Registered by Nicholas Tollervey

A command line utility and associated modules to make it easy to import data into FluidDB.

The FLuiddb IMPorter (flimp) aims to make it simple to import data into FluidDB.

Flimp makes use of the brilliant FOM (Fluid Object Mapper) by Ali Afshar (also hosted on Launchpad).

It currently works in two ways:

1. Given a source file (currently flimp handles json, csv or yaml file types) it will create the necessary namespaces and tags and then import the records.

2. Given a path on the filesystem it will create the necessary namespaces (based on directories) and tags (based on file names) and then import the file’s contents as values tagged to a single object.

Flimp provides the “flimp” command line tool and has been written to make it easy to use flimp’s functionality in third-party Python projects.

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Nicholas Tollervey
MIT / X / Expat Licence

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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