0.4.0: - FEATURES/IMPROVEMENTS: - Added option to process directories recursively, - Added support for various GIF bit depths. - Added support for grayscale JPG. - Added multiprocessing. JPG, PNG and GIF file generation now runs in separate processing, improving speed significantly on multicore machines. User can control multiprocessing through the --prc-mult option (see --help). Batches of files can also be divided to multiple processes, improving speed further. - Added an automated test suite to check for most obvious bugs. - Added benchmark and profiling scripts - Handling more input/output errors now. - Removed stats module due to it being a complete mess. - Removed --fill and --bg-color options, deprecated other resizing options. - Speed improved significantly in big file benchmark but worsened somehwhat in many files benchmark: Pentium Dual Core 1.73 GHz 4GB RAM: benchmark : 0.3.2: 0.4.0: many_files: 618.04s 900.13s +45.64% big_file : 1215.92s 590.10s -51.47% total speedup: 18.74% - BUGFIXES: - IMGCrush now detects if temporary directory already exists and creates new one if it does, so multiple instances of the program can run at the same time. - Fixed bugs with handling of filenames with spaces. - Fixed a bug that sometimes resulted in suboptimal output (especially in lossless quality mode) - OTHER: - Cleaned up and documented a lot of code. - Moved from ImageMagick to GraphicsMagick dut to its better speed.