GUI2Exe is a Graphical User Interface frontend to all the "executable builders" available for the Python programming language. It can be used to build standalone Windows executables, Linux applications and Mac OS application bundles and plugins starting from Python scripts.
GUI2Exe is my first attempt to unify all the available "executable builders" for Python in a single and simple to use graphical user interface. At the moment the supported executable builders are:
- py2exe;
- py2app;
- PyInstaller;
- cx_Freeze;
- bbFreeze.
Currently GUI2Exe is under heavy development, I will provide only Python source code for the moment, which can be grabbed from googlecode using any SVN tool available:
Running GUI2Exe using Python requires:
- Python 2.3+ ;
- wxPython ansi/unicode (unicode recommended);
- One (or more) of the Python executable builders.
View full history Series and milestones
trunk series is the current focus of development.