News and announcements

38.0 Released

Written for Déjà Dup by Michael Terry on 2018-04-10

This release excludes snap cache directories by default and fixes a monitor process crash.

37.1 Released

Written for Déjà Dup by Michael Terry on 2018-01-02

This release fixes a crash when restoring missing files and makes a message error clearer.

This is part of the unstable 37.x series leading to 38.0.

37.0 Released

Written for Déjà Dup by Michael Terry on 2017-11-18

This development release adds a new Google Drive backend and makes it the new default.

36.3 Released

Written for Déjà Dup by Michael Terry on 2017-10-20

This release fixes an issue with the restore dialog's location dropdown not being visible in some cases.

36.2 Released

Written for Déjà Dup by Michael Terry on 2017-10-02

This release fixes a crash when restoring missing files.

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