Registered by N. Streifling

A prime number generator that is based off of a seiving algorithm. It is capable of generating any number of successive prime numbers while keeping a constant memory footprint. File IO and the user interface are implemented using process parallelism. The seiving algorithm is implemented using task parallelism.

Branches will be created that do not implement task-parallelsim and are meant for benchmarking different seiving algorithms.

Once the algorithm has been selected and task-parallelsim has been implemented, sockets will be added to the project to make prime number generation a distributed task.

Will want to eventually add the Gnu Multi-Precision library in order to generatate prime numbers larger than 64 bits (unsigned long).

This is a personal project that I am working on to improve my skills with C.

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N. Streifling
N. Streifling
Creative Commons - No Rights Reserved

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