My Linux fascination started more or less 10 years ago with RedHat 4.1 CD that I bought for about 15$ from... "pirates".

Then was Debian and RedHat again - I was struggling to start X - no drivers for my queer graphics. I had no broadband connection nor decent english skill so it was hardly possible to find solution. One day with Mandrake, my machine showed me colourful windows, let there be light! Then I had Fedora on one machine and Slackware on another... With Slackware I really started to learn and had some benefits of it (my master thesis was related to IPC and stuff alike). Slack was the first Linux distro that became my only desktop solution (goodbyemicro$oft:). Then, while looking for a nice Linux for my dad, I found Ubuntu. And we both use it succesfully since 6.06.

As I am academic I promote FOSS among students and teachers for fun and still ;) without profit. I reckon that students are more willing to be innovative. Every year there are more of them who are using this or another Linux distro :)


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