uCareSystem core series

This is a special version of 2click Update that is just the kernel without the User Interface (GUI). Its intended for :

-Power Users

Series information

Project drivers:
Salih EMIN, Utappia
Release manager:
Salih EMIN
Active Development
Project development focus:
is the focus of development.
Release URL pattern:

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Code for this series

No revision control details recorded for uCareSystem core series.

Milestones and releases

110 of 10 results
Version Expected Released Summary
uCareSystem core6 "Lightning" 2010-07-01 A Fast Updating algorithm is being used that will, aproximetly, speed up 25 t...
uCareSystem core5.9 "orphan" 2010-06-21 not yet released Code freez for core6, code review, cleanups
uCareSystem core5.8 "orphan" 2010-06-11 not yet released New module "RAMclean_apt" that cleans some MB's of RAM
uCareSystem core5.7 "orphan" 2010-06-05
uCareSystem core5.6 "orphan" 2010-05-18 Merged beautyfull code provided by community
uCareSystem core5.5 "orphan" 2010-04-13 Speed-apt module, to boost downloading of package upgrades
uCareSystem core5.4 "orphan" 2010-04-01 New Menu introduced
uCareSystem core5.3 2010-03-21
uCareSystem core5.1 "orphan" 2010-03-04 following 5.x series of 2clickUpdate. Added auto deborphan installer function
uCareSystem core5 "orphan" 2010-02-20 New feature : Deborphan
110 of 10 results

All packages Distribution packaging

This series is not packaged in any distribution series.

This series contains Public information
Everyone can see this information.


core does not have any download files.

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