Registered by Mark P

GLK is a cross platform C++ framework for creating simple OpenGL applications. This framework is intended to be small, simple, and limited, avoiding the bloat of other APIs.

The framework provides a base GlWindow class which applications can be derived from and allows multiple windows to be started, each in their own thread. The library also integrates Freetype for generating OpenGL texture based fonts.

The build system uses CMake for managing cross platform builds. Platforms currently supported are Windows (Visual Studio) and Linux.

Project information

Mark P
Mark P
MIT / X / Expat Licence

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1.0 series is the current focus of development.

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Programming languages:
C++, Lua

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Latest version is 0.3

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  • Glk 0.3.1 released on 2011-05-31
    Minor fixes. Alpha compositing now works on Windows Aero desktops. Windows Vi...
  • GLK 0.3 Released on 2011-03-13
    0.3 released with complete Lua integration. Tutorial 5 in docs explains the n...
  • 0.2.1 on 2011-01-29
    Added glk-0.2.1 to downloads. This includes many improvements to Lua integrat...