lazr.restful 0.21.0

Milestone information

Colin Watson
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Release notes 

Fix IDjangoLocation for compatibility with zope.traversing >= 3.13, which
only adapts objects to ILocation if they do not have a __parent__ attribute.
Objects implementing IDjangoLocation must now have a __parent_object__
attribute instead of __parent__.

Fix double closing brace when encoding the result of a custom operation
where the result has an adapter to ICollection.

Generate IEntry subinterfaces with field ordering matching that in the
original interface.

Fixed bug 1803564: Values from requests that contain only whitespace are now
interpreted correctly.

Remove limitation on immediately reinstating a named operation with the same
name as a mutator in the webservice version that gets rid of named
operations for mutator methods. (This was previously only unreliably
enforced in any case, as it depended on the order of methods returned by

Fix test failures with zope.configuration >= 4.3.0.

Fix test failures with Python >= 2.7.17 (or backported fixes for

Import ComponentLookupError from zope.interface.interfaces rather than
zope.component.interfaces, fixing a deprecation warning.

Switch from buildout to tox.

Remove dependency on Explicitly depend on
zope.datetime, which was previously only pulled in indirectly.


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0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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