README: JAVA BINDING WITH SWIG FOR DEVELOPERS -------------- If you plan to contribute to the libgexf library, you will need to install SWIG (swig-1.3.40) to generate a new libgexf_wrap.cpp wrapper each time you will modify the libgexf.i interface file. Note that earlier releases like swig 1.3.36 will *not* work since we use a special dependency in the libgexf.i interface, only available on the latest release of swig. Manual Java binding with swig on Linux: $ swig -c++ -java -fvirtual -package org.gephi.libgexf -outdir org/gephi/libgexf -o libgexf_wrap.cpp libgexf.i $ gcc -fPIC -c libgexf_wrap.cpp ../../gexf.cpp ${OTHER_CPP_FILES} -I/usr/include/python2.5 -I/usr/include/libxml2 $ g++ -shared -lxml2 libgexf_wrap.o gexf.o ${OTHER_O_FILES} -o Automated Java binding with swig on Linux: $ ./ Note: a JAR file is also built but have not been tested. USAGE ----- see TEST ---- $ ./