 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-message.c:415 ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:129 #, c-format msgid "Missed call from %s" msgstr "%s에서 온 놓친 호출" @@ -540,169 +593,138 @@ msgid "Call from %s" msgstr "호출 받음: %s" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:268 -msgid "Socket type not supported" -msgstr "이 소켓 종류를 지원하지 않습니다" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:387 -msgid "No reason was specified" -msgstr "이유를 지정하지 않았습니다" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:390 -msgid "The change in state was requested" -msgstr "상태 바꾸기를 요청했습니다" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:393 -msgid "You canceled the file transfer" -msgstr "파일 전송을 취소했습니다" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:396 -msgid "The other participant canceled the file transfer" -msgstr "상대가 파일 전송을 취소했습니다" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:399 -msgid "Error while trying to transfer the file" -msgstr "파일을 전송하는 중에 오류가 발생했습니다" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:402 -msgid "The other participant is unable to transfer the file" -msgstr "상대가 파일을 전송할 수 없습니다" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:405 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:312 -msgid "Unknown reason" -msgstr "알 수 없는 이유" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:232 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:233 msgid "Available" msgstr "대화 가능" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:234 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:235 msgid "Busy" msgstr "다른 용무 중" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:237 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:238 msgid "Away" msgstr "자리 비움" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:239 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:240 msgid "Invisible" msgstr "상태 감춤" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:241 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:242 msgid "Offline" msgstr "연결 중지" #. translators: presence type is unknown -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:244 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:245 msgctxt "presence" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "알 수 없음" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:284 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:285 msgid "No reason specified" msgstr "이유를 지정하지 않았습니다" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:286 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:342 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:287 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:343 msgid "Status is set to offline" msgstr "상태가 연결 중지로 설정되었습니다" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:288 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:322 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:49 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:289 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:323 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:47 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:81 msgid "Network error" msgstr "네트워크 오류" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:290 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:324 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:291 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:325 msgid "Authentication failed" msgstr "인증 실패" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:292 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:326 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:293 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:327 msgid "Encryption error" msgstr "암호화 오류" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:294 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:295 msgid "Name in use" msgstr "이름이 사용 중입니다" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:296 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:328 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:297 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:329 msgid "Certificate not provided" msgstr "인증서가 없습니다" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:298 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:330 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:299 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:331 msgid "Certificate untrusted" msgstr "인증서를 신뢰할 수 없습니다" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:300 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:332 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:301 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:333 msgid "Certificate expired" msgstr "인증서가 만료되었습니다" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:302 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:334 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:303 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:335 msgid "Certificate not activated" msgstr "인증서를 활성화하지 않았습니다" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:304 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:336 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:305 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:337 msgid "Certificate hostname mismatch" msgstr "인증서 호스트 이름이 맞지 않습니다" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:306 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:338 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:307 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:339 msgid "Certificate fingerprint mismatch" msgstr "인증서 핑거프린트가 맞지 않습니다" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:308 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:340 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:309 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:341 msgid "Certificate self-signed" msgstr "자기만 서명한 인증서입니다" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:310 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:311 msgid "Certificate error" msgstr "인증서 오류" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:344 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:345 msgid "Encryption is not available" msgstr "암호화를 사용할 수 없습니다" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:346 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:347 msgid "Certificate is invalid" msgstr "인증서가 올바르지 않습니다" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:348 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:349 msgid "Connection has been refused" msgstr "연결이 거부되었습니다" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:350 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:351 msgid "Connection can't be established" msgstr "연결이 완료되지 않았습니다" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:352 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:353 msgid "Connection has been lost" msgstr "연결이 끊어졌습니다" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:354 -msgid "This resource is already connected to the server" -msgstr "이 리소스는 이미 서버와 연결되어 있습니다" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:355 +msgid "This account is already connected to the server" +msgstr "이 계정은 이미 서버와 연결했습니다" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:356 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:357 msgid "" "Connection has been replaced by a new connection using the same resource" msgstr "기존 연결이 같은 리소스를 사용해 새롭게 연결되었습니다" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:359 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:360 msgid "The account already exists on the server" msgstr "서버에 해당 계정이 이미 있습니다" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:361 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:362 msgid "Server is currently too busy to handle the connection" msgstr "서버가 사용량이 너무 많아 연결을 받아들일 수 없습니다" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:363 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:364 msgid "Certificate has been revoked" msgstr "인증서가 철회되었습니다" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:365 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:366 msgid "" "Certificate uses an insecure cipher algorithm or is cryptographically weak" msgstr "" "인증서가 안전하지 않은 암호화 알고리즘을 사용하거나 암호화가 취약합니다" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:368 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:369 msgid "" "The length of the server certificate, or the depth of the server certificate " "chain, exceed the limits imposed by the cryptography library" @@ -710,277 +732,256 @@ "서버 인증서의 길이 혹은 서버 인증서 체인의 단계가 암호화 라이브러리가 지정한 " "한계를 넘아갔습니다" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:529 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-store.h:73 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:373 +msgid "Your software is too old" +msgstr "여러분의 소프트웨어가 너무 오래되었습니다" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:375 +msgid "Internal error" +msgstr "내부 오류" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:534 msgid "People Nearby" msgstr "주변 사람" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:534 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:539 msgid "Yahoo! Japan" msgstr "야후! 일본" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:563 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:568 msgid "Google Talk" msgstr "구글 토크" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:564 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:569 msgid "Facebook Chat" msgstr "페이스북 대화" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:88 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:90 #, c-format msgid "%d second ago" msgid_plural "%d seconds ago" msgstr[0] "%d초 전" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:93 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:96 #, c-format msgid "%d minute ago" msgid_plural "%d minutes ago" msgstr[0] "%d분 전" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:98 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:102 #, c-format msgid "%d hour ago" msgid_plural "%d hours ago" msgstr[0] "%d시간 전" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:103 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:108 #, c-format msgid "%d day ago" msgid_plural "%d days ago" msgstr[0] "%d일 전" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:108 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:114 #, c-format msgid "%d week ago" msgid_plural "%d weeks ago" msgstr[0] "%d주 전" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:113 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:120 #, c-format msgid "%d month ago" msgid_plural "%d months ago" msgstr[0] "%d달 전" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:136 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:142 msgid "in the future" msgstr "미래" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-chooser.c:540 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-chooser.c:692 msgid "All accounts" msgstr "모든 계정" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:694 -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:321 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:682 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:336 msgid "Account" msgstr "계정" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:695 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:683 msgid "Password" msgstr "암호" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:696 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:684 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:507 msgid "Server" msgstr "서버" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:697 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:685 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:522 msgid "Port" msgstr "포트" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:769 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:826 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:765 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:817 #, c-format msgid "%s:" msgstr "%s:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1192 -msgid "My Web Accounts" -msgstr "내 웹 계정" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1209 -#, c-format -msgid "The account %s is edited via %s." -msgstr "%s 계정은 %s을(를) 통해 편집했습니다." - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1215 -#, c-format -msgid "The account %s cannot be edited in Empathy." -msgstr "%s 계정은 엠퍼시에서 편집할 수 없습니다." - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1234 -msgid "Launch My Web Accounts" -msgstr "내 웹 계정 실행" - -#. general handler -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1242 -#, c-format -msgid "Edit %s" -msgstr "%s 편집" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1592 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1398 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 msgid "Username:" msgstr "사용자 이름:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1910 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1710 msgid "A_pply" msgstr "적용(_P)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1940 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1739 msgid "L_og in" msgstr "로그인(_O)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2014 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1812 msgid "This account already exists on the server" msgstr "서버에 이 계정이 이미 있습니다" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2017 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1816 msgid "Create a new account on the server" msgstr "서버에 새 계정 만들기" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2209 -msgid "Ca_ncel" -msgstr "취소(_N)" - #. To translators: The first parameter is the login id and the #. * second one is the network. The resulting string will be something #. * like: "MyUserName on freenode". #. * You should reverse the order of these arguments if the #. * server should come before the login id in your locale. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2487 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2241 #, c-format msgid "%1$s on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s (서버 %2$s)" #. To translators: The parameter is the protocol name. The resulting #. * string will be something like: "Jabber Account" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2513 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2267 #, c-format msgid "%s Account" msgstr "%s 계정" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2517 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2271 msgid "New account" msgstr "새 계정" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:1 -msgid "Example: MyScreenName" -msgstr "예: 내대화명" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:14 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:1 +msgid "Pass_word:" +msgstr "암호(_W):" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-generic.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:2 -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "고급" +msgid "Screen _Name:" +msgstr "대화명(_N):" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:3 +msgid "Example: MyScreenName" +msgstr "예: 내대화명" + +#. remember password ticky box +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:4 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:4 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:5 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:12 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:4 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:13 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:5 -msgid "Pass_word:" -msgstr "암호(_W):" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-base-password-dialog.c:261 +msgid "Remember password" +msgstr "암호 저장" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:5 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:5 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:10 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:20 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:5 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:16 -msgid "Remember Password" -msgstr "암호 저장" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Port:" +msgstr "포트(_P):" -#. remember password ticky box -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:6 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:6 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:7 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:21 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:17 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-password-dialog.c:311 -msgid "Remember password" -msgstr "암호 저장" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:6 -msgid "Screen _Name:" -msgstr "대화명(_N):" +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Server:" +msgstr "서버(_S):" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:7 -msgid "What is your AIM password?" -msgstr "AIM 암호가 무엇입니까?" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-generic.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:23 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:21 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:9 +msgid "Advanced" +msgstr "고급" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your AIM screen name?" msgstr "AIM 아이디가 무엇입니까?" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:10 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:26 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:10 -msgid "_Port:" -msgstr "포트(_P):" +msgid "What is your AIM password?" +msgstr "AIM 암호가 무엇입니까?" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:10 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:10 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:11 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:27 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:7 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:10 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:9 -msgid "_Server:" -msgstr "서버(_S):" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:1 -msgid "Example: username" -msgstr "예: 사용자이름" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:24 +msgid "Remember Password" +msgstr "암호 저장" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:2 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:13 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:2 msgid "Login I_D:" msgstr "로그인 아이디(_D):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:3 +msgid "Example: username" +msgstr "예: 사용자이름" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your GroupWise User ID?" msgstr "그룹와이즈 사용자 아이디가 무엇입니까?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your GroupWise password?" msgstr "그룹와이즈 암호가 무엇입니까?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:2 +msgid "ICQ _UIN:" +msgstr "ICQ 사용자 번호(_U):" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:3 msgid "Example: 123456789" msgstr "예: 123456789" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:7 msgid "Ch_aracter set:" msgstr "문자 인코딩(_A):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:4 -msgid "ICQ _UIN:" -msgstr "ICQ 사용자 번호(_U):" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your ICQ UIN?" msgstr "ICQ 사용자 번호가 무엇입니까?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:9 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:10 msgid "What is your ICQ password?" msgstr "ICQ 암호가 무엇입니까?" @@ -1019,11 +1020,23 @@ msgid "None" msgstr "없음" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:1 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "네트워크" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:2 +msgid "Network:" +msgstr "네트워크:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:3 msgid "Character set:" msgstr "문자 인코딩:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:4 +msgid "Servers" +msgstr "서버" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 msgid "" "Most IRC servers don't need a password, so if you're not sure, don't enter a " "password." @@ -1031,72 +1044,36 @@ "대부분 IRC 서버는 암호가 필요 없습니다. 그러므로 잘 모르겠으면 암호를 입력하" "지 마십시오." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:4 -msgid "Network" -msgstr "네트워크" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 -msgid "Network:" -msgstr "네트워크:" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:6 msgid "Nickname:" msgstr "대화명:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:7 msgid "Password:" -msgstr "암호:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:8 -msgid "Quit message:" -msgstr "나갈 때 메시지:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:9 -msgid "Real name:" -msgstr "실제 이름:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 -msgid "Servers" -msgstr "서버" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:12 -msgid "What is your IRC nickname?" -msgstr "IRC 대화명이 무엇입니까?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 -msgid "Which IRC network?" -msgstr "어느 IRC 네트워크입니까?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:1 -msgid "Example: user@gmail.com" -msgstr "예: user@gmail.com" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:2 -msgid "Example: user@jabber.org" -msgstr "예: user@jabber.org" +msgstr "암호:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:4 -msgid "Encr_yption required (TLS/SSL)" -msgstr "암호화 필요(_Y) (TLS/SSL)" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:8 +msgid "Quit message:" +msgstr "나갈 때 메시지:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:5 -msgid "I_gnore SSL certificate errors" -msgstr "SSL 인증서 오류 무시(_G)" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:9 +msgid "Real name:" +msgstr "실제 이름:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:7 -msgid "Override server settings" -msgstr "서버 설정 무시" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:12 +msgid "Which IRC network?" +msgstr "어느 IRC 네트워크입니까?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:9 -msgid "Priori_ty:" -msgstr "우선 순위(_T):" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 +msgid "What is your IRC nickname?" +msgstr "IRC 대화명이 무엇입니까?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:12 -msgid "Reso_urce:" -msgstr "자원(_U):" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:1 +msgid "What is your Facebook username?" +msgstr "페이스북 사용자 이름이 무엇입니까?" #. This string is not wrapped in the dialog so you may have to add some '\n' to make it look nice. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:14 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:3 msgid "" "This is your username, not your normal Facebook login.\n" "If you are facebook.com/badger, enter badger.\n" @@ -1109,180 +1086,204 @@ "사용자 이름이 없다면 이 페이지" "에서 페이스북 사용자 이름을 설정하십시오." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:17 -msgid "Use old SS_L" -msgstr "과거 SSL 사용(_L)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:18 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:6 msgid "What is your Facebook password?" msgstr "페이스북 암호가 무엇입니까?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:19 -msgid "What is your Facebook username?" -msgstr "페이스북 사용자 이름이 무엇입니까?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:20 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your Google ID?" msgstr "구글 아이디가 무엇입니까?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:21 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:9 +msgid "Example: user@gmail.com" +msgstr "예: user@gmail.com" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:10 msgid "What is your Google password?" msgstr "구글 암호가 무엇입니까?" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:11 +msgid "Example: user@jabber.org" +msgstr "예: user@jabber.org" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:15 +msgid "I_gnore SSL certificate errors" +msgstr "SSL 인증서 오류 무시(_G)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:16 +msgid "Priori_ty:" +msgstr "우선 순위(_T):" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:17 +msgid "Reso_urce:" +msgstr "자원(_U):" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:18 +msgid "Encr_yption required (TLS/SSL)" +msgstr "암호화 필요(_Y) (TLS/SSL)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:19 +msgid "Use old SS_L" +msgstr "과거 SSL 사용(_L)" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:22 +msgid "Override server settings" +msgstr "서버 설정 무시" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:24 msgid "What is your Jabber ID?" msgstr "재버 아이디가 무엇입니까?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:23 -msgid "What is your Jabber password?" -msgstr "재버 암호가 무엇입니까?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:24 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:25 msgid "What is your desired Jabber ID?" msgstr "희망하는 재버 아이디가 무엇입니까?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:25 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:26 +msgid "What is your Jabber password?" +msgstr "재버 암호가 무엇입니까?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:27 msgid "What is your desired Jabber password?" msgstr "희망하는 재버 암호가 무엇입니까?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:3 msgid "Example: user@hotmail.com" msgstr "예: user@hotmail.com" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your Windows Live ID?" msgstr "윈도우 라이브 아이디가 무엇입니까?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your Windows Live password?" msgstr "윈도우 라이브 암호가 무엇입니까?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:2 -msgid "E-_mail address:" -msgstr "전자메일 주소(_M):" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:1 msgid "Nic_kname:" msgstr "대화명(_K):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Last Name:" +msgstr "성(_L):" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:3 msgid "_First Name:" msgstr "이름(_F):" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Published Name:" +msgstr "공개 이름(_P):" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:5 msgid "_Jabber ID:" msgstr "재버 아이디(_J):" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:6 -msgid "_Last Name:" -msgstr "성(_L):" +msgid "E-_mail address:" +msgstr "전자메일 주소(_M):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:7 -msgid "_Published Name:" -msgstr "공개 이름(_P):" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Username:" +msgstr "사용자 이름(_U):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:3 msgid "Example: user@my.sip.server" msgstr "예: user@my.sip.server" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:3 -msgid "Authentication username:" -msgstr "인증 사용자 이름:" - -# NAT traversal 관련 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:4 -msgid "Discover Binding" -msgstr "바인딩 검색" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:5 -msgid "Discover the STUN server automatically" -msgstr "자동으로 STUN 서버 검색" +msgid "Use this account to call _landlines and mobile phones" +msgstr "이 계정을 사용해 유선 전화나 휴대 전화로 통화(_L)" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:6 -msgid "Ignore TLS Errors" -msgstr "TLS 오류 무시" +msgid "NAT Traversal Options" +msgstr "NAT 통과 옵션" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:7 -msgid "Interval (seconds)" -msgstr "간격 (초 단위)" +msgid "Proxy Options" +msgstr "프록시 옵션" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:8 -msgid "Keep-Alive Options" -msgstr "연결 유지 옵션" +msgid "Miscellaneous Options" +msgstr "기타 옵션" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:9 -msgid "Loose Routing" -msgstr "느슨한 라우팅" +msgid "STUN Server:" +msgstr "STUN 서버:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:10 -msgid "Mechanism:" -msgstr "방식:" +msgid "Discover the STUN server automatically" +msgstr "자동으로 STUN 서버 검색" +# NAT traversal 관련 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:11 -msgid "Miscellaneous Options" -msgstr "기타 옵션" +msgid "Discover Binding" +msgstr "바인딩 검색" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:12 -msgid "NAT Traversal Options" -msgstr "NAT 통과 옵션" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:114 +msgid "Server:" +msgstr "서버:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:13 +msgid "Keep-Alive Options" +msgstr "연결 유지 옵션" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:14 -msgid "Port:" -msgstr "포트:" +msgid "Mechanism:" +msgstr "방식:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:15 -msgid "Proxy Options" -msgstr "프록시 옵션" +msgid "Interval (seconds)" +msgstr "간격 (초 단위)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:16 +msgid "Authentication username:" +msgstr "인증 사용자 이름:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:17 +msgid "Transport:" +msgstr "전송 방법:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:18 -msgid "STUN Server:" -msgstr "STUN 서버:" +msgid "Loose Routing" +msgstr "느슨한 라우팅" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:19 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:347 -msgid "Server:" -msgstr "서버:" +msgid "Ignore TLS Errors" +msgstr "TLS 오류 무시" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:20 -msgid "Transport:" -msgstr "전송 방법:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:21 -msgid "Use this account to call _landlines and mobile phones" -msgstr "이 계정을 사용해 유선 전화나 휴대 전화로 통화(_L)" +msgid "Port:" +msgstr "포트:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:22 -msgid "What is your SIP account password?" -msgstr "SIP 계정 암호가 무엇입니까?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:23 msgid "What is your SIP login ID?" msgstr "SIP 로그인 아이디가 무엇입니까?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:24 -msgid "_Username:" -msgstr "사용자 이름(_U):" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:23 +msgid "What is your SIP account password?" +msgstr "SIP 계정 암호가 무엇입니까?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:2 +msgid "Yahoo! I_D:" +msgstr "야후! 아이디(_D):" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:5 msgid "I_gnore conference and chat room invitations" msgstr "회의 및 대화방 초대 무시(_G)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Room List locale:" +msgstr "방 목록 로캘(_R):" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:10 msgid "What is your Yahoo! ID?" msgstr "야후! 아이디가 무엇입니까?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:11 msgid "What is your Yahoo! password?" msgstr "야후! 암호가 무엇입니까?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:9 -msgid "Yahoo! I_D:" -msgstr "야후! 아이디(_D):" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:11 -msgid "_Room List locale:" -msgstr "방 목록 로캘(_R):" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:471 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:556 msgid "Couldn't convert image" @@ -1320,61 +1321,65 @@ msgid "Click to enlarge" msgstr "누르면 크게 봅니다" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:44 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:42 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:60 msgid "There was an error starting the call" msgstr "통화를 시작하는데 오류가 발생했습니다" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:51 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:49 msgid "The specified contact doesn't support calls" msgstr "지정한 계정은 통화를 지원하지 않습니다" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:53 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:51 msgid "The specified contact is offline" msgstr "지정한 연락처는 연결 중지 상태입니다" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:55 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:53 msgid "The specified contact is not valid" msgstr "지정한 연락처는 올바르지 않습니다" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:57 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:55 msgid "Emergency calls are not supported on this protocol" msgstr "이 프로토콜에서는 비상 통화를 지원하지 않습니다" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:704 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:57 +msgid "You don't have enough credit in order to place this call" +msgstr "연락을 하기 위한 잔고가 부족합니다" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:729 msgid "Failed to open private chat" msgstr "개인 대화를 시작하는데 실패했습니다" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:762 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:787 msgid "Topic not supported on this conversation" msgstr "이 대화에서는 주제 설정을 지원하지 않습니다" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:768 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:793 msgid "You are not allowed to change the topic" msgstr "주제를 바꿀 권한이 없습니다" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:969 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:992 #, c-format msgid "“%s” is not a valid contact ID" msgstr "“%s”은(는) 올바른 연락처의 아이디가 아닙니다" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1054 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1087 msgid "/clear: clear all messages from the current conversation" msgstr "/clear: 현재 대화의 모든 메시지를 지웁니다" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1057 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1090 msgid "/topic : set the topic of the current conversation" msgstr "/topic <주제>: 현재 대화의 주제를 설정합니다" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1060 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1093 msgid "/join : join a new chat room" msgstr "/join <대화방아이디>: 새 대화방에 입장합니다" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1063 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1096 msgid "/j : join a new chat room" msgstr "/j <대화방아이디>: 새 대화방에 참여합니다" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1067 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1100 msgid "" "/part [] []: leave the chat room, by default the " "current one" @@ -1382,23 +1387,23 @@ "/part [<대화방아이디>] [<이유>]: 대화방을 떠납니다. 기본값은 현재 대화방을 떠" "납니다" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1071 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1104 msgid "/query []: open a private chat" msgstr "/query <연락처아이디> [<메시지>]: 개인 대화를 시작합니다" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1074 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1107 msgid "/msg : open a private chat" msgstr "/msg <연락처아이디> [<메시지>]: 개인 대화를 시작합니다" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1077 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1110 msgid "/nick : change your nickname on the current server" msgstr "/nick <대화명>: 서버에서 대화명을 바꿉니다" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1080 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1113 msgid "/me : send an ACTION message to the current conversation" msgstr "/me <메시지>: 현재 대화에서 ACTION 메시지를 보냅니다" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1083 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1116 msgid "" "/say : send to the current conversation. This is used to " "send a message starting with a '/'. For example: \"/say /join is used to " @@ -1408,11 +1413,11 @@ "지를 보낼 때 사용합니다. 예를 들어: \"/say /join 명령으로 대화방에 입장합니다" "\"" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1088 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1121 msgid "/whois : display information about a contact" msgstr "/whois <대화명>: 대화 상대에 대한 정보를 표시합니다" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1091 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1124 msgid "" "/help []: show all supported commands. If is defined, " "show its usage." @@ -1420,113 +1425,127 @@ "/help [<명령어>]: 명령어 목록을 표시합니다. <명령어>가 있으면 해당 명령어 사" "용법을 표시합니다." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1108 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1143 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s" msgstr "사용법: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1153 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1188 msgid "Unknown command" msgstr "알 수 없는 명령어" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1279 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1314 msgid "Unknown command; see /help for the available commands" msgstr "알 수 없는 명령어. 명령어 목록은 /help 명령에서 보십시오" -#. translators: error used when user doesn't have enough credit on his -#. * account to send the message. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1449 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1565 msgid "insufficient balance to send message" msgstr "메시지를 보내는데 필요한 잔액이 부족합니다" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1451 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1569 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1583 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1646 +#, c-format +msgid "Error sending message '%s': %s" +msgstr "메시지를 보내는데 오류, '%s': %s" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1571 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1588 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1650 +#, c-format +msgid "Error sending message: %s" +msgstr "메시지를 보내는데 오류: %s" + +#. translators: error used when user doesn't have enough credit on his +#. * account to send the message. +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1577 +#, c-format +msgid "insufficient balance to send message. Top up." +msgstr "" +"메시지를 보내는데 필요한 잔액이 부족합니다. 위로 올립니다." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1617 msgid "not capable" msgstr "권한 없음" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1458 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1624 msgid "offline" msgstr "연결 중지" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1461 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1627 msgid "invalid contact" msgstr "연락처가 잘못되었습니다" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1464 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1630 msgid "permission denied" msgstr "권한이 없습니다" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1467 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1633 msgid "too long message" msgstr "메시지가 너무 깁니다" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1470 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1636 msgid "not implemented" msgstr "구현하지 않았습니다" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1474 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1640 msgid "unknown" msgstr "알 수 없음" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1480 -#, c-format -msgid "Error sending message '%s': %s" -msgstr "메시지를 보내는데 오류, '%s': %s" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1484 -#, c-format -msgid "Error sending message: %s" -msgstr "메시지를 보내는데 오류: %s" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1541 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:761 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1707 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:920 msgid "Topic:" msgstr "주제:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1553 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1722 #, c-format msgid "Topic set to: %s" msgstr "주제를 설정했습니다: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1555 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1724 +#, c-format +msgid "Topic set by %s to: %s" +msgstr "%s이(가) 주제를 설정했습니다: %s" + +#. No need to display this 'event' is no topic can be defined anyway +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1729 msgid "No topic defined" msgstr "주제를 정하지 않았습니다" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2068 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2245 msgid "(No Suggestions)" msgstr "(제안 없음)" #. translators: %s is the selected word -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2136 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2313 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to Dictionary" msgstr "사전에 '%s' 추가" #. translators: first %s is the selected word, #. * second %s is the language name of the target dictionary -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2173 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2350 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to %s Dictionary" msgstr "%2$s 사전에 '%1$s' 추가" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2243 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2420 msgid "Insert Smiley" msgstr "이모티콘 입력" #. send button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2261 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1839 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2438 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1880 msgid "_Send" msgstr "보내기(_S)" #. Spelling suggestions -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2315 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2495 msgid "_Spelling Suggestions" msgstr "맞춤법 제안(_S)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2404 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2584 msgid "Failed to retrieve recent logs" msgstr "최근 기록을 가져오는데 실패했습니다" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2541 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2723 #, c-format msgid "%s has disconnected" msgstr "%s 님의 연결이 끊겼습니다" @@ -1534,12 +1553,12 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the kicked should come before the kicker in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2548 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2730 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was kicked by %2$s" msgstr "%1$s 님이 %2$s 님에 의해 퇴장당했습니다." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2551 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2733 #, c-format msgid "%s was kicked" msgstr "%1$s 님이 퇴장당했습니다." @@ -1547,17 +1566,17 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the banned should come before the banner in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2559 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2741 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was banned by %2$s" msgstr "%1$s 님이 %2$s 님에 의해 입장 금지됐습니다" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2562 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2744 #, c-format msgid "%s was banned" msgstr "%s 님이 입장 금지됐습니다" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2566 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2748 #, c-format msgid "%s has left the room" msgstr "%s 님이 방을 떠났습니다" @@ -1567,17 +1586,17 @@ #. * given by the user living the room. If this poses a problem, #. * please let us know. :-) #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2575 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2757 #, c-format msgid " (%s)" msgstr " (%s)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2600 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2782 #, c-format msgid "%s has joined the room" msgstr "%s 님이 방에 들어왔습니다" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2625 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2807 #, c-format msgid "%s is now known as %s" msgstr "%s 님의 대화명은 이제부터 %s 입니다" @@ -1585,90 +1604,90 @@ #. We don't know if the incoming call has been accepted or not, so we #. * assume it hasn't and if it has, we'll set the proper status when #. * we get the new handler. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2778 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1894 -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1240 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1432 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1482 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2527 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2994 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1888 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1279 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1502 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1552 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2585 msgid "Disconnected" msgstr "연결 끊김" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3424 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3658 msgid "Would you like to store this password?" msgstr "이 암호를 저장하시겠습니까?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3430 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3664 msgid "Remember" msgstr "저장" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3440 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3674 msgid "Not now" msgstr "지금 안 함" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3484 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3718 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-bad-password-dialog.c:142 msgid "Retry" msgstr "다시 시도" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3488 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3722 msgid "Wrong password; please try again:" msgstr "암호가 틀렸습니다. 다시 시도해 보십시오:" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3618 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3852 msgid "This room is protected by a password:" msgstr "이 방은 암호가 설정되어 있습니다:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3645 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3879 msgid "Join" msgstr "입장" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3833 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1261 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4071 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1300 msgid "Connected" msgstr "연결함" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3888 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4126 msgid "Conversation" msgstr "대화" #. Translators: this string is a something like #. * "Escher Cat (SMS)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3893 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4131 #, c-format msgid "%s (SMS)" msgstr "%s (단문 문자)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:424 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:264 msgid "Unknown or invalid identifier" msgstr "아이디를 알 수 없거나 아이디가 올바르지 않습니다" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:426 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:266 msgid "Contact blocking temporarily unavailable" msgstr "연락처 차단을 임시로 사용할 수 없습니다" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:428 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:268 msgid "Contact blocking unavailable" msgstr "연락처 차단을 사용할 수 없습니다" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:430 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:270 msgid "Permission Denied" msgstr "권한이 없습니다" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:434 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:274 msgid "Could not block contact" msgstr "연락처를 차단할 수 없습니다" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:774 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:612 msgid "Edit Blocked Contacts" msgstr "차단 연락처 편집" #. Account and Identifier #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:512 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1489 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-selector-dialog.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:506 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1474 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:7 msgid "Account:" msgstr "계정:" @@ -1678,462 +1697,367 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:3 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:5 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 #: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:3 msgid "Remove" msgstr "제거" #. Copy Link Address menu item -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:320 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:322 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-webkit-utils.c:277 msgid "_Copy Link Address" msgstr "링크 주소 복사(_C)" #. Open Link menu item -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:327 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:329 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-webkit-utils.c:284 msgid "_Open Link" msgstr "링크 열기(_O)" #. Translators: timestamp displayed between conversations in #. * chat windows (strftime format string) -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:415 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:417 msgid "%A %B %d %Y" msgstr "%Y년 %B %d일 %A" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:299 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-edit-dialog.c:247 -msgid "Edit Contact Information" -msgstr "연락처 정보 편집" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:350 -msgid "Personal Information" -msgstr "개인 정보" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:459 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:119 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:326 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:118 msgid "New Contact" msgstr "새 연락처" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:533 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:200 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:395 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:197 #, c-format msgid "Block %s?" msgstr "%s 차단하시겠습니까?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:538 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:255 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:400 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:252 #, c-format msgid "Are you sure you want to block '%s' from contacting you again?" msgstr "'%s' 사용자가 연락하지 못하도록 차단하시겠습니까?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:543 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:277 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:405 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:274 msgid "_Block" msgstr "차단(_B)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:559 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:286 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:423 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:283 msgid "_Report this contact as abusive" msgid_plural "_Report these contacts as abusive" msgstr[0] "이 연락처를 불량 사용자로 신고(_R)" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:1 -msgid "Decide _Later" -msgstr "나중에 결정(_L)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:2 msgid "Subscription Request" msgstr "가입 요청" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:2 msgid "_Block User" msgstr "사용자 차단(_B)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-store.h:71 -msgid "Ungrouped" -msgstr "그룹 없음" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-store.h:72 -msgid "Favorite People" -msgstr "자주 연락하는 사람" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:1986 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2376 -#, c-format -msgid "Do you really want to remove the group '%s'?" -msgstr "정말로 '%s' 그룹을 지우시겠습니까?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:1988 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2379 -msgid "Removing group" -msgstr "그룹 지우기" - -#. Remove -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2037 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2114 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2434 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2637 -msgid "_Remove" -msgstr "제거(_R)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2067 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2501 -#, c-format -msgid "Do you really want to remove the contact '%s'?" -msgstr "정말로 '%s' 연락처를 지우시겠습니까?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2069 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2522 -msgid "Removing contact" -msgstr "연락처를 지웁니다" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:220 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:14 -msgid "_Add Contact…" -msgstr "연락처 추가(_A)…" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:300 -msgid "_Block Contact" -msgstr "연락처 차단(_B)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:329 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:758 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:16 -msgid "_Chat" -msgstr "대화(_C)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:361 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:849 -msgctxt "menu item" -msgid "_Audio Call" -msgstr "음성 호출(_A)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:394 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:894 -msgctxt "menu item" -msgid "_Video Call" -msgstr "영상 호출(_V)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:440 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:947 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:27 -msgid "_Previous Conversations" -msgstr "예전 대화(_P)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:462 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:988 -msgid "Send File" -msgstr "파일 보내기" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:485 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1030 -msgid "Share My Desktop" -msgstr "내 데스크톱 공유" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:525 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1887 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1065 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1372 -msgid "Favorite" -msgstr "즐겨 찾기" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:554 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1093 -msgid "Infor_mation" -msgstr "정보(_M)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:600 -msgctxt "Edit contact (contextual menu)" -msgid "_Edit" -msgstr "편집(_E)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:654 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1284 -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:1011 -msgid "Inviting you to this room" -msgstr "이 방에 초대" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:685 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1330 -msgid "_Invite to Chat Room" -msgstr "대화방에 초대(_I)" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:3 +msgid "Decide _Later" +msgstr "나중에 결정(_L)" #. Title -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:505 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:499 msgid "Search contacts" msgstr "연락처 검색" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:535 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:529 msgid "Search: " msgstr "검색: " -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:593 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:587 msgid "_Add Contact" msgstr "연락처 추가(_A)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:611 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:605 msgid "No contacts found" msgstr "연락처가 없습니다" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:627 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:621 msgid "Your message introducing yourself:" msgstr "나에 대해 소개하는 메시지:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:635 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:629 msgid "Please let me see when you're online. Thanks!" msgstr "연결하면 제게 연락해 주세요. 감사합니다!" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-selector.c:129 -msgid "Select a contact" -msgstr "연락처 선택" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:336 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:153 -msgid "Full name:" -msgstr "전체 이름:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:337 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:154 -msgid "Phone number:" -msgstr "전화번호:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:338 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:155 -msgid "E-mail address:" -msgstr "전자메일 주소:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:339 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:156 -msgid "Website:" -msgstr "웹사이트:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:340 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:157 -msgid "Birthday:" -msgstr "생일:" - -#. Note to translators: this is the caption for a string of the form "5 -#. * minutes ago", and refers to the time since the contact last interacted -#. * with their IM client. -#. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:346 -msgid "Last seen:" -msgstr "최근 본 때:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:348 -msgid "Connected from:" -msgstr "연결 받음, 위치:" - -#. FIXME: once Idle implements SimplePresence using this information, we can -#. * and should bin this. -#. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:353 -msgid "Away message:" -msgstr "자리 비움 메시지:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:606 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:569 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:304 msgid "Channels:" msgstr "채널 수:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:897 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:469 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:749 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:455 msgid "Country ISO Code:" msgstr "ISO 국가 코드:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:899 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:471 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:751 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:457 msgid "Country:" msgstr "국가:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:901 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:473 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:753 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:459 msgid "State:" msgstr "지역:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:903 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:475 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:755 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:461 msgid "City:" msgstr "도시:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:905 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:477 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:757 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:463 msgid "Area:" msgstr "구역:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:907 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:479 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:759 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:465 msgid "Postal Code:" msgstr "우편번호:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:909 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:481 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:761 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:467 msgid "Street:" msgstr "길:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:911 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:483 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:763 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:469 msgid "Building:" msgstr "건물:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:913 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:485 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:765 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:471 msgid "Floor:" msgstr "층수:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:915 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:487 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:767 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:473 msgid "Room:" msgstr "방:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:917 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:489 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:769 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:475 msgid "Text:" msgstr "간판:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:919 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:491 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:771 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:477 msgid "Description:" msgstr "설명:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:921 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:493 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:773 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:479 msgid "URI:" msgstr "URI:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:923 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:495 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:775 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:481 msgid "Accuracy Level:" msgstr "정확도:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:925 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:497 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:777 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:483 msgid "Error:" msgstr "오류:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:927 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:499 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:779 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:485 msgid "Vertical Error (meters):" msgstr "수직 오차 (미터):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:929 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:501 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:781 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:487 msgid "Horizontal Error (meters):" msgstr "수평 오차 (미터):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:931 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:503 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:783 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:489 msgid "Speed:" msgstr "속도:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:933 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:505 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:785 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:491 msgid "Bearing:" msgstr "관계:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:935 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:507 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:787 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:493 msgid "Climb Speed:" msgstr "상승 속도:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:937 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:509 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:789 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:495 msgid "Last Updated on:" msgstr "최근 업데이트 시각:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:939 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:511 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:791 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:497 msgid "Longitude:" msgstr "경도:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:941 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:513 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:793 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:499 msgid "Latitude:" msgstr "위도:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:943 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:515 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:795 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:501 msgid "Altitude:" msgstr "고도:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:996 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1011 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:607 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:622 -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:17 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:848 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:863 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:593 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:608 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:35 msgid "Location" msgstr "위치" #. translators: format is "Location, $date" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1013 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:624 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:865 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:610 #, c-format msgid "%s, %s" msgstr "%s, %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1065 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:673 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:917 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:659 msgid "%B %e, %Y at %R UTC" msgstr "%Y년 %B %e일 %R UTC" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1147 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:915 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:999 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:900 msgid "Save Avatar" msgstr "아바타 저장" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1203 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:973 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1055 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:958 msgid "Unable to save avatar" msgstr "아바타를 저장할 수 없습니다" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:1 -msgid "Location at (date)\t" -msgstr "위치 (날짜별)\t" - -#. Alias -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1308 -msgid "Alias:" -msgstr "별명:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:4 -msgid "Client Information" -msgstr "클라이언트 정보" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:5 -msgid "Client:" -msgstr "클라이언트:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1446 +msgid "Personal Details" +msgstr "개인 상세정보" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1449 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:2 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:3 msgid "Contact Details" msgstr "연락처 자세히" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:104 +msgid "Full name" +msgstr "전체 이름" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:105 +msgid "Phone number" +msgstr "전화번호" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:106 +msgid "E-mail address" +msgstr "전자메일 주소" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:107 +msgid "Website" +msgstr "웹사이트" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:108 +msgid "Birthday" +msgstr "생일" + +#. Note to translators: this is the caption for a string of the form "5 +#. * minutes ago", and refers to the time since the contact last interacted +#. * with their IM client. +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:113 +msgid "Last seen:" +msgstr "최근 본 때:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:115 +msgid "Connected from:" +msgstr "연결 받은 위치:" + +#. FIXME: once Idle implements SimplePresence using this information, we can +#. * and should bin this. +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:119 +msgid "Away message:" +msgstr "자리 비움 메시지:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:132 +msgid "work" +msgstr "직장" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:133 +msgid "home" +msgstr "집" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:134 +msgid "mobile" +msgstr "휴대전화" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:135 +msgid "voice" +msgstr "음성" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:136 +msgid "preferred" +msgstr "선호사항" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:137 +msgid "postal" +msgstr "우편" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:138 +msgid "parcel" +msgstr "소포" + #. Identifier to connect to Instant Messaging network #. Translators: Identifier to connect to Instant Messaging network -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:8 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1517 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1502 msgid "Identifier:" msgstr "아이디:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:3 +#. Alias +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1293 +msgid "Alias:" +msgstr "별명:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:5 +msgid "Location at (date)\t" +msgstr "위치 (날짜별)\t" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:4 msgid "Information requested…" msgstr "요청한 정보…" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:10 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:8 +msgid "Client Information" +msgstr "클라이언트 정보" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:9 msgid "OS:" msgstr "운영 체제:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:10 msgid "Version:" msgstr "버전:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:333 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:11 +msgid "Client:" +msgstr "클라이언트:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:331 msgid "Groups" msgstr "그룹" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:345 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:343 msgid "" "Select the groups you want this contact to appear in. Note that you can " "select more than one group or no groups." @@ -2141,103 +2065,168 @@ "이 연락처가 나타날 그룹을 고르십시오. 여러 개의 그룹을 고를 수도 있고 그룹을 " "고르지 않을 수도 있습니다." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:364 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:362 msgid "_Add Group" msgstr "그룹 추가(_A)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:399 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:397 msgctxt "verb in a column header displaying group names" msgid "Select" msgstr "선택" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:409 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1807 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:407 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1970 msgid "Group" msgstr "그룹" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:260 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:257 msgid "The following identity will be blocked:" msgid_plural "The following identities will be blocked:" msgstr[0] "다음 아이디를 차단할 예정입니다:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:267 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:264 msgid "The following identity can not be blocked:" msgid_plural "The following identities can not be blocked:" msgstr[0] "다음 아이디를 차단할 수 없습니다:" -#. Translators: the heading at the top of the Information dialogue -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-information-dialog.c:288 -msgid "Linked Contacts" -msgstr "연결할 연락처" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-linker.c:370 -msgid "Select contacts to link" -msgstr "연결할 연락처 선택" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-linker.c:444 -msgid "New contact preview" -msgstr "새 연락처 미리 보기" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-linker.c:488 -msgid "Contacts selected in the list on the left will be linked together." -msgstr "왼쪽의 목록에서 선택한 연락처를 서로 연결합니다." +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-edit-dialog.c:247 +msgid "Edit Contact Information" +msgstr "연락처 정보 편집" #. Translators: this is used in the context menu for a contact. The first #. * parameter is a contact ID (e.g. foo@jabber.org) and the second is one #. * of the user's account IDs (e.g. me@hotmail.com). -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:145 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:172 #, c-format msgid "%s (%s)" msgstr "%s (%s)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:309 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:344 msgid "Select account to use to place the call" msgstr "통화를 할 때 사용할 계정 선택" #. translators: Call is a noun. This string is used in the window #. * title -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:313 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:2 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1299 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:348 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1290 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:18 msgid "Call" msgstr "호출" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:378 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:413 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "휴대전화" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:380 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:415 msgid "Work" msgstr "직장" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:382 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:417 msgid "HOME" msgstr "집" -#. add an SMS button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:804 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:215 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:658 +msgid "_Block Contact" +msgstr "연락처 차단(_B)" + +#. add chat button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1017 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:319 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Chat" +msgstr "대화(_C)" + +#. add SMS button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1052 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:313 msgid "_SMS" msgstr "단문 문자(_S)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1142 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1085 +msgctxt "menu item" +msgid "_Audio Call" +msgstr "음성 호출(_A)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1118 +msgctxt "menu item" +msgid "_Video Call" +msgstr "영상 호출(_V)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1159 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Previous Conversations" +msgstr "예전 대화(_P)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1188 +msgid "Send File" +msgstr "파일 보내기" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1218 +msgid "Share My Desktop" +msgstr "내 데스크톱 공유" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1244 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1357 +msgid "Favorite" +msgstr "즐겨 찾기" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1263 +msgid "gnome-contacts not installed" +msgstr "gnome-contacts를 설치하지 않았습니다" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1266 +msgid "Please install gnome-contacts to access contacts details." +msgstr "자세한 연락처를 보려면 gnome-contacts를 설치하여 주십시오." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1380 +msgid "Infor_mation" +msgstr "정보(_M)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1429 msgctxt "Edit individual (contextual menu)" msgid "_Edit" msgstr "편집(_E)" -#. Translators: this is a verb meaning "to connect two contacts together -#. * to form a meta-contact". -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1168 -msgctxt "Link individual (contextual menu)" -msgid "_Link Contacts…" -msgstr "연락처 연결(_L)…" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1546 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:1192 +msgid "Inviting you to this room" +msgstr "이 방에 초대" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1592 +msgid "_Invite to Chat Room" +msgstr "대화방에 초대(_I)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1788 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:5 +msgid "_Add Contact…" +msgstr "연락처 추가(_A)…" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2341 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2304 msgid "Delete and _Block" msgstr "삭제 및 차단(_B)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2510 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2339 +#, c-format +msgid "Do you really want to remove the group '%s'?" +msgstr "정말로 '%s' 그룹을 지우시겠습니까?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2342 +msgid "Removing group" +msgstr "그룹 지우기" + +#. Remove +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2397 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2601 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "제거(_R)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2474 +#, c-format +msgid "Do you really want to remove the contact '%s'?" +msgstr "정말로 '%s' 연락처를 지우시겠습니까?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2483 #, c-format msgid "" "Do you really want to remove the linked contact '%s'? Note that this will " @@ -2246,7 +2235,11 @@ "정말로 연결된 '%s' 연락처를 제거하시겠습니까? 그러면 연결된 항목에 들어 있는 " "모든 연락처가 지워집니다." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1656 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2495 +msgid "Removing contact" +msgstr "연락처를 지웁니다" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1641 #, c-format msgid "Linked contact containing %u contact" msgid_plural "Linked contacts containing %u contacts" @@ -2256,23 +2249,23 @@ msgid "Location at (date)" msgstr "위치 (날짜별)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:2 msgid "Online from a phone or mobile device" msgstr "전화 및 휴대전화 장치에서 연결" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:332 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:335 msgid "New Network" msgstr "새 네트워크" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:527 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:530 msgid "Choose an IRC network" msgstr "IRC 네트워크 선택" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:584 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:587 msgid "Reset _Networks List" msgstr "네트워크 목록 초기화(_N)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:588 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:591 msgctxt "verb displayed on a button to select an IRC network" msgid "Select" msgstr "선택" @@ -2285,246 +2278,249 @@ msgid "SSL" msgstr "SSL" -#. Translators: this is the title of the linking dialogue (reached by -#. * right-clicking on a contact and selecting "Link…"). "Link" in this title -#. * is a verb. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:115 -msgid "Link Contacts" -msgstr "연락처 연결" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:120 -msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" -msgid "_Unlink…" -msgstr "연결 해제(_U)…" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:121 -msgid "" -"Completely split the displayed linked contacts into the separate contacts." -msgstr "연결된 연락처를 완전히 별도의 연락처로 나눕니다." - -#. Add button -#. Translators: this is an action button in the linking dialogue. "Link" is -#. * used here as a verb meaning "to connect two contacts to form a -#. * meta-contact". -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:136 -msgid "_Link" -msgstr "연결(_L)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:183 -#, c-format -msgid "Unlink linked contacts '%s'?" -msgstr "연결된 '%s' 연락처의 연결을 해제하시겠습니까?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:186 -msgid "" -"Are you sure you want to unlink these linked contacts? This will completely " -"split the linked contacts into separate contacts." -msgstr "" -"정말로 이 연결된 연락처의 연결을 해제하시겠습니까? 그러면 연결된 연락처를 여" -"러 개의 별개 연락처로 나눕니다." - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:190 -msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" -msgid "_Unlink" -msgstr "연결 해제(_U)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:634 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:620 msgid "History" msgstr "기록" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:689 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:675 msgid "Show" msgstr "보이기" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:711 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:697 msgid "Search" msgstr "검색" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1159 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1148 #, c-format msgid "Chat in %s" msgstr "대화, 장소: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1161 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1150 #, c-format msgid "Chat with %s" msgstr "대화, 상대: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1211 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1358 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1200 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1347 msgctxt "A date with the time" msgid "%A, %e %B %Y %X" msgstr "%Y년 %B %e일 %A, %X" #. Translators: this is an emote: '* Danielle waves' -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1300 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1289 #, c-format msgid "* %s %s" msgstr "* %s %s" #. Translators: this is a message: 'Danielle: hello' #. * The string in bold is the sender's name -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1306 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1295 #, c-format msgid "%s: %s" msgstr "%s: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1382 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1371 #, c-format msgid "%s second" msgid_plural "%s seconds" msgstr[0] "%s초" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1389 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1378 #, c-format msgid "%s minute" msgid_plural "%s minutes" msgstr[0] "%s분" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1397 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1386 #, c-format msgid "Call took %s, ended at %s" msgstr "통화 시간 %s, 종료 %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1729 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1720 msgid "Today" msgstr "오늘" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1733 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1724 msgid "Yesterday" msgstr "어제" #. Translators: A date such as '23 May 2010' (strftime format) -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1748 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1739 msgid "%e %B %Y" msgstr "%Y년 %B %e일" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1829 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3444 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1827 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3487 msgid "Anytime" msgstr "모든 시간" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1916 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2372 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2400 msgid "Anyone" msgstr "모든 상대" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2685 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2713 msgid "Who" msgstr "상대" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2889 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2922 msgid "When" msgstr "시간" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3005 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3038 msgid "Anything" msgstr "모두" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3007 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3040 msgid "Text chats" msgstr "텍스트 채팅" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3009 -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3042 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:25 msgid "Calls" msgstr "통화" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3014 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3047 msgid "Incoming calls" msgstr "받은 통화" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3015 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3048 msgid "Outgoing calls" msgstr "보낸 통화" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3016 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3049 msgid "Missed calls" msgstr "놓친 통화" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3038 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3071 msgid "What" msgstr "내용" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3747 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3780 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete all logs of previous conversations?" msgstr "정말로 이전 대화 기록을 삭제하시겠습니까?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3751 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3784 msgid "Clear All" msgstr "모두 지우기" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3758 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3791 msgid "Delete from:" msgstr "삭제할 곳:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:1 -msgid "Loading..." -msgstr "읽어들이는 중..." +msgid "_File" +msgstr "파일(_F)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:3 -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Chat" -msgstr "대화" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:2 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:9 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:12 +msgid "_Edit" +msgstr "편집(_E)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:3 msgid "Delete All History..." msgstr "모든 기록 삭제..." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:4 msgid "Profile" msgstr "프로파일" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:6 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:22 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:20 -msgid "Video" -msgstr "영상" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:5 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:19 +msgid "Chat" +msgstr "대화" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:7 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:28 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:12 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:20 -msgid "_Edit" -msgstr "편집(_E)" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:26 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:19 +msgid "Video" +msgstr "영상" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:8 -msgid "_File" -msgstr "파일(_F)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:9 msgid "page 2" msgstr "페이지 2" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-selector-dialog.ui.h:2 -msgid "Contact ID:" -msgstr "연락처 아이디:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:9 +msgid "Loading..." +msgstr "읽어들이는 중..." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:83 +msgid "The contact is offline" +msgstr "연락처는 연결 중지 상태입니다" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:85 +msgid "The specified contact is either invalid or unknown" +msgstr "지정한 연락처가 올바르지 않거나 알 수 없습니다" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:87 +msgid "The contact does not support this kind of conversation" +msgstr "연락처에서는 이 대화의 종류를 지원하지 않습니다" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:89 +msgid "The requested functionality is not implemented for this protocol" +msgstr "요청한 기능은 이 프로토콜에서 지원하지 않습니다" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:95 +msgid "Could not start a conversation with the given contact" +msgstr "주어진 연락처로 대화를 시작할 수 없습니다" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:97 +msgid "You are banned from this channel" +msgstr "이 채널에서 추방되었습니다" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:99 +msgid "This channel is full" +msgstr "이 채널은 가득 찼습니다" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:101 +msgid "You must be invited to join this channel" +msgstr "이 채널에 참여하려면 초대받아야 합니다" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:103 +msgid "Can't proceed while disconnected" +msgstr "연결을 끊는 동안 수행할 수 없습니다" -#. add chat button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:225 -msgid "C_hat" -msgstr "대화(_H)" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:105 +msgid "Permission denied" +msgstr "권한이 없습니다" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:111 +msgid "There was an error starting the conversation" +msgstr "대화를 시작하는 중 오류가 발생했습니다" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:290 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:200 +msgid "Enter a contact identifier or phone number:" +msgstr "연락처 식별자나 전화 번호를 입력하십시오:" #. Tweak the dialog -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:244 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:333 msgid "New Conversation" msgstr "새 대화" -#. add video toggle -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:204 -msgid "Send _Video" -msgstr "영상 보내기(_V)" +#. add video button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:223 +msgid "_Video Call" +msgstr "영상 호출(_V)" -#. add chat button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:215 -msgid "C_all" -msgstr "호출(_A)" +#. add audio button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:233 +msgid "_Audio Call" +msgstr "음성 호출(_A)" #. Tweak the dialog -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:225 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:243 msgid "New Call" msgstr "새 호출" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-password-dialog.c:274 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-bad-password-dialog.c:130 +#, c-format +msgid "Authentification failed for account %s" +msgstr "%s 계정에 대한 인증 실패" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-base-password-dialog.c:224 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-password-dialog.c:134 #, c-format msgid "" "Enter your password for account\n" @@ -2561,12 +2557,8 @@ msgid "Set status" msgstr "상태 설정" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:943 -msgid "Set your presence and current status" -msgstr "현재 상태를 설정합니다" - #. Custom messages -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:1131 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:1135 msgid "Custom messages…" msgstr "사용자 지정 메시지…" @@ -2574,7 +2566,7 @@ #. To translator: %s is the name of the protocol, such as "Google Talk" or #. * "Yahoo!" #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-protocol-chooser.c:584 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-protocol-chooser.c:588 #, c-format msgid "New %s account" msgstr "새 %s 계정" @@ -2584,20 +2576,20 @@ msgstr "찾기:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:2 -msgid "Mat_ch case" -msgstr "대소문자 구별(_C)" +msgid "_Previous" +msgstr "이전(_P)" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:3 -msgid "Phrase not found" -msgstr "찾지 못했습니다" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:4 msgid "_Next" msgstr "다음(_N)" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:4 +msgid "Mat_ch case" +msgstr "대소문자 구별(_C)" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:5 -msgid "_Previous" -msgstr "이전(_P)" +msgid "Phrase not found" +msgstr "찾지 못했습니다" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-sound-manager.c:51 msgid "Received an instant message" @@ -2644,12 +2636,12 @@ msgstr "사용자 설정 메시지 편집" # 상태 메시지 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1036 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1051 #, c-format msgid "Message edited at %s" msgstr "메시지 편집, %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1726 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1757 msgid "Normal" msgstr "보통" @@ -2725,34 +2717,38 @@ msgstr "인증서 호스트 이름: %s" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:281 -msgid "Continue" -msgstr "계속" +msgid "C_ontinue" +msgstr "계속(_O)" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:287 +msgid "Untrusted connection" +msgstr "신뢰할 수 없는 연결" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:288 msgid "This connection is untrusted. Would you like to continue anyway?" msgstr "연결을 신뢰할 수 없습니다. 그래도 계속 하시겠습니까?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:297 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:298 msgid "Remember this choice for future connections" msgstr "앞으로 연결할 때 이렇게 선택" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:303 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:304 msgid "Certificate Details" msgstr "인증서 상세 정보" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1735 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1754 msgid "Unable to open URI" msgstr "URI를 열 수 없습니다" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1831 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1872 msgid "Select a file" msgstr "파일을 선택하십시오" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1903 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1947 msgid "Insufficient free space to save file" msgstr "파일을 저장할 빈 공간이 부족합니다" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1911 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1955 #, c-format msgid "" "%s of free space are required to save this file, but only %s is available. " @@ -2761,7 +2757,7 @@ "이 파일을 저장하려면 %s 만큼의 빈 공간이 필요하지만, 남은 용량은 %s입니다. 다" "른 위치를 선택하십시오." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1955 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1999 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file from %s" msgstr "%s에서 온 파일" @@ -2933,40 +2929,32 @@ msgid "Vietnamese" msgstr "베트남어" -#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:108 -msgid "The selected contact cannot receive files." -msgstr "선택한 연락처에서는 파일을 받을 수 없습니다." - -#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:114 -msgid "The selected contact is offline." -msgstr "선택한 연락처는 연결 중지 상태입니다." - -#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:169 +#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:202 msgid "No error message" msgstr "오류 메시지 없음" -#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:242 +#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:275 msgid "Instant Message (Empathy)" msgstr "메신저 (엠퍼시)" -#: ../src/empathy.c:431 +#: ../src/empathy.c:435 msgid "Don't connect on startup" msgstr "시작할 때 연결하지 않습니다" -#: ../src/empathy.c:435 +#: ../src/empathy.c:439 msgid "Don't display the contact list or any other dialogs on startup" msgstr "시작할 때 연락처 목록이나 기타 대화창을 표시하지 않습니다" # IM은 메신저라고 번역 -#: ../src/empathy.c:450 +#: ../src/empathy.c:454 msgid "- Empathy IM Client" msgstr "- 엠퍼시 메신저 클라이언트" -#: ../src/empathy.c:637 +#: ../src/empathy.c:641 msgid "Error contacting the Account Manager" msgstr "계정 관리에 연결하는데 오류" -#: ../src/empathy.c:639 +#: ../src/empathy.c:643 #, c-format msgid "" "There was an error while trying to connect to the Telepathy Account Manager. " @@ -3012,229 +3000,93 @@ "Empathy; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin " "Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-130159 USA" -#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:107 +#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:109 msgid "An Instant Messaging client for GNOME" msgstr "그놈 인스턴스 메시지 클라이언트" -#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:113 +#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:115 msgid "translator-credits" -msgstr "GNOME Korea " - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:167 -msgid "There was an error while importing the accounts." -msgstr "계정을 가져오는데 오류가 발생했습니다." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:170 -msgid "There was an error while parsing the account details." -msgstr "계정 정보를 파싱하는데 오류가 발생했습니다." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:173 -msgid "There was an error while creating the account." -msgstr "계정을 만드는데 오류가 발생했습니다." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:175 -msgid "There was an error." -msgstr "오류가 발생했습니다." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:179 -#, c-format -msgid "The error message was: %s" -msgstr "오류 메시지는: %s" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:183 -msgid "" -"You can either go back and try to enter your accounts' details again or quit " -"this assistant and add accounts later from the Edit menu." -msgstr "" -"뒤로 돌아가서 계정 정보를 다시 입력할 수도 있고, 아니면 이 도우미를 마치고 나" -"중에 편집 메뉴에서 계정을 추가할 수도 있습니다." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:220 -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1271 -msgid "An error occurred" -msgstr "오류가 발생했습니다" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:467 -msgid "What kind of chat account do you have?" -msgstr "어떤 종류의 대화 계정을 보유하고 있습니까?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:473 -msgid "Do you have any other chat accounts you want to set up?" -msgstr "설정할 또 다른 대화 계정이 있습니까?" - -# 도구 설명 -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:479 -msgid "Enter your account details" -msgstr "계정 정보를 편집합니다" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:484 -msgid "What kind of chat account do you want to create?" -msgstr "어떤 종류의 대화 계정을 만드시겠습니까?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:490 -msgid "Do you want to create other chat accounts?" -msgstr "다른 대화 계정을 더 만드시겠습니까?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:497 -msgid "Enter the details for the new account" -msgstr "새 계정의 정보를 입력하십시오" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:612 -msgid "" -"With Empathy you can chat with people online nearby and with friends and " -"colleagues who use Google Talk, AIM, Windows Live and many other chat " -"programs. With a microphone or a webcam you can also have audio or video " -"calls." -msgstr "" -"엠퍼시를 사용해 주변에 연결된 사람들 및 구글 토크, AIM, 윈도우 라이브, 기타 " -"대화 프로그램을 사용하는 친구, 동료들과 대화할 수 있습니다. 마이크와 웹카메라" -"를 사용하면 음성 및 영상 통화도 할 수 있습니다." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:629 -msgid "Do you have an account you've been using with another chat program?" -msgstr "다른 대화 프로그램에서 사용하던 계정이 있습니까?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:652 -msgid "Yes, import my account details from " -msgstr "예, 계정 정보를 다음에서 가져옵니다: " - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:673 -msgid "Yes, I'll enter my account details now" -msgstr "예, 지금 계정 정보를 입력합니다" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:695 -msgid "No, I want a new account" -msgstr "아니오, 새 계정을 만듭니다" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:705 -msgid "No, I just want to see people online nearby for now" -msgstr "아니오, 현재 주위에 연결한 사람을 보고 싶습니다" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:726 -msgid "Select the accounts you want to import:" -msgstr "가져오려는 계정을 선택하십시오:" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:813 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:555 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:556 -msgid "Yes" -msgstr "예" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:820 -msgid "No, that's all for now" -msgstr "아니오, 지금은 됐습니다" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1085 -msgid "" -"Empathy can automatically discover and chat with the people connected on the " -"same network as you. If you want to use this feature, please check that the " -"details below are correct. You can easily change these details later or " -"disable this feature by using the 'Accounts' dialog" msgstr "" -"같은 네트워크에 연결된 사람을 자동으로 찾아서 대화할 수 있습니다. 이 기능을 " -"사용하려면 먼저 아래 사항이 올바른지 확인하십시오. '계정' 대화창에서 이 설정" -"을 바꿀 수도 있고, 이 기능을 끌 수도 있습니다." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1091 -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1147 -msgid "Edit->Accounts" -msgstr "편집->계정" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1107 -msgid "I do _not want to enable this feature for now" -msgstr "이 기능 사용하지 않기(_N)" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1143 -msgid "" -"You won't be able to chat with people connected to your local network, as " -"telepathy-salut is not installed. If you want to enable this feature, please " -"install the telepathy-salut package and create a People Nearby account from " -"the Accounts dialog" -msgstr "" -"telepathy-salut를 설치하지 않았으므로 로컬 네트워크에 연결된 사람과 대화할 " -"수 없습니다. 이 기능을 사용하려면 telepathy-salut 패키지를 설치하고 '계정' 대" -"화창에서 '주변 사람\"을 만드십시오" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1149 -msgid "telepathy-salut not installed" -msgstr "telepathy-salut를 설치하지 않았습니다" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1195 -msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts Assistant" -msgstr "메신저 및 VoIP 계정 도우미" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1229 -msgid "Welcome to Empathy" -msgstr "안녕하세요, 엠퍼시입니다" - -# tooltip -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1238 -msgid "Import your existing accounts" -msgstr "기존 계정을 가져옵니다" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1256 -msgid "Please enter personal details" -msgstr "개인 정보를 입력하십시오" +"류창우 \n" +"조성호" #. The primary text of the dialog shown to the user when he is about to lose #. * unsaved changes -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:64 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:72 #, c-format msgid "There are unsaved modifications to your %s account." msgstr "%s 계정에 저장하지 않은 수정 사항이 있습니다." #. The primary text of the dialog shown to the user when he is about to lose #. * an unsaved new account -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:68 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:76 msgid "Your new account has not been saved yet." msgstr "새로 만든 계정을 아직 저장하지 않았습니다." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:345 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:754 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1216 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:370 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:759 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1289 msgid "Connecting…" msgstr "연결하는 중…" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:386 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:411 #, c-format msgid "Offline — %s" msgstr "연결 중지 상태 — %s" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:398 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:423 #, c-format msgid "Disconnected — %s" msgstr "연결 끊김 — %s" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:409 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:434 msgid "Offline — No Network Connection" msgstr "연결 중지 상태 — 네트워크 연결 없음" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:416 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:441 msgid "Unknown Status" msgstr "알 수 없는 상태" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:428 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:458 +msgid "" +"This account has been disabled because it relies on an old, unsupported " +"backend. Please install telepathy-haze and restart your session to migrate " +"the account." +msgstr "" +"이 계정은 너무 오래되었고 백엔드를 지원하지 않기 때문에 비활성화 되었습니다. " +"이 계정을 가져오려면 telepathy-haze를 설치하고 세션을 다시 시작하여 주시기 바" +"랍니다." + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:468 msgid "Offline — Account Disabled" msgstr "연결 중지 상태 — 계정 사용하지 않음" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:831 -msgid "" -"You are about to create a new account, which will discard\n" -"your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" -msgstr "" -"새 계정을 만드려 합니다. 그러면 바뀐 사항을 잃어버리게 됩니다. 정말 계속 하시" -"겠습니까?" +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:572 +msgid "Edit Connection Parameters" +msgstr "연결 인자를 편집합니다" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:735 +msgid "Failed to retrieve your personal information from the server." +msgstr "서버로부터 여러붙의 개인 정보를 가져오는데 실패했습니다." + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:741 +msgid "Go online to edit your personal information." +msgstr "여러분의 개인 정보를 편집하려면 온라인으로 이동하십시오." + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:826 +msgid "_Edit Connection Parameters..." +msgstr "연결 인수 편집(_E)..." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1192 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1322 #, c-format msgid "Do you want to remove %s from your computer?" msgstr "정말로 컴퓨터에서 %s 계정을 제거하시겠습니까?" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1196 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1326 msgid "This will not remove your account on the server." msgstr "서버의 계정은 제거하지 않습니다." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1432 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1562 msgid "" "You are about to select another account, which will discard\n" "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" @@ -3243,15 +3095,23 @@ "하시겠습니까?" #. Menu items: to enabled/disable the account -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1643 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1738 msgid "_Enable" msgstr "사용(_E)" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1644 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1739 msgid "_Disable" msgstr "사용 않기(_D)" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2154 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2122 +msgid "_Skip" +msgstr "건너 뛰기(_S)" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2126 +msgid "_Connect" +msgstr "연결(_C)" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2303 msgid "" "You are about to close the window, which will discard\n" "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" @@ -3263,150 +3123,130 @@ msgid "Add…" msgstr "추가…" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 -msgid "Loading account information" -msgstr "계정 정보를 읽어들이는 중입니다" - #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:3 -msgid "No protocol installed" -msgstr "프로토콜을 설치하지 않았습니다" +msgid "_Import…" +msgstr "가져오기(_I)…" #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:4 -msgid "Protocol:" -msgstr "프로토콜:" +msgid "Loading account information" +msgstr "계정 정보를 읽어들이는 중입니다" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:5 msgid "" "To add a new account, you first have to install a backend for each protocol " "you want to use." msgstr "새 계정을 만들면, 해당 프로토콜의 백엔드를 먼저 설치해야 합니다." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:7 -msgid "_Import…" -msgstr "가져오기(_I)…" +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:6 +msgid "No protocol backends installed" +msgstr "설치한 백엔드 프로토콜이 없습니다" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:249 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:288 msgid " - Empathy authentication client" msgstr " - 엠퍼시 인증 클라이언트" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:265 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:304 msgid "Empathy authentication client" msgstr "엠퍼시 인증 클라이언트" -#: ../src/empathy-auto-salut-account-helper.c:83 -msgid "People nearby" -msgstr "주변 사람" - -#: ../src/empathy-av.c:118 ../src/empathy-call.c:192 +#: ../src/empathy-av.c:118 ../src/empathy-call.c:201 msgid "- Empathy Audio/Video Client" msgstr "- 엠퍼시 음성/영상 클라이언트" -#: ../src/empathy-av.c:134 ../src/empathy-call.c:217 +#: ../src/empathy-av.c:134 ../src/empathy-call.c:223 msgid "Empathy Audio/Video Client" msgstr "엠퍼시 음성/영상 클라이언트" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:431 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:434 msgid "Contrast" msgstr "대비" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:434 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:437 msgid "Brightness" msgstr "밝기" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:437 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:440 msgid "Gamma" msgstr "감마" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:542 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:547 msgid "Volume" msgstr "볼륨" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1110 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1099 msgid "_Sidebar" msgstr "가장자리 창(_S)" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1130 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1119 msgid "Audio input" msgstr "음성 입력" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1134 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1123 msgid "Video input" msgstr "영상 입력" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1140 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1131 msgid "Dialpad" msgstr "숫자판" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1151 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1142 msgid "Details" msgstr "자세히" #. translators: Call is a noun and %s is the contact name. This string #. * is used in the window title -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1220 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1825 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1211 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1889 #, c-format msgid "Call with %s" msgstr "호출: %s" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1453 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2069 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1444 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2133 msgid "The IP address as seen by the machine" msgstr "컴퓨터에서 확인한 IP 주소" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1455 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2071 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1446 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2135 msgid "The IP address as seen by a server on the Internet" msgstr "인터넷 서버에서 확인한 IP 주소" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1457 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2073 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1448 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2137 msgid "The IP address of the peer as seen by the other side" msgstr "다른 상대편 컴퓨터에서 확인한 IP 주소" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1459 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2075 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1450 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2139 msgid "The IP address of a relay server" msgstr "중계 서버가 확인한 IP 주소" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1461 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2077 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1452 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2141 msgid "The IP address of the multicast group" msgstr "멀티캐스트 그룹의 IP 주소" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1837 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1840 #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1843 -msgctxt "encoding video codec" -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "알 수 없음" - #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1846 -msgctxt "encoding audio codec" -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "알 수 없음" - -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1849 -msgctxt "decoding video codec" -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "알 수 없음" - -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1852 -msgctxt "decoding audio codec" +msgctxt "codec" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "알 수 없음" #. Translators: number of minutes:seconds the caller has been connected -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2144 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2138 #, c-format msgid "Connected — %d:%02dm" msgstr "연결 — %d:%02d" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2205 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2846 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2199 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2987 msgid "Technical Details" msgstr "기술 정보" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2243 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2884 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2237 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3026 #, c-format msgid "" "%s's software does not understand any of the audio formats supported by your " @@ -3415,8 +3255,8 @@ "이 컴퓨터에서 지원하는 음성 형식 중에서 %s 측의 소프트웨어에서 지원하지 않는 " "음성 형식이 있습니다." -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2248 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2889 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2242 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3031 #, c-format msgid "" "%s's software does not understand any of the video formats supported by your " @@ -3425,8 +3265,8 @@ "이 컴퓨터에서 지원하는 영상 형식 중에서 %s 측의 소프트웨어에서 지원하지 않는 " "영상 형식이 있습니다." -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2254 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2895 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2248 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3037 #, c-format msgid "" "Can't establish a connection to %s. One of you might be on a network that " @@ -3435,27 +3275,27 @@ "%s에 연결할 수 없습니다. 현재 직접 연결을 허용하지 않는 네트워크에 연결되어 " "있을 수도 있습니다." -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2260 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2901 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2254 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3043 msgid "There was a failure on the network" msgstr "네트워크 관련해 실패했습니다." -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2264 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2905 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2258 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3047 msgid "" "The audio formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" msgstr "" "이 호출에 필요한 음성 형식을 지원하는 기능을 컴퓨터에 설치하지 않았습니다." -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2267 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2908 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2261 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3050 msgid "" "The video formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" msgstr "" "이 호출에 필요한 영상 형식을 지원하는 기능을 컴퓨터에 설치하지 않았습니다." -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2277 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2920 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2271 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3062 #, c-format msgid "" "Something unexpected happened in a Telepathy component. Please 이 버그를 " "보고해 주시고 도움말 메뉴의 '디버깅' 창에 있는 기록을 첨부하십시오." -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2285 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2929 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2279 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3071 msgid "There was a failure in the call engine" msgstr "호출 엔진에 실패가 발생했습니다" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2288 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2932 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2282 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3074 msgid "The end of the stream was reached" msgstr "스트림이 끝났습니다" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2328 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2972 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2322 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3114 msgid "Can't establish audio stream" msgstr "음성 스트림에 연결할 수 없습니다" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2338 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2982 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2332 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3124 msgid "Can't establish video stream" msgstr "영상 스트림에 연결할 수 없습니다" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:1 ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:1 #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:1 -msgid "Audio" -msgstr "음성" +msgid "_Call" +msgstr "통화(_C)" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:3 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:5 -msgid "Decoding Codec:" -msgstr "디코딩 코덱:" +msgid "_Microphone" +msgstr "마이크(_M)" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:4 -msgid "Disable camera" -msgstr "카메라 사용 않기" +msgid "_Camera" +msgstr "카메라(_C)" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:5 -msgid "Display the dialpad" -msgstr "숫자판 표시" +msgid "_Settings" +msgstr "설정(_S)" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:6 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:9 -msgid "Encoding Codec:" -msgstr "인코딩 코덱:" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:8 +msgid "_View" +msgstr "보기(_V)" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:7 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:10 -msgid "Hang up" -msgstr "끊기" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:7 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:27 +msgid "_Help" +msgstr "도움말(_H)" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:8 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:11 -msgid "Hang up current call" -msgstr "현재 호출을 끊습니다" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:8 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:18 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:28 +msgid "_Contents" +msgstr "차례(_C)" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:9 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:12 -msgid "Local Candidate:" -msgstr "로컬 후보:" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:29 +msgid "_Debug" +msgstr "디버깅(_D)" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:10 -msgid "Maximise me" -msgstr "최대화" +msgid "Swap camera" +msgstr "카메라 바꾸기" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:11 msgid "Minimise me" msgstr "최소화" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:12 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:15 -msgid "Remote Candidate:" -msgstr "원격 후보:" +msgid "Maximise me" +msgstr "최대화" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:13 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:16 -msgid "Send Audio" -msgstr "음성 보내기" +msgid "Disable camera" +msgstr "카메라 사용 않기" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:14 -msgid "Send Video" -msgstr "영상 보내기" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:2 +msgid "Hang up" +msgstr "끊기" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:15 -msgid "Show dialpad" -msgstr "숫자판 표시" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:9 +msgid "Hang up current call" +msgstr "현재 호출을 끊습니다" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "Video call" +msgstr "영상 통화" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:17 msgid "Start a video call" msgstr "영상 통화 시작" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:19 msgid "Start an audio call" msgstr "음성 통화 시작" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:18 -msgid "Swap camera" -msgstr "카메라 바꾸기" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:20 +msgid "Show dialpad" +msgstr "숫자판 표시" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:19 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:17 -msgid "Toggle audio transmission" -msgstr "오디오 전송을 켜고 끕니다" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:21 +msgid "Display the dialpad" +msgstr "숫자판 표시" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:20 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:22 +msgid "Send Video" +msgstr "영상 보내기" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:23 msgid "Toggle video transmission" msgstr "비디오 전송을 켜고 끕니다" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:21 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:18 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2476 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2477 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2478 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2479 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:24 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:11 +msgid "Send Audio" +msgstr "음성 보내기" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:25 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:12 +msgid "Toggle audio transmission" +msgstr "오디오 전송을 켜고 끕니다" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:27 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:20 +msgid "Encoding Codec:" +msgstr "인코딩 코덱:" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:28 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:21 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2537 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2538 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2539 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2540 msgid "Unknown" msgstr "알 수 없음" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:23 -msgid "Video call" -msgstr "영상 통화" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:29 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:22 +msgid "Decoding Codec:" +msgstr "디코딩 코덱:" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:24 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:30 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:23 +msgid "Remote Candidate:" +msgstr "원격 후보:" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:31 #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:24 -msgid "_Call" -msgstr "통화(_C)" +msgid "Local Candidate:" +msgstr "로컬 후보:" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:25 -msgid "_Camera" -msgstr "카메라(_C)" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:32 ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:24 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:25 +msgid "Audio" +msgstr "음성" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:26 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:9 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:18 -msgid "_Contents" -msgstr "차례(_C)" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:289 +msgid "Close this window?" +msgstr "창을 닫으시겠습니까?" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:27 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:19 -msgid "_Debug" -msgstr "디버깅(_D)" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:294 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Closing this window will leave %s. You will not receive any further messages " +"until you rejoin it." +msgstr "창을 닫으면 %s에서 떠납니다. 다시 참여하지 않는 한 더 이상의 메시지를 받을 수 없게 됩니다." -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:29 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:14 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:22 -msgid "_Help" -msgstr "도움말(_H)" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:305 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Closing this window will leave a chat room. You will not receive any further " +"messages until you rejoin it." +msgid_plural "" +"Closing this window will leave %u chat rooms. You will not receive any " +"further messages until you rejoin them." +msgstr[0] "" +"이 창을 닫으면 %u개의 대화방을 닫습니다. 다시 참여하기 전에는 더 이상의 메시" +"지를 받을 수 없습니다." -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:30 -msgid "_Microphone" -msgstr "마이크(_M)" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:314 +#, c-format +msgid "Leave %s?" +msgstr "%s에서 나가시겠습니까?" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:31 -msgid "_Settings" -msgstr "설정(_S)" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:315 +msgid "" +"You will not receive any further messages from this chat room until you " +"rejoin it." +msgstr "" +"다시 참여하기 전에는 이 대화방으로부터 더 이상의 메시지를 받을 수 없습니다." -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:32 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:30 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:25 -msgid "_View" -msgstr "보기(_V)" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:334 +msgid "Close window" +msgstr "창 닫기" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:481 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:501 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:334 +msgid "Leave room" +msgstr "방 나가기" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:640 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:660 #, c-format msgid "%s (%d unread)" msgid_plural "%s (%d unread)" msgstr[0] "%s (%d개 읽지 않음)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:493 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:652 #, c-format msgid "%s (and %u other)" msgid_plural "%s (and %u others)" msgstr[0] "%s (기타 %u개)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:509 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:668 #, c-format msgid "%s (%d unread from others)" msgid_plural "%s (%d unread from others)" msgstr[0] "%s (다른 탭 %d개 읽지 않음)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:518 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:677 #, c-format msgid "%s (%d unread from all)" msgid_plural "%s (%d unread from all)" msgstr[0] "%s (모두 %d개 읽지 않음)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:733 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:892 msgid "SMS:" msgstr "단문 문자:" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:743 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:902 #, c-format msgid "Sending %d message" msgid_plural "Sending %d messages" msgstr[0] "메시지 %d개 보내는 중" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:765 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:924 msgid "Typing a message." msgstr "메시지를 입력하는 중입니다." #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:1 -msgid "C_lear" -msgstr "지우기(_L)" +msgid "_Conversation" +msgstr "대화(_C)" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:2 -msgid "C_ontact" -msgstr "연락처(_O)" +msgid "C_lear" +msgstr "지우기(_L)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:3 msgid "Insert _Smiley" msgstr "이모티콘 입력(_S)" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Favorite Chat Room" +msgstr "즐겨 찾는 대화방(_F)" + #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:5 -msgid "Invite _Participant…" -msgstr "참석자 초대(_P)…" +msgid "Notify for All Messages" +msgstr "모든 메시지 알리기" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:6 -msgid "Move Tab _Left" -msgstr "탭 왼쪽으로 이동(_L)" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:6 ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Show Contact List" +msgstr "연락처 목록 표시(_S)" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:7 -msgid "Move Tab _Right" -msgstr "탭 오른쪽으로 이동(_R)" +msgid "Invite _Participant…" +msgstr "참석자 초대(_P)…" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:8 -msgid "Notify for All Messages" -msgstr "모든 메시지 알리기" +msgid "C_ontact" +msgstr "연락처(_O)" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:10 -msgid "_Conversation" -msgstr "대화(_C)" +msgid "_Tabs" +msgstr "탭(_T)" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:11 -msgid "_Detach Tab" -msgstr "탭 떼어내기(_D)" - -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:13 -msgid "_Favorite Chat Room" -msgstr "즐겨 찾는 대화방(_F)" +msgid "_Previous Tab" +msgstr "이전 탭(_P)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:15 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:12 msgid "_Next Tab" msgstr "다음 탭(_N)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:16 -msgid "_Previous Tab" -msgstr "이전 탭(_P)" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:13 +msgid "_Undo Close Tab" +msgstr "탭 닫기 실행 취소(_U)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:17 ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:5 -msgid "_Show Contact List" -msgstr "연락처 목록 표시(_S)" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:14 +msgid "Move Tab _Left" +msgstr "탭 왼쪽으로 이동(_L)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:18 -msgid "_Tabs" -msgstr "탭(_T)" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:15 +msgid "Move Tab _Right" +msgstr "탭 오른쪽으로 이동(_R)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:19 -msgid "_Undo Close Tab" -msgstr "탭 닫기 실행 취소(_U)" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "_Detach Tab" +msgstr "탭 떼어내기(_D)" #: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.c:251 msgid "Name" @@ -3729,100 +3612,100 @@ msgid "Auto-Connect" msgstr "자동 연결" -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:1 msgid "Manage Favorite Rooms" msgstr "즐겨 찾기 대화방 관리" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:521 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 msgid "Incoming video call" msgstr "영상 호출 받음" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:521 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1449 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1519 msgid "Incoming call" msgstr "호출 받음" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:525 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:526 #, c-format msgid "%s is video calling you. Do you want to answer?" msgstr "%s 님이 영상 호출하고 있습니다. 응답하시겠습니까?" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:526 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:527 #, c-format msgid "%s is calling you. Do you want to answer?" msgstr "%s 님이 호출하고 있습니다. 응답하시겠습니까?" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:529 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:730 -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:763 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1455 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:530 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "Incoming call from %s" msgstr "%s에서 온 호출" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:554 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:555 msgid "_Reject" msgstr "거부(_R)" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:562 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:570 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:563 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 msgid "_Answer" msgstr "응답(_A)" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:570 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 msgid "_Answer with video" msgstr "영상으로 응답(_A)" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:730 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:763 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1455 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "Incoming video call from %s" msgstr "%s에서 온 영상 호출" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:836 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:837 msgid "Room invitation" msgstr "방 초대" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:838 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:839 #, c-format msgid "Invitation to join %s" msgstr "%s 방에 초대" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:845 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:846 #, c-format msgid "%s is inviting you to join %s" msgstr "%s 님이 %s 방에 초대합니다" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:853 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:854 msgid "_Decline" msgstr "거절(_D)" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:858 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:7 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:859 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:2 msgid "_Join" msgstr "입장(_J)" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:885 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:886 #, c-format msgid "%s invited you to join %s" msgstr "%s 님이 %s 방에 초대했습니다" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:891 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:892 #, c-format msgid "You have been invited to join %s" msgstr "%s 방에 초대 받았습니다" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:942 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:943 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file transfer from %s" msgstr "파일 전송을 받았습니다 (%s에서)" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1134 ../src/empathy-main-window.c:375 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1146 ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:374 msgid "Password required" msgstr "암호 필요" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1190 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1216 #, c-format msgid "%s would like permission to see when you are online" msgstr "\"%s\"님이 연결되었을 때 알 수 있는 권한을 요청합니다" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1194 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1222 #, c-format msgid "" "\n" @@ -3832,105 +3715,105 @@ "메시지: %s" #. Translators: time left, when it is more than one hour -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:100 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:99 #, c-format msgid "%u:%02u.%02u" msgstr "%u:%02u.%02u" #. Translators: time left, when is is less than one hour -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:103 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:102 #, c-format msgid "%02u.%02u" msgstr "%02u.%02u" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:179 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:178 msgctxt "file transfer percent" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "알 수 없음" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:274 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:273 #, c-format msgid "%s of %s at %s/s" msgstr "%s (전체 %s, 속도 %s/s)" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:275 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:274 #, c-format msgid "%s of %s" msgstr "%s (전체 %s)" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:306 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:305 #, c-format msgid "Receiving \"%s\" from %s" msgstr "\"%s\" 파일 받는 중 (%s에서)" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:309 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:308 #, c-format msgid "Sending \"%s\" to %s" msgstr "\"%s\" 파일 보내는 중 (%s에게)" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s #. * is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:339 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:338 #, c-format msgid "Error receiving \"%s\" from %s" msgstr "\"%s\" 파일을 %s에서 받는 중 오류" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:342 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:341 msgid "Error receiving a file" msgstr "파일을 받는데 오류" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:347 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:346 #, c-format msgid "Error sending \"%s\" to %s" msgstr "\"%s\" 파일을 %s에 보내는 중 오류" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:350 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:349 msgid "Error sending a file" msgstr "파일을 보내는데 오류" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s #. * is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:489 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:488 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" received from %s" msgstr "\"%s\" 파일 받음 (%s에서)" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s #. * is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:494 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:493 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" sent to %s" msgstr "\"%s\" 파일 보냄 (%s에게)" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:497 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:496 msgid "File transfer completed" msgstr "파일 전송 완료" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:616 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:780 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:615 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:779 msgid "Waiting for the other participant's response" msgstr "다른 참석자의 응답을 기다리는 중입니다" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:642 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:680 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:641 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:679 #, c-format msgid "Checking integrity of \"%s\"" msgstr "\"%s\" 파일이 올바른지 검사하는 중입니다" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:645 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:683 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:644 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:682 #, c-format msgid "Hashing \"%s\"" msgstr "\"%s\"의 해시를 구하는 중입니다" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1026 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1025 msgid "%" msgstr "%" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1038 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1037 msgid "File" msgstr "파일" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1060 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1059 msgid "Remaining" msgstr "남음" @@ -3942,177 +3825,207 @@ msgid "Remove completed, canceled and failed file transfers from the list" msgstr "목록에서 완료했거나, 취소했거나, 실패한 파일 전송 제거" -#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:84 +#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:76 +msgid "_Import" +msgstr "가져오기(_I)" + +#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:88 msgid "" "No accounts to import could be found. Empathy currently only supports " "importing accounts from Pidgin." msgstr "가져올 계정이 없습니다. 현재 엠퍼시는 피진 계정 가져오기만 지원합니다." -#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:199 +#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:209 msgid "Import Accounts" msgstr "계정 가져오기" #. Translators: this is the header of a treeview column -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:301 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:316 msgid "Import" msgstr "가져오기" -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:310 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:325 msgid "Protocol" msgstr "프로토콜" -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:334 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:349 msgid "Source" msgstr "소스" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:392 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:391 msgid "Provide Password" msgstr "암호 입력" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:398 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:397 msgid "Disconnect" msgstr "연결 끊기" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:622 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:657 +msgid "You need to setup an account to see contacts here." +msgstr "이 연락처를 보려면 계정을 설정해야 합니다." + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:673 msgid "No match found" msgstr "해당 사항이 없습니다" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:777 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:783 +#, c-format +msgid "Sorry, %s accounts can’t be used until your %s software is updated." +msgstr "" +"죄송하지만, %s 계정은 %s 소프트웨어를 업데이트 하기 전에는 사용하실 수 없습니" +"다." + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:849 +msgid "Update software..." +msgstr "소프트웨어 업데이트..." + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:855 ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:972 +msgid "Close" +msgstr "닫기" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:960 msgid "Reconnect" msgstr "다시 연결" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:783 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:966 msgid "Edit Account" msgstr "계정 편집" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:789 -msgid "Close" -msgstr "닫기" - #. Translators: this string will be something like: -#. * Top up My Account ($1.23)..." -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:928 +#. * Top up My Account ($1.23)..." +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1110 #, c-format msgid "Top up %s (%s)..." msgstr "%s 올리기 (%s)..." -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:975 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1156 msgid "Top up account credit" msgstr "계정 크레디트 올리기" #. top up button -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1046 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1228 msgid "Top Up..." msgstr "올리기..." -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1789 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1952 msgid "Contact" msgstr "연락처" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:2121 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2150 +msgid "You need to enable one of your accounts to see contacts here." +msgstr "이 연락처를 보려면 여러분의 계정 중 하나를 활성화 해야 합니다." + +#. translators: argument is an account name +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2158 +#, c-format +msgid "You need to enable %s to see contacts here." +msgstr "이 연락처를 보려면 %s을(를) 활성화 해야 합니다." + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2460 msgid "Contact List" msgstr "연락처 목록" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:1 -msgid "Contacts on a _Map" -msgstr "지도 위에 연락처(_M)" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.ui.h:1 +msgid "Account settings" +msgstr "계정 설정" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:2 -msgid "Credit Balance" -msgstr "크레디트 잔액" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:2 +msgid "_New Conversation…" +msgstr "새 대화(_N)…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:3 -msgid "Find in Contact _List" -msgstr "연락처 목록에서 찾기(_L)" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:3 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:3 +msgid "New _Call…" +msgstr "새 호출(_C)…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:4 -msgid "Join _Favorites" -msgstr "즐겨 찾기에 입장(_F)" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Search for Contacts…" +msgstr "연락처 검색(_S)…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:5 -msgid "Manage Favorites" -msgstr "즐겨 찾기 관리" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:7 +msgid "_File Transfers" +msgstr "파일 전송(_F)" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:6 -msgid "N_ormal Size" -msgstr "보통 크기(_O)" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Offline Contacts" +msgstr "연결 중지 상태 연락처(_O)" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:7 ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:1 -msgid "New _Call…" -msgstr "새 호출(_C)…" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:9 +msgid "Show P_rotocols" +msgstr "프로토콜 표시(_R)" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:8 -msgid "Normal Size With _Avatars" -msgstr "보통 크기, 아바타 포함(_A)" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:10 +msgid "Credit Balance" +msgstr "크레디트 잔액" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:11 +msgid "Contacts on a _Map" +msgstr "지도 위에 연락처(_M)" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:13 +msgid "_Accounts" +msgstr "계정(_A)" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:14 +msgid "_Blocked Contacts" +msgstr "차단한 연락처(_B)" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:9 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:15 msgid "P_references" msgstr "기본 설정(_R)" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:10 -msgid "Show P_rotocols" -msgstr "프로토콜 표시(_R)" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:16 +msgid "Find in Contact _List" +msgstr "연락처 목록에서 찾기(_L)" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:11 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:18 msgid "Sort by _Name" msgstr "이름 순서로 정렬(_N)" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:12 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:19 msgid "Sort by _Status" msgstr "상태 순서로 정렬(_S)" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:13 -msgid "_Accounts" -msgstr "계정(_A)" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:20 +msgid "Normal Size With _Avatars" +msgstr "보통 크기, 아바타 포함(_A)" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:15 -msgid "_Blocked Contacts" -msgstr "차단한 연락처(_B)" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:21 +msgid "N_ormal Size" +msgstr "보통 크기(_O)" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:22 msgid "_Compact Size" msgstr "작은 크기(_C)" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:21 -msgid "_File Transfers" -msgstr "파일 전송(_F)" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:23 +msgid "_Room" +msgstr "방(_R)" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:23 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:24 msgid "_Join…" msgstr "입장(_J)…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:24 -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:3 -msgid "_New Conversation…" -msgstr "새 대화(_N)…" - -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:25 -msgid "_Offline Contacts" -msgstr "연결 중지 상태 연락처(_O)" - -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:26 -msgid "_Personal Information" -msgstr "개인 정보(_P)" - -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:28 -msgid "_Room" -msgstr "방(_R)" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:25 +msgid "Join _Favorites" +msgstr "즐겨 찾기에 입장(_F)" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:29 -msgid "_Search for Contacts…" -msgstr "연락처 검색(_S)…" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:26 +msgid "Manage Favorites" +msgstr "즐겨 찾기 관리" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:337 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:369 msgid "Chat Room" msgstr "대화방" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:353 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:385 msgid "Members" msgstr "구성원" #. Translators: Room/Join's roomlist tooltip. Parameters are a channel name, #. yes/no, yes/no and a number. -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:553 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:637 #, c-format msgid "" "%s\n" @@ -4125,22 +4038,27 @@ "암호 필요: %s\n" "구성원: %s" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:555 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:556 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:639 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:640 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "예" + +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:639 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:640 msgid "No" msgstr "아니요" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:584 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:668 msgid "Could not start room listing" msgstr "방 목록을 시작할 수 없습니다" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:594 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:678 msgid "Could not stop room listing" msgstr "방 목록을 중지할 수 없습니다" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:2 -msgid "Couldn't load room list" -msgstr "방 목록을 읽어들일 수 없습니다" +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:1 +msgid "Join Room" +msgstr "방 입장" #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:3 msgid "" @@ -4148,6 +4066,10 @@ msgstr "입장하려는 방 이름을 입력하거나 목록에서 방을 누르십시오." #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Room:" +msgstr "대화방(_R):" + +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:5 msgid "" "Enter the server which hosts the room, or leave it empty if the room is on " "the current account's server" @@ -4155,509 +4077,569 @@ "방이 있는 서버를 입력하십시오. 현재 계정의 서버에 그 방이 있는 경우 비워 두십" "시오." -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:5 -msgid "Join Room" -msgstr "방 입장" +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:8 +msgid "Couldn't load room list" +msgstr "방 목록을 읽어들일 수 없습니다" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:9 msgid "Room List" msgstr "방 목록" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:8 -msgid "_Room:" -msgstr "대화방(_R):" - # 상태 메시지 -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:169 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:166 msgid "Message received" msgstr "메시지 받음" # 상태 메시지 -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:170 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:167 msgid "Message sent" msgstr "메시지 보냄" # 상태 메시지 -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:171 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:168 msgid "New conversation" msgstr "새 대화" # 상태 메시지 -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:172 -msgid "Contact goes online" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:169 +msgid "Contact comes online" msgstr "연락처가 온라인" # 상태 메시지 -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:173 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:170 msgid "Contact goes offline" msgstr "연락처가 연결 중지 상태" # 상태 메시지 -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:174 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:171 msgid "Account connected" msgstr "계정 연결" # 상태 메시지 -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:175 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:172 msgid "Account disconnected" msgstr "계정 연결 끊김" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:484 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:475 msgid "Language" msgstr "언어" #. translators: Contact name for the chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:734 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:726 msgid "Juliet" msgstr "줄리엣" #. translators: Contact name for the chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:741 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:733 msgid "Romeo" msgstr "로미오" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:747 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:739 msgid "O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?" msgstr "아, 로미오! 로미오! 어째서 당신 이름은 로미오인가요?" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:750 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:743 msgid "Deny thy father and refuse thy name;" msgstr "아버지를 잊으시고 그 이름을 버리세요." #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:753 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:746 msgid "Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love" msgstr "그게 싫거든 저를 사랑한다고 맹세만이라도 해주세요." #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:756 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:749 msgid "And I'll no longer be a Capulet." msgstr "" "그렇게 못하시겠다면 차라리 제가 더 이상 캐플리트 가문의 성을 쓰지 않겠어요." #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:759 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:752 msgid "Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?" msgstr "좀 더 들어볼까? 아니면 지금 말을 걸어볼까? " #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:762 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:755 msgid "Juliet has disconnected" msgstr "줄리엣 님의 연결이 끊겼습니다" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:1175 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:1159 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "기본 설정" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:1 -msgid "Appearance" -msgstr "모양" +msgid "Show _smileys as images" +msgstr "이모티콘을 그림으로 표시(_S)" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:2 +msgid "Show contact _list in rooms" +msgstr "방에 연락처 목록 표시(_L)" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:3 -msgid "Behavior" -msgstr "동작" +msgid "Appearance" +msgstr "모양" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:4 +msgid "Start chats in:" +msgstr "다음에서 대화를 시작합니다:" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:5 -msgid "Chat Th_eme:" -msgstr "대화 테마(_E):" +msgid "new ta_bs" +msgstr "새 탭(_B)" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:6 -msgid "Disable notifications when _away or busy" -msgstr "자리 비움이거나 다른 용무 중일 때 알리지 않기(_A)" +msgid "new _windows" +msgstr "새 창(_W)" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:7 -msgid "Disable sounds when _away or busy" -msgstr "자리 비움이거나 다른 용무 중일 때 소리 사용하지 않기(_A)" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:8 msgid "Display incoming events in the notification area" msgstr "알림 영역에 새로 들어온 이벤트 표시" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Automatically connect on startup" +msgstr "시작할 때 자동으로 연결(_A)" + #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:9 -msgid "" -"Echo cancellation helps to make your voice sound clearer to the other " -"person, but may cause problems on some computers. If you or the other person " -"hear strange noises or glitches during calls, try turning echo cancellation " -"off and restarting the call." -msgstr "" -"음향 반향 제거 기능을 사용하면 내 목소리가 상대방에게 더 분명히 들립니다. 하" -"지만 일부 컴퓨터에서 문제가 발생할 수 있습니다. 통화 중에 나 또는 상대방에게 " -"잡음이 들린 다면 음향 반향 제거 기능을 끄고 다시 통화해 보십시오." +msgid "Log conversations" +msgstr "대화 내용 기록" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:10 -msgid "Enable notifications when a contact comes online" -msgstr "연락처의 사람이 연결하면 알리기" +msgid "Behavior" +msgstr "동작" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:11 -msgid "Enable notifications when a contact goes offline" -msgstr "연락처의 사람이 연결이 끊어지면 알리기" +msgid "General" +msgstr "일반" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:12 -msgid "Enable notifications when the _chat is not focused" -msgstr "대화에 포커스가 없으면 팝업 알리기(_C)" +msgid "_Enable bubble notifications" +msgstr "풍선 알림 사용(_E)" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:13 -msgid "Enable spell checking for languages:" -msgstr "맞춤법 검사를 사용할 언어:" +msgid "Disable notifications when _away or busy" +msgstr "자리 비움이거나 다른 용무 중일 때 알리지 않기(_A)" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:14 -msgid "General" -msgstr "일반" +msgid "Enable notifications when the _chat is not focused" +msgstr "대화에 포커스가 없으면 팝업 알리기(_C)" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:15 -msgid "Input level:" -msgstr "입력 단계:" +msgid "Enable notifications when a contact comes online" +msgstr "연락처의 사람이 연결하면 알리기" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:16 -msgid "Input volume:" -msgstr "입력 볼륨:" +msgid "Enable notifications when a contact goes offline" +msgstr "연락처의 사람이 연결이 끊어지면 알리기" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:17 +msgid "Notifications" +msgstr "알림" -# 위치 정보를 알아내는 방법 #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:18 -msgid "Location sources:" -msgstr "위치 검색 방법:" +msgid "_Enable sound notifications" +msgstr "사운드 알림 사용(_E)" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:19 -msgid "Log conversations" -msgstr "대화 내용 기록" +msgid "Disable sounds when _away or busy" +msgstr "자리 비움이거나 다른 용무 중일 때 소리 사용하지 않기(_A)" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:20 -msgid "Notifications" -msgstr "알림" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:21 msgid "Play sound for events" msgstr "이벤트 소리 내기" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:21 +msgid "Sounds" +msgstr "소리" + #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:22 -msgid "Privacy" -msgstr "개인 정보" +msgid "Use _echo cancellation to improve call quality" +msgstr "음향 반향 제거 기능으로 통화 품질 높이기(_E)" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:23 msgid "" -"Reduced location accuracy means that nothing more precise than your city, " -"state and country will be published. GPS coordinates will be accurate to 1 " -"decimal place." +"Echo cancellation helps to make your voice sound clearer to the other " +"person, but may cause problems on some computers. If you or the other person " +"hear strange noises or glitches during calls, try turning echo cancellation " +"off and restarting the call." msgstr "" -"위치 부정확하게 만들기를 사용하면 도시, 지역, 국가 정도 이상 자세히 표시하지 " -"않습니다. GPS 좌표는 소수점 1자리까지만 허용합니다." - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:24 -msgid "Show _smileys as images" -msgstr "이모티콘을 그림으로 표시(_S)" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:25 -msgid "Show contact _list in rooms" -msgstr "방에 연락처 목록 표시(_L)" +"음향 반향 제거 기능을 사용하면 내 목소리가 상대방에게 더 분명히 들립니다. 하" +"지만 일부 컴퓨터에서 문제가 발생할 수 있습니다. 통화 중에 나 또는 상대방에게 " +"잡음이 들린 다면 음향 반향 제거 기능을 끄고 다시 통화해 보십시오." #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:26 -msgid "Sounds" -msgstr "소리" +msgid "_Publish location to my contacts" +msgstr "위치를 연락처에 있는 사람들에게 공개(_P)" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:27 -msgid "Spell Checking" -msgstr "맞춤법 검사" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:28 msgid "" -"The list of languages reflects only the languages for which you have a " -"dictionary installed." -msgstr "이 언어 목록은 사전을 설치한 언어에만 적용됩니다." +"Reduced location accuracy means that nothing more precise than your city, " +"state and country will be published. GPS coordinates will be accurate to 1 " +"decimal place." +msgstr "" +"위치 부정확하게 만들기를 사용하면 도시, 지역, 국가 정도 이상 자세히 표시하지 " +"않습니다. GPS 좌표는 소수점 1자리까지만 허용합니다." +#. To translators: The longitude and latitude are rounded to closest 0,1 degrees, so for example 146,2345° is rounded to round(146,2345*10)/10 = 146,2 degrees. #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:29 -msgid "Themes" -msgstr "테마" +msgid "_Reduce location accuracy" +msgstr "위치 부정확하게 만들기(_R)" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:30 -msgid "Use _echo cancellation to improve call quality" -msgstr "음향 반향 제거 기능으로 통화 품질 높이기(_E)" +msgid "Privacy" +msgstr "개인 정보" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:31 -msgid "Variant:" -msgstr "변종:" +msgid "_GPS" +msgstr "_GPS" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:32 -msgid "_Automatically connect on startup" -msgstr "시작할 때 자동으로 연결(_A)" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:33 msgid "_Cellphone" msgstr "휴대전화(_C)" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:34 -msgid "_Enable bubble notifications" -msgstr "풍선 알림 사용(_E)" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:33 +msgid "_Network (IP, Wi-Fi)" +msgstr "네트워크(_N) (IP, Wi-FI)" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:35 -msgid "_Enable sound notifications" -msgstr "사운드 알림 사용(_E)" +# 위치 정보를 알아내는 방법 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:34 +msgid "Location sources:" +msgstr "위치 검색 방법:" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:36 -msgid "_GPS" -msgstr "_GPS" +msgid "" +"The list of languages reflects only the languages for which you have a " +"dictionary installed." +msgstr "이 언어 목록은 사전을 설치한 언어에만 적용됩니다." #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:37 -msgid "_Network (IP, Wi-Fi)" -msgstr "네트워크(_N) (IP, Wi-FI)" +msgid "Enable spell checking for languages:" +msgstr "맞춤법 검사를 사용할 언어:" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:38 -msgid "_Open new chats in separate windows" -msgstr "새로운 대화는 별도 창에 열기(_O)" +msgid "Spell Checking" +msgstr "맞춤법 검사" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:39 -msgid "_Publish location to my contacts" -msgstr "위치를 연락처에 있는 사람들에게 공개(_P)" +msgid "Chat Th_eme:" +msgstr "대화 테마(_E):" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:40 +msgid "Variant:" +msgstr "변종:" -#. To translators: The longitude and latitude are rounded to closest 0,1 degrees, so for example 146,2345° is rounded to round(146,2345*10)/10 = 146,2 degrees. #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:41 -msgid "_Reduce location accuracy" -msgstr "위치 부정확하게 만들기(_R)" +msgid "Themes" +msgstr "테마" -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:4 msgid "Status" msgstr "상태" -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:5 msgid "_Quit" msgstr "끝내기(_Q)" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:2 -msgid "Call the contact again" -msgstr "이 연락처에 다시 호출" - #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Camera Off" -msgstr "카메라 끄기" +msgid "Redial" +msgstr "다시 걸기" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:4 -msgid "Camera On" -msgstr "카메라 켜기" +msgid "V_ideo" +msgstr "영상(_I)" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:5 +msgid "Video Off" +msgstr "영상 끄기" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:6 -msgid "Disable camera and stop sending video" -msgstr "카메라를 사용하지 않고 영상 보내기를 중지합니다" +msgid "Video Preview" +msgstr "영상 미리 보기" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:7 -msgid "Enable camera and send video" -msgstr "카메라를 사용하고 영상을 보냅니다" +msgid "Video On" +msgstr "영상 켜기" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:8 -msgid "Enable camera but don't send video" -msgstr "카메라를 사용하지만 영상을 보내지 않습니다" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:10 +msgid "Call the contact again" +msgstr "이 연락처에 다시 호출" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:13 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "미리 보기" +msgid "Camera Off" +msgstr "카메라 끄기" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:14 -msgid "Redial" -msgstr "다시 걸기" +msgid "Disable camera and stop sending video" +msgstr "카메라를 사용하지 않고 영상 보내기를 중지합니다" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:19 -msgid "V_ideo" -msgstr "영상(_I)" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:15 +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "미리 보기" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:21 -msgid "Video Off" -msgstr "영상 끄기" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "Enable camera but don't send video" +msgstr "카메라를 사용하지만 영상을 보내지 않습니다" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:22 -msgid "Video On" -msgstr "영상 켜기" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:17 +msgid "Camera On" +msgstr "카메라 켜기" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:23 -msgid "Video Preview" -msgstr "영상 미리 보기" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:18 +msgid "Enable camera and send video" +msgstr "카메라를 사용하고 영상을 보냅니다" -#: ../src/empathy-map-view.c:448 +#: ../src/empathy-map-view.c:471 msgid "Contact Map View" msgstr "연락처 지도 보기" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1228 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1607 msgid "Save" msgstr "저장" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1435 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1667 +msgid "Pastebin link" +msgstr "Pastebin 연결" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1676 +msgid "Pastebin response" +msgstr "Pastebin 응답" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1680 +#, c-format +msgid "%s" +msgstr "%s" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1683 +msgid "Data too large for a single paste. Please save logs to file." +msgstr "" +"한 번에 붙여넣을 데이터가 너무 큽니다. 로그를 파일로 저장하여 주십시오." + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1912 msgid "Debug Window" msgstr "디버깅 창" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1517 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1970 +msgid "Send to pastebin" +msgstr "Pastebin으로 보내기" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2009 msgid "Pause" msgstr "일시 중지" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1529 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2021 msgid "Level " msgstr "단계 " -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1549 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2040 msgid "Debug" msgstr "디버깅" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1555 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2045 msgid "Info" msgstr "정보" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1561 ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1610 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2050 ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2096 msgid "Message" msgstr "메시지" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1567 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2055 msgid "Warning" msgstr "경고" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1573 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2060 msgid "Critical" msgstr "치명적" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1579 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2065 msgid "Error" msgstr "오류" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1598 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2084 msgid "Time" msgstr "시각" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1601 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2087 msgid "Domain" msgstr "범위" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1603 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2089 msgid "Category" msgstr "분류" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1605 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2091 msgid "Level" msgstr "단계" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1642 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2114 msgid "" "The selected connection manager does not support the remote debugging " "extension." msgstr "선택한 연결 관리자는 원격 디버깅 확장 기능을 지원하지 않습니다." -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:179 -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:205 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:202 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:230 msgid "Invite Participant" msgstr "참석자 초대" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:180 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:203 msgid "Choose a contact to invite into the conversation:" msgstr "대화에 초대할 연락처를 고르십시오:" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:201 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:226 msgid "Invite" msgstr "초대" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:183 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:180 msgid "Don't display any dialogs; do any work (eg, importing) and exit" msgstr "" "대화창을 표시하지 않고, 필요한 동작을 (예를 들어 가져오기) 한 다음 끝납니다" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:187 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:184 msgid "" "Don't display any dialogs unless there are only \"People Nearby\" accounts" msgstr "\"주변 사람\" 계정만 있는 경우가 아니라면 대화창을 표시하지 않습니다" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:191 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:188 msgid "Initially select given account (eg, gabble/jabber/foo_40example_2eorg0)" msgstr "" "최초에 주어진 계정을 선택합니다 (예, gabble/jabber/foo_40example_2eorg0)" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:193 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:190 msgid "" msgstr "<계정아이디>" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:198 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:195 msgid "- Empathy Accounts" msgstr "- 엠퍼시 계정" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:237 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:231 msgid "Empathy Accounts" msgstr "엠퍼시 계정" -#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:70 +#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:69 msgid "Show a particular service" msgstr "특정 서비스 표시" -#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:75 +#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:74 msgid "- Empathy Debugger" msgstr "- 엠퍼시 디버깅" -#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:114 +#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:113 msgid "Empathy Debugger" msgstr "엠퍼시 디버깅" -#: ../src/empathy-chat.c:107 +#: ../src/empathy-chat.c:109 msgid "- Empathy Chat Client" msgstr "- 엠퍼시 채팅 클라이언트" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:203 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:189 msgid "Respond" msgstr "응답" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:217 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1459 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:203 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1529 msgid "Reject" msgstr "거부" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:222 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:227 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1460 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:208 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1530 msgid "Answer" msgstr "응답" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:227 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 msgid "Answer with video" msgstr "영상으로 응답" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:235 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:245 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:221 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:231 msgid "Decline" msgstr "거절" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:239 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:250 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:225 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:236 msgid "Accept" msgstr "허용" #. translators: the 'Provide' button is displayed in a notification #. * bubble when Empathy is asking for an account password; clicking on it #. * brings the password popup. -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:260 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:246 msgid "Provide" msgstr "입력" -#: ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:134 +#: ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:132 #, c-format msgid "%s just tried to call you, but you were in another call." msgstr "%s에서 호출을 시도했지만, 다른 호출 중이었습니다." #. Translators: this is an "Info" label. It should be as short #. * as possible. -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1088 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1111 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1136 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1159 msgid "i" msgstr "i" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2775 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2883 msgid "On hold" msgstr "일시 중지" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2778 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2886 msgid "Mute" msgstr "묵음" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2780 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2888 msgid "Duration" msgstr "시간" #. Translators: 'status - minutes:seconds' the caller has been connected -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2783 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2891 #, c-format msgid "%s — %d:%02dm" msgstr "%s — %d:%02d" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3161 +#, c-format +msgid "Your current balance is %s." +msgstr "현재 잔액은 %s 입니다." + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3165 +msgid "Sorry, you don’t have enough credit for that call." +msgstr "죄송하지만, 전화를 걸 잔고가 부족합니다." + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3167 +msgid "Top Up" +msgstr "위로 올리기" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.c:243 msgid "_Match case" msgstr "대소문자 구별(_M)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-account-dialog.c:144 +msgid "What kind of chat account do you have?" +msgstr "어떤 종류의 대화 계정을 보유하고 있습니까?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-account-dialog.c:166 +msgid "Adding new account" +msgstr "새 계정 추가" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:77 +msgid "People nearby" +msgstr "주변 사람" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:150 +msgid "" +"Empathy can automatically discover and chat with the people connected on the " +"same network as you. If you want to use this feature, please check that the " +"details below are correct." +msgstr "" +"엠퍼시는 같은 네트워크에 연결된 사람을 자동으로 찾아서 대화할 수 있습니다. " +"이 기능을 사용하려면 먼저 아래 사항이 올바른지 확인하십시오." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:183 +msgid "" +"You can change these details later or disable this feature by choosing Edit → Accounts in the Contact List." +msgstr "" +"이 세부 내용을 나중에 바꾸거나, 연락처 목록의 편집 → " +"계정을 선택하여 이 기능을 비활성화할 수 있습니다." diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/po/lt.po empathy-3.3.92/po/lt.po --- empathy-3.3.91/po/lt.po 2012-02-17 14:00:26.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/po/lt.po 2012-03-19 09:12:31.000000000 +0000 @@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: empathy\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=empathy&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=General\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-11-18 18:12+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-11-18 22:41+0300\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-16 10:47+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-18 17:10+0300\n" "Last-Translator: Aurimas Černius \n" "Language-Team: Lietuvių <>\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -23,449 +23,508 @@ "X-Generator: Virtaal 0.5.2\n" #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:1 -msgid "Chat on Google Talk, Facebook, MSN and many other chat services" -msgstr "Plepėkite naudodamiesi Google Talk, Facebook, MSN ir kitomis pokalbių paslaugomis" - -#: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:2 msgid "Empathy" msgstr "Empathy" +#: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:2 +msgid "IM Client" +msgstr "Tikralaikių pokalbių klientas" + #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:3 msgid "Empathy Internet Messaging" msgstr "Tikralaikių pokalbių programa Empathy" #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:4 -msgid "IM Client" -msgstr "Tikralaikių pokalbių klientas" +msgid "Chat on Google Talk, Facebook, MSN and many other chat services" +msgstr "Plepėkite naudodamiesi Google Talk, Facebook, MSN ir kitomis pokalbių paslaugomis" + +#. Tweak the dialog +#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2512 +msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts" +msgstr "Pokalbių ir VoIP paskyros" + +#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:2 +msgid "Manage Messaging and VoIP accounts" +msgstr "Tvarkyti pokalbių ir VoIP paskyras" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:1 -msgid "Always open a separate chat window for new chats." -msgstr "Naujiems pokalbiams visada atverti atskirą pokalbio langą." +msgid "Connection managers should be used" +msgstr "Turėtų būti naudojamos ryšių valdyklės" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:2 -msgid "Camera device" -msgstr "Kameros įrenginys" +msgid "Whether connectivity managers should be used to automatically disconnect/reconnect." +msgstr "Ar turėtų būti naudojamos ryšių valdyklės automatiniam atsijungimui / prisijungimui iš naujo." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:3 -msgid "Camera position" -msgstr "Kameros padėtis" +msgid "Empathy should auto-connect on startup" +msgstr "Paleidus Empathy, ji turėtų automatiškai prisijungti" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:4 -msgid "Character to add after nickname when using nick completion (tab) in group chat." -msgstr "Po slapyvardžio pridėtinas simbolis, naudojant slapyvardžio užbaigimą (tab) grupės pokalbiuose." +msgid "Whether Empathy should automatically log into your accounts on startup." +msgstr "Ar Empathy turėtų automatiškai prisijungti prie paskyrų ją paleidus." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:5 -msgid "Chat window theme" -msgstr "Pokalbio lango tema" +msgid "Empathy should auto-away when idle" +msgstr "Nenaudojant Empathy, turėtų būti nustatoma nebuvimo būsena" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:6 -msgid "Chat window theme variant" -msgstr "Pokalbio lango temos variantas" +msgid "Whether Empathy should go into away mode automatically if the user is idle." +msgstr "Ar Empathy turėtų automatiškai nustatyti nebuvimo būseną, jeigu naudotojas nesinaudoja kompiuteriu." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:7 -msgid "Comma-separated list of spell checker languages to use (e.g. \"en, fr, nl\")." -msgstr "Kableliu atskirtų kalbų, kurių rašyba tikrinama, sąrašas (pvz., „lt, en, fr“)." +msgid "Empathy default download folder" +msgstr "Numatytasis Empathy atsiuntimo aplankas" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:8 -msgid "Compact contact list" -msgstr "Kompaktiškas adresatų sąrašas" +msgid "The default folder to save file transfers in." +msgstr "Numatytasis aplankas, kuriame įrašomi atsiųsti failai." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:9 -msgid "Connection managers should be used" -msgstr "Turėtų būti naudojamos ryšių valdyklės" +msgid "Magic number used to check if sanity cleaning tasks should be run" +msgstr "Magiškas numeris, naudojamas patikrinti, ar reikai vykdyti būklės patikrinimo darbus" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:10 -msgid "Contact list sort criterion" -msgstr "Adresatų sąrašo rikiavimo kriterijus" +msgid "empathy-sanity-cleaning.c uses this number to check if the cleaning tasks should be executed or not. Users should not change this key manually." +msgstr "empathy-sanity-cleaning.c naudoja šį numerį patikrinimui, ar išvalymo darbai turi būti vykdomi. Naudotojai neturėtų rankomis keisti šio rakto." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:11 -msgid "D-Bus object path of the last account selected to join a room." -msgstr "Paskutinės paskyros, pasirinktos prijungti prie kambario, D-Bus objekto kelias." +msgid "Show offline contacts" +msgstr "Rodyti atsijungusius adresatus" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:12 -msgid "Default camera device to use in video calls, e.g. /dev/video0." -msgstr "Numatytasis kameros įrenginys vaizdo skambučiams, pvz. /dev/video0." +msgid "Whether to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." +msgstr "Ar adresatų sąraše rodyti adresatus, kurie yra atsijungę." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:13 -msgid "Default directory to select an avatar image from" -msgstr "Numatytasis aplankas, iš kurio pasirinktinas pseudoportreto paveikslėlis" +msgid "Show avatars" +msgstr "Rodyti pseudoportretus" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:14 -msgid "Disable popup notifications when away" -msgstr "Išjungti iškylančius pranešimų langus, kai manęs nėra" +msgid "Whether to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat windows." +msgstr "Ar rodyti adresatų sąraše ir pokalbių languose pseudoportretus." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:15 -msgid "Disable sounds when away" -msgstr "Išjungti garsus, kai manęs nėra" +msgid "Show protocols" +msgstr "Rodyti protokolus" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:16 -msgid "Display incoming events in the status area" -msgstr "Rodyti gaunamus įvykius būsenos srityje" +msgid "Whether to show protocols for contacts in the contact list." +msgstr "Ar rodyti adresatų sąraše adresatų protokolus." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:17 -msgid "Display incoming events in the status area. If false, present them to the user immediately." -msgstr "Rodyti gaunamus įvykius būsenos srityje. Jei reikšmė neigiama, pateikti juos naudotojui nedelsiant." +msgid "Show Balance in contact list" +msgstr "Rodyti balansą adresatų sąraše" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:18 -msgid "Echo cancellation support" -msgstr "Aido atšaukimo palaikymas" +msgid "Whether to show account balances in the contact list." +msgstr "Ar rodyti adresatų sąraše paskyrų balansus." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:19 -msgid "Empathy can publish the user's location" -msgstr "Empathy gali rodyti naudotojo vietovę" +msgid "Compact contact list" +msgstr "Kompaktiškas adresatų sąrašas" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:20 -msgid "Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location" -msgstr "Empathy gali naudoti GPS, siekiant atspėti vietovę" +msgid "Whether to show the contact list in compact mode." +msgstr "Ar rodyti glaustą adresatų sąrašą." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:21 -msgid "Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location" -msgstr "Empathy naudoti mobiliojo ryšio tinklą, siekiant atspėti vietovę" +msgid "Hide main window" +msgstr "Paslėpti pagrindinį langą" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:22 -msgid "Empathy can use the network to guess the location" -msgstr "Empathy gali naudoti tinklą, siekiant atspėti vietovę" +msgid "Hide the main window." +msgstr "Paslėpti pagrindinį langą." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:23 -msgid "Empathy default download folder" -msgstr "Numatytasis Empathy atsiuntimo aplankas" +msgid "Default directory to select an avatar image from" +msgstr "Numatytasis aplankas, iš kurio pasirinktinas pseudoportreto paveikslėlis" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:24 -msgid "Empathy should auto-away when idle" -msgstr "Nenaudojant Empathy, turėtų būti nustatoma nebuvimo būsena" +msgid "The last directory that an avatar image was chosen from." +msgstr "Aplankas, kuriame praeitą kartą buvo pasirinktas pseudoportretas." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:25 -msgid "Empathy should auto-connect on startup" -msgstr "Paleidus Empathy, ji turėtų automatiškai prisijungti" +msgid "Open new chats in separate windows" +msgstr "Atverti naujus pokalbius atskiruose languose" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:26 -msgid "Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy" -msgstr "Empathy turėtų sumažinti vietovės tikslumą" +msgid "Always open a separate chat window for new chats." +msgstr "Naujiems pokalbiams visada atverti atskirą pokalbio langą." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:27 -msgid "Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon" -msgstr "Empathy turėtų naudoti adresato pseudoportretą pokalbio lango piktogramai" +msgid "Display incoming events in the status area" +msgstr "Rodyti gaunamus įvykius būsenos srityje" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:28 -msgid "Enable WebKit Developer Tools" -msgstr "Įjungti WebKit programuotojų įrankius" +msgid "Display incoming events in the status area. If false, present them to the user immediately." +msgstr "Rodyti gaunamus įvykius būsenos srityje. Jei reikšmė neigiama, pateikti juos naudotojui nedelsiant." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:29 -msgid "Enable popup notifications for new messages" -msgstr "Įjungti iškylančius pranešimus apie naujas žinutes" +msgid "The position for the chat window side pane" +msgstr "Pokalbių lango šoninio polangio padėtis" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:30 -msgid "Enable spell checker" -msgstr "Įjungti rašybos tikrinimą" +msgid "The stored position (in pixels) of the chat window side pane." +msgstr "Įrašyta pokalbio lango šoninio polangio padėtis (pikseliais)." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:31 -msgid "Hide main window" -msgstr "Paslėpti pagrindinį langą" +#| msgid "Show contact list in rooms" +msgid "Show contact groups" +msgstr "Rodyti adresatų grupes" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:32 -msgid "Hide the main window." -msgstr "Paslėpti pagrindinį langą." +#| msgid "Whether to show account balances in the contact list." +msgid "Whether to show groups in the contact list." +msgstr "Ar rodyti grupes adresatų sąraše." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:33 -msgid "Last account selected in Join Room dialog" -msgstr "Paskutinė paskyra, pasirinkta prisijungimo prie kambario dialoge" +msgid "Contact list sort criterion" +msgstr "Adresatų sąrašo rikiavimo kriterijus" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:34 -msgid "Nick completed character" -msgstr "Slapyvardžio užbaigimo simbolis" +#| msgid "" +#| "Which criterion to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to sort " +#| "by the contact's name with the value \"name\". A value of \"state\" will " +#| "sort the contact list by state." +msgid "Which criterion to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to sort by the contact's state with the value \"state\". A value of \"name\" will sort the contact list by name." +msgstr "Pagal kurį kriterijų rikiuoti adresatų sąrašą. Numatytasis rikiavimas yra pagal adresato būseną reikšme „state“. Reikšmė „name“ rikiuoja adresatų sąrašą pagal vardą." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:35 -msgid "Open new chats in separate windows" -msgstr "Atverti naujus pokalbius atskiruose languose" +msgid "Use notification sounds" +msgstr "Naudoti pranešimų garsus" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:36 -msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use" -msgstr "Naudotinos Adium temos kelias" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of events." +msgstr "Ar sugroti garsą pranešant apie įvykius." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:37 -msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use if the theme used for chat is Adium." -msgstr "Naudotinos Adium temos kelias, jei pokalbiui naudojama tema yra Adium." +msgid "Disable sounds when away" +msgstr "Išjungti garsus, kai manęs nėra" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:38 -msgid "Play a sound for incoming messages" -msgstr "Gavus žinutę sugroti garsą" +msgid "Whether to play sound notifications when away or busy." +msgstr "Ar groti garsinius pranešimus, kai esate pasitraukę ar užsiėmę." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:39 -msgid "Play a sound for new conversations" -msgstr "Pradedant naują pokalbį sugroti garsą" +msgid "Play a sound for incoming messages" +msgstr "Gavus žinutę sugroti garsą" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:40 -msgid "Play a sound for outgoing messages" -msgstr "Išsiunčiant žinutes sugroti garsą" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of incoming messages." +msgstr "Ar sugroti garsą, kai atsiunčiama nauja žinutė." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:41 -msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs in" -msgstr "Prisijungus adresatui sugroti garsą" +msgid "Play a sound for outgoing messages" +msgstr "Išsiunčiant žinutes sugroti garsą" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:42 -msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs out" -msgstr "Atsijungus adresatui sugroti garsą" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of outgoing messages." +msgstr "Ar sugroti garsą, kai išsiunčiama žinutė." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:43 -msgid "Play a sound when we log in" -msgstr "Jums prisijungus sugroti garsą" +msgid "Play a sound for new conversations" +msgstr "Pradedant naują pokalbį sugroti garsą" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:44 -msgid "Play a sound when we log out" -msgstr "Jums atsijungus sugroti garsą" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of new conversations." +msgstr "Ar sugroti garsą pranešant apie naują pokalbį." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:45 -msgid "Pop up notifications if the chat isn't focused" -msgstr "Rodyti iškylančius pranešimus, jei pokalbio langas nesuaktyvintas" +msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs in" +msgstr "Prisijungus adresatui sugroti garsą" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:46 -msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs in" -msgstr "Rodyti iškylančius pranešimus, kai adresatas prisijungia" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging into the network." +msgstr "Ar sugroti garsą adresatams prisijungiant prie tinklo." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:47 -msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs out" -msgstr "Rodyti iškylančius pranešimus, kai adresatas atsijungia" +msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs out" +msgstr "Atsijungus adresatui sugroti garsą" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:48 -msgid "Position the camera preview should be during a call." -msgstr "Kameros peržiūros padėtis skambučio metu." +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging out of the network." +msgstr "Ar sugroti garsą adresatams atsijungiant nuo tinklo." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:49 -msgid "Show Balance in contact list" -msgstr "Rodyti balansą adresatų sąraše" +msgid "Play a sound when we log in" +msgstr "Jums prisijungus sugroti garsą" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:50 -msgid "Show avatars" -msgstr "Rodyti pseudoportretus" +msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging into a network." +msgstr "Ar groti garsą prisijungiant prie tinklo." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:51 -msgid "Show contact list in rooms" -msgstr "Rodyti adresatų sąrašą kambariuose" +msgid "Play a sound when we log out" +msgstr "Jums atsijungus sugroti garsą" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:52 -msgid "Show hint about closing the main window" -msgstr "Perspėti apie pagrindinio lango užvėrimą" +msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging out of a network." +msgstr "Ar groti garsą atsijungiant nuo tinklo." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:53 -msgid "Show offline contacts" -msgstr "Rodyti atsijungusius adresatus" +msgid "Enable popup notifications for new messages" +msgstr "Įjungti iškylančius pranešimus apie naujas žinutes" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:54 -msgid "Show protocols" -msgstr "Rodyti protokolus" +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message." +msgstr "Ar rodyti iškylantį pranešimą gavus naują žinutę." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:55 -msgid "Spell checking languages" -msgstr "Kalbos, kurių rašyba tikrinama" +msgid "Disable popup notifications when away" +msgstr "Išjungti iškylančius pranešimų langus, kai manęs nėra" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:56 -msgid "The default folder to save file transfers in." -msgstr "Numatytasis aplankas, kuriame įrašomi atsiųsti failai." +msgid "Whether to show popup notifications when away or busy." +msgstr "Ar rodyti iškylančius pranešimus, kai esate pasitraukę ar užsiėmę." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:57 -msgid "The last directory that an avatar image was chosen from." -msgstr "Aplankas, kuriame praeitą kartą buvo pasirinktas pseudoportretas." +msgid "Pop up notifications if the chat isn't focused" +msgstr "Rodyti iškylančius pranešimus, jei pokalbio langas nesuaktyvintas" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:58 -msgid "The position for the chat window side pane" -msgstr "Pokalbių lango šoninio polangio padėtis" +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message even if the chat is already opened, but not focused." +msgstr "Ar rodyti iškylantį pranešimo langą, kai gaunama nauja žinutė, net jei pokalbio langas yra jau atvertas, tačiau nesuaktyvintas." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:59 -msgid "The stored position (in pixels) of the chat window side pane." -msgstr "Įrašyta pokalbio lango šoninio polangio padėtis (pikseliais)." +msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs in" +msgstr "Rodyti iškylančius pranešimus, kai adresatas prisijungia" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:60 -msgid "The theme that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." -msgstr "Tema, naudojama pokalbio rodymui pokalbių languose." +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes online." +msgstr "Ar rodyti iškeliamą pranešimą, kai adresatas prisijungia." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:61 -msgid "The theme variant that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." -msgstr "Temos variantas, naudojamas pokalbio rodymui pokalbių languose." +msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs out" +msgstr "Rodyti iškylančius pranešimus, kai adresatas atsijungia" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:62 -msgid "Use graphical smileys" -msgstr "Naudoti grafines šypsenėles" +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes offline." +msgstr "Ar rodyti iškeliamą pranešimą, kai adresatas atsijungia." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:63 -msgid "Use notification sounds" -msgstr "Naudoti pranešimų garsus" +msgid "Use graphical smileys" +msgstr "Naudoti grafines šypsenėles" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:64 -msgid "Use theme for chat rooms" -msgstr "Naudoti temą pokalbių kambariams" +msgid "Whether to convert smileys into graphical images in conversations." +msgstr "Ar pokalbiuose versti šypsenėles į grafinius paveikslėlius." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:65 -msgid "Whether Empathy can publish the user's location to their contacts." -msgstr "Ar Empathy gali rodyti naudotojo vietovę jo adresatams." +msgid "Show contact list in rooms" +msgstr "Rodyti adresatų sąrašą kambariuose" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:66 -msgid "Whether Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location." -msgstr "Ar Empathy gali naudoti GPS vietovės spėjimui." +msgid "Whether to show the contact list in chat rooms." +msgstr "Ar rodyti adresatų sąrašą pokalbių kambariuose." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:67 -msgid "Whether Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location." -msgstr "Ar Empathy gali naudoti mobiliojo ryšio tinklą vietovės spėjimui." +msgid "Chat window theme" +msgstr "Pokalbio lango tema" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:68 -msgid "Whether Empathy can use the network to guess the location." -msgstr "Ar Empathy gali naudoti tinklą vietovės spėjimui." +msgid "The theme that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." +msgstr "Tema, naudojama pokalbio rodymui pokalbių languose." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:69 -msgid "Whether Empathy should automatically log into your accounts on startup." -msgstr "Ar Empathy turėtų automatiškai prisijungti prie paskyrų ją paleidus." +msgid "Chat window theme variant" +msgstr "Pokalbio lango temos variantas" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:70 -msgid "Whether Empathy should go into away mode automatically if the user is idle." -msgstr "Ar Empathy turėtų automatiškai nustatyti nebuvimo būseną, jeigu naudotojas nesinaudoja kompiuteriu." +msgid "The theme variant that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." +msgstr "Temos variantas, naudojamas pokalbio rodymui pokalbių languose." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:71 -msgid "Whether Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy for privacy reasons." -msgstr "Ar Empathy turėtų sumažinti vietovės rodymo tikslumą privatumo sumetimais." +msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use" +msgstr "Naudotinos Adium temos kelias" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:72 -msgid "Whether Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon." -msgstr "Ar naudoti adresato pseudoportretą kaip pokalbio lango piktogramą." +msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use if the theme used for chat is Adium." +msgstr "Naudotinos Adium temos kelias, jei pokalbiui naudojama tema yra Adium." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:73 -msgid "Whether WebKit developer tools, such as the Web Inspector, should be enabled." -msgstr "Ar turėtų būti įjungti WebKit programuotojų įrankiai, pvz., Web Inspector." +msgid "Enable WebKit Developer Tools" +msgstr "Įjungti WebKit programuotojų įrankius" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:74 -msgid "Whether connectivity managers should be used to automatically disconnect/reconnect." -msgstr "Ar turėtų būti naudojamos ryšių valdyklės automatiniam atsijungimui / prisijungimui iš naujo." +msgid "Whether WebKit developer tools, such as the Web Inspector, should be enabled." +msgstr "Ar turėtų būti įjungti WebKit programuotojų įrankiai, pvz., Web Inspector." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:75 -msgid "Whether to check words typed against the languages you want to check with." -msgstr "Ar tikrinti įvedamų žodžių rašybą pasirenkant jūsų pageidaujamas kalbas." +msgid "Inform other users when you are typing to them" +msgstr "Pranešti kitiems naudotojams, kad jūs rašote jiems" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:76 -msgid "Whether to convert smileys into graphical images in conversations." -msgstr "Ar pokalbiuose versti šypsenėles į grafinius paveikslėlius." +msgid "Whether to send the 'composing' or 'paused' chat states. Does not currently affect the 'gone' state." +msgstr "Ar siųsti pokalbio būsenas „rašo“ arba „sustapdyta“. Šiuo metu nepaveikia „atsitraukęs“ būsenos." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:77 -msgid "Whether to enable Pulseaudio's echo cancellation filter." -msgstr "Ar įjungti Pulseaudio aido atšaukimo filtrą." +msgid "Use theme for chat rooms" +msgstr "Naudoti temą pokalbių kambariams" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:78 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging into the network." -msgstr "Ar sugroti garsą adresatams prisijungiant prie tinklo." +msgid "Whether to use the theme for chat rooms." +msgstr "Ar naudoti temą pokalbių kambariams." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:79 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging out of the network." -msgstr "Ar sugroti garsą adresatams atsijungiant nuo tinklo." +msgid "Spell checking languages" +msgstr "Kalbos, kurių rašyba tikrinama" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:80 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of events." -msgstr "Ar sugroti garsą pranešant apie įvykius." +msgid "Comma-separated list of spell checker languages to use (e.g. \"en, fr, nl\")." +msgstr "Kableliu atskirtų kalbų, kurių rašyba tikrinama, sąrašas (pvz., „lt, en, fr“)." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:81 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of incoming messages." -msgstr "Ar sugroti garsą, kai atsiunčiama nauja žinutė." +msgid "Enable spell checker" +msgstr "Įjungti rašybos tikrinimą" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:82 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of new conversations." -msgstr "Ar sugroti garsą pranešant apie naują pokalbį." +msgid "Whether to check words typed against the languages you want to check with." +msgstr "Ar tikrinti įvedamų žodžių rašybą pasirenkant jūsų pageidaujamas kalbas." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:83 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of outgoing messages." -msgstr "Ar sugroti garsą, kai išsiunčiama žinutė." +msgid "Nick completed character" +msgstr "Slapyvardžio užbaigimo simbolis" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:84 -msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging into a network." -msgstr "Ar groti garsą prisijungiant prie tinklo." +msgid "Character to add after nickname when using nick completion (tab) in group chat." +msgstr "Po slapyvardžio pridėtinas simbolis, naudojant slapyvardžio užbaigimą (tab) grupės pokalbiuose." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:85 -msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging out of a network." -msgstr "Ar groti garsą atsijungiant nuo tinklo." +msgid "Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon" +msgstr "Empathy turėtų naudoti adresato pseudoportretą pokalbio lango piktogramai" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:86 -msgid "Whether to play sound notifications when away or busy." -msgstr "Ar groti garsinius pranešimus, kai esate pasitraukę ar užsiėmę." +msgid "Whether Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon." +msgstr "Ar naudoti adresato pseudoportretą kaip pokalbio lango piktogramą." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:87 -msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes offline." -msgstr "Ar rodyti iškeliamą pranešimą, kai adresatas atsijungia." +msgid "Last account selected in Join Room dialog" +msgstr "Paskutinė paskyra, pasirinkta prisijungimo prie kambario dialoge" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:88 -msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes online." -msgstr "Ar rodyti iškeliamą pranešimą, kai adresatas prisijungia." +msgid "D-Bus object path of the last account selected to join a room." +msgstr "Paskutinės paskyros, pasirinktos prijungti prie kambario, D-Bus objekto kelias." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:89 -msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message even if the chat is already opened, but not focused." -msgstr "Ar rodyti iškylantį pranešimo langą, kai gaunama nauja žinutė, net jei pokalbio langas yra jau atvertas, tačiau nesuaktyvintas." +msgid "Camera device" +msgstr "Kameros įrenginys" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:90 -msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message." -msgstr "Ar rodyti iškylantį pranešimą gavus naują žinutę." +msgid "Default camera device to use in video calls, e.g. /dev/video0." +msgstr "Numatytasis kameros įrenginys vaizdo skambučiams, pvz. /dev/video0." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:91 -msgid "Whether to show account balances in the contact list." -msgstr "Ar rodyti adresatų sąraše paskyrų balansus." +msgid "Camera position" +msgstr "Kameros padėtis" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:92 -msgid "Whether to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat windows." -msgstr "Ar rodyti adresatų sąraše ir pokalbių languose pseudoportretus." +msgid "Position the camera preview should be during a call." +msgstr "Kameros peržiūros padėtis skambučio metu." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:93 -msgid "Whether to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." -msgstr "Ar adresatų sąraše rodyti adresatus, kurie yra atsijungę." +msgid "Echo cancellation support" +msgstr "Aido atšaukimo palaikymas" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:94 -msgid "Whether to show popup notifications when away or busy." -msgstr "Ar rodyti iškylančius pranešimus, kai esate pasitraukę ar užsiėmę." +msgid "Whether to enable Pulseaudio's echo cancellation filter." +msgstr "Ar įjungti Pulseaudio aido atšaukimo filtrą." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:95 -msgid "Whether to show protocols for contacts in the contact list." -msgstr "Ar rodyti adresatų sąraše adresatų protokolus." +msgid "Show hint about closing the main window" +msgstr "Perspėti apie pagrindinio lango užvėrimą" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:96 -msgid "Whether to show the contact list in chat rooms." -msgstr "Ar rodyti adresatų sąrašą pokalbių kambariuose." +msgid "Whether to show the message dialog about closing the main window with the 'x' button in the title bar." +msgstr "Ar rodyti pranešimo apie pagrindinio lango uždarymą dialogą su mygtuku „x“ antraštės juostoje." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:97 -msgid "Whether to show the contact list in compact mode." -msgstr "Ar rodyti glaustą adresatų sąrašą." +msgid "Empathy can publish the user's location" +msgstr "Empathy gali rodyti naudotojo vietovę" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:98 -msgid "Whether to show the message dialog about closing the main window with the 'x' button in the title bar." -msgstr "Ar rodyti pranešimo apie pagrindinio lango uždarymą dialogą su mygtuku „x“ antraštės juostoje." +msgid "Whether Empathy can publish the user's location to their contacts." +msgstr "Ar Empathy gali rodyti naudotojo vietovę jo adresatams." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:99 -msgid "Whether to use the theme for chat rooms." -msgstr "Ar naudoti temą pokalbių kambariams." +msgid "Empathy can use the network to guess the location" +msgstr "Empathy gali naudoti tinklą, siekiant atspėti vietovę" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:100 -msgid "Which criterion to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to sort by the contact's name with the value \"name\". A value of \"state\" will sort the contact list by state." -msgstr "Pagal kurį kriterijų rikiuoti adresatų sąrašą. Numatytasis yra adresato vardas (reikšmė „name“). Reikšmė „state“ rikiuoja adresatų sąrašą pagal būseną." +msgid "Whether Empathy can use the network to guess the location." +msgstr "Ar Empathy gali naudoti tinklą vietovės spėjimui." -#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:1 -msgid "Manage Messaging and VoIP accounts" -msgstr "Tvarkyti pokalbių ir VoIP paskyras" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:101 +msgid "Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location" +msgstr "Empathy naudoti mobiliojo ryšio tinklą, siekiant atspėti vietovę" -#. Tweak the dialog -#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:2 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2312 -msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts" -msgstr "Pokalbių ir VoIP paskyros" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:102 +msgid "Whether Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location." +msgstr "Ar Empathy gali naudoti mobiliojo ryšio tinklą vietovės spėjimui." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:103 +msgid "Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location" +msgstr "Empathy gali naudoti GPS, siekiant atspėti vietovę" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:104 +msgid "Whether Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location." +msgstr "Ar Empathy gali naudoti GPS vietovės spėjimui." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:105 +msgid "Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy" +msgstr "Empathy turėtų sumažinti vietovės tikslumą" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:106 +msgid "Whether Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy for privacy reasons." +msgstr "Ar Empathy turėtų sumažinti vietovės rodymo tikslumą privatumo sumetimais." + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:738 +msgid "No reason was specified" +msgstr "Nenurodyta priežastis" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:741 +msgid "The change in state was requested" +msgstr "Būsenos keitimo užklausa" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:744 +msgid "You canceled the file transfer" +msgstr "Atšaukėte failo siuntimą" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:747 +msgid "The other participant canceled the file transfer" +msgstr "Kitas dalyvis atšaukė failo siuntimą" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:750 +msgid "Error while trying to transfer the file" +msgstr "Klaida bandant persiųsti failą" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:753 +msgid "The other participant is unable to transfer the file" +msgstr "Kitas dalyvis negali persiųsti failo" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:756 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:313 +msgid "Unknown reason" +msgstr "Nežinoma priežastis" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:838 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:919 msgid "File transfer completed, but the file was corrupted" msgstr "Failo siuntimas baigtas, tačiau failas buvo sugadintas" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1124 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1205 msgid "File transfer not supported by remote contact" msgstr "Nutolęs adresatas nepalaiko failų siuntimo" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1180 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1261 msgid "The selected file is not a regular file" msgstr "Pasirinktas failas nėra normalus failas" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1189 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1270 msgid "The selected file is empty" msgstr "Pasirinktas failas yra tuščias" #: ../libempathy/empathy-message.c:415 -#: ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:131 +#: ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:129 #, c-format msgid "Missed call from %s" msgstr "Praleistas skambutis nuo %s" @@ -481,203 +540,176 @@ msgid "Call from %s" msgstr "Skambino %s" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:258 -msgid "Socket type not supported" -msgstr "Nepalaikomas lizdo tipas" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:377 -msgid "No reason was specified" -msgstr "Nenurodyta priežastis" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:380 -msgid "The change in state was requested" -msgstr "Būsenos keitimo užklausa" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:383 -msgid "You canceled the file transfer" -msgstr "Atšaukėte failo siuntimą" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:386 -msgid "The other participant canceled the file transfer" -msgstr "Kitas dalyvis atšaukė failo siuntimą" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:389 -msgid "Error while trying to transfer the file" -msgstr "Klaida bandant persiųsti failą" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:392 -msgid "The other participant is unable to transfer the file" -msgstr "Kitas dalyvis negali persiųsti failo" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:395 -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:312 -msgid "Unknown reason" -msgstr "Nežinoma priežastis" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:232 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:233 msgid "Available" msgstr "Esu" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:234 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:235 msgid "Busy" msgstr "Užsiėmęs (-usi)" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:237 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:238 msgid "Away" msgstr "Pasitraukęs (-usi)" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:239 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:240 msgid "Invisible" msgstr "Nematomas (-a)" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:241 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:242 msgid "Offline" msgstr "Atsijungęs (-usi)" #. translators: presence type is unknown -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:244 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:245 msgctxt "presence" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Nežinoma" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:284 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:285 msgid "No reason specified" msgstr "Nenurodyta priežastis" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:286 -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:342 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:287 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:343 msgid "Status is set to offline" msgstr "Būsena nustatyta į „atsijungta“" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:288 -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:322 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:49 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:82 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:289 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:323 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:47 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:81 msgid "Network error" msgstr "Tinklo klaida" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:290 -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:324 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:291 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:325 msgid "Authentication failed" msgstr "Nepavyko nustatyti tapatybės" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:292 -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:326 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:293 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:327 msgid "Encryption error" msgstr "Šifravimo klaida" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:294 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:295 msgid "Name in use" msgstr "Vardas jau naudojamas" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:296 -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:328 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:297 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:329 msgid "Certificate not provided" msgstr "Nepateiktas liudijimas" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:298 -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:330 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:299 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:331 msgid "Certificate untrusted" msgstr "Liudijimas nepatikimas" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:300 -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:332 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:301 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:333 msgid "Certificate expired" msgstr "Nebegaliojantis liudijimas" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:302 -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:334 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:303 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:335 msgid "Certificate not activated" msgstr "Liudijimas neaktyvuotas" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:304 -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:336 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:305 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:337 msgid "Certificate hostname mismatch" msgstr "Neatitinka liudijimo kompiuterio vardas" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:306 -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:338 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:307 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:339 msgid "Certificate fingerprint mismatch" msgstr "Neatitinka liudijimo kontrolinis kodas" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:308 -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:340 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:309 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:341 msgid "Certificate self-signed" msgstr "Paties pasirašytas liudijimas" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:310 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:311 msgid "Certificate error" msgstr "Liudijimo klaida" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:344 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:345 msgid "Encryption is not available" msgstr "Šifravimas neprieinamas" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:346 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:347 msgid "Certificate is invalid" msgstr "Liudijimas netinkamas" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:348 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:349 msgid "Connection has been refused" msgstr "Ryšys atmestas" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:350 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:351 msgid "Connection can't be established" msgstr "Nepavyko užmegzti ryšio" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:352 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:353 msgid "Connection has been lost" msgstr "Ryšys nutrūko" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:354 -msgid "This resource is already connected to the server" -msgstr "Šis išteklius jau prisijungęs prie serverio" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:355 +#| msgid "This resource is already connected to the server" +msgid "This account is already connected to the server" +msgstr "Ši paskyra jau prisijungta prie serverio" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:356 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:357 msgid "Connection has been replaced by a new connection using the same resource" msgstr "Ryšį pakeitė naujas ryšys, naudojantis tą patį išteklių" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:359 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:360 msgid "The account already exists on the server" msgstr "Ši paskyra jau yra serveryje" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:361 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:362 msgid "Server is currently too busy to handle the connection" msgstr "Serveris šiuo metu per daug užimtas, kad galėtų apdoroti šį ryšį" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:363 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:364 msgid "Certificate has been revoked" msgstr "Liudijimas atšauktas" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:365 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:366 msgid "Certificate uses an insecure cipher algorithm or is cryptographically weak" msgstr "Liudijimas naudoja nesaugų šifravimo algoritmą arba yra kriptografiškai silpnas" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:368 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:369 msgid "The length of the server certificate, or the depth of the server certificate chain, exceed the limits imposed by the cryptography library" msgstr "Serverio liudijimo ilgis, arba serverio liudijimų sekos gylis, viršija kriptografijos bibliotekos numatytas ribas" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:372 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:373 msgid "Your software is too old" msgstr "Jūsų programinė įranga per sena" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:531 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:375 +#| msgid "Interval (seconds)" +msgid "Internal error" +msgstr "Vidinė klaida" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:534 msgid "People Nearby" msgstr "Žmonės netoliese" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:536 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:539 msgid "Yahoo! Japan" msgstr "Yahoo! Japan" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:565 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:568 msgid "Google Talk" msgstr "Google Talk" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:566 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:569 msgid "Facebook Chat" msgstr "Facebook pokalbis" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:88 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:90 #, c-format msgid "%d second ago" msgid_plural "%d seconds ago" @@ -685,7 +717,7 @@ msgstr[1] "prieš %d sekundes" msgstr[2] "prieš %d sekundžių" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:93 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:96 #, c-format msgid "%d minute ago" msgid_plural "%d minutes ago" @@ -693,7 +725,7 @@ msgstr[1] "prieš %d minutes" msgstr[2] "prieš %d minučių" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:98 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:102 #, c-format msgid "%d hour ago" msgid_plural "%d hours ago" @@ -701,7 +733,7 @@ msgstr[1] "prieš %d valandas" msgstr[2] "prieš %d valandų" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:103 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:108 #, c-format msgid "%d day ago" msgid_plural "%d days ago" @@ -709,7 +741,7 @@ msgstr[1] "prieš %d dienas" msgstr[2] "prieš %d dienų" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:108 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:114 #, c-format msgid "%d week ago" msgid_plural "%d weeks ago" @@ -717,7 +749,7 @@ msgstr[1] "prieš %d savaites" msgstr[2] "prieš %d savaičių" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:113 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:120 #, c-format msgid "%d month ago" msgid_plural "%d months ago" @@ -725,224 +757,211 @@ msgstr[1] "prieš %d mėnesius" msgstr[2] "prieš %d mėnesių" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:136 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:142 msgid "in the future" msgstr "ateityje" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-chooser.c:688 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:75 +#| msgid "Phrase not found" +msgid "Password not found" +msgstr "Slaptažodis nerastas" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:218 +#, c-format +msgid "IM account password for %s (%s)" +msgstr "Pranešimų paskyros %s slaptažodis (%s)" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:253 +#, c-format +msgid "Password for chatroom '%s' on account %s (%s)" +msgstr "Pokalbių kambario „%s“ slaptažodis paskyrai %s (%s)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-chooser.c:692 msgid "All accounts" msgstr "Visos paskyros" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:694 -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:321 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:682 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:336 msgid "Account" msgstr "Paskyra" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:695 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:683 msgid "Password" msgstr "Slaptažodis" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:696 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:507 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:684 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:511 msgid "Server" msgstr "Serveris" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:697 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:522 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:685 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:529 msgid "Port" msgstr "Prievadas" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:776 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:828 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:765 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:817 #, c-format msgid "%s:" msgstr "%s:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1182 -msgid "My Web Accounts" -msgstr "Mano internetinės paskyros" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1199 -#, c-format -msgid "The account %s is edited via %s." -msgstr "Paskyra %s taisoma naudojantis %s." - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1205 -#, c-format -msgid "The account %s cannot be edited in Empathy." -msgstr "Paskyros %s Empathy programoje taisyti negalima." - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1224 -msgid "Launch My Web Accounts" -msgstr "Paleisti mano žiniatinklio paskyras" - -#. general handler -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1232 -#, c-format -msgid "Edit %s" -msgstr "Taisyti %s" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1582 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1398 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:14 msgid "Username:" msgstr "Naudotojo vardas:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1900 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1710 msgid "A_pply" msgstr "_Pritaikyti" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1930 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1739 msgid "L_og in" msgstr "_Prisijungti" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2004 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1812 msgid "This account already exists on the server" msgstr "Ši paskyra jau yra serveryje" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2007 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1816 msgid "Create a new account on the server" msgstr "Sukurti naują paskyrą serveryje" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2199 -msgid "Ca_ncel" -msgstr "_Atšaukti" - #. To translators: The first parameter is the login id and the #. * second one is the network. The resulting string will be something #. * like: "MyUserName on freenode". #. * You should reverse the order of these arguments if the #. * server should come before the login id in your locale. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2477 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2241 #, c-format msgid "%1$s on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s serveryje %2$s" #. To translators: The parameter is the protocol name. The resulting #. * string will be something like: "Jabber Account" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2503 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2267 #, c-format msgid "%s Account" msgstr "%s paskyra" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2507 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2271 msgid "New account" msgstr "Nauja paskyra" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:1 -msgid "Example: MyScreenName" -msgstr "Pavyzdys: ManoRodomasVardas" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:14 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:1 +msgid "Pass_word:" +msgstr "S_laptažodis:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-generic.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:2 -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "Papildomi" +msgid "Screen _Name:" +msgstr "_Rodomas vardas:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:3 +msgid "Example: MyScreenName" +msgstr "Pavyzdys: ManoRodomasVardas" + +#. remember password ticky box +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:4 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:4 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:5 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:12 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:4 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:13 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:5 -msgid "Pass_word:" -msgstr "S_laptažodis:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-base-password-dialog.c:261 +msgid "Remember password" +msgstr "Įsiminti slaptažodį" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:5 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:5 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:10 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:20 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:5 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:16 -msgid "Remember Password" -msgstr "Įsiminti slaptažodį" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Port:" +msgstr "_Prievadas:" -#. remember password ticky box -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:6 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:6 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:7 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:21 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:17 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-password-dialog.c:311 -msgid "Remember password" -msgstr "Įsiminti slaptažodį" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:6 -msgid "Screen _Name:" -msgstr "_Rodomas vardas:" +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Server:" +msgstr "_Serveris:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:7 -msgid "What is your AIM password?" -msgstr "Koks jūsų AIM slaptažodis?" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-generic.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:15 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:23 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:21 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:9 +msgid "Advanced" +msgstr "Papildomi" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your AIM screen name?" msgstr "Koks jūsų AIM rodomas vardas?" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:10 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:26 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:10 -msgid "_Port:" -msgstr "_Prievadas:" +msgid "What is your AIM password?" +msgstr "Koks jūsų AIM slaptažodis?" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:10 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:10 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:11 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:27 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:7 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:10 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:9 -msgid "_Server:" -msgstr "_Serveris:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:1 -msgid "Example: username" -msgstr "Pavyzdys: naudotojo vardas" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:24 +msgid "Remember Password" +msgstr "Įsiminti slaptažodį" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:2 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:13 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:2 msgid "Login I_D:" msgstr "Prisijungimo I_D:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:3 +msgid "Example: username" +msgstr "Pavyzdys: naudotojo vardas" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your GroupWise User ID?" msgstr "Koks jūsų GroupWise naudotojo ID?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your GroupWise password?" msgstr "Koks jūsų GroupWise slaptažodis?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:2 +msgid "ICQ _UIN:" +msgstr "ICQ _UIN:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:3 msgid "Example: 123456789" msgstr "Pavyzdys: 123456789" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:7 msgid "Ch_aracter set:" msgstr "_Simbolių koduotė:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:4 -msgid "ICQ _UIN:" -msgstr "ICQ _UIN:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your ICQ UIN?" msgstr "Koks jūsų ICQ UIN?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:9 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:10 msgid "What is your ICQ password?" msgstr "Koks jūsų ICQ slaptažodis?" @@ -979,80 +998,78 @@ msgid "None" msgstr "Nėra" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:1 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Tinklas" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:2 -msgid "Character set:" -msgstr "Simbolių koduotė:" +msgid "Network:" +msgstr "Tinklas:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:3 -msgid "Most IRC servers don't need a password, so if you're not sure, don't enter a password." -msgstr "Daugumai IRC serverių nereikia slaptažodžio, todėl jei nesate tikras, neįveskite slaptažodžio." +msgid "Character set:" +msgstr "Simbolių koduotė:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:4 -msgid "Network" -msgstr "Tinklas" +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:1 +msgid "Add…" +msgstr "Pridėti…" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 -msgid "Network:" -msgstr "Tinklas:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:3 +msgid "Remove" +msgstr "Pašalinti" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:6 +msgid "Up" +msgstr "Aukštyn" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:7 +#| msgid "Domain" +msgid "Down" +msgstr "Žemyn" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:8 +msgid "Servers" +msgstr "Serveriai" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:9 +msgid "Most IRC servers don't need a password, so if you're not sure, don't enter a password." +msgstr "Daugumai IRC serverių nereikia slaptažodžio, todėl jei nesate tikras, neįveskite slaptažodžio." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 msgid "Nickname:" msgstr "Slapyvardis:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 msgid "Password:" msgstr "Slaptažodis:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:12 msgid "Quit message:" msgstr "Išėjimo žinutė:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:9 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 msgid "Real name:" msgstr "Tikrasis vardas:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 -msgid "Servers" -msgstr "Serveriai" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:16 +msgid "Which IRC network?" +msgstr "Koks IRC tinklas?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:12 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:17 msgid "What is your IRC nickname?" msgstr "Koks jūsų IRC slapyvardis?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 -msgid "Which IRC network?" -msgstr "Koks IRC tinklas?" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:1 -msgid "Example: user@gmail.com" -msgstr "Pavyzdys: naudotojas@gmail.com" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:2 -msgid "Example: user@jabber.org" -msgstr "Pavyzdys: naudotojas@jabber.org" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:4 -msgid "Encr_yption required (TLS/SSL)" -msgstr "_Reikalingas šifravimas (TLS/SSL)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:5 -msgid "I_gnore SSL certificate errors" -msgstr "_Nepaisyti SSL liudijimo klaidų" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:7 -msgid "Override server settings" -msgstr "Nepaisyti serverio parametrų" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:9 -msgid "Priori_ty:" -msgstr "Pri_oritetas:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:12 -msgid "Reso_urce:" -msgstr "Ištekli_us:" +msgid "What is your Facebook username?" +msgstr "Koks jūsų Facebook naudotojo vardas?" #. This string is not wrapped in the dialog so you may have to add some '\n' to make it look nice. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:14 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:3 msgid "" "This is your username, not your normal Facebook login.\n" "If you are facebook.com/badger, enter badger.\n" @@ -1062,179 +1079,203 @@ "Jeigu jūs turite facebook.com/barsukas, įveskite barsukas.\n" "Jeigu neturite Facebook naudotojo vardo, pasirinkite pasinaudodami šiuo šiuo puslapiu." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:17 -msgid "Use old SS_L" -msgstr "Naudoti senąjį SS_L" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:18 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:6 msgid "What is your Facebook password?" msgstr "Koks jūsų Facebook slaptažodis?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:19 -msgid "What is your Facebook username?" -msgstr "Koks jūsų Facebook naudotojo vardas?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:20 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your Google ID?" msgstr "Koks jūsų Google ID?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:21 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:9 +msgid "Example: user@gmail.com" +msgstr "Pavyzdys: naudotojas@gmail.com" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:10 msgid "What is your Google password?" msgstr "Koks jūsų Google slaptažodis?" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:11 +msgid "Example: user@jabber.org" +msgstr "Pavyzdys: naudotojas@jabber.org" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:15 +msgid "I_gnore SSL certificate errors" +msgstr "_Nepaisyti SSL liudijimo klaidų" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:16 +msgid "Priori_ty:" +msgstr "Pri_oritetas:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:17 +msgid "Reso_urce:" +msgstr "Ištekli_us:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:18 +msgid "Encr_yption required (TLS/SSL)" +msgstr "_Reikalingas šifravimas (TLS/SSL)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:19 +msgid "Use old SS_L" +msgstr "Naudoti senąjį SS_L" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:22 +msgid "Override server settings" +msgstr "Nepaisyti serverio parametrų" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:24 msgid "What is your Jabber ID?" msgstr "Koks jūsų Jabber ID?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:23 -msgid "What is your Jabber password?" -msgstr "Koks jūsų Jabber slaptažodis?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:24 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:25 msgid "What is your desired Jabber ID?" msgstr "Koks jūsų pageidaujamas Jabber ID?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:25 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:26 +msgid "What is your Jabber password?" +msgstr "Koks jūsų Jabber slaptažodis?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:27 msgid "What is your desired Jabber password?" msgstr "Koks jūsų pageidaujamas Jabber slaptažodis?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:3 msgid "Example: user@hotmail.com" msgstr "Pavyzdys: naudotojas@hotmail.com" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your Windows Live ID?" msgstr "Koks jūsų Windows Live ID?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your Windows Live password?" msgstr "Koks jūsų Windows Live slaptažodis?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:2 -msgid "E-_mail address:" -msgstr "El. pašto adresas:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:1 msgid "Nic_kname:" msgstr "Slapy_vardis:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Last Name:" +msgstr "_Pavardė:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:3 msgid "_First Name:" msgstr "_Vardas:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Published Name:" +msgstr "_Prisistatymo vardas:" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:5 msgid "_Jabber ID:" msgstr "_Jabber ID:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:6 -msgid "_Last Name:" -msgstr "_Pavardė:" +msgid "E-_mail address:" +msgstr "El. pašto adresas:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:7 -msgid "_Published Name:" -msgstr "_Prisistatymo vardas:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Username:" +msgstr "_Naudotojo vardas:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:3 msgid "Example: user@my.sip.server" msgstr "Pavyzdys: naudotojas@mano.sip.serveris" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:3 -msgid "Authentication username:" -msgstr "Tapatybės nustatymo naudotojo vardas:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:4 -msgid "Discover Binding" -msgstr "Aptikti susiejimą" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:5 -msgid "Discover the STUN server automatically" -msgstr "Aptikti STUN serverį automatiškai" +msgid "Use this account to call _landlines and mobile phones" +msgstr "Naudoti šią paskyrą skambinimui _laidiniams ir mobiliems telefonams" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:6 -msgid "Ignore TLS Errors" -msgstr "Nepaisyti TLS klaidų" +msgid "NAT Traversal Options" +msgstr "NAT perėjimo parinktys" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:7 -msgid "Interval (seconds)" -msgstr "Intervalas (sekundėmis)" +msgid "Proxy Options" +msgstr "Tarpinio serverio parinktys" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:8 -msgid "Keep-Alive Options" -msgstr "Keep-Alive parinktys" +msgid "Miscellaneous Options" +msgstr "Įvairios parinktys" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:9 -msgid "Loose Routing" -msgstr "Laisvas maršruto parinkimas" +msgid "STUN Server:" +msgstr "STUN serveris:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:10 -msgid "Mechanism:" -msgstr "Mechanizmas:" +msgid "Discover the STUN server automatically" +msgstr "Aptikti STUN serverį automatiškai" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:11 -msgid "Miscellaneous Options" -msgstr "Įvairios parinktys" +msgid "Discover Binding" +msgstr "Aptikti susiejimą" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:12 -msgid "NAT Traversal Options" -msgstr "NAT perėjimo parinktys" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:114 +msgid "Server:" +msgstr "Serveris:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:13 +msgid "Keep-Alive Options" +msgstr "Keep-Alive parinktys" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:14 -msgid "Port:" -msgstr "Prievadas:" +msgid "Mechanism:" +msgstr "Mechanizmas:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:15 -msgid "Proxy Options" -msgstr "Tarpinio serverio parinktys" +msgid "Interval (seconds)" +msgstr "Intervalas (sekundėmis)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:16 +msgid "Authentication username:" +msgstr "Tapatybės nustatymo naudotojo vardas:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:17 +msgid "Transport:" +msgstr "Transportas:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:18 -msgid "STUN Server:" -msgstr "STUN serveris:" +msgid "Loose Routing" +msgstr "Laisvas maršruto parinkimas" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:19 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:114 -msgid "Server:" -msgstr "Serveris:" +msgid "Ignore TLS Errors" +msgstr "Nepaisyti TLS klaidų" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:20 -msgid "Transport:" -msgstr "Transportas:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:21 -msgid "Use this account to call _landlines and mobile phones" -msgstr "Naudoti šią paskyrą skambinimui _laidiniams ir mobiliems telefonams" +msgid "Port:" +msgstr "Prievadas:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:22 -msgid "What is your SIP account password?" -msgstr "Koks jūsų SIP paskyros slaptažodis?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:23 msgid "What is your SIP login ID?" msgstr "Koks jūsų SIP prisijungimo ID?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:24 -msgid "_Username:" -msgstr "_Naudotojo vardas:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:23 +msgid "What is your SIP account password?" +msgstr "Koks jūsų SIP paskyros slaptažodis?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:2 +msgid "Yahoo! I_D:" +msgstr "Yahoo! I_D:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:5 msgid "I_gnore conference and chat room invitations" msgstr "_Nepaisyti konferencijų ir pokalbių kambarių kvietimų" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Room List locale:" +msgstr "_Kambarių sąrašo lokalė:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:10 msgid "What is your Yahoo! ID?" msgstr "Koks jūsų Yahoo! ID?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:11 msgid "What is your Yahoo! password?" msgstr "Koks jūsų Yahoo! slaptažodis?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:9 -msgid "Yahoo! I_D:" -msgstr "Yahoo! I_D:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:11 -msgid "_Room List locale:" -msgstr "_Kambarių sąrašo lokalė:" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:471 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:556 msgid "Couldn't convert image" @@ -1272,213 +1313,220 @@ msgid "Click to enlarge" msgstr "Norėdami padidinti, spustelėkite" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:44 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:62 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:42 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:60 msgid "There was an error starting the call" msgstr "Kilo klaida pradedant skambutį" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:51 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:49 msgid "The specified contact doesn't support calls" msgstr "Nurodytas adresatas nepalaiko skambučių" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:53 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:51 msgid "The specified contact is offline" msgstr "Nurodytas adresatas yra atsijungęs" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:55 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:53 msgid "The specified contact is not valid" msgstr "Nurodytas adresatas yra neteisingas" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:57 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:55 msgid "Emergency calls are not supported on this protocol" msgstr "Kritiniai skambučiai šiuo protokolu nepalaikomi" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:59 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:57 msgid "You don't have enough credit in order to place this call" msgstr "Nepakanka kreditų pradėti šiam pokalbiui" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:706 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:729 msgid "Failed to open private chat" msgstr "Nepavyko atverti privataus pokalbio" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:764 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:787 msgid "Topic not supported on this conversation" msgstr "Šiame pokalbyje tema yra nepalaikoma" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:770 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:793 msgid "You are not allowed to change the topic" msgstr "Jums neleidžiama pakeisti temos" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:971 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:992 #, c-format msgid "“%s” is not a valid contact ID" msgstr "„%s“ yra netinkamas adresato ID" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1066 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1087 msgid "/clear: clear all messages from the current conversation" msgstr "/clear: ištrinti visus dabartinio pokalbio pranešimus" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1069 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1090 msgid "/topic : set the topic of the current conversation" msgstr "/topic : nustatyti dabartinio pokalbio temą" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1072 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1093 msgid "/join : join a new chat room" msgstr "/join : prisijungti prie naujo pokalbių kambario" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1075 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1096 msgid "/j : join a new chat room" msgstr "/j : prisijungti prie naujo pokalbių kambario" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1079 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1100 msgid "/part [] []: leave the chat room, by default the current one" msgstr "/part [] []: išeiti iš pokalbių kambario; dabartinio, jei nenurodyta kitaip" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1083 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1104 msgid "/query []: open a private chat" msgstr "/query [<žinutė>]: atverti privatų pokalbį" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1086 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1107 msgid "/msg : open a private chat" msgstr "/msg <žinutė>: atverti privatų pokalbį" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1089 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1110 msgid "/nick : change your nickname on the current server" msgstr "/nick : keisti savo slapyvardį dabartiniame serveryje" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1092 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1113 msgid "/me : send an ACTION message to the current conversation" msgstr "/me <žinutė>: siųsti dabartiniam pokalbiui žinutę ACTION" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1095 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1116 msgid "/say : send to the current conversation. This is used to send a message starting with a '/'. For example: \"/say /join is used to join a new chat room\"" msgstr "/say <žinutė>: siųsti dabartiniam pokalbiui <žinutę>. Tai naudojama norint siųsti žinutę, prasidedančia simboliu „/“. Pavyzdžiui: „/say /join naudojama norint prisijungti prie naujo pokalbių kambario“" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1100 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1121 msgid "/whois : display information about a contact" msgstr "/whois : parodo informaciją apie adresatą" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1103 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1124 msgid "/help []: show all supported commands. If is defined, show its usage." msgstr "/help []: rodyti visas palaikomas komandas. Jei apibrėžta, rodyti, kaip ją naudoti." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1122 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1143 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s" msgstr "Naudojimas: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1167 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1188 msgid "Unknown command" msgstr "Nežinoma komanda" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1293 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1314 msgid "Unknown command; see /help for the available commands" msgstr "Nežinoma komanda. Galimas komandas galite pamatyti įvykdę komandą /help" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1457 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1565 msgid "insufficient balance to send message" msgstr "nepakankamas balansas žinutės siuntimui" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1461 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1475 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1538 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1569 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1583 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1646 #, c-format msgid "Error sending message '%s': %s" msgstr "Klaida siunčiant žinutę „%s“: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1463 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1480 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1542 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1571 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1588 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1650 #, c-format msgid "Error sending message: %s" msgstr "Klaida siunčiant žinutę: %s" #. translators: error used when user doesn't have enough credit on his #. * account to send the message. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1469 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1577 #, c-format msgid "insufficient balance to send message. Top up." msgstr "nepakankamas balansas žinutės siuntimui. Pakelti." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1509 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1617 msgid "not capable" msgstr "nepalaiko" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1516 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1624 msgid "offline" msgstr "atsijungęs" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1519 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1627 msgid "invalid contact" msgstr "netinkamas adresatas" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1522 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1630 msgid "permission denied" msgstr "prieiga uždrausta" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1525 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1633 msgid "too long message" msgstr "per ilga žinutė" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1528 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1636 msgid "not implemented" msgstr "ši funkcija dar nerealizuota" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1532 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1640 msgid "unknown" msgstr "nežinoma" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1599 -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:761 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1707 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:920 msgid "Topic:" msgstr "Tema:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1611 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1722 #, c-format msgid "Topic set to: %s" msgstr "Tema nustatyta į: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1613 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1724 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Topic set to: %s" +msgid "Topic set by %s to: %s" +msgstr "Tema %s nustatyta į: %s" + +#. No need to display this 'event' is no topic can be defined anyway +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1729 msgid "No topic defined" msgstr "Nenurodyta jokia tema" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2126 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2245 msgid "(No Suggestions)" msgstr "(Nėra pasiūlymų)" #. translators: %s is the selected word -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2194 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2313 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to Dictionary" msgstr "Įtraukti „%s“ į žodyną" #. translators: first %s is the selected word, #. * second %s is the language name of the target dictionary -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2231 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2350 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to %s Dictionary" msgstr "Įtraukti „%s“ į %s žodyną" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2301 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2420 msgid "Insert Smiley" msgstr "Įterpti šypsenėlę" #. send button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2319 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1867 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2438 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1880 msgid "_Send" msgstr "_Siųsti" #. Spelling suggestions -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2376 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2495 msgid "_Spelling Suggestions" msgstr "_Rašybos pasiūlymai" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2465 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2584 msgid "Failed to retrieve recent logs" msgstr "Nepavyko gauti naujausių žurnalų" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2602 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2723 #, c-format msgid "%s has disconnected" msgstr "%s atsijungė" @@ -1486,12 +1534,12 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the kicked should come before the kicker in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2609 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2730 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was kicked by %2$s" msgstr "%2$s išspyrė naudotoją %1$s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2612 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2733 #, c-format msgid "%s was kicked" msgstr "%s buvo išspirtas" @@ -1499,17 +1547,17 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the banned should come before the banner in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2620 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2741 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was banned by %2$s" msgstr "%2$s užblokavo naudotoją %1$s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2623 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2744 #, c-format msgid "%s was banned" msgstr "%s buvo užblokuotas" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2627 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2748 #, c-format msgid "%s has left the room" msgstr "%s paliko pokalbių kambarį" @@ -1519,17 +1567,17 @@ #. * given by the user living the room. If this poses a problem, #. * please let us know. :-) #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2636 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2757 #, c-format msgid " (%s)" msgstr " (%s)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2661 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2782 #, c-format msgid "%s has joined the room" msgstr "%s prisijungė prie pokalbių kambario" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2686 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2807 #, c-format msgid "%s is now known as %s" msgstr "%s dabar žinomas (-a) kaip %s" @@ -1537,92 +1585,93 @@ #. We don't know if the incoming call has been accepted or not, so we #. * assume it hasn't and if it has, we'll set the proper status when #. * we get the new handler. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2839 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1886 -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1260 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1538 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1588 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2627 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2994 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1888 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1279 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1502 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1552 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2590 msgid "Disconnected" msgstr "Atsijungęs (-usi)" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3485 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3658 msgid "Would you like to store this password?" msgstr "Ar norėtumėte įrašyti šį slaptažodį?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3491 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3664 msgid "Remember" msgstr "Įrašyti" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3501 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3674 msgid "Not now" msgstr "Ne dabar" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3545 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3718 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-bad-password-dialog.c:142 msgid "Retry" msgstr "Bandyti dar kartą" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3549 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3722 msgid "Wrong password; please try again:" msgstr "Neteisingas slaptažodis, bandykite dar kartą:" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3679 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3852 msgid "This room is protected by a password:" msgstr "Šis kambarys yra apsaugotas slaptažodžiu:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3706 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3879 msgid "Join" msgstr "Prisijungti" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3894 -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1281 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4071 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1300 msgid "Connected" msgstr "Prisijungęs (-usi)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3949 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4126 msgid "Conversation" msgstr "Pokalbis" #. Translators: this string is a something like #. * "Escher Cat (SMS)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3954 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4131 #, c-format msgid "%s (SMS)" msgstr "%s (SMS)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:265 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:262 msgid "Unknown or invalid identifier" msgstr "Nežinomas ar netinkamas identifikatorius" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:267 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:264 msgid "Contact blocking temporarily unavailable" msgstr "Adresatų blokavimo galimybė laikinai neprieinama" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:269 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:266 msgid "Contact blocking unavailable" msgstr "Adresatų blokavimas negalimas" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:271 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:268 msgid "Permission Denied" msgstr "Neleidžiama" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:275 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:272 msgid "Could not block contact" msgstr "Nepavyko užblokuoti adresato" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:622 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:610 msgid "Edit Blocked Contacts" msgstr "Taisyti blokuotus adresatus" #. Account and Identifier #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:1 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:506 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1475 -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1474 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:7 msgid "Account:" msgstr "Paskyra:" @@ -1630,13 +1679,6 @@ msgid "Blocked Contacts" msgstr "Užblokuoti adresatai" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:5 -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Remove" -msgstr "Pašalinti" - #. Copy Link Address menu item #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:322 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-webkit-utils.c:277 @@ -1655,39 +1697,30 @@ msgid "%A %B %d %Y" msgstr "%Y %B %d (%A)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:287 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-edit-dialog.c:247 -msgid "Edit Contact Information" -msgstr "Taisyti adresato informaciją" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:338 -msgid "Personal Information" -msgstr "Asmeninė informacija" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:439 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:119 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:326 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:118 msgid "New Contact" msgstr "Naujas adresatas" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:508 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:198 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:395 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:197 #, c-format msgid "Block %s?" msgstr "Užblokuoti %s?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:513 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:253 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:400 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:252 #, c-format msgid "Are you sure you want to block '%s' from contacting you again?" msgstr "Ar tikrai norite „%s“ nebeleisti jūsų matyti?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:518 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:275 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:405 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:274 msgid "_Block" msgstr "_Blokuoti" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:536 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:284 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:423 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:283 msgid "_Report this contact as abusive" msgid_plural "_Report these contacts as abusive" msgstr[0] "_Pranešti apie šio adresato piktnaudžiavimą" @@ -1695,112 +1728,16 @@ msgstr[2] "_Pranešti apie šių adresatų piktnaudžiavimą" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:1 -msgid "Decide _Later" -msgstr "Nuspręsti _vėliau" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:2 msgid "Subscription Request" msgstr "Prenumeratos prašymas" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:2 msgid "_Block User" msgstr "_Blokuoti naudotoją" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:1935 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2397 -#, c-format -msgid "Do you really want to remove the group '%s'?" -msgstr "Ar tikrai norite pašalinti grupę „%s“?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:1937 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2400 -msgid "Removing group" -msgstr "Šalinama grupė" - -#. Remove -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:1986 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2059 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2455 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2671 -msgid "_Remove" -msgstr "_Pašalinti" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2015 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2532 -#, c-format -msgid "Do you really want to remove the contact '%s'?" -msgstr "Ar tikrai norite pašalinti adresatą „%s“?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2017 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2553 -msgid "Removing contact" -msgstr "Šalinamas adresatas" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:212 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:14 -msgid "_Add Contact…" -msgstr "_Pridėti adresatą…" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:287 -msgid "_Block Contact" -msgstr "_Blokuoti adresatą" - -#. add chat button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:316 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:758 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:320 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:16 -msgid "_Chat" -msgstr "_Pokalbis" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:348 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:850 -msgctxt "menu item" -msgid "_Audio Call" -msgstr "_Garsinis skambutis" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:381 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:895 -msgctxt "menu item" -msgid "_Video Call" -msgstr "_Vaizdinis skambutis" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:427 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:948 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:27 -msgid "_Previous Conversations" -msgstr "_Ankstesni pokalbiai" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:449 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:989 -msgid "Send File" -msgstr "Siųsti failą" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:472 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1031 -msgid "Share My Desktop" -msgstr "Dalintis mano darbastaliu" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:501 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1094 -msgid "Infor_mation" -msgstr "Infor_macija" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:547 -msgctxt "Edit contact (contextual menu)" -msgid "_Edit" -msgstr "_Taisyti" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:601 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1285 -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:1011 -msgid "Inviting you to this room" -msgstr "Jus kviečia į šį kambarį" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:632 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1331 -msgid "_Invite to Chat Room" -msgstr "_Pakviesti į pokalbių kambarį" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:3 +msgid "Decide _Later" +msgstr "Nuspręsti _vėliau" #. Title #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:499 @@ -1827,166 +1764,171 @@ msgid "Please let me see when you're online. Thanks!" msgstr "Leiskite man matyti, kai jūs esate prisijungęs. Ačiū!" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:571 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:567 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:304 msgid "Channels:" msgstr "Kanalai:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:751 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:747 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:455 msgid "Country ISO Code:" msgstr "Šalies ISO kodas:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:753 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:749 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:457 msgid "Country:" msgstr "Šalis:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:755 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:751 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:459 msgid "State:" msgstr "Būsena:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:757 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:753 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:461 msgid "City:" msgstr "Miestas:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:759 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:755 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:463 msgid "Area:" msgstr "Sritis:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:761 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:757 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:465 msgid "Postal Code:" msgstr "Pašto kodas:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:763 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:759 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:467 msgid "Street:" msgstr "Gatvė:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:765 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:761 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:469 msgid "Building:" msgstr "Pastatas:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:767 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:763 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:471 msgid "Floor:" msgstr "Aukštas:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:769 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:765 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:473 msgid "Room:" msgstr "Kambarys:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:771 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:767 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:475 msgid "Text:" msgstr "Tekstas:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:773 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:769 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:477 msgid "Description:" msgstr "Aprašymas:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:775 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:771 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:479 msgid "URI:" msgstr "URI:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:777 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:773 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:481 msgid "Accuracy Level:" msgstr "Tikslumo lygis:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:779 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:775 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:483 msgid "Error:" msgstr "Paklaida:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:781 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:777 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:485 msgid "Vertical Error (meters):" msgstr "Vertikali paklaida (metrais):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:783 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:779 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:487 msgid "Horizontal Error (meters):" msgstr "Horizontali paklaida (metrais):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:785 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:781 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:489 msgid "Speed:" msgstr "Greitis:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:787 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:783 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:491 msgid "Bearing:" msgstr "Azimutas:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:789 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:785 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:493 msgid "Climb Speed:" msgstr "Kilimo greitis:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:791 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:787 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:495 msgid "Last Updated on:" msgstr "Paskutinį kartą atnaujinta:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:793 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:789 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:497 msgid "Longitude:" msgstr "Ilguma:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:795 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:791 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:499 msgid "Latitude:" msgstr "Platuma:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:797 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:793 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:501 msgid "Altitude:" msgstr "Aukštuma:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:850 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:865 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:846 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:861 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:593 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:608 -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:15 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:35 msgid "Location" msgstr "Vietovė" #. translators: format is "Location, $date" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:867 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:863 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:610 #, c-format msgid "%s, %s" msgstr "%s, %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:919 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:915 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:659 msgid "%B %e, %Y at %R UTC" msgstr "%Y %B %e, %R UTC" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1001 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:901 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:997 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:900 msgid "Save Avatar" msgstr "Išsaugoti pseudoportretą" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1057 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:959 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1053 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:958 msgid "Unable to save avatar" msgstr "Nepavyko išsaugoti pseudoportreto" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1745 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1066 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1358 -msgid "Favorite" -msgstr "Mėgiamas" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1444 +#| msgid "Technical Details" +msgid "Personal Details" +msgstr "Asmeniniai duomenys" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1447 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:6 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:3 +msgid "Contact Details" +msgstr "Adresato informacija" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:104 msgid "Full name" @@ -2053,163 +1995,233 @@ msgid "parcel" msgstr "siuntinys" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:1 -msgid "Location at (date)\t" -msgstr "Vietovė (data)\t" +#. Identifier to connect to Instant Messaging network +#. Translators: Identifier to connect to Instant Messaging network +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1502 +msgid "Identifier:" +msgstr "Identifikatorius:" #. Alias -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1294 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1293 msgid "Alias:" msgstr "Alternatyvusis vardas:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:4 -msgid "Client Information" -msgstr "Kliento informacija" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:5 -msgid "Client:" -msgstr "Klientas:" +msgid "Location at (date)\t" +msgstr "Vietovė (data)\t" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:2 -msgid "Contact Details" -msgstr "Adresato informacija" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:4 +msgid "Information requested…" +msgstr "Informacijos užklausta…" -#. Identifier to connect to Instant Messaging network -#. Translators: Identifier to connect to Instant Messaging network #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:8 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1503 -msgid "Identifier:" -msgstr "Identifikatorius:" +msgid "Client Information" +msgstr "Kliento informacija" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:3 -msgid "Information requested…" -msgstr "Informacijos užklausta…" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:10 msgid "OS:" msgstr "OS:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:10 msgid "Version:" msgstr "Versija:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:333 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:11 +msgid "Client:" +msgstr "Klientas:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:331 msgid "Groups" msgstr "Grupės" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:345 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:343 msgid "Select the groups you want this contact to appear in. Note that you can select more than one group or no groups." msgstr "Pasirinkite grupes, į kurias norite įtraukti šį adresatą. Galite pasirinkti daugiau nei vieną grupę arba nepasirinkti nei vienos grupės." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:364 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:362 msgid "_Add Group" msgstr "_Pridėti grupę" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:399 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:397 msgctxt "verb in a column header displaying group names" msgid "Select" msgstr "Pasirinkti" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:409 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1951 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:407 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1970 msgid "Group" msgstr "Grupė" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:258 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:257 msgid "The following identity will be blocked:" msgid_plural "The following identities will be blocked:" msgstr[0] "Ši tapatybė bus užblokuota:" msgstr[1] "Šios tapatybės bus užblokuotos:" msgstr[2] "Šios tapatybės bus užblokuotos:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:265 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:264 msgid "The following identity can not be blocked:" msgid_plural "The following identities can not be blocked:" msgstr[0] "Šios tapatybės nepavyko užblokuoti:" msgstr[1] "Šių tapatybių nepavyko užblokuoti:" msgstr[2] "Šių tapatybių nepavyko užblokuoti:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-edit-dialog.c:247 +msgid "Edit Contact Information" +msgstr "Taisyti adresato informaciją" + #. Translators: the heading at the top of the Information dialogue #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-information-dialog.c:288 msgid "Linked Contacts" msgstr "Susieti adresatai" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-linker.c:370 -msgid "Select contacts to link" -msgstr "Pasirinkite susietinus adresatus" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-linker.c:444 -msgid "New contact preview" -msgstr "Naujo adresato peržiūra" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-linker.c:488 -msgid "Contacts selected in the list on the left will be linked together." -msgstr "Kairėje esančiame sąraše pažymėti adresatai bus susieti kartu." - #. Translators: this is used in the context menu for a contact. The first #. * parameter is a contact ID (e.g. foo@jabber.org) and the second is one #. * of the user's account IDs (e.g. me@hotmail.com). -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:145 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:173 #, c-format msgid "%s (%s)" msgstr "%s (%s)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:309 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:345 msgid "Select account to use to place the call" msgstr "Pasirinkite naudotiną paskyrą skambučio vykdymui" #. translators: Call is a noun. This string is used in the window #. * title -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:313 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:2 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1285 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:349 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1290 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:18 msgid "Call" msgstr "Skambutis" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:378 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:414 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Mobilusis" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:380 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:416 msgid "Work" msgstr "Darbas" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:382 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:418 msgid "HOME" msgstr "NAMAI" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:659 +msgid "_Block Contact" +msgstr "_Blokuoti adresatą" + +#. add chat button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1018 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:319 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Chat" +msgstr "_Pokalbis" + #. add SMS button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:805 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:314 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1053 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:313 msgid "_SMS" msgstr "_SMS" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1143 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1086 +msgctxt "menu item" +msgid "_Audio Call" +msgstr "_Garsinis skambutis" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1119 +msgctxt "menu item" +msgid "_Video Call" +msgstr "_Vaizdinis skambutis" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1160 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Previous Conversations" +msgstr "_Ankstesni pokalbiai" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1189 +msgid "Send File" +msgstr "Siųsti failą" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1219 +msgid "Share My Desktop" +msgstr "Dalintis mano darbastaliu" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1245 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1357 +msgid "Favorite" +msgstr "Mėgiamas" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1264 +#| msgid "telepathy-salut not installed" +msgid "gnome-contacts not installed" +msgstr "gnome-contacts neįdiegta" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1267 +msgid "Please install gnome-contacts to access contacts details." +msgstr "Įdiekite gnome-contacts prieigai prie kontaktų duomenų." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1398 +msgid "Infor_mation" +msgstr "Infor_macija" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1447 msgctxt "Edit individual (contextual menu)" msgid "_Edit" msgstr "_Taisyti" -#. Translators: this is a verb meaning "to connect two contacts together -#. * to form a meta-contact". -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1169 -msgctxt "Link individual (contextual menu)" -msgid "_Link Contacts…" -msgstr "_Susieti adresatus…" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1564 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:1192 +msgid "Inviting you to this room" +msgstr "Jus kviečia į šį kambarį" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1610 +msgid "_Invite to Chat Room" +msgstr "_Pakviesti į pokalbių kambarį" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1806 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:5 +msgid "_Add Contact…" +msgstr "_Pridėti adresatą…" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2362 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2304 msgid "Delete and _Block" msgstr "Ištrinti ir _blokuoti" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2541 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2339 +#, c-format +msgid "Do you really want to remove the group '%s'?" +msgstr "Ar tikrai norite pašalinti grupę „%s“?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2342 +msgid "Removing group" +msgstr "Šalinama grupė" + +#. Remove +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2397 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2601 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_Pašalinti" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2474 +#, c-format +msgid "Do you really want to remove the contact '%s'?" +msgstr "Ar tikrai norite pašalinti adresatą „%s“?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2483 #, c-format msgid "Do you really want to remove the linked contact '%s'? Note that this will remove all the contacts which make up this linked contact." msgstr "Ar tikrai norite pašalinti susietąjį adresatą „%s“? Atminkite, jog bus pašalinti visi adresatai, sudarantys šį susietąjį adresatą." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1642 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2495 +msgid "Removing contact" +msgstr "Šalinamas adresatas" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1641 #, c-format msgid "Linked contact containing %u contact" msgid_plural "Linked contacts containing %u contacts" @@ -2221,23 +2233,23 @@ msgid "Location at (date)" msgstr "Vietovė (data)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:2 msgid "Online from a phone or mobile device" msgstr "Prisijungta naudojant telefoną ar kitą mobiliojo ryšio įrenginį" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:332 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:335 msgid "New Network" msgstr "Naujas tinklas" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:527 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:530 msgid "Choose an IRC network" msgstr "Pasirinkite IRC tinklą" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:584 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:587 msgid "Reset _Networks List" msgstr "Atstatyti _tinklų sąrašą" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:588 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:591 msgctxt "verb displayed on a button to select an IRC network" msgid "Select" msgstr "Pasirinkti" @@ -2246,90 +2258,52 @@ msgid "new server" msgstr "naujas serveris" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:535 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:539 msgid "SSL" msgstr "SSL" -#. Translators: this is the title of the linking dialogue (reached by -#. * right-clicking on a contact and selecting "Link…"). "Link" in this title -#. * is a verb. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:115 -msgid "Link Contacts" -msgstr "Susieti adresatus" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:120 -msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" -msgid "_Unlink…" -msgstr "_Išskaidyti…" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:121 -msgid "Completely split the displayed linked contacts into the separate contacts." -msgstr "Visiškai išskaidyti rodomus susietuosius adresatus į atskirus adresatus." - -#. Add button -#. Translators: this is an action button in the linking dialogue. "Link" is -#. * used here as a verb meaning "to connect two contacts to form a -#. * meta-contact". -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:136 -msgid "_Link" -msgstr "_Susieti" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:183 -#, c-format -msgid "Unlink linked contacts '%s'?" -msgstr "Išskaidyti susietuosius adresatus „%s“?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:186 -msgid "Are you sure you want to unlink these linked contacts? This will completely split the linked contacts into separate contacts." -msgstr "Ar tikrai norite išskaityti šiuos susietuosius adresatus? Susietieji adresatai bus visiškai išskaidytas į atskirus adresatus." - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:190 -msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" -msgid "_Unlink" -msgstr "_Išskaityti" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:621 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:620 msgid "History" msgstr "Istorija" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:676 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:675 msgid "Show" msgstr "Rodyti" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:698 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:697 msgid "Search" msgstr "Ieškoti" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1147 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1148 #, c-format msgid "Chat in %s" msgstr "Kalbėti kanale %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1149 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1150 #, c-format msgid "Chat with %s" msgstr "Kalbėti su %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1199 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1346 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1200 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1347 msgctxt "A date with the time" msgid "%A, %e %B %Y %X" msgstr "%A, %e %B %Y %X" #. Translators: this is an emote: '* Danielle waves' -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1288 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1289 #, c-format msgid "* %s %s" msgstr "* %s %s" #. Translators: this is a message: 'Danielle: hello' #. * The string in bold is the sender's name -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1294 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1295 #, c-format msgid "%s: %s" msgstr "%s: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1370 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1371 #, c-format msgid "%s second" msgid_plural "%s seconds" @@ -2337,7 +2311,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%s sekundės" msgstr[2] "%s sekundžių" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1377 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1378 #, c-format msgid "%s minute" msgid_plural "%s minutes" @@ -2345,191 +2319,198 @@ msgstr[1] "%s minutės" msgstr[2] "%s minučių" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1385 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1386 #, c-format msgid "Call took %s, ended at %s" msgstr "Pokalbis truko %s, baigėsi %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1719 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1720 msgid "Today" msgstr "Šiandien" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1723 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1724 msgid "Yesterday" msgstr "Vakar" #. Translators: A date such as '23 May 2010' (strftime format) -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1738 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1739 msgid "%e %B %Y" msgstr "%e %B %Y" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1826 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3458 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1827 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3487 msgid "Anytime" msgstr "Bet kada" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1915 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2371 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1916 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2400 msgid "Anyone" msgstr "Bet kas" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2684 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2713 msgid "Who" msgstr "Kas" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2893 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2922 msgid "When" msgstr "Kada" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3009 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3038 msgid "Anything" msgstr "Bet kas" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3011 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3040 msgid "Text chats" msgstr "Tekstiniai pokalbiai" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3013 -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3042 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:25 msgid "Calls" msgstr "Skambučiai" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3018 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3047 msgid "Incoming calls" msgstr "Įeinantys skambučiai" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3019 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3048 msgid "Outgoing calls" msgstr "Išeinantys skambučiai" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3020 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3049 msgid "Missed calls" msgstr "Praleistas skambučiai" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3042 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3071 msgid "What" msgstr "Kas" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3751 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3780 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete all logs of previous conversations?" msgstr "Ar tikrai norite ištrinti visų buvusių pokalbių žurnalus?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3755 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3784 msgid "Clear All" msgstr "Išvalyti visus" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3762 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3791 msgid "Delete from:" msgstr "Trinti nuo:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:1 -msgid "Loading..." -msgstr "Įkeliama..." +msgid "_File" +msgstr "_Failas" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:3 -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Chat" -msgstr "Pokalbis" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:9 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:12 +msgid "_Edit" +msgstr "_Taisyti" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:3 msgid "Delete All History..." msgstr "Ištrinti visą istoriją..." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:4 msgid "Profile" msgstr "Profilis" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:6 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:22 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:20 -msgid "Video" -msgstr "Vaizdas" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:5 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:19 +msgid "Chat" +msgstr "Pokalbis" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:7 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:28 -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:12 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:20 -msgid "_Edit" -msgstr "_Taisyti" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:26 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:19 +msgid "Video" +msgstr "Vaizdas" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:8 -msgid "_File" -msgstr "_Failas" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:9 msgid "page 2" msgstr "2 puslapis" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:84 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:9 +msgid "Loading..." +msgstr "Įkeliama..." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:83 msgid "The contact is offline" msgstr "Nurodytas adresatas yra atsijungęs" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:86 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:85 msgid "The specified contact is either invalid or unknown" msgstr "Nurodytas adresatas yra neteisingas arba nežinomas" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:88 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:87 msgid "The contact does not support this kind of conversation" msgstr "Šiame pokalbyje tokia tema yra nepalaikoma" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:90 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:89 msgid "The requested functionality is not implemented for this protocol" msgstr "Šiam protokolui reikalaujamas funkcionalumas dar neįdiegtas" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:96 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:95 msgid "Could not start a conversation with the given contact" msgstr "Su pasirinktu adresatu užmegzti pokalbio nepavyko" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:98 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:97 msgid "You are banned from this channel" msgstr "Jūs šiame kanale užblokuotas" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:100 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:99 msgid "This channel is full" msgstr "Šis kanalas pilnas" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:102 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:101 msgid "You must be invited to join this channel" msgstr "Jūs turite būti pakviestas, jei norite prisijungti prie šio kanalo" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:104 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:103 msgid "Can't proceed while disconnected" msgstr "Negalima tęsti, kol atsijungta" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:106 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:105 msgid "Permission denied" msgstr "Prieiga uždrausta" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:112 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:111 msgid "There was an error starting the conversation" msgstr "Kilo klaida pradedant skambutį" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:291 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:203 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:290 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:200 msgid "Enter a contact identifier or phone number:" msgstr "Įveskite adresato atpažinimo žymą arba telefono numerį:" #. Tweak the dialog -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:334 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:333 msgid "New Conversation" msgstr "Naujas pokalbis" #. add video button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:226 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:223 msgid "_Video Call" msgstr "_Vaizdinis skambutis" #. add audio button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:236 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:233 msgid "_Audio Call" msgstr "_Garsinis skambutis" #. Tweak the dialog -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:246 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:243 msgid "New Call" msgstr "Naujas skambutis" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-password-dialog.c:274 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-bad-password-dialog.c:130 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Authentication failed" +msgid "Authentification failed for account %s" +msgstr "Nepavyko nustatyti tapatybės paskyrai %s" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-base-password-dialog.c:224 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-password-dialog.c:134 #, c-format msgid "" "Enter your password for account\n" @@ -2575,7 +2556,7 @@ #. To translator: %s is the name of the protocol, such as "Google Talk" or #. * "Yahoo!" #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-protocol-chooser.c:584 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-protocol-chooser.c:588 #, c-format msgid "New %s account" msgstr "Nauja %s paskyra" @@ -2585,20 +2566,20 @@ msgstr "Ieškoti:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:2 -msgid "Mat_ch case" -msgstr "Skirti raidžių _registrą" +msgid "_Previous" +msgstr "_Ankstesnis" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:3 -msgid "Phrase not found" -msgstr "Frazė nerasta" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:4 msgid "_Next" msgstr "_Kitas" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:4 +msgid "Mat_ch case" +msgstr "Skirti raidžių _registrą" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:5 -msgid "_Previous" -msgstr "_Ankstesnis" +msgid "Phrase not found" +msgstr "Frazė nerasta" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-sound-manager.c:51 msgid "Received an instant message" @@ -2644,12 +2625,12 @@ msgid "Edit Custom Messages" msgstr "Taisykite pasirinktinę žinutę" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1047 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1051 #, c-format msgid "Message edited at %s" msgstr "Žinutė redaguota %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1752 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1757 msgid "Normal" msgstr "Normalus" @@ -2724,39 +2705,44 @@ msgstr "Liudijimo kompiuterio vardas: %s" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:281 -msgid "Continue" -msgstr "Tęsti" +#| msgid "Continue" +msgid "C_ontinue" +msgstr "_Tęsti" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:287 +msgid "Untrusted connection" +msgstr "Nepatikimas ryšys" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:288 msgid "This connection is untrusted. Would you like to continue anyway?" msgstr "Šis ryšys nepatikimas. Ar vis tiek pageidaujate tęsti?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:297 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:298 msgid "Remember this choice for future connections" msgstr "Atsiminti šį pasirinkimą ateityje" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:303 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:304 msgid "Certificate Details" msgstr "Liudijimo informacija" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1741 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1754 msgid "Unable to open URI" msgstr "Nepavyko atverti URI" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1859 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1872 msgid "Select a file" msgstr "Pasirinkite failą" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1934 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1947 msgid "Insufficient free space to save file" msgstr "Nepakanka laisvos vietos failui įrašyti" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1942 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1955 #, c-format msgid "%s of free space are required to save this file, but only %s is available. Please choose another location." msgstr "Šiam failui įrašyti reikia %s laisvos vietos, tačiau prieinama tik %s. Pasirinkite kitą vietą." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1986 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1999 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file from %s" msgstr "Failas jums nuo %s" @@ -2928,31 +2914,43 @@ msgid "Vietnamese" msgstr "Vietnamiečių" -#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:203 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-calendar-button.c:66 +#| msgctxt "verb in a column header displaying group names" +#| msgid "Select" +msgid "Select..." +msgstr "Pasirinkti..." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-calendar-button.c:154 +#| msgctxt "verb in a column header displaying group names" +#| msgid "Select" +msgid "_Select" +msgstr "Pa_sirinkti" + +#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:202 msgid "No error message" msgstr "Nėra klaidų pranešimų" -#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:276 +#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:275 msgid "Instant Message (Empathy)" msgstr "Tikralaikė žinutė (Empathy)" -#: ../src/empathy.c:433 +#: ../src/empathy.c:435 msgid "Don't connect on startup" msgstr "Paleidimo metu neprisijungti" -#: ../src/empathy.c:437 +#: ../src/empathy.c:439 msgid "Don't display the contact list or any other dialogs on startup" msgstr "Paleidus nerodyti adresatų sąrašo ar kitų dialogų" -#: ../src/empathy.c:452 +#: ../src/empathy.c:454 msgid "- Empathy IM Client" msgstr "– Tikralaikių pokalbių klientas Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy.c:639 +#: ../src/empathy.c:641 msgid "Error contacting the Account Manager" msgstr "Klaida susisiekiant su paskyrų tvarkykle" -#: ../src/empathy.c:641 +#: ../src/empathy.c:643 #, c-format msgid "" "There was an error while trying to connect to the Telepathy Account Manager. The error was:\n" @@ -2975,205 +2973,89 @@ msgid "You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Empathy; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-130159 USA" msgstr "Jūs turėjote gauti GNU bendrosios viešosios licencijos kopiją kartu su Empathy; jeigu negavote, rašykite Laisvosios programinės įrangos fondui, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-130159 USA" -#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:107 +#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:109 msgid "An Instant Messaging client for GNOME" msgstr "Tikralaikių pokalbių klientas, skirtas GNOME aplinkai" -#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:113 +#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:115 msgid "translator-credits" msgstr "" "Žygimantas Beručka\n" "Justina Klingaitė\n" "Saulius Šopaga" -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:167 -msgid "There was an error while importing the accounts." -msgstr "Klaida importuojant paskyras." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:170 -msgid "There was an error while parsing the account details." -msgstr "Klaida apdorojant paskyros informaciją." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:173 -msgid "There was an error while creating the account." -msgstr "Klaida kuriant paskyrą." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:175 -msgid "There was an error." -msgstr "Įvyko klaida." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:179 -#, c-format -msgid "The error message was: %s" -msgstr "Klaidos pranešimas buvo: %s" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:183 -msgid "You can either go back and try to enter your accounts' details again or quit this assistant and add accounts later from the Edit menu." -msgstr "Galite grįžti atgal, bandyti įvesti savo paskyros informaciją dar kartą arba uždaryti šį pagelbiklį ir pridėti paskyras vėliau, naudojantis meniu Taisyti." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:220 -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1271 -msgid "An error occurred" -msgstr "Įvyko klaida" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:467 -msgid "What kind of chat account do you have?" -msgstr "Kokio tipo pokalbių paskyrą turite?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:473 -msgid "Do you have any other chat accounts you want to set up?" -msgstr "Ar turite kokių nors kitų pokalbių paskyrų, kurias norite nustatyti?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:479 -msgid "Enter your account details" -msgstr "Įveskite savo paskyros informaciją" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:484 -msgid "What kind of chat account do you want to create?" -msgstr "Kokio tipo pokalbių paskyrą norite sukurti?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:490 -msgid "Do you want to create other chat accounts?" -msgstr "Ar norite sukurti kitų pokalbių paskyrų?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:497 -msgid "Enter the details for the new account" -msgstr "Įveskite naujosios paskyros informaciją" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:612 -msgid "With Empathy you can chat with people online nearby and with friends and colleagues who use Google Talk, AIM, Windows Live and many other chat programs. With a microphone or a webcam you can also have audio or video calls." -msgstr "Su Empathy galite kalbėtis su netoliese prisijungusiais žmonėmis ir draugais bei kolegomis, kurie naudojasi Google Talk, AIM, Windows Live ir kitomis pokalbių programomis. Jeigu turite mikrofoną arba internetine kamerą, taip pat galite naudotis garsinių ir vaizdinių pokalbių galimybe." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:629 -msgid "Do you have an account you've been using with another chat program?" -msgstr "Ar turite paskyrą, kuria naudojotės anksčiau su kita pokalbių programa?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:652 -msgid "Yes, import my account details from " -msgstr "Taip, importuoti mano paskyros informaciją iš" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:673 -msgid "Yes, I'll enter my account details now" -msgstr "Taip, įvesiu savo paskyros informaciją dabar" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:695 -msgid "No, I want a new account" -msgstr "Ne, noriu sukurti naują paskyrą" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:705 -msgid "No, I just want to see people online nearby for now" -msgstr "Ne, kol kas noriu tik matyti netoliese prisijungusius asmenis" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:726 -msgid "Select the accounts you want to import:" -msgstr "Pasirinkite pageidaujamas importuoti paskyras:" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:813 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:625 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:626 -msgid "Yes" -msgstr "Taip" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:820 -msgid "No, that's all for now" -msgstr "Ne, kol kas viskas" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1085 -msgid "Empathy can automatically discover and chat with the people connected on the same network as you. If you want to use this feature, please check that the details below are correct. You can easily change these details later or disable this feature by using the 'Accounts' dialog" -msgstr "Empathy gali automatiškai atrasti žmones, esančius tame pačiame tinkle kaip ir jūs, ir leisti su jais kalbėtis. Jeigu norite pasinaudoti šia funkcija, pažiūrėkite, ar žemiau esantys duomenys yra teisingi. Galite juos pataisyti bet kada vėliau arba išjungti šią funkciją paskyrų dialoge" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1091 -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1147 -msgid "Edit->Accounts" -msgstr "Taisa → Paskyros" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1107 -msgid "I do _not want to enable this feature for now" -msgstr "_Ne, kol kas nenoriu įjungti šios funkcijos" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1143 -msgid "You won't be able to chat with people connected to your local network, as telepathy-salut is not installed. If you want to enable this feature, please install the telepathy-salut package and create a People Nearby account from the Accounts dialog" -msgstr "Negalėsite kalbėtis su žmonėmis, esančiais jūsų vietiniame tinkle, kadangi neįdiegta telepathy-salut. Jeigu norite įjungti šią funkciją, įdiekite telepathy-salut paketą ir sukurkite paskyrų dialoge paskyrą „Žmonės netoliese“" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1149 -msgid "telepathy-salut not installed" -msgstr "telepathy-salut neįdiegta" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1195 -msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts Assistant" -msgstr "Tikralaikių pokalbių ir VoIP paskyrų vediklis" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1229 -msgid "Welcome to Empathy" -msgstr "Sveikame paleidus Empathy" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1238 -msgid "Import your existing accounts" -msgstr "Importuokite savo egzistuojančią paskyrą" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1256 -msgid "Please enter personal details" -msgstr "Įveskite savo asmeninius duomenis" - #. The primary text of the dialog shown to the user when he is about to lose #. * unsaved changes -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:64 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:72 #, c-format msgid "There are unsaved modifications to your %s account." msgstr "Jūsų %s paskyroje yra neįrašytų pakeitimų." #. The primary text of the dialog shown to the user when he is about to lose #. * an unsaved new account -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:68 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:76 msgid "Your new account has not been saved yet." msgstr "Jūsų naujoji paskyra dar neįrašyta." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:345 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:755 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1325 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:381 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:759 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1289 msgid "Connecting…" msgstr "Jungiamasi…" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:386 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:422 #, c-format msgid "Offline — %s" msgstr "Neprisijungta – %s" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:398 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:434 #, c-format msgid "Disconnected — %s" msgstr "Atsijungta – %s" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:409 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:445 msgid "Offline — No Network Connection" msgstr "Neprisijungta – Nėra tinklo ryšio" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:416 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:452 msgid "Unknown Status" msgstr "Nežinoma būsena" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:428 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:469 +msgid "This account has been disabled because it relies on an old, unsupported backend. Please install telepathy-haze and restart your session to migrate the account." +msgstr "Ši paskyra buvo išjungta, nes ji naudoja seną, nepalaikomą realizaciją. Įdiekite telepathy-haze ir iš naujo paleiskite savo seansą paskyros migravimui." + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:479 msgid "Offline — Account Disabled" msgstr "Neprisijungta – Paskyra išjungta" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:831 -msgid "" -"You are about to create a new account, which will discard\n" -"your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" -msgstr "" -"Ketinate sukurti naują paskyrą, bus prarasti jūsų pakeitimai!\n" -"Ar tikrai norite tęsti?" +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:585 +#| msgid "Connection has been refused" +msgid "Edit Connection Parameters" +msgstr "Keisti ryšio parametrus" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:750 +msgid "Failed to retrieve your personal information from the server." +msgstr "Nepavyko gauti jūsų asmeninių duomenų iš serverio." + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:756 +msgid "Go online to edit your personal information." +msgstr "Eikite į internetą asmeniniams duomenims pakeisti." + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:843 +msgid "_Edit Connection Parameters..." +msgstr "_Keisti ryšio parametrus..." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1192 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1339 #, c-format msgid "Do you want to remove %s from your computer?" msgstr "Ar tikrai norite pašalinti %s iš savo kompiuterio?" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1196 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1343 msgid "This will not remove your account on the server." msgstr "Jūsų paskyros serveryje nebus pašalintos." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1432 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1579 msgid "" "You are about to select another account, which will discard\n" "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" @@ -3182,15 +3064,24 @@ "Ar tikrai norite tęsti?" #. Menu items: to enabled/disable the account -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1643 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1755 msgid "_Enable" msgstr "Įj_ungti" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1644 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1756 msgid "_Disable" msgstr "Išju_ngti" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2154 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2184 +msgid "_Skip" +msgstr "P_raleisti" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2188 +#| msgid "Connected" +msgid "_Connect" +msgstr "_Prisijungti" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2365 msgid "" "You are about to close the window, which will discard\n" "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" @@ -3198,340 +3089,366 @@ "Ketinate užverti šį langą, bus prarasti jūsų pakeitimai.\n" "Ar tikrai norite tęsti?" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:1 -msgid "Add…" -msgstr "Pridėti…" - -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 -msgid "Loading account information" -msgstr "Įkeliama adresato informacija" - #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:3 -msgid "No protocol installed" -msgstr "Neįdiegta jokių protokolų" +msgid "_Import…" +msgstr "_Importuoti…" #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:4 -msgid "Protocol:" -msgstr "Protokolas:" +msgid "Loading account information" +msgstr "Įkeliama adresato informacija" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:5 msgid "To add a new account, you first have to install a backend for each protocol you want to use." msgstr "Norint sukurti naują paskyrą, pirma reikia įdiegti kiekvieno pageidaujamo naudoti protokolo posistemę." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:7 -msgid "_Import…" -msgstr "_Importuoti…" +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:6 +#| msgid "No protocol installed" +msgid "No protocol backends installed" +msgstr "Neįdiegta jokių protokolų realizacijų" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:251 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:288 msgid " - Empathy authentication client" msgstr " – Empathy tapatybės nustatymo klientas" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:267 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:304 msgid "Empathy authentication client" msgstr "Empathy tapatybės nustatymo klientas" -#: ../src/empathy-auto-salut-account-helper.c:83 -msgid "People nearby" -msgstr "Žmonės netoliese" - #: ../src/empathy-av.c:118 -#: ../src/empathy-call.c:193 +#: ../src/empathy-call.c:201 msgid "- Empathy Audio/Video Client" msgstr "– Empathy garso/vaizdo transliavimo klientas" #: ../src/empathy-av.c:134 -#: ../src/empathy-call.c:218 +#: ../src/empathy-call.c:223 msgid "Empathy Audio/Video Client" msgstr "Empathy garso/vaizdo transliavimo klientas" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:432 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:434 msgid "Contrast" msgstr "Kontrastas" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:435 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:437 msgid "Brightness" msgstr "Skaistis" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:438 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:440 msgid "Gamma" msgstr "Gama" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:543 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:547 msgid "Volume" msgstr "Garsumas" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1094 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1099 msgid "_Sidebar" msgstr "Š_oninė juosta" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1114 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1119 msgid "Audio input" msgstr "Garso įvestis" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1118 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1123 msgid "Video input" msgstr "Vaizdo įvestis" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1126 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1131 msgid "Dialpad" msgstr "Tel. klaviatūra" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1137 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1142 msgid "Details" msgstr "Išsami informacija" #. translators: Call is a noun and %s is the contact name. This string #. * is used in the window title -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1206 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1923 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1211 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1889 #, c-format msgid "Call with %s" msgstr "Skambinti su %s" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1439 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2167 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1444 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2133 msgid "The IP address as seen by the machine" msgstr "Kompiuterio matomas IP adresas" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1441 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2169 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1446 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2135 msgid "The IP address as seen by a server on the Internet" msgstr "Interneto serverio matomas IP adresas" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1443 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2171 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1448 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2137 msgid "The IP address of the peer as seen by the other side" msgstr "Kitos pusės matomas lygiarangio IP adresas" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1445 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2173 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1450 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2139 msgid "The IP address of a relay server" msgstr "Perdavimo serverio IP adresas" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1447 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2175 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1452 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2141 msgid "The IP address of the multicast group" msgstr "Daugiaadresio perdavimo grupės IP adresas" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1835 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1838 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1841 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1844 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1837 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1840 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1843 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1846 msgctxt "codec" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Nežinoma" #. Translators: number of minutes:seconds the caller has been connected -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2136 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2138 #, c-format msgid "Connected — %d:%02dm" msgstr "Prisijunta – %d:%02dm" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2197 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3029 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2199 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2992 msgid "Technical Details" msgstr "Techninė informacija" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2235 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3068 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2237 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3031 #, c-format msgid "%s's software does not understand any of the audio formats supported by your computer" msgstr "Adresato %s programinė įranga nepalaiko jokių jūsų kompiuterio palaikomų formatų" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2240 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3073 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2242 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3036 #, c-format msgid "%s's software does not understand any of the video formats supported by your computer" msgstr "Adresato %s programinė įranga nepalaiko jokių jūsų kompiuterio palaikomų vaizdo įrašų formatų" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2246 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3079 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2248 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3042 #, c-format msgid "Can't establish a connection to %s. One of you might be on a network that does not allow direct connections." msgstr "Nepavyko užmegzti ryšio su %s. Gali būti, kad vienas iš jūsų yra tinkle, nepriimančiame tiesioginių prisijungimų." -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2252 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3085 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2254 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3048 msgid "There was a failure on the network" msgstr "Tinkle yra triktis" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2256 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3089 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2258 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3052 msgid "The audio formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" msgstr "Jūsų kompiuteryje neįdiegti garso įrašų formatai, reikalingi šiam skambučiui" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2259 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3092 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2261 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3055 msgid "The video formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" msgstr "Jūsų kompiuteryje neįdiegti vaizdo įrašų formatai, reikalingi šiam skambučiui" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2269 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3104 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2271 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3067 #, c-format msgid "Something unexpected happened in a Telepathy component. Please report this bug and attach logs gathered from the 'Debug' window in the Help menu." msgstr "Telepathy komponente atsitiko kažkas nenumatyta. Praneškite apie šią klaidą ir pridėkite žurnalus, kuriuos surinkote meniu Pagalba „Derinimo“ lange." -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2277 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3113 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2279 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3076 msgid "There was a failure in the call engine" msgstr "Skambinimo posistemėje yra triktis" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2280 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3116 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2282 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3079 msgid "The end of the stream was reached" msgstr "Pasiekta srauto pabaiga" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2320 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3156 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2322 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3119 msgid "Can't establish audio stream" msgstr "Nepavyko sukurti garso srauto" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2330 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3166 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2332 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3129 msgid "Can't establish video stream" msgstr "Nepavyko sukurti vaizdo srauto" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:2 #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:1 -msgid "Audio" -msgstr "Garsas" +msgid "_Call" +msgstr "_Skambutis" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:3 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:5 -msgid "Decoding Codec:" -msgstr "Dekodavimo kodekas:" +msgid "_Microphone" +msgstr "_Mikrofonas" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:4 -msgid "Disable camera" -msgstr "Išjungti kamerą" +msgid "_Camera" +msgstr "_Kamera" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:5 -msgid "Display the dialpad" -msgstr "Rodyti skambinimo skydelį" +msgid "_Settings" +msgstr "_Nustatymai" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:6 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:9 -msgid "Encoding Codec:" -msgstr "Kodavimo kodekas:" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:8 +msgid "_View" +msgstr "_Rodymas" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:7 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:10 -msgid "Hang up" -msgstr "Padėti ragelį" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:27 +msgid "_Help" +msgstr "_Žinynas" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:8 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:11 -msgid "Hang up current call" -msgstr "Baigti dabartinį pokalbį" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:18 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:28 +msgid "_Contents" +msgstr "_Turinys" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:9 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:12 -msgid "Local Candidate:" -msgstr "Vietos kandidatas:" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:29 +msgid "_Debug" +msgstr "_Derinti" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:10 -msgid "Maximise me" -msgstr "Išdidinti" +msgid "Swap camera" +msgstr "Sukeisti kameras" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:11 msgid "Minimise me" msgstr "Sumažinti" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:12 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:15 -msgid "Remote Candidate:" -msgstr "Nuotolinis kandidatas:" +msgid "Maximise me" +msgstr "Išdidinti" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:13 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:16 -msgid "Send Audio" -msgstr "Siųsti garsą" +msgid "Disable camera" +msgstr "Išjungti kamerą" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:14 -msgid "Send Video" -msgstr "Siųsti vaizdą" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:2 +msgid "Hang up" +msgstr "Padėti ragelį" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:15 -msgid "Show dialpad" -msgstr "Rodyti skambinimo skydelį" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:9 +msgid "Hang up current call" +msgstr "Baigti dabartinį pokalbį" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "Video call" +msgstr "Vaizdo skambutis" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:16 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:17 msgid "Start a video call" msgstr "Pradėti vaizdo skambutį" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:19 msgid "Start an audio call" msgstr "Pradėti garso skambutį" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:18 -msgid "Swap camera" -msgstr "Sukeisti kameras" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:19 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:17 -msgid "Toggle audio transmission" -msgstr "Įjungti garso transliavimą" - #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:20 -msgid "Toggle video transmission" -msgstr "Perjungti vaizdo transliavimą" +msgid "Show dialpad" +msgstr "Rodyti skambinimo skydelį" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:21 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:18 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2576 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2577 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2578 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2579 -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Nežinoma" +msgid "Display the dialpad" +msgstr "Rodyti skambinimo skydelį" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:22 +msgid "Send Video" +msgstr "Siųsti vaizdą" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:23 -msgid "Video call" -msgstr "Vaizdo skambutis" +msgid "Toggle video transmission" +msgstr "Perjungti vaizdo transliavimą" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:24 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:24 -msgid "_Call" -msgstr "_Skambutis" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:11 +msgid "Send Audio" +msgstr "Siųsti garsą" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:25 -msgid "_Camera" -msgstr "_Kamera" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:26 -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:9 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:18 -msgid "_Contents" -msgstr "_Turinys" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:12 +msgid "Toggle audio transmission" +msgstr "Įjungti garso transliavimą" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:27 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:19 -msgid "_Debug" -msgstr "_Derinti" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:20 +msgid "Encoding Codec:" +msgstr "Kodavimo kodekas:" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:28 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:21 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2542 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2543 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2544 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2545 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Nežinoma" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:29 -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:14 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:22 -msgid "_Help" -msgstr "_Žinynas" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:22 +msgid "Decoding Codec:" +msgstr "Dekodavimo kodekas:" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:30 -msgid "_Microphone" -msgstr "_Mikrofonas" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:23 +msgid "Remote Candidate:" +msgstr "Nuotolinis kandidatas:" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:31 -msgid "_Settings" -msgstr "_Nustatymai" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:24 +msgid "Local Candidate:" +msgstr "Vietos kandidatas:" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:32 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:30 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:24 #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:25 -msgid "_View" -msgstr "_Rodymas" +msgid "Audio" +msgstr "Garsas" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:289 +#| msgid "Hide the main window." +msgid "Close this window?" +msgstr "Užverti šį langą?" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:294 +#, c-format +msgid "Closing this window will leave %s. You will not receive any further messages until you rejoin it." +msgstr "Šio lango užvėrimas paliks %s. Jūs nebegausite jokio pranešimų iki kol vėl prisijungsite." -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:481 -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:501 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:305 +#, c-format +msgid "Closing this window will leave a chat room. You will not receive any further messages until you rejoin it." +msgid_plural "Closing this window will leave %u chat rooms. You will not receive any further messages until you rejoin them." +msgstr[0] "Šio lango užvėrimas paliks %u pokalbių kambarį. Jūs nebegausite jokio pranešimų iki kol vėl prisijungsite." +msgstr[1] "Šio lango užvėrimas paliks %u pokalbių kambarius. Jūs nebegausite jokio pranešimų iki kol vėl prie jų prisijungsite." +msgstr[2] "Šio lango užvėrimas paliks %u pokalbių kambarių. Jūs nebegausite jokio pranešimų iki kol vėl prie jų prisijungsite." + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:314 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Level " +msgid "Leave %s?" +msgstr "Palikti %s?" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:315 +msgid "You will not receive any further messages from this chat room until you rejoin it." +msgstr "Jūs negausite jokių tolesnių pranešimų iš šio pokalbių kambario iki kol vėl prie jo prisijungsite." + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:334 +msgid "Close window" +msgstr "Užverti langą" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:334 +#| msgid "Level " +msgid "Leave room" +msgstr "Palikti kambarį" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:640 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:660 #, c-format msgid "%s (%d unread)" msgid_plural "%s (%d unread)" @@ -3539,7 +3456,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%s (%d neskaityti)" msgstr[2] "%s (%d neskaitytų)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:493 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:652 #, c-format msgid "%s (and %u other)" msgid_plural "%s (and %u others)" @@ -3547,7 +3464,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%s (ir %u kiti)" msgstr[2] "%s (ir %u kitų)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:509 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:668 #, c-format msgid "%s (%d unread from others)" msgid_plural "%s (%d unread from others)" @@ -3555,7 +3472,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%s (%d neskaityti iš kitų)" msgstr[2] "%s (%d neskaitytų iš kitų)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:518 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:677 #, c-format msgid "%s (%d unread from all)" msgid_plural "%s (%d unread from all)" @@ -3563,11 +3480,11 @@ msgstr[1] "%s (%d neskaityti iš visų)" msgstr[2] "%s (%d neskaityta iš visų)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:733 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:892 msgid "SMS:" msgstr "SMS:" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:743 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:902 #, c-format msgid "Sending %d message" msgid_plural "Sending %d messages" @@ -3575,70 +3492,70 @@ msgstr[1] "Siunčiamos %d žinutės" msgstr[2] "Siunčiama %d žinučių" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:765 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:924 msgid "Typing a message." msgstr "Rašoma žinutė." #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:1 -msgid "C_lear" -msgstr "Iš_valyti" +msgid "_Conversation" +msgstr "_Pokalbis" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:2 -msgid "C_ontact" -msgstr "A_dresatas" +msgid "C_lear" +msgstr "Iš_valyti" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:3 msgid "Insert _Smiley" msgstr "Įterpti _šypsenėlę" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Favorite Chat Room" +msgstr "_Mėgstamiausias pokalbių kambarys" + #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:5 -msgid "Invite _Participant…" -msgstr "Pakviesti _dalyvį…" +msgid "Notify for All Messages" +msgstr "Įspėti apie visus pranešimus" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:6 -msgid "Move Tab _Left" -msgstr "Perkelti kortelę _kairėn" +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Show Contact List" +msgstr "_Rodyti adresatų sąrašą" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:7 -msgid "Move Tab _Right" -msgstr "Perkelti kortelę _dešinėn" +msgid "Invite _Participant…" +msgstr "Pakviesti _dalyvį…" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:8 -msgid "Notify for All Messages" -msgstr "Įspėti apie visus pranešimus" +msgid "C_ontact" +msgstr "A_dresatas" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:10 -msgid "_Conversation" -msgstr "_Pokalbis" +msgid "_Tabs" +msgstr "_Kortelės" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:11 -msgid "_Detach Tab" -msgstr "_Atkabinti kortelę" - -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:13 -msgid "_Favorite Chat Room" -msgstr "_Mėgstamiausias pokalbių kambarys" +msgid "_Previous Tab" +msgstr "_Ankstesnė kortelė" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:15 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:12 msgid "_Next Tab" msgstr "_Kita kortelė" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:16 -msgid "_Previous Tab" -msgstr "_Ankstesnė kortelė" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:13 +msgid "_Undo Close Tab" +msgstr "_Atšaukti kortelės užvėrimą" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:17 -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:5 -msgid "_Show Contact List" -msgstr "_Rodyti adresatų sąrašą" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:14 +msgid "Move Tab _Left" +msgstr "Perkelti kortelę _kairėn" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:18 -msgid "_Tabs" -msgstr "_Kortelės" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:15 +msgid "Move Tab _Right" +msgstr "Perkelti kortelę _dešinėn" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:19 -msgid "_Undo Close Tab" -msgstr "_Atšaukti kortelės užvėrimą" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "_Detach Tab" +msgstr "_Atkabinti kortelę" #: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.c:251 msgid "Name" @@ -3652,106 +3569,106 @@ msgid "Auto-Connect" msgstr "Automatiškai prisijungti" -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:1 msgid "Manage Favorite Rooms" msgstr "Tvarkyti mėgiamus kambarius" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:521 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 msgid "Incoming video call" msgstr "Gaunamas vaizdinis skambutis" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:521 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1555 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1519 msgid "Incoming call" msgstr "Skambutis jums" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:525 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:526 #, c-format msgid "%s is video calling you. Do you want to answer?" msgstr "%s jums skambina su vaizdo ryšiu, ar atsiliepsite?" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:526 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:527 #, c-format msgid "%s is calling you. Do you want to answer?" msgstr "%s jums skambina, ar atsiliepsite?" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:529 -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:730 -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:763 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1561 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:530 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "Incoming call from %s" msgstr "Skambutis jums nuo %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:554 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:555 msgid "_Reject" msgstr "A_tmesti" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:562 -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:570 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:563 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 msgid "_Answer" msgstr "_Atsiliepti" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:570 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 msgid "_Answer with video" msgstr "_Atsakyti vaizdu" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:730 -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:763 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1561 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "Incoming video call from %s" msgstr "Gaunamas vaizdinis skambutis iš %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:836 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:837 msgid "Room invitation" msgstr "Kvietimas į pokalbių kambarį" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:838 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:839 #, c-format msgid "Invitation to join %s" msgstr "Kvietimas prisijungti prie %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:845 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:846 #, c-format msgid "%s is inviting you to join %s" msgstr "%s kviečia jus prisijungti prie %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:853 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:854 msgid "_Decline" msgstr "_Atmesti" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:858 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:7 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:859 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:2 msgid "_Join" msgstr "_Prisijungti" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:885 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:886 #, c-format msgid "%s invited you to join %s" msgstr "%s pakvietė jus prisijungti %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:891 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:892 #, c-format msgid "You have been invited to join %s" msgstr "Jūs kviečiami prisijungti prie %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:942 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:943 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file transfer from %s" msgstr "Failo atsiuntimas iš %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1145 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:376 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1146 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:374 msgid "Password required" msgstr "Reikalingas slaptažodis" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1210 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1216 #, c-format msgid "%s would like permission to see when you are online" msgstr "%s pageidauja leidimo matyti, kada esate prisijungę" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1214 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1222 #, c-format msgid "" "\n" @@ -3761,108 +3678,108 @@ "Žinutė: %s" #. Translators: time left, when it is more than one hour -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:100 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:99 #, c-format msgid "%u:%02u.%02u" msgstr "%u:%02u.%02u" #. Translators: time left, when is is less than one hour -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:103 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:102 #, c-format msgid "%02u.%02u" msgstr "%02u.%02u" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:179 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:178 msgctxt "file transfer percent" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Nežinoma" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:274 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:273 #, c-format msgid "%s of %s at %s/s" msgstr "%s iš %s %s/s sparta" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:275 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:274 #, c-format msgid "%s of %s" msgstr "%s iš %s" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:306 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:305 #, c-format msgid "Receiving \"%s\" from %s" msgstr "Priimama „%s“ iš %s" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:309 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:308 #, c-format msgid "Sending \"%s\" to %s" msgstr "Siunčiama „%s“ adresatui %s" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s #. * is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:339 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:338 #, c-format msgid "Error receiving \"%s\" from %s" msgstr "Klaida priimant „%s“ iš %s" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:342 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:341 msgid "Error receiving a file" msgstr "Klaida priimant failą" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:347 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:346 #, c-format msgid "Error sending \"%s\" to %s" msgstr "Klaida siunčiant „%s“ adresatui %s" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:350 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:349 msgid "Error sending a file" msgstr "Klaida siunčiant failą" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s #. * is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:489 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:488 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" received from %s" msgstr "„%s“ gautas iš %s" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s #. * is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:494 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:493 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" sent to %s" msgstr "„%s“ išsiųstas gavėjui %s" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:497 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:496 msgid "File transfer completed" msgstr "Failo siuntimas baigtas" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:616 -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:780 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:615 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:779 msgid "Waiting for the other participant's response" msgstr "Laukiama kito dalyvio atsakymo" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:642 -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:680 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:641 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:679 #, c-format msgid "Checking integrity of \"%s\"" msgstr "Tikrinamas „%s“ vientisumas" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:645 -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:683 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:644 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:682 #, c-format msgid "Hashing \"%s\"" msgstr "Kuriama „%s“ maiša" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1026 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1025 msgid "%" msgstr "%" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1038 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1037 msgid "File" msgstr "Failas" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1060 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1059 msgid "Remaining" msgstr "Liko" @@ -3874,174 +3791,194 @@ msgid "Remove completed, canceled and failed file transfers from the list" msgstr "Pašalinti baigtus, atšauktus ir nepavykusius failų siuntimus iš sąrašo" -#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:84 +#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:76 +#| msgid "Import" +msgid "_Import" +msgstr "_Importuoti" + +#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:88 msgid "No accounts to import could be found. Empathy currently only supports importing accounts from Pidgin." -msgstr "Nėrasta importuotinų paskyrų. Kol kas Empathy gali importuoti paskyras tik iš Pidgin." +msgstr "Nerasta importuotinų paskyrų. Kol kas Empathy gali importuoti paskyras tik iš Pidgin." -#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:199 +#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:209 msgid "Import Accounts" msgstr "Importuoti paskyras" #. Translators: this is the header of a treeview column -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:301 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:316 msgid "Import" msgstr "Importuoti" -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:310 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:325 msgid "Protocol" msgstr "Protokolas" -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:334 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:349 msgid "Source" msgstr "Šaltinis" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:393 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:391 msgid "Provide Password" msgstr "Nurodykite slaptažodį" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:399 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:397 msgid "Disconnect" msgstr "Atsijungti" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:636 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:657 +msgid "You need to setup an account to see contacts here." +msgstr "Jums reikia nustatyti paskyrą, kad ten matytumėte kontaktus." + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:673 msgid "No match found" msgstr "Nerasta atitikmenų" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:744 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:783 #, c-format msgid "Sorry, %s accounts can’t be used until your %s software is updated." msgstr "Deja, paskyra %s negali būti naudojama, kol nebus atnaujinta programinė įranga %s." -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:812 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:849 msgid "Update software..." msgstr "Atnaujinti programinę įrangą..." -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:818 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:939 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:855 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:972 msgid "Close" msgstr "Užverti" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:927 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:960 msgid "Reconnect" msgstr "Prisijungti iš naujo" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:933 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:966 msgid "Edit Account" msgstr "Taisyti paskyrą" #. Translators: this string will be something like: -#. * Top up My Account ($1.23)..." -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1072 +#. * Top up My Account ($1.23)..." +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1110 #, c-format msgid "Top up %s (%s)..." msgstr "Pakelti %s (%s)..." -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1119 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1156 msgid "Top up account credit" msgstr "Pakelti paskyros kreditą" #. top up button -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1190 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1228 msgid "Top Up..." msgstr "Pakelti..." -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1933 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1952 msgid "Contact" msgstr "Adresatas" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:2308 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2150 +msgid "You need to enable one of your accounts to see contacts here." +msgstr "Jums reikia įjungti vieną iš jūsų paskyrų, kad ten matytumėte kontaktus." + +#. translators: argument is an account name +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2158 +#, c-format +msgid "You need to enable %s to see contacts here." +msgstr "Jums reikia įjungti %s, kad ten matytumėte kontaktus." + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2460 msgid "Contact List" msgstr "Adresatų sąrašas" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:1 -msgid "Contacts on a _Map" -msgstr "Adresatai že_mėlapyje" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.ui.h:1 +#| msgid "_Accounts" +msgid "Account settings" +msgstr "Paskyros nustatymai" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:2 -msgid "Credit Balance" -msgstr "Kredito balansas" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:2 +msgid "_New Conversation…" +msgstr "_Naujas pokalbis…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:3 -msgid "Find in Contact _List" -msgstr "Surasti adresatų _sąraše" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:3 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:3 +msgid "New _Call…" +msgstr "Naujas _skambutis…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:4 -msgid "Join _Favorites" -msgstr "Prisijungti prie _mėgiamų" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Search for Contacts…" +msgstr "_Ieškoti adresatų…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:5 -msgid "Manage Favorites" -msgstr "Tvarkyti mėgiamus" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:7 +msgid "_File Transfers" +msgstr "_Failų siuntimai" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:6 -msgid "N_ormal Size" -msgstr "N_ormalus dydis" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Offline Contacts" +msgstr "_Atsijungę adresatai" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:7 -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:1 -msgid "New _Call…" -msgstr "Naujas _skambutis…" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:9 +msgid "Show P_rotocols" +msgstr "Rodyti _p_rotokolus" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:8 -msgid "Normal Size With _Avatars" -msgstr "Normalus dydis su _pseudoportretais" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:10 +msgid "Credit Balance" +msgstr "Kredito balansas" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:11 +msgid "Contacts on a _Map" +msgstr "Adresatai že_mėlapyje" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:13 +msgid "_Accounts" +msgstr "P_askyros" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:14 +msgid "_Blocked Contacts" +msgstr "_Užblokuoti adresatai" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:9 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:15 msgid "P_references" msgstr "_Nustatymai" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:10 -msgid "Show P_rotocols" -msgstr "Rodyti _p_rotokolus" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:16 +msgid "Find in Contact _List" +msgstr "Surasti adresatų _sąraše" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:11 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:18 msgid "Sort by _Name" msgstr "Rikiuoti pagal _vardą" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:12 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:19 msgid "Sort by _Status" msgstr "Rikiuoti pagal _būseną" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:13 -msgid "_Accounts" -msgstr "P_askyros" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:20 +msgid "Normal Size With _Avatars" +msgstr "Normalus dydis su _pseudoportretais" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:15 -msgid "_Blocked Contacts" -msgstr "_Užblokuoti adresatai" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:21 +msgid "N_ormal Size" +msgstr "N_ormalus dydis" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:22 msgid "_Compact Size" msgstr "_Kompaktiškas dydis" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:21 -msgid "_File Transfers" -msgstr "_Failų siuntimai" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:23 +msgid "_Room" +msgstr "_Kambarys" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:23 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:24 msgid "_Join…" msgstr "_Prisijungti…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:24 -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:3 -msgid "_New Conversation…" -msgstr "_Naujas pokalbis…" - -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:25 -msgid "_Offline Contacts" -msgstr "_Atsijungę adresatai" - -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:26 -msgid "_Personal Information" -msgstr "_Asmeninė informacija" - -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:28 -msgid "_Room" -msgstr "_Kambarys" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:25 +msgid "Join _Favorites" +msgstr "Prisijungti prie _mėgiamų" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:29 -msgid "_Search for Contacts…" -msgstr "_Ieškoti adresatų…" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:26 +msgid "Manage Favorites" +msgstr "Tvarkyti mėgiamus" #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:369 msgid "Chat Room" @@ -4053,7 +3990,7 @@ #. Translators: Room/Join's roomlist tooltip. Parameters are a channel name, #. yes/no, yes/no and a number. -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:623 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:637 #, c-format msgid "" "%s\n" @@ -4066,72 +4003,78 @@ "Reikia slaptažodžio: %s\n" "Nariai: %s" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:625 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:626 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:639 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:640 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Taip" + +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:639 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:640 msgid "No" msgstr "Ne" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:654 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:668 msgid "Could not start room listing" msgstr "Nepavyko paleisti kambarių sąrašo" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:664 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:678 msgid "Could not stop room listing" msgstr "Nepavyko sustabdyti kambarių rodymo" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:2 -msgid "Couldn't load room list" -msgstr "Nepavyko įkelti kambarių sąrašo" +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:1 +msgid "Join Room" +msgstr "Prisijungti prie kambario" #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:3 msgid "Enter the room name to join here or click on one or more rooms in the list." msgstr "Įveskite kambario, į kurį norite įeiti, pavadinimą arba spustelėkite vieną ar daugiau kambarių sąraše." #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Room:" +msgstr "_Kambarys:" + +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:5 msgid "Enter the server which hosts the room, or leave it empty if the room is on the current account's server" msgstr "Įrašykite serverio vardą, kuriame yra pokalbių kambarys, arba neįrašykite nieko, jei pokalbių kambarys yra dabartinės paskyros serveryje." -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:5 -msgid "Join Room" -msgstr "Prisijungti prie kambario" +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:8 +msgid "Couldn't load room list" +msgstr "Nepavyko įkelti kambarių sąrašo" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:9 msgid "Room List" msgstr "Kambarių sąrašas" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:8 -msgid "_Room:" -msgstr "_Kambarys:" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:167 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:166 msgid "Message received" msgstr "Gauta žinutė" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:168 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:167 msgid "Message sent" msgstr "Žinutė išsiųsta" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:169 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:168 msgid "New conversation" msgstr "Naujas pokalbis" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:170 -msgid "Contact goes online" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:169 +#| msgid "Contact goes online" +msgid "Contact comes online" msgstr "Adresatas prisijungė" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:171 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:170 msgid "Contact goes offline" msgstr "Adresatas atsijungė" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:172 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:171 msgid "Account connected" msgstr "Paskyra prijungta" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:173 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:172 msgid "Account disconnected" msgstr "Paskyra atjungta" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:476 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:475 msgid "Language" msgstr "Kalba" @@ -4151,334 +4094,360 @@ msgstr "O Romeo, Romeo, todėl esi Romeo?" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:742 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:743 msgid "Deny thy father and refuse thy name;" msgstr "Atsisakyk savo tėvo ir atsisakyk savo vardo;" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:745 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:746 msgid "Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love" msgstr "O jei ne, pasilik, bet prisiek man meilę" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:748 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:749 msgid "And I'll no longer be a Capulet." msgstr "Ir aš nebebūsių Capulet." #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:751 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:752 msgid "Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?" msgstr "Ar turiu išgirsti daugiau, ar turiu kalbėti apie tai?" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:754 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:755 msgid "Juliet has disconnected" msgstr "Džiuljeta atsijungė" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:1158 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:1159 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Nustatymai" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:1 +msgid "Show _smileys as images" +msgstr "Rodyti š_ypsenelės kaip paveikslėlius" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:2 +msgid "Show contact _list in rooms" +msgstr "Rodyti adresatų _sąrašą kambariuose" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:3 msgid "Appearance" msgstr "Išvaizda" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:3 -msgid "Behavior" -msgstr "Elgsena" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:4 +msgid "Start chats in:" +msgstr "Kur pradėti pokalbius:" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:5 -msgid "Chat Th_eme:" -msgstr "Pokalbio t_ema:" +msgid "new ta_bs" +msgstr "naujos _kortelės" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:6 -msgid "Disable notifications when _away or busy" -msgstr "Išjungti pranešimus, kai esu pasitraukęs (-usi) ar užsiėmęs (-usi)" +msgid "new _windows" +msgstr "nauji _langai" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:7 -msgid "Disable sounds when _away or busy" -msgstr "Išjungti garsus, kai esu pasitraukęs (-usi) ar užsiėmęs (-usi)" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:8 msgid "Display incoming events in the notification area" msgstr "Rodyti gaunamus įvykius pranešimų srityje" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Automatically connect on startup" +msgstr "_Automatiškai prisijungti paleidimo metu" + #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:9 -msgid "Echo cancellation helps to make your voice sound clearer to the other person, but may cause problems on some computers. If you or the other person hear strange noises or glitches during calls, try turning echo cancellation off and restarting the call." -msgstr "Aido panaikinimas padeda padaryti jūsų balsą aiškesnį kitam asmeniui, bet gali sukelti problemų kai kuriuose kompiuteriuose. Jei jūs arba kitas asmuo girdi keistus triukšmus ar nesklandumus skambučio metu, bandykite išjungti aido panaikinimą ir skambinti iš naujo." +msgid "Log conversations" +msgstr "Vesti pokalbių žurnalus" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:10 -msgid "Enable notifications when a contact comes online" -msgstr "Įjungti pranešimus, kai prisijungia adresatas" +msgid "Behavior" +msgstr "Elgsena" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:11 -msgid "Enable notifications when a contact goes offline" -msgstr "Įjungti pranešimus, kai atsijungia adresatas" +msgid "General" +msgstr "Bendra" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:12 -msgid "Enable notifications when the _chat is not focused" -msgstr "Įjungti pranešimus, kai _pokalbio langas nesuaktyvintas" +msgid "_Enable bubble notifications" +msgstr "Į_jungti burbulinius pranešimus" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:13 -msgid "Enable spell checking for languages:" -msgstr "Įjungti šių kalbų rašybos tikrinimą:" +msgid "Disable notifications when _away or busy" +msgstr "Išjungti pranešimus, kai esu pasitraukęs (-usi) ar užsiėmęs (-usi)" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:14 -msgid "General" -msgstr "Bendra" +msgid "Enable notifications when the _chat is not focused" +msgstr "Įjungti pranešimus, kai _pokalbio langas nesuaktyvintas" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:15 +msgid "Enable notifications when a contact comes online" +msgstr "Įjungti pranešimus, kai prisijungia adresatas" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:16 -msgid "Location sources:" -msgstr "Vietovės šaltiniai:" +msgid "Enable notifications when a contact goes offline" +msgstr "Įjungti pranešimus, kai atsijungia adresatas" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:17 -msgid "Log conversations" -msgstr "Vesti pokalbių žurnalus" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:18 msgid "Notifications" msgstr "Pranešimai" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:18 +msgid "_Enable sound notifications" +msgstr "Į_jungti garsinius pranešimus" + #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:19 -msgid "Play sound for events" -msgstr "Groti garsus įvykiams" +msgid "Disable sounds when _away or busy" +msgstr "Išjungti garsus, kai esu pasitraukęs (-usi) ar užsiėmęs (-usi)" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:20 -msgid "Privacy" -msgstr "Privatumas" +msgid "Play sound for events" +msgstr "Groti garsus įvykiams" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:21 -msgid "Reduced location accuracy means that nothing more precise than your city, state and country will be published. GPS coordinates will be accurate to 1 decimal place." -msgstr "Sumažinus vietovės rodymo tikslumą, bus rodomas tik jūsų miestas, sritis ir šalis. GPS koordinatės bus rodomos vieno skaičiaus po kablelio tikslumu." +msgid "Sounds" +msgstr "Garsai" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:22 -msgid "Show _smileys as images" -msgstr "Rodyti š_ypsenelės kaip paveikslėlius" +msgid "Use _echo cancellation to improve call quality" +msgstr "Naudoti _aido šalinimą, skambučio kokybei pagerinti" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:23 -msgid "Show contact _list in rooms" -msgstr "Rodyti adresatų _sąrašą kambariuose" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:24 -msgid "Sounds" -msgstr "Garsai" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:25 -msgid "Spell Checking" -msgstr "Rašybos tikrinimas" +msgid "Echo cancellation helps to make your voice sound clearer to the other person, but may cause problems on some computers. If you or the other person hear strange noises or glitches during calls, try turning echo cancellation off and restarting the call." +msgstr "Aido panaikinimas padeda padaryti jūsų balsą aiškesnį kitam asmeniui, bet gali sukelti problemų kai kuriuose kompiuteriuose. Jei jūs arba kitas asmuo girdi keistus triukšmus ar nesklandumus skambučio metu, bandykite išjungti aido panaikinimą ir skambinti iš naujo." #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:26 -msgid "The list of languages reflects only the languages for which you have a dictionary installed." -msgstr "Šiame kalbų sąraše yra tik tos kalbos, kurių žodynus turite įdiegę." +msgid "_Publish location to my contacts" +msgstr "_Rodyti vietovę mano adresatams" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:27 -msgid "Themes" -msgstr "Temos" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:28 -msgid "Use _echo cancellation to improve call quality" -msgstr "Naudoti _aido šalinimą, skambučio kokybei pagerinti" +msgid "Reduced location accuracy means that nothing more precise than your city, state and country will be published. GPS coordinates will be accurate to 1 decimal place." +msgstr "Sumažinus vietovės rodymo tikslumą, bus rodomas tik jūsų miestas, sritis ir šalis. GPS koordinatės bus rodomos vieno skaičiaus po kablelio tikslumu." +#. To translators: The longitude and latitude are rounded to closest 0,1 degrees, so for example 146,2345° is rounded to round(146,2345*10)/10 = 146,2 degrees. #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:29 -msgid "Variant:" -msgstr "Variantas:" +msgid "_Reduce location accuracy" +msgstr "_Sumažinti vietovės tikslumą" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:30 -msgid "_Automatically connect on startup" -msgstr "_Automatiškai prisijungti paleidimo metu" +msgid "Privacy" +msgstr "Privatumas" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:31 -msgid "_Cellphone" -msgstr "_Mobilusis telefonas" +msgid "_GPS" +msgstr "_GPS" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:32 -msgid "_Enable bubble notifications" -msgstr "Į_jungti burbulinius pranešimus" +msgid "_Cellphone" +msgstr "_Mobilusis telefonas" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:33 -msgid "_Enable sound notifications" -msgstr "Į_jungti garsinius pranešimus" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:34 -msgid "_GPS" -msgstr "_GPS" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:35 msgid "_Network (IP, Wi-Fi)" msgstr "_Tinklas (IP, Wi-Fi)" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:34 +msgid "Location sources:" +msgstr "Vietovės šaltiniai:" + #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:36 -msgid "_Open new chats in separate windows" -msgstr "_Atverti naujus pokalbius atskiruose languose" +msgid "The list of languages reflects only the languages for which you have a dictionary installed." +msgstr "Šiame kalbų sąraše yra tik tos kalbos, kurių žodynus turite įdiegę." #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:37 -msgid "_Publish location to my contacts" -msgstr "_Rodyti vietovę mano adresatams" +msgid "Enable spell checking for languages:" +msgstr "Įjungti šių kalbų rašybos tikrinimą:" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:38 +msgid "Spell Checking" +msgstr "Rašybos tikrinimas" -#. To translators: The longitude and latitude are rounded to closest 0,1 degrees, so for example 146,2345° is rounded to round(146,2345*10)/10 = 146,2 degrees. #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:39 -msgid "_Reduce location accuracy" -msgstr "_Sumažinti vietovės tikslumą" +msgid "Chat Th_eme:" +msgstr "Pokalbio t_ema:" -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:40 +msgid "Variant:" +msgstr "Variantas:" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:41 +msgid "Themes" +msgstr "Temos" + +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:4 msgid "Status" msgstr "Būsena" -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:5 msgid "_Quit" msgstr "Iš_eiti" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:2 -msgid "Call the contact again" -msgstr "Perskambinti adresatui" - #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Camera Off" -msgstr "Kamera išjungta" +msgid "Redial" +msgstr "Rinkti iš naujo" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:4 -msgid "Camera On" -msgstr "Kamera įjungta" +msgid "V_ideo" +msgstr "Va_izdas" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:5 +msgid "Video Off" +msgstr "Vaizdas išjungtas" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:6 -msgid "Disable camera and stop sending video" -msgstr "Išjungti kamerą ir netransliuoti vaizdo" +msgid "Video Preview" +msgstr "Vaizdo peržiūra" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:7 -msgid "Enable camera and send video" -msgstr "Įjungti kamerą ir transliuoti vaizdą" +msgid "Video On" +msgstr "Vaizdas įjungtas" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:8 -msgid "Enable camera but don't send video" -msgstr "Įjungti kamerą, tačiau netransliuoti vaizdo" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:10 +msgid "Call the contact again" +msgstr "Perskambinti adresatui" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:13 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Peržiūra" +msgid "Camera Off" +msgstr "Kamera išjungta" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:14 -msgid "Redial" -msgstr "Rinkti iš naujo" +msgid "Disable camera and stop sending video" +msgstr "Išjungti kamerą ir netransliuoti vaizdo" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:19 -msgid "V_ideo" -msgstr "Va_izdas" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:15 +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "Peržiūra" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:21 -msgid "Video Off" -msgstr "Vaizdas išjungtas" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "Enable camera but don't send video" +msgstr "Įjungti kamerą, tačiau netransliuoti vaizdo" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:22 -msgid "Video On" -msgstr "Vaizdas įjungtas" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:17 +msgid "Camera On" +msgstr "Kamera įjungta" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:23 -msgid "Video Preview" -msgstr "Vaizdo peržiūra" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:18 +msgid "Enable camera and send video" +msgstr "Įjungti kamerą ir transliuoti vaizdą" -#: ../src/empathy-map-view.c:448 +#: ../src/empathy-map-view.c:471 msgid "Contact Map View" msgstr "Adresatų žemėlapio rodinys" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1228 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1607 msgid "Save" msgstr "Įrašyti" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1435 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1667 +msgid "Pastebin link" +msgstr "Pastebin saitas" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1676 +msgid "Pastebin response" +msgstr "Pastebin atsakymas" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1680 +#, c-format +#| msgid "%s:" +msgid "%s" +msgstr "%s" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1683 +msgid "Data too large for a single paste. Please save logs to file." +msgstr "Duomenys per dideli vienam įkėlimui. Išsaugokite žurnalų failą." + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1912 msgid "Debug Window" msgstr "Derinimo langas" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1517 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1970 +msgid "Send to pastebin" +msgstr "Siūsti į pastebin" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2009 msgid "Pause" msgstr "Pauzė" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1529 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2021 msgid "Level " msgstr "Lygis " -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1549 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2040 msgid "Debug" msgstr "Derinimas" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1555 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2045 msgid "Info" msgstr "Informacija" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1561 -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1610 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2050 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2096 msgid "Message" msgstr "Pranešimas" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1567 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2055 msgid "Warning" msgstr "Perspėjimas" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1573 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2060 msgid "Critical" msgstr "Kritinė" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1579 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2065 msgid "Error" msgstr "Klaida" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1598 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2084 msgid "Time" msgstr "Laikas" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1601 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2087 msgid "Domain" msgstr "Sritis" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1603 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2089 msgid "Category" msgstr "Kategorija" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1605 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2091 msgid "Level" msgstr "Lygis" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1642 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2114 msgid "The selected connection manager does not support the remote debugging extension." msgstr "Pasirinktoji ryšių valdyklė nepalaiko nuotolinio derinimo plėtinio." -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:197 -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:225 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:202 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:230 msgid "Invite Participant" msgstr "Pakviesti dalyvį" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:198 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:203 msgid "Choose a contact to invite into the conversation:" msgstr "Pasirinkite į pokalbį pakviestiną adresatą:" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:221 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:226 msgid "Invite" msgstr "Pakviesti" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:183 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:180 msgid "Don't display any dialogs; do any work (eg, importing) and exit" msgstr "Nerodyti jokių dialogų, atlikti norimas užduotis (pvz., importuoti)" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:187 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:184 msgid "Don't display any dialogs unless there are only \"People Nearby\" accounts" msgstr "Nerodyti jokių dialogų, nebent yra tik „Žmonės netoliese“ tipo paskyros" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:191 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:188 msgid "Initially select given account (eg, gabble/jabber/foo_40example_2eorg0)" msgstr "Iš pradžių pasirinkti duotąją paskyrą (pvz., gabble/jabber/foo_40pavyzdys_2eorg0)" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:193 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:190 msgid "" msgstr "" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:196 -msgid "Show account assistant" -msgstr "Rodyti paskyros padėjėją" - -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:202 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:195 msgid "- Empathy Accounts" msgstr "– Empathy paskyros" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:238 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:231 msgid "Empathy Accounts" msgstr "Empathy paskyros" @@ -4494,86 +4463,86 @@ msgid "Empathy Debugger" msgstr "Empathy derintuvė" -#: ../src/empathy-chat.c:107 +#: ../src/empathy-chat.c:109 msgid "- Empathy Chat Client" msgstr "– Tikralaikių pokalbių klientas Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:190 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:189 msgid "Respond" msgstr "Atsakyti" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:204 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1565 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:203 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1529 msgid "Reject" msgstr "Atmesti" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:209 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:214 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1566 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:208 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1530 msgid "Answer" msgstr "Atsiliepti" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:214 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 msgid "Answer with video" msgstr "Atsakyti vaizdu" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:222 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:232 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:221 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:231 msgid "Decline" msgstr "Atsisakyti" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:226 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:237 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:225 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:236 msgid "Accept" msgstr "Priimti" #. translators: the 'Provide' button is displayed in a notification #. * bubble when Empathy is asking for an account password; clicking on it #. * brings the password popup. -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:247 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:246 msgid "Provide" msgstr "Teikia" -#: ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:134 +#: ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:132 #, c-format msgid "%s just tried to call you, but you were in another call." msgstr "%s ką tik jums skambino, bet tuo metu kalbėjote su kažkuo kitu." #. Translators: this is an "Info" label. It should be as short #. * as possible. -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1172 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1195 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1140 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1162 msgid "i" msgstr "i" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2925 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2888 msgid "On hold" msgstr "Laukia" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2928 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2891 msgid "Mute" msgstr "Nutildyti" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2930 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2893 msgid "Duration" msgstr "Trukmė" #. Translators: 'status - minutes:seconds' the caller has been connected -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2933 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2896 #, c-format msgid "%s — %d:%02dm" msgstr "%s — %d:%02dm" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3203 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3166 #, c-format msgid "Your current balance is %s." msgstr "Jūsų balansas yra %s." -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3207 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3170 msgid "Sorry, you don’t have enough credit for that call." msgstr "Deja, jūs neturite pakankamai kreditų, kad galėtumėte paskambinti." -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3209 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3172 msgid "Top Up" msgstr "Pakelti" @@ -4581,14 +4550,29 @@ msgid "_Match case" msgstr "Skirti raidžių _registrą" -#~ msgid "Call volume" -#~ msgstr "Skambučio garsumas" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-account-dialog.c:144 +msgid "What kind of chat account do you have?" +msgstr "Kokio tipo pokalbių paskyrą turite?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-account-dialog.c:166 +#| msgid "New account" +msgid "Adding new account" +msgstr "Pridedama nauja paskyra" -#~ msgid "Call volume, as a percentage." -#~ msgstr "Skambučio garsumas procentais." +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:77 +msgid "People nearby" +msgstr "Žmonės netoliese" -#~ msgid "Input level:" -#~ msgstr "Įvesties lygis:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:150 +#| msgid "" +#| "Empathy can automatically discover and chat with the people connected on " +#| "the same network as you. If you want to use this feature, please check " +#| "that the details below are correct. You can easily change these details " +#| "later or disable this feature by using the 'Accounts' dialog" +msgid "Empathy can automatically discover and chat with the people connected on the same network as you. If you want to use this feature, please check that the details below are correct." +msgstr "Empathy gali automatiškai atrasti žmones, esančius tame pačiame tinkle kaip ir jūs, ir leisti su jais kalbėtis. Jeigu norite pasinaudoti šia funkcija, pažiūrėkite, ar žemiau esantys duomenys yra teisingi." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:183 +msgid "You can change these details later or disable this feature by choosing Edit → Accounts in the Contact List." +msgstr "Jūs galite pakeisti šiuos duomenis vėliau arba išjungti šią savybę pasirinkite Taisyti → Paskyros kontaktų sąraše." -#~ msgid "Input volume:" -#~ msgstr "Įvesties garsumas:" diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/po/lv.po empathy-3.3.92/po/lv.po --- empathy-3.3.91/po/lv.po 2012-02-17 14:00:26.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/po/lv.po 2012-03-16 09:30:32.000000000 +0000 @@ -7,522 +7,581 @@ # Anita Reitere , 2010. # Peteris Krisjanis , 2010. # Rudolfs , 2011. -# Rūdofls Mazurs , 2011. +# Rūdofls Mazurs , 2011, 2012. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: lv\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug." -"cgi?product=empathy&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=General\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-09-18 16:18+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-09-18 21:14+0300\n" -"Last-Translator: Rūdofls Mazurs \n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?" +"product=empathy&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=General\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-13 10:20+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-13 17:27+0200\n" +"Last-Translator: Rūdolfs Mazurs \n" "Language-Team: Latvian \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Language: lv\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n != 0 ? 1 : " "2);\n" "X-Generator: Lokalize 1.2\n" -"Language: lv\n" #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:1 -msgid "Chat on Google Talk, Facebook, MSN and many other chat services" -msgstr "" -"Tērzē, izmantojot Google Talk, Facebook, MSN un daudzus citus tērzēšanas " -"pakalpojumus" - -#: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:2 msgid "Empathy" msgstr "Empathy" +#: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:2 +msgid "IM Client" +msgstr "TZ klients" + #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:3 msgid "Empathy Internet Messaging" msgstr "Tūlītēja ziņojumapmaiņa" #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:4 -msgid "IM Client" -msgstr "TZ klients" +msgid "Chat on Google Talk, Facebook, MSN and many other chat services" +msgstr "" +"Tērzē, izmantojot Google Talk, Facebook, MSN un daudzus citus tērzēšanas " +"pakalpojumus" + +#. Tweak the dialog +#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2454 +msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts" +msgstr "Ziņojumapmaiņas un IP balss pārraides konti" + +#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:2 +msgid "Manage Messaging and VoIP accounts" +msgstr "Pārvaldīt ziņojumapmaiņas un IP balss pārraides kontus" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:1 -msgid "Always open a separate chat window for new chats." -msgstr "Vienmēr atvērt jaunu tērzēšanas logu jaunām sarakstēm." +msgid "Connection managers should be used" +msgstr "Vajadzētu izmantot savienojumu pārvaldniekus" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:2 -msgid "Call volume" -msgstr "Zvana skaļums" +msgid "" +"Whether connectivity managers should be used to automatically disconnect/" +"reconnect." +msgstr "" +"Vai vajadzētu izmantot savienojumu pārvaldnieku, lai automātiski atvienotos/" +"savienotos." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:3 -msgid "Call volume, as a percentage." -msgstr "Zvana skaļums, izteikts procentos." +msgid "Empathy should auto-connect on startup" +msgstr "Empathy vajadzētu automātiski savienoties pēc palaišanas" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:4 -msgid "Camera device" -msgstr "Kameras ierīce" +msgid "Whether Empathy should automatically log into your accounts on startup." +msgstr "" +"Vai Empathy pēc palaišanas vajadzētu automātiski pieslēgties jūsu kontiem." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:5 -msgid "Camera position" -msgstr "Kameras novietojums" +msgid "Empathy should auto-away when idle" +msgstr "Kad dators ir dīkstāvē, automātiski mainīt statusu uz 'Projām'" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:6 msgid "" -"Character to add after nickname when using nick completion (tab) in group " -"chat." +"Whether Empathy should go into away mode automatically if the user is idle." msgstr "" -"Rakstzīme, ko pievienot pēc iesaukas, lietojot Tab iesauku pabeigšanai grupu " -"tērzēšanā." +"Vai Empathy vajadzētu mainīt statusu uz 'projām', ja lietotājs nedarbojas ar " +"datoru." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:7 -msgid "Chat window theme" -msgstr "Tērzēšanas loga tēma" +msgid "Empathy default download folder" +msgstr "Empathy noklusētā lejupielādes mape" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:8 -msgid "Chat window theme variant" -msgstr "Tērzēšanas loga tēmas variants" +msgid "The default folder to save file transfers in." +msgstr "Noklusētā mape, kurā saglabāt saņemtos failus." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:9 -msgid "" -"Comma-separated list of spell checker languages to use (e.g. \"en, fr, nl\")." +msgid "Magic number used to check if sanity cleaning tasks should be run" msgstr "" -"Valodu saraksts, ko izmantot pareizrakstības pārbaudei (piemēram: en, fr, " -"nl)." +"Maģiskais skaitlis, ko izmanto, lai pārbaudītu, vai ir jāveic veselā saprāta " +"apkope" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:10 -msgid "Compact contact list" -msgstr "Kompakts kontaktu saraksts" +msgid "" +"empathy-sanity-cleaning.c uses this number to check if the cleaning tasks " +"should be executed or not. Users should not change this key manually." +msgstr "" +"empathy-sanity-cleaning.c izmanto šo skaitli, lai pārbaudītu, vai būtu jāveic " +"uzkopšanas darbi. Lietotājam nevajadzētu pašam šo skaitli mainīt." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:11 -msgid "Connection managers should be used" -msgstr "Vajadzētu izmantot savienojumu pārvaldniekus" +msgid "Show offline contacts" +msgstr "Rādīt nesaistes kontaktus" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:12 -msgid "Contact list sort criterion" -msgstr "Kontaktu saraksta kārtošanas kritērijs" +msgid "Whether to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." +msgstr "Vai rādīt kontaktu sarakstā kontaktus, kuri ir nesaistē." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:13 -msgid "Default camera device to use in video calls, e.g. /dev/video0." -msgstr "Noklusētā kamera, ko izmantot video zvaniem, piem. /dev/video0." +msgid "Show avatars" +msgstr "Rādīt attēlus" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:14 -msgid "Default directory to select an avatar image from" -msgstr "Noklusētā mape, no kuras izvēlēties lietotāja attēlu" +msgid "" +"Whether to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat windows." +msgstr "Vai rādīt kontaktu attēlus kontaktu sarakstā un tērzēšanas logos." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:15 -msgid "Disable popup notifications when away" -msgstr "Izslēgt izlecošos paziņojumus, kad esmu projām" +msgid "Show protocols" +msgstr "Rādīt protokolus" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:16 -msgid "Disable sounds when away" -msgstr "Atslēgt skaņu, kad esmu projām" +msgid "Whether to show protocols for contacts in the contact list." +msgstr "Vai rādīt protokolus kontaktu sarakstā un tērzēšanas logos." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:17 -msgid "Display incoming events in the status area" -msgstr "Rādīt ienākošos notikumus statusa laukā" +msgid "Show Balance in contact list" +msgstr "Rādīt bilanci kontaktu sarakstā" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:18 -msgid "" -"Display incoming events in the status area. If false, present them to the " -"user immediately." -msgstr "" -"Rādīt ienākošos notikumus statusa laukā. Ja nepatiess, lietotājam tos rādīt " -"nekavējoties." +msgid "Whether to show account balances in the contact list." +msgstr "Vai rādīt kontu bilanci kontaktu sarakstā." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:19 -msgid "Echo cancellation support" -msgstr "Atbalss atcelšanas atbalsts" +msgid "Compact contact list" +msgstr "Kompakts kontaktu saraksts" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:20 -msgid "Empathy can publish the user's location" -msgstr "Empathy drīkst publicēt lietotāja atrašanās vietu" +msgid "Whether to show the contact list in compact mode." +msgstr "Vai rādīt kontaktu sarakstu kompaktajā režīmā." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:21 -msgid "Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location" -msgstr "Empathy drīkst izmantot GPS, lai uzminētu atrašanās vietu" +msgid "Hide main window" +msgstr "Slēpt galveno logu" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:22 -msgid "Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location" -msgstr "Empathy drīkst izmantot mobilo tīklu, lai uzminētu atrašanās vietu" +msgid "Hide the main window." +msgstr "Slēpt galveno logu." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:23 -msgid "Empathy can use the network to guess the location" -msgstr "Empathy drīkst izmantot tīklu, lai uzminētu atrašanās vietu" +msgid "Default directory to select an avatar image from" +msgstr "Noklusētā mape, no kuras izvēlēties lietotāja attēlu" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:24 -msgid "Empathy default download folder" -msgstr "Empathy noklusētā lejupielādes mape" +msgid "The last directory that an avatar image was chosen from." +msgstr "Pēdējā mape, no kuras tika ņemts lietotāja attēls." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:25 -msgid "Empathy has migrated butterfly logs" -msgstr "Empathy ir pārnesusi butterfly žurnālus" +msgid "Open new chats in separate windows" +msgstr "Atvērt jaunas sarakstes atsevišķos logos" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:26 -msgid "Empathy should auto-away when idle" -msgstr "Kad dators ir dīkstāvē, automātiski mainīt statusu uz 'Projām'" +msgid "Always open a separate chat window for new chats." +msgstr "Vienmēr atvērt jaunu tērzēšanas logu jaunām sarakstēm." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:27 -msgid "Empathy should auto-connect on startup" -msgstr "Empathy vajadzētu automātiski savienoties pēc palaišanas" +msgid "Display incoming events in the status area" +msgstr "Rādīt ienākošos notikumus statusa laukā" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:28 -msgid "Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy" -msgstr "Empathy vajadzētu samazināt atrašanās vietas precizitāti" +msgid "" +"Display incoming events in the status area. If false, present them to the " +"user immediately." +msgstr "" +"Rādīt ienākošos notikumus statusa laukā. Ja nepatiess, lietotājam tos rādīt " +"nekavējoties." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:29 -msgid "Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon" -msgstr "Empathy vajadzētu izmantot kontakta attēlu kā tērzēšanas loga ikonu" +msgid "The position for the chat window side pane" +msgstr "Tērzēšanas loga sānu rūts novietojums" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:30 -msgid "Enable WebKit Developer Tools" -msgstr "Ieslēgt WebKit izstrādes rīkus" +msgid "The stored position (in pixels) of the chat window side pane." +msgstr "Tērzēšanas loga sānu paneļa saglabātais novietojums (pikseļos)" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:31 -msgid "Enable popup notifications for new messages" -msgstr "Ieslēgt izlecošos paziņojumus jauniem ziņojumiem" +#| msgid "Show contact list in rooms" +msgid "Show contact groups" +msgstr "Rādīt kontaktu grupas" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:32 -msgid "Enable spell checker" -msgstr "Ieslēgt pareizrakstības pārbaudi" +#| msgid "Whether to show account balances in the contact list." +msgid "Whether to show groups in the contact list." +msgstr "Vai rādīt kontaktu grupas kontaktu sarakstā." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:33 -msgid "Hide main window" -msgstr "Slēpt galveno logu" +msgid "Contact list sort criterion" +msgstr "Kontaktu saraksta kārtošanas kritērijs" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:34 -msgid "Hide the main window." -msgstr "Slēpt galveno logu." +msgid "" +"Which criterion to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to sort by " +"the contact's state with the value \"state\". A value of \"name\" will sort " +"the contact list by name." +msgstr "" +"Kuru kritēriju izmantot, kārtojot kontaktu sarakstu. Noklusētā vērtība ir " +"\"state\" - kārtot pēc kontakta statusa. Vērtība \"name\" kārtos kontaktus " +"pēc to vārda." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:35 -msgid "Nick completed character" -msgstr "Iesaukas pabeigšanas rakstzīme" +msgid "Use notification sounds" +msgstr "Lietot skaņas paziņojumus" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:36 -msgid "Open new chats in separate windows" -msgstr "Atvērt jaunas sarakstes atsevišķos logos" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of events." +msgstr "Vai atskaņot skaņu, lai paziņotu par notikumiem." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:37 -msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use" -msgstr "Ceļš uz lietojamo Adium tēmu" +msgid "Disable sounds when away" +msgstr "Atslēgt skaņu, kad esmu projām" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:38 -msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use if the theme used for chat is Adium." -msgstr "Ceļš uz Adium tēmu, ja tādu izmanto šajā tērzēšanā." +msgid "Whether to play sound notifications when away or busy." +msgstr "Vai atskaņot skaņas paziņojumu, kad esmu prom vai aizņemts." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:39 msgid "Play a sound for incoming messages" msgstr "Atskaņot skaņu ienākošajiem ziņojumiem" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:40 -msgid "Play a sound for new conversations" -msgstr "Atskaņot skaņu jaunām sarunām" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of incoming messages." +msgstr "Vai atskaņot skaņu, lai paziņotu par ienākošajiem ziņojumiem." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:41 msgid "Play a sound for outgoing messages" msgstr "Atskaņot skaņu izejošajiem ziņojumiem" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:42 -msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs in" -msgstr "Atskaņot skaņu, kad kontakts ienāk" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of outgoing messages." +msgstr "Vai atskaņot skaņu, lai paziņotu par izejošajiem ziņojumiem." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:43 -msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs out" -msgstr "Atskaņot skaņu, kad kontakts iziet" +msgid "Play a sound for new conversations" +msgstr "Atskaņot skaņu jaunām sarunām" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:44 -msgid "Play a sound when we log in" -msgstr "Atskaņot skaņu, kad mēs ieejam" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of new conversations." +msgstr "Vai atskaņot skaņu, lai paziņotu par jaunām sarunām." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:45 -msgid "Play a sound when we log out" -msgstr "Atskaņot skaņu, kad mēs izejam" +msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs in" +msgstr "Atskaņot skaņu, kad kontakts ienāk" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:46 -msgid "Pop up notifications if the chat isn't focused" -msgstr "Rādīt izlecošo paziņojumu, ja tērzēšanas logs nav fokusēts" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging into the network." +msgstr "Vai atskaņot skaņu, lai paziņotu, ka kontakts ir pieteicies tīklā." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:47 -msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs in" -msgstr "Rādīt paziņojumu izlecošajā logā, kad ienāk kontakts" +msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs out" +msgstr "Atskaņot skaņu, kad kontakts iziet" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:48 -msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs out" -msgstr "Rādīt paziņojumu izlecošajā logā, kad iziet kontakts" +msgid "" +"Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging out of the network." +msgstr "Vai atskaņot skaņu, lai paziņotu, ka kontakts ir izgājis no tīkla." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:49 -msgid "Position the camera preview should be during a call." -msgstr "Novietojums, kādā jābūt kameras priekšskatījumam zvana laikā." +msgid "Play a sound when we log in" +msgstr "Atskaņot skaņu, kad mēs ieejam" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:50 -msgid "Show Balance in contact list" -msgstr "Rādīt bilanci kontaktu sarakstā" +msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging into a network." +msgstr "Vai atskaņot skaņu, piesakoties tīklā." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:51 -msgid "Show avatars" -msgstr "Rādīt attēlus" +msgid "Play a sound when we log out" +msgstr "Atskaņot skaņu, kad mēs izejam" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:52 -msgid "Show contact list in rooms" -msgstr "Rādīt kontaktu sarakstu istabās" +msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging out of a network." +msgstr "Vai atskaņot skaņu, izejot no tīkla." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:53 -msgid "Show hint about closing the main window" -msgstr "Rādīt norādi par galvenā loga aizvēršanu" +msgid "Enable popup notifications for new messages" +msgstr "Ieslēgt izlecošos paziņojumus jauniem ziņojumiem" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:54 -msgid "Show offline contacts" -msgstr "Rādīt nesaistes kontaktus" +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message." +msgstr "Vai rādīt izlecošo paziņojumu, kad saņem jaunu ziņojumu." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:55 -msgid "Show protocols" -msgstr "Rādīt protokolus" +msgid "Disable popup notifications when away" +msgstr "Izslēgt izlecošos paziņojumus, kad esmu projām" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:56 -msgid "Spell checking languages" -msgstr "Pareizrakstības pārbaudes valodas" +msgid "Whether to show popup notifications when away or busy." +msgstr "Vai rādīt izlecošos paziņojumus, kad esmu prom vai aizņemts." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:57 -msgid "The default folder to save file transfers in." -msgstr "Noklusētā mape, kurā saglabāt saņemtos failus." +msgid "Pop up notifications if the chat isn't focused" +msgstr "Rādīt izlecošo paziņojumu, ja tērzēšanas logs nav fokusēts" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:58 -msgid "The last directory that an avatar image was chosen from." -msgstr "Pēdējā mape, no kuras tika ņemts lietotāja attēls." +msgid "" +"Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message even if " +"the chat is already opened, but not focused." +msgstr "" +"Vai rādīt izlecošo paziņojumu, saņemot jaunu ziņojumu, kad tērzēšanas logs " +"jau ir atvērts, bet nav fokusēts." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:59 -msgid "The position for the chat window side pane" -msgstr "Tērzēšanas loga sānu rūts novietojums" +msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs in" +msgstr "Rādīt paziņojumu izlecošajā logā, kad ienāk kontakts" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:60 -msgid "The stored position (in pixels) of the chat window side pane." -msgstr "Tērzēšanas loga sānu paneļa saglabātais novietojums (pikseļos)" +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes online." +msgstr "Vai rādīt izlecošo paziņojumu, kad kontakts parādās tiešsaistē." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:61 -msgid "The theme that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." -msgstr "Tēma, kuru izmantot, lai attēlotu sarunas tērzēšanas logos." +msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs out" +msgstr "Rādīt paziņojumu izlecošajā logā, kad iziet kontakts" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:62 -msgid "" -"The theme variant that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." -msgstr "Tēmas variants, kuru izmantot, lai attēlotu sarunas tērzēšanas logos." +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes offline." +msgstr "Vai rādīt izlecošo paziņojumu, kad kontakts iziet." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:63 msgid "Use graphical smileys" msgstr "Lietot grafiskos smaidiņus" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:64 -msgid "Use notification sounds" -msgstr "Lietot skaņas paziņojumus" +msgid "Whether to convert smileys into graphical images in conversations." +msgstr "Vai sarunās smaidiņus pārveidot par grafiskiem attēliem." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:65 -msgid "Use theme for chat rooms" -msgstr "Lietot tēmu tērzēšanas istabās" +msgid "Show contact list in rooms" +msgstr "Rādīt kontaktu sarakstu istabās" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:66 -msgid "Whether Empathy can publish the user's location to their contacts." -msgstr "Vai Empathy drīkst publicēt lietotāja atrašanās vietu viņa kontaktiem." +msgid "Whether to show the contact list in chat rooms." +msgstr "Vai rādīt kontaktu sarakstu tērzēšanas istabās." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:67 -msgid "Whether Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location." -msgstr "Vai Empathy drīkst izmantot GPS, lai uzminētu atrašanās vietu." +msgid "Chat window theme" +msgstr "Tērzēšanas loga tēma" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:68 -msgid "Whether Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location." -msgstr "" -"Vai Empathy drīkst izmantot mobilo tīklu, lai uzminētu atrašanās vietu." +msgid "The theme that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." +msgstr "Tēma, kuru izmantot, lai attēlotu sarunas tērzēšanas logos." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:69 -msgid "Whether Empathy can use the network to guess the location." -msgstr "Vai Empathy drīkst izmantot tīklu, lai uzminētu atrašanās vietu." +msgid "Chat window theme variant" +msgstr "Tērzēšanas loga tēmas variants" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:70 -msgid "Whether Empathy has migrated butterfly logs." -msgstr "Vai Empathy ir pārnesusi butterfly žurnālus." +msgid "" +"The theme variant that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." +msgstr "Tēmas variants, kuru izmantot, lai attēlotu sarunas tērzēšanas logos." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:71 -msgid "Whether Empathy should automatically log into your accounts on startup." -msgstr "" -"Vai Empathy pēc palaišanas vajadzētu automātiski pieslēgties jūsu kontiem." - -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:72 -msgid "" -"Whether Empathy should go into away mode automatically if the user is idle." -msgstr "" -"Vai Empathy vajadzētu mainīt statusu uz 'projām', ja lietotājs nedarbojas ar " -"datoru." +msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use" +msgstr "Ceļš uz lietojamo Adium tēmu" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:72 +msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use if the theme used for chat is Adium." +msgstr "Ceļš uz Adium tēmu, ja tādu izmanto šajā tērzēšanā." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:73 -msgid "" -"Whether Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy for privacy reasons." -msgstr "" -"Vai Empathy vajadzētu samazināt atrašanās vietas precizitāti (privātumam)." +msgid "Enable WebKit Developer Tools" +msgstr "Ieslēgt WebKit izstrādes rīkus" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:74 msgid "" -"Whether Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon." -msgstr "" -"Vai Empathy vajadzētu izmantot kontakta attēlu kā tērzēšanas loga ikonu." - -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:75 -msgid "" "Whether WebKit developer tools, such as the Web Inspector, should be enabled." msgstr "" "Vai WebKit izstrādes rīkiem, piemēram, Web Inspector, vajadzētu būt " "ieslēgtiem." +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:75 +msgid "Inform other users when you are typing to them" +msgstr "Informēt citus lietotājus par to, kad veicat rakstīšanu" + #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:76 msgid "" -"Whether connectivity managers should be used to automatically disconnect/" -"reconnect." +"Whether to send the 'composing' or 'paused' chat states. Does not currently " +"affect the 'gone' state." msgstr "" -"Vai vajadzētu izmantot savienojumu pārvaldnieku, lai automātiski atvienotos/" -"savienotos." +"Vai sūtīt 'raksta' vai 'pauzēts' tērzēšanas stāvokļus. Pašlaik neietekmē " +"'prom' stāvokli." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:77 -msgid "" -"Whether to check words typed against the languages you want to check with." -msgstr "Vai pārbaudīt uzrakstīto vārdu piederību izvēlētajām valodām." +msgid "Use theme for chat rooms" +msgstr "Lietot tēmu tērzēšanas istabās" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:78 -msgid "Whether to convert smileys into graphical images in conversations." -msgstr "Vai sarunās smaidiņus pārveidot par grafiskiem attēliem." +msgid "Whether to use the theme for chat rooms." +msgstr "Vai izmantot tēmu tērzēšanas istabās." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:79 -msgid "Whether to enable Pulseaudio's echo cancellation filter." -msgstr "Vai aktivēt Pulseaudio atbalss atcelšanas filtru." +msgid "Spell checking languages" +msgstr "Pareizrakstības pārbaudes valodas" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:80 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging into the network." -msgstr "Vai atskaņot skaņu, lai paziņotu, ka kontakts ir pieteicies tīklā." +msgid "" +"Comma-separated list of spell checker languages to use (e.g. \"en, fr, nl\")." +msgstr "" +"Valodu saraksts, ko izmantot pareizrakstības pārbaudei (piemēram: en, fr, " +"nl)." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:81 -msgid "" -"Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging out of the network." -msgstr "Vai atskaņot skaņu, lai paziņotu, ka kontakts ir izgājis no tīkla." +msgid "Enable spell checker" +msgstr "Ieslēgt pareizrakstības pārbaudi" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:82 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of events." -msgstr "Vai atskaņot skaņu, lai paziņotu par notikumiem." +msgid "" +"Whether to check words typed against the languages you want to check with." +msgstr "Vai pārbaudīt uzrakstīto vārdu piederību izvēlētajām valodām." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:83 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of incoming messages." -msgstr "Vai atskaņot skaņu, lai paziņotu par ienākošajiem ziņojumiem." +msgid "Nick completed character" +msgstr "Iesaukas pabeigšanas rakstzīme" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:84 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of new conversations." -msgstr "Vai atskaņot skaņu, lai paziņotu par jaunām sarunām." +msgid "" +"Character to add after nickname when using nick completion (tab) in group " +"chat." +msgstr "" +"Rakstzīme, ko pievienot pēc iesaukas, lietojot Tab iesauku pabeigšanai grupu " +"tērzēšanā." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:85 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of outgoing messages." -msgstr "Vai atskaņot skaņu, lai paziņotu par izejošajiem ziņojumiem." +msgid "Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon" +msgstr "Empathy vajadzētu izmantot kontakta attēlu kā tērzēšanas loga ikonu" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:86 -msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging into a network." -msgstr "Vai atskaņot skaņu, piesakoties tīklā." +msgid "" +"Whether Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon." +msgstr "" +"Vai Empathy vajadzētu izmantot kontakta attēlu kā tērzēšanas loga ikonu." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:87 -msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging out of a network." -msgstr "Vai atskaņot skaņu, izejot no tīkla." +msgid "Last account selected in Join Room dialog" +msgstr "" +"Pēdējais konts, kas tika izvēlēts dialoglodziņā \"Pievienoties istabai\"" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:88 -msgid "Whether to play sound notifications when away or busy." -msgstr "Vai atskaņot skaņas paziņojumu, kad esmu prom vai aizņemts." +msgid "D-Bus object path of the last account selected to join a room." +msgstr "" +"D-Bus objektu ceļš pēdējam kontam, kas tika izvēlēts, lai savienotos ar " +"istabu." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:89 -msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes offline." -msgstr "Vai rādīt izlecošo paziņojumu, kad kontakts iziet." +msgid "Camera device" +msgstr "Kameras ierīce" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:90 -msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes online." -msgstr "Vai rādīt izlecošo paziņojumu, kad kontakts parādās tiešsaistē." +msgid "Default camera device to use in video calls, e.g. /dev/video0." +msgstr "Noklusētā kamera, ko izmantot video zvaniem, piem. /dev/video0." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:91 -msgid "" -"Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message even if " -"the chat is already opened, but not focused." -msgstr "" -"Vai rādīt izlecošo paziņojumu, saņemot jaunu ziņojumu, kad tērzēšanas logs " -"jau ir atvērts, bet nav fokusēts." +msgid "Camera position" +msgstr "Kameras novietojums" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:92 -msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message." -msgstr "Vai rādīt izlecošo paziņojumu, kad saņem jaunu ziņojumu." +msgid "Position the camera preview should be during a call." +msgstr "Novietojums, kādā jābūt kameras priekšskatījumam zvana laikā." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:93 -msgid "Whether to show account balances in the contact list." -msgstr "Vai rādīt kontu bilanci kontaktu sarakstā." +msgid "Echo cancellation support" +msgstr "Atbalss atcelšanas atbalsts" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:94 -msgid "" -"Whether to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat windows." -msgstr "Vai rādīt kontaktu attēlus kontaktu sarakstā un tērzēšanas logos." +msgid "Whether to enable Pulseaudio's echo cancellation filter." +msgstr "Vai aktivēt Pulseaudio atbalss atcelšanas filtru." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:95 -msgid "Whether to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." -msgstr "Vai rādīt kontaktu sarakstā kontaktus, kuri ir nesaistē." +msgid "Show hint about closing the main window" +msgstr "Rādīt norādi par galvenā loga aizvēršanu" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:96 -msgid "Whether to show popup notifications when away or busy." -msgstr "Vai rādīt izlecošos paziņojumus, kad esmu prom vai aizņemts." +msgid "" +"Whether to show the message dialog about closing the main window with the " +"'x' button in the title bar." +msgstr "" +"Vai rādīt ziņojuma dialogu par galvenā loga aizvēršanu ar 'x' pogu " +"virsraksta joslā." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:97 -msgid "Whether to show protocols for contacts in the contact list." -msgstr "Vai rādīt protokolus kontaktu sarakstā un tērzēšanas logos." +msgid "Empathy can publish the user's location" +msgstr "Empathy drīkst publicēt lietotāja atrašanās vietu" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:98 -msgid "Whether to show the contact list in chat rooms." -msgstr "Vai rādīt kontaktu sarakstu tērzēšanas istabās." +msgid "Whether Empathy can publish the user's location to their contacts." +msgstr "Vai Empathy drīkst publicēt lietotāja atrašanās vietu viņa kontaktiem." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:99 -msgid "Whether to show the contact list in compact mode." -msgstr "Vai rādīt kontaktu sarakstu kompaktajā režīmā." +msgid "Empathy can use the network to guess the location" +msgstr "Empathy drīkst izmantot tīklu, lai uzminētu atrašanās vietu" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:100 -msgid "" -"Whether to show the message dialog about closing the main window with the " -"'x' button in the title bar." -msgstr "" -"Vai rādīt ziņojuma dialogu par galvenā loga aizvēršanu ar 'x' pogu " -"virsraksta joslā." +msgid "Whether Empathy can use the network to guess the location." +msgstr "Vai Empathy drīkst izmantot tīklu, lai uzminētu atrašanās vietu." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:101 -msgid "Whether to use the theme for chat rooms." -msgstr "Vai izmantot tēmu tērzēšanas istabās." +msgid "Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location" +msgstr "Empathy drīkst izmantot mobilo tīklu, lai uzminētu atrašanās vietu" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:102 +msgid "Whether Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location." +msgstr "" +"Vai Empathy drīkst izmantot mobilo tīklu, lai uzminētu atrašanās vietu." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:103 +msgid "Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location" +msgstr "Empathy drīkst izmantot GPS, lai uzminētu atrašanās vietu" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:104 +msgid "Whether Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location." +msgstr "Vai Empathy drīkst izmantot GPS, lai uzminētu atrašanās vietu." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:105 +msgid "Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy" +msgstr "Empathy vajadzētu samazināt atrašanās vietas precizitāti" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:106 msgid "" -"Which criterion to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to sort by " -"the contact's name with the value \"name\". A value of \"state\" will sort " -"the contact list by state." +"Whether Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy for privacy reasons." msgstr "" -"Kuru kritēriju izmantot, kārtojot kontaktu sarakstu. Noklusētā vērtība ir " -"\"name\" - kārtot pēc kontakta vārda. Vērtība \"state\" kārtos kontaktus pēc " -"to statusa." +"Vai Empathy vajadzētu samazināt atrašanās vietas precizitāti (privātumam)." -#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:1 -msgid "Manage Messaging and VoIP accounts" -msgstr "Pārvaldīt ziņojumapmaiņas un IP balss pārraides kontus" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:738 +msgid "No reason was specified" +msgstr "Iemesls netika norādīts" -#. Tweak the dialog -#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:2 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2324 -msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts" -msgstr "Ziņojumapmaiņas un IP balss pārraides konti" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:741 +msgid "The change in state was requested" +msgstr "Stāvokļa izmaiņas tika pieprasītas" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:744 +msgid "You canceled the file transfer" +msgstr "Jūs atcēlāt faila pārsūtīšanu" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:825 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:747 +msgid "The other participant canceled the file transfer" +msgstr "Otrs dalībnieks atcēla faila pārsūtīšanu" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:750 +msgid "Error while trying to transfer the file" +msgstr "Notika kļūda, mēģinot pārsūtīt failu" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:753 +msgid "The other participant is unable to transfer the file" +msgstr "Otrs dalībnieks nevar pārsūtīt failu" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:756 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:313 +msgid "Unknown reason" +msgstr "Nezināms iemesls" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:919 msgid "File transfer completed, but the file was corrupted" msgstr "Faila pārsūtīšana pabeigta, bet fails ir bojāts" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1111 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1205 msgid "File transfer not supported by remote contact" msgstr "Kontakts neatbalsta failu sūtīšanu" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1167 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1261 msgid "The selected file is not a regular file" msgstr "Izvēlētais fails nav normāls fails" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1176 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1270 msgid "The selected file is empty" msgstr "Izvēlētais fails ir tukšs" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-message.c:415 ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:131 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-message.c:415 ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:129 #, c-format msgid "Missed call from %s" msgstr "Neatbildēts zvans no %s" @@ -538,172 +597,142 @@ msgid "Call from %s" msgstr "Zvans no %s" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:268 -msgid "Socket type not supported" -msgstr "Ligzdas tips nav atbalstīts" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:387 -msgid "No reason was specified" -msgstr "Iemesls netika norādīts" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:390 -msgid "The change in state was requested" -msgstr "Stāvokļa izmaiņas tika pieprasītas" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:393 -msgid "You canceled the file transfer" -msgstr "Jūs atcēlāt faila pārsūtīšanu" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:396 -msgid "The other participant canceled the file transfer" -msgstr "Otrs dalībnieks atcēla faila pārsūtīšanu" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:399 -msgid "Error while trying to transfer the file" -msgstr "Notika kļūda, mēģinot pārsūtīt failu" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:402 -msgid "The other participant is unable to transfer the file" -msgstr "Otrs dalībnieks nevar pārsūtīt failu" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:405 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:302 -msgid "Unknown reason" -msgstr "Nezināms iemesls" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:222 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:233 msgid "Available" msgstr "Pieejams" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:224 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:235 msgid "Busy" msgstr "Aizņemts" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:227 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:238 msgid "Away" msgstr "Projām" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:229 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:240 msgid "Invisible" msgstr "Neredzams" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:231 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:242 msgid "Offline" msgstr "Nesaistē" #. translators: presence type is unknown -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:234 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:245 msgctxt "presence" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Nezināms" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:274 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:285 msgid "No reason specified" msgstr "Iemesls netika norādīts" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:276 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:332 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:287 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:343 msgid "Status is set to offline" msgstr "Statuss ir \"nesaistē\"" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:278 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:312 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:49 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:289 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:323 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:47 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:81 msgid "Network error" msgstr "Tīkla kļūda" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:280 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:314 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:291 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:325 msgid "Authentication failed" msgstr "Autentifikācija neizdevās" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:282 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:316 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:293 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:327 msgid "Encryption error" msgstr "Šifrēšanas kļūda" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:284 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:295 msgid "Name in use" msgstr "Vārds jau ir aizņemts" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:286 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:318 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:297 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:329 msgid "Certificate not provided" msgstr "Nav sertifikāta" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:288 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:320 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:299 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:331 msgid "Certificate untrusted" msgstr "Neuzticams sertifikāts" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:290 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:322 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:301 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:333 msgid "Certificate expired" msgstr "Sertifikāts izbeidzies" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:292 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:324 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:303 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:335 msgid "Certificate not activated" msgstr "Sertifikāts nav aktivizēts" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:294 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:326 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:305 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:337 msgid "Certificate hostname mismatch" msgstr "Sertifikātu servera nosaukumu nesakritība" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:296 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:328 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:307 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:339 msgid "Certificate fingerprint mismatch" msgstr "Sertifikāta digitālo nospiedumu nesakritība" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:298 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:330 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:309 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:341 msgid "Certificate self-signed" msgstr "Sertifikāts ir pašparakstīts" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:300 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:311 msgid "Certificate error" msgstr "Sertifikāta kļūda" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:334 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:345 msgid "Encryption is not available" msgstr "Šifrēšana nav pieejama" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:336 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:347 msgid "Certificate is invalid" msgstr "Sertifikāts nav derīgs" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:338 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:349 msgid "Connection has been refused" msgstr "Savienojums tika atteikts" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:340 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:351 msgid "Connection can't be established" msgstr "Nevar izveidot savienojumu" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:342 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:353 msgid "Connection has been lost" msgstr "Savienojums pārtrūka" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:344 -msgid "This resource is already connected to the server" -msgstr "Šis resurs jau ir savienots ar serveri" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:355 +#| msgid "This resource is already connected to the server" +msgid "This account is already connected to the server" +msgstr "Šis konts jau ir savienots ar serveri" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:346 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:357 msgid "" "Connection has been replaced by a new connection using the same resource" msgstr "" "Savienojums tika aizvietots ar jaunu savienojumu, kurš izmanto to pašu " "resursu" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:349 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:360 msgid "The account already exists on the server" msgstr "Uz servera šāds konts jau ir" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:351 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:362 msgid "Server is currently too busy to handle the connection" msgstr "Serveris ir pārāk aizņemts, lai apstrādātu savienojumu" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:353 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:364 msgid "Certificate has been revoked" msgstr "Sertifikāts tika atsaukts" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:355 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:366 msgid "" "Certificate uses an insecure cipher algorithm or is cryptographically weak" msgstr "" "Sertifikāts izmanto nedrošu šifrēšanas algoritmu vai arī ir kriptogrāfiski " "vājš" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:358 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:369 msgid "" "The length of the server certificate, or the depth of the server certificate " "chain, exceed the limits imposed by the cryptography library" @@ -711,24 +740,31 @@ "Servera sertifikāta garums vai sertifikāta ķēdes dziļums pārsniedz " "ierobežojumus, ko nosaka kriptogrāfijas bibliotēka" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:519 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-store.h:73 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:373 +msgid "Your software is too old" +msgstr "Jūsu programmatūra ir pārāk veca" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:375 +msgid "Internal error" +msgstr "Iekšēja kļūda" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:534 msgid "People Nearby" msgstr "Tuvumā esošie cilvēki" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:524 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:539 msgid "Yahoo! Japan" msgstr "Yahoo! Japan" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:553 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:568 msgid "Google Talk" msgstr "Google Talk" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:554 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:569 msgid "Facebook Chat" msgstr "Facebook tērzēšana" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:88 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:90 #, c-format msgid "%d second ago" msgid_plural "%d seconds ago" @@ -736,7 +772,7 @@ msgstr[1] "Pirms %d sekundēm" msgstr[2] "Pirms %d sekundēm" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:93 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:96 #, c-format msgid "%d minute ago" msgid_plural "%d minutes ago" @@ -744,7 +780,7 @@ msgstr[1] "Pirms %d minūtēm" msgstr[2] "Pirms %d minūtēm" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:98 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:102 #, c-format msgid "%d hour ago" msgid_plural "%d hours ago" @@ -752,7 +788,7 @@ msgstr[1] "Pirms %d stundām" msgstr[2] "Pirms %d stundām" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:103 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:108 #, c-format msgid "%d day ago" msgid_plural "%d days ago" @@ -760,7 +796,7 @@ msgstr[1] "Pirms %d dienām" msgstr[2] "Pirms %d dienām" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:108 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:114 #, c-format msgid "%d week ago" msgid_plural "%d weeks ago" @@ -768,7 +804,7 @@ msgstr[1] "Pirms %d nedēļām" msgstr[2] "Pirms %d nedēļām" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:113 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:120 #, c-format msgid "%d month ago" msgid_plural "%d months ago" @@ -776,224 +812,211 @@ msgstr[1] "Pirms %d mēnešiem" msgstr[2] "Pirms %d mēnešiem" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:136 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:142 msgid "in the future" msgstr "nākotnē" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-chooser.c:540 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:75 +#| msgid "Phrase not found" +msgid "Password not found" +msgstr "Parole nav atrasta" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:218 +#, c-format +msgid "IM account password for %s (%s)" +msgstr "%s TZ parole (%s)" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:253 +#, c-format +msgid "Password for chatroom '%s' on account %s (%s)" +msgstr "Parole tērzēšanas istabai '%s' kontam %s (%s)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-chooser.c:692 msgid "All accounts" msgstr "Visi konti" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:694 -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:321 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:682 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:336 msgid "Account" msgstr "Konts" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:695 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:683 msgid "Password" msgstr "Parole" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:696 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:684 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:507 msgid "Server" msgstr "Serveris" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:697 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:685 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:522 msgid "Port" msgstr "Ports" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:769 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:826 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:765 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:817 #, c-format msgid "%s:" msgstr "%s:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1192 -msgid "My Web Accounts" -msgstr "Mani tīmekļa konti" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1208 -#, c-format -msgid "The account %s is edited via %s." -msgstr "Konts %s tika rediģēts ar %s." - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1214 -#, c-format -msgid "The account %s cannot be edited in Empathy." -msgstr "Kontu %s nevar rediģēt, izmantojot Empathy." - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1233 -msgid "Launch My Web Accounts" -msgstr "Palaist \"Mani tīmekļa konti\"" - -#. general handler -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1241 -#, c-format -msgid "Edit %s" -msgstr "Rediģēt %s" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1591 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1398 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 msgid "Username:" msgstr "Lietotājvārds:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1909 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1710 msgid "A_pply" msgstr "_Pielietot" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1939 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1739 msgid "L_og in" msgstr "_Pieteikties" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2013 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1812 msgid "This account already exists on the server" msgstr "Uz servera šāds konts jau ir" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2016 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1816 msgid "Create a new account on the server" -msgstr "Izveidot jaunu kontu uz servera" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2208 -msgid "Ca_ncel" -msgstr "A_tcelt" +msgstr "Izveidot jaunu kontu uz šī servera" #. To translators: The first parameter is the login id and the #. * second one is the network. The resulting string will be something #. * like: "MyUserName on freenode". #. * You should reverse the order of these arguments if the #. * server should come before the login id in your locale. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2486 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2241 #, c-format msgid "%1$s on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s uz %2$s" #. To translators: The parameter is the protocol name. The resulting #. * string will be something like: "Jabber Account" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2512 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2267 #, c-format msgid "%s Account" msgstr "%s konts" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2516 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2271 msgid "New account" msgstr "Jauns konts" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:1 -msgid "Example: MyScreenName" -msgstr "Piemērs: MansEkrānaVārds" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-generic.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:2 -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "Paplašināti" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:14 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:1 +msgid "Pass_word:" +msgstr "Pa_role:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:2 +msgid "Screen _Name:" +msgstr "Ekrā_na vārds:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:3 +msgid "Example: MyScreenName" +msgstr "Piemērs: MansEkrānaVārds" + +#. remember password ticky box +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:4 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:4 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:5 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:12 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:4 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:13 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:5 -msgid "Pass_word:" -msgstr "Pa_role:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-base-password-dialog.c:261 +msgid "Remember password" +msgstr "Atcerēties paroli" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:5 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:5 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:10 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:20 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:5 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:16 -msgid "Remember Password" -msgstr "Atcerēties paroli" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Port:" +msgstr "_Ports:" -#. remember password ticky box -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:6 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:6 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:7 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:21 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:17 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-password-dialog.c:311 -msgid "Remember password" -msgstr "Atcerēties paroli" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:6 -msgid "Screen _Name:" -msgstr "Ekrā_na vārds:" +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Server:" +msgstr "_Serveris:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:7 -msgid "What is your AIM password?" -msgstr "Kāda ir jūsu AIM parole?" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-generic.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:23 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:21 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:9 +msgid "Advanced" +msgstr "Paplašināti" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your AIM screen name?" msgstr "Kāds ir jūsu AIM ekrāna vārds?" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:10 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:26 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:10 -msgid "_Port:" -msgstr "_Ports:" +msgid "What is your AIM password?" +msgstr "Kāda ir jūsu AIM parole?" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:10 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:10 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:11 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:27 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:7 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:10 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:9 -msgid "_Server:" -msgstr "_Serveris:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:1 -msgid "Example: username" -msgstr "Piemērs: lietotājvārds" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:24 +msgid "Remember Password" +msgstr "Atcerēties paroli" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:2 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:13 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:2 msgid "Login I_D:" msgstr "Lietotāja I_D:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:3 +msgid "Example: username" +msgstr "Piemērs: lietotājvārds" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your GroupWise User ID?" msgstr "Kāds ir jūsu GroupWise lietotāja ID?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your GroupWise password?" msgstr "Kāda ir jūsu GroupWise parole?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:2 +msgid "ICQ _UIN:" +msgstr "ICQ _UIN:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:3 msgid "Example: 123456789" msgstr "Piemērs: 123456789" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:7 msgid "Ch_aracter set:" msgstr "R_akstzīmju kopa:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:4 -msgid "ICQ _UIN:" -msgstr "ICQ _UIN:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your ICQ UIN?" msgstr "Kāds ir jūsu ICQ UIN?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:9 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:10 msgid "What is your ICQ password?" msgstr "Kāda ir jūsu ICQ parole?" @@ -1030,11 +1053,23 @@ msgid "None" msgstr "Nekas" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:1 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Tīkls" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:2 +msgid "Network:" +msgstr "Tīkls:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:3 msgid "Character set:" msgstr "Rakstzīmju kopa:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:4 +msgid "Servers" +msgstr "Serveris" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 msgid "" "Most IRC servers don't need a password, so if you're not sure, don't enter a " "password." @@ -1042,14 +1077,6 @@ "Vairums IRC serveru nepieprasa paroli; ja neesat pārliecināts, neievadiet " "paroli." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:4 -msgid "Network" -msgstr "Tīkls" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 -msgid "Network:" -msgstr "Tīkls:" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:6 msgid "Nickname:" msgstr "Iesauka:" @@ -1066,48 +1093,20 @@ msgid "Real name:" msgstr "Īstais vārds:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 -msgid "Servers" -msgstr "Serveris" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:12 -msgid "What is your IRC nickname?" -msgstr "Kāds ir jūsu IRC ekrāna vārds?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 msgid "Which IRC network?" msgstr "Kurš IRC tīkls?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:1 -msgid "Example: user@gmail.com" -msgstr "Piemērs: lietotajs@gmail.com" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:2 -msgid "Example: user@jabber.org" -msgstr "Piemērs: lietotajs@jabber.org" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:4 -msgid "Encr_yption required (TLS/SSL)" -msgstr "Vajad_zīga šifrēšana (TLS/SSL)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:5 -msgid "I_gnore SSL certificate errors" -msgstr "I_gnorēt SSL sertifikāta kļūdas" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:7 -msgid "Override server settings" -msgstr "Aizstāt servera iestatījumus" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:9 -msgid "Priori_ty:" -msgstr "Priori_tāte:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 +msgid "What is your IRC nickname?" +msgstr "Kāds ir jūsu IRC ekrāna vārds?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:12 -msgid "Reso_urce:" -msgstr "Res_urss:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:1 +msgid "What is your Facebook username?" +msgstr "Kāds ir jūsu Facebook lietotāja vārds?" #. This string is not wrapped in the dialog so you may have to add some '\n' to make it look nice. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:14 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:3 msgid "" "This is your username, not your normal Facebook login.\n" "If you are facebook.com/badger, enter badger.\n" @@ -1119,179 +1118,203 @@ "Ja jums nav Facebook lietotāja vārda, varat to izvēlēties šajā lapā." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:17 -msgid "Use old SS_L" -msgstr "Lietot veco SS_L" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:18 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:6 msgid "What is your Facebook password?" msgstr "Kāda ir jūsu Facebook parole?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:19 -msgid "What is your Facebook username?" -msgstr "Kāds ir jūsu Facebook lietotāja vārds?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:20 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your Google ID?" msgstr "Kāds ir jūsu Google ID?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:21 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:9 +msgid "Example: user@gmail.com" +msgstr "Piemērs: lietotajs@gmail.com" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:10 msgid "What is your Google password?" msgstr "Kāda ir jūsu Google parole?" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:11 +msgid "Example: user@jabber.org" +msgstr "Piemērs: lietotajs@jabber.org" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:15 +msgid "I_gnore SSL certificate errors" +msgstr "I_gnorēt SSL sertifikāta kļūdas" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:16 +msgid "Priori_ty:" +msgstr "Priori_tāte:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:17 +msgid "Reso_urce:" +msgstr "Res_urss:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:18 +msgid "Encr_yption required (TLS/SSL)" +msgstr "Ši_frēšana pieprasīta (TLS/SSL)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:19 +msgid "Use old SS_L" +msgstr "Lietot veco SS_L" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:22 +msgid "Override server settings" +msgstr "Aizstāt servera iestatījumus" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:24 msgid "What is your Jabber ID?" msgstr "Kāds ir jūsu Jabber ID?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:23 -msgid "What is your Jabber password?" -msgstr "Kāda ir jūsu Jabber parole?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:24 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:25 msgid "What is your desired Jabber ID?" msgstr "Kāds ir jūsu vēlamais Jabber ID?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:25 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:26 +msgid "What is your Jabber password?" +msgstr "Kāda ir jūsu Jabber parole?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:27 msgid "What is your desired Jabber password?" msgstr "Kāda ir jūsu vēlamā Jabber parole?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:3 msgid "Example: user@hotmail.com" msgstr "Piemērs: lietotajs@hotmail.com" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your Windows Live ID?" msgstr "Kāds ir jūsu Windows Live ID?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your Windows Live password?" msgstr "Kāda ir jūsu Windows Live parole?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:2 -msgid "E-_mail address:" -msgstr "E-_pasta adrese:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:1 msgid "Nic_kname:" msgstr "Iesau_ka:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Last Name:" +msgstr "_Uzvārds:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:3 msgid "_First Name:" msgstr "_Vārds:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Published Name:" +msgstr "_Publiskotais vārds:" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:5 msgid "_Jabber ID:" msgstr "_Jabber ID:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:6 -msgid "_Last Name:" -msgstr "_Uzvārds:" +msgid "E-_mail address:" +msgstr "E-_pasta adrese:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:7 -msgid "_Published Name:" -msgstr "_Publiskotais vārds:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Username:" +msgstr "_Lietotājvārds:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:3 msgid "Example: user@my.sip.server" msgstr "Piemērs: lietotajs@my.sip.server" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:3 -msgid "Authentication username:" -msgstr "Autentifikācijas vārds:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:4 -msgid "Discover Binding" -msgstr "Atklāt saistīšanu" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:5 -msgid "Discover the STUN server automatically" -msgstr "Atklāt STUN serveri automātiski" +msgid "Use this account to call _landlines and mobile phones" +msgstr "Šo kontu izmantot, _lai zvanītu iekšzemes un mobilajiem tālruņiem" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:6 -msgid "Ignore TLS Errors" -msgstr "Ignorēt TLS kļūdas" +msgid "NAT Traversal Options" +msgstr "NAT šķērsošanas opcijas" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:7 -msgid "Interval (seconds)" -msgstr "Intervāls (sekundēs)" +msgid "Proxy Options" +msgstr "Starpniekservera opcijas" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:8 -msgid "Keep-Alive Options" -msgstr "Keep-alive opcijas" +msgid "Miscellaneous Options" +msgstr "Dažādas opcijas" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:9 -msgid "Loose Routing" -msgstr "Brīvā maršrutēšana" +msgid "STUN Server:" +msgstr "STUN serveris:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:10 -msgid "Mechanism:" -msgstr "Mehānisms:" +msgid "Discover the STUN server automatically" +msgstr "Atklāt STUN serveri automātiski" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:11 -msgid "Miscellaneous Options" -msgstr "Dažādas opcijas" +msgid "Discover Binding" +msgstr "Atklāt saistīšanu" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:12 -msgid "NAT Traversal Options" -msgstr "NAT šķērsošanas opcijas" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:114 +msgid "Server:" +msgstr "Serveris:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:13 +msgid "Keep-Alive Options" +msgstr "Keep-alive opcijas" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:14 -msgid "Port:" -msgstr "Ports:" +msgid "Mechanism:" +msgstr "Mehānisms:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:15 -msgid "Proxy Options" -msgstr "Starpniekservera opcijas" +msgid "Interval (seconds)" +msgstr "Intervāls (sekundēs)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:16 +msgid "Authentication username:" +msgstr "Autentifikācijas vārds:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:17 +msgid "Transport:" +msgstr "Transports:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:18 -msgid "STUN Server:" -msgstr "STUN serveris:" +msgid "Loose Routing" +msgstr "Brīvā maršrutēšana" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:19 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:347 -msgid "Server:" -msgstr "Serveris:" +msgid "Ignore TLS Errors" +msgstr "Ignorēt TLS kļūdas" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:20 -msgid "Transport:" -msgstr "Transports:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:21 -msgid "Use this account to call _landlines and mobile phones" -msgstr "Šo kontu izmantot, _lai zvanītu iekšzemes un mobilajiem tālruņiem" +msgid "Port:" +msgstr "Ports:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:22 -msgid "What is your SIP account password?" -msgstr "Kāda ir jūsu SIP konta parole?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:23 msgid "What is your SIP login ID?" msgstr "Kāds ir jūsu SIP lietotāja ID?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:24 -msgid "_Username:" -msgstr "_Lietotājvārds:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:23 +msgid "What is your SIP account password?" +msgstr "Kāda ir jūsu SIP konta parole?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:2 +msgid "Yahoo! I_D:" +msgstr "Yahoo! I_D:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:5 msgid "I_gnore conference and chat room invitations" msgstr "I_gnorēt konferenču un tērzēšanas istabu uzaicinājumus" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Room List locale:" +msgstr "_Istabu saraksta lokāle:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:10 msgid "What is your Yahoo! ID?" msgstr "Kāds ir jūsu Yahoo! ID?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:11 msgid "What is your Yahoo! password?" msgstr "Kāda ir jūsu Yahoo! parole?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:9 -msgid "Yahoo! I_D:" -msgstr "Yahoo! I_D:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:11 -msgid "_Room List locale:" -msgstr "_Istabu saraksta lokāle:" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:471 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:556 msgid "Couldn't convert image" @@ -1329,61 +1352,65 @@ msgid "Click to enlarge" msgstr "Klikšķiniet, lai palielinātu" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:44 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:42 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:60 msgid "There was an error starting the call" msgstr "Gadījās kļūda, sākot zvanu" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:51 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:49 msgid "The specified contact doesn't support calls" msgstr "Norādītais kontakts neatbalsta zvanus" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:53 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:51 msgid "The specified contact is offline" msgstr "Norādītais kontakts ir nesaistē" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:55 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:53 msgid "The specified contact is not valid" msgstr "Norādītais kontakts ir nav derīgs" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:57 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:55 msgid "Emergency calls are not supported on this protocol" msgstr "Šis protokols neatbalsta ārkārtas zvanus" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:702 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:57 +msgid "You don't have enough credit in order to place this call" +msgstr "Jums nepietiek kredītā, lai veiktu šo zvanu" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:729 msgid "Failed to open private chat" msgstr "Neizdevās izveidot privātu tērzēšanas istabu" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:763 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:787 msgid "Topic not supported on this conversation" msgstr "Šai sarunai temats nav atbalstīts" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:769 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:793 msgid "You are not allowed to change the topic" msgstr "Jums nav tiesību mainīt tematu" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:973 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:992 #, c-format msgid "“%s” is not a valid contact ID" msgstr "“%s” nav derīgs kontakta ID" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1058 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1087 msgid "/clear: clear all messages from the current conversation" msgstr "/clear: attīrīt visus ziņojumus no šīs sarunas" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1061 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1090 msgid "/topic : set the topic of the current conversation" msgstr "/topic : uzlikt tematu šai sarunai" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1064 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1093 msgid "/join : join a new chat room" msgstr "/join : pievienoties jaunai tērzēšanas istabai" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1067 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1096 msgid "/j : join a new chat room" msgstr "/j : pievienoties jaunai tērzēšanas istabai" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1071 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1100 msgid "" "/part [] []: leave the chat room, by default the " "current one" @@ -1391,23 +1418,23 @@ "/part [] []: pamest tērzēšanas istabu, pēc noklusēšanas " "tā ir pašreizējā" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1075 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1104 msgid "/query []: open a private chat" msgstr "/query []: atvērt privāto tērzēšanu" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1078 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1107 msgid "/msg : open a private chat" msgstr "/msg : atvērt privāto tērzēšanu" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1081 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1110 msgid "/nick : change your nickname on the current server" msgstr "/nick : mainīt jūsu iesauku uz šī servera" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1084 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1113 msgid "/me : send an ACTION message to the current conversation" msgstr "/me : nosūtīt darbības ziņojumu šajā sarunā" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1087 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1116 msgid "" "/say : send to the current conversation. This is used to " "send a message starting with a '/'. For example: \"/say /join is used to " @@ -1417,11 +1444,11 @@ "ziņojumu, kurš sākas ar '/'. Piemēram: \"/say /join tiek izmantots, lai " "pievienotos jaunai tērzēšanas istabai\"" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1092 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1121 msgid "/whois : display information about a contact" msgstr "/whois : rādīt informāciju par kontaktu" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1095 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1124 msgid "" "/help []: show all supported commands. If is defined, " "show its usage." @@ -1429,113 +1456,127 @@ "/help []: rādīt visas atbalstītās komandas. Ja dota , " "parādīt tās lietošanu." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1112 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1143 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s" msgstr "Lietojums: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1157 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1188 msgid "Unknown command" msgstr "Nezināma komanda" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1283 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1314 msgid "Unknown command; see /help for the available commands" msgstr "Nezināma komanda; /help var parādīt pieejamās komandas" -#. translators: error used when user doesn't have enough credit on his -#. * account to send the message. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1453 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1565 msgid "insufficient balance to send message" msgstr "nepietiekama bilance, lai nosūtītu ziņojumu" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1455 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1569 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1583 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1646 +#, c-format +msgid "Error sending message '%s': %s" +msgstr "Kļūda, sūtot ziņojumu '%s': %s" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1571 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1588 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1650 +#, c-format +msgid "Error sending message: %s" +msgstr "Kļūda, sūtot ziņojumu: %s" + +#. translators: error used when user doesn't have enough credit on his +#. * account to send the message. +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1577 +#, c-format +msgid "insufficient balance to send message. Top up." +msgstr "" +"nepietiekama bilance, lai nosūtītu ziņojumu. Uzpildīt." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1617 msgid "not capable" msgstr "nav spējīgs" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1462 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1624 msgid "offline" msgstr "nesaistē" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1465 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1627 msgid "invalid contact" msgstr "nederīgs kontakts" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1468 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1630 msgid "permission denied" msgstr "atļauja liegta" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1471 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1633 msgid "too long message" msgstr "pārāk garš ziņojums" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1474 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1636 msgid "not implemented" msgstr "nav realizēts" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1478 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1640 msgid "unknown" msgstr "nezināms" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1484 -#, c-format -msgid "Error sending message '%s': %s" -msgstr "Kļūda, sūtot ziņojumu '%s': %s" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1488 -#, c-format -msgid "Error sending message: %s" -msgstr "Kļūda, sūtot ziņojumu: %s" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1549 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:761 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1707 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:920 msgid "Topic:" msgstr "Temats:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1561 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1722 #, c-format msgid "Topic set to: %s" msgstr "Temats ir: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1563 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1724 +#, c-format +msgid "Topic set by %s to: %s" +msgstr "Tematu iestatīja %s un tas ir ir: %s" + +#. No need to display this 'event' is no topic can be defined anyway +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1729 msgid "No topic defined" msgstr "Temats nav norādīts" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2072 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2245 msgid "(No Suggestions)" msgstr "(Nav ieteikumu)" #. translators: %s is the selected word -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2140 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2313 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to Dictionary" msgstr "Pievienot '%s' vārdnīcai" #. translators: first %s is the selected word, #. * second %s is the language name of the target dictionary -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2177 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2350 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to %s Dictionary" msgstr "Pievienot '%s' vārdnīcai '%s'" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2247 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2420 msgid "Insert Smiley" msgstr "Ievietot smaidiņu" #. send button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2265 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1839 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2438 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1880 msgid "_Send" msgstr "_Sūtīt" #. Spelling suggestions -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2319 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2495 msgid "_Spelling Suggestions" msgstr "_Pareizrakstības ieteikumi" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2408 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2584 msgid "Failed to retrieve recent logs" msgstr "Neizdevās iegūt pēdējos ierakstus" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2545 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2723 #, c-format msgid "%s has disconnected" msgstr "%s ir izgājis" @@ -1543,12 +1584,12 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the kicked should come before the kicker in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2552 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2730 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was kicked by %2$s" msgstr "%2$s ņēma un izspēra %1$s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2555 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2733 #, c-format msgid "%s was kicked" msgstr "%s tika izsperts" @@ -1556,17 +1597,17 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the banned should come before the banner in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2563 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2741 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was banned by %2$s" msgstr "%2$s ņēma un izraidīja %1$s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2566 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2744 #, c-format msgid "%s was banned" msgstr "%s tika izraidīts" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2570 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2748 #, c-format msgid "%s has left the room" msgstr "%s pameta istabu" @@ -1576,17 +1617,17 @@ #. * given by the user living the room. If this poses a problem, #. * please let us know. :-) #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2579 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2757 #, c-format msgid " (%s)" msgstr " (%s)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2604 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2782 #, c-format msgid "%s has joined the room" msgstr "%s pievienojās istabai" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2629 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2807 #, c-format msgid "%s is now known as %s" msgstr "%s tagad saucas %s" @@ -1594,90 +1635,90 @@ #. We don't know if the incoming call has been accepted or not, so we #. * assume it hasn't and if it has, we'll set the proper status when #. * we get the new handler. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2768 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1894 -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1240 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1391 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1441 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2479 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2994 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1888 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1279 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1502 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1552 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2585 msgid "Disconnected" msgstr "Atvienots" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3415 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3658 msgid "Would you like to store this password?" msgstr "Vai vēlaties saglabāt šo paroli?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3421 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3664 msgid "Remember" msgstr "Atcerēties" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3431 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3674 msgid "Not now" msgstr "Ne tagad" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3475 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3718 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-bad-password-dialog.c:142 msgid "Retry" msgstr "Mēģināt vēlreiz" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3479 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3722 msgid "Wrong password; please try again:" msgstr "Nepareiza parole; mēģiniet vēlreiz:" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3609 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3852 msgid "This room is protected by a password:" msgstr "Šī istaba ir aizsargāta ar paroli:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3636 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3879 msgid "Join" msgstr "Pievienoties" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3838 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1261 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4071 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1300 msgid "Connected" msgstr "Savienots" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3893 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4126 msgid "Conversation" msgstr "Saruna" #. Translators: this string is a something like #. * "Escher Cat (SMS)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3898 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4131 #, c-format msgid "%s (SMS)" msgstr "%s (SMS)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:424 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:262 msgid "Unknown or invalid identifier" msgstr "Nezināms vai nederīgs identifikators" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:426 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:264 msgid "Contact blocking temporarily unavailable" msgstr "Kontaktu bloķēšana pagaidām nepieejama" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:428 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:266 msgid "Contact blocking unavailable" msgstr "Kontaktu bloķēšana ir nepieejama" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:430 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:268 msgid "Permission Denied" msgstr "Atļauja liegta" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:434 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:272 msgid "Could not block contact" msgstr "Neizdevās bloķēt kontaktu" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:774 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:610 msgid "Edit Blocked Contacts" msgstr "Rediģēt bloķētos kontaktus" #. Account and Identifier #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:512 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1489 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-selector-dialog.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:506 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1474 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:7 msgid "Account:" msgstr "Konts:" @@ -1687,62 +1728,53 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:3 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:5 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 #: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:3 msgid "Remove" msgstr "Izņemt" #. Copy Link Address menu item -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:320 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:322 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-webkit-utils.c:277 msgid "_Copy Link Address" msgstr "_Kopēt saites adresi" #. Open Link menu item -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:327 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:329 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-webkit-utils.c:284 msgid "_Open Link" msgstr "_Atvērt saiti" #. Translators: timestamp displayed between conversations in #. * chat windows (strftime format string) -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:415 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:417 msgid "%A %B %d %Y" msgstr "%A %B %d %Y" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:299 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-edit-dialog.c:247 -msgid "Edit Contact Information" -msgstr "Labot kontakta informāciju" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:350 -msgid "Personal Information" -msgstr "Personīgā informācija" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:459 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:119 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:326 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:118 msgid "New Contact" msgstr "Jauns kontakts" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:533 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:200 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:395 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:197 #, c-format msgid "Block %s?" msgstr "Bloķēt %s?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:538 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:255 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:400 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:252 #, c-format msgid "Are you sure you want to block '%s' from contacting you again?" msgstr "Vai tiešām vēlaties bloķēt '%s' iespēju ar jums sazināties?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:543 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:277 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:405 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:274 msgid "_Block" msgstr "_Bloķēt" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:559 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:286 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:423 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:283 msgid "_Report this contact as abusive" msgid_plural "_Report these contacts as abusive" msgstr[0] "_Ziņot par šo kontaktu kā par aizskarošu" @@ -1750,401 +1782,316 @@ msgstr[2] "_Ziņot par šo kontaktiem kā par aizskarošiem" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:1 -msgid "Decide _Later" -msgstr "Izlemt vē_lāk" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:2 msgid "Subscription Request" msgstr "Pierakstīšanās lūgums" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:2 msgid "_Block User" msgstr "_Bloķēt lietotāju" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-store.h:71 -msgid "Ungrouped" -msgstr "Negrupēts" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-store.h:72 -msgid "Favorite People" -msgstr "Īpašie cilvēki" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:1986 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2376 -#, c-format -msgid "Do you really want to remove the group '%s'?" -msgstr "Vai tiešām vēlaties izņemt grupu '%s'?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:1988 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2379 -msgid "Removing group" -msgstr "Izņem grupu" - -#. Remove -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2037 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2114 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2434 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2637 -msgid "_Remove" -msgstr "_Izņemt" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2067 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2501 -#, c-format -msgid "Do you really want to remove the contact '%s'?" -msgstr "Vai tiešām vēlaties izņemt kontaktu '%s'?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2069 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2522 -msgid "Removing contact" -msgstr "Izņem kontaktu" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:220 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:14 -msgid "_Add Contact…" -msgstr "_Pievienot kontaktu..." - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:300 -msgid "_Block Contact" -msgstr "_Bloķēt kontaktu" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:329 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:758 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:16 -msgid "_Chat" -msgstr "_Tērzēt" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:361 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:849 -msgctxt "menu item" -msgid "_Audio Call" -msgstr "_Zvans" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:394 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:894 -msgctxt "menu item" -msgid "_Video Call" -msgstr "_Video zvans" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:440 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:947 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:27 -msgid "_Previous Conversations" -msgstr "Ie_priekšējās sarunas" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:462 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:988 -msgid "Send File" -msgstr "Sūtīt failu" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:485 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1030 -msgid "Share My Desktop" -msgstr "Dalīties ar manu darbvirsmu" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:525 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1886 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1065 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1372 -msgid "Favorite" -msgstr "Iecienītais" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:554 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1093 -msgid "Infor_mation" -msgstr "Infor_mācija" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:600 -msgctxt "Edit contact (contextual menu)" -msgid "_Edit" -msgstr "R_ediģēt" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:654 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1283 -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:1011 -msgid "Inviting you to this room" -msgstr "Aicina jūs uz šo istabu" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:685 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1329 -msgid "_Invite to Chat Room" -msgstr "Uza_icināt uz tērzēšanas istabu" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:3 +msgid "Decide _Later" +msgstr "Izlemt vē_lāk" #. Title -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:505 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:499 msgid "Search contacts" msgstr "Meklēt kontaktos" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:535 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:529 msgid "Search: " msgstr "Meklēt:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:593 -msgid "_Add Contact" -msgstr "Pievienot kont_aktu" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:611 -msgid "No contacts found" -msgstr "Kontakti nav atrasti" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:627 -msgid "Your message introducing yourself:" -msgstr "Ziņojums, ar kuru iepazīstināt ar sevi:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:635 -msgid "Please let me see when you're online. Thanks!" -msgstr "Lūdzu, ļaujiet man redzēt, kad esat tiešsaistē. Paldies!" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-selector.c:129 -msgid "Select a contact" -msgstr "Izvēlēties kontaktu" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:336 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:153 -msgid "Full name:" -msgstr "Vārds, uzvārds:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:337 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:154 -msgid "Phone number:" -msgstr "Tālruņa numurs:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:338 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:155 -msgid "E-mail address:" -msgstr "E-pasta adrese:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:339 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:156 -msgid "Website:" -msgstr "Tīmekļa vietne:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:340 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:157 -msgid "Birthday:" -msgstr "Dzimšanas diena:" - -#. Note to translators: this is the caption for a string of the form "5 -#. * minutes ago", and refers to the time since the contact last interacted -#. * with their IM client. -#. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:346 -msgid "Last seen:" -msgstr "Pēdējo reizi redzēts:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:587 +msgid "_Add Contact" +msgstr "Pievienot kont_aktu" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:348 -msgid "Connected from:" -msgstr "Savienojies no:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:605 +msgid "No contacts found" +msgstr "Kontakti nav atrasti" -#. FIXME: once Idle implements SimplePresence using this information, we can -#. * and should bin this. -#. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:353 -msgid "Away message:" -msgstr "Ziņa, kad projām:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:621 +msgid "Your message introducing yourself:" +msgstr "Ziņojums, ar kuru iepazīstināt ar sevi:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:629 +msgid "Please let me see when you're online. Thanks!" +msgstr "Lūdzu, ļaujiet man redzēt, kad esat tiešsaistē. Paldies!" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:606 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:569 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:304 msgid "Channels:" msgstr "Kanāli:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:897 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:469 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:749 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:455 msgid "Country ISO Code:" msgstr "Valsts ISO kods:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:899 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:471 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:751 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:457 msgid "Country:" msgstr "Valsts:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:901 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:473 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:753 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:459 msgid "State:" msgstr "Stāvoklis:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:903 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:475 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:755 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:461 msgid "City:" msgstr "Pilsēta:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:905 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:477 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:757 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:463 msgid "Area:" msgstr "Reģions:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:907 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:479 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:759 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:465 msgid "Postal Code:" msgstr "Pasta indekss:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:909 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:481 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:761 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:467 msgid "Street:" msgstr "Iela:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:911 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:483 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:763 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:469 msgid "Building:" msgstr "Ēka:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:913 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:485 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:765 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:471 msgid "Floor:" msgstr "Stāvs:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:915 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:487 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:767 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:473 msgid "Room:" msgstr "Istaba:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:917 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:489 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:769 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:475 msgid "Text:" msgstr "Teksts:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:919 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:491 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:771 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:477 msgid "Description:" msgstr "Apraksts:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:921 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:493 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:773 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:479 msgid "URI:" msgstr "URI:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:923 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:495 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:775 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:481 msgid "Accuracy Level:" msgstr "Precizitātes līmenis:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:925 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:497 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:777 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:483 msgid "Error:" msgstr "Kļūda:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:927 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:499 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:779 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:485 msgid "Vertical Error (meters):" msgstr "Vertikālā kļūda (metros):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:929 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:501 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:781 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:487 msgid "Horizontal Error (meters):" msgstr "Horizontālā kļūda (metros):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:931 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:503 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:783 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:489 msgid "Speed:" msgstr "Ātrums:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:933 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:505 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:785 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:491 msgid "Bearing:" msgstr "Peilējums:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:935 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:507 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:787 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:493 msgid "Climb Speed:" msgstr "Kāpšanas ātrums:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:937 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:509 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:789 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:495 msgid "Last Updated on:" msgstr "Pēdējo reizi atjaunināts:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:939 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:511 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:791 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:497 msgid "Longitude:" msgstr "Garums:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:941 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:513 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:793 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:499 msgid "Latitude:" msgstr "Platums:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:943 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:515 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:795 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:501 msgid "Altitude:" msgstr "Augstums:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:996 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1011 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:607 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:622 -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:17 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:848 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:863 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:593 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:608 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:35 msgid "Location" msgstr "Vieta" #. translators: format is "Location, $date" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1013 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:624 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:865 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:610 #, c-format msgid "%s, %s" msgstr "%s, %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1065 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:673 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:917 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:659 msgid "%B %e, %Y at %R UTC" msgstr "%B %e, %Y %R UTC" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1147 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:915 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:999 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:900 msgid "Save Avatar" msgstr "Saglabāt attēlu" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1203 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:973 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1055 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:958 msgid "Unable to save avatar" msgstr "Nevar saglabāt attēlu" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:1 -msgid "Location at (date)\t" -msgstr "Vieta (datums)\t" - -#. Alias -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1308 -msgid "Alias:" -msgstr "Pseidonīms:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:4 -msgid "Client Information" -msgstr "Klienta informācija" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:5 -msgid "Client:" -msgstr "Klients:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1446 +#| msgid "Technical Details" +msgid "Personal Details" +msgstr "Personīgā informācija" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1449 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:2 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:3 msgid "Contact Details" msgstr "Kontakta informācija" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:104 +msgid "Full name" +msgstr "Vārds, uzvārds" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:105 +msgid "Phone number" +msgstr "Tālruņa numurs" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:106 +msgid "E-mail address" +msgstr "E-pasta adrese" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:107 +msgid "Website" +msgstr "Tīmekļa vietne" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:108 +msgid "Birthday" +msgstr "Dzimšanas diena" + +#. Note to translators: this is the caption for a string of the form "5 +#. * minutes ago", and refers to the time since the contact last interacted +#. * with their IM client. +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:113 +msgid "Last seen:" +msgstr "Pēdējo reizi redzēts:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:115 +msgid "Connected from:" +msgstr "Savienojies no:" + +#. FIXME: once Idle implements SimplePresence using this information, we can +#. * and should bin this. +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:119 +msgid "Away message:" +msgstr "Ziņa, kad projām:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:132 +msgid "work" +msgstr "darbs" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:133 +msgid "home" +msgstr "mājas" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:134 +msgid "mobile" +msgstr "mobilais" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:135 +msgid "voice" +msgstr "balss" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:136 +msgid "preferred" +msgstr "vēlamais" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:137 +msgid "postal" +msgstr "pasta" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:138 +msgid "parcel" +msgstr "sainis" + #. Identifier to connect to Instant Messaging network #. Translators: Identifier to connect to Instant Messaging network -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:8 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1517 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1502 msgid "Identifier:" msgstr "Identifikators:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:3 +#. Alias +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1293 +msgid "Alias:" +msgstr "Pseidonīms:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:5 +msgid "Location at (date)\t" +msgstr "Vieta (datums)\t" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:4 msgid "Information requested…" msgstr "Informācija pieprasīta..." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:10 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:8 +msgid "Client Information" +msgstr "Klienta informācija" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:9 msgid "OS:" msgstr "OS:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:10 msgid "Version:" msgstr "Versija:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:333 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:11 +msgid "Client:" +msgstr "Klients:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:331 msgid "Groups" msgstr "Grupas" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:345 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:343 msgid "" "Select the groups you want this contact to appear in. Note that you can " "select more than one group or no groups." @@ -2152,107 +2099,180 @@ "Izvēlieties grupas, kurās vēlaties redzēt šo kontaktu. Varat izvēlēties " "vienu, vairākas vai nevienu grupu." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:364 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:362 msgid "_Add Group" msgstr "_Pievienot grupu" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:399 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:397 msgctxt "verb in a column header displaying group names" msgid "Select" msgstr "Izvēlēties" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:409 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1807 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:407 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1970 msgid "Group" msgstr "Grupa" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:260 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:257 msgid "The following identity will be blocked:" msgid_plural "The following identities will be blocked:" msgstr[0] "Sekojošais subjekts tiks bloķēts:" msgstr[1] "Sekojošie subjekti tiks bloķēti:" msgstr[2] "Sekojošie subjekti tiks bloķēti:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:267 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:264 msgid "The following identity can not be blocked:" msgid_plural "The following identities can not be blocked:" msgstr[0] "Sekojošo subjektu nevar bloķēt:" msgstr[1] "Sekojošos subjektus nevar bloķēt:" msgstr[2] "Sekojošos subjektus nevar bloķēt:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-edit-dialog.c:247 +msgid "Edit Contact Information" +msgstr "Labot kontakta informāciju" + #. Translators: the heading at the top of the Information dialogue #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-information-dialog.c:288 msgid "Linked Contacts" msgstr "Saistītie kontakti" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-linker.c:370 -msgid "Select contacts to link" -msgstr "Izvēlēties kontaktus, ko saistīt" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-linker.c:444 -msgid "New contact preview" -msgstr "Jauna kontakta priekšskatījums" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-linker.c:488 -msgid "Contacts selected in the list on the left will be linked together." -msgstr "Kontakti, kuri ir izvēlēti kreisajā sarakstā tiks sasaistīti" - #. Translators: this is used in the context menu for a contact. The first #. * parameter is a contact ID (e.g. foo@jabber.org) and the second is one #. * of the user's account IDs (e.g. me@hotmail.com). -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:145 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:173 #, c-format msgid "%s (%s)" msgstr "%s (%s)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:309 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:345 msgid "Select account to use to place the call" msgstr "Izvēlieties kontu, ko izmantot zvanu veikšanai" #. translators: Call is a noun. This string is used in the window #. * title -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:313 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:2 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1299 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:349 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1290 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:18 msgid "Call" msgstr "Zvans" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:378 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:414 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Mobilais" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:380 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:416 msgid "Work" msgstr "Darbs" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:382 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:418 msgid "HOME" msgstr "Mājas" -#. add an SMS button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:804 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:215 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:659 +msgid "_Block Contact" +msgstr "_Bloķēt kontaktu" + +#. add chat button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1018 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:319 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Chat" +msgstr "_Tērzēt" + +#. add SMS button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1053 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:313 msgid "_SMS" msgstr "_SMS" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1141 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1086 +msgctxt "menu item" +msgid "_Audio Call" +msgstr "_Zvans" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1119 +msgctxt "menu item" +msgid "_Video Call" +msgstr "_Video zvans" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1160 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Previous Conversations" +msgstr "Ie_priekšējās sarunas" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1189 +msgid "Send File" +msgstr "Sūtīt failu" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1219 +msgid "Share My Desktop" +msgstr "Dalīties ar darbvirsmu" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1245 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1357 +msgid "Favorite" +msgstr "Iecienītais" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1264 +#| msgid "telepathy-salut not installed" +msgid "gnome-contacts not installed" +msgstr "gnome-contacts nav instalēts" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1267 +msgid "Please install gnome-contacts to access contacts details." +msgstr "" +"Lūdzu, uzinstalējiet gnome-contacts, lai piekļūtu sīkākai informācijai par " +"kontaktu." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1398 +msgid "Infor_mation" +msgstr "Infor_mācija" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1447 msgctxt "Edit individual (contextual menu)" msgid "_Edit" msgstr "R_ediģēt" -#. Translators: this is a verb meaning "to connect two contacts together -#. * to form a meta-contact". -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1167 -msgctxt "Link individual (contextual menu)" -msgid "_Link Contacts…" -msgstr "_Saistīt kontaktus..." +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1564 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:1192 +msgid "Inviting you to this room" +msgstr "Aicina jūs uz šo istabu" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1610 +msgid "_Invite to Chat Room" +msgstr "Uza_icināt uz tērzēšanas istabu" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1806 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:5 +msgid "_Add Contact…" +msgstr "_Pievienot kontaktu..." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2341 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2304 msgid "Delete and _Block" msgstr "Dzēst un _bloķēt" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2510 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2339 +#, c-format +msgid "Do you really want to remove the group '%s'?" +msgstr "Vai tiešām vēlaties izņemt grupu '%s'?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2342 +msgid "Removing group" +msgstr "Izņem grupu" + +#. Remove +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2397 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2601 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_Izņemt" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2474 +#, c-format +msgid "Do you really want to remove the contact '%s'?" +msgstr "Vai tiešām vēlaties izņemt kontaktu '%s'?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2483 #, c-format msgid "" "Do you really want to remove the linked contact '%s'? Note that this will " @@ -2261,7 +2281,11 @@ "Vai tiešām vēlaties izņemt saistīto kontaktu '%s'? Ņemiet vērā, ka tas " "izņems visus kontaktus, kuri veido šo saistīto kontaktu." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1656 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2495 +msgid "Removing contact" +msgstr "Izņem kontaktu" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1641 #, c-format msgid "Linked contact containing %u contact" msgid_plural "Linked contacts containing %u contacts" @@ -2273,23 +2297,23 @@ msgid "Location at (date)" msgstr "Vieta (datums)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:2 msgid "Online from a phone or mobile device" msgstr "Tiešsaistē no tālruņa vai mobilās ierīces" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:332 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:335 msgid "New Network" msgstr "Jauns tīkls" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:527 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:530 msgid "Choose an IRC network" msgstr "Izvēlieties IRC tīklu" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:584 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:587 msgid "Reset _Networks List" msgstr "Atstatīt _tīkla sarakstu" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:588 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:591 msgctxt "verb displayed on a button to select an IRC network" msgid "Select" msgstr "Izvēlēties" @@ -2302,254 +2326,253 @@ msgid "SSL" msgstr "SSL" -#. Translators: this is the title of the linking dialogue (reached by -#. * right-clicking on a contact and selecting "Link…"). "Link" in this title -#. * is a verb. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:115 -msgid "Link Contacts" -msgstr "Saistītie kontakti" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:120 -msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" -msgid "_Unlink…" -msgstr "A_tsaistīt..." - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:121 -msgid "" -"Completely split the displayed linked contacts into the separate contacts." -msgstr "Redzamo saistīto kontaktu pilnībā sadalīt atsevišķos kontaktos." - -#. Add button -#. Translators: this is an action button in the linking dialogue. "Link" is -#. * used here as a verb meaning "to connect two contacts to form a -#. * meta-contact". -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:136 -msgid "_Link" -msgstr "_Saistīt" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:183 -#, c-format -msgid "Unlink linked contacts '%s'?" -msgstr "Atsaistīt saistītos kontaktus '%s'?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:186 -msgid "" -"Are you sure you want to unlink these linked contacts? This will completely " -"split the linked contacts into separate contacts." -msgstr "" -"Vai tiešām vēlaties atsaistīt šos saistītos kontaktus? Tas pilnībā sadalīs " -"saistītos kontaktus dažādos kontaktos." - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:190 -msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" -msgid "_Unlink" -msgstr "A_tsaistīt" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:634 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:620 msgid "History" msgstr "Vēsture" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:689 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:675 msgid "Show" msgstr "Rādīt" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:711 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:697 msgid "Search" msgstr "Meklēt" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1159 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1148 #, c-format msgid "Chat in %s" msgstr "Tērzēšana %s istabā" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1161 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1150 #, c-format msgid "Chat with %s" msgstr "Tērzēšana ar %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1211 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1358 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1200 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1347 msgctxt "A date with the time" msgid "%A, %e %B %Y %X" msgstr "%A, %e %B %Y %X" #. Translators: this is an emote: '* Danielle waves' -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1300 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1289 #, c-format msgid "* %s %s" msgstr "* %s %s" #. Translators: this is a message: 'Danielle: hello' #. * The string in bold is the sender's name -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1306 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1295 #, c-format msgid "%s: %s" msgstr "%s: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1382 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1371 #, c-format -#| msgid "%s second" -#| msgid_plural "%d seconds" msgid "%s second" msgid_plural "%s seconds" msgstr[0] "%s sekunde" msgstr[1] "%s sekundes" msgstr[2] "%s sekunžu" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1389 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1378 #, c-format -#| msgid "%s minute" -#| msgid_plural "%d minutes" msgid "%s minute" msgid_plural "%s minutes" msgstr[0] "%s minūte" msgstr[1] "%s minūtes" msgstr[2] "%s minūšu" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1397 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1386 #, c-format msgid "Call took %s, ended at %s" msgstr "Zvans ilga %s, beidzās %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1729 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1720 msgid "Today" msgstr "Šodien" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1733 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1724 msgid "Yesterday" msgstr "Vakar" #. Translators: A date such as '23 May 2010' (strftime format) -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1748 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1739 msgid "%e %B %Y" msgstr "%e %B %Y" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1829 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3425 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1827 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3487 msgid "Anytime" msgstr "Jebkad" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1916 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2353 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2400 msgid "Anyone" msgstr "Jebkurš" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2666 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2713 msgid "Who" msgstr "Kas" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2870 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2922 msgid "When" msgstr "Kad" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2986 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3038 msgid "Anything" msgstr "Jebkas" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2988 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3040 msgid "Text chats" msgstr "Teksta tērzēšana" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2990 -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3042 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:25 msgid "Calls" msgstr "Zvani" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2995 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3047 msgid "Incoming calls" msgstr "Ienākošie zvani" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2996 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3048 msgid "Outgoing calls" msgstr "Izejošie zvani" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2997 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3049 msgid "Missed calls" msgstr "Neatbildētie zvani" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3019 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3071 msgid "What" msgstr "Kas" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3728 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3780 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete all logs of previous conversations?" msgstr "Vai tiešām vēlaties dzēst visu iepriekšējo sarunu žurnālus?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3732 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3784 msgid "Clear All" msgstr "Attīrīt visu" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3739 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3791 msgid "Delete from:" msgstr "Dzēst no:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:1 -msgid "Loading..." -msgstr "Ielādē..." +msgid "_File" +msgstr "_Fails" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:3 -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Chat" -msgstr "Tērzēšana" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:2 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:9 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:12 +msgid "_Edit" +msgstr "R_ediģēt" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:3 msgid "Delete All History..." msgstr "Dzēst visu vēsturi..." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:4 msgid "Profile" msgstr "Profils" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:6 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:22 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:20 -msgid "Video" -msgstr "Video" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:5 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:19 +msgid "Chat" +msgstr "Tērzēšana" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:7 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:28 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:12 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:20 -msgid "_Edit" -msgstr "R_ediģēt" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:26 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:19 +msgid "Video" +msgstr "Video" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:8 -msgid "_File" -msgstr "_Fails" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:9 msgid "page 2" msgstr "lapa 2" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-selector-dialog.ui.h:2 -msgid "Contact ID:" -msgstr "Kontakta ID:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:9 +msgid "Loading..." +msgstr "Ielādē..." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:83 +msgid "The contact is offline" +msgstr "Kontakts ir nesaistē" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:85 +msgid "The specified contact is either invalid or unknown" +msgstr "Norādītais kontakts ir nav derīgs vai nav zināms" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:87 +msgid "The contact does not support this kind of conversation" +msgstr "Kontakts neatbalsta šāda veida sarunas" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:89 +msgid "The requested functionality is not implemented for this protocol" +msgstr "Šajā protokolā nav implementēta pieprasītā funkcionalitāte" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:95 +msgid "Could not start a conversation with the given contact" +msgstr "Nevarēja uzsākt sarunu ar doto kontaktu" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:97 +msgid "You are banned from this channel" +msgstr "Jūs esat izraidīts no šī kanāla" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:99 +msgid "This channel is full" +msgstr "Kanāls ir pilns" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:101 +msgid "You must be invited to join this channel" +msgstr "Jums jāsaņem uzaicinājums, lai pievienotos šim kanālam" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:103 +msgid "Can't proceed while disconnected" +msgstr "Nevar turpināt, kamēr ir atvienots" -#. add chat button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:225 -msgid "C_hat" -msgstr "_Tērzēt" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:105 +msgid "Permission denied" +msgstr "Atļauja liegta" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:111 +msgid "There was an error starting the conversation" +msgstr "Gadījās kļūda, sākot sarunu" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:290 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:200 +msgid "Enter a contact identifier or phone number:" +msgstr "Ievadiet kontakta identifikatoru vai tālruņa numuru:" #. Tweak the dialog -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:244 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:333 msgid "New Conversation" msgstr "Jauna saruna" -#. add video toggle -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:204 -msgid "Send _Video" -msgstr "Sūtīt _video" +#. add video button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:223 +msgid "_Video Call" +msgstr "_Video zvans" -#. add chat button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:215 -msgid "C_all" -msgstr "Zv_anīt" +#. add audio button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:233 +msgid "_Audio Call" +msgstr "Zv_ans" #. Tweak the dialog -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:225 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:243 msgid "New Call" -msgstr "Zvans" +msgstr "Jauns zvans" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-bad-password-dialog.c:130 +#, c-format +msgid "Authentification failed for account %s" +msgstr "Autentifikācija neizdevās kontam %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-password-dialog.c:274 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-base-password-dialog.c:224 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-password-dialog.c:134 #, c-format msgid "" "Enter your password for account\n" @@ -2586,12 +2609,8 @@ msgid "Set status" msgstr "Iestatīt statusu" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:943 -msgid "Set your presence and current status" -msgstr "Iestatiet savu klātbūtni un statusu" - #. Custom messages -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:1131 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:1135 msgid "Custom messages…" msgstr "Pielāgotās ziņas..." @@ -2599,7 +2618,7 @@ #. To translator: %s is the name of the protocol, such as "Google Talk" or #. * "Yahoo!" #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-protocol-chooser.c:584 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-protocol-chooser.c:588 #, c-format msgid "New %s account" msgstr "Jauns %s konts" @@ -2609,20 +2628,20 @@ msgstr "Meklēt:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:2 -msgid "Mat_ch case" -msgstr "Reģis_trjutīgs" +msgid "_Previous" +msgstr "Ie_priekšējais" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:3 -msgid "Phrase not found" -msgstr "Frāze nav atrasta" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:4 msgid "_Next" msgstr "_Nākamais" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:4 +msgid "Mat_ch case" +msgstr "Reģis_trjutīgs" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:5 -msgid "_Previous" -msgstr "Ie_priekšējais" +msgid "Phrase not found" +msgstr "Frāze nav atrasta" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-sound-manager.c:51 msgid "Received an instant message" @@ -2668,12 +2687,12 @@ msgid "Edit Custom Messages" msgstr "Labot pielāgotos ziņojumus" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1036 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1051 #, c-format msgid "Message edited at %s" msgstr "Ziņojums rediģēts %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1726 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1757 msgid "Normal" msgstr "Normāls" @@ -2750,34 +2769,39 @@ msgstr "Sertifikāta datora nosaukums: %s" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:281 -msgid "Continue" -msgstr "Turpināt" +#| msgid "Continue" +msgid "C_ontinue" +msgstr "T_urpināt" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:287 +msgid "Untrusted connection" +msgstr "Neuzticams savienojums" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:288 msgid "This connection is untrusted. Would you like to continue anyway?" msgstr "Šis savienojums nav uzticams. Vai tomēr vēlaties turpināt?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:297 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:298 msgid "Remember this choice for future connections" msgstr "Atcerēties šo izvēli turpmākajiem savienojumiem" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:303 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:304 msgid "Certificate Details" msgstr "Sertifikāta detaļas" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1735 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1754 msgid "Unable to open URI" msgstr "Nevar atvērt URI" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1831 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1872 msgid "Select a file" msgstr "Izvēlieties failu" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1903 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1947 msgid "Insufficient free space to save file" msgstr "Nepietiek brīvās vietas, lai saglabātu failu" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1911 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1955 #, c-format msgid "" "%s of free space are required to save this file, but only %s is available. " @@ -2786,7 +2810,7 @@ "Ir nepieciešami %s brīvas vietas, lai saglabātu šo failu, bet ir pieejami " "tikai %s. Lūdzu, izvēlieties citu vietu." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1955 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1999 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file from %s" msgstr "Ienākošais fails no %s" @@ -2958,39 +2982,31 @@ msgid "Vietnamese" msgstr "Vjetnamiešu" -#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:108 -msgid "The selected contact cannot receive files." -msgstr "Izvēlētais kontakts nevar saņemt failus." - -#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:114 -msgid "The selected contact is offline." -msgstr "Izvēlētais kontakts ir nesaistē." - -#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:169 +#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:202 msgid "No error message" msgstr "Nav kļūdas paziņojuma" -#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:242 +#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:275 msgid "Instant Message (Empathy)" msgstr "Tūlītējs ziņojums (Empathy)" -#: ../src/empathy.c:431 +#: ../src/empathy.c:435 msgid "Don't connect on startup" msgstr "Nepieslēgties automātiski" -#: ../src/empathy.c:435 +#: ../src/empathy.c:439 msgid "Don't display the contact list or any other dialogs on startup" msgstr "Pēc palaišanas nerādīt kontaktu sarakstu vai kādus citus dialogus" -#: ../src/empathy.c:450 +#: ../src/empathy.c:454 msgid "- Empathy IM Client" msgstr "- Empathy TZ klients" -#: ../src/empathy.c:637 +#: ../src/empathy.c:641 msgid "Error contacting the Account Manager" msgstr "Kļūda, sazinoties ar konta pārvaldnieku" -#: ../src/empathy.c:639 +#: ../src/empathy.c:643 #, c-format msgid "" "There was an error while trying to connect to the Telepathy Account Manager. " @@ -3038,232 +3054,94 @@ "Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA " "02111-1307 USA" -#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:107 +#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:109 msgid "An Instant Messaging client for GNOME" msgstr "Tūlītējās ziņojumapmaiņas klients GNOME videi" -#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:113 +#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:115 msgid "translator-credits" msgstr "" "Raivis Dejus \n" "Rūdolfs Mazurs \n" "Anita Reitere " -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:167 -msgid "There was an error while importing the accounts." -msgstr "Gadījās kļūda, importējot kontus." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:170 -msgid "There was an error while parsing the account details." -msgstr "Gadījās kļūda, analizējot konta informāciju." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:173 -msgid "There was an error while creating the account." -msgstr "Gadījās kļūda, veidojot kontu." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:175 -msgid "There was an error." -msgstr "Ir notikusi kļūda." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:179 -#, c-format -msgid "The error message was: %s" -msgstr "Kļūdas paziņojums: %s" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:183 -msgid "" -"You can either go back and try to enter your accounts' details again or quit " -"this assistant and add accounts later from the Edit menu." -msgstr "" -"Jūs varat atgriezties un ievadīt konta informāciju vēlreiz, vai arī iziet no " -"šī palīga un pievienot kontus vēlāk, izmantojot Rediģēšanas izvēlni." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:220 -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1271 -msgid "An error occurred" -msgstr "Notika kļūda" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:467 -msgid "What kind of chat account do you have?" -msgstr "Kāda veida tērzēšanas konts jums ir?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:473 -msgid "Do you have any other chat accounts you want to set up?" -msgstr "Vai vēlaties iestatīt vēl citus tērzēšanas kontus?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:479 -msgid "Enter your account details" -msgstr "Ievadiet sava konta informāciju" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:484 -msgid "What kind of chat account do you want to create?" -msgstr "Kāda veida tērzēšanas kontu vēlaties izveidot?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:490 -msgid "Do you want to create other chat accounts?" -msgstr "Vai vēlaties izveidot citus tērzēšanas kontus?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:497 -msgid "Enter the details for the new account" -msgstr "Ievadiet sava jaunā konta informāciju" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:612 -msgid "" -"With Empathy you can chat with people online nearby and with friends and " -"colleagues who use Google Talk, AIM, Windows Live and many other chat " -"programs. With a microphone or a webcam you can also have audio or video " -"calls." -msgstr "" -"Ar Empathy jūs varat tērzēt ar tuvumā esošiem cilvēkiem, kā arī ar draugiem " -"un kolēģiem, kuri izmanto Google Talk, AIM, Windows Live un daudzas citas " -"tērzēšanas programmas. Ar mikrofonu un tīmekļa kameru jūs varat veikt arī " -"audio un video zvanus." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:629 -msgid "Do you have an account you've been using with another chat program?" -msgstr "Vai jums ir konti, kurus izmantojat ar citu tērzēšanas programmu?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:652 -msgid "Yes, import my account details from " -msgstr "Jā, es vēlos importēt manu konta informāciju no " - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:673 -msgid "Yes, I'll enter my account details now" -msgstr "Jā, es tagad ievadīšu sava konta informāciju" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:695 -msgid "No, I want a new account" -msgstr "Nē, es vēlos veidot jaunu kontu" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:705 -msgid "No, I just want to see people online nearby for now" -msgstr "Nē, es pagaidām vēlos tikai redzēt tuvumā atrodamos cilvēkus" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:726 -msgid "Select the accounts you want to import:" -msgstr "Izvēlieties kontus, kurus vēlaties importēt:" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:813 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:555 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:556 -msgid "Yes" -msgstr "Jā" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:820 -msgid "No, that's all for now" -msgstr "Nē, pagaidām tas ir viss" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1085 -msgid "" -"Empathy can automatically discover and chat with the people connected on the " -"same network as you. If you want to use this feature, please check that the " -"details below are correct. You can easily change these details later or " -"disable this feature by using the 'Accounts' dialog" -msgstr "" -"Empathy var automātiski atrast tērzēšanai cilvēkus jūsu lokālajā tīklā. Ja " -"vēlaties lietot šo iespēju, lūdzu, pārliecinieties, ka norādītās detaļas ir " -"pareizas. Vēlāk jūs tās varat viegli izmainīt vai atslēgt šo iespēju, " -"izmantojot dialogu 'Konti'." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1091 -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1147 -msgid "Edit->Accounts" -msgstr "Rediģēt->Konti" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1107 -msgid "I do _not want to enable this feature for now" -msgstr "Es pagaidām _nevēlos ieslēgt šo iespēju" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1143 -msgid "" -"You won't be able to chat with people connected to your local network, as " -"telepathy-salut is not installed. If you want to enable this feature, please " -"install the telepathy-salut package and create a People Nearby account from " -"the Accounts dialog" -msgstr "" -"Neizdosies tērzēt ar cilvēkiem lokālajā tīklā, jo telepathy-salut nav " -"instalēts. Ja vēlaties ieslēgt šo iespēju, lūdzu, instalējiet telepathy-" -"salut pakotni un izveidojiet atbilstošo kontu Kontu dialogā" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1149 -msgid "telepathy-salut not installed" -msgstr "telepathy-salut nav instalēts" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1195 -msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts Assistant" -msgstr "Ziņojumapmaiņas un IP balss pārraides kontu asistents" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1229 -msgid "Welcome to Empathy" -msgstr "Laipni lūdzam Empathy" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1238 -msgid "Import your existing accounts" -msgstr "Importēt jau esošos kontus" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1256 -msgid "Please enter personal details" -msgstr "Lūdzu, ievadiet savus datus" - #. The primary text of the dialog shown to the user when he is about to lose #. * unsaved changes -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:64 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:72 #, c-format msgid "There are unsaved modifications to your %s account." msgstr "Kontam %s ir nesaglabātas izmaiņas." #. The primary text of the dialog shown to the user when he is about to lose #. * an unsaved new account -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:68 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:76 msgid "Your new account has not been saved yet." msgstr "Jaunais konts vēl nav saglabāts." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:345 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:754 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1175 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:370 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:759 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1289 msgid "Connecting…" msgstr "Savienojas..." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:386 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:411 #, c-format msgid "Offline — %s" msgstr "Nesaistē — %s" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:398 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:423 #, c-format msgid "Disconnected — %s" msgstr "Atvienots — %s" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:409 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:434 msgid "Offline — No Network Connection" msgstr "Nesaistē — nav tīkla savienojuma" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:416 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:441 msgid "Unknown Status" msgstr "Nezināms statuss" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:428 -msgid "Offline — Account Disabled" -msgstr "Nesaistē — konts atslēgts" - -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:831 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:458 msgid "" -"You are about to create a new account, which will discard\n" -"your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" +"This account has been disabled because it relies on an old, unsupported " +"backend. Please install telepathy-haze and restart your session to migrate " +"the account." msgstr "" -"Jūs tūlīt izveidosiet jaunu kontu, kas izmetīs jūsu izmaiņas.\n" -"Vai tiešām vēlaties turpināt?" +"Šis konts tika deaktivēts, ko tas balstās uz vecu un neatbalstītu aizmuguri. " +"Lūdzu, uzinstalējiet telepathy-haze un pārstartējiet sesiju, lai migrētu šo " +"kontu." + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:468 +msgid "Offline — Account Disabled" +msgstr "Nesaistē — konts deaktivēts" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:574 +msgid "Edit Connection Parameters" +msgstr "Rediģēt savienojuma parametrus" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:739 +msgid "Failed to retrieve your personal information from the server." +msgstr "Neizdevās saņemt jūsu personīgo informāciju no servera." + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:745 +msgid "Go online to edit your personal information." +msgstr "Dodieties tiešsaistē, lai rediģētu savu personīgo informāciju." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1192 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:830 +msgid "_Edit Connection Parameters..." +msgstr "R_ediģēt savienojuma parametrus..." + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1326 #, c-format msgid "Do you want to remove %s from your computer?" msgstr "Vai vēlaties izņemt %s no sava datora?" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1196 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1330 msgid "This will not remove your account on the server." msgstr "Tas neizņems jūsu kontu no servera." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1432 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1566 msgid "" "You are about to select another account, which will discard\n" "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" @@ -3272,15 +3150,24 @@ "Vai tiešām vēlaties turpināt?" #. Menu items: to enabled/disable the account -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1643 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1742 msgid "_Enable" msgstr "I_eslēgt" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1644 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1743 msgid "_Disable" msgstr "_Atslēgt" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2154 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2126 +msgid "_Skip" +msgstr "Izlai_st" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2130 +#| msgid "Connected" +msgid "_Connect" +msgstr "_Savienoties" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2307 msgid "" "You are about to close the window, which will discard\n" "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" @@ -3292,19 +3179,15 @@ msgid "Add…" msgstr "Pievienot..." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 -msgid "Loading account information" -msgstr "Ielādē konta informāciju" - #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:3 -msgid "No protocol installed" -msgstr "Protokols nav uzinstalēts" +msgid "_Import…" +msgstr "_Importēt..." #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:4 -msgid "Protocol:" -msgstr "Protokols:" +msgid "Loading account information" +msgstr "Ielādē konta informāciju" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:5 msgid "" "To add a new account, you first have to install a backend for each protocol " "you want to use." @@ -3312,132 +3195,117 @@ "Lai izveidotu jaunu kontu, vispirms jāinstalē aizmugure katram protokolam, " "kuru vēlaties izmantot." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:7 -msgid "_Import…" -msgstr "_Importēt..." +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:6 +#| msgid "No protocol installed" +msgid "No protocol backends installed" +msgstr "Protokola aizmugure nav uzinstalēta" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:249 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:288 msgid " - Empathy authentication client" msgstr "- Empathy autentifikācijas klients" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:265 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:304 msgid "Empathy authentication client" msgstr "Empathy autentifikācijas klients" -#: ../src/empathy-auto-salut-account-helper.c:83 -msgid "People nearby" -msgstr "Tuvumā esošie cilvēki" - -#: ../src/empathy-av.c:118 ../src/empathy-call.c:192 +#: ../src/empathy-av.c:118 ../src/empathy-call.c:201 msgid "- Empathy Audio/Video Client" msgstr "- Empathy audio/video klients" -#: ../src/empathy-av.c:134 ../src/empathy-call.c:217 +#: ../src/empathy-av.c:134 ../src/empathy-call.c:223 msgid "Empathy Audio/Video Client" msgstr "Empathy audio/video klients" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:431 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:434 msgid "Contrast" msgstr "Kontrasts" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:434 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:437 msgid "Brightness" msgstr "Spilgtums" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:437 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:440 msgid "Gamma" msgstr "Gamma" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:542 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:547 msgid "Volume" msgstr "Skaļums" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1110 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1099 msgid "_Sidebar" msgstr "_Sānjosla" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1130 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1119 msgid "Audio input" msgstr "Audio ievade" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1134 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1123 msgid "Video input" msgstr "Video ievade" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1140 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1131 msgid "Dialpad" msgstr "Ciparnīca" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1151 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1142 msgid "Details" msgstr "Sīkāka informācija" #. translators: Call is a noun and %s is the contact name. This string #. * is used in the window title -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1220 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1782 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1211 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1889 #, c-format msgid "Call with %s" msgstr "Zvans ar %s" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1453 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2026 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1444 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2133 msgid "The IP address as seen by the machine" msgstr "IP adrese, kuru redz dators" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1455 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2028 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1446 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2135 msgid "The IP address as seen by a server on the Internet" msgstr "IP adrese, kuru redz serveris Internetā" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1457 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2030 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1448 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2137 msgid "The IP address of the peer as seen by the other side" msgstr "IP adrese, kuru redz biedrs otrā galā" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1459 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2032 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1450 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2139 msgid "The IP address of a relay server" msgstr "Translēšanas servera IP adrese" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1461 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2034 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1452 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2141 msgid "The IP address of the multicast group" msgstr "Multiraides grupas IP adreses" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1837 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1840 #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1843 -msgctxt "encoding video codec" -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Nezināms" - #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1846 -msgctxt "encoding audio codec" -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Nezināms" - -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1849 -msgctxt "decoding video codec" -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Nezināms" - -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1852 -msgctxt "decoding audio codec" +msgctxt "codec" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Nezināms" #. Translators: number of minutes:seconds the caller has been connected -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2144 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2138 #, c-format msgid "Connected — %d:%02dm" msgstr "Savienojies — %d:%02dm" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2205 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2798 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2199 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2987 msgid "Technical Details" msgstr "Tehniskā informācija" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2243 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2836 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2237 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3026 #, c-format msgid "" "%s's software does not understand any of the audio formats supported by your " @@ -3446,8 +3314,8 @@ "Programmatūra, ko lieto %s, nesaprot nevienu no jūsu sistēmas atbalstītajiem " "audio formātiem" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2248 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2841 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2242 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3031 #, c-format msgid "" "%s's software does not understand any of the video formats supported by your " @@ -3456,8 +3324,8 @@ "Programmatūra, ko lieto %s, nesaprot nevienu no jūsu sistēmas atbalstītajiem " "video formātiem" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2254 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2847 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2248 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3037 #, c-format msgid "" "Can't establish a connection to %s. One of you might be on a network that " @@ -3466,25 +3334,25 @@ "Nevar izveidot savienojumu ar %s. Iespējams, ka viens no jums atrodas tīklā, " "kurā nav atļauti tiešie savienojumi." -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2260 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2853 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2254 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3043 msgid "There was a failure on the network" msgstr "Gadījās tīkla kļūme" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2264 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2857 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2258 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3047 msgid "" "The audio formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" msgstr "Šim zvanam vajadzīgie audio formāti nav instalēti jūsu datorā" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2267 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2860 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2261 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3050 msgid "" "The video formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" msgstr "Šim zvanam vajadzīgie video formāti nav instalēti jūsu datorā" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2277 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2872 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2271 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3062 #, c-format msgid "" "Something unexpected happened in a Telepathy component. Please ziņojiet par šo kļūdu, pievienojot ierakstus no 'Atkļūdot' loga " "Palīdzības izvēlnē." -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2285 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2881 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2279 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3071 msgid "There was a failure in the call engine" msgstr "Zvanu dzinī gadījās kļūme" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2288 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2884 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2282 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3074 msgid "The end of the stream was reached" msgstr "Tika sasniegtas plūsmas beigas" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2328 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2924 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2322 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3114 msgid "Can't establish audio stream" msgstr "Nevar izveidot audio plūsmu" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2338 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2934 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2332 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3124 msgid "Can't establish video stream" msgstr "Nevar izveidot video plūsmu" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:1 ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:1 #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:1 -msgid "Audio" -msgstr "Audio" +msgid "_Call" +msgstr "_Zvanīt" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:3 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:5 -msgid "Decoding Codec:" -msgstr "Atkodēšanas kodeks:" +msgid "_Microphone" +msgstr "_Mikrofons" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:4 -msgid "Disable camera" -msgstr "Atslēgt kameru" +msgid "_Camera" +msgstr "_Kamera" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:5 -msgid "Display the dialpad" -msgstr "Rādīt ciparnīcu" +msgid "_Settings" +msgstr "Ie_statījumi" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:6 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:9 -msgid "Encoding Codec:" -msgstr "Iekodēšanas kodeks:" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:8 +msgid "_View" +msgstr "_Skats" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:7 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:10 -msgid "Hang up" -msgstr "Nolikt klausuli" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:7 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:27 +msgid "_Help" +msgstr "_Palīdzība" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:8 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:11 -msgid "Hang up current call" -msgstr "Beigt šo zvanu" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:8 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:18 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:28 +msgid "_Contents" +msgstr "_Saturs" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:9 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:12 -msgid "Local Candidate:" -msgstr "Lokālais kandidāts:" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:29 +msgid "_Debug" +msgstr "_Atkļūdot" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:10 -msgid "Maximise me" -msgstr "Maksimizēt mani" +msgid "Swap camera" +msgstr "Mainīt kameru" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:11 msgid "Minimise me" msgstr "Minimizēt mani" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:12 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:15 -msgid "Remote Candidate:" -msgstr "Attālinātais kandidāts:" +msgid "Maximise me" +msgstr "Maksimizēt mani" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:13 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:16 -msgid "Send Audio" -msgstr "Sūtīt audio" +msgid "Disable camera" +msgstr "Atslēgt kameru" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:14 -msgid "Send Video" -msgstr "Sūtīt video" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:2 +msgid "Hang up" +msgstr "Nolikt klausuli" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:15 -msgid "Show dialpad" -msgstr "Rādīt ciparnīcu" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:9 +msgid "Hang up current call" +msgstr "Beigt šo zvanu" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "Video call" +msgstr "Video zvans" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:17 msgid "Start a video call" msgstr "Sākt video zvanu" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:19 msgid "Start an audio call" msgstr "Sākt audio zvanu" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:18 -msgid "Swap camera" -msgstr "Mainīt kameru" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:19 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:17 -msgid "Toggle audio transmission" -msgstr "Pārslēgt audio pārraidi" - #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:20 -msgid "Toggle video transmission" -msgstr "Pārslēgt video pārraidi" +msgid "Show dialpad" +msgstr "Rādīt ciparnīcu" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:21 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:18 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2431 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2432 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2433 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2434 -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Nezināms" +msgid "Display the dialpad" +msgstr "Rādīt ciparnīcu" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:22 +msgid "Send Video" +msgstr "Sūtīt video" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:23 -msgid "Video call" -msgstr "Video zvans" +msgid "Toggle video transmission" +msgstr "Pārslēgt video pārraidi" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:24 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:24 -msgid "_Call" -msgstr "_Zvanīt" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:11 +msgid "Send Audio" +msgstr "Sūtīt audio" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:25 -msgid "_Camera" -msgstr "_Kamera" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:26 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:9 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:18 -msgid "_Contents" -msgstr "_Saturs" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:12 +msgid "Toggle audio transmission" +msgstr "Pārslēgt audio pārraidi" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:27 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:19 -msgid "_Debug" -msgstr "_Atkļūdot" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:20 +msgid "Encoding Codec:" +msgstr "Iekodēšanas kodeks:" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:29 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:14 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:22 -msgid "_Help" -msgstr "_Palīdzība" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:28 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:21 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2537 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2538 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2539 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2540 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Nezināms" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:29 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:22 +msgid "Decoding Codec:" +msgstr "Atkodēšanas kodeks:" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:30 -msgid "_Microphone" -msgstr "_Mikrofons" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:23 +msgid "Remote Candidate:" +msgstr "Attālinātais kandidāts:" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:31 -msgid "_Settings" -msgstr "Ie_statījumi" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:24 +msgid "Local Candidate:" +msgstr "Lokālais kandidāts:" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:32 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:30 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:32 ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:24 #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:25 -msgid "_View" -msgstr "_Skats" +msgid "Audio" +msgstr "Audio" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:289 +msgid "Close this window?" +msgstr "Aizvērt šo logu?" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:294 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Closing this window will leave %s. You will not receive any further messages " +"until you rejoin it." +msgstr "" +"Šī loga aizvēršana pametīs %s. Jūs nesaņemsiet jaunus ziņojumus, kamēr atkal " +"nepievienosities." + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:305 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Closing this window will leave a chat room. You will not receive any further " +"messages until you rejoin it." +msgid_plural "" +"Closing this window will leave %u chat rooms. You will not receive any " +"further messages until you rejoin them." +msgstr[0] "" +"Šī loga aizvēršana pametīs %u tērzēšanas istabu. Jūs nesaņemsiet jaunus " +"ziņojumus, kamēr atkal nepievienosities." +msgstr[1] "" +"Šī loga aizvēršana pametīs %u tērzēšanas istabas. Jūs nesaņemsiet jaunus " +"ziņojumus, kamēr atkal nepievienosities." +msgstr[2] "" +"Šī loga aizvēršana pametīs %u tērzēšanas istabas. Jūs nesaņemsiet jaunus " +"ziņojumus, kamēr atkal nepievienosities." + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:314 +#, c-format +msgid "Leave %s?" +msgstr "Pamest %s?" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:315 +msgid "" +"You will not receive any further messages from this chat room until you " +"rejoin it." +msgstr "" +"Jūs nesaņemsiet jaunus ziņojumus no šīs tērzēšanas istabas, kamēr atkal " +"nepievienosities." -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:481 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:501 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:334 +msgid "Close window" +msgstr "Aizvērt logu" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:334 +msgid "Leave room" +msgstr "Pamest istabu" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:640 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:660 #, c-format msgid "%s (%d unread)" msgid_plural "%s (%d unread)" @@ -3657,7 +3577,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%s (%d nelasīti)" msgstr[2] "%s (%d nelasīti)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:493 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:652 #, c-format msgid "%s (and %u other)" msgid_plural "%s (and %u others)" @@ -3665,7 +3585,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%s (un %u citi)" msgstr[2] "%s (un %u citi)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:509 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:668 #, c-format msgid "%s (%d unread from others)" msgid_plural "%s (%d unread from others)" @@ -3673,7 +3593,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%s (%d nelasīti no citiem)" msgstr[2] "%s (%d nelasīti no citiem)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:518 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:677 #, c-format msgid "%s (%d unread from all)" msgid_plural "%s (%d unread from all)" @@ -3681,11 +3601,11 @@ msgstr[1] "%s (%d nelasīti no visiem)" msgstr[2] "%s (%d nelasīti no visiem)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:733 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:892 msgid "SMS:" msgstr "SMS:" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:743 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:902 #, c-format msgid "Sending %d message" msgid_plural "Sending %d messages" @@ -3693,69 +3613,69 @@ msgstr[1] "Sūta %d ziņojumus" msgstr[2] "Sūta %d ziņojumu" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:765 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:924 msgid "Typing a message." msgstr "Raksta ziņojumu." #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:1 -msgid "C_lear" -msgstr "At_tīrīt" +msgid "_Conversation" +msgstr "_Saruna" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:2 -msgid "C_ontact" -msgstr "K_ontakts" +msgid "C_lear" +msgstr "At_tīrīt" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:3 msgid "Insert _Smiley" msgstr "Ievietot _smaidiņu" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Favorite Chat Room" +msgstr "_Iecienītā tērzēšanas istaba" + #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:5 -msgid "Invite _Participant…" -msgstr "Ielūgt _dalībnieku..." +msgid "Notify for All Messages" +msgstr "Ziņot par visiem ziņojumiem" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:6 -msgid "Move Tab _Left" -msgstr "Pārvietot ci_lni pa kreisi" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:6 ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Show Contact List" +msgstr "Rādīt kontaktu _sarakstu" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:7 -msgid "Move Tab _Right" -msgstr "Pā_rvietot cilni pa labi" +msgid "Invite _Participant…" +msgstr "Ielūgt _dalībnieku..." #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:8 -msgid "Notify for All Messages" -msgstr "Ziņot par visiem ziņojumiem" +msgid "C_ontact" +msgstr "K_ontakts" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:10 -msgid "_Conversation" -msgstr "_Saruna" +msgid "_Tabs" +msgstr "_Cilnes" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:11 -msgid "_Detach Tab" -msgstr "At_dalīt cilni" - -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:13 -msgid "_Favorite Chat Room" -msgstr "_Iecienītā tērzēšanas istaba" +msgid "_Previous Tab" +msgstr "_Iepriekšējā cilne" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:15 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:12 msgid "_Next Tab" msgstr "_Nākamā cilne" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:16 -msgid "_Previous Tab" -msgstr "_Iepriekšējā cilne" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:13 +msgid "_Undo Close Tab" +msgstr "Atsa_ukt cilnes aizvēršanu" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:17 ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:5 -msgid "_Show Contact List" -msgstr "Rādīt kontaktu _sarakstu" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:14 +msgid "Move Tab _Left" +msgstr "Pārvietot ci_lni pa kreisi" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:18 -msgid "_Tabs" -msgstr "_Cilnes" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:15 +msgid "Move Tab _Right" +msgstr "Pā_rvietot cilni pa labi" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:19 -msgid "_Undo Close Tab" -msgstr "Atsa_ukt cilnes aizvēršanu" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "_Detach Tab" +msgstr "At_dalīt cilni" #: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.c:251 msgid "Name" @@ -3769,100 +3689,100 @@ msgid "Auto-Connect" msgstr "Automātiski savienoties" -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:1 msgid "Manage Favorite Rooms" msgstr "Pārvaldīt iecienītās istabas" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:521 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 msgid "Incoming video call" msgstr "Ienākošais video zvans" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:521 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1408 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1519 msgid "Incoming call" msgstr "Ienākošais zvans" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:525 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:526 #, c-format msgid "%s is video calling you. Do you want to answer?" msgstr "%s piedāvā video zvanu. Vai vēlaties atbildēt?" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:526 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:527 #, c-format msgid "%s is calling you. Do you want to answer?" msgstr "%s jums zvana. Vai vēlaties atbildēt?" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:529 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:730 -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:763 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1414 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:530 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "Incoming call from %s" msgstr "Ienākošais zvans no %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:554 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:555 msgid "_Reject" msgstr "No_raidīt" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:562 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:570 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:563 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 msgid "_Answer" msgstr "_Atbildēt" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:570 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 msgid "_Answer with video" msgstr "_Atbildēt ar video" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:730 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:763 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1414 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "Incoming video call from %s" msgstr "Ienākošais video zvans no %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:836 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:837 msgid "Room invitation" msgstr "Istabas ielūgums" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:838 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:839 #, c-format msgid "Invitation to join %s" msgstr "Ielūgums pievienoties %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:845 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:846 #, c-format msgid "%s is inviting you to join %s" msgstr "%s jūs ielūdz pievienoties %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:853 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:854 msgid "_Decline" msgstr "Norai_dīt" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:858 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:7 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:859 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:2 msgid "_Join" msgstr "_Pievienoties" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:885 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:886 #, c-format msgid "%s invited you to join %s" msgstr "%s jūs ielūdza pievienoties %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:891 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:892 #, c-format msgid "You have been invited to join %s" msgstr "Jūs ielūdza pievienoties %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:942 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:943 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file transfer from %s" msgstr "Pienāk fails no %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1134 ../src/empathy-main-window.c:375 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1146 ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:374 msgid "Password required" msgstr "Nepieciešama parole" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1190 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1216 #, c-format msgid "%s would like permission to see when you are online" msgstr "%s vēlas saņemt atļauju redzēt tavu tiešsaistes statusu" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1194 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1222 #, c-format msgid "" "\n" @@ -3872,105 +3792,105 @@ "Ziņojums: %s" #. Translators: time left, when it is more than one hour -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:100 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:99 #, c-format msgid "%u:%02u.%02u" msgstr "%u:%02u.%02u" #. Translators: time left, when is is less than one hour -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:103 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:102 #, c-format msgid "%02u.%02u" msgstr "%02u.%02u" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:179 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:178 msgctxt "file transfer percent" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Nezināms" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:274 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:273 #, c-format msgid "%s of %s at %s/s" msgstr "%s no %s ar ātrumu %s/s" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:275 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:274 #, c-format msgid "%s of %s" msgstr "%s no %s" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:306 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:305 #, c-format msgid "Receiving \"%s\" from %s" msgstr "Saņem \"%s\" no %s" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:309 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:308 #, c-format msgid "Sending \"%s\" to %s" msgstr "Sūta \"%s\" lietotājam %s" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s #. * is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:339 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:338 #, c-format msgid "Error receiving \"%s\" from %s" msgstr "Kļūda, saņemot \"%s\" no %s" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:342 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:341 msgid "Error receiving a file" msgstr "Kļūda, saņemot failu" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:347 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:346 #, c-format msgid "Error sending \"%s\" to %s" msgstr "Kļūda, sūtot \"%s\" lietotājam %s" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:350 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:349 msgid "Error sending a file" msgstr "Kļūda, sūtot failu" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s #. * is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:489 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:488 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" received from %s" msgstr "\"%s\" saņemts no %s" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s #. * is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:494 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:493 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" sent to %s" msgstr "\"%s\" aizsūtīts lietotājam %s" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:497 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:496 msgid "File transfer completed" msgstr "Faila pārsūtīšana pabeigta" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:616 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:780 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:615 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:779 msgid "Waiting for the other participant's response" msgstr "Gaida otra dalībnieka atbildi" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:642 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:680 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:641 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:679 #, c-format msgid "Checking integrity of \"%s\"" msgstr "Pārbauda \"%s\" integritāti" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:645 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:683 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:644 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:682 #, c-format msgid "Hashing \"%s\"" msgstr "Jauc \"%s\"" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1026 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1025 msgid "%" msgstr "%" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1038 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1037 msgid "File" msgstr "Fails" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1060 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1059 msgid "Remaining" msgstr "Atlicis" @@ -3983,7 +3903,12 @@ msgstr "" "Izņemt pabeigtos, atceltos un neizdevušos failu pārsūtījumus no saraksta" -#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:84 +#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:76 +#| msgid "Import" +msgid "_Import" +msgstr "_Importēt" + +#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:88 msgid "" "No accounts to import could be found. Empathy currently only supports " "importing accounts from Pidgin." @@ -3991,171 +3916,196 @@ "Nav atrasti importējamie konti. Empathy pagaidām atbalsta tikai Pidgin kontu " "importēšanu." -#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:199 +#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:209 msgid "Import Accounts" msgstr "Importēt kontus" #. Translators: this is the header of a treeview column -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:301 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:316 msgid "Import" msgstr "Importēt" -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:310 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:325 msgid "Protocol" msgstr "Protokols" -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:334 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:349 msgid "Source" msgstr "Avots" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:392 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:391 msgid "Provide Password" msgstr "Piedāvāt paroli" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:398 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:397 msgid "Disconnect" msgstr "Atvienot" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:622 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:657 +msgid "You need to setup an account to see contacts here." +msgstr "Lai šeit redzētu kontaktus, jāiestata konts." + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:673 msgid "No match found" msgstr "Nav atrastu rezultātu" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:777 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:783 +#, c-format +msgid "Sorry, %s accounts can’t be used until your %s software is updated." +msgstr "" +"Diemžēl %s kontus nevar izmantot, kamēr %s programmatūra nav atjaunināta." + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:849 +msgid "Update software..." +msgstr "Atjaunināt programmatūru..." + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:855 ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:972 +msgid "Close" +msgstr "Aizvērt" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:960 msgid "Reconnect" msgstr "Savienoties atkal" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:783 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:966 msgid "Edit Account" msgstr "Rediģēt kontu" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:789 -msgid "Close" -msgstr "Aizvērt" - #. Translators: this string will be something like: -#. * Top up My Account ($1.23)..." -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:928 +#. * Top up My Account ($1.23)..." +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1110 #, c-format msgid "Top up %s (%s)..." msgstr "Uzpildīt %s (%s)..." -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:975 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1156 msgid "Top up account credit" msgstr "Uzpildīt konta kredītu" #. top up button -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1046 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1228 msgid "Top Up..." msgstr "Uzpildīt ..." -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1789 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1952 msgid "Contact" msgstr "Kontakts" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:2121 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2150 +msgid "You need to enable one of your accounts to see contacts here." +msgstr "Lai šeit redzētu kontaktus, jums jāaktivē kāds no saviem kontiem." + +#. translators: argument is an account name +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2158 +#, c-format +msgid "You need to enable %s to see contacts here." +msgstr "Lai šeit redzētu kontaktus, jums jāaktivē %s." + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2460 msgid "Contact List" msgstr "Kontaktu saraksts" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:1 -msgid "Contacts on a _Map" -msgstr "Kontakti uz _kartes" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.ui.h:1 +msgid "Account settings" +msgstr "Konta iestatījumi" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:2 -msgid "Credit Balance" -msgstr "Kredīta bilance" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:2 +msgid "_New Conversation…" +msgstr "Jau_na saruna..." -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:3 -msgid "Find in Contact _List" -msgstr "Mek_lēt kontaktu sarakstā" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:3 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:3 +msgid "New _Call…" +msgstr "Jauns _zvans..." -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:4 -msgid "Join _Favorites" -msgstr "Pievienoties _iecienītajām" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Search for Contacts…" +msgstr "_Meklēt kontaktu..." -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:5 -msgid "Manage Favorites" -msgstr "Pārvaldīt iecienītās" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:7 +msgid "_File Transfers" +msgstr "_Failu pārsūtīšana" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:6 -msgid "N_ormal Size" -msgstr "N_ormāls izmērs" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Offline Contacts" +msgstr "Nesaistes k_ontakti" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:7 ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:1 -msgid "New _Call…" -msgstr "Jauns _zvans..." +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:9 +msgid "Show P_rotocols" +msgstr "_Rādīt protokolus" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:8 -msgid "Normal Size With _Avatars" -msgstr "Normāls izmērs ar _attēliem" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:10 +msgid "Credit Balance" +msgstr "Kredīta bilance" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:11 +msgid "Contacts on a _Map" +msgstr "Kontakti uz _kartes" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:9 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:13 +msgid "_Accounts" +msgstr "_Konti" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:14 +msgid "_Blocked Contacts" +msgstr "_Bloķētie kontakti" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:15 msgid "P_references" msgstr "_Iestatījumi" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:10 -msgid "Show P_rotocols" -msgstr "_Rādīt protokolus" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:16 +msgid "Find in Contact _List" +msgstr "Mek_lēt kontaktu sarakstā" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:11 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:18 msgid "Sort by _Name" msgstr "Kārtot pēc _vārda" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:12 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:19 msgid "Sort by _Status" msgstr "Kārtot pēc _statusa" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:13 -msgid "_Accounts" -msgstr "_Konti" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:20 +msgid "Normal Size With _Avatars" +msgstr "Normāls izmērs ar _attēliem" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:15 -msgid "_Blocked Contacts" -msgstr "_Bloķētie kontakti" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:21 +msgid "N_ormal Size" +msgstr "N_ormāls izmērs" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:22 msgid "_Compact Size" msgstr "_Kompakts izmērs" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:21 -msgid "_File Transfers" -msgstr "_Failu pārsūtīšana" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:23 +msgid "_Room" +msgstr "_Istaba" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:23 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:24 msgid "_Join…" msgstr "_Pievienoties..." -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:24 -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:3 -msgid "_New Conversation…" -msgstr "Jau_na saruna..." - -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:25 -msgid "_Offline Contacts" -msgstr "Nesaistes k_ontakti" - -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:26 -msgid "_Personal Information" -msgstr "_Personīgā informācija" - -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:28 -msgid "_Room" -msgstr "_Istaba" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:25 +msgid "Join _Favorites" +msgstr "Pievienoties _iecienītajām" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:29 -msgid "_Search for Contacts…" -msgstr "_Meklēt kontaktu..." +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:26 +msgid "Manage Favorites" +msgstr "Pārvaldīt iecienītās" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:337 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:369 msgid "Chat Room" msgstr "Tērzēšanas istaba" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:353 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:385 msgid "Members" msgstr "Dalībnieki" #. Translators: Room/Join's roomlist tooltip. Parameters are a channel name, #. yes/no, yes/no and a number. -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:553 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:637 #, c-format msgid "" "%s\n" @@ -4168,22 +4118,27 @@ "Nepieciešama parole: %s\n" "Dalībnieki: %s" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:555 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:556 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:639 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:640 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Jā" + +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:639 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:640 msgid "No" msgstr "Nē" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:584 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:668 msgid "Could not start room listing" msgstr "Neizdevās palaist istabu izdruku" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:594 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:678 msgid "Could not stop room listing" msgstr "Neizdevās apstādināt istabu izdruku" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:2 -msgid "Couldn't load room list" -msgstr "Neizdevās ielādēt istabu sarakstu" +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:1 +msgid "Join Room" +msgstr "Pievienoties istabai" #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:3 msgid "" @@ -4192,6 +4147,10 @@ "Ierakstiet šeit istabas vārdu, kurai pievienoties, vai klikšķiniet sarakstā." #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Room:" +msgstr "_Istaba:" + +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:5 msgid "" "Enter the server which hosts the room, or leave it empty if the room is on " "the current account's server" @@ -4199,179 +4158,195 @@ "Ievadiet serveri, kurš uztur istabu, vai arī atstājiet tukšu, ja istaba ir " "uz pašreizējā konta servera" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:5 -msgid "Join Room" -msgstr "Pievienoties istabai" +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:8 +msgid "Couldn't load room list" +msgstr "Neizdevās ielādēt istabu sarakstu" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:9 msgid "Room List" msgstr "Istabu saraksts" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:8 -msgid "_Room:" -msgstr "_Istaba:" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:169 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:166 msgid "Message received" msgstr "Ziņojums saņemts" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:170 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:167 msgid "Message sent" msgstr "Ziņojums nosūtīts" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:171 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:168 msgid "New conversation" msgstr "Jauna saruna" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:172 -msgid "Contact goes online" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:169 +msgid "Contact comes online" msgstr "Kontakts parādās tiešsaistē" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:173 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:170 msgid "Contact goes offline" msgstr "Kontakts devies nesaistē" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:174 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:171 msgid "Account connected" msgstr "Konts savienots" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:175 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:172 msgid "Account disconnected" msgstr "Konts atvienots" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:484 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:475 msgid "Language" msgstr "Valoda" #. translators: Contact name for the chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:734 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:726 msgid "Juliet" msgstr "Spīdola" #. translators: Contact name for the chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:741 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:733 msgid "Romeo" msgstr "Lāčplēsis" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:747 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:739 msgid "O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?" msgstr "Lāčplēsi, mainies uz augšu, ne šis ir tavs darbs!" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:750 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:743 msgid "Deny thy father and refuse thy name;" msgstr "Tev lielāks darbs: priekš tautas dzīvot, ne mirt!" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:753 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:746 msgid "Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love" msgstr "Ar viltu tie kaitina tevi uz cīņu!" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:756 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:749 msgid "And I'll no longer be a Capulet." msgstr "Mainoties uz augšu, tu likteni pārspēsi!" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:759 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:752 msgid "Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?" msgstr "Es lūstu, kad mainos; es gatavs no sākta gala." #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:762 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:755 msgid "Juliet has disconnected" msgstr "Spīdola izgāja" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:1166 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:1159 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Iestatījumi" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:1 +msgid "Show _smileys as images" +msgstr "Rādīt _smaidiņus kā bildes " + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:2 +msgid "Show contact _list in rooms" +msgstr "Rādīt kontaktu _sarakstu istabās" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:3 msgid "Appearance" msgstr "Izskats" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:3 -msgid "Behavior" -msgstr "Uzvedība" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:4 +msgid "Start chats in:" +msgstr "Sākt tērzēšanu:" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:5 -msgid "Chat Th_eme:" -msgstr "Tērzēšanas t_ēma:" +msgid "new ta_bs" +msgstr "jaunās _cilnēs" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:6 -msgid "Disable notifications when _away or busy" -msgstr "Atslēgt paziņojumus, kad prom vai _aizņemts" +msgid "new _windows" +msgstr "jaunos _logos" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:7 -msgid "Disable sounds when _away or busy" -msgstr "Atslēgt skaņu, kad prom vai _aizņemts" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:8 msgid "Display incoming events in the notification area" msgstr "Rādīt ienākošos notikumus paziņojumu laukā" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Automatically connect on startup" +msgstr "_Automātiski savienoties palaižoties " + #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:9 -msgid "" -"Echo cancellation helps to make your voice sound clearer to the other " -"person, but may cause problems on some computers. If you or the other person " -"hear strange noises or glitches during calls, try turning echo cancellation " -"off and restarting the call." -msgstr "" -"Atbalss atcelšana palīdz padarīt balss skaņu skaidrāku otrai personai, bet " -"var radīt problēmas uz dažiem datoriem. Ja jūs vai kāds cits zvana laikā " -"dzird dīvainas skaņas vai citas problēmas, pamēģiniet izslēgt atbalss " -"atcelšanu un pārstartējiet zvanu." +msgid "Log conversations" +msgstr "Reģistrēt sarunas" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:10 -msgid "Enable notifications when a contact comes online" -msgstr "Ieslēgt paziņojumus, kad kontakts parādās tiešsaistē" +msgid "Behavior" +msgstr "Uzvedība" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:11 -msgid "Enable notifications when a contact goes offline" -msgstr "Ieslēgt paziņojumus, kad kontakts dodas nesaistē" +msgid "General" +msgstr "Vispārīgi" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:12 -msgid "Enable notifications when the _chat is not focused" -msgstr "Ieslēgt paziņojumus, kad _tērzēšana nav fokusēta" +msgid "_Enable bubble notifications" +msgstr "I_eslēgt burbuļpaziņojumus" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:13 -msgid "Enable spell checking for languages:" -msgstr "Ieslēgt pareizrakstības pārbaudi valodai:" +msgid "Disable notifications when _away or busy" +msgstr "Atslēgt paziņojumus, kad prom vai _aizņemts" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:14 -msgid "General" -msgstr "Vispārīgi" +msgid "Enable notifications when the _chat is not focused" +msgstr "Ieslēgt paziņojumus, kad _tērzēšana nav fokusēta" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:15 -msgid "Input level:" -msgstr "Ievades līmenis:" +msgid "Enable notifications when a contact comes online" +msgstr "Ieslēgt paziņojumus, kad kontakts parādās tiešsaistē" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:16 -msgid "Input volume:" -msgstr "Ievades skaļums:" +msgid "Enable notifications when a contact goes offline" +msgstr "Ieslēgt paziņojumus, kad kontakts dodas nesaistē" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:17 +msgid "Notifications" +msgstr "Paziņojumi" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:18 -msgid "Location sources:" -msgstr "Vietas avoti:" +msgid "_Enable sound notifications" +msgstr "I_eslēgt skaņas paziņojumus" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:19 -msgid "Log conversations" -msgstr "Reģistrēt sarunas" +msgid "Disable sounds when _away or busy" +msgstr "Atslēgt skaņu, kad prom vai _aizņemts" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:20 -msgid "Notifications" -msgstr "Paziņojumi" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:21 msgid "Play sound for events" msgstr "Atskaņot skaņu pie notikumiem" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:22 -msgid "Privacy" -msgstr "Privātums" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:21 +msgid "Sounds" +msgstr "Skaņas" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:22 +msgid "Use _echo cancellation to improve call quality" +msgstr "Li_etot atbalss atcelšanu, lai uzlabotu zvana kvalitāti" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:23 +msgid "" +"Echo cancellation helps to make your voice sound clearer to the other " +"person, but may cause problems on some computers. If you or the other person " +"hear strange noises or glitches during calls, try turning echo cancellation " +"off and restarting the call." +msgstr "" +"Atbalss atcelšana palīdz padarīt balss skaņu skaidrāku otrai personai, bet " +"var radīt problēmas uz dažiem datoriem. Ja jūs vai kāds cits zvana laikā " +"dzird dīvainas skaņas vai citas problēmas, pamēģiniet izslēgt atbalss " +"atcelšanu un pārstartējiet zvanu." + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:26 +msgid "_Publish location to my contacts" +msgstr "_Parādīt kontaktiem atrašanās vietu" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:23 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:27 msgid "" "Reduced location accuracy means that nothing more precise than your city, " "state and country will be published. GPS coordinates will be accurate to 1 " @@ -4381,190 +4356,198 @@ "štats un valsts netiks publicēts. GPS koordinātes būs precīzas līdz vienai " "zīmei aiz komata." -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:24 -msgid "Show _smileys as images" -msgstr "Rādīt _smaidiņus kā bildes " - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:25 -msgid "Show contact _list in rooms" -msgstr "Rādīt kontaktu _sarakstu istabās" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:26 -msgid "Sounds" -msgstr "Skaņas" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:27 -msgid "Spell Checking" -msgstr "Pareizrakstības pārbaude" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:28 -msgid "" -"The list of languages reflects only the languages for which you have a " -"dictionary installed." -msgstr "Valodu saraksts rāda tikai tās valodas, kurām ir instalētas vārdnīcas." - +#. To translators: The longitude and latitude are rounded to closest 0,1 degrees, so for example 146,2345° is rounded to round(146,2345*10)/10 = 146,2 degrees. #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:29 -msgid "Themes" -msgstr "Tēmas" +msgid "_Reduce location accuracy" +msgstr "Samazināt atrašanās vietas p_recizitāti" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:30 -msgid "Variant:" -msgstr "Variants:" +msgid "Privacy" +msgstr "Privātums" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:31 -msgid "_Automatically connect on startup" -msgstr "_Automātiski savienoties palaižoties " +msgid "_GPS" +msgstr "_GPS" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:32 msgid "_Cellphone" msgstr "_Mobilais tālrunis" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:33 -msgid "_Enable bubble notifications" -msgstr "I_eslēgt burbuļpaziņojumus" +msgid "_Network (IP, Wi-Fi)" +msgstr "_Tīkls (IP, Wi-Fi)" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:34 -msgid "_Enable sound notifications" -msgstr "I_eslēgt skaņas paziņojumus" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:35 -msgid "_GPS" -msgstr "_GPS" +msgid "Location sources:" +msgstr "Vietas avoti:" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:36 -msgid "_Network (IP, Wi-Fi)" -msgstr "_Tīkls (IP, Wi-Fi)" +msgid "" +"The list of languages reflects only the languages for which you have a " +"dictionary installed." +msgstr "Valodu saraksts rāda tikai tās valodas, kurām ir instalētas vārdnīcas." #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:37 -msgid "_Open new chats in separate windows" -msgstr "Atvērt jaunas sarakstes atsevišķos l_ogos" +msgid "Enable spell checking for languages:" +msgstr "Ieslēgt pareizrakstības pārbaudi valodai:" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:38 -msgid "_Publish location to my contacts" -msgstr "_Parādīt kontaktiem atrašanās vietu" +msgid "Spell Checking" +msgstr "Pareizrakstības pārbaude" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:39 +msgid "Chat Th_eme:" +msgstr "Tērzēšanas t_ēma:" -#. To translators: The longitude and latitude are rounded to closest 0,1 degrees, so for example 146,2345° is rounded to round(146,2345*10)/10 = 146,2 degrees. #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:40 -msgid "_Reduce location accuracy" -msgstr "Samazināt atrašanās vietas p_recizitāti" +msgid "Variant:" +msgstr "Variants:" -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:41 +msgid "Themes" +msgstr "Tēmas" + +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:4 msgid "Status" msgstr "Statuss" -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:5 msgid "_Quit" msgstr "_Iziet" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:2 -msgid "Call the contact again" -msgstr "Zvanīt kontaktam vēlreiz" - #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Camera Off" -msgstr "Izslēgt kameru" +msgid "Redial" +msgstr "Zvanīt atkal" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:4 -msgid "Camera On" -msgstr "Ieslēgt kameru" +msgid "V_ideo" +msgstr "V_ideo" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:5 +msgid "Video Off" +msgstr "Izslēgt video" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:6 -msgid "Disable camera and stop sending video" -msgstr "Atslēgt kameru un pārstāt sūtīt video" +msgid "Video Preview" +msgstr "Video priekšskatījums" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:7 -msgid "Enable camera and send video" -msgstr "Ieslēgt kameru un sūtīt video" +msgid "Video On" +msgstr "Ieslēgt video" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:8 -msgid "Enable camera but don't send video" -msgstr "Ieslēgt kameru, bet nesūtīt video" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:10 +msgid "Call the contact again" +msgstr "Zvanīt kontaktam vēlreiz" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:13 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Priekšskatījums" +msgid "Camera Off" +msgstr "Izslēgt kameru" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:14 -msgid "Redial" -msgstr "Zvanīt atkal" +msgid "Disable camera and stop sending video" +msgstr "Atslēgt kameru un pārstāt sūtīt video" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:19 -msgid "V_ideo" -msgstr "V_ideo" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:15 +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "Priekšskatījums" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:21 -msgid "Video Off" -msgstr "Izslēgt video" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "Enable camera but don't send video" +msgstr "Ieslēgt kameru, bet nesūtīt video" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:22 -msgid "Video On" -msgstr "Ieslēgt video" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:17 +msgid "Camera On" +msgstr "Ieslēgt kameru" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:23 -msgid "Video Preview" -msgstr "Video priekšskatījums" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:18 +msgid "Enable camera and send video" +msgstr "Ieslēgt kameru un sūtīt video" -#: ../src/empathy-map-view.c:448 +#: ../src/empathy-map-view.c:471 msgid "Contact Map View" msgstr "Kontaktu kartes skats" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1228 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1607 msgid "Save" msgstr "Saglabāt" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1435 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1667 +msgid "Pastebin link" +msgstr "Pastebin saite" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1676 +msgid "Pastebin response" +msgstr "Pastebin atbilde" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1680 +#, c-format +#| msgid "%s:" +msgid "%s" +msgstr "%s" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1683 +msgid "Data too large for a single paste. Please save logs to file." +msgstr "" +"Datu ir pārāk daudz, lai ielīmētu vienā solī. Lūdzu, saglabājiet žurnālu " +"failā." + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1912 msgid "Debug Window" msgstr "Atkļūdošanas logs" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1517 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1970 +msgid "Send to pastebin" +msgstr "Sūtīt uz pastebin" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2009 msgid "Pause" msgstr "Pauze" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1529 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2021 msgid "Level " msgstr "Līmenis " -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1549 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2040 msgid "Debug" msgstr "Atkļūdošanas" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1555 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2045 msgid "Info" msgstr "Informācijas" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1561 ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1610 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2050 ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2096 msgid "Message" msgstr "Paziņojuma" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1567 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2055 msgid "Warning" msgstr "Brīdinājuma" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1573 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2060 msgid "Critical" msgstr "Kritiskais" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1579 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2065 msgid "Error" msgstr "Kļūdas" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1598 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2084 msgid "Time" msgstr "Laiks" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1601 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2087 msgid "Domain" msgstr "Domēns" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1603 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2089 msgid "Category" msgstr "Kategorija" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1605 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2091 msgid "Level" msgstr "Līmenis" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1642 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2114 msgid "" "The selected connection manager does not support the remote debugging " "extension." @@ -4572,133 +4555,435 @@ "Izvēlētais savienojumu pārvaldnieks neatbalsta attālināto atkļūdošanas " "paplašinājumu." -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:179 -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:205 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:202 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:230 msgid "Invite Participant" msgstr "Ielūgt dalībnieku" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:180 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:203 msgid "Choose a contact to invite into the conversation:" msgstr "Izvēlieties kontaktu, ko aicināt uz sarunu:" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:201 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:226 msgid "Invite" msgstr "Uzaicināt" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:183 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:180 msgid "Don't display any dialogs; do any work (eg, importing) and exit" msgstr "" "Nerādīt nekādus dialogus; izdarīt darāmo (piemēram, importēšanu) un iziet" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:187 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:184 msgid "" "Don't display any dialogs unless there are only \"People Nearby\" accounts" msgstr "" "Nerādīt nekādus dialogus, izņemot, ja ir tikai \"Tuvumā esošie cilvēki\" " "konti" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:191 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:188 msgid "Initially select given account (eg, gabble/jabber/foo_40example_2eorg0)" msgstr "" "Sākumā izvēlēties doto kontu (piemēram, gabble/jabber/foo_40example_2eorg0)" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:193 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:190 msgid "" msgstr "" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:198 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:195 msgid "- Empathy Accounts" msgstr " - Empathy konti" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:237 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:231 msgid "Empathy Accounts" msgstr "Empathy konti" -#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:70 +#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:69 msgid "Show a particular service" msgstr "Rādīt noteiktu servisu" -#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:75 +#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:74 msgid "- Empathy Debugger" msgstr "- Empathy atkļūdotājs" -#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:114 +#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:113 msgid "Empathy Debugger" msgstr "Empathy atkļūdotājs" -#: ../src/empathy-chat.c:107 +#: ../src/empathy-chat.c:109 msgid "- Empathy Chat Client" msgstr "- Empathy tērzēšanas klients" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:203 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:189 msgid "Respond" msgstr "Atbildēt" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:217 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1418 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:203 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1529 msgid "Reject" msgstr "Noraidīt" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:222 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:227 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1419 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:208 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1530 msgid "Answer" msgstr "Atbildēt" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:227 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 msgid "Answer with video" msgstr "Atbildēt ar video" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:235 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:245 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:221 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:231 msgid "Decline" msgstr "Noraidīt" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:239 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:250 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:225 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:236 msgid "Accept" msgstr "Pieņemt" #. translators: the 'Provide' button is displayed in a notification #. * bubble when Empathy is asking for an account password; clicking on it #. * brings the password popup. -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:260 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:246 msgid "Provide" msgstr "Piedāvāt" -#: ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:134 +#: ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:132 #, c-format msgid "%s just tried to call you, but you were in another call." msgstr "%s tikko mēģināja piezvanīt, bet jūs jau piedalījāties citā sarunā." #. Translators: this is an "Info" label. It should be as short #. * as possible. -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1047 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1070 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1140 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1162 msgid "i" msgstr "i" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2727 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2883 msgid "On hold" msgstr "Aizturēts" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2730 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2886 msgid "Mute" msgstr "Apklusināt" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2732 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2888 msgid "Duration" msgstr "Ilgums" #. Translators: 'status - minutes:seconds' the caller has been connected -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2735 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2891 #, c-format msgid "%s — %d:%02dm" msgstr "%s — %d:%02dm" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3161 +#, c-format +msgid "Your current balance is %s." +msgstr "Jūsu pašreizējā bilance ir %s." + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3165 +msgid "Sorry, you don’t have enough credit for that call." +msgstr "Diemžēl jums nepietiek kredīta, lai veiktu šo zvanu." + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3167 +msgid "Top Up" +msgstr "Uzpildīt" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.c:243 msgid "_Match case" msgstr "_Reģistru sakritība" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-account-dialog.c:144 +msgid "What kind of chat account do you have?" +msgstr "Kāda veida tērzēšanas konts jums ir?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-account-dialog.c:166 +msgid "Adding new account" +msgstr "Jauna kontu pievienošana" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:77 +msgid "People nearby" +msgstr "Tuvumā esošie cilvēki" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:150 +#| msgid "" +#| "Empathy can automatically discover and chat with the people connected on " +#| "the same network as you. If you want to use this feature, please check " +#| "that the details below are correct. You can easily change these details " +#| "later or disable this feature by using the 'Accounts' dialog" +msgid "" +"Empathy can automatically discover and chat with the people connected on the " +"same network as you. If you want to use this feature, please check that the " +"details below are correct." +msgstr "" +"Empathy var automātiski atrast tērzēšanai cilvēkus jūsu lokālajā tīklā. Ja " +"vēlaties lietot šo iespēju, lūdzu, pārliecinieties, ka norādītā informācija " +"ir " +"pareiza" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:183 +msgid "" +"You can change these details later or disable this feature by choosing Edit → Accounts in the Contact List." +msgstr "" +"Jūs varat mainīt šo informāciju vēlāk vai deaktivēt šo iespēju, izvēloties " +"Rediģēt → Konti kontaktu sarakstā." + +#~ msgid "Select contacts to link" +#~ msgstr "Izvēlēties kontaktus, ko saistīt" + +#~ msgid "New contact preview" +#~ msgstr "Jauna kontakta priekšskatījums" + +#~ msgid "Contacts selected in the list on the left will be linked together." +#~ msgstr "Kontakti, kuri ir izvēlēti kreisajā sarakstā tiks sasaistīti" + +#~ msgctxt "Link individual (contextual menu)" +#~ msgid "_Link Contacts…" +#~ msgstr "_Saistīt kontaktus..." + +#~ msgid "Link Contacts" +#~ msgstr "Saistītie kontakti" + +#~ msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" +#~ msgid "_Unlink…" +#~ msgstr "A_tsaistīt..." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Completely split the displayed linked contacts into the separate contacts." +#~ msgstr "Redzamo saistīto kontaktu pilnībā sadalīt atsevišķos kontaktos." + +#~ msgid "_Link" +#~ msgstr "_Saistīt" + +#~ msgid "Unlink linked contacts '%s'?" +#~ msgstr "Atsaistīt saistītos kontaktus '%s'?" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Are you sure you want to unlink these linked contacts? This will " +#~ "completely split the linked contacts into separate contacts." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Vai tiešām vēlaties atsaistīt šos saistītos kontaktus? Tas pilnībā " +#~ "sadalīs saistītos kontaktus dažādos kontaktos." + +#~ msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" +#~ msgid "_Unlink" +#~ msgstr "A_tsaistīt" + +#~ msgid "There was an error while importing the accounts." +#~ msgstr "Gadījās kļūda, importējot kontus." + +#~ msgid "There was an error while parsing the account details." +#~ msgstr "Gadījās kļūda, analizējot konta informāciju." + +#~ msgid "There was an error while creating the account." +#~ msgstr "Gadījās kļūda, veidojot kontu." + +#~ msgid "There was an error." +#~ msgstr "Ir notikusi kļūda." + +#~ msgid "The error message was: %s" +#~ msgstr "Kļūdas paziņojums: %s" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "You can either go back and try to enter your accounts' details again or " +#~ "quit this assistant and add accounts later from the Edit menu." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Jūs varat atgriezties un ievadīt konta informāciju vēlreiz, vai arī iziet " +#~ "no šī palīga un pievienot kontus vēlāk, izmantojot Rediģēšanas izvēlni." + +#~ msgid "An error occurred" +#~ msgstr "Notika kļūda" + +#~ msgid "Do you have any other chat accounts you want to set up?" +#~ msgstr "Vai vēlaties iestatīt vēl citus tērzēšanas kontus?" + +#~ msgid "Enter your account details" +#~ msgstr "Ievadiet sava konta informāciju" + +#~ msgid "What kind of chat account do you want to create?" +#~ msgstr "Kāda veida tērzēšanas kontu vēlaties izveidot?" + +#~ msgid "Do you want to create other chat accounts?" +#~ msgstr "Vai vēlaties izveidot citus tērzēšanas kontus?" + +#~ msgid "Enter the details for the new account" +#~ msgstr "Ievadiet sava jaunā konta informāciju" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "With Empathy you can chat with people online nearby and with friends and " +#~ "colleagues who use Google Talk, AIM, Windows Live and many other chat " +#~ "programs. With a microphone or a webcam you can also have audio or video " +#~ "calls." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Ar Empathy jūs varat tērzēt ar tuvumā esošiem cilvēkiem, kā arī ar " +#~ "draugiem un kolēģiem, kuri izmanto Google Talk, AIM, Windows Live un " +#~ "daudzas citas tērzēšanas programmas. Ar mikrofonu un tīmekļa kameru jūs " +#~ "varat veikt arī audio un video zvanus." + +#~ msgid "Do you have an account you've been using with another chat program?" +#~ msgstr "Vai jums ir konti, kurus izmantojat ar citu tērzēšanas programmu?" + +#~ msgid "Yes, import my account details from " +#~ msgstr "Jā, importēt konta informāciju no" + +#~ msgid "Yes, I'll enter my account details now" +#~ msgstr "Jā, es tagad ievadīšu sava konta informāciju" + +#~ msgid "No, I want a new account" +#~ msgstr "Nē, es vēlos veidot jaunu kontu" + +#~ msgid "No, I just want to see people online nearby for now" +#~ msgstr "Nē, es pagaidām vēlos tikai redzēt tuvumā atrodamos cilvēkus" + +#~ msgid "Select the accounts you want to import:" +#~ msgstr "Izvēlieties kontus, kurus vēlaties importēt:" + +#~ msgid "No, that's all for now" +#~ msgstr "Nē, pagaidām tas ir viss" + +#~ msgid "Edit->Accounts" +#~ msgstr "Rediģēt->Konti" + +#~ msgid "I do _not want to enable this feature for now" +#~ msgstr "Es pagaidām _nevēlos ieslēgt šo iespēju" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "You won't be able to chat with people connected to your local network, as " +#~ "telepathy-salut is not installed. If you want to enable this feature, " +#~ "please install the telepathy-salut package and create a People Nearby " +#~ "account from the Accounts dialog" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Neizdosies tērzēt ar cilvēkiem lokālajā tīklā, jo telepathy-salut nav " +#~ "instalēts. Ja vēlaties ieslēgt šo iespēju, lūdzu, instalējiet telepathy-" +#~ "salut pakotni un izveidojiet atbilstošo kontu Kontu dialogā" + +#~ msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts Assistant" +#~ msgstr "Ziņojumapmaiņas un IP balss pārraides kontu asistents" + +#~ msgid "Welcome to Empathy" +#~ msgstr "Laipni lūdzam Empathy" + +#~ msgid "Import your existing accounts" +#~ msgstr "Importēt jau esošos kontus" + +#~ msgid "Please enter personal details" +#~ msgstr "Lūdzu, ievadiet savus datus" + +#~ msgid "Protocol:" +#~ msgstr "Protokols:" + +#~| msgid "Show Balance in contact list" +#~ msgid "Show account assistant" +#~ msgstr "Rādīt kontu asistentu" + +#~ msgid "Call volume" +#~ msgstr "Zvana skaļums" + +#~ msgid "Call volume, as a percentage." +#~ msgstr "Zvana skaļums, izteikts procentos." + +#~ msgid "Empathy has migrated butterfly logs" +#~ msgstr "Empathy ir pārnesusi butterfly žurnālus" + +#~ msgid "Whether Empathy has migrated butterfly logs." +#~ msgstr "Vai Empathy ir pārnesusi butterfly žurnālus." + +#~ msgid "Socket type not supported" +#~ msgstr "Ligzdas tips nav atbalstīts" + +#~ msgid "My Web Accounts" +#~ msgstr "Mani tīmekļa konti" + +#~ msgid "The account %s is edited via %s." +#~ msgstr "Konts %s tika rediģēts ar %s." + +#~ msgid "The account %s cannot be edited in Empathy." +#~ msgstr "Kontu %s nevar rediģēt, izmantojot Empathy." + +#~ msgid "Launch My Web Accounts" +#~ msgstr "Palaist \"Mani tīmekļa konti\"" + +#~ msgid "Edit %s" +#~ msgstr "Rediģēt %s" + +#~ msgid "Ca_ncel" +#~ msgstr "A_tcelt" + +#~ msgid "Personal Information" +#~ msgstr "Personīgā informācija" + +#~ msgid "Ungrouped" +#~ msgstr "Negrupēts" + +#~ msgid "Favorite People" +#~ msgstr "Īpašie cilvēki" + +#~ msgctxt "Edit contact (contextual menu)" +#~ msgid "_Edit" +#~ msgstr "R_ediģēt" + +#~ msgid "Select a contact" +#~ msgstr "Izvēlēties kontaktu" + +#~ msgid "Contact ID:" +#~ msgstr "Kontakta ID:" + +#~ msgid "C_hat" +#~ msgstr "_Tērzēt" + +#~ msgid "Send _Video" +#~ msgstr "Sūtīt _video" + +#~ msgid "C_all" +#~ msgstr "Zv_anīt" + +#~ msgid "Set your presence and current status" +#~ msgstr "Iestatiet savu klātbūtni un statusu" + +#~ msgid "The selected contact cannot receive files." +#~ msgstr "Izvēlētais kontakts nevar saņemt failus." + +#~ msgid "The selected contact is offline." +#~ msgstr "Izvēlētais kontakts ir nesaistē." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "You are about to create a new account, which will discard\n" +#~ "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Jūs tūlīt izveidosiet jaunu kontu, kas izmetīs jūsu izmaiņas.\n" +#~ "Vai tiešām vēlaties turpināt?" + +#~ msgctxt "encoding video codec" +#~ msgid "Unknown" +#~ msgstr "Nezināms" + +#~ msgctxt "encoding audio codec" +#~ msgid "Unknown" +#~ msgstr "Nezināms" + +#~ msgctxt "decoding video codec" +#~ msgid "Unknown" +#~ msgstr "Nezināms" + +#~ msgctxt "decoding audio codec" +#~ msgid "Unknown" +#~ msgstr "Nezināms" + +#~ msgid "_Personal Information" +#~ msgstr "_Personīgā informācija" + +#~ msgid "Input level:" +#~ msgstr "Ievades līmenis:" + +#~ msgid "Input volume:" +#~ msgstr "Ievades skaļums:" + +#~ msgid "_Open new chats in separate windows" +#~ msgstr "Atvērt jaunas sarakstes atsevišķos l_ogos" + #~ msgid "Find Next" #~ msgstr "Meklēt nākamo" diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/po/ml.po empathy-3.3.92/po/ml.po --- empathy-3.3.91/po/ml.po 2011-06-22 11:51:42.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/po/ml.po 2012-03-20 09:30:00.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,943 +1,1723 @@ +# Malayalam translation of empathy # Copyright (C) 2008 empathy'S COPYRIGHT HOLDER # This file is distributed under the same license as the empathy package. # # FSF-India , 2003. # ashik salahudeen , 2008. -# പ്രവീണ്‍ അരിമ്പ്രത്തൊടിയില്‍ , 2008. -# Praveen Arimbrathodiyil , 2009. +# Praveen Arimbrathodiyil , 2008, 2009, 2012. +# Mohammed Sadiq , 2012. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: gossip\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=empathy&component=general\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-09-08 23:15+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-09-09 00:23-0800\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=empathy&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=General\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-18 17:43+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-19 17:26+0530\n" "Last-Translator: Praveen Arimbrathodiyil \n" -"Language-Team: Malayalam \n" +"Language-Team: Malayalam \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"X-Generator: Lokalize 0.3\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" +"X-DamnedLies-Scope: partial\n" +"X-Generator: Lokalize 0.3\n" #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:1 -#, fuzzy msgid "Empathy" -msgstr "എമ്പതി വിളി" +msgstr "എമ്പതി" #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:2 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Empathy IM Client" -msgstr "എമ്പതി വിളി" +msgid "IM Client" +msgstr "ഐഎം ക്ലയന്റ്" #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:3 #, fuzzy -msgid "IM Client" -msgstr "ക്ലയന്റ്:" +#| msgid "Empathy Instant Messenger" +msgid "Empathy Internet Messaging" +msgstr "ഇന്‍സ്റ്റന്റ് മെസ്സേജിങ് വിലാസങ്ങള്‍" #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:4 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Send and receive messages" -msgstr "ഞൊടിയിടയിലുള്ള സന്ദേശങ്ങള്‍ അയക്കുകയും സ്വീകരിക്കുകയും ചെയ്യുക" +msgid "Chat on Google Talk, Facebook, MSN and many other chat services" +msgstr "ഗൂഗിള്‍ ടാക്ക്, ഫേസ്ബുക്ക്, എംഎസ്എന്‍ തുടങ്ങി നിരവധി സല്ലാപ സേവനങ്ങളുപയോഗിച്ചു് സല്ലപിയ്ക്കുക" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:1 -msgid "Always open a separate chat window for new chats." -msgstr "പുതിയ ചാറ്റുകള്‍ എപ്പോഴും മറ്റൊരു പുതിയ ജാലകത്തില്‍ തന്നെ തുറക്കുക" +#. Tweak the dialog +#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2512 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts" +msgstr "അക്കൌണ്ടുകള്‍ കാണിയ്ക്കുകയും മാറ്റം വരുത്തുകയും ചെയ്യുക" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:2 -msgid "Character to add after nickname when using nick completion (tab) in group chat." -msgstr "ഗ്രൂപ്പ് ചാറ്റില്‍ വിളിപ്പേരു മുഴുമിക്കല്‍ (റ്റാബ്) ഉപയോഗിക്കുമ്പോള്‍ വിളിപ്പേരിനു ശേഷം ചേര്‍‌ക്കേണ്ട അക്ഷരം/ചിഹ്നം" +#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:2 +msgid "Manage Messaging and VoIP accounts" +msgstr "" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:3 -msgid "Chat window theme" -msgstr "ചാറ്റ് വിന്‍ഡോയുടെ തീം" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:1 +msgid "Connection managers should be used" +msgstr "നെറ്റ്​വര്‍ക്ക് മാനേജറുകള്‍ ഉപയോഗിക്കണം" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:4 -msgid "Comma separated list of spell checker languages to use (e.g. en, fr, nl)." -msgstr "കോമകളിട്ട് തിരിച്ചിട്ടുള്ള സ്പെല്‍ ചെക്കര്‍ ഭാഷകളുടെ ഒരു പട്ടിക ( ഉദാ. hi,ml) ." +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:2 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Whether connectivity managers should be used to automatically disconnect/reconnect." +msgstr "തന്നത്താന്‍ കണക്റ്റ് / റീ കണക്റ്റ് ചെയ്യാന്‍ നെറ്റ്‌വര്‍ക്ക് മാനേജറെ ഉപയോഗിക്കണമോ എന്ന്" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:5 -msgid "Compact contact list" -msgstr "കോണ്‍ടാക്റ്റ് പട്ടികയുടെ ചുരുക്കരൂപം" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:3 +msgid "Empathy should auto-connect on startup" +msgstr "എംപതി തുടക്കത്തില്‍ തന്നത്താന്‍ കണക്റ്റ് ചെയ്യണം" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:6 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:4 #, fuzzy -msgid "Connection managers should be used" -msgstr "നെറ്റ്വര്‍ക്ക് മാനേജരെ ഉപയോഗിക്കണം" +#| msgid "" +#| "Whether or not Empathy should automatically log in to your accounts on " +#| "startup." +msgid "Whether Empathy should automatically log into your accounts on startup." +msgstr "എംപതി തുടക്കത്തില്‍ തന്നെ നിങ്ങളുടെ അക്കൗണ്ടുകളിലേക്ക് ലോഗിന്‍ ചെയ്യണമോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്ന് " -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:7 -msgid "Contact list sort criterium" -msgstr "കോണ്‍ടാക്റ്റ് പട്ടിക ക്രമീകരിക്കേണ്ടത് ഇതിനെ അടിസ്ഥാനമാക്കിയാണ് " +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:5 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Empathy should auto-connect on startup" +msgid "Empathy should auto-away when idle" +msgstr "എംപതി തുടക്കത്തില്‍ തന്നത്താന്‍ കണക്റ്റ് ചെയ്യണം" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:8 -msgid "Default directory to select an avatar image from" -msgstr "അവതാരം ആയി ഉപയോഗിക്കേണ്ട ചിത്രം തെരഞ്ഞെടുക്കാനുപയോഗിക്കേണ്ട ഡിഫോള്‍ട്ട് ഡയറക്റ്ററി" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:6 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "" +#| "Whether or not Empathy should automatically log in to your accounts on " +#| "startup." +msgid "Whether Empathy should go into away mode automatically if the user is idle." +msgstr "എംപതി തുടക്കത്തില്‍ തന്നെ നിങ്ങളുടെ അക്കൗണ്ടുകളിലേക്ക് ലോഗിന്‍ ചെയ്യണമോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്ന് " -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:9 -msgid "Disable popup notifications when away" -msgstr "_ദൂരെയാകുമ്പോള്‍ പൊങ്ങിവരുന്ന അറിയിപ്പുകള്‍ കാണിയ്ക്കേണ്ട" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:7 +msgid "Empathy default download folder" +msgstr "എമ്പതി ഡൌണ്‍ലോഡ് ചെയ്യാനുപയോഗിയ്ക്കുന്ന സഹജമായ അറ" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:10 -msgid "Disable sounds when away" -msgstr "_ദൂരെയാകുമ്പോള്‍ ശബ്ദം കേള്‍പ്പിയ്ക്കരുതു്" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:8 +msgid "The default folder to save file transfers in." +msgstr "വരുന്ന ഫയലുകള്‍ സൂക്ഷിയ്ക്കേണ്ട സഹജമായ അറ." -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:11 -msgid "Empathy can publish the user's location" -msgstr "എമ്പതിയ്ക്കു് ഉപയോക്താവിന്റെ സ്ഥാനം പ്രസിദ്ധീകരിയ്ക്കാന്‍ കഴിയും" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:9 +msgid "Magic number used to check if sanity cleaning tasks should be run" +msgstr "" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:12 -msgid "Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location" -msgstr "ജിപിഎസ്സുപയോഗിച്ചു് സ്ഥാനം ഊഹിയ്ക്കാന്‍ എമ്പതിയ്ക്കു് കഴിയും" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:10 +msgid "empathy-sanity-cleaning.c uses this number to check if the cleaning tasks should be executed or not. Users should not change this key manually." +msgstr "" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:13 -msgid "Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location" -msgstr "സെല്ലുലാര്‍ ശൃംഖല ഉപയോഗിച്ചു് സ്ഥാനം ഊഹിയ്ക്കാന്‍ എമ്പതിയ്ക്കു് കഴിയും" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:11 +msgid "Show offline contacts" +msgstr "ഓഫ്‌ലൈന്‍ ആയ കോണ്‍ടാക്റ്റുകളെ കാണിക്കുക" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:14 -msgid "Empathy can use the network to guess the location" -msgstr "ശൃംഖല ഉപയോഗിച്ചു് സ്ഥാനം ഊഹിയ്ക്കാന്‍ എമ്പതിയ്ക്കു് കഴിയും" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:12 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "" +#| "Whether or not to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." +msgid "Whether to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." +msgstr "ഓഫ്‌ലൈന്‍ ആയ കോണ്ടാക്റ്റുകളെ കോണ്ടാക്റ്റ് പട്ടികയില്‍ കാണിക്കണോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്ന് " -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:15 -msgid "Empathy default download folder" -msgstr "എമ്പതി ഡൌണ്‍ലോഡ് ചെയ്യാനുപയോഗിയ്ക്കുന്ന സഹജമായ അറ" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:13 +msgid "Show avatars" +msgstr "അവതാരങ്ങളെ കാണിക്കുക" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:16 -msgid "Empathy has asked about importing accounts" -msgstr "അക്കൌണ്ടുകള്‍ പുറത്തുനിന്നെടുക്കുന്നതിനെപ്പറ്റി എമ്പതി ചോദിച്ചിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:14 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "" +#| "Whether or not to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat " +#| "windows." +msgid "Whether to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat windows." +msgstr "ചാറ്റ് ജാലകങ്ങളിലും കോണ്ടാക്റ്റ് പട്ടികയിലും കോണ്ടാക്റ്റുകള്‍ക്ക് അവതാറുകളെ കാണിക്കണോ എന്ന്" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:17 -msgid "Empathy should auto-connect on startup" -msgstr "എംപതി തുടക്കത്തില്‍ തന്നത്താന്‍ കണക്റ്റ് ചെയ്യണം" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:15 +msgid "Show protocols" +msgstr "നിയമാവലികള്‍ കാണിക്കുക" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:16 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "" +#| "Whether or not to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat " +#| "windows." +msgid "Whether to show protocols for contacts in the contact list." +msgstr "ചാറ്റ് ജാലകങ്ങളിലും കോണ്ടാക്റ്റ് പട്ടികയിലും കോണ്ടാക്റ്റുകള്‍ക്ക് അവതാറുകളെ കാണിക്കണോ എന്ന്" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:18 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:17 #, fuzzy -msgid "Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy" -msgstr "എംപതി തുടക്കത്തില്‍ തന്നത്താന്‍ കണക്റ്റ് ചെയ്യണം" - -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:19 -msgid "Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon" -msgstr "എംപതി ചാറ്റ് ജാലകത്തിന്റെ ഐക്കണ്‍ ആയി കോണ്‍ടാക്റ്റിന്റെ അവതാരത്തെ തന്നെ ഉപയോഗിക്കണം" +#| msgid "Show co_mpact contact list" +msgid "Show Balance in contact list" +msgstr "ചു_രുങ്ങിയ ബന്ധപ്പട്ടിക കാണിയ്ക്കുക" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:20 -msgid "Enable WebKit Developer Tools" -msgstr "വെബ്‌കിറ്റിന്റെ കോഡെഴുത്തുകാര്‍ക്കുള്ള ഉപകരണങ്ങള്‍ പ്രവര്‍ത്തന സജ്ജമാക്കുക" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:18 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "" +#| "Whether or not to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." +msgid "Whether to show account balances in the contact list." +msgstr "കോണ്‍ടാക്റ്റ് പട്ടികയെ ചുരുക്കി കാണിക്കണോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്ന്" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:21 -msgid "Enable popup notifications for new messages" -msgstr "പുതിയ സന്ദേശങ്ങള്‍ വരുമ്പോള്‍ പൊങ്ങി വരുന്ന അറിയിപ്പു് കാണിയ്ക്കുക" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:19 +msgid "Compact contact list" +msgstr "കോണ്‍ടാക്റ്റ് പട്ടികയുടെ ചുരുക്കരൂപം" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:22 -msgid "Enable spell checker" -msgstr "സ്പെല്‍ ചെക്കര്‍ സജീവമാക്കുക" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:20 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Whether to show the contact list in compact mode or not." +msgid "Whether to show the contact list in compact mode." +msgstr "കോണ്‍ടാക്റ്റ് പട്ടികയെ ചുരുക്കി കാണിക്കണോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്ന്" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:23 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:21 msgid "Hide main window" msgstr "പ്രധാനജാലകത്തെ മറയ്ക്കുക" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:24 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:22 msgid "Hide the main window." msgstr "പ്രധാനജാലകത്തെ മറയ്ക്കുക" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:25 -msgid "MC 4 accounts have been imported" -msgstr "എംസി 4 അക്കൌണ്ടുകള്‍ എടുത്തിട്ടുണ്ടു്" - -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:26 -msgid "MC 4 accounts have been imported." -msgstr "എംസി 4 അക്കൌണ്ടുകള്‍ എടുത്തിട്ടുണ്ടു്." +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:23 +msgid "Default directory to select an avatar image from" +msgstr "അവതാരം ആയി ഉപയോഗിക്കേണ്ട ചിത്രം തെരഞ്ഞെടുക്കാനുപയോഗിക്കേണ്ട ഡിഫോള്‍ട്ട് ഡയറക്റ്ററി" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:27 -msgid "Nick completed character" -msgstr "വിളിപ്പേരു മുഴുമിക്കപ്പെടുമ്പോള്‍ ഉപയോഗിക്കേണ്ട ചിഹ്നം" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:24 +msgid "The last directory that an avatar image was chosen from." +msgstr "ഒരു അവതാരചിത്രം തെരഞ്ഞെടുക്കാനുപയോഗിച്ച അവസാനത്തെ ഡയറക്റ്ററി" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:28 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:25 msgid "Open new chats in separate windows" msgstr "പുതിയ ചാറ്റുകള്‍ വെവ്വേറെ ജാലകങ്ങളില്‍ തുറക്കുക" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:29 -msgid "Path of the adium theme to use" -msgstr "ഉപയോഗിയ്ക്കേണ്ട അഡിയത്തിന്റെ പ്രമേയത്തിലേയ്ക്കുള്ള വഴി" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:26 +msgid "Always open a separate chat window for new chats." +msgstr "പുതിയ ചാറ്റുകള്‍ എപ്പോഴും മറ്റൊരു പുതിയ ജാലകത്തില്‍ തന്നെ തുറക്കുക" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:27 +msgid "Display incoming events in the status area" +msgstr "" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:28 +msgid "Display incoming events in the status area. If false, present them to the user immediately." +msgstr "" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:29 +msgid "The position for the chat window side pane" +msgstr "" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:30 +msgid "The stored position (in pixels) of the chat window side pane." +msgstr "" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:30 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:31 #, fuzzy -msgid "Path of the adium theme to use if the theme used for chat is adium." -msgstr "ചാറ്റ് മുറികള്‍ക്ക് തീം ഉപയോഗിക്കണോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്ന് " +msgid "Show contact groups" +msgstr "ബന്ധപ്പട്ടിക _കാണിയ്ക്കുക" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:32 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "" +#| "Whether or not to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." +msgid "Whether to show groups in the contact list." +msgstr "ഓഫ്‌ലൈന്‍ ആയ കോണ്ടാക്റ്റുകളെ കോണ്ടാക്റ്റ് പട്ടികയില്‍ കാണിക്കണോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്ന് " + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:33 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Contact list sort criterium" +msgid "Contact list sort criterion" +msgstr "കോണ്‍ടാക്റ്റ് പട്ടിക ക്രമീകരിക്കേണ്ടത് ഇതിനെ അടിസ്ഥാനമാക്കിയാണ് " + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:34 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "" +#| "Which criterium to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to use " +#| "sort by the contact's name with the value \"name\". A value of \"state\" " +#| "will sort the contact list by state." +msgid "Which criterion to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to sort by the contact's state with the value \"state\". A value of \"name\" will sort the contact list by name." +msgstr "കോണ്ടാക്റ്റ് പട്ടികയെ ക്രമീകരിക്കുമ്പോള്‍ ഉപയോഗിക്കേണ്ട അടിസ്ഥാനം. കോണ്ടാക്റ്റിന്റെ \"പേര്\" അനുസരിച്ച് അക്ഷരമാലാക്രമത്തിലാക്കുക എന്നതാണ് ഡിഫോള്‍ട്ട്. \"സംസ്ഥാനം\" എന്നത് കോണ്ടാക്റ്റ് പട്ടികയെ സംസ്ഥാനത്തിനനുസരിച്ച് അക്ഷരമാലാക്രമത്തിലാക്കും" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:35 +msgid "Use notification sounds" +msgstr "സൂചനാശബ്ദങ്ങള്‍ ഉപയോഗിക്കുക" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:36 +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of events." +msgstr "എന്തെങ്കിലും സംഭവിയ്ക്കുമ്പോള്‍ ശബ്ദമുണ്ടാക്കണോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്നു്." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:37 +msgid "Disable sounds when away" +msgstr "_ദൂരെയാകുമ്പോള്‍ ശബ്ദം കേള്‍പ്പിയ്ക്കരുതു്" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:38 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Whether or not to play sound notifications when away or busy." +msgid "Whether to play sound notifications when away or busy." +msgstr "നിങ്ങള്‍ ദൂരെയോ തിരക്കിലോ ആയിരിയ്ക്കുമ്പോള്‍ ശബ്ദമുണ്ടാക്കണോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്നു്." -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:31 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:39 msgid "Play a sound for incoming messages" msgstr "സന്ദേശം വരുമ്പോള്‍ ശബ്ദമുണ്ടാക്കുക" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:32 -msgid "Play a sound for new conversations" -msgstr "പുതിയ സംഭാഷണങ്ങള്‍ക്കു് ഒരു ശബ്ദം കേള്‍പ്പിയ്ക്കുക" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:40 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Whether or not to play a sound to notify for incoming messages." +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of incoming messages." +msgstr "എന്തെങ്കിലും സംഭവിയ്ക്കുമ്പോള്‍ ശബ്ദമുണ്ടാക്കണോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്നു്." -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:33 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:41 msgid "Play a sound for outgoing messages" msgstr "സന്ദേശം അയയ്ക്കുമ്പോള്‍ ശബ്ദമുണ്ടാക്കുക" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:34 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:42 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Whether or not to play a sound to notify for outgoing messages." +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of outgoing messages." +msgstr "എന്തെങ്കിലും സംഭവിയ്ക്കുമ്പോള്‍ ശബ്ദമുണ്ടാക്കണോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്നു്." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:43 +msgid "Play a sound for new conversations" +msgstr "പുതിയ സംഭാഷണങ്ങള്‍ക്കു് ഒരു ശബ്ദം കേള്‍പ്പിയ്ക്കുക" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:44 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Whether or not to play a sound to notify for new conversations." +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of new conversations." +msgstr "എന്തെങ്കിലും സംഭവിയ്ക്കുമ്പോള്‍ ശബ്ദമുണ്ടാക്കണോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്നു്." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:45 msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs in" msgstr "പട്ടികയിലുള്ളവര്‍ വരുമ്പോള്‍ ശബ്ദമുണ്ടാക്കുക" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:35 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:46 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "" +#| "Whether or not to play a sound to notify for contacts logging in the " +#| "network." +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging into the network." +msgstr "പട്ടികയിലുള്ളവര്‍ ശൃംഖലയില്‍ കയറുമ്പോള്‍ അറിയിയ്ക്കാന്‍ ശബ്ദം കേള്‍പ്പിയ്ക്കണോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്നു്." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:47 msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs out" msgstr "പട്ടികയിലുള്ളവരാരെങ്കിലും പുറത്തിറങ്ങുമ്പോള്‍ ഒരു ശബ്ദം കേള്‍പ്പിയ്ക്കുക" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:36 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:48 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "" +#| "Whether or not to play a sound to notify for contacts logging off the " +#| "network." +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging out of the network." +msgstr "പട്ടികയിലുള്ളവര്‍ ശൃംഖലയില്‍ നിന്നും പുറത്തിറങ്ങുമ്പോള്‍ അറിയിയ്ക്കാന്‍ ശബ്ദം കേള്‍പ്പിയ്ക്കണോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്നു്." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:49 msgid "Play a sound when we log in" msgstr "നമ്മള്‍ അകത്തുകയറുമ്പോള്‍ ശബ്ദമുണ്ടാക്കുക" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:37 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:50 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Whether or not to play a sound when logging in a network." +msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging into a network." +msgstr "ഒരു ശൃംഖലയില്‍ കയറുമ്പോള്‍ ശബ്ദമുണ്ടാക്കണോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്നു്." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:51 msgid "Play a sound when we log out" msgstr "നമ്മള്‍ പുറത്തിറങ്ങുമ്പോള്‍ ശബ്ദമുണ്ടാക്കുക" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:38 -msgid "Popup notifications if the chat isn't focused" -msgstr "സല്ലാപം ശ്രദ്ധയില്‍ പെട്ടില്ലെങ്കില്‍ പൊങ്ങിവരുന്ന അറിയിപ്പുകള്‍ കാണിയ്ക്കുക" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:52 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Whether or not to play a sound when logging off a network." +msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging out of a network." +msgstr "ഒരു ശൃംഖലയില്‍ കയറുമ്പോള്‍ ശബ്ദമുണ്ടാക്കണോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്നു്." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:53 +msgid "Enable popup notifications for new messages" +msgstr "പുതിയ സന്ദേശങ്ങള്‍ വരുമ്പോള്‍ പൊങ്ങി വരുന്ന അറിയിപ്പു് കാണിയ്ക്കുക" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:54 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "" +#| "Whether or not to show a popup notification when receiving a new message." +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message." +msgstr "ഒരു പുതിയ സന്ദേശം വരുമ്പോള്‍ പൊങ്ങിവരുന്ന അറിയിപ്പു് കാണിക്കണോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്നു്." -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:39 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:55 +msgid "Disable popup notifications when away" +msgstr "_ദൂരെയാകുമ്പോള്‍ പൊങ്ങിവരുന്ന അറിയിപ്പുകള്‍ കാണിയ്ക്കേണ്ട" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:56 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Whether or not to show popup notifications when away or busy." +msgid "Whether to show popup notifications when away or busy." +msgstr "നിങ്ങള്‍ ദൂരെയോ തിരക്കിലോ ആയിരിക്കുമ്പോള്‍ പൊങ്ങിവരുന്ന അറിയിപ്പുകള്‍ കാണിയ്ക്കണോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്നു്." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:57 #, fuzzy -msgid "Popup notifications when a contact sign in" +#| msgid "Popup notifications if the chat isn't focused" +msgid "Pop up notifications if the chat isn't focused" msgstr "സല്ലാപം ശ്രദ്ധയില്‍ പെട്ടില്ലെങ്കില്‍ പൊങ്ങിവരുന്ന അറിയിപ്പുകള്‍ കാണിയ്ക്കുക" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:40 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:58 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "" +#| "Whether or not to show a popup notification when receiving a new message " +#| "even if the chat is already opened, but not focused." +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message even if the chat is already opened, but not focused." +msgstr "സല്ലാപം തുറന്നിട്ടുണ്ടെങ്കിലും ശ്രദ്ധയിലില്ലെങ്കില്‍ ഒരു പുതിയ സന്ദേശം വരുമ്പോള്‍ പൊങ്ങിവരുന്ന അറിയിപ്പു് കാണിയ്ക്കണോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്നു്" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:59 #, fuzzy -msgid "Popup notifications when a contact sign out" +msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs in" msgstr "സല്ലാപം ശ്രദ്ധയില്‍ പെട്ടില്ലെങ്കില്‍ പൊങ്ങിവരുന്ന അറിയിപ്പുകള്‍ കാണിയ്ക്കുക" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:41 -msgid "Salut account is created" -msgstr "സല്യൂട്ട് അക്കൗണ്ട് ഉണ്ടാക്കിക്കഴിഞിരിക്കുന്നു" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:60 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes online." +msgstr "നിങ്ങള്‍ ദൂരെയോ തിരക്കിലോ ആയിരിക്കുമ്പോള്‍ പൊങ്ങിവരുന്ന അറിയിപ്പുകള്‍ കാണിയ്ക്കണോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്നു്." -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:42 -msgid "Show avatars" -msgstr "അവതാരങ്ങളെ കാണിക്കുക" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:61 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs out" +msgstr "സല്ലാപം ശ്രദ്ധയില്‍ പെട്ടില്ലെങ്കില്‍ പൊങ്ങിവരുന്ന അറിയിപ്പുകള്‍ കാണിയ്ക്കുക" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:43 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:62 #, fuzzy -msgid "Show contact list in rooms" -msgstr "ബന്ധപ്പട്ടിക _കാണിയ്ക്കുക" +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes offline." +msgstr "നിങ്ങള്‍ ദൂരെയോ തിരക്കിലോ ആയിരിക്കുമ്പോള്‍ പൊങ്ങിവരുന്ന അറിയിപ്പുകള്‍ കാണിയ്ക്കണോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്നു്." -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:44 -msgid "Show hint about closing the main window" -msgstr "പ്രധാനജാലകം അടയ്ക്കുമ്പോള്‍ ഒരു സൂചന കാണിക്കുക" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:63 +msgid "Use graphical smileys" +msgstr "ഗ്രാഫിക്കല്‍ സ്മൈലികള്‍ ഉപയോഗിക്കുക" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:45 -msgid "Show offline contacts" -msgstr "ഓഫ്‌ലൈന്‍ ആയ കോണ്‍ടാക്റ്റുകളെ കാണിക്കുക" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:64 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "" +#| "Whether or not to convert smileys into graphical images in conversations." +msgid "Whether to convert smileys into graphical images in conversations." +msgstr "വര്‍ത്തമാനം പറയുമ്പോള്‍ ഉപയോഗിക്കുന്ന സ്മൈലികളെ ചിത്രങ്ങളാക്കി മാറ്റണമോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്ന്" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:46 -msgid "Spell checking languages" -msgstr "സ്പെല്‍ ചെക് നടത്താവുന്ന ഭാഷകള്‍" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:65 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Show contact list in rooms" +msgstr "ചു_രുങ്ങിയ ബന്ധപ്പട്ടിക കാണിയ്ക്കുക" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:47 -msgid "The default folder to save file transfers in." -msgstr "വരുന്ന ഫയലുകള്‍ സൂക്ഷിയ്ക്കേണ്ട സഹജമായ അറ." +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:66 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Whether to show the contact list in chat rooms." +msgstr "കോണ്‍ടാക്റ്റ് പട്ടികയെ ചുരുക്കി കാണിക്കണോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്ന്" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:48 -msgid "The last directory that an avatar image was chosen from." -msgstr "ഒരു അവതാരചിത്രം തെരഞ്ഞെടുക്കാനുപയോഗിച്ച അവസാനത്തെ ഡയറക്റ്ററി" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:67 +msgid "Chat window theme" +msgstr "ചാറ്റ് വിന്‍ഡോയുടെ തീം" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:49 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:68 msgid "The theme that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." msgstr "വര്‍ത്തമാനത്തെ ചാറ്റ് ജാലകങ്ങളില്‍ കാണിക്കുമ്പോള്‍ ഉപയോഗിക്കേണ്ട തീം" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:50 -msgid "Use graphical smileys" -msgstr "ഗ്രാഫിക്കല്‍ സ്മൈലികള്‍ ഉപയോഗിക്കുക" - -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:51 -msgid "Use notification sounds" -msgstr "സൂചനാശബ്ദങ്ങള്‍ ഉപയോഗിക്കുക" - -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:52 -msgid "Use theme for chat rooms" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:69 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Chat window theme" +msgid "Chat window theme variant" msgstr "ചാറ്റ് മുറികള്‍ക്ക് തീം ഉപയോഗിക്കുക" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:53 -msgid "Whether WebKit developer tools, such as the Web Inspector, should be enabled." -msgstr "വെബ്‌കിറ്റിന്റെ വെബ് പരിശോധകന്‍ പോലുള്ള കോഡെഴുത്തുകാര്‍ക്കുള്ള ഉപകരണങ്ങള്‍ പ്രവര്‍ത്തന സജ്ജമാക്കണോ." - -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:54 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:70 #, fuzzy -msgid "Whether or not Empathy can publish the user's location to his contacts." -msgstr "ഓഫ്‌ലൈന്‍ ആയ കോണ്ടാക്റ്റുകളെ കോണ്ടാക്റ്റ് പട്ടികയില്‍ കാണിക്കണോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്ന് " +#| msgid "The theme that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." +msgid "The theme variant that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." +msgstr "വര്‍ത്തമാനത്തെ ചാറ്റ് ജാലകങ്ങളില്‍ കാണിക്കുമ്പോള്‍ ഉപയോഗിക്കേണ്ട തീം" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:55 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:71 #, fuzzy -msgid "Whether or not Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location." -msgstr "എംപതി കോണ്ടാക്റ്റിന്റെ അവതാരചിത്രത്തെ തന്നെ ചാറ്റ് ജാലകത്തിന്റെ ഐക്കണായി ഉപയോഗിക്കണമോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്ന്" +#| msgid "Path of the adium theme to use" +msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use" +msgstr "ഉപയോഗിയ്ക്കേണ്ട അഡിയത്തിന്റെ പ്രമേയത്തിലേയ്ക്കുള്ള വഴി" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:56 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:72 #, fuzzy -msgid "Whether or not Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location." -msgstr "എംപതി കോണ്ടാക്റ്റിന്റെ അവതാരചിത്രത്തെ തന്നെ ചാറ്റ് ജാലകത്തിന്റെ ഐക്കണായി ഉപയോഗിക്കണമോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്ന്" +msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use if the theme used for chat is Adium." +msgstr "ചാറ്റ് മുറികള്‍ക്ക് തീം ഉപയോഗിക്കണോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്ന് " -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:57 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Whether or not Empathy can use the network to guess the location." -msgstr "എംപതി കോണ്ടാക്റ്റിന്റെ അവതാരചിത്രത്തെ തന്നെ ചാറ്റ് ജാലകത്തിന്റെ ഐക്കണായി ഉപയോഗിക്കണമോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്ന്" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:73 +msgid "Enable WebKit Developer Tools" +msgstr "വെബ്‌കിറ്റിന്റെ കോഡെഴുത്തുകാര്‍ക്കുള്ള ഉപകരണങ്ങള്‍ പ്രവര്‍ത്തന സജ്ജമാക്കുക" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:58 -msgid "Whether or not Empathy has asked about importing accounts from other programs." -msgstr "മറ്റു് പ്രോഗ്രാമുകളില്‍ നിന്നും അക്കൊണ്ടുകള്‍ എടുക്കാന്‍ എമ്പതി ചോദിച്ചിട്ടുണ്ടോ ഇല്ലയോ എന്നു്." +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:74 +msgid "Whether WebKit developer tools, such as the Web Inspector, should be enabled." +msgstr "വെബ്‌കിറ്റിന്റെ വെബ് പരിശോധകന്‍ പോലുള്ള കോഡെഴുത്തുകാര്‍ക്കുള്ള ഉപകരണങ്ങള്‍ പ്രവര്‍ത്തന സജ്ജമാക്കണോ." -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:59 -msgid "Whether or not Empathy should automatically log in to your accounts on startup." -msgstr "എംപതി തുടക്കത്തില്‍ തന്നെ നിങ്ങളുടെ അക്കൗണ്ടുകളിലേക്ക് ലോഗിന്‍ ചെയ്യണമോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്ന് " +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:75 +msgid "Inform other users when you are typing to them" +msgstr "" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:60 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:76 +msgid "Whether to send the 'composing' or 'paused' chat states. Does not currently affect the 'gone' state." +msgstr "" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:77 +msgid "Use theme for chat rooms" +msgstr "ചാറ്റ് മുറികള്‍ക്ക് തീം ഉപയോഗിക്കുക" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:78 #, fuzzy -msgid "Whether or not Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy for privacy reasons." -msgstr "എംപതി കോണ്ടാക്റ്റിന്റെ അവതാരചിത്രത്തെ തന്നെ ചാറ്റ് ജാലകത്തിന്റെ ഐക്കണായി ഉപയോഗിക്കണമോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്ന്" +#| msgid "Whether to use the theme for chat rooms or not." +msgid "Whether to use the theme for chat rooms." +msgstr "ചാറ്റ് മുറികള്‍ക്ക് തീം ഉപയോഗിക്കണോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്ന് " -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:61 -msgid "Whether or not Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon." -msgstr "എംപതി കോണ്ടാക്റ്റിന്റെ അവതാരചിത്രത്തെ തന്നെ ചാറ്റ് ജാലകത്തിന്റെ ഐക്കണായി ഉപയോഗിക്കണമോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്ന്" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:79 +msgid "Spell checking languages" +msgstr "സ്പെല്‍ ചെക് നടത്താവുന്ന ഭാഷകള്‍" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:62 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:80 #, fuzzy -msgid "Whether or not connectivity managers should be used to automatically disconnect/reconnect." -msgstr "തന്നത്താന്‍ കണക്റ്റ് / റീ കണക്റ്റ് ചെയ്യാന്‍ നെറ്റ്‌വര്‍ക്ക് മാനേജറെ ഉപയോഗിക്കണമോ എന്ന്" +#| msgid "" +#| "Comma separated list of spell checker languages to use (e.g. en, fr, nl)." +msgid "Comma-separated list of spell checker languages to use (e.g. \"en, fr, nl\")." +msgstr "കോമകളിട്ട് തിരിച്ചിട്ടുള്ള സ്പെല്‍ ചെക്കര്‍ ഭാഷകളുടെ ഒരു പട്ടിക ( ഉദാ. hi,ml) ." -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:63 -msgid "Whether or not the Salut account has been created on the first Empathy run." -msgstr "എംപതി ആദ്യമായി ഉപയോഗിക്കുമ്പോള്‍ സല്യൂട്ട് അക്കൗണ്ട് ഉണ്ടാക്കണമോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്ന് " +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:81 +msgid "Enable spell checker" +msgstr "സ്പെല്‍ ചെക്കര്‍ സജീവമാക്കുക" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:64 -msgid "Whether or not to check words typed against the languages you want to check with." +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:82 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "" +#| "Whether or not to check words typed against the languages you want to " +#| "check with." +msgid "Whether to check words typed against the languages you want to check with." msgstr "നിങ്ങള്‍ പരിശോധിയ്ക്കണമെന്നാഗ്രഹിയ്ക്കുന്ന ഭാഷകളില്‍ എഴുതുന്ന വാക്കുകള്‍ പരിശോധിയ്ക്കണോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്നു്." -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:65 -msgid "Whether or not to convert smileys into graphical images in conversations." -msgstr "വര്‍ത്തമാനം പറയുമ്പോള്‍ ഉപയോഗിക്കുന്ന സ്മൈലികളെ ചിത്രങ്ങളാക്കി മാറ്റണമോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്ന്" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:83 +msgid "Nick completed character" +msgstr "വിളിപ്പേരു മുഴുമിക്കപ്പെടുമ്പോള്‍ ഉപയോഗിക്കേണ്ട ചിഹ്നം" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:66 -msgid "Whether or not to play a sound to notify for contacts logging in the network." -msgstr "പട്ടികയിലുള്ളവര്‍ ശൃംഖലയില്‍ കയറുമ്പോള്‍ അറിയിയ്ക്കാന്‍ ശബ്ദം കേള്‍പ്പിയ്ക്കണോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്നു്." +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:84 +msgid "Character to add after nickname when using nick completion (tab) in group chat." +msgstr "ഗ്രൂപ്പ് ചാറ്റില്‍ വിളിപ്പേരു മുഴുമിക്കല്‍ (റ്റാബ്) ഉപയോഗിക്കുമ്പോള്‍ വിളിപ്പേരിനു ശേഷം ചേര്‍‌ക്കേണ്ട അക്ഷരം/ചിഹ്നം" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:67 -msgid "Whether or not to play a sound to notify for contacts logging off the network." -msgstr "പട്ടികയിലുള്ളവര്‍ ശൃംഖലയില്‍ നിന്നും പുറത്തിറങ്ങുമ്പോള്‍ അറിയിയ്ക്കാന്‍ ശബ്ദം കേള്‍പ്പിയ്ക്കണോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്നു്." +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:85 +msgid "Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon" +msgstr "എംപതി ചാറ്റ് ജാലകത്തിന്റെ ഐക്കണ്‍ ആയി കോണ്‍ടാക്റ്റിന്റെ അവതാരത്തെ തന്നെ ഉപയോഗിക്കണം" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:68 -msgid "Whether or not to play a sound to notify for events." -msgstr "എന്തെങ്കിലും സംഭവിയ്ക്കുമ്പോള്‍ ശബ്ദമുണ്ടാക്കണോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്നു്." +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:86 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "" +#| "Whether or not Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat " +#| "window icon." +msgid "Whether Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon." +msgstr "എംപതി കോണ്ടാക്റ്റിന്റെ അവതാരചിത്രത്തെ തന്നെ ചാറ്റ് ജാലകത്തിന്റെ ഐക്കണായി ഉപയോഗിക്കണമോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്ന്" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:69 -msgid "Whether or not to play a sound to notify for incoming messages." -msgstr "ഒരു സന്ദേശം വരുമ്പോള്‍ ശബ്ദമുണ്ടാക്കണോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്നു്." - -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:70 -msgid "Whether or not to play a sound to notify for new conversations." -msgstr "പുതിയ വര്‍ത്തമാനങ്ങള്‍ക്കു് ശബ്ദമുണ്ടാക്കണോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്നു്." - -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:71 -msgid "Whether or not to play a sound to notify for outgoing messages." -msgstr "ഒരു സന്ദേശം അയയ്ക്കുമ്പോള്‍ ശബ്ദമുണ്ടാക്കണോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്നു്." +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:87 +msgid "Last account selected in Join Room dialog" +msgstr "" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:72 -msgid "Whether or not to play a sound when logging in a network." -msgstr "ഒരു ശൃംഖലയില്‍ കയറുമ്പോള്‍ ശബ്ദമുണ്ടാക്കണോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്നു്." +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:88 +msgid "D-Bus object path of the last account selected to join a room." +msgstr "" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:73 -msgid "Whether or not to play a sound when logging off a network." -msgstr "ഒരു ശൃംഖലയില്‍ നിന്നും പുറത്തിറങ്ങുമ്പോള്‍ ശബ്ദമുണ്ടാക്കണോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്നു്." +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:89 +#| msgid "N_ame:" +msgid "Camera device" +msgstr "ക്യാമറ ഉപകരണം" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:74 -msgid "Whether or not to play sound notifications when away or busy." -msgstr "നിങ്ങള്‍ ദൂരെയോ തിരക്കിലോ ആയിരിയ്ക്കുമ്പോള്‍ ശബ്ദമുണ്ടാക്കണോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്നു്." +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:90 +msgid "Default camera device to use in video calls, e.g. /dev/video0." +msgstr "" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:75 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Whether or not to show a popup notification when a contact goes offline." -msgstr "നിങ്ങള്‍ ദൂരെയോ തിരക്കിലോ ആയിരിക്കുമ്പോള്‍ പൊങ്ങിവരുന്ന അറിയിപ്പുകള്‍ കാണിയ്ക്കണോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്നു്." +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:91 +msgid "Camera position" +msgstr "ക്യാമറയുടെ സ്ഥാനം" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:76 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Whether or not to show a popup notification when a contact goes online." -msgstr "നിങ്ങള്‍ ദൂരെയോ തിരക്കിലോ ആയിരിക്കുമ്പോള്‍ പൊങ്ങിവരുന്ന അറിയിപ്പുകള്‍ കാണിയ്ക്കണോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്നു്." +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:92 +msgid "Position the camera preview should be during a call." +msgstr "" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:77 -msgid "Whether or not to show a popup notification when receiving a new message even if the chat is already opened, but not focused." -msgstr "സല്ലാപം തുറന്നിട്ടുണ്ടെങ്കിലും ശ്രദ്ധയിലില്ലെങ്കില്‍ ഒരു പുതിയ സന്ദേശം വരുമ്പോള്‍ പൊങ്ങിവരുന്ന അറിയിപ്പു് കാണിയ്ക്കണോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്നു്" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:93 +msgid "Echo cancellation support" +msgstr "പ്രതിധ്വനി ഒഴിവാക്കുന്നതിനുള്ള പിന്തുണ" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:78 -msgid "Whether or not to show a popup notification when receiving a new message." -msgstr "ഒരു പുതിയ സന്ദേശം വരുമ്പോള്‍ പൊങ്ങിവരുന്ന അറിയിപ്പു് കാണിക്കണോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്നു്." +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:94 +msgid "Whether to enable Pulseaudio's echo cancellation filter." +msgstr "" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:79 -msgid "Whether or not to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat windows." -msgstr "ചാറ്റ് ജാലകങ്ങളിലും കോണ്ടാക്റ്റ് പട്ടികയിലും കോണ്ടാക്റ്റുകള്‍ക്ക് അവതാറുകളെ കാണിക്കണോ എന്ന്" - -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:80 -msgid "Whether or not to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." -msgstr "ഓഫ്‌ലൈന്‍ ആയ കോണ്ടാക്റ്റുകളെ കോണ്ടാക്റ്റ് പട്ടികയില്‍ കാണിക്കണോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്ന് " - -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:81 -msgid "Whether or not to show popup notifications when away or busy." -msgstr "നിങ്ങള്‍ ദൂരെയോ തിരക്കിലോ ആയിരിക്കുമ്പോള്‍ പൊങ്ങിവരുന്ന അറിയിപ്പുകള്‍ കാണിയ്ക്കണോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്നു്." +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:95 +msgid "Show hint about closing the main window" +msgstr "പ്രധാനജാലകം അടയ്ക്കുമ്പോള്‍ ഒരു സൂചന കാണിക്കുക" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:82 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:96 #, fuzzy -msgid "Whether or not to show the contact list in chat rooms." -msgstr "കോണ്‍ടാക്റ്റ് പട്ടികയെ ചുരുക്കി കാണിക്കണോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്ന്" - -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:83 -msgid "Whether or not to show the message dialog about closing the main window with the 'x' button in the title bar." +#| msgid "" +#| "Whether or not to show the message dialog about closing the main window " +#| "with the 'x' button in the title bar." +msgid "Whether to show the message dialog about closing the main window with the 'x' button in the title bar." msgstr "ടൈറ്റില്‍ ബാറിലെ 'x' ബട്ടണുപയോഗിച്ച് പ്രധാനജാലകം അടച്ചു കളയുന്നതിനെക്കുറിച്ചുള്ള മെസ്സേജ് ഡയലോഗ് കാണിക്കണോവേണ്ടയോ" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:84 -msgid "Whether to show the contact list in compact mode or not." -msgstr "കോണ്‍ടാക്റ്റ് പട്ടികയെ ചുരുക്കി കാണിക്കണോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്ന്" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:97 +msgid "Empathy can publish the user's location" +msgstr "എമ്പതിയ്ക്കു് ഉപയോക്താവിന്റെ സ്ഥാനം പ്രസിദ്ധീകരിയ്ക്കാന്‍ കഴിയും" -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:85 -msgid "Whether to use the theme for chat rooms or not." -msgstr "ചാറ്റ് മുറികള്‍ക്ക് തീം ഉപയോഗിക്കണോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്ന് " +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:98 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Whether Empathy can publish the user's location to their contacts." +msgstr "ഓഫ്‌ലൈന്‍ ആയ കോണ്ടാക്റ്റുകളെ കോണ്ടാക്റ്റ് പട്ടികയില്‍ കാണിക്കണോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്ന് " -#: ../data/empathy.schemas.in.h:86 -msgid "Which criterium to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to use sort by the contact's name with the value \"name\". A value of \"state\" will sort the contact list by state." -msgstr "കോണ്ടാക്റ്റ് പട്ടികയെ ക്രമീകരിക്കുമ്പോള്‍ ഉപയോഗിക്കേണ്ട അടിസ്ഥാനം. കോണ്ടാക്റ്റിന്റെ \"പേര്\" അനുസരിച്ച് അക്ഷരമാലാക്രമത്തിലാക്കുക എന്നതാണ് ഡിഫോള്‍ട്ട്. \"സംസ്ഥാനം\" എന്നത് കോണ്ടാക്റ്റ് പട്ടികയെ സംസ്ഥാനത്തിനനുസരിച്ച് അക്ഷരമാലാക്രമത്തിലാക്കും" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:99 +msgid "Empathy can use the network to guess the location" +msgstr "ശൃംഖല ഉപയോഗിച്ചു് സ്ഥാനം ഊഹിയ്ക്കാന്‍ എമ്പതിയ്ക്കു് കഴിയും" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-account.c:1158 -msgid "Can't set an empty display name" -msgstr "കാണിയ്ക്കാനുള്ള പേരു് ശൂന്യമാകരുതു്" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:839 -msgid "The hash of the received file and the sent one do not match" -msgstr "അയച്ച ഫയലിന്റേയും കിട്ടിയ ഫയലിന്റേയും ചുരുക്കം പൊരുത്തപ്പെടുന്നില്ല" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:100 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Whether Empathy can use the network to guess the location." +msgstr "സെല്ലുലാര്‍ ശൃംഖല ഉപയോഗിച്ചു് സ്ഥാനം ഊഹിയ്ക്കാന്‍ എമ്പതിയ്ക്കു് കഴിയും" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1099 -msgid "File transfer not supported by remote contact" -msgstr "അപ്പുറത്തെയാളിനു് ഫയല്‍‌ കൈമാറാനുള്ള പിന്തുണയില്ല" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:101 +msgid "Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location" +msgstr "സെല്ലുലാര്‍ ശൃംഖല ഉപയോഗിച്ചു് സ്ഥാനം ഊഹിയ്ക്കാന്‍ എമ്പതിയ്ക്കു് കഴിയും" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1157 -msgid "The selected file is not a regular file" -msgstr "തെരഞ്ഞെടുത്ത ഫയലൊരു സാധാരണ ഫയലല്ല" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:102 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Whether Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location." +msgstr "എംപതി കോണ്ടാക്റ്റിന്റെ അവതാരചിത്രത്തെ തന്നെ ചാറ്റ് ജാലകത്തിന്റെ ഐക്കണായി ഉപയോഗിക്കണമോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്ന്" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1166 -msgid "The selected file is empty" -msgstr "തെരഞ്ഞെടുത്ത ഫയല്‍ ശൂന്യമാണു്" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:103 +msgid "Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location" +msgstr "ജിപിഎസ്സുപയോഗിച്ചു് സ്ഥാനം ഊഹിയ്ക്കാന്‍ എമ്പതിയ്ക്കു് കഴിയും" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-contact-list.c:844 -#: ../src/empathy.c:285 -msgid "People nearby" -msgstr "അടുത്തുള്ളവര്‍" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:104 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Whether Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location." +msgstr "സെല്ലുലാര്‍ ശൃംഖല ഉപയോഗിച്ചു് സ്ഥാനം ഊഹിയ്ക്കാന്‍ എമ്പതിയ്ക്കു് കഴിയും" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:105 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy" +msgstr "എംപതി തുടക്കത്തില്‍ തന്നത്താന്‍ കണക്റ്റ് ചെയ്യണം" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:280 -msgid "Socket type not supported" -msgstr "സോക്കറ്റിന്റെ തരം പിന്തുണയില്ലാത്തതാണു്" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:106 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Whether Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy for privacy reasons." +msgstr "എംപതി കോണ്ടാക്റ്റിന്റെ അവതാരചിത്രത്തെ തന്നെ ചാറ്റ് ജാലകത്തിന്റെ ഐക്കണായി ഉപയോഗിക്കണമോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്ന്" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:399 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:738 msgid "No reason was specified" msgstr "കാരണമൊന്നും വ്യക്തമാക്കിയില്ല" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:402 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:741 msgid "The change in state was requested" msgstr "അവസ്ഥ മാറ്റം ആവശ്യപ്പെട്ടിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:405 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:744 msgid "You canceled the file transfer" msgstr "ഫയല്‍ കൈമാറുന്നതില്‍ നിന്നും പിന്മാറിയിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:408 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:747 msgid "The other participant canceled the file transfer" msgstr "അപ്പുറത്തുള്ളവര്‍ ഫയല്‍ കൈമാറ്റത്തില്‍ നിന്നും പിന്മാറിയിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:411 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:750 msgid "Error while trying to transfer the file" msgstr "ഫയല്‍ കൈമാറ്റം ചെയ്യാന്‍ ശ്രമിയ്ക്കുമ്പോള്‍ പിശകു്" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:414 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:753 msgid "The other participant is unable to transfer the file" msgstr "അപ്പുറത്തുള്ളവര്‍ക്കു് ഫയല്‍ കൈമാറ്റം ചെയ്യാന്‍ സാധ്യമല്ല" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:417 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:756 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:313 msgid "Unknown reason" msgstr "അറിയാത്ത കാരണം" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:235 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:919 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "File transfer completed" +msgid "File transfer completed, but the file was corrupted" +msgstr "ഫയല്‍ കൈമാറ്റം പൂര്‍ത്തിയാക്കി" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1205 +msgid "File transfer not supported by remote contact" +msgstr "അപ്പുറത്തെയാളിനു് ഫയല്‍‌ കൈമാറാനുള്ള പിന്തുണയില്ല" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1261 +msgid "The selected file is not a regular file" +msgstr "തെരഞ്ഞെടുത്ത ഫയലൊരു സാധാരണ ഫയലല്ല" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1270 +msgid "The selected file is empty" +msgstr "തെരഞ്ഞെടുത്ത ഫയല്‍ ശൂന്യമാണു്" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-message.c:415 +#: ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:129 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Incoming call from %s" +msgid "Missed call from %s" +msgstr "%s വിളിച്ചെങ്കിലും കിട്ടിയില്ല" + +#. Translators: this is an outgoing call, e.g. 'Called Alice' +#: ../libempathy/empathy-message.c:419 +#, c-format +msgid "Called %s" +msgstr "%s നെ വിളിച്ചു" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-message.c:422 +#, c-format +#| msgid "Incoming call from %s" +msgid "Call from %s" +msgstr "%s വിളിയ്ക്കുന്നു" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:233 msgid "Available" msgstr "ലഭ്യമാണു്" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:237 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:235 msgid "Busy" msgstr "തിരക്കില്‍" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:240 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:238 msgid "Away" msgstr "ദൂരെ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:242 -msgid "Hidden" -msgstr "മറയ്ക്കപ്പെട്ടിരിക്കുന്നു" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:240 +#| msgid "Invite" +msgid "Invisible" +msgstr "അദൃശ്യം" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:244 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:242 msgid "Offline" msgstr "ഓഫ്‌ലൈന്‍" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:380 -#: ../src/empathy-import-mc4-accounts.c:104 +#. translators: presence type is unknown +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:245 +msgctxt "presence" +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "അറിയാത്ത" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:285 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "No reason was specified" +msgid "No reason specified" +msgstr "കാരണമൊന്നും വ്യക്തമാക്കിയില്ല" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:287 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:343 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Status is set to offline" +msgstr "സിസ്റ്റം ഘടികാരം UTC യിലേക്ക് സെറ്റ് ചെയ്തിരിക്കുകയാണോ?" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:289 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:323 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:47 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:81 +msgid "Network error" +msgstr "ശൃംഖലയില്‍ പിഴവു്" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:291 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:325 +msgid "Authentication failed" +msgstr "തിരിച്ചറിയല്‍ പരാജയപ്പെട്ടു" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:293 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:327 +msgid "Encryption error" +msgstr "എന്‍ക്രിപ്ഷനില്‍ പിശകു്" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:295 +msgid "Name in use" +msgstr "പേരു് ഉപയോഗത്തിലുണ്ടു്" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:297 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:329 +msgid "Certificate not provided" +msgstr "സാക്ഷ്യപത്രം നല്‍കിയില്ല" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:299 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:331 +msgid "Certificate untrusted" +msgstr "സാക്ഷ്യംപത്രം വിശ്വാസമില്ലാത്തു്" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:301 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:333 +msgid "Certificate expired" +msgstr "സാക്ഷ്യപത്രം കാലാവധി തീര്‍ന്നതു്" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:303 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:335 +msgid "Certificate not activated" +msgstr "സാക്ഷ്യപത്രം സജീകമാക്കാത്തതു്" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:305 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:337 +msgid "Certificate hostname mismatch" +msgstr "സാക്ഷ്യപത്രത്തിലെ ഹോസ്റ്റിന്റെ പേരു് പൊരുത്തമില്ല" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:307 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:339 +msgid "Certificate fingerprint mismatch" +msgstr "സാക്ഷ്യപത്രത്തിലെ ഒപ്പു് പൊരുത്തമില്ല" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:309 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:341 +msgid "Certificate self-signed" +msgstr "സാക്ഷ്യപത്രം സ്വയം ഒപ്പിട്ടതാണു്" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:311 +msgid "Certificate error" +msgstr "സാക്ഷ്യപത്രത്തില്‍ പിശകു്" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:345 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Encryption is not available" +msgstr "ഉപയോക്താവു് ലഭ്യമല്ല" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:347 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Certificate not activated" +msgid "Certificate is invalid" +msgstr "() ഒരു സാധുതയില്ലാത്ത വ്യംജകം ആകുന്നു" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:349 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Connection has been refused" +msgstr "നെറ്റ്‌വര്‍ക്ക് കണക്ഷന്‍ വിഛേദിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നു." + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:351 +msgid "Connection can't be established" +msgstr "ബന്ധം സ്ഥാപിക്കാന്‍ സാധിക്കുന്നില്ല" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:353 +msgid "Connection has been lost" +msgstr "ബന്ധം നഷ്ടപ്പെട്ടിരിക്കുന്നു" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:355 +msgid "This account is already connected to the server" +msgstr "" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:357 +msgid "Connection has been replaced by a new connection using the same resource" +msgstr "" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:360 +msgid "The account already exists on the server" +msgstr "" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:362 +msgid "Server is currently too busy to handle the connection" +msgstr "" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:364 #, fuzzy +#| msgid "Certificate not provided" +msgid "Certificate has been revoked" +msgstr "ഈ ചാവി പിന്‍വലിച്ചതാണു് " + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:366 +msgid "Certificate uses an insecure cipher algorithm or is cryptographically weak" +msgstr "" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:369 +msgid "The length of the server certificate, or the depth of the server certificate chain, exceed the limits imposed by the cryptography library" +msgstr "" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:373 +msgid "Your software is too old" +msgstr "നിങ്ങളുടെ സോഫ്റ്റവയര്‍ വളരെ പഴയതാണ്" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:375 +msgid "Internal error" +msgstr "ആന്തരിക പിശകു്" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:534 msgid "People Nearby" msgstr "അടുത്തുള്ളവര്‍" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:385 -#, fuzzy +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:539 msgid "Yahoo! Japan" -msgstr "_യാഹൂ ജപ്പാന്‍ ഉപയോഗിക്കുക" +msgstr "യാഹൂ! ജപ്പാന്‍" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:568 +msgid "Google Talk" +msgstr "ഗൂഗ്​ള്‍ സംസാരം" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:386 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:569 msgid "Facebook Chat" msgstr "ഫേസ്ബുക്ക് സല്ലാപം" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:137 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:90 #, c-format msgid "%d second ago" msgid_plural "%d seconds ago" msgstr[0] "%d സെക്കന്റ് മുമ്പു്" msgstr[1] "%d സെക്കന്റുകള്‍ മുമ്പു്" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:142 -#, fuzzy, c-format +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:96 +#, c-format msgid "%d minute ago" msgid_plural "%d minutes ago" -msgstr[0] "മിനിട്ട്" -msgstr[1] "മിനിട്ട്" +msgstr[0] "%d മിനിട്ട് മുമ്പ്" +msgstr[1] "%d മിനിട്ടുകള്‍ മുമ്പ്" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:147 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:102 #, c-format msgid "%d hour ago" msgid_plural "%d hours ago" msgstr[0] "%d മണിക്കൂര്‍ മുമ്പു്" msgstr[1] "%d മണിക്കൂറുകള്‍ മുമ്പു്" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:152 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:108 #, c-format msgid "%d day ago" msgid_plural "%d days ago" msgstr[0] "%d ദിവസം മുമ്പു്" msgstr[1] "%d ദിവസങ്ങള്‍ മുമ്പു്" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:157 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:114 #, c-format msgid "%d week ago" msgid_plural "%d weeks ago" msgstr[0] "%d ആഴ്ച മുമ്പു്" msgstr[1] "%d ആഴ്ചകള്‍ മുമ്പു്" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:162 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:120 #, c-format msgid "%d month ago" msgid_plural "%d months ago" msgstr[0] "%d മാസം മുമ്പു്" msgstr[1] "%d മാസങ്ങള്‍ മുമ്പു്" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:167 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:142 msgid "in the future" msgstr "ഭാവിയില്‍" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-chooser.c:424 -msgid "All" -msgstr "എല്ലാവരും" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:75 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Password not found" +msgstr "ചിഹ്നം ലഭ്യമായില്ല" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:218 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "IM account password for %s (%s)" +msgstr "Exchange അക്കൌണ്ടിന്‍റെ പാസ്‍വേര്‍ഡ് മാറ്റുക" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:253 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "Password for chatroom '%s' on account %s (%s)" +msgstr "Exchange അക്കൌണ്ടിന്‍റെ പാസ്‍വേര്‍ഡ് മാറ്റുക" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-chooser.c:692 +msgid "All accounts" +msgstr "എല്ലാ അക്കൗണ്ടുകളും" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:682 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:336 +msgid "Account" +msgstr "അക്കൗണ്ട്" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:683 +msgid "Password" +msgstr "രഹസ്യവാക്ക്" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:684 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:511 +msgid "Server" +msgstr "സര്‍വര്‍" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:685 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:529 +msgid "Port" +msgstr "പോര്‍ട്ട്:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:430 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:486 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:765 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:817 #, c-format msgid "%s:" msgstr "%s:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1264 -msgid "Enabled" -msgstr "സജീവമാക്കിയിരിക്കുന്നു" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1398 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:14 +msgid "Username:" +msgstr "ഉപയോക്താവിന്റെ പേരു്:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:1 -msgid "Example: MyScreenName" -msgstr "ഉദാഹരണം: MyScreenName" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1710 +#, fuzzy +msgid "A_pply" +msgstr "ഫില്‍റ്ററുകള്‍ അംഗീകരിക്കുക (_p)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-generic.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:2 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1739 +msgid "L_og in" +msgstr "_പ്രവേശിക്കുക" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1812 +msgid "This account already exists on the server" +msgstr "" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1816 #, fuzzy -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "സങ്കീര്‍ണ്ണമായ" +msgid "Create a new account on the server" +msgstr "തെരഞ്ഞെടുത്ത ഡിവൈസില്‍ പുതിയ ഫയല്‍സിസ്റ്റം ഉണ്ടാക്കുക" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:4 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:4 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:4 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:5 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:3 +#. To translators: The first parameter is the login id and the +#. * second one is the network. The resulting string will be something +#. * like: "MyUserName on freenode". +#. * You should reverse the order of these arguments if the +#. * server should come before the login id in your locale. +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2241 +#, c-format +msgid "%1$s on %2$s" +msgstr "%2$s ലെ %1$s" + +#. To translators: The parameter is the protocol name. The resulting +#. * string will be something like: "Jabber Account" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2267 +#, c-format +msgid "%s Account" +msgstr "%s അക്കൗണ്ട്" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2271 +msgid "New account" +msgstr "പുതിയ അക്കൗണ്ട് " + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:14 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:1 msgid "Pass_word:" msgstr "അടയാള_വാക്ക്:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:2 msgid "Screen _Name:" msgstr "സ്ക്രീനിലെ _പേരു്:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:3 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Example: MyScreenName" +msgid "Example: MyScreenName" +msgstr "ഉദാ: *.o; *.bak" + +#. remember password ticky box +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:12 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-base-password-dialog.c:261 +msgid "Remember password" +msgstr "രഹസ്യവാക്ക് ഓര്‍ത്തു വെക്കുക" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:5 -msgid "What is your AIM password?" -msgstr "നിങ്ങള്‍ എഐഎമ്മിലുപയോഗിയ്ക്കുന്ന അടയാളവാക്കേതാണു്?" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:6 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:20 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Port:" +msgstr "_പോര്‍ട്ട് :" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:6 -msgid "What is your AIM screen name?" -msgstr "നിങ്ങള്‍ എഐഎമ്മിലുപയോഗിയ്ക്കുന്ന സ്ക്രീന്‍ പേരെന്താണു്?" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:6 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:21 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Server:" +msgstr "_സെര്‍വര്‍:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-generic.ui.h:1 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:7 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:8 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:18 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:15 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:23 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:7 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:10 -msgid "_Port:" -msgstr "_പോര്‍ട്ട് :" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:21 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:9 +msgid "Advanced" +msgstr "സങ്കീര്‍ണ്ണമായ" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:8 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:8 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:19 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:8 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:12 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:9 -msgid "_Server:" -msgstr "_സെര്‍വര്‍:" +msgid "What is your AIM screen name?" +msgstr "നിങ്ങള്‍ എഐഎമ്മിലുപയോഗിയ്ക്കുന്ന സ്ക്രീന്‍ പേരെന്താണു്?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:1 -msgid "Example: username" -msgstr "ഉദാഹരണം: username" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:9 +msgid "What is your AIM password?" +msgstr "നിങ്ങള്‍ എഐഎമ്മിലുപയോഗിയ്ക്കുന്ന അടയാളവാക്കേതാണു്?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:4 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:10 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:10 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:10 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:24 +msgid "Remember Password" +msgstr "രഹസ്യവാക്ക് ഓര്‍ത്തു വെക്കുക" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:2 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:13 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:2 msgid "Login I_D:" msgstr "ലോഗിന്‍ _ഐഡി:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:3 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Example: username" +msgid "Example: username" +msgstr "സര്‍വര്‍ ഉപയോക്തൃനാമം" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your GroupWise User ID?" msgstr "നിങ്ങളുടെ ഗ്രൂപ്പ്‌വൈസ് ഉപയോക്തൃ ഐഡി എന്താണു്?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:6 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your GroupWise password?" msgstr "നിങ്ങളുടെ ഗ്രൂപ്പ്‌വൈസ് അടയാളവാക്കു് എന്താണു്?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:1 -msgid "Example: 123456789" -msgstr "ഉദാഹരണം: 123456789" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:2 msgid "ICQ _UIN:" msgstr "ഐസിക്യു _യുഐഎന്‍:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:3 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Example: 123456789" +msgid "Example: 123456789" +msgstr "ഉദാ: *.o; *.bak" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:7 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Charset:" +msgid "Ch_aracter set:" +msgstr "അക്ഷരങ്ങളുടെ _കോഡിങ്ങ്‍:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your ICQ UIN?" msgstr "നിങ്ങളുടെ ഐസിക്ക്യു യുഐഎന്‍ എന്താണു്?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:6 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:10 msgid "What is your ICQ password?" msgstr "നിങ്ങളുടെ ഐസിക്ക്യു അടയാളവാക്കു് എന്താണു്?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:7 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:8 -msgid "_Charset:" -msgstr "ക്യാര്‍സെറ്റ് :" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.c:206 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.c:239 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "_About" +msgid "Auto" +msgstr "സ്വതേ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.c:209 +msgid "UDP" +msgstr "UDP" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.c:212 +msgid "TCP" +msgstr "TCP" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.c:215 +msgid "TLS" +msgstr "TLS" + +#. translators: this string is very specific to SIP's internal; maybe +#. * best to keep the English version. +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.c:244 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Western" +msgid "Register" +msgstr "രജിസ്ടര്‍ 0" + +#. translators: this string is very specific to SIP's internal; maybe +#. * best to keep the English version. +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.c:249 +msgid "Options" +msgstr "ഐച്ഛികങ്ങള്‍" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.c:244 -msgid "New Network" -msgstr "പുതിയ ശൃംഖല" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.c:252 +#, fuzzy +msgid "None" +msgstr "ഒന്നുമില്ല" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:1 -msgid "Charset:" -msgstr "ക്യാര്‍സെറ്റ്:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:2 msgid "Network" msgstr "ശൃംഖല" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:2 msgid "Network:" msgstr "ശൃംഖല : " +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:3 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Charset:" +msgid "Character set:" +msgstr "അപരിചിതമായ അക്ഷരക്കൂട്ടം: %s" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:1 +msgid "Add…" +msgstr "ചേര്‍ക്കുക..." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:3 +msgid "Remove" +msgstr "എടുത്തുകളയുക" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:6 +msgid "Up" +msgstr "മുകളിലോട്ട്" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:7 +msgid "Down" +msgstr "താഴോട്ട്" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:8 +msgid "Servers" +msgstr "സര്‍വറുകള്‍" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:9 +msgid "Most IRC servers don't need a password, so if you're not sure, don't enter a password." +msgstr "" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 msgid "Nickname:" msgstr "വിളിപ്പേര് :" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 msgid "Password:" -msgstr "അടയാളവാക്ക്:" +msgstr "രഹസ്യവാക്ക്:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:6 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:12 msgid "Quit message:" msgstr "പുറത്തിറങ്ങുമ്പോള്‍ നല്‍കേണ്ട സന്ദേശം:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 msgid "Real name:" msgstr "ശരിയായ പേരു്:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:16 #, fuzzy -msgid "Servers" -msgstr "സര്‍വര്‍" +msgid "Which IRC network?" +msgstr "ഒരു പുതിയ ഐആര്‍സി ശൃംഖല ഉണ്ടാക്കുക" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:17 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "What is your AIM screen name?" +msgid "What is your IRC nickname?" +msgstr "നിങ്ങള്‍ എഐഎമ്മിലുപയോഗിയ്ക്കുന്ന അടയാളവാക്കേതാണു്?" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:1 -msgid "Example: user@gmail.com" -msgstr "ഉദാഹരണം: user@gmail.com" +msgid "What is your Facebook username?" +msgstr "നിങ്ങളുടെ ഫേസ്ബുക്ക് ഉപയോക്തൃ നാമം എന്താണു്?" + +#. This string is not wrapped in the dialog so you may have to add some '\n' to make it look nice. +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:3 +msgid "" +"This is your username, not your normal Facebook login.\n" +"If you are facebook.com/badger, enter badger.\n" +"Use this page to choose a Facebook username if you don't have one." +msgstr "" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:6 +msgid "What is your Facebook password?" +msgstr "നിങ്ങളുടെ ഫേസ്ബുക്ക് രഹസ്യവാക്ക് എന്താണു്?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:8 +msgid "What is your Google ID?" +msgstr "നിങ്ങളുടെ ഗൂഗിള്‍ ഐഡി എന്താണു്?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:9 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Example: user@gmail.com" +msgid "Example: user@gmail.com" +msgstr "ഉദാ: fileserver.example.com:port" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:10 +msgid "What is your Google password?" +msgstr "നിങ്ങളുടെ ഗൂഗിള്‍ അടയാളവാക്കു് എന്താണു്?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:2 -msgid "Example: user@jabber.org" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:11 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Example: user@jabber.org" +msgid "Example: user@jabber.org" msgstr "ഉദാഹരണം: user@jabber.org" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:15 #, fuzzy -msgid "Override server settings" -msgstr "സര്‍വറുടെ ക്രമീകരണങ്ങളെ മറികടക്കുക" +#| msgid "_Ignore SSL certificate errors" +msgid "I_gnore SSL certificate errors" +msgstr "എസ്എസ്എല്‍ സാക്ഷ്യപത്രങ്ങളിലുള്ള തെറ്റുകളെ _അവഗണിക്കുക" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:7 -msgid "Pri_ority:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:16 +msgid "Priori_ty:" msgstr "മുന്‍ഗ_ണന:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:17 msgid "Reso_urce:" msgstr "_വിഭവം:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:9 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:18 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "_Encryption required (TLS/SSL)" +msgid "Encr_yption required (TLS/SSL)" +msgstr "ടിഎല്‍എസ് അല്ലെങ്കില്‍ എസ്എസ്എല്‍ _എന്‍ക്രിപ്ഷന്‍ ആവശ്യമാണ്" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:19 msgid "Use old SS_L" msgstr "പഴയ _എസ്എസ്എല്‍ ഉപയോഗിക്കുക" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:10 -msgid "What is your Google ID?" -msgstr "നിങ്ങളുടെ ഗൂഗിള്‍ ഐഡി എന്താണു്?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:11 -msgid "What is your Google password?" -msgstr "നിങ്ങളുടെ ഗൂഗിള്‍ അടയാളവാക്കു് എന്താണു്?" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:22 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Override server settings" +msgstr "സര്‍വറുടെ ക്രമീകരണങ്ങളെ മറികടക്കുക" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:12 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:24 msgid "What is your Jabber ID?" msgstr "നിങ്ങളുടെ ജാബര്‍ ഐഡി എന്താണു്?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:13 -msgid "What is your Jabber password?" -msgstr "നിങ്ങളുടെ ജാബര്‍ അടയാളവാക്കു് എന്താണു്?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:14 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:25 msgid "What is your desired Jabber ID?" msgstr "നിങ്ങള്‍ എടുക്കാനാഗ്രഹിയ്ക്കുന്ന ജാബര്‍ ഐഡി എന്താണു്?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:15 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:26 +msgid "What is your Jabber password?" +msgstr "നിങ്ങളുടെ ജാബര്‍ അടയാളവാക്കു് എന്താണു്?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:27 msgid "What is your desired Jabber password?" msgstr "നിങ്ങള്‍ എടുക്കാനാഗ്രഹിയ്ക്കുന്ന ജാബര്‍ അടയാളവാക്കു് എന്താണു്?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:16 -msgid "_Encryption required (TLS/SSL)" -msgstr "ടിഎല്‍എസ് അല്ലെങ്കില്‍ എസ്എസ്എല്‍ _എന്‍ക്രിപ്ഷന്‍ ആവശ്യമാണ്" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:17 -msgid "_Ignore SSL certificate errors" -msgstr "എസ്എസ്എല്‍ സാക്ഷ്യപത്രങ്ങളിലുള്ള തെറ്റുകളെ _അവഗണിക്കുക" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:3 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Example: user@hotmail.com" +msgid "Example: user@hotmail.com" +msgstr "ഉദാ: fileserver.example.com:port" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:1 -msgid "Example: user@hotmail.com" -msgstr "ഉദാഹരണം: user@hotmail.com" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:8 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "What is your Windows Live password?" +msgid "What is your Windows Live ID?" +msgstr "നിങ്ങളുടെ വിന്‍ഡോസ് ലൈവ് അടയാളവാക്കു് എന്താണു്?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your Windows Live password?" msgstr "നിങ്ങളുടെ വിന്‍ഡോസ് ലൈവ് അടയാളവാക്കു് എന്താണു്?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:6 -msgid "What is your Windows Live user name?" -msgstr "നിങ്ങളുടെ വിന്‍ഡോസ് ലൈവ് ഉപയോക്താവിന്റെ പേരു് എന്താണു്?" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:1 +msgid "Nic_kname:" +msgstr "വി_ളിപ്പേര് :" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:2 -msgid "_Email:" -msgstr "_ഇ-മെയില്‍: " +msgid "_Last Name:" +msgstr "_പേരിന്റെ അവസാനം:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:3 msgid "_First Name:" msgstr "പേരിന്റെ തുടക്കം:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:4 -msgid "_Jabber ID:" -msgstr "_ജാബര്‍ ഐഡി: " +msgid "_Published Name:" +msgstr "_പ്രസിദ്ധീകരിച്ച പേരു്:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:5 -msgid "_Last Name:" -msgstr "_പേരിന്റെ അവസാനം:" +msgid "_Jabber ID:" +msgstr "_ജാബര്‍ ഐഡി: " #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:6 -msgid "_Nickname:" -msgstr "_വിളിപ്പേരു്:" +#, fuzzy +msgid "E-_mail address:" +msgstr "ഇമെയില് വിലാസം" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:7 -msgid "_Published Name:" -msgstr "_പ്രസിദ്ധീകരിച്ച പേരു്:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Username:" +msgstr "_ഉപയോക്താവിന്റെ പേരു്:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:1 -msgid "Example: user@my.sip.server" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:3 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Example: user@my.sip.server" +msgid "Example: user@my.sip.server" msgstr "ഉദാഹരണം: user@my.sip.server" -#. look up the DNS SRV record at the service's domain for the host name of a STUN server. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:4 -msgid "Discover STUN" -msgstr "STUN കണ്ടുപിടിക്കുക" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:5 +msgid "Use this account to call _landlines and mobile phones" +msgstr "" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:6 -msgid "STUN Server:" -msgstr "STUN സര്‍വര്‍: " +#, fuzzy +msgid "NAT Traversal Options" +msgstr "സെഷന്‍ മാനേജ്മെന്റ് ഉപാധികള്‍:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:7 -msgid "STUN port:" -msgstr "STUN പോര്‍ട്ട് :" +#, fuzzy +msgid "Proxy Options" +msgstr "കോള്‍ ഉപാധികള്‍" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:8 -msgid "What is your SIP account password?" -msgstr "നിങ്ങളുടെ സിപ്പ് അക്കൌണ്ട് അടയാളവാക്കു് എന്താണു്?" +#, fuzzy +msgid "Miscellaneous Options" +msgstr "മറ്റു് ഐച്ഛികങ്ങള്‍" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:9 -msgid "What is your SIP login ID?" -msgstr "നിങ്ങളുടെ സിപ്പ് ലോഗിന്‍ ഐഡി എന്താണു്?" +msgid "STUN Server:" +msgstr "STUN സര്‍വര്‍: " #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:10 -msgid "_Username:" -msgstr "_ഉപയോക്താവിന്റെ പേരു്:" +msgid "Discover the STUN server automatically" +msgstr "" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:4 -msgid "Use _Yahoo Japan" -msgstr "_യാഹൂ ജപ്പാന്‍ ഉപയോഗിക്കുക" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:11 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Discover STUN" +msgid "Discover Binding" +msgstr "STUN കണ്ടുപിടിക്കുക" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:5 -msgid "What is your Yahoo! ID?" -msgstr "നിങ്ങളുടെ യാഹൂ ഐഡി എന്താണു്?" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:12 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:114 +#| msgid "_Server:" +msgid "Server:" +msgstr "സെര്‍വര്‍:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:6 -msgid "What is your Yahoo! password?" -msgstr "നിങ്ങളുടെ യാഹൂ അടയാളവാക്കു് എന്താണു്?" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:13 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Keep-Alive Options" +msgstr "സെഷന്‍ മാനേജ്മെന്റ് ഉപാധികള്‍:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:7 -msgid "Yahoo I_D:" -msgstr "യാഹൂ _ഐഡി:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:14 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Mechanism:" +msgstr "SASL _സംവിധാനം" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:9 -msgid "_Ignore conference and chatroom invitations" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:15 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Interval (seconds)" +msgstr "_പുതുക്കുന്നതിനുള്ള ഇടവേള സെക്കന്‍ഡുകളില്‍:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:16 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Authentication failed" +msgid "Authentication username:" +msgstr "സര്‍വര്‍ ഉപയോക്തൃനാമം" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:17 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "STUN port:" +msgid "Transport:" +msgstr "ഗതാഗതം" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:18 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Loose Routing" +msgstr "കര്‍സര്‍ റൌട്ടിങ്" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:19 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Ignore TLS Errors" +msgstr "എസ്എസ്എല്‍ സാക്ഷ്യപത്രങ്ങളിലുള്ള തെറ്റുകളെ _അവഗണിക്കുക" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:20 +msgid "Port:" +msgstr "പോര്‍ട്ട് :" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:22 +msgid "What is your SIP login ID?" +msgstr "നിങ്ങളുടെ സിപ്പ് ലോഗിന്‍ ഐഡി എന്താണു്?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:23 +msgid "What is your SIP account password?" +msgstr "നിങ്ങളുടെ സിപ്പ് അക്കൌണ്ട് അടയാളവാക്കു് എന്താണു്?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:2 +msgid "Yahoo! I_D:" +msgstr "യാഹൂ! _ഐഡി:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:5 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "_Ignore conference and chatroom invitations" +msgid "I_gnore conference and chat room invitations" msgstr "ചാറ്റ് മുറികളിലേക്കും കോണ്‍ഫറന്‍സുകളിലേക്കും ഉള്ള ക്ഷണങ്ങളെ നിരസിക്കുക (_I) " -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:6 msgid "_Room List locale:" msgstr "_മുറികളുടെ പട്ടികയുടെ ലൊക്കേല്‍:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:449 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:525 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:10 +msgid "What is your Yahoo! ID?" +msgstr "നിങ്ങളുടെ യാഹൂ ഐഡി എന്താണു്?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:11 +msgid "What is your Yahoo! password?" +msgstr "നിങ്ങളുടെ യാഹൂ അടയാളവാക്കു് എന്താണു്?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:471 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:556 msgid "Couldn't convert image" msgstr "ചിത്രം മാറ്റാന്‍ സാധിച്ചില്ല" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:450 -msgid "None of the accepted image formats is supported on your system" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:472 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "None of the accepted image formats is supported on your system" +msgid "None of the accepted image formats are supported on your system" msgstr "അംഗീകൃതമായ ചിത്രങ്ങളുടെ ഫോര്‍മാറ്റുകളൊന്നും നിങ്ങളുടെ സിസ്റ്റത്തില്‍ പിന്തുണയ്ക്കുന്നില്ല" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:933 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:819 +msgid "Couldn't save picture to file" +msgstr "ചിത്രം ഫൈലിലോട്ട് സൂക്ഷിക്കുവാന്‍ സാധിച്ചില്ല" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:939 msgid "Select Your Avatar Image" msgstr "നിങ്ങളുടെ അവതാരചിത്രം തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:936 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:947 +msgid "Take a picture..." +msgstr "ഒരു ചിത്രമെടുക്കുക..." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:960 msgid "No Image" msgstr "ചിത്രമൊന്നും ഇല്ല" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:998 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:1017 msgid "Images" msgstr "ചിത്രങ്ങള്‍" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:1002 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:1021 msgid "All Files" msgstr "എല്ലാ ഫയലുകളും" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-image.c:324 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-image.c:322 msgid "Click to enlarge" msgstr "വലുതാക്കാനായി ക്ളിക്ക് ചെയ്യുക" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:186 -msgid "Failed to reconnect this chat" -msgstr "ഈ സല്ലാപത്തിലേയ്ക്കു് തിരിച്ചു് കയറുന്നതില്‍ പരാജയപ്പെട്ടു" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:42 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:60 +#, fuzzy +msgid "There was an error starting the call" +msgstr "X ആരംഭിക്കുന്നതില്‍ അപരിചിതമായ പിശക്." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:403 -msgid "Unsupported command" -msgstr "പിന്തുണയ്ക്കാത്ത ആജ്ഞ" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:49 +msgid "The specified contact doesn't support calls" +msgstr "" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:535 -msgid "offline" -msgstr "ഓഫ്‌ലൈന്‍" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:51 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Contact goes offline" +msgid "The specified contact is offline" +msgstr "തെരെഞ്ഞെടുത്ത സ്വീകര്‍ത്താവ് ഓഫ്‌‌ലൈന്‍ ആണ്" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:538 -msgid "invalid contact" -msgstr "അസാധുവായ കോണ്‍ടാക്റ്റ്" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:53 +#, fuzzy +msgid "The specified contact is not valid" +msgstr "പറഞ്ഞിരിക്കുന്ന സ്ലോട്ട് ഐ ഡിക്ക് സാധുതയില്ല" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:541 -msgid "permission denied" -msgstr "അനുവാദമില്ല" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:55 +msgid "Emergency calls are not supported on this protocol" +msgstr "" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:544 -msgid "too long message" -msgstr "സന്ദേശത്തിന്റെ നീളം വളരെക്കൂടുതലാണ്" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:57 +msgid "You don't have enough credit in order to place this call" +msgstr "" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:547 -msgid "not implemented" -msgstr "ചെയ്തു് തീര്‍ത്തിട്ടില്ല" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:729 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Failed to reconnect this chat" +msgid "Failed to open private chat" +msgstr "ഈ സല്ലാപത്തിലേയ്ക്കു് തിരിച്ചു് കയറുന്നതില്‍ പരാജയപ്പെട്ടു" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:550 -msgid "unknown" -msgstr "അറിയാത്ത ഏതോ പ്രശ്നം" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:787 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Topic not supported on this conversation" +msgstr "[%s:%u] ഈ പ്ലാറ്റ്ഫോമില്‍ rlimit-നുള്ള പിന്തുണ ലഭ്യമല്ല." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:554 -#, c-format -msgid "Error sending message '%s': %s" -msgstr "'%s' എന്ന സന്ദേശം അയക്കാന്‍ പറ്റിയില്ല : %s" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:793 +#, fuzzy +msgid "You are not allowed to change the topic" +msgstr "ഈ ഫയല്‍ തുറക്കുവാന്‍ നിങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് അനുവാദമില്ല" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:584 -#, c-format -msgid "Topic set to: %s" -msgstr "വിഷയം %s ആക്കിയിരിക്കുന്നു" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:992 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "invalid contact" +msgid "“%s” is not a valid contact ID" +msgstr "പറഞ്ഞിരിക്കുന്ന സ്ലോട്ട് ഐ ഡിക്ക് സാധുതയില്ല" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:586 -msgid "No topic defined" -msgstr "വിഷയമൊന്നും ഇല്ല" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1087 +msgid "/clear: clear all messages from the current conversation" +msgstr "" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:956 -msgid "(No Suggestions)" -msgstr "(നിര്‍ദ്ദേശങ്ങളൊന്നുമില്ല)" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1090 +#, fuzzy +msgid "/topic : set the topic of the current conversation" +msgstr "ഈ രചനയുടെ ഭാഷ സജ്ജമാക്കുക" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1010 -msgid "Insert Smiley" -msgstr "സ്മൈലി ഇവിടെ വെക്കുക" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1093 +msgid "/join : join a new chat room" +msgstr "" -#. send button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1028 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1494 -msgid "_Send" -msgstr "_അയയ്ക്കുക" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1096 +msgid "/j : join a new chat room" +msgstr "" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1062 -msgid "_Spelling Suggestions" -msgstr "_അക്ഷരത്തെറ്റിനുള്ള നിര്‍ദ്ദേശങ്ങള്‍" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1100 +msgid "/part [] []: leave the chat room, by default the current one" +msgstr "" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1177 -#, fuzzy, c-format +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1104 +msgid "/query []: open a private chat" +msgstr "" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1107 +msgid "/msg : open a private chat" +msgstr "" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1110 +msgid "/nick : change your nickname on the current server" +msgstr "" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1113 +msgid "/me : send an ACTION message to the current conversation" +msgstr "" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1116 +msgid "/say : send to the current conversation. This is used to send a message starting with a '/'. For example: \"/say /join is used to join a new chat room\"" +msgstr "" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1121 +msgid "/whois : display information about a contact" +msgstr "" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1124 +msgid "/help []: show all supported commands. If is defined, show its usage." +msgstr "" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1143 +#, c-format +msgid "Usage: %s" +msgstr "ഉപയോഗക്രമം: %s" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1188 +msgid "Unknown command" +msgstr "അറിയാത്ത ആജ്ഞ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1314 +msgid "Unknown command; see /help for the available commands" +msgstr "" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1565 +#, fuzzy +msgid "insufficient balance to send message" +msgstr "തോരഞ്ഞെടുത്ത വിലാസങ്ങളിലേക്ക് ഒരു സന്ദേശം അയയ്ക്കുക." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1569 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1583 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1646 +#, c-format +msgid "Error sending message '%s': %s" +msgstr "'%s' എന്ന സന്ദേശം അയക്കാന്‍ പറ്റിയില്ല : %s" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1571 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1588 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1650 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "Error sending message '%s': %s" +msgid "Error sending message: %s" +msgstr "സന്ദേശം അയയ്ക്കുന്നതില്‍ പിശക് : %s" + +#. translators: error used when user doesn't have enough credit on his +#. * account to send the message. +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1577 +#, c-format +msgid "insufficient balance to send message. Top up." +msgstr "" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1617 +#, fuzzy +msgid "not capable" +msgstr "< ലഭ്യമല്ല >" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1624 +msgid "offline" +msgstr "ഓഫ്‌ലൈന്‍" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1627 +msgid "invalid contact" +msgstr "അസാധുവായ കോണ്‍ടാക്റ്റ്" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1630 +msgid "permission denied" +msgstr "അനുവാദമില്ല" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1633 +msgid "too long message" +msgstr "സന്ദേശത്തിന്റെ നീളം വളരെക്കൂടുതലാണ്" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1636 +msgid "not implemented" +msgstr "ചെയ്തു് തീര്‍ത്തിട്ടില്ല" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1640 +msgid "unknown" +msgstr "അറിയാത്ത ഏതോ പ്രശ്നം" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1707 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:920 +msgid "Topic:" +msgstr "വിഷയം:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1722 +#, c-format +msgid "Topic set to: %s" +msgstr "വിഷയം %s ആക്കിയിരിക്കുന്നു" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1724 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "Topic set to: %s" +msgid "Topic set by %s to: %s" +msgstr "നിങ്ങള്‍‌ക്കായി സമര്‍‌പ്പിച്ചതു്:" + +#. No need to display this 'event' is no topic can be defined anyway +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1729 +msgid "No topic defined" +msgstr "വിഷയമൊന്നും ഇല്ല" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2245 +msgid "(No Suggestions)" +msgstr "(നിര്‍ദ്ദേശങ്ങളൊന്നുമില്ല)" + +#. translators: %s is the selected word +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2313 +#, c-format +msgid "Add '%s' to Dictionary" +msgstr "'%s' നിഘണ്ടുവിലേക്ക് ചേര്‍ക്കുക" + +#. translators: first %s is the selected word, +#. * second %s is the language name of the target dictionary +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2350 +#, c-format +msgid "Add '%s' to %s Dictionary" +msgstr "'%s' എന്നത് %s നിഘണ്ടുവിലേക്ക് ചേര്‍ക്കുക" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2420 +msgid "Insert Smiley" +msgstr "സ്മൈലി ഇവിടെ വെക്കുക" + +#. send button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2438 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1880 +msgid "_Send" +msgstr "_അയയ്ക്കുക" + +#. Spelling suggestions +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2495 +msgid "_Spelling Suggestions" +msgstr "_അക്ഷരത്തെറ്റിനുള്ള നിര്‍ദ്ദേശങ്ങള്‍" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2584 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Failed to retrieve recent logs" +msgstr "പ്രവര്‍ത്തിക്കുന്ന ഡയറക്ടറി ലഭ്യമാകുന്നതില്‍ പരാജയപ്പെട്ടു" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2723 +#, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s has disconnected" -msgstr "പട്ടികയിലുള്ളവര്‍ ബന്ധം വേര്‍പ്പെടുത്തിയിരിക്കുന്നു" +msgstr "അക്കൌണ്ടുമായി ബന്ധം വേര്‍പെടുത്തിയിരിക്കുന്നു" #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the kicked should come before the kicker in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1184 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2730 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was kicked by %2$s" msgstr "%1$s നെ %2$s പുറത്താക്കി" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1187 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2733 #, c-format msgid "%s was kicked" msgstr "%s പുറത്തായി" @@ -945,17 +1725,17 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the banned should come before the banner in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1195 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2741 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was banned by %2$s" msgstr "%1$s നെ %2$s നിരോധിച്ചു" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1198 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2744 #, c-format msgid "%s was banned" msgstr "%s നിരോധിയ്ക്കപ്പെട്ടു" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1202 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2748 #, c-format msgid "%s has left the room" msgstr "%s ഈ മുറിയില്‍ നിന്നും പുറത്തേക്കു പോയി" @@ -965,568 +1745,1273 @@ #. * given by the user living the room. If this poses a problem, #. * please let us know. :-) #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1211 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2757 #, c-format msgid " (%s)" msgstr " (%s)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1234 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2782 #, c-format msgid "%s has joined the room" msgstr "%s ഈ മുറിയിലേക്ക് ചേര്‍ന്നിരിക്കുന്നു" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1367 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1277 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2807 +#, c-format +msgid "%s is now known as %s" +msgstr "%s ഇപ്പോള്‍ %s ആയിട്ടാണ് അറിയപ്പെടുന്നത്" + +#. We don't know if the incoming call has been accepted or not, so we +#. * assume it hasn't and if it has, we'll set the proper status when +#. * we get the new handler. +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2994 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1888 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1279 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1502 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1552 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2590 msgid "Disconnected" msgstr "ബന്ധം വേര്‍പെടുത്തിയിരിക്കുന്നു" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1803 +#. Add message +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3658 +msgid "Would you like to store this password?" +msgstr "രഹസ്യവാക്ക് സൂക്ഷിക്കേണമോ?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3664 +msgid "Remember" +msgstr "ഓര്‍മിക്കുക" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3674 +msgid "Not now" +msgstr "ഇപ്പോഴല്ല" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3718 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-bad-password-dialog.c:142 +msgid "Retry" +msgstr "വീണ്ടും ശ്രമിക്കുക" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3722 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Wrong password; please try again:" +msgstr "തെറ്റായ രഹസ്യവാക്ക്, വീണ്ടും ശ്രമിക്കുക" + +#. Add message +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3852 +msgid "This room is protected by a password:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3879 +msgid "Join" +msgstr "കയറുക" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4071 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1300 msgid "Connected" msgstr "ബന്ധപ്പെട്ടിരിക്കുന്നു" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1853 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:502 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4126 msgid "Conversation" msgstr "വര്‍ത്തമാനം" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:471 -msgid "Topic:" -msgstr "വിഷയം:" +#. Translators: this string is a something like +#. * "Escher Cat (SMS)" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4131 +#, c-format +msgid "%s (SMS)" +msgstr "%s (SMS)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:262 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Unknown or invalid identifier" +msgstr "തെറ്റായ അല്ലെങ്കില്‍ തിരിച്ചറിയാത്ത ചാവി: %s" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:264 +msgid "Contact blocking temporarily unavailable" +msgstr "" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:266 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Contact blocking unavailable" +msgstr "പ്രദര്‍ശനത്തിന്റെ നടത്തിപ്പുകാരന്‍ ലഭ്യമല്ല" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:268 +msgid "Permission Denied" +msgstr "അനുവാദമില്ല" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:272 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Could not block contact" +msgstr "%s: ഈ വിലാസം കണ്ടെത്തിയില്ല" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:610 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Edit Blocked Contacts" +msgstr "ഓഫ്‌ലൈന്‍ _വിലാസങ്ങള്‍ കാണിക്കുക" + +#. Account and Identifier +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:506 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1474 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:7 +msgid "Account:" +msgstr "അക്കൗണ്ട് : " + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:2 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "New Contact" +msgid "Blocked Contacts" +msgstr "വിലാസങ്ങള്‍ കണ്ടുപിടിക്കുക" #. Copy Link Address menu item -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:316 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:276 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:322 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-webkit-utils.c:277 msgid "_Copy Link Address" msgstr "കണ്ണിയുടെ വിലാസം _പകര്‍ത്തുക" #. Open Link menu item -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:323 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:284 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:329 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-webkit-utils.c:284 msgid "_Open Link" msgstr "കണ്ണി _തുറക്കുക" #. Translators: timestamp displayed between conversations in #. * chat windows (strftime format string) -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:421 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:417 msgid "%A %B %d %Y" msgstr "%A %d %B %Y" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:177 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:236 -msgid "Edit Contact Information" -msgstr "ബന്ധപ്പെടാനുള്ള വിവരങ്ങളില്‍ മാറ്റം വരുത്തുക" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:287 -msgid "Personal Information" -msgstr "സ്വകാര്യ വിവരങ്ങള്‍" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:392 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:326 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:118 msgid "New Contact" msgstr "പുതിയ ബന്ധം" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:1 -msgid "Decide _Later" -msgstr "_പിന്നെ തീരുമാനിക്കുക" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:2 -msgid "Subscription Request" -msgstr "വരിക്കാരനാകാനുള്ള അപേക്ഷ" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:1412 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:395 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:197 #, c-format -msgid "Do you really want to remove the group '%s'?" -msgstr "'%s' എന്ന ഈ കൂട്ടത്തെ എടുത്തു കളയുവാന്‍ നിങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് ശരിക്കും ആഗ്രഹമുണ്ടോ ?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:1414 -msgid "Removing group" -msgstr "കൂട്ടത്തെ എടുത്തു കളയുന്നു" +msgid "Block %s?" +msgstr "%sഇനെ തടയേണമോ?" -#. Remove -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:1461 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:1538 -msgid "_Remove" -msgstr "_എടുത്തുകളയുക" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:1491 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:400 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:252 #, c-format -msgid "Do you really want to remove the contact '%s'?" -msgstr "'%s' എന്ന ഈ കോണ്‍ടാക്റ്റിനെ എടുത്തു കളയുവാന്‍ നിങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് ശരിക്കും ആഗ്രഹമുണ്ടോ ?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:1493 -msgid "Removing contact" -msgstr "ബന്ധത്തെ എടുത്തുകളയുന്നു" +msgid "Are you sure you want to block '%s' from contacting you again?" +msgstr "" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:195 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:11 -msgid "_Add Contact..." -msgstr "_ബന്ധം ചേര്‍ക്കുക..." +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:405 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:274 +msgid "_Block" +msgstr "_തടയുക" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:222 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:12 -msgid "_Chat" -msgstr "_സല്ലാപം" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:423 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:283 +msgid "_Report this contact as abusive" +msgid_plural "_Report these contacts as abusive" +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:253 -#, fuzzy -msgctxt "menu item" -msgid "_Audio Call" -msgstr "വിളി _അവസാനിപ്പിയ്ക്കുക" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:1 +msgid "Subscription Request" +msgstr "വരിക്കാരനാകാനുള്ള അപേക്ഷ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:285 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:2 #, fuzzy -msgctxt "menu item" -msgid "_Video Call" -msgstr "വിളി _അവസാനിപ്പിയ്ക്കുക" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:324 -msgid "_View Previous Conversations" -msgstr "പഴയ വര്‍ത്തമാനങ്ങള്‍ _കാണുക" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:346 -msgid "Send file" -msgstr "ഫയല്‍ അയയ്ക്കുക" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:369 -msgid "Share my desktop" -msgstr "എന്റെ പണിയിടം പങ്കുവെയ്ക്കുക" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:397 -msgid "Infor_mation" -msgstr "വി_വരങ്ങള്‍" +msgid "_Block User" +msgstr "അപരിചിതമായ യൂസറ്‍" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:441 -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:10 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:16 -msgid "_Edit" -msgstr "_ചിട്ട" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:3 +msgid "Decide _Later" +msgstr "_പിന്നെ തീരുമാനിക്കുക" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:501 -msgid "Inviting to this room" -msgstr "ഈ മുറിയിലേയ്ക്കു് ക്ഷണിയ്ക്കുന്നു" +#. Title +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:499 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Select a contact" +msgid "Search contacts" +msgstr "വിലാസങ്ങള്‍ കണ്ടുപിടിക്കുക" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:532 -msgid "_Invite to chatroom" -msgstr "_സല്ലാപമുറി യിലേയ്ക്കു് ക്ഷണിയ്ക്കുക" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:529 +msgid "Search: " +msgstr "തെരയുക: " -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-selector.c:129 -msgid "Select a contact" -msgstr "ഒരു ബന്ധം തെരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:587 +msgid "_Add Contact" +msgstr "_ബന്ധം ചേര്‍ക്കുക" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:447 -msgid "Save Avatar" -msgstr "അവതാരത്തിനെ സൂക്ഷിച്ചുവെക്കുക" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:605 +#, fuzzy +msgid "No contacts found" +msgstr "ബാറ്ററികളൊന്നും കണ്ടില്ല" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:503 -msgid "Unable to save avatar" -msgstr "അവതാരത്തിനെ സൂക്ഷിച്ചുവെക്കുവാന്‍ കഴിഞ്ഞില്ല" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:621 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Your message introducing yourself:" +msgstr "/table .......... നിങ്ങളുടെ ടേബിളിലേക്ക് സന്ദേശം അയയ്ക്കുക" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1000 -msgid "Select" -msgstr "തെരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:629 +msgid "Please let me see when you're online. Thanks!" +msgstr "" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1009 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1019 -msgid "Group" -msgstr "കൂട്ടം" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:567 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:304 +msgid "Channels:" +msgstr "ചാനലുകള്‍:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1260 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:747 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:455 msgid "Country ISO Code:" msgstr "രാജ്യത്തിന്റെ ഐഎസ്ഒ കോഡ്:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1262 -#, fuzzy +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:749 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:457 msgid "Country:" -msgstr "അക്കൗണ്ട് : " +msgstr "രാജ്യം:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1264 -#, fuzzy +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:751 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:459 msgid "State:" -msgstr "അവസ്ഥ:" +msgstr "സംസ്ഥാനം:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1266 -#, fuzzy +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:753 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:461 msgid "City:" -msgstr "ക്ലയന്റ്:" +msgstr "പട്ടണം:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1268 -#, fuzzy +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:755 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:463 msgid "Area:" -msgstr "അര്‍മേനിയന്‍" +msgstr "കൃത്യം സ്ഥലം:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1270 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:757 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:465 msgid "Postal Code:" msgstr "തപ്പാല്‍ കോഡ്:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1272 -#, fuzzy +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:759 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:467 msgid "Street:" -msgstr "തെരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക" +msgstr "റോഡ്:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1274 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:761 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:469 msgid "Building:" msgstr "കെട്ടിടം:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1276 -#, fuzzy +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:763 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:471 msgid "Floor:" -msgstr "_വേണ്ടി:" +msgstr "നില:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1278 -#, fuzzy +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:765 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:473 msgid "Room:" -msgstr "_മുറി:" +msgstr "മുറി:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1280 -#, fuzzy +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:767 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:475 msgid "Text:" -msgstr "തരം:" +msgstr "പദാവലി:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1282 -#, fuzzy +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:769 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:477 msgid "Description:" -msgstr "പതിപ്പ്" +msgstr "വിവരണം:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1284 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:771 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:479 msgid "URI:" msgstr "യുആര്‍ഐ:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1286 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:773 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:481 msgid "Accuracy Level:" msgstr "കൃത്യതയുടെ തലം:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1288 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:775 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:483 msgid "Error:" msgstr "പിശകു്:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1290 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:777 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:485 msgid "Vertical Error (meters):" msgstr "കുത്തനെയുള്ള പിശകു് (മീറ്ററുകള്‍):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1292 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:779 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:487 msgid "Horizontal Error (meters):" msgstr "നെടുകെയുള്ള പിശകു് (മീറ്ററുകള്‍):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1294 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:781 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:489 msgid "Speed:" msgstr "വേഗത:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1296 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:783 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:491 #, fuzzy msgid "Bearing:" msgstr "പതിപ്പ്" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1298 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:785 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:493 msgid "Climb Speed:" msgstr "കയറ്റത്തിന്റെ വേഗത:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1300 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:787 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:495 msgid "Last Updated on:" msgstr "അവസാനമായി പുതുക്കിയതു്:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1302 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:789 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:497 msgid "Longitude:" msgstr "രേഖാംശം:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1304 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:791 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:499 msgid "Latitude:" msgstr "അക്ഷാംശം:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1306 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:793 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:501 msgid "Altitude:" msgstr "ഉയരം:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1353 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Location" -msgstr "ഘടിപ്പിക്കുക" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:846 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:861 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:593 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:608 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:35 +msgid "Location" +msgstr "സ്ഥാനം" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1366 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Location, " -msgstr "ഘടിപ്പിക്കുക" +#. translators: format is "Location, $date" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:863 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:610 +#, c-format +msgid "%s, %s" +msgstr "%s, %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1416 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:915 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:659 msgid "%B %e, %Y at %R UTC" msgstr "%B %e, %Y at %R യുടിസി" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:1 -msgid "Location at (date)\t" -msgstr "(date) ലെ സ്ഥാനം\t" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:997 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:900 +msgid "Save Avatar" +msgstr "അവതാരത്തിനെ സൂക്ഷിച്ചുവെക്കുക" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:1 -msgid "Account:" -msgstr "അക്കൗണ്ട് : " +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1053 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:958 +msgid "Unable to save avatar" +msgstr "അവതാരത്തിനെ സൂക്ഷിച്ചുവെക്കുവാന്‍ കഴിഞ്ഞില്ല" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:3 -msgid "Alias:" -msgstr "അപരനാമം:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1444 +msgid "Personal Details" +msgstr "സ്വകാര്യ വിവരങ്ങള്‍" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:4 -msgid "Birthday:" -msgstr "ജന്മദിനം:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1447 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:6 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:3 +msgid "Contact Details" +msgstr "ബന്ധത്തെക്കുറിച്ചുള്ള വിവരങ്ങള്‍" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:104 +msgid "Full name" +msgstr "മുഴുവന്‍ പേരു്" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:105 +msgid "Phone number" +msgstr "ഫോണ്‍ നമ്പര്‍" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:106 +msgid "E-mail address" +msgstr "ഇമെയില്‍ വിലാസം" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:107 +msgid "Website" +msgstr "വെബ് വിലാസം" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:108 +msgid "Birthday" +msgstr "ജന്മദിനം" + +#. Note to translators: this is the caption for a string of the form "5 +#. * minutes ago", and refers to the time since the contact last interacted +#. * with their IM client. +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:113 +msgid "Last seen:" +msgstr "അവസാനം കണ്ടത്:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:115 #, fuzzy -msgid "Client Information" -msgstr "ക്ലയന്റിനെക്കുറിച്ചുള്ള വിവരങ്ങള്‍" +#| msgid "Connected" +msgid "Connected from:" +msgstr "വസ്തുത (നിന്ന് ‌%s)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:6 -msgid "Client:" -msgstr "ക്ലയന്റ്:" +#. FIXME: once Idle implements SimplePresence using this information, we can +#. * and should bin this. +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:119 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Quit message:" +msgid "Away message:" +msgstr "നിവേശക സന്ദേശം" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:7 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1002 -msgid "Contact" -msgstr "ബന്ധം" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:132 +#| msgid "Network" +msgid "work" +msgstr "ജോലി" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:133 +#| msgid "Volume" +msgid "home" +msgstr "വീടു്" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:134 +#| msgid "File" +msgid "mobile" +msgstr "മൊബൈല്‍" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:135 #, fuzzy -msgid "Contact Details" -msgstr "ബന്ധത്തെക്കുറിച്ചുള്ള വിവരങ്ങള്‍" +msgid "voice" +msgstr "വോയിസ് മെയിലുകള്‍" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:9 -msgid "Email:" -msgstr "ഇ-മെയില്:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:136 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Preferences" +msgid "preferred" +msgstr "ഇഷ്ടപ്പെട്ട ഉയരം" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:10 -msgid "Fullname:" -msgstr "മുഴുവന്‍ പേരു്:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:137 +#, fuzzy +msgid "postal" +msgstr "തപ്പാല്‍ കോഡ്:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:138 #, fuzzy -msgid "Groups" -msgstr "കൂട്ടം" +msgid "parcel" +msgstr "ചമയം" #. Identifier to connect to Instant Messaging network -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:13 +#. Translators: Identifier to connect to Instant Messaging network +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1502 msgid "Identifier:" msgstr "പേരു്:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:14 -msgid "Information requested..." -msgstr "വിവരങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് അപേക്ഷിച്ചിട്ടുണ്ട്..." - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:15 -msgid "OS:" -msgstr "ഓഎസ്:" +#. Alias +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1293 +msgid "Alias:" +msgstr "അപരനാമം:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:16 -msgid "Select the groups you want this contact to appear in. Note that you can select more than one group or no groups." -msgstr "നിങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് ഈ കോണ്‍ടാക്റ്റിനെ നിങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് ഏതൊക്കെ കൂട്ടങ്ങളില്‍ കാണിക്കണമോ അവയെ ഇവിടെ തെരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുകനിങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് കൂട്ടങ്ങളൊന്നും തെരഞ്ഞെടുക്കാതിരിക്കുവാനും ഒന്നില്‍ കൂടുതല്‍ കൂട്ടങ്ങള്‍ തെരഞ്ഞെടുക്കാനും സാധിക്കും എന്ന കാര്യം ശ്രദ്ധിക്കുക" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:5 +msgid "Location at (date)\t" +msgstr "(date) ലെ സ്ഥാനം\t" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:4 +msgid "Information requested…" +msgstr "വിവരങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് അപേക്ഷിച്ചിട്ടുണ്ട്..." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:17 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:8 +msgid "Client Information" +msgstr "ക്ലയന്റിനെക്കുറിച്ചുള്ള വിവരങ്ങ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:9 +msgid "OS:" +msgstr "ഓഎസ്:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:10 msgid "Version:" -msgstr "പതിപ്പ്" +msgstr "പതിപ്പ്:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:18 -msgid "Web site:" -msgstr "വെബ് വിലാസം" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:11 +msgid "Client:" +msgstr "ക്ലയന്റ്:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:331 +msgid "Groups" +msgstr "കൂട്ടങ്ങള്‍" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:343 +msgid "Select the groups you want this contact to appear in. Note that you can select more than one group or no groups." +msgstr "നിങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് ഈ കോണ്‍ടാക്റ്റിനെ നിങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് ഏതൊക്കെ കൂട്ടങ്ങളില്‍ കാണിക്കണമോ അവയെ ഇവിടെ തെരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുകനിങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് കൂട്ടങ്ങളൊന്നും തെരഞ്ഞെടുക്കാതിരിക്കുവാനും ഒന്നില്‍ കൂടുതല്‍ കൂട്ടങ്ങള്‍ തെരഞ്ഞെടുക്കാനും സാധിക്കും എന്ന കാര്യം ശ്രദ്ധിക്കുക" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:19 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:362 msgid "_Add Group" msgstr "ഒരു കൂട്ടത്തെ _ചേര്‍ക്കുക" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:281 -msgid "new server" -msgstr "പുതിയ സര്‍വര്‍" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:397 +#| msgid "Select" +msgctxt "verb in a column header displaying group names" +msgid "Select" +msgstr "തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:508 -msgid "Server" -msgstr "സര്‍വര്‍" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:407 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1970 +msgid "Group" +msgstr "കൂട്ടം" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:523 -msgid "Port" -msgstr "പോര്‍ട്ട്:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:257 +#, fuzzy +msgid "The following identity will be blocked:" +msgid_plural "The following identities will be blocked:" +msgstr[0] "താഴെ പറയുന്ന ഫയല്‍ നീക്കം ചെയ്യുന്നു:" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:264 +msgid "The following identity can not be blocked:" +msgid_plural "The following identities can not be blocked:" +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-edit-dialog.c:247 +msgid "Edit Contact Information" +msgstr "ബന്ധപ്പെടാനുള്ള വിവരങ്ങളില്‍ മാറ്റം വരുത്തുക" + +#. Translators: the heading at the top of the Information dialogue +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-information-dialog.c:288 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Linked Contacts" +msgstr "വിലാസങ്ങള്‍ കണ്ടുപിടിക്കുക" + +#. Translators: this is used in the context menu for a contact. The first +#. * parameter is a contact ID (e.g. foo@jabber.org) and the second is one +#. * of the user's account IDs (e.g. me@hotmail.com). +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:173 +#, c-format +msgid "%s (%s)" +msgstr "%s (%s)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:345 +msgid "Select account to use to place the call" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: Call is a noun. This string is used in the window +#. * title +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:349 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1290 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:18 +msgid "Call" +msgstr "വിളിയ്ക്കുക" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:414 +#| msgid "File" +msgid "Mobile" +msgstr "മൊബൈല്‍" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:416 +msgid "Work" +msgstr "ജോലി" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:418 +msgid "HOME" +msgstr "HOME" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:659 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "_Contact" +msgid "_Block Contact" +msgstr "കോണ്‍ടാക്ട് മാനേജ്മെന്റ്" + +#. add chat button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1018 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:319 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Chat" +msgstr "_സല്ലാപം" + +#. add SMS button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1053 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:313 +msgid "_SMS" +msgstr "_SMS" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1086 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "menu item" +msgid "_Audio Call" +msgstr "കോള്‍ സമയം: %s\n" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1119 +#, fuzzy +msgctxt "menu item" +msgid "_Video Call" +msgstr "കോള്‍ സമയം: %s\n" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1160 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Previous Conversations" +msgstr "_മുന്നത്തെ വര്‍ത്തമാനങ്ങള്‍" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1189 +msgid "Send File" +msgstr "ഫയല്‍ അയയ്ക്കുക" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1219 +msgid "Share My Desktop" +msgstr "എന്റെ പണിയിടം പങ്കുവെയ്ക്കുക" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1245 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1357 +msgid "Favorite" +msgstr "ഇഷ്ടപ്പെട്ടത്" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1264 +#, fuzzy +msgid "gnome-contacts not installed" +msgstr "ഗ്നോം നിഘണ്ടു ഇന്‍സ്റ്റോള്‍ ചെയ്തിട്ടില്ല" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:536 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1267 +msgid "Please install gnome-contacts to access contacts details." +msgstr "" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1398 +msgid "Infor_mation" +msgstr "വി_വരങ്ങള്‍" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1447 +msgctxt "Edit individual (contextual menu)" +msgid "_Edit" +msgstr "_ചിട്ട" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1564 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:1192 +msgid "Inviting you to this room" +msgstr "നിങ്ങളെ ഈ മുറിയിലേയ്ക്കു് ക്ഷണിയ്ക്കുന്നു" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1610 +msgid "_Invite to Chat Room" +msgstr "_സല്ലാപമുറി യിലേയ്ക്കു് ക്ഷണിയ്ക്കുക" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1806 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:5 +msgid "_Add Contact…" +msgstr "_ബന്ധം ചേര്‍ക്കുക..." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2304 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Delete and _Block" +msgstr "ഫയലുകള്‍ ഉണ്ടാക്കുകയും നീക്കം ചെയ്യുകയും ചെയ്യല്‍" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2339 +#, c-format +msgid "Do you really want to remove the group '%s'?" +msgstr "'%s' എന്ന ഈ കൂട്ടത്തെ എടുത്തു കളയുവാന്‍ നിങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് ശരിക്കും ആഗ്രഹമുണ്ടോ ?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2342 +msgid "Removing group" +msgstr "കൂട്ടത്തെ എടുത്തു കളയുന്നു" + +#. Remove +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2397 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2601 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_എടുത്തുകളയുക" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2474 +#, c-format +msgid "Do you really want to remove the contact '%s'?" +msgstr "'%s' എന്ന ഈ കോണ്‍ടാക്റ്റിനെ എടുത്തു കളയുവാന്‍ നിങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് ശരിക്കും ആഗ്രഹമുണ്ടോ ?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2483 +#, c-format +msgid "Do you really want to remove the linked contact '%s'? Note that this will remove all the contacts which make up this linked contact." +msgstr "" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2495 +msgid "Removing contact" +msgstr "ബന്ധത്തെ എടുത്തുകളയുന്നു" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1641 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "Linked contact containing %u contact" +msgid_plural "Linked contacts containing %u contacts" +msgstr[0] "(ആകെ %'d വസ്തു അടങ്ങുന്നു)" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:1 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Location at (date)\t" +msgid "Location at (date)" +msgstr "(date) ലെ സ്ഥാനം\t" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:2 +msgid "Online from a phone or mobile device" +msgstr "" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:335 +msgid "New Network" +msgstr "പുതിയ ശൃംഖല" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:530 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Edit the selected IRC network" +msgid "Choose an IRC network" +msgstr "ഒരു പുതിയ ഐആര്‍സി ശൃംഖല ഉണ്ടാക്കുക" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:587 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Reset _Networks List" +msgstr "നിരയുടെ പട്ടിക മായ‌്ക്കുക" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:591 +#| msgid "Select" +msgctxt "verb displayed on a button to select an IRC network" +msgid "Select" +msgstr "തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:280 +msgid "new server" +msgstr "പുതിയ സര്‍വര്‍" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:539 msgid "SSL" msgstr "എസ്എസ്എല്‍" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:495 -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:321 -msgid "Account" -msgstr "അക്കൗണ്ട്" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:620 +msgid "History" +msgstr "ചരിത്രം" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:675 +msgid "Show" +msgstr "കാണിക്കുക" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:697 +msgid "Search" +msgstr "തെരയുക" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1148 +#, c-format +msgid "Chat in %s" +msgstr "%s ഇല്‍ സല്ലപിക്കുക" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1150 +#, c-format +msgid "Chat with %s" +msgstr "%s-മായി സല്ലപിക്കുക" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1200 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1347 +msgctxt "A date with the time" +msgid "%A, %e %B %Y %X" +msgstr "%A, %e %B %Y %X" + +#. Translators: this is an emote: '* Danielle waves' +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1289 +#, c-format +msgid "* %s %s" +msgstr "* %s %s" + +#. Translators: this is a message: 'Danielle: hello' +#. * The string in bold is the sender's name +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1295 +#, c-format +msgid "%s: %s" +msgstr "%s: %s" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1371 +#, c-format +msgid "%s second" +msgid_plural "%s seconds" +msgstr[0] "%s സെക്കന്റ്" +msgstr[1] "%s സെക്കന്റുകള്‍" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1378 +#, c-format +msgid "%s minute" +msgid_plural "%s minutes" +msgstr[0] "%s മിനിട്ട്" +msgstr[1] "%s മിനിട്ടുകള്‍" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1386 +#, c-format +msgid "Call took %s, ended at %s" +msgstr "" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1720 +msgid "Today" +msgstr "ഇന്ന്" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1724 +msgid "Yesterday" +msgstr "ഇന്നലെ" + +#. Translators: A date such as '23 May 2010' (strftime format) +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1739 +msgid "%e %B %Y" +msgstr "%e %B %Y" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1827 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3487 +msgid "Anytime" +msgstr "എപ്പോഴും" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1916 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2400 +msgid "Anyone" +msgstr "ആരും" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2713 +msgid "Who" +msgstr "ആര്" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2922 +msgid "When" +msgstr "എപ്പോള്‍" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3038 +msgid "Anything" +msgstr "എന്തും" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3040 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Text chats" +msgstr "ടൈംസ്റ്റാമ്പ് ചാറ്റുകള്‍" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3042 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:25 +msgid "Calls" +msgstr "വിളികള്‍" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3047 +#| msgid "Incoming call" +msgid "Incoming calls" +msgstr "ഇങ്ങോട്ടു് വന്ന വിളികള്‍" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3048 +#| msgid "Outgoing voice call" +msgid "Outgoing calls" +msgstr "നിങ്ങള്‍ വിളിച്ചവ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3049 +msgid "Missed calls" +msgstr "എടുക്കാന്‍ പറ്റാത്തവ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3071 +msgid "What" +msgstr "എന്ത്" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3780 +msgid "Are you sure you want to delete all logs of previous conversations?" +msgstr "" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3784 +msgid "Clear All" +msgstr "എല്ലാം വൃത്തിയാക്കുക" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:512 -msgid "Date" -msgstr "തീയതി" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3791 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Delete from:" +msgstr "തെരഞ്ഞെടുത്തതു് ശേഖരത്തില്‍ നിന്നും നീക്കം ചെയ്യുക" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:1 -msgid "Conversations" -msgstr "വര്‍ത്തമാനങ്ങള്‍" +msgid "_File" +msgstr "_ഫയല്‍" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:2 -msgid "Previous Conversations" -msgstr "മുന്നത്തെ വര്‍ത്തമാനങ്ങള്‍" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:9 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:12 +msgid "_Edit" +msgstr "_ചിട്ട" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Search" -msgstr "തെരയുക" +#, fuzzy +msgid "Delete All History..." +msgstr "എല്ലാ ആവൃത്തികളും നീക്കം ചെയ്യുക (_O)" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:4 -msgid "_For:" -msgstr "_വേണ്ടി:" +msgid "Profile" +msgstr "പ്രൊഫൈല്‍" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.ui.h:2 -msgid "C_all" -msgstr "_വിളിക്കുക" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:5 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:19 +msgid "Chat" +msgstr "സല്ലാപം" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.ui.h:3 -msgid "C_hat" -msgstr "_സല്ലാപം" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:7 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:26 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:19 +#| msgid "Video input" +msgid "Video" +msgstr "വീഡിയോ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:8 +msgid "page 2" +msgstr "താള്‍ 2" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:9 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Loading..." +msgstr "_പുതിയ കളി" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:83 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Contact goes offline" +msgid "The contact is offline" +msgstr "തെരെഞ്ഞെടുത്ത സ്വീകര്‍ത്താവ് ഓഫ്‌‌ലൈന്‍ ആണ്" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:85 +msgid "The specified contact is either invalid or unknown" +msgstr "" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:87 +msgid "The contact does not support this kind of conversation" +msgstr "" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:89 +msgid "The requested functionality is not implemented for this protocol" +msgstr "" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:95 +msgid "Could not start a conversation with the given contact" +msgstr "" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:97 +msgid "You are banned from this channel" +msgstr "നിങ്ങളെ ഈ ചാനലില്‍ നിന്നും പുറത്താക്കിയിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:99 +#, fuzzy +msgid "This channel is full" +msgstr "ട" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:101 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "You have been invited to join a chat conference." +msgid "You must be invited to join this channel" +msgstr "നിങ്ങളെ ഒരു സല്ലാപ സമ്മേളനത്തില്‍ ചേരുവാന്‍ ക്ഷണിച്ചിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:103 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Contact disconnected" +msgid "Can't proceed while disconnected" +msgstr "ഒരു ടേബിളിലുള്ളപ്പോള്‍ മുറികള്‍ മാറുവാന്‍ സാധ്യമല്ല" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.ui.h:4 -msgid "Contact ID:" -msgstr "കോണ്‍ടാക്റ്റ് ഐഡി:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:105 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "permission denied" +msgid "Permission denied" +msgstr "പ്റവേശനം അനുവദിക്കുന്നതല്ല" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:111 +#, fuzzy +msgid "There was an error starting the conversation" +msgstr "X ആരംഭിക്കുന്നതില്‍ അപരിചിതമായ പിശക്." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:290 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:200 +msgid "Enter a contact identifier or phone number:" +msgstr "" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.ui.h:5 +#. Tweak the dialog +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:333 msgid "New Conversation" msgstr "പുതിയ വര്‍ത്തമാനം" +#. add video button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:223 +#, fuzzy +msgid "_Video Call" +msgstr "കോള്‍ സമയം: %s\n" + +#. add audio button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:233 +#, fuzzy +msgid "_Audio Call" +msgstr "കോള്‍ സമയം: %s\n" + +#. Tweak the dialog +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:243 +#, fuzzy +msgid "New Call" +msgstr "ഒരു പുതിയ കോള്‍ വിളിക്കുക" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-bad-password-dialog.c:130 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "Authentication failed" +msgid "Authentification failed for account %s" +msgstr "ഓഫ്‌ലൈന്‍ ആകുന്നതിനായി '%s' അക്കൌണ്ട് തയ്യാറാക്കുന്നു" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-base-password-dialog.c:224 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-password-dialog.c:134 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "" +"Enter your password for account\n" +"%s" +msgstr "Exchange അക്കൌണ്ടിന്‍റെ പാസ്‍വേര്‍ഡ് മാറ്റുക" + #. COL_STATUS_TEXT #. COL_STATE_ICON_NAME #. COL_STATE #. COL_DISPLAY_MARKUP #. COL_STATUS_CUSTOMISABLE #. COL_TYPE -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:176 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:212 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:167 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:203 #, fuzzy -msgid "Custom Message..." -msgstr "ഇഷ്ടപ്പെട്ട സന്ദേശങ്ങള്‍..." +msgid "Custom Message…" +msgstr "പശ്ചാത്തലം സജ്ജമാക്കുക" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:229 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:231 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:220 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:222 #, fuzzy -msgid "Edit Custom Messages..." -msgstr "ഇഷ്ടപ്പെട്ട സന്ദേശങ്ങള്‍..." +msgid "Edit Custom Messages…" +msgstr "ഇഷ്ടപാദ്കകുറി വിന്യാസം‍" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:330 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:345 msgid "Click to remove this status as a favorite" msgstr "ഈ അവസ്ഥ പ്രിയപ്പെട്ടതില്‍ നിന്നും നീക്കം ചെയ്യാന്‍ ഞെക്കുക" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:339 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:354 msgid "Click to make this status a favorite" msgstr "ഈ അവസ്ഥ പ്രിയപ്പെട്ടതാക്കാന്‍ ഞെക്കുക" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:373 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:388 #, fuzzy msgid "Set status" -msgstr "അവസ്ഥ" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:794 -msgid "Set your presence and current status" -msgstr "നിങ്ങളുടെ സ്ഥാനവും ഇപ്പോഴത്തെ അവസ്ഥയും സജ്ജീകരിയ്ക്കുക" +msgstr "അവസ്ഥ ക്രമീകരിക്കുക" #. Custom messages -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:1043 -msgid "Custom messages..." -msgstr "ഇഷ്ടപ്പെട്ട സന്ദേശങ്ങള്‍..." +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:1135 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Custom messages..." +msgid "Custom messages…" +msgstr "പശ്ചാത്തലം സജ്ജമാക്കുക" + +#. Create account +#. To translator: %s is the name of the protocol, such as "Google Talk" or +#. * "Yahoo!" +#. +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-protocol-chooser.c:588 +#, c-format +msgid "New %s account" +msgstr "പുതിയ %s അക്കൗണ്ട് " + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:1 +msgid "Find:" +msgstr "തെരഞ്ഞു പിടിക്കുക:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:2 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "_Previous Tab" +msgid "_Previous" +msgstr "_മുമ്പുളളത്" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-sound.c:51 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:3 +msgid "_Next" +msgstr "_അടുത്തത്" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:4 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Mat_ch case" +msgstr "വലിയ-ചെറിയക്ഷരങ്ങള്‍ തമ്മില്‍ വ്യത്യാസമില്ലാത്ത പൊരുത്തം" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:5 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Phrase not found" +msgstr "വാചകം ലഭ്യമല്ല" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-sound-manager.c:51 msgid "Received an instant message" msgstr "ഞൊടിയിടയിലുള്ളൊരു സന്ദേശം സ്വീകരിച്ചു" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-sound.c:53 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-sound-manager.c:53 msgid "Sent an instant message" msgstr "ഞൊടിയിടയിലുള്ളൊരു സന്ദേശം അയക്കുക" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-sound.c:55 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-sound-manager.c:55 msgid "Incoming chat request" msgstr "സല്ലാപത്തിനുള്ള അപേക്ഷ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-sound.c:57 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-sound-manager.c:57 msgid "Contact connected" msgstr "പട്ടികയിലുള്ളവര്‍ ബന്ധപ്പെട്ടിരിക്കുന്നു" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-sound.c:59 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-sound-manager.c:59 msgid "Contact disconnected" msgstr "പട്ടികയിലുള്ളവര്‍ ബന്ധം വേര്‍പ്പെടുത്തിയിരിക്കുന്നു" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-sound.c:61 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-sound-manager.c:61 msgid "Connected to server" msgstr "സെര്‍വറുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ടിരിക്കുന്നു" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-sound.c:63 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-sound-manager.c:63 msgid "Disconnected from server" msgstr "സെര്‍വറുമായുള്ള ബന്ധം വേര്‍പ്പെടുത്തിയിരിക്കുന്നു" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-sound.c:65 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-sound-manager.c:65 msgid "Incoming voice call" msgstr "ഇങ്ങോട്ടുള്ള വിളി" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-sound.c:67 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-sound-manager.c:67 msgid "Outgoing voice call" msgstr "വിളിയ്ക്കുന്നു" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-sound.c:69 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-sound-manager.c:69 msgid "Voice call ended" msgstr "വിളി കഴിഞ്ഞു" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.c:362 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Enter Custom Message" -msgstr "ഇഷ്ടപ്പെട്ട സന്ദേശം:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.c:521 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.c:296 #, fuzzy msgid "Edit Custom Messages" -msgstr "ഇഷ്ടപ്പെട്ട സന്ദേശം:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:1 -msgid "Add _New Preset" -msgstr "_പുതിയ പ്രീസെറ്റ് ചേര്‍ക്കുക" +msgstr "തയ്യാറാക്കിയ സന്ദേശങ്ങള്‍ നീക്കം ചെയ്യുക:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:2 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Saved Presets" -msgstr "സന്ദേശം സൂക്ഷിക്കുക" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1051 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "Message received" +msgid "Message edited at %s" +msgstr "%d-ന്‍റെ %d-ല്‍ സന്ദേശം പരാജയപ്പെട്ടിരിക്കുന്നു" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1757 +msgid "Normal" +msgstr "സാധാരണ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-manager.c:67 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-manager.c:70 msgid "Classic" msgstr "ക്ളാസ്സിക്" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-manager.c:68 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-manager.c:71 msgid "Simple" msgstr "ലളിതം" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-manager.c:69 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-manager.c:72 msgid "Clean" msgstr "വൃത്തിയുള്ളത്" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-manager.c:70 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-manager.c:73 msgid "Blue" msgstr "നീല" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1396 -msgid "Unable to open URI" -msgstr "യുആര്‍ഐ തുറക്കുവാന്‍ കഴിഞ്ഞില്ല" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:150 +msgid "The identity provided by the chat server cannot be verified." +msgstr "" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1486 -msgid "Select a file" -msgstr "ഒരു ഫയല്‍ തെരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:157 +msgid "The certificate is not signed by a Certification Authority." +msgstr "" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1546 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:161 #, fuzzy -msgid "Select a destination" -msgstr "ഒരു ബന്ധം തെരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക" +#| msgid "Certificate expired" +msgid "The certificate has expired." +msgstr "സര്‍ട്ടീഫിക്കേറ്റിന്‍റെ കാലാവധി കഴിഞ്ഞിരിക്കുന്നു" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/totem-subtitle-encoding.c:158 -msgid "Current Locale" -msgstr "ഇപ്പോഴത്തെ സ്ഥലം" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:164 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Certificate not activated" +msgid "The certificate hasn't yet been activated." +msgstr "സാക്ഷ്യപത്രം സജീകമാക്കാത്തതു്" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/totem-subtitle-encoding.c:161 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/totem-subtitle-encoding.c:163 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/totem-subtitle-encoding.c:165 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/totem-subtitle-encoding.c:167 -msgid "Arabic" -msgstr "അറബി" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:167 +msgid "The certificate does not have the expected fingerprint." +msgstr "" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/totem-subtitle-encoding.c:170 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:170 +msgid "The hostname verified by the certificate doesn't match the server name." +msgstr "" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:174 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Certificate self-signed" +msgid "The certificate is self-signed." +msgstr "ചെയിനില്‍ സ്വയം ഒപ്പിട്ട സര്‍ട്ടീഫിക്കേറ്റ്" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:177 +msgid "The certificate has been revoked by the issuing Certification Authority." +msgstr "" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:181 +#, fuzzy +msgid "The certificate is cryptographically weak." +msgstr "ആധികാരികത ഉറപ്പാക്കുന്ന സംവിധാനം വളരെ ദുര്‍ബലമാണ്" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:184 +msgid "The certificate length exceeds verifiable limits." +msgstr "" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:188 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Certificate expired" +msgid "The certificate is malformed." +msgstr "സീരിയലൈസ്ഡ് ഡേറ്റാ തെറ്റാകുന്നു" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:206 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "Certificate hostname mismatch" +msgid "Expected hostname: %s" +msgstr "ഹോസ്റ്റ് നെയിം വ്യക്തമാക്കുക" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:209 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "Certificate hostname mismatch" +msgid "Certificate hostname: %s" +msgstr "സാക്ഷ്യപത്രത്തിലെ ഹോസ്റ്റിന്റെ പേരു് പൊരുത്തമില്ല" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:281 +msgid "C_ontinue" +msgstr "_തുടരുക" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:287 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Untrusted connection" +msgstr "കണക്ഷന്‍ _വേഗത:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:288 +msgid "This connection is untrusted. Would you like to continue anyway?" +msgstr "" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:298 +msgid "Remember this choice for future connections" +msgstr "" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:304 +#| msgid "Certificate expired" +msgid "Certificate Details" +msgstr "സര്‍ട്ടിഫിക്കറ്റ് വിവരങ്ങള്‍" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1754 +msgid "Unable to open URI" +msgstr "യുആര്‍ഐ തുറക്കുവാന്‍ കഴിഞ്ഞില്ല" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1872 +msgid "Select a file" +msgstr "ഒരു ഫയല്‍ തെരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1947 +msgid "Insufficient free space to save file" +msgstr "" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1955 +#, c-format +msgid "%s of free space are required to save this file, but only %s is available. Please choose another location." +msgstr "" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1999 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "Incoming call from %s" +msgid "Incoming file from %s" +msgstr "%s ല്‍ നിന്നും ഫയല്‍ വരുന്നു" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/totem-subtitle-encoding.c:158 +msgid "Current Locale" +msgstr "ഇപ്പോഴത്തെ സ്ഥലം" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/totem-subtitle-encoding.c:161 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/totem-subtitle-encoding.c:163 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/totem-subtitle-encoding.c:165 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/totem-subtitle-encoding.c:167 +msgid "Arabic" +msgstr "അറബി" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/totem-subtitle-encoding.c:170 msgid "Armenian" msgstr "അര്‍മേനിയന്‍" @@ -1682,275 +3167,154 @@ msgid "Vietnamese" msgstr "വിയറ്റ്നാമീസ്" -#. -#. * vim: sw=2 ts=8 cindent noai bs=2 -#. -#: ../megaphone/data/GNOME_Megaphone_Applet.schemas.in.h:1 -msgid "The contact to display in the applet. Empty means no contact is displayed." -msgstr "ലഘുപ്രയോഗത്തില്‍ കാണിക്കേണ്ട ബന്ധം. ശൂന്യമാണെങ്കില്‍ ഒരു ബന്ധവും കാണിക്കുകയില്ല എന്നാണ് അര്‍ത്ഥം." - -#: ../megaphone/data/GNOME_Megaphone_Applet.schemas.in.h:2 -msgid "The contact's avatar token. Empty means contact has no avatar." -msgstr "കോണ്ടാക്റ്റിന്റെ അവതാരം. ശൂന്യമാണെങ്കില്‍ കോണ്‍ടാക്റ്റിന് അവതാരമൊന്നും ഇല്ല എന്നാണ് അര്‍ത്ഥം" - -#: ../megaphone/data/GNOME_Megaphone_Applet.server.in.in.h:1 -msgid "Megaphone" -msgstr "ഉച്ചഭാഷിണി" - -#: ../megaphone/data/GNOME_Megaphone_Applet.server.in.in.h:2 -#: ../megaphone/src/megaphone-applet.c:518 -msgid "Talk!" -msgstr "സംസാരിക്കൂ!" - -#: ../megaphone/data/GNOME_Megaphone_Applet.xml.h:1 -#: ../nothere/data/GNOME_NotHere_Applet.xml.h:1 -msgid "_About" -msgstr "_സംബന്ധിച്ചു്" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-calendar-button.c:66 +msgid "Select..." +msgstr "തെരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക..." -#: ../megaphone/data/GNOME_Megaphone_Applet.xml.h:2 -msgid "_Information" -msgstr "വിവരം" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-calendar-button.c:154 +msgid "_Select" +msgstr "_തെരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക" -#: ../megaphone/data/GNOME_Megaphone_Applet.xml.h:3 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:23 -msgid "_Preferences" -msgstr "മുന്‍ഗണനകള്‍" +#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:202 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "too long message" +msgid "No error message" +msgstr "പിശക് സന്ദേശങ്ങള്‍ ഒന്നും ഇല്ല" -#: ../megaphone/src/megaphone-applet.c:166 -msgid "Please configure a contact." -msgstr "ദയവായി ഒരു ബന്ധം ക്രമീകരിയ്ക്കുക." - -#: ../megaphone/src/megaphone-applet.c:256 -msgid "Select contact..." -msgstr "ബന്ധം തെരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക..." - -#: ../nothere/data/GNOME_NotHere_Applet.server.in.in.h:1 -msgid "Presence" -msgstr "സാന്നിദ്ധ്യം" - -#: ../nothere/data/GNOME_NotHere_Applet.server.in.in.h:2 -#: ../nothere/src/nothere-applet.c:105 -msgid "Set your own presence" -msgstr "നിങ്ങളുടേതായ സാന്നിദ്ധ്യം നിങ്ങള്‍ തന്നെ ഉറപ്പിക്കൂ" +#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:275 +msgid "Instant Message (Empathy)" +msgstr "നിമിഷ സന്ദേശം (എമ്പതി)" -#: ../src/empathy.c:742 +#: ../src/empathy.c:435 msgid "Don't connect on startup" msgstr "തുടക്കത്തില്‍ തന്നെ കണക്റ്റ് ചെയ്യണ്ട" -#: ../src/empathy.c:746 -msgid "Don't show the contact list on startup" +#: ../src/empathy.c:439 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Don't show the contact list on startup" +msgid "Don't display the contact list or any other dialogs on startup" msgstr "തുടക്കത്തില്‍ കോണ്‍ടാക്റ്റ് പട്ടിക കാണിക്കേണ്ട" -#: ../src/empathy.c:750 -msgid "Show the accounts dialog" -msgstr "അക്കൗണ്ടുകള്‍ക്കു വേണ്ടിയുള്ള ഡയലോഗ് കാണിക്കുക" - -#: ../src/empathy.c:762 +#: ../src/empathy.c:454 #, fuzzy msgid "- Empathy IM Client" -msgstr "%s - എമ്പതി വിളി" +msgstr "HTTP ക്ലയന്റില്‍ പിശക്: %s" + +#: ../src/empathy.c:641 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Error contacting the Account Manager" +msgstr "പാക്കേജ് നിരീക്ഷികന്റെ പിശക് വിശദാംശങ്ങള്‍" + +#: ../src/empathy.c:643 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"There was an error while trying to connect to the Telepathy Account Manager. The error was:\n" +"\n" +"%s" +msgstr "" -#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:83 +#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:81 msgid "Empathy is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version." msgstr "എംപതി സ്വതന്ത്ര സോഫ്റ്റ്‌വേറാണ് ; നിങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് ഫ്രീ സോഫ്റ്റ്‌വേര്‍ ഫൗണ്ടേഷന്‍ പ്രസിദ്ധീകരിച്ചിട്ടുള്ള ഗ്നു ജനറല്‍ പബ്ളിക് ലൈസന്‍സ് പ്രകാരംഇത് വിതരണം ചെയ്യുകയോ ഇതില്‍ മാറ്റങ്ങള്‍ വരുത്തുകയോ ആവാം; ഈ ലൈസന്‍സിന്റെ രണ്ടാം പതിപ്പു പ്രകാരമോ അല്ലെങ്കില്‍ (നിങ്ങളുടെ ഇഷ്ടപ്രകാരം) അതിനു ശേഷമുള്ള പതിപ്പുകളിന്‍ പ്രകാരമോ" -#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:87 +#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:85 msgid "Empathy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details." msgstr "എമ്പതി നിങ്ങള്‍ക്കു് പ്രയോജനപ്പെടും എന്ന പ്രതീക്ഷയില്‍ വിതരണം ചെയ്യുന്നതാണു്, പക്ഷേ, ഇതിനു് ഒരു വാറണ്ടിയും ലഭ്യമല്ല; വ്യാപാരയോഗ്യതയോ ഒരു പ്രത്യേക കാര്യത്തിനു് ചേരുന്നതാണെന്നോ പരോക്ഷമായി ഉള്‍‌ക്കൊള്ളുന്ന വാറണ്ടി പോലും ഇല്ല. കൂടുതല്‍ വിവരങ്ങള്‍ക്കു് ഗ്നു ജനറല്‍ പബ്ലിക് ലൈസന്‍സ് കാണുക." -#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:91 +#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:89 msgid "You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Empathy; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-130159 USA" msgstr "നിങ്ങള്‍ക്കു് എമ്പതിയ്ക്കൊപ്പം ഗ്നു ജനറല്‍ പബ്ലിക് ലൈസന്‍സിന്റെ ഒരു പകര്‍പ്പു് ലഭിച്ചിട്ടുണ്ടായിരിയ്ക്കണം; ഇല്ലെങ്കില്‍, ഈ വിലാസത്തിലേയ്ക്കെഴുതുക: Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA." -#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:119 +#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:109 msgid "An Instant Messaging client for GNOME" msgstr "ഗ്നോമിനു വേണ്ടിയുള്ള ഒരു സന്ദേശവാഹകന്‍" -#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:125 +#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:115 msgid "translator-credits" msgstr "" "എഫ്.എസ്.എഫ് - ഇന്ത്യ \n" "ആഷിക് സലാഹുദ്ദീന്‍ \n" "പ്രവീണ്‍ അരിമ്പ്രത്തൊടിയില്‍ " -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:118 -#, fuzzy -msgid "There has been an error while importing the accounts." -msgstr "അക്കൌണ്ടുകള്‍ പുറത്തുനിന്നെടുക്കുന്നതിനെപ്പറ്റി എമ്പതി ചോദിച്ചിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:121 -msgid "There has been an error while parsing the account details." -msgstr "" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:124 -msgid "There has been an error while creating the account." -msgstr "" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:126 -msgid "There has been an error." -msgstr "" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:141 +#. The primary text of the dialog shown to the user when he is about to lose +#. * unsaved changes +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:72 #, c-format -msgid "The error message was: %s" +msgid "There are unsaved modifications to your %s account." msgstr "" -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:149 -msgid "You can either go back and try to enter your accounts' details again or quit this assistant and add accounts later from the Edit menu." +#. The primary text of the dialog shown to the user when he is about to lose +#. * an unsaved new account +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:76 +msgid "Your new account has not been saved yet." msgstr "" -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:184 -#, fuzzy -msgid "An error occurred" -msgstr "അറിയാത്ത ഏതോ പ്രശ്നം" +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:381 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:759 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1289 +msgid "Connecting…" +msgstr "ബന്ധിപ്പിച്ചുകൊണ്ടിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു..." -#. Create account -#. To translator: %s is the protocol name -#. Create account -#. To translator: %s is the name of the protocol, such as "Google Talk" or -#. * "Yahoo!" -#. -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:321 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1400 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:422 #, c-format -msgid "New %s account" -msgstr "പുതിയ %s അക്കൗണ്ട് " - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:393 -msgid "What kind of chat account do you have?" -msgstr "" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:399 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Do you have any other chat accounts you want to set up?" -msgstr "എനിയ്ക്കുപയോഗിയ്ക്കാന്‍ നേരത്തെ തന്നെ ഒരു അക്കൌണ്ടുണ്ടു്" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:405 -msgid "Enter your account details" -msgstr "" +msgid "Offline — %s" +msgstr "ഓഫ്‌ലൈന്‍ - %s" -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:410 -#, fuzzy -msgid "What kind of chat account do you want to create?" -msgstr "%s നിങ്ങളെ വിളിയ്ക്കുന്നു, എടുക്കണോ?" +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:434 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "Disconnected" +msgid "Disconnected — %s" +msgstr "ബന്ധം വേര്‍പെടുത്തിയിരിക്കുന്നു" -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:416 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:445 #, fuzzy -msgid "Do you want to create other chat accounts?" -msgstr "'%s' എന്ന ഈ കോണ്‍ടാക്റ്റിനെ എടുത്തു കളയുവാന്‍ നിങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് ശരിക്കും ആഗ്രഹമുണ്ടോ ?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:423 -msgid "Enter the details for the new account" -msgstr "" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:509 -msgid "With Empathy you can chat with people online nearby and with friends and colleagues who use Google Talk, AIM, Windows Live and many other chat programs. With a microphone or a webcam you can also have audio or video calls." -msgstr "" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:526 -msgid "Do you have an account you've been using with another chat program?" -msgstr "" +msgid "Offline — No Network Connection" +msgstr "നെറ്റ്‌വര്‍ക്ക് കണക്ഷന്‍ ലഭ്യമല്ല" -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:549 -msgid "Yes, import my account details from " -msgstr "" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:570 -msgid "Yes, I'll enter my account details now" -msgstr "" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:592 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:452 #, fuzzy -msgid "No, I want a new account" -msgstr "അക്കൌണ്ടുകള്‍ കാണിയ്ക്കുകയും മാറ്റം വരുത്തുകയും ചെയ്യുക" +#| msgid "Unknown reason" +msgid "Unknown Status" +msgstr "അവസ്ഥ അറിയില്ല" -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:602 -msgid "No, I just want to see people online nearby for now" +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:469 +msgid "This account has been disabled because it relies on an old, unsupported backend. Please install telepathy-haze and restart your session to migrate the account." msgstr "" -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:623 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:479 #, fuzzy -msgid "Select the accounts you want to import:" -msgstr "നിങ്ങള്‍ക്കാരെയാണു് ക്ഷണിയ്ക്കേണ്ടതെന്നു് തെരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക:" +msgid "Offline — Account Disabled" +msgstr "എക്സ്ചെയിഞ്ച് അക്കൌണ്ട് ഓഫ് ലൈന്‍ ആണ്." -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:710 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:496 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:497 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:585 #, fuzzy -msgid "Yes" -msgstr "അതെ" +msgid "Edit Connection Parameters" +msgstr "തെരഞ്ഞെടുത്ത കണക്ഷന്‍ ചിട്ടപ്പെടുത്തുക." -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:717 -msgid "No, that's all for now" +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:750 +msgid "Failed to retrieve your personal information from the server." msgstr "" -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:910 -msgid "Welcome to Empathy" +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:756 +msgid "Go online to edit your personal information." msgstr "" -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:919 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:843 #, fuzzy -msgid "Import your existing accounts" -msgstr "അക്കൗണ്ടുകള്‍ അകത്തെടുക്കുക" +msgid "_Edit Connection Parameters..." +msgstr "തെരഞ്ഞെടുത്ത കണക്ഷന്‍ ചിട്ടപ്പെടുത്തുക." -#. The primary text of the dialog shown to the user when he is about to lose -#. * unsaved changes -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:63 -#, c-format -msgid "There are unsaved modification regarding your %s account." -msgstr "" - -#. To translators: The first parameter is the login id and the -#. * second one is the server. The resulting string will be something -#. * like: "MyUserName on chat.freenode.net". -#. * You should reverse the order of these arguments if the -#. * server should come before the login id in your locale. -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:236 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1339 #, fuzzy, c-format -msgid "%1$s on %2$s" -msgstr "%2$s ലെ %1$s" - -#. To translators: The parameter is the protocol name. The resulting -#. * string will be something like: "Jabber Account" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:248 -#, fuzzy, c-format -msgid "%s Account" -msgstr "അക്കൗണ്ട്" +#| msgid "Do you really want to remove the group '%s'?" +msgid "Do you want to remove %s from your computer?" +msgstr "നിങ്ങളുടെ കോണ്‍ഫിഗറേഷനില്‍ നിന്നും ആപ്പ്-ലെറ്റ് വെട്ടി നീക്കണമോ?" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:252 -#, fuzzy -msgid "New account" -msgstr "പുതിയ %s അക്കൗണ്ട് " - -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:502 -#, fuzzy -msgid "" -"You are about to create a new account, which will discard\n" -"your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" -msgstr "" -"നിങ്ങളുടെ %s അക്കൗണ്ടിനെ നിങ്ങള്‍ എടുത്തു കളയുവാന്‍ പോകുകയാണ് !\n" -"മുന്നോട്ടു നീങ്ങണം എന്നു നിങ്ങള്‍ക്കു ഉറപ്പാണോ ? " - -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:787 -#, c-format -msgid "" -"You are about to remove your %s account!\n" -"Are you sure you want to proceed?" -msgstr "" -"നിങ്ങളുടെ %s അക്കൗണ്ടിനെ നിങ്ങള്‍ എടുത്തു കളയുവാന്‍ പോകുകയാണ് !\n" -"മുന്നോട്ടു നീങ്ങണം എന്നു നിങ്ങള്‍ക്കു ഉറപ്പാണോ ? " - -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:792 -msgid "" -"Any associated conversations and chat rooms will NOT be removed if you decide to proceed.\n" -"\n" -"Should you decide to add the account back at a later time, they will still be available." +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1343 +msgid "This will not remove your account on the server." msgstr "" -"മുമ്പോട്ടു് പോകാന്‍ നിങ്ങള്‍ തീരുമാനിച്ചാല്‍ ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട സല്ലാപമുറികളും സംഭാഷണങ്ങളും നീക്കം ചെയ്യുന്നതല്ല.\n" -"\n" -"പിന്നീടൊരിയ്ക്കല്‍ നിങ്ങളൊരു അക്കൊണ്ടു് ചേര്‍ക്കാന്‍ തീരുമാനിച്ചാലും അവ ലഭ്യമായിരിയ്ക്കും." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:980 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1579 #, fuzzy msgid "" "You are about to select another account, which will discard\n" @@ -1959,7 +3323,26 @@ "നിങ്ങളുടെ %s അക്കൗണ്ടിനെ നിങ്ങള്‍ എടുത്തു കളയുവാന്‍ പോകുകയാണ് !\n" "മുന്നോട്ടു നീങ്ങണം എന്നു നിങ്ങള്‍ക്കു ഉറപ്പാണോ ? " -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1475 +#. Menu items: to enabled/disable the account +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1755 +#| msgid "Enabled" +msgid "_Enable" +msgstr "_സജ്ജമാക്കുക" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1756 +msgid "_Disable" +msgstr "_പ്രവര്‍ത്തന രഹിതമാക്കുക" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2184 +#, fuzzy +msgid "_Skip" +msgstr "_ഉപേക്ഷിക്കുക" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2188 +msgid "_Connect" +msgstr "കണക്ടു് ചെയ്യുക" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2365 #, fuzzy msgid "" "You are about to close the window, which will discard\n" @@ -1968,22 +3351,16 @@ "നിങ്ങളുടെ %s അക്കൗണ്ടിനെ നിങ്ങള്‍ എടുത്തു കളയുവാന്‍ പോകുകയാണ് !\n" "മുന്നോട്ടു നീങ്ങണം എന്നു നിങ്ങള്‍ക്കു ഉറപ്പാണോ ? " -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:1 -msgid "Accounts" -msgstr "അക്കൗണ്ടുകള്‍" - -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 -msgid "Add new" -msgstr "" - #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:3 -msgid "Cr_eate" -msgstr "സൃ_ഷ്ടിയ്ക്കുക" +#| msgid "Import" +msgid "_Import…" +msgstr "_അകത്തെടുക്കുക…" #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:4 #, fuzzy -msgid "No protocol installed" -msgstr "നിയമാവലിയൊന്നും ഇന്‍സ്റ്റോള്‍ ചെയ്തിട്ടില്ല" +#| msgid "Contact information" +msgid "Loading account information" +msgstr "അക്കൗണ്ട് വിവരം റിസോള്വര്‍" #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:5 msgid "To add a new account, you first have to install a backend for each protocol you want to use." @@ -1991,265 +3368,600 @@ #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:6 #, fuzzy -msgid "_Add..." -msgstr "ചേര്ക്കുക" +msgid "No protocol backends installed" +msgstr "സമ്പ്രദായം `%s'-നുളള പ്രൊവൈഡര്‍ ലഭ്യമല്ല" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:7 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:288 #, fuzzy -msgid "_Create a new account" -msgstr "ഒരു പുതിയ ഐആര്‍സി ശൃംഖല ഉണ്ടാക്കുക" +msgid " - Empathy authentication client" +msgstr "HTTP ക്ലയന്റില്‍ പിശക്: %s" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:8 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:304 #, fuzzy -msgid "_Reuse an existing account" -msgstr "അക്കൌണ്ടുകള്‍ കാണിയ്ക്കുകയും മാറ്റം വരുത്തുകയും ചെയ്യുക" +#| msgid "Authentication failed" +msgid "Empathy authentication client" +msgstr "HTTP ക്ലയന്റില്‍ പിശക്: %s" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:9 +#: ../src/empathy-av.c:118 +#: ../src/empathy-call.c:201 #, fuzzy -msgid "account" -msgstr "അക്കൗണ്ട്" +msgid "- Empathy Audio/Video Client" +msgstr "ഓഡിയോ വീഡിയോ സംബന്ധിച്ചുളള പ്രയോഗങ്ങള്‍" + +#: ../src/empathy-av.c:134 +#: ../src/empathy-call.c:223 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Empathy Audio/Video Client" +msgstr "ഓഡിയോ വീഡിയോ സംബന്ധിച്ചുളള പ്രയോഗങ്ങള്‍" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:426 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:434 msgid "Contrast" msgstr "കോണ്ട്രാസ്റ്റ്" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:429 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:437 msgid "Brightness" msgstr "വെളിച്ചം" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:432 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:440 msgid "Gamma" msgstr "ഗാമ" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:539 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:547 msgid "Volume" msgstr "ഒച്ച" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:671 -msgid "Connecting..." -msgstr "ബന്ധിപ്പിച്ചുകൊണ്ടിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു..." - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:778 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1099 msgid "_Sidebar" msgstr "_പാര്‍ശ്വപ്പട്ട" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:797 -msgid "Dialpad" -msgstr "ഡയല്‍പാഡ്" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:803 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1119 msgid "Audio input" msgstr "ശബ്ദ ഇന്‍പുട്ട്" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:807 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1123 msgid "Video input" msgstr "ചലച്ചിത്ര ഇന്‍പുട്ട്" -#. translators: Call is a noun and %s is the contact name. This string is used -#. * in the window title -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:868 -#, c-format +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1131 +msgid "Dialpad" +msgstr "ഡയല്‍പാഡ്" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1142 +msgid "Details" +msgstr "വിശദവിവരങ്ങള്‍" + +#. translators: Call is a noun and %s is the contact name. This string +#. * is used in the window title +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1211 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1889 +#, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Call with %s" +msgstr "%s-മായി ഒരു കോള്‍ ചെയ്യുന്നു" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1444 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2133 +msgid "The IP address as seen by the machine" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1446 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2135 +msgid "The IP address as seen by a server on the Internet" msgstr "" -#. translators: Call is a noun. This string is used in the window title -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:938 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1448 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2137 +msgid "The IP address of the peer as seen by the other side" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1450 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2139 #, fuzzy -msgid "Call" -msgstr "_വിളിയ്ക്കുക" +msgid "The IP address of a relay server" +msgstr "സര്‍വറിന് `%s' വിലാസം ലഭ്യമാക്കുവാന്‍ സാധ്യമായില്ല" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1452 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2141 +msgid "The IP address of the multicast group" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1837 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1840 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1843 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1846 +msgctxt "codec" +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "അറിയാത്ത" #. Translators: number of minutes:seconds the caller has been connected -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1437 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2138 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Connected — %d:%02dm" msgstr "ബന്ധപ്പെട്ടിരിക്കുന്നു -- %d:%02dm" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:1 -msgid "Hang up" -msgstr "കട്ടാക്കുക" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2199 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2992 +msgid "Technical Details" +msgstr "സാങ്കേതിക വിവരങ്ങള്‍" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:2 -msgid "Redial" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2237 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3031 +#, c-format +msgid "%s's software does not understand any of the audio formats supported by your computer" msgstr "" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Send Audio" -msgstr "ശബ്ദം അയയ്ക്കുക" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2242 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3036 +#, c-format +msgid "%s's software does not understand any of the video formats supported by your computer" +msgstr "" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:4 -msgid "Send video" -msgstr "ചലച്ചിത്രം അയയ്ക്കുക" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2248 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3042 +#, c-format +msgid "Can't establish a connection to %s. One of you might be on a network that does not allow direct connections." +msgstr "" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:5 -msgid "Video preview" -msgstr "ചലച്ചിത്രം കണ്ടുനോക്കുക" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2254 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3048 +msgid "There was a failure on the network" +msgstr "" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:6 -msgid "_Call" -msgstr "_വിളിയ്ക്കുക" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2258 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3052 +msgid "The audio formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" +msgstr "" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:7 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:26 -msgid "_View" -msgstr "_കാഴ്ച" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2261 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3055 +msgid "The video formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" +msgstr "" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:343 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2271 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3067 #, c-format -msgid "Conversations (%d)" -msgstr "സംഭാഷണങ്ങള്‍ (%d)" - -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:475 -msgid "Typing a message." -msgstr "ഒരു സന്ദേശം എഴുതിക്കൊണ്ടിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു." - -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:1 -msgid "C_lear" -msgstr "വൃ_ത്തിയാക്കുക" +msgid "Something unexpected happened in a Telepathy component. Please report this bug and attach logs gathered from the 'Debug' window in the Help menu." +msgstr "" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:2 -msgid "Chat" -msgstr "സല്ലാപം" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2279 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3076 +msgid "There was a failure in the call engine" +msgstr "" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Insert _Smiley" -msgstr "_വികാരചിഹ്നം ചേര്‍ക്കുക" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2282 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3079 +#, fuzzy +msgid "The end of the stream was reached" +msgstr "end-of-stream അപ്രതീക്ഷിതമായി സമയത്തിനു് മുമ്പു്" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:4 -msgid "Move Tab _Left" -msgstr "കിളിവാതില്‍ _ഇടത്തോട്ടു് മാറ്റുക" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2322 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3119 +msgid "Can't establish audio stream" +msgstr "" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:5 -msgid "Move Tab _Right" -msgstr "കിളിവാതില്‍ _വലത്തോട്ടു് മാറ്റുക" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2332 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3129 +msgid "Can't establish video stream" +msgstr "" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:6 -msgid "_Contact" -msgstr "_ബന്ധം" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Call" +msgstr "_വിളിയ്ക്കുക" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:7 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:14 -msgid "_Contents" -msgstr "_ഉള്ളടക്കം" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:3 +#| msgid "Megaphone" +msgid "_Microphone" +msgstr "_മൈക്രോഫോണ്‍" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:8 -msgid "_Conversation" -msgstr "_സംഭാഷണങ്ങള്‍" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:4 +#| msgid "N_ame:" +msgid "_Camera" +msgstr "_ക്യാമറ" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:9 -msgid "_Detach Tab" -msgstr "കിളിവാതില്‍ _വേര്‍പ്പെടുത്തുക" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:5 +msgid "_Settings" +msgstr "_സജ്ജീകരണങ്ങള്‍" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:11 -msgid "_Favorite Chatroom" -msgstr "_ഇഷ്ടപ്പെട്ട സല്ലാപമുറി" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:8 +msgid "_View" +msgstr "_കാഴ്ച" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:12 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:18 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:7 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:27 msgid "_Help" msgstr "_സഹായം" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:13 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:8 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:18 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:28 +msgid "_Contents" +msgstr "_ഉള്ളടക്കം" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:9 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:29 +msgid "_Debug" +msgstr "_പിഴവുതിരുത്തുക" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:10 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Swap camera" +msgstr "ക്യാമറ ബ്രാന്‍ഡ്" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:11 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Minimise me" +msgstr "TROFF (*.me)" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:12 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Maximise me" +msgstr "TROFF (*.me)" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:13 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Disable camera" +msgstr "ക്യാമറ ബ്രാന്‍ഡ്" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:14 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:2 +msgid "Hang up" +msgstr "കട്ടാക്കുക" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:15 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:9 +msgid "Hang up current call" +msgstr "ഈ വിളി കട്ടാക്കുക" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:16 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Video call" +msgstr "കോള്‍ സമയം: %s\n" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:17 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Start a video call" +msgstr "അസ്വാഭാവികമായി കോള്‍ അവസാനിച്ചു" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:19 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Start an audio call" +msgstr "അസ്വാഭാവികമായി കോള്‍ അവസാനിച്ചു" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:20 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Dialpad" +msgid "Show dialpad" +msgstr "ഡയല്‍ പാഡ് കാണുക" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:21 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Display the dialpad" +msgstr "ഡയല്‍ പാഡ് കാണുക" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:22 +msgid "Send Video" +msgstr "ചലച്ചിത്രം അയയ്ക്കുക" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:23 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Toggle video transmission" +msgstr "വീഡിയോ ട്രാന്‍സ്മിഷന്‍ താല്‍ക്കാലികമായി നിര്‍ത്തുക അല്ലെങ്കില്‍ വീണ്ടും ആരംഭിക്കുക" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:24 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:11 +msgid "Send Audio" +msgstr "ശബ്ദം അയയ്ക്കുക" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:25 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:12 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Toggle audio transmission" +msgstr "%s-ല്‍ നിന്നുള്ള ഓഡിയോ റിക്കോര്‍ഡിങ് ടൊഗ്ഗിള്‍ ചെയ്യുക" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:27 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:20 +msgid "Encoding Codec:" +msgstr "എന്‍കോഡ് ചെയ്യുന്ന കോഡക്ക്:" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:28 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:21 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2542 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2543 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2544 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2545 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "അറിയാത്ത" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:29 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:22 +msgid "Decoding Codec:" +msgstr "ഡീകോഡ് ചെയ്യുന്ന കോഡക്ക്:" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:30 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:23 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Remote Candidate:" +msgstr "റിമോട്ട് ആക്സസ്സ്" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:31 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:24 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Local Candidate:" +msgstr "പ്രാദേശിക സോക്കറ്റ്" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:32 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:24 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:25 +msgid "Audio" +msgstr "ശബ്ദം" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:289 +msgid "Close this window?" +msgstr "ഈ ജാലകം അടക്കേണമോ?" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:294 +#, c-format +msgid "Closing this window will leave %s. You will not receive any further messages until you rejoin it." +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:305 +#, c-format +msgid "Closing this window will leave a chat room. You will not receive any further messages until you rejoin it." +msgid_plural "Closing this window will leave %u chat rooms. You will not receive any further messages until you rejoin them." +msgstr[0] "" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:314 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "Leave %s?" +msgstr "ഉപേക്ഷിക്കുക" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:315 +msgid "You will not receive any further messages from this chat room until you rejoin it." +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:334 +msgid "Close window" +msgstr "ജാലകം അടക്കുക" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:334 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Leave room" +msgstr "കോണ്‍ഫറന്‍സിനുള്ള മുറി" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:640 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:660 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "%s (%d unread)" +msgid_plural "%s (%d unread)" +msgstr[0] "വായിക്കാത്തവ" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:652 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "%s (and %u other)" +msgid_plural "%s (and %u others)" +msgstr[0] "മറ്റു മൂല്യം" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:668 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "%s (%d unread from others)" +msgid_plural "%s (%d unread from others)" +msgstr[0] "കുറെയധികം..." +msgstr[1] "" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:677 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "%s (%d unread from all)" +msgid_plural "%s (%d unread from all)" +msgstr[0] "ചവറ്റുകുട്ടയില്‍ നിന്നും എല്ലാ വസ്തുക്കളും കാലിയാക്കുക?" +msgstr[1] "" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:892 +msgid "SMS:" +msgstr "SMS:" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:902 +#, c-format +msgid "Sending %d message" +msgid_plural "Sending %d messages" +msgstr[0] "%d സന്ദേശം അയച്ചുകൊണ്ടിരിക്കുന്നു" +msgstr[1] "%d സന്ദേശങ്ങള്‍ അയച്ചുകൊണ്ടിരിക്കുന്നു" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:924 +msgid "Typing a message." +msgstr "ഒരു സന്ദേശം എഴുതിക്കൊണ്ടിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു." + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Conversation" +msgstr "_സംഭാഷണങ്ങള്‍" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:2 +msgid "C_lear" +msgstr "വൃ_ത്തിയാക്കുക" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:3 +msgid "Insert _Smiley" +msgstr "_വികാരചിഹ്നം ചേര്‍ക്കുക" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Favorite Chat Room" +msgstr "_ഇഷ്ടപ്പെട്ട സല്ലാപമുറി" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:5 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Notify for All Messages" +msgstr "ഇന്‍ബോക്സില്‍ മാത്രം പുതിയ സന്ദശങ്ങള്‍ വരുമ്പോള്‍ അറിയിക്കുക." + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Show Contact List" +msgstr "ബന്ധപ്പട്ടിക _കാണിയ്ക്കുക" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:7 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Invite _Participant…" +msgstr "ക്ഷണം അയയ്ക്കുന്നതിനുള്ള കവര്‍" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:8 +#| msgid "Contact" +msgid "C_ontact" +msgstr "_ബന്ധം" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:10 +msgid "_Tabs" +msgstr "_കിളിവാതിലുകള്‍" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:11 +msgid "_Previous Tab" +msgstr "_മുമ്പത്തെ കിളിവാതില്‍" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:12 msgid "_Next Tab" msgstr "_അടുത്ത കിളിവാതില്‍" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:13 +#, fuzzy +msgid "_Undo Close Tab" +msgstr "ഈ കിളിവാതില്‍ അടയ്ക്കുക" + #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:14 -msgid "_Previous Tab" -msgstr "_മുമ്പത്തെ കിളിവാതില്‍" +msgid "Move Tab _Left" +msgstr "കിളിവാതില്‍ _ഇടത്തോട്ടു് മാറ്റുക" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:15 -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:4 -msgid "_Show Contact List" -msgstr "ബന്ധപ്പട്ടിക _കാണിയ്ക്കുക" +msgid "Move Tab _Right" +msgstr "കിളിവാതില്‍ _വലത്തോട്ടു് മാറ്റുക" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:16 -msgid "_Tabs" -msgstr "_കിളിവാതിലുകള്‍" +msgid "_Detach Tab" +msgstr "കിളിവാതില്‍ _വേര്‍പ്പെടുത്തുക" -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.c:258 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.c:251 msgid "Name" msgstr "പേരു്:" -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.c:276 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.c:269 msgid "Room" msgstr "മുറി" -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.c:285 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.c:277 msgid "Auto-Connect" msgstr "സ്വയം-ഘടിപ്പിക്കുക" -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:1 msgid "Manage Favorite Rooms" msgstr "ഇഷ്ടപ്പെട്ട മുറികള്‍ തെരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:322 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Incoming voice call" +msgid "Incoming video call" +msgstr "എവിടെ നിന്നുള്ള കോള്‍" + +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1519 msgid "Incoming call" msgstr "ഇങ്ങോട്ടുള്ള വിളി" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:325 -#, c-format -msgid "%s is calling you, do you want to answer?" +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:526 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "%s is calling you, do you want to answer?" +msgid "%s is video calling you. Do you want to answer?" +msgstr "ഒരു വീഡിയോ ഫയല്‍ ആയ \"%s\" ചേര്‍ക്കണമോ?" + +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:527 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "%s is calling you, do you want to answer?" +msgid "%s is calling you. Do you want to answer?" msgstr "%s നിങ്ങളെ വിളിയ്ക്കുന്നു, എടുക്കണോ?" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:332 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:530 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 +#, c-format +msgid "Incoming call from %s" +msgstr "%s വിളിയ്ക്കുന്നു" + +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:555 msgid "_Reject" msgstr "_തള്ളിക്കളയുക" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:338 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:563 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 msgid "_Answer" msgstr "_എടുക്കുക" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:453 -#, c-format -msgid "Incoming call from %s" -msgstr "%s വിളിയ്ക്കുന്നു" - -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:497 -#, c-format -msgid "%s is offering you an invitation" -msgstr "%s നിങ്ങളെ ക്ഷണിച്ചിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു" - -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:503 -msgid "An external application will be started to handle it." -msgstr "ഇതു് കൈകാര്യം ചെയ്യാന്‍ പുറമെയുള്ളൊരു പ്രയോഗം തുടങ്ങുന്നതായിരിയ്ക്കും." +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 +#, fuzzy +msgid "_Answer with video" +msgstr "ശബ്ദം & വീഡിയോ" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:508 -msgid "You don't have the needed external application to handle it." -msgstr "പക്ഷേ അതു് കൈകാര്യം ചെയ്യാനുള്ള പുറമെയുള്ള പ്രയോഗം നിങ്ങളുടെ കയ്യിലില്ല." +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "Incoming call from %s" +msgid "Incoming video call from %s" +msgstr "%s ല്‍ നിന്നും ഫയല്‍ വരുന്നു" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:635 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:837 msgid "Room invitation" msgstr "മുറിയിലേയ്ക്കുള്ള ക്ഷണം" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:638 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:839 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "%s invited you to join %s" +msgid "Invitation to join %s" +msgstr "%2$s ലില്‍ ചേരാന്‍ %1$s നിങ്ങളെ ക്ഷണിച്ചിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു" + +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:846 #, c-format msgid "%s is inviting you to join %s" msgstr "%2$s ലില്‍ ചേരാന്‍ %1$s നിങ്ങളെ ക്ഷണിയ്ക്കുന്നു" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:646 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:854 msgid "_Decline" msgstr "_നിഷേധിയ്ക്കുക" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:651 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:7 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:859 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:2 msgid "_Join" msgstr "_കയറുക" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:690 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:886 #, c-format msgid "%s invited you to join %s" msgstr "%2$s ലില്‍ ചേരാന്‍ %1$s നിങ്ങളെ ക്ഷണിച്ചിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:716 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:892 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "You have been invited to join a chat conference." +msgid "You have been invited to join %s" +msgstr "നിങ്ങളെ ഒരു സല്ലാപ സമ്മേളനത്തില്‍ ചേരുവാന്‍ ക്ഷണിച്ചിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു." + +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:943 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file transfer from %s" msgstr "%s ല്‍ നിന്നും ഫയല്‍ വരുന്നു" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:896 -#, c-format -msgid "Subscription requested by %s" -msgstr "%s വരിക്കാരനാകാന്‍ ആവശ്യപ്പെട്ടിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു" +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1146 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:374 +msgid "Password required" +msgstr "രഹസ്യവാക്ക് ആവശ്യമാണ്" + +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1216 +#, fuzzy, c-format +#| msgid "%s would like to send you a file" +msgid "%s would like permission to see when you are online" +msgstr "%s നിങ്ങള്‍ക്കു് ഫയല്‍ അയയ്ക്കാന്‍ ആഗ്രഹിയ്ക്കുന്നു" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:900 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1222 #, c-format msgid "" "\n" @@ -2258,128 +3970,114 @@ "\n" "സന്ദേശം: %s" -#. someone is logging off -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:936 -#, c-format -msgid "%s is now offline." -msgstr "" - -#. someone is logging in -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:952 -#, c-format -msgid "%s is now online." -msgstr "" - #. Translators: time left, when it is more than one hour -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:101 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:99 #, c-format msgid "%u:%02u.%02u" msgstr "%u:%02u.%02u" #. Translators: time left, when is is less than one hour -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:104 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:102 #, c-format msgid "%02u.%02u" msgstr "%02u.%02u" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:180 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:178 msgctxt "file transfer percent" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "അറിയാത്ത" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:275 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:273 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "%s of %s at %s/s" -msgstr "%2$s ലെ %1$s" +msgstr "%A, %B %-d %Y at %-I:%M:%S %p" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:276 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:274 #, c-format msgid "%s of %s" msgstr "%2$s ലെ %1$s" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:307 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:305 #, c-format msgid "Receiving \"%s\" from %s" msgstr "%2$s ല്‍ നിന്നും \"%1$s\" സ്വീകരിയ്ക്കുന്നു" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:310 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:308 #, c-format msgid "Sending \"%s\" to %s" msgstr "%2$s നു് \"%1$s\" കൈമാറ്റം ചെയ്തു് കൊണ്ടിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s #. * is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:340 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:338 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Error receiving \"%s\" from %s" -msgstr "%2$s ല്‍ നിന്നും \"%1$s\" സ്വീകരിയ്ക്കുന്നു" +msgstr "StartDoc-ല്‍ നിന്നും പിശക്" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:343 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:341 msgid "Error receiving a file" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ഫൈല്‍ സ്വീകരിക്കുന്നതില്‍ പിശക്" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:348 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:346 #, fuzzy, c-format msgid "Error sending \"%s\" to %s" -msgstr "%2$s നു് \"%1$s\" കൈമാറ്റം ചെയ്തു് കൊണ്ടിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു" +msgstr "%s-ലേക്ക് പോസ്റ്റ് ചെയ്യുന്നതില്‍ പിശക്" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:351 -#, fuzzy +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:349 msgid "Error sending a file" -msgstr "'%s' എന്ന സന്ദേശം അയക്കാന്‍ പറ്റിയില്ല : %s" +msgstr "ഫൈല്‍ അയക്കുന്നതില്‍ പിശക്" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s #. * is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:490 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:488 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" received from %s" msgstr "%2$s ല്‍ നിന്നും \"%1$s\" സ്വീകരിച്ചു" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s #. * is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:495 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:493 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" sent to %s" msgstr "%2$s നു് \"%1$s\" അയച്ചു" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:498 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:496 msgid "File transfer completed" msgstr "ഫയല്‍ കൈമാറ്റം പൂര്‍ത്തിയാക്കി" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:617 -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:784 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:615 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:779 #, fuzzy msgid "Waiting for the other participant's response" msgstr "അപ്പുറത്തുള്ളവരുടെ മറുപടിയ്ക്കു് കാത്തിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:643 -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:681 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:641 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:679 #, c-format msgid "Checking integrity of \"%s\"" -msgstr "" +msgstr "\"%s\" ന്റെ ഇന്റഗ്രിറ്റി പരിശോധിക്കുന്നു" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:646 -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:684 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:644 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:682 #, c-format msgid "Hashing \"%s\"" msgstr "" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1024 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1025 msgid "%" msgstr "%" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1036 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1037 msgid "File" msgstr "ഫയല്‍" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1058 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1059 msgid "Remaining" msgstr "ബാക്കിയുള്ളതു്" #: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.ui.h:1 -#, fuzzy msgid "File Transfers" msgstr "ഫയല്‍ കൈമാറ്റങ്ങള്‍" @@ -2387,670 +4085,1310 @@ msgid "Remove completed, canceled and failed file transfers from the list" msgstr "പൂര്‍ത്തിയായതും റദ്ദാക്കിയതും പരാജയപ്പെട്ടതുമായ ഫയല്‍ കൈമാറ്റങ്ങള്‍ പട്ടികയില്‍ നിന്നും നീക്കം ചെയ്തിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു" -#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:84 +#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:76 +msgid "_Import" +msgstr "_അകത്തെടുക്കുക" + +#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:88 msgid "No accounts to import could be found. Empathy currently only supports importing accounts from Pidgin." msgstr "പുറത്തുനിന്നെടുക്കാനുള്ള അക്കൌണ്ടുകളൊന്നും കണ്ടില്ല. പിഡ്ജിനില്‍ നിന്നുള്ള അക്കൌണ്ടുകള്‍ മാത്രമേ ഇപ്പോള്‍ എമ്പതിയ്ക്കെടുക്കാന്‍ സാധിയ്ക്കൂ." -#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:199 +#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:209 msgid "Import Accounts" msgstr "അക്കൗണ്ടുകള്‍ അകത്തെടുക്കുക" #. Translators: this is the header of a treeview column -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:301 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:316 msgid "Import" msgstr "അകത്തെടുക്കുക" -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:310 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:325 msgid "Protocol" msgstr "നിയമാവലി" -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:334 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:349 msgid "Source" msgstr "ഉറവിടം" -#: ../src/empathy-import-mc4-accounts.c:106 -#, fuzzy, c-format -msgid "%s account" -msgstr "പുതിയ %s അക്കൗണ്ട് " - -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:399 -msgid "_Edit account" -msgstr "അക്കൌണ്ടില്‍ _മാറ്റം വരുത്തുക" - -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:502 -msgid "No error specified" -msgstr "പിശകൊന്നും വ്യക്തമാക്കിയില്ല" - -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:505 -msgid "Network error" -msgstr "ശൃംഖലയില്‍ പിഴവു്" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:391 +msgid "Provide Password" +msgstr "രഹസ്യവാക്ക് നല്‍കുക" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:508 -msgid "Authentication failed" -msgstr "തിരിച്ചറിയല്‍ പരാജയപ്പെട്ടു" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:397 +msgid "Disconnect" +msgstr "വിഛേദിക്കുക" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:511 -msgid "Encryption error" -msgstr "എന്‍ക്രിപ്ഷനില്‍ പിശകു്" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:657 +msgid "You need to setup an account to see contacts here." +msgstr "" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:514 -msgid "Name in use" -msgstr "പേരു് ഉപയോഗത്തിലുണ്ടു്" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:673 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "No topic defined" +msgid "No match found" +msgstr "ബാറ്ററികളൊന്നും കണ്ടില്ല" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:517 -msgid "Certificate not provided" -msgstr "സാക്ഷ്യപത്രം നല്‍കിയില്ല" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:783 +#, c-format +msgid "Sorry, %s accounts can’t be used until your %s software is updated." +msgstr "" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:520 -msgid "Certificate untrusted" -msgstr "സാക്ഷ്യംപത്രം വിശ്വാസമില്ലാത്തു്" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:849 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Update software..." +msgstr "സോഫ്റ്റ്‌വെയര്‍ പരിഷ്കാരം" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:523 -msgid "Certificate expired" -msgstr "സാക്ഷ്യപത്രം കാലാവധി തീര്‍ന്നതു്" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:855 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:972 +msgid "Close" +msgstr "അടക്കുക" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:526 -msgid "Certificate not activated" -msgstr "സാക്ഷ്യപത്രം സജീകമാക്കാത്തതു്" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:960 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Reconnect" +msgstr "ഘടിപ്പിക്കുക" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:529 -msgid "Certificate hostname mismatch" -msgstr "സാക്ഷ്യപത്രത്തിലെ ഹോസ്റ്റിന്റെ പേരു് പൊരുത്തമില്ല" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:966 +#| msgid "_Edit account" +msgid "Edit Account" +msgstr "അക്കൌണ്ടു് ചിട്ടപ്പെടുത്തുക" + +#. Translators: this string will be something like: +#. * Top up My Account ($1.23)..." +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1110 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "Top up %s (%s)..." +msgstr "മുകളിലേക്ക് നീക്കുക" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:532 -msgid "Certificate fingerprint mismatch" -msgstr "സാക്ഷ്യപത്രത്തിലെ ഒപ്പു് പൊരുത്തമില്ല" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1156 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Salut account is created" +msgid "Top up account credit" +msgstr "സല്യൂട്ട് അക്കൗണ്ട് ഉണ്ടാക്കിക്കഴിഞിരിക്കുന്നു" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:535 -msgid "Certificate self-signed" -msgstr "സാക്ഷ്യപത്രം സ്വയം ഒപ്പിട്ടതാണു്" +#. top up button +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1228 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Top Up..." +msgstr "മുകളിലേക്ക് നീക്കുക" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:538 -msgid "Certificate error" -msgstr "സാക്ഷ്യപത്രത്തില്‍ പിശകു്" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1952 +msgid "Contact" +msgstr "ബന്ധം" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:541 -msgid "Unknown error" -msgstr "അറിയാത്ത ഏതോ പിശകു്" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2150 +msgid "You need to enable one of your accounts to see contacts here." +msgstr "" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1288 -msgid "Show and edit accounts" -msgstr "അക്കൌണ്ടുകള്‍ കാണിയ്ക്കുകയും മാറ്റം വരുത്തുകയും ചെയ്യുക" +#. translators: argument is an account name +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2158 +#, c-format +msgid "You need to enable %s to see contacts here." +msgstr "" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2460 msgid "Contact List" msgstr "ബന്ധപ്പട്ടിക" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:2 -msgid "Contacts on a _Map" -msgstr "" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.ui.h:1 +msgid "Account settings" +msgstr "അക്കൗണ്ട് സജ്ജീകരണങ്ങള്‍" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Context" -msgstr "സന്ദര്‍ഭം" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:2 +msgid "_New Conversation…" +msgstr "_പുതിയ വര്‍ത്തമാനം" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:4 -msgid "Join _Favorites" -msgstr "_ഇഷ്ടപ്പെട്ടതില്‍ ചേരുക" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:3 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:3 +#, fuzzy +msgid "New _Call…" +msgstr "പുതിയ പേ‌ര‌്" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:5 -msgid "Manage Favorites" -msgstr "ഇഷ്ടപ്പെട്ടവ കൈകാര്യം ചെയ്യുക" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:6 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "_Show Contact List" +msgid "_Search for Contacts…" +msgstr "\"%s\"-നുളള ഫലങ്ങള്‍ തിരയുക" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:6 -msgid "N_ormal Size" -msgstr "" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:7 +msgid "_File Transfers" +msgstr "_ഫയല്‍ കൈമാറ്റങ്ങള്‍" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:7 -msgid "Normal Size With _Avatars" -msgstr "" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:8 +#, fuzzy +msgid "_Offline Contacts" +msgstr "ഓഫ്‌ലൈന്‍ _വിലാസങ്ങള്‍ കാണിക്കുക" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:8 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:9 +msgid "Show P_rotocols" +msgstr "_നിയമാവലികള്‍ കാണിക്കുക" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:10 #, fuzzy -msgid "Sort by _Name" -msgstr "_പേരനുസരിച്ചു് അടുക്കുക" +msgid "Credit Balance" +msgstr "നിറത്തിന്റെ നില" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:9 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:11 #, fuzzy -msgid "Sort by _Status" -msgstr "_അവസ്ഥയനുസരിച്ചു് അടുക്കി വയ്ക്കുക" +msgid "Contacts on a _Map" +msgstr "മാപ്പില്‍ ശ്രദ്ധ കേന്ദ്രരിക്കുക" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:10 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:13 msgid "_Accounts" msgstr "_അക്കൌണ്ടുകള്‍" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:13 -msgid "_Compact Size" -msgstr "" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:14 +#, fuzzy +msgid "_Blocked Contacts" +msgstr "വിലാസങ്ങള്‍ കണ്ടുപിടിക്കുക" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:15 -msgid "_Debug" -msgstr "" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:15 +msgid "P_references" +msgstr "_മുന്‍ഗണനകള്‍" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:16 #, fuzzy -msgid "_File Transfers" -msgstr "ഫയല്‍ കൈമാറ്റങ്ങള്‍" +#| msgid "Contact List" +msgid "Find in Contact _List" +msgstr "വിലാസങ്ങളുടെ പട്ടികയ്ക്കുള്ള വിശേഷതകള്‍ ചിട്ടപ്പെടുത്തുക" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:19 -#, fuzzy -msgid "_Join..." -msgstr "_കയറുക" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:18 +msgid "Sort by _Name" +msgstr "_പേരനുസരിച്ചു് ക്രമത്തിലാക്കുക" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:20 -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:2 -msgid "_New Conversation..." -msgstr "_പുതിയ സംഭാഷണം..." +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:19 +msgid "Sort by _Status" +msgstr "_അവസ്ഥയനുസരിച്ചു് ക്രമത്തിലാക്കുക" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:21 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:20 #, fuzzy -msgid "_Offline Contacts" -msgstr "_ഓഫ്‌ലൈനായ ബന്ധങ്ങളും കാണിയ്ക്കുക" +msgid "Normal Size With _Avatars" +msgstr "സാധാരണ കാഴ്ചയ്ക്കുള്ള വലിപ്പമുപയോഗിയ്ക്കുക" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:22 -msgid "_Personal Information" -msgstr "_സ്വകാര്യ വിവരം" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:21 +#, fuzzy +msgid "N_ormal Size" +msgstr "അക്ഷരത്തിന്റെ വലിപ്പം" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:24 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:22 #, fuzzy -msgid "_Previous Conversations" -msgstr "മുന്നത്തെ വര്‍ത്തമാനങ്ങള്‍" +msgid "_Compact Size" +msgstr "അക്ഷരത്തിന്റെ വലിപ്പം" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.ui.h:25 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:23 msgid "_Room" msgstr "_മുറി" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:328 -#, fuzzy +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:24 +msgid "_Join…" +msgstr "_കയറുക..." + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:25 +msgid "Join _Favorites" +msgstr "_ഇഷ്ടപ്പെട്ടതില്‍ ചേരുക" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:26 +msgid "Manage Favorites" +msgstr "ഇഷ്ടപ്പെട്ടവ കൈകാര്യം ചെയ്യുക" + +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:369 msgid "Chat Room" -msgstr "സല്ലാപ മുറികള്‍" +msgstr "സല്ലാപ മുറി" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:344 -#, fuzzy +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:385 msgid "Members" -msgstr "പ്രമോയങ്ങള്‍" +msgstr "അംഗങ്ങള്‍" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:494 +#. Translators: Room/Join's roomlist tooltip. Parameters are a channel name, +#. yes/no, yes/no and a number. +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:637 #, c-format -msgctxt "Room/Join's roomlist tooltip. Parametersare a channel name, yes/no, yes/no and a number." msgid "" -"%s\n" +"%s\n" "Invite required: %s\n" "Password required: %s\n" "Members: %s" msgstr "" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:496 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:497 -#, fuzzy +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:639 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:640 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "അതെ" + +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:639 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:640 msgid "No" msgstr "അല്ല" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:524 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:668 +#, fuzzy msgid "Could not start room listing" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Sound Juicer തുടങ്ങുവാന്‍ സാധ്യമായില്ല" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:534 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:678 +#, fuzzy msgid "Could not stop room listing" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ഇന്റര്‍ഫെയിസ് ലിസ്റ്റിങിനു് HAL ആരംഭിക്കുവാന്‍ സാധ്യമല്ല: %s" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:2 -msgid "Couldn't load room list" -msgstr "" +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:1 +msgid "Join Room" +msgstr "മുറിയില്‍ ചേരുക" #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:3 msgid "Enter the room name to join here or click on one or more rooms in the list." msgstr "കയറാനായി പട്ടികയിലുള്ള ഒന്നോ അതിലധികമോ മുറികളില്‍ ഞെക്കുകയോ ഇവിടെ മുറിയുടെ പേരു് നല്‍കുകയോ ചെയ്യുക" #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Room:" +msgstr "_മുറി:" + +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:5 msgid "Enter the server which hosts the room, or leave it empty if the room is on the current account's server" msgstr "മുറി ഏതു് സെര്‍വ്വറിലാണെന്നു് പറയുക, ഇപ്പോഴുള്ള അക്കൌണ്ടിന്റെ സെര്‍വ്വറില്‍ തന്നെയാണു് മുറിയെങ്കില്‍ ഇതു് കാലിയായിടുക" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:5 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:8 #, fuzzy -msgid "Join Room" -msgstr "മുറി" +msgid "Couldn't load room list" +msgstr "പട്ടിക ലോഡ് ചെയ്യാന്‍ കീഴ് ദിശാ കട്ട അമര്‍ത്തുക." -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:6 -#, fuzzy +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:9 msgid "Room List" -msgstr "_മുറികളുടെ പട്ടികയുടെ ലൊക്കേല്‍:" - -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:8 -msgid "_Room:" -msgstr "_മുറി:" +msgstr "മുറികളുടെ പട്ടിക" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:148 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:166 msgid "Message received" msgstr "ഒരു സന്ദേശം ലഭിച്ചിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:149 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:167 msgid "Message sent" msgstr "സന്ദേശം അയച്ചു" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:150 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:168 msgid "New conversation" msgstr "പുതിയ വര്‍ത്തമാനം" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:151 -msgid "Contact goes online" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:169 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Contact goes online" +msgid "Contact comes online" msgstr "ബന്ധം ഓണ്‍ലൈനായി" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:152 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:170 msgid "Contact goes offline" msgstr "ബന്ധം ഓഫ്‌ലൈനായി" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:153 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:171 msgid "Account connected" msgstr "അക്കൌണ്ടുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ടിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:154 -msgid "Account disconnected" -msgstr "അക്കൌണ്ടുമായി ബന്ധം വേര്‍പെടുത്തിയിരിക്കുന്നു" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:172 +msgid "Account disconnected" +msgstr "അക്കൌണ്ടുമായി ബന്ധം വേര്‍പെടുത്തിയിരിക്കുന്നു" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:475 +msgid "Language" +msgstr "ഭാഷ" + +#. translators: Contact name for the chat theme preview +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:726 +#| msgid "Client:" +msgid "Juliet" +msgstr "ജൂലിയറ്റ്" + +#. translators: Contact name for the chat theme preview +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:733 +#| msgid "Room" +msgid "Romeo" +msgstr "റോമിയോ" + +#. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:739 +msgid "O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:743 +msgid "Deny thy father and refuse thy name;" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:746 +msgid "Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:749 +msgid "And I'll no longer be a Capulet." +msgstr "" + +#. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:752 +msgid "Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?" +msgstr "" + +#. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:755 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Juliet has disconnected" +msgstr "നെറ്റ്‌വര്‍ക്ക് കണക്ഷന്‍ വിഛേദിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നു." + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:1159 +msgid "Preferences" +msgstr "മുന്‍ഗണനകള്‍" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:1 +msgid "Show _smileys as images" +msgstr "_വികാരചിഹ്നങ്ങള്‍ ചിത്രങ്ങളായി കാണിയ്ക്കുക" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:2 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Show contact _list in rooms" +msgstr "ചു_രുങ്ങിയ ബന്ധപ്പട്ടിക കാണിയ്ക്കുക" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:3 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Appearance" +msgstr "കാഴ്ച" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:4 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Start chats in:" +msgstr "ഓഫ്‍ലൈന്‍ മോഡില്‍ ആരംഭിക്കുക" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:5 +#, fuzzy +msgid "new ta_bs" +msgstr "ഒരു പുതിയ പ്രവൃത്തി പുസ്തകം സൃഷ്ടിക്കുക" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:6 +msgid "new _windows" +msgstr "പുതിയ _ജാലകങ്ങള്‍" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:7 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Display incoming events in the notification area" +msgstr "അറിയിപ്പിനുള്ള സ്ഥലത്തു് കാഷ് റിമയിന്‍ടര്‍ കാണിക്കുക" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:8 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Automatically _connect on startup " +msgid "_Automatically connect on startup" +msgstr "തുടങ്ങുമ്പോള്‍ സ്വയം _ബന്ധപ്പെടുക" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:9 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Conversations" +msgid "Log conversations" +msgstr "മുന്നത്തെ വര്‍ത്തമാനങ്ങള്‍" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:10 +msgid "Behavior" +msgstr "പെരുമാറ്റം" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:11 +msgid "General" +msgstr "പൊതുവായ" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:12 +msgid "_Enable bubble notifications" +msgstr "കുമിളയായി അറിയിയ്ക്കുന്നതു് _പ്രവര്‍ത്തനസജ്ജമാക്കുക" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:13 +msgid "Disable notifications when _away or busy" +msgstr "നിങ്ങള്‍ ദൂരെയോ തിരക്കിലോ ആയിരിക്കുമ്പോള്‍ പൊങ്ങിവരുന്ന അറിയിപ്പുകള്‍ കാണിയ്ക്കരുതു്" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:14 +msgid "Enable notifications when the _chat is not focused" +msgstr "_സല്ലാപം ശ്രദ്ധയിലല്ലാതിരിയ്ക്കുമ്പോള്‍ അറിയിപ്പുകള്‍ കാണിയ്ക്കുക" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:15 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Enable notifications when a contact comes online" +msgstr "_സല്ലാപം ശ്രദ്ധയിലല്ലാതിരിയ്ക്കുമ്പോള്‍ അറിയിപ്പുകള്‍ കാണിയ്ക്കുക" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:16 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Enable notifications when a contact goes offline" +msgstr "_സല്ലാപം ശ്രദ്ധയിലല്ലാതിരിയ്ക്കുമ്പോള്‍ അറിയിപ്പുകള്‍ കാണിയ്ക്കുക" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:17 +msgid "Notifications" +msgstr "അറിയിപ്പുകള്‍" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:18 +msgid "_Enable sound notifications" +msgstr "ശബ്ദമുപയോഗിച്ചു് അറിയിയ്ക്കുന്നതു് പ്രവര്‍ത്തനസജ്ജമാക്കുക" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:19 +msgid "Disable sounds when _away or busy" +msgstr "_ദൂരെയോ തിരക്കിലോ ആകുമ്പോള്‍ ശബ്ദം കേള്‍പ്പിയ്ക്കാതിരിക്കുക" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:20 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Play sound for events" +msgstr "സംഭവങ്ങള്‍ക്കു് ശബ്ദം കേള്‍പ്പിയ്ക്കുക" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:21 +msgid "Sounds" +msgstr "ശബ്ദങ്ങള്‍" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:22 +msgid "Use _echo cancellation to improve call quality" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:23 +msgid "Echo cancellation helps to make your voice sound clearer to the other person, but may cause problems on some computers. If you or the other person hear strange noises or glitches during calls, try turning echo cancellation off and restarting the call." +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:26 +msgid "_Publish location to my contacts" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:27 +msgid "Reduced location accuracy means that nothing more precise than your city, state and country will be published. GPS coordinates will be accurate to 1 decimal place." +msgstr "" + +#. To translators: The longitude and latitude are rounded to closest 0,1 degrees, so for example 146,2345° is rounded to round(146,2345*10)/10 = 146,2 degrees. +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:29 +#, fuzzy +msgid "_Reduce location accuracy" +msgstr "\"%s\" സ്ഥാനം പ്രദര്‍ശിപ്പിക്കുവാന്‍ സാധ്യമല്ല" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:30 +msgid "Privacy" +msgstr "സ്വകാര്യത" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:31 +msgid "_GPS" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:32 +#| msgid "Megaphone" +msgid "_Cellphone" +msgstr "_സെല്‍ഫോണ്‍" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:33 +msgid "_Network (IP, Wi-Fi)" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:34 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Location sources:" +msgstr "നിഘണ്ടുവിന്‍റെ ഉറവിടം " + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:36 +#, fuzzy +msgid "The list of languages reflects only the languages for which you have a dictionary installed." +msgstr "നിങ്ങള്‍ ഇപ്പോള്‍ നിഘണ്ടു ഇന്‍സ്റ്റോള്‍ ചെയ്തിട്ടുള്ള ഭാഷകള്‍ മാത്രമേ പട്ടികയിലുള്ളൂ." + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:37 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Enable spell checking for languages:" +msgstr "അക്ഷരത്തെറ്റുകള്‍ പരിശോധിയ്ക്കേണ്ട ഭാഷകള്‍:" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:38 +msgid "Spell Checking" +msgstr "അക്ഷരത്തെറ്റു് പരിശോധന" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:39 +msgid "Chat Th_eme:" +msgstr "സല്ലാപത്തിന്റെ രം_ഗവിതാനം:" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:40 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Variant:" +msgstr "വേരിയന്റ്" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:41 +msgid "Themes" +msgstr "പ്രമോയങ്ങള്‍" + +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:4 +msgid "Status" +msgstr "അവസ്ഥ" + +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:5 +msgid "_Quit" +msgstr "പുറത്തു് _കടക്കുക" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:3 +msgid "Redial" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:4 +msgid "V_ideo" +msgstr "ച_ലചിത്രം" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:5 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Video input" +msgid "Video Off" +msgstr "ഡിപിഎംഎസ് ഓഫാക്കുക" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:6 +msgid "Video Preview" +msgstr "ചലച്ചിത്രം കണ്ടുനോക്കുക" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:7 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Video input" +msgid "Video On" +msgstr "പണിയിടത്തില്‌" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:10 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Compact contact list" +msgid "Call the contact again" +msgstr "ദയവായി വീണ്ടും ശ്രമിക്കുക." + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:13 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Camera Off" +msgstr "ഡിപിഎംഎസ് ഓഫാക്കുക" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:14 +msgid "Disable camera and stop sending video" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:15 +#| msgid "Video preview" +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "തിരനോട്ടം" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "Enable camera but don't send video" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:17 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Camera On" +msgstr "പണിയിടത്തില്‌" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:18 +msgid "Enable camera and send video" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/empathy-map-view.c:471 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Contact Map View" +msgstr "നിലവിലുളള വിലാസം കാണുക" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1607 +msgid "Save" +msgstr "സൂക്ഷിക്കുക" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1667 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Pastebin link" +msgstr "ഹൈപ്പ‌ര്ലിംഗ്..." + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1676 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Pastebin response" +msgstr "മറുപടി ശൂന്യം" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1680 +#, c-format +msgid "%s" +msgstr "%s" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1683 +msgid "Data too large for a single paste. Please save logs to file." +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1912 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Debug Window" +msgstr "ജാലകം അടയ്‍ക്കുക (_C)" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1970 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Send to pastebin" +msgstr "%(name)s (%(email)s)ന് ഈമെയില്‍ അയയ്ക്കുക" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2009 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Pause" +msgstr "ചെറിയ ഇടവേള" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2021 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Level " +msgstr "LEVEL" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2040 +msgid "Debug" +msgstr "പിഴവുതിരുത്തുക" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2045 +msgid "Info" +msgstr "വിവരം" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2050 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2096 +msgid "Message" +msgstr "സന്ദേശം" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2055 +msgid "Warning" +msgstr "മുന്നറിയിപ്പ്" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2060 +msgid "Critical" +msgstr "ഗുരുതരം" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2065 +msgid "Error" +msgstr "പിശക്" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2084 +msgid "Time" +msgstr "സമയം" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2087 +msgid "Domain" +msgstr "ഡൊമൈന്‍" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2089 +msgid "Category" +msgstr "വിഭാഗങ്ങള്‍" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2091 +msgid "Level" +msgstr "ലെവല്‍" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2114 +msgid "The selected connection manager does not support the remote debugging extension." +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:202 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:230 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Invite Participant" +msgstr "പങ്കാളി അല്ലാത്ത" + +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:203 +msgid "Choose a contact to invite into the conversation:" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:226 +msgid "Invite" +msgstr "ക്ഷണിയ്ക്കുക" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:180 +msgid "Don't display any dialogs; do any work (eg, importing) and exit" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:184 +msgid "Don't display any dialogs unless there are only \"People Nearby\" accounts" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:188 +msgid "Initially select given account (eg, gabble/jabber/foo_40example_2eorg0)" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:190 +#, fuzzy +msgid "" +msgstr "അക്കൌണ്ടിലെ ID:" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:195 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Import Accounts" +msgid "- Empathy Accounts" +msgstr "അക്കൌണ്ടുകളുടെ പട്ടിക" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:231 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "Import Accounts" +msgid "Empathy Accounts" +msgstr "അക്കൌണ്ടുകളുടെ പട്ടിക" + +#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:69 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Show a particular service" +msgstr "അറിയാത്ത സേവന തരം: %s." + +#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:74 +#, fuzzy +#| msgid "- Empathy Instant Messenger" +msgid "- Empathy Debugger" +msgstr "പൈത്തണ്‍ ഡീബഗ്ഗര്‍" + +#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:113 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Empathy Debugger" +msgstr "പൈത്തണ്‍ ഡീബഗ്ഗര്‍" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat.c:109 +#, fuzzy +msgid "- Empathy Chat Client" +msgstr "HTTP ക്ലയന്റില്‍ പിശക്: %s" + +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:189 +msgid "Respond" +msgstr "പ്രതികരിക്കുക" + +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:203 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1529 +msgid "Reject" +msgstr "തള്ളിക്കളയുക" + +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:208 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1530 +msgid "Answer" +msgstr "എടുക്കുക" + +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Answer with video" +msgstr "ശബ്ദം & വീഡിയോ" + +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:221 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:231 +msgid "Decline" +msgstr "നിഷേധിയ്ക്കുക" + +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:225 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:236 +msgid "Accept" +msgstr "സ്വീകരിയ്ക്കുക" + +#. translators: the 'Provide' button is displayed in a notification +#. * bubble when Empathy is asking for an account password; clicking on it +#. * brings the password popup. +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:246 +msgid "Provide" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:132 +#, c-format +msgid "%s just tried to call you, but you were in another call." +msgstr "" + +#. Translators: this is an "Info" label. It should be as short +#. * as possible. +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1140 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1162 +msgid "i" +msgstr "" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2888 +#, fuzzy +msgid "On hold" +msgstr "തല്‍ക്കാലത്തേക്ക് _നിര്‍ത്തുക" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2891 +msgid "Mute" +msgstr "നിശബ്ദമാക്കുക" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2893 +msgid "Duration" +msgstr "ദൈര്‍ഘ്യം" + +#. Translators: 'status - minutes:seconds' the caller has been connected +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2896 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "%s — %d:%02dm" +msgstr "ബന്ധപ്പെട്ടിരിക്കുന്നു -- %d:%02dm" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3166 +#, fuzzy, c-format +msgid "Your current balance is %s." +msgstr "ഓര്‍മ്മക്കുറിപ്പ് ആണ് നിലവിലുള്ള ഒബ്ജക്ട്" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3170 +msgid "Sorry, you don’t have enough credit for that call." +msgstr "അയ്യോ, നിങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് ആ വിളിയ്ക്കുള്ള പൈസയില്ല." + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3172 +#, fuzzy +msgid "Top Up" +msgstr "മുകളിലേക്ക് നീക്കുക" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.c:243 +#, fuzzy +msgid "_Match case" +msgstr "വലിയചെറിയക്ഷരവ്യത്യാസം _കണക്കിലെടുക്കുക (ഇംഗ്ലീഷിന് മാത്രം)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-account-dialog.c:144 +msgid "What kind of chat account do you have?" +msgstr "" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-account-dialog.c:166 +msgid "Adding new account" +msgstr "പുതിയ എക്കൗണ്ട് ചേര്‍ക്കുന്നു" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:77 +msgid "People nearby" +msgstr "അടുത്തുള്ളവര്‍" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:150 +msgid "Empathy can automatically discover and chat with the people connected on the same network as you. If you want to use this feature, please check that the details below are correct." +msgstr "" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:183 +msgid "You can change these details later or disable this feature by choosing Edit → Accounts in the Contact List." +msgstr "" + +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Send and receive messages" +#~ msgstr "ഞൊടിയിടയിലുള്ള സന്ദേശങ്ങള്‍ അയക്കുകയും സ്വീകരിക്കുകയും ചെയ്യുക" + +#~ msgid "Empathy has asked about importing accounts" +#~ msgstr "അക്കൌണ്ടുകള്‍ പുറത്തുനിന്നെടുക്കുന്നതിനെപ്പറ്റി എമ്പതി ചോദിച്ചിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു" + +#~ msgid "MC 4 accounts have been imported" +#~ msgstr "എംസി 4 അക്കൌണ്ടുകള്‍ എടുത്തിട്ടുണ്ടു്" + +#~ msgid "MC 4 accounts have been imported." +#~ msgstr "എംസി 4 അക്കൌണ്ടുകള്‍ എടുത്തിട്ടുണ്ടു്." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Whether or not Empathy has asked about importing accounts from other " +#~ "programs." +#~ msgstr "മറ്റു് പ്രോഗ്രാമുകളില്‍ നിന്നും അക്കൊണ്ടുകള്‍ എടുക്കാന്‍ എമ്പതി ചോദിച്ചിട്ടുണ്ടോ ഇല്ലയോ എന്നു്." + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Whether or not the Salut account has been created on the first Empathy " +#~ "run." +#~ msgstr "എംപതി ആദ്യമായി ഉപയോഗിക്കുമ്പോള്‍ സല്യൂട്ട് അക്കൗണ്ട് ഉണ്ടാക്കണമോ വേണ്ടയോ എന്ന് " + +#~ msgid "Can't set an empty display name" +#~ msgstr "കാണിയ്ക്കാനുള്ള പേരു് ശൂന്യമാകരുതു്" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:394 -msgid "Language" -msgstr "ഭാഷ" +#~ msgid "The hash of the received file and the sent one do not match" +#~ msgstr "അയച്ച ഫയലിന്റേയും കിട്ടിയ ഫയലിന്റേയും ചുരുക്കം പൊരുത്തപ്പെടുന്നില്ല" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:1 -msgid "Allow _GPS usage" -msgstr "" +#~ msgid "Socket type not supported" +#~ msgstr "സോക്കറ്റിന്റെ തരം പിന്തുണയില്ലാത്തതാണു്" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:2 -msgid "Allow _cellphone usage" -msgstr "" +#~ msgid "Hidden" +#~ msgstr "മറയ്ക്കപ്പെട്ടിരിക്കുന്നു" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:3 -msgid "Allow _network usage" -msgstr "" +#~ msgid "All" +#~ msgstr "എല്ലാവരും" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:4 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Appearance" -msgstr "ചമയം" +#~ msgid "_Charset:" +#~ msgstr "ക്യാര്‍സെറ്റ് :" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:5 -msgid "Automatically _connect on startup " -msgstr "തുടങ്ങുമ്പോള്‍ സ്വയം _ബന്ധപ്പെടുക" +#~ msgid "_Email:" +#~ msgstr "_ഇ-മെയില്‍: " -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:6 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Behavior" -msgstr "പെരുമാറ്റം" +#~ msgid "_Nickname:" +#~ msgstr "_വിളിപ്പേരു്:" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:7 -msgid "Chat Th_eme:" -msgstr "സല്ലാപത്തിന്റെ രം_ഗവിതാനം:" +#~ msgid "Use _Yahoo Japan" +#~ msgstr "_യാഹൂ ജപ്പാന്‍ ഉപയോഗിക്കുക" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:8 -msgid "Disable notifications when _away or busy" -msgstr "നിങ്ങള്‍ ദൂരെയോ തിരക്കിലോ ആയിരിക്കുമ്പോള്‍ പൊങ്ങിവരുന്ന അറിയിപ്പുകള്‍ കാണിയ്ക്കരുതു്" +#~ msgid "Unsupported command" +#~ msgstr "പിന്തുണയ്ക്കാത്ത ആജ്ഞ" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:9 -msgid "Disable sounds when _away or busy" -msgstr "_ദൂരെയോ തിരക്കിലോ ആകുമ്പോള്‍ ശബ്ദം കേള്‍പ്പിയ്ക്കാതിരിക്കുക" +#~ msgid "Personal Information" +#~ msgstr "സ്വകാര്യ വിവരങ്ങള്‍" + +#~ msgid "_View Previous Conversations" +#~ msgstr "പഴയ വര്‍ത്തമാനങ്ങള്‍ _കാണുക" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:10 #, fuzzy -msgid "Enable notifications when a contact comes online" -msgstr "_സല്ലാപം ശ്രദ്ധയിലല്ലാതിരിയ്ക്കുമ്പോള്‍ അറിയിപ്പുകള്‍ കാണിയ്ക്കുക" +#~ msgid "Location" +#~ msgstr "ഘടിപ്പിക്കുക" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:11 #, fuzzy -msgid "Enable notifications when a contact goes offline" -msgstr "_സല്ലാപം ശ്രദ്ധയിലല്ലാതിരിയ്ക്കുമ്പോള്‍ അറിയിപ്പുകള്‍ കാണിയ്ക്കുക" +#~ msgid "Location, " +#~ msgstr "ഘടിപ്പിക്കുക" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:12 -msgid "Enable notifications when the _chat is not focused" -msgstr "_സല്ലാപം ശ്രദ്ധയിലല്ലാതിരിയ്ക്കുമ്പോള്‍ അറിയിപ്പുകള്‍ കാണിയ്ക്കുക" +#~ msgid "Email:" +#~ msgstr "ഇ-മെയില്:" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:13 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Enable spell checking for languages:" -msgstr "അക്ഷരത്തെറ്റുകള്‍ പരിശോധിയ്ക്കേണ്ട ഭാഷകള്‍:" +#~ msgid "Date" +#~ msgstr "തീയതി" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:14 -msgid "General" -msgstr "പൊതുവായ" +#~ msgid "Previous Conversations" +#~ msgstr "മുന്നത്തെ വര്‍ത്തമാനങ്ങള്‍" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:15 -msgid "Geoclue Settings" -msgstr "" +#~ msgid "_For:" +#~ msgstr "_വേണ്ടി:" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:16 -#, fuzzy -msgid "Location" -msgstr "അറിയിപ്പുകള്‍" +#~ msgid "C_all" +#~ msgstr "_വിളിക്കുക" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:17 -msgid "Notifications" -msgstr "അറിയിപ്പുകള്‍" +#~ msgid "C_hat" +#~ msgstr "_സല്ലാപം" + +#~ msgid "Contact ID:" +#~ msgstr "കോണ്‍ടാക്റ്റ് ഐഡി:" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:18 #, fuzzy -msgid "Play sound for events" -msgstr "സംഭവങ്ങള്‍ക്കു് ശബ്ദം കേള്‍പ്പിയ്ക്കുക" +#~ msgid "Edit Custom Messages..." +#~ msgstr "ഇഷ്ടപ്പെട്ട സന്ദേശങ്ങള്‍..." -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:19 -msgid "Preferences" -msgstr "മുന്‍ഗണനകള്‍" +#~ msgid "Set your presence and current status" +#~ msgstr "നിങ്ങളുടെ സ്ഥാനവും ഇപ്പോഴത്തെ അവസ്ഥയും സജ്ജീകരിയ്ക്കുക" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:20 -msgid "Privacy" -msgstr "" +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Enter Custom Message" +#~ msgstr "ഇഷ്ടപ്പെട്ട സന്ദേശം:" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:21 -msgid "Reduced location accuracy means that nothing more precise than your city, state and country will be published. GPS coordinates will be accurate to 1 decimal place." -msgstr "" +#~ msgid "Add _New Preset" +#~ msgstr "_പുതിയ പ്രീസെറ്റ് ചേര്‍ക്കുക" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:22 -msgid "Show _smileys as images" -msgstr "_വികാരചിഹ്നങ്ങള്‍ ചിത്രങ്ങളായി കാണിയ്ക്കുക" +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Saved Presets" +#~ msgstr "സന്ദേശം സൂക്ഷിക്കുക" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:23 #, fuzzy -msgid "Show contact _list in rooms" -msgstr "ബന്ധപ്പട്ടിക _കാണിയ്ക്കുക" +#~ msgid "Select a destination" +#~ msgstr "ഒരു ബന്ധം തെരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:24 -msgid "Sounds" -msgstr "ശബ്ദങ്ങള്‍" +#~ msgid "" +#~ "The contact to display in the applet. Empty means no contact is displayed." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "ലഘുപ്രയോഗത്തില്‍ കാണിക്കേണ്ട ബന്ധം. ശൂന്യമാണെങ്കില്‍ ഒരു ബന്ധവും കാണിക്കുകയില്ല എന്നാണ് അര്‍ത്ഥം." -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:25 -msgid "Spell Checking" -msgstr "അക്ഷരത്തെറ്റു് പരിശോധന" +#~ msgid "The contact's avatar token. Empty means contact has no avatar." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "കോണ്ടാക്റ്റിന്റെ അവതാരം. ശൂന്യമാണെങ്കില്‍ കോണ്‍ടാക്റ്റിന് അവതാരമൊന്നും ഇല്ല എന്നാണ് അര്‍ത്ഥം" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:26 -#, fuzzy -msgid "The list of languages reflects only the languages for which you have a dictionary installed." -msgstr "നിങ്ങള്‍ ഇപ്പോള്‍ നിഘണ്ടു ഇന്‍സ്റ്റോള്‍ ചെയ്തിട്ടുള്ള ഭാഷകള്‍ മാത്രമേ പട്ടികയിലുള്ളൂ." +#~ msgid "Talk!" +#~ msgstr "സംസാരിക്കൂ!" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:27 -msgid "Themes" -msgstr "പ്രമോയങ്ങള്‍" +#~ msgid "_Information" +#~ msgstr "വിവരം" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:28 -msgid "_Enable bubble notifications" -msgstr "കുമിളയായി അറിയിയ്ക്കുന്നതു് _പ്രവര്‍ത്തനസജ്ജമാക്കുക" +#~ msgid "_Preferences" +#~ msgstr "മുന്‍ഗണനകള്‍" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:29 -msgid "_Enable sound notifications" -msgstr "ശബ്ദമുപയോഗിച്ചു് അറിയിയ്ക്കുന്നതു് പ്രവര്‍ത്തനസജ്ജമാക്കുക" +#~ msgid "Please configure a contact." +#~ msgstr "ദയവായി ഒരു ബന്ധം ക്രമീകരിയ്ക്കുക." -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:30 -msgid "_Open new chats in separate windows" -msgstr "പുതിയ സല്ലാപങ്ങള്‍ വ്യത്യസ്ത ജാലകങ്ങളില്‍ _തുറക്കുക" +#~ msgid "Select contact..." +#~ msgstr "ബന്ധം തെരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക..." -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:31 -msgid "_Publish location to my contacts" -msgstr "" +#~ msgid "Presence" +#~ msgstr "സാന്നിദ്ധ്യം" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:32 -msgid "_Reduce location accuracy" -msgstr "" +#~ msgid "Set your own presence" +#~ msgstr "നിങ്ങളുടേതായ സാന്നിദ്ധ്യം നിങ്ങള്‍ തന്നെ ഉറപ്പിക്കൂ" -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:1 -msgid "Status" -msgstr "അവസ്ഥ" +#~ msgid "Show the accounts dialog" +#~ msgstr "അക്കൗണ്ടുകള്‍ക്കു വേണ്ടിയുള്ള ഡയലോഗ് കാണിക്കുക" -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:3 -msgid "_Quit" -msgstr "പുറത്തു് കടക്കുക" +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "An error occurred" +#~ msgstr "അറിയാത്ത ഏതോ പ്രശ്നം" -#: ../src/empathy-tube-dispatch.c:376 -#, c-format -msgid "Unable to start application for service %s: %s" -msgstr "%s സേവനത്തിനുള്ള പ്രയോഗം തുടങ്ങാന്‍ സാധിച്ചില്ല: %s" +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "Do you have any other chat accounts you want to set up?" +#~ msgstr "എനിയ്ക്കുപയോഗിയ്ക്കാന്‍ നേരത്തെ തന്നെ ഒരു അക്കൌണ്ടുണ്ടു്" -#: ../src/empathy-tube-dispatch.c:447 -#, c-format -msgid "An invitation was offered for service %s, but you don't have the needed application to handle it" -msgstr "%s സേവനത്തിനു് നിങ്ങളെ ക്ഷണിച്ചിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു, പക്ഷേ അതു് കൈകാര്യം ചെയ്യാനുള്ള പുറമെയുള്ള പ്രയോഗം നിങ്ങളുടെ കയ്യിലില്ല." +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "What kind of chat account do you want to create?" +#~ msgstr "%s നിങ്ങളെ വിളിയ്ക്കുന്നു, എടുക്കണോ?" -#: ../src/empathy-map-view.ui.h:1 #, fuzzy -msgid "Contact Map View" -msgstr "ബന്ധപ്പട്ടിക" +#~ msgid "Do you want to create other chat accounts?" +#~ msgstr "'%s' എന്ന ഈ കോണ്‍ടാക്റ്റിനെ എടുത്തു കളയുവാന്‍ നിങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് ശരിക്കും ആഗ്രഹമുണ്ടോ ?" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:111 -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1081 -msgid "Error" -msgstr "" +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "No, I want a new account" +#~ msgstr "അക്കൌണ്ടുകള്‍ കാണിയ്ക്കുകയും മാറ്റം വരുത്തുകയും ചെയ്യുക" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:114 -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1075 #, fuzzy -msgid "Critical" -msgstr "ക്രോയേഷ്യന്‍" +#~ msgid "Select the accounts you want to import:" +#~ msgstr "നിങ്ങള്‍ക്കാരെയാണു് ക്ഷണിയ്ക്കേണ്ടതെന്നു് തെരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക:" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:117 -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1069 #, fuzzy -msgid "Warning" -msgstr "ബാക്കിയുള്ളതു്" +#~ msgid "Import your existing accounts" +#~ msgstr "അക്കൗണ്ടുകള്‍ അകത്തെടുക്കുക" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:120 -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1063 -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1111 #, fuzzy -msgid "Message" -msgstr "സന്ദേശം:" +#~ msgid "" +#~ "You are about to create a new account, which will discard\n" +#~ "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "നിങ്ങളുടെ %s അക്കൗണ്ടിനെ നിങ്ങള്‍ എടുത്തു കളയുവാന്‍ പോകുകയാണ് !\n" +#~ "മുന്നോട്ടു നീങ്ങണം എന്നു നിങ്ങള്‍ക്കു ഉറപ്പാണോ ? " -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:123 -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1057 -msgid "Info" -msgstr "" +#~ msgid "" +#~ "You are about to remove your %s account!\n" +#~ "Are you sure you want to proceed?" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "നിങ്ങളുടെ %s അക്കൗണ്ടിനെ നിങ്ങള്‍ എടുത്തു കളയുവാന്‍ പോകുകയാണ് !\n" +#~ "മുന്നോട്ടു നീങ്ങണം എന്നു നിങ്ങള്‍ക്കു ഉറപ്പാണോ ? " -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:126 -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1051 -msgid "Debug" -msgstr "" +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Any associated conversations and chat rooms will NOT be removed if you " +#~ "decide to proceed.\n" +#~ "\n" +#~ "Should you decide to add the account back at a later time, they will " +#~ "still be available." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "മുമ്പോട്ടു് പോകാന്‍ നിങ്ങള്‍ തീരുമാനിച്ചാല്‍ ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട സല്ലാപമുറികളും സംഭാഷണങ്ങളും നീക്കം " +#~ "ചെയ്യുന്നതല്ല.\n" +#~ "\n" +#~ "പിന്നീടൊരിയ്ക്കല്‍ നിങ്ങളൊരു അക്കൊണ്ടു് ചേര്‍ക്കാന്‍ തീരുമാനിച്ചാലും അവ ലഭ്യമായിരിയ്ക്കും." + +#~ msgid "Cr_eate" +#~ msgstr "സൃ_ഷ്ടിയ്ക്കുക" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:841 #, fuzzy -msgid "Save" -msgstr "സര്‍വര്‍" +#~ msgid "_Add..." +#~ msgstr "ചേര്ക്കുക" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:944 -msgid "Debug Window" -msgstr "" +#, fuzzy +#~ msgid "_Reuse an existing account" +#~ msgstr "അക്കൌണ്ടുകള്‍ കാണിയ്ക്കുകയും മാറ്റം വരുത്തുകയും ചെയ്യുക" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1019 -msgid "Pause" -msgstr "" +#~ msgid "Conversations (%d)" +#~ msgstr "സംഭാഷണങ്ങള്‍ (%d)" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1031 -msgid "Level " -msgstr "" +#~ msgid "%s is offering you an invitation" +#~ msgstr "%s നിങ്ങളെ ക്ഷണിച്ചിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു" + +#~ msgid "An external application will be started to handle it." +#~ msgstr "ഇതു് കൈകാര്യം ചെയ്യാന്‍ പുറമെയുള്ളൊരു പ്രയോഗം തുടങ്ങുന്നതായിരിയ്ക്കും." + +#~ msgid "You don't have the needed external application to handle it." +#~ msgstr "പക്ഷേ അതു് കൈകാര്യം ചെയ്യാനുള്ള പുറമെയുള്ള പ്രയോഗം നിങ്ങളുടെ കയ്യിലില്ല." + +#~ msgid "Subscription requested by %s" +#~ msgstr "%s വരിക്കാരനാകാന്‍ ആവശ്യപ്പെട്ടിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1100 #, fuzzy -msgid "Time" -msgstr "ലളിതം" +#~ msgid "%s account" +#~ msgstr "പുതിയ %s അക്കൗണ്ട് " + +#~ msgid "No error specified" +#~ msgstr "പിശകൊന്നും വ്യക്തമാക്കിയില്ല" + +#~ msgid "Unknown error" +#~ msgstr "അറിയാത്ത ഏതോ പിശകു്" + +#~ msgid "Show and edit accounts" +#~ msgstr "അക്കൌണ്ടുകള്‍ കാണിയ്ക്കുകയും മാറ്റം വരുത്തുകയും ചെയ്യുക" + +#~ msgid "Context" +#~ msgstr "സന്ദര്‍ഭം" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1102 #, fuzzy -msgid "Domain" -msgstr "റൊമാനിയന്‍" +#~ msgid "_Join..." +#~ msgstr "_കയറുക" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1104 -msgid "Category" -msgstr "" +#~ msgid "_New Conversation..." +#~ msgstr "_പുതിയ സംഭാഷണം..." -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1106 -msgid "Level" -msgstr "" +#~ msgid "_Personal Information" +#~ msgstr "_സ്വകാര്യ വിവരം" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1138 -msgid "The selected connection manager does not support the remote debugging extension." -msgstr "" +#~ msgid "_Open new chats in separate windows" +#~ msgstr "പുതിയ സല്ലാപങ്ങള്‍ വ്യത്യസ്ത ജാലകങ്ങളില്‍ _തുറക്കുക" + +#~ msgid "Unable to start application for service %s: %s" +#~ msgstr "%s സേവനത്തിനുള്ള പ്രയോഗം തുടങ്ങാന്‍ സാധിച്ചില്ല: %s" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "An invitation was offered for service %s, but you don't have the needed " +#~ "application to handle it" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "%s സേവനത്തിനു് നിങ്ങളെ ക്ഷണിച്ചിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു, പക്ഷേ അതു് കൈകാര്യം ചെയ്യാനുള്ള പുറമെയുള്ള " +#~ "പ്രയോഗം നിങ്ങളുടെ കയ്യിലില്ല." -#~ msgid "Empathy Instant Messenger" -#~ msgstr "എമ്പതി സന്ദേശവാഹകന്‍" #~ msgid "Forget password and clear the entry." #~ msgstr "അടയാളവാക്ക് മറന്നുകളയുക" + #~ msgid "Network" #~ msgstr "ശൃംഖല" + #~ msgid "Servers" #~ msgstr "സെര്‍വറുകള്‍" -#~ msgid "Edit the selected IRC network" -#~ msgstr "തെരഞ്ഞെടുത്ത ഐആര്‍സി ശൃംഖലയുടെ ക്രമീകരണങ്ങളില്‍ മാറ്റം വരുത്തുക" + #~ msgid "Remove the selected IRC network" #~ msgstr "തെരഞ്ഞെടുത്ത ഐആര്‍സി ശൃംഖല എടുത്തുകളയുക" + #~ msgid "_Check Word Spelling..." #~ msgstr "അക്ഷരത്തെറ്റു് _പരിശോധിക്കുക" -#~ msgid "Topic:" -#~ msgstr "വിഷയം:" + #~ msgid "Group Chat" #~ msgstr "കൂട്ടവര്‍ത്തമാനം" + #~ msgid "Contact Information" #~ msgstr "ബന്ധപ്പെടാനുള്ള വിവരം" + #~ msgid "I would like to add you to my contact list." #~ msgstr "നിങ്ങളെ എന്റെ കോണ്‍ടാക്റ്റ് പട്ടികയില്‍ ചേര്‍ക്കാന്‍ എനിക്ക് ആഗ്രഹമുണ്ട്" + #~ msgid "Sorry, I don't want you in my contact list anymore." #~ msgstr "" #~ "ക്ഷമിക്കൂ, നിങ്ങളെ എന്റെ ബന്ധങ്ങളുടെ പട്ടികയില്‍ ഉള്‍പ്പെടുത്താന്‍ ഇനി ഞാന്‍ ആഗ്രഹിക്കുന്നില്ല" + #~ msgid "Contact" #~ msgstr "ബന്ധം" + #~ msgid "Groups" #~ msgstr "കൂട്ടങ്ങള്‍" -#~ msgid "Contact information" -#~ msgstr "ബന്ധപ്പെടാനുള്ള വിവരങ്ങള്‍" -#~ msgid "Word" -#~ msgstr "വാക്ക്" + #~ msgid "Suggestions for the word" #~ msgstr "വാക്കിനുള്ള നിര്‍ദ്ദേശങ്ങള്‍" + #~ msgid "Spell Checker" #~ msgstr "സ്പെല്‍ ചെക്കര്‍" + #~ msgid "Suggestions for the word:" #~ msgstr "വാക്കിനുള്ള നിര്‍ദ്ദേശങ്ങള്‍:" -#~ msgid "- Empathy Instant Messenger" -#~ msgstr "- എമ്പതി സന്ദേശവാഹകന്‍" + #~ msgid "New Account" #~ msgstr "പുതിയ അക്കൌണ്ടു്" -#~ msgid "Settings" -#~ msgstr "സജ്ജീകരണങ്ങള്‍" + #~ msgid "Import Accounts..." #~ msgstr "അക്കൗണ്ടുകള്‍ അകത്തെടുക്കുക..." + #~ msgid "New message from %s" #~ msgstr "%s ല്‍ നിന്നുള്ള പുതിയ സന്ദേശം" + #~ msgid "Invitation _message:" #~ msgstr "ക്ഷണിച്ചുകൊണ്ടുള്ള _സന്ദേശം:" -#~ msgid "Invite" -#~ msgstr "ക്ഷണിയ്ക്കുക" -#~ msgid "You have been invited to join a chat conference." -#~ msgstr "നിങ്ങളെ ഒരു സല്ലാപ സമ്മേളനത്തില്‍ ചേരുവാന്‍ ക്ഷണിച്ചിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു." + #~ msgid "Edit Favorite Room" #~ msgstr "ഇഷ്ടപ്പെട്ട മുറി മാറ്റുക" + #~ msgid "Join room on start_up" #~ msgstr "തു_ടങ്ങുമ്പോള്‍ തന്നെ മുറിയില്‍ കയറുക" + #~ msgid "Join this chat room when Empathy starts and you are connected" #~ msgstr "" #~ "നിങ്ങള്‍ ബന്ധപ്പെട്ടിരിയ്ക്കുകയും എമ്പതി തുടങ്ങുകയും ചെയ്യുകയാണെങ്കില്‍ ഈ സല്ലാപ മുറിയില്‍ കയറുക" -#~ msgid "N_ame:" -#~ msgstr "പേ_രു്:" + #~ msgid "S_erver:" #~ msgstr "സെ_ര്‍വര്‍:" #~ msgctxt "file size" + #~ msgid "Unknown" #~ msgstr "അറിയാത്ത" + #~ msgid "\"%s\" receiving from %s" #~ msgstr "%2$s ല്‍ നിന്നും \"%1$s\" സ്വീകരിച്ചുകൊണ്ടിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു" + #~ msgid "\"%s\" sending to %s" #~ msgstr "%2$s നു് \"%1$s\" അയച്ചുകൊണ്ടിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു" + #~ msgid "File transfer canceled: %s" #~ msgstr "ഫയല്‍ കൈമാറ്റം റദ്ദാക്കിയിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു: %s" #~ msgctxt "remaining time" + #~ msgid "Unknown" #~ msgstr "അറിയാത്ത" + #~ msgid "Cannot save file to this location" #~ msgstr "ഈ സ്ഥാനത്തു് ഫയല്‍ സൂക്ഷിയ്ക്കാന്‍ സാധ്യമല്ല" + #~ msgid "Save file as..." #~ msgstr "ഫയല്‍ പേരു് മാറ്റി സൂക്ഷിയ്ക്കുക..." + #~ msgid "unknown size" #~ msgstr "അറിയാത്ത വലിപ്പം" -#~ msgid "%s would like to send you a file" -#~ msgstr "%s നിങ്ങള്‍ക്കു് ഫയല്‍ അയയ്ക്കാന്‍ ആഗ്രഹിയ്ക്കുന്നു" + #~ msgid "Do you want to accept the file \"%s\" (%s)?" #~ msgstr "\"%s\" (%s) എന്ന ഫയല്‍ സ്വീകരിയ്ക്കണോ?" -#~ msgid "_Accept" -#~ msgstr "_സ്വീകരിയ്ക്കുക" + #~ msgid "Join _New..." #~ msgstr "_പുതിയതില്‍ ചേരുക..." + #~ msgid "Browse:" #~ msgstr "പരതുക:" -#~ msgid "Join" -#~ msgstr "കയറുക" + #~ msgid "Join New" #~ msgstr "പുതിയതില്‍ കയറുക" + #~ msgid "Re_fresh" #~ msgstr "പു_തുക്കുക" + #~ msgid "" #~ "This list represents all chat rooms hosted on the server you have entered." #~ msgstr "നിങ്ങള്‍ നല്‍കിയ സെര്‍വ്വറിലുള്ള മുറികളെല്ലാം ഈ പട്ടികയിലുണ്ടു്." + #~ msgid "Contact List" #~ msgstr "ബന്ധപ്പട്ടിക" + #~ msgid "Avatars are user chosen images shown in the contact list" #~ msgstr "ബന്ധപ്പട്ടികയില്‍ കാണിയ്ക്കുന്ന ഉപയോക്താവു് തെരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുന്ന ചിത്രങ്ങളാണു് അവതാരങ്ങള്‍" + #~ msgid "Show _avatars" #~ msgstr "_അവതാരങ്ങള്‍ കാണിയ്ക്കുക" -#~ msgid "Show co_mpact contact list" -#~ msgstr "ചു_രുങ്ങിയ ബന്ധപ്പട്ടിക കാണിയ്ക്കുക" + #~ msgid "Enable popup when contact is available" #~ msgstr "കോണ്‍ടാക്റ്റ് ചാറ്റിനായി ലഭ്യമാകുമ്പോള്‍ പോപ്പ് അപ്പ് സജീവമാക്കുക" + #~ msgid "Enable sound when busy" #~ msgstr "തിരക്കിലായിരിക്കുമ്പോള്‍ ശബ്ദസംവിധാനം സജീവമാക്കുക" -#~ msgid "Closed" -#~ msgstr "അടച്ചു" + #~ msgid "End this call?" #~ msgstr "ഈ വിളി നിര്‍ത്തുക" + #~ msgid "Closing this window will end the call in progress." #~ msgstr "ഈ ജാലകം അടയ്ക്കുന്നതു് ഇപ്പോഴത്തെ വിളി അവസാനിപ്പിയ്ക്കും" + #~ msgid "Readying" #~ msgstr "തയ്യാറാക്കിക്കൊണ്ടിരിയ്ക്കുന്നു" + #~ msgid "" #~ "Incoming call from %s rejected because there is already a running call." #~ msgstr "ഇപ്പോള്‍ സംസാരിച്ചുകൊണ്ടിരിയ്ക്കുകയായതിനാല്‍ %s ന്റെ വിളി എടുക്കാന്‍ സാധിച്ചില്ല." + #~ msgid "#" #~ msgstr "#" + #~ msgid "*" #~ msgstr "*" + #~ msgid "0" #~ msgstr "0" + #~ msgid "1" #~ msgstr "1" + #~ msgid "2" #~ msgstr "2" + #~ msgid "3" #~ msgstr "3" + #~ msgid "4" #~ msgstr "4" + #~ msgid "5" #~ msgstr "5" + #~ msgid "6" #~ msgstr "6" + #~ msgid "7" #~ msgstr "7" + #~ msgid "8" #~ msgstr "8" + #~ msgid "9" #~ msgstr "9" + #~ msgid "Keypad" #~ msgstr "കീപാഡ്" + #~ msgid "Invitation Error" #~ msgstr "ക്ഷണത്തില്‍ പിശകു്:" + #~ msgid "Audio" #~ msgstr "ശബ്ദം" + #~ msgid "Visual" #~ msgstr "കാഴ്ചയില്‍" + #~ msgid "Enable sounds when _busy" #~ msgstr "_തിരക്കിലാകുമ്പോള്‍ ശബ്ദം പ്രായോഗികമാക്കുക" #, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Disable" -#~ msgstr "ലഭ്യത" - -#, fuzzy #~ msgid "Enter status message:" #~ msgstr "സന്ദേശം:" @@ -3071,36 +5409,13 @@ #~ msgstr "ലഭ്യത" #, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Connection refused." -#~ msgstr "ഘടിപ്പിക്കുക" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Connection timed out." -#~ msgstr "ഘടിപ്പിക്കുക" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Disconnect" -#~ msgstr "ഘടിപ്പിക്കുക" - -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Connect" -#~ msgstr "ഘടിപ്പിക്കുക" - -#, fuzzy #~ msgid "Unknown error occurred during file transfer." #~ msgstr "അറിയാത്ത ഏതോ പ്രശ്നം" -#, fuzzy -#~ msgid "Retry connection" -#~ msgstr "ഘടിപ്പിക്കുക" #~ msgid "Name:" #~ msgstr "നാമം:" #, fuzzy -#~ msgid "_Connect" -#~ msgstr "ഘടിപ്പിക്കുക" - -#, fuzzy #~ msgid "_Password:" #~ msgstr "അടയാളവാക്ക്:" @@ -3111,6 +5426,7 @@ #, fuzzy #~ msgid "Na_me:" #~ msgstr "നാമം:" + #~ msgid " " #~ msgstr " " @@ -3130,17 +5446,14 @@ #~ msgid "Por_t:" #~ msgstr "വഴി:" -#, fuzzy #~ msgid "Gossip - Preferences" #~ msgstr "മുന്‍ഗണനകള്‍" + #~ msgid "_Reply..." #~ msgstr "മറുപടി..." -#~ msgid "C_onnect" -#~ msgstr "ഘടിപ്പിക്കുക" -#, fuzzy #~ msgid "translator_credits_old" #~ msgstr "എഫ്.എസ്.എഫ് - ഇന്ത്യ " + #~ msgid "Others" #~ msgstr "മറ്റുള്ളവ" - diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/po/nb.po empathy-3.3.92/po/nb.po --- empathy-3.3.91/po/nb.po 2012-02-21 15:06:11.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/po/nb.po 2012-03-16 09:30:32.000000000 +0000 @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: empathy 3.3.x\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-21 15:03+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-21 15:05+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-14 10:09+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-14 10:10+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Kjartan Maraas \n" "Language-Team: Norwegian bokmål \n" "Language: no\n" @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ #. Tweak the dialog #: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2450 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2454 msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts" msgstr "Meldings- og VoIP-kontoer" @@ -80,75 +80,89 @@ msgstr "Forvalgt mappe for lagring av filoverføringer." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:9 +msgid "Magic number used to check if sanity cleaning tasks should be run" +msgstr "" +"Magisk nummer som brukes til å sjekke om oppryddingsoppgaver skal kjøres" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:10 +msgid "" +"empathy-sanity-cleaning.c uses this number to check if the cleaning tasks " +"should be executed or not. Users should not change this key manually." +msgstr "" +"empathy-sanity-cleaning.c bruker dette tallet til å sjekke om " +"oppryddingsoppgaver skal kjøres eller ikke. Brukere skal ikke endre dette " +"manuelt." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:11 msgid "Show offline contacts" msgstr "Vis frakoblede kontakter" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:10 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:12 msgid "Whether to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." msgstr "Om kontakter som er frakoblet skal vises i kontaktlisten." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:11 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:13 msgid "Show avatars" msgstr "Vis personbilder" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:12 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:14 msgid "" "Whether to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat windows." msgstr "Om bilder av kontakter skal vises i kontaktlisten og samtalevinduer." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:13 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:15 msgid "Show protocols" msgstr "Vis protokoller" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:14 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:16 msgid "Whether to show protocols for contacts in the contact list." msgstr "Om protokoller for kontakter skal vises i kontaktlisten." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:15 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:17 msgid "Show Balance in contact list" msgstr "Vis saldo i kontaktliste" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:16 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:18 msgid "Whether to show account balances in the contact list." msgstr "Om saldo for konto skal vises i kontaktlisten." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:17 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:19 msgid "Compact contact list" msgstr "Kompakt kontaktliste" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:18 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:20 msgid "Whether to show the contact list in compact mode." msgstr "Om kontaktlisten skal vises i kompakt modus." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:19 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:21 msgid "Hide main window" msgstr "Skjul hovedvinduet" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:20 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:22 msgid "Hide the main window." msgstr "Skjul hovedvinduet." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:21 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:23 msgid "Default directory to select an avatar image from" msgstr "Forvalgt mappe for personbilde" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:22 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:24 msgid "The last directory that an avatar image was chosen from." msgstr "Den forrige mappen et personbilde ble valgt fra." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:23 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:25 msgid "Open new chats in separate windows" msgstr "Åpne nye samtaler i egne vinduer" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:24 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:26 msgid "Always open a separate chat window for new chats." msgstr "Alltid åpne et eget vindu til nye samtaler." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:25 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:27 msgid "Display incoming events in the status area" msgstr "Vis innkommende hendelser i statusområdet" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:26 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:28 msgid "" "Display incoming events in the status area. If false, present them to the " "user immediately." @@ -156,27 +170,27 @@ "Vis innkommende hendelser i statusområdet. Hvis denne er «false» vises disse " "til bruker med det samme." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:27 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:29 msgid "The position for the chat window side pane" msgstr "Posisjon for pratevinduets sidelinje" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:28 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:30 msgid "The stored position (in pixels) of the chat window side pane." msgstr "Lagret posisjon (i pikselr) for pratevinduets sideområde." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:29 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:31 msgid "Show contact groups" msgstr "Vis kontaktgrupper" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:30 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:32 msgid "Whether to show groups in the contact list." msgstr "Om kontaktgrupper skal vises i kontaktlisten." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:31 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:33 msgid "Contact list sort criterion" msgstr "Sorteringskriterier for kontaktliste" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:32 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:34 msgid "" "Which criterion to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to sort by " "the contact's state with the value \"state\". A value of \"name\" will sort " @@ -186,103 +200,103 @@ "å sortere kontakter etter kontaktens tilstand med verdien «state». Hvis man " "bruker «name» vil kontaktlisten sorteres etter kontaktens navn." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:33 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:35 msgid "Use notification sounds" msgstr "Bruk varslingslyder" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:34 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:36 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of events." msgstr "Om lyder skal spilles av for å varsle om hendelser." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:35 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:37 msgid "Disable sounds when away" msgstr "Slå av lyder når du er borte" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:36 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:38 msgid "Whether to play sound notifications when away or busy." msgstr "Om lyder skal spilles av når du er borte eller opptatt." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:37 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:39 msgid "Play a sound for incoming messages" msgstr "Spill av lyd når meldinger kommer inn" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:38 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:40 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of incoming messages." msgstr "Om lyder skal spilles av for å varsle om innkommende meldinger." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:39 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:41 msgid "Play a sound for outgoing messages" msgstr "Spill av lyd for utgående meldinger" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:40 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:42 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of outgoing messages." msgstr "Om lyder skal spilles av for å varsle om utgående meldinger." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:41 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:43 msgid "Play a sound for new conversations" msgstr "Spill av lyd ved nye samtaler" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:42 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:44 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of new conversations." msgstr "Om lyder skal spilles av for å varsle om nye samtaler." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:43 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:45 msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs in" msgstr "Spill av lyd når kontakter logger inn" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:44 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:46 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging into the network." msgstr "" "Om en lyd skal spilles av for å varsle om at kontakter logger inn på " "nettverket." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:45 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:47 msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs out" msgstr "Spill av lyd når kontakter logger ut" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:46 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:48 msgid "" "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging out of the network." msgstr "" "Om en lyd skal spilles av for å varsle at kontakter logger ut av nettverket." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:47 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:49 msgid "Play a sound when we log in" msgstr "Spill av lyd når du logger inn" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:48 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:50 msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging into a network." msgstr "Om lyder skal spilles av når du logger inn på et nettverk." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:49 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:51 msgid "Play a sound when we log out" msgstr "Spill av lyd når du logger ut" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:50 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:52 msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging out of a network." msgstr "Om lyder skal spilles av når du logger ut av et nettverk." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:51 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:53 msgid "Enable popup notifications for new messages" msgstr "Aktiver varsling oppsprettmeldinger for nye meldinger" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:52 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:54 msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message." msgstr "Om varsling skal vises når en ny melding mottas." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:53 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:55 msgid "Disable popup notifications when away" msgstr "Slå av varsling når du er borte" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:54 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:56 msgid "Whether to show popup notifications when away or busy." msgstr "Om varsling skal vises når du er borte eller opptatt." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:55 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:57 msgid "Pop up notifications if the chat isn't focused" msgstr "Vis varsling når prat ikke er fokusert" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:56 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:58 msgid "" "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message even if " "the chat is already opened, but not focused." @@ -290,77 +304,77 @@ "Om varsling skal vises når en melding mottas selv om pratevinduet er åpent " "men ikke har fokus." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:57 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:59 msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs in" msgstr "Vis varsling når en kontakt logger inn" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:58 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:60 msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes online." msgstr "Om et varsel skal vises når en kontakt er kobler fra." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:59 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:61 msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs out" msgstr "Vis varsling når en kontakt logger ut" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:60 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:62 msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes offline." msgstr "Om varsel skal vises når en kontakt kobler fra." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:61 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:63 msgid "Use graphical smileys" msgstr "Vis smilefjes grafisk" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:62 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:64 msgid "Whether to convert smileys into graphical images in conversations." msgstr "Om smilefjes skal konverteres til grafiske bilder i samtaler." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:63 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:65 msgid "Show contact list in rooms" msgstr "Vis kontaktliste i rom" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:64 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:66 msgid "Whether to show the contact list in chat rooms." msgstr "Om kontaktlisten skal vises i praterom." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:65 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:67 msgid "Chat window theme" msgstr "Tema for samtalevindu" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:66 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:68 msgid "The theme that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." msgstr "Temaet som brukes til å vise samtaler." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:67 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:69 msgid "Chat window theme variant" msgstr "Temavariant for samtalevindu" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:68 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:70 msgid "" "The theme variant that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." msgstr "Temavariant som brukes til å vise samtale i pratevinduer." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:69 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:71 msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use" msgstr "Sti til Adium-tema som skal brukes" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:70 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:72 msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use if the theme used for chat is Adium." msgstr "Sti til Adium-tema skal brukes hvis tema for prat er Adium." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:71 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:73 msgid "Enable WebKit Developer Tools" msgstr "Slå på utviklerverktøy for WebKit" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:72 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:74 msgid "" "Whether WebKit developer tools, such as the Web Inspector, should be enabled." msgstr "Om utviklerverktøy for WebKit, som Web Inspector, skal slås på." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:73 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:75 msgid "Inform other users when you are typing to them" msgstr "Informer andre brukere når du skriver til dem" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:74 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:76 msgid "" "Whether to send the 'composing' or 'paused' chat states. Does not currently " "affect the 'gone' state." @@ -368,39 +382,39 @@ "Hvorvidt tilstand for «skriver» eller «pause» i prat skal sendes. Påvirker " "ikke status «borte»." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:75 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:77 msgid "Use theme for chat rooms" msgstr "Bruk tema for samtalerom" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:76 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:78 msgid "Whether to use the theme for chat rooms." msgstr "Om tema skal brukes for praterom eller ikke." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:77 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:79 msgid "Spell checking languages" msgstr "Stavekontrollspråk" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:78 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:80 msgid "" "Comma-separated list of spell checker languages to use (e.g. \"en, fr, nl\")." msgstr "" "Kommaseparert liste over stavekontrollspråk som skal brukes (f.eks \"no, en, " "fr, nl\")." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:79 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:81 msgid "Enable spell checker" msgstr "Bruk stavekontroll" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:80 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:82 msgid "" "Whether to check words typed against the languages you want to check with." msgstr "Om stavekontroll skal sjekke ord mot de språkene du ønsker å bruke." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:81 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:83 msgid "Nick completed character" msgstr "Tegn for fullføring av kallenavn" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:82 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:84 msgid "" "Character to add after nickname when using nick completion (tab) in group " "chat." @@ -408,54 +422,54 @@ "Tegn som skal legges til etter kallenavn når fullføring av kallenavn med " "tabulator benyttes i gruppeprat." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:83 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:85 msgid "Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon" msgstr "" "Empathy skal bruke personbildet for kontakten som ikon for pratevinduet" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:84 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:86 msgid "" "Whether Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon." msgstr "" "Om Empathy skal bruke personbilde for kontakten som ikon for pratevinduet." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:85 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:87 msgid "Last account selected in Join Room dialog" msgstr "Siste konto valgt i dialogen «Bli med i rom»" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:86 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:88 msgid "D-Bus object path of the last account selected to join a room." msgstr "D-Bus objektsti for siste konto valgt for å bli med i et rom." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:87 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:89 msgid "Camera device" msgstr "Kameraenhet" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:88 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:90 msgid "Default camera device to use in video calls, e.g. /dev/video0." msgstr "Forvalgt kameraenhet til bruk for videosamtaler. F.eks. /dev/video0." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:89 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:91 msgid "Camera position" msgstr "Kameraposisjon" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:90 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:92 msgid "Position the camera preview should be during a call." msgstr "Posisjon for kameraforhåndsvisning under en samtale." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:91 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:93 msgid "Echo cancellation support" msgstr "Støtte for utlikning av ekko" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:92 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:94 msgid "Whether to enable Pulseaudio's echo cancellation filter." msgstr "Hvorvidt Pulseaudio's filter for utlikning av ekko skal slås på." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:93 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:95 msgid "Show hint about closing the main window" msgstr "Vis hint om lukking av hovedvinduet" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:94 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:96 msgid "" "Whether to show the message dialog about closing the main window with the " "'x' button in the title bar." @@ -463,89 +477,89 @@ "Om meldingsdialog om lukking av vinduet med «x»-knappen i tittelfeltet skal " "vises." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:95 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:97 msgid "Empathy can publish the user's location" msgstr "Empathy kan publisere brukers plassering" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:96 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:98 msgid "Whether Empathy can publish the user's location to their contacts." msgstr "Om Empathy kan publisere brukers plassering til kontakter." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:97 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:99 msgid "Empathy can use the network to guess the location" msgstr "Empathy kan bruke nettverket til å gjette plassering" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:98 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:100 msgid "Whether Empathy can use the network to guess the location." msgstr "Om Empathy kan bruke nettverket for å gjette plassering." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:99 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:101 msgid "Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location" msgstr "Empathy kan bruke mobilnettverk til å gjette plassering" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:100 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:102 msgid "Whether Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location." msgstr "Om Empathy kan bruke mobilnettverk for å gjette plassering." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:101 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:103 msgid "Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location" msgstr "Empathy kan bruke GPS til å gjette plassering" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:102 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:104 msgid "Whether Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location." msgstr "Om Empathy kan bruke GPS for å gjette plassering." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:103 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:105 msgid "Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy" msgstr "Empathy skal redusere nøyaktighet for plasseringenseri" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:104 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:106 msgid "" "Whether Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy for privacy reasons." msgstr "" "Om Empathy skal redusere nøyaktighet for plassering av personvernhensyn." -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:736 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:738 msgid "No reason was specified" msgstr "Ingen årsak oppgitt" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:739 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:741 msgid "The change in state was requested" msgstr "Tilstandsendring ble etterspurt" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:742 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:744 msgid "You canceled the file transfer" msgstr "Du avbrøt filoverføringen" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:745 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:747 msgid "The other participant canceled the file transfer" msgstr "Avsender avbrøt filoverføringen" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:748 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:750 msgid "Error while trying to transfer the file" msgstr "Feil under overføring av filen" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:751 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:753 msgid "The other participant is unable to transfer the file" msgstr "Avsender kan ikke overføre filen" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:754 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:313 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:756 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:313 msgid "Unknown reason" msgstr "Ukjent årsak" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:917 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:919 msgid "File transfer completed, but the file was corrupted" msgstr "Filoverføring fullført, men filen ble korrupt" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1203 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1205 msgid "File transfer not supported by remote contact" msgstr "Filoverføring støttes ikke av ekstern kontakt" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1259 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1261 msgid "The selected file is not a regular file" msgstr "Valgt fil er ikke en vanlig fil" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1268 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1270 msgid "The selected file is empty" msgstr "Valgt fil er tom" @@ -775,6 +789,20 @@ msgid "in the future" msgstr "i fremtiden" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:75 +msgid "Password not found" +msgstr "Passordet ble ikke funnet" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:218 +#, c-format +msgid "IM account password for %s (%s)" +msgstr "Passord for lynmeldingskonto for %s (%s)" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:253 +#, c-format +msgid "Password for chatroom '%s' on account %s (%s)" +msgstr "Passord for praterom «%s» på konto %s (%s)" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-chooser.c:692 msgid "All accounts" msgstr "Alle kontoer" @@ -789,12 +817,12 @@ msgstr "Passord" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:684 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:507 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:511 msgid "Server" msgstr "Tjener" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:685 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:522 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:529 msgid "Port" msgstr "Port" @@ -805,7 +833,7 @@ msgstr "%s:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1398 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:14 msgid "Username:" msgstr "Brukernavn:" @@ -898,7 +926,7 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-generic.ui.h:1 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:7 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:8 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:15 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:23 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:7 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:7 @@ -1010,10 +1038,31 @@ msgstr "Tegnsett:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:1 +msgid "Add…" +msgstr "Legg til …" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:3 +msgid "Remove" +msgstr "Fjern" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:6 +msgid "Up" +msgstr "Opp" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:7 +msgid "Down" +msgstr "Ned" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:8 msgid "Servers" msgstr "Tjenere" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:9 msgid "" "Most IRC servers don't need a password, so if you're not sure, don't enter a " "password." @@ -1021,27 +1070,27 @@ "De fleste IRC-tjenere krever ikke et passord, så ikke oppgi et passord hvis " "du ikke er sikker." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:6 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 msgid "Nickname:" msgstr "Kallenavn:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 msgid "Password:" msgstr "Passord:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:12 msgid "Quit message:" msgstr "Melding ved frakobling:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:9 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 msgid "Real name:" msgstr "Virkelig navn:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:12 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:16 msgid "Which IRC network?" msgstr "Hvilket IRC-nettverk?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:17 msgid "What is your IRC nickname?" msgstr "Hva er ditt kallenavn på IRC?" @@ -1321,40 +1370,40 @@ msgid "You don't have enough credit in order to place this call" msgstr "Du har ikke nok kreditt til å starte denne samtalen" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:728 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:729 msgid "Failed to open private chat" msgstr "Klarte ikke å åpne privat prat" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:786 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:787 msgid "Topic not supported on this conversation" msgstr "Emne er ikke støttet for denne samtalen" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:792 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:793 msgid "You are not allowed to change the topic" msgstr "Du har ikke lov til å bytte emne" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:991 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:992 #, c-format msgid "“%s” is not a valid contact ID" msgstr "«%s» er ikke en gyldig kontakt-ID" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1086 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1087 msgid "/clear: clear all messages from the current conversation" msgstr "/clear: tøm alle meldinger fra aktiv samtale" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1089 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1090 msgid "/topic : set the topic of the current conversation" msgstr "/topic : sett emne for aktiv samtale" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1092 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1093 msgid "/join : join a new chat room" msgstr "/join : bli med i et nytt praterom" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1095 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1096 msgid "/j : join a new chat room" msgstr "/j : bli med i et nytt praterom" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1099 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1100 msgid "" "/part [] []: leave the chat room, by default the " "current one" @@ -1362,23 +1411,23 @@ "/part [] [<årsak>]: forlat praterommet, forvalg er det aktive " "rommet" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1103 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1104 msgid "/query []: open a private chat" msgstr "/query []: åpne en privat samtale" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1106 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1107 msgid "/msg : open a private chat" msgstr "/msg : åpne en privat samtale" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1109 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1110 msgid "/nick : change your nickname on the current server" msgstr "/nick : bytt kallenavn på denne tjeneren" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1112 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1113 msgid "/me : send an ACTION message to the current conversation" msgstr "/me : send en HANDLINGS-melding til aktiv samtale" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1115 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1116 msgid "" "/say : send to the current conversation. This is used to " "send a message starting with a '/'. For example: \"/say /join is used to " @@ -1388,11 +1437,11 @@ "sende en melding som starter med tegnet «/». For eksempel: «/say /join " "brukes til å bli med i et nytt praterom»" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1120 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1121 msgid "/whois : display information about a contact" msgstr "/whois : vis informasjon om en kontakt" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1123 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1124 msgid "" "/help []: show all supported commands. If is defined, " "show its usage." @@ -1400,126 +1449,126 @@ "/help []: vis alle støttede kommandoer. Vis hjelp for " "hvis den er definert." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1142 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1143 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s" msgstr "Bruk: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1187 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1188 msgid "Unknown command" msgstr "Ukjent kommando" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1313 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1314 msgid "Unknown command; see /help for the available commands" msgstr "Ukjent kommando; se /help for tilgjengelige kommandoer" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1564 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1565 msgid "insufficient balance to send message" msgstr "ikke nok kreditt til å sende melding" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1568 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1582 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1645 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1569 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1583 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1646 #, c-format msgid "Error sending message '%s': %s" msgstr "Feil ved sending av melding «%s»: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1570 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1587 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1649 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1571 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1588 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1650 #, c-format msgid "Error sending message: %s" msgstr "Feil ved sending av melding: %s" #. translators: error used when user doesn't have enough credit on his #. * account to send the message. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1576 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1577 #, c-format msgid "insufficient balance to send message. Top up." msgstr "ikke nok kreditt til å sende melding. Fyll på." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1616 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1617 msgid "not capable" msgstr "ikke kapabel" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1623 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1624 msgid "offline" msgstr "frakoblet" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1626 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1627 msgid "invalid contact" msgstr "ugyldig kontakt" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1629 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1630 msgid "permission denied" msgstr "tilgang nektet" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1632 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1633 msgid "too long message" msgstr "meldingen er for lang" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1635 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1636 msgid "not implemented" msgstr "ikke implementert" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1639 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1640 msgid "unknown" msgstr "ukjent" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1706 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:920 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1707 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:920 msgid "Topic:" msgstr "Emne:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1721 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1722 #, c-format msgid "Topic set to: %s" msgstr "Emne satt til: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1723 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1724 #, c-format msgid "Topic set by %s to: %s" msgstr "Emne satt av %s til: %s" #. No need to display this 'event' is no topic can be defined anyway -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1728 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1729 msgid "No topic defined" msgstr "Emne ikke definert" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2244 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2245 msgid "(No Suggestions)" msgstr "(Ingen forslag)" #. translators: %s is the selected word -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2312 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2313 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to Dictionary" msgstr "Legg til «%s» i ordboken" #. translators: first %s is the selected word, #. * second %s is the language name of the target dictionary -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2349 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2350 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to %s Dictionary" msgstr "Legg til «%s» i ordbok for %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2419 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2420 msgid "Insert Smiley" msgstr "Sett inn smilefjes" #. send button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2437 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1867 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2438 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1880 msgid "_Send" msgstr "_Send" #. Spelling suggestions -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2494 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2495 msgid "_Spelling Suggestions" msgstr "_Staveforslag" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2583 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2584 msgid "Failed to retrieve recent logs" msgstr "Klarte ikke å hente siste logger" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2722 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2723 #, c-format msgid "%s has disconnected" msgstr "%s har koblet fra" @@ -1527,12 +1576,12 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the kicked should come before the kicker in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2729 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2730 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was kicked by %2$s" msgstr "%1$s ble sparket av %2$s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2732 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2733 #, c-format msgid "%s was kicked" msgstr "%s ble sparket" @@ -1540,17 +1589,17 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the banned should come before the banner in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2740 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2741 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was banned by %2$s" msgstr "%1$s ble bannlyst av %2$s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2743 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2744 #, c-format msgid "%s was banned" msgstr "%s ble bannlyst" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2747 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2748 #, c-format msgid "%s has left the room" msgstr "%s har forlatt rommet" @@ -1560,17 +1609,17 @@ #. * given by the user living the room. If this poses a problem, #. * please let us know. :-) #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2756 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2757 #, c-format msgid " (%s)" msgstr " (%s)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2781 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2782 #, c-format msgid "%s has joined the room" msgstr "%s har blitt med i rommet" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2806 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2807 #, c-format msgid "%s is now known as %s" msgstr "%s er nå kjent som %s" @@ -1578,80 +1627,80 @@ #. We don't know if the incoming call has been accepted or not, so we #. * assume it hasn't and if it has, we'll set the proper status when #. * we get the new handler. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2993 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1889 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2994 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1888 #: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1279 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1502 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1552 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2588 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1552 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2585 msgid "Disconnected" msgstr "Koblet fra" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3657 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3658 msgid "Would you like to store this password?" msgstr "Vil du lagre dette passordet?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3663 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3664 msgid "Remember" msgstr "Husk" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3673 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3674 msgid "Not now" msgstr "Ikke nå" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3717 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3718 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-bad-password-dialog.c:142 msgid "Retry" msgstr "Prøv igjen" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3721 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3722 msgid "Wrong password; please try again:" msgstr "Feil passord; vennligst prøv igjen:" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3851 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3852 msgid "This room is protected by a password:" msgstr "Dette rommet er beskyttet med et passord:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3878 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3879 msgid "Join" msgstr "Bli med" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4070 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1300 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4071 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1300 msgid "Connected" msgstr "Koblet til" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4125 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4126 msgid "Conversation" msgstr "Samtale" #. Translators: this string is a something like #. * "Escher Cat (SMS)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4130 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4131 #, c-format msgid "%s (SMS)" msgstr "%s (SMS)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:264 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:262 msgid "Unknown or invalid identifier" msgstr "Ukjent eller ugyldig identifikator" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:266 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:264 msgid "Contact blocking temporarily unavailable" msgstr "Blokkering av kontakter midlertidig utilgjengelig" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:268 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:266 msgid "Contact blocking unavailable" msgstr "Blokkering av kontakter er ikke tilgjengelig" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:270 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:268 msgid "Permission Denied" msgstr "Tilgang nektet" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:274 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:272 msgid "Could not block contact" msgstr "Kunne ikke blokkere kontakt" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:612 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:610 msgid "Edit Blocked Contacts" msgstr "Rediger blokkerte kontakter" @@ -1669,13 +1718,6 @@ msgid "Blocked Contacts" msgstr "Blokkerte kontakter" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Remove" -msgstr "Fjern" - #. Copy Link Address menu item #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:322 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-webkit-utils.c:277 @@ -2070,140 +2112,145 @@ msgid "Edit Contact Information" msgstr "Endre kontaktinformasjon" +#. Translators: the heading at the top of the Information dialogue +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-information-dialog.c:288 +msgid "Linked Contacts" +msgstr "Lenkede kontakter" + #. Translators: this is used in the context menu for a contact. The first #. * parameter is a contact ID (e.g. foo@jabber.org) and the second is one #. * of the user's account IDs (e.g. me@hotmail.com). -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:172 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:173 #, c-format msgid "%s (%s)" msgstr "%s (%s)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:344 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:345 msgid "Select account to use to place the call" msgstr "Velg en konto til bruk for samtalen" #. translators: Call is a noun. This string is used in the window #. * title -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:348 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:349 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:6 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1288 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1290 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:18 msgid "Call" msgstr "Ring" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:413 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:414 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Mobil" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:415 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:416 msgid "Work" msgstr "Arbeid" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:417 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:418 msgid "HOME" msgstr "Hjemme" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:658 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:659 msgid "_Block Contact" msgstr "_Blokker kontakt" #. add chat button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1017 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1018 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:319 #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:1 msgid "_Chat" msgstr "_Prat" #. add SMS button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1052 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1053 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:313 msgid "_SMS" msgstr "_SMS" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1085 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1086 msgctxt "menu item" msgid "_Audio Call" msgstr "_Lydsamtale" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1118 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1119 msgctxt "menu item" msgid "_Video Call" msgstr "_Videosamtale" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1159 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1160 #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:4 msgid "_Previous Conversations" msgstr "_Tidligere samtaler" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1188 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1189 msgid "Send File" msgstr "Send fil" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1218 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1219 msgid "Share My Desktop" msgstr "Del mitt skrivebord" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1244 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1245 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1357 msgid "Favorite" msgstr "Favoritt" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1263 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1264 msgid "gnome-contacts not installed" msgstr "gnome-contacts er ikke installert" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1266 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1267 msgid "Please install gnome-contacts to access contacts details." msgstr "Vennligst installer gnome-contacts for tilgang til kontaktdetaljer." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1380 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1398 msgid "Infor_mation" msgstr "Infor_masjon" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1429 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1447 msgctxt "Edit individual (contextual menu)" msgid "_Edit" msgstr "R_ediger" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1546 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1564 #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:1192 msgid "Inviting you to this room" msgstr "Inviterer deg til dette rommet" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1592 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1610 msgid "_Invite to Chat Room" msgstr "_Inviter til praterom" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1788 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1806 #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:5 msgid "_Add Contact…" msgstr "_Legg til kontakt …" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2306 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2304 msgid "Delete and _Block" msgstr "Slett og _blokker" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2341 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2339 #, c-format msgid "Do you really want to remove the group '%s'?" msgstr "Vil du virkelig fjerne gruppen «%s»?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2344 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2342 msgid "Removing group" msgstr "Fjerner gruppe" #. Remove -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2399 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2603 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2397 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2601 msgid "_Remove" msgstr "Fje_rn" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2476 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2474 #, c-format msgid "Do you really want to remove the contact '%s'?" msgstr "Vil du virkelig fjerne kontakten «%s»?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2485 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2483 #, c-format msgid "" "Do you really want to remove the linked contact '%s'? Note that this will " @@ -2212,7 +2259,7 @@ "Vil du virkelig fjerne lenket kontakt «%s»? Merk at dette vil fjerne alle " "kontaktene den lenkede kontakten består av." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2497 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2495 msgid "Removing contact" msgstr "Fjerner kontakt" @@ -2252,7 +2299,7 @@ msgid "new server" msgstr "ny tjener" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:535 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:539 msgid "SSL" msgstr "SSL" @@ -2717,19 +2764,19 @@ msgid "Certificate Details" msgstr "Sertifikatdetaljer" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1741 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1754 msgid "Unable to open URI" msgstr "Kan ikke åpne URI" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1859 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1872 msgid "Select a file" msgstr "Velg en fil" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1934 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1947 msgid "Insufficient free space to save file" msgstr "Ikke nok ledig plass til å lagre filen" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1942 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1955 #, c-format msgid "" "%s of free space are required to save this file, but only %s is available. " @@ -2738,7 +2785,7 @@ "%s ledig plass kreves for å lagre denne filen, men kun %s er tilgjengelig. " "Vennligst velg en annen lokasjon." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1986 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1999 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file from %s" msgstr "Innkommende fil fra %s" @@ -3006,7 +3053,7 @@ msgstr "Din nye konto er ikke lagret ennå." #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:370 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:757 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:759 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1289 msgid "Connecting…" msgstr "Kobler til …" @@ -3034,38 +3081,41 @@ "This account has been disabled because it relies on an old, unsupported " "backend. Please install telepathy-haze and restart your session to migrate " "the account." -msgstr "Denne kontoen har blitt deaktivert fordi den er avhengig av en gammel motor som ikke støttes. Vennligst installer telepathy-haze og start økten på nytt for å migrere kontoen." +msgstr "" +"Denne kontoen har blitt deaktivert fordi den er avhengig av en gammel motor " +"som ikke støttes. Vennligst installer telepathy-haze og start økten på nytt " +"for å migrere kontoen." #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:468 msgid "Offline — Account Disabled" msgstr "Frakoblet - Konto deaktivert" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:572 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:574 msgid "Edit Connection Parameters" msgstr "Rediger parametere for tilkobling" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:735 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:739 msgid "Failed to retrieve your personal information from the server." msgstr "Klarte ikke å hente din personlige informasjon fra tjeneren." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:741 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:745 msgid "Go online to edit your personal information." msgstr "Rediger din personlige informasjon på nettet." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:826 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:830 msgid "_Edit Connection Parameters..." msgstr "R_ediger parametere for tilkoblingen …" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1322 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1326 #, c-format msgid "Do you want to remove %s from your computer?" msgstr "Vil du fjerne %s fra din datamaskin?" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1326 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1330 msgid "This will not remove your account on the server." msgstr "Dette vil ikke fjerne din konto på tjeneren." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1562 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1566 msgid "" "You are about to select another account, which will discard\n" "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" @@ -3074,23 +3124,23 @@ "dine endringer. Er du sikker på at du vil fortsette?" #. Menu items: to enabled/disable the account -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1738 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1742 msgid "_Enable" msgstr "Slå _på" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1739 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1743 msgid "_Disable" msgstr "Slå _av" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2122 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2126 msgid "_Skip" msgstr "_Hopp over" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2126 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2130 msgid "_Connect" msgstr "_Koble til" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2303 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2307 msgid "" "You are about to close the window, which will discard\n" "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" @@ -3098,10 +3148,6 @@ "Du er i ferd med å lukke vinduet og dette vil forkaste\n" "dine endringer. Er du sikker på at du vil fortsette?" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:1 -msgid "Add…" -msgstr "Legg til …" - #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:3 msgid "_Import…" msgstr "_Importer …" @@ -3122,11 +3168,11 @@ msgid "No protocol backends installed" msgstr "Ingen protokollmotor installert" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:286 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:288 msgid " - Empathy authentication client" msgstr "- Empathy autentiseringsklient" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:302 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:304 msgid "Empathy authentication client" msgstr "Empathy autentiseringsklient" @@ -3134,100 +3180,100 @@ msgid "- Empathy Audio/Video Client" msgstr "- Empathy lyd-/bildeklient" -#: ../src/empathy-av.c:134 ../src/empathy-call.c:224 +#: ../src/empathy-av.c:134 ../src/empathy-call.c:223 msgid "Empathy Audio/Video Client" msgstr "Empathy lyd-/bildeklient" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:433 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:434 msgid "Contrast" msgstr "Kontrast" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:436 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:437 msgid "Brightness" msgstr "Lysstyrke" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:439 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:440 msgid "Gamma" msgstr "Gamma" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:545 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:547 msgid "Volume" msgstr "Volum" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1097 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1099 msgid "_Sidebar" msgstr "_Sidelinje" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1117 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1119 msgid "Audio input" msgstr "Lydinngang" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1121 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1123 msgid "Video input" msgstr "Videoinngang" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1129 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1131 msgid "Dialpad" msgstr "Nummertavle" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1140 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1142 msgid "Details" msgstr "Detaljer" #. translators: Call is a noun and %s is the contact name. This string #. * is used in the window title -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1209 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1211 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1889 #, c-format msgid "Call with %s" msgstr "Samtale med %s" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1442 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1444 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2133 msgid "The IP address as seen by the machine" msgstr "IP-adresse som sett av maskinen" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1444 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1446 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2135 msgid "The IP address as seen by a server on the Internet" msgstr "IP-adresse som sett av en tjener på internett" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1446 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1448 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2137 msgid "The IP address of the peer as seen by the other side" msgstr "IP-adresse for peer som sett av andre siden" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1448 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1450 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2139 msgid "The IP address of a relay server" msgstr "IP-adresse for en relay-tjener" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1450 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1452 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2141 msgid "The IP address of the multicast group" msgstr "IP-adresse for multicast-gruppe" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1838 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1841 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1844 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1847 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1837 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1840 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1843 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1846 msgctxt "codec" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Ukjent" #. Translators: number of minutes:seconds the caller has been connected -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2139 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2138 #, c-format msgid "Connected — %d:%02dm" msgstr "Koblet til - %d:%02dm" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2200 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2990 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2199 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2987 msgid "Technical Details" msgstr "Tekniske detaljer" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2238 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3029 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2237 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3026 #, c-format msgid "" "%s's software does not understand any of the audio formats supported by your " @@ -3236,8 +3282,8 @@ "Programvaren til %s forstår ikke noen av lydformatene som støttes av din " "datamaskin" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2243 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3034 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2242 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3031 #, c-format msgid "" "%s's software does not understand any of the video formats supported by your " @@ -3246,8 +3292,8 @@ "Programvaren til %s forstår ikke noen av videoformatene som støttes av din " "datamaskin" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2249 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3040 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2248 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3037 #, c-format msgid "" "Can't establish a connection to %s. One of you might be on a network that " @@ -3256,29 +3302,29 @@ "Kan ikke etablere tilkobling til %s. En av dere kan være på et nettverk som " "ikke tillater direkte tilkoblinger." -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2255 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3046 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2254 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3043 msgid "There was a failure on the network" msgstr "Det oppsto en feil på nettverket" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2259 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3050 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2258 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3047 msgid "" "The audio formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" msgstr "" "Lydformatene som kreves for denne samtalen er ikke installert på din " "datamaskin" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2262 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3053 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2261 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3050 msgid "" "The video formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" msgstr "" "Videoformatene som kreves for denne samtalen er ikke installert på din " "datamaskin" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2272 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3065 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2271 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3062 #, c-format msgid "" "Something unexpected happened in a Telepathy component. Please rapporter denne feilen og legg ved loggene som samles inn i " "«Feilsøking»-vinduet i Hjelp-menyen." -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2280 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3074 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2279 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3071 msgid "There was a failure in the call engine" msgstr "Det oppsto en feil i samtalemotoren" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2283 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3077 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2282 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3074 msgid "The end of the stream was reached" msgstr "Slutt på strømmen ble nådd" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2323 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3117 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2322 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3114 msgid "Can't establish audio stream" msgstr "Kan ikke etablere lydstrøm" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2333 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3127 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2332 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3124 msgid "Can't establish video stream" msgstr "Kan ikke etablere videostrøm" @@ -3418,8 +3464,8 @@ #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:28 #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:21 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2540 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2541 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2542 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2543 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2537 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2538 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2539 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2540 msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Ukjent" @@ -4381,100 +4427,102 @@ msgid "Contact Map View" msgstr "Kartvisning for kontakter" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1598 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1607 msgid "Save" msgstr "Lagre" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1658 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1667 msgid "Pastebin link" msgstr "Lenke til Pastebin" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1667 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1676 msgid "Pastebin response" msgstr "Svar fra Pastebin" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1671 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1680 #, c-format msgid "%s" msgstr "%s" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1674 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1683 msgid "Data too large for a single paste. Please save logs to file." -msgstr "Data for stor for en enkel klipp-og-lim operasjon. Vennligst lagre loggene til en fil." +msgstr "" +"Data for stor for en enkel klipp-og-lim operasjon. Vennligst lagre loggene " +"til en fil." -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1903 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1912 msgid "Debug Window" msgstr "Feilsøkingsvindu" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1961 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1970 msgid "Send to pastebin" msgstr "Send til Pastebin" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2000 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2009 msgid "Pause" msgstr "Pause" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2012 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2021 msgid "Level " msgstr "Nivå " -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2031 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2040 msgid "Debug" msgstr "Feilsøk" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2036 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2045 msgid "Info" msgstr "Info" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2041 ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2087 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2050 ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2096 msgid "Message" msgstr "Melding" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2046 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2055 msgid "Warning" msgstr "Advarsel" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2051 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2060 msgid "Critical" msgstr "Kritisk" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2056 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2065 msgid "Error" msgstr "Feil" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2075 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2084 msgid "Time" msgstr "Tid" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2078 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2087 msgid "Domain" msgstr "Domene" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2080 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2089 msgid "Category" msgstr "Kategori" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2082 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2091 msgid "Level" msgstr "Nivå" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2105 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2114 msgid "" "The selected connection manager does not support the remote debugging " "extension." msgstr "" "Valgt tilkoblingshåndterer støtter ikke utvidelse for ekstern feilsøking." -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:200 -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:228 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:202 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:230 msgid "Invite Participant" msgstr "Inviter deltaker" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:201 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:203 msgid "Choose a contact to invite into the conversation:" msgstr "Velg en kontakt å invitere til samtalen:" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:224 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:226 msgid "Invite" msgstr "Inviter" @@ -4565,38 +4613,38 @@ #. Translators: this is an "Info" label. It should be as short #. * as possible. -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1136 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1159 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1140 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1162 msgid "i" msgstr "i" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2886 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2883 msgid "On hold" msgstr "På vent" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2889 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2886 msgid "Mute" msgstr "Demp" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2891 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2888 msgid "Duration" msgstr "Varighet" #. Translators: 'status - minutes:seconds' the caller has been connected -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2894 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2891 #, c-format msgid "%s — %d:%02dm" msgstr "%s – %d:%02dm" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3164 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3161 #, c-format msgid "Your current balance is %s." msgstr "Din saldo er %s." -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3168 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3165 msgid "Sorry, you don’t have enough credit for that call." msgstr "Du har ikke nok kreditt til å starte denne samtalen." -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3170 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3167 msgid "Top Up" msgstr "Fyll opp" diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/po/nl.po empathy-3.3.92/po/nl.po --- empathy-3.3.91/po/nl.po 2012-02-17 14:00:26.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/po/nl.po 2012-03-19 09:12:31.000000000 +0000 @@ -24,489 +24,499 @@ msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: empathy\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?" -"product=empathy&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=General\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-01-02 15:24+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-01-02 16:50+0100\n" -"Last-Translator: Hannie Dumoleyn \n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-16 22:53+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-16 22:57+0100\n" +"Last-Translator: Wouter Bolsterlee \n" "Language-Team: Dutch \n" +"Language: nl\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Language: nl\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" "X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2010-09-28 11:24+0000\n" "X-Generator: Lokalize 1.2\n" #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:1 -msgid "Chat on Google Talk, Facebook, MSN and many other chat services" -msgstr "Chatten op Google Talk, Facebook, MSN en vele andere chatdiensten" - -#: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:2 msgid "Empathy" msgstr "Empathy" +#: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:2 +msgid "IM Client" +msgstr "Chatprogramma" + #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:3 msgid "Empathy Internet Messaging" msgstr "Empathy chatprogramma" #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:4 -msgid "IM Client" -msgstr "Chatprogramma" +msgid "Chat on Google Talk, Facebook, MSN and many other chat services" +msgstr "Chatten op Google Talk, Facebook, MSN en vele andere chatdiensten" + +#. Tweak the dialog +#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2512 +msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts" +msgstr "Messaging- en VoIP-accounts" + +#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:2 +msgid "Manage Messaging and VoIP accounts" +msgstr "Beheer Messaging- en VoIP-accounts" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:1 -msgid "Always open a separate chat window for new chats." -msgstr "Altijd een nieuw scherm openen voor nieuwe gesprekken." +msgid "Connection managers should be used" +msgstr "Er moeten verbindingsbeheerprogramma's gebruikt worden" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:2 -msgid "Camera device" -msgstr "Camera" +msgid "" +"Whether connectivity managers should be used to automatically disconnect/" +"reconnect." +msgstr "" +"Of verbindingsbeheerders gebruikt moeten worden om automatisch opnieuw " +"verbinding te maken of de verbinding te verbreken." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:3 -msgid "Camera position" -msgstr "Camerapositie" +msgid "Empathy should auto-connect on startup" +msgstr "Empathy automatisch laten verbinden bij starten" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:4 -msgid "" -"Character to add after nickname when using nick completion (tab) in group " -"chat." -msgstr "" -"Te gebruiken achtervoegsel bij auto-aanvullen (tab) van bijnaam in " -"groepschat." +msgid "Whether Empathy should automatically log into your accounts on startup." +msgstr "Of Empathy u automatisch moet aanmelden bij opstarten." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:5 -msgid "Chat window theme" -msgstr "Thema voor chatvensters" +msgid "Empathy should auto-away when idle" +msgstr "Empathy automatisch op 'afwezig' instellen bij inactiviteit" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:6 -msgid "Chat window theme variant" -msgstr "Themavariant voor chatvensters" - -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:7 msgid "" -"Comma-separated list of spell checker languages to use (e.g. \"en, fr, nl\")." +"Whether Empathy should go into away mode automatically if the user is idle." msgstr "" -"Door komma's gescheiden lijst van talen die door de spellingcontrole " -"gebruikt kunnen worden (bijv. ‘en, fr, nl’)." +"Of Empathy automatisch op 'afwezig' ingesteld moet worden wanneer de " +"gebruiker niets doet." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:7 +msgid "Empathy default download folder" +msgstr "Standaard downloadmap voor Empathy" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:8 -msgid "Compact contact list" -msgstr "Compacte contactenlijst" +msgid "The default folder to save file transfers in." +msgstr "De standaardmap waar ontvangen bestanden opgeslagen worden." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:9 -msgid "Connection managers should be used" -msgstr "Er moeten verbindingsbeheerprogramma's gebruikt worden" +msgid "Magic number used to check if sanity cleaning tasks should be run" +msgstr "Magisch getal om te bepalen of opruimacties uitgevoerd moeten" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:10 -msgid "Contact list sort criterion" -msgstr "Sorteercriterium contactenlijst" +msgid "" +"empathy-sanity-cleaning.c uses this number to check if the cleaning tasks " +"should be executed or not. Users should not change this key manually." +msgstr "" +"empathy-sanity-cleaning.c gebruikt dit getal om te bepalen of opruimacties uitgevoerd moeten worden. Het is niet de bedoeling dat de waarde door gebruikers aangepast wordt." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:11 -msgid "D-Bus object path of the last account selected to join a room." -msgstr "" -"D-Bus-objectpad van het laatste account dat werd geselecteerd om een " -"chatruimte binnen te gaan." +msgid "Show offline contacts" +msgstr "Offline-contacten tonen" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:12 -msgid "Default camera device to use in video calls, e.g. /dev/video0." +msgid "Whether to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." msgstr "" -"De camera die standaard gebruikt moet worden bij videogesprekken, bijv. /dev/" -"video0." +"Of contactpersonen die offline zijn in de contactenlijst moeten worden " +"getoond." -# avatar? :s (Wouter Bolsterlee) #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:13 -msgid "Default directory to select an avatar image from" -msgstr "Standaardmap voor het kiezen van gebruikersafbeeldingen" +msgid "Show avatars" +msgstr "Gebruikersafbeeldingen tonen" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:14 -msgid "Disable popup notifications when away" -msgstr "Notificatieberichten uitschakelen indien afwezig" +msgid "" +"Whether to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat windows." +msgstr "" +"Of gebruikersafbeeldingen van contactpersonen getoond moeten worden in de " +"contactenlijst en chatvensters." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:15 -msgid "Disable sounds when away" -msgstr "Geluid uitschakelen indien afwezig" +msgid "Show protocols" +msgstr "Protocollen tonen" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:16 -msgid "Display incoming events in the status area" -msgstr "Inkomende gebeurtenissen in het statusgebied weergeven" +msgid "Whether to show protocols for contacts in the contact list." +msgstr "" +"Of er protocollen moeten worden getoond voor contactpersonen in de " +"contactenlijst." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:17 -msgid "" -"Display incoming events in the status area. If false, present them to the " -"user immediately." -msgstr "" -"Toon inkomende gebeurtenissen in het mededelingengebied. Toon deze direct " -"aan de gebruiker als dit niet is ingesteld." +msgid "Show Balance in contact list" +msgstr "Saldo in contactenlijst tonen" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:18 -msgid "Echo cancellation support" -msgstr "Ondersteuning voor echo-onderdrukking" +msgid "Whether to show account balances in the contact list." +msgstr "Of saldi getoond moeten worden in de contactenlijst." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:19 -msgid "Empathy can publish the user's location" -msgstr "Empathy mag de locatie van de gebruiker bekend maken" +msgid "Compact contact list" +msgstr "Compacte contactenlijst" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:20 -msgid "Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location" -msgstr "Empathy mag GPS gebruiken om de locatie te bepalen" +msgid "Whether to show the contact list in compact mode." +msgstr "Of de contactenlijst in compacte modus moet worden getoond." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:21 -msgid "Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location" -msgstr "Empathy mag het mobiele netwerk gebruiken om de locatie te bepalen" +msgid "Hide main window" +msgstr "Hoofdvenster verbergen" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:22 -msgid "Empathy can use the network to guess the location" -msgstr "Empathy mag via het netwerk proberen om de locatie te bepalen" +msgid "Hide the main window." +msgstr "Het hoofdvenster verbergen." +# avatar? :s (Wouter Bolsterlee) #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:23 -msgid "Empathy default download folder" -msgstr "Standaard downloadmap voor Empathy" +msgid "Default directory to select an avatar image from" +msgstr "Standaardmap voor het kiezen van gebruikersafbeeldingen" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:24 -msgid "Empathy should auto-away when idle" -msgstr "Empathy automatisch op 'afwezig' instellen bij inactiviteit" +msgid "The last directory that an avatar image was chosen from." +msgstr "De laatst gebruikte map voor gebruikersafbeeldingen." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:25 -msgid "Empathy should auto-connect on startup" -msgstr "Empathy automatisch laten verbinden bij starten" +msgid "Open new chats in separate windows" +msgstr "Nieuwe chats in aparte vensters openen" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:26 -msgid "Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy" -msgstr "Empathy moet de nauwkeurigheid van de locatie beperken" +msgid "Always open a separate chat window for new chats." +msgstr "Altijd een nieuw scherm openen voor nieuwe gesprekken." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:27 -msgid "Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon" -msgstr "De gebruikersafbeelding gebruiken als pictogram van het chatvenster" +msgid "Display incoming events in the status area" +msgstr "Inkomende gebeurtenissen in het statusgebied weergeven" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:28 -msgid "Enable WebKit Developer Tools" -msgstr "WebKit-ontwikkelhulpprogramma's inschakelen" +msgid "" +"Display incoming events in the status area. If false, present them to the " +"user immediately." +msgstr "" +"Toon inkomende gebeurtenissen in het mededelingengebied. Toon deze direct " +"aan de gebruiker als dit niet is ingesteld." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:29 -msgid "Enable popup notifications for new messages" -msgstr "Notificatieberichten tonen voor nieuwe berichten" +msgid "The position for the chat window side pane" +msgstr "De positie van het chatvenster-zijpaneel" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:30 -msgid "Enable spell checker" -msgstr "Spellingcontrole inschakelen" +msgid "The stored position (in pixels) of the chat window side pane." +msgstr "De opgeslagen positie (in pixels) van het chatvenster-zijpaneel." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:31 -msgid "Hide main window" -msgstr "Hoofdvenster verbergen" +msgid "Show contact groups" +msgstr "Contactengroepen tonen" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:32 -msgid "Hide the main window." -msgstr "Het hoofdvenster verbergen." +msgid "Whether to show groups in the contact list." +msgstr "Of saldi groepen in de contactenlijst getoond moeten worden." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:33 -msgid "Last account selected in Join Room dialog" -msgstr "" -"Account dat het laatst geselecteerd werd in dialoog \"Chatruimte binnengaan\"" +msgid "Contact list sort criterion" +msgstr "Sorteercriterium contactenlijst" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:34 -msgid "Nick completed character" -msgstr "Achtervoegsel auto-afmaken" +msgid "" +"Which criterion to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to sort by " +"the contact's state with the value \"state\". A value of \"name\" will sort " +"the contact list by name." +msgstr "" +"Te gebruiken criterium bij sorteren van contactenlijst. Standaard wordt " +"gesorteerd op status van contact met de waarde ‘status’. De waarde ‘naam’ " +"zal de lijst sorteren op naam." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:35 -msgid "Open new chats in separate windows" -msgstr "Nieuwe chats in aparte vensters openen" +msgid "Use notification sounds" +msgstr "Waarschuwingsgeluiden gebruiken" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:36 -msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use" -msgstr "Pad van het te gebruiken Adium-thema" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of events." +msgstr "Of er geluid afgespeeld moet worden om gebeurtenissen te melden." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:37 -msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use if the theme used for chat is Adium." -msgstr "" -"Pad van het te gebruiken Adium-thema als het thema voor chatten Adium is." +msgid "Disable sounds when away" +msgstr "Geluid uitschakelen indien afwezig" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:38 -msgid "Play a sound for incoming messages" -msgstr "Geluid afspelen bij nieuwe berichten" +msgid "Whether to play sound notifications when away or busy." +msgstr "Of er geluid afgespeeld moet worden indien afwezig of bezig." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:39 -msgid "Play a sound for new conversations" -msgstr "Geluid afspelen bij nieuwe gesprekken" +msgid "Play a sound for incoming messages" +msgstr "Geluid afspelen bij nieuwe berichten" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:40 -msgid "Play a sound for outgoing messages" -msgstr "Geluid afspelen bij uitgaande berichten" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of incoming messages." +msgstr "Of er geluid afgespeeld moet worden bij binnenkomende berichten." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:41 -msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs in" -msgstr "Geluid afspelen wanneer contactpersonen zich aanmelden" +msgid "Play a sound for outgoing messages" +msgstr "Geluid afspelen bij uitgaande berichten" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:42 -msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs out" -msgstr "Geluid afspelen wanneer contactpersonen zich afmelden" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of outgoing messages." +msgstr "Of er geluid afgespeeld moet worden bij uitgaande berichten." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:43 -msgid "Play a sound when we log in" -msgstr "Geluid afspelen bij aanmelden" +msgid "Play a sound for new conversations" +msgstr "Geluid afspelen bij nieuwe gesprekken" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:44 -msgid "Play a sound when we log out" -msgstr "Geluid afspelen bij afmelden" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of new conversations." +msgstr "" +"Of er geluid afgespeeld moet worden om u op de hoogte te stellen van nieuwe " +"gesprekken." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:45 -msgid "Pop up notifications if the chat isn't focused" -msgstr "Notificatieberichten tonen als het chatvenster geen focus heeft" +msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs in" +msgstr "Geluid afspelen wanneer contactpersonen zich aanmelden" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:46 -msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs in" -msgstr "Notificatiebericht tonen wanneer een contact zich aanmeldt" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging into the network." +msgstr "Of er geluid afgespeeld moet worden als een contact zich aanmeldt." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:47 -msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs out" -msgstr "Notificatiebericht tonen wanneer een contact zich afmeldt" +msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs out" +msgstr "Geluid afspelen wanneer contactpersonen zich afmelden" -# Dit is een kromme Engelse zin. Ik probeer er iets van te maken. #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:48 -msgid "Position the camera preview should be during a call." -msgstr "Positie van het camerabeeld tijdens een gesprek." +msgid "" +"Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging out of the network." +msgstr "Of er geluid afgespeeld moet worden als een contact zich afmeldt." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:49 -msgid "Show Balance in contact list" -msgstr "Saldo in contactenlijst tonen" +msgid "Play a sound when we log in" +msgstr "Geluid afspelen bij aanmelden" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:50 -msgid "Show avatars" -msgstr "Gebruikersafbeeldingen tonen" +msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging into a network." +msgstr "Of er geluid afgespeeld moet worden bij aanmelden bij een netwerk." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:51 -msgid "Show contact list in rooms" -msgstr "Contactenlijst in chatruimtes tonen" +msgid "Play a sound when we log out" +msgstr "Geluid afspelen bij afmelden" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:52 -msgid "Show hint about closing the main window" -msgstr "Tip tonen bij het sluiten van het hoofdvenster" +msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging out of a network." +msgstr "Of er geluid afgespeeld moet worden bij afmelden bij een netwerk." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:53 -msgid "Show offline contacts" -msgstr "Offline-contacten tonen" +msgid "Enable popup notifications for new messages" +msgstr "Notificatieberichten tonen voor nieuwe berichten" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:54 -msgid "Show protocols" -msgstr "Protocollen tonen" +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message." +msgstr "" +"Of er een notificatiebericht getoond moet worden bij het ontvangen van een " +"bericht." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:55 -msgid "Spell checking languages" -msgstr "Talen voor de spellingcontrole" +msgid "Disable popup notifications when away" +msgstr "Notificatieberichten uitschakelen indien afwezig" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:56 -msgid "The default folder to save file transfers in." -msgstr "De standaardmap waar ontvangen bestanden opgeslagen worden." +msgid "Whether to show popup notifications when away or busy." +msgstr "" +"Of er een notificatiebericht getoond moet worden indien afwezig of bezig." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:57 -msgid "The last directory that an avatar image was chosen from." -msgstr "De laatst gebruikte map voor gebruikersafbeeldingen." +msgid "Pop up notifications if the chat isn't focused" +msgstr "Notificatieberichten tonen als het chatvenster geen focus heeft" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:58 -msgid "The position for the chat window side pane" -msgstr "De positie van het chatvenster-zijpaneel" +msgid "" +"Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message even if " +"the chat is already opened, but not focused." +msgstr "" +"Of er een notificatiebericht getoond moet worden bij het ontvangen van een " +"bericht, ook als de chat geopend is, maar geen focus heeft." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:59 -msgid "The stored position (in pixels) of the chat window side pane." -msgstr "De opgeslagen positie (in pixels) van het chatvenster-zijpaneel." +msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs in" +msgstr "Notificatiebericht tonen wanneer een contact zich aanmeldt" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:60 -msgid "The theme that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." -msgstr "Het thema dat gebruikt wordt voor het tonen van chats in chatvensters." +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes online." +msgstr "" +"Of er een notificatiebericht getoond moet worden wanneer een contact zich " +"aanmeldt." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:61 -msgid "" -"The theme variant that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." -msgstr "" -"De themavariant die gebruikt wordt voor het tonen van chats in chatvensters." +msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs out" +msgstr "Notificatiebericht tonen wanneer een contact zich afmeldt" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:62 -msgid "Use graphical smileys" -msgstr "Smileys grafisch tonen" +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes offline." +msgstr "" +"Of er een notificatiebericht getoond moet worden wanneer een contact zich " +"afmeldt." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:63 -msgid "Use notification sounds" -msgstr "Waarschuwingsgeluiden gebruiken" +msgid "Use graphical smileys" +msgstr "Smileys grafisch tonen" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:64 -msgid "Use theme for chat rooms" -msgstr "Thema voor chatruimtes gebruiken" +msgid "Whether to convert smileys into graphical images in conversations." +msgstr "Of smileys in gesprekken grafisch moeten worden getoond." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:65 -msgid "Whether Empathy can publish the user's location to their contacts." -msgstr "" -"Of Empathy de locatie van de gebruiker aan de contacten mag bekend maken." +msgid "Show contact list in rooms" +msgstr "Contactenlijst in chatruimtes tonen" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:66 -msgid "Whether Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location." -msgstr "Of Empathy gps mag gebruiken om de locatie te bepalen." +msgid "Whether to show the contact list in chat rooms." +msgstr "Of de contactenlijst in chatruimtes getoond moet worden." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:67 -msgid "Whether Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location." -msgstr "Of Empathy het mobiele netwerk mag gebruiken om de locatie te bepalen." +msgid "Chat window theme" +msgstr "Thema voor chatvensters" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:68 -msgid "Whether Empathy can use the network to guess the location." -msgstr "Of Empathy het netwerk mag gebruiken om de locatie te bepalen." +msgid "The theme that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." +msgstr "Het thema dat gebruikt wordt voor het tonen van chats in chatvensters." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:69 -msgid "Whether Empathy should automatically log into your accounts on startup." -msgstr "Of Empathy u automatisch moet aanmelden bij opstarten." +msgid "Chat window theme variant" +msgstr "Themavariant voor chatvensters" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:70 msgid "" -"Whether Empathy should go into away mode automatically if the user is idle." +"The theme variant that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." msgstr "" -"Of Empathy automatisch op 'afwezig' ingesteld moet worden wanneer de " -"gebruiker niets doet." +"De themavariant die gebruikt wordt voor het tonen van chats in chatvensters." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:71 -msgid "" -"Whether Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy for privacy reasons." -msgstr "" -"Of Empathy de nauwkeurigheid van de locatie moet beperken vanwege de privacy." +msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use" +msgstr "Pad van het te gebruiken Adium-thema" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:72 -msgid "" -"Whether Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon." +msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use if the theme used for chat is Adium." msgstr "" -"Of Empathy gebruikersafbeeldingen moet gebruiken als pictogram voor de " -"chatvensters." +"Pad van het te gebruiken Adium-thema als het thema voor chatten Adium is." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:73 +msgid "Enable WebKit Developer Tools" +msgstr "WebKit-ontwikkelhulpprogramma's inschakelen" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:74 msgid "" "Whether WebKit developer tools, such as the Web Inspector, should be enabled." msgstr "" "Of WebKit-ontwikkelhulpprogramma's, zoals de Web Inspector, ingeschakeld " "moeten worden." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:74 -msgid "" -"Whether connectivity managers should be used to automatically disconnect/" -"reconnect." -msgstr "" -"Of verbindingsbeheerders gebruikt moeten worden om automatisch opnieuw " -"verbinding te maken of de verbinding te verbreken." - -# Bah, wat een lelijke vertaling (Wouter Bolsterlee) #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:75 -msgid "" -"Whether to check words typed against the languages you want to check with." -msgstr "" -"Of ingetypte woorden gecontroleerd moeten worden met de talen die u op " -"spelling wilt controleren." +msgid "Inform other users when you are typing to them" +msgstr "Andere gebruikers informeren wanneer u naar hen typt" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:76 -msgid "Whether to convert smileys into graphical images in conversations." -msgstr "Of smileys in gesprekken grafisch moeten worden getoond." +msgid "" +"Whether to send the 'composing' or 'paused' chat states. Does not currently " +"affect the 'gone' state." +msgstr "" +"Of de chatstatus ‘samenstellen’ of ‘gepauseerd’ verstuurd moet worden. Heeft " +"momenteel geen invloed op de status ‘afwezig’." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:77 -msgid "Whether to enable Pulseaudio's echo cancellation filter." -msgstr "" -"Bepaalt of het echo-onderdrukkingsfilter van Pulseaudio moet worden " -"ingeschakeld." +msgid "Use theme for chat rooms" +msgstr "Thema voor chatruimtes gebruiken" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:78 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging into the network." -msgstr "Of er geluid afgespeeld moet worden als een contact zich aanmeldt." +msgid "Whether to use the theme for chat rooms." +msgstr "Of een thema gebruikt moet worden voor chatruimtes." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:79 -msgid "" -"Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging out of the network." -msgstr "Of er geluid afgespeeld moet worden als een contact zich afmeldt." +msgid "Spell checking languages" +msgstr "Talen voor de spellingcontrole" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:80 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of events." -msgstr "Of er geluid afgespeeld moet worden om gebeurtenissen te melden." +msgid "" +"Comma-separated list of spell checker languages to use (e.g. \"en, fr, nl\")." +msgstr "" +"Door komma's gescheiden lijst van talen die door de spellingcontrole " +"gebruikt kunnen worden (bijv. ‘en, fr, nl’)." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:81 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of incoming messages." -msgstr "Of er geluid afgespeeld moet worden bij binnenkomende berichten." +msgid "Enable spell checker" +msgstr "Spellingcontrole inschakelen" +# Bah, wat een lelijke vertaling (Wouter Bolsterlee) +# Nieuwe poging. Nog niet mooi. Suggesties? (Hannie) #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:82 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of new conversations." -msgstr "" -"Of er geluid afgespeeld moet worden om u op de hoogte te stellen van nieuwe " -"gesprekken." +msgid "" +"Whether to check words typed against the languages you want to check with." +msgstr "Getypte tekst op spelling controleren in de gewenste taal." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:83 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of outgoing messages." -msgstr "Of er geluid afgespeeld moet worden bij uitgaande berichten." +msgid "Nick completed character" +msgstr "Achtervoegsel auto-afmaken" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:84 -msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging into a network." -msgstr "Of er geluid afgespeeld moet worden bij aanmelden bij een netwerk." +msgid "" +"Character to add after nickname when using nick completion (tab) in group " +"chat." +msgstr "" +"Te gebruiken achtervoegsel bij auto-aanvullen (tab) van bijnaam in " +"groepschat." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:85 -msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging out of a network." -msgstr "Of er geluid afgespeeld moet worden bij afmelden bij een netwerk." +msgid "Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon" +msgstr "De gebruikersafbeelding gebruiken als pictogram van het chatvenster" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:86 -msgid "Whether to play sound notifications when away or busy." -msgstr "Of er geluid afgespeeld moet worden indien afwezig of bezig." +msgid "" +"Whether Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon." +msgstr "" +"Of Empathy gebruikersafbeeldingen moet gebruiken als pictogram voor de " +"chatvensters." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:87 -msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes offline." +msgid "Last account selected in Join Room dialog" msgstr "" -"Of er een notificatiebericht getoond moet worden wanneer een contact zich " -"afmeldt." +"Account dat het laatst geselecteerd werd in dialoog \"Chatruimte binnengaan\"" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:88 -msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes online." +msgid "D-Bus object path of the last account selected to join a room." msgstr "" -"Of er een notificatiebericht getoond moet worden wanneer een contact zich " -"aanmeldt." +"D-Bus-objectpad van het laatste account dat werd geselecteerd om een " +"chatruimte binnen te gaan." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:89 -msgid "" -"Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message even if " -"the chat is already opened, but not focused." -msgstr "" -"Of er een notificatiebericht getoond moet worden bij het ontvangen van een " -"bericht, ook als de chat geopend is, maar geen focus heeft." +msgid "Camera device" +msgstr "Camera" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:90 -msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message." +msgid "Default camera device to use in video calls, e.g. /dev/video0." msgstr "" -"Of er een notificatiebericht getoond moet worden bij het ontvangen van een " -"bericht." +"De camera die standaard gebruikt moet worden bij videogesprekken, bijv. /dev/" +"video0." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:91 -msgid "Whether to show account balances in the contact list." -msgstr "Of saldi getoond moeten worden in de contactenlijst." +msgid "Camera position" +msgstr "Camerapositie" +# Dit is een kromme Engelse zin. Ik probeer er iets van te maken. #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:92 -msgid "" -"Whether to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat windows." -msgstr "" -"Of gebruikersafbeeldingen van contactpersonen getoond moeten worden in de " -"contactenlijst en chatvensters." +msgid "Position the camera preview should be during a call." +msgstr "Positie van het camerabeeld tijdens een gesprek." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:93 -msgid "Whether to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." -msgstr "" -"Of contactpersonen die offline zijn in de contactenlijst moeten worden " -"getoond." +msgid "Echo cancellation support" +msgstr "Ondersteuning voor echo-onderdrukking" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:94 -msgid "Whether to show popup notifications when away or busy." +msgid "Whether to enable Pulseaudio's echo cancellation filter." msgstr "" -"Of er een notificatiebericht getoond moet worden indien afwezig of bezig." +"Bepaalt of het echo-onderdrukkingsfilter van Pulseaudio moet worden " +"ingeschakeld." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:95 -msgid "Whether to show protocols for contacts in the contact list." -msgstr "" -"Of er protocollen moeten worden getoond voor contactpersonen in de " -"contactenlijst." +msgid "Show hint about closing the main window" +msgstr "Tip tonen bij het sluiten van het hoofdvenster" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:96 -msgid "Whether to show the contact list in chat rooms." -msgstr "Of de contactenlijst in chatruimtes getoond moet worden." - -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:97 -msgid "Whether to show the contact list in compact mode." -msgstr "Of de contactenlijst in compacte modus moet worden getoond." - -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:98 msgid "" "Whether to show the message dialog about closing the main window with the " "'x' button in the title bar." @@ -514,75 +524,94 @@ "Of het dialoogvenster over het sluiten van het hoofdvenster met de knop ‘x’ " "in de titelbalk getoond moet worden." +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:97 +msgid "Empathy can publish the user's location" +msgstr "Empathy mag de locatie van de gebruiker bekend maken" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:98 +msgid "Whether Empathy can publish the user's location to their contacts." +msgstr "" +"Of Empathy de locatie van de gebruiker aan de contacten mag bekend maken." + #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:99 -msgid "Whether to use the theme for chat rooms." -msgstr "Of een thema gebruikt moet worden voor chatruimtes." +msgid "Empathy can use the network to guess the location" +msgstr "Empathy mag via het netwerk proberen om de locatie te bepalen" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:100 -msgid "" -"Which criterion to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to sort by " -"the contact's name with the value \"name\". A value of \"state\" will sort " -"the contact list by state." -msgstr "" -"Te gebruiken criterium bij sorteren van contactenlijst. Standaard wordt " -"gesorteerd op naam met de waarde ‘naam’. De waarde ‘status’ zal de lijst " -"sorteren op status." +msgid "Whether Empathy can use the network to guess the location." +msgstr "Of Empathy het netwerk mag gebruiken om de locatie te bepalen." -#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:1 -msgid "Manage Messaging and VoIP accounts" -msgstr "Beheer Messaging- en VoIP-accounts" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:101 +msgid "Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location" +msgstr "Empathy mag het mobiele netwerk gebruiken om de locatie te bepalen" -#. Tweak the dialog -#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:2 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2406 -msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts" -msgstr "Messaging- en VoIP-accounts" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:102 +msgid "Whether Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location." +msgstr "Of Empathy het mobiele netwerk mag gebruiken om de locatie te bepalen." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:103 +msgid "Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location" +msgstr "Empathy mag GPS gebruiken om de locatie te bepalen" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:104 +msgid "Whether Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location." +msgstr "Of Empathy gps mag gebruiken om de locatie te bepalen." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:105 +msgid "Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy" +msgstr "Empathy moet de nauwkeurigheid van de locatie beperken" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:106 +msgid "" +"Whether Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy for privacy reasons." +msgstr "" +"Of Empathy de nauwkeurigheid van de locatie moet beperken vanwege de privacy." -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:736 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:738 msgid "No reason was specified" msgstr "Geen reden opgegeven" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:739 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:741 msgid "The change in state was requested" msgstr "Een statuswijziging was aangevraagd" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:742 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:744 msgid "You canceled the file transfer" msgstr "U heeft de bestandsoverdracht geannuleerd" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:745 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:747 msgid "The other participant canceled the file transfer" msgstr "De andere deelnemer heeft de bestandsoverdracht geannuleerd" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:748 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:750 msgid "Error while trying to transfer the file" msgstr "Fout bij versturen van bestand" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:751 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:753 msgid "The other participant is unable to transfer the file" msgstr "De andere deelnemer kan het bestand niet versturen" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:754 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:311 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:756 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:313 msgid "Unknown reason" msgstr "Reden onbekend" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:917 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:919 msgid "File transfer completed, but the file was corrupted" msgstr "Bestandsoverdracht voltooid, maar het bestand was beschadigd" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1203 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1205 msgid "File transfer not supported by remote contact" msgstr "Bestandsoverdracht wordt niet ondersteund door extern contact" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1259 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1261 msgid "The selected file is not a regular file" msgstr "Het geselecteerde bestand is geen normaal bestand" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1268 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1270 msgid "The selected file is empty" msgstr "Het geselecteerde bestand is leeg" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-message.c:415 ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:131 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-message.c:415 ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:129 #, c-format msgid "Missed call from %s" msgstr "Gemiste oproep van %s" @@ -598,138 +627,138 @@ msgid "Call from %s" msgstr "Oproep van %s" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:231 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:233 msgid "Available" msgstr "Beschikbaar" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:233 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:235 msgid "Busy" msgstr "Bezet" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:236 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:238 msgid "Away" msgstr "Afwezig" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:238 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:240 msgid "Invisible" msgstr "Onzichtbaar" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:240 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:242 msgid "Offline" msgstr "Offline" #. translators: presence type is unknown -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:243 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:245 msgctxt "presence" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Onbekend" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:283 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:285 msgid "No reason specified" msgstr "Geen reden opgegeven" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:285 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:341 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:287 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:343 msgid "Status is set to offline" msgstr "Status is ingesteld op offline" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:287 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:321 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:49 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:289 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:323 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:47 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:81 msgid "Network error" msgstr "Netwerkprobleem" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:289 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:323 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:291 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:325 msgid "Authentication failed" msgstr "Authenticatie is mislukt" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:291 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:325 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:293 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:327 msgid "Encryption error" msgstr "Versleutelingsfout" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:293 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:295 msgid "Name in use" msgstr "Naam in gebruik" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:295 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:327 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:297 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:329 msgid "Certificate not provided" msgstr "Geen certificaat gegeven" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:297 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:329 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:299 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:331 msgid "Certificate untrusted" msgstr "Onbetrouwbaar certificaat" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:299 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:331 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:301 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:333 msgid "Certificate expired" msgstr "Verlopen certificaat" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:301 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:333 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:303 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:335 msgid "Certificate not activated" msgstr "Certificaat nog niet geldig" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:303 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:335 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:305 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:337 msgid "Certificate hostname mismatch" msgstr "Certificaat is niet voor deze server" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:305 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:337 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:307 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:339 msgid "Certificate fingerprint mismatch" msgstr "Vingerafdruk van certificaat klopt niet" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:307 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:339 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:309 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:341 msgid "Certificate self-signed" msgstr "Zelfondertekend certificaat" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:309 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:311 msgid "Certificate error" msgstr "Certificaatfout" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:343 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:345 msgid "Encryption is not available" msgstr "Encryptie is niet beschikbaar" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:345 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:347 msgid "Certificate is invalid" msgstr "Certificaat is ongeldig" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:347 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:349 msgid "Connection has been refused" msgstr "Verbinding geweigerd" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:349 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:351 msgid "Connection can't be established" msgstr "Er kan geen verbinding gemaakt worden" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:351 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:353 msgid "Connection has been lost" msgstr "Verbinding verbroken" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:353 -msgid "This resource is already connected to the server" -msgstr "Er is al een verbinding met de server" - #: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:355 +msgid "This account is already connected to the server" +msgstr "Dit account is al verbonden met de server" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:357 msgid "" "Connection has been replaced by a new connection using the same resource" msgstr "" "Verbinding is vervangen door een nieuwe verbinding met dezelfde gegevens" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:358 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:360 msgid "The account already exists on the server" msgstr "Dit account bestaat al op de server" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:360 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:362 msgid "Server is currently too busy to handle the connection" msgstr "De server is te druk om de verbinding af te handelen" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:362 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:364 msgid "Certificate has been revoked" msgstr "Certificaat is ingetrokken" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:364 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:366 msgid "" "Certificate uses an insecure cipher algorithm or is cryptographically weak" msgstr "Het certificaat gebuikt een zwak algoritme, of is slecht beveiligd" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:367 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:369 msgid "" "The length of the server certificate, or the depth of the server certificate " "chain, exceed the limits imposed by the cryptography library" @@ -737,78 +766,96 @@ "De lengte van het server-certificaat of de diepte van de certificaat-chain " "overschrijdt de grenzen, opgelegd door de cryptografische bibliotheek" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:371 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:373 msgid "Your software is too old" -msgstr "Uw software is te oud" +msgstr "Uw software is verouderd" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:375 +msgid "Internal error" +msgstr "Interne fout" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:530 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:534 msgid "People Nearby" msgstr "Mensen in uw omgeving" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:535 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:539 msgid "Yahoo! Japan" msgstr "Yahoo! Japan" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:564 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:568 msgid "Google Talk" msgstr "Google Talk" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:565 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:569 msgid "Facebook Chat" msgstr "Facebook-chat" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:88 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:90 #, c-format msgid "%d second ago" msgid_plural "%d seconds ago" msgstr[0] "%d seconde geleden" msgstr[1] "%d seconden geleden" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:93 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:96 #, c-format msgid "%d minute ago" msgid_plural "%d minutes ago" msgstr[0] "%d minuut geleden" msgstr[1] "%d minuten geleden" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:98 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:102 #, c-format msgid "%d hour ago" msgid_plural "%d hours ago" msgstr[0] "%d uur geleden" msgstr[1] "%d uur geleden" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:103 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:108 #, c-format msgid "%d day ago" msgid_plural "%d days ago" msgstr[0] "%d dag geleden" msgstr[1] "%d dagen geleden" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:108 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:114 #, c-format msgid "%d week ago" msgid_plural "%d weeks ago" msgstr[0] "%d week geleden" msgstr[1] "%d weken geleden" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:113 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:120 #, c-format msgid "%d month ago" msgid_plural "%d months ago" msgstr[0] "%d maand geleden" msgstr[1] "%d maanden geleden" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:136 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:142 msgid "in the future" msgstr "in de toekomst" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-chooser.c:688 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:75 +msgid "Password not found" +msgstr "Wachtwoord niet gevonden" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:218 +#, c-format +msgid "IM account password for %s (%s)" +msgstr "Wachtwoord voor IM-account %s (%s)" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:253 +#, c-format +msgid "Password for chatroom '%s' on account %s (%s)" +msgstr "Wachtwoord voor chatruimte ‘%s’ op account %s (%s)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-chooser.c:692 msgid "All accounts" msgstr "Alle Accounts" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:682 -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:335 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:336 msgid "Account" msgstr "Account" @@ -817,39 +864,39 @@ msgstr "Wachtwoord" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:684 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:507 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:511 msgid "Server" msgstr "Server" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:685 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:522 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:529 msgid "Port" msgstr "Poort" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:763 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:815 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:765 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:817 #, c-format msgid "%s:" msgstr "%s:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1396 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1398 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:14 msgid "Username:" msgstr "Gebruikersnaam:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1708 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1710 msgid "A_pply" msgstr "Toe_passen" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1737 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1739 msgid "L_og in" msgstr "_Aanmelden" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1810 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1812 msgid "This account already exists on the server" msgstr "Deze account bestaat al op de server" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1814 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1816 msgid "Create a new account on the server" msgstr "Nieuwe account aanmaken op de server" @@ -858,137 +905,137 @@ #. * like: "MyUserName on freenode". #. * You should reverse the order of these arguments if the #. * server should come before the login id in your locale. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2239 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2241 #, c-format msgid "%1$s on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s op %2$s" #. To translators: The parameter is the protocol name. The resulting #. * string will be something like: "Jabber Account" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2265 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2267 #, c-format msgid "%s Account" msgstr "%s account" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2269 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2271 msgid "New account" msgstr "Nieuwe account" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:1 -msgid "Example: MyScreenName" -msgstr "Voorbeeld: Mijn_schermnaam" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:14 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:1 +msgid "Pass_word:" +msgstr "_Wachtwoord:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-generic.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:2 -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "Geavanceerd" +msgid "Screen _Name:" +msgstr "Scherm_naam:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:3 +msgid "Example: MyScreenName" +msgstr "Voorbeeld: Mijn_schermnaam" + +#. remember password ticky box +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:4 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:4 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:5 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:12 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:4 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:13 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:5 -msgid "Pass_word:" -msgstr "_Wachtwoord:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-base-password-dialog.c:261 +msgid "Remember password" +msgstr "Wachtwoord onthouden" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:5 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:5 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:10 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:20 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:5 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:16 -msgid "Remember Password" -msgstr "Wachtwoord onthouden" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Port:" +msgstr "_Poort:" -#. remember password ticky box -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:6 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:6 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:7 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:21 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:17 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-base-password-dialog.c:261 -msgid "Remember password" -msgstr "Wachtwoord onthouden" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:6 -msgid "Screen _Name:" -msgstr "Scherm_naam:" +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Server:" +msgstr "_Server:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:7 -msgid "What is your AIM password?" -msgstr "Wat is uw AIM-wachtwoord?" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-generic.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:15 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:23 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:21 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:9 +msgid "Advanced" +msgstr "Geavanceerd" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your AIM screen name?" msgstr "Wat is uw AIM-schermnaam?" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:10 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:26 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:10 -msgid "_Port:" -msgstr "_Poort:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:10 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:10 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:11 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:27 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:10 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:9 -msgid "_Server:" -msgstr "_Server:" +msgid "What is your AIM password?" +msgstr "Wat is uw AIM-wachtwoord?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:1 -msgid "Example: username" -msgstr "Voorbeeld: gebruikersnaam" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:10 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:10 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:10 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:24 +msgid "Remember Password" +msgstr "Wachtwoord onthouden" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:2 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:13 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:2 msgid "Login I_D:" msgstr "_Gebruikersnaam:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:3 +msgid "Example: username" +msgstr "Voorbeeld: gebruikersnaam" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your GroupWise User ID?" msgstr "Wat is uw GroupWise-gebruikersnaam?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your GroupWise password?" msgstr "Wat is uw GroupWise-wachtwoord?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:2 +msgid "ICQ _UIN:" +msgstr "ICQ _UIN:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:3 msgid "Example: 123456789" msgstr "Voorbeeld: 123456789" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:7 msgid "Ch_aracter set:" msgstr "_Tekenset:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:4 -msgid "ICQ _UIN:" -msgstr "ICQ _UIN:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your ICQ UIN?" msgstr "Wat is uw ICQ-identificatienummer?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:9 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:10 msgid "What is your ICQ password?" msgstr "Wat is uw ICQ-wachtwoord?" @@ -1025,11 +1072,44 @@ msgid "None" msgstr "Geen" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:1 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Netwerk" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:2 +msgid "Network:" +msgstr "Netwerk:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:3 msgid "Character set:" msgstr "Tekenset:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:1 +msgid "Add…" +msgstr "Toevoegen…" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:3 +msgid "Remove" +msgstr "Verwijderen" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:6 +msgid "Up" +msgstr "Omhoog" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:7 +msgid "Down" +msgstr "Omlaag" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:8 +msgid "Servers" +msgstr "Servers" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:9 msgid "" "Most IRC servers don't need a password, so if you're not sure, don't enter a " "password." @@ -1037,72 +1117,36 @@ "De meeste IRC-servers hebben geen wachtwoord nodig, dus voer geen wachtwoord " "in als u niet zeker bent." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:4 -msgid "Network" -msgstr "Netwerk" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 -msgid "Network:" -msgstr "Netwerk:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:6 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 msgid "Nickname:" msgstr "Bijnaam:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 msgid "Password:" msgstr "Wachtwoord:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:12 msgid "Quit message:" msgstr "Bericht bij afsluiten:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:9 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 msgid "Real name:" msgstr "Echte naam:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 -msgid "Servers" -msgstr "Servers" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:16 +msgid "Which IRC network?" +msgstr "Welk IRC-netwerk?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:12 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:17 msgid "What is your IRC nickname?" msgstr "Wat is uw IRC-bijnaam?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 -msgid "Which IRC network?" -msgstr "Welk IRC-netwerk?" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:1 -msgid "Example: user@gmail.com" -msgstr "Voorbeeld: gebruiker@gmail.com" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:2 -msgid "Example: user@jabber.org" -msgstr "Voorbeeld: gebruiker@jabber.org" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:4 -msgid "Encr_yption required (TLS/SSL)" -msgstr "Encr_yptie vereist (TLS/SSL)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:5 -msgid "I_gnore SSL certificate errors" -msgstr "Ne_geer SSL-certificaat-foutmeldingen" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:7 -msgid "Override server settings" -msgstr "Serverinstellingen overschrijven" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:9 -msgid "Priori_ty:" -msgstr "Priori_teit:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:12 -msgid "Reso_urce:" -msgstr "_Bron:" +msgid "What is your Facebook username?" +msgstr "Wat is uw Facebook-gebruikersnaam?" #. This string is not wrapped in the dialog so you may have to add some '\n' to make it look nice. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:14 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:3 msgid "" "This is your username, not your normal Facebook login.\n" "If you are facebook.com/badger, enter badger.\n" @@ -1114,180 +1158,204 @@ "Gebruik deze pagina om een " "Facebook-gebruikersnaam te kiezen als u deze nog niet heeft." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:17 -msgid "Use old SS_L" -msgstr "Oude SS_L gebruiken" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:18 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:6 msgid "What is your Facebook password?" msgstr "Wat is uw Facebook-wachtwoord?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:19 -msgid "What is your Facebook username?" -msgstr "Wat is uw Facebook-gebruikersnaam?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:20 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your Google ID?" msgstr "Wat is uw Google-ID?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:21 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:9 +msgid "Example: user@gmail.com" +msgstr "Voorbeeld: gebruiker@gmail.com" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:10 msgid "What is your Google password?" msgstr "Wat is uw Google-wachtwoord?" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:11 +msgid "Example: user@jabber.org" +msgstr "Voorbeeld: gebruiker@jabber.org" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:15 +msgid "I_gnore SSL certificate errors" +msgstr "Ne_geer SSL-certificaat-foutmeldingen" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:16 +msgid "Priori_ty:" +msgstr "Priori_teit:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:17 +msgid "Reso_urce:" +msgstr "_Bron:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:18 +msgid "Encr_yption required (TLS/SSL)" +msgstr "Encr_yptie vereist (TLS/SSL)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:19 +msgid "Use old SS_L" +msgstr "Oude SS_L gebruiken" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:22 +msgid "Override server settings" +msgstr "Serverinstellingen overschrijven" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:24 msgid "What is your Jabber ID?" msgstr "Wat is uw Jabber-ID?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:23 -msgid "What is your Jabber password?" -msgstr "Wat is uw Jabber-wachtwoord?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:24 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:25 msgid "What is your desired Jabber ID?" msgstr "Wat is uw gewenste Jabber-ID?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:25 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:26 +msgid "What is your Jabber password?" +msgstr "Wat is uw Jabber-wachtwoord?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:27 msgid "What is your desired Jabber password?" msgstr "Wat is uw gewenste Jabber-wachtwoord?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:3 msgid "Example: user@hotmail.com" msgstr "Voorbeeld:gebruiker@hotmail.com" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your Windows Live ID?" msgstr "Wat is uw Windows Live-ID?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your Windows Live password?" msgstr "Wat is uw Windows Live-wachtwoord?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:2 -msgid "E-_mail address:" -msgstr "E-_mailadres:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:1 msgid "Nic_kname:" msgstr "_Bijnaam:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Last Name:" +msgstr "_Achternaam:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:3 msgid "_First Name:" msgstr "_Voornaam:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Published Name:" +msgstr "_Weergegeven naam:" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:5 msgid "_Jabber ID:" msgstr "_Jabber-ID:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:6 -msgid "_Last Name:" -msgstr "_Achternaam:" +msgid "E-_mail address:" +msgstr "E-_mailadres:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:7 -msgid "_Published Name:" -msgstr "_Weergegeven naam:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Username:" +msgstr "Gebr_uikersnaam:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:3 msgid "Example: user@my.sip.server" msgstr "Voorbeeld: gebruiker@mijn.sip.server" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:3 -msgid "Authentication username:" -msgstr "Authenticatie gebruikersnaam:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:5 +msgid "Use this account to call _landlines and mobile phones" +msgstr "" +"Gebruik dit account om te bellen naar _vaste lijnen en mobiele telefoons" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:4 -msgid "Discover Binding" -msgstr "Binding opzoeken" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:6 +msgid "NAT Traversal Options" +msgstr "NAT-traversal opties" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:7 +msgid "Proxy Options" +msgstr "Proxy-opties" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:8 +msgid "Miscellaneous Options" +msgstr "Overige opties" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:9 +msgid "STUN Server:" +msgstr "STUN-server:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:10 msgid "Discover the STUN server automatically" msgstr "STUN-server automatisch opzoeken" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:6 -msgid "Ignore TLS Errors" -msgstr "TLS-fouten negeren" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:11 +msgid "Discover Binding" +msgstr "Binding opzoeken" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:7 -msgid "Interval (seconds)" -msgstr "Interval (seconden)" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:12 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:114 +msgid "Server:" +msgstr "Server:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:13 msgid "Keep-Alive Options" msgstr "Opties voor het in stand houden van de verbinding" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:9 -msgid "Loose Routing" -msgstr "Vrije routing" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:10 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:14 msgid "Mechanism:" msgstr "Mechanisme:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:11 -msgid "Miscellaneous Options" -msgstr "Overige opties" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:12 -msgid "NAT Traversal Options" -msgstr "NAT-traversal opties" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:15 +msgid "Interval (seconds)" +msgstr "Interval (seconden)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:14 -msgid "Port:" -msgstr "Poort:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:16 +msgid "Authentication username:" +msgstr "Authenticatie gebruikersnaam:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:15 -msgid "Proxy Options" -msgstr "Proxy-opties" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:17 +msgid "Transport:" +msgstr "Transport:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:18 -msgid "STUN Server:" -msgstr "STUN-server:" +msgid "Loose Routing" +msgstr "Vrije routing" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:19 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:114 -msgid "Server:" -msgstr "Server:" +msgid "Ignore TLS Errors" +msgstr "TLS-fouten negeren" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:20 -msgid "Transport:" -msgstr "Transport:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:21 -msgid "Use this account to call _landlines and mobile phones" -msgstr "" -"Gebruik dit account om te bellen naar _vaste lijnen en mobiele telefoons" +msgid "Port:" +msgstr "Poort:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:22 -msgid "What is your SIP account password?" -msgstr "Wat is uw wachtwoord voor uw SIP-account?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:23 msgid "What is your SIP login ID?" msgstr "Wat is uw SIP-aanmeld-ID?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:24 -msgid "_Username:" -msgstr "Gebr_uikersnaam:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:23 +msgid "What is your SIP account password?" +msgstr "Wat is uw wachtwoord voor uw SIP-account?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:2 +msgid "Yahoo! I_D:" +msgstr "Yahoo!-I_D:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:5 msgid "I_gnore conference and chat room invitations" msgstr "Ne_geer conferentie- en chatruimte-uitnodigingen" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Room List locale:" +msgstr "Taalinstelling voor lijst van chat_ruimtes:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:10 msgid "What is your Yahoo! ID?" msgstr "Wat is uw Yahoo!-ID?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:11 msgid "What is your Yahoo! password?" msgstr "Wat is uw Yahoo!-wachtwoord?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:9 -msgid "Yahoo! I_D:" -msgstr "Yahoo!-I_D:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:11 -msgid "_Room List locale:" -msgstr "Taalinstelling voor lijst van chat_ruimtes:" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:471 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:556 msgid "Couldn't convert image" @@ -1326,65 +1394,65 @@ msgid "Click to enlarge" msgstr "Klik om te vergroten" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:44 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:62 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:42 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:60 msgid "There was an error starting the call" msgstr "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het doen van de oproep" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:51 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:49 msgid "The specified contact doesn't support calls" msgstr "Het opgegeven contact ondersteunt geen gesprekken" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:53 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:51 msgid "The specified contact is offline" msgstr "Het opgegeven contact is offline" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:55 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:53 msgid "The specified contact is not valid" msgstr "Het opgegeven contact is ongeldig" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:57 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:55 msgid "Emergency calls are not supported on this protocol" msgstr "Noodoproepen worden niet ondersteund bij dit protocol" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:59 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:57 msgid "You don't have enough credit in order to place this call" msgstr "U heeft onvoldoende tegoed voor deze gespreksoproep" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:705 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:729 msgid "Failed to open private chat" msgstr "Openen van privé-chat is mislukt" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:763 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:787 msgid "Topic not supported on this conversation" msgstr "Onderwerp niet ondersteund bij dit gesprek" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:769 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:793 msgid "You are not allowed to change the topic" msgstr "U mag het onderwerp niet wijzigen" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:970 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:992 #, c-format msgid "“%s” is not a valid contact ID" msgstr "‘%s’ is geen geldig contact-ID" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1065 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1087 msgid "/clear: clear all messages from the current conversation" msgstr "/clear: alle berichten van de huidige conversatie wissen" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1068 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1090 msgid "/topic : set the topic of the current conversation" msgstr "/topic : bepaal het onderwerp van de huidige conversatie" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1071 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1093 msgid "/join : join a new chat room" msgstr "/join : een nieuwe chatruimte binnengaan" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1074 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1096 msgid "/j : join a new chat room" msgstr "/j : een nieuwe chatruimte binnengaan" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1078 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1100 msgid "" "/part [] []: leave the chat room, by default the " "current one" @@ -1392,23 +1460,23 @@ "/part [] []: de chatruimte verlaten, standaard de " "huidige" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1082 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1104 msgid "/query []: open a private chat" msgstr "/query []: een privé-gesprek beginnen" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1085 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1107 msgid "/msg : open a private chat" msgstr "/msg : een privé-gesprek beginnen" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1088 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1110 msgid "/nick : change your nickname on the current server" msgstr "/nick : wijzig uw bijnaam op de huidige server" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1091 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1113 msgid "/me : send an ACTION message to the current conversation" msgstr "/me : stuur een ACTIE-bericht naar de huidige conversatie" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1094 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1116 msgid "" "/say : send to the current conversation. This is used to " "send a message starting with a '/'. For example: \"/say /join is used to " @@ -1418,11 +1486,11 @@ "gebruikt om een bericht beginnend met een '/' te versturen. Bijvoorbeeld: \"/" "say /join wordt gebruikt om een nieuwe chatruimte binnen te gaan\"" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1099 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1121 msgid "/whois : display information about a contact" msgstr "/whois : informatie over een contact weergeven" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1102 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1124 msgid "" "/help []: show all supported commands. If is defined, " "show its usage." @@ -1430,121 +1498,127 @@ "/help []: toon alle bestaande opdrachten. Als bestaat, " "wordt de uitleg ervan weergegeven." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1121 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1143 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s" msgstr "Gebruik: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1166 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1188 msgid "Unknown command" msgstr "Onbekende opdracht" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1292 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1314 msgid "Unknown command; see /help for the available commands" msgstr "Onbekende opdracht; zie /help voor de beschikbare opdrachten" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1456 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1565 msgid "insufficient balance to send message" msgstr "Onvoldoende saldo om een bericht te versturen" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1460 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1474 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1537 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1569 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1583 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1646 #, c-format msgid "Error sending message '%s': %s" msgstr "Fout bij versturen van bericht ‘%s’: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1462 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1479 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1541 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1571 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1588 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1650 #, c-format msgid "Error sending message: %s" msgstr "Fout bij versturen van bericht: %s" #. translators: error used when user doesn't have enough credit on his #. * account to send the message. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1468 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1577 #, c-format msgid "insufficient balance to send message. Top up." msgstr "" "Onvoldoende saldo om bericht te versturen. Vul het aan." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1508 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1617 msgid "not capable" msgstr "kan niet" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1515 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1624 msgid "offline" msgstr "offline" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1518 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1627 msgid "invalid contact" msgstr "ongeldig contact" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1521 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1630 msgid "permission denied" msgstr "toestemming geweigerd" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1524 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1633 msgid "too long message" msgstr "bericht te lang" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1527 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1636 msgid "not implemented" msgstr "niet geïmplementeerd" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1531 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1640 msgid "unknown" msgstr "onbekend" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1598 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:761 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1707 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:920 msgid "Topic:" msgstr "Onderwerp:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1610 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1722 #, c-format msgid "Topic set to: %s" msgstr "Onderwerp ingesteld: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1612 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1724 +#, c-format +msgid "Topic set by %s to: %s" +msgstr "Onderwerp ingesteld door %s: %s" + +#. No need to display this 'event' is no topic can be defined anyway +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1729 msgid "No topic defined" msgstr "Geen onderwerp" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2125 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2245 msgid "(No Suggestions)" msgstr "(Geen suggesties)" #. translators: %s is the selected word -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2193 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2313 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to Dictionary" msgstr "‘%s’ toevoegen aan woordenboek" #. translators: first %s is the selected word, #. * second %s is the language name of the target dictionary -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2230 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2350 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to %s Dictionary" msgstr "‘%s’ toevoegen aan woordenboek %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2300 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2420 msgid "Insert Smiley" msgstr "Smiley invoegen" #. send button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2318 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1868 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2438 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1880 msgid "_Send" msgstr "_Sturen" #. Spelling suggestions -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2375 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2495 msgid "_Spelling Suggestions" msgstr "_Spellingsuggesties" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2464 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2584 msgid "Failed to retrieve recent logs" msgstr "Terughalen van recente logs is mislukt" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2601 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2723 #, c-format msgid "%s has disconnected" msgstr "%s heeft de verbinding verbroken" @@ -1552,12 +1626,12 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the kicked should come before the kicker in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2608 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2730 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was kicked by %2$s" msgstr "%1$s werd door %2$s verwijderd" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2611 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2733 #, c-format msgid "%s was kicked" msgstr "%s werd verwijderd" @@ -1565,17 +1639,17 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the banned should come before the banner in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2619 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2741 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was banned by %2$s" msgstr "%1$s werd verbannen door %2$s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2622 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2744 #, c-format msgid "%s was banned" msgstr "%s werd verbannen" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2626 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2748 #, c-format msgid "%s has left the room" msgstr "%s heeft de chatruimte verlaten" @@ -1585,17 +1659,17 @@ #. * given by the user living the room. If this poses a problem, #. * please let us know. :-) #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2635 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2757 #, c-format msgid " (%s)" msgstr " (%s)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2660 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2782 #, c-format msgid "%s has joined the room" msgstr "%s is de chatruimte binnengekomen" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2685 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2807 #, c-format msgid "%s is now known as %s" msgstr "%s is nu bekend als %s" @@ -1603,90 +1677,90 @@ #. We don't know if the incoming call has been accepted or not, so we #. * assume it hasn't and if it has, we'll set the proper status when #. * we get the new handler. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2846 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1889 -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1280 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1538 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1588 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2631 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2994 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1888 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1279 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1502 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1552 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2590 msgid "Disconnected" msgstr "Verbinding verbroken" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3492 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3658 msgid "Would you like to store this password?" msgstr "Wilt u dit wachtwoord opslaan?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3498 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3664 msgid "Remember" msgstr "Onthouden" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3508 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3674 msgid "Not now" msgstr "Niet nu" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3552 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3718 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-bad-password-dialog.c:142 msgid "Retry" msgstr "Opnieuw proberen" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3556 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3722 msgid "Wrong password; please try again:" msgstr "Verkeerd wachtwoord; probeer het opnieuw:" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3686 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3852 msgid "This room is protected by a password:" msgstr "Deze ruimte is met een wachtwoord beveiligd:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3713 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3879 msgid "Join" msgstr "Binnengaan" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3901 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1301 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4071 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1300 msgid "Connected" msgstr "Verbonden" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3956 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4126 msgid "Conversation" msgstr "Gesprek" #. Translators: this string is a something like #. * "Escher Cat (SMS)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3961 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4131 #, c-format msgid "%s (SMS)" msgstr "%s (SMS)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:264 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:262 msgid "Unknown or invalid identifier" msgstr "Onbekende of ongeldige identifier" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:266 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:264 msgid "Contact blocking temporarily unavailable" msgstr "Blokkeren van contact tijdelijk niet beschikbaar" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:268 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:266 msgid "Contact blocking unavailable" msgstr "Blokkeren van contact niet beschikbaar" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:270 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:268 msgid "Permission Denied" msgstr "Toestemming geweigerd" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:274 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:272 msgid "Could not block contact" msgstr "Contact kon niet worden geblokkeerd" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:612 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:610 msgid "Edit Blocked Contacts" msgstr "Geblokkeerde contacten bewerken" #. Account and Identifier #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:1 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:506 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:2 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:1 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1474 -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:7 msgid "Account:" msgstr "Account:" @@ -1694,13 +1768,6 @@ msgid "Blocked Contacts" msgstr "Geblokkeerde contacten" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:5 -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Remove" -msgstr "Verwijderen" - #. Copy Link Address menu item #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:322 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-webkit-utils.c:277 @@ -1719,33 +1786,29 @@ msgid "%A %B %d %Y" msgstr "%A %d %B %Y" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:278 -msgid "Personal Information" -msgstr "Persoonlijke informatie" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:379 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:326 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:118 msgid "New Contact" msgstr "Nieuw contact" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:448 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:395 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:197 #, c-format msgid "Block %s?" msgstr "%s blokkeren?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:453 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:400 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:252 #, c-format msgid "Are you sure you want to block '%s' from contacting you again?" msgstr "Weet u zeker dat u niet meer wilt dat ‘%s’ nog contact met u opneemt?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:458 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:405 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:274 msgid "_Block" msgstr "_Blokkeren" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:476 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:423 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:283 msgid "_Report this contact as abusive" msgid_plural "_Report these contacts as abusive" @@ -1753,17 +1816,17 @@ msgstr[1] "_Melden dat deze contacten beledigend zijn" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:1 -msgid "Decide _Later" -msgstr "_Later besluiten" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:2 msgid "Subscription Request" msgstr "Inschrijvingsverzoek" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:2 msgid "_Block User" msgstr "Gebruiker _blokkeren" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:3 +msgid "Decide _Later" +msgstr "_Later besluiten" + #. Title #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:499 msgid "Search contacts" @@ -1790,162 +1853,172 @@ msgid "Please let me see when you're online. Thanks!" msgstr "Laat me het maar weten als je online bent. Bedankt!" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:569 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:567 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:304 msgid "Channels:" msgstr "Kanalen:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:749 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:747 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:455 msgid "Country ISO Code:" msgstr "Land-ISO-code:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:751 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:749 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:457 msgid "Country:" msgstr "Land:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:753 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:751 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:459 msgid "State:" msgstr "Provincie:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:755 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:753 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:461 msgid "City:" msgstr "Woonplaats:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:757 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:755 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:463 msgid "Area:" msgstr "Regio:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:759 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:757 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:465 msgid "Postal Code:" msgstr "Postcode:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:761 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:759 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:467 msgid "Street:" msgstr "Straat:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:763 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:761 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:469 msgid "Building:" msgstr "Gebouw:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:765 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:763 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:471 msgid "Floor:" msgstr "Verdieping:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:767 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:765 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:473 msgid "Room:" msgstr "Ruimte:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:769 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:767 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:475 msgid "Text:" msgstr "Tekst:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:771 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:769 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:477 msgid "Description:" msgstr "Omschrijving:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:773 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:771 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:479 msgid "URI:" msgstr "URI:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:775 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:773 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:481 msgid "Accuracy Level:" msgstr "Nauwkeurigheidsniveau:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:777 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:775 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:483 msgid "Error:" msgstr "Fout:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:779 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:777 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:485 msgid "Vertical Error (meters):" msgstr "Verticale fout (meters):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:781 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:779 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:487 msgid "Horizontal Error (meters):" msgstr "Horizontale fout (meters):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:783 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:781 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:489 msgid "Speed:" msgstr "Snelheid:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:785 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:783 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:491 msgid "Bearing:" msgstr "Koers:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:787 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:785 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:493 msgid "Climb Speed:" msgstr "Klimsnelheid:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:789 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:787 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:495 msgid "Last Updated on:" msgstr "Voor het laatst bijgewerkt op:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:791 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:789 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:497 msgid "Longitude:" msgstr "Lengtegraad:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:793 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:791 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:499 msgid "Latitude:" msgstr "Breedtegraad:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:795 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:793 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:501 msgid "Altitude:" msgstr "Hoogte:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:848 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:863 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:846 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:861 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:593 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:608 -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:15 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:35 msgid "Location" msgstr "Locatie" #. translators: format is "Location, $date" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:865 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:863 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:610 #, c-format msgid "%s, %s" msgstr "%s, %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:917 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:915 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:659 msgid "%B %e, %Y at %R UTC" msgstr "%e %B %Y om %R UTC" # hier geen 'gebruikersafbeelding', want dat is te groot (Wouter Bolsterlee) -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:999 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:997 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:900 msgid "Save Avatar" msgstr "Gebruikersafbeelding opslaan" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1055 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1053 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:958 msgid "Unable to save avatar" msgstr "Kan gebruikersafbeelding niet opslaan" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1444 +msgid "Personal Details" +msgstr "Persoonlijke gegevens" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1447 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:6 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:3 +msgid "Contact Details" +msgstr "Gegevens contact" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:104 msgid "Full name" msgstr "Volledige naam" @@ -2012,54 +2085,49 @@ msgid "parcel" msgstr "pakje" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:1 -msgid "Location at (date)\t" -msgstr "Locatie op (datum)\t" +#. Identifier to connect to Instant Messaging network +#. Translators: Identifier to connect to Instant Messaging network +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1502 +msgid "Identifier:" +msgstr "Identificatie:" #. Alias -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:4 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1293 msgid "Alias:" msgstr "Alias:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:4 -msgid "Client Information" -msgstr "Clientinformatie" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:5 -msgid "Client:" -msgstr "Client:" +msgid "Location at (date)\t" +msgstr "Locatie op (datum)\t" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:2 -msgid "Contact Details" -msgstr "Gegevens contact" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:4 +msgid "Information requested…" +msgstr "Informatie verzocht…" -#. Identifier to connect to Instant Messaging network -#. Translators: Identifier to connect to Instant Messaging network #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:8 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1502 -msgid "Identifier:" -msgstr "Identificatie:" +msgid "Client Information" +msgstr "Clientinformatie" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:3 -msgid "Information requested…" -msgstr "Informatie verzocht…" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:10 msgid "OS:" msgstr "Besturingssysteem:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:10 msgid "Version:" msgstr "Versie:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:333 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:11 +msgid "Client:" +msgstr "Client:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:331 msgid "Groups" msgstr "Groepen" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:345 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:343 msgid "" "Select the groups you want this contact to appear in. Note that you can " "select more than one group or no groups." @@ -2067,17 +2135,17 @@ "Selecteer de groepen waar u dit contact in wilt plaatsen. U kunt meerdere of " "zelfs geen groepen kiezen." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:364 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:362 msgid "_Add Group" msgstr "Groep _toevoegen" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:399 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:397 msgctxt "verb in a column header displaying group names" msgid "Select" msgstr "Selecteren" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:409 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1949 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:407 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1970 msgid "Group" msgstr "Groep" @@ -2102,152 +2170,142 @@ msgid "Linked Contacts" msgstr "Verbonden contacten" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-linker.c:372 -msgid "Select contacts to link" -msgstr "Selecteer contacten om te verbinden" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-linker.c:447 -msgid "New contact preview" -msgstr "Nieuw contact inzien" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-linker.c:491 -msgid "Contacts selected in the list on the left will be linked together." -msgstr "Contactpersonen aan de linkerzijde zullen met elkaar worden verbonden." - #. Translators: this is used in the context menu for a contact. The first #. * parameter is a contact ID (e.g. foo@jabber.org) and the second is one #. * of the user's account IDs (e.g. me@hotmail.com). -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:181 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:173 #, c-format msgid "%s (%s)" msgstr "%s (%s)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:363 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:345 msgid "Select account to use to place the call" msgstr "Het te gebruiken account om de oproep te plaatsen selecteren" #. translators: Call is a noun. This string is used in the window #. * title -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:367 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:2 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1288 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:349 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1290 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:18 msgid "Call" msgstr "Oproep" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:432 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:414 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Mobiel" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:434 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:416 msgid "Work" msgstr "Werk" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:436 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:418 msgid "HOME" msgstr "THUIS" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:677 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:659 msgid "_Block Contact" msgstr "Contact _blokkeren" #. add chat button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1055 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1018 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:319 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:16 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:1 msgid "_Chat" msgstr "_Chatten" #. add SMS button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1090 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1053 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:313 msgid "_SMS" msgstr "_SMS" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1123 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1086 msgctxt "menu item" msgid "_Audio Call" msgstr "_Audiogesprek" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1156 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1119 msgctxt "menu item" msgid "_Video Call" msgstr "_Videogesprek" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1197 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:27 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1160 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:4 msgid "_Previous Conversations" msgstr "_Eerdere gesprekken" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1226 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1189 msgid "Send File" msgstr "Bestand versturen" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1256 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1219 msgid "Share My Desktop" msgstr "Mijn bureaublad delen" # hmmmm (Wouter Bolsterlee) -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1282 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1245 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1357 msgid "Favorite" msgstr "Favoriet" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1310 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1264 +msgid "gnome-contacts not installed" +msgstr "gnome-contacten niet geïnstalleerd" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1267 +msgid "Please install gnome-contacts to access contacts details." +msgstr "" +"Installeer gnome-contacten om toegang te krijgen tot deze contactgegevens." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1398 msgid "Infor_mation" msgstr "Infor_matie" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1359 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1447 msgctxt "Edit individual (contextual menu)" msgid "_Edit" msgstr "Be_werken" -#. Translators: this is a verb meaning "to connect two contacts together -#. * to form a meta-contact". -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1385 -msgctxt "Link individual (contextual menu)" -msgid "_Link Contacts…" -msgstr "Contacten _verbinden…" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1501 -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:1011 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1564 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:1192 msgid "Inviting you to this room" msgstr "Nodigt u uit naar deze ruimte" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1547 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1610 msgid "_Invite to Chat Room" msgstr "_Uitnodigen naar gespreksruimte" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1743 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:14 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1806 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:5 msgid "_Add Contact…" msgstr "Cont_act toevoegen..." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2355 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2304 msgid "Delete and _Block" msgstr "Verwijderen en _blokkeren" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2390 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2339 #, c-format msgid "Do you really want to remove the group '%s'?" msgstr "Wilt u echt de groep ‘%s’ verwijderen?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2393 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2342 msgid "Removing group" msgstr "Groep verwijderen" #. Remove -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2448 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2665 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2397 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2601 msgid "_Remove" msgstr "_Verwijderen" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2525 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2474 #, c-format msgid "Do you really want to remove the contact '%s'?" msgstr "Wilt u het contact ‘%s’ echt verwijderen?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2534 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2483 #, c-format msgid "" "Do you really want to remove the linked contact '%s'? Note that this will " @@ -2256,7 +2314,7 @@ "Wilt u echt het meta-contact ‘%s’ verwijderen? Dit zal tevens alle contacten " "die bij dit meta-contact horen verwijderen." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2546 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2495 msgid "Removing contact" msgstr "Contact wordt verwijderd" @@ -2271,23 +2329,23 @@ msgid "Location at (date)" msgstr "Locatie op (datum)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:2 msgid "Online from a phone or mobile device" msgstr "Online via een telefoon of mobiele telefoon" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:332 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:335 msgid "New Network" msgstr "Nieuw netwerk" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:527 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:530 msgid "Choose an IRC network" msgstr "Kies een IRC-netwerk" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:584 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:587 msgid "Reset _Networks List" msgstr "_Netwerklijst resetten" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:588 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:591 msgctxt "verb displayed on a button to select an IRC network" msgid "Select" msgstr "Selecteren" @@ -2296,223 +2354,179 @@ msgid "new server" msgstr "nieuwe server" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:535 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:539 msgid "SSL" msgstr "SSL" -#. Translators: this is the title of the linking dialogue (reached by -#. * right-clicking on a contact and selecting "Link…"). "Link" in this title -#. * is a verb. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:115 -msgid "Link Contacts" -msgstr "Contacten verbinden" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:120 -msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" -msgid "_Unlink…" -msgstr "_Verbinding verbreken…" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:121 -msgid "" -"Completely split the displayed linked contacts into the separate contacts." -msgstr "" -"Splits het weergegeven meta-contact en herstel alle contacten die het bevat." - -#. Add button -#. Translators: this is an action button in the linking dialogue. "Link" is -#. * used here as a verb meaning "to connect two contacts to form a -#. * meta-contact". -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:136 -msgid "_Link" -msgstr "_Verbinden" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:183 -#, c-format -msgid "Unlink linked contacts '%s'?" -msgstr "Meta-contact ‘%s’ splitsen?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:186 -msgid "" -"Are you sure you want to unlink these linked contacts? This will completely " -"split the linked contacts into separate contacts." -msgstr "" -"Weet u zeker dat u dit meta-contact wilt splitsen? Het zal alle verbindingen " -"tussen uw contacten verwijderen." - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:190 -msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" -msgid "_Unlink" -msgstr "_Verbinding verbreken" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:622 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:620 msgid "History" msgstr "Geschiedenis" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:677 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:675 msgid "Show" msgstr "Tonen" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:699 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:697 msgid "Search" msgstr "Zoeken" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1150 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1148 #, c-format msgid "Chat in %s" msgstr "Chatten in %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1152 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1150 #, c-format msgid "Chat with %s" msgstr "Chatten met %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1202 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1349 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1200 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1347 msgctxt "A date with the time" msgid "%A, %e %B %Y %X" msgstr "%A, %d %B %Y %X" #. Translators: this is an emote: '* Danielle waves' -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1291 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1289 #, c-format msgid "* %s %s" msgstr "* %s %s" #. Translators: this is a message: 'Danielle: hello' #. * The string in bold is the sender's name -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1297 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1295 #, c-format msgid "%s: %s" msgstr "%s: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1373 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1371 #, c-format msgid "%s second" msgid_plural "%s seconds" msgstr[0] "%s seconde" msgstr[1] "%s seconden" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1380 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1378 #, c-format msgid "%s minute" msgid_plural "%s minutes" msgstr[0] "%s minuut" msgstr[1] "%s minuten" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1388 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1386 #, c-format msgid "Call took %s, ended at %s" msgstr "Gesprek duurde %s, eindigde om %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1722 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1720 msgid "Today" msgstr "Vandaag" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1726 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1724 msgid "Yesterday" msgstr "Gisteren" #. Translators: A date such as '23 May 2010' (strftime format) -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1741 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1739 msgid "%e %B %Y" msgstr "%d %B %Y" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1829 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3489 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1827 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3487 msgid "Anytime" msgstr "Altijd" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1918 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2402 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1916 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2400 msgid "Anyone" msgstr "Iedereen" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2715 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2713 msgid "Who" msgstr "Wie" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2924 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2922 msgid "When" msgstr "Wanneer" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3040 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3038 msgid "Anything" msgstr "Alles" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3042 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3040 msgid "Text chats" msgstr "Tekstchats" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3044 -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3042 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:25 msgid "Calls" msgstr "Gesprekken" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3049 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3047 msgid "Incoming calls" msgstr "Binnenkomende gesprekken" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3050 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3048 msgid "Outgoing calls" msgstr "Uitgaande gesprekken" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3051 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3049 msgid "Missed calls" msgstr "Gemiste oproepen" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3073 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3071 msgid "What" msgstr "Wat" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3782 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3780 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete all logs of previous conversations?" msgstr "Weet u zeker dat u alle logs van vorige gesprekken wilt verwijderen?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3786 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3784 msgid "Clear All" msgstr "Alles wissen" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3793 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3791 msgid "Delete from:" msgstr "Verwijderen uit:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:1 -msgid "Loading..." -msgstr "Bezig met laden..." +msgid "_File" +msgstr "_Bestand" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:3 -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Chat" -msgstr "Chatten" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:2 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:9 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:12 +msgid "_Edit" +msgstr "Be_werken" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:3 msgid "Delete All History..." msgstr "Gehele geschiedenis wissen…" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:4 msgid "Profile" msgstr "Profiel" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:6 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:22 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:20 -msgid "Video" -msgstr "Video" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:5 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:19 +msgid "Chat" +msgstr "Chatten" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:7 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:28 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:12 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:20 -msgid "_Edit" -msgstr "Be_werken" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:26 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:19 +msgid "Video" +msgstr "Video" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:8 -msgid "_File" -msgstr "_Bestand" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:9 msgid "page 2" msgstr "pagina 2" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:9 +msgid "Loading..." +msgstr "Bezig met laden..." + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:83 msgid "The contact is offline" msgstr "Het contact is offline" @@ -2558,7 +2572,7 @@ msgstr "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het starten van het gesprek" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:290 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:202 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:200 msgid "Enter a contact identifier or phone number:" msgstr "Voer een contact-identifier of telefoonnummer in:" @@ -2568,17 +2582,17 @@ msgstr "Nieuw gesprek" #. add video button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:225 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:223 msgid "_Video Call" msgstr "_Videogesprek" #. add audio button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:235 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:233 msgid "_Audio Call" msgstr "_Audiogesprek" #. Tweak the dialog -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:245 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:243 msgid "New Call" msgstr "Nieuwe oproep" @@ -2634,7 +2648,7 @@ #. To translator: %s is the name of the protocol, such as "Google Talk" or #. * "Yahoo!" #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-protocol-chooser.c:584 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-protocol-chooser.c:588 #, c-format msgid "New %s account" msgstr "Nieuw %s-account" @@ -2644,20 +2658,20 @@ msgstr "Zoeken:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:2 -msgid "Mat_ch case" -msgstr "_Hoofdlettergevoelig" +msgid "_Previous" +msgstr "Vo_rige" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:3 -msgid "Phrase not found" -msgstr "Zoekopdracht niet gevonden" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:4 msgid "_Next" msgstr "V_olgende" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:4 +msgid "Mat_ch case" +msgstr "_Hoofdlettergevoelig" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:5 -msgid "_Previous" -msgstr "Vo_rige" +msgid "Phrase not found" +msgstr "Zoekopdracht niet gevonden" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-sound-manager.c:51 msgid "Received an instant message" @@ -2703,12 +2717,12 @@ msgid "Edit Custom Messages" msgstr "Aangepaste berichten bewerken" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1047 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1051 #, c-format msgid "Message edited at %s" msgstr "Bericht bijgewerkt op %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1752 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1757 msgid "Normal" msgstr "Normaal" @@ -2787,34 +2801,38 @@ msgstr "Hostnaam van certificaat: %s" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:281 -msgid "Continue" -msgstr "Doorgaan" +msgid "C_ontinue" +msgstr "_Doorgaan" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:287 +msgid "Untrusted connection" +msgstr "Onbeschermde verbinding" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:288 msgid "This connection is untrusted. Would you like to continue anyway?" -msgstr "Deze verbinding is onbeschermd. Wilt u toch doorgaan ?" +msgstr "Deze verbinding is onbeschermd. Wilt u toch doorgaan?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:297 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:298 msgid "Remember this choice for future connections" msgstr "Onthoud deze instelling voor toekomstige verbindingen" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:303 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:304 msgid "Certificate Details" msgstr "Certificaatdetails" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1742 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1754 msgid "Unable to open URI" msgstr "Kan URI niet openen" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1860 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1872 msgid "Select a file" msgstr "Bestand selecteren" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1935 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1947 msgid "Insufficient free space to save file" msgstr "Onvoldoende vrije schijfruimte om het bestand op te slaan" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1943 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1955 #, c-format msgid "" "%s of free space are required to save this file, but only %s is available. " @@ -2823,7 +2841,7 @@ "Er is %s vrije schijfruimte vereist om dit bestand op te slaan, maar er is " "slechts %s beschikbaar. Kies een andere locatie." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1987 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1999 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file from %s" msgstr "Binnenkomend bestand van %s" @@ -2995,6 +3013,14 @@ msgid "Vietnamese" msgstr "Vietnamees" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-calendar-button.c:66 +msgid "Select..." +msgstr "Selecteren…" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-calendar-button.c:154 +msgid "_Select" +msgstr "_Selecteren" + #: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:202 msgid "No error message" msgstr "Geen foutmelding" @@ -3003,24 +3029,24 @@ msgid "Instant Message (Empathy)" msgstr "Instant Message (Empathy)" -#: ../src/empathy.c:437 +#: ../src/empathy.c:435 msgid "Don't connect on startup" msgstr "Niet verbinden bij opstarten" -#: ../src/empathy.c:441 +#: ../src/empathy.c:439 msgid "Don't display the contact list or any other dialogs on startup" msgstr "" "De contactenlijst en andere dialoogvensters niet weergeven bij opstarten" -#: ../src/empathy.c:456 +#: ../src/empathy.c:454 msgid "- Empathy IM Client" msgstr "- Empathy chatprogramma" -#: ../src/empathy.c:643 +#: ../src/empathy.c:641 msgid "Error contacting the Account Manager" msgstr "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het contact opnemen met accountbeheer" -#: ../src/empathy.c:645 +#: ../src/empathy.c:643 #, c-format msgid "" "There was an error while trying to connect to the Telepathy Account Manager. " @@ -3064,8 +3090,8 @@ msgstr "" "U zou een kopie van de GNU General Public License moeten hebben ontvangen " "bij Empathy; is dit niet het geval, dan kunt u schrijven naar de Free " -"Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-" -"130159 USA" +"Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA " +"02110-130159 USA" #: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:109 msgid "An Instant Messaging client for GNOME" @@ -3115,232 +3141,83 @@ " cumulus007 https://launchpad.net/~cumulus-007\n" " rob https://launchpad.net/~rvdb" -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:167 -msgid "There was an error while importing the accounts." -msgstr "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het importeren van de accounts." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:170 -msgid "There was an error while parsing the account details." -msgstr "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het ontleden van de accountdetails." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:173 -msgid "There was an error while creating the account." -msgstr "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het aanmaken van het account." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:175 -msgid "There was an error." -msgstr "Er is een fout opgetreden." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:179 -#, c-format -msgid "The error message was: %s" -msgstr "De foutmelding was: %s" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:183 -msgid "" -"You can either go back and try to enter your accounts' details again or quit " -"this assistant and add accounts later from the Edit menu." -msgstr "" -"U kunt teruggaan en opnieuw de details van uw account invoeren of deze " -"assistent verlaten en later accounts toevoegen via het menu Bewerken." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:220 -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1274 -msgid "An error occurred" -msgstr "Er is een fout opgetreden" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:469 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-account-dialog.c:144 -msgid "What kind of chat account do you have?" -msgstr "Wat voor een chataccount heeft u?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:475 -msgid "Do you have any other chat accounts you want to set up?" -msgstr "Wilt u nog andere chataccounts instellen?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:481 -msgid "Enter your account details" -msgstr "Voer de details van uw account in" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:486 -msgid "What kind of chat account do you want to create?" -msgstr "Wat voor een chataccount wilt u aanmaken?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:492 -msgid "Do you want to create other chat accounts?" -msgstr "Wilt u nog andere chataccounts aanmaken?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:499 -msgid "Enter the details for the new account" -msgstr "Voer de details voor het nieuwe account in" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:614 -msgid "" -"With Empathy you can chat with people online nearby and with friends and " -"colleagues who use Google Talk, AIM, Windows Live and many other chat " -"programs. With a microphone or a webcam you can also have audio or video " -"calls." -msgstr "" -"Met Empathy kunt u online chatten met vrienden en collega's die Google Talk, " -"AIM, Windows Live en vele andere chatprogramma's gebruiken. Met een " -"microfoon of een webcam kunt u ook audio- of videogesprekken voeren." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:631 -msgid "Do you have an account you've been using with another chat program?" -msgstr "Heeft u een account dat u gebruikt met een ander chatprogramma?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:655 -msgid "Yes, import my account details from " -msgstr "Ja, importeer de details van mijn account uit " - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:676 -msgid "Yes, I'll enter my account details now" -msgstr "Ja, ik voer nu de details van mijn account in" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:698 -msgid "No, I want a new account" -msgstr "Nee, ik wil een nieuw account" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:708 -msgid "No, I just want to see people online nearby for now" -msgstr "Nee, ik wil nu alleen mensen in de buurt die online zijn zien" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:729 -msgid "Select the accounts you want to import:" -msgstr "Selecteer de accounts die u wilt importeren:" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:816 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:625 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:626 -msgid "Yes" -msgstr "Ja" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:823 -msgid "No, that's all for now" -msgstr "Nee, dat is voorlopig alles" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1088 -msgid "" -"Empathy can automatically discover and chat with the people connected on the " -"same network as you. If you want to use this feature, please check that the " -"details below are correct. You can easily change these details later or " -"disable this feature by using the 'Accounts' dialog" -msgstr "" -"Empathy kan op het netwerk automatisch andere gebruikers vinden waar u mee " -"kunt chatten. Controleer de onderstaande gegevens als u deze functie wilt " -"gebruiken. U kunt deze details later makkelijk aanpassen en eventueel deze " -"functie uitschakelen via het dialoogvenster ‘Accounts’" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1094 -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1150 -msgid "Edit->Accounts" -msgstr "Bewerken->Accounts" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1110 -msgid "I do _not want to enable this feature for now" -msgstr "Ik wil deze functie nu _niet inschakelen" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1146 -msgid "" -"You won't be able to chat with people connected to your local network, as " -"telepathy-salut is not installed. If you want to enable this feature, please " -"install the telepathy-salut package and create a People Nearby account from " -"the Accounts dialog" -msgstr "" -"U zult niet kunnen chatten met mensen die verbonden zijn met uw lokale " -"netwerk, omdat telepathy-salut niet geïnstalleerd is. Als u deze optie wilt " -"inschakelen dient u het pakket telepathy-salut te installeren en een account " -"voor ‘Mensen in de buurt’ aan te maken via het dialoogvenster Accounts" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1152 -msgid "telepathy-salut not installed" -msgstr "telepathy-salut is niet geïnstalleerd" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1198 -msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts Assistant" -msgstr "Assistent voor Messaging- en VoIP-accounts" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1232 -msgid "Welcome to Empathy" -msgstr "Welkom bij Empathy" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1241 -msgid "Import your existing accounts" -msgstr "Uw bestaande accounts importeren" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1259 -msgid "Please enter personal details" -msgstr "Voer uw persoonlijke gegevens in" - #. The primary text of the dialog shown to the user when he is about to lose #. * unsaved changes -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:69 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:72 #, c-format msgid "There are unsaved modifications to your %s account." msgstr "Er zijn wijzigingen in uw %s account die nog niet zijn opgeslagen." #. The primary text of the dialog shown to the user when he is about to lose #. * an unsaved new account -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:73 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:76 msgid "Your new account has not been saved yet." msgstr "Uw nieuwe account is nog niet opgeslagen." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:352 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:757 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1325 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:381 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:759 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1289 msgid "Connecting…" msgstr "Verbinden…" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:393 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:422 #, c-format msgid "Offline — %s" msgstr "Offline — %s" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:405 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:434 #, c-format msgid "Disconnected — %s" msgstr "Verbinding verbroken — %s" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:416 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:445 msgid "Offline — No Network Connection" msgstr "Offline — Geen netwerkverbinding" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:423 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:452 msgid "Unknown Status" msgstr "Onbekende status" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:435 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:469 +msgid "" +"This account has been disabled because it relies on an old, unsupported " +"backend. Please install telepathy-haze and restart your session to migrate " +"the account." +msgstr "" +"Dit account is uitgeschakeld omdat het afhankelijk is van een oude, niet-" +"ondersteunde backend. Installeer telepathy-haze en herstart uw sessie om het " +"account over te brengen." + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:479 msgid "Offline — Account Disabled" msgstr "Offline — Account uitgeschakeld" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:538 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "Connection has been refused" +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:585 msgid "Edit Connection Parameters" -msgstr "Verbinding geweigerd" +msgstr "Verbindingsparameters bewerken" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:701 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:750 msgid "Failed to retrieve your personal information from the server." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Het ophalen van uw persoonlijke gegevens van de server is mislukt." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:707 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:756 msgid "Go online to edit your personal information." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ga online om uw persoonlijke gegevens te bewerken." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:792 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:843 msgid "_Edit Connection Parameters..." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Verbindingsparameters _bewerken…" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1293 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1339 #, c-format msgid "Do you want to remove %s from your computer?" msgstr "Wilt u %s van uw computer verwijderen?" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1297 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1343 msgid "This will not remove your account on the server." msgstr "Dit zal niet uw account op de server verwijderen." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1533 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1579 msgid "" "You are about to select another account, which will discard\n" "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" @@ -3349,15 +3226,23 @@ "verloren gaan. Weet u zeker dat u door wilt gaan?" #. Menu items: to enabled/disable the account -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1744 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1755 msgid "_Enable" msgstr "Inscha_kelen" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1745 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1756 msgid "_Disable" msgstr "_Uitschakelen" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2255 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2184 +msgid "_Skip" +msgstr "_Overslaan" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2188 +msgid "_Connect" +msgstr "_Verbinden" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2365 msgid "" "You are about to close the window, which will discard\n" "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" @@ -3365,23 +3250,15 @@ "U staat op het punt het venster te sluiten, waardoor uw wijzigingen\n" "verloren gaan. Weet u zeker dat u door wilt gaan?" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:1 -msgid "Add…" -msgstr "Toevoegen…" - -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 -msgid "Loading account information" -msgstr "Opvragen accountinformatie" - #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:3 -msgid "No protocol installed" -msgstr "Geen protocol geïnstalleerd" +msgid "_Import…" +msgstr "I_mporteren…" #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:4 -msgid "Protocol:" -msgstr "Protocol:" +msgid "Loading account information" +msgstr "Opvragen accountinformatie" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:5 msgid "" "To add a new account, you first have to install a backend for each protocol " "you want to use." @@ -3389,120 +3266,116 @@ "Voordat u een nieuw account kunt toevoegen dient u eerst een backend te " "installeren voor elk protocol dat u wilt gebruiken." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:7 -msgid "_Import…" -msgstr "I_mporteren…" +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:6 +msgid "No protocol backends installed" +msgstr "Geen protocol-backends geïnstalleerd" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:286 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:288 msgid " - Empathy authentication client" msgstr " - Empathy authenticatieclient" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:302 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:304 msgid "Empathy authentication client" msgstr "Empathy authenticatieclient" -#: ../src/empathy-auto-salut-account-helper.c:83 -msgid "People nearby" -msgstr "Mensen in de buurt" - -#: ../src/empathy-av.c:118 ../src/empathy-call.c:193 +#: ../src/empathy-av.c:118 ../src/empathy-call.c:201 msgid "- Empathy Audio/Video Client" msgstr "- Empathy audio/video-client" -#: ../src/empathy-av.c:134 ../src/empathy-call.c:218 +#: ../src/empathy-av.c:134 ../src/empathy-call.c:223 msgid "Empathy Audio/Video Client" msgstr "Empathy audio/video-client" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:433 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:434 msgid "Contrast" msgstr "Contrast" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:436 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:437 msgid "Brightness" msgstr "Helderheid" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:439 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:440 msgid "Gamma" msgstr "Gamma" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:545 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:547 msgid "Volume" msgstr "Volume" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1097 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1099 msgid "_Sidebar" msgstr "_Zijpaneel" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1117 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1119 msgid "Audio input" msgstr "Audio-input" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1121 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1123 msgid "Video input" msgstr "Video-input" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1129 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1131 msgid "Dialpad" msgstr "Kiestoetsen" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1140 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1142 msgid "Details" msgstr "Details" #. translators: Call is a noun and %s is the contact name. This string #. * is used in the window title -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1209 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1927 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1211 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1889 #, c-format msgid "Call with %s" msgstr "Bellen met %s" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1442 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2171 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1444 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2133 msgid "The IP address as seen by the machine" msgstr "Het IP-adres zoals gezien door het systeem" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1444 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2173 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1446 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2135 msgid "The IP address as seen by a server on the Internet" msgstr "Het IP-adres zoals gezien door een server op het internet" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1446 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2175 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1448 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2137 msgid "The IP address of the peer as seen by the other side" msgstr "Het IP-adres zoals gezien door de andere zijde" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1448 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2177 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1450 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2139 msgid "The IP address of a relay server" msgstr "Het IP-adres van een relay-server" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1450 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2179 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1452 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2141 msgid "The IP address of the multicast group" msgstr "Het IP-adres van de multicast groep" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1838 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1841 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1844 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1847 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1837 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1840 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1843 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1846 msgctxt "codec" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Onbekend" #. Translators: number of minutes:seconds the caller has been connected -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2139 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2138 #, c-format msgid "Connected — %d:%02dm" msgstr "Verbonden — %d:%02dm" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2200 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3033 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2199 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2992 msgid "Technical Details" msgstr "Technische details" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2238 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3072 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2237 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3031 #, c-format msgid "" "%s's software does not understand any of the audio formats supported by your " @@ -3511,8 +3384,8 @@ "De software van %s kent geen van de audioformaten die door uw computer " "worden ondersteund" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2243 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3077 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2242 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3036 #, c-format msgid "" "%s's software does not understand any of the video formats supported by your " @@ -3521,8 +3394,8 @@ "De software van %s kent geen van de videoformaten die door uw computer " "worden ondersteund" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2249 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3083 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2248 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3042 #, c-format msgid "" "Can't establish a connection to %s. One of you might be on a network that " @@ -3531,29 +3404,29 @@ "Kan geen verbinding maken met %s. Een van u zit mogelijk op een netwerk dat " "geen directe verbindingen toestaat." -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2255 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3089 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2254 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3048 msgid "There was a failure on the network" msgstr "Er is een netwerkstoring opgetreden" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2259 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3093 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2258 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3052 msgid "" "The audio formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" msgstr "" "De audioformaten, nodig voor dit gesprek, zijn niet geïnstalleerd op uw " "computer" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2262 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3096 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2261 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3055 msgid "" "The video formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" msgstr "" "De videoformaten, nodig voor dit gesprek, zijn niet geïnstalleerd op uw " "computer" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2272 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3108 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2271 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3067 #, c-format msgid "" "Something unexpected happened in a Telepathy component. Please Een programmafout melden en stuur logs mee uit het venster " "‘Foutopsporing’ in het menu Hulp." -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2280 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3117 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2279 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3076 msgid "There was a failure in the call engine" msgstr "Er is een fout in de call-engine opgetreden" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2283 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3120 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2282 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3079 msgid "The end of the stream was reached" msgstr "Het einde van de stream is bereikt" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2323 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3160 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2322 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3119 msgid "Can't establish audio stream" msgstr "Kan geen audiostream tot stand brengen" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2333 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3170 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2332 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3129 msgid "Can't establish video stream" msgstr "Kan geen videostream tot stand brengen" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:1 ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:1 #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:1 -msgid "Audio" -msgstr "Geluid" +msgid "_Call" +msgstr "_Opbellen" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:3 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:5 -msgid "Decoding Codec:" -msgstr "Codec voor decoderen:" +msgid "_Microphone" +msgstr "_Microfoon" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:4 -msgid "Disable camera" -msgstr "Camera uitschakelen" +msgid "_Camera" +msgstr "_Camera" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:5 -msgid "Display the dialpad" -msgstr "Kiestoetsen weergeven" +msgid "_Settings" +msgstr "_Instellingen" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:6 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:9 -msgid "Encoding Codec:" -msgstr "Codec voor coderen:" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:8 +msgid "_View" +msgstr "Beel_d" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:7 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:10 -msgid "Hang up" -msgstr "Ophangen" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:7 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:27 +msgid "_Help" +msgstr "_Hulp" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:8 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:11 -msgid "Hang up current call" -msgstr "Huidige gesprek beëindigen" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:8 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:18 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:28 +msgid "_Contents" +msgstr "In_houd" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:9 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:12 -msgid "Local Candidate:" -msgstr "Lokale kandidaat:" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:29 +msgid "_Debug" +msgstr "_Foutopsporing" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:10 -msgid "Maximise me" -msgstr "Maximaliseren" +msgid "Swap camera" +msgstr "Van camera wisselen" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:11 msgid "Minimise me" msgstr "Minimaliseren" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:12 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:15 -msgid "Remote Candidate:" -msgstr "Kandidaat op afstand:" +msgid "Maximise me" +msgstr "Maximaliseren" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:13 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:16 -msgid "Send Audio" -msgstr "Audio sturen" +msgid "Disable camera" +msgstr "Camera uitschakelen" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:14 -msgid "Send Video" -msgstr "Video sturen" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:2 +msgid "Hang up" +msgstr "Ophangen" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:15 -msgid "Show dialpad" -msgstr "Kiestoetsen tonen" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:9 +msgid "Hang up current call" +msgstr "Huidige gesprek beëindigen" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "Video call" +msgstr "Videogesprek" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:17 msgid "Start a video call" msgstr "Een videogesprek starten" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:19 msgid "Start an audio call" msgstr "Een audiogesprek starten" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:18 -msgid "Swap camera" -msgstr "Van camera wisselen" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:20 +msgid "Show dialpad" +msgstr "Kiestoetsen tonen" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:19 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:17 -msgid "Toggle audio transmission" -msgstr "Schakel audiotransmissie in/uit" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:21 +msgid "Display the dialpad" +msgstr "Kiestoetsen weergeven" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:20 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:22 +msgid "Send Video" +msgstr "Video sturen" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:23 msgid "Toggle video transmission" msgstr "Schakel videotransmissie in/uit" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:21 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:18 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2580 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2581 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2582 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2583 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:24 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:11 +msgid "Send Audio" +msgstr "Audio sturen" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:25 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:12 +msgid "Toggle audio transmission" +msgstr "Schakel audiotransmissie in/uit" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:27 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:20 +msgid "Encoding Codec:" +msgstr "Codec voor coderen:" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:28 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:21 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2542 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2543 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2544 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2545 msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Onbekend" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:23 -msgid "Video call" -msgstr "Videogesprek" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:29 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:22 +msgid "Decoding Codec:" +msgstr "Codec voor decoderen:" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:24 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:30 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:23 +msgid "Remote Candidate:" +msgstr "Kandidaat op afstand:" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:31 #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:24 -msgid "_Call" -msgstr "_Opbellen" +msgid "Local Candidate:" +msgstr "Lokale kandidaat:" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:25 -msgid "_Camera" -msgstr "_Camera" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:32 ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:24 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:25 +msgid "Audio" +msgstr "Geluid" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:26 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:9 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:18 -msgid "_Contents" -msgstr "In_houd" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:289 +msgid "Close this window?" +msgstr "Dit venster sluiten?" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:27 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:19 -msgid "_Debug" -msgstr "_Foutopsporing" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:294 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Closing this window will leave %s. You will not receive any further messages " +"until you rejoin it." +msgstr "" +"Met het sluiten van dit venster verlaat u %s. U zult verder geen berichten " +"ontvangen totdat u deze weer binnengaat." -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:29 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:14 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:22 -msgid "_Help" -msgstr "_Hulp" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:305 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Closing this window will leave a chat room. You will not receive any further " +"messages until you rejoin it." +msgid_plural "" +"Closing this window will leave %u chat rooms. You will not receive any " +"further messages until you rejoin them." +msgstr[0] "" +"Met het sluiten van dit venster verlaat u een chatruimte. U zult verder geen " +"berichten ontvangen totdat u deze weer binnengaat." +msgstr[1] "" +"Met het sluiten van dit venster verlaat u %u chatruimtes. U zult verder geen " +"berichten ontvangen totdat u deze weer binnengaat." + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:314 +#, c-format +msgid "Leave %s?" +msgstr "%s verlaten?" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:30 -msgid "_Microphone" -msgstr "_Microfoon" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:315 +msgid "" +"You will not receive any further messages from this chat room until you " +"rejoin it." +msgstr "" +"U zult verder geen berichten ontvangen van deze chatruimte totdat u deze " +"weer binnengaat." -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:31 -msgid "_Settings" -msgstr "_Instellingen" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:334 +msgid "Close window" +msgstr "Venster sluiten" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:32 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:30 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:25 -msgid "_View" -msgstr "Beel_d" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:334 +msgid "Leave room" +msgstr "Ruimte verlaten" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:481 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:501 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:640 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:660 #, c-format msgid "%s (%d unread)" msgid_plural "%s (%d unread)" msgstr[0] "%s (%d ongelezen)" msgstr[1] "%s (%d ongelezen)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:493 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:652 #, c-format msgid "%s (and %u other)" msgid_plural "%s (and %u others)" msgstr[0] "%s (en %u ander)" msgstr[1] "%s (en %u anderen)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:509 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:668 #, c-format msgid "%s (%d unread from others)" msgid_plural "%s (%d unread from others)" msgstr[0] "%s (%d ongelezen van anderen)" msgstr[1] "%s (%d ongelezen van anderen)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:518 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:677 #, c-format msgid "%s (%d unread from all)" msgid_plural "%s (%d unread from all)" msgstr[0] "%s (%d ongelezen van alle)" msgstr[1] "%s (%d ongelezen van allen)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:733 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:892 msgid "SMS:" msgstr "SMS:" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:743 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:902 #, c-format msgid "Sending %d message" msgid_plural "Sending %d messages" msgstr[0] "%d bericht versturen" msgstr[1] "%d berichten versturen" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:765 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:924 msgid "Typing a message." msgstr "Intypen van een bericht." #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:1 -msgid "C_lear" -msgstr "_Wissen" +msgid "_Conversation" +msgstr "_Gesprek" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:2 -msgid "C_ontact" -msgstr "C_ontact" +msgid "C_lear" +msgstr "_Wissen" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:3 msgid "Insert _Smiley" msgstr "_Smiley invoegen" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Favorite Chat Room" +msgstr "_Favoriete chatruimte" + #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:5 -msgid "Invite _Participant…" -msgstr "Deelnemer _uitnodigen…" +msgid "Notify for All Messages" +msgstr "Melding geven voor alle berichten" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:6 -msgid "Move Tab _Left" -msgstr "Tabblad naar _links verplaatsen" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:6 ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Show Contact List" +msgstr "Contactenlijst _tonen" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:7 -msgid "Move Tab _Right" -msgstr "Tabblad naar _rechts verplaatsen" +msgid "Invite _Participant…" +msgstr "Deelnemer _uitnodigen…" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:8 -msgid "Notify for All Messages" -msgstr "Melding geven voor alle berichten" +msgid "C_ontact" +msgstr "C_ontact" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:10 -msgid "_Conversation" -msgstr "_Gesprek" +msgid "_Tabs" +msgstr "_Tabbladen" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:11 -msgid "_Detach Tab" -msgstr "Tabblad _losmaken" - -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:13 -msgid "_Favorite Chat Room" -msgstr "_Favoriete chatruimte" +msgid "_Previous Tab" +msgstr "Vo_rig tabblad" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:15 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:12 msgid "_Next Tab" msgstr "V_olgend tabblad" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:16 -msgid "_Previous Tab" -msgstr "Vo_rig tabblad" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:13 +msgid "_Undo Close Tab" +msgstr "Sluiten van tabblad _ongedaan maken" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:17 ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:5 -msgid "_Show Contact List" -msgstr "Contactenlijst _tonen" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:14 +msgid "Move Tab _Left" +msgstr "Tabblad naar _links verplaatsen" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:18 -msgid "_Tabs" -msgstr "_Tabbladen" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:15 +msgid "Move Tab _Right" +msgstr "Tabblad naar _rechts verplaatsen" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:19 -msgid "_Undo Close Tab" -msgstr "Sluiten van tabblad _ongedaan maken" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "_Detach Tab" +msgstr "Tabblad _losmaken" #: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.c:251 msgid "Name" @@ -3833,100 +3755,100 @@ msgid "Auto-Connect" msgstr "Automatisch verbinden" -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:1 msgid "Manage Favorite Rooms" msgstr "Favoriete chatruimtes beheren" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:523 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 msgid "Incoming video call" msgstr "Binnenkomende video-oproep" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:523 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1555 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1519 msgid "Incoming call" msgstr "Binnenkomende oproep" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:527 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:526 #, c-format msgid "%s is video calling you. Do you want to answer?" msgstr "Er is een video-oproep voor u van %s. Wilt u opnemen?" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:528 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:527 #, c-format msgid "%s is calling you. Do you want to answer?" msgstr "U wordt gebeld door %s. Wilt u opnemen?" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:531 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:732 -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:765 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1561 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:530 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "Incoming call from %s" msgstr "Binnenkomende oproep van %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:556 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:555 msgid "_Reject" msgstr "_Afwijzen" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:564 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:572 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:563 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 msgid "_Answer" msgstr "_Opnemen" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:572 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 msgid "_Answer with video" msgstr "Met video be_antwoorden" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:732 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:765 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1561 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "Incoming video call from %s" msgstr "Binnenkomende video-oproep van %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:838 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:837 msgid "Room invitation" msgstr "Uitnodiging voor groepsgesprek" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:840 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:839 #, c-format msgid "Invitation to join %s" msgstr "Uitnodiging om mee te doen met %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:847 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:846 #, c-format msgid "%s is inviting you to join %s" msgstr "%s nodigt u uit deel te nemen aan %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:855 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:854 msgid "_Decline" msgstr "_Weigeren" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:860 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:7 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:859 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:2 msgid "_Join" msgstr "_Binnengaan" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:887 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:886 #, c-format msgid "%s invited you to join %s" msgstr "%s heeft u uitgenodigd om deel te nemen aan %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:893 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:892 #, c-format msgid "You have been invited to join %s" msgstr "U bent uitgenodigd om %s binnen te gaan" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:944 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:943 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file transfer from %s" msgstr "Binnenkomende bestandsoverdracht van %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1147 ../src/empathy-main-window.c:375 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1146 ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:374 msgid "Password required" msgstr "Wachtwoord vereist" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1217 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1216 #, c-format msgid "%s would like permission to see when you are online" msgstr "%s wil graag toestemming om te kunnen zien wanneer u online bent" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1223 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1222 #, c-format msgid "" "\n" @@ -4048,7 +3970,11 @@ "Voltooide, geannuleerde en mislukte bestandsoverdrachten uit de lijst " "verwijderen" -#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:84 +#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:76 +msgid "_Import" +msgstr "I_mporteren" + +#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:88 msgid "" "No accounts to import could be found. Empathy currently only supports " "importing accounts from Pidgin." @@ -4056,170 +3982,185 @@ "Er konden geen accounts gevonden worden om te importeren. Momenteel " "ondersteunt Empathy alleen het importeren van Pidgin-accounts." -#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:199 +#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:209 msgid "Import Accounts" msgstr "Accounts importeren" #. Translators: this is the header of a treeview column -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:315 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:316 msgid "Import" msgstr "Importeren" -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:324 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:325 msgid "Protocol" msgstr "Protocol" -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:348 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:349 msgid "Source" msgstr "Bron" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:392 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:391 msgid "Provide Password" msgstr "Voorzien van wachtwoord" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:398 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:397 msgid "Disconnect" msgstr "Verbinding verbreken" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:635 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:657 +msgid "You need to setup an account to see contacts here." +msgstr "U dient een account in te stellen om hier contacten te zien." + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:673 msgid "No match found" msgstr "Geen resultaten" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:743 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:783 #, c-format msgid "Sorry, %s accounts can’t be used until your %s software is updated." msgstr "" "Helaas, %s-accounts kunnen niet worden gebruikt zolang uw %s-software niet " "is bijgewerkt." -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:811 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:849 msgid "Update software..." msgstr "Software bijwerken…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:817 ../src/empathy-main-window.c:938 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:855 ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:972 msgid "Close" msgstr "Sluiten" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:926 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:960 msgid "Reconnect" msgstr "Opnieuw verbinden" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:932 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:966 msgid "Edit Account" msgstr "Account bewerken" #. Translators: this string will be something like: -#. * Top up My Account ($1.23)..." -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1071 +#. * Top up My Account ($1.23)..." +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1110 #, c-format msgid "Top up %s (%s)..." msgstr "Aanvullen van %s (%s)…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1118 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1156 msgid "Top up account credit" msgstr "Tegoed aanvullen" #. top up button -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1189 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1228 msgid "Top Up..." msgstr "Aanvullen…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1931 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1952 msgid "Contact" msgstr "Contact" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:2306 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2150 +msgid "You need to enable one of your accounts to see contacts here." +msgstr "U dient een van uw accounts te activeren om hier contacten te zien." + +#. translators: argument is an account name +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2158 +#, c-format +msgid "You need to enable %s to see contacts here." +msgstr "U dient %s te activeren om hier contacten te zien." + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2460 msgid "Contact List" msgstr "Contactenlijst" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:1 -msgid "Contacts on a _Map" -msgstr "Contacten op een _kaart" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.ui.h:1 +msgid "Account settings" +msgstr "Accountinstellingen" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:2 -msgid "Credit Balance" -msgstr "Batig saldo" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:2 +msgid "_New Conversation…" +msgstr "_Nieuw gesprek…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:3 -msgid "Find in Contact _List" -msgstr "Zoeken in _contactenlijst" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:3 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:3 +msgid "New _Call…" +msgstr "Nieuwe _oproep…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:4 -msgid "Join _Favorites" -msgstr "_Bladwijzers openen" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Search for Contacts…" +msgstr "Contacten _zoeken…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:5 -msgid "Manage Favorites" -msgstr "Bladwijzers beheren" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:7 +msgid "_File Transfers" +msgstr "_Bestandsoverdrachten" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:6 -msgid "N_ormal Size" -msgstr "N_ormale grootte" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Offline Contacts" +msgstr "_Offlinecontacten" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:7 ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:1 -msgid "New _Call…" -msgstr "Nieuwe _oproep…" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:9 +msgid "Show P_rotocols" +msgstr "P_rotocollen tonen" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:8 -msgid "Normal Size With _Avatars" -msgstr "Normale grootte met _afbeeldingen" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:10 +msgid "Credit Balance" +msgstr "Batig saldo" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:11 +msgid "Contacts on a _Map" +msgstr "Contacten op een _kaart" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:13 +msgid "_Accounts" +msgstr "_Accounts" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:14 +msgid "_Blocked Contacts" +msgstr "Ge_blokkeerde contacten" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:9 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:15 msgid "P_references" msgstr "_Voorkeuren" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:10 -msgid "Show P_rotocols" -msgstr "P_rotocollen tonen" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:16 +msgid "Find in Contact _List" +msgstr "Zoeken in _contactenlijst" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:11 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:18 msgid "Sort by _Name" msgstr "Op _naam sorteren" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:12 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:19 msgid "Sort by _Status" msgstr "Op _status sorteren" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:13 -msgid "_Accounts" -msgstr "_Accounts" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:20 +msgid "Normal Size With _Avatars" +msgstr "Normale grootte met _afbeeldingen" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:15 -msgid "_Blocked Contacts" -msgstr "Ge_blokkeerde contacten" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:21 +msgid "N_ormal Size" +msgstr "N_ormale grootte" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:22 msgid "_Compact Size" msgstr "_Compact formaat" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:21 -msgid "_File Transfers" -msgstr "_Bestandsoverdrachten" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:23 +msgid "_Room" +msgstr "_Ruimte" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:23 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:24 msgid "_Join…" msgstr "_Binnengaan…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:24 -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:3 -msgid "_New Conversation…" -msgstr "_Nieuw gesprek…" - -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:25 -msgid "_Offline Contacts" -msgstr "_Offlinecontacten" - -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:26 -msgid "_Personal Information" -msgstr "_Persoonlijke gegevens" - -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:28 -msgid "_Room" -msgstr "_Ruimte" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:25 +msgid "Join _Favorites" +msgstr "_Bladwijzers openen" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:29 -msgid "_Search for Contacts…" -msgstr "Contacten _zoeken…" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:26 +msgid "Manage Favorites" +msgstr "Bladwijzers beheren" #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:369 msgid "Chat Room" @@ -4231,7 +4172,7 @@ #. Translators: Room/Join's roomlist tooltip. Parameters are a channel name, #. yes/no, yes/no and a number. -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:623 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:637 #, c-format msgid "" "%s\n" @@ -4244,22 +4185,27 @@ "Wachtwoord vereist: %s\n" "Leden: %s" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:625 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:626 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:639 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:640 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Ja" + +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:639 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:640 msgid "No" msgstr "Nee" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:654 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:668 msgid "Could not start room listing" msgstr "Kan aanwezigen in chatruimte niet bepalen" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:664 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:678 msgid "Could not stop room listing" msgstr "Ophalen van aanwezigen kan niet worden beëindigd" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:2 -msgid "Couldn't load room list" -msgstr "Kan chatruimtelijst niet laden" +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:1 +msgid "Join Room" +msgstr "Chatruimte binnengaan" #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:3 msgid "" @@ -4268,6 +4214,10 @@ "Vul hier de naam van de chatruimte in of kies een chatruimte uit de lijst." #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Room:" +msgstr "_Ruimte:" + +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:5 msgid "" "Enter the server which hosts the room, or leave it empty if the room is on " "the current account's server" @@ -4275,18 +4225,14 @@ "Geef de naam van de server waar deze chatruimte zich op bevindt, of laat " "leeg wanneer de ruimte zich op de huidige server bevindt" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:5 -msgid "Join Room" -msgstr "Chatruimte binnengaan" +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:8 +msgid "Couldn't load room list" +msgstr "Kan chatruimtelijst niet laden" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:9 msgid "Room List" msgstr "Chatruimtelijst" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:8 -msgid "_Room:" -msgstr "_Ruimte:" - #: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:166 msgid "Message received" msgstr "Bericht ontvangen" @@ -4300,7 +4246,7 @@ msgstr "Nieuw gesprek" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:169 -msgid "Contact goes online" +msgid "Contact comes online" msgstr "Contact komt online" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:170 @@ -4320,325 +4266,354 @@ msgstr "Taal" #. translators: Contact name for the chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:725 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:726 msgid "Juliet" msgstr "Juliet" #. translators: Contact name for the chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:732 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:733 msgid "Romeo" msgstr "Romeo" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:738 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:739 msgid "O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?" msgstr "O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:741 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:743 msgid "Deny thy father and refuse thy name;" msgstr "Deny thy father and refuse thy name;" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:744 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:746 msgid "Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love" msgstr "Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:747 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:749 msgid "And I'll no longer be a Capulet." msgstr "And I'll no longer be a Capulet." #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:750 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:752 msgid "Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?" msgstr "Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:753 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:755 msgid "Juliet has disconnected" msgstr "Juliet heeft de verbinding verbroken" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:1157 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:1159 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Voorkeuren" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:1 +msgid "Show _smileys as images" +msgstr "_Smileys als afbeeldingen tonen" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:2 +msgid "Show contact _list in rooms" +msgstr "Contactenlijst in chatruimtes _tonen" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:3 msgid "Appearance" msgstr "Uiterlijk" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:3 -msgid "Behavior" -msgstr "Gedrag" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:4 +msgid "Start chats in:" +msgstr "Chats starten in:" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:5 -msgid "Chat Th_eme:" -msgstr "_Chatthema:" +msgid "new ta_bs" +msgstr "nieuwe ta_bbladen" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:6 -msgid "Disable notifications when _away or busy" -msgstr "Notificatieberichten _uitschakelen indien afwezig of bezig" +msgid "new _windows" +msgstr "nieuwe _vensters" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:7 -msgid "Disable sounds when _away or busy" -msgstr "Geluid uitschakelen indien _afwezig of bezig" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:8 msgid "Display incoming events in the notification area" msgstr "Geef binnenkomende meldingen weer in het mededelingengebied" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Automatically connect on startup" +msgstr "_Automatisch verbinden bij opstarten" + #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:9 -msgid "" -"Echo cancellation helps to make your voice sound clearer to the other " -"person, but may cause problems on some computers. If you or the other person " -"hear strange noises or glitches during calls, try turning echo cancellation " -"off and restarting the call." -msgstr "" -"Door echo-onderdrukking komt uw stem helderder over bij anderen, maar het " -"kan op sommige computers problemen veroorzaken. Als u, of de andere persoon, " -"vreemde geluiden of klikken hoort tijdens het gesprek, probeer dan echo-" -"onderdrukking uit te zetten en het gesprek opnieuw te starten." +msgid "Log conversations" +msgstr "Gesprekken opslaan" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:10 -msgid "Enable notifications when a contact comes online" -msgstr "Notificatieberichten tonen wanneer een contact online komt" +msgid "Behavior" +msgstr "Gedrag" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:11 -msgid "Enable notifications when a contact goes offline" -msgstr "Notificatieberichten tonen wanneer een contact offline gaat" +msgid "General" +msgstr "Algemeen" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:12 -msgid "Enable notifications when the _chat is not focused" -msgstr "Notificatieberichten tonen wanneer de _chat geen focus heeft" +msgid "_Enable bubble notifications" +msgstr "Ballon-notificatieberichten inscha_kelen" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:13 -msgid "Enable spell checking for languages:" -msgstr "Spelling controleren voor de volgende talen:" +msgid "Disable notifications when _away or busy" +msgstr "Notificatieberichten _uitschakelen indien afwezig of bezig" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:14 -msgid "General" -msgstr "Algemeen" +msgid "Enable notifications when the _chat is not focused" +msgstr "Notificatieberichten tonen wanneer de _chat geen focus heeft" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:15 +msgid "Enable notifications when a contact comes online" +msgstr "Notificatieberichten tonen wanneer een contact online komt" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:16 -msgid "Location sources:" -msgstr "Locatiebronnen:" +msgid "Enable notifications when a contact goes offline" +msgstr "Notificatieberichten tonen wanneer een contact offline gaat" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:17 -msgid "Log conversations" -msgstr "Gesprekken opslaan" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:18 msgid "Notifications" msgstr "Notificatieberichten" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:18 +msgid "_Enable sound notifications" +msgstr "_Geluidswaarschuwingen inschakelen" + #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:19 -msgid "Play sound for events" -msgstr "Geluid afspelen voor gebeurtenissen" +msgid "Disable sounds when _away or busy" +msgstr "Geluid uitschakelen indien _afwezig of bezig" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:20 -msgid "Privacy" -msgstr "Privacy" +msgid "Play sound for events" +msgstr "Geluid afspelen voor gebeurtenissen" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:21 -msgid "" -"Reduced location accuracy means that nothing more precise than your city, " -"state and country will be published. GPS coordinates will be accurate to 1 " -"decimal place." -msgstr "" -"Beperkte nauwkeurigheid van de locatie betekent dat alleen uw woonplaats, " -"provincie en land bekend gemaakt zullen worden. GPS-coördinaten zullen tot 1 " -"decimaal nauwkeurig zijn." - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:22 -msgid "Show _smileys as images" -msgstr "_Smileys als afbeeldingen tonen" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:23 -msgid "Show contact _list in rooms" -msgstr "Contactenlijst in chatruimtes _tonen" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:24 msgid "Sounds" msgstr "Geluiden" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:25 -msgid "Spell Checking" -msgstr "Spellingcontrole" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:22 +msgid "Use _echo cancellation to improve call quality" +msgstr "Gebruik _echo-onderdrukking om de gesprekskwaliteit te verbeteren" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:26 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:23 msgid "" -"The list of languages reflects only the languages for which you have a " -"dictionary installed." +"Echo cancellation helps to make your voice sound clearer to the other " +"person, but may cause problems on some computers. If you or the other person " +"hear strange noises or glitches during calls, try turning echo cancellation " +"off and restarting the call." msgstr "" -"De lijst met talen toont alleen de talen waarvoor u een woordenboek heeft " -"geïnstalleerd." +"Door echo-onderdrukking komt uw stem helderder over bij anderen, maar het " +"kan op sommige computers problemen veroorzaken. Als u, of de andere persoon, " +"vreemde geluiden of klikken hoort tijdens het gesprek, probeer dan echo-" +"onderdrukking uit te zetten en het gesprek opnieuw te starten." -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:27 -msgid "Themes" -msgstr "Thema's" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:26 +msgid "_Publish location to my contacts" +msgstr "_Locatie aan mijn contacten bekendmaken" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:28 -msgid "Use _echo cancellation to improve call quality" -msgstr "Gebruik _echo-onderdrukking om de gesprekskwaliteit te verbeteren" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:27 +msgid "" +"Reduced location accuracy means that nothing more precise than your city, " +"state and country will be published. GPS coordinates will be accurate to 1 " +"decimal place." +msgstr "" +"Beperkte nauwkeurigheid van de locatie betekent dat alleen uw woonplaats, " +"provincie en land bekend gemaakt zullen worden. GPS-coördinaten zullen tot 1 " +"decimaal nauwkeurig zijn." +#. To translators: The longitude and latitude are rounded to closest 0,1 degrees, so for example 146,2345° is rounded to round(146,2345*10)/10 = 146,2 degrees. #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:29 -msgid "Variant:" -msgstr "Variant:" +msgid "_Reduce location accuracy" +msgstr "_Nauwkeurigheid van locatie beperken" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:30 -msgid "_Automatically connect on startup" -msgstr "_Automatisch verbinden bij opstarten" +msgid "Privacy" +msgstr "Privacy" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:31 -msgid "_Cellphone" -msgstr "_Mobiele telefoon" +msgid "_GPS" +msgstr "_GPS" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:32 -msgid "_Enable bubble notifications" -msgstr "Ballon-notificatieberichten inscha_kelen" +msgid "_Cellphone" +msgstr "_Mobiele telefoon" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:33 -msgid "_Enable sound notifications" -msgstr "_Geluidswaarschuwingen inschakelen" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:34 -msgid "_GPS" -msgstr "_GPS" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:35 msgid "_Network (IP, Wi-Fi)" msgstr "_Netwerk (IP, Wi-Fi)" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:34 +msgid "Location sources:" +msgstr "Locatiebronnen:" + #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:36 -msgid "_Open new chats in separate windows" -msgstr "_Nieuwe chats in eigen vensters openen" +msgid "" +"The list of languages reflects only the languages for which you have a " +"dictionary installed." +msgstr "" +"De lijst met talen toont alleen de talen waarvoor u een woordenboek heeft " +"geïnstalleerd." #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:37 -msgid "_Publish location to my contacts" -msgstr "_Locatie aan mijn contacten bekendmaken" +msgid "Enable spell checking for languages:" +msgstr "Spelling controleren voor de volgende talen:" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:38 +msgid "Spell Checking" +msgstr "Spellingcontrole" -#. To translators: The longitude and latitude are rounded to closest 0,1 degrees, so for example 146,2345° is rounded to round(146,2345*10)/10 = 146,2 degrees. #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:39 -msgid "_Reduce location accuracy" -msgstr "_Nauwkeurigheid van locatie beperken" +msgid "Chat Th_eme:" +msgstr "_Chatthema:" -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:40 +msgid "Variant:" +msgstr "Variant:" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:41 +msgid "Themes" +msgstr "Thema's" + +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:4 msgid "Status" msgstr "Status" -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:5 msgid "_Quit" msgstr "_Afsluiten" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:2 -msgid "Call the contact again" -msgstr "Het contact opnieuw bellen" - #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Camera Off" -msgstr "Camera uit" +msgid "Redial" +msgstr "Opnieuw bellen" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:4 -msgid "Camera On" -msgstr "Camera aan" +msgid "V_ideo" +msgstr "Vi_deo" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:5 +msgid "Video Off" +msgstr "Video uit" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:6 -msgid "Disable camera and stop sending video" -msgstr "Camera uitschakelen en stoppen met sturen van video" +msgid "Video Preview" +msgstr "Videovoorbeeld" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:7 -msgid "Enable camera and send video" -msgstr "Camera inschakelen en video sturen" +msgid "Video On" +msgstr "Video aan" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:8 -msgid "Enable camera but don't send video" -msgstr "Camera inschakelen maar geen video sturen" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:10 +msgid "Call the contact again" +msgstr "Het contact opnieuw bellen" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:13 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Voorbeeld" +msgid "Camera Off" +msgstr "Camera uit" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:14 -msgid "Redial" -msgstr "Opnieuw bellen" +msgid "Disable camera and stop sending video" +msgstr "Camera uitschakelen en stoppen met sturen van video" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:19 -msgid "V_ideo" -msgstr "Vi_deo" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:15 +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "Voorbeeld" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:21 -msgid "Video Off" -msgstr "Video uit" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "Enable camera but don't send video" +msgstr "Camera inschakelen maar geen video sturen" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:22 -msgid "Video On" -msgstr "Video aan" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:17 +msgid "Camera On" +msgstr "Camera aan" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:23 -msgid "Video Preview" -msgstr "Videovoorbeeld" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:18 +msgid "Enable camera and send video" +msgstr "Camera inschakelen en video sturen" #: ../src/empathy-map-view.c:471 msgid "Contact Map View" msgstr "Kaartweergave van contactpersonen" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1228 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1607 msgid "Save" msgstr "Opslaan" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1435 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1667 +msgid "Pastebin link" +msgstr "Pastebin-koppeling" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1676 +msgid "Pastebin response" +msgstr "Pastebin-respons" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1680 +#, c-format +msgid "%s" +msgstr "%s" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1683 +msgid "Data too large for a single paste. Please save logs to file." +msgstr "Te veel data om in één keer te plakken. Sla de logs op in een bestand." + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1912 msgid "Debug Window" msgstr "Foutopsporingsvenster" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1517 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1970 +msgid "Send to pastebin" +msgstr "Naar pastebin sturen" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2009 msgid "Pause" msgstr "Pauzeren" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1529 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2021 msgid "Level " msgstr "Niveau " -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1549 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2040 msgid "Debug" msgstr "Foutopsporing" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1555 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2045 msgid "Info" msgstr "Info" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1561 ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1610 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2050 ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2096 msgid "Message" msgstr "Bericht" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1567 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2055 msgid "Warning" msgstr "Waarschuwing" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1573 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2060 msgid "Critical" msgstr "Kritiek" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1579 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2065 msgid "Error" msgstr "Fout" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1598 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2084 msgid "Time" msgstr "Tijd" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1601 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2087 msgid "Domain" msgstr "Domein" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1603 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2089 msgid "Category" msgstr "Categorie" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1605 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2091 msgid "Level" msgstr "Niveau" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1642 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2114 msgid "" "The selected connection manager does not support the remote debugging " "extension." @@ -4646,51 +4621,47 @@ "Het geselecteerde verbindingsbeheerprogramma heeft geen ondersteuning voor " "de plug-in voor foutopsporing op afstand." -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:200 -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:228 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:202 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:230 msgid "Invite Participant" msgstr "Deelnemer uitnodigen" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:201 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:203 msgid "Choose a contact to invite into the conversation:" msgstr "Een contact uitnodigen om deel te nemen aan het gesprek:" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:224 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:226 msgid "Invite" msgstr "Uitnodigen" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:183 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:180 msgid "Don't display any dialogs; do any work (eg, importing) and exit" msgstr "" "Dialoogvensters niet tonen; handeling verrichten (bijv. importeren) en " "afsluiten" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:187 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:184 msgid "" "Don't display any dialogs unless there are only \"People Nearby\" accounts" msgstr "" "Geen dialogen weergeven tenzij er alleen accounts van ‘mensen in de buurt’ " "zijn" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:191 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:188 msgid "Initially select given account (eg, gabble/jabber/foo_40example_2eorg0)" msgstr "" "Bij aanvang opgegeven account (bijv. gabble/jabber/foo_40example_2eorg0) " "selecteren" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:193 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:190 msgid "" msgstr "" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:196 -msgid "Show account assistant" -msgstr "Accountassistent tonen" - -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:202 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:195 msgid "- Empathy Accounts" msgstr "- Empathy-accounts" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:238 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:231 msgid "Empathy Accounts" msgstr "Empathy-accounts" @@ -4706,47 +4677,47 @@ msgid "Empathy Debugger" msgstr "Empathy foutopsporing" -#: ../src/empathy-chat.c:107 +#: ../src/empathy-chat.c:109 msgid "- Empathy Chat Client" msgstr "- Chatprogramma Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:190 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:189 msgid "Respond" msgstr "Beantwoorden" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:204 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1565 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:203 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1529 msgid "Reject" msgstr "Weigeren" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:209 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:214 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1566 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:208 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1530 msgid "Answer" msgstr "Antwoord" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:214 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 msgid "Answer with video" msgstr "Met video beantwoorden" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:222 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:232 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:221 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:231 msgid "Decline" msgstr "Afslaan" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:226 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:237 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:225 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:236 msgid "Accept" msgstr "Accepteren" #. translators: the 'Provide' button is displayed in a notification #. * bubble when Empathy is asking for an account password; clicking on it #. * brings the password popup. -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:247 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:246 msgid "Provide" msgstr "Voorzien" -#: ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:134 +#: ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:132 #, c-format msgid "%s just tried to call you, but you were in another call." msgstr "" @@ -4754,50 +4725,234 @@ #. Translators: this is an "Info" label. It should be as short #. * as possible. -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1172 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1195 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1140 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1162 msgid "i" msgstr "i" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2929 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2888 msgid "On hold" msgstr "In de wacht" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2932 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2891 msgid "Mute" msgstr "Dempen" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2934 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2893 msgid "Duration" msgstr "Duur" #. Translators: 'status - minutes:seconds' the caller has been connected -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2937 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2896 #, c-format msgid "%s — %d:%02dm" msgstr "%s — %d:%02dm" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3207 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3166 #, c-format msgid "Your current balance is %s." msgstr "Uw huidige saldo is %s." -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3211 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3170 msgid "Sorry, you don’t have enough credit for that call." msgstr "Helaas, u heeft niet genoeg saldo voor dat gesprek." -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3213 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3172 msgid "Top Up" -msgstr "Opwaarderen" +msgstr "Aanvullen" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.c:243 msgid "_Match case" msgstr "_Hoofdlettergevoelig" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-account-dialog.c:144 +msgid "What kind of chat account do you have?" +msgstr "Wat voor een chataccount heeft u?" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-account-dialog.c:166 -#, fuzzy -#| msgid "New account" msgid "Adding new account" -msgstr "Nieuwe account" +msgstr "Nieuwe account toevoegen" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:77 +msgid "People nearby" +msgstr "Mensen in de buurt" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:150 +msgid "" +"Empathy can automatically discover and chat with the people connected on the " +"same network as you. If you want to use this feature, please check that the " +"details below are correct." +msgstr "" +"Empathy kan op hetzelfde netwerk automatisch andere gebruikers vinden waar u " +"mee kunt chatten. Controleer de onderstaande gegevens als u deze functie " +"wilt gebruiken." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:183 +msgid "" +"You can change these details later or disable this feature by choosing Edit → Accounts in the Contact List." +msgstr "" +"U kunt deze gegevens later wijzigen of deze functie uitschakelen via Bewerken → Accounts in de contactenlijst." + +#~ msgid "Personal Information" +#~ msgstr "Persoonlijke informatie" + +#~ msgid "Select contacts to link" +#~ msgstr "Selecteer contacten om te verbinden" + +#~ msgid "New contact preview" +#~ msgstr "Nieuw contact inzien" + +#~ msgid "Contacts selected in the list on the left will be linked together." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Contactpersonen aan de linkerzijde zullen met elkaar worden verbonden." + +#~ msgctxt "Link individual (contextual menu)" +#~ msgid "_Link Contacts…" +#~ msgstr "Contacten _verbinden…" + +#~ msgid "Link Contacts" +#~ msgstr "Contacten verbinden" + +#~ msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" +#~ msgid "_Unlink…" +#~ msgstr "_Verbinding verbreken…" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Completely split the displayed linked contacts into the separate contacts." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Splits het weergegeven meta-contact en herstel alle contacten die het " +#~ "bevat." + +#~ msgid "_Link" +#~ msgstr "_Verbinden" + +#~ msgid "Unlink linked contacts '%s'?" +#~ msgstr "Meta-contact ‘%s’ splitsen?" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Are you sure you want to unlink these linked contacts? This will " +#~ "completely split the linked contacts into separate contacts." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Weet u zeker dat u dit meta-contact wilt splitsen? Het zal alle " +#~ "verbindingen tussen uw contacten verwijderen." + +#~ msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" +#~ msgid "_Unlink" +#~ msgstr "_Verbinding verbreken" + +#~ msgid "There was an error while importing the accounts." +#~ msgstr "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het importeren van de accounts." + +#~ msgid "There was an error while parsing the account details." +#~ msgstr "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het ontleden van de accountdetails." + +#~ msgid "There was an error while creating the account." +#~ msgstr "Er is een fout opgetreden bij het aanmaken van het account." + +#~ msgid "There was an error." +#~ msgstr "Er is een fout opgetreden." + +#~ msgid "The error message was: %s" +#~ msgstr "De foutmelding was: %s" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "You can either go back and try to enter your accounts' details again or " +#~ "quit this assistant and add accounts later from the Edit menu." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "U kunt teruggaan en opnieuw de details van uw account invoeren of deze " +#~ "assistent verlaten en later accounts toevoegen via het menu Bewerken." + +#~ msgid "An error occurred" +#~ msgstr "Er is een fout opgetreden" + +#~ msgid "Do you have any other chat accounts you want to set up?" +#~ msgstr "Wilt u nog andere chataccounts instellen?" + +#~ msgid "Enter your account details" +#~ msgstr "Voer de details van uw account in" + +#~ msgid "What kind of chat account do you want to create?" +#~ msgstr "Wat voor een chataccount wilt u aanmaken?" + +#~ msgid "Do you want to create other chat accounts?" +#~ msgstr "Wilt u nog andere chataccounts aanmaken?" + +#~ msgid "Enter the details for the new account" +#~ msgstr "Voer de details voor het nieuwe account in" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "With Empathy you can chat with people online nearby and with friends and " +#~ "colleagues who use Google Talk, AIM, Windows Live and many other chat " +#~ "programs. With a microphone or a webcam you can also have audio or video " +#~ "calls." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Met Empathy kunt u online chatten met vrienden en collega's die Google " +#~ "Talk, AIM, Windows Live en vele andere chatprogramma's gebruiken. Met een " +#~ "microfoon of een webcam kunt u ook audio- of videogesprekken voeren." + +#~ msgid "Do you have an account you've been using with another chat program?" +#~ msgstr "Heeft u een account dat u gebruikt met een ander chatprogramma?" + +#~ msgid "Yes, import my account details from " +#~ msgstr "Ja, importeer de details van mijn account uit " + +#~ msgid "Yes, I'll enter my account details now" +#~ msgstr "Ja, ik voer nu de details van mijn account in" + +#~ msgid "No, I want a new account" +#~ msgstr "Nee, ik wil een nieuw account" + +#~ msgid "No, I just want to see people online nearby for now" +#~ msgstr "Nee, ik wil nu alleen mensen in de buurt die online zijn zien" + +#~ msgid "Select the accounts you want to import:" +#~ msgstr "Selecteer de accounts die u wilt importeren:" + +#~ msgid "No, that's all for now" +#~ msgstr "Nee, dat is voorlopig alles" + +#~ msgid "Edit->Accounts" +#~ msgstr "Bewerken->Accounts" + +#~ msgid "I do _not want to enable this feature for now" +#~ msgstr "Ik wil deze functie nu _niet inschakelen" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "You won't be able to chat with people connected to your local network, as " +#~ "telepathy-salut is not installed. If you want to enable this feature, " +#~ "please install the telepathy-salut package and create a People Nearby " +#~ "account from the Accounts dialog" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "U zult niet kunnen chatten met mensen die verbonden zijn met uw lokale " +#~ "netwerk, omdat telepathy-salut niet geïnstalleerd is. Als u deze optie " +#~ "wilt inschakelen dient u het pakket telepathy-salut te installeren en een " +#~ "account voor ‘Mensen in de buurt’ aan te maken via het dialoogvenster " +#~ "Accounts" + +#~ msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts Assistant" +#~ msgstr "Assistent voor Messaging- en VoIP-accounts" + +#~ msgid "Welcome to Empathy" +#~ msgstr "Welkom bij Empathy" + +#~ msgid "Import your existing accounts" +#~ msgstr "Uw bestaande accounts importeren" + +#~ msgid "Please enter personal details" +#~ msgstr "Voer uw persoonlijke gegevens in" + +#~ msgid "Protocol:" +#~ msgstr "Protocol:" + +#~ msgid "_Personal Information" +#~ msgstr "_Persoonlijke gegevens" + +#~ msgid "_Open new chats in separate windows" +#~ msgstr "_Nieuwe chats in eigen vensters openen" + +#~ msgid "Show account assistant" +#~ msgstr "Accountassistent tonen" #~ msgid "My Web Accounts" #~ msgstr "Mijn webaccounts" diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/po/pa.po empathy-3.3.92/po/pa.po --- empathy-3.3.91/po/pa.po 2012-02-24 08:47:54.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/po/pa.po 2012-03-16 09:30:32.000000000 +0000 @@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ "Project-Id-Version: empathy.HEAD\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?" "product=empathy&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=General\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-21 15:03+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-23 20:57+0530\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-13 22:13+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-15 06:18+0530\n" "Last-Translator: A S Alam \n" "Language-Team: Punjabi/Panjabi \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ #. Tweak the dialog #: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2450 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2454 msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts" msgstr "ਸੁਨੇਹੇ ਅਤੇ VoIP ਅਕਾਊਂਟ" @@ -85,75 +85,88 @@ msgstr "ਫਾਇਲ ਸੰਚਾਰ ਸੰਭਾਲਣ ਲਈ ਡਿਫਾਲਟ ਫੋਲਡਰ ਹੈ।" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:9 +msgid "Magic number used to check if sanity cleaning tasks should be run" +msgstr "ਸਾਫ਼ ਕਰਨ ਦੇ ਕੰਮ ਦੇ ਚੱਲਦਾ ਹੋਣ ਦੀ ਜਾਂਚ ਲਈ ਵਰਤਣ ਵਾਸਤੇ ਮੈਜਿਕ ਨੰਬਰ" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:10 +msgid "" +"empathy-sanity-cleaning.c uses this number to check if the cleaning tasks " +"should be executed or not. Users should not change this key manually." +msgstr "" +"empathy-sanity-cleaning.c ਇਹ ਨੰਬਰ ਨੂੰ ਚੈੱਕ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਵਰਤਦੀ ਹੈ, ਜੇ ਸਾਫ਼ ਕਰਨ " +"ਦੀਆਂ ਕਾਰਵਾਈਆਂ ਚਲਾਉਣੀਆਂ ਹਨ ਜਾਂ ਨਹੀਂ। ਯੂਜ਼ਰ ਨੂੰ ਇਹ ਕੁੰਜੀ ਖੁਦ ਨਹੀਂ ਬਦਲਣੀ ਚਾਹੀਦੀ " +"ਹੈ।" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:11 msgid "Show offline contacts" msgstr "ਆਫਲਾਈਨ ਸੰਪਰਕ ਵੇਖੋ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:10 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:12 msgid "Whether to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." msgstr "ਕੀ ਸੰਪਰਕ, ਜੋ ਕਿ ਆਫਲਾਈਨ ਹਨ, ਸੰਪਰਕ ਲਿਸਟ ਵਿੱਚ ਵੇਖਾਏ ਜਾਣ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:11 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:13 msgid "Show avatars" msgstr "ਅਵਤਾਰ ਵੇਖੋ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:12 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:14 msgid "" "Whether to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat windows." msgstr "ਕੀ ਸੰਪਰਕ ਲਿਸਟ ਅਤੇ ਗੱਲਬਾਤ ਵਿੰਡੋਜ਼ ਵਿੱਚ ਸੰਪਰਕਾਂ ਲਈ ਅਵਤਾਰ ਵੇਖਾਏ ਜਾਣ।" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:13 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:15 msgid "Show protocols" msgstr "ਪਰੋਟੋਕਾਲ ਵੇਖੋ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:14 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:16 msgid "Whether to show protocols for contacts in the contact list." msgstr "ਕੀ ਸੰਪਰਕ ਲਿਸਟ ਵਿੱਚ ਸੰਪਰਕਾਂ ਲਈ ਪਰੋਟੋਕਾਲ ਵੇਖਾਏ ਜਾਣ।" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:15 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:17 msgid "Show Balance in contact list" msgstr "ਸੰਪਰਕ ਲਿਸਟ ਵਿੱਚ ਸੰਤੁਲਨ ਵੇਖੋ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:16 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:18 msgid "Whether to show account balances in the contact list." msgstr "ਕੀ ਸੰਪਰਕ ਲਿਸਟ ਵਿੱਚ ਅਕਾਊਂਟ ਬਕਾਇਆ ਵੇਖਾਉਣਾ ਹੈ।" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:17 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:19 msgid "Compact contact list" msgstr "ਸੰਖੇਪ ਸੰਪਰਕ ਲਿਸਟ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:18 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:20 msgid "Whether to show the contact list in compact mode." msgstr "ਕੀ ਸੰਪਰਕ ਲਿਸਟ ਨੂੰ ਸੰਖੇਪ ਮੋਡ ਵਿੱਚ ਵੇਖਣਾ ਹੈ।" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:19 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:21 msgid "Hide main window" msgstr "ਮੁੱਖ ਵਿੰਡੋ ਓਹਲੇ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:20 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:22 msgid "Hide the main window." msgstr "ਮੁੱਖ ਵਿੰਡੋ ਓਹਲੇ ਕਰੋ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:21 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:23 msgid "Default directory to select an avatar image from" msgstr "ਅਵਤਾਰ ਚਿੱਤਰ ਚੁਣਨ ਵਾਸਤੇ ਡਿਫਾਲਟ ਡਾਇਰੈਕਟਰੀ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:22 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:24 msgid "The last directory that an avatar image was chosen from." msgstr "ਆਖਰੀ ਡਾਇਰੈਕਟਰੀ, ਜਿੱਥੇ ਅਵਤਾਰ ਚਿੱਤਰ ਚੁਣਿਆ ਗਿਆ ਸੀ।" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:23 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:25 msgid "Open new chats in separate windows" msgstr "ਨਵੀਆਂ ਗੱਲਬਾਤਾਂ ਵੱਖ ਵੱਖ ਵਿੰਡੋ ਵਿੱਚ ਖੋਲ੍ਹੋ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:24 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:26 msgid "Always open a separate chat window for new chats." msgstr "ਨਵੀਆਂ ਗੱਲਾਂ ਲਈ ਹਮੇਸ਼ਾ ਇੱਕ ਵੱਖਰੀ ਗੱਲਬਾਤ ਵਿੰਡੋ ਵਰਤੋਂ।" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:25 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:27 msgid "Display incoming events in the status area" msgstr "ਹਾਲਤ ਖੇਤਰ 'ਚ ਆ ਰਹੇ ਈਵੈਂਟ ਵੇਖਾਓ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:26 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:28 msgid "" "Display incoming events in the status area. If false, present them to the " "user immediately." @@ -161,33 +174,27 @@ "ਹਾਲਤ ਖੇਤਰ 'ਚ ਆ ਰਹੇ ਈਵੈਂਟ ਲਈ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਵੇਖਾਉ। ਜੇ ਸੈੱਟ ਨਾ ਕੀਤਾ ਤਾਂ ਉਹ ਯੂਜ਼ਰ ਨੂੰ " "ਤੁਰੰਤ ਦਿਉ।" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:27 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:29 msgid "The position for the chat window side pane" msgstr "ਗੱਲਬਾਤ ਵਿੰਡੋ ਬਾਹੀ ਦੀ ਸਥਿਤੀ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:28 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:30 msgid "The stored position (in pixels) of the chat window side pane." msgstr "ਗੱਲਬਾਤ ਵਿੰਡੋ ਬਾਹੀ ਦੀ ਸੰਭਾਲੀ ਸਥਿਤੀ (ਪਿਕਸਲ 'ਚ)।" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:29 -#| msgid "Show contact list in rooms" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:31 msgid "Show contact groups" msgstr "ਸੰਪਰਕ ਗਰੁੱਪ ਵੇਖਾਓ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:30 -#| msgid "Whether to show account balances in the contact list." +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:32 msgid "Whether to show groups in the contact list." msgstr "ਕੀ ਸੰਪਰਕ ਲਿਸਟ ਵਿੱਚ ਗਰੁੱਪ ਵੇਖਾਉਣੇ ਹਨ।" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:31 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:33 msgid "Contact list sort criterion" msgstr "ਸੰਪਰਕ ਲਿਸਟ ਲੜੀਬੱਧ ਢੰਗ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:32 -#| msgid "" -#| "Which criterion to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to sort " -#| "by the contact's name with the value \"name\". A value of \"state\" will " -#| "sort the contact list by state." +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:34 msgid "" "Which criterion to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to sort by " "the contact's state with the value \"state\". A value of \"name\" will sort " @@ -198,100 +205,100 @@ "ਦੇ ਨਾਂ ਨਾਲ \"state (ਹਾਲਤ)\" ਹੈ। \"name (ਨਾਂ)\" ਨੂੰ ਸੰਪਰਕ ਦੀ ਹਾਲਤ ਮੁਤਾਬਕ " "ਲੜੀਬੱਧ ਕਰੋ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:33 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:35 msgid "Use notification sounds" msgstr "ਸਾਊਂਡ ਨੋਟੀਫਿਕੇਸ਼ਨ ਵਰਤੋਂ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:34 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:36 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of events." msgstr "ਕੀ ਈਵੈਂਟਾਂ ਲਈ ਸੂਚਨਾ ਵਾਸਤੇ ਸਾਊਂਡ ਚਲਾਈ ਜਾਵੇ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:35 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:37 msgid "Disable sounds when away" msgstr "ਦੂਰ ਹੋਵੋ ਤਾਂ ਸਾਊਂਡ ਆਯੋਗ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:36 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:38 msgid "Whether to play sound notifications when away or busy." msgstr "ਜਦੋਂ ਦੂਰ ਜਾਂ ਰੁੱਝੇ ਹੋਵੇ ਤਾਂ ਕੀ ਸਾਊਂਡ ਸੂਚਨਾਵਾਂ ਚਲਾਉਣੀਆਂ ਹਨ।" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:37 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:39 msgid "Play a sound for incoming messages" msgstr "ਆ ਰਹੇ ਸੁਨੇਹਿਆਂ ਲਈ ਇੱਕ ਧੁਨੀ ਚਲਾਓ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:38 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:40 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of incoming messages." msgstr "ਕੀ ਆ ਰਹੇ ਸੁਨੇਹਿਆਂ ਲਈ ਸੂਚਨਾ ਵਾਸਤੇ ਸਾਊਂਡ ਚਲਾਈ ਜਾਵੇ।" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:39 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:41 msgid "Play a sound for outgoing messages" msgstr "ਬਾਹਰ ਜਾ ਰਹੇ ਸੁਨੇਹਿਆਂ ਲਈ ਆਵਾਜ਼ ਚਲਾਓ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:40 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:42 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of outgoing messages." msgstr "ਕੀ ਬਾਹਰ ਜਾ ਰਹੇ ਸੁਨੇਹਿਆਂ ਲਈ ਸੂਚਨਾ ਵਾਸਤੇ ਸਾਊਂਡ ਚਲਾਈ ਜਾਵੇ।" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:41 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:43 msgid "Play a sound for new conversations" msgstr "ਨਵੀਆਂ ਗੱਲਾਂਬਾਤਾਂ ਲਈ ਧੁਨੀ ਚਲਾਓ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:42 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:44 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of new conversations." msgstr "ਕੀ ਨਵੀਆਂ ਗੱਲਾਬਾਤਾਂ ਦੀ ਸੂਚਨਾ ਲਈ ਸਾਊਂਡ ਚਲਾਈ ਜਾਵੇ।" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:43 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:45 msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs in" msgstr "ਜਦੋਂ ਸੰਪਰਕ ਲਾਗਇਨ ਕਰੇ ਤਾਂ ਧੁਨੀ ਚਲਾਓ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:44 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:46 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging into the network." msgstr "ਕੀ ਨੈੱਟਵਰਕ ਉੱਤੇ ਸੰਪਰਕ ਦੇ ਲਾਗ ਇਨ ਕਰਨ ਸਮੇਂ ਸੂਚਨਾ ਲਈ ਸਾਊਂਡ ਚਲਾਈ ਜਾਵੇ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:45 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:47 msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs out" msgstr "ਜਦੋਂ ਸੰਪਰਕ ਲਾਗ-ਆਉਟ ਕਰੇ ਤਾਂ ਧੁਨੀ ਚਲਾਓ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:46 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:48 msgid "" "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging out of the network." msgstr "ਕੀ ਨੈੱਟਵਰਕ ਉੱਤੇ ਸੰਪਰਕ ਦੇ ਲਾਗ ਆਫ਼ ਕਰਨ ਸਮੇਂ ਸੂਚਨਾ ਲਈ ਸਾਊਂਡ ਚਲਾਈ ਜਾਵੇ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:47 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:49 msgid "Play a sound when we log in" msgstr "ਜਦੋਂ ਅਸੀਂ ਲਾਗਇਨ ਕਰੀਏ ਤਾਂ ਧੁਨੀ ਚਲਾਓ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:48 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:50 msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging into a network." msgstr "ਕੀ ਨੈੱਟਵਰਕ ਉੱਤੇ ਲਾਗ ਇਨ ਕਰਨ ਦੌਰਾਨ ਸਾਊਂਡ ਚਲਾਈ ਜਾਵੇ।" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:49 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:51 msgid "Play a sound when we log out" msgstr "ਜਦੋਂ ਅਸੀਂ ਲਾਗ-ਆਉਟ ਕਰਨਾ ਹੋਵੇ ਤਾਂ ਧੁਨੀ ਚਲਾਓ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:50 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:52 msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging out of a network." msgstr "ਕੀ ਨੈੱਟਵਰਕ ਤੋਂ ਲਾਗ ਆਫ਼ ਕਰਨ ਦੌਰਾਨ ਸਾਊਂਡ ਚਲਾਈ ਜਾਵੇ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:51 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:53 msgid "Enable popup notifications for new messages" msgstr "ਨਵੇਂ ਸੁਨੇਹਿਆਂ ਲਈ ਪੋਪਅੱਪ ਸੂਚਨਾ ਚਾਲੂ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:52 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:54 msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message." msgstr "ਕੀ ਪੋਪਅੱਪ ਨੋਟੀਫਿਕੇਸ਼ਨ ਵੇਖਾਇਆ ਜਾਵੇ, ਜਦੋਂ ਨਵਾਂ ਸੁਨੇਹਾ ਮਿਲੇ।" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:53 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:55 msgid "Disable popup notifications when away" msgstr "ਦੂਰ ਹੋਵੋ ਤਾਂ ਪੋਪਅੱਪ ਸੂਚਨਾ ਬੰਦ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:54 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:56 msgid "Whether to show popup notifications when away or busy." msgstr "ਕੀ ਪੋਪਅੱਪ ਨੋਟੀਫਿਕੇਸ਼ਨ ਵੇਖਾਏ ਜਾਣ, ਜਦੋਂ ਦੂਰ ਰੁੱਝੇ ਹੋਵੋ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:55 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:57 msgid "Pop up notifications if the chat isn't focused" msgstr "ਜੇ ਗੱਲਬਾਤ ਫੋਕਸ ਨਾ ਹੋਵੇ ਤਾਂ ਸੂਚਨਾ ਪੋਪਅੱਪ ਸੂਚਨਾ ਦਿਓ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:56 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:58 msgid "" "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message even if " "the chat is already opened, but not focused." @@ -300,165 +307,168 @@ "ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਖੁੱਲ੍ਹੀ ਹੋਵੇ, ਪਰ " "ਫੋਕਸ ਨਾ ਹੋਵੇ।" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:57 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:59 msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs in" msgstr "ਜੇ ਸੰਪਰਕ ਲਾਗ ਇਨ ਕਰੇ ਤਾਂ ਸੂਚਨਾ ਪੋਪਅੱਪ ਸੂਚਨਾ ਦਿਓ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:58 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:60 msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes online." msgstr "ਕੀ ਪੋਪਅੱਪ ਨੋਟੀਫਿਕੇਸ਼ਨ ਵੇਖਾਏ ਜਾਣ, ਜਦੋਂ ਸੰਪਰਕ ਆਨਲਾਈਨ ਹੋਵੇ।" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:59 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:61 msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs out" msgstr "ਜੇ ਸੰਪਰਕ ਲਾਗ ਆਉਟ ਕਰੇ ਤਾਂ ਸੂਚਨਾ ਪੋਪਅੱਪ ਸੂਚਨਾ ਦਿਓ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:60 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:62 msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes offline." msgstr "ਕੀ ਪੋਪਅੱਪ ਨੋਟੀਫਿਕੇਸ਼ਨ ਵੇਖਾਏ ਜਾਣ, ਜਦੋਂ ਸੰਪਰਕ ਆਫਲਾਈਨ ਹੋਵੇ।" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:61 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:63 msgid "Use graphical smileys" msgstr "ਗਰਾਫਿਕਸ ਚਿਹਰੇ ਵਰਤੋਂ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:62 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:64 msgid "Whether to convert smileys into graphical images in conversations." msgstr "ਕੀ ਸਮਾਈਲੀ ਨੂੰ ਗੱਲਬਾਤ ਵਿੱਚ ਗਰਾਫਿਕਲ ਚਿੱਤਰਾਂ ਵਿੱਚ ਬਦਲਿਆ ਜਾਵੇ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:63 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:65 msgid "Show contact list in rooms" msgstr "ਰੂਮ ਵਿੱਚ ਸੰਪਰਕ ਲਿਸਟ ਵੇਖੋ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:64 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:66 msgid "Whether to show the contact list in chat rooms." msgstr "ਕੀ ਗਲੱਬਾਤ ਰੂਮ ਵਿੱਚ ਸੰਪਰਕ ਲਿਸਟ ਵੇਖਣੀ ਹੈ।" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:65 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:67 msgid "Chat window theme" msgstr "ਗੱਲਬਾਤ ਵਿੰਡੋ ਥੀਮ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:66 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:68 msgid "The theme that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." msgstr "ਥੀਮ, ਜੋ ਕਿ ਗੱਲਬਾਤ ਵਿੰਡੋ ਵਿੱਚ ਗੱਲਾਂ ਵੇਖਾਉਣ ਲਈ ਵਰਤਿਆ ਜਾਵੇ।" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:67 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:69 msgid "Chat window theme variant" msgstr "ਗੱਲਬਾਤ ਵਿੰਡੋ ਥੀਮ ਬਦਲ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:68 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:70 msgid "" "The theme variant that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." msgstr "ਥੀਮ ਬਦਲ, ਜੋ ਕਿ ਗੱਲਬਾਤ ਵਿੰਡੋ ਵਿੱਚ ਗੱਲਾਂ ਵੇਖਾਉਣ ਲਈ ਵਰਤਿਆ ਜਾਵੇ।" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:69 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:71 msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use" msgstr "ਵਰਤਣ ਵਾਸਤੇ ਅਡੀਓਮ ਥੀਮ ਲਈ ਪਾਥ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:70 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:72 msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use if the theme used for chat is Adium." msgstr "ਅਡੀਓਮ ਥੀਮ ਲਈ ਪਾਥ, ਜੋ ਕਿ ਵਰਤਣਾ ਹੈ, ਜਦੋਂ ਗੱਲਬਾਤ ਲਈ ਅਡੀਓਮ ਥੀਮ ਚੁਣਿਆ ਹੋਵੇ।" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:71 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:73 msgid "Enable WebKit Developer Tools" msgstr "ਵੈਬਕਿੱਟ ਡਿਵੈਲਪਰ ਟੂਲ ਚਾਲੂ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:72 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:74 msgid "" "Whether WebKit developer tools, such as the Web Inspector, should be enabled." msgstr "ਕੀ ਵੈੱਬਕਿੱਟ ਡਿਵੈਲਪਰ ਟੂਲ, ਜਿਵੇਂ ਕਿ ਵੈੱਬ ਇੰਸਪੈਕਟਰ ਆਦਿ ਯੋਗ ਕਰਨੇ ਹਨ।" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:73 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:75 msgid "Inform other users when you are typing to them" msgstr "ਹੋਰ ਯੂਜ਼ਰ ਨੂੰ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਦਿਉ ਕਿ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਉਹਨਾਂ ਲਈ ਲਿਖ ਰਹੇ ਹੋ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:74 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:76 msgid "" "Whether to send the 'composing' or 'paused' chat states. Does not currently " "affect the 'gone' state." msgstr "" +"ਕੀ 'ਲਿਖਣ' ਜਾਂ 'ਰੁਕਣ' ਗੱਲਬਾਤ ਹਾਲਤ ਭੇਜਣੀ ਹੈ। ਇਸ ਸਮੇਂ 'ਦੂਰ ਗਏ' ਹਾਲਤ ਨੂੰ ਪ੍ਰਭਾਵਿਤ " +"ਨਹੀਂ " +"ਕਰਦਾ ਹੈ।" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:75 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:77 msgid "Use theme for chat rooms" msgstr "ਗੱਲਬਾਤ ਰੂਮ ਲਈ ਥੀਮ ਵਰਤੋਂ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:76 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:78 msgid "Whether to use the theme for chat rooms." msgstr "ਕੀ ਗੱਲਬਾਤ ਰੂਮ ਲਈ ਥੀਮ ਵਰਤਣਾ ਹੈ।" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:77 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:79 msgid "Spell checking languages" msgstr "ਸ਼ਬਦ-ਜੋੜ ਭਾਸ਼ਾਵਾਂ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:78 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:80 msgid "" "Comma-separated list of spell checker languages to use (e.g. \"en, fr, nl\")." msgstr "ਸਪੈਲ ਚੈਕਰ ਭਾਸ਼ਾਵਾਂ ਦੀ ਕਾਮਿਆਂ ਨਾਲ ਅੱਡ ਕੀਤੀ ਲਿਸਟ (ਜਿਵੇਂ pa,en,)।" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:79 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:81 msgid "Enable spell checker" msgstr "ਸ਼ਬਦ-ਜੋੜ ਯੋਗ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:80 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:82 msgid "" "Whether to check words typed against the languages you want to check with." msgstr "ਕੀ ਜਦੋਂ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਲਿਖੋ ਤਾਂ ਸ਼ਬਦਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਭਾਸ਼ਾ ਲਈ ਚੈੱਕ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾਵੇ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:81 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:83 msgid "Nick completed character" msgstr "ਨਾਂ ਪੂਰਾ ਅੱਖਰ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:82 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:84 msgid "" "Character to add after nickname when using nick completion (tab) in group " "chat." msgstr "" "ਨਾਂ ਦੇ ਬਾਅਦ ਵਿੱਚ ਜੋੜਨ ਲਈ ਅੱਖਰ, ਜਦੋਂ ਗਰੁੱਪ ਗੱਲਬਾਤ ਵਿੱਚ ਨਾਂ ਪੂਰਾ ਕਰਨਾ ਹੋਵੇ (ਟੈਬ)" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:83 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:85 msgid "Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon" msgstr "ਇੰਪੈਥੀ ਗੱਲਬਾਤ ਵਿੰਡੋ ਆਈਕਾਨ ਵਜੋਂ ਸੰਪਰਕ ਦੇ ਅਵਤਾਰ ਨੂੰ ਵਰਤੇ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:84 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:86 msgid "" "Whether Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon." msgstr "ਕੀ ਇੰਪੈਥੀ ਗੱਲਬਾਤ ਵਿੰਡੋ ਆਈਕਾਨ ਵਜੋਂ ਸੰਪਰਕ ਦੇ ਅਵਤਾਰ ਨੂੰ ਵਰਤੇ।" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:85 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:87 msgid "Last account selected in Join Room dialog" msgstr "ਰੂਮ ਜੁਆਇੰਨ ਡਾਈਲਗ ਲਈ ਆਖਰੀ ਵਾਰ ਚੁਣਿਆ ਅਕਾਊਂਟ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:86 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:88 msgid "D-Bus object path of the last account selected to join a room." -msgstr "" +msgstr "ਆਖਰੀ ਅਕਾਊਂਟ ਵਲੋਂ ਰੂਮ ਜੁਆਇੰਨ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਚੁਣਿਆ ਡੀ-ਬੱਸ ਆਬਜੈਕਟ ਪਾਥ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:87 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:89 msgid "Camera device" msgstr "ਕੈਮਰਾ ਜੰਤਰ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:88 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:90 msgid "Default camera device to use in video calls, e.g. /dev/video0." msgstr "ਵਿਡੀਓ ਕਾਲ ਵਿੱਚ ਵਰਤਣ ਲਈ ਡਿਫਾਲਟ ਕੈਮਰਾ ਜੰਤਰ, ਜਿਵੇਂ /dev/video0" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:89 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:91 msgid "Camera position" msgstr "ਕੈਮਰਾ ਸਥਿਤੀ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:90 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:92 msgid "Position the camera preview should be during a call." msgstr "ਕਾਲ ਦੇ ਦੌਰਾਨ ਝਲਕ ਵੇਖਾਉਣ ਲਈ ਕੈਮਰੇ ਦੀ ਸਥਿਤੀ ਹੈ।" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:91 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:93 msgid "Echo cancellation support" msgstr "ਈਚੋ ਰੱਦ ਕਰਨ ਸਹਿਯੋਗ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:92 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:94 msgid "Whether to enable Pulseaudio's echo cancellation filter." msgstr "ਕੀ ਪਲੱਸਆਡੀਓ ਦਾ ਈਚੋ ਰੱਦ ਕਰਨ ਫਿਲਟਰ ਚਾਲੂ ਕਰਨਾ ਹੈ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:93 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:95 msgid "Show hint about closing the main window" msgstr "ਮੁੱਖ ਵਿੰਡੋ ਬੰਦ ਕਰਨ ਦੌਰਾਨ ਸੰਕੇਤ ਵੇਖੋ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:94 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:96 msgid "" "Whether to show the message dialog about closing the main window with the " "'x' button in the title bar." @@ -466,88 +476,88 @@ "ਕੀ ਟਾਈਟਲ ਬਾਰ ਵਿੱਚ 'x' ਬਟਨ ਦਬਾਉਣ ਨਾਲ ਮੁੱਖ ਵਿੰਡੋ ਬੰਦ ਕਰਨ ਬਾਰੇ ਸੁਨੇਹਾ ਡਾਈਲਾਗ " "ਵੇਖਾਇਆ ਜਾਵੇ।" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:95 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:97 msgid "Empathy can publish the user's location" msgstr "ਇੰਪੈਥੀ ਯੂਜ਼ਰ ਦਾ ਟਿਕਾਣਾ ਦੇ ਸਕਦਾ ਹੈ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:96 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:98 msgid "Whether Empathy can publish the user's location to their contacts." msgstr "ਕੀ ਇੰਪੈਥੀ ਯੂਜ਼ਰ ਦੇ ਟਿਕਾਣਿਆਂ ਬਾਰੇ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਉਸ ਦੇ ਸੰਪਰਕਾਂ ਨਾਲ ਦੇਵੇ।" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:97 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:99 msgid "Empathy can use the network to guess the location" msgstr "ਇੰਪੈਥੀ ਟਿਕਾਣੇ ਦਾ ਅਨੁਮਾਨ ਲਗਾਉਣ ਲਈ ਨੈੱਟਵਰਕ ਵਰਤ ਸਕਦਾ ਹੈ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:98 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:100 msgid "Whether Empathy can use the network to guess the location." msgstr "ਕੀ ਇੰਪੈਥੀ ਟਿਕਾਣੇ ਦਾ ਅਨੁਮਾਨ ਲਾਉਣ ਲਈ ਨੈੱਟਵਰਕ ਵਰਤ ਸਕਦਾ ਹੈ।" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:99 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:101 msgid "Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location" msgstr "ਇੰਪੈਥੀ ਟਿਕਾਣੇ ਦਾ ਅਨੁਮਾਨ ਲਗਾਉਣ ਲਈ ਸੈਲੂਲਰ ਨੈੱਟਵਰਕ ਵਰਤ ਸਕਦਾ ਹੈ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:100 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:102 msgid "Whether Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location." msgstr "ਕੀ ਇੰਪੈਥੀ ਟਿਕਾਣੇ ਦਾ ਅਨੁਮਾਨ ਲਗਾਉਣ ਲਈ ਸੈਲੂਲਰ ਨੈੱਟਵਰਕ ਵਰਤੇ।" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:101 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:103 msgid "Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location" msgstr "ਇੰਪੈਥੀ ਟਿਕਾਣੇ ਦਾ ਅਨੁਮਾਨ ਲਗਾਉਣ ਲਈ GPS ਵਰਤ ਸਕਦਾ ਹੈ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:102 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:104 msgid "Whether Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location." msgstr "ਕੀ ਇੰਪੈਥੀ ਟਿਕਾਣੇ ਦਾ ਅਨੁਮਾਨ ਲਗਾਉਣ ਲਈ GPS ਵਰਤੇ।" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:103 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:105 msgid "Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy" msgstr "ਇੰਪੈਥੀ ਟਿਕਾਣੇ ਦੀ ਸ਼ੁੱਧਤਾ ਘਟਾਵੇ" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:104 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:106 msgid "" "Whether Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy for privacy reasons." msgstr "ਕੀ ਇੰਪੈਥੀ ਪਰਾਈਵੇਸੀ ਕਾਰਨਾਂ ਕਰਕੇ ਟਿਕਾਣੇ ਦੀ ਸ਼ੁੱਧਤਾ ਘਟਾਵੇ।" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:736 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:738 msgid "No reason was specified" msgstr "ਕੋਈ ਕਾਰਨ ਨਹੀਂ ਦਿੱਤਾ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:739 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:741 msgid "The change in state was requested" msgstr "ਹਾਲਤ ਬਦਲਣ ਲਈ ਮੰਗ ਹੈ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:742 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:744 msgid "You canceled the file transfer" msgstr "ਤੁਸੀਂ ਫਾਇਲ ਸੰਚਾਰ ਰੱਦ ਕੀਤਾ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:745 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:747 msgid "The other participant canceled the file transfer" msgstr "ਹੋਰ ਯੋਗਦਾਨੀ ਨੇ ਫਾਇਲ ਸੰਚਾਰ ਰੱਦ ਕੀਤਾ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:748 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:750 msgid "Error while trying to transfer the file" msgstr "ਫਾਇਲ ਸੰਚਾਰ ਦੀ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਦੌਰਾਨ ਗਲਤੀ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:751 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:753 msgid "The other participant is unable to transfer the file" msgstr "ਹੋਰ ਯੋਗਦਾਨੀ ਫਾਇਲ ਸੰਚਾਰ ਲਈ ਫੇਲ੍ਹ ਹੈ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:754 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:313 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:756 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:313 msgid "Unknown reason" msgstr "ਅਣਜਾਣ ਕਾਰਨ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:917 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:919 msgid "File transfer completed, but the file was corrupted" msgstr "ਫਾਇਲ ਸੰਚਾਰ ਪੂਰਾ ਹੋਇਆ, ਪਰ ਫਾਇਲ ਖ਼ਰਾਬ ਸੀ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1203 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1205 msgid "File transfer not supported by remote contact" msgstr "ਰਿਮੋਟ ਸੰਪਰਕ ਵਲੋਂ ਫਾਇਲ ਟਰਾਂਸਫਰ ਸਹਾਇਕ ਨਹੀਂ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1259 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1261 msgid "The selected file is not a regular file" msgstr "ਚੁਣੀ ਫਾਇਲ ਨਿਯਮਤ ਫਾਇਲ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1268 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1270 msgid "The selected file is empty" msgstr "ਚੁਣੀ ਫਾਇਲ ਖਾਲੀ ਹੈ" @@ -672,7 +682,6 @@ msgstr "ਕੁਨੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਖਤਮ ਹੋ ਗਿਆ" #: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:355 -#| msgid "This resource is already connected to the server" msgid "This account is already connected to the server" msgstr "ਇਹ ਅਕਾਊਂਟ ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਹੀ ਸਰਵਰ ਨਾਲ ਕੁਨੈਕਟ ਹੈ" @@ -713,7 +722,6 @@ msgstr "ਤੁਹਾਡਾ ਸਾਫਟਵੇਅਰ ਬਹੁਤ ਪੁਰਾਣਾ ਹੈ" #: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:375 -#| msgid "Interval (seconds)" msgid "Internal error" msgstr "ਅੰਦਰੂਨੀ ਗਲਤੀ" @@ -779,6 +787,21 @@ msgid "in the future" msgstr "ਭਵਿੱਖ ਵਿੱਚ" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:75 +#| msgid "Phrase not found" +msgid "Password not found" +msgstr "ਪਾਸਵਰਡ ਨਹੀਂ ਲੱਭਿਆ" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:218 +#, c-format +msgid "IM account password for %s (%s)" +msgstr "%s (%s) ਲਈ IM ਅਕਾਊਂਟ ਪਾਸਵਰਡ" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:253 +#, c-format +msgid "Password for chatroom '%s' on account %s (%s)" +msgstr "ਗੱਲਬਾਤ ਰੂਮ '%s' ਵਿੱਚ %s (%s) ਅਕਾਊਂਟ ਲਈ ਪਾਸਵਰਡ" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-chooser.c:692 msgid "All accounts" msgstr "ਸਭ ਅਕਾਊਂਟ" @@ -793,12 +816,12 @@ msgstr "ਪਾਸਵਰਡ" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:684 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:507 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:511 msgid "Server" msgstr "ਸਰਵਰ" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:685 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:522 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:529 msgid "Port" msgstr "ਪੋਰਟ" @@ -809,7 +832,7 @@ msgstr "%s:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1398 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:14 msgid "Username:" msgstr "ਯੂਜ਼ਰ ਨਾਂ:" @@ -902,7 +925,7 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-generic.ui.h:1 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:7 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:8 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:15 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:23 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:7 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:7 @@ -1014,10 +1037,32 @@ msgstr "ਅੱਖਰ ਸੈੱਟ:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:1 +msgid "Add…" +msgstr "…ਸ਼ਾਮਲ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:3 +msgid "Remove" +msgstr "ਹਟਾਓ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:6 +msgid "Up" +msgstr "ਉੱਤੇ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:7 +#| msgid "Domain" +msgid "Down" +msgstr "ਹੇਠਾਂ" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:8 msgid "Servers" msgstr "ਸਰਵਰ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:9 msgid "" "Most IRC servers don't need a password, so if you're not sure, don't enter a " "password." @@ -1026,27 +1071,27 @@ "ਹੋਵੇ ਤਾਂ ਪਾਸਵਰਡ " "ਨਾ ਦਿਉ।" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:6 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 msgid "Nickname:" msgstr "ਨਾਂ:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 msgid "Password:" msgstr "ਪਾਸਵਰਡ:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:12 msgid "Quit message:" msgstr "ਬੰਦ ਕਰਨ ਸੁਨੇਹਾ:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:9 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 msgid "Real name:" msgstr "ਅਸਲੀ ਨਾਂ:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:12 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:16 msgid "Which IRC network?" msgstr "ਕਿਹੜਾ IRC ਨੈੱਟਵਰਕ?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:17 msgid "What is your IRC nickname?" msgstr "ਤੁਹਾਡਾ IRC ਨਾਂ ਕੀ ਹੈ?" @@ -1325,65 +1370,65 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:57 msgid "You don't have enough credit in order to place this call" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਕੋਲ ਇਹ ਕਾਲ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਲੋੜੀਦੇ ਪੈਸੇ ਨਹੀਂ ਹਨ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:728 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:729 msgid "Failed to open private chat" msgstr "ਪ੍ਰਾਈਵੇਟ ਗੱਲਬਾਤ ਖੋਲ੍ਹਣ ਲਈ ਫੇਲ੍ਹ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:786 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:787 msgid "Topic not supported on this conversation" msgstr "ਇਹ ਗੱਲਬਾਤ ਲਈ ਵਿਸ਼ਾ ਸਹਾਇਕ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:792 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:793 msgid "You are not allowed to change the topic" msgstr "ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਵਿਸ਼ਾ ਬਦਲਣ ਦਾ ਅਧਿਕਾਰ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:991 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:992 #, c-format msgid "“%s” is not a valid contact ID" msgstr "“%s” ਇੱਕ ਠੀਕ ਸੰਪਰਕ ID ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1086 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1087 msgid "/clear: clear all messages from the current conversation" msgstr "/clear: ਮੌਜੂਦਾ ਗੱਲਬਾਤ ਤੋਂ ਸਭ ਸੁਨੇਹੇ ਸਾਫ਼ ਕਰੋ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1089 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1090 msgid "/topic : set the topic of the current conversation" msgstr "/topic : ਮੌਜੂਦਾ ਗੱਲਬਾਤ ਦਾ ਵਿਸ਼ਾ ਸੈੱਟ ਕਰੋ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1092 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1093 msgid "/join : join a new chat room" msgstr "/join : ਨਵਾਂ ਗੱਲਬਾਤ ਰੂਮ ਜੁਆਇੰਨ ਕਰੋ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1095 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1096 msgid "/j : join a new chat room" msgstr "/j : ਨਵਾਂ ਗੱਲਬਾਤ ਰੂਮ ਜੁਆਇੰਨ ਕਰੋ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1099 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1100 msgid "" "/part [] []: leave the chat room, by default the " "current one" msgstr "" "/part [] []: ਚੈਟ ਰੂਮ ਛੱਡੋ, ਡਿਫਾਲਟ ਰੂਪ ਵਿੱਚ ਮੌਜੂਦਾ ਇੱਕ ਹੀ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1103 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1104 msgid "/query []: open a private chat" msgstr "/query []: ਪ੍ਰਾਈਵੇਟ ਗੱਲਬਾਤ ਖੋਲ੍ਹੋ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1106 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1107 msgid "/msg : open a private chat" msgstr "/msg : ਪ੍ਰਾਈਵੇਟ ਗੱਲਬਾਤ ਕਰੋ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1109 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1110 msgid "/nick : change your nickname on the current server" msgstr "/nick : ਮੌਜੂਦਾ ਸਰਵਰ ਉੱਤੇ ਆਪਣਾ ਨਾਂ ਬਦਲੋ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1112 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1113 msgid "/me : send an ACTION message to the current conversation" msgstr "/me :ਇੱਕ ਐਕਸ਼ਨ ਸੁਨੇਹਾ ਮੌਜੂਦਾ ਗੱਲਬਾਤ ਵਿੱਚ ਭੇਜੋ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1115 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1116 msgid "" "/say : send to the current conversation. This is used to " "send a message starting with a '/'. For example: \"/say /join is used to " @@ -1393,11 +1438,11 @@ "send a message starting with a '/'. For example: \"/say /join is used to " "join a new chat room\"" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1120 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1121 msgid "/whois : display information about a contact" msgstr "/whois : display information about a contact" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1123 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1124 msgid "" "/help []: show all supported commands. If is defined, " "show its usage." @@ -1405,128 +1450,126 @@ "/help []: show all supported commands. If is defined, " "show its usage." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1142 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1143 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s" msgstr "ਵਰਤੋਂ: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1187 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1188 msgid "Unknown command" msgstr "ਅਣਜਾਣ ਕਮਾਂਡ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1313 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1314 msgid "Unknown command; see /help for the available commands" msgstr "ਅਣਜਾਣ ਕਮਾਂਡ; ਉਪਲੱਬਧ ਕਮਾਂਡ ਵਾਸਤੇ ਮੱਦਦ ਲਈ /help ਵਰਤੋਂ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1564 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1565 msgid "insufficient balance to send message" msgstr "ਸੁਨੇਹਾ ਭੇਜਣ ਲਈ ਲੋੜੀਦਾ ਬਕਾਇਆ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1568 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1582 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1645 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1569 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1583 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1646 #, c-format msgid "Error sending message '%s': %s" msgstr "ਸੁਨੇਹਾ '%s' ਭੇਜਣ ਦੌਰਾਨ ਗਲਤੀ: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1570 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1587 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1649 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1571 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1588 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1650 #, c-format msgid "Error sending message: %s" msgstr "ਸੁਨੇਹਾ ਭੇਜਣ ਦੌਰਾਨ ਗਲਤੀ: %s" #. translators: error used when user doesn't have enough credit on his #. * account to send the message. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1576 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1577 #, c-format -#| msgid "insufficient balance to send message" msgid "insufficient balance to send message. Top up." msgstr "ਸੁਨੇਹਾ ਭੇਜਣ ਲਈ ਲੋੜੀਦਾ ਬਕਾਇਆ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ। ਟਾਪ ਅੱਪ।" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1616 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1617 msgid "not capable" msgstr "ਸਮਰੱਥਾ ਨਹੀਂ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1623 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1624 msgid "offline" msgstr "ਆਫਲਾਈਨ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1626 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1627 msgid "invalid contact" msgstr "ਗਲਤ ਸੰਪਰਕ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1629 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1630 msgid "permission denied" msgstr "ਅਧਿਕਾਰ ਪਾਬੰਦੀ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1632 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1633 msgid "too long message" msgstr "ਬਹੁਤ ਲੰਮਾ ਸੁਨੇਹਾ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1635 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1636 msgid "not implemented" msgstr "ਸਥਾਪਤ ਨਹੀਂ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1639 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1640 msgid "unknown" msgstr "ਅਣਜਾਣ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1706 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:920 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1707 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:920 msgid "Topic:" msgstr "ਵਿਸ਼ਾ:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1721 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1722 #, c-format msgid "Topic set to: %s" msgstr "ਵਿਸ਼ਾ ਨਹੀਂ ਕੀਤਾ: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1723 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1724 #, c-format -#| msgid "Topic set to: %s" msgid "Topic set by %s to: %s" msgstr "ਵਿਸ਼ਾ %s ਵਲੋਂ ਸੈੱਟ ਕੀਤਾ: %s" #. No need to display this 'event' is no topic can be defined anyway -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1728 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1729 msgid "No topic defined" msgstr "ਕੋਈ ਵਿਸ਼ਾ ਨਹੀਂ ਦਿੱਤਾ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2244 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2245 msgid "(No Suggestions)" msgstr "(ਕੋਈ ਸੁਝਾਅ ਨਹੀਂ)" #. translators: %s is the selected word -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2312 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2313 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to Dictionary" msgstr "'%s' ਨੂੰ ਡਿਕਸ਼ਨਰੀ 'ਚ ਜੋੜੋ" #. translators: first %s is the selected word, #. * second %s is the language name of the target dictionary -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2349 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2350 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to %s Dictionary" msgstr "'%s' ਨੂੰ %s ਡਿਕਸ਼ਨਰੀ 'ਚ ਜੋੜੋ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2419 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2420 msgid "Insert Smiley" msgstr "ਚਿਹਰਾ ਸ਼ਾਮਲ ਕਰੋ" #. send button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2437 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1867 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2438 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1880 msgid "_Send" msgstr "ਭੇਜੋ(_S)" #. Spelling suggestions -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2494 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2495 msgid "_Spelling Suggestions" msgstr "ਸਪੈਲਿੰਗ ਸੁਝਾਅ(_S)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2583 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2584 msgid "Failed to retrieve recent logs" msgstr "ਤਾਜ਼ਾ ਲਾਗ ਲੈਣ ਲਈ ਫੇਲ੍ਹ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2722 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2723 #, c-format msgid "%s has disconnected" msgstr "%s ਡਿਸ-ਕੁਨੈਕਟ ਹੋ ਗਿਆ ਹੈ" @@ -1534,12 +1577,12 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the kicked should come before the kicker in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2729 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2730 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was kicked by %2$s" msgstr "%2$s ਨੇ %1$s ਨੂੰ ਕਿੱਕ ਮਾਰੀ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2732 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2733 #, c-format msgid "%s was kicked" msgstr "%s ਨੂੰ ਕਿੱਕ ਮਾਰੀ" @@ -1547,17 +1590,17 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the banned should come before the banner in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2740 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2741 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was banned by %2$s" msgstr "%2$s ਵਲੋਂ %1$s ਉੱਤੇ ਪਾਬੰਦੀ ਲਾਈ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2743 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2744 #, c-format msgid "%s was banned" msgstr "%s ਉੱਤੇ ਪਾਬੰਦੀ ਲਾਈ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2747 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2748 #, c-format msgid "%s has left the room" msgstr "%s ਨੇ ਰੂਮ ਛੱਡਿਆ" @@ -1567,17 +1610,17 @@ #. * given by the user living the room. If this poses a problem, #. * please let us know. :-) #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2756 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2757 #, c-format msgid " (%s)" msgstr " (%s)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2781 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2782 #, c-format msgid "%s has joined the room" msgstr "%s ਰੂਮ ਵਿੱਚ ਦਾਖਲ ਹੋਇਆ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2806 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2807 #, c-format msgid "%s is now known as %s" msgstr "%s ਨੂੰ ਹੁਣ %s ਵਜੋਂ ਜਾਣਿਆ ਜਾਵੇਗਾ" @@ -1585,79 +1628,80 @@ #. We don't know if the incoming call has been accepted or not, so we #. * assume it hasn't and if it has, we'll set the proper status when #. * we get the new handler. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2993 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1197 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1502 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1552 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2588 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2994 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1888 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1279 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1502 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1552 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2585 msgid "Disconnected" msgstr "ਕੁਨੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਖਤਮ" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3657 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3658 msgid "Would you like to store this password?" msgstr "ਕੀ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਇਹ ਪਾਸਵਰਡ ਸੰਭਾਲਣਾ ਚਾਹੁੰਦੇ ਹੋ?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3663 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3664 msgid "Remember" msgstr "ਯਾਦ ਰੱਖੋ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3673 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3674 msgid "Not now" msgstr "ਹੁਣ ਨਹੀਂ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3717 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3718 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-bad-password-dialog.c:142 msgid "Retry" msgstr "ਮੁੜ-ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3721 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3722 msgid "Wrong password; please try again:" msgstr "ਗਲਤ ਪਾਸਵਰਡ; ਮੁੜ ਕੋਸ਼ਿਸ਼ ਕਰੋ ਜੀ:" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3851 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3852 msgid "This room is protected by a password:" msgstr "ਇਹ ਰੂਮ ਪਾਸਵਰਡ ਨਾਲ ਸੁਰੱਖਿਅਤ ਹੈ:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3878 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3879 msgid "Join" msgstr "ਦਾਖਲ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4070 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1218 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4071 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1300 msgid "Connected" msgstr "ਕੁਨੈਕਟ ਕੀਤਾ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4125 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4126 msgid "Conversation" msgstr "ਗੱਲਬਾਤ" #. Translators: this string is a something like #. * "Escher Cat (SMS)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4130 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4131 #, c-format msgid "%s (SMS)" msgstr "%s (SMS)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:264 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:262 msgid "Unknown or invalid identifier" msgstr "ਅਣਜਾਣ ਜਾਂ ਗਲਤ ਪਛਾਣ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:266 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:264 msgid "Contact blocking temporarily unavailable" msgstr "ਸੰਪਰਕ ਪਾਬੰਦੀ ਲਗਾਉਣਾ ਆਰਜ਼ੀ ਤੌਰ ਉੱਤੇ ਉਪਲੱਬਧ ਨਹੀਂ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:268 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:266 msgid "Contact blocking unavailable" msgstr "ਸੰਪਰਕ ਪਾਬੰਦੀ ਲਗਾਉਣਾ ਉਪਲੱਬਧ ਨਹੀਂ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:270 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:268 msgid "Permission Denied" msgstr "ਅਧਿਕਾਰ ਪਾਬੰਦੀ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:274 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:272 msgid "Could not block contact" msgstr "ਸੰਪਰਕ ਉੱਤੇ ਪਾਬੰਦੀ ਨਹੀਂ ਲਗਾਈ ਜਾ ਸਕੀ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:612 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:610 msgid "Edit Blocked Contacts" msgstr "ਪਾਬੰਦੀ ਲਗਾਏ ਸੰਪਰਕ ਸੋਧੋ" @@ -1675,13 +1719,6 @@ msgid "Blocked Contacts" msgstr "ਪਾਬੰਦੀਸ਼ੁਦਾ ਸੰਪਰਕ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Remove" -msgstr "ਹਟਾਓ" - #. Copy Link Address menu item #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:322 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-webkit-utils.c:277 @@ -1923,7 +1960,6 @@ msgstr "ਅਵਤਾਰ ਸੰਭਾਲਣ ਲਈ ਅਸਮਰੱਥ" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1446 -#| msgid "Technical Details" msgid "Personal Details" msgstr "ਨਿੱਜੀ ਵੇਰਵਾ" @@ -1934,27 +1970,22 @@ msgstr "ਸੰਪਰਕ ਵੇਰਵਾ" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:104 -#| msgid "Full name:" msgid "Full name" msgstr "ਪੂਰਾ ਨਾਂ" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:105 -#| msgid "Phone number:" msgid "Phone number" msgstr "ਫੋਨ ਨੰਬਰ" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:106 -#| msgid "E-mail address:" msgid "E-mail address" msgstr "ਈਮੇਲ ਐਡਰੈੱਸ" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:107 -#| msgid "Website:" msgid "Website" msgstr "ਵੈੱਬਸਾਈਟ" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:108 -#| msgid "Birthday:" msgid "Birthday" msgstr "ਜਨਮਦਿਨ" @@ -1976,27 +2007,22 @@ msgstr "ਦੂਰ ਸੁਨੇਹਾ:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:132 -#| msgid "Work" msgid "work" msgstr "ਕੰਮ" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:133 -#| msgid "Romeo" msgid "home" msgstr "ਘਰ" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:134 -#| msgid "Mobile" msgid "mobile" msgstr "ਮੋਬਾਈਲ" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:135 -#| msgid "Favorite" msgid "voice" msgstr "ਪਸੰਦ" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:136 -#| msgid "Preferences" msgid "preferred" msgstr "ਪਸੰਦ" @@ -2005,7 +2031,6 @@ msgstr "ਡਾਕ" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:138 -#| msgid "Appearance" msgid "parcel" msgstr "ਪਾਰਸਲ" @@ -2090,138 +2115,145 @@ msgid "Edit Contact Information" msgstr "ਸੰਪਰਕ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਸੋਧ" +#. Translators: the heading at the top of the Information dialogue +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-information-dialog.c:288 +msgid "Linked Contacts" +msgstr "ਲਿੰਕ ਕੀਤੇ ਸੰਪਰਕ" + #. Translators: this is used in the context menu for a contact. The first #. * parameter is a contact ID (e.g. foo@jabber.org) and the second is one #. * of the user's account IDs (e.g. me@hotmail.com). -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:172 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:173 #, c-format msgid "%s (%s)" msgstr "%s (%s)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:344 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:345 msgid "Select account to use to place the call" msgstr "ਕਾਲ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਵਰਤਣ ਵਾਸਤੇ ਅਕਾਊਂਟ ਚੁਣੋ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:348 +#. translators: Call is a noun. This string is used in the window +#. * title +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:349 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1290 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:18 msgid "Call" msgstr "ਕਾਲ ਕਰੋ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:413 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:414 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "ਮੋਬਾਈਲ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:415 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:416 msgid "Work" msgstr "ਕੰਮ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:417 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:418 msgid "HOME" msgstr "ਘਰ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:658 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:659 msgid "_Block Contact" msgstr "ਸੰਪਰਕ ਉੱਤੇ ਪਾਬੰਦੀ(_B)" #. add chat button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1017 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1018 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:319 #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:1 msgid "_Chat" msgstr "ਗੱਲਬਾਤ(_C)" #. add SMS button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1052 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1053 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:313 msgid "_SMS" msgstr "_SMS" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1085 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1086 msgctxt "menu item" msgid "_Audio Call" msgstr "ਆਡੀਓ ਕਾਲ(_A)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1118 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1119 msgctxt "menu item" msgid "_Video Call" msgstr "ਵਿਡੀਓ ਕਾਲ(_V)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1159 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1160 #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:4 msgid "_Previous Conversations" msgstr "ਪਿਛਲੀ ਗੱਲਬਾਤ(_P)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1188 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1189 msgid "Send File" msgstr "ਫਾਇਲ ਭੇਜੋ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1218 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1219 msgid "Share My Desktop" msgstr "ਮੇਰਾ ਡੈਸਕਟਾਪ ਸ਼ੇਅਰ ਕਰੋ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1244 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1245 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1357 msgid "Favorite" msgstr "ਪਸੰਦ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1263 -#| msgid "telepathy-salut not installed" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1264 msgid "gnome-contacts not installed" msgstr "gnome-contacts ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1266 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1267 msgid "Please install gnome-contacts to access contacts details." msgstr "ਸੰਪਰਕ ਵੇਰਵੇ ਨੂੰ ਵਰਤਣ ਲਈ gnome-contacts ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਕਰੋ।" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1380 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1398 msgid "Infor_mation" msgstr "ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ(_m)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1429 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1447 msgctxt "Edit individual (contextual menu)" msgid "_Edit" msgstr "ਸੋਧ(_E)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1546 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1564 #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:1192 msgid "Inviting you to this room" msgstr "ਇਸ ਰੂਮ ਲਈ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਸੱਦਾ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1592 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1610 msgid "_Invite to Chat Room" msgstr "ਗੱਲਬਾਤ ਰੂਮ ਲਈ ਸੱਦਾ(_I)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1788 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1806 #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:5 msgid "_Add Contact…" msgstr "ਸੰਪਰਕ ਸ਼ਾਮਲ(_A)..." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2306 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2304 msgid "Delete and _Block" msgstr "ਹਟਾਓ ਅਤੇ ਪਾਬੰਦੀ ਲਗਾਓ(_B)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2341 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2339 #, c-format msgid "Do you really want to remove the group '%s'?" msgstr "ਕੀ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਗਰੁੱਪ '%s' ਨੂੰ ਹਟਾਉਣਾ ਚਾਹੁੰਦੇ ਹੋ?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2344 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2342 msgid "Removing group" msgstr "ਗਰੁੱਪ ਹਟਾਇਆ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ" #. Remove -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2399 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2603 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2397 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2601 msgid "_Remove" msgstr "ਹਟਾਓ(_R)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2476 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2474 #, c-format msgid "Do you really want to remove the contact '%s'?" msgstr "ਕੀ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਸੰਪਰਕ '%s' ਨੂੰ ਹਟਾਉਣਾ ਚਾਹੁੰਦੇ ਹੋ?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2485 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2483 #, c-format msgid "" "Do you really want to remove the linked contact '%s'? Note that this will " @@ -2231,7 +2263,7 @@ "ਸੰਪਰਕ ਹਟਾਏ " "ਜਾਣਗੇ, ਜੋ ਕਿ ਇਸ ਲਿੰਕ ਕੀਤੇ ਸੰਪਰਕ ਨੂੰ ਬਣਾਉਂਦੇ ਹਨ।" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2497 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2495 msgid "Removing contact" msgstr "ਸੰਪਰਕ ਹਟਾਇਆ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ" @@ -2271,7 +2303,7 @@ msgid "new server" msgstr "ਨਵਾਂ ਸਰਵਰ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:535 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:539 msgid "SSL" msgstr "SSL" @@ -2432,6 +2464,7 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:7 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:26 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:19 msgid "Video" msgstr "ਵਿਡੀਓ" @@ -2444,23 +2477,20 @@ msgstr "ਲੋਡ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ..." #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:83 -#| msgid "The specified contact is offline" msgid "The contact is offline" msgstr "ਸੰਪਰਕ ਆਫਲਾਈਨ ਹੈ" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:85 -#| msgid "The specified contact is not valid" msgid "The specified contact is either invalid or unknown" msgstr "ਦਿੱਤਾ ਸੰਪਰਕ ਜਾਂ ਤਾਂ ਗਲਤ ਹੈ ਜਾਂ ਅਣਜਾਣ ਹੈ" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:87 -#| msgid "Topic not supported on this conversation" msgid "The contact does not support this kind of conversation" msgstr "ਸੰਪਰਕ ਇਹ ਕਿਸਮ ਦੀ ਸੰਵਾਦ ਲਈ ਸਹਾਇਕ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:89 msgid "The requested functionality is not implemented for this protocol" -msgstr "" +msgstr "ਮੰਗ ਕੀਤੀ ਸਹੂਲਤ ਇਹ ਪਰੋਟੋਕਾਲ ਵਲੋਂ ਸਥਾਪਿਤ ਨਹੀਂ ਕੀਤੀ ਗਈ ਹੈ" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:95 msgid "Could not start a conversation with the given contact" @@ -2475,22 +2505,18 @@ msgstr "ਇਹ ਚੈਨਲ ਭਰਿਆ ਹੋਇਆ ਹੈ।" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:101 -#| msgid "You have been invited to join %s" msgid "You must be invited to join this channel" msgstr "ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਇਹ ਚੈਨਲ ਨੂੰ ਜੁਆਇੰਨ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਸੱਦਾ ਚਾਹੀਦਾ ਹੈ" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:103 -#| msgid "Contact disconnected" msgid "Can't proceed while disconnected" msgstr "ਡਿਸ-ਕੁਨੈਕਟ ਹੋਣ ਦੇ ਦੌਰਾਨ ਅੱਗੇ ਨਹੀਂ ਜਾਇਆ ਜਾ ਸਕਦਾ" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:105 -#| msgid "permission denied" msgid "Permission denied" msgstr "ਅਧਿਕਾਰ ਪਾਬੰਦੀ ਹੈ" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:111 -#| msgid "There was an error starting the call" msgid "There was an error starting the conversation" msgstr "ਗੱਲਬਾਤ ਸ਼ੁਰੂ ਕਰਨ ਦੌਰਾਨ ਗਲਤੀ ਆਈ ਹੈ" @@ -2506,15 +2532,11 @@ #. add video button #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:223 -#| msgctxt "menu item" -#| msgid "_Video Call" msgid "_Video Call" msgstr "ਵਿਡੀਓ ਕਾਲ(_V)" #. add audio button #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:233 -#| msgctxt "menu item" -#| msgid "_Audio Call" msgid "_Audio Call" msgstr "ਆਡੀਓ ਕਾਲ(_A)" @@ -2525,7 +2547,6 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-bad-password-dialog.c:130 #, c-format -#| msgid "Authentication failed" msgid "Authentification failed for account %s" msgstr "%s ਅਕਾਊਂਟ ਲਈ ਪਰਮਾਣਕਿਤਾ ਫੇਲ੍ਹ ਹੈ" @@ -2726,12 +2747,10 @@ msgstr "ਸਰਟੀਫਿਕੇਟ ਹੋਸਟ-ਨਾਂ: %s" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:281 -#| msgid "Continue" msgid "C_ontinue" msgstr "ਜਾਰੀ ਰੱਖੋ(_o)" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:287 -#| msgid "User requested disconnect" msgid "Untrusted connection" msgstr "ਬੇਭਰੋਸੇਯੋਗ ਕੁਨੈਕਸ਼ਨ" @@ -2747,19 +2766,19 @@ msgid "Certificate Details" msgstr "ਸਰਟੀਫਿਕੇਟ ਵੇਰਵਾ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1741 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1754 msgid "Unable to open URI" msgstr "URI ਖੋਲ੍ਹਣ ਲਈ ਅਸਮਰੱਥ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1859 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1872 msgid "Select a file" msgstr "ਫਾਇਲ ਚੁਣੋ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1934 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1947 msgid "Insufficient free space to save file" msgstr "ਫਾਇਲ ਸੰਭਾਲਣ ਲਈ ਲੋੜੀਦੀ ਥਾਂ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1942 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1955 #, c-format msgid "" "%s of free space are required to save this file, but only %s is available. " @@ -2769,7 +2788,7 @@ "ਟਿਕਾਣਾ ਚੁਣੋ " "ਜੀ।" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1986 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1999 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file from %s" msgstr "%s ਵਲੋਂ ਫਾਇਲ ਆ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ" @@ -3038,7 +3057,9 @@ msgid "Your new account has not been saved yet." msgstr "ਤੁਹਾਡਾ ਨਵਾਂ ਅਕਾਊਂਟ ਹਾਲੇ ਨਹੀਂ ਸੰਭਾਲਿਆ ਗਿਆ ਹੈ।" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:370 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1289 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:370 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:759 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1289 msgid "Connecting…" msgstr "ਕੁਨੈਕਟ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ..." @@ -3066,38 +3087,40 @@ "backend. Please install telepathy-haze and restart your session to migrate " "the account." msgstr "" +"ਇਹ ਅਕਾਊਂਟ ਨੂੰ ਬੰਦ ਕੀਤਾ ਹੋਇਆ ਹੈ, ਕਿਉਂਕਿ ਇਹ ਪੁਰਾਣੇ, ਗ਼ੈਰ-ਸਹਾਇਕ ਬੈਕਐਂਡ ਉੱਤੇ " +"ਨਿਰਭਰ ਹੈ। " +"telepathy-haze ਨੂੰ ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਕਰੋ ਅਤੇ ਆਪਣੇ ਸ਼ੈਸ਼ਨ ਨੂੰ ਅਕਾਊਂਟ ਲਈ ਮਾਈਗਰੇਟ ਕਰੋ।" #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:468 msgid "Offline — Account Disabled" msgstr "ਆਫਲਾਈਨ — ਅਕਾਊਂਟ ਆਯੋਗ ਹੈ" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:572 -#| msgid "Connection has been refused" +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:574 msgid "Edit Connection Parameters" msgstr "ਕੁਨੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਪੈਰਾਮੀਟਰ ਸੋਧ" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:735 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:739 msgid "Failed to retrieve your personal information from the server." msgstr "ਸਰਵਰ ਤੋਂ ਤੁਹਾਡੀ ਨਿੱਜੀ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਲੈਣ ਲਈ ਫੇਲ੍ਹ ਹੈ।" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:741 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:745 msgid "Go online to edit your personal information." msgstr "ਆਪਣੀ ਨਿੱਜੀ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਸੋਧਣ ਲਈ ਆਨਲਾਈਨ ਜਾਉ।" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:826 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:830 msgid "_Edit Connection Parameters..." msgstr "ਕੁਨੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਪੈਰਾਮੀਟਰ ਸੋਧ(_E)..." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1322 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1326 #, c-format msgid "Do you want to remove %s from your computer?" msgstr "ਕੀ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਆਪਣੇ ਕੰਪਿਊਟਰ ਤੋਂ %s ਨੂੰ ਹਟਾਉਣਾ ਚਾਹੁੰਦੇ ਹੋ?" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1326 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1330 msgid "This will not remove your account on the server." msgstr "ਇਹ ਸਰਵਰ ਤੋਂ ਤੁਹਾਡਾ ਅਕਾਊਂਟ ਨਹੀਂ ਹਟਾਏਗਾ।" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1562 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1566 msgid "" "You are about to select another account, which will discard\n" "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" @@ -3106,24 +3129,23 @@ "ਕੀ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਜਾਰੀ ਰੱਖਣਾ ਚਾਹੁੰਦੇ ਹੋ?" #. Menu items: to enabled/disable the account -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1738 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1742 msgid "_Enable" msgstr "ਯੋਗ(_E)" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1739 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1743 msgid "_Disable" msgstr "ਆਯੋਗ(_D)" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2122 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2126 msgid "_Skip" msgstr "ਛੱਡੋ(_S)" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2126 -#| msgid "Connected" +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2130 msgid "_Connect" msgstr "ਕੁਨੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਕਰੋ(_C)" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2303 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2307 msgid "" "You are about to close the window, which will discard\n" "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" @@ -3131,10 +3153,6 @@ "ਤੁਸੀਂ ਵਿੰਡੋ ਬੰਦ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਤਿਆਰ ਹੋ, ਜਿਸ ਨਾਲ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਬਦਲਾਅ\n" "ਅਣਡਿੱਠੇ ਕੀਤੇ ਜਾਣਗੇ। ਕੀ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਜਾਰੀ ਰੱਖਣਾ ਚਾਹੁੰਦੇ ਹੋ?" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:1 -msgid "Add…" -msgstr "…ਸ਼ਾਮਲ" - #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:3 msgid "_Import…" msgstr "ਇੰਪੋਰਟ(_I)…" @@ -3153,19 +3171,196 @@ "ਕਰਨੀ ਪਵੇਗੀ।" #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:6 -#| msgid "No protocol installed" msgid "No protocol backends installed" msgstr "ਕੋਈ ਪਰੋਟੋਕਾਲ ਬੈਕਐਂਡ ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:286 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:288 msgid " - Empathy authentication client" msgstr "- ਇੰਪੈਥੀ ਪਰਮਾਣਕਿਤਾ ਕਲਾਇਟ" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:302 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:304 msgid "Empathy authentication client" msgstr "ਇੰਪੈਥੀ ਪਰਮਾਣਕਿਤਾ ਕਲਾਇਟ" +#: ../src/empathy-av.c:118 ../src/empathy-call.c:201 +msgid "- Empathy Audio/Video Client" +msgstr "- ਇੰਪੈਥੀ ਆਡੀਓ/ਵਿਡੀਓ ਕਲਾਇਟ" + +#: ../src/empathy-av.c:134 ../src/empathy-call.c:223 +msgid "Empathy Audio/Video Client" +msgstr "ਇੰਪੈਥੀ ਆਡੀਓ/ਵਿਡੀਓ ਕਲਾਇਟ" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:434 +msgid "Contrast" +msgstr "ਕਨਟਰਾਸਟ" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:437 +msgid "Brightness" +msgstr "ਚਮਕ" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:440 +msgid "Gamma" +msgstr "ਗਾਮਾ" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:547 +msgid "Volume" +msgstr "ਆਵਾਜ਼" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1099 +msgid "_Sidebar" +msgstr "ਬਾਹੀ(_S)" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1119 +msgid "Audio input" +msgstr "ਆਡੀਓ ਆਉਟਪੁੱਟ" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1123 +msgid "Video input" +msgstr "ਵਿਡੀਓ ਆਉਟਪੁੱਟ" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1131 +msgid "Dialpad" +msgstr "ਡਾਇਲ-ਪੈਡ" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1142 +msgid "Details" +msgstr "ਵੇਰਵਾ" + +#. translators: Call is a noun and %s is the contact name. This string +#. * is used in the window title +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1211 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1889 +#, c-format +msgid "Call with %s" +msgstr "%s ਲਈ ਕਾਲ ਕਰੋ" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1444 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2133 +msgid "The IP address as seen by the machine" +msgstr "ਮਸ਼ੀਨ ਵਲੋਂ ਵੇਖਿਆ ਜਾਂਦਾ IP ਐਡਰੈੱਸ" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1446 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2135 +msgid "The IP address as seen by a server on the Internet" +msgstr "IP ਐਡਰੈੱਸ, ਜੋ ਕਿ ਇੰਟਰਨੈੱਟ ਉੱਤੇ ਸਰਵਰ ਵਲੋਂ ਵੇਖਿਆ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਹੈ" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1448 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2137 +msgid "The IP address of the peer as seen by the other side" +msgstr "ਪੀਅਰ ਦਾ IP ਐਡਰੈੱਸ, ਜੋ ਦੂਜੇ ਪਾਸੇ ਵਿਖਾਈ ਦਿੰਦਾ ਹੈ" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1450 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2139 +msgid "The IP address of a relay server" +msgstr "ਰੀਲੇਅ ਸਰਵਰ ਦਾ IP ਐਡਰੈੱਸ" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1452 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2141 +msgid "The IP address of the multicast group" +msgstr "ਮਲਟੀਕਾਸਟ ਗਰੁੱਪ ਦਾ IP ਐਡਰੈੱਸ" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1837 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1840 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1843 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1846 +#| msgid "Unknown" +msgctxt "codec" +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "ਅਣਜਾਣ" + +#. Translators: number of minutes:seconds the caller has been connected +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2138 +#, c-format +msgid "Connected — %d:%02dm" +msgstr "ਕੁਨੈਕਟ ਹੈ -- %d:%02dm" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2199 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2987 +msgid "Technical Details" +msgstr "ਤਕਨੀਕੀ ਵੇਰਵਾ" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2237 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3026 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"%s's software does not understand any of the audio formats supported by your " +"computer" +msgstr "" +"%s ਦਾ ਸਾਫਟਵੇਅਰ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਕੰਪਿਊਟਰ ਉੱਤੇ ਮੌਜੂਦ ਕਿਸੇ ਵੀ ਆਡੀਓ ਫਾਰਮੈਟ ਨੂੰ ਸਮਝ ਨਹੀਂ " +"ਸਕਦਾ ਹੈ।" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2242 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3031 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"%s's software does not understand any of the video formats supported by your " +"computer" +msgstr "" +"%s ਦਾ ਸਾਫਟਵੇਅਰ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਕੰਪਿਊਟਰ ਉੱਤੇ ਮੌਜੂਦ ਕਿਸੇ ਵੀ ਵਿਡੀਓ ਫਾਰਮੈਟ ਨੂੰ ਸਮਝ ਨਹੀਂ " +"ਸਕਦਾ ਹੈ।" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2248 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3037 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Can't establish a connection to %s. One of you might be on a network that " +"does not allow direct connections." +msgstr "" +"%s ਨਾਲ ਕੁਨੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਬਣਾਇਆ ਨਹੀਂ ਜਾ ਸਕਦਾ। ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਵਿੱਚੋਂ ਕੋਈ ਅਜਿਹੇ ਨੈੱਟਵਰਕ ਉੱਤੇ ਹੈ, " +"ਜੋ ਸਿੱਧਾ ਕੁਨੈਕਸ਼ਨ " +"ਬਣਾਉਣ ਲਈ ਸਹਾਇਕ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ।" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2254 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3043 +msgid "There was a failure on the network" +msgstr "ਨੈੱਟਵਰਕ ਉੱਤੇ ਸਮੱਸਿਆ ਆਈ ਹੈ" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2258 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3047 +msgid "" +"The audio formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" +msgstr "ਇਹ ਕਾਲ ਲਈ ਲੋੜੀਦੇ ਆਡੀਓ ਫਾਰਮੈਟ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਕੰਪਿਊਟਰ ਉੱਤੇ ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਨਹੀਂ ਹਨ" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2261 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3050 +msgid "" +"The video formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" +msgstr "ਇਹ ਕਾਲ ਲਈ ਲੋੜੀਦੇ ਵਿਡੀਓ ਫਾਰਮੈਟ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਕੰਪਿਊਟਰ ਉੱਤੇ ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਨਹੀਂ ਹਨ" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2271 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3062 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Something unexpected happened in a Telepathy component. Please report this bug and attach logs gathered from the 'Debug' window in " +"the Help menu." +msgstr "" +"ਟੈਲੀਪੈਥੀ ਭਾਗ ਵਿੱਚ ਕੁਝ ਗੜਬੜ ਹੋ ਗਈ ਹੈ। ਇਹ ਬੱਗ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਦਿਓ " +"ਅਤੇ ਮੱਦਦ " +"ਮੇਨੂ ਵਿੱਚੋਂ 'ਡੀਬੱਗ' ਵਿੰਡੋ ਤੋਂ ਲੈ ਕੇ ਲਾਗ ਨੱਥੀ ਕਰੋ।" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2279 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3071 +msgid "There was a failure in the call engine" +msgstr "ਕਾਲ ਇੰਜਣ ਵਿੱਚ ਕੋਈ ਸਮੱਸਿਆ ਆਈ ਹੈ" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2282 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3074 +msgid "The end of the stream was reached" +msgstr "ਸਟਰੀਮ ਦਾ ਅੰਤ ਆ ਗਿਆ ਹੈ" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2322 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3114 +msgid "Can't establish audio stream" +msgstr "ਆਡੀਓ ਸਟਰੀਮ ਬਣਾਈ ਨਹੀਂ ਜਾ ਸਕਦੀ" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2332 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3124 +msgid "Can't establish video stream" +msgstr "ਵਿਡੀਓ ਸਟਰੀਮ ਬਣਾਈ ਨਹੀਂ ਜਾ ਸਕਦੀ" + #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:1 msgid "_Call" msgstr "ਕਾਲ ਕਰੋ(_C)" @@ -3183,6 +3378,7 @@ #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:6 #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:8 msgid "_View" msgstr "ਵੇਖੋ(_V)" @@ -3218,10 +3414,12 @@ msgstr "ਕੈਮਰਾ ਬੰਦ ਕਰੋ" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:14 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:2 msgid "Hang up" msgstr "ਬੰਦ ਕਰੋ" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:15 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:9 msgid "Hang up current call" msgstr "ਮੌਜੂਦਾ ਕਾਲ ਬੰਦ ਕਰੋ" @@ -3254,41 +3452,48 @@ msgstr "ਵਿਡੀਓ ਟਰਾਂਸਮਿਸ਼ਨ ਬਦਲੋ" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:24 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:11 msgid "Send Audio" msgstr "ਆਡੀਓ ਭੇਜੋ" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:25 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:12 msgid "Toggle audio transmission" msgstr "ਆਡੀਓ ਟਰਾਂਸਮਿਸ਼ਨ ਬਦਲੋ" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:27 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:20 msgid "Encoding Codec:" msgstr "ਇੰਕੋਡਿੰਗ Codec:" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:28 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2540 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2541 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2542 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2543 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:28 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:21 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2537 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2538 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2539 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2540 msgid "Unknown" msgstr "ਅਣਜਾਣ" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:29 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:22 msgid "Decoding Codec:" msgstr "ਡੀਕੋਡਿੰਗ Codec:" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:30 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:23 msgid "Remote Candidate:" msgstr "ਰਿਮੋਟ ਉਮੀਦਵਾਰ:" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:31 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:24 msgid "Local Candidate:" msgstr "ਲੋਕਲ ਉਮੀਦਵਾਰ:" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:32 ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:24 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:25 msgid "Audio" msgstr "ਆਡੀਓ" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:289 -#| msgid "Hide the main window." msgid "Close this window?" msgstr "ਇਹ ਵਿੰਡੋ ਬੰਦ ਕਰਨੀ?" @@ -3299,8 +3504,7 @@ "until you rejoin it." msgstr "" "ਇਹ ਵਿੰਡੋ ਬੰਦ ਕਰਨ ਨਾਲ %s ਛੱਡੇ ਜਾਣਗੇ। ਤੁਸੀਂ ਮੁੜ-ਜੁਆਇੰਨ ਹੋਣ ਤੱਕ ਸੁਨੇਹੇ ਪ੍ਰਾਪਤ " -"ਨਹੀਂ " -"ਕਰੋਗੇ।" +"ਨਹੀਂ ਕਰੋਗੇ।" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:305 #, c-format @@ -3312,16 +3516,13 @@ "further messages until you rejoin them." msgstr[0] "" "ਇਹ ਵਿੰਡੋ ਬੰਦ ਕਰਨ ਨਾਲ ਗੱਲਬਾਤ ਰੂਮ ਬੰਦ ਹੋ ਜਾਵੇਗਾ। ਤੁਸੀਂ ਮੁੜ-ਜੁਆਇੰਨ ਹੋਣ ਤੱਕ " -"ਸੁਨੇਹੇ ਪ੍ਰਾਪਤ ਨਹੀਂ " -"ਕਰੋਗੇ।" +"ਸੁਨੇਹੇ ਪ੍ਰਾਪਤ ਨਹੀਂ ਕਰੋਗੇ।" msgstr[1] "" "ਇਹ ਵਿੰਡੋ ਬੰਦ ਕਰਨ ਨਾਲ %u ਗੱਲਬਾਤ ਰੂਮ ਬੰਦ ਹੋ ਜਾਵੇਗੇ। ਤੁਸੀਂ ਮੁੜ-ਜੁਆਇੰਨ ਹੋਣ ਤੱਕ " -"ਸੁਨੇਹੇ ਪ੍ਰਾਪਤ ਨਹੀਂ " -"ਕਰੋਗੇ।" +"ਸੁਨੇਹੇ ਪ੍ਰਾਪਤ ਨਹੀਂ ਕਰੋਗੇ।" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:314 #, c-format -#| msgid "Level " msgid "Leave %s?" msgstr "%s ਛੱਡਣਾ ਹੈ?" @@ -3338,7 +3539,6 @@ msgstr "ਵਿੰਡੋ ਬੰਦ ਕਰੋ" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:334 -#| msgid "Level " msgid "Leave room" msgstr "ਰੂਮ ਛੱਡੋ" @@ -3461,96 +3661,97 @@ msgid "Manage Favorite Rooms" msgstr "ਪਸੰਦੀਦਾ ਰੂਮ ਪਰਬੰਧ" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:511 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 msgid "Incoming video call" msgstr "ਆ ਰਹੀ ਵਿਡੀਓ ਕਾਲ" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:511 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1519 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1519 msgid "Incoming call" msgstr "ਆ ਰਹੀ ਕਾਲ" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:515 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:526 #, c-format msgid "%s is video calling you. Do you want to answer?" msgstr "%s ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਵਿਡੀਓ ਕਾਲ ਕਰ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ, ਕੀ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਜਵਾਬ ਦੇਣਾ ਚਾਹੁੰਦੇ ਹੋ?" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:516 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:527 #, c-format msgid "%s is calling you. Do you want to answer?" msgstr "%s ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਕਾਲ ਕਰ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ, ਕੀ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਜਵਾਬ ਦੇਣਾ ਚਾਹੁੰਦੇ ਹੋ?" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:519 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:720 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:530 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "Incoming call from %s" msgstr "%s ਤੋਂ ਕਾਲ ਆ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:544 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:555 msgid "_Reject" msgstr "ਰੱਦ ਕਰੋ(_R)" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:552 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:560 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:563 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 msgid "_Answer" msgstr "ਜਵਾਬ ਦਿਓ(_A)" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:560 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 msgid "_Answer with video" msgstr "ਵਿਡੀਓ ਨਾਲ ਜਵਾਬ(_A)" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:720 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "Incoming video call from %s" msgstr "%s ਤੋਂ ਵਿਡੀਓ ਕਾਲ ਆ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:778 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:837 msgid "Room invitation" msgstr "ਰੂਮ ਸੱਦਾ" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:780 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:839 #, c-format msgid "Invitation to join %s" msgstr "%s ਜੁਆਇੰਣ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਸੱਦਾ" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:787 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:846 #, c-format msgid "%s is inviting you to join %s" msgstr "%s ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ %s ਜੁਆਇੰਨ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਸੱਦ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:795 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:854 msgid "_Decline" msgstr "ਇਨਕਾਰ(_D)" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:800 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:859 #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:2 msgid "_Join" msgstr "ਦਾਖਲ(_J)" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:827 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:886 #, c-format msgid "%s invited you to join %s" msgstr "%s ਨੇ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ %s ਦਾਖਲ ਹੋਣ ਲਈ ਸੱਦਿਆ" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:833 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:892 #, c-format msgid "You have been invited to join %s" msgstr "ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ %s ਜੁਆਇੰਨ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਸੱਦਾ ਆਇਆ ਹੈ" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:884 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:943 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file transfer from %s" msgstr "%s ਤੋਂ ਆ ਰਿਹਾ ਫਾਇਲ ਸੰਚਾਰ" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1064 ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:374 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1146 ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:374 msgid "Password required" msgstr "ਪਾਸਵਰਡ ਚਾਹੀਦਾ ਹੈ" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1134 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1216 #, c-format msgid "%s would like permission to see when you are online" msgstr "" "%s ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਵੇਖਣ ਦਾ ਅਧਿਕਾਰ ਚਾਹੁੰਦਾ/ਚਾਹੁੰਦੀ ਹੈ, ਜਦੋਂ ਵੀ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਆਨਲਾਈਨ ਹੋਵੋ" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1140 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1222 #, c-format msgid "" "\n" @@ -3671,7 +3872,6 @@ msgstr "ਲਿਸਟ ਵਿੱਚੋਂ ਪੂਰੇ ਹੋਏ, ਰੱਦ ਕੀਤੇ ਅਤੇ ਫੇਲ੍ਹ ਹੋਏ ਫਾਇਲ ਸੰਚਾਰ ਹਟਾਓ" #: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:76 -#| msgid "Import" msgid "_Import" msgstr "ਇੰਪੋਰਟ(_I)" @@ -3775,7 +3975,6 @@ msgstr "ਸੰਪਰਕ ਲਿਸਟ" #: ../src/empathy-roster-window.ui.h:1 -#| msgid "_Accounts" msgid "Account settings" msgstr "ਅਕਾਊਂਟ ਸੈਟਿੰਗ" @@ -3949,7 +4148,6 @@ msgstr "ਨਵੀਂ ਗੱਲਬਾਤ" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:169 -#| msgid "Contact goes online" msgid "Contact comes online" msgstr "ਸੰਪਰਕ ਆਨਲਾਈਨ ਆਇਆ" @@ -4188,104 +4386,151 @@ msgid "_Quit" msgstr "ਬੰਦ ਕਰੋ(_Q)" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:3 +msgid "Redial" +msgstr "ਰੀ-ਡਾਇਲ" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:4 +msgid "V_ideo" +msgstr "ਵਿਡੀਓ(_i)" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:5 +msgid "Video Off" +msgstr "ਵਿਡੀਓ ਬੰਦ" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:6 +msgid "Video Preview" +msgstr "ਵਿਡੀਓ ਝਲਕ" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:7 +msgid "Video On" +msgstr "ਵਿਡੀਓ ਚਾਲੂ" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:10 +msgid "Call the contact again" +msgstr "ਸੰਪਰਕ ਨੂੰ ਫੇਰ ਕਾਲ ਕਰੋ" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:13 +msgid "Camera Off" +msgstr "ਕੈਮਰਾ ਬੰਦ ਕਰੋ" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:14 +msgid "Disable camera and stop sending video" +msgstr "ਕੈਮਰਾ ਬੰਦ ਕਰਕੇ ਵਿਡੀਓ ਭੇਜਣਾ ਰੋਕੋ" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:15 +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "ਝਲਕ" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "Enable camera but don't send video" +msgstr "ਕੈਮਰਾ ਚਲਾਓ, ਪਰ ਵਿਡੀਓ ਨਾ ਭੇਜੋ" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:17 +msgid "Camera On" +msgstr "ਕੈਮਰਾ ਚਾਲੂ" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:18 +msgid "Enable camera and send video" +msgstr "ਕੈਮਰਾ ਚਾਲੂ ਕਰੋ ਤੇ ਵਿਡੀਓ ਭੇਜੋ" + #: ../src/empathy-map-view.c:471 msgid "Contact Map View" msgstr "ਸੰਪਰਕ ਮੈਪ ਝਲਕ" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1598 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1607 msgid "Save" msgstr "ਸੰਭਾਲੋ" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1658 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1667 msgid "Pastebin link" msgstr "Pastebin ਲਿੰਕ" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1667 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1676 msgid "Pastebin response" msgstr "Pastebin ਜਵਾਬ" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1671 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1680 #, c-format -#| msgid "%s:" msgid "%s" msgstr "%s" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1674 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1683 msgid "Data too large for a single paste. Please save logs to file." msgstr "ਇੱਕ ਵਾਰ ਚੇਪਣ ਲਈ ਡਾਟਾ ਬਹੁਤ ਵੱਡਾ ਹੈ। ਲਾਗ ਨੂੰ ਫਾਇਲ ਵਿੱਚ ਸੰਭਾਲੋ।" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1903 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1912 msgid "Debug Window" msgstr "ਡੀਬੱਗ ਵਿੰਡੋ" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1961 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1970 msgid "Send to pastebin" msgstr "pastebin ਲਈ ਭੇਜੋ" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2000 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2009 msgid "Pause" msgstr "ਵਿਰਾਮ" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2012 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2021 msgid "Level " msgstr "ਲੈਵਲ " -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2031 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2040 msgid "Debug" msgstr "ਡੀਬੱਗ" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2036 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2045 msgid "Info" msgstr "ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2041 ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2087 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2050 ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2096 msgid "Message" msgstr "ਸੁਨੇਹਾ" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2046 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2055 msgid "Warning" msgstr "ਚੇਤਾਵਨੀ" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2051 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2060 msgid "Critical" msgstr "ਨਾਜ਼ੁਕ" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2056 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2065 msgid "Error" msgstr "ਗਲਤੀ" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2075 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2084 msgid "Time" msgstr "ਸਮਾਂ" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2078 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2087 msgid "Domain" msgstr "ਡੋਮੇਨ" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2080 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2089 msgid "Category" msgstr "ਕੈਟਾਗਰੀ" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2082 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2091 msgid "Level" msgstr "ਲੈਵਲ" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2105 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2114 msgid "" "The selected connection manager does not support the remote debugging " "extension." msgstr "ਚੁਣਿਆ ਕੁਨੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਮੈਨੇਜਰ ਰਿਮੋਟ ਡੀਬੱਗ ਇਕਸਟੈਨਸ਼ਨ ਲਈ ਸਹਾਇਕ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ।" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:200 -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:228 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:202 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:230 msgid "Invite Participant" msgstr "ਭਾਗ ਲੈਣ ਵਾਲਿਆਂ ਨੂੰ ਸੱਦਾ" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:201 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:203 msgid "Choose a contact to invite into the conversation:" msgstr "ਗੱਲਬਾਤ ਵਿੱਚ ਸੱਦਣ ਲਈ ਸੰਪਰਕ ਚੁਣੋ:" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:224 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:226 msgid "Invite" msgstr "ਸੱਦਾ" @@ -4331,39 +4576,39 @@ msgid "- Empathy Chat Client" msgstr "- ਇੰਪੈਥੀ ਚੈਟ ਕਲਾਇਟ" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:187 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:189 msgid "Respond" msgstr "ਜਵਾਬ" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:196 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:203 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1529 msgid "Reject" msgstr "ਰੱਦ ਕਰੋ" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:201 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:206 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:208 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1530 msgid "Answer" msgstr "ਜਵਾਬ ਦਿਓ" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:206 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 msgid "Answer with video" msgstr "ਵਿਡੀਓ ਨਾਲ ਜਵਾਬ" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:214 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:224 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:221 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:231 msgid "Decline" msgstr "ਇਨਕਾਰ" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:218 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:229 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:225 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:236 msgid "Accept" msgstr "ਮਨਜ਼ੂਰ" #. translators: the 'Provide' button is displayed in a notification #. * bubble when Empathy is asking for an account password; clicking on it #. * brings the password popup. -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:239 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:246 msgid "Provide" msgstr "ਦਿਉ" @@ -4374,150 +4619,41 @@ #. Translators: this is an "Info" label. It should be as short #. * as possible. -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1136 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1159 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1140 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1162 msgid "i" msgstr "i" -#. translators: Call is a noun and %s is the contact name. This string -#. * is used in the window title -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1889 -#, c-format -msgid "Call with %s" -msgstr "%s ਲਈ ਕਾਲ ਕਰੋ" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2133 -msgid "The IP address as seen by the machine" -msgstr "ਮਸ਼ੀਨ ਵਲੋਂ ਵੇਖਿਆ ਜਾਂਦਾ IP ਐਡਰੈੱਸ" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2135 -msgid "The IP address as seen by a server on the Internet" -msgstr "IP ਐਡਰੈੱਸ, ਜੋ ਕਿ ਇੰਟਰਨੈੱਟ ਉੱਤੇ ਸਰਵਰ ਵਲੋਂ ਵੇਖਿਆ ਜਾਂਦਾ ਹੈ" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2137 -msgid "The IP address of the peer as seen by the other side" -msgstr "ਪੀਅਰ ਦਾ IP ਐਡਰੈੱਸ, ਜੋ ਦੂਜੇ ਪਾਸੇ ਵਿਖਾਈ ਦਿੰਦਾ ਹੈ" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2139 -msgid "The IP address of a relay server" -msgstr "ਰੀਲੇਅ ਸਰਵਰ ਦਾ IP ਐਡਰੈੱਸ" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2141 -msgid "The IP address of the multicast group" -msgstr "ਮਲਟੀਕਾਸਟ ਗਰੁੱਪ ਦਾ IP ਐਡਰੈੱਸ" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2886 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2883 msgid "On hold" msgstr "ਹੋਲਡ ਹੈ" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2889 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2886 msgid "Mute" msgstr "ਚੁੱਪ" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2891 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2888 msgid "Duration" msgstr "ਅੰਤਰਾਲ" #. Translators: 'status - minutes:seconds' the caller has been connected -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2894 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2891 #, c-format msgid "%s — %d:%02dm" msgstr "%s — %d:%02dm" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2990 -msgid "Technical Details" -msgstr "ਤਕਨੀਕੀ ਵੇਰਵਾ" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3029 -#, c-format -msgid "" -"%s's software does not understand any of the audio formats supported by your " -"computer" -msgstr "" -"%s ਦਾ ਸਾਫਟਵੇਅਰ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਕੰਪਿਊਟਰ ਉੱਤੇ ਮੌਜੂਦ ਕਿਸੇ ਵੀ ਆਡੀਓ ਫਾਰਮੈਟ ਨੂੰ ਸਮਝ ਨਹੀਂ " -"ਸਕਦਾ ਹੈ।" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3034 -#, c-format -msgid "" -"%s's software does not understand any of the video formats supported by your " -"computer" -msgstr "" -"%s ਦਾ ਸਾਫਟਵੇਅਰ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਕੰਪਿਊਟਰ ਉੱਤੇ ਮੌਜੂਦ ਕਿਸੇ ਵੀ ਵਿਡੀਓ ਫਾਰਮੈਟ ਨੂੰ ਸਮਝ ਨਹੀਂ " -"ਸਕਦਾ ਹੈ।" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3040 -#, c-format -msgid "" -"Can't establish a connection to %s. One of you might be on a network that " -"does not allow direct connections." -msgstr "" -"%s ਨਾਲ ਕੁਨੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਬਣਾਇਆ ਨਹੀਂ ਜਾ ਸਕਦਾ। ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਵਿੱਚੋਂ ਕੋਈ ਅਜਿਹੇ ਨੈੱਟਵਰਕ ਉੱਤੇ ਹੈ, " -"ਜੋ ਸਿੱਧਾ ਕੁਨੈਕਸ਼ਨ " -"ਬਣਾਉਣ ਲਈ ਸਹਾਇਕ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ।" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3046 -msgid "There was a failure on the network" -msgstr "ਨੈੱਟਵਰਕ ਉੱਤੇ ਸਮੱਸਿਆ ਆਈ ਹੈ" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3050 -msgid "" -"The audio formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" -msgstr "ਇਹ ਕਾਲ ਲਈ ਲੋੜੀਦੇ ਆਡੀਓ ਫਾਰਮੈਟ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਕੰਪਿਊਟਰ ਉੱਤੇ ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਨਹੀਂ ਹਨ" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3053 -msgid "" -"The video formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" -msgstr "ਇਹ ਕਾਲ ਲਈ ਲੋੜੀਦੇ ਵਿਡੀਓ ਫਾਰਮੈਟ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਕੰਪਿਊਟਰ ਉੱਤੇ ਇੰਸਟਾਲ ਨਹੀਂ ਹਨ" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3065 -#, c-format -msgid "" -"Something unexpected happened in a Telepathy component. Please report this bug and attach logs gathered from the 'Debug' window in " -"the Help menu." -msgstr "" -"ਟੈਲੀਪੈਥੀ ਭਾਗ ਵਿੱਚ ਕੁਝ ਗੜਬੜ ਹੋ ਗਈ ਹੈ। ਇਹ ਬੱਗ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਦਿਓ " -"ਅਤੇ ਮੱਦਦ " -"ਮੇਨੂ ਵਿੱਚੋਂ 'ਡੀਬੱਗ' ਵਿੰਡੋ ਤੋਂ ਲੈ ਕੇ ਲਾਗ ਨੱਥੀ ਕਰੋ।" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3074 -msgid "There was a failure in the call engine" -msgstr "ਕਾਲ ਇੰਜਣ ਵਿੱਚ ਕੋਈ ਸਮੱਸਿਆ ਆਈ ਹੈ" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3077 -msgid "The end of the stream was reached" -msgstr "ਸਟਰੀਮ ਦਾ ਅੰਤ ਆ ਗਿਆ ਹੈ" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3117 -msgid "Can't establish audio stream" -msgstr "ਆਡੀਓ ਸਟਰੀਮ ਬਣਾਈ ਨਹੀਂ ਜਾ ਸਕਦੀ" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3127 -msgid "Can't establish video stream" -msgstr "ਵਿਡੀਓ ਸਟਰੀਮ ਬਣਾਈ ਨਹੀਂ ਜਾ ਸਕਦੀ" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3164 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3161 #, c-format msgid "Your current balance is %s." msgstr "ਤੁਹਾਡਾ ਮੌਜੂਦਾ ਬਕਾਇਆ %s ਹੈ।" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3168 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3165 msgid "Sorry, you don’t have enough credit for that call." msgstr "ਅਫਸੋਸ, ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਕੋਲ ਕਾਲ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਪੂਰਾ ਕਰੈਡਿਟ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੈ।" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3170 -#| msgid "Top Up..." +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3167 msgid "Top Up" msgstr "ਟਾਪ ਅੱਪ" -#: ../src/empathy-call.c:201 -msgid "- Empathy Audio/Video Client" -msgstr "- ਇੰਪੈਥੀ ਆਡੀਓ/ਵਿਡੀਓ ਕਲਾਇਟ" - -#: ../src/empathy-call.c:224 -msgid "Empathy Audio/Video Client" -msgstr "ਇੰਪੈਥੀ ਆਡੀਓ/ਵਿਡੀਓ ਕਲਾਇਟ" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.c:243 msgid "_Match case" msgstr "ਮਿਲਦਾ ਆਕਾਰ(_M)" @@ -4527,7 +4663,6 @@ msgstr "ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਕੋਲ ਕਿਸ ਕਿਸਮ ਦਾ ਚੈਟ ਅਕਾਊਂਟ ਹੈ?" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-account-dialog.c:166 -#| msgid "New account" msgid "Adding new account" msgstr "ਨਵਾਂ ਅਕਾਊਂਟ ਸ਼ਾਮਿਲ ਕੀਤਾ ਜਾ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ" @@ -4536,11 +4671,6 @@ msgstr "ਨੇੜਲੇ ਲੋਕ" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:150 -#| msgid "" -#| "Empathy can automatically discover and chat with the people connected on " -#| "the same network as you. If you want to use this feature, please check " -#| "that the details below are correct. You can easily change these details " -#| "later or disable this feature by using the 'Accounts' dialog" msgid "" "Empathy can automatically discover and chat with the people connected on the " "same network as you. If you want to use this feature, please check that the " @@ -4556,8 +4686,8 @@ "style=\"italic\">Edit → Accounts in the Contact List." msgstr "" "ਤੁਸੀਂ ਇਹ ਵੇਰਵਾ ਬਾਅਦ ਵਿੱਚ ਬਦਲ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੋ ਜਾਂ ਇਹ ਫੀਚਰ ਨੂੰ ਸੰਪਰਕ ਸੂਚੀ ਵਿੱਚੋਂਸੋਧ " -"→ਅਕਾਊਂਟ ਦੀ ਚੋਣ ਕਰਕੇ ਬੰਦ ਕਰ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੋ।" +"style=\"italic" +"\">ਸੋਧ →ਅਕਾਊਂਟ ਦੀ ਚੋਣ ਕਰਕੇ ਬੰਦ ਕਰ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੋ।" #~ msgid "Call volume" #~ msgstr "ਕਾਲ ਆਵਾਜ਼" @@ -4608,9 +4738,6 @@ #~ msgid "Select a contact" #~ msgstr "ਸੰਪਰਕ ਚੁਣੋ" -#~ msgid "Linked Contacts" -#~ msgstr "ਲਿੰਕ ਕੀਤੇ ਸੰਪਰਕ" - #~ msgid "Select contacts to link" #~ msgstr "ਲਿੰਕ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਸੰਪਰਕ ਚੁਣੋ" @@ -4782,33 +4909,6 @@ #~ msgid "Protocol:" #~ msgstr "ਪਰੋਟੋਕਾਲ:" -#~ msgid "Contrast" -#~ msgstr "ਕਨਟਰਾਸਟ" - -#~ msgid "Brightness" -#~ msgstr "ਚਮਕ" - -#~ msgid "Gamma" -#~ msgstr "ਗਾਮਾ" - -#~ msgid "Volume" -#~ msgstr "ਆਵਾਜ਼" - -#~ msgid "_Sidebar" -#~ msgstr "ਬਾਹੀ(_S)" - -#~ msgid "Audio input" -#~ msgstr "ਆਡੀਓ ਆਉਟਪੁੱਟ" - -#~ msgid "Video input" -#~ msgstr "ਵਿਡੀਓ ਆਉਟਪੁੱਟ" - -#~ msgid "Dialpad" -#~ msgstr "ਡਾਇਲ-ਪੈਡ" - -#~ msgid "Details" -#~ msgstr "ਵੇਰਵਾ" - #~ msgctxt "encoding video codec" #~ msgid "Unknown" #~ msgstr "ਅਣਜਾਣ" @@ -4825,9 +4925,6 @@ #~ msgid "Unknown" #~ msgstr "ਅਣਜਾਣ" -#~ msgid "Connected — %d:%02dm" -#~ msgstr "ਕੁਨੈਕਟ ਹੈ -- %d:%02dm" - #~ msgid "_Personal Information" #~ msgstr "ਨਿੱਜੀ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ(_P)" @@ -4840,42 +4937,6 @@ #~ msgid "_Open new chats in separate windows" #~ msgstr "ਨਵੀਆਂ ਗੱਲਾਬਾਤਾਂ ਵੱਖ ਵੱਖ ਵਿੰਡੋ ਵਿੱਚ ਖੋਲ੍ਹੋ(_O)" -#~ msgid "Call the contact again" -#~ msgstr "ਸੰਪਰਕ ਨੂੰ ਫੇਰ ਕਾਲ ਕਰੋ" - -#~ msgid "Camera Off" -#~ msgstr "ਕੈਮਰਾ ਬੰਦ ਕਰੋ" - -#~ msgid "Camera On" -#~ msgstr "ਕੈਮਰਾ ਚਾਲੂ" - -#~ msgid "Disable camera and stop sending video" -#~ msgstr "ਕੈਮਰਾ ਬੰਦ ਕਰਕੇ ਵਿਡੀਓ ਭੇਜਣਾ ਰੋਕੋ" - -#~ msgid "Enable camera and send video" -#~ msgstr "ਕੈਮਰਾ ਚਾਲੂ ਕਰੋ ਤੇ ਵਿਡੀਓ ਭੇਜੋ" - -#~ msgid "Enable camera but don't send video" -#~ msgstr "ਕੈਮਰਾ ਚਲਾਓ, ਪਰ ਵਿਡੀਓ ਨਾ ਭੇਜੋ" - -#~ msgid "Preview" -#~ msgstr "ਝਲਕ" - -#~ msgid "Redial" -#~ msgstr "ਰੀ-ਡਾਇਲ" - -#~ msgid "V_ideo" -#~ msgstr "ਵਿਡੀਓ(_i)" - -#~ msgid "Video Off" -#~ msgstr "ਵਿਡੀਓ ਬੰਦ" - -#~ msgid "Video On" -#~ msgstr "ਵਿਡੀਓ ਚਾਲੂ" - -#~ msgid "Video Preview" -#~ msgstr "ਵਿਡੀਓ ਝਲਕ" - #~ msgid "Find Next" #~ msgstr "ਅੱਗੇ ਲੱਭੋ" diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/po/pl.po empathy-3.3.92/po/pl.po --- empathy-3.3.91/po/pl.po 2012-02-17 14:00:26.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/po/pl.po 2012-03-19 09:12:31.000000000 +0000 @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: empathy\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-10-14 19:52+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-10-14 19:53+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-16 15:26+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-16 15:27+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Piotr Drąg \n" "Language-Team: Polish \n" "Language: pl\n" @@ -22,518 +22,573 @@ "X-Poedit-Country: Poland\n" #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:1 -msgid "Chat on Google Talk, Facebook, MSN and many other chat services" -msgstr "Rozmawianie przez Google Talk, Facebook, MSN i wiele innych usług" - -#: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:2 msgid "Empathy" msgstr "Empathy" +#: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:2 +msgid "IM Client" +msgstr "Komunikator" + #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:3 msgid "Empathy Internet Messaging" msgstr "Komunikator Empathy" #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:4 -msgid "IM Client" -msgstr "Komunikator" +msgid "Chat on Google Talk, Facebook, MSN and many other chat services" +msgstr "Rozmawianie przez Google Talk, Facebook, MSN i wiele innych usług" + +#. Tweak the dialog +#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2512 +msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts" +msgstr "Konta komunikatora i VoIP" + +#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:2 +msgid "Manage Messaging and VoIP accounts" +msgstr "Zarządzanie kontami komunikatora i VoIP" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:1 -msgid "Always open a separate chat window for new chats." -msgstr "Zawsze otwiera oddzielne okna dla nowych rozmów." +msgid "Connection managers should be used" +msgstr "Użycie menedżerów połączeń" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:2 -msgid "Call volume" -msgstr "Głośność rozmowy" +msgid "" +"Whether connectivity managers should be used to automatically disconnect/" +"reconnect." +msgstr "" +"Określa, czy menedżery łączności powinny być używane do automatycznego " +"rozłączenia/ponownego połączenia." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:3 -msgid "Call volume, as a percentage." -msgstr "Głośność rozmowy w procentach." +msgid "Empathy should auto-connect on startup" +msgstr "Automatyczne łączenie się podczas uruchamiania" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:4 -msgid "Camera device" -msgstr "Urządzenie kamery" +msgid "Whether Empathy should automatically log into your accounts on startup." +msgstr "Określa, czy automatycznie logować się do kont podczas uruchamiania." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:5 -msgid "Camera position" -msgstr "Pozycja kamery" +msgid "Empathy should auto-away when idle" +msgstr "Automatyczne ustawienie nieobecności podczas bezczynności" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:6 msgid "" -"Character to add after nickname when using nick completion (tab) in group " -"chat." +"Whether Empathy should go into away mode automatically if the user is idle." msgstr "" -"Znak do dodania po automatycznym uzupełnieniu pseudonimu (klawiszem Tab) " -"podczas rozmowy grupowej." +"Określa, czy automatycznie przechodzić do trybu nieobecności podczas " +"bezczynności." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:7 -msgid "Chat window theme" -msgstr "Motyw okna rozmowy" +msgid "Empathy default download folder" +msgstr "Domyślny katalog pobierania programu Empathy" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:8 -msgid "Chat window theme variant" -msgstr "Wariant motywu okna rozmowy" +msgid "The default folder to save file transfers in." +msgstr "Domyślny katalog zapisu przesyłanych plików." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:9 -msgid "" -"Comma-separated list of spell checker languages to use (e.g. \"en, fr, nl\")." +msgid "Magic number used to check if sanity cleaning tasks should be run" msgstr "" -"Oddzielana przecinkami lista języków do sprawdzania pisowni (np. \"en, fr, pl" -"\")." +"Magiczny numer używany do sprawdzania, czy należy wykonać zadania czyszczenia" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:10 -msgid "Compact contact list" -msgstr "Zmniejszona lista kontaktów" +msgid "" +"empathy-sanity-cleaning.c uses this number to check if the cleaning tasks " +"should be executed or not. Users should not change this key manually." +msgstr "" +"Kod w empathy-sanity-cleaning.c używa tego numeru do sprawdzania, czy należy " +"wykonać zadania czyszczenia. Użytkownicy nie powinni ręcznie zmieniać tego " +"klucza." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:11 -msgid "Connection managers should be used" -msgstr "Użycie menedżerów połączeń" +msgid "Show offline contacts" +msgstr "Wyświetlanie kontaktów w trybie offline" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:12 -msgid "Contact list sort criterion" -msgstr "Kryterium porządkowania listy kontaktów" +msgid "Whether to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." +msgstr "Określa, czy wyświetlać na liście kontakty w trybie offline." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:13 -msgid "Default camera device to use in video calls, e.g. /dev/video0." -msgstr "" -"Domyślne urządzenie kamery do użycia w wideorozmowach, np. /dev/video0." +msgid "Show avatars" +msgstr "Wyświetlanie awatarów" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:14 -msgid "Default directory to select an avatar image from" -msgstr "Domyślny katalog, z którego są wybierane awatary" +msgid "" +"Whether to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat windows." +msgstr "" +"Określa, czy wyświetlać awatary dla kontaktów na liście i oknach rozmowy." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:15 -msgid "Disable popup notifications when away" -msgstr "Wyłączenie wyskakujących powiadomień podczas nieobecności" +msgid "Show protocols" +msgstr "Wyświetlanie protokołów" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:16 -msgid "Disable sounds when away" -msgstr "Wyłączenie dźwięków podczas nieobecności" +msgid "Whether to show protocols for contacts in the contact list." +msgstr "Określa, czy wyświetlać protokoły dla kontaktów na liście." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:17 -msgid "Display incoming events in the status area" -msgstr "Wyświetlanie zdarzeń przychodzących w obszarze stanu" +msgid "Show Balance in contact list" +msgstr "Wyświetlanie salda na liście kontaktów" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:18 -msgid "" -"Display incoming events in the status area. If false, present them to the " -"user immediately." -msgstr "" -"Wyświetlanie zdarzeń przychodzących w obszarze stanu. Jeśli zaznaczone, to " -"będą natychmiast prezentowane użytkownikowi." +msgid "Whether to show account balances in the contact list." +msgstr "Określa, czy wyświetlać saldo kont na liście kontaktów." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:19 -msgid "Echo cancellation support" -msgstr "Obsługa usuwania echa" +msgid "Compact contact list" +msgstr "Zmniejszona lista kontaktów" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:20 -msgid "Empathy can publish the user's location" -msgstr "Publikowanie położenia użytkownika" +msgid "Whether to show the contact list in compact mode." +msgstr "Określa, czy wyświetlać listę kontaktów w trybie zmniejszonym." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:21 -msgid "Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location" -msgstr "Używanie urządzenia GPS do odnajdowania położenia" +msgid "Hide main window" +msgstr "Ukrycie głównego okna" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:22 -msgid "Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location" -msgstr "Używanie sieci komórkowej do odnajdowania położenia" +msgid "Hide the main window." +msgstr "Ukrycie głównego okna." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:23 -msgid "Empathy can use the network to guess the location" -msgstr "Używanie sieci do odnajdowania położenia" +msgid "Default directory to select an avatar image from" +msgstr "Domyślny katalog, z którego są wybierane awatary" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:24 -msgid "Empathy default download folder" -msgstr "Domyślny katalog pobierania programu Empathy" +msgid "The last directory that an avatar image was chosen from." +msgstr "Ostatni katalog, z którego był wybierany awatar." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:25 -msgid "Empathy has migrated butterfly logs" -msgstr "Przeprowadzono migrację dzienników butterfly" +msgid "Open new chats in separate windows" +msgstr "Otwieranie nowych rozmów w oddzielnych oknach" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:26 -msgid "Empathy should auto-away when idle" -msgstr "Automatyczne ustawienie nieobecności podczas bezczynności" +msgid "Always open a separate chat window for new chats." +msgstr "Zawsze otwiera oddzielne okna dla nowych rozmów." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:27 -msgid "Empathy should auto-connect on startup" -msgstr "Automatyczne łączenie się podczas uruchamiania" +msgid "Display incoming events in the status area" +msgstr "Wyświetlanie zdarzeń przychodzących w obszarze stanu" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:28 -msgid "Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy" -msgstr "Zmniejszenie dokładności położenia" +msgid "" +"Display incoming events in the status area. If false, present them to the " +"user immediately." +msgstr "" +"Wyświetlanie zdarzeń przychodzących w obszarze stanu. Jeśli zaznaczone, to " +"będą natychmiast prezentowane użytkownikowi." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:29 -msgid "Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon" -msgstr "Używanie awatarów kontaktów jako ikony okna rozmowy" +msgid "The position for the chat window side pane" +msgstr "Położenie panelu bocznego okna rozmowy" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:30 -msgid "Enable WebKit Developer Tools" -msgstr "Włączenie narzędzi programistycznych WebKit" +msgid "The stored position (in pixels) of the chat window side pane." +msgstr "Przechowane położenie (w pikselach) panelu bocznego okna rozmowy." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:31 -msgid "Enable popup notifications for new messages" -msgstr "Włączenie wyskakujących powiadomień dla nowych wiadomości" +msgid "Show contact groups" +msgstr "Wyświetlanie grup kontaktów" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:32 -msgid "Enable spell checker" -msgstr "Włączenie sprawdzania pisowni" +msgid "Whether to show groups in the contact list." +msgstr "Określa, czy wyświetlać grupy na liście kontaktów." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:33 -msgid "Hide main window" -msgstr "Ukrycie głównego okna" +msgid "Contact list sort criterion" +msgstr "Kryterium porządkowania listy kontaktów" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:34 -msgid "Hide the main window." -msgstr "Ukrycie głównego okna." +msgid "" +"Which criterion to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to sort by " +"the contact's state with the value \"state\". A value of \"name\" will sort " +"the contact list by name." +msgstr "" +"Określa, jakie kryterium używać podczas porządkowania listy kontaktów. " +"Domyślnie porządkowane jest według stanu kontaktów za pomocą wartości \"state" +"\". Wartość \"name\" spowoduje porządkowanie według nazw kontaktów." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:35 -msgid "Nick completed character" -msgstr "Znak do dodania po uzupełnieniu pseudonimu" +msgid "Use notification sounds" +msgstr "Używanie dźwięków powiadomień" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:36 -msgid "Open new chats in separate windows" -msgstr "Otwieranie nowych rozmów w oddzielnych oknach" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of events." +msgstr "Określa, czy odtwarzać dźwięk powiadamiający o zdarzeniach." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:37 -msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use" -msgstr "Ścieżka używanego motywu Adium" +msgid "Disable sounds when away" +msgstr "Wyłączenie dźwięków podczas nieobecności" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:38 -msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use if the theme used for chat is Adium." +msgid "Whether to play sound notifications when away or busy." msgstr "" -"Ścieżka używanego motywu Adium, jeśli dla pokoju rozmowy używany jest motyw " -"Adium." +"Określa, czy odtwarzać dźwięki powiadomień podczas nieobecności lub " +"zajętości." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:39 msgid "Play a sound for incoming messages" msgstr "Odtworzenie dźwięku dla nadchodzących wiadomości" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:40 -msgid "Play a sound for new conversations" -msgstr "Odtworzenie dźwięku dla nowych rozmów" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of incoming messages." +msgstr "" +"Określa, czy odtwarzać dźwięk powiadamiający o nadchodzących wiadomościach." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:41 msgid "Play a sound for outgoing messages" msgstr "Odtworzenie dźwięku dla wychodzącej wiadomości" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:42 -msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs in" -msgstr "Odtworzenie dźwięku, kiedy kontakt się zaloguje" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of outgoing messages." +msgstr "" +"Określa, czy odtwarzać dźwięk powiadamiający o wychodzących wiadomościach." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:43 -msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs out" -msgstr "Odtworzenie dźwięku, kiedy kontakt się wyloguje" +msgid "Play a sound for new conversations" +msgstr "Odtworzenie dźwięku dla nowych rozmów" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:44 -msgid "Play a sound when we log in" -msgstr "Odtworzenie dźwięku, kiedy użytkownik się zaloguje" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of new conversations." +msgstr "Określa, czy odtwarzać dźwięk powiadamiający o nowych rozmowach." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:45 -msgid "Play a sound when we log out" -msgstr "Odtworzenie dźwięku, kiedy użytkownik się wyloguje" +msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs in" +msgstr "Odtworzenie dźwięku, kiedy kontakt się zaloguje" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:46 -msgid "Pop up notifications if the chat isn't focused" -msgstr "Wyskakujące powiadomienia, jeśli okno rozmowy nie jest aktywne" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging into the network." +msgstr "" +"Określa, czy odtwarzać dźwięk powiadamiający o zalogowaniu kontaktów do " +"sieci." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:47 -msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs in" -msgstr "Wyskakujące powiadomienia, kiedy kontakt się zaloguje" +msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs out" +msgstr "Odtworzenie dźwięku, kiedy kontakt się wyloguje" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:48 -msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs out" -msgstr "Wyskakujące powiadomienia, kiedy kontakt się wyloguje" +msgid "" +"Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging out of the network." +msgstr "" +"Określa, czy odtwarzać dźwięk powiadamiający o wylogowaniu kontaktów z sieci." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:49 -msgid "Position the camera preview should be during a call." -msgstr "Położenie podglądu kamery podczas rozmowy." +msgid "Play a sound when we log in" +msgstr "Odtworzenie dźwięku, kiedy użytkownik się zaloguje" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:50 -msgid "Show Balance in contact list" -msgstr "Wyświetlanie salda na liście kontaktów" +msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging into a network." +msgstr "Określa, czy odtwarzać dźwięk podczas zalogowania do sieci." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:51 -msgid "Show avatars" -msgstr "Wyświetlanie awatarów" +msgid "Play a sound when we log out" +msgstr "Odtworzenie dźwięku, kiedy użytkownik się wyloguje" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:52 -msgid "Show contact list in rooms" -msgstr "Wyświetlanie listy kontaktów w pokojach" +msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging out of a network." +msgstr "Określa, czy odtwarzać dźwięk podczas wylogowania z sieci." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:53 -msgid "Show hint about closing the main window" -msgstr "Wyświetlanie podpowiedzi o zamknięciu głównego okna" +msgid "Enable popup notifications for new messages" +msgstr "Włączenie wyskakujących powiadomień dla nowych wiadomości" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:54 -msgid "Show offline contacts" -msgstr "Wyświetlanie kontaktów w trybie offline" +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message." +msgstr "" +"Określa, czy wyświetlać wyskakujące powiadomienia podczas otrzymania nowej " +"wiadomości." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:55 -msgid "Show protocols" -msgstr "Wyświetlanie protokołów" +msgid "Disable popup notifications when away" +msgstr "Wyłączenie wyskakujących powiadomień podczas nieobecności" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:56 -msgid "Spell checking languages" -msgstr "Języki sprawdzania pisowni" - +msgid "Whether to show popup notifications when away or busy." +msgstr "" +"Określa, czy wyświetlać wyskakujące powiadomienia podczas nieobecności lub " +"zajętości." + #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:57 -msgid "The default folder to save file transfers in." -msgstr "Domyślny katalog zapisu przesyłanych plików." +msgid "Pop up notifications if the chat isn't focused" +msgstr "Wyskakujące powiadomienia, jeśli okno rozmowy nie jest aktywne" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:58 -msgid "The last directory that an avatar image was chosen from." -msgstr "Ostatni katalog, z którego był wybierany awatar." +msgid "" +"Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message even if " +"the chat is already opened, but not focused." +msgstr "" +"Określa, czy wyświetlać wyskakujące powiadomienia podczas otrzymania nowej " +"wiadomości, nawet jeśli okno rozmowy jest już otwarte, lecz nie jest aktywne." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:59 -msgid "The position for the chat window side pane" -msgstr "Położenie panelu bocznego okna rozmowy" +msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs in" +msgstr "Wyskakujące powiadomienia, kiedy kontakt się zaloguje" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:60 -msgid "The stored position (in pixels) of the chat window side pane." -msgstr "Przechowane położenie (w pikselach) panelu bocznego okna rozmowy." +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes online." +msgstr "" +"Określa, czy wyświetlać wyskakujące powiadomienia, kiedy kontakt przechodzi " +"do trybu online." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:61 -msgid "The theme that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." -msgstr "Motyw używany do wyświetlania rozmowy w oknach rozmowy." +msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs out" +msgstr "Wyskakujące powiadomienia, kiedy kontakt się wyloguje" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:62 -msgid "" -"The theme variant that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." -msgstr "Wariant motywu używany do wyświetlania rozmowy w oknach rozmowy." +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes offline." +msgstr "" +"Określa, czy wyświetlać wyskakujące powiadomienia, kiedy kontakt przechodzi " +"do trybu offline." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:63 msgid "Use graphical smileys" msgstr "Używanie graficznych emotikon" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:64 -msgid "Use notification sounds" -msgstr "Używanie dźwięków powiadomień" +msgid "Whether to convert smileys into graphical images in conversations." +msgstr "" +"Określa, czy przekształcać emotikony w rozmowach do postaci graficznej." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:65 -msgid "Use theme for chat rooms" -msgstr "Używanie motywu dla pokoi rozmowy" +msgid "Show contact list in rooms" +msgstr "Wyświetlanie listy kontaktów w pokojach" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:66 -msgid "Whether Empathy can publish the user's location to their contacts." -msgstr "Określa, czy publikować położenie użytkownika jego kontaktom." +msgid "Whether to show the contact list in chat rooms." +msgstr "Określa, czy wyświetlać listę kontaktów w pokojach rozmowy." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:67 -msgid "Whether Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location." -msgstr "Określa, czy używać urządzenia GPS do odnajdowania położenia." +msgid "Chat window theme" +msgstr "Motyw okna rozmowy" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:68 -msgid "Whether Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location." -msgstr "Określa, czy używać sieci komórkowej do odnajdowania położenia." +msgid "The theme that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." +msgstr "Motyw używany do wyświetlania rozmowy w oknach rozmowy." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:69 -msgid "Whether Empathy can use the network to guess the location." -msgstr "Określa, czy używać sieci do odnajdowania położenia." +msgid "Chat window theme variant" +msgstr "Wariant motywu okna rozmowy" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:70 -msgid "Whether Empathy has migrated butterfly logs." -msgstr "Określa, czy przeprowadzono migrację dzienników butterfly." +msgid "" +"The theme variant that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." +msgstr "Wariant motywu używany do wyświetlania rozmowy w oknach rozmowy." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:71 -msgid "Whether Empathy should automatically log into your accounts on startup." -msgstr "Określa, czy automatycznie logować się do kont podczas uruchamiania." +msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use" +msgstr "Ścieżka używanego motywu Adium" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:72 -msgid "" -"Whether Empathy should go into away mode automatically if the user is idle." +msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use if the theme used for chat is Adium." msgstr "" -"Określa, czy automatycznie przechodzić do trybu nieobecności podczas " -"bezczynności." +"Ścieżka używanego motywu Adium, jeśli dla pokoju rozmowy używany jest motyw " +"Adium." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:73 -msgid "" -"Whether Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy for privacy reasons." -msgstr "" -"Określa, czy zmniejszać dokładność położenia w celu ochrony prywatności." +msgid "Enable WebKit Developer Tools" +msgstr "Włączenie narzędzi programistycznych WebKit" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:74 msgid "" -"Whether Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon." -msgstr "Określa, czy używać awatarów kontaktów jako ikony okna rozmowy." - -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:75 -msgid "" "Whether WebKit developer tools, such as the Web Inspector, should be enabled." msgstr "" "Określa, czy włączyć narzędzia programistyczne WebKit, takie jak Web " "Inspector." +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:75 +msgid "Inform other users when you are typing to them" +msgstr "Informowanie innych użytkowników o pisaniu" + #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:76 msgid "" -"Whether connectivity managers should be used to automatically disconnect/" -"reconnect." +"Whether to send the 'composing' or 'paused' chat states. Does not currently " +"affect the 'gone' state." msgstr "" -"Określa, czy menedżery łączności powinny być używane do automatycznego " -"rozłączenia/ponownego połączenia." +"Określa, czy wysyłać stany rozmowy \"pisanie\" lub \"wstrzymano\". Obecnie " +"nie wpływa na stan \"nieobecny\"." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:77 -msgid "" -"Whether to check words typed against the languages you want to check with." -msgstr "Określa, czy sprawdzać słowa wprowadzane w podanych językach." +msgid "Use theme for chat rooms" +msgstr "Używanie motywu dla pokoi rozmowy" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:78 -msgid "Whether to convert smileys into graphical images in conversations." -msgstr "" -"Określa, czy przekształcać emotikony w rozmowach do postaci graficznej." +msgid "Whether to use the theme for chat rooms." +msgstr "Określa, czy używać motywów dla pokoi rozmowy." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:79 -msgid "Whether to enable Pulseaudio's echo cancellation filter." -msgstr "Określa, czy włączyć filtr usuwania echa usługi PulseAudio." +msgid "Spell checking languages" +msgstr "Języki sprawdzania pisowni" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:80 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging into the network." +msgid "" +"Comma-separated list of spell checker languages to use (e.g. \"en, fr, nl\")." msgstr "" -"Określa, czy odtwarzać dźwięk powiadamiający o zalogowaniu kontaktów do " -"sieci." +"Oddzielana przecinkami lista języków do sprawdzania pisowni (np. \"en, fr, pl" +"\")." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:81 -msgid "" -"Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging out of the network." -msgstr "" -"Określa, czy odtwarzać dźwięk powiadamiający o wylogowaniu kontaktów z sieci." +msgid "Enable spell checker" +msgstr "Włączenie sprawdzania pisowni" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:82 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of events." -msgstr "Określa, czy odtwarzać dźwięk powiadamiający o zdarzeniach." +msgid "" +"Whether to check words typed against the languages you want to check with." +msgstr "Określa, czy sprawdzać słowa wprowadzane w podanych językach." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:83 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of incoming messages." -msgstr "" -"Określa, czy odtwarzać dźwięk powiadamiający o nadchodzących wiadomościach." +msgid "Nick completed character" +msgstr "Znak do dodania po uzupełnieniu pseudonimu" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:84 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of new conversations." -msgstr "Określa, czy odtwarzać dźwięk powiadamiający o nowych rozmowach." +msgid "" +"Character to add after nickname when using nick completion (tab) in group " +"chat." +msgstr "" +"Znak do dodania po automatycznym uzupełnieniu pseudonimu (klawiszem Tab) " +"podczas rozmowy grupowej." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:85 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of outgoing messages." -msgstr "" -"Określa, czy odtwarzać dźwięk powiadamiający o wychodzących wiadomościach." +msgid "Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon" +msgstr "Używanie awatarów kontaktów jako ikony okna rozmowy" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:86 -msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging into a network." -msgstr "Określa, czy odtwarzać dźwięk podczas zalogowania do sieci." +msgid "" +"Whether Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon." +msgstr "Określa, czy używać awatarów kontaktów jako ikony okna rozmowy." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:87 -msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging out of a network." -msgstr "Określa, czy odtwarzać dźwięk podczas wylogowania z sieci." +msgid "Last account selected in Join Room dialog" +msgstr "Ostatnie konto wybrane w oknie Dołącz do pokoju" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:88 -msgid "Whether to play sound notifications when away or busy." +msgid "D-Bus object path of the last account selected to join a room." msgstr "" -"Określa, czy odtwarzać dźwięki powiadomień podczas nieobecności lub " -"zajętości." +"Ścieżka do obiektu D-Bus ostatnio wybranego konta do dołączenia do pokoju." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:89 -msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes offline." -msgstr "" -"Określa, czy wyświetlać wyskakujące powiadomienia, kiedy kontakt przechodzi " -"do trybu offline." +msgid "Camera device" +msgstr "Urządzenie kamery" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:90 -msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes online." +msgid "Default camera device to use in video calls, e.g. /dev/video0." msgstr "" -"Określa, czy wyświetlać wyskakujące powiadomienia, kiedy kontakt przechodzi " -"do trybu online." +"Domyślne urządzenie kamery do użycia w wideorozmowach, np. /dev/video0." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:91 -msgid "" -"Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message even if " -"the chat is already opened, but not focused." -msgstr "" -"Określa, czy wyświetlać wyskakujące powiadomienia podczas otrzymania nowej " -"wiadomości, nawet jeśli okno rozmowy jest już otwarte, lecz nie jest aktywne." +msgid "Camera position" +msgstr "Pozycja kamery" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:92 -msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message." -msgstr "" -"Określa, czy wyświetlać wyskakujące powiadomienia podczas otrzymania nowej " -"wiadomości." +msgid "Position the camera preview should be during a call." +msgstr "Położenie podglądu kamery podczas rozmowy." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:93 -msgid "Whether to show account balances in the contact list." -msgstr "Określa, czy wyświetlać saldo kont na liście kontaktów." +msgid "Echo cancellation support" +msgstr "Obsługa usuwania echa" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:94 -msgid "" -"Whether to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat windows." -msgstr "" -"Określa, czy wyświetlać awatary dla kontaktów na liście i oknach rozmowy." +msgid "Whether to enable Pulseaudio's echo cancellation filter." +msgstr "Określa, czy włączyć filtr usuwania echa usługi PulseAudio." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:95 -msgid "Whether to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." -msgstr "Określa, czy wyświetlać na liście kontakty w trybie offline." +msgid "Show hint about closing the main window" +msgstr "Wyświetlanie podpowiedzi o zamknięciu głównego okna" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:96 -msgid "Whether to show popup notifications when away or busy." +msgid "" +"Whether to show the message dialog about closing the main window with the " +"'x' button in the title bar." msgstr "" -"Określa, czy wyświetlać wyskakujące powiadomienia podczas nieobecności lub " -"zajętości." +"Określa, czy wyświetlać okno dialogowe podczas zamykania głównego okna " +"przyciskiem \"x\" na pasku tytułowym." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:97 -msgid "Whether to show protocols for contacts in the contact list." -msgstr "Określa, czy wyświetlać protokoły dla kontaktów na liście." +msgid "Empathy can publish the user's location" +msgstr "Publikowanie położenia użytkownika" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:98 -msgid "Whether to show the contact list in chat rooms." -msgstr "Określa, czy wyświetlać listę kontaktów w pokojach rozmowy." +msgid "Whether Empathy can publish the user's location to their contacts." +msgstr "Określa, czy publikować położenie użytkownika jego kontaktom." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:99 -msgid "Whether to show the contact list in compact mode." -msgstr "Określa, czy wyświetlać listę kontaktów w trybie zmniejszonym." +msgid "Empathy can use the network to guess the location" +msgstr "Używanie sieci do odnajdowania położenia" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:100 -msgid "" -"Whether to show the message dialog about closing the main window with the " -"'x' button in the title bar." -msgstr "" -"Określa, czy wyświetlać okno dialogowe podczas zamykania głównego okna " -"przyciskiem \"x\" na pasku tytułowym." +msgid "Whether Empathy can use the network to guess the location." +msgstr "Określa, czy używać sieci do odnajdowania położenia." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:101 -msgid "Whether to use the theme for chat rooms." -msgstr "Określa, czy używać motywów dla pokoi rozmowy." +msgid "Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location" +msgstr "Używanie sieci komórkowej do odnajdowania położenia" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:102 +msgid "Whether Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location." +msgstr "Określa, czy używać sieci komórkowej do odnajdowania położenia." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:103 +msgid "Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location" +msgstr "Używanie urządzenia GPS do odnajdowania położenia" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:104 +msgid "Whether Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location." +msgstr "Określa, czy używać urządzenia GPS do odnajdowania położenia." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:105 +msgid "Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy" +msgstr "Zmniejszenie dokładności położenia" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:106 msgid "" -"Which criterion to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to sort by " -"the contact's name with the value \"name\". A value of \"state\" will sort " -"the contact list by state." +"Whether Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy for privacy reasons." msgstr "" -"Określa, jakie kryterium używać podczas porządkowania listy kontaktów. " -"Domyślnie porządkowane jest według nazwy kontaktów za pomocą wartości \"name" -"\". Wartość \"state\" spowoduje porządkowanie według stanu kontaktu." +"Określa, czy zmniejszać dokładność położenia w celu ochrony prywatności." -#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:1 -msgid "Manage Messaging and VoIP accounts" -msgstr "Zarządzanie kontami komunikatora i VoIP" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:738 +msgid "No reason was specified" +msgstr "Nie podano powodu" -#. Tweak the dialog -#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:2 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2324 -msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts" -msgstr "Konta komunikatora i VoIP" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:741 +msgid "The change in state was requested" +msgstr "Zażądano zmiany stanu" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:744 +msgid "You canceled the file transfer" +msgstr "Przesłanie pliku zostało anulowane przez użytkownika" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:747 +msgid "The other participant canceled the file transfer" +msgstr "Przesłanie pliku zostało anulowane przez drugą stronę" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:750 +msgid "Error while trying to transfer the file" +msgstr "Błąd podczas próby przesłania pliku" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:753 +msgid "The other participant is unable to transfer the file" +msgstr "Druga strona nie może odebrać pliku" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:756 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:313 +msgid "Unknown reason" +msgstr "Nieznany powód" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:825 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:919 msgid "File transfer completed, but the file was corrupted" msgstr "Ukończono przesyłanie pliku, ale plik jest uszkodzony" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1111 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1205 msgid "File transfer not supported by remote contact" msgstr "Przesyłanie plików nie jest obsługiwane przez zdalnego użytkownika" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1167 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1261 msgid "The selected file is not a regular file" msgstr "Wybrany plik nie jest zwykłym plikiem" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1176 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1270 msgid "The selected file is empty" msgstr "Wybrany plik jest pusty" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-message.c:415 ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:131 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-message.c:415 ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:129 #, c-format msgid "Missed call from %s" msgstr "Nieodebrana rozmowa głosowa od użytkownika %s" @@ -549,171 +604,140 @@ msgid "Call from %s" msgstr "Rozmowa głosowa od użytkownika %s" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:268 -msgid "Socket type not supported" -msgstr "Typ gniazda nie jest obsługiwany" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:387 -msgid "No reason was specified" -msgstr "Nie podano powodu" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:390 -msgid "The change in state was requested" -msgstr "Zażądano zmiany stanu" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:393 -msgid "You canceled the file transfer" -msgstr "Przesłanie pliku zostało anulowane przez użytkownika" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:396 -msgid "The other participant canceled the file transfer" -msgstr "Przesłanie pliku zostało anulowane przez drugą stronę" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:399 -msgid "Error while trying to transfer the file" -msgstr "Błąd podczas próby przesłania pliku" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:402 -msgid "The other participant is unable to transfer the file" -msgstr "Druga strona nie może odebrać pliku" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-tp-file.c:405 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:312 -msgid "Unknown reason" -msgstr "Nieznany powód" - -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:232 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:233 msgid "Available" msgstr "Dostępny" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:234 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:235 msgid "Busy" msgstr "Zajęty" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:237 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:238 msgid "Away" msgstr "Nieobecny" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:239 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:240 msgid "Invisible" msgstr "Niewidoczny" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:241 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:242 msgid "Offline" msgstr "Offline" #. translators: presence type is unknown -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:244 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:245 msgctxt "presence" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Nieznany" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:284 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:285 msgid "No reason specified" msgstr "Nie podano powodu" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:286 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:342 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:287 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:343 msgid "Status is set to offline" msgstr "Stan został zmieniony na offline" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:288 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:322 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:49 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:289 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:323 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:47 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:81 msgid "Network error" msgstr "Błąd sieci" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:290 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:324 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:291 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:325 msgid "Authentication failed" msgstr "Uwierzytelnienie się nie powiodło" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:292 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:326 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:293 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:327 msgid "Encryption error" msgstr "Błąd szyfrowania" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:294 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:295 msgid "Name in use" msgstr "Pseudonim jest już używany" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:296 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:328 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:297 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:329 msgid "Certificate not provided" msgstr "Nie dostarczono certyfikatu" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:298 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:330 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:299 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:331 msgid "Certificate untrusted" msgstr "Niezaufany certyfikat" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:300 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:332 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:301 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:333 msgid "Certificate expired" msgstr "Certyfikat wygasł" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:302 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:334 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:303 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:335 msgid "Certificate not activated" msgstr "Certyfikat nieaktywny" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:304 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:336 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:305 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:337 msgid "Certificate hostname mismatch" msgstr "Nazwa komputera w certyfikacie nie zgadza się" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:306 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:338 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:307 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:339 msgid "Certificate fingerprint mismatch" msgstr "Odcisk palca certyfikatu nie zgadza się" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:308 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:340 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:309 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:341 msgid "Certificate self-signed" msgstr "Certyfikat został samodzielnie podpisany" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:310 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:311 msgid "Certificate error" msgstr "Błąd certyfikatu" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:344 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:345 msgid "Encryption is not available" msgstr "Szyfrowanie nie jest dostępne" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:346 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:347 msgid "Certificate is invalid" msgstr "Certyfikat jest nieprawidłowy" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:348 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:349 msgid "Connection has been refused" msgstr "Połączenie zostało odrzucone" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:350 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:351 msgid "Connection can't be established" msgstr "Nie można ustanowić połączenia" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:352 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:353 msgid "Connection has been lost" msgstr "Połączenie zostało utracone" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:354 -msgid "This resource is already connected to the server" -msgstr "Ten zasób jest już połączony z serwerem" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:355 +msgid "This account is already connected to the server" +msgstr "To konto jest już połączone z serwerem" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:356 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:357 msgid "" "Connection has been replaced by a new connection using the same resource" msgstr "" "Połączenie zostało zastąpione nowym połączeniem używając tego samego zasobu" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:359 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:360 msgid "The account already exists on the server" msgstr "Konto już istnieje na serwerze" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:361 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:362 msgid "Server is currently too busy to handle the connection" msgstr "Serwer jest obecnie zbyt zajęty, aby obsłużyć połączenie" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:363 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:364 msgid "Certificate has been revoked" msgstr "Certyfikat został unieważniony" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:365 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:366 msgid "" "Certificate uses an insecure cipher algorithm or is cryptographically weak" msgstr "" "Certyfikat używa niebezpiecznego algorytmu szyfrowania lub jest " "kryptograficznie słaby" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:368 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:369 msgid "" "The length of the server certificate, or the depth of the server certificate " "chain, exceed the limits imposed by the cryptography library" @@ -721,24 +745,31 @@ "Długość certyfikatu serwera lub głębokość łańcucha certyfikatu serwera " "przekracza ograniczenie wymuszane przez bibliotekę kryptograficzną" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:529 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-store.h:73 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:373 +msgid "Your software is too old" +msgstr "Oprogramowanie jest za stare" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:375 +msgid "Internal error" +msgstr "Wewnętrzny błąd" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:534 msgid "People Nearby" msgstr "Osoby w pobliżu" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:534 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:539 msgid "Yahoo! Japan" msgstr "Yahoo! Japonia" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:563 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:568 msgid "Google Talk" msgstr "Google Talk" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:564 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:569 msgid "Facebook Chat" msgstr "Facebook Chat" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:88 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:90 #, c-format msgid "%d second ago" msgid_plural "%d seconds ago" @@ -746,7 +777,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%d sekundy temu" msgstr[2] "%d sekund temu" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:93 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:96 #, c-format msgid "%d minute ago" msgid_plural "%d minutes ago" @@ -754,7 +785,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%d minuty temu" msgstr[2] "%d minut temu" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:98 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:102 #, c-format msgid "%d hour ago" msgid_plural "%d hours ago" @@ -762,7 +793,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%d godziny temu" msgstr[2] "%d godzin temu" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:103 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:108 #, c-format msgid "%d day ago" msgid_plural "%d days ago" @@ -770,7 +801,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%d dni temu" msgstr[2] "%d dni temu" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:108 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:114 #, c-format msgid "%d week ago" msgid_plural "%d weeks ago" @@ -778,7 +809,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%d tygodnie temu" msgstr[2] "%d tygodni temu" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:113 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:120 #, c-format msgid "%d month ago" msgid_plural "%d months ago" @@ -786,224 +817,210 @@ msgstr[1] "%d miesiące temu" msgstr[2] "%d miesięcy emu" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:136 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:142 msgid "in the future" msgstr "w przyszłości" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-chooser.c:540 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:75 +msgid "Password not found" +msgstr "Nie odnaleziono hasła" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:218 +#, c-format +msgid "IM account password for %s (%s)" +msgstr "Hasło konta komunikatora dla %s (%s)" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:253 +#, c-format +msgid "Password for chatroom '%s' on account %s (%s)" +msgstr "Hasło dla pokoju rozmowy \"%s\" na koncie %s (%s)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-chooser.c:692 msgid "All accounts" msgstr "Wszystkie konta" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:694 -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:321 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:682 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:336 msgid "Account" msgstr "Konto" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:695 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:683 msgid "Password" msgstr "Hasło" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:696 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:507 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:684 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:511 msgid "Server" msgstr "Serwer" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:697 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:522 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:685 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:529 msgid "Port" msgstr "Port" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:769 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:826 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:765 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:817 #, c-format msgid "%s:" msgstr "%s:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1192 -msgid "My Web Accounts" -msgstr "Moje konta internetowe" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1209 -#, c-format -msgid "The account %s is edited via %s." -msgstr "Konto %s jest modyfikowane przez %s." - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1215 -#, c-format -msgid "The account %s cannot be edited in Empathy." -msgstr "Konta %s nie można modyfikować w programie Empathy." - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1234 -msgid "Launch My Web Accounts" -msgstr "Uruchom Moje konta internetowe" - -#. general handler -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1242 -#, c-format -msgid "Edit %s" -msgstr "Modyfikuj %s" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1592 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1398 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:14 msgid "Username:" msgstr "Nazwa użytkownika:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1910 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1710 msgid "A_pply" msgstr "Za_stosuj" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1940 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1739 msgid "L_og in" -msgstr "Zal_oguj się" +msgstr "Zal_oguj" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2014 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1812 msgid "This account already exists on the server" msgstr "To konto już istnieje na serwerze" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2017 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1816 msgid "Create a new account on the server" msgstr "Utworzenie nowego konta na serwerze" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2209 -msgid "Ca_ncel" -msgstr "A_nuluj" - #. To translators: The first parameter is the login id and the #. * second one is the network. The resulting string will be something #. * like: "MyUserName on freenode". #. * You should reverse the order of these arguments if the #. * server should come before the login id in your locale. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2487 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2241 #, c-format msgid "%1$s on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s na %2$s" #. To translators: The parameter is the protocol name. The resulting #. * string will be something like: "Jabber Account" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2513 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2267 #, c-format msgid "%s Account" msgstr "Konto %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2517 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2271 msgid "New account" msgstr "Nowe konto" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:1 -msgid "Example: MyScreenName" -msgstr "Przykład: MojaNazwaUżytkownika" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:14 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:1 +msgid "Pass_word:" +msgstr "_Hasło:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-generic.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:2 -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "Zaawansowane" +msgid "Screen _Name:" +msgstr "_Nazwa użytkownika:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:3 +msgid "Example: MyScreenName" +msgstr "Przykład: MojaNazwaUżytkownika" + +#. remember password ticky box +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:4 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:4 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:5 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:12 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:4 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:13 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:5 -msgid "Pass_word:" -msgstr "_Hasło:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-base-password-dialog.c:261 +msgid "Remember password" +msgstr "Zapamiętywanie hasła" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:5 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:5 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:10 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:20 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:5 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:16 -msgid "Remember Password" -msgstr "Zapamiętaj hasło" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Port:" +msgstr "_Port:" -#. remember password ticky box -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:6 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:6 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:7 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:21 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:17 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-password-dialog.c:311 -msgid "Remember password" -msgstr "Zapamiętywanie hasła" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:6 -msgid "Screen _Name:" -msgstr "_Nazwa użytkownika:" +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Server:" +msgstr "_Serwer:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:7 -msgid "What is your AIM password?" -msgstr "Hasło AIM:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-generic.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:15 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:23 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:21 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:9 +msgid "Advanced" +msgstr "Zaawansowane" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your AIM screen name?" msgstr "Nazwa użytkownika AIM:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:10 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:26 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:10 -msgid "_Port:" -msgstr "_Port:" +msgid "What is your AIM password?" +msgstr "Hasło AIM:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:10 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:10 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:11 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:27 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:7 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:10 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:9 -msgid "_Server:" -msgstr "_Serwer:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:1 -msgid "Example: username" -msgstr "Przykład: nazwa_użytkownika" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:24 +msgid "Remember Password" +msgstr "Zapamiętaj hasło" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:2 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:13 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:2 msgid "Login I_D:" msgstr "Id_entyfikator logowania:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:3 +msgid "Example: username" +msgstr "Przykład: nazwa_użytkownika" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your GroupWise User ID?" msgstr "Identyfikator użytkownika GroupWise:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your GroupWise password?" msgstr "Hasło GroupWise:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:2 +msgid "ICQ _UIN:" +msgstr "_UIN ICQ:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:3 msgid "Example: 123456789" msgstr "Przykład: 123456789" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:7 msgid "Ch_aracter set:" msgstr "Zest_aw znaków:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:4 -msgid "ICQ _UIN:" -msgstr "_UIN ICQ:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your ICQ UIN?" msgstr "UIN ICQ:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:9 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:10 msgid "What is your ICQ password?" msgstr "Hasło ICQ:" @@ -1040,11 +1057,44 @@ msgid "None" msgstr "Brak" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:1 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Sieć" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:2 +msgid "Network:" +msgstr "Sieć:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:3 msgid "Character set:" msgstr "Zestaw znaków:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:1 +msgid "Add…" +msgstr "Dodaj…" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:3 +msgid "Remove" +msgstr "Usuń" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:6 +msgid "Up" +msgstr "W górę" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:7 +msgid "Down" +msgstr "W dół" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:8 +msgid "Servers" +msgstr "Serwery" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:9 msgid "" "Most IRC servers don't need a password, so if you're not sure, don't enter a " "password." @@ -1052,72 +1102,36 @@ "Większość serwerów IRC nie wymaga hasła, więc w razie niepewności nie należy " "go podawać." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:4 -msgid "Network" -msgstr "Sieć" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 -msgid "Network:" -msgstr "Sieć:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:6 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 msgid "Nickname:" msgstr "Pseudonim:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 msgid "Password:" msgstr "Hasło:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:12 msgid "Quit message:" msgstr "Komunikat podczas zakończenia:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:9 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 msgid "Real name:" msgstr "Imię i nazwisko:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 -msgid "Servers" -msgstr "Serwery" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:12 -msgid "What is your IRC nickname?" -msgstr "Pseudonim IRC:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:16 msgid "Which IRC network?" msgstr "Sieć IRC:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:1 -msgid "Example: user@gmail.com" -msgstr "Przykład: użytkownik@gmail.com" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:2 -msgid "Example: user@jabber.org" -msgstr "Przykład: użytkownik@jabber.org" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:4 -msgid "Encr_yption required (TLS/SSL)" -msgstr "_Wymagane szyfrowanie (TLS/SSL)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:5 -msgid "I_gnore SSL certificate errors" -msgstr "Ig_norowanie błędów certyfikatu SSL" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:7 -msgid "Override server settings" -msgstr "Zastępuje ustawienia serwera" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:9 -msgid "Priori_ty:" -msgstr "Pri_orytet:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:17 +msgid "What is your IRC nickname?" +msgstr "Pseudonim IRC:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:12 -msgid "Reso_urce:" -msgstr "_Zasób:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:1 +msgid "What is your Facebook username?" +msgstr "Nazwa użytkownika serwisu Facebook:" #. This string is not wrapped in the dialog so you may have to add some '\n' to make it look nice. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:14 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:3 msgid "" "This is your username, not your normal Facebook login.\n" "If you are facebook.com/badger, enter badger.\n" @@ -1130,179 +1144,203 @@ "aby wybrać nazwę użytkownika serwisu Facebook, jeśli jeszcze jej nie " "ustawiono." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:17 -msgid "Use old SS_L" -msgstr "Stare szyfrowanie SS_L" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:18 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:6 msgid "What is your Facebook password?" msgstr "Hasło serwisu Facebook:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:19 -msgid "What is your Facebook username?" -msgstr "Nazwa użytkownika serwisu Facebook:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:20 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your Google ID?" msgstr "Identyfikator Google:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:21 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:9 +msgid "Example: user@gmail.com" +msgstr "Przykład: użytkownik@gmail.com" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:10 msgid "What is your Google password?" msgstr "Hasło Google:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:11 +msgid "Example: user@jabber.org" +msgstr "Przykład: użytkownik@jabber.org" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:15 +msgid "I_gnore SSL certificate errors" +msgstr "Ig_norowanie błędów certyfikatu SSL" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:16 +msgid "Priori_ty:" +msgstr "Pri_orytet:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:17 +msgid "Reso_urce:" +msgstr "_Zasób:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:18 +msgid "Encr_yption required (TLS/SSL)" +msgstr "_Wymagane szyfrowanie (TLS/SSL)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:19 +msgid "Use old SS_L" +msgstr "Stare szyfrowanie SS_L" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:22 +msgid "Override server settings" +msgstr "Zastępuje ustawienia serwera" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:24 msgid "What is your Jabber ID?" msgstr "Identyfikator Jabbera:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:23 -msgid "What is your Jabber password?" -msgstr "Hasło Jabbera:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:24 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:25 msgid "What is your desired Jabber ID?" msgstr "Żądany identyfikator Jabbera:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:25 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:26 +msgid "What is your Jabber password?" +msgstr "Hasło Jabbera:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:27 msgid "What is your desired Jabber password?" msgstr "Żądane hasło Jabbera:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:3 msgid "Example: user@hotmail.com" msgstr "Przykład: użytkownik@hotmail.com" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your Windows Live ID?" msgstr "Identyfikator Windows Live:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your Windows Live password?" msgstr "Hasło Windows Live:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:2 -msgid "E-_mail address:" -msgstr "Adres _e-mail:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:1 msgid "Nic_kname:" msgstr "Pseu_donim:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Last Name:" +msgstr "Na_zwisko:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:3 msgid "_First Name:" msgstr "I_mię:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Published Name:" +msgstr "Nazwa _opublikowana:" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:5 msgid "_Jabber ID:" msgstr "Identyfikator Ja_bbera:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:6 -msgid "_Last Name:" -msgstr "Na_zwisko:" +msgid "E-_mail address:" +msgstr "Adres _e-mail:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:7 -msgid "_Published Name:" -msgstr "Nazwa _opublikowana:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Username:" +msgstr "Nazwa _użytkownika:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:3 msgid "Example: user@my.sip.server" msgstr "Przykład: użytkownik@mój.serwer.sip" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:3 -msgid "Authentication username:" -msgstr "Nazwa użytkownika uwierzytelnienia:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:4 -msgid "Discover Binding" -msgstr "Wykrywanie dowiązywania" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:5 -msgid "Discover the STUN server automatically" -msgstr "Automatyczne wykrywanie serwera STUN" +msgid "Use this account to call _landlines and mobile phones" +msgstr "Użycie tego konta do połączeń na telefony _stacjonarne i komórkowe" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:6 -msgid "Ignore TLS Errors" -msgstr "Ignorowanie błędów TLS" +msgid "NAT Traversal Options" +msgstr "Opcje przechodzenia NAT" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:7 -msgid "Interval (seconds)" -msgstr "Czas między aktualizacjami (w sekundach)" +msgid "Proxy Options" +msgstr "Opcje pośrednika" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:8 -msgid "Keep-Alive Options" -msgstr "Opcje \"Keep-Alive\"" +msgid "Miscellaneous Options" +msgstr "Różne opcje" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:9 -msgid "Loose Routing" -msgstr "Swobodne trasowanie" +msgid "STUN Server:" +msgstr "Serwer STUN:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:10 -msgid "Mechanism:" -msgstr "Mechanizm:" +msgid "Discover the STUN server automatically" +msgstr "Automatyczne wykrywanie serwera STUN" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:11 -msgid "Miscellaneous Options" -msgstr "Różne opcje" +msgid "Discover Binding" +msgstr "Wykrywanie dowiązywania" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:12 -msgid "NAT Traversal Options" -msgstr "Opcje przechodzenia NAT" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:114 +msgid "Server:" +msgstr "Serwer" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:13 +msgid "Keep-Alive Options" +msgstr "Opcje \"Keep-Alive\"" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:14 -msgid "Port:" -msgstr "Port:" +msgid "Mechanism:" +msgstr "Mechanizm:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:15 -msgid "Proxy Options" -msgstr "Opcje pośrednika" +msgid "Interval (seconds)" +msgstr "Czas między aktualizacjami (w sekundach)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:16 +msgid "Authentication username:" +msgstr "Nazwa użytkownika uwierzytelnienia:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:17 +msgid "Transport:" +msgstr "Transport:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:18 -msgid "STUN Server:" -msgstr "Serwer STUN:" +msgid "Loose Routing" +msgstr "Swobodne trasowanie" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:19 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:347 -msgid "Server:" -msgstr "Serwer" +msgid "Ignore TLS Errors" +msgstr "Ignorowanie błędów TLS" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:20 -msgid "Transport:" -msgstr "Transport:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:21 -msgid "Use this account to call _landlines and mobile phones" -msgstr "Użycie tego konta do połączeń na telefony _stacjonarne i komórkowe" +msgid "Port:" +msgstr "Port:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:22 -msgid "What is your SIP account password?" -msgstr "Hasło konta SIP:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:23 msgid "What is your SIP login ID?" msgstr "Identyfikator loginu SIP:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:24 -msgid "_Username:" -msgstr "Nazwa _użytkownika:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:23 +msgid "What is your SIP account password?" +msgstr "Hasło konta SIP:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:2 +msgid "Yahoo! I_D:" +msgstr "Id_entyfikator Yahoo!:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:5 msgid "I_gnore conference and chat room invitations" msgstr "Ig_norowanie zaproszeń konferencyjnych i pokoi rozmowy" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Room List locale:" +msgstr "_Ustawienia językowe listy pokoi:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:10 msgid "What is your Yahoo! ID?" msgstr "Identyfikator Yahoo!:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:11 msgid "What is your Yahoo! password?" msgstr "Hasło Yahoo!:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:9 -msgid "Yahoo! I_D:" -msgstr "Id_entyfikator Yahoo!:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:11 -msgid "_Room List locale:" -msgstr "_Ustawienia językowe listy pokoi:" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:471 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:556 msgid "Couldn't convert image" @@ -1341,61 +1379,65 @@ msgid "Click to enlarge" msgstr "Kliknięcie powiększy" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:44 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:42 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:60 msgid "There was an error starting the call" msgstr "Wystąpił błąd podczas rozpoczynania rozmowy głosowej" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:51 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:49 msgid "The specified contact doesn't support calls" msgstr "Podany kontakt nie obsługuje rozmów głosowych" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:53 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:51 msgid "The specified contact is offline" msgstr "Wybrany kontakt jest w trybie offline" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:55 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:53 msgid "The specified contact is not valid" msgstr "Wybrany kontakt nie jest prawidłowy" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:57 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:55 msgid "Emergency calls are not supported on this protocol" msgstr "Rozmowy alarmowe nie są obsługiwane przez ten protokół" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:704 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:57 +msgid "You don't have enough credit in order to place this call" +msgstr "Brak wystarczających środków, aby zadzwonić" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:729 msgid "Failed to open private chat" msgstr "Otwarcie prywatnej rozmowy się nie powiodło" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:762 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:787 msgid "Topic not supported on this conversation" msgstr "Temat nie jest obsługiwany w czasie tej rozmowy" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:768 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:793 msgid "You are not allowed to change the topic" msgstr "Brak uprawnienia do zmiany tematu" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:969 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:992 #, c-format msgid "“%s” is not a valid contact ID" msgstr "\"%s\" nie jest prawidłowym identyfikatorem kontaktu" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1054 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1087 msgid "/clear: clear all messages from the current conversation" msgstr "/clear: usuwa wszystkie wiadomości z bieżącej rozmowy" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1057 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1090 msgid "/topic : set the topic of the current conversation" msgstr "/topic : ustawia temat bieżącej rozmowy" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1060 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1093 msgid "/join : join a new chat room" msgstr "/join : dołącza do nowego pokoju rozmów" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1063 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1096 msgid "/j : join a new chat room" msgstr "/j : dołącza do nowego pokoju rozmów" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1067 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1100 msgid "" "/part [] []: leave the chat room, by default the " "current one" @@ -1403,24 +1445,24 @@ "/part [] []: opuszcza pokój rozmów, " "domyślnie bieżący" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1071 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1104 msgid "/query []: open a private chat" msgstr "" "/query []: otwiera prywatną rozmowę" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1074 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1107 msgid "/msg : open a private chat" msgstr "/msg : otwiera prywatną rozmowę" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1077 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1110 msgid "/nick : change your nickname on the current server" msgstr "/nick : zmienia pseudonim na bieżącym serwerze" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1080 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1113 msgid "/me : send an ACTION message to the current conversation" msgstr "/me : wysyła wiadomość DZIAŁANIA do bieżącej rozmowy" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1083 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1116 msgid "" "/say : send to the current conversation. This is used to " "send a message starting with a '/'. For example: \"/say /join is used to " @@ -1430,11 +1472,11 @@ "wysyłania wiadomości zaczynającej się od znaku \"/\". Na przykład: \"/say /" "join jest używane do dołączenia do nowego pokoju rozmowy\"" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1088 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1121 msgid "/whois : display information about a contact" msgstr "/whois : wyświetla informacje o kontakcie" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1091 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1124 msgid "" "/help []: show all supported commands. If is defined, " "show its usage." @@ -1442,113 +1484,127 @@ "/help []: wyświetla wszystkie obsługiwane polecenia. Jeśli podano " ", zostanie wyświetlone jej użycie." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1108 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1143 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s" msgstr "Użycie: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1153 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1188 msgid "Unknown command" msgstr "Nieznane polecenie" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1279 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1314 msgid "Unknown command; see /help for the available commands" msgstr "Nieznane polecenie. opcja /help wyświetli dostępne polecenia" -#. translators: error used when user doesn't have enough credit on his -#. * account to send the message. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1449 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1565 msgid "insufficient balance to send message" msgstr "niewystarczające saldo, aby wysłać wiadomość" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1451 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1569 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1583 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1646 +#, c-format +msgid "Error sending message '%s': %s" +msgstr "Błąd podczas wysyłania wiadomości \"%s\": %s" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1571 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1588 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1650 +#, c-format +msgid "Error sending message: %s" +msgstr "Błąd podczas wysyłania wiadomości: %s" + +#. translators: error used when user doesn't have enough credit on his +#. * account to send the message. +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1577 +#, c-format +msgid "insufficient balance to send message. Top up." +msgstr "" +"niewystarczające saldo, aby wysłać wiadomość. Doładuj." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1617 msgid "not capable" msgstr "brak możliwości" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1458 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1624 msgid "offline" msgstr "offline" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1461 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1627 msgid "invalid contact" msgstr "nieprawidłowy kontakt" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1464 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1630 msgid "permission denied" msgstr "brak dostępu" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1467 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1633 msgid "too long message" msgstr "za długa wiadomość" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1470 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1636 msgid "not implemented" msgstr "niezaimplementowane" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1474 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1640 msgid "unknown" msgstr "nieznany" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1480 -#, c-format -msgid "Error sending message '%s': %s" -msgstr "Błąd podczas wysyłania wiadomości \"%s\": %s" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1484 -#, c-format -msgid "Error sending message: %s" -msgstr "Błąd podczas wysyłania wiadomości: %s" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1541 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:761 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1707 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:920 msgid "Topic:" msgstr "Temat:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1553 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1722 #, c-format msgid "Topic set to: %s" msgstr "Temat ustawiony na: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1555 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1724 +#, c-format +msgid "Topic set by %s to: %s" +msgstr "Temat ustawiony przez użytkownika %s na: %s" + +#. No need to display this 'event' is no topic can be defined anyway +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1729 msgid "No topic defined" msgstr "Temat nie został określony" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2068 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2245 msgid "(No Suggestions)" msgstr "(brak podpowiedzi)" #. translators: %s is the selected word -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2136 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2313 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to Dictionary" msgstr "Dodaj \"%s\" do słownika" #. translators: first %s is the selected word, #. * second %s is the language name of the target dictionary -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2173 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2350 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to %s Dictionary" msgstr "Dodaj \"%s\" do słownika %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2243 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2420 msgid "Insert Smiley" msgstr "Wstaw emotikonę" #. send button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2261 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1839 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2438 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1880 msgid "_Send" msgstr "_Wyślij" #. Spelling suggestions -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2315 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2495 msgid "_Spelling Suggestions" msgstr "Podpowiedzi pi_sowni" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2404 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2584 msgid "Failed to retrieve recent logs" msgstr "Pobranie ostatnich dzienników się nie powiodło" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2541 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2723 #, c-format msgid "%s has disconnected" msgstr "Użytkownik %s został rozłączony" @@ -1556,12 +1612,12 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the kicked should come before the kicker in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2548 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2730 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was kicked by %2$s" msgstr "Użytkownik %1$s został wyrzucony przez użytkownika %2$s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2551 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2733 #, c-format msgid "%s was kicked" msgstr "Użytkownik %s został wyrzucony" @@ -1569,17 +1625,17 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the banned should come before the banner in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2559 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2741 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was banned by %2$s" msgstr "Użytkownik %1$s został zablokowany przez użytkownika %2$s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2562 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2744 #, c-format msgid "%s was banned" msgstr "Użytkownik %s został zablokowany" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2566 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2748 #, c-format msgid "%s has left the room" msgstr "Użytkownik %s opuścił pokój" @@ -1589,17 +1645,17 @@ #. * given by the user living the room. If this poses a problem, #. * please let us know. :-) #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2575 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2757 #, c-format msgid " (%s)" msgstr " (%s)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2600 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2782 #, c-format msgid "%s has joined the room" msgstr "Użytkownik %s dołączył do pokoju" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2625 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2807 #, c-format msgid "%s is now known as %s" msgstr "Użytkownik %s jest teraz znany jako %s" @@ -1607,155 +1663,139 @@ #. We don't know if the incoming call has been accepted or not, so we #. * assume it hasn't and if it has, we'll set the proper status when #. * we get the new handler. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2778 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1894 -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1240 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1432 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1482 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2527 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2994 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1888 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1279 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1502 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1552 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2590 msgid "Disconnected" msgstr "Rozłączony" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3424 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3658 msgid "Would you like to store this password?" msgstr "Zachować hasło?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3430 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3664 msgid "Remember" msgstr "Zapamiętaj" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3440 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3674 msgid "Not now" msgstr "Nie teraz" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3484 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3718 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-bad-password-dialog.c:142 msgid "Retry" msgstr "Ponów" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3488 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3722 msgid "Wrong password; please try again:" msgstr "Błędne hasło. Proszę spróbować ponownie:" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3618 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3852 msgid "This room is protected by a password:" msgstr "Ten pokój jest chroniony hasłem:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3645 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3879 msgid "Join" msgstr "Dołącz" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3833 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1261 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4071 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1300 msgid "Connected" msgstr "Połączony" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3888 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4126 msgid "Conversation" msgstr "Rozmowa" #. Translators: this string is a something like #. * "Escher Cat (SMS)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3893 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4131 #, c-format msgid "%s (SMS)" msgstr "%s (SMS)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:424 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:262 msgid "Unknown or invalid identifier" msgstr "Nieznany lub nieprawidłowy identyfikator" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:426 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:264 msgid "Contact blocking temporarily unavailable" msgstr "Blokowanie kontaktów jest tymczasowo niedostępne" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:428 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:266 msgid "Contact blocking unavailable" msgstr "Blokowanie kontaktów jest niedostępne" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:430 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:268 msgid "Permission Denied" msgstr "Brak dostępu" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:434 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:272 msgid "Could not block contact" msgstr "Nie można zablokować kontaktu" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:774 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:610 msgid "Edit Blocked Contacts" msgstr "Modyfikacja zablokowanych kontaktów" #. Account and Identifier #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:512 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1489 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-selector-dialog.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:506 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1474 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:7 msgid "Account:" msgstr "Konto:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:2 -msgid "Blocked Contacts" -msgstr "Zablokowane kontakty" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:5 -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Remove" -msgstr "Usuń" +msgid "Blocked Contacts" +msgstr "Zablokowane kontakty" #. Copy Link Address menu item -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:320 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:322 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-webkit-utils.c:277 msgid "_Copy Link Address" msgstr "S_kopiuj adres odnośnika" #. Open Link menu item -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:327 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:329 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-webkit-utils.c:284 msgid "_Open Link" msgstr "_Otwórz odnośnik" #. Translators: timestamp displayed between conversations in #. * chat windows (strftime format string) -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:415 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:417 msgid "%A %B %d %Y" msgstr "%A %d %B %Y" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:299 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-edit-dialog.c:247 -msgid "Edit Contact Information" -msgstr "Modyfikowanie informacji o kontakcie" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:350 -msgid "Personal Information" -msgstr "Informacje osobiste" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:459 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:119 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:326 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:118 msgid "New Contact" msgstr "Nowy kontakt" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:533 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:200 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:395 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:197 #, c-format msgid "Block %s?" msgstr "Zablokować użytkownika %s?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:538 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:255 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:400 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:252 #, c-format msgid "Are you sure you want to block '%s' from contacting you again?" msgstr "Na pewno zablokować użytkownika \"%s\"?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:543 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:277 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:405 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:274 msgid "_Block" msgstr "Za_blokuj" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:559 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:286 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:423 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:283 msgid "_Report this contact as abusive" msgid_plural "_Report these contacts as abusive" msgstr[0] "Zgł_oś ten kontakt jako obraźliwy" @@ -1763,403 +1803,315 @@ msgstr[2] "Zgł_oś te kontakty jako obraźliwe" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:1 -msgid "Decide _Later" -msgstr "Z_decyduj później" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:2 msgid "Subscription Request" msgstr "Prośba o upoważnienie" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:2 msgid "_Block User" msgstr "Za_blokuj użytkownika" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-store.h:71 -msgid "Ungrouped" -msgstr "Nie w grupach" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-store.h:72 -msgid "Favorite People" -msgstr "Ulubione osoby" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:1986 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2376 -#, c-format -msgid "Do you really want to remove the group '%s'?" -msgstr "Na pewno usunąć grupę \"%s\"?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:1988 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2379 -msgid "Removing group" -msgstr "Usuwanie grupy" - -#. Remove -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2037 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2114 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2434 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2637 -msgid "_Remove" -msgstr "_Usuń" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2067 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2501 -#, c-format -msgid "Do you really want to remove the contact '%s'?" -msgstr "Na pewno usunąć kontakt \"%s\"?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-list-view.c:2069 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2522 -msgid "Removing contact" -msgstr "Usuwanie kontaktu" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:220 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:14 -msgid "_Add Contact…" -msgstr "_Dodaj kontakt…" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:300 -msgid "_Block Contact" -msgstr "Za_blokuj kontakt" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:329 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:758 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:16 -msgid "_Chat" -msgstr "_Rozmowa" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:361 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:849 -msgctxt "menu item" -msgid "_Audio Call" -msgstr "Rozmow_a głosowa" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:394 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:894 -msgctxt "menu item" -msgid "_Video Call" -msgstr "_Wideorozmowa" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:440 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:947 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:27 -msgid "_Previous Conversations" -msgstr "_Poprzednie rozmowy" - -# to jest w menu -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:462 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:988 -msgid "Send File" -msgstr "Wyślij plik" - -# to jest w menu -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:485 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1030 -msgid "Share My Desktop" -msgstr "Współdziel pulpit" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:525 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1887 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1065 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1372 -msgid "Favorite" -msgstr "Ulubione" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:554 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1093 -msgid "Infor_mation" -msgstr "Infor_macje" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:600 -msgctxt "Edit contact (contextual menu)" -msgid "_Edit" -msgstr "_Modyfikuj" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:654 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1284 -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:1011 -msgid "Inviting you to this room" -msgstr "Zapraszanie do tego pokoju" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:685 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1330 -msgid "_Invite to Chat Room" -msgstr "_Zaproś do pokoju rozmowy" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:3 +msgid "Decide _Later" +msgstr "Z_decyduj później" #. Title -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:505 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:499 msgid "Search contacts" msgstr "Wyszukiwanie kontaktów" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:535 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:529 msgid "Search: " -msgstr "Wyszukaj:" +msgstr "Wyszukiwanie:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:593 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:587 msgid "_Add Contact" msgstr "_Dodaj kontakt" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:611 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:605 msgid "No contacts found" msgstr "Nie odnaleziono kontaktów" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:627 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:621 msgid "Your message introducing yourself:" msgstr "Wiadomość z powitaniem:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:635 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:629 msgid "Please let me see when you're online. Thanks!" msgstr "Daj znać, jak pojawisz się w sieci. Dzięki." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-selector.c:129 -msgid "Select a contact" -msgstr "Wybór kontaktu" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:336 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:153 -msgid "Full name:" -msgstr "Imię i nazwisko:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:337 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:154 -msgid "Phone number:" -msgstr "Numer telefonu:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:338 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:155 -msgid "E-mail address:" -msgstr "Adres e-mail:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:339 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:156 -msgid "Website:" -msgstr "Witryna WWW:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:340 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:157 -msgid "Birthday:" -msgstr "Urodziny:" - -#. Note to translators: this is the caption for a string of the form "5 -#. * minutes ago", and refers to the time since the contact last interacted -#. * with their IM client. -#. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:346 -msgid "Last seen:" -msgstr "Ostatnio widziany:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:348 -msgid "Connected from:" -msgstr "Połączony z:" - -#. FIXME: once Idle implements SimplePresence using this information, we can -#. * and should bin this. -#. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:353 -msgid "Away message:" -msgstr "Wiadomość podczas nieobecności:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:606 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:567 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:304 msgid "Channels:" msgstr "Kanały:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:897 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:469 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:747 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:455 msgid "Country ISO Code:" msgstr "Kod ISO kraju:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:899 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:471 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:749 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:457 msgid "Country:" msgstr "Kraj:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:901 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:473 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:751 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:459 msgid "State:" msgstr "Stan/województwo:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:903 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:475 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:753 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:461 msgid "City:" msgstr "Miasto:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:905 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:477 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:755 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:463 msgid "Area:" msgstr "Obszar:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:907 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:479 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:757 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:465 msgid "Postal Code:" msgstr "Kod pocztowy:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:909 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:481 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:759 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:467 msgid "Street:" msgstr "Ulica:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:911 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:483 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:761 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:469 msgid "Building:" msgstr "Budynek:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:913 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:485 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:763 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:471 msgid "Floor:" msgstr "Piętro:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:915 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:487 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:765 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:473 msgid "Room:" msgstr "Pokój:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:917 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:489 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:767 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:475 msgid "Text:" msgstr "Tekst:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:919 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:491 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:769 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:477 msgid "Description:" msgstr "Opis:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:921 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:493 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:771 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:479 msgid "URI:" msgstr "Adres URI:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:923 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:495 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:773 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:481 msgid "Accuracy Level:" msgstr "Poziom dokładności:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:925 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:497 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:775 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:483 msgid "Error:" msgstr "Błąd:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:927 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:499 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:777 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:485 msgid "Vertical Error (meters):" msgstr "Błąd w pionie (metry):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:929 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:501 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:779 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:487 msgid "Horizontal Error (meters):" msgstr "Błąd w poziomie (metry):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:931 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:503 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:781 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:489 msgid "Speed:" msgstr "Prędkość:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:933 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:505 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:783 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:491 msgid "Bearing:" msgstr "Kierunek:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:935 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:507 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:785 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:493 msgid "Climb Speed:" msgstr "Prędkość wznoszenia:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:937 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:509 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:787 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:495 msgid "Last Updated on:" msgstr "Ostatnia aktualizacja:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:939 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:511 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:789 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:497 msgid "Longitude:" msgstr "Długość geograficzna:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:941 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:513 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:791 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:499 msgid "Latitude:" msgstr "Szerokość geograficzna:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:943 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:515 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:793 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:501 msgid "Altitude:" msgstr "Wysokość n.p.m.:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:996 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1011 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:607 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:622 -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:17 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:846 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:861 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:593 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:608 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:35 msgid "Location" msgstr "Położenie" #. translators: format is "Location, $date" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1013 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:624 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:863 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:610 #, c-format msgid "%s, %s" msgstr "%s, %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1065 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:673 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:915 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:659 msgid "%B %e, %Y at %R UTC" msgstr "%e %B %Y o %R UTC" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1147 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:915 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:997 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:900 msgid "Save Avatar" msgstr "Zapisanie awatara" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1203 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:973 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1053 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:958 msgid "Unable to save avatar" msgstr "Nie można zapisać awatara" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:1 -msgid "Location at (date)\t" -msgstr "Położenie w dniu\t" - -#. Alias -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1308 -msgid "Alias:" -msgstr "Alias:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:4 -msgid "Client Information" -msgstr "Informacje o kliencie" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:5 -msgid "Client:" -msgstr "Klient:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1444 +msgid "Personal Details" +msgstr "Szczegóły osobiste" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1447 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:2 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:3 msgid "Contact Details" msgstr "Szczegóły kontaktu" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:104 +msgid "Full name" +msgstr "Imię i nazwisko" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:105 +msgid "Phone number" +msgstr "Numer telefonu" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:106 +msgid "E-mail address" +msgstr "Adres e-mail" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:107 +msgid "Website" +msgstr "Witryna WWW" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:108 +msgid "Birthday" +msgstr "Urodziny" + +#. Note to translators: this is the caption for a string of the form "5 +#. * minutes ago", and refers to the time since the contact last interacted +#. * with their IM client. +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:113 +msgid "Last seen:" +msgstr "Ostatnio widziany:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:115 +msgid "Connected from:" +msgstr "Połączony z:" + +#. FIXME: once Idle implements SimplePresence using this information, we can +#. * and should bin this. +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:119 +msgid "Away message:" +msgstr "Wiadomość podczas nieobecności:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:132 +msgid "work" +msgstr "praca" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:133 +msgid "home" +msgstr "dom" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:134 +msgid "mobile" +msgstr "komórka" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:135 +msgid "voice" +msgstr "głosowa" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:136 +msgid "preferred" +msgstr "preferowane" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:137 +msgid "postal" +msgstr "pocztowy" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:138 +msgid "parcel" +msgstr "paczka" + #. Identifier to connect to Instant Messaging network #. Translators: Identifier to connect to Instant Messaging network -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:8 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1517 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1502 msgid "Identifier:" msgstr "Identyfikator:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:3 +#. Alias +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1293 +msgid "Alias:" +msgstr "Alias:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:5 +msgid "Location at (date)\t" +msgstr "Położenie w dniu\t" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:4 msgid "Information requested…" msgstr "Żądanie informacji…" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:10 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:8 +msgid "Client Information" +msgstr "Informacje o kliencie" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:9 msgid "OS:" msgstr "System operacyjny:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:10 msgid "Version:" msgstr "Wersja:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:333 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:11 +msgid "Client:" +msgstr "Klient:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:331 msgid "Groups" msgstr "Grupy" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:345 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:343 msgid "" "Select the groups you want this contact to appear in. Note that you can " "select more than one group or no groups." @@ -2167,107 +2119,181 @@ "Proszę wybrać grupy, w których ma się pojawić ten kontakt. Można wybrać " "więcej niż jedną grupę lub nie wybierać żadnej." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:364 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:362 msgid "_Add Group" msgstr "Dod_aj grupę" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:399 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:397 msgctxt "verb in a column header displaying group names" msgid "Select" msgstr "Wybór" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:409 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1807 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:407 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1970 msgid "Group" msgstr "Grupa" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:260 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:257 msgid "The following identity will be blocked:" msgid_plural "The following identities will be blocked:" msgstr[0] "Następująca osoba zostanie zablokowana:" msgstr[1] "Następujące osoby zostaną zablokowane:" msgstr[2] "Następujące osoby zostaną zablokowane:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:267 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:264 msgid "The following identity can not be blocked:" msgid_plural "The following identities can not be blocked:" msgstr[0] "Następująca osoba nie może zostać zablokowana:" msgstr[1] "Następujące osoby nie mogą zostać zablokowane:" msgstr[2] "Następujące osoby nie mogą zostać zablokowane:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-edit-dialog.c:247 +msgid "Edit Contact Information" +msgstr "Modyfikowanie informacji o kontakcie" + #. Translators: the heading at the top of the Information dialogue #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-information-dialog.c:288 msgid "Linked Contacts" msgstr "Połączone kontakty" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-linker.c:370 -msgid "Select contacts to link" -msgstr "Wybór kontaktów do połączenia" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-linker.c:444 -msgid "New contact preview" -msgstr "Podgląd nowego kontaktu" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-linker.c:488 -msgid "Contacts selected in the list on the left will be linked together." -msgstr "Kontakty zaznaczone na liście po lewej stronie zostaną połączone." - #. Translators: this is used in the context menu for a contact. The first #. * parameter is a contact ID (e.g. foo@jabber.org) and the second is one #. * of the user's account IDs (e.g. me@hotmail.com). -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:145 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:173 #, c-format msgid "%s (%s)" msgstr "%s (%s)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:309 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:345 msgid "Select account to use to place the call" msgstr "Wybór konta do umieszczenia tej rozmowy głosowej" #. translators: Call is a noun. This string is used in the window #. * title -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:313 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:2 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1299 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:349 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1290 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:18 msgid "Call" msgstr "Rozmowa głosowa" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:378 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:414 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Komórka" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:380 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:416 msgid "Work" msgstr "Praca" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:382 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:418 msgid "HOME" msgstr "Dom" -#. add an SMS button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:804 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:215 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:659 +msgid "_Block Contact" +msgstr "Za_blokuj kontakt" + +#. add chat button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1018 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:319 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Chat" +msgstr "_Rozmowa" + +#. add SMS button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1053 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:313 msgid "_SMS" msgstr "_SMS" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1142 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1086 +msgctxt "menu item" +msgid "_Audio Call" +msgstr "Rozmow_a głosowa" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1119 +msgctxt "menu item" +msgid "_Video Call" +msgstr "_Wideorozmowa" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1160 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Previous Conversations" +msgstr "_Poprzednie rozmowy" + +# to jest w menu +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1189 +msgid "Send File" +msgstr "Wyślij plik" + +# to jest w menu +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1219 +msgid "Share My Desktop" +msgstr "Współdziel pulpit" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1245 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1357 +msgid "Favorite" +msgstr "Ulubione" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1264 +msgid "gnome-contacts not installed" +msgstr "Pakiet gnome-contacts nie jest zainstalowany" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1267 +msgid "Please install gnome-contacts to access contacts details." +msgstr "" +"Proszę zainstalować pakiet gnome-contacts, aby uzyskać dostęp do szczegółów " +"kontaktów." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1398 +msgid "Infor_mation" +msgstr "Infor_macje" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1447 msgctxt "Edit individual (contextual menu)" msgid "_Edit" msgstr "_Modyfikuj" -#. Translators: this is a verb meaning "to connect two contacts together -#. * to form a meta-contact". -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1168 -msgctxt "Link individual (contextual menu)" -msgid "_Link Contacts…" -msgstr "_Połącz kontakty…" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1564 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:1192 +msgid "Inviting you to this room" +msgstr "Zapraszanie do tego pokoju" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1610 +msgid "_Invite to Chat Room" +msgstr "_Zaproś do pokoju rozmowy" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1806 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:5 +msgid "_Add Contact…" +msgstr "_Dodaj kontakt…" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2304 +msgid "Delete and _Block" +msgstr "Usuń i za_blokuj" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2339 +#, c-format +msgid "Do you really want to remove the group '%s'?" +msgstr "Na pewno usunąć grupę \"%s\"?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2342 +msgid "Removing group" +msgstr "Usuwanie grupy" + +#. Remove +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2397 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2601 +msgid "_Remove" +msgstr "_Usuń" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2341 -msgid "Delete and _Block" -msgstr "Usuń i za_blokuj" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2474 +#, c-format +msgid "Do you really want to remove the contact '%s'?" +msgstr "Na pewno usunąć kontakt \"%s\"?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2510 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2483 #, c-format msgid "" "Do you really want to remove the linked contact '%s'? Note that this will " @@ -2276,7 +2302,11 @@ "Na pewno usunąć metakontakt \"%s\"? Wszystkie kontakty tworzące metakontakt " "zostaną usunięte." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1656 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2495 +msgid "Removing contact" +msgstr "Usuwanie kontaktu" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1641 #, c-format msgid "Linked contact containing %u contact" msgid_plural "Linked contacts containing %u contacts" @@ -2288,23 +2318,23 @@ msgid "Location at (date)" msgstr "Położenie w (dniu)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:2 msgid "Online from a phone or mobile device" msgstr "Online z telefonu lub urządzenia przenośnego" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:332 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:335 msgid "New Network" msgstr "Nowa sieć" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:527 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:530 msgid "Choose an IRC network" msgstr "Wybór sieci IRC" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:584 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:587 msgid "Reset _Networks List" msgstr "Przywróć listę _sieci" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:588 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:591 msgctxt "verb displayed on a button to select an IRC network" msgid "Select" msgstr "Wybierz" @@ -2313,95 +2343,52 @@ msgid "new server" msgstr "nowy serwer" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:535 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:539 msgid "SSL" msgstr "SSL" -#. Translators: this is the title of the linking dialogue (reached by -#. * right-clicking on a contact and selecting "Link…"). "Link" in this title -#. * is a verb. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:115 -msgid "Link Contacts" -msgstr "Połączenie kontaktów" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:120 -msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" -msgid "_Unlink…" -msgstr "_Rozłącz…" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:121 -msgid "" -"Completely split the displayed linked contacts into the separate contacts." -msgstr "Całkowicie rozdziela wyświetlany metakontakt na tworzące go kontakty." - -#. Add button -#. Translators: this is an action button in the linking dialogue. "Link" is -#. * used here as a verb meaning "to connect two contacts to form a -#. * meta-contact". -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:136 -msgid "_Link" -msgstr "_Połącz" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:183 -#, c-format -msgid "Unlink linked contacts '%s'?" -msgstr "Rozłączyć metakontakt \"%s\"?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:186 -msgid "" -"Are you sure you want to unlink these linked contacts? This will completely " -"split the linked contacts into separate contacts." -msgstr "" -"Na pewno rozłączyć ten metakontakt? Metakontakty zostaną całkowicie " -"rozłączone na tworzące go kontakty." - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:190 -msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" -msgid "_Unlink" -msgstr "_Rozłącz" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:634 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:620 msgid "History" msgstr "Historia" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:689 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:675 msgid "Show" msgstr "Wyświetlenie" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:711 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:697 msgid "Search" msgstr "Wyszukiwanie" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1159 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1148 #, c-format msgid "Chat in %s" msgstr "Rozmowa w %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1161 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1150 #, c-format msgid "Chat with %s" msgstr "Rozmowa z użytkownikiem %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1211 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1358 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1200 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1347 msgctxt "A date with the time" msgid "%A, %e %B %Y %X" msgstr "%A %e %B %Y, %X" #. Translators: this is an emote: '* Danielle waves' -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1300 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1289 #, c-format msgid "* %s %s" msgstr "* %s %s" #. Translators: this is a message: 'Danielle: hello' #. * The string in bold is the sender's name -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1306 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1295 #, c-format msgid "%s: %s" msgstr "%s: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1382 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1371 #, c-format msgid "%s second" msgid_plural "%s seconds" @@ -2409,7 +2396,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%s sekundy" msgstr[2] "%s sekund" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1389 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1378 #, c-format msgid "%s minute" msgid_plural "%s minutes" @@ -2417,150 +2404,196 @@ msgstr[1] "%s minuty" msgstr[2] "%s minut" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1397 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1386 #, c-format msgid "Call took %s, ended at %s" msgstr "Rozmowa głosowa miała miejsce %s, została zakończona %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1729 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1720 msgid "Today" msgstr "Dzisiaj" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1733 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1724 msgid "Yesterday" msgstr "Wczoraj" #. Translators: A date such as '23 May 2010' (strftime format) -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1748 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1739 msgid "%e %B %Y" msgstr "%e %B %Y" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1829 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3444 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1827 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3487 msgid "Anytime" msgstr "Zawsze" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1916 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2372 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2400 msgid "Anyone" msgstr "Wszyscy" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2685 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2713 msgid "Who" msgstr "Kto" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2889 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2922 msgid "When" msgstr "Kiedy" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3005 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3038 msgid "Anything" msgstr "Wszystko" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3007 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3040 msgid "Text chats" msgstr "Rozmowy tekstowe" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3009 -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3042 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:25 msgid "Calls" msgstr "Rozmowy głosowe" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3014 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3047 msgid "Incoming calls" msgstr "Przychodzące rozmowy głosowe" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3015 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3048 msgid "Outgoing calls" msgstr "Wychodzące rozmowy głosowe" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3016 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3049 msgid "Missed calls" msgstr "Nieodebrane rozmowy głosowe" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3038 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3071 msgid "What" msgstr "Co" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3747 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3780 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete all logs of previous conversations?" msgstr "Na pewno usunąć wszystkie dzienniki poprzednich rozmów?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3751 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3784 msgid "Clear All" msgstr "Wyczyść wszystko" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3758 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3791 msgid "Delete from:" msgstr "Usunięcie od:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:1 -msgid "Loading..." -msgstr "Wczytywanie..." +msgid "_File" +msgstr "_Plik" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:3 -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Chat" -msgstr "Rozmowa" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:2 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:9 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:12 +msgid "_Edit" +msgstr "_Edycja" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:3 msgid "Delete All History..." msgstr "Usuń całą historię..." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:4 msgid "Profile" msgstr "Profil" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:6 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:22 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:20 -msgid "Video" -msgstr "Wideo" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:5 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:19 +msgid "Chat" +msgstr "Rozmowa" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:7 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:28 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:12 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:20 -msgid "_Edit" -msgstr "_Edycja" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:26 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:19 +msgid "Video" +msgstr "Wideo" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:8 -msgid "_File" -msgstr "_Plik" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:9 msgid "page 2" msgstr "strona 2" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-selector-dialog.ui.h:2 -msgid "Contact ID:" -msgstr "Identyfikator kontaktu:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:9 +msgid "Loading..." +msgstr "Wczytywanie..." -#. add chat button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:225 -msgid "C_hat" -msgstr "_Rozmowa" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:83 +msgid "The contact is offline" +msgstr "Kontakt jest w trybie offline" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:85 +msgid "The specified contact is either invalid or unknown" +msgstr "Wybrany kontakt jest nieprawidłowy lub nieznany" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:87 +msgid "The contact does not support this kind of conversation" +msgstr "Kontakt nie obsługuje tego rodzaju rozmowy" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:89 +msgid "The requested functionality is not implemented for this protocol" +msgstr "Żądana funkcjonalność nie jest zaimplementowana dla tego protokołu" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:95 +msgid "Could not start a conversation with the given contact" +msgstr "Nie można rozpocząć rozmowy z podanym kontaktem" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:97 +msgid "You are banned from this channel" +msgstr "Użytkownik został zablokowany na tym kanale" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:99 +msgid "This channel is full" +msgstr "Ten kanał jest pełny" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:101 +msgid "You must be invited to join this channel" +msgstr "Wymagane jest zaproszenie, aby dołączyć do tego kanału" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:103 +msgid "Can't proceed while disconnected" +msgstr "Nie można kontynuować podczas rozłączenia" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:105 +msgid "Permission denied" +msgstr "Odmowa dostępu" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:111 +msgid "There was an error starting the conversation" +msgstr "Wystąpił błąd podczas rozpoczynania rozmowy" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:290 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:200 +msgid "Enter a contact identifier or phone number:" +msgstr "Proszę wpisać identyfikator lub numer telefonu kontaktu:" #. Tweak the dialog -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:244 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:333 msgid "New Conversation" msgstr "Nowa rozmowa" -#. add video toggle -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:204 -msgid "Send _Video" -msgstr "Wyślij obraz _wideo" +#. add video button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:223 +msgid "_Video Call" +msgstr "_Wideorozmowa" -#. add chat button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:215 -msgid "C_all" -msgstr "_Rozmowa głosowa" +#. add audio button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:233 +msgid "_Audio Call" +msgstr "Rozmow_a głosowa" #. Tweak the dialog -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:225 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:243 msgid "New Call" msgstr "Nowa rozmowa głosowa" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-password-dialog.c:274 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-bad-password-dialog.c:130 +#, c-format +msgid "Authentification failed for account %s" +msgstr "Uwierzytelnienie konta %s się nie powiodło" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-base-password-dialog.c:224 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-password-dialog.c:134 #, c-format msgid "" "Enter your password for account\n" @@ -2597,12 +2630,8 @@ msgid "Set status" msgstr "Ustaw stan" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:943 -msgid "Set your presence and current status" -msgstr "Ustawienie obecności i obecnego stanu" - #. Custom messages -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:1131 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-presence-chooser.c:1135 msgid "Custom messages…" msgstr "Własne wiadomości…" @@ -2610,7 +2639,7 @@ #. To translator: %s is the name of the protocol, such as "Google Talk" or #. * "Yahoo!" #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-protocol-chooser.c:584 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-protocol-chooser.c:588 #, c-format msgid "New %s account" msgstr "Nowe konto %s" @@ -2620,20 +2649,20 @@ msgstr "Wyszukiwanie:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:2 -msgid "Mat_ch case" -msgstr "_Rozróżnianie wielkości liter" +msgid "_Previous" +msgstr "_Poprzednie" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:3 -msgid "Phrase not found" -msgstr "Nie odnaleziono napisu" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:4 msgid "_Next" msgstr "_Następne" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:4 +msgid "Mat_ch case" +msgstr "_Rozróżnianie wielkości liter" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:5 -msgid "_Previous" -msgstr "_Poprzednie" +msgid "Phrase not found" +msgstr "Nie odnaleziono napisu" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-sound-manager.c:51 msgid "Received an instant message" @@ -2679,12 +2708,12 @@ msgid "Edit Custom Messages" msgstr "Modyfikowanie własnej wiadomości" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1036 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1051 #, c-format msgid "Message edited at %s" msgstr "Zmodyfikowano wiadomość o %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1726 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1757 msgid "Normal" msgstr "Zwykły" @@ -2762,34 +2791,38 @@ msgstr "Nazwa komputera w certyfikacie: %s" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:281 -msgid "Continue" -msgstr "Kontynuuj" +msgid "C_ontinue" +msgstr "K_ontynuuj" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:287 +msgid "Untrusted connection" +msgstr "Niezaufane połączenie" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:288 msgid "This connection is untrusted. Would you like to continue anyway?" msgstr "To połączenie jest niezaufane. Kontynuować mimo to?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:297 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:298 msgid "Remember this choice for future connections" msgstr "Zapamiętanie tego wyboru dla przyszłych połączeń" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:303 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:304 msgid "Certificate Details" msgstr "Szczegóły certyfikatu" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1735 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1754 msgid "Unable to open URI" msgstr "Nie można otworzyć adresu URI" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1831 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1872 msgid "Select a file" msgstr "Wybór pliku" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1903 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1947 msgid "Insufficient free space to save file" msgstr "Brak wolnego miejsca, aby zapisać plik" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1911 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1955 #, c-format msgid "" "%s of free space are required to save this file, but only %s is available. " @@ -2798,7 +2831,7 @@ "Wymagane jest %s wolnego miejsca, aby zapisać ten plik, ale dostępne jest " "tylko %s. Proszę wybrać inne położenie." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1955 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1999 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file from %s" msgstr "Plik przychodzący od użytkownika %s" @@ -2970,39 +3003,39 @@ msgid "Vietnamese" msgstr "wietnamskie" -#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:108 -msgid "The selected contact cannot receive files." -msgstr "Wybrany kontakt nie może odbierać plików." - -#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:114 -msgid "The selected contact is offline." -msgstr "Wybrany kontakt jest w trybie offline." +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-calendar-button.c:66 +msgid "Select..." +msgstr "Wybierz..." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-calendar-button.c:154 +msgid "_Select" +msgstr "_Wybierz" -#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:169 +#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:202 msgid "No error message" msgstr "Brak komunikatu błędu" -#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:242 +#: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:275 msgid "Instant Message (Empathy)" msgstr "Wiadomość (Empathy)" -#: ../src/empathy.c:431 +#: ../src/empathy.c:435 msgid "Don't connect on startup" msgstr "Bez łączenia podczas uruchamiania" -#: ../src/empathy.c:435 +#: ../src/empathy.c:439 msgid "Don't display the contact list or any other dialogs on startup" msgstr "Bez wyświetlania listy kontaktów lub innych okien podczas uruchamiania" -#: ../src/empathy.c:450 +#: ../src/empathy.c:454 msgid "- Empathy IM Client" -msgstr " - komunikator Empathy" +msgstr "- komunikator Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy.c:637 +#: ../src/empathy.c:641 msgid "Error contacting the Account Manager" msgstr "Błąd podczas nawiązywania połączenia z menedżerem kont" -#: ../src/empathy.c:639 +#: ../src/empathy.c:643 #, c-format msgid "" "There was an error while trying to connect to the Telepathy Account Manager. " @@ -3050,230 +3083,91 @@ "- proszę napisać do Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, " "Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-130159 USA." -#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:107 +#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:109 msgid "An Instant Messaging client for GNOME" msgstr "Komunikator dla środowiska GNOME" -#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:113 +#: ../src/empathy-about-dialog.c:115 msgid "translator-credits" -msgstr "Aviary.pl , 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:167 -msgid "There was an error while importing the accounts." -msgstr "Wystąpił błąd podczas importowania kont." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:170 -msgid "There was an error while parsing the account details." -msgstr "Wystąpił błąd podczas przetwarzania szczegółów konta." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:173 -msgid "There was an error while creating the account." -msgstr "Wystąpił błąd podczas tworzenia konta." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:175 -msgid "There was an error." -msgstr "Wystąpił błąd." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:179 -#, c-format -msgid "The error message was: %s" -msgstr "Komunikat błędu: %s" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:183 -msgid "" -"You can either go back and try to enter your accounts' details again or quit " -"this assistant and add accounts later from the Edit menu." -msgstr "" -"Można wrócić i spróbować ponownie wprowadzić szczegóły konta lub zakończyć " -"tego asystenta i dodać konta później z menu Edycja." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:220 -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1271 -msgid "An error occurred" -msgstr "Wystąpił błąd" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:467 -msgid "What kind of chat account do you have?" -msgstr "Rodzaj posiadanego konta rozmów:" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:473 -msgid "Do you have any other chat accounts you want to set up?" -msgstr "Inne posiadane konta rozmów do ustawienia:" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:479 -msgid "Enter your account details" -msgstr "Proszę wprowadzić szczegóły konta" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:484 -msgid "What kind of chat account do you want to create?" -msgstr "Rodzaj konta rozmów do utworzenia:" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:490 -msgid "Do you want to create other chat accounts?" -msgstr "Utworzyć inne konta rozmów?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:497 -msgid "Enter the details for the new account" -msgstr "Proszę wprowadzić szczegóły nowego konta" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:612 -msgid "" -"With Empathy you can chat with people online nearby and with friends and " -"colleagues who use Google Talk, AIM, Windows Live and many other chat " -"programs. With a microphone or a webcam you can also have audio or video " -"calls." -msgstr "" -"Za pomocą programu Empathy można rozmawiać z ludźmi w sieci będącymi w " -"pobliżu oraz przyjaciółmi i znajomymi, którzy używają Google Talk, AIM, " -"Windows Live i wielu innych komunikatorów. Za pomocą mikrofonu lub kamery " -"internetowej można także prowadzić rozmowy głosowe i wideokonferencje." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:629 -msgid "Do you have an account you've been using with another chat program?" -msgstr "Czy konto było już używane za pomocą innego komunikatora?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:652 -msgid "Yes, import my account details from " -msgstr "Tak, zaimportuj szczegóły konta z " - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:673 -msgid "Yes, I'll enter my account details now" -msgstr "Tak, wprowadzę teraz szczegóły konta" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:695 -msgid "No, I want a new account" -msgstr "Nie, chcę utworzyć nowe konto" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:705 -msgid "No, I just want to see people online nearby for now" -msgstr "Nie, chcę na razie widzieć tylko osoby w sieci będące w pobliżu" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:726 -msgid "Select the accounts you want to import:" -msgstr "Proszę wybrać konta do zaimportowania:" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:813 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:555 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:556 -msgid "Yes" -msgstr "Tak" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:820 -msgid "No, that's all for now" -msgstr "Nie, to na razie wszytko" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1085 -msgid "" -"Empathy can automatically discover and chat with the people connected on the " -"same network as you. If you want to use this feature, please check that the " -"details below are correct. You can easily change these details later or " -"disable this feature by using the 'Accounts' dialog" -msgstr "" -"Program Empathy może automatycznie wykrywać i umożliwiać rozmowę z osobami " -"połączonymi do tej samej sieci. Aby używać tej funkcji, proszę sprawdzić, " -"czy poniższe dane są poprawne. Można je łatwo zmienić w późniejszym czasie " -"lub wyłączyć tę funkcję używając okna \"Konta\"" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1091 -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1147 -msgid "Edit->Accounts" -msgstr "Edycja->Konta" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1107 -msgid "I do _not want to enable this feature for now" -msgstr "_Nie chcę na razie włączać tej funkcji" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1143 -msgid "" -"You won't be able to chat with people connected to your local network, as " -"telepathy-salut is not installed. If you want to enable this feature, please " -"install the telepathy-salut package and create a People Nearby account from " -"the Accounts dialog" -msgstr "" -"Nie będzie można rozmawiać z osobami połączonymi do lokalnej sieci, jeśli " -"pakiet telepathy-salut nie zostanie zainstalowany. Aby włączyć tę funkcję, " -"proszę zainstalować pakiet telepathy-salut i utworzyć konto \"Osoby w pobliżu" -"\" z okna Konta" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1149 -msgid "telepathy-salut not installed" -msgstr "Pakiet telepathy-salut nie jest zainstalowany" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1195 -msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts Assistant" -msgstr "Asystent kont komunikatora i VoIP" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1229 -msgid "Welcome to Empathy" -msgstr "Witamy w programie Empathy" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1238 -msgid "Import your existing accounts" -msgstr "Importowanie istniejących kont" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1256 -msgid "Please enter personal details" -msgstr "Proszę wprowadzić dane osobiste" +msgstr "Aviary.pl , 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012" #. The primary text of the dialog shown to the user when he is about to lose #. * unsaved changes -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:64 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:72 #, c-format msgid "There are unsaved modifications to your %s account." msgstr "Modyfikacje konta %s nie zostały zapisane." #. The primary text of the dialog shown to the user when he is about to lose #. * an unsaved new account -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:68 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:76 msgid "Your new account has not been saved yet." msgstr "Nowe konto nie zostało jeszcze zapisane." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:345 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:754 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1216 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:381 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:759 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1289 msgid "Connecting…" msgstr "Łączenie…" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:386 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:422 #, c-format msgid "Offline — %s" msgstr "Offline — %s" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:398 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:434 #, c-format msgid "Disconnected — %s" msgstr "Rozłączony — %s" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:409 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:445 msgid "Offline — No Network Connection" msgstr "Offline — brak połączenia z siecią" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:416 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:452 msgid "Unknown Status" msgstr "Nieznany stan" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:428 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:469 +msgid "" +"This account has been disabled because it relies on an old, unsupported " +"backend. Please install telepathy-haze and restart your session to migrate " +"the account." +msgstr "" +"To konto zostało wyłączone, ponieważ używa ono starego, nieobsługiwanego " +"mechanizmu. Proszę zainstalować pakiet telepathy-haze i ponownie uruchomić " +"sesję, aby migrować konto." + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:479 msgid "Offline — Account Disabled" msgstr "Offline — konto jest wyłączone" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:831 -msgid "" -"You are about to create a new account, which will discard\n" -"your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" -msgstr "" -"Za chwilę nastąpi utworzenie nowego konta, co\n" -"spowoduje utratę zmian. Na pewno kontynuować?" +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:585 +msgid "Edit Connection Parameters" +msgstr "Modyfikacja parametrów połączenia" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:750 +msgid "Failed to retrieve your personal information from the server." +msgstr "Pobranie informacji osobistych z serwera się nie powiodło." + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:756 +msgid "Go online to edit your personal information." +msgstr "Proszę przejść do trybu online, aby modyfikować informacje osobiste." + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:843 +msgid "_Edit Connection Parameters..." +msgstr "_Modyfikuj parametry połączenia..." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1192 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1339 #, c-format msgid "Do you want to remove %s from your computer?" msgstr "Na pewno usunąć \"%s\" z komputera?" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1196 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1343 msgid "This will not remove your account on the server." msgstr "Nie usunie to konta na serwerze." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1432 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1579 msgid "" "You are about to select another account, which will discard\n" "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" @@ -3282,15 +3176,23 @@ "utratę zmian. Na pewno kontynuować?" #. Menu items: to enabled/disable the account -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1643 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1755 msgid "_Enable" msgstr "_Włączone" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1644 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1756 msgid "_Disable" msgstr "Wyłą_czone" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2154 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2184 +msgid "_Skip" +msgstr "_Pomiń" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2188 +msgid "_Connect" +msgstr "P_ołącz" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2365 msgid "" "You are about to close the window, which will discard\n" "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" @@ -3298,23 +3200,15 @@ "Za chwilę nastąpi zamknięcie okna, co spowoduje\n" "utratę zmian. Na pewno kontynuować?" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:1 -msgid "Add…" -msgstr "Dodaj…" - -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 -msgid "Loading account information" -msgstr "Wczytywanie informacji o koncie" - #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:3 -msgid "No protocol installed" -msgstr "Brak zainstalowanych protokołów" +msgid "_Import…" +msgstr "_Zaimportuj…" #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:4 -msgid "Protocol:" -msgstr "Protokół:" +msgid "Loading account information" +msgstr "Wczytywanie informacji o koncie" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:5 msgid "" "To add a new account, you first have to install a backend for each protocol " "you want to use." @@ -3322,132 +3216,116 @@ "Aby dodać nowe konto należy najpierw zainstalować moduł obsługi dla każdego " "wymaganego protokołu." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:7 -msgid "_Import…" -msgstr "_Zaimportuj…" +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:6 +msgid "No protocol backends installed" +msgstr "Brak zainstalowanych mechanizmów protokołów" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:249 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:288 msgid " - Empathy authentication client" msgstr " - klient uwierzytelniania komunikatora Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:265 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:304 msgid "Empathy authentication client" msgstr "Klient uwierzytelniania komunikatora Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-auto-salut-account-helper.c:83 -msgid "People nearby" -msgstr "Osoby w pobliżu" - -#: ../src/empathy-av.c:118 ../src/empathy-call.c:192 +#: ../src/empathy-av.c:118 ../src/empathy-call.c:201 msgid "- Empathy Audio/Video Client" msgstr "- klient dźwięku/wideo komunikatora Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-av.c:134 ../src/empathy-call.c:217 +#: ../src/empathy-av.c:134 ../src/empathy-call.c:223 msgid "Empathy Audio/Video Client" msgstr "Klient dźwięku/wideo komunikatora Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:431 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:434 msgid "Contrast" msgstr "Kontrast" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:434 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:437 msgid "Brightness" msgstr "Jasność" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:437 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:440 msgid "Gamma" msgstr "Gamma" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:542 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:547 msgid "Volume" msgstr "Głośność" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1110 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1099 msgid "_Sidebar" msgstr "_Panel" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1130 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1119 msgid "Audio input" msgstr "Wejście dźwięku" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1134 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1123 msgid "Video input" msgstr "Wejście obrazu" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1140 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1131 msgid "Dialpad" msgstr "Panel wybierania" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1151 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1142 msgid "Details" msgstr "Szczegóły" #. translators: Call is a noun and %s is the contact name. This string #. * is used in the window title -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1220 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1825 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1211 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1889 #, c-format msgid "Call with %s" msgstr "Rozmowa głosowa z użytkownikiem %s" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1453 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2069 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1444 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2133 msgid "The IP address as seen by the machine" msgstr "Adres IP widziany przez komputer" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1455 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2071 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1446 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2135 msgid "The IP address as seen by a server on the Internet" msgstr "Adres IP widziany przez serwer w Internecie" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1457 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2073 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1448 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2137 msgid "The IP address of the peer as seen by the other side" msgstr "Adres IP elementu widziany przez drugą stronę" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1459 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2075 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1450 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2139 msgid "The IP address of a relay server" msgstr "Adres IP serwera odpowiedzi" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1461 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2077 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1452 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2141 msgid "The IP address of the multicast group" msgstr "Adres IP grupy multikastowej" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1837 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1840 #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1843 -msgctxt "encoding video codec" -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Nieznany" - #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1846 -msgctxt "encoding audio codec" -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Nieznany" - -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1849 -msgctxt "decoding video codec" -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Nieznany" - -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1852 -msgctxt "decoding audio codec" +msgctxt "codec" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Nieznany" #. Translators: number of minutes:seconds the caller has been connected -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2144 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2138 #, c-format msgid "Connected — %d:%02dm" msgstr "Połączony — %d:%02dm" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2205 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2846 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2199 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2992 msgid "Technical Details" msgstr "Szczegóły techniczne" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2243 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2884 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2237 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3031 #, c-format msgid "" "%s's software does not understand any of the audio formats supported by your " @@ -3456,8 +3334,8 @@ "Oprogramowanie użytkownika %s nie obsługuje żadnego formatu dźwięku " "używanego przez ten komputer" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2248 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2889 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2242 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3036 #, c-format msgid "" "%s's software does not understand any of the video formats supported by your " @@ -3466,8 +3344,8 @@ "Oprogramowanie użytkownika %s nie obsługuje żadnego formatu wideo używanego " "przez ten komputer" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2254 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2895 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2248 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3042 #, c-format msgid "" "Can't establish a connection to %s. One of you might be on a network that " @@ -3476,27 +3354,27 @@ "Nie można nawiązać połączenia z użytkownikiem %s. Jeden z uczestników może " "się znajdować w sieci, która nie pozwala na bezpośrednie połączenia." -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2260 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2901 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2254 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3048 msgid "There was a failure on the network" msgstr "Wystąpił błąd sieci" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2264 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2905 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2258 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3052 msgid "" "The audio formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" msgstr "" "Formaty dźwięku wymagane dla tej rozmowy nie są zainstalowane na komputerze" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2267 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2908 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2261 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3055 msgid "" "The video formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" msgstr "" "Formaty wideo wymagane dla tej rozmowy nie są zainstalowane na komputerze" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2277 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2920 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2271 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3067 #, c-format msgid "" "Something unexpected happened in a Telepathy component. Please zgłosić ten błąd i dołączyć dzienniki uzyskane z okna \"Debugowanie\" " "w menu Pomoc." -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2285 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2929 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2279 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3076 msgid "There was a failure in the call engine" msgstr "Wystąpił błąd mechanizmu rozmowy" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2288 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2932 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2282 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3079 msgid "The end of the stream was reached" msgstr "Osiągnięto koniec strumienia" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2328 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2972 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2322 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3119 msgid "Can't establish audio stream" msgstr "Nie można utworzyć strumienia dźwięku" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2338 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2982 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2332 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3129 msgid "Can't establish video stream" msgstr "Nie można utworzyć strumienia obrazu" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:1 ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:1 #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:1 -msgid "Audio" -msgstr "Dźwięk" +msgid "_Call" +msgstr "_Zadzwoń" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:3 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:5 -msgid "Decoding Codec:" -msgstr "Dekoder:" +msgid "_Microphone" +msgstr "_Mikrofon" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:4 -msgid "Disable camera" -msgstr "Wyłącz kamerę" +msgid "_Camera" +msgstr "_Kamera" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:5 -msgid "Display the dialpad" -msgstr "Wyświetl panel wybierania" +msgid "_Settings" +msgstr "_Ustawienia" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:6 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:9 -msgid "Encoding Codec:" -msgstr "Koder:" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:8 +msgid "_View" +msgstr "_Widok" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:7 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:10 -msgid "Hang up" -msgstr "Rozłącz" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:7 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:27 +msgid "_Help" +msgstr "Pomo_c" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:8 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:11 -msgid "Hang up current call" -msgstr "Rozłącza bieżącą rozmowę" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:8 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:18 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:28 +msgid "_Contents" +msgstr "_Spis treści" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:9 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:12 -msgid "Local Candidate:" -msgstr "Lokalny kandydat:" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:29 +msgid "_Debug" +msgstr "_Debugowanie" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:10 -msgid "Maximise me" -msgstr "Zmaksymalizuj" +msgid "Swap camera" +msgstr "Przełącz kamery" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:11 msgid "Minimise me" msgstr "Zminimalizuj" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:12 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:15 -msgid "Remote Candidate:" -msgstr "Zdalny kandydat:" +msgid "Maximise me" +msgstr "Zmaksymalizuj" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:13 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:16 -msgid "Send Audio" -msgstr "Wyślij dźwięk" +msgid "Disable camera" +msgstr "Wyłącz kamerę" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:14 -msgid "Send Video" -msgstr "Wyślij obraz wideo" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:2 +msgid "Hang up" +msgstr "Rozłącz" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:15 -msgid "Show dialpad" -msgstr "Wyświetl panel wybierania" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:9 +msgid "Hang up current call" +msgstr "Rozłącza bieżącą rozmowę" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "Video call" +msgstr "Wideorozmowa" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:17 msgid "Start a video call" msgstr "Rozpocznij wideorozmowę" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:19 msgid "Start an audio call" msgstr "Rozpocznij rozmowę głosową" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:18 -msgid "Swap camera" -msgstr "Przełącz kamery" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:20 +msgid "Show dialpad" +msgstr "Wyświetl panel wybierania" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:19 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:17 -msgid "Toggle audio transmission" -msgstr "Przełącza przesyłanie dźwięku" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:21 +msgid "Display the dialpad" +msgstr "Wyświetl panel wybierania" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:20 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:22 +msgid "Send Video" +msgstr "Wyślij obraz wideo" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:23 msgid "Toggle video transmission" msgstr "Przełącza przesyłanie obrazu wideo" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:21 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:18 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2476 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2477 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2478 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2479 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:24 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:11 +msgid "Send Audio" +msgstr "Wyślij dźwięk" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:25 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:12 +msgid "Toggle audio transmission" +msgstr "Przełącza przesyłanie dźwięku" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:27 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:20 +msgid "Encoding Codec:" +msgstr "Koder:" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:28 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:21 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2542 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2543 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2544 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2545 msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Nieznany" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:23 -msgid "Video call" -msgstr "Wideorozmowa" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:29 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:22 +msgid "Decoding Codec:" +msgstr "Dekoder:" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:24 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:30 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:23 +msgid "Remote Candidate:" +msgstr "Zdalny kandydat:" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:31 #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:24 -msgid "_Call" -msgstr "_Zadzwoń" +msgid "Local Candidate:" +msgstr "Lokalny kandydat:" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:25 -msgid "_Camera" -msgstr "_Kamera" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:32 ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:24 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:25 +msgid "Audio" +msgstr "Dźwięk" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:26 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:9 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:18 -msgid "_Contents" -msgstr "_Spis treści" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:289 +msgid "Close this window?" +msgstr "Zamknąć to okno?" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:27 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:19 -msgid "_Debug" -msgstr "_Debugowanie" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:294 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Closing this window will leave %s. You will not receive any further messages " +"until you rejoin it." +msgstr "" +"Zamknięcie tego okna spowoduje opuszczenie pokoju %s. Wiadomości nie będą " +"odbierane aż do ponownego dołączenia." -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:29 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:14 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:22 -msgid "_Help" -msgstr "Pomo_c" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:305 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Closing this window will leave a chat room. You will not receive any further " +"messages until you rejoin it." +msgid_plural "" +"Closing this window will leave %u chat rooms. You will not receive any " +"further messages until you rejoin them." +msgstr[0] "" +"Zamknięcie tego okna spowoduje opuszczenie pokoju rozmów. Wiadomości nie " +"będą odbierane aż do ponownego dołączenia." +msgstr[1] "" +"Zamknięcie tego okna spowoduje opuszczenie %u pokojów rozmów. Wiadomości nie " +"będą odbierane aż do ponownego dołączenia." +msgstr[2] "" +"Zamknięcie tego okna spowoduje opuszczenie %u pokojów rozmów. Wiadomości nie " +"będą odbierane aż do ponownego dołączenia." -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:30 -msgid "_Microphone" -msgstr "_Mikrofon" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:314 +#, c-format +msgid "Leave %s?" +msgstr "Opuścić %s?" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:31 -msgid "_Settings" -msgstr "_Ustawienia" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:315 +msgid "" +"You will not receive any further messages from this chat room until you " +"rejoin it." +msgstr "" +"Wiadomości z tego pokoju rozmów nie będą odbierane aż do ponownego " +"dołączenia." -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:32 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:30 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:25 -msgid "_View" -msgstr "_Widok" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:334 +msgid "Close window" +msgstr "Zamknij okno" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:334 +msgid "Leave room" +msgstr "Opuść pokój" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:481 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:501 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:640 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:660 #, c-format msgid "%s (%d unread)" msgid_plural "%s (%d unread)" @@ -3669,7 +3599,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%s (%d nieprzeczytane)" msgstr[2] "%s (%d nieprzeczytanych)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:493 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:652 #, c-format msgid "%s (and %u other)" msgid_plural "%s (and %u others)" @@ -3677,7 +3607,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%s (i %u inne)" msgstr[2] "%s (i %u innych)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:509 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:668 #, c-format msgid "%s (%d unread from others)" msgid_plural "%s (%d unread from others)" @@ -3685,7 +3615,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%s (%d nieprzeczytane od innych)" msgstr[2] "%s (%d nieprzeczytanych od innych)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:518 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:677 #, c-format msgid "%s (%d unread from all)" msgid_plural "%s (%d unread from all)" @@ -3693,11 +3623,11 @@ msgstr[1] "%s (%d nieprzeczytane od wszystkich)" msgstr[2] "%s (%d nieprzeczytanych od wszystkich)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:733 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:892 msgid "SMS:" msgstr "SMS:" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:743 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:902 #, c-format msgid "Sending %d message" msgid_plural "Sending %d messages" @@ -3705,69 +3635,69 @@ msgstr[1] "Wysyłanie %d wiadomości" msgstr[2] "Wysyłanie %d wiadomości" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:765 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:924 msgid "Typing a message." msgstr "Pisze wiadomość." #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:1 -msgid "C_lear" -msgstr "_Wyczyść" +msgid "_Conversation" +msgstr "_Rozmowa" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:2 -msgid "C_ontact" -msgstr "K_ontakt" +msgid "C_lear" +msgstr "_Wyczyść" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:3 msgid "Insert _Smiley" msgstr "Wstaw _emotikonę" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Favorite Chat Room" +msgstr "_Ulubiony pokój rozmowy" + #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:5 -msgid "Invite _Participant…" -msgstr "Zaproś _uczestnika…" +msgid "Notify for All Messages" +msgstr "Powiadamianie o wszystkich wiadomościach" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:6 -msgid "Move Tab _Left" -msgstr "Przenieś kartę w l_ewo" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:6 ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Show Contact List" +msgstr "_Lista kontaktów" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:7 -msgid "Move Tab _Right" -msgstr "Przenieś kartę w p_rawo" +msgid "Invite _Participant…" +msgstr "Zaproś _uczestnika…" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:8 -msgid "Notify for All Messages" -msgstr "Powiadamianie o wszystkich wiadomościach" +msgid "C_ontact" +msgstr "K_ontakt" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:10 -msgid "_Conversation" -msgstr "_Rozmowa" +msgid "_Tabs" +msgstr "_Karty" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:11 -msgid "_Detach Tab" -msgstr "_Odłącz kartę" - -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:13 -msgid "_Favorite Chat Room" -msgstr "_Ulubiony pokój rozmowy" +msgid "_Previous Tab" +msgstr "_Poprzednia karta" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:15 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:12 msgid "_Next Tab" msgstr "_Następna karta" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:16 -msgid "_Previous Tab" -msgstr "_Poprzednia karta" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:13 +msgid "_Undo Close Tab" +msgstr "_Cofnij zamknięcie karty" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:17 ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:5 -msgid "_Show Contact List" -msgstr "_Lista kontaktów" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:14 +msgid "Move Tab _Left" +msgstr "Przenieś kartę w l_ewo" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:18 -msgid "_Tabs" -msgstr "_Karty" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:15 +msgid "Move Tab _Right" +msgstr "Przenieś kartę w p_rawo" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:19 -msgid "_Undo Close Tab" -msgstr "_Cofnij zamknięcie karty" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "_Detach Tab" +msgstr "_Odłącz kartę" #: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.c:251 msgid "Name" @@ -3781,100 +3711,100 @@ msgid "Auto-Connect" msgstr "Automatyczne łączenie" -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:1 msgid "Manage Favorite Rooms" msgstr "Zarządzanie ulubionymi pokojami" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:521 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 msgid "Incoming video call" msgstr "Przychodząca rozmowa wideo" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:521 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1449 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1519 msgid "Incoming call" msgstr "Przychodząca rozmowa głosowa" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:525 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:526 #, c-format msgid "%s is video calling you. Do you want to answer?" msgstr "Wideorozmowa przychodząca od użytkownika %s. Odebrać ją?" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:526 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:527 #, c-format msgid "%s is calling you. Do you want to answer?" msgstr "Przychodząca rozmowa głosowa od użytkownika %s. Odebrać ją?" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:529 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:730 -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:763 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1455 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:530 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "Incoming call from %s" msgstr "Przychodząca rozmowa głosowa od użytkownika %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:554 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:555 msgid "_Reject" msgstr "_Odrzuć" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:562 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:570 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:563 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 msgid "_Answer" msgstr "_Odbierz" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:570 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 msgid "_Answer with video" msgstr "_Odbierz z obrazem wideo" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:730 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:763 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1455 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "Incoming video call from %s" msgstr "Wideorozmowa przychodząca od użytkownika %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:836 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:837 msgid "Room invitation" msgstr "Zaproszenie do pokoju" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:838 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:839 #, c-format msgid "Invitation to join %s" msgstr "Zaproszenie do dołączenia do %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:845 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:846 #, c-format msgid "%s is inviting you to join %s" msgstr "Użytkownik %s zaprasza do dołączenia do %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:853 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:854 msgid "_Decline" msgstr "_Odmów" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:858 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:7 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:859 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:2 msgid "_Join" msgstr "_Dołącz" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:885 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:886 #, c-format msgid "%s invited you to join %s" msgstr "%s zaprosił użytkownika do dołączenia do %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:891 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:892 #, c-format msgid "You have been invited to join %s" msgstr "Zaproszono użytkownika do dołączenia do %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:942 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:943 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file transfer from %s" msgstr "Plik przychodzący od użytkownika %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1134 ../src/empathy-main-window.c:375 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1146 ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:374 msgid "Password required" msgstr "Hasło wymagane" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1190 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1216 #, c-format msgid "%s would like permission to see when you are online" msgstr "%s prosi o dostęp do informacji o obecności użytkownika online" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1194 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1222 #, c-format msgid "" "\n" @@ -3884,105 +3814,105 @@ "Wiadomość: %s" #. Translators: time left, when it is more than one hour -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:100 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:99 #, c-format msgid "%u:%02u.%02u" msgstr "%u:%02u.%02u" #. Translators: time left, when is is less than one hour -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:103 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:102 #, c-format msgid "%02u.%02u" msgstr "%02u.%02u" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:179 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:178 msgctxt "file transfer percent" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Nieznany" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:274 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:273 #, c-format msgid "%s of %s at %s/s" msgstr "%s z %s o prędkości %s/s" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:275 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:274 #, c-format msgid "%s of %s" msgstr "%s z %s" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:306 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:305 #, c-format msgid "Receiving \"%s\" from %s" msgstr "Odbieranie pliku \"%s\" od użytkownika %s" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:309 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:308 #, c-format msgid "Sending \"%s\" to %s" msgstr "Wysyłanie pliku \"%s\" do użytkownika %s" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s #. * is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:339 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:338 #, c-format msgid "Error receiving \"%s\" from %s" msgstr "Błąd podczas odbierania pliku \"%s\" od użytkownika %s" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:342 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:341 msgid "Error receiving a file" msgstr "Błąd podczas odbierania pliku" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:347 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:346 #, c-format msgid "Error sending \"%s\" to %s" msgstr "Błąd podczas wysyłania pliku \"%s\" do użytkownika %s" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:350 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:349 msgid "Error sending a file" msgstr "Błąd podczas wysyłania pliku" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s #. * is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:489 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:488 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" received from %s" msgstr "Otrzymano plik \"%s\" od użytkownika %s" #. translators: first %s is filename, second %s #. * is the contact name -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:494 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:493 #, c-format msgid "\"%s\" sent to %s" msgstr "Wysłano \"%s\" do użytkownika %s" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:497 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:496 msgid "File transfer completed" msgstr "Ukończono przesyłanie pliku" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:616 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:780 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:615 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:779 msgid "Waiting for the other participant's response" msgstr "Oczekiwanie na odpowiedź drugiej strony" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:642 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:680 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:641 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:679 #, c-format msgid "Checking integrity of \"%s\"" msgstr "Sprawdzanie spójności pliku \"%s\"" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:645 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:683 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:644 ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:682 #, c-format msgid "Hashing \"%s\"" msgstr "Obliczanie sumy kontrolnej pliku \"%s\"" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1026 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1025 msgid "%" msgstr "%" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1038 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1037 msgid "File" msgstr "Plik" -#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1060 +#: ../src/empathy-ft-manager.c:1059 msgid "Remaining" msgstr "Pozostało" @@ -3994,7 +3924,11 @@ msgid "Remove completed, canceled and failed file transfers from the list" msgstr "Usuwa ukończone, anulowane lub nieudane przesyłania plików z listy" -#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:84 +#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:76 +msgid "_Import" +msgstr "_Zaimportuj" + +#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:88 msgid "" "No accounts to import could be found. Empathy currently only supports " "importing accounts from Pidgin." @@ -4002,171 +3936,197 @@ "Nie odnaleziono kont do zaimportowania. Program Empathy obecnie obsługuje " "importowanie kont tylko z programu Pidgin." -#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:199 +#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:209 msgid "Import Accounts" msgstr "Importowanie kont" #. Translators: this is the header of a treeview column -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:301 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:316 msgid "Import" -msgstr "Zaimportuj" +msgstr "Import" -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:310 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:325 msgid "Protocol" msgstr "Protokół" -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:334 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:349 msgid "Source" msgstr "Źródło" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:392 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:391 msgid "Provide Password" msgstr "Wprowadź hasło" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:398 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:397 msgid "Disconnect" msgstr "Rozłącz" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:622 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:657 +msgid "You need to setup an account to see contacts here." +msgstr "Należy ustawić konto, aby wyświetlić kontakty." + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:673 msgid "No match found" msgstr "Nie odnaleziono wyników" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:777 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:783 +#, c-format +msgid "Sorry, %s accounts can’t be used until your %s software is updated." +msgstr "" +"Konta %s nie mogą być używane, dopóki oprogramowanie %s nie zostanie " +"zaktualizowane." + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:849 +msgid "Update software..." +msgstr "Zaktualizuj oprogramowanie..." + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:855 ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:972 +msgid "Close" +msgstr "Zamknij" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:960 msgid "Reconnect" msgstr "Połącz ponownie" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:783 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:966 msgid "Edit Account" msgstr "Modyfikuj konto" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:789 -msgid "Close" -msgstr "Zamknij" - #. Translators: this string will be something like: -#. * Top up My Account ($1.23)..." -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:928 +#. * Top up My Account ($1.23)..." +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1110 #, c-format msgid "Top up %s (%s)..." msgstr "Doładuj %s (%s)..." -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:975 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1156 msgid "Top up account credit" msgstr "Doładowuje konto kredytowe" #. top up button -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1046 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1228 msgid "Top Up..." msgstr "Doładuj..." -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1789 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1952 msgid "Contact" msgstr "Kontakt" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:2121 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2150 +msgid "You need to enable one of your accounts to see contacts here." +msgstr "Należy włączyć jedno z kont, aby wyświetlić kontakty." + +#. translators: argument is an account name +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2158 +#, c-format +msgid "You need to enable %s to see contacts here." +msgstr "Należy włączyć konto %s, aby wyświetlić kontakty." + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2460 msgid "Contact List" msgstr "Lista kontaktów" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:1 -msgid "Contacts on a _Map" -msgstr "Kontakty na _mapie" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.ui.h:1 +msgid "Account settings" +msgstr "Ustawienia konta" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:2 -msgid "Credit Balance" -msgstr "Saldo kredytowe" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:2 +msgid "_New Conversation…" +msgstr "_Nowa rozmowa…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:3 -msgid "Find in Contact _List" -msgstr "Znajdź na _liście kontaktów" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:3 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:3 +msgid "New _Call…" +msgstr "Nowa _rozmowa głosowa…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:4 -msgid "Join _Favorites" -msgstr "Dołącz do _ulubionych" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Search for Contacts…" +msgstr "_Wyszukaj kontakty…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:5 -msgid "Manage Favorites" -msgstr "Zarządzaj ulubionymi" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:7 +msgid "_File Transfers" +msgstr "_Przesyłanie plików" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:6 -msgid "N_ormal Size" -msgstr "Zwykły r_ozmiar" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Offline Contacts" +msgstr "K_ontakty w trybie offline" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:7 ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:1 -msgid "New _Call…" -msgstr "Nowa _rozmowa głosowa…" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:9 +msgid "Show P_rotocols" +msgstr "Wyświetlanie p_rotokołów" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:8 -msgid "Normal Size With _Avatars" -msgstr "Zwykły rozmiar z _awatarami" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:10 +msgid "Credit Balance" +msgstr "Saldo kredytowe" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:11 +msgid "Contacts on a _Map" +msgstr "Kontakty na _mapie" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:13 +msgid "_Accounts" +msgstr "_Konta" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:14 +msgid "_Blocked Contacts" +msgstr "Za_blokowane kontakty" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:9 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:15 msgid "P_references" msgstr "P_referencje" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:10 -msgid "Show P_rotocols" -msgstr "Wyświetlanie p_rotokołów" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:16 +msgid "Find in Contact _List" +msgstr "Znajdź na _liście kontaktów" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:11 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:18 msgid "Sort by _Name" msgstr "Porządkowanie według _nazwy" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:12 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:19 msgid "Sort by _Status" msgstr "Porządkowanie według _stanu" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:13 -msgid "_Accounts" -msgstr "_Konta" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:20 +msgid "Normal Size With _Avatars" +msgstr "Zwykły rozmiar z _awatarami" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:15 -msgid "_Blocked Contacts" -msgstr "Za_blokowane kontakty" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:21 +msgid "N_ormal Size" +msgstr "Zwykły r_ozmiar" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:22 msgid "_Compact Size" msgstr "Zmniejszony ro_zmiar" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:21 -msgid "_File Transfers" -msgstr "_Przesyłanie plików" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:23 +msgid "_Room" +msgstr "_Pokój" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:23 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:24 msgid "_Join…" msgstr "_Dołącz…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:24 -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:3 -msgid "_New Conversation…" -msgstr "_Nowa rozmowa…" - -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:25 -msgid "_Offline Contacts" -msgstr "K_ontakty w trybie offline" - -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:26 -msgid "_Personal Information" -msgstr "I_nformacje osobiste" - -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:28 -msgid "_Room" -msgstr "_Pokój" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:25 +msgid "Join _Favorites" +msgstr "Dołącz do _ulubionych" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:29 -msgid "_Search for Contacts…" -msgstr "_Wyszukaj kontakty…" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:26 +msgid "Manage Favorites" +msgstr "Zarządzaj ulubionymi" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:337 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:369 msgid "Chat Room" msgstr "Pokój rozmowy" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:353 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:385 msgid "Members" msgstr "Członkowie" #. Translators: Room/Join's roomlist tooltip. Parameters are a channel name, #. yes/no, yes/no and a number. -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:553 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:637 #, c-format msgid "" "%s\n" @@ -4179,22 +4139,27 @@ "Wymagane hasło: %s\n" "Członkowie: %s" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:555 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:556 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:639 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:640 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Tak" + +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:639 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:640 msgid "No" msgstr "Nie" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:584 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:668 msgid "Could not start room listing" msgstr "Nie można uruchomić listy pokoi" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:594 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:678 msgid "Could not stop room listing" msgstr "Nie można zatrzymać listy pokoi" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:2 -msgid "Couldn't load room list" -msgstr "Nie można wczytać listy pokoi" +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:1 +msgid "Join Room" +msgstr "Dołączenie do pokoju" #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:3 msgid "" @@ -4204,6 +4169,10 @@ "pokoi na liście." #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Room:" +msgstr "_Pokój:" + +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:5 msgid "" "Enter the server which hosts the room, or leave it empty if the room is on " "the current account's server" @@ -4211,180 +4180,196 @@ "Proszę wprowadzić adres serwera obsługującego pokój lub pozostawić puste, " "jeśli pokój znajduje się na tym samym serwerze co bieżące konto" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:5 -msgid "Join Room" -msgstr "Dołączenie do pokoju" +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:8 +msgid "Couldn't load room list" +msgstr "Nie można wczytać listy pokoi" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:9 msgid "Room List" msgstr "Listy pokoi" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:8 -msgid "_Room:" -msgstr "_Pokój:" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:169 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:166 msgid "Message received" msgstr "Otrzymano wiadomość" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:170 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:167 msgid "Message sent" msgstr "Wysłano wiadomość" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:171 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:168 msgid "New conversation" msgstr "Nowa rozmowa" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:172 -msgid "Contact goes online" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:169 +msgid "Contact comes online" msgstr "Kontakt przeszedł do trybu online" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:173 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:170 msgid "Contact goes offline" msgstr "Kontakt przeszedł do trybu offline" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:174 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:171 msgid "Account connected" -msgstr "Konto połączone" +msgstr "Połączono konto" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:175 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:172 msgid "Account disconnected" -msgstr "Konto rozłączone" +msgstr "Rozłączono konto" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:484 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:475 msgid "Language" msgstr "Język" #. translators: Contact name for the chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:734 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:726 msgid "Juliet" msgstr "Julia" #. translators: Contact name for the chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:741 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:733 msgid "Romeo" msgstr "Romeo" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:747 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:739 msgid "O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?" msgstr "Romeo! Czemuż ty jesteś Romeo!" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:750 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:743 msgid "Deny thy father and refuse thy name;" msgstr "Wyrzecz się swego rodu, rzuć tę nazwę!" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:753 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:746 msgid "Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love" msgstr "Lub jeśli tego nie możesz uczynić," #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:756 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:749 msgid "And I'll no longer be a Capulet." msgstr "To przysiąż wiernym być mojej miłości," #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:759 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:752 msgid "Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?" msgstr "A ja przestanę być z krwi Kapuletów." #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:762 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:755 msgid "Juliet has disconnected" msgstr "Użytkownik Julia został rozłączony" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:1175 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:1159 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Preferencje" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:1 -msgid "Appearance" -msgstr "Wygląd" +msgid "Show _smileys as images" +msgstr "_Emotikony jako obrazy" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:2 +msgid "Show contact _list in rooms" +msgstr "_Lista kontaktów w pokojach" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:3 -msgid "Behavior" -msgstr "Zachowanie" +msgid "Appearance" +msgstr "Wygląd" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:4 +msgid "Start chats in:" +msgstr "Rozpoczynanie rozmów w:" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:5 -msgid "Chat Th_eme:" -msgstr "Motyw _rozmowy:" +msgid "new ta_bs" +msgstr "nowych _kartach" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:6 -msgid "Disable notifications when _away or busy" -msgstr "_Bez powiadomień podczas nieobecności lub zajętości" +msgid "new _windows" +msgstr "nowych _oknach" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:7 -msgid "Disable sounds when _away or busy" -msgstr "B_ez odtwarzania dźwięków podczas nieobecności lub zajętości" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:8 msgid "Display incoming events in the notification area" msgstr "Wyświetlanie zdarzeń przychodzących w obszarze powiadamiania" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Automatically connect on startup" +msgstr "Automatycznie łączenie podczas _uruchamiania" + #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:9 -msgid "" -"Echo cancellation helps to make your voice sound clearer to the other " -"person, but may cause problems on some computers. If you or the other person " -"hear strange noises or glitches during calls, try turning echo cancellation " -"off and restarting the call." -msgstr "" -"Usuwanie echa zwiększa czystość głosu użytkownika dla osoby po drugiej " -"stronie, ale może powodować problemy na niektórych komputerach. Jeśli " -"słychać dziwne dźwięki lub piski podczas rozmów, to należy spróbować " -"wyłączyć usuwanie echa i ponownie rozpocząć rozmowę głosową." +msgid "Log conversations" +msgstr "Zapisywanie rozmów do dziennika" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:10 -msgid "Enable notifications when a contact comes online" -msgstr "Powiadomienia, kiedy kontakt przeszedł do trybu online" +msgid "Behavior" +msgstr "Zachowanie" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:11 -msgid "Enable notifications when a contact goes offline" -msgstr "Powiadomienia, kiedy kontakt przeszedł do trybu offline" +msgid "General" +msgstr "Ogólne" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:12 -msgid "Enable notifications when the _chat is not focused" -msgstr "Powiadomienia, kiedy okno _rozmowy jest nieaktywne" +msgid "_Enable bubble notifications" +msgstr "Wy_skakujące powiadomienia" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:13 -msgid "Enable spell checking for languages:" -msgstr "Sprawdzanie pisowni dla języków:" +msgid "Disable notifications when _away or busy" +msgstr "_Bez powiadomień podczas nieobecności lub zajętości" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:14 -msgid "General" -msgstr "Ogólne" +msgid "Enable notifications when the _chat is not focused" +msgstr "Powiadomienia, kiedy okno _rozmowy jest nieaktywne" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:15 -msgid "Input level:" -msgstr "Poziom wejściowy:" +msgid "Enable notifications when a contact comes online" +msgstr "Powiadomienia, kiedy kontakt przeszedł do trybu online" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:16 -msgid "Input volume:" -msgstr "Głośność wejścia:" +msgid "Enable notifications when a contact goes offline" +msgstr "Powiadomienia, kiedy kontakt przeszedł do trybu offline" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:17 +msgid "Notifications" +msgstr "Powiadomienia" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:18 -msgid "Location sources:" -msgstr "Źródła położenia:" +msgid "_Enable sound notifications" +msgstr "Powia_domienia dźwiękowe" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:19 -msgid "Log conversations" -msgstr "Zapisywanie rozmów do dziennika" +msgid "Disable sounds when _away or busy" +msgstr "B_ez odtwarzania dźwięków podczas nieobecności lub zajętości" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:20 -msgid "Notifications" -msgstr "Powiadomienia" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:21 msgid "Play sound for events" msgstr "Odtwarzanie dźwięków zdarzeń" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:21 +msgid "Sounds" +msgstr "Dźwięki" + #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:22 -msgid "Privacy" -msgstr "Prywatność" +msgid "Use _echo cancellation to improve call quality" +msgstr "Usuwanie _echa w celu zwiększenia jakości rozmowy" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:23 msgid "" +"Echo cancellation helps to make your voice sound clearer to the other " +"person, but may cause problems on some computers. If you or the other person " +"hear strange noises or glitches during calls, try turning echo cancellation " +"off and restarting the call." +msgstr "" +"Usuwanie echa zwiększa czystość głosu użytkownika dla osoby po drugiej " +"stronie, ale może powodować problemy na niektórych komputerach. Jeśli " +"słychać dziwne dźwięki lub piski podczas rozmów, to należy spróbować " +"wyłączyć usuwanie echa i ponownie rozpocząć rozmowę głosową." + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:26 +msgid "_Publish location to my contacts" +msgstr "_Publikowanie położenia kontaktom" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:27 +msgid "" "Reduced location accuracy means that nothing more precise than your city, " "state and country will be published. GPS coordinates will be accurate to 1 " "decimal place." @@ -4393,295 +4378,296 @@ "miasto, stan/województwo i kraj. Koordynaty GPS będą dokładne do 1 miejsca " "po przecinku." -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:24 -msgid "Show _smileys as images" -msgstr "_Emotikony jako obrazy" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:25 -msgid "Show contact _list in rooms" -msgstr "_Lista kontaktów w pokojach" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:26 -msgid "Sounds" -msgstr "Dźwięki" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:27 -msgid "Spell Checking" -msgstr "Sprawdzanie pisowni" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:28 -msgid "" -"The list of languages reflects only the languages for which you have a " -"dictionary installed." -msgstr "Lista języków odzwierciedla stan faktycznie zainstalowanych słowników." - +#. To translators: The longitude and latitude are rounded to closest 0,1 degrees, so for example 146,2345° is rounded to round(146,2345*10)/10 = 146,2 degrees. #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:29 -msgid "Themes" -msgstr "Motywy" +msgid "_Reduce location accuracy" +msgstr "_Zmniejszenie dokładności położenia" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:30 -msgid "Use _echo cancellation to improve call quality" -msgstr "Usuwanie _echa w celu zwiększenia jakości rozmowy" +msgid "Privacy" +msgstr "Prywatność" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:31 -msgid "Variant:" -msgstr "Wariant:" +msgid "_GPS" +msgstr "_GPS" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:32 -msgid "_Automatically connect on startup" -msgstr "Automatycznie łączenie podczas _uruchamiania" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:33 msgid "_Cellphone" msgstr "_Telefon komórkowy" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:34 -msgid "_Enable bubble notifications" -msgstr "Wy_skakujące powiadomienia" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:33 +msgid "_Network (IP, Wi-Fi)" +msgstr "_Sieć (IP, Wi-Fi)" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:35 -msgid "_Enable sound notifications" -msgstr "Powia_domienia dźwiękowe" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:34 +msgid "Location sources:" +msgstr "Źródła położenia:" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:36 -msgid "_GPS" -msgstr "_GPS" +msgid "" +"The list of languages reflects only the languages for which you have a " +"dictionary installed." +msgstr "Lista języków odzwierciedla stan faktycznie zainstalowanych słowników." #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:37 -msgid "_Network (IP, Wi-Fi)" -msgstr "_Sieć (IP, Wi-Fi)" +msgid "Enable spell checking for languages:" +msgstr "Sprawdzanie pisowni dla języków:" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:38 -msgid "_Open new chats in separate windows" -msgstr "_Otwieranie nowych rozmów w oddzielnych oknach" +msgid "Spell Checking" +msgstr "Sprawdzanie pisowni" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:39 -msgid "_Publish location to my contacts" -msgstr "_Publikowanie położenia kontaktom" +msgid "Chat Th_eme:" +msgstr "Motyw _rozmowy:" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:40 +msgid "Variant:" +msgstr "Wariant:" -#. To translators: The longitude and latitude are rounded to closest 0,1 degrees, so for example 146,2345° is rounded to round(146,2345*10)/10 = 146,2 degrees. #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:41 -msgid "_Reduce location accuracy" -msgstr "_Zmniejszenie dokładności położenia" +msgid "Themes" +msgstr "Motywy" -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:4 msgid "Status" msgstr "Stan" -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:5 msgid "_Quit" msgstr "Za_kończ" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:2 -msgid "Call the contact again" -msgstr "Zadzwoń jeszcze raz" - #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Camera Off" -msgstr "Kamera jest wyłączona" +msgid "Redial" +msgstr "Wybierz ponownie" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:4 -msgid "Camera On" -msgstr "Kamera jest włączona" +msgid "V_ideo" +msgstr "_Wideo" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:5 +msgid "Video Off" +msgstr "Obraz jest wyłączony" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:6 -msgid "Disable camera and stop sending video" -msgstr "Wyłączenie kamery i zatrzymanie wysyłania obrazu" +msgid "Video Preview" +msgstr "Podgląd obrazu" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:7 -msgid "Enable camera and send video" -msgstr "Włączenie kamery i wysyłania obrazu" +msgid "Video On" +msgstr "Obraz jest włączony" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:8 -msgid "Enable camera but don't send video" -msgstr "Włączenie kamery, ale bez wysyłania obrazu" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:10 +msgid "Call the contact again" +msgstr "Zadzwoń jeszcze raz" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:13 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Podgląd" +msgid "Camera Off" +msgstr "Kamera jest wyłączona" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:14 -msgid "Redial" -msgstr "Wybierz ponownie" +msgid "Disable camera and stop sending video" +msgstr "Wyłączenie kamery i zatrzymanie wysyłania obrazu" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:19 -msgid "V_ideo" -msgstr "_Wideo" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:15 +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "Podgląd" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:21 -msgid "Video Off" -msgstr "Obraz jest wyłączony" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "Enable camera but don't send video" +msgstr "Włączenie kamery, ale bez wysyłania obrazu" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:22 -msgid "Video On" -msgstr "Obraz jest włączony" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:17 +msgid "Camera On" +msgstr "Kamera jest włączona" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:23 -msgid "Video Preview" -msgstr "Podgląd obrazu" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:18 +msgid "Enable camera and send video" +msgstr "Włączenie kamery i wysyłania obrazu" -#: ../src/empathy-map-view.c:448 +#: ../src/empathy-map-view.c:471 msgid "Contact Map View" msgstr "Widok mapy kontaktów" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1228 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1607 msgid "Save" msgstr "Zapisz" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1435 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1667 +msgid "Pastebin link" +msgstr "Odnośnik serwisu Pastebin" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1676 +msgid "Pastebin response" +msgstr "Odpowiedź serwisu Pastebin" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1680 +#, c-format +msgid "%s" +msgstr "%s" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1683 +msgid "Data too large for a single paste. Please save logs to file." +msgstr "Dane są za duże na jeden raz. Proszę zapisać dzienniki do pliku." + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1912 msgid "Debug Window" msgstr "Okno debugowania" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1517 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1970 +msgid "Send to pastebin" +msgstr "Wyślij do serwisu Pastebin" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2009 msgid "Pause" msgstr "Wstrzymaj" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1529 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2021 msgid "Level " msgstr "Poziom " -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1549 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2040 msgid "Debug" msgstr "Debugowanie" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1555 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2045 msgid "Info" msgstr "Informacje" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1561 ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1610 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2050 ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2096 msgid "Message" msgstr "Wiadomość" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1567 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2055 msgid "Warning" msgstr "Ostrzeżenie" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1573 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2060 msgid "Critical" msgstr "Krytyczny" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1579 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2065 msgid "Error" msgstr "Błąd" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1598 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2084 msgid "Time" msgstr "Czas" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1601 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2087 msgid "Domain" msgstr "Domena" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1603 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2089 msgid "Category" msgstr "Kategoria" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1605 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2091 msgid "Level" msgstr "Poziom" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1642 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2114 msgid "" "The selected connection manager does not support the remote debugging " "extension." msgstr "" "Wybrany menedżer połączenia nie obsługuje rozszerzenia zdalnego debugowania." -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:179 -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:205 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:202 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:230 msgid "Invite Participant" msgstr "Zaproszenie uczestnika" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:180 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:203 msgid "Choose a contact to invite into the conversation:" msgstr "Proszę wybrać kontakt do zaproszenia do rozmowy:" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:201 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:226 msgid "Invite" msgstr "Zaproś" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:183 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:180 msgid "Don't display any dialogs; do any work (eg, importing) and exit" msgstr "" "Bez wyświetlania żadnych okien; wykonuje zadanie (np. importowanie) i kończy " "działanie" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:187 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:184 msgid "" "Don't display any dialogs unless there are only \"People Nearby\" accounts" msgstr "" "Bez wyświetlania żadnych okien, o ile istnieją tylko konta \"Osób w pobliżu\"" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:191 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:188 msgid "Initially select given account (eg, gabble/jabber/foo_40example_2eorg0)" msgstr "" "Początkowo wybiera podane konto (np. gabble/jabber/foo_40przykład_2eorg0)" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:193 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:190 msgid "" msgstr "" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:198 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:195 msgid "- Empathy Accounts" -msgstr "- Konta programu Empathy" +msgstr "- konta programu Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:237 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:231 msgid "Empathy Accounts" msgstr "Konta programu Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:70 +#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:69 msgid "Show a particular service" msgstr "Wyświetla konkretną usługę" -#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:75 +#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:74 msgid "- Empathy Debugger" msgstr "- debuger programu Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:114 +#: ../src/empathy-debugger.c:113 msgid "Empathy Debugger" msgstr "Debuger programu Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-chat.c:107 +#: ../src/empathy-chat.c:109 msgid "- Empathy Chat Client" -msgstr " - komunikator Empathy" +msgstr "- komunikator Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:203 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:189 msgid "Respond" msgstr "Odpowiedz" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:217 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1459 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:203 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1529 msgid "Reject" msgstr "Odrzuć" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:222 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:227 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1460 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:208 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1530 msgid "Answer" msgstr "Odbierz" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:227 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 msgid "Answer with video" msgstr "Odbierz z obrazem wideo" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:235 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:245 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:221 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:231 msgid "Decline" msgstr "Odmów" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:239 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:250 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:225 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:236 msgid "Accept" msgstr "Zaakceptuj" #. translators: the 'Provide' button is displayed in a notification #. * bubble when Empathy is asking for an account password; clicking on it #. * brings the password popup. -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:260 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:246 msgid "Provide" msgstr "Wprowadź" -#: ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:134 +#: ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:132 #, c-format msgid "%s just tried to call you, but you were in another call." msgstr "" @@ -4690,28 +4676,71 @@ #. Translators: this is an "Info" label. It should be as short #. * as possible. -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1088 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1111 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1140 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1162 msgid "i" msgstr "i" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2775 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2888 msgid "On hold" msgstr "Odłożone" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2778 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2891 msgid "Mute" msgstr "Wycisz" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2780 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2893 msgid "Duration" msgstr "Czas trwania" #. Translators: 'status - minutes:seconds' the caller has been connected -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2783 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2896 #, c-format msgid "%s — %d:%02dm" msgstr "%s — %d:%02dm" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3166 +#, c-format +msgid "Your current balance is %s." +msgstr "Obecnie saldo wynosi %s." + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3170 +msgid "Sorry, you don’t have enough credit for that call." +msgstr "Brak wystarczających środków na tę rozmowę głosową." + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3172 +msgid "Top Up" +msgstr "Doładuj" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.c:243 msgid "_Match case" msgstr "_Rozróżnianie wielkości liter" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-account-dialog.c:144 +msgid "What kind of chat account do you have?" +msgstr "Rodzaj posiadanego konta rozmów:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-account-dialog.c:166 +msgid "Adding new account" +msgstr "Dodawanie nowego konta" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:77 +msgid "People nearby" +msgstr "Osoby w pobliżu" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:150 +msgid "" +"Empathy can automatically discover and chat with the people connected on the " +"same network as you. If you want to use this feature, please check that the " +"details below are correct." +msgstr "" +"Program Empathy może automatycznie wykrywać i umożliwiać rozmowę z osobami " +"połączonymi do tej samej sieci. Aby używać tej funkcji, proszę sprawdzić, " +"czy poniższe dane są poprawne." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:183 +msgid "" +"You can change these details later or disable this feature by choosing Edit → Accounts in the Contact List." +msgstr "" +"Można je łatwo zmienić w późniejszym czasie lub wyłączyć tę funkcję " +"wybierając Edycja → Konta na liście kontaktów." diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/po/POTFILES.in empathy-3.3.92/po/POTFILES.in --- empathy-3.3.91/po/POTFILES.in 2012-03-02 10:34:47.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/po/POTFILES.in 2012-03-16 10:44:33.000000000 +0000 @@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c libempathy/empathy-message.c -libempathy/empathy-tp-contact-list.c libempathy/empathy-utils.c libempathy/empathy-time.c +libempathy/empathy-keyring.c libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-chooser.c libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c @@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-edit-dialog.c +libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-information-dialog.c libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c @@ -69,6 +70,7 @@ libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c libempathy-gtk/totem-subtitle-encoding.c libempathy-gtk/empathy-webkit-utils.c +libempathy-gtk/empathy-calendar-button.c nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/po/pt_BR.po empathy-3.3.92/po/pt_BR.po --- empathy-3.3.91/po/pt_BR.po 2012-03-02 10:31:37.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/po/pt_BR.po 2012-03-13 10:20:04.000000000 +0000 @@ -4,574 +4,588 @@ # Luiz Guaraldo , 2004. # André Filipe de Assunção e Brito , 2007. # Og Maciel , 2007-2009, 2011. -# Djavan Fagundes , 2008, 2010. +# Djavan Fagundes , 2008, 2010, 2012. # Fábio Nogueira , 2008-2009. # Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle , 2008. # Taylon Silmer , 2009. # Michel Recondo , 2009. # Vladimir Melo , 2009. # Rodrigo L. M. Flores , 2009. -# André Gondim , 2009. +# André Gondim , 2009. # Henrique P. Machado , 2010. # Rodrigo Padula de Oliveira , 2011. # Felipe Borges , 2011. # Antonio Fernandes C. Neto , 2011. # Jonh Wendell , 2009, 2010, 2012. -# msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Empathy\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-01 10:09-0300\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-01 10:09-0300\n" -"Last-Translator: Jonh Wendell \n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=empath" +"y&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=General\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-12 16:00+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-09 11:05-0200\n" +"Last-Translator: Djavan Fagundes \n" "Language-Team: Brazilian Portuguese \n" "Language: pt_BR\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n > 1);\n" +"X-Generator: Virtaal 0.7.1\n" "X-Poedit-Language: Portuguese\n" "X-Poedit-Country: BRAZIL\n" -"X-Generator: Virtaal 0.5.2\n" +"X-Project-Style: gnome\n" #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:1 -msgid "Chat on Google Talk, Facebook, MSN and many other chat services" -msgstr "" -"Converse no Google Talk, Facebook, MSN e muitos outros serviços de bate-papo" - -#: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:2 msgid "Empathy" msgstr "Empathy" +#: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:2 +msgid "IM Client" +msgstr "Cliente de mensagens instantâneas" + #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:3 msgid "Empathy Internet Messaging" msgstr "Mensageiro Instantâneo Empathy" #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:4 -msgid "IM Client" -msgstr "Cliente de mensagens instantâneas" - -#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:1 -msgid "Manage Messaging and VoIP accounts" -msgstr "Gerencia contas de mensagem e VoIP" +msgid "Chat on Google Talk, Facebook, MSN and many other chat services" +msgstr "" +"Converse no Google Talk, Facebook, MSN e muitos outros serviços de bate-papo" #. Tweak the dialog -#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:2 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2450 +#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2454 msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts" msgstr "Contas de Mensagem e VoIP" +#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:2 +msgid "Manage Messaging and VoIP accounts" +msgstr "Gerencia contas de mensagem e VoIP" + #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:1 -msgid "Always open a separate chat window for new chats." -msgstr "Sempre abrir uma janela de bate-papo separada para novos bate-papos." +msgid "Connection managers should be used" +msgstr "Devem ser utilizados gerenciadores de conexão" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:2 -msgid "Camera device" -msgstr "Dispositivo da câmera" +msgid "" +"Whether connectivity managers should be used to automatically disconnect/" +"reconnect." +msgstr "" +"Usa gerenciadores de conexão para desconectar/reconectar automaticamente." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:3 -msgid "Camera position" -msgstr "Posição da câmera" +msgid "Empathy should auto-connect on startup" +msgstr "Conectar-se automaticamente ao iniciar" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:4 -msgid "" -"Character to add after nickname when using nick completion (tab) in group " -"chat." -msgstr "" -"Caracteres para adicionar depois do apelido quando usar completamento de " -"apelidos (tab) em bate-papo em grupo." +msgid "Whether Empathy should automatically log into your accounts on startup." +msgstr "Conecta automaticamente às suas contas ao iniciar." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:5 -msgid "Chat window theme" -msgstr "Tema para a janela de bate-papo" +msgid "Empathy should auto-away when idle" +msgstr "O Empathy deve definir como ausente automaticamente quando ocioso" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:6 -msgid "Chat window theme variant" -msgstr "Variante do tema da janela de conversa" +msgid "" +"Whether Empathy should go into away mode automatically if the user is idle." +msgstr "Deve ir ao modo ausente automaticamente se o usuário estiver ocioso." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:7 -msgid "" -"Comma-separated list of spell checker languages to use (e.g. \"en, fr, nl\")." -msgstr "" -"Lista, separada por vírgulas, de idiomas de verificação ortográfica para " -"usar (ex: \"en, fr, nl\")." +msgid "Empathy default download folder" +msgstr "Pasta padrão de download do Empathy" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:8 -msgid "Compact contact list" -msgstr "Lista de contatos compacta" +msgid "The default folder to save file transfers in." +msgstr "A pasta padrão onde salvar os arquivos transferidos." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:9 -msgid "Connection managers should be used" -msgstr "Devem ser utilizados gerenciadores de conexão" +msgid "Magic number used to check if sanity cleaning tasks should be run" +msgstr "Número mágico usado para verificar se deve executar tarefas de limpeza" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:10 -msgid "Contact list sort criterion" -msgstr "Critério de ordenação da lista de contatos" +msgid "" +"empathy-sanity-cleaning.c uses this number to check if the cleaning tasks " +"should be executed or not. Users should not change this key manually." +msgstr "" +"empathy-sanity-cleaning.c usa esse número para verificar se as tarefas de " +"limpeza devem ser executadas ou não. Usuários não devem mudar essa chave " +"manualmente." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:11 -msgid "D-Bus object path of the last account selected to join a room." -msgstr "Caminho D-Bus da última conta escolhida ao entrar numa sala." +msgid "Show offline contacts" +msgstr "Mostra contatos desconectados" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:12 -msgid "Default camera device to use in video calls, e.g. /dev/video0." -msgstr "" -"Dispositivo de câmera padrão para uso em chamadas de vídeo, por exemplo, /" -"dev/video0." +msgid "Whether to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." +msgstr "Mostra os contatos que estão desconectados na lista de contatos." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:13 -msgid "Default directory to select an avatar image from" -msgstr "Diretório padrão para selecionar uma imagem para seu perfil" +msgid "Show avatars" +msgstr "Mostra avatares" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:14 -msgid "Disable popup notifications when away" -msgstr "Desabilitar notificações quando ausente" +msgid "" +"Whether to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat windows." +msgstr "" +"Mostra os avatares para contatos na lista de contatos e janelas de bate-papo." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:15 -msgid "Disable sounds when away" -msgstr "Desabilitar sons quando ausente" +msgid "Show protocols" +msgstr "Exibir protocolos" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:16 -msgid "Display incoming events in the status area" -msgstr "Exibir eventos recebidos na área de status" +msgid "Whether to show protocols for contacts in the contact list." +msgstr "Mostra os protocolos para contatos na lista de contatos." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:17 -msgid "" -"Display incoming events in the status area. If false, present them to the " -"user immediately." -msgstr "" -"Exibe eventos recebidos na área de status. Se falso, apresenta-os " -"imediatamente ao usuário." +msgid "Show Balance in contact list" +msgstr "Mostrar créditos na lista de contatos" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:18 -msgid "Echo cancellation support" -msgstr "Suporte para cancelamento de eco" +msgid "Whether to show account balances in the contact list." +msgstr "Mostra os créditos das contas na lista de contatos." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:19 -msgid "Empathy can publish the user's location" -msgstr "O Empathy pode publicar a localização do usuário" +msgid "Compact contact list" +msgstr "Lista de contatos compacta" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:20 -msgid "Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location" -msgstr "O Empathy pode usar o GPS para adivinhar a localização" +msgid "Whether to show the contact list in compact mode." +msgstr "Mostra a lista de contatos no modo compacto." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:21 -msgid "Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location" -msgstr "O Empathy pode usar a rede de celular para adivinhar a localização" +msgid "Hide main window" +msgstr "Ocultar janela principal" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:22 -msgid "Empathy can use the network to guess the location" -msgstr "O Empathy pode usar a rede para adivinhar a localização" +msgid "Hide the main window." +msgstr "Oculta a janela principal." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:23 -msgid "Empathy default download folder" -msgstr "Pasta padrão de download do Empathy" +msgid "Default directory to select an avatar image from" +msgstr "Diretório padrão para selecionar uma imagem para seu perfil" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:24 -msgid "Empathy should auto-away when idle" -msgstr "O Empathy deve definir como ausente automaticamente quando ocioso" +msgid "The last directory that an avatar image was chosen from." +msgstr "O último diretório onde uma imagem de avatar foi escolhida." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:25 -msgid "Empathy should auto-connect on startup" -msgstr "Conectar-se automaticamente ao iniciar" +msgid "Open new chats in separate windows" +msgstr "Abre novos bate-papos em janelas separadas" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:26 -msgid "Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy" -msgstr "O Empathy deve reduzir a precisão da localização" +msgid "Always open a separate chat window for new chats." +msgstr "Sempre abrir uma janela de bate-papo separada para novos bate-papos." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:27 -msgid "Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon" -msgstr "Usar o avatar dos contatos como ícone da janela de bate-papo" +msgid "Display incoming events in the status area" +msgstr "Exibir eventos recebidos na área de status" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:28 -msgid "Enable WebKit Developer Tools" -msgstr "Habilitar Ferramentas de Desenvolvedor WebKit" +msgid "" +"Display incoming events in the status area. If false, present them to the " +"user immediately." +msgstr "" +"Exibe eventos recebidos na área de status. Se falso, apresenta-os " +"imediatamente ao usuário." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:29 -msgid "Enable popup notifications for new messages" -msgstr "Habilitar notificação para novas mensagens" +msgid "The position for the chat window side pane" +msgstr "A posição da janela de bate-papo no painel lateral" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:30 -msgid "Enable spell checker" -msgstr "Habilitar verificador ortográfico" +msgid "The stored position (in pixels) of the chat window side pane." +msgstr "" +"A posição armazenada (em pixels) da janela de bate-papo no painel lateral." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:31 -msgid "Hide main window" -msgstr "Ocultar janela principal" +msgid "Show contact groups" +msgstr "Mostra grupos" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:32 -msgid "Hide the main window." -msgstr "Oculta a janela principal." +msgid "Whether to show groups in the contact list." +msgstr "Mostra ou não os grupos na lista de contatos." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:33 -msgid "Inform other users when you are typing to them" -msgstr "Informar aos outros usuários quando você está digitando" +msgid "Contact list sort criterion" +msgstr "Critério de ordenação da lista de contatos" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:34 -msgid "Last account selected in Join Room dialog" -msgstr "Última conta escolhida ao entrar numa sala" +msgid "" +"Which criterion to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to sort by " +"the contact's state with the value \"state\". A value of \"name\" will sort " +"the contact list by name." +msgstr "" +"Qual critério usar para ordernar a lista de contatos. O padrão é ordernar " +"pelo estado do contato, se o valor for \"state\". Se o valor for \"name\", a " +"ordenação é feita pelo nome." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:35 -msgid "Nick completed character" -msgstr "Caractere de completamento de apelidos" +msgid "Use notification sounds" +msgstr "Usa sons de notificação" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:36 -msgid "Open new chats in separate windows" -msgstr "Abre novos bate-papos em janelas separadas" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of events." +msgstr "Reproduzir um som de notificação para eventos." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:37 -msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use" -msgstr "Caminho do tema do Adium para utilizar" +msgid "Disable sounds when away" +msgstr "Desabilitar sons quando ausente" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:38 -msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use if the theme used for chat is Adium." -msgstr "" -"Caminho do tema do Adium para usar se o tema usado para este bate-papo é do " -"Adium." +msgid "Whether to play sound notifications when away or busy." +msgstr "Reproduz ou não sons de notificação quando ausente ou ocupado." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:39 msgid "Play a sound for incoming messages" msgstr "Reproduz um som quando receber mensagens" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:40 -msgid "Play a sound for new conversations" -msgstr "Reproduz um som para novas conversas" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of incoming messages." +msgstr "Reproduzir um som de notificação para mensagens recebidas." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:41 msgid "Play a sound for outgoing messages" msgstr "Reproduz um som para mensagens enviadas" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:42 -msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs in" -msgstr "Reproduz um som quando um contato conectar" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of outgoing messages." +msgstr "Reproduzir um som de notificação para mensagens enviadas." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:43 -msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs out" -msgstr "Reproduz um som quando um contato desconectar" +msgid "Play a sound for new conversations" +msgstr "Reproduz um som para novas conversas" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:44 -msgid "Play a sound when we log in" -msgstr "Reproduz um som quando conectarmos" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of new conversations." +msgstr "Reproduzir um som de notificação para novas conversas." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:45 -msgid "Play a sound when we log out" -msgstr "Reproduz um som quando desconectarmos" +msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs in" +msgstr "Reproduz um som quando um contato conectar" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:46 -msgid "Pop up notifications if the chat isn't focused" -msgstr "Mostra notificações se a janela de bate-papo não estiver em foco" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging into the network." +msgstr "" +"Reproduz ou não um som de notificação para contatos conectando-se à rede." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:47 -msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs in" -msgstr "Mostra notificações quando um contato conecta" +msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs out" +msgstr "Reproduz um som quando um contato desconectar" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:48 -msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs out" -msgstr "Mostra notificações quando um contato desconecta" +msgid "" +"Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging out of the network." +msgstr "" +"Reproduz ou não um som de notificação para contatos desconectando-se da rede." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:49 -msgid "Position the camera preview should be during a call." -msgstr "Posição de visualização da câmera que deve estar durante a chamada." +msgid "Play a sound when we log in" +msgstr "Reproduz um som quando conectarmos" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:50 -msgid "Show Balance in contact list" -msgstr "Mostrar créditos na lista de contatos" +msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging into a network." +msgstr "Reproduzir um som de notificação ao conectar-se em uma rede." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:51 -msgid "Show avatars" -msgstr "Mostra avatares" +msgid "Play a sound when we log out" +msgstr "Reproduz um som quando desconectarmos" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:52 -msgid "Show contact groups" -msgstr "Mostra grupos" +msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging out of a network." +msgstr "Reproduzir um som de notificação ao desconectar-se de uma rede." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:53 -msgid "Show contact list in rooms" -msgstr "Mostra lista de contatos nas salas" +msgid "Enable popup notifications for new messages" +msgstr "Habilitar notificação para novas mensagens" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:54 -msgid "Show hint about closing the main window" -msgstr "Mostra dica sobre como fechar a janela principal" +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message." +msgstr "Mostra uma notificação quando receber uma nova mensagem." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:55 -msgid "Show offline contacts" -msgstr "Mostra contatos desconectados" +msgid "Disable popup notifications when away" +msgstr "Desabilitar notificações quando ausente" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:56 -msgid "Show protocols" -msgstr "Exibir protocolos" +msgid "Whether to show popup notifications when away or busy." +msgstr "Mostra uma notificação quado estiver ausente ou ocupado." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:57 -msgid "Spell checking languages" -msgstr "Idiomas para verificação ortográfica" +msgid "Pop up notifications if the chat isn't focused" +msgstr "Mostra notificações se a janela de bate-papo não estiver em foco" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:58 -msgid "The default folder to save file transfers in." -msgstr "A pasta padrão onde salvar os arquivos transferidos." +msgid "" +"Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message even if " +"the chat is already opened, but not focused." +msgstr "" +"Mostra uma notificação quando receber uma nova mensagem mesmo se a janela de " +"bate papo estiver aberta, mas não estiver com o foco." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:59 -msgid "The last directory that an avatar image was chosen from." -msgstr "O último diretório onde uma imagem de avatar foi escolhida." +msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs in" +msgstr "Mostra notificações quando um contato conecta" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:60 -msgid "The position for the chat window side pane" -msgstr "A posição da janela de bate-papo no painel lateral" +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes online." +msgstr "Mostra uma notificação quando um contato conectar." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:61 -msgid "The stored position (in pixels) of the chat window side pane." -msgstr "" -"A posição armazenada (em pixels) da janela de bate-papo no painel lateral." +msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs out" +msgstr "Mostra notificações quando um contato desconecta" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:62 -msgid "The theme that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." -msgstr "O tema que é usado para exibir a conversa em janelas de bate-papo." +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes offline." +msgstr "Mostra uma notificação quando um contato estiver desconectado." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:63 -msgid "" -"The theme variant that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." -msgstr "" -"A variação do tema que é usada para exibir a conversa em janelas de bate-" -"papo." - -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:64 msgid "Use graphical smileys" msgstr "Usa smileys gráficos" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:64 +msgid "Whether to convert smileys into graphical images in conversations." +msgstr "Converte os smileys para imagens gráficas durante as conversas." + #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:65 -msgid "Use notification sounds" -msgstr "Usa sons de notificação" +msgid "Show contact list in rooms" +msgstr "Mostra lista de contatos nas salas" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:66 -msgid "Use theme for chat rooms" -msgstr "Usa tema para salas de bate-papo" +msgid "Whether to show the contact list in chat rooms." +msgstr "Mostra a lista de contatos nas salas de bate-papo." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:67 -msgid "Whether Empathy can publish the user's location to their contacts." -msgstr "Publica a localização do usuário para seus contatos." +msgid "Chat window theme" +msgstr "Tema para a janela de bate-papo" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:68 -msgid "Whether Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location." -msgstr "Usa o GPS para adivinhar a localização." +msgid "The theme that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." +msgstr "O tema que é usado para exibir a conversa em janelas de bate-papo." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:69 -msgid "Whether Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location." -msgstr "Usa a rede de celular para adivinhar a localização." +msgid "Chat window theme variant" +msgstr "Variante do tema da janela de conversa" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:70 -msgid "Whether Empathy can use the network to guess the location." -msgstr "Usa a rede para adivinhar a localização." +msgid "" +"The theme variant that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." +msgstr "" +"A variação do tema que é usada para exibir a conversa em janelas de bate-" +"papo." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:71 -msgid "Whether Empathy should automatically log into your accounts on startup." -msgstr "Conecta automaticamente às suas contas ao iniciar." +msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use" +msgstr "Caminho do tema do Adium para utilizar" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:72 -msgid "" -"Whether Empathy should go into away mode automatically if the user is idle." -msgstr "Deve ir ao modo ausente automaticamente se o usuário estiver ocioso." +msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use if the theme used for chat is Adium." +msgstr "" +"Caminho do tema do Adium para usar se o tema usado para este bate-papo é do " +"Adium." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:73 -msgid "" -"Whether Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy for privacy reasons." -msgstr "Reduz a precisão de localização por razões de privacidade." +msgid "Enable WebKit Developer Tools" +msgstr "Habilitar Ferramentas de Desenvolvedor WebKit" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:74 msgid "" -"Whether Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon." -msgstr "" -"Usa os avatares da lista de contatos como ícones da janela de bate-papo." - -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:75 -msgid "" "Whether WebKit developer tools, such as the Web Inspector, should be enabled." msgstr "Habilita ferramentas de desenvolvedor WebKit, como o Web Inspector." +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:75 +msgid "Inform other users when you are typing to them" +msgstr "Informar aos outros usuários quando você está digitando" + #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:76 msgid "" -"Whether connectivity managers should be used to automatically disconnect/" -"reconnect." +"Whether to send the 'composing' or 'paused' chat states. Does not currently " +"affect the 'gone' state." msgstr "" -"Usa gerenciadores de conexão para desconectar/reconectar automaticamente." +"Envia ou não os estados \"composing\" ou \"paused\" no bate-papo. Atualmente " +"não afeta o estado \"gone\"." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:77 -msgid "" -"Whether to check words typed against the languages you want to check with." -msgstr "" -"Verifica as palavras digitadas usando os idiomas escolhidos para verificação " -"ortográfica." +msgid "Use theme for chat rooms" +msgstr "Usa tema para salas de bate-papo" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:78 -msgid "Whether to convert smileys into graphical images in conversations." -msgstr "Converte os smileys para imagens gráficas durante as conversas." +msgid "Whether to use the theme for chat rooms." +msgstr "Usa o tema em salas de bate-papo." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:79 -msgid "Whether to enable Pulseaudio's echo cancellation filter." -msgstr "Habilitar filtro de cancelamento de eco do Pulseaudio." +msgid "Spell checking languages" +msgstr "Idiomas para verificação ortográfica" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:80 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging into the network." +msgid "" +"Comma-separated list of spell checker languages to use (e.g. \"en, fr, nl\")." msgstr "" -"Reproduz ou não um som de notificação para contatos conectando-se à rede." +"Lista, separada por vírgulas, de idiomas de verificação ortográfica para " +"usar (ex: \"en, fr, nl\")." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:81 -msgid "" -"Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging out of the network." -msgstr "" -"Reproduz ou não um som de notificação para contatos desconectando-se da rede." +msgid "Enable spell checker" +msgstr "Habilitar verificador ortográfico" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:82 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of events." -msgstr "Reproduzir um som de notificação para eventos." +msgid "" +"Whether to check words typed against the languages you want to check with." +msgstr "" +"Verifica as palavras digitadas usando os idiomas escolhidos para verificação " +"ortográfica." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:83 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of incoming messages." -msgstr "Reproduzir um som de notificação para mensagens recebidas." +msgid "Nick completed character" +msgstr "Caractere de completamento de apelidos" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:84 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of new conversations." -msgstr "Reproduzir um som de notificação para novas conversas." +msgid "" +"Character to add after nickname when using nick completion (tab) in group " +"chat." +msgstr "" +"Caracteres para adicionar depois do apelido quando usar completamento de " +"apelidos (tab) em bate-papo em grupo." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:85 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of outgoing messages." -msgstr "Reproduzir um som de notificação para mensagens enviadas." +msgid "Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon" +msgstr "Usar o avatar dos contatos como ícone da janela de bate-papo" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:86 -msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging into a network." -msgstr "Reproduzir um som de notificação ao conectar-se em uma rede." +msgid "" +"Whether Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon." +msgstr "" +"Usa os avatares da lista de contatos como ícones da janela de bate-papo." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:87 -msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging out of a network." -msgstr "Reproduzir um som de notificação ao desconectar-se de uma rede." +msgid "Last account selected in Join Room dialog" +msgstr "Última conta escolhida ao entrar numa sala" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:88 -msgid "Whether to play sound notifications when away or busy." -msgstr "Reproduz ou não sons de notificação quando ausente ou ocupado." +msgid "D-Bus object path of the last account selected to join a room." +msgstr "Caminho D-Bus da última conta escolhida ao entrar numa sala." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:89 -msgid "" -"Whether to send the 'composing' or 'paused' chat states. Does not currently " -"affect the 'gone' state." -msgstr "" -"Envia ou não os estados \"composing\" ou \"paused\" no bate-papo. Atualmente " -"não afeta o estado \"gone\"." +msgid "Camera device" +msgstr "Dispositivo da câmera" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:90 -msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes offline." -msgstr "Mostra uma notificação quando um contato estiver desconectado." +msgid "Default camera device to use in video calls, e.g. /dev/video0." +msgstr "" +"Dispositivo de câmera padrão para uso em chamadas de vídeo, por exemplo, /" +"dev/video0." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:91 -msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes online." -msgstr "Mostra uma notificação quando um contato conectar." +msgid "Camera position" +msgstr "Posição da câmera" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:92 -msgid "" -"Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message even if " -"the chat is already opened, but not focused." -msgstr "" -"Mostra uma notificação quando receber uma nova mensagem mesmo se a janela de " -"bate papo estiver aberta, mas não estiver com o foco." +msgid "Position the camera preview should be during a call." +msgstr "Posição de visualização da câmera que deve estar durante a chamada." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:93 -msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message." -msgstr "Mostra uma notificação quando receber uma nova mensagem." +msgid "Echo cancellation support" +msgstr "Suporte para cancelamento de eco" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:94 -msgid "Whether to show account balances in the contact list." -msgstr "Mostra os créditos das contas na lista de contatos." +msgid "Whether to enable Pulseaudio's echo cancellation filter." +msgstr "Habilitar filtro de cancelamento de eco do Pulseaudio." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:95 -msgid "" -"Whether to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat windows." -msgstr "" -"Mostra os avatares para contatos na lista de contatos e janelas de bate-papo." +msgid "Show hint about closing the main window" +msgstr "Mostra dica sobre como fechar a janela principal" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:96 -msgid "Whether to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." -msgstr "Mostra os contatos que estão desconectados na lista de contatos." +msgid "" +"Whether to show the message dialog about closing the main window with the " +"'x' button in the title bar." +msgstr "" +"Mostra o diálogo de mensagens sobre fechar a janela principal com o botão \"x" +"\" na barra do título." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:97 -msgid "Whether to show groups in the contact list." -msgstr "Mostra ou não os grupos na lista de contatos." +msgid "Empathy can publish the user's location" +msgstr "O Empathy pode publicar a localização do usuário" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:98 -msgid "Whether to show popup notifications when away or busy." -msgstr "Mostra uma notificação quado estiver ausente ou ocupado." +msgid "Whether Empathy can publish the user's location to their contacts." +msgstr "Publica a localização do usuário para seus contatos." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:99 -msgid "Whether to show protocols for contacts in the contact list." -msgstr "Mostra os protocolos para contatos na lista de contatos." +msgid "Empathy can use the network to guess the location" +msgstr "O Empathy pode usar a rede para adivinhar a localização" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:100 -msgid "Whether to show the contact list in chat rooms." -msgstr "Mostra a lista de contatos nas salas de bate-papo." +msgid "Whether Empathy can use the network to guess the location." +msgstr "Usa a rede para adivinhar a localização." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:101 -msgid "Whether to show the contact list in compact mode." -msgstr "Mostra a lista de contatos no modo compacto." +msgid "Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location" +msgstr "O Empathy pode usar a rede de celular para adivinhar a localização" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:102 -msgid "" -"Whether to show the message dialog about closing the main window with the " -"'x' button in the title bar." -msgstr "" -"Mostra o diálogo de mensagens sobre fechar a janela principal com o botão \"x" -"\" na barra do título." +msgid "Whether Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location." +msgstr "Usa a rede de celular para adivinhar a localização." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:103 -msgid "Whether to use the theme for chat rooms." -msgstr "Usa o tema em salas de bate-papo." +msgid "Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location" +msgstr "O Empathy pode usar o GPS para adivinhar a localização" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:104 +msgid "Whether Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location." +msgstr "Usa o GPS para adivinhar a localização." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:105 +msgid "Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy" +msgstr "O Empathy deve reduzir a precisão da localização" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:106 msgid "" -"Which criterion to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to sort by " -"the contact's state with the value \"state\". A value of \"name\" will sort " -"the contact list by name." -msgstr "" -"Qual critério usar para ordernar a lista de contatos. O padrão é ordernar " -"pelo estado do contato, se o valor for \"state\". Se o valor for \"name\", a " -"ordenação é feita pelo nome." +"Whether Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy for privacy reasons." +msgstr "Reduz a precisão de localização por razões de privacidade." -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:736 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:738 msgid "No reason was specified" msgstr "Nenhum motivo foi especificado" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:739 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:741 msgid "The change in state was requested" msgstr "A alteração de estado foi solicitada" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:742 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:744 msgid "You canceled the file transfer" msgstr "Você cancelou a transferência do arquivo" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:745 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:747 msgid "The other participant canceled the file transfer" msgstr "O outro participante cancelou a transferência do arquivo" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:748 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:750 msgid "Error while trying to transfer the file" msgstr "Erro ao tentar transferir o arquivo" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:751 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:753 msgid "The other participant is unable to transfer the file" msgstr "O outro participante não pode transferir o arquivo" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:754 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:313 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:756 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:313 msgid "Unknown reason" msgstr "Motivo desconhecido" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:917 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:919 msgid "File transfer completed, but the file was corrupted" msgstr "Transferência de arquivo concluída, porém o arquivo estava corrompido" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1203 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1205 msgid "File transfer not supported by remote contact" msgstr "Transferência de arquivo sem suporte pelo seu contato" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1259 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1261 msgid "The selected file is not a regular file" msgstr "O arquivo selecionado não é um arquivo regular" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1268 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1270 msgid "The selected file is empty" msgstr "O arquivo selecionado é vazio" @@ -804,6 +818,21 @@ msgid "in the future" msgstr "no futuro" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:75 +#| msgid "Phrase not found" +msgid "Password not found" +msgstr "Senha não encontrada" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:218 +#, c-format +msgid "IM account password for %s (%s)" +msgstr "A senha da conta de MI para %s (%s)" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:253 +#, c-format +msgid "Password for chatroom '%s' on account %s (%s)" +msgstr "A senha para a conferência \"%s\" na conta %s (%s)" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-chooser.c:692 msgid "All accounts" msgstr "Todas as contas" @@ -834,7 +863,7 @@ msgstr "%s:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1398 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 msgid "Username:" msgstr "Nome de usuário:" @@ -877,121 +906,121 @@ msgstr "Nova conta" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:1 -msgid "Example: MyScreenName" -msgstr "Exemplo: MeuNomeExibido" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:14 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:1 +msgid "Pass_word:" +msgstr "Se_nha:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-generic.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:2 -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "Avançado" +msgid "Screen _Name:" +msgstr "_Nome exibido:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:3 +msgid "Example: MyScreenName" +msgstr "Exemplo: MeuNomeExibido" + +#. remember password ticky box +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:4 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:4 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:5 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:12 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:4 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:13 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:5 -msgid "Pass_word:" -msgstr "Se_nha:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-base-password-dialog.c:261 +msgid "Remember password" +msgstr "Lembrar senha" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:5 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:5 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:10 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:20 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:5 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:16 -msgid "Remember Password" -msgstr "Lembrar senha" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Port:" +msgstr "_Porta:" -#. remember password ticky box -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:6 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:6 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:7 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:21 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:17 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-base-password-dialog.c:261 -msgid "Remember password" -msgstr "Lembrar senha" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:6 -msgid "Screen _Name:" -msgstr "_Nome exibido:" +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Server:" +msgstr "_Servidor:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:7 -msgid "What is your AIM password?" -msgstr "Qual é a sua senha do AIM?" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-generic.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:23 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:21 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:9 +msgid "Advanced" +msgstr "Avançado" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your AIM screen name?" msgstr "Qual é o seu apelido do AIM?" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:10 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:26 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:10 -msgid "_Port:" -msgstr "_Porta:" +msgid "What is your AIM password?" +msgstr "Qual é a sua senha do AIM?" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:10 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:10 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:11 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:27 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:7 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:10 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:9 -msgid "_Server:" -msgstr "_Servidor:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:1 -msgid "Example: username" -msgstr "Exemplo: nome de usuário" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:24 +msgid "Remember Password" +msgstr "Lembrar senha" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:2 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:13 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:2 msgid "Login I_D:" msgstr "I_D de login:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:3 +msgid "Example: username" +msgstr "Exemplo: nome de usuário" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your GroupWise User ID?" msgstr "Qual é o seu ID de usuário GroupWise?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your GroupWise password?" msgstr "Qual é a sua senha do GroupWise?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:2 +msgid "ICQ _UIN:" +msgstr "ICQ _UIN:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:3 msgid "Example: 123456789" msgstr "Exemplo: 123456789" # Changed from Og's "conjunto de caracteres because of little room. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:7 msgid "Ch_aracter set:" msgstr "C_odificação de caracteres:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:4 -msgid "ICQ _UIN:" -msgstr "ICQ _UIN:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your ICQ UIN?" msgstr "Qual é o seu UIN do ICQ?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:9 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:10 msgid "What is your ICQ password?" msgstr "Qual é a sua senha do ICQ?" @@ -1028,12 +1057,24 @@ msgid "None" msgstr "Nenhum" -# Changed from Og's "conjunto de caracteres because of little room. +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:1 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Rede" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:2 +msgid "Network:" +msgstr "Rede:" + +# Changed from Og's "conjunto de caracteres because of little room. +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:3 msgid "Character set:" msgstr "Codificação de caracteres:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:4 +msgid "Servers" +msgstr "Servidores" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 msgid "" "Most IRC servers don't need a password, so if you're not sure, don't enter a " "password." @@ -1041,14 +1082,6 @@ "A maioria dos servidores de IRC não precisa de uma senha, por isso, se você " "não tiver certeza, não digite uma senha." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:4 -msgid "Network" -msgstr "Rede" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 -msgid "Network:" -msgstr "Rede:" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:6 msgid "Nickname:" msgstr "Apelido:" @@ -1065,48 +1098,20 @@ msgid "Real name:" msgstr "Nome verdadeiro:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 -msgid "Servers" -msgstr "Servidores" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:12 -msgid "What is your IRC nickname?" -msgstr "Qual é o seu apelido do IRC?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 msgid "Which IRC network?" msgstr "Qual rede IRC?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:1 -msgid "Example: user@gmail.com" -msgstr "Exemplo: usuário@gmail.com" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:2 -msgid "Example: user@jabber.org" -msgstr "Examplo: usuário@jabber.org" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:4 -msgid "Encr_yption required (TLS/SSL)" -msgstr "Criptografia r_equerida (TLS/SSL)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:5 -msgid "I_gnore SSL certificate errors" -msgstr "_Ignorar erros de certificado SSL" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:7 -msgid "Override server settings" -msgstr "Sobrescrever configurações do servidor" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:9 -msgid "Priori_ty:" -msgstr "Pri_oridade:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 +msgid "What is your IRC nickname?" +msgstr "Qual é o seu apelido do IRC?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:12 -msgid "Reso_urce:" -msgstr "Rec_urso:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:1 +msgid "What is your Facebook username?" +msgstr "Qual é o seu nome de usuário do Facebook?" #. This string is not wrapped in the dialog so you may have to add some '\n' to make it look nice. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:14 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:3 msgid "" "This is your username, not your normal Facebook login.\n" "If you are facebook.com/badger, enter badger.\n" @@ -1118,180 +1123,204 @@ "Utilize nesta página para " "escolher um nome de usuário para o Facebook se você não possuir um." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:17 -msgid "Use old SS_L" -msgstr "Usar criptografia SS_L" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:18 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:6 msgid "What is your Facebook password?" msgstr "Qual é a sua senha do Facebook?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:19 -msgid "What is your Facebook username?" -msgstr "Qual é o seu nome de usuário do Facebook?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:20 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your Google ID?" msgstr "Qual é o seu ID do Google?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:21 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:9 +msgid "Example: user@gmail.com" +msgstr "Exemplo: usuário@gmail.com" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:10 msgid "What is your Google password?" msgstr "Qual é a sua senha do Google?" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:11 +msgid "Example: user@jabber.org" +msgstr "Examplo: usuário@jabber.org" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:15 +msgid "I_gnore SSL certificate errors" +msgstr "_Ignorar erros de certificado SSL" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:16 +msgid "Priori_ty:" +msgstr "Pri_oridade:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:17 +msgid "Reso_urce:" +msgstr "Rec_urso:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:18 +msgid "Encr_yption required (TLS/SSL)" +msgstr "Criptografia r_equerida (TLS/SSL)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:19 +msgid "Use old SS_L" +msgstr "Usar criptografia SS_L" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:22 +msgid "Override server settings" +msgstr "Sobrescrever configurações do servidor" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:24 msgid "What is your Jabber ID?" msgstr "Qual é o seu ID do Jabber?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:23 -msgid "What is your Jabber password?" -msgstr "Qual é a sua senha do Jabber?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:24 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:25 msgid "What is your desired Jabber ID?" msgstr "Qual é o seu ID do Jabber desejado?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:25 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:26 +msgid "What is your Jabber password?" +msgstr "Qual é a sua senha do Jabber?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:27 msgid "What is your desired Jabber password?" msgstr "Qual é a sua senha do Jabber desejada?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:3 msgid "Example: user@hotmail.com" msgstr "Exemplo: usuario@hotmail.com" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your Windows Live ID?" msgstr "Qual é seu ID do Windows Live?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your Windows Live password?" msgstr "Qual é a sua senha do Windows Live?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:2 -msgid "E-_mail address:" -msgstr "Endereço de e-_mail:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:1 msgid "Nic_kname:" msgstr "Apeli_do:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Last Name:" +msgstr "_Sobrenome:" + # A mensagem original termina em espaço, mas suas análogas não. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:3 msgid "_First Name:" msgstr "_Primeiro nome:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Published Name:" +msgstr "Nome _publicado:" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:5 msgid "_Jabber ID:" msgstr "ID do _Jabber:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:6 -msgid "_Last Name:" -msgstr "_Sobrenome:" +msgid "E-_mail address:" +msgstr "Endereço de e-_mail:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:7 -msgid "_Published Name:" -msgstr "Nome _publicado:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Username:" +msgstr "_Nome de usuário:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:3 msgid "Example: user@my.sip.server" msgstr "Exemplo: usuario@meu.servidor.sip" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:3 -msgid "Authentication username:" -msgstr "Autenticação do nome do usuário:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:4 -msgid "Discover Binding" -msgstr "Descobrir Binding" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:5 -msgid "Discover the STUN server automatically" -msgstr "Descobrir o servidor STUN automaticamente" +msgid "Use this account to call _landlines and mobile phones" +msgstr "Usar essa conta para chamar telefones e celulares" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:6 -msgid "Ignore TLS Errors" -msgstr "Ignorar erros TLS" +msgid "NAT Traversal Options" +msgstr "Opções transversais de NAT" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:7 -msgid "Interval (seconds)" -msgstr "Intervalo (segundos)" +msgid "Proxy Options" +msgstr "Opções de Proxy" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:8 -msgid "Keep-Alive Options" -msgstr "Opções Keep-Alive" +msgid "Miscellaneous Options" +msgstr "Opções de miscelânea" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:9 -msgid "Loose Routing" -msgstr "Roteamento frouxo" +msgid "STUN Server:" +msgstr "Servidor STUN:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:10 -msgid "Mechanism:" -msgstr "Mecanismo:" +msgid "Discover the STUN server automatically" +msgstr "Descobrir o servidor STUN automaticamente" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:11 -msgid "Miscellaneous Options" -msgstr "Opções de miscelânea" +msgid "Discover Binding" +msgstr "Descobrir Binding" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:12 -msgid "NAT Traversal Options" -msgstr "Opções transversais de NAT" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:114 +msgid "Server:" +msgstr "Servidor:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:13 +msgid "Keep-Alive Options" +msgstr "Opções Keep-Alive" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:14 -msgid "Port:" -msgstr "Porta:" +msgid "Mechanism:" +msgstr "Mecanismo:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:15 -msgid "Proxy Options" -msgstr "Opções de Proxy" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:18 -msgid "STUN Server:" -msgstr "Servidor STUN:" +msgid "Interval (seconds)" +msgstr "Intervalo (segundos)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:19 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:114 -msgid "Server:" -msgstr "Servidor:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:16 +msgid "Authentication username:" +msgstr "Autenticação do nome do usuário:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:20 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:17 msgid "Transport:" msgstr "Transporte:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:21 -msgid "Use this account to call _landlines and mobile phones" -msgstr "Usar essa conta para chamar telefones e celulares" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:18 +msgid "Loose Routing" +msgstr "Roteamento frouxo" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:22 -msgid "What is your SIP account password?" -msgstr "Qual é a senha da sua conta SIP?" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:19 +msgid "Ignore TLS Errors" +msgstr "Ignorar erros TLS" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:23 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:20 +msgid "Port:" +msgstr "Porta:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:22 msgid "What is your SIP login ID?" msgstr "Qual é o seu ID de conexão do SIP?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:24 -msgid "_Username:" -msgstr "_Nome de usuário:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:23 +msgid "What is your SIP account password?" +msgstr "Qual é a senha da sua conta SIP?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:2 +msgid "Yahoo! I_D:" +msgstr "I_D do Yahoo!:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:5 msgid "I_gnore conference and chat room invitations" msgstr "_Ignorar convites de conferências e bate-papo" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Room List locale:" +msgstr "Local da l_ista da sala:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:10 msgid "What is your Yahoo! ID?" msgstr "Qual é o seu ID do Yahoo!?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:11 msgid "What is your Yahoo! password?" msgstr "Qual é a sua senha do Yahoo!?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:9 -msgid "Yahoo! I_D:" -msgstr "I_D do Yahoo!:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:11 -msgid "_Room List locale:" -msgstr "Local da l_ista da sala:" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:471 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:556 msgid "Couldn't convert image" @@ -1355,40 +1384,40 @@ msgid "You don't have enough credit in order to place this call" msgstr "Você não possui créditos suficientes para efetuar esta chamada" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:728 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:729 msgid "Failed to open private chat" msgstr "Falhou ao abrir bate-papo privado" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:786 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:787 msgid "Topic not supported on this conversation" msgstr "Tópico sem suporte nesta conversa" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:792 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:793 msgid "You are not allowed to change the topic" msgstr "Você não está autorizado a alter o tópico" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:991 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:992 #, c-format msgid "“%s” is not a valid contact ID" msgstr "\"%s\" não é um identificador de contato válido" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1086 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1087 msgid "/clear: clear all messages from the current conversation" msgstr "/clear: limpa todas as mensagens da conversa atual" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1089 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1090 msgid "/topic : set the topic of the current conversation" msgstr "/topic : define o tópico da conversa atual" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1092 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1093 msgid "/join : join a new chat room" msgstr "/join : entra em uma nova sala de bate-papo" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1095 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1096 msgid "/j : join a new chat room" msgstr "/j Entra em uma nova sala de bate-papo" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1099 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1100 msgid "" "/part [] []: leave the chat room, by default the " "current one" @@ -1396,23 +1425,23 @@ "/part [] []: abandonar a sala de bate-papo, " "por padrão a sala atual" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1103 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1104 msgid "/query []: open a private chat" msgstr "/query []: abre um bate-papo privado" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1106 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1107 msgid "/msg : open a private chat" msgstr "/msg []: abre um bate-papo privado" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1109 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1110 msgid "/nick : change your nickname on the current server" msgstr "/nick : altera o seu apelido no servidor atual" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1112 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1113 msgid "/me : send an ACTION message to the current conversation" msgstr "/me : envia uma mensagem de AÇÃO para a conversa atual" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1115 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1116 msgid "" "/say : send to the current conversation. This is used to " "send a message starting with a '/'. For example: \"/say /join is used to " @@ -1422,11 +1451,11 @@ "enviar uma mensagem iniciando com \"/\". Por exemplo: \"/say /join é " "utilizado para entrar em uma nova sala de bate-papo\"" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1120 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1121 msgid "/whois : display information about a contact" msgstr "/whois : exibe informações sobre um contato" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1123 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1124 msgid "" "/help []: show all supported commands. If is defined, " "show its usage." @@ -1434,126 +1463,126 @@ "/help []: mostra todos os comandos suportados. Se estiver " "definido, será exibido instruções de uso." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1142 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1143 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s" msgstr "Utilização: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1187 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1188 msgid "Unknown command" msgstr "Comando desconhecido" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1313 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1314 msgid "Unknown command; see /help for the available commands" msgstr "Comando desconhecido; veja /help para os comandos disponíveis" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1564 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1565 msgid "insufficient balance to send message" msgstr "Créditos insuficientes para enviar mensagens" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1568 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1582 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1645 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1569 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1583 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1646 #, c-format msgid "Error sending message '%s': %s" msgstr "Erro ao enviar a mensagem \"%s\": %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1570 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1587 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1649 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1571 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1588 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1650 #, c-format msgid "Error sending message: %s" msgstr "Erro ao enviar mensagem: %s" #. translators: error used when user doesn't have enough credit on his #. * account to send the message. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1576 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1577 #, c-format msgid "insufficient balance to send message. Top up." msgstr "créditos insuficientes. Voltar." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1616 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1617 msgid "not capable" msgstr "incapaz" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1623 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1624 msgid "offline" msgstr "desconectado" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1626 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1627 msgid "invalid contact" msgstr "contato inválido" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1629 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1630 msgid "permission denied" msgstr "permissão negada" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1632 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1633 msgid "too long message" msgstr "mensagem muito longa" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1635 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1636 msgid "not implemented" msgstr "não implementado" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1639 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1640 msgid "unknown" msgstr "desconhecido" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1706 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:920 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1707 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:920 msgid "Topic:" msgstr "Tópico:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1721 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1722 #, c-format msgid "Topic set to: %s" msgstr "Tópico definido como: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1723 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1724 #, c-format msgid "Topic set by %s to: %s" msgstr "Tópico definido por %s como: %s" #. No need to display this 'event' is no topic can be defined anyway -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1728 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1729 msgid "No topic defined" msgstr "Nenhum tópico definido" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2244 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2245 msgid "(No Suggestions)" msgstr "(Sem sugestões)" #. translators: %s is the selected word -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2312 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2313 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to Dictionary" msgstr "Adicionar \"%s\" ao dicionário" #. translators: first %s is the selected word, #. * second %s is the language name of the target dictionary -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2349 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2350 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to %s Dictionary" msgstr "Adicionar \"%s\" ao dicionário %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2419 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2420 msgid "Insert Smiley" msgstr "Inserir carinha" #. send button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2437 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1867 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2438 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1880 msgid "_Send" msgstr "_Enviar" #. Spelling suggestions -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2494 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2495 msgid "_Spelling Suggestions" msgstr "_Sugestões de ortografia" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2583 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2584 msgid "Failed to retrieve recent logs" msgstr "Falha ao receber os registros recentes" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2722 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2723 #, c-format msgid "%s has disconnected" msgstr "%s desconectou" @@ -1561,12 +1590,12 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the kicked should come before the kicker in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2729 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2730 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was kicked by %2$s" msgstr "%1$s foi expulso por %2$s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2732 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2733 #, c-format msgid "%s was kicked" msgstr "%s foi expulso" @@ -1574,17 +1603,17 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the banned should come before the banner in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2740 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2741 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was banned by %2$s" msgstr "%1$s foi banido por %2$s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2743 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2744 #, c-format msgid "%s was banned" msgstr "%s foi banido" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2747 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2748 #, c-format msgid "%s has left the room" msgstr "%s saiu da sala" @@ -1594,17 +1623,17 @@ #. * given by the user living the room. If this poses a problem, #. * please let us know. :-) #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2756 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2757 #, c-format msgid " (%s)" msgstr " (%s)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2781 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2782 #, c-format msgid "%s has joined the room" msgstr "%s entrou na sala" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2806 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2807 #, c-format msgid "%s is now known as %s" msgstr "%s agora chama-se %s" @@ -1612,89 +1641,90 @@ #. We don't know if the incoming call has been accepted or not, so we #. * assume it hasn't and if it has, we'll set the proper status when #. * we get the new handler. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2993 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1197 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1502 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1552 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2585 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2994 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1888 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1279 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1502 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1552 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2585 msgid "Disconnected" msgstr "Desconectado" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3657 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3658 msgid "Would you like to store this password?" msgstr "Deseja armazenar esta senha?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3663 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3664 msgid "Remember" msgstr "Lembrar" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3673 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3674 msgid "Not now" msgstr "Agora não" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3717 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3718 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-bad-password-dialog.c:142 msgid "Retry" msgstr "Repetir" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3721 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3722 msgid "Wrong password; please try again:" msgstr "Senha errada; por favor, tente novamente:" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3851 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3852 msgid "This room is protected by a password:" msgstr "Esta sala é protegida por uma senha:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3878 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3879 msgid "Join" msgstr "Entrar" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4070 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1218 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4071 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1300 msgid "Connected" msgstr "Conectado" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4125 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4126 msgid "Conversation" msgstr "Conversa" #. Translators: this string is a something like #. * "Escher Cat (SMS)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4130 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4131 #, c-format msgid "%s (SMS)" msgstr "%s (SMS)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:264 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:262 msgid "Unknown or invalid identifier" msgstr "Identificador inválido ou desconhecido" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:266 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:264 msgid "Contact blocking temporarily unavailable" msgstr "Bloqueio de contatos temporariamente indisponível" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:268 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:266 msgid "Contact blocking unavailable" msgstr "Bloqueio de contatos indisponível" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:270 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:268 msgid "Permission Denied" msgstr "Permissão negada" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:274 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:272 msgid "Could not block contact" msgstr "Impossível bloquear o contato" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:612 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:610 msgid "Edit Blocked Contacts" msgstr "Editar contatos bloqueados" #. Account and Identifier #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:1 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:506 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:2 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:1 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1474 -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:7 msgid "Account:" msgstr "Conta:" @@ -1704,7 +1734,7 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:3 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 #: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:3 msgid "Remove" msgstr "_Remover" @@ -1759,17 +1789,17 @@ msgstr[1] "_Reportar estes contatos como abusivos" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:1 -msgid "Decide _Later" -msgstr "Decidir _depois" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:2 msgid "Subscription Request" msgstr "Requisição de inscrição" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:2 msgid "_Block User" msgstr "_Bloquear usuário" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:3 +msgid "Decide _Later" +msgstr "Decidir _depois" + #. Title #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:499 msgid "Search contacts" @@ -1925,7 +1955,7 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:863 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:593 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:608 -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:15 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:35 msgid "Location" msgstr "Localização" @@ -1957,7 +1987,7 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1449 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:2 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:3 msgid "Contact Details" msgstr "Detalhes do contato" @@ -2026,44 +2056,44 @@ msgid "parcel" msgstr "temporário" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:1 -msgid "Location at (date)\t" -msgstr "Localização em (data)\t" +#. Identifier to connect to Instant Messaging network +#. Translators: Identifier to connect to Instant Messaging network +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1502 +msgid "Identifier:" +msgstr "Identificação:" #. Alias -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:4 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1293 msgid "Alias:" msgstr "Apelido:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:4 -msgid "Client Information" -msgstr "Informações do cliente" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:5 -msgid "Client:" -msgstr "Cliente:" - -#. Identifier to connect to Instant Messaging network -#. Translators: Identifier to connect to Instant Messaging network -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:8 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1502 -msgid "Identifier:" -msgstr "Identificação:" +msgid "Location at (date)\t" +msgstr "Localização em (data)\t" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:4 msgid "Information requested…" msgstr "Informação solicitada…" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:10 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:8 +msgid "Client Information" +msgstr "Informações do cliente" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:9 msgid "OS:" msgstr "SO:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:10 msgid "Version:" msgstr "Versão:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:11 +msgid "Client:" +msgstr "Cliente:" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:331 msgid "Groups" msgstr "Grupos" @@ -2118,9 +2148,12 @@ msgid "Select account to use to place the call" msgstr "Selecionar a conta que será usada para fazer a chamada" +#. translators: Call is a noun. This string is used in the window +#. * title #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:348 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:2 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1290 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:18 msgid "Call" msgstr "Chamar" @@ -2143,7 +2176,7 @@ #. add chat button #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1017 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:319 -#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:16 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:1 msgid "_Chat" msgstr "_Bate-papo" @@ -2164,7 +2197,7 @@ msgstr "Chamada de _vídeo" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1159 -#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:26 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:4 msgid "_Previous Conversations" msgstr "_Conversas anteriores" @@ -2210,35 +2243,35 @@ msgstr "Conv_idar para sala de bate-papo" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1788 -#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:14 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:5 msgid "_Add Contact…" msgstr "_Adicionar Contato..." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2306 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2304 msgid "Delete and _Block" msgstr "Apagar e _bloquear" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2341 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2339 #, c-format msgid "Do you really want to remove the group '%s'?" msgstr "Você realmente deseja remover o grupo \"%s\"?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2344 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2342 msgid "Removing group" msgstr "Removendo grupo" #. Remove -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2399 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2603 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2397 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2601 msgid "_Remove" msgstr "_Remover" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2476 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2474 #, c-format msgid "Do you really want to remove the contact '%s'?" msgstr "Você realmente deseja remover o contato \"%s\"?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2485 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2483 #, c-format msgid "" "Do you really want to remove the linked contact '%s'? Note that this will " @@ -2247,7 +2280,7 @@ "Deseja realmente remover o contato agrupado \"%s\"? Note que isso irá " "remover todos os contatos que constituem este contato agrupado." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2497 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2495 msgid "Removing contact" msgstr "Removendo contato" @@ -2262,7 +2295,7 @@ msgid "Location at (date)" msgstr "Localização em (data)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:2 msgid "Online from a phone or mobile device" msgstr "Conectado a partir de um celular ou dispositivo móvel" @@ -2391,7 +2424,7 @@ msgstr "Conversas de texto" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3042 -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:25 msgid "Calls" msgstr "Chamadas" @@ -2425,41 +2458,42 @@ msgstr "Deletar de:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:1 -msgid "Loading..." -msgstr "Carregando..." +msgid "_File" +msgstr "Arquivo" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:3 -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Chat" -msgstr "Bate-papo" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:2 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:9 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:12 +msgid "_Edit" +msgstr "_Editar" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:3 msgid "Delete All History..." msgstr "Deletar todo o histórico..." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:4 msgid "Profile" msgstr "Perfil" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:6 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:22 -msgid "Video" -msgstr "Vídeo" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:5 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:19 +msgid "Chat" +msgstr "Bate-papo" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:7 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:28 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:12 -#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:20 -msgid "_Edit" -msgstr "_Editar" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:26 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:19 +msgid "Video" +msgstr "Vídeo" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:8 -msgid "_File" -msgstr "Arquivo" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:9 msgid "page 2" msgstr "página 2" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:9 +msgid "Loading..." +msgstr "Carregando..." + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:83 msgid "The contact is offline" msgstr "O contato está desconectado" @@ -2591,20 +2625,20 @@ msgstr "Localizar:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:2 -msgid "Mat_ch case" -msgstr "Diferenciar _maiúsculas de minúsculas" +msgid "_Previous" +msgstr "_Anterior" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:3 -msgid "Phrase not found" -msgstr "Frase não encontrada" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:4 msgid "_Next" msgstr "_Próxima" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:4 +msgid "Mat_ch case" +msgstr "Diferenciar _maiúsculas de minúsculas" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:5 -msgid "_Previous" -msgstr "_Anterior" +msgid "Phrase not found" +msgstr "Frase não encontrada" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-sound-manager.c:51 msgid "Received an instant message" @@ -2755,19 +2789,19 @@ msgid "Certificate Details" msgstr "Detalhes do certificado" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1741 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1754 msgid "Unable to open URI" msgstr "Não foi possível abrir o URI" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1859 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1872 msgid "Select a file" msgstr "Selecionar um arquivo" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1934 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1947 msgid "Insufficient free space to save file" msgstr "Espaço livre insuficiente para salvar o arquivo" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1942 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1955 #, c-format msgid "" "%s of free space are required to save this file, but only %s is available. " @@ -2776,7 +2810,7 @@ "É necessário %s de espaço livre para salvar este arquivo, mas apenas está " "disponível %s. Selecione outra localização." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1986 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1999 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file from %s" msgstr "Recebendo arquivo de %s" @@ -3053,7 +3087,9 @@ msgid "Your new account has not been saved yet." msgstr "Sua nova conta ainda não foi salva." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:370 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1289 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:370 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:759 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1289 msgid "Connecting…" msgstr "Conectando..." @@ -3089,32 +3125,32 @@ msgid "Offline — Account Disabled" msgstr "Desconectado — Conta desabilitada" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:572 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:574 msgid "Edit Connection Parameters" msgstr "Editar os parâmetros de conexão" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:735 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:739 msgid "Failed to retrieve your personal information from the server." msgstr "Falha ao recuperar sua informação pessoal do servidor." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:741 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:745 msgid "Go online to edit your personal information." msgstr "Conecte-se para editar sua informação pessoal." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:826 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:830 msgid "_Edit Connection Parameters..." msgstr "_Editar os parâmetros de conexão..." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1322 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1326 #, c-format msgid "Do you want to remove %s from your computer?" msgstr "Você deseja remover %s do seu computador?" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1326 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1330 msgid "This will not remove your account on the server." msgstr "Isso não removerá sua conta no servidor." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1562 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1566 msgid "" "You are about to select another account, which will discard\n" "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" @@ -3123,183 +3159,374 @@ "suas modificações. Você tem certeza que deseja prosseguir?" #. Menu items: to enabled/disable the account -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1738 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1742 msgid "_Enable" msgstr "_Habilitar" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1739 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1743 msgid "_Disable" msgstr "_Desabilitar" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2122 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2126 msgid "_Skip" msgstr "_Pular" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2126 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2130 msgid "_Connect" msgstr "_Conectar" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2303 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2307 +msgid "" +"You are about to close the window, which will discard\n" +"your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" +msgstr "" +"Você está prestes a fechar a janela, o que descartará\n" +"suas modificações. Tem certeza que deseja prosseguir?" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:1 +msgid "Add…" +msgstr "_Adicionar…" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:3 +msgid "_Import…" +msgstr "_Importar…" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:4 +msgid "Loading account information" +msgstr "Carregando informações de conta" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:5 +msgid "" +"To add a new account, you first have to install a backend for each protocol " +"you want to use." +msgstr "" +"Para adicionar uma nova conta, é necessário primeiro instalar um backend " +"para cada protocolo que você deseja usar." + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:6 +msgid "No protocol backends installed" +msgstr "Nenhum protocolo instalado" + +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:288 +msgid " - Empathy authentication client" +msgstr "- Cliente de autenticação do Empathy" + +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:304 +msgid "Empathy authentication client" +msgstr "Cliente de autenticação do Empathy" + +#: ../src/empathy-av.c:118 ../src/empathy-call.c:201 +msgid "- Empathy Audio/Video Client" +msgstr "- Cliente de áudio/vídeo do Empathy" + +#: ../src/empathy-av.c:134 ../src/empathy-call.c:223 +msgid "Empathy Audio/Video Client" +msgstr "Cliente de áudio/vídeo do Empathy" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:434 +msgid "Contrast" +msgstr "Contraste" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:437 +msgid "Brightness" +msgstr "Brilho" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:440 +msgid "Gamma" +msgstr "Gama" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:547 +msgid "Volume" +msgstr "Volume" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1099 +msgid "_Sidebar" +msgstr "_Painel lateral" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1119 +msgid "Audio input" +msgstr "Entrada de áudio" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1123 +msgid "Video input" +msgstr "Entrada de vídeo" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1131 +msgid "Dialpad" +msgstr "Teclado" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1142 +msgid "Details" +msgstr "Detalhes" + +#. translators: Call is a noun and %s is the contact name. This string +#. * is used in the window title +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1211 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1889 +#, c-format +msgid "Call with %s" +msgstr "Chamada de %s" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1444 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2133 +msgid "The IP address as seen by the machine" +msgstr "O endereço IP como visto pela máquina" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1446 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2135 +msgid "The IP address as seen by a server on the Internet" +msgstr "O endereço IP como visto por um servidor na Internet" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1448 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2137 +msgid "The IP address of the peer as seen by the other side" +msgstr "O endereço IP do par como visto pelo outro lado" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1450 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2139 +msgid "The IP address of a relay server" +msgstr "O endereço IP de um servidor de retransmissão" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1452 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2141 +msgid "The IP address of the multicast group" +msgstr "O endereço IP do grupo de multicast" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1837 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1840 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1843 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1846 +msgctxt "codec" +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Desconhecido" + +#. Translators: number of minutes:seconds the caller has been connected +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2138 +#, c-format +msgid "Connected — %d:%02dm" +msgstr "Conectado — %d:%02dm" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2199 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2987 +msgid "Technical Details" +msgstr "Detalhes técnicos" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2237 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3026 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"%s's software does not understand any of the audio formats supported by your " +"computer" +msgstr "" +"O aplicativo %s não reconhece nenhum dos formatos de áudio com suporte em " +"seu computador" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2242 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3031 +#, c-format msgid "" -"You are about to close the window, which will discard\n" -"your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" +"%s's software does not understand any of the video formats supported by your " +"computer" msgstr "" -"Você está prestes a fechar a janela, o que descartará\n" -"suas modificações. Tem certeza que deseja prosseguir?" +"O aplicativo %s não reconhece nenhum dos formatos de vídeo com suporte em " +"seu computador" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:1 -msgid "Add…" -msgstr "_Adicionar…" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2248 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3037 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Can't establish a connection to %s. One of you might be on a network that " +"does not allow direct connections." +msgstr "" +"Não foi possível realizar uma conexão para %s. Você deve estar em uma rede " +"que não permite conexões diretas." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 -msgid "Loading account information" -msgstr "Carregando informações de conta" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2254 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3043 +msgid "There was a failure on the network" +msgstr "Ocorreu uma falha de rede" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:3 -msgid "No protocol backends installed" -msgstr "Nenhum protocolo instalado" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2258 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3047 +msgid "" +"The audio formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" +msgstr "" +"Os formatos de áudio necessários para esta chamada não estão instalados no " +"seu computador" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:5 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2261 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3050 msgid "" -"To add a new account, you first have to install a backend for each protocol " -"you want to use." +"The video formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" msgstr "" -"Para adicionar uma nova conta, é necessário primeiro instalar um backend " -"para cada protocolo que você deseja usar." +"Os formatos de vídeo necessários para esta chamada não estão instalados no " +"seu computador" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:6 -msgid "_Import…" -msgstr "_Importar…" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2271 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3062 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Something unexpected happened in a Telepathy component. Please report this bug and attach logs gathered from the 'Debug' window in " +"the Help menu." +msgstr "" +"Algo inesperado aconteceu em um componente do Telepathy. Por favor, reporte este erro e anexe os registros gerados na janela " +"\"Depuração\" no menu Ajuda." -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:286 -msgid " - Empathy authentication client" -msgstr "- Cliente de autenticação do Empathy" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2279 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3071 +msgid "There was a failure in the call engine" +msgstr "Ocorreu uma falha no mecanismo de chamada" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:302 -msgid "Empathy authentication client" -msgstr "Cliente de autenticação do Empathy" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2282 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3074 +msgid "The end of the stream was reached" +msgstr "Alcançado o fim do fluxo" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:1 ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:2 -msgid "Audio" -msgstr "Áudio" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2322 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3114 +msgid "Can't establish audio stream" +msgstr "Não foi possível realizar uma transmissão de áudio" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2332 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3124 +msgid "Can't establish video stream" +msgstr "Não foi possível realizar uma transmissão de vídeo" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Call" +msgstr "_Chamar" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Decoding Codec:" -msgstr "Codec de decodificação:" +msgid "_Microphone" +msgstr "_Microfone" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:4 -msgid "Disable camera" -msgstr "_Desabilitar câmera" +msgid "_Camera" +msgstr "_Câmera" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:5 -msgid "Display the dialpad" -msgstr "Exibir o teclado" +msgid "_Settings" +msgstr "_Configuraçõess" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:6 -msgid "Encoding Codec:" -msgstr "Codec de codificação:" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:8 +msgid "_View" +msgstr "_Ver" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:7 -msgid "Hang up" -msgstr "Desligar" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:7 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:27 +msgid "_Help" +msgstr "Aj_uda" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:8 -msgid "Hang up current call" -msgstr "Desligar a chamada atual" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:8 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:18 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:28 +msgid "_Contents" +msgstr "_Sumário" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:9 -msgid "Local Candidate:" -msgstr "Apresentação local:" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:29 +msgid "_Debug" +msgstr "_Depuração" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:10 -msgid "Maximise me" -msgstr "Maximizar-me" +msgid "Swap camera" +msgstr "Trocar a câmera" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:11 msgid "Minimise me" msgstr "Minimizar-me" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:12 -msgid "Remote Candidate:" -msgstr "Apresentação remota:" +msgid "Maximise me" +msgstr "Maximizar-me" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:13 -msgid "Send Audio" -msgstr "Enviar áudio" +msgid "Disable camera" +msgstr "_Desabilitar câmera" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:14 -msgid "Send Video" -msgstr "Enviar _vídeo" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:2 +msgid "Hang up" +msgstr "Desligar" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:15 -msgid "Show dialpad" -msgstr "Mostrar teclado" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:9 +msgid "Hang up current call" +msgstr "Desligar a chamada atual" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "Video call" +msgstr "Chamada de vídeo" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:17 msgid "Start a video call" msgstr "Iniciar uma chamada de vídeo" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:19 msgid "Start an audio call" msgstr "Iniciar uma chamada de áudio" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:18 -msgid "Swap camera" -msgstr "Trocar a câmera" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:19 -msgid "Toggle audio transmission" -msgstr "Alternar transmissão de áudio" - #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:20 -msgid "Toggle video transmission" -msgstr "Alternar transmissão de vídeo" +msgid "Show dialpad" +msgstr "Mostrar teclado" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:21 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2537 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2538 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2539 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2540 -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Desconhecido" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:21 +msgid "Display the dialpad" +msgstr "Exibir o teclado" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:22 +msgid "Send Video" +msgstr "Enviar _vídeo" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:23 -msgid "Video call" -msgstr "Chamada de vídeo" +msgid "Toggle video transmission" +msgstr "Alternar transmissão de vídeo" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:24 -msgid "_Call" -msgstr "_Chamar" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:11 +msgid "Send Audio" +msgstr "Enviar áudio" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:25 -msgid "_Camera" -msgstr "_Câmera" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:26 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:9 -#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:18 -msgid "_Contents" -msgstr "_Sumário" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:12 +msgid "Toggle audio transmission" +msgstr "Alternar transmissão de áudio" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:27 -#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:19 -msgid "_Debug" -msgstr "_Depuração" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:20 +msgid "Encoding Codec:" +msgstr "Codec de codificação:" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:29 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:14 -#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:22 -msgid "_Help" -msgstr "Aj_uda" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:28 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:21 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2537 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2538 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2539 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2540 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Desconhecido" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:29 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:22 +msgid "Decoding Codec:" +msgstr "Codec de decodificação:" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:30 -msgid "_Microphone" -msgstr "_Microfone" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:23 +msgid "Remote Candidate:" +msgstr "Apresentação remota:" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:31 -msgid "_Settings" -msgstr "_Configuraçõess" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:24 +msgid "Local Candidate:" +msgstr "Apresentação local:" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:32 -#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:29 -msgid "_View" -msgstr "_Ver" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:32 ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:24 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:25 +msgid "Audio" +msgstr "Áudio" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:289 msgid "Close this window?" @@ -3393,64 +3620,64 @@ msgstr "Digitando uma mensagem." #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:1 -msgid "C_lear" -msgstr "_Limpar" +msgid "_Conversation" +msgstr "_Conversa" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:2 -msgid "C_ontact" -msgstr "C_ontato" +msgid "C_lear" +msgstr "_Limpar" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:3 msgid "Insert _Smiley" msgstr "Inserir _smiley" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Favorite Chat Room" +msgstr "Marcar sala de bate-papo como _favorita" + #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:5 -msgid "Invite _Participant…" -msgstr "Convidar _participante..." +msgid "Notify for All Messages" +msgstr "Notificar todas as mensagens" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:6 -msgid "Move Tab _Left" -msgstr "Mover aba para a _esquerda" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:6 ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Show Contact List" +msgstr "_Mostrar lista de contatos" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:7 -msgid "Move Tab _Right" -msgstr "Mover aba para a _direita" +msgid "Invite _Participant…" +msgstr "Convidar _participante..." #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:8 -msgid "Notify for All Messages" -msgstr "Notificar todas as mensagens" +msgid "C_ontact" +msgstr "C_ontato" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:10 -msgid "_Conversation" -msgstr "_Conversa" +msgid "_Tabs" +msgstr "_Abas" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:11 -msgid "_Detach Tab" -msgstr "_Destacar aba" - -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:13 -msgid "_Favorite Chat Room" -msgstr "Marcar sala de bate-papo como _favorita" +msgid "_Previous Tab" +msgstr "Aba _anterior" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:15 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:12 msgid "_Next Tab" msgstr "_Próxima aba" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:16 -msgid "_Previous Tab" -msgstr "Aba _anterior" - -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:17 ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:5 -msgid "_Show Contact List" -msgstr "_Mostrar lista de contatos" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:13 +msgid "_Undo Close Tab" +msgstr "_Desfazer fechar aba" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:18 -msgid "_Tabs" -msgstr "_Abas" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:14 +msgid "Move Tab _Left" +msgstr "Mover aba para a _esquerda" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:19 -msgid "_Undo Close Tab" -msgstr "_Desfazer fechar aba" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:15 +msgid "Move Tab _Right" +msgstr "Mover aba para a _direita" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "_Detach Tab" +msgstr "_Destacar aba" #: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.c:251 msgid "Name" @@ -3464,99 +3691,100 @@ msgid "Auto-Connect" msgstr "Conectar automaticamente" -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:1 msgid "Manage Favorite Rooms" msgstr "Gerenciar salas favoritas" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:511 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 msgid "Incoming video call" msgstr "Recebendo chamada de vídeo" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:511 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1519 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1519 msgid "Incoming call" msgstr "Recebendo chamada" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:515 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:526 #, c-format msgid "%s is video calling you. Do you want to answer?" msgstr "%s está chamando você via vídeo, você quer responder?" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:516 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:527 #, c-format msgid "%s is calling you. Do you want to answer?" msgstr "%s está chamando você, você quer responder?" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:519 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:720 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:530 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "Incoming call from %s" msgstr "Recebendo chamada de %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:544 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:555 msgid "_Reject" msgstr "_Rejeitar" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:552 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:560 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:563 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 msgid "_Answer" msgstr "R_esponder" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:560 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 msgid "_Answer with video" msgstr "_Responder com vídeo" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:720 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "Incoming video call from %s" msgstr "Recebendo chamada de vídeo de %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:778 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:837 msgid "Room invitation" msgstr "Convite de sala" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:780 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:839 #, c-format msgid "Invitation to join %s" msgstr "Convite para entrar em %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:787 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:846 #, c-format msgid "%s is inviting you to join %s" msgstr "%s está convidando você para entrar em %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:795 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:854 msgid "_Decline" msgstr "_Recusar" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:800 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:7 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:859 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:2 msgid "_Join" msgstr "E_ntrar" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:827 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:886 #, c-format msgid "%s invited you to join %s" msgstr "%s o convidou para entrar em %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:833 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:892 #, c-format msgid "You have been invited to join %s" msgstr "Você foi convidado para entrar em %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:884 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:943 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file transfer from %s" msgstr "Recebendo transferência de arquivo de %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1064 ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:374 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1146 ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:374 msgid "Password required" msgstr "Senha requerida" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1134 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1216 #, c-format msgid "%s would like permission to see when you are online" msgstr "%s gostaria de ter permissão para ver quando vocês estiver online" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1140 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1222 #, c-format msgid "" "\n" @@ -3785,91 +4013,91 @@ msgid "Account settings" msgstr "Configurações das contas" -#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:1 -msgid "Contacts on a _Map" -msgstr "Contatos no _mapa" - #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:2 -msgid "Credit Balance" -msgstr "Créditos" +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:2 +msgid "_New Conversation…" +msgstr "_Nova conversa..." #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:3 -msgid "Find in Contact _List" -msgstr "Procurar na _lista de contatos" - -#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:4 -msgid "Join _Favorites" -msgstr "Entrar em _favoritos" - -#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:5 -msgid "Manage Favorites" -msgstr "Gerenciar favoritos" +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:3 +msgid "New _Call…" +msgstr "Nova _chamada..." #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:6 -msgid "N_ormal Size" -msgstr "Tamanho no_rmal" +msgid "_Search for Contacts…" +msgstr "_Procurar por contatos…" #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:7 -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:1 -msgid "New _Call…" -msgstr "Nova _chamada..." +msgid "_File Transfers" +msgstr "Transferências de arquivos" #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:8 -msgid "Normal Size With _Avatars" -msgstr "Tamanho normal com _avatares" +msgid "_Offline Contacts" +msgstr "Contatos _desconectados" #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:9 -msgid "P_references" -msgstr "P_referências" - -#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:10 msgid "Show P_rotocols" msgstr "Exibir p_rotocolos" -#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:11 -msgid "Sort by _Name" -msgstr "Ordenar por _nome" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:10 +msgid "Credit Balance" +msgstr "Créditos" -#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:12 -msgid "Sort by _Status" -msgstr "Ordenar por _status" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:11 +msgid "Contacts on a _Map" +msgstr "Contatos no _mapa" #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:13 msgid "_Accounts" msgstr "Cont_as" -#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:15 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:14 msgid "_Blocked Contacts" msgstr "Contatos _bloqueados" -#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:17 -msgid "_Compact Size" -msgstr "Tamanho _compacto" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:15 +msgid "P_references" +msgstr "P_referências" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:16 +msgid "Find in Contact _List" +msgstr "Procurar na _lista de contatos" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:18 +msgid "Sort by _Name" +msgstr "Ordenar por _nome" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:19 +msgid "Sort by _Status" +msgstr "Ordenar por _status" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:20 +msgid "Normal Size With _Avatars" +msgstr "Tamanho normal com _avatares" #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:21 -msgid "_File Transfers" -msgstr "Transferências de arquivos" +msgid "N_ormal Size" +msgstr "Tamanho no_rmal" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:22 +msgid "_Compact Size" +msgstr "Tamanho _compacto" #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:23 -msgid "_Join…" -msgstr "E_ntrar..." +msgid "_Room" +msgstr "_Sala" #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:24 -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:3 -msgid "_New Conversation…" -msgstr "_Nova conversa..." +msgid "_Join…" +msgstr "E_ntrar..." #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:25 -msgid "_Offline Contacts" -msgstr "Contatos _desconectados" - -#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:27 -msgid "_Room" -msgstr "_Sala" +msgid "Join _Favorites" +msgstr "Entrar em _favoritos" -#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:28 -msgid "_Search for Contacts…" -msgstr "_Procurar por contatos…" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:26 +msgid "Manage Favorites" +msgstr "Gerenciar favoritos" #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:369 msgid "Chat Room" @@ -3912,9 +4140,9 @@ msgid "Could not stop room listing" msgstr "Não foi possível parar a listagem de salas" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:2 -msgid "Couldn't load room list" -msgstr "Não foi possível carregar lista de salas" +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:1 +msgid "Join Room" +msgstr "Entrar na sala" # Tooltip, but imperative sentence is correct. #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:3 @@ -3924,8 +4152,13 @@ "Digite o nome da sala em que você deseja entrar aqui ou clique em uma sala " "ou mais na lista." -# Tooltip, but imperative sentence is correct. +# Evitar colisão com _Salvar #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Room:" +msgstr "Sa_la:" + +# Tooltip, but imperative sentence is correct. +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:5 msgid "" "Enter the server which hosts the room, or leave it empty if the room is on " "the current account's server" @@ -3933,19 +4166,14 @@ "Digite o servidor que hospeda a sala, ou deixe o campo vazio caso a sala " "esteja no servidor da conta atual" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:5 -msgid "Join Room" -msgstr "Entrar na sala" +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:8 +msgid "Couldn't load room list" +msgstr "Não foi possível carregar lista de salas" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:9 msgid "Room List" msgstr "Lista de salas" -# Evitar colisão com _Salvar -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:8 -msgid "_Room:" -msgstr "Sa_la:" - #: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:166 msgid "Message received" msgstr "Mensagem recebida" @@ -4023,82 +4251,110 @@ msgstr "Preferências" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:1 +msgid "Show _smileys as images" +msgstr "Mostrar _smileys como imagens" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:2 +msgid "Show contact _list in rooms" +msgstr "_Mostrar lista de contatos nas salas" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:3 msgid "Appearance" msgstr "Aparência" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:3 -msgid "Behavior" -msgstr "Comportamento" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:4 +msgid "Start chats in:" +msgstr "Iniciar bate-papos em:" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:5 -msgid "Chat Th_eme:" -msgstr "T_ema do bate-papo:" +msgid "new ta_bs" +msgstr "nova _aba" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:6 -msgid "Disable notifications when _away or busy" -msgstr "Desabilitar notificações quando ausente ou _ocupado" +msgid "new _windows" +msgstr "nova _janela" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:7 -msgid "Disable sounds when _away or busy" -msgstr "Desabilitar sons quando _ausente ou ocupado" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:8 msgid "Display incoming events in the notification area" msgstr "Exibir eventos recebidos na área de notificação" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Automatically connect on startup" +msgstr "Conectar automati_camente ao iniciar " + #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:9 -msgid "" -"Echo cancellation helps to make your voice sound clearer to the other " -"person, but may cause problems on some computers. If you or the other person " -"hear strange noises or glitches during calls, try turning echo cancellation " -"off and restarting the call." -msgstr "" -"Cancelamento de eco ajuda a produzir o som de sua voz mais claro para a " -"outra pessoa, mas pode causar problemas em alguns computadores. Se você ou a " -"outra pessoa ouvir barulhos estranhos ou falhas durante as chamadas, tente " -"desligar o cancelamento de eco e reiniciar a chamada." +msgid "Log conversations" +msgstr "Registro de conversas" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:10 -msgid "Enable notifications when a contact comes online" -msgstr "Habilitar notificações quando um contato conectar" +msgid "Behavior" +msgstr "Comportamento" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:11 -msgid "Enable notifications when a contact goes offline" -msgstr "Habilitar notificações quando um contato desconectar" +msgid "General" +msgstr "Geral" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:12 -msgid "Enable notifications when the _chat is not focused" -msgstr "Exibir notificações quando o bate-papo não estiver em _foco" +msgid "_Enable bubble notifications" +msgstr "Ha_bilitar balões de notificação" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:13 -msgid "Enable spell checking for languages:" -msgstr "Habilitar verificação ortográfica para os idiomas:" +msgid "Disable notifications when _away or busy" +msgstr "Desabilitar notificações quando ausente ou _ocupado" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:14 -msgid "General" -msgstr "Geral" +msgid "Enable notifications when the _chat is not focused" +msgstr "Exibir notificações quando o bate-papo não estiver em _foco" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:15 +msgid "Enable notifications when a contact comes online" +msgstr "Habilitar notificações quando um contato conectar" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:16 -msgid "Location sources:" -msgstr "Fontes de localização:" +msgid "Enable notifications when a contact goes offline" +msgstr "Habilitar notificações quando um contato desconectar" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:17 -msgid "Log conversations" -msgstr "Registro de conversas" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:18 msgid "Notifications" msgstr "Notificações" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:18 +msgid "_Enable sound notifications" +msgstr "H_abilitar sons de notificação" + #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:19 -msgid "Play sound for events" -msgstr "Reproduzir sons para eventos" +msgid "Disable sounds when _away or busy" +msgstr "Desabilitar sons quando _ausente ou ocupado" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:20 -msgid "Privacy" -msgstr "Privacidade" +msgid "Play sound for events" +msgstr "Reproduzir sons para eventos" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:21 +msgid "Sounds" +msgstr "Sons" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:22 +msgid "Use _echo cancellation to improve call quality" +msgstr "Usar cancelamento de _echo para melhorar a qualidade da chamada" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:23 +msgid "" +"Echo cancellation helps to make your voice sound clearer to the other " +"person, but may cause problems on some computers. If you or the other person " +"hear strange noises or glitches during calls, try turning echo cancellation " +"off and restarting the call." +msgstr "" +"Cancelamento de eco ajuda a produzir o som de sua voz mais claro para a " +"outra pessoa, mas pode causar problemas em alguns computadores. Se você ou a " +"outra pessoa ouvir barulhos estranhos ou falhas durante as chamadas, tente " +"desligar o cancelamento de eco e reiniciar a chamada." + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:26 +msgid "_Publish location to my contacts" +msgstr "_Publicar a localização para os meus contatos" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:27 msgid "" "Reduced location accuracy means that nothing more precise than your city, " "state and country will be published. GPS coordinates will be accurate to 1 " @@ -4108,95 +4364,115 @@ "sua cidade, estado e país serão publicados. As coordenadas do GPS terão a " "precisão de 1 casa decimal." -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:22 -msgid "Show _smileys as images" -msgstr "Mostrar _smileys como imagens" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:23 -msgid "Show contact _list in rooms" -msgstr "_Mostrar lista de contatos nas salas" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:24 -msgid "Sounds" -msgstr "Sons" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:25 -msgid "Spell Checking" -msgstr "Verificação de ortografia" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:26 -msgid "Start chats in:" -msgstr "Iniciar bate-papos em:" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:27 -msgid "" -"The list of languages reflects only the languages for which you have a " -"dictionary installed." -msgstr "" -"A lista de idiomas representa somente os idiomas para os quais você já " -"possui dicionários instalados." - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:28 -msgid "Themes" -msgstr "Temas" - +#. To translators: The longitude and latitude are rounded to closest 0,1 degrees, so for example 146,2345° is rounded to round(146,2345*10)/10 = 146,2 degrees. #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:29 -msgid "Use _echo cancellation to improve call quality" -msgstr "Usar cancelamento de _echo para melhorar a qualidade da chamada" +msgid "_Reduce location accuracy" +msgstr "_Reduzir a precisão de localização" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:30 -msgid "Variant:" -msgstr "Variante:" +msgid "Privacy" +msgstr "Privacidade" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:31 -msgid "_Automatically connect on startup" -msgstr "Conectar automati_camente ao iniciar " +msgid "_GPS" +msgstr "_GPS" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:32 msgid "_Cellphone" msgstr "Telefone _celular" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:33 -msgid "_Enable bubble notifications" -msgstr "Ha_bilitar balões de notificação" +msgid "_Network (IP, Wi-Fi)" +msgstr "_Rede (IP, Wi-Fi)" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:34 -msgid "_Enable sound notifications" -msgstr "H_abilitar sons de notificação" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:35 -msgid "_GPS" -msgstr "_GPS" +msgid "Location sources:" +msgstr "Fontes de localização:" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:36 -msgid "_Network (IP, Wi-Fi)" -msgstr "_Rede (IP, Wi-Fi)" +msgid "" +"The list of languages reflects only the languages for which you have a " +"dictionary installed." +msgstr "" +"A lista de idiomas representa somente os idiomas para os quais você já " +"possui dicionários instalados." #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:37 -msgid "_Publish location to my contacts" -msgstr "_Publicar a localização para os meus contatos" +msgid "Enable spell checking for languages:" +msgstr "Habilitar verificação ortográfica para os idiomas:" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:38 +msgid "Spell Checking" +msgstr "Verificação de ortografia" -#. To translators: The longitude and latitude are rounded to closest 0,1 degrees, so for example 146,2345° is rounded to round(146,2345*10)/10 = 146,2 degrees. #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:39 -msgid "_Reduce location accuracy" -msgstr "_Reduzir a precisão de localização" +msgid "Chat Th_eme:" +msgstr "T_ema do bate-papo:" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:40 -msgid "new _windows" -msgstr "nova _janela" +msgid "Variant:" +msgstr "Variante:" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:41 -msgid "new ta_bs" -msgstr "nova _aba" +msgid "Themes" +msgstr "Temas" -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:4 msgid "Status" msgstr "Status" -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:5 msgid "_Quit" msgstr "Sai_r" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:3 +msgid "Redial" +msgstr "Rediscar" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:4 +msgid "V_ideo" +msgstr "V_ídeo" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:5 +msgid "Video Off" +msgstr "Vídeo desligado" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:6 +msgid "Video Preview" +msgstr "Visualização de vídeo" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:7 +msgid "Video On" +msgstr "Vídeo ligado" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:10 +msgid "Call the contact again" +msgstr "Chamar o contato novamente" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:13 +msgid "Camera Off" +msgstr "Câmera desligada" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:14 +msgid "Disable camera and stop sending video" +msgstr "Desabilitar a câmera e parar o envio de vídeo" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:15 +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "Pré-visualizar" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "Enable camera but don't send video" +msgstr "Habilitar a câmera, mas não enviar vídeo" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:17 +msgid "Camera On" +msgstr "Câmera ligada" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:18 +msgid "Enable camera and send video" +msgstr "Habilitar a câmera e enviar vídeo" + #: ../src/empathy-map-view.c:471 msgid "Contact Map View" msgstr "Visualização do mapa de contatos" @@ -4286,16 +4562,16 @@ "O gerenciador de conexões selecionado não suporta a extensão de depuração " "remota." -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:200 -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:228 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:202 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:230 msgid "Invite Participant" msgstr "Convidar participante" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:201 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:203 msgid "Choose a contact to invite into the conversation:" msgstr "Escolha um contato para convidar para a conversa:" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:224 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:226 msgid "Invite" msgstr "Convidar" @@ -4344,39 +4620,39 @@ msgid "- Empathy Chat Client" msgstr "- Cliente de mensagens instantâneas Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:187 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:189 msgid "Respond" msgstr "Responder" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:196 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:203 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1529 msgid "Reject" msgstr "Rejeitar" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:201 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:206 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:208 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1530 msgid "Answer" msgstr "Responder" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:206 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 msgid "Answer with video" msgstr "Responder com vídeo" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:214 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:224 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:221 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:231 msgid "Decline" msgstr "Recusar" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:218 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:229 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:225 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:236 msgid "Accept" msgstr "Aceitar" #. translators: the 'Provide' button is displayed in a notification #. * bubble when Empathy is asking for an account password; clicking on it #. * brings the password popup. -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:239 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:246 msgid "Provide" msgstr "Proporcionar" @@ -4387,37 +4663,10 @@ #. Translators: this is an "Info" label. It should be as short #. * as possible. -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1136 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1159 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1140 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1162 msgid "i" msgstr "i" -#. translators: Call is a noun and %s is the contact name. This string -#. * is used in the window title -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1889 -#, c-format -msgid "Call with %s" -msgstr "Chamada de %s" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2133 -msgid "The IP address as seen by the machine" -msgstr "O endereço IP como visto pela máquina" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2135 -msgid "The IP address as seen by a server on the Internet" -msgstr "O endereço IP como visto por um servidor na Internet" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2137 -msgid "The IP address of the peer as seen by the other side" -msgstr "O endereço IP do par como visto pelo outro lado" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2139 -msgid "The IP address of a relay server" -msgstr "O endereço IP de um servidor de retransmissão" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2141 -msgid "The IP address of the multicast group" -msgstr "O endereço IP do grupo de multicast" - #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2883 msgid "On hold" msgstr "Em espera" @@ -4436,82 +4685,6 @@ msgid "%s — %d:%02dm" msgstr "%s — %d:%02dm" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2987 -msgid "Technical Details" -msgstr "Detalhes técnicos" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3026 -#, c-format -msgid "" -"%s's software does not understand any of the audio formats supported by your " -"computer" -msgstr "" -"O aplicativo %s não reconhece nenhum dos formatos de áudio com suporte em " -"seu computador" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3031 -#, c-format -msgid "" -"%s's software does not understand any of the video formats supported by your " -"computer" -msgstr "" -"O aplicativo %s não reconhece nenhum dos formatos de vídeo com suporte em " -"seu computador" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3037 -#, c-format -msgid "" -"Can't establish a connection to %s. One of you might be on a network that " -"does not allow direct connections." -msgstr "" -"Não foi possível realizar uma conexão para %s. Você deve estar em uma rede " -"que não permite conexões diretas." - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3043 -msgid "There was a failure on the network" -msgstr "Ocorreu uma falha de rede" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3047 -msgid "" -"The audio formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" -msgstr "" -"Os formatos de áudio necessários para esta chamada não estão instalados no " -"seu computador" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3050 -msgid "" -"The video formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" -msgstr "" -"Os formatos de vídeo necessários para esta chamada não estão instalados no " -"seu computador" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3062 -#, c-format -msgid "" -"Something unexpected happened in a Telepathy component. Please report this bug and attach logs gathered from the 'Debug' window in " -"the Help menu." -msgstr "" -"Algo inesperado aconteceu em um componente do Telepathy. Por favor, reporte este erro e anexe os registros gerados na janela " -"\"Depuração\" no menu Ajuda." - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3071 -msgid "There was a failure in the call engine" -msgstr "Ocorreu uma falha no mecanismo de chamada" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3074 -msgid "The end of the stream was reached" -msgstr "Alcançado o fim do fluxo" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3114 -msgid "Can't establish audio stream" -msgstr "Não foi possível realizar uma transmissão de áudio" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3124 -msgid "Can't establish video stream" -msgstr "Não foi possível realizar uma transmissão de vídeo" - #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3161 #, c-format msgid "Your current balance is %s." @@ -4525,14 +4698,6 @@ msgid "Top Up" msgstr "Voltar" -#: ../src/empathy-call.c:201 -msgid "- Empathy Audio/Video Client" -msgstr "- Cliente de áudio/vídeo do Empathy" - -#: ../src/empathy-call.c:223 -msgid "Empathy Audio/Video Client" -msgstr "Cliente de áudio/vídeo do Empathy" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.c:243 msgid "_Match case" msgstr "Diferenciar _maiúsculas/minúsculas" @@ -4743,188 +4908,3 @@ #~ msgid "Yes, I'll enter my account details now" #~ msgstr "Sim, eu digitarei os detalhes da minha conta agora" - -# Tooltip. -#~ msgid "No, I want a new account" -#~ msgstr "Não, eu desejo criar uma nova conta" - -#~ msgid "No, I just want to see people online nearby for now" -#~ msgstr "Não, eu só desejo ver pessoas online por perto por agora" - -#~ msgid "Select the accounts you want to import:" -#~ msgstr "Selecione as contas que você deseja importar:" - -#~ msgid "No, that's all for now" -#~ msgstr "Não, por agora basta" - -#~ msgid "Edit->Accounts" -#~ msgstr "Editar->Contas" - -#~ msgid "I do _not want to enable this feature for now" -#~ msgstr "Eu _não quero habilitar este recurso agora" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "You won't be able to chat with people connected to your local network, as " -#~ "telepathy-salut is not installed. If you want to enable this feature, " -#~ "please install the telepathy-salut package and create a People Nearby " -#~ "account from the Accounts dialog" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Você não está habilitado a conversar com pessoas conectadas na sua rede " -#~ "local pelo fato do telepathy-salut não estar instalado. Se você quiser " -#~ "habilitar este recurso, por favor, instale o pacote telepathy-salut e " -#~ "crie uma nova conta Pessoas por perto no diálogo de Contas" - -#~ msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts Assistant" -#~ msgstr "Assistente de contas de mensagem e VoIP" - -#~ msgid "Welcome to Empathy" -#~ msgstr "Bem-vindo ao Empathy" - -#~ msgid "Import your existing accounts" -#~ msgstr "Importe suas contas existentes" - -#~ msgid "Please enter personal details" -#~ msgstr "Por favor, insira seus detalhes pessoais" - -#~ msgid "" -#~ "You are about to create a new account, which will discard\n" -#~ "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" -#~ msgstr "" -#~ "Você está prestes a criar uma nova conta, o que descartará\n" -#~ "suas modificações. Você tem certeza que deseja prosseguir?" - -#~ msgid "Protocol:" -#~ msgstr "Protocolo:" - -#~ msgid "Contrast" -#~ msgstr "Contraste" - -#~ msgid "Brightness" -#~ msgstr "Brilho" - -#~ msgid "Gamma" -#~ msgstr "Gama" - -#~ msgid "Volume" -#~ msgstr "Volume" - -#~ msgid "_Sidebar" -#~ msgstr "_Painel lateral" - -#~ msgid "Audio input" -#~ msgstr "Entrada de áudio" - -#~ msgid "Video input" -#~ msgstr "Entrada de vídeo" - -#~ msgid "Dialpad" -#~ msgstr "Teclado" - -#~ msgid "Details" -#~ msgstr "Detalhes" - -#~ msgctxt "encoding video codec" -#~ msgid "Unknown" -#~ msgstr "Desconhecido" - -#~ msgctxt "encoding audio codec" -#~ msgid "Unknown" -#~ msgstr "Desconhecido" - -#~ msgctxt "decoding video codec" -#~ msgid "Unknown" -#~ msgstr "Desconhecido" - -#~ msgctxt "decoding audio codec" -#~ msgid "Unknown" -#~ msgstr "Desconhecido" - -#~ msgid "Connected — %d:%02dm" -#~ msgstr "Conectado — %d:%02dm" - -#~ msgid "_Personal Information" -#~ msgstr "Informação _pessoal" - -#~ msgid "Input level:" -#~ msgstr "Nível de entrada:" - -#~ msgid "Input volume:" -#~ msgstr "Volume de entrada:" - -#~ msgid "_Open new chats in separate windows" -#~ msgstr "_Abrir novos bate-papos em janelas separadas" - -#~ msgid "Call the contact again" -#~ msgstr "Chamar o contato novamente" - -#~ msgid "Camera Off" -#~ msgstr "Câmera desligada" - -#~ msgid "Camera On" -#~ msgstr "Câmera ligada" - -#~ msgid "Disable camera and stop sending video" -#~ msgstr "Desabilitar a câmera e parar o envio de vídeo" - -#~ msgid "Enable camera and send video" -#~ msgstr "Habilitar a câmera e enviar vídeo" - -#~ msgid "Enable camera but don't send video" -#~ msgstr "Habilitar a câmera, mas não enviar vídeo" - -#~ msgid "Preview" -#~ msgstr "Pré-visualizar" - -#~ msgid "Redial" -#~ msgstr "Rediscar" - -#~ msgid "V_ideo" -#~ msgstr "V_ídeo" - -#~ msgid "Video Off" -#~ msgstr "Vídeo desligado" - -#~ msgid "Video On" -#~ msgstr "Vídeo ligado" - -#~ msgid "Video Preview" -#~ msgstr "Visualização de vídeo" - -#~ msgid "Find Next" -#~ msgstr "Procurar próximo" - -#~ msgid "Find Previous" -#~ msgstr "Procurar para trás" - -#~ msgid "Show and edit accounts" -#~ msgstr "Mostrar e editar contas" - -#~ msgid "Call with %d participants" -#~ msgstr "Chamada com %d participantes" - -#~ msgid "All" -#~ msgstr "Todos" - -#~ msgid "_Enabled" -#~ msgstr "_Habilitado" - -#~ msgid "Date" -#~ msgstr "Data" - -#~ msgid "Conversations" -#~ msgstr "Conversas" - -#~ msgid "Previous Conversations" -#~ msgstr "Conversas anteriores" - -#~ msgid "_For:" -#~ msgstr "_Por:" - -#~ msgid "Enter Custom Message" -#~ msgstr "Digite a mensagem personalizada" - -#~ msgid "Save _New Status Message" -#~ msgstr "Salvar _nova mensagem de status" - -#~ msgid "Saved Status Messages" -#~ msgstr "Salvar mensagens de status" diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/po/ru.po empathy-3.3.92/po/ru.po --- empathy-3.3.91/po/ru.po 2012-02-27 07:46:44.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/po/ru.po 2012-03-19 09:12:31.000000000 +0000 @@ -2,18 +2,18 @@ # Russian translation of Empathy # Copyright (C) 2003, 2008, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # +# # Grigory Bakunov , 2003, 2005. # Il'ya Mertsalov , 2008. # Alexander Saprykin , 2010. -# Yuri Kozlov , 2010. +# Yuri Kozlov , 2010, 2012. # Mikhail Zabaluev , 2011. -# msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: empathy trunk\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=empathy&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=General\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-26 09:07+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-26 13:12+0300\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-16 23:18+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-17 13:02+0300\n" "Last-Translator: Yuri Myasoedov \n" "Language-Team: Russian \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n" "X-Poedit-Language: Russian\n" "X-Poedit-Country: RUSSIAN FEDERATION\n" -"X-Generator: KBabel 1.11.4\n" +"X-Generator: Lokalize 1.0\n" #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:1 msgid "Empathy" @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ #. Tweak the dialog #: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2450 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2512 msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts" msgstr "Учётные записи обмена сообщениями и VoIP" @@ -83,431 +83,439 @@ msgstr "Каталог по умолчанию для сохранения присланных файлов." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:9 -msgid "Show offline contacts" -msgstr "Показывать отсутствующих собеседников" +msgid "Magic number used to check if sanity cleaning tasks should be run" +msgstr "Магическое число, используемое для проверки того, нужно ли запустить задачи по очистке" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:10 +msgid "empathy-sanity-cleaning.c uses this number to check if the cleaning tasks should be executed or not. Users should not change this key manually." +msgstr "empathy-sanity-cleaning.c использует это число для проверки, нужно ли запустить задачи по очистке. Пользователи не должны изменять вручную значение этого ключа." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:11 +msgid "Show offline contacts" +msgstr "Показывать собеседников не в сети" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:12 msgid "Whether to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." msgstr "Показывать ли собеседников не в сети." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:11 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:13 msgid "Show avatars" msgstr "Показывать аватары" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:12 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:14 msgid "Whether to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat windows." msgstr "Показывать ли аватары собеседников в списке собеседников и окнах беседы." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:13 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:15 msgid "Show protocols" msgstr "Показывать протоколы" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:14 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:16 msgid "Whether to show protocols for contacts in the contact list." msgstr "Показывать ли протоколы для собеседников в списке собеседников." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:15 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:17 msgid "Show Balance in contact list" msgstr "Показывать баланс в списке собеседников" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:16 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:18 msgid "Whether to show account balances in the contact list." msgstr "Показывать ли балансы учётных записей в списке собеседников." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:17 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:19 msgid "Compact contact list" msgstr "Компактный список собеседников" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:18 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:20 msgid "Whether to show the contact list in compact mode." msgstr "Показывать ли компактный список собеседников." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:19 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:21 msgid "Hide main window" msgstr "Скрывать главное окно" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:20 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:22 msgid "Hide the main window." msgstr "Скрывать главное окно." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:21 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:23 msgid "Default directory to select an avatar image from" msgstr "Каталог, используемый для выбора изображений аватаров" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:22 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:24 msgid "The last directory that an avatar image was chosen from." msgstr "Последний каталог, из которого выбирались изображения аватаров." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:23 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:25 msgid "Open new chats in separate windows" msgstr "Открывать новые беседы в новом окне" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:24 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:26 msgid "Always open a separate chat window for new chats." msgstr "Всегда открывать новую беседу в новом окне." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:25 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:27 msgid "Display incoming events in the status area" msgstr "Показывать наступающие события в области состояния" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:26 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:28 msgid "Display incoming events in the status area. If false, present them to the user immediately." msgstr "Показывать наступающие события в области состояния. Если ключ не установлен, показывать их непосредственно пользователю." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:27 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:29 msgid "The position for the chat window side pane" msgstr "Положение боковой панели окна беседы" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:28 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:30 msgid "The stored position (in pixels) of the chat window side pane." msgstr "Положение боковой панели окна беседы (в пикселах)." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:29 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:31 msgid "Show contact groups" msgstr "Показывать группы" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:30 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:32 msgid "Whether to show groups in the contact list." msgstr "Показывать ли группы в списке собеседников." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:31 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:33 msgid "Contact list sort criterion" msgstr "Критерий упорядочивания списка собеседников" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:32 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:34 msgid "Which criterion to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to sort by the contact's state with the value \"state\". A value of \"name\" will sort the contact list by name." msgstr "Критерий упорядочивания списка собеседников. По умолчанию упорядочивается по статусу («state»); «name» — упорядочивать по имени собеседника." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:33 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:35 msgid "Use notification sounds" msgstr "Использовать звуки" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:34 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:36 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of events." msgstr "Воспроизводить ли звук для уведомления о событиях." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:35 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:37 msgid "Disable sounds when away" msgstr "Выключить звуки в состоянии «отсутствует»" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:36 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:38 msgid "Whether to play sound notifications when away or busy." msgstr "Воспроизводить ли звуковые уведомления в состояниях «отсутствует» или «не беспокоить»." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:37 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:39 msgid "Play a sound for incoming messages" msgstr "Воспроизводить ли звук при получении сообщения" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:38 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:40 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of incoming messages." msgstr "Воспроизводить ли звук для уведомления о входящих сообщениях." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:39 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:41 msgid "Play a sound for outgoing messages" msgstr "Воспроизводить ли звук при отправке сообщения" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:40 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:42 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of outgoing messages." msgstr "Воспроизводить ли звук для уведомления об исходящих сообщениях." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:41 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:43 msgid "Play a sound for new conversations" msgstr "Воспроизводить ли звук при начале беседы" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:42 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:44 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of new conversations." msgstr "Воспроизводить ли звук для уведомления о начале новой беседы." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:43 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:45 msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs in" msgstr "Воспроизводить ли звук при входе контакта в сеть" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:44 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:46 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging into the network." msgstr "Воспроизводить ли звук для уведомления о входе собеседников в сеть." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:45 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:47 msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs out" msgstr "Воспроизводить ли звук при выходе контакта из сети" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:46 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:48 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging out of the network." msgstr "Воспроизводить ли звук для уведомления о выходе собеседников из сети." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:47 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:49 msgid "Play a sound when we log in" msgstr "Воспроизводить звук при входе в сеть" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:48 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:50 msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging into a network." msgstr "Воспроизводить ли звук при входе в сеть." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:49 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:51 msgid "Play a sound when we log out" msgstr "Воспроизводить звук при выходе из сети" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:50 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:52 msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging out of a network." msgstr "Воспроизводить ли звук при выходе из сети." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:51 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:53 msgid "Enable popup notifications for new messages" msgstr "Включить всплывающие уведомления о новых сообщениях" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:52 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:54 msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message." msgstr "Показывать ли всплывающее уведомление при получении нового сообщения." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:53 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:55 msgid "Disable popup notifications when away" msgstr "Выключить всплывающие уведомления в состоянии «отсутствует»" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:54 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:56 msgid "Whether to show popup notifications when away or busy." msgstr "Показывать ли всплывающие уведомления в состояниях «отсутствует» или «не беспокоить»." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:55 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:57 msgid "Pop up notifications if the chat isn't focused" msgstr "Показывать всплывающие уведомления, если беседа находится не в фокусе" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:56 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:58 msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message even if the chat is already opened, but not focused." msgstr "Показывать ли всплывающее уведомление о получении нового сообщения, когда беседа уже ведётся, но не находится в фокусе." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:57 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:59 msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs in" msgstr "Показывать всплывающие уведомления, когда появляется собеседник" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:58 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:60 msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes online." msgstr "Показывать ли всплывающее уведомление, когда собеседник выходит в сеть." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:59 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:61 msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs out" msgstr "Показывать всплывающие уведомления, когда собеседник уходит" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:60 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:62 msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes offline." msgstr "Показывать ли всплывающее уведомление, когда собеседник выходит из сети." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:61 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:63 msgid "Use graphical smileys" msgstr "Использовать графические улыбки" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:62 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:64 msgid "Whether to convert smileys into graphical images in conversations." msgstr "Преобразовывать ли текстовые улыбки (смайлы) в беседах в графические изображения." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:63 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:65 msgid "Show contact list in rooms" msgstr "Показывать список собеседников в комнатах" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:64 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:66 msgid "Whether to show the contact list in chat rooms." msgstr "Показывать ли список собеседников в комнатах." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:65 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:67 msgid "Chat window theme" msgstr "Тема окна беседы" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:66 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:68 msgid "The theme that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." msgstr "Эта тема используется для отображения диалога в окне беседы." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:67 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:69 msgid "Chat window theme variant" msgstr "Вариант тема для окна беседы" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:68 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:70 msgid "The theme variant that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." msgstr "Вариант темы, используемый для отображения бесед." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:69 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:71 msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use" msgstr "Путь к используемой теме Adium" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:70 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:72 msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use if the theme used for chat is Adium." msgstr "Путь к используемой теме Adium, если тема, используемая для беседы — Adium." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:71 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:73 msgid "Enable WebKit Developer Tools" msgstr "Включить инструменты разработчика WebKit" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:72 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:74 msgid "Whether WebKit developer tools, such as the Web Inspector, should be enabled." msgstr "Должны ли быть включены инструменты разработчика WebKit, например Web Inspector." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:73 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:75 msgid "Inform other users when you are typing to them" msgstr "Уведомлять пользователей о наборе сообщений" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:74 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:76 msgid "Whether to send the 'composing' or 'paused' chat states. Does not currently affect the 'gone' state." msgstr "Посылать ли уведомления о наборе сообщений. Не используется при статусе «Отошёл»." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:75 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:77 msgid "Use theme for chat rooms" msgstr "Использовать тему для бесед" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:76 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:78 msgid "Whether to use the theme for chat rooms." msgstr "Использовать ли темы для комнат." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:77 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:79 msgid "Spell checking languages" msgstr "Языки для проверки орфографии" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:78 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:80 msgid "Comma-separated list of spell checker languages to use (e.g. \"en, fr, nl\")." msgstr "Список языков, используемых при проверке орфографии, разделённых запятыми (например «en, fr, ru»)." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:79 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:81 msgid "Enable spell checker" msgstr "Включить проверку орфографии" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:80 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:82 msgid "Whether to check words typed against the languages you want to check with." msgstr "Проверять ли введённые слова из списка языков для проверки орфографии." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:81 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:83 msgid "Nick completed character" msgstr "Символ автодополнения псевдонима" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:82 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:84 msgid "Character to add after nickname when using nick completion (tab) in group chat." msgstr "Символ для добавления после псевдонима, если в беседе используется автодополнение псевдонимов по клавише Tab." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:83 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:85 msgid "Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon" msgstr "Empathy должен использовать аватар контакта как значок окна с беседой" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:84 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:86 msgid "Whether Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon." msgstr "Использовать ли аватар собеседника в качестве значка окна беседы." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:85 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:87 msgid "Last account selected in Join Room dialog" msgstr "Последняя учётная запись, выбранная в диалоге присоединения к комнате." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:86 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:88 msgid "D-Bus object path of the last account selected to join a room." msgstr "Путь к объекту D-Bus последней учётной записи, выбранной для присоединения к комнате." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:87 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:89 msgid "Camera device" msgstr "Камера" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:88 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:90 msgid "Default camera device to use in video calls, e.g. /dev/video0." msgstr "Камера, используемая по умолчанию для видеовызовов, напр. /dev/video0." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:89 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:91 msgid "Camera position" msgstr "Положение камеры" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:90 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:92 msgid "Position the camera preview should be during a call." msgstr "Предварительный просмотр положения камеры должен выполняться в течение вызова." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:91 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:93 msgid "Echo cancellation support" msgstr "Поддержка подавления эха" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:92 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:94 msgid "Whether to enable Pulseaudio's echo cancellation filter." msgstr "Включить ли фильтр подавления эха Pulseaudio." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:93 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:95 msgid "Show hint about closing the main window" msgstr "Показывать подсказку о закрытии главного окна" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:94 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:96 msgid "Whether to show the message dialog about closing the main window with the 'x' button in the title bar." msgstr "Показывать ли диалоговое окно при закрытии главного окна с помощью кнопки «x» в строке заголовка." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:95 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:97 msgid "Empathy can publish the user's location" msgstr "Empathy может публиковать местоположение пользователя" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:96 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:98 msgid "Whether Empathy can publish the user's location to their contacts." msgstr "Может ли Empathy публиковать местоположение пользователя для его собеседников." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:97 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:99 msgid "Empathy can use the network to guess the location" msgstr "Empathy может использовать сеть для определения местоположения" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:98 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:100 msgid "Whether Empathy can use the network to guess the location." msgstr "Может ли Empathy использовать сеть для определения местоположения." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:99 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:101 msgid "Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location" msgstr "Empathy может использовать сотовую сеть для определения местоположения" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:100 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:102 msgid "Whether Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location." msgstr "Может ли Empathy использовать сотовую сеть для определения местоположения." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:101 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:103 msgid "Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location" msgstr "Empathy может использовать GPS для определения местоположения" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:102 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:104 msgid "Whether Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location." msgstr "Может ли Empathy использовать GPS для определения местоположения." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:103 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:105 msgid "Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy" msgstr "Empathy должен снижать точность местоположения" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:104 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:106 msgid "Whether Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy for privacy reasons." msgstr "Должен ли Empathy уменьшать точность определения местоположения по причинам приватности." -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:736 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:738 msgid "No reason was specified" msgstr "Причина не указана" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:739 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:741 msgid "The change in state was requested" msgstr "Получен запрос об изменении состояния" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:742 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:744 msgid "You canceled the file transfer" msgstr "Передача файла была прервана" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:745 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:747 msgid "The other participant canceled the file transfer" msgstr "Собеседник прервал передачу файла" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:748 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:750 msgid "Error while trying to transfer the file" msgstr "Во время передачи файла возникла ошибка" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:751 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:753 msgid "The other participant is unable to transfer the file" msgstr "Собеседник не может передавать файлы" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:754 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:756 #: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:313 msgid "Unknown reason" msgstr "Неизвестная причина" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:917 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:919 msgid "File transfer completed, but the file was corrupted" msgstr "Передача файла завершена, но файл был повреждён" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1203 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1205 msgid "File transfer not supported by remote contact" msgstr "Удалённый собеседник не поддерживает передачу файлов" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1259 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1261 msgid "The selected file is not a regular file" msgstr "Выбранный файл не является обычным файлом" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1268 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1270 msgid "The selected file is empty" msgstr "Выбранный файл пуст" @@ -747,6 +755,20 @@ msgid "in the future" msgstr "в будущем" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:75 +msgid "Password not found" +msgstr "Пароль не найден" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:218 +#, c-format +msgid "IM account password for %s (%s)" +msgstr "Пароль к учётной записи МС для %s (%s)" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:253 +#, c-format +msgid "Password for chatroom '%s' on account %s (%s)" +msgstr "Пароль для комнаты общения «%s» у учётной записи %s (%s)" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-chooser.c:692 msgid "All accounts" msgstr "Все учётные записи" @@ -761,12 +783,12 @@ msgstr "Пароль" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:684 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:507 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:511 msgid "Server" msgstr "Сервер" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:685 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:522 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:529 msgid "Port" msgstr "Порт" @@ -777,7 +799,7 @@ msgstr "%s:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1398 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:14 msgid "Username:" msgstr "Имя пользователя:" @@ -870,7 +892,7 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-generic.ui.h:1 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:7 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:8 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:15 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:23 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:7 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:7 @@ -982,34 +1004,55 @@ msgstr "Кодировка:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:1 +msgid "Add…" +msgstr "Добавить…" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:3 +msgid "Remove" +msgstr "Удалить" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:6 +msgid "Up" +msgstr "Вверх" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:7 +msgid "Down" +msgstr "Вниз" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:8 msgid "Servers" msgstr "Серверы" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:9 msgid "Most IRC servers don't need a password, so if you're not sure, don't enter a password." msgstr "Большинство серверов IRC не требует пароля, если вы не уверены, то не вводите пароль." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:6 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 msgid "Nickname:" msgstr "Псевдоним:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 msgid "Password:" msgstr "Пароль:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:12 msgid "Quit message:" msgstr "Сообщение при выходе:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:9 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 msgid "Real name:" msgstr "Настоящее имя:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:12 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:16 msgid "Which IRC network?" msgstr "Какая сеть IRC?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:17 msgid "What is your IRC nickname?" msgstr "Какой у вас псевдоним в IRC?" @@ -1287,194 +1330,194 @@ msgid "You don't have enough credit in order to place this call" msgstr "Недостаточно средств, чтобы сделать этот звонок" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:728 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:729 msgid "Failed to open private chat" msgstr "Не удалось открыть личную беседу" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:786 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:787 msgid "Topic not supported on this conversation" msgstr "В этой беседе темы не поддерживаются" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:792 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:793 msgid "You are not allowed to change the topic" msgstr "Вы не можете менять тему" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:991 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:992 #, c-format msgid "“%s” is not a valid contact ID" msgstr "«%s» не является допустимым идентификатором контакта" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1086 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1087 msgid "/clear: clear all messages from the current conversation" msgstr "/clear: очистить все сообщения в текущей беседе" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1089 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1090 msgid "/topic : set the topic of the current conversation" msgstr "/topic <тема>: установить тему текущей беседы" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1092 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1093 msgid "/join : join a new chat room" msgstr "/join : войти в новую комнату" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1095 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1096 msgid "/j : join a new chat room" msgstr "/j : войти в новую комнату" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1099 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1100 msgid "/part [] []: leave the chat room, by default the current one" msgstr "/part [] [<причина>]: покинуть комнату, по умолчанию — текущую" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1103 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1104 msgid "/query []: open a private chat" msgstr "/query [<сообщение>]: открыть личную беседу" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1106 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1107 msgid "/msg : open a private chat" msgstr "/msg <сообщение>: открыть личную беседу" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1109 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1110 msgid "/nick : change your nickname on the current server" msgstr "/nick <псевдоним>: изменить псевдоним на текущем сервере" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1112 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1113 msgid "/me : send an ACTION message to the current conversation" msgstr "/me <сообщение>: отправить сообщение о ДЕЙСТВИИ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1115 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1116 msgid "/say : send to the current conversation. This is used to send a message starting with a '/'. For example: \"/say /join is used to join a new chat room\"" msgstr "/say <сообщение>: отправить <сообщение> в текущей беседе. Используется для отправки сообщения, начинающегося с «/». Например: «/say /join используется для входа в новую комнату»" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1120 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1121 msgid "/whois : display information about a contact" msgstr "/whois : показать информацию о контакте" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1123 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1124 msgid "/help []: show all supported commands. If is defined, show its usage." msgstr "/help [<команда>]: показать все поддерживаемые команды. Если <команда> определена, показать её использование." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1142 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1143 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s" msgstr "Использование: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1187 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1188 msgid "Unknown command" msgstr "Неизвестная команда" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1313 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1314 msgid "Unknown command; see /help for the available commands" msgstr "Неизвестная команда; для всех доступных команд см. /help" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1564 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1565 msgid "insufficient balance to send message" msgstr "недостаточно средств для отправки сообщения" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1568 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1582 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1645 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1569 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1583 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1646 #, c-format msgid "Error sending message '%s': %s" msgstr "Ошибка при отправке сообщения «%s»: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1570 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1587 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1649 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1571 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1588 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1650 #, c-format msgid "Error sending message: %s" msgstr "Ошибка при отправке сообщения: %s" #. translators: error used when user doesn't have enough credit on his #. * account to send the message. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1576 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1577 #, c-format msgid "insufficient balance to send message. Top up." msgstr "недостаточно средств для отправки сообщения. Пополнить." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1616 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1617 msgid "not capable" msgstr "не поддерживается" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1623 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1624 msgid "offline" msgstr "не в сети" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1626 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1627 msgid "invalid contact" msgstr "неверный собеседник" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1629 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1630 msgid "permission denied" msgstr "отказано" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1632 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1633 msgid "too long message" msgstr "слишком длинное сообщение" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1635 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1636 msgid "not implemented" msgstr "эта возможность не санкционирована" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1639 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1640 msgid "unknown" msgstr "неизвестно" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1706 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1707 #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:920 msgid "Topic:" msgstr "Тема:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1721 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1722 #, c-format msgid "Topic set to: %s" msgstr "Тема: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1723 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1724 #, c-format msgid "Topic set by %s to: %s" msgstr "Пользователь %s установил тему: %s" #. No need to display this 'event' is no topic can be defined anyway -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1728 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1729 msgid "No topic defined" msgstr "Тема не установлена" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2244 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2245 msgid "(No Suggestions)" msgstr "(Нет предположений)" #. translators: %s is the selected word -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2312 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2313 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to Dictionary" msgstr "Добавить «%s» в словарь" #. translators: first %s is the selected word, #. * second %s is the language name of the target dictionary -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2349 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2350 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to %s Dictionary" msgstr "Добавить «%s» в словарь «%s»" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2419 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2420 msgid "Insert Smiley" msgstr "Вставить улыбку" #. send button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2437 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1867 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2438 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1880 msgid "_Send" msgstr "От_править" #. Spelling suggestions -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2494 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2495 msgid "_Spelling Suggestions" msgstr "_Варианты правописания" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2583 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2584 msgid "Failed to retrieve recent logs" msgstr "Не удалось получить последние журналы" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2722 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2723 #, c-format msgid "%s has disconnected" msgstr "%s отключился" @@ -1482,12 +1525,12 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the kicked should come before the kicker in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2729 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2730 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was kicked by %2$s" msgstr "%2$s выгнал %1$s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2732 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2733 #, c-format msgid "%s was kicked" msgstr "%s выгнали" @@ -1495,17 +1538,17 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the banned should come before the banner in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2740 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2741 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was banned by %2$s" msgstr "%2$s забанил %1$s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2743 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2744 #, c-format msgid "%s was banned" msgstr "%s забанили" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2747 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2748 #, c-format msgid "%s has left the room" msgstr "%s покинул беседу" @@ -1515,17 +1558,17 @@ #. * given by the user living the room. If this poses a problem, #. * please let us know. :-) #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2756 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2757 #, c-format msgid " (%s)" msgstr " (%s)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2781 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2782 #, c-format msgid "%s has joined the room" msgstr "%s присоединился к беседе" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2806 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2807 #, c-format msgid "%s is now known as %s" msgstr "%s теперь известен как %s" @@ -1533,82 +1576,83 @@ #. We don't know if the incoming call has been accepted or not, so we #. * assume it hasn't and if it has, we'll set the proper status when #. * we get the new handler. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2993 -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1197 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2994 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1888 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1279 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1502 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1552 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2585 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2590 msgid "Disconnected" msgstr "Отсоединён" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3657 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3658 msgid "Would you like to store this password?" msgstr "Хотите запомнить этот пароль?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3663 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3664 msgid "Remember" msgstr "Запомнить" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3673 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3674 msgid "Not now" msgstr "Не сейчас" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3717 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3718 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-bad-password-dialog.c:142 msgid "Retry" msgstr "Повторить" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3721 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3722 msgid "Wrong password; please try again:" msgstr "Неправильный пароль. Попробуйте снова:" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3851 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3852 msgid "This room is protected by a password:" msgstr "Эта комната защищена паролем:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3878 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3879 msgid "Join" msgstr "Войти" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4070 -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1218 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4071 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1300 msgid "Connected" msgstr "Соединён" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4125 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4126 msgid "Conversation" msgstr "Беседа" #. Translators: this string is a something like #. * "Escher Cat (SMS)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4130 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4131 #, c-format msgid "%s (SMS)" msgstr "%s (SMS)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:264 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:262 msgid "Unknown or invalid identifier" msgstr "Неизвестный или недопустимый идентификатор" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:266 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:264 msgid "Contact blocking temporarily unavailable" msgstr "Блокирование контактов временно недоступно" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:268 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:266 msgid "Contact blocking unavailable" msgstr "Блокирование контактов недоступно" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:270 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:268 msgid "Permission Denied" msgstr "Доступ запрещён" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:274 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:272 msgid "Could not block contact" msgstr "Не удалось заблокировать контакт" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:612 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:610 msgid "Edit Blocked Contacts" msgstr "Изменить заблокированных собеседников" @@ -1626,13 +1670,6 @@ msgid "Blocked Contacts" msgstr "Заблокированные собеседники" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Remove" -msgstr "Удалить" - #. Copy Link Address menu item #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:322 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-webkit-utils.c:277 @@ -1718,133 +1755,133 @@ msgid "Please let me see when you're online. Thanks!" msgstr "Разрешите мне видеть, когда вы находитесь в сети. Спасибо!" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:569 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:567 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:304 msgid "Channels:" msgstr "Каналы:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:749 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:747 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:455 msgid "Country ISO Code:" msgstr "Код ISO страны:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:751 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:749 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:457 msgid "Country:" msgstr "Страна:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:753 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:751 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:459 msgid "State:" msgstr "Штат:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:755 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:753 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:461 msgid "City:" msgstr "Город:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:757 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:755 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:463 msgid "Area:" msgstr "Область:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:759 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:757 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:465 msgid "Postal Code:" msgstr "Почтовый индекс:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:761 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:759 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:467 msgid "Street:" msgstr "Улица:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:763 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:761 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:469 msgid "Building:" msgstr "Здание:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:765 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:763 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:471 msgid "Floor:" msgstr "Этаж:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:767 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:765 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:473 msgid "Room:" msgstr "Комната:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:769 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:767 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:475 msgid "Text:" msgstr "Текст:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:771 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:769 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:477 msgid "Description:" msgstr "Описание:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:773 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:771 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:479 msgid "URI:" msgstr "URI:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:775 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:773 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:481 msgid "Accuracy Level:" msgstr "Точность:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:777 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:775 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:483 msgid "Error:" msgstr "Ошибка:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:779 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:777 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:485 msgid "Vertical Error (meters):" msgstr "Ошибка по вертикали (в метрах):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:781 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:779 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:487 msgid "Horizontal Error (meters):" msgstr "Ошибка по горизонтали (в метрах):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:783 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:781 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:489 msgid "Speed:" msgstr "Скорость:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:785 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:783 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:491 msgid "Bearing:" msgstr "Азимут:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:787 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:785 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:493 msgid "Climb Speed:" msgstr "Скорость набора высоты:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:789 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:787 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:495 msgid "Last Updated on:" msgstr "Последнее обновление:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:791 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:789 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:497 msgid "Longitude:" msgstr "Долгота:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:793 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:791 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:499 msgid "Latitude:" msgstr "Широта:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:795 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:793 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:501 msgid "Altitude:" msgstr "Высота:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:848 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:863 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:846 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:861 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:593 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:608 #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:35 @@ -1852,32 +1889,32 @@ msgstr "Местоположение" #. translators: format is "Location, $date" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:865 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:863 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:610 #, c-format msgid "%s, %s" msgstr "%s, %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:917 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:915 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:659 msgid "%B %e, %Y at %R UTC" msgstr "%e %b %Y в %R UTC" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:999 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:997 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:900 msgid "Save Avatar" msgstr "Сохранить аватар" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1055 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1053 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:958 msgid "Unable to save avatar" -msgstr "Неудалось сохранить аватар" +msgstr "Не удалось сохранить аватар" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1446 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1444 msgid "Personal Details" msgstr "Информация о пользователе" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1449 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1447 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:6 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:3 msgid "Contact Details" @@ -2026,142 +2063,150 @@ msgid "Edit Contact Information" msgstr "Редактировать информацию о собеседнике" +#. Translators: the heading at the top of the Information dialogue +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-information-dialog.c:288 +msgid "Linked Contacts" +msgstr "Объединённые контакты" + #. Translators: this is used in the context menu for a contact. The first #. * parameter is a contact ID (e.g. foo@jabber.org) and the second is one #. * of the user's account IDs (e.g. me@hotmail.com). -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:172 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:173 #, c-format msgid "%s (%s)" msgstr "%s (%s)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:344 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:345 msgid "Select account to use to place the call" msgstr "Выберите учётную запись для вызова" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:348 +#. translators: Call is a noun. This string is used in the window +#. * title +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:349 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1290 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:18 msgid "Call" msgstr "Вызов" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:413 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:414 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Мобильный" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:415 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:416 msgid "Work" msgstr "Рабочий" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:417 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:418 msgid "HOME" msgstr "ДОМАШНИЙ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:658 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:659 msgid "_Block Contact" msgstr "_Заблокировать собеседника" #. add chat button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1017 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1018 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:319 #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:1 msgid "_Chat" msgstr "_Разговор" #. add SMS button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1052 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1053 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:313 msgid "_SMS" msgstr "_SMS:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1085 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1086 msgctxt "menu item" msgid "_Audio Call" msgstr "_Аудиовызов" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1118 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1119 msgctxt "menu item" msgid "_Video Call" msgstr "_Видеовызов" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1159 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1160 #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:4 msgid "_Previous Conversations" msgstr "Предыдущие _беседы" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1188 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1189 msgid "Send File" msgstr "Отправить файл" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1218 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1219 msgid "Share My Desktop" msgstr "Предоставить доступ к моему рабочему столу" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1244 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1245 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1357 msgid "Favorite" msgstr "Избранный" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1263 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1264 msgid "gnome-contacts not installed" msgstr "gnome-contacts не установлен" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1266 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1267 msgid "Please install gnome-contacts to access contacts details." msgstr "Чтобы получить доступ к сведениям о пользователях, установите gnome-contacts" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1380 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1398 msgid "Infor_mation" msgstr "Информ_ация" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1429 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1447 msgctxt "Edit individual (contextual menu)" msgid "_Edit" msgstr "_Правка" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1546 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1564 #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:1192 msgid "Inviting you to this room" msgstr "Приглашение в комнату" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1592 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1610 msgid "_Invite to Chat Room" msgstr "_Пригласить в комнату" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1788 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1806 #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:5 msgid "_Add Contact…" msgstr "_Добавить собеседника…" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2306 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2304 msgid "Delete and _Block" msgstr "Удалить и _заблокировать" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2341 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2339 #, c-format msgid "Do you really want to remove the group '%s'?" msgstr "Вы хотите удалить группу «%s»?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2344 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2342 msgid "Removing group" msgstr "Удаление группы" #. Remove -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2399 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2603 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2397 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2601 msgid "_Remove" msgstr "_Удалить" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2476 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2474 #, c-format msgid "Do you really want to remove the contact '%s'?" msgstr "Действительно хотите удалить собеседника «%s»?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2485 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2483 #, c-format msgid "Do you really want to remove the linked contact '%s'? Note that this will remove all the contacts which make up this linked contact." msgstr "Действительно удалить связанный контакт «%s»? Это приведёт к удалению всех контактов, которые являются частью этого связанного контакта." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2497 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2495 msgid "Removing contact" msgstr "Удаление собеседника" @@ -2202,7 +2247,7 @@ msgid "new server" msgstr "новый сервер" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:535 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:539 msgid "SSL" msgstr "Шифрование SSL" @@ -2366,6 +2411,7 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:7 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:26 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:19 msgid "Video" msgstr "Видео" @@ -2666,24 +2712,24 @@ msgid "Certificate Details" msgstr "Подробности о сертификате" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1741 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1754 msgid "Unable to open URI" msgstr "Невозможно открыть URL" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1859 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1872 msgid "Select a file" msgstr "Выберите файл" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1934 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1947 msgid "Insufficient free space to save file" msgstr "Недостаточно свободного места для сохранения файла" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1942 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1955 #, c-format msgid "%s of free space are required to save this file, but only %s is available. Please choose another location." msgstr "Для сохранения этого файла требуется %s свободного места, но доступно только %s. Выберите другое местоположение." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1986 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1999 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file from %s" msgstr "Входящий файл от %s" @@ -2855,6 +2901,14 @@ msgid "Vietnamese" msgstr "Вьетнамский" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-calendar-button.c:66 +msgid "Select..." +msgstr "Выбрать…" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-calendar-button.c:154 +msgid "_Select" +msgstr "В_ыбрать" + #: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:202 msgid "No error message" msgstr "Сообщение об ошибке отсутствует" @@ -2927,63 +2981,64 @@ msgid "Your new account has not been saved yet." msgstr "Ваша новая учётная запись ещё не была сохранена." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:370 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:381 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:759 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1289 msgid "Connecting…" msgstr "Соединение…" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:411 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:422 #, c-format msgid "Offline — %s" msgstr "Не в сети — %s" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:423 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:434 #, c-format msgid "Disconnected — %s" msgstr "Отсоединён — %s" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:434 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:445 msgid "Offline — No Network Connection" msgstr "Не в сети — подключение к сети отсутствует" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:441 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:452 msgid "Unknown Status" msgstr "Неизвестный статус" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:458 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:469 msgid "This account has been disabled because it relies on an old, unsupported backend. Please install telepathy-haze and restart your session to migrate the account." msgstr "Эта учётная запись отключена, т. к. она использует неподдерживаемый драйвер. Установите telepathy-haze и перезапустите сеанс, чтобы перенести учётную запись." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:468 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:479 msgid "Offline — Account Disabled" msgstr "Не в сети — учётная запись отключена" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:572 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:585 msgid "Edit Connection Parameters" msgstr "Изменить параметры соединения" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:735 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:750 msgid "Failed to retrieve your personal information from the server." msgstr "Сбой при получении персональных данных с сервера." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:741 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:756 msgid "Go online to edit your personal information." msgstr "Выйти в онлайн, чтобы изменить персональные данные" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:826 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:843 msgid "_Edit Connection Parameters..." msgstr "_Изменить параметры соединения…" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1322 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1339 #, c-format msgid "Do you want to remove %s from your computer?" msgstr "Хотите удалить %s со своего компьютера?" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1326 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1343 msgid "This will not remove your account on the server." msgstr "Это не приведёт к удалению вашей учётной записи с сервера." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1562 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1579 msgid "" "You are about to select another account, which will discard\n" "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" @@ -2992,23 +3047,23 @@ "к отмене сделанных изменений. Хотите продолжить?" #. Menu items: to enabled/disable the account -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1738 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1755 msgid "_Enable" msgstr "_Включить" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1739 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1756 msgid "_Disable" msgstr "_Отключить" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2122 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2184 msgid "_Skip" msgstr "_Пропустить" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2126 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2188 msgid "_Connect" msgstr "_Подключиться" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2303 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2365 msgid "" "You are about to close the window, which will discard\n" "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" @@ -3016,10 +3071,6 @@ "Вы собираетесь закрыть окно, это приведёт к отмене\n" "сделанных изменений. Хотите продолжить?" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:1 -msgid "Add…" -msgstr "Добавить…" - #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:3 msgid "_Import…" msgstr "_Импорт..." @@ -3036,15 +3087,173 @@ msgid "No protocol backends installed" msgstr "Нет установленных драйверов протоколов" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:286 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:288 msgid " - Empathy authentication client" msgstr " — клиент аутентификации Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:302 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:304 msgid "Empathy authentication client" msgstr "Клиент аутентификации Empathy" +#: ../src/empathy-av.c:118 +#: ../src/empathy-call.c:201 +msgid "- Empathy Audio/Video Client" +msgstr " — клиент Empathy для аудио и видео" + +#: ../src/empathy-av.c:134 +#: ../src/empathy-call.c:223 +msgid "Empathy Audio/Video Client" +msgstr "Клиент Empathy для аудио и видео" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:434 +msgid "Contrast" +msgstr "Контраст" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:437 +msgid "Brightness" +msgstr "Яркость" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:440 +msgid "Gamma" +msgstr "Гамма" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:547 +msgid "Volume" +msgstr "Громкость" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1099 +msgid "_Sidebar" +msgstr "_Боковая панель" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1119 +msgid "Audio input" +msgstr "Звуковой вход" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1123 +msgid "Video input" +msgstr "Видеовход" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1131 +msgid "Dialpad" +msgstr "Панель набора" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1142 +msgid "Details" +msgstr "Подробности" + +#. translators: Call is a noun and %s is the contact name. This string +#. * is used in the window title +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1211 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1889 +#, c-format +msgid "Call with %s" +msgstr "Разговор с %s" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1444 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2133 +msgid "The IP address as seen by the machine" +msgstr "IP-адрес, определённый машиной" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1446 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2135 +msgid "The IP address as seen by a server on the Internet" +msgstr "IP-адрес, определённый сервером в Интернете" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1448 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2137 +msgid "The IP address of the peer as seen by the other side" +msgstr "IP-адрес точки, определённый с другой стороны" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1450 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2139 +msgid "The IP address of a relay server" +msgstr "IP-адрес ретранслирующего сервера" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1452 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2141 +msgid "The IP address of the multicast group" +msgstr "Широковещательный IP-адрес группы" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1837 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1840 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1843 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1846 +msgctxt "codec" +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Неизвестно" + +#. Translators: number of minutes:seconds the caller has been connected +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2138 +#, c-format +msgid "Connected — %d:%02dm" +msgstr "Соединён — %d:%02dm" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2199 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2992 +msgid "Technical Details" +msgstr "Информация о собеседнике" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2237 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3031 +#, c-format +msgid "%s's software does not understand any of the audio formats supported by your computer" +msgstr "Программное обеспечение %s не понимает аудиоформаты, поддерживаемые вашим компьютером" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2242 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3036 +#, c-format +msgid "%s's software does not understand any of the video formats supported by your computer" +msgstr "Программное обеспечение %s не понимает видеоформаты, поддерживаемые вашим компьютером" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2248 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3042 +#, c-format +msgid "Can't establish a connection to %s. One of you might be on a network that does not allow direct connections." +msgstr "Не удалось установить соединение с %s. Один из вас может находиться в сети, которая не поддерживает прямые подключения." + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2254 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3048 +msgid "There was a failure on the network" +msgstr "Сбой сети" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2258 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3052 +msgid "The audio formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" +msgstr "Аудиоформаты, необходимые для этого вызова, не установлены на вашем компьютере" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2261 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3055 +msgid "The video formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" +msgstr "Видеоформаты, необходимые для этого вызова, не установлены на вашем компьютере" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2271 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3067 +#, c-format +msgid "Something unexpected happened in a Telepathy component. Please report this bug and attach logs gathered from the 'Debug' window in the Help menu." +msgstr "Что-то неожиданное случилось с компонентом Telepathy. Сообщите об этой ошибке и прикрепите журналы, собранные из окна отладки в меню «Справка»." + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2279 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3076 +msgid "There was a failure in the call engine" +msgstr "Сбой в движке вызова" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2282 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3079 +msgid "The end of the stream was reached" +msgstr "Достигнут конец потока" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2322 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3119 +msgid "Can't establish audio stream" +msgstr "Не удалось установить аудиопоток" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2332 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3129 +msgid "Can't establish video stream" +msgstr "Не удалось установить видеопоток" + #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:1 msgid "_Call" msgstr "_Вызов" @@ -3062,6 +3271,7 @@ #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:6 #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:8 msgid "_View" msgstr "_Вид" @@ -3099,10 +3309,12 @@ msgstr "Отключить камеру" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:14 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:2 msgid "Hang up" msgstr "Сбросить" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:15 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:9 msgid "Hang up current call" msgstr "Завершить текущий вызов" @@ -3135,39 +3347,47 @@ msgstr "Включить или выключить передачу видео" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:24 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:11 msgid "Send Audio" msgstr "Передавать звук" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:25 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:12 msgid "Toggle audio transmission" msgstr "Включить или выключить передачу звука" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:27 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:20 msgid "Encoding Codec:" msgstr "Кодер:" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:28 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2537 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2538 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2539 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2540 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:21 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2542 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2543 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2544 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2545 msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Неизвестно" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:29 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:22 msgid "Decoding Codec:" msgstr "Декодер:" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:30 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:23 msgid "Remote Candidate:" msgstr "Удалённый кандидат:" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:31 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:24 msgid "Local Candidate:" msgstr "Локальный кандидат:" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:32 #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:24 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:25 msgid "Audio" msgstr "Аудио" @@ -3331,100 +3551,102 @@ msgid "Manage Favorite Rooms" msgstr "Управление избранными комнатами" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:511 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 msgid "Incoming video call" msgstr "Входящий видеовызов" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:511 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1519 msgid "Incoming call" msgstr "Входящий вызов" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:515 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:526 #, c-format msgid "%s is video calling you. Do you want to answer?" msgstr "%s делает видеовызов. Хотите ответить?" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:516 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:527 #, c-format msgid "%s is calling you. Do you want to answer?" msgstr "%s вызывает вас. Хотите ответить?" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:519 -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:720 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:530 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "Incoming call from %s" msgstr "Входящий вызов от %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:544 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:555 msgid "_Reject" msgstr "_Отказать" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:552 -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:560 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:563 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 msgid "_Answer" msgstr "_Ответить" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:560 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 msgid "_Answer with video" msgstr "Ответить с _видео" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:720 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "Incoming video call from %s" msgstr "Входящий видеовызов от %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:778 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:837 msgid "Room invitation" msgstr "Приглашение к беседе" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:780 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:839 #, c-format msgid "Invitation to join %s" msgstr "Предложение присоединиться к %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:787 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:846 #, c-format msgid "%s is inviting you to join %s" msgstr "%s предлагает присоединиться к %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:795 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:854 msgid "_Decline" msgstr "_Отклонить" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:800 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:859 #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:2 msgid "_Join" msgstr "_Войти" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:827 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:886 #, c-format msgid "%s invited you to join %s" msgstr "%s предложил присоединиться к %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:833 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:892 #, c-format msgid "You have been invited to join %s" msgstr "Вам предложили присоединиться к %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:884 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:943 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file transfer from %s" msgstr "Входящий файл от %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1064 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1146 #: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:374 msgid "Password required" msgstr "Требуется пароль" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1134 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1216 #, c-format msgid "%s would like permission to see when you are online" msgstr "Пользователь %s хотел бы видеть, когда вы находитесь в сети" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1140 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1222 #, c-format msgid "" "\n" @@ -4032,102 +4254,150 @@ msgid "_Quit" msgstr "В_ыход" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:3 +msgid "Redial" +msgstr "Перезвонить" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:4 +msgid "V_ideo" +msgstr "В_идео" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:5 +msgid "Video Off" +msgstr "Видео выключено" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:6 +msgid "Video Preview" +msgstr "Предварительный просмотр видео" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:7 +msgid "Video On" +msgstr "Видео включено" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:10 +msgid "Call the contact again" +msgstr "Перезвонить собеседнику" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:13 +msgid "Camera Off" +msgstr "Камера выключена" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:14 +msgid "Disable camera and stop sending video" +msgstr "Выключить камеру и остановить отправку видео" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:15 +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "Предварительный просмотр" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "Enable camera but don't send video" +msgstr "Включить камеру, но не отправлять видео" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:17 +msgid "Camera On" +msgstr "Камера включена" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:18 +msgid "Enable camera and send video" +msgstr "Включить камеру и отправить видео" + #: ../src/empathy-map-view.c:471 msgid "Contact Map View" msgstr "Собеседники на карте" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1598 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1607 msgid "Save" msgstr "Сохранить" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1658 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1667 msgid "Pastebin link" msgstr "Ссылка pastebin" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1667 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1676 msgid "Pastebin response" msgstr "Ответ pastebin" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1671 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1680 #, c-format msgid "%s" msgstr "%s" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1674 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1683 msgid "Data too large for a single paste. Please save logs to file." msgstr "Слишком много данных для вставки. Сохраните журналы в файл." -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1903 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1912 msgid "Debug Window" msgstr "Окно отладки" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1961 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1970 msgid "Send to pastebin" msgstr "Отправить в pastebin" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2000 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2009 msgid "Pause" msgstr "Пауза" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2012 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2021 msgid "Level " msgstr "Уровень" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2031 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2040 msgid "Debug" msgstr "Отладка" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2036 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2045 msgid "Info" msgstr "Информация" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2041 -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2087 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2050 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2096 msgid "Message" msgstr "Сообщение" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2046 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2055 msgid "Warning" msgstr "Предупреждение" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2051 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2060 msgid "Critical" msgstr "Критическая ошибка" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2056 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2065 msgid "Error" msgstr "Ошибка" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2075 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2084 msgid "Time" msgstr "Время" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2078 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2087 msgid "Domain" msgstr "Домен" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2080 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2089 msgid "Category" msgstr "Категория" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2082 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2091 msgid "Level" msgstr "Уровень" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2105 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2114 msgid "The selected connection manager does not support the remote debugging extension." msgstr "Выбранный менеджер соединений не поддерживает расширение удалённой отладки." -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:200 -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:228 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:202 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:230 msgid "Invite Participant" msgstr "Пригласить участника" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:201 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:203 msgid "Choose a contact to invite into the conversation:" msgstr "Выберите собеседника для приглашения к беседе:" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:224 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:226 msgid "Invite" msgstr "Пригласить" @@ -4171,39 +4441,39 @@ msgid "- Empathy Chat Client" msgstr " — клиент обмена мгновенными сообщениями Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:187 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:189 msgid "Respond" msgstr "Ответить" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:196 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:203 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1529 msgid "Reject" msgstr "Отказать" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:201 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:206 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:208 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1530 msgid "Answer" msgstr "Ответить" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:206 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 msgid "Answer with video" msgstr "Ответить с видео" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:214 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:224 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:221 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:231 msgid "Decline" msgstr "Отклонить" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:218 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:229 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:225 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:236 msgid "Accept" msgstr "Принять" #. translators: the 'Provide' button is displayed in a notification #. * bubble when Empathy is asking for an account password; clicking on it #. * brings the password popup. -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:239 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:246 msgid "Provide" msgstr "Предоставить" @@ -4214,129 +4484,42 @@ #. Translators: this is an "Info" label. It should be as short #. * as possible. -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1136 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1159 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1140 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1162 msgid "i" msgstr "Инфо" -#. translators: Call is a noun and %s is the contact name. This string -#. * is used in the window title -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1889 -#, c-format -msgid "Call with %s" -msgstr "Разговор с %s" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2133 -msgid "The IP address as seen by the machine" -msgstr "IP-адрес, определённый хостом" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2135 -msgid "The IP address as seen by a server on the Internet" -msgstr "IP-адрес, определённый сервером в Интернете" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2137 -msgid "The IP address of the peer as seen by the other side" -msgstr "IP-адрес точки, определённый с другой стороны" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2139 -msgid "The IP address of a relay server" -msgstr "IP-адрес ретранслирующего сервера" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2141 -msgid "The IP address of the multicast group" -msgstr "Широковещательный IP-адрес группы" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2883 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2888 msgid "On hold" msgstr "Удержание" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2886 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2891 msgid "Mute" msgstr "Приглушить" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2888 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2893 msgid "Duration" msgstr "Длительность" #. Translators: 'status - minutes:seconds' the caller has been connected -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2891 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2896 #, c-format msgid "%s — %d:%02dm" msgstr "%s — %d:%02dm" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2987 -msgid "Technical Details" -msgstr "Информация о собеседнике" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3026 -#, c-format -msgid "%s's software does not understand any of the audio formats supported by your computer" -msgstr "Программное обеспечение %s не понимает аудиоформаты, поддерживаемые вашим компьютером" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3031 -#, c-format -msgid "%s's software does not understand any of the video formats supported by your computer" -msgstr "Программное обеспечение %s не понимает видеоформаты, поддерживаемые вашим компьютером" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3037 -#, c-format -msgid "Can't establish a connection to %s. One of you might be on a network that does not allow direct connections." -msgstr "Не удалось установить соединение с %s. Один из вас может находиться в сети, которая не поддерживает прямые подключения." - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3043 -msgid "There was a failure on the network" -msgstr "Сбой сети" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3047 -msgid "The audio formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" -msgstr "Аудиоформаты, необходимые для этого вызова, не установлены на вашем компьютере" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3050 -msgid "The video formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" -msgstr "Видеоформаты, необходимые для этого вызова, не установлены на вашем компьютере" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3062 -#, c-format -msgid "Something unexpected happened in a Telepathy component. Please report this bug and attach logs gathered from the 'Debug' window in the Help menu." -msgstr "Что-то неожиданное случилось с компонентом Telepathy. Сообщите об этой ошибке и прикрепите журналы, собранные из окна отладки в меню «Справка»." - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3071 -msgid "There was a failure in the call engine" -msgstr "Сбой в движке вызова" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3074 -msgid "The end of the stream was reached" -msgstr "Достигнут конец потока" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3114 -msgid "Can't establish audio stream" -msgstr "Не удалось установить аудиопоток" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3124 -msgid "Can't establish video stream" -msgstr "Не удалось установить видеопоток" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3161 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3166 #, c-format msgid "Your current balance is %s." msgstr "Текущий баланс: %s." -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3165 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3170 msgid "Sorry, you don’t have enough credit for that call." msgstr "Недостаточно средств для совершения звонка." -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3167 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3172 msgid "Top Up" msgstr "Пополнить" -#: ../src/empathy-call.c:201 -msgid "- Empathy Audio/Video Client" -msgstr " — клиент Empathy для аудио и видео" - -#: ../src/empathy-call.c:223 -msgid "Empathy Audio/Video Client" -msgstr "Клиент Empathy для аудио и видео" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.c:243 msgid "_Match case" msgstr "_Учитывать регистр" @@ -4470,85 +4653,12 @@ #~ msgid "Protocol:" #~ msgstr "Протокол:" -#~ msgid "Contrast" -#~ msgstr "Контраст" - -#~ msgid "Brightness" -#~ msgstr "Яркость" - -#~ msgid "Gamma" -#~ msgstr "Гамма" - -#~ msgid "Volume" -#~ msgstr "Громкость" - -#~ msgid "_Sidebar" -#~ msgstr "_Боковая панель" - -#~ msgid "Audio input" -#~ msgstr "Звуковой вход" - -#~ msgid "Video input" -#~ msgstr "Видеовход" - -#~ msgid "Dialpad" -#~ msgstr "Панель набора" - -#~ msgid "Details" -#~ msgstr "Подробности" -#~ msgctxt "codec" - -#~ msgid "Unknown" -#~ msgstr "Неизвестно" - -#~ msgid "Connected — %d:%02dm" -#~ msgstr "Соединён — %d:%02dm" - -#~ msgid "Redial" -#~ msgstr "Перезвонить" - -#~ msgid "V_ideo" -#~ msgstr "В_идео" - -#~ msgid "Video Off" -#~ msgstr "Видео выключено" - -#~ msgid "Video Preview" -#~ msgstr "Предварительный просмотр видео" - -#~ msgid "Video On" -#~ msgstr "Видео включено" - -#~ msgid "Call the contact again" -#~ msgstr "Перезвонить собеседнику" - -#~ msgid "Camera Off" -#~ msgstr "Камера выключена" - -#~ msgid "Disable camera and stop sending video" -#~ msgstr "Выключить камеру и остановить отправку видео" - -#~ msgid "Preview" -#~ msgstr "Предварительный просмотр" - -#~ msgid "Enable camera but don't send video" -#~ msgstr "Включить камеру, но не отправлять видео" - -#~ msgid "Camera On" -#~ msgstr "Камера включена" - -#~ msgid "Enable camera and send video" -#~ msgstr "Включить камеру и отправить видео" - #~ msgid "Show account assistant" #~ msgstr "Показывать баланс в списке собеседников" #~ msgid "Personal Information" #~ msgstr "Личная информация" -#~ msgid "Linked Contacts" -#~ msgstr "Объединённые контакты" - #~ msgid "Select contacts to link" #~ msgstr "Выбрать контакты для связи" diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/po/sl.po empathy-3.3.92/po/sl.po --- empathy-3.3.91/po/sl.po 2012-03-02 10:31:38.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/po/sl.po 2012-03-19 09:12:31.000000000 +0000 @@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: empathy master\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=empathy&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=General\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-01 13:12+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-01 21:34+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-16 13:14+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-16 14:51+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Matej Urbančič \n" "Language-Team: Slovenščina \n" "Language: \n" @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ #. Tweak the dialog #: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2450 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2512 msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts" msgstr "Sporočanje in računi VoIP" @@ -82,431 +82,439 @@ msgstr "Privzeta mapa za shranjevanje prejetih datotek." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:9 +msgid "Magic number used to check if sanity cleaning tasks should be run" +msgstr "Magično število, uporabljeno za preverjanje ali naj se naloge čiščenja izvedejo" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:10 +msgid "empathy-sanity-cleaning.c uses this number to check if the cleaning tasks should be executed or not. Users should not change this key manually." +msgstr "Število empathy-sanity-cleaning.c preverja ali naj se naloge čiščenja izvedejo ali ne. Tega ključa ni priporočljivo spreminjati ročno." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:11 msgid "Show offline contacts" msgstr "Pokaži tudi nepovezane stike" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:10 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:12 msgid "Whether to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." msgstr "Ali naj bodo na seznamu stikov prikazani tudi nepovezani stiki." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:11 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:13 msgid "Show avatars" msgstr "Pokaži podobe" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:12 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:14 msgid "Whether to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat windows." msgstr "Ali naj bodo podobe stikov prikazane v seznamih in klepetalnih oknih." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:13 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:15 msgid "Show protocols" msgstr "Pokaži protokole" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:14 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:16 msgid "Whether to show protocols for contacts in the contact list." msgstr "Ali naj bodo v seznamih stikov in klepetalnih oknih prikazani protokoli stikov." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:15 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:17 msgid "Show Balance in contact list" msgstr "Pokaži stanje na računu v seznamu stikov" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:16 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:18 msgid "Whether to show account balances in the contact list." msgstr "Ali naj se v seznamu stikov pokaže tudi stanje na računu." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:17 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:19 msgid "Compact contact list" msgstr "Skrči seznam stikov" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:18 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:20 msgid "Whether to show the contact list in compact mode." msgstr "Ali naj bo v skrčenem pogledu prikazan seznam stikov." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:19 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:21 msgid "Hide main window" msgstr "Skrij glavno okno" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:20 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:22 msgid "Hide the main window." msgstr "Skrivanje glavnega okna." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:21 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:23 msgid "Default directory to select an avatar image from" msgstr "Privzeta mapa slik za izbor podobe" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:22 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:24 msgid "The last directory that an avatar image was chosen from." msgstr "Zadnja mapa iz katere je bila izbrana podoba." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:23 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:25 msgid "Open new chats in separate windows" msgstr "Nov klepet naj se odpre v ločenem oknu" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:24 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:26 msgid "Always open a separate chat window for new chats." msgstr "Za nov klepet vedno odpri ločeno klepetalno okno." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:25 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:27 msgid "Display incoming events in the status area" msgstr "Prikaz prihajajočih dogodkov v vrstici stanja." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:26 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:28 msgid "Display incoming events in the status area. If false, present them to the user immediately." msgstr "Prikaz prihajajočih dogodkov v vrstici stanja. V primeru, da možnost ni izbrana, bodo prikazane takoj." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:27 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:29 msgid "The position for the chat window side pane" msgstr "Položaj stranskega pladnja v klepetalnem oknu" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:28 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:30 msgid "The stored position (in pixels) of the chat window side pane." msgstr "Shranjen položaj (v točkah) stranskega pladnja v klepetalnem oknu." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:29 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:31 msgid "Show contact groups" msgstr "Pokaži skupine stikov" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:30 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:32 msgid "Whether to show groups in the contact list." msgstr "Ali naj se v seznamu stikov pokažejo skupine stikov." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:31 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:33 msgid "Contact list sort criterion" msgstr "Kriterij razvrščanja seznama stikov" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:32 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:34 msgid "Which criterion to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to sort by the contact's state with the value \"state\". A value of \"name\" will sort the contact list by name." msgstr "Kateri kriterij naj se uporabi za razvrščanje seznama stikov. Privzeto je razvrščanje po stanju stika z vrednostjo \"stanje\". Vrednost \"ime\" pa razvrsti seznam poimensko." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:33 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:35 msgid "Use notification sounds" msgstr "Uporabi zvoke obvestil" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:34 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:36 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of events." msgstr "Ali naj se predvaja zvok ob dogodkih." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:35 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:37 msgid "Disable sounds when away" msgstr "Onemogoči zvok ob odsotnosti" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:36 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:38 msgid "Whether to play sound notifications when away or busy." msgstr "Ali naj se predvaja zvok ob odsotnosti in zaposlenosti." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:37 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:39 msgid "Play a sound for incoming messages" msgstr "Predvajaj zvok ob prejetju novih sporočil" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:38 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:40 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of incoming messages." msgstr "Ali naj se predvaja zvok ob prejetju novega sporočila." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:39 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:41 msgid "Play a sound for outgoing messages" msgstr "Predvajaj zvok ob pošiljanju sporočil" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:40 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:42 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of outgoing messages." msgstr "Ali naj se predvaja zvok ob pošiljanju sporočil." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:41 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:43 msgid "Play a sound for new conversations" msgstr "Predvajaj zvok ob novih pogovorih" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:42 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:44 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of new conversations." msgstr "Ali naj se predvaja zvok ob novih pogovorih." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:43 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:45 msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs in" msgstr "Predvajaj zvok ob prijavi stika" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:44 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:46 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging into the network." msgstr "Ali naj se predvaja zvok ob prijavi stika v omrežje." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:45 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:47 msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs out" msgstr "Predvajaj zvok ob odjavi stika" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:46 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:48 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging out of the network." msgstr "Ali naj se predvaja zvok ob odjavi stika iz omrežja." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:47 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:49 msgid "Play a sound when we log in" msgstr "Predvajaj zvok ob prijavi" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:48 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:50 msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging into a network." msgstr "Ali naj se predvaja zvok ob prijavi v omrežje." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:49 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:51 msgid "Play a sound when we log out" msgstr "Predvajaj zvok ob odjavi" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:50 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:52 msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging out of a network." msgstr "Ali naj se predvaja zvok ob odjavi iz omrežja." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:51 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:53 msgid "Enable popup notifications for new messages" msgstr "Omogoči pojavna obvestila ob novih sporočilih" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:52 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:54 msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message." msgstr "Ali naj se pojavi obvestilo ob prejetju novega sporočila." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:53 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:55 msgid "Disable popup notifications when away" msgstr "Onemogoči pojavna obvestila ob odsotnosti" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:54 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:56 msgid "Whether to show popup notifications when away or busy." msgstr "Ali naj bodo pojavna obvestila prikazana ob odsotnosti ali zaposlenosti." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:55 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:57 msgid "Pop up notifications if the chat isn't focused" msgstr "Pokaži pojavna obvestila, ko klepetalno okno ni v žarišču." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:56 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:58 msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message even if the chat is already opened, but not focused." msgstr "Ali naj se pojavi obvestilo ob prejetju novega sporočila tudi, kadar je klepetalno okno že odprto, vendar ni v žarišču." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:57 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:59 msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs in" msgstr "Pokaži pojavna obvestila ob prijavi stikov" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:58 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:60 msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes online." msgstr "Ali naj se pojavi obvestilo ob vzpostavitvi povezave stika." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:59 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:61 msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs out" msgstr "Pokaži pojavna obvestila ob odjavi stikov" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:60 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:62 msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes offline." msgstr "Ali naj se pojavi obvestilo, ko stik izklopi povezavo." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:61 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:63 msgid "Use graphical smileys" msgstr "Uporabi slikovne smeške" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:62 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:64 msgid "Whether to convert smileys into graphical images in conversations." msgstr "Ali naj se pri pogovorih smeški pretvorijo v sličice." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:63 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:65 msgid "Show contact list in rooms" msgstr "Pokaži seznam stikov v klepetalnicah" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:64 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:66 msgid "Whether to show the contact list in chat rooms." msgstr "Ali naj bo v klepetalnicah prikazan seznam stikov." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:65 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:67 msgid "Chat window theme" msgstr "Tema klepetalnega okna" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:66 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:68 msgid "The theme that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." msgstr "Tema uporabljena za prikaz pogovorov v klepetalnih oknih." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:67 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:69 msgid "Chat window theme variant" msgstr "Različica teme klepetalnega okna" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:68 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:70 msgid "The theme variant that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." msgstr "Različica teme, ki je uporabljena za prikaz pogovorov v klepetalnih oknih." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:69 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:71 msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use" msgstr "Pot do želene teme Adium " -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:70 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:72 msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use if the theme used for chat is Adium." msgstr "Pot do želene teme Adium, kadar je ta določena za klepet." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:71 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:73 msgid "Enable WebKit Developer Tools" msgstr "Omogoči razvojna orodja WebKit" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:72 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:74 msgid "Whether WebKit developer tools, such as the Web Inspector, should be enabled." msgstr "Ali naj bodo vključena razvijalna orodja WebKit kot je na primer Web Inspector." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:73 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:75 msgid "Inform other users when you are typing to them" msgstr "Obvesti druge uporabnike, da jim tipkate besedilo" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:74 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:76 msgid "Whether to send the 'composing' or 'paused' chat states. Does not currently affect the 'gone' state." msgstr "Ali naj se pošilja tudi stanje klepeta 'vpisovanje' ali pa 'v premoru'. Trenutno ne vpliva na stanje 'odsoten'." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:75 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:77 msgid "Use theme for chat rooms" msgstr "Uporabi temo za klepetalnice" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:76 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:78 msgid "Whether to use the theme for chat rooms." msgstr "Ali naj se za klepetalnice uporablja tema." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:77 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:79 msgid "Spell checking languages" msgstr "Jeziki za črkovanje" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:78 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:80 msgid "Comma-separated list of spell checker languages to use (e.g. \"en, fr, nl\")." msgstr "Z vejico ločen seznam uporabljenih črkovalnikov (primer: \"sl, en, fr\")." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:79 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:81 msgid "Enable spell checker" msgstr "Omogoči črkovalnik" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:80 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:82 msgid "Whether to check words typed against the languages you want to check with." msgstr "Ali naj se preverja črkovanje besed v želenih jezikih." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:81 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:83 msgid "Nick completed character" msgstr "Znak na koncu vzdevka" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:82 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:84 msgid "Character to add after nickname when using nick completion (tab) in group chat." msgstr "Znak, ki naj bo dodan vzdevku ob uporabi možnosti dopolnjevanja vzdevkov (zavihek) v skupinskem klepetu." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:83 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:85 msgid "Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon" msgstr "Program naj uporabi podobo stika kot ikono klepetalnega okna" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:84 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:86 msgid "Whether Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon." msgstr "Ali naj program Empathy uporablja podobe stikov za ikone klepetalnih oken." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:85 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:87 msgid "Last account selected in Join Room dialog" msgstr "Zadnji izbran račun v pogovornem oknu pridruženja klepetalnici" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:86 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:88 msgid "D-Bus object path of the last account selected to join a room." msgstr "Pot predmeta vodila D-Bus zadnjega izbranega računa pri pridruženju klepetalnici." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:87 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:89 msgid "Camera device" msgstr "Naprava kamere" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:88 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:90 msgid "Default camera device to use in video calls, e.g. /dev/video0." msgstr "Privzeta naprava kamere za uporabo pri video klicih, na primer /dev/video0." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:89 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:91 msgid "Camera position" msgstr "Položaj kamere" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:90 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:92 msgid "Position the camera preview should be during a call." msgstr "Položaj predogleda kamere med klicem." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:91 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:93 msgid "Echo cancellation support" msgstr "Podpora odpravljanju odmevov" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:92 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:94 msgid "Whether to enable Pulseaudio's echo cancellation filter." msgstr "Ali naj se omogoči filter odpravljanja odmevov Pulseaudio." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:93 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:95 msgid "Show hint about closing the main window" msgstr "Pokaži namig ob zapiranju glavnega okna" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:94 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:96 msgid "Whether to show the message dialog about closing the main window with the 'x' button in the title bar." msgstr "Ali naj bo pogovorno okno sporočila o zapiranju glavnega okna prikazano z gumbom 'x' v nazivni vrstici." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:95 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:97 msgid "Empathy can publish the user's location" msgstr "Program Empathy lahko objavi mesto nahajanja uporabnika" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:96 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:98 msgid "Whether Empathy can publish the user's location to their contacts." msgstr "Ali naj program Empathy objavlja mesta nahajanja uporabnika njegovim stikom." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:97 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:99 msgid "Empathy can use the network to guess the location" msgstr "Program Empathy lahko uporabi omrežje za ugotavljanje mesta nahajanja" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:98 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:100 msgid "Whether Empathy can use the network to guess the location." msgstr "Ali naj Empathy za pridobivanje mesta nahajanja uporablja omrežje." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:99 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:101 msgid "Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location" msgstr "Program Empathy lahko uporabi mobilni telefon za ugotavljanje mesta nahajanja" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:100 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:102 msgid "Whether Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location." msgstr "Ali naj Empathy za pridobivanje mesta nahajanja uporablja podatke mobilnega omrežja." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:101 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:103 msgid "Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location" msgstr "Program Empathy lahko uporabi GPS za ugotavljanje mesta nahajanja" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:102 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:104 msgid "Whether Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location." msgstr "Ali naj program Empathy za pridobivanje mesta nahajanja uporablja GPS." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:103 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:105 msgid "Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy" msgstr "Program Empathy naj zmanjša natančnost določevanja nahajanja" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:104 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:106 msgid "Whether Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy for privacy reasons." msgstr "Ali naj program Empathy zaradi zasebnosti zmanjšuje natančnost položaja." -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:736 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:738 msgid "No reason was specified" msgstr "Ni navedenega vzroka" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:739 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:741 msgid "The change in state was requested" msgstr "Zahtevana je bila zamenjava stanja" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:742 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:744 msgid "You canceled the file transfer" msgstr "Prenos datoteke ste preklicali" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:745 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:747 msgid "The other participant canceled the file transfer" msgstr "Drug uporabnik je preklical prenos datoteke" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:748 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:750 msgid "Error while trying to transfer the file" msgstr "Prišlo je do napake med prenosom datoteke" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:751 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:753 msgid "The other participant is unable to transfer the file" msgstr "Drug uporabnik ne more prenesti datoteke" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:754 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:756 #: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:313 msgid "Unknown reason" msgstr "Neznan vzrok" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:917 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:919 msgid "File transfer completed, but the file was corrupted" msgstr "Prenos datoteke je končan, vendar je datoteka pokvarjena" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1203 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1205 msgid "File transfer not supported by remote contact" msgstr "Prenos datotek s strani oddaljenega stika ni podprt" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1259 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1261 msgid "The selected file is not a regular file" msgstr "Izbrana datoteka ni običajna datoteka" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1268 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1270 msgid "The selected file is empty" msgstr "Izbrana datoteka je prazna" @@ -752,6 +760,20 @@ msgid "in the future" msgstr "v prihodnosti" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:75 +msgid "Password not found" +msgstr "Gesla ni mogoče najti" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:218 +#, c-format +msgid "IM account password for %s (%s)" +msgstr "Geslo računa hipnega sporočanja za %s (%s)" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:253 +#, c-format +msgid "Password for chatroom '%s' on account %s (%s)" +msgstr "Geslo za klepetalnico '%s' na računu %s (%s)" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-chooser.c:692 msgid "All accounts" msgstr "Vsi računi" @@ -766,12 +788,12 @@ msgstr "Geslo" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:684 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:507 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:511 msgid "Server" msgstr "Strežnik" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:685 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:522 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:529 msgid "Port" msgstr "Vrata" @@ -782,7 +804,7 @@ msgstr "%s:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1398 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:14 msgid "Username:" msgstr "Uporabniško ime:" @@ -875,7 +897,7 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-generic.ui.h:1 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:7 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:8 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:15 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:23 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:7 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:7 @@ -987,34 +1009,55 @@ msgstr "Znakovni nabor:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:1 +msgid "Add…" +msgstr "Dodaj ..." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:3 +msgid "Remove" +msgstr "Odstrani" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:6 +msgid "Up" +msgstr "Navzgor" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:7 +msgid "Down" +msgstr "Navzdol" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:8 msgid "Servers" msgstr "Strežniki" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:9 msgid "Most IRC servers don't need a password, so if you're not sure, don't enter a password." msgstr "Večina strežnikov IRC ne zahteva gesla, zato ga, če niste prepričani, ne uporabite." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:6 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 msgid "Nickname:" msgstr "Vzdevek:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 msgid "Password:" msgstr "Geslo:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:12 msgid "Quit message:" msgstr "Sporočilo končanja:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:9 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 msgid "Real name:" msgstr "Pravo ime:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:12 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:16 msgid "Which IRC network?" msgstr "Katero IRC omrežje?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:17 msgid "What is your IRC nickname?" msgstr "Kakšen je vaš IRC vzdevek?" @@ -1292,194 +1335,194 @@ msgid "You don't have enough credit in order to place this call" msgstr "Na računu ni dovolj visokega zneska za vzpostavitev klica" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:728 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:729 msgid "Failed to open private chat" msgstr "Napaka med odpiranjem zasebnega klepeta" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:786 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:787 msgid "Topic not supported on this conversation" msgstr "Tema ni podprta pri tem pogovoru" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:792 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:793 msgid "You are not allowed to change the topic" msgstr "Za spreminjanje teme nimate ustreznih dovoljenj." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:991 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:992 #, c-format msgid "“%s” is not a valid contact ID" msgstr "“%s” ni veljaven ID stika" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1086 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1087 msgid "/clear: clear all messages from the current conversation" msgstr "/clear: počisti vsa sporočila trenutnega pogovora" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1089 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1090 msgid "/topic : set the topic of the current conversation" msgstr "/topic : določi temo trenutnega pogovora" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1092 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1093 msgid "/join : join a new chat room" msgstr "/join : pridruževanje novi klepetalnici" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1095 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1096 msgid "/j : join a new chat room" msgstr "/j : pridruži se novi klepetalnici" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1099 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1100 msgid "/part [] []: leave the chat room, by default the current one" msgstr "/part [] []: zapusti klepetalnico, privzeto je to trenutna klepetalnica" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1103 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1104 msgid "/query []: open a private chat" msgstr "/query []: odpre zasebni klepet" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1106 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1107 msgid "/msg : open a private chat" msgstr "/msg : odpre zasebni klepet" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1109 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1110 msgid "/nick : change your nickname on the current server" msgstr "/nick : spremeni vaš vzdevek na trenutnem strežniku" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1112 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1113 msgid "/me : send an ACTION message to the current conversation" msgstr "/me : pošlje sporočilo DEJANJA v trenutni pogovor" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1115 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1116 msgid "/say : send to the current conversation. This is used to send a message starting with a '/'. For example: \"/say /join is used to join a new chat room\"" msgstr "/say : pošlje v trenutni pogovor. Možnost se uporablja za pošiljanje sporočila, ki se začne z '/'. Primer: \"/say /join se uporablja za pridruževanje novi klepetalnici\"" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1120 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1121 msgid "/whois : display information about a contact" msgstr "/whois : pokaže podrobnosti stika" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1123 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1124 msgid "/help []: show all supported commands. If is defined, show its usage." msgstr "/help [], pokaže vse podprte ukaze in njihov način uporabe." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1142 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1143 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s" msgstr "Uporaba: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1187 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1188 msgid "Unknown command" msgstr "Neznan ukaz" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1313 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1314 msgid "Unknown command; see /help for the available commands" msgstr "Neznan ukaz, za več si vpišite /help" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1564 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1565 msgid "insufficient balance to send message" msgstr "nezadostno stanje na računu za pošiljanje sporočil" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1568 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1582 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1645 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1569 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1583 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1646 #, c-format msgid "Error sending message '%s': %s" msgstr "Napaka med pošiljanjem sporočila '%s': %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1570 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1587 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1649 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1571 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1588 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1650 #, c-format msgid "Error sending message: %s" msgstr "Napaka med pošiljanjem sporočila: %s" #. translators: error used when user doesn't have enough credit on his #. * account to send the message. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1576 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1577 #, c-format msgid "insufficient balance to send message. Top up." msgstr "Nezadostno stanje na računi za pošiljanje sporočila. Povišaj." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1616 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1617 msgid "not capable" msgstr "ni mogoče" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1623 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1624 msgid "offline" msgstr "brez povezave" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1626 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1627 msgid "invalid contact" msgstr "neveljaven stik" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1629 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1630 msgid "permission denied" msgstr "ni dovoljenja" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1632 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1633 msgid "too long message" msgstr "predolgo sporočilo" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1635 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1636 msgid "not implemented" msgstr "ni del programa" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1639 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1640 msgid "unknown" msgstr "neznano" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1706 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1707 #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:920 msgid "Topic:" msgstr "Tema:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1721 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1722 #, c-format msgid "Topic set to: %s" msgstr "Tema je določena na: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1723 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1724 #, c-format msgid "Topic set by %s to: %s" msgstr "%s določa vsebino: %s" #. No need to display this 'event' is no topic can be defined anyway -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1728 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1729 msgid "No topic defined" msgstr "Ni določene teme" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2244 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2245 msgid "(No Suggestions)" msgstr "(Ni predlogov)" #. translators: %s is the selected word -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2312 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2313 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to Dictionary" msgstr "Dodaj '%s' v slovar" #. translators: first %s is the selected word, #. * second %s is the language name of the target dictionary -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2349 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2350 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to %s Dictionary" msgstr "Dodaj '%s' v slovar %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2419 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2420 msgid "Insert Smiley" msgstr "Vstavi smeška" #. send button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2437 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1867 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2438 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1880 msgid "_Send" msgstr "_Pošlji" #. Spelling suggestions -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2494 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2495 msgid "_Spelling Suggestions" msgstr "Predlogi čr_kovalnika" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2583 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2584 msgid "Failed to retrieve recent logs" msgstr "Napaka med pridobivanjem nedavnih dnevnikov" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2722 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2723 #, c-format msgid "%s has disconnected" msgstr "%s je prekinil povezavo" @@ -1487,12 +1530,12 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the kicked should come before the kicker in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2729 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2730 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was kicked by %2$s" msgstr "%2$s je izgnal %1$s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2732 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2733 #, c-format msgid "%s was kicked" msgstr "%s je bil izgnan" @@ -1500,17 +1543,17 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the banned should come before the banner in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2740 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2741 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was banned by %2$s" msgstr "%2$s je izobčil %1$s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2743 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2744 #, c-format msgid "%s was banned" msgstr "%s je izobčen" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2747 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2748 #, c-format msgid "%s has left the room" msgstr "%s je zapustil klepetalnico" @@ -1520,17 +1563,17 @@ #. * given by the user living the room. If this poses a problem, #. * please let us know. :-) #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2756 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2757 #, c-format msgid " (%s)" msgstr " (%s)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2781 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2782 #, c-format msgid "%s has joined the room" msgstr "%s je vstopil v klepetalnico" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2806 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2807 #, c-format msgid "%s is now known as %s" msgstr "%s je preimenovan v %s" @@ -1538,82 +1581,83 @@ #. We don't know if the incoming call has been accepted or not, so we #. * assume it hasn't and if it has, we'll set the proper status when #. * we get the new handler. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2993 -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1197 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2994 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1888 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1279 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1502 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1552 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2585 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2590 msgid "Disconnected" msgstr "Prekinjena povezava" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3657 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3658 msgid "Would you like to store this password?" msgstr "Ali želite shraniti geslo?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3663 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3664 msgid "Remember" msgstr "Zapomni si" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3673 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3674 msgid "Not now" msgstr "Ne zdaj" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3717 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3718 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-bad-password-dialog.c:142 msgid "Retry" msgstr "Poskusi znova" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3721 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3722 msgid "Wrong password; please try again:" msgstr "Napačno geslo; poskusite znova:" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3851 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3852 msgid "This room is protected by a password:" msgstr "Klepetalnica je zaščitena z geslom:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3878 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3879 msgid "Join" msgstr "Pridruži se" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4070 -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1218 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4071 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1300 msgid "Connected" msgstr "Povezano" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4125 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4126 msgid "Conversation" msgstr "Pogovor" #. Translators: this string is a something like #. * "Escher Cat (SMS)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4130 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4131 #, c-format msgid "%s (SMS)" msgstr "%s (SMS)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:264 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:262 msgid "Unknown or invalid identifier" msgstr "Neznano ali neveljavno določilo" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:266 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:264 msgid "Contact blocking temporarily unavailable" msgstr "Blokiranje stikov začasno ni na voljo" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:268 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:266 msgid "Contact blocking unavailable" msgstr "Blokiranje stika ni na voljo" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:270 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:268 msgid "Permission Denied" msgstr "Dovoljenje je zavrnjeno" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:274 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:272 msgid "Could not block contact" msgstr "Stika ni mogoče blokirati" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:612 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:610 msgid "Edit Blocked Contacts" msgstr "Uredi blokirane stike" @@ -1631,13 +1675,6 @@ msgid "Blocked Contacts" msgstr "Blokirani stiki" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Remove" -msgstr "Odstrani" - #. Copy Link Address menu item #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:322 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-webkit-utils.c:277 @@ -1724,133 +1761,133 @@ msgid "Please let me see when you're online. Thanks!" msgstr "Želel bi videti, kdaj ste na zvezi. Hvala!" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:569 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:567 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:304 msgid "Channels:" msgstr "Kanali:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:749 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:747 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:455 msgid "Country ISO Code:" msgstr "ISO oznaka države:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:751 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:749 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:457 msgid "Country:" msgstr "Država:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:753 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:751 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:459 msgid "State:" msgstr "Okraj:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:755 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:753 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:461 msgid "City:" msgstr "Mesto:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:757 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:755 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:463 msgid "Area:" msgstr "Področje:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:759 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:757 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:465 msgid "Postal Code:" msgstr "Poštna številka:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:761 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:759 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:467 msgid "Street:" msgstr "Ulica:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:763 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:761 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:469 msgid "Building:" msgstr "Stavba:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:765 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:763 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:471 msgid "Floor:" msgstr "Nadstropje:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:767 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:765 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:473 msgid "Room:" msgstr "Klepetalnica:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:769 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:767 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:475 msgid "Text:" msgstr "Besedilo:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:771 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:769 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:477 msgid "Description:" msgstr "Opis:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:773 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:771 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:479 msgid "URI:" msgstr "URI:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:775 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:773 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:481 msgid "Accuracy Level:" msgstr "Raven natančnosti:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:777 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:775 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:483 msgid "Error:" msgstr "Napaka:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:779 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:777 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:485 msgid "Vertical Error (meters):" msgstr "Napaka navpično (v metrih):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:781 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:779 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:487 msgid "Horizontal Error (meters):" msgstr "Napaka vodoravno (v metrih):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:783 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:781 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:489 msgid "Speed:" msgstr "Hitrost:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:785 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:783 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:491 msgid "Bearing:" msgstr "Smer:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:787 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:785 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:493 msgid "Climb Speed:" msgstr "Hitrost dviganja:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:789 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:787 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:495 msgid "Last Updated on:" msgstr "Zadnjič posodobljeno:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:791 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:789 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:497 msgid "Longitude:" msgstr "Zemljepisna dolžina:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:793 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:791 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:499 msgid "Latitude:" msgstr "Zemljepisna širina:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:795 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:793 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:501 msgid "Altitude:" msgstr "Nadmorska višina:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:848 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:863 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:846 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:861 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:593 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:608 #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:35 @@ -1858,32 +1895,32 @@ msgstr "Mesto" #. translators: format is "Location, $date" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:865 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:863 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:610 #, c-format msgid "%s, %s" msgstr "%s, %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:917 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:915 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:659 msgid "%B %e, %Y at %R UTC" msgstr "%e.%B %Y ob %R UTC" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:999 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:997 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:900 msgid "Save Avatar" msgstr "Shrani podobo" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1055 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1053 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:958 msgid "Unable to save avatar" msgstr "Ni mogoče shraniti podobe" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1446 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1444 msgid "Personal Details" msgstr "Osebne podrobnosti" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1449 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1447 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:6 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:3 msgid "Contact Details" @@ -2034,142 +2071,150 @@ msgid "Edit Contact Information" msgstr "Uredi podrobnosti stika" +#. Translators: the heading at the top of the Information dialogue +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-information-dialog.c:288 +msgid "Linked Contacts" +msgstr "Povezani stiki" + #. Translators: this is used in the context menu for a contact. The first #. * parameter is a contact ID (e.g. foo@jabber.org) and the second is one #. * of the user's account IDs (e.g. me@hotmail.com). -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:172 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:173 #, c-format msgid "%s (%s)" msgstr "%s (%s)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:344 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:345 msgid "Select account to use to place the call" msgstr "Izbor računa za klicanje" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:348 +#. translators: Call is a noun. This string is used in the window +#. * title +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:349 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1290 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:18 msgid "Call" msgstr "Kliči" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:413 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:414 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Mobilni telefon" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:415 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:416 msgid "Work" msgstr "Delo" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:417 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:418 msgid "HOME" msgstr "Domača mapa" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:658 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:659 msgid "_Block Contact" msgstr "_Blokiraj stik" #. add chat button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1017 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1018 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:319 #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:1 msgid "_Chat" msgstr "_Klepet" #. add SMS button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1052 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1053 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:313 msgid "_SMS" msgstr "_SMS" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1085 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1086 msgctxt "menu item" msgid "_Audio Call" msgstr "_Zvočni klic" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1118 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1119 msgctxt "menu item" msgid "_Video Call" msgstr "_Video klic" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1159 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1160 #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:4 msgid "_Previous Conversations" msgstr "Predhodni po_govori" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1188 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1189 msgid "Send File" msgstr "Pošlji datoteko" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1218 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1219 msgid "Share My Desktop" msgstr "Souporaba namizja" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1244 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1245 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1357 msgid "Favorite" msgstr "Priljubljeno" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1263 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1264 msgid "gnome-contacts not installed" msgstr "Paket gnome-contacts ni nameščen" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1266 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1267 msgid "Please install gnome-contacts to access contacts details." msgstr "Namestiti je treba paket gnome-contacts za dostop do podrobnosti stikov." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1380 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1398 msgid "Infor_mation" msgstr "_Podrobnosti" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1429 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1447 msgctxt "Edit individual (contextual menu)" msgid "_Edit" msgstr "_Uredi" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1546 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1564 #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:1192 msgid "Inviting you to this room" msgstr "Vabila v klepetalnico" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1592 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1610 msgid "_Invite to Chat Room" msgstr "_Povabi v klepetalnico" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1788 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1806 #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:5 msgid "_Add Contact…" msgstr "_Dodaj stik ..." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2306 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2304 msgid "Delete and _Block" msgstr "Izbriši in _blokiraj" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2341 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2339 #, c-format msgid "Do you really want to remove the group '%s'?" msgstr "Ali zares želite odstraniti skupino '%s'?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2344 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2342 msgid "Removing group" msgstr "Odstranjevanje skupine" #. Remove -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2399 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2603 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2397 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2601 msgid "_Remove" msgstr "_Odstrani" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2476 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2474 #, c-format msgid "Do you really want to remove the contact '%s'?" msgstr "Ali zares želite odstraniti stik '%s'?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2485 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2483 #, c-format msgid "Do you really want to remove the linked contact '%s'? Note that this will remove all the contacts which make up this linked contact." msgstr "Ali res želite odstraniti povezan stik '%s'? S tem bo odstranjeni tudi vsi stiki, ki so opredeljeni kot povezani." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2497 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2495 msgid "Removing contact" msgstr "Odstranjevanje stika" @@ -2211,7 +2256,7 @@ msgid "new server" msgstr "nov strežnik" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:535 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:539 msgid "SSL" msgstr "SSL" @@ -2377,6 +2422,7 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:7 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:26 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:19 msgid "Video" msgstr "Video" @@ -2677,24 +2723,24 @@ msgid "Certificate Details" msgstr "Podrobnosti potrdila" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1741 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1754 msgid "Unable to open URI" msgstr "Ni mogoče odpreti naslova URI" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1859 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1872 msgid "Select a file" msgstr "Izbor datoteke" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1934 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1947 msgid "Insufficient free space to save file" msgstr "Ni dovolj prostora za shranjevanje datoteke" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1942 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1955 #, c-format msgid "%s of free space are required to save this file, but only %s is available. Please choose another location." msgstr "%s prostora mora biti na voljo za shranjevanje te datoteke, vendar je na voljo le %s. Izbrati bo treba drugo mesto." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1986 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1999 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file from %s" msgstr "Prihajajoča datoteka od %s" @@ -2866,6 +2912,14 @@ msgid "Vietnamese" msgstr "vietnamska" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-calendar-button.c:66 +msgid "Select..." +msgstr "Izberi ..." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-calendar-button.c:154 +msgid "_Select" +msgstr "_Izberi" + #: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:202 msgid "No error message" msgstr "Ni sporočil o napakah" @@ -2933,63 +2987,64 @@ msgid "Your new account has not been saved yet." msgstr "Novi račun še ni bil shranjen." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:370 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:381 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:759 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1289 msgid "Connecting…" msgstr "Povezovanje ..." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:411 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:422 #, c-format msgid "Offline — %s" msgstr "Brez povezave - %s" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:423 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:434 #, c-format msgid "Disconnected — %s" msgstr "Prekinjena povezava - %s" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:434 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:445 msgid "Offline — No Network Connection" msgstr "Brez povezave - ni omrežne povezave" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:441 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:452 msgid "Unknown Status" msgstr "Neznano stanje" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:458 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:469 msgid "This account has been disabled because it relies on an old, unsupported backend. Please install telepathy-haze and restart your session to migrate the account." msgstr "Ta račun je onemogočen, ker deluje na starem, nepodprtem ozadnjem programu. Namestiti je treba paket telepathy-haze in ponovno zagnati sejo za prenos računa." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:468 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:479 msgid "Offline — Account Disabled" msgstr "Brez povezave - račun je onemogočen" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:572 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:585 msgid "Edit Connection Parameters" msgstr "Uredi parametre povezave" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:735 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:750 msgid "Failed to retrieve your personal information from the server." msgstr "Pridobivanje osebnih podrobnosti s strežnika je spodletelo." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:741 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:756 msgid "Go online to edit your personal information." msgstr "Prijava v omrežje za urejanje osebnih podrobnosti." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:826 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:843 msgid "_Edit Connection Parameters..." msgstr "_Uredi parametre povezave ..." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1322 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1339 #, c-format msgid "Do you want to remove %s from your computer?" msgstr "Ali želite odstraniti %s iz računalnika?" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1326 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1343 msgid "This will not remove your account on the server." msgstr "To ne bo odstranilo vašega računa s strežnika." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1562 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1579 msgid "" "You are about to select another account, which will discard\n" "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" @@ -2998,23 +3053,23 @@ "Ali ste prepričani, da želite nadaljevati?" #. Menu items: to enabled/disable the account -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1738 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1755 msgid "_Enable" msgstr "_Omogoči" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1739 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1756 msgid "_Disable" msgstr "O_nemogoči" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2122 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2184 msgid "_Skip" msgstr "Pre_skoči" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2126 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2188 msgid "_Connect" msgstr "_Poveži" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2303 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2365 msgid "" "You are about to close the window, which will discard\n" "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" @@ -3022,10 +3077,6 @@ "Ste tik pred zaprtjem okna, kar bo zavrglo vaše spremembe!\n" "Ali ste prepričani, da želite nadaljevati?" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:1 -msgid "Add…" -msgstr "Dodaj ..." - #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:3 msgid "_Import…" msgstr "_Uvozi ..." @@ -3042,15 +3093,173 @@ msgid "No protocol backends installed" msgstr "Ni nameščenega ozadnjega protokola" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:286 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:288 msgid " - Empathy authentication client" msgstr "- Empathy odjemalec overitve" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:302 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:304 msgid "Empathy authentication client" msgstr "Empathy odjemalec overitve" +#: ../src/empathy-av.c:118 +#: ../src/empathy-call.c:201 +msgid "- Empathy Audio/Video Client" +msgstr "- Empathy odjemalec zvoka in slike" + +#: ../src/empathy-av.c:134 +#: ../src/empathy-call.c:223 +msgid "Empathy Audio/Video Client" +msgstr "Empathy odjemalec zvoka in slike" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:434 +msgid "Contrast" +msgstr "Kontrast" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:437 +msgid "Brightness" +msgstr "Svetlost" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:440 +msgid "Gamma" +msgstr "Gama" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:547 +msgid "Volume" +msgstr "Glasnost" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1099 +msgid "_Sidebar" +msgstr "_Stranska vrstica" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1119 +msgid "Audio input" +msgstr "Zvočni vhod" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1123 +msgid "Video input" +msgstr "Video vhod" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1131 +msgid "Dialpad" +msgstr "Številčnica" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1142 +msgid "Details" +msgstr "Podrobnosti" + +#. translators: Call is a noun and %s is the contact name. This string +#. * is used in the window title +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1211 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1889 +#, c-format +msgid "Call with %s" +msgstr "Klic z %s" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1444 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2133 +msgid "The IP address as seen by the machine" +msgstr "Naslov IP kot ga zazna strojna oprema" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1446 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2135 +msgid "The IP address as seen by a server on the Internet" +msgstr "Naslov IP kot ga zazna strežnik v omrežju" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1448 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2137 +msgid "The IP address of the peer as seen by the other side" +msgstr "Naslov IP kot ga zazna uporabnik na drugi strani" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1450 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2139 +msgid "The IP address of a relay server" +msgstr "Naslov IP posredovalnega strežnika" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1452 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2141 +msgid "The IP address of the multicast group" +msgstr "Naslov IP skupine za večsmerno oddajanje" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1837 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1840 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1843 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1846 +msgctxt "codec" +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Neznano" + +#. Translators: number of minutes:seconds the caller has been connected +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2138 +#, c-format +msgid "Connected — %d:%02dm" +msgstr "Povezan - %d:%02d m" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2199 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2992 +msgid "Technical Details" +msgstr "Tehnične podrobnosti" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2237 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3031 +#, c-format +msgid "%s's software does not understand any of the audio formats supported by your computer" +msgstr "Program stika %s ne prepozna zvočnih zapisov podprtih na vašem sistemu" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2242 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3036 +#, c-format +msgid "%s's software does not understand any of the video formats supported by your computer" +msgstr "Program stika %s ne prepozna video zapisov podprtih na vašem sistemu" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2248 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3042 +#, c-format +msgid "Can't establish a connection to %s. One of you might be on a network that does not allow direct connections." +msgstr "Ni mogoče vzpostaviti povezave z %s. Morda je eden od odjemalcev je v omrežju, ki ne dovoli neposrednih povezav." + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2254 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3048 +msgid "There was a failure on the network" +msgstr "Prišlo je do napake na omrežju" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2258 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3052 +msgid "The audio formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" +msgstr "Zvočni zapisi za ta klic niso nameščeni" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2261 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3055 +msgid "The video formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" +msgstr "Video zapisi za ta klic niso nameščeni" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2271 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3067 +#, c-format +msgid "Something unexpected happened in a Telepathy component. Please report this bug and attach logs gathered from the 'Debug' window in the Help menu." +msgstr "Prišlo je do nepričakovane napake v delu programa Telepathy. Pošljite poročilo o hrošču in pripnite dnevnik razhroščevanja iz menija pomoči." + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2279 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3076 +msgid "There was a failure in the call engine" +msgstr "Prišlo je do napake v klicnem programniku" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2282 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3079 +msgid "The end of the stream was reached" +msgstr "Dosežen je konec pretoka" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2322 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3119 +msgid "Can't establish audio stream" +msgstr "Ni mogoče vzpostaviti zvočnega pretoka" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2332 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3129 +msgid "Can't establish video stream" +msgstr "Ni mogoče vzpostaviti video pretoka" + #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:1 msgid "_Call" msgstr "Po_kliči" @@ -3068,6 +3277,7 @@ #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:6 #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:8 msgid "_View" msgstr "_Pogled" @@ -3105,10 +3315,12 @@ msgstr "Onemogoči videokamero" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:14 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:2 msgid "Hang up" msgstr "Odloži" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:15 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:9 msgid "Hang up current call" msgstr "Odloži trenutni klic" @@ -3141,39 +3353,47 @@ msgstr "Preklopi prenos videa" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:24 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:11 msgid "Send Audio" msgstr "Pošlji zvočni posnetek" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:25 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:12 msgid "Toggle audio transmission" msgstr "Preklopi prenos zvoka" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:27 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:20 msgid "Encoding Codec:" msgstr "Kodek kodiranja:" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:28 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2537 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2538 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2539 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2540 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:21 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2542 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2543 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2544 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2545 msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Neznano" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:29 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:22 msgid "Decoding Codec:" msgstr "Kodek odkodiranja:" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:30 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:23 msgid "Remote Candidate:" msgstr "Oddaljeni odjemalec:" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:31 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:24 msgid "Local Candidate:" msgstr "Krajevni odjemalec:" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:32 #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:24 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:25 msgid "Audio" msgstr "Zvok" @@ -3343,100 +3563,102 @@ msgid "Manage Favorite Rooms" msgstr "Upravljanje priljubljenih klepetalnic" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:511 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 msgid "Incoming video call" msgstr "Dohodni video klic" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:511 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1519 msgid "Incoming call" msgstr "Dohodni klic" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:515 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:526 #, c-format msgid "%s is video calling you. Do you want to answer?" msgstr "%s vas kliče preko video kanala. Ali se želite javiti?" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:516 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:527 #, c-format msgid "%s is calling you. Do you want to answer?" msgstr "%s vas kliče. Ali se želite javiti?" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:519 -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:720 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:530 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "Incoming call from %s" msgstr "Dohodni klic od %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:544 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:555 msgid "_Reject" msgstr "_Zavrni" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:552 -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:560 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:563 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 msgid "_Answer" msgstr "_Odgovori" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:560 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 msgid "_Answer with video" msgstr "_Odgovori z videom" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:720 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "Incoming video call from %s" msgstr "Dohodni video klic od %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:778 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:837 msgid "Room invitation" msgstr "Vabilo v klepetalnico" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:780 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:839 #, c-format msgid "Invitation to join %s" msgstr "Povabilo v %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:787 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:846 #, c-format msgid "%s is inviting you to join %s" msgstr "%s vas vabi, da se pridružite v %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:795 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:854 msgid "_Decline" msgstr "_Odkloni" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:800 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:859 #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:2 msgid "_Join" msgstr "_Pridruži se" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:827 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:886 #, c-format msgid "%s invited you to join %s" msgstr "%s vas je povabil v %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:833 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:892 #, c-format msgid "You have been invited to join %s" msgstr "Povabljeni ste v %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:884 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:943 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file transfer from %s" msgstr "Prihajajoč prenos datoteke od %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1064 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1146 #: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:374 msgid "Password required" msgstr "Zahtevano geslo" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1134 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1216 #, c-format msgid "%s would like permission to see when you are online" msgstr "%s želi dovoljenje za pogled dosegljivosti" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1140 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1222 #, c-format msgid "" "\n" @@ -4044,6 +4266,54 @@ msgid "_Quit" msgstr "_Končaj" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:3 +msgid "Redial" +msgstr "Ponovno pokliči" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:4 +msgid "V_ideo" +msgstr "V_ideo" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:5 +msgid "Video Off" +msgstr "Video ni omogočen" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:6 +msgid "Video Preview" +msgstr "Predogled videa" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:7 +msgid "Video On" +msgstr "Video je omogočen" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:10 +msgid "Call the contact again" +msgstr "Znova pokliči stik" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:13 +msgid "Camera Off" +msgstr "Kamera ni omogočena" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:14 +msgid "Disable camera and stop sending video" +msgstr "Onemogoči kamero in zaustavi pošiljanje videa" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:15 +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "Predogled" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "Enable camera but don't send video" +msgstr "Omogoči kamero, vendar ne pošlji videa" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:17 +msgid "Camera On" +msgstr "Kamera je omogočena" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:18 +msgid "Enable camera and send video" +msgstr "Omogoči kamero in začni pošiljati video" + #: ../src/empathy-map-view.c:471 msgid "Contact Map View" msgstr "Prikaz zemljevida stikov" @@ -4130,16 +4400,16 @@ msgid "The selected connection manager does not support the remote debugging extension." msgstr "Izbrani upravljalnik povezav ne podpira razširitve za oddaljeno razhroščevanje." -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:200 -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:228 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:202 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:230 msgid "Invite Participant" msgstr "Povabi udeležence" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:201 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:203 msgid "Choose a contact to invite into the conversation:" msgstr "Izbor stika za povabilo v pogovor:" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:224 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:226 msgid "Invite" msgstr "Povabi" @@ -4183,39 +4453,39 @@ msgid "- Empathy Chat Client" msgstr "- sporočilnik Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:187 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:189 msgid "Respond" msgstr "Odgovori" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:196 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:203 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1529 msgid "Reject" msgstr "Zavrni" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:201 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:206 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:208 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1530 msgid "Answer" msgstr "Odgovori" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:206 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 msgid "Answer with video" msgstr "Odgovori z videom" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:214 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:224 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:221 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:231 msgid "Decline" msgstr "Odkloni" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:218 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:229 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:225 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:236 msgid "Accept" msgstr "Sprejmi" #. translators: the 'Provide' button is displayed in a notification #. * bubble when Empathy is asking for an account password; clicking on it #. * brings the password popup. -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:239 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:246 msgid "Provide" msgstr "Zagotovi" @@ -4226,129 +4496,42 @@ #. Translators: this is an "Info" label. It should be as short #. * as possible. -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1136 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1159 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1140 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1162 msgid "i" msgstr "i" -#. translators: Call is a noun and %s is the contact name. This string -#. * is used in the window title -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1889 -#, c-format -msgid "Call with %s" -msgstr "Klic z %s" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2133 -msgid "The IP address as seen by the machine" -msgstr "Naslov IP kot ga zazna strojna oprema" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2135 -msgid "The IP address as seen by a server on the Internet" -msgstr "Naslov IP kot ga zazna strežnik v omrežju" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2137 -msgid "The IP address of the peer as seen by the other side" -msgstr "Naslov IP kot ga zazna uporabnik na drugi strani" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2139 -msgid "The IP address of a relay server" -msgstr "Naslov IP posredovalnega strežnika" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2141 -msgid "The IP address of the multicast group" -msgstr "Naslov IP skupine za večsmerno oddajanje" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2883 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2888 msgid "On hold" msgstr "Zadržano" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2886 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2891 msgid "Mute" msgstr "Utišaj" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2888 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2893 msgid "Duration" msgstr "Trajanje" #. Translators: 'status - minutes:seconds' the caller has been connected -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2891 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2896 #, c-format msgid "%s — %d:%02dm" msgstr "%s — %d:%02dm" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2987 -msgid "Technical Details" -msgstr "Tehnične podrobnosti" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3026 -#, c-format -msgid "%s's software does not understand any of the audio formats supported by your computer" -msgstr "Program stika %s ne prepozna zvočnih zapisov podprtih na vašem sistemu" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3031 -#, c-format -msgid "%s's software does not understand any of the video formats supported by your computer" -msgstr "Program stika %s ne prepozna video zapisov podprtih na vašem sistemu" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3037 -#, c-format -msgid "Can't establish a connection to %s. One of you might be on a network that does not allow direct connections." -msgstr "Ni mogoče vzpostaviti povezave z %s. Morda je eden od odjemalcev je v omrežju, ki ne dovoli neposrednih povezav." - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3043 -msgid "There was a failure on the network" -msgstr "Prišlo je do napake na omrežju" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3047 -msgid "The audio formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" -msgstr "Zvočni zapisi za ta klic niso nameščeni" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3050 -msgid "The video formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" -msgstr "Video zapisi za ta klic niso nameščeni" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3062 -#, c-format -msgid "Something unexpected happened in a Telepathy component. Please report this bug and attach logs gathered from the 'Debug' window in the Help menu." -msgstr "Prišlo je do nepričakovane napake v delu programa Telepathy. Pošljite poročilo o hrošču in pripnite dnevnik razhroščevanja iz menija pomoči." - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3071 -msgid "There was a failure in the call engine" -msgstr "Prišlo je do napake v klicnem programniku" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3074 -msgid "The end of the stream was reached" -msgstr "Dosežen je konec pretoka" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3114 -msgid "Can't establish audio stream" -msgstr "Ni mogoče vzpostaviti zvočnega pretoka" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3124 -msgid "Can't establish video stream" -msgstr "Ni mogoče vzpostaviti video pretoka" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3161 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3166 #, c-format msgid "Your current balance is %s." msgstr "Trenutno stanje je %s." -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3165 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3170 msgid "Sorry, you don’t have enough credit for that call." msgstr "Na računu ni dovolj visokega zneska za vzpostavitev klica." -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3167 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3172 msgid "Top Up" msgstr "Povišaj" -#: ../src/empathy-call.c:201 -msgid "- Empathy Audio/Video Client" -msgstr "- Empathy odjemalec zvoka in slike" - -#: ../src/empathy-call.c:223 -msgid "Empathy Audio/Video Client" -msgstr "Empathy odjemalec zvoka in slike" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.c:243 msgid "_Match case" msgstr "_Upoštevaj velikost črk" @@ -4373,9 +4556,6 @@ msgid "You can change these details later or disable this feature by choosing Edit → Accounts in the Contact List." msgstr "Te podrobnosti je mogoče spreminjati in onemogočiti tudi kasneje preko menija Uredi → Računi v seznamu stikov." -#~ msgid "Linked Contacts" -#~ msgstr "Povezani stiki" - #~ msgid "Select contacts to link" #~ msgstr "Izbor stikov za povezovanje" @@ -4520,76 +4700,6 @@ #~ msgid "Protocol:" #~ msgstr "Protokol:" -#~ msgid "Contrast" -#~ msgstr "Kontrast" - -#~ msgid "Brightness" -#~ msgstr "Svetlost" - -#~ msgid "Gamma" -#~ msgstr "Gama" - -#~ msgid "Volume" -#~ msgstr "Glasnost" - -#~ msgid "_Sidebar" -#~ msgstr "_Stranska vrstica" - -#~ msgid "Audio input" -#~ msgstr "Zvočni vhod" - -#~ msgid "Video input" -#~ msgstr "Video vhod" - -#~ msgid "Dialpad" -#~ msgstr "Številčnica" - -#~ msgid "Details" -#~ msgstr "Podrobnosti" -#~ msgctxt "codec" - -#~ msgid "Unknown" -#~ msgstr "Neznano" - -#~ msgid "Connected — %d:%02dm" -#~ msgstr "Povezan - %d:%02d m" - -#~ msgid "Call the contact again" -#~ msgstr "Znova pokliči stik" - -#~ msgid "Camera Off" -#~ msgstr "Kamera ni omogočena" - -#~ msgid "Camera On" -#~ msgstr "Kamera je omogočena" - -#~ msgid "Disable camera and stop sending video" -#~ msgstr "Onemogoči kamero in zaustavi pošiljanje videa" - -#~ msgid "Enable camera and send video" -#~ msgstr "Omogoči kamero in začni pošiljati video" - -#~ msgid "Enable camera but don't send video" -#~ msgstr "Omogoči kamero, vendar ne pošlji videa" - -#~ msgid "Preview" -#~ msgstr "Predogled" - -#~ msgid "Redial" -#~ msgstr "Ponovno pokliči" - -#~ msgid "V_ideo" -#~ msgstr "V_ideo" - -#~ msgid "Video Off" -#~ msgstr "Video ni omogočen" - -#~ msgid "Video On" -#~ msgstr "Video je omogočen" - -#~ msgid "Video Preview" -#~ msgstr "Predogled videa" - #~ msgid "Show account assistant" #~ msgstr "Pokaži pomočnika za ustvarjanje računov" diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/po/sr@latin.po empathy-3.3.92/po/sr@latin.po --- empathy-3.3.91/po/sr@latin.po 2012-02-24 08:47:54.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/po/sr@latin.po 2012-03-19 09:12:32.000000000 +0000 @@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ "Project-Id-Version: empathy\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=empath" "y&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=General\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-21 15:03+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-23 21:51+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-16 10:47+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-17 20:30+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Miroslav Nikolić \n" "Language-Team: Serbian \n" "Language: sr\n" @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ #. Tweak the dialog #: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2450 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2512 msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts" msgstr "Nalozi za dopisivanje i VoIP" @@ -97,77 +97,92 @@ msgstr "Podrazumevana fascikla za čuvanje prenesenih datoteka." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:9 +msgid "Magic number used to check if sanity cleaning tasks should be run" +msgstr "" +"Magičan broj korišćen za proveru ako zadaci čišćenja ispravnosti treba da " +"budu pokrenuti" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:10 +msgid "" +"empathy-sanity-cleaning.c uses this number to check if the cleaning tasks " +"should be executed or not. Users should not change this key manually." +msgstr "" +"„empathy-sanity-cleaning.c“ (čišćenje ispravnosti internet pismonoše) koristi " +"ovaj broj da proveri da li zadaci čišćenja treba da budu izvršeni ili ne. " +"Korisnici ne treba ručno da menjaju ovaj ključ." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:11 msgid "Show offline contacts" msgstr "Prikazuje prijatelje van mreže" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:10 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:12 msgid "Whether to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." msgstr "Da li da prikazuje nepovezane prijatelje u spisku prijatelja." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:11 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:13 msgid "Show avatars" msgstr "Prikazuje slike" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:12 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:14 msgid "" "Whether to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat windows." msgstr "" "Da li da prikazuje slike za prijatelje u spisku prijatelja i prozoru ćaskanja." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:13 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:15 msgid "Show protocols" msgstr "Prikazuje protokole" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:14 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:16 msgid "Whether to show protocols for contacts in the contact list." msgstr "" "Da li da prikazuje slike za prijatelje u spisku prijatelja i prozoru ćaskanja." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:15 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:17 msgid "Show Balance in contact list" msgstr "Prikazuje gotovinu na spisku prijatelja" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:16 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:18 msgid "Whether to show account balances in the contact list." msgstr "Da li da prikazuje iznos gotovine naloga u spisku prijatelja." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:17 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:19 msgid "Compact contact list" msgstr "Zbijeni spisak prijatelja" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:18 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:20 msgid "Whether to show the contact list in compact mode." msgstr "Da li da prikazuje spisak prijatelja u zbijenom režimu." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:19 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:21 msgid "Hide main window" msgstr "Sakriva glavni prozor" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:20 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:22 msgid "Hide the main window." msgstr "Sakriva glavni prozor programa." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:21 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:23 msgid "Default directory to select an avatar image from" msgstr "Podrazumevana fascikla za izbor slike" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:22 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:24 msgid "The last directory that an avatar image was chosen from." msgstr "Poslednja fascikla iz koje je izabrana slika." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:23 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:25 msgid "Open new chats in separate windows" msgstr "Otvara nova ćaskanja u različitim prozorima" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:24 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:26 msgid "Always open a separate chat window for new chats." msgstr "Uvek otvara poseban prozor za nova ćaskanja." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:25 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:27 msgid "Display incoming events in the status area" msgstr "Prikazuje dolazne događaje na liniji stanja" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:26 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:28 msgid "" "Display incoming events in the status area. If false, present them to the " "user immediately." @@ -175,27 +190,27 @@ "Prikazuje dolazne događaje na liniji stanja. Ako nije postavljeno, odmah ih " "prikazuje korisniku." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:27 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:29 msgid "The position for the chat window side pane" msgstr "Položaj bočne površi prozora za ćaskanje" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:28 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:30 msgid "The stored position (in pixels) of the chat window side pane." msgstr "Sačuvan položaj (u tačkama) bočne površi prozora za ćaskanje." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:29 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:31 msgid "Show contact groups" msgstr "Prikazuje grupe kontakta" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:30 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:32 msgid "Whether to show groups in the contact list." msgstr "Da li da prikazuje grupe u spisku kontakta." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:31 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:33 msgid "Contact list sort criterion" msgstr "Kriterijum za sortiranje prijatelja" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:32 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:34 msgid "" "Which criterion to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to sort by " "the contact's state with the value \"state\". A value of \"name\" will sort " @@ -205,100 +220,100 @@ "koristi „state“ (sortiranje po stanju prijatelja). Ako je vrednost „name“, " "sortiranje se vrši po imenu prijatelja." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:33 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:35 msgid "Use notification sounds" msgstr "Koristi zvukove za obaveštenja" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:34 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:36 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of events." msgstr "Da li da pusti obaveštajni zvuk za događaje." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:35 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:37 msgid "Disable sounds when away" msgstr "Onemogućava zvuke kada smo odsutni" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:36 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:38 msgid "Whether to play sound notifications when away or busy." msgstr "Da li da pusti obaveštajni zvuk kada postanete zauzeti ili odsutni." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:37 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:39 msgid "Play a sound for incoming messages" msgstr "Pušta zvuk za dolazeće poruke" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:38 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:40 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of incoming messages." msgstr "Da li da pusti obaveštajni zvuk kada vam stigne poruka." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:39 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:41 msgid "Play a sound for outgoing messages" msgstr "Pušta zvuk za odlazeće poruke" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:40 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:42 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of outgoing messages." msgstr "Da li da pusti obaveštajni zvuk kada pošaljete poruku." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:41 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:43 msgid "Play a sound for new conversations" msgstr "Pušta zvuk za nove razgovore" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:42 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:44 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of new conversations." msgstr "Da li da pusti obaveštajni zvuk na novi razgovor." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:43 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:45 msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs in" msgstr "Pušta zvuk kada se prijatelj prijavi" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:44 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:46 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging into the network." msgstr "Da li da pusti obaveštajni zvuk kada se prijatelji prijave na mrežu." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:45 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:47 msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs out" msgstr "Pušta zvuk kada se prijatelj odjavi" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:46 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:48 msgid "" "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging out of the network." msgstr "Da li da pusti obaveštajni zvuk kada se prijatelji odjave sa mreže." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:47 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:49 msgid "Play a sound when we log in" msgstr "Pušta zvuk kada se ja prijavim" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:48 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:50 msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging into a network." msgstr "Da li da pusti zvuk kada se prijavite na mrežu." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:49 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:51 msgid "Play a sound when we log out" msgstr "Pušta zvuk kada se ja odjavim" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:50 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:52 msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging out of a network." msgstr "Da li da pusti zvuk kada se odjavite sa mreže." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:51 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:53 msgid "Enable popup notifications for new messages" msgstr "Omogućava iskačuća obaveštenja za nove poruke" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:52 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:54 msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message." msgstr "Da li da prikazuje oblačić obaveštenja kada primite novu poruku." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:53 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:55 msgid "Disable popup notifications when away" msgstr "Isključuje iskačuća obaveštenja kada smo odsutni" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:54 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:56 msgid "Whether to show popup notifications when away or busy." msgstr "Da li da prikazuje oblačić obaveštenja kada ste zauzeti ili odsutni." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:55 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:57 msgid "Pop up notifications if the chat isn't focused" msgstr "Ispisuje obaveštenja ako ćaskanje nije u fokusu" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:56 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:58 msgid "" "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message even if " "the chat is already opened, but not focused." @@ -306,81 +321,81 @@ "Da li da prikazuje oblačić obaveštenja sa pristiglim porukama čak i kada je " "prozor za ćaskanje otvoren, ali nije u fokusu." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:57 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:59 msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs in" msgstr "Ispisuje obaveštenja kada se prijatelj prijavi" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:58 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:60 msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes online." msgstr "" "Da li da prikazuje oblačić obaveštenja kada se prijatelj prijavi na mrežu." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:59 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:61 msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs out" msgstr "Ispisuje obaveštenja kada se prijatelj odjavi" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:60 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:62 msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes offline." msgstr "" "Da li da prikazuje oblačić obaveštenja kada se prijatelj odjavi sa mreže." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:61 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:63 msgid "Use graphical smileys" msgstr "Prikazuje sličicu sa smeškom" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:62 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:64 msgid "Whether to convert smileys into graphical images in conversations." msgstr "Da li da prikazuje smeške kao sličice unutar razgovora." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:63 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:65 msgid "Show contact list in rooms" msgstr "Prikazuje spisak prijatelja u sobama" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:64 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:66 msgid "Whether to show the contact list in chat rooms." msgstr "Da li da prikazuje spisak prijatelja u sobama za ćaskanje." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:65 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:67 msgid "Chat window theme" msgstr "Tema prozora za ćaskanje" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:66 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:68 msgid "The theme that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." msgstr "Tema za prikaz razgovora u prozoru ćaskanja." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:67 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:69 msgid "Chat window theme variant" msgstr "Varijanta teme prozora za ćaskanje" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:68 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:70 msgid "" "The theme variant that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." msgstr "Varijanta teme koja se koristi za prikaz razgovora u prozoru ćaskanja." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:69 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:71 msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use" msgstr "Putanja do Adijum teme za korišćenje" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:70 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:72 msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use if the theme used for chat is Adium." msgstr "" "Putanja do Adijum teme za korišćenje, ako se koristi Adijum tema za ćaskanje." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:71 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:73 msgid "Enable WebKit Developer Tools" msgstr "Omogućava Veb kit razvojne alate" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:72 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:74 msgid "" "Whether WebKit developer tools, such as the Web Inspector, should be enabled." msgstr "" "Da li će biti omogućeni Veb kit razvojni alati, kao što je Veb Inspektor." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:73 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:75 msgid "Inform other users when you are typing to them" msgstr "Obaveštava ostale korisnike kada im pišete poruku" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:74 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:76 msgid "" "Whether to send the 'composing' or 'paused' chat states. Does not currently " "affect the 'gone' state." @@ -388,39 +403,39 @@ "Da li će da pošalje stanja ćaskanja „sastavlja“ ili „pauziran“. Neće uticati na " "stanje „otišao“." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:75 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:77 msgid "Use theme for chat rooms" msgstr "Koristi teme za sobe ćaskanja" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:76 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:78 msgid "Whether to use the theme for chat rooms." msgstr "Da li da koristi temu za sobe razgovora." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:77 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:79 msgid "Spell checking languages" msgstr "Jezici za proveru pisanja" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:78 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:80 msgid "" "Comma-separated list of spell checker languages to use (e.g. \"en, fr, nl\")." msgstr "" "Spisak jezika odvojen zarezima koje koristi provera pravopisa (npr. „sr, en, " "fr“)." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:79 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:81 msgid "Enable spell checker" msgstr "Omogućava proveru pisanja" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:80 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:82 msgid "" "Whether to check words typed against the languages you want to check with." msgstr "Da li da proverava pisanje reči za izabrane jezike." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:81 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:83 msgid "Nick completed character" msgstr "Znak za dovršavanje nadimka" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:82 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:84 msgid "" "Character to add after nickname when using nick completion (tab) in group " "chat." @@ -428,56 +443,56 @@ "Znak za dodavanje posle nadimka kada se koristi automatsko dovršavanje nadimka " "(tab) u grupnim ćaskanjima." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:83 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:85 msgid "Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon" msgstr "" "Da li Pismonoša da koristi sliku prijatelja kao ikonicu prozora za ćaskanje" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:84 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:86 msgid "" "Whether Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon." msgstr "" "Da li Pismonoša da koristi sliku prijatelja kao ikonu u prozoru ćaskanja." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:85 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:87 msgid "Last account selected in Join Room dialog" msgstr "Poslednji izabrani nalog u prozorčetu za pridruživanje sobi" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:86 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:88 msgid "D-Bus object path of the last account selected to join a room." -msgstr "Putanja objekta D-basa poslednjeg naloga izabranog za pridruživanje sobi" +msgstr "Putanja objekta D-basa poslednjeg naloga izabranog za pridruživanje sobi." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:87 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:89 msgid "Camera device" msgstr "Uređaj kamerice" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:88 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:90 msgid "Default camera device to use in video calls, e.g. /dev/video0." msgstr "" "Osnovna video kamerica koja će biti korišćena u video pozivima, npr. „/dev/" "video0“." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:89 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:91 msgid "Camera position" msgstr "Položaj kamerice" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:90 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:92 msgid "Position the camera preview should be during a call." msgstr "Položaj prikaza kamerice za vreme poziva." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:91 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:93 msgid "Echo cancellation support" msgstr "Podrška za uklanjanje odjeka" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:92 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:94 msgid "Whether to enable Pulseaudio's echo cancellation filter." msgstr "Da li će biti uključen filter Pulse audia za uklanjanje odjeka." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:93 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:95 msgid "Show hint about closing the main window" msgstr "Prikazuje savet u vezi zatvaranja glavnog prozora" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:94 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:96 msgid "" "Whether to show the message dialog about closing the main window with the " "'x' button in the title bar." @@ -485,89 +500,89 @@ "Da li da prikazuje poruku o zatvaranju glavnog prozora kada ga zatvorite na " "„x“ dugme." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:95 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:97 msgid "Empathy can publish the user's location" msgstr "Da li Pismonoša sme da objavljuje lokaciju korisnika" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:96 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:98 msgid "Whether Empathy can publish the user's location to their contacts." msgstr "Da li Pismonoša da objavljuje lokaciju korisnika njegovim prijateljima." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:97 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:99 msgid "Empathy can use the network to guess the location" msgstr "Da li Pismonoša sme da koristi mrežu da pogodi lokaciju" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:98 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:100 msgid "Whether Empathy can use the network to guess the location." msgstr "Da li Pismonoša sme da koristi mrežu da pogodi lokaciju." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:99 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:101 msgid "Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location" msgstr "Da li Pismonoša sme da koristi mobilnu mrežu da pogodi lokaciju" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:100 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:102 msgid "Whether Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location." msgstr "Da li Pismonoša sme da koristi mobilnu mrežu da pogodi lokaciju." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:101 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:103 msgid "Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location" msgstr "Da li Pismonoša sme da koristi GPS da pogodi lokaciju" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:102 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:104 msgid "Whether Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location." msgstr "Da li Pismonoša sme da koristi GPS da pogodi lokaciju." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:103 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:105 msgid "Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy" msgstr "Da li Pismonoša da umanji preciznost lokacije" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:104 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:106 msgid "" "Whether Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy for privacy reasons." msgstr "" "Da li Pismonoša da umanji preciznost lokacije zbog povećane privatnosti." -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:736 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:738 msgid "No reason was specified" msgstr "Nije naveden razlog" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:739 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:741 msgid "The change in state was requested" msgstr "Zahtevana je promena stanja" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:742 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:744 msgid "You canceled the file transfer" msgstr "Obustavili ste prenos datoteke" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:745 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:747 msgid "The other participant canceled the file transfer" msgstr "Druga strana je prekinula prenos datoteke" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:748 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:750 msgid "Error while trying to transfer the file" msgstr "Greška prilikom prenosa datoteke" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:751 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:753 msgid "The other participant is unable to transfer the file" msgstr "Druga strana nije u mogućnosti da prenese datoteku" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:754 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:313 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:756 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:313 msgid "Unknown reason" msgstr "Nepoznat razlog" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:917 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:919 msgid "File transfer completed, but the file was corrupted" msgstr "Prenos datoteke je završen, ali je datoteka oštećena" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1203 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1205 msgid "File transfer not supported by remote contact" msgstr "Druga strana ne podržava prenos datoteka" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1259 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1261 msgid "The selected file is not a regular file" msgstr "Izabrana datoteka nije obična datoteka" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1268 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1270 msgid "The selected file is empty" msgstr "Izabrana datoteka je prazna" @@ -754,7 +769,7 @@ #, c-format msgid "%d second ago" msgid_plural "%d seconds ago" -msgstr[0] "Pre %d sekunde" +msgstr[0] "Pre %d sekund" msgstr[1] "Pre %d sekunde" msgstr[2] "Pre %d sekundi" msgstr[3] "Pre jedne sekunde" @@ -763,7 +778,7 @@ #, c-format msgid "%d minute ago" msgid_plural "%d minutes ago" -msgstr[0] "Pre %d minuta" +msgstr[0] "Pre %d minut" msgstr[1] "Pre %d minuta" msgstr[2] "Pre %d minuta" msgstr[3] "Pre jednog minuta" @@ -808,6 +823,20 @@ msgid "in the future" msgstr "u budućnosti" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:75 +msgid "Password not found" +msgstr "Lozinka nije pronađena" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:218 +#, c-format +msgid "IM account password for %s (%s)" +msgstr "Lozinka TP naloga za %s (%s)" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:253 +#, c-format +msgid "Password for chatroom '%s' on account %s (%s)" +msgstr "Lozinka za pričaonicu „%s“ na nalogu %s (%s)" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-chooser.c:692 msgid "All accounts" msgstr "Svi nalozi" @@ -822,12 +851,12 @@ msgstr "Lozinka" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:684 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:507 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:511 msgid "Server" msgstr "Server" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:685 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:522 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:529 msgid "Port" msgstr "Port" @@ -838,7 +867,7 @@ msgstr "%s:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1398 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:14 msgid "Username:" msgstr "Korisničko ime:" @@ -931,7 +960,7 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-generic.ui.h:1 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:7 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:8 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:15 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:23 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:7 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:7 @@ -1043,10 +1072,31 @@ msgstr "Kodni raspored:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:1 +msgid "Add…" +msgstr "Dodaj…" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:3 +msgid "Remove" +msgstr "Ukloni" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:6 +msgid "Up" +msgstr "Gore" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:7 +msgid "Down" +msgstr "Dole" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:8 msgid "Servers" msgstr "Serveri" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:9 msgid "" "Most IRC servers don't need a password, so if you're not sure, don't enter a " "password." @@ -1054,27 +1104,27 @@ "Većina IRC servera ne traži lozinku, zato ako niste sigurni, nemojte je " "unositi." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:6 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 msgid "Nickname:" msgstr "Nadimak:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 msgid "Password:" msgstr "Lozinka:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:12 msgid "Quit message:" msgstr "Poruka za kraj:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:9 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 msgid "Real name:" msgstr "Pravo ime:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:12 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:16 msgid "Which IRC network?" msgstr "Koja IRC mreža?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:17 msgid "What is your IRC nickname?" msgstr "Koji je vaš IRC nadimak?" @@ -1161,11 +1211,11 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your Windows Live ID?" -msgstr "Koji je vaš Vindouz Uživo IB ?" +msgstr "Koji je vaš IB Vindouza uživo?" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your Windows Live password?" -msgstr "Koja je vaša Vindouz Uživo lozinka?" +msgstr "Koja je vaša lozinka Vindouza uživo?" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:1 msgid "Nic_kname:" @@ -1185,7 +1235,7 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:5 msgid "_Jabber ID:" -msgstr "_Džaber ID:" +msgstr "_Džaber IB:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:6 msgid "E-_mail address:" @@ -1354,63 +1404,63 @@ msgid "You don't have enough credit in order to place this call" msgstr "Nemate dovoljno kredita da biste mogli da obavite ovaj poziv" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:728 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:729 msgid "Failed to open private chat" msgstr "Nisam uspeo da otvorim privatno ćaskanje" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:786 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:787 msgid "Topic not supported on this conversation" msgstr "Teme nisu podržane u ovom razgovoru" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:792 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:793 msgid "You are not allowed to change the topic" msgstr "Nije vam dozvoljeno da promenite temu" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:991 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:992 #, c-format msgid "“%s” is not a valid contact ID" msgstr "„%s“ nije ispravan IB kontakta" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1086 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1087 msgid "/clear: clear all messages from the current conversation" msgstr "/clear: čisti sve poruke iz ovog razgovora" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1089 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1090 msgid "/topic : set the topic of the current conversation" msgstr "/topic : postavlja temu trenutnog razgovora" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1092 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1093 msgid "/join : join a new chat room" msgstr "/join : priključuje se novoj sobi za ćaskanje" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1095 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1096 msgid "/j : join a new chat room" msgstr "/j : priključuje se novoj sobi za ćaskanje" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1099 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1100 msgid "" "/part [] []: leave the chat room, by default the " "current one" msgstr "" "/part [] []: napušta sobu za ćaskanje, podrazumevano trenutnu" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1103 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1104 msgid "/query []: open a private chat" msgstr "/query []: otvara privatno ćaskanje" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1106 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1107 msgid "/msg : open a private chat" msgstr "/msg : otvara privatno ćaskanje" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1109 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1110 msgid "/nick : change your nickname on the current server" msgstr "/nick : menja vaš nadimak na trenutnom serveru" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1112 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1113 msgid "/me : send an ACTION message to the current conversation" msgstr "/me : šalje poruku RADNJA na trenutni razgovor" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1115 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1116 msgid "" "/say : send to the current conversation. This is used to " "send a message starting with a '/'. For example: \"/say /join is used to " @@ -1420,11 +1470,11 @@ "poruka koje počinju sa „/“. Na primer: „/say /join se koristi za priključivanje " "u novu sobu za ćaskanje“" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1120 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1121 msgid "/whois : display information about a contact" msgstr "/whois : prikazuje podatke o kontaktu" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1123 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1124 msgid "" "/help []: show all supported commands. If is defined, " "show its usage." @@ -1432,126 +1482,126 @@ "/help []: prikazuje sve podržane naredbe. Ako se da i konkretna " ", prikazuje njeno uputstvo za upotrebu." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1142 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1143 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s" msgstr "Korišćenje: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1187 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1188 msgid "Unknown command" msgstr "Nepoznata naredba" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1313 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1314 msgid "Unknown command; see /help for the available commands" msgstr "Nepoznata naredba; pogledajte /help za dostupne naredbe" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1564 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1565 msgid "insufficient balance to send message" msgstr "nema dovoljno gotovine za slanje poruke" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1568 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1582 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1645 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1569 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1583 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1646 #, c-format msgid "Error sending message '%s': %s" msgstr "Greška pri slanju poruke „%s“: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1570 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1587 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1649 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1571 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1588 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1650 #, c-format msgid "Error sending message: %s" msgstr "Greška pri slanju poruke: %s" #. translators: error used when user doesn't have enough credit on his #. * account to send the message. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1576 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1577 #, c-format msgid "insufficient balance to send message. Top up." msgstr "nema dovoljno gotovine za slanje poruke. Dopunite." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1616 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1617 msgid "not capable" msgstr "nesposoban" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1623 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1624 msgid "offline" msgstr "nepovezan" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1626 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1627 msgid "invalid contact" msgstr "neispravan prijatelj" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1629 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1630 msgid "permission denied" msgstr "pristup je zabranjen" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1632 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1633 msgid "too long message" msgstr "poruka je preduga" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1635 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1636 msgid "not implemented" msgstr "nije podržano" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1639 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1640 msgid "unknown" msgstr "nepoznato" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1706 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:920 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1707 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:920 msgid "Topic:" msgstr "Tema:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1721 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1722 #, c-format msgid "Topic set to: %s" msgstr "Tema je postavljena na: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1723 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1724 #, c-format msgid "Topic set by %s to: %s" msgstr "Temu je postavio %s na: %s" #. No need to display this 'event' is no topic can be defined anyway -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1728 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1729 msgid "No topic defined" msgstr "Tema nije postavljena" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2244 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2245 msgid "(No Suggestions)" msgstr "(nema predloga)" #. translators: %s is the selected word -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2312 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2313 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to Dictionary" msgstr "Dodaj „%s“ u rečnik" #. translators: first %s is the selected word, #. * second %s is the language name of the target dictionary -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2349 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2350 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to %s Dictionary" msgstr "Dodaj „%s“ u rečnik za %s jezik" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2419 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2420 msgid "Insert Smiley" msgstr "Ubaci smešak" #. send button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2437 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1867 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2438 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1880 msgid "_Send" msgstr "_Pošalji" #. Spelling suggestions -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2494 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2495 msgid "_Spelling Suggestions" msgstr "Predlozi pravopi_sa" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2583 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2584 msgid "Failed to retrieve recent logs" msgstr "Nisam uspeo da preuzmem skorašnje dnevnike" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2722 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2723 #, c-format msgid "%s has disconnected" msgstr "%s je otišao sa veze" @@ -1559,12 +1609,12 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the kicked should come before the kicker in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2729 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2730 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was kicked by %2$s" msgstr "%2$s je izbacio korisnika %1$s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2732 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2733 #, c-format msgid "%s was kicked" msgstr "%s je izbačen" @@ -1572,17 +1622,17 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the banned should come before the banner in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2740 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2741 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was banned by %2$s" msgstr "%2$s je zabranio pristup korisniku %1$s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2743 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2744 #, c-format msgid "%s was banned" msgstr "Korisniku %s je zabranjen pristup" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2747 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2748 #, c-format msgid "%s has left the room" msgstr "%s je napustio(la) pričaonicu" @@ -1592,17 +1642,17 @@ #. * given by the user living the room. If this poses a problem, #. * please let us know. :-) #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2756 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2757 #, c-format msgid " (%s)" msgstr " (%s)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2781 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2782 #, c-format msgid "%s has joined the room" msgstr "%s je pristupio(la) pričaonici" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2806 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2807 #, c-format msgid "%s is now known as %s" msgstr "%s je sada poznat kao %s" @@ -1610,79 +1660,80 @@ #. We don't know if the incoming call has been accepted or not, so we #. * assume it hasn't and if it has, we'll set the proper status when #. * we get the new handler. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2993 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1197 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1502 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1552 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2588 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2994 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1888 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1279 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1502 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1552 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2590 msgid "Disconnected" msgstr "Veza je prekinuta" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3657 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3658 msgid "Would you like to store this password?" msgstr "Da li želite da zapamtite ovu lozinku?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3663 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3664 msgid "Remember" msgstr "Zapamti" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3673 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3674 msgid "Not now" msgstr "Ne sada" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3717 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3718 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-bad-password-dialog.c:142 msgid "Retry" msgstr "Pokušaj ponovo" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3721 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3722 msgid "Wrong password; please try again:" msgstr "Pogrešna lozinka, pokušajte ponovo:" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3851 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3852 msgid "This room is protected by a password:" msgstr "Ova soba je zaštićena lozinkom:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3878 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3879 msgid "Join" msgstr "Priključi se" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4070 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1218 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4071 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1300 msgid "Connected" msgstr "Povezan" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4125 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4126 msgid "Conversation" msgstr "Razgovor" #. Translators: this string is a something like #. * "Escher Cat (SMS)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4130 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4131 #, c-format msgid "%s (SMS)" msgstr "%s (SMS)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:264 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:262 msgid "Unknown or invalid identifier" msgstr "Nepoznati ili neispravan identifikator" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:266 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:264 msgid "Contact blocking temporarily unavailable" msgstr "Blokiranje prijatelja je trenutno nedostupno" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:268 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:266 msgid "Contact blocking unavailable" msgstr "Blokiranje prijatelja nije dostupno" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:270 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:268 msgid "Permission Denied" msgstr "Pristup je zabranjen" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:274 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:272 msgid "Could not block contact" msgstr "Ne mogu da blokiram prijatelja" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:612 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:610 msgid "Edit Blocked Contacts" msgstr "Izmeni blokirane prijatelje" @@ -1700,13 +1751,6 @@ msgid "Blocked Contacts" msgstr "Blokirani prijatelji" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Remove" -msgstr "Ukloni" - #. Copy Link Address menu item #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:322 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-webkit-utils.c:277 @@ -1776,7 +1820,7 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:529 msgid "Search: " -msgstr "Pretraga:" +msgstr "Pretraga: " #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:587 msgid "_Add Contact" @@ -1794,133 +1838,133 @@ msgid "Please let me see when you're online. Thanks!" msgstr "Molim vas obavestite ne kada ste na mreži. Hvala!" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:569 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:567 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:304 msgid "Channels:" msgstr "Kanali:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:749 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:747 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:455 msgid "Country ISO Code:" msgstr "ISO kod države:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:751 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:749 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:457 msgid "Country:" msgstr "Država:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:753 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:751 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:459 msgid "State:" msgstr "Republika:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:755 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:753 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:461 msgid "City:" msgstr "Grad:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:757 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:755 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:463 msgid "Area:" msgstr "Oblast:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:759 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:757 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:465 msgid "Postal Code:" msgstr "Poštanski kod:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:761 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:759 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:467 msgid "Street:" msgstr "Ulica:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:763 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:761 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:469 msgid "Building:" msgstr "Zgrada:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:765 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:763 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:471 msgid "Floor:" msgstr "Sprat:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:767 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:765 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:473 msgid "Room:" msgstr "Soba:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:769 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:767 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:475 msgid "Text:" msgstr "Tekst:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:771 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:769 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:477 msgid "Description:" msgstr "Opis:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:773 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:771 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:479 msgid "URI:" msgstr "Adresa:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:775 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:773 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:481 msgid "Accuracy Level:" msgstr "Nivo tačnosti:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:777 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:775 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:483 msgid "Error:" msgstr "Greška:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:779 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:777 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:485 msgid "Vertical Error (meters):" msgstr "Uspravna greška (u metrima):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:781 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:779 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:487 msgid "Horizontal Error (meters):" msgstr "Vodoravna greška (u metrima):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:783 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:781 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:489 msgid "Speed:" msgstr "Brzina:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:785 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:783 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:491 msgid "Bearing:" msgstr "Pravac:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:787 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:785 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:493 msgid "Climb Speed:" msgstr "Brzina penjanja:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:789 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:787 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:495 msgid "Last Updated on:" msgstr "Poslednji put ažurirano:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:791 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:789 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:497 msgid "Longitude:" msgstr "Geografska dužina:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:793 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:791 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:499 msgid "Latitude:" msgstr "Geografska širina:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:795 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:793 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:501 msgid "Altitude:" msgstr "Visina:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:848 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:863 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:846 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:861 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:593 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:608 #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:35 @@ -1928,32 +1972,32 @@ msgstr "Lokacija" #. translators: format is "Location, $date" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:865 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:863 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:610 #, c-format msgid "%s, %s" msgstr "%s, %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:917 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:915 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:659 msgid "%B %e, %Y at %R UTC" msgstr "%e.%d.%Y u %R UTC" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:999 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:997 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:900 msgid "Save Avatar" msgstr "Sačuvaj sliku" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1055 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1053 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:958 msgid "Unable to save avatar" msgstr "Ne mogu da sačuvam sliku" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1446 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1444 msgid "Personal Details" msgstr "Lični podaci" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1449 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1447 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:6 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:3 msgid "Contact Details" @@ -2108,137 +2152,145 @@ msgid "Edit Contact Information" msgstr "Izmeni podatke kontakta" +#. Translators: the heading at the top of the Information dialogue +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-information-dialog.c:288 +msgid "Linked Contacts" +msgstr "Povezani prijatelji" + #. Translators: this is used in the context menu for a contact. The first #. * parameter is a contact ID (e.g. foo@jabber.org) and the second is one #. * of the user's account IDs (e.g. me@hotmail.com). -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:172 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:173 #, c-format msgid "%s (%s)" msgstr "%s (%s)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:344 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:345 msgid "Select account to use to place the call" msgstr "Izaberite nalog koji će biti korišćen za poziv" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:348 +#. translators: Call is a noun. This string is used in the window +#. * title +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:349 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1290 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:18 msgid "Call" msgstr "Poziv" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:413 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:414 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Mobilni" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:415 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:416 msgid "Work" msgstr "Posao" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:417 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:418 msgid "HOME" msgstr "KUĆA" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:658 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:659 msgid "_Block Contact" msgstr "_Blokiraj kontakt" #. add chat button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1017 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1018 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:319 #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:1 msgid "_Chat" msgstr "Ća_skanje" #. add SMS button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1052 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1053 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:313 msgid "_SMS" msgstr "_SMS" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1085 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1086 msgctxt "menu item" msgid "_Audio Call" msgstr "_Audio poziv" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1118 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1119 msgctxt "menu item" msgid "_Video Call" msgstr "_Video poziv" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1159 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1160 #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:4 msgid "_Previous Conversations" msgstr "_Prethodni razgovori" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1188 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1189 msgid "Send File" msgstr "Pošalji datoteku" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1218 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1219 msgid "Share My Desktop" msgstr "Podeli moju radnu površ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1244 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1245 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1357 msgid "Favorite" msgstr "Omiljeni" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1263 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1264 msgid "gnome-contacts not installed" msgstr "program gnomovi kontakti nije instaliran" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1266 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1267 msgid "Please install gnome-contacts to access contacts details." msgstr "Instalirajte „gnome-contacts“ da pristupite podacima kontakata." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1380 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1398 msgid "Infor_mation" msgstr "_Podaci" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1429 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1447 msgctxt "Edit individual (contextual menu)" msgid "_Edit" msgstr "_Uredi" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1546 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1564 #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:1192 msgid "Inviting you to this room" msgstr "Pozivam vas u ovu sobu" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1592 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1610 msgid "_Invite to Chat Room" msgstr "Pozov_i u sobu za ćaskanje" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1788 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1806 #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:5 msgid "_Add Contact…" msgstr "Dod_aj prijatelja…" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2306 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2304 msgid "Delete and _Block" msgstr "Izbriši i _blokiraj" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2341 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2339 #, c-format msgid "Do you really want to remove the group '%s'?" msgstr "Da li ste sigurni da želite da uklonite grupu „%s“?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2344 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2342 msgid "Removing group" msgstr "Uklanjam grupu" #. Remove -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2399 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2603 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2397 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2601 msgid "_Remove" msgstr "_Ukloni" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2476 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2474 #, c-format msgid "Do you really want to remove the contact '%s'?" msgstr "Da li ste sigurni da želite da uklonite prijatelja „%s“?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2485 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2483 #, c-format msgid "" "Do you really want to remove the linked contact '%s'? Note that this will " @@ -2247,7 +2299,7 @@ "Da li stvarno želite da uklonite uvezani kontakt „%s“? Ovo će ukloniti i sve " "kontakte koji su vezani za ovaj kontakt." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2497 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2495 msgid "Removing contact" msgstr "Uklanjam prijatelja" @@ -2289,7 +2341,7 @@ msgid "new server" msgstr "novi server" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:535 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:539 msgid "SSL" msgstr "SSL" @@ -2455,6 +2507,7 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:7 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:26 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:19 msgid "Video" msgstr "Video" @@ -2757,19 +2810,19 @@ msgid "Certificate Details" msgstr "Detalji sertifikata" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1741 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1754 msgid "Unable to open URI" msgstr "Ne mogu da otvorim adresu" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1859 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1872 msgid "Select a file" msgstr "Izaberite datoteku" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1934 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1947 msgid "Insufficient free space to save file" msgstr "Nema dovoljno slobodnog mesta za čuvanje datoteke" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1942 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1955 #, c-format msgid "" "%s of free space are required to save this file, but only %s is available. " @@ -2778,7 +2831,7 @@ "Potrebno je %s za snimanje ove datoteke, ali je dostupno samo %s. Odaberite " "drugo mesto za snimanje." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1986 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1999 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file from %s" msgstr "Dolazeća datoteka od %s" @@ -2950,6 +3003,18 @@ msgid "Vietnamese" msgstr "vijetnamski" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-calendar-button.c:66 +#| msgctxt "verb in a column header displaying group names" +#| msgid "Select" +msgid "Select..." +msgstr "Izaberi..." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-calendar-button.c:154 +#| msgctxt "verb in a column header displaying group names" +#| msgid "Select" +msgid "_Select" +msgstr "_Izaberi" + #: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:202 msgid "No error message" msgstr "Nema poruka o greškama" @@ -3052,29 +3117,31 @@ msgid "Your new account has not been saved yet." msgstr "Vaš novi nalog još nije sačuvan." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:370 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1289 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:381 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:759 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1289 msgid "Connecting…" msgstr "Povezujem se…" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:411 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:422 #, c-format msgid "Offline — %s" msgstr "Nepovezan — %s" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:423 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:434 #, c-format msgid "Disconnected — %s" msgstr "Veza je prekinuta — %s" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:434 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:445 msgid "Offline — No Network Connection" msgstr "Nepovezan — Nema mrežne konekcije" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:441 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:452 msgid "Unknown Status" msgstr "Nepoznato stanje" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:458 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:469 msgid "" "This account has been disabled because it relies on an old, unsupported " "backend. Please install telepathy-haze and restart your session to migrate " @@ -3084,36 +3151,36 @@ "Instalirajte „telepathy-haze“ i ponovo pokrenite vašu sesiju da premestite " "nalog." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:468 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:479 msgid "Offline — Account Disabled" msgstr "Nepovezan — Nalog je onemogućen" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:572 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:585 msgid "Edit Connection Parameters" msgstr "Uredite parametre povezivanja" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:735 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:750 msgid "Failed to retrieve your personal information from the server." msgstr "Nisam uspeo da dovučem vaše lične podatke sa servera." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:741 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:756 msgid "Go online to edit your personal information." msgstr "Uspostavite vezu da uredite vaše lične podatke." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:826 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:843 msgid "_Edit Connection Parameters..." msgstr "_Uredi parametre povezivanja..." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1322 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1339 #, c-format msgid "Do you want to remove %s from your computer?" msgstr "Da li ste sigurni da želite da uklonite „%s“ sa vašeg računara?" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1326 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1343 msgid "This will not remove your account on the server." msgstr "Ovo neće ukloniti vaš nalog na serveru." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1562 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1579 msgid "" "You are about to select another account, which will discard\n" "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" @@ -3122,23 +3189,23 @@ "Da li sigurno želite da nastavite?" #. Menu items: to enabled/disable the account -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1738 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1755 msgid "_Enable" msgstr "_Omogući" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1739 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1756 msgid "_Disable" msgstr "O_nemogući" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2122 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2184 msgid "_Skip" msgstr "_Preskoči" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2126 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2188 msgid "_Connect" msgstr "_Poveži se" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2303 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2365 msgid "" "You are about to close the window, which will discard\n" "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" @@ -3146,10 +3213,6 @@ "Ovim ćete zatvoriti prozor, zanemarivši unete izmene.\n" "Da li sigurno želite da nastavite?" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:1 -msgid "Add…" -msgstr "Dodaj…" - #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:3 msgid "_Import…" msgstr "_Uvezi…" @@ -3170,15 +3233,189 @@ msgid "No protocol backends installed" msgstr "Nisu instalirani pozadinci protokola" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:286 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:288 msgid " - Empathy authentication client" msgstr " — Internet pismonoša klijent prijave" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:302 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:304 msgid "Empathy authentication client" msgstr "Internet pismonoša klijent prijave" +#: ../src/empathy-av.c:118 ../src/empathy-call.c:201 +msgid "- Empathy Audio/Video Client" +msgstr "— Internet pismonoša Audio/Video klijent" + +#: ../src/empathy-av.c:134 ../src/empathy-call.c:223 +msgid "Empathy Audio/Video Client" +msgstr "Internet pismonoša Audio/Video klijent" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:434 +msgid "Contrast" +msgstr "Kontrast" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:437 +msgid "Brightness" +msgstr "Osvetljenost" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:440 +msgid "Gamma" +msgstr "Gama" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:547 +msgid "Volume" +msgstr "Jačina zvuka" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1099 +msgid "_Sidebar" +msgstr "_Bočna površ" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1119 +msgid "Audio input" +msgstr "Zvučni ulaz" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1123 +msgid "Video input" +msgstr "Video ulaz" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1131 +msgid "Dialpad" +msgstr "Brojčanik" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1142 +msgid "Details" +msgstr "Detalji" + +#. translators: Call is a noun and %s is the contact name. This string +#. * is used in the window title +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1211 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1889 +#, c-format +msgid "Call with %s" +msgstr "Poziv sa korisnikom %s" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1444 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2133 +msgid "The IP address as seen by the machine" +msgstr "IP adresa kako je vidi ovaj računar" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1446 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2135 +msgid "The IP address as seen by a server on the Internet" +msgstr "IP adresa kako je vidi server na internetu" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1448 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2137 +msgid "The IP address of the peer as seen by the other side" +msgstr "IP adresa vršnjaka kako je vidi druga strana" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1450 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2139 +msgid "The IP address of a relay server" +msgstr "IP adresa relejnog servera" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1452 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2141 +msgid "The IP address of the multicast group" +msgstr "IP adresa grupe za višestruko emitovanje" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1837 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1840 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1843 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1846 +msgctxt "codec" +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Nepoznato" + +#. Translators: number of minutes:seconds the caller has been connected +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2138 +#, c-format +msgid "Connected — %d:%02dm" +msgstr "Povezan — %d:%02dm" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2199 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2992 +msgid "Technical Details" +msgstr "Tehnički detalji" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2237 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3031 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"%s's software does not understand any of the audio formats supported by your " +"computer" +msgstr "Program %s ne razume nijedan zvučni format koji podržava vaš računar" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2242 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3036 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"%s's software does not understand any of the video formats supported by your " +"computer" +msgstr "Program %s ne razume nijedan video format koji podržava vaš računar" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2248 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3042 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Can't establish a connection to %s. One of you might be on a network that " +"does not allow direct connections." +msgstr "" +"Ne mogu da uspostavim vezu sa %s. Možda je neko od vas dvoje na mreži koja " +"ne dozvoljava direktne veze." + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2254 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3048 +msgid "There was a failure on the network" +msgstr "Došlo je do greške u mreži" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2258 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3052 +msgid "" +"The audio formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" +msgstr "" +"Zvučni formati potrebni za ovaj poziv nisu instalirani na vašem računaru" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2261 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3055 +msgid "" +"The video formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" +msgstr "" +"Video formati potrebni za ovaj poziv nisu instalirani na vašem računaru" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2271 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3067 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Something unexpected happened in a Telepathy component. Please report this bug and attach logs gathered from the 'Debug' window in " +"the Help menu." +msgstr "" +"Nešto neočekivano se desilo u komponenti Telepatije. Prijavite ovu grešku i prikačite dnevnike pokupljene iz prozora „Otklanjanje " +"grešaka“ u meniju „Pomoć“." + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2279 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3076 +msgid "There was a failure in the call engine" +msgstr "Došlo je do greške u motoru za pozive" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2282 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3079 +msgid "The end of the stream was reached" +msgstr "Dostignut je kraj toka" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2322 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3119 +msgid "Can't establish audio stream" +msgstr "Ne mogu da uspostavim zvučni tok" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2332 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3129 +msgid "Can't establish video stream" +msgstr "Ne mogu da uspostavim video tok" + #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:1 msgid "_Call" msgstr "_Pozovi" @@ -3196,6 +3433,7 @@ #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:6 #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:8 msgid "_View" msgstr "Pre_gled" @@ -3231,10 +3469,12 @@ msgstr "Isključite kamericu" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:14 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:2 msgid "Hang up" msgstr "Prekini" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:15 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:9 msgid "Hang up current call" msgstr "Prekinite trenutni poziv" @@ -3267,36 +3507,44 @@ msgstr "Uključi/isključi prenos videa" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:24 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:11 msgid "Send Audio" msgstr "Pošalji zvuk" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:25 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:12 msgid "Toggle audio transmission" msgstr "Uključi/isključi prenos zvuka" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:27 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:20 msgid "Encoding Codec:" msgstr "Kodek za kodiranje:" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:28 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2540 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2541 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2542 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2543 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:28 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:21 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2542 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2543 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2544 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2545 msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Nepoznato" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:29 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:22 msgid "Decoding Codec:" msgstr "Kodek za dekodiranje:" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:30 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:23 msgid "Remote Candidate:" msgstr "Udaljeni kandidat:" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:31 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:24 msgid "Local Candidate:" msgstr "Lokalni kandidat:" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:32 ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:24 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:25 msgid "Audio" msgstr "Audio" @@ -3399,9 +3647,9 @@ #, c-format msgid "Sending %d message" msgid_plural "Sending %d messages" -msgstr[0] "Šaljem %d poruku." -msgstr[1] "Šaljem %d poruke." -msgstr[2] "Šaljem %d poruka." +msgstr[0] "Šaljem %d poruku" +msgstr[1] "Šaljem %d poruke" +msgstr[2] "Šaljem %d poruka" msgstr[3] "Šaljem jednu poruku" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:924 @@ -3484,95 +3732,96 @@ msgid "Manage Favorite Rooms" msgstr "Uredi omiljene sobe" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:511 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 msgid "Incoming video call" msgstr "Dolazni video poziv" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:511 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1519 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1519 msgid "Incoming call" msgstr "Dolazni poziv" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:515 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:526 #, c-format msgid "%s is video calling you. Do you want to answer?" msgstr "%s vas zove video pozivom. Želite li da se javite?" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:516 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:527 #, c-format msgid "%s is calling you. Do you want to answer?" msgstr "%s vas zove. Želite li da se javite?" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:519 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:720 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:530 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "Incoming call from %s" msgstr "Dolazni poziv od %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:544 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:555 msgid "_Reject" msgstr "_Odbaci" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:552 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:560 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:563 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 msgid "_Answer" msgstr "_Javi se" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:560 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 msgid "_Answer with video" msgstr "Odgovori sa _videom" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:720 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "Incoming video call from %s" msgstr "Dolazni video poziv od %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:778 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:837 msgid "Room invitation" msgstr "Pozivnice za sobu" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:780 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:839 #, c-format msgid "Invitation to join %s" msgstr "Pozivnica da se pridružite u %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:787 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:846 #, c-format msgid "%s is inviting you to join %s" msgstr "%s vas poziva da se pridružite %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:795 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:854 msgid "_Decline" msgstr "_Odbij" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:800 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:859 #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:2 msgid "_Join" msgstr "_Priključi se" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:827 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:886 #, c-format msgid "%s invited you to join %s" msgstr "%s vas poziva da se pridružite %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:833 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:892 #, c-format msgid "You have been invited to join %s" msgstr "Pozvani ste da se pridružite u %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:884 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:943 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file transfer from %s" msgstr "Dolazni prenos datoteke od %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1064 ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:374 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1146 ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:374 msgid "Password required" msgstr "Zahtevana je lozinka" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1134 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1216 #, c-format msgid "%s would like permission to see when you are online" msgstr "%s traži odobrenje da vidi kada ste na vezi" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1140 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1222 #, c-format msgid "" "\n" @@ -4206,105 +4455,152 @@ msgid "_Quit" msgstr "_Izađi" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:3 +msgid "Redial" +msgstr "Ponovo zovi" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:4 +msgid "V_ideo" +msgstr "V_ideo" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:5 +msgid "Video Off" +msgstr "Isklj. video" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:6 +msgid "Video Preview" +msgstr "Pregled videa" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:7 +msgid "Video On" +msgstr "Uklj. video" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:10 +msgid "Call the contact again" +msgstr "Pozovi prijatelja ponovo" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:13 +msgid "Camera Off" +msgstr "Isklj. kameru" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:14 +msgid "Disable camera and stop sending video" +msgstr "Onemogući kameru i prestani da šalješ video" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:15 +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "Pregled" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "Enable camera but don't send video" +msgstr "Omogući kameru, ali ne šalji video" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:17 +msgid "Camera On" +msgstr "Uklj. kameru" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:18 +msgid "Enable camera and send video" +msgstr "Omogući kameru i šalji video" + #: ../src/empathy-map-view.c:471 msgid "Contact Map View" msgstr "Mapa prijatelja" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1598 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1607 msgid "Save" msgstr "Sačuvaj" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1658 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1667 msgid "Pastebin link" msgstr "Veza kante odlaganja" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1667 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1676 msgid "Pastebin response" msgstr "Odgovor kante odlaganja" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1671 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1680 #, c-format -#| msgid "%s:" msgid "%s" msgstr "%s" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1674 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1683 msgid "Data too large for a single paste. Please save logs to file." msgstr "Podaci su preveliki za jedno odlaganje. Sačuvajte zapisnike u datoteku." -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1903 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1912 msgid "Debug Window" msgstr "Prozor za otklanjanje grešaka" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1961 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1970 msgid "Send to pastebin" msgstr "Pošalji u kantu odlaganja" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2000 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2009 msgid "Pause" msgstr "Pauza" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2012 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2021 msgid "Level " msgstr "Nivo " -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2031 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2040 msgid "Debug" msgstr "Otklanjanje grešaka" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2036 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2045 msgid "Info" msgstr "Informacije" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2041 ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2087 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2050 ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2096 msgid "Message" msgstr "Poruka" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2046 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2055 msgid "Warning" msgstr "Upozorenje" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2051 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2060 msgid "Critical" msgstr "Kritičan" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2056 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2065 msgid "Error" msgstr "Greška" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2075 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2084 msgid "Time" msgstr "Vreme" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2078 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2087 msgid "Domain" msgstr "Domen" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2080 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2089 msgid "Category" msgstr "Kategorija" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2082 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2091 msgid "Level" msgstr "Nivo" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2105 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2114 msgid "" "The selected connection manager does not support the remote debugging " "extension." msgstr "" "Izabrani upravnik veze ne podržava proširenje za udaljeno otklanjanje grešaka." -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:200 -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:228 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:202 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:230 msgid "Invite Participant" msgstr "Pozovi učesnike" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:201 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:203 msgid "Choose a contact to invite into the conversation:" msgstr "Izaberite prijatelja za pozivanje u ovaj razgovor:" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:224 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:226 msgid "Invite" msgstr "Pozovi" @@ -4352,39 +4648,39 @@ msgid "- Empathy Chat Client" msgstr "— Pismonoša program za ćaskanje" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:187 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:189 msgid "Respond" msgstr "Odgovori" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:196 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:203 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1529 msgid "Reject" msgstr "Odbaci" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:201 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:206 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:208 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1530 msgid "Answer" msgstr "Javi se" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:206 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 msgid "Answer with video" msgstr "Odgovori sa videom" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:214 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:224 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:221 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:231 msgid "Decline" msgstr "Odbij" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:218 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:229 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:225 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:236 msgid "Accept" msgstr "Prihvati" #. translators: the 'Provide' button is displayed in a notification #. * bubble when Empathy is asking for an account password; clicking on it #. * brings the password popup. -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:239 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:246 msgid "Provide" msgstr "Obezbedi" @@ -4395,146 +4691,41 @@ #. Translators: this is an "Info" label. It should be as short #. * as possible. -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1136 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1159 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1140 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1162 msgid "i" msgstr "i" -#. translators: Call is a noun and %s is the contact name. This string -#. * is used in the window title -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1889 -#, c-format -msgid "Call with %s" -msgstr "Poziv sa korisnikom %s" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2133 -msgid "The IP address as seen by the machine" -msgstr "IP adresa kako je vidi ovaj računar" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2135 -msgid "The IP address as seen by a server on the Internet" -msgstr "IP adresa kako je vidi server na internetu" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2137 -msgid "The IP address of the peer as seen by the other side" -msgstr "IP adresa vršnjaka kako je vidi druga strana" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2139 -msgid "The IP address of a relay server" -msgstr "IP adresa relejnog servera" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2141 -msgid "The IP address of the multicast group" -msgstr "IP adresa grupe za višestruko emitovanje" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2886 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2888 msgid "On hold" msgstr "Na čekanju" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2889 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2891 msgid "Mute" msgstr "Utišaj" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2891 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2893 msgid "Duration" msgstr "Trajanje" #. Translators: 'status - minutes:seconds' the caller has been connected -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2894 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2896 #, c-format msgid "%s — %d:%02dm" msgstr "%s — %d:%02dm" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2990 -msgid "Technical Details" -msgstr "Tehnički detalji" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3029 -#, c-format -msgid "" -"%s's software does not understand any of the audio formats supported by your " -"computer" -msgstr "Program %s ne razume nijedan zvučni format koji podržava vaš računar" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3034 -#, c-format -msgid "" -"%s's software does not understand any of the video formats supported by your " -"computer" -msgstr "Program %s ne razume nijedan video format koji podržava vaš računar" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3040 -#, c-format -msgid "" -"Can't establish a connection to %s. One of you might be on a network that " -"does not allow direct connections." -msgstr "" -"Ne mogu da uspostavim vezu sa %s. Možda je neko od vas dvoje na mreži koja " -"ne dozvoljava direktne veze." - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3046 -msgid "There was a failure on the network" -msgstr "Došlo je do greške u mreži" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3050 -msgid "" -"The audio formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" -msgstr "" -"Zvučni formati potrebni za ovaj poziv nisu instalirani na vašem računaru" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3053 -msgid "" -"The video formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" -msgstr "" -"Video formati potrebni za ovaj poziv nisu instalirani na vašem računaru" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3065 -#, c-format -msgid "" -"Something unexpected happened in a Telepathy component. Please report this bug and attach logs gathered from the 'Debug' window in " -"the Help menu." -msgstr "" -"Nešto neočekivano se desilo u komponenti Telepatije. Prijavite ovu grešku i prikačite dnevnike pokupljene iz prozora „Otklanjanje " -"grešaka“ u meniju „Pomoć“." - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3074 -msgid "There was a failure in the call engine" -msgstr "Došlo je do greške u motoru za pozive" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3077 -msgid "The end of the stream was reached" -msgstr "Dostignut je kraj toka" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3117 -msgid "Can't establish audio stream" -msgstr "Ne mogu da uspostavim zvučni tok" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3127 -msgid "Can't establish video stream" -msgstr "Ne mogu da uspostavim video tok" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3164 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3166 #, c-format msgid "Your current balance is %s." msgstr "Vaše trenutno stanje je %s." -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3168 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3170 msgid "Sorry, you don’t have enough credit for that call." msgstr "Izvinite, ali nemate dovoljno kredita za ovaj poziv." -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3170 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3172 msgid "Top Up" msgstr "Dopuni" -#: ../src/empathy-call.c:201 -msgid "- Empathy Audio/Video Client" -msgstr "— Internet pismonoša Audio/Video klijent" - -#: ../src/empathy-call.c:224 -msgid "Empathy Audio/Video Client" -msgstr "Internet pismonoša Audio/Video klijent" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.c:243 msgid "_Match case" msgstr "_Uporedi veličinu slova" @@ -4570,76 +4761,6 @@ "ćete izabrati Uredi → Nalozi sa spiska " "kontakata." -#~ msgid "Contrast" -#~ msgstr "Kontrast" - -#~ msgid "Brightness" -#~ msgstr "Osvetljenost" - -#~ msgid "Gamma" -#~ msgstr "Gama" - -#~ msgid "Volume" -#~ msgstr "Jačina zvuka" - -#~ msgid "_Sidebar" -#~ msgstr "_Bočna površ" - -#~ msgid "Audio input" -#~ msgstr "Zvučni ulaz" - -#~ msgid "Video input" -#~ msgstr "Video ulaz" - -#~ msgid "Dialpad" -#~ msgstr "Brojčanik" - -#~ msgid "Details" -#~ msgstr "Detalji" - -#~ msgctxt "codec" -#~ msgid "Unknown" -#~ msgstr "Nepoznato" - -#~ msgid "Connected — %d:%02dm" -#~ msgstr "Povezan — %d:%02dm" - -#~ msgid "Redial" -#~ msgstr "Ponovo zovi" - -#~ msgid "V_ideo" -#~ msgstr "V_ideo" - -#~ msgid "Video Off" -#~ msgstr "Isklj. video" - -#~ msgid "Video Preview" -#~ msgstr "Pregled videa" - -#~ msgid "Video On" -#~ msgstr "Uklj. video" - -#~ msgid "Call the contact again" -#~ msgstr "Pozovi prijatelja ponovo" - -#~ msgid "Camera Off" -#~ msgstr "Isklj. kameru" - -#~ msgid "Disable camera and stop sending video" -#~ msgstr "Onemogući kameru i prestani da šalješ video" - -#~ msgid "Preview" -#~ msgstr "Pregled" - -#~ msgid "Enable camera but don't send video" -#~ msgstr "Omogući kameru, ali ne šalji video" - -#~ msgid "Camera On" -#~ msgstr "Uklj. kameru" - -#~ msgid "Enable camera and send video" -#~ msgstr "Omogući kameru i šalji video" - #~ msgid "There was an error while importing the accounts." #~ msgstr "Greška pri uvoženju naloga." @@ -4799,9 +4920,6 @@ #~ msgid "Select a contact" #~ msgstr "Izaberite prijatelja" -#~ msgid "Linked Contacts" -#~ msgstr "Povezani prijatelji" - #~ msgid "Select contacts to link" #~ msgstr "Izaberite prijatelja za povezivanje" diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/po/sr.po empathy-3.3.92/po/sr.po --- empathy-3.3.91/po/sr.po 2012-02-24 08:47:54.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/po/sr.po 2012-03-19 09:12:32.000000000 +0000 @@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ "Project-Id-Version: empathy\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=empath" "y&keywords=I18N+L10N&component=General\n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-21 15:03+0000\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-23 21:51+0200\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-16 10:47+0000\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-17 20:30+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Мирослав Николић \n" "Language-Team: Serbian \n" "Language: sr\n" @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ #. Tweak the dialog #: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2450 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2512 msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts" msgstr "Налози за дописивање и VoIP" @@ -97,77 +97,92 @@ msgstr "Подразумевана фасцикла за чување пренесених датотека." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:9 +msgid "Magic number used to check if sanity cleaning tasks should be run" +msgstr "" +"Магичан број коришћен за проверу ако задаци чишћења исправности треба да " +"буду покренути" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:10 +msgid "" +"empathy-sanity-cleaning.c uses this number to check if the cleaning tasks " +"should be executed or not. Users should not change this key manually." +msgstr "" +"„empathy-sanity-cleaning.c“ (чишћење исправности интернет писмоноше) користи " +"овај број да провери да ли задаци чишћења треба да буду извршени или не. " +"Корисници не треба ручно да мењају овај кључ." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:11 msgid "Show offline contacts" msgstr "Приказује пријатеље ван мреже" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:10 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:12 msgid "Whether to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." msgstr "Да ли да приказује неповезане пријатеље у списку пријатеља." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:11 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:13 msgid "Show avatars" msgstr "Приказује слике" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:12 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:14 msgid "" "Whether to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat windows." msgstr "" "Да ли да приказује слике за пријатеље у списку пријатеља и прозору ћаскања." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:13 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:15 msgid "Show protocols" msgstr "Приказује протоколе" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:14 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:16 msgid "Whether to show protocols for contacts in the contact list." msgstr "" "Да ли да приказује слике за пријатеље у списку пријатеља и прозору ћаскања." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:15 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:17 msgid "Show Balance in contact list" msgstr "Приказује готовину на списку пријатеља" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:16 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:18 msgid "Whether to show account balances in the contact list." msgstr "Да ли да приказује износ готовине налога у списку пријатеља." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:17 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:19 msgid "Compact contact list" msgstr "Збијени списак пријатеља" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:18 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:20 msgid "Whether to show the contact list in compact mode." msgstr "Да ли да приказује списак пријатеља у збијеном режиму." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:19 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:21 msgid "Hide main window" msgstr "Сакрива главни прозор" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:20 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:22 msgid "Hide the main window." msgstr "Сакрива главни прозор програма." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:21 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:23 msgid "Default directory to select an avatar image from" msgstr "Подразумевана фасцикла за избор слике" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:22 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:24 msgid "The last directory that an avatar image was chosen from." msgstr "Последња фасцикла из које је изабрана слика." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:23 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:25 msgid "Open new chats in separate windows" msgstr "Отвара нова ћаскања у различитим прозорима" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:24 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:26 msgid "Always open a separate chat window for new chats." msgstr "Увек отвара посебан прозор за нова ћаскања." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:25 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:27 msgid "Display incoming events in the status area" msgstr "Приказује долазне догађаје на линији стања" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:26 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:28 msgid "" "Display incoming events in the status area. If false, present them to the " "user immediately." @@ -175,27 +190,27 @@ "Приказује долазне догађаје на линији стања. Ако није постављено, одмах их " "приказује кориснику." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:27 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:29 msgid "The position for the chat window side pane" msgstr "Положај бочне површи прозора за ћаскање" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:28 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:30 msgid "The stored position (in pixels) of the chat window side pane." msgstr "Сачуван положај (у тачкама) бочне површи прозора за ћаскање." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:29 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:31 msgid "Show contact groups" msgstr "Приказује групе контакта" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:30 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:32 msgid "Whether to show groups in the contact list." msgstr "Да ли да приказује групе у списку контакта." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:31 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:33 msgid "Contact list sort criterion" msgstr "Критеријум за сортирање пријатеља" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:32 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:34 msgid "" "Which criterion to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to sort by " "the contact's state with the value \"state\". A value of \"name\" will sort " @@ -205,100 +220,100 @@ "користи „state“ (сортирање по стању пријатеља). Ако је вредност „name“, " "сортирање се врши по имену пријатеља." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:33 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:35 msgid "Use notification sounds" msgstr "Користи звукове за обавештења" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:34 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:36 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of events." msgstr "Да ли да пусти обавештајни звук за догађаје." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:35 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:37 msgid "Disable sounds when away" msgstr "Онемогућава звуке када смо одсутни" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:36 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:38 msgid "Whether to play sound notifications when away or busy." msgstr "Да ли да пусти обавештајни звук када постанете заузети или одсутни." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:37 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:39 msgid "Play a sound for incoming messages" msgstr "Пушта звук за долазеће поруке" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:38 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:40 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of incoming messages." msgstr "Да ли да пусти обавештајни звук када вам стигне порука." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:39 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:41 msgid "Play a sound for outgoing messages" msgstr "Пушта звук за одлазеће поруке" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:40 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:42 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of outgoing messages." msgstr "Да ли да пусти обавештајни звук када пошаљете поруку." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:41 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:43 msgid "Play a sound for new conversations" msgstr "Пушта звук за нове разговоре" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:42 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:44 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of new conversations." msgstr "Да ли да пусти обавештајни звук на нови разговор." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:43 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:45 msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs in" msgstr "Пушта звук када се пријатељ пријави" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:44 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:46 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging into the network." msgstr "Да ли да пусти обавештајни звук када се пријатељи пријаве на мрежу." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:45 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:47 msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs out" msgstr "Пушта звук када се пријатељ одјави" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:46 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:48 msgid "" "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging out of the network." msgstr "Да ли да пусти обавештајни звук када се пријатељи одјаве са мреже." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:47 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:49 msgid "Play a sound when we log in" msgstr "Пушта звук када се ја пријавим" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:48 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:50 msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging into a network." msgstr "Да ли да пусти звук када се пријавите на мрежу." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:49 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:51 msgid "Play a sound when we log out" msgstr "Пушта звук када се ја одјавим" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:50 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:52 msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging out of a network." msgstr "Да ли да пусти звук када се одјавите са мреже." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:51 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:53 msgid "Enable popup notifications for new messages" msgstr "Омогућава искачућа обавештења за нове поруке" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:52 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:54 msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message." msgstr "Да ли да приказује облачић обавештења када примите нову поруку." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:53 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:55 msgid "Disable popup notifications when away" msgstr "Искључује искачућа обавештења када смо одсутни" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:54 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:56 msgid "Whether to show popup notifications when away or busy." msgstr "Да ли да приказује облачић обавештења када сте заузети или одсутни." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:55 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:57 msgid "Pop up notifications if the chat isn't focused" msgstr "Исписује обавештења ако ћаскање није у фокусу" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:56 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:58 msgid "" "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message even if " "the chat is already opened, but not focused." @@ -306,81 +321,81 @@ "Да ли да приказује облачић обавештења са пристиглим порукама чак и када је " "прозор за ћаскање отворен, али није у фокусу." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:57 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:59 msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs in" msgstr "Исписује обавештења када се пријатељ пријави" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:58 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:60 msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes online." msgstr "" "Да ли да приказује облачић обавештења када се пријатељ пријави на мрежу." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:59 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:61 msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs out" msgstr "Исписује обавештења када се пријатељ одјави" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:60 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:62 msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes offline." msgstr "" "Да ли да приказује облачић обавештења када се пријатељ одјави са мреже." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:61 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:63 msgid "Use graphical smileys" msgstr "Приказује сличицу са смешком" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:62 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:64 msgid "Whether to convert smileys into graphical images in conversations." msgstr "Да ли да приказује смешке као сличице унутар разговора." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:63 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:65 msgid "Show contact list in rooms" msgstr "Приказује списак пријатеља у собама" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:64 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:66 msgid "Whether to show the contact list in chat rooms." msgstr "Да ли да приказује списак пријатеља у собама за ћаскање." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:65 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:67 msgid "Chat window theme" msgstr "Тема прозора за ћаскање" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:66 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:68 msgid "The theme that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." msgstr "Тема за приказ разговора у прозору ћаскања." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:67 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:69 msgid "Chat window theme variant" msgstr "Варијанта теме прозора за ћаскање" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:68 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:70 msgid "" "The theme variant that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." msgstr "Варијанта теме која се користи за приказ разговора у прозору ћаскања." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:69 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:71 msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use" msgstr "Путања до Адијум теме за коришћење" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:70 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:72 msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use if the theme used for chat is Adium." msgstr "" "Путања до Адијум теме за коришћење, ако се користи Адијум тема за ћаскање." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:71 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:73 msgid "Enable WebKit Developer Tools" msgstr "Омогућава Веб кит развојне алате" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:72 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:74 msgid "" "Whether WebKit developer tools, such as the Web Inspector, should be enabled." msgstr "" "Да ли ће бити омогућени Веб кит развојни алати, као што је Веб Инспектор." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:73 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:75 msgid "Inform other users when you are typing to them" msgstr "Обавештава остале кориснике када им пишете поруку" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:74 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:76 msgid "" "Whether to send the 'composing' or 'paused' chat states. Does not currently " "affect the 'gone' state." @@ -388,39 +403,39 @@ "Да ли ће да пошаље стања ћаскања „саставља“ или „паузиран“. Неће утицати на " "стање „отишао“." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:75 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:77 msgid "Use theme for chat rooms" msgstr "Користи теме за собе ћаскања" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:76 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:78 msgid "Whether to use the theme for chat rooms." msgstr "Да ли да користи тему за собе разговора." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:77 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:79 msgid "Spell checking languages" msgstr "Језици за проверу писања" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:78 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:80 msgid "" "Comma-separated list of spell checker languages to use (e.g. \"en, fr, nl\")." msgstr "" "Списак језика одвојен зарезима које користи провера правописа (нпр. „sr, en, " "fr“)." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:79 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:81 msgid "Enable spell checker" msgstr "Омогућава проверу писања" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:80 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:82 msgid "" "Whether to check words typed against the languages you want to check with." msgstr "Да ли да проверава писање речи за изабране језике." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:81 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:83 msgid "Nick completed character" msgstr "Знак за довршавање надимка" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:82 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:84 msgid "" "Character to add after nickname when using nick completion (tab) in group " "chat." @@ -428,56 +443,56 @@ "Знак за додавање после надимка када се користи аутоматско довршавање надимка " "(таб) у групним ћаскањима." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:83 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:85 msgid "Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon" msgstr "" "Да ли Писмоноша да користи слику пријатеља као иконицу прозора за ћаскање" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:84 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:86 msgid "" "Whether Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon." msgstr "" "Да ли Писмоноша да користи слику пријатеља као икону у прозору ћаскања." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:85 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:87 msgid "Last account selected in Join Room dialog" msgstr "Последњи изабрани налог у прозорчету за придруживање соби" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:86 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:88 msgid "D-Bus object path of the last account selected to join a room." -msgstr "Путања објекта Д-баса последњег налога изабраног за придруживање соби" +msgstr "Путања објекта Д-баса последњег налога изабраног за придруживање соби." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:87 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:89 msgid "Camera device" msgstr "Уређај камерице" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:88 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:90 msgid "Default camera device to use in video calls, e.g. /dev/video0." msgstr "" "Основна видео камерица која ће бити коришћена у видео позивима, нпр. „/dev/" "video0“." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:89 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:91 msgid "Camera position" msgstr "Положај камерице" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:90 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:92 msgid "Position the camera preview should be during a call." msgstr "Положај приказа камерице за време позива." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:91 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:93 msgid "Echo cancellation support" msgstr "Подршка за уклањање одјека" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:92 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:94 msgid "Whether to enable Pulseaudio's echo cancellation filter." msgstr "Да ли ће бити укључен филтер Пулсе аудиа за уклањање одјека." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:93 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:95 msgid "Show hint about closing the main window" msgstr "Приказује савет у вези затварања главног прозора" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:94 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:96 msgid "" "Whether to show the message dialog about closing the main window with the " "'x' button in the title bar." @@ -485,89 +500,89 @@ "Да ли да приказује поруку о затварању главног прозора када га затворите на " "„x“ дугме." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:95 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:97 msgid "Empathy can publish the user's location" msgstr "Да ли Писмоноша сме да објављује локацију корисника" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:96 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:98 msgid "Whether Empathy can publish the user's location to their contacts." msgstr "Да ли Писмоноша да објављује локацију корисника његовим пријатељима." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:97 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:99 msgid "Empathy can use the network to guess the location" msgstr "Да ли Писмоноша сме да користи мрежу да погоди локацију" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:98 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:100 msgid "Whether Empathy can use the network to guess the location." msgstr "Да ли Писмоноша сме да користи мрежу да погоди локацију." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:99 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:101 msgid "Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location" msgstr "Да ли Писмоноша сме да користи мобилну мрежу да погоди локацију" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:100 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:102 msgid "Whether Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location." msgstr "Да ли Писмоноша сме да користи мобилну мрежу да погоди локацију." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:101 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:103 msgid "Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location" msgstr "Да ли Писмоноша сме да користи ГПС да погоди локацију" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:102 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:104 msgid "Whether Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location." msgstr "Да ли Писмоноша сме да користи ГПС да погоди локацију." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:103 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:105 msgid "Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy" msgstr "Да ли Писмоноша да умањи прецизност локације" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:104 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:106 msgid "" "Whether Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy for privacy reasons." msgstr "" "Да ли Писмоноша да умањи прецизност локације због повећане приватности." -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:736 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:738 msgid "No reason was specified" msgstr "Није наведен разлог" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:739 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:741 msgid "The change in state was requested" msgstr "Захтевана је промена стања" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:742 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:744 msgid "You canceled the file transfer" msgstr "Обуставили сте пренос датотеке" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:745 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:747 msgid "The other participant canceled the file transfer" msgstr "Друга страна је прекинула пренос датотеке" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:748 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:750 msgid "Error while trying to transfer the file" msgstr "Грешка приликом преноса датотеке" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:751 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:753 msgid "The other participant is unable to transfer the file" msgstr "Друга страна није у могућности да пренесе датотеку" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:754 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:313 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:756 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:313 msgid "Unknown reason" msgstr "Непознат разлог" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:917 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:919 msgid "File transfer completed, but the file was corrupted" msgstr "Пренос датотеке је завршен, али је датотека оштећена" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1203 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1205 msgid "File transfer not supported by remote contact" msgstr "Друга страна не подржава пренос датотека" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1259 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1261 msgid "The selected file is not a regular file" msgstr "Изабрана датотека није обична датотека" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1268 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1270 msgid "The selected file is empty" msgstr "Изабрана датотека је празна" @@ -754,7 +769,7 @@ #, c-format msgid "%d second ago" msgid_plural "%d seconds ago" -msgstr[0] "Пре %d секунде" +msgstr[0] "Пре %d секунд" msgstr[1] "Пре %d секунде" msgstr[2] "Пре %d секунди" msgstr[3] "Пре једне секунде" @@ -763,7 +778,7 @@ #, c-format msgid "%d minute ago" msgid_plural "%d minutes ago" -msgstr[0] "Пре %d минута" +msgstr[0] "Пре %d минут" msgstr[1] "Пре %d минута" msgstr[2] "Пре %d минута" msgstr[3] "Пре једног минута" @@ -808,6 +823,20 @@ msgid "in the future" msgstr "у будућности" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:75 +msgid "Password not found" +msgstr "Лозинка није пронађена" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:218 +#, c-format +msgid "IM account password for %s (%s)" +msgstr "Лозинка ТП налога за %s (%s)" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:253 +#, c-format +msgid "Password for chatroom '%s' on account %s (%s)" +msgstr "Лозинка за причаоницу „%s“ на налогу %s (%s)" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-chooser.c:692 msgid "All accounts" msgstr "Сви налози" @@ -822,12 +851,12 @@ msgstr "Лозинка" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:684 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:507 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:511 msgid "Server" msgstr "Сервер" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:685 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:522 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:529 msgid "Port" msgstr "Порт" @@ -838,7 +867,7 @@ msgstr "%s:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1398 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:14 msgid "Username:" msgstr "Корисничко име:" @@ -931,7 +960,7 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-generic.ui.h:1 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:7 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:8 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:15 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:23 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:7 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:7 @@ -1043,10 +1072,31 @@ msgstr "Кодни распоред:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:1 +msgid "Add…" +msgstr "Додај…" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:3 +msgid "Remove" +msgstr "Уклони" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:6 +msgid "Up" +msgstr "Горе" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:7 +msgid "Down" +msgstr "Доле" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:8 msgid "Servers" msgstr "Сервери" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:9 msgid "" "Most IRC servers don't need a password, so if you're not sure, don't enter a " "password." @@ -1054,27 +1104,27 @@ "Већина ИРЦ сервера не тражи лозинку, зато ако нисте сигурни, немојте је " "уносити." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:6 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 msgid "Nickname:" msgstr "Надимак:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 msgid "Password:" msgstr "Лозинка:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:12 msgid "Quit message:" msgstr "Порука за крај:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:9 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 msgid "Real name:" msgstr "Право име:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:12 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:16 msgid "Which IRC network?" msgstr "Која ИРЦ мрежа?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:17 msgid "What is your IRC nickname?" msgstr "Који је ваш ИРЦ надимак?" @@ -1161,11 +1211,11 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your Windows Live ID?" -msgstr "Који је ваш Виндоуз Уживо ИБ ?" +msgstr "Који је ваш ИБ Виндоуза уживо?" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your Windows Live password?" -msgstr "Која је ваша Виндоуз Уживо лозинка?" +msgstr "Која је ваша лозинка Виндоуза уживо?" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:1 msgid "Nic_kname:" @@ -1185,7 +1235,7 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:5 msgid "_Jabber ID:" -msgstr "_Џабер ИД:" +msgstr "_Џабер ИБ:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:6 msgid "E-_mail address:" @@ -1354,63 +1404,63 @@ msgid "You don't have enough credit in order to place this call" msgstr "Немате довољно кредита да бисте могли да обавите овај позив" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:728 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:729 msgid "Failed to open private chat" msgstr "Нисам успео да отворим приватно ћаскање" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:786 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:787 msgid "Topic not supported on this conversation" msgstr "Теме нису подржане у овом разговору" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:792 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:793 msgid "You are not allowed to change the topic" msgstr "Није вам дозвољено да промените тему" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:991 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:992 #, c-format msgid "“%s” is not a valid contact ID" msgstr "„%s“ није исправан ИБ контакта" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1086 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1087 msgid "/clear: clear all messages from the current conversation" msgstr "/clear: чисти све поруке из овог разговора" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1089 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1090 msgid "/topic : set the topic of the current conversation" msgstr "/topic <тема>: поставља тему тренутног разговора" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1092 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1093 msgid "/join : join a new chat room" msgstr "/join <ИБ собе>: прикључује се новој соби за ћаскање" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1095 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1096 msgid "/j : join a new chat room" msgstr "/j <ИБ собе>: прикључује се новој соби за ћаскање" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1099 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1100 msgid "" "/part [] []: leave the chat room, by default the " "current one" msgstr "" "/part [<ИБ собе>] [<разлог>]: напушта собу за ћаскање, подразумевано тренутну" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1103 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1104 msgid "/query []: open a private chat" msgstr "/query <ИБ пријатеља> [<порука>]: отвара приватно ћаскање" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1106 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1107 msgid "/msg : open a private chat" msgstr "/msg <ИБ пријатеља> <порука>: отвара приватно ћаскање" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1109 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1110 msgid "/nick : change your nickname on the current server" msgstr "/nick <надимак>: мења ваш надимак на тренутном серверу" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1112 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1113 msgid "/me : send an ACTION message to the current conversation" msgstr "/me <порука>: шаље поруку РАДЊА на тренутни разговор" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1115 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1116 msgid "" "/say : send to the current conversation. This is used to " "send a message starting with a '/'. For example: \"/say /join is used to " @@ -1420,11 +1470,11 @@ "порука које почињу са „/“. На пример: „/say /join се користи за прикључивање " "у нову собу за ћаскање“" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1120 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1121 msgid "/whois : display information about a contact" msgstr "/whois <ИБ контакта>: приказује податке о контакту" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1123 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1124 msgid "" "/help []: show all supported commands. If is defined, " "show its usage." @@ -1432,126 +1482,126 @@ "/help [<команда>]: приказује све подржане наредбе. Ако се да и конкретна " "<наредба>, приказује њено упутство за употребу." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1142 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1143 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s" msgstr "Коришћење: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1187 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1188 msgid "Unknown command" msgstr "Непозната наредба" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1313 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1314 msgid "Unknown command; see /help for the available commands" msgstr "Непозната наредба; погледајте /help за доступне наредбе" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1564 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1565 msgid "insufficient balance to send message" msgstr "нема довољно готовине за слање поруке" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1568 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1582 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1645 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1569 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1583 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1646 #, c-format msgid "Error sending message '%s': %s" msgstr "Грешка при слању поруке „%s“: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1570 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1587 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1649 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1571 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1588 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1650 #, c-format msgid "Error sending message: %s" msgstr "Грешка при слању поруке: %s" #. translators: error used when user doesn't have enough credit on his #. * account to send the message. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1576 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1577 #, c-format msgid "insufficient balance to send message. Top up." msgstr "нема довољно готовине за слање поруке. Допуните." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1616 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1617 msgid "not capable" msgstr "неспособан" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1623 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1624 msgid "offline" msgstr "неповезан" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1626 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1627 msgid "invalid contact" msgstr "неисправан пријатељ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1629 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1630 msgid "permission denied" msgstr "приступ је забрањен" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1632 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1633 msgid "too long message" msgstr "порука је предуга" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1635 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1636 msgid "not implemented" msgstr "није подржано" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1639 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1640 msgid "unknown" msgstr "непознато" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1706 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:920 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1707 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:920 msgid "Topic:" msgstr "Тема:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1721 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1722 #, c-format msgid "Topic set to: %s" msgstr "Тема је постављена на: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1723 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1724 #, c-format msgid "Topic set by %s to: %s" msgstr "Тему је поставио %s на: %s" #. No need to display this 'event' is no topic can be defined anyway -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1728 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1729 msgid "No topic defined" msgstr "Тема није постављена" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2244 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2245 msgid "(No Suggestions)" msgstr "(нема предлога)" #. translators: %s is the selected word -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2312 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2313 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to Dictionary" msgstr "Додај „%s“ у речник" #. translators: first %s is the selected word, #. * second %s is the language name of the target dictionary -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2349 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2350 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to %s Dictionary" msgstr "Додај „%s“ у речник за %s језик" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2419 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2420 msgid "Insert Smiley" msgstr "Убаци смешак" #. send button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2437 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1867 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2438 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1880 msgid "_Send" msgstr "_Пошаљи" #. Spelling suggestions -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2494 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2495 msgid "_Spelling Suggestions" msgstr "Предлози правопи_са" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2583 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2584 msgid "Failed to retrieve recent logs" msgstr "Нисам успео да преузмем скорашње дневнике" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2722 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2723 #, c-format msgid "%s has disconnected" msgstr "%s је отишао са везе" @@ -1559,12 +1609,12 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the kicked should come before the kicker in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2729 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2730 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was kicked by %2$s" msgstr "%2$s је избацио корисника %1$s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2732 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2733 #, c-format msgid "%s was kicked" msgstr "%s је избачен" @@ -1572,17 +1622,17 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the banned should come before the banner in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2740 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2741 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was banned by %2$s" msgstr "%2$s је забранио приступ кориснику %1$s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2743 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2744 #, c-format msgid "%s was banned" msgstr "Кориснику %s је забрањен приступ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2747 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2748 #, c-format msgid "%s has left the room" msgstr "%s је напустио(ла) причаоницу" @@ -1592,17 +1642,17 @@ #. * given by the user living the room. If this poses a problem, #. * please let us know. :-) #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2756 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2757 #, c-format msgid " (%s)" msgstr " (%s)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2781 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2782 #, c-format msgid "%s has joined the room" msgstr "%s је приступио(ла) причаоници" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2806 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2807 #, c-format msgid "%s is now known as %s" msgstr "%s је сада познат као %s" @@ -1610,79 +1660,80 @@ #. We don't know if the incoming call has been accepted or not, so we #. * assume it hasn't and if it has, we'll set the proper status when #. * we get the new handler. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2993 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1197 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1502 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1552 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2588 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2994 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1888 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1279 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1502 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1552 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2590 msgid "Disconnected" msgstr "Веза је прекинута" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3657 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3658 msgid "Would you like to store this password?" msgstr "Да ли желите да запамтите ову лозинку?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3663 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3664 msgid "Remember" msgstr "Запамти" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3673 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3674 msgid "Not now" msgstr "Не сада" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3717 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3718 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-bad-password-dialog.c:142 msgid "Retry" msgstr "Покушај поново" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3721 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3722 msgid "Wrong password; please try again:" msgstr "Погрешна лозинка, покушајте поново:" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3851 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3852 msgid "This room is protected by a password:" msgstr "Ова соба је заштићена лозинком:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3878 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3879 msgid "Join" msgstr "Прикључи се" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4070 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1218 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4071 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1300 msgid "Connected" msgstr "Повезан" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4125 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4126 msgid "Conversation" msgstr "Разговор" #. Translators: this string is a something like #. * "Escher Cat (SMS)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4130 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4131 #, c-format msgid "%s (SMS)" msgstr "%s (СМС)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:264 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:262 msgid "Unknown or invalid identifier" msgstr "Непознати или неисправан идентификатор" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:266 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:264 msgid "Contact blocking temporarily unavailable" msgstr "Блокирање пријатеља је тренутно недоступно" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:268 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:266 msgid "Contact blocking unavailable" msgstr "Блокирање пријатеља није доступно" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:270 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:268 msgid "Permission Denied" msgstr "Приступ је забрањен" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:274 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:272 msgid "Could not block contact" msgstr "Не могу да блокирам пријатеља" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:612 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:610 msgid "Edit Blocked Contacts" msgstr "Измени блокиране пријатеље" @@ -1700,13 +1751,6 @@ msgid "Blocked Contacts" msgstr "Блокирани пријатељи" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Remove" -msgstr "Уклони" - #. Copy Link Address menu item #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:322 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-webkit-utils.c:277 @@ -1776,7 +1820,7 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:529 msgid "Search: " -msgstr "Претрага:" +msgstr "Претрага: " #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:587 msgid "_Add Contact" @@ -1794,133 +1838,133 @@ msgid "Please let me see when you're online. Thanks!" msgstr "Молим вас обавестите не када сте на мрежи. Хвала!" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:569 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:567 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:304 msgid "Channels:" msgstr "Канали:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:749 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:747 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:455 msgid "Country ISO Code:" msgstr "ИСО код државе:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:751 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:749 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:457 msgid "Country:" msgstr "Држава:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:753 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:751 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:459 msgid "State:" msgstr "Република:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:755 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:753 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:461 msgid "City:" msgstr "Град:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:757 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:755 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:463 msgid "Area:" msgstr "Област:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:759 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:757 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:465 msgid "Postal Code:" msgstr "Поштански код:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:761 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:759 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:467 msgid "Street:" msgstr "Улица:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:763 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:761 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:469 msgid "Building:" msgstr "Зграда:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:765 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:763 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:471 msgid "Floor:" msgstr "Спрат:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:767 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:765 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:473 msgid "Room:" msgstr "Соба:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:769 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:767 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:475 msgid "Text:" msgstr "Текст:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:771 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:769 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:477 msgid "Description:" msgstr "Опис:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:773 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:771 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:479 msgid "URI:" msgstr "Адреса:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:775 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:773 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:481 msgid "Accuracy Level:" msgstr "Ниво тачности:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:777 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:775 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:483 msgid "Error:" msgstr "Грешка:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:779 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:777 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:485 msgid "Vertical Error (meters):" msgstr "Усправна грешка (у метрима):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:781 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:779 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:487 msgid "Horizontal Error (meters):" msgstr "Водоравна грешка (у метрима):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:783 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:781 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:489 msgid "Speed:" msgstr "Брзина:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:785 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:783 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:491 msgid "Bearing:" msgstr "Правац:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:787 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:785 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:493 msgid "Climb Speed:" msgstr "Брзина пењања:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:789 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:787 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:495 msgid "Last Updated on:" msgstr "Последњи пут ажурирано:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:791 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:789 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:497 msgid "Longitude:" msgstr "Географска дужина:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:793 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:791 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:499 msgid "Latitude:" msgstr "Географска ширина:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:795 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:793 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:501 msgid "Altitude:" msgstr "Висина:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:848 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:863 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:846 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:861 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:593 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:608 #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:35 @@ -1928,32 +1972,32 @@ msgstr "Локација" #. translators: format is "Location, $date" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:865 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:863 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:610 #, c-format msgid "%s, %s" msgstr "%s, %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:917 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:915 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:659 msgid "%B %e, %Y at %R UTC" msgstr "%e.%d.%Y у %R UTC" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:999 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:997 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:900 msgid "Save Avatar" msgstr "Сачувај слику" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1055 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1053 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:958 msgid "Unable to save avatar" msgstr "Не могу да сачувам слику" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1446 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1444 msgid "Personal Details" msgstr "Лични подаци" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1449 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1447 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:6 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:3 msgid "Contact Details" @@ -2108,137 +2152,145 @@ msgid "Edit Contact Information" msgstr "Измени податке контакта" +#. Translators: the heading at the top of the Information dialogue +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-information-dialog.c:288 +msgid "Linked Contacts" +msgstr "Повезани пријатељи" + #. Translators: this is used in the context menu for a contact. The first #. * parameter is a contact ID (e.g. foo@jabber.org) and the second is one #. * of the user's account IDs (e.g. me@hotmail.com). -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:172 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:173 #, c-format msgid "%s (%s)" msgstr "%s (%s)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:344 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:345 msgid "Select account to use to place the call" msgstr "Изаберите налог који ће бити коришћен за позив" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:348 +#. translators: Call is a noun. This string is used in the window +#. * title +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:349 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1290 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:18 msgid "Call" msgstr "Позив" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:413 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:414 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Мобилни" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:415 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:416 msgid "Work" msgstr "Посао" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:417 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:418 msgid "HOME" msgstr "КУЋА" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:658 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:659 msgid "_Block Contact" msgstr "_Блокирај контакт" #. add chat button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1017 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1018 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:319 #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:1 msgid "_Chat" msgstr "Ћа_скање" #. add SMS button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1052 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1053 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:313 msgid "_SMS" msgstr "_СМС" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1085 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1086 msgctxt "menu item" msgid "_Audio Call" msgstr "_Аудио позив" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1118 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1119 msgctxt "menu item" msgid "_Video Call" msgstr "_Видео позив" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1159 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1160 #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:4 msgid "_Previous Conversations" msgstr "_Претходни разговори" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1188 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1189 msgid "Send File" msgstr "Пошаљи датотеку" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1218 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1219 msgid "Share My Desktop" msgstr "Подели моју радну површ" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1244 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1245 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1357 msgid "Favorite" msgstr "Омиљени" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1263 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1264 msgid "gnome-contacts not installed" msgstr "програм гномови контакти није инсталиран" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1266 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1267 msgid "Please install gnome-contacts to access contacts details." msgstr "Инсталирајте „gnome-contacts“ да приступите подацима контаката." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1380 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1398 msgid "Infor_mation" msgstr "_Подаци" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1429 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1447 msgctxt "Edit individual (contextual menu)" msgid "_Edit" msgstr "_Уреди" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1546 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1564 #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:1192 msgid "Inviting you to this room" msgstr "Позивам вас у ову собу" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1592 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1610 msgid "_Invite to Chat Room" msgstr "Позов_и у собу за ћаскање" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1788 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1806 #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:5 msgid "_Add Contact…" msgstr "Дод_ај пријатеља…" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2306 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2304 msgid "Delete and _Block" msgstr "Избриши и _блокирај" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2341 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2339 #, c-format msgid "Do you really want to remove the group '%s'?" msgstr "Да ли сте сигурни да желите да уклоните групу „%s“?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2344 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2342 msgid "Removing group" msgstr "Уклањам групу" #. Remove -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2399 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2603 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2397 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2601 msgid "_Remove" msgstr "_Уклони" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2476 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2474 #, c-format msgid "Do you really want to remove the contact '%s'?" msgstr "Да ли сте сигурни да желите да уклоните пријатеља „%s“?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2485 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2483 #, c-format msgid "" "Do you really want to remove the linked contact '%s'? Note that this will " @@ -2247,7 +2299,7 @@ "Да ли стварно желите да уклоните увезани контакт „%s“? Ово ће уклонити и све " "контакте који су везани за овај контакт." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2497 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2495 msgid "Removing contact" msgstr "Уклањам пријатеља" @@ -2289,7 +2341,7 @@ msgid "new server" msgstr "нови сервер" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:535 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:539 msgid "SSL" msgstr "ССЛ" @@ -2455,6 +2507,7 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:7 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:26 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:19 msgid "Video" msgstr "Видео" @@ -2757,19 +2810,19 @@ msgid "Certificate Details" msgstr "Детаљи сертификата" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1741 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1754 msgid "Unable to open URI" msgstr "Не могу да отворим адресу" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1859 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1872 msgid "Select a file" msgstr "Изаберите датотеку" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1934 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1947 msgid "Insufficient free space to save file" msgstr "Нема довољно слободног места за чување датотеке" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1942 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1955 #, c-format msgid "" "%s of free space are required to save this file, but only %s is available. " @@ -2778,7 +2831,7 @@ "Потребно је %s за снимање ове датотеке, али је доступно само %s. Одаберите " "друго место за снимање." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1986 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1999 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file from %s" msgstr "Долазећа датотека од %s" @@ -2950,6 +3003,18 @@ msgid "Vietnamese" msgstr "вијетнамски" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-calendar-button.c:66 +#| msgctxt "verb in a column header displaying group names" +#| msgid "Select" +msgid "Select..." +msgstr "Изабери..." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-calendar-button.c:154 +#| msgctxt "verb in a column header displaying group names" +#| msgid "Select" +msgid "_Select" +msgstr "_Изабери" + #: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:202 msgid "No error message" msgstr "Нема порука о грешкама" @@ -3052,29 +3117,31 @@ msgid "Your new account has not been saved yet." msgstr "Ваш нови налог још није сачуван." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:370 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1289 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:381 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:759 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1289 msgid "Connecting…" msgstr "Повезујем се…" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:411 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:422 #, c-format msgid "Offline — %s" msgstr "Неповезан — %s" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:423 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:434 #, c-format msgid "Disconnected — %s" msgstr "Веза је прекинута — %s" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:434 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:445 msgid "Offline — No Network Connection" msgstr "Неповезан — Нема мрежне конекције" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:441 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:452 msgid "Unknown Status" msgstr "Непознато стање" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:458 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:469 msgid "" "This account has been disabled because it relies on an old, unsupported " "backend. Please install telepathy-haze and restart your session to migrate " @@ -3084,36 +3151,36 @@ "Инсталирајте „telepathy-haze“ и поново покрените вашу сесију да преместите " "налог." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:468 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:479 msgid "Offline — Account Disabled" msgstr "Неповезан — Налог је онемогућен" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:572 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:585 msgid "Edit Connection Parameters" msgstr "Уредите параметре повезивања" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:735 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:750 msgid "Failed to retrieve your personal information from the server." msgstr "Нисам успео да довучем ваше личне податке са сервера." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:741 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:756 msgid "Go online to edit your personal information." msgstr "Успоставите везу да уредите ваше личне податке." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:826 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:843 msgid "_Edit Connection Parameters..." msgstr "_Уреди параметре повезивања..." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1322 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1339 #, c-format msgid "Do you want to remove %s from your computer?" msgstr "Да ли сте сигурни да желите да уклоните „%s“ са вашег рачунара?" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1326 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1343 msgid "This will not remove your account on the server." msgstr "Ово неће уклонити ваш налог на серверу." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1562 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1579 msgid "" "You are about to select another account, which will discard\n" "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" @@ -3122,23 +3189,23 @@ "Да ли сигурно желите да наставите?" #. Menu items: to enabled/disable the account -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1738 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1755 msgid "_Enable" msgstr "_Омогући" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1739 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1756 msgid "_Disable" msgstr "О_немогући" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2122 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2184 msgid "_Skip" msgstr "_Прескочи" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2126 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2188 msgid "_Connect" msgstr "_Повежи се" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2303 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2365 msgid "" "You are about to close the window, which will discard\n" "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" @@ -3146,10 +3213,6 @@ "Овим ћете затворити прозор, занемаривши унете измене.\n" "Да ли сигурно желите да наставите?" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:1 -msgid "Add…" -msgstr "Додај…" - #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:3 msgid "_Import…" msgstr "_Увези…" @@ -3170,15 +3233,189 @@ msgid "No protocol backends installed" msgstr "Нису инсталирани позадинци протокола" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:286 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:288 msgid " - Empathy authentication client" msgstr " — Интернет писмоноша клијент пријаве" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:302 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:304 msgid "Empathy authentication client" msgstr "Интернет писмоноша клијент пријаве" +#: ../src/empathy-av.c:118 ../src/empathy-call.c:201 +msgid "- Empathy Audio/Video Client" +msgstr "— Интернет писмоноша Аудио/Видео клијент" + +#: ../src/empathy-av.c:134 ../src/empathy-call.c:223 +msgid "Empathy Audio/Video Client" +msgstr "Интернет писмоноша Аудио/Видео клијент" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:434 +msgid "Contrast" +msgstr "Контраст" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:437 +msgid "Brightness" +msgstr "Осветљеност" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:440 +msgid "Gamma" +msgstr "Гама" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:547 +msgid "Volume" +msgstr "Јачина звука" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1099 +msgid "_Sidebar" +msgstr "_Бочна површ" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1119 +msgid "Audio input" +msgstr "Звучни улаз" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1123 +msgid "Video input" +msgstr "Видео улаз" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1131 +msgid "Dialpad" +msgstr "Бројчаник" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1142 +msgid "Details" +msgstr "Детаљи" + +#. translators: Call is a noun and %s is the contact name. This string +#. * is used in the window title +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1211 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1889 +#, c-format +msgid "Call with %s" +msgstr "Позив са корисником %s" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1444 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2133 +msgid "The IP address as seen by the machine" +msgstr "ИП адреса како је види овај рачунар" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1446 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2135 +msgid "The IP address as seen by a server on the Internet" +msgstr "ИП адреса како је види сервер на интернету" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1448 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2137 +msgid "The IP address of the peer as seen by the other side" +msgstr "ИП адреса вршњака како је види друга страна" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1450 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2139 +msgid "The IP address of a relay server" +msgstr "ИП адреса релејног сервера" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1452 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2141 +msgid "The IP address of the multicast group" +msgstr "ИП адреса групе за вишеструко емитовање" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1837 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1840 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1843 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1846 +msgctxt "codec" +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Непознато" + +#. Translators: number of minutes:seconds the caller has been connected +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2138 +#, c-format +msgid "Connected — %d:%02dm" +msgstr "Повезан — %d:%02dм" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2199 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2992 +msgid "Technical Details" +msgstr "Технички детаљи" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2237 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3031 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"%s's software does not understand any of the audio formats supported by your " +"computer" +msgstr "Програм %s не разуме ниједан звучни формат који подржава ваш рачунар" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2242 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3036 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"%s's software does not understand any of the video formats supported by your " +"computer" +msgstr "Програм %s не разуме ниједан видео формат који подржава ваш рачунар" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2248 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3042 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Can't establish a connection to %s. One of you might be on a network that " +"does not allow direct connections." +msgstr "" +"Не могу да успоставим везу са %s. Можда је неко од вас двоје на мрежи која " +"не дозвољава директне везе." + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2254 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3048 +msgid "There was a failure on the network" +msgstr "Дошло је до грешке у мрежи" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2258 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3052 +msgid "" +"The audio formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" +msgstr "" +"Звучни формати потребни за овај позив нису инсталирани на вашем рачунару" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2261 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3055 +msgid "" +"The video formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" +msgstr "" +"Видео формати потребни за овај позив нису инсталирани на вашем рачунару" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2271 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3067 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Something unexpected happened in a Telepathy component. Please report this bug and attach logs gathered from the 'Debug' window in " +"the Help menu." +msgstr "" +"Нешто неочекивано се десило у компоненти Телепатије. Пријавите ову грешку и прикачите дневнике покупљене из прозора „Отклањање " +"грешака“ у менију „Помоћ“." + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2279 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3076 +msgid "There was a failure in the call engine" +msgstr "Дошло је до грешке у мотору за позиве" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2282 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3079 +msgid "The end of the stream was reached" +msgstr "Достигнут је крај тока" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2322 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3119 +msgid "Can't establish audio stream" +msgstr "Не могу да успоставим звучни ток" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2332 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3129 +msgid "Can't establish video stream" +msgstr "Не могу да успоставим видео ток" + #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:1 msgid "_Call" msgstr "_Позови" @@ -3196,6 +3433,7 @@ #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:6 #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:8 msgid "_View" msgstr "Пре_глед" @@ -3231,10 +3469,12 @@ msgstr "Искључите камерицу" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:14 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:2 msgid "Hang up" msgstr "Прекини" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:15 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:9 msgid "Hang up current call" msgstr "Прекините тренутни позив" @@ -3267,36 +3507,44 @@ msgstr "Укључи/искључи пренос видеа" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:24 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:11 msgid "Send Audio" msgstr "Пошаљи звук" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:25 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:12 msgid "Toggle audio transmission" msgstr "Укључи/искључи пренос звука" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:27 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:20 msgid "Encoding Codec:" msgstr "Кодек за кодирање:" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:28 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2540 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2541 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2542 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2543 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:28 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:21 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2542 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2543 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2544 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2545 msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Непознато" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:29 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:22 msgid "Decoding Codec:" msgstr "Кодек за декодирање:" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:30 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:23 msgid "Remote Candidate:" msgstr "Удаљени кандидат:" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:31 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:24 msgid "Local Candidate:" msgstr "Локални кандидат:" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:32 ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:24 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:25 msgid "Audio" msgstr "Аудио" @@ -3399,9 +3647,9 @@ #, c-format msgid "Sending %d message" msgid_plural "Sending %d messages" -msgstr[0] "Шаљем %d поруку." -msgstr[1] "Шаљем %d поруке." -msgstr[2] "Шаљем %d порука." +msgstr[0] "Шаљем %d поруку" +msgstr[1] "Шаљем %d поруке" +msgstr[2] "Шаљем %d порука" msgstr[3] "Шаљем једну поруку" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:924 @@ -3484,95 +3732,96 @@ msgid "Manage Favorite Rooms" msgstr "Уреди омиљене собе" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:511 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 msgid "Incoming video call" msgstr "Долазни видео позив" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:511 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1519 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1519 msgid "Incoming call" msgstr "Долазни позив" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:515 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:526 #, c-format msgid "%s is video calling you. Do you want to answer?" msgstr "%s вас зове видео позивом. Желите ли да се јавите?" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:516 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:527 #, c-format msgid "%s is calling you. Do you want to answer?" msgstr "%s вас зове. Желите ли да се јавите?" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:519 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:720 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:530 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "Incoming call from %s" msgstr "Долазни позив од %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:544 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:555 msgid "_Reject" msgstr "_Одбаци" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:552 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:560 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:563 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 msgid "_Answer" msgstr "_Јави се" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:560 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 msgid "_Answer with video" msgstr "Одговори са _видеом" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:720 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "Incoming video call from %s" msgstr "Долазни видео позив од %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:778 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:837 msgid "Room invitation" msgstr "Позивнице за собу" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:780 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:839 #, c-format msgid "Invitation to join %s" msgstr "Позивница да се придружите у %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:787 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:846 #, c-format msgid "%s is inviting you to join %s" msgstr "%s вас позива да се придружите %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:795 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:854 msgid "_Decline" msgstr "_Одбиј" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:800 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:859 #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:2 msgid "_Join" msgstr "_Прикључи се" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:827 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:886 #, c-format msgid "%s invited you to join %s" msgstr "%s вас позива да се придружите %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:833 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:892 #, c-format msgid "You have been invited to join %s" msgstr "Позвани сте да се придружите у %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:884 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:943 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file transfer from %s" msgstr "Долазни пренос датотеке од %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1064 ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:374 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1146 ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:374 msgid "Password required" msgstr "Захтевана је лозинка" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1134 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1216 #, c-format msgid "%s would like permission to see when you are online" msgstr "%s тражи одобрење да види када сте на вези" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1140 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1222 #, c-format msgid "" "\n" @@ -4206,105 +4455,152 @@ msgid "_Quit" msgstr "_Изађи" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:3 +msgid "Redial" +msgstr "Поново зови" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:4 +msgid "V_ideo" +msgstr "В_идео" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:5 +msgid "Video Off" +msgstr "Искљ. видео" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:6 +msgid "Video Preview" +msgstr "Преглед видеа" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:7 +msgid "Video On" +msgstr "Укљ. видео" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:10 +msgid "Call the contact again" +msgstr "Позови пријатеља поново" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:13 +msgid "Camera Off" +msgstr "Искљ. камеру" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:14 +msgid "Disable camera and stop sending video" +msgstr "Онемогући камеру и престани да шаљеш видео" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:15 +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "Преглед" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "Enable camera but don't send video" +msgstr "Омогући камеру, али не шаљи видео" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:17 +msgid "Camera On" +msgstr "Укљ. камеру" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:18 +msgid "Enable camera and send video" +msgstr "Омогући камеру и шаљи видео" + #: ../src/empathy-map-view.c:471 msgid "Contact Map View" msgstr "Мапа пријатеља" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1598 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1607 msgid "Save" msgstr "Сачувај" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1658 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1667 msgid "Pastebin link" msgstr "Веза канте одлагања" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1667 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1676 msgid "Pastebin response" msgstr "Одговор канте одлагања" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1671 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1680 #, c-format -#| msgid "%s:" msgid "%s" msgstr "%s" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1674 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1683 msgid "Data too large for a single paste. Please save logs to file." msgstr "Подаци су превелики за једно одлагање. Сачувајте записнике у датотеку." -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1903 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1912 msgid "Debug Window" msgstr "Прозор за отклањање грешака" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1961 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1970 msgid "Send to pastebin" msgstr "Пошаљи у канту одлагања" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2000 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2009 msgid "Pause" msgstr "Пауза" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2012 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2021 msgid "Level " msgstr "Ниво " -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2031 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2040 msgid "Debug" msgstr "Отклањање грешака" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2036 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2045 msgid "Info" msgstr "Информације" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2041 ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2087 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2050 ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2096 msgid "Message" msgstr "Порука" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2046 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2055 msgid "Warning" msgstr "Упозорење" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2051 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2060 msgid "Critical" msgstr "Критичан" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2056 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2065 msgid "Error" msgstr "Грешка" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2075 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2084 msgid "Time" msgstr "Време" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2078 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2087 msgid "Domain" msgstr "Домен" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2080 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2089 msgid "Category" msgstr "Категорија" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2082 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2091 msgid "Level" msgstr "Ниво" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2105 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2114 msgid "" "The selected connection manager does not support the remote debugging " "extension." msgstr "" "Изабрани управник везе не подржава проширење за удаљено отклањање грешака." -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:200 -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:228 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:202 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:230 msgid "Invite Participant" msgstr "Позови учеснике" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:201 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:203 msgid "Choose a contact to invite into the conversation:" msgstr "Изаберите пријатеља за позивање у овај разговор:" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:224 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:226 msgid "Invite" msgstr "Позови" @@ -4352,39 +4648,39 @@ msgid "- Empathy Chat Client" msgstr "— Писмоноша програм за ћаскање" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:187 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:189 msgid "Respond" msgstr "Одговори" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:196 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:203 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1529 msgid "Reject" msgstr "Одбаци" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:201 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:206 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:208 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1530 msgid "Answer" msgstr "Јави се" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:206 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 msgid "Answer with video" msgstr "Одговори са видеом" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:214 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:224 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:221 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:231 msgid "Decline" msgstr "Одбиј" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:218 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:229 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:225 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:236 msgid "Accept" msgstr "Прихвати" #. translators: the 'Provide' button is displayed in a notification #. * bubble when Empathy is asking for an account password; clicking on it #. * brings the password popup. -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:239 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:246 msgid "Provide" msgstr "Обезбеди" @@ -4395,146 +4691,41 @@ #. Translators: this is an "Info" label. It should be as short #. * as possible. -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1136 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1159 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1140 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1162 msgid "i" msgstr "и" -#. translators: Call is a noun and %s is the contact name. This string -#. * is used in the window title -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1889 -#, c-format -msgid "Call with %s" -msgstr "Позив са корисником %s" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2133 -msgid "The IP address as seen by the machine" -msgstr "ИП адреса како је види овај рачунар" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2135 -msgid "The IP address as seen by a server on the Internet" -msgstr "ИП адреса како је види сервер на интернету" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2137 -msgid "The IP address of the peer as seen by the other side" -msgstr "ИП адреса вршњака како је види друга страна" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2139 -msgid "The IP address of a relay server" -msgstr "ИП адреса релејног сервера" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2141 -msgid "The IP address of the multicast group" -msgstr "ИП адреса групе за вишеструко емитовање" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2886 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2888 msgid "On hold" msgstr "На чекању" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2889 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2891 msgid "Mute" msgstr "Утишај" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2891 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2893 msgid "Duration" msgstr "Трајање" #. Translators: 'status - minutes:seconds' the caller has been connected -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2894 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2896 #, c-format msgid "%s — %d:%02dm" msgstr "%s — %d:%02dm" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2990 -msgid "Technical Details" -msgstr "Технички детаљи" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3029 -#, c-format -msgid "" -"%s's software does not understand any of the audio formats supported by your " -"computer" -msgstr "Програм %s не разуме ниједан звучни формат који подржава ваш рачунар" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3034 -#, c-format -msgid "" -"%s's software does not understand any of the video formats supported by your " -"computer" -msgstr "Програм %s не разуме ниједан видео формат који подржава ваш рачунар" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3040 -#, c-format -msgid "" -"Can't establish a connection to %s. One of you might be on a network that " -"does not allow direct connections." -msgstr "" -"Не могу да успоставим везу са %s. Можда је неко од вас двоје на мрежи која " -"не дозвољава директне везе." - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3046 -msgid "There was a failure on the network" -msgstr "Дошло је до грешке у мрежи" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3050 -msgid "" -"The audio formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" -msgstr "" -"Звучни формати потребни за овај позив нису инсталирани на вашем рачунару" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3053 -msgid "" -"The video formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" -msgstr "" -"Видео формати потребни за овај позив нису инсталирани на вашем рачунару" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3065 -#, c-format -msgid "" -"Something unexpected happened in a Telepathy component. Please report this bug and attach logs gathered from the 'Debug' window in " -"the Help menu." -msgstr "" -"Нешто неочекивано се десило у компоненти Телепатије. Пријавите ову грешку и прикачите дневнике покупљене из прозора „Отклањање " -"грешака“ у менију „Помоћ“." - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3074 -msgid "There was a failure in the call engine" -msgstr "Дошло је до грешке у мотору за позиве" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3077 -msgid "The end of the stream was reached" -msgstr "Достигнут је крај тока" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3117 -msgid "Can't establish audio stream" -msgstr "Не могу да успоставим звучни ток" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3127 -msgid "Can't establish video stream" -msgstr "Не могу да успоставим видео ток" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3164 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3166 #, c-format msgid "Your current balance is %s." msgstr "Ваше тренутно стање је %s." -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3168 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3170 msgid "Sorry, you don’t have enough credit for that call." msgstr "Извините, али немате довољно кредита за овај позив." -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3170 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3172 msgid "Top Up" msgstr "Допуни" -#: ../src/empathy-call.c:201 -msgid "- Empathy Audio/Video Client" -msgstr "— Интернет писмоноша Аудио/Видео клијент" - -#: ../src/empathy-call.c:224 -msgid "Empathy Audio/Video Client" -msgstr "Интернет писмоноша Аудио/Видео клијент" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.c:243 msgid "_Match case" msgstr "_Упореди величину слова" @@ -4570,76 +4761,6 @@ "ћете изабрати Уреди → Налози са списка " "контаката." -#~ msgid "Contrast" -#~ msgstr "Контраст" - -#~ msgid "Brightness" -#~ msgstr "Осветљеност" - -#~ msgid "Gamma" -#~ msgstr "Гама" - -#~ msgid "Volume" -#~ msgstr "Јачина звука" - -#~ msgid "_Sidebar" -#~ msgstr "_Бочна површ" - -#~ msgid "Audio input" -#~ msgstr "Звучни улаз" - -#~ msgid "Video input" -#~ msgstr "Видео улаз" - -#~ msgid "Dialpad" -#~ msgstr "Бројчаник" - -#~ msgid "Details" -#~ msgstr "Детаљи" - -#~ msgctxt "codec" -#~ msgid "Unknown" -#~ msgstr "Непознато" - -#~ msgid "Connected — %d:%02dm" -#~ msgstr "Повезан — %d:%02dм" - -#~ msgid "Redial" -#~ msgstr "Поново зови" - -#~ msgid "V_ideo" -#~ msgstr "В_идео" - -#~ msgid "Video Off" -#~ msgstr "Искљ. видео" - -#~ msgid "Video Preview" -#~ msgstr "Преглед видеа" - -#~ msgid "Video On" -#~ msgstr "Укљ. видео" - -#~ msgid "Call the contact again" -#~ msgstr "Позови пријатеља поново" - -#~ msgid "Camera Off" -#~ msgstr "Искљ. камеру" - -#~ msgid "Disable camera and stop sending video" -#~ msgstr "Онемогући камеру и престани да шаљеш видео" - -#~ msgid "Preview" -#~ msgstr "Преглед" - -#~ msgid "Enable camera but don't send video" -#~ msgstr "Омогући камеру, али не шаљи видео" - -#~ msgid "Camera On" -#~ msgstr "Укљ. камеру" - -#~ msgid "Enable camera and send video" -#~ msgstr "Омогући камеру и шаљи видео" - #~ msgid "There was an error while importing the accounts." #~ msgstr "Грешка при увожењу налога." @@ -4799,9 +4920,6 @@ #~ msgid "Select a contact" #~ msgstr "Изаберите пријатеља" -#~ msgid "Linked Contacts" -#~ msgstr "Повезани пријатељи" - #~ msgid "Select contacts to link" #~ msgstr "Изаберите пријатеља за повезивање" diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/po/sv.po empathy-3.3.92/po/sv.po --- empathy-3.3.91/po/sv.po 2012-02-21 13:27:57.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/po/sv.po 2012-03-19 09:12:32.000000000 +0000 @@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: empathy\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-02-19 00:52+0100\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-02-19 00:56+0100\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-18 10:46+0100\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-18 10:56+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Daniel Nylander \n" "Language-Team: Swedish \n" "Language: sv\n" @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ #. Tweak the dialog #: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2411 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2512 msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts" msgstr "Meddelande och VoIP-konton" @@ -79,441 +79,448 @@ msgstr "Standardmappen att spara filöverföringar i." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:9 +msgid "Magic number used to check if sanity cleaning tasks should be run" +msgstr "Magiskt nummer används för att kontrollera om åtgärder för upprensning ska köras" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:10 +msgid "empathy-sanity-cleaning.c uses this number to check if the cleaning tasks should be executed or not. Users should not change this key manually." +msgstr "empathy-sanity-cleaning.c använder detta tal för att kontrollera om åtgärder för upprensning ska köras eller inte. Användare bör inte ändra denna nyckel manuellt." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:11 msgid "Show offline contacts" msgstr "Visa frånkopplade kontakter" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:10 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:12 msgid "Whether to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." msgstr "Huruvida frånkopplade kontakter ska visas i kontaktlistan." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:11 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:13 msgid "Show avatars" msgstr "Visa profilbilder" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:12 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:14 msgid "Whether to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat windows." msgstr "Huruvida profilbilder ska visas för kontakter i kontaktlistan och chattfönster." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:13 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:15 msgid "Show protocols" msgstr "Visa protokoll" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:14 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:16 msgid "Whether to show protocols for contacts in the contact list." msgstr "Huruvida protokoll för kontakter ska visas i kontaktlistan." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:15 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:17 msgid "Show Balance in contact list" msgstr "Visa saldo i kontaktlista" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:16 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:18 msgid "Whether to show account balances in the contact list." msgstr "Huruvida kontosaldon ska visas i kontaktlistan." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:17 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:19 msgid "Compact contact list" msgstr "Kompakt kontaktlista" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:18 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:20 msgid "Whether to show the contact list in compact mode." msgstr "Huruvida kontaktlistan ska visas i kompakt läge." # Vi översätter "hide" med "dölj" i GNOME. Gömmer gör man något för att det # inte ska hittas, döljer gör man för att det inte ska synas. -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:19 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:21 msgid "Hide main window" msgstr "Dölj huvudfönstret" # Vi översätter "hide" med "dölj" i GNOME. Gömmer gör man något för att det # inte ska hittas, döljer gör man för att det inte ska synas. -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:20 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:22 msgid "Hide the main window." msgstr "Dölj huvudfönstret." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:21 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:23 msgid "Default directory to select an avatar image from" msgstr "Standardkatalog att välja en profilbild från" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:22 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:24 msgid "The last directory that an avatar image was chosen from." msgstr "Den senaste katalogen som en profilbild valdes från." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:23 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:25 msgid "Open new chats in separate windows" msgstr "Öppna nya chattar i separata fönster" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:24 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:26 msgid "Always open a separate chat window for new chats." msgstr "Öppna alltid ett separat fönster för nya chattar." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:25 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:27 msgid "Display incoming events in the status area" msgstr "Visa inkommande händelser i statusytan" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:26 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:28 msgid "Display incoming events in the status area. If false, present them to the user immediately." msgstr "Visa inkommande händelser i statusytan. Om false, visa dem direkt för användaren." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:27 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:29 msgid "The position for the chat window side pane" msgstr "Positionen för chattfönstrets sidopanel" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:28 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:30 msgid "The stored position (in pixels) of the chat window side pane." msgstr "Den lagrade positionen (i bildpunkter) för chattfönstrets sidopanel." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:29 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:31 msgid "Show contact groups" msgstr "Visa kontaktgrupper" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:30 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:32 msgid "Whether to show groups in the contact list." msgstr "Huruvida grupper ska visas i kontaktlistan." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:31 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:33 msgid "Contact list sort criterion" msgstr "Sorteringskriteria för kontaktlista" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:32 -#, fuzzy +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:34 msgid "Which criterion to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to sort by the contact's state with the value \"state\". A value of \"name\" will sort the contact list by name." -msgstr "Vilket kriteria som ska användas när kontaktlistan sorteras. Standard är att sortera efter kontaktens namn med värdet \"name\". Värdet \"state\" kommer att sortera kontaktlistan efter tillstånd." +msgstr "Vilket kriteria som ska användas när kontaktlistan sorteras. Standard är att sortera efter kontaktens tillstånd med värdet \"state\". Värdet \"name\" kommer att sortera kontaktlistan efter namn." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:33 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:35 msgid "Use notification sounds" msgstr "Använd notifieringsljud" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:34 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:36 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of events." msgstr "Huruvida ett ljud ska spelas upp för att notifiera om händelser." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:35 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:37 msgid "Disable sounds when away" msgstr "Inaktivera ljud under frånvaro" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:36 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:38 msgid "Whether to play sound notifications when away or busy." msgstr "Huruvida ljudnotifieringar ska spelas upp vid frånvaro eller upptagen." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:37 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:39 msgid "Play a sound for incoming messages" msgstr "Spela upp ljud för inkommande meddelanden" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:38 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:40 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of incoming messages." msgstr "Huruvida ett ljud ska spelas upp för inkommande meddelanden." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:39 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:41 msgid "Play a sound for outgoing messages" msgstr "Spela upp ljud för utgående meddelanden" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:40 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:42 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of outgoing messages." msgstr "Huruvida ett ljud ska spelas upp för utgående meddelanden." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:41 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:43 msgid "Play a sound for new conversations" msgstr "Spela upp ett ljud för nya samtal" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:42 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:44 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of new conversations." msgstr "Huruvida ett ljud ska spelas upp för nya samtal." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:43 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:45 msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs in" msgstr "Spela upp ljud när en kontakt loggar in" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:44 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:46 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging into the network." msgstr "Huruvida ett ljud ska spelas upp för kontakter som loggar in i nätverket." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:45 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:47 msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs out" msgstr "Spela upp ett ljud när en kontakt loggar ut" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:46 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:48 msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging out of the network." msgstr "Huruvida ett ljud ska spelas upp för kontakter som loggar ut från nätverket." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:47 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:49 msgid "Play a sound when we log in" msgstr "Spela upp ljud när vi loggar in" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:48 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:50 msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging into a network." msgstr "Huruvida ett ljud ska spelas upp vid inloggning i ett nätverk." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:49 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:51 msgid "Play a sound when we log out" msgstr "Spela upp ljud när vi loggar ut" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:50 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:52 msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging out of a network." msgstr "Huruvida ett ljud ska spelas upp vid utloggning från ett nätverk." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:51 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:53 msgid "Enable popup notifications for new messages" msgstr "Aktivera popupnotifieringar för nya meddelanden" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:52 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:54 msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message." msgstr "Huruvida en popupnotifiering ska visas när ett nytt meddelande tas emot." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:53 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:55 msgid "Disable popup notifications when away" msgstr "Inaktivera popupnotifieringar under frånvaro" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:54 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:56 msgid "Whether to show popup notifications when away or busy." msgstr "Huruvida popupnotifieringar ska visas vid frånvaro eller upptagen." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:55 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:57 msgid "Pop up notifications if the chat isn't focused" msgstr "Visa popupnotifieringar om chatten inte är fokuserad" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:56 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:58 msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message even if the chat is already opened, but not focused." msgstr "Huruvida en popupnotifiering ska visas när ett nytt meddelande tas emot, även om chatten redan är öppnad, men inte fokuserad." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:57 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:59 msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs in" msgstr "Visa popupnotifieringar när en kontakt loggar in" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:58 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:60 msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes online." msgstr "Huruvida popupnotifieringar ska visas när en kontakt ansluter." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:59 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:61 msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs out" msgstr "Visa popupnotifieringar när en kontakt loggar ut" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:60 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:62 msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes offline." msgstr "Huruvida popupnotifieringar ska visas när en kontakt kopplar från." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:61 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:63 msgid "Use graphical smileys" msgstr "Använd grafiska smilisar" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:62 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:64 msgid "Whether to convert smileys into graphical images in conversations." msgstr "Huruvida smilisar ska omvandlas till grafiska bilder i samtal." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:63 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:65 msgid "Show contact list in rooms" msgstr "Visa kontaktlista i rum" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:64 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:66 msgid "Whether to show the contact list in chat rooms." msgstr "Huruvida kontaktlistan ska visas i chattrum." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:65 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:67 msgid "Chat window theme" msgstr "Chattfönstertema" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:66 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:68 msgid "The theme that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." msgstr "Det tema som används för att visa samtal i chattfönster." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:67 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:69 msgid "Chat window theme variant" msgstr "Temavariant för chattfönster" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:68 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:70 msgid "The theme variant that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." msgstr "Den temavariant som används för att visa samtalet i chattfönster." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:69 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:71 msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use" msgstr "Sökväg för Adium-temat att använda" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:70 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:72 msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use if the theme used for chat is Adium." msgstr "Sökväg för Adium-temat som ska användas om temat som används för chatt är Adium." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:71 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:73 msgid "Enable WebKit Developer Tools" msgstr "Aktivera utvecklingsverktyg för WebKit" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:72 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:74 msgid "Whether WebKit developer tools, such as the Web Inspector, should be enabled." msgstr "Huruvida utvecklingsverktyg för WebKit, såsom Webbinspekteraren, ska aktiveras." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:73 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:75 msgid "Inform other users when you are typing to them" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Informera andra användare när du skriver till dem" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:74 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:76 msgid "Whether to send the 'composing' or 'paused' chat states. Does not currently affect the 'gone' state." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Huruvida chattillstånd för \"composing\" (skriva) eller \"paused\" (pausad) ska skickas. Påverkar inte för tillfället tillståndet \"gone\" (frånvarande)." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:75 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:77 msgid "Use theme for chat rooms" msgstr "Använd tema för chattrum" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:76 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:78 msgid "Whether to use the theme for chat rooms." msgstr "Huruvida temat för chattrum ska användas." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:77 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:79 msgid "Spell checking languages" msgstr "Rättstavningsspråk" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:78 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:80 msgid "Comma-separated list of spell checker languages to use (e.g. \"en, fr, nl\")." msgstr "Kommaseparerad lista av språk att använda för stavningskontroll (t.ex. \"sv, en, fr\")." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:79 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:81 msgid "Enable spell checker" msgstr "Aktivera stavningskontroll" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:80 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:82 msgid "Whether to check words typed against the languages you want to check with." msgstr "Huruvida ord som matas in ska kontrolleras mot de språk som du vill kontrollera med." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:81 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:83 msgid "Nick completed character" msgstr "Tecken för smeknamnskomplettering" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:82 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:84 msgid "Character to add after nickname when using nick completion (tab) in group chat." msgstr "Tecken att lägga till efter smeknamn när smeknamnskomplettering (tab) används i gruppchatt." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:83 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:85 msgid "Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon" msgstr "Empathy ska använda profilbilden för kontakten som ikon i chattfönstret" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:84 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:86 msgid "Whether Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon." msgstr "Huruvida Empathy ska använda profilbilden för kontakten som ikon i chattfönstret." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:85 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:87 msgid "Last account selected in Join Room dialog" msgstr "Senast kontot valt i Gå in i rum-dialogen" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:86 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:88 msgid "D-Bus object path of the last account selected to join a room." msgstr "Sökväg för D-Bus-objektet för senaste kontot valt för att gå in i ett rum." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:87 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:89 msgid "Camera device" msgstr "Kameraenhet" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:88 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:90 msgid "Default camera device to use in video calls, e.g. /dev/video0." msgstr "Standardenhet för kamera att använda i videosamtal, t.ex. /dev/video0." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:89 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:91 msgid "Camera position" msgstr "Kameraposition" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:90 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:92 msgid "Position the camera preview should be during a call." msgstr "Positionera kameravisningen som den ska vara under ett samtal." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:91 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:93 msgid "Echo cancellation support" msgstr "Stöd för ekosläckning" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:92 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:94 msgid "Whether to enable Pulseaudio's echo cancellation filter." msgstr "Huruvida Pulseaudios filter för ekosläckning ska aktiveras." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:93 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:95 msgid "Show hint about closing the main window" msgstr "Visa tips om att stänga huvudfönstret" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:94 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:96 msgid "Whether to show the message dialog about closing the main window with the 'x' button in the title bar." msgstr "Huruvida meddelandedialogen om att stänga huvudfönstret ska visas när man klickar på \"x\"-knappen i titelraden." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:95 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:97 msgid "Empathy can publish the user's location" msgstr "Empathy kan publicera användarens plats" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:96 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:98 msgid "Whether Empathy can publish the user's location to their contacts." msgstr "Huruvida Empathy kan publicera användarens plats till sina kontakter." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:97 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:99 msgid "Empathy can use the network to guess the location" msgstr "Empathy kan använda nätverket för att gissa platsen" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:98 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:100 msgid "Whether Empathy can use the network to guess the location." msgstr "Huruvida Empathy kan använda nätverket för att gissa platsen." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:99 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:101 msgid "Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location" msgstr "Empathy kan använda mobiltelefonnätet för att gissa platsen" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:100 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:102 msgid "Whether Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location." msgstr "Huruvida Empathy kan använda mobiltelefonnätet för att gissa platsen." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:101 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:103 msgid "Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location" msgstr "Empathy kan använda GPS:en för att gissa platsen" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:102 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:104 msgid "Whether Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location." msgstr "Huruvida Empathy kan använda GPS för att gissa platsen." -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:103 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:105 msgid "Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy" msgstr "Empathy bör minska precisionen för platsen" -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:104 +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:106 msgid "Whether Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy for privacy reasons." msgstr "Huruvida Empathy ska minska platsens precision av integritetsskäl." -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:736 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:738 msgid "No reason was specified" msgstr "Ingen anledning angavs" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:739 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:741 msgid "The change in state was requested" msgstr "Ändring i tillstånd begärdes" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:742 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:744 msgid "You canceled the file transfer" msgstr "Du avbröt filöverföringen" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:745 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:747 msgid "The other participant canceled the file transfer" msgstr "Den andra deltagaren avbröt filöverföringen" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:748 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:750 msgid "Error while trying to transfer the file" msgstr "Fel vid försök att överföra filen" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:751 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:753 msgid "The other participant is unable to transfer the file" msgstr "Den andra deltagaren kunde inte överföra filen" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:754 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:756 #: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:313 msgid "Unknown reason" msgstr "Okänd anledning" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:917 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:919 msgid "File transfer completed, but the file was corrupted" msgstr "Filöverföringen är färdig men filen blev skadad" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1203 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1205 msgid "File transfer not supported by remote contact" msgstr "Filöverföringar stöds inte fjärrkontakten" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1259 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1261 msgid "The selected file is not a regular file" msgstr "Den valda filen är inte en vanlig fil" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1268 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1270 msgid "The selected file is empty" msgstr "Den valda filen är tom" #: ../libempathy/empathy-message.c:415 -#: ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:131 +#: ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:129 #, c-format msgid "Missed call from %s" msgstr "Missat samtal från %s" @@ -566,7 +573,7 @@ #: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:289 #: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:323 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:49 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:47 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:81 msgid "Network error" msgstr "Nätverksfel" @@ -742,6 +749,20 @@ msgid "in the future" msgstr "i framtiden" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:75 +msgid "Password not found" +msgstr "Lösenordet hittades inte" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:218 +#, c-format +msgid "IM account password for %s (%s)" +msgstr "Lösenord för chattkonto för %s (%s)" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:253 +#, c-format +msgid "Password for chatroom '%s' on account %s (%s)" +msgstr "Lösenbord för chattrummet \"%s\" för kontot %s (%s)" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-chooser.c:692 msgid "All accounts" msgstr "Alla konton" @@ -756,12 +777,12 @@ msgstr "Lösenord" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:684 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:507 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:511 msgid "Server" msgstr "Server" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:685 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:522 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:529 msgid "Port" msgstr "Port" @@ -772,7 +793,7 @@ msgstr "%s:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1398 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:14 msgid "Username:" msgstr "Användarnamn:" @@ -865,7 +886,7 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-generic.ui.h:1 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:7 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:8 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:15 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:23 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:7 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:7 @@ -977,34 +998,55 @@ msgstr "Teckenuppsättning:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:1 +msgid "Add…" +msgstr "Lägg till…" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:3 +msgid "Remove" +msgstr "Ta bort" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:6 +msgid "Up" +msgstr "Uppåt" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:7 +msgid "Down" +msgstr "Nedåt" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:8 msgid "Servers" msgstr "Servrar" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:9 msgid "Most IRC servers don't need a password, so if you're not sure, don't enter a password." msgstr "De flesta IRC-servrar behöver inte något lösenord. Ange endast ett lösenord om du är säker på att det behövs." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:6 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 msgid "Nickname:" msgstr "Smeknamn:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 msgid "Password:" msgstr "Lösenord:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:12 msgid "Quit message:" msgstr "Avslutningsmeddelande:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:9 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 msgid "Real name:" msgstr "Verkligt namn:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:12 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:16 msgid "Which IRC network?" msgstr "Vilket IRC-nätverk?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:17 msgid "What is your IRC nickname?" msgstr "Vad är ditt IRC-smeknamn?" @@ -1257,219 +1299,219 @@ msgid "Click to enlarge" msgstr "Klicka för att förstora" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:44 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:62 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:42 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:60 msgid "There was an error starting the call" msgstr "Det inträffade ett fel när samtalet startades" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:51 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:49 msgid "The specified contact doesn't support calls" msgstr "Den angivna kontakten saknar stöd för röstsamtal" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:53 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:51 msgid "The specified contact is offline" msgstr "Den valda kontakten är frånkopplad" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:55 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:53 msgid "The specified contact is not valid" msgstr "Den valda kontakten är inte giltig" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:57 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:55 msgid "Emergency calls are not supported on this protocol" msgstr "Nödsamtal stöds inte med detta protokollet" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:59 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:57 msgid "You don't have enough credit in order to place this call" -msgstr "" +msgstr "Ditt kontosaldo är för lågt för att ringa detta samtal" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:728 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:729 msgid "Failed to open private chat" msgstr "Misslyckades med att öppna privat chatt" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:786 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:787 msgid "Topic not supported on this conversation" msgstr "Ämne stöds inte för detta samtal" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:792 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:793 msgid "You are not allowed to change the topic" msgstr "Du tillåts inte att ändra ämnet" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:991 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:992 #, c-format msgid "“%s” is not a valid contact ID" msgstr "\"%s\" är inte ett giltigt kontakt-id" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1086 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1087 msgid "/clear: clear all messages from the current conversation" msgstr "/clear: töm alla meddelanden från det aktuella samtalet" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1089 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1090 msgid "/topic : set the topic of the current conversation" msgstr "/topic <ämne>: ställ in ämnet för det aktuella samtalet" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1092 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1093 msgid "/join : join a new chat room" msgstr "/join : gå in i ett nytt chattrum" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1095 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1096 msgid "/j : join a new chat room" msgstr "/j : gå in i ett nytt chattrum" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1099 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1100 msgid "/part [] []: leave the chat room, by default the current one" msgstr "/part [] []: lämna chattrummet, det aktuella som standard" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1103 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1104 msgid "/query []: open a private chat" msgstr "/query []: öppna en privat chatt" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1106 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1107 msgid "/msg : open a private chat" msgstr "/msg : öppna en privat chatt" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1109 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1110 msgid "/nick : change your nickname on the current server" msgstr "/nick : ändra ditt smeknamn på aktuell server" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1112 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1113 msgid "/me : send an ACTION message to the current conversation" msgstr "/me : skicka ett ACTION-meddelande till aktuellt samtal" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1115 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1116 msgid "/say : send to the current conversation. This is used to send a message starting with a '/'. For example: \"/say /join is used to join a new chat room\"" msgstr "/say : skicka till det aktuella samtalet. Detta används för att skicka ett meddelande som börjar med ett \"/\". Till exempel: \"/say /join används för att gå in i ett nytt chattrum\"" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1120 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1121 msgid "/whois : display information about a contact" msgstr "/whois : visa information om en kontakt" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1123 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1124 msgid "/help []: show all supported commands. If is defined, show its usage." msgstr "/help []: visa alla kommandon som stöds. Om har definierats, visa dess användning." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1142 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1143 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s" msgstr "Användning: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1187 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1188 msgid "Unknown command" msgstr "Okänt kommando" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1313 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1314 msgid "Unknown command; see /help for the available commands" msgstr "Okänt kommando; se /help för tillgängliga kommandon" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1564 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1565 msgid "insufficient balance to send message" msgstr "otillräckliga medel på kontot för att skicka meddelande" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1568 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1582 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1645 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1569 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1583 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1646 #, c-format msgid "Error sending message '%s': %s" msgstr "Fel vid sändning av meddelandet \"%s\": %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1570 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1587 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1649 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1571 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1588 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1650 #, c-format msgid "Error sending message: %s" msgstr "Fel vid sändning av meddelande: %s" #. translators: error used when user doesn't have enough credit on his #. * account to send the message. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1576 -#, fuzzy, c-format +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1577 +#, c-format msgid "insufficient balance to send message. Top up." -msgstr "otillräckliga medel på kontot för att skicka meddelande" +msgstr "kontosaldot är för lågt för att skicka meddelande. Fyll på." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1616 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1617 msgid "not capable" msgstr "inte kapabel" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1623 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1624 msgid "offline" msgstr "frånkopplad" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1626 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1627 msgid "invalid contact" msgstr "ogiltig kontakt" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1629 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1630 msgid "permission denied" msgstr "åtkomst nekad" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1632 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1633 msgid "too long message" msgstr "för långt meddelande" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1635 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1636 msgid "not implemented" msgstr "inte implementerat" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1639 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1640 msgid "unknown" msgstr "okänt" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1706 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1707 #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:920 msgid "Topic:" msgstr "Ämne:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1721 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1722 #, c-format msgid "Topic set to: %s" msgstr "Ämnet inställt till: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1723 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1724 #, c-format msgid "Topic set by %s to: %s" msgstr "Ämnet angivet av %s till: %s" #. No need to display this 'event' is no topic can be defined anyway -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1728 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1729 msgid "No topic defined" msgstr "Inget ämne definierat" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2244 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2245 msgid "(No Suggestions)" msgstr "(Inga förslag)" #. translators: %s is the selected word -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2312 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2313 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to Dictionary" msgstr "Lägg till \"%s\" till ordbok" #. translators: first %s is the selected word, #. * second %s is the language name of the target dictionary -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2349 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2350 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to %s Dictionary" msgstr "Lägg till \"%s\" till %s-ordboken" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2419 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2420 msgid "Insert Smiley" msgstr "Infoga smilis" #. send button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2437 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1867 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2438 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1880 msgid "_Send" msgstr "_Skicka" #. Spelling suggestions -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2494 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2495 msgid "_Spelling Suggestions" msgstr "Sta_vningsförslag" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2583 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2584 msgid "Failed to retrieve recent logs" msgstr "Misslyckades med att hämta senaste loggar" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2722 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2723 #, c-format msgid "%s has disconnected" msgstr "%s har kopplat från" @@ -1477,12 +1519,12 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the kicked should come before the kicker in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2729 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2730 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was kicked by %2$s" msgstr "%1$s sparkades ut av %2$s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2732 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2733 #, c-format msgid "%s was kicked" msgstr "%s sparkades ut" @@ -1490,17 +1532,17 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the banned should come before the banner in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2740 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2741 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was banned by %2$s" msgstr "%1$s blev bannlyst av %2$s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2743 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2744 #, c-format msgid "%s was banned" msgstr "%s blev bannlyst" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2747 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2748 #, c-format msgid "%s has left the room" msgstr "%s har lämnat rummet" @@ -1510,17 +1552,17 @@ #. * given by the user living the room. If this poses a problem, #. * please let us know. :-) #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2756 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2757 #, c-format msgid " (%s)" msgstr " (%s)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2781 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2782 #, c-format msgid "%s has joined the room" msgstr "%s har gått in i rummet" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2806 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2807 #, c-format msgid "%s is now known as %s" msgstr "%s är nu känd som %s" @@ -1528,83 +1570,83 @@ #. We don't know if the incoming call has been accepted or not, so we #. * assume it hasn't and if it has, we'll set the proper status when #. * we get the new handler. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2993 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1889 -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1280 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1545 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1595 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2638 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2994 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1888 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1279 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1502 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1552 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2590 msgid "Disconnected" msgstr "Frånkopplad" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3657 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3658 msgid "Would you like to store this password?" msgstr "Vill du lagra detta lösenord?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3663 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3664 msgid "Remember" msgstr "Kom ihåg" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3673 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3674 msgid "Not now" msgstr "Inte nu" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3717 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3718 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-bad-password-dialog.c:142 msgid "Retry" msgstr "Försök igen" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3721 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3722 msgid "Wrong password; please try again:" msgstr "Felaktigt lösenord. Försök igen:" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3851 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3852 msgid "This room is protected by a password:" msgstr "Detta rum är skyddat med ett lösenord:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3878 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3879 msgid "Join" msgstr "Gå in" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4070 -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1301 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4071 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1300 msgid "Connected" msgstr "Ansluten" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4125 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4126 msgid "Conversation" msgstr "Samtal" #. Translators: this string is a something like #. * "Escher Cat (SMS)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4130 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4131 #, c-format msgid "%s (SMS)" msgstr "%s (SMS)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:264 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:262 msgid "Unknown or invalid identifier" msgstr "Okänd eller ogiltig identifierare" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:266 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:264 msgid "Contact blocking temporarily unavailable" msgstr "Blockering av kontakter är för närvarande inte möjligt" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:268 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:266 msgid "Contact blocking unavailable" msgstr "Kontaktblockering är inte möjlig" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:270 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:268 msgid "Permission Denied" msgstr "Åtkomst nekad" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:274 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:272 msgid "Could not block contact" msgstr "Kunde inte blockera kontakten" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:612 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:610 msgid "Edit Blocked Contacts" msgstr "Redigera blockerade kontakter" @@ -1622,13 +1664,6 @@ msgid "Blocked Contacts" msgstr "Blockerade kontakter" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Remove" -msgstr "Ta bort" - #. Copy Link Address menu item #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:322 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-webkit-utils.c:277 @@ -1713,133 +1748,133 @@ msgid "Please let me see when you're online. Thanks!" msgstr "Jag skulle vilja kunna se när du är ansluten. Tack!" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:569 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:567 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:304 msgid "Channels:" msgstr "Kanaler:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:749 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:747 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:455 msgid "Country ISO Code:" msgstr "Landets ISO-kod:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:751 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:749 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:457 msgid "Country:" msgstr "Land:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:753 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:751 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:459 msgid "State:" msgstr "Län:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:755 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:753 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:461 msgid "City:" msgstr "Stad:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:757 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:755 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:463 msgid "Area:" msgstr "Område:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:759 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:757 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:465 msgid "Postal Code:" msgstr "Postnummer:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:761 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:759 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:467 msgid "Street:" msgstr "Gata:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:763 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:761 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:469 msgid "Building:" msgstr "Byggnad:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:765 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:763 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:471 msgid "Floor:" msgstr "Våning:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:767 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:765 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:473 msgid "Room:" msgstr "Rum:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:769 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:767 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:475 msgid "Text:" msgstr "Text:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:771 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:769 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:477 msgid "Description:" msgstr "Beskrivning:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:773 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:771 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:479 msgid "URI:" msgstr "URI:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:775 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:773 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:481 msgid "Accuracy Level:" msgstr "Precisionsnivå:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:777 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:775 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:483 msgid "Error:" msgstr "Fel:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:779 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:777 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:485 msgid "Vertical Error (meters):" msgstr "Vertikalt fel (meter):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:781 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:779 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:487 msgid "Horizontal Error (meters):" msgstr "Horisontellt fel (meter):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:783 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:781 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:489 msgid "Speed:" msgstr "Hastighet:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:785 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:783 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:491 msgid "Bearing:" msgstr "Riktning:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:787 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:785 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:493 msgid "Climb Speed:" msgstr "Höjdökning:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:789 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:787 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:495 msgid "Last Updated on:" msgstr "Senast uppdaterad:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:791 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:789 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:497 msgid "Longitude:" msgstr "Longitud:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:793 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:791 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:499 msgid "Latitude:" msgstr "Latitud:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:795 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:793 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:501 msgid "Altitude:" msgstr "Höjd:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:848 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:863 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:846 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:861 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:593 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:608 #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:35 @@ -1847,32 +1882,32 @@ msgstr "Plats" #. translators: format is "Location, $date" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:865 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:863 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:610 #, c-format msgid "%s, %s" msgstr "%s, %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:917 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:915 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:659 msgid "%B %e, %Y at %R UTC" msgstr "%e %B, %Y klockan %H.%M UTC" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:999 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:997 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:900 msgid "Save Avatar" msgstr "Spara profilbild" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1055 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1053 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:958 msgid "Unable to save avatar" msgstr "Kunde inte spara profilbild" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1446 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1444 msgid "Personal Details" msgstr "Personliga detaljer" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1449 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1447 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:6 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:3 msgid "Contact Details" @@ -2020,145 +2055,150 @@ msgid "Edit Contact Information" msgstr "Redigera kontaktinformation" +#. Translators: the heading at the top of the Information dialogue +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-information-dialog.c:288 +msgid "Linked Contacts" +msgstr "Länkade kontakter" + #. Translators: this is used in the context menu for a contact. The first #. * parameter is a contact ID (e.g. foo@jabber.org) and the second is one #. * of the user's account IDs (e.g. me@hotmail.com). -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:172 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:173 #, c-format msgid "%s (%s)" msgstr "%s (%s)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:344 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:345 msgid "Select account to use to place the call" msgstr "Välj konto att använda för att ringa samtalet" #. translators: Call is a noun. This string is used in the window #. * title -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:348 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:349 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:6 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1288 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1290 #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:18 msgid "Call" msgstr "Ring" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:413 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:414 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Mobil" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:415 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:416 msgid "Work" msgstr "Arbete" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:417 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:418 msgid "HOME" msgstr "HEM" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:658 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:659 msgid "_Block Contact" msgstr "_Blockera kontakt" #. add chat button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1017 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1018 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:319 #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:1 msgid "_Chat" msgstr "_Chatt" #. add SMS button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1052 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1053 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:313 msgid "_SMS" msgstr "_SMS" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1085 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1086 msgctxt "menu item" msgid "_Audio Call" msgstr "_Ljudsamtal" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1118 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1119 msgctxt "menu item" msgid "_Video Call" msgstr "_Videosamtal" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1159 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1160 #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:4 msgid "_Previous Conversations" msgstr "Ti_digare samtal" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1188 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1189 msgid "Send File" msgstr "Skicka fil" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1218 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1219 msgid "Share My Desktop" msgstr "Dela ut mitt skrivbord" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1244 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1245 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1357 msgid "Favorite" msgstr "Favorit" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1263 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1264 msgid "gnome-contacts not installed" msgstr "gnome-contacts är inte installerat" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1266 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1267 msgid "Please install gnome-contacts to access contacts details." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Installera gnome-contacts för att komma åt kontaktuppgifter." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1380 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1398 msgid "Infor_mation" msgstr "Infor_mation" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1429 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1447 msgctxt "Edit individual (contextual menu)" msgid "_Edit" msgstr "R_edigera" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1546 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1564 #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:1192 msgid "Inviting you to this room" msgstr "Bjuder in dig till detta rum" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1592 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1610 msgid "_Invite to Chat Room" msgstr "_Bjud in till chattrum" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1788 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1806 #: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:5 msgid "_Add Contact…" msgstr "_Lägg till kontakt..." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2306 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2304 msgid "Delete and _Block" msgstr "Ta bort och _blockera" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2341 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2339 #, c-format msgid "Do you really want to remove the group '%s'?" msgstr "Vill du verkligen ta bort gruppen \"%s\"?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2344 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2342 msgid "Removing group" msgstr "Tar bort grupp" #. Remove -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2399 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2603 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2397 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2601 msgid "_Remove" msgstr "_Ta bort" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2476 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2474 #, c-format msgid "Do you really want to remove the contact '%s'?" msgstr "Vill du verkligen ta bort kontakten \"%s\"?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2485 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2483 #, c-format msgid "Do you really want to remove the linked contact '%s'? Note that this will remove all the contacts which make up this linked contact." msgstr "Vill du verkligen ta bort den länkade kontakten \"%s\"? Observera att detta kommer att ta bort alla kontakter som denna länkade kontakt innehåller." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2497 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2495 msgid "Removing contact" msgstr "Tar bort kontakt" @@ -2198,140 +2238,140 @@ msgid "new server" msgstr "ny server" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:535 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:539 msgid "SSL" msgstr "SSL" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:622 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:620 msgid "History" msgstr "Historik" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:677 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:675 msgid "Show" msgstr "Visa" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:699 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:697 msgid "Search" msgstr "Sök" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1150 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1148 #, c-format msgid "Chat in %s" msgstr "Chatt i %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1152 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1150 #, c-format msgid "Chat with %s" msgstr "Chatt med %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1202 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1349 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1200 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1347 msgctxt "A date with the time" msgid "%A, %e %B %Y %X" msgstr "%A, %e %B %Y %X" #. Translators: this is an emote: '* Danielle waves' -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1291 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1289 #, c-format msgid "* %s %s" msgstr "* %s %s" #. Translators: this is a message: 'Danielle: hello' #. * The string in bold is the sender's name -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1297 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1295 #, c-format msgid "%s: %s" msgstr "%s: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1373 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1371 #, c-format msgid "%s second" msgid_plural "%s seconds" msgstr[0] "%s sekund" msgstr[1] "%s sekunder" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1380 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1378 #, c-format msgid "%s minute" msgid_plural "%s minutes" msgstr[0] "%s minut" msgstr[1] "%s minuter" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1388 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1386 #, c-format msgid "Call took %s, ended at %s" msgstr "Samtalet tog %s, avslutades %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1722 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1720 msgid "Today" msgstr "Idag" # "Web site" är "webbplats". "Web page" är "webbsida". -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1726 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1724 msgid "Yesterday" msgstr "Igår" #. Translators: A date such as '23 May 2010' (strftime format) -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1741 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1739 msgid "%e %B %Y" msgstr "%B %e %Y" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1829 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3489 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1827 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3487 msgid "Anytime" msgstr "När som helst" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1918 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2402 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1916 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2400 msgid "Anyone" msgstr "Vem som helst" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2715 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2713 msgid "Who" msgstr "Vem" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2924 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2922 msgid "When" msgstr "När" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3040 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3038 msgid "Anything" msgstr "Allting" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3042 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3040 msgid "Text chats" msgstr "Textchattar" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3044 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3042 #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:25 msgid "Calls" msgstr "Samtal" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3049 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3047 msgid "Incoming calls" msgstr "Inkommande samtal" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3050 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3048 msgid "Outgoing calls" msgstr "Utgående samtal" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3051 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3049 msgid "Missed calls" msgstr "Missade samtal" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3073 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3071 msgid "What" msgstr "Vad" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3782 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3780 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete all logs of previous conversations?" msgstr "Är du säker på att du vill ta bort alla loggar för tidigare samtal?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3786 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3784 msgid "Clear All" msgstr "Töm allt" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3793 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3791 msgid "Delete from:" msgstr "Ta bort från:" @@ -2418,7 +2458,7 @@ msgstr "Det inträffade ett fel när samtalet startades" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:290 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:202 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:200 msgid "Enter a contact identifier or phone number:" msgstr "Ange en kontaktidentifierare eller telefonnummer:" @@ -2428,17 +2468,17 @@ msgstr "Nytt samtal" #. add video button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:225 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:223 msgid "_Video Call" msgstr "_Videosamtal" #. add audio button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:235 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:233 msgid "_Audio Call" msgstr "_Röstsamtal" #. Tweak the dialog -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:245 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:243 msgid "New Call" msgstr "Nytt samtal" @@ -2494,7 +2534,7 @@ #. To translator: %s is the name of the protocol, such as "Google Talk" or #. * "Yahoo!" #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-protocol-chooser.c:584 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-protocol-chooser.c:588 #, c-format msgid "New %s account" msgstr "Nytt %s-konto" @@ -2663,24 +2703,24 @@ msgid "Certificate Details" msgstr "Certifikatinformation" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1741 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1754 msgid "Unable to open URI" msgstr "Kunde inte öppna uri" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1859 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1872 msgid "Select a file" msgstr "Välj en fil" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1934 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1947 msgid "Insufficient free space to save file" msgstr "Otillräckligt med ledigt utrymme för att spara filen" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1942 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1955 #, c-format msgid "%s of free space are required to save this file, but only %s is available. Please choose another location." msgstr "%s ledigt utrymme krävs för att spara denna fil men endast %s finns tillgängligt. Välj en annan plats." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1986 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1999 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file from %s" msgstr "Inkommande fil från %s" @@ -2853,6 +2893,14 @@ msgid "Vietnamese" msgstr "Vietnamesisk" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-calendar-button.c:66 +msgid "Select..." +msgstr "Välj..." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-calendar-button.c:154 +msgid "_Select" +msgstr "_Välj" + #: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:202 msgid "No error message" msgstr "Inget felmeddelande" @@ -2861,23 +2909,23 @@ msgid "Instant Message (Empathy)" msgstr "Snabbmeddelanden (Empathy)" -#: ../src/empathy.c:437 +#: ../src/empathy.c:435 msgid "Don't connect on startup" msgstr "Anslut inte vid uppstart" -#: ../src/empathy.c:441 +#: ../src/empathy.c:439 msgid "Don't display the contact list or any other dialogs on startup" msgstr "Visa inte kontaktlistan eller några andra dialogrutor vid uppstart" -#: ../src/empathy.c:456 +#: ../src/empathy.c:454 msgid "- Empathy IM Client" msgstr "- Empathy snabbmeddelandeklient" -#: ../src/empathy.c:643 +#: ../src/empathy.c:641 msgid "Error contacting the Account Manager" msgstr "Fel vid anslutning till kontohanteraren" -#: ../src/empathy.c:645 +#: ../src/empathy.c:643 #, c-format msgid "" "There was an error while trying to connect to the Telepathy Account Manager. The error was:\n" @@ -2916,71 +2964,75 @@ #. The primary text of the dialog shown to the user when he is about to lose #. * unsaved changes -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:71 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:72 #, c-format msgid "There are unsaved modifications to your %s account." msgstr "Det finns osparade ändringar för ditt %s-konto." #. The primary text of the dialog shown to the user when he is about to lose #. * an unsaved new account -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:75 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:76 msgid "Your new account has not been saved yet." msgstr "Ditt nya konto har inte sparats än." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:347 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:757 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1332 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:381 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:759 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1289 msgid "Connecting…" msgstr "Ansluter..." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:388 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:422 #, c-format msgid "Offline — %s" msgstr "Frånkopplad — %s" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:400 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:434 #, c-format msgid "Disconnected — %s" msgstr "Frånkopplad — %s" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:411 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:445 msgid "Offline — No Network Connection" msgstr "Frånkopplad — Ingen nätverksanslutning" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:418 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:452 msgid "Unknown Status" msgstr "Okänd status" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:430 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:469 +msgid "This account has been disabled because it relies on an old, unsupported backend. Please install telepathy-haze and restart your session to migrate the account." +msgstr "Detta konto har inaktiverats eftersom det förlitar sig på en gammal bakände som inte stöds längre. Installera telepathy-haze och starta om din session för att migrera kontot." + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:479 msgid "Offline — Account Disabled" msgstr "Frånkopplad — Kontot är inaktiverat" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:533 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:585 msgid "Edit Connection Parameters" msgstr "Redigera anslutningsdetaljer" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:696 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:750 msgid "Failed to retrieve your personal information from the server." msgstr "Misslyckades med att hämta din personliga information från servern." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:702 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:756 msgid "Go online to edit your personal information." msgstr "Anslut dig för att redigera din personliga information." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:787 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:843 msgid "_Edit Connection Parameters..." msgstr "_Redigera anslutningsdetaljer..." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1283 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1339 #, c-format msgid "Do you want to remove %s from your computer?" msgstr "Vill du ta bort %s från din dator?" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1287 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1343 msgid "This will not remove your account on the server." msgstr "Detta kommer inte att ta bort ditt konto på servern." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1523 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1579 msgid "" "You are about to select another account, which will discard\n" "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" @@ -2989,23 +3041,23 @@ "förkasta dina ändringar. Är du säker att du vill fortsätta?" #. Menu items: to enabled/disable the account -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1699 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1755 msgid "_Enable" msgstr "_Aktivera" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1700 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1756 msgid "_Disable" msgstr "_Inaktivera" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2083 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2184 msgid "_Skip" msgstr "_Hoppa över" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2087 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2188 msgid "_Connect" msgstr "An_slut" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2264 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2365 msgid "" "You are about to close the window, which will discard\n" "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" @@ -3013,10 +3065,6 @@ "Du är på väg att stänga fönstret vilket kommer att\n" "förkasta dina ändringar. Är du säker att du vill fortsätta?" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:1 -msgid "Add…" -msgstr "Lägg till…" - #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:3 msgid "_Import…" msgstr "_Importera…" @@ -3033,168 +3081,168 @@ msgid "No protocol backends installed" msgstr "Inga protokollbakänder installerade" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:286 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:288 msgid " - Empathy authentication client" msgstr "- Autentiseringsklienten Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:302 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:304 msgid "Empathy authentication client" msgstr "Autentiseringsklienten Empathy" #: ../src/empathy-av.c:118 -#: ../src/empathy-call.c:203 +#: ../src/empathy-call.c:201 msgid "- Empathy Audio/Video Client" msgstr "- Ljud/Videoklienten Empathy" #: ../src/empathy-av.c:134 -#: ../src/empathy-call.c:228 +#: ../src/empathy-call.c:223 msgid "Empathy Audio/Video Client" msgstr "Ljud/Videoklienten Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:433 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:434 msgid "Contrast" msgstr "Kontrast" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:436 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:437 msgid "Brightness" msgstr "Ljusstyrka" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:439 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:440 msgid "Gamma" msgstr "Gamma" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:545 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:547 msgid "Volume" msgstr "Volym" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1097 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1099 msgid "_Sidebar" msgstr "_Sidopanel" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1117 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1119 msgid "Audio input" msgstr "Ljudingång" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1121 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1123 msgid "Video input" msgstr "Videoingång" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1129 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1131 msgid "Dialpad" msgstr "Knappsats" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1140 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1142 msgid "Details" msgstr "Detaljer" #. translators: Call is a noun and %s is the contact name. This string #. * is used in the window title -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1209 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1934 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1211 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1889 #, c-format msgid "Call with %s" msgstr "Ring med %s" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1442 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2178 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1444 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2133 msgid "The IP address as seen by the machine" msgstr "IP-adressen som den ses av datorn" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1444 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2180 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1446 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2135 msgid "The IP address as seen by a server on the Internet" msgstr "IP-adressen som den ses av en server på Internet" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1446 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2182 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1448 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2137 msgid "The IP address of the peer as seen by the other side" msgstr "IP-adressen för klienten som den ses av andra sidan" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1448 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2184 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1450 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2139 msgid "The IP address of a relay server" msgstr "IP-adressen för en reläserver" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1450 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2186 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1452 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2141 msgid "The IP address of the multicast group" msgstr "IP-adressen för multicast-gruppen" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1838 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1841 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1844 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1847 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1837 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1840 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1843 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1846 msgctxt "codec" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Okänt" #. Translators: number of minutes:seconds the caller has been connected -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2139 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2138 #, c-format msgid "Connected — %d:%02dm" msgstr "Ansluten — %d:%02dm" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2200 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3040 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2199 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2992 msgid "Technical Details" msgstr "Tekniska detaljer" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2238 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3079 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2237 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3031 #, c-format msgid "%s's software does not understand any of the audio formats supported by your computer" msgstr "Programvaran hos %s förstår inte något av de ljudformat som stöds av din dator" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2243 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3084 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2242 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3036 #, c-format msgid "%s's software does not understand any of the video formats supported by your computer" msgstr "Programvaran hos %s förstår inte något av de videoformat som stöds av din dator" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2249 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3090 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2248 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3042 #, c-format msgid "Can't establish a connection to %s. One of you might be on a network that does not allow direct connections." msgstr "Kan inte etablera en anslutning till %s. Någon av er kanske befinner er på ett nätverk som inte tillåter direktanslutningar." -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2255 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3096 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2254 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3048 msgid "There was a failure on the network" msgstr "Det inträffade ett fel på nätverket" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2259 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3100 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2258 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3052 msgid "The audio formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" msgstr "Ljudformaten som krävs för detta samtal är inte installerade på din dator" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2262 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3103 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2261 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3055 msgid "The video formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" msgstr "Videoformaten som krävs för detta samtal är inte installerade på din dator" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2272 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3115 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2271 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3067 #, c-format msgid "Something unexpected happened in a Telepathy component. Please report this bug and attach logs gathered from the 'Debug' window in the Help menu." msgstr "Någonting oväntat hände i en Telepathy-komponent. Rapportera detta fel och bifoga loggarna som samlats in från \"Felsök\"-fönstret i Hjälp-menyn." -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2280 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3124 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2279 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3076 msgid "There was a failure in the call engine" msgstr "Det uppstod ett fel i samtalsmotorn" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2283 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3127 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2282 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3079 msgid "The end of the stream was reached" msgstr "Slutet på strömmen nåddes" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2323 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3167 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2322 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3119 msgid "Can't establish audio stream" msgstr "Kan inte etablera ljudström" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2333 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3177 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2332 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3129 msgid "Can't establish video stream" msgstr "Kan inte etablera videoström" @@ -3309,10 +3357,10 @@ #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:28 #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:21 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2587 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2588 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2589 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2590 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2542 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2543 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2544 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2545 msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Okänt" @@ -3344,14 +3392,14 @@ #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:294 #, c-format msgid "Closing this window will leave %s. You will not receive any further messages until you rejoin it." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Stängning av detta fönster innebär att du lämnar %s. Du kommer inte få några ytterligare meddelanden förrän du går in igen." #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:305 #, c-format msgid "Closing this window will leave a chat room. You will not receive any further messages until you rejoin it." msgid_plural "Closing this window will leave %u chat rooms. You will not receive any further messages until you rejoin them." -msgstr[0] "" -msgstr[1] "" +msgstr[0] "Stängning av detta fönster innebär att du lämnar ett chattrum. Du kommer inte få några ytterligare meddelanden förrän du går in igen." +msgstr[1] "Stängning av detta fönster innebär att du lämnar %u chattrum. Du kommer inte få några ytterligare meddelanden förrän du går in igen." #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:314 #, c-format @@ -3360,7 +3408,7 @@ #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:315 msgid "You will not receive any further messages from this chat room until you rejoin it." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du kommer inte få några ytterligare meddelanden förrän du går in igen." #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:334 msgid "Close window" @@ -3491,102 +3539,102 @@ msgid "Manage Favorite Rooms" msgstr "Hantera favoritrum" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:523 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 msgid "Incoming video call" msgstr "Inkommande videosamtal" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:523 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1562 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1519 msgid "Incoming call" msgstr "Inkommande samtal" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:527 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:526 #, c-format msgid "%s is video calling you. Do you want to answer?" msgstr "%s ringer ett videosamtal till dig. Vill du svara?" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:528 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:527 #, c-format msgid "%s is calling you. Do you want to answer?" msgstr "%s ringer dig. Vill du svara?" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:531 -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:732 -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:765 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1568 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:530 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "Incoming call from %s" msgstr "Inkommande samtal från %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:556 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:555 msgid "_Reject" msgstr "Avv_isa" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:564 -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:572 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:563 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 msgid "_Answer" msgstr "_Svara" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:572 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 msgid "_Answer with video" msgstr "S_vara med video" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:732 -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:765 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1568 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "Incoming video call from %s" msgstr "Inkommande videosamtal från %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:838 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:837 msgid "Room invitation" msgstr "Rumsinbjudan" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:840 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:839 #, c-format msgid "Invitation to join %s" msgstr "Inbjudan till att gå in i %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:847 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:846 #, c-format msgid "%s is inviting you to join %s" msgstr "%s bjuder in dig till %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:855 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:854 msgid "_Decline" msgstr "_Neka" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:860 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:859 #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:2 msgid "_Join" msgstr "_Gå in" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:887 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:886 #, c-format msgid "%s invited you to join %s" msgstr "%s har bjudit in dig till %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:893 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:892 #, c-format msgid "You have been invited to join %s" msgstr "Du har blivit inbjuden att gå med i %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:944 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:943 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file transfer from %s" msgstr "Inkommande filöverföring från %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1147 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1146 #: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:374 msgid "Password required" msgstr "Lösenord krävs" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1217 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1216 #, c-format msgid "%s would like permission to see when you are online" msgstr "%s vill ha behörighet att se när du är ansluten" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1223 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1222 #, c-format msgid "" "\n" @@ -3753,7 +3801,7 @@ #: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:783 #, c-format msgid "Sorry, %s accounts can’t be used until your %s software is updated." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tyvärr, %s-konton kan inte användas förrän din %s-programvara uppdateras." #: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:849 msgid "Update software..." @@ -3794,13 +3842,13 @@ #: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2150 msgid "You need to enable one of your accounts to see contacts here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du måste aktivera ett av dina konton för att se kontakter här." #. translators: argument is an account name #: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2158 #, c-format msgid "You need to enable %s to see contacts here." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du måste aktivera %s för att se kontakter här." #: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2460 msgid "Contact List" @@ -4248,77 +4296,98 @@ msgid "Contact Map View" msgstr "Kartvy för kontakter" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1585 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1607 msgid "Save" msgstr "Spara" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1761 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1667 +msgid "Pastebin link" +msgstr "Länk till pastebin" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1676 +msgid "Pastebin response" +msgstr "Svar från pastebin" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1680 +#, c-format +msgid "%s" +msgstr "%s" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1683 +msgid "Data too large for a single paste. Please save logs to file." +msgstr "Data är för stort för en enda inklistring. Du bör spara loggar till en fil." + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1912 msgid "Debug Window" msgstr "Felsökningsfönster" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1848 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1970 +msgid "Send to pastebin" +msgstr "Skicka till pastebin" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2009 msgid "Pause" msgstr "Gör paus" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1860 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2021 msgid "Level " msgstr "Nivå " -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1879 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2040 msgid "Debug" msgstr "Felsökning" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1884 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2045 msgid "Info" msgstr "Info" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1889 -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1935 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2050 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2096 msgid "Message" msgstr "Meddelande" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1894 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2055 msgid "Warning" msgstr "Varning" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1899 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2060 msgid "Critical" msgstr "Kritiskt" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1904 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2065 msgid "Error" msgstr "Fel" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1923 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2084 msgid "Time" msgstr "Tid" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1926 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2087 msgid "Domain" msgstr "Domän" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1928 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2089 msgid "Category" msgstr "Kategori" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1930 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2091 msgid "Level" msgstr "Nivå" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1953 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2114 msgid "The selected connection manager does not support the remote debugging extension." msgstr "Den valda anslutningshanteraren saknar stöd för tillägg för fjärrfelsökning." -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:200 -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:228 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:202 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:230 msgid "Invite Participant" msgstr "Bjud in deltagare" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:201 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:203 msgid "Choose a contact to invite into the conversation:" msgstr "Välj en kontakt att bjuda in till samtalet:" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:224 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:226 msgid "Invite" msgstr "Bjud in" @@ -4362,82 +4431,82 @@ msgid "- Empathy Chat Client" msgstr "- Empathy chattklient" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:190 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:189 msgid "Respond" msgstr "Svara" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:204 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1572 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:203 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1529 msgid "Reject" msgstr "Avvisa" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:209 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:214 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1573 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:208 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1530 msgid "Answer" msgstr "Svara" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:214 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 msgid "Answer with video" msgstr "Svara med video" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:222 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:232 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:221 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:231 msgid "Decline" msgstr "Neka" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:226 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:237 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:225 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:236 msgid "Accept" msgstr "Acceptera" #. translators: the 'Provide' button is displayed in a notification #. * bubble when Empathy is asking for an account password; clicking on it #. * brings the password popup. -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:247 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:246 msgid "Provide" msgstr "Tillhandahåll" -#: ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:134 +#: ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:132 #, c-format msgid "%s just tried to call you, but you were in another call." msgstr "%s försökte just ringa dig men du var upptagen i ett annat samtal." #. Translators: this is an "Info" label. It should be as short #. * as possible. -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1179 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1202 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1140 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1162 msgid "i" msgstr "i" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2936 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2888 msgid "On hold" msgstr "Väntar" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2939 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2891 msgid "Mute" msgstr "Tyst" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2941 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2893 msgid "Duration" msgstr "Längd" #. Translators: 'status - minutes:seconds' the caller has been connected -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2944 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2896 #, c-format msgid "%s — %d:%02dm" msgstr "%s — %d:%02dm" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3214 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3166 #, c-format msgid "Your current balance is %s." msgstr "Ditt aktuella saldo är %s." -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3218 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3170 msgid "Sorry, you don’t have enough credit for that call." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Tyvärr, ditt kontosaldo är för lågt för detta samtal." -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3220 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3172 msgid "Top Up" msgstr "Fyll på" @@ -4463,14 +4532,11 @@ #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:183 msgid "You can change these details later or disable this feature by choosing Edit → Accounts in the Contact List." -msgstr "" +msgstr "Du kan ändra dessa uppgifter senare eller inaktivera denna funktion genom att välja Redigera → Konton i kontaktlistan." #~ msgid "Personal Information" #~ msgstr "Personlig information" -#~ msgid "Linked Contacts" -#~ msgstr "Länkade kontakter" - #~ msgid "Select contacts to link" #~ msgstr "Välj kontakter att länka" diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/po/uk.po empathy-3.3.92/po/uk.po --- empathy-3.3.91/po/uk.po 2012-02-17 14:00:26.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/po/uk.po 2012-03-19 09:12:32.000000000 +0000 @@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ # Sergiy Dolgopolov , 2004. # Maxim Dziumanenko , 2008 # Sergey Panasenko , 2009. -# Korostil Daniel , 2011. +# Korostil Daniel , 2011, 2012. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Empathy\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-12-11 16:53+0200\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-12-11 20:56+0300\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-03-18 16:59+0200\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-18 17:04+0300\n" "Last-Translator: Korostil Daniel \n" "Language-Team: translation@linux.org.ua\n" "Language: uk\n" @@ -19,447 +19,463 @@ "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%" "10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n" -"X-Generator: Virtaal 0.6.1\n" +"X-Generator: Virtaal 0.7.1\n" #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:1 -msgid "Chat on Google Talk, Facebook, MSN and many other chat services" -msgstr "Балачки через Google Talk, Facebook, MSN та багато інших служб " - -#: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:2 msgid "Empathy" msgstr "Empathy" +#: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:2 +msgid "IM Client" +msgstr "Миттєві повідомлення" + #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:3 msgid "Empathy Internet Messaging" msgstr "Обмін повідомленнями Empathy" #: ../data/empathy.desktop.in.in.h:4 -msgid "IM Client" -msgstr "Миттєві повідомлення" +msgid "Chat on Google Talk, Facebook, MSN and many other chat services" +msgstr "Балачки через Google Talk, Facebook, MSN та багато інших служб " + +#. Tweak the dialog +#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2512 +msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts" +msgstr "Листування й облікові записи VoIP" + +#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:2 +msgid "Manage Messaging and VoIP accounts" +msgstr "Керування обліковими записами повідомлень та VoIP" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:1 -msgid "Always open a separate chat window for new chats." -msgstr "Завжди відкривати нову бесіду у новому вікні." +msgid "Connection managers should be used" +msgstr "Не слід використовувати менеджери з'єднань" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:2 -msgid "Camera device" -msgstr "Пристрій камери" +msgid "" +"Whether connectivity managers should be used to automatically disconnect/" +"reconnect." +msgstr "" +"Чи використовувати менеджер з'єднань для автоматичного встановлення/" +"розривання зв'язку." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:3 -msgid "Camera position" -msgstr "Положення камери" +msgid "Empathy should auto-connect on startup" +msgstr "З'єднуватися під час запуску" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:4 -msgid "" -"Character to add after nickname when using nick completion (tab) in group " -"chat." -msgstr "" -"Символ для додавання після псевдоніму, якщо у бесіді використовується " -"автоматичне доповнення псевдонімів клавішею Tab." +msgid "Whether Empathy should automatically log into your accounts on startup." +msgstr "Автоматично з'єднувати облікові записи при запуску." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:5 -msgid "Chat window theme" -msgstr "Тема вікна бесіди" +msgid "Empathy should auto-away when idle" +msgstr "Empathy слід автоматично переходити в режим очікування" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:6 -msgid "Chat window theme variant" -msgstr "Варіант теми вікна бесіди" +msgid "" +"Whether Empathy should go into away mode automatically if the user is idle." +msgstr "Чи слід іти в режим очікування, коли користувач бездіяльний." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:7 -msgid "" -"Comma-separated list of spell checker languages to use (e.g. \"en, fr, nl\")." -msgstr "" -"Список мов, що використовуються при перевірянні орфографії, розділених " -"комами (наприклад, «en, ru, uk»)." +msgid "Empathy default download folder" +msgstr "Типова тека для звантаження файлів" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:8 -msgid "Compact contact list" -msgstr "Щільний список контактів" +msgid "The default folder to save file transfers in." +msgstr "Типова тека для збереження вхідних файлів." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:9 -msgid "Connection managers should be used" -msgstr "Не слід використовувати менеджери з'єднань" +msgid "Magic number used to check if sanity cleaning tasks should be run" +msgstr "" +"Магічне число для перевіряння, коли варто запустити завдання зі зваженого " +"очищення" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:10 -msgid "Contact list sort criterion" -msgstr "Критерій упорядкування списку контактів" +msgid "" +"empathy-sanity-cleaning.c uses this number to check if the cleaning tasks " +"should be executed or not. Users should not change this key manually." +msgstr "" +"empathy-sanity-cleaning.c використовує це число для перевіряння, чи варто " +"виконувати завдання з очищення, чи ні. Користувачам не слід змінювати цей " +"ключ вручну." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:11 -msgid "D-Bus object path of the last account selected to join a room." -msgstr "" -"Контур об'єкта D-Bus останнього облікового запису, який вибрано для " -"приєднання до кімнати." +msgid "Show offline contacts" +msgstr "Показувати відсутні контакти" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:12 -msgid "Default camera device to use in video calls, e.g. /dev/video0." -msgstr "Типовий пристрій камери для відеовикликів, наприклад, /dev/video0." +msgid "Whether to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." +msgstr "Чи показувати недоступних у мережі користувачів у списку контактів." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:13 -msgid "Default directory to select an avatar image from" -msgstr "Каталог, що використовується для вибору зображень аватарів" +msgid "Show avatars" +msgstr "Показувати аватари" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:14 -msgid "Disable popup notifications when away" -msgstr "Вимкнути контекстні сповіщення у стані «відійшов»" +msgid "" +"Whether to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat windows." +msgstr "Чи показувати аватари для контактів у списку та вікні балачки." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:15 -msgid "Disable sounds when away" -msgstr "Вимкнути звуки у стані «відійшов»" +msgid "Show protocols" +msgstr "Показати протокол:" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:16 -msgid "Display incoming events in the status area" -msgstr "Показувати вхідні події в ділянці стану" +msgid "Whether to show protocols for contacts in the contact list." +msgstr "Чи показувати аватари для контактів у списку та вікні балачки." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:17 -msgid "" -"Display incoming events in the status area. If false, present them to the " -"user immediately." -msgstr "" -"Показувати вхідні події в ділянці стану. Якщо ні, то представити їх " -"користувачу негайно." +msgid "Show Balance in contact list" +msgstr "Показувати залишок у списку контактів" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:18 -msgid "Echo cancellation support" -msgstr "Підтримування усунення відлуння" +msgid "Whether to show account balances in the contact list." +msgstr "Чи показувати залишок облікових записів у списку контактів." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:19 -msgid "Empathy can publish the user's location" -msgstr "Empathy може публікувати місцевість користувачів" +msgid "Compact contact list" +msgstr "Щільний список контактів" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:20 -msgid "Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location" -msgstr "Empathy може використовувати GPS для визначення місцевості." +msgid "Whether to show the contact list in compact mode." +msgstr "Чи показувати список контактів стисненим." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:21 -msgid "Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location" -msgstr "" -"Empathy може використовувати стільникову мережу для визначення місцевості" +msgid "Hide main window" +msgstr "Сховати головне вікно" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:22 -msgid "Empathy can use the network to guess the location" -msgstr "Empathy може використовувати мережу для припущень щодо місцевості" +msgid "Hide the main window." +msgstr "Сховати головне вікно." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:23 -msgid "Empathy default download folder" -msgstr "Типова тека для звантаження файлів" +msgid "Default directory to select an avatar image from" +msgstr "Каталог, що використовується для вибору зображень аватарів" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:24 -msgid "Empathy should auto-away when idle" -msgstr "Empathy слід автоматично переходити в режим очікування" +msgid "The last directory that an avatar image was chosen from." +msgstr "Останній каталог, з якого брались зображення аватарів." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:25 -msgid "Empathy should auto-connect on startup" -msgstr "З'єднуватися під час запуску" +msgid "Open new chats in separate windows" +msgstr "Відкривати нові бесіди у новому вікні" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:26 -msgid "Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy" -msgstr "Empathy має послабити точність визначення місцевості" +msgid "Always open a separate chat window for new chats." +msgstr "Завжди відкривати нову бесіду у новому вікні." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:27 -msgid "Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon" -msgstr "" -"Empathy має використовувати аватар контакту, як піктограму вікна із бесідою" +msgid "Display incoming events in the status area" +msgstr "Показувати вхідні події в ділянці стану" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:28 -msgid "Enable WebKit Developer Tools" -msgstr "Увімкнути засіб розроблення WebKit" +msgid "" +"Display incoming events in the status area. If false, present them to the " +"user immediately." +msgstr "" +"Показувати вхідні події в ділянці стану. Якщо ні, то представити їх " +"користувачу негайно." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:29 -msgid "Enable popup notifications for new messages" -msgstr "Ввімкнути контекстні сповіщення для нових повідомлень" +msgid "The position for the chat window side pane" +msgstr "Позиція бокової панелі вікна балачки" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:30 -msgid "Enable spell checker" -msgstr "Увімкнути перевіряння орфографії" +msgid "The stored position (in pixels) of the chat window side pane." +msgstr "Збережена позиція (в пікселях) бокової панелі вікна балачки." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:31 -msgid "Hide main window" -msgstr "Сховати головне вікно" +msgid "Show contact groups" +msgstr "Показати групу контактів" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:32 -msgid "Hide the main window." -msgstr "Сховати головне вікно." +msgid "Whether to show groups in the contact list." +msgstr "Чи показувати групи у списку контактів." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:33 -msgid "Last account selected in Join Room dialog" -msgstr "Останній обліковий запис, вибраний у вікні приєднання до кімнати" +msgid "Contact list sort criterion" +msgstr "Критерій упорядкування списку контактів" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:34 -msgid "Nick completed character" -msgstr "Символ автоматичне доповнення псевдоніму" +msgid "" +"Which criterion to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to sort by " +"the contact's state with the value \"state\". A value of \"name\" will sort " +"the contact list by name." +msgstr "" +"Критерій для впорядковування списку контактів. Типово впорядковується за " +"станом контакту зі значення «state». Значення «name» впорядкує список " +"контактів за їхньою назвою." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:35 -msgid "Open new chats in separate windows" -msgstr "Відкривати нові бесіди у новому вікні" +msgid "Use notification sounds" +msgstr "Використовувати звуки" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:36 -msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use" -msgstr "Шлях до теми Adium" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of events." +msgstr "Чи відтворювати звукові сигнали при подіях." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:37 -msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use if the theme used for chat is Adium." -msgstr "Шлях до теми Adium для використання у балачці Adium." +msgid "Disable sounds when away" +msgstr "Вимкнути звуки у стані «відійшов»" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:38 -msgid "Play a sound for incoming messages" -msgstr "Відтворити звук при отриманні повідомлення" +msgid "Whether to play sound notifications when away or busy." +msgstr "Чи відтворювати звукові сигнали у станах «відійшов» або «зайнятий»." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:39 -msgid "Play a sound for new conversations" -msgstr "Відтворити звук для нової розмови" +msgid "Play a sound for incoming messages" +msgstr "Відтворити звук при отриманні повідомлення" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:40 -msgid "Play a sound for outgoing messages" -msgstr "Відтворити звук при відправленні повідомлення" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of incoming messages." +msgstr "Чи відтворювати звуковий сигнал при надходженні повідомлення." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:41 -msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs in" -msgstr "Відтворити звук при появі контакту в мережі" +msgid "Play a sound for outgoing messages" +msgstr "Відтворити звук при відправленні повідомлення" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:42 -msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs out" -msgstr "Відтворити звук при від'єднанні контакту" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of outgoing messages." +msgstr "Чи відтворювати звуковий сигнал при надсиланні повідомлення." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:43 -msgid "Play a sound when we log in" -msgstr "Відтворити звук при вході" +msgid "Play a sound for new conversations" +msgstr "Відтворити звук для нової розмови" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:44 -msgid "Play a sound when we log out" -msgstr "Відтворити звук при виході" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of new conversations." +msgstr "Чи відтворювати звуковий сигнал для нової бесіди." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:45 -msgid "Pop up notifications if the chat isn't focused" -msgstr "Контекстні сповіщення, коли балачка не в фокусі" +msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs in" +msgstr "Відтворити звук при появі контакту в мережі" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:46 -msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs in" -msgstr "Контекстні сповіщення, коли контакт увійде" +msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging into the network." +msgstr "Чи відтворювати звуковий сигнал при вході контакту в мережу." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:47 -msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs out" -msgstr "Контекстні сповіщення, коли контакт вийде" +msgid "Play a sound when a contact logs out" +msgstr "Відтворити звук при від'єднанні контакту" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:48 -msgid "Position the camera preview should be during a call." -msgstr "Перегляд положення потрібно здійснювати протягом дзвінка." +msgid "" +"Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging out of the network." +msgstr "Чи відтворювати звуковий сигнал при виході контакту з мережі." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:49 -msgid "Show Balance in contact list" -msgstr "Показувати залишок у списку контактів" +msgid "Play a sound when we log in" +msgstr "Відтворити звук при вході" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:50 -msgid "Show avatars" -msgstr "Показувати аватари" +msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging into a network." +msgstr "Чи відтворювати звуковий сигнал при вході у мережу." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:51 -msgid "Show contact list in rooms" -msgstr "Показати список контактів у кімнаті" +msgid "Play a sound when we log out" +msgstr "Відтворити звук при виході" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:52 -msgid "Show hint about closing the main window" -msgstr "Показувати підтвердження про закриття головного вікна" +msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging out of a network." +msgstr "Чи відтворювати звуковий сигнал при виході з мережі." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:53 -msgid "Show offline contacts" -msgstr "Показувати відсутні контакти" +msgid "Enable popup notifications for new messages" +msgstr "Ввімкнути контекстні сповіщення для нових повідомлень" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:54 -msgid "Show protocols" -msgstr "Показати протокол:" +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message." +msgstr "" +"Чи показувати контекстні сповіщення при надходженні нового повідомлення." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:55 -msgid "Spell checking languages" -msgstr "Перевіряння правопису для мов" +msgid "Disable popup notifications when away" +msgstr "Вимкнути контекстні сповіщення у стані «відійшов»" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:56 -msgid "The default folder to save file transfers in." -msgstr "Типова тека для збереження вхідних файлів." +msgid "Whether to show popup notifications when away or busy." +msgstr "" +"Чи показувати контекстні сповіщення у станах «відійшов» або «зайнятий»." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:57 -msgid "The last directory that an avatar image was chosen from." -msgstr "Останній каталог, з якого брались зображення аватарів." +msgid "Pop up notifications if the chat isn't focused" +msgstr "Контекстні сповіщення, коли балачка не в фокусі" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:58 -msgid "The position for the chat window side pane" -msgstr "Позиція бокової панелі вікна балачки" +msgid "" +"Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message even if " +"the chat is already opened, but not focused." +msgstr "" +"Чи показувати контекстні сповіщення при надходженні нового повідомлення, " +"коли балачку вже відкрито, але він не в фокусі." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:59 -msgid "The stored position (in pixels) of the chat window side pane." -msgstr "Збережена позиція (в пікселях) бокової панелі вікна балачки." +msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs in" +msgstr "Контекстні сповіщення, коли контакт увійде" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:60 -msgid "The theme that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." -msgstr "Ця тема використовується для вікна бесіди." +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes online." +msgstr "Чи показувати контекстні сповіщення коли контакт входить у мережу." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:61 -msgid "" -"The theme variant that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." -msgstr "Варіант теми, який використовується для показу розмов у вікні балачки." +msgid "Pop up notifications when a contact logs out" +msgstr "Контекстні сповіщення, коли контакт вийде" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:62 -msgid "Use graphical smileys" -msgstr "Використовувати графічні емоційки" +msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes offline." +msgstr "Чи показувати контекстні сповіщення коли контакт виходить з мережі." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:63 -msgid "Use notification sounds" -msgstr "Використовувати звуки" +msgid "Use graphical smileys" +msgstr "Використовувати графічні емоційки" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:64 -msgid "Use theme for chat rooms" -msgstr "Використовувати тему для бесід" +msgid "Whether to convert smileys into graphical images in conversations." +msgstr "Перетворювати текстові емоційки у графічні." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:65 -msgid "Whether Empathy can publish the user's location to their contacts." -msgstr "Чи показувати місцевості вашим контактам." +msgid "Show contact list in rooms" +msgstr "Показати список контактів у кімнаті" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:66 -msgid "Whether Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location." -msgstr "Чи використовувати GPS для визначення місцевості." +msgid "Whether to show the contact list in chat rooms." +msgstr "Чи показувати список контактів у кімнаті." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:67 -msgid "Whether Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location." -msgstr "Чи використовувати мобільну мережу для визначення місцевості." +msgid "Chat window theme" +msgstr "Тема вікна бесіди" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:68 -msgid "Whether Empathy can use the network to guess the location." -msgstr "Чи використовувати комп'ютерну мережу для визначення місцевості." +msgid "The theme that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." +msgstr "Ця тема використовується для вікна бесіди." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:69 -msgid "Whether Empathy should automatically log into your accounts on startup." -msgstr "Автоматично з'єднувати облікові записи при запуску." +msgid "Chat window theme variant" +msgstr "Варіант теми вікна бесіди" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:70 msgid "" -"Whether Empathy should go into away mode automatically if the user is idle." -msgstr "Чи слід іти в режим очікування, коли користувач бездіяльний." +"The theme variant that is used to display the conversation in chat windows." +msgstr "Варіант теми, який використовується для показу розмов у вікні балачки." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:71 -msgid "" -"Whether Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy for privacy reasons." -msgstr "" -"Чи слід зменшити точність визначення місцевості задля конфіденційності." +msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use" +msgstr "Шлях до теми Adium" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:72 -msgid "" -"Whether Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon." -msgstr "Чи використовувати аватари контактів як піктограми вікон із бесідами" +msgid "Path of the Adium theme to use if the theme used for chat is Adium." +msgstr "Шлях до теми Adium для використання у балачці Adium." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:73 -msgid "" -"Whether WebKit developer tools, such as the Web Inspector, should be enabled." -msgstr "Чи вмикати такі засоби розроблення WebKit, як Web Inspector." +msgid "Enable WebKit Developer Tools" +msgstr "Увімкнути засіб розроблення WebKit" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:74 msgid "" -"Whether connectivity managers should be used to automatically disconnect/" -"reconnect." -msgstr "" -"Чи використовувати менеджер з'єднань для автоматичного встановлення/" -"розривання зв'язку." +"Whether WebKit developer tools, such as the Web Inspector, should be enabled." +msgstr "Чи вмикати такі засоби розроблення WebKit, як Web Inspector." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:75 -msgid "" -"Whether to check words typed against the languages you want to check with." -msgstr "Перевіряти набрані слова за списком мов для перевіряння орфографії." +msgid "Inform other users when you are typing to them" +msgstr "Повідомляти інших користувачів, коли ви друкуєте їм" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:76 -msgid "Whether to convert smileys into graphical images in conversations." -msgstr "Перетворювати текстові емоційки у графічні." +msgid "" +"Whether to send the 'composing' or 'paused' chat states. Does not currently " +"affect the 'gone' state." +msgstr "" +"Чи надсилати зміни станів «складання» або «зупинення». Наразі не впливає на " +"стан «відсутній»." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:77 -msgid "Whether to enable Pulseaudio's echo cancellation filter." -msgstr "Чи ввімкнути фільтр усунення відлуння Pulseaudio." +msgid "Use theme for chat rooms" +msgstr "Використовувати тему для бесід" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:78 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging into the network." -msgstr "Чи відтворювати звуковий сигнал при вході контакту в мережу." +msgid "Whether to use the theme for chat rooms." +msgstr "Чи використовувати теми для вікон бесід." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:79 -msgid "" -"Whether to play a sound to notify of contacts logging out of the network." -msgstr "Чи відтворювати звуковий сигнал при виході контакту з мережі." +msgid "Spell checking languages" +msgstr "Перевіряння правопису для мов" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:80 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of events." -msgstr "Чи відтворювати звукові сигнали при подіях." +msgid "" +"Comma-separated list of spell checker languages to use (e.g. \"en, fr, nl\")." +msgstr "" +"Список мов, що використовуються при перевірянні орфографії, розділених " +"комами (наприклад, «en, ru, uk»)." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:81 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of incoming messages." -msgstr "Чи відтворювати звуковий сигнал при надходженні повідомлення." +msgid "Enable spell checker" +msgstr "Увімкнути перевіряння орфографії" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:82 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of new conversations." -msgstr "Чи відтворювати звуковий сигнал для нової бесіди." +msgid "" +"Whether to check words typed against the languages you want to check with." +msgstr "Перевіряти набрані слова за списком мов для перевіряння орфографії." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:83 -msgid "Whether to play a sound to notify of outgoing messages." -msgstr "Чи відтворювати звуковий сигнал при надсиланні повідомлення." +msgid "Nick completed character" +msgstr "Символ автоматичне доповнення псевдоніму" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:84 -msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging into a network." -msgstr "Чи відтворювати звуковий сигнал при вході у мережу." +msgid "" +"Character to add after nickname when using nick completion (tab) in group " +"chat." +msgstr "" +"Символ для додавання після псевдоніму, якщо у бесіді використовується " +"автоматичне доповнення псевдонімів клавішею Tab." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:85 -msgid "Whether to play a sound when logging out of a network." -msgstr "Чи відтворювати звуковий сигнал при виході з мережі." +msgid "Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon" +msgstr "" +"Empathy має використовувати аватар контакту, як піктограму вікна із бесідою" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:86 -msgid "Whether to play sound notifications when away or busy." -msgstr "Чи відтворювати звукові сигнали у станах «відійшов» або «зайнятий»." +msgid "" +"Whether Empathy should use the avatar of the contact as the chat window icon." +msgstr "Чи використовувати аватари контактів як піктограми вікон із бесідами" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:87 -msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes offline." -msgstr "Чи показувати контекстні сповіщення коли контакт виходить з мережі." +msgid "Last account selected in Join Room dialog" +msgstr "Останній обліковий запис, вибраний у вікні приєднання до кімнати" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:88 -msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when a contact goes online." -msgstr "Чи показувати контекстні сповіщення коли контакт входить у мережу." +msgid "D-Bus object path of the last account selected to join a room." +msgstr "" +"Контур об'єкта D-Bus останнього облікового запису, який вибрано для " +"приєднання до кімнати." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:89 -msgid "" -"Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message even if " -"the chat is already opened, but not focused." -msgstr "" -"Чи показувати контекстні сповіщення при надходженні нового повідомлення, " -"коли балачку вже відкрито, але він не в фокусі." +msgid "Camera device" +msgstr "Пристрій камери" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:90 -msgid "Whether to show a popup notification when receiving a new message." -msgstr "" -"Чи показувати контекстні сповіщення при надходженні нового повідомлення." +msgid "Default camera device to use in video calls, e.g. /dev/video0." +msgstr "Типовий пристрій камери для відеовикликів, наприклад, /dev/video0." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:91 -msgid "Whether to show account balances in the contact list." -msgstr "Чи показувати залишок облікових записів у списку контактів." +msgid "Camera position" +msgstr "Положення камери" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:92 -msgid "" -"Whether to show avatars for contacts in the contact list and chat windows." -msgstr "Чи показувати аватари для контактів у списку та вікні балачки." +msgid "Position the camera preview should be during a call." +msgstr "Перегляд положення потрібно здійснювати протягом дзвінка." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:93 -msgid "Whether to show contacts that are offline in the contact list." -msgstr "Чи показувати недоступних у мережі користувачів у списку контактів." +msgid "Echo cancellation support" +msgstr "Підтримування усунення відлуння" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:94 -msgid "Whether to show popup notifications when away or busy." -msgstr "" -"Чи показувати контекстні сповіщення у станах «відійшов» або «зайнятий»." +msgid "Whether to enable Pulseaudio's echo cancellation filter." +msgstr "Чи ввімкнути фільтр усунення відлуння Pulseaudio." #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:95 -msgid "Whether to show protocols for contacts in the contact list." -msgstr "Чи показувати аватари для контактів у списку та вікні балачки." +msgid "Show hint about closing the main window" +msgstr "Показувати підтвердження про закриття головного вікна" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:96 -msgid "Whether to show the contact list in chat rooms." -msgstr "Чи показувати список контактів у кімнаті." - -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:97 -msgid "Whether to show the contact list in compact mode." -msgstr "Чи показувати список контактів стисненим." - -#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:98 msgid "" "Whether to show the message dialog about closing the main window with the " "'x' button in the title bar." @@ -467,75 +483,94 @@ "Чи показувати повідомлення про закриття головного вікна кнопкою «x» у " "заголовку." +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:97 +msgid "Empathy can publish the user's location" +msgstr "Empathy може публікувати місцевість користувачів" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:98 +msgid "Whether Empathy can publish the user's location to their contacts." +msgstr "Чи показувати місцевості вашим контактам." + #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:99 -msgid "Whether to use the theme for chat rooms." -msgstr "Чи використовувати теми для вікон бесід." +msgid "Empathy can use the network to guess the location" +msgstr "Empathy може використовувати мережу для припущень щодо місцевості" #: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:100 -msgid "" -"Which criterion to use when sorting the contact list. Default is to sort by " -"the contact's name with the value \"name\". A value of \"state\" will sort " -"the contact list by state." +msgid "Whether Empathy can use the network to guess the location." +msgstr "Чи використовувати комп'ютерну мережу для визначення місцевості." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:101 +msgid "Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location" msgstr "" -"Критерій для впорядковування списку контактів. Типово впорядковується за " -"псевдонімом контакту — «name». При значенні «state» список буде впорядковано " -"за станом." +"Empathy може використовувати стільникову мережу для визначення місцевості" -#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:1 -msgid "Manage Messaging and VoIP accounts" -msgstr "Керування обліковими записами повідомлень та VoIP" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:102 +msgid "Whether Empathy can use the cellular network to guess the location." +msgstr "Чи використовувати мобільну мережу для визначення місцевості." -#. Tweak the dialog -#: ../data/empathy-accounts.desktop.in.in.h:2 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2312 -msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts" -msgstr "Листування й облікові записи VoIP" +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:103 +msgid "Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location" +msgstr "Empathy може використовувати GPS для визначення місцевості." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:104 +msgid "Whether Empathy can use the GPS to guess the location." +msgstr "Чи використовувати GPS для визначення місцевості." + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:105 +msgid "Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy" +msgstr "Empathy має послабити точність визначення місцевості" + +#: ../data/org.gnome.Empathy.gschema.xml.in.h:106 +msgid "" +"Whether Empathy should reduce the location's accuracy for privacy reasons." +msgstr "" +"Чи слід зменшити точність визначення місцевості задля конфіденційності." -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:736 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:738 msgid "No reason was specified" msgstr "Причину не вказано" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:739 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:741 msgid "The change in state was requested" msgstr "Запит на заміну стану" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:742 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:744 msgid "You canceled the file transfer" msgstr "Ви скасували передачу файла " -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:745 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:747 msgid "The other participant canceled the file transfer" msgstr "Інший учасник скасував передавання файла" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:748 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:750 msgid "Error while trying to transfer the file" msgstr "Помилка при спробі передати файл" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:751 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:753 msgid "The other participant is unable to transfer the file" msgstr "Інший учасник не може передати файл" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:754 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:312 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:756 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:313 msgid "Unknown reason" msgstr "Невідома причина" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:917 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:919 msgid "File transfer completed, but the file was corrupted" msgstr "Передавання файла завершено, але файл пошкоджено" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1203 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1205 msgid "File transfer not supported by remote contact" msgstr "Передача файлів не працює для віддалених контактів" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1259 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1261 msgid "The selected file is not a regular file" msgstr "Вибраний файл не є звичайним файлом" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1268 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-ft-handler.c:1270 msgid "The selected file is empty" msgstr "Вибраний файл порожній" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-message.c:415 ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:131 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-message.c:415 ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:129 #, c-format msgid "Missed call from %s" msgstr "Пропущений виклик від %s" @@ -551,139 +586,139 @@ msgid "Call from %s" msgstr "Виклик від %s" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:232 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:233 msgid "Available" msgstr "Доступний" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:234 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:235 msgid "Busy" msgstr "Зайнятий" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:237 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:238 msgid "Away" msgstr "Відійшов" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:239 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:240 msgid "Invisible" msgstr "Невидимий" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:241 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:242 msgid "Offline" msgstr "Поза мережею" #. translators: presence type is unknown -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:244 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:245 msgctxt "presence" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Невідомо" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:284 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:285 msgid "No reason specified" msgstr "Причину не вказано" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:286 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:342 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:287 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:343 msgid "Status is set to offline" msgstr "Встановлено стан «поза мережею»" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:288 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:322 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:49 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:82 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:289 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:323 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:47 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:81 msgid "Network error" msgstr "Помилка мережі" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:290 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:324 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:291 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:325 msgid "Authentication failed" msgstr "Не вдалось аутентифікувати" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:292 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:326 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:293 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:327 msgid "Encryption error" msgstr "Помилка шифрування" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:294 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:295 msgid "Name in use" msgstr "Псевдонім уже використовується" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:296 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:328 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:297 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:329 msgid "Certificate not provided" msgstr "Сертифікат недоступний" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:298 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:330 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:299 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:331 msgid "Certificate untrusted" msgstr "Сертифікат ненадійний" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:300 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:332 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:301 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:333 msgid "Certificate expired" msgstr "Сертифіката застарів" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:302 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:334 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:303 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:335 msgid "Certificate not activated" msgstr "Сертифікат не активовано" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:304 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:336 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:305 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:337 msgid "Certificate hostname mismatch" msgstr "Сертифікат з помилкою у назві вузла" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:306 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:338 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:307 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:339 msgid "Certificate fingerprint mismatch" msgstr "Відбитки сертифікатів не збігаються" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:308 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:340 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:309 ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:341 msgid "Certificate self-signed" msgstr "Самопідписаний сертифікат" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:310 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:311 msgid "Certificate error" msgstr "Помилка сертифіката" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:344 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:345 msgid "Encryption is not available" msgstr "Шифрування не доступне" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:346 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:347 msgid "Certificate is invalid" msgstr "Сертифікат недійсний" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:348 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:349 msgid "Connection has been refused" msgstr "У з'єднанні відмовлено" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:350 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:351 msgid "Connection can't be established" msgstr "З'єднання неможливо встановити" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:352 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:353 msgid "Connection has been lost" msgstr "З'єднання втрачено" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:354 -msgid "This resource is already connected to the server" -msgstr "Цей ресурс уже з'єднано з сервером" +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:355 +msgid "This account is already connected to the server" +msgstr "Цей обліковий запис уже з'єднано з сервером" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:356 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:357 msgid "" "Connection has been replaced by a new connection using the same resource" msgstr "З'єднання замінено на нове з'єднання через той самий ресурс" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:359 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:360 msgid "The account already exists on the server" msgstr "Цей обліковий запис уже існує на сервері" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:361 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:362 msgid "Server is currently too busy to handle the connection" msgstr "Сервер зараз зайнятий, щоб обробити з'єднання" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:363 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:364 msgid "Certificate has been revoked" msgstr "Сертифікат анульовано" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:365 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:366 msgid "" "Certificate uses an insecure cipher algorithm or is cryptographically weak" msgstr "" "Сертифікат використовує небезпечний алгоритм шифрування або криптографічно " "ненадійний." -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:368 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:369 msgid "" "The length of the server certificate, or the depth of the server certificate " "chain, exceed the limits imposed by the cryptography library" @@ -691,27 +726,31 @@ "Довжина сертифіката сервера або глибина ланцюжка сертифіката сервера " "перевищує обмеження криптографічної бібліотеки" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:372 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:373 msgid "Your software is too old" msgstr "Ваша програма надто стара" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:531 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:375 +msgid "Internal error" +msgstr "Внутрішня помилка" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:534 msgid "People Nearby" msgstr "Люди поблизу" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:536 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:539 msgid "Yahoo! Japan" msgstr "Yahoo! Японія" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:565 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:568 msgid "Google Talk" msgstr "Google Talk" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:566 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-utils.c:569 msgid "Facebook Chat" msgstr "Балачка Facebook" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:88 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:90 #, c-format msgid "%d second ago" msgid_plural "%d seconds ago" @@ -719,7 +758,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%d секунди тому" msgstr[2] "%d секунд тому" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:93 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:96 #, c-format msgid "%d minute ago" msgid_plural "%d minutes ago" @@ -727,7 +766,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%d хвилини тому" msgstr[2] "%d хвилин тому" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:98 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:102 #, c-format msgid "%d hour ago" msgid_plural "%d hours ago" @@ -735,7 +774,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%d години тому" msgstr[2] "%d годин тому" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:103 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:108 #, c-format msgid "%d day ago" msgid_plural "%d days ago" @@ -743,7 +782,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%d дні тому" msgstr[2] "%d днів тому" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:108 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:114 #, c-format msgid "%d week ago" msgid_plural "%d weeks ago" @@ -751,7 +790,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%d тижня тому" msgstr[2] "%d тижнів тому" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:113 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:120 #, c-format msgid "%d month ago" msgid_plural "%d months ago" @@ -759,224 +798,210 @@ msgstr[1] "%d місяця тому" msgstr[2] "%d місяців тому" -#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:136 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-time.c:142 msgid "in the future" msgstr "в майбутньому" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-chooser.c:688 +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:75 +msgid "Password not found" +msgstr "Пароль не знайдено" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:218 +#, c-format +msgid "IM account password for %s (%s)" +msgstr "Пароль облікового запису обміну повідомленнями для %s (%s)" + +#: ../libempathy/empathy-keyring.c:253 +#, c-format +msgid "Password for chatroom '%s' on account %s (%s)" +msgstr "Пароль для кімнати «%s» в обліковому записі %s (%s)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-chooser.c:692 msgid "All accounts" msgstr "Усі облікові записи" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:694 -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:321 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:682 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:336 msgid "Account" msgstr "Обліковий запис" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:695 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:683 msgid "Password" msgstr "Пароль" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:696 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:507 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:684 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:511 msgid "Server" msgstr "Сервер" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:697 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:522 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:685 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:529 msgid "Port" msgstr "Порт" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:776 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:828 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:765 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:817 #, c-format msgid "%s:" msgstr "%s:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1182 -msgid "My Web Accounts" -msgstr "Мої мережеві облікові записи " - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1199 -#, c-format -msgid "The account %s is edited via %s." -msgstr "Обліковий запис %s змінено через %s." - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1205 -#, c-format -msgid "The account %s cannot be edited in Empathy." -msgstr "Обліковий запис %s неможливо редагувати в Empathy." - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1224 -msgid "Launch My Web Accounts" -msgstr "Запустити мій обліковий запис із сайту" - -#. general handler -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1232 -#, c-format -msgid "Edit %s" -msgstr "Редагувати %s" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1582 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1398 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:14 msgid "Username:" msgstr "Користувач:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1900 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1710 msgid "A_pply" msgstr "_Застосувати" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1930 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1739 msgid "L_og in" msgstr "_Увійти" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2004 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1812 msgid "This account already exists on the server" msgstr "Цей обліковий запис вже існує на сервері" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2007 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:1816 msgid "Create a new account on the server" msgstr "Створити новий обліковий запис на сервері" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2201 -msgid "Ca_ncel" -msgstr "_Скасувати" - #. To translators: The first parameter is the login id and the #. * second one is the network. The resulting string will be something #. * like: "MyUserName on freenode". #. * You should reverse the order of these arguments if the #. * server should come before the login id in your locale. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2479 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2241 #, c-format msgid "%1$s on %2$s" msgstr "%1$s на %2$s" #. To translators: The parameter is the protocol name. The resulting #. * string will be something like: "Jabber Account" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2505 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2267 #, c-format msgid "%s Account" msgstr "Обліковий запис %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2509 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget.c:2271 msgid "New account" msgstr "Новий обліковий запис" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:1 -msgid "Example: MyScreenName" -msgstr "Приклад: MyScreenName" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:14 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:1 +msgid "Pass_word:" +msgstr "_Пароль:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-generic.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:2 -msgid "Advanced" -msgstr "Додатково" +msgid "Screen _Name:" +msgstr "_Екранний псевдонім:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:3 +msgid "Example: MyScreenName" +msgstr "Приклад: MyScreenName" + +#. remember password ticky box +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:4 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:4 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:5 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:12 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:4 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:13 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:5 -msgid "Pass_word:" -msgstr "_Пароль:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-base-password-dialog.c:261 +msgid "Remember password" +msgstr "Запам'ятати пароль" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:5 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:5 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:10 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:20 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:5 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:16 -msgid "Remember Password" -msgstr "Запам'ятати пароль" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Port:" +msgstr "П_орт:" -#. remember password ticky box -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:6 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:6 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:7 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:21 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:17 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-base-password-dialog.c:261 -msgid "Remember password" -msgstr "Запам'ятати пароль" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:6 -msgid "Screen _Name:" -msgstr "_Екранний псевдонім:" +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Server:" +msgstr "_Сервер:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:7 -msgid "What is your AIM password?" -msgstr "Пароль вашого AIM?" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-generic.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:15 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:23 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:21 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:9 +msgid "Advanced" +msgstr "Додатково" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your AIM screen name?" msgstr "Пароль облікового запису AIM?" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:10 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:26 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:10 -msgid "_Port:" -msgstr "П_орт:" +msgid "What is your AIM password?" +msgstr "Пароль вашого AIM?" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-aim.ui.h:10 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:10 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:11 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:27 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:7 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:10 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:9 -msgid "_Server:" -msgstr "_Сервер:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:1 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:1 -msgid "Example: username" -msgstr "Приклад: username" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:24 +msgid "Remember Password" +msgstr "Запам'ятати пароль" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:2 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:13 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:2 msgid "Login I_D:" msgstr "_Ідентифікатор:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:3 +msgid "Example: username" +msgstr "Приклад: username" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your GroupWise User ID?" msgstr "Ваш ідентифікатор користувача GroupWise?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-groupwise.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your GroupWise password?" msgstr "Пароль вашого GroupWise?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:2 +msgid "ICQ _UIN:" +msgstr "ICQ _UIN:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:3 msgid "Example: 123456789" msgstr "Приклад: 123456789" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:7 msgid "Ch_aracter set:" msgstr "_Набір символів:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:4 -msgid "ICQ _UIN:" -msgstr "ICQ _UIN:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your ICQ UIN?" msgstr "Ідентифікатор користувача (UIN) у ICQ?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:9 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-icq.ui.h:10 msgid "What is your ICQ password?" msgstr "Пароль у ICQ?" @@ -1013,11 +1038,44 @@ msgid "None" msgstr "Немає" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:1 +msgid "Network" +msgstr "Мережа" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:2 +msgid "Network:" +msgstr "Мережа:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:3 msgid "Character set:" msgstr "Кодування:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:1 +msgid "Add…" +msgstr "Додати…" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:3 +msgid "Remove" +msgstr "Вилучити" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:6 +msgid "Up" +msgstr "Вгору" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:7 +msgid "Down" +msgstr "Униз" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:8 +msgid "Servers" +msgstr "Сервери" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:9 msgid "" "Most IRC servers don't need a password, so if you're not sure, don't enter a " "password." @@ -1025,72 +1083,36 @@ "Більшість серверів IRC потребують пароль, отож, якщо ви не впевнені, не " "вводьте пароль." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:4 -msgid "Network" -msgstr "Мережа" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:5 -msgid "Network:" -msgstr "Мережа:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:6 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 msgid "Nickname:" msgstr "Псевдонім:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:11 msgid "Password:" msgstr "Пароль:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:12 msgid "Quit message:" msgstr "Повідомлення при виході:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:9 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 msgid "Real name:" msgstr "Справжнє ім'я:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:10 -msgid "Servers" -msgstr "Сервери" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:16 +msgid "Which IRC network?" +msgstr "Яка мережа IRC?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:12 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:17 msgid "What is your IRC nickname?" msgstr "Який ваш псевдонім у IRC?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-irc.ui.h:13 -msgid "Which IRC network?" -msgstr "Яка мережа IRC?" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:1 -msgid "Example: user@gmail.com" -msgstr "Приклад: user@gmail.com" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:2 -msgid "Example: user@jabber.org" -msgstr "Приклад: user@jabber.org" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:4 -msgid "Encr_yption required (TLS/SSL)" -msgstr "_Шифрування обов'язкове (TLS/SSL)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:5 -msgid "I_gnore SSL certificate errors" -msgstr "_Ігнорувати помилки сертифікатів SSL" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:7 -msgid "Override server settings" -msgstr "Замінювати параметри сервера" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:9 -msgid "Priori_ty:" -msgstr "П_ріоритет:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:12 -msgid "Reso_urce:" -msgstr "Ре_сурс:" +msgid "What is your Facebook username?" +msgstr "Користувач у Facebook?" #. This string is not wrapped in the dialog so you may have to add some '\n' to make it look nice. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:14 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:3 msgid "" "This is your username, not your normal Facebook login.\n" "If you are facebook.com/badger, enter badger.\n" @@ -1102,179 +1124,203 @@ "Використовуйте цю сторінку " "для вибору користувача Facebook, якщо у вас його немає." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:17 -msgid "Use old SS_L" -msgstr "Використовувати старе _шифрування (SSL)" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:18 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:6 msgid "What is your Facebook password?" msgstr "Пароль у Facebook?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:19 -msgid "What is your Facebook username?" -msgstr "Користувач у Facebook?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:20 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your Google ID?" msgstr "Ваш ідентифікатор у Google?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:21 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:9 +msgid "Example: user@gmail.com" +msgstr "Приклад: user@gmail.com" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:10 msgid "What is your Google password?" msgstr "Пароль у Google" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:11 +msgid "Example: user@jabber.org" +msgstr "Приклад: user@jabber.org" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:15 +msgid "I_gnore SSL certificate errors" +msgstr "_Ігнорувати помилки сертифікатів SSL" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:16 +msgid "Priori_ty:" +msgstr "П_ріоритет:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:17 +msgid "Reso_urce:" +msgstr "Ре_сурс:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:18 +msgid "Encr_yption required (TLS/SSL)" +msgstr "_Шифрування обов'язкове (TLS/SSL)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:19 +msgid "Use old SS_L" +msgstr "Використовувати старе _шифрування (SSL)" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:22 +msgid "Override server settings" +msgstr "Замінювати параметри сервера" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:24 msgid "What is your Jabber ID?" msgstr "Ідентифікатор Jabber?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:23 -msgid "What is your Jabber password?" -msgstr "Пароль у Jabber?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:24 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:25 msgid "What is your desired Jabber ID?" msgstr "Бажаний ідентифікатор у Jabber?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:25 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:26 +msgid "What is your Jabber password?" +msgstr "Пароль у Jabber?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-jabber.ui.h:27 msgid "What is your desired Jabber password?" msgstr "Бажаний пароль у Jabber?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:3 msgid "Example: user@hotmail.com" msgstr "Приклад: user@hotmail.com" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:8 msgid "What is your Windows Live ID?" msgstr "Ідентифікатор у Windows Live?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:8 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-msn.ui.h:9 msgid "What is your Windows Live password?" msgstr "Пароль у Windows Live?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:2 -msgid "E-_mail address:" -msgstr "_Адреса електронної пошти:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:1 msgid "Nic_kname:" msgstr "П_севдонім:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Last Name:" +msgstr "_Прізвище:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:3 msgid "_First Name:" msgstr "_Ім'я: " +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Published Name:" +msgstr "_Публічне прізвисько:" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:5 msgid "_Jabber ID:" msgstr "_Jabber ID:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:6 -msgid "_Last Name:" -msgstr "_Прізвище:" +msgid "E-_mail address:" +msgstr "_Адреса електронної пошти:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-local-xmpp.ui.h:7 -msgid "_Published Name:" -msgstr "_Публічне прізвисько:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:2 +msgid "_Username:" +msgstr "_Користувач:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:3 msgid "Example: user@my.sip.server" msgstr "Приклад: user@my.sip.server" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:3 -msgid "Authentication username:" -msgstr "Користувач для аутентифікації:" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:4 -msgid "Discover Binding" -msgstr "Виявляти з'єднання" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:5 -msgid "Discover the STUN server automatically" -msgstr "Відкрийте для себе сервер STUN автоматично" +msgid "Use this account to call _landlines and mobile phones" +msgstr "" +"Скористатись цим обліковим записом для _стаціонарних і мобільних телефонів" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:6 -msgid "Ignore TLS Errors" -msgstr "Ігнорувати помилки TLS" +msgid "NAT Traversal Options" +msgstr "Параметри NAT Traversal" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:7 -msgid "Interval (seconds)" -msgstr "Інтервал (у секундах)" +msgid "Proxy Options" +msgstr "Параметри проксі" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:8 -msgid "Keep-Alive Options" -msgstr "Параметри утримування з'єднання" +msgid "Miscellaneous Options" +msgstr "Інші параметри" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:9 -msgid "Loose Routing" -msgstr "Вільне маршрутизування" +msgid "STUN Server:" +msgstr "Сервер STUN:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:10 -msgid "Mechanism:" -msgstr "Механізм:" +msgid "Discover the STUN server automatically" +msgstr "Відкрийте для себе сервер STUN автоматично" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:11 -msgid "Miscellaneous Options" -msgstr "Інші параметри" +msgid "Discover Binding" +msgstr "Виявляти з'єднання" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:12 -msgid "NAT Traversal Options" -msgstr "Параметри NAT Traversal" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:114 +msgid "Server:" +msgstr "Сервер:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:13 +msgid "Keep-Alive Options" +msgstr "Параметри утримування з'єднання" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:14 -msgid "Port:" -msgstr "Порт:" +msgid "Mechanism:" +msgstr "Механізм:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:15 -msgid "Proxy Options" -msgstr "Параметри проксі" +msgid "Interval (seconds)" +msgstr "Інтервал (у секундах)" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:16 +msgid "Authentication username:" +msgstr "Користувач для аутентифікації:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:17 +msgid "Transport:" +msgstr "Транспорт" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:18 -msgid "STUN Server:" -msgstr "Сервер STUN:" +msgid "Loose Routing" +msgstr "Вільне маршрутизування" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:19 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:114 -msgid "Server:" -msgstr "Сервер:" +msgid "Ignore TLS Errors" +msgstr "Ігнорувати помилки TLS" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:20 -msgid "Transport:" -msgstr "Транспорт" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:21 -msgid "Use this account to call _landlines and mobile phones" -msgstr "" -"Скористатись цим обліковим записом для _стаціонарних і мобільних телефонів" +msgid "Port:" +msgstr "Порт:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:22 -msgid "What is your SIP account password?" -msgstr "Пароль до облікового запису у SIP?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:23 msgid "What is your SIP login ID?" msgstr "Ідентифікатор облікового запису у SIP?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:24 -msgid "_Username:" -msgstr "_Користувач:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-sip.ui.h:23 +msgid "What is your SIP account password?" +msgstr "Пароль до облікового запису у SIP?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:2 +msgid "Yahoo! I_D:" +msgstr "Yahoo! I_D:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:5 msgid "I_gnore conference and chat room invitations" msgstr "_Ігнорувати запрошення до бесід у кімнатах та конференцій" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Room List locale:" +msgstr "_Локаль списку бесід:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:10 msgid "What is your Yahoo! ID?" msgstr "Ідентифікатор у Yahoo! ?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:8 -msgid "What is your Yahoo! password?" -msgstr "Пароль у Yahoo!?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:9 -msgid "Yahoo! I_D:" -msgstr "Yahoo! I_D:" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-account-widget-yahoo.ui.h:11 -msgid "_Room List locale:" -msgstr "_Локаль списку бесід:" +msgid "What is your Yahoo! password?" +msgstr "Пароль у Yahoo!?" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:471 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-avatar-chooser.c:556 @@ -1313,88 +1359,88 @@ msgid "Click to enlarge" msgstr "Натисніть для збільшення" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:44 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:62 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:42 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:60 msgid "There was an error starting the call" msgstr "Помилка виклику" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:51 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:49 msgid "The specified contact doesn't support calls" msgstr "Вказаний контакт не підтримує виклики" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:53 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:51 msgid "The specified contact is offline" msgstr "Вказаний контакт поза мережею" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:55 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:53 msgid "The specified contact is not valid" msgstr "Вказаний контакт недійсний" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:57 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:55 msgid "Emergency calls are not supported on this protocol" msgstr "Екстрені виклики не підтримуються цим протоколом" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:59 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-call-utils.c:57 msgid "You don't have enough credit in order to place this call" msgstr "Ви не має достатньо на рахунку, щоб здійснити цей виклик" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:706 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:729 msgid "Failed to open private chat" msgstr "Не вдалось відкрити приватну кімнату" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:764 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:787 msgid "Topic not supported on this conversation" msgstr "Тема не підтримується у цій бесіді" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:770 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:793 msgid "You are not allowed to change the topic" msgstr "У вас немає прав змінювати тему" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:971 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:992 #, c-format msgid "“%s” is not a valid contact ID" msgstr "«%s» — недійсний ідентифікатор контакту" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1066 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1087 msgid "/clear: clear all messages from the current conversation" msgstr "/clear: очистити всі повідомлення з поточної бесіди" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1069 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1090 msgid "/topic : set the topic of the current conversation" msgstr "/topic : встановити тему поточної бесіди" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1072 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1093 msgid "/join : join a new chat room" msgstr "/join : приєднатися до нової кімнати розмов" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1075 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1096 msgid "/j : join a new chat room" msgstr "/j : приєднатися до нової кімнати розмов" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1079 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1100 msgid "" "/part [] []: leave the chat room, by default the " "current one" msgstr "" "/part [] []: покинути кімнату бесіди, типово теперішню" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1083 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1104 msgid "/query []: open a private chat" msgstr "/query []: відкрити приватну бесіду" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1086 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1107 msgid "/msg : open a private chat" msgstr "/msg : відкрити приватну бесіду" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1089 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1110 msgid "/nick : change your nickname on the current server" msgstr "/nick : змінити назву на поточному сервері" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1092 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1113 msgid "/me : send an ACTION message to the current conversation" msgstr "/me : надіслати повідомлення ACTION до поточної бесіди" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1095 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1116 msgid "" "/say : send to the current conversation. This is used to " "send a message starting with a '/'. For example: \"/say /join is used to " @@ -1404,11 +1450,11 @@ "для надсилання нового повідомлення, що починається з '/'. Наприклад: \"/" "скажіть /join для приєднання до нової кімнати розмов\"" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1100 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1121 msgid "/whois : display information about a contact" msgstr "/whois : показує інформацію про контакт" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1103 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1124 msgid "" "/help []: show all supported commands. If is defined, " "show its usage." @@ -1416,121 +1462,127 @@ "/help []: показати довідку. Якщо визначено , показати " "синтаксис команди." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1122 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1143 #, c-format msgid "Usage: %s" msgstr "Використання: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1167 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1188 msgid "Unknown command" msgstr "Невідома команда" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1293 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1314 msgid "Unknown command; see /help for the available commands" msgstr "Невідома команда; для виводу списку доступних команд введіть /help" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1457 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1565 msgid "insufficient balance to send message" msgstr "недостатній залишок для надсилання повідомлення" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1461 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1475 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1538 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1569 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1583 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1646 #, c-format msgid "Error sending message '%s': %s" msgstr "Помилка при надсиланні повідомлення «%s»: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1463 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1480 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1542 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1571 ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1588 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1650 #, c-format msgid "Error sending message: %s" msgstr "Помилка надсилання повідомлення: %s" #. translators: error used when user doesn't have enough credit on his #. * account to send the message. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1469 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1577 #, c-format msgid "insufficient balance to send message. Top up." msgstr "" "недостатній залишок для надсилання повідомлення. Поповнити." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1509 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1617 msgid "not capable" msgstr "не здатен" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1516 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1624 msgid "offline" msgstr "поза мережею" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1519 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1627 msgid "invalid contact" msgstr "неправильний контакт" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1522 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1630 msgid "permission denied" msgstr "відмовлено у доступі" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1525 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1633 msgid "too long message" msgstr "надто довге повідомлення" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1528 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1636 msgid "not implemented" msgstr "не реалізовано" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1532 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1640 msgid "unknown" msgstr "невідомо" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1599 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:761 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1707 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:920 msgid "Topic:" msgstr "Тема:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1611 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1722 #, c-format msgid "Topic set to: %s" msgstr "Тема: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1613 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1724 +#, c-format +msgid "Topic set by %s to: %s" +msgstr "%s змінив тему на: %s" + +#. No need to display this 'event' is no topic can be defined anyway +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:1729 msgid "No topic defined" msgstr "Тему не встановлено" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2126 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2245 msgid "(No Suggestions)" msgstr "(Нема пропозицій)" #. translators: %s is the selected word -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2194 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2313 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to Dictionary" msgstr "Додати «%s» до словника" #. translators: first %s is the selected word, #. * second %s is the language name of the target dictionary -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2231 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2350 #, c-format msgid "Add '%s' to %s Dictionary" msgstr "Додати «%s» до словника %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2301 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2420 msgid "Insert Smiley" msgstr "Вставити емоційку" #. send button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2319 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1868 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2438 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1880 msgid "_Send" msgstr "_Надіслати" #. Spelling suggestions -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2376 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2495 msgid "_Spelling Suggestions" msgstr "_Пропозиції з правопису" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2465 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2584 msgid "Failed to retrieve recent logs" msgstr "Не вдалось одержати останні журнали" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2602 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2723 #, c-format msgid "%s has disconnected" msgstr "%s від'єднано" @@ -1538,12 +1590,12 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the kicked should come before the kicker in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2609 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2730 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was kicked by %2$s" msgstr "%1$s викинено користувачем %2$s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2612 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2733 #, c-format msgid "%s was kicked" msgstr "%s викинено" @@ -1551,17 +1603,17 @@ #. translators: reverse the order of these arguments #. * if the banned should come before the banner in your locale. #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2620 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2741 #, c-format msgid "%1$s was banned by %2$s" msgstr "%1$s заблоковано користувачем %2$s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2623 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2744 #, c-format msgid "%s was banned" msgstr "%s заблоковано" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2627 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2748 #, c-format msgid "%s has left the room" msgstr "%s покинув кімнату" @@ -1571,17 +1623,17 @@ #. * given by the user living the room. If this poses a problem, #. * please let us know. :-) #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2636 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2757 #, c-format msgid " (%s)" msgstr " (%s)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2661 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2782 #, c-format msgid "%s has joined the room" msgstr "%s приєднався до бесіди" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2686 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2807 #, c-format msgid "%s is now known as %s" msgstr "%s тепер відомий як %s" @@ -1589,90 +1641,90 @@ #. We don't know if the incoming call has been accepted or not, so we #. * assume it hasn't and if it has, we'll set the proper status when #. * we get the new handler. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2847 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1889 -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1280 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1538 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1588 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2631 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:2994 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1888 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1279 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1502 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1552 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2590 msgid "Disconnected" msgstr "Від'єднаний" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3493 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3658 msgid "Would you like to store this password?" msgstr "Зберегти цей пароль?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3499 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3664 msgid "Remember" msgstr "Запам'ятати" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3509 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3674 msgid "Not now" msgstr "Не зараз" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3553 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3718 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-bad-password-dialog.c:142 msgid "Retry" msgstr "Повторити" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3557 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3722 msgid "Wrong password; please try again:" msgstr "Неправильний пароль; введіть пароль ще раз:" #. Add message -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3687 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3852 msgid "This room is protected by a password:" msgstr "Цю кімнату захищено паролем:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3714 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3879 msgid "Join" msgstr "Увійти" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3902 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1301 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4071 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1300 msgid "Connected" msgstr "З'єднаний" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3957 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4126 msgid "Conversation" msgstr "Розмова" #. Translators: this string is a something like #. * "Escher Cat (SMS)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:3962 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat.c:4131 #, c-format msgid "%s (SMS)" msgstr "%s (SMS)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:264 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:262 msgid "Unknown or invalid identifier" msgstr "Невідомий або помилковий ідентифікатор" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:266 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:264 msgid "Contact blocking temporarily unavailable" msgstr "Блокування контакту тимчасово недоступно " -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:268 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:266 msgid "Contact blocking unavailable" msgstr "Блокування контакту недоступне" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:270 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:268 msgid "Permission Denied" msgstr "Відмовлено у доступі" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:274 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:272 msgid "Could not block contact" msgstr "Неможливо заблокувати контакт" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:612 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c:610 msgid "Edit Blocked Contacts" msgstr "Редагувати заблоковані контакти" #. Account and Identifier #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:1 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:506 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:2 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1475 -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:1 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1474 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:7 msgid "Account:" msgstr "Обліковий запис:" @@ -1680,13 +1732,6 @@ msgid "Blocked Contacts" msgstr "Заблоковані контакти" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-status-preset-dialog.ui.h:1 -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:5 -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Remove" -msgstr "Вилучити" - #. Copy Link Address menu item #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-chat-text-view.c:322 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-webkit-utils.c:277 @@ -1705,39 +1750,30 @@ msgid "%A %B %d %Y" msgstr "%A %B %d %Y" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:287 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-edit-dialog.c:247 -msgid "Edit Contact Information" -msgstr "Редагувати інформацію про контакт" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:338 -msgid "Personal Information" -msgstr "Особиста інформація" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:439 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:119 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:326 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:118 msgid "New Contact" msgstr "Новий контакт" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:508 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:198 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:395 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:197 #, c-format msgid "Block %s?" msgstr "Заблокувати %s?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:513 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:253 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:400 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:252 #, c-format msgid "Are you sure you want to block '%s' from contacting you again?" msgstr "Блокувати «%s» з контактів знову?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:518 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:275 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:405 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:274 msgid "_Block" msgstr "За_блокувати" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:536 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:284 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.c:423 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:283 msgid "_Report this contact as abusive" msgid_plural "_Report these contacts as abusive" msgstr[0] "_Звинуватити цей контакт в образі" @@ -1745,83 +1781,16 @@ msgstr[2] "_Звинуватити ці контакти в образі" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:1 -msgid "Decide _Later" -msgstr "_Вирішити пізніше" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:2 msgid "Subscription Request" msgstr "Запит на підписку" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:2 msgid "_Block User" msgstr "За_блокувати користувача" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:207 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1559 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:14 -msgid "_Add Contact…" -msgstr "_Додати контакт…" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:282 -msgid "_Block Contact" -msgstr "За_блокувати контакт" - -#. add chat button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:311 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:790 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:320 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:16 -msgid "_Chat" -msgstr "_Балачка" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:343 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:882 -msgctxt "menu item" -msgid "_Audio Call" -msgstr "_Аудіовиклик" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:376 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:927 -msgctxt "menu item" -msgid "_Video Call" -msgstr "_Відеовиклик" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:422 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:980 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:27 -msgid "_Previous Conversations" -msgstr "_Попередні бесіди" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:444 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1021 -msgid "Send File" -msgstr "Надіслати файл" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:467 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1063 -msgid "Share My Desktop" -msgstr "Оприлюднити мою стільницю" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:496 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1126 -msgid "Infor_mation" -msgstr "Інфор_мація" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:536 -msgctxt "Edit contact (contextual menu)" -msgid "_Edit" -msgstr "З_міни" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:590 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1317 -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:1011 -msgid "Inviting you to this room" -msgstr "Запрошення до цієї кімнати" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-menu.c:621 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1363 -msgid "_Invite to Chat Room" -msgstr "_Запросити до кімнати" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-dialogs.ui.h:3 +msgid "Decide _Later" +msgstr "_Вирішити пізніше" #. Title #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-search-dialog.c:499 @@ -1848,166 +1817,170 @@ msgid "Please let me see when you're online. Thanks!" msgstr "Будь ласка, повідомте мене, коли ви буде в мережі. Дякую!" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:571 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:567 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:304 msgid "Channels:" msgstr "Канали:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:751 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:747 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:455 msgid "Country ISO Code:" msgstr "Код ISO країни:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:753 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:749 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:457 msgid "Country:" msgstr "Країна:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:755 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:751 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:459 msgid "State:" msgstr "Регіон:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:757 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:753 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:461 msgid "City:" msgstr "Місто:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:759 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:755 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:463 msgid "Area:" msgstr "Район:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:761 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:757 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:465 msgid "Postal Code:" msgstr "Поштовий індекс:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:763 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:759 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:467 msgid "Street:" msgstr "Вулиця:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:765 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:761 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:469 msgid "Building:" msgstr "Дім:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:767 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:763 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:471 msgid "Floor:" msgstr "Квартира:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:769 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:765 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:473 msgid "Room:" msgstr "Кімната:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:771 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:767 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:475 msgid "Text:" msgstr "Текст:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:773 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:769 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:477 msgid "Description:" msgstr "Опис:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:775 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:771 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:479 msgid "URI:" msgstr "Адреса (URI):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:777 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:773 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:481 msgid "Accuracy Level:" msgstr "Рівень точності:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:779 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:775 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:483 msgid "Error:" msgstr "Помилка:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:781 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:777 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:485 msgid "Vertical Error (meters):" msgstr "Вертикальна помилка (метри):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:783 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:779 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:487 msgid "Horizontal Error (meters):" msgstr "Горизонтальна помилка (метри):" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:785 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:781 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:489 msgid "Speed:" msgstr "Швидкість:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:787 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:783 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:491 msgid "Bearing:" msgstr "Азимут:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:789 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:785 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:493 msgid "Climb Speed:" msgstr "Швидкість підйому:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:791 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:787 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:495 msgid "Last Updated on:" msgstr "Останнє оновлення о:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:793 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:789 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:497 msgid "Longitude:" msgstr "Довгота:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:795 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:791 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:499 msgid "Latitude:" msgstr "Широта:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:797 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:793 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:501 msgid "Altitude:" msgstr "Висота:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:850 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:865 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:846 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:861 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:593 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:608 -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:15 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:35 msgid "Location" msgstr "Місцевість" #. translators: format is "Location, $date" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:867 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:863 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:610 #, c-format msgid "%s, %s" msgstr "%s, %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:919 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:915 #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:659 msgid "%B %e, %Y at %R UTC" msgstr "%B %e, %Y у %R UTC" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1001 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:901 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:997 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:900 msgid "Save Avatar" msgstr "Зберегти аватар" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1057 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:959 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1053 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:958 msgid "Unable to save avatar" msgstr "Неможливо зберегти аватар" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1745 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1098 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1358 -msgid "Favorite" -msgstr "Улюблений" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1444 +msgid "Personal Details" +msgstr "Особисті відомості" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.c:1447 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:6 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:3 +msgid "Contact Details" +msgstr "Подробиці про контакт" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contactinfo-utils.c:104 msgid "Full name" @@ -2074,54 +2047,49 @@ msgid "parcel" msgstr "посилковий" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:1 -msgid "Location at (date)\t" -msgstr "Місцевість у (дата)\t" +#. Identifier to connect to Instant Messaging network +#. Translators: Identifier to connect to Instant Messaging network +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:3 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1502 +msgid "Identifier:" +msgstr "Ідентифікатор:" #. Alias -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:3 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1294 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1293 msgid "Alias:" msgstr "Псевдонім:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:4 -msgid "Client Information" -msgstr "Інформація про використану програму" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:5 -msgid "Client:" -msgstr "Програма:" +msgid "Location at (date)\t" +msgstr "Місцевість у (дата)\t" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:6 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:2 -msgid "Contact Details" -msgstr "Подробиці про контакт" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:7 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:4 +msgid "Information requested…" +msgstr "Запит на інформацію…" -#. Identifier to connect to Instant Messaging network -#. Translators: Identifier to connect to Instant Messaging network #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:8 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1503 -msgid "Identifier:" -msgstr "Ідентифікатор:" +msgid "Client Information" +msgstr "Інформація про використану програму" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:9 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:3 -msgid "Information requested…" -msgstr "Запит на інформацію…" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:10 msgid "OS:" msgstr "ОС:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:11 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:10 msgid "Version:" msgstr "Версія:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:333 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-contact-widget.ui.h:11 +msgid "Client:" +msgstr "Програма:" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:331 msgid "Groups" msgstr "Група" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:345 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:343 msgid "" "Select the groups you want this contact to appear in. Note that you can " "select more than one group or no groups." @@ -2129,127 +2097,177 @@ "Виберіть групи, у яких має з'явитися контакт. Можна вибрати більше ніж одну " "групу або не вибирати зовсім." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:364 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:362 msgid "_Add Group" msgstr "_Додати групу" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:399 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:397 msgctxt "verb in a column header displaying group names" msgid "Select" msgstr "Вибрати" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:409 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1952 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-groups-widget.c:407 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1970 msgid "Group" msgstr "Група" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:258 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:257 msgid "The following identity will be blocked:" msgid_plural "The following identities will be blocked:" msgstr[0] "Такий ідентифікатор буде заблоковано:" msgstr[1] "Такі ідентифікатори буде заборонено:" msgstr[2] "Такі ідентифікатори буде заборонено:" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:265 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-dialogs.c:264 msgid "The following identity can not be blocked:" msgid_plural "The following identities can not be blocked:" msgstr[0] "Такий ідентифікатор неможливо заборонити:" msgstr[1] "Такі ідентифікатори неможливо заборонити:" msgstr[2] "Такі ідентифікатори неможливо заборонити:" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-edit-dialog.c:247 +msgid "Edit Contact Information" +msgstr "Редагувати інформацію про контакт" + #. Translators: the heading at the top of the Information dialogue #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-information-dialog.c:288 msgid "Linked Contacts" msgstr "Пов'язані контакти" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-linker.c:372 -msgid "Select contacts to link" -msgstr "Вибрати контакт для посилання" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-linker.c:447 -msgid "New contact preview" -msgstr "Перегляд нового контакту" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-linker.c:491 -msgid "Contacts selected in the list on the left will be linked together." -msgstr "Контакти вибрані в списку зліва буде сполучено разом." - #. Translators: this is used in the context menu for a contact. The first #. * parameter is a contact ID (e.g. foo@jabber.org) and the second is one #. * of the user's account IDs (e.g. me@hotmail.com). -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:149 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:173 #, c-format msgid "%s (%s)" msgstr "%s (%s)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:313 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:345 msgid "Select account to use to place the call" msgstr "Вибрати обліковий запис для місця виклику" #. translators: Call is a noun. This string is used in the window #. * title -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:317 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:2 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1288 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:349 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1290 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:18 msgid "Call" msgstr "Виклик" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:382 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:414 msgid "Mobile" msgstr "Мобільний" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:384 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:416 msgid "Work" msgstr "Робота" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:386 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:418 msgid "HOME" msgstr "Дім" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:659 +msgid "_Block Contact" +msgstr "За_блокувати контакт" + +#. add chat button +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1018 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:319 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Chat" +msgstr "_Балачка" + #. add SMS button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:837 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:314 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1053 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:313 msgid "_SMS" msgstr "_SMS" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1175 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1086 +msgctxt "menu item" +msgid "_Audio Call" +msgstr "_Аудіовиклик" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1119 +msgctxt "menu item" +msgid "_Video Call" +msgstr "_Відеовиклик" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1160 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Previous Conversations" +msgstr "_Попередні бесіди" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1189 +msgid "Send File" +msgstr "Надіслати файл" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1219 +msgid "Share My Desktop" +msgstr "Оприлюднити мою стільницю" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1245 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1357 +msgid "Favorite" +msgstr "Улюблений" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1264 +msgid "gnome-contacts not installed" +msgstr "gnome-contacts не встановлено" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1267 +msgid "Please install gnome-contacts to access contacts details." +msgstr "Встановіть gnome-contacts для одержання відомостей про контакт." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1398 +msgid "Infor_mation" +msgstr "Інфор_мація" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1447 msgctxt "Edit individual (contextual menu)" msgid "_Edit" msgstr "_Редагувати" -#. Translators: this is a verb meaning "to connect two contacts together -#. * to form a meta-contact". -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1201 -msgctxt "Link individual (contextual menu)" -msgid "_Link Contacts…" -msgstr "_Сполучити контакт…" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1564 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:1192 +msgid "Inviting you to this room" +msgstr "Запрошення до цієї кімнати" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1610 +msgid "_Invite to Chat Room" +msgstr "_Запросити до кімнати" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-menu.c:1806 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:5 +msgid "_Add Contact…" +msgstr "_Додати контакт…" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2355 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2304 msgid "Delete and _Block" msgstr "Вилучити і за_блокувати" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2390 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2339 #, c-format msgid "Do you really want to remove the group '%s'?" msgstr "Вилучити групу «%s»?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2393 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2342 msgid "Removing group" msgstr "Вилучення групи" #. Remove -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2448 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2665 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2397 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2601 msgid "_Remove" msgstr "В_илучити" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2525 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2474 #, c-format msgid "Do you really want to remove the contact '%s'?" msgstr "Вилучити контакт «%s» з вашого списку?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2534 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2483 #, c-format msgid "" "Do you really want to remove the linked contact '%s'? Note that this will " @@ -2258,11 +2276,11 @@ "Вилучити сполучений контакт «%s»? Зауважте, це вилучить усі контакти, які " "складають список цього сполученого контакту." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2546 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-view.c:2495 msgid "Removing contact" msgstr "Вилучення контакту" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1642 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.c:1641 #, c-format msgid "Linked contact containing %u contact" msgid_plural "Linked contacts containing %u contacts" @@ -2274,23 +2292,23 @@ msgid "Location at (date)" msgstr "Адреса у (дата)" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-individual-widget.ui.h:2 msgid "Online from a phone or mobile device" msgstr "У мережі через телефон або мобільний пристрій" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:332 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:335 msgid "New Network" msgstr "Нова мережа" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:527 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:530 msgid "Choose an IRC network" msgstr "Виберіть мережу IRC" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:584 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:587 msgid "Reset _Networks List" msgstr "Скинути список _мереж" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:588 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-chooser-dialog.c:591 msgctxt "verb displayed on a button to select an IRC network" msgid "Select" msgstr "Вибрати" @@ -2299,95 +2317,52 @@ msgid "new server" msgstr "новий сервер" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:535 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-irc-network-dialog.c:539 msgid "SSL" msgstr "Шифрування SSL" -#. Translators: this is the title of the linking dialogue (reached by -#. * right-clicking on a contact and selecting "Link…"). "Link" in this title -#. * is a verb. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:115 -msgid "Link Contacts" -msgstr "Сполучити контакти" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:120 -msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" -msgid "_Unlink…" -msgstr "_Роз'єднати…" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:121 -msgid "" -"Completely split the displayed linked contacts into the separate contacts." -msgstr "Повністю розділити показані сполучені контакти в окремі контакти." - -#. Add button -#. Translators: this is an action button in the linking dialogue. "Link" is -#. * used here as a verb meaning "to connect two contacts to form a -#. * meta-contact". -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:136 -msgid "_Link" -msgstr "_Сполучити" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:183 -#, c-format -msgid "Unlink linked contacts '%s'?" -msgstr "Роз'єднати сполучені контакти «%s»?" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:186 -msgid "" -"Are you sure you want to unlink these linked contacts? This will completely " -"split the linked contacts into separate contacts." -msgstr "" -"Роз'єднати ці сполучені контакти? Це повністю розділить сполучені контакти в " -"окремі контакти." - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-linking-dialog.c:190 -msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" -msgid "_Unlink" -msgstr "_Роз'єднати" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:622 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:620 msgid "History" msgstr "Історія" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:677 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:675 msgid "Show" msgstr "Показати" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:699 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:697 msgid "Search" msgstr "Пошук" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1150 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1148 #, c-format msgid "Chat in %s" msgstr "Балачка в %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1152 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1150 #, c-format msgid "Chat with %s" msgstr "Балачка з %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1202 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1349 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1200 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1347 msgctxt "A date with the time" msgid "%A, %e %B %Y %X" msgstr "%A, %e %B %Y, %X" #. Translators: this is an emote: '* Danielle waves' -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1291 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1289 #, c-format msgid "* %s %s" msgstr "* %s %s" #. Translators: this is a message: 'Danielle: hello' #. * The string in bold is the sender's name -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1297 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1295 #, c-format msgid "%s: %s" msgstr "%s: %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1373 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1371 #, c-format msgid "%s second" msgid_plural "%s seconds" @@ -2395,7 +2370,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%s секунди" msgstr[2] "%s секунд" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1380 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1378 #, c-format msgid "%s minute" msgid_plural "%s minutes" @@ -2403,186 +2378,186 @@ msgstr[1] "%s хвилини" msgstr[2] "%s хвилин" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1388 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1386 #, c-format msgid "Call took %s, ended at %s" msgstr "Виклик прийнято в %s, закінчено о %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1722 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1720 msgid "Today" msgstr "Сьогодні" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1726 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1724 msgid "Yesterday" msgstr "Вчора" #. Translators: A date such as '23 May 2010' (strftime format) -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1741 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1739 msgid "%e %B %Y" msgstr "%e %B %Y" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1829 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3489 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1827 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3487 msgid "Anytime" msgstr "Будь-коли" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1918 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2402 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:1916 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2400 msgid "Anyone" msgstr "Будь-хто" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2715 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2713 msgid "Who" msgstr "Хто" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2924 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:2922 msgid "When" msgstr "Коли" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3040 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3038 msgid "Anything" msgstr "Будь-що" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3042 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3040 msgid "Text chats" msgstr "Текстова балачка" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3044 -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3042 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:25 msgid "Calls" msgstr "Виклики" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3049 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3047 msgid "Incoming calls" msgstr "Вхідні виклики" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3050 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3048 msgid "Outgoing calls" msgstr "Вихідні виклики" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3051 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3049 msgid "Missed calls" msgstr "Пропущені виклики" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3073 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3071 msgid "What" msgstr "Що" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3782 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3780 msgid "Are you sure you want to delete all logs of previous conversations?" msgstr "Вилучити всі журнали з попередньої розмови?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3786 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3784 msgid "Clear All" msgstr "Очистити все" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3793 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.c:3791 msgid "Delete from:" msgstr "Вилучити з:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:1 -msgid "Loading..." -msgstr "Завантаження…" +msgid "_File" +msgstr "_Файл" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:3 -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Chat" -msgstr "Балачка" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:2 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:9 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:12 +msgid "_Edit" +msgstr "З_міни" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:4 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:3 msgid "Delete All History..." msgstr "Вилучити всю історію…" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:5 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:4 msgid "Profile" msgstr "Профіль" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:6 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:22 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:20 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:5 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:19 +msgid "Chat" +msgstr "Балачка" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:7 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:26 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:19 msgid "Video" msgstr "Відео" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:7 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:28 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:12 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:20 -msgid "_Edit" -msgstr "З_міни" - #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:8 -msgid "_File" -msgstr "_Файл" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:9 msgid "page 2" msgstr "сторінка 2" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:84 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-log-window.ui.h:9 +msgid "Loading..." +msgstr "Завантаження…" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:83 msgid "The contact is offline" msgstr "Контакт поза мережею" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:86 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:85 msgid "The specified contact is either invalid or unknown" msgstr "Вказаний контакт недійсний або невідомий" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:88 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:87 msgid "The contact does not support this kind of conversation" msgstr "Контакт не підтримує такого роду розмову" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:90 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:89 msgid "The requested functionality is not implemented for this protocol" msgstr "Потрібну функціональність не впроваджено для цього протоколу" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:96 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:95 msgid "Could not start a conversation with the given contact" msgstr "Неможливо почати розмову із заданих контактом" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:98 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:97 msgid "You are banned from this channel" msgstr "Ви заблоковані на цьому каналі" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:100 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:99 msgid "This channel is full" msgstr "Цей канал переповнений" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:102 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:101 msgid "You must be invited to join this channel" msgstr "Щоб приєднатись до цього каналу, потрібно бути запрошеним" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:104 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:103 msgid "Can't proceed while disconnected" msgstr "Неможливо продовжувати протягом від'єднання" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:106 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:105 msgid "Permission denied" msgstr "Відмовлено в доступі" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:112 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:111 msgid "There was an error starting the conversation" msgstr "Помилка започаткування розмови" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:291 -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:203 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:290 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:200 msgid "Enter a contact identifier or phone number:" msgstr "Введіть ідентифікатор контакту або номер телефону:" #. Tweak the dialog -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:334 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-message-dialog.c:333 msgid "New Conversation" msgstr "Нова розмова" #. add video button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:226 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:223 msgid "_Video Call" msgstr "_Відеовиклик" #. add audio button -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:236 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:233 msgid "_Audio Call" msgstr "_Аудіовиклик" #. Tweak the dialog -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:246 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-call-dialog.c:243 msgid "New Call" msgstr "Створити виклик" @@ -2638,7 +2613,7 @@ #. To translator: %s is the name of the protocol, such as "Google Talk" or #. * "Yahoo!" #. -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-protocol-chooser.c:584 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-protocol-chooser.c:588 #, c-format msgid "New %s account" msgstr "Новий обліковий запис %s" @@ -2648,20 +2623,20 @@ msgstr "Знайти:" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:2 -msgid "Mat_ch case" -msgstr "З _урахуванням регістру" +msgid "_Previous" +msgstr "_Назад" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:3 -msgid "Phrase not found" -msgstr "Фразу не знайдено" - -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:4 msgid "_Next" msgstr "_Далі" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:4 +msgid "Mat_ch case" +msgstr "З _урахуванням регістру" + #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-search-bar.ui.h:5 -msgid "_Previous" -msgstr "_Назад" +msgid "Phrase not found" +msgstr "Фразу не знайдено" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-sound-manager.c:51 msgid "Received an instant message" @@ -2707,12 +2682,12 @@ msgid "Edit Custom Messages" msgstr "Редагувати власні повідомлення" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1047 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1051 #, c-format msgid "Message edited at %s" msgstr "Повідомлення змінено в %s" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1752 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-theme-adium.c:1757 msgid "Normal" msgstr "Звичайна" @@ -2788,34 +2763,38 @@ msgstr "Назва вузла сертифіката: %s" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:281 -msgid "Continue" -msgstr "Продовжити" +msgid "C_ontinue" +msgstr "Пр_одовжити" #: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:287 +msgid "Untrusted connection" +msgstr "Надійне з'єднання" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:288 msgid "This connection is untrusted. Would you like to continue anyway?" msgstr "Це ненадійне з'єднання. Однаково продовжити?" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:297 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:298 msgid "Remember this choice for future connections" msgstr "Запам'ятати вибір для подальших з'єднань" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:303 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-tls-dialog.c:304 msgid "Certificate Details" msgstr "Подробиці про сертифікат" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1742 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1754 msgid "Unable to open URI" msgstr "Неможливо відкрити URI" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1860 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1872 msgid "Select a file" msgstr "Вибрати файл" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1935 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1947 msgid "Insufficient free space to save file" msgstr "Недостатньо вільного місця для збереження файла" -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1943 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1955 #, c-format msgid "" "%s of free space are required to save this file, but only %s is available. " @@ -2824,7 +2803,7 @@ "Потрібно %s вільного місця для збереження цього файла, проте доступно лише " "%s. Будь ласка, виберіть інакше місце." -#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1987 +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-ui-utils.c:1999 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file from %s" msgstr "Вхідний файл з %s" @@ -2996,6 +2975,14 @@ msgid "Vietnamese" msgstr "В'єтнамська" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-calendar-button.c:66 +msgid "Select..." +msgstr "Вибрати..." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-calendar-button.c:154 +msgid "_Select" +msgstr "_Вибрати" + #: ../nautilus-sendto-plugin/empathy-nautilus-sendto.c:202 msgid "No error message" msgstr "Немає повідомлення про помилку" @@ -3004,23 +2991,23 @@ msgid "Instant Message (Empathy)" msgstr "Миттєві повідомлення (Empathy)" -#: ../src/empathy.c:437 +#: ../src/empathy.c:435 msgid "Don't connect on startup" msgstr "Не з'єднуватися під час запуску" -#: ../src/empathy.c:441 +#: ../src/empathy.c:439 msgid "Don't display the contact list or any other dialogs on startup" msgstr "Не показувати список контактів чи інші вікна під час запуску" -#: ../src/empathy.c:456 +#: ../src/empathy.c:454 msgid "- Empathy IM Client" msgstr "— клієнт обміну миттєвими повідомленнями Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy.c:643 +#: ../src/empathy.c:641 msgid "Error contacting the Account Manager" msgstr "Помилка менеджера облікових записів" -#: ../src/empathy.c:645 +#: ../src/empathy.c:643 #, c-format msgid "" "There was an error while trying to connect to the Telepathy Account Manager. " @@ -3078,223 +3065,83 @@ "Сергій Панасенко \n" "Daniel Korostil " -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:167 -msgid "There was an error while importing the accounts." -msgstr "Помилка при імпортуванні облікових записів" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:170 -msgid "There was an error while parsing the account details." -msgstr "Помилка при аналізуванні даних облікових записів." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:173 -msgid "There was an error while creating the account." -msgstr "Помилка при створенні облікових записів." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:175 -msgid "There was an error." -msgstr "Виникла помилка." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:179 -#, c-format -msgid "The error message was: %s" -msgstr "Повідомлення про помилку: %s" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:183 -msgid "" -"You can either go back and try to enter your accounts' details again or quit " -"this assistant and add accounts later from the Edit menu." -msgstr "" -"Ви можете або повернутись назад та спробувати ввести дані вашого облікового " -"запису або завершити помічника та додати облікові записи потім у меню " -"«Зміни»." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:220 -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1272 -msgid "An error occurred" -msgstr "Виникла помилка" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:467 -msgid "What kind of chat account do you have?" -msgstr "Який тип облікового запису для балачки ви маєте?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:473 -msgid "Do you have any other chat accounts you want to set up?" -msgstr "Маєте будь-який інший обліковий запис балачки, який треба налаштувати?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:479 -msgid "Enter your account details" -msgstr "Введіть подробиці облікового запису" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:484 -msgid "What kind of chat account do you want to create?" -msgstr "Який тип облікового запису для балачки створити?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:490 -msgid "Do you want to create other chat accounts?" -msgstr "Маєте будь-які інші облікові запису для балачки?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:497 -msgid "Enter the details for the new account" -msgstr "Введіть параметри нового облікового запису" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:612 -msgid "" -"With Empathy you can chat with people online nearby and with friends and " -"colleagues who use Google Talk, AIM, Windows Live and many other chat " -"programs. With a microphone or a webcam you can also have audio or video " -"calls." -msgstr "" -"Empathy підтримує балачки з іншими особами у мережі та з друзями і колегами, " -"які користуються Google Talk, AIM, Windows Live та багатьма іншими " -"програмами спілкування. Якщо у вас є мікрофон чи веб-камера, ви також можете " -"робити голосові та відеовиклики." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:629 -msgid "Do you have an account you've been using with another chat program?" -msgstr "У вас є обліковий запис, який ви використовувати з іншою програмою?" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:653 -msgid "Yes, import my account details from " -msgstr "Так, імпортувати параметри облікового запису з " - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:674 -msgid "Yes, I'll enter my account details now" -msgstr "Так, я введу параметри облікового запису вручну" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:696 -msgid "No, I want a new account" -msgstr "Ні, я бажаю створити новий обліковий запис" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:706 -msgid "No, I just want to see people online nearby for now" -msgstr "Ні, я просто бажаю бачити людей, які у мережі й поблизу" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:727 -msgid "Select the accounts you want to import:" -msgstr "Виберіть обліковий запис для імпортування:" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:814 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:625 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:626 -msgid "Yes" -msgstr "Так" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:821 -msgid "No, that's all for now" -msgstr "Ні, наразі досить" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1086 -msgid "" -"Empathy can automatically discover and chat with the people connected on the " -"same network as you. If you want to use this feature, please check that the " -"details below are correct. You can easily change these details later or " -"disable this feature by using the 'Accounts' dialog" -msgstr "" -"Empathy може автоматично знайти людей, приєднаних до тієї ж мережі, що й ви. " -"Якщо ви хочете використовувати цю можливість, відмітьте, що наведена нижче " -"інформація є коректною. Ви можете змінити цю інформацію пізніше або вимкнути " -"цю можливість, використовуючи вікно «Облікові записи»." - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1092 -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1148 -msgid "Edit->Accounts" -msgstr "Зміни->Облікові записи" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1108 -msgid "I do _not want to enable this feature for now" -msgstr "Ні, я _не бажаю зараз вмикати цю функцію" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1144 -msgid "" -"You won't be able to chat with people connected to your local network, as " -"telepathy-salut is not installed. If you want to enable this feature, please " -"install the telepathy-salut package and create a People Nearby account from " -"the Accounts dialog" -msgstr "" -"Ви не можете спілкуватися з людьми, приєднаними до вашої локальної мережі, " -"оскільки не встановлено telepathy-salut. Якщо вам потрібна ця можливість, " -"встановіть пакет telepathy-salut та створіть обліковий запис «Люди поблизу» " -"у вікні «Облікові записи»" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1150 -msgid "telepathy-salut not installed" -msgstr "Не встановлено telepathy-salut" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1196 -msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts Assistant" -msgstr "Листування та облікові записи VoIP" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1230 -msgid "Welcome to Empathy" -msgstr "Ласкаво просило до Empathy" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1239 -msgid "Import your existing accounts" -msgstr "Імпортувати наявні облікові записи" - -#: ../src/empathy-account-assistant.c:1257 -msgid "Please enter personal details" -msgstr "Введіть персональну інформацію" - #. The primary text of the dialog shown to the user when he is about to lose #. * unsaved changes -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:64 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:72 #, c-format msgid "There are unsaved modifications to your %s account." msgstr "Є незбережені зміни у вашому обліковому записі %s." #. The primary text of the dialog shown to the user when he is about to lose #. * an unsaved new account -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:68 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:76 msgid "Your new account has not been saved yet." msgstr "Новий обліковий запис ще не збережено." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:345 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:757 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1325 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:381 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:759 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1289 msgid "Connecting…" msgstr "З'єднання…" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:386 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:422 #, c-format msgid "Offline — %s" msgstr "Поза мережею — %s" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:398 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:434 #, c-format msgid "Disconnected — %s" msgstr "Від'єднаний — %s" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:409 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:445 msgid "Offline — No Network Connection" msgstr "Поза мережею — немає з'єднання з мережею" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:416 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:452 msgid "Unknown Status" msgstr "Невідомий стан" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:428 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:469 +msgid "" +"This account has been disabled because it relies on an old, unsupported " +"backend. Please install telepathy-haze and restart your session to migrate " +"the account." +msgstr "" +"Цей обліковий запис вимкнено, бо воно спирається на старий, непідтримуваний " +"модуль. Установіть telepathy-haze й перезавантажте сеанс, щоб перемістити " +"обліковий запис. " + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:479 msgid "Offline — Account Disabled" msgstr "Поза мережею — Обліковий запис вимкнено" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:831 -msgid "" -"You are about to create a new account, which will discard\n" -"your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" -msgstr "" -"Ви намагаєтесь створити новий обліковий запис, що призведе до\n" -"відкидання змін. Продовжити?" +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:585 +msgid "Edit Connection Parameters" +msgstr "Редагувати параметри з'єднання" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:750 +msgid "Failed to retrieve your personal information from the server." +msgstr "Не вдалось одержати ваших особистих відомостей із сервера." + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:756 +msgid "Go online to edit your personal information." +msgstr "Увійти в мережу, щоб редагувати особисті відомості." + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:843 +msgid "_Edit Connection Parameters..." +msgstr "_Редагувати параметри з'єднання…" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1192 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1339 #, c-format msgid "Do you want to remove %s from your computer?" msgstr "Вилучити «%s» з комп'ютера?" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1196 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1343 msgid "This will not remove your account on the server." msgstr "Це не призведе до вилучення облікового запису на сервері." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1432 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1579 msgid "" "You are about to select another account, which will discard\n" "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" @@ -3303,15 +3150,23 @@ "відкидання змін. Продовжити?" #. Menu items: to enabled/disable the account -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1643 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1755 msgid "_Enable" msgstr "_Увімкнено" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1644 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:1756 msgid "_Disable" msgstr "_Вимкнено" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2154 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2184 +msgid "_Skip" +msgstr "_Пропустити" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2188 +msgid "_Connect" +msgstr "_З'єднатись" + +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c:2365 msgid "" "You are about to close the window, which will discard\n" "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" @@ -3319,23 +3174,15 @@ "Ви намагаєтесь закрити вікно, що призведе до \n" "відкидання змін. Продовжити?" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:1 -msgid "Add…" -msgstr "Додати…" - -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:2 -msgid "Loading account information" -msgstr "Завантаження інформатизації про обліковий запис" - #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:3 -msgid "No protocol installed" -msgstr "Немає встановлених протоколів" +msgid "_Import…" +msgstr "_Імпортувати…" #: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:4 -msgid "Protocol:" -msgstr "Протокол:" +msgid "Loading account information" +msgstr "Завантаження інформатизації про обліковий запис" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:5 msgid "" "To add a new account, you first have to install a backend for each protocol " "you want to use." @@ -3343,120 +3190,116 @@ "Щоб додати новий обліковий запис, встановіть підтримування кожного " "потрібного протоколу." -#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:7 -msgid "_Import…" -msgstr "_Імпортувати…" +#: ../src/empathy-accounts-dialog.ui.h:6 +msgid "No protocol backends installed" +msgstr "Не встановлено жодного протокольного модуля " -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:286 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:288 msgid " - Empathy authentication client" msgstr " — клієнт автентифікації Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:302 +#: ../src/empathy-auth-client.c:304 msgid "Empathy authentication client" msgstr "Клієнт аутентифікація Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-auto-salut-account-helper.c:83 -msgid "People nearby" -msgstr "Люди поблизу" - -#: ../src/empathy-av.c:118 ../src/empathy-call.c:193 +#: ../src/empathy-av.c:118 ../src/empathy-call.c:201 msgid "- Empathy Audio/Video Client" msgstr "— аудіо- та відеоклієнт Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-av.c:134 ../src/empathy-call.c:218 +#: ../src/empathy-av.c:134 ../src/empathy-call.c:223 msgid "Empathy Audio/Video Client" msgstr "Аудіо- та відеоклієнт Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:433 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:434 msgid "Contrast" msgstr "Контраст" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:436 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:437 msgid "Brightness" msgstr "Яскравість" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:439 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:440 msgid "Gamma" msgstr "Гамма" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:545 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:547 msgid "Volume" msgstr "Гучність" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1097 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1099 msgid "_Sidebar" msgstr "_Бічна панель" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1117 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1119 msgid "Audio input" msgstr "Звуковий вхід" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1121 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1123 msgid "Video input" msgstr "Відеовхід" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1129 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1131 msgid "Dialpad" msgstr "Панель набору" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1140 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1142 msgid "Details" msgstr "Подробиці" #. translators: Call is a noun and %s is the contact name. This string #. * is used in the window title -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1209 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1927 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1211 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1889 #, c-format msgid "Call with %s" msgstr "Виклик з %s" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1442 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2171 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1444 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2133 msgid "The IP address as seen by the machine" msgstr "Адреса IP, яку показано на машині" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1444 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2173 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1446 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2135 msgid "The IP address as seen by a server on the Internet" msgstr "Адреса IP, яку показано на сервері через інтернет" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1446 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2175 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1448 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2137 msgid "The IP address of the peer as seen by the other side" msgstr "Адреса IP вузла, яку показано по ту сторону" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1448 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2177 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1450 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2139 msgid "The IP address of a relay server" msgstr "Адреса IP сервера ретрансляції" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1450 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2179 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1452 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2141 msgid "The IP address of the multicast group" msgstr "Адреса IP групової трансляції" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1838 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1841 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1844 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1847 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1837 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1840 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1843 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:1846 msgctxt "codec" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "Невідомо" #. Translators: number of minutes:seconds the caller has been connected -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2139 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2138 #, c-format msgid "Connected — %d:%02dm" msgstr "З'єднання — %d:%02dm " -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2200 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3033 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2199 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2992 msgid "Technical Details" msgstr "Технічні подробиці" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2238 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3072 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2237 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3031 #, c-format msgid "" "%s's software does not understand any of the audio formats supported by your " @@ -3464,8 +3307,8 @@ msgstr "" "Програма %s не розпізнає аудіоформати, що підтримуються вашим комп'ютером" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2243 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3077 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2242 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3036 #, c-format msgid "" "%s's software does not understand any of the video formats supported by your " @@ -3473,8 +3316,8 @@ msgstr "" "Програма %s не розпізнає відеоформати, що підтримуються вашим комп'ютером" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2249 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3083 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2248 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3042 #, c-format msgid "" "Can't establish a connection to %s. One of you might be on a network that " @@ -3483,29 +3326,29 @@ "Не вдалось встановити з'єднання з %s. Один з вас може знаходитися у мережі, " "яка не підтримує прямі з'єднання." -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2255 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3089 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2254 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3048 msgid "There was a failure on the network" msgstr "Помилка мережі" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2259 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3093 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2258 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3052 msgid "" "The audio formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" msgstr "" "Аудіоформати, що потрібні для цього виклику, не встановлено на вашому " "комп'ютері" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2262 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3096 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2261 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3055 msgid "" "The video formats necessary for this call are not installed on your computer" msgstr "" "Відеоформати, що потрібні для цього виклику, не встановлено на вашому " "комп'ютері" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2272 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3108 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2271 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3067 #, c-format msgid "" "Something unexpected happened in a Telepathy component. Please та прикріпіть журнали, зібрані з вікна зневадження у меню " "«Довідка»." -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2280 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3117 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2279 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3076 msgid "There was a failure in the call engine" msgstr "Помилка у рушії виклику" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2283 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3120 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2282 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3079 msgid "The end of the stream was reached" msgstr "Досягнуто кінця потоку" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2323 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3160 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2322 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3119 msgid "Can't establish audio stream" msgstr "Не вдалось встановити аудіопотік" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2333 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3170 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c:2332 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3129 msgid "Can't establish video stream" msgstr "Не вдалось встановити відеопотік" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:1 ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:1 #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:1 -msgid "Audio" -msgstr "Аудіо" +msgid "_Call" +msgstr "_Виклик" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:3 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:5 -msgid "Decoding Codec:" -msgstr "Кодек декодування:" +msgid "_Microphone" +msgstr "_Мікрофон" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:4 -msgid "Disable camera" -msgstr "Вимкнути камеру" +msgid "_Camera" +msgstr "_Камера" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:5 -msgid "Display the dialpad" -msgstr "Показати панель набору" +msgid "_Settings" +msgstr "_Параметри" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:6 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:9 -msgid "Encoding Codec:" -msgstr "Кодек кодування:" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:8 +msgid "_View" +msgstr "П_ерегляд" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:7 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:10 -msgid "Hang up" -msgstr "Розірвати зв'язок" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:7 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:27 +msgid "_Help" +msgstr "_Довідка" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:8 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:11 -msgid "Hang up current call" -msgstr "Завершити поточний виклик" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:8 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:18 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:28 +msgid "_Contents" +msgstr "_Зміст" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:9 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:12 -msgid "Local Candidate:" -msgstr "Локальні кандидати:" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:29 +msgid "_Debug" +msgstr "Зневад_ження" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:10 -msgid "Maximise me" -msgstr "Розгорнути мене" +msgid "Swap camera" +msgstr "Замінити камеру" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:11 msgid "Minimise me" msgstr "Згорнути мене" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:12 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:15 -msgid "Remote Candidate:" -msgstr "Віддалений кандидат:" +msgid "Maximise me" +msgstr "Розгорнути мене" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:13 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:16 -msgid "Send Audio" -msgstr "Надіслати звук" +msgid "Disable camera" +msgstr "Вимкнути камеру" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:14 -msgid "Send Video" -msgstr "Надіслати відео" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:2 +msgid "Hang up" +msgstr "Розірвати зв'язок" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:15 -msgid "Show dialpad" -msgstr "Показати панель набору" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:9 +msgid "Hang up current call" +msgstr "Завершити поточний виклик" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "Video call" +msgstr "Відеовиклик" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:17 msgid "Start a video call" msgstr "Зробити відеовиклик" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:19 msgid "Start an audio call" msgstr "Зробити аудіовиклик" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:18 -msgid "Swap camera" -msgstr "Замінити камеру" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:19 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:17 -msgid "Toggle audio transmission" -msgstr "Перемкнути передавання звуку" - #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:20 -msgid "Toggle video transmission" -msgstr "Перемкнути передавання відео" +msgid "Show dialpad" +msgstr "Показати панель набору" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:21 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:18 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2580 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2581 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2582 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2583 -msgid "Unknown" -msgstr "Невідомо" +msgid "Display the dialpad" +msgstr "Показати панель набору" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:22 +msgid "Send Video" +msgstr "Надіслати відео" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:23 -msgid "Video call" -msgstr "Відеовиклик" +msgid "Toggle video transmission" +msgstr "Перемкнути передавання відео" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:24 -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:24 -msgid "_Call" -msgstr "_Виклик" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:11 +msgid "Send Audio" +msgstr "Надіслати звук" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:25 -msgid "_Camera" -msgstr "_Камера" - -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:26 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:9 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:18 -msgid "_Contents" -msgstr "_Зміст" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:12 +msgid "Toggle audio transmission" +msgstr "Перемкнути передавання звуку" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:27 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:19 -msgid "_Debug" -msgstr "Зневад_ження" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:20 +msgid "Encoding Codec:" +msgstr "Кодек кодування:" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:29 ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:14 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:22 -msgid "_Help" -msgstr "_Довідка" +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:28 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:21 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2542 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2543 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2544 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2545 +msgid "Unknown" +msgstr "Невідомо" + +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:29 +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:22 +msgid "Decoding Codec:" +msgstr "Кодек декодування:" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:30 -msgid "_Microphone" -msgstr "_Мікрофон" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:23 +msgid "Remote Candidate:" +msgstr "Віддалений кандидат:" #: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:31 -msgid "_Settings" -msgstr "_Параметри" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:24 +msgid "Local Candidate:" +msgstr "Локальні кандидати:" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:32 -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:30 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.ui.h:32 ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:24 #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:25 -msgid "_View" -msgstr "П_ерегляд" +msgid "Audio" +msgstr "Аудіо" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:289 +msgid "Close this window?" +msgstr "Закрити це вікно?" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:294 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Closing this window will leave %s. You will not receive any further messages " +"until you rejoin it." +msgstr "" +"Закриття цього вікна покине %s. Ви не одержуватимете подальші повідомлення, " +"поки не приєднаєтесь знову." + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:305 +#, c-format +msgid "" +"Closing this window will leave a chat room. You will not receive any further " +"messages until you rejoin it." +msgid_plural "" +"Closing this window will leave %u chat rooms. You will not receive any " +"further messages until you rejoin them." +msgstr[0] "" +"Закриття цього вікна покине %u кімнату балачки. Ви не одержуватимете " +"подальші повідомлення, поки не приєднаєтесь знову." +msgstr[1] "" +"Закриття цього вікна покине %u кімнати балачки. Ви не одержуватимете " +"подальші повідомлення, поки не приєднаєтесь знову." +msgstr[2] "" +"Закриття цього вікна покине %u кімнат балачки. Ви не одержуватимете подальші " +"повідомлення, поки не приєднаєтесь знову." + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:314 +#, c-format +msgid "Leave %s?" +msgstr "Покинути %s? " + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:315 +msgid "" +"You will not receive any further messages from this chat room until you " +"rejoin it." +msgstr "" +"Ви не одержуватимете подальші повідомлення, поки не приєднаєтесь знову." + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:334 +msgid "Close window" +msgstr "Закрити вікно" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:334 +msgid "Leave room" +msgstr "Покинути кімнату" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:481 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:501 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:640 ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:660 #, c-format msgid "%s (%d unread)" msgid_plural "%s (%d unread)" @@ -3678,7 +3572,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%s (%d непрочитаних)" msgstr[2] "%s (%d непрочитані)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:493 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:652 #, c-format msgid "%s (and %u other)" msgid_plural "%s (and %u others)" @@ -3686,7 +3580,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%s (та %u інших)" msgstr[2] "%s (та %u інших)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:509 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:668 #, c-format msgid "%s (%d unread from others)" msgid_plural "%s (%d unread from others)" @@ -3694,7 +3588,7 @@ msgstr[1] "%s (%d непрочитаних від інших)" msgstr[2] "%s (%d непрочитаний від інших)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:518 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:677 #, c-format msgid "%s (%d unread from all)" msgid_plural "%s (%d unread from all)" @@ -3702,11 +3596,11 @@ msgstr[1] "%s (%d непрочитаних від усіх)" msgstr[2] "%s (%d непрочитаний від усіх)" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:733 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:892 msgid "SMS:" msgstr "SMS:" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:743 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:902 #, c-format msgid "Sending %d message" msgid_plural "Sending %d messages" @@ -3714,69 +3608,69 @@ msgstr[1] "Надсилання %d повідомлень" msgstr[2] "Надсилання %d повідомлень" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:765 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.c:924 msgid "Typing a message." msgstr "Набирає повідомлення." -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:1 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Conversation" +msgstr "_Розмова" + +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:2 msgid "C_lear" msgstr "О_чистити" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:2 -msgid "C_ontact" -msgstr "_Контакт" - -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:3 msgid "Insert _Smiley" msgstr "Вставити _емоційку" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Favorite Chat Room" +msgstr "_Улюблена кімната" + #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:5 -msgid "Invite _Participant…" -msgstr "Запросити _учасника…" +msgid "Notify for All Messages" +msgstr "Сповіщати про всі повідомлення" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:6 -msgid "Move Tab _Left" -msgstr "Перемістити вкладку _ліворуч" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:6 ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:1 +msgid "_Show Contact List" +msgstr "Показати _список контактів" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:7 -msgid "Move Tab _Right" -msgstr "Перемістити вкладку _праворуч" +msgid "Invite _Participant…" +msgstr "Запросити _учасника…" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:8 -msgid "Notify for All Messages" -msgstr "Сповіщати про всі повідомлення" +msgid "C_ontact" +msgstr "_Контакт" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:10 -msgid "_Conversation" -msgstr "_Розмова" +msgid "_Tabs" +msgstr "_Вкладки" #: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:11 -msgid "_Detach Tab" -msgstr "_Відокремити вкладку" - -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:13 -msgid "_Favorite Chat Room" -msgstr "_Улюблена кімната" +msgid "_Previous Tab" +msgstr "_Попередня закладка" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:15 +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:12 msgid "_Next Tab" msgstr "_Наступна закладка" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:16 -msgid "_Previous Tab" -msgstr "_Попередня закладка" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:13 +msgid "_Undo Close Tab" +msgstr "_Повернути закриті вкладки" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:17 ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:5 -msgid "_Show Contact List" -msgstr "Показати _список контактів" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:14 +msgid "Move Tab _Left" +msgstr "Перемістити вкладку _ліворуч" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:18 -msgid "_Tabs" -msgstr "_Вкладки" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:15 +msgid "Move Tab _Right" +msgstr "Перемістити вкладку _праворуч" -#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:19 -msgid "_Undo Close Tab" -msgstr "_Повернути закриті вкладки" +#: ../src/empathy-chat-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "_Detach Tab" +msgstr "_Відокремити вкладку" #: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.c:251 msgid "Name" @@ -3790,100 +3684,100 @@ msgid "Auto-Connect" msgstr "Автоматичне з'єднання" -#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui.h:1 msgid "Manage Favorite Rooms" msgstr "Керування улюбленими кімнатами" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:523 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 msgid "Incoming video call" msgstr "Вхідний відеовиклик" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:523 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1555 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:522 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1519 msgid "Incoming call" msgstr "Вхідний виклик" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:527 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:526 #, c-format msgid "%s is video calling you. Do you want to answer?" msgstr "Відеовиклик від %s, відповісти?" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:528 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:527 #, c-format msgid "%s is calling you. Do you want to answer?" msgstr "Виклик від %s, відповісти?" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:531 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:732 -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:765 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1561 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:530 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "Incoming call from %s" msgstr "Вхідний виклик від %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:556 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:555 msgid "_Reject" msgstr "Від_хилити" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:564 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:572 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:563 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 msgid "_Answer" msgstr "_Відповісти" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:572 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:571 msgid "_Answer with video" msgstr "_Відповісти через відео" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:732 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:765 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1561 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:731 ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:764 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1525 #, c-format msgid "Incoming video call from %s" msgstr "Вхідний відеовиклик від %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:838 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:837 msgid "Room invitation" msgstr "Кімната запрошення" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:840 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:839 #, c-format msgid "Invitation to join %s" msgstr "Запрошення приєднатись до %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:847 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:846 #, c-format msgid "%s is inviting you to join %s" msgstr "%s запрошує вас увійти у %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:855 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:854 msgid "_Decline" msgstr "Від_хилити" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:860 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:7 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:859 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:2 msgid "_Join" msgstr "_Увійти" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:887 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:886 #, c-format msgid "%s invited you to join %s" msgstr "%s запросив вас увійти у %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:893 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:892 #, c-format msgid "You have been invited to join %s" msgstr "Вас запрошено приєднатись до %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:944 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:943 #, c-format msgid "Incoming file transfer from %s" msgstr "Вхідне передавання файла від %s" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1147 ../src/empathy-main-window.c:377 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1146 ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:374 msgid "Password required" msgstr "Потрібно пароль" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1217 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1216 #, c-format msgid "%s would like permission to see when you are online" msgstr "%s потребує дозволу, щоб знати, коли ви в мережі" -#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1223 +#: ../src/empathy-event-manager.c:1222 #, c-format msgid "" "\n" @@ -4003,7 +3897,11 @@ msgid "Remove completed, canceled and failed file transfers from the list" msgstr "Вилучення завершено, скасовано й помилка передавання файлів зі списку" -#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:84 +#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:76 +msgid "_Import" +msgstr "_Імпортувати" + +#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:88 msgid "" "No accounts to import could be found. Empathy currently only supports " "importing accounts from Pidgin." @@ -4011,170 +3909,186 @@ "Не знайдено облікових записів для імпортування. Empathy на цей момент " "підтримує імпортування контактів лише з Pidgin." -#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:199 +#: ../src/empathy-import-dialog.c:209 msgid "Import Accounts" msgstr "Імпортування облікових записів" #. Translators: this is the header of a treeview column -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:301 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:316 msgid "Import" msgstr "Імпортувати" -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:310 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:325 msgid "Protocol" msgstr "Протокол:" -#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:334 +#: ../src/empathy-import-widget.c:349 msgid "Source" msgstr "Джерело" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:394 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:391 msgid "Provide Password" msgstr "Вкажіть пароль" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:400 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:397 msgid "Disconnect" msgstr "Від'єднати" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:637 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:657 +msgid "You need to setup an account to see contacts here." +msgstr "Потрібно налаштувати обліковий запис, щоб побачити контакти тут." + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:673 msgid "No match found" msgstr "Збігів не знайдено" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:745 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:783 #, c-format msgid "Sorry, %s accounts can’t be used until your %s software is updated." msgstr "" -"Вибачте, обліковий запис %s неможливо використовувати, поки програму %s не буде " -"оновлено." +"Вибачте, обліковий запис %s неможливо використовувати, поки програму %s не " +"буде оновлено." -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:813 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:849 msgid "Update software..." msgstr "Оновити програму…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:819 ../src/empathy-main-window.c:940 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:855 ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:972 msgid "Close" msgstr "Закрити" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:928 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:960 msgid "Reconnect" msgstr "Перез'єднати" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:934 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:966 msgid "Edit Account" msgstr "Редагування облікового запису" #. Translators: this string will be something like: -#. * Top up My Account ($1.23)..." -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1073 +#. * Top up My Account ($1.23)..." +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1110 #, c-format msgid "Top up %s (%s)..." msgstr "Поповнити %s (%s)…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1120 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1156 msgid "Top up account credit" msgstr "Поповнити рахунок" #. top up button -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1191 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1228 msgid "Top Up..." msgstr "Поповнити…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:1934 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:1952 msgid "Contact" msgstr "Контакт" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window.c:2309 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2150 +msgid "You need to enable one of your accounts to see contacts here." +msgstr "" +"Потрібно ввімкнути один з облікових записів, щоб побачити контакти тут." + +#. translators: argument is an account name +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2158 +#, c-format +msgid "You need to enable %s to see contacts here." +msgstr "Потрібно ввімкнути %s, щоб побачити контакти тут." + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.c:2460 msgid "Contact List" msgstr "Список контактів" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:1 -msgid "Contacts on a _Map" -msgstr "Контакти на _карті" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window.ui.h:1 +msgid "Account settings" +msgstr "Параметри облікового запису" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:2 -msgid "Credit Balance" -msgstr "Залишок" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:2 +msgid "_New Conversation…" +msgstr "_Нова розмова…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:3 -msgid "Find in Contact _List" -msgstr "Знайти у _списку контактів" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:3 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:3 +msgid "New _Call…" +msgstr "Новий _виклик…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:4 -msgid "Join _Favorites" -msgstr "Залучити _улюблених" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:6 +msgid "_Search for Contacts…" +msgstr "_Пошук для контактів…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:5 -msgid "Manage Favorites" -msgstr "Налаштувати _улюблених" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:7 +msgid "_File Transfers" +msgstr "Передавання _файлів" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:6 -msgid "N_ormal Size" -msgstr "З_вичайний розмір" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Offline Contacts" +msgstr "_Показувати відсутніх" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:7 ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:1 -msgid "New _Call…" -msgstr "Новий _виклик…" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:9 +msgid "Show P_rotocols" +msgstr "Показати _протокол:" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:8 -msgid "Normal Size With _Avatars" -msgstr "Звичайний розмір _аватарів" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:10 +msgid "Credit Balance" +msgstr "Залишок" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:11 +msgid "Contacts on a _Map" +msgstr "Контакти на _карті" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:13 +msgid "_Accounts" +msgstr "_Облікові записи" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:9 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:14 +msgid "_Blocked Contacts" +msgstr "За_блоковані контакти" + +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:15 msgid "P_references" msgstr "_Параметри" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:10 -msgid "Show P_rotocols" -msgstr "Показати _протокол:" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:16 +msgid "Find in Contact _List" +msgstr "Знайти у _списку контактів" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:11 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:18 msgid "Sort by _Name" msgstr "Впорядкувати за _псевдонімом" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:12 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:19 msgid "Sort by _Status" msgstr "Впорядкувати за с_таном" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:13 -msgid "_Accounts" -msgstr "_Облікові записи" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:20 +msgid "Normal Size With _Avatars" +msgstr "Звичайний розмір _аватарів" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:15 -msgid "_Blocked Contacts" -msgstr "За_блоковані контакти" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:21 +msgid "N_ormal Size" +msgstr "З_вичайний розмір" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:17 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:22 msgid "_Compact Size" msgstr "_Компактний розмір" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:21 -msgid "_File Transfers" -msgstr "Передавання _файлів" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:23 +msgid "_Room" +msgstr "_Кімната" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:23 +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:24 msgid "_Join…" msgstr "_Увійти…" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:24 -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:3 -msgid "_New Conversation…" -msgstr "_Нова розмова…" - -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:25 -msgid "_Offline Contacts" -msgstr "_Показувати відсутніх" - -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:26 -msgid "_Personal Information" -msgstr "_Особиста інформація" - -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:28 -msgid "_Room" -msgstr "_Кімната" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:25 +msgid "Join _Favorites" +msgstr "Залучити _улюблених" -#: ../src/empathy-main-window-menubar.ui.h:29 -msgid "_Search for Contacts…" -msgstr "_Пошук для контактів…" +#: ../src/empathy-roster-window-menubar.ui.h:26 +msgid "Manage Favorites" +msgstr "Налаштувати _улюблених" #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:369 msgid "Chat Room" @@ -4186,7 +4100,7 @@ #. Translators: Room/Join's roomlist tooltip. Parameters are a channel name, #. yes/no, yes/no and a number. -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:623 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:637 #, c-format msgid "" "%s\n" @@ -4199,22 +4113,27 @@ "Вимога паролю: %s\n" "Учасники: %s" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:625 -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:626 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:639 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:640 +msgid "Yes" +msgstr "Так" + +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:639 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:640 msgid "No" msgstr "Ні" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:654 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:668 msgid "Could not start room listing" msgstr "Неможливо перелічити кімнати" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:664 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.c:678 msgid "Could not stop room listing" msgstr "Неможливо зупинити перелічування кімнат" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:2 -msgid "Couldn't load room list" -msgstr "Неможливо завантажити список кімнат" +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:1 +msgid "Join Room" +msgstr "Увійти у кімнату" #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:3 msgid "" @@ -4224,6 +4143,10 @@ "декілька кімнат зі списку." #: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:4 +msgid "_Room:" +msgstr "_Кімната:" + +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:5 msgid "" "Enter the server which hosts the room, or leave it empty if the room is on " "the current account's server" @@ -4231,18 +4154,14 @@ "Введіть сервер бесіди, або залиште порожнім, якщо бесіда знаходиться на " "поточному сервері" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:5 -msgid "Join Room" -msgstr "Увійти у кімнату" +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:8 +msgid "Couldn't load room list" +msgstr "Неможливо завантажити список кімнат" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:6 +#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:9 msgid "Room List" msgstr "Список бесід" -#: ../src/empathy-new-chatroom-dialog.ui.h:8 -msgid "_Room:" -msgstr "_Кімната:" - #: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:166 msgid "Message received" msgstr "Надійшло повідомлення" @@ -4256,7 +4175,7 @@ msgstr "Нова розмова" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:169 -msgid "Contact goes online" +msgid "Contact comes online" msgstr "Контакт входить у мережу" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:170 @@ -4276,373 +4195,398 @@ msgstr "Мова" #. translators: Contact name for the chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:725 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:726 msgid "Juliet" msgstr "Джульєтта" #. translators: Contact name for the chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:732 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:733 msgid "Romeo" msgstr "Ромео" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:738 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:739 msgid "O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?" msgstr "Ромео! О, навіщо ти Ромео?" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:741 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:743 msgid "Deny thy father and refuse thy name;" msgstr "Зміни своє ім'я, зречися батька;" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:744 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:746 msgid "Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love" msgstr "Як ні, то присягни мені в коханні," #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:747 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:749 msgid "And I'll no longer be a Capulet." msgstr "І більше я не буду Капулетті." #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:750 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:752 msgid "Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?" msgstr "Послухать — чи відповісти відразу?" #. translators: Quote from Romeo & Julier, for chat theme preview -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:753 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:755 msgid "Juliet has disconnected" msgstr "Джульєтта від'єдналась." -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:1157 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.c:1159 msgid "Preferences" msgstr "Параметри" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:1 +msgid "Show _smileys as images" +msgstr "Показувати _емоційки графічно" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:2 +msgid "Show contact _list in rooms" +msgstr "Показати _список контактів у кімнаті" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:3 msgid "Appearance" msgstr "Вигляд" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:3 -msgid "Behavior" -msgstr "Поведінка" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:4 +msgid "Start chats in:" +msgstr "Розпочати розмову в:" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:5 -msgid "Chat Th_eme:" -msgstr "Т_ема бесіди:" +msgid "new ta_bs" +msgstr "новій вк_ладці" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:6 -msgid "Disable notifications when _away or busy" -msgstr "Вимкнути сповіщення у стані «_відійшов» або «зайнятий»" +msgid "new _windows" +msgstr "новому _вікні" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:7 -msgid "Disable sounds when _away or busy" -msgstr "Вимкнути звуки у стані «_відійшов» або «зайнятий»" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:8 msgid "Display incoming events in the notification area" msgstr "Показувати вхідні події в ділянці сповіщень" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:8 +msgid "_Automatically connect on startup" +msgstr "_Автоматично з'єднуватись при запуску" + #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:9 -msgid "" -"Echo cancellation helps to make your voice sound clearer to the other " -"person, but may cause problems on some computers. If you or the other person " -"hear strange noises or glitches during calls, try turning echo cancellation " -"off and restarting the call." -msgstr "" -"Усунення відлуння допоможе зробити ваш голос чистішим для інших, але може " -"викликати певні проблеми на деяких комп'ютерах. Якщо ви або інша особа чує " -"дивні звуки або дефекти протягом дзвінка, спробуйте вимкнути усунення " -"відлуння і передзвонити." +msgid "Log conversations" +msgstr "Журнал розмов" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:10 -msgid "Enable notifications when a contact comes online" -msgstr "Показувати сповіщення, коли контакт входить в мережу" +msgid "Behavior" +msgstr "Поведінка" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:11 -msgid "Enable notifications when a contact goes offline" -msgstr "Показувати сповіщення, коли контакт залишає мережу" +msgid "General" +msgstr "Загальне" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:12 -msgid "Enable notifications when the _chat is not focused" -msgstr "Показувати сповіщення, коли вікно _чату не активне" +msgid "_Enable bubble notifications" +msgstr "_Ввімкнути контекстні сповіщення" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:13 -msgid "Enable spell checking for languages:" -msgstr "Увімкнути перевіряння орфографії для мов:" +msgid "Disable notifications when _away or busy" +msgstr "Вимкнути сповіщення у стані «_відійшов» або «зайнятий»" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:14 -msgid "General" -msgstr "Загальне" +msgid "Enable notifications when the _chat is not focused" +msgstr "Показувати сповіщення, коли вікно _чату не активне" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:15 +msgid "Enable notifications when a contact comes online" +msgstr "Показувати сповіщення, коли контакт входить в мережу" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:16 -msgid "Location sources:" -msgstr "Джерела місцевості:" +msgid "Enable notifications when a contact goes offline" +msgstr "Показувати сповіщення, коли контакт залишає мережу" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:17 -msgid "Log conversations" -msgstr "Журнал розмов" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:18 msgid "Notifications" msgstr "Сповіщення" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:19 -msgid "Play sound for events" -msgstr "Звукові сигнали при подіях" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:20 -msgid "Privacy" -msgstr "Приватність" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:21 -msgid "" -"Reduced location accuracy means that nothing more precise than your city, " -"state and country will be published. GPS coordinates will be accurate to 1 " -"decimal place." -msgstr "" -"Зниження точності визначення місцевості дозволяє публікувати лише місто," -"регіон та країну. Точність GPS координат визначається 1 десятковою позицією." +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:18 +msgid "_Enable sound notifications" +msgstr "_Ввімкнути звукові сповіщення" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:22 -msgid "Show _smileys as images" -msgstr "Показувати _емоційки графічно" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:19 +msgid "Disable sounds when _away or busy" +msgstr "Вимкнути звуки у стані «_відійшов» або «зайнятий»" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:23 -msgid "Show contact _list in rooms" -msgstr "Показати _список контактів у кімнаті" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:20 +msgid "Play sound for events" +msgstr "Звукові сигнали при подіях" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:24 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:21 msgid "Sounds" msgstr "Звуки" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:25 -msgid "Spell Checking" -msgstr "Перевіряння орфографії" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:22 +msgid "Use _echo cancellation to improve call quality" +msgstr "Скористатись усуненням від_луння для покращення якості викликів" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:26 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:23 msgid "" -"The list of languages reflects only the languages for which you have a " -"dictionary installed." +"Echo cancellation helps to make your voice sound clearer to the other " +"person, but may cause problems on some computers. If you or the other person " +"hear strange noises or glitches during calls, try turning echo cancellation " +"off and restarting the call." msgstr "" -"У цьому списку показані лише мови, для яких встановлено словники." +"Усунення відлуння допоможе зробити ваш голос чистішим для інших, але може " +"викликати певні проблеми на деяких комп'ютерах. Якщо ви або інша особа чує " +"дивні звуки або дефекти протягом дзвінка, спробуйте вимкнути усунення " +"відлуння і передзвонити." -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:27 -msgid "Themes" -msgstr "Теми" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:26 +msgid "_Publish location to my contacts" +msgstr "_Публікувати місцевості моїм контактам" -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:28 -msgid "Use _echo cancellation to improve call quality" -msgstr "Скористатись усуненням від_луння для покращення якості викликів" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:27 +msgid "" +"Reduced location accuracy means that nothing more precise than your city, " +"state and country will be published. GPS coordinates will be accurate to 1 " +"decimal place." +msgstr "" +"Зниження точності визначення місцевості дозволяє публікувати лише місто," +"регіон та країну. Точність GPS координат визначається 1 десятковою позицією." +#. To translators: The longitude and latitude are rounded to closest 0,1 degrees, so for example 146,2345° is rounded to round(146,2345*10)/10 = 146,2 degrees. #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:29 -msgid "Variant:" -msgstr "Варіант:" +msgid "_Reduce location accuracy" +msgstr "По_низити точність визначення місцевості" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:30 -msgid "_Automatically connect on startup" -msgstr "_Автоматично з'єднуватись при запуску" +msgid "Privacy" +msgstr "Приватність" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:31 -msgid "_Cellphone" -msgstr "_Мобільний телефон" +msgid "_GPS" +msgstr "_GPS" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:32 -msgid "_Enable bubble notifications" -msgstr "_Ввімкнути контекстні сповіщення" +msgid "_Cellphone" +msgstr "_Мобільний телефон" #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:33 -msgid "_Enable sound notifications" -msgstr "_Ввімкнути звукові сповіщення" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:34 -msgid "_GPS" -msgstr "_GPS" - -#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:35 msgid "_Network (IP, Wi-Fi)" msgstr "_Мережа (IP, Wi-Fi)" +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:34 +msgid "Location sources:" +msgstr "Джерела місцевості:" + #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:36 -msgid "_Open new chats in separate windows" -msgstr "_Відкривати нові бесіди в окремому вікні" +msgid "" +"The list of languages reflects only the languages for which you have a " +"dictionary installed." +msgstr "" +"У цьому списку показані лише мови, для яких встановлено словники." #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:37 -msgid "_Publish location to my contacts" -msgstr "_Публікувати місцевості моїм контактам" +msgid "Enable spell checking for languages:" +msgstr "Увімкнути перевіряння орфографії для мов:" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:38 +msgid "Spell Checking" +msgstr "Перевіряння орфографії" -#. To translators: The longitude and latitude are rounded to closest 0,1 degrees, so for example 146,2345° is rounded to round(146,2345*10)/10 = 146,2 degrees. #: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:39 -msgid "_Reduce location accuracy" -msgstr "По_низити точність визначення місцевості" +msgid "Chat Th_eme:" +msgstr "Т_ема бесіди:" -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:2 +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:40 +msgid "Variant:" +msgstr "Варіант:" + +#: ../src/empathy-preferences.ui.h:41 +msgid "Themes" +msgstr "Теми" + +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:4 msgid "Status" msgstr "Стан" -#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:4 +#: ../src/empathy-status-icon.ui.h:5 msgid "_Quit" msgstr "Ви_йти" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:2 -msgid "Call the contact again" -msgstr "Викликати контакт знову" - #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:3 -msgid "Camera Off" -msgstr "Вимкнути камеру" +msgid "Redial" +msgstr "Повторно набрати номер" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:4 -msgid "Camera On" -msgstr "Увімкнути камеру" +msgid "V_ideo" +msgstr "_Відео" + +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:5 +msgid "Video Off" +msgstr "Вимкнути відео" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:6 -msgid "Disable camera and stop sending video" -msgstr "Вимкнути камеру та зупинити передавання відео" +msgid "Video Preview" +msgstr "Перегляд відео" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:7 -msgid "Enable camera and send video" -msgstr "Увімкнути камеру та передавати відео" +msgid "Video On" +msgstr "Увімкнути відео" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:8 -msgid "Enable camera but don't send video" -msgstr "Увімкнути камеру, але не передавати відео" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:10 +msgid "Call the contact again" +msgstr "Викликати контакт знову" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:13 -msgid "Preview" -msgstr "Перегляд" +msgid "Camera Off" +msgstr "Вимкнути камеру" #: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:14 -msgid "Redial" -msgstr "Повторно набрати номер" +msgid "Disable camera and stop sending video" +msgstr "Вимкнути камеру та зупинити передавання відео" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:19 -msgid "V_ideo" -msgstr "_Відео" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:15 +msgid "Preview" +msgstr "Перегляд" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:21 -msgid "Video Off" -msgstr "Вимкнути відео" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:16 +msgid "Enable camera but don't send video" +msgstr "Увімкнути камеру, але не передавати відео" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:22 -msgid "Video On" -msgstr "Увімкнути відео" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:17 +msgid "Camera On" +msgstr "Увімкнути камеру" -#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:23 -msgid "Video Preview" -msgstr "Перегляд відео" +#: ../src/empathy-streamed-media-window.ui.h:18 +msgid "Enable camera and send video" +msgstr "Увімкнути камеру та передавати відео" -#: ../src/empathy-map-view.c:458 +#: ../src/empathy-map-view.c:471 msgid "Contact Map View" msgstr "Карта контактів" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1228 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1607 msgid "Save" msgstr "Зберегти" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1435 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1667 +msgid "Pastebin link" +msgstr "Посилання Pastebin" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1676 +msgid "Pastebin response" +msgstr "Відповідь Pastebin" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1680 +#, c-format +msgid "%s" +msgstr "%s" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1683 +msgid "Data too large for a single paste. Please save logs to file." +msgstr "Дані надто довгі для одного вставлення. Збережіть журнали у файл." + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1912 msgid "Debug Window" msgstr "Вікно зневадження" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1517 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1970 +msgid "Send to pastebin" +msgstr "Надіслати у pastebin" + +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2009 msgid "Pause" msgstr "Пауза" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1529 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2021 msgid "Level " msgstr "Рівень" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1549 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2040 msgid "Debug" msgstr "Зневадження" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1555 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2045 msgid "Info" msgstr "Інформація" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1561 ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1610 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2050 ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2096 msgid "Message" msgstr "Повідомлення" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1567 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2055 msgid "Warning" msgstr "Попередження" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1573 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2060 msgid "Critical" msgstr "Критична" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1579 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2065 msgid "Error" msgstr "Помилка" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1598 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2084 msgid "Time" msgstr "Час" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1601 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2087 msgid "Domain" msgstr "Домен" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1603 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2089 msgid "Category" msgstr "Категорія" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1605 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2091 msgid "Level" msgstr "Рівень" -#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:1642 +#: ../src/empathy-debug-window.c:2114 msgid "" "The selected connection manager does not support the remote debugging " "extension." msgstr "" "Вибраний менеджер з'єднань не підтримує розширення віддаленого зневадження " -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:198 -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:226 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:202 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:230 msgid "Invite Participant" msgstr "Запросити учасника" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:199 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:203 msgid "Choose a contact to invite into the conversation:" msgstr "Виберіть контакт для запрошення до бесіди:" -#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:222 +#: ../src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c:226 msgid "Invite" msgstr "Запросити" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:183 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:180 msgid "Don't display any dialogs; do any work (eg, importing) and exit" msgstr "" "Не показувати вікна; виконати роботу (наприклад, імпортування) та вийти" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:187 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:184 msgid "" "Don't display any dialogs unless there are only \"People Nearby\" accounts" msgstr "" "Не показувати які-небудь вікна, якщо це не обліковий запис «Людей поблизу»" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:191 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:188 msgid "Initially select given account (eg, gabble/jabber/foo_40example_2eorg0)" msgstr "" "Спочатку виберіть заданий обліковий запис (наприклад, gabble/jabber/" "foo_40example_2eorg0)" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:193 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:190 msgid "" msgstr "" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:196 -msgid "Show account assistant" -msgstr "Показувати помічника облікових записів" - -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:202 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:195 msgid "- Empathy Accounts" msgstr "— облікові записи Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:238 +#: ../src/empathy-accounts.c:231 msgid "Empathy Accounts" msgstr "Облікові записи Empathy" @@ -4658,85 +4602,85 @@ msgid "Empathy Debugger" msgstr "Зневадження Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-chat.c:107 +#: ../src/empathy-chat.c:109 msgid "- Empathy Chat Client" msgstr "— клієнт балачок Empathy" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:190 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:189 msgid "Respond" msgstr "Відгукнутись" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:204 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1565 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:203 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1529 msgid "Reject" msgstr "Відкинути" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:209 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:214 -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1566 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:208 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1530 msgid "Answer" msgstr "Відповісти" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:214 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:213 msgid "Answer with video" msgstr "Відповісти через відео" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:222 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:232 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:221 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:231 msgid "Decline" msgstr "Відхилити" -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:226 -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:237 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:225 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:236 msgid "Accept" msgstr "Прийняти" #. translators: the 'Provide' button is displayed in a notification #. * bubble when Empathy is asking for an account password; clicking on it #. * brings the password popup. -#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:247 +#: ../src/empathy-notifications-approver.c:246 msgid "Provide" msgstr "Надати" -#: ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:134 +#: ../src/empathy-call-observer.c:132 #, c-format msgid "%s just tried to call you, but you were in another call." msgstr "%s намагався зв'язатись з вами, але втой час ви мали розмову з іншим." #. Translators: this is an "Info" label. It should be as short #. * as possible. -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1172 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1195 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1140 ../src/empathy-call-window.c:1162 msgid "i" msgstr "і" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2929 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2888 msgid "On hold" msgstr "В очікуванні" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2932 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2891 msgid "Mute" msgstr "Приглушити" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2934 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2893 msgid "Duration" msgstr "Тривалість" #. Translators: 'status - minutes:seconds' the caller has been connected -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2937 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:2896 #, c-format msgid "%s — %d:%02dm" msgstr "%s — %d:%02dm" -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3207 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3166 #, c-format msgid "Your current balance is %s." msgstr "Ваш поточний залишок становить %s." -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3211 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3170 msgid "Sorry, you don’t have enough credit for that call." msgstr "Вибачте, але у вас недостатньо залишку, щоб здійснити виклик." -#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3213 +#: ../src/empathy-call-window.c:3172 msgid "Top Up" msgstr "Поповнити" @@ -4744,6 +4688,224 @@ msgid "_Match case" msgstr "_З урахуванням регістру" +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-account-dialog.c:144 +msgid "What kind of chat account do you have?" +msgstr "Який тип облікового запису для балачки ви маєте?" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-new-account-dialog.c:166 +msgid "Adding new account" +msgstr "Додання облікового запису" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:77 +msgid "People nearby" +msgstr "Люди поблизу" + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:150 +msgid "" +"Empathy can automatically discover and chat with the people connected on the " +"same network as you. If you want to use this feature, please check that the " +"details below are correct." +msgstr "" +"Empathy може автоматично шукати і розмовляти з людьми, під'єднаних до однієї " +"ж мережі з вами. Якщо бажаєте скористатись такою можливістю, перевірте, чи " +"подробиці нижче правильні." + +#: ../libempathy-gtk/empathy-local-xmpp-assistant-widget.c:183 +msgid "" +"You can change these details later or disable this feature by choosing Edit → Accounts in the Contact List." +msgstr "" +"Можете змінити ці подробиці згодом або вимкнути цю можливість, вибравши " +"Зміни → Облікові записи у списку контактів." + +#~ msgid "My Web Accounts" +#~ msgstr "Мої мережеві облікові записи " + +#~ msgid "The account %s is edited via %s." +#~ msgstr "Обліковий запис %s змінено через %s." + +#~ msgid "The account %s cannot be edited in Empathy." +#~ msgstr "Обліковий запис %s неможливо редагувати в Empathy." + +#~ msgid "Launch My Web Accounts" +#~ msgstr "Запустити мій обліковий запис із сайту" + +#~ msgid "Edit %s" +#~ msgstr "Редагувати %s" + +#~ msgid "Ca_ncel" +#~ msgstr "_Скасувати" + +#~ msgid "Personal Information" +#~ msgstr "Особиста інформація" + +#~ msgctxt "Edit contact (contextual menu)" +#~ msgid "_Edit" +#~ msgstr "З_міни" + +#~ msgid "Select contacts to link" +#~ msgstr "Вибрати контакт для посилання" + +#~ msgid "New contact preview" +#~ msgstr "Перегляд нового контакту" + +#~ msgid "Contacts selected in the list on the left will be linked together." +#~ msgstr "Контакти вибрані в списку зліва буде сполучено разом." + +#~ msgctxt "Link individual (contextual menu)" +#~ msgid "_Link Contacts…" +#~ msgstr "_Сполучити контакт…" + +#~ msgid "Link Contacts" +#~ msgstr "Сполучити контакти" + +#~ msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" +#~ msgid "_Unlink…" +#~ msgstr "_Роз'єднати…" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Completely split the displayed linked contacts into the separate contacts." +#~ msgstr "Повністю розділити показані сполучені контакти в окремі контакти." + +#~ msgid "_Link" +#~ msgstr "_Сполучити" + +#~ msgid "Unlink linked contacts '%s'?" +#~ msgstr "Роз'єднати сполучені контакти «%s»?" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "Are you sure you want to unlink these linked contacts? This will " +#~ "completely split the linked contacts into separate contacts." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Роз'єднати ці сполучені контакти? Це повністю розділить сполучені " +#~ "контакти в окремі контакти." + +#~ msgctxt "Unlink individual (button)" +#~ msgid "_Unlink" +#~ msgstr "_Роз'єднати" + +#~ msgid "There was an error while importing the accounts." +#~ msgstr "Помилка при імпортуванні облікових записів" + +#~ msgid "There was an error while parsing the account details." +#~ msgstr "Помилка при аналізуванні даних облікових записів." + +#~ msgid "There was an error while creating the account." +#~ msgstr "Помилка при створенні облікових записів." + +#~ msgid "There was an error." +#~ msgstr "Виникла помилка." + +#~ msgid "The error message was: %s" +#~ msgstr "Повідомлення про помилку: %s" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "You can either go back and try to enter your accounts' details again or " +#~ "quit this assistant and add accounts later from the Edit menu." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Ви можете або повернутись назад та спробувати ввести дані вашого " +#~ "облікового запису або завершити помічника та додати облікові записи потім " +#~ "у меню «Зміни»." + +#~ msgid "An error occurred" +#~ msgstr "Виникла помилка" + +#~ msgid "Do you have any other chat accounts you want to set up?" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Маєте будь-який інший обліковий запис балачки, який треба налаштувати?" + +#~ msgid "Enter your account details" +#~ msgstr "Введіть подробиці облікового запису" + +#~ msgid "What kind of chat account do you want to create?" +#~ msgstr "Який тип облікового запису для балачки створити?" + +#~ msgid "Do you want to create other chat accounts?" +#~ msgstr "Маєте будь-які інші облікові запису для балачки?" + +#~ msgid "Enter the details for the new account" +#~ msgstr "Введіть параметри нового облікового запису" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "With Empathy you can chat with people online nearby and with friends and " +#~ "colleagues who use Google Talk, AIM, Windows Live and many other chat " +#~ "programs. With a microphone or a webcam you can also have audio or video " +#~ "calls." +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Empathy підтримує балачки з іншими особами у мережі та з друзями і " +#~ "колегами, які користуються Google Talk, AIM, Windows Live та багатьма " +#~ "іншими програмами спілкування. Якщо у вас є мікрофон чи веб-камера, ви " +#~ "також можете робити голосові та відеовиклики." + +#~ msgid "Do you have an account you've been using with another chat program?" +#~ msgstr "У вас є обліковий запис, який ви використовувати з іншою програмою?" + +#~ msgid "Yes, import my account details from " +#~ msgstr "Так, імпортувати параметри облікового запису з " + +#~ msgid "Yes, I'll enter my account details now" +#~ msgstr "Так, я введу параметри облікового запису вручну" + +#~ msgid "No, I want a new account" +#~ msgstr "Ні, я бажаю створити новий обліковий запис" + +#~ msgid "No, I just want to see people online nearby for now" +#~ msgstr "Ні, я просто бажаю бачити людей, які у мережі й поблизу" + +#~ msgid "Select the accounts you want to import:" +#~ msgstr "Виберіть обліковий запис для імпортування:" + +#~ msgid "No, that's all for now" +#~ msgstr "Ні, наразі досить" + +#~ msgid "Edit->Accounts" +#~ msgstr "Зміни->Облікові записи" + +#~ msgid "I do _not want to enable this feature for now" +#~ msgstr "Ні, я _не бажаю зараз вмикати цю функцію" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "You won't be able to chat with people connected to your local network, as " +#~ "telepathy-salut is not installed. If you want to enable this feature, " +#~ "please install the telepathy-salut package and create a People Nearby " +#~ "account from the Accounts dialog" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Ви не можете спілкуватися з людьми, приєднаними до вашої локальної " +#~ "мережі, оскільки не встановлено telepathy-salut. Якщо вам потрібна ця " +#~ "можливість, встановіть пакет telepathy-salut та створіть обліковий запис " +#~ "«Люди поблизу» у вікні «Облікові записи»" + +#~ msgid "Messaging and VoIP Accounts Assistant" +#~ msgstr "Листування та облікові записи VoIP" + +#~ msgid "Welcome to Empathy" +#~ msgstr "Ласкаво просило до Empathy" + +#~ msgid "Import your existing accounts" +#~ msgstr "Імпортувати наявні облікові записи" + +#~ msgid "Please enter personal details" +#~ msgstr "Введіть персональну інформацію" + +#~ msgid "" +#~ "You are about to create a new account, which will discard\n" +#~ "your changes. Are you sure you want to proceed?" +#~ msgstr "" +#~ "Ви намагаєтесь створити новий обліковий запис, що призведе до\n" +#~ "відкидання змін. Продовжити?" + +#~ msgid "Protocol:" +#~ msgstr "Протокол:" + +#~ msgid "_Personal Information" +#~ msgstr "_Особиста інформація" + +#~ msgid "_Open new chats in separate windows" +#~ msgstr "_Відкривати нові бесіди в окремому вікні" + +#~ msgid "Show account assistant" +#~ msgstr "Показувати помічника облікових записів" + #~ msgid "Call volume" #~ msgstr "Гучність виклику" diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c empathy-3.3.92/src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c --- empathy-3.3.91/src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c 2012-02-21 13:28:40.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/src/empathy-accounts-dialog.c 2012-03-16 09:30:32.000000000 +0000 @@ -277,6 +277,32 @@ } } +static gboolean +account_is_selected (EmpathyAccountsDialog *dialog, + TpAccount *account) +{ + EmpathyAccountsDialogPriv *priv = GET_PRIV (dialog); + GtkTreeSelection *selection; + GtkTreeModel *model; + GtkTreeIter iter; + TpAccount *selected_account; + + if (account == NULL) + return FALSE; + + selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIEW (priv->treeview)); + + if (!gtk_tree_selection_get_selected (selection, &model, &iter)) + return FALSE; + + gtk_tree_model_get (model, &iter, COL_ACCOUNT, &selected_account, -1); + + if (selected_account != NULL) + g_object_unref (selected_account); + + return account == selected_account; +} + static void accounts_dialog_update_status_infobar (EmpathyAccountsDialog *dialog, TpAccount *account) @@ -286,28 +312,13 @@ guint status; guint reason; guint presence; - GtkTreeView *view; - GtkTreeModel *model; - GtkTreeSelection *selection; - GtkTreeIter iter; - TpAccount *selected_account; gboolean account_enabled; gboolean creating_account; TpStorageRestrictionFlags storage_restrictions = 0; gboolean display_switch = TRUE; - view = GTK_TREE_VIEW (priv->treeview); - selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (view); - - if (!gtk_tree_selection_get_selected (selection, &model, &iter)) - return; - - gtk_tree_model_get (model, &iter, COL_ACCOUNT, &selected_account, -1); - if (selected_account != NULL) - g_object_unref (selected_account); - /* do not update the infobar when the account is not selected */ - if (account != selected_account) + if (!account_is_selected (dialog, account)) return; if (account != NULL) @@ -568,6 +579,8 @@ GtkWidget *subdialog, *content, *content_area, *align; settings = accounts_dialog_model_get_selected_settings (dialog); + if (settings == NULL) + return; subdialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons (_("Edit Connection Parameters"), GTK_WINDOW (dialog), @@ -701,6 +714,8 @@ TpStorageRestrictionFlags storage_restrictions; settings = accounts_dialog_model_get_selected_settings (dialog); + if (settings == NULL) + return; account = empathy_account_settings_get_account (settings); g_return_if_fail (account != NULL); @@ -773,7 +788,8 @@ EMPATHY_CONTACT_WIDGET_EDIT_ALIAS | EMPATHY_CONTACT_WIDGET_EDIT_AVATAR | EMPATHY_CONTACT_WIDGET_NO_STATUS | - EMPATHY_CONTACT_WIDGET_EDIT_DETAILS); + EMPATHY_CONTACT_WIDGET_EDIT_DETAILS | + EMPATHY_CONTACT_WIDGET_NO_ACCOUNT); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (priv->dialog_content), alig, TRUE, TRUE, 0); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (alig), editor); @@ -806,7 +822,8 @@ if (account != NULL) conn = tp_account_get_connection (account); - if (conn != NULL) + if (conn != NULL && + tp_proxy_get_invalidated (conn) == NULL) { empathy_tp_contact_factory_get_from_handle (conn, tp_connection_get_self_handle (conn), @@ -1775,6 +1792,15 @@ } static void +reload_account_widget (EmpathyAccountsDialog *self) +{ + EmpathyAccountSettings *settings; + + settings = accounts_dialog_model_get_selected_settings (self); + accounts_dialog_update_settings (self, settings); +} + +static void accounts_dialog_connection_changed_cb (TpAccount *account, guint old_status, guint current, @@ -1888,6 +1914,40 @@ } static void +conn_prepare_cb (GObject *source, + GAsyncResult *result, + gpointer user_data) +{ + EmpathyAccountsDialog *self = user_data; + + reload_account_widget (self); +} + +static void +accounts_dialog_notify_connection_cb (TpAccount *account, + GParamSpec *spec, + EmpathyAccountsDialog *self) +{ + TpConnection *conn; + if (!account_is_selected (self, account)) + return; + + conn = tp_account_get_connection (account); + if (conn == NULL) + { + reload_account_widget (self); + } + else + { + /* Wait for this feature so TpConnection will have fetch the + * self handle */ + GQuark features[] = { TP_CONNECTION_FEATURE_CONNECTED, 0 }; + + tp_proxy_prepare_async (conn, features, conn_prepare_cb, self); + } +} + +static void accounts_dialog_add_account (EmpathyAccountsDialog *dialog, TpAccount *account) { @@ -1952,6 +2012,8 @@ G_CALLBACK (accounts_dialog_connection_changed_cb), dialog, 0); tp_g_signal_connect_object (account, "presence-changed", G_CALLBACK (accounts_dialog_presence_changed_cb), dialog, 0); + tp_g_signal_connect_object (account, "notify::connection", + G_CALLBACK (accounts_dialog_notify_connection_cb), dialog, 0); g_object_unref (settings); } diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/src/empathy-call-factory.c empathy-3.3.92/src/empathy-call-factory.c --- empathy-3.3.91/src/empathy-call-factory.c 2012-03-05 17:53:04.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/src/empathy-call-factory.c 2012-03-07 10:38:50.000000000 +0000 @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ +#include "config.h" #include #include diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/src/empathy-call-handler.c empathy-3.3.92/src/empathy-call-handler.c --- empathy-3.3.91/src/empathy-call-handler.c 2012-02-23 15:21:37.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/src/empathy-call-handler.c 2012-03-07 10:38:50.000000000 +0000 @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ +#include "config.h" #include #include diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/src/empathy-call-window.c empathy-3.3.92/src/empathy-call-window.c --- empathy-3.3.91/src/empathy-call-window.c 2012-03-05 17:47:09.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/src/empathy-call-window.c 2012-03-19 09:06:31.000000000 +0000 @@ -79,7 +79,8 @@ #define SELF_VIDEO_SECTION_WIDTH 120 #define SELF_VIDEO_SECTION_HEIGHT 90 -#define SELF_VIDEO_SECTION_MARGIN 10 +#define SELF_VIDEO_SECTION_MARGIN 2 +#define SELF_VIDEO_SECTION_BORDER SELF_VIDEO_SECTION_MARGIN*2 #define FLOATING_TOOLBAR_OPACITY 192 #define FLOATING_TOOLBAR_WIDTH 280 @@ -100,6 +101,9 @@ /* The time interval in milliseconds between 2 outgoing rings */ #define MS_BETWEEN_RING 500 +/* The roundedness of preview box and placeholders */ +#define PREVIEW_ROUND_FACTOR 16 + G_DEFINE_TYPE(EmpathyCallWindow, empathy_call_window, GTK_TYPE_WINDOW) enum { @@ -630,7 +634,7 @@ ClutterBinAlignment y) { ClutterLayoutManager *layout1, *layout2; - ClutterActor *rectangle; + EmpathyRoundedRectangle *rectangle; ClutterActor *box1, *box2; layout1 = clutter_bin_layout_new (CLUTTER_BIN_ALIGNMENT_CENTER, @@ -641,8 +645,9 @@ *box = box1; rectangle = empathy_rounded_rectangle_new ( - SELF_VIDEO_SECTION_WIDTH + 5, - SELF_VIDEO_SECTION_HEIGHT + 5); + SELF_VIDEO_SECTION_WIDTH + 2 * SELF_VIDEO_SECTION_MARGIN, + SELF_VIDEO_SECTION_HEIGHT + 2 * SELF_VIDEO_SECTION_MARGIN, + PREVIEW_ROUND_FACTOR); clutter_actor_set_size (box1, SELF_VIDEO_SECTION_WIDTH + 2 * SELF_VIDEO_SECTION_MARGIN, @@ -662,14 +667,14 @@ SELF_VIDEO_SECTION_HEIGHT + 2 * SELF_VIDEO_SECTION_MARGIN); clutter_container_add_actor (CLUTTER_CONTAINER (box1), box2); - clutter_container_add_actor (CLUTTER_CONTAINER (box2), rectangle); + clutter_container_add_actor (CLUTTER_CONTAINER (box2), CLUTTER_ACTOR (rectangle)); clutter_bin_layout_add (CLUTTER_BIN_LAYOUT (self->priv->video_layout), box1, x, y); - clutter_actor_hide (rectangle); + clutter_actor_hide (CLUTTER_ACTOR (rectangle)); - return rectangle; + return CLUTTER_ACTOR (rectangle); } static void @@ -788,7 +793,7 @@ } else if (box.width - SELF_VIDEO_SECTION_MARGIN >= event_x && event_x >= (box.width - SELF_VIDEO_SECTION_MARGIN - (gint) SELF_VIDEO_SECTION_WIDTH) && - box.height - SELF_VIDEO_SECTION_MARGIN - SELF_VIDEO_SECTION_MARGIN - FLOATING_TOOLBAR_HEIGHT - FLOATING_TOOLBAR_SPACING >= event_y && + box.height - 2 * SELF_VIDEO_SECTION_MARGIN - FLOATING_TOOLBAR_HEIGHT - FLOATING_TOOLBAR_SPACING >= event_y && event_y >= (box.height - SELF_VIDEO_SECTION_MARGIN - FLOATING_TOOLBAR_HEIGHT - FLOATING_TOOLBAR_SPACING - (gint) SELF_VIDEO_SECTION_HEIGHT)) { pos = PREVIEW_POS_BOTTOM_RIGHT; @@ -876,7 +881,7 @@ rectangle = empathy_call_window_get_preview_rectangle (self, pos); empathy_rounded_rectangle_set_border_width ( - EMPATHY_ROUNDED_RECTANGLE (rectangle), 5); + EMPATHY_ROUNDED_RECTANGLE (rectangle), 2 * SELF_VIDEO_SECTION_MARGIN); empathy_rounded_rectangle_set_border_color ( EMPATHY_ROUNDED_RECTANGLE (rectangle), CLUTTER_COLOR_Red); } @@ -1065,6 +1070,7 @@ GtkWidget *button; PreviewPosition pos; GdkRGBA transparent = { 0., 0., 0., 0. }; + GtkWidget *bin; g_assert (priv->video_preview == NULL); @@ -1076,9 +1082,9 @@ priv->video_preview_sink = gst_element_factory_make ("cluttersink", NULL); if (priv->video_preview_sink == NULL) - g_error ("Missing cluttersink"); - else - g_object_set (priv->video_preview_sink, "texture", preview, NULL); + g_error ("Missing cluttersink, check your clutter-gst installation"); + g_object_set (priv->video_preview_sink, "texture", preview, NULL); + g_object_add_weak_pointer (G_OBJECT (priv->video_preview_sink), (gpointer) &priv->video_preview_sink); /* Add a little offset to the video preview */ layout = clutter_bin_layout_new (CLUTTER_BIN_ALIGNMENT_CENTER, @@ -1091,9 +1097,7 @@ /* Spinner for when changing the camera device */ priv->preview_spinner_widget = gtk_spinner_new (); - priv->preview_spinner_actor = empathy_rounded_actor_new (); - empathy_rounded_actor_set_round_factor ( - EMPATHY_ROUNDED_ACTOR (priv->preview_spinner_actor), 16); + priv->preview_spinner_actor = empathy_rounded_actor_new (PREVIEW_ROUND_FACTOR); g_object_set (priv->preview_spinner_widget, "expand", TRUE, NULL); gtk_widget_override_background_color ( @@ -1134,18 +1138,17 @@ /* Translators: this is an "Info" label. It should be as short * as possible. */ button = gtk_button_new_with_label (_("i")); - priv->preview_shown_button = b = empathy_rounded_actor_new (); - gtk_container_add ( - GTK_CONTAINER (gtk_clutter_actor_get_widget (GTK_CLUTTER_ACTOR (b))), - button); + priv->preview_shown_button = b = gtk_clutter_actor_new_with_contents (button); clutter_actor_set_size (b, 24, 24); + bin = gtk_clutter_actor_get_widget (GTK_CLUTTER_ACTOR (b)); + gtk_widget_override_background_color (bin, GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL, &transparent); layout_end = clutter_bin_layout_new (CLUTTER_BIN_ALIGNMENT_END, CLUTTER_BIN_ALIGNMENT_END); box = clutter_box_new (layout_end); clutter_actor_set_size (box, - SELF_VIDEO_SECTION_WIDTH, - SELF_VIDEO_SECTION_HEIGHT + SELF_VIDEO_SECTION_MARGIN); + SELF_VIDEO_SECTION_WIDTH - 4, + SELF_VIDEO_SECTION_HEIGHT - 2); clutter_container_add_actor (CLUTTER_CONTAINER (box), b); clutter_container_add_actor (CLUTTER_CONTAINER (priv->video_preview), box); @@ -1157,12 +1160,9 @@ /* Translators: this is an "Info" label. It should be as short * as possible. */ button = gtk_button_new_with_label (_("i")); - b = empathy_rounded_actor_new (); - gtk_container_add ( - GTK_CONTAINER (gtk_clutter_actor_get_widget (GTK_CLUTTER_ACTOR (b))), - button); + priv->preview_hidden_button = b = gtk_clutter_actor_new_with_contents (button); clutter_actor_set_size (b, 24, 24); - priv->preview_hidden_button = b; + gtk_widget_override_background_color (bin, GTK_STATE_FLAG_NORMAL, &transparent); clutter_bin_layout_add (CLUTTER_BIN_LAYOUT (priv->video_layout), priv->preview_hidden_button, @@ -1726,7 +1726,7 @@ create_audio_input (self); create_video_input (self); - priv->floating_toolbar = empathy_rounded_actor_new (); + priv->floating_toolbar = empathy_rounded_actor_new (2); gtk_widget_reparent (priv->bottom_toolbar, gtk_clutter_actor_get_widget (GTK_CLUTTER_ACTOR (priv->floating_toolbar))); @@ -2420,12 +2420,17 @@ { g_return_if_fail (EMPATHY_IS_CALL_HANDLER (handler)); - tp_clear_object (&self->priv->handler); - self->priv->handler = g_object_ref (handler); - empathy_call_window_connect_handler (self); - empathy_window_present (GTK_WINDOW (self)); - empathy_call_window_restart_call (self); + + if (self->priv->call_state == DISCONNECTED) + { + /* start a new call if one is not already in progress */ + tp_clear_object (&self->priv->handler); + self->priv->handler = g_object_ref (handler); + empathy_call_window_connect_handler (self); + + empathy_call_window_restart_call (self); + } } static void @@ -3182,10 +3187,12 @@ TpCallChannel *call; gboolean can_send_video; - if (state == TP_CALL_STATE_ENDED && - !tp_strdiff (reason, TP_ERROR_STR_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE)) + if (state == TP_CALL_STATE_ENDED) { - show_balance_error (self); + DEBUG ("Call ended: %s", (reason != NULL && reason[0] != '\0') ? reason : "unspecified reason"); + empathy_call_window_disconnected (self, TRUE); + if (!tp_strdiff (reason, TP_ERROR_STR_INSUFFICIENT_BALANCE)) + show_balance_error (self); return; } @@ -3619,7 +3626,8 @@ start_call (self); } } - if (GST_MESSAGE_SRC (message) == GST_OBJECT (priv->video_preview_sink)) + if (priv->video_preview_sink != NULL && + GST_MESSAGE_SRC (message) == GST_OBJECT (priv->video_preview_sink)) { gst_message_parse_state_changed (message, NULL, &newstate, &pending); @@ -3982,9 +3990,10 @@ empathy_call_window_hangup_cb (gpointer object, EmpathyCallWindow *self) { + /* stopping the call will put it the ENDED state and + * from state_changed_cb we'll reconfigure the window + */ empathy_call_handler_stop_call (self->priv->handler); - - empathy_call_window_disconnected (self, TRUE); } static void diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/src/empathy-chat-manager.c empathy-3.3.92/src/empathy-chat-manager.c --- empathy-3.3.91/src/empathy-chat-manager.c 2012-02-17 14:00:27.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/src/empathy-chat-manager.c 2012-03-07 10:16:09.000000000 +0000 @@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ +#include "config.h" + #include #include diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui empathy-3.3.92/src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui --- empathy-3.3.91/src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui 2012-01-23 12:14:16.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/src/empathy-chatrooms-window.ui 2012-03-16 09:30:32.000000000 +0000 @@ -72,9 +72,10 @@ Remove True - False + True + True + list-remove-symbolic True - gtk-remove False diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/src/empathy-chat-window.ui empathy-3.3.92/src/empathy-chat-window.ui --- empathy-3.3.91/src/empathy-chat-window.ui 2012-02-20 12:40:30.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/src/empathy-chat-window.ui 2012-03-07 13:33:35.000000000 +0000 @@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ TRUE _Show Contact List + diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c empathy-3.3.92/src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c --- empathy-3.3.91/src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c 2012-02-17 14:00:27.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/src/empathy-invite-participant-dialog.c 2012-03-07 10:16:09.000000000 +0000 @@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ * Danielle Madeley */ +#include "config.h" + #include #include diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/src/empathy-rounded-actor.c empathy-3.3.92/src/empathy-rounded-actor.c --- empathy-3.3.91/src/empathy-rounded-actor.c 2012-02-23 12:49:25.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/src/empathy-rounded-actor.c 2012-03-12 12:02:18.000000000 +0000 @@ -75,15 +75,12 @@ } ClutterActor * -empathy_rounded_actor_new (void) +empathy_rounded_actor_new (guint round_factor) { - return CLUTTER_ACTOR ( + EmpathyRoundedActor *self = EMPATHY_ROUNDED_ACTOR ( g_object_new (EMPATHY_TYPE_ROUNDED_ACTOR, NULL)); -} -void -empathy_rounded_actor_set_round_factor (EmpathyRoundedActor *self, - guint round_factor) -{ self->priv->round_factor = round_factor; + + return CLUTTER_ACTOR (self); } diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/src/empathy-rounded-actor.h empathy-3.3.92/src/empathy-rounded-actor.h --- empathy-3.3.91/src/empathy-rounded-actor.h 2012-02-17 14:00:27.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/src/empathy-rounded-actor.h 2012-03-12 12:02:18.000000000 +0000 @@ -59,10 +59,7 @@ (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((obj), EMPATHY_TYPE_ROUNDED_ACTOR, \ EmpathyRoundedActorClass)) -ClutterActor *empathy_rounded_actor_new (void); - -void empathy_rounded_actor_set_round_factor (EmpathyRoundedActor *self, - guint round_factor); +ClutterActor *empathy_rounded_actor_new (guint round_factor); G_END_DECLS diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/src/empathy-rounded-rectangle.c empathy-3.3.92/src/empathy-rounded-rectangle.c --- empathy-3.3.91/src/empathy-rounded-rectangle.c 2012-02-20 12:40:31.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/src/empathy-rounded-rectangle.c 2012-03-12 12:02:18.000000000 +0000 @@ -32,21 +32,26 @@ struct _EmpathyRoundedRectanglePriv { + guint width, height; ClutterColor border_color; guint border_width; + guint round_factor; }; -static void -empathy_rounded_rectangle_paint (EmpathyRoundedRectangle *self) +static gboolean +draw_cb (ClutterCairoTexture *canvas, + cairo_t *cr) { + EmpathyRoundedRectangle *self = EMPATHY_ROUNDED_RECTANGLE (canvas); guint width, height; + guint border_width; guint tmp_alpha; - cairo_t *cr; + gdouble radius; -#define RADIUS (height / 8.) - - clutter_cairo_texture_get_surface_size (CLUTTER_CAIRO_TEXTURE (self), - &width, &height); + width = self->priv->width; + height = self->priv->height; + radius = self->priv->height / self->priv->round_factor; + border_width = self->priv->border_width; /* compute the composited opacity of the actor taking into * account the opacity of the color set by the user */ @@ -54,35 +59,35 @@ * self->priv->border_color.alpha / 255; - cr = clutter_cairo_texture_create (CLUTTER_CAIRO_TEXTURE (self)); - cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, self->priv->border_color.red, self->priv->border_color.green, self->priv->border_color.blue, tmp_alpha); - cairo_set_line_width (cr, self->priv->border_width); + cairo_set_line_width (cr, border_width); cairo_set_operator (cr, CAIRO_OPERATOR_CLEAR); cairo_paint (cr); cairo_set_operator (cr, CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER); + /* make room for the portion of the border drawn on the outside */ + cairo_translate (cr, border_width/2.0, border_width/2.0); + cairo_new_sub_path (cr); - cairo_arc (cr, width - RADIUS, RADIUS, RADIUS, + cairo_arc (cr, width - radius, radius, radius, -M_PI/2.0, 0); - cairo_arc (cr, width - RADIUS, height - RADIUS, RADIUS, + cairo_arc (cr, width - radius, height - radius, radius, 0, M_PI/2.0); - cairo_arc (cr, RADIUS, height - RADIUS, RADIUS, + cairo_arc (cr, radius, height - radius, radius, M_PI/2.0, M_PI); - cairo_arc (cr, RADIUS, RADIUS, RADIUS, + cairo_arc (cr, radius, radius, radius, M_PI, -M_PI/2.0); cairo_close_path (cr); cairo_stroke (cr); - cairo_destroy (cr); -#undef RADIUS + return TRUE; } static void @@ -92,26 +97,50 @@ EMPATHY_TYPE_ROUNDED_RECTANGLE, EmpathyRoundedRectanglePriv); self->priv->border_width = 1; + self->priv->round_factor = 2; +} + +static void +empathy_rounded_rectangle_finalize (GObject *object) +{ + G_OBJECT_CLASS (empathy_rounded_rectangle_parent_class)->finalize (object); } static void empathy_rounded_rectangle_class_init (EmpathyRoundedRectangleClass *klass) { + GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); + + gobject_class->finalize = empathy_rounded_rectangle_finalize; + g_type_class_add_private (klass, sizeof (EmpathyRoundedRectanglePriv)); } -ClutterActor * +static void +empathy_rounded_rectangle_update_surface_size (EmpathyRoundedRectangle *self) +{ + clutter_cairo_texture_set_surface_size (CLUTTER_CAIRO_TEXTURE (self), + self->priv->width + self->priv->border_width, + self->priv->height + self->priv->border_width); +} + +EmpathyRoundedRectangle * empathy_rounded_rectangle_new (guint width, - guint height) + guint height, + guint round_factor) { - ClutterActor *self; + EmpathyRoundedRectangle *self; - self = CLUTTER_ACTOR (g_object_new (EMPATHY_TYPE_ROUNDED_RECTANGLE, NULL)); + self = EMPATHY_ROUNDED_RECTANGLE (g_object_new (EMPATHY_TYPE_ROUNDED_RECTANGLE, NULL)); - clutter_cairo_texture_set_surface_size (CLUTTER_CAIRO_TEXTURE (self), - width, height); + self->priv->width = width; + self->priv->height = height; + self->priv->round_factor = round_factor; + + g_signal_connect (self, "draw", G_CALLBACK (draw_cb), NULL); - empathy_rounded_rectangle_paint (EMPATHY_ROUNDED_RECTANGLE (self)); + empathy_rounded_rectangle_update_surface_size (self); + clutter_cairo_texture_invalidate (CLUTTER_CAIRO_TEXTURE (self)); return self; } @@ -122,7 +151,8 @@ { self->priv->border_width = border_width; - empathy_rounded_rectangle_paint (self); + empathy_rounded_rectangle_update_surface_size (self); + clutter_cairo_texture_invalidate (CLUTTER_CAIRO_TEXTURE (self)); } void @@ -131,5 +161,5 @@ { self->priv->border_color = *color; - empathy_rounded_rectangle_paint (self); + clutter_cairo_texture_invalidate (CLUTTER_CAIRO_TEXTURE (self)); } diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/src/empathy-rounded-rectangle.h empathy-3.3.92/src/empathy-rounded-rectangle.h --- empathy-3.3.91/src/empathy-rounded-rectangle.h 2012-01-06 15:34:20.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/src/empathy-rounded-rectangle.h 2012-03-12 12:02:18.000000000 +0000 @@ -59,8 +59,9 @@ (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((obj), EMPATHY_TYPE_ROUNDED_RECTANGLE, \ EmpathyRoundedRectangleClass)) -ClutterActor *empathy_rounded_rectangle_new (guint width, - guint height); +EmpathyRoundedRectangle *empathy_rounded_rectangle_new (guint width, + guint height, + guint round_factor); void empathy_rounded_rectangle_set_border_width (EmpathyRoundedRectangle *self, diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/src/empathy-sanity-cleaning.c empathy-3.3.92/src/empathy-sanity-cleaning.c --- empathy-3.3.91/src/empathy-sanity-cleaning.c 2012-03-06 15:15:21.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/src/empathy-sanity-cleaning.c 2012-03-16 09:30:32.000000000 +0000 @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ * If the number stored in gsettings is lower than it, all the tasks will * be executed. */ -#define SANITY_CLEANING_NUMBER 1 +#define SANITY_CLEANING_NUMBER 2 static void account_update_parameters_cb (GObject *source, @@ -101,11 +101,52 @@ } static void +set_facebook_account_fallback_server (TpAccountManager *am) +{ + GList *accounts, *l; + + accounts = tp_account_manager_get_valid_accounts (am); + for (l = accounts; l != NULL; l = g_list_next (l)) + { + TpAccount *account = l->data; + GHashTable *params; + gchar *fallback_servers[] = { + "chat.facebook.com:443", + NULL }; + + if (tp_strdiff (tp_account_get_service (account), "facebook")) + continue; + + params = (GHashTable *) tp_account_get_parameters (account); + if (params == NULL) + continue; + + if (tp_asv_get_strv (params, "fallback-servers") != NULL) + continue; + + DEBUG ("Setting chat.facebook.com:443 as a fallback on account '%s'", + tp_account_get_path_suffix (account)); + + params = tp_asv_new ( + "fallback-servers", G_TYPE_STRV, fallback_servers, + NULL); + + tp_account_update_parameters_async (account, params, NULL, + account_update_parameters_cb, NULL); + + g_hash_table_unref (params); + } + + g_list_free (accounts); +} + +static void run_sanity_cleaning_tasks (TpAccountManager *am) { DEBUG ("Starting sanity cleaning tasks"); fix_xmpp_account_priority (am); + set_facebook_account_fallback_server (am); } static void diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/src/empathy-streamed-media-factory.c empathy-3.3.92/src/empathy-streamed-media-factory.c --- empathy-3.3.91/src/empathy-streamed-media-factory.c 2012-03-02 10:34:47.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/src/empathy-streamed-media-factory.c 2012-03-07 10:38:50.000000000 +0000 @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ +#include "config.h" #include #include diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/src/empathy-streamed-media-handler.c empathy-3.3.92/src/empathy-streamed-media-handler.c --- empathy-3.3.91/src/empathy-streamed-media-handler.c 2012-03-02 10:34:47.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/src/empathy-streamed-media-handler.c 2012-03-07 10:38:50.000000000 +0000 @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ +#include "config.h" #include #include diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c empathy-3.3.92/src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c --- empathy-3.3.91/src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c 2012-03-02 10:34:47.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/src/empathy-streamed-media-window.c 2012-03-07 10:16:09.000000000 +0000 @@ -372,7 +372,8 @@ gchar *label_text, GtkWidget *bin) { GtkWidget *vbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 2); - GtkWidget *scale = gtk_vscale_new_with_range (0, 100, 10); + GtkWidget *scale = gtk_scale_new_with_range (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0, + 100, 10); GtkWidget *label = gtk_label_new (label_text); gtk_widget_set_sensitive (scale, FALSE); @@ -540,7 +541,8 @@ vbox = gtk_box_new (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 3); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), vbox, FALSE, FALSE, 3); - priv->volume_scale = gtk_vscale_new_with_range (0, 150, 100); + priv->volume_scale = gtk_scale_new_with_range (GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0, + 150, 100); gtk_range_set_inverted (GTK_RANGE (priv->volume_scale), TRUE); label = gtk_label_new (_("Volume")); diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/src/empathy-video-src.c empathy-3.3.92/src/empathy-video-src.c --- empathy-3.3.91/src/empathy-video-src.c 2012-02-17 14:00:27.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/src/empathy-video-src.c 2012-03-07 15:00:12.000000000 +0000 @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ +#include "config.h" #include #include diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/src/empathy-video-widget.c empathy-3.3.92/src/empathy-video-widget.c --- empathy-3.3.91/src/empathy-video-widget.c 2012-02-23 10:07:42.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/src/empathy-video-widget.c 2012-03-09 08:56:30.000000000 +0000 @@ -130,8 +130,6 @@ gst_object_ref (priv->videosink); gst_object_sink (priv->videosink); - priv->sink_pad = gst_element_get_static_pad (priv->videosink, "sink"); - sink = gst_element_factory_make ("gconfvideosink", NULL); g_assert (sink != NULL); diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/src/Makefile.in empathy-3.3.92/src/Makefile.in --- empathy-3.3.91/src/Makefile.in 2012-03-06 15:30:01.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/src/Makefile.in 2012-03-20 09:39:21.000000000 +0000 @@ -62,15 +62,10 @@ am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/m4/as-compiler-flag.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/m4/empathy-args.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/m4/empathy-valgrind.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/gettext.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/gsettings.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/iconv.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/intlmacosx.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/intltool.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/lib-ld.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/lib-link.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/lib-prefix.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/m4/gsettings.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/intltool.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/m4/libtool.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/ltoptions.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/m4/ltsugar.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/ltversion.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/lt~obsolete.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/nls.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/po.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/progtest.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/configure.ac + $(top_srcdir)/m4/lt~obsolete.m4 $(top_srcdir)/configure.ac am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \ $(ACLOCAL_M4) mkinstalldirs = $(install_sh) -d @@ -342,7 +337,6 @@ GEOCLUE_LIBS = @GEOCLUE_LIBS@ GEOCODE_CFLAGS = @GEOCODE_CFLAGS@ GEOCODE_LIBS = @GEOCODE_LIBS@ -GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION = @GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION@ GETTEXT_PACKAGE = @GETTEXT_PACKAGE@ GLIB_CFLAGS = @GLIB_CFLAGS@ GLIB_COMPILE_RESOURCES = @GLIB_COMPILE_RESOURCES@ @@ -351,7 +345,6 @@ GLIB_LIBS = @GLIB_LIBS@ GLIB_MKENUMS = @GLIB_MKENUMS@ GMSGFMT = @GMSGFMT@ -GMSGFMT_015 = @GMSGFMT_015@ GOA_CFLAGS = @GOA_CFLAGS@ GOA_LIBS = @GOA_LIBS@ GOBJECT_QUERY = @GOBJECT_QUERY@ @@ -363,27 +356,21 @@ INSTALL_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_PROGRAM@ INSTALL_SCRIPT = @INSTALL_SCRIPT@ INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM@ -INTLLIBS = @INTLLIBS@ INTLTOOL_EXTRACT = @INTLTOOL_EXTRACT@ INTLTOOL_MERGE = @INTLTOOL_MERGE@ INTLTOOL_PERL = @INTLTOOL_PERL@ INTLTOOL_UPDATE = @INTLTOOL_UPDATE@ -INTL_MACOSX_LIBS = @INTL_MACOSX_LIBS@ ITSTOOL = @ITSTOOL@ LD = @LD@ LDFLAGS = @LDFLAGS@ LIBCHAMPLAIN_CFLAGS = @LIBCHAMPLAIN_CFLAGS@ LIBCHAMPLAIN_LIBS = @LIBCHAMPLAIN_LIBS@ -LIBICONV = @LIBICONV@ -LIBINTL = @LIBINTL@ LIBM = @LIBM@ LIBOBJS = @LIBOBJS@ LIBS = @LIBS@ LIBTOOL = @LIBTOOL@ LIPO = @LIPO@ LN_S = @LN_S@ -LTLIBICONV = @LTLIBICONV@ -LTLIBINTL = @LTLIBINTL@ LTLIBOBJS = @LTLIBOBJS@ MAKEINFO = @MAKEINFO@ MANIFEST_TOOL = @MANIFEST_TOOL@ @@ -392,7 +379,6 @@ MISSION_CONTROL_PLUGINS_DIR = @MISSION_CONTROL_PLUGINS_DIR@ MKDIR_P = @MKDIR_P@ MSGFMT = @MSGFMT@ -MSGFMT_015 = @MSGFMT_015@ MSGMERGE = @MSGMERGE@ NETWORK_MANAGER_CFLAGS = @NETWORK_MANAGER_CFLAGS@ NETWORK_MANAGER_LIBS = @NETWORK_MANAGER_LIBS@ @@ -415,7 +401,6 @@ PKG_CONFIG = @PKG_CONFIG@ PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR = @PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR@ PKG_CONFIG_PATH = @PKG_CONFIG_PATH@ -POSUB = @POSUB@ PYTHON = @PYTHON@ PYTHON_EXEC_PREFIX = @PYTHON_EXEC_PREFIX@ PYTHON_PLATFORM = @PYTHON_PLATFORM@ @@ -434,8 +419,6 @@ VALGRIND_PATH = @VALGRIND_PATH@ VERSION = @VERSION@ XGETTEXT = @XGETTEXT@ -XGETTEXT_015 = @XGETTEXT_015@ -XGETTEXT_EXTRA_OPTIONS = @XGETTEXT_EXTRA_OPTIONS@ XMKMF = @XMKMF@ XMLLINT = @XMLLINT@ XSLTPROC = @XSLTPROC@ diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/tests/empathy-live-search-test.c empathy-3.3.92/tests/empathy-live-search-test.c --- empathy-3.3.91/tests/empathy-live-search-test.c 2011-09-19 10:23:03.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/tests/empathy-live-search-test.c 2012-03-12 10:03:51.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +#include "config.h" + #include #include #include diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/tests/empathy-parser-test.c empathy-3.3.92/tests/empathy-parser-test.c --- empathy-3.3.91/tests/empathy-parser-test.c 2011-09-22 14:16:13.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/tests/empathy-parser-test.c 2012-03-12 10:03:29.000000000 +0000 @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +#include "config.h" + #include #include #include diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/tests/interactive/Makefile.am empathy-3.3.92/tests/interactive/Makefile.am --- empathy-3.3.91/tests/interactive/Makefile.am 2012-02-21 13:27:57.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/tests/interactive/Makefile.am 2012-03-16 09:27:29.000000000 +0000 @@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ test-empathy-presence-chooser \ test-empathy-status-preset-dialog \ test-empathy-protocol-chooser \ - test-empathy-account-chooser + test-empathy-account-chooser \ + test-empathy-calendar-button empathy_logs_SOURCES = empathy-logs.c test_empathy_contact_blocking_dialog_SOURCES = test-empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.c @@ -27,3 +28,4 @@ test_empathy_status_preset_dialog_SOURCES = test-empathy-status-preset-dialog.c test_empathy_protocol_chooser_SOURCES = test-empathy-protocol-chooser.c test_empathy_account_chooser_SOURCES = test-empathy-account-chooser.c +test_empathy_calendar_button_SOURCES = test-empathy-calendar-button.c diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/tests/interactive/Makefile.in empathy-3.3.92/tests/interactive/Makefile.in --- empathy-3.3.91/tests/interactive/Makefile.in 2012-03-06 15:30:01.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/tests/interactive/Makefile.in 2012-03-20 09:39:21.000000000 +0000 @@ -39,22 +39,18 @@ test-empathy-presence-chooser$(EXEEXT) \ test-empathy-status-preset-dialog$(EXEEXT) \ test-empathy-protocol-chooser$(EXEEXT) \ - test-empathy-account-chooser$(EXEEXT) + test-empathy-account-chooser$(EXEEXT) \ + test-empathy-calendar-button$(EXEEXT) subdir = tests/interactive DIST_COMMON = $(srcdir)/Makefile.am $(srcdir)/Makefile.in ACLOCAL_M4 = $(top_srcdir)/aclocal.m4 am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/m4/as-compiler-flag.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/m4/empathy-args.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/m4/empathy-valgrind.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/gettext.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/gsettings.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/iconv.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/intlmacosx.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/intltool.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/lib-ld.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/lib-link.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/lib-prefix.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/m4/gsettings.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/intltool.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/m4/libtool.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/ltoptions.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/m4/ltsugar.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/ltversion.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/lt~obsolete.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/nls.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/po.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/progtest.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/configure.ac + $(top_srcdir)/m4/lt~obsolete.m4 $(top_srcdir)/configure.ac am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \ $(ACLOCAL_M4) mkinstalldirs = $(install_sh) -d @@ -82,6 +78,15 @@ $(top_builddir)/libempathy-gtk/libempathy-gtk.la \ $(top_builddir)/libempathy/libempathy.la $(am__DEPENDENCIES_1) \ $(am__DEPENDENCIES_1) +am_test_empathy_calendar_button_OBJECTS = \ + test-empathy-calendar-button.$(OBJEXT) +test_empathy_calendar_button_OBJECTS = \ + $(am_test_empathy_calendar_button_OBJECTS) +test_empathy_calendar_button_LDADD = $(LDADD) +test_empathy_calendar_button_DEPENDENCIES = \ + $(top_builddir)/libempathy-gtk/libempathy-gtk.la \ + $(top_builddir)/libempathy/libempathy.la $(am__DEPENDENCIES_1) \ + $(am__DEPENDENCIES_1) am_test_empathy_contact_blocking_dialog_OBJECTS = \ test-empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.$(OBJEXT) test_empathy_contact_blocking_dialog_OBJECTS = \ @@ -146,12 +151,14 @@ am__v_GEN_0 = @echo " GEN " $@; SOURCES = $(empathy_logs_SOURCES) \ $(test_empathy_account_chooser_SOURCES) \ + $(test_empathy_calendar_button_SOURCES) \ $(test_empathy_contact_blocking_dialog_SOURCES) \ $(test_empathy_presence_chooser_SOURCES) \ $(test_empathy_protocol_chooser_SOURCES) \ $(test_empathy_status_preset_dialog_SOURCES) DIST_SOURCES = $(empathy_logs_SOURCES) \ $(test_empathy_account_chooser_SOURCES) \ + $(test_empathy_calendar_button_SOURCES) \ $(test_empathy_contact_blocking_dialog_SOURCES) \ $(test_empathy_presence_chooser_SOURCES) \ $(test_empathy_protocol_chooser_SOURCES) \ @@ -207,7 +214,6 @@ GEOCLUE_LIBS = @GEOCLUE_LIBS@ GEOCODE_CFLAGS = @GEOCODE_CFLAGS@ GEOCODE_LIBS = @GEOCODE_LIBS@ -GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION = @GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION@ GETTEXT_PACKAGE = @GETTEXT_PACKAGE@ GLIB_CFLAGS = @GLIB_CFLAGS@ GLIB_COMPILE_RESOURCES = @GLIB_COMPILE_RESOURCES@ @@ -216,7 +222,6 @@ GLIB_LIBS = @GLIB_LIBS@ GLIB_MKENUMS = @GLIB_MKENUMS@ GMSGFMT = @GMSGFMT@ -GMSGFMT_015 = @GMSGFMT_015@ GOA_CFLAGS = @GOA_CFLAGS@ GOA_LIBS = @GOA_LIBS@ GOBJECT_QUERY = @GOBJECT_QUERY@ @@ -228,27 +233,21 @@ INSTALL_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_PROGRAM@ INSTALL_SCRIPT = @INSTALL_SCRIPT@ INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM@ -INTLLIBS = @INTLLIBS@ INTLTOOL_EXTRACT = @INTLTOOL_EXTRACT@ INTLTOOL_MERGE = @INTLTOOL_MERGE@ INTLTOOL_PERL = @INTLTOOL_PERL@ INTLTOOL_UPDATE = @INTLTOOL_UPDATE@ -INTL_MACOSX_LIBS = @INTL_MACOSX_LIBS@ ITSTOOL = @ITSTOOL@ LD = @LD@ LDFLAGS = @LDFLAGS@ LIBCHAMPLAIN_CFLAGS = @LIBCHAMPLAIN_CFLAGS@ LIBCHAMPLAIN_LIBS = @LIBCHAMPLAIN_LIBS@ -LIBICONV = @LIBICONV@ -LIBINTL = @LIBINTL@ LIBM = @LIBM@ LIBOBJS = @LIBOBJS@ LIBS = @LIBS@ LIBTOOL = @LIBTOOL@ LIPO = @LIPO@ LN_S = @LN_S@ -LTLIBICONV = @LTLIBICONV@ -LTLIBINTL = @LTLIBINTL@ LTLIBOBJS = @LTLIBOBJS@ MAKEINFO = @MAKEINFO@ MANIFEST_TOOL = @MANIFEST_TOOL@ @@ -257,7 +256,6 @@ MISSION_CONTROL_PLUGINS_DIR = @MISSION_CONTROL_PLUGINS_DIR@ MKDIR_P = @MKDIR_P@ MSGFMT = @MSGFMT@ -MSGFMT_015 = @MSGFMT_015@ MSGMERGE = @MSGMERGE@ NETWORK_MANAGER_CFLAGS = @NETWORK_MANAGER_CFLAGS@ NETWORK_MANAGER_LIBS = @NETWORK_MANAGER_LIBS@ @@ -280,7 +278,6 @@ PKG_CONFIG = @PKG_CONFIG@ PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR = @PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR@ PKG_CONFIG_PATH = @PKG_CONFIG_PATH@ -POSUB = @POSUB@ PYTHON = @PYTHON@ PYTHON_EXEC_PREFIX = @PYTHON_EXEC_PREFIX@ PYTHON_PLATFORM = @PYTHON_PLATFORM@ @@ -299,8 +296,6 @@ VALGRIND_PATH = @VALGRIND_PATH@ VERSION = @VERSION@ XGETTEXT = @XGETTEXT@ -XGETTEXT_015 = @XGETTEXT_015@ -XGETTEXT_EXTRA_OPTIONS = @XGETTEXT_EXTRA_OPTIONS@ XMKMF = @XMKMF@ XMLLINT = @XMLLINT@ XSLTPROC = @XSLTPROC@ @@ -386,6 +381,7 @@ test_empathy_status_preset_dialog_SOURCES = test-empathy-status-preset-dialog.c test_empathy_protocol_chooser_SOURCES = test-empathy-protocol-chooser.c test_empathy_account_chooser_SOURCES = test-empathy-account-chooser.c +test_empathy_calendar_button_SOURCES = test-empathy-calendar-button.c all: all-am .SUFFIXES: @@ -435,6 +431,9 @@ test-empathy-account-chooser$(EXEEXT): $(test_empathy_account_chooser_OBJECTS) $(test_empathy_account_chooser_DEPENDENCIES) @rm -f test-empathy-account-chooser$(EXEEXT) $(AM_V_CCLD)$(LINK) $(test_empathy_account_chooser_OBJECTS) $(test_empathy_account_chooser_LDADD) $(LIBS) +test-empathy-calendar-button$(EXEEXT): $(test_empathy_calendar_button_OBJECTS) $(test_empathy_calendar_button_DEPENDENCIES) + @rm -f test-empathy-calendar-button$(EXEEXT) + $(AM_V_CCLD)$(LINK) $(test_empathy_calendar_button_OBJECTS) $(test_empathy_calendar_button_LDADD) $(LIBS) test-empathy-contact-blocking-dialog$(EXEEXT): $(test_empathy_contact_blocking_dialog_OBJECTS) $(test_empathy_contact_blocking_dialog_DEPENDENCIES) @rm -f test-empathy-contact-blocking-dialog$(EXEEXT) $(AM_V_CCLD)$(LINK) $(test_empathy_contact_blocking_dialog_OBJECTS) $(test_empathy_contact_blocking_dialog_LDADD) $(LIBS) @@ -456,6 +455,7 @@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/empathy-logs.Po@am__quote@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/test-empathy-account-chooser.Po@am__quote@ +@AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/test-empathy-calendar-button.Po@am__quote@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/test-empathy-contact-blocking-dialog.Po@am__quote@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/test-empathy-presence-chooser.Po@am__quote@ @AMDEP_TRUE@@am__include@ @am__quote@./$(DEPDIR)/test-empathy-protocol-chooser.Po@am__quote@ diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/tests/interactive/test-empathy-calendar-button.c empathy-3.3.92/tests/interactive/test-empathy-calendar-button.c --- empathy-3.3.91/tests/interactive/test-empathy-calendar-button.c 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/tests/interactive/test-empathy-calendar-button.c 2012-03-16 09:27:29.000000000 +0000 @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2012 Collabora Ltd. + * + * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as + * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the + * License, or (at your option) any later version. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public + * License along with this program; if not, write to the + * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, + * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. + * + * Authors: Danielle Madeley + */ + +#include "config.h" + +#include + +static void +date_changed_cb (EmpathyCalendarButton *button, + GDate *date, + gpointer user_data) +{ + if (date == NULL) + { + g_print ("date changed: none\n"); + } + else + { + gchar buffer[128]; + + g_date_strftime (buffer, 128, "%x", date); + g_print ("date changed: %s\n", buffer); + } +} + +int +main (int argc, + char **argv) +{ + GtkWidget *win, *button; + GDate *date; + + gtk_init (&argc, &argv); + + win = gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL); + + g_signal_connect_swapped (win, "destroy", + G_CALLBACK (gtk_main_quit), NULL); + + button = empathy_calendar_button_new (); + + date = g_date_new_dmy (30, 11, 1984); + empathy_calendar_button_set_date (EMPATHY_CALENDAR_BUTTON (button), date); + g_date_free (date); + + g_signal_connect (button, "date-changed", + G_CALLBACK (date_changed_cb), NULL); + + gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (win), button); + gtk_widget_show_all (win); + + gtk_main (); + return 0; +} diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/tests/Makefile.in empathy-3.3.92/tests/Makefile.in --- empathy-3.3.91/tests/Makefile.in 2012-03-06 15:30:01.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/tests/Makefile.in 2012-03-20 09:39:21.000000000 +0000 @@ -40,15 +40,10 @@ am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/m4/as-compiler-flag.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/m4/empathy-args.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/m4/empathy-valgrind.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/gettext.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/gsettings.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/iconv.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/intlmacosx.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/intltool.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/lib-ld.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/lib-link.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/lib-prefix.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/m4/gsettings.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/intltool.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/m4/libtool.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/ltoptions.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/m4/ltsugar.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/ltversion.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/lt~obsolete.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/nls.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/po.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/progtest.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/configure.ac + $(top_srcdir)/m4/lt~obsolete.m4 $(top_srcdir)/configure.ac am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \ $(ACLOCAL_M4) mkinstalldirs = $(install_sh) -d @@ -259,7 +254,6 @@ GEOCLUE_LIBS = @GEOCLUE_LIBS@ GEOCODE_CFLAGS = @GEOCODE_CFLAGS@ GEOCODE_LIBS = @GEOCODE_LIBS@ -GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION = @GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION@ GETTEXT_PACKAGE = @GETTEXT_PACKAGE@ GLIB_CFLAGS = @GLIB_CFLAGS@ GLIB_COMPILE_RESOURCES = @GLIB_COMPILE_RESOURCES@ @@ -268,7 +262,6 @@ GLIB_LIBS = @GLIB_LIBS@ GLIB_MKENUMS = @GLIB_MKENUMS@ GMSGFMT = @GMSGFMT@ -GMSGFMT_015 = @GMSGFMT_015@ GOA_CFLAGS = @GOA_CFLAGS@ GOA_LIBS = @GOA_LIBS@ GOBJECT_QUERY = @GOBJECT_QUERY@ @@ -280,27 +273,21 @@ INSTALL_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_PROGRAM@ INSTALL_SCRIPT = @INSTALL_SCRIPT@ INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM@ -INTLLIBS = @INTLLIBS@ INTLTOOL_EXTRACT = @INTLTOOL_EXTRACT@ INTLTOOL_MERGE = @INTLTOOL_MERGE@ INTLTOOL_PERL = @INTLTOOL_PERL@ INTLTOOL_UPDATE = @INTLTOOL_UPDATE@ -INTL_MACOSX_LIBS = @INTL_MACOSX_LIBS@ ITSTOOL = @ITSTOOL@ LD = @LD@ LDFLAGS = @LDFLAGS@ LIBCHAMPLAIN_CFLAGS = @LIBCHAMPLAIN_CFLAGS@ LIBCHAMPLAIN_LIBS = @LIBCHAMPLAIN_LIBS@ -LIBICONV = @LIBICONV@ -LIBINTL = @LIBINTL@ LIBM = @LIBM@ LIBOBJS = @LIBOBJS@ LIBS = @LIBS@ LIBTOOL = @LIBTOOL@ LIPO = @LIPO@ LN_S = @LN_S@ -LTLIBICONV = @LTLIBICONV@ -LTLIBINTL = @LTLIBINTL@ LTLIBOBJS = @LTLIBOBJS@ MAKEINFO = @MAKEINFO@ MANIFEST_TOOL = @MANIFEST_TOOL@ @@ -309,7 +296,6 @@ MISSION_CONTROL_PLUGINS_DIR = @MISSION_CONTROL_PLUGINS_DIR@ MKDIR_P = @MKDIR_P@ MSGFMT = @MSGFMT@ -MSGFMT_015 = @MSGFMT_015@ MSGMERGE = @MSGMERGE@ NETWORK_MANAGER_CFLAGS = @NETWORK_MANAGER_CFLAGS@ NETWORK_MANAGER_LIBS = @NETWORK_MANAGER_LIBS@ @@ -332,7 +318,6 @@ PKG_CONFIG = @PKG_CONFIG@ PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR = @PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR@ PKG_CONFIG_PATH = @PKG_CONFIG_PATH@ -POSUB = @POSUB@ PYTHON = @PYTHON@ PYTHON_EXEC_PREFIX = @PYTHON_EXEC_PREFIX@ PYTHON_PLATFORM = @PYTHON_PLATFORM@ @@ -351,8 +336,6 @@ VALGRIND_PATH = @VALGRIND_PATH@ VERSION = @VERSION@ XGETTEXT = @XGETTEXT@ -XGETTEXT_015 = @XGETTEXT_015@ -XGETTEXT_EXTRA_OPTIONS = @XGETTEXT_EXTRA_OPTIONS@ XMKMF = @XMKMF@ XMLLINT = @XMLLINT@ XSLTPROC = @XSLTPROC@ diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/tests/xml/Makefile.in empathy-3.3.92/tests/xml/Makefile.in --- empathy-3.3.91/tests/xml/Makefile.in 2012-03-06 15:30:01.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/tests/xml/Makefile.in 2012-03-20 09:39:21.000000000 +0000 @@ -39,15 +39,10 @@ am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/m4/as-compiler-flag.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/m4/empathy-args.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/m4/empathy-valgrind.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/gettext.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/gsettings.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/iconv.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/intlmacosx.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/intltool.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/lib-ld.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/lib-link.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/lib-prefix.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/m4/gsettings.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/intltool.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/m4/libtool.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/ltoptions.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/m4/ltsugar.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/ltversion.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/lt~obsolete.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/nls.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/po.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/progtest.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/configure.ac + $(top_srcdir)/m4/lt~obsolete.m4 $(top_srcdir)/configure.ac am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \ $(ACLOCAL_M4) mkinstalldirs = $(install_sh) -d @@ -111,7 +106,6 @@ GEOCLUE_LIBS = @GEOCLUE_LIBS@ GEOCODE_CFLAGS = @GEOCODE_CFLAGS@ GEOCODE_LIBS = @GEOCODE_LIBS@ -GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION = @GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION@ GETTEXT_PACKAGE = @GETTEXT_PACKAGE@ GLIB_CFLAGS = @GLIB_CFLAGS@ GLIB_COMPILE_RESOURCES = @GLIB_COMPILE_RESOURCES@ @@ -120,7 +114,6 @@ GLIB_LIBS = @GLIB_LIBS@ GLIB_MKENUMS = @GLIB_MKENUMS@ GMSGFMT = @GMSGFMT@ -GMSGFMT_015 = @GMSGFMT_015@ GOA_CFLAGS = @GOA_CFLAGS@ GOA_LIBS = @GOA_LIBS@ GOBJECT_QUERY = @GOBJECT_QUERY@ @@ -132,27 +125,21 @@ INSTALL_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_PROGRAM@ INSTALL_SCRIPT = @INSTALL_SCRIPT@ INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM@ -INTLLIBS = @INTLLIBS@ INTLTOOL_EXTRACT = @INTLTOOL_EXTRACT@ INTLTOOL_MERGE = @INTLTOOL_MERGE@ INTLTOOL_PERL = @INTLTOOL_PERL@ INTLTOOL_UPDATE = @INTLTOOL_UPDATE@ -INTL_MACOSX_LIBS = @INTL_MACOSX_LIBS@ ITSTOOL = @ITSTOOL@ LD = @LD@ LDFLAGS = @LDFLAGS@ LIBCHAMPLAIN_CFLAGS = @LIBCHAMPLAIN_CFLAGS@ LIBCHAMPLAIN_LIBS = @LIBCHAMPLAIN_LIBS@ -LIBICONV = @LIBICONV@ -LIBINTL = @LIBINTL@ LIBM = @LIBM@ LIBOBJS = @LIBOBJS@ LIBS = @LIBS@ LIBTOOL = @LIBTOOL@ LIPO = @LIPO@ LN_S = @LN_S@ -LTLIBICONV = @LTLIBICONV@ -LTLIBINTL = @LTLIBINTL@ LTLIBOBJS = @LTLIBOBJS@ MAKEINFO = @MAKEINFO@ MANIFEST_TOOL = @MANIFEST_TOOL@ @@ -161,7 +148,6 @@ MISSION_CONTROL_PLUGINS_DIR = @MISSION_CONTROL_PLUGINS_DIR@ MKDIR_P = @MKDIR_P@ MSGFMT = @MSGFMT@ -MSGFMT_015 = @MSGFMT_015@ MSGMERGE = @MSGMERGE@ NETWORK_MANAGER_CFLAGS = @NETWORK_MANAGER_CFLAGS@ NETWORK_MANAGER_LIBS = @NETWORK_MANAGER_LIBS@ @@ -184,7 +170,6 @@ PKG_CONFIG = @PKG_CONFIG@ PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR = @PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR@ PKG_CONFIG_PATH = @PKG_CONFIG_PATH@ -POSUB = @POSUB@ PYTHON = @PYTHON@ PYTHON_EXEC_PREFIX = @PYTHON_EXEC_PREFIX@ PYTHON_PLATFORM = @PYTHON_PLATFORM@ @@ -203,8 +188,6 @@ VALGRIND_PATH = @VALGRIND_PATH@ VERSION = @VERSION@ XGETTEXT = @XGETTEXT@ -XGETTEXT_015 = @XGETTEXT_015@ -XGETTEXT_EXTRA_OPTIONS = @XGETTEXT_EXTRA_OPTIONS@ XMKMF = @XMKMF@ XMLLINT = @XMLLINT@ XSLTPROC = @XSLTPROC@ diff -Nru empathy-3.3.91/tools/Makefile.in empathy-3.3.92/tools/Makefile.in --- empathy-3.3.91/tools/Makefile.in 2012-03-06 15:30:01.000000000 +0000 +++ empathy-3.3.92/tools/Makefile.in 2012-03-20 09:39:21.000000000 +0000 @@ -40,15 +40,10 @@ am__aclocal_m4_deps = $(top_srcdir)/m4/as-compiler-flag.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/m4/empathy-args.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/m4/empathy-valgrind.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/gettext.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/gsettings.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/iconv.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/intlmacosx.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/intltool.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/lib-ld.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/lib-link.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/lib-prefix.m4 \ + $(top_srcdir)/m4/gsettings.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/intltool.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/m4/libtool.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/ltoptions.m4 \ $(top_srcdir)/m4/ltsugar.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/ltversion.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/lt~obsolete.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/nls.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/m4/po.m4 $(top_srcdir)/m4/progtest.m4 \ - $(top_srcdir)/configure.ac + $(top_srcdir)/m4/lt~obsolete.m4 $(top_srcdir)/configure.ac am__configure_deps = $(am__aclocal_m4_deps) $(CONFIGURE_DEPENDENCIES) \ $(ACLOCAL_M4) mkinstalldirs = $(install_sh) -d @@ -113,7 +108,6 @@ GEOCLUE_LIBS = @GEOCLUE_LIBS@ GEOCODE_CFLAGS = @GEOCODE_CFLAGS@ GEOCODE_LIBS = @GEOCODE_LIBS@ -GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION = @GETTEXT_MACRO_VERSION@ GETTEXT_PACKAGE = @GETTEXT_PACKAGE@ GLIB_CFLAGS = @GLIB_CFLAGS@ GLIB_COMPILE_RESOURCES = @GLIB_COMPILE_RESOURCES@ @@ -122,7 +116,6 @@ GLIB_LIBS = @GLIB_LIBS@ GLIB_MKENUMS = @GLIB_MKENUMS@ GMSGFMT = @GMSGFMT@ -GMSGFMT_015 = @GMSGFMT_015@ GOA_CFLAGS = @GOA_CFLAGS@ GOA_LIBS = @GOA_LIBS@ GOBJECT_QUERY = @GOBJECT_QUERY@ @@ -134,27 +127,21 @@ INSTALL_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_PROGRAM@ INSTALL_SCRIPT = @INSTALL_SCRIPT@ INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM@ -INTLLIBS = @INTLLIBS@ INTLTOOL_EXTRACT = @INTLTOOL_EXTRACT@ INTLTOOL_MERGE = @INTLTOOL_MERGE@ INTLTOOL_PERL = @INTLTOOL_PERL@ INTLTOOL_UPDATE = @INTLTOOL_UPDATE@ -INTL_MACOSX_LIBS = @INTL_MACOSX_LIBS@ ITSTOOL = @ITSTOOL@ LD = @LD@ LDFLAGS = @LDFLAGS@ LIBCHAMPLAIN_CFLAGS = @LIBCHAMPLAIN_CFLAGS@ LIBCHAMPLAIN_LIBS = @LIBCHAMPLAIN_LIBS@ -LIBICONV = @LIBICONV@ -LIBINTL = @LIBINTL@ LIBM = @LIBM@ LIBOBJS = @LIBOBJS@ LIBS = @LIBS@ LIBTOOL = @LIBTOOL@ LIPO = @LIPO@ LN_S = @LN_S@ -LTLIBICONV = @LTLIBICONV@ -LTLIBINTL = @LTLIBINTL@ LTLIBOBJS = @LTLIBOBJS@ MAKEINFO = @MAKEINFO@ MANIFEST_TOOL = @MANIFEST_TOOL@ @@ -163,7 +150,6 @@ MISSION_CONTROL_PLUGINS_DIR = @MISSION_CONTROL_PLUGINS_DIR@ MKDIR_P = @MKDIR_P@ MSGFMT = @MSGFMT@ -MSGFMT_015 = @MSGFMT_015@ MSGMERGE = @MSGMERGE@ NETWORK_MANAGER_CFLAGS = @NETWORK_MANAGER_CFLAGS@ NETWORK_MANAGER_LIBS = @NETWORK_MANAGER_LIBS@ @@ -186,7 +172,6 @@ PKG_CONFIG = @PKG_CONFIG@ PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR = @PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR@ PKG_CONFIG_PATH = @PKG_CONFIG_PATH@ -POSUB = @POSUB@ PYTHON = @PYTHON@ PYTHON_EXEC_PREFIX = @PYTHON_EXEC_PREFIX@ PYTHON_PLATFORM = @PYTHON_PLATFORM@ @@ -205,8 +190,6 @@ VALGRIND_PATH = @VALGRIND_PATH@ VERSION = @VERSION@ XGETTEXT = @XGETTEXT@ -XGETTEXT_015 = @XGETTEXT_015@ -XGETTEXT_EXTRA_OPTIONS = @XGETTEXT_EXTRA_OPTIONS@ XMKMF = @XMKMF@ XMLLINT = @XMLLINT@ XSLTPROC = @XSLTPROC@