Publishing details


autopkgtest (4.4) unstable; urgency=medium

  [ Martin Pitt ]
  * doc/README.package-tests.rst: Document network access (Closes: #851556)
  * qemu: Robustify ssh port locks.
    Stop assuming that /run/lock is user-writable (it is not in non-Debian
    systems). Instead create the lock file in /tmp and use 'x' to avoid
    /tmp file races.
  * tests/autopkgtest: Fix crashes when running on non-apt system
  * Fix candidate version detection for packages containing regexp operators
    '+' and '.' are valid characters in a Debian package name. Escape them
    in the call to apt-cache policy so that we get what we want to know.
    (Closes: #855954)

  [ Iain Lane ]
  * Fix build_source to work if "Package-List" is the last line in the apt
    output (Closes: #851899)
  * autopkgtest-virt-lxd: Check uptime for reboot waiting. (LP: #1654025)
  * Add a debug-fail hook and implement it for autopkgtest-virt-ssh.
    At the minute, this is mainly so that the nova script can have its
    failure information (`nova console-log') propagated up to the output, so
    that in the case of kernel panics or other random failures we get useful
    output that the driver of autopkgtest (e.g. autopkgtest-cloud) can look
    at. (LP: #1630578)
  * autopkgtest-build-lxd: Allow overriding the target release by setting
    RELEASE=. This will cause the container to be dist-upgraded to the new
    release. Useful for the very early stages of a release when the LXD
    images on don't exist yet.

  [ Barry Warsaw ]
  * Pass Dpkg::Options::=--force-confnew to apt-get install.
    This avoids dpkg from prompting for conffile installation when you always
    want the new conffile in the testbed anyway. (Closes: #852475)

 -- Martin Pitt <email address hidden>  Sun, 30 Apr 2017 19:09:57 +0200


Package files