
Registered by Ubuntu Technical Board

Natty was delivered in April 2011 on the normal six-month Ubuntu cycle. It was designated 11.04.

The Natty Narwhal has no packages recorded in Launchpad.

Series information

Natty (11.04)
Project drivers:
Ubuntu Drivers, Ubuntu Release Team
Release manager:
Ubuntu Release Team
Derives from:
Natty (11.04) is not derived from another series.
Derived series:
Angry Aardvark (1.0)
Source packages:
No sources imported or published.
Binary packages:
No binaries imported or published.

Upstream packaging

3781  source packages are linked to registered upstream projects. 0  need linking.

Recently linked to upstream:

wmctrl linked

ubuntuone-file-storage-api linked

firefox linked by Mathew Hodson

thunderbird linked by Mathew Hodson

gpredict linked by Jan Simon


17 of 7 results
Version Expected Summary
Ubuntu natty-updates None
Ubuntu ubuntu-11.04 2011-04-28
Ubuntu ubuntu-11.04-beta-2 2011-04-14
Ubuntu ubuntu-11.04-beta-1 2011-03-31
Ubuntu natty-alpha-3 2011-03-03
Ubuntu natty-alpha-2 2011-02-03
Ubuntu natty-alpha-1 2010-12-02
17 of 7 results