News and announcements

Translation into Korean

Written for BordEuro by Olivier Maury on 2013-12-10

Last Thursday, Litty starts translation of BordEuro into Korean. And today, 65% of all sentences are translated!

Thanks to Litty <> to add this new language to the interface.

Updated .

BordEuro at Ohloh / BordEuro chez Ohloh

Written for BordEuro by Olivier Maury on 2013-10-18

[en] The project is added to Ohloh. So it is easy to follow several metrics, such as lines of codes, lines of comments, number of commits, languages, contributions, ...

[fr] Le projet est inscrit sur Ohloh. Ainsi il est facile de suivre les différentes métriques, telles le nombre de lignes de code, le nombre de ligne de commentaires, le nombre de soumissions, les langages utilisées, les contributions, ...

Updated . Read more

BordEuro is published / BordEuro est publié

Written for BordEuro by Olivier Maury on 2013-10-18

[en] The project is enough stable to be published.

[fr] Le projet est suffisamment stable pour être publié.

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