Authentication-Results-Python 0.3

--- 0.3 (2012-01-07 05:24)

  + Added support for comments on most header elements to object constructors.
    Comments are correctly stringified from constructed objects, however
    conversely, are not currently parsed from strings.
  ! The authres function and most object constructor signatures have changed in
    terms of argument order to allow for new comment arguments. Using named
    arguments is recommended.
  * Added additional doctests from RFC 5451 examples

Milestone information

Scott Kitterman
Release registered:
No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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File Description Downloads
download icon authres-0.3.tar.gz (md5, sig) 0.3 1,822
last downloaded 40 weeks ago
Total downloads: 1,822

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--- 0.3 (2012-01-07 05:24)

  + Added support for comments on most header elements to object constructors.
    Comments are correctly stringified from constructed objects, however
    conversely, are not currently parsed from strings.
  ! The authres function and most object constructor signatures have changed in
    terms of argument order to allow for new comment arguments. Using named
    arguments is recommended.
  * Added additional doctests from RFC 5451 examples

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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