DHIS 2 Academy m4-2010 "Milestone 4 Final"
This is the final release of your project work, and it should have reached the level of a functional system/module.
The documentation should be extended with the following parts:
- User documentation, describing how to use your solution (if applicable).
- Technical documentation, describing the technical design of your solution and an overview of which projects and classes you have modified or added.
All group members have to commit code to Launchpad.
If you, for good reasons, were not able to complete the task, remaining tasks and description of key challenges should be documented.
In any case, the work should be well documented on your wiki page in order to make it easy to understand and possibly merge into trunk, and for later student groups to continue your work.
Milestone information
- Project:
- DHIS 2 Academy
- Series:
- 2010
- Version:
- m4-2010
- Code name:
- Milestone 4 Final
- Expected:
- 2010-12-10
- Active:
- No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.
- Assigned to you:
- No blueprints or bugs assigned to you.
- Assignees:
- 2 Christian Tryti, 1 Dirk Tassilo Hettich, 3 Eirik Luka, 4 Eric Hansen, 2 Gautier DOUBLET, 4 Hans Joachim Desserud, 2 Håkon Stordahl, 7 Jan Ole Skotterud, 1 Jonathan Lillesæter, 1 Julien Crochet, 1 Marion Wind, 1 Michael Pettersson, 2 Rune V. Sjøen, 3 Suhas Joshi, 1 SuneelKumar, 1 Thomas Torp, 1 Vilde Bøe, 1 anderrb, 1 Øyvind Hoff Midtbø, 3 Øyvind Nordseth Pettersen
- Blueprints:
- 4 Unknown, 1 Not started, 1 Deferred, 3 Good progress, 1 Beta Available, 28 Implemented, 6 Informational
- Bugs:
- No bugs are targeted to this milestone.
44 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted
Blueprint | Priority | Assignee | Delivery | |
Write documentation about custom charts | Write documentation about custom charts | 1 Undefined | Julien Crochet | 0 Unknown |
Write documentation about default content | Write documentation about default content | 1 Undefined | SuneelKumar | 0 Unknown |
Write documentation about custom rss | Write documentation about custom rss | 1 Undefined | Marion Wind | 1 Not started |
Make a dropdown box when selecting pie chart | Make a dropdown box when selecting pie chart | 1 Undefined | Eirik Luka | 2 Deferred |
Complete documentation | Complete documentation | 1 Undefined | Suhas Joshi | 11 Implemented |
Complete the implementation and merge trunk with our branch | Complete the implementation and merge trunk with our branch | 1 Undefined | Eric Hansen | 11 Implemented |
Design web page displaying process list | Design web page displaying process list | 1 Undefined | Dirk Tassilo Hettich | 11 Implemented |
Detailed description of how to add new charts | Detailed description of how to add new charts | 1 Undefined | Øyvind Nordseth Pettersen | 11 Implemented |
Document facility search | Document facility search | 1 Undefined | Rune V. Sjøen | 11 Implemented |
Edit and delete function bugs must be fixed | Edit and delete function bugs must be fixed | 1 Undefined | Thomas Torp | 11 Implemented |
Finished implementation of facility search | Finished implementation of facility search | 1 Undefined | Hans Joachim Desserud | 11 Implemented |
Fix any bugs or glitches in the code | Fix any bugs or glitches in the code | 1 Undefined | Håkon Stordahl | 11 Implemented |
Fix problem with Hibernate Lazy Loading-exception | Fix problem with Hibernate Lazy Loading-exception | 1 Undefined | 11 Implemented | |
Fix titles and legend on bubble chart | Fix titles and legend on bubble chart | 1 Undefined | Eric Hansen | 11 Implemented |
Implement a web-interface | Implement a web-interface | 1 Undefined | Suhas Joshi | 11 Implemented |
Maintain consistency with DHIS2 | Maintain consistency with DHIS2 | 1 Undefined | Hans Joachim Desserud | 11 Implemented |
Make direct calls to database perform search | Make direct calls to database perform search | 1 Undefined | anderrb | 11 Implemented |
Make screenshots of the different charts | Make screenshots of the different charts | 1 Undefined | Eric Hansen | 11 Implemented |
Make service layer unit tests | Make service layer unit tests | 1 Undefined | Rune V. Sjøen | 11 Implemented |
Make the background color same in all the chart types. | Make the background color same in all the chart types. | 1 Undefined | Øyvind Hoff Midtbø | 11 Implemented |
Making selected indicator list smaller when selecting bubble chart | Making selected indicator list smaller when selecting bubble chart | 1 Undefined | Eirik Luka | 11 Implemented |
Process manager web user interface action classes implementation | Process manager web user interface action classes implementation | 1 Undefined | Vilde Bøe | 11 Implemented |
Provide controls for showing/hiding columns in search results | Provide controls for showing/hiding columns in search results | 1 Undefined | Hans Joachim Desserud | 11 Implemented |
Set up web GUI and validation | Set up web GUI and validation | 1 Undefined | Jonathan Lillesæter | 11 Implemented |
The facility search should support different languages based on locale | The facility search should support different languages based on locale | 1 Undefined | Hans Joachim Desserud | 11 Implemented |
Web interface implement | Web interface implement | 1 Undefined | Christian Tryti | 11 Implemented |
What can be improved in the future | What can be improved in the future | 1 Undefined | Eric Hansen | 11 Implemented |
Write documentation | Write documentation | 1 Undefined | Øyvind Nordseth Pettersen | 11 Implemented |
Write tests | Write tests | 1 Undefined | Øyvind Nordseth Pettersen | 11 Implemented |
make json work on the webservice (sample data) | make json work on the webservice (sample data) | 1 Undefined | Gautier DOUBLET | 11 Implemented |
mssql-implement the archivePatientData method and test | mssql-implement the archivePatientData method and test | 1 Undefined | Jan Ole Skotterud | 11 Implemented |
mssql-implement-deleteArchivedOverlappingPatientData-test-and-method |
1 Undefined | Jan Ole Skotterud | 12 Informational |
mssql-implement-deleteOldestOverlappingPatientArchiveData-test-and-method |
1 Undefined | Jan Ole Skotterud | 12 Informational |
mssql-implement-deleteOldestOverlappingPatientDataValue-test-and-method |
1 Undefined | Jan Ole Skotterud | 12 Informational |
mssql-implement-deleteRegularOverlappingPatientData-and-method |
1 Undefined | Jan Ole Skotterud | 12 Informational |
mssql-implement-six-new-methods |
1 Undefined | Jan Ole Skotterud | 12 Informational |
mssql-implement-unArchivePatientData-test-and-method |
1 Undefined | Jan Ole Skotterud | 12 Informational |
All done | All done | 1 Undefined | Michael Pettersson | 11 Implemented |
finalize json implementation on webservice (real data) | finalize json implementation on webservice (real data) | 1 Undefined | Gautier DOUBLET | 8 Beta Available |
All documentation should be finished now | All documentation should be finished now | 1 Undefined | Suhas Joshi | 7 Good progress |
Fix bugs | Fix bugs | 1 Undefined | Christian Tryti | 7 Good progress |
Complete writing the documentation | Complete writing the documentation | 1 Undefined | Håkon Stordahl | 0 Unknown |
Clean the code | Clean the code | 1 Undefined | Eirik Luka | 7 Good progress |
Display a map for the region in detailed results | Display a map for the region in detailed results | 1 Undefined | 0 Unknown |