News and announcements

FEniCS days at Imperial College: June 18 and 29 2012

Written for FEniCS Project by Marie Rognes on 2012-05-30

The Centre for Computational Methods in Science and Engineering at Imperial College London are hosting two events related to the FEniCS project on June 18 and 29 2012. See
for more information

FEniCS'12 at Simula June 5-7

Written for FEniCS Project by Anders Logg on 2012-04-04

We invite all FEniCS developers and users to FEniCS'12! Visit the FEniCS web page for more information.

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FEniCS PPA moved

Written for FEniCS Project by Johannes Ring on 2011-11-11

The FEniCS PPA has been moved to a new location [1]. Please follow the updated instructions on our website [2] to add the new PPA.

The old FEniCS PPA is still available, but will be disabled soon. You should therefore remove it from your sources by running

  sudo rm -f /etc/apt/sources.list.d/fenics-ppa-`lsb_release -cs`.list

Then run

  sudo apt-get update

to update the sources on your system.

The packages from the old FEniCS PPA has been copied to the FEniCS archive builds PPA [3] for future reference.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused by this move.


FEniCS 1.0-beta2 binaries released

Written for FEniCS Project by Johannes Ring on 2011-10-28

The binaries for FEniCS 1.0-beta2 are now available for download!

New this time is support for OS X Lion and DOLFIN is now built with Trilinos support in the OS X binaries.

Users of Ubuntu 10.04 and 10.10 should note that an additional PPA is needed to get the latest release. See the web page for details.

Mac OS X and Windows binaries updated

Written for FEniCS Project by Johannes Ring on 2011-05-18

The Mac OS X and Windows binaries have been updated and now features DOLFIN 0.9.11, FFC 0.9.10, Instant 0.9.10, UFC 2.0.1 and UFL 0.9.1. They are available from the installation page at

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