Registered by Francesco Palumbo

kebak is a command line tool for linux OS, it is written in Perl under terms of GPL v2 license; it is possible to make backup keeping original files permissions. In addition, it supports default directory, md5 checking, password protection, logging and some other thingies. This program should work with any version of Perl >= 5.10.

kebak has some useful features; it is possible to make backup of files or directories providing a detailed "description" at the end of command line. With --list option, the program will print a detailed report of previously saved files, displaying for each of them things like: filename, date of creation (dd/mm/yyyy), time of creation (hh:mm:ss), file size and restore path. In addition, with kebak, you can: a) list files inside an archived backup, b) display detailed backup informations such as owner name, permissions ,etc. c) password protect backup files using Blowfish encryption, d) restore backup files rebuilding original directory tree and preserving original permissions, e) remove specified backup files, f) put kebak in daemon mode, so it will make backup silently (read man page for more details). g) and more...
Please read the manual page for a complete explanation of all kebak features and options.

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Francesco Palumbo
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