Registered by Zygmunt Krynicki

This library contains support code for many of the tests of the checkbox project.

Collection of Python modules used by PlainBox providers
This package contains the CheckBox support Python 3 library, primarily used by
the CheckBox provider.

It should not be installed directly, but pulled in by PlainBox provider
packages requiring one of the support module listed below:

* checkbox_support.contrib.xrandr: provides a high level API for the XRandR
   extension of the server.
* checkbox_support.dbus.udisks2: module for working with UDisks2 from python
* checkbox_support.heuristics.udev: heuristics for udev
* checkbox_support.heuristics.udisks2: heuristics for udisks2
* checkbox_support.parsers.cpuinfo: parser for the /proc/cpuinfo file
* checkbox_support.parsers.dmidecode: parser for the dmidecode command
* checkbox_support.parsers.efi: parser for EFI information
* checkbox_support.parsers.lshwjson: parser for the lshw JSON output
* checkbox_support.parsers.meminfo: parser for the /proc/meminfo file
* checkbox_support.parsers.modinfo: parser for modinfo information
* checkbox_support.parsers.pactl: parser for the output of 'pactl list' syntax
* checkbox_support.parsers.udevadm: parser for the udevadm command
* checkbox_support.parsers.xinput: parser for the xinput command
* checkbox_support.scripts.audio_settings manipulates PulseAudio settings.
* checkbox_support.scripts.gputest_benchmark is a wrapper for the Geeks3D
   GpuTest benchmark.
* checkbox_support.udev is a collection of utility functions for
   interacting with GUdev.

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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Latest version is 0.41.0

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