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0.2.0 (Van Veeteren) release from the 1.0 series released

Release information
Release notes:

Important new features in this release are: introduce filter for plugin text ouptut, added filter that recognizes the language of a document and adds it to the index as field "language", scheduled indexing, use a standard index (reduces configuration efforts), update lucene to 2.4.1 and a lot of bugfixes.


  o add option to overwrite exsiting index otherwise update
  o make option persistent
  o remove dialog that asked for user input previously
  o add scheduled indexing
  o allow multiple directories to be indexed during dcheduled indexing
  o add icon files
  o add icons for product
  o add path editor for dirs to be indexed regularly
  o add preferences for scheduling time
  o add standard index
  o search by default in standard index
  o hide in search and indexer view unnecessary options
  o externalize product name
  o change executeable name from eclipse to kadosu
  o fix waiting for last running threads
  o check if the file is a not a directory before checking for a mbox archive
  o show only index name and not compelete path to index in progress
  o cut path to directory that should be indexed from files in progress view that are currently indexed
  o test for multipart not only multipart signed
  o fix for dubious stream implementation
  o fix class not found by not exporting packages
  o remove src from building
  o add new ignores
  o set deps to eclipse provided mail and activiation jars
  o use mail and activation plugins from eclipse
  o fix reading more then one time the content
  o introduce a close method for freeing document resources
  o fix schemas it can have more then one handler
  o optimize loops over hashmaps
  o to update an document if needed get the old modification time
  o use lucene update if not index overwriting is selected
  o compare also the modification time on index update of a file to decide whether to reindex an entry or not
  o parse on demand
  o return the current time as modification time is no time is available
  o getContent can throw an KDSAccessException
  o only parse content on request
  o use lucene document update method
  o index all langs with score greater equal 0.5
  o if nothing is found index the lang with the top score but greater equal then 0.20
  o set doc to null on exception
  o refactoring
  o use index reader in get indexes to test for valid indexes
  o add ngramj for language detection
  o reduce sleep time for thread stopping
  o fix creation of index directory
  o require java 1.6
  o show in error message if the pdf is encrypted
  o remove classifier4J plugin
  o fix class not found exception on encrypted documents
  o do not support encrypted docs
  o remove classifier4j dep
  o remove deprecated api usage from lucene
  o refactoring for filtering
  o add some legal notices for lucene
  o make the index filter package visible to other plugins
  o set a explicit version of the lucene dependency
  o add own lucene jar plugin do have the newest version (2.4.1)
  o add extension for filtering content for indexing returned by plugins
  o see blueprint

File Description Downloads
download icon kadosu-0.2.0-hpux.motif.ia64_32.tar.bz2 (md5, sig) kadosu 0.2.0 for hpux motif ia64_32 25
last downloaded 44 weeks ago
download icon (md5, sig) kadosu 0.2.0 for win32 win32 x86_64 55
last downloaded 24 hours ago
download icon (md5, sig) kadosu 0.2.0 for win 32 win32 x86 55
last downloaded 44 weeks ago
download icon kadosu-0.2.0-solaris.gtk.sparc.tar.bz2 (md5, sig) kadosu 0.2.0 for solaris gtk sparc 15
last downloaded 44 weeks ago
download icon kadosu-0.2.0-macosx.carbon.ppc.tar.bz2 (md5, sig) kadosu 0.2.0 for macosx carbon ppc 77
last downloaded 44 weeks ago
download icon kadosu-0.2.0-linux.gtk.x86_64.tar.bz2 (md5, sig) kadosu 0.2.0 for linux gtk x86_64 95
last downloaded 44 weeks ago
download icon kadosu-0.2.0-linux.gtk.x86.tar.bz2 (md5, sig) kadosu 0.2.0 for linux gtk x86 119
last downloaded 24 hours ago
download icon kadosu-0.2.0-macosx.carbon.x86.tar.bz2 (md5, sig) kadosu 0.2.0 for macosx carbon x86 117
last downloaded 44 weeks ago
download icon kadosu-0.2.0-linux.gtk.ppc.tar.bz2 (md5, sig) kadosu 0.2.0 for linux gtk ppc 12
last downloaded 44 weeks ago
download icon kadosu-0.2.0-aix.motif.ppc.tar.bz2 (md5, sig) kadosu 0.2.0 for aix motif ppc 14
last downloaded 40 weeks ago
download icon (md5, sig) kadosu 0.2.0 for win32 wpf x86 40
last downloaded 44 weeks ago
Total downloads: 624

0.1.0 (beck) release from the 1.0 series released

File Description Downloads
download icon (md5, sig) kadosu 0.1.0 for win32 wpf x86 21
last downloaded 44 weeks ago
download icon (md5, sig) kadosu 0.1.0 for win32 win32 x86_64 18
last downloaded 45 weeks ago
download icon (md5, sig) kadosu 0.1.0 for win32 win32 x86 17
last downloaded 44 weeks ago
download icon kadosu-0.1.0-solaris.gtk.sparc.tar.bz2 (md5, sig) kadosu 0.1.0 for solaris gtk sparc 11
last downloaded 44 weeks ago
download icon kadosu-0.1.0-macosx.carbon.x86.tar.bz2 (md5, sig) kadosu 0.1.0 for macosx carbon x86 16
last downloaded 44 weeks ago
download icon kadosu-0.1.0-macosx.carbon.ppc.tar.bz2 (md5, sig) kadosu 0.1.0 for macosx carbon ppc 14
last downloaded 44 weeks ago
download icon kadosu-0.1.0-linux.gtk.x86_64.tar.bz2 (md5, sig) kadosu 0.1.0 for linux gtk x86_64 14
last downloaded 3 weeks ago
download icon kadosu-0.1.0-linux.gtk.x86.tar.bz2 (md5, sig) kadosu 0.1.0 for linux gtk x86 16
last downloaded 40 weeks ago
download icon kadosu-0.1.0-linux.gtk.ppc.tar.bz2 (md5, sig) kadosu 0.1.0 for linux gtk ppc 13
last downloaded 44 weeks ago
download icon kadosu-0.1.0-hpux.motif.ia64_32.tar.bz2 (md5, sig) kadosu 0.1.0 for hpux motif ia64_32 16
last downloaded 2 days ago
download icon kadosu-0.1.0-aix.motif.ppc.tar.bz2 (md5, sig) kadosu 0.1.0 for aix motif ppc 15
last downloaded 44 weeks ago
Total downloads: 171