Patch attachments

Order by: 
Bug Importance Status Patch Age
Bug #135985: media file content and filename encoding is not consistient High Confirmed 688 weeks
Bug #135618: Support Compilation Albums Wishlist Confirmed 706 weeks
Bug #135936: Option to save downloaded album cover art as folder.jpg in music folder Wishlist In Progress 715 weeks
Bug #136056: whishlist support for .is_audio_player hal file Wishlist Confirmed 719 weeks
Bug #594893: Lyrics plugin take a long time to searh lyrics Low Confirmed 722 weeks
Bug #521033: Tray Buttons plugin Undecided New 739 weeks
Bug #136164: Make the collection tree view configurable Wishlist Confirmed 749 weeks

From: Vladimir Kokarev
Link: diff3

Bug #135915: Autodetect iPod mountpoint Wishlist In Progress 768 weeks

From: bear
Link: bug_135915.patch

18 of 8 results