Registered by NawaMan

Gnome already has some features (such as Nautilus Script and Emblems) suitable to be used as part of backup application. Most backup application does not make use of those but instead create its own interface causing an additional learning curve to the application. Gnome-EasyBackup aims to explore the possibilities of integrating and using those gnome's features for backup application.

The project is already functional and I have been using it in production environment for a few months. The project is, however, written in PHP which cause two problems 1) it requires an extra package (PHP) to be installed instead of only using one of those already build-in script or programming language and 2) it is not very easy to create GUI program with PHP (for those needed and not already exist with Gnome). Anyone with Python or Ruby experience can help porting the code to those languages. Additional GUI (esp. for configuration) still to be implemented. Finally, the programs messages may be translated to other languages.

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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PHP, Zenity

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Latest version is 0.1a

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