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ampoule-0.2 release from the ampoule series released

Release information
Release notes:

This is the first release for Ampoule in 2010 and the biggest news is that Canonical is helping in the development of the library. Good start of the year :).


Ampoule 0.2.0 (2010-02-02)

  - Fixed bug #317287: Twisted was required by due to import
      of application code to get the version number. The now
      tries to do the same thing but if it fails it uses a separate
      hardcoded version.
  - Fixed bug #317077: Ampoule didn't work on windows xp due to childFD
      customization, now on windows ampoule uses the standard 0,1,2 fds.
  - Added pyOpenSSL as an explicit dependency since Twisted doesn't
    require it but AMP does.
  - Greatly simplify and support plain distutils too.
  - Bootstrap code now supports context managers
  - Support for execution deadline on child calls
  - Parametrize the timeout signal to send to the child
  - Pass arguments directly from the ProcessPool object for the child
    process creation.

File Description Downloads
download icon ampoule-0.2.0.tar.gz (md5, sig) Ampoule 0.2.0 1,938
last downloaded 9 weeks ago
Total downloads: 1,938

0.1-series-ampoule release from the ampoule series released

Release information
Release notes:

Ampoule 0.1 (2008-11-15)


  - Fixed bug #276841: Add timeout for subprocess calls.
     The ProcessPool constructor now supports an additional timeout
     argument that specifies a pool level timeout, in seconds, before
     which every call ever made should return. Alternatively there is
     also a per-call mechanism. Currently this second per-call system
     is not available when using the remote pool service, so be sure
     to set the timeout command line parameter at an high enough level
     to satisfy all the possible commands. If a command doesn't require
     an answer the timeout doesn't apply, of course.

     The error returned when a call is timedout is 'error.ProcessTerminated'.
     On *nix systems the process is termin...

File Description Downloads
download icon ampoule-0.1.tar.gz (md5, sig) 0.1 214
last downloaded 17 weeks ago
Total downloads: 214

0.0.5 release from the ampoule series released

Release information
Release notes:

Ampoule 0.0.5 (2008-11-12)

 - Fixed bug #259264, this fix introduces a number of changes in the
   architecture of the project:
    1. Removed childReactor argument form the process pool and added
       a starter argument.
    2. Introduced the concept of a starter object whose role is to
       start subprocesses with given parameters. This makes it easier
       to specify particular parameters (eg. new env variables) to the
       child processes without needing to override many methods in the
       pool using closures.
    3. is completely changed and now provides the ProcessStarter
       object which is a default implementation of IStarter.
    4. IStarter interface currently documents only 2 methods:

File Description Downloads
download icon ampoule-0.0.5.tar.gz (md5, sig) ampoule-0.0.5 24
last downloaded 17 weeks ago
Total downloads: 24

0.0.4 release from the ampoule series released

Release information
Release notes:

Ampoule 0.0.4 (2008-11-03)

 - Ampoule parent process and child processes now talk using FDs 3 (in)
   and 4 (out) in order to avoid problems with libraries that mistakenly
   send error lines to stdout (yes, I'm looking at you gtk+)

File Description Downloads
download icon ampoule-0.0.4.tar.gz (md5, sig) ampoule-0.0.4 26
last downloaded 17 weeks ago
Total downloads: 26

0.0.3 release from the ampoule series released

Release information
Release notes:

Ampoule 0.0.3 (2008-10-01)

 - Added a Twisted Matrix plugin to run a process pool service that
   can be used over the network using an AMP client.

 - Added ability to change the reactor used to run the children

 - If you wrote your own bootstrap code for the pool you should change
   the way it works because now it takes 2 arguments, sys.argv[1] is
   the reactor short name while sys.argv[2] is still the AMPChild path.
   If you don't use startAMPProcess you probably have nothing to worry

 - Now the process pool doesn't raise an error when you use a command
   that doesn't require an answer.

File Description Downloads
download icon ampoule-0.0.3.tar.gz (md5, sig) ampoule 24
last downloaded 40 weeks ago
Total downloads: 24

0.0.2 release from the ampoule series released

Release information
Release notes:

 - Support process recycling after predefined number of calls.

 - ProcessPool argument max_idle is now maxIdle to comply with Twisted
   style guidelines.

 - ProcessPool.startAWorker is now a synchronous call

 - removed ampoule.runner module because it was essentially useless,
   if you want to change subprocess startup behavior pass it as an
   argument by overriding the processFactory with a closure like this:

       from ampoule.main import startAMPProcess
       from ampoule.pool import ProcessPool
       pp = ProcessPool()
       def myProcessFactory(*args, **kwargs):
           kwargs['bootstrap'] = myBootstrapCode
           return startAMPProcess(*args, **kwargs)
       pp.processFactory = staticmethod(myProcessFactory)


 - Support process recycling after predefined number of calls.

 - ProcessPool argument max_idle is now maxIdle to comply with Twisted
   style guidelines.

 - ProcessPool.startAWorker is now a synchronous call

 - removed ampoule.runner module because it was essentially useless,
   if you want to change subprocess startup behavior pass it as an
   argument by overriding the processFactory with a closure like this:

       from ampoule.main import startAMPProcess
       from ampoule.pool import ProcessPool
       pp = ProcessPool()
       def myProcessFactory(*args, **kwargs):
           kwargs['bootstrap'] = myBootstrapCode
           return startAMPProcess(*args, **kwargs)
       pp.processFactory = staticmethod(myProcessFactory)

File Description Downloads
download icon ampoule-0.0.2.tar.gz (md5, sig) Ampoule 0.0.2 21
last downloaded 17 weeks ago
Total downloads: 21