Registered by jasballz

Buddhabuntu is a distribution of Ubuntu Linux for Buddhist users that emphasizes machine learning, user adaptiveness, scriptural study and includes a media library of Buddhist scriptures. Its focus is on nodal / neural net processing and interdependent development and interfacing complearn and IBM PML with the OS for User Adaptiveness.
Ideally sub distros/theme-packages including languages and sect-relevence will be included in the final release as developed by respective representatives of those sects.

One can get involved in Buddhabuntu at . Looking for anyone with some programming experience and 'serious' interest. You may contact me, jasballz at or 1.716.904.1291 USA preferably after 5PM EST. Looking for people who are interested in devving machine learning O.S.-to-User interface for Ubuntu linux and maybe new compiz effects like an interbeing/indra's net desktop effect.

Project information

Not yet selected
Academic Free Licence, GNU GPL v3, Other/Open Source
(Buddhabuntu and its website are completely opensourced for maximum developer involvement/ease.)

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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Programming languages:
C#, C++, Java, Vbscript, Python, Linux kernel

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