Registered by Janos Gyerik

A simple Android app that can: 1. Connect to any Bluetooth device, 2. Display incoming raw data, 3. Send raw data to the Bluetooth device


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The app is intended as a Bluetooth connection debugging tool. You can confirm successful pairing, monitor incoming raw data and see exactly what is being transmitted from the Bluetooth device.

We plan to add the following features in the future:

* Option to see data in hexadecimal format instead of ascii, for debugging binary data
* Option to add timestamp to incoming messages
* Option to add GPS info to incoming messages
* Design a plugin framework for customized views tailored to specific Bluetooth sensors

We happily accept contributions in whatever way is convenient for you.

If you found this project helpful and feel generous, we happily accept donations via paypal at

The source code is a modified version of the BluetoothChat sample that is included in the Android SDK.

Project information

Janos Gyerik
Janos Gyerik
Apache Licence, GNU GPL v3

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java android

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Latest version is version-1

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