Registered by Raphael Boissel

Fact is a test harness design to provide a robust and multi-platform testing environment for projects with specific needs. The goal is to provide a robust environment to test projects that can crash or put the computer in an unstable state (like kernel modules) and still being able to report results when one of the agent has crash.

Fact is a project coded mostly in C# (can run on mono) to test project during their entire development cycle.

The project is divided in two parts. The first one is the CORE which is a library containing tools to create sandboxes, read and link executable, dynamically patch code, manage assertions, ... This library intend to be the central point of fact. The second part is the plugin collection. This collection stores various tools that can be used from the command line to accomplish everyday life task with fact, like building, testing or monitoring a project. If you need to extend fact to adapt it to the need of your project, adding a plugin is probably the best way to do it.

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Raphael Boissel
Raphael Boissel
MIT / X / Expat Licence

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