Houston 12.07

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Release notes 

Expanded the help files.
Updated desktop.in and descriptions. Merge of overnight translations.
New release
Merge of overnight lp translations.
Now dealing with invalid credentials.
Now correctly loading available Providers.
Backup commit. Bug in data serialization, tests fail.
Controller delivers Provider dictionary to IView.
More work on the Provider choice in the Account dialog.
Add Account now works.
Merge of nightly translations.
Connected AccountDialog
Recreated AccountDialog using uickly
Implementing Accounts interface on GUI.
IView receives new accountlist after a new one has been added.
Add Account acceptance test passes.
Refactored Cloud.
Regression tests pass again.
Regression tests pass again.
Refactored Data class and tests to use json.
Merge overnight translations.
Working on 'Add Account'.
New tests.
Working on Account form.
IView is informed of the Accounts at start up..
Renamed 'Provider' model to 'Account'.
Merge of overnight translation commit.
Started on new test for Accounts manipulation.
Some changes to the GUI including sortable columns. HoustonView now uses gobject.idle_add strategy for GTK threading.
Gui design improvements, added progressbar (not yet functional).
Launchpad automatic translations update.
Added status update before loading servers.
Merge with translations.
The GUI now has disabled actions while a task is in progress.
Adapted the View with some Gdk stuff and the threading now works.
Synchronicity/ITaskManager basic tests pass, but Gtk doesn't cooperate yet.
merge upstream po files.
Working on unittest Controller to use ITaskManager.
Added an acceptance test for asyncronous refreshing of servers.
Removed dummy serverListstore entry 'hallo'.
houston.pot and .po's back to po/ since DistUtilsExtra cannot change this. Hope launchpad trans;ation will still work with this mixed po/*.pot and po/subdir/*.pot config.
Launchpad automatic translations update.
Launchpad automatic translations update.
Minor cleanup, started a test for async behavior
Restructured po directory, now houston domain is also in its own subfolder.
Added help files translation step 1; converting the help source to a .pot file.
Launchpad automatic translations update.
Adapted index help page.
coverage report
Added UAS participation details file.
Changed icon.
Update translation file.
GUI nos displays full Server models.
Added a domain model Server, which wraps libcloud.node
Implemented a Refresh Servers action.
Revamped the dependency injection.
Controller now obtains IView the traditional way.
* Removed obsolete classes * Implemented an ILog that notifies subscribers. * The Controller subscribers to ILog and sets the View's status accordingly.
First requirement/acceptance test passed. Now shows active server names.
Further implemented the Controller. Added a Broker to distribute notifications for IControllerObserver to multiple listeners. Refactored dependency injection, still not completely satisfied
Fixes after moving interfaces in last commit.
Moved Interface classes to their own package. Added a unittest for the Controller.
Started testing the main entry point. Factored dependency setup for Tests out into an InjectingTest. Added a Controller and cleaned up main(). Main() now calls loadServers() on IController.
Have added a GUI acceptance test through an Application wrapper that abstracts the View. Refactored several spots.
Added integration test package. Added some core classes. Added hardcopy of ilogue.readable core. (Cannot depend on this since there are no debian packages). Data class tests are now integration tests. Now using zope component architecture.
Added a README file (markdown format).
Added acceptance test for 'status' task on the cli interface, and a first unit test for the data layer. Now distinguising between unit and acceptance tests. Added convenience script for local packaging and installation.
Added ignore file; ignoring text editor autosave files (~). Added bzr branch to quickly configuration.
Creating ubuntu package
Configured quickly settings.
Initial commit.


View the full changelog

Expanded the help files.
Updated desktop.in and descriptions. Merge of overnight translations.
New release
Merge of overnight lp translations.
Now dealing with invalid credentials.
Now correctly loading available Providers.
Backup commit. Bug in data serialization, tests fail.
Controller delivers Provider dictionary to IView.
More work on the Provider choice in the Account dialog.
Add Account now works.
Merge of nightly translations.
Connected AccountDialog
Recreated AccountDialog using uickly
Implementing Accounts interface on GUI.
IView receives new accountlist after a new one has been added.
Add Account acceptance test passes.
Refactored Cloud.
Regression tests pass again.
Regression tests pass again.
Refactored Data class and tests to use json.
Merge overnight translations.
Working on 'Add Account'.
New tests.
Working on Account form.
IView is informed of the Accounts at start up..
Renamed 'Provider' model to 'Account'.
Merge of overnight translation commit.
Started on new test for Accounts manipulation.
Some changes to the GUI including sortable columns. HoustonView now uses gobject.idle_add strategy for GTK threading.
Gui design improvements, added progressbar (not yet functional).
Launchpad automatic translations update.
Added status update before loading servers.
Merge with translations.
The GUI now has disabled actions while a task is in progress.
Adapted the View with some Gdk stuff and the threading now works.
Synchronicity/ITaskManager basic tests pass, but Gtk doesn't cooperate yet.
merge upstream po files.
Working on unittest Controller to use ITaskManager.
Added an acceptance test for asyncronous refreshing of servers.
Removed dummy serverListstore entry 'hallo'.
houston.pot and .po's back to po/ since DistUtilsExtra cannot change this. Hope launchpad trans;ation will still work with this mixed po/*.pot and po/subdir/*.pot config.
Launchpad automatic translations update.
Launchpad automatic translations update.
Minor cleanup, started a test for async behavior
Restructured po directory, now houston domain is also in its own subfolder.
Added help files translation step 1; converting the help source to a .pot file.
Launchpad automatic translations update.
Adapted index help page.
coverage report
Added UAS participation details file.
Changed icon.
Update translation file.
GUI nos displays full Server models.
Added a domain model Server, which wraps libcloud.node
Implemented a Refresh Servers action.
Revamped the dependency injection.
Controller now obtains IView the traditional way.
* Removed obsolete classes * Implemented an ILog that notifies subscribers. * The Controller subscribers to ILog and sets the View's status accordingly.
First requirement/acceptance test passed. Now shows active server names.
Further implemented the Controller. Added a Broker to distribute notifications for IControllerObserver to multiple listeners. Refactored dependency injection, still not completely satisfied
Fixes after moving interfaces in last commit.
Moved Interface classes to their own package. Added a unittest for the Controller.
Started testing the main entry point. Factored dependency setup for Tests out into an InjectingTest. Added a Controller and cleaned up main(). Main() now calls loadServers() on IController.
Have added a GUI acceptance test through an Application wrapper that abstracts the View. Refactored several spots.
Added integration test package. Added some core classes. Added hardcopy of ilogue.readable core. (Cannot depend on this since there are no debian packages). Data class tests are now integration tests. Now using zope component architecture.
Added a README file (markdown format).
Added acceptance test for 'status' task on the cli interface, and a first unit test for the data layer. Now distinguising between unit and acceptance tests. Added convenience script for local packaging and installation.
Added ignore file; ignoring text editor autosave files (~). Added bzr branch to quickly configuration.
Creating ubuntu package
Configured quickly settings.
Initial commit.

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

There are no feature specifications or bug tasks targeted to this milestone. The project's maintainer, driver, or bug supervisor can target specifications and bug tasks to this milestone to track the things that are expected to be completed for the release.

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