Hugin 2010.2beta1

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Release notes 

Hugin is a Panorama stitcher and more. A powerful software package
for creating and processing panoramic images.

A hugin-2010.2.0_beta1 (beta 1) tarball is available here:

This is a beta release for testing, i.e. The final release is likely to have
further bugfixes, help/manual and translation updates.

More information about this release can be found in the full ChangeLog below
and the unfinished release notes:

Summary of major changes since 2010.0.0:

* New Layout tab in the Hugin Fast Preview window, shows an undirected graph view
of the control point connections within the current project.

* New Mask tab in the Hugin main window, allows you to add and edit 'exclude'
and 'include' masks for each photo, this replaces previous techniques
involving editing alpha channels.

* Mosaic mode. Hugin now supports optimisation of X, Y & Z positions of
cameras, this allows you to assemble a panorama of a planar object such as a
mural with photos taken from different positions.

* Linked bracketing. Previously photos within a bracketed set needed to
connected by control points, it is now possible to tell Hugin that photos
share a position in a way analagous to the existing system for sharing lens

* Control point generator modes. Previously only a single control point
generator could be used at any one time. Hugin now has support for
combinations of panoramas and bracketed stacks, stacks that are already linked
with the linked bracketing feature, multi-row heuristics including support for
bracketed stacks, and for panoramas that are already roughly laid out in the

* New equisolid, orthographic and stereographic lenses are supported, requires
libpano13-2.9.17_beta2 or later.

* General Pannini projection is now fully suppoprted.

* Migration to Mercurial. Hugin has switched from Subversion to Mercurial for
source control. This 2010.2.0 release is being stabilised in the '2010.2'
branch in mercurial.

* New CLI tools. pano_trafo for querying control point transformations,
pto_merge to merge project files, and pano_modify to change output
parameters of project files. autooptimiser now has a photometric optimisation

* libpano13-2.7.17 is required, note that this is still in beta itself.

* Lots of bugfixes, translation updates and build system changes.

See README, ChangeLog and INSTALL_cmake for more information.

5f1dc68bf928ec84c9f91a3fc28545ccfbd44ac4 hugin-2010.2.0_beta1.tar.gz

This release is equivalent to hg branch 2010.2 -r 4138:69545ba63586

A detailed ChangeLog of every commit since 2010.0.0 follows:


View the full changelog

2010-07-15 James Legg <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/hugin/ViewState.cpp:
        Fix bug where fast preview interactions could disconnect image's
        lenses introduced in 66f626bf15aa.
        [32dc50543204] [tip]

2010-07-15 tmodes <tmodes>

        * CMakeModules/win_bundle.cmake:
        Added missing files to install target for windows

2010-07-13 tmodes <tmodes>

        * src/hugin_base/panodata/Panorama.cpp:
        Fixes an issue with positive masks and fisheye images

2010-07-07 Bruno Postle <email address hidden>

        * ChangeLog, doc/releases/hugin-2010.2.0_beta1.txt:
        Unfinished announcement for a 2010.2.0_beta1 release

2010-06-29 Kornel Benko <email address hidden>

        * CMakeLists.txt, ChangeLog, admin/, doc/batch-
        processing/README.batch, doc/releases/hugin-0.8.0.txt,
        doc/releases/hugin-0.8.0_rc1.txt, doc/releases/hugin-0.8.0_rc2.txt,
        doc/releases/hugin-0.8.0_rc3.txt, doc/releases/hugin-0.8.0_rc4.txt,
        doc/releases/hugin-0.8.0_rc5.txt, doc/releases/hugin-2009.4.0.txt,
        doc/releases/hugin-2009.4.0_rc3.txt, doc/releases/hugin-
        2010.0.0.txt, doc/releases/hugin-2010.0.0_rc1.txt,
        src/hugin1/hugin/ViewState.cpp, src/hugin1/hugin/wxPanoCommand.cpp,
        src/hugin_base/algorithms/basic/CalculateOverlap.cpp, src/hugin_base
        Enable creation of ChangeLog from build-dir

2010-07-07 Bruno Postle <email address hidden>

        * ChangeLog:
        Update ChangeLog file

2010-06-28 Bruno Postle <email address hidden>

        * CMakeLists.txt:
        Set minor version to 2 for stable branch

2010-06-28 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden>

        * mac/Hugin.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
        [OSX] Change version stamp to only hexadecimal part

2010-06-28 Bruno Postle <email address hidden>

        * src/translations/zh_TW.po:
        Updated Traditional Chinese translation (Rick Langford)

        * src/translations/hu.po:
        Updated Hungarian translation #3021348 (Höss Lajos)

2010-06-28 Terry Duell <email address hidden>

        * ChangeLog, authors.txt:
        Update authors.txt

2010-06-27 Terry Duell <email address hidden>

        * CMakeLists.txt:
        change CMakeLists.txt to produce Hg log file when UPDATE_CHANGELOG=1
        switch is used
        [a7c760281f3c] [tip]

2010-06-25 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden>

        * mac/Hugin.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj, mac/,
        mac/, mac/
        [OSX] Considerable change of design of the XCode project to
        facilitate building of 32bit vs. 32/64 bit vs. 64bit and other
        architecures from one project out of multiple folders. This wasn't
        possible with the original project as it completely ruined the
        internal library paths. Copies of binaries and libraries are now
        done via scripts.

2010-06-24 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden>

        * mac/ExternalPrograms/scripts/,
        mac/Hugin.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj, mac/,
        [OSX]correct panotools script; build basic error checking in all
        build scripts

2010-06-20 tmodes <tmodes>

        * CMakeLists.txt:
        Set correctly man path for NetBSD

        * CMakeModules/FindExiv2.cmake, CMakeModules/FindJPEG.cmake,
        CMakeModules/FindPNG.cmake, CMakeModules/FindTIFF.cmake,
        Updated some FindLib to current versions (Exiv2, Jpeg, LibPNG,

        * CMakeLists.txt:
        Added missing Boost::date_time to CMake

        * src/hugin_base/algorithms/control_points/APSIFTFeatureExtractor.cpp,
        Removed unused files

        * src/hugin1/hugin/config_defaults.h:
        Fixes an issue when a config would be empty because of missing
        symbol "unix"

2010-06-18 tmodes <tmodes>

        * src/hugin_base/algorithms/nona/ComputeImageROI.cpp:
        Fixes wrong mask when image has circular crop

2010-06-17 Juha Helminen <email address hidden>

        * src/translations/fi.po:
        Finnish translation addition

2010-06-16 tmodes <tmodes>

        * src/hugin_base/algorithms/basic/CalculateOptimalScale.cpp:
        Make calculate optimal scale aware of translation parameters

        * src/hugin_base/algorithms/basic/StraightenPanorama.h:
        Don't straighten panorama, if translation parameters are non-zero

2010-06-13 tmodes <tmodes>

        * src/hugin_base/algorithms/nona/CenterHorizontally.cpp:
        Don't try to center panorama by yaw shift if translation parameters
        are non-zero

2010-06-12 tmodes <tmodes>

        * src/tools/nona.cpp:
        Added more range checks to nona.

        * src/tools/nona.cpp:
        Don't use GPU calculation if translation parameters are non-zero.

2010-06-11 James Legg <email address hidden>

        * merge

        * src/hugin1/hugin/PreviewLayoutLinesTool.cpp:
        Hide layout lines that connect to an inactive image.

2010-06-08 tmodes <tmodes>

        * src/hugin_base/panodata/Mask.cpp, src/hugin_base/panodata/Mask.h,
        Improved propagation of positive masks
        * Should fix bug "Include mask bug removes an entire photo - ID:
        * Improves positive masks for fisheye images

2010-06-06 tmodes <tmodes>

        * src/hugin_base/panodata/Panorama.cpp,
        Reset cropfactor to 1 and not to zero (when adding images and when
        loading pto files)

2010-06-03 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden>

        * src/translations/nl.po:
        Updated dutch translation

2010-06-03 tmodes <tmodes>

        * src/translations/bg.po, src/translations/ca_ES.po,
        src/translations/cs_CZ.po, src/translations/de.po,
        src/translations/en_GB.po, src/translations/es.po,
        src/translations/fi.po, src/translations/fr.po,
        src/translations/hu.po, src/translations/hugin.pot,
        src/translations/it.po, src/translations/ja.po,
        src/translations/ko.po, src/translations/nl.po,
        src/translations/pl.po, src/translations/pt_BR.po,
        src/translations/ru.po, src/translations/sk.po,
        src/translations/sl.po, src/translations/sv.po,
        src/translations/uk.po, src/translations/zh_CN.po,
        Updated translations

2010-06-01 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/hugin/CPDetectorConfig_default.h:
        [OSX]Add -v option to align_image_stack settings in OSX for more

2010-05-25 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden>

        * mac/ExternalPrograms/readme.txt:
        [OSX] updated readme.txt was not pushed. Try again

        * mac/ExternalPrograms/readme.txt, mac/ExternalPrograms/scripts
        /SetEnv-leopard-OpenMP.txt, mac/ExternalPrograms/scripts/SetEnv-, mac/ExternalPrograms/scripts/SetEnv-
        leopard.txt, mac/ExternalPrograms/scripts/,
        [OSX] change default "work/build" .txt files to

2010-05-24 tmodes <tmodes>

        * .hgignore:
        Also ignore rev.txt

2010-05-24 Yuval Levy <email address hidden>

        * .hgignore:
        ignore editor's backup files

2010-05-24 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden>

        * mac/ExternalPrograms/scripts/SetEnv-leopard-OpenMP.txt,
        [OSX] stupid hg also pushes working files to repo; Undo this

        * mac/ExternalPrograms/scripts/SetEnv-leopard-OpenMP.txt,
        mac/Hugin.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj, mac/
        [OSX] Finally embed authors into tabbed about box

2010-05-23 tmodes <tmodes>

        * src/hugin1/hugin/LensPanel.cpp:
        Correctly update lens information on Lens Panel

2010-05-20 Ken Turkowski <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/nona_gui/nona_gui.cpp,
        Remove extra qualifications in class definition of method void
        MacOpenFile(const wxString &fileName)

2010-05-19 Vaclav Cerny <email address hidden>

        * src/translations/cs_CZ.po:
        Updated Czech translation (2 new strings)

2010-05-19 tmodes <tmodes>

        * Merged

        * src/tools/nona.cpp:
        Falling back to nona if nona-gpu does not support this projection

2010-05-19 Bruno Postle <email address hidden>

        * CMakeLists.txt:
        Some double quoting to escape .hg folder (Terry Duell)

2010-05-18 tmodes <tmodes>

        * src/hugin1/hugin/AboutDialog.cpp, src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/about.xrc:
        Make version string in about screen copyable

        * CMakeLists.txt:
        Fixes detection of revision number for non-english *nix systems
        (Kornel Benko)

2010-05-18 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden>

        * mac/Hugin.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj, mac/
        [OSX] download or update to latest panomatic-lib inside hugin tree
        before building it as part of the project

2010-05-17 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden>

        * mac/ExternalPrograms/scripts/,
        [OSX] minor correction in XCode project; correct stupid error in

2010-05-17 tmodes <tmodes>

        * CMakeLists.txt:
        Fixes warning in cmake concerning exclusion of .hg folder

2010-05-17 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden>

        * mac/Hugin.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj, mac/Version.xcconfig:
        [OSX] make versioning work in XCode according to Mercurial

        * merge trunk with my version

        * src/
        "translate" SVN to hg in

2010-05-17 tmodes <tmodes>

        * src/hugin_base/algorithms/basic/CalculateOverlap.cpp,
        Clean up code for calculation of overlap

        * CMakeLists.txt:
        Show revision number when running CMake

2010-05-17 Yuval Levy <email address hidden>

        * CMakeLists.txt:
        don't pack .hg folder (Terry Duell / Bruno Postle)

2010-05-16 YUval Levy <email address hidden>

        * CMakeLists.txt, src/hugin1/base_wx/huginConfig.cpp,
        src/hugin1/base_wx/huginConfig.h, src/hugin1/hugin/huginApp.cpp,
        modified CMake build for Mercurial (Thomas Modes / Kornel Benko)

2010-05-17 convert-repo <convert-repo>

        * .hgtags:
        update tags

        * .hgtags:
        update tags

        * .hgtags:
        update tags

2010-05-16 convert-repo <convert-repo>

        * .hgtags:
        update tags

2010-05-15 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * CMakeModules/FindGLUT.cmake:
        Improved finding of freeglut for 64 bit version (Tom Glastonbury)

2010-05-14 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden>

        * mac/Hugin.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj, mac/
        [OSX] facilitate automatic 32bit or 32/64bit build of bundle

        * mac/Hugin.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
        [OSX] adapt XCode project for change 5145

2010-05-13 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/hugin/AssistantPanel.cpp,
        Calculate panorama exposure value after appling the optimized

        * src/hugin1/hugin/AssistantPanel.cpp:
        Remember focal length when changing lens projection (only on

        * CMakeLists.txt, CMakeModules/FindExiv2.cmake,
        Improved finding in cmake for Freeglut 2.6.0 and Exiv 0.19 under

2010-05-11 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden>

        * src/translations/nl.po:
        minor corrections to dutch translation

2010-05-10 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/PT/PanoCommand.h, src/hugin1/hugin/AssistantPanel.cpp,
        src/hugin1/hugin/LensPanel.cpp, src/hugin1/hugin/LensPanel.h,
        src/hugin_base/panodata/Lens.cpp, src/hugin_base/panodata/Lens.h,
        Improved calculation of focal length and crop factor [2996028]

2010-05-09 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin_base/algorithms/basic/CalculateOverlap.h:
        Added documentation to CalculateOverlap

2010-05-08 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * src/celeste/CMakeLists.txt, src/celeste/Config.h.linux,
        src/celeste/Config.h.win32, src/celeste/Utilities.cpp,
        Change platform specific config.h for celeste (otherwise CMake and
        VC2010 does not work together)

        * CMakeLists.txt, CMakeModules/FindExiv2.cmake,
        Update CMake for new versions of wxWidgets and exiv (Windows only)

        * src/hugin1/hugin/CPDetectorConfig_default.h:
        Fix default options of align_image_stack for full frame fisheye
        (patch by Roger Luethi)

2010-05-06 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/hugin/AutoCtrlPointCreator.cpp,
        src/hugin_base/algorithms/basic/CalculateOverlap.h, src/hugin_base/a
        Added calculation of overlap between images, used by panorama
        makefile export, masking feature and cp detector (pre-align setting)

2010-05-05 brunopostle <email address hidden>

        * src/translations/zh_CN.po:
        Simplified Chinese update, patches #2996975 (Lu Fang)

2010-05-04 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/base_wx/MyExternalCmdExecDialog.cpp:
        Fix for external command window on OSX ppc

2010-05-03 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/hugin/wxPanoCommand.cpp:
        Don't link image size, this will foul the photometric optimizer

        * src/hugin1/hugin/AssistantPanel.cpp, src/hugin1/hugin/MainFrame.cpp,
        Set default output format to TIFF_m (When loading a project file it
        is automatic set to TIFF_m, but when creating a new project it was
        set to TIFF, so make this behavior consistant)

        * src/hugin1/hugin/AssistantPanel.cpp,
        Added new photo projections to assistant tab [2995639]

2010-05-02 brunopostle <email address hidden>

        * doc/CMakeLists.txt:
        Fix install of man pages

2010-05-02 jlegg <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/hugin/GLViewer.cpp, src/hugin1/hugin/GLViewer.h:
        Make OpenGL capabilities check more lenient. Also prevent double
        GLEW initialisation when opening the fast preview fails.

2010-05-02 brunopostle <email address hidden>

        * doc/Makefile.pod2man, doc/pano_modify.1, doc/pano_modify.pod:
        Man page for pano_modify

        * doc/Makefile.pod2man, doc/pto_merge.1, doc/pto_merge.pod:
        man page for pto_merge

2010-05-02 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/hugin/GLViewer.cpp:
        Don't open fast preview window if initialisation of OpenGL context
        failed or if OpenGL 1.3 is not supported. Shows also better error
        message in this case.

        * src/hugin1/hugin/CPImagesComboBox.cpp,
        Unified coloring of cp errors

        * src/hugin_base/algorithms/point_sampler/PointSampler.cpp:
        Further improvement for rev 5130

2010-05-01 jlegg <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/hugin/GreatCircles.cpp,
        Fix two openGL errors in fast preview tools.

2010-04-30 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin_base/algorithms/point_sampler/PointSampler.cpp:
        Little improvement to photometric optimizer

        * src/hugin_base/hugin_utils/utils.cpp:
        Little change to colors of cp errors to match better older versions

        * src/hugin1/hugin/CPEditorPanel.cpp:
        Range checking for manual input of cp coordinates [2994750]

        * src/hugin1/hugin/GLPreviewFrame.cpp:
        Disable numeric transform input in mosaic drag mode

2010-04-28 jhelmine <email address hidden>

        * src/translations/fi.po:
        Finnish edit

2010-04-27 dangelo <email address hidden>

        * src/translations/sk.po:
        updated slovak translation (Jozef Riha)

2010-04-27 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/hugin/wxPanoCommand.cpp:
        Unlink color balance as default when adding images

        * src/tools/autooptimiser.cpp:
        Extended description for autooptimiser

2010-04-24 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden>

        * mac/Hugin.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
        [OSX] change liblocalfeatures.dylib to framework; minor improvements

        * mac/Hugin.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
        [OSX] Add panomatic-lib into XCode project: Retrieve panomatic-lib
        into hugin/src, build against internal vigra and merge/anchor into

2010-04-24 vatoz <email address hidden>

        * src/translations/cs_CZ.po:
        New strings in czech translation

2010-04-21 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden>

        * mac/ExternalPrograms/scripts/,
        mac/Hugin.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj, mac/
        [OSX] Several fixes and changes to XCode project for 64bit; added
        pto_merge and pano_modify to XCode; updated for 64bit;
        added new tools script for 32bit and 64bit builds

2010-04-20 brunopostle <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/hugin/GLPreviewFrame.cpp,
        Option to allow XY mosaic dragging in Fast Preview Drag mode, this
        could/should be made completely automatic (Darko Makreshanski)

2010-04-14 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin_base/algorithms/optimizer/PhotometricOptimizer.h,
        src/tools/CMakeLists.txt, src/tools/ExtractPoints.h,
        src/tools/autooptimiser.cpp, src/tools/vig_optimize.cpp:
        Added smart photometric optimiser to autooptimiser

        * src/foreign/levmar/lm_core.c,
        Some improvements for progress display

        * src/hugin1/hugin/AssistantPanel.cpp,
        Fixes auto linking of photometric parameters for optimisation

2010-04-13 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/PT/PanoCommand.h, src/hugin1/hugin/MainFrame.cpp,
        src/hugin1/hugin/MainFrame.h, src/hugin1/hugin/wxPanoCommand.cpp,
        src/hugin_base/panodata/Panorama.h, src/tools/CMakeLists.txt,
        Refactored merge panorama code to allow calling from commandline
        (new tool: pto_merge)

2010-04-11 jlegg <email address hidden>

        * src/tools/pano_modify.cpp:
        Fix compilation of pano_modify on g++. getopt.h was needed for
        required_argument etc, but was not included due to a #ifdef WIN32.
        g++ will not use toupper as a unary function object due to its c++

2010-04-10 brunopostle <email address hidden>

        * src/translations/sv.po:
        Swedish update (Ulf Wilhelmson)

2010-04-09 brunopostle <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Hugin_Mask_tab.html, src/hugin1
        Add files missing from svn5107

2010-04-09 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * src/tools/CMakeLists.txt, src/tools/pano_modify.cpp:
        New tool: pano_modify allows to change some output parameter of
        project file from command line

        * src/hugin1/hugin/MainFrame.cpp:
        Extended warn message if saving failed

2010-04-06 brunopostle <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/Cpclean.html,
        src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/PTmender.html, src/hugin1/hugin
        src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/data/help_en_EN/TIFF.html, src/hugin1/hugin/xrc
        Update manual from panotools wiki

2010-04-05 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/hugin/MainFrame.cpp:
        Improved warning if saving of project file failed (e.g. read-only
        file or folder)

2010-04-04 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/hugin/HFOVDialog.cpp, src/hugin1/hugin/HFOVDialog.h,
        Tried to fix 64 bit issue with rev 5104

2010-04-03 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/hugin/HFOVDialog.cpp, src/hugin1/hugin/HFOVDialog.h,
        src/hugin1/hugin/ImagesList.cpp, src/hugin1/hugin/LensPanel.cpp,
        src/hugin_base/panodata/Lens.cpp, src/hugin_base/panodata/Lens.h,
        Expose new input projection formats in libpano, rev 1259, to GUI

        * src/translations/de.po:
        Updated german translation

2010-04-02 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden>

        * mac/ExternalPrograms/scripts/SetEnv-leopard-OpenMP.txt,
        [OSX] add OpenMP enabled enblend script + Setenv file

2010-04-02 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * src/translations/hu.po:
        Updated hungarian translation (Lajos Höss)

        * src/hugin_base/panodata/SrcPanoImage.cpp,
        Check if the exif rotation tag is plausible, otherwise disregard the
        orientation tag (patch by Florian Achleitner)

        * CMakeModules/FindJPEG.cmake, CMakeModules/FindPNG.cmake,
        Updated some libs to newer versions in CMake

2010-04-01 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/hugin/ImagesPanel.cpp, src/hugin1/hugin/LensPanel.cpp:
        Respect Exif orientation tag when reseting image positions

2010-03-29 brunopostle <email address hidden>

        * ChangeLog:
        Update ChangeLog from SVN commit messages

2010-03-29 michausm <email address hidden>

        * src/translations/pl.po:
        Updated and corrected Polish translation file: working on new
        entries (Michał Smoczyk).

2010-03-27 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden>

        * src/translations/nl.po:
        Update and correct dutch translation

2010-03-26 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden>

        * mac/Hugin.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
        [OSX] minor update in XCode project after change in celeste

2010-03-25 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/assistant_panel.xrc,
        Modified dialogs to respect systems interface guidelines (reorder of
        Ok and Cancel button: on Windows it's Ok and then Cancel; on Mac
        first Cancel, then Ok)

        * src/hugin1/hugin/huginApp.cpp, src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/CMakeLists.txt,
        Removed unused xrc files

        * src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/mask_editor_panel.xrc,
        src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/preview_frame.xrc, src/translations/bg.po,
        src/translations/ca_ES.po, src/translations/cs_CZ.po,
        src/translations/de.po, src/translations/en_GB.po,
        src/translations/es.po, src/translations/fi.po,
        src/translations/fr.po, src/translations/hu.po,
        src/translations/hugin.pot, src/translations/it.po,
        src/translations/ja.po, src/translations/ko.po,
        src/translations/nl.po, src/translations/pl.po,
        src/translations/pt_BR.po, src/translations/ru.po,
        src/translations/sk.po, src/translations/sl.po,
        src/translations/sv.po, src/translations/uk.po,
        src/translations/zh_CN.po, src/translations/zh_TW.po:
        Changed some labels in GUI for better understanding

2010-03-23 ade_br <email address hidden>

        * src/translations/
        No need for PanoDruid.{cpp,h} hack anymore, file has been removed

2010-03-23 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * src/translations/
        Fixed typo in script

2010-03-23 ade_br <email address hidden>

        * src/translations/
        Check if utilities exist before calling them

        Should avoid problems in setups where utilities like wxrc are not

2010-03-23 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/hugin/AssistantPanel.cpp,
        src/hugin1/hugin/AssistantPanel.h, src/hugin1/hugin/CMakeLists.txt,
        src/hugin1/hugin/PanoDruid.cpp, src/hugin1/hugin/PanoDruid.h,
        src/translations/bg.po, src/translations/ca_ES.po,
        src/translations/cs_CZ.po, src/translations/de.po,
        src/translations/en_GB.po, src/translations/es.po,
        src/translations/fi.po, src/translations/fr.po,
        src/translations/hu.po, src/translations/hugin.pot,
        src/translations/it.po, src/translations/ja.po,
        src/translations/ko.po, src/translations/nl.po,
        src/translations/pl.po, src/translations/pt_BR.po,
        src/translations/ru.po, src/translations/sk.po,
        src/translations/sl.po, src/translations/sv.po,
        src/translations/uk.po, src/translations/zh_CN.po,
        Remove pano druid inclusive obsolete translations

2010-03-23 ade_br <email address hidden>

        * src/translations/
        Ignore PanoDruid.{cpp,h}, as it's outdated and disabled

        (as discussed in the hugin mailing-list)

2010-03-23 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/mask_editor_panel.xrc:
        Added style to wxRadioBox in mask load dialog

        * src/translations/de.po:
        Updated german translation (Carl von Einem)

2010-03-23 north-pole <email address hidden>

        * src/translations/fr.po:
        Updated French translation

2010-03-23 jhelmine <email address hidden>

        * src/translations/fi.po:
        Finnish translation

2010-03-22 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * src/translations/bg.po, src/translations/ca_ES.po,
        src/translations/cs_CZ.po, src/translations/de.po,
        src/translations/en_GB.po, src/translations/es.po,
        src/translations/fi.po, src/translations/,
        src/translations/fr.po, src/translations/hu.po,
        src/translations/hugin.pot, src/translations/it.po,
        src/translations/ja.po, src/translations/ko.po,
        src/translations/nl.po, src/translations/pl.po,
        src/translations/pt_BR.po, src/translations/ru.po,
        src/translations/sk.po, src/translations/sl.po,
        src/translations/sv.po, src/translations/uk.po,
        src/translations/zh_CN.po, src/translations/zh_TW.po:
        Updated translations

        * src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/optimize_panel.xrc:
        Make optimize choice label consistent

2010-03-21 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * CMakeModules/FindTIFF.cmake:
        Forgot to remove some debug statements

        * CMakeLists.txt, CMakeModules/FindExiv2.cmake,
        CMakeModules/FindGLEW.cmake, CMakeModules/FindGLUT.cmake,
        CMakeModules/FindJPEG.cmake, CMakeModules/FindPNG.cmake,
        CMakeModules/FindTIFF.cmake, CMakeModules/FindZLIB.cmake,
        CMakeModules/win_bundle.cmake, src/celeste/CMakeLists.txt,
        src/celeste/Celeste.cpp, src/celeste/Celeste.h,
        src/celeste/CelesteGlobals.h, src/celeste/Utilities.h,
        src/foreign/ANN/ANN.h, src/foreign/ANN/CMakeLists.txt,
        src/hugin1/base_wx/CMakeLists.txt, src/hugin1/base_wx/ImageCache.h,
        src/hugin1/base_wx/PTWXDlg.cpp, src/hugin1/base_wx/PTWXDlg.h,
        src/hugin1/base_wx/huginConfig.h, src/hugin1/base_wx/platform.h,
        src/hugin1/hugin/GLPreviewFrame.cpp, src/hugin1/hugin/GLViewer.cpp,
        src/hugin1/hugin/TextureManager.cpp, src/hugin_base/CMakeLists.txt,
        src/hugin_base/algorithms/optimizer/PhotometricOptimizer.h, src/hugi
        src/hugin_base/panodata/Lens.h, src/hugin_base/panodata/Mask.h,
        src/hugin_base/vigra_ext/emor.h, src/hugin_shared.h,
        Added option to build Hugin with dynamic libs on windows (disabled
        by default because this requires to rebuild all dependecies as
        dynamic libs)

2010-03-17 north-pole <email address hidden>

        * src/translations/fr.po:
        French tranlation update

2010-03-17 brunopostle <email address hidden>

        * src/translations/de.po:
        German translation update (Carl von Einem)

2010-03-17 ade_br <email address hidden>

        * src/translations/README.txt:
        Add a link to the translators guide (wiki)

        * src/translations/, src/translations/filter-
        Minor refactoring on i18n scripts that extract gettext messages

        (no behavioral changes, just refactoring the interaction with the script)

        * src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/pano_panel.xrc:
        Fix minor typo on autocrop tooltip

        (thanks to Carl von Einem for reporting it)

2010-03-16 brunopostle <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/hugin/OptimizePanel.cpp,
        Optimisation preset for Everything not x,y,z (Felix Hagemann)

2010-03-15 brunopostle <email address hidden>

        * src/translations/zh_TW.po:
        Traditional Chinese update (Rick Langford)

2010-03-13 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin_base/panodata/Mask.cpp:
        Fixes rounding error in mask handling

        * src/hugin1/hugin/GreatCircles.cpp, src/hugin1/hugin/GreatCircles.h,
        Don't draw crosses on great circle arcs in layout mode

2010-03-13 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden>

        * mac/Hugin.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj, mac/
        [OSX] XCode: cleanup, make project and scripts more robust when
        environment not completely "reliable"

2010-03-09 brunopostle <email address hidden>

        * src/translations/zh_TW.po:
        Chinese Traditional update (Rick Langford)

2010-03-08 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin_base/panodata/PanoramaOptions.cpp:
        Decouple hfov and vfov values (fixes bug introduced in rev. 4911)

2010-03-07 brunopostle <email address hidden>

        * src/translations/hu.po:
        Hungarian update (Höss Lajos)

        * src/translations/sv.po:
        Swedish update (Ulf Wilhelmson)

2010-03-04 bavanandel <email address hidden>

        * platforms/windows/smartblend-wrapper/smartblend-hugin.bat:
        Bugfix to smartblend-wrapper for properly handling quoted filenames

2010-03-02 brunopostle <email address hidden>

        * authors.txt:
        Update authors.txt (Stephen Bennett)

2010-03-02 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/hugin/CPImagesComboBox.cpp,
        src/hugin1/hugin/GreatCircles.cpp, src/hugin1/hugin/GreatCircles.h,
        Coloured Control Points in Gui Preview

2010-03-01 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * CMakeModules/win_bundle.cmake,
        src/hugin1/base_wx/RunStitchPanel.cpp, src/hugin_base/algorithms/pan
        Modified makefile generation on windows (it's using now GNUmake and

        * src/hugin1/base_wx/platform.cpp, src/hugin1/base_wx/platform.h,
        src/hugin1/hugin/MainFrame.cpp, src/hugin1/ptbatcher/BatchFrame.cpp,
        Warn user about invalid characters in filenames

        * src/hugin1/hugin/huginApp.cpp:
        Expand wildcards on windows to allow hugin *.jpg

2010-02-28 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/hugin/CPDetectorConfig_default.h:
        [OSX] update CPDetectorConfig_default.h to latest "insights"

2010-02-27 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden>

        * mac/Hugin.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj,
        [OSX] correct MaskLoadDialog.h and XCode project after svn commit

2010-02-27 vatoz <email address hidden>

        * src/translations/cs_CZ.po:
        Updated Czcech translation

2010-02-24 jlegg <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/hugin/MaskImageCtrl.cpp,
        Fix use of uninitalised memory in MaskImageCtrl and

2010-02-23 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/hugin/CMakeLists.txt,
        src/hugin_base/panodata/Mask.cpp, src/hugin_base/panodata/Mask.h:
        Added mask processing dialog when adding a mask with other
        dimensions than current one (rotate, scale mask)

2010-02-23 gpatters1 <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/hugin/MaskEditorPanel.cpp,
        Add Image mask save and restore buttons to mask image panel.

2010-02-22 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/hugin/AutoCtrlPointCreator.cpp,
        Fixes small issue with numeric locale and cp detector

2010-02-21 brunopostle <email address hidden>

        * doc/nona.txt:
        Add description of k-line masks in .pto format

2010-02-21 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/hugin/MainFrame.cpp, src/hugin1/hugin/MainFrame.h,
        Added function to remove cp in masks to edit menu

        * src/hugin1/hugin/MaskImageCtrl.cpp,
        Prevent double drawing of image when selecting new image in mask

2010-02-20 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/hugin/MaskEditorPanel.cpp,
        Rotate image in mask editor depending on roll and pitch values

        * src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/mask_editor_panel.xrc:
        Changed some more mask labels

        * src/hugin_base/panodata/Panorama.cpp:
        Better calculation of positive masks for non-overlapping images

        * src/hugin1/hugin/MaskEditorPanel.cpp,
        Some better labels, add hint for adding masks.

2010-02-19 jlegg <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/hugin/TextureManager.cpp,
        Fix bug: mask textures were often shared between images with the
        same filename in the fast preview even if they had different masks.
        This fix compares the masks, if they are not the same a new texture
        and associated mask is used. It would have been possible to seperate
        masks and image textures, this would have provided better memory use
        (the image textrure doesn't need to be loaded multiple times when
        masked differently), but leaving masks and associated images tied as
        one unit is simpler.

2010-02-19 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin_base/panodata/Panorama.cpp:
        Clip positive mask at image boundaries during internal processing

        * src/hugin1/hugin/MaskImageCtrl.cpp:
        Fixes small bug in selecting all points of one polygon (with right
        mouse button)

        * src/hugin1/hugin/MaskEditorPanel.cpp,
        Changed text for mask type to exclude/include

        * src/hugin1/hugin/MaskImageCtrl.cpp:
        Fixes disappearing mask image when resizing window [2953796]

        * src/hugin1/hugin/wxPanoCommand.cpp:
        Better merging of project file with masks

2010-02-18 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/hugin/PreviewIdentifyTool.cpp:
        Improved rev 4988

        * src/hugin1/hugin/LensPanel.cpp, src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/lens_panel.xrc:
        Some small changes to lenspanel

2010-02-18 yuv <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/hugin/PreviewIdentifyTool.cpp:

2010-02-17 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/hugin/PreviewIdentifyTool.cpp:
        Update includes for windows after last changes to fast preview

2010-02-16 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden>

        * mac/Hugin.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
        [OSX] update XCode project after Thomas' mask editor patch

2010-02-15 jlegg <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/hugin/PreviewIdentifyTool.cpp:
        Cut masked out areas from the identify boxes.

        * src/hugin1/hugin/PreviewCropTool.cpp,
        In the fast preview, separate drawing images over the top of the
        others and drawing overlays. This allows some constraint on blending
        order. Previously the blending order depended entierly on the order
        the tools were in memory. Fixes bug where sometimes the crop
        highlight was included in the difference mode. Fixes bug where
        sometimes the guides in drag mode inverted something that should
        have been masked out by difference mode.

2010-02-15 north-pole <email address hidden>

        * src/translations/fr.po:
        French translation update

2010-02-15 jlegg <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/hugin/PreviewDifferenceTool.cpp:
        Respect mask in fast preview's difference mode.

2010-02-15 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/hugin/MaskEditorPanel.cpp:
        Fixed typo

        * src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/main_menu.xrc:
        Changed menu label from Import project to Merge project

        * src/hugin1/PT/PanoCommand.h, src/hugin1/hugin/CMakeLists.txt,
        src/hugin1/hugin/GLRenderer.cpp, src/hugin1/hugin/GLViewer.cpp,
        src/hugin1/hugin/ImagesList.cpp, src/hugin1/hugin/ImagesList.h,
        src/hugin1/hugin/MainFrame.cpp, src/hugin1/hugin/MainFrame.h,
        src/hugin1/hugin/MaskImageCtrl.h, src/hugin1/hugin/MeshManager.cpp,
        src/hugin1/hugin/TextureManager.h, src/hugin1/hugin/ViewState.cpp,
        src/hugin1/hugin/ViewState.h, src/hugin1/hugin/config_defaults.h,
        src/hugin1/hugin/huginApp.cpp, src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/CMakeLists.txt,
        src/hugin_base/panodata/Mask.cpp, src/hugin_base/panodata/Mask.h,
        Added simple masking tool

2010-02-14 north-pole <email address hidden>

        * src/translations/fr.po:
        French translation update

2010-02-14 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden>

        * mac/Hugin.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj, mac/
        [OSX] update XCode project: set project optimalization to -O3, add
        target "Hugin with tools"

        * mac/ExternalPrograms/scripts/,
        [OSX] Set all script optimalisations to -O3 instead of -O2, apart
        from wxmac

2010-02-12 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden>

        * mac/ExternalPrograms/scripts/
        [OSX] Update libexiv2 script to be able to add the exiv2 binary to
        the tools as well

2010-02-10 jlegg <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/hugin/GreatCircles.cpp, src/hugin1/hugin/GreatCircles.h,
        Use great circle arcs to connect images in layout view.

        * src/hugin1/hugin/GLPreviewFrame.cpp:
        Fix a bug where scrolling the layout image scale slider with the
        mouse wheel was ignored.

2010-02-07 jhelmine <email address hidden>

        * src/translations/fi.po:
        Finnish remap translation

2010-02-06 jhelmine <email address hidden>

        * src/translations/fi.po:
        Finnish translation (minor changes)

2010-02-05 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden>

        * src/translations/nl.po:
        Update and correct dutch translation

        * mac/
        [OSX] add libiconv to script

2010-02-04 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/hugin/LensPanel.cpp:
        Also reset translation parameters

2010-02-02 brunopostle <email address hidden>

        * ChangeLog:
        Update ChangeLog

2010-02-02 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin_base/CMakeLists.txt:
        Added more header files to CMake

        * src/foreign/vigra/vigra_impex/png.cxx:
        Make libpng 1.4 optional

2010-02-01 Lukas Jirkovsky <email address hidden>

        * src/foreign/vigra/vigra_impex/png.cxx:
        Fix compilation with libpng 1.4.0

        * CMakeLists.txt:
        re-add LAPACK option removed by mistake in rev 4951.

2010-01-31 jhelmine <email address hidden>

        * src/translations/fi.po:
        Finnish corrections

2010-01-31 jhelmine <email address hidden>

        * src/translations/fi.po:
        Finnish 84 per cent

2010-01-30 jhelmine <email address hidden>

        * src/translations/fi.po:
        Finnish translation 68 per cent

2010-01-29 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/hugin/AssistantPanel.cpp, src/translations/bg.po,
        src/translations/ca_ES.po, src/translations/cs_CZ.po,
        src/translations/de.po, src/translations/en_GB.po,
        src/translations/es.po, src/translations/fi.po,
        src/translations/fr.po, src/translations/hu.po,
        src/translations/hugin.pot, src/translations/it.po,
        src/translations/ja.po, src/translations/ko.po,
        src/translations/nl.po, src/translations/pl.po,
        src/translations/pt_BR.po, src/translations/ru.po,
        src/translations/sk.po, src/translations/sl.po,
        src/translations/sv.po, src/translations/uk.po,
        src/translations/zh_CN.po, src/translations/zh_TW.po:
        Added one missing string to translations

        * src/translations/de.po:
        Updated german translation by zarl

        * src/hugin_base/panodata/Panorama.cpp:
        Fixes writing of script file when script contains not all images

2010-01-29 jhelmine <email address hidden>

        * src/translations/fi.po:

2010-01-29 Lukas Jirkovsky <email address hidden>

        * CMakeLists.txt:
        Add option (ENABLE_LAPACK...). It doesn't change current behavior,
        but this is a standard way how to specify additional options in

2010-01-28 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden>

        * src/translations/it.po:
        Update of italian translation. Thanks to Cristian Marchi

        * src/translations/nl.po:
        Updated dutch translation

2010-01-28 jhelmine <email address hidden>

        * src/translations/fi.po:

2010-01-27 jhelmine <email address hidden>

        * src/translations/fi.po:
        some new translations

2010-01-27 brunopostle <email address hidden>

        * src/translations/bg.po, src/translations/ca_ES.po,
        src/translations/cs_CZ.po, src/translations/de.po,
        src/translations/en_GB.po, src/translations/es.po,
        src/translations/fi.po, src/translations/fr.po,
        src/translations/hu.po, src/translations/hugin.pot,
        src/translations/it.po, src/translations/ja.po,
        src/translations/ko.po, src/translations/nl.po,
        src/translations/pl.po, src/translations/pt_BR.po,
        src/translations/ru.po, src/translations/sk.po,
        src/translations/sl.po, src/translations/sv.po,
        src/translations/uk.po, src/translations/zh_CN.po,
        Update translation strings, 29 new strings

2010-01-27 jhelmine <email address hidden>

        * src/translations/fi.po:
        Finnish translation 50percent

        * src/translations/fi.po:
        Finnish translation 45percent

2010-01-27 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin_base/photometric/ResponseTransform.h:
        Speedup photometric optimisation [2887724]

2010-01-25 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin_base/panodata/Panorama.cpp:
        Some fix for optimisation of translation parameters

        * src/hugin_base/CMakeLists.txt:
        Added some missing header files to CMakeLists.txt

        * src/hugin1/hugin/PreferencesDialog.cpp:
        Added finnish to list on preferences dialog

2010-01-24 jhelmine <email address hidden>

        * src/translations/fi.po:
        more translations

        * src/translations/fi.po:
        Finnish translations

2010-01-22 dangelo <email address hidden>

        * doc/pano_trafo.pod, src/tools/pano_trafo.cpp:
        panotrafo: Remove references to cpclean from doc & comments.

2010-01-22 jhelmine <email address hidden>

        * src/translations/fi.po:
        Finnish translation

2010-01-21 skipgaede <email address hidden>

        * mac/BuildConfig.xcconfig.orig,
        mac/ExternalPrograms/scripts/, mac/ExternalPrograms/scripts
        [OSX] Reverted back to older version (1.40) of boost

        * mac/BuildConfig.xcconfig.orig,
        mac/ExternalPrograms/scripts/, mac/ExternalPrograms/scripts
        /, mac/ExternalPrograms/scripts/,
        [OSX] Updated scripts for updated packages:

2010-01-21 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden>

        * mac/ExternalPrograms/scripts/
        [OSX] add script that uses hugins internal

2010-01-21 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin_base/panodata/PanoramaOptions.cpp:
        Some internal improvements for reset of projection paramters

2010-01-20 allardkatan <email address hidden>

        * platforms/windows/installer/PreRelease_Notes.txt:


2010-01-19 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden>

        * mac/Hugin.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
        [OSX] modify xcode project to compile against internal libiconv

2010-01-19 skipgaede <email address hidden>

        * mac/ExternalPrograms/scripts/, mac/
        [OSX] Fixed minor glitches in and scripts/build-

        * mac/ExternalPrograms/scripts/
        [OSX] Minor tweak resulting from change in base dynamic lib name

2010-01-19 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden>

        * mac/ExternalPrograms/scripts/,
        mac/ExternalPrograms/scripts/, mac/
        [OSX] script modifications to incorporate libiconv into bundle

2010-01-19 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/hugin/GLPreviewFrame.cpp,
        src/hugin1/hugin/PreviewFrame.cpp, src/hugin1/hugin/PreviewFrame.h,
        Added reset projection parameters button

2010-01-18 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden>

        * mac/ExternalPrograms/scripts/
        [OSX] add libiconv script. Most probably we will need it

2010-01-18 allardkatan <email address hidden>

        * CMakeLists.txt, platforms/windows/installer/CMakeLists.txt,
        Updated files related to the windows installer

2010-01-18 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden>

        * mac/ExternalPrograms/scripts/
        [OSX] update script for latest panotools svn version

2010-01-18 tksharpless <email address hidden>

        * CMakeModules/win_bundle.cmake, src/hugin1/hugin/GLPreviewFrame.cpp,
        Removed LICENSE.GPL from libpano install list Dynamic FOVs now work
        right; all fovs are handled better (panodata/PanoramaOptions.cpp)
        Narrower preview projection params text boxes make more room for

2010-01-18 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * src/deghosting/CMakeLists.txt, src/foreign/ANN/CMakeLists.txt,
        src/hugin1/base_wx/CMakeLists.txt, src/hugin1/hugin/CMakeLists.txt,
        src/hugin_base/CMakeLists.txt, src/lens_calibrate/CMakeLists.txt,
        src/matchpoint/CMakeLists.txt, src/tools/CMakeLists.txt:
        Added some header files into CMakeLists.txt

        * src/hugin_base/algorithms/basic/StraightenPanorama.cpp,
        Fixes center and straighten [2871401]

        * src/tools/align_image_stack.cpp:
        Fixes crash in align_image_stack

        * src/hugin1/hugin/AutoCtrlPointCreator.cpp,
        Extended cp detectors to allow also 2 step detectors (e.g.
        generatekeys + autopano)

2010-01-17 skipgaede <email address hidden>

        * mac/ExternalPrograms/scripts/
        [OSX] Forgot to reset PATHTOHUGIN

        * mac/ExternalPrograms/scripts/
        [OSX] fixed libpano13 dynamic library names

        * mac/ExternalPrograms/scripts/,
        [OSX] edit build-all for glew-1.5.2; move vsn detection in pano13 to
        top for visibility

2010-01-16 tksharpless <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin_base/panodata/PanoramaOptions.cpp,
        Gets default projection parameters and dynamic FOV limits from
        libpano (which has correlated changes -- update & install panotools
        before building hugin)-- first cut, working but still some rough

        * CMakeLists.txt, CMakeModules/FindPANO13.cmake,
        PanoramaOptions.cpp use new dyanmic mFOV limit query CMake scripts
        adjusted to match current libpano install script on Windows.

2010-01-16 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden>

        * mac/ExternalPrograms/scripts/
        [OSX] 2nd correction

        * mac/ExternalPrograms/scripts/
        [OSX] correct libintl install_name in libgettext*.dylibs

2010-01-16 yuv <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/hugin/AssistantPanel.cpp:
        Inform user that the assistant uses the preferences settings and not
        the project's settings.

2010-01-15 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden>

        * mac/ExternalPrograms/scripts/,
        [OSX] minor changes to scripts

        * mac/Hugin.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
        [OSX] optimize XCode project: move some tools from "bundled tools"
        to "tools - other dynamic" where they belong. Remove some tools from
        stitch_project. Add align_image_stack to Hugin's direct dependencies
        and to "Copy Bundle Resources" as it can now be used from inside the

        * src/hugin1/hugin/AutoCtrlPointCreator.cpp,
        [OSX] Add possibility to add (patent free) CP Detectors inside
        bundle. This was removed after implementation of new CPDetector
        structure. Now added again. Thanks to Thomas Modes

2010-01-15 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin_base/algorithms/control_points/CleanCP.cpp:
        A little change to cleancp to better support of stacks

2010-01-14 tksharpless <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin_base/vigra_ext/ImageTransformsGPU.cpp:
        Added "#undef DIFFERENCE" on Windows (rq'd for Vigra )

        * CMakeModules/FindGLUT.cmake:
        My previous change broke build. Now fixed.

2010-01-13 skipgaede <email address hidden>

        * mac/ExternalPrograms/scripts/
        [OSX] Forgot to add revision history

        * mac/ExternalPrograms/scripts/
        [OSX] Update pano13 script to work with libpano13-2.9.15

2010-01-13 tksharpless <email address hidden>

        * CMakeLists.txt:
        Made revision number suffix of boost root directory a cache
        variable, so Windows users will no longer have to edit
        CmakeLists.txt (if they use cmakesetup).

        * CMakeModules/FindGLUT.cmake:
        Also finds glut.h, glutxx.lib directly under ${GLUT_ROOT_PATH}

2010-01-13 skipgaede <email address hidden>

        * mac/, mac/
        [OSX] Added support for new dynamic libraries to scripts

2010-01-13 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/hugin/AutoCtrlPointCreator.cpp:
        Fix for optimisation step in multi-row cp detector

2010-01-12 skipgaede <email address hidden>

        * mac/ExternalPrograms/scripts/
        [OSX] Enhance to segregate static libs into lib-static

        * mac/Hugin.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
        [OSX] Clean-up and rationalize Hugin.xcodeproj

        * mac/ExternalPrograms/scripts/,
        [OSX] new scripts for building dynamic versions of libexiv2 libGLEW
        and libxmi

2010-01-12 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/hugin/AutoCtrlPointCreator.cpp,
        Some improvements for new cp detector settings

        * src/hugin1/hugin/MainFrame.cpp, src/hugin1/hugin/wxPanoCommand.cpp:
        Fixes some issues with import function

2010-01-11 skipgaede <email address hidden>

        * mac/Hugin.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
        [OSX] fix a few bugs in building Separate Tools Package

2010-01-11 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden>

        * mac/Hugin.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj, mac/
        [OSX] final 5% of "Hugin_tools" package

        * mac/Hugin.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
        [OSX] finally corrected a small build error in celeste_standalone
        (thanks to Skip Gaede) and changed name from celeste to

        * mac/Hugin_tools/Readme.txt, mac/
        [OSX] next 5% of OSX "Hugin_tools" package incl. minor bugfixes

2010-01-11 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/hugin/CPEditorPanel.cpp:
        Fixes small typo, patch by Andreas Metzler

        * src/hugin1/hugin/AutoCtrlPointCreator.cpp,
        Added new cp generator settings (multi-row, stacked multi-row,

        * src/hugin1/hugin/MainFrame.cpp, src/hugin1/hugin/MainFrame.h,
        Implemented import project feature

        * src/hugin_base/algorithms/optimizer/PTOptimizer.cpp:
        Fixes false optimizer settings

        * src/hugin1/hugin/LensPanel.cpp,
        Fixes crop factor always 1 artefact[2871394]

2010-01-10 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden>

        * mac/Hugin.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj, mac/Hugin_tools/Readme.txt,
        mac/Hugin_tools/set_environment.txt, mac/
        [OSX] Add new target and files to make a "Hugin_tools" package that
        can be distributed. This package would contain all command line
        tools from the Hugin project from which only a few are delivered
        with the Hugin bundle. Build state at 90%

        * src/hugin_config_mac.h:
        [OSX] hugin_config_mac.h (only for bundle) did not support the
        INSTALL_DATA_DIR variable yet

        * mac/Hugin.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
        [OSX] Add pano_trafo to Hugin XCode project

2010-01-09 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden>

        * mac/Hugin.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
        [OSX] Add monolithic hugin_base static target combining all separate
        hugin_base like static libs. This might facilitate building static

2010-01-09 skipgaede <email address hidden>

        * mac/Hugin.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
        [OSX] Xcode project file updated to build static tools (again)

2010-01-08 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin_base/algorithms/optimizer/PhotometricOptimizer.cpp:
        Use correctly linked variables for photometric optmization

        * src/hugin_base/panodata/PanoramaOptions.cpp:
        Some fixes for changed general panini in libpano13 rev1210

2010-01-06 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/images_panel.xrc,
        Some cosmetic changes to GUI

        * src/hugin1/hugin/OptimizePanel.cpp,
        Update optimize panel for better integration of translation

        * src/hugin1/base_wx/MyProgressDialog.h:
        Forgot one file in rev 4854

2010-01-05 brunopostle <email address hidden>

        * doc/CMakeLists.txt:
        install pano_trafo man page

2010-01-05 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin_base/panodata/Panorama.cpp:
        Correctly link images in subset of panorama (fixes a optimization

2010-01-04 dangelo <email address hidden>

        * doc/Makefile.pod2man, doc/pano_trafo.1, doc/pano_trafo.pod,
        src/tools/CMakeLists.txt, src/tools/pano_trafo.cpp:
        Added pano_trafo, a command line tool to transform between image and
        panorama coordinates (and vice versa) Probably useful for testing
        the transforms and for verifying interest point detectors.

2010-01-02 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin_base/algorithms/nona/FitPanorama.cpp,
        Fixes small rounding error introduced in rev 4838

        * src/hugin_base/panodata/Panorama.cpp:
        Parse float projections parameters correctly

2009-12-31 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * CMakeLists.txt, src/celeste/CMakeLists.txt:
        Keep source tree clean (create src/celeste/Config.h in CMake binary

2009-12-30 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/hugin/AutoCtrlPointCreator.cpp,
        Added stack aware cp detector setting

2009-12-28 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/hugin/PanoPanel.cpp:
        Fixed typo

        * src/hugin1/hugin/GLPreviewFrame.cpp,
        Better range checking of projection parameters, when parameters can
        influence max hfov

2009-12-27 tmodes <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/hugin/ChoosyRemapper.cpp,
        src/hugin1/hugin/GLPreviewFrame.cpp, src/hugin1/hugin/PanoPanel.cpp,
        Added new projection General Panini in libpano13 svn 1197 and 1198

2009-12-25 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden>

        * mac/Hugin.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
        [OSX] Adapt XCode project after layout branch merge James Legg

2009-12-24 harryvanderwolf <email address hidden>

        * mac/Version.xcconfig:
        [OSX] bump version of trunk to 2010.1.0

2009-12-24 jlegg <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/hugin/OptimizePanel.h:
        Fix #include path error.

2009-12-23 jlegg <email address hidden>

        * src/hugin1/hugin/GLPreviewFrame.cpp:
        Disbale the control points tool when in layout mode. The control
        points don't make sense without the images in the right position,
        and drawing them slows line highlighting significantly for complex

2009-12-23 skipgaede <email address hidden>

        * mac/ExternalPrograms/scripts/
        Enhance for building Enblend 4.0 with documentation

2009-12-23 jlegg <email address hidden>

        * src/foreign/vigra/vigra/diff2d.hxx,
        src/foreign/vigra/vigra/rational.hxx, src/hugin1/PT/PanoCommand.h,
        src/hugin1/hugin/AssistantPanel.h, src/hugin1/hugin/CMakeLists.txt,
        src/hugin1/hugin/CropPanel.cpp, src/hugin1/hugin/GLPreviewFrame.cpp,
        src/hugin1/hugin/GLPreviewFrame.h, src/hugin1/hugin/ImagesList.cpp,
        src/hugin1/hugin/ImagesList.h, src/hugin1/hugin/ImagesPanel.cpp,
        src/hugin1/hugin/ImagesPanel.h, src/hugin1/hugin/LayoutRemapper.cpp,
        src/hugin1/hugin/LensPanel.cpp, src/hugin1/hugin/OptimizePanel.cpp,
        src/hugin1/hugin/ViewState.cpp, src/hugin1/hugin/wxPanoCommand.cpp,
        src/tools/align_image_stack.cpp, src/tools/tca_correct.cpp:
        Merge the second half of the gsoc2009_layout branch. Trunk now
        requires a recent svn build of libpano13.

        command: svn merge -r 4153:HEAD ../../gsoc/gsoc2009_layout/ .

        Conflict discovered in 'src/hugin1/hugin/xrc/images_panel.xrc'.
        images_cp_clean button placed just after section modified for the
        stack buttons. resolved

        Conflict discovered in 'src/hugin1/hugin/GLPreviewFrame.h'.
        control point tool and layout lines tool added to the same place.
        Kept both. resolved

        Conflict discovered in 'src/hugin1/hugin/ImagesPanel.cpp'. void
        ImagesPanel::OnCleanCP(wxCommandEvent & e) added in trunk just
        before void ImagesPanel::OnVarTextChanged ( wxCommandEvent & e )
        from gsoc2009_layout. ShowExifInfo from trunk added just before
        X, Y, and Z parameters in void
        ImagesPanel::ShowImgParameters(unsigned int imgNr). Kept both.
        ShowExifInfo was moved down to keep similar code together. void
        ImagesPanel::ReloadCPDetectorSettings() added from trunk near
        ImagesPanel::OnNewStack(wxCommandEvent & e) and
        ImagesPanel::OnChangeStack(wxCommandEvent & e) added in
        gsoc2009_layout. Keep both. resolved

        Conflict discovered in 'src/hugin1/hugin/CMakeLists.txt'. Files
        added to the end of hugin_SOURCES clash again. Keep all files.

        Conflict discovered in 'src/hugin1/hugin/GLPreviewFrame.cpp'.
        #includes added to the same place. Keep all. In void
        GLPreviewFrame::MakeTools(PreviewToolHelper *helper_in)
        control_point_tool and m_layoutLinesTool added to the same place.
        Keep both. resolved

        Conflict discovered in 'src/hugin1/hugin/OptimizePanel.h'.
        #includes added to the same place. Keep all. resolved

        * src/hugin1/PT/PanoCommand.h, src/hugin1/hugin/AssistantPanel.cpp,
        src/hugin1/hugin/AssistantPanel.h, src/hugin1/hugin/CMakeLists.txt,
        src/hugin1/hugin/CPEditorPanel.cpp, src/hugin1/hugin/CropPanel.cpp,
        src/hugin1/hugin/GLPreviewFrame.h, src/hugin1/hugin/GLViewer.cpp,
        src/hugin1/hugin/GLViewer.h, src/hugin1/hugin/ImagesList.cpp,
        src/hugin1/hugin/ImagesList.h, src/hugin1/hugin/LayoutRemapper.cpp,
        src/hugin1/hugin/LayoutRemapper.h, src/hugin1/hugin/LensPanel.cpp,
        src/hugin1/hugin/LensPanel.h, src/hugin1/hugin/MainFrame.cpp,
        src/hugin1/hugin/MeshManager.cpp, src/hugin1/hugin/MeshManager.h,
        src/hugin1/hugin/PanoDruid.cpp, src/hugin1/hugin/ViewState.cpp,
        src/tools/align_image_stack.cpp, src/tools/tca_correct.cpp:
        Merge the first half of the gsoc2009_layout branch.

        command: svn merge -r 3873:4152 ../../gsoc/gsoc2009_layout/ .

        Conflict discovered in 'src/hugin1/hugin/MeshManager.h'.

        Conflict discovered in 'src/hugin1/hugin/CMakeLists.txt'.

        Conflict discovered in 'src/hugin1/hugin/OptimizePanel.h'.

        Conflict discovered in 'src/hugin_base/panodata/Panorama.cpp'.
        There are changes in trunk to free old_locale in heavily modified
        code, line around line 2052 and onwards. A large section of code was
        turned into a macro in gsoc2009_layout, the old_locale changes I
        integrated into this section. This was the only change I made to the
        large amount of conflicting code from trunk. I couldn't see anything
        else on
        c/hugin_base/panodata/Panorama.cpp?r1=4564&r2=3202 in this section.

        Conflict discovered in 'src/hugin_base/panodata/SrcPanoImage.cpp'
        Requires image variable ExifFocalLength35, default 0. Resolved.

        Conflict discovered in 'src/hugin_base/panodata/SrcPanoImage.h'
        Required the addition of image variables to image_variables.h and
        ImageVariableTranslate.h: double ExifFocalLength35; default
        0, no PTO code. double ExifExposureTime; no default set in
        trunk but I used 0, no PTO code. std::string ExifDate; no
        default set explicitly in trunk but I used "", no PTO code.
        Removed {get/set}{ExifFocalLength35/ExifExposureTime/ExifDate}.
        These functions are generated by the image variable metaprogramming.
        Changed m_exifDate to m_ExifDate in const int getExifDateTime(struct
        tm* datetime) const (line 310). Variables begin with a capital so
        get and set functions have the capital.

2009-12-22 brunopostle <email address hidden>

        * CMakeLists.txt:
        Bump trunk version to 2010.1.0

        * ChangeLog:
        Update ChangeLog

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