Registered by Joel W. Walker

AEACuS is a consumer-level tool for implementing generic collider data selection cuts in the search for new physics. It is to the Root analysis framework as PGS4 and Delphes are to Geant4, comprising a lightweight utility whereby phenomenologists may easily and quickly recast LHC studies, or optimize their own selection cut recommendations. AEACuS reads from the standardized high-level LHCO event format, and interfaces simply with the MadGraph, MadEvent, Pythia, PGS4/Delphes processing chain. It implements all standard filters on kinematics, geometry, isolation, charge & flavor, and handles dilepton pair assembly (by like/unlike charge & flavor) and jet (KT, C/A, Anti-KT) or hemisphere (Lund, VBF jet tagging, etc.) reclustering. It computes and cuts on basic event statistics such as missing ET, scalar HT, effective & invariant mass, plus various ratios & products, and also provides native emulation of more specialized quantities including the transverse mass, 1- & 2-step asymmetric MT2 (with combinatorics), tri-jet mass, 𝛼T, razor & 𝛼R, dilepton Z-balance, lepton W-projection, ∆φ (& biased ∆φ*), and various shape variables (thrust & minor, spheri[o]city, F). Output is plain text with the count of surviving scaled events, a cut-flow & cut correlation matrix, and detailed tabulation of per-event statistics across all cuts.

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Joel W. Walker
Joel W. Walker

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