Duplicity 0.8.22 Released

Written for Duplicity by Kenneth Loafman on 2022-03-04

## rel.0.8.22 (2022-03-04)

### New

* Minimize testing/manual/issue98.sh for issue #98. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Add testing/manual/issue98.sh to test issue #98. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Add Getting Versioned Source to README-REPO.md. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Add --use-glacier-ir option for instant retrieval. Fixes #102. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Add --par2-volumes entry to man page. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Add option --show-changes-in-set <index> to collection-status. [Kenneth Loafman]

  Patches provided by Peter Canning (@pcanning). Closes #99.

### Changes

* Add warning for replicate command. See issue #98. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Add line wrap to changelog process, body and subject. [Kenneth Loafman]

### Fix

* Add --no-files-changed option. Fixes issue #110. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Fix use of sorted() builtin (does not sort in place). [Kenneth Loafman]

* Fix #107 - TypeError in restart\_position\_iterator. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Need to pass kwargs to BaseIdentitu. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Fix \_\_init\_\_ in hubic.py. Fixes #106. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Somehow missed boto when doing #102. Now supported. [Kenneth Loafman]

### Other

* Merge branch 'master' of gitlab.com:duplicity/duplicity. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Revert "chg:dev:core20 usess py38, not py36." [Kenneth Loafman]

  This reverts commit 05eda5828c7bdde1003357439cfcb4d93124a377.

* Merge branch 'filecoin-backend' into 'master' [Kenneth Loafman]

  Slate Backend
  See merge request duplicity/duplicity!42

* Slate Backend. [Shr1ftyy]

* Merge branch 'mr-origin-75' [Kenneth Loafman]

* Skip tests for ppc64le also. [Mikel Olasagasti Uranga]

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