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1120 of 26 releases

0.9.3 (Route de Bonneville) release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

Geneva Optimization Library

* Version 0.9.3, "Route de Bonneville" - November 10, 2011

See the Changelog for the individual changes.


The main changes for this release include:
 - Switched configuration files to JSON format, making possible to
   create JavaScript based GUI interfaces.
 - Simplified and centralized creation and parsing of configuration
   options, so users may more easily configure their applications.
 - Introduced a new wrapper class Go2 that allows to aggregate
   different optimization algorithms, making the best results of the
   first algorithms available to their successors. Algorithms can now
   either be added in main() -- in which case the parallelization mode
   chosen for the corresponding objects is used -- or on the command
   line, in which case the parallelization mode can be modified on demand.
 - Introduced a new interface class GOptimizableI, as the basis
   of GOptimizationAlgorithmT and various wrapper classes.
 - Removed all std::pair in favor of boost::tuple (the future std::tuple).
 - Some renaming of variables. E.g.: renamed 'recoSchemes' to the
   more appropriate 'duplicationScheme', dito for this enums constants.
 - Renamed public cpp variables according to the library they
   are used in, GEM_<LIB>_<VAR>.
 - Renamed the cpp variable GENEVATESTING to GEM_TESTING.
 - Bumped the minimal Boost version to 1.41.
 - Forced Boost.Filesystem v3 for Boost >= 1.44.

File Description Downloads
download icon geneva-v0.9.3-ReleaseNotes.txt (md5, sig) Geneva v0.9.3 Release Notes 20
last downloaded 14 weeks ago
download icon geneva-v0.9.3.tgz (md5, sig) Geneva v0.9.3 (Route de Bonneville) 22
last downloaded 40 weeks ago
Total downloads: 42

0.9.2 (Route de Meyrin) release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

Geneva Optimization Library

* Version 0.9.2, "Route de Meyrin" - February 4, 2011

See the Changelog for the individual changes.


The main changes for this release include:
 - Added the ability to individuals to store secondary evaluation
   criteria in addition the main criterion.
 - Added a first version of multi-criterion ("pareto front")
   optimization to Geneva's Evolutionary Algorithms.
 - Added a serial consumer, so all execution modes can now be handled
   independently from the optimization algorithms.
 - Added explicit initialization and finalization code so we know when
   objects get constructed or destroyed in the presence of singletons.
 - Added forced termination code if the library is linked with Boost
   versions affected by the termination problem in conjunction with gcc.
 - Added a mechanism to deposit data at a remote site, so it doesn't
   need to be (de-)serialized in each iteration. Note that, if you use
   this feature together with check-pointing, you need to make sure
   that un-serialized data is loaded.
 - Replaced the publicly visible waitFactor by minimum and maximum
   values for the waitFactor variable. It will now be updated
 - Renamed the former serial GSwarm class to the more logical
   GSerialSwarm, similarly GEvolutionaryAlgorithm -> GSerialEA, and
   GGradientDescent -> GSerialGD.
 - Added an option that allows an evolutionary algorithm population
   to grow up to a user-defined limit, so one can start with small
   populations and still have good coverage of the parameter space
   close to the optimum. This is meant to shorten optimization runs
   in multi-threaded mode, if the population size is much larger than
   the number of available compute units.
 - Renovated gradient descents and swarms.
 - Added a means to recursively extract lower and upper boundaries
   and initialization ranges from GParameterBase-derivatives.
 - Moved the GBrokerConnector to the courtier library, making it a
   template class and thus independent of the optimization code.
 - Removed the GINDIVIDUALBROKER macro for clarity reasons.
 - Moved much of the Broker-Populations functionality into the
   GBrokerConnector, thus making it more generic and the population
   classes easier to understand.
 - Removed remaining dependencies of the courtier lib on the core
   optimization framework.
 - Moved scripts to their own subdirectory.
 - Added individual tests for the common and courtier libs.
 - Adapted to Boost 1.47.

File Description Downloads
download icon geneva-v0.9.2-ReleaseNotes.txt (md5, sig) Geneva v0.9.2 Release Notes 35
last downloaded 40 weeks ago
download icon geneva-v0.9.2.tgz (md5, sig) Geneva v0.9.2 (Route de Meyrin) 38
last downloaded 40 weeks ago
Total downloads: 73

0.9.1 (Route Cockroft) release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

Geneva Optimization Library

* Version 0.9.1, "Route Cockroft" - February 12, 2011

See the Changelog for the individual changes.


The main changes for this release include:
 - Implemented Simulated Annealing, as part of Evolutionary Algorithms.
   NOTE: This SA implementation is still rather untested, use with care
   at this point.
 - Made sure that parameter objects always have an adaptor loaded. Before
   this it was empty by default.
   BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT_IMPLEMENTATION combo for serialization (except for
   Boost 1.40, where these macros didn't exist).
 - Added a new collection class GConstrainedDoubleCollection that allows
   to apply common upper and lower limits to a set of double values.
 - Made the adaptor hierarchy more consistent and added a "bi-gaussian"
 - Cleaned up the GRandomBase/T and GRandomT classes, including an
   interface change.
 - Introduced more verbatim exceptions.
 - Cleaned up the header files from surplus includes.
 - Started to clean up and add examples, in line with the documentation.
 - Updated obsolete Doxygen settings to reflect new doxygen versions.
 - Bumped the minimal Boost version to 1.40.

File Description Downloads
download icon geneva-v0.9.1-ReleaseNotes.txt (md5, sig) Geneva v0.9.1 Release Notes 38
last downloaded 40 weeks ago
download icon geneva-v0.9.1.tgz (md5, sig) Geneva v0.9.1 (Route Cockroft) 73
last downloaded 40 weeks ago
Total downloads: 111

0.9 (Alice) release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

Geneva Optimization Library

* Version 0.9, "Alice" - November 24, 2010

See the Changelog for the individual changes.


The main changes for this release include:
 - Implemented gradient descents in all modes (serial, multi-threaded and
 - Created a wrapper around all optimization algorithms in all modes
   (serial, multithreaded, networked) that much lowers the entry threshold
   to use Geneva. This wrapper class is called Go.
 - Introduced the GOptimizationMonitorT class (and derivatives) to allow
   easier access to information about the optimization process, plus
   visualization of the optimization progress out of the box.
 - Added a set of functions that allows to extract or set all parameters
   of type double, boost::int32_t or boolean with a single call from an
   individual, in the sequence in which they were registered. E.g., if
   a GDoubleObject, GBooleanCollection and a GConstrainedDouble have been
   registered in this order, it would be possible to just extract or set
   all double values in one go, while leaving the GBooleanCollection
 - Made it a property of the GParameterSet class, instead of the
   optimization algorithm, whether GParameterSet's evaluation function
   should be maximized or minimized.
 - Added the GParserBuilder class that allows to easily create parsers
   for configuration files "on the fly".
 - Moved the GSerializableI class from the Geneva to the Common library.
 - Worked around a problem in conjunction with g++ 4.1.2 (a compiler bug,

File Description Downloads
download icon geneva-v0.9.0-ReleaseNotes.txt (md5, sig) Geneva v0.9.0 Release Notes 46
last downloaded 40 weeks ago
download icon geneva-v0.9.0.tgz (md5, sig) Geneva v0.9.0 (Alice) 67
last downloaded 40 weeks ago
Total downloads: 113

0.8.4 (Route Bell) release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

Geneva Optimization Library

* Version 0.8.4, "Route Bell" - September 23, 2010

See the Changelog for the individual changes.


The main changes for this release include:
 - Revised GAsioTCPConsumerT
 - Fixed an important bug in the broker infrastructure. As a result of that
   problem, the server sometimes didn't shut down properly at the end
   of networked optimization.

File Description Downloads
download icon geneva-v0.8.4-ReleaseNotes.txt (md5, sig) Geneva v0.8.4 Release Notes 48
last downloaded 14 weeks ago
download icon geneva-v0.8.4.tgz (md5, sig) Geneva v0.8.4 (Route Bell) 60
last downloaded 40 weeks ago
Total downloads: 108

0.8.3 (Delphi) release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

Geneva Optimization Library

* Version 0.8.3, "Delphi" - September 19, 2010

See the Changelog for the individual changes.


The main changes for this release include:
 - Renamed GCommunicationEnums to GCourtierEnums for greater consistency
   with the library name.
 - Completed the unit tests for data types (GParameterBase derivatives,
   adaptors, GParameterSet and related classes). From the optimization-related
   classes only the algorithms are still lacking complete unit test
   coverage. However, through their heavy use in the actual optimization
   problems they are nevertheless quite well tested. Corresponding tests
   will be added when the need arises or time permits.

File Description Downloads
download icon geneva-v0.8.3-ReleaseNotes.txt (md5, sig) Geneva v0.8.3 Release Notes 29
last downloaded 40 weeks ago
download icon geneva-v0.8.3.tgz (md5, sig) Geneva v0.8.3 (Delphi) 27
last downloaded 40 weeks ago
Total downloads: 56

0.8.2 (Route De Broglie) release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

Geneva Optimization Library

* Version 0.8.2, "Route De Broglie" - September 8, 2010

See the Changelog for the individual changes.


The main changes for this release include:
 - Gave GParameterSet objects the ability to distribute its local random number
   generator to the GParameterBase objects stored in it.
 - Renamed GDouble to GDoubleObject, GInt32 to GInt32Object, GBoolean to GBooleanObject,
   GConstrainedDouble to GConstrainedDoubleObject and GConstrainedInt32 to GConstrainedInt32Object
   for better consistency with class names like GDoubleObjectCollection and GDoubleCollection
 - Renamed GParameterBaseWithAdaptorsT<T>::adaptor_cast<adaptor_type> to getAdaptor<adaptor_type>
 - Renamed GParameterSet::pc_at<> to at<> for consistency reasons
 - Added many additional tests

File Description Downloads
download icon geneva-v0.8.2.tgz (md5, sig) Geneva v0.8.2 (Route De Broglie) 29
last downloaded 40 weeks ago
download icon geneva-v0.8.2-ReleaseNotes.txt (md5, sig) Geneva v0.8.2 Release Notes 21
last downloaded 39 weeks ago
Total downloads: 50

0.8.1 (PS 197) release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

Geneva Optimization Library

* Version 0.8.1, "PS 197" - August 28, 2010

See the Changelog for the individual changes.


The main changes for this release include:
 - Implemented swarm algorithms in all three modes (serial execution, multi-threaded
   and networked). Note that this implementation still needs to mature further
   so that it is recommend for the curious only.
 - Refactored the GBoundedDouble and GBoundedInt32 classes, which are now named
   GConstrainedDouble and GConstrainedInt32 and are based on generic floating-point-
   and integer-aware classes.
 - Moved the GBoundedBufferWithIdT class from the Courtier to the Common library.
 - Implemented many new test functions.
 - Organized the tests in sub-folders corresponding to each tested library.
 - Improved the examples' build-files to allow all the examples to compile out of tree.

File Description Downloads
download icon geneva-v0.8.1.tgz (md5, sig) Geneva v0.8.1 (PS 197) 24
last downloaded 40 weeks ago
download icon geneva-v0.8.1-ReleaseNotes.txt (md5, sig) Geneva v0.8.1 Release Notes 17
last downloaded 40 weeks ago
Total downloads: 41

0.8 (Prevessin) release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

Geneva Optimization Library

* Version 0.8.0, "Prevessin" - August 4, 2010

See the Changelog for the individual changes.


The main changes for this release include:
 - Separated code into the libraries Hap (random number production), Courtier (brokerage and
   networking), Geneva (optimization algorithms), Dataexchange (communication with external
   evaluation programs) and Common (common code needed by all other libraries), each
   with its own namespace. Includes should now be prefixed with the (sub)library name.
 - Reworked the test framework implementing the tests directly inside the
   tested classes. This allows for better testing of private members and virtual
   classes, and at the same time simplifies the code maintenance.
 - Replaced all calls to mutate() (and associated functions) with calls to adapt()
   in order to reflect different naming schemes in different optimization algorithms.
 - Added an iterator to GStdPtrVectorInterface that lets users iterate only over
   specific derived objects of the stored base-objects.
 - Removed ability to assign joint adaptors to entire collections in favor of
   all-local adaptors, in order to facilitate the inner design and usage of the
 - Added a GParameterObjectCollection that allows to arbitrarily mix any
   GParameterBase object in the same collection.
 - Removed GBoostThreadConsumer dependency on GIndividual, making it a template class
 - Removed GAsioTCPConsumer dependency on GIndividual, making it a template class
 - Removed the GIndividualBroker class, the GINDIVIDUALBROKER macro was moved to GIndividual.hpp.
 - Renamed GenevaExceptions file to GExceptions and renamed Gem::Geneva::geneva_error_condition
   to Gem::Common::gemfony_error_condition, in order to better separate different libraries.
 - Replaced usage of GDataExchangeException by Gem::Common::gemfony_error_condition.
 - Gave GParameterBase-derivatives and GParameterSet objects the ability to randomly initialize
   a given set of data elements contained in them.
 - Update to CMake 2.8, ported to Boost 1.43.
 - Made compilation of test code optional.
 - Moved the sample programs in the 'associated' folder together with the other examples.

File Description Downloads
download icon geneva-v0.8.0.tgz (md5, sig) Geneva v0.8.0 (Prevessin) 29
last downloaded 40 weeks ago
download icon geneva-v0.8.0-ReleaseNotes.txt (md5, sig) Geneva v0.8.0 Release Notes 19
last downloaded 39 weeks ago
Total downloads: 48

0.7 (Route Arago) release from the trunk series released

Release information
Release notes:

Geneva Optimization Library

* Version 0.7.0, "Route Arago" - March 1, 2010

See the Changelog for the individual changes.


The main changes for this release include:
 - Removed all direct dependencies of GIndividual objects from the optimization algorithm in order to
   allow the implementation of additional algorithms, based on the same data structures and
   parallelization framework
 - Gave the GAsioTCPConsumer the ability to automatically determine the number of listener threads.
   Should improve scalability of the server on systems with many cores.
 - Added GDelayIndividual in order to allow measurement of the overhead incurred through the parallelization
 - Reworked GExternalEvaluator example to be more usable in a production environment (e.g. added a configuration
   file instead of command line options)
 - Refactored GIndividualSet (now named GOptimizationAlgorithm) to become the base class of a hierarchy
   of iteration-based optimization algorithms. The class now encapsulates functionality common to all of
   these algorithms, such as the main loop and different halt criteria.
 - Gave GIndividual knowledge about the currently best known fitness of all individuals
 - Gave GIndividual knowledge about the number of optimization cycles without improvement
 - Renamed GBasePopulation to GEvolutionaryAlgorithm, GBrokerPopulation to GBrokerEA and GBoostThreadPopulation
   to GMultiThreadedEA
 - Implemented a new way to select views of vectors of boost::shared_ptr<GIndividual>, including
   automatic conversion ("attachViewTo<>() )
 - Allowed adaptors to choose from "always mutate", "never mutate" and "mutate with a certain likelihood"
 - Added compilation warnings when using Boost 1.39 or Boost 1.41, which seem to have issues wrt. Geneva,
   possibly in the serialization library.
 - Reworked the test framework, including renovation of conversion_cast<>
 - Reworked the clone framework to use boost::shared_ptr instead of "raw" GObject * pointers
 - Reworked the load framework so that public accessible load functions is shared pointers
 - Removed GChar and related classes, as these can be implemented better through integer classes
 - Cleaned up and renovated the example's hierarchy
 - Added a build script to facilitate building the Geneva library

File Description Downloads
download icon geneva-v0.7.0.tgz (md5, sig) Geneva v0.7.0 (Route Arago) 63
last downloaded 40 weeks ago
download icon geneva-v0.7.0-ReleaseNotes.txt (md5, sig) Geneva v0.7.0 Release Notes 43
last downloaded 14 weeks ago
Total downloads: 106

1120 of 26 releases