Duplicity 1.0.0

Milestone information

Kenneth Loafman
Release registered:
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1 Fix Released

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Total downloads: 40

Release notes 

## rel.1.0.0 (2022-09-23)

### Changes

* Extend code\_test to testing directory. [Kenneth Loafman]

  - Fix or mark issues found. - Will not run under py27.

* Fix .md formatting. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Mark slow tests > 10sec. Use -m "not slow". [Kenneth Loafman]

* Ref requirements.dev in install. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Ref requirements files instead of listing in duplicate. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Nuke skip tests and skip ci in CHANGELOG.md. [Kenneth Loafman]

* New os\_options for SWIFT backend. [Florian Perrot]

* Clarify when --s3-endpoint-url,-region-name are needed. [ede]

* Better defaults for S3 mac procs and chunk sizing. [Josh Goebel]

* --s3\_multipart\_max\_procs applies to BOTO3 backend also. [Josh Goebel]

* Migrate to unittest.mock. [Gwyn Ciesla]

* Replace pexpect.run with subprocess\_popen in par2backend. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Fix PEP8 issue. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Add returncode to BackendException for rclonebackend. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Snap use core20 coreutils if none in PATH env var. [ede]

  add "/snap/core20/current/usr/bin" to PATH

### Fix

* Replace pydrive with pydrive2. Fixes #62. [Kenneth Loafman]

* GDrive backend: Add environment args for configuring oauth flow. [Patrick Riley]

* GDrive backend: For Google OAuth, switch to loopback flow. [Patrick Riley]

* Reduce number of GPG file descriptors, add GPG translatable errors. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Add back overzealous removal of 'import re'. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Webdav listing failed on responses with namespace 'ns0' [Felix Prüter]

* Make sure that FileChunkIO#name is a string, not a bytes-like object. [Josh Goebel]

* Fix possible memory leaks. Fixes #128. Fixes #129. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Additional fixes/checks for pexpect version. Fixes #125. [Kenneth Loafman]

  - Add check to ssh_pexpect_backend, par2backend, for version < 4.5.0
  - Skip test for par2backend instance if version < 4.5.0

* Fixes #125. Add use\_poll=True to pexpect.run in par2backend. [Kenneth Loafman]

  - allows way too many incrementals to operate. - regression test,
  issue125.sh, added to manual.

* Fix issue #78 - Retry on SHA1 mismatch. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Add missing double quote. [ede]

### Other

* Doc: some reformatting for better readability. [ede]

* Doc: clarify when --s3-endpoint-url,-region-name are need. [ede]


View the full changelog

## rel.1.0.0 (2022-09-23)

### Changes

* Extend code\_test to testing directory. [Kenneth Loafman]

  - Fix or mark issues found. - Will not run under py27.

* Fix .md formatting. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Mark slow tests > 10sec. Use -m "not slow". [Kenneth Loafman]

* Ref requirements.dev in install. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Ref requirements files instead of listing in duplicate. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Nuke skip tests and skip ci in CHANGELOG.md. [Kenneth Loafman]

* New os\_options for SWIFT backend. [Florian Perrot]

* Clarify when --s3-endpoint-url,-region-name are needed. [ede]

* Better defaults for S3 mac procs and chunk sizing. [Josh Goebel]

* --s3\_multipart\_max\_procs applies to BOTO3 backend also. [Josh Goebel]

* Migrate to unittest.mock. [Gwyn Ciesla]

* Replace pexpect.run with subprocess\_popen in par2backend. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Fix PEP8 issue. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Add returncode to BackendException for rclonebackend. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Snap use core20 coreutils if none in PATH env var. [ede]

  add "/snap/core20/current/usr/bin" to PATH

### Fix

* Replace pydrive with pydrive2. Fixes #62. [Kenneth Loafman]

* GDrive backend: Add environment args for configuring oauth flow. [Patrick Riley]

* GDrive backend: For Google OAuth, switch to loopback flow. [Patrick Riley]

* Reduce number of GPG file descriptors, add GPG translatable errors. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Add back overzealous removal of 'import re'. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Webdav listing failed on responses with namespace 'ns0' [Felix Prüter]

* Make sure that FileChunkIO#name is a string, not a bytes-like object. [Josh Goebel]

* Fix possible memory leaks. Fixes #128. Fixes #129. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Additional fixes/checks for pexpect version. Fixes #125. [Kenneth Loafman]

  - Add check to ssh_pexpect_backend, par2backend, for version < 4.5.0
  - Skip test for par2backend instance if version < 4.5.0

* Fixes #125. Add use\_poll=True to pexpect.run in par2backend. [Kenneth Loafman]

  - allows way too many incrementals to operate. - regression test,
  issue125.sh, added to manual.

* Fix issue #78 - Retry on SHA1 mismatch. [Kenneth Loafman]

* Add missing double quote. [ede]

### Other

* Doc: some reformatting for better readability. [ede]

* Doc: clarify when --s3-endpoint-url,-region-name are need. [ede]

0 blueprints and 1 bug targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
510625 #510625 Bad parsing of GnuPG output, expecting english output, which doesn't work if locales different than english. 3 High   10 Fix Released
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