Publishing details


w9wm (0.4.2-8) unstable; urgency=low

  * Standards version 3.9.4.
    + debian/control: Updated.
    + debian/copyright: Updated header format. Missing "Files".
  * debian/control: Make Vcs-* point to contemporary Alioth URL.
  * debian/w9wm.desktop: Minor corrections on standard.
  * Hardening:
    + debian/rules: Use dpkg-buildflags, adapted to imake.
    * debian/control: Build depends on debhelper (>= 8).
    * debian/compat: Update.
  * Allow menu items with inline arguments.
    + debian/patches/20_menu_management.diff: New file.
    + debian/NEWS: New file.

 -- Mats Erik Andersson <email address hidden>  Mon, 15 Jul 2013 19:49:53 +0200

Available diffs


Package files