ibus.el 0.2.0

Milestone information

IRIE Shinsuke
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2 IRIE Shinsuke
2 Implemented
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download icon ibus-el-0.2.0.tar.gz (md5, sig) Version 0.2.0 120
last downloaded 41 weeks ago
Total downloads: 120

Release notes 

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* Added `i18n' to parent groups of `ibus'
* Added option `ibus-agent-start-ibus-daemon'
* Changed not to start ibus-daemon automatically by default (RH bug #620349)
* Changed not to use xwininfo
* Changed not to ask X root window the property "_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW"
* Modified so that Alt-Meta translation works correctly even when using keyboards of different layouts in multi-displays environment
* Rewrote docstrings of custom variables
* Deleted internal option `ibus-meta-key-exists'
* Fixed bug: Shift modifier is ignored when keyval is non-alphabetical ASCII character
* Fixed bug: Using `ibus-toggle' command during isearch-mode clears minibuffer
* Fixed bug: X keymap is changed incorrectly if C-\ is bound to `ibus-toggle' in `isearch-mode-map' and `ibus-use-kana-onbiki-key' is non-nil
* Fixed bug: Keymaps are not enabled for about 0.3 second maximum after focused in from the other applications
* Fixed bug: Alt + Romaji is ignored when actual meta key exists
* Fixed bug: forward_key_event incorrectly translates Romaji key into Hiragana_Katakana key when actual meta key exists
* Fixed problem: ibus-el-agent might cause IndexError (list index out of range) in multi-displays environment
* Fixed bug: post-command-hook might be executed after exiting ibus-mode abnormally
* Fixed bug: `english-dvorak' input method doesn't work correctly together with ibus-mode in isearch-mode
* Fixed bug: Incorrect row height is used after turning text-scale-mode off when header line exists
* Fixed bug: An error "<ibus-resume-preedit> is undefined" sometimes occurs when using IBus with isearch-mode
* Fixed bug: Preediting text is occasionally and incorrectly inserted to the current buffer when using IBus with isearch-mode

2 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

Blueprint Priority Assignee Delivery
Add Xming rootless mode support Add Xming rootless mode support 3 Medium IRIE Shinsuke  11 Implemented
Don't use shell command 'xwininfo' Don't use shell command 'xwininfo' 3 Medium IRIE Shinsuke  11 Implemented
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