Registered by Colin Ian King

process monitoring tool

The health-check tool monitors processes in various ways to help identify areas where it is consuming too many resources. One can trace one or more processes (including all their threads and child processes too) for a full story of system activity.

Health-check can monitor:

    CPU usage
    Kernel wake-up events
    File I/O activity (open,read,write,close)
    System call activity
    Excessive polling of timeout wait blocked system calls (such as poll, select, etc)
    Memory usage (such as heap and stack growth)
    Network connections (to spot rogue internet activity)
    Network usage (send/receive) accounting
    Syncing data via fsync, fdatasync, syncfs and sync system calls
    Page fault accounting

..and can also dump the stats into a JSON formatted file for later analysis.

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Colin Ian King
Colin Ian King

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C, assembler

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