Registered by Alex Chiang

Query Launchpad for your most recent activity

Laika is a short little script designed to aid folks who:

a) work on projects tracked in Launchpad
b) need to write weekly status reports

Laika uses the Launchpad API to get a list of all the bugs you worked on in the past week, separated by bugs you own, bugs you've commented on, and bugs you've reported. You can use the output to remind yourself of what you've actually done in the past week so you don't forget anything in the weekly status that your Pointy Haired Boss demands.

Project information

Part of:
Launchpad Extensions
dann frazier
Not yet selected

RDF metadata

View full history Series and milestones

trunk series is the current focus of development.

Get Involved

  • Report a bug
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    Ask a question
  • warning
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