Change Log: 27-Sep-09 -> JE: - jbm_detect - Updated usb_detect to fix an error with lsusb output that contains extra device information 25-Sep-09 -> JE: - jbm - SMS Panel - Activate no longer shows error message if its not supposed to - Added msg_list check to read and delete - Added return to error handling in sms_list_callback - If an error occurs with listing init is resent - Added update button *************** Release ****************** 13-Sep-09 to 24-Sep-09 -> JE: - jbm - Added operators panel - Signal strength timer is not stopped when sent and restarted when returned to stop command buildup when slow commands are running - Added column width updating to SMS, usage, and options panels - SMS Panel - Added error checking to sms panel - Added modem_tty check to activate - Added not ready message - jbm_serial - Added SC_Op_Select to provide operator selection - Added SC_OpList to provide operator listing - Added slots to SMS class - Added Operator class - Added SC_LONG return value for commands that take extra time - Adjusted how timeouts work, now as long as the command is processing values the timeout is extended - SC_SMS_List - Now sends errors back to the callback - Split command timeout and command complete into seperate checks - Command timeout now completes the queue task - Command timeout now returns the name of the command that timed out and its callback (if one exists) - jbm_queue - Added JBM_MSG_OPLIST - Added __str__ to JBM_Message - jbm_wvdial - Added is_connected *************** Release ****************** 1-Sep-09 -> JE: - jbm_serial - Increased delay after +CMTI is recieved - Added timeout reset for long idle commands - Added extra verbosity for debuging - Removed jbm_serialold 31-Aug-09 -> JE: - jbm_detect - Added longer timeout to detection process to account for data being in the buffer - Added extra verbosity for easier debuging - jbm_wvdial - Added an extra thread check to disconnect - jbm - Added inital text to service menu display to indicate usage - Service menu input text is initialy disabled (so a blank is sent) - Added support for the closing of the service menu - jbm_serial - Added SC_SERVICE command return value to indicate that the service menu is open - Added extra error processing for the service menu *************** Release ****************** 21-Aug-09 -> JE: - jbm - Fixed error in new SMS, reply_number should be defaulted to "" not None - Adjusted when SMS list is updated when a new sms is recieved - Added config setting for automatically opening SMS messages - Added notification dialog and setting - Commented out SC_MSG_SMS_LIST processing as it is no longer required - jbm_serial - Fixed error in command processing - All buffer data is now processed before a new command is sent *************** Release ****************** 3-Aug-09 to 15-Aug-09 -> JE: - jbm_serial - Mostly redone - Less loops in main thread (easier to read/debug/work with) - No sub class for thread - Longer timeouts - Thread sleeps for longer if there is no current command and no data coming in - jbm - modem detection timer is started when serial is disconnected should work well for plugging/unplugging modem and leaving program running 2-Aug-09 -> JE: - jbm & jbm_usage - Removed "with" for backward compat. *************** Release ****************** 29-Jul-09 -> JE: - jbm_serial - Serial object is now created in the main loop and delete on errors - Added SC_CDMode - jbm_detect - A new serial object is create/delete for each port checked - Added modeswitch function - jbm - Added modeswitch functionality/config setting - Reorganized init code to be part of wxapplication init - Added modem detection timer - Added modem check to connect button - Added confirmation dialog to delete - Added reply button for SMS messages 23-Jul-09 -> JE: - jbm_serial - Added configurable service center number - Added SC_CPMS - Now sends SC_CPMS if ZUSIMR responce is found - jbm_wvdial - Added configurable dial number, baud rate, and apn - Added make_rc, so wvdial rc is automatically created if missing *************** Initial Release ******************* 18-Jul-09 -> JE: - Changed default wvdialrc path to be within main path 17-Jul-09 -> JE: - Fixed jbm_usage data rollup 16-Jul-09 -> JE: - Fixed an error in SC_SMS_Read - Complete rewrite of the jbm_usage module - Added indexing - Changed date handling to use time stamps rather then just date - Raw usage data is no longer store in memory - Added Record class for better readability - Added support for rolling by day, month, and year 15-Jul-09 -> JE: - Renamed project to Jon's Broadband Manager changed all file/class/function/constant names accordingly - Mergerd individual change logs into one file Historic Changes: jbm: 10-Jul-09 -> JE: - Updated SMS - List loads when tab is initially clicked - Listing uses callback - Changed sms_list to sms_list_callback - Changed sms_initated to active - Added page flipping events to main window 09-Jul-09 -> JE: - Added output redirection - Added controls to about dialog 06-Jul-09 -> JE: - Added modem detection and related config options 05-Jul-09 -> JE: - Added multi-delete support to SMS - Added support to delete from the sim card - Added options panel edit and new - Added OptionDialog 04-Jul-09 -> JE: - Made options panel refresh clear the list before refreshing - Added options panel delete 03-Jul-09 -> JE: - Added options panel 02-Jul-09 -> JE: - Added command line options and config file support 30-Jun-09 -> JE: - Moved SMS init from network change message to signal strength - Added a check so sms init isn't sent multiple times - Added support for unplugging modem and plugging it back in 28-Jun-09 -> JE: - Added callback support to message processor 27-Jun-09 -> JE: - Added TelstraSMSDialog - Added new SMS opening - Added SMS reading/sending 23-Jun-09 -> JE: - Added wx.SafeYield to connect click so button is updated to disconnecting (rather then the window simply freezing) - Added Serial connection support - Removed sleep in main loop - Added Services Menu tab and support code 11-Jun-09 to 20-Jun-09 -> JE: - The project begins - Created basic window - Created dialer with initial functionality - Works! jbm_serial: 14-Jul-09 -> JE: - Added +CME error detection to SMS_init - Made serial write OSError close tty rather then killing the thread 10-Jul-09 -> JE: - Updated SC_SMS_List - Added callback support - Added check for an empty list - Added SC_Info - Removed AT command referance 05-Jul-09 -> JE: - Added SC_SMS_Delete - Added message index to SC_SMS_List 30-Jun-09 -> JE: - Added command timeout - Moved output queue for commands to process responce from __init__ - Add serial port disconnected message 28-Jun-09 -> JE: - Added TEL_MSG_NETWORK support - Added callback to SC_SignalStrength 27-Jun-09 -> JE: - Added SMS Read and list commands 26-Jun-09 -> JE: - Added AT+CPMS to the sms init - Added SMS Send command 24-Jun-09 -> JE: - Made thread poll the serial periodically if it can't open it initially - Converted command return codes to flags for more flexiblity - Added SMS Init command 11-Jun-09 to 23-Jun-09 -> JE: - The project begins - Added all main functionality jbm_wvdial: 06-Jul-09: - Added support for a configurable wvdialrc - Added support to update wvdialrc with modem 16-Jun-09 to 20-Jun-09 -> JE: - File created and intial functionallity added jbm_usage: 11-Jul-09 -> JE: - Added rollup setting to minimize the number of data lines displayed 02-Jul-09 -> JE: - Removed most of initial comments 17-Jun-09 -> JE: - File created - Main functionality added jbm_queue: **Note: Incomplete changelog, Definitions may have changed without beging added to the Change Log 28-Jun-09 -> JE: - Added callback to the TelstraMessage 17-Jun-09 -> JE: - File created jbm_config: 5-Jul-09 -> JE: - Added type checking to set 4-Jul-09 -> JE: - Added remove 3-Jul-09 -> JE: - Added iterator 2-Jul-09 -> JE: - File created jbm_detect: 06-Jul-09 -> JE: - File Created