Publishing details


clips (6.24-3) unstable; urgency=low

  * Change the upstream page, as it is now
     - change the Clips help documentation 
     - updated the debian/copyright
  * Update the FAQ and documentation based on the contents online
  * Remove the (unused) debian/clips-doc directory
  * Fix the debian/README file as it asked users to install the clips-doc
    package, examples are actually in the clips-common package
  * Comment the update-examples code in debian/rules
  * Create a desktop file and convert CLIP's gif file into a 48x48 xpm icon
  * Modify debian/rules to create an install target
  * Remove the xclips package since there is no way I can fix its use of
    (possibly deprecated) Xaw3d functions and newer Clips releases look like
    they will not to support Xwindows anymore.
      - "Fixes" the segmentation fault issue with Xaw3d (Closes: #165758, #200478)
      - Removes xlibs-data from the package Build-Deps (Closes: 419014)
  * Include an (empty) usrsetup.h header file for applications that do not
    provide one to build (Closes: #385607)

 -- Javier Fernandez-Sanguino Pen~a <email address hidden>  Wed, 16 Apr 2008 18:50:35 +0200


Package files