News and announcements

bzr-tfs 0.3 released

Written for Team Foundation Server support for Bazaar by John C Barstow on 2010-11-08

We are happy to announce the release of bzr-tfs 0.3, a major improvement in our coverage of supported operations. Highlights include:

* TFS 2010 support
* Support for bzr checkout and bound branches
* Read-only support for

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bzr-tfs 0.2 released

Written for Team Foundation Server support for Bazaar by John C Barstow on 2010-08-20

We are happy to announce the release of bzr-tfs 0.2, improving on the initial support provided by the first release.

* Announce TFS changeset numbers in 'bzr log' output.
* Handles empty TFS repositories.
* Creates a mapping for revision ids. This is a BACKWARDS-INCOMPATIBLE change that invalidates existing imported branches.
* Adds in plumbing required by Bazaar testing infrastructure.

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