OpenStack RabbitMQ Server Charm 17.02

Milestone information

OpenStack RabbitMQ Server Charm
Yes. Drivers can target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  


Assigned to you:
No blueprints or bugs assigned to you.
1 Chris Glass, 4 David Ames, 1 James Page, 1 JuanJo Ciarlante, 1 Liam Young, 1 Shane Peters
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
9 Fix Released

0 blueprints and 9 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1657176 #1657176 in neutron gateway node, services neutron-metering-agent and neutron-lbaas-agent did not start 2 Critical David Ames  10 Fix Released
1657245 #1657245 Malformed 3 unit cluster (rabbitmq) 2 Critical David Ames  10 Fix Released
1427824 #1427824 rabbitmq-server charm on kilo fails install from incorrect list_vhosts parsing 3 High JuanJo Ciarlante  10 Fix Released
1501048 #1501048 leader-settings-changed hook sometimes runs out of order? 3 High David Ames  10 Fix Released
1584902 #1584902 Setting RabbitMQ NODENAME to non-FQDN breaks on MaaS 2.0 3 High David Ames  10 Fix Released
1656074 #1656074 Massive memory usage in rabbit node with trusty-liberty cloud deployment 3 High Shane Peters  10 Fix Released
1521887 #1521887 Nagios check_queue probe should report unknown instead of critical when the data file is not populated 4 Medium Chris Glass  10 Fix Released
1651195 #1651195 default management ui port changed in > 3.0 4 Medium Liam Young  10 Fix Released
1664128 #1664128 Import error while running tests 4 Medium James Page  10 Fix Released
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