Cambria is a packaging helper library. Cambria is a project to improve the tools for Debian/Ubuntu development.
Project Cambria aims to improve the way that Debian/Ubuntu development is done. You can
read more about the aims in the RATIONALE file:
This project is a library for writing packaging tools, and will probably contain some of those
tools in the future. There is also a GEdit plugin being developed at
To get started see the README file:
We are looking for contributions of all types from all kinds of people, and are keen
to help you get started if you are are not confident about contributing in the way
that you would like. See the CONTRIBUTING file for more information:
you can also join the Cambria users team to join the mailing list and discuss the project
or to ask for help contributing:
View full history Series and milestones
trunk series is the current focus of development.