I've created "Boz PHP - Another PHP Framework" ("boz" it's only to be different from other similar projects) because I want to trash a lot of CMS that I used as base.
This project is moved:
Another PHP Framework can be shared between multiple virtualhosts with a stupid require().
What it provides out of the box:
* NO-stylesheets / JavaScript files - This is a framework to create a CMS. This is NOT a CMS.
* In the root you only have YOUR files - no other stupid file to be copied and keep updated (e.g. it's like having only the "wp-includes" folder of Wordpress without any wp-* file in the root)
* Advanced MySQL/MariaDB class with optional associative options table (a-la-Wordpress)
* Session with users and capabilities manager - Login APIs
* Advanced but very simplified file upload APIs
* Handle menu trees
This project is moved:
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trunk series is the current focus of development.