Publishing details


udpcast (20120424-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * Make the build reproducible by using SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH instead of the
    current local time when creating the man pages, closes: #835145.  Thanks
    to Chris Lamb <email address hidden> for the patch.
  * Don’t throw out the arguments to a --pipe command after it was first run,
    closes: #763674.  Thanks to Steffen Kaiser <email address hidden>
    for the patch.
  * Use https:// URLs in the Vcs-* fields in debian/control.
  * Specify the type of BSD licence more precisely in debian/copyright.
  * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.8 (no changes needed).

 -- Michael Schutte <email address hidden>  Fri, 18 Nov 2016 14:41:21 +0100

Available diffs


Package files