Acronym Decoder 1.5.0

Milestone information

Acronym Decoder
Jiří Hajda
Release registered:
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File Description Downloads
download icon acronym-decoder-1.5.0-i386.deb (md5) DEB 32-bit 12
last downloaded 38 weeks ago
download icon Install-AcronymDecoder-1.5.0.exe (md5) Windows 32-bit and 64-bit 11
last downloaded 15 weeks ago
download icon acronym-decoder-1.5.0-amd64.deb (md5) DEB 64-bit 10
last downloaded 15 weeks ago
download icon acronym-decoder-1.5.0-i686.rpm (md5) RPM 32-bit 8
last downloaded 15 weeks ago
download icon acronym-decoder-1.5.0-x86_64.rpm (md5) RPM 64-bit 7
last downloaded 15 weeks ago
Total downloads: 48

Release notes 

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View the full changelog

* Added: New menu action Tools - Document check which shows a form for checking acronyms in text documents.
* Added: Remember dimensions of Import, Export and Settings forms.
* Added: Support for override of default project file opened on first application start.
* Added: Option to show all acronym items in main form even without specified filter.
* Added: Basic color theming support. Colors can be changed only for some controls.
* Added: Application name in exe file details.
* Modified: Examples moved to subdirectory Examples.
* Modified: Use application icon for uninstaller.
* Modified: Use application version only in Version column in uninstaller.
* Fixed: Displaying of command line help.
* Fixed: Remember visibility setting of StatusBar.
* Fixed: Update listview filter editor width if listview columns width changed.
* Fixed: Update Editor width in TListViewSort filter gridview.
* Fixed: Translate open/save dialog filter text.
* Fixed: Main toolbar DPI scaling.
* Fixed: Correctly initialize directory and file name in Open/Save dialogs.
* Fixed: Filter displayed files by project file extension in Open/Save dialogs.

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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