Minimal compilation and linking instructions for CheSS ====================================================== 1) Download and unpack the latest release of CheSS from Launchpad: The resulting directory chess-suite will from now on be called 2) Create a build directory, which from now on will be called . Change to this directory. 3) Launch the following command and follow the instructions on the screen: / build chess -v -c FC="" CC="gc" FCFLAGS="" --with-ext-linalg="" You must adapt this according to your system: : Your Fortran MPI compiler (e.g. mpifort) : Your C compiler (e.g. gcc) : Your Fortran compilation flags (e.g. -O2) : The linking line to your BLAS and LAPACK libraries (e.g. -llapack -lblas) 4) The installation will create the following directories: /install/lib/: Contains the libraries with which you can link /install/include/: Contains the .mod files that you need to interface CheSS with another code 5) To check whether the installation has been successful, you can launch some tests: cd /chess/tests ; make check If you wish to perform these tests in parallel, set the corresponding environment variable: export run_parallel='' Again you must adapt this to your system: : Your command to run MPI jobs (e.g. mpirun -np 4)