bzr-colo 0.1.0 "fin"

This should be the first feature-complete release

Milestone information

Code name:
Neil Martinsen-Burrell
Release registered:
No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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download icon bzr-colo-0.1.0.tar.gz (md5) Source Release 113
last downloaded 17 weeks ago
Total downloads: 113

Release notes 

This release should be feature complete, adding the ability to synchronize
to and from colocated workspaces and pulling from all remote branches
named "origin/..." This version also introduces a requirement on Bazaar
versions later than 2.1.


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Compatibility Changes

* The colo-fetch command now creates the initial branch with the name
  origin/trunk to facilitate use with the new colo-pull command.

* If no second argument is given, colo-fetch creates the workspace with
  a name derived from the fetched location (similar to Bazaar's branch
  command). (#538942)


* Add colo-sync-to and colo-sync-from commands to synchronize every branch
  in a colocated workspace with a different workspace.

* Add a ``--no-tree`` option to colo-init that creates a colocated workspace
  without a working tree. This allows creating colocated workspaces over
  remote transports that don't allow creating working trees.

* Add a colo-pull command that pulls all branches whose names begin with

* Add a colo-mv command for renaming colocated branches.

* Add a ``--trunk-name`` option to colo-init to specify the name of the
  initial branch.

Bug Fixes

* Bump the minimum require Bazaar version to 2.1 since we use
  BzrCommand.run_direct. (#550033)

* Declare the minimum Bazaar version in the code. Avoid breaking the test
  suite on 2.0. (Martin Pool, Neil Martinsen-Burrell)

* Don't delete promiscuously in .bzr/branches. Require the arguments of
  colo-prune to be the names of branches. (#529760)

* Give better error messages with qbzr import errors.
  (#520485, Alexander Belchenko)

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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